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India Post
India Post party welcomes New Year with style Details on page 16
India to help US detect tax evasion
VOL 18, No. 957
January 18, 2013
Periodical Postage
PM PLEDGE TO MEET RISING EXPECTATIONS 11th PBD inaugurated in Kochi, Kerala
Bera, Gabbard sworn in lawmakers Details on page 10
CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 28-29 Classifieds ------------------------- 52 Community Post -------------- 16-23 Date Book -------------------------- 49
Details on page 24
Edit Page --------------------------- 54 HealthScience Post --------- 32-36
Horoscope ------------------------- 50
Immigration Post ------------- 45-47
This week’s question
Life Style ----------------------- 30-31
Can PM be trusted to bring in necessary reforms?
Philosophy ------------------------- 53 Publisher’s Diary ------------------ 4
Last week’s result
Real Estate -------------------- 38-39
Will Indian society now change attitude towards women? YES 36%
TechBiz Post ------------------- 24-27 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 40-43
NO 64%
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh releasing a Hand book for Emigrants, at the inauguration of the 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, in Kochi on January 8. The Chief Guest and President of the Republic of Mauritius, Rajkeswur Purryag, the Governor of Kerala, H. R. Bhardwaj and the Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi are also seen. (Details on page 5)
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India Post
January 18, 2013
January 18, 2013
India Post
India Post
India Post
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January 18, 2013
IndiaNewsweekly Post Mission Statement To empower the Indian Diaspora and make their voice strong and effective in countries of their adoption. RJ Media conglomerate offers a credible, professional and complete package of news, opinion, entertainment, networking and information.
Publisher’s Diary
s if India doesn't have enough problems right now, some vested political interests are asking for communal trouble… this local Muslim leg islator from Hyderabad in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh - Akbaruddin Owaisi - is spawning big time trouble. His incendiary anti-Hindu speeches have not only provoked widespread vitriol from conservative Hindu organizations and leaders but also legal action. I have watched on video some of the stuff that Owaisi has so passionately said in his speeches. To say it was scary would be an understatement. I mean, who in their right senses in India would criticize cow worship, Hindu gods, Hindu festivals and expect Hindus not to react? His speeches made no bones in calling Muslims to take up arms against the Hindus. But what I don't understand is, why? What is his provocation or motivation? So okay the law will take its course, but what of it? Does that ensure that the likes of Owaisi will ever be deterred from fomenting communal trouble? It's unbelievable how the prospect of flaring religious sentiments and fanning fundamentalist passions invariably lead to violence and bloodshed. What also bothers me is this man Owaisi has done his bit of spreading his vitriol and now the entire state machinery is out on the streets for preventive 'bandobast' - tagging after a mischief monger, instead of tackling real crimes that obviously are not a priority. What is it that gives political leaders in India the carte blanche to assume that they can get away with anything including playing with people's lives? What I fail to understand is when in a crisis, why do politicians feel compelled to say something, however foolish they might end up sounding? Like, in this instance of the gang-rape horror in Delhi … they have political leaders making statements like school girls should be banned from wearing skirts; or that women should not cross the 'Lakshman rekha' (moral limit) or they invite trouble; or that women should stick to being housewives; and so on. It may be easy to explain what makes politicians stupid, but what is it about the law enforcement in the country that makes them so subservient to such stupidity?
Romesh K Japra
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HIGHLIGHTS Bollywood: Ranveer injured Deepika Padukone could visit her parents for the New Year as her co-star for Ram Leela, Ranveer Singh got injured.
Cover Story: PBD in Kochi Inaugurating the 11th edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, PM Manmohan Singh promised to improve governance.
Community: New Year party India Post news weekly’s "New Year party" on December 31 in San Jose was the most successful event in Bay area.
Health: Gesture to docs The Centre would permit overseas Indian doctors to practice in the country without undergoing screening tests.
Life Style: New avatar Imran Khan in Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola has gone out of his way to play the role in a completely new avatar.
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Tax evasion
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The graceful palaces, forts and temples strewn throughout the city bring alive the historic grandeur of Jodhpur.
Cover/Top Stories
January 18, 2013
India Post
PM pledge to meet rising expectations 11th PBD inaugurated in Kochi, Kerala KOCHI, Kerala: With the national outcry on various burning issues apparently weighing on his mind, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh acknowledged here a "surge of expectation" from an increasingly articulate public, asserting government was determined to improve legal and regulatory frameworks. "There is now a surge of expectation from an increasingly empowered and articulate public, for more responsive, transparent, participative, clean and efficient governance," Singh told the Indian Diaspora after inaugurating the 11th edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here. The government was "determined to turn any setback into an opportunity to improve legal and regulatory frameworks," Singh said in his remarks which come in the backdrop of national mood of anger on issues such as corruption and crime against women in the light of the Delhi gangrape incident. "I have no doubt that the energy and the passions of our citizens, particularly our youth, will be a force of positive change in our country," he told the gather-
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh lighting the lamp to inaugurate the 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, in Kochi on January 8. The Chief Guest and President of the Republic of Mauritius, Rajkeswur Purryag, the Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs, Vayalar Ravi and the Chief Minister, Kerala, Oommen Chandy are also seen
said the annual growth rate might fall below six per cent in the current year from 6.5 in the previous
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressing the 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, in Kochi on January 08
ing where the Mauritius President Rajkeshwur Purryag was the chief guest. He also said despite an impressive economic performance and quantum change in the past two decades, the country faced persisting challenges of poverty, equity, sustainability and opportunity. "Vulnerable sections of society, including our women, face enduring prejudices and continuing problems in a rapidly changing India," he told the annual meet which seeks to connect India to its vast Indian Diaspora and bring their knowledge, expertise and skills on a common platform. On the economic front, Singh
fiscal, but added the strong economic fundamentals backed by sound policies would enable the country to return to a higher growth path. Singh noted that safety and security of overseas Indian communities was uppermost in "our minds" in the backdrop of turbulence in many parts of the world. Though the primary responsibility of safety and security of overseas Indian communities rest with the host nations, "when needed, as was the case, last year in Libya, our government will provide prompt and necessary assistance", the Prime Minister said. The government will do "all that is possible" to deepen the connection of overseas Indians with India and advance their interests, he said and invited them
to be a vital partner in India's social and economic development.
Though the primary responsibility of safety and security of overseas Indian communities rest with the host nations, "when needed, as was the case, last year in Libya, our government will provide prompt and necessary assistance", the Prime Minister said
About the recently approved 12th Five Year Plan which targets eight per cent annual growth, Singh said this required enormous resources, reforms in policies and institutions and new models of public-private partnerships, among others. "New approaches will be needed to address challenges like infrastructure, education, energy, water and agriculture." Describing India as a close friend of his country, the Mauritius President assured his country's support to New Delhi in its attempt for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. Purryag, who has ancestral roots in India, said people of Indian origin take pride in India. "We have the same root, we share the same culture and tradition and we have same ancestors," he said. Union Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi said the hard work and honesty of NRIs has made India the most reliable suppliers of manpower in the world.
Woes of Gulf 'toilers'
Earlier, on January 7, Ravi said the Central and Kerala governments should hear the woes of men and women "toiling" in the Gulf and urged the delegates to air their issues openly. While admitting that solutions to only some of their problems have been arrived at so far, he said there were issues galore which remains to be addressed. The suggestions which come up would be discussed with Prime Minister and at the Union Cabinet, he said. In his keynote address, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said providing the NRIs with voting rights was the biggest achievement for those living abroad. Cont’d on page 8
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh releasing a commemorative postage stamp at the inauguration of the 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, in Kochi on January 08
Top Stories
India Post
January 18, 2013
Protests India's Arab Spring, says Zakaria WASHINGTON: The popular protest across India against the brutal gang-rape case of a 23-yearold medical student, in a way is the country's Arab Spring, believes Fareed Zakaria, one of the most influential foreign policy journalist in the US. "In a way, this is India's Arab Spring. But it needs to sustain itself. And to lead to real reform and change. This Indian spring will only work out better than the Arab Spring if its national leaders recognize the need for radical and thorough change in their country," Zakaria said. Mumbai-born Zakaria, 48, received 'Padma Bhushan' from the Indian Government in 2010. He is editor-at-large of Time and host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS. On his latest edition of his popular Sunday talk show and also appearing on the CNN Monday, Zakaria said there is a culture of impunity in India. "After 600 rape cases reported in Delhi this year, only one has led to a conviction. That's why the current set of sustained protests are something of a silver lining. People are genuinely upset. The rise of India's middle class has activated a powerful civil society. One that is now demanding better government. It did so a year ago regarding corruption," he said. Zakaria said the national attention over her death is shedding light on how unsafe Indian women actually are.
According to the national crime records bureau, there were more than 24,000 registered rapes in 2011. That's one rape every 22 minutes in India. And those are just the ones we know about, he said.
he alleged. According to the UN's office on drugs and crime, South Asia has one of the lowest ratios of police officers to civilians in the world. It also has among the fewest prosecutors as a percentage
Fareed Zakaria
"By some accounts, only a tenth of all such crimes in India actually get reported. Why such a shockingly high rate of violent crime? Indians are debating the reasons. The reality is this: This is one more example of a government that simply does not deliver. India has a broken public safety system, little to no public surveillance and CCTV systems, and a pathetic and corrupt police force,"
of the population, he said. "There could be other factors. India has a demographic crisis. According to its 2011 census, there are only 9 women for every 10 men in urban India, that's one of the worst sex ratios, and that doesn't happen naturally. It happens because tens of thousands of Indians opt for abortions if they know they're having a daughter," Zakaria said. -PTI
London rally demands justice for rape victim LONDON: Hundreds of protestors raised slogans and waved placards outside the Indian High Commission here, demanding justice for the Delhi gang-rape victim. The demonstration organized by a London-based ethnic minority women's rights organization Southall Black Sisters, brought together men and women from various backgrounds to protest against the brutal rape and murder of the 23-year-old paramedical student. "The reason I am here is because I have been shaken to my very core by this crime. India is a brilliant country in many ways, where the ordinary janta can come out in such full force against injustice. But until the government can fulfill their expectations, the
battle remains unfinished," said British Asian filmmaker Gurinder Chadha, who joined the protest with her writer husband Paul Mayeda Berges.
‘It is important that we show our solidarity to this cause. Rape is a worldwide problem and this shocking case just highlights the need for some long overdue action’ A handful of police officers were on duty to keep the crowd under check and prevent any traffic hiccups around India House
in central London. Slogans such as "We want justice" and "Halla Bol" could be heard throughout the three-hourlong peaceful demonstration and placards exhorted the Indian government to punish the guilty. "It is important that we show our solidarity to this cause. Rape is a worldwide problem and this shocking case just highlights the need for some long overdue action," said a 21-year-old student, part of a group from the London School of Economics (LSE) across the road. The LSE Gender Institute is backing the next major meeting in London on the issue of gender violence, being organized by a series of women's organizations on its campus on January 23.-PTI
'India inspiring others to fight violence against women' NEW DELHI: US playwright- stand up for her and risk being a activist Eve Ensler is impressed social outcast," she said. with India's response in the fight Eve has been in India for for violence against women par- sometime now to launch her OBR ticularly in the wake of the recent movement to end violence gangrape of a 23-yr-old student against women. She has perhere. formed the popular "Vagina "India is really inspiring the Monologues" in Mumbai along rest of the globe in rising. We are with three guest actors from getting so many sign ups since Bollywood. the December 16 incident and the She is also scheduled to perprotests. They are saying if In- form the play in Delhi on January dia can do it, so can we. India now is really the vanguard. And I be- ‘They are saying if India can lieve we are going to do it, so can we. India now see a massive rising in India with regards to is really the vanguard. And I violence against believe we are going to see women issue," Eve told a massive rising in India with PTI. She addressed a regards to violence against press conference here women issue’ for her One Billion Rising (OBR) campaign and said after the brutal incident, 7 with the cast, which includes the "good men around" have Varshaa Agnihotri, Rasika also realized that they need to Duggal, Dilnaz Irani, Dolly stand with women to fight for the Thakore and Mahabanoo Mody issue because it is not only a Kotwal, who along with her son women's issue. Kaizaad Kotwal has been direct"I think one of the great things ing it in the country for the last that are happening now is that 10 years. we are seeing a society that is "It was not a coincidence or a very energized, very angry and very well planned time to launch now is the time of intervention the campaign here. It was just a and I strongly suggest that if you connection that I am here for such see anybody touching any a cause at this particular time. I woman anywhere you should am so excited to be here as India scream and that it should ignite is on the seat of rising against other men or women to scream. violence against women," she You intervene on her behalf and said. -PTI
MPs should resign if convicted of rape: Roy NEW DELHI: Activist Aruna Roy has demanded that Parliamentarians convicted of rape charges resign from their membership immediately and that it should be made mandatory. She also suggested that fast track courts should be set up and better police patrolling of streets initiated to check crime against women. "Parliamentarians who have been involved in such crimes and it has been proven, they should resign immediately," Roy said. She also came down heavily on those who made comments pointing fingers at women for sexual offences. "There is no India and Bharat when it comes to crime committed against a woman. There is no India, there is no Bharat, there is no country and foreign land in that
case, there is no community," said Roy said. Roy said "whatever these politicians are saying, they want to take political benefits. If they lack
Aruna Roy
this understanding then they should be sent to a place for reeducating themselves where they can understand that what good things our ancestors have said for women". -PTI
Top Stories
January 18, 2013
India Post
Gangraped girl equally responsible: Asaram Bapu NEW DELHI: Spiritual leader Asaram Bapu courted controversy for suggesting that the victim of the brutal sexual assault was equally responsible for the crime and saying the girl could have called her assailants brothers and begged them to stop. Asaram's remarks on the
name and could have held the hand of one of the men and said I consider you as my brother and should have said to the other two 'Brother I am helpless, you are my brother, my religious brother.' She should have taken God's name and held their hands and feet...then the misconduct
gangrape of the 23-year-old girl sparked condemnation across the political spectrum and from women's bodies with the BJP saying it was "regrettable, deeply disturbing and painful". Addressing his followers recently, Asaram said that when the girl encountered six drunk men "she should have taken God's
wouldn't have happened." He also went on to say, "Galti ek taraf se nahi hoti hai (mistake is not committed from one side)." The girl was gangraped on the night of December 16 in a moving bus and died nearly a fortnight later at a Singapore hospital. "The accused were drunk. If the girl had chanted hymns to God-
dess Saraswati and to Guru Diksha then she wouldn't have entered the bus...," he added. BJP spokesperson Ravishankar Prasad said Asaram is a religious guru and that the country looks up to him. "His statement is regrettable, deeply disturbing and painful," he said. "For him to make the statement in relation to a crime which has shocked the conscience of the country is not only unfortunate but deeply regrettable," he added. An aide to Asaram sought to downplay the controversy over the remarks. Neelam Dubey said the remarks were made at a religious discourse in Delhi in the context of how one should invoke God's name to avoid incidents like crimes against women. Some reports said the event was held in Rajasthan. Dubey said Asaram was trying to drive home the point that incidents like the gangrape of the girl could have been avoided by reciting mantras, by reciting names of Gods. "If she (victim) would have taken God's name or recited a mantra, God inside her might have suggested her how to avoid such crimes," she said, seeking to explain Asaram's remarks. "He was giving that idea to his devotees. He was citing the gangrape incident to say one should use commonsense to avoid such incidents," she added. Congress spokesperson Rashid Alvi said religious leaders should give serious thought be-
Notice to cops on ban order in India Gate NEW DELHI: The city police has been asked by the Delhi High Court to explain as to how a special executive magistrate can be vested with the power to impose prohibitory orders under section 144 of CrPC for up to six months despite the same being contrary to the fundamental rights of citizens. "Issue notice (to Delhi Police). You file your counter within two weeks as to how the government can delegate the power to invoke section 144 of Criminal Procedure Code (CrpC) for a period extending up to six months. "You can't uniformly, just like that, extend the operation of section 144 as it is in contrast with the fundamental rights of the citizens," said a bench headed by Chief Justice D Murugesan. The court was issuing directions on a plea for framing guide-
lines for imposing prohibitory orders under the CrPC, issued the notice to Delhi police and asked it to file a detailed reply. The court slated the matter for further hear-
ing on February 6. Refusing to frame guidelines, the bench, also comprising Justice V K Jain, however, said, "We will certainly look into the delegation of power to the special executive magistrate (SEM) to im-
pose section 144 of CrPC. "We will deal with the material (necessary for invoking the provision). We are concerned with the application of mind (by SEM) be-
fore passing such an order." The counsel appearing for Delhi police, meanwhile, told the court that the prohibitory order imposed on December 22 at India Gate and adjoining areas is to expire on January 14. -PTI
Ohio City launch website on teen gang-rape WASHINGTON: Amid intense Sheriff Fred Abdalla said. social media pressure and charges "It's disgusting, and I've had of a cover-up in the alleged gang- people calling, numerous people rape of a 16-year-old girl, officials call here, upset, they have seen it, in a small US town have launched one woman, two women were crya website to keep the angry com- ing, because of what they witmunity updated and debunk ru- nessed," Abdalla was quoted as mors. saying by ABC News. As the town of Steubenville in Anonymous and other critics Ohio prepares for the high-profile have also accused community rape trial of two high school foot- leaders of trying to paper over ramball players, officials said the new pant misconduct by team memwebsite would be a transparent bers and have suggested that resource for the community. other students took part in the "This site is not designed to assaults or failed to do enough be a forum for how the Juvenile stop them. Authorities have deCourt ought to rule in this mat- clined to say whether anyone else ter," the website, called Steubenville Facts, sponsored by the City City Manager Cathy of Steubenville and the Davison said the website is Steubenville Police Demeant to combat the perpartment, said. "The goal of this site ception that "everyone in is to disseminate the most accurate informa- Steubenville is acting or is tion about a recent case like the individuals that involving sexual assault charges pending are involved in the case� against two juveniles in Steubenville. could be charged. City officials will update the site City Manager Cathy Davison as new information becomes avail- said the website is meant to comable," it says. bat the perception that "everyone A timeline of the case, begin- in Steubenville is acting or is like ning with the alleged gang rape the individuals that are involved of the girl at a party on August in the case. That we are a commu11-12, 2012, is also posted on the nity that is run by football. That site. is not the case," CNN reported. The case gained national attenMeanwhile, Occupy tion after The New York Times Steubenville, a grassroots group, published a lengthy piece on it in say an estimated 1,300 people atDecember and the activist hacker tended a rally outside the group Anonymous posted a video Jefferson County Courthouse, of teenagers in the Ohio River where rape victims and their loved valley town cracking jokes about ones gathered to share their stoit. ries. -PTI "It really is disgusting to watch that video," Jefferson County
NY body decries action against Zee News WASHINGTON: A US-based eminent journalist body has asked the Delhi Police to refrain from pressing charges against a news channel which aired an interview with the friend of the Delhi gang rape victim. "This is an instance of greatly misplaced priorities. Authorities are hardly protecting the victim's rights by retaliating against news media that are bringing to light details of the horrific crime that claimed her life," said Bob Dietz, Asia program coordinator for Committee to Protect Journalist. The Delhi Police has registered
a case against Zee News after the channel aired the interview. "Police should immediately drop their misguided plan to file charges," Dietz said in a statement. New York-based CPJ is an independent, non-profit organization that works to safeguard press freedom worldwide. In the interview, the person was severely critical of the police response and indifference of the public while he and the deceased girl lay on the road after being thrown out of the bus on the night of December 16. -PTI
India Post
Top Stories
January 18, 2013
PM pledge to meet rising expectations Cont’d from page 5
Minister of State for External Affairs, E Ahamed said efforts would be made for the skill development of unskilled workers. Kerala government should also take steps in this regard. Kerala minister for Non-Resident Kerala Affairs, K C Joseph said the government has plans to permit NRIs exercise their voting rights in panchayat and local body polls too. A bill in this regard would be tabled soon, he said. The minister alleged that the AIR India was showing 'step motherly' treatment to the Gulf Keralites. The government was determined to go ahead with the state's ambitious Air Kerala project at any cost, he said.-PTI
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with the awardees during the inaugural ceremony of 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Diwvs in Kochi
Sant Chatwal sharing a light movement with External Affairs Salman Kursheed, Mauritius President Rajkeswur Purryag and Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird m at a reception. Pic Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia
A section of the Delagates. Pic Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia
Mauritius President Rajkeswur Purryag speaking at the Inauguration of PBD. Pic Mohammed JafferSnapsIndia
Top Stories
January 18, 2013
India Post
'India should fully open up sensitive sectors' WASHINGTON: India should fully open "even supposedly sensitive" sectors such as finance, defense, atomic energy and FDI, a leading US think-tank has said. It also stressed that Washington and New Delhi cannot afford to fail as it was important to maintain "favorable" balance of power in Asia. Observing that the evolving India-US strategic partnership holds great potential for both countries, the prestigious Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, stressed that both sides must now take steps to make the partnership fruitful. In a detailed report, it came out with a set of recommendations for both the Manmohan Singh Government and the Obama Administration, which is now preparing for its second term. Recommendations for India include expanding the basis for collaboration, undertaking planned 2nd-generation economic reforms, encouraging foreign direct investment, improving defense cooperation with key states and using its influence with Iran to abandon its nuclear weapons program.
"There is no conceivable reason today why the Indian state should not fully open even supposedly sensitive sectors such as finance, defense, and atomic energy to FDI," it said. The report "Opportunities unbound: Sustaining the transformation in US-Indian relations"
Observing that the evolving India-US strategic partnership holds great potential for both countries, the prestigious Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, stressed that both sides must now take steps to make the partnership fruitful recommends US to explore a freetrade agreement with India, build up India's defense capabilities. It noted that no American administration in recent years has ever sought to inveigle India into
either a containment strategy or a military alliance aimed at China. "The US strategy toward India is not aimed at getting New Delhi to do anything against Beijing other than what it would do anyway for its own reasons. "Helping India thrive as a strong, democratic, (even if perpetually) independent state is what the transformation of USIndian relations is actually all about," the report said. "Freed from the encumbrances of their enervating nuclear disagreement, the United States and India now have the opportunity to nurture their deep-rooted shared interests that make a genuine strategic partnership possible," Ashley Tellis, eminent American foreign policy expert and author of the report said. "Both sides have only just scratched the surface of their potential cooperation. But with the removal of the most important impediment facing their bilateral relationship during the last thirty years India's exclusion from the global nonproliferation regime both governments need to get down to business if they are to achieve the meaningful strategic
partnership that eluded them throughout the Cold War," he wrote. "At a time when the United States and India face the common challenge of maintaining a favorable balance of power in Asia, they cannot afford to fail," he concluded.
‘Freed from the encumbrances of their enervating nuclear disagreement, the United States and India now have the opportunity to nurture their deeprooted shared interests that make a genuine strategic partnership possible’ The report further said: "Sustain leadership attention. Even if New Delhi does not reciprocate every US initiative and retains its traditionally independent foreign policy, the United States should
devote senior leadership attention and create effective bureaucratic arrangements to expand the relationship with India." "Seek a deeper partnership on Afghanistan. Washington should encourage the Indian government to increase its political and material contributions to the effort in Afghanistan," the report's recommendations for US said. "The evolving US-Indian strategic partnership holds great potential for both countries. India's economic growth and its ties to the United States can assist its global rise, which contributes to keeping the peace in Asia, provided New Delhi and Washington sustain concerted cooperation. "And India's emerging markets promise to be the key instrument for enlarging India's power while remaining a rich opportunity for US businesses," "The 2008 US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement did away with the biggest obstacle in the relationship India's murky status in the global nonproliferation regime. Both sides must now take steps to make the partnership fruitful," he said. -PTI
Top Stories
10 India Post
January 18, 2013
Ami Bera named to key Congressional committees "Additionally, the Sacramento region is uniquely situated to benefit from opening up new markets for our goods and services around the world. That would help create jobs here at home," he said. "Through my new role on the Science, Space and Technology, I'll also work to foster innovative industries that can bring good jobs to the 7th district (of California)," said Dr Bera, who on January 3 was sworn in as Member of the US House of Representatives. The only Indian American in the current 113th Congress, Dr Bera is only the third lawmaker from the community to be elected to the Congress. Representing Sacramento
Dr Ami Bera
WASHINGTON: Indian-American Congressmen from California Dr Ami Bera has been appointed to two key Congressional committees that would help him play a role in shaping America's foreign and science policies. "In an increasingly complex global landscape, relationships with other nations have tangible effects here at home and we need
strategic thinking to guide our foreign policy in the 21st century," Dr Bera said in a statement. Bera said he is honored to have been named to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Bera, 47, is only the third Indian American - after Dalip Singh Saund in 1950 and Bobby Jindal in 2005 - to have ever been elected to the House of Representatives.
