Top Stories
India Post V O I C E
Ruby Dhalla
Top Canadian committee clears Ruby Details on page 7
Hindu parents win case of Cal textbooks Details on page 9
Gowarikar’s ‘Jodhaa Akbar’ sweeps IIFA Details on page 26
IAF keen on US' C-17 aircraft for heavy transport
VOL 14, No. 773
June 26, 2009
Periodical Postage
YEKATERINBURG, Russia: "My mandate is to tell you that Pakistani territory should not be used for terrorism against India," was the blunt message Prime Minister Manmohan Singh conveyed to President Asif Ali Zardari. The message, conveyed in front of television cameras when the two leaders shook hands before their closed-door meeting on the sidelines of multilateral-forum deliberations, was so sharp that the President was apparently embarrassed. "Please let them go," Zardari remarked to Singh, wanting the journalists to leave before they could carry on with their conversation in the top-level contact between the two countries after the Mumbai terror attacks in November. Details on page 6 This week’s question
Should India, Pakistan resume dialogue? Last week’s result
Is US pressure to talk to Pakistan justified? YES 37%
NO 63%
St. Louis police officer charged for Indian deaths Details on page 10
Indian jeweler on Oak Tree Road found dead Details on page 10
USCIRF denied visa to visit India Details on page 7
Indo-American Center fears cut in its services Details on page 35
Punjab boy brings swine flu from NASA Details on page 7
MEETING OF HANDS, NOT MINDS: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, meeting Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, on the sidelines of the BRIC and SCO Summits, hosted by Russia, in Yekaterinburg on June 16
Bollywood ---------------------- 24-25 Classifieds --------------------- 44-47 Community Post -------------- 10-18
Details on page 40
Christine Lynn Miller
Date Book -------------------------- 19
‘India faces challenge of terror’ WASHINGTON: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said here India faces the "terrible challenge" of combating terrorism following the Mumbai strikes and highlighted the need for increase in cooperation on counter-terrorism and intelligence sharing between the two countries. Details on page 6
Edit Page --------------------------- 50 HealthScience Post --------- 22-23 Horoscope ------------------------- 21 Immigration Post ------------- 35-39 India ---------------------------------- 42 Life Style ----------------------- 26-28 Philosophy ------------------------- 48 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4
Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma meeting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the sidelines of Synergies Summit at USIBC in Washington, DC on June 17. Ambassador Meera Shankar is also seen.
Real Estate ------------------------ 43 TechBiz Post ------------------- 40-41 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 29-35
India Post
June 26, 2009
June 26, 2009
India Post
India Post
India Post
June 26, 2009
IndiaNewsweekly Post
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Publisher’s Diary
his really comes as unexpected and a surprise to me that the Congressled UPA government in India has actually scuttled a visit to India by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). I say I am surprised because for once, the Congress, which righteously carries the banner of secularism, has actually toed the line of Hindu leaders who have opposed the USCIRF's proposed visit to India purportedly to investigate Indian government's response to allegations of communal violence in parts of the country. It would have been a travesty if the Indian government had allowed this so called watchdog of religious freedoms in the world, at a time when the United States itself is witnessing the ugly head of anti-Semitism raising in the country again. In fact, New Jersey had more anti-Semitic hate crimes in 2008 than any other state, according to a report by the Anti-Defamation League. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad-America raises a moot point - the USCIRF boasts representation from Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths and none from Hindu Americans. Besides, why scrutinize India when all around its neighborhood -- China, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, etc. -- religious freedom is almost anathema to those governments? How freely can Hindus practice their religion in these countries? There have indeed been several incidents in India where state administrations have fanned communal clashes. While most such incidents have been perpetrated for narrow and immediate political gains, none have ever been with an express intent to suppress or wipe out the religious freedoms of any particular community. If that was the case, India wouldn't have had Sikhs, Christians and Muslims holding the highest offices in the land that is 80% Hindu dominated. Perhaps the USCIRF should investigate the forced conversions of the tribal poor in India by Christian missionaries. India need not throw open its door to anyone who wants to nose around, just to prove that it has nothing to hide. And who appointed the USCIRF the secular police to the world anyway?
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Bollywood Sonam star Sonam Kapoor, who turned 24 recently, says she always wanted to be a star and not just another actor.
Cover Story: Blunt message The blunt message Manmohan Singh conveyed to President Zardari was so sharp that the President was embarrassed.
Community: Cop charged St. Louis police officer, Christine Lynn Miller, has been charged with four counts of manslaughter involving Indian students.
India: Coastal security With focus on strengthening coastal security, Home Minister P Chidambaram reviewed the delivery of interceptor boats.
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IIFA awards Ashutosh Gowarikar's historical love epic 'Jodhaa Akbar' swept the 10th IIFA awards at Macau.
TechBiz: Heavylift aircraft The Indian Air Force has shortlisted US major Boeing's C-17 Globemaster III for its heavylift aircraft.
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Travel: Silent Valley The Silent Valley is considered to be the last pristine region of tropical evergreen forest in India.
June 26, 2009
India Post
Cover/Top Stories
India Post
June 26, 2009
Manmohan delivers a blunt message YEKATERINBURG, Russia: "My mandate is to tell you that Pakistani territory should not be used for terrorism against India," was the blunt message Prime Minister Manmohan Singh conveyed to President Asif Ali Zardari. The message, conveyed in front of television cameras when the two leaders shook hands before their closed-door meeting on the sidelines of multilateral-forum deliberations, was so sharp that the President was apparently embarrassed. "Please let them go," Zardari remarked to Singh, wanting the journalists to leave before they
In the backdrop of global meltdown, India, Russia, China and Brazil pitched for "greater voice and representation" of developing economies in international financial institutions and demanded curbing of trade protectionism. In a joint statement, the four countries underlined the "strong need for a stable, predictable and more diversified international monetary system." Singh also sought closer interaction between India and SCO members to convert the global economic crisis into an opportunity for greater economic cooperation.
The message, conveyed in front of television cameras when the two leaders shook hands before their closed-door meeting on the sidelines of multilateral-forum deliberations, was so sharp that the President was apparently embarrassed could carry on with their conversation in the top-level contact between the two countries after the Mumbai terror attacks in November. Noting that terrorism is haunting the Asian and Central Asian regions, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh underlined the need for "genuine" cooperation among countries on a global scale to resolutely defeat the menace. At the first Brazil-Russia-IndiaChina (BRIC) Summit, Singh proposed setting up of a Joint Business Forum among member nations as part of efforts to ensure that the G-20 process is backed up by cooperation in "real economy".
Addressing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit here, he said India is seeking a conducive external environment for its sustained high economic growth which is necessary to meet its developmental objectives. "We wish to see peace, prosperity and stability in the region that the (SCO) Organization represents. We have a lot to gain and learn from each other. It is in this spirit that we approach our engagement with the Organization and its different organs and bodies," Singh said. "It is imperative that we resolutely cooperate with one another and on a global scale to resolutely
defeat international terrorism," Singh said. He pointed out that the growth of the Indian economy at an average rate of 8 per cent over the last five years has enabled the country to generate higher investible resources to cater to the needs of our rural economy, the social sector and infrastructure. "It has also opened up opportunities to intensify our interaction with the outside world in the areas of trade and investment, science and technology, and in the revival of the global economy," Singh said. Talking about the global financial crisis, he said the economic gains that have been made in the past are now threatened by it. "We can no longer delay giving concrete shape to the concept of sustainable development. The development world needs access to financial resources and environment friendly technologies, especially in energy, transportation, manufacturing and agriculture," the Prime Minister said. "We need technology innovations for reduction of energy use by industry and other sectors. We need massive action for afforestation, drought proofing and flood protection. We need action to protect the glaciers that feed our river systems," he said. Speaking about India's desire to forge closer ties with the SCO countries, he said there is a lot to be gained through strengthening connectivity between the member nations and India. "We would like to cooperate in finding innovative means to strengthen people-to-people contacts, exchanges of business per-
Dialogue essential to reduce Indo-Pak 'bilateral tensions': US WASHINGTON: Describing the meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari in Russia as "productive", the White House says that dialogue is essential to reduce "bilateral tensions" and stabilize the region. "We are glad to hear the (two) leaders had a productive meeting in Russia and hope that they will continue to talk and meet regularly," White House National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer told PTI. Singh and Zardari met on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Russia for the first time after the Mumbai terror attacks which killed 183 people and stalled the com-
posite dialogue process. "The (Obama) Administration welcomes dialogue between the leaders of India and Pakistan,
‘We are glad to hear the (two) leaders had a productive meeting in Russia and hope that they will continue to talk and meet regularly’ which we feel is essential to reducing bilateral tensions," Hammer said.
Announcing his new Af-Pak policy, US President Barack Obama on March 27 stressed on the need to engage both India and Pakistan in constructive diplomacy so as to reduce the tension between the two countries. In the aftermath of the Mumbai terrorist attacks, India had stopped peace dialogue with Pakistan. The Obama Administration, which is focusing on Afghanistan and Pakistan, believes that better ties between India and Pakistan is the key to the success in the war against terrorism in the region. It has been urging both the countries to restart the dialogue and efforts to improve relationship between them. -PTI
sons and scholars and trade, investment and technology flows.
Meeting with Russian President
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met Russian President
China (BRIC) held deliberations on a wide range of subjects covering bilateral ties, terrorism and regional issues like Afghanistan. "This is my first foreign visit abroad after my re-election as Prime Minister. That this visit should be
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh meeting Russian President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev on the sidelines of the BRIC and SCO Summits, hosted by Russia, in Yekaterinburg, on June 16
Dmitry Medvedev here and the two leaders are understood to have discussed ways to give a fresh momentum to already "flowering" bilateral relations. Singh and Medvedev who met on the sidelines of the Summits of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and Brazil-Russia-India-
to a friendly country like Russia is a measure of our regard and respect for Russia," the Prime Minister had said. Ahead of the meeting, sources had said relations between India and Russia have always been at their best and "flowering" in all sectors including defense.-PTI
Pakistan says Manmohan's remark 'unacceptable' ISLAMABAD: Apparently irked by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's blunt message to President Asif Ali Zardari in front of media that Pakistan should not allow its soil for terrorism against India, Islamabad said his remarks were "unacceptable". In a statement made in the Senate or Upper House of Parliament, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Malik Amad Khan said Singh's comments made during his meeting with Zardari in Russia were unacceptable to Islamabad. During the meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Russia, Singh told Zardari: "I am extremely happy to meet you, but my mandate is limited to telling you that
the territory of Pakistan must not be allowed to be used for terrorism against India. Khan said that Zardari too raised Pakistan's concerns regarding "Indian interference" in the country's internal affairs and forcefully presented Islamabad's point of view on issues of concerns with New Delhi during the meeting. Opposition PML-Q Senator Jamal Leghari raised a point of order on Singh's remark and said it should be condemned by the house. However, Khan told reporters that Pakistan was hopeful there would be follow up ministerial-level meetings between the two countries in the wake of the meeting between Zardari and Singh.-PTI
Top Stories
June 26, 2009
India Post
India faces terrible challenge USCIRF denied visa of terror: Clinton to visit India WASHINGTON: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said here India faces the "terrible challenge" of combating terrorism following the Mumbai strikes and highlighted the need for increase in cooperation on counter-terrorism and intelligence sharing between the two countries. "The tragic attacks of 26/11 were a global event. They played out in slow motion on television screens across India, the United States and the world. The violence inflicted on the people of Mumbai and the loss of six American citizens in those attacks was a reminder that terrorism represents a common threat to our nations and our people, and we must meet it with a common strategy," Clinton said. "We should also work to realize a vision articulated by generations of Indians, Americans, and recently by President Obama, of a nuclear-free world. The civil nuclear agreement helped us get over our defining disagreement, and I believe it can and should also serve as the foundation of a productive partnership on nonproliferation." The Secretary of State said human development, particularly in the fields of education, women's empowerment and health, is another platform for cooperation. Addressing a top US and India corporate leadership at the US India Business Council meeting, Clinton termed it as 3.0 relationships - in the web language. She pledged to work for a "dramatic expansion" of Indo-US ties which will give New Delhi a greater role in solving global challenges. Reaffirming Obama Administration's commitment in strengthening Indo-US ties, Clinton said in a world of depressing headline, US relationship with India is good news. "We see India as one of a few key partners worldwide who will help us shape the 21st century -the forces of positive change
versus those of destruction, the forces that move people forward rather than holding them back. We are both eager to build on this relationship," Clinton said, addressing top American and Indian corporate executives here. Clinton said to achieve the goal of stronger ties between India and the US "we will have to confront and transcend the mistrust that has hampered our cooperation in the past, and address the lingering uncertainties in our relationship still today." "We recognize the extraordinary progress that India has made already. And we know that many
ciated India's role in Afghanistan. "We have a common interest in creating a stable, peaceful Afghanistan, where India is already providing USD 1.2 billion in assistance to facilitate reconstruction efforts. United States is committed to the task ahead in Afghanistan, and I hope India will continue its efforts there as well," Clinton said. She also welcomed dialogue between India and Pakistan, but said the scope and character of such a dialogue needs to be decided by the leaders of the two countries.
NEW DELHI: A US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) delegation has been denied visa to visit India. The Christian influenced American panel was to travel India on June 12 to check the state of religious freedom in Gujarat and Orissa. Christian Missionaries were especially eager to receive USCIRF. An associate at the commission said, "They knew we had tickets for June 12 and the visas are yet to be given, so the inference is obvious‌they don't want us to visit". The US Commission on International Religious Freedom was never allowed to visit India before. Governments led by P V Narasimha Rao, H D Deve Gowda, Inder Kumar Gujral and Atal Bihari
Vajpayee never allowed such institutions to sit in judgment on India regarding human rights. Earlier this year, the BJP had opposed granting permission to USCIRF to visit India. Objections were also raised by various government officers to the "vitiated" method of reporting by the US-based body. Early this year, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was singled out in the Christian influenced USCIRF report on religious freedom as the only person denied renewal of visa to enter to America under a special law. According to a TOI report, Obama administration too did not press for the visit as US Undersecretary of State William Burns was in New Delhi, preparing ground for the visit to India by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in July.
Punjab boy brings swine flu from NASA
Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma meeting U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk in Washington, DC on June 17
of these advances have not come easily. And we don't take them for granted. As we pursue an enhanced bilateral partnership, we should recognize that compared to other metrics of our cooperation, our official ties are past due for an upgrade," she said. Clinton hoped that an expanded partnership between the US and India will be one of the signature accomplishments of new governments in both the countries, and that India would continue to keenly participate in global issues. The Secretary of State appre-
"We believe that India and Pakistan actually face a number of common challenges, and we welcome a dialogue between them," Clinton told a gathering of US and Indian corporate leadership on the occasion of 34th anniversary celebration of the US-India Business Council. As Pakistan military is poised to roll on a major offensive to smash Taliban and al-Qaeda stronghold in the country's restive northwest, she hoped that India and US will support Islamabad's effort to take on terrorists on its own soil.-PTI
Clinton fractures her right elbow WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fractured her right elbow, soon after she delivered her first major foreign policy speech on India. "On the way to the White House late this afternoon, Secretary Clinton fell and suf-
India Post News Service
fered a right elbow fracture," her Chief of Staff Cheryl D Mills said. "She was treated at The George Washington University Hospital before heading home. She will undergo surgery to repair her elbow in the upcoming week," Mills said. 62-year-old Clinton appreci-
ates the professionalism and kindness she received from the medical team who treated her and looks forward to resuming her full schedule soon, Mills said. During her speech, Clinton said she is looking forward to visit India next month.-PTI
JALANDHAR: In the first case of swine flu in Punjab, a 17-yearold boy, who returned from an educational tour to the United States, has tested positive while eight other students who had gone on the trip showed suspected symptoms of the disease. "A 31-member group of students of Guru Amar Dass Public School had gone on an educational trip to NASA in the US and when they came back, one of the students was found having symptoms of swine flu. A blood test turned out to be positive," S S Walia, Civil Surgeon, told reporters here. So far cases of swine flu cases have been recorded in Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu and Goa. School Principal Tarlochan Singh said that a student of Class XII had tested positive for swine flu and other eight students of the group were having light fever. A team of doctors had visited the school premises for screening the other 30 students who were part of the tour to US space agency NASA and to take their blood samples. "We are persuading the parents of the eight students, who were having light fever, to keep their wards in an isolated ward of local civil hospital so that they could be kept under observation till the report of their blood samples comes from Delhi," Singh added.PTI
Top Canadian committee clears Ruby Dhalla of charges TORONTO: A Canadian parliamentary committee has cleared Indian origin MP Ruby Dhalla of charges of exploiting two Filipino nannies at her home, even as it asked "authorized bodies" to probe the allegations. Dhalla, 35, a rising star in the Canadian politics is in the eye of storm since last month when two Filipino live in caregivers hired by her in early 2008 publicly alleged that they were underpaid and
overworked. They had also alleged that there passports were seized by her and they were forced to do nonnannies like jobs, including cleaning shoes. The Committee recommended "that the authorized bodies in the provincial and federal governments investigate the allegations of the former live-in caregivers in the Dhalla residence and take measures as appropriate."-PTI
Top Stories
India Post
June 26, 2009
US-India to strengthen cooperation on counter-terrorism India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Delegates from the United States and India held the 11th US-India Counterterrorism Joint Working Group June 17, to discuss efforts to coordinate global counterterrorism initiatives. Ambassador Daniel Benjamin, the Secretary of State's Coordinator for Counterterrorism, hosted the event and the Indian delegation was led by Vivek Katju, Special Secretary for International Organizations at the Ministry of External Affairs. India and the United States strongly condemned terrorism in all of its forms and manifestations, recognizing it as a major threat to democracy, international peace, and security. They reiterated that there can be no
justification for any act of terrorism on any grounds. It is imperative for the international community to come together to combat
India and the United States strongly condemned terrorism in all of its forms and manifestations, recognizing it as a major threat to democracy, international peace, and security terrorism in a long-term, sustained, and comprehensive manner, they felt. India and the United States also
called upon all states to abide by their commitments under the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2006. Sessions during this year's meeting focused on assessing the global terrorist threat, fighting terrorism through technological advancements, and counterterrorism cooperation between India and the United States. Other issues discussed included terrorist finance and money laundering, capacity building, and expanded information sharing. Both sides agreed to identify measures to strengthen institutional linkages leading to closer interaction and cooperation. The delegations agreed to schedule the next meeting of the Joint Working Group in India on a mutually convenient date.
Four Sukhoi fighter aircraft inducted NEW DELHI: India has inducted four Sukhoi fighter aircraft in Tezpur, which will soon be the base for a full squadron of the IAF's frontline combat jets. An induction ceremony was organized "in the hangar" of the Tezpur airbase in Assam in the presence of Eastern Air Commander Air Marshal S K Bhan, sources in IAF headquarters here said. "Today's event was only a formal induction. The four SU30MKIs had landed here on June 13," they said. The four air superiority fighter aircraft were scheduled to carry out practice sorties from the Tezpur airbase in the last two days, but could not do so due
to bad weather, the sources added. India's efforts to have a stronger IAF presence near the Line of Actual Control with China began last year with the Western Air Command activating Advanced Landing Grounds, Daulat Beg Oldi and Chushul, that were dormant since the 1962 Sino-Indian war.
A similar approach was followed in the northeast too, with modernization plans, including extending the runways from 9,000 feet to 11,000 feet, for five airfields -- Tezpur, Chabua and Jorhat in Assam, Purnea near Bihar and Panagarh in West Bengal -- taken up for implementation.-PTI
Joint Indo-US Working group to be set up in Education Sector India Post News Service
NEW YORK: India and USA will be setting up a Joint Working Group in education headed by the Union Minister of Human Resource Development of India and its equivalent from the US. This was decided in the meeting between Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development and William J Burns, Under Secretary, Political Affairs, US State Development who met June 11 in New Delhi. The Joint Working Group will meet once every year alternately in India and the US and will focus on institutional linkages in the field of Secondary Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education. The US side expressed keen interest in pursuing a Bilateral Education Dialogue with India for fruitful cooperation in the
field of education. Kapil Sibal, India's Minister of Human Resource Development, while interacting with the US delegation stated that the 21st Century will be a Knowledge Century and India with its young population, will be a major provider of trained workforce to the entire world. He was looking forward to cooperating with the US in the education sector. The HRD Minister underlined that one of his focus areas would be bringing up the gross enrolment ratio to even beyond 15 as envisaged in this plan. He also clearly stated that fly-bynight operators would not be tolerated in the education sector. India tops the list of countries sending students to the US for studies. Nearly 90,000 students annually go to the US from India for studies as per estimates available in recent years.
