Indiapost 02 07 2014

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India Post


Tendulkar, Prof Rao, conferred Bharat Ratna Details on page 9

US-based artist at India Art Fair 2014 Details on page 24

VOL 19, No. 1012

February 7, 2014


Periodical Postage


NEW YORK: A candlelight vigil has been held in California in memory of an Indian-origin army veteran killed in an incident of police firing. Family and friends of 43-year-old Parminder Singh Shergill gathered for the vigil at Deshmesh Darbar Sikh Temple in Lodi area. The army veteran was shot and killed by police on January 25 after he allegedly charged at two police officers with a knife. Shergill's friends said he must have suffered an episode of post traumatic stress. A witness, however, said the incident happened very fast and the police started shooting. "I didn't see any weapon in his hand at all," Cassandra Lopez, who wit-

nessed the shooting, was quoted as saying by Fox 40. Shergill's friends said this was a sad reminder of the struggles veterans go through after serving the country. "If anybody out there has any other relative, who is facing this kind of illness, post war syndrome, please don't hesitate to get help," said Jag Singh Batth, a friend of the Shergill family. "I believe on a personal basis, I let him down." The names of the two officers who shot Shergill have not been released. They were placed on leave but are back on duty now, the report said. Shergill, 43, was a veteran of the Gulf War. His family said he suffered from PTSD and depression. Details on page 5

Spl Amarnath registration facility for NRIs

Community airs grievances against BLS Details on page 16

India-born Satya Nadella named Microsoft CEO Details on page 12

Khobragade has no immunity, says US Details on page 6

Ahmedabad meet underlines strong NRG ties

Details on page 10

Details on page 5

Indian-Americans save most for kids' education

CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 28-29 Classifieds ------------------------- 52 Community Post -------------- 16-23

Details on page 6

Date Book -------------------------- 48 Edit Page --------------------------- 54


HealthScience Post --------- 32-35

Horoscope ------------------------- 11

This week’s question

Immigration Post ------------- 44-47

Should the cops in Parminder shooting be suspended?

Life Style ----------------------- 24-27 Philosophy ------------------------- 53

Last week’s result

Will Kashkari be able to make a difference? YES 32%

NO 68%

Publisher’s Diary ------------------ 4

TIGER KEEPS DATE WITH INDIA: Legendary golfer Tiger Woods tees off during an exhibition match at the Delhi Golf Club on February 4. (Details on page 8)

Real Estate -------------------- 50-51 TechBiz Post ------------------- 12-15 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 39-43

Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”


India Post

February 7, 2014

February 7, 2014

India Post



India Post

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February 7, 2014

IndiaNewsweekly Post Mission Statement To empower the Indian Diaspora and make their voice strong and effective in countries of their adoption. RJ Media conglomerate offers a credible, professional and complete package of news, opinion, entertainment, networking and information.

Publisher’s Diary


ew Indian Ambassador S Jaishankar has recently emphasized that some of the more difficult issues like the arrest and indictment of senior diplomat Devyani Khobragade are independent of India's bilateral ties with United States. State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf also said the US does not want India-US ties to be affected by this "isolated incident." Jaishankar felt that "at the end of the day, our overall relationship is larger than the individual problems we examine and debate." Harf listed the important issues like Afghanistan, the energy issues, economic issues etc on which the two countries needed to work on together and that these issues "shouldn't be derailed by this incident." She also rejected any link between the Devyani affair and the US downgrade of India's aviation safety, saying this was a regulatory decision and that that the US was committed to help New Delhi get its ranking back. While this conciliatory tone from the US side can be appreciated, what is intriguing is the helplessness the US officials show on the strictly law and order approach that they have allowed the prosecution in this case to pursue. Although it is left for the court to decide whether Khobragade was entitled to immunity, the approach of the prosecution doesn't show any hint that the US is trying to amicably resolve this issue with India. The US federal law is repeatedly cited to emphasize that Khobragade's consular status-based immunity, limited to official acts, does not legally prevent arrest from occurring and charges being leveled. Contrary to what Ambassador Jaishankar and the US spokesperson are claiming, the Khobragade issue is inextricably linked to Indo-US relations. Also at issue here is the conduct of US diplomats in New Delhi in smuggling the concerned maid's family to the US. Indian-American attorney Ravi Batra is right when he contends that it is not for the judge to decide if Khobragade ought to have been arrested or charged. The two countries need to settle the issue to prevent further damage to ties.

Romesh K Japra

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'NaMo' - political thriller Director Rupesh Paul, who is making a film titled NaMo, is roping in international talent for the project.

Cover Story: War vet shot A candlelight vigil has been held in California in memory of an Indian-origin army veteran killed in police firing.

Community: Visa grievances Indian CG arranged a meeting on handling for visa and OCI-PIO cards by the newly introduced BLS International

GOP wary Obama's flexibility on immigration is an indication of the president's desire to secure an elusive legislative achievement

Life Style: India Art Fair Sculpture-based performance by USbased artist Anindita Dutta at India Art Fair is inspired by impermanence of life

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India-born Satya Nadella has been named as the new CEO of 78 billion USD tech giant Microsoft

Travel: Mahabalipuram During the rule of the Pallavas, new styles of art and architecture were pioneered in Mahabalipuram

44 24 12 40

Cover/Top Stories

February 7, 2014

India Post


Indian-origin war vet shot by police NEW YORK: A candlelight vigil has been held in California in memory of an Indian-origin army veteran killed in an incident of police firing. Family and friends of 43-yearold Parminder Singh Shergill gathered for the vigil at Deshmesh Darbar Sikh Temple in Lodi area. The army veteran was shot and killed by police on January 25 after he allegedly charged at two police officers with a knife. Shergill's friends said he must have suffered an episode of post traumatic stress. A witness, however, said the incident happened very fast and the police started shooting. "I didn't see any weapon in his hand at all," Cassandra Lopez, who witnessed the shooting, was quoted as saying by Fox 40. Shergill's friends said this was a sad reminder of the struggles veterans go through after serving the country. "If anybody out there has any other relative, who is facing this kind of illness, post war syndrome, please don't hesitate to get help," said Jag Singh Batth, a friend of the Shergill family. "I believe on a personal basis, I let him down."

The names of the two officers who shot Shergill have not been released. They were placed on leave but are back on duty now, the report said. Shergill, 43, was a veteran of

with a knife just outside his home. His family said police were aware of Shergill's mental health problems and had taken him to the VA hospital before. "He never brandished any

"He didn't turn around until, in front of his home, he turned around," Merin explained. "And put his hands up in the air and said, 'Don't shoot,' at which time he was killed."

life," Merin said. The two officers were involved in the shooting: a 22-year veteran and a 15-year veteran to law enforcement. Family and friends question

Family and friends of Parminder Singh Shergill (right) gathered for the candlelight vigil at Deshmesh Darbar Sikh Temple in Lodi area, California

the Gulf War. His family said he suffered from PTSD and depression. His mother called police for help during one of Shergill's episodes. When officers arrived at the scene, they shot and killed him. Lodi police said they were forced to shoot Shergill when he charged at them

weapon," civil rights attorney Mark Merin said. "And nobody saw a knife in his hands." The family hired Merin, who has been conducting his own investigation into what happened. He said eyewitnesses saw officers try to stop Shergill, but he initially refused to turn around.

Lodi police said they found a folding blade knife at the scene. Neither Shergill's family nor their attorney had an explanation for that. Merin said his investigators found 14 casings at the scene. "It just seems like a totally unjustified wanton waste of human

why police used lethal force. "It doesn't need to take to shoot him," Sohota said. "They could have handled it some other ways." Shergill's funeral with full military honors will be held Saturday, Feb. 8 at Cherokee Memorial park in Lodi.-PTI, Agencies

Ahmedabad meet underlines strong ties with NRGs RUCHIT SHAH

AHMEDABAD, Gujarat: About 400 people, mostly NonResident Gujaratis (NRGs) from different parts of the world including a number of office bearers of Gujarati organizations from USA, UK, Canada, Australia and Saudi Arabia attended a meet in Ahmedabad on January 30, the day Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, to talk to about the commonalities and the problems of Gujarat development in general. The meeting was organized jointly by the Non Resident Gujaratis (NRG) Center of Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI), Ahmedabad and NonResident Gujaratis (NRG) Foundation, Gandhinagar. The conference opened with screening of a movie about the activities of NRG Centre, Ahmedabad and then homage was paid to Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. Chief Guest Pradipsinh Jadeja, Minister of Justice, Parliamentary affairs and NRG Division, Government of Gujarat, welcomed all and informed the audience that the Run for Unity, organized by Government of Gujarat at nearly 7000 locations all over India, was a resounding success. The Run was

From left: Shri K. H. Patel, Chairman, GCCI NRG Centre, Ahmedabad; Shri N. P. Lavingiya, Joint Secretary NRI & Director, Gujarat State Non-Resident Gujaratis' Foundation (NRGF), Gandhinagar; Shri Pankaj Kumar, IAS, Principal Secretary (NRI), Govt. of Gujarat & Chairman, NRGF, Gandhinagar; Shri Pradipsinh Jadeja, Minister for Law & Justice and NRI Department, Government of Gujarat; Shri Shankerbhai Patel, President, Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI); Smt. Preety Sengupta, a noted Globe trotter & Author of many Books (USA); and Shri Jay Gajjar, Social Worker & Author of several Books (Canada)

organized in memory of Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel, who played a pivotal role in uniting the country consisting of more than 500 princely states at the time of freedom from Britain in 1947. The attempts are now being made to organize Run for Unity in other countries also. The Minister congratulated all present NRGs for acting as ambassadors of Gujarat and for pro-

Special guests for the evening were International Traveler and Gujarati author, Mrs Preety Sengupta from USA and Shri Jay Gajjar, a Gujarati writer from Canada

moting Gujarat as the destination for trade, commerce, general tourism as well as Medical Tourism. "It was a matter of pride for Gujarat that its non-residents have rendered valuable service and created atmosphere of Gujarat in the countries of their present domicile, "he said. The Guest of Honor was Pankaj Kumar, Chairman of NRG Foundation. He underlined the importance

of maintaining strong ties with NRGs and pointed out that the Government is developing database of NRGs. "Such a database will help address the problems being faced by NRGS and at the same time channel their talents and resources for the development of Gujarat." The NRG Foundation has created a CD to help NRGs to teach Gujarati to their children, he said. Cont’d on page 7


Top Stories

India Post

February 7, 2014

US says Khobragade has no immunity NEW YORK: The US State Department has contended that Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade does not enjoy immunity from prosecution on charges of visa fraud and making false statements but her lawyer rejected the assertion, saying the issue will be decided by the court. Papers submitted to a court

Bharara in support of his memorandum opposing 39-year-old Khobragade's motion to dismiss the indictment against her. "The Department of State concludes that Dr Khobragade did not enjoy immunity from arrest or detention at the time of her arrest in this case, and she does not presently enjoy immunity from pros-

"The Department of State concludes that Dr Khobragade did not enjoy immunity from arrest or detention at the time of her arrest in this case, and she does not presently enjoy immunity from prosecution for the crimes charged in the indictment" here by Manhattan's federal prosecutor, India-born Preet Bharara, concluded that US authorities were not wrong in arresting and detaining Khobragade on visa fraud charges on December 12 since she did not have full diplomatic immunity in her capacity as India's Deputy Consul General. The declaration, dated January 29 and signed by Attorney- Advisor in the Office of the Legal Advisor of the Department of State Stephen Kerr, was submitted by

ecution for the crimes charged in the indictment," the declaration said. Responding to Bharara's motion, Khobragade's attorney Daniel Arshack told PTI that the "US Attorney is again wrong on the facts and the law". The court will decide these issues, he said. Arshack has time till February 7 to file his reply to the government's motion. The declaration was among eight documents that Bharara

submitted in court as proof that Khobragade is not immune from prosecution and that the indictment against her should not be dismissed. Bharara's motion came in response to Arshack's request to the court on January 14 to dismiss the indictment and terminate any "open" arrest warrants or requests for her extradition. Arshack argued that Khobragade was "cloaked" in diplomatic immunity and cannot face prosecution in the US. Bharara said the State Department, "whose views must be given great weight", has "unequivocally concluded" that Khobragade did not employ her maid Sangeeta Richard in her capacity as Deputy Consul General and so does not enjoy immunity from prosecution for the "crimes" for which she was arrested. The State Department further determined that her immunity in connection with her short-lived stint at the Indian mission to the UN from January 8 to January 9, before she was asked to leave the US, "is no bar to prosecution". Khobragade, a 1999-batch IFS officer, was accused of visa fraud and making false declarations in the visa application for her maid..-PTI

Bharara wrong on facts and law: Devyani lawyer NEW YORK: Devyani the judge to decide if Khobragade's lawyer has rejected Khobragade ought to have been US prosecutor Preet Bharara's as- arrested or charged. The two sertion that the Indian diplomat countries need to settle the isdoes not have immunity from pros- sue to prevent further damage to ecution and should face charges ties, he said. of visa fraud, saying the court will Khobragade, a 1999-batch IFS decide such issues. officer, was accused of visa fraud India-born Bharara filed a and making false declarations in memorandum in a federal court the visa application for her maid opposing 39-year-old Sangeeta Richard. She was arKhobragade's motion to dismiss rested, strip-searched and held the indictment against her. He submitted a declaration Indian-American attorney by the State Depart- Ravi Batra said it is not for the ment which concludes that the dip- judge to decide if Khobragade lomat does not enought to have been joy immunity from prosecution for the arrested or charged. crimes in the indictThe two countries need to ment. Responding to settle the issue to prevent Bharara's motion, Khobragade's at- further damage to ties torney Daniel Arshack told PTI that the "US At- with criminals, triggering a row torney is again wrong on the facts between India and the US. and the law". The court will deIndia retaliated by downgradcide these issues, he said. ing the privileges of a certain catMeanwhile, Indian-American egory of US diplomats, among attorney Ravi Batra said US fed- other steps. eral law states that Khobragade's Following her indictment by a consular status-based immunity, US grand jury, Khobragade relimited to official acts, does not turned to India on January 10 aflegally prevent arrest from occur- ter she was asked to leave the ring and charges being leveled. country by the State Department. He contended that it is not for -PTI

Indian-Americans save most for kids' education WASHINGTON: Indian-Americans, the highest earning segment among the multicultural groups in the US, save much of their higher household income for their children's college education, a new study has found. In the study, 33 per cent of Indian-American respondents indi-

children's college education and keeping the family financially shielded. As a result, one quarter of Asian Indians struggle between saving to pay for their children's college education and saving for their own retirement, researchers said.

Much of their higher household income goes toward saving for their children's college education, the new study found. The study from Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) offers a broad snapshot of Americans' financial views.

"Being an Asian Indian myself, I know and understand the importance that the community places on putting family first and the difficult financial decisions that often result," said Nimesh Trivedi, director of multicultural market support, US Insurance Group at MassMutual.

An overwhelming 70 per cent of Asian Indian respondents want to be actively involved in all decisions regarding their finances cated they have six months or more of their monthly living expenses set aside as savings, and their top two financial priorities for their savings are for their

According to a 2010 Pew Research Center survey Asian Indians make up the highest earning segment of American multicultural groups, researchers said.

This heavy emphasis on higher education, however, leads to times when Asian Indians priorities saving for their children over saving for themselves.

"With the current cost of a college education, it can be challenging for parents to provide for several children's education and still be left with a surplus for their own

future," said Trivedi. Asian Indian's savings rate is not coincidental; as a group they are hands-on, when it comes to their finances, researchers said. An overwhelming 70 per cent of Asian Indian respondents want to be actively involved in all decisions regarding their finances, while just over half indicated that they tend to do their own research and make their own decisions about insurance and investments, they said. The survey also found that sixty-seven per cent of Asian Indians think about what is best for the family when making financial decisions. Three quarters of Asian Indians believe that it is important to educate their children about finances to ensure a strong economy in the future, researchers found. Seventy per cent feel it is important not to burden their own children with the cost of caring for them when they get older, according to the study. -PTI

Top Stories

February 7, 2014

India Post


Indian-American accused of killing her son HOUSTON: An Indian-origin woman in the US has been accused of killing her 10-year-old son and then dumping his body in a bathtub. Pallavi Dhawan, 38, has been charged with murder of her son at their suburban Dallas home and police said she nodded her head when asked if she had killed her son? an account her attorney vehemently denies. Police said the grisly incident unfolded after Pallavi's husband, Sumeet Dhawan, called police after he returned home from a threeweek business trip and found his wife gone, the New York Daily News reported. Sumeet told police he had received emails from the boy's school, saying the 5th grader had been absent for several days. Pallavi returned to the Frisco house while police was there, authorities were quoted as saying. During a conversation, the boy's father grew upset and directed police toward a locked bathroom door, the report said.

Pallavi Dhawan

Her husband Sumeet told police that his wife is coping with mental health issues and that the couple was having marital problems

Police found the child's body in the tub, covered in a sheet up to his neck. Pallavi's attorney David Finn said that the boy had medical problems and he will seek an outside opinion on the cause of the child's death. She was charged with murder and was released from the Frisco City Jail after posting bond set at USD 50,000, a report in the Dallas Morning News said. Her husband Sumeet told police that his wife is coping with mental health issues and that the couple was having marital problems, according to a search warrant affidavit. The Collin County medical examiner's office has not ruled on the cause of the death, pending the results of a toxicology report. "They're from India. It's an arranged marriage. They're both Hindu," Finn was quoted as saying. There was no evidence of fluid in the boy's lungs to indicate drowning, nor was there any trauma to the body, he said. -PTI

Ahmedabad meet underlines strong ties with NRGs Cont’d from page 5

K H Patel, Honorary Chairman, NRG Centre, Ahmedabad, a former Ambassador to Uganda, in his remarks, mentioned that there are nearly 25 million Indians living abroad and nearly, 25% or about 60 lakhs of them are Gujaratis. "It was a matter of pride that these NRGs have maintained their ties with Gujarat, and their presence through different global organizations here at this function was quite reflective of that fact," he observed. Shankerbhai Patel, President of GCCI, mentioned that the Chamber "will always be there to help NRGs, for their issues at any level including local, State and Central Government. N. P. Lavingiya, Director, NRG Foundation, informed the audience that the facility was now available to issue visas on arrival to residents of 40 countries. Further, the

NRG Foundation was doing its best to make NRGs at home during their visit to Gujarat." Special guests for the evening were International Traveler and Gujarati author, Mrs Preety Sengupta from USA and Shri Jay Gajjar, a Gujarati writer from Canada who is bestowed with numerous honors by the Canadian government. Mrs Sengupta said that she is tremendously inspired by the work and writings of Mahatma Gandhi and whenever Gandhiji's name gets mentioned, she feels proud. Gajjar mentioned that Non Resident Gujaratis are a respected community abroad. In the question/answer session, most of the questions centered around the difficulties faced by NRGs upon their arrivals at Customs and also with local police. Pankaj Kumar assured the audience that Government of Gujarat will be taking necessary steps to address these issues.



Top Stories

India Post

February 7, 2014

Tiger Woods keeps date with India NEW DELHI: The legendary Tiger Woods kept his date with India as the world number one golfer not only tamed the difficult Delhi Golf Course with a nine-under score but also conquered hearts of the thousands of people who came to have a glimpse of him. In a lucrative 18-hole exhibition match, Woods mesmerized the spectators with his immaculate sense of the game as he hardly put a foot wrong and had most greens in regulation in the DGC, which is known for its narrow fairways. The 38-year-old Woods, who is in the capital on an invitation from Hero MotoCorp CEO and Managing Director Pawan Munjal, showed why he is considered to be the greatest golfer

as he went about his business with consummate ease on a warm morning. The top golfer has been reportedly paid Rs 15 crore to play a round of golf with Munjal and his guests. A visage of Woods appeared around the fairways after compere Alan Wilkins announced the golfer's arrival at the first hole. After a few practice shots and exchange of pleasantries, Woods teed off amid a couple of thousands people who had thronged the DGC, which was supposed to be a hushed-up private event here. Dressed in a blue tee-shirt, black trousers and white cap, Tiger started off with a wonderful shot straight down the middle, which was the hallmark of the man all through the day as he played

Tiger Woods with Hero MotoCorp CEO and Managing Director Pawan Munjal during an exhibition match at the Delhi Golf Club on February 4

along with his host Munjal exclusively for the first nine holes and returned with a card of six-under. In the next nine holes, Woods was accompanied by Rajiv Singh of DLF and Justice Vikramajit Sen of Supreme Court on the 10th and 11th holes, while leading Indian woman golfer Sharmila Nicollet played a couple of holes at the 12th and 13th, before media

honchos Prannoy Roy and Aveek Sarkar joined the golf great at the DGC. On the last three holes, it was a skins game between two teams Pawan Munjal-Tiger Woods vs Shiv Kapur and Anirban Lahiri, which ended on an even keel with Kapur winning the 17th hole with a birdie and Munjal and Woods pocketing the 18th hole with both

hitting birdies on the last. After the end of the 18th hole, Woods waved to the more than 5000 crowd which had gathered near the stand and cheered the American legend, whose visit was organized by World Sports Group (WSG).-PTI

Indian couple in Oz hospital after wrong pool jump MELBOURNE: In a freak accident, two Indian IT students in Australia were critically injured at a swimming pool here after the couple apparently knocked heads while jumping into the water. The woman, 23, might have jumped in to try and save her drowning boyfriend, Victoria Police said, adding they remain in the intensive care unit of a local hospital. The couple, who moved to Australia two years ago and live together in Preston area, were at the WaterMarc aquatic centre at Greensborough in northeast Melbourne when they were found unconscious in the pool, police were quoted as saying by 'The Age' newspaper. The woman was dragged from the pool by a patron after she was found floating face down and fully clothed. While she was being treated, the 22-year-old man, who had suffered a cardiac arrest, was found at the bottom of the pool.

Top Stories

February 7, 2014

India Post


Tendulkar, Prof Rao, conferred Bharat Ratna NEW DELHI: Iconic cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and eminent scientist Prof C N R Rao were conferred with the country's highest civilian honor Bharat Ratna by President Pranab Mukherjee here. Tendulkar, 40, who retired from international cricket on November 16 last year, is the first sportsman to be bestowed with the honor. He is the only sitting Rajya Sabha member to be conferred with Bharat Ratna. Tendulkar, attired in a black bandgala suit, exchanged pleasantries with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and other dignitaries at the investiture ceremony lasting a little over six minutes at the chandeliered Durbar Hall of Rashtrapati Bhavan. It was attended, among others by Vice President Hamid Ansari, several Union ministers, Sachin's wife Anjali and daughter Sara. "It is fantastic. It is more important than anything. Nothing compared to India honoring me," 79-year-old Rao told reporters after the award ceremony. Tendulkar, who refused to take questions, said, "I will continue to bat for India. Even though my cricket has stopped, I will continue to bat for India and try my best to give people of India a reason to smile." Rashtrapati Bhavan staff had a tough time controlling the gathering, many of whom wanted to shake hands with Tendulkar and take his autograph on the booklet issued by the Home Ministry for the occasion. Tendulkar and Rao, both of

President Pranab Mukherjee presenting the Bharat Ratna Award 2014 to Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (left) and Prof. Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao (right) at an Investiture Ceremony, at Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi on February 4

whom are recipients of Padma Vibhushan - the country's second highest civilian honor, have joined a list of 41 eminent personalities who have been conferred with the award that is given in recognition of exceptional service of the highest order since it was instituted in 1954. In a fitting finale to a recordbreaking career spanning 24 years, Tendulkar, a former India Captain, was chosen for the prestigious award, after his farewell 200th Test against the West Indies in Mumbai on November 16, 2013.