‘Through my new role on the Science, Space and Technology, I'll also work to foster innovative industries that can bring good jobs to the 7th district (of California),’ said Dr Bera
from India (Gujarat) in the 1950s with very little but the dream of a better life. I grew up believing America was a land of opportunity, where if you worked hard and played by the rules, you could reach your full potential," Dr Bera said. "Thursday, my father was
among those watching as I was sworn in to the US House of Representatives. My family's story isn't unique; it's the story of the American Dream. I will work every day to ensure that we continue to invest in the next generation and keep the American Dream alive," he said. -PTI
Tulsi Gabbard sworn in as first Hindu US lawmaker WASHINGTON: The first Hindu US lawmaker, Tulsi Gabbard scripted history after being sworn in as newly-elected member of the US House of Representatives. Gabbard, 31, is the first Hindu ever to win the Congressional election. She also became the first to take oath of office on the sacred Bhagavad Gita, instead of the Bible. Explaining the reasons for taking the oath of office on Gita, Gabbard said, "I chose to take the oath of office with my personal copy of the Bhagavad-Gita because its teachings have inspired me to strive to be a servant-leader, dedicating my life in the service
At 21, she became the youngest person elected to the Hawaii Legislature. Elated at the swearing in of Bera and Gabbard as US lawmakers, members of the Indian-American community termed it as a "historic day" hoping that their success story would inspire the younger generation. A large number of members of the Indian-American community, in particular the Hindus, have supported Gabbard's campaign from the very beginning. "Representative Gabbard and Dr Bera serve as an inspiration to Hindu students across the nation.
County in the 113th Congress, Dr Bera said now begins the hard work of addressing the many challenges facing the region and his country. "I look forward to working with my new colleagues from both parties to find common ground and to rebuild an economy that works for the middle class," he said. "My parents emigrated here
'Indo-US ties will continue to improve under Obama' CHENNAI: Noting that President Barack Obama returning to power in 2012 elections was on expected lines, a US political expert has said the relations between New Delhi and Washington would continue to "improve" in coming months. "You know the first State dinner (of President Obama) was with Prime Minister Singh and there were some concern about Obama returning to office that there may be more discussions on issues related to Kashmir or nuclear proliferation," Dr Thomas F Schaller, Associate Professor of Political Science in University of Maryland told reporters here. Observing that Obama in his
second term as President would look into more of domestic issues, Schaller said, "given the kids involved (in a shooting in Connecticut), I think, American memories and attention will be longer on gun culture and the Congress can do this very quickly, may be before Spring". On the growth of China as economic super power, he said Washington was worried about China as Obama himself had said that United States was "Pacific power". "Now there is growing attention between Beijing and Washington as Americans increasingly worry about China. China is going to be World's largest economy
by 2030. However, I think, US GDP per capita is still a way ahead of China", he said. He said the number of Asian Americans present in the US States outnumbered Hispanic Americans which was a record in the last 33 years. "Last year, for the first time in about three decades, legal immigrants with Asia America background outnumbered legal immigrants of Spanish background. There are about 470,000 legal immigrants of all Asia background and about 380,000 legal immigrants mostly from Mexico, Central and South America. So something is changing there", he said. -PTI
Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, being administered the oath of office by the Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner in Washington on January 4
of others and to my country." "My Gita has been a tremendous source of inner peace and strength through many tough challenges in life, including being in the midst of death and turmoil while serving our country in the Middle East," Gabbard said.
These historic elections have hopefully opened the flood gates to having more members of the next generation with Hindu backgrounds find their voices in America's political system," said Sohini Sircar, general secretary of Hindu Students Council. -PTI
Top Stories
January 18, 2013
India Post
US spent USD 18 billion on immigration enforcement WASHINGTON: The Obama administration spent more money on immigration enforcement in the last fiscal year than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined, according to a report on the government's enforcement efforts from a Washington think tank. The report from the Migration Policy Institute, a non-partisan group focused on global immigration issues, said in the 2012 budget year that ended in September the government spent about USD 18 billion on immigration enforcement programs run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the US-Visit program, and Customs and Border Protection, which includes the Border Patrol. Immigration enforcement topped the combined budgets of the FBI; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; Drug Enforcement Administration and US Secret Service by about USD 3.6 billion dollars, the report's authors said. The report comes amid renewed interest in immigration re-
form from Congress and the White House. In the immediate aftermath of the November election, congressional Republicans suggested the time was right to begin reform talks anew. President Barack Obama, who won a record share of His-
The 182-page report concludes that the Obama administration has made immigration its highest law enforcement priority. Critics are likely to bristle over its findings panic voters, renewed a previous pledge to make immigration reform a priority. Since then-President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986 which
legalized more than 3 million illegal immigrants and overhauled immigration laws the government has spent more than USD 187 billion on immigration enforcement. According to the report, "Immigration Enforcement in the United States: The Rise of a Formidable Machinery," federal immigration-related criminal prosecutions also outnumber cases generated by the Justice Department. The 182-page report concludes that the Obama administration has made immigration its highest law enforcement priority. Critics are likely to bristle over its findings, especially those who have accused the administration of being soft on immigration violators. "Today, immigration enforcement can be seen as the federal government's highest criminal law enforcement priority, judged on the basis of budget allocations, enforcement actions and case volumes," MPI Senior Fellow Doris Meissner, a co-author of the report, said in a statement released with the report.-AP
'India, US should work for stability in Afghanistan' WASHINGTON: As NATO more credible actor in its neighprepares to withdraw from Af- borhood. ghanistan by the end of 2014 and "An attempt to beef up intellitransfer security to local forces, gence sharing between India and India and the US have a historic Afghanistan is the first step in opportunity to work together in the operationalisation of the Inbrining stability to the war-torn dia-Afghan strategic partnership, country, a noted expert has said. but much more concrete steps are Washington-Kabul strategic needed to ensure that New Delhi partnership agreement provides India with crucial space for diplo- As Washington and Kabul matic maneuvering so turn a new page in Afghan as to regain lost ground saga, New Delhi would be and expand its footprint in a neighboring eager to take this state where it remains opportunity to make itself hugely popular despite a more credible actor the "lack of seriousness" in its policy approach, Harsh V Pant, from King's maintains a substantial presence College London, said in a report in Afghanistan," it said. titled 'India's Changing AfghaniThere has been a persistent stan Policy: Regional and Global complaint in the corridors of Implications'. power in New Delhi that the Released by the Strategic Obama administration sacrificed Studies Institute (SSI) of the US Indian interests at the altar of Army War College, the report said pleasing Pakistan, which further that as Washington and Kabul allowed Pakistan's proxies to deturn a new page in Afghan saga, stabilize Afghanistan, Pant said.New Delhi would be eager to take PTI this opportunity to make itself a
Top Stories
12 India Post
January 18, 2013
Muslims have lowest literacy rate: Owaisi India Post News Service
HYDERABAD: American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin (AFMI) hosted a three-day convention in Hyderabad from December 26 to 29. All India Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) supremo Asaduddin Owaisi said on December 29 that Muslims have the lowest literacy rate among all religious communities in the country as the UPA government has failed to implement educational schemes for them. Highlighting the yawning gap between the national literacy rate and that of Muslims, Owaisi said Muslims lagged behind with a literacy rate of only 67.6% as against the national rate of 74%. Muslim OBCs, he said recorded a negative growth of 2% in literacy. Addressing a large gathering comprising educationists and activists at the India Education Conclave-2012 organized by Muslim Educational Social and Cultural Organization (MESCO) at Park Hotel, Owaisi pointed out the lacunae in various government schemes. "In Medak district, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV) are being operationalised where there are no Muslims. This means that education opportunities have not reached them. The target for KGBVs in districts with a substantial minorities' population in 201112 was 109 but the achievement was only 32. The enrolment of Muslims here accounts to a meager 9% whereas that of SCs is 27% and STs is 28%," he said. The Chief Guest of the function was Catherine Dhanani, American Consul General at Hyderabad. Dr. Tajuddin Ahmed,
Asaduddin Owaisi speaking at Hyderabad AFMI Convention. Pics Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia
US Consul General Katherine Dhanani distributing Merit awards to students during AFMI Convention
President of AFMI presented awards to 15 all India topper students. Awards were given to various noted personalities who have made contributions in different fields. Among the recipients of
these awards were Dr. Vizarath Rasool Khan, P.A. Inandar, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Hai, Dr. A. R. Nakedar, Dr. Fazal Ghafoor and Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin. In addition to these personali-
ties, Ayub Ali Khan (Times of India), J.S. Iftekhar (The Hindu), Syed Akbar and Aneesur Rahman were felicitated. Wajahat Habeebullah, IAS (Rtd) Chairman, National Commission for Minorities and Shabistan Ghaffar, Chairperson of the Girls' committee of National Commission for Minorities, Jannat Hussain, Chief Information Commissioner and Siraj Hasan IAS, former Vice Chancellor of Hamdard University addressed the delegates of American Federation of Muslims of Indian origin in the afternoon session on "Education and Politics in India." Ayyub Khan, President of AFMI (Canada) conducted the meeting. Muslims are yet to come out of their backwardness across the country, Mohammed Ali Shabbir, former minister for minorities affairs, said. "In Andhra Pradesh, we are now able to educate our children under minority quota. There has been improvement," he said. Speaking at the annual conven-
tion of the American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin, Ali said people from other backward communities such as SC and ST have developed much more compared to Muslims. "When we wanted reservation in 1990, Muslims did not back the idea, but after understanding the need, they changed their mind," he said. Katherine Dhanani, US Consul General, who was one of the guests, said she met many groups after coming to Hyderabad which helped her build a better relationship with people. "Building such ties helps forge relationships between nations," she said. Justice Mohammed Sohail Ajaz Siddiqui, Chairman of the National Commission for Minorities Educational Institutions, said, "Muslims are still sleeping. Other backward communities are making the best use of the commission." The judge said the state government's decision to give temporary minority reservation for a few years was not enough.
Hate speech case: MIM leader Akbaruddin arrested HYDERABAD: Majlis-eIttehadul Muslimeen (MIM) MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi, facing multiple cases for his alleged hate speech, has been arrested by Andhra Pradesh Police. Owaisi, who was subjected to medical examination at the Gandhi Hospital here for his fitness status, is expected to be taken to Nirmal town in Adilabad district, where a case was registered against him for the alleged provocative speech. He arrived from London earlier and had sought four days to appear before the police on medical grounds. He was also booked under relevant sections of IPC by Nizamabad and Osmania Uni-
versity police here for the alleged hate speeches. As he failed to appear before Nirmal Police on health grounds, investigating officer of Nirmal (Rural) A Raghu visited Owaisi's house in Banjara Hills here and found that he looked fit to face questioning, police sources said. However, Owaisi complained of internal pain and hence was subjected to medical examination by government doctors at Gandhi Hospital. After getting the medical report, police decided on his arrest, they said. Police was tight-lipped about the future course of action as they fear it may create law and order problem.
As the news of his arrest spread, hundreds of MIM workers and his supporters gathered
venting them from gatecrashing into the hospital. Police have already intensified security arrangements in the city, particularly in Old City - a stronghold of MIM - by deploying additional forces as a precautionary measure. Akbaruddin was later taken to Nirmal town, about 217 km Akbaruddin greeted by crowds on arrival from Hyderabad, from London Adilabad SP in front of Gandhi Hospital. Sarvashresta Tripathi told PTI. Police had a tough time in conHe has already moved the trolling the protesters and pre- Andhra Pradesh High Court seek-
ing a direction to the state government and the DGP not to register any further FIRs against him for his alleged hate speeches and to quash the case registered with Osmania University police station. Meanwhile, Gandhi Hospital superintendent Dr S Mahbub said a report was submitted to police after completion of medical examination of Akbaruddin conducted by a team of five doctors. "He was subjected to different medical tests including CT scan, ECG, blood tests, ultrasound scan among others and we have given the report to police," he said without divulging any contents of the report. -PTI
Top Stories
January 18, 2013
India Post
Friendship campaign at Indo-Pak cricket India Post News Service
NEW DELHI: A popular poem of Sardar Jafri reads: "Tum aao gulshan e Lahore se chaman bardosh, Hum aayein subeh e Banaras ki roshni lekar, Himalay ki hawaon ki taazgi lekar, aur iske baad yeh poochein ki kaun dushman hai" was re-iterated to many here. When people were rushing to enjoy their favorite "Muqabla" of Indo-Pak Cricket match at Ferozeshah Kotla Stadium of New Delhi, some youths under the initiative of Aaghaz-e-Dosti (for indo Pak friendship) gathered outside the stadium with their faces painted in colors of peace and
forts by youth of both countries. It is an initiative to enhance people to people communication under the South Asian Peace and Harmony objective of Mission Bhartiyam, an India-based NGO. Convener of Aaghaz-e-Dosti campaign, Devika Mittal remarked that, "all this hate and suspicion are just a result of misinformation and misunderstanding. We share the same culture, language and values. People of both nations do not want conflicts and desire love and peace. We are just bringing this inner desire on the surface". A research scholar from AIIMS, Pankaj Pathak said, "We, the people of both the nations, must Volunteers at the cricket match
People from Pakistan supporting the campaign
love. They distributed pamphlets with messages of peace and friendship to strengthen the bonds of India Pakistan relations. Aaghaz-e-Dosti is an initiative for strengthening Indo-Pak relations and to develop bonds of peace and friendship through ef-
come together to form a bond of trust. Our dialogues can work in making our nations more prosperous. We must have to come together to recognize our real capability. " "Cricket is a very popular game in both countries, however like in
any inter-country game, instead of taking it as a way to develop harmonious relations; people only take it as an issue of national shame and national pride. We insist that this mindset should be changed and a game be seen as a game, to entertain and to share the joy. We believe that the fight through cricket is actually a fight for love and competition to make the bond stronger. We are competitors not enemies," remarked Ravi Nitesh, founder of Mission Bhartiyam. Mansi Rastogi, an engineer by profession and a volunteer, who had done the face painting, was happy that apart from her college festivals and exhibitions, she never did face painting activity for such a cause but on that day, she remarked, "it all became so meaningful after practicing the same for a great cause of love and friendship between the countries." The response from the public was excellent or to rightly put it, hopeful. In the very beginning,
when the volunteers had just started to move towards the line, with posters clipped on their jackets and face painted, three people from Pakistan came forward. They introduced themselves and asked the volunteers about their objective. They took the posters with messages of peace and friendship from the volunteers.
change the popular mindsets on both sides and force the governments to talk peace" The youth from both countries responded positively and some even asked the details to join in. There was not a single negative thought. Last month, Aaghaz-e-Dosti, in collaboration with two NGOs from
‘Cricket is a very popular game in both countries, however like in any inter-country game, instead of taking it as a way to develop harmonious relations; people only take it as an issue of national shame and national pride’ Similar response was seen by people from Pakistan, both youth and the elderly. Some of them themselves asked for the pamphlets. A group of people from Pakistan asked for the posters of peace. One of them remarked, "I deeply appreciate these efforts by youth and I feel that these can
Pakistan, had invited paintings on the theme of Indo-Pak friendship for a calendar. Some of those entries were used in the posters. Others among the volunteers in this event were Sulabh Srivastava, Abhishek Shukla, Shadaab Bashar, Aman Sheikh and others.
Jamshed forgets his trophy in India KARACHI: Pakistan star batsman Nasir Jamshed, who tormented the Indian bowlers in the just concluded series, has forgotten to carry his man-ofthe-series trophy with him. Jamshed, who scored backto-back centuries in the first two one-dayers in the series, and the victorious Pakistan team was accorded a warm welcome here. "In the rush to get to the airport I forget my trophy but the team management says I will get it soon," Jamshed said. "But the welcome we have got today is really out of this world and it shows just how
important it was for us to win this series for the people," the lefthander said. Jamshed said the two centuries he had made in the series had given him lot of confidence and self belief. "But I will be talking to Inzamam-ul-Haq and Saeed Anwar again to get tips from them on how to further improve my batting," the opener said. Youngsters carrying Pakistani flags, posters of their favorite players and banners danced and showered rose petals on the players as they came out of the terminal.
Pakistani captains for the T20 and ODI teams, Mohammad Hafeez and Misbah-ul-Haq both dedicated the victories in India to the nation. "The team won the matches for the entire nation who backed us so whole-heartedly throughout the series," Hafeez said. The Pakistani T20 captain who featured prominently in the series with his all-round performances said the team had achieved what it had set out to do in India. Hafeez, who also climbed to number one spot in the ICC allrounders rankings, said it was a personal triumph for him. -PTI
Nasir Jamshed with his man-of-the-series trophy
Top Stories
14 India Post
January 18, 2013
Chicago students condemn Delhi gang rape VANDANA JHINGAN
perception of rape as an act of subjugation.Consequently its incidence will go down." said Harsh Taneja, one of the organizers. Subramanian, a PhD candidate at Northwestern University, suggested that special efforts needed to improve the plight of Dalit women in villages, where physical and sexual oppression are not regarded as extraordinary events, but are ordinary aspects of daily life. Finally the group held a candlelight vigil to "pay homage to 'Amanat' and express hope for millions others" as described by a Facebook page specially created for the event. CHICAGO: Indian Americans from the Greater Chicago area braved chilly weather to gather for a protest meeting in the aftermath of the death of the gang rape victim in India. The meet also discussed policy recommendations aimed at reducing crime against women. The organizers, graduate students at University of Chicago and Northwestern University condemned the brutal gang rape and murder of the 23 year girl on December 16 in New Delhi. They prepared a series of policy recommendations that they presented
at the meeting. The protesters gathered at the city's Millenium Park had posters advocating a range of issues such as demanding "speedy justice" and "strict conviction" to advocating for passing of "women's reservation bill" in Parliament. After demonstrating and shouting slogans the group moved to the nearby Wrigley Square where the organizers initiated a discussion on each of their policy recommendations. Their first recommendation advocated for broadening the way rape is defined currently in the In-
Airbus bags deal to supply six refueling aircraft NEW DELHI: European Airbus has bagged a deal worth around Rs 8,000 crore to supply six midair refueling tanker aircraft to the Indian Air Force, which will deploy them to extend the striking range of its fighter jets deployed along the Indo-China border in the Northeast.
The European Airbus A330 MRTT aircraft has emerged as the lowest bidder in the deal edging out its Russian rival Ilyushin-78 on the basis of life-time cost of operating the respective planes and has been offered the contract,
defense sources said here. As per the defense procurement procedure, the firm offering the lowest price and meeting all tender requirements is awarded the contract. The six aircraft will add to existing fleet of equal number of Il78s operated by the IAF to extend the flying range of its fighter aircraft, including the frontline Su-30MKI and Mirage 2000 aircraft. The Defense Ministry will now engage the European firm in commercial negotiations to finalize the contract for the six aircraft, which will be deployed in Panagarh at West Bengal. The IAF has based its Su-30 MKIs in Tezpur and Chabua in Assam. So far, the Russian IL-78 mid-air refueling planes based in Agra were catering to the entire air force.-PTI
dian Penal Code. "Incumbent rape laws that include archaic and often imprecise language such as 'outraging the modesty of women' need change. All forms of sexual assault, including marital rape must be punishable by law" said Aman Chitkara, a Public Policy student at the University of Chicago. Further, the group suggested setting up of professional counselling centres for rape victims and their families to help victims return to normalcy as soon as possible. "We need to help more and more rape victims to resume normal lives, as this will reduce the
US scientist asks students to focus on research
Maithry celebrates Christmas & New Year
VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service
BARIPADA, Odisha: Eminent US scientist of Indian origin Dr Yogesh Chandra Pati has asked students to undertake research on the galaxy, forces of nature for enriching the world of physics. After being conferred with first Maharaja Shri Rama Chandra Bhanjdeo Samman award by North Odisha University here, he asked them to research to unravel the mystery of nature. Terming the 21st century as the age of innovations, Pati advised the students of physics to take the path of fundamental areas of science. Chancellor of the University and Governor of Odisha M C Bhandare mentioned that the edge of physical power has paved way for the age of knowledge. Now the knowledge is made available at the finger tips. Paying rich tribute to the erstwhile Maharaj, the Governor lauded his contribution towards development of education and health services in the state and also for his efforts for the formation of Odisha as a separate state. -PTI
FREMONT: Malayalee families of Silicon Valley had been wishing to have a friendly social net just the way they have back home in Kerala. In the year 2001, a group of friends gathered in Sunnyvale, CA to celebrate Vishu and this propelled their desire further and inspired them to form "Maithry". The organization now caters to about 700 Malayalees throughout the Bay area.
Maithry celebrated their annual Christmas and New Year celebrations on January 5 at Santa Clara High School. The event witnessed a crowd of 500 people and showcased talents of kids and adults through dance and singing performances. Manoje Pandalam thanked the volunteers and organizers who had worked hard for the event and hoped to have their support for the Onam festival as well. They had a cloth drive to contribute to an NGO back home in India.
Renu, Manoj and Duleep Pillai
Top Stories
January 18, 2013
India Post
Ram Dhun rings in New Year at Hari Om Mandir
Mandir President Brij Sharma addressing the gathering
Asian Media USA
CHICAGO: As the clock struck 12 on the midnight of Dec. 31, devotees at Hari Om Mandir in Medinah, a north side suburb of Chicago, rung in the New Year with dhol, shankhs and chanting of Ram Dhun in melodious voice of Asha Khanna. As the clock inched towards midnight the crowds grew in numbers, the dropping temperatures notwithstanding. All those present were seen embracing each other, offering sweets and praying for the well being of one and all. Hari Om Mandir every year welcomes the New Year with Akhand Ramayan Path which starts on Dec 31 and takes 24 hours and ends on Jan 1. This year was no different. Prabhu ka Bhandara was open
for four hours and people came and had darshan at their convenience. This year the food was arranged by Tangri & Desor family and the snacks were prepared
Singer Asha Ji enthralled devotees singing Bhajans
by Mrs. Aruna Lal and Mrs. Madhu Gupta. The langar for the New Year was sponsored by
Hari Om Mandir's new executive team
Salwan and Sharma family. Tea and snacks were available for the whole night. Large number of devotees volunteered to read the Ramayan during this 24 hour period. This was followed by Bhajan Kirtan. Outgoing president Rajeev Bharel thanked everyone, including priests of the Mandir, for all the support he got from the Executive Board and Board of Trustees. Every year on Jan 1 the temple honors devotees who have dedicated their time and services to the temple. They were given Life Time Achievement awards. This year the recipients of the Award were Ram and Gaitri Verma who have been associated with the society since the 1960s. The second award went to N. K. Sharma. Plaques were given to outgoing Executive Board members Rajeev Bharel, Gopal Tiwari and Anil Saxena. For the outgoing president he cited the famous joke of "Main Hoon Na". He also announced the
Devotees at the Mandir ringing in New Year with Ram Dhun
availability of a DVD of pictures of various events in 2012. The new Board was introduced. Brij Sharma the incoming president thanked all the Executive Board members for their confidence and gracefully accepted the responsibilities of the President of Executive Board Thereafter Aarti was performed and Ladoos were distributed in
Prasad. The incoming Board Members are: Akshay Sarkar - Vice President & Fund Raising, Mrs. Sneh Chowdhary - Secretary, Vikas Chowdhary - Treasurer, Sham Taxali - Property Management, Mrs. Anshu Paul - Education, Mrs. Usha Verma - Food & Prasad, Ramesh Bhardwaj - Publication, Sunil Saxena - Special Events.