'Iran capable of developing nuclear weapon by 2014' JERUSALEM: Describing it as an existential threat to Tel Aviv, the chief of Israel's intelligence agency has warned that Iranis capable of developing and launching its first nuclear weapon by 2014. "Launching a bomb these days is no problem, technically speaking," Meir Dagan, chief of Mossad, told members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee. "If the project has no technical glitches, and if Iran's program does not malfunction in any way, they will have a bomb to launch
by 2014," he stressed. The head of the Israeli secret service which has generated awe in many parts of the world for some of their daring missions also emphasis don foiling Iran's nuclear ambitions. "This is a significant existential threat for the State of Israel. We must distance this threat," he told the influential Knesset committee. Commenting on the ongoing violence in Iran following presidential polls, Dagan called it "an argument between Iran's elite".-PTI
Kashmir briefing on Capitol Hill brings out crucial issues India Post News Service
NEW YORK: The International Kashmir Federation (IKF) and Hindu American Foundation (HAF) held a joint briefing June 9, on Capitol Hill on the decades long violence in Kashmir. With a capacity crowd in attendance, Congressional staffers, the US Commission on Religious Freedom and media heard panelists from leading NGOs speak of the geo-political implications on Kashmir of the Taliban's gaining control in Pakistan as well as the religious cleansing of the minority Hindu population from India's state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) by Pakistan-sponsored jihadi terrorists. "The results of a radical ideology that Pakistan first embraced and is now suffering from on a daily
basis -- attacks by the Taliban on government personnel, hotels, shopping centers and civilians, and the shutting down of schools and strict imposition of Shariah law in the areas where it has gained control--are clear today," said Jeevan Zutshi, IKF's Chairman. "It's the same ideology that has fueled radical Muslims in militant training camps in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Islamist extremists in J&K for nearly six decades." Speakers representing the United States India Political Action Committee (USINPAC), the National Federation of Indian Associations (NFIA), United Hindu Front (UHF) and Kashmiri Pandit (Hindu) refugees now resettled in the US testified on a range of issues including ongoing terror
faced by Kashmiri Hindus still living in J&K and squalid living conditions in the refugee camps located in Northern India. Also featured was a mini-documentary on Hindu refugee camps
Dr. Vijay Sazawal, a Kashmir policy analyst, stressed that it was Pakistan's ideological obsession with the region, specifically Kashmir that has resulted in neglect in areas of development and education throughout the rest of Pakistan
and ongoing violence in the region. Speakers proposed diplomatic and military solutions to the crisis, called for greater accountability in US aid to Pakistan and increased attention in India to the plight of its internally displaced Pandit population. "A cause for major concern is President Obama's recent promise made in Cairo last week for another $1.2 billion aid each year for the next several years to Pakistan -- this too after Congressional acknowledgment of the poor accounting and misappropriation of $12 billion already provided to Pakistan by the US," said Ishani Chowdhury, HAF's Director of Public Policy. "Our demand, as Hindu Americans and US taxpayers, is that any US aid mandate greater oversight and strict accountability so that US tax-
payer dollars are used by Pakistan in fighting the ongoing battles against the Taliban and improving the lives of Pakistanis, rather than continuing its six decade long cross-border, proxy war against India." Dr. Vijay Sazawal, a Kashmir policy analyst, stressed that it was Pakistan's ideological obsession with the region, specifically Kashmir that has resulted in neglect in areas of development and education throughout the rest of Pakistan. The HAF and IKF committed to further collaborative efforts in highlighting the human rights and terror implications over Kashmir and will follow the briefing with Congressional visits to inform American policy makers in the region.
Top Stories
June 26, 2009
India Post
‘Friend’ Obama rewards Indian American with diplomatic post India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Indian American businessman and longtime friend of President Barack Obama, Vinai Thummalapally, has been appointed as Ambassador to the Central American country of Belize, making him the first ever Indian American to hold such a diplomatic position in history. A former college friend of President Obama, Thummalapally was the former’s room mate during the summer of 1980 when they were at the Occidental College in Los Angeles. Thummalapally has since stayed in touch and had even attended Obama’s wedding to Michelle in 1982 even though by then Obama had moved to Columbia University, New York. C o l o r a d o - b a s e d Thummalapally was one of the top
Barbara and Vinai Thummalapally with their friend from college buddy, Barack Obama.
Indian Americans condemn attacks on students in Australia India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Several Indian American individuals and community organizations under the banner of NRIS For Secular & Harmonious India, based in Lansing, Michigan, have strongly condemned the brutal, unprovoked attacks on Indian students in Australia, particularly in Melbourne and Sydney over the past few weeks. In a joint statement, the Indian American support group has urged Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to order the police to prosecute the guilty, give a commitment that the police will not attack peaceful protestors, and compensate victims of the hate crimes. They also appealed to all fair
minded Australians to protect Indians. "We recognize that majority of the Australian people are not racist, they said in the statement. "But unless the members of civil soci-
In a joint statement, the Indian American support group has urged Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to order the police to prosecute the guilty
ety and their organizations forcefully condemn the "unprovoked" attacks they will give a wrong picture of their country to the world." The group has applauded Australian cricketer Brett Lee who has forcefully condemned the racially motivated attacks against Indian students, and Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan for declining an Honorary Australian degree. "The decision of the Indian movie industry to not make films in Australia until the situation becomes peaceful again gives lot of solace to students from India," they said. The Indian American groups have further urged the Indian students in Australia not to retaliate in kind but work through the Australian legal system and continue to protest with local authorities.
Indian American fundraisers for Obama during his Presidential run and had raised over $100,000 for the campaign. “Americans will be fortunate to have these distinguished men and women as their representatives abroad,” President Obama said of the ten people who were named envoys, June 11, according to a White House announcement. “Their talent, experience, and dedication will be invaluable as we continue to strengthen America’s partnerships around the world and confront the challenges of the 21st century,” he said. “I am grateful for their service and look forward to working with each of them.” Thummalapally, “a former California State University student who became friendly with Obama in college, remembered him as a model of moderation - jogging in the morning, playing pickup basketball at the gym, hitting the books and socializing,” the New York Times wrote during the presidential campaign.
Hindu parents win case against California textbooks India Post News Service
NEW YORK: The long fought battle between the California Board of Education and Hindu American parents over the misrepresentation of Hindu religion in California school textbooks, has reached a logical end legally. Earlier this month, the California Parents for the Equalization of Educational Materials (CAPEEM) and officials of the California Department of Education and the State Board of Education came to an agreement to settle the lawsuit that was filed in the United States District Court of Eastern District
of California in 2006. CAPEEM -- formed specifically to represent parents in Cali-
CAPEEM -- formed specifically to represent parents in California in a lawsuit against the State Board of Education -- had challenged the process by which religious claims were incorporated into the textbooks
fornia in a lawsuit against the State Board of Education -- had challenged the process by which religious claims were incorporated into the textbooks used by public school students, as well as some of the religious claims, themselves, which had made their way into those texts. Believing that its points had been clearly understood by the defendants, CAPEEM opted not to prolong the litigation. The State entered into negotiations with CAPEEM and agreed to pay CAPEEM $175,000 in exchange for a voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit. Following the settlement,
CAPEEM said it looks forward to participating in a review process free from biases, and to work with the State to approve textbooks that do not favor or disfavor any religious doctrines. In 2005, the California State Board of Education reviewed social studies textbooks for middle schools. The textbooks indoctrinate children with Abrahamic religions and teach biblical events as actual facts while treating Hinduism in a derogatory manner. According to the Hindu representatives, the board failed to provide equal opportunities and equal representation to every religion and culture.
“If someone passed him a joint, he would take a drag. We’d smoke or have one extra beer, but he would not even do as much as other people on campus,” recounted Thummalapally, Times said. “He was not even close to being a party animal.” According the White House announcement, Thummalapally is the president of MAM-A Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of recordable optical discs. Prior to his role at MAM-A Inc., he served as the plant manager for Mitsui Advanced Media Inc., which also manufactures recordable optical discs. He has served in several other similar roles in his 31-year career, including as General Manager for WEA Manufacturing, as a Managing Partner of Clines Office Products, and as Manufacturing Manager of Disc Manufacturing, Inc. He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from California State University and completed post graduate courses in Business Administration. Thummalapally’s diplomatic appointment came as a cause for celebration for his parents and extended family in his native Andhra Pradesh in India.
Tamils find solace at Indian hospital in SL CHETTIKULAM: The Tamil civilians uprooted from their homes and hearths due to fighting between Sri Lankan forces and nowvanquished LTTE were finding some solace at an Indian hospital here. Indian doctors are treating about 600 patients every day at the hospital, shifted to Chettikulam in Vavuniya to help the Tamils easily access to modern medical facilities. As a 25-year-old internally displaced person (IDP), injured during the conflict between the Sri Lankan forces and the Tigers, lay at a bed resigned to his fate, the doctors examine the progress of his treatment. "His leg had a bullet for more than a month and he was not even aware of it. If it had not been for the timely detection, his leg would have to be amputated. He is lucky that the bullet has been removed," a doctor said. A delegation led by Indian High Commissioner Alok Prasad, which also included media persons, was told by doctors that how several other patients also got a new lease of life after bullets were successfully removed from their bodies.-PTI
Desi News Schakowsky reconsiders Senate bid HARISH RAO
CHICAGO: Just a fortnight ago, Jan Schakowsky (D-9th) had expressed her intention to run for US Senate elections slated in 2010, but last week she made a somersault and announced that she will seek re election to her 9th District Congressional seat. Details on page 12
Impressive list of speakers for TANA Convention
10 India Post
CHICAGO: The 17th biennial convention of the Telugu Association of North America (TANA) slated to be held at Rosemont Convention Center for three days here next month may well turn out to be the most remembered affair for the year, judging from the impressive list of guest speakers and themed programs that the TANA team has chalked out for those attending the event. The main theme of three days event beginning Friday July 2 . Details on page 14
Rath Yatra in Chicago on June 28 BHAILAL PATEL
CHICAGO: Hare Krishna Temple on Lunt Ave, belonging to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), has organized a grand celebration of Ratha Yatra Festival here on Sunday, June 28. This is one of the biggest festivals of India and here there will be ecstatic kirtans, exhibitions, devotional art, books, live music, cultural programs and delicious prasadam and more! The event is free. ISKCON has been organizing this event for over two decades and hundreds of devotees of Lord Jagannath participate with great religious fervor.
June 26, 2009
Details on page 18
St. Louis police officer charged for deaths of Indian students ASHWIN PATEL
RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service
Sri Lankans celebrate 'Dawn of Peace'
ST. LOUIS: An off-duty Sunset Hills St. Louis police officer, Christine Lynn Miller, has been charged by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office Louis County with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one count of second degree assault and for driving while intoxicated. Christine Lynn Miller was involved in a March 21 collision that killed four Indian students. Don Schneider, spokesperson for St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch, said a probable cause statement from Missouri State Highway Patrol Officer Ryan Burckhardt outlined Miller's activities prior to the crash. The statement said that on March 21, Miller "had been drinking with friends at an establishment in South St. Louis County." Miller then drove her Mitsubishi Eclipse eastbound in the westbound lane of Dougherty Ferry Road at the intersection of
Dougherty Ferry and Des Peres Roads, the statement said. At 1:45 a.m., Miller struck a Honda Ac-
ment said. Four of the passengers in the Accord were killed, including
Police officer Christine Lynn Miller
The probable cause statement said that Miller "caused the death of four passengers" and "caused serious physical injury to a fifth person." A chemical test of Miller's blood - revealed a blood alcohol content, which is twice Missouri's legal limit for intoxication
cord, carrying five young people from India, as it was turning west onto Dougherty Ferry, the state-
Anusha Anumolu, 23; Satya S. Chinta, 25; Anita Lakshmi, 23; and Priya Muppvarapu, 22. Anumolu,
Lakshmi and Muppvarapu were working towards master's degrees in information technology at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston. Injured in the crash was the driver of the Honda, Nitesh Adusumilli, 27, and Miller. The probable cause statement said that Miller "caused the death of four passengers" and "caused serious physical injury to a fifth person." A chemical test of Miller's blood at 4:35 a.m. - almost three hours after the crash - revealed a blood alcohol content of 0.169, which is twice Missouri's legal limit for intoxication. Schneider said that Miller was arrested at her home and booked into the St. Louis County Jail. She has been placed under house arrest on a $200,000 bond. She's fit with a home monitoring device as she is considered not fit for confinement (in jail) due to her health condition. Cont’d on page 13
Indian jeweler on Oak Tree Road found dead India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: An Indian American jeweler was found dead of seemingly mysterious causes in his store at Oak Wood Shopping Center on Oak Tree Road - the predominantly Indian business area in Edison, New Jersey, on June 16. Forty-six year old Sushil Bhalla, owner of Aabhushan Jewelers, was found dead in the store restroom by a co-worker. It is not clear whether Bhalla died of a heart attack or cyanide poisoning since he was using the poisonous
chemical for the gold plating and which cannot be ruled out," he cleaning process. said. An Edison Police Department Following Bhalla's death, police, spokesman told firefighters, India Post a day Middlesex later that the cause It is not clear County Hazmat, of Bhalla's death Department of Enwhether Bhalla had not been convironmental Profirmed since the died of a heart tection (DEP), Enautopsy report vironmental Prowas expected in a attack or cyanide tection Agency couple of weeks. poisoning (EPA), and Occu"We found chemipational Safety cals in the room and Health Orgawhere he worked, but he could nization (OSHA) came to the scene. have died of a heart attack too, According to the police, they
found a container with 4 to 5 ounces of cyanide in a back room at the store where Bhalla was working. Cyanide is used in jewelry cleaning. Hazmat workers in protective suits had cordoned-off the store to ensure the business was safe. Several other stores were immediately evacuated after the report of the chemical release and police closed off more than half of the shopping center. Aabhushan had been the scene of a robbery on May 19, when two men armed with guns held up three or four employees.
June 26, 2009
Community Across America
India Post
Grand annual day celebration by AIA INDER MOHAN SINGH
CHICAGO: The Association of Indians in America (AIA) celebrated its annual day last week at Ashyana Banquet Hall in Downer Grove in the presence of 200 plus members and guests. AIA President Naren Patel thanked Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri who was Keynote Speaker for the evening and Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy, the Chief Guest, for their presence and consistent moral support to AIA. Clerk Brown said that AIA promotes the involvement of Indian Americans in public policies, community and organizational leadership, besides being a valuable part of society. She talked about India Independence Day at the Plaza and how she loved dressing up in Indian attire. She said her Indian wardrobe is taking up too much space in her closet but she loves dressing up. She said Indian community has been very supportive to her and that many Indian Americans serve on his staff in senior position. "They are doing a wonderful job," she said. She believed in diversity and that she would ensure that diversity is reflected in her administration at all levels. She talked about her Green Court, E Court, E Ticket, E Plea and E Filing services. She appreciated Beena Patel for working hard in her office as the Chief Deputy Clerk of the Traffic Division.
changed in the CG office in Chicago after assuming charge here. First of all, most of the services are provided online. He contracted Visa services and now was in the process of outsourcing passport services as well. Indian Consul Generals from across USA had met in Washington, and the Chicago Office was considered number one in
AIA guests (L-R) Mrs Usha Attri, Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri, Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown and AIA President Naren Patel
Ambassador Attri said he admired AIA for celebrating Gandhi Jayanti every year. He was happy to see AIA flourishing under the leadership of Naren Patel. He said "the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little Naren Patel." He was glad to learn that AIA represents the hopes and aspirations of immigrants who are united by common bond of Indian heritage and American commitment. He conveyed his
warm greetings to President Naren Patel and all office bearers. Ambassador Attri dwelt on the stupendous progress that India had achieved in recent decades and cited a small fact that about 400 thousand phones were added in India. He also pointed out that India registered a 6.75% growth even though global economy had turned very weak He spoke about the things he added/
Clerk Brown said Indian community has been very supportive to her and that many Indian Americans serve on his staff in senior position. "They are doing a wonderful job," she said. She believed in diversity and that she would ensure that diversity is reflected in her administration at all levels every respect. He spoke about some people advertising as agents for CG Office to help the public and said this was illegal. "There is no middleman and the people have to go directly to the office for any kind of help," he said. Cont’d on page 12
India Post
Community Across America
June 26, 2009
Congresswomen Schakowsky reconsiders Senate bid HARISH RAO
CHICAGO: Just a fortnight ago, Jan Schakowsky (D-9th) had expressed her intention to run for US Senate elections slated in 2010, but last week she made a somersault and announced that she will seek re election to her 9th District Congressional seat. The election to the Senate is due as Roland Burris, a nominee to the US Senate by former governor Rod Blagojevich, has to face electorate as his term was for two years. He was nominated to the Senate filling out the vacancy caused by Sen. Barack Obama's election as US President. A new release issued by the office of Alex Armour Political Director - Schakowsky for Congress categorically asserts that Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky would run for the US Congress from 9th District. Jan Schakowsky in the release said "I seriously explored mounting a campaign for the Senate", and the "polls and response from Democratic leaders and grassroots voters -- across Illinois and around the country - convinced me I would have a very strong chance of winning a Senate race." "But I have worked my entire career for this historic moment and I decided that in order to run for Senate I would simply have to divert too much time and energy to
Balwindar Singh (left) with Jan Schakowsky and Mujeeb Rehman with her at a Jan campaign meet in Chicago.
do the massive amounts of fund raising required by a serious Senate bid," she continued "I feel confident that I could raise the $10 million dollars needed for a primary race - and the $16 million plus needed for a general election campaign - but to do it I would have to become a telemarketer five to six hours each day." "Over the next two years Congress has the opportunity to provide health care to all Americans, begin on the road to energy independence, remake the financial regulatory system, pass immigration reform and help transform our relationship with the rest of the world. I think the next two years
Indian Pakistani supporters of Jan Schakowsky said they are for Jan whether she runs for Senate or for Congress. She is a wonderful friend of Indian American community, said Balwinder Singh, a front ranking supporter of Democratic nominees at all levels
present a once in a lifetime opportunity to make progressive change. I want to devote my energy to help make these things a reality, and decided that I simply couldn't do it if I mounted a campaign for Senate," she concluded. Schakowsky, a close ally of President Barack Obama had earlier served as his National CoChair Campaign. She is also close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a member of the House Democratic Leadership, and the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee. She also serves as Chair of the Sub-Committee on Oversight of the Select Committee on Intelligence.
Indian Pakistani supporters of Jan Schakowsky said they are for Jan whether she runs for Senate or for Congress. She is a wonderful friend of Indian American community, said Balwinder Singh, a front ranking supporter of Democratic nominees at all levels. "She has supported us in the past and we will support her now," he added. Mujeeb Rehman, an engineer and a supporter of Jan said that "this has been a great experience and I am glad to have been a part of Jan Schakowsky's team. We are extremely grateful for the work Jan Schakowsky did for our South Asian community, and we will continue to support her."
County judicial appointment Grand annual day celebration by AIA upsets Asian Americans India Post News Service
CHICAGO: Local Asian American leaders are upset and outraged by the hasty action of the Illinois Supreme Court to fill a seat left vacant by the recent death of Circuit Court Judge Sandra Otaka. Otaka, who died on Saturday, June 5, was the first and only Asian American elected to serve as a circuit court judge in Cook County. Her successor was appointed just five days after her death -- before the judge had even been laid to rest. The newly appointed judge is Yehuda Lebovits and he is not Asian American. "The circumstances surrounding the appointment of Judge Otaka's successor suggests that the decision was made without regard to the changing demographics of the community she served," said Diana Lin, president of the Asian American Institute (AAI). Otaka, first elected judge in 2002, was retained last November in the 9th Judicial Subcircuit District -- home to Cook County's larg-
est concentration of Asian Americans (about 300,000 residents). The public outcry from community leaders came after they learned that the Illinois Supreme Court had appointed, as Otaka's successor, someone with no ties, or familiarity, with the county's Asian American community.
Otaka, who died on Saturday, June 5, was the first and only Asian American elected to serve as a circuit court judge in Cook County Nearly three-dozen Asian American groups have demanded more transparency in the appointment process and pushing for diversity on the bench with qualified candidates. "There are Asian American lawyers qualified to merit consideration for Judge Otaka's vacancy,"
says Anne I. Shaw, immediate past president of20the Asian American Bar Association (AABA). "Given the historic significance of Judge Otaka's election and her stature as a beloved icon for Asian Americans, we had hoped that the Illinois Supreme Court would have exercised some sensitivity to Cook County's Asian American community by giving strong consideration to the prospect of appointing an Asian American, appointing someone with ties to our community or, at least, alerting Asian American community leaders." Her death leaves only six judges of Asian ancestry in the county. However, all six are associate judges -- not full circuit court judges like Otaka. Groups protesting the recent action of the Illinois Supreme Court include: Apna Ghar, Hamdard Center for Health and Human Services, Indo-American Democratic Organization, Indian American Bar Association, Muslim Women's Resource Center, Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago, Sikh American Heritage Organization.