Modi free to apply for visa: US WASHINGTON: BJP's prime had revoked a visa that Modi had ministerial candidate Narendra for traveling to the US in the wake Modi was free to of the 2002 riots apply for an in Gujarat. American visa The US has and a decision repeatedly said on it would be there is no made on the prochange in its cess that is in long-standing place, according visa policy relatto a senior US ofing to Modi but ficial. he is free to ap"We said he ply for a visa (Modi) is free to and await a reapply for a visa, view like any Narendra Modi and we'll make a other applicant. decision based on the process When asked about comments that we have in place here," State made by Congress party vice Department Deputy Spokesper- president Rahul Gandhi in a recent son Marie Harf told reporters at interview on 1984 riots, Harf said, her daily news conference. "I haven't seen those comments." In 2005, the State Department -PTI

An official statement had said Tendulkar has been a true Ambassador of India in the world of sports and his achievements in cricket are unparalleled, the records set by him unmatched, and the spirit of sportsmanship displayed by him, exemplary. An outspoken scientist, Prof Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao is a well recognized international authority on solid state and materials chemistry who has published over 1,400 research papers and 45 books. He is the third scientist after C

V Raman and former President A P J Abdul Kalam to be conferred with the Bharat Ratna. Prof Rao's contributions have been recognized by most major scientific academies around the world through conferment of memberships and fellowships and has been honored with several national and international awards, the official announcement said. He currently serves as the Head of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India. The Bharat Ratna was an-

Sharif wants to settle issues with India through talks ISLAMABAD: As the Pakistan government and the outlawed Taliban prepare for peace talks, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said he wants to overcome both terrorism within the country and outstanding issues with India through dialogue as peace is vital for reviving the country's economy. Nawaz "My only wish and prayer is that this process (talks with the Taliban) should move forward successfully, and whatever issues Pakistan faces, they should be solved through dialogue,"

Sharif told the media. "I also want Pakistan's external issues (with) India, Afghanistan to be resolved through dialogue. There are so many issues pending for long on which we can move forward through dialogue," he said. Sharif, whose government has named a fourmember commitSharif tee for talks with the Tehrik-eTaliban Pakistan (TTP), said restoring peace through dialogue is the best option. He added peace is vital for reviving Pakistan's economy.-PTI

nounced after a gap of four years with Hindustani music doyen Bhimsen Joshi being the last recipient in 2009. Some of the notable personalities who have been conferred with Bharat Ratna in the past include Ustad Bismillah Khan in 2001, Bhimsen Joshi in 2009, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen in 1999, industrialist J R D Tata in 1992 and Nelson Mandela in 1990. The first Bharat Ratna was given to C Rajagopalachari, India's first Governor General and pioneering social reformer in 1954. -PTI

Indian-origin man held for killing Canada gangster TORONTO: An Indian-origin man in Canada has been arrested and charged with stabbing to death a gangster. Jimi Sandhu, 24, was arrested in Vancouver and charged with second-degree murder in connection with the killing of Matthew Campbell, a high-ranking member of the Red Scorpions gang. Campbell was stabbed on January 2 at a mall in Abbotsford, British Columbia. He was taken to hospital where he died of his injuries. According to reports, Campbell took over leadership of the Red Scorpions after the fall of his close friends, the Bacon brothers. Police said Campbell is wellknown for "his history relating to gang activity", the Province reported. -PTI

Top Stories

10 India Post

February 7, 2014

Indian-origin UK workers win dismissal case LONDON: Three Indian-origin men, who were sacked by their employer in the UK over claims they took bribes for jobs, have won their case of unfair dismissal. Baljit Johal, Mukesh Kumar and Balwinder Jackhu sued 2 Sisters Food Group Ltd after being dismissed from the firm's chicken factory in West Bromwich in November over the allegations, which they always denied. They won their cases for unfair dismissal following a hearing at Birmingham Employment Tribunal, Birmingham Mail reported. Compensation will be decided at another hearing in March. The tribunal had previously heard claims that the nightshift at the West Bromwich factory was "run like a gang" by supervisor

Johal, shift manager Kumar and trainer Jackhu. Sarah George, representing 2 Sisters, alleged the men favored

family members and shared money paid by vulnerable workers to particular supervisors on the promise of jobs. She said the men were in positions of trust and temporary work-

ers "might reasonably believe they had the power to secure jobs for them". But the three men all denied the allegations and claimed that union members were paid 600 pounds to make false statements about them after they refused to take part in strike action. Tribunal judge David Dimbylow has now ruled the factory workers had been unfairly dismissed. "The informants were not asked any testing questions, nor were the claimants' accounts of events put to them for comment," he said. -PTI

Spl registration facility for NRI Amarnath pilgrims JAMMU: Non-resident Indians will now have a special registration facility for the annual Amarnath Yatra starting from June 28. "The registration facility has been specially established in view of the fact that a good number of devotees living abroad undertake this annual Yatra," CEO of Shri Amarnath Shrine B o a r d (SASB) Naveen Choudhary said here. The 44day annual pilgrimage to the holy Himalayan c a v e shrine of Lord Shiva in south Kashmir will comm e n c e from June 28 from both Baltal and traditional Pahalgam routes, and will conclude on August 10. The CEO stated that an ex-India pilgrim shall need to furnish scanned copies of -- filled-in Application Form, Compulsory Health Certificate (CHC) and his or her scanned photograph. NRIs should obtain a CHC, issued after 1st February 2014 from the National Health Services of the country in which they reside or from a reputed private hospital. "The format of CHC shall be the same as for pilgrims from In-

dia. On arrival, the NRIs have the choice of collecting the Yatra Permit from the designated branch of Punjab National Bank (PNB) at Jammu or Srinagar", he added. This choice shall be indicated by the NRI pilgrims when they email their Application Form to They also have to deposit the

prescribed Registration Fee of Rs 500 in the designated PNB branch. The CEO stated that the intending ex-India Yatris will be informed through e-mail whether they have been registered for the Yatra and the address of the Bank Branch at Jammu or Srinagar to collect the Yatra Permit. The detailed procedure for registering ex-India pilgrims and the formats of Application Form and Compulsory Health Certificate have been put on the SASB website -PTI

Details sought of Indian's death in Karachi jail NEW DELHI: India has asked its mission in Islamabad to find out the details about the death of an Indian fisherman in Karachi jail. After media in Pakistan reported that an Indian fishermen, named Kishore Bhagwan, was found dead in Landhi jail there, the Ministry of External Affairs has asked its mission to check and find out the details of the incident, official sources said. According to media reports, the cause of Bhagwan's death is yet to be ascertained. His body has been shifted to a hospital.

Kishore was arrested by the Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) along with other fishermen and was sent to the Landhi jail for allegedly entering Pakistan's exclusive economic zone without legal documents, it said. Last year, in February, Kishore managed to escape from jail when he was taken outside to do manual labor, but he was re-arrested after a 10-month search in December from PIB colony in Karachi, the reports added. -PTI


February 7, 2014

India Post


Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar

FEBRUARY 7 TH - FEBRUARY 13 TH , 2014 (March 21 to April 20)


f you concentrate on one thing at a time, you can accomplish a lot. Do not react to news as things will improve within days. You will continue to feel lucky in all money matters and improve bank balance in the process. Spouse may get little hurt while working in the kitchen or lifting something heavy and need few days rest this week.

(September 23 to October 22)


ou will become very health conscious and may even join a club to get in shape. Do not allow small things irritate you as calmer you will be, solutions will be quick to find. You may finally take the initiative and start working on some important paper work. Boss will give you a challenging assignment without much help.

(October 23 to November 22)

(April 21 to May 20)


f you stick to your guns, you will get what you want. Opportunity will take you towards financial freedom and expand your horizon. Expenses towards family will suddenly shoot up and you may be juggling in between accounts. Some one at work will take out his frustration on you, watch out. You will accept the invitation for the party.


ransiting planets will make you face a totally unexpected situation that can shake up even your self confidence. Have sec ond opinion or put your differences aside and seek help and advice from an old confidant who helped you grow in the past. You will travel in east direction to attend an important meeting. Avoid stocks this week.

(November 23 to December 22)

(May 21 to June 20)


his is the perfect time to chase your dream as planets can help them become a reality within no time, go ahead and make the offer. You will also try to make good use of extra time on hand and help spouse clean up the house. Change and control on diet will help you loose weight. You will also help a child with some necessary paper work.


eek starts with new leads and hopes. Have an open mind and seek help from a female who's been giving conveying messages indirectly lately. You may organize a small get together at your place and invite few friends. Health will improve with home remedies. You may finalize some important papers and submit to government agency.

(June 21 to July 22)


ood sense of humor and positive attitude will help move on and overcome many hurdles this week. You will keep your offer open and wait for the response. Trip will be interesting and it will be the beginning of an exciting relationship. A big refund is in the mail already. Relocation is imminent but may take another few weeks.

(December 22 to January 19)


aintain patience at work and especially with a colleague who is a well known trouble maker. Your argument may fail to prove your point and you may need to send the check immediately. Some of you may keep chasing your dream of buying a franchise, which of course is in the cards this year. Stay away from stocks and bonds.

(July 23 to August 22)


ear will not come close. Your actions will be full of determination and intensity to strike hard. Results will be astonishing. And this could be the turning point in life if you are ready to take this chance and accept challenge. Suddenly you will be popular in social as well as professional circle and positive trend will continue.

(January 20 to February 18)


ctions will be full of intelligence and determination. Feeling little tired of stale life, you will make few calculated move in life. results will be instant and promising. You will be motivated to go ahead with your plans at top speed. Some one older and with gray hair will give some useful tips and valuable guidance this week.

(August 23 to September 22)


xpenses will exceed budget and you will have to careful for next five weeks when it comes to money as transiting Mars in second is not good. Stay away from too good to be true schemes and avoid making commitments beyond your reach if you wants to stay strong money wise for long time. You will be invited to couple of parties.

PANDIT PARASHAR, CEO & COO Astro Scan USA is also available for individual consultations. He can be reached at:

(February 19 to March 20)


female could be the root cause behind turbulence in career. Life could get slight challenging as you will be required to take many important decisions this week. Only prompt action and dealing with one thing at a time is the good solution. You may get only a piece of the big chunk after many phone calls. Avoid hot and spicy food this week.


Tech News DLF partners IBM for mobile analytics solutions NEW DELHI: Technology giant IBM has partnered with real estate firm DLF to deploy a mobilephone based solution to gather insights into behavior of shoppers at the latter's mall premises. The solution, to be deployed at high-end shopping mall DLF Promenade in the City, performs real-time analytics to convert data gathered from shopper's movements in the mall to provide meaningful interactions for smartphone users, IBM said in a statement. For example, once a user optsin for the service, the solution performs analytics to understand consumer preferences based on location and interests in order to provide customized services via a mobile app. No financial details were disclosed. DLF will also use the solution to allow retailers in the mall to extend sales deals to shoppers via the app, based on footfall heat maps.-PTI

TechBiz 12 India Post

February 7, 2014

India-born techie Satya Nadella named Microsoft CEO NEW YORK: India-born Satya Nadella has been named as the new CEO of 78 billion USD tech

Walmart to incur higher charges on India JV split NEW YORK: American retail giant Walmart expects to incur higher expenses related to its split with Indian joint venture partner Bharti Enterprises. Various charges, including that related to India joint venture, would also be impacting its quarterly as well as full-year earnings, according to the retailer. Walmart and Bharti Enterprises decided to part ways in October last year, bringing an end to their six-year long partnership. They had decided to independently own and operate separate business formats in the country. With respect to the India transaction, Walmart said it has terminated the franchise and supply agreements related to retail stores. "The estimated charge for this transaction is now approximately USD 0.05 per share versus the previous estimate of USD 0.04 per share," the company said in a statement on January 31. In November last year, the retailer had projected the charge related to India transaction at USD 0.04 per share. However, the quantum of overall expenses related to the India transaction is not available. "We now anticipate that our underlying EPS for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2014 will be at or slightly below the low end of our range of USD 1.60 to USD 1.70," Walmart Stores Chief Financial Officer Charles Holley said.-PTI

Ford India President Nigel Harris (C) and Vice President (Engineering) Kumar Galhotra (R) at the unveiling of the Ford Figo Concept car in New Delhi on February 3

Satya Nadella

giant Microsoft and he attributed his leadership capabilities to playing cricket. 46-year-old Nadella, who takes over as the third CEO of the Redmond-based firm, is the first

Indian to head the world's largest software firm in its 38-year history, ending months of speculation as to who would succeed the retiring Steve Balmer. Nadella, along with Google's Sundar Pichai, were the contenders for the top job. A cricket ent h u s i a s t , Hyderabad-born Nadella, who had joined Microsoft in 1992, previously served as the Executive Vice President of Cloud and Enterprise Group. John Thompson, who is currently lead independent director, will succeed Microsoft founder Bill Gates as Chairman. Gates will don a new hat of technology adviser and retain a seat on the board, the company said in a statement. "As Satya Nadella becomes the third CEO of Microsoft, he brings

a relentless drive for innovation and a spirit of collaboration to this new role," Microsoft said in a statement, announcing Nadella's appointment. Reacting to his appointment, Nadella said, "Microsoft is one of those rare companies to have truly revolutionized the world through technology, and I couldn't be more honored to have been chosen to lead the company." In an email to employees on first day as CEO, Nadella paraphrased

ing skills, business vision and the ability to bring people together, Gates said, "During this time of transformation, there is no better person to lead Microsoft than Satya Nadella." Nadella takes on as the CEO at a time when the company is facing a slow erosion of its PC-centric Windows and Office businesses and is looking at refuelling its mobile ambitions with the takeover of Finnish handset maker Nokia.

46-year-old Nadella, who takes over as the third CEO of the Redmond-based firm, is the first Indian to head the world's largest software firm in its 38-year history, ending months of speculation as to who would succeed the retiring Steve Balmer a quote from Oscar Wilde - "We need to believe in the impossible and remove the improbable". "We are the only ones who can harness power of software and deliver it through devices and services that truly empowers every individual and every organisation," he said. Praising Nadella as a "proven leader" with hard-core engineer-

Before joining Microsoft. Nadella was a member of the technology staff at Sun Microsystems. Nadella attributed his rise to the top to cricket. "I think playiong cricket taught me more about working in teams and leadership that has stayed with me throughout my career," he said shortly after was named for the top post. Cont’d on page 13

After Walmart, Amazon lobbies for Indian FDI WASHINGTON: After supermarket giant Walmart, it is online retail major Amazon which has begun lobbying with the US lawmakers to seek their support for facilitating its "foreign direct investment in India". According to lobby disclosure reports filed with the US Senate, and its group entities including Amazon Corporate LLC have been lobbying on various issues since at least year 2000. However, it was only in the last quarter, ended December 31, 2013, when its lobbying issues included "foreign direct invest-

ment in India", shows the latest disclosure report dated January 22, 2014.

included "issues related to free trade agreements", "Transaltantic Trade and Investment Partner-

bied with the US Trade Representative, the Department of Commerce, the Department of

Amazon spent a total amount of USD 960,000 (over Rs six crore) on numerous lobbying issues, which included "issues related to free trade agreements" During this quarter, Amazon spent a total amount of USD 960,000 (over Rs six crore) on numerous lobbying issues, which

ship", as also matters relating to various Acts and proposals in the US. Among others, Amazon lob-

State and the US House of Representatives on these issues. Cont’d on page 14

TechBiz Post

February 7, 2014

India Post


Rs 5L compensation for not helping stranded fliers NEW DELHI: British Airways has been directed by a consumer forum to pay Rs 2.5 lakh each to two doctors for leaving them to "fend for themselves" after their flight from London to Delhi was cancelled due to a snowstorm. The Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission said the airline "violated the basic courteous behavior" expected of it by not making arrangements of food and stay for its passengers and their "violation of duty to care" is "actionable negligence". The state commission made the observation while dismissing the airline's appeal against the order of a district consumer forum which had directed it to pay Rs 2.5 lakh each to the two Delhi-based doctors - Kamal Kumar and Mukesh

Mehra. "We find the appellant (airline) has violated the basic courteous behavior by adding insult to humiliation caused to the complainant and other co-passenger by simply giving them marching or-

ders to fend for themselves without any support in terms of food, stay arrangements and other conveniences. "The attitude of the appellant had caused great stress mental tension agony emotional and

AT&T reduces rates for high-data plans NEW YORK: AT&T is reducing cellphone rates for family plans with large amounts of data. The new rates apply to plans with at least 10 gigabytes of data shared by two or more phones on a single account. Savings start at $10 per phone per month. A family of four sharing 10 gigabytes will

pay $160 a month combined instead of $200 under the most recent rates. The changes represent AT&T's latest effort to get customers to pay more overall by upgrading from lower-use plans. In some cases, families will actually pay less if they upgrade. That family of four, for instance, already pays

Two India-born execs in running for top job Cont’d from page 12

Hyderabad-born Nadella is a longtime Microsoft executive who led the company's initiatives in cloud computing. He is a "popular choice partly because of his oversight of the enterprise software and cloud computing businesses at Microsoft, one of the strongest and fastest growing parts of the company", said a report in The New York Times. Nadella has been getting a vote of approval by a number of advocates for change at Microsoft who believe the company's leader needs to have stronger technical expertise than Ballmer, whose background was in sales. In addition to Nadella, Microsoft has held conversations with its top sales executive Kevin Turner and Tony Bates, who joined Microsoft through its acquisition of Skype. Stephen Elop, the former Nokia CEO who said he would rejoin Microsoft once its purchase of Nokia's mobile business was complete, has also been considered for the job. -PTI

$170 monthly for a 4 gigabyte plan and $180 for 6 gigabytes. If they upgrade, they will pay just $160. But for the most part, more data means more revenue for AT&T Inc. David Christopher, chief marketing officer for AT&T's wireless business, said the offer is designed to give families a worry-

free experience as they consume more data for video and social networking. It also could encourage people to add tablets to their accounts, as those consume even more data and would quickly use up allotments in the lower-use plans. The new rates will also help AT&T wean people off subsidies on new phones. Instead of having people buy phones for $100 or $200 and having the true cost baked in to monthly service fees, AT&T and other carriers have been encouraging customers to pay the full price for phones outright or in installments. Many people are already doing that, through programs such as AT&T's Next, even though in many cases, it's actually cheaper for people to use the subsidies for high-end phones as long as they keep their phones for two years or longer. -PTI

physical suffering to the complainant as well as loss of medical practice. This is all nothing but deficiency of service by opposite party (airline) by not stretching out helping hand to passengers in time of crises... and is highly unbecoming," a bench of members S A Siddiqui and S C Jain said. The airline in its appeal had contended that an unprecedented snowstorm in London had disrupted flights as well as shut down the city due to which majority of the ground staff of British Airways were unable to reach the airport and as result, the passengers could not be taken care of. Citing the defense of act of god, the airline had said it is not liable to pay any compensation to the

passengers. The two doctors, in their separate complaints filed in the district forum, had said they had gone to Zurich to attend a medical conference and were scheduled to return to Delhi via London by a British Airways flight on January 30, 2003. However, after they boarded the flight from London, they were told it was cancelled and were asked to de-board as well as arrange for food, stay and alternate tickets for their journey to Delhi on their own without any help from the airline, they had said in their complaints. The district forum, on their complaints, had held the airline guilty of providing deficient service. -PTI


TechBiz Post

India Post

February 7, 2014

Facebook wants to read your confidential info NEW DELHI: Leading social media company Facebook wants to read SMSes and other confidential information of people on the Android mobile phone platform, cyber security firm Kaspersky has said. "Over the last few days there has been a constant scrutiny over Facebook having access to your SMS. Buried within the latest update for Facebook's Android app is a feature that is causing growing concern among some users," Kaspersky said in a statement. No immediate comments were received from Facebook. Facebook is one of the companies that has been accused by US Whistleblower Edward Snowden of sneaking into private information to help National Security Agency of US in spying at global level. The social media firm has denied that allegation.

The Facebook application at the time of installation on Android mobile phones seeks certain permissions and the updated version now asks users to allow it "Read your text messages (SMS or MMS)". The social media's logic behind seeking access to SMS is that "if

IBA issues advisory to banks on use of Windows XP NEW DELHI: Banking industry body Indian Banks Association (IBA) has issued an advisory to banks to ensure business continuity after Microsoft ends support for its popular Windows XP operating system on April 8, 2014. IBA, in its advisory, drew the attention of the banks to a study by Microsoft, which estimates that over 34,000 branches of public sector banks would become vulnerable following the US-based firm's decision to stop support to Windows XP. The fiscal impact of this could be as much as a loss of business opportunity worth Rs 1,100 crore in a day and a loss of income worth Rs 330 crore over a period of 3 days (assuming that a major incident may take 3 days for the systems to come up to normal functioning), the study had said. IBA advisory said: "IBA Managing Committee at its meeting held on November 29, 2013, discussed the issue in detail and said that banks would have taken cognizance of the news item and taken necessary steps to mitigate the risk." Windows XP - launched in October 2001 - is three generations behind the latest operating system Windows 8, which was

launched in October 2012, it added. "We request you (banks) to kindly arrange to take cognizance of the news item and take steps as may be necessary to mitigate the risk of disruption in banking services," IBA Deputy Chief Executive K Unnikrishnan said. Commenting on the approaching deadline for end of support for Windows XP, Microsoft India GM (Windows Business) Amrish Goyal said: "We have been in touch with most of the banks on this issue, but we not see any ac-

celeration in their pace over this." Welcoming IBA's advisory, Microsoft said such a step will further act as a catalyst in encouraging banks to change their operating system, he told PTI. "It seems banks are being dismissive about the risks that are involved here. Some vendors are also less cautious on this issue. We also have special offers for banks to encourage them to upgrade their systems," Goyal said. -PTI

you add a phone number to your account, this allows us to confirm your phone number automatically by finding the confirmation code that we send via text message". The updated Facebook application now wants to "Read calendar events plus confidential infor-

mation" which it justifies as it is required to allow "the app to show your calendar availability (based on your phone's calendar) when you're viewing an event on Facebook". Facebook sends code via SMS that has to be entered when a user registers with the social media website which in a way helps the company verify the authenticity of users twice. "Two-factor authentication provides an extra level of security, so it's good to see Facebook providing this option ... As a final note, we'd urge people to carefully check the permissions requested by any app when you first install it," Kaspersky Lab's Principal Security Researcher David Emm said. Kaspersky added the permissions also grants access to multi-

media messages, for which reason is not explicitly given. It expressed apprehension on the word 'automatic' used in the permission sought by Facebook. "...the key, it seems to lie in the word 'automatically'. Surely the app doesn't need to do this automatically. Facebook could simply prompt me to type in the code manually. Or, at the very least, provide this option," Kaspersky said. It added that this may be an innocent feature "but in the light of growing concerns about online privacy, such an option would help to allay people's fears". Facebook is reported to have 93 million users in India out of which 75 million access it from their mobile phone as of December 2013. -PTI

After Walmart, Amazon lobbies for Indian FDI

Girl injured after iPhone blasts in her pocket

Cont’d from page 12

NEW YORK: An eighth-grade student in the US received burn injuries when her iPhone blew and caught fire in her back pocket while she was in her school classroom. The girl, who has not been named, received the burns on the thigh and back when her iPhone started smoldering in her pocket. The girl, a student at the Middle School of the Kennebunks in Maine was treated at a hospital. The classroom had to be vacated when the girl said her pants were burning after she sat down and heard a pop, principal Jeffrey Rodman was quoted by the New York Daily News as saying. Rodman said the student quickly raced to the corner and took off her pants. The student was then treated for minor burns and was expected to return to school soon. Rodman said the girl's pants had multiple burn holes and there was so much smoke in the room that a window had to be opened. He said the cause of the phone's explosion is under investigation by the state Fire Marshall. -PTI

During entire 2013, Amazon spent a total amount of USD 3.45 million on lobbying, while such expenses have been mostly rising since the year 2000 when it began lobbying, shows the disclosure reports filed with the Senate. The total lobbying expenses during these 13 years exceed USD 21.5 million (about Rs 136 crore), but any Indian issue has figured among the "specific lobbying issues" in these reports for the first time ever. Amazon's lobbying in the US comes at a time when Indian government has The government later floated a discussion paper on allowing FDI into announced a probe into e-commerce retail busiWalmart's lobbying ness in the country. A final decision would be activities, but the inquiry taken after taking into remained inconclusive in account responses to this discussion paper. absence of sufficient Earlier in November evidence for any 2013, Amazon had said it is 'engaging' with the wrongdoings. Indian government for relaxing of FDI norms in the e-commerce space, saying lobby on any India-specific issues such a move would help it begin during the last quarter, when its "retailing products" as well, in ad- total lobbying expenses stood at dition to its current marketplace USD 1.95 million and one of the issue for lobby included "discusbusiness model. The company launched opera- sions regarding investments overtions in India in June last year with seas". In the second quarter of 2013 its marketplace model, under which does not sell also, Walmart had halted its Indiaproducts directly to customers but specific lobbying, but resumed the only provides a platform to sell- same in the subsequent quarter, that is between July-September ers. The issue of lobbying among 2013. -PTI

the US lawmakers for FDI in India had snowballed into a major political controversy late in 2012 after such disclosures by Walmart came to the fore. The government later announced a probe into Walmart's lobbying activities, but the inquiry remained inconclusive in absence of sufficient evidence for any wrongdoings. Lobbying is legally permitted in the US, but the companies and their lobbyists need to mandatorily file disclosure reports every quarter for such activities. Interestingly, Walmart did not

