Indiapost 06 28 2013

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India Post


Kapil Dev

IndiaNow grand show depicts all facets of India Details on page 16

VOL 18, No. 980

June 28, 2013


Periodical Postage

U.S. TO HONOR INDIA’S CONCERNS ON TALIBAN Kerry's assurance during Delhi talks

Lawmakers laud Indian Americans at NFIA meet

NEW DELHI: The US has assured India that its concerns over Taliban insurgents gaining legitimacy without severing their terror links will neither be "overlooked or undermined" during the talks with the Islamic fundamentalist group. This emerged after the 4th round of Indo-US Strategic Dialogue here that was co-chaired by External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and his American counterpart John Kerry and covered key strategic issues of security, defense, nuclear cooperation and trade ties.

Khurshid, at a joint press conference with Kerry, said "this (proposed talks with Taliban) is an experiment that is being done in order to find an alternative for sustainable peace in Afghanistan. One cannot disagree with the issues or dimensions or aspects which are of concern to us. I must say with gratitude that the Secretary of State himself earmarked that and said that as they proceed, they will ensure that none of the concerns of India are overlooked or undermined. Details on page 5

Death toll climbs to 822 in Uttrakhand Details on page 7

India considers introduction of 'Diaspora bonds' Details on page 8

SC dismisses plea against Ranbaxy

Details on page 22 Details on page 9

100 US CEOs write to Senate on immigration

Indian-American convicted of murder in US

Details on page 45

Details on page 9

Shalli Kumar appointed chief of GOP council

CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 28-29 Classifieds ------------------------- 51 Community Post -------------- 16-26

Details on page 23

Date Book -------------------------- 36 Edit Page --------------------------- 54


HealthScience Post --------- 32-35

Horoscope ------------------------- 52

This week’s question

Immigration Post ------------- 45-47

Is the US going to repeat Iraq in Afghanistan?

Life Style ----------------------- 49-50 Philosophy ------------------------- 53

Last week’s result

Does Narendra Modi care about allies? YES 33%

NO 67%

Publisher’s Diary ------------------ 4

HONORING CRICKET ICON OF INDIA: Ro Khanna, Dr Romesh Japra, Rajesh Verma, Shalini Raj Singh, Kapil Dev and Ena Sarkar at the Bay Area banquet to honor the legendry cricketer from India. -Pic Neelu Kapoor. (Details on page 17)

Real Estate -------------------- 30-31 TechBiz Post ------------------- 12-14 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 40-44

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India Post

June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013

India Post



India Post

June 28, 2013

India Post

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Publisher’s Diary


ecently, a memorandum of understanding was signed at the Indian Consulate in New York to establish the Indian Council for Cultural Relations Chair of Contemporary Indian Studies at Rutgers University. The MoU is part of the Knowledge Initiative signed between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2009. Rutgers, with the assistance of its partner institution, Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, will welcome a distinguished visiting professor from India to teach courses, deliver public lectures and engage directly with faculty, staff and students. The initiative aims to increase study abroad opportunities for American students through international service learning, internships and dual degree opportunities. That is indeed a welcome initiative, and sure, students of both countries who may avail of opportunities under this initiative will benefit, but one is compelled to take a cynical view of the overall state of education in the United States and for that matter in India, that seems increasingly geared to cater to those that already have a lot of means to access education than those who don't. The U.S. education system is not as internationally competitive as it used to be; in fact, the United States has slipped ten spots in both high school and college graduation rates over the past three decades, according to a new report from the Council on Foreign Relations. The report states that the real scourge of the US education system today is the growing achievement gap between socio-economic groups. The majority of developed countries invest more resources per pupil in lower-income school districts than in higher-income ones. It is the reverse in the United States. In the last 45 years, the gap in real annual per-pupil spending between the most and least selective colleges has gone up from a little over $13,000 to $80,000. That's almost criminally discriminatory! This I am sure is leading to an unbridgeable chasm of knowledge gap between the socio-economic groups. If you ask me, I'd say the knowledge initiative, if anything, should be about reducing the knowledge gap first between the haves and the have-nots and then talk of spreading or exchanging of knowledge.

Romesh K Japra

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HIGHLIGHTS Bollywood: Late fright Kareena Kapoor remained oblivious to a snake that slithered into the studio where she was shooting Gori Tere Pyaar Mein.

Cover Story: Kerry in Delhi The US has assured India that its concerns over Taliban insurgents terror links will be honored during talks with them

Community: Grand Trade Fair IndiaNow 2013 was a grand Trade Fair event which brought India right here in Silicon Valley for two days

Immigration: Appeal by 100 100 top American CEOs from technology sector have appealed to Senate to approve the comprehensive immigration bill

Life Style: Milkha movie A new film Bhaag Milkha Bhaag portrays Milkha Singh's life as professional triumph over personal tragedy

Techbiz: Arty technology On a 3-dimensional stage, Dassault Systemes, the 3D Experience Company, gives art an immersive image.

Travel: Nubra Valley Nubra Valley, once on the trading route with eastern Tibet, is the most recently opened area of Ladakh.

28 1 16 45 49 12 40

Cover/Top Stories

June 28, 2013

India Post


US to honor India's concerns on Taliban NEW DELHI: The US has assured India that its concerns over Taliban insurgents gaining legitimacy without severing their terror links will neither be "overlooked or undermined" during the talks with the Islamic fundamentalist group. This emerged after the 4th round of Indo-US Strategic Dialogue here that was co-chaired by External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and his American counterpart John Kerry and covered key strategic issues of security, defense, nuclear cooperation and trade ties. Khurshid, at a joint press conference with Kerry, said "this (proposed talks with Taliban) is an experiment that is being done in order to find an alternative for sustainable peace in Afghanistan. One cannot disagree with the issues or dimensions or aspects which are of concern to us. I must say with gratitude that the Secretary of State himself earmarked that and said that as they proceed, they will ensure that none of the concerns of India are overlooked or undermined. "That is a good way of working closely together. It is very cear what the objective is and how far that objective is possible, only time will tell. But with caution and care being approached as an objective, I think it is something that nobody will have a problem with". Khurshid was asked if he raised India's concerns over the proposed talks with the Taliban in view of the impending withdrawal of US troops from war-torn Afghanistan

oil from Iran as an "important step" in bringing pressure on Tehran over its contentious nuclear program. "We are appreciative that India has worked hard to reduce its dependency on Iranian oil and that has been an important step," Kerry said and also asked New Delhi to urge the Iranians "not to miscalculate about American and international commitment" to stopping Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons. Iran has been maintaining that its nuclear program was for peaceful purposes. Washington renewed sixmonth waivers on its Iran sanctions for India, China and seven other economies earlier this month in exchange for their agreeing to reduce purchases of oil from Tehran.

Energy security External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry before a meeting in New Delhi on June 24

sion of a political process if possible. Ultimately, that will be decided by the Afghan people....", Kerry added. "We will continue under any circumstances, the US will continue as President Obama has made it clear to support the Afghan parliament, to support Afghan military, to continue to equip and train well beyond the 2014 and to continue to have a level of force on the ground that will continue to conduct anti-terrorism or counter-terrorism activities. "The hope is this could provide an avenue for reduction in violence but there is certainly a

course that we are committed to..." said Kerry. He also hailed India as the country equipped to take on some of the biggest challenges of "our time". Apart from crucial regional issues, the two sides covered key strategic pillars of Indo-US relationship, namely security, economics and technology; regional strategic and political issues and global issues.

