india Post_08-21-2009

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India Post V O I C E





Neresha Sukrim is Miss India Globe Details on page 31

Vanita Gupta gets detention center closed Details on page 40

US begins preparations for PM visit

VOL 15, No. 781

August 21, 2009


Periodical Postage

U.S. PRESSING PAK ON SAEED: ROEMER NEW DELHI: The US has demanded that "blood-thirsty" terrorists responsible for Mumbai attacks, including Jamaat-ud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed, should be brought to justice. Noting that terrorism was the "common enemy" of the US and India, new American ambassador here Timothy Roemer said his government is pressing Pakistan "hard" on bringing to justice the suspects involved in the 26/11 strikes. "We have a common enemy with India. And we are pressing Pakistan hard on Mumbai suspects and we are very grateful for the close cooperation that we have with Indian government on counter-insurgency, fighting terrorism, intelligence sharing.....," said Roemer in his first media interaction after assuming office. Details on page 6

NEW ENVOY: US Ambassador to India Timothy J Roemer addresses his first press conference at the US embassy in New Delhi on August 12. Roemer, who was confirmed by the US Senate as the new US Ambassador to India, presented his credentials to Indian President Pratibha Patil on August 12 in the Indian capital


India Post News Service

Preet Bharara

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

New US envoy will win India’s trust? Last week’s result

Should India worry over Burma plans? YES 46%

Sikh found guilty, wants new trial


Details on page 7

Details on page 6

NO 54%

HemKunt Sikh Youth meet in So Cal Details on page 16

Details on page 20

Bharara, Khanna named to key posts

India on 'watch list' of US panel on religions

Details on page 10

Leading experts discuss India investment

Details on page 7

Punjab orders census of state NRIs

NJ celebrates India's I-Day with parade

NEW YORK: It was a banner week for Indian Americans last week with the Obama Administration making one major nomination and a key appointment that spell political coming of age for the community. New York based attorney Preet Bharara's nomination for US Attorney has been confirmed by the US Senate, while California-based attorney Ro Khanna has been appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Department of Commerce.

CHICAGO: A Gulf war veteran and a winner of American Bronze Star for his role in US Navy, Kuldip Singh Nag, 51, is a fighter – a fighter to the last drop of blood as one can put colloquially Kuldip was charged for resisting police arrest in March 2007 and was found guilty by a Joliet court Judge Edward Burmila. But he would not give up since he feels convinced that he is not meted out justice. “I am not the offender. I did not resist any arrest. I am rather a victim- a victim of racial discrimination,” he told this paper. Details on page 11

An Ethical Hacker: Avinash Yalamanchili Details on page 20

Aamir's wife loses baby in miscarriage Details on page 6

CONTENTS Bollywood -------------------------- 24 Classifieds --------------------- 48-51 Community Post -------------- 10-19 Date Book -------------------------- 46 Edit Page --------------------------- 53 HealthScience Post --------- 22-23

Police officer Grant pinning down Kuldip Nag while arresting him

Horoscope ------------------------- 45 Immigration Post ------------- 40-43 Life Style ----------------------- 31-33 Philosophy ------------------------- 52 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Readers Write --------------------- 47 TechBiz Post ------------------- 20-21

Ro Khanna

Details on page 7

Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”

Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 34-37


India Post

August 21, 2009

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August 21, 2009

India Post



India Post

India Post

August 21, 2009

IndiaNewsweekly Post

The Weekly Newspaper Serving Indians Worldwide

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Publisher’s Diary


ome disturbing developments have been emerging in American society in recent months, especially these past few weeks. You only have to watch any news channel to see where these trends are manifesting - at town halls across the nation. The immediate trigger apparently is President Barack Obama's proposed government health insurance plan, but there's something far deeper than that that's pushing regular American folks over the edge. If some news reports are to be believed there's an organized rise of homegrown extreme right wing militia that's not only managing to disrupt these town hall meetings, but mainly running a concerted anti-government movement besides targeting Blacks for racial abuse and threats. I believe the town hall meetings are being disrupted to some extent, by some extreme liberals too represented by trade unions. But that's what's scary - genuine peoples' gatherings being hijacked by groups with specific agendas, agendas that are not necessarily in the interests of the people. So they blame the bad economy, job losses, government bailouts of big corporations, general people losing their spending powers and well, a Black President in the White House. Even some of the elected representatives are taking on the rabble rousing path to oppose President Obama's health insurance plan. Suddenly, the federal deficit, the recession, the broken down health care system in the country are all Obama's fault it would seem. But folks, this is America, not a third world poverty stricken nation where violent self-interest groups wage bloody anti-government wars in the name of 'saving' the poor. True, corruption here is threatening to match the third world proportions, but people still have a voice, for crying out loud, and they have every democratic means to do so. I don't blame the people at large so much for their angst and fears as I do their elected representatives and the mainstream media for doing such a shoddy job of explaining anything. Let's make educated choices, and not instigated decisions. This is a civilized country, people, we don't have to riot to have our voices heard.

Romesh K Japra

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Bollywood Right way to marry Karan alias Fardeen Khan in ‘Life Partner’ believes that love marriages are the way to go.


Cover Story: New US envoy The New US envoy has demanded that terrorists responsible for Mumbai attacks should be brought to justice.

Community: New Jersey I-Day



India's Independence Day celebrations came early for New Jerseyans who came out in large numbers on August 9

Immigration: Vanita’s victory The closure of the T. Don Hutto family detention center comes as sweet victory to Indian American attorney Vanita Gupta.


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Miss India Globe South African born Neresha Sukrim was crowned Miss India Globe at a glittering ceremony at the Long Beach Hilton.

TechBiz: Ethical Hacker "There's a difference between hackers and crackers," says Avinash Yalamanchili, who calls himself an Ethical Hacker.

31 20




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Travel: Palampur Palampur is a fascinating spot in the Kangra Valley, surrounded on all sides by tea gardens and pine forests.


August 21, 2009

India Post



Cover/Top Stories

India Post

August 21, 2009

New envoy says US pressing Pak on Saeed NEW DELHI: The US has demanded that "blood-thirsty" terrorists responsible for Mumbai attacks, including Jamaat-ud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed, should be brought to justice. Noting that terrorism was the "common enemy" of the US and India, new American ambassador here Timothy Roemer said his government is pressing Pakistan "hard" on bringing to justice the suspects involved in the 26/11 strikes. "We have a common enemy with India. And we are pressing Pakistan hard on Mumbai suspects and we are very grateful for the close cooperation that we have with Indian government on counter-insurgency, fighting terrorism, intelligence sharing.....," said Roemer in his first media interaction after assuming office.

He said India, with the close cooperation with the US, was better placed in fighting the "common enemy", which can sometimes be seen in Pakistan, such as

‘We are pressing Pakistan hard on Mumbai suspects and we are very grateful for the close cooperation that we have with Indian government on counter-insurgency’ al-Qaida, LeT and other terrorist outfits. To a question whether Washington believed that there was

enough evidence against Saeed, he said, "We want to bring blood-thirsty perpetrators of Mumbai attacks to justice, wherever they are." He said he has been communicating with his government that people held in Pakistan in Mumbai attacks case need to be brought to justice and that includes Saeed also. Describing the position of the US towards combating terrorism as "firm, resolute and bold", Roemer said, "We are committed to shutting down terrorist networks around the world and shutting down financing of those networks. We want to work with India and enhance our cooperation to achieve these results." He also noted that both the US and India have common understanding on the issue of regional

stability. The US ambassador said, "The US stands firmly with India against terrorism. FBI officials are testifying this week in Mumbai in

On travel alerts issued by the US ahead of Independence Day, the ambassador said it was only reiteration to ensure the well being and safety of its citizens the 26/11 trial.......We will continue to seek justice for those killed in Mumbai and we will work closely with India to share with you the

lessons learned in the wake of our tragic attacks of September 11, 2001." Home Minister P Chidambaram has been invited to visit the US for additional discussions on precisely how our two nations can cooperate, Roemer said, adding the US and President Barack Obama gives "high-priority" to work with India. He said one of his tasks as ambassador would be to broaden and deepen the bilateral strategic ties. On travel alerts issued by the US ahead of Independence Day, the ambassador said it was only reiteration to ensure the well being and safety of its citizens and was based on the past incidents that occurred in various places including Islamabad and Jakarta.PTI

India on 'watch list' of US religious freedom panel WASHINGTON: The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has placed India on its "Watch List" for New Delhi's largely inadequate response in protecting its religious minorities. In a statement, USCIRF said India earned the "Watch List" designation due to the "disturbing increase" in communal violence against religious minorities -- specifically Christians in Orissa in 2008 and Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 - and the largely inadequate response from the Indian government to protect the rights of religious minorities. "It is extremely disappointing that India, which has a multitude of religious communities, has done so little to protect and bring justice to its religious minorities under siege," said Leonard Leo, USCIRF chair. USCIRF's India chapter was released last week to mark the first anniversary of the start of the antiChristian violence in Orissa. Any country that is designated on the USCIRF "Watch List" requires "close monitoring due to the nature and extent of violations of religious freedom engaged in or tolerated by the government." Other countries currently on the Commission's Watch List are Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Laos, the Russian Federation, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Venezuela. USCIRF, which released its annual report early this year had delayed the publication of its India Chapter due to the general elections.

USCIRF members wanted to visit India for their first hand assessment of the situation but they did not get the visa. The organization observed that last year in Orissa, the murder of Swami Saraswati by Maoist rebels in Kandhamal sparked a prolonged and destructive campaign targeting Christians, resulting in attacks against churches and individuals. These attacks largely were carried out by individuals associated with Hindu nationalist groups, and resulted in at least 40 deaths and the destruction of hundreds of homes and dozens of churches.

The report recommends that the Obama administration must urge Indian government to take new measures to promote communal harmony Tens of thousands were displaced and today many still remain in refugee camps, afraid to return home, it said. "India's democratic institutions charged with upholding the rule of law, most notably state and central judiciaries and police, have emerged as unwilling or unable to seek redress for victims of the violence. More must be done to ensure future violence does not occur and that perpetrators are held accountable," Leo said. Similarly, during the 2002 com-

munal riots in Gujarat, India's National Human Rights Commission found that the government not only failed to prevent the attacks against religious minorities, but that state and local officials aided and participated in the violence. In both Orissa and Gujarat, court convictions have been infrequent, perpetrators rarely brought to justice and thousands of people remain displaced, USCIRF alleged. The India chapter of the annual USCIRF notes that the deficiencies in investigating and prosecuting cases have resulted in a culture of impunity that gives members of vulnerable minority communities few assurances of their safety, particularly in areas with a history of communal violence, and little hope of perpetrator accountability. The report recommends that the Obama administration must urge Indian government to take new measures to promote communal harmony, protect religious minorities, and prevent communal violence by calling on all political parties and religious or social organizations to denounce violence against and harassment of religious minorities, women, and lowcaste members, and to acknowledge that such violence constitutes a crime under Indian law. USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan federal government commission. Its Commissioners are appointed by the US President and the leadership of both political parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives. -PTI

WORLD BADMINTON: Saina Nehwal of India returns a shot against Russia's Anastasia Prokopenko during the women's singles second round match of the World Badminton Championships at the Gachibowli Stadium in Hyderabad on August 12. Nehwal defeated Prokopenko 21-10, 21-17

Aamir's wife loses baby in miscarriage MUMBAI: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's wife Kiran Rao has suffered a miscarriage, the actor disclosed on his blog. "I have bad news folks. Kiran and I lost our baby. Despite our best efforts we were unable to avert a miscarriage," the actor wrote in his blog. "The last two months have been a struggle for us and that is one of the reasons I was absent from the blog in more ways than one. K (Kiran) and I need time to heal. I will be away for a while," Aamir wrote. The news of Kiran's pregnancy

became public in June this year when she was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital. Aamir has two children -- son Junaid and daughter Era -- with former wife Reena. The couple divorced in 2002 after a marriage of over 15-years. Khan married Kiran Rao in 2005. The actor met Rao during the shooting of 'Lagaan' in 2001. Rao was working as the assistant director to Ashutosh Gowariker. Rao recently wrapped up the shooting of 'Dhobi Ghat', her first directorial venture, starring Prateik Babbar and Aamir Khan. -PTI

Top Stories

August 21, 2009

India Post


Bharara, Khanna named to key posts SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: It was a banner week for Indian Americans last week with the Obama Administration making one major nomination and a key appointment that spell political coming of age for the community. New York based attorney Preet Bharara's nomination for US Attorney has been confirmed by the US Senate, while California-based attorney Ro Khanna has been appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Depart-

Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts from 2005 to 2009. During his tenure, he helped lead the Senate Judiciary Committee investigation into the firing of eight US attorneys. From 2000 to 2005, Bharara served as an Assistant US Attorney in the Southern District of New York, working in the General Crimes, Narcotics, and Organized Crime/Terrorism Units. From 1993 to 2000, he worked in private practice as a litigation associate - at Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman in New York

President Obama said, ‘This group of men and women have distinguished themselves as fair, tenacious and respected attorneys throughout their careers in both public and private service’ ment of Commerce. President Obama had last month, announced his intent to nominate India-born Preet Bharara for US Attorney to the Southern District of New York. Announcing Bharara's nomination along with five others for US Attorney, President Obama said, "This group of men and women have distinguished themselves as fair, tenacious and respected attorneys throughout their careers in both public and private service. They will serve their country with distinction as US Attorneys and it is my honor to nominate them for these esteemed positions." According to a White House release, forty-year old Bharara, who is Chief Counsel for Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), served as Staff Director of the

from 1996 to 2000 and at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher in New York from 1993 to 1996. Bharara was named 2007 South Asian Lawyer of the Year by the North American South Asian Bar Association. He graduated from Harvard College (1990) and Columbia Law School (1993). Bharara's nomination follows a strong recommendation for the powerful post, which was once held by former New York mayor and Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, from Senator Schumer. The post handles federal cases in Manhattan, the Bronx and six counties north of New York City. Senator Schumer said in a statement: "The Southern District of New York will soon be tasked with one of the most important agendas of any office in

the country, and no person is better qualified to take it on than Preet Bharara. He has served the Senate for nearly five years with the utmost intelligence, integrity and effectiveness. I know he will do the same as US attorney." President Obama meanwhile appointed Ro Khanna as deputy assistant secretary for domestic operations of the United States and foreign Commercial Service, International Trade Administration, at the Department of Commerce. The first Indian American to be appointed to such a senior position in the Department of Commerce, 32-year old Khanna came with strong recommendations from influential lawmakers including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as also trade organizations with interests in India. Khanna, who specializes in intellectual property law at O'Melveny & Myers' San Francisco office, was sworn in to his new position, last week. In his new position, Khanna is responsible for overseeing the domestic operations of 109 US Export Assistance Centers operating in 47 states and will be working on opening foreign markets to American technology and leading trade missions to China and India. The San Francisco lawyer who once ran for Congress, said in a statement: "I look forward to working to strengthen American competitiveness, increase exports and create good-paying jobs here at home." Khanna was appointed in 2006 by then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to chair the Indo-American Council for Democrats. And until recently, he also chaired the Indo-American Council of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

US begins preparations for PM visit WASHINGTON: US has begun preparations to accord a "robust" welcome to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in November, the first state visit of the Obama Administration, to make it a special visit for the Indian leader and a "milestone" event in the IndoUS relationship. Singh will be in Washington on November 24 in a sign of importance the US attaches to its ties with India. Assistant Secretary of State for

South and Central Asia Robert Blake held the first inter-agency meeting in this regard at the State Department. "It was a kick-off meeting for what promises to be a very robust welcome of the Prime Minister, when he lands in Washington in November," a participant of the inter-agency meeting told PTI. "The brain storming has just begun on how to take the relationship to a brand new level," he said, terming the meeting as

very robust. "This demonstrates the determination of this Administration to make the first state visit of Prime Minister, a very special visit," he said. Besides top officials of the State Department, the meeting was attended by senior officials from the Department of Commerce, US Trade Development Agency, Department of Energy, US Trade Representative Office and National Security Council.-PTI

Punjab orders census of state NRIs CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Government has ordered compilation of comprehensive census data of over 20 lakh Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) hailing from the state for initiating welfare schemes for them in a coordinated manner. Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal, also in-charge of NRI Affairs department, issued directions in this regard during his interaction with NRI Lord Rana, Honorary Consular of India, Northern Ireland and Executive Vice President, GOPIO International, an official spokesman said. Sukhbir asked state commissioner NRI Affairs Gagandeep Singh Brar to issue a communiqué to all deputy commissioners in the state to conduct a door-to-door survey for compiling a detailed data bank of all the NRIs hailing from their respective districts. He said revenue officials and officials of other departments, including Patwaris in the rural areas, could be asked to compile the data. In urban areas, this responsibility could be assigned to Municipal Corporations/ Councils and Nagar Panchayats.

The deputy chief minister said this unique data bank would have great significance as over 20 lakh Punjabi were living in different parts of the world and it would further supplement the UID project of the Union Government, besides its Pravasi Bharti schemes. Citing incidents like racial attacks on Indians in Australia,

The deputy chief minister said over 20 lakh Punjabi were living in different parts of the world Sukhbir said the government found it difficult to contact their families in Punjab due to lack of any updated data. Once fully compiled, this data would be put on a website which could be accessed by NRIs and updated regularly, he added. He asked Lord Rana to contact other NRI bodies to become partner in this project. -PTI

JANAMASHTAMI: Schoolchildren of a preparatory school dressed as Lord Krishna and Radha pose during a fancy dress competition ahead of the Janamashtami festival in Siliguri. Janamashtami is the birth anniversary of Krishna and was celebrated across India on August 14

India, ASEAN sign crucial trade pact BANGKOK: Ending months of uncertainty, India and the 10-nation Association of South East Asian Nations have signed a crucial trade pact that will break duty barriers in the 1.7 billion consumer market in the region. The pact on trade in goods under the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) was signed by Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma and ASEAN Economic Ministers after more than six years of intense negotiations. The first phase of implementation is supposed to be over by January 1, 2010. The pact, on which Prime Minister Manmohan

Singh has formed a GoM to allay domestic concerns, will eliminate duties on 4,000 items by 2016, covering 80 per cent of India's imports from the South-east Asian nations. However, as many as 489 items have been kept out of the pact, keeping in view the concerns of vulnerable domestic industries and agricultural producers. The main areas of differences revolved around sensitive agricultural products, mainly in the plantation sector. The agreement is "well balanced" and is in harmony with the India's Look East Policy, Sharma said. Bilateral trade between ASEAN and India was of about USD 40 billion in 2007-08. -PTI


Top Stories

India Post

August 21, 2009

Don't create panic on swine flu, says PM NEW DELHI: The spate in swine flu cases in the country was discussed threadbare at the meeting of the Union Cabinet here, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying that panic should not be created over the issue. Sources said Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad made a presentation on the swine flu situation in the country before the Cabinet following which the issue was discussed in great detail. Expressing concern over the swine flu situation, Singh asked the Health Minister to work towards restoring confidence of the people and ensure that panic is not created. He is understood to have said

that this was a major problem before the country and the Government sector is doing its best.