Indian-origin mom gets life for killing son LONDON: An Indian-origin mother, who beat her 7-year-old son to death "like a dog" for failing to memorize the Quran, has been sentenced to life for killing him and setting his body afire to hide evidence after applying barbeque gel. A sobbing Sara Ege, 33, collapsed and had to be helped from the dock after being told that she would serve 17 years before she could be considered for parole. Cardiff crown court heard that Sara, a mathematics graduate from India, treated her son Yaseen "like a dog" when he struggled to memorize passages of the holy book of Islam. She beat him on the hands and his body until he collapsed on the
floor of his bedroom and died in While sentencing her, Justice you had kept him home from July 2010, the Guardian reported. Wyn Williams said: "I am satis- school so he could devote himShe was also found guilty of fied that it was his failure to learn self to his study of the Koran. perverting the course of justice the Koran that day that resulted "He was memorizing passages and given a four-year sentence for in the beating that caused his but on that day Yaseen must have that crime, the failed in BBC reported. some way Her husand it was band Yousuf that which Ege, a taxi was a trigger driver, was for the beatcleared of aling. lowing the " Y o u death of a killed your child by failing own son. At to protect him. the time of Sara had Yaseen’s mother, Sara Ege, beat him till he collapsed. She had claimed his father the killing he pleaded not was particu(right) Yousuf was responsible for the death guilty to murlarly vulnerder and claimed her husband was death". able because of his age and beresponsible for Yaseen's death. "On the day of Yaseen's death cause of his relative physical
frailty. "In killing your son you abused a precious relationship of trust which does and should exist between a parent and a child," the judge said. "This prolonged cruelty culminated on the day of his death in what was a savage attack. You then set fire to his body in an attempt to evade responsibility for what you had done". It was initially thought Yaseen had died in a fire, but tests later revealed he had died hours earlier. But a postmortem examination revealed he had died before the fire had begun and had suffered multiple injuries to his body caused by three months of physical punishment. -PTI
Desi News Hindu Temple celebrates New Year HARISH RAO
CHICAGO: The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont celebrated New Year with special midnight Archanas on January 1. Hundreds of devotees gathered at the temple on December 31 and January 1 bidding adieu to year 2012 and welcoming the New Year with prayers, hugs and handshakes. During the day over 2500 devotees visited the temple to attend Abhishekams, have Phoolangi seva darshan and perform special archanas for health and prosperity of their family and friends. Details on page 20
Rajesh & Manju feel more energetic after TLS India Post News Service
FREMONT: The practice of TLS has made a difference in the lives of many individuals who are now following it as a life-long lifestyle. Among them Rajesh Kaul and Manju were interviewed this week and asked to describe how they felt before and after taking up this program. Here are their answers: Details on page 18
16 India Post
Vedic Day Care Center celebrates Christmas
January 18, 2013
Details on page 21
India Post party welcomes New Year with style & pomp Post's annual New Year party was conducted for over 15 years from 1994 and was resumed this year after a hiatus of three years. The event was organized by India Post with Women Now being the entertainment partner. The evening started off with a strong social message from Dr. Romesh Japra, President, India Post and
VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service
SAN JOSE: India Post news weekly had its annual "New Year party" on December 31 at San Jose Airport Garden Hotel, San Jose. The party was themed as "Unforgettable New Year's Eve" and was the most successful event in Bay area. The evening festivities were attended by over 600 people all over the Bay who welcomed their New Year with style and pomp. India Post, leading newsweekly serving the Bay area from 1994, is a one stop for national and international news. It's unbiased and authentic news makes it the most preferred weekly by Indians all over United States. India Post, voice of Indians worldwide covers all the community events
inculcating social values, we can leave a better world for generations to come, said Dr. Japra. There was a special candle light vigil to pay homage to the Delhi gang rape victim. He thanked Priya Nayar, Ritu Maheshwari and Vidya Sethuraman of India Post and Ena Sarkar and her team from WomenNow TV for their relentless
Dr Romesh Japra
across Bay area and provides updated and authenticated news to Bay area. The much awaited India
All pics by Raaj D, iMEGASTAR studios
Lush Entertainment launched with New Year party Sitting: L-R Sharada, Indra, Veena, Chander Standing: L-R: Pinky, Vidya, Uma, Sunita, Nandini, Kiran and Jenny
VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service
SAN JOSE, CA: Lush Entertainment Company was launched on December 29 at Madhuban Lounge, San Jose. Rajdeep Bal and Ashwini Kumar are the brains behind it. Lush NYE Party was celebrated in style and was attended by about 250 people from all over the Bay area. Details on page 18
Christmas celebrated at Indo American Center SURI SWAMY
CHICAGO: Indo American Center (IAC) celebrated Christmas with great fanfare and joy last month in the presence large number of its members and seniors numbering over 150. Details on page 23
L to R: Rajesh Verma, Priya Nayar, Vidya Sethuraman, Neelu Kapoor, Ritu Maheshwari, Dr. Romesh Japra & Kamal Sahni
eminent social activist of Bay area. He spoke at length about the laudable events of 2012 and concluded on a heavier note on the unethical, gruesome happenings on the later half of 2012. He asked people to join hands and fight for a better world. By enforcing strict laws and
efforts to make the event a grand success. Non-stop entertainment started with Kid's performance "Heal the World" paying homage to happenings of 2012. Cont’d on page 13
January 18, 2013
Community Across America
India Post 17
Candlelight Vigil at Fremont Hindu Temple RITU MAHESHWARI India Post News Service
FREMONT: A horrific event on December 16 jolted every Indian across the globe. Young girl 'Damini's rape and heinous murder shook everyone to the core. The whole India and the world was stirred and protests were held to call for action against such crimes. Indian culture prides itself in its respect for women and worships women in the form of goddesses. There should be no room for such crimes against women in our society. A large vigil was held at Fremont Hindu Temple to pay respect for the Delhi rape victim. Over two thousand people turned up to show their solidarity with the cause. Many local political and community leaders including Mayor Bill Harrison, Dr. Romesh Japra, Ro Khanna, Kansen Chu,
Dr Japra addressing the event
Jan Giovanni-Hill, Deepak Chhabra, Rajesh Verma, Lilly Mei, Amrit Chug and others addressed
the event in support. Dr. Japra, Convener of FIA and founder Hindu Temple said that
time had come to build a strong resolve towards crimes against women. We must not let 'Damini's
sacrifice go waste. Community across all sections of people in Bay Area including Indian, Chinese, and Caucasians are together here to emphasize the need to come up with quick and severe punishment for such crimes. He stressed that the punishment should be swift and include chemical castration, which would act as a strong deterrent. There should be separate courts to quickly try against such crimes. People today think that because of their connections or money power, they can do anything against women and get away without fear of punishment. This results in a trend where people lose the respect for women that was so strongly ingrained in Indian society. Time has come to break this chain and deal strongly with violence against women. Cont’d on page 22
India Post party welcomes New Year with style & pomp
Kids performance Cont’d from page 16
Rakhi Sharma, Vidya Sethuraman, Priya Nayar
Sujata and Laxmi Rampur with Las Vegas models
It was followed by Kathak dance by Apeksha, belly dance by Smitha Deepak and singing performance by Priya Gandhi. The performances were a perfect blend of social and entertainment quotient and showcased the best talents of Bay Area Indian community. At the stroke of midnight, balloon drop was done by India Post team members and they welcomed 2013 in style and wished for prosperity. Dr. Japra thanked Swagat,
L to R: Kamal Nair, Sudesh, Trina Thompson, Alameda County Superior Court. & Dr Romesh Japra
Kamal Nair, DJ Suresh, Shekhar Rahate, Eve decor, Chona Pike and Raaj D for their contributions.
India Post wishes its readers a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year, 2013.
Special Guest having Fun at New Year Party
Dr Romesh Japra, Sunita Japra, Veena Birla, Rakesh Kapoor
Sujata Rampur with family and guests
18 India Post
Community Across America
January 18, 2013
Rajesh & Manju feel more energetic after TLS India Post News Service
FREMONT: The practice of TLS (Transition Life Style Weight Management Solution) has made a difference in the lives of many individuals who are now following it as a life-long lifestyle. TLS encompasses low-glycemic impact eating, behavior modification and body composition, offering an extensive plan that covers everything needed to get fit and trim. It
is a 12-Week Education Program designed to help people get on the road towards optimal health. In fact, a big part of TLS is helping clients make healthy choices, while still eating a normal, diverse diet. TLS teaches people about lowGI impact eating and how to identify new favorite foods, creating new, healthy behaviors, and improving body composition to get their metabolism operating in high
Rajesh Kaul: Before
gear. Among those who have benefited from the program, India Post interviewed Rajesh Kaul and Manju this week. They were asked to describe how they felt before and after taking up this program. Here are their answers: India Post: How was the TLS class beneficial to you? Rajesh Kaul: I and my spouse had attempted several ways to lose weight including regular exercise but none of them seemed to be working. Joining TLS program provided us in-depth information on how the body system works and what steps can be taken to ensure that a proper diet program in combination with regular exercise can benefit overall body functioning, thereby losing weight. This program is not just for losing weight but to help you understand and develop good eating habits and at the same time having much more energy to perform day to day activities. IP: How much goal achievement was there? RK: I lost 20 pounds and my spouse around 15 pounds which was beyond my expectations. IP: Did your eating & lifestyle style change after the TLS education?
RK: Yes it did. IP: What are the changes that you noticed in your body or mind before and after attending the program? (Including lack of need for medications) RK: I feel more energetic. I feel I can get much more done in the same amount of time. I feel my body is now being fed correct diet and supplements. Overall health check report is delightful.
Lush Entertainment launched with New Year party
VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service
SAN JOSE, CA: Lush Entertainment Company was launched on December 29 at Madhuban Lounge, San Jose. Rajdeep Bal and Ashwini Kumar are the brains behind it. Lush NYE Party was celebrated in style and was attended by about 250 people from all over the Bay area. The Lavish NYE L.U.S.H Ent Launch Party was enhanced by Amita Bal Couture Fashion Show
and live dancers. The Fashion Show was choreographed by stylish Mr India Globe Dilpreet Virk. Celebrity Model Cassandra Bankson walked the ramp for Amita Bal Couture Fashion Show. Cont’d on page 21
January 18, 2013
Community Across America
India Post 19
So Cal candlelight vigil for Delhi rape victim
Dr Ahuja
many present, as experienced by a SWN volunteer when a woman unknown to her embraced her tightly and cried, saying, "Thank you for organizing this event". The strong message received by the congregation was assuming individual responsibility and being fearless to rise and revolt against women abuse. India Post News Service
ORANGE COUNTY, CA: Men and women of different faiths, ethnicities and backgrounds came together to support and honor one single black circle: "Justice for Damini". The Candlelight Vigil, organized by Sikh Women Now, a southern California based women's non-profit organization, was
Minu Singh
Anu Jain of Sahara
held at the Sikh Center of Orange County, to offer prayers and tribute to the 23-yearold Delhi rape victim. Her death has awakened a revolt against human injustice in communities locally and abroad. Representatives from several women's organizations met and shared startling statistics of rape, domestic violence and sexual battery against both men and women, irrespective of age, class or ethnic background. Among the notable speakers was Marissa Presley, Director of Laura's House, Anu Jain from Sahara, Rashmi Gill of Advance Advocacy project, UK and Dawn Foor of Rape Prevention Advisory Board of the state of California. Dr. Gurpreet Ahuja, representing California Sikh Council, brought insight from a Sikh male perspective along with the religion's fundamental principle of equal respect between the two genders. The event ended with a Sikh religious hymn and prayers for Damini and her family. By the close of the evening, there were few dry eyes and the hall was charged with passionate emotions
ranging from grief and sadness for, to, disgust and rage against ongoing brutality against women in all communities. There was also a sense of release for
Minu Singh, Director of Sikh Women Now, aptly stated, "Today I feel empowered, not afraid to raise my voice against this evil".
Community Across America
20 India Post
January 18, 2013
Hindu Temple celebrates New Year HARISH RAO
Devotees and priests in Puja welcoming New Year
CHICAGO: The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont celebrated New Year with special midnight Archanas on January 1. Hundreds of devotees gathered at the temple on December 31 and January 1 bidding adieu to year 2012 and welcoming the New Year with prayers, hugs and handshakes. During the day over 2500 devotees visited the temple to attend Abhishekams, have
Priests distributing Prasad
Phoolangi seva darshan and perform special archanas for health and prosperity of their family and friends. Early in December, HTGC elected four trustees for the term 2013-2016. They were elected unopposed (i.e. without any elections), a healthy trend of everyone working together as one united team. Dr. Gopal Srinivasan and Ms. Renuka Reddy were reelected to
During the day over 2500 devotees visited the temple to attend Abhishekams, have Phoolangi seva darshan and perform special archanas for health and prosperity
continue as trustees. Dr. Rohini Udupa and Mr. Lakshman Agadi were elected as two new trustees. The 2013 executive committee has been formed with Sri Tilak Marwaha as the President. The executive committee includes Sri Bhima Reddy (Vice president), Smt. Prasanna Reddy (Secretary), Smt. Shashi Kaveti (Joint Secretary), Sri Sridhara Tambarahalli (Treasurer) and Sri Lakshmana
Mittur (Joint Treasurer). After forming the team of executive committee members, Tilak Marwaha thanked the outgoing President Dr. Gopal Srinivasan for his leadership and uniting the members with new initiatives at the temple. All the committees have been reorganized by bringing additional volunteers to assist the temple in its operations and meet the needs of its devotees.
Soorya plans classical dance festival in April ASHWIN PATEL
ST LOUIS: Soorya Performing Arts, a St. Louis based not-forprofit organization, is planning to bring together artists representing Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Mohini Attam, Odissi and other styles on one platform again in the upcoming 2013 festival. This will provide a great avenue for traditions and also for innovative artists as Soorya strives to create a balance of trends between tradition and innovation. The venue is the Clayton High School auditorium and the 3-day festival will be held on April 19, 20 & 21. SPA successfully conducted St. Louis Indian Dance Festival in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012. SPA activities are generously supported by the grants from Missouri Arts Council and Regional Arts Commission of Greater St. Louis and by the support of, Enopi of Greater St. Louis, USA Mortgage, House of India, Mayuri India Restaurant, International Diamond, Seema Enterprises, Abhinaya and other appreciative donors. Indian classical dances have been practiced and perfected for
Presentation of a Sanskrit Play Mrichkatick in 2012
nearly two thousand years. The first text book of Indian Performing Arts - Natya Shastra - written two millennia ago, provided valuable information on theater and performing arts for artists and art-students for many cen-
turies. Most of the Indian performing arts including dance, music and theater have been developed further and enhanced based on this great resource. St. Louis Indian Dance Festival brings alive this dance tra-
dition to the Greater St. Louis area in its 5th International Indian Dance Festival by bringing in classical and folk dancers from India, Canada, Europe and USA. The second-generation Indian Americans, who have made this
proud country their home, will present their performing arts, which they have mastered in the USA with their Gurus. This will bring a rare opportunity for USA audience to witness the great Indian Performing Arts.
Community Across America
January 18, 2013
India Post 21
Gayatri Shaktipeeth tribute to Delhi rape victim
Lush Entertainment launched with New Year party
Cont’d from page 18
Young and old gather to pay tributes to Delhi rape vicitim
CHICAGO: Global Gayatri Pariwar Chicago organized special tribute prayer for the Delhi gang rape victim at Gayatri Shaktipeeth in Chicago on December 29 at 6:30 pm. Kusum Patel and Harshaben Thakkar chanted Gayatri and
Mahamruntunjay mantra. There was special tribute songs sung by devotees. Kusum Patel announced that Gurudev Pandit Shree Ram Sharma's Acharya's spiritual birthday will be celebrated as a Vasant Punchami -
Cassandra has years of modeling experience in multiple settings, including Runway Bootcamp Classes from Macy's Passport Model and the number one fash-
Pragya Jayanti Samaroh - on Sunday Feb 10 at 11am at Gayatri Shaktipeeth, Chicago. Chief Guest for the occasion is Ms Santosh Kumar, Executive Director of Metropolitan Service of Chicago (MAFS).
Vedic Day Care Center celebrates Christmas VRISHABH DAS
Children celebrate Christmas at Vedic Day Care
CHICAGO: Chicago based one of its kind Vedic Day Care Center celebrated its annual Christmas function here. About 100 people attended the function. The occasion was celebrated with many different performances by children of the day care. The children sang devotional songs, Christmas carols, and performed a
drama about the birth of Christ. The children exchanged gifts amongst themselves, which brought them joy. Also, with the Christmas program the Vedic Day Care celebrated Gita Jayanti. Bhagavad Gita books were distributed amongst the parents and teachers. The celebration was joined by
friends and family. The finale of the day was with a Christmas lunch. It was a day to celebrate with excitement and was enjoyed by people that attended the program. Throughout the years it has determined that Vedic Day Care celebrates each occasion with great enthusiasm, which brings enjoyment to the children.
ion show producer in the Bay area, Charleston Pierce. She has walked in over 60 fashion shows in the area. Sandra, the Belly dancer seduced the crowd with her elegant dance moves. She is involved internationally in every aspect of belly dance from performance, instruction, competitions, DVDs, music videos, modeling, and community outreach. Sandra is a popular entertainer in Arabic nightclubs in the San Francisco Bay Area, and also travels to perform for audiences worldwide. The company has planned to conduct concerts in both Indian and mainstream hip-hop style, presenting events with a difference, thereby serving the upscale community. The events are going to be held with unique theme at different venues all over the Bay area. "We are planning for at least one event each month," said Rajdeep Bal and Ashwini Kumar,
Owners of Lush Entertainment. "We are planning to expand the current lounge and conduct parties every Thursday, Friday and Saturday starting from March 2013." "About 3 to 4 years down the lane, we are planning to open a night club in San Francisco Downtown, with modern amenities and fun packed entertainment quotient", s a y s Rajdeep Bal. Amita from Amita Bal Couture is a strong pillar of support and the woman behind the successful man.
Community Across America
22 India Post
January 18, 2013
Sikhs-Genocide petition tabled before Obama Admn India Post News Service
NEW YORK: A petition has been tabled before Obama Administration urging it to recognize the organized violence perpetrated against Sikhs during November 1984 as "Genocide". With more than 46000 signatures (29,000 online and 17000 on paper), the Sikh Genocide Petition is the first
The US Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor is expected to respond on the Sikh Genocide petition. Headed by Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner, the Bureau deals with issues relating to the international human rights violations and crimes against humanity. Posner, a lawyer by profession, before being appointed as
The 300 page report consists of evidence showing that Sikhs were killed in large numbers in those 19 states of India where Congress (I) was in power during November 1984 and the role of Congress leaders in inciting and organizing violence with intent to destroy the Sikh community ever petition submitted to the US administration on the issue of November 1984 violence against Sikhs. The rights group "Sikh for Justice" (SFJ) announced to converge at Capitol Hill on February 1 during the Constituent Work Week of the House of Representative to lobby in support of the Sikh Genocide Petition.
Assistant Secretary of State, was the Founding Executive Director and President of Human Rights First, a US based NGO which believes in U.S. government's full participation in the international human rights system. In support of the Sikh Genocide Petition, SFJ submitted "1984 Yes it is Genocide" Report to the Assistant Secretary of State Michael
Posner. The 300 page report consists of evidence showing that Sikhs were killed in large numbers in those 19 states of India where Congress (I) was in power during November 1984 and the role of Congress leaders in inciting and organizing violence with intent to destroy the Sikh community. The detailed accounts provided in the report show that over 30,000 Sikhs were killed; thousands of women were raped; hundreds of Gurudwaras were burnt and more than 300,000 were displaced during the first week of November 1984. Referring to the Article 1 and 2 of the UN Convention on Genocide, SFJ's legal advisor Gurpatwant Singh Pannun who practices human rights law, stated that United States is under an obligation to recognize the November 1984 violence against Sikhs as "Genocide". The obligation under the UN Convention to recognize the Genocide transcends the economic status and trade ties with the country where the Genocide took place, added attorney Pannun. Cont’d on page 23
1984 Genocide Petition as presented to President Obama
Candlelight Vigil at Fremont Hindu Temple Cont’d from page 17
Society needs to stand together to bring about the revolution to make this happen. Fremont Mayor Bill Harrison showed support with the community and urged people to show strong reaction to the event that happened thousands of miles away. He urged people to pledge to work towards ensuring that such an event does not ever recur anywhere in the world. Dave Bonaccorsi, Fremont Planning Commissioner said that Fremont is a culturally diverse city. When an incident like this happens, it affects everyone as we are
all very connected here. We must strongly condemn any crime against women. Thousands of people have gathered here at short notice to show their support for the cause. This shows the strength of community. Yogi Chugh, Fremont Planning Commissioner and 26 year Fremont resident said that we need to reflect on the death of an innocent braveheart, a victim of a dastardly crime resulting in her losing her life. We stand in solidarity with her, her family and a nation that is mourning her loss. We need to highlight that rape is part of a larger, systemic problem of violence against women and it must
Large crowd paying their respects by lighting candles
Local community and political leaders at the Vigil
never be accepted, never excused and never tolerated anywhere in the world. And we need to reflect on the question many are asking what will people do to tackle deeply entrenched prejudice and misogyny that leads to such heinous incidents?" Dharminder Dewan, Fremont Human Resource Commissioner said that the candlelight vigil is to ensure that we enlighten our behavior, actions, thoughts and attitude towards women and realize that any act of violence, ill-treatment, abuse or insult should not be tolerated against women and
we have to treat them with respect, dignity and make them feel safe. Let's all join hands in ensuring that we start a new era from here - where no woman has to go thru such barbaric acts again and start feeling that "This world has become a better place to live in". The event was widely publicized and covered by major media including KTVU, NBC, ABC, India Post, TV Asia, India Abroad and Ind TV. Everyone in the gathering lit a candle in 'Damini's honor and showed their support for the cause.
January 18, 2013
Community Across America
India Post 23
Kishan Putta elected ANC Commissioner in DC India Post News Service
WASHINGTON: On November 6, Kishan Putta was the only Asian-American ANC Commissioner in the District of Columbia elected in a competitive 3-way race. Putta won with 62% of the vote over rivals Stephanie Sheridan and Martin Espinoza. DC is the equivalent of a state and its legislature is the 13-person DC Council. The 40+ ANC commissions are the equivalents of town councils which focus on local issues. Recently Putta had been traveling in India from where he issued a statement saying "During the journey, I've had time to reflect on the responsibility you've entrusted me with and the exciting opportunity we have to improve our neighborhood and our city together. "Like on all lengthy trips abroad, we've had a chance to view differences - cultural, societal, and even governmental. India is
an amazing land, but one can sense that the society is being held back because the people do not feel represented by their leaders. Of course, in the U.S., we too have national-level leadership problems, and the District of Columbia also unfortunately suffers from public distrust. "But, at the local, neighborhood level, I
sure that our city responds to your concerns and your ideas, that you feel safe and secure on our streets and sidewalks, and, perhaps most importantly, that you feel like your voice is being heard - and matters. "To that end, we will be continuing our community outreach efforts on public safety matters, but will also begin holding
‘I am determined to work hard so that you can rely on me to represent you and to help make sure that our city responds to your concerns and your ideas, that you feel safe and secure on our streets and sidewalks’ am determined to work hard so that you can rely on me to represent you and to help make
Sikhs-Genocide petition tabled before Obama Admn and perplexed by the continuous impunity to the perpetrators by the successive reAfter exhausting all the judicial remedies gimes during the last 28 years, attorney P a n n u n stated that Sikh community is approaching international forums to seek justice and recognition of November 1984 Sikh Genocide. Petitions relating to violation of Sikh human rights and denial of justice have been filed with the Parliaments of Canada, Australia and United Kingdom exposing the extent of violence against Sikhs during November 1984 and refuting the official narrative which terms it as "anti Sikh riots of Gurpatwant S Pannun, Legal advisor and Jatinder S Grewal, Director InternaDelhi". tional Policy SFJ Obama Petition
regular meet-and-greet listening sessions on all topics (crime, transportation, sustainable urban development, trash, rodents, parking, etc. - in no particular order...). "We will also very soon be launching a new web-tool for collecting and responding to your concerns and ideas. In 2013, working together, we will Keep Dupont Safe, Keep Dupont Diverse, and Keep Dupont Moving Forward."
Christmas celebrated at Indo American Center SURI SWAMY
CHICAGO: Indo American Center (IAC) celebrated Christmas with great fanfare and joy last month in the presence large number of its members and seniors numbering over 150. IAC Board Member Sher Rajput gave the welcome address. Malvin Merchant and Probir Sen addressed the gathering underlying the significance of the celebration. The event was emceed by Sudkah Kapoor and Gita Chawla coordinated the entire program. Sudha Baxi, Sabera Saiyed, Pushpa Soni, Mir Ali, Adam Osman, Naresh Shah, Raj Kumari, Mariya Christen and Qudari Mohammad entertained the audience and all those gathered with Bollywood and holiday songs. Sudaksha Kapoor and Nand Kapoor staged a small play Kemal Horic was in charge of decoration and set up while cooking was done by Kamlash Kaur and Baljeet Kaur. All participants were given Christmas presents.
Tech News Citigroup names Forese, MedinaMora co-presidents NEW YORK: Citigroup's new CEO is continuing to put his imprint on the bank by naming copresidents. CEO Michael Corbat tapped Jamie Forese and Manuel MedinaMora for the roles. Corbat took over as CEO of the New York company in October after Vikram Pandit unexpectedly stepped down from the post. Pandit had reportedly clashed with the board over the company's strategy and its relationship with the government. Forese will be responsible for all of Citi's institutional businesses, and Medina-Mora will continue to oversee global consumer banking and Citi's franchise in Mexico. -AP
Internet produces 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide
nternet and other components of information communication and technology (ICT) industry annually produces more than 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas, and is expected to double by 2020, a new study has found. Researchers from the Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) and Bell Labs explain that the information communications and technology (ICT) industry, which delivers Internet, video, voice and other cloud services, produces about 2 per cent of global CO2 emissions -- the same proportion as the aviation industry produces. In the report published in journal Environmental Science & Technology, researchers said their projections suggest that ICT sector's share in greenhouse gas emission is expected to double by 2020.