Civil Nuclear Deal Kerry, who had five years ago while in the Senate led a success-

ful floor debate on the Indo-US civil nuclear deal, also said the two sides hoped that the commercial agreement between the US energy major Westinghouse Electric company (WEC) and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) will be signed in September. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who has been invited by American President Barack Obama, is expected to travel to the US and hold bilateral talks with him in September. The two sides also talked about Iran with Kerry terming India's reductions in imports of

Certain conditions On his part, Kerry made it very clear that the talks with the Taliban will only be negotiated under "certain conditions. Thus far, those conditions have not yet been met. So, there are no negotiations at this point. If the conditions are met, then there will be negotiations that will take place. Not with the US but with the High Peace Council of Afghanistan." He also said the requirements included that the constitution of Afghanistan must be respected, that they (Taliban) do not affiliate or associate themselves, in fact disassociate themselves, from AlQaeda, violence and that the rights of women, minorities will be respected. "Now, that is not going to change. If it is required to be changed, obviously there will be no agreement. But it is there to explore the possibilities of having a peaceful resolution and conclu-

Kerry meets Manmohan Singh NEW DELHI: Ways to further strengthen the strategic ties between India and the US were discussed when Secretary of State John Kerry met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh here. Kerry called on Singh after the 4th round of India-US Strategic Dialogue during which the two sides discussed a range of issues including security, defense, nuclear and trade. Besides reviewing the bilateral relations, Singh and Kerry discussed the situation in the region, including Afghanistan from where the US-led forces will exit next year. During the Strategic dialogue, the two countries discussed ways to expand and deepen their cooperation in various fields. PTI

US Secretary of State, John Kerry calling on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, in New Delhi on June 24

Kerry and Khurshid also reaffirmed their countries' strong commitment to work collaboratively to help ensure energy security, combat global climate change and support the development of low-carbon economies that will create opportunities and fuel job growth in both countries. "We have a valuable relationship with Iran. We haven't allowed our friendship with Iran to come in our way to objective commitment, non-proliferation and our commitment to the IAEA provisions because of Iran being a signatory to the NPT," Khurshid said. India speaks about these things "frankly" on both sides with friends in the US administration as well as with the people we interact within the Iranian government, he said, adding they do have a new head now and we would work to judge the new President's intentions. The minister also said the two countries are expanding bilateral cooperation to new horizons, such as energy, while intensifying existing avenues of cooperation in health, science and technology, education, space, defense and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. "At the same time, we are very satisfied with the ongoing pace of our political dialogues which have enabled us to intensify bilateral consultations on key issues in our region and beyond, including in the larger Asian context," he said. "To put that in perspective, we have exchanged as many as 112 senior official and high-level visits in the year 2012.-PTI


Top Stories

India Post

June 28, 2013

US seeks student exchange programs NEW DELHI: The United States has stressed on jointly working towards increasing skills of students to face future challenges and said this can be done through exchange programs and partnerships between India and the US. "We need to make sure that next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs have the skills and training," US Secretary of State John Kerry said at the India-US Higher Education Dialogue here. Those who work in government and private sectors need to join together in order to focus and meet the challenges in education, he said. HRD Minister M M Pallam Raju and Kerry co-chaired the India-US Higher Education Dialogue. During the dialogue, both sides took up Research and Innovation Partnership under Singh-Obama Knowledge Initiative, Institutional Partnership and Skill Development

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Union Minister for Human Resource Development, M M Pallam Raju pose for a group photo with officials after signing of MoUs at the India-US Higher Education Dialogue 2013 in New Delhi on June 25

as well as promotion of community colleges in India and technology enabled education including mas-

sive open online courses. In continuation of the educational partnership between the two

India, US 'from estranged to engaged democracies' NEW YORK: India has said its ties with the US have turned from "estranged democracies" to "engaged democracies", as it is exploring and absorbing in myriad ways its transition from being a country subjected to select American sanctions to becoming a strategic partner. "From estranged democracies to engaged democracies, it has been a long and fascinating journey for India and the United States," External Affairs Minister

Salman Khurshid wrote in an opinion piece in the New York Times. Underlining that India and the world have changed dramatically in the past two decades, the minister said, "The relationship between India and the US has strengthened spectacularly and brought substantive gain to both countries." "It has also given birth to great expectations. The management and fulfillment of those expectations is crucial for the dialogue and partnership between the two

countries," he wrote in the article, coinciding with Secretary of State John Kerry's India visit for the 4th round of Indo-US strategic dialogue in New Delhi. Recalling the US sanctions against India in the wake of 1998 Pokhran-II nuclear tests, Khurshid said, "India is exploring and absorbing in myriad ways its transition from being a country subjected to select American sanctions to becoming a strategic partner of the United States." -PTI

Trade barriers & visa issues discussed NEW DELHI: Pushing for a bilateral investment treaty, the US has asked India to remove trade barriers to boost two-way economic ties, while India raised concerns over visa problems faced by its IT companies. India also reassured the visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry that it would look into the issue of "trade barriers" and said that both the sides would need to keep in mind each-other's concerns to reach a "win-win situation" on trade ties. "We have issues on trade barriers front and we have been reassured that the Indian government will look into it," Kerry said at his joint press conference

"Both sides have to factor in concerns of both sides to create a win-win situation in trade ties," he said with External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid. Kerry, who is here as part of a Strategic Dialogue process between India and the US, further said: "There are mutual concerns on both sides and we hope that there will be an increase in twoway trade". On its part, India raised the

concerns over problems being faced by Indian IT companies with regard to changes in the US regulations for grant of professional visas. Khurshid said: "We have brought to the Secretary's notice (visa issue) and he has promised he will do whatever he can". "Both sides have to factor in concerns of both sides to create a win-win situation in trade ties," he said. Prior to his visit, US companies and lawmakers had urged Kerry to talk tough on policies regarding India's rejection of patent suits against domestic companies manufacturing generic drugs for poor people.-PTI

nations, the US State Department announced eight institutional partnership projects for the second

round of Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative awards. This initiative strengthens collaboration and builds partnerships between American and Indian institutions of higher education in priority fields, US officials said. Each project will receive an award of approximately USD 250,000 that can be utilized over a three year period, with the objectives of cultivating educational reform, fostering economic growth, generating shared knowledge to address global challenges, and developing junior faculty at Indian and American institutions of higher learning. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Barack Obama announced the ObamaSingh Initiative in November 2009 as an affirmation of their commitment to building an enhanced India-US partnership in education. Each government pledged USD 5 million for this endeavor, for a total of USD 10 million. -PTI

9 innovations get Indo-US Millennium Alliance awards NEW DELHI: A smart cook erators based on low-cost thermostove that generates power, a electric modules that generate unique audio-visual learning pro- electricity from widely used biogram and clean water delivery sys- mass. tems in rural were among projects Waterlife India showed a model selected for the innovation of financially sustainable commuawards jointly instituted by the nity water plants which supply US and India. clean water to villagers at Rs five The Millennium Alliance per 20 liters. awards were given away in the Another innovation was a presence of Science and Technol- smart micro grid that cuts transogy Minister S Jaipal Reddy, As- mission and distribution losses in sistant to US President for S&T power supply to villages. John Holdren, FICCI member Saurabh Shrivastava among oth- Secretary of State John Kerry ers, a US embassy state- met some of the innovators ment said. separately where he was The Alliance is a partnership between USAID, given demonstration on FICCI, and Technology some of the working models Development Fund of the of the products and serDepartment of Science and Technology to sup- vices. Kerry, who is on a port new innovations. three-day visit to India, Of the over 1,400 apappeared to take keen plications in the first round, nine awardees interest in smart cook stove were announced with the award amount totaling approxiTwo young innovators had mately Rs 8.9 crore. displayed a product that could Secretary of State John Kerry prevent blindness using met some of the innovators sepa- smartphone-based diagnostic rately where he was given dem- technology for cataracts and other onstration on some of the work- eye conditions. ing models of the products and The product collects images of services. the human eye and transmits them Kerry, who is on a three-day through sophisticated applicavisit to India, appeared to take tions to the nearest ophthalmic keen interest in smart cook stove centre thereby speeding up diagwhich uses two innovative gen- nosis of any eye ailment. -PTI