TechBiz Post

February 7, 2014

India Post

Thailand to deport Indian businessman for leading protests BANGKOK: Thailand said it will deport a prominent ethnic Indian businessman for defying a state of emergency and leading antigovernment protests. The Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO), which is overseeing the government's response to the protests, directed immigration authorities and police to start procedures to deport Satish Sehgal, Thai news agency MCOT reported. Sehgal, chairman of the ThaiIndian Business Association, was a core member of anti-government protests aimed at ousting Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. Authorities had warned last month that action would be taken against five non-Thai protesters for their active role in demonstrations led by former Democrat law-

maker Suthep Thaugsuban. Last month, Sehgal led a group of protesters in Bangkok's business district and called for the elected government to quit. He

On January 22, the caretaker government put Bangkok under a state of emergency for 60 days to quell the protests. also publicly criticized the government and showed his strong affiliation to the opposition Democrat Party. Thailand has a sizable population of ethnic Indian businessmen

US regulator downgrades India's aviation safety rating NEW DELHI: US aviation regulator Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has said it had downgraded India's aviation safety rating to Category 2 as it does not comply with global standards set by UN agency ICAO, a move that would adversely affect Indian airlines' flights to US. However, the FAA said "the United States will continue to work with India's Directorate General for

Civil Aviation (DGCA) to identify the remaining steps necessary to regain Category 1 status for India." It also said India has made "significant progress towards addressing issues" identified during two safety audits it had carried out in September and December last year. With a Category 2 rating, Indian carriers - Air India and Jet Airways "can continue existing service to the United States, but will not be allowed to establish new service to the United States", the FAA said in a statement in Washington. The American aviation regulator, part of the Department of

Transportation, said it carried out "reassessment" of the DGCA, following which "India has been assigned a Category 2 rating under its International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) program." Observing that India had achieved a Category 1 rating, signifying compliance with ICAO standards, in August 1997, it said a December 2012 ICAO audit identified deficiencies in the ICAO-set global standards for oversight of aviation safety by the DGCA. "Subsequently, the FAA began a reassessment of India's compliance with ICAO standards under the FAA's IASA program, which monitors adherence to international safety standards and practices." FAA said it had consulted extensively with the DCGA and other relevant Indian government ministries during its evaluation, including consultations in September and early December and meetings this week in Delhi. Responding to the decision, FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said, "US and Indian aviation officials have developed an important working relationship as our countries work to meet the challenges of ensuring international aviation safety." -PTI

who have largely remained focused on increasing their business presence. On January 22, the caretaker government put Bangkok under a state of emergency for 60 days to quell the protests. CMPO Director Chalerm Yubamrung warned he would use stringent measures, without prior warning, against People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) protesters who occupy government offices. The PDRC has been leading protests for neatly three months in a bid to topple Yingluck. It has been demanding that she should hand over power to an unelected "People's Council" to carry out massive reforms aimed at curbing the political dominance of the Shinawatra clan. -PTI

Yahoo email account passwords stolen NEW YORK: Usernames and passwords of some of Yahoo's email customers have been stolen and used to gather personal information about people that Yahoo mail users have recently corresponded with, the company said. Yahoo didn't say how many accounts have been affected. Yahoo is the second-largest email service worldwide, after Google's Gmail, according to the research firm comScore. There are 273 million Yahoo mail accounts worldwide, including 81 million in the United States. It's the latest in a string of security breaches that have al-

and advisory firm. The bigger danger: access to email accounts could lead to more serious breaches involving banking and shopping sites. That's because many people reuse passwords across many sites, and also because many sites use email to reset passwords. Hackers could try logging in to such a site with the Yahoo email address, for instance, and ask that a password reminder be sent by email. Litan said hackers appear to be ``trying to collect as much information as they can on people. Putting all this stuff together makes it easier to steal

lowed hackers to nab personal information using software that analysts say is ever more sophisticated. Up to 70 million customers of Target stores had their personal information and credit and debit card numbers compromised late last year, and Neiman Marcus was the victim of a similar breach in December. ``It's an old trend, but it's much more exaggerated now because the programs the bad guys use are much more sophisticated now,'' says Avivah Litan, a security analyst at the technology research firm Gartner. ``We're clearly under attack.'' Yahoo Inc. said in a blog post on its breach that ``The information sought in the attack seems to be names and email addresses from the affected accounts' most recent sent emails.'' That could mean hackers were looking for additional email addresses to send spam or scam messages. By grabbing real names from those sent folders, hackers could try to make bogus messages appear more legitimate to recipients. ``It's much more likely that I'd click on something from you if we email all the time,'' says Richard Mogull, analyst and CEO of Securois, a security research

somebody's identity.'' Yahoo said the usernames and passwords weren't collected from its own systems, but from a third-party database. Because so many people use the same passwords across multiple sites, it's possible hackers broke in to some service that lets people use email addresses as their usernames. The hackers could have grabbed passwords stored at that service, filtered out the accounts with Yahoo addresses and used that information to log in to Yahoo's mail systems, said Johannes Ullrich, dean of research at the SANS Institute, a group devoted to security research and education. The breach is the second mishap for Yahoo's mail service in two months. In December, the service suffered a multi-day outage that prompted Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer to issue an apology. Yahoo said it is resetting passwords on affected accounts and has ``implemented additional measures'' to block further attacks. The company would not comment beyond the information in its blog post. It said it is working with federal law enforcement. -AP

'Diamond trade being used for money laundering' NEW DELHI: India is one of the five countries where instances have been found that trade accounts of diamond business are being used to launder illegal funds to the tune of millions of dollars, according to a report by a global financial crimes combating body. The report by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a Parisbased global body to set standards to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, says that India has reported instances where dia-

mond prices were overvalued for purposes of laundering and suspected financing. The report said as there were no set standards of diamond pricing in the country, agents were overvaluing the costly and prized gemstones, and even one such big instance is under the scanner of financial enforcement agencies. The report has been brought out with the aim to provide a general overview of the global diamond industry, the way it works and the characteristics of diamonds as merchandise, "through an anti-money laundering and combating financing terror lens".-PTI


Desi News A day in the life of Ro Khanna


ave you ever wondered what a day in Ro's life looks like? On Saturday Feb 1, Ro attended eight different community events. He then spoke at the Berryessa/ North San Jose Democratic Club, where he secured their endorsement. It was a busy day - but a pretty typical one here on the Ro for Congress campaign. Running a grassroots campaign means spending time with every single 17th District voter, working hard to understand every diverse opinion and concern, and coming up with innovative policy ideas to represent our voices and area. Details on page 22

Huge support for Statue of Unity from Chicagoans ASIAN MEDIA USA AND SURENDRA ULLAL

CHICAGO: A joint effort by Global Indians for Bharat Vikas (GIBV) and Overseas Friends of BJP with huge backing from enlightened members of Indian community organized a 'Walk for Unity' in Chicago on the occasion of the 65th Republic Day of India. It met with success despite inclement and very unfriendly weather. Details on page 20

Vaishnav Parivar youth celebrate Republic Day VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

FREMONT, CA: Bay Area Youth Vaishnav Parivar (BAYVP) is a volunteer driven organization with the purpose of bringing together all Vaishnavs of the Bay Area. The purpose of BAYVP is to propagate and understand the life and teachings of Lord Krishna as envisioned by Vallabhacharaya Mahaprabhuji. Details on page 23


Air India awards to Midwest consolidators at fun-filled event Details on page 18

16 India Post

February 7, 2014

Community airs grievances against BLS at CG meet Suresh Shah & Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: An interactive session between members of Indian community and Indian Consul General was held at the Consulate office in Chicago Downtown on Saturday February 1 to get a first hand feel of the problem faced by community members at large in Midwest area with regard to handling for visa and OCI-PIO cards by the newly introduced BLS International, V.K.Jain, Niraj Guglani and Abhilash were present on behalf of B.L.S. International, the outsourcing agency. Many questions were raised highlighting problems of delay in visas, loss and misdirections of passports, etc. Consul General Dr Ausaf Sayeed welcomed all and briefed those present about the purpose of this type of session. He said that he had been receiving many complaints about the outsourcing agency, BLS and was keen to get the same resolved to the satisfaction of all. This meeting, he said, will provide a forum to individuals and the community to present their problems in general and it will the effort of the CG Office to address them and get appropriate solutions for them besides overcoming deficiencies in the system. He informed that since he took over he has tried to ease the entire process and would strive to see that the problem gets to zero level. He has already given numbers for contacting in case of emergency and also provision of contacting via e-mails, even giving direct link to CG himself. He assured to rectify all possible problems. However

CG Dr Ausaf Sayeed with senior Consulate staff addressing a meet with community to hear complaints against BLS -Pics Asian Media USA

he requested all to plan everything in advance so as to avoid last minute rush as far as possible. Among the community leaders present were Dr Bharat Barai, Naren Patel CEO of Medstar Laboratories,

K. Chandy of Malayalee community, representatives of Punjab Cultural Society and President of Indian Overseas Congress. Many questions were put forth by the dignitaries and the persons

More complaints were directed against the outsourcing agency in failure to getting contact with them and when contact was established, getting abrupt and rude answers even while full service fees have been paid Santosh Kumar CEO of MAFS, Jagtar Singh Bajwa, Raghwir Singh Mahd, S.R.S. President, Representation of Bohra Community of Mumbai led by Kutubuddin Asgarali, Dr Harjinder Khaira, Cyriac

present pertaining various facets and aspects related to the work of visa, passport, OCO and other issues citing specific incidents. Common problems faced by the general public were also raised.

More complaints were directed against the outsourcing agency in failure to getting contact with them and when contact was established, getting abrupt and rude answers even while full service fees have been paid. The complaints were also against some senior staffers at the CG Office. Concerned officers or staffers would just not answer the phone despite repeated attempts to reach them, it is said. A glaring case, not specifically cited at the meeting, was from a Senior Pariwar member who had his OCI card applied for and possibly cleared months ago but was not delivered despite repeated attempts to reach the Consulate and BLS. Cont’d on page 19

Members of the Indian community Dr Harjinder Khaira, Balwinder Singh, Naren Patel, Dr Bharat Barai, Ms Santosh Kumar of MAFS and Kutubuddin Asgarali of Bohra community

February 7, 2014

Community Across America

India Post 17

High Indian honor for 2 Chicago faculty members SARAH NOLAN

CHICAGO: Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, the William Benton Distinguished Service Professor Emerita at the University of Chicago, and Lloyd I. Rudolph, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Chicago, are the recipients of the prestigious Padma Bhushan Award given by the Indian government. The Padma Bhushan is the country's third-highest civilian honor. It is awarded to recognize distinguished service of a high order to the nation, in any field. The President of India will confer the awards at a ceremony in the spring of 2014. The Rudolphs joined the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science in 1964. Susanne Rudolph studies comparative politics with special interest in the political economy and political sociology of South Asia, state formation, Max Weber, and the politics of category and culture. She has served as president of

the Association of Asian Studies and of the American Political Science Association (2003-2004). She has co-authored eight books with

Science Collegiate Division, Director of the Center for International Studies, Director of the South Asia Language and Area Center, and

The Padma Bhushan is the country's thirdhighest civilian honor. It is awarded to recognize distinguished service of a high order to the nation, in any field. The President of India will confer the awards at a ceremony in the spring of 2014 her husband, Lloyd Rudolph, including Postmodern Gandhi and Other Essays in 2006. She also served as Master of the Social

graduate Teaching. In 2008, Oxford University Press published a three-volume, careerspanning collection of the writings

Susanne Hoeber Rudolph and Lloyd I. Rudolph

twice as chair of the Department of Political Science. She is a recipient of the College's Quantrell Award for Excellence in Under-

of Lloyd and Susanne Rudoph, titled Explaining Indian Democracy: A Fifty-Year Perspective. Lloyd Rudolph served as Chair of the

Committee on International Relations and the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences and as chair of concentrations in Political Science, Public Policy, International Studies and South Asian Studies in the College Rudolphs now divide their time between Kensington, California; Barnard, Vermont and Jaipur, Rajasthan. The University of Chicago will open a major new academic center in Delhi in March 2014, supporting and expanding opportunities for collaboration among scholars and students from India and Chicago, across academic disciplines. The Center in Delhi will be a home for research and education for University of Chicago faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates working in India and throughout South Asia, as well as Indian researchers and students representing a wide array of institutions, and scholars from around the world.

FIA Chicago celebrates Republic Day with fervor ASIAN MEDIA USA

CHICAGO: It was a somewhat unique celebration of Indian Republic Day by the Federation of Indian Association (FIA-new) held on Saturday January 25 at Meadows Club, Rolling Meadows, a northwest suburb of Chicago - in more than one way. It was free for all those coming to the event but it was by invitation. Secondly, it was a well planned affair highlighted by Indian songs, dances, delicious food, a Hindi-play "Dastak" and meeting with invited dignitaries. The program started with the traditional lighting of the lamp in the presence of a large number of City, State and Federal elected officials and well-known Community leaders. Indian national anthem was sung by the versatile singer Shreelakha Mohanty and the American national anthem was sung by Ashika Sachdev who has been an American Idol contestant. A beautiful group dance was performed by Mudra Dance Academy

gratulated Indian Americans for their initiatives in cementing IndiaUS ties. P.C.S. Past President Rajinder Singh Mago introduced the elected officials, political candidates and special guests. Mago introduced the Keynote Address Speaker Dan Rutherford, Illinois State Treasurer, as a true supporter of Indian Community. State Treasurer Rutherford, a Republican is running for the Governor of Illinois seat in the upcoming elec-

FIA team & guests

on the music of the famous song Vande Matram by A.R. Rehman. FIA President Onkar Sangha welcomed the community guests, invited dignitaries and the Indian Consul General Ausaf Sayeed who was the Chief Guest. He observed that Indian Republic Day is celebrated not only in India but even

abroad by people of Indian origin and Chicago cannot be an exception. Welcome remarks were also made by Sunil Shah, Founder & Former President while introducing the Chief Guest. Consul General Ausaf Sayeed recounted the importance of Republic Day and briefed those

present about the huge strides that India has taken in fields of science, technology and education over the past sixty years and more importantly in recent decades. He conFIA cultural show

FIA speakers

tions. Dan Rutherford wished happy Republic Day to Indians, the largest democratic nation on globe. He reminded all about the important role Indians are playing in the US economy and assured of his support. Rutherford thanked FIA for arranging this event and inviting him. Cont’d on page 19

18 India Post

Community Across America

February 7, 2014

Air India awards to Midwest consolidators at fun-filled event A.Q. SIDDIQUI India Post News Service

CHICAGO: In a fun filled ceremony, national Indian carrier Air India, Chicago, honored its top selling consolidators in Midwest at Ashiyana Banquet on Friday, January 3. While top selling consolidators got sales performance awards, other members of Midwest travel fraternity had an evening of fun and dinner. The event was set in

Air India hosts: Chicago Chief Rishikant Singh, Airport Manager Aspi Irani, Sales Chief Katherine Thorat. Pics Asian Media and IP Sid

Air India Awardees

motion by Air India Airport Manager Aspi Irani and District Sales Manager Katherine Thorat emceed it. Air India Chicago Manager Rishikant Singh recalled early aviation days in India when air travel was an elite affair. The travelers were mostly in business attire and flights operating from USA to In-

Rishikant also pointed out Air India's role in aviation history since 1932. While many other world airlines have been closed or bought over by others, India's flag carrier continues flying across the globe. "In Air India we have one of the world's oldest and youngest airlines," he said. Contrary to a wrong notion that Air India has

Air India manager with Birju Bhagat of Krisbi Travel, Evia Travel Team, Umesh Patel of Sky Bird, Air India Managers Rishikant and Katheriine, Deepak Patel of Natraj Travel

dia over the Atlantic took over two days in-flight and ground time compared to 14 hours non-stop flights to India today. "And you never know if future technology will reduce it to three hours," he remarked.

old aircrafts, Air India operates with all new 777 wide body Boeings and has acquired 11 Dreamliners. He announced that Air India will soon join Star Alliance network.

Air Tour Team-the top winner

Cont’d on page 20

February 7, 2014

Community Across America

India Post 19

FIA Chicago celebrates Republic Day with fervor Cont’d from page 17

Steve Kim, candidate for Lieutenant Governor also wished

Chicago Frank Avila and Mariyana Spyropoulos, Naren Patel of Medstar Laboratories graced the event and delivered befitting con-

FIA cultural show

Happy Republic Day and emphasized the importance of Asian Americans and appealed to all to unite in representing the interests of Asian Americans. US Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth of 8th District was represented by her district scheduler Trisha Chokshi. Illinois State Senator Michael Noland of 22nd district, Illinois state representative Michelle Mussman of 56th district, Deputy Mayor of Hanover Park Rick Roberts, Hanover Township Trustee Steve Caramelli, Commissioners of Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater

gratulatory speeches. A Republic Day Proclamation was presented to Onkar Sangha & Sunil Shah by State Senator Michael Noland. William McLeod, Mayor of Hoffman Estates also attended the Republic Day celebrations and addressed the audience. Laddi K. Singh, a female Sikh Indian American, a Democratic Party candidate, for Illinois State Representative for 54th district which covers Palatine, Rolling Meadows, Inverness, Barrington etc, also spoke to the audience. She is unopposed in the primaries

Community airs grievances against BLS at CG meet Cont’d from page 16

Cases were cited about visas for senior people age over 80 years or so and Renunciation Certificate. Instances were also about citizenship of couple, (one being Indian another being Pakistani), of passport/ visa for a child whose parents got divorced. There were questions about getting visa in case of emergency following of sudden death and requiring immediate presence in India. Many complimented the CG for taking initiative in organizing this type of meet and public forum to address vexatious issues facing the community. The CG made it clear that work of outsourcing is that of a facilitator only and they

cannot delay matters nor can they charge more than suggested. He also subtly warned BLS authorities that in case of real complaints penalty shall be levied. In a soothing gesture to the community members, he assured that there may be surprise checking at the BLS office to see their working. He also agreed in principle to arrange such meetings at large gatherings whenever it is possible. The community members thanked Dr Ausaf Sayeed for his readiness to help public at large. All existing and earlier outstanding issues concerning Indian passports, miscellaneous services, visas for India, OCI and PIO cards and community welfare matters were discussed on the occasion.

and will face the incumbent Republican in general elections in November. Nimesh Jani, an Indian American Trustee of Schaumburg

Township also addressed the au- President: Dhitu Bhagwakar; Vice dience. Air India Manager, Presidents: Bharti Desai, Rita Rishikant Singh also wished Happy Shah, Surinder Kalra, Mukesh Republic Day to all and congratu- Shah, Ravi Kapoor; General Seclated FIA for celebrating this day retary: Neil Khot; Jt. Secretary: and arranging such a beautiful func- Sam Azeemuddin; Treasurer: tion. He spoke about the achieve- Surinder Palia; Jt Treasurer: Raju ments of Air India globally and also Shah, Directors: Shital Daftari, assured of continued excellence in its services A large number of A beautiful cultural young Indian Americans' presence sug- presentation by local artists gested an increased participation in main- turned out to be a great stream politics. A beautiful cultural entertainment. UIC Bhangra presentation by local dance was a great hit. artists turned out to be a great entertainment. Pravasi Kala Manch and UIC Bhangra dance was a great hit. Pravasi Washington Hindustani Kala Manch and Washington Hindustani The- Theater presented "Dastak" ater presented "Dastak" A Gentle Knock on Collective Conscience Amit Desai. - a gripping insightful Hindi Play General Secretary Neil Khot highlighting a girl's life. proposed the Vote of Thanks. The FIA's New Board for 2014 was Master of Ceremony was Gaurav declared as President: Onkar Arora who handled the entire Singh Sangha; Executive Vice event very nicely.

Community Across America

20 India Post

February 7, 2014

Huge support for Statue of Unity from Chicagoans ASIAN MEDIA USA AND SURENDRA ULLAL

CHICAGO: A joint effort by Global Indians for Bharat Vikas (GIBV) and Overseas Friends of BJP with huge backing from enlightened members of Indian community organized a 'Walk for Unity' in Chicago on the occasion of the 65th Republic Day of India. It met with success despite inclement and very unfriendly weather. The walk commenced from North Shore banquet Devon Ave, Chicago at 12-30 pm with over 200 people attending to show solidarity of Non Resident Indians (NRIs) with the Gujarat Government's initiative to build the world's tallest statue in India - the Statue of Unity to commemorate India's unity in diversity and invaluable contributions of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel towards nation building. It was brutally cold in Chicago as well as in two other places, Atlanta and Arkansas that held a

similar event The walk starting from Northshore Banquet Hall got the entire half a mile walk reverberating with shouts of 'Bharatmata Ki Jai'. People from Chicago and neighboring Wisconsin participated in the walk. NRIs belonging to Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu came in reflecting huge unity of the country in its tremendous diversity. The program commenced with Kalpesh Desai, GIBV's Chicago Coordinator, welcoming everyone and introducing Global Indian for Bharat Vikas (GIBV). He encouraged all to register as GIBV volunteers to come together with focus to actively participate to help fulfill the expectations of millions in India. Jenish Bulsara, a high school student, sang the national anthem of USA and everyone rose and joined to sing na-

Members of Indian community march on Devon Ave Chicago to show support for Corruption free India. Pics Asian Media USA

Gathering at Manav Seva Mandir for Unity Walk

tional anthems of USA and India. Patel. Other leading community A special video of Statue of leaders like Naren Patel of Medstar Unity was shown on the occasion. Laboratories and Mafatbhai Patel Everyone was excited to hear of Patel Brothers contributed silabout this project in Gujarat to honor Sardar Patel for his successful The program commenced efforts to unite the coun- with Kalpesh Desai, GIBV's try right after indepenChicago Coordinator, weldence in 1947. Dr Indrajit Patel coming everyone and talked about the silver introducing Global Indian for coin made to raise funds for Statue of Unity. As Bharat Vikas (GIBV) all know, there is a drive for collecting funds for this statue ver to create silver coins. These by Sardar Patel Seva Foundation coins with carving of Sardar Patel whose President is Dr. Bharat and Mahatma Gandhi are being Barai, a well known oncologist and sold to raise funds for the Statue. community activist from Indiana Cont’d on page 22 and vice president is Dr Indrajit

Air India awards to Midwest consolidators at fun-filled event

Air India fun time Cont’d from page 18

Awards for sales performance were distributed by Katherine and Rishikant. Air Tours was top in the list as the Desi Indian travel agent for selling over 9 million, followed by other Indian American travel agents Sky Bird Travel, Devon

Travel, Krisbi Travel, Aero Travel, Natraj Travel, Evia Travel, RK Travel and Direct Express. Orbitz as the non-Desi agent remained on top for selling over 11 million. As the award ceremony was wrapped up, Katherine Thorat announced a travel quiz comprising

Air India junior staff in Chicago

questions on Indian travel attraction and historical places. All the tables with unique Indian tourist attraction names participated in the Quiz. However none could answer all correct. Another unique presentation was made by Mrs Rishikant Singh, visual glimpses of last

year's Air India Award Ceremony with comic remarks. All enjoyed it. Air India Chicago office members distributed gift items to agents. A music program with popular Bollywood numbers pulled the guests to the dance floor and fun filled evening continued for a long

time. Air India operates daily nonstop flights from Chicago to Delhi connecting all major cities. It also operates daily non-stop flights from New Jersey and New York. The Chicago flight however, remains the popular choice among Indian Americans.

February 7, 2014

Community Across America

India Post 21

Rajan Zed appointed to Medical Advisory Group India Post News Service

NEVADA: Rajan Zed, president of Universal Society of Hinduism, has been appointed to Professional Advisory Group (PAG) of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center (SMRMC) in Reno (Nevada). PAG has been created to advise the administration on all aspects of the CPE Program and to ensure compliance with Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) standards; and including curriculum, program evaluations, grievances, serving as clinical resource, accreditation reviews, etc. SMRMC is launching CPE (interfaith professional education for ministry) on February 10 as a satellite center of Stanford Hospital and Clinics of California and accredited by ACPE of Decatur (Georgia),

Mahatma Gandhi remembered on death anniversary HARISH RAO

CHICAGO: The freezing and windy weather could not dampen the spirit and dedication of the trustees of Gandhi Memorial Trust, who had gathered to pay their homage to Mahatma Gandhi to mark his death anniversary. The group gathered on Jan 30 at 5.30 pm at the Gandhi statue in Skokie. The assembly started with a moment of silence in honor of Gandhiji, followed by the recitation of Gandhiji's favorite prayer 'Raghupati Raghav Rajaram' and the religious song 'Vaishnav Jan To'. The Trustees also remembered Gandhiji's message to stand up with courage to do one's duty amid adversity.