4 Indian-origin persons among worst tax cheats LONDON: Eleven people of Asian-origin, including four of Indian descent, are among 32 persons figuring in the rogues' gallery of Britain's top tax criminals of 2012. Among the 11 people of Asianorigin, four of Indian descent are Davinder Singh Dhaliwal, Sandeep Singh Dosanjh, Navdeep Singh Gill and Ranjot Singh Chahal, according to a report in the Guardian.-PTI
TechBiz 24 India Post
January 18, 2013
UP to host international summit from Jan 27 LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh is going to host a three-day international 'Partnership Summit 2013' at Agra from January 27. "This year the theme of the summit will be 'Global partnerships for enduring growth'. The flagship international event of CII is held every year in association with central Ministry of commerce and industry," Infrastructure and Industrial Development Commissioner (IIDC) Anil Kumar Gupta told reporters here. Overseas ministers along with business delegations from US, Japan, Australia, Canada, Russia, Spain and host of other countries from across the world and high level delegation of the state government will participate in the summit, he said. -PTI
India to inform US about tax evasion by US citizens RAJESH H DHRUVA
he Government of India has asked the Reserve Bank of India to draft agreement between India and USA whereby Indian banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, broking houses and other financial institutions will be required to provide information of investments by US citizens and US addressees from 1st January 2014. This follows the visit of US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to New Delhi where they met Finance Minister P. Chidambaram and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on October 9, 2012 and discussed various options and actions for combating tax evasion. The US Treasury has initiated agreements with various governments requiring their financial institutions to provide requisite information of all US citizens and USA addressees to IRS (Internal Revenue Service) from 1st Jan 2014 and governments of UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Denmark and Mexico have already signed such agreements. Efforts are being made for similar agreements with other countries. IRS has changed links to relevant provisions of FBAR, FATCA, Global income etc. on website. Presented below are updated links to the IRS website on the said subjects:
USA engaging with India for compliance of FATCA
1. Link re: meeting of US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke with Finance Minister P Chidambaram in New Delhi to discuss ways to prevent offshore tax evasion between the two countries is http:// india-reforms-agenda-timgeithner-ben-bernanke-to-meetpm-manmohan-singh-today/ 1014166 2. Government of India asking RBI to draft an agreement with USA for compliance of FATCA
File photo of US Treasury Secretary, Timothy F. Geithner and the Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram, exchanging the signed documents of the joint statement, at the Indo-US Economic and Financial Partnership meeting, in New Delhi on October 9, 2012
provisions is posted at: h t t p : / / a r t i c l e s . 2012-11-27/news/35385827_1_financial-assets-fatca-financial-institutions
Offshore tax avoidance and IRS compliance efforts
pliance Act (FATCA) - Form 8938, is introduced from calendar year 2011 with an intention to improve tax compliance of foreign income assets. 2. The report is to be file in Form 8938 and attached to the Federal Income Tax return. 3. FATCA applies to a US citizen ; resident alien and a Non-Resi-
FATCA applies to a US citizen ; resident alien and a Non-Resident alien who elects to be treated as resident alien if his interest in foreign financial assets exceeds US$50,000 as on 31st December or US$75,000 during the tax year The link to IRS website is: http:/ /
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
1. Foreign Account Tax Com-
dent alien who elects to be treated as resident alien if his interest in foreign financial assets exceeds US$50,000 as on 31st December or US$75,000 during the tax year. 4. In case of married couple tax-payers, these limits are raised to US$100,000 and US$150,000 respectively; whereas for tax-payers
living abroad, these limits are raised to US$200,000 and US$ 300,000 respectively for individuals and US$400,000 and US$600,000 for joint returns. 5. Specified Foreign Financial Assets: .01 Specified Foreign Financial Assets would include overseas bank accounts; mutual fund investments; investments in stocks and securities and all other overseas assets held for investments not being trade or business. .02 This will also include investment in shares of private limited company; insurance policies; interest in partnership firms and / or trusts. .03 This would include erstwhile investments in India retained prior to migration to USA as also any assets received by way of inheritance or partition of family assets. 6. The link to IRS website is: Corporations/Summary-of-KeyFATCA-Provisions Cont’d on page 26
TechBiz Post
January 18, 2013
India Post
US pension fund dumps Indian oil stocks on Iran NEW DELHI: US-based CalPERS, one of the world's largest pension funds, has flagged off concerns over investments in shares of various Indian oil companies, including Oil India and Petronet LNG, due to their Iran-related business interests. The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), which manages investments of over USD 240 billion globally, has exited its holding in Petronet LNG and blocked future investments, alleging failure on the part of India's largest liquefied natural gas
importer to take "substantial action" to curtail business operations in Iran. At the same time, CalPERS has blocked all its future investments in another state-run energy major, Oil India Ltd, while the country's largest public sector company, Oil and Natural Gas Corp Ltd (ONGC) is also being monitored by the pension fund for possible Iran ties, the pension fund said in its annual legislative report for the year ended December 31, 2012, while detailing its various Iran related investment decisions.
US court dismisses claims against former Satyam directors NEW YORK: A US court here has dismissed claims made in a class action lawsuit against seven former directors of Indian IT firm Satyam Computers saying the directors were themselves "victims of the fraud" and the shareholder suit fails to adequately prove allegations of fraud and negligence against them. US District Judge Barbara Jones of the Southern District of New York said in a 71-page ruling that the motion filed by the directors seeking dismissal of claims against them is "granted". Jones ruled that in order to establish motive and opportunity, the plaintiffs must allege that the Satyam directors named in the lawsuit "benefited in some concrete and personal way from the purported fraud". However, the class action complaint "contains no facts" sug-
court finds that lead plaintiffs have failed to plead sufficient facts to raise a strong inference of recklessness on the part of the defendants that is at least as compelling as the non-fraudulent inference reasonably drawn from the allegations. "Accordingly, the...claim against the defendants is dismissed," the court ruled. The suit was brought by firms in the US who had brought Satyam stock on India's National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) between January 2004 and January 2009. These firms include Public Employees' Retirement System of Mississippi, Mineworkers' Pension Scheme, SKAGEN AS and Sampension KP Livsforsikring A/ S.
gesting that the directors benefited personally from the Satyam fraud. "Lead plaintiffs have failed to establish motive...The majority of the allegations in the (class action complaint) concern an intricate and well-concealed fraud perpetrated by a very small group of insiders and only reinforce the inference that the defendants were themselves victims of the fraud." "Having considered the (class action complaint) in its entirety, the
The seven former directors named in the class action suit, who had also served on Satyam's audit committee, include professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean at Harvard Business School Krishna Palepu, former dean of the Indian School of Business M Rammohan Rao, former Cabinet Secretary and Defense Secretary T R Prasad and former Director, Dean and Professor of the Indian Institute of Technology V S Raju. -PTI
Currently, CalPERS has no investments in the shares of either Oil India or ONGC.
4.6 million worth investment in shares of another Indian energy company BPCL, after the oil mar-
CalPERS has blocked all its future investments in another state-run energy major, Oil India Ltd, while the country's largest public sector company, Oil and Natural Gas Corp Ltd (ONGC) is also being monitored However, the pension fund has decided to continue with its USD
Higher taxes sought on the super-rich NEW DELHI: Leading economists have asked the government of India to levy higher taxes on super-rich, encourage small savings and try to bring down inflation to 4-5 per cent. During their customary pre-budget interaction with Finance Minister P Chidambaram, they also suggested introduction of inheritance tax and widening of tax base to increase revenue and contain fiscal deficit. Inviting suggestions from economists, Chidambaram said economic and political developments in the Eurozone area and the US had their impact on the world economy, including India. However, he said a slew of reform measures taken by the government had a positive impact on the market sentiments. He said that resolution of 'fiscal cliff' in the US too had positive impact on market sentiments worldwide. He said that "difficult phase is over" and now focus would be on achieving higher growth during the year. Chidambaram further said that there are mixed signals from market regarding the current economic situation in the country. He informed the economists that direct tax collections are satisfactory while indirect taxes including excise duty are falling short of expectations. Suggestions given by economists, according to a release, included "following of principle of progressivity i.e. higher tax rates for high income group, widening of tax base and effective enforcement of tax laws to penalize those who hide their income and pay less tax as well as those who despite high income do not pay any tax at all". Chairman of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) C Rangarajan had recently suggested that government should impose higher taxes on persons with an income beyond a specified threshold. -PTI
keting major communicated to it that none of its business activities were subject to the sanctions imposed against Iran. Iran faces significant economic sanctions from the US, as also from many other countries, mostly due to its alleged nuclear weapon program. Last week, Iran pitched for deeper bilateral ties and increased cooperation in security and economic area with India, say-
ing that the two countries face "common threats and interests". CalPERS, which is a public pension fund providing retirement and health benefit program to over 1.6 million Americans, is required by a law, called the Iran Act, to annually report holdings in companies doing business in the defense, nuclear, petroleum, and natural gas industries in Iran and to exit investments in any company that fails to take substantial action to cease or limit operations in Iran. It is the largest pension fund in the US and the fifth largest globally after pension funds of Japan, Norway, Netherlands and Korea in terms of asset size. CalPERS has traditionally held significant equity holdings in large and mid-sized Indian companies operating in sectors including banks, oil, FMCG, pharma and engineering for many years as part of its vast global portfolio. -PTI
TechBiz Post
India Post
January 18, 2013
2013 to be a better year than 2012: Infosys NEW DELHI: Infosys Executive Co-Chairman S Gopalakrishnan has said 2013 will be a better year for the USD 100 billion Indian IT industry as economic environment improves and businesses invest in technology. "2013 will be better than 2012. The global economy, I think, has improved specially in the US... China is growing faster. India has also started improving. So except for, may be Europe, rest of the world is trying to improve and it is good for the global economy. "What is good for the global economy is good for the IT sector. So I hope the IT industry will have a better 2013," Gopalakrishnan said at an award function of Infosys Science Foundation. He added, however, that uncer-
tainties continue as unexpected events happen. "Uncertainties will continue. What I am saying is that generally 2013 will be better. How it will turn
S Gopalakrishnan
quarter-on- quarter will depend on the event in that quarter. Unexpected events happen," Gopalakrishnan said. Various experts have said that
flat IT budgets and uncertain macro environment may continue to challenge the Indian IT-BPO industry, but as technology becomes more central to everyday lives of consumers and corporate alike, 2013 promises to be a good year for the USD 100 billion sector. Post the 2008 global financial crisis, the Indian IT industry, which saw phenomenal growth in the preceding five years on back of a over 25 per cent growth in exports that made companies like Infosys, TCS, and Wipro poster boys for investors, seems to have lost some sheen. Factors like weakening rupee, high production input prices, hike in borrowing costs, and geo-political situation continued to plague the industry in 2012. -PTI
Joint commission to discuss IPI gas pipeline project NEW DELHI: India and Iran New Delhi wants Iran to be are likely to discuss the stalled responsible for safe passage of Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline gas through 1,035-km pipeline at a joint commission meeting in length in Pakistan and would pay the first quarter of the year, Ex- for the fuel only when it is delivternal Affairs Minister Salman ered at Pakistan-India border. Khurshid said here. IPI project had been stalled over cost of gas India has been boycotting as well as security of the pipeline. formal talks on the project "Some issue about costs and all that are since 2007 over security still have to be sorted concerns. Iran and Pakistan out. We will have a joint commission early this have already signed pacts year sometime and in that joint commission, this issue will be taken up," he Iran, on the other hand, has told reporters here. suggested a trilateral mechaIndia has been boycotting nism, meaning contractual proformal talks on the project since visions between three countries, 2007 over security concerns. Iran to ensure safe delivery of gas to and Pakistan have already India. Under this system, New signed pacts to implement the Delhi pays for its share of gas long-talked project on bilateral even if the supplies were to be basis. disrupted in Pakistan. -PTI
India to inform US about tax evasion by US citizens Cont’d from page 24
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) for foreign financial institutions 1. The IRS also proposes to enter into agreement with banks and financial institutions outside USA to provide the detailed investment of US citizens or resident aliens maintaining their account / investment with such banks / financial institutions from 30th June 2013. 2. The bank / institutions have been required to provide information of US citizens or US investors who have provided US address. 3. The link to IRS website is,-IRS-Issue-ProposedRegulations-for-FATCA-Implementation
Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)
1. Since Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Dr Arvind Ahuja's, Ashwin Desai's and others indictments for conspiracy to defraud the IRS and not filing Report of Foreign Bank and Finan-
cial Accounts (FBARs) for nondisclosure of income arising from deposits held with HSBC Bank, India and also non-filing of Form TD-F90-22.1 of FBAR for said investments, the issue of non-filing of FBAR has been hovering on almost every NRI's mind and attention. 2. Brief details and links of IRS websites as regards FBARs are: .01 A US citizen or resident of
The IRS also proposes to enter into agreement with banks and financial institutions outside USA to provide the detailed investment of US citizens or resident aliens maintaining their account / investment with such banks USA as also a USA partnership firm; a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or trust who has financial interest and signatory authority in overseas financial investments valued at US $ 10,000 more during a calendar year. This would include erstwhile investments in India retained prior to migration to USA as also any assets received by way of inheritance or partition of family assets.
.02 Financial investments are defined to include mutual funds; bank deposits; bank accounts; equity investments , other listed securities; stocks and debentures; deposits and like. .03 Financial interest in foreign accounts will include ownership as a holder or joint-holder ; proprietorship ; overseas partnership having profit sharing exceeding 50% or more ; 50% of the capital ; overseas corporation wherein more than 50% of stock value or voting power is held ; trust wherein more than 50% beneficial interest is held or any other entity wherein more than 50% interest or investment or voting power is held or wherein one holds the signing authority of say bank accounts or a power of attorney. .04 Appropriate prescribed Information regarding foreign financial accounts is to be filed in form in TD-F90-22.1 before 30th June for preceding calendar year ended on 31st December. 3. Details can be viewed on IRS website at http:// Report-of-Foreign-Bank-and-Financial-Accounts%28FBAR%29 whereas the form can be downloaded from the link f90221.pdf 4. Investment in private equity funds and hedge funds are excluded
US Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) 1. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) having offered Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiatives (OVDIs) in 2009 and 2011 has once again given an opportunity for voluntary disclosure of overseas assets and income thereon under the Offshore Voluntary Disclo-
IRS has collected an amount of US$5bn in back taxes, interest and penalties from 33000 tax-payers who have opted for OVDP which amounts to average disclosure of app. US$ half a million each sure Program (OVDP). 2. The OVDP is quite similar to the OVDI. 02 Under the OVDP, tax-payers are required to pay tax on hitherto undisclosed income of earlier 8 full tax years together with interest thereon. 03 Tax-payers are also required to pay penalty of 27.5% of the highest balance of hitherto undisclosed foreign bank accounts and
/ or value of foreign assets. 3. The link to IRS website is :- 2012-Offshore-Voluntary-Disclosure-Program 4. Recent information states that IRS has collected an amount of US$5bn in back taxes, interest and penalties from 33000 tax-payers who have opted for OVDP which amounts to average disclosure of app. US$ half a million each.
VI. Global income of US citizens and resident aliens being taxed in USA
1. A U.S. citizen or resident of USA [resident alien] is required to pay tax in USA on his / her worldwide income. 2. However the taxability of such global income is not covered by US tax laws alone. Tax payers can opt applicability of USA India Tax Treaty or other country's Tax Treaty if income arises from such other country if the provisions of Tax Treaty are beneficial. 3. IRS Weblink: http:// Rajesh H Dhruva is Chief Executive,, Keynote Consultancy Pvt Ltd, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
TechBiz Post
January 18, 2013
India Post
GMR Infra pulls out of project citing clearance delays NEW DELHI: GMR Infrastructure has said it has pulled out of Kishangarh-Udaipur-Ahmedabad project, an action which prompted NHAI to consider legal recourse. The project is estimated to have required an investment of Rs 5,387 crore. The Bangalore-based group had won the project in Western India through international competitive bidding at Rs 636 crore annual premium for 26 years. GMR Infrastructure said it has terminated its contract with NHAI for building the Kishangarh Udaipur-Ahmedabad highway. "GMR Kishangarh Udaipur Ahmedabad Expressways Limited, a subsidiary of the company, has terminated the concession agreement entered into with NHAI for six laning of 555 Km Kishangarh-Udaipur-Ahmedabad highway," the company said in a
filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange.
Company sources said GMR terminated the contract on account of difficulties in taking up the project due to regulatory hurdles Company sources said GMR terminated the contract on account of difficulties in taking up
Mobile internet users to reach 130.6 million by 2014
ndia will have 130.6 million mobile internet users by March 2014 according to the Mobile Internet Report by Internet and Mobile Association of India [IAMAI] and Indian Market Research Bureau (IMRB). In December 2012, this number was 87.1 Million mobile internet users. According to the report, in October 2012, there were 78.7 million mobile users who had accessed internet in the last one month, which include Laptop with
using 2G, 3G or high-speed data cards). The report further finds that an average monthly bill of a user who access Internet on mobile devices is Rs. 460. Of which, the user spends Rs. 198 towards Internet expenses. This is a very healthy trend as it shows willingness of the users to spend nearly 40 percent of the bill towards Internet access. The rest is spent on voice services. Email, social networking ser-
dongles, tablet, dongles that connects to Internet. Of this number, there are 61 million Off-Deck Users (accessing sites other than sites of the operator), 15 million On-Deck Users (accessing only sites specified by the operator) and the rest 2.7 million users accessed the internet using dongles (i.e. connected to Internet
vices (SNS) and messengers have high usage among mobile internet user. Accessing online videos, games or reading online news are done approximately 2-6 times a week. While online games are accessed by nearly 50% of the Mobile Internet users, less than 30% of users read online news and watch online videos.
the project due to regulatory hurdles, including delays in environment clearance and land acquisition. Meanwhile, a senior NHAI official told PTI: "We are examining the case and based on the advice of experts may resort to legal recourse." GMR Infrastructure had won the project in September, 2011, through the international competitive bidding route. It is to be implemented through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer basis. The infrastructure major currently has four annuity projects and six toll projects totaling 6,685 lane kms cross under its Highways business segment. Financial closure for the project was achieved in May 2012.-PTI
India Inc confidence down in Oct-Dec: CII NEW DELHI: High interest rates and infrastructure bottlenecks dampened the business confidence of corporates in the October-December quarter, a survey by CII has said. According to CII's quarterly Business Outlook Survey, the Business Confidence Index (BCI) for October-December declined to 49.9 from 51.3 in the previous quarter (July-September). "Majority of respondents rated domestic economic developments, high interest rates, infrastructure bottlenecks and institutional issues among the key concerns," it said. The fall in the index is an indication of weak business sentiments and is a matter of concern which requires concerted policy intervention, CII Director General Chandrajit Banerjee said. While reform measures under-
taken by the government in the recent months will surely start yielding results, it is important that momentum on reforms is not lost, CII said. Corporates participated in the survey said that reform measures announced by the government would have a positive impact on investments, even though the impact on output may take some time to take effect. "Majority of firms expect the GDP growth in the current fiscal to remain subdued in the range of 5.5 - 6 per cent," it added. The survey also indicates continuing elevated trend in inflation and fiscal deficit in the remaining period of the current fiscal. "Majority of the respondents expect WPI-based inflation for the current fiscal to end up as high as 7-8 per cent, much higher than RBIs comfort level. -PTI
28 India Post
1 Jiya Lage Na: Talaash 2 Ishq Shava: Jab Tak Hai Jaan 3 Dagabaaz Re: Dabangg 2 4 Fevicol Se: Dabangg 2 5 Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola: Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola 6 Oye Boy Charlie: JMatru Ki Bijlee January 18, 2013 Ka Mandola 7 Darmiyan: Inkaar 8 Jee Le Zaraa: Talaash 9 Khamakha: Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola 10 Heer: Jab Tak Hai Jaan
areena, who did Dabangg 2 item number Fevicol for "good friend" Salman Khan, says she shares a warm relationship with the actor since the days her elder sister Karisma used to work with him. "Salman and Karisma go back 12-16 years, they started with movies like Nishchay (1992) and I used to be on the sets. I was 8 or 9 years old then. He has that kind of love for me, as Karisma's younger sister. He was friendly during 'Bodyguard' and he respects the kind of person that I am. You can see the warmth between us and that's what I love." Salman's father, veteran scriptwriter Salim Khan had specially called Kareena to praise her performance as Rosie in her latest release Talaash. "When a living legend like Salim saab, who has written such great films and characters, calls you, it's something else. In my decade long career, no one has given me the compliment that he has for Talaash.
ishi Kapoor has been signed to play the role of Sonam Kapoor's father in YRF's forthcoming film directed by Nupur Asthana. The film is a romantic comedy starring the fresh pair of Ayushmann and Sonam. Habib Faisal, who is the writer of this film, was very keen to cast Rishi Kapoor in the said role and approached him. The film will be shot in Delhi and is expected to go on floors in February 2013. The film is the story of Mohit Chadha (Ayushmann) and Mayera Sehgal (Sonam Kapoor) who are strongly and passionately in love. However Mayera's wilful bureaucrat father, V.K. Sehgal (Rishi Kapoor), vehemently disagrees. Who gets the last laugh in this sliceof life Delhi-comedy when recession strikes and the lack of money tests love is what forms the crux of this fun-filled satire.
eepika Padukone can't thank her Ram Leela co-star Ranveer S i n g h enough for giving her time off to visit her parents for the New Year. Each year, Deepika likes to be with her family at yearend. However, this year she was meant to shoot for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Ram Leela with Ranveer over the New Year's. Ranveer's injury on the sets of Yash Raj Films' Gunday has not only affected that film but also Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Ram Leela. Says a source, "Ranveer Singh was shooting simultaneously for Gunday and Ram Leela. In fact, the whiskered look that he sports for Sanjay Bhansali's film has been incorporated into his personality in Gunday for the want of a choice. Remember back in 1969; how Rajesh Khanna's bearded look in Ittefaq had to be incorporated into Do Raaste as the superstar shot simultaneously for both?" Ranveer has lately been running from the 'Gujarat' sets of Ram Leela to the 'Kolkata' sets of Gunday. A mishap on the sets of Gunday has naturally affected the other film. Sanjay Bhansali was all set to complete the shooting of some very dramatic scenes between Ranveer and Deepika. Ranveer's accident has forced a postponement of the proposed fireworks. And Deepika quietly took off to Bangalore to be with her family.
January 18, 2013
India Post 29
Himmatwali S
onakshi Sinha, who shot to fame as the deglam village belle in Dabangg, has been trying ever since to shed her desi avatar and how. In fact recently she even did an item number alongside Prabhu Deva in the Akshay Kumar film OMG Oh My God! However now we hear that the actress will finally glam up for an 80's inspired special song in the remake of Himmatwala starring Ajay Devgn. In fact the track that will feature Sonakshi which is titled 'Thank God It's Friday' has been inspired by the 80's disco theme, and will feature the entire regalia of the era from reflective dance floors, mirrors and shiny disco balls. But if that wasn't enough, the track is also said to feature 100 dancers and 400 extras with a look and feel that's inspired from the track 'Jawani Jaaneman' from Namak Halal.
alman Khan opened up about arch rival, superstar Shah Rukh Khan, in a Big Boss serial episode. Not only did the actor speak about SRK, he also appreciated his bete noire for his hard work and rock-solid fan following. The discussion cropped up when designer-casting director Imam Siddiqui, one of the housemates, got into an argument with Salman.
Shah Rukh is what he is because of his fans and hard work. He pursued his career with determination Imam said once he had cast Shah Rukh along with Preity Zinta in an ad- film for a prominent brand of shampoo and that made him a star. When Salman tried to interrupt, Imam snubbed him saying, "time out", which made the actor lose his cool. "Shah Rukh is what he is because of his fans and hard work. He pursued his career with determination and not because someone like Imam gave him work in an ad film," Salman said.
India Post
January 18, 2013
You were the third option for the role of Matru, after Ajay Devgn and Shahid Kapur. Did the general reaction everyone had wondering why Vishal chose you, leave you miffed? I was not the third but the second actor to be offered the role. And I myself was surprised that he chose me. In fact, I even asked him if he wanted me for this film. I
rectly. I was very nervous and I spoke to Vishal about it. He said, 'I have immense faith in you'. He said, 'if you can put your best effort, then you can do it.' He introduced to me a teacher named NK Sharma in Delhi. He has a theater group there. I spent two to three months in Delhi working with him to understand the dialogues and the body language. Everything
had no knowledge of the language; the character was completely alien to what I had done before. That's when he explained to me that casting against type was what was exciting. The role sounded exciting to me but once I took it up, I realized that delivering the role would be one uphill
had to be learnt from scratch. Who is your biggest critic? The biggest critics in my life are my mom and my wife Avantika. The truth is that when you become an actor, when you become a celebrity, people will come and tell you 'Bro, you are the best, you have done a good job'. So those people are everywhere. What is very rare is people who will say these are your weaknesses, this is your problem and this is where you have to work on. People who will honestly do that, those are very rare. What was the experience of working with Vishal Bhardwaj like? When such an established director approaches you it always feels good. Vishal is one of the finest directors working today. When he approached me, it was a great honor. He has his own standards. I always question myself whether I will be able to live up to that standard. As a creative person he is someone who works very, very hard. At the same time, he gives a lot of freedom to other creative people who are working with him. Be it a set designer, cinematographer or actors like me, he always gives you a lot of freedom.