Top Stories

June 28, 2013

India Post


Death toll climbs to 822, 8000 still stranded GAUCHAR: Over 8000 people remained stranded in Uttarakhand with fresh landslides, cloudbursts coupled with torrential rains hampering rescue operations as the death toll climbed to 822 with 142 bodies being found, including 127 in Kedarnath. Rescue operations were suspended in Joshimath due to rains while landslips in Tehri district left a woman and a child dead. There were also reports of fresh cloudburst in Devprayag and heavy downpour in Augustya Muni in Rudraprayag. 127 more bodies were recovered from Kedarnath area. At least 15 corpses were found floating in Ganga in different districts of Uttar Pradesh including Muzaffarnagar, Bulandshahr and Bijnore, taking the toll in the tragedy to 822, officials said. Four choppers made sorties to Badrinath and only 60 people Rescued people wait for special Indian Air Force chopper to be air-lifted at Guptakashi near flood-hit Kedarnath in Uttrakhand were evacuated when the weather cleared around noon, officials With the bodies already beginSearch and rescue operations Bahuguna appealed to their rela- ter Sushil Kumar Shinde said that said, adding over 8000 people re- ning to putrefy, the air is laden with in Kedarnath and surrounding ar- tives not to run out of patience, he had asked the Uttarakhand main to be evacuated. a foul stench giving rise to fears eas are over for all practical pur- saying they are safe with enough government not to allow any VIP Foggy and overcast condi- of an epidemic outbreak in af- poses. supplies of food and medicines to land in the flood-ravaged areas tions in Dehradun had delayed fected areas. . The Uttarakhand "No survivors remain in the made available to them. to avoid any disturbance to relief take off by choppers at government has asked DIG police jungles around Kedarnath. They In Patna, Union Home Minis- work. -PTI Sahasradhara helipad and Jolly headquarters Sanjay Gunjyal and have all been brought out," Grant Airport but air rescue op- DIG Garhwal range Amit Sinha to Ravinath Raman, nodal officer of erations resumed with improve- ensure that the cremation process rescue operations in Rudraprayag ment in the weather. The IAF, Army and Uttarakhand administration launched a massive operation to send logistics like firewood and fuel WASHINGTON: Saddened at prayers to the people of India, for conducting last rites the death of hundreds of people particularly those who have lost of those killed in the and pilgrims in Uttarakhand, an loved ones in this horrific catasworst-hit Kedarnath ValAmerican lawmaker has asked the trophe," she said. ley. Obama Administration to continue "I urge the US government to Multiple agencies unto assist India in rescue efforts. continue to assist India with its dertaking relief and res"I am deeply saddened by the rescue efforts by providing whatcue operations are insevere flooding in Northern India. ever resources they require. I pray creasingly getting worThe loss of life and extensive dam- that rescue crews will continue to ried about the imminent age caused by this disaster is a find more survivors," she said. spread of diseases and horrible tragedy," CongressMeanwhile, the Indian-Amerithe rotting of bodies in woman Grace Meng, a member of can community across the counthe temple town area as the House Foreign Affairs Com- try launched fund raising drive for the tragedy is ten days mittee said. the victims of the Uttarakhand old now. "I send my thoughts and tragedy. -PTI Truck loads of dry Deodar wood and ghee have been dispatched to Kedarnath and efforts An IAF helicopter dropping wood for creamation near Kedarnath Temple on June 25 were underway to conduct mass ritual cremation of bodies strewn over the pre- is resumed. district, said in Guptkashi. mises after their identification, The IAF also landed its first With rain hampering rescue post mortem and DNA preserva- big helicopter in the difficult operations from Badrinath where tion formalities, a senior police Kedarnath area and dropped ma- the majority of pilgrims remain UNITED NATIONS: UN Secre- been injured or otherwise affected official told PTI. terial needed for the mass funeral. stranded, Chief Minister Vijay tary-General Ban Ki-moon has in this disaster," said a statement

US lawmaker calls for support for Uttarakhand

UN chief saddened by loss of life

UN anti-disaster team monitoring India's flood UNITED NATIONS: The UN is closely monitoring the situation in India's north, where torrential rains have triggered floods and landslides that have killed hun-

dreds of people. UN spokesperson Eduardo del Buey told reporters in New York that the UN Disaster Management Team is monitoring the

situation through its field offices. "No request for international assistance has been made," he said.-PTI

voiced his sadness at the loss of life and the damage to homes and infrastructure in India due to devastating floods in the northern state of Uttarakhand. "He extends his sincere condolences to the people and Government of India, especially the families of those who have died,

issued by the Secretary-General's spokesperson. Ban welcomed the swift response by India's disaster management authorities and said the United Nations stands ready to lend its assistance to emergency recovery and rebuilding efforts if needed. -PTI


India Post

Top Stories

June 28, 2013

India considers introduction of 'Diaspora bonds' KINGSTON, Jamaica: In a bid to attract investment from NRIs, India is considering introduction of "Diaspora bonds" to facilitate greater inflow of funds in the infrastructure sector. Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi said here the government was examining longer-term investment instruments for the overseas Indians so that the community can participate and benefit from India's "growth story". "The bulk of Diaspora investments are in portfolio investments of a short-term nature. We are considering longer term in-

vestment instruments like 'Diaspora bonds' to provide opportunities for overseas Indians," Ravi said addressing the 5th biennial Diaspora conference. Underlining the need for greater two-way engagement between India and its Diaspora, Ravi said government has initiated a number of initiatives to ensure greater participation of the community in economy of the country. "Overseas Indians worldwide who are our brand ambassadors produce an economic output of about USD 400 billion. The Indian Diaspora is estimated to generate

an annual income equal to about 25 per cent of India's GDP. Yet, India's growth story so far has been driven primarily by the energy and enterprise of its domestic industry. The role of the Indian Diaspora in India's economic growth holds far greater potential," he said. Lauding achievements of about 25 million overseas Indians spread across 130 countries, he said the community can serve as an "important bridge" between the "home" and the world. "Overseas Indians have made significant contributions to the economies of their countries of adoption and have added in considerable measure to knowledge and

innovation," he said. "Diaspora engagement is also seen in the strong surge in remittances back home, the return of many to live and work in India and in their increasing participation in India's development," he said. As per a World Bank report, India with USD 69 billion topped the list of countries receiving remittances in 2012, followed by China (USD 60 billion). "The cumulative Foreign Direct Investment by NRIs is a modest USD 10 billion constituting less than 5 percent of the total FDI in India. We have taken steps to encourage NRI investments in India," he said. -PTI

India, US to exchange information on corporate frauds NEW YORK: With an aim to avert possible corporate frauds and safeguard the interest of investors, India is looking for greater exchange of information and regulatory cooperation with the US. Besides the US government, India will also engage with the companies, universities and other institutions here for enhanced cooperation in various areas, Corporate Affairs Minister Sachin Pilot said. An increased interaction at different levels would not only boost the bilateral ties,

but also help in building stronger checks against corporate frauds in the two countries, the minister told PTI in an interview here during his recent visit to the US. "We need to ensure there is adequate transparency in the dealings of companies' disclosures, keeping in mind the number of corporate frauds that have been unearthed in the recent past both in the US and in India," Pilot said. The Minister said that India and the US would share data to prevent such frauds from happening in the future.-PTI

Top Stories

June 28, 2013

India Post


SC dismisses plea against Ranbaxy NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has dismissed a PIL seeking a probe against Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd for allegedly manufacturing and selling substandard medicines due to lack of evidence against the company. A bench of justices A K Patnaik and Ranjan Gogoi, however, allowed the petitioner advocate M L Sharma to file a fresh petition if he finds some evidence against the company in support of his allegation that the company is engaged in manufac-

Indian-American convicted of murder in US WASHINGTON: A 28-year-old IndianAmerican has been convicted of murder of another person from the community outside a gurdwara in California. Gurpreet Singh Gosal was convicted of killing Parmjit Pamma Singh, 26, outside the Bradshaw gurdwara in Sacramento during a Sikh sports festival on August 31, 2008. Gosal is facing a possible sentence of 35 years to life in prison after a jury at the Sacramento Superior Court convicted him of second-degree murder. "I think the jury did a good job," said Deputy District Attorney Anthony Ortiz, who had asked the panel for a first-degree conviction. "The case had some major issues and they worked through them, and I think they came to a just verdict." The jurors, however, found that Gosal fired a weapon but did not hit anybody during a confrontation that broke out between a friend of his and the victim. Witnesses said it was the friend, identified as Amandeep Singh Dhami, who killed Singh as a result of a long-simmering dispute between the two. Dhami fled with the help of some people who came to his assistance after the shoot-

"And time has passed," Fender said. "He looked like an upstanding young man, dressed for court and his family here. ing, and he is believed to be living in India, authorities said. Rick Fender, one of the members of the jury, said the panel was badly split at the beginning of its deliberations. Although an aider and abettor can be considered just as guilty as the shooter, Fender said "there was softness in people's judgment" of Gosal because he didn't actually shoot anybody. "And time has passed," Fender said. "He looked like an upstanding young man, dressed for court and his family here. All of that kind of weighs on people." Gosal's sentencing has been scheduled for August 9. -PTI

turing and selling substandard drugs. The bench said that it cannot decide the plea against the company on the basis of a judgment passed by a US court against Ranbaxy. "Your entire argument is based on proceedings in US. We have no jurisdiction over it. Show us material that things are happening in India and it adversely affects right to life of people here," the bench observed adding, "Where is the material against Ranbaxy". "No material has been placed to show

that drugs manufactured by any unit of Ranbaxy are substandard, adulterated, spurious and that such drugs are prohibited under the law. In absence of such material, we cannot entertain the plea," the bench said. . n his PIL, Sharma had alleged that Ranbaxy was fined USD 500 million by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) for making and selling "adulterated" drugs. It also sought sealing of all its manufacturing units here, including those in Paonta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh and Dewas in Madhya Pradesh.