Azad told reporters after the meeting that there was no need to panic. "The central and the state governments are taking all possible measures. For the past one week we have been reserving places in government and some private hospitals. We are also looking for some private laboratories since they are now needed," he said. "Only those people who have symptoms need to wear a mask. They have to wear the mask not to protect themselves but to protect others," he said. Azad said if an individual feels symptoms like cough and cold, he or she should sit at home and not come in contact with other people.-PTI

Shahrukh Khan says he is unsocial by nature NEW DELHI: Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan may be known for his gift of gab and witty one liners during his press conferences but the actor states that he is unsocial by nature. The 'Baadshah of Bollywood' says that he is not a member of social networking sites and does not blog frequently (apart from his posts on Kolkata Night Riders website) because he does not consider himself socially capable. "I don't have social etiquettes. I am socially not very capable. I really can't do that 'Hi how are you... I am shopping is a pic of my dog...'," said the actor who was in the city recently to

host a MBA quiz show organized by IIPM. "My friends, Karan (director

Karan Johar) and all are deeply into it but not me. I don't even use a phone," said Shahrukh. But the actor revealed that he uses Internet to download online books as he "enjoys knowledge". Shahrukh said that with e-books it has become convenient for him to read even while he is on the move. The actor who recently downloaded about 300 books online advised to his fans to absorb as much knowledge you can. "Whatever it takes, read a lot in whichever medium you feel comfortable. Personally, reading is the nicest thing which can happen to me," Shahrukh said. -PTI

Taslima visa extended for six months NEW DELHI: The Government has extended the visa of controversial Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasrin for six months till February 16 next year. Nasrin, who was asked to leave India in March this year, returned here on August six and was whisked away to an undisclosed destination in the Capital. The writer, who will turn 47 on August 25, had sought extension of her Indian visa which expires on August 17. Her visa has now been extended till February 16, 2010, official sources said. The future plans of the doctor-turned writer, who shot to fame with her controversial book "Lajja", were not immediately known. But sources said she

conveyed to Indian officials that she did not wish to live in India for a longer term now and will soon leave the country.

She conveyed to Indian officials that she did not wish to live in India for a longer term now and will soon leave the country The writer, who has been a target of Islamic fundamentalists, arrived in Delhi from a European

country. She has been requesting for permanent residentship in the country but the government is yet to take a decision on it. Taslima had left India on March 18 last year for Sweden after she was kept in an undisclosed house here for more than four months. Taslima, who had not been allowed to see any visitors during the period, had described her confinement as living in "a chamber of death". She came back in February this year but was asked to leave India because of impending general elections in the country and visa was granted to her till August 17. Earlier, she was dramatically bundled out from West Bengal in November 2007. -PTI

Pak govt weeds out 32 senior ISI officers ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's powerful spy agency ISI has been restructured by the government by weeding out 32 senior officers of the rank of Brigadiers and Colonels in a move to make it trim, a media report said here. The retrenchment exercise in the agency has been carried out to make it "more efficient and vibrant", The News daily claimed, saying that the process will continue for two years. Thirty-two officers of the rank of Brigadier and Colonel have been retired from the agency and "other officers who have not proved their utility" will be shown the door in months to come, the report said. The report said the revamp had been undertaken as the spy agency had expanded out of proportion in the recent years and that many of the top level officers were continuing to serve in the organization despite attaining superannuation.

The report made it clear there was no pressure for effecting the revamp and the agency would continue to be under the command of the Army. The report said the restructuring was an effort to bring into the ISI "energetic and more dedicated

Many of the top level officers were continuing to serve in the organization despite attaining superannuation personnel" who can "live up to the challenges of the modern age". The powerful spy agency had recently faced flak from the American lawmakers who alleged that ISI was still maintaining contacts with Taliban and other militant organizations, a charge sought to be strongly refuted by the Army. -PTI

Shiney Ahuja's custody extended till Aug 27 MUMBAI: Judicial custody of Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja, accused of raping his domestic maid, has been extended till August 27 and his case was transferred to a sessions court due to lack of jurisdiction. The Andheri metropolitan magistrate does not have the jurisdiction to conduct the trial in the case as the offences under which Ahuja has been booked is punishable with more than three years imprisonment. The case was transferred to the sessions court after the police filed a 109-page chargesheet against the actor charging him with rape, wrongful confinement and threatening his maid servant at his residence at Oshiwara in suburban Andheri on June 14.

The 36-year-old actor has been languishing in Arthur Road jail since his arrest on June 15. The sessions court had in July rejected his bail application after observing that there was prima facie evidence against the actor. -PTI

Fake currency racket leader arrested AHMEDABAD: Gujarat AntiTerrorist Squad (ATS) has arrested a key operative of a fake currency racket operating in India and seized counterfeit notes with face value of Rs 1.35 lakh, officials said here. "Asgar Ali, who has links with Pakistan intelligence agencies, was arrested last night. He had been in Pakistan from 1977 to 1998," ATS officials said here. He is the key operative of the counterfeit currency racket in In-

dia and originally hails from Godhra, police said. Ali's arrest comes around two weeks after ATS busted an interstate fake currency racket last month. The squad had arrested four persons and recovered counterfeit currency notes with face value of over Rs 10 lakh from different parts of Gujarat. With today's arrest, the total number of persons held in the fake currency racket has reached five.-PTI

Top Stories

August 21, 2009

India Post


100 Taliban fighters killed in Pak attack ISLAMABAD: More than 100 Taliban fighters were killed as Pakistani army helicopters and heavy artillery pounded militant positions on the fringes of South Waziristan intervening in fierce clashes between two groups. The attack helicopters targeted several key bases of the supporters of Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, just a week after CIA drones claimed to have killed him and 11 others in the house of his father-in-law in the lawless district, TV channels reported quoting army officials. The gunships pounded the bases in the country's northwest killing at least 12 insurgents. The air and artillery assault came as army stepped up the pressure on the Taliban, who they claim are in disarray after Mehsud's slaying. Military helicopters struck Taliban hide-outs near the Kurram and Aurakzai tribal regions run by militant commander Hakimullah Mehsud, who is Baitullah's cousin and vying for leadership role. Several militants were also wounded, and the casualties could climb up as some insurgents are still buried under the rubble of their hideouts, they said. The assault came following

fierce continued clashes between fighters loyal to Baitullah Mehsud and those of a pro-government warlord, Turkistan Bitani, on the fringes of the South Waziristan region. At least 90 people were reported killed. Pakistan's army later sent in helicopter gunships as reinforcements to pound about 300 Taliban fighters attacking Bitani's moun-

The fighting was taking place in a remote mountainous area that is off-limits to journalists tain stronghold. Dawn news reported that Bitani group had eliminated the Baitullah supporters from the nearby Tan city and adjacent areas. The fighting followed days of confusion and competing claims over Baitullah Mehsud's fate. While US and Pakistani officials say they are almost certain he is dead, Taliban commanders insist he is alive. The battles pitted Taliban mili-

tants against followers of tribal warlord Turkistan Bitani. The fighting raged for five hours, with militants using rockets, mortars and anti-aircraft guns against Bitani's village of Sura Ghar. More than 80 Taliban militants were killed in the attacks which also left 10 of Bitani's men dead. It was impossible to independently confirm the death toll, Pakistani media said as the fighting was taking place in a remote mountainous area that is off-limits to journalists. Bitani, when reached by media, claimed that 90 Taliban militants were killed and 60 houses destroyed. After the Drone strike, Interior Minister Rehman Malik claimed a Taliban Shura to choose Mehsud's successor had degenerated into a firefight between the leading contenders -- Waliur Rehman and Hakimullah Mehsud -- and that one of the two was dead. Bitani made similar claims, saying both Rehman and Hakimullah were dead. The two militant commanders later phoned international media houses to prove they survived. -PTI

Obama honors Hawking, Mohd Yunus WASHINGTON: British scientist Stephen Hawking and Bangaldeshi Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus are among the 16 eminent personalities who were conferred 'Presidential Medal of Freedom', America's highest civilian award, by President Barack Obama. Hawking was awarded the Medal of Freedom in recognition of popular science publications and for making his research accessible to all members of the public. Yunus, who won the Nobel peace prize in 2006 for his role in poverty alleviation through microfinance scheme in Bangladesh, has been honored for altering the face of finance and entrepreneurship. "This is a chance for me -- and

Muhammad Yunus

for the United States of America - to say thank you to some of the finest citizens of this country, and of all countries," Obama said, while

presenting them the awards. Among others who were conferred with the prestigious awards are South African anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu, breast cancer crusader Nancy Goodman Brinker, medical campaigner Pedro Jose Greer and tennis legend Billie Jean King. Civil rights leader Rev. Joseph Lowery, native American tribal chief Joseph Medicine Crow, former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, actress Chita Rivera and cancer researcher Janet Davison Rowley were also honored. Posthumous medals were conferred on former Republican congressman Jack Kemp and gay rights campaigner Harvey Milk.-PTI

Mush arrest only if govt orders ISLAMABAD: Despite being booked for "illegally" detaining scores of judges during the 2007 emergency, Pakistani police will not be able to arrest or question former President Pervez Musharraf without direct orders from the government, a media report said. Musharraf and other unnamed persons accused in a recently registered FIR of placing over 60

judges under house arrest "could not be arrested because of constitutional and legal immunity", the Dawn newspaper quoted police officers as saying. A police station in Islamabad has booked Musharraf for illegally detaining the judges after they failed to endorse the emergency he imposed in November 2007. The case was registered on the orders of a local court.

Musharraf is currently in Europe and earlier reports had suggested he could face arrest if he returned to the country. Police are also not authorized to approach the affected judges and other accused to record their statements and investigate the matter because they are senior government officials, the police officers said. -PTI

UN official calls for Suu Kyi release NEW YORK: A top human rights official of the United Nations has asked the Burmese military junta to release "immediately and unconditionally" all political prisoners including the popular democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi. "I deplore the ongoing persecution of a democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi for almost a quarter of a century," Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said. "I am seriously disturbed by her arbitrary detention and the basis of charges against her, an event that was clearly beyond her control, with the court failing to properly review the legitimacy of her house arrest in the first instance," Pillay said.

Aung San Suu Kyi.

Her statement comes a day after a Myanmar court sentenced the 64-year-old leader for another 18 months of house arrest. The judgment was condemned by leaders across the world.-PTI

UK diplomat's bid to ward off trial of Musharraf ISLAMABAD: Contacts between top Pakistani leaders and a British diplomat, who was previously involved in back-channel parleys to resolve political issues here, have triggered speculation that the UK is engaged in efforts to ward off the possible trial of ex-President Pervez Musharraf on charges of treason. Mark Lyall Grant, a former High Commissioner to Pakistan who is currently Director General for political affairs in the British Foreign Office, called on President Asif Ali Zardari and met main opposition PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif in Lahore. An official statement issued after Grant's meeting with Zardari said they had discussed matters regarding bilateral relations but sources told PTI that the fate of Musharraf was high on the agenda of the British diplomat, who speaks Urdu fluently and is considered an old Pakistan hand. The sources said the possibility of Musharraf being tried for treason also figured in Grant's parleys with Sharif as the PML-N has been pushing for the former military ruler to be held accountable since Pakistan's Supreme Court ruled last month that the emergency imposed by him in November 2007 was illegal and unconstitutional. The apex court's verdict has raised the possibility of Musharraf being tried for treason. However, such a trial can be initiated only by the government. Musharraf's troubles were compounded when police in the Pa-

kistani capital booked him for illegally detaining over 60 judges and their families during the emergency. Police officials said Musharraf, currently in Europe, could be arrested on his return to Pakistan. Sources said any possible trial of Musharraf could cause immense embarrassment for Britain and the US as they had strongly backed him throughout his nineyear rule. The embarrassment

Any possible trial of Musharraf could cause immense embarrassment for Britain and the US as they had strongly backed him would be greater for Britain as Musharraf has been living for the past few months in London, where he has acquired an apartment, the sources noted. A source in the PML-N said Britain had played a key role in brokering parleys between the main opposition party and the ruling Pakistan People's Party, which have been at loggerheads since their alliance collapsed in August last year. Britain played a major role in behind-the-scenes efforts that led to the July 17 meeting between Zardari and Sharif, their first in nearly eight months. -PTI

Desi News State Bank surges ahead despite melt down SURESH SHAH

CHICAGO: India based State Bank of India (SBI) with branches across the world has won many plaudits from international bankers, financial pundits, and writers for its sustained growth even during the global economic melt down. The global economic down turn notwithstanding, SBI has registered an impressive growth during the year ending March 31, 2009 and that has won it world-wide plaudits and recognition for the bank, according to Pradeep K Mishra, Chief Executive Officer Chicago SBI.


10 India Post

Tenth I-Day celebration in San Fernando Valley Details on page 19

August 21, 2009

NJ celebrates India's I-Day

Details on page 12

Trade Wings weathers global slowdown SURENDRA ULLAL India Post News service

CHICAGO: Global recession has hit hard almost all activities - commercial, industrial or personal business. Among the industries worst hit by this ongoing economic downturn is Hospitality and Travel. "But," says Syed Ali, the forward looking and enterprising president of the Trade Wings Travel in Chicago, "very often misfortunes bring bright spots of opportunities, and we at Trade Wings are experiencing one of those moments in these hard times." Details on page 13

HemKunt Sikh Youth Symposium held in So Cal

Grand Marshall Mandira Bedi greets Indian Americans at the India Day Parade on August 9. (Pics: Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia)


NEW JERSEY: India's Independence Day celebrations came early for New Jerseyans who came out in large numbers on August 9 to participate in the annual parade organized by the Indian Business Association in the 'Little India' section of the Garden State. People lined up along the milelong stretch of Oak Tree Road be-

tween Edison and Iselin townships, festooned with the Indian

Charity parade

by several local politicians among them many candidates

Community leaders accompanied by several local politicians and this year's Grand Marshal television personality Mandira Bedi marched together and American national flags, as community leaders accompanied

running in the forthcoming elections - and this year's Grand Mar-

shal, television personality Mandira Bedi marched together followed by an impressive line up of colorful floats that blared Indian patriotic songs. Besides floats representing corporate houses, airlines such as Air India and Jet Airways, banking and money transfer services and Indian television channels, there were floats mounted by religious organizations too. Cont’d on page 14


LOS ANGELES: Reading history of a religion may not necessarily interest many people. On top of it, to have Western-born Indian children get interested in reading their religious books and then pick up courage to face an audience and compete in a symposium talking about what has been read, indeed becomes a Herculean task. Details on page 16

Chris Christie for Governer Float

Indian American kids dancing at the India Day Parade


August 21, 2009

India Post


Sikh found guilty, wants new trial SURI SWAMY

CHICAGO: A Gulf war veteran and a winner of American Bronze Star for his role in US Navy, Kuldip Singh Nag, 51, is a fighter - a fighter to the last drop of blood as one can put colloquially Kuldip was charged for resisting police arrest in March 2007 and was found guilty by a Joliet court Judge Edward Burmila. But he would not give up since he feels convinced that he is not meted out justice. "I am not the offender. I did not resist any arrest. I am rather a victim- a victim of racial discrimination," he told this paper. He claimed so much in a letter addressed to the Judge Burmila and won a reprieve before being sentenced in April last. His motion for new trial is set for hearing on August 27 at in the court of Edward Burmila in Joliet. Kuldip Nag is a Sikh American war veteran who was awarded the Bronze Star for his service in the U.S. Navy during the first Gulf War. Kuldip sought new trial on two grounds. He claimed that he did not knowingly waive his right to

Police officer Grant pinning down Kuldip Nag while arresting him.

a jury trial and that his attorney, Eric Mitchell, has a relationship to one of the witnesses whom Assistant Will County State's Attorney Sara Shutts has called to testify during the sentencing. Kuldip told the judge he would hire a new lawyer and asked for a mistrial. The Judge agreed to have motion for re-trial heard with his new attorney Joel Mercy. His attorney during the first trial was Eric Mitchell. He said he had no comment regarding Kuldip's allegations. Kuldip, on the other hand, had plenty to say during a break in court proceedings.

He (Kuldip) and his family had been the victims of hate crimes before Grant came to ticket his car. Someone reportedly shot a bb gun at his house on three occasions and painted graffiti on his garage

Sadhvi Ritambhara visiting US for Bhagvat Katha SURESH SHAH

Vatsalya Gram in Vrindavan

CHICAGO: One of the most respected Indian spiritual figures, Sadhvi Ritambhara, is slated to visit USA for four-weeks beginning August 20 to conduct Bhagwat Katha

Sadhvi Ritambhara

and create awareness about Vatsalya Gram, a socio-educational project of Param Shakti Peeth, an India-based no profit body. Sadhviji will be vesting Tampa, Orlando, Houston, LA, New York, New Jersey and Chicago .In Chicago she will be for four days from September 6, according to Ramjibhai Patel, president of US Chapter. She would be conducting Bhagwat Katha at all these places and at the same time she would create awareness among Indian Americans about the crying need to help destitute women and orphans in India so that they could turn out to be respectable and responsible members of society. Cont’d on page 12

Kuldip Nag in his military attire during first Gulf war

In a letter to the Judge he said "Today is the first day in two years I've opened my mouth...". The letter said that he (Kuldip) and his family had been the victims of hate crimes before Grant came to ticket his car. Someone reportedly shot a bb gun at his house on three occasions and painted graffiti on his garage. Nag said certain residents told him he was unwelcome in the neighborhood. "But if I couldn't bring these facts to the trial, it should be a mistrial," he said. He also said "I wasn't trying

to fight him. If I knew he was going to beat me I'd have run away. I was just trying to protect myself and cover up with my arm. He kept telling me 'Go home' and '(expletive) Arab.' I'm not Muslim, but if I was, is that a crime in America?" Recapping the events, it was reported that on Friday March 30, 2007, Kuldip Singh Nag was at his home in Joliet, IL when a local police officer noticed that a van parked on his private property had expired registration tags. Upon being confronted with this, Kuldip's wife, Vera Kaur Nag, informed the officer that the van was parked on their driveway and was inoperable. Kuldip then came rushing out to answer the officer's questions regarding the van. The Joliet police officer then demanded that he park the van inside his garage and not on the driveway, to which he responded to the officer that the van is parked on his private property and that he has a right to park it on his driveway. Cont’d on page 14



India Post

August 21, 2009

State Bank surges ahead despite melt down SURESH SHAH

CHICAGO: India based State Bank of India (SBI) with branches across the world has won many plaudits from international bankers, financial pundits, and writers for its sustained growth even during the global economic melt down. The global economic down turn notwithstanding, SBI has registered an impressive growth during the year ending March 31, 2009 and that has won it worldwide plaudits and recognition for the bank, according to Pradeep K Mishra, Chief Executive Officer Chicago SBI. In a talk to this paper, he pointed out that SBI is the only Indian bank to find a place in the Fortune Global 500 list - Up from 495 last year to 380 this year (+115) seventh highest gainer and moving in the rankings from 219th spot last year to 150th spot this year in the Forbes 2000 list of largest companies in the world. "It is again the only Indian bank among the top 100 banks in the world. Ranked 8th in top 25 banks in Asia, it was awarded

the "Bank of the Year 2008 - India" by the Banker Magazine, London," Mishra said.