Group of Indians gather in inclement weather to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi

claimed to be the only hospital in Nevada to do so. Nationally recognized SMRMC, currently owned by Prime Healthcare Services and whose history goes back to 1877, is a 380-bed acute care hospital offering inpatient, outpatient and wellness services; including the region's only CyberKnife radiosurgery delivery system. Helen Lidholm is SMRMC CEO, Marie Lubac-Neves is Director of its Spiritual Care Services and Reverend William R. Greaver III runs the CPE program. Rajan Zed (left) with Reverend William R. Greaver III of SMRMC

22 India Post

Community Across America

February 7, 2014

A day in the life of Ro Khanna H

ave you ever wondered what a day in Ro's life looks like? On Saturday Feb 1, Ro attended eight different community events. He then spoke at the Berryessa/ North San Jose Democratic Club, where he secured their endorsement. It was a busy day - but a pretty typical one here on the Ro for Congress campaign. Running a grassroots campaign means spending time with every single 17th District voter, working hard to understand every diverse opinion and concern, and coming up with innovative policy ideas to represent our voices and area. Ro started the morning off with a breakfast to celebrate Black History Month at Sunnyhills Methodist Church in Milpitas. He then headed to a Lunar New Year event in Fremont.

After finishing up in Fremont, Ro hurried off to San Jose for another Lunar New Year celebration

Huge support for Statue of Unity from Chicagoans Cont’d from page 20

Ajay Jain, Member of VHP's National Executive Council, conducted the rest of the program by introducing Vandana Jhingan of Midwest TV Asia, who encouraged women to participate in the political process and make meaningful contribution. Then Riddhi Raval encouraged youth women to get involved. Vice President of OFBJP, Amar Upadhyaya briefed about the activities and history of OFBJP in North America. Then he introduced Bob Dold's representative to share his views about India-USA relations and common interests. Philipe Milline who represented Congressman Bob Dold, appealed to the Indian community to build strong India-US ties. Amar Upadhyay appealed to all to work towards accomplishing the mission of 272+ seats in Indian Parliament to make Bharat a corruption and Congress Mukt country. Nirav Patel, co-convener of Global Indians for Bharat Vikas, also appealed to the audience to register with the organization and extend support for its mission. Hundreds of overseas Indians in Chicago have already registered with GIBV to become a part of mission 272+. Similar sentiments were echoed by other dignitaries, including Nimesh Jani, Prasad Yalamanchi and Jitendra Diganvker. Naren Patel of Medstar specifi-

cally appreciated the patriotic efforts of Narendra Modi to end corruption in India and pitched for wide support from for BJP and Narendra Modi. "Unity among diversity is the need of the day. People worldwide have realized that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) with Shri Narendra Modi as the leader has the potential to fulfill the expectations

Prasad Yalamanchi, veteran community leader of Chicago area, underlined the importance of actively involving in the political process in India and USA and highlighted the risks of not doing it of millions and perhaps he is the only hope for India today. Each one of us can be a potent force in reshaping future of Bharat if we all come together and work with a plan and single minded focus," said Naren Patel. Sohan Joshi, who is the president of National Federation of Indian Americans was also present at the occasion. The celebrations concluded with the chants of Vande Mataram. After that,

Jitendra Bulsara sang a Hindi patriotic song "Ab Tumhare Havale Vatan Saathio" of film Hakikat sung by Mohammed Rafi and everyone was immersed in the patriotic emotions. Jitendra Diganvker, Co-coordinator of GIBV mid-west, explained the importance of opposing Article H.R 417 proposed in the US Congress. Prasad Yalamanchi, veteran community leader of Chicago area, underlined the importance of actively involving in the political process in India and USA and highlighted the risks of not doing it. He urged everyone to lobby the congressman/woman of their area against Article H.R. 417. At the end, everyone enjoyed delicious Indian food before departing. Global Indians for Bharat Vikas ( aims for corruption free and Congress Mukt Bharat. This is a USA based forum for NRIs around the globe. This forum is open to all who want and hope for a change in India's fortunes and seek wider support from all groups of Indians irrespective of one's political ideology. India is at a crossroads today. Only till recently the whole world was looking to India as the next world economic power which has a functional democracy. However, after the initial euphoria India today is far from gaining the economic progress it deserved and is sliding down very fast.

Next on Ro's agenda were visits to Morrill Middle School and Sierramont Middle School, where he talked to parent leaders about education policy and funding issues. Afterward, Ro joined Vietnamese supporters to celebrate Tet - the Vietnamese New Year

Ro then headed to a meet and greet to talk with constituents about the issues

Right after the meet and greet wrapped up, Ro went to Cupertino to celebrate the Lunar New Year with small business owners

His last event of the day was a candidate forum with the Berryessa/North San Jose Democratic Club. Ro spoke about his vision to bring jobs back to this area and to increase STEM education opportunities for our children in elementary, middle, and high school so that they are prepared for the workforce. Members of the club asked Ro tough questions, and nodded along in agreement to his answers. By the end of the forum, Ro had secured the club's endorsement

February 7, 2014

Community Across America

India Post 23

Vaishnav Parivar youth celebrate Republic Day VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

FREMONT, CA: Bay Area Youth Vaishnav Parivar (BAYVP) is a volunteer driven organization with the purpose of bringing together all Vaishnavs of the Bay Area. The purpose of BAYVP is to propagate and understand the life and teachings of Lord Krishna as envisioned by Vallabhacharaya Mahaprabhuji. Over the past couple of years they have orga-

nized various festivals and cultural events including Republic Day celebrations, Saptahs, Mahaprabhiji Utsav and Annakut. Bay Area Youth Vaishnav Parivar celebrated India's 65th Republic Day January 26 at the Shreemaya Krishnadham here, with more than 500 people attending the day-long grand celebrations. The flag-hoisting ceremony was conducted by Sankara Eye foundation Chairman Murali Krishnamurthy along with BAYVP

board chairman Prashant Mehta and other executive committee members. The major highlights of the celebration were a Shreemaya Vidya Mandir Kid's Parade which included over 100 kids, a cultural program, a Fun-N-Fair, and Flavors of India featuring delicacies from different states of India. The Vaishnav Parivar youth meet every Sunday to teach people of all ages about culture through classes and social events, says Mruduta Mervana. Pic. Shashi Desai, Dreamsnaps

1500 students take part in DECA competition India Post News Service

DECA is an association of over 180,000 high school and college students from around the world that focuses on manifesting and improving skills in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. Throughout the year, DECA hosts several competitive events, and members perform many hours of community service, always seeking to develop and strengthen their leadership skills. On January 17-19, DECA held the Northern California CDC (NorCal) competition in the San Ramon Marriott, where 1500 students from dozens of schools came to compete. Students stayed in the San Ramon Marriott for three days to take part in the NorCal competition. This experience, in addition to strengthening their skills and testing their knowledge in business-related topics, encouraged students to be independent and

provided the perfect platform for them to learn and have fun simultaneously. Manasi Maheshwari, a freshman from American High School,

Manasi Maheshwari with her DECA trophy

participated in business management section. She says that "DECA was an awesome experience where I learned a lot of public speaking, quick thinking, analytical skills and

team work. It took coordinated efforts to prepare and compete in the events". Manasi won first prize in the role play and third prize overall in the Regional DECA competitions. DECA competitions consist of three parts: role-plays, a multiplechoice exam, and a written event. Role-plays are one-on-one situations where the competitor is presented with a prompt based on a selected topic (business management, finance, marketing, hospitality & tourism, etc.). They are judged based on confidence, knowledge of material, and skill in relaying information. The next aspect of the competition is a hundred question multiple-choice exam testing knowledge of the student's selected topic. Finally, in the written event, competitors create and demonstrate a presentation as if they are representatives of a business who have developed a business plan.

Readers Write...

A scam directed at Indians in the US


n case you are not aware of a huge and very sophisticated scam going on in the Indian community in the US, please read, understand and spread the message so that you can prevent other people from falling victims to this scam. It is happening throughout the US and quite possibly in countries with big NRI population such as Canada, UK, Australia etc. This is how it goes, generally: You get a call and a man or woman starts speaking in English but with an accent, generally an Asian accent (e.g. Philipino). That person deliberately mispronounces your name so that he/ she does not appear to be Indian and says something like he/she is calling from the Government Investigation Dept or from IRS, that there are three-four criminal complaints against you, that you committed tax fraud, that he/she is giving you a final chance to settle this out of court if you pay money right in one or two hours. If you ask what complaints, by whom, you get vague answers. Of course, if you ask to send the complaints in writing, the standard response is that they have sent three times and this is the final chance by phone to avoid an immediate arrest, say, in five minutes. If you say that it's fine, send the police, he/she says police are on their way, good luck etc. Nothing happens, of course. I personally have received about 5-6 calls in the last 5-6 months or so. I know of people who have received similar calls and heard of people who actually paid thousands of dollars by

Eating less won't make you thin & healthy


ife with passion is a life well lived. My real passion is in Fitness and in helping people to get healthier and to help them to let go of excuses for not working out. When making excuses for exercising, some of the examples I hear are lack of time, busy with kids, don't know where to begin, or maybe giving up too quickly. Or some people might have a reason that they don't eat too much, so they don't need to exercise.


However, if you eat less, your body burns less. It goes into "Preserving Mode". This means the body will preserve the calories you eat and converts everything into fat. Just eating less will not make

you thin and healthy. You need to eat to increase your body's metabolism. This means eating enough amount of protein and balancing with the right amount of carbohydrates and fats so your body becomes a fat burning machine. A typical healthy diet should have about 40% protein, about 35% carbohydrates and about 25% fats. In a typical Desi Diet, we end up getting about 75-80% carbs and

lack protein. A typical Desi Diet will make you feel tired. Proteins boost your metabolism and if you are already working out, you see results faster. In our next article, I will share some important points on how to get rid of "Belly Fat" through nutrition and exercise. For more information or to register for a Weight Loss Course at "Rachna's Wellness Center", visit "".

credit cards, by debit cards, by wire transfers etc. One incident actually involved a family being asked to go Walgreens, purchase a cash card of $500 and give the transaction number to them via their cell phone, then to go to CVS, then Walmart etc. Why? Because such cards have a daily purchase limit of $500 at any one source. It is now clear that this very sophisticated scam is being run by people of Indian origin, either from India or in the respective country of domicile, such as the US, UK, Canada. The chance is very high that it is being operated from India but designed by a few scammers in the US because they have full understanding and knowledge of US systems of various types. I personally doubt whether scammers from India will have so much deep understanding of life in the US but it is highly likely that it is being operated from India. The calls are made from US numbers, which are basically phone cards, but from outside the US, most likely from India. They don't mind leaving phone numbers for you to call back and even their voice mail systems are so sophisticated that you feel that you have reached IRS, FBI etc. How you want to react to it is up to you, assuming that you get such calls, but here are a few suggestions: Say," I am going to the police station right now or you got the wrong phone number or I work in my local government or I have already settled" etc. Never pay anything as they ask you to, do not get scared, do not argue with them, do not give your bank or credit card or SS or DL number. Call your phone carrier and ask how to block numbers and as soon as you hang up with them, follow that procedure to block that particular number. You may have to do this repeatedly, unfortunately, since they are relentless and will phone you from various numbers. Most importantly, please spread the word in your circles. Ajit Gandhi Naperville, Illinois Disclaimer :- India Post does not endorse opinions expressed in the letters.

24 India Post

February 7, 2014

Artist Anindita Dutta gave a performance on 30 January 2014, the opening day of the fair, using wet clay

‘Everything ends and Everything matters’

NEW DELHI: A live demonstration by a bunch of theatre actors showcasing the blatant human emotions of fear, anxiety, sorrow and excitement, coupled with an art installation made of wet clay is quite a spectacle to watch at the India Art Fair 2014 here. The sculpture-based performance titled 'Everything ends and Everything matters' by the US-based artist Anindita Dutta

Anindita Dutta At work

brought to fore the intriguing mix of art and performance. The artist says the work is inspired by the impermanence of life and the cycle of life and death. "My work is a take on life's impermanence. I have used terracotta clay. I get this clay when I travel to different places. For me the clay symbolizes the various skin types. It works as a metaphor for life and

death," Anindita told PTI. She added that the idea of roping in professional artists to showcase a live performance was a way to exhibit the human emotion curve. "I have worked with non-theatre actors before but for this sculpture, I wanted performers who could bring out the emotions that all of us go through during the course of our lives. They had to emote through

their body language rather than the facial expressions," she said. The artist went in search of her performers at the 'Bharat Rang Mahotsav', the annual international theatre festival of the National School of Drama Anindita says she believes that the student actors Charu, Sundar, Shyam, Gurinder and Ranjit did justice to her installation with their brave performance. The artist Anindita Dutta said," I am very impressed with their body of work. I feel all of them brought out the internal emotions and expressed themselves through their bodies." "We worked on a whole range of emotions like happiness, shock, fear, sadness, urge to fight and finally hope. It was reminiscent of the usual emotional curve of human beings," Sundar said amidst the hearty and loud applause his team received at the end of the performance. A beaming Anindita Dutta also mentioned that she has plans to showcase her next piece of work in China with her favorite mode of 'wet clay' but prefers to keep everyone guessing about the content of her next project. Cont'd on Page 26

Anindita’s creation at Fukuoka

February 7, 2014

India Post 25

100,000-pound 'painting' to go up in smoke LONDON: A British businessman has been told that a painting for which he paid 100,000 pounds will be burned under French law after it was ruled a fake.

pounds. The Chagall Committee is run by the artist's grandchildren to protect his reputation in the art world.

Chagall is regarded as a pioneer of modernism

Martin Lang bought what he thought was an original work by Russian-born artist Marc Chagall in 1992. His son called in experts from BBC One's Fake Or Fortune to examine it, and the painting underwent tests to determine whether it was genuine. It was sent to the Chagall Committee in Paris, who said it was fake and would be burned under French law. Born in Belarus in 1887, Chagall, who died in France in 1985, is regarded as a pioneer of modernism. His work can sell for millions of

reported. "I had no idea that anyone would take such a draconian view," he said. "They say they want to counter forgery but I think this will have the opposite effect of deterring honest people like myself from coming forward." Fake Or Fortune host Fiona Bruce said: "A decision like this forces the owner of any painting to play a kind of Russian roulette with their precious artwork. "The only way for Martin to authenticate his painting was with the Chagall Committee, he had no other choice. "But it was never made clear to him that if they didn't like the look of his painting that they would burn it. "How can anyone ever approach this committee with a painting again if this is how they react?" Bruce said. -PTI

Lang, 63, a property developer from Leeds, has asked the committee to mark the watercolor - a nude said to date from 1909-10 - as a forgery and then return it or give him a guarantee he will be reimbursed if it is later ruled as genuine. He is still Martin Lang, pictured in Belarus with Fiona Bruce, said waiting for a the committee was taking a "draconian view" reply, the BBC

Avon signs Asin as brand ambassador

The US-based beauty care products company Avon has roped in Bollywood actor Asin as its first brand ambassador for India

NEW DELHI: The US-based beauty care products company Avon has roped in Bollywood actor Asin as its first brand ambassador for India. Asin would represent color, skincare products and support Avon's philanthropic efforts, the company said in a statement. The company, a leading global beauty company with nearly USD 11 billion revenue, has also launched a new range of makeup collections. Avon India Managing Director Ujjawal Mukhopadhyay said, "She (Asin) is an inspirational example of woman who embodies beauty both inside and out that makes her a perfect fit for Avon." -PTI

Everyday is Valentine's Day in my book



fter the Super Bowl fever has died down, the country is gripped in the wave of another outbreak...Valentine's Day! The sentiments can be considered cute, naive, mainstream, mature, ignorant, but overall....very commercial! I was asked the other day why Friday, Feb 14th was not a holiday‌I had to think twice before realizing the significance of Feb 14th on this young mind who genuinely believed that was the day of the school holiday...The said school holiday is not till the Monday after, for President's Day! Cupid scored big time over the history makers. Red is the color of love, chocolate is the flavor of the day, and flowers are the decorations of choice, as every male is expected to declare his undying love for his significant other in a manner

Out come the ridiculously grand looking balloons, roses, chocolates, teddy bears and all forms of heart-shaped decadence, borne proudly by the "haves" much to the sorrow and disappointment of the "have nots". One girl issuing copious tears was heartbroken that her boyfriend, on whom she spent $80, sent her flowers from the grocery store that cost only $3.99! So much for true love. It can be upgraded by a simple financial calculation. Feelings of self doubt and self esteem get intimately associated on these days, and lead to conclusions about self worthiness that St. Valentine probably did not intend. All said and done, at the end of the day, most of us are guilty of indulging in at least some of the madness swirling around on this day of love. Don't get me

that is supposed to convey the most romantic sentiments, even he couldn't have imagined, but one that resides in the imagination of his loved one. It is another matter, if the said male is not expected to recreate this expectation for the rest of the 364 days in the year. Much like the night before Christmas, the harried male species, of all ages is spotted, darting around with desperate strides, looking for the gift that says it that Hallmark has made his task easier, he has to do something more than bring home a card and chocolates. Fortunately, several, if not all, retailers cater to males just like these. Just as they had for the Super Bowl Fans, now they feverishly cater for the last minute Valentine's shopper. Being in a public education environment, I get to see first hand what havoc is wreaked on young minds and psyche on this day. It clearly divides the haves and the have nots, highlighting their status in a way only teenagers can.

wrong. It is OK to express feelings of love and affection, just as much as it is OK to express other emotions. In the right place in the right way to the right audience. Everyday is Valentine's Day in my book. It is OK to bake cookies with hearts on them, bring your loved ones red roses and boxes of chocolate on Valentine's Day, as long as you cherish and honor them the same way the rest of the year, and the rest of their lives. It is more important to treat people like flowers, rather than bring them flowers. People, when treated right, blossom and retain their fragrance, long after the real flowers dry up. People, when treated right become infused with sweetness, not seen in chocolates, and endear themselves to others. People, when treated right remain the people we want to spend the rest of our lives with, not just one day of the year. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone, everyday!

26 India Post

February 7, 2014

Bollywood's fascination for luxury cars


mitabh Bachchan could be old but has a freaky passion for luxury cars,

Amitabh Bachchan

Shah Rukh Khan

and from what we hear he owns over 20 cars out of which around a dozen are luxury cars. In his range of cars, we find Bentley Continental GT, Range Rover, Mercedes Benz, BMW, a Toyota Land Cruiser and Rolls Royce Phantom that has been gifted to him by director and close friend Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The Badshah of Bollywood has been driving multiple luxury cars and the list i n c l u d e s Mitsubishi Pajero, Audi, BMW and Rolls Royce. In this picture we show you Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan leaving Sanjay Dutt's residence after dinner with his family. As is visible, Gauri

Sanjay Dutt

Toyota Land Cruiser, a BMW 7-Series and a Rolls Royce Ghost. This p i c t u r e shows his fascination for cars as he gifts the Rolls Royce 'Ghost' model car for his wife Manyata Dutt after she gave birth to twins. Salman K h a n , known for

Salman Khan

Khan is handling the steering to drive back home one of SRK's BMWs. Sanjay Dutt is also one of the car fanatics of Bollywood. His range of cars include a Ferrari 599, a two-seater Audi R8, an Audi Q7, Audi A8, a Lexus SUV, a Mercedes Benz M-class, a Porsche SUV,

Ranbir Kapoor

US-based artist at India Art Fair Cont'd from Page 24

"I have not fully decided but I hope to travel to China. I would be doing something with wet clay again. There won't be any performances," she said. On being prodded further on

At Chicago art fair, 2011

her chosen theme of life's instability, the artist who was showcasing her work for the first time at the India Art Fair, said that she believes in the power of art to start a dialogue. "I am not cynical. I also celebrate the energy of life in the same breadth when I talk about its instability. For me, art has the power to start dialogues. It is not just a medium of pleasure, it can also be a forum wherein you think and question," Anindita said. 'Everything ends and Everything matters' supported by Latitude 28 Art Gallery is amongst the 24 large scale installations, 91 exhibiting booths and thousands of artists who are showcasing their work at the IAF this year. Anindita was born in 1973 in Purnia, India. After studying

John Abraham By David Gerstein

sculpture at Visva Bharati University, India, she continued her studies in sculpture and ceramics in America at Purdue University and the University of Iowa. From June 10, 2010, Anindita stayed in Fukuoka on the Artist in Residence Program. During the program, she collaborated with citizens of Fukuoka on artwork and held workshops where diverse artwork was created. -PTI

his car accidents, loves driving in style and owns a whole range of luxury cars including a silver gray BMW X6, Land Rover Range Rover Vogue, a SUV and Audi R8. After the commercial success of his movie 'Bodyguard', he was gifted an Audi Q7 from the company, as the car was extensively featured in the movie. John Abraham, known for his obsession with bikes, also has a passion for cars as well. While he himself owns an Audi Q7 and a Maruti Gypsy, he has gifted an Audi Q3 to his sister-in-law. The famous biker of Bollywood also owns a black Lamborghini Gallardo, finished in Nero Noctis exteriors and Nero Perseus interiors. Ranbir Kapoor, from the young brigade of Bollywood, likes to drive in style, hence, owns a red hot Audi R8. Apart from his stylish red Audi, he owns a white Range Rover, Audi A8 and Mercedes- Benz. His love for cars is the same as his love for women.

February 7, 2014

India Post


Culture festival opens in ancient Pakistani ruins MOHENJODARO, Pakistan: Folk dancers and singers wearing traditional multicolored dresses took the stage at one of the world's most ancient archaeological sites in southern Pakistan for a festival that organizers say aspires to promote peace in a nation where political violence has left some 40,000 dead in recent years. The festival at Mohenjodaro aims to publicize the cultural heritage of the country's south. But it drew controversy when some archaeologists said the event posed a threat to the site's unbaked brick ruins dating to the 3rd millennium BC. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the son of assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, organized the event at Mohenjodaro, associated with one of the world's first urban societies, the Indus Valley civilization. Benazir Bhutto was killed in a 2007 gun and bomb attack widely blamed on Pakistani Taliban and Bilawal has made opposition to militancy a pillar of his platform. The event was inaugurated by the 25year-old politician, who now heads the Pakistan People's Party. His father served one term as the country's president but it has been the younger Zardari who has become the public face of the party. It is especially strong in Sindh province, the family's homeland and the location of Mohenjodaro. The festival has been seen as part of efforts to raise the younger Zardari's profile on the national political stage. Zardari selected Mohenjodaro ``to promote local culture, peace and tolerance,'' government official Saqib Ahmed Soomro said. About 500 guests were in attendance - many flown in from the port city of Karachi. Roughly 2,000 police officers provided security although militant attacks are relatively rare in that part of Sindh province. The festival drew controversy when archaeologists said they fear the stage and other event infrastructure could damage the delicate mud ruins. ``It is nothing but insanity'' says archaeologist Asma Ibrahim, who is a member of the Management Board for Antiquities and Physical Heritage of the Sindh government. She says the stage and sound and light show could damage walls. But organizers say there is no risk to the ruins. ``There is no risk to Mohenjodaro because of the festival. Rather, it was never decorated the way we have done now,'' Soomro said. He said he supervised arrangements for the festival to make sure no harm was caused to the site. Zardari visited the site and said every step was being taken to protect it, and people would not be allowed to roam freely over the ruins. Zardari's attempts to promote culture have won praise in some quarters. ``People are living in a state of depression due to continued violence, and there is a need to provide them more opportunities of entertainment,'' defense analyst Talat Masood said. ``The world knows us in connection with acts of terrorism which routinely take place

Spotlights are installed at the ruins of Mohenjodaro, listed on UNESCO's list of world heritage sites, in preparation of a grand cultural festival, near Larkana, some 400 kilometers (248 miles) north of the Pakistani port city of Karachi

in Pakistan. Tonight, the world will see another face of the country,'' said 20-year-old Anwar Baluch, one of the guests. But in the nearby city of Larkana, which is considered the seat of the PPP's power, some residents questioned whether promoting culture was the best use of resources. Much of Pakistan suffers from frequent power cuts. ``We have hopes for young Bilawal,'' said shopkeeper, Sunil Kumar. But he said there are many serious issues in the area. ``We only have eight hours of electricity a day, which destroys our business.'' -AP


1 Tune Maari Entriyaan: Gunday 2 Mann Kunto Maula: Gunday 3 Zehnaseeb: Hasee Toh Phasee 4 Patakha Guddi: Highway 5 Ishq Bulaava: Hasee Toh Phasee

28 India Post


February 7, 2014

6 Maahi Ve: Highway 7 Jashn-e-Ishqa: Gunday

irector Rupesh Paul, who is making a film titled NaMo, based on the life of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, is roping in international talent for the project. Rupesh has brought Hollywood stunt director Jared S Eddo, who has worked on several big-budget Hollywood films, on board. An insider reveals, "Jared has been signed on to choreograph the action sequences for the movie. He is among the top stunt directors in Hollywood with movies such as Godzilla (1998), Jurassic Park III (2001), The Matrix Reloaded (2003), Kill Bill Vol 2 (2004), 300 (2006) and The Expendables (2010), among others, to his name. Rupesh met Jared at a film event - the American Film Market 2013, in Los Angeles, USA. He was promoting his last release, Kamasutra 3D, at the fair. Rupesh says, "Jared will be redesigning the contemporary Bollywood-style stunts, making them look more practical, thus breaking the clichĂŠd action sequences. As NaMo is a political thriller, the action sequences form a major part, which need to be laid down meticulously." The director adds, "Jared will form a new set of stunts that will make our film visually rich and intense. It will give depth to the storytelling."