He alleged that despite Ranbaxy pleading guilty to supplying adulterated drugs in the US and it being fined such a huge amount, the Centre has not taken any action to prohibit or ban the drugs made by the company. He also sought action against Indian drug regulator, Central Drug Standards Control Organization (CDSCO), for permitting Ranbaxy to sell drugs in India, especially in the wake of the results of the USFDA probe against the company.-PTI

Top Stories

10 India Post

June 28, 2013

Dallas & Houston Spellbee winners announced India Post News Service


he 2013 MetLife South Asian Spelling Bee contin ued its 12 city tour this past weekend reaching Texas with events in Dallas and Houston. With a huge turnout this year as well, the bee attracted some top talent as well as young and new spellers that competed for the coveted prizes and titles. "It is very heartening to see that each year we get fresh faces and new talent which is a continuing testimony to our community's strength in this craft," said Rahul Walia, Founder - South Asian Spelling Bee. In Dallas, Chetan Reddy from Plano, TX was the regional champ and Lokesh Nagineni from Flower Mound, TX was the first runner up while Ansun Sujoe from Fort Worth, TX was second runner up. "All the families should be proud of the skills these children

Dallas winners

demonstrated," said Matthew Cranston, a registered representative from the Dallas office of New England Financial, which is a MetLife company. "By challenging themselves in this manner, these students saw the potential that can be unlocked through hard work, talent and dedication."

Houston winners

In Houston, Shobha Dasari from Pearland, TX was the regional champ and Shourav Dasari from Pearland, TX was first runner up while Himanvi Kopuri from Denver, CO was second runner up. "MetLife congratulates all of the families who took part in this year's event. We were so pleased to see how many families participated in both the Dallas and Houston competitions," said Omar Saeed, LUTCF, a financial services representative who works at MetLife's Houston office. Along with MetLife, airline major Air-India and education company C2Education have also come on board as sponsors for this event. The winners received cash prizes of $500, $300 and $200 respectively. Children up to 14 years of age are eligible to participate and the contest saw spellers of even 6 years of age compete and make it past a few rounds. There are 10 more cities on the anvil.

Court decision on ethnic diversity welcomed SUDHIR VYAS

WASHINGTON: Asian AmeriAlthough UT-Austin's admiscans have been enthused by a re- sions policy was carefully fashcent Supreme Court decision on ioned to comply with the SuFisher v. University of Texas at preme Court's Grutter decision, Austin ("Fisher"), which cor- the Court held that UT-Austin rectly reaffirms that diversity in still has to prove that considerhigher education is a compelling ation of race in its admissions interest and that universities can policies is necessary to achieve consider race and ethnicity as the educational benefits of diverfactors in admissions. sity. Abigail Fisher's legal team Last summer, Advancing Jusfailed to strike down the Univer- tice and a coalition of more than sity of Texas at Austin's ("UT- 70 Asian American groups filed Austin") admissions policy, but an amicus brief with the Supreme Asian Americans Advancing Court in Fisher in support of Justice is concerned that the Su- race-conscious admissions propreme Court sent the case back grams in higher education. to the lower court, ordering it to The brief described how racetake a closer look at whether UT conscious admissions programs Austin's consideration of race was necessary. Advancing Justice In a 7-1 vote, the Supreme stands by its commitment to race-con- Court vacated the Fifth Cirscious admissions programs and is confi- cuit Court of Appeals' ruling dent that UT Austin's that had upheld UT-Austin's consideration of race in its admissions use of race as a factor in its policy is constituholistic admissions program tional. In a 7-1 vote, the Supreme Court vacated the Fifth Circuit Court of Ap- have opened up the doors for peals' ruling that had upheld UT- Asian Americans in higher eduAustin's use of race as a factor cation, employment, and governin its holistic admissions pro- ment contracting. gram. Also it argued that the breadth In sending the case back to of challenges faced by the Asian the Fifth Circuit for reconsidera- American community, which is tion, the Court specifically did composed of dozens of distinct not overturn its precedent in ethnic groups with greatly differGrutter v. Bollinger, which rec- ing experiences, socio-economic ognized that race can be consid- status, and educational attainered as one of many factors to ment, cannot be adequately capfurther a compelling state inter- tured without considering race as est in educational diversity. one factor when their overall application is individually reviewed.

Entire nation stands united against terrorism: PM KISHTWAR, JK: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said that the entire nation stands united against terrorism which will not be allowed to succeed, a day after militants struck in Srinagar killing eight army men. "I want to pay my tributes to the soldiers who laid down their lives while fighting the terrorists. I would like to make it clear that the entire nation stands united against terrorism and will not allow their nefarious designs to succeed," he said. Noting that security was a prerequisite for growth, Singh said the Centre and Jammu and Kashmir government will work together towards improving the situation in the state for fast and uniform

development. "Our analysis is that, security situation in Jammu and Kashmir has shown considerable improvement. Terrorist-related violence in 2012 had shown a sharp decline and was the lowest in last two decades," he said, laying the foundation stone of the 850 MW Rattle hydroelectric power project here along with UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. The Prime Minister said, "The Centre and the state government have vowed to improve the security situation in the state to ensure fast, sustainable and uniform development in the state." After several "difficult" years, collective efforts have resulted in putting Jammu and Kashmir on a

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh meeting the injured army personnel, at 92 Base Hospital, Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir on June 25

faster pace of development, Singh said. The Prime Minister, however, said constant vigil was needed to prevent attacks like the one that took place at Hyderpora. Singh and Gandhi paid tributes to the soldiers killed in the militant attack in Srinagar and visited the Army Base Hospital at Badamibagh cantonment to inquire about the condition of injured jawans. On the power front, the Prime Minister said the Centre will provide all help to Jammu and Kashmir in overcoming the electricity shortage and announced several steps in this direction, including additional 150 MW supply from the northern grid.-PTI

June 28, 2013

Top Stories

India Post


Governance in India has gone wrong: Arun Jaitley LONDON: In an obvious dig at the power arrangement of the UPA government, BJP leader Arun Jaitley has said that governance model in India has gone wrong. "There is the potential for double digit growth but something has gone wrong with the governance model in India. In any democracy, the Prime Minister has to be the natural leader of a country and party," he said. "But India over the last few years has been experimenting with a style of governance that is more akin to a corporate model, with a board of directors and a professional CEO," he said, in an obvious reference to Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi. Jaitley, the Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, made the remarks while addressing NRIs at a gathering organized by the Overseas Friends of the BJP (OFBJP) here. The senior BJP leader blamed the current low growth

9 Indians rescued from Cypriot ship DUBAI: Nine Indian crew members of a Cypriot cargo ship that sank 1.4 nautical miles from Sultan Qaboos Port in Oman have been rescued. The Nisar R3 was loaded with 816 tonnes of bitumen. The ship's Iranian captain died while nine Indian crew members were rescued by the Omani Coast Guard and naval vessels. The rescue vessels also recovered some of the bitumen, which had spread to the shores, the Times of Oman report said. According to the report, a control tower received a report from the distressed ship in a state of emergency, since seawater was flowing onboard, and the ship lacked the equipment to drain water. Two tugboats were rushed to the site but arrived only after the ship was completely submerged. Coast Guard officers rescued nine Indians and transferred them to the police hospital for treatment.-PTI

Indian embassy participating in Saudi Arabia's job fair DUBAI: The Indian embassy in Riyadh is taking part in a job fair to assist Indians who are looking for work after being affected by the Gulf Kingdom's new labor law. The 'Job Status Correction Fair' is being organized by Riyadh Chamber of Commerce in Riyadh from June 22-26. The main aim of the event is to give a chance to those workers who have been affected by the new Nitaqat law which makes it mandatory for local firms to hire one Saudi national for every 10 migrant workers. Indian expatriates have been badly hit by the law, with several of them losing jobs. Over two million Indians are currently working in Saudi Arabia. In a statement, the embassy said 200 companies have approached it in the past two months to recruit Indian workers. A significant number of Indian workers have already availed these offers and are in the process of changing their company or job, the statement added. "Indian nationals who have not corrected their job status till date are urged to avail this opportunity at Riyadh Exhibition Center," the embassy added. At the Indian stall, documents of those wanting to obtain new passports will be checked at the counters. -PTI

Arun Jaitley

rates on a lack of leadership within the Congress-led government.