India Post News Service
nown as the little perfectionist after his uncle Aamir Khan, Imran Khan in Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola has gone out of his way to play the role in a completely new avatar. He speaks here about his experience in working on a film like MKBKM, getting his ears pierced for the role, and also his camaraderie with the director and his costar Anushka Sharma. Tell us about your look in the film. My character is very interesting. I play a global villager from Haryana, but someone who has
traveled the world and speaks English. He is also well-read and has completed his LLB from Delhi. And since I have never been close to a village boy, it wasn't easy for me to master the Haryanvi accent. In fact, that was my biggest challenge. I had to learn the dialect and also work on the body language and even turned into a tattoo artist. To get into the character for Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola, I had to pierce my ears and wear gold studs. But in a few days, I was undergoing tremendous pain as it was infected. Unfortunately, I couldn't wear those studs and I had to wear clip-ons. Did you spend a lot of time in Haryana? Vishal Bhardwaj couldn't find the exact location so no I couldn't spend time there. He wanted to shoot the film in Haryana, but we actually shot it in Gujarat. There is a part in Gujarat, which has the same feel as Haryana. How was the camaraderie with Anushka? When you are working with someone for over four months, you tend to get close. We had some real fun moments during the shoot. Anushka is a no-hassle, nodrama queen. She doesn't come with a tag 'I-know-Acting' with a
capital A written on her forehead. She's non-fussy and uncomplicated and fun to be with. For me, a good co-actor is someone who gives you something to play off against. That way, I think we both had very good energy between us. I've worked with actors who 'act' with a capital 'A'; actors who need two minutes of complete silence on
When such an established director approaches you it always feels good. Vishal is one of the finest directors working today. When he approached me, it was a great honor. He has his own standards the sets to act. Unlike them, Anushka is someone who doesn't take herself very seriously. She'll cry in the scene and then get back to discussing a joke after the take. It is said that you gave her tips on how to deal with your uncle Aamir Khan? Anushka has signed a film with Aamir, but I was just pulling her leg that I could teach her the ropes on acting with him. It was just a random joke and I haven't promised to teach her anything. But, it's fun to tell her that I know what Aamir wants best.
task, in terms of the body language I had to use, the language. I had to create a three dimensional character of Matru. Playing the role gave me consistently sleepless nights because I didn't know if I was doing it right. I remember constantly thinking through the shoot that I had made a huge mistake taking this role up. Were you skeptical about taking up such a role for the first time? I was skeptical. I had great doubts about whether I will be able to learn the body language cor-
Cont’d on page 31
January 18, 2013
India Post
Honey Singh disowns offensive songs B hangra-pop singer-rapper Honey Singh claims he is a victim of a vicious smear campaign launched by his rivals to finish off his rising career as India's foremost live entertainer. Shaken and nonplussed, Honey didn't know what hit him when hours before the New Year was ushered in with telling somberness, he was targeted viciously for his allegedly anti-woman misogynist songs, specially a number offensively titled 'Main Hoon Ek Balaatkari'. The song's title and "message" have rightly offended a nation reeling under the impact of the hei-
nous gang rape in Delhi that took the victim's life last week. A virulent campaign to boycott Honey Singh and his music was launched on several micro-blogging sites. An FIR was also lodged against Honey for obscenity in Lucknow. To top it all, on New Year's Eve Honey's proposed concert in Gurgaon had to be cancelled due to pressures from the outside. Fearing for his life, in a startling revelation, Honey Singh claims the offensive song is not his at all. "I swear on my music, I've neither written nor sung those offensive songs. I'd never dream of singing a song in praise of rape. The
thought is nauseating to me. I'd rather give up singing than attain popularity in such cheap and cheesy ways." Honey says the song has been released on the internet by an imposter. "I've sent notices to Youtube and other websites which
Salma Arastu's new poem-paintings
dia, especially Delhi, exceeds that of any other musician in India, finds the timing of the tirade against him to be suspicious. "Just when the country is reeling under the impact of the ghastly rape crime a song about rape is being attributed to me. And another song that I have been fighting for years to have removed as my doing, is in the public eye. I am being targeted for wrongs that I didn't commit." Honey feels he is being made a target to divert attention from the real issue. "Atrocities against women are happening all around us. Why are my songs suddenly being seen as a root-cause of evil? If music could actually cause damage shouldn't songs like 'Vande Mataram' and 'Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon' prevent Indians from hurting fellow-human beings?" Angry hurt wounded and perplexed by the sudden swerve in his career, Honey says, "I'd re-
quest politicians to stop diverting attention from the actual issues that affect the country. Please stop resorting to soft targets like singers and musicians as scapegoats. If anyone can prove I'm behind those anti-women songs I'm ready to give up music." In the meanwhile sources close to the musician say Honey Singh has been receiving death threats and is under the constant vigilance of his personal security staff. Honey is under the moral scanner not only from a nation in no mood for anti-women pop-culture, but also from his own family. Says Honey, "I come from a business family. I rebelled from my father to become a musician. Now after hearing of these filthy songs my father called me up to ask, 'Beta, did you take to music to do this kind of thing?' I'd never shame my family, my country, the women of my country and myself."
Imran in new avatar
India Post News Service
xpressions Gallery in Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, CA is holding a show of Art & Poetry from January 19 to March 15. The artists opening reception on Saturday, January 19, from 68 pm features Salma Arastu's new Poem-Paintings inspired by the poems of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, a thirteenth century Persian Sufi poet. Her new exhibition is supported by
the East Bay Community Foundation through "Fund for Artists". Music by: Lawanda Ultan & Greg Pratt Poetry readings and open MIC Third Friday Night of Month, 7-9 PM January 18, 2013 Featuring: Jennifer Arin and Janell Moon February 15, 2013 Featuring: Eliot Schain and Richard Silberg March 15, 2013 Featuring: Gary Turchin and Wulf Losee
have uploaded the offensive number. I am shocked that such a song could even be believed to be mine. I come from a family where women are respected. And I'd never disrespect women by espousing rape." Honey also claims that the other obscene song entitled 'Ch..t' which has been floating on the internet for years under his name is not his. "I completely disown both these obscene numbers. I've nothing to do with them. My lawyers are trying to find out who's doing this to malign me. I'm being targeted for a rape of another kind altogether. What is being done to me is among the lowest of violation of human dignity." Honey says the smear campaign is being undertaken by jealous rivals. "They can't bear to see a villager from Hoshiarpur like me become so successful. My fans know the truth. I'd never disrespect women. I have been brought up to treat women with courtesy and dignity." The worried panic-stricken rapper whose popularity in North In-
Cont’d from page 30
It's like, I trust you, do something good. I am very happy with the way the film has shaped out. I had an incredible time working with Vishal. This is the first time I am working with such a seasoned and experienced director and now I understand how he makes such good films. How do you benefit as an actor when you work with a director like Vishal Bhardwaj? I never realized it before, but now I know that you get tremendous benefit as an actor. Earlier, I have worked with first-time directors or second-time directors‌
there is a sense of two of us finding our way together. We used to find the correct way of working. Here I am working with someone who has consistently proved himself and he knows what the correct way of working is. Before the release of the film, are you nervous? I think that in my experience, any person, who is an honest artist or worker, will always be nervous about whether they have done a good job or not. The greatest people that I know or respect would say, 'Did I do good enough and can I do better?
Regional health network buys S. Indiana hospital SCOTTSBURG, Ind.: A regional health network that's purchased a southern Indiana hospital plans to invest $3 million in the complex. The Regional Health Network of Kentucky and Southern Indiana - a joint venture of Norton Healthcare and LifePoint Hospitals - announced that it has acquired Scott Memorial Hospital in Scottsburg. The group says it will invest $3 million in the hospital under the acquisition. Other terms of the deal were not released. Scott Memorial is a 25-bed critical access hospital serving Scott County and is located about 25 miles north of Louisville, Ky. Norton Healthcare operates five Louisville hospitals with more than 1,800 beds and other services. Brentwood, Tenn.-based LifePoint operates 57 hospital campuses in 20 states. -AP
Health Science 32
India Post
January 18, 2013
Vendor begins checks of Medicaid eligibility
Health director says RI in peak flu season PROVIDENCE, R.I.: Rhode Island is now in peak flu season and hospitalizations for flu-related illnesses are on the rise. State Department of Health Director Michael Fine says this year's flu season could be the worst in years and that it's not too late for individuals to get vaccinated. The department says there are currently about 14 flu-related hospitalizations a day. About 9 percent of emergency room visits in the last week were related to flulike illnesses. Flu symptoms include fever, cough, head and body aches, fatigue and runny nose. Anyone with those symptoms is encouraged to see a doctor for treatment. -AP
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has slammed the Centre for its failure to stop illegal clinical trials of untested drugs by multinational companies, saying they are creating "havoc" and causing death of many citizens. Details on page 34
No screening tests for overseas Indian doctors to practice
CHICAGO: Illinois officials have announced the launch of an effort to make sure only people who are eligible receive Medicaid. Medicaid is a state and federal program that helps pay for health care for the poor and disabled. The goal of the new project is to verify annually the income levels and residency of the state's 2.7 million Medicaid clients. An outside vendor has already started the work. Reston, Va.based Maximus Inc. was hired to improve the system, eliminate a backlog and make recommendations to state caseworkers. -AP
Clinical trials of untested drugs is creating 'havoc': SC
Minister Vayalar Ravi and CM Oommen Chandy at the inauguration of the healthcare summit. Dr Narendra Kumar, AAPI Prez and Adviser to Prime Minister TKA Nair are also seen
KOCHI: The Centre would permit overseas Indian doctors to practice in the country without undergoing screening tests, Union Health Secretary P K Pradhan said here. In what is viewed as the first major impact of the ongoing Global Healthcare Summit, Pradhan said the Centre was ready with the bill to amend the Medical Council of India (MCI) Act and allow overseas Indians to practice in their homeland as demanded by the expatriate professionals for long. "We expect to bring the bill during the Budget Session of Parliament," he said, addressing the CEO Forum held as part of the three-day healthcare summit here. The high-profile Forum, attended by top brass from the industry and senior officials from the Centre and the state, also decided to workout modalities to broaden the PPP by tapping into the strengths of both the sides. It was the first time such a faceto-face meeting between the regulatory authorities and the industry captains in the history of the global summit. Soliciting ideas and partnerships from the private sector, Pradhan said the government was planning to improve the secondary care by upgrading the district
hospitals. "There is a huge scope for partnership with the private sector in the areas like diagnostic services and labs. We will encour-
area," he said. Welcoming enterprising ideas from private practitioners, Director General of Health Services Dr
Managing director of Sami Labs Dr Muhammed Majeed who is respected as a patron of Ayurveda in the United States said his company was inspired by Ayurveda, the mother of all sciences age district hospitals to run medical college campuses to augment the capacity in PG education and private players can help in this
Jagadish Prasad urged the private sector hospitals to reserve 10 per cent of services free of cost to the poor people under the corporate
Adviser to Prime Minister T K A Nair speaking at the Global Healthcare Summit in Kochi
responsibility and in a bid to make the healthcare accessible. Chairing the session, Advisor to the Prime Minister T K A Nair wanted both the Government and the private sector players to prepare a roadmap to ensure make accessible affordable drugs and healthcare to the people. He offered to work as link and further frame a mechanism to take the initiative further. In his key-note address, Chairman and CEO of Medtronic Omar Ishrak expressed keen interest to work with other stakeholders and build collaborative partnerships to increase access and quality healthcare. Managing director of Sami Labs Dr Muhammed Majeed who is respected as a patron of Ayurveda in the United States said his company was inspired by Ayurveda, the mother of all sciences. "We have developed two natural drugs: one for glaucoma and another for treating psoriasis first time in the country. Three other drugs are in the pipeline," he said. DM Healthcare chairman Dr Azad Moopen suggested that the forum should be utilized to firm up concrete partnership, to begin with the idea of setting up medical colleges in each district. To achieve the inclusive growth, he also called upon the government to think of levying Sin tax on alcohol and even on soft drinks to part-finance a proper social insurance scheme. Among those to attend the high-profile meet were Device Controller of India Dr Eswara Reddy, Chairman of Medical Council of India Dr K K Talwar, Principal Health Secretary in Kerala Rajeev Sadanandan, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences medical director Dr Prem Nair, president of American Medical Association Dr Jeremy Lazarus, Health Attache from US Embassy in Delhi Stevan Smith, Dr Rajan Badwe of Tata Institute, Dr Philip Augustine of Lakeshore Hospital, Bob Miglani of Pfizer, Dr K M Cherian of Frontier Healthcare and Dr Neal Simon of American University of Antigua. -PTI
January 18, 2013
Health Science Post
India Post
Texas judge OKs ban on Planned Parenthood funding AUSTIN, Texas: Texas can cut off funding to Planned Parenthood's family planning programs for poor women, a state judge has ruled. Judge Gary Harger said that Texas may exclude otherwise qualified doctors and clinics from receiving state funding if they advocate for abortion rights, attorney general spokeswoman Lauren Bean said. The state has long banned the use of state funds for abortion, but had continued to reimburse Planned Parenthood clinics for providing basic health care to poor women through the state's Women's Health Program. The program provides check-ups and birth control to 110,000 poor women a year, and Planned Parenthood clinics were treating 48,000 of them. Planned Parenthood's lawsuit to stop the rule will still go forward, but the judge decided that the ban may go into effect for now. In seeking a temporary restraining order, Planned Parenthood's patients could have continued to see their current doctors until a final decision was made.
``We are pleased the court rejected Planned Parenthood's latest attempt to skirt state law,'' Bean said. ``The Texas Attorney General's office will continue to defend the Texas Legislature's decision to prohibit abortion providers and their affiliates from receiving taxpayer dollars through the
care access for women,'' Lambrecht said. ``Our doors remain open today and always to Texas women in need. We only wish Texas politicians shared this commitment to Texas women, their health, and their well-being.'' Planned Parenthood has brought three lawsuits over Texas' so-called ``affiliate rule,''
"We have more than 3,500 doctors, clinics and other providers in the program and will be able to continue to provide women with family planning services while fully complying with state law,'' she said. ``We welcome Planned Parenthood's help in referring patients to providers in the new program" Women's Health Program.'' Ken Lambrecht, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, said he brought the lawsuit on behalf of poor women who depend on its clinics. ``It is shocking that once again Texas officials are letting politics jeopardize health
Scientists criticize 'weight is healthy' study LONDON: Scientists have slammed a recent study which suggests that being overweight can lead to a longer life. One of the experts labeled the findings a "pile of rubbish" while another said it was a "horrific message" to put out. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, suggested the overweight were less likely to die prematurely than people with a "healthy" weight.
healthy weight, the study reported. Mildly obese people (BMI between 30 and 35) were no more likely to die prematurely than people with a healthy BMI. The study said being "overweight was associated with significantly lower all-cause mortality". Possible explanations included overweight people getting medical treatment, such as to control blood pressure, more quickly or the extra weight helping people
Being underweight or severely obese did cut life expectancy, 'BBC News' reported. Researchers at the US National Centre for Health Statistics looked at 97 studies involving nearly 2.9 million people to compare death rates with Body Mass Index (BMI) - a way of measuring obesity using a person's weight and height. A healthy BMI is considered to be above 18.5 and below 25. However, overweight people (with a BMI between 25 and 30) were 6 per cent less likely to die early than those considered to have a
survive being severely ill in hospital. However, the researchers point out they looked only at deaths and not years spent free of ill-health. "Have you ever seen a 100-year-old human being who is overweight? The answer is you probably haven't," Prof John Wass, vice-president of the Royal College of Physicians, said. Wass said the largest people will have died years before and pointed to health problems and higher levels of Type 2 diabetes. -PTI
arguing it violates the constitutional rights of doctors and patients while also contradicting existing state law. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission has spent the last nine months preparing to implement the affiliate rule. But federal officials warned it violated the Social Security Act and cut off federal funds for the Women's Health Program, prompting the commission to start a new program using only state money. State officials have also scrambled to sign up new doctors and clinics to replace Planned Parenthood. Women who previ-
ously went to Planned Parenthood clinics will now have to use the agency's website to find a new state-approved doctor. HHSC officials have acknowledged they are unsure whether the new doctors can pick up Planned Parenthood's caseload in all parts of the state. Linda Edwards Gockel, a spokesman for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, said that the new state program will launch as planned. ``We have more than 3,500 doctors, clinics and other providers in the program and will be able to continue to provide women with family planning services while fully complying with state law,'' she said. ``We welcome Planned Parenthood's help in referring patients to providers in the new program.'' Democratic lawmakers continued to question whether women will have to wait longer for appointments and services. ``I vehemently disagree with the state's efforts to blacklist a qualified provider and, thereby, interfere with a woman's right to choose her own provider,'' said state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin. ``I will be submitting a letter to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, requesting a list of approved providers to gauge the outreach of the new program, and ensure that all qualified women throughout the state have access to its services.' -AP
India Post
Health Science Post
January 18, 2013
Clinical trials of untested drugs is creating 'havoc': SC NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has slammed the Centre for its failure to stop illegal clinical trials of untested drugs by multinational companies, saying they are creating "havoc" and causing death of many citizens. The apex court said that the government has gone into "deep slumber" on the issue and has failed to put in place proper mechanisms to stop "rackets" of multinational companies, which are conducting illegal clinical trials. A bench of justices R M Lodha and A R Dave said in its interim order that all clinical trials will be done under the supervision of the Health Secretary at the Centre. "You have to protect health of citizens of the country. It is your obligation. Deaths must be arrested and illegal trials must be stayed," the bench said, asking the government to handle the "menace" on an urgent basis. It pulled up the government after it was contended that various committees have been set up to look into the issue and that it will come back to the court after get-
ting suggestions from them. "You can get back to the court but what about those people who are losing their lives in such clinical trials. People who lost their lives can't get their lives back," the bench observed. "It is very easy to form a committee or a commission. It is done just to divert people's attention on the issue. It is the best way to divert attention on important issues," the bench said. The court said that the government is "shying away" from responding to its queries while noting that the affidavit filed by the Centre was not in consonance with its earlier order. On October 8, last year, the apex court had sought the reply of the Centre and various state governments on the allegation that human beings were being used as guinea pigs for clinical trials by drug companies. It had directed the Union government to come out with details of the deaths, if any, and the side effects and compensation, if any,
paid to the victims or their family members. The court's direction came during the hearing of a public interest litigation (PIL), filed by NGO Swasthya Adhikar Manch, alleging large-scale clinical drug trials across the country by various pharmaceutical firms using Indian citizens as guinea pigs in those tests.
tended that the states cannot be faulted for the tests as the permissions for trials were granted by the Central government without consulting them. The argument, however, did not impress the bench which had pointed out that the said clinical trials were conducted in state government hospitals whose employ-
On October 8, last year, the apex court had sought the reply of the Centre and various state governments on the allegation that human beings were being used as guinea pigs for clinical trials by drug companies The bench had, however, refrained from passing any blanket ban on the trials and, instead, sought a comprehensive reply from the Centre on various issues. The NGO had alleged that the clinical trials by several pharmaceutical companies were going on indiscriminately in various states. However, the Madhya Pradesh government had con-
ees and doctors were under the control of the respective state governments. It had then proceeded to issue notices to all the states, through their chief secretaries, for their responses and posted the matter for further hearing after eight weeks. Prior to introduction of a new drug for use by humans, a company
is required to conduct clinical trials to study its effects on people. Detailing several cases of alleged illegal drug trials in Indore, the NGO has said in its petition, "Over 3,300 patients were used for the tests. Approximately 15 government doctors were involved. About 40 private doctors in 10 private hospitals were involved. "Clinical trials were conducted on 233 mentally-ill patients, 1,833 children in the age group of one day to 15 years....Approximately Rs. 5.5 crore were paid to the government doctors alone. In 2008, there were 288 deaths, in 2009, there were 637 deaths, and in 2010, there were 597 deaths," it has alleged. It has claimed there was lack of transparency in clinical trials as the subjects were not aware of their rights. According to it, majority of people on whom the tests were performed were poor and illiterate, came from marginalized communities and suffered serious adverse effects. -PTI
Court ruling clears Ohio to pen Salix gets USFDA nod for Crofelemer tablet Medicaid contracts COLUMBUS, Ohio: Ohio is prepared to move forward with certain Medicaid contracts after a court ruled in the state's favor in a dispute over how the contracts were awarded. Amerigroup, a company that claimed it was improperly denied a contract under what it said was a flawed process, had sued the state's Department of Job and Family Services alleging abuse of
narily awarded the state contracts in June. The insurer currently has a contract in Ohio's Medicaid managed-care program and has been providing services to the state's beneficiaries since 2005. It's expected to lose business with the state's switch to new plans. In a 2-1 ruling, the Franklin County Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court's decision, saying Amerigroup failed to prove the
The contract awards to the five plans remain preliminary. The managed care organizations must first pass an assessment, in which they must prove to the state that they will be ready and able to provide services discretion in how the state scored applications. The companies awarded contracts will provide health care services to more than 1.6 million poor and disabled people, more than two-thirds of Ohio's Medicaid population. The remaining Medicaid beneficiaries receive care under a fee-for-service model, in which doctors are reimbursed for each service through provider agreements with Ohio Medicaid. Virginia Beach, Va.-based Amerigroup was not among the top five scorers that were prelimi-
state abused its discretion in awarding the contracts. ``Differences of interpretation, or even simple mistakes by ODJFS are not an abuse of discretion,'' the appellate court said. The dissenting judge was Judith French, who was recently appointed to the Ohio Supreme Court. An Amerigroup spokeswoman said the insurer was disappointed with the decision and exploring its legal options. The company could still appeal the ruling to the state's highest court.
``Amerigroup will continue to coordinate the care needs for and provide quality services and support to our 61,000 members in Ohio,'' said Maureen McDonnell, the company's vice president of public affairs and communications. Amerigroup's challenge had blocked state officials from signing agreements with the five health plans that were the highest scorers. Those insurers are: CareSource; Paramount Advantage; United Healthcare Community Plan of Ohio; Molina Healthcare of Ohio Inc.; and Buckeye Community Health Plan. The contract awards to the five plans remain preliminary. The managed care organizations must first pass an assessment, in which they must prove to the state that they will be ready and able to provide services when enrollment begins in July. The plans' reviews will start later this month, Ohio Medicaid Director John McCarthy said. He said he expects the contracts to be signed at the end of March. Beneficiaries would start receiving notifications about the new plans in April. McCarthy has said the ruling made clear that Ohio's selection process was ``fair, transparent, and objective throughout.'' -AP
NEW DELHI: Drug firm Glenmark Pharmaceuticals said US health regulator has granted marketing approval to its US partner Salix Pharmaceuticals for Crofelemer tablets used for treating diarrhea in HIV patients. US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has provided marketing approval to its partner in US, Salix Pharmaceuticals, for Crofelemer 125 mg delayed-release tablets. This is used for the symptomatic relief of non-infectious diarrhea in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) on anti-retroviral therapy, the company said. Commenting on the development, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Chairman & MD Glenn Saldanha said: "The USFDA approval of Crofelemer for HIV associated diarrhea will pave the wave to launch Crofelemer across our territories. This is a significant approval milestone and will enable the first NCE launch by Glenmark across emerging markets." Most importantly, this is a significant step forward in addressing the unmet medical need of people with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy (ART) who experience non-infectious diarrhea, which often can lead to reduced
treatment compliance, he added. "Crofelemer, a locally-acting, minimally-absorbed drug is believed to act by blocking chloride secretion and thus reducing the accompanying high volume water loss seen in HIV associated diarrhea...," Saldanha said. Glenmark is the sole API supplier globally for Crofelemer (exChina), the company said.
This is a significant step forward in addressing the unmet medical need of people with HIV/ AIDS on anti-retroviral therapy (ART) In addition, the Phase III study showed that Crofelemer did not influence the efficacy or safety of the patients HIV medications, it added. The FDA approval of Crofelemer is based on "randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled (one month) and placebofree (five month) multi-centre study of 374 HIV-positive patients on ART, with a history of diarrhea for one month or more," company said. -PTI
January 18, 2013
Health Science Post
India Post
FDA approves new TB drug, Blinking gives your brain first in 40 years a mini-nap
WASHINGTON: US health authorities have approved a new medicine to fight multidrug resistant TB, the first to be approved in the country in more than four decades. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the new drug Sirturo (bedaquiline) as part of combination therapy to treat adults with multi-drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) when other alternatives are not available. TB is an infection caused by Mycobacte-
"Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis poses a serious health threat throughout the world, and Sirturo provides much-needed treatment for patients who don't have other therapeutic options available" rium tuberculosis and is one of the world's deadliest diseases. It is spread from person to person through the air and usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body such as the brain and kidneys. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 9 million people around the world and 10,528 people in the United States became sick with TB in 2011. Multi-drug resistant TB occurs when M tuberculosis becomes resistant to isonazid and rifampin, two powerful drugs most commonly used to treat TB. Sirturo is the first drug approved to treat multi-drug resistant TB and should be used in combination with other drugs used to treat TB. The new drug works by inhibiting an
enzyme needed by M tuberculosis to replicate and spread throughout the body. Two Phase 2 clinical trials in 440 patients determined the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Patients in the first trial were randomly assigned to be treated with Sirturo plus other drugs used to treat TB, or a placebo plus other drugs used to treat TB. All patients in the second trial, which is ongoing, received Sirturo plus other TB drugs. Both studies were designed to measure the length of time it took for a patient's sputum to be free of M tuberculosis (sputum culture conversion, or SCC). Results from the first trial showed patients treated with Sirturo combination therapy achieved SCC in a median time of 83 days, compared with 125 days in patients treated with placebo combination therapy. Results from the second trial showed the median time to SCC was 57 days, supporting the efficacy findings of the first trial. Common side effects identified in the clinical trials include nausea, joint pain, and headache. "Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis poses a serious health threat throughout the world, and Sirturo provides muchneeded treatment for patients who don't have other therapeutic options available," Edward Cox, director of the Office of Antimicrobial Products in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The drug carries a warning alerting patients and health care professionals that the drug can affect the heart's electrical activity (QT prolongation), which could lead to an abnormal and potentially fatal heart rhythm. The drug manufacturer, Janssen Therapeutics, will distribute the drug from a single source. -PTI
Being neurotic may have health benefits NEW YORK: In a surprising discovery, researchers have determined that being neurotic may have certain health advantages. Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center tapped into the National Survey of Midlife Development in the US (MIDUS) database, a survey of over 1,000 Americans from across the country. The database contains information on disease-related bio-markers (like cholesterol levels and body-mass index [BMI] scores) as well as personality traits, including neuroticism. Neuroticism is typically associated with a number of unhealthy traits. "Most studies find that a higher level of neuroticism is associated with increased substance abuse, higher inflammation and increased risk of mortality," Livescience quoted Dr Nicholas Turiano of the University of Rochester Medical Center, as telling
However, the neurotics in the MIDUS database who also had conscientious personality traits - organized, hard-working, responsible and self-controlled - showed some interesting health advantages. Their levels of Interleukin 6 (IL-6), a biomarker for chronic disease and inflammation, were significantly lower than the IL-6 levels found in other personality types. The conscientious neurotics also had lower average BMI scores and were diagnosed with fewer overall chronic health conditions than other personality types. "[W]hat we found was that when people are high both in neuroticism and conscientiousness, the conscientiousness buffers the negative effects of neuroticism," Turiano said. According to, more research is needed into the link between personality traits and health before it can be said that "healthy neuroticism" confers any real physical benefits. -PTI
hen subjects blinked, the re searchers noticed a power-down within the brain's visual cortex and somateosensory cortex, as well as in areas that manage attention. Blinking could serve as a way to give your brain a micro-rest, researchers in Japan suggest.