8 Kinare : Queen 9 Zabaan Jale Hai: Dedh Ishqiya 10 Jugni: Queen



anveer Singh has become the favorite muse of Yash Raj banner's head honcho Aditya Chopra. Shahrukh Khan who has always been the hot favorite of the YRF will not been seen in Aditya Chopra's next project. Instead Adi has signed Ranver Singh for his next directional venture. So far Aditya has directed three films with Shahrukh Khan, 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge', 'Mohabattein' and 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi' and all these movies have been blockbusters. But it is a big achievement for Ranveer Singh to step into Shahrukh Khan's shoes. The leading lady of the untitled film is yet to be decided. SRK-Aditya jodi has always done wonders at the box office, let's see if Ranveer-Aditya creates the same magic.

may have weighed a few extra pounds in her debut movie but she has become thinner with her rigorous work-out regime. "When I had entered the industry I was big and used to fit into that size category. Now, I feel I am not, as I have lost much more weight and look better. I don't want to be in that weight category... I am working very hard to become thin. I feel I am skinny now," Parineeti says. Not everyone in Bollywood is ready to confirm when it comes to looking thin. Actresses like Sonakshi Sinha, Huma Qureshi and Vidya Balan are comfortable in the way they look.


February 7, 2014

India Post 29


f you thought that the onscreen contents of the upcoming film Kamasutra 3D will create controversy, then what's happening off-screen is even stormier. Earlier this month, Sherlyn Chopra sent out a press release stating that she has disassociated herself from the film Kamasutra 3D. In response to that, the film's director Rupesh Paul too sent out a press release stating that after the launch of a new trailer that didn't feature Sherlyn, she turned against him. Now, the latest update is that Sherlyn has dashed off a letter to Vishwas Nangare Patil (The Additional Commissioner of Police) as well as to the Senior Inspector of Santa Cruz police station complaining about forgery, cheating and outrage of modesty by Rupesh Paul. In her letter, she blamed Paul for cheating her and compelling her to sign a film contract (for Kamasutra 3D) on false documents and also refraining to pay her the balance remuneration for the film. She added that when she declined his sexual overtures, he threatened to teach her a lesson by replacing her with another girl and peddle her nude footage internationally. She also added that he had even sent her vulgar and obscene mails which assassinated her character.


idya Balan has won film awards and found critical acclaim in equal measure. Yet, she sounded ecstatic when asked for a reaction to the news of her winning a Padma Shri (Paresh Rawal is the other awardee from the film fraternity this year). "The mood is jubilant. But it also feels unreal. I was shooting for Bobby Jasoos (in Mumbai), and there was a little celebration on the set. At home, my family came together, and we had a small celebration with my parents (on January 26). They got really emotional when the news came in. Everyone is feeling very happy and proud. As for me, I'm just feeling grateful. That's the only feeling right now. "I never imagined I would receive a Padma Shri someday; and you can't think about these things. With a film award, there is a nomination process, so you know there's a possibility. Here, there was nothing of the sort. It was a wonderful surprise."

Everyone is feeling very happy and proud. As for me, I'm just feeling grateful. That's the only feeling right now.


oung actor Varun Dhawan, who made his Bollywood debut with Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra in "Student of the Year", says the trio has discussed competition but he believes their camaraderie goes beyond it. "We (Alia Bhatt, Sidharth Malhotra and I) have discussed competition, we do discuss these things but I think when you do your first film with someone, you form a bond and it's like (they are) family," Varun said. "You are just bonded for life. So you overlook that (competition) thing. I just have a lot of love in my heart for both of them," he added. In fact, he says that Alia and Sidharth "were more nervous for me than I am right now (for my film 'Main Tera Hero')". "That's how the relationship is," added the son of filmmaker David Dhawan. Karan Johar's directorial, "Student of The Year", released in 2012. It turned out to be a hit and set Alia, Sidharth and Varun's career on roll in the Hindi film industry.

“You are just bonded for life. So you overlook that (competition) thing. I just have a lot of love in my heart for both of them�

30 India Post

February 7, 2014

India Post 31

February 7, 2014

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„ Health


UP CM promises cancer institute for Lucknow LUCKNOW: Emphasizing the need for better cancer treatment facilities in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has said the government was setting up an international cancer institute in Lucknow. Akhilesh said this during Pink Walk organised by various voluntary organisations to spread awareness about cancer. He said, if detected early, cancer was curable. The new facility in Lucknow would be spread over a 100-acre land. Appreciating Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, he said that there was a need to develop highlevel facility for the treatment of the disease in more and more hospitals. He said in the view of this his government was going to set up an international level institute in the state capital.-PTI


Chinese ban of US shellfish to continue BREMERTON, WASH.: The Chinese ban of shellfish imports from the U.S. West Coast will continue indefinitely, according to a letter sent by Chinese officials to a U.S. agency. The letter dated Jan. 23 was sent to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and raises new question about U.S. health standards for shellfish, the Kitsap Sun reported. The letter dashes hopes of shellfish harvesters in Washington state who had hoped the ban would be lifted quickly after U.S. representatives submitted new information about safety standards along with test results that showed geoducks were safe. China's import ban is creating a hardship for the state's shellfish industry. Geoducks are highly prized large burrowing clams that can fetch up to $50 a pound in Asian markets. The U.S. exported $68 million worth of geoduck clams in 2012, mostly from Washington state. The letter from China clarifies the testing procedure used by Chinese authorities who found high levels of paralytic shellfish poison in geoducks harvested in Alaska. PSP, a neurotoxin produced by a type of plankton, can accumulate in shellfish. The letter also asserts that a failure of Washington state officials to routinely test geoducks for arsenic ``shows defects on regulating and monitoring the safety and hygiene for geoduck export to China.'' Cont'd on Page 34

Health Science

Okla. births among teens 2nd-highest in US Details on Page 35

32 India Post

February 7, 2014

Arizonans finding fewer choices on ACA exchange PHOENIX: Some Arizonans who have signed up for insurance through the Affordable Care Act health exchange are finding they have fewer provider options that are farther away. The Arizona Republic reports people from Phoenix to Tucson say signing up for so-called narrow networks has left them with a limited number of choices for primary-care, specialists, labs and clinics. Residents in rural areas on the cheaper plan have found the closest in-network doctor is hundreds of miles away. Insurers say enrollees on the narrow-network plan get little or no coverage if they go outside the plan's network. But in return, subscribers get lower rates than what they would pay in a broader network. The narrow networks have led to confusion for people who have used brokers or private insurers in the past. Their use has only gone up since the federal health care legislation went into effect Jan. 1. ``There are tons of problems, and nobody understands these networks,'' said Michael Malasnik, a Phoenix insurance broker and vice president of the Arizona As-

sociation of Health Underwriters. ``If you try to figure this stuff out on your own, it can be difficult.'' Blue Cross Blue Shield representatives say they are working to ensure customers who go the narrow-network route aren't confused about their options. In rural parts of the state such as Mohave and Apache counties,

Maricopa County residents and the federal website mistakenly listed it in other counties. Aetna has since notified customers and offered either a refund or a new plan during the enrollment period. Aetna spokeswoman Anjie Coplin says the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was also notified.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance a consumer's online experience, we are looking at ways to enhance features that would help consumers be most informed of plan details residents who purchased the cheapest plan, offered by Aetna, through, are discovering their network relegates them to choosing doctors and hospitals all the way in Maricopa County. Aetna officials say the plan was only meant to be sold to

The federal health insurance exchange mandates insurers that offer preferred-provider organization plans to sell them in every community, even if they don't have providers there. Federal officials have proposed creating some kind of pop-up

message to let consumers know when they choose a plan that doesn't have providers locally. But the federal government hasn't said when it could possibly be implemented. ``As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance a consumer's online experience, we are looking at ways to enhance features that would help consumers be most informed of plan details before they make their selection,'' Aaron Albright, director of media relations for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said in an e-mail. So far, state insurance regulators have no idea how many rural residents may be on a Maricopa County-only plan. But they've received plenty of complaints from customers on the issue. ``We're hearing from a lot of consumers,'' said Erin Klug, an Arizona Department of Insurance spokeswoman, who urged consumers to check an insurer's directory to verify their doctor is included before signing up for a plan. ``You can't assume that every plan has your doctor. Consumers need to be careful and check for their provider.'' Nearly 28,000 Arizona residents signed up for a marketplace plan through December. -AP

NM expecting fewer for health exchange enrollment SANTA FE, N.M.: New Mexico's state-run health insurance exchange has sharply reduced its enrollment expectations for this year by about half. Mike Nunez, interim chief executive officer of the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange, says problems with the federal website slowed the state's efforts to promote enrollment. The state had expected up to 83,000 people to register this year, according to a 2011 study cited in an application for a grant under the Affordable Care Act. The Santa Fe New Mexican reports Nunez now estimates only between 40,000 and 50,000 will

enroll. The exchange announced it was awarded a $69.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The state

the state health exchange, Nunez said. The first open-enrollment period for individual policies ends March 31. Small-business enroll-

The state health exchange had little turnout in November with only 934 consumers registering. But about 7,688 enrolled by Dec. 28. New Mexicans ages 35 to 64 represented about 74 percent of enrollment. had applied for $81 million. The lesser amount was due to federal spending cuts and lower than expected costs for integrating information technology systems for

ment will be open for the remainder of the year. The state health exchange had little turnout in November with only 934 consumers registering.

But about 7,688 enrolled by Dec. 28. New Mexicans ages 35 to 64 represented about 74 percent of enrollment. However, that age group accounts for not quite 40 percent of the state's population. Young adults ages 18 to 34 were 18 percent of total enrollment in the state, and 8 percent were under 18. According to the exchange, federal figures show more than 8,500 New Mexicans applied for a health plan through the exchange during the first two months of its operation. They sought coverage for more than 16,000 people, including themselves, spouses and children. AP

February 7, 2014

Health Science Post

India Post 33

Engineered virus to fight Caffeine most commonly used aggressive breast cancer drug in the world WASHINGTON: Scientists have found that an engineered virus can fight triple negative breast cancer - one of the most aggressive and least treatable forms of the disease. In laboratory experiments involving human cancer cells, scientists used a virus

The hNIS protein, expressed in thyroid cancer, is why most thyroid cancers can be cured or successfully treated with a small dose of radioactive iodine (which kills thyroid cancer cells expressing hNIS). similar to the one that helped eradicate smallpox to coax cancer cells to produce a protein which makes them susceptible to radioactive iodine. "We hope that the recent advances in virology, genetic engineering and targeted radiotherapy will soon translate into an entire class of novel oncolytic, virotherapies for the treatment of deadly cancers," said Yuman Fong, a researcher involved in the work from the Department of Surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering

Cancer Center in New York. To make this discovery, Fong and colleagues successfully infected and killed triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells using a vaccinia virus. In addition, the researchers were also able to use the virus to cause infected cancer cells produce a cell surface protein called hNIS that normally is used to concentrate iodine in thyroid cells. The hNIS protein, expressed in thyroid cancer, is why most thyroid cancers can be cured or successfully treated with a small dose of radioactive iodine (which kills thyroid cancer cells expressing hNIS). Armed with the ability to force TNBC cells to produce this protein, researchers now have a way to deliver anticancer therapies to this deadly and resistant form of cancer. Researchers in the study published in The FASEB Journal stressed that human clinical trials are necessary before any definitive claims of a cure can be made and treatments can be made available. "This is an important and significant discovery that basically combines proven cures for two other diseases," said Gerald Weissmann, Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. "Even more exciting is that the effects of this virus and radioactive iodine are well known in people, hopefully reducing the amount of time it will take for it to reach the clinic," he said. -PTI

Tax on sweetened drinks floated in San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco offi- health problems caused by sodas and other cials again are trying to improve residents' sugary beverages - including diabetes and health and raise money for government obesity afflicting adults, teenagers, and coffers by taxing soda and other sweetened even young children - and we have a redrinks, an effort that's previously failed to sponsibility to act to confront this escalatgain traction locally and in other U.S. cities. Four city lawmakers announced that they are introducing legislation that would impose a 2 cent-per-ounce tax on soft drinks, sports drinks and energy drinks. If passed by the full 11member Board of Supervisors, the measure would go before local voters for approval or rejection in November. The tax would be levied on beverage distributors and retailers who obtain their products directly from manufacturers. Offi- Cans and bottles of Coca Cola are lined up on a store shelf. cials estimate it could generate as much as $31 million a year. ing public health challenge,'' Supervisor Under the proposal, the money would Scott Wiener, one of the measure's backhave to be used to fund recreation and ers, said. ``Just as taxes drove down tonutrition programs in schools and at recre- bacco use, a small tax on sodas and other ation centers, public bottle-filling and drink- sugary beverages will reduce consumption ing fountains, healthy food services and and expand access to active recreation and dental health initiatives. nutrition education for children and ``We are experiencing an epidemic of adults.''-AP

WASHINGTON: Addicted to coffee? You may be suffering from caffeine use disorder! Caffeine is the most commonly used drug in the world and many people are dependent on it to the point that they suffer withdrawal symptoms, according to new research. The study by American University psychology professor Laura Juliano and colleagues indicates that some people suffer are unable to reduce caffeine consumption even if they have another condition that may be impacted by caffeine - such as a pregnancy, a heart condition, or a bleeding disorder. These symptoms combined are a condition called "Caffeine Use Disorder," researchers said. According to the study, even though caffeine is the most commonly used drug in the world - and is found in everything from coffee, tea, and soda, to pain relievers, chocolate, and host of food and beverage products - health professionals have been slow to characterize problematic caffeine use and acknowledge that some cases may call for treatment. "The negative effects of caffeine are of-

ten not recognized as such because it is a socially acceptable and widely consumed drug that is well integrated into our customs and routines," Juliano said. "And while many people can consume caffeine without harm, for some it produces negative effects, physical dependence, interferes with daily functioning, and can be difficult to give up, which are signs of prob-

lematic use," said Juliano. Based on current research, Juliano advises that healthy adults should limit caffeine consumption to no more than 400 mg per day - the equivalent of about two to three cups of coffee.-PTI

Health Science Post

34 India Post

February 7, 2014

Alcohol use can up risk of skin cancer LONDON: Drinking too much alcohol regularly can raise the risk of developing the deadliest form of skin cancer by 55 per cent, a new study has warned. Researchers found that regular alcohol consumption can set off a chain of reactions in the body that makes the skin more vulnerable to cancer. Ethanol is converted to acetaldehyde soon after ingestion and this compound may render the skin more sensitive to harmful UV light, they said. According to the study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, consuming an alcoholic drink or more a day increases skin cancer risk by a fifth. Researchers looked at 16 different studies involving thousands of participants, and found that risk increased proportionately with alcohol intake. Those who drank 50g of ethanol daily (the equivalent of a few strong beers) were up to 55 per cent more likely to develop the deadliest form of skin cancer called melanoma compared with

non or occasional drinkers, 'BBC take, and we hope that armed with News' reported. this knowledge people can better "We know that in the presence protect themselves in the sun," of UV radiation, drinking alcohol Negri said. can alter the body's immunocomHowever, the study authors petence, the ability to produce a normal immune r e sponse," said Dr Eva Negri, one of the study authors who is from the University of Summer swiggers: Drinking can lead to an increased risk of Milan. skin cancer, according to new research. "This can lead to far greater cellular damage and admitted that other forces may also subsequently cause skin cancers be to blame for the increased skin to form," Negri said. cancer risk observed in drinkers. "This study aimed to quantify Drinkers may lounge in the sun the extent to which the melanoma without enough protective clothrisk is increased with alcohol in- ing or sun cream, they said. -PTI

Special centre for tracking of mother, child care NEW DELHI: The Health Ministry has launched a 'Mother and Child Tracking Facilitation Centre' to ensure ante and post-natal care for pregnant women along with

ister Ghulam Nabi Azad said at the launch. The facility will be used for sending of health promotion messages in voice and text format to

Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad

immunization services for children. The tracking system will help in the collection of "very valuable data" from states on health schemes and programs and enable betterment of such facilities through evaluation, Health Min-

beneficiaries according to the month of their pregnancy or age of the child, a release said here. It will also be used to transfer cash benefits directly to the bank accounts of pregnant women and mothers and also to Accredited Social Health Activists.

The Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS) was launched under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in December, 2009, but so far had only a call centre operating as part of it. "The facilitation centre shall be able to reach out to a much larger number of pregnant women and mothers through bigger infrastructure," Azad said. MCTS is a name-based web service that gathers details of pregnant women and children of up to five years of age and tracks delivery of services due to them. Over 10.5 crore pregnant women and children have till date been registered under MCTS. Regular SMSs are sent to pregnant women and parents of children to make them aware of the services due. More than 71 lakh SMSs have been sent to beneficiaries in January, 2014, alone, he said. Cellphone numbers of over 8.92 crore beneficiaries have been noted so far. The Centre is expected to make 7 lakh calls every month. -PTI

Deal struck on Detroit retiree health care DETROIT: Bankrupt Detroit also extend the deadline to Feb. 7 and its retirees reached an agree- for Medicare-eligible retirees to ment in a health insurance dispute opt out of a city-sponsored Medithat may end a lawsuit against the care Advantage plan. city. ``The agreement must be reRetirees filed suit in November duced to writing and approved by to stop the city from shifting retirees to Medicare and giving those under age 65 a $125 monthly stipend to get their own insurance. The parties reached a deal in principle covering benefits through the end of 2014, mediators in Detroit's bankruptcy said in a statement. Some features of the deal include the in- Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr gesturing crease to $300 in the during an interview at the Detroit Economic Club luncheon in Detroit. monthly stipend for retirees over age 65 who are not eligible for Medicare. The the respective clients,'' Orr's office stipend for retirees under age 65 said. ``Once executed, the lawsuit will be upped to $175 if the house- will be dismissed.'' hold income is less than $75,000 Orr was hired last March to fix and the retiree acquires insurance Detroit's finances. He has said under a health care exchange. Detroit's debt is at least $18 bilA court hearing has been can- lion and filed for bankruptcy in celed. July. The city's bankruptcy peti``The settlement was reached tion was approved in December. after intensive bargaining sesEarlier, he submitted a prelimisions over the past few weeks,'' nary plan for restructuring mediators said. Detroit's debt to city creditors. He The office of state-appointed expects to file the plan in bankemergency manager Kevyn Orr ruptcy court in about two weeks.said in a release that the city will AP

Chinese ban of US shellfish to continue levels were safe - even according to Chinese standards. The tests China's ban was based in part did reveal elevated levels of aron shipment of geoducks traced senic in the skin of the giant clams, to Poverty Bay, near Federal Way, which state health officials said was typically discarded. But the letter disputes that the skin is not eaten. ``Chinese consumers eat the geoduck meat and skin and sometimes the digestive gland, too,'' states the letter signed by Wang Xinwu of China's GenA grocer displays live geoduck clams in Seattle. eral Administration of Washington state health officials said, their Quality Supervision, arsenic testing has confirmed that geoduck Inspection and Quaranclams harvested from a bay in Puget Sound are tine, or AQSIQ. safe to eat More information is that the country said tested above needed before the Chinese govits standard for inorganic arsenic. ernment will consider lifting the Later sampling and testing by import ban, perhaps keeping it the Washington State Department in effect for a localized region, of Health concluded that arsenic according to the letter. -AP Cont'd from Page 32

February 7, 2014

Health Science Post

India Post 35

Okla. births among teens India, Netherlands to collaborate in health sector 2nd-highest in US TULSA, OKLA.: A new national report Children of teen mothers are less likely says Oklahoma has the second-highest rate to have resources and educational opporof births among 15- to 19-year-olds in the tunities in early childhood to set them on country. the path for success, she said. The report released by the National CenThese children instead get on the path ter for Health Statistics based on 2012 birth that leads to more teenage pregnancies, she rates also says the state ranks third in births said. ``You can almost write the life script among those aged 15 to 17 and first for for too many Oklahoma children at that those aged 18 to 19. point,'' she said. The Tulsa World reported that the numKim Schutz, director of the Tulsa Camber of births to Oklahoma teens in 2013 was 5,233, a decrease of 545 from the year High teen birth rates are related to before and 2,348 fewer than increased high school dropout five years ago. Sharon Rodine, director rates. The workforce is also affected of youth initiatives for the because teenagers who give birth Oklahoma Institute for Child are often unprepared for jobs that Advocacy, said although Oklahoma is reducing its rate, increasingly demand a college other states are reducing education their rates faster and more effectively. paign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, called the ``Other states have invested resources report's findings ``very upsetting and in addressing this issue from a wide array shocking.'' of perspectives,'' she told the newspaper. ``We're moving in the wrong direction, The rate of teenage births in Oklahoma and it's because this isn't on anyone's rain 2012 was 47.3 per 1,000 women and girls, dar,'' she said. second only to New Mexico, which had Schutz said polling from the campaign 47.5. The national average was 29.4. has shown that 90 percent of Tulsans supRodine said it's important for Oklahoma port comprehensive sex education in middle to get teenagers involved in the campaigns and high schools. Tulsa Public Schools has to reduce teen pregnancy. started to implement sex education, and ``Young people can be the best preven- Union and Broken Arrow schools also have tion messengers to their peers,'' she said. pilot programs. High teen birth rates are related to inThe key is for parents and trusted adults creased high school dropout rates. The to educate children about their bodies and workforce is also affected because teenag- the consequences of sexual activity, not in ers who give birth are often unprepared for one big talk but throughout their childjobs that increasingly demand a college hood, she said. education or extra training, she said. ``You arm them with knowledge,'' she ``They have a shrinking range of em- said. ``That's how they protect themselves.'' ployment opportunities,'' Rodine said. -AP

Lawmakers seek to sever Kansas from health act TOPEKA, KAN.: Some conservative Kansas lawmakers are pushing to sever the state from the authority of the Affordable Care Act. Rep. Brett Hildabrand, a Shawnee Republican, introduced a bill in the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs to make Kansas a member of the Health Care

compact, The Wichita Eagle reported. Hildabrand said he got the idea from an email conversation with Sen. Mary PilcherCook, a Shawnee Republican, and Republican Secretary of State Kris Kobach. Pilcher-Cook, chairwoman of the Senate Public Health and Welfare committee, conducted meetings about the ACA's impact on small businesses. A Houston-based organizaHildabrand said he got the tion, Competitive Governance Action, designed the legislation. idea from an email conversaCraig Ellis, a spokesman for the tion with Sen. Mary Pilchergroup, said the organization doesn't disclose its donor list and Cook, a Shawnee Republican doesn't accept donations from the health care industry. Compact, which is a group of states asking A similar bill was passed by the Kansas Congress to give them independence from House in 2012, but it never made it through the federal health care law. the Senate. Hildabrand said he didn't have Eight states, including Missouri and any contact with the organization before Oklahoma, have approved plans to join the introducing the bill. -AP

NEW DELHI: India and the Netherlands have signed an agreement to boost collaborations between the two countries in the areas of communicable diseases, public health policy, e-health, and medical products among others. Under the agreement both countries could also encourage greater research collaborations among their universities, foundations, industry and the health services, an official statement said. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad and his Dutch counterpart Edith I Schippers. Azad said the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries would result in mutually beneficial exchanges. "This is a very positive development and a step forward from the sectoral MoU between respective food regulatory authorities in the area of food safety," he said. Schippers said the MoU would strengthen ties between the two countries in the areas of health. She said that her country had the experience of PPPs in the health sector and that they could cooperate in this field. Azad expressed his happiness that the United Nations had recognized the importance of health in the next generation of

global development goals beyond 2015, suggesting an illustrative goal of "ensuring healthy lives". The agreement coincides with the ongoing debate on the development goals the global community should set next, he added. Schippers had visited New Delhi in May 2012 when both countries explored the possibilities of cooperation in public

Schippers said the MoU would strengthen ties between the two countries in the areas of health. She said that her country had the experience of PPPs in the health sector and that they could cooperate in this field. health and drug regulatory mechanisms. It was followed up by Azad's visit to the Netherlands in October 2012 to attend a conference on "Responsible Use of Medicines & Anti-Microbial Resistance". -PTI

36 India Post

February 7, 2014


February 7, 2014

India Post 37

Rajiv brought fresh approach to solving problems India Post News Service


new book by former Lok Sabha secretary general P D T Achary - Resurgent India: Glimpses of Rajiv Gandhi's Vision of India claims that the elder son of Indira Gandhi brought to the office of Prime Minister a freshness in the jaded politics of the country, initiated the liberalization of the economy and brought a new dynamism into India`s foreignpolicy orientations. According to Achary, Rajiv's "emergence on the Indian political scene as an unassuming entrant unsullied by `political experience` had a unique charm about it. His lack of experience was perhaps what encouraged him to approach the most challenging and confounding political crises with a clear mind." The book takes up in detail his major political initiatives in the form of accords he signed to end the vexed problems of Punjab terrorism, Assam agitation, the Sri Lankan crisis, etc. These accords bear testimony to the incisive mind and bold approach of Rajiv

Gandhi. Achary has spent 40 years with the Indian Parliament and is considered a constitutional and parliamentary expert. Speaking about the book, Achary said: "Rajiv Gandhi is perhaps one of the most misunderstood prime ministers in Indian history. It is important to understand

the heart and mind of one of the nation's most influential leaders to understand his ambitious policies in their entirety. Rajiv was clearly a man ahead of his time. While we are still living in a time

period of 5 year plans, his policies envisioned two decades." This book evaluates the contributions made by Rajiv Gandhi in many areas of national life. The Prologue takes us through the major context and phases in India's history and highlights the continuity of its cultural and political traditions beginning from the Indus Valley civilization to the later part of the 20th century. The Epilogue besides narrating the post 1989 political developments characterized by instability caused by the coming and going of the governments and the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, provides a perspective on his personality and his performance as also the implications of his death for the political future of India. The main theme of 'Resurgent India' is an objective evaluation of Rajiv Gandhi's contributions to the nation. The various accords he brought about on Punjab, Assam, Sri Lanka etc are some of his major achievements. The author traces the history and the genesis of these problems and highlights facts and situations which have not yet come to the public attention in any striking way. He analyses Rajiv Gandhi's involvement in the difficult and complex process of bringing about these agreements. The genuineness of intentions and the absolute sincerity displayed by Rajiv Gandhi in making these agreements have been convincingly highlighted in the book. Rajiv Gandhi's role in ushering in the computer age to enable the

country to make a giant leap in information technology, taking telephones to the farthest corners of the country, formulating the strategy to expand the frontiers of scientific research and redefining the role of universities to achieve this object, liberating India's education from the curse of mediocrity, formulating legislations for the protection of environment is magnificent. He established a new equilibrium in India's relationship with the super powers and corrected the asymmetry in the overall foreign policy. He conducted the for-

politics. The book captures this and presents a positive picture of his ideas, approaches, thoughts and achievements.