In a talk to this paper, he pointed out that SBI is the only Indian bank to find a place in the Fortune Global 500 list - Up from 495 last year to 380 this year (+115) seventh highest gainer and moving in the rankings from 219th spot last year to 150th spot this year in the Forbes 2000 list of largest Detailing some of the growth areas that SBI had during the year ending March

2009, he said that the total business surge measured in Indian rupees was at Rs.

Pradeep K Mishra, CEO State Bank of India, Chicago

crore. This was made up with a deposits growth of 38.08%, advances growth of 29.88% and International Loans in USD terms from USD 14.49 Bn to USD 17.05 Bn (17.7%) It is also worth noting that the Cost / Income ratio has notched a positive turn from 46.62% in March 08 to 49.03% in March 09. SBI continued its expansion horizontally with opening new branches in the country and world wide. More than 800 new branches were added during the year with branch network crossing 11,500, including 93 branches overseas. The increase in branches has led to an increase in staff and there was an addition of 30,127 staff in FY 09 The net non-performing assets to loans (advances) ratio is used as a measure of the overall quality of the bank's loan book.

3,30,899 crore in FY 09, including international business growth of Rs. 39,384

Cont’d on page 15

Sadhvi Ritambhara visiting US for Bhagvat Katha Cont’d from page 11

Param Shakti Peeth is currently mentoring Vatsayla Gram in Vrindavan near Mathura, UP. This haven for destitute women and children set up takes care of 500 plus children and women with Vatsalya (affection) of an extended family. As Sanjay Gupta, known affectionately as Bhaiyya, put it, "it is the only facility in the world where orphaned children and destitute women of all ages are given homes so they may live like families and form everlasting bonds as parents and siblings." A chartered accountant by profession, Sanjay gave up his lucrative practice to be part of Shakti Peeth and now of

said that "each Vatsalya family consists of seven children, a mother, an aunt (Mausi) and a granny (Naani) living in the familiar atmosphere of their own home. The women are carefully trained for their role in dealing with up to seven children per home. This arrangement encourages bonding within the family and gives the children a sense of belonging, both essential factors in a child's early development. "Although there is no blood relationship in this Vatsalya family, all members of the family are

Vatsayal Gram. In a talk to this paper, Ramjibhai Patel said that Vatsalya Gram would be functioning in Madhya Pradesh, Himachala Pradesh and then in Gujarat also. "Sadhviji wants this facility to be set up in each and every State of Indian Union so that there would be homes and families for the destitute women who in turn will nurture and shower motherly love and build emotional bonds with the children entrusted to their care. At Vatsalya Gram, these women will have a secure home, a life's purpose and an opportunity to claim a family of their very own, while children would cease to be Anath (orphans) any more."

The women are carefully trained for their role in dealing with up Sanjaya Bhaiyya (left) secretary PSP India and Ramjibhai Patel, President PSP USA.

Ramjibhai also mentioned that PSP has a few chapters in US and "we are now set to have a Chapter in Chicago soon. Probably, the timing will be when Didima

Ritambhara Ji will be visiting the city in the first week of September." Explaining in detail the working of Vatsalya Gram, Sanjay Bhaiyya

to seven children per home. This arrangement encourages bonding within the family connected by an emotional bond of love and trust. We seek to match the children with appropriate mothers thus eliminating the need for an orphanage or a home for destitute women, establish schools for the Vatsalya Gram community, and provide vocational training to tribal women so they may resettle in own respective areas and lead development programs that may benefit their local community," he said.


August 21, 2009

India Post


Trade Wings weathers global slowdown SURENDRA ULLAL India Post News service

CHICAGO: Global recession has hit hard almost all activities - commercial, industrial or personal business. Among the industries worst hit by this ongoing economic downturn is Hospitality and Travel.

those moments in these hard times." There are segments of population, especially retired individuals, who seek opportunities to go around the globe biding their time to catch reduced fares or rates." He adds, "Especially these are the kind of travelers, who are loyal and seek good, comfortable and per-

‘Setbacks because of scarcity of resources notwithstanding, there are millions who can afford to visit places and enjoy in nonrushing, peaceful environment’ Syed Ali, CEO Trade Wings and Amber Travel

"But," says Syed Ali, the forward looking and enterprising president of the Trade Wings Travel in Chicago, "very often misfortunes bring bright spots of opportunities, and we at Trade Wings are experiencing one of

sonable service, who keep us going. Setbacks because of scarcity of resources notwithstanding, there are millions who can afford to visit places and enjoy in nonrushing, peaceful environments. And we are geared to serve those

Fazal Nazimuddin, Office Manager talking to customer

customers. Fortunately not only do we have a band of loyal customers, but we are open to the present needs. I must say we have met the challenges of time successfully," said Syed Ali beaming with a sense of satisfaction. Trade Wings have become an icon on Devon Avenue's travel section, sharing that positive ambience with only a few others. After all, he says, he had traversed a length of nearly two decades and had seen the ups and downs of business. He

still looks back at the initial stages of his setting up this agency and recalled some of those friends and well wishers who stood behind him with encouragement. If the number of tickets for international travelers has come down, he said chances of tour management had gone up. He said he was able to take more than one hundred tourists to Hajj, Saudi Arabia last year and hoped to continue it even better this year, for he already hit reservations of eighty

tourists this year. Though conspicuously slow as yet, he felt that the signs of recovery were obvious. He strongly believed in the ageold principles of honesty, commitment to service and fulfillments and "make the customer feel like a King." Syed Ali and his team are right on the top this year too serving Haj Umra travelers. "Fortunately, Inshallah, there is no let down in this sector. We are doing great," he said. Ali is not merely hopeful of recovery but is confident that India's emerging position as a powerhouse in the international markets, hospitality industry would find avenue of greater growth. There are improvements in infrastructure, better roads and hotel facilities and investments by both the government and private industries for expanding historical, natural and technological sights to be explored by the curious visitors. Two decades of experience, sound customer base, and efficient staff to manage the tourist or traveling traffic had made Trade Wing fully willing and able to provide the customers what is required to make their journeys an experience in delight. Cont’d on page 15


India Post


August 21, 2009

Sikh found guilty, wants new trial Cont’d from page 11

Police officer Grant has his own version of the event. He said he went to 3574 Buck Ave. to place a tow notice sticker on a derelict van parked on Kuldip Nag's driveway. "I walked up to the van and saw the registration sticker was expired and the license plate did not match

(police records)," he asserted in Court testimony. Grant testified that when he walked back to the van after getting a sticker from his squad car, Kuldip Nag pushed his arm away. "I went to get his hand behind his back and told him he was under arrest. He was pulling his arm in the opposite direction," Grant said.

Grant said Kuldip resisted when he tried to both push him to the ground and swing his knee into Nag's leg as they struggled onto the front lawn. He claimed that he sprayed Kuldip Nag with pepper spray and attempted another takedown maneuver. Once the combatants were on the ground, Grant used his baton to strike

Nag's right bicep two times, he said. "I still couldn't get his arms (pinned), so I stayed on top of him until he was tired and put him in handcuffs," Grant said. While the assault ensued, the officer was reported by both Kuldip and his wife yelling racist remarks. Vera Kaur and his six yearold child both witnessed the vio-

lent assault, which resulted in Kuldip being admitted to hospital where he stayed for five days due to complaints of intense pain and head trauma. He also received numerous bruises. The Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund alleged the officer used his baton to strike Kuldip's head and yelled racist comments and threats.

New Jersey celebrates India's Independence Day Cont’d from page 10

An important float was that of the US Census Bureau to create awareness about Census 2010, and urge Indian Americans to "be counted". New Jersey's Indian American population accounts for about 2 percent of the state's 8.4 million residents. This is

Parade Oaktree

up from 1 percent in 1990, with Middlesex County itself being home to 13 percent Asian population, according to the US Census Bureau. Interestingly, this year saw a prominent Chinese participation with groups like the Falun Dafa marching along. The other highlight of the parade were the floats of political candidates running for various positions in the November elections like Chris Dagget, an independent candidate for Governor; Chris Christie, the Republican candidate for Governor, Kim Guandano, candidate for Lt. Governor, and Peter Kothari, Republican candidate for State Assembly. Among the elected officials who marched in the parade were Congressman Frank Pallone and Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula, and mayors of Edison and Woodbridge townships. Although the crowds were few in comparison to previous years, they were enthusiastic in proclaiming their sense of patriotism for their motherland through repeated sloganeering of 'Bharat Mata ki Jai'. End of the parade was a cultural program on the grounds of St. Cecilia's Church, with local talent showcasing their singing and dancing skills.

Jet Airlines

August 21, 2009

Community Across America

Trade Wings weathers global slowdown Cont’d from page 13

"I must however confess that we must be ready for the skyrocketing personal and industrial travels over the coming years, once the economy picks up," he confided.

all fields, businesses, arts and architecture. As the economy will recover in US, Europe as well as Asia including India, he hoped Travel, Tour and Hospitality industries will have their heydays again. Trade Wings have taken care of all travel arrangements of su-

Trade Wings have taken care of all travel arrangements of superstars coming to Chicago as part of South Asian Carnival celebrations Cathy Kahtoon, Assistant Manager

Trade Wings works closely with airlines, hotels, transportation and host of other small and big segments for travel or tours. The newer destinations are constantly added as people are exposed to more and more developments in

perstars coming to Chicago as part of South Asian Carnival celebrations. Altaf Hussain of the Carnival said, "We are pleased with the courtesies and prompt services rendered by Trade Wings management headed by Syed Ali."

India Post


State Bank surges ahead despite melt down Cont’d from page 12

The SBI NPAs remained under control with Gross NPA Ratio improving from 3.04% in March 08 to 2.84% in March 09 and Net NPA Ratio remaining stable 1.78% in March 08 and 1.76% in March 09 Under Basel II, capital charges are linked with three risk categories, namely market risk, credit risk and operational risk. All risk exposures are converted to risk-weighted assets. Banks are required maintain a minimum capital adequacy ratio at 8% (i.e. Regulatory capital / Risk-weighted assets > 8%). As on 31 Mar 09, CAR under Basel II is above 14% (14.25%). Profitability - Fy 09 The Net Profit of SBI increased by 35.55% to Rs. 9121.23 crore in FY 09 Net Interest Income (NII) increased by 22.63% during FY 09 to Rs. 20873 crore from Rs. 17,021 crore in FY 08 Encouraging performance by

SBI for the year ending March 2009 rather qualified it to bag a good number of recognitions and awards globally. Some of the awards and recognition besides mentioned earlier are: • Best Executive award to the Chairman by Asia Money • Voted as " The Best Domestic Provider of FX Services" (2nd year

ing" and "Overall Retail Technology Product". SBI is the only Indian bank to receive these awards • Awarded "Best Bank" and "Most Preferred Home Loan" By Outlook Money Awards, 08 • Won "Most Preferred Bank" and "Most Preferred Brand for Home Loan" CNBC Consumer Awards, Sept '08 (third year in a

Mishra said that the Chicago branch too has participated in the general growth of the parent company and that it has improved its performance deposit-wise and profit wise in a row) & " The Best Domestic Provider of Single Bank Electronic Trading Platform" By Asia Money • Ranking in the banker top 1000 world banks improved to 57 from 70 as compared to the ranking of 2007; • Awards by the "The Banker Magazine" for "Retail Core Bank-

row). • Reputation Institute, US has ranked SBI 29th. Mishra said that the Chicago branch too has participated in the general growth of the parent company and that it has improved its performance deposit-wise and profit wise.


India Post


August 21, 2009

21st HemKunt Sikh Youth Symposium held in So Cal DR. JASWANT SINGH SACHDEV

LOS ANGELES: Reading history of a religion may not necessarily interest many people. On top of it, to have Western-born Indian children get interested in reading their religious books and then pick up courage to face an audience and compete in a symposium talking about what has been read, indeed becomes a Herculean task. In fact, it is more than a miracle. But this is what happened on the weekend of August 6th, 7th and 8th in Southern California, thanks to Sri Hemkunt Foundation. About seventy plus Sikh children from all over the

US and from England gathered here from 19 different zones to participate in 21st International Hemkunt Foundation speech as well a recently initiated 3rd annual Kirtan Darbar competition. The venue of the event was 'Hotel Hilton Woodland Hills' in the San Fernando valley of Southern California where the stay for most of the guests arriving from all over the country and Great Britain was arranged. Despite a huge gathering of over 450 people including participants, their parents, relatives as well as the judges and selfless volunteers, the three-day event starting Thursday August 6 was superb, flawless and of one of a kind. A dinner for over 300 people was hosted by the volunteers at a fine Indian restaurant on first night where every guest was transported by a bus. On second night, a high caliber Banquet - cum - entertainment

The speech competition took place in Gurdwaras Sahib, Gurdwara Lakershim on Friday August 7. There were five different categories based on the ages of children starting from age 6 all the way to age 23 at the Hilton for over 450 guests indeed displayed the endless labor of love showered upon the guests by more than four dozen committed volunteers. In addition, a visit to the Hollywood star walk, a pleasure trip and picnic dinner at Santa Monica beach, were sprinkled in between during one evening that made the event a truly spicy one. The guests were treated like dignitaries more than one could ever expect. Each day started with Nitnem at 6 am where the families and little children, more than 200 in numbers, gathered in one of the conference room of the hotel. Sitting on white sheets, with Gutkas in their hands, the little children took the lead and guided their parents to read aloud complete Nitnem all the three days. This was followed by a sumptuous breakfast. Thereafter, five fully loaded buses departed to Gurdwara Sahib, Lankershim the first day for speech competition and to Gurdwara Sahib, Vermont for the next two days. Once the competition finished, the guests were respectfully brought back to their hotel where volunteers stood ready in the hospitality room to serve hot tea, milk, juice and soft drinks and different kinds of snacks. Cont’d on page 18

August 21, 2009

India Post 17



India Post

August 21, 2009

Special Ramzan Services at Chino Mosque JS BEDI India Post News Service


uslims around the US will observe the fast in the month of Ramzan beginning on Saturday, August 22. During this holy month, Muslims seeking the pleasure of God refrain from eating or drinking any-

tured. Most importantly, they are urged to reform their bad habits, study their holy book, the Qur'an, and engage themselves in sincere prayers privately and in congregation. During this sacred month, Muslims are required to focus on the remembrance of God Almighty. Shamshad A. Nasir, the Imam (minBaitul Hameed Mosque in Chino

Imam Shamshad

During these prayers, long portions of the Quran are recited so that the entire Holy Scripture can be read aloud throughout the month of fasting. Arrangements will be made for the breaking of the fast during this month

and in beneficence towards the poor and needy. This outward expression of goodness is designed to humble the hearts of Muslims so they can refocus themselves on increasing their own spirituality for no other reason than to achieve righteousness and nearness to God." Stressing that the blessings of Ramzan are open to everyone de-

HemKunt Sikh Youth Symposium held in Southern California Cont’d from page 16

thing from before sunrise until sunset. They must refrain from all excesses, idle talk, arguing or doing anything that is not good-na-

ister) at Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino, explained further: "This month is meant to increase Muslims in patience, modesty, charity,

Netherlands award for California Indian

Jaap Veerman, Deputy Consul General of the Netherlands, handing the award to Indian-American, Arin Ghosh at the Netherlands Consulate Office in LA India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: Arin Ghosh, a resident of Palos Verdes, California, was awarded "Best Delegate Award" the 1st. prize of the competition by the judges and also voted "Mr. Comemun" by his peers at the Comemun 09, Culture Oriented Multiple Exchange and Model United Nations Program that lasted from July 18 to 24. The event was hosted in Taipei by the National Taiwan University and sponsored by the National Youth Commission of Taiwan. Representing nearly thirty countries from around the world, youth

delegates took part in four sessions of fierce United Nations styled debates on the topic of "Women in Post-Conflict Areas: Congo." Since one cannot represent their home country, Arin chose the Kingdom of the Netherlands, a country he has represented twice in these Model United Nations competitions and won honors both times, hence the victory ceremony at the Netherlands Consulate. Arin Ghosh was co-sponsored by the Citizens for Global Solutions California and the United Nations Association of the United States of America, Pacific - Los Angeles Chapter.

siring nearness to God, Imam Shamshad added, "Anyone from any faith wishing to experience these blessings is welcome to join us for breaking the fast and the prayers every night." Ramzan runs for 29 days this year, ending on Saturday, Sept. 19th. The special prayer marking the end of Ramadhan, called Eid-ul-Fitr, will

be held Sunday, Sept. 20th at 10:00 am at Baitul Hameed Mosque. Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino will hold special services during Ramzan, including teaching and commentary of the Holy Quran and the Hadith (sayings) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). Along with the regular five daily congregational prayers performed by Muslims, the extra congregational prayers (called "Taraavee") will be offered after the last nightly prayer. During these prayers, long portions of the Quran are recited so that the entire Holy Scripture can be read aloud throughout the month of fasting. Arrangements will be made for the breaking of the fast during this month.