While blinking every few seconds serves to keep your eyes lubricated, scientists have spotted another benefit: blinking gives your brain a mini-power nap. Scientists from Japan's Osaka Univer-
sity examined 20 healthy young adults in a brain scanner as they watched segments of the British comedy "Mr. Bean." When subjects blinked, the researchers noticed a power-down within the brain's visual cortex and somateosensory cortex, as well as in areas that manage attention. In a separate experiment, the team inserted about nine 165-millisecond segments of blank screen time per minute into the "Mr. Bean" video. Interestingly, although the video gave them a mini-break similar to blinking, subjects' brains didn't respond to it in the same way as a blink -- they remained attentive without powering down parts of the brain. The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Science. A 2008 study finds that blinking is also a giveaway for lying: fib-tellers blink less frequently during the lie and then speed up to around eight times faster than usual afterwards. The findings were published in the Journal of Non-verbal Behavior.
India Post
Health Science Post
January 18, 2013
Walking linked to fewer strokes in women NEW YORK: Women who walk at least three hours every week are less likely to suffer a stroke than women who walk less or not at all, according to new research from Spain. "The message for the general population remains similar: regularly engaging in moderate recreational activity is good for your health," lead author JosĂŠ MarĂa Huerta of the Murcia Regional Health Authority in Spain told Reuters Health. Past studies have also linked physical activity to fewer strokes, which can be caused by built-up plaque in arteries or ruptured blood vessels in the brain. While the current study cannot prove that regular walking caused fewer strokes to occur in the women who participated, it contributes to a small body of evidence for potential relationships between specific kinds of exercise and risk for specific diseases. Women who walked briskly for 210 minutes or more per week had a lower stroke risk than inactive women but also lower than those who cycled and did other higher-intensity workouts for a shorter amount of time. In all, nearly 33,000 men and women answered a physical activity questionnaire given once in the mid-1990s as part of a larger European cancer project. For their study, Huerta and his team divided participants by gender, exercise type and total
time spent exercising each week. The authors, who published their findings in the journal Stroke, checked in with participants periodically to record any strokes. During the 12-year follow-up period, a total of 442 strokes occurred among
ever. "We have no clear explanation for this," Huerta wrote in an email. He hypothesized that the men may have entered the study in better physical condition than the women, but there was no evidence to support that guess. Huerta also declined to compare the study participants' risk levels to those of
Each year in the U.S., about 795,000 people suffer a stroke, according to the American Heart Association. Put another way, one American has a stroke every 40 seconds and dies from one every four minutes the men and women. The results for women who were regular walkers translated to a 43 percent reduction in stroke risk compared to the inactive group, Huerta said. There was no reduction seen for men based on exercise type or frequency, how-
the general population, citing the subjects' unusual characteristics: a majority of men and women in the study were blood donors, who tend to be in good health in order to give blood. "I wouldn't make much of the results because they are for a very specific population," Dr. Wilson Cueva of the University
of Chicago in Illinois said. Cueva, who was not involved with the research, pointed out that the study relied too heavily on subjective measurements, like the participants' memory of exercise routines. "There is no objective way to measure how much exercise they actually did," he said. Each year in the U.S., about 795,000 people suffer a stroke, according to the American Heart Association. Put another way, one American has a stroke every 40 seconds and dies from one every four minutes. Despite a recent dip in strokes attributed to better blood pressure control and antismoking campaigns, the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that stroke cases will increase as the global population continues to grow older. Guidelines set by the WHO and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend at least 150 minutes - or two-and-a-half hours - of moderate exercise such as brisk walking each week. Cueva urged health consumers to heed those guidelines for now. The way the Spanish study was designed, it's difficult to draw any conclusions he told Reuters Health. But, "We know that exercise is related to reduced risk of stroke and other diseases." -AP
Flu? Malaria? Disease forecasters look to the sky NEW YORK: Only a 10 percent chance of showers today, but a 70 percent chance of flu next month. That's the kind of forecasting health scientists are trying to move toward, as they increasingly include weather data in their attempts to predict disease outbreaks. In one recent study, two scientists reported they could predict - more than seven weeks in advance - when flu season was going to peak in New York City. Theirs was just the latest in a growing wave of computer models that factor in rainfall, temperature or other weather conditions to forecast disease. Health officials are excited by this kind of work and the idea that it could be used to fine-tune vaccination campaigns or other disease prevention efforts. At the same time, experts note that outbreaks are influenced as much, or more, by human behavior and other factors as by the weather. Some argue weather-based outbreak predictions still have a long way to go. And when government health officials warned in early December that flu season seemed to be off to an early start, they said there was no evidence it was driven by the weather.
This disease-forecasting concept is not new: Scientists have been working on mathematical models to predict outbreaks for decades and have long factored in the weather. They have known, for example, that temperature and rainfall affect the breeding of mosquitoes that carry malaria, West Nile vi-
outbreak prediction projects. Some models have been labeled successes. In the United States, researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the University of New Mexico tried to predict outbreaks of hantavirus in the late 1990s.
"We are getting very close to developing a viable forecasting system'' against cholera that can help health officials in African countries ramp up emergency vaccinations and other efforts, said a statement by one of the authors, Rita Reyburn of the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, South Korea rus and other dangerous diseases. Recent improvements in weather-tracking have helped, including satellite technology and more sophisticated computer data processing. As a result, ``in the last five years or so, there's been quite an improvement and acceleration'' in weather-focused disease modeling, said Ira Longini, a University of Florida biostatistician who's worked on
They used rain and snow data and other information to study patterns of plant growth that attract rodents. People catch the disease from the droppings of infected rodents. ``We predicted what would happen later that year,'' said Gregory Glass, a Johns Hopkins researcher who worked on the project. More recently, in east Africa, satellites
have been used to predict rainfall by measuring sea-surface temperatures and cloud density. That's been used to generate ``risk maps'' for Rift Valley fever _ a virus that spreads from animals to people and in severe cases can cause blindness or death. Researchers have said the system in some cases has given two to six weeks advance warning. Last year, other researchers using satellite data in east Africa said they found that a small change in average temperature was a warning sign cholera cases would double within four months. ``We are getting very close to developing a viable forecasting system'' against cholera that can help health officials in African countries ramp up emergency vaccinations and other efforts, said a statement by one of the authors, Rita Reyburn of the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, South Korea. Some diseases are hard to forecast, such as West Nile virus. Last year, the U.S. suffered one of its worst years since the virus arrived in 1999. There were more than 2,600 serious illnesses and nearly 240 deaths. -AP
India Post 37
January 18, 2013
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Realty Tidbits
CCI expects model agreement in DLF case NEW DELHI: Fair trade regulator CCI is working on a model framework for commercial agreements between real estate developer and the property buyer, which it expects to serve as a benchmark for the industry. The framework is being prepared by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) in connection with a high-profile market dominance case against realty giant DLF Group, which has challenged a Rs 630 crore penalty imposed on it by CCI. Upon hearing DLF's appeal against the CCI order, the Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) asked the fair trade regulator to present a modified buyer-seller agreement between DLF and the flat buyers of its two housing projects in Gurgaon in the national capital region. "Whether a real estate company is dominant or not, DLF was found to be dominant because it was big, most of them follow the same format pattern that flows from big players in the market," CCI Chairman Ashok Chawla told PTI in an interview here. -PTI
Biometric ID must for registering property NEW DELHI: If you are looking to register property or your marriage in the capital, biometric identity proof will be mandatory from now. This means, along with the other necessary documentation, an Aadhaar Unique Identification (UID) number or an enrolment slip showing it is on its way will be essential. The revenue department took the lead, making biometric ID proof mandatory for all 20 of its services - ranging from registration of property to domicile and SC/ ST certificates - from January 1. Applicants clueless about Aadhaar notice Cont’d on page 39
Real Estate 38
India Post
January 18, 2013
Buying a house in Maharashtra may get costlier MUMBAI: The Maharashtra government is set to increase ready reckoner (RR) rates for properties between 5% and 30%, depending on the size and location in Mumbai and the rest of Maharashtra. The rise comes at a time when the residential market, especially in Mumbai, has been sluggish for almost all of 2012 due to unaffordable property prices. However, no major price correction happened as developers cited slower civic approvals which affected supply. Rise in input costs also hurt business.
10 real estate tips for 2013 STEVE MCLINDEN
eal estate has distinct momentum heading into 2013, with demand finally starting to catch up with supply and significantly fewer distressed properties weighing down the system. As 2012 wound down, the national vacancy rate for owned homes had dropped to 1.9 percent from a downturn high of 2.9 percent. That's still above the 1.5 percent norm but nevertheless encouraging. The ever-optimistic National Association of Realtors predicts a 5 percent rise in median existing home prices through 2013, though most forecasters see a more modest 3 percent upswing in real estate prices. Either way, the real estate market is thawing, unless you're living in such hard-hit areas as California's Inland Empire or
dodgier parts of the Rust Belt. With the new year upon us, here are 10 real estate tips to see you through a more promising 2013. Tip 1: Get off the sidelines For good-credit buyers waiting
Distressed bets paying off
he business of investing in portfolios of dis-tressed single-family homes has come to the point in its current cycle that investors who got into the game early are beginning to cash out. Consider MACK Cos., a Chicago rental and property-management firm that has been buying, upgrading and renting single-family homes since 1997. Now MACK has sold a portfolio of 196 homes in the suburbs south of Chicago to American Residential Properties, a Scottsdale, Ariz., firm that began accumulating homes three years ago and now owns about 2,000 in seven states. The deal was priced at $28 million, according to Steve Schmitz,
changed a bit, however, and lenders want buyers to put a little more skin in the game. So expect to make higher down payments than in those pre-bust years. Another caution: Sellers will likely find that
Save your time, and weed out the tire-kickers. Make sure potential buyers are preapproved, which means they've already had their credit and employment checked thoroughly to determine how much they can borrow for the bottom of the market, it has passed, but the good news is that home prices and interest rates are still quite low. For sellers waiting for market improvements, they're here. Stretch, take a deep breath and jump back in the game if your budget allows. The rules have
buyers have a harder time qualifying for mortgages. Tip 2: Screen your buyers Save your time, and weed out the tire-kickers. Make sure potential buyers are preapproved, which means they've already had their credit and employment checked
Single-family rental homes are finishing out 2012 as one of the hottest real-estate assets as more investors look for ways to bet on a housing recovery Hasan Merchant
chief executive of American Residential. "It makes us bigger. Bigger is better in this business," he said of the purchase, which closed Dec. 17. Single-family rental homes are finishing out 2012 as one of the hottest real-estate assets as more investors look for ways to bet on a housing recovery. Home prices have climbed this year amid rising demand and big declines in the number of homes for sale. Investors have contributed to this trend by scooping up homes and holding them off the market. National home prices were up by 6% from one year ago in October, according to CoreLogic, CLGX
-1.67% a real-estate research firm. In Phoenix, where investor demand has been red hot, prices are up by 17% over the past year. Until now, bulk sales have been limited to small sales of one or two dozen properties, and sales of homes with tenants in them have been even rarer. Fannie Mae FNMA -1.54% in February marketed eight pools of 2,400 homes for sale, with most of them rented out. But the mortgage-finance company opted against selling any in bulk. Instead, it entered into three joint-venture arrangements this past fall that effectively sold minority stakes in seven of the pools. Mom-and-pop investors have
thoroughly to determine how much they can borrow. Have your agent call their loan officers. Serious borrowers will find this acceptable because it shows they are ready to act. Tip 3: Create a good impression Most folks start their home searches online these days, so the number of murky, drab photos posted on website listings is baffling. Consider hiring professional photographers or videographers to create an optimal presentation, particularly for high-dollar spreads. Winter exteriors might show sun shining off the snow, spring shots could sport blossoms, summer shots ought to spotlight that shimmering pool or well-coifed lawn, and fall photos might show vibrant leaves. Cont’d on page 39
long dominated the single-family rental space. But over the past 18 months, larger investors have begun acquiring thousands of homes and developing the infrastructure needed to manage scattered rental properties, according to Hasan Merchant. The MACK-American Residential deal shows how the singlefamily asset class is maturing as larger firms, looking to build scale, are snapping up portfolios pieced together by smaller investors over the past few years. American Residential started buying homes in Phoenix and expanded to Las Vegas, Southern California, Georgia and Florida. Others like Colony Capital LLC and Blackstone Group LP BX -0.52% also are trying to put together a rental business in multiple markets. American Residential raised $224 million in a private stock offering in May and has formed a private realestate investment trust. It plans to file for an initial public offering during the first quarter. For its part, MACK's sale doesn't take it out of the market. The firm, which will continue to manage the 196 properties it sold to American Residential, manages around 600 homes in suburbs south of Chicago and still owns an additional 150 dwellings. Cont’d on page 39
Real Estate
January 18, 2013
India Post
39 Cont’d from page 38
Think vividly, but not deceptively. Shots should accurately reflect the depth of rooms. Interiors should show bright, uncluttered spaces and highlight the best outdoor views. Remove a few furnishings for your photo session and brighten up (or even repaint) dark rooms. A thorough remodeling can help seal a deal, but it rarely pays for itself. In fact, the average remodeling payback in the past 10 years has dropped from 82 percent in 2003 to about 57 percent, according to Remodeling magazine. Bringing up the rear are added back-up power generators (47.5 percent return) and sunroom additions (45.9 percent). Topping the list are steel entrydoor replacements (73 percent return) followed by garage door replacements (71.9 percent). Unless the place is a wreck, focus on the small stuff: Sellers routinely underestimate the positive impact of simple home improvements such as repainting and minor fix-ups, say 3 out of 4 Realtors. Tip 5: Build your team wisely Vet the help. This goes for such crucial players as your agent (interview at least three), your inspector, appraiser, title company and if applicable, your attorney, surveyor or even energy auditor (a good idea if you're buying a large home). Look them up at the Better Business Bureau, Angie's List and any of a number of websites where service reviews can be found.
10 real estate tips for 2013 Tip 6: Don't let the heart lead the head No clinging to false hopes, please. Win the game of "the price is right" by pricing your house correctly from day one. Find a proven, seasoned agent and follow his or her lead on listing-price suggestions. Pricing should be based on comparable sales, specific neighborhood time-on-themarket trends, an up-to-date appraisal and the home's inherent pros and cons. No amount of marketing hocus-pocus or staging can overcome a bloated price tag. Cut your price if no serious offers emerge in the first 30 to 45 days. It's not 2006 again. Tip 7: Open your marketing options Give your agent (or yourself) the green light to creatively market your home in varied venues, be they virtual or terra firma. Sellers are tapping into Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and any number of sites to tickle buying bones. Agents and owners are customizing websites and blogs as well. But be tactful and imaginative. For example, a blog called "What you'd like about living in my town," might cover culture, education and other quality-oflife niceties -- followed by a playful pitch for your home, of course. Social media, unlike listings on the Multiple Listing Ser-
vice or newspaper ads, allow for quick feedback and Q-and-A. You might also suggest your agent market your home to foreigners via overseas property sites or local partners abroad and to corporate relocatees. Tip 8: Run the numbers Are you really poised to buy?
Win the game of "the price is right" by pricing your house correctly from day one. Find a proven, seasoned agent and follow his or her lead The housing market is improving, but that doesn't mean exuberant buyers should write a check and empty their savings accounts. Back up a bit and first get a free copy of your credit report, then fix any blips to save on higher mortgage interest rates. Break down your essential monthly bills and reconcile them against your family income, then use an online mortgage calculator to see how much wiggle room you'll have once you buy. Remember to factor in closing costs, inspection fees, loan fees, legal fees and emergencies.
Distressed bets paying off Cont’d from page 38
"You've now got institutional funds saying, 'We're not going to do this on our own. We're going to trust the experience and knowledge of smaller companies that know their streets,' " said Eric Workman, vice president of sales and marketing for MACK. Mr. Workman said the company had entertained several offers from different Wall Street-backed investors over the past six months. It chose American Residential as a partner because both companies as "very tenant-focused," he said. "They're looking at this as a long-
term ownership play." Surging demand for entry-level homes that can be rented out is creating windfalls for investors that bought homes at deep discounts a few years ago. Landsmith LP, a San Franciscobased rental firm, said in June that it had sold 75 homes out of 250 it had acquired in Phoenix for $7.5 million to an undisclosed buyer. It paid around $5.3 million to acquire the 75 properties individually. People familiar with the transaction said the buyer was Colony American Homes, a real-estate investment trust held by Colony Capital. Rep-
resentatives for Landsmith and Colony declined to comment. Now, investors are looking for homes in markets including Atlanta and Chicago that could offer similar bargains. MACK, which is among those on the prowl, has a separate agreement with American Residential to deliver an additional 500 to 1,000 homes over the next two years. Hasan Merchant, CEO of American Real Estate, deals with bulk distressed residential and commercial assets. He can be reached at 847-839-8860 or at hasanmerchant@amer
Tip 9: Work your ground game You're not just buying brick and mortar, you're buying a neighborhood. Consider this short checklist before making your buying decision. • Do a criminal search, including the ZIP code's crime statistics and the National Sex Offender Public Website at • Chat up residents about pros and cons of the neighborhoods. • Visit at different hours; be wary of poorly kept homes and yards, unsavory visitors, traffic and pet noise, industrial or landfill odors, blaring train horns, toobright lighting, and vacant-but-
developable commercial lots. • Practice your work commute and find mass transit options. • Research school performance and student-teacher ratios. Tip 10: Leave nothing to chance Switch on that stove, run the faucets (including the baths), check the water pressure, activate the sprinklers, turn on all the lights, flush the toilets, turn on the air conditioning and heat, test the remotes and venture into the closets and look for signs of brown splotches or fresh paint for evidence of roof leaks. Granted, you might not feel comfortable doing all these at the open house, but you certainly can at the final walkthrough. Sometimes agents and inspectors miss things. - Courtesy
Biometric ID must for registering property Cont’d from page 38
The biometric move was only in the experimental mode so far and most applicants who landed up at the offices of the deputy commissioners, especially for propertyrelated work, were in for a shock. Several were clueless about the UID enrollment and some who had enrolled earlier were yet to receive their number. Delhi's divisional commissioner and revenue secretary Dharampal has issued an order making it mandatory for all deputy commissioners to seek a UID number or enrollment slip from applicants who crowd these offices in large numbers each day. But notices have only just come up and not everyone in Delhi has enrolled for a UID number. Trying to quell the confusion, Dharampal said to begin with, of the 1.67 crore population, around 1.37 crore are enrolled for a UID and others would be brought into the fold too. "All those who come to the counters for availing any of the 20 services offered by the revenue department from now on will have to bring along their UID numbers or UID enrollment slips. And if the applicants are not en-
rolled then they will have to get themselves enrolled for the same. Otherwise they will not get the facility," he said. Offices of all deputy commissioners have set up centers for Aadhaar enrolment, he pointed out. The east district office, for instance, has set up three more enrollment centers seeing the rush. Asked how the move would work, since it isn't mandatory under the law to enroll for Aadhaar, Dharampal said, "It is true that people need not enroll, but in that case, they will not be able to get the benefit of the services. The idea is to link the services to biometric identity proof. If someone does not want to enroll under Aadhaar then we will consider enrolment under National Population Register which is mandatory for all," he added. In the coming months, though, authorities could get stricter. If a UID number is not furnished six months after enrollment, then the benefit of a service may be terminated. "All those cases where the UID enrolment is rejected by UIDAI will not be able to avail the service being sought," the revenue secretary added.
India Post
he history of Jodhpur revolves around the Rathore clan. Rao Jodha, the chief of the Rathore clan, is credited with its origin. He founded Jodhpur in 1459. The city is named after him only. It was previously known as Marwar. The Rathores were driven out of their original homeland, Kaunaj, by Afghans. They fled to Pali, near to the present day Jodhpur.
Rathore Siahaji married the sister of a local prince. This helped the Rathores to establish and strengthen themselves in this region. In some time they ousted the Pratiharas of Mandore, just 9 km of today's Jodhpur. Initially, Mandore served as their capital,
January 18, 2013
but, by 1459, Rathores felt the need for a secure capital. This lead to the formation of Jodhpur, the Sun City, by Rao Jodha. The Rathores enjoyed good relations with all the Mughals, except Aurangzeb. Maharaja Jaswant Singh even supported Shahjahan in his struggle for succession. After Aurangzeb's death, Maharaja Ajit Singh drove out Mughals from
Ajmer and added it to Marwar (now Jodhpur). Under the reign of Maharaja Umed Singh, Jodhpur grew into a fine modern city. During the British Raj, the state of Jodhpur was the largest in Rajputana, by land area. Jodhpur prospered under the British Raj. Its
The graceful palaces, forts and temples strewn throughout the city bring alive the historic grandeur of this city. Lending a romantic aura to Jodhpur, are its exquisite handicrafts, folk dances, folk music and the brightly attired people
merchants, the Marwaris, flourished endlessly. They came to occupy a dominant position in trade throughout India. In 1947 India became independent and the state merged into the union of India. Jodhpur became the second city of Rajasthan. Jodhpur Culture Jodhpur is set at the edge of the Thar Desert. This imperial city echoes with tales of antiquity in the emptiness of the desert. A high wall - 10 km long with eight gates and innumerable bastions encompasses the city. It was once a major trade center. Jodhpur is now the second largest city of Rajasthan.
Regarding the Jodhpur culture, the Jodhpuri people are amongst the most hospitable in India. They have a typical Marwari accent. The lifestyle in Jodhpur, India is quite fascinating. The folks there wear lovely multihued costumes. The women folk wear wide gathered skirts and a hip length jacket, with three quarter length sleeves, cov-
ering the front and back. Women also love to wear jewelry on many parts of their body. They wear specific type of jewelry like the ones worn on the feet, head, forehead, ear, nose, neck, arms, wrist, fingers, waist, etc. Another unique feature of the culture of Jodhpur is the colorful turbans worn by men. The popular tight, horse riding trousers, 'Jodhpurs', took their name from this city only. The main languages spoken here are Hindi, Marwari and Rajasthani. The graceful palaces, forts and temples strewn throughout the city bring alive the historic grandeur of this city. Lending a romantic aura to Jodhpur, are its exquisite handicrafts, folk dances, folk music and the brightly attired people. Cont’d on page 43
January 18, 2013
Travel & Hospitality Post
India Post
Braving biting cold, tourists throng Gulmarg GULMARG: Sub-zero temperatures failed to dampen their spirits as tourists from various corners of the country thronged up in large numbers to the famous ski resort of Gulmarg in Kashmir Valley for
tion in hotels. The tourism department had made elaborate arrangements to give glittering touch to the celebrations at the 8000-feet high resort, which is flooded with large num-
Local hotels had also arranged musical and cultural programs as part of the New Year celebrations to attract tourists. For newly-wed Vandana Mehta, the trip to this famous re-
ing cold to bid adieu to 2012. "It was a dream I had nurtured since I was a child. After my marriage I asked my husband to gift me a trip to Kashmir which he promptly agreed to and we are very happy to be in the Paradise on earth at a time when it is covered by white carpet of snow," Vandana said. "It is a wonderful feeling to be here and believe me, we are on cloud nine. Celebrating New Year here in Gulmarg has made it extra
ous activities like cross-country skiing, free style skiing, snow cycling, ice skating, snow-sculptor activity, sledge-race and snow rugby. "Snow-trekking, snow-boarding and snow-marathon were the other highlights of the event which culminated with a great cracker show," tourism department Director Talat Parvez told PTI. He expressed hope that the large number of tourist arrivals, especially for adventure and win-
"Snow-trekking, snow-boarding and snow-marathon were the other highlights of the event which culminated with a great cracker show," tourism department Director Talat Parvez told PTI
saying a goodbye to 2012. The high-spirited visitors, who turned up in large numbers, left nothing to make the best of their trips, even though many of them had to change their plans due to non-availability of accommoda-
ber of tourists. While the 'Snow Festival' and a fire-cracker show remained the main attractions, local music band 'Expressions' also enthralled the visitors who danced to the tunes of some hit Bollywood numbers.
sort in north Kashmir was getting her childhood dream fulfilled. The 29-year-old software engineer from Delhi, who is on her maiden visit to the Valley on a honeymoon trip, was among large number of tourists who braved bit-
special memorable trip," said Vandana's husband Pankaj. "It is good to welcome the New Year with snow everywhere around you... It feels like heaven. I had made advance booking a month ago because I did not want to miss this opportunity," said Amit Patel, who has come from Gujarat. . As part of the Snow Festival, the tourism department organized vari-
ter sports, will continue in the coming months. Parvez said the recently introduced chair lift, a part of Cable Car Project, is expected to provide impetus to the skiing activities in the resort. "We hope to conduct various national level competitions in adventure skiing which will give fillip to winter tourism in the state," he said.