Foreign policy Achary says, "Rajiv Gandhi introduced a new activism in India's foreign policy. The pace and tone of India's foreign policy is usually set by Foreign Ministry officers. Krishna Menon once said that there was a time when India's foreign policy was decided by its ambassadors. But Rajiv Gandhi changed this trend.

"The China visit was a political decision taken by him. This visit brought about far reaching changes in the relationship between the two countries. … It is a measure of his astuteness that he earned praise from both Reagan and Gorbachev for his balanced approach towards both the super powers” eign policy with great confidence and panache Rajiv Gandhi's political style had a certain refinement which was a reflection of his own personality free from ideological dispositions; he forced the country men to sit up and gaze at the fast changing world with all its wonderful achievements and internalize the radical changes taking place in all fields of human endeavor. He made them dream of the 21st century and a strong and vibrant India. This was the essence of his

Though he held wide consultations with officials, he always took the final decision…. "The China visit was a political decision taken by him. This visit brought about far reaching changes in the relationship between the two countries. … It is a measure of his astuteness that he earned praise from both Reagan and Gorbachev for his balanced approach towards both the super powers who developed faith and confidence in his leadership. This was the high point of his achievements in foreign policy."

Britain admits advising India in Operation Bluestar LONDON: Foreign Secretary William Hague said here on February 4 that British role in Operation Bluestar was "purely advisory and limited" and had limited impact. While addressing the British Parliament, Hague said that Britain did advise India on planning a deadly attack against Sikh separatists in the Golden Temple at Amritsar in 1984, but suggestion had limited impact. Reuters quoted Hague as saying, "The nature of the UK's assistance was purely advisory, limited and provided to the Indian government at an early stage. It had limited impact on the tragic events that unfolded at the temple three months later." Prime Minister David Cameron last month ordered a

probe after documents released under a 30-year declassification rule stated an officer of the elite Special Air Service traveled to Delhi and advised the Indian government as it framed plans for removing the militants in February 1984. Sikh groups in the UK criticized the scope of the inquiry into Britain's alleged role in Operation Bluestar. In a letter to Cameron, Sikh Federation UK chairman Bhai Amrik Singh had said: "We are dismayed the terms of the review were only formally made available almost three weeks after the review was announced and only days before an announcement of the results of the review are expected in Parliament. "It appears the review has

looked at a narrow period and not covered the period in the latter half

by India against the UK, Germany, Canada and US towards the end

Margaret Thatcher with Indira Gandhi

of 1984 and may not have addressed some of the concerns raised by UK politicians in the last three weeks, eg threat of sanctions

of 1984 for sympathizing with Sikhs in the Diaspora." Two letters released from the National Archives in London, both

marked "top secret and personal", revealed details of the advice given to Indian authorities by the SAS. One document, a letter from then Foreign Secretary Geoffrey Howe's private secretary to his counterpart in the Home Office, warned that the operation could trigger tensions in Britain's Indian community, "particularly if knowledge of the SAS involvement were to become public". It is unclear whether the plan referred to in the documents was used by the Indian government. A few months after Operation Bluestar, then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in an apparent revenge attack.-PTI


India Post

February 7, 2014

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39 India Post

February 7, 2014

Arjuna's Penance


ahabalipuram, in the state of Tamil Nadu, is located right on the Coromandel Coast next to the Bay of Bengal. It was a well estab lished sea port during the 7th and 10th centuries of the Pallava dynasty and has flourished accordingly. This city was actually the second capital of the Pallavas. It was originally named after the rude, cruel, and arrogant King Mahabali who was killed during a fierce battle by Lord Vishnu at that location. It was named by the people more out of gratitude that the heartless king was killed there than out of respect upon his death for his leadership. During the rule of the Pallavas, new styles of art and architecture were pioneered. Mahabalipuram is where they tried and then exhibited their new artistic and architectural creations. As a result, the area is brimming with rockcut caves and numerous temples. In fact, this region is often referred to as an open museum. Some of the temples were even carved out of one enormous rock rather than

simply be constructed out of rock. Not much pillaging has occurred here over the centuries, since the wealth of the Pallavas was never flaunted. So the temples are well preserved. The architecture is not the only draw for tourists in this city. The area is also nestled in an especially impressive setting. Beautiful white sandy beaches are plentiful, as are the casuarinas trees that are found in abundance there. Mahabalipuram is also known for providing a fantastic shopping experience. Exquisite local handmade crafts are readily available in the local shops.

TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Arjuna's Penance It is a famous rock sculpture that portrays a story out of India lore. It is carved onto the back side of a whale shaped rock. The sculpture measures 9 meters high and 27 meters long. Arjuna is the great hero of the great epic Mahabharata, and the name of the sculpture comes from his story. There is some controversy however as to whether the story portrayed is actually the story of Arjuna or if it is the story of Bhagiratha who is an ancestor to Lord Rama. Cont’d on page 42

Tiger's Caves Shore Temple


India Post

Travel & Hospitality Post

February 7, 2014

Carnival spirit pervades Surajkund Mela India Post News Service


sea of spectators descended on the 28th Surajkund International Crafts Mela on a fine Sunday morning, Feb 2. The drumbeats and Goan tunes resonated in every corner of the Mela, as a colourful Carnival float and a band of performers went around entertaining the visitors. The atmosphere took a vibrant hue as the day progressed. Chaupal was packed to capacity throughout the day with people enjoying spectacular performances of dance troupes presenting unique art forms like Jabro from Kashmir, Kalbelia from Rajasthan, Sidhi Dhamal, Mewasi & Raas Garba from Gujarat, Mayur from

Uttar Pardesh and Jhulani Karma from Chhattisgarh. These troupes have been sponsored by North Zone Cultural Centre, Patiala, West Zone Cultural Centre, Udaipur, North Central Zonal Cultural Centre, Allahabad and South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur. Mrs Sumita Misra, Director General Tourism Harayana and Member Administration, Surajkund Mela Authority, stated, "The Mela has brought some of the unseen, skillfully crafted ware under one roof. The Mela is, in true sense, the custodian of the languishing arts. Artisans from different parts of the country have carried on the legacy of their forefathers and taken it to a new level."

A practitioner of languishing art of Lavancha/vetiver, M.D. Mathew from Mangalore has set up a stall of products made from Vetiver roots known for their perfumery and medicinal value. There is a range of interesting items made from vetiver roots like caps, chappals, power puffs, key chain holders, letter box, pen stand and so on. The fascinating art forms from Goa, the theme state of the Mela, have been a crowd puller. There are amazing artifacts made from seashells, bamboo straw and coconut shell that are finding many takers. Boromeu Do Rosario Pereira,

who specialises in coconut husk carving and coconut shell craft has exhibited lampshades, animal faces, wine bottles and palm trees created from coconut shell. A selflearnt artist, Pereira's works are drawing many eyeballs, "It's my first time at Surajkund and I hope to do good business." Geeta M Mayekar from Goa has brought batik paintings, cushion covers and table covers to the Mela, also a recipient of Kala Nidhi award. "My husband is an artist and he draws while I do the batik with natural dyes. Our batik paintings are based on Goan themes," says Geeta. P.A. Suryawanshi, a humble Goan artist with his easel by his side has made eye-catching landscapes on handmade sheets with acrylic paints in big and small sizes. Many selfhelp groups from Goa like Shaban Mahila M a n d a l , Priyadarshani Federation and Mulprush group have displayed crochet items, terracotta masks, bamboo baskets, wax candles and sea shell flowers. The Goan flavours at the Food Court are also a big hit with visitors, as they are offering Masala Fried Prawns, Goan Fish Curry, Pork Vinalho, Patal Bhaji and lots more to choose from. Apna Ghar from Goa showcases the traditional lifestyle of a Goan family with earthen urns and bamboo equipment adorning every corner. In the evening, bringing the Natyashala alive are the vibrant Goan folk dances namely Dhalo, Morulo, Dhangar dance, Dasarwadan, Chowrang Talo, Mando, Zagor, to name a few that mark celebrations back in Goa.

February 7, 2014

Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post


India is Dubai Airport's largest destination DUBAI: India has retained its position as largest destination country for Dubai International Airport in 2013, according to a report. India remains at the top with 8,401,253 passengers, a year on

year growth of 14.3 per cent compared to 7,347,270 in 2012, the annual traffic report said. UK is placed second with 5,099,843 passengers (up 24.1 per cent) followed by Saudi Arabia at

4,825,114 (up 34.2 per cent), it said. The airline hub registered another banner year with annual passenger traffic reaching 66,431,533 last year and eclipsed the six million passenger mark for the first time in December.

"It was truly a historic year for Dubai's aviation sector highlighted by the successful opening of Concourse A, the launch of passenger services at Al Maktoum International at Dubai World Cen-

tral; and a record breaking air show that featured aircraft orders exceeding US 200 billion," Paul Griffiths, CEO of Dubai Airports, said. In terms of destination cities served by Dubai International, Doha maintained the top spot with 2,516,866 passengers (up 12.9 per cent), followed by London with 2,494,555 passengers (up 24.1 per cent) and Kuwait with 1,813,603 passengers (up 13.3 per cent). "2014 is set to be another eventful year, one featuring continued traffic growth, network expansion and the ongoing enlargement and upgrade of our facilities and runways," Paul said. -PTI

February cheapest month to fly in India: Survey MUMBAI: The cheapest month to fly in the country is February, when consumers save about 18 per cent on airfare, while booking 22 weeks in advance usually results in around 15 per cent savings, a recent study said. The cheapest flight tickets from India are available 22 weeks in advance of travel, on average. H o w e v e r, three years of booking data also show that price patterns can vary by type of airline, distance of travel, and hence is destination-dependent, global travel search site Skyscanner's 'Best Time to Book' analysis revealed. "The earlier in advance you book, the better. It is also important to note that prices can really increase at the last minute, espe-

cially on budget airlines," Skyscanner's Senior Marketing Manager for India Kavitha Gnanamurthy said. The best time to book a flight

for long-haul destinations like the United Kingdom and nearer countries including the United Arab Emirates and Singapore is 12 weeks in advance. Indian travelers would also be able to save the most on flights to Australia and Thailand if they book 16 weeks ahead of their departure date, it added. -PTI


India Post

Travel & Hospitality Post

February 7, 2014


Open museum of rock-cut caves & temples Cont’d from page 39

Numerous gods and demigods as well as animals and people are all carved on the sculpture. The talent that it took to create such a sculpture is obvious and deserves respect. The characters amazingly look both realistic as well as humorous. Tiger's Caves Tiger's Caves is near the coastal village of Salurankuppam that is only 5 kilometers to the north of Mahabalipuram. This amazing mandapa contains a shrine that is dedicated to the goddess Durga. There are large and impressive figures located in front of the caves. As with most carvings in India, the carvings and figures tell a story. This story has to do with an event that happened to goddess Durga. The Tiger's Caves are a popular picnic spot, so you may want to plan your day so that you are there at lunch time. Such a picnic would allow you to take in the sights at the caves as well as enjoy the beauty of the landscape itself.

Five Rathas

pools that are made to resemble their natural habitat. This Crocodile Conservation Center is the most popular site to visit at Crocodile Bank. A snake farm is also located at this site. Anti-venom is produced here. The process of extracting the snake venom is a popular tourist attraction, and it allows the Irulas, the snake catcher's tribe, to make a living. Five Rathas The Five Rathas, also known as Panch Rathas, is a set of rock temples. They are excellent ex-

Crocodile Bank

Crocodile Bank The Crocodile Bank is located 14 kilometers from Mahabalipuram. It was established by herpetologist Romulus Whitaker in 1976. It houses several different species of Indian and African alligators and crocodiles. They are kept in open

amples of the evolution of Dravidian style architecture. These temples are built in the same shape as pagodas, and greatly resemble Buddhist shrines and monasteries. The rathas are associated with the great epic Mahabharata. The first ratha that is located

right by the entrance gate is Draupadi's Ratha. It is shaped like a hut and is dedicated to the goddess Durga. Next comes Arjuna's Rath. This one has a small portico and carved pillar stones and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. There are no carvings inside this temple, but many are on the outside. Directly in front of Arjuna's Rath is the Nakula - Sahadev Rath. This ratha has some huge elephant sculptures included that are a huge draw for the Five Rathas. It is dedicated to the God of Rain, Lord Indra. The Bhima Rath is huge. It measures 42 ft in length, 24ft in width, and 25ft in height. The pillars there contain lion carvings even though the ratha as a whole is incomplete. The largest of the Five Rathas is the Dharamraja Yudhistar's Rath. This rath is also dedicated to Lord Shiva and is a great example of later built South Indian temples. Shore Temple Tradition has it that there once stood seven temples along the shore line in this area. Today, the only one that remains is the Shore Temple. It was built during the 7th century by the artisan Rajasimha under the rule of Narasimha Varman II. It is one of the oldest temples in South India that is built in the Dravidian style. It has lately increased in popularity because it is now listed as one of the world

heritage sites of the UNESCO. Numerous carvings can be found throughout the temple. Three separate buildings make up the temple. Two are Shiva temples that face east and west. The third is a Vishnu temple. Shopping Shopping opportunities are excellent in Mahabalipuram. Handmade crafts made by people in the region are the specialty. There are stone statues carved to look like the enormous originals that are in the area. The statues are carved out of granite which enhances their beauty. Many people are more than glad to travel to this region to acquire such fine artistic pieces made by quality artisans. Soapstone images, wood carvings, jewelry, and items made from

port that used to exist there. Numerous quality beach resorts can be found at Kovalam. It is also to these beaches that the well-known Olive Ridley Turtles travel every year to hatch their eggs.

local seashells are also popular items that are sold in the local shops. Kovalam The village of Kovalam was originally just a small fishing village that was located 15 kilometers from Mahabalipuram. Today, that fishing village is still there, but it has also expanded to become one of the most famous beach resorts in India. You can still explore the old sea

By Bus: Mahabalipuram is well connected with many cities in and around including Chennai by Tamil Nadu public transport bus services. Many private tourist buses also operate between Mahabalipuram and Chennai Central.

HOW TO REACH By Train: The nearest rail head is Chengalpattu, 29 km from Mahabalipuram city. Chennai is the major railway station nearby which is connected to all major cities in India by rail. By Air: The nearest airport is Chennai International airport, which is located 54 km from Mahabalipuram. Chennai is well connected to all major cities in India and many cities abroad, including Colombo, Middle East countries, Singapore and Gulf countries.

February 7, 2014

Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post


5 free things in St. Louis as city marks 250 years ST. LOUIS: St. Louis is turning 250 this year, and visitors who want to join in the celebration can find plenty to do without spending a dime. The Gateway City was founded by Pierre Laclede and Auguste Chouteau on Feb. 15, 1764. A series of anniversary events are planned throughout the year. Some are serious, including a reenactment of the founding on Feb. 15 at the Laclede's Landing area on the Mississippi Riverfront downtown. Others are more whimsical, like a ``Burnin' Love'' festival in which 250 couples are expected to become engaged on Valentine's Day. Amid the hoopla, there's plenty to do for free, including visits to one of the world's biggest breweries, two popular animal attractions, a science center and a towering monument that has come to define St. Louis. GATEWAYARCH The iconic Arch, built as a monument to westward expansion, stands 630 feet tall (192 meters) along the banks of the Mississippi River. For a fee, visitors can ride a tram to the top of the Arch and gaze over downtown St. Louis to the west or the cornfields of Illinois to the east. But many attractions at and around the Arch are free. That includes the Museum of Westward Expansion in the basement of the Arch, focusing on life in the West in the 1800s. Visitors can also wander the expansive Arch grounds, where a multi-million dollar upgrade project is under way and expected to be completed by 2016. Also free are visits to the Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis, also operated by the National Park Service. The courthouse was the site of the famous Dred Scott case that played a role in eventually freeing the slaves. Construction of the Arch, designed Eero Saarinen, began in

1963. The final piece connecting the two legs was installed in 1965, and the Arch opened to visitors on May 25, 1968. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWERY TOUR The Busch family sold Anheuser-Busch to the Belgian brewer InBev in 2008, but the massive brewery remains an integral part of St. Louis, making some of

open to visitors of all ages - but only those 21 and older can taste the finished product after the tour. Younger visitors get soft drinks. Visitors not only get a glimpse of how the beer is made but see the Budweiser Clydesdales, kept at stables on the brewery site. Reservations are required. Anheuser-Busch also offers a more comprehensive ``Beermaster

the nation's best-selling brews, including Budweiser and Bud Light. The complimentary tours are

Tour'' and ``Beer School,'' though neither is free. The brewery itself is in the eclectic Soulard area near down-

town. Soulard Market nearby offers a variety of fresh produce, meats and other goods. GRANT'S FARM The 281-acre (114 hectares) Grant's Farm is owned by the Busch family. It got its name because the property was founded as a farm by Ulysses S. Grant, the Civil War general who later became the nation's 18th president. The farm, in St. Louis County just south of the city, is home to more than 900 animals. Among them: Another group of Budweiser Clydesdales. More than 24 million people have visited Grant's Farm since it opened in 1954. Reservations are required. ST. LOUIS ZOO The St. Louis Zoo in sprawling Forest Park is considered one of the best in the nation, and one of the few that with no admission fee. Funding comes from a cultural tax district, the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District, though fees are charged for some special attractions. The zoo is home to more than 18,000 animals, including some rare and endangered species. A ``Zooline Railroad'' takes visitors to various locations and is popu-

Switzerland aims 10% increase in visitors NEW DELHI: Switzerland Tourism has said it is targeting growth of 10 per cent in overnight visitors from India taking the number beyond 550,000 mark. "We are having a target growth of 10 per cent this year which would take our overnight numbers beyond 550,000 mark," said Swiss Tourism India Deputy Director Ritu Sharma. To achieve the target, the Switzerland Tourism is aggressively promoting packages bundled with incentives and targeting youths which has increased spending capabilities and affluent class from 20 Tier 2 and Tier

3 cities. "A special focus would be given to the young class which has money to spend. We will be targeting schools, college and youth between 12 to 24 for special promotion," she said adding that these age group are very influential in the selection of destinations for family holidays. Switzerland Tourism is attracting two types of travelers, one is the family group, traveling along with children, grandparents and some time with the extended members and second is youths who travel on their own and explore new destinations and adventures.-PTI

lar, especially among children. The zoo's origins date to the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, when the city purchased the Flight Cage from the Smithsonian Institution. Over the years, new exhibits and animals were added. The zoo is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. most days; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve; and closed on Christmas and New Year's Day. ST. LOUIS SCIENCE CENTER The Science Center, also part of Forest Park and funded through the same cultural subsidy as the zoo, is among the few free science centers in the U.S. It was founded as a planetarium in 1963. Today, the center includes more than 750 exhibits in 300,000-plus square feet (28,000 square meters) of space, making it one of the nation's largest science centers. About 1.2 million people visit it each year. The center itself is free, but fees are charged for admission to some special exhibits and planetarium shows. An Omnimax Theater also charges for admission. The center features an enclosed walkway over Interstate 64 in which visitors can monitor the speeds of cars traveling below. AP

IndiGo launches six new flights CHENNAI: Low-cost airliner IndiGo has introduced six new flights on its route connecting various destinations with effect from February 1. The daily schedule would witness addition of a new non-stop flight between Delhi and Bagdogra, non-stop flight between Kolkata and Bagdogra and Bangaluru-Chennai, non-stop flight between Chennai-Kolkata, ninth non-stop flight between Mumbai-Bangalore and one stop flight between Chennai and Bagdogra via Kolkata, IndiGo said in a statement.-PTI

In Brief Visa allocations need to reflect market: GOP WASHINGTON: Endorsing the path to legal status for about 11 million illegal immigrants in the US, including thousands of IndianAmericans, the opposition Republican Party has said that the visa and green card allocations need to reflect the market demand. "Visa and green card allocations need to reflect the needs of employers and the desire for these exceptional individuals to help to grow our economy," said the one page basic principles of immigration reform released by the party. While there is no direct mention of the H-1B visa program, the party said the goal of any temporary worker program should be to address the economic needs of the US and to strengthen its national security by allowing for realistic, enforceable, usable, legal paths for entry into the country. It said for far too long, the US has emphasized extended family members and pure luck over employment-based immigration. Cont'd on Page 45

„ Effort to halt deportation of KC man fails KANSAS CITY, Mo.: An effort by a Kansas City group on behalf of a 41-year-old man detained by immigration officials has apparently failed. Josue Noe Sandoval-Perez was arrested in mid-January in Kansas City and held since Jan. 22 by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for immigration violations. Communities Creating Opportunity, a Kansas City faith-based nonprofit, rallied against his deportation, saying he has a wife and two children. CCO says SandovalPerez's children are in the U.S. legally, while Sandoval-Perez and his wife, were not. Sandoval-Perez had been in the U.S. more than decade. ICE says that Sandoval-Perez had been turned over to Mexican authorities. ICE says SandovalPerez was a deportation priority because he'd re-entered the U.S. illegally after being removed in 1998.-AP

Protesters stand together as they hold a protest to ask their congress people to make immigration reform a reality.