AIA President Naren Patel and AIA National Chair Prof Ghanshyam Pandey Cont’d from page 11
He appealed to all Indian Americans to play an important role in the development of India. Dr Ghanshyam Pandey thanked Chief
Guest Dorothy Brown and CG Ashok Kumar Attri and his wife for supporting AIA. Cont’d on page 13
June 26, 2009
Community Across America
India Post 13
St. Louis police officer charged for deaths of Indian students Cont’d from page 10
Schneider said that Miller sustained severe head injuries in the crash but is able to understand the charges against her. Under the conditions of her home confinement, Miller will only be allowed to leave her home for doctor appointments. At the time of the accident, the highway patrol had anticipated results from the blood alcohol test to be revealed within three weeks. However, the prosecuting office and highway patrol have remained tight-lipped until now, nearly three months later. Schneider said Miller's injuries have not played a role in the length of the investigation. "It took a long time because there was a very extensive reconstruction investigation of the accident scene and those reconstructions are very mathematical and very detailed," Officials for the Sunset Hills Police Department released a statement after the charges were announced. The statement, signed by the Sunset Hills Chief of Police, William LaGrand states: "Pursuant to department policy, PO Christine Miller is sus-
Grand annual day celebration by AIA Cont’d from page 12
He gave the annual report by saying that AIA Illinois chapter "is one of the oldest and most active chapters of the AIA." Last year, the chapter organized several programs, including the celebration of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday and India's Independence Day. Many distinguished people have been AIA's honored speakers on Mahatma Gnadhi's birthday. Last year, Srimati Kamala, President of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Washington D.C., Dr. Ralph Nicholas, President of American In-
The people of Indian origin have made significant contributions to the progress and growth of the United States and one of the primary objectives of AIA was to help Indian immigrants become a part of American mainstream stitute of Indian studies, as well as Ashok Kumar Attri, were the featured speakers. The people of Indian origin have made significant contributions to the progress and growth of the United States and one of the primary objectives of the formation of AIA was to help Indian immigrants become a part of American mainstream. AIA has been quite successful in achieving this objective. He thanked board members and UP Association for supporting AIA. The program ended with a delicious dinner. Raga and Rhythm Orchestra conducted by AIA member Anil Sharma entertained those present. Salil Mishra gave welcome remarks and Yogesh Dwivedi proposed a
pended without pay from the Sunset Hills Police Department, effective this date."
Suren Pathuri says there is no anger, "It's a step in the right direction, hopefully justice
Pathuri says some in the Indian community were worried the charges were taking too long. McCulloch says it was simply because there were no eye witnesses and reconstruction took a while. He says this case isn't treated any differently because a law enforcement officer is involved St. Louis's Indian community still mourns, but Telugu Association President
will prevail," he says. "Our sympathy goes out to the Christine Miller family. It's hard
for her and we hope God will give her strength to face this. Hopefully she'll be stronger." Pathuri says some in the Indian community were worried the charges were taking too long. McCulloch says it was simply because there were no eye witnesses and reconstruction took a while. He says this case isn't treated any differently because a law enforcement officer is involved. "You certainly might expect more from a police officer, but from a legal standpoint they're not held to a higher or lower standard. They are held to the same standard as everybody else," says McCulloch.
India Post
Community Across America
June 26, 2009
Impressive list of speakers for TANA Convention RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service
CHICAGO: The 17th biennial convention of the Telugu Association of North America (TANA) slated to be held at Rosemont Convention Center for three days here next month may well turn out to be the most remembered affair for the year, judging from the impressive list of guest speakers and themed programs that the TANA team has chalked out for those attending the event. The main theme of three days event beginning Friday July 2 is Technological Innovation and Cultural Celebration and the organizers have seen to it that all gamut of activities that would touch any well knit organization- technology, business, entertainment and spiritual- are well covered. Kasi Paturi, chairman public relation committee, said here that top ranking personalities in the field of technology, banking- finance, politics, art, culture, film, and youth activities are invited for active participation. Citing a few names while talking to news media here he said that among those attending the event will be Sam Pitroda, telecom wizard; Sri Sri Ravishankar, spiritual Guru; I. V. Subbarao, Andhra Pradesh Chief Electoral officer; Federal Indian Minister for NRI Affairs Vayalar Ravi, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy; Indian Ambassador Meera Shankar; Roads and Buildings Minister of Andhra Pradesh Galla Aruna; Consul General of India in Chicago Ashok Kumar Attri; Consul General of India in San Francisco Susmita G. Thomas; Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, a number of academicians, acclaimed singers like S P Balasubrahmanyam and other film personalities and socialites.
From Right to left Prasad Yelamanchi, Chairman Spiritual committee, Kasi Paturi, Chairman Public Relations and Subbarao Parvataneni, Co Chair Registration committee
He said that under the leadership of Dr. Suren Avula there is a Continuing Medical Education (CME) seminar with speakers, Dr. Bhaskar Rao Bollinenni, CEO of KITS, Dr. P. V. Rao, Chief of Diabetology, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, and Dr. Nagarjunakumar Yarlagadda. Besides, under the leadership of Padma Shri S.V. Ramarao, Arts and Crafts committee has decided to informally honor some of the exhibits with prizes and also give some mementos to the artists whose work is going to be on display at the conference. Prasad Yelamanchi who heads Spiritual Committee, informed the media that for the first time Sri Venkateshwara Kalyanam and Sita Ram Kalyanam will be presented on two days. These presentations would be done by priests from Sri Balaji and Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago. He said that the committee would offer a wide variety of activities that will generate a lot of stimulating intellectual debates besides spiritual enlightenment. "I would really want the public at large to go thru our speakers list and judge by themselves if the lectures and spiritual discourse
would be intellectually and spiritually stimulating or not. We have Prof. Bala from Belgium, Swami Kamal Kumar, Swami Paripoornanadgiri, Dr. Richard Berkin, Rajiv Malhotra, Mihir Meghani, Swami Siddharth, Dr.
Prasad Yelamanchi who heads Spiritual Committee, informed the media that for the first time Sri Venkateshwara Kalyanam and Sita Ram Kalyanam will be presented on two days. These presentations would be done by priests from Sri Balaji and Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago Shekhar Mayanil, Swami Chidananda, to name a few. Even non TANA members are invited to attend this program," he said. Subbarao Parvataneni, a Co chair Registration Committee, informed that there would be an ex-
hibition of paintings and photographs from young and upcoming artists from India. Etched painting would be there. The top exhibits would be recognized, he said. The youth is not forgotten and that they would have their own separate mini convention at the premise. Bharat Matrimony has agreed to provide its service for "one minute Dating" service where in the singles would meet and greet each other, and would jot down details if they are interested in their counterparts, he said. Pathuri further said that business seminars will be addressed by experts like Dr. Krishna Ella, founder of Bharat Biotech; Dr. Jasti Venkat, CEO of Suven Life Sciences; Jayadev Galla, MD of Amara Raja Batteries; Hari Suapanei, CEO and president of Solar Semiconductors; Anil Chalamasetty, MD of Greenco group; Sri Dasari, MD of Brigade Corporation; Ramu Yalamanchi, CEO of HI5; Anu Bhardwaj, CEO of VENCAT, Dr. D. Ramanaidu, noted film producer; Bala Rajasekharuni, producer and director; Ratna Yalamanchili, CEO of Himalaya Enterprises; C. Prasanna, director of GMR Group; and R.V.
Seshan, executive vice president of GMR Group. The seminars and panel discussions, he says, will include a Life Sciences Panel, Young Entrepreneurs Panel, Clean and Green Technologies Panel, Women Entrepreneurs Panel, Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists Panel, Infrastructure Panel, and two-minute presentations by emerging companies. A delegation of the Andhra Pradesh government will also be coming and there will be briefings by the delegation. Besides, there would be one-on-one meetings with trade delegations and attendees. While noted playback singer S.P. Balasubrahmanyam will be honored with a life-time achievement award, he and his team of singers - Sailaja, Kalpana and Srikrishna -- will entertain the audience with their melodious presentations. The movie stars who are attending the conference include Murali Mohan, Anushka, Bhoomika, Naresh, and Swami. Among the notable literary figures are Medasani Mohan, who will organize a rare literary feat of "Ashtavadhanam," and Rallabandi Kavita Prasad. The inaugural song and dance ballet will be very unique as it is being composed by noted lyricist Sirivennala Seetarama Sastry and presented by a group of 100 children selected from the local talent. The cultural program includes a youth fashion show, a film stars show and the Super Singer Finals of Naa Yeda Savvadi - talent search program -- organized by TANA-MAA TV. Kasi Pathuri says that the conference will be an important occasion not only for Telugus, but also for non-Telugus for entertainment, education, trade and business relations, socializing and networking.
Is Shah Rukh Khan coming to FIA parade? MOHAMMAD GHOUSE
CHICAGO: The Federation of Indian Associations has organized India Day Parade on Saturday August 15 on Chicago Devon Avenue at 12 noon. On the same day, the organizers of South Asian Carnival have slated a meet and greet the Bollywood stars. In fact the Carnival is for two days - Saturday August 15 and 16 - and its organizers have publicly announced that top notch Bollywood actors and actresses- Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Sohail Khan, Bipasha Basu and others - would be coming to their event. There are reports that members
of the FIA executive committee are seeking the presence of Shah Rukh Khan as Grand Marshal in their Parade. During the FIA meet two weeks ago, FIA Vice president, Sher Mohammad Rajput had urged Dr. Hyder Mohammad and Khan Lateef Khan to use their good offices to influence Shah Rukh Khan to come to the FIA Parade. It is now given out that Shah Rukh Khan would come to FIA Parade for a while. However, the South Asian Carnival organizers dispute this and categorically assert that all the top Bollywood stars are slated to perform at their Festival and that they would not
Shah Rukh Khan
come to the FIA Parade. In a release to the newspapers, they have said that "It is brought to our attention that interested parties have begun spreading reports/ rumors that one of the most popular Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan, who has committed to attend our program - South Asian Carnival- on Saturday August 15, is also slated to attend the FIA Parade on Devon Ave as Grand Marshal the same day." "We are hosting the South Asian Carnival and Shah Rukh Khan has committed to be at our program the entire day on Aug 15 at Rosemont Convention Center
and he is not going anywhere else." "We are planning to host India Day event on the same day at Rosemont Convention Center in the morning before the start of the Carnival. We also plan to host Pakistan Day celebration on the same day at the same place as the main purpose of behind hosting this Carnival is to bring all South Asian communities together." Shah Rukh and other stars will be at the Carnival on Saturday Aug.15 and Sunday Aug 16, says the news release issued by Syed Monty and Altaf Hussein, the two organizers.
June 26, 2009
Community Across America
India Post 15
Council Speaker and Member 'taste' Little India India Post News Service
JACKSON HEIGHTS: Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and Council Member Helen Sears participated in a unique tasting tour of Little India as part of the "Nine in 09" campaign. Mike Narula, owner of Delhi Heights restaurant and the Jackson Heights Merchants Association joined the Speaker and Council Member in the tour. The day's event followed an announcement Speaker Quinn made last month with Mayor Bloomberg, Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito and NYC and Company kicking off the campaign, which invites New Yorkers and visitors alike to explore nine culturally diverse neighborhoods that New York City has to offer. The Speaker first mentioned the idea in her State of the City speech, as a way to support local small businesses during challenging economic times. The visit included a savory tasting menu of goat curry, palak paneer and vegetable manchurian from Delhi Heights, window shopping on 74th Street and speaking with local business owners.
Bollywood movie theatre. The 'Nine in 09' initiative is just the kind of thing the City needs to get New Yorkers exploring their own city again, and I thank the Speaker for efforts." "Jackson Heights is a dynamic neighborhood rich in culture and diversity," says Mike Narula, Owner of Delhi Heights (Fine Indian Restaurant & Bar). "The entrepreneurial spirit in this community is second to none and it's no secret some of the best South Asian cuisine can be found right here in our own neighborhood. Numerous specialty shops, boutiques, plus an abundance of authentic dining, Jackson Heights truly is a hidden gem in our great city." "In these tough economic times, the City Council's 'Visit 9 in 09' is exactly the right type of incentive plan that our small businesses need, especially in areas such as Jackson Heights," said Alfonso Quiroz, a member of Queens Community Board #3 and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Queens. "This neighborhood is known for exotic Indian culture, beautiful jewelry and delicious cuisine. There are a plethora
"New York is a city of neighborhoods," said Council Member Helen Sears, "and they are some of the most dynamic and diverse in the world. During this upcoming year when the economy is tough it makes sense to explore all the great places right in our own backyard, Jackson Heights being one of the best� "The Nine in 09 campaign highlights the many treasures we have within our five boroughs," said Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn. "Not only are these cultural jewels a way to help New Yorkers explore unknown areas, but they will also help tourists maximize their experience here and show off all we have to offer. Together, we at the Council are working as hard as possible to ensure that New York City's local businesses stay afloat during these tough economic times. 9 in 09 is just one example of those efforts." "New York is a city of neighborhoods," said Council Member Helen Sears, "and they are some of the most dynamic and diverse in the world. During this upcoming year when the economy is tough it makes sense to explore all the great places right in our own backyard, Jackson Heights being one of the best. From Indian and Chinese, Latino to Russian, this area is a microcosm of the world. There is great shopping, fabulous restaurants, and even a
of fantastic Indian restaurants here to choose from, that welcome native New Yorkers and tourists alike. I applaud Council Member Sears and Speaker Quinn for this new and exciting initiative." "New York City has so many great neighborhoods and we are pleased to have helped develop 'Visit Nine in '09' to encourage New Yorkers to take the time this summer to experience all the rich shopping, dining, culture and entertainment that is right in their own backyards, " said NYC & Company CEO George Fertitta . Jackson Heights New York 's South Asian population is scattered around the City, but Jackson Heights , Queens is a central community for the New York 's Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani families. Numerous grocery stores around the area import a variety of food items that bring home the aromas and tastes of age-old family recipes. The area is a delight for the senses and a great neighborhood
Council Member Helen Sears, Speaker Christine Quinn and Community Leader Alphonso Quiroz (pic: Shirley Limongi)
for shopping. Clothing and jewelry stores-displaying ornate necklaces and earrings, salwar kameez outfits or magnificent bejeweled fabrics draped into saris-dot the streets, and delicious smells of curry, tandoori meats and freshly made sweets waft out of local restaurants. Nine in '09 highlighted neighborhoods and cultures include: Astoria (Greek); Jackson Heights (Indian/Latin American); Brighton Beach (Russian); Flatbush (West Indian); the Bronx's Arthur Avenue (Little Ireland and Little Italy); Koreatown; El Barrio; and Staten Island (Sri Lankan).
India Post
Community Across America
June 26, 2009
Gujarati Samaj organizes 'professional networking' India Post News Service
ATLANTA, Georgia: The first ever "Business and Professional Networking" event organized by newly elected, young energetic team of Gujarati Samaj Atlanta was a ray of hope amid gloomy economic situation of today. The subject of the seminar "How to survive in hard economic times" attracted many business owners and professionals. Founded in 1981 with 10 to 15 families, Gujarati Samaj Inc. today has close to 1000 paid members and 40,000 sq. ft building in Tucker, Georgia. For past 28 years Gujarati Samaj is operating on democratic values with Board of Governors and Executive committee, elected new every year. The event had a couple of founding sponsors, at least a dozen event sponsors and 225 attendees. All the participants received a file folder filled with information regarding educational materials and their websites, articles on networking job searching, resume writing and motivation. The seminar, educational materials and food - everything were free for pre-registered partici-
pants. The next event is tentatively scheduled in the month of August 2009. Khyati Patel, lead of the event, introduced Gujarati Samaj president Vipul Patel. Working as an IT manager, Vipul Patel gave a brief history of Gujarati Samaj of Atlanta and argued the case for the importance such event for the community. Sapna Patel of New York life, a founding sponsor and member of
they expect. Kirtan Patel, a corporate attorney of "Kumar and Pathak" law firm gave an idea of bankruptcy and how one should handle it. He also gave a dose of reality to the audience and said days of "exuberance" are long gone. Dr Dilip Patel, a practicing psychiatrist, explained how to deal with 'stress' coping with present economic situation. He also ex-
The event had a couple of founding sponsors, at least a dozen event sponsors and 225 attendees. All the participants received a file folder filled with information regarding educational materials and their websites BPN event organizing committee, asked everyone not to panic in such unstable economy and reasoned that responsible financial decisions could turn challenges into opportunities. Prakash Parmar, an immigration attorney, Gujarati Samaj board of governor and member of BPN event organizing committee explained the legal side of different category of visas and what should
plained simple and medical ways to deal with stress. Mohan Kapur, a motivational speaker, said success is what you can do. Do not think what you cannot do. Quoting a successful athlete he said, "Just run your own race, do not worry what others are doing." He advocated keeping a positive attitude, "write down your goals-weekly, monthly and yearly."
Horn Ok Please opens its doors in NJ India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: Leading restaurateur and club owner, Hemant Phul launched his newest offering Horn Ok Please, an authentic 'dhaba', in the heart of Jersey City recently. Horn OK Please offers the original ambience along with freshly prepared food and loads of tandoori items, but in a neat and clean environment, at a price point that one cannot beat. "Our goal is to give you the best possible quality without hurting your wallet. Good Indian food need not be expensive," says Phul.
The idea came about when Phul's wife Bhavana, thought the name would be perfect for a restaurant. Phul then built the concept around the name. "All the Indian neighborhoods have tons of restaurants but none that brings the 'dhaba' back to life in the US. This is a concept we are definitely looking to grow," added Phul. Phul has had experience working in prominent New York restaurants like Baluchi's, Delhi Palace and Salaam Bombay, and in 2005, had launched the uber-chic Earth in New York's meatpacking district.
Community Across America
June 26, 2009
India Post 17
AAINJ hosts educational seminar India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: The American Association of Indian Nurses of New Jersey, Chapter 2 hosted a one day educational seminar titled 'Integrating Diversity - Creating Change', at the Clinton Manor in New Jersey recently. The seminar was planned by staff nurses, nurse practitioners and educators of Indian origin from different hospital systems across the state of New Jersey. The seminar was inaugurated by a symbolic lamp lighting ceremony conducted by founding President Lydia Albuquerque; Nancy Holecek, Senior Vice President, St. Barnabas Health Care System; Theresa Rejrat, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer University of Medicine and Dentistry (UMDNJ); Dr. Omana Simon, President of National Association of Indian Nurses of America; Barbara Chamberlain, President of New Jersey State Nurses Association; Dr Lorraine Steefel; Janet Coughlin, Director of Nursing practice, Robert wood Johnson University Hospital Rahway; Aleyamma Samuel, President AAINJ1; and Anju Bhargava, President of Livingston American Association of Indians and a Member of President Obama's Advisory Committee for Interfaith based groups. Nancy Holecek, who was felicitated for her role in encouraging and supporting the formation of AAIN-NJ2, pledged to continue to support the organization's activities. In addition to being one of
Lamp Lighting Ceremony. In the picture from left to right: Ms. Aleyamma Samuel, President AAINJ1, Ms Janet Coughlin, Director of Nursing practice, Robert wood Johnson University Hospital Rahway, Dr Lorraine Steefel, Dr. Kem Louie, Dr. Omana Simon, President of National Association of Indian Nurses of America, President Lydia Albuquerque, Ms. Theresa Rejrat, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer University of Medicine and Dentistry (UMDNJ), Ms. Nancy Holecek, Senior Vice President, St. Barnabas Health Care System, Thangamani Aravindan, Barbara Chamberlain, President of New Jersey State Nurses Association, Ms. Anju Bhargava, President of Livingston American Association of Indians and a Member of President Obama's Advisory Committee for Interfaith based groups and Sandra Emmanuel.
the main sponsors of the event, she presented a generous check to the organization on behalf of St. Barnabas Health Care system. In attendance were leaders from all leading hospitals in New Jersey and over a 100 registered nurses - not only of Indian descent but other minorities who wished to take advantage of the seminar. The purpose of the day long seminar was to equip foreign educated nurses with knowledge and skills necessary to face challenges of migration, integration and lifelong learning. Speaking on this issue was Dr. Kem Louie, an Associate Professor and Director of
In attendance were leaders from all leading hospitals in New Jersey and over a 100 registered nurses - not only of Indian descent but other minorities who wished to take advantage of the seminar
Undergraduate studies at William Paterson University in Wayne NJ, the Past president Of AAPINA and the secretary of NCEMNA. This first time event was a huge success as it also provided contact hours to the nurses who participated. A sponsorship from- "The Johnson and Johnson Campaign for Nursing's Future" provided a tremendous boost to the fledgling organization. In her address President Albuquerque said "to know that large companies are concerned about nurses' future in America is noteworthy. Collaborating with foreign
educated nurses on issues concerning migration, integration, and lifelong learning is a step in the right direction." In a short span of three years, AAIN NJ2 has received encouraging support from the SBHCS, UMDNJ, HUMC, RWJUH, PNAA and NJBNA. Dr. Hemant Patel Past President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin presented an invitation to collaborate with them in contributing towards better health care. AAIN NJ 2 also plans to participate in a research project titled "South Asian Total Health Initiative" that has emerged out of UMDNJ and the RWJUH. J. Barredo, Vice President International Recruitment of the St. Barnabas Hospital was also felicitated for her role in providing support and guidance to the foreign nurses while Dr. Leo Felix Jurado, National President of Filipino Nurses Association of America promised continued encouragement, support and definite possibilities of working together to make the association grow in leaps and bounds. With a vision to retain, recruit, encourage, support, promote, and facilitate the growth of immigrant nurses, in America, the Seminar's theme was apt, as it is estimated that one in three Americans is an ethnic minority. In her closing remarks, Albuquerque summed it all up by quoting Robert Frost, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep."