India Post
Travel & Hospitality Post
January 18, 2013
Chiranjeevi for strengthening ties with Vietnam NEW DELHI: Tourism Minister K Chiranjeevi has pitched for strengthening of ties with Vietnam and suggested the South East Asian country work out a good package for Indian film delegations to shoot films about the country. Addressing a seminar on trade and investment organized by the Embassy of In-
During the discussion, the Minister said the potential for cooperation between the two countries in tourism is very big dia in Hanoi in coordination with Ministry of Industry and Trade and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he said "India gives high priority to strengthening its engagement with Vietnam both bilaterally and within the framework of ASEAN." "We have set a target of US$100 billion for ASEAN-India trade by 2015. The ASEAN India Free Trade Area (FTA) in goods and the conclusion of negotiation on the ASEAN-India FTA in services and invest-
ments have laid the foundations for an ASEAN-India Free Trade Area, comprising 1.8 billion people and a combined GDP of US$3.8 billion", an official statement here quoted the minister as saying. Expressing India's willingness to extend cooperation in other fields with Vietnam, he said "we stand ready to add more content to our strategic partnership especially in economic, commercial, defense and security, scientific and technical and cultural fields." The Tourism Minister also had a bilateral meeting with the Chairman of Vietnam National Tourism Administration Nguyen Van Tuan. During the discussion, the Minister said the potential for cooperation between the two countries in tourism is very big and proposed that the two countries give the lead to promote the cooperation's among tour operators of Vietnam and India. Chiranjeevi requested Vietnam to introduce a good package for film delegations from India so that they can come and shoot films about Vietnam. He invited the Vietnamese delegation to participate in the Indian International Tourism Mart which will be held later this month in Guwahati. -PTI
Abu Dhabi opens destination promotion office in India India Post News Service
NEW DELHI: Abu Dhabi - the largest of the seven emirates which make up the United Arab Emirates and home to the country's capital, Abu Dhabi city - now has a destination representation office to serve the high potential Indian market. The Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi) move comes as India is identified as holding out huge potential for the destination being less than three hours flying time from most Indian centers and with 124 flights a week linking nine Indian destinations with Abu Dhabi International Airport. "This is a natural progression from the work we have done over the past two years when we have been getting the pulse of the Indian market via road shows and participation in trade fairs," explained Mubarak Al Nuaimi, International Promotions Manager, TCA Abu Dhabi.
lion hotel guests." Abu Dhabi has appointed a full team, based in New Delhi but to serve the whole country, including dedicated MICE and PR representations. Veteran Indian travel industry professional Bejan Dinshaw will lead the team as it looks to increase visitor numbers to Abu Dhabi, persuade those already traveling to stay longer and to win major corporate meetings business for the destination. "Quite simply there is much more to see and do in Abu Dhabi than ever before and much that will entice the Indian traveler from a luxury perspective, for family-oriented vacations, for those wanting to engage with the local culture or looking to visit any one of the many world-class sporting and cultural events and headline concerts staged in the emirate throughout the year," said Dinshaw. News of the Abu Dhabi' full-time presence in India came as TCA Abu Dhabi, along with its trade partner Lama Tours, led a 12-
(L-R) Bejan Dinshaw, Country Manager - India, Overseas Office, TCA Abu Dhabi, Mubarak Al Nuaimi, International Promotions Manager, TCA Abu Dhabi and Kulwant Singh, Managing Director, Lama Tours
"We have reaped dividends from our 'toe in the water' approach with India now being our second largest overseas market for hotel guests after the UK. You can gauge our aspirations of the market by the fact that we are launching our first international road show for 2013 and we chose to have it in India." From January to the end of November last year some 125,180 Indian guests stayed in Abu Dhabi's hotels and hotel apartments - a 30% increase on the first 11 months of 2011 - and they accounted for 496,581 guest nights, which is a 34% rise on the 2011 comparative period. Indian guests are staying in Abu Dhabi's hotels for an average of 3.97 nights. "Should growth trends for the UK and India continue as they have been for the past 12 months, there is every likelihood that India will be Abu Dhabi's largest overseas source market for hotel guests in 2014," added Al Nuaimi. "There is absolutely no doubt that India will play a key role in assisting us attain our 2013 target of 2.5 mil-
strong industry delegation representing its attractions, hotels and airline sectors on a five-day, whistle-stop road show promotion across five cities in the country. The road show is taking in New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai. The visit to Ahmedabad is the emirate's first promotion in the Gujarat commercial capital and is aimed at leveraging the recent launch, by Etihad Airways, the national airline of the UAE, of a daily service to Abu Dhabi International Airport. Lama Tours, which recently opened a dedicated office in Abu Dhabi city, is introducing specific packages for visitors looking to explore the UAE capital and its wider emirate. "The prospects are excellent with the Abu Dhabi product maturing," said Kulwant Singh, Managing Director, Lama Tours. "The leisure offering in particular will be given a major boost later this month when the much anticipated Yas Waterworld Abu Dhabi - the UAE's largest waterpark - opens on the entertainment hub of Yas Island.
January 18, 2013
Travel & Hospitality Post
India Post
Jodhpur: City of forts, palaces & colorful people The Jodhpur fairs and festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm. Be it young children or the old people, all of them take part in the pomp and show. They serve as a platform to perform local customs that have been there since times immemorial. Jodhpur Temples Religion and worship are
Cont’d from page 40
The desert people are quite friendly. With their sweet smiles and warm hospitality, they win the hearts of tourists. The famous Marwar festival brings out the festive spirit of the people of this city. The bazaars of Jodhpur have a range of items from tie & dye textiles, embroidered leather shoes, lacquerware, antiques, carpets and puppets to the exquisite Rajasthani textiles, clay figurines, miniature camels and elephants, marble inlay work and classic silver jewellery. Tourist Attractions The glorious past of Jodhpur is personified through various forts, palaces and other monuments of Jodhpur. The main places to see in Jodhpur Rajasthan are: Mehrangarh Fort: The most magnificent fort in Jodhpur is the Mehrangarh Fort. It is situated on a 150m high hill. Rao Jodha, the then chief of Rathore clan, constructed it in 1459. There are a number of attractions within the fort like palaces, galleries, a museum, temples and so on. Umaid Bhavan Palace: One of the fascinating palaces of Jodhpur is the Umaid Bhavan palace. Maharaja Umaid Singh
Jodhpur International Desert Kite Festival
constructed it in 20th century. A part of the palace has now been converted into a hotel and a museum. Jaswant Thada: Jaswant Thada lies to the left of the Mehrangarh fort complex. It is a royal cenotaph made up of white marble. It was built to commemorate Maharaja Jaswant Singh. Some rare portraits of the former rulers of Jodhpur are displayed here. Fairs and Festivals
Jodhpur fairs and festivals express the rich culture and traditions of Rajasthan. The most famous fairs and festivals are the Marwar Festival, Jodhpur International Desert Kite Festival and Nagaur Fair. The Marwar festival is the most popular. And Nagaur Fair is almost the second biggest fair in India. The International Desert Kite festival, although quite recent, is very famous in and around India.
Gujarat keen to emerge as medical tourist destination NEW DELHI: The Gujarat government is planning to develop the state as a potential medical tourism hub. Principal Secretary (Tourism) Vipul Mitra said the state has got some of the best medical facilities and a lot of medical infrastructure is coming up. "We wish to develop Gujarat as a medical tourist destination," he told reporters here. Mitra said the state has evolved as a tourist destination centre in the last five to six years and insisted that it has got a lot to offer to the tourism industry as a whole. Emphasizing on the varied geographical and ancient architecture, he said Gujarat is a "complete holiday destination for a family. "Gujarat has something to offer for everyone. From young to old everyone can enjoy his stay in Gujarat," he said. Mitra hailed the state's association with megastar Amitabh Bachchan as a turning point in the Gujarat's tourism industry. "Our association with Bachhan has been really great. He has got a huge following and the state has benefited from it," he said adding
that they were looking to carry forward the relationship with the cine icon. Mitra also said that states hotel industry is growing by leaps and bounds and has the potential to accommodate global tourist. "The number of hotel rooms
Principal Secretary (Tourism) Vipul Mitra
have increased from 4,000 to 64,000. There has also been great rise in the number of tourists visiting the state in last two year. We have received more than one crore tourists from across the globe in last five-six years," Mitra said adding in the last two years alone they have received 54 lakh tourists. The Principal Secretary, how-
ever, said a lot of the credit must go to the political and bureaucratic stability in the state. "I have always mentioned that along with political stability, bureaucratic stability was also important and Gujarat offers both. The state offers a lot of autonomy in its functioning, which helps in long term planning," he said. Mitra also informed about the success of various tourism initiatives in the state, including the ongoing Rann Utsav in Kutch, and said the government was looking forward to increase its spending in the tourism sector. He also informed about the upcoming festivals in the state which which will help in promoting the tourism, prominent being the Kite Festival, starting from January 7, which will see around 100 international kite fliers from across the world. Mitra said the festival will start off in Delhi and Mumbai with the kite fliers promoting the idea of "Chalo Gujarat". President of Indian Association of Tour Operators, Subash Goyal said Gujarat is "one of the most exciting places" to visit even from the security perspective. -PTI
Ramdeo Temple, Udai Mandir and Kunj Bihari Temple How to Reach By Air: The Jodhpur Airport is 5 km from the city center. Regular flight services connect the city with other major cities in and around Rajasthan. There are daily flights to Delhi, Mumbai, Udaipur and Jaipur.
The desert people are quite friendly. With their sweet smiles and warm hospitality, they win the hearts of tourists. The famous Marwar festival brings out the festive spirit of the people of this city. The bazaars of Jodhpur have a range of items deeply rooted in the people of Jodhpur. There are places of worship in Jodhpur for people of every religion - Churches for Christians, mosques for Muslims, gurudwaras for Sikhs and Jain temples for Jains. Among the famous Jodhpur temples are Chamundaji Temple, Raj Ranchhodji Temple, Achal Nath Shivalaya, Siddhanth Shiv Temple Rasik Bihari Temple, Baba
By Train: Jodhpur is well connected by railway lines. Trains to Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata are easily available. The 'Palace on Wheels' also visits this city of royal splendor. By Road: The main highway between Jodhpur and Jaisalmer is via Agoli and Pokaran. The highway is well connected with A g r a , A h m e d a b a d , A j m e r, Delhi, Jaipur, Jaisalmer and Udaipur by bus.
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January 18, 2013
In Brief 3 plead guilty in fatal beating of NJ immigrant SUMMIT, N.J.: Three men have pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter in the videotaped, fatal beating of a Salvadoran immigrant in an upscale New Jersey community. Union County Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow says 21year-old Nigel Dumas of Morristown, 20-year-old Khayri Williams-Clark and 19-year-old Hakean Fitzgerald, both of Summit, have entered their pleas. Prosecutors say robbery was the motive in the July 2010 attack on Abelino Mazariego in Summit. The 47-year-old father of four died days later. Authorities say a fourth teen, who was not charged, videotaped the attack. -AP
Kobach rejects analysis of GOP presidential loss TOPEKA, Kan.: Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach rejects the idea that a tough stance against illegal immigration is at least partly to blame for fellow Republican Mitt Romney's loss in the presidential election. Kobach is known nationally for helping to draft laws in Alabama and Arizona to crack down on illegal immigration. He also served as an informal adviser to Romney's campaign. Romney lost the Hispanic vote by a lopsided margin. Kansas Chamber of Commerce official Eric Stafford sees a link with what he called hard-line views on immigration within the GOP, arguing it hindered Romney in swing states. -AP
Immigration 45
India Post
SEATTLE: The number of illegal immigrants in the Pacific Northwest removed from the country has fallen dramatically over the past couple of years, according to new numbers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They show that 6,733 immigrants were removed in fiscal year 2012 from Washington, Oregon and Alaska, compared with a recent high of more than 10,800 immigrants expelled in 2010. The 2012 numbers also show that for the first time in five years, the number of illegal immigrants with criminal records declined. The data show that 4,557 of such immigrants were removed in 2012, compared with 5,272 the previous year. -AP
January 18, 2013
ATLANTA: A Republican state lawmaker has pre-filed legislation that aims to reduce unnecessary work some state agencies have complained was caused by a tough Georgia law cracking down on illegal immigration. Details on page 46
Immigration rule change may help hundreds in Wash. SEATTLE: Several hundred Washington families are expected to benefit from a U.S. immigration rule change that makes it easier to keep American citizens together with their illegal immigrant spouses and children. The legal director for the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project said that it's too early to say how much time and effort the new rule will save families. ``It's going to be interesting to see how it comes about in practice,'' said Matt Adams. Before the rule change, which goes into effect March 4, many illegal immigrants had to leave the country before they could ask the federal government to waive a three- to 10-year ban from returning to their American families. Under the new rule, a U.S. citizen can petition for a waiver while the noncitizens remain in this country waiting for a decision.
They will still have to prove that a separation will cause extreme hardship to their U.S. citizen spouse or parent. Illegal immigrants will still have
dred, based on the fact that several hundred people seek legal help each year in this state concerning the situation affected by the rule change.
In a news conference about the rule change, Alejandro Mayorkas, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigrant Services, said the time abroad for the consular interviews will be reduced from months to weeks to return to their home country to finish the process, but the new rule is expected to save them months of waiting time and shorten the separation from their loved ones. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigrant Services office was unable to estimate how many people from Washington State would be affected by the change. Adams estimated it would be several hun-
U.S. officials estimated the rule change would affect more than 24,000 people across the nation but could not break the number down state-by-state. In a news conference about the rule change, Alejandro Mayorkas, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigrant Services, said the time abroad for the consular interviews will be reduced from months to weeks. Adams said the change isn't
everything immigrant rights advocates want, but it's a move in the right direction. ``I don't think it's a final solution. We need Congress to act,'' he said. The waiver shift is the most recent result of President Barack Obama's changing immigration policy without congressional action. Congressional Republicans have criticized the president's efforts as granting ``backdoor amnesty'' to illegal immigrants. Adams said immigrant activists are not sure why the rule change only affects families of American citizens, when a larger group of legal permanent residents also are affected by similar rules that cause families to be separated. ``It could be that they want to roll it out on a smaller scale,'' he said, adding, ``I'm not optimistic that they will later revisit this, at least not in the near future.'' -AP
Resume review in the PERM Process - II CORA-ANN V. PESTAINA
Continued from last week
Removals of immigrants from Northwest dropping
Ga. lawmaker seeks to reduce license delays
ALCA held that the CO did not question the employer's business necessity for its job requirements, but instead questioned the fact that the employer rejected without interview applicants who appeared facially qualified for the position and did not address how they were unqualified even possessing a combination of education, training and experience. BALCA upheld the CO's denial and cited Blessed Sacrament School, 96-INA-52, slip op. at 3 (Oct. 29, 1997) which held that where the applicant's resume shows a broad range of experience, education and training that raises a reasonable possibility that the applicant is qualified even if the resume does not expressly state that he or she meets all the requirements, an employer bears the burden of further investigating the applicant's credentials.
The takeaway from Goldman Sachs, and the concept that can be difficult to explain to employer clients, is that regardless of how convinced the employer may be that the U.S. worker applicant is unqualified for the position based only on his resume, if there is even a hint that the applicant may ap-
employer's requirements included "Proficiency in Excel or Access,‌understanding of databases (Lotus Notes and SharePoint), must have experience liaising with a technology team to develop/update product enhancement tool, databases and work flow engines‌" The CO denied the case after con-
Regardless of how convinced the employer may be that the U.S. worker applicant is unqualified for the position based only on his resume, it is worth the employer's time to interview the applicant pear qualified to the untrained eye of a CO, it is worth the employer's time to interview the applicant. During an interview, the employer can zero in on the specific requirements of the offered position and better assess the applicant's qualifications. In JP Morgan Chase & Co., 2011PER-01000 (Jul. 16. 2012), the
cluding that U.S. worker applicants had a combination of education, training and experience equivalent to the employer's job requirements and could acquire Access and SharePoint skills while on the job. Rather than focusing, as it did in Goldman Sachs, on whether or not the employer had a duty to interview the U.S. workers to better
assess their qualifications, the key issue for BALCA was whether or not the employer's stated minimum requirements were established as a business necessity. BALCA stated that the employer had submitted a business necessity explanation in its Recruitment Report detailing why it requires an understanding of Lotus Notes and SharePoint and why job training was not feasible; the CO did not contend that these requirements were unduly restrictive; and the resumes of the U.S. worker applicants showed that they did not have the required skills. Based on this, BALCA held that the CO cannot dismiss the employer's stated requirements and substitute his judgment for the employer's. Confused much? The JP Morgan case emphasizes the importance of submitting a compelling business necessity argument in response to PERM audits. Cont’d on page 46
Immigration Post
India Post
January 18, 2013
Ga. lawmaker seeks to reduce license delays ATLANTA: A Republican state lawmaker has pre-filed legislation that aims to reduce unnecessary work some state agencies have complained was caused by a tough Georgia law cracking down on illegal immigration. The 2011 law requires anyone applying for or renewing public benefits - including food stamps and professional licenses, among other things - to provide a ``secure and verifiable'' document proving their U.S. citizenship or legal presence in the country. Several state agencies complained that requiring people to resubmit the documents each time they requested or renewed a benefit with the same agency created
extra work that caused delays in processing benefits. The legislation filed by Rep. Dusty Hightower, R-Carrollton, says U.S. citizen applicants will not
would have to resubmit the proof of their legal status each time because legal presence in the country and work authorization may have expired since the previous
Secretary of State Brian Kemp was among the agency heads who said the requirement has overloaded his staff, causing delays in processing professional licenses. He expressed his approval of the measure in a statement. have to resubmit their documents to renew a public benefit or when they apply for a different public benefit from the same state or local government or agency. Applicants who aren't U.S. citizens
application. The legislation also says applications or renewals can be submitted in person, by mail or electronically within nine months before the application deadline
Ariz. immigration law said to hurt conventions PHOENIX: Arizona's 2010 immigration enforcement law is being called a lingering hindrance to Phoenix's ability to lure gatherings to its convention center. Convention center bookings are down by about 30 percent from 2009, while guest bookings in cities with comparable convention facilities are gradually increasing or stable, The Arizona Republic reported. The immigration law known as SB1070 is one of several possible factors, with others including the recession and tighter strings on corporate and government travel. However, other cities with comparable convention facilities were slowly rebounding or had relatively flat guest counts, the Republic reported. Since the law was enacted, courts have overturned much of it, but the U.S. Supreme Court
last year let a key provision take effect. That provision requires that police officers make a reasonable attempt to determine the immigration status of a person stopped, detained or arrested if there is reasonable suspicion the person is in the country illegally. After the law was enacted, numerous groups and organizations announced boycotts of the state. National conferences and meetings are scheduled years in advance, and Phoenix officials said they are just now feeling the full impact on visitation. ``The misperception that our city does not value diversity continues to be an impediment to attracting national convention groups,'' said Scott Dunn, a spokesman for the Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau. ``In some cases, the damage
from what happened in 2009 or 2010 won't wash ashore until 2013 or 2014.'' Though talk of boycotts has largely dissipated, Dunn said three large groups recently told the visitors bureau they were not considering Phoenix for their meetings because of the immigration issue. City Councilman Jim Waring, a Republican former legislator who supported SB1070, said he thinks any adverse economic impact of the law is overplayed. ``That's a pretty hefty drop-off; to me, that speaks to other challenges,'' Waring said. ``I would be surprised if 1070 played much of a factor.'' Councilman Michael Johnson has met with organizations across the country and said many worry about how their members will be treated in Arizona. -AP
Resume review in the PERM Process - II Cont’d from page 45
That way, if and when the employer rejects U.S. workers, the reason will be clear to the CO. But does the employer have to interview when the applicant's resume does not list all the requirements or not? I think the clear answer is that the employer should always err on the side of interviewing the applicants. If there is even a hint of a question as to whether the applicant may appear qualified, the employer should interview. If the applicant failed to list the one technology required for the
position but listed 5 similar technologies, the employer should interview. If the employer has stated that it will accept any combination of education, training and experience and the applicant has broadly listed his experience as simply "Software Engineer," the employer should interview. While the DOL claims that the employer's consideration of these applicants should resemble its normal consideration process, it just cannot. In normal consideration processes, the employer may utilize its judgment to reject any applicant deemed unqualified. When it comes to the PERM pro-
cess, the employer must go out of its way to demonstrate to the DOL that it has, in good faith, tried it's best to find a U.S. worker to fill the offered position. In addition, the employer should take pains to explain in great detail, if audited, specifically why each applicant was not qualified for the offered position, providing evidence of any interviews and other communication with the applicants. Concluded * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or
as long as the document remains valid. ``Almost half a million Georgia professionals have had to jump through additional hoops to work here in Georgia,'' Hightower said in a statement. ``In these trying economic times, it is important that all of our elected leaders look for ways to cut red tape and get Georgia to work.'' Secretary of State Brian Kemp was among the agency heads who said the requirement has overloaded his staff, causing delays in processing professional licenses. He expressed his approval of the measure in a statement. A Democratic representative pre-filed similar legislation in November, but Democrats hold so
few seats in the Georgia General Assembly that they lack the power to push their initiatives. Republican lawmakers tried to make similar changes to the 2011 law during last year's legislative session, but the effort failed to make it to the floor of the House. Last year's bill also included a section that would have banned illegal immigrants from all state colleges and universities and would have removed foreign passports from the list of acceptable ``secure and verifiable'' documents unless they were accompanied by documents proving legal presence in the U.S. Neither of those provisions is included in Hightower's bill. -AP
Immigrant deaths surge in South Texas County FALFURRIAS, Texas: The number of illegal immigrants who died while trying to make it around an inland checkpoint in South Texas this year has surged, even though apprehensions of illegal immigrants along the southwest border have fallen in recent years. By late December the remains of 127 people nearly double the previous year - had been found on ranchland in Brooks County surrounding the Border Patrol's Falfurrias checkpoint, which is about an hour's drive north of the U.S.-Mexico border. The county's top elected official, Judge Raul Ramirez, told the San Antonio Express-News that the county recently ran out of space for ``John Doe'' graves at its Sacred Heart Cemetery. ``When you have 127 people die in your county in one year, it's too much,'' Ramirez said. ``One body would be too much.'' He said costs of dealing with illegal immigration and the unidentified dead, including mortician fees and autopsies, amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The rise comes in spite of greater capabilities to pinpoint 911 calls in the vast scrubland and the Border Patrol's placement of emergency beacons where immigrants can signal for help. Two Border Patrol checkpoints sit on the two main highways leading north from the Rio Grande Valley. Both are surrounded by vast ranches where immigrants trying to circumvent the Border Patrol hike for days with little water or food. Brooks County rancher Presnall Cage, 67, said the remains of 16 people have been found on his 43,000-acre ranch
this year, more than ever. ``It's just been horrible,'' he said. ``And there would have been a lot more deaths if the county didn't have a locator for 911 calls. Everyone has a cellphone. ``They are coming across as bad as they ever have. People say it's slowed down, but it doesn't seem that way to me.'' Brooks County chief sheriff's deputy Benny Martinez said they've already had between 250 and 300 rescues this year. ``It's way more than in the past,'' he said.