The speech competition took place in Gurdwaras Sahib, Gurdwara Lakershim on Friday August 7. There were five different categories based on the ages of children starting from age 6 all the way to age 23. They had already studied specified books on Sikh history and principles written by highly acclaimed authors. These children had arrived, after having won their local Gurdwara competition as well as their respective zones, to compete in this international competition. As such they were the cream of the creams. The competing children were judged on their speeches by four to five judges who had earlier studied their respective books. Each judge independently scored the participants keeping in mind the contents as well as the presentation of a given speech. The quality of the speeches was of so high that the writer, himself one of the judges, found it difficult to discern one candidate from the other. Sahib Singh, Gagandeep Kaur, Nimrata Kaur, Varinderpal Singh and Jagmeet Singh were the winners for the First position from category one to five. The Kirtan Darbar competition was arranged on August 8 and 9 at Gurdwara Sahib, Vermont Los Angeles. This competition took place over two days, Saturday August 8 and Sunday August 9

which also happened to be the day of announcement of the results and prize distribution. Four teams in batches of two competed with one another on Saturday, while two teams on Sunday all performing Kirtan Sahib in the original

spoke volumes about the efforts that must have gone in to produce such classical trained Raagis at a young tender age who were no less than any of the professional we have around us. The credit must go to the board

Raagas as the Guru Shabd is enshrined in Sri Granth Sahib Ji. From among them, finally three teams were chosen to be the winners who were then decorated with gold medals much like the speech winning children. In fact all the children who took part were appropriately recognized with medals for their participation. This was the first time this writer had the opportunity to attend this event. I have no hesitation in stating that this was one of the best ways to educate children not only in Sikh history but also in producing world class public speakers. Likewise, the quality of Kirtan

of directors and founders of Hemkunt Foundation who have been successfully arranging such symposiums for over 20 years. What impressed me the most was the extreme degree of Nishkaam seva performed by the local group of volunteers under the tireless efforts of S. Ravinder Singh Sethi and his Life partner Mrs. Khiven Kaur Sethi. Mr. Sethi did not let his disability come in the way in the amount of hard physical efforts and mental stress that he had to bear. May Waheguru Bless them all so that they keep on serving their community forever and forever again.

August 21, 2009


India Post 19

Tenth I-Day celebration in San Fernando Valley INDER SINGH


ndia Independence Day celebration in the San Fernando Valley was started on a grand scale in 2000. Since then, volunteers of the India Association have been organizing India Independence Day celebration every year. The dedication, hard work and commitment of these volunteers and support of some equally committed sponsors, have made the annual event a welcome tradition. The population of Indian American community in the San Fernando Valley and the neighboring areas during the last thirty years has more than quadrupled. The Valley and the neighboring areas provide home to over 50,000 people of Indian Origin. The Valley has six temples, many Indian grocery stores, numerous restaurants, and other Indian American businesses serving the community. However, there was no non-religious event which could appeal to the entire community and bring them on one platform and under one flag. In May 2000, Inder Singh and Kumar Jawa of India Sweets & Spices convened a meeting of some fellow Valley residents and formed Festival of India Committee for the celebration of India's Independence Day. The committee which spearheaded the first celebration, comprised of Inder Singh (Chair), Kumar Jawa, Krishna Iyer, Dinesh Lakhanpal, Maitrayee Ghosh, Harshi Gill and Poonam Sharma. Besides the executive committee, a band of dedicated and committed volunteers including committee chairs, Dr. Bama Sridhar, Gurdip S. Saran, Mohini Lata Kumar, the late Karamjit S. Grover, Rajesh P. Singh, Avtar Chadda, Mitra Sen Singhal, Rajesh Saini and over 25 co-chairs formed the working committee. I have been working with the community

dents of San Fernando Valley, Ventura county(Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, etc), and West and North Los Angeles county. The committee decided to hold the celebration on August 19, 2000, in Pierce College. The organization of an event of this magnitude requires leadership, dedication and commitment. I, fortunately, found many devoted volunteers who spent countless hours with me in planning and organizing the Festival. In fact, the enthusiasm of the committee members was beyond belief. Some of them gave preference to the festival related work over their business and family calling. After becoming confident of the human resource, we needed another major element for the success of the event, money. Here again, we found owners of two businesses, (thanks to Kumar Jawa and Amy Ghosh) and Prime Time Shuttle (thanks to Rajesh Pal Singh) who were very generous in their sponsorship. These two sponsorships were however not enough to cover the expenses of the event. So, many members of the committee, as a group visited prospective donors to raise funds for the celebration. Some committee members, Kumar Jawa, Dinesh Lakhanpal, Gurdip Saran, the late Karamjit S. Grover, Harbhajan Samara and Pradip Choksi were also generous with their own contributions. The enthusiasm, the hard work and the missionary zeal of the organizing team paid off when over 10,000 people came to attend the Valley's very own celebration of India Independence Day. The festival organizing committee wanted large attendance at their maiden attempt. Gurdip Saran volunteered to organize a publicity group and distributed thousands of flyers. All the three Indian Weekly newspapers, India West, India Journal and India Post After visiting numerous possible sites for carried full page advertisements for many weeks. Inthe celebration of India Independence dia Journal even published a Valley Independence Day Day, Pierce College, Woodland Hills Supplement highlighting was considered to offer the best facility the Valley Indian American community and also highlighted the achievements of for many years and have come to believe the first and the only Indian American U.S. that an individual howsoever brilliant, intel- Congressman, late Dalip S. Saund of Caliligent, experienced and hardworking, would fornia. The Journal also pointed out that find it difficult, if not impossible, to match although Indian Americans have infiltrated the collaborative efforts of a cohesive team. virtually every field of business, profession I was very fortunate to have found such and expertise, the time has come to share a group of committed individuals in the Fes- the bastion of political power. Indian Ameritival of India Committee. I also got the en- cans have to manifest their talent in the corthusiastic cooperation, help and support of ridors of Capitol Hill by electing one or more Dr. Parvin Syal, Dr. S. K. Mishra, and of their own who can identify their Indian Kanaiya Mahendra, Valley residents and heritage. past presidents of the Federation of Indian The main theme for the organization of American Associations (FIA) who had the the festival was the celebration of India Inexperience of organizing similar events in dependence Day. At the same time, we Southern California. wanted to promote India's culture and After visiting numerous possible sites Valley's Indian American businesses and for the celebration of India Independence also ensure that all the participants have Day, Pierce College, Woodland Hills was the feeling of "Bharat Darshan". Mohini considered to offer the best facility. It could Lata Kumar put together non stop cultural accommodate about seventy booths, over program showcasing India's rich heritage 10,000 people, had shade trees to sit under of classical dances, the new wave of film during daytime and a parking lot for over song-and-dance and ever popular folk 2000 cars. The site, although part of the West dances, such as Bhangra and Gidha. Valley, was considered to be the best cenSome restaurant owners and a few inditral place to attract the Indian American resi- viduals rented booths and delighted visi-

tors with mouth watering dishes from all parts of India. Boutique shops demonstrated the latest design in women apparel and probably made a large volume of sales besides advertising their existence in the valley to thousands who stopped at their booth. Some other businesses, insurance and travel agencies, rented booths to put themselves in front of the prospective valley customers, a great way to advertise. The Indian American community has a large number of highly qualified physicians. Dr. Shri Kant Mishra and Dr. Bama Siridhar

representing the North Valley. Coincidentally, Mike inaugurated the first India Independence Day celebration in 1981 at the County Civic Center Mall. American media, Los Angeles Times, Daily News and two major T.V. Networks covered the event. In the evening, Congressman Howard Berman addressed the large gathering. Standing next to the congressman on the stage and seeing thousands of people, the organizing committee members could hardly contain their happiness at the success of their effort. The large number of Indian Americans who came to attend the Mela and the enthusiasm The American elected officials and the they displayed at the first media added to the respectability of such event in the Valley the celebrations. The function was encouraged the organizers to plan additional similar inaugurated by Mike Antonovich, LA functions. In January, 2001 County Supervisor India's Republic Day was celebrated with a gala banquet. representing the Tri-Valley medical AssoIn 2001, Mahesh Parekh headed the celciation brought volunteer physicians and ebration committee while Anna Ghosh took nurses and organized a Health Fair and also over the responsibility in 2002. She had to conducted health seminars. Mrs. Deepi move the event site from Pierce College to Singh offered her nutrition expertise for Cal State University campus in Northridge weight loss, cholesterol reduction and dia- where Raman Chadha, a student leader betes management using Indian foods. played a pivotal role. Gurdip Saran successThe American elected officials and the fully organized the event in 2003 while Surjit media added to the respectability of the cel- Bassi took the leadership role in 2004. ebrations. The function was inaugurated by (For details logon to: Mike Antonovich, LA County Supervisor,

Tech News Satellite approved for GPS based navigation system NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, has given consent to develop a satellite which would be a step in order to build up GPS based navigation system for the Indian subcontinent. GSAT-10 is a communication spacecraft that would be developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to be launched in next three years. The Cabinet has provided an amount of around Rs 735 crore with a foreign exchange component of Rs 634 crore for the development of the satellite. The GSAT10 satellite will have 12 high power Ku-band transponders, 12 C-band and 12 extended C-band India coverage transponders.-Agencies

Four companies in fray for Aircel's tower business


S-based American Tower Corporation (ATC), Crown Castle International, Bharti Infratel and the Tata-Quippo combine are the four companies short listed by Aircel to buy its tower business in India in a deal worth over $1.5-2 bn. Other players who missed out in this deal are Reliance Telecom Infrastructure (RTIL), the tower arm of Reliance Communications, and GTL, the country's largest standalone tower company. Malaysian telco Maxis Communications, which has a majority stake in Aircel, had appointed Standard Chartered, Nomura and Rothschild as investment bankers to sell a majority stake in its business unit with 12,000-plus towers.-Agencies

IBM to venture into high-end analytics market


BM is in the look out to trans form itself from pretenders to contenders in the high-end analytics and data mining business if its $1.2 billion deal to acquire SPSS Inc. closes as expected later this year. IBM in 2008 held a 0.5% share of the $1.5 billion worldwide advanced analytics market. Combined with SPSS, IBM would hold a 14.5% share of the market, trailing only SAS Institute Inc.'s 33% share. IBM said that the SPSS products will continue to be supported and enhanced as part of the IBM Information Management product line, but analysts noted that they will closely watch how IBM might otherwise use the acquired technology. -Agencies

TechBiz 20 India Post

August 21, 2009

Microsoft snaps up


icrosoft has snapped up the domain. It is possibly the most important tool it would have when it launches the latest version of its Office software suite. The acquisition is important because Microsoft's latest version of the Office suite will also be a web download. Good thinking, although we don't know how many millions changed hands between Microsoft and the original owner of the site. Earlier this year, Microsoft had announced that the next version of the Office software suite, which includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint, would also be available online, and not just in off-the-shelf CDs and DVDs. This move is also to counter the quiet, but revolutionary trend of all software being available directly off the Web. -Agencies

Leading experts discuss investment opportunities in India India Post News Service

NEW YORK: India-America Chamber of Commerce brought together an exceptional panel of leading experts to share an indepth analysis on "Opportunities and Challenges of Distressed Debt Investing in India" recently. The members of the Chamber and an exciting line-up of distressed debt investors gathered on July 23 in New York City and presented major evaluations on distressed debt investing in India, keeping the global economic meltdown in mind. This event helped the audience understand the challenges and options when investing in distressed debt in India. In his opening remarks, Rajiv Khanna, President of the Chamber pointed out that distressed debt investing has generally been far more lucrative in India than in

other parts of the world. Among the business leaders, government officials and media members who shared their views as panelists were Consul General Amb. Prabhu Dayal, Narendra Prasad, Chief Executive, Bank of India, U.S.A; Afsar Farman-

tive suggestions that came out of the panel discussion, but since the new government in India has not yet come up with a policy statement on distressed debt investing, he refrained from comments. Khanna explained the truly

Amb. Dayal applauded the work of the Chamber and expressed his readiness to convey to his government the constructive suggestions that came out of the panel discussion Farmaian, Managing Director , AIG Investments, Capital Recovery Group; and ?Mukul Pandya, Editor and Director, Knowledge@Wharton. Amb. Dayal applauded the work of the Chamber and expressed his readiness to convey to his government the construc-

revolutionary nature of the SARFAESI Act which allows banks and financial institutions to seize their collateral in an expeditious manner and the provisions relating to asset reconstruction companies. Narendra Prasad gave a very practical perspective of the nuts and bolts of distressed

debt in India which he acquired through his vast experience over many years in recovering distressed debt in India. Afsar Farman-Farmaian pointed out some of the challenges that existed under the SARFAESI Act for investors once they were treated as sponsors on acquiring 10% of an asset reconstruction company. The panel and the audience applauded the positive growth of the distressed debt industry in India, the government's practical and constructive approach to the same which has reduced the nonperforming loans of Indian banks from 20% to low single digits and expressed hope that the government will further liberalize the distressed debt sector to get rid of the few remaining impediments to increased foreign investment in the sector. Mukul Pandya moderated the panel.

An Ethical Hacker: Avinash Yalamanchili genius of online systems, Yalamanchili published a book titled 'Decoded Hacks', at age 19 (in 2007) and is currently writing another titled, 'Making of Hacking


NEW YORK: Twenty-two year old Avinash Yalamanchili calls himself an Ethical Hacker. And don't mistake his tribe to be of the odd conscientious ones among the seedier types who 'hack' into computers, steal passwords, commit identity theft or send those damn phishing emails. "There's a difference between hackers and crackers," explains the unassuming and portly geek from Andhra Pradesh, India. "We hackers are the good guys and the guys who crack codes and commit cyber crimes are the 'crackers'. Ethical hackers are the ones who counter the crackers in their criminal activities." Here in New York to participate in the sixth youth assembly at the United Nations, Yalamanchili was part of the Indian delegation, and as a nominee for a youth achievement award for his work through an NGO he represents. An Independent Security Consultant today, he is also the Admin

Avinash Yalamanchili with former Andhra CM Chandrababu Naidu

of National Anti-Hack Group (NAG) that works against the Crackers and unethical hackers for security purposes, and CEO of the Anti Hackers League (AHL). Yalamanchili has been part of many entrepreneurial ventures for capturing the market in training

and knowledge based solutions by conducting workshops and seminars; and has among his clientele corporate houses and the Andhra Pradesh government for whom he develops security software for their systems. Completely self taught in the

Here in New York to participate in the sixth youth assembly at the United Nations, Yalamanchili was part of the Indian delegation, and as a nominee for a youth achievement award for his work through an NGO he represents Tools' for anyone looking for a complete guidebook on how to protect oneself from online fraud. He has also designed the distance learning course on "Ethical Hacking", which have been appreciated by both students and professionals. Cont’d on page 21

TechBiz Post

August 21, 2009

India Post 21

An Ethical Hacker: Avinash Yalamanchili A small town kid from Warangal, Yalamanchili was fascinated by computers at the age 15. "I used to run off from school to this internet café near my house and spend all my school hours figuring out the internet," he says. "One day when I found that someone had tampered with my password I was intrigued when I learnt that it had been 'hacked.' I began surfing the net for all the information I could get on hacking and understanding how it is done and its uses and mainly misuses." Seeing his keen interest, his mother gifted him a PC when he was 18; and by age 20, he had established himself as an Ethical Hacker and a Computer Security Expert and by age 21, he released a Hackers Operating System called "JACLYN". Yalamanchili says that hacking isn't what it used to be in the days when networks were breached by young hackers sitting in their bedrooms late at night trying out their newly learned skills from a BBS board. "Today hacking is carried out by pre-programmed viruses that self propagate around the world and trying every computer port and over flow that will have them." The biggest internet related crimes that India faces, according to Yalamanchili are bogus lotteries and eve teasing. "People keep falling victim to fantastic winnings of huge sums of money through email from unknown sources that induce the potential victims to give their bank account details and other personal information," he explains. "The other problem is of people creating fake - often vulgar - profiles and posting compromising pictures of young girls on social networking sites like Orkut or Facebook." Yalamanchili says there are no identity theft cases in India since not many people still use credit cards or shop online,

and online banking is practically non-existent. However, the number of crackers resorting to these crimes victimizing Americans and other westerners is increasing manifold, he says. "Indians are emerging as second only to the Russians in cyber crime. We have some of the best hackers as well

Seeing his keen interest, his mother gifted him a PC when he was 18; and by age 20, he had established himself as an Ethical Hacker and a Computer Security Expert and by age 21, he released a Hackers Operating System called ‘JACLYN’ as trackers in the world today." Yalamanchili, who also works on projects for the Andhra Pradesh government on a contract basis, says his line of work is extremely useful in decoding terrorist communications. However, although India has some of the best minds in cracking extremely complex terrorist network codes, Yalamanchili says India lacks in the state of the

art technology to carry out such work. "The terrorists are far advanced in the use of technology and the Indian government agencies still have a long way to go to match them," he says. Today, Yalamanchili is featured regularly in the television and print media for his opinions on the latest virus outbreaks, hacker community trends and vulnerabilities. Although he loves his work passionately, Yalamanchili says it comes with life threatening risks. "I have to keep changing my phone number and passwords and other security codes on a regular basis because I am a prime target for the crackers whose work I counter," he says. "I get threatening calls all the time." With the world becoming increasingly smaller thanks to the internet, people are falling victim to cyber crimes being committed across continents. And since there is no avoiding technology in modern life, Yalamanchili advises computer and internet users to keep updating and arming themselves with the latest in cyber security. "My goal is to help keep my country secure and I am proud that I am able to do it in my own little way through my unique skills," he says.