UN Renewable Energy Award for Sulabh International India Post News Service
NEW YORK: The United Nations' InterGovernmental Renewable Energy Organization (IREO) has awarded Sulabh International for this year's prestigious Renewable Energy Award. Sulabh International's founder Bindeshwar Pathak received the award at the UN headquarters in New York on June 11. The internationally acclaimed organization has been awarded for making "incredible strides in changing the standards of sanitation across the globe". "'The UN has selected Sulabh International for this award as its founder has made incredible strides in promoting and changing the standards of sanitation in India as well other parts of the globe,'" said Robson Mello, Secretary General, IREO, which has a de facto status within the UN. Dr Pathak has been awarded for his indigenous, cost-effective, two-pit toilet technology which recycles and reuses human
‘The UN has selected Sulabh International for this award as its founder has made incredible strides in promoting and changing the standards of sanitation in India as well other parts of the globe,’ said Robson Mello, Secretary General, IREO, which has a de facto status within the UN Bindeshwar Pathak
excreta for biogas generation. While pioneering biogas generation from public toilet complexes, Sulabh International's energy efficient biogas plant design with multiple
benefits in sanitation, bio-energy and manure, has even been approved by the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy. The biogas produced by Sulabh has
been found to be good to provide both cooking fuel and electricity. In his acceptance speech Dr. Pathak said, "This kind of honor at the UN gives global recognition and acceptance to ideas and efforts of Sulabh which otherwise would have remained buried as demonstration projects, without being replicated and being of any use for the benefit of the society." The award recognizes the achievements of individuals and institutions in response to the crisis of climate change and sustainable global energy resources, and honors those who choose to lead the way of global advancement in alternative energy solutions by challenging conventional wisdom and encouraging critical thinking to create positive reform. Modeled on the status and integrity of the Nobel Prize, this annual awards ceremony draws attention to future energy issues which constitute some of the most urgent challenges facing the world's leaders today.
Community Across America
India Post
June 26, 2009
Sri Lankans celebrate 'Dawn of Peace' JS BEDI India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: "We celebrate the dawn of peace in Sri Lanka as the foundation of development, which was made possible with the defeat of separatist terrorism in our motherland" declared Ananda Wickramasinghe, the Consul General (CG) of Sri Lanka in Los Angeles. The statement was made at the celebration "Dawn of Peace" organized by the Sri Lankan Consulate office along with the community organizations in and around Los Angeles to celebrate the birth of a new era, sans terrorism in Sri Lanka. The event was held on Saturday June 6 starting at 3 pm. Children of the Sri Lankan expatriate community took center stage in many items of the celebration. At the start of the event, the national anthems of Sri Lanka and America were sung by young Shanya Makalanda. Representing all ethnic groups in Sri Lanka (Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Malay and Burgher), children Nadun Silva, Ruzlee Manthra and Shannon Dennis, from the expatriate community participated in lighting the traditional oil lamp. They released white balloons together, signifying the dawn of peace.
A minute of silence was observed to pay homage to the brave soldiers who paid the supreme sacrifice in defending the motherland. Conducting Buddhist ceremonies, the Maha Sangha from temples around Los Angeles, led by Venerable Ahangama Dharmarama chanted "pirith" to bless the motherland. Venerable Ambalanthota Kolitha of the Sarathchandra Buddhist Meditation Center in North Hollywood, CA, mentioned that President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksha, is a person who says what he does and does what he says. "With such leaders we could expect a prosperous and a truly unified nation in the future", concluded the venerable monk. The Catholic prayers were conducted by Rev. Father Alexi Smith
who briefly quoted Cardinal Mahoney's message after defeat of terrorism in Sri Lanka; that the nation should progress forward healing the wounds of the past.
‘It is our responsibility to attend to the problems of families of soldiers who sacrificed their lives and limbs for a united Lanka’ The Muslim prayers were conducted by Ajward Shariz. In his address Ajward mentioned, "After many years of strife, we have just
sighted the light of opportunity in Sri Lanka. The opportunity to choose hope, over fear and unity of purpose, over conflict and discord. If there was ever a time in the history of Sri Lanka to augment the change; for change of hope, unity, advancement and progress, my dear respected brothers of Sri Lanka, this is the time... the opportunity to embark on a journey, proclaim an end to petty grievances and divisive politics and recriminations and worn out dogmas that far too long have strangled a nation's prosperity. Today, I say to you, we face a different challenge. Challenge which is daunting, but it can be diffused, of us being one race, one cast one creed. Just be Sri Lankans. Consul General addressing the
gathering said, "Today, we salute the military and the political leadership of our motherland for bravely staging a victorious stand to ward off a grave terrorist campaign of the highest order. This celebration makes us feel special because one of the key architects of the victory over terrorism was Gotabhaya Rajapakshe who lived with us in LA. It is our responsibility to attend to the problems of families of soldiers who sacrificed their lives and limbs for a united Lanka. I am very glad to note that in our midst there are organizations such as the 'Ranaviru Foundation" and "The Sri Lankan Patriots" who have a range of projects aimed to help our fallen heroes and their families." Cont’d on page 20
Healing naturally through Ayurveda, Yoga & music JS BEDI India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: The Healing Gardens of Ayurveda, LLC is an Ayurvedic and wellness center, established in 2005 with the mission to bring Authentic Ayurveda and natural healing therapies to America. Headed by the highly qualified and experienced team of Sujata Shah and Ayurvedic Physician Dr. Ram Tamang, and company CEO Nilesh Shah, The Healing Gardens has achieved amazing success in a short period of time and has created life changing experiences for people from various walks of life, both healthy & those undergoing serious ailments. The addition of well known voice trainer and music teacher Dipali to the team, and the subsequent incorporation of spiritual music to the healing process has made this a unique holistic endeavor. The Healing Gardens recently organized their first five-day unique "Panchkarma" retreat at the spectacular 11 acre Hidden Valley Retreat in Escondido, California. Panchakarma Therapy is an indi-
vidualized cleansing program of rejuvenation and detoxification of the mind body & soul. The schedule focused on the core mission of healing naturally through Ayurveda, Yoga and music. In addition to the core team of Sujata Shah, Dr. Ram and Dipali, this dedicated team of qualified and experienced experts included holistic practitioners David Alduenda and Sarah Tiehen, Yoga expert Phillip Lugaris and Ayurveda specialized Chef Fariba Zandpur, who prepared authentic and delicious Ayurvedic meals. Each participant was given a personalized ayurvedic treatment itinerary which included ayurvedic treatments such as oil massages, Shirodhara, nasal, eye & back therapy and other cleansing therapies. Core Group activities were specifically designed to awaken the spiritual self and provide internal relaxation and inner healing through sunrise Yoga, laughter therapy, educational seminars, nature walks, healing vegetarian natural foods, meditation and spiritual chanting of raga based specifically created
Chanting led by Dipali & musicians
compositions by Dipali with live musicians. The environment was especially selected for its luxuri-
ticipants documented the retreat as one of the best experiences of their lives and raved about not
The addition of well known voice trainer and music teacher Dipali to the team, and the subsequent incorporation of spiritual music to the healing process has made this a unique holistic endeavor ous beauty, peace and quiet to aid the internal cleansing process. The retreat was attended by very high profile participants and has been a roaring success. Par-
only the unique & effective approach to healing through Ayurveda, Yoga and music but also the amazing warmth, dedication and personalized service of
Ayurvedic therapy Shirodhara in session
the entire team, which they have never witnessed before. Panchakarma is one of the core therapeutic events that The Healing Gardens will organize on a regular basis at different unique venues which are carefully chosen to ensure a natural environment, away from daily urban distractions. The Healing Gardens wishes to extend its services especially within the Indian community in a bid to open the doors of our own healing systems to our own community.
June 26, 2009
India Post 19
NEW YORK Upcoming
Sat June 27 • Radio Awaz - The Voice of South Asians
Sat June 27 • Bharatanatyam
Venue: WLIE 540 AM, New-York Time: 9am to 11am Contact: 718-600-0954
Venue: Artomatic, 55 M Street, SE, Washington, District of Columbia Time: 6pm Contact: (703) 642-9558
Sun June 28
Sat July 4
• Sadhu Vaswani Summer Camp
• Red, White & You
Venue: Hudson Valley Resort, Kerhonkson, New York Contact: 770-442-3450
Venue: K Street Lounge, 1301 K St NW, Washington, DC Time: 9pm Contact: 773-490-0975
Sat July 4
Sat July 4
Venue: Hindu Temple Community Center, 143-09 Holly Avenue, Flushing, New York Time: 8pm Contact: 732-277-6687
• DC Rathyatra, Festival of India Venue: National Mall, 4th Street at Madison, Washington Time: 10:30am to 8pm Contact: 301-299-2100
Tues July 7
Sat July 18
• AMMA - Free Public Programs
• Vibha DC Spelling Bee 2009
Venue: Manhattan Center, 311 W. 34th Street, (between 8th and 9th Avenues), New York Time: 10am to 7:30pm Contact: 212-714-5445
Venue: ChesterBrook Academy, 46100 Woodshire Drive, Sterling, Virginia Time: 10am
Sat June 27
Fri June 26
• Sri Jagannath Rath Yatra
• Koi Annewala Hai! STRINGS Live In Concert
Venue: India Cultural Society Hindu Temple, 714 Preakness Ave, Wayne, New Jersey Time: 3pm Contact: 973-305-1538
Sat June 27
Sat June 27
• The Road to Success: Insights from Leading Asian Pacific American Professionals
• Bhoomi - Live in Concert
Venue: Holiday Inn Hotel (located at the Raritan Center), 3050 Woodbridge Avenue (Atrium Room), Edison, NJ Time: 2:00 pm Highlights: Cindy Hsu - WCBS-TV Anchor and Reporte, Upendra Chivukula - Assemblyman, State of New Jersey, Legislative District 17, Lora Fong - Attorney at Law, Senior Corporate Counsel,, Cochi Ho - Special Agent, FBI, Newark Division
Thurs July 2 • Asha Bhosle & Sudesh Bhosle - Concert Venue: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, NJ Time: 8pm to 11pm Contact: 267-253-9112
ï Sahaja Yoga Meditation
ï Raja Yoga Meditation Course
Venue: For date, time & venue visit: or Contact: 1-877-642-6074 Highlights: Sahaja Yoga is a simple method of meditation discovered.
Venue: visit Contact: 323-933-2808
Friday ï Nithya Yoga Venue: Vedic Temple 9720 Central Ave., Montclair CA 91763 Time: 10am to 11am (Weekday), 8:20am to 9:30am Contact: 909-625-1400
Venue: Plainfield South High School, 7800 Caton Farm Rd, Plainfield, Illinois Time: 8pm Contact: 630-460-5537
Sun July 12
Sun July 5
ï Yoga Classes
Venue: YOG room, Mandir, 16540 Aston St., Irvine, CA Day / Time: Every Thursday between 7 pm & 8-30 pm Contact: (949) 705 6670 Cost: $50 per person Highlights: Vishakha Purandare, Siddha Samadhi Yoga Southern California Chapter.
Venue: Fremont Hindu Temple, 3676 Delaware, Dr Fremont Time: 6:30 am to 7:30 am Contact: 510-659-0655
Fri June 26
• Dream Mile 2009
Sun June 28 • Paintings of the Divine Venue: Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, 4800 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood Ca 90027 Time: 6pm Contact: 818 384 1954 Tickets: Presale $15 / Door $20 Highlights: Paintings of the Divine features company members Sheila Aula, Shivani Aysola, Vyshnavi Aysola, Anjali Gopalan, Lakshmi Iyengar, Malathi Iyengar, Shilpa Mantri, Sumathi Nanguneri, Sandhya Rajan, Akshaya Sekhar, Soumya Sundaresh, Nishitha Viswanathan and guest dancer Navia Natarajan.
Sat July 11
Sun June 28 Venue: Shoreline Park, Mountain View, California Time: 7am Contact:
Sat June 27 • Jashn-E-Rahman Venue: JCNC Auditorium, 722 South Main St, Milpitas, California Time: 3:30pm Contact: 408-660-3739
Mon June 29 to Mon Aug 6 • Ohlone for Kids (and Teens) Summer Enrichment Program Venue: Ohlone College, 43600 Mission Blvd. in Fremont, Contact:
Thurs July 2 • Bahuda Yatra 2009 Venue: Fremont Hindu Temple, 3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, California Time: 6pm Contact: 650-917-8829
Sun July 5
Venue: Industry Hills Golf Course, One Industry Hill Pky, Industry, CA 91744 Time: Shot Gun start at 12:30pm Contact: Bobby Kang 323-228-3085
Venue: Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California Time: 3pm to 7pm Contact: 408-996-2943
Thur July 16 to Sat July 18
Fri July 10 • Dance in The Sky
ï CTA Presents Telugu Festival
ï Sri Sri Rukmani Dwarkantha 40th Anniversary
Venue: Voorhees Middle School, 1000 Holy Oak Drive, Voorhees, New Jersey Time: 1pm to 6pm Contact: 856-313-6741
Venue: Odeum Expo Center, 1033 N. Villa Avenue, Villa Park, Illinois Contact: (630) 560 9026
Venue: 3764 Watseka Ave, West Los Ange Time: 4pm to 7pm Contact: 213-923-1584
Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)
ï 4th S S Bajwa Memorial Golf Tournament
Thurs July 2
PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)
Venue: East Bay Hindu Temple, 595 School Street, Pittsburg, Time: 7:30 pm Contact: Temple-925-252-0551
• Fogana - Garba, Raas, Folk Dance Competition
ï Mata Ka Jagrata
• YOG Basic
• Ekal Musical Evening Venue: Forest View Center, 2121 S Goebbert Rd, Arlington Heights, IL Time: Dinner-5pm, Show Time-6:30pm Contact: 847-226-4929 Ticket: $20 Highlgihts: Indian Geet, Gazal and Bhjajan, performed by Mahabharata fame artists Sushil Baweja, Ashok Pandey's and group.
First Saturday of the Month
Tues May 7 to Tues June 25
Venue: Southern California Edison CTAC Conference Center, The Greater Los Angeles Area, 6090 North Irwindale Ave , Irwindale , CA 91702 Time: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Reception to follow Contact:
Venue: Gateway Theater, 5216W Lawrence Ave, Chicago Time: 8:30pm Contact: 773-615-0279
1st Wed of every month
• The 2009 2nd Annual India Trade Conference
• Mehfil-e-ghazal - Ghulam Ali Live
• ETV Telugu Times Film Awards
Venue: Hilton Hotel, 333 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, California Time: 9pm Contact: 415-260-9920
UPCOMING TEMPLE EVENTS YOGA CLASS: MON.-FRI. 7 TO 8 AM SAT. 8 TO 9 AM GEETA CLASS: SAT. 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Gayatri Mantra Every Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM
Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2544
Shiv Purana Katha by Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand Teerth from 21 June to 27 June IN THE NEW YEAR BECOME ABHISHEKA: MON: 6:30 PM SHIVJI, FRI: 6:30 TEMPLE TRUSTEE - $1501 PM LAKSHAMIJI, SAT: 10 AM BALAJI, LIFE MEMBER - $ 501 YEARLY MEMBER - $ 101 SUN: 6:30 PM GANESHJI & NAVAGRAHA
June 26, 2009
India Post
Sri Lankans celebrate 'Dawn of Peace' Cont’d from page 18
Jayam Ratnam, president of the Sri Lanka America Association, the oldest Sri Lankan community organization in southern California mentioned, 'now that the menace of terrorism has been halted we all should take part in the development process of our motherland. Dr. Mohan Kumararathne, President of the "Ranaviru Foundation USA", which was instrumental in raising funds in excess of $100,000 for a housing project dedicated to the families of disabled soldiers in Sri Lanka sometime back mentioned that a formidable obstacle against development had been surpassed. Ven Aparakke Punnyasiri, co secretary of "Sri Lankan Patriots" organization paid tribute to the political and military leadership for being able to lay the foundation for a united and prosperous Lanka. "Our organization carried out many campaigns for the cause and is ready to continue same in the future. Yet what we should not fail to observe is that though terrorism has been dealt a deathblow, seeds of separatism still exist. We should be vigilant of such, especially in the light of constitutional amendments that are to be proposed for a permanent solution."
Led by Sri Lankan children's song and dance items, the cultural event started after the formal event, giving prominence to the younger expatriate generation. These performances commenced with the Sinhala songs sung to the lilting music provided by the 'Next Generation', the kids' band from Gardena, CA. Dilukshi Fernando,
Experienced and accomplished Sri Lankan artists Supun de Silva, Bhadraji Jayatilleka, Anoma Rasaputhra, Ramani Weerasinghe entertained the gathering with many popular songs Naomi Amarasekera, Rukshan Fernando, Yohan Peiris, Thanushka Fernando and Chammi Amarasekara performed here. Vinayani Jayasinghe sang a Sinhala song 'Mata Maeni Wage' perfectly and also presented a delightful Bharatha natyam item. Rosie Maddock, grand daughter of Ananda Niyarepola and Kiara
and Siara Gunawardena, two little daughters of Nalaka and Ioma Gunewardena, presented colorful dance items to the popular Sri Lankan songs 'Wesak Kekulu' and 'Koho, Koho'. Experienced and accomplished Sri Lankan artists Supun de Silva, Bhadraji Jayatilleka, Anoma Rasaputhra, Ramani Weerasinghe entertained the gathering with many popular songs while the song, 'We are Sri Lankans', composed for this special occasion by Rukshan Perera of Golden Chimes fame was sung by all the artists collectively with Rukshan. Rhythm Company, the well-known musical band of Sri Lankans in Los Angeles, provided music and also took part in singing. A large number of Sri Lankans gathered here enjoyed the Dawn of Peace celebrations. The speeches of the formal event directed the audience to ponder on decisive and important aspects in Sri Lanka and its future. They also enjoyed 'Kiri Bath' and light snacks provided by Wadiya Restaurant, many other organizations and Sri Lankan well wishers. In organizing this event, 'Sri Lankan Patriots' organization in Los Angeles helped Sri Lankan consulate as requested by the Consul General Ananda Wickramasinghe.
June 26, 2009
India Post
ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 You will cut corners and start saving little money from now and on. Planets are very favorable to make any move in career. Some of you may find assignments away from home and accept them. Value of your assets and stocks will appreciate considerably. Chances of receiving money through legal matters improve with new findings and strategy.
LEO Jul 23-Aug 22
June 26 to July 2
You will feel motivated and the energy will be on peak too. Things will start taking shape the way you wanted. You will resolve many unnecessary issues easily. You may also start light exercises or go for a walk to improve health and see quick results. You may also give final shape to important paper work and file them with proper authority.
SAGITTARIUS Nov 23-Dec 22 Letters you write will get quick and favorable response. Property deal will get the much needed money. You will recover some old dues also. Some of you will be travelling to distant place for business reasons.
TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 Do not lose concentration and stay focused on real issues. You will overcome the hurdles soon. Money wise you will stay comfortable and meet all commitments on time. Some of you will be putting in extra hours in order to please the boss. You may receive some valuable item from in laws. You will be called for second interview very quickly.
VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Just change of diet will bring health related issues under control. You will be looking into a business proposal. You will spend money on a project and almost quickly recover your cost. Spouse will be slightly nervous with your fast decisions. You will be slowly working on a travel plan also. You will finish all pending work and clear the table.
CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 This is the right time to implement your ideas and launch the project. Expect progress on almost all fronts. A very reliable group will make an offer that will be hard to refuse. Any relationship started now may become permanent later. Read all papers twice before mailing them. You will be paying more attention and time with a child.
GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 Sit back and let the opponents make the first move. Venus in seventh will create divine protection and you will escape the bad. You may experience some burning sensation in stomach temporarily. You may dispose-off profit making stocks and pocket money. Venus may take you too close to an attractive personality. Bank balance will grow.
LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 Even slight miscalculation can take you into debts and increase liability on permanent basis, so be very careful in all financial matters. You will have the chance to relax with friends and relatives at the get together. Do not hesitate and the grab the opportunity thrown at you. You may be working on replacing an old vehicle.
AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 A female could be the root cause of all problems. Boss will be on your side and you will get justice in court of law if you fight. You will meet all your commitments and will still have lot left for future. Your past good deeds will make you more popular in social circle. Do not go out of your way to help others. Get together will relax you a lot.
CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 Concentration of planes in tenth will bring some positive changes in career. Assignment will be challenging but will be rewarding too. You will make good use of time on hand and enjoy what you have. Some money may be spent towards a future trip. New relationship will be exciting but do not open up so quickly.
SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 Planets in first will increase the stress level and could have side effects. Try to stay cal as much possible. You will travel to a beautiful area in connection with business or job interview. There will be considerable improvements in overseas projects and idea of taking a trip will cross your mind. Money wise you will be comfortable.
PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 Change will be better so grab the opportunity. You may lose extra money on purchasing many unnecessary items. You will spend time with some very hard working people and learn some useful tricks. Strong Venus will let you enjoy life and enjoy food of your choice. People in business will be talking to new vendors in order to reduce the costs.