Jaitley said that there is a strong desire for change in India which will propel the economy towards double digit growth figures. "(Prime Minister) Dr Manmohan Singh is an economist; if this is what an economist can do, one has to wonder....India is looking for a change so that we can go back to that strong point in the economic graph," 60-yearold Jaitley said. He also accused the UPA government of "lethargic decision-making" that had resulted in a reverse flight of investment from the country. "Indian democracy has a great resilience and it will try and find its own solutions. The country needs to be run by someone of proven ability and that is ultimately for the people to decide. We need a strong anchor, in terms of a party and a leader," he said. "In the next few months of the run up to the elections, we will continue to advance this debate and I am fairly optimistic of the outcome," Jaitley said, calling for OFBJP's support in the party's campaign. -PTI

Tech News Swiss money: India slips to 70th position ZURICH/ NEW DELHI: India has slipped to 70th position in terms of foreign money lying with the Swiss banks and accounts for a meager 0.10 per cent of total global wealth held in the Switzerland banking system. While much hue and cry is made over huge amounts of illicit wealth stashed by Indians in Swiss banks, the latest official data released by Switzerland's central bank shows that the money they owed to Indian clients at the end of last year was 1.42 billion Swiss francs (about Rs 9,000 crore). While the UK continues to account for the largest chunk of such funds, India has now slipped lower to 70th position -- the lowest rank among all major economies of the world, shows an analysis of annual data released by Swiss National Bank (SNB) on all the banks present in the European country. India was ranked 55th for such funds a year ago with a total amount of 2.18 billion Swiss francs belonging to the Indian individuals. Among the top-ten jurisdictions in terms of source of money with Swiss banks, the UK is now followed by the US, West Indies, Jersey, Guernsey, Germany, France, Bahamas, Cayman Islands and Hong Kong. -PTI

Mahindra Two Wheelers sets 20 pc volume target MUMBAI: Sounding bullish on its motorcycle business, Mahindra Two Wheelers, which is set to roll out its second 110-cc bike 'Centuro' early next month, has said it is eyeing to double exports over the next one year and is also looking at new markets overseas. "Currently, our exports contribute less than 10 per cent. But with our product portfolio expanding, we expect this to grow to 20 per cent over the next one year," Mahindra Two Wheelers Executive Vice-President Viren Popli told PTI. The company, which ventured into the bike segment early this year with 110-cc Pantero, is a marginal player in the 1-million-amonth two-wheeler segment in the domestic market, where the 100110cc segment accounts for nearly 60 per cent of the volume. "Exports will always be a critical part of our business and we see it growing significantly going forward," he said.-PTI

TechBiz 12 India Post

June 28, 2013

'Re slide has implications on India credit profile' NEW DELHI: Rupee depreciation is a reflection of macro-economic situation and will have implications for India's credit profile, said global rating agency Moody's. "... It (Rupee slide) is a reflection of macro-economic challenges, which do affect the country's credit profile," Moody's Investors Service Analyst (Sovereign Risk Group) Atsi Sheth told PTI. Weakened Rupee touched a life-time low of 59.93 to a dollar last week. However, it will not impact India's sovereign debt repayment capacity, she said.-PTI

In Paris, Dassault Systemes gives art a 3D 'dream' PREETI VERMA LAL

"All of our dreams, that is all of our desires are true and can be achieved. Reality doesn't need to become real. It is what it is."


ecades ago, French playwright Eugene Lonesco lent reality a dreamy truism. A reality that need not pretend. It is not fake. Not artificial. Not false. Reality is what it is. One would expect this 'reality' descriptive from an artist, a dancer, a sculptor, a poet, a dream, a revolutionary. But, in Paris, on the night of June 18 inside Halle Freyssinet, I heard Dassault Systemes, a French technology giant, talk of dreams and reality in a simulated engineering jargon. It was the world premiere of Mr & Mrs Dream, a dance-drama in which technology laces its shoes and jives with two of France's most iconic dancers - Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Julien Derouault. That June evening, technology and art both achieved a revolutionary dimension: technology went arty and art turned technical. That evening, on the three-dimensional stage, Dassault Systemes, the 3D Experience Company, gave art a

third character: an immersive image. Art is not Dassault Systemes

simulation, digital manufacturing, product data management and col-

Mehdi Tayoubi, Vice President, Digital & Experience Strategy, Dassault Systèmes, explaining the technology behind Mr & Mrs Dream show

forte per se. It is the world leader of the global PLM market based upon end-user software revenue. The PLM software market principally comprises 3D software for design,

laboration. With over 150,000 customers of all sizes, in all industries, in more than 80 countries, Dassault Systemes has helped create everything in a virtual labo-

ratory - aircraft, automobile, Guggenheim Bilbao and even Nano. For a company whose mission is to help build a better reality, collaborating with artists keen to give substance to an author's imagination seems like an obvious path to follow. Mehdi Tayoubi, Vice President, Digital & Experience Strategy, Dassault Systèmes, who donned the mantle of team leader and production for Mr & Mrs Dream, was testing how well the two worlds - 3D technology and art - converge. For the project, Dassault made a simulated theatre which is mobile and can be reproduced wherever, whatever the venue. It consists of 200 square meters of images which immerse the audience in Julien and Pietra's story as they interact with the images. Gael Perrin, artistic director and Tayoubi designed the sets for each scene. Cont’d on page 14

Obama meets Indian-American business leaders WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama met a group of top business executives, including two Indian-Americans, to discuss the landmark comprehensive immigration reform bill that aims to provide citizenship to some 11 million illegal immigrants, including over 240,000 Indians. Addressing the small group of nine top American CEOs in the Roosevelt room of the White House, Obama said that immigration reform would be a boost to the American economic recovery. The two Indian-American CEOs who attending the meeting were Farooq Kathwari, chairman, president and CEO of Ethan Allen Interiors Inc and Sunil Puri,

founder, First Rockford Group. Welcoming these "extraordi-

Barack Obama

nary business leaders" Obama said, all of these business leaders rec-

ognize the degree to which immigration is a contributor to growth, a contributor to expansion, a creator of jobs, but they also recognize that the immigration system that we currently have is broken. "We have a system in which we bring outstanding young people from all across the world to educate them here, and unfortunately, too often, we send them right back so that they can start companies or help to grow companies somewhere else instead of here," Obama said. "We have a situation in which millions of individuals are in the shadow economy, oftentimes

exploited at lower wages, and that hurts those companies that are following the rules, because they end up being at a disadvantage to some of these less scrupulous companies," he added. The bill, if signed into law would provide citizenship to some 11 million illegal immigrants, including over 240,000 Indians. "All of us recognize that now is the time to get comprehensive immigration reform done -- one that involves having very strong border security; that makes sure that we're holding employers accountable to follow the rules; one that provides earned citizenship for those 11 million, so that they have to pay back taxes," Obama said. -PTI

TechBiz Post

June 28, 2013

India Post


US made intensive hacking attacks on China: Snowden BEIJING: Edward Snowden, a former CIA contractor who leaked the controversial US spy program, has made fresh claims about the country's hacking attacks against

Edward Snowden

China, which termed the US as the "biggest villain" in cyber espionage. In his latest claims to the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post, Snowden has said that the US government is hacking Chinese mobile phone companies to steal millions of text messages. Snowden's claims came amid reports that he had left Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, and was reportedly

bound for Moscow and onwards to a third destination. Text messaging is the most preferred communication tool in mainland China, used widely by ordinary people and government officials from formal work exchanges to small chats. Government data show that the Chinese exchanged almost 900 billion text messages in 2012, up 2.1 per cent from the previous year. Snowden also claimed to the paper that the Tsinghua University, widely regarded as China's top education and research institute, was the target of extensive hacking by the US spies this year. It is not known how many times the Tsinghua University, which carries out a number of China's research programs, has been attacked by the US National Security Agency (NSA) but details

shown to the Post by Snowden revealed that one of the most recent breaches was as early as in January this year. The information also showed that the attacks on Tsinghua University were intensive and concerted efforts. In one single day of January, at least 63 computers and servers in Tsinghua University have been hacked by the NSA, the report said. 30-year-old Snowden, who was accused by some of the US officials as a possible Chinese spy, said the information he shared on the Tsinghua University attacks provided evidence of NSA hacking because the specific details of external and internal internet protocol addresses could only have been obtained by hacking or with physical access to the computers. Reacting to the revelations made by Snowden, China termed the US as the world's "biggest villain" for IT espionage. "These, along with previous allegations, are clearly troubling signs. They demonstrate that the United States, which has long been trying to play innocent as a victim of cyber attacks, has turned out to be the biggest villain in our age," the state-run Xinhua news agency said in commentary. -PTI