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Health system merger could expand services

FARGO, ND: Executives planning a merger of the two largest health systems in the Dakotas say it could mean expanded medical services. Fargo's MeritCare and Sanford Health of Sioux Falls, S.D., hope to compete the merger by the end of the year. The combined network would serve about 2 million people in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa. MeritCare already has land south of Interstate 94, on Fargo's western edge, that has been in reserve for development. Emergency room services and the Roger Maris Cancer Center in Fargo are among its facilities needing more space. Executives are talking about starting work in five years on a new facility, at an estimated cost of around $300 million. -AP

NM Health Dept fighting obesity, diabetes SANTA FE, N.M.: The state Department of Health and the city of Santa Fe have begun an initiative to promote healthy lifestyles in the capital city and fight obesity and diabetes. The Prescription Trails Program wants to increase walking on suggested routes. Walking can lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancers and high blood pressure, and also can improve mood and sleep and help with weight loss. Health care providers will write tailored walking prescriptions based on a patient's physical condition to treat and prevent chronic conditions such as diabetes, depression and high blood pressure. -AP

Arkansas reports first confirmed swine flu death LITTLE ROCK, Ark.: Health officials are investigating how a 46year-old woman contracted swine flu and later died of the virus. Pulaski County Coroner Garland Camper said the woman was tested July 31 at an Arkansas hospital and was confirmed Aug. 3 to have swine flu. Camper said she is the state's first confirmed swine flu death. Camper wouldn't release the woman's name or the hospital where she died. Officials are investigating how the woman contracted the virus and whether she'd traveled internationally recently, Camper said. -AP

Health Science 22

India Post

Kansas officials prepare for intense flu season TOPEKA, Kan.: Health officials across Kansas expect this fall's flu season to be unusually intense. That's because they've been watching swine flu cases pop up for months. -AP

August 21, 2009

New discovery brings hope for treating lymphatic diseases India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Researchers in the laboratory of Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati at the University of Kentucky have discovered the first naturally occurring molecule that selectively blocks lymphatic vessel growth. They identified it as soluble VEGFR-2 that blocks lymphangiogenesis - the growth of lymphatics - but not blood vessel growth. The lymphatic vessel network is essential for transporting fluids, molecules, and immune cells. It is crucial for wound healing and immune defense. Disturbances in the lymphatics are involved in diseases as varied as lymphedema, transplant rejection, and tumor metastasis, which collectively affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide. This article, whose lead author is Dr. Romulo Albuquerque, currently a medical student in the UK College of Medicine, further showed that loss of soluble VEGFR-2 during development led

to the spontaneous invasion of lymphatic vessels, but not blood vessels, into the cornea, solving the long-standing mystery of why the cornea is normally devoid of lymphatics. Soluble VEGFR-2 was also required for normal development of lymphatics in the skin. Importantly, administration of soluble VEGFR-2 to mice following corneal transplantation

lymphangioma, which is estimated to affect 1 in 50 babies and for which there is no satisfactory medical treatment. Because this molecule spares blood vessels, it might offer a safer and more targeted treatment for this pediatric tumor. The potential benefit of modulating soluble VEGFR-2 in other diseases such lymphedema due to filariasis and or following

The lymphatic vessel network is essential for transporting fluids, molecules, and immune cells. It is crucial for wound healing and immune defense nearly eliminated graft rejection. This finding might also be applicable in kidney transplant rejection because it is known that lymphatic vessels are the culprit in the rejection of that organ as well. In addition, it challenges the prevailing dogma that abnormal blood vessels are responsible for transplant rejection. The Ambati group also studied a childhood tumor known as

surgery for breast cancer, as well as in tumor metastasis, are also under study. "This paper by Dr. Ambati and his coworkers represents another in a line of highly novel and important findings from their laboratory," said Patricia A. D'Amore, Professor of Ophthalmology and Pathology, Harvard Medical School and Senior Scientist at the Schepens Eye Research Institute.

Sclerosis association to hold walkathon India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Indian-Americans will join in the ALS Association's Walk to Defeat ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) disease in honor of physician late Dr. Ganesh P. Kumar, in Long Island on Sept 12. Dr Kumar was a popular and successful Indian-American physician of Long Island who died last year due to this dreaded disease. The walk begins at 9 am and ends 11 am at Eisenhower Park in Long Island and covers a distance of 3.1 miles. "The money we raise will help the association to lead the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS through a nationwide network of chapters, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships. The As-

sociation builds hope and enhances quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and a cure," said Priya, daughter of late Kumar. "We need your support, so please do anything you can; join

Dr Kumar was a popular and successful Indian-American physician of Long Island who died last year due to this dreaded disease my team, register as an individual or make a donation to the organization on my behalf. If a donation is not in your budget, your encouragement would be just as appreciated." This is an exciting opportunity to work together to support those affected by this disease, often re-

ferred to as Lou Gehrig's disease, and to spread awareness of the urgency to find treatments and a cure. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of an ALS patient averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. Every 90 minutes a person in this country is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person will lose the battle against this disease. ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries. Presently there is no known cause of the disease though support is bringing researchers closer to an answer. On an average, it costs $200,000 a year to provide the care ALS patients need.

"The report of the first endogenous inhibitor of lymphangiogenesis is an exciting development and holds great therapeutic promise for a number of pathologies in which lymphatic growth is a serious complication." This work was supported by research grants from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health and an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness. Ambati is also supported by a Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award and the Burroughs Wellcome Tran slational Research Clinical Scientist Award. Researchers in the Ambati lab are recognized leaders in the fight to find a cure for blindness due to age-related macular degeneration and corneal neovascularization. Their previous studies have been published in premier journals such as Nature, Nature Medicine and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Obama uses jobs report to press health care reform WASHINGTON: Using betterthan-expected jobs numbers to press his top domestic priority, President Barack Obama has argued that overhauling the nation's costly health care system is essential to the country's economic well-being. ``We've begun to put the brakes on this recession and ... the worst may be behind us,'' Obama proclaimed in his weekly radio and Internet address, citing a new Labor Department report that shows a dip in unemployment. ``But we must do more than rescue our economy from this immediate crisis; we must rebuild it stronger than before.'' He added: ``We must lay a new foundation for future growth and prosperity, and a key pillar of a new foundation is health insurance reform.'' -AP

August 21, 2009

Health Science Post

Climate change training program at Infosys India Post News Service

BANGALORE, India: The Climate Project - India (TCP-India) held their Environment Sustainability Leadership Program (ESLP) - a training program for civil society at Infosys, Bangalore on August 8. The program aims at equipping people with inspiring and comprehensive tools for spreading the critical message of climate change. Through inspired citizens they hope to create a well-informed society that can strive to effectively tackle these environmental issues. To date, Infosys has trained over 250 selected civil society leaders across India, including bankers, teachers, business executives, environmentalists, media planners, bureaucrats and others. The Climate Project was founded by Nobel Laureate Al Gore in order to spread awareness about the adverse effects of climate change. The Indian chapter was established in March 2008. TCP-India uses a variety of media to educate the public about climate change. It also works with businesses, NGOs and educational bodies to communicate solutions and strategies for sustainable development. The one-day interactive workshop is

To date, Infosys has trained over 250 selected civil society leaders across India, including bankers, teachers, business executives, environmentalists, media planners, bureaucrats and others split into two sessions. The first session explores the science and impacts of climate change, with particular focus on Indian impacts. The second session is led by experts in the various environmental fields and focuses on solutions. Upon completion of the training, those trained become a part of the TCP-India Environment Sustainable Leaders network, and in turn spread the message to help tackle the problems associated with climate change at an individual level. Infosys has recognized that climate change is a big challenge that the world is facing and that it is this generation's responsibility to ensure that the world moves along a path that addresses the challenges of climate change.

India Post


6 Kaminey - Kaminey

1 Dhan Ta Nan - Kaminey

7 Poorza Poorza - Life Partner

2 Khudaya Ve - Luck

8 Meethi Meethi Baatein

3 Twist - Love Aaj Kal

- Morning Walk

4 Dard-e-Tanhai - Jashnn

9 Bhai Re - Phir Kabhi

5 Morey Saiyan - Teree Sang


India Post

10 Chal Chal Chal Ke - Chal Chalein

August 21, 2009


aran alias Fardeen Khan in 'Life Partner' believes that love marriages are the way to go. After all, if you know each and everything about your partner before settling down, how could anything go wrong? Companionship, togetherness, love, marriage; the phrase 'Life Partner' has different connotations for different people. There is someone made for everyone. Karan and Sanjana (Genelia D'Souza) are madly in love. Marriage is the next step to cement their relationship. But is 'love marriage' the right way to be? Life Partner is about three protagonists struggling on the marital marathon but on different tracks - three good friends with three different approaches to life. Produced by noted director duo Abbas-Mustan, shot in plush South Africa, and directed by comedy king, Rumi Jafri, 'Life Partner' is a non-stop laugh riot with its heart in its place.

atrina Kaif is just unstoppable. After performing stupendously well in 'New York', she has become the most desirable actress in Bollywood and Yash Raj banner has taken the privilege of casting the serene beauty opposite Salman Khan's rival Shahrukh Khan. The film may be either directed by Aditya Chopra or Kabir Khan. Katrina once expressed her desire to act opposite Shahrukh Khan and now the time has come to fulfill her desire. According to a source, "Katrina definitely has it going for her. SRK, on the other hand, has remained in the safe zone - as far as heroines are concerned - for a long time. Be it Rani Mukerji or Preity Zinta, he has stuck to his regulars and has worked with them repeatedly. He needs to be a tad more adventurous about his co-stars, and that's where Katrina comes into the picture." Katrina will soon start the shooting of the untitled film after she finishes the patch work of Rajkumar Santoshi's 'Ajab Prem Ki Gazab Kahini' and Prakash Jha's 'Rajniti'.


ani Mukherjee is all set to be back with a bang. Her sizzling hot curves are making her fans go ga-ga over her up coming flick Dil Bole Hadippa. The actress has worked pretty hard for it, as she had to don a bikini. A source says, "In the title track Rani dons a look like that of Kareena in the song Chaliya, where you can see her wearing hot pants and a bikini top." "She has been gyming and has been following a proper diet to fit herself in those hot pants. Though her look in the film is very different from what we see in the song. Shahid and Rani are complementing each other, when it comes to the moves, as they have danced pretty well and their jodi is looking super fabulous in the film too " adds the source.


August 21, 2009


royal with a seething ego and flamboyant tempera-ment, Saif Ali Khan played a perfect rival to his lady Kareena's ex-beau Shahid. From calling fancy names to cussing, Saif rarely passed a chance to rebuke Shahid. But as the storm passed, and his film Love Aaj Kal raked in big moolah at the Box Office, Saif Ali Khan seems to have a change of heart, for the actor has extended an olive branch to his archenemy Shahid. Saif in a candid interview, confessed to his dark traits that made him sore towards Shahid. The dishy actor, who had initially lashed out at Shahid, is surprisingly all praise for Shahid now. And it's all owing to his newfound success coupled with strong support of his Lady Kareena. He said, "My film has already worked. I realize that in the past I might have made an irresponsible comment of having been offered a role in 'Kaminey'. But the fact is, I was not. Vishal (Bhardwaj) had just mentioned the film to me. I don`t want it to be a personal battle any longer.


ong legged actress Shilpa Shetty has again hit the headlines for being kissed in public and this time not on lips but on her rosy cheeks. The Sakhigopal temple is a prominent tourist destination in Puri district. The priest while blessing her, planted a kiss on her cheeks. He was so happy with the actress' visit to the temple that he could not hide his thrill and cast a kiss on Shilpa. The kiss by the priest sidelined all the reports of the police case against the actress for shooting illegally inside the temple premises with all equipments and hurting the sentiments of the locals by stepping into the temple with shoes on. However, Shilpa Shetty later lashed out at the report saying nothing of that sort happened.

India Post


26 India Post

August 21, 2009

August 21, 2009

India Post 27

28 India Post

August 21, 2009


August 21, 2009

India Post 29

30 India Post

August 21, 2009

JS BEDI India Post News Service

LONG BEACH: The 18th Miss Asia America was held here August 7. South African born Neresha Sukrim was crowned Miss India Globe at a glittering ceremony at the Long Beach Hilton. Amit Mehta got the Mr India Globe crown whilst the Mrs India Globe went to Pallavi Darne. It was a star studded event which brought together celebrities both from Hollywood and Bollywood. Hollywood celebs at the event were Kiely Williams of the Cheetah Girls, Marco Khan (10,000 BC), Celebrity trainer Rehan Jalili and Brad Listerman, Hollywood producer. From Bollywood it was Rahul Khanna. He came to represent his dad Vinod Khanna who was unable to make it due to a family emergency in India. Then there was Lara Dutta and Bollywood designer


India Post

August 21, 2009

Pria Kataria Puri. Making a brief appearance was Bollywood starlet Mallika Sherawat. Then there was also Bollywood producer Harry Baweja best known for movies like Love Story 2050.

Neresha Sukrim, 2nd from left, with runners up

It was Punjabi superstar and the queen of Punjabi cinema Kimmi Varma that stole the show. Starting in 1995 with "Nassebo" Kimmi has starred in blockbusters like 'Jee Ayan Nu" "Asan Nu Maan Wattana Da" "Mera Pind" and "Sat Sri Akal." Each movie was a blockbuster and Kimmi is an icon of the contemporary Punjabi woman. Her movie fans remember her best for her conservative but extremely elegant dresses which fitted in so well with the roles she has played. One guest, made a comparison between Kimmi and Mallika Sherawat and said, "I believe Kimmi is way bigger a star than

Winners of Mr India

Mallika. Kimmi is the top heroine of Punjabi cinema and all her movies have been super hits. In comparison Mallika is just another Bollywood floozy with little more than just trophy value at society

events. How many of Mallika's movie have been hits? Moreover she can never get the image or the respect from the audience that Kimmi enjoys," he added. Cont’d on page 32


India Post

August 21, 2009

Cont’d from page 31

At the pageant Kimmi mingled with the guests willingly posing for pictures and stopping to talk to her fans‌a far cry from a lot of Bollywood 'stars' that are in and out of Los Angeles year around. Kimmi is based in Los Angeles and is an accomplished designer

Neresha Sukrim fashion show titled Kashmir Ki Kali featuring designer Pria Kataria Puri's creations. Pria Kataria Puri is among the

is Miss India Globe

Awards were also given to Kimmi Verma, Kamlesh Chauhan, Lisa Ray, Harry Baweja and other celebrities. There was also a Bollywood dance performance by students of UC Irvine. The pageant ended after the fi-

Winners of Mrs India

who want to dress in Indian attire and has been very successful. She has had many fashion shows in New York and Las Vegas for the non Indian clients

Pria Kataria

and runs her own boutique on the West side. After the red carpet dinner was served, the program began with a

proponents of Indian 'Nouvelle Couture.' Her collections are available in India and some other countries. Pria runs her fashion business between offices in Kuwait and Mumbai. She also designs for Bollywood actors. Her collection featured attire ranging from the traditional to fusion. This was followed by yet another fashion show featuring the creations of So Cal's very own celebrity designer Rohini Bedi. Originally from Delhi, now residing in Costa Mesa, Rohini Bedi showed her latest collection. She has been designing and selling her label in many designer stores all over the world. Her structured saris, namely the Kali saris, which she designed 15 years back, are still being worn widely. She herself walked the red carpet wearing her own creation. Many of the contestants were dressed by her. She has expanded her clientele So Cal Celebrity Designer Rohini Bedi to non Indian women at the Red Carpet

Mallika Sherawat

and has totally charmed them into wearing the saris, lehengas and churidaars. Her collection at this show was called the Bold and the Beautiful; she strongly

supports Kamlesh's cause for Jagriti and empathizes with the victims of domestic violence. Mallika Sherawat came on stage and made a brief appearance where she spoke of her support to "Jagriti" and her support to the cause against domestic violence. The actual pageant started after the fashion show where the contestants set the ramp on fire. One by one they walked up the ramp in different outfits wowing the audience and judges alike. The talent segment saw Sonam Bhatt and Ajay Lal give a breathtaking display of martial arts, smashing bricks and planks like they were twigs. Dianna Pinto did a very graceful Maharashtrian dance whereas Tarranum Bhatti danced to "Daffli Wale" from the movie "Sargam.' There was an audio visual on Bollywood legend Vinod Khanna who was given Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr Pravin Syal introduced Rahul Khanna who received the on behalf of his father.

Punjabi Superstar Kimmi Verma with Raj Nangia of TV Asia

nal stages of the competition and the crowning of the winners in their individual categories. The event was emceed by Revi Chohaan the director of Mr. & Miss India Globe pageant and also Jinnder's sister and presented by Presenters of the pageant: South Asia Magazine, Sahara One TV, Dr. Darshan Shah of Beautologie Malibu and The show will be aired on Sahara One TV, which reaches over 25 countries.

Davneet Kaur Wadhwa

August 21, 2009

India Post


Sonu Nigam wins Chicagoan hearts

Sonu Nigam


CHICAGO: "What a versatile singer Sonu Nigam is," exclaimed a physician from Oakbrook, a frequent attendee to a number of shows of Indian artists. "He could sing and dance Michael Jackson way and in the next could easily switch to a classical rendering of

Hard Kaur

legendary Mohammad Rafi." He was not alone in admiring a well attended Sonu NigamSunidhi Chuhan- Hard Kaur musical concert held at Rosemont Convention Center recently. The organizers were famed foursome - Babu Patel, Nick Patel, Bhavesh Patel and Mayur Patel who have been instrumental in bringing top notch Bollywood artists to Chicago for the past two decades and more. Sonu Nigam was accompanied by upcoming female singer Sunidhi Chauhan who also turned out to be a big rage with the audience, and the rising rapper from India- Hard Kaur. Of course, there were others too - the orchestra and dancers. There was not a single dull moment during near three and half hours of concert at Rosemont Horizon and the crowd numbering around 4000 was fully appreciative of the fine rendering of one after other songs from Sonu, Sunidhi and Hard Kaur. Hard Kaur was especially popular with the younger generation. As a tribute to King of Pop Michael Jackson, Sonu not only sang his favorite Billie Jeans but also emulated his moon walking that Michael was associated with while singing. Immediately after that he switched over to a classi-

Sonu Nigam (center) with Promoters (L to R) Babu Patel, Nick Patel, Mayur Patel and Bhavesh Patel

cal song rendered by Mohammad Rafi from the hit Indian movie Baiju Bawra. Sonu came up with popular numbers like Phir milenge, Chalte chalte, Nagada nagada, Sathiya, Mein agar kahoon, Tanhaiya and others. He picked up oldies sung by other singers and he showed

with Master Sonu. She was a rage with all- young and old. Her number like Kaisa Jadoo, Beedi jaliale, Aashiqui Meri and Desi Girl were received extremely well. Hard Kaur, a rapper and dancer was full of energy and she quickly established rapport with the audience. The Sonu Nigam-Sunidhi

Sonu Nigam was accompanied by upcoming female singer Sunidhi Chauhan who also turned out to be a big rage with the audience, and the rising rapper from India- Hard Kaur his class there also. He proved that he is a master in his own way and a great crowd entertainer. Sunidhi Chauhan was an instant success with the audience. She has an ear pleasing and sonorous voice and she matched strides

Chauhan and Hard Kaur concert was organized by Sahil Exclusive and LA Tan. This could be deemed to be yet another hit presentation from the foursome promoters and as Bhavesh Patel put it, "Await more is coming."