„ Health
Azad cracks down on 'middlemen' of medical colleges NEW DELHI: Cracking down on agents and middlemen who are said to have had a hold on the ministry, Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad has himself cleared more than 150 proposals relating to medical education pending with it for years. These permissions pending for last several years with the ministry pertaining to Medical, Dental, Ayurvedic and Unani colleges were cleared within a week's time of Azad taking over the charge of the ministry, officials said. The move to clear these pending cases comes in the wake of numerous public complaints that undue delays in processing cases relating to permission of various medical educational institutions were jeopardizing future of students aspiring to get admission in these colleges. -PTI
„ Durbin: US already paying 'hidden' health taxes WASHINGTON: A top Democratic lawmaker says Americans are already paying a ``hidden tax'' to provide health care for the uninsured. The Illinois Democrat who is his party's No. 2 official in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin, says that there is a $1,000 surcharge in health care premiums to cover people who receive treatment in emergency rooms. Durbin says President Barack Obama's plan to overhaul the health system would reduce premiums and add more people to health care rolls. That, he says, would have a net effect of lowering the costs. -AP
„ McConnell: Fix health care system without overhaul WASHINGTON: The Senate's top Republican says that lawmakers should focus on making the existing health care system work better before overhauling the way Americans receive treatment. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says that President Barack Obama's proposed health overhaul would result in massive government controls and would hurt the country. The Kentucky Republican warns that if Obama gets his way, Americans would need government permission before receiving health procedures. -AP
Health Science 22
India Post
Texas teen hopes to raise $1 million for hospital DALLAS: During a visit to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, then-10-year-old Ben Sater noticed that his mom didn't stop to pay. -AP
June 26, 2009
NJ Senator hails passage of FDA Tobacco Bill India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), a longtime Senate leader in the fight against Big Tobacco, last week hailed the historic passage of the FDA tobacco bill. The bill would give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate the sale and distribution of tobacco products, and prevent cigarette makers from targeting children in their advertising and marketing and making false claims to the public. "This Congress and President Obama are determined to protect our kids from the dangers of smoking - and today's victory shows that," Sen. Lautenberg said. "For too long, Big Tobacco and their powerful lobbyists had free rein to hide the real dangers of tobacco and target our kids as the next generation of smokers. Today's victory was decades in the making,
but we will not rest until this bill is signed into law." In 1987, Senator Lautenberg and then-Rep. Dick Durbin won passage of an amendment banning smoking on airline flights of 2 hours or less. Two years later, he won passage of an amendment banning smoking on airline flights
smoke-free. This includes all public schools, Federally-funded day care centers and WIC programs. This finally became law after passing the Senate three times. In 1997, Senator Lautenberg introduced bipartisan legislation to require that tobacco companies disclose the ingredients and car-
The bill would give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate the sale and distribution of tobacco products of six hours or less. This covers approximately 99 percent of all domestic flights. Both of the airline smoking bans were adopted despite stiff opposition by the tobacco lobby. In 1994, Senator Lautenberg won passage of legislation to make all buildings that house Federally-funded children's programs
cinogens in their products to the public and affix larger warning labels with more direct messages to kids. And in 1999, he released Philip Morris documents showing that the company knew that Marlboro smokers who switched to Marlboro Light cigarettes actually inhaled more tar than they did
smoking the Marlboros. This expose shined a light on the deceptive marketing of "Light" cigarettes. Sens. Lautenberg and Durbin successfully pushed for a complete indoor smoking ban (2008) and a ban on cigarette sales (2007) in all Senate office buildings. And in November 2007, Sen. Lautenberg chaired a Senate Commerce Committee hearing exposing the inaccuracy of the FTC tar and nicotine cigarette rating system, and the marketing claims tobacco companies use based on these ratings. After years of pressure from Sen. Lautenberg, the FTC announced last November that tobacco companies are no longer allowed to use the outdated "FTC Method" of testing tar and nicotine levels as the basis for marketing claims of 'Light' and 'Low-Tar' cigarettes.
Brothers mauled by tiger receive $900,000 in settlement India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Two years since siblings Kulbir and Paul Dhaliwal of San Jose, California were seriously injured when they were mauled by a Siberian tiger at a San Francisco Zoo, a district court has recently awarded them $900,000 in a settlement of their civil suit against the zoo. A friend of the Dhaliwal brothers, Carlos Souza was killed by the 250-pound tiger that had jumped its enclosure in the same incident on Dec 25, 2007. The San Jose Mercury News quoted Mark Geragos, attorney for the Dhaliwal brothers saying that they were "pleased and happy" to put the case behind them. As originally filed in November, the suit by the Dhaliwals blamed city and zoo officials for their injuries and also sought damages for defamation in the highly publicized aftermath of the attack, the newspaper said. The complaint was amended just two weeks ago to seek additional claims, alleging that San Francisco attempted to bully the Dhaliwals into dropping
their plans for a suit by threatening to arrest them for manslaughter in the death of their friend, Sousa. Geragos said in court papers filed last month that it was clear the San Francisco Police had threatened the brothers with manslaughter charges if they continued to pursue legal action. He further said that it was thanks to "a
Geragos said that many of the statements made by the zoo following the attack, including allegations that the Dhaliwals and Sousa taunted the Siberian Tiger named Tatiana and threw objects into her pen, didn't happen. "In the short run, it was a great smear job," Geragos said. "In the long run, it cost the city well over
The Attorney for the Dhaliwal brothers said that they were "pleased and happy" to put the case behind them very professional police officer who refused to be cowed down or bullied", that an arrest warrant was never issued against the brothers. The Dhaliwal brothers' suit was against the zoo's insurance company and not against the city, which meant the city would not have to pay any money in settlement. The lawsuit was settled, but part of the controversy was still raging until last month, according to the Mercury News.
a million to defend the lawsuit and moneys it had to pay out." The Dhaliwal brother, however, do not seem to have set themselves up as model citizens in the meanwhile. Three months after the tiger mauling, Paul Dhaliwal, 20, was arrested in San Leandro for stealing two video game controllers from a Target store. He was sentenced to 16 months in prison for violating his parole in connection
with a reckless driving conviction. He is out of prison. In December, Kulbir Dhaliwal, 24, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of resisting arrest and public drunkenness for a September 2007 run-in with police near his home. In a statement, Sam Singer, the public relations expert hired by the zoo after the attacks, said: "This is a good settlement for the San Francisco Zoo and allows everyone to move forward. Mr. Geragos' characterization of this settlement is dishonest. The settlement this week has nothing to do with any of the actions we honorably took on behalf of the San Francisco Zoo. We are proud to have aggressively defended the San Francisco Zoo and proud of the recognition we have received for it." In a statement, the San Francisco Zoological Society said it "is thankful that both lawsuits filed as a result of the Dec. 25, 2007, tragedy have been settled. That tragedy emotionally impacted thousands of people and our hearts go out to them."
Health Science Post
June 26, 2009
India Post
Missouri man overcomes 'football' sized tumor ST. JOSEPH, Mo.: Larry Pike wasn't in pain, but his body was looking increasingly strange. In April 2008, comparing his current appearance with a photo of him taken at Christmas just a few months earlier emphasized the change. His face was thinner a sign of all the weight he'd mysteriously lost yet his midsection was inexplicably distended. ``I felt bloated all the time,'' the St. Joseph man remembers. ``Little did I know there was something in there other than air.'' An MRI taken at Heartland Regional Medical Center late that month revealed what was inside Pike was a tumor on his left kidney that had caused the organ to grow from about the size of a fist to about the size of a football. Several tests later, he was taken by ambulance to the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City for the start of what would be months of tests and treatments but also the start of a story he and his wife, Sally, believe will offer hope to anyone else facing a seemingly desperate medical situation.
Despite how quickly he was transferred to KU Med, Larry Pike's treatment didn't begin for more than a month. "Everyone realized the urgency of doing something,'' Sally Pike says, ``but they didn't know what he had, so they didn't know what to do.''
What was inside Pike was a tumor on his left kidney that had caused the organ to grow from about the size of a fist to about the size of a football The course of treatment to follow became clearer after doctors' plan to remove the tumor surgically had to be scrapped upon their discovery of multiple ``cluster'' tumors all over his abdomen. The only option, they told the Pikes, was to try to shrink the tumors with chemotherapy a cocktail so harsh it initially shut down all his organs except his heart.
Other complications arose, as well, from a blood clot moving toward his heart and bleeding of the tumors in his abdomen that resulted from a blood thinner he was put on to break up the clot. It took 16 days for doctors to find the right chemotherapy combination and to bring Larry Pike's blood count and vital signs back to normal. Also during that time, Sally Pike was sending daily e-mail updates to a friend, Carol Lemirand, who forwarded them on to many others. ``I say she sent it to the world,'' Sally Pike says. ``We knew from that we had a huge prayer circle.'' She adds that even just three days after her husband's diagnosis, they both felt inexplicably calm something she attributes to the fact that ``prayers had gone out. Prayers for healing, but also for comfort, and those (for comfort) could be answered immediately.'' The healing was slower in coming. Larry Pike underwent chemotherapy treatments every three weeks for three days at a time from May until October last year. -AP
Obama urges doctors to back his health care plans WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama continues to promote his health care proposals, urging doctors gathered in Chicago to support wider insurance coverage and targeted federal spending cuts. Obama planned to tell the American Medical Association's annual meeting in his hometown that overhaul cannot wait and that bringing down costs is the most important thing he can do to ensure the country's long-term fiscal health, a senior administration official said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the president's remarks before they were delivered. America's doctors, like many other groups, are divided over the president's proposals to reshape the health care delivery system. About 50 million Americans are without health insurance. The government provides coverage for the poor and elderly, but most Americans rely on private insurance, usually received through their employers. However, not all employers provide insurance and
not everyone can afford to buy coverage for themselves or pay medical bills out of pocket. The White House anticipates heavy spending to cover uninsured Americans and has taken steps in recent days to outline just where that money could be found. For instance, Obama wants to cut federal payments to hospitals by
America's doctors, like many other groups, are divided over the president's proposals to reshape the health care delivery system about $200 billion and cut $313 billion from Medicare and Medicaid, the government health programs for the elderly and poor. He also is proposing a $635 billion ``down payment'' in tax increases and spending cuts in the health care system. To an audience of doctors Obama plans to say the United States spends too much on health care and gets too little in return. -AP
6 Manmohini Morey - Yuvvraaj
1 Guzarish - Ghajini
7 Husn Hai - Wafaa
2 Haule Haule - Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
8 Jaane Kyun Singers - Dostana
3 Tere Naina - CC@C
9 Sapnon Se Bhare Naina - Luck By
4 Bekha - Ghajini
5 Kaisa Ye Raaz Hai - Raaz
India Post
June 26, 2009
10 Tu Ne Re - Victory
ollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, who turned 24 recently, says she always wanted to be a star and not just another actor. "For me, stardom is a new and novel experience... it's lovely. That's why I became a film actor... I wanted that... I wanted to act and be something. If I only wanted to be an actor, I would have done theatre. But I actually wanted to be a star and I make no bones about that," Sonam said in an interview. Sonam, who made her Bollywood debut in 2007 with "Saawariya" and later featured in Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's "Delhi 6", says stardom definitely brings more pressure but she knows how to manage it. "There is added pressure but I have been brought up in a way that I am extremely confident of who I am," she said. The actress is also aware of the three-decade-old body of work her father Anil Kapoor carries behind him and says besides looking up to him for advice, she also takes due advantage of being his daughter. "My dad says he survived in the industry for 30 years because he didn't concentrate on what people wanted him to do, but what he was convinced about.
fter Kareena Kapoor, actor Shahid Kapoor has been voted the sexiest vegetarian in Asia by a new poll conducted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The star says that his selection has broken the myth that "fitness cannot be achieved by eating vegetarian food". "It feels great to be the sexiest vegetarian in Asia. I have always supported the cause of being a vegetarian and it's nice to be felicitated for something so close to my heart," said Shahid. "Being voted as sexy is a matter of perception but being vegetarian is a lifestyle and something that comes from a sense of responsibility. This win also goes to break the myth that fitness cannot be achieved by eating vegetarian food," he said. The actor, who featured in hits like Jab We Met and Vivah, shares this crown with American actress Natalie Portman who was awarded the sexiest vegetarian in the US. Kareena was crowned the sexiest vegetarian in February.
June 26, 2009
India Post
riyanka Chopra has signed her first Yash Raj film and says she was completely bowled over by the script of Pyaar Impossible, penned by Uday Chopra, who also plays male lead in the love story. "It's the only script I've liked in recent months. When I heard the script, I jumped. I've been hearing a lot of scripts because I've really not been sure about what to do after Ashutosh Gowariker's What's Your Raashee?. "When I heard the script for Uday's film, I got so excited. It was so beautiful! Any actor's dream role. I reacted as a member of the audience," Priyanka said. Uday was last seen in the 2006 movie Dhoom 2 and is now back in action with Hook Ya Crook and Pyaar Impossible.
ou won't see Darsheel Safary's famous bunny rabbit smile any more. For the past few months, Darsheel has been undergoing treatment for his teeth from a Mumbai orthodontist. Now that he has braces, his two front teeth, which protrude quite prominently, will get pushed inside over a period of time. Darsheel will soon have a set of teeth, which he can proudly show off. The treatment will continue for six months. Confirming the news, Darsheel's father Mitesh said, "Isn't it normal for any parent whose child has buck teeth to take him to a dentist and have them corrected? Don't parents want the
nown as the next-door-girl, Amrita Rao is all set to establish a new image. She goes sultry in her new film 'Shortkut'. Amrita Rao is soon going to join the bikini brigade, Priyanka, Bipasha, Kareena etc and she has no qualms in exposing herself as far as the script demands. With hordes of side artists, Amrita poses in wet and wild way in 'Shortkut'. She is happy the way her career is taking shape and feels proud of the roles that she has portrayed so far. Amrita feels proud that the audience has accepted her in simple role so far, she said, "I'm very proud of that (simple) image. When I did the Verve cover, people woke up to another side of me. I'd say I was glamorous in Vivah and Main Hoon Na as well, though in an ethnic way". Let's see how much Amrita is accepted in ultraglam role.
best for their child? What is the harm in that?" Mitesh emphatically denied that he and Sheetal (Darsheel's mother) decided to get Darsheel's buck teeth treated after the success of Taare Zameen Par. "We had gone to a dentist when Darsheel was seven years old. Taare Zameen Par had not happened then. The doctor advised that the right time to get Darsheel treated was when he would turn twelve. So, we are getting him treated now," said Mitesh. The Safarys are taking utmost care that Darsheel's treatment does not hinder the continuity in his ads and films.
India Post
June 26, 2009
BEDIKA MACAU: Bollywood director Ashutosh and how their romance shapes the course of Gowarikar's historical love epic 'Jodhaa Akbar' swept the history. 10th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards here, Aishwarya failed to bag the best actress trophy, taking home trophies for best picture, best director and best which went to Priyanka Chopra for her actor for heartthrob Hrithik power-packed performance in director Madhur Roshan. Bhandarkar's film 'Fashion', in which she plays a The movie traces the rise small town girl who makes it big in the world of of the great Mughal emperor Akbar in the 16th century in fashion. Others contenders in this category were India and his romance with Asin, Katrina Kaif and Bipasha Basu Hindu princess Jodhaa, played in the film by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. The film The film faced stiff competition from 'Ghajini', showcases Akbar's marriage with the Hindu princess 'A Wednesday', 'Dostana', 'Rock On' and 'Race'. Gowarikar won the best director award for his historic piece which wove together romance and communal harmony while actor Hrithik Roshan bagged the best actor trophy for the
Priyanka Chopra addresses the media at the Venetian Hotel after taking the 'Best Actress 2009' award at the 10th IIFA awards in Macau
‘Slumdog…’ elevated India awareness in US: Ros-Lehtinen India Post News Service
Hrithik Roshan with the best actor award at the Venetian Hotel on the third and final day of the 10th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards in Macau
same. The movie had 10 nominations in various categories. However, Aishwarya failed to bag the best actress trophy, which went to Priyanka Chopra for her power-packed performance in director Madhur Bhandarkar's film 'Fashion', in which she plays a small town girl who makes it big in the world of fashion. Others contenders in this category were Asin, Katrina Kaif and Bipasha Basu. "When I started this movie I was advised by all my friends not to make the film on a subject which depicted two religions coming together because the situation in the country at that point of time was not right. But I am happy that I made a film which is based on Hindu-Muslim unity," Gowariker said while accepting his award at the IIFA ceremony tonight. Oscar-winning musician A R Rahman won the best music director award for the same film. Javed Akhtar walked away with best lyricist trophy for his score 'Jashn-e-Bahara' while, Javed Ali bagged best playback singer (male) award for the same movie. After winning Filmfare for best supporting role, actor Arjun Rampal scored at IIFA too for his performance as a struggling guitarist for 'Rock On'. The actor, who had forgot to mention the name of superstar Amitabh Bachchan last time did not repeat the mistake again. Contíd on page 28
NEW YORK: The winning of the Academy award by the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" is testament to the elevated awareness of India and the Indian culture in the US, said US Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen with Vikas Swarup, author of the novel on which the movie Slumdog is based
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was at an event honoring Danny Boyle, director of the hit movie "Slumdog Millionaire" in the capital, recently. "That a movie with a focus on Indian society would receive eight Oscars is a testament to the elevated awareness of India and the Indian culture in the US," she said. "Even though we may have differences of opinion on the portrayal of a certain segment of Indian society, we can all agree it has brought the topic of US India relations to the forefront of our daily conversations." "Culturally, politically, and economically, the US and India are becoming further intertwined. We share many of the same values, needs, concerns, and challenges. And as this movie shows, we also share many of the same hopes and dreams," the Congresswoman added.
June 26, 2009
India Post 27
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India Post
June 26, 2009
IIFA awards ContĂd from page 26
Madan Mohan's unheard melodies to be released India Post News Service
"Wow...I now want to thank someone whom I have always looked up to as my inspiration and that is none other than Amitabh Bachchan," said the actor before thanking his family members. The other winners in the key categories were Kangana Ranaut, who won best supporting role for her performance as a troubled supermodel in 'Fashion', Akshaye Khanna won the best negative role for 'Race', Neeraj Pandey scooped the trophy for best story for his film on terrorism 'A Wednesday'. He also won the technical award of best scriptwriter for the same film. Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who won the best actor in comic role for his gay act in Karan Johar's 'Dostana', became emotional as he thanked his legendary father sitting in the front row. "When I was a child I saw 'Amar, Akbar, Anthony' and I told myself that I want to be like him (Big B) and I am here because of him. I thank my mother and my wife. Aish, I only love you. This award is also for Amar Singhji, who is recuperating in a hospital," Abhishek said. -PTI Bipasha Basu performing at the 10th IIFA awards
NEW YORK: After reveling in legendary composer Madan Mohan's revived melodies in Yash Chopra's hit film Veer Zaara a few years ago, fans of the late composer are in for a treat with 15 of his unreleased songs being revived and digitally mastered to be brought in an album titled Tere Bagair, which will be released June 25. Madan Mohan, one of India's legendary composers, passed away at the young age of 51, on July 14, 1975. In his composing career of 25 years, he created the music scores of over 100 films. These included Aashiana, Adalat, Anpadh, Mera Saaya, Woh Kaun Thi, Bhai Bhai, Manmauji, Sanjog, Dekh Kabira Roya, Sharabi, Haqeeqat, Ghazal, Jahanara, Heer Ranjha, Hanste Zakhm, Chirag, Dastak, Mausam, and Laila Majnu. Some additional films may have been forgotten but their songs are remembered by music lovers till this day, as his music always transcended the film.
These 15 songs are of various moods - songs of pathos, ghazals, naghmas, romantic ditties, ballads, and even dance 'item' songs
Asin holding her debutant actress award
Rajesh Khanna celebrates after winning the Lifetime Achievement award
Due to his untimely demise, various tunes composed by him remained unrecorded. These compositions he had hummed as they struck him and left behind on tapes, to be used at some time in the future for an appropriate film. They remained unused, till 30 years later Yash Chopra decided to use some of them to form the soundtrack of his film, VeerZaara. This historical attempt met with resounding success and won him various posthumous awards. Additionally, there were some recorded songs from films that remained incomplete - films that
were shelved for various reasons. And thus these songs, though recorded by Madanji in his lifetime, remained unheard and unused. Soon after his demise, some of these songs were released on an
Madan Mohan
album, A Treasure Revealed, for limited circulation, and some of his ardent fans may have heard a few of them. Tere Bagair features 15 such rare treasures, of which 5 have never been ever heard before as they have been exclusively excavated for this unique album. These are songs found from his master tapes, which had been preserved by his family. These 15 songs were recorded by Madanji in his peak years, in his characteristic style, with his unmistakable use of the sitar and violins in the orchestra, and set to the lyrics of his favorite poets. These songs, recorded from 1964 to 1972, were sung by the legendary singers of India, and his own favorite singers, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Mohammed Rafi, Talat Mahmood, and Kishore Kumar in their inimitable styles. These 15 songs are of various moods - songs of pathos, ghazals, naghmas, romantic ditties, ballads, and even dance 'item' songs. The tapes over the years have suffered a little damage but all efforts have been made to smooth all the rough edges to make the songs sound as technically perfect as possible. (For details logon to
Travel Brief India tells US to screen outbound passengers NEW DELHI: With a number of incoming travelers from the US testing positive for swine flu in India, the Union Health Ministry said there should be some kind of screening for outbound passengers in that country. Minister of State for Health Dinesh Trivedi said the US has been the source of the virus for India with many travelers from that country testing positive for the flu. "US is the main source as far as India is concerned," he told reporters. "In Mexico when people leave the airport, they are properly monitored and screened. -PTI
29 India Post
June 26, 2009
he Silent Valley National Park is located in the Kundali Hills in Kerala, along the hill ranges known as the Western Ghats. The Silent Valley is considered to be the last pristine region of tropical evergreen forest in India and is rich in biodiversity. The lush tropical greenery, undulating slopes, hills and rivers make the Silent Valley National Park a beautiful wildlife tourism destination in Kerala, India. The
The rain forest has moist tropical evergreen trees with teak, rosewood, amla, bamboo and semal. Apart from this there are tropical hill forests, temperate forests and grasslands park is also known for the rare and unique herbs and plants that grow here, as well as the wildlife found in the Silent Valley, which includes elephants, tigers and lion-tailed macaques. Situated in the Palakkad district of Kerala,
the Silent Valley National Park is adjacent to the Attappadi Reserve Forests to the East, the Palghat and Nilambur forest divisions in the West and South and the Nilgiri Forests in the North. This biodiversity hot spot is a unique treasure trove of rare flora and fauna. The Silent Valley National Park was threatened by the construction of a Hydel Power Project during the 1970s. Protests by environmentalists led to the renotification of Silent Valley as a National Park in 1984. The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, with the Silent Valley National Park as its core area, was cre-
ated in 1986. Wildlife Silent Valley: Silent Valley National Park is called Sairandhrivanam (the forest in the valley). There are four distinct types of vegetation in this biodiversity intensive area. The rain forest has moist tropical evergreen trees with teak, rosewood, amla, bamboo and semal. Apart from this there are tropical hill forests, temperate forests and grasslands. The wildlife in Silent Valley National Park includes elephants, tigers, leopards, wild boar, sambhar, gaur and the endangered lion-tailed macaque. Cont’d on page 33
Travel & Hospitality Post
India Post
June 26, 2009
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LITTLE TIBET: A Ladakhi walks across The Polo Ground in the centre of Leh in front of Leh Palace. Ladakh which lies between the Himalayas and Kunlun Mountain ranges is often called 'Little Tibet' in aknowledgement of close cultural ties with Tibet and known for it's breathtaking landscapes and historical links with China as a staging post on the crossroads of the 'Silk Route'.