Tania Chopra among 50 Outstanding Asians India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Tania Chopra was recently honored at a gala award ceremony at Ciprianni's restaurant in NYC as one of the Honorees of the Outstanding 50 Asians in Business. The Keynote speech was delivered by Indra Nooyi CEO of Pepsico and Raj Dhanda CoHead of Equities at Morgan Stanley. Tania Chopra has worked for several prestigious organizations including SunTrust Bank, Bank of America and currently at Credit Suisse based in New York. Formerly, she was a news anchor on Jus Punjabi TV. The Ambassadors of India, China, Pakistan, Korea, Indonesia, Burma, Japan where all in attendance. Ms. Chopra said, "It is my privilege to be part of a community where business owners and corporate professionals are helping America thrive. We are con-

tributing to every sector of our economy and every corner of our society. What is most rewarding

Ms Chopra was previously one of the "Top 20 WOW Women" by Atlanta Woman

Ms Chopra was previously one of the "Top 20 WOW Women" by Atlanta Woman Magazine; one of the "Power 30 Under 30" by Apex Society and recipient of the "40 under 40 Up and Comers Award", by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Tania Chopra

is that in America with hard work and determination the impossible is possible."

Magazine; one of the "Power 30 Under 30" by Apex Society and recipient of the "40 under 40 Up and Comers Award", by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

New UK visa rules will hurt business: CII NEW DELHI: Terming the proposed new UK visa rules as "highly discriminatory and very unfortunate", industry body CII has said these would lead to negative impact on business and tourism inflow from India to that country. "CII strongly feels that such blanket rules for visas will negatively affect not only businesses, especially small businesses, it will also further bring down the number of students going to the United Kingdom (UK) for higher studies and affect the tourism inflow from India to UK," it said. Besides, the new rules would also not help the cause of early conclusion of EU-India FTA (Free Trade Agreement), for which both the parties are committed, the chamber observed. Visitors from India, Pakistan, Nigeria and other Asian and African countries deemed "high-risk" will be forced to pay a hefty cash bond before they can enter the UK. According to a 'Sunday Times' report, tourists aged 18 and over would be forced to hand over 3,000 pounds (Rs 2.7 lakh) for a six-month visit visa, which they will forfeit if they overstay in Britain. "The suggested changes are not only discriminatory they are also against the 'special relationship' publicized by the UK government. We share UK's concern

on illegal immigration but surely there are other more effective and non-discriminatory ways to put a check on it," CII said. The British government is planning to pilot a scheme from November targeted at visitors from at least six countries, also including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and

Ghana. Last year, 2,96,000 people granted six-month visas were from India, 101,000 from Nigeria, 53,000 from Pakistan and 14,000 each were from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Several hundred visitors will be selected from each country for the trial scheme. But ministers plan to extend it to all visa types, including work and student visas, and to all countries, although it will not cover every one of the 2.2 million people granted visas each year. A similar scheme has already been rejected in Canada amid claims that it was unlawful because it discriminated against categories of immigrants. -PTI


TechBiz Post

India Post

June 28, 2013

US court upholds Rajaratnam's conviction NEW YORK: Disgraced hedge fund founder Raj Rajaratnam's conviction for insider trading in the biggest hedge fund insider-trading scheme in US history was upheld by a court here, which rejected a challenge to the use of wiretaps in his high-profile trial. The US Court of Appeals in Manhattan confirmed the 2011 conviction of the co-founder of Galleon Group LLC for conspiracy and securities fraud. The decision by a unanimous three-judge panel of the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York was seen as a victory for federal prosecutors, who have used wiretaps to win convictions or guilty pleas for dozens of defendants in a wide-ranging investigation into insider trading that was unveiled in October 2009. Rajaratnam, 56, a native of Sri Lanka was convicted of directing the biggest hedge fund insider-trading scheme in US history and is serving an 11-year prison sentence.

During the trial, the federal government introduced 45 secret recordings, along with documents and testimony derived from the wiretaps.

Raj Rajaratnam

Rajarathnam's attorneys told in their appeal petition that the federal government should have exhausted other avenues of inquiry before resorting to electronic surveillance hid from a federal judge the existence of a related Securities and Exchange Commission in-

vestigation when seeking permission for a wiretap. The prosecutors has alleged that Rajaratnam made USD 63.8 million in illicit profits from 2003 to March 2009 trading on stocks, including ATI Technologies Inc, which was bought by Advanced Micro Devices Inc; eBay Inc; Goldman Sachs Group Inc; Google Inc; and Intel Corp. Challenging the use of wiretaps, Rajaratnam claimed an FBI agent improperly omitted information regarding the reliability of a cooperating witness when he sought a federal judge's approval for tapping into his calls in March 2008, and appealed trial judge Richard Holwell's decision to admit the wiretaps. Writing for the 2nd Circuit, Judge Jose Cabranes said: "we cannot conclude that the government omitted certain information about the SEC investigation with 'reckless disregard for the truth.'" -PTI

In Paris, Dassault Systemes gives art a 3D 'dream' ing board (read computer screen) onto a 3D stage where everything Immersive virtual reality and seems real, but is actually virtual. interactivity specialists led by In Mr & Mrs Dream, two fictional characters who spring from Lonesco's mind create their own world that leads to poetry, an unusual world, a bizarre and even funny world. That world of Mr & Mrs Dream is narrated through a series of virtually created images in which seasons change, words dance, shadows interrogate, snowflakes shimmer, umbrella images replicate eerily, towns vanish, meteorLaurent Garnier who composed and mixed ites fly‌. None the soundtrack of this is actuBenoit Marini took on the chal- ally happening in 'reality' lenge of creating a "magical box" on stage, they are crein which the virtual world would ated, 'virtual' images with unfold and into which Mr & Mrs which the dancers interDream would be plunged. act seamlessly, effortTechnology and art do not nec- lessly. Technology does essarily go hand in hand. Certainly not intrude; it is actually not when both are walking an un- a dramatic personae in explored, unpaved path. Not sur- Mr & Mrs Dream. prisingly, it took a year for Mr & Under the aegis of its Passion Mrs Dream to dance out of a draw- for Innovation program, Dassault Cont’d from page 12

Systemes has gone beyond its purely technical vocation. In their Kufu Revealed project, they recreated Egyptian pyramid; for their Paris innovation, they beamed into the past and rendered Paris' history in 3D; they are also 3D simulating how icebergs can be transported from New Zealand to the Canary Islands. As Tayoubi says, "Everything is possible. No dream is impossible." One cannot say with certainty about the possibility of every dream, but in Mr & Mrs Dream, reality, as Lonesco said, was what

it was. It was 'virtual'. Dassault Systemes gave it a slick 3D experience!

Iraq ready to provide as much oil as India needs BAGHDAD: Iraq, currently the second largest crude oil supplier to India, has assured it to provide as much oil as it could to fulfill the needs of the growing Indian economy. "Iraq is willing to assist, to provide or to meet as much as it could (to fulfill) the needs of Indian economy," Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari told PTI here.

Indian oil refineries purchased nearly 20 per cent of Iraq's crude oil production last year and they are hoping to take it above 30 per cent in future, the sources said. India has reduced its dependence on Iranian oil in the wake of US and EU sanctions on the import of oil from the Islamic Republic. Zebari underlined the importance of External Affairs Minister

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari

Top Iraqi officials believe that India with its strong economic growth will be needing more fuel particularly crude oil and oil-rich Iraq is in a unique position to supply and meet that demand. Iraq produces 3.15 million barrels a day of crude and plans to double the output by 2020. Pointing out that Iraq has the world's third largest proven oil reserves and is now second largest oil supplier to India, Zebari said Iraqi potentials are huge in the coming decades. In recent months, Iraq has replaced sanctions-hit Iran as India's second largest crude oil supplier.