Sunidhi Chauhan


alampur is a fascinating spot in the Kangra Valley, surrounded on all sides by tea gardens and pine forests. The place enjoys a healthy climate and the pine scented air is said to have curative properties. The scenery presents a sublime and beautiful contrastthe plain presents a picture of rural loveliness and repose, while the hills are majestic. Behind this town stands high ranges of Dhauladhar mountains, whose tops remain covered for most part of the year. This place is being developed as large tourist centre. An Agricultural University is already functioning and some tea factories are also coming up. There are also some pleasant walks around the town. A short walk from here takes one to the awe inspiring Bundla chasm which falls over a 100mts to the Bundla stream. The stream is a thin streak running over stony ground far below the cliff. During the monsoon seasons, it swells and rages madly over the entire width of the chasm taking stones and boulders along with it and makes loud roaring noise like thunder. Palampur houses two very important institutions - Agriculture University and CSIR Complex. Famous Places Bir and Beelling: ( 35 km. from town.) This village is famous for its Buddhist monasteries. Hang gliding pilots use it as their landing site. Bir, surrounded by tea gardens and an amphitheater of low hills, is an ideal landing around for para-gliders. Bir has Buddhist Monasteries that are worth visiting. Fine Tibetan handi craft are also produced here. Billing, up in the hills 14 kms. from Bir with an arena of 200 kms. for high altitude and

34 India Post

cross country flying, is one of the best aerosports sites in the country. Baijnath: ( 16 km. from town.) The Shiva temple at Baijnath is one of the most remarkable monuments of the Kangra valley. Ancient name of this town was ‘Kirgrama’. Baijnath got its name from Shiva Vaidyanatha. The temple consists of an ‘Adytum’ surrounded by a spire of the usual conical shape with a ‘Mandap’ covered with a low pyramid shaped roof. The ‘Adytum’ contains the Lingam. There is fine sculpture work to be associated with Ravana, who worshipped Shiva at this spot and gained immortality. Baijnath is one of the ‘Twelve Jyotirlingams’. Shivratri of Baijnath is a well attended fair. Cont’d on page 37

The scenery presents a sublime and beautiful contrast- the plain presents a picture of rural loveliness and repose, while the hills are majestic

August 21, 2009

Travel & Hospitality Post

August 21, 2009

Etihad offers special discount for India, Pak India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, is offering a special discount on fares from the US to India and Pakistan, as the two countries celebrate their independence days this month. Etihad is offering $50 off on any adult roundtrip fare from the US to any city it serves in India or Pakistan, and $25 off on any child's roundtrip fare. Purchase and ticketing must take place between August 17 and August 21 from Etihad or a travel agent. The offer is not available on the Etihad web site ( Other conditions and restrictions

apply. Etihad recently announced it

Etihad is offering $50 off on any adult roundtrip fare from the US to any city it serves in India or Pakistan, and $25 off on any child's roundtrip fare will begin service four days a week to Hyderabad on November 1. It

currently operates 38 flights a week from Abu Dhabi to India, to Mumbai, New Delhi, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), Kochi (Cochin) and Kozhikode (Calicut) as well as Chennai (Madras). Etihad serves four cities in Pakistan from Abu Dhabi: Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar. Etihad serves 55 destinations in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America, where it operates daily to New York and three times a week to Toronto. On September 2, Etihad will begin non-stop service between Chicago and Abu Dhabi, with convenient connections to points beyond, including India and Pakistan.

Tap tourism potential: CAG to Sikkim GANGTOK: Describing Sikkim as a veritable paradise and a tourist destination for all seasons, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has asked the state government to formulate a tourism policy and a comprehensive plan for development of the sector. "The state government should formulate its tourism policy on the lines of the national policy outlining a comprehensive action plan for better connectivity and infrastructural facilities," CAG said in its audit report for year 2007-08. The state tourism policy should

also focus on marketing strategy and publicize various explored sectors

The state tourism policy should also focus on marketing strategy and publicize various explored sectors of tourism of tourism like eco tourism, adventure tourism, health tourism, besides its rich socio-religious and cultural

facets like Buddhist monasteries and stupas which have been the centers of ancient religious rituals and practices, the report said. Buddhist monasteries and stupas may be developed as tourist destinations under religious tourism circuit in combination with Nepal, Bhutan and parts of West Bengal, it said, adding that the state government should also tap the surroundings around Mount Khanchendzong. The state should accord utmost priority with adequate budgetary support to the development of flora and fauna of Sikkim for promotion of health/nature tourism, it said. -PTI

India Post



Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post

August 21, 2009

Light-and-sound show near Qutub Minar

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NEW DELHI: Visitors to the Qutub Minar and other monuments in south Delhi's Mehrauli area will soon be treated to a lightand-sound show. The Delhi Development Authority and the Indian Tourism Development Corporation will sign a Memorandum of Understanding under which shows will be held as part of efforts to showcase Delhi's rich heritage during next year's Commonwealth Games. DDA has identified a land near the majestic Qutub Minar, a world heritage site which is visited by at least 10,000 tourists a day, to hold such shows. Scripted sound and light shows include narratives that help recre-

ate the history of the particular monument.

ITDC was keen on holding the show in Mehrauli as it is home to a number of littleknown monuments and mosques. The move is also aimed at attracting more Officials said the light-andsound show in Mehrauli will be

independent of the Archaeological Survey of India, the statutory body responsible for the conservation of protected monuments. Sources in the DDA said the terms and conditions of the MoU are still being worked out and the show will commence only after getting due clearance from authorities concerned including ASI. The show is expected to be launched well before the Games. ITDC was keen on holding the show in Mehrauli as it is home to a number of little-known monuments and mosques. The move is also aimed at attracting more number of tourists to the national capital during the sporting extravaganza. -PTI

Better facilities for tourists during C’wealth Game: Selja GURGAON: Union Tourism Minister Kumari Selja has said that as part of preparations for Commonwealth Games, the Centre in collaboration with private sector, is training man power and improving facilities for participants and tourists. Drivers, conductors and other service providers were being taught manners and English speaking skilled enhanced as part of preparations for Commonwealth Games scheduled to be held in October next year in Delhi.

Union Tourism Minister Kumari Selja

The union minister was chief guest at a workshop held at Haryana Institute of Public Administration here. She said that service providers such as drivers and conductors, who are the first to interact with the tourists, were being trained to behave properly and show courtesy. "They would be the real ambassadors for building good image of India among foreigners. For this, they are given lessons in English speaking with CDs to practice at their homes," she said. -PTI

Master plan for boosting tourism in Shimla: CM SHIMLA: In a bid to give further boost to tourism in the hill state and attract both domestic and foreign tourists, the Himachal Pradesh government is preparing a long term master tourism plan for Shimla and other parts of the state, Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal told the state assembly. Spots like the Mall Road, Rani Jhansi Park, Jakhu Temple, US club, Lakkar Bazar, Glain and Chadvik Fall have been identified in the queen of hills for further development from tourism point of view, Dhumal who also holds the tourism portfolio, said in reply to a question of BJP's Suresh Bhardawaj. Blessed with nature, HP has been a favorite destination for tourists, both domestic and foreign, he said adding that state government intends to further add facilities at these spots in the capital town to lure more visitors. -PTI

Travel & Hospitality Post

August 21, 2009

India Post


Palampur: Healthy climate and pine scented air Cont’d from page 34

Neugal Khad: ( 2 km. from town.) Neugal Khad provides a fine view of the Dhauladhar range. It is roaring in the rainy season and gurgling all the year round. Himachal Tourism cafe provides food and a fine view from its restaurant. It is a famous picnic spot and ideal for a day escape from busy life. Bundla Stream: ( 2 km. from town) Bundla stream with wide chasm of more than 100 metres, swells up and rises madly in monsoons taking stones and boulders along with it making a loud noise like that of continuous thunder. This is a lovely walk from Palampur to Budla. Andreta: ( 13 km. from town ) It is the home of the famous artist, late Sardar Shobha Singh and late playwrite Norah Richards. This presents an excellent view of the Dhauladhar Range. Shobha Singh’s Art Gallery: It is situated in Andhretta which is 13 km. from town. Tourism in Palmapur offers breath taking view of Dhauladhar Mountain Range, world famous

View of Dhauladhar Mountains from Palampur

para gliding areas, easy access to snow line, old temples, world famous artist Shobha Singh’s Art Gallery, very fine weather, tea gardens, a trek to budla stream which falls from 100 meters height. Palampur is a rapidly developing city of Himachal. The best thing about Palampur is that it always feels like home town whenever you visit here. The whole atmosphere is so pleasant that tourists enjoy it without knowing it. Tourism in Palampur is reccomended for honeymoon, summer holidays and winter sports activities. The upper areas of Palampur experience heavy snowfall and

The best thing about Palampur is that it always feels like home town whenever you visit here. Tourism in Palampur is reccomended for honeymoon, summer holidays and winter sports activities thereby provide plenty of opportunity for tourists to indulge in

Roadshows in Scandinavian countries this month NEW DELHI: With a view to attracting more tourists, government has called upon the stakeholders of tourism to reach out to new and potential source markets. "While continuing the thrust in our traditional source markets, it is also necessary to reach out to new and potential source markets to broad base our visitor profile and augment tourist arrival from all countries, Tourism minister Kumari Selja said while inaugurating the overseas marketing meet here. "We should target all those countries from where the growth in tourist arrivals has been encouraging," she added. As an initiative in this direction, tourism ministry in collaboration with Pacific Asia Travel As-

sociation (PATA) India Chapter will be organizing a series of road shows in Scandinavian countries covering Finland, Stockholm and Norway this month. Emphasizing on capacity building for all professionals in the tourism industry, she said there is need for professional training program for officials involved in the sector to give it a new dimension. There will be a three-day training program for 20 tourism ministry officials involved in 14 overseas marketing offices across the globe. "The training will be conducted by IIT, Delhi and I am sure it will be a very beneficial in giving a new perspective on promotion and marketing to our officers," she said. -PTI

Rail passengers to enjoy HPMC packaged juice SHIMLA: Rail passengers may soon be able to enjoy apple and other juices produced in Himachal Pradesh with the HP Marketing Corporation tying up with the Railways for supply of packaged juices in important trains, including Shatabdis. "An understanding has been reached to this effect during a recent meeting with Managing Director of Indian Rail Catering and Tourism Corporation Rajesh Tandon," state Horticulture Minister Narendra

Bragta, who met Tandon on the issue in the national capital, told reporters here. The packaged juices would be made available in selected trains initially and would later be expanded to other trains, he said. Bragta said that the HPMC had its network throughout the country, including stalls at all important railways stations. The minister said efforts were also on to supply packaged juices to the army also. -PTI

winter sports. Another noted aspect of Palampur is that it does not fall in the interior Himachal to enjoy the beauty of nature. It is very easily accessible for tourism related activities. It has fine hotels to stay. Tourism in Palampur also offers fine tea gardens where you can lay down and relax for hours. General Information Altitude: 1,219 meters. Headquarter: Dharamshala ( Headquarter of district Kangra ) Location: In district Kangra, 40 km. from Kangra town on National Highway No. 20 Access by Air: Nearest airport is Gaggal airport located 50 km. from Palampur.

Access by Rail: Nearest broad gauge railhead is Pathankot 95 km from Kangra. A narrow gauge railway line between Pathankot and Jogindernagar passes through Kangra. Nearest railhead is at a distance of 5 km. from town. Access by Road: Almost each and every part of the state is linked by roads. The Himachal Road Transport Corporation is running its buses covering the whole state. There is huge network of HRTC to cater the needs of the people. Distances: Dharamshala 35 km., Kangra 40 km., Baijnath 16 km., Jogindernagar 40 km., Pathankot 124 km., Dalhousie 176 km., Shimla 235 km.


August 21, 2009

India Post

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In Brief Illegal immigrants spend millions extra on tuition PHOENIX: It's been two years since Arizona voters passed a law denying in-state college tuition and other benefits to illegal immigrants. But Arizona schools are profiting because thousands of students are paying nonresident tuition so they can attend college anyway. Reports to the state legislature show that more than 3,400 community college students and 300 university students are paying extra tuition because they can't prove they're in the country legally. Supporters of the law say the state is saving money that can be used to fund programs for residents.But opponents say thousands of bright young people who can't afford out-of-state tuition are being denied the opportunity to get an education and contribute to society. -AP

Feds to keep better conditions at Texas facility WASHINGTON: Immigration and Customs Enforcement have agreed to continue improvements to a central Texas detention center until all immigrant families held there have left. The agreement reached with the American Civil Liberties Union continues requirements of the settlement of a 2007 lawsuit over conditions at T. Don Hutto Family Detention Center in Taylor, Texas. The suit filed on behalf of 26 children, most whose families were seeking asylum in the US, led to such things as more education and outdoor time. -AP

Doughnut firm sentenced in immigration case HOUSTON: A federal judge has ordered stiff sanctions against a Houston-based doughnut maker for harboring illegal immigrants. US District Judge Ewing Werlein Jr. sentenced Shipley DoNut Flour and Supply Co. to pay a criminal fine of $250,000 and forfeit $1.3 million to federal immigration officials. According to a statement from the US attorney's office in Houston, Werlein also placed Shipley under court supervision for three years. The company pleaded guilty, through its president Lawrence Shipley III, to conspiring to harbor illegal immigrants in September 2008. Three former and current Shipley plant managers also pleaded guilty to hiring or continuing to hire illegal immigrants. -AP

Immigration 40

India Post

August 21, 2009

Taser policy may stun immigration deal for sheriff GREENSBORO, N.C.: A federal policy that prohibits the use of stun guns on immigration detainees may disrupt a deal that would allow a North Carolina sheriff's department access to immigration databases. -AP

Vanita Gupta leads case for closure of detention center India Post News Service

NEW YORK: It was a welcome development for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) when the Obama Administration recently announced the closure of the T. Don Hutto family detention center in Taylor, Texas, along with its intentions to improve the nation's immigration detention system. The development comes as sweet victory to Indian American attorney and legal activist Vanita Gupta, staff attorney with the Racial Justice Program of the ACLU, who had led the lawsuit against the Hutto center two years ago. Gupta's suit against the Hutto center was filed in 2007 on behalf of 26 immigrant children charging that the children were being illegally imprisoned in inhumane conditions while their parents awaited immigration decisions. "No young child should ever be forced to spend time in an adult prison," said Gupta in an ACLU statement. "We commend the government for closing Hutto as an important first step toward ensuring the implementation of more humane detention

policies. The problems that have plagued Hutto demonstrate the necessity of meaningful reform." The ACLU, however, stated that the government's announcement failed to address a number of critical holes in the current system, including a lack of enforceable basic conditions standards, due process to ensure people are not unnecessarily detained, espe-

the immigration detention system, DHS must issue legally binding and enforceable detention standards, which DHS has refused to do for years, and must provide basic due process to ensure that individuals including US citizens - are not being inappropriately locked up, often for prolonged periods of time." The ACLU has called for the overhaul of the massive immigra-

According to the new announcement, plans are in the works to consolidate many detainees in facilities with conditions that reflect their status as non-criminals Vanita Gupta

cially for prolonged periods of time, and alternatives to detention. "Ending family detention at Hutto is extremely welcome and long overdue, and the American Civil Liberties Union looks forward to working with DHS to revamp the broken immigration detention system," said Joanne Lin, Legislative Counsel with the ACLU. "However, in order to effectuate meaningful reform of

tion detention system, which has produced over 90 detainee deaths since 2003. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) locks up in prisons and jails about 32,000 civil immigration detainees each day who are pursuing their immigration cases in the courts. Across the country, treatment of immigration detainees has been poor and inhumane, with many

being denied critical medical care. Since DHS has not acted, Congress must now pass the "Safe Treatment, Avoiding Needless Deaths, and Abuse Reduction in the Detention System Act," which would aim to prevent deaths of immigration detainees by requiring DHS to issue detention regulations that are legally binding and enforceable, the ACLU statement says. According to the new announcement, plans are in the works to consolidate many detainees in facilities with conditions that reflect their status as non-criminals, establish more centralized authority over the system and create more direct oversight of detention centers. A settlement agreement which required Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to make a number of significant improvements to the conditions inside the facility and subjected ICE to external oversight is set to expire on August 29. ACLU attorneys are in discussions with government lawyers to extend the agreement until the last family has been released from Hutto, which is expected to be no later than the end of the year.

August 2009 immigration update - Part I CYRUS D. MEHTA

China, India EB-2 Priority Dates Progress in August; DOS Determines FY 2009 Limits he State Department's Visa Bulletin for August 2009 shows an October 1, 2003, cut-off date for both the China-mainland born and India EB-2 categories, which is close to a four-year jump from last month's cut-off date. The third preference and "other workers" employmentbased categories are Unavailable; all other categories are Current. EB-3 visa numbers worldwide and for India, China, and Mexico are expected to remain unavailable for the remainder of this fiscal year at least. The EB3 category for India could remain unavailable indefinitely. This follows on the heels of


news last month that the India and China EB-2 categories could become unavailable in August or September and remain unavailable indefinitely. The Department had explained that there is a backlog of at least 25,000 India EB-2 cases

heavy applicant demand for numbers in the employment-based fourth preference is likely to require the establishment of a cut-off date, or the preference becoming "Unavailable," for September. The category can be expected to return to

Charles Oppenheim of the Department of State's Visa Office reportedly stated that without legislative relief, the waiting time for Indian EB-2 applicants might be measured in years, even decades. awaiting visa numbers. Charles Oppenheim of the Department of State's Visa Office reportedly stated that without legislative relief, the waiting time for Indian EB2 applicants might be measured in years, even decades. The Department also noted in the August Visa Bulletin that

a "Current" status for October, the first month of the new fiscal year. Meanwhile, the Department of State has determined the family and employment preference numerical limits for FY 2009. The worldwide employment-based preference limit is 140,000. The per-country limit is fixed at

7 percent of the family and employment annual limits. For FY 2009, the per-country limit is 25,620. The dependent area annual limit is 2 percent, or 7,320. The August Visa Bulletin is available at http:// DOS Releases DV-2010 Lottery Results The Kentucky Consular Center has registered and notified the winners of the DV-2010 diversity visa lottery. Applicants registered for the DV-2010 program were selected at random from over 13.6 million qualified entries received during the 60-day application period that ran from October 2, 2008, until December 1, 2008. Cont’d on page 42

Immigration Post

August 21, 2009

India Post


Petitions for US worker green cards down sharply dinary abilities, such as those of musicians or pro athletes. In fiscal year 2007, the latest year for which the statistics were available, most applicants came from India, Mexico, the Philippines, China and Korea, according to the Department of Labor. ``We want people to come to our country who are the best,'' Barrows said.