India poised for leap in tourism: Official THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: India is all set to witness a boom in tourism in the coming years as a result of the global economic shift from the United States to countries like India, China and Japan and a bloc like BRIC emerging as a key driver in global economy, Amithab Kanth, Principal Secretary and Special Commissioner (Industry), Kerala said. Even while aggressively projecting India as a brand it was important to preserve its culture and heritage, Katnh said. Instead of imitating the West blindly, each and every spot in the country should retain its intrinsic qualities like the traditional architecture, cuisines, art and natural beauty as such, he told a meet-thepress program here. This was important to win the mind of tourists visiting India to experience a difference, he said.-PTI
June 26, 2009
Travel & Hospitality Post
India Post
NEW DELHI: Ministry of Tourism clarified that the Adventure Tourism Road Shows planned in Australia and New Zealand have not been cancelled contrary to media reports, but have been rescheduled to a later date. "Taking serious note of reports appearing in various sections of media that Adventure Tourism Road Shows planned in Australia and New Zealand have been cancelled, it is clarified that reports referring to
cancellation are not correct," a statement issued by the minister here said. "The ministry would like to clarify that it was approached by the Adventure Tour Operators' Association to organize these shows in Australia and New Zealand in July this year. Considering the importance of these shows... the ministry had agreed to facilitate organization of these shows through its office in Sydney. -PTI
Report soon on restoring Dal, Nigeen SRINAGAR: The Environment Committee of Jammu and Kashmir Assembly is working overtime to identify the reasons of degradation of twin water bodies -- Dal and
Describing the two lakes as 'national assets', Bhat said the natural beauty of the valley is incomplete without these glorious water bodies Nigeen lakes -- and submit a report for their restoration. The committee shall leave no stone unturned to identify the reasons of degradation of the two lakes and its surrounding environment, chairman of the committee Nizamuddin Bhat told reporters. The committee will also submit
Tourism shows in Australia, New Zealand not cancelled: ministry
a comprehensive report with tangible suggestions to the government so that it can take stringent measures for restoration of the water bodies in a short time, he added. Describing the two lakes as 'national assets', Bhat said the natural beauty of the valley is incomplete without these glorious water bodies. He expressed concern over the attempts to encroach and spoil the
ecology of these lakes. Stressing on saving these water bodies from pollution, shrinkage and other damaging factors, Bhat said lot of work has been done and more efforts need to be put in to discourage construction of houses, growth of weeds and mushrooming of vegetable gardens in these lakes. Bhat also welcomed funds and expertise so that the lakes could be restored to their pristine glory. -PTI
June 26, 2009
India Post
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June 26, 2009
Travel & Hospitality Post
India Post
Extend five-year tax holiday scheme to 5 star hotels: Assocham NEW DELHI: With just 16 months left for the Commonwealth Games, industry chamber Assocham has sought extension of the five-year tax holiday scheme to five star hotels in the national capital region and infrastructure status for the sector in the Union Budget. The chamber also said that the hotel industry should be exempted from tax on services received outside the country. It said the tax holiday scheme of five years, announced in the Union Budget of 2007-08 for two star, three star and four star hotels, besides convention centers in NCR, should also be extended to five star hotels.
Groups like Radisson have already set up its hotel in Noida and other players like J P Group, Intercontinental, Clark Group and Chatwal Group are also planning to build 250-300 rooms hotel in the NCR area, Assocham said. Besides, there are already 70 new hotel projects that are under various stages of development to add 19,000 rooms in the next two years, it said. The chamber has recommended to the Delhi Government that it should persuade the Finance Ministry to announce extension of 5 years holiday scheme so that hotels get tax benefits and are incentivized to execute their expansion plans.-PTI
Silent Valley: Treasure trove of rare flora and fauna Cont’d from page 29
There are also a number of snake, lizard and amphibian species in the Silent Valley National Park. Around Silent Valley: Not far from the Silent Valley National Park are the hill resort of Coonoor, the rapidly growing town of Coimbatore and a number of wildlife sanctuaries such as the Parambikulam sanctuary, the Attappadi or Mountain Valley, the Choolanur Peacock Sanctuary and the JP Smriti Vanam.
JAL to cut flights to India due to swine flu TOKYO: Japan Airlines Corp. said it will cut the number of flights it operates on eight international routes, including to Delhi this summer due to flagging demand amid the global economic downturn and the spread of the new strain of influenza. JAL plans to reduce the number of flights it operates on five routes linking Narita Airport with Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Seoul and Delhi. It will also cut the number of flights on two routes linking Osaka's Kansai International Airport with Shanghai and Seoul.
Travel Tips: There are rest
houses where tourists can stay within Silent Valley national Park. Palakkad town nearby has many hotels, guesthouses and cyber cafes so you can stay in touch with the world, even in the quiet retreat of Silent Valley. Climate: The climate at Silent Valley National Park is warm in summer and pleasant in winter. The temperature rises to a maximum of around 35°C in J u n e and drops to a moderate 20°C in December. The Southwest monsoon lasts from July to September and brings heavy rainfall. The humidity can reach 95 percent and the rainfall during the year can reach over 1600 mm. How to reach: Silent Valley Na-
tional Park can be accessed by air,
rail and road. Peelamamedu Airport, at Coimbatore is the nearest airport, at a distance of 155 km from Silent Valley National Park. There are daily flights to Coimbatore from the cities of Chennai, Mumbai, Kozhikode, and Madurai. Olavakkode Railway Station at Palakkad, 75 km away, is the nearest railway station and is connected to Silent Valley National Park by road.
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June 26, 2009
India Post
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In Brief Mexico envoy pick sees need for cooperation FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan.: Nations in Central and South America are stepping up their responses to challenges like immigration and drug trafficking, President Barack Obama's nominee for the top US diplomatic post in Mexico said. Carlos Pascual, who was formally nominated for the post last week, said the United States needs to work with Latin American countries on economic, energy and security issues because it has a stake in the outcome. ``Increasingly, the countries of the hemisphere have been recognizing that they have to contend with these issues,'' Pascual said after addressing military officers at the Army's Command and General Staff College. -AP
Arizona home invasion suspects in border watch TUCSON, Arizona: Two of three people arrested in a southern Arizona home invasion that left a little girl and her father dead had connections to a Washington state anti-illegal immigration group that conducts border watch activities in Arizona. Jason Eugene Bush, 34, Shawna Forde, 41, and Albert Robert Gaxiola, 42, have been charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and other charges, said Sheriff Clarence Dupnic of Pima County, Arizona. The trio is alleged to have dressed as law enforcement officers and forced their way into a rural Arivaca home on Ma. -AP
Arizona Senate backs bill on enforcement PHOENIX: A bill that would clear the way for local police officers to help enforce immigration laws is now positioned for a formal Arizona Senate that could very soon. The Senate by a voice vote gave preliminary approval to the bill, which its sponsor says would erase so-called ``sanctuary policies'' that restrain police involvement. The bill would prohibit state, county or local public officials from adopting policies that limit full enforcement of federal immigration law. It also requires police to verify a person's immigration status if police have a reasonable suspicion about someone's status. -AP
Immigration 35
India Post
June 26, 2009
Car crash further adds to struggle of refugees TUCSON, Arizona: Since his mother died in a rollover wreck more than a week ago, Joseph Leonidas has barely slept. When he has, it's been in a metal chair in his father's hospital room. Details on page 39
Indo-American Center fears cut in its services MOHAMMAD GHOUSE
CHICAGO: A highly patronized no profit body in Chicago, Indo American Center (IAC), is heading for a severe financial crunch if the threatened slashing of funds from the Illinois government turns out to be a reality. The State law makers have made it known that they intend to slash by 50% funds allocated to non profit service organizations like IAC and the IAC official are unnerved because this move will jeopardize a good number of activities undertaken by these bodies. "Canceling this program would make it very difficult for people like me who have limited English skills to go elsewhere and get the education that is necessary to become an American citizen," Syed, a student of both the Civics and beginning English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, told his
Hindi-speaking Civics Education teacher at Indo American Center (IAC) Canceling programs may be an inevitable aftermath at IAC should legislators decide upon cutting funds virtually in half, according to Jay Luthra, Executive director IAC. Serving over 100 clients a
Baljit who have no insurance, a lack of funding may bring this vital assistance to an end, possibly compromising his current benefits of Food Stamps and Medicaid that he applied for through IAC assistance, Luthra added Since 1990, the IAC has been committed to serving the South
The State law makers have made it known that they intend to slash by 50% funds allocated to non profit service organizations like IAC and the IAC official are unnerved day, the IAC programs include ESL, computer, and civics classes, and youth and seniors programs. Services in the Benefits and Immigration departments are also home to the IAC. It regularly assists immigrants, many of whom have no insurance, to obtain public benefits; it also assists immigrants, who need assistance with their citizenship status. For clients like
Asian community by providing low income immigrants and their families the opportunity to assimilate and prosper in a new environment. With the immigrant population and its families comprising 26% of the Illinois population, the IAC urges that state legislators reconsider their move toward funding cuts by understanding and acknowledging the crucial
role played by community service agencies, such as the IAC, in the community. The IAC relies highly upon the necessary funding to go about its daily functions of providing low-cost, if not free, services and benefits to an immigrant population in need. As a non-profit organization, state funding cuts are a significant threat that may result in displacing countless members of the immigrant population, neglecting their dire need for immigrant assistance. The Indo-American Center is a not-for-profit community service organization serving the South Asian immigrant population. The mission of the Indo-American Center is to promote the well being of South Asian immigrants through services that facilitate their adjustment, integration and friendship with the wider society, nurture their sense of community, and foster appreciation for their heritage and culture.
June 2009 immigration update - Part II CYRUS D. MEHTA
(Continued from last week's article) USCIS Revises Filing Instructions and Direct Mail Program for Application to Replace Green Card S Citizenship and Immigra tion Services (USCIS) have changed the filing location and filing instructions for the Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Form I-90). The revised filing instructions require applicants to submit supporting documentation with their applications. Before this change, applicants were instructed to bring their supporting documentation to their biometrics appointments. The notice also revises the Direct Mail address for the I-90. Applicants must now file their I-90s and supporting documentation with the USCIS Lockbox facility in Phoenix, Arizona. This change in filing location affects all I-90 applicants filing a
paper form, including those applicants filing the I-90 because their previously issued card was never received or because their existing card has incorrect data due to a USCIS error. This notice does not affect applicants filing an I-90 electronically or whose place of residence is outside the US.
following address: USCIS Attn: I-90 1820 Skyharbor Circle S Floor 1 Phoenix, AZ 85034 Supreme Court Rules Fake IDs Not Necessarily 'Identity Theft' On May 4, 2009, the Supreme Court ruled that using counterfeit
This change in filing location affects all I-90 applicants filing a paper form, including those applicants filing the I-90 because their previously issued card was never received As noted above, applicants now must submit their I-90s and supporting documentation to the USCIS Lockbox facility in Phoenix for initial processing, using the following addresses: USCIS P.O. Box 21262 Phoenix, AZ 85036 For USPS Express Mail and Courier Service deliveries, use the
identification cards to gain employment does not necessarily constitute aggravated identity theft. In 2000, to secure employment, Ignacio Flores-Figueroa, a Mexican citizen, gave his employer counterfeit Social Security and green cards that showed his name but included other people's identification numbers. He was arrested and charged with two im-
migration offenses, along with aggravated identity theft. The government noted that the applicable law imposes a mandatory prison term on certain offenders if they "knowingly...use[ ], without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person." Mr. Flores-Figueroa argued that the government could not prove that he knew the numbers on the counterfeit documents were assigned to other people, but the government responded that it need not prove such knowledge. The Supreme Court said it had granted certiorari to consider the knowledge issue, a matter about which the Circuits have disagreed. The Court, extensively citing English grammar, concluded that the law requires the government to show that the defendant knew that the means of identification at issue belonged to another person. ContĂd on page 35
Immigration Post
India Post
June 26, 2009
NCSO campaign for immigrant and civil rights India Post News Service
NEW YORK: On the one-year anniversary of the formation of the National Coalition of South Asian Organizations (NCSO), the coalition has launched a new campaign - One Community United: A Campaign for Immigrant and Civil Rights. In June 2008, more than 30 community-based organizations around the country came together to announce the formation of the NCSO, where members came together around shared progressive principles and social justice values. The One Community United campaign will raise awareness about the immigration challenges
and civil rights violations that South Asians encounter; mobilize community members around these issues; and encourage
The One Community United campaign will raise awareness about the immigration challenges and civil rights violations policymakers to strengthen civil rights protections and reform immigration laws in a just and humane manner. Over the next year, broad changes in immigration and
3 dead after construction accident in Austin AUSTIN, Texas: The three men killed when part of a scaffold collapsed and plunged them several stories down were immigrant construction workers with families in Latin America, friends and family say. It was unclear who employed Raudel Ramirez Camacho, 27; Wilson Joel Irias Cerritos, 30; and Jesus Angel Lopez Perez, 28, the Austin American-Statesman reported. The men died in the afternoon while working on a high-rise apartment project, said Harry Evans, a battalion chief with the Austin Fire Department. Officials say two of the workers fell 11 to 13 stories while a third fell a shorter distance onto the roof of a seven-story parking garage. Irias and Lopez were from a rural town in Honduras and had been in Austin for less than a year after a stint in Florida, said their neighbor Ruben Flores.
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``They were paisanos,'' Flores said. ``They were hardworking people. They would leave every morning at 6 a.m.'' Ramirez had a wife, a 2-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son in Queretaro, Mexico, said his fatherin-law, Arturo Miranda, who lives in Austin. ``My daughter is destroyed,'' said Miranda. ``I haven't been able to stop her from crying by telephone. She keeps asking me to tell her it's not true.'' The only source of income for his family, Ramirez sent money home several times a month, Miranda said. Construction on the building where the men died has been scaled back while the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Austin police investigate the deaths, said project developer Gary Perkins. -AP
civil rights policies are expected. These opportunities highlight the need for South Asians to speak out about our community's experiences and mobilize towards policy change. As part of the campaign, members of the NCSO will be advocating with policymakers, conducting town halls around the country and sharing stories with the media. One Community United kicked off with an inaugural town hall in Atlanta, GA co-sponsored by Coalition partners including Raksha and South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), on June 16. Town halls in New Jersey, Chicago, the Bay Area, and the Washington DC area will occur over the next few months.
June 2009 immigration update - Part II ContĂd from page 35
The Court reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remanded the case "for further proceedings consistent with this opinion." The case is available at http:// Federal Court Finds Surviving Spouses Are Entitled to Immediate Relative Status On May 1, 2009, a California federal court ruled on a national class action lawsuit challenging the "widow penalty." The court found that plaintiffs residing in the Ninth and Sixth Circuits are entitled to immediate relative classification as surviving spouses of deceased US citizens. The court said the "defendants are cautioned that they may not use factors arising from their improper denial of plaintiffs' applications to again deny the petition and application upon reopening them...Defen-dants are hereby ordered to reopen the immediate relative petitions and applications for adjustment of status and immigrant visas of plaintiffs in the Sixth and Ninth Circuits, and to adjudicate them in a manner consistent with the holding of the Court." The case is available at http:// s s a d . o r g / i m a g e s / Hootkins_Order_Final_SJ.pdf. * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or
Immigration Post
June 26, 2009
India Post
Illegal immigrants to be deported under new law OKLAHOMA CITY: A law passed by Oklahoma's Legislature will allow the state to deport illegal immigrants who already are serving prison sentences for nonviolent crimes. The Oklahoma Criminal Illegal Alien Rapid Repatriation Act passed both houses of the Legislature with only one vote against it. Its author, Rep. Randy Terrill, R-Moore, said the law, which will take effect on July 1, could save the state at least $4 million in its first year. He said the goal of the law was to return responsibility to the federal government for paying to house illegal immigrants, which Terrill said had been shifted to state governments. ``The federal government has fallen down on protecting the nation's borders,'' said Terrill, who has authored several bills concerning the issue of illegal immigration. Under the law, an offender who
is in the country illegally can be considered for deportation if that person has been convicted of a nonviolent crime and has served one-third of his or her sentence. Carl Rusnok, a spokesman for the central region of the federal
Under the law, an offender who is in the country illegally can be considered for deportation Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency, said that the federal government must issue any deportation order and that if an offender has pending federal charges, he or she cannot be deported. If an illegal immigrant returns to Oklahoma, Rusnok said that person can be sent back to prison to serve any remaining sentence, and could serve additional prison
time if he or she is prosecuted for entering the country illegally after deportation. The law also will prohibit private prisons in Oklahoma to contract to house federal detainees and will require those facilities to receive approval from the state Department of Corrections for any new construction plans. The state pays $19,798 annually to house a prisoner. According to the Corrections Department, 230 inmates now being held in Oklahoma would be eligible to be deported under the new law. Department spokesman Jerry Massie said state and federal officials already have spoken about how to transfer the inmates. Such transfers could begin next month, he said. Rusnok said that transfers could be done on a staggered basis and could not be done until final deportation orders are issued. -AP
Very small percentage of students in US illegally
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business technology company IngenuitE. ``It's good to have this all in black and white. By using this information, I hope it makes a difference.'' The task force was created to examine how state policies affect students who are not U.S. citizens
Only 272 of the nearly 230,000 Oklahoma higher education students are not legal US residents and held its final meeting. The report includes no recommendations on policy changes or how to improve education access for undocumented students.
Sen. Debbe Leftwich, another member of the task force, suggested any proposed changes would not be implemented because the Republican-controlled House and Senate have focused on antiillegal immigration measures such as House Bill 1804 in recent years. ``Under the current administration, it seems discussion of those policy changes would just be stifled,'' said Leftwich, D-Oklahoma City. Over the last five years, the report shows an increase from 215 to 272 undocumented students in college. Armando Pena, assistant vice chancellor for the State Regents for Higher Education, said students already enrolled in an education aid program when HB 1804 took effect in November 2007 were allowed to continue in their education. -AP
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OKLAHOMA CITY: A new study shows that only a fraction of 1 percent of Oklahoma's college students are in the country illegally. The report approved by the Advancement of Hispanic Students in Higher Education Task Force found that only 272 of the nearly 230,000 Oklahoma higher education students are not legal US residents. That's about one in every 845 students, or 0.11 percent. The task force set up in 2004 predated the passage of House Bill 1804, which limited state aid to students who were in the country illegally. ``There is so much misinformation out there, that these students are taking resources away when that's not the case,'' said task force member Isabel Chancellor, the president of Oklahoma City-based
Immigration Post
India Post
June 26, 2009
House panel bar benefits for Gitmo detainees WASHINGTON: Republicans on a key House panel won a vote to make doubly sure that Guantanamo Bay detainees won't be given immigration benefits that would allow them to stay in the United States if they're released. The 34-24 vote was the latest step in which lawmakers have gone on record against allowing detainees at the detention center in Cuba into the United States other than for the purpose of going on trial. Republicans said the provision is aimed at making sure detainees who are released before their trials or are found innocent can't stay in the United States. Democrats said the language approved is similar to a provision in the pending war funding bill facing floor votes next week that would take effect as soon as
Obama signs the measure. But the war funding measure's restrictions would be in force only through Sept. 30. The measure approved would extend it far beyond that date. The House panel's plan, by Rep. Harold Rogers, R-Ky., would block the government from providing ``any immigration benefit'' to Guantanamo detainees. It was amended to clarify that bringing detainees in for their trials is permitted. The move came as a key House panel approved a $42.6 billion homeland security spending bill. The bill also would extend for two years the E-Verify program, which uses the Social Security Administration database to root out people working in the U.S. illegally.