BALCA does not speak for Secretary of Labor? Details on page 46

44 India Post

February 7, 2014

In an election year, GOP wary of immigration issue WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama's new declaration that he's open to legal status for many immigrants short of citizenship sounds a lot like House Speaker John Boehner and other GOP leaders, an election-year compromise that numerous Republicans as well as Democrats crave. But the drive for the first overhaul in three decades still faces major resistance from many Republicans who are wary that the divisive issue could derail what they see as a smooth glide path to winning November's congressional elections. And they deeply distrust the Democratic president to enforce the law. Just hours after Boehner pitched immigration to the GOP at a Maryland retreat, Obama suddenly indicated he would be open to legal status for many of the 11 million living here illegally, dropping his once-ironclad insistence on a special path to citizenship. Democrats, including Obama, and other immigration proponents have warned repeatedly about the creation of a two-tier class system.

``If the speaker proposes something that says right away, folks aren't being deported, families aren't being separated, we're able to attract top young students to provide the skills or start busi-

to secure an elusive legislative achievement before voters decide whether to hand him even more opposition in Congress. Republicans are expected to maintain their grip on the House and have

House Speaker John Boehner

nesses here, and then there's a regular process of citizenship, I'm not sure how wide the divide ends up being,'' Obama said in a CNN interview. Obama's flexibility is a clear indication of the president's desire

a legitimate shot at grabbing the majority in the Senate. ``I'm going to do everything I can in the coming months to see if we can get this over the finish line,'' Obama said of an immigration overhaul in a Google Plus

Hangout talk. In an earlier compromise, Obama signaled late last year that he could accept the House's piecemeal, bill-by-bill approach to immigration changes after months of backing a comprehensive, bipartisan Senate bill. Notably, he calibrated his comments on immigration in his State of the Union address last week. ``I think he realizes that this is a very delicate issue, it's very controversial and I think his recent statements have been very, very positive in allowing us to move forward,'' Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., a proponent of immigration overhaul, told reporters. Boehner, for his part, tried to sell his reluctant broader caucus on tackling immigration this year by casting it as critical to job creation, economic growth and national security. The speaker, along with Reps. Paul Ryan, RWis., and Jeff Denham, R-Calif., argued for action in a closed-door session with other House Republicans at their annual retreat in Cambridge, Md. Cont'd on Page 47

Good chance of immigration reform: Obama WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama has said there is a good chance of pushing through contentious US immigration reform this year. The reform, currently being debated in Congress, would pave the way for citizenship to 11 million undocumented people and accelerate the process of professionals from countries like India and China. "I actually think that we have a good chance of getting immigration reform," Obama told CNN in an interview. Obama argued that this would not only create jobs, but also give a boost to the US economy. "If the Speaker (of the US House of Representatives) proposes something that says right away folks aren't being deported, families aren't being separated, we're able to attract top young

students to provide the skills or start businesses here, and, then there's a regular process of citizenship," Obama said when asked

get it done. "There is a desire to get it done. And that particularly in this Congress is a huge piece of business,

President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks in the East Room of the White House, Friday, Jan. 31, in Washington, about helping the long-term unemployed.

about the recent move by the Republican Party on immigration reform. He said that there is a desire to

because they haven't got a lot done over the last couple of years out of the House Republican caucus. They've been willing to say

what they're against, not so much what they're for. The fact that they're for something, I think, is progress," he said. "I do know that for a lot of families, the fear of deportation is one of the biggest concerns that they've got and that's why we took executive actions given my prosecutorial discretion to make sure we're not deporting kids who grew up here and are Americans for all practical purposes, but we need to get that codified," he said. "And the question is, is there more that we can do in this legislation that gets both Democratic and Republican support but solves these broader problems, including strengthening borders and making sure that we have a legal immigration system that works better than it currently does," Obama said.-PTI

Immigration Post

February 7, 2014

India Post 45

Jindal calls immigration system 15 states have passed 'completely backwards' immigrant tuition laws WASHINGTON: Describing the current US immigration system as "completely backwards", Indian-American Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has said the country needs a system of "high walls and a broad gate". "When it comes to immigration, we've got a completely backwards system today. What I believe we need is a system of high walls and a broad gate. Right now, we've got the opposite. We've got low walls and a narrow gate," Jindal told CNN in an interview. "What I mean by that is we make it very difficult for people to come here legally. We make it very easy for people to come here illegally. As the son of immigrants, I think that, certainly, a lot of people think we should let more people come in to our country because it's compassionate for them, and it certainly is," said the 42-year-old Republican leader whose parents were immigrants from Punjab. "I think we should also let more people come into our country legally because it's good for us. When people want to come here, work hard, get an education, play by the rules, that's good for America. And so, I think that this is a problem we can address. I think our system right now is completely backwards," he said. Jindal argued that Republicans

need to act. "I do think its right to say we need to secure the border first. I think if the president had been serious about this the last five years; we'd be further along in this discussion. I think the American people are

skeptical," he said. "There's broad agreement on letting people work here and contribute to our economy if they learn the language, they pay a fine, they go pass a criminal background check. I think there's broad consensus," he said.


"This is inconsistent with nearly every other developed nation. Every year thousands of foreign nationals pursue degrees at America's colleges and universities, particularly in high skilled fields. Many of them want to use their expertise in US industries that will spur economic growth and create jobs for Americans," it said. A leading South Asian group was quick in criticizing the Republican Party for giving less impor-


When it comes to immigration, we've got a completely backwards system today. What I believe we need is a system of high walls and a broad gate. Right now, we've got the opposite. We've got low walls and a narrow gate, Jindal said.

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compassionate," he said. "I don't think we're the kind of people that are going to kick people out of schools or hospitals or punish kids for what their parents have done. But I think it's also right the American people are

"We have got to reform the ways that people come here legally. We need to increase dramatically the opportunities for people to come into our country legally. Again, it's good for them, but it's also good for our country," Jindal said. -PTI

Visa allocations need to reflect market demand: GOP Cont'd from Page 44

Fifteen states have statutes al- necticut, Illinois, Kansas, lowing students who are in the Maryland, Minnesota, NeUnited States without legal per- braska, New Jersey, New Mexico, mission and were brought to this New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah country as children by their par- and Washington. ents to be eligible for in-state tuition. To qualify, they have to have graduated from a high school in the state and meet other requirements, such as having been a state resident for two years or three years. Yves Gomes, a student at the University of Maryland, The 15 states who's parents were deported, right, talks to his great are: California, uncle Henry Gomes, in his great uncle's house where he lives, in Silver Spring, Md. Colorado, Con-

tance to family based immigration. "The House Republican leadership's immigration principles

are out of touch with the needs of South Asian and other immigrants who are building lives and communities as well as small businesses in our country," alleged SAALT (South Asian American Leading Together). In a statement, SAALT alleged that the Republican principles dismiss the needs of family members, emphasize harsh enforcement measures and flawed systems such as E-verify, and offer a path to legalization, but not citizenship, for most undocumented immigrants. -PTI


2335 W. Devon Ave., Suite 204, Tel: 773-381-1820 Chicago, IL 60659

Immigration Post

46 India Post

February 7, 2014

BALCA does not speak for Secretary of Labor?


n the ongoing litigation over the authority of the Depart ment of Labor (DOL) to promulgate H-2B prevailing wage methodology in the Third Circuit, Louisiana Forestry Ass'n v. Secretary of Labor, No. 12-4030, the DOL wrote a letter stating that the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals' decision in Island Holdings LLC, 2013-PWD-00002 (BALCA 3, 2012) did not represent the legal position of the Secretary of Labor. The DOL had issued increased prevailing wage determinations to an employer after it changed its wage methodology through an


there is no need for the reviewing court to delve any further. Under Step Two, if the statute is silent or ambiguous, the reviewing court must determine whether the agency's interpretation is based on a permissible construction of the statute. A permissible interpretation of the statute need not be the best interpretation or even the interpretation that the reviewing court would adopt. Step Two is commonly known as Chevron deference where the reviewing court grants deference to the agency's permissible interpretation of an ambiguous statute.

If BALCA does not speak for DOL, is it necessary to exhaust administrative remedies before challenging a PERM denial in federal court? If BALCA does not speak for DOL, should the courts pay Chevron style deference to BALCA decisions? Interim Final rule that took effect on April 24, 2013. The order to increase wages was issued after the DOL had already certified the labor certification for the H-2B workers at a lower wage. BALCA in Island Holdings invalidated the wage increases on the ground that there was no specific statutory or regulatory authority that would authorize DOL to increase the wage rate at an unknown future date. The DOL's letter to the Third Circuit disregarding the BALCA ruling in Island Holdings would have enormous implications on labor certification practice and administrative law. We credit Wendel Hall of C.J. Lake, counsel in the Island Holdings case, for alerting us to the significance of this issue and also bringing it to the attention of DOL itself. If BALCA does not speak for DOL, is it necessary to exhaust administrative remedies before challenging a PERM denial in federal court? If BALCA does not speak for DOL, should the courts pay Chevron style deference to BALCA decisions? Can DOL ignore other BALCA decisions on PERM since BALCA does not speak for Secretary of Labor? The Supreme Court established a two-step analysis in Chevron USA Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, 467 U.S. 837 (1984) for evaluating whether an agency's interpretation of a statute it is entrusted to administer is lawful. Under Step One, the court must determine whether Congress has clearly spoken to the precise question at issue in the plain terms of the statute. If that is the case,

not to be entitled to deference Even under the lower standard in Skidmore v. Swift & Co, 323 U.S. 134 (1944) the weight accorded to an administrative interpretation or judgment "depends upon the thoroughness evident in its consideration, the validity of its reasoning, its consistency with earlier and later pronouncements, and all those facts which give it power to persuade, if lacking power to control." If DOL does not think that BALCA speaks for the Secretary of Labor, using the Skidmore criteria, how can BALCA ever have the power to persuade? Not having that, any BALCA decision would not be invested with any deference under Skidmore. Finally, in Auer v. Robins, 519 US 452 (1977), the Supreme Court held that the same Chevron type of deference applies to the agency's interpretation of its own regulations. However, even under the Auer concept of deference, which gives federal agencies the right to interpret their own regulations, there would be no deference to a BALCA decision since the DOL has now told the Third Circuit that an opinion by BALCA is not an interpretation by the DOL but only an expression of what individual subordinate DOL employees think. Since DOL does not think BALCA speaks for the Secretary of Labor, is there a need to exhaust administrative remedies before challenging a PERM labor certification denial in federal court? Moreover, if no deference to a BALCA decision is justified or required, can there be a failure to exhaust? We doubt it. If DOL does not think that BALCA speaks for the agency, how can an appeal to BALCA be mandatory despite 20

only if exhaustion is required by an agency regulation can recourse to the federal courts be barred. Darby v. Cisneros, 509 US 137, 14454 (1993). The four criteria set forth in Darby v. Cisneros in order to bypass an administrative appeal, are as follows: • Federal review has been brought pursuant to the APA; • There is no statute that mandates an administrative appeal; • Either: a) there is no regulation that mandates an administrative appeal; or b) if there is a regulation that mandates an administrative appeal, it also does not stay

the absence of any need to exhaust remedies. Aggrieved employers and aliens may wish to directly seek review in federal court than seek review at BALCA after the DOL's letter to the Third Circuit. Strategically, going directly into federal court may be advantageous if the plaintiff wished to challenge a regulation on constitutional grounds rather than waste time with BALCA, which may not have jurisdiction over such a challenge. Moreover, if the employer desires to file a new PERM application, and still seek review of the old denial, going to BALCA would

Strategically, going directly into federal court may be advantageous if the plaintiff wished to challenge a regulation on constitutional grounds rather than waste time with BALCA

the agency decision pending administrative appeal; and Still, Chevron deference cannot • The adverse agency decision be accorded unless there is an to be challenged is final for puragency construction of a statute poses of the APA. to which the federal court must BALCA cannot provide an addefer. DOL has now told the 3rd ministrative remedy to the parties Circuit that BALCA does not concerned since its decisions do speak for the Secretary of Labor not represent the official view of since the administrative law the DOL. Rather than constituting judges on BALCA are only sub"superior agency authority" to ordinate DOL employees. Thereuse the language of Section 10 (c ) fore, an interpretation by BALCA of the APA, 5 USC 704, BALCA does not represent the official view consists of a collection of suboror understanding of the DOL. dinate DOL employees in the view For this reason, one may never of the DOL itself. Since that is the reach the question of deference case, BALCA "lacks the ability or since there is no agency finding competence to resolve the issue or interpretation capable of comor grant the relief requested…" manding it. Iddir v. INS, 301 F.3d 492, 498 (7th In United States v. Mead, 533 Cir. 2002). U.S. 218 (9th Cir. 2001), the SuNone of the various reasons preme Court held that not all most regularly advanced for the agency interpretations qualify for exhaustion docChevron defertrine apply here ence, and defergiven the DOL reence is only ac- None of the various reasons most pudiation of corded "when it BALCA as the final appears that regularly advanced for the exhaustion expression of the Congress del- doctrine apply here given the DOL DOL. The need to egated authority repudiation of BALCA as the final exfirst appeal to to the agency BALCA does not generally to make pression of the DOL. promote adminisrules carrying the trative efficiency force of law, and that the agency interpretation CFR 656.24(d) (e) (3) that advises since it can be ignored by the DOL claiming deference was promul- an employer a failure to appeal to as the individual perspectives of gated in the exercise of that au- BALCA within 30 days constitutes subordinate employees. For the same reason, it will not thority." a failure to exhaust. Using the Mead language or How can going to BALCA be a avoid needless litigation or prorationale, one can conclude that, mandatory administrative remedy mote the conservation of judicial since DOL has now decided that when BALCA speaks only for it- resources. When DOL agrees BALCA does not speak for the self and not the DOL? There is a with BALCA, it accepts what DOL, Congress has not delegated conflict between this regulation BALCA says. When DOL disany interpretive authority to and the DOL view in the 3rd Cir- agrees, it can tell the court, as BALCA. Hence, no deference can cuit Louisiana Forestry case. This here, that BALCA does not speak or should be paid to any BALCA regulation is key since, for Admin- for the DOL. This is how and why ruling. Such a ruling would appear istrative Procedure Act purposes, the lack of deference is linked to

preclude the filing of a new application until there was a final adverse decision. 20 CFR § 565.24(e) (6). The same prohibition does not apply if the aggrieved employer directly goes into federal court. Finally, 20 CFR 656.26 does not require an alien to go to BALCA; indeed, the alien has no such right. In the labor certification context, the alien is not even informed of a right to appeal in contrast to the notification of such right provided to an alien investor, 8 CFR 204.6(k), or fiancé(e) , 8 CFR 123.2 (k)(4). Then, under Darby, an alien ought to be able to get APA standing even if the employer does not seek review of the denial with BALCA, which in any event has been downgraded by the DOL. The Sixth Circuit in Patel v. USCIS very recently held that an alien had standing to seek review of the denial of an I-140 petition as the alien's interests are within the zone of interests protected by INA section 203(b)(3). See also Stenographer Machines v. Regional Administrator for Employment and Training, 577 F.2d 521 (7th Cir. 1978); Cf Ramirez v. Reich, 156 F.3d 1273 (DC Cir. 1998) (although alien has standing to sue on a denied labor certification, government's motion to dismiss granted due to absence of employer's participation in the litigation). Given that the DOL has rendered BALCA irrelevant in its letter to the Third Circuit, aliens ought to be able to bolster their argument about seeking review of a denied PERM labor certification in federal court. Cont'd on Page 47

Immigration Post

February 7, 2014

India Post 47

Washington Senate OKs immigrant financial aid bill OLYMPIA, Wash.: The Washington state Senate has approved a measure to expand college financial aid to include students who were brought to the state illegally as children. Senate Bill 6523 passed on a 3510 bipartisan vote and now heads to the House for consideration. The measure requires students to have received a high school diploma or equivalent in Washington State and to have lived in the state for at least three years beforehand. ``The key to a good future is a good education,'' said Sen. Barbara Bailey, a Republican from Oak Harbor who is chairwoman of the Senate Higher Education Committee. ``We want all who reside in Washington state to have a good education and a good future.'' Senate Minority Leader Sharon Nelson, D-Maury Island, said that the vote was a day that ``children in the state have waited for.''

``No one should have the doors closed to their dream university because they cannot get financial

Ericksen, R-Ferndale, that would have had the measure expire after four years, and which would have

Gov. Jay Inslee (D) scored a legislative win when the Republican-led Senate passed a version of the Dream Act

aid when they have grown up here,'' she said. The chamber rejected a proposed amendment by Sen. Doug

required students to have been granted temporary permission to stay in the U.S. under an Obama administration policy - known as

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA. The Senate measure, called the ``Real Hope Act,'' is nearly identical to the so-called Washington Dream Act, House Bill 1817, which passed out of the House on a bipartisan vote on the first day of the legislative session earlier this month. The measure expands state financial aid for college students in the country without legal status. The House version didn't identify a funding source for the measure, but the Senate proposal allocates $5 million through June 30, 2015, from the state's general fund to pay for the financial aid payments under the state needgrant program. The Senate measure was sponsored by Bailey, fellow Republican Sens. Joe Fain, Andy Hill, Steve Litzow, Bruce Dammeier and Majority Leader Rodney Tom, the Democratic leader of the predominantly Republican Majority Coalition Caucus. The caucus initially said the measure wasn't a priority

but reversed course this week. ``This is really making sure all kids have the keys to hope, that all kids have the keys to opportunity, that all kids have the keys to the American dream,'' Tom said during the floor debate. During the floor debate, Democrats referred to the measure as the Dream Act, while Bailey reminded the floor that the Senate measure was now called the Real Hope Act. Gov. Jay Inslee, who was in the Senate wings after the vote, didn't indicate a preference for one name over another, just saying that it was ``a clear delight'' that the measure passed. ``What is real hope is a real Washington kid getting a real college education,'' he said. ``Any way that gets done is great. And it is going to get done.'' Rep. Zack Hudgins, a Democrat from Tukwila who sponsored the House bill, said that the House is ready to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions and will talk about next steps in the coming days.-AP

In an election year, GOP wary BALCA does not speak for of immigration issue Cont'd from Page 44

Boehner rejected the idea of a special path to citizenship. ``If Democrats insist on that, then we are not going to get anywhere this year,'' he said. The House leaders' ``standards for immigration reform'' call for increased border security, better law enforcement within the U.S., a pathway to legal status but not citizenship for millions of adults who live in America unlawfully after they pay back taxes and fines - and a chance for legal residence and citizenship for children brought to the country illegally. But several Republicans questioned the strategy of pushing a contentious issue that divides the caucus and angers conservative GOP voters - especially since the party has been capitalizing on Obama's abysmal approval ratings and on Democrats' troubles in defending the national health care overhaul. Any doubts about the Republicans' election-year prospects were erased with news this week of the planned retirement of Rep. Henry Waxman, a 20-term lawmaker who would have become chairman of a House committee if Democrats could win back the chamber. ``Why in the world would we want to change the subject to comprehensive immigration reform,'' said Rep. John Fleming, R-La., who

called it a ``suicide mission'' for the GOP. Aside from election hopes and concerns, some of the deep-seated opposition on immigration stems from Obama's willingness in the past year to waive or suspend parts of his health care law and his pronouncement in his State of the Union speech that he would bypass Congress on some issues. ``There is a trust gap that is a

Administration and congressional officials have suggested that Republicans could put legislation on the House floor in late March or early April. major obstacle,'' Diaz-Balart said. Still, the business community, advocacy groups and other proponents are optimistic about House action this year, with many in the GOP arguing that it was imperative to eliminate a major political drag on the party ahead of the next presidential election. A White House official said the details of a legalization plan would be crucial and administration support could hinge on whether those given legal status would have the

option to eventually become citizens. Still, the official said the White House was buoyed by Republican progress on the issue and will be watching to see if the GOP might be willing to move closer to the president on citizenship and other aspects of the legislation. Administration and congressional officials have suggested that Republicans could put legislation on the House floor in late March or early April. The House principles set out by Boehner say ``there will be no special path to citizenship for individuals who broke our nation's immigration laws - that would be unfair to those immigrants who have played by the rules and harmful to promoting the rule of law.'' Still that wouldn't preclude millions from trying to obtain permanent legal residence, often known as a green card, through sponsorship by an employer or adult child. Those individuals could later seek citizenship. The House principles ``say no special pathway. It doesn't say no pathway,'' Rep. Luis Gutierrez, DIll., told reporters. While strong majorities of Hispanics continue to back a pathway to citizenship, a Pew Research Center poll in December found that being able to live and work in the U.S. legally without the threat of deportation was more important to Latinos, by 55 percent to 35 percent. -AP

Secretary of Labor?

Cont'd from Page 46

The DOL repudiation of BALCA as an authoritative voice calls into question the relevancy of BALCA itself. If BALCA does not speak for the DOL to a federal judge, how can it do so in any other context? Can BALCA represent the DOL in an administrative law sense only? Is it possible for BALCA to be invested with a sense of finality only with respect to decisions on labor certification, both temporary and permanent, but to lose such imprimatur should the DOL go into court? To answer these questions, we would do well to cast our minds back to the reason that DOL created BALCA in the first place. At that time, the DOL's administrative decisions were neither consistent nor uniform. So the DOL revised the regulations to create a Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) in 1987 to replace the system of appeals to single administrative law judges within the DOL. The rule creating the BALCA said, "[T]he Board will enhance uniformity and consistency of decisions." 52 Fed. Reg. 11218 (Apr. 8, 1987). A subsequent BALCA decision explained: "The purpose of the Board is to provide stare decisis for the immi-

gration bar." Matter of Artdesign Inc., 89-INA-99 (Dec. 5, 1989). Subsequently, however, these goals were not achieved, and the BALCA invented a device (the en banc decision) to resolve inconsistencies in BALCA decisions. The BALCA suffers from a strange defect: unlike the DHS and the BIA where regulations exist that make BIA decisions

If BALCA does not speak for the DOL to a federal judge, how can it do so in any other context? Can BALCA represent the DOL in an administrative law sense only? binding on all officers and employees of the Service and Immigration Judges, BALCA decisions cannot command unquestioning obedience from the federal agency it claims to represent. Yet, until today, both the regulators and the regulated assumed that BALCA spoke not merely or even primarily for the administrative law judges themselves but for the Department of Labor. Now, we are not so sure.


48 India Post




Upcoming Fri, Feb 11

• Dj Maha - Valentines Day Party 2014

Fri, Feb 7 • A Ghazal Nite Tribute To Anup Jalota

Venue: Plainsboro Plaza, 10 Schalks Crossing Rd, Plainsboro Township, NJ 08536 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 781-375-8068

Venue: Plainfield High School, 950 Park Ave, Plainfield, Nj 07060 Time: 06:30 pm

Fri, Feb 14

Sat, Feb 08 • Gujarati Comedy Play 2

• Guru Palace - Valentines Day


Venue: Guru Palace, 2215 US Highway 1, New Brunswick, NJ 08902 Time: 6:00pm Contact: 732-398-9022

Venue: Hindu Temple Auditorium -NY, 143 - 09 Holly Avenue, New York, NY 11355 Time: 8:00 pm Contact: 347-989-6104

Sat, Feb 22

Sat, Mar 29 • Zakir Hussain and The Mas-

• Indian Classical Music Competition Venue: Marathi Vishwa Community Center, 143 State Route 35, Old Bridge Township, NJ 08879 Time: 11:00 am Contact: 862-222-0105

ters of Percussion

Venue: The Theater at Madison Square Garden, Seventh Avenue between 31st and 33rd Streets, New York, NY 10001 Time : 8:00 pm Contact : 866-858-0008

February 7, 2014





Thu-Sat, Feb 6-8 • Ohlone Theatre & Dance Guild Present: Rogerandtom Venue:Smith Center at Ohlone College Nummi Studio Theatre 43600 Mission Boulevard, Fremont Contact: (510) 659-6031

Fri, Feb 14 • Star Entertainment Valentine Bash 2014 Venue: India Community Center, 525 Los Coches Street, Milpitas, CA 95035 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 510-673-0153

Sat, Feb 8 • Gaana Drishti – A Vocal Jugalbandi Concert Venue: McAfee Center, Saratoga High School,20300 Herriman Ave, SARATOGA, CA Time: 4:00 pm Contact: 925-470-7850

Fri, Feb 14 • Star Entertainment - Valentine Bash 2014 Venue: India Community Center, 525 Los Coches Street, Milpitas, CA 95035 Time: 7:00 am Contact: 510-673-0153

Sat, Feb 15 • Uttarayan 2014 Venue: Royal Delhi Palace, 22323 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA 91303 Time: 11:00 am Contact: 408-586-0006

Sun, Fed 23 • The Wedding Show for The Modern Bride Venue: Sofitel Hotel, 8555 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Time: 04:00 pm Contact: 562-366-3640

Thu, Feb 20 • Seminar on Health Care Fraud Venue: Courtyard San Francisco Airport 1050 Bayhill Drive - San Bruno, California Time: 9:00 am

ATLANTA Upcoming Fri, feb 7 • Tum To Thehre Pardesi Venue: Atlanta Event Hall, 3750 Venture Drive, Duluth, GA 30096 Time: 7:00 pm

Fri, Feb 7 • Shujat Ali Khan Close To My Heart Venue: Ashiana Impact Banquet Hall, Global Mall, 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, Ga 30071 Time: 8:00pm

Fri, Feb 14 • Cupid Calling ! Valentines Day Party. Venue: Shiana Impact Banquet Hall, Global Mall, 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, GA 30071 Time: 9:00 pm

ILLINOIS Upcoming • J K Yog Satsang and Bal Mukund Hindi Classes are held every 2nd and 4rth Sunday of Month Chicago Satsang Information: J K Yog, Chicago - Swami Mukundananda Venue: Clarion Inn/Waterford Banquets, Board Room, 933 South Riverside Drive, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

1st and 3rd Sunday of Month • Chicago Children's Bal Mukund Character Building Program and Hindi Literacy Classes

Venue: Vogelei Center, 650 W. Higgins Road, Hoffmann Estates, IL 60192 (Next to Nissan Dealership) Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

Thu, Feb 6

• The Art of Living Happiness Program!! Venue: Naperville-Aurora area, 1670 Brookview Ct, Aurora, IL 60502 Time: 6:30 pm Contact: 630-639-1099

Mondays and Fridays • Free ESL - English as Second Language Classes Where: Metropolitan Asian Family Services Venue: 9015 N Milwaukee Ave, Niles, IL, Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm Contact: 773-465-3105

February 7, 2014

India Post 49

Realty Tidbits

Facing flak, DDA to offer only completed flats New Delhi: The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) seems to have learnt from its past mistakes and has promised to offer only ready to move in flats in its future projects. The DDA will soon launch its new 2014 housing scheme. The authority had faced a lot of criticism for providing incomplete flats that lacked even basic facilities like water and power in its 2010 housing scheme. In the 2010 scheme, the DDA had offered 16,000 flats across the capital but most of them were still in different stages of completion till as late as 2013. Even now, many flats in areas such as Vasant Kunj D-6 and Mukherjee Nagar are still not fit to be occupied. "Usually, many flats are included in our housing schemes that are not complete exactly at the time when the scheme is launched. However, since the process of allotting the flats takes up substantial time, they are completed during that period," said a senior DDA official. "In the 2010 housing scheme, we faced a lot of difficulties in completing the projects due to various reasons, including manpower shortage and not finding contractors," the official said.