To bring in a foreign worker, employers must prove that they couldn't find a staffer in the US Many economic sectors hardest hit in the economic downturn are among those that attracted the largest numbers of foreign workers, including the hospitality and financial industries. And some businesses still hiring are getting more applications from Americans, making it less likely the Labor Department will let them import foreign workers to fill

positions, said Kathleen Campbell Walker, an El Paso attorney who specializes in immigration employment law and former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Horacio Alday, 34, said a Houston firm where he worked as an auditor recently told him and the rest of its temporary foreign workers it would not be sponsoring them for green cards because of the economy. ``Because of the situation and ... people out there looking for job, they're not willing to sponsor you,'' said Alday, who is Guatemalan. ``They don't need to, I guess.'' One unforeseen benefit of the drop in applications is that Citizenship and Immigration Services has been able to work through a large backlog that had led to wait times of 15 months or more in some cases. With a lighter work load and a larger staff in place, the approval process now takes less than six months on average from start to finish, Barrows said. -AP

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DALLAS: The number of petitions from employers trying to bring foreigners to work permanently in the U.S. has declined dramatically over the last two years, an Associated Press review of government data has found. With the nation facing a deep recession and high unemployment, the government has received about half the number of employer-sponsored applications for work-based green cards in fiscal years 2008 and 2009 than it did in each of the previous years. There were almost 235,000 applications submitted in fiscal 2007, almost 104,000 the following year, and fewer than 36,000 through the first eight months of fiscal 2009, according to data obtained by the AP. In addition to the weak job market, long waits for immigrant visa availability, deep job cuts in sectors that have traditionally lured large numbers of applicants and more competition from American job seekers have led to the sharp decline, experts say. ``It mirrors the recession. Employers aren't hiring as much,'' said Kristi Barrows, deputy director of the Texas Service Center. At the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' Texas Service Center in Dallas, would-be immigrant workers once waited a year or longer for a decision. Now, with the drop in applications and addition of staff, the Texas center has trimmed the average wait for those petitions and the others it processes to about five months, a marked improvement that's still a month shy of the agency's target timeframe. The Texas processing center and one in Lincoln, Neb., handle the nation's foreign worker applications for permanent residence, known as green cards. To bring in a foreign worker, employers must prove that they couldn't find a staffer in the U.S. who met the minimum requirements for the job, that they're financially healthy and that they will pay the prevailing wage. The potential worker must have specialized skills, be able to fill a job Americans aren't or have extraor-


India Post

Immigration Post

August 21, 2009

2 charged in alleged NYC Chinese immigrant scam NEW YORK: Manhattan prosecutors have arrests of a man and woman who they said preyed on vulnerable Chinese immigrants by falsely promising to get them expedited green cards and other documents. District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said the defendants claimed to run an immigration law office in Chinatown but in fact ``were not organized to do any legitimate business. ... They were out there to steal from immigrants.'' The defendants were identified as 50-year-old Tong Hui You, also known as Kevin You, and 36-yearold Xiao Ling Chen, also known as Linda Chen. Prosecutors said You represented himself as a lawyer but neither he nor Chen is in an attorney. The pair were indicted on charges including grand larceny,

scheming to defraud and violating New York City's Immigration Assistance Services Law. They were expected to be arraigned in Manhattan criminal court. Prosecutors said a complainant whom they did not iden-

Prosecutors said You represented himself as a lawyer but neither he nor Chen is in an attorney tify paid the pair $4,840, supposedly so that his family members in China would be allowed to immigrate to the United States and family members in the U.S. would receive green cards. You falsely claimed he had special connections to the U.S. Em-

bassy in China and to immigration authorities, Morgenthau said. Assistant District Attorney Mark Dwyer said a safe was found during a search of their offices and authorities hope to recover some of the victims' money. Prosecutors said You and Chen targeted immigrants from Fujian in Southeast China, who are especially vulnerable to scams because they are recent arrivals and they are poor. Morgenthau urged scam victims to come forward regardless of their immigration status, promising not to turn them over to the federal immigration authorities. Eddie Chiu, president of the Lin Sing Association, a 109-year-old organization that promotes the betterment of Manhattan's Chinatown, said he has received hundreds of complaints about Da Bure Immigration Consultation. -AP

August 2009 immigration update - Part I Cont’d from page 40

The visas have been apportioned among six geographic regions with a maximum of seven percent available to persons born in any single country. During the visa interview, principal applicants must provide proof of a high school education or its equivalent, or show two years of work experience in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience within the past five years. Only participants in the DV-2010 program who were selected for further processing have been notified; those who have not received notification were not selected. The dates for the registration period for the DV-2011 lottery program will be

announced in August 2009. The highest number for any single country went to Nigeria, at 6,006. The country-by-country breakdown of DV-2010 registrations appears at http:// bulletin_4539.html. Ninth Circuit Rules that Revocation of I-140 Trumps Portability A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) may revoke its previous approval of a visa petition at any time for "good and sufficient cause." In Herrera v. USCIS, the court found that the plaintiff's changing jobs ("portability") did not shield her

from revocation of her previously approved I-140 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, which USCIS had concluded was justified because of the company's small size (seven employees) and the agency's conclusion that the plaintiff did not perform managerial or executive duties. For more on this case and its implications, see "Ninth Circuit in Herrera v. USCIS Rules That Revocation of I-140 Petition Trumps Portability," available at px?SubIdx=ocyrus200979113434. (To be continued) * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

Immigration Post

August 21, 2009

India Post


WA farmers preparing for strict immigration rules SEATTLE: Farmers in Washington are taking part in special training sessions in preparation for immigration investigations that the Obama Administration says will audit employers suspected of hiring undocumented workers, hoping to avoid the heat of the crackdown. The training sessions, hosted by the Washington State Farm Bureau, will focus on the filing of I-9 forms, the employment eligibility documents that employers fill out for all workers, citizens or not. In July, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement began notifying hundreds of businesses around the country of plans to audit I-9 forms. That hits close to farmers. The labor work force they hire from is often made up of migrants who are illegally in the country. The training sessions aim at

explaining the steps farmers need to take to file and retain the I-9 forms correctly to form a good defense against any charges of hiring unauthorized workers, and steps to prepare in the case for an ICE investigation, said Dan Fazio, director of employer services for the Washington Farm Bureau. Last month, the Homeland Security Department began serving ``Notices of Inspection'' to 652 businesses around the country, including 26 in the Pacific Northwest. The department said it would not release the names or locations of the businesses that are being audited because of the ongoing investigations. At least one member of the farm bureau in Washington received a notice of an audit this past month, Fazio said. ``We have to respond, it's that simple,'' Fazio said. Farmers ``are

very scared. The reason they're scared is because they know that if you're a small employee the government can come in and shut you down, just by an allegation.'' To Fazio, farmers comply with the law and make the checks required by the government.

The labor work force they hire from is often made up of migrants who are illegally in the country Under the I-9 rules, Fazio said, a worker attests that he or she is authorized to work in the country. Concurrently, the employer attests they saw the document and appears legal on its face.

Fazio said farmers can't deny employment to person if they think the person is illegally in the country because of discrimination laws. Farmers also say they run into obstacles in hiring practices, including working with a seasonal labor force that may number in the hundreds. Also, the Department of Homeland Security introduced changes to the I-9 form earlier this year. Two training sessions in Western Washington have already been held and one is scheduled next week in Wenatchee. That session will be broadcast on video link to several cities in the state, including Yakima, Pasco, Moses Lake and Olympia. The session's more than 200 spots sold out. Anne Marie Moss, spokeswoman for the Oregon Farm Bureau, said they are planning on holding their own training sessions in the fall, also prompted by

the Obama Administration's announcement. ``That was the reason we started to promote it in the first place, and prompted us to put something in the news letter,'' Moss said. Ron Gaskill, labor specialist at American Farm Bureau, a farming lobby group in Washington, D.C., said there aren't any national efforts to train farmers on the I-9 forms. Those choices fall on each state's farm bureaus, but he said it would be a smart move on their part, especially after the announced crackdown. The 652 businesses being audited for inspections were based on leads and other investigative work, ICE said. Employers are required to keep the I-9 forms and must check the authenticity of documents provided by the employee. -AP

In Grant County, gang problems arise EPHRATA, Wash.: More than 10 years ago, ``Maniac'' moved to Central Washington to escape a Los Angeles street gang. An illegal immigrant from Tijuana, Mexico, Maniac - who refused to provide his real name for this story - sought refuge in Grant County, a largely rural and agricultural area where his grandfather was already working in the fields. His plan was to join his family picking apples, grapes, cherries or the other staple crops grown in Washington's fourth-largest county, geographically. Instead, the 35-year-old was drawn back into a life of violence, drugs, guns and other gang-related activities. Now he's one of

40 known gang members locked up in the Grant County Jail in Ephrata - occupying about half of the available beds. Maniac's story is not uncommon in Grant County, where only five of a dozen sheriff's deputies patrol 2,700 square miles each day. Individual cities have their own police departments, but they are short on manpower, adding to the problem. According to officials, in the past six years the expanse of the county has made it a ``quasi-safe haven'' for between 20 and 25 Latino gangs that identify with either the Norteno or Sureno brands. Officials have documented 350 known gang members, and as many as 200 more gang associates.

``That's a low estimate,'' said Grant County Undersheriff John Turley, who said the spike in gang activity is the largest he's seen in a decade. ``Our intelligence tells us there has been a big push by California prison gangs to bolster their population.'' Since January, officials have investigated five gang-related homicides - twice as many deaths as the county typically investigates in a year. At the same time, there have been more than 30 gang-related drive-by shootings. The Sheriff's Office recently received a $250,000 federal grant to hire two gang officers to assist with intelligence-gathering and community prevention. -PTI


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44 India Post

August 21, 2009


August 21, 2009

India Post


ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 Mars in third will help you take some courageous decisions. You will put the worries aside and try to enjoy life. Journey will be good and reenergize every body. There will be many positive and interesting developments in career. Reply will finally come and you will have the opportunity to present your case. Bank balance will grow.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22 You will come out clean out of a very tricky situation. Mercury in second will give you many opportunities to make quick bucks. Some one you knew intimately in the past will make a comeback in your life. Property deal will also close. You will gain more popularity in social circle and will be surrounded by admirers at the party.


August 21 to August 27

Nov 23-Dec 22 Money will just keep slipping out of your hands. You may make up your mind and let the project go in order to cut losses. Avoid any discord with spouse. Some uncertainty will clear at work and you will feel relieved. Planets favor those who have been out of job for a while. You may take a short trip with family to a nice place.

NEWS at your doorstep

TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 You could be charging heavily on cards. Some of you will finally succeed in obtaining a big loan also. People you are working with, will not meet expectation, but have patience with them. You will be spending some quality time with children and help them buy stuff for school. There will be slight change in your earlier travel plan.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 You will be too excited with the changes taking place at fast speed. Any error made in a hurry will cost you dearly, so go through twice before you hit the send button. Spouse will start paying more attention to health and may even join a club. Big payment will release the financial pressure. Stay away from any speculation and stocks.

CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 Strong Venus in angle will revive hopes. There will be strong movement on career front and your worries about a child should go away from now. Health issues if any should be given top priority. There will be big change in financial situation very soon. Do not give it another thought, accept the offer quickly.

GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 Decision will come and in your favor. Mars in first will make you more health conscious. You will need to stay very calm or will create little mess for your self. There will be improvement on financial front just because of one big payment. You will have the chance to meet many old friends this week. A big move around the corner.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 You may have to travel long distance in connection with business. Hard work will pay off and financial gains will become visible. It will take few more weeks to have the money in pocket. You will be given another chance to prove your point and get the job. You may also win a big favor from a government agency.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Plans will keep changing and you may put off an important decision for another time. Keep food on regular intervals in order to avoid further complications. You may have some serious discussions with business or life partner. You will spend lots of money on children. Avoid increasing your liability at this point in life.

CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 You are just inches away from breaking the bondages of the past. Freedom from stress and a better career is nearby. Some of you will be getting ready for the upcoming big move to a better place. You will get some money back from a government agency this week. No harm in trying your hand at lottery.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 Trip will benefit you in many ways. You will write many important letters. Some one close will try to take advantage of your generosity. You may receive a weak offer from a fairly new company. Most of the money will go on family and children only. It will be a good weak if working as a broker. You may make some through stocks

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 Expect some interesting developments in life. Competition will reduce as some one will call it quit. Some one lot younger in age will be instrumental in all positive changes. Money wise things will be on the edge but end to problems become visible. You may call an old friend and try to arrange a meeting. Surprise coming via mail.



India Post

August 21, 2009

NEW YORK Upcoming




Thurs Aug 6 to Thurs Aug 27

Thurs Aug 27

Sat Aug 22

Sat Aug 22

• 6th Annual Traveling Exhibition

• Spin In Midtown w/ music by Bikram Keith

• Sri Sankaran Namboothiri - Carnatic Vocal Concert

• UFICA Announce: Independence Day Celebration

Venue: Midtown, 1219 Connecticut Avenue, Washington Contact: (202) 466-7529

Venue: Chinmaya Vrindavan, 95 Cranbury Neck Road, Cranbury, New Jersey, Time: 6:30pm to 9pm Contact: 732-792-9715

Venue: 15711 PIoneer Blvd, Norwalk California 90650 Time: 5pm to 10:30pm Contact: 562-544-6001 Highlights: Star Attraction Grand Marshal Manisha Koirala.

Venue: Elizabeth Foundation For The Arts, Project Space, 323 West 39th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenue), 2nd Floor, New York Time: Opening Reception- Thurs Aug 6: 7pm to 9pm, Monday - Saturday, 11am to 5pm Contact: 917-346-0551 Highlights: Erasing Borders 2009 Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora Curated by Vijay Kumar.

Sun Aug 23 • Ganesh Chaturthi

Sat Sept 12

Venue: Mandir, 4525 Pleasant Valley Road, Chantilly, Virginia, WDC Contact: 703-378-8401

Fri Sept 4

Sat Aug 22

• Celebrity Fiesta

• Bollywood Nights

• Sangeet Sandhya

Sun Aug 23

Venue: South Brunswick High School, 750 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey Time: 5:30pm to 11pm Contact: 848-391-0499

• Saraswati Pooja 2009

Venue: El San Juan Hotel & Casino, San Juan, District of Columbia Time: 5am to 10pm Contact: 202-905-4153

Venue: Kemia Bar, 630 9th Ave, New York Contact: (212) 582-3200

Mon Aug 24 • Children's Dance Camp


Sat Sept 5

Tues Sept 22 to Thurs Sept 24

• Labor Day Weekend Retreat

• Quality Midwest Conference Venue: Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, (Chicago) Rosemont, Illinois Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Contact: 1-310-996-9431

Venue: Camp Friendship, 573 Friendship Rd, Palmyra, Virginia, WDC Contact: (434) 589-8950

Venue: Shetler Studios, Manhattan, New York Time: 9am to 1pm Contact:

Venue: M.A. Center, 10200 Crow Canyon Road, Castro Valley, California Time: 3pm to 5pm Contact: 925-560-6363

Fri Aug 28 • Anup Jalota Live in Concert Venue: Chabot College, 25555 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA Time: 8pm Contact: 732-993-3579

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Every 4th Sat every Month


• Durga Mata Ka Jagaran


Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM DATE

BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)

PRAVACHAN (12 PM - 1PM) PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)












UPCOMING TEMPLE EVENTS YOGA CLASS: MON.-FRI. 7 TO 8 AM SAT. 8 TO 9 AM GEETA CLASS: SAT. 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Gayatri Mantra Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM by Gayatri Pariwar Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2544

Sundar Kand Ka Paath on 3rd Saturday of everymonth from 10:30 am to 12: 00 pm Mata Ka Jaagran 8/22/09, 7:00 pm - 10 pm SUNDAY, 1:15 PM FREE CONSULTATION WITH DR. PAWAN CHADHA

Every Sat (start from Sat Aug 8) • Gurukul Classes for Children

3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, CA, 94538 Tel:

Venue: 2335 S. Diamond Bar Boulevard, DBC Center, Diamond Bar, CA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 909-519-1579, 626-810-2345








Venue: Sindhu Center, South California Time: 2pm to 4pm Contact: 818-541-1754 & 909-576-1114 Highlights: Children between the ages of 5 and 18. Children will be taught the Fundamentals of Hinduism, Prayers, Shlokas, Bhajans and Values of our culture.

Sat Aug 22 • Francois Gautier's August 2009 US Conference Tour Venue: San Francisco, Las Palmas Park, 850 Russet Dr. Sunnyvale, CA Time: 5:30pm to 7pm Contact: 408-737-7930

Mon Aug 24 • Francois Gautier's August 2009 US Conference Tour Venue: Museum of Tolerance, 9786 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA Time: 7:30pm Contact: Highlights: Talk by Francois : The Secret Brotherhood of India and Israel

Fri Sept 11 • Comedy Sportz: Ohlone College Smith Center Presents Venue: Ohlone College Smith Center, 43600 Mission Blvd. in Fremont Time: 8pm Contact: 510-659-6031 & 510-979-7941 Ticket: $12-$20 Highlights: Comedy Sportz is an improvisational, spontaneous, and interactive comedy show, geared for the whole family! Two teams compete for laughs and points as they make up scenes, songs, and spoofs right on the spot. The audience votes for the winners while a referee calls the fouls.

PHILADELPHIA Upcoming Sat Aug 22 • Sri Sankaran Namboothiri Carnatic Vocal Concert Venue: Chinmaya Vrindavan, 95 Cranbury Neck Road, Cranbury Time: 6:30pm to 9pm Contact: 732-792-9715

Sat Sept 5 • Indo American Fair 2009 Venue: Mercer County Park, West Windsor, New Jersey Time: 11am to 7pm Contact: 609-275-1334

HOUSTON Upcoming Sat Aug 29 Vibha Vibe Venue: Stafford Civic Center, Houston, Texas Time: 5pm

Readers Write...