But citing opposition from Hispanic lawmakers, top members on the House Appropriations Committee declined a request by President Barack Obama to extend the
The provision is aimed at making sure detainees who are released before their trials or are found innocent can't stay in the United States program for three years. The panel also rejected a GOP effort to extend the program permanently. E-Verify is an important element of any comprehensive immigration reform bill.
Lawmakers who favor liberal reform generally are reluctant about long-term extensions of the program for fear of giving away leverage. The voluntary program, however, is a favorite of lawmakers who prefer an enforcementfirst approach to immigration policy. They want to make it mandatory for employers nationwide. That makes their more liberal colleagues queasy unless it was accompanied with elements of immigration reform they support, such as creating a so-called pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in this country. Business and immigrant groups also complain that E-verify is not 100 percent accurate and could lead employers to fire people who are in the country legally. The underlying funding bill
approved by the House panel provided a nearly 7 percent budget increase for the Department of Homeland Security. It had sweeping support from lawmakers in both parties, which approved it by voice vote. The bill continues a significant ramp-up in funding for the sprawling Cabinet agency, including big increases for explosives detection machines at U.S. airports and a continued focus on policing the U.S.-Mexico border. Now, about 17,000 Border Patrol agents will police that border. It also contains more than 150 so-called earmarks sought by lawmakers for local emergency operations centers and disaster mitigation programs. For years, lawmakers kept the measure mostly free of earmarks. -AP
Immigration Post
June 26, 2009
India Post
Car crash further adds to struggle of refugees TUCSON, Arizona: Since his mother died in a rollover wreck more than a week ago, Joseph Leonidas has barely slept. When he has, it's been in a metal chair in his father's hospital room. The Burundian refugee, who recently turned 18, refuses to leave the bedside of his father, Ndururukije Leonidas, who is in University Medical Center suffering from broken back and broken ribs. The family arrived in Tucson from a camp in Tanzania less than three months ago. Volunteer refugee-resettlement workers take Joseph to his family's apartment periodically so he can shower and get a change of clothes. Volunteers also are housing the teen's two younger brothers and younger sister. The elder Leonidas, who is 54, was one of 11 African refugees who survived an afternoon van rollover on Interstate 10 on June 3. Five occupants, including his wife _ 45-year-old Bernatte Nahimana died at the scene. Another woman died two days later at University Medical Center. The dead included five women and one man, ranging in age from 19 to 63, according to community members.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety has not yet released any information about the deceased, nor about the driver of the van. The deaths and injuries have left Tucson's small African refugee community bereft and struggling. Jobs already had been in short supply for a group with little education and, for many, limited English skills. Culturally, they already had faced vast changes in their way of life from learning to drive to using an oven. Now they must grapple with grief, too. ``There is no one who touches your heart like your mother,'' Joseph Leonidas said, frequently flipping through a Swahili-English dictionary to check his vocabulary. ``If you are young and you lost your mother, it is like you lost your life.'' Leonidas was one of several young local refugees to lose a parent in the crash. Two baby boys, ages 3 months and 15 months, lost their mother, Domitilla Nduwamungu, who died at the scene. She was 23. Their father, who is 27, was injured and is still recovering, and he will now share child-rearing duties with the babies' grandfather, 57-year-old Elie Niyonkuru.
The family members are all Burundian refugees who have been in Tucson for 23 months. Niyonkuru works nights as a shelf stocker at a Fry's grocery store. ``This was a whole new world for them. They had been used to cooking over an open flame and walking everywhere,'' Niyonkuru's co-worker, Susan Asendorf, said
The deaths and injuries have left Tucson's small African refugee community bereft and struggling as she helped the family take care of the babies. ``They are such a strong community, with such love for their families. They preferred to work in Tucson, but finding jobs has been hard. I've taken them around looking for work, and so many places turn them down. It has been tough.'' The refugees' van crashed as they were on their way back to Tucson from Willcox, where they
had been applying for jobs that pay about $9 an hour at Eurofresh, a hydroponic vegetable grower. The driver of the van lost control of the vehicle shortly after 2 p.m. and it rolled, according to DPS. Authorities said the vehicle rolled down an embankment and landed on its wheels in the oncoming lane of Interstate 10 about 50 miles east of Tucson. ``The ones we lost were the productive ones. Those who died were the ones who could work,'' said 49year-old Bigirimana Venance, who lost his 45-year-old wife, Elizabeth Minani. ``She did not have too much education, but she was a lovely lady. I met her in 1975. Now our children are like orphans. They do not have a mother.'' The couple had 11 children together two of them died and four are living in Africa. The other five are in Tucson, and their ages range from 10 to 19. ``There is no way we can go live in Africa again. There is too much insecurity for us there,'' said Venance, who is Burundian. The Burundian and Congolese refugees had been living in camps in Tanzania, seeking shelter from violence and persecution in their
own countries, before moving to the United States. Local agencies report the local Burundian refugee community at 213 people, and the Congolese refugees at 99. The African refugees first began coming to the Southwest in 2000 and have been resettled in Tucson by four local agencies. ``The U.S. gave them all an opportunity to live in a free world,'' said Edward Hakizimana, a 35-yearold local Burundian refugee who has been in Tucson for four years. ``In our African community, this is a very sad moment, very painful.'' The Leonidas family moved to Tucson at the end of March and had been resettled here by Jewish Refugee Resettlement of Southern Arizona. It could be months before Ndururukije Leonidas is able to work. His patient board at University Medical Center listed his goals as pain control, deep breathing and moving around. Jill Rich, who works with the Jewish Refugee Resettlement group, said her hope is that while he's recovering, Ndururukije Leonidas will be able to learn English. Then he'll be in a better position to find a job that does not require physical labor, she said. -AP
Tech News Raytheon to upgrade Jaguar's missile-firing system PARIS: India has awarded a contract to US defence manufacturer Raytheon to integrate the Munitions Control Unit (MCU) on the Jaguar fighters, to enable the aircraft to fire even the latest USmade missiles. "The MCU is a system that enables integration of modern weapons on legacy aircraft such as the Jaguar with minimal modifications to aircraft wiring attached to the weapons without any changes on other systems," Raytheon Vice President for Missiles Systems Harry Schlute told PTI. He added that after the integration of the MCU on the fleet of over 100 Jaguar aircraft in the IAF, pilots would be able to fire American-origin missiles such as the Paveway precision-guided missiles, AIM-9M Sidewinders and Mavericks. Majority of the IAF missiles are of the Russian and the French origin. -PTI
Ukraine to upgrade IAF's 100 Antonov cargo planes NEW DELHI: Left with an aging cargo aircraft fleet, India said it has signed a deal with a Ukraine firm to modernize its 100 medium lift AN-32 aircraft. The contract, worth over USD 400 million, was signed between Ukrainian military export monopolist Ukrspetsexport and India to upgrade the twin-engine turboprop planes operated by the Indian Air Force (IAF). The Kiev-headquartered Antonov Aircraft Company will give the eponymous 20-tonne-capacity aircraft "a full upgrade of on-board communications and navigation systems," Defense Ministry officials said here. -PTI
Omar asks India Inc to hold 'Davos-type' meet in Kashmir NEW DELHI: Hardselling Jammu and Kashmir as an investment friendly state, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said India Inc should organize a Davos-type industry meet and Gulmarg would be an appropriate venue for that. "We should organize a Davostype meeting in the country so that domestic as well as international players could see for themselves the abundant investment opportunities prevailing here," Omar told reporters here.-PTI
TechBiz 40 India Post
June 26, 2009
Goa to withdraw SEZ policy: Kamat PANAJI: The Goa government decided to withdraw its Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy, reasserting its strong resistance for setting up tax-free industrial enclaves in the state. "We have decided to withdraw SEZ policy 2006," Goa Chief Minister Digamber Kamat told reporters after the state cabinet meeting this evening. The Chief Minister said that the state has always reiterated their antiSEZ stand as they were opposed by the public at large. He said that the state has not given any thought for compensating the SEZ developers although the money paid by them in purchasing land would be reimbursed to them. The state government had notified SEZ rules 2006 on February 10, 2006 allowing the setting up of SEZs in the public, private, joint sector or by the state governments. -PTI
US-India pursue bilateral civil aviation cooperation India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Pursuing the bilateral civil aviation cooperation with the United States that was set rolling with an Open Skies Agreement signed four years ago, a high powered delegation from the Government of India met with the US Administrator of the Federal Aviation Authority in Washington DC earlier this month. This was the first senior-level official visit from India after the elections. This also reflects the leading role of the civil aviation sector in the commercial and economic relationship between the two countries. Over 2004-07, India imported more than $11 billion worth of aviation-related products from the United States. The delegation, comprising Madhavan Nambiar, Secretary,
Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India, Director General of Civil Aviation, Dr. Nasim Zaidi; Chairman, Airports Authority of India, V.P. Agrawal and other officials, visited Washington DC during June 10-12. They
pointed earlier this month as the Administrator of FAA. The objective of the visit was to review the progress in implementation of the Open Skies Agreement signed in April 2005 and the Aviation Cooperation
The objective of the visit was to review the progress in implementation of the Open Skies Agreement signed in April 2005 and the Aviation Cooperation Program held useful meetings with officials of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Department of Transportation (DoT) and the US Trade & Development Agency (USTDA). The delegation was the first foreign delegation to meet with Randolph Babbitt, who was ap-
Program (ACP) signed in June 2007 and to discuss issues of mutual concern. In the meetings, Secretary Nambiar recalled the steady increase of air traffic between the two countries since the signing of the Open Skies Agreement stimulating the bilateral eco-
nomic partnership and strengthening people to people contacts. The two sides discussed the future direction of the bilateral cooperation and agreed to work towards making ACP more productive for India in its efforts to modernize the civil aviation Industry and to meet the challenges of its rapid expansion in terms of safety, technology and communication support and air space management. It was agreed that the next India-US Aviation Summit would be held in the US on mutually convenient dates in December 2009. During the visit, an agreement was signed between the US Trade & Development Agency and Directorate General of Civil Aviation of India to fund a number of projects under the US-India Aviation Cooperation Program.
IAF keen on US' C-17 aircraft for heavylift transport NEW DELHI: Keen on replacing its ageing Russian IL76 transport aircraft fleet, the Indian Air Force has shortlisted US major Boeing's C-17 Globemaster III for its heavylift aircraft. "The C-17s have been shortlisted after IAF carried out a thorough study on its capability to take-off and land on short runways with heavy loads," IAF sources said. IAF would place an initial order for 10 of the C-17s through the US government's Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route, and may later go in for a follow-on order, sources said. "The Defense Ministry is at present considering the proposal. If accepted, the aircraft should be inducted in about three years after signing of the contract," sources added. In fact, most of IAF's transport aircraft were acquired in the 1980s and the air force is keen to acquire new generation aircraft to replace and
‘The Defense Ministry is at present considering the proposal. If accepted, the aircraft should be inducted in about three years after signing of the contract,’ augment its fleet. There are about 100 mediumlift AN-32 aircraft and around 20 heavylift IL-76 aircraft in the IAF fleet at present. An IL-76 has a six-member crew and can carry a cargo of 45 tonnes. But the C-17, which is powered by four Pratt & Whitney F-117-PW100 turbofan engines, can carry 70
tonnes and has only a three-member crew, industry sources said. The C-17, industry sources said, is quite a massive aircraft, measuring 174 feet long and 55 feet high with a 170-feet wingspan. But it can be flown by a pilot with a simple joystick, as he would a fighter aircraft, which can be life saving in a battle zone
given its quick take-off capability at steep angles. With midair refuelling capability, the aircraft has been the lifeline of the US forces for deployment overseas, in particular it has been extensively used by US and NATO troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq, they said. C-17s can carry large equipment, which included battle tanks and supplies for fully armed troops, directly to small airfields in any harsh terrain in the world and can be operated under all-visibility conditions day or night, they added. India has been having problems relating to spares and supplies for the Soviet-origin aircraft, IL-76s and AN-32s. It is at present in the process of finalising a deal with Ukraine for upgrading the 20-tonne AN-32s. Last year, India signed a contract with the US for purchasing six C-130J Hercules transport aircraft from Lockheed Martin for its special forces operations. -PTI
TechBiz Post
June 26, 2009
India Post 41
Resultica to enter professional IT training domain in North America India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: Resultica, the education division of Effexoft Inc., is entering the professional IT training sector in North America in view of the growing demand in this sector. According to company CEO Prasad Kunisetty, Resultica has a suite of IT Products for the Educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities and has more than 300 customers covering around one million students in India and Africa. Its products cover the entire spectrum of school and college automation
ranging from Students Records Management, Admissions Management, Attendance Manage-
Resultica has more than 300 customers covering around one million students in India and Africa ment, Student Progress Management, Library Management, Hostel Management, Online Training,
Accounting, Inventory, Class Schedule Management, Student Transport Management etc. Resultica has implemented its Resultica EERP - Educational Enterprise Resource Planning system at large Universities in India such as Andhra University, Modi Institute of Technology and Oakridge International School and in Africa such as Mbarara University, Uganda. It has also implemented its solutions for various government organizations including the department of education, state board of technical education etc. in Andhra Pradesh, India.
RIL forced to give gas cheaper to RNRL
All airlines raise airfares by Rs 400 NEW DELHI: Following their competitors, Air India and no-frill carrier SpiceJet announced an increase in fuel surcharge per air ticket by Rs 400. Private carriers Jet Airways, Kingfisher and their low-fare subsidiaries had hiked fuel surcharge by Rs 400 earlier. The increase in fuel surcharge comes following an over 33 per cent rise in ATF rates by oil firms since March this year. Air India currently levies fuel surcharge of Rs 1,950 and Rs 2,700 on air tickets up to and beyond 750 km respectively, which will go up to Rs 2,350 and Rs 3,100. The surcharge for SpiceJet would go up to Rs 2,400. For Jet Airways, hike would take fuel surcharge on a ticket below a distance of 750 km to Rs 2,450 and beyond that to Rs 3,400. For its no-frill subsidiaries Jet Airways Konnect and JetLite, it would be Rs 2,150 and Rs 3,100 respectively. There would be a similar increase for Kingfisher Airlines. Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum and Hindustan Petroleum had raised the cost of ATF by Rs 3,949 to Rs 36,252 per kilolitre in Delhi effective May 15 midnight while the price went up to Rs 37,367 per kilolitre from Rs 33,260.8 per kilolitre in Mumbai.-PTI
family agreement to supply 28 mil- Patel and K K Tated said the new lion cubic meters per day of gas pact should be as per the MoU from its Krishna-Godavari basin signed between brothers. fields at USD 2.34 per mmBtu for The supply of gas has become 17 years to Reliance Natural Re- a bone of contention between the sources Ltd. brothers who had signed a family The final price settlement agreewould reduce the ment in June 2005 The high court outgo for Anil's over the division of group firm by about ordered that Reliance empire. But 11.8 billion dollars the fight continued during the period of Reliance Indusinside and outside the contract. As per court on various tries honor a 2005 the USD 2.34 mBtu, the issues. outgo for 17 years family agreement RIL counsel would work out to Milind Sathe said he 14.79 billion dollars to supply 28 milcould not comment till compared to 26.55 judgement was lion cubic meters full billion dollars on the available, but he basis of govern- per day of gas added that filing apment-approved USD peal in Supreme Court 4.2 mmBtu. was one of the opRNRL counsel Mahesh tions. Delivering the judgement in the Jethmalani claimed victory. "Prima long-pending and fiercely fought facie it looks like we have won." dispute between the two brothers, By this order, RNRL will have to the division bench asked the two parpay USD 870.26 million for 28 ties to arrive at the new agreement mmcmd gas a year against USD within a month on the basis of memo1.56 billion claimed by RIL. randum of understanding between A division bench of Justice J N them prior to their split in 2005. -PTI
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MUMBAI: In the bitter corporate battle with his elder brother, Anil Ambani got a major boost with the Bombay High Court ordering Mukesh-led RIL to supply gas to other's group firm at USD 2.34 per MBtu, 44 per cent lower than rates approved by the government. The high court ordered that Reliance Industries honor a 2005
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Miffed RSS attacks BJP for Hindutva 'inconsistency' NAGPUR: Mired in bitter infighting after the poll debacle and questioned for lack of clarity on Hindutva by its leaders, BJP has come under attack from RSS which accused it of "inconsistency" on the issue and warned that shunning the core ideology will "automatically snap" its "umbilical cord" with the Sangh. In terse comments, senior RSS ideologue M G Vaidya said, "The BJP has failed to convey the real meaning of 'Hindutva' to the people (in the recent elections). Probably they thought they were not deemed to climb the pedestal of power with 'Hindutva' line. Hence, BJP should now disassociate itself with 'Hindutva'." But "if the BJP gives up 'Hindutva', it will automatically snap its umbilical cord with the Sangh," Vaidya wrote in his weekly column in local Marathi daily 'Tarun Bharat'. -PTI
JK launches talent-tapping program SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has said his government has launched talent-tapping program to identify skills of youth and hone them so that they can compete and excel both at national and international levels. University of Kashmir in collaboration with NASSCOM has created a talent pool of about 600 students for capacity building and skill development to suit demands of present-day job market, Abdullah said interacting with a group of non-resident students of Kashmir studying in various universities of the United States here. -PTI
Sahara Group seeks CISF cover for Amby valley NEW DELHI: Sahara Group has approached the Centre for provision of para-military cover to its prestigious Amby Valley housing project which plans to house celebrities from cricketing world and Bollywood. Sources in the Union Home Ministry said that a letter from the group was received requesting it for provision of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) cover to the housing society as they claimed that underworld people may target the residents keeping in view their popularity and vulnerability. -PTI
India News 42
India Post
June 26, 2009
Ludhiana NRI kills wife and self LUDHIANA: An NRI allegedly shot dead his wife and then committed suicide at his native village on the outskirts of the city here, police said. Sardul Singh (65) along with his wife Parmjit Kaur (62) had come from Canada on May 12 and were living with their children in their ancestral house, police said. According to the FIR, Singh shot his wife using his licensed firearm and then pulled the trigger on himself. Police said their room was bolted from inside and the reason for the extreme step was still unknown. -PTI
Coastal security being strengthened on war footing NEW DELHI: With the focus now on strengthening coastal security, Home Minister P Chidambaram here reviewed the delivery of interceptor boats and stressed there should be no delay in their delivery. He also held meetings with Director General, CPWD, CEO and CMDs of National Building Constructions Corporation, National Projects Construction Corporation, Border Road Organization, RITES, EPIL and EIL to review issues relating to fencing, road construction, floodlighting, construction of Border out-posts among others along international borders particularly the borders with
inspections, a Home Ministry statement said. In the meeting with CMDs of
Home Minister P Chidambaram
Bangladesh and China. The Minister emphasized not only on the need for timely completion of all projects but also on the need for ensuring quality and an effective system of external audit and third party
The Minister emphasized not only on the need for timely completion of all projects but also on the need for ensuring quality Goa Shipyard Limited and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited, Kolkata, he emphasized on the need for proper train-
ing and placement of trained manpower, police personnel and crew members for proper upkeep and running of these boats, it said. "While noting that delivery of boats has commenced from April, 2009 and 13 interceptor boats have been dispatched to States and UTs including Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Goa, Lakshadweep and others, Chidambaram underlined the need to ensure that there are no slippages in timelines," it said. In view of the Mumbai attacks, security agencies are working on strengthening coastal security. -PTI
Man nabbed for duping NRIs of Rs 8 crore
RED ATTACK AT LALGARH: Indian villagers watch as activists of the People's Committee Against Police Atrocities (PCPA) set the house of a Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) member on fire in Lalgarh village in Midnapore district, some 200 km west of Kolkata, on June 17 after days of clashes between tribal villagers and police
Dreaded dacoit shot dead in encounter CHITRAKOOT (UP): A dreaded dacoit, who had held a strong posse of 400 Uttar Pradesh policemen on tenterhooks for over 52 hours, was shot dead here but not before police lost four of its men. Ghanshyam Kewat, carrying a reward of Rs 50,000 on his head and a terror in the area dotted by forests on the Uttar PradeshMadhya Pradesh border, had fled from a house in Jamuali village from where he was firing indiscriminately at the police, but was surrounded by the force and gunned down. Several policemen were also injured in the encounter in which men of the special task force were
also involved. IG V K Gupta and DIG S K Singh, who headed the operation, were among those injured. Kewat was wanted by the
Ghanshyam Kewat, carrying a reward of Rs 50,000 on his head had been a terror in the area dotted by forests police in connection with 11 criminal cases, including a few murders and abductions. He was declared 'most wanted' after he killed a policeman last year. The dacoit, who had let loose
a reign of terror, had a fire power of 350 rifles of .303 caliber, 12 bore guns and hand grenades which he used at the police personnel during the fierce encounter. As the news of his killing spread, villagers rushed to the spot where the blood-stained body of the dacoit lay on the ground. Earlier TV channels showed pictures of the dacoit, wearing a black vest and wielding a rifle, jumping from the roof of a building in which he was hiding. However, police cornered the dacoit as he could not run too far because of fatigue after challenging the security men for over 52hours.-PTI
BANGALORE: A man, wanted by city police for allegedly cheating NRIs to the tune of Rs eight core by luring them to invest in a non-existent hotel project in Karnataka two years ago, was arrested in Kolkata. Joseph Chacko, a city resident, against whom non-bailable warrants were issued by a court,
The Central Crime Branch police, who were searching for Chacko, were tipped off about his presence in a hotel in Chennai was arrested by a team of Bangalore Police, Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Alok Kumar said. The Central Crime Branch police, who were searching for Chacko, were tipped off about his presence in a hotel in Chennai. But by the time a police team reached the hotel, Chacko had left for Kolkata by air. The team reached Kolkata and arrested Chacko, Kumar said. He was produced before a Kolkata court which permitted the police to bring him here. -PTI
Realty Tidbits
Foreclosures pose problems for neighborhood
Real Estate
ninsured foreclosed proper ties, particularly condominiums, can be risky for property owners in nearby homes. Vacant houses are vulnerable to vandalism, theft, and accidental fires. If the property has an adjoining wall, the damage can be significant. Another issue is that insurers can be very reluctant to offer insurance in condominiums or neighborhoods where there are empty buildings. "Some [condo] buildings have such a stigma from the number of vacant units that insurers will not insure occupied units for fear of increased claim and assessment costs if a loss were to occur," says Robert Friedman, a West Palm Beach, Fla., attorney specializing in property issues.