“When you have 127 people die in your county in one year, it's too much,'' Ramirez said. “One body would be too much” One day in December, reporters accompanying Border Patrol agents on calls in Brooks County witnessed the apprehension of a large group of immigrants walking through the brush. Among them were eight women and three children younger than 12, including an 11year-old girl from Honduras who was traveling alone. Humberto Martinez Vasquez Guzman, 18, from Guatemala, traveled with his wife from their town near the Mexico border hoping to reach relatives in Kentucky. He said they each paid $6,500 to smugglers but were abandoned in South Texas. -AP
Immigration Post
January 18, 2013
India Post
Advocates say Lafayette immigrant wrongly jailed LAFAYETTE, La.: A Lafayette man has been released after five days in jail for what an advocacy group says was a phony immigration hold placed by the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office. Local officials lifted the hold after an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent told Lafayette authorities the agency had no reason to hold 37-yearold Mario Martinez, who entered the country legally with sinceexpired permit. Martinez was among at least nine Hispanic inmates in the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center facing immigration holds with no charges other than operating a vehicle without a lawful presence in the United States, according to a Daily Advertiser review. The Isenberg Center for Immigration Empowerment in Dallas is complaining to the FBI and Department of Homeland Security saying local police are acting illegally. The group also plans to ask the Mexican consulate to ``put out a travel advisory for Mexican
nationals to stay out of Lafayette,'' said center founder Ralph Isenberg in a phone interview from Dallas. ``These are strong-arming tactics that cannot be tolerated,'' Isenberg said. ``We get involved in immigration cases where we feel there is a violation of the U.S. Constitution or extreme family separation.'' Martinez and his wife, Hilaria Delgado, are on track to become U.S. citizens and are not facing deportation. Isenberg has been involved in a number of immigration cases, most recently in helping win the release of a man whose young daughter was critically ill. Delgado watched through the rearview mirror of her family car while a deputy with the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office handcuffed her husband and put him in a police car shortly after midnight. Moments earlier, the deputy had stopped Martinez and Delgado as they returned home from a Christmas shopping trip to buy presents for their 9-year-old
twins, Yahir and Alejandra, and their 16-year-old son, Mario Alberto Martinez. The officer spoke through a loudspeaker and told Martinez to exit his car and walk backward to-
Martinez and his wife, Hilaria Delgado, are on track to become U.S. citizens and are not facing deportation. Isenberg has been involved in a number of immigration cases ward the vehicle, Delgado said through a translator. Martinez showed the officer copies of his Mexican driver's license and his visa, but the deputy arrested Martinez and charged him with operating a vehicle without lawful presence in the U.S. Under Louisiana law, that crime can bring a
Feds chime in on Ariz.'s immigrant harboring ban PHOENIX: Federal authorities have asked an appeals court to reject Arizona's bid to overturn a ruling that bars enforcement of a minor section of the state's 2010 immigration law prohibiting the harboring of illegal immigrants. The U.S. Justice Department told the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a Dec. 27 filing that Arizona's harboring ban is trumped by the federal government's broad immigration powers and that federal law already prohibits people from harboring illegal immigrants within the United States. ``It is the national government that has ultimate authority to regulate the treatment of aliens while on American soil because it is the nation as a whole, and not any single state, that must respond to the international consequences of
such treatment,'' Justice Department lawyers said in a friend-ofthe-court brief. The federal government, which filed a lawsuit in 2010 challenging the law, filed the brief as part of a separate challenge mounted by a coalition of civil rights groups. The harboring ban was in effect from late July 2010 until U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton blocked its enforcement on Sept. 5 as part of civil rights coalition's challenge. Two weeks before shelving the ban, Bolton said she knew of no arrests that were made under the provision. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed the measure known as SB1070 into law and serves as the statute's chief defender, has asked the appeals court to reverse Bolton's ruling. Brewer's lawyers have told the
appeals court that the harboring ban was passed to confront crime in Arizona, doesn't conflict with federal policies and that the civil rights coalition hasn't shown it has legal standing to challenge the ban. The harboring prohibition has been overshadowed by other parts of the law, including a requirement that went into effect on Sept. 18 that officers, while enforcing other laws, question the immigration status of those suspected of being in the country illegally. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the questioning requirement earlier this year but also struck down other sections of the law, such as a requirement that immigrants obtain or carry immigration registration papers. The nation's highest court didn't consider the harboring ban. -AP
sentence of up to $1,000 in fines and a year behind bars. ``I tried to ask the officers why they were taking my husband, but the officer just looked at me and walked away,'' Delgado said. According to the affidavit for Martinez's arrest, Deputy Skylar Norbert saw Martinez driving in the 400 block of Herbert Road ``without any tail lights on the vehicle,'' prompting the traffic stop that led to Martinez being taken into police custody. Delgado, however, disputed the claim that the family vehicle's tail lights were not properly working and said police stopped her and her husband without any legitimate reason. ``We're hard-working individuals who have never had problems with police,'' Delgado said. ``This is a great injustice against the His-
panic community.'' By Christmas Eve, Martinez had been in a jail cell for about a day and was being held on a $10,000 bond. The family eventually contacted the Isenberg Center and two of the group's representatives, J.J. Moreno and Jose Diaz, had arrived in Lafayette from Dallas to begin working with the family to help free Martinez from jail. Moreno and Diaz had contacted Robert Sheffield, a Lafayette-based immigration enforcement agent for ICE, the Department of Homeland Security, and Enforcement and Removal Operations. Sheffield listened to the case's details, and he signed paperwork saying the hold on Martinez should be lifted and confirming Martinez was in the country legally. -AP
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2335 W. Devon Ave., Suite 204, Tel: 773-381-1820 Chicago, IL 60659
48 India Post
January 18, 2013
January 18, 2013
India Post
Sat Jan 19
Sun Jan 27
Sat Jan 19
Fri Jan 18
Sat Jan 26
• Tamilar Thirunal Kondattam
• South Asian Wedding Expo
• Bhangra On The Terrace
• Pongal Vizha 2013
Venue: Centerville Junior High School, 37720 Fremont Boulevard, Fremont, CA 94538 Time: 11:00 am Contact: 408-368-8988
Venue: Pacific Palms, 1 Industry Hills Pkwy, La Puente, CA 91744 Time: 11:00 am Contact: 714-493-7900
Venue: Hudson Terrace, 621 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036 Time: 9:30 pm Contact: 805-242-6472
•Arabian Nights Belly Dancing Show w/ DJ Wave! Fire n Ice
Sat Jan 19
Sat Feb 09
Tue Jan 29
• Shraddhaanjali: A Dance Festival
• I Just Wanna Dance 2013
Venue: Santa Clara University Mayer Theater, Santa Clara, CA, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95050 Time: 5:00 pm Contact: 831-566-8528
Sat Jan 19
Venue: Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center, 1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Time: 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
• Free Wokshop Venue: Old Ironsides Drive, Old Ironsides Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Time: 9:00 am Contact: 408-727-2774
Sun Jan 20 • Rumi: Poem-Paintings by Salma Arastu Venue: 930 Dwight Way #10, Berkeley, CA 94710 Time: 4 pm Contact:
Fri June 21 • UCarnival San Francisco 2013 Venue: San Francisco - Fishermans Wharf, 1300 Columbus Ave, San Francisco, CA 94133 Time: 10:00 am Contact: 7322837600
Wed Feb 13 • Valentine's Day Henna Evening Venue: BeautShilp My Fair Lady Salon, 1072 Shell Blvd, Foster City, CA 94404 Time: 4:00 pm Time: 650-212-4274
Fri Jan 18 • Holiday Inn Washington DCCentral/White House Presidetial Inauguration Venue: Holiday Inn Washington DC-Central/ White House, 1501 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005 Time: 1:00 am Contact: 202483200
Sat Jam 19 • 2-Day Meditation Training Program For Young Aspirants Venue: Virginia / Maryland PAM center (Gaithersburg, MD), 116 North Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Time: 9:30 am Contact: 301-947-9040
• Screening of Documentary Film, ‘Not a Feather, but a Dot’ Venue: AMC Loews Village 7, 66 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10003 Time: 7:30 pm
Tue Feb 26 • West Sonoma Coast Vintners presents NYC West of West Wine Festival Venue: City Winery, 155 Varick St, New York, NY 10013 Time: 6:00 pm
Sun May 05 • Masters of Indian Music Venue: Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th Street, New York, NY 10025 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 212-545-7536
Fri May 10 • Soorya Festival New York Venue: Radio City Music Hall, 1260 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Time: 6:00 pm Contact: 832 643 9131
ATLANTA Upcoming
Sat Jan 19 • Indiaspora Inaugural Ball
Sun March 24
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Washington DC, 1330 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024 Time: 8:00 pm Contact: 415-922-9802
• My Shadi Bridal Expo Venue: Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel, 2450 Galleria Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30339 Time: 12:00 pm Contact: 9547848100
Venue: Fire n Ice: Exotic Hookah Bar & Lounge, 583 Ford Ave, Fords, NJ 08863 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 732-417-1999
Sun Jan 27 • Pongal Special Cultural Programs Venue: North Brunswick High School, 98 Raider Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Time: 9:00 am
Sun Jan 27 • Sankranthi Celebration 2013 Venue: Sri Venkateswara Temple Auditorium, 1075 U.S. 202, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Time: 1:00 pm Contact: 908-720-5050
Venue: Sri Venkateswara Swami (Balaji) Temple, 1145 Sullivan Rd, Aurora, IL 60506 Time: 5:00 pm Contact:
Sun Jan 27 • Hindi Lovers Club of Illinois is celebrating 64th R-Day of India Venue: India House Banquet Hall 1521 W. Schaumburg Rd.,Schaumburg ,IL 60194. Time : 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm Contact: 8479628595
Fri Feb 22 • Siddharth Randeira is coming to Chicago in GUJJUBHAI NI GOLMALL, Dinner & Drama Night Venue: Jain Center, Bartlett, IL Time: Dinner 6:30 pm and Play 8 pm Contact: 630-913-6660, 630-347-9046
50 India Post
January 18, 2013
Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar JANUARY 18TH - JANUARY 24TH 2013 (March 21 to April 20)
alue of your stocks will appreciate and you may dispose off some and pocket the profit. You will be lucky in all other financial matters also. Health of a child not doing well in past few weeks will improve or become normal. Offers will be good but think twice before making the final decision and go for the one closer to home.
(July 23 to August 22)
hort vacation will bring the energy back. Your plans are extremely wonderful, keep working on them. Expect some major and positive developments in legal matters. People in jobs will be looking for a change and may be called for interview from more than one place this week. New contract will come with better deal and on good terms.
(April 21 to May 20)
ou may finally launch the new company without seeking any outside help. Have confidence as it should work out in long terms. People in business will continue to gain edge over their opponents. Expect some interesting developments in ongoing legal matters. Do not take any chance with weather and have proper clothing when you go out this week.
(August 23 to September 22)
ou will hear some good news from far off places. Money wise it looks like a very promising week so go out and take your chances. Some money may also go towards legal bills this week. Its high time that you should start paying attention to eating habits. Relationship or a new partnership will keep moving in right direction now.
(May 21 to June 20)
ou will make full payments on several bills in order to decrease the liability. Strategy will be helpful in coming months. Mind will be set and you will be more focused on your goals and the results will be almost instant. You will be able to shed off few pounds with recent change in diet. You will start working on an old idea with a close friend.
(September 23 to October 22)
ou may be going on an important business trip to a comparatively warmer area. Some of you may also finally sign the papers and dispose off a property chewing up your savings in the past. It will be another good week for people in food business. You may also receive a small check from an insurance company for claim filed recently. (October 23 to November 22)
(June 21 to July 22)
his is the right time to make your move in career. An exalted Mars in angle will help you hit your professional goal. Let the head rule over the heart or you will loose the focus and wander off the right path. A simple test will confirm the news you had been waiting for. Do not hesitate to try your hands at lottery this week.
ourageous actions will get the results quick. It will make every body at home happy and give one more reason to celebrate. You may also receive some green signal from a government agency opening more doors for revenue. Health will improve with the change of diet. Some of you will be in the market to buy another vehicle this week. (November 23 to December 22)
ombination of Sun, Mercury and mars in second is helpful. You may be offered a dream opportunity in career soon. Its going to be once in life time chance so don't take time to decide. Chances are you may develop taste for hot and spicy food temporarily. An old friend will call to invite you to a get together in February. (December 22 to January 19)
ake outside help or seek second opinion to resolve a situation which popped up in last few days only. Some of you may join some health club to get in shape and fulfill your new year resolution. You will be writing some important letters and try to complete some important paper work also. Money wise you will stay very comfortable. (January 20 to February 18)
ou have to be careful when dealing with a tricky situation you found your self in recent days. It will be better to stay calm and try to settle amicably rather than prolonging the issue. People looking for another job will receive a lucrative offer but from distant place only. You may change some electric gadget in the kitchen. (February 19 to March 20)
ffer will be huge and far better than earlier anticipated. A colleague who was a trouble maker will quit and move to another state. You will make final payment on several bills and still have enough left. You may finalize a get together with some close friends for the first week of February. Good piece of advice coming from an older person.
Pandit Parashar, CEO & COO Astro Scan USA is also available for individual consultations. He can be reached at:
510-886-4370 website:
January 18, 2013
India Post 51
India Post
January 18, 2013
For Classifieds Ads Call NORTHERN CA (Sonia) Tel: 510-938-8668 (Priya) Tel. 510-275-4467 SOUTHERN CA (Shashi Trivedi) Tel: 562-441-5511/ Fax: 562-947-0632 CHICAGO (Ramesh Soparawala) Tel: 773-973-7394 / Fax: 773-973-7396 NEW YORK (Pinky) Tel: 212-944-1931/ Fax: 212-944-1932
Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING BIDDERS CONFERENCES for RFQ #901060 Patrol Vehicle Laptops South County – Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 2:00 p.m. at Fremont Public Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd., Fukaya Room A, Fremont, CA and North County – Thursday, January 24, 2013, 9:00 a.m. at General Services Agency, 1401 Lakeside Drive, 11th Floor, Room 1107, Oakland, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on February 14, 2013 County Contact: Abby Fard (510) 208-9623 or via email: Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 1/18/13 CNS-2428843#
on your desktop
Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING BIDDERS CONFERENCES for RFP #901040 Supplemental Temporary and Payrolling Services North County –Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 10:00 a.m. at General Services Agency, 1401 Lakeside Drive, 2nd Floor, Room 201, Oakland, CA and South County – Thursday, January 24, 2013, 2:00 p.m. at Castro Valley Library, 3600 Norbridge Avenue, Canyon Room, Castro Valley, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on February 22, 2013 County Contact: Evelyn Benzon (510) 2089622 or via email: Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 1/18/13 CNS-2428859#
January 18, 2013
India Post
Page Sponsored by Sahanis MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI
ur life is the expression of our inner potentialities. We project ourselves to the extent we know of our inner status, and there is much more to life than that which we are already living. Let us consider what more there is to life and what more can be lived than that we are living in the present. Certainly it is wise to know the whole extent of an expression of our life, and to try to bring in all that we have been missing so far. We know, if we drop a stone in a pond, the ripples begin to move, and they move over the whole pond, reaching all the extremities. One slight stir in any part of the pond stirs the whole pond, influences the entire field of water and its surroundings. Similarly, by every thought, word, and action, every individual is setting forth influence in his surroundings, and that influence is not restricted to any boundaries. It goes on and on and reaches every level of creation. Every individual, by his every thought, word and action, shakes the entire universe. This is the status of an individual. One is connected with the whole universe by every little bit of activity. An individual appears to be bound by the boundaries of home and by the boundaries of his own body, but
uestion: How does it happen that the truths which we believe and which we are sure of do not penetrate deeply? Why do they remain at the surface without really changing our life? Gurdjieff: We are divided. It is a fact. Consider that we have two independent organisms in us. One is the result of our education, of everything we have acquired. The other is our original organism. This original body functions only when I am relaxed, quiet, and alone. But when I return to active life it is weak and it is no longer able to have an influence. It is the other organism which then takes over, and I can no longer do what I have decided to do. I am back to my habitual ways of doing things. Choose precise tasks for yourself. Before you immerse yourself in life, when you are alone at home, let go of your tensions and make a program for yourself. Represent to yourself how you will act during the day, and give yourself your word to follow this program exactly. You will fail ten times, or even twenty times but the twentyfirst time you will be able to do
in reality the subtle aspects of the individuality go to make universal existence. An individual is never an isolated individual. He is intimately interrelated with the whole cosmos. Even more than that, he shares the responsibility for the life of the whole cosmos. The entire universe lies in the individual. Cosmic existence lies in the existence of the individual. Cosmic life rests in the individual life, and the individual life extends to cosmic life. The in-
and the great power of Nature is ready to serve the individual, if the individual influences the universe for the progression of the process of evolution. By its very existence the creation is set in motion to go on and on through the steps of evolution. If the action of the individual is in conformity with the purpose of creation and the purpose of evolution, then the individual serves the cosmic purpose
The laws of nature begin to react against him. The individual receives back the result of his wrong actions. He who will think right, speak good, and act truthfully, will receive the support of all the laws of nature carrying out the process of evolution around us. We as the individuals have influence over the whole universe. Every one of us influences the entire universe by every little action we perform. Obviously, we
At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it. -Thich Nhat Hanh
Individual and the cosmos are interdependent We as the individuals have influence over the whole universe. Every one of us influences the entire universe by every little action we perform. Obviously, we do not perceive it
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
dividual and the cosmos are interdependent. Neither of them is independent of the other. Every move of the individual shakes the cosmos. The universe reacts to the individual action. Every individual has this power that shakes the universe, and shakes and saves the gods and angels in heaven. Man has this strength that upholds the universe. The individual, by his every action, serves the universe,
of life, and all the great laws of nature readily serve the purpose of the individual. It is a simple and automatic process of give and take. As you sow, so shall you reap. When the individual behaves rightly he improves, and by so doing he contributes to the betterment of the entire universe; but when, knowingly or unknowingly, he behaves wrongly, he acts contrary to the process of evolution.
do not perceive it, but at every moment we are either supporting or damaging the entire universe. Better we forget not the great responsibility that we can do and undo the entire creation that breathes the life of God, by the simple, individual mistakes of ours. Excerpted from the transcript of a 1967 talk. The 96th birth anniversary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi will be observed on January 12
what you decided when you were alone. There is no other way for now. You must make a program. I repeat, come to a quiet and relaxed state. Only then establish your program for the day. Then go into life and try to do exactly what you have decided. If you do it, reward yourself. If you forget, punish yourself... You must accustom yourself to
another-their substantiality is different. When you begin your work, you must be in a state of active vigilance. Your only task is your work. Before beginning, you must prepare yourself: relax, collect yourself. And then, with all your presence, you work. Be an absolute egoist. Forget all the rest. Forget your God, your
five minutes, six minutes, then ten minutes. Only in this way can you rightly begin to prepare yourself to acquire the state that corresponds to a true man. If you work longer than that, it proves you are not working with all your presence, but only with your head. You could do that for a thousand years without gaining anything from it.
Relax, collect yourself, & with all your presence, work
G. I. Gurdjieff
struggle. Little by little this struggle will give results which will accumulate within you. This gives strength for the future. You fail one time, ten times. But each struggle brings results, a substance accumulates in you. It is this substance which will help you carry out conscious decisions... Life is one thing, inner work
Give yourself your word to follow this program exactly. You will fail ten times, or even twenty times but the twenty-first time you will be able to do what you decided when you were alone husband, your son, money. Afterwards, put the work aside and return to things of ordinary life. This is difficult. At the beginning you can't do it for long; you are quickly tired. If you work five minutes too long, you will be drained of all energy. That is why it is necessary to increase little by little, in order to get accustomed to it -
Work for a short time, but work well - with all your presence. Then let your ordinary life go on in its usual way; otherwise you will become a psychopath. Excerpts from a Meeting with Gurdjieff in 1943. The 147th birth anniversary of Gurdjieff will be observed on January 13.
However many holy words you read, how many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?. -Buddha Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. -Marianne Williamson To be conscious of Being, you need to reclaim consciousness from the mind. This is one of the most essential tasks on your spiritual journey. -Eckhart Tolle To see the universal and all-pervading Spirit of Truth face to face, one must be able to love the meanest of all creation as oneself. -Gandhi A mature mind is one who understands the impossibility of knowing the ultimate, and with this understanding there is a new dimension: the dimension of being. -Osho
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India Post
January 18, 2013
Obama II and Iran: Is diplomacy a better option? SHUBHRA CHATURVEDI
ne of Barack Obama's biggest foreign policy challenges during his second term in the office would be handling the Iranian nuclear program and its current situation. With the gradual progress of the Iranian nuclear program and existing differences between the US and Iran, what will be the future of US policy towards Iran? Will Obama's tenure see the worsening of the coercive policy in the name of nec-
is difficult. This should be noted while dealing with Iran too with Ahmadinejad's term coming to an end. The implicit Russian support to Iran is an additional feature that needs to borne in mind while analyzing the success rate of the sanctions in the Iranian case. It is true that sanctions have humanitarian costs and are the symbols of international unity against any nuclear proliferation; however,
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
US President Barack Obama
essary sanctions? Or will diplomacy get another chance?
they fail due to the cloak and dagger support offered by other states.
Will sanctions work? Barack Obama in the final presidential debate claimed that his administration had "organized the strongest coalition and the strongest sanctions against Iran in history, and it is crippling their economy." Despite of claims to success, the gradual progression of Iran towards nuclear technology proves otherwise about the impact of these sanctions. Robert Menendez, the Junior Unites States Senator from New Jersey claimed that, "The window is closing. The time for the waiting game is over". He also acknowledged the Iranian slither towards nuclear weapons by adding "Yes, our sanctions are having a demonstrable effect on the Iranian economy, but Iran is still working just as hard to develop nuclear weapons." Sanctions have been portrayed as the most effective way to deal with the violations of international norms by the US. Iran and North Korea prove otherwise. North Korea has been under sanctions since 2006 and yet it recently went ahead with the Unah-3 rocket launch violating the UNSC Resolutions. Chinese support to North Korea could be one of the reasons behind its defiant mood. It is also an indication of how the engagement with a change in leadership
Will diplomacy work? Diplomatic initiatives from the US towards Iran might be desirable for both Iran and the US but it is a difficult task. Iran would want to buy time while the US would want to prevent another 'Iraq'. But with the continuous US talks of
Productive diplomatic exchanges with Iran are necessary not just for the sake of engagement but rather to welcome another emerging nuclear power in the international domain worsening the sanctions, diplomacy seems to be a dim option. An important issue is the constant diplomatic engagement with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and not Ali Khamenei, the "Supreme leader of Iran". Reuters reported Khamenei's views about the relations between Iran and the US claiming that, "By exploiting inattention ... corrupt American, NATO and Zionist agents are try-
ing to divert the deluge-like movement of Muslim youth and bring them into confrontation with one another in the name of Islam." He added, "The aggressive and interventionist arrogant powers are making every effort to divert the course of these significant Islamic movements." While the reference was to the Shia uprising in the Gulf, the mood of the leader towards the West is clear. Another roadblock in the possibility of diplomatic exchanges is the issue of Israel. Iran has joined the "axis of resistance" movement which is an anti-Israel movement. The American statements about support for Israel have been provocative rather than anything productive or substantial. With the constant American blurting about prospective support to Israel, any form of advancement in ties between the US and Iran seems unlikely. Iranian nuclear program is a matter of constant worry for the 'international community'. A major issue is the unsure nature of the Iranian plans and intentions which all the states are trying to gauge. The New York Times highlighted the possibility of 'taqiyya' in Khamenei's denial of the Iranian nuclear ambitions. Taqiyya is a form of religious dissimulation or a legal dispensation, which the Shia Islam propagates, whereby a believer can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts when he/she is at a risk of significant persecution. Is it then possible that the denial of the nuclear program is an extension of the same philosophy? Sanctions hit common people Sanctions imposed on any state endanger the common people and create a pressure on the state violating the international norms. Yet, the failure of sanctions in case of Iran is for sure. Diplomatic engagement between the US and Iran might at least bring Iran to the nuclear club headed by the US instead of the 'opposite' represented by the North Korea clout as of now. Iran's nuclear ambitions are clear and it is not the question of "how" but rather "when" it fulfils them completely. Productive diplomatic exchanges with Iran are necessary not just for the sake of engagement but rather to welcome another emerging nuclear power in the international domain. It is time a substantial and well planned process commences to welcome this new member into the nuclear club. The writer is Research Officer, NSP, IPCS
Pressure works
olice is at the receiving end in not merely the "rape capital" but all over India. Not long after the Delhi rape case, protests were staged in neighboring NOIDA over the alleged rape and murder of a 21-year-old woman factory worker. Members of the family alleged that the police had refused to file a complaint, and later delayed handing over her body. In the form of action, some policemen were suspended and an officer shunted to police line. Suddenly complaints of rape and police inaction have started pouring in from all over the country. Not that suddenly more rapes are being committed. Emboldened by the people's protests over the ghastly Delhi rape and murder, more and more rape cases are coming out in the open. The TV channels are agog with such reports. According to data, 18,359 rape cases were registered in India in the first three quarters of 2012 while in the US, 93,934 rape cases were registered in the same period. This doesn't mean that with only one third of India's population, more rapes are happening in the US than In India. The fact is that rape is a notoriously under-reported crime, thanks to its social stigma and the refusal of police to register cases. The police in India, particularly in Delhi, is VIP-centric. The law and order in Delhi is not under the Delhi government but under the national Home Ministry. And the police is at the beck and call of the national rulers for security and other services. The policing of Delhi is woefully neglected because the ordinary Delhiite doesn't matter in the large calculations of the national home ministry which manages Delhi's policing as well. After the public outrage over the Delhi rape and murder, the ministry has announced some quick measures. Among them were increasing the number of patrol cars and at least nine policewomen appointed in each police station. How far these announcements, as announcements go, will be implemented is a matter where public pressure is important. So far the experience has been that the government keeps on appointing committees after every crisis and making promises but it knows that public memory being short, the government can get away with not doing anything because some other crisis will take over by that time. The spontaneous protests over the Delhi gang rape prove that the government and the police function only when there is public pressure. As soon as the people go back to their normal duties, the government also goes back to behaving as if it has no accountability. There have been so many suggestions for police reforms and some of the best ideas have come from Kiran Bedi, who has been a top police officer in Delhi. As they say, set a thief to catch a thief. The government could not do better than putting her in charge of police reforms in Delhi. Kiran Bedi knows the system inside out having been a part of it. She says that the focus in the past few years in policing has been anti- terror, VIP, and law and order. Not crime prevention and community policing. Bedi has presented her 6Ps Crime Prevention Plan within police, which comprises people (society), prosecution, politician, prison and press (news media and film industry). There is widespread distrust of the police among the common man. But that will not help combat crimes against women in the long run. She said, "6Ps means crime prevention plan within police, within people because community has a very major role to play. So the people, the police, the prosecution. Then comes the role of the politician, the prisons and the media, which is the press and press also includes films, and then comes the jail. Bedi is confident that if this plan of hers is implemented, police administration can be improved and crime rate can be reduced to a considerable extent.
January 18, 2013
India Post 55
56 India Post
January 18, 2013