Cont’d on page 51

Fairbanks subdivision plan withdrawn FAIRBANKS, Alaska: A controversial plan for a subdivision in Fairbanks has been withdrawn after a settlement. The Daily News-Miner newspaper reports the Fairbanks North Star Borough withdrew the plan and opponents withdrew a lawsuit. Last January, the borough's Platting Board approved the plan for a subdivision of 115 residential lots and a school site on more than 600 acres in North Pole - despite protests from area residents. A local veterinarian appealed the decision to the Planning Commission, citing air pollution and building density concerns, but the commission upheld the plan. The veterinarian, along with a Planning Commission member and another resident, then filed an appeal in the Alaska Superior Court to stop the plan. The borough and the appellants then decided to settle without going to court. -AP

Real Estate 50

India Post

Private forest land opened for development

February 7, 2014

Details on Page 51

Upgrades that help sell homes


ith houses remaining unsold for months even years, in some cases - it's clearly not a good time to sell your home. But if you're planning to sell soon despite the market conditions, how can you help your home stand out from the crowd? Upgrades and renovations can make all the difference to a potential buyer who has many homes to choose from, experts say. With the recession keeping many people from spending on home improvements, now might be the perfect time to find a great deal. "A lot of the big remodeling jobs have gone away because people are not sure about the economy, so they're just waiting," says David Lupberger, home improvement expert at, a company that connects homeowners with home service professionals. As a result, "a lot of good contractors are available." Contractors are ready and willing to do the job, and many can be hired at a discount right now, Lupberger says. "It's a matter of supply and demand. These guys have been used to doing one or two $300,000 projects. Those projects aren't around, so now they're doing the $25,000 projects, the $50,000 projects, and pricing

them very competitively." While deals will probably be best in areas of the country hit hard by the real estate downturn and a worsening economy, it doesn't hurt to get quotes from

deal on costly renovations can pay off yet again when they sell the house. Some remodeling projects not only add to the home's value, but they give prospective buyers more incentives to buy in the first

several contractors no matter where you live, Lupberger says. Also, be open to different types of offers. For example, one contractor could charge $5,000 less for one particular job, while another might tack on an extra project for free if you spend a certain amount of money with his company.

place, particularly in a competitive market such as this one. "Many buyers judge a house by its exterior," says Walter Molony, a spokesman for the National Association of Realtors. So it's little surprise that among the home improvement projects most appreciated by buyers are midrange wood deck additions and siding replacements, according to Remodeling magazine's 2008-2009 Cost vs. Value Report,

Getting buyers to buy For those planning to sell a home in the near future, getting a

which looks at the return of investment for various remodeling projects. Owners who put decks on their homes recouped 81.8 percent of their money, and siding replacement projects gave homeowners 80.7 percent of a return on investment. Another type of project that paid off for homeowners: "Midrange kitchen remodels, which are often valuable projects in terms of resale," Molony says. According to the report, minor kitchen renovations netted a 79.5 percent return on investment. The projects that added the least value were those appreciated only by select groups of people, according to the report. Home-office remodels and sunroom additions scored noticeably lower because such features don't appeal to all buyers, as a remodeled kitchen or bathroom would. Homeowners who remodeled a home office recouped only 54.6 percent of their investment; those who added a sunroom saw a return investment of 56.7 percent. Another project that scored low, recouping only 57.2 percent of its value, was adding a backup power generator, a feature many homebuyers likely will find appealing, but not worth tacking money onto the sales price. Cont’d on page 51

Indians top purchasers of Dubai property DUBAI: Indians were at the top among foreign nationals in purchasing property in Dubai in 2013, followed by Britons and Pakistanis, according to a report. Foreign nationals from 162 countries ended up buying real estate in Dubai in 2013, said the report. "Investors from around the world are finding that Dubai is offering a particularly attractive climate to undertake property business," Sultan Butti Bin Mejren, director-general of the Dubai Land Department, was quoted as saying by Gulf News. Foreign ownership contin-

ues to drive Dubai's realty, with more than USD 31 billion in trans-

actions last year being attributed to these buyers, according to

figures released by the Department. The overall number of transacted properties in the emirate last year was valued at USD 64 billion. UAE and GCC nationals combined - totaling 7,548 investors - funded USD 8.9 billion of the overall transactions, with the former accounting for USD 6.5 billion. Saudis followed with USD 1.2 billion. Arab investors from outside of the Gulf added a further USD 3.2 billion, with Jordanian nationals topping the list at USD 70 million while Lebanese and Egyptians followed. -PTI

Real Estate Post

February 7, 2014

India Post 51

Afghan builders want JVs Upgrades that help with Indian firms sell homes NEW DELHI: Builders from Afghanistan have evinced interest in collaborating and forging joint ventures with Indian companies for executing projects in the wartorn country in housing, road construction, schools and hospitals. The businessmen from Afghanistan "have also shown interest to source all kinds of building materials and building equipments/machinery," industry body Ficci said in a statement issued after its interaction with members of Afghanistan Builders Association (ABA). A 35-member Afghan delegation, led by ABA, is here on a visit. It said India is in the final stages of preparing a draft memorandum of understanding under which India will help Afghanistan in developing roads. highways and share its knowledge in transportation technologies.

India has carried out several construction and infrastructure projects in Afghanistan, including building of Afghanistan's Parliament. ABA President Naeem Yassin

said that the delegation's aim was to connect construction firms of both the sides, facilitate joint venture opportunities in Afghanistan and explore investment opportunities in construction sector. -PTI

Kurian Joseph recently allowed petitions by Godrej & Boyce, Oberoi Constructions and a host of other developers as well as residents' bodies affected by the High Court ruling. The new ruling will not just open up hundreds of acres of private forest land in the suburban Mumbai, but also pave way

The new ruling will not just open up hundreds of acres of private forest land in the suburban Mumbai, but also pave way for developing more than 100 real estate projects and bring relief to nearly 5 lakh residents who faced the threat of losing their homes "We are happy to hear this judgment as it will finally pave the way for development of forest land which has been lying vacant for years and most importantly regularize the homes of people living there," Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India (Credai) Chairman Lalit Kumar Jain said in a statement here. A three-judge bench of Justices R M Lodha, M B Lokur and

While certain upgrades and renovations always make a difference with buyers, the real estate downturn has negatively affected the value buyers place on many projects. In fact, most projects pay off less today than in 2007, the report shows, with the exception of a few, such as an upscale bathroom remodel. However, according to Sal Alfano, editorial director of Remodeling magazine, the rate at which the value of remodeling projects declined slowed this year compared with the last report in 2007, suggesting that the remodeling industry might have hit its bottom. A tax payoff When considering renovations

Private forest land opened for development MUMBAI: The Supreme Court's direction to the Maharashtra government to remove "private forest" tag attached to huge land parcels across the state is likely to give a push to development of real estate in such vacant areas, according to real estate developers' body Credai.

Cont’d from page 50

for developing more than 100 real estate projects and bring relief to nearly 5 lakh residents who faced the threat of losing their homes due to the Bombay High Court's verdict which upheld the state government's contention that these residents were encroachers. "This verdict can also set a precedent for development of huge government owned land by such as the Railways, Bombay

Port Trust, etc, which are being misused and illegally encroached by slum dwellers, should be freed for development," he said. Jain further said this verdict was a good learning for government which should make the process of approvals much faster and implement the single window clearance system. -PTI

Facing flak, DDA to offer only completed flats Cont’d from page 50

The DDA says the mistake will not be replicated this time. "Even though we have a large number of flats that are under various stages of construction right now, we would only include those flats in the scheme that are completely constructed and have every amenity in place," the official said. This is one reason why the DDA is yet to provide details on exactly how many flats will be part of its 2014 housing scheme announced on December 31 last year.

home that has energy-saving features is bound to be a hit with costconscious buyers, Lupberger says. Even if a remodeling job you'd like to do isn't popular with buyers or if you don't plan to sell soon, you can take advantage of the market to make home improvements for your own enjoyment. You could also benefit from waiting to sell your upgraded home in a better real estate market for sellers. "There are two ways to look at it," says Lupberger. "One is the return on my investment. That's a financial calculation. The second calculation is what you enjoy. Ideally, a good addition accomplishes both. There is something you enjoy and at the same time, you get a return on your investment by mak-

Even if a remodeling job you'd like to do isn't popular with buyers or if you don't plan to sell soon, you can take advantage of the market to make home improvements for your own enjoyment. You could also benefit from waiting to sell your upgraded home in a better real estate market that pay off, the money you can make when selling the house is only part of the story. When you make certain improvements that increase your home's energy efficiency, you could be eligible for a tax credit as well. For example, you can get a tax credit of 30 percent of the cost, up to $1,500, for buying certain windows, doors, insulation and roofs through the year 2010. Likewise, you could be eligible to get tax credits for 30 percent of the cost of major upgrades such as solar panels, solar water heaters and geothermal heat pumps. These improvements will also pay off in energy savings, and any

ing your home more saleable." Of course, other factors also come into play when a buyer decides to buy a house, Molony says. "The home's overall condition, availability and condition of surrounding properties, location and regional economic climate are all factors that influence value in real estate." The bottom line is buyers pay for what they like. By making renovations that will appeal to the broadest range of people -- yourself included -- you can make the most of your home while positioning it as the one buyers want to have no matter what the market is doing. -Courtesy


India Post


February 7, 2014

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February 7, 2014

India Post 53

Page Sponsored by Sahanis SWAMI KRISHNANANDA


here are two kinds of perceptions: the general, acceptable, common to all, and the other, which is abnormal. The process of perception generally is, for instance, our looking at a tree and enjoying the beautiful nature in front, the sun, the moon and the stars, and anything in the world, as it is a general perception which has no particular connotation or meaning. There is another kind of perception, which is abnormal. The previous one, the process of general perception and inference, is the subject of what is known as general psychology. The other thing is the subject of abnormal psychology. A human being has a normal character and also an abnormal character simultaneously operating and creating the mischief of unhappiness wherever one goes. When we see a tree in a large forest, we just see it, and there is no reaction produced in our mind by this perception. But suppose we see a fruit tree in our own garden. We have another feeling towards that tree, not similar to the casual perception of a tree that is in the wild forest. We do not say it is our tree when we perceive a tree in the forest. The idea itself will not arise. But we feel, "It is in my garden, it is my property. I am vitally involved SWAMI PRATYAGBODHANANDA SARASWATI


e have two types of pain. One is a physical pain. This is in fact good. If there is no pain, you will never know which part to address and treat. In the physical system, pain acts as an alarm system and you have to do something about it. When arthritis starts giving pain then you know that it requires attention. There is also an inner emotional pain. This inner pain comes out in different forms, sometimes as anger, sometimes as frustration, sometimes as withdrawal. All uneasiness is inner pain. When there is an inner pain, I react. I react to the situation inappropriately most of the time. Anger, hatred etc. are all reactions that have a cause. If I know the cause, I can handle the effect. I have to analyze the cause for this pain, the cause for the resistance. If I do not analyze then I cannot stall this reaction. If I cannot stall and handle this reaction then I will be slowly avoiding all the activities in my life. I will be doing the minimum and not more. I do not want to meet people. I do not want to join any organization. People are burnt out.

in this tree, and I would not like anyone to interfere with it." Let somebody cut a tree in the forest; we are not bothered about it. But if somebody cuts or attempts to do this kind of thing with our tree in the garden, we will yell out. This is one example. Emotional reaction, working simultaneously with the perception of an object, makes this perception abnormal. Merely looking at a thing impersonally without any

Swami Krishnananda

eases do not receive preference when there is an acute disease. Suppose a person has an ache in the body which requires treatment, but at the same time the person has a high temperature. This second item, temperature, is an acute problem which has to be taken care of first, and the other difficulty of ache in the body is afterwards. So our problem here is to see how we are suffering every mo-

son walk about; what does it matter? If my son is wandering, I will call him because there is a vital connection of oneself with something outside. Patanjali makes out those emotions of this kind arise on account of a basic ignorance of the true nature of things. It is called avidya. It is the recognition of a particular thing as existent and operative, independent of the real fact behind it: This particular object that

Prakriti does not produce only my object

The guru can give you

Is there not a difference between my son and somebody else's son? Let somebody else's son walk about; what does it matter? If my son is wandering, I will call him because there is a vital connection of oneself with something outside.

bol is not the real, and if

kind of emotional reaction, like a judge in a court looking at the clients on both sides with no emotion in his mind, is one thing. As both these characteristics are operating in our mind, which one are we going to tackle - the general perception of the world as a whole or the abnormal difficulties that arise on account of emotional reactions? In medical science, general dis-

ment of time. We have love and hatred, attraction and repulsion. The moment emotion ceases to agree with the convictions of reason, there is an internal conflict. No one, when perceiving a tree in one's own garden, concludes that this is just one tree among many other trees in the forest. Is there not a difference between my son and somebody else's son? Let somebody else's

is so recognized is just a pressure point, as it were, of the universal prakriti, and the prakriti, the whole material matrix that is in front of us, is not made of one object only. Prakriti does not produce only my object. All the objects are manifestations of this all-pervading prakriti. The world is made up of interconnected forces. Excerpted from the article 'The Nature of the Individual'

They are highly capable, highly educated, and highly sophisticated persons but they have no heart to start any activity. They avoid everything because they are not sure how they will react. They do not go to parties or marriages. No human being wants isolation. Because of the inner pain and reaction, they are isolated. By

of one's ignorance and non-understanding of the fact. All that is required is, therefore, a cognitive change and we need to educate ourselves. The moment I see the facts very clearly my fear and my resistance will go away. The child who sees the sun going down for the first time, says, "Mom, the sun is going down. What will happen? Will the whole

set. One has to see the fact that any association has to culminate in dissociation. The more I understand about these facts, less is the need to remove the resistance. The resistance dissolves away. Therefore, I have to work on two areas the entire life. The first is surfacing the inner pain and the second is not allowing new inner pain to be born.

By avoiding situations, inner pain will not go away They are highly capable, highly educated, and highly sophisticated persons but they have no heart to start any activity. They avoid everything because they are not sure how they will react. avoiding situations, neither the inner pain nor the reaction will go away. On the other hand, an angry person in time becomes angrier. Frustrated become more frustrated. The inner pain is purely because of resistance and this resistance is because of nonunderstanding. The whole problem is because

world become dark?" He is afraid. Then the mother says, "My dear child, don't worry. The sun will come back." He sees the sunrise and the next time when he sees the sunset, he is not afraid. Similarly, the birth of a child and death of a person, both are like sunrise and sun-

words; he can give you an explanation, the symbols of the mind, but the symyou are caught in the symbol, you will never find the way. - J. Krishnamurti I have always had this view about the modern education system: we pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted. - Dalai Lama It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. -Leonardo da Vinci As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. - Andrew Carnegie Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which dis-

Swami Pratyagbodhananda Saraswati

All the inner pain is on the other side of the ego and I have to allow it to surface or create a situation so that it surfaces. Once it surfaces, with my understanding and by certain insight, I can allow it to go. Excerpted from a talk delivered in New Jersey on April 5, 2008.

tract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end. - Henry David Thoreau Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance. - Plato

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India Post

February 7, 2014

US rebalance to Asia is merely symbolic India Post



ith the US stepping up effort towards its Asian rebalancing strategy, three fundamental elements must be understood: Are the US strategic lenses now shifting away from Europe to Asia? Is Asia the playground for the next Great Game? Is the Asian rebalance aimed at containing China? Firstly, the US focus is not shifting away from Europe and towards Asia; and neither is the US attention towards Asia a new phenomenon. It is important to bear in mind that Asia was never on the side-

(a) The US has consistently remained apprehensive of three looming potentially armed conflicts between Asia's nuclear powers: India and Pakistan; India and China; and North Korea and South Korea. The US efforts in the region are towards achieving 'deterrence stability' to ensure that low intensity conflicts do not trigger nuclear war. (b) The concern over the security of nuclear weapons in India, Pakistan and North Korea has driven the US to actively monitor and engage with the region.

macy in US lenses. This rebalance thus stems from a terror and threatcentric perspective, and it is not dictated by the emergence of a 'Great Game' played out in an opportunity-rich Asia. This does not spell the reduction in importance for regions outside Asia for the US. Given the geopolitical developments in the Arctic region, the energy-rich Persian Gulf, or the politically unstable Middle East in recent times, the US' priorities will keep shifting rapidly. Thirdly, the US is not fond of emerging regional hegemons, as it perceives them as a threat to its old alliances. Currently, it is undertaking efforts to refresh old alliances and forge new partnerships through preferential Free Trade Agreements under the umbrella of the TransPacific Partnership. The US has also realized the significance of a narrow military strategy, characterized by the shift of a marginal 3 per cent of its forces to the region. This is Washington's attempt China's air defence around the Senkaku islands has led to fears of a conflict to prepare a response to Beijing's strategy of lines of US policy. The continent (c) Post the Cold War, Asia has Anti-Access/Area-Denial. Essenhas always been important to the emerged as the productive motor tially, the rebalance is a symbolic US. What is unfolding at the mo- of the global economy - be it Asian announcement of the US' intent to ment is the rise in the intensity of Tiger economies in the early 1990s maintain force as an option for itfocus towards the region. or India and China over the last self, while it simultaneously During the Cold War, Europe, decade. Given the grim situation advices others against it. given its geographical proximity to at home, the US views Asia's ecoAlthough the US government the then Soviet Union, enjoyed nomic potential as a means to revi- has publicly denounced the posgreater importance in the US talize its own economy. At present, sibility of a containment strategy policy-making circles, an example this region performs the role of a foun- several times, it is important to note being the Marshall Plan for eco- dation for a range of new institutional its recognition of the fact that its nomic aid to the continent. innovations. In the future, much of economic ties with China are too However, a variety of its asso- the competition for influence will be immense to engage in the convenciations with Asian nations, such on access to membership in such in- tional containment strategy that as Washington's alliance with Ja- stitutions - complimenting the capi- was adopted against the Soviet pan following the Second World talist approach to decision-making in Union. War; its support of South Korea the US. Ironically, growing economic in the Korean War; its active back(d) The vast reserves of natu- ties, largely characterized by a ing of the Taiwanese cause; in- ral resources in Asia's oceans negative balance of trade, has acvolvement in the Vietnam War; the have also resulted in increasing tually created complications for attempt at rapprochement with maritime competition. Addition- the US, unlike during the Cold War, China and their subsequent coop- ally, ensuring the security of sea where the confrontation with the eration against the then Soviet lanes used for trade and other Soviet Union could be blatantly Union in Afghanistan, among oth- projects, especially with linkages aggressive and seen as a simple ers, defined and reinforced Asia's to the Straits of Hormuz, Malacca zero-sum game. Hence, rebalancrole as a playground for US activi- and Sunda, has become a critical ing, for the US, is also about walkties. Subsequently, the disintegra- issue. ing the tight rope between balanction of the Soviet Union rendered However, post 9/11, the US' pri- ing relations with China as well as Europe as less strategically impor- orities in Asia got diverted. Not its own regional allies. tant, comparatively. surprisingly, the ensuing 'War on The writer is Assistant ProfesSecondly, post the Cold War, Terror' assumed a greater prece- sor and Coordinator, Master's Asia's significance in the US stra- dence for the US. With this war Program, Department of Political tegic calculus rose primarily as a slowly winding down now, Asia, Science, St. Joseph's College, result of four factors. as a region, has reassumed its pri- Bangalore. Courtesy IPCS

Economic outlook


ne skill that the top leaders of the UPA lack is the ability to communicate. Either they don't communicate at all, or when they do, they make a mess of it as demonstrated by Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi in a recent TV interview. One good thing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has done is to appoint Dr Raghuram Rajan as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India who in contrast is a great communicator, a sincere visionary who is able to explain complex economic issues even to a group of schoolchildren. For instance, when Rahul Gandhi spoke during the interview, he seemed to be trying to put across a better version of his own party, a vision for improving the prospects of his own party in the coming elections. Dr Rajan while talking to a group of schoolchildren in Mumbai put forward for them in simple language the vision of a better India, a better economy where there is growth with manufacturing and jobs for the poor. It is lucky for India that whoever forms the next government in the middle of this year, Dr Rajan will continue as the RBI Governor. Bowing to Rahul Gandhi's diktat, the UPA government has raised the quota of subsidized Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) to 12 cylinders from nine at present. This one more populist move will cost the exchequer Rs 5,000 crore in additional subsidy annually. Dr Rajan was quick to criticize this move terming it as 'misdirected subsidy.' He said the move will end up benefiting people who can afford to pay market rates. He thus became one of the first to speak out against the pet demand of Congress scion Rahul Gandhi. According to his RBI, it will be a challenging task ahead for government to meet deficit targets in the face of higher expenditures of this kind. RBI has emphasized that there is a need to strive for a deft balance between fiscal consolidation and economic growth by focusing on quality of government spending. Dr Rajan says that unlike what other countries have done for growth - moving people from agriculture to manufacturing and construction and then eventually from manufacturing and construction to services - India has the opportunity to "create our unique path by emphasizing on things we are already good at, like services, rather than creating a manufacturing revolution." New technology has made it possible for India to create the environment for businesses to flourish, like building the connectivity, by building the infrastructure, by enabling finance and education, he says. He also sounded very optimistic about the economy improving. In the run-up to the elections, BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi has also expressed a positive vision for improving the economy. He wants to make India a manufacturing hub for electronics and IT products. "In order to see a thriving manufacturing sector, we would need to make hubs where both labor and infrastructure are not a problem. We can think of innovative ways to encourage such hubs and incentives that draw big names to come to India. We will need to nurture highly trained people and give them the right environment where they can grow. Emphasis on R&D and IPR creation is also the need of the hour." Modi says that we have to set up skill centers in collaboration with the telecom majors that cater to the skills that are required to surge ahead in telecom manufacturing. He adds, "At the government level, we will need to ensure that we can provide seamless supply of power, water and other required infrastructure. Long and stable tax regimes are vital to attract companies, both Indian and international." Are we seeing here a merging of two compatible visions for the economy? If Narendra Modi indeed is able to make it to the New Delhi chair, along with Rajan's experience he can goad the economy in the right direction.

February 7, 2014

India Post 55

56 India Post

February 7, 2014

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