„ Insurance costs rise, despite falling values
omebuyers may be surprised to find that homeowners insurance isn't going down, despite precipitous declines in sale prices. "There has been a lot of noise lately around market values, but market value and the cost to rebuild are two totally different things," says Elaine Baisden, vice president of national property for property casualty insurer Travelers. Marshall & Swift, which calculates building costs, says it can cost as much as 30 percent more to rebuild than to build. Reconstruction costs are greater because of demolition and removal expenses and the price of bringing older structures up to current codes.
„ Commercial real estate sees signs of rebound
ith prices down, small in vestors in commercial property are returning to the market searching for properties to buy, says Dana Brody, a practitioner with Grubb & Ellis in Los Angeles. Brody says even though there are some eager buyers, the market remains slow because buyers are holding out for better deals and few sellers are willing to take lowball offers. Richard Ziman, manager of a $630 million real estate investment fund, says waiting may be a good idea. But for those determined to buy, he suggests making a supportable offer.
43 India Post
June 26, 2009
Government plans to bolster financial market
he Obama administration hopes to strengthen the markets by improving the U.S. financial regulatory system, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and chief White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers wrote in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post. Besides imposing tough capital and liquidity requirements for the largest financial firms, the plan would give the Federal Reserve the authority to supervise institutions that are too large to fail.
5 rules for the empty home next door MARGARETTE BURNETTE
ew things rattle a neighborhood like an abandoned home. If you live in a neighborhood that has an abandoned house, know your rights. Here are five rules to follow when trying to prevent a vacant home from damaging your community. 1. Research local land laws Check out your community's codes regarding vacant homes. The ordinances are often very specific, with regulations for trash and yard cleanliness, peeling paint and broken windows. They also address matters that could affect public safety, such as tree limbs on power lines, abandoned animals and deserted backyard pools that attract mosquitoes. There may also be additional rules if the dwelling is part of a homeowners association. Many times, laws regarding vacant homes are available online at a local government Web site or at a local municipal building.
2. Check with the local municipality If you think a home's condition is in violation of the law, contact the local municipality and ask them to fix the situation. "Counties are staying on top of these requests because they don't want them to pull down prop-
If you're unsure of the homeowner's identity, research local county records for the property's deed, which lists the owner erty values, which then reduce the amount of property taxes collected," says Ken Beasley, a real estate broker and owner of Equity Share Group in Danville, Calif. Although zoning inspectors can resolve small issues, they usually are not authorized to handle major repairs without the homeowner's involvement. 3. Contact the homeowner
10 cities most likely to bounce back quickly
ome cities are likely to recover more quickly from the housing downturn than others. Forbes magazine has identified the top 10 cities that it believes are poised for recovery by examining unemployment figures, projected gross domestic product from Moody's, and housing affordability data from the National Association of Home Builders. Overall, cities most likely to recover first are those with strong technology capabilities.
The most direct solution is to try to work out an agreement with the owner of the abandoned home. If the property has gone through a foreclosure, ownership generally goes to the bank. At that point, it's often easier to work with the financial institution because it likely has a system in place to deal
Here is Forbes' top 10: 1. Austin-Roundrock, Texas 2. Fayetteville-SpringdaleRogers, Ark. 3. Boulder, Colo. 4. Huntsville, Ala. 5. San Antonio, Texas 6. Mobile, Ala. 7. Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, Texas 8. Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, D.C.-Va.-Md.-W.Va. 9. McAllen-Edinburg-Mission,Texas 10. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, Wash.
with vacant homes. Every town or borough has ordinances that deal with abandoned property. Call the bank and ask for their asset management team, they are the people the lender hires to manage the property. 4. Don't trespass on the property
If a house has been abandoned for weeks or months, you may feel justified going on the property to mow the lawn, pick up trash or otherwise clean the grounds. Unfortunately, that could put you into legal trouble if you don't have the owner's consent, Jablonski says. Despite his warning, Jablonski admits concerned neighbors rarely follow the "no trespassing" rule. 5. Enlist the real estate agent's help Some abandoned properties may be listed with a broker. If there's a "for sale" sign on the property, contact the agent if the property is in violation of a local ordinance. Many of these offerings are distressed properties, so agents aren't going to be hosting open houses often, Beasley says. (For details logon to
India Post
June 26, 2009
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Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted at the Alameda County Social Services Agency Contracts Office, 2000 San Pablo Avenue, 4th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP IDL ESD 2009 ñ CALWORKS IN-HOME DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM, Friday, June 26, 2009, 10:00 a.m. ñ Alameda County Social Services Agency North County Self-Sufficiency Center, 2000 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley Room, 3rd Floor, Oakland, CA NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP IDL ESD 2009 ñ CALWORKS IN-HOME DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM, Friday, June 26, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ñ Alameda County Social Services Agency Eden Area SelfSufficiency Center, 24100 Amador Street, Shooting Star A, 6th Floor, Hayward, CA Responses Due by 3:00 pm on July 13, 2009 County Contact: Tim Roberts at (510) 271-9185 or via email: Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications regarding the above may be obtained at the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 6/26/09 CNS-1621524# Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NON-MANDATORY NETWORKING/ BIDDERS CONFERENCE, North County RFQ #900607, ACFD-Thermal Imaging Cameras, Tuesday, June 30, 2009, at 10:00 A.M. ñ Alameda County General Services Agency, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Room 1107, 11th Floor, Oakland, CA NON-MANDATORY NETWORKING/ BIDDERS CONFERENCE, South County RFQ #900607, ACFD-Thermal Imaging Cameras, Wednesday, July 1, 2009, at 2:00 P.M. ñ Alameda County Public Works Agency, 951 Turner Court, Room 230A, Hayward, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on August 11, 2009 County Contact : Stefanie Taylor at (510) 208-9610 or via e m a i l : Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications and bid copies regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA-Purchasing Department or the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 6/26/09 CNS-1621681#
June 26, 2009
India Post 45
Motel for sale
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India Post
PAYROLL ACCOUNTANT WANTED Currently seeking payroll clerks and accountants. Job comes with great benefits,Applicants should kindly e-mail resumes or inquiries to Guiseppina Cavaliere.
3 Gas Stations For Sale By Owner, Long Island NY Baldwin: Gas volume 100K Gallons+/monthly, C-store $31K+/monthly. Lotto $22K+/monthly. Self Service, Very Nice area. Busy Road. Price $105K + Deposits Baldwin: gas station with C-store. Rent only $1300, Very busy road, Full Service, Price $15K + deposits 3 Bay Repair shop also available for additional rent. Bellmore: Gas Volume 110k gallons Monthly + C-store, Rent only $1950, Very busy Road, Very nice area, Price $28K + Deposits. Owner runs the station absentee, Huge potential for owner operator. Motivated owner, Serious inquiries only, Call Owner ERIC KUMAR
June 26, 2009
June 26, 2009
India Post 47
Executive Chef San Francisco based restaurant looking for a EXECUTIVE CHEF/culinary graduate. Must have 10 YEARS of experience.
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48 India Post
June 26, 2009
Page Sponsored by Sahanis
We have absolute freedom over our internal nature JEAN PAUL SARTRE
he Existentialist conceptions of freedom and value arise from their view of the individual. Since we are all ultimately alone, isolated islands of subjectivity in an objective world, we have absolute freedom over our internal nature, and the source of our value can only be internal. Existentialism is defined by the slogan Existence precedes Essence. This means: 1. We have no predetermined nature or essence that controls what we are, what we do, or what is valuable for us. 2. We are radically free to act independently of determination by outside influences. 3. We create our own human nature through these free choices. 4. We also create our values through these choices. The human situation for the Existentialist is characterized by: 1. Facticity (throwness): We find ourselves existing in a world not of our own making and indif-
hagwan cannot be an object enclosed by a given thought. An apple is enclosed by a thought, excluding every other thought. This is how we learn to recognize objects discretely. A discrete object is the object of a thought form excluding everything else. When you thread a needle, everything else in the world is excluded. Even the needle is excluded. Only the eye of the needle is the object in focus. That alone exists. When you see a tree, and then see the trunk of the tree, the focus, the intended perception, tatparya, is the trunk, even though the tree is there. And if you see the leaf, then only the leaf is there, and so on. You can go on reducing the focus down to the molecules that make the chlorophyll. In the same way, you can have a collective object called forest. There, the entire tatparya is different. This is how the mind works. When you think of one thing, other things are necessarily excluded. When you think of Bhagvan everything else is excluded. The question is: Is there Bhagvan and everything else? What is other than Bhagvan? The Upanishads tell us that whatever you see here is Isvara - what you know and do
ferent to our concerns. We are not the source of our existence, but find ourselves thrown into a world we don't control and didn't choose. 2. Anxiety: We are faced with the lack of any external source of value and determination. We are faced with the responsibility of choosing our own nature and val-
nal value or determination and restrict ourselves to what is under our own control. Objections and Replies: What is Freedom? 1. The problem: How can we be free if our bodies, our abilities, and our environment are determined? 2. The solution: (a) Even though all these factors may be
In order to be free ourselves, we must desire the freedom of other people. To treat another person merely as an object for my use is to make an object of myself ues, and, in doing so, we are faced we must face the awesome responsibility of choosing human nature and values for all men in our free choices. 3. Despair: In seeing the contrast between the world we're thrown into and which we cannot control and the absolute freedom we have to create ourselves, we must despair of any hope of exter-
determined, we are more than simply these things. Our real self lies beyond the reach of external determination in virtue of its absolute individuality. (b) Our freedom is a freedom of synthesis: even though the many factors that go into making us and our experience are determined, we can arrange them as we like. We are free to make of them, and our-
selves, whatever we will. What is Happiness? The problem: How can man be happy in a world devoid of external significance and meaning? The solution: The loss of external value allows us to get value from within ourselves, a value that is greater because it cannot be taken away by external forces. How ought we to act? The problem: If our only moral rule is to act authentically, to choose our own values instead of taking them from external sources, can't we really do anything we want, no matter how evil or selfish? The solution: a. In choosing our own nature we must choose human nature for all humanity. In order to act freely, we must not let our action be determined by any of our particular desires or interests. We must act as any free agent would act, hence we must act as we would like other people to act. b. In order to be free ourselves, we must desire the freedom of other people. To treat another person merely as an object for my use is to make an object of myself. To be free I must respect the freedom of others. The 104th birth anniversary of Jean Paul Sartre falls on June 21
Nothing is outside Isvara, including ignorance wards something glorious, that is you. If someone is very strong, that strength is you. The burning power that fire has, that is you. Any glory anywhere, which attracts, is you. In fact the word 'krishna' means the one who attracts everything. Whichever quality, feature, attribute attracts, that
In fact the word 'krishna' means the one who attracts everything. Whichever quality, feature, attribute attracts, that is Bhagvan knowledge of what Isvara is. Another way of looking at this is, "Wherever my mind goes and lands, that is your lotus feet." Whether it thinks of time, it is you; a place, it is you; an object, it is you. The sun, moon, constellations, mountains, oceans, continents, laws, forces are all you. Let the mind go; where will it go? Outside Bhagvan, how will it go? If the mind stays, if it is attracted to-
is Bhagvan. Lord Krishna says, "The brilliance in the brilliant person is me." The faculty to think is given, and objects to think about are given. Ignorance is given and the capacity to dispel it is given, for which there must be truth. The whole thing is given. How can anyone say, "This is my brilliance"? The 'my' is gone. My brilliance or someone else's brilliance is Isvara's bril-
- Sri Chinmoy Death is but changing of our robes to wait In wedding garments at the Eternal's gate. - Sri Aurobindo A stone I died and rose again a plant; A plant I died and rose an animal; I died an animal and was born a man. Why should I fear? What have I lost by death? - Rumi
not know. Nothing is outside Isvara including the given ignorance an individual may have. If the whole thing is Isvara, then when can your mind be away from Isvara? Practice this a little bit-instead of sending the mind to Isvara, try to send it away from Isvara. For this, you must necessarily have
Death is not the end Death can never be the end. Death is the road. Life is the traveller. The Soul is the Guide
liance. That is the law. To understand Bhagvan it takes a certain way of looking at what 'is'. It is not your usual way of looking at something, as a product made by someone. You see the jagat and wonder by whom it was made. By Bhagvan. The eyes go up immediately. Unless this orientation goes, there is no Bhagvan. The question of where Bhagvan is should not even arise. "What 'is' Bhagvan?" alone should be the question. "What 'is'?" will yield everything. You are not going to search elsewhere, because searching for something else presupposes understanding of what is in front of you. But what is in front is not understood, because that has the solution. It is the product, it is the cause, and it is everything. You do not search for Isvara outside of what you see. That orientation does not work.
Whoever sees multiplicity but not the one indivisible Self must wander on and on from death to death. -Katha Upanishad If I had known that I was to die, and not return again, I would not have ruined myself by clinging to the world of falsehood. -Bhagat Farid Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth. Life is eternal. -Eckhart Tolle In the democracy of the dead all men at last are equal. -Friedrich Nietzsche
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June 26, 2009
India Post 49
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50 India Post
June 26, 2009
n 1996, when President Clinton signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), he called it the "longest sought, hardest fought prize in the history of arms control." While Clinton introduced the CTBT in the Senate for ratification, the following year, in early 1998, Senator Jesse Helms informed the President that, "the CTBT is very low on the [Senate Foreign Relations] Committee's list of priorities. In May 1998, when India and Pakistan conducted their respective nuclear tests, they raised concerns about the consequences of the ratification of the Treaty in the face of perceived threats to international security. The P5 needed safety nets that would allow them to resume testing if a country withdrew from the CTBT and the non-nuclear nations feared that the P5 would continue to design and maintain new weapons without testing, the practice of which is known as stockpile stewardship. Stewardship is an essential component of the CTBT debate. Clinton thus needed to put forward a plan that would allow the US to maintain its nuclear capabilities within treaty limitations. He came up with six 'safeguards' saying, "As a central part of this decision, I am establishing concrete, specific safeguards that define the conditions under which the United States will enter into a comprehensive test ban. These safeguards will strengthen our commitments in the areas of intelligence, monitoring and verification, stockpile stewardship, maintenance of our nuclear laboratories, and test readiness." The CTBT had the President's full support and the support of environmental groups and other influential lobbies. The safeguards were designed to satisfy the Senate's concerns over future threats to national security. In 1999, the CTBT came up in the Senate for ratification. Needing 67 votes to be approved, the treaty achieved only 48, with 51 senators voting against. The grounds for rejection were primarily that US ratification would not prevent other countries from going forward with their own tests, thereby increasing threats to American national security. Bipartisan politics was also cited as a reason for the failure to ratify; the unanimous Republican opposition to the Clinton administration may have had something to do with it. During his 2000 campaign, George W Bush said that one of his "highest foreign policy priorities will be to check the contagious
spread of weapons of mass destruction." He however believed that the CTBT "does not stop proliferation, especially in renegade regimes. It is not verifiable. It is not enforceable. And it would stop us from ensuring the safety and reliability of our nation's deterrent, should the need arise." He also declared, "We can fight the spread of nuclear weapons, but we cannot wish them away with unwise treaties." It was clear that the CTBT would not be a priority during his administration. Colin Powell, Bush's Secretary of State, who had
a diplomatic effort to bring on board other states whose ratifications are required for the treaty to enter into force." His efforts during the first half of 2009 have shown his commitment to the issue. On April 5, in Prague he said, "As the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a moral responsibility to act‌We cannot succeed in this endeavor alone, but we can lead it." For several years in a row the US' voting rights at the CTBTO have been suspended at the beginning of the calendar year for fail-
This station in far-northern CanadaĂs Nunavut territory, part of the International Monitoring System set up under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, detects radioactive noble gases released when a nuclear detonation takes place. (Pic: CTBTO)
earlier endorsed the CTBT in 1998, stated that he and the administration believed "that there are still flaws with the treaty as it was voted down in 1999." Although it had decided not to seek ratification, the Bush admin-
The administration still needs 67 votes for ratification of the treaty. Analysts believe that at least 60 votes are certain, but it is a long way from 60 to 67. The international political scene is quite different today from what it was in 1996 istration was certain that the moratorium on testing would continue to be maintained and that they would be engaged in preparatory activities such as building International Monitoring System stations. Barack Obama, during his presidential campaign vowed to "reach out to the Senate to secure the ratification of the CTBT at the earliest practical date and (then) launch
ure to pay dues. The Obama administration's budget for the next fiscal year includes US$26 million for the CTBTO. This amount will only meet the due requirements for 2009 but it is the first time since the Clinton administration that such support has been shown for the CTBTO. The administration still needs 67 votes for ratification of the treaty. Analysts believe that at least 60 votes are certain, but it is a long way from 60 to 67. The international political scene is quite different today from what it was in 1996. The last stages of the Cold War are not so recent in memory, Russia has ratified the CTBT and China seems to be moving toward ratification. India and Pakistan, however, have not settled their differences and the Middle East continues to face instability. If the Senate finally ratifies the CTBT after almost 13 years of shelving the debate, the response of the international community especially of the nine states that still need to ratify the treaty to satisfy Article XIV, remains to be seen. Will they follow where the US leads or will they use the ratification to further consolidate their bargaining positions? The writer is with Department of International Studies, Stella Maris College. Courtesy IPCS
India Post Dialogue dilemma
f Pakistan is unable to decide how to deal with its own homegrown terrorists, India does not know how to deal with Pakistan. It is ostensibly ruled by civilians, professing rule of law but they run the agenda of the Army and wink at anti-India religious fanatics who train terrorists to keep up attacks on India. Manmohan Singh put up a little drama for the Indian public at his talks with Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari by stating loudly before the cameras that his only mandate was "of discussing how Pakistan can deliver on its assurances that its territory would not be used for terrorist attacks on India". News reports said that Zardari was embarrassed but going by his history/biography, this is unlikely. He has brazened through much worse - being called Mr 10 percent and being jailed for murders and recently reversing all his decisions aimed at crushing the powerful Sharif brothers of Pakistan's Punjab. It was decided at the meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia that the Foreign Secretaries of India and Pakistan will meet. While India insisted it was not a resumption of dialogue but only one-issue discussion on terrorism emanating from Pakistan, the Pak media thought the ice was broken. India and Pakistan have such a differing perception of talks that even setting up an agenda would require superhuman effort. Every time it seems a dialogue is imminent, the Pakistanis think they are getting close to grabbing Kashmir. All they want to discuss is Kashmir and the so-called repression by Indian Army. The brutal and mindless violence that Pakistani agents have let loose over the years in Kashmir never seems to register on them. Violence has become so common in Pakistan that it has become a part of their life. The first duty of a civilian administration is to ensure that people are provided the basic amenities of life like cheap food, clean water, tolerable shelter, a reasonable power supply and connecting roads. It is an irony of life that the civilian administration in Pakistan is more geared to promoting the feudal set up than dismantling it because most of its leading lights are themselves feudal landlords who have little concern for the ordinary people who are like their vassals. So their first concern is not the people of Pakistan but expansionist designs on neighbors both in the east and the west. The Army of Pakistan also reinforces the feudal set up and in fact its senior officers have become the premier landholders and industrialists. If tensions along the borders are reduced, the Pakistan Army might go out of business. So, for the Pakistani army to survive as the upholders of Pakistani interests the tensions must go on. In the light of its experience of repeated attacks from Pak-trained terrorists, India insists Pakistan must shut its terrorist factories before any dialogue can be thought of. Since Pakistan is not doing so and only resorting to subterfuge of courts setting free terrorist masterminds by presenting weak prosecution cases, India cannot trust Pakistan. It has therefore to first put its civilian defense set up in order and strengthen it because, as suspected even by some US experts, another terrorist attack originating from Pakistan is not only imminent but a certainty. If Pakistani society seems always up in arms, the Indians seem to lapse into petty politics soon after the danger has subsided. Instead of acting on the inquiry report on police lapses during 26/ 11, the government of Maharashtra is trying to shield its guilty officers and is not willing to reveal the contents of the report.
June 26, 2009
India Post 51
52 India Post
June 26, 2009