Salman Khurshid's two-day official tour to Iraq, saying, "This visit is very important visit for Iraq-India relations". Khurshid, who visited Iraq on June 19-20, was the first senior Indian minister to tour the war-ravaged country in last 23 years. Former External Affairs Minister I K Gujral had visited Iraq in 1990. "This visit will open some major inroads towards better cooperation between the two countries in many areas of common interests, trade, business, investment and also Indian expertise for Iraqi economy and in all the areas of mutual cooperation," Zebari said-PTI

Court holds West Bengal Entry Tax unconstitutional KOLKATA: The West Bengal government's efforts to shore up revenue collection received a setback with the Calcutta High Court holding the entry tax introduced in the 2012-2013 budget as unconstitutional. Justice Indira Banerjee, holding the imposition of the West Bengal Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Areas Act, 2012, as unconstitutional, observed that it was not compensatory in nature. The order referred to a Supreme Court judgment which said that imposition of such taxes have to be compensatory in nature and observed that this was

not followed in case of this Act introduced by the West Bengal government. The order also noted that the President's assent was not taken for the Act. The petition, challenging the constitutional validity of the Act, was filed in 2012 by several companies, including Tata Steel, Hindalco and Bharti Airtel. The government had last year passed the Act to create a compulsory entry tax fund in a bid to fill the state's empty coffers. The Left Front government had abolished a similar tax in 1995.-PTI

June 28, 2013

India Post 15

Desi News Lawmakers laud Indian Americans at NFIA meet SUDHIR VYAS

WASHINGTON DC: In keeping with its annual tradition, the National Federation of Indian American Associations (NFIA) sponsored a two-day meet in Washington DC on June 6 and June 7. It attracted more than 150 of its delegates from all over the country and also a host of no-nonsense lawmakers who welcomed appreciated efforts of Indian Americans in cementing Indo-US ties and improving the lot of society at large here. It was an affair to remember because delegates traveling from various parts of the country - Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland and many other states - had chanced upon an excellent opportunity to interact and exchange information with their lawmakers, get intellectually stimulated and networked among themselves.


Details on page 24

16 India Post

VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

SAN JOSE: India is a diverse land in all aspects, be it race, region, caste, language, climate,

United Sikh Mission holds sixth annual fundraiser India Post News Service

DIAMOND BAR, CA: Fontana based United Sikh Mission held its 6th annual fundraiser at the Diamond Palace Friday June 21. Attended by about 200 invitees, the purpose of this event was to raise funds for the forthcoming eye camps in India scheduled Oct/ Nov this year in Punjab, UP and Delhi. This time the United Sikh Mission (USM) was able to sign up sponsors for 50 camps and it is expected that USM will be able to hold about at least 55 camps this fall in different parts of Punjab, UP and Delhi.

Community Walk in support of Cancer Society SURESH SHAH

CHICAGO, Illinois: On a warm, sunny Sunday morning, over a thousand walkers gathered at Pottawatomie Park in St. Charles, a northeast Chicago suburb, to be part of BAPS Charities efforts in raising funds in support of American Cancer Society (ACS).

Details on page 23

June 28, 2013

IndiaNow grand show depicts all facets of India

Details on page 24

Details on page 20

Enthralling Dance Festival at Balaji Temple

landform, flora and fauna and so on. We have made our lives in Bay area, but our hearts are for sure with our homeland, "India". Two

passionate Bay Area entrepreneurs namely Ena Sarkar and Shalini Raj Singh have made our dream come true with their ambitious "IndiaNow 2013". IndiaNow 2013 was a grand Trade Fair event which brought India to our doorsteps right here in Silicon Valley for two days - June 22-23rd at Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose. The mission of this grand event was to bring India and the US together to explore our infinite trade and tourism opportunities and they did showcase all facets of India. It was not just a mela. This event provided opportunities for promotion, trade and investment in the fields of technology, fashion, jewelry, handicrafts and real estate, say Ena and Shalini, organizers of this grand show. The aim of this trade fair was to establish a network within the

The aim of this trade fair was to establish a network within the Northern California region to facilitate a strong trade and commerce relationship between India and America. Kapil Dev was the Brand Ambassador of India Now 2013

Kapil Dev

Northern California region to facilitate a strong trade and commerce relationship between India and America. The fair featured about 100 diversified group of vendors from both India and US together on one platform. Govt of Haryana, Govt of Rajasthan, Ministry of Tourism India Incredible India & Swagatam Vacations displayed their trade

and tourist opportunities in the unique state pavilion. There were lot of artists from India displaying their talents and crafts during the event. Wo r k s h o p s were organized to hone artistic skills of those interested. Shri Kapil Dev was the Brand Ambassador of India Now 2013 and graced the opening ceremony on June 21 at San Jose Airport Garden Hotel. He is a former Indian cricketer who captained the Indian cricket team which won the 1983 Cricket World Cup. Kapil Dev along with other philanthropists started an NGO named Khushii (Kinship for Humanitarian Social and Holistic Intervention) in 2005 and heads it as Chairman. Khushii runs three schools for the less privileged in Delhi and provides education, mid-day meals and clothing to them. Cont’d on page 19

Community Across America

June 28, 2013

India Post 17

Legendry Kapil Dev brings alive glory of 1983 VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

FREMONT: The year 1983 may seem a long, long time ago, but you wouldn't think so had you been at the private dinner hosted by Federation of Indo Americans of Northern California along with the volunteers of IndiaNow 2013 in Fremont on June 23. When the

years, and it was evident at the event. Kapil Dev addressed the gathering and said he was excited and thrilled to be a part of IndiaNow 2013 which was a complete Indian show in all aspects. "I feel proud to be among the elite technological crowd which pulls the United States," he said. But he did add that we all loved our country and Dr Romesh Japra, Rajesh Verma, Shalini Raj Singh, Kapil Dev, Ena Sarkar & Vijay Thapar. Pics Neelu Kapoor

Dr Romesh Japra, Anil Yadav, Ro Khanna, Kapil Dev, Joe Johal & Rajesh Verma

wanted to do something and cricket was his forte to show his love for the nation. He interacted with the gathering and explained cricket to the young kids who were born in US. Along with other philanthropists, Kapil started an NGO named Khushi (Kinship for Humanitarian Social and Holistic Intervention) in 2005 and heads it as Chairman. The organization runs three schools for the less privileged in Delhi and Kapil Dev, Vijaya Aasuri, guest provides education, mid-day World Cup victory had happened meals and clothing to them. The event was organized by Dr yesterday. Kapil Dev is one of the great- Romesh Japra, FIA and was atest pace bowlers India has produced, and definitely their greatest all-rounder. He led India almost jauntily, and by his all-round example, to the 1983 World Cup, and to take the worldVijay Thapar, Kapil Dev, Manorama Joshi & Rajesh Verma record aggregate of Test wickets from Hadlee. There is a tended by Ro Khanna, Rajesh fetching down-to-earth charm and Verma, Ena Sarkar, Shalini Raj humility about him that has in- Singh, sponsors and volunteers of spired enormous affection over the IndiaNow 2013. legendary Indian cricketer Kapil Dev entered the banquet hall, the entire audience of about 200 Bay area dignitaries from all walks of life cheered him as if his 1983 triumph of leading India to it's first

18 India Post

Community Across America

June 28, 2013

Dharma & Yoga Fest in memory of Swami Vivekananda India Post News Service

MILPITAS, CA: Prominent leaders of the Hindu community came together at the Swagat restaurant in Milpitas and joined hands to announce Dharma & Yoga fest, a festival to conclude the year-long commemoration of Swami Vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary in 2013 and his vision of "Universal Peace through Dharma and Yoga." Dharma & Yoga Fest, a day-long festival will take place at two locations in the Bay Area on September 14 - Mission College in Santa Clara and The Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton. Dharma and Yoga Fest will include a variety of activities, including practice and philosophy of Yoga and Meditation. Experts will share their experiences in Bhakti Yoga (Kirtans), Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga and Raja Yoga. Children will enjoy games in the Hindu theme park, face-painting, henna tattoos and competitions. Interactive exhibits will include "Experiencing Hindu/Dharmic Living" and "Life and Message of Swami Vivekananda." The highlight of the event will be a dance-drama presentation, "Krishna Leela" by over 200 kids. The event will endeavor

to create a sense of harmony, mutual respect, and spiritual oneness. Dharma and Yoga Fest will be a unique event where Dharmic followers of all traditions will come

Clara, CA. Joining the announcement of the fest were Chandru Bhambhra of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), Jayaram Komati

together and celebrate. A Hindu member of the US House of Representatives, Tulsi Gabbard will grace the evening culminating event in Santa

of Swagat Restaurant, Raj Bhanot of Sunnyvale Hindu Temple, Ro Khanna - candidate for Congress, Dr. Romesh Japra of Fremont Hindu Temple, Anil Annam from Silicon

Andhra, Dharminder Dewan, Deepak Chhabra, Haresh Panchal of National Federation of Indian American Association (NFIA), Jeevan Zutshi of Indo-American Community Federation, Manorama Joshi, Murali Krishnamurthy of Sankara Eye Foundation, Rajan Barma of Ekal Vidyalaya, Rajesh Verma-President of FIA, Reena Rao of TV Asia, Veeru Vuppala, Vijay Thapar of India Post, Vijaya Aasuri of Bay Area Telugu Association, Yogi Chugh and many other community leaders. The Dharmic organizations currently participating in Dharma and Yoga Fest include Ekal Vidyalaya, Fremont Hindu Temple, Samskrita Bharati, USA Sewa International, Sunnyvale Hindu Temple and Yoga Bharati HSS has conducted other events in 2013 as part of its observance of Swami Vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary, including the first ever Dharma Bee, a nationwide quiz competition for school children, and a traveling exhibit on Swami Vivekananda's life visiting major university campuses. Dharma and Yoga Fest also marks the 120th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda's groundbreaking address at the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago on September 11, 1893.