August 21, 2009

India Post 47

Let's demand medicare-for-all style health plan


or-profit insurance companies and rabid Republi cans are saturating the airwaves with blatantly false advertising in a desperate effort to torpedo health care reform. According to MSNBC reporters, 'hired guns' have been retained by the health care industry to disrupt town hall meetings and 'drown out' proponents of health care reform. This health care war is not Obama's Waterloo but the Waterloo of the American people. Sadly, Obama has already buckled under pressure and has stubbornly refused to consider a single payer option. The administration is throwing more money at a thoroughly dysfunctional system,

with its amorphous public option alternative. Currently, 50 million people are uninsured, and another 50 million underinsured. One out of every three health care dollars is gobbled up by the for-profit system, including obscene executive salaries. Dr. David Scheiner, Obama's former doctor, opposes the President's health plan. He is highly critical of the insurance companies who are driving up costs at an unsustainable level. He said "the record has been so abominable that to have them in the program just doesn't make sense" Scores of people have testified

before Congressional Committees voicing their outrage on being denied health coverage by insurance companies whose primary goal is to maximize profits. Dr Scheiner also voiced his frustration on the huge costs associated with practicing defensive medicine to avoid the clutches of trial lawyers. It is time the American people to raise their collective voices and demand a single payer option - a Medicare-for-all-style health plan with the power to negotiate drug purchases. Failure to do so will doom millions of Americans to financial ruin or worse. Jagjit Singh Los Altos, CA

Dharam Shourie cared deeply for India


was deeply saddened to learn that Shri Dharam Shourie, the 'Dean' of Indian media, passed away on July 29, in New Jersey. I had known Dharamji, who worked for "Press Trust of India" (PTI), since early 90s as an iconic figure among the Indian journalists, based on the East Coast. He not only groomed, mentored scores of would-be journalists in the craft that he had mastered so well, but also guided, counseled number of media coordinators like me who dabbled in 'PR and Media' aspects of number of nonprofit cultural-social-political organizations. Although housed at the center of Global power - UNO - his office was always open to any one who needed help. It was Dharamji who, after reviewing my very first press release, had told me that, "first five sentences of a media report are the most crucial one. Write in plain English, without cluttering it with hyperbolic adjectives or unnecessary words which would tax the reader". If you knew him well, one could never miss the streak of mischievous pleasure he derived in relating numerous stories, anecdotes

from his vast journalistic experience. Over the years, I was privy to quite a few such stories. In his long career, he made his business to know almost every high caliber politician, most of whom turned to become his life-

long friends. In spite of that, when it came journalism, he was a no nonsense thorough professional and his questions always had an edge. He never held any grudge against any one and was generous when it came to sharing information with his flock. On quite a few occasions he had called me late in the night ei-

ther to get a comment or background information on what had just happened back home in India. On such occasions, whenever he found me unprepared or unrelenting, he would say, "Call me before you have your morning tea". He truly cared for India's interests at "UNO" and took the Indian officials attached to UNO to task for their failures, in his private moments with them, according to one official I had known personally in late 90s. When UNO had "Millennium World Peace Summit of Spiritual & Religious Leaders" in Aug.2000, he let be known to me, as a Media Coordinator for the all-inclusive 'Indian Delegation' that he wasn't happy for India, not getting its fair share at the Summit, although I had nothing to do with that. Whenever Dharamji's PTI news service picked up a story or an event we were working on, we used be very excited, with the prospect of wider coverage. In Dharamji, I have lost a good, decent, true friend in the Media. May God rest his soul in eternal peace. Prakash Waghmare New York

India needs to have defense pact with USA


n the light of the Indian Navy Chief's disclosure, which will come as no surprise to many of us, if China continues to be belligerent and is likely to indulge in a blitzkrieg in the not too distant future to occupy and hold Indian border territory (Arunachal Pradesh or at least Tawang), would it not be prudent for India to take pre-emptive action NOW and sign a defense agreement with the United States (perhaps also with NATO, Japan and Vietnam) to

adequately protect itself? There is precedence for such a course of action: To safeguard Indian territory in 1971 Indira Gandhi entered into a defense pact with the Soviet Union against the possibility of Chinese intervention during the Bangladesh liberation war. Ram Narayanan US-India Friendship

Boyle should apologize for maligning India


t is very sad to learn that a film like Slumdog Millionaire is being appreciated by Indians around the globe. In some parts of the community people did raise voice against it but have not been able to make any dent in the huge acceptance of the mindset shown in this film. Our people have started echoing the producer's view that we are the dogs around slums and that we accept the dark side portrayed by this producer, who has the mentality of a pig who dwells on and finds food for his thoughts in India's slums and the filth around. The producer was happy to poke his nose and open mouths in India's toilets and the pits underneath. There he found food for his dirty mind and thoughts by screening and making a fortune out of it. He has thus earned bread and butter for his family and generations to come. He could have done that in England and elsewhere, where those scenes are evident inside the remote homes of the lonely people, who without care and due to negligence, are trapped inside their apartments to be found dead inside the stinking toilets and filthy rooms. Such incidents had come to the press many times in the past in Europe and other parts of the world. In Third World countries like Chile and Peru and in the remote areas of the far-eastern countries, poverty-stricken people are living sub-human lives dwelling side by side with dogs and animals, who find shelter around the garbage dumps. They find plenty of material to satisfy their hunger, unlike Mr Danny Boyle, who finds food only for his piggy instinct and

hunger for money. What has happened to Indians and their national pride? With the exception of a murmur here and there, they are not united in raising their voice. Probably they are yet at the stage of establishing themselves in the dreamland and have no guts to strike back at such insults on the culture and way of life in India. Such incidents did take place in the past when some western media reporters with their camera screened the poverty of India, the begging children and half-naked people in the slums. They exhibited these films in their countries. They faced massive opposition in Indian newspapers. They criticized western media activities and voices were raised in the parliament which ended by lodging a protest through diplomatic channel to stop such exhibitions damaging the image of the country. It did work. But now nobody is hurt or nobody feels that it is an insult to a nation. The achievements and culture of India are not highlighted but the slumdog mentality of Mr. Boyle only took interest in the scenes that shocked his mind but his soul enjoyed. His wining of the Oscar was not for any good reason but for damaging the image of a great nation. A lawsuit must be filed against Mr Boyle for 100 million dollars for the exploitation of poor children and the emotional blackmail of viewers around the world. That money should go to the upliftment of the slums. He must be summoned by Indian parliament and made to apologize to the nation. Jodh Singh Raawat Schaumburg, Illinois

It is not good to block the Mayor's project


think Mayor Daley was perfectly right in what he said. Michael Scott, President of the Chicago Board of Education and member of the 2016 Olympic committee would not benefit from the proposed west side development near the site of the potential Olympic venue. I know Scott since the time of late Mayor Harold Washington. He is honest to the core, down to

Disclaimer :- India Post does not endorse opinions expressed in the letters.

earth, and service orientated. Mayor Daley has improved the city since his election of Mayor of Chicago and has always worked for the city and its citizens' best interest. It is not good to pass or to block the Mayor's project. We should work in an alliance with Richard M. Daley. Nand Kapoor Chicago, Ill



India Post

August 21, 2009


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52 India Post

August 21, 2009

Page Sponsored by Sahanis

(Cont'd from last week) would like you all to ask just two questions: 1. Do you want to be happy? 2. Do you want people around you to be happy? These questions are important and have something do with harmony around us. Many of us want to be happy at the cost of some one else. Some of us want to be happy but want to see some one unhappy in the process. How can that be? How can I be happy in an unhappy surrounding? This is what we do not only with our fellow human beings but also to the environment around us. We want to cut trees so that we can have chop sticks. We want to kill elephants so that we can decorate our houses with their tusks.

We are all interrelated and interdependent and cannot be happy in isolation. Harmony is indicator of well being of our existence. If we overuse the natural resources around us today, we are bound to run into problems tomorrow. A balance is needed between what we take out from the resources and how fast it can replenish itself. A great example is our rivers in India. We call Ganga our mother. How do we feel about polluting our mother Ganga? We just have to go to Patna or Varanasi to find this out. How clean we keep our air in the cities. We know this by



adha was not married to Lord Krishna. The immeasurable love of Krishna for Radha made Krishna's wives jealous of Radha. Once, they all planned mischief to make Radha suffer. They set out a bowl of burning hot milk and gave it to Radha saying that Krishna had sent it for her. Radha readily drank the hot milk.

think about creating a system which supports a 'yes' answer to both the questions given above. This system is only possible when we give consideration to upholding of Dharma. Harmony is an integral part of Dharma. An individual lives in harmony in his family, a family lives in harmony with the society it belongs to and a society lives in harmony with the environment it lives in. We all have to realize that interdependence is inevitable existence. We cannot and should not run away from this truth. We can see that in our family. Cold war or acute war between

Interrelated, interdependent, we can't be happy in isolation DR KRISHNA BHATTA

An individual lives in harmony in his family, a family lives in harmony with the society it belongs to and a society lives in harmony with the environment it lives in

how many children fall sick each day in these cities. It is a serious matter if you answered 'no' to any of the questions given above. A 'no' answer is the root cause of creation of a terrorist. The existence of a terrorist depends on making others unhappy. We have to seriously

family members happens if there is no harmony in a family. Every individual in the family wants to make their mark. They each want to feel important and want to show the other that they are important. In a harmonious family environment the opposite happens. Each indi-

Kauravas are totally different. Every one has to live Duryodhana's way. There is no other way of life there. Harmony is no where to see; Bhishma fought for Duryodhana, but his heart yearned for Pandava's victory. What else can be an example of disharmony? (To be continued)

were asked but none of them was willing. They were afraid of committing a serious offense by offering the water, with which they had washed their feet, to Sri Krishna. When Radha came to know about the situation, she said: "Take as much as you like. What does it matter if I have to go to hell as long as my Lord is released of His pain and ailment"!

alone. By that time all the gopis had grown up. When they heard that someone had come from Dwarka, the place of Sri Krishna, they were so happy. They thought at least they could touch his feet. Even though they were not Krishna's still they had trodden the land where Krishna had been walking. In the evening Udho sat down

Krishna. We have no mind. Tell us how can we practice Yoga, pranayama, or practice meditation, because we have one mind, one heart, and that he has taken away?" Udho thought to himself, "These are difficult people to teach." Then he asked the gopis, "But why do you say that your heart has been taken away?" They answered, "Yes, Krishna is our husband and we are eternally married." Udho said, "Then why do you keep yourself in such an untidy way? You do not clean your hair, and your clothes are dirty. You look shocking!" They said, "Look here, we have no mind for such things. We have only one awareness and that is of Krishna, whom we loved and played with in our youth. Physically he may not be with us, but all the time we have been thinking only about him. Sometimes this introversion and intense thought awareness continues all day long and all night long, all week long and all month long. So, it is impossible for us to think about our clothes and our body, or even about what others think about us." Janmashtami was celebrated on August 14

The immeasurable love of Krishna for Radha When the wives returned to Krishna, they found him full of painful ulcers. This shows that Krishna resides in every pore of Radha that is why the hot milk didn't touch Radha, but it affected Krishna When the wives returned to Krishna, they found him full of painful ulcers. This shows that Krishna resides in every pore of Radha that is why the hot milk didn't touch Radha, but it affected Krishna. He took all her pain and miseries upon himself. Once, Sri Krishna got very ill. Krishna said he would be alright if, he would get the Charanaamrit of a true devotee. All the Gopis

vidual credits the other for who they are. They realize and make the other person feel their importance in the family. In a non-harmonious situation the reasoning is different. If I do not argue with my brother or my mother, I am classified as weak personality. If I listen to my mother, I become a chicken. If I make a tea for my wife, I become hen-pecked. Pandavas are great examples of such an existence. All brothers are strong personalities. Yet they live in harmony and respect each other to the hilt. They are all different personalities, yet they are able to co-exist without many arguments.

Lord Krishna settled in Dwarka in the western part of India. Once he asked his disciple and friend, Udho, who always used to accompany him, "Hey, why don't you go to Mathura and teach the people Yoga?" Udho asked, "To whom will I teach Yoga?" Krishna replied, "Those gopis who used to be my playmates when I was in my teens." So Udho went to Vrindavan all

amongst the gopis and said, "Alright, I'm going to teach you Yoga." They asked, "What Yoga are you going to teach us? Do you mean the Yoga by which you forget yourself or remember yourself? If you mean the Yoga by which you forget yourself, it is of no use because we have already forgotten ourselves. Our mind has only one awareness, not two, and that has gone to

"The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument." - Bhagavad Gita "While you are alive, conquer death, and you shall have no regrets in the end." - Guru Granth Sahib The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein Death is a Dialogue between The Spirit and the Dust. "Dissolve" says Death -The Spirit "Sir I have another Trust" - Emily Dickinson Be patient. The path of self-discipline that leads to God-realization is not an easy path: obstacles and sufferings are on the path; the latter you must bear, and the former overcome -- all by His help. His help comes only through concentration. Repetition of God's name helps concentration." - Swami Ramdas Thrice blessed is he whose wife runs away if, as a result he finds God.' -Sri Rama Tirtha "There is no failure in life. There are only varieties of experiences. - Tapovan Maharaj

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August 21, 2009

India Post


Are Balochis ready for external support? D SUBA CHANDRAN


ver since the joint Indo-Pak statement was announced last month, there have been numerous discussions on India's role in Balochistan in both countries. Pakistanis have been accusing India of interfering in Balochistan for a long time; they consider the inclusion of Balochistan in the joint statement as an admission of this by India. In India, many question the wisdom of this inclusion; especially the opposition parties who consider this as weakening India's position. A section in India also believes that India should indeed support covert activities in Balochistan - a tit for tat policy in response to the terrorism sponsored by Pakistan's ISI. Three important questions need to be addressed in the con-

For instance, the Bugtis have been fighting the Mazaris for a long time. Akbar Bugti used his connections with the federal government to outsmart the Mazaris. At the same time, Akbar Bugti also had a long running feud with two sub clans within his own tribe Kalpars and Masuris. The federal government in Islamabad, always exploited this divide within the Bugti tribe and used the sub tribes against Akbar Bugti when it did not support his actions. The PPP-PML divide in Islamabad is also reflected in support or opposition to Akbar Bugti in Dera Bugti, the Bugti stronghold, where the Sui gas plant is also located. Akbar Bugti's relationship with the federal government waxed and waned primarily on the issue of royalty relating to

Pak Security forces in Quetta, Balochistan

text. First, are the Balochis really serious about waging an insurgency against Pakistan's security forces? Are they politically united and ready to fight a long political struggle to gain their rights? Second, is India capable of helping such a Balochi struggle? Is such a help feasible and practical? Finally, will such an interference help secure India's interests? Unfortunately, much of the debate in Pakistan and India continues without a proper understanding of ground realities regarding the composition of the Balochi tribes. The Balochis are not a homogenous group and this has been the primary reason for the failure of Baloch insurgencies in the past. The latest insurgency was the fourth in a history of insurgency spanning five decades. The Balochis are highly divided along tribal lines - the Bugtis, Mengals, Marris and numerous other tribes together constitute the Balochi people. Furthermore, the three major tribes mentioned above are not only clearly differentiated from each other but are also divided within themselves.

the Sui gas field. The other tribes, especially the Marris and Mengals have always been upset with and apprehensive of Bugtis on this issue. When compared to the other two stalwarts, Khair Bux Marri and Ataullah Mengal, Akbar Bugti never really rallied around for a pan-Balochi cause. Besides the intra and inter tribal fault lines, there exist ideological differences as well. The Marris, who have been leading the Baloch insurgency, are known for their Marxist leanings; Khair Bux Marri's sons were educated in Moscow. The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) which was leading the insurgency was primarily a Marri force. Bugtis never got involved with the BLA in a major way. Any debate in India towards helping the Balochis or interfering in Balochistan should first take into account the basic structure and strength of Baloch nationalism. Undoubtedly, there is grave injustice in Balochistan and the Balochis are extremely upset with Islamabad and Punjabi leadership. However, the crucial question is,

are they willing to rise above their tribal differences and present a unified force? Second, any Indian support to Balochis should assess the nature of the Indian state's support to regional movements in the neighborhood in a historical perspective. Is India really willing to support a movement such as this to its conclusion - in this context, an independent Balochistan? If providing support is limited to identifying the issue in a joint statement or providing limited funds to some Balochi leaders settled in UK or elsewhere, it will be best for India to keep away from such an initiative. New Delhi has to make the decision to go the whole way or not get involved at all. Given the Indian government's failure in the recent past to take any such initiatives (despite intense provocations in the form of Kargil, the Parliament attack and the Mumbai blasts), it will be useful if India forgets about meddling in Balochistan for good and makes this much clear to Islamabad. Third, despite some international inputs on an independent Balochistan theory, no state is interested at the global level (read the US or Russia) or at regional level (read Iran) to help the Balochis achieve an independent nationhood. Fourth, India and the international community should also understand that Islamabad will brutally suppress any movement led by the Balochis. Like the previous attempt in the 1970s, the latest insurgency was also brutally suppressed by the State in Pakistan, using fighter jets, bombing villages, with no concern for human lives or rights. Akbar Bugti, a former Governor of Balochistan and the leader of a nationalist party was hunted like a criminal and killed brutally; even the elusive brigand Veerappan was treated better by Indian security forces, before he was finally killed. No group can hope to mount a successful insurgency, if the State that is its target is willing to use such extreme force. Finally, New Delhi also has to make up its mind on how it sees its own security vis-Ă -vis Pakistan. Is a stable Pakistan in India's interests? If it is indeed so, then New Delhi needs to work with Islamabad. India's long term strategic interests in Pakistan should define its strategies and tactical approaches. The writer is Deputy Director, IPCS

India Post Out in the open


hina is a single party authoritarian state with a strong economy, a mighty army and growing clout around the world. It views India as a bloated, casteist, cacophonous, divided and inefficient country which inexplicably keeps bungling along. China is the 3rd largest country area wise and India is seventh. Why does it then devote so much energy on trying to destabilize India and to covet India's territory? China has been mouthing friendship platitudes but covertly financing, arming and promoting secessionists. On the eve of India's 63rd Independence Day, however, a think-tank article openly advocated that China should help break up India into 20-30 independent nation states by supporting factions of the "Assamese, Kashmiris and Tamilians." Detailing a roadmap "to split India," the article said "China can bring into its fold countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, support Ulfa in attaining its goal for Assam's independence, back aspirations of Indian nationalities like Tamils and Nagas, encourage Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal and lastly recover the 90,000 sq km territory in southern Tibet (Arunachal)." India has been aware that China has been trying to do all these things, piecemeal or in connivance with our neighbors, but the mystery is why express this so openly, and now! India has voiced concern over such views and asserted that these do not accord with the officially stated position of China on India-China relations. More than the revelations about wanting to harm India, the article betrays an element of exasperation with this country. It reads almost like a confession that in spite of all these subversive activities that China has been promoting, this country continues to run along merrily. And not only that, it is earning respect worldwide for its experiment in democracy, however messy. The international goodwill that Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama enjoys is something China cannot stomach at all. It cannot forgive that India is harboring a leader working for the freedom, or at least, autonomy, of Tibet. It is unfortunate that to carry out its nefarious designs, China has found a partner which is shaken by its own inner convulsions and contradictions. Its suspicions that al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists might be behind the recent uprising in a Chinese province of Ughyar might force it to rethink its trust in Pakistan. Closer home, there has been stock-taking about India's position after 62 years of Independence. Nobel Laureate economist and social philosopher Amartya Sen gives two and a half cheers to Indian democracy. It has done well in spite of adversities - a very poor country, largely illiterate, border wars with China and Pakistan and problems with the United States. But what he regrets is that "nondramatic deprivations" like gender inequality and the huge under nourishment of children has not received adequate attention. Historian Ramachandra Guha finds that the political experiment that India is conducting is "without parallel or precedent. Never before has a territory so large, and so diverse in terms of culture and ecology, sought to construct itself as a single nation-state. Never before has a citizenship so poor and so divided sought to elect its leaders through universal adult franchise." He says that compared to nations of Europe, America or even China, the singularity and peculiarity of India is that it is becoming urban and industrial at the same time as it is becoming a democracy and a full-fledged nation-state. Both the intellectuals however agree that India has to address all its "cluster" of problems simultaneously.

54 India Post

August 21, 2009

August 21, 2009

India Post 55

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56 India Post

August 21, 2009

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