June 28, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 19

Construction begins for new Sai Baba temple VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

SUNNYVALE: Shirdi Sai Darbar has started the construction of Sai Baba temple complex at 255, San Geronimo Way, Sunnyvale. This new location at Wolfe and Arques Ave intersection is about mile from the current location. Shirdi Sai Darbar is a non-profit

Shirdi Sai Darbar does Sai Bhajan on every Thursday from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Shirdi Sai Darbar Temple. They also do redraw chanting with Sai Abhishek every Thursday from 6:50 pm to 7:30 pm. They distribute Prasadam for 1500 to 2000 devotees every Thursday. After receiving the much awaited temple construction per-

The estimated total cost for this project is approximately 5.5 millions. The immediate requirement is 2.5 millions so that the balance can get approved through a lending institution. We can show the place to devotees on any Saturday on demand, says Ashok organization based in Bay Area which started functioning in February 2011. It is 100% volunteer base organization and all donations are tax deductible. All activities are managed by SSD Volunteers. Shirdi Sai Darbar performs Sai Abhishek every day after Kakad Aarthi where everyone gets chance to do Baba Abhishek.

mit from the City of Sunnyvale, the temple organization has started the construction of Sai Baba temple complex. The landlord is willing to lease the building with a buy option. The estimated total cost for this project is approximately 5.5 millions. The immediate requirement is 2.5 millions so that the balance

can get approved through a lending institution. We can show the place to devotees on any Saturday on demand, says Ashok. The total area is 20,000 sq. ft. They will be allocating 10,000 sq. ft for the main prayer hall and the rest for meditation and dining facilities. The facility has about 200 parking spaces. The space is already pre-approved for religious activities by City of Sunnyvale. The organization says it welcomes donations for the construction of new temple complex. "It is time for us to take ownership and build the Best Sai Baba temple in Bay area," says Ashok. They have introduced a unique donor program called "Donor Recognition Wall" which will give one a chance to contribute towards building of Sai temple and having one's name inscribed on the wall. He said that due to limited space on the wall it will be filled quickly. Thus the devotees are encouraged to make the donations as soon as possible. The program will end on January 31, 2014 or when full capacity is reached.

Edison partners with customers to conserve energy India Post News Service

ROSEMEAD, CA: As Southern Californians prepare for summer, Southern California Edison (SCE) is asking customers to be especially conservation-minded to help keep the electric grid stable and reliable during hot weather when energy use spikes, particularly without the power generated from the San Onofre nuclear plant. Last summer, SCE customers saved 300 megawatts through conservation measures - enough to power about 200,000 homes. "While Edison has been doing all that it can to prepare to supply power without help from the San Onofre plant, customer conservation is still a must," said Erwin Furukawa, SCE senior vice president for customer service. "Now is the time to enroll in our conservation programs and start practicing conservation behaviors that can make a big difference for the grid." SCE is taking measures to make up for critical power generation resources that will not be available this year with the retirement of the

San Onofre nuclear plant. SCE continues to make critical infrastructure improvements to its transmission systems and is bringing online 1,900 megawatts of generation - enough to power 1.23 million homes at a point in time from Walnut Creek Energy Park in

• Opting into Save Power Days, a program that provides bill credits in exchange for reducing energy usage during peak periods, from 2-6 p.m., on designated days. • Keeping the thermostat set to 78 or above, using fans to make a room feel at least 5 degrees cooler,

IndiaNow grand show depicts all facets of India

To ensure long-term grid reliability, the utility will be closely working with the California Independent System Operator, as well as the California Energy Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, local and state elected officials the City of Industry, CPV Sentinel Energy Project in the Coachella Valley and the El Segundo Generating Station. Some ways customers can help improve grid reliability and control costs include: • Enrolling in programs such as the Summer Discount Plan, which offers up to $200 in bill credits for customers who allow SCE to temporarily disable their central air conditioner

and drawing drapes during the hottest part of the day. • Using LED and CFL light bulbs not only keep bills lower, but they create less heat than old, inefficient incandescent bulbs in the home. To ensure long-term grid reliability, the utility will be closely working with the California Independent System Operator, as well as the California Energy Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, local and state elected officials, and the communities served to address future energy needs for customers.

Cont’d from page 16

Kapil Dev was present at the Trade Fair event and he led a Cricket quiz among other programs. He interacted with the Bay area cricket enthusiasts and gave tips to budding cricketers. Cultural shows, classical dances, Bollywood and classical music, fashion shows were organized over two days across an outdoor and indoor stage, to immerse one in what India has to offer. Bengali folk,

Bhangra, Bharathanatyam, Kathak, Oriya folk, Bollywood dance were the highlights of cultural shows which showcased talents from US and India. Music was at par with dance performances and the audience was quenched in North and South Indian classical and semi-classical numbers. Ena and Shalini thanked the sponsors, volunteers, and Indian State government for their support to realize their dream and make it a grand success.

Community Across America

20 India Post

June 28, 2013

United Sikh Mission holds sixth annual fundraiser India Post News Service

DIAMOND BAR, CA: Fontana based United Sikh Mission held its 6th annual fundraiser at the Diamond Palace Friday June 21. Attended by about 200 invitees, the purpose of this event was to raise funds for the forthcoming eye camps in India scheduled Oct/ Nov this year in Punjab, UP and Delhi. This time the United Sikh Mission (USM) was able to sign up sponsors for 50 camps and it is expected that USM will be able to hold about at least 55 camps this fall in different parts of Punjab, UP and Delhi. The event was attended by leading luminaries of the community. In his address Cypress Mayor Dr Prakash Narain applauded the community and USM for their efforts and contribution. He also presented a proclamation from the City of Cypress to the United Sikh Mission.

Guests at the event

sented to the sponsors and other guests along with the local media. There was also a ceremony to release a book on the Kartarpur Sahib Corridor. The guests were treated to a

Also on the agenda is the Kartarpur Sahib Corridor. Sri Kartarpur Sahib is located near Narowal in Pakistan barely three kilometers away from the border near Dera Baba Nanak. It is here that Sri Guru Nanak Dev spent the last 18 years of his life Dr Piyush Karia of the Arpan Foundation echoed similar sentiments and expressed the need for a more aggressive approach to promote health care and education amongst the less fortunate in India. Other speakers too expressed similar views. The event was emceed by the very talented and versatile Asha Sharma. Plaques and awards were pre-

sumptuous dinner. Headed by Jathedar Rashpal Singh Dhindsa, the United Sikh Mission has been holding camps in Punjab and other parts of North India for the past decade. Last year's camp saw a record of over 27 thousand OPDs and about three thousand people underwent eye surgery. Along with this over 13 thousand people received free eye glasses.

Arpan Foundation's Dr Piyush Karia

This year USM aims to hold at least 55 camps in different parts of Punjab, UP and Delhi. The United Sikh Mission is a Fontana CA based NGO committed to the service of humanity. Along with Eye and Medical camps, USM's activities include promotion of education for the poor and weaker sections of society. USM also works to encourage and assist bright students in attaining their aspirations to qualify and join India's coveted services like IAS, IPS and IFS. Other issues include environment and the very key issue of female infanticide. Also on the agenda is the Kartarpur Sahib Corridor. Sri Kartarpur Sahib is located near Narowal in Pakistan barely three kilometers away from the border near Dera Baba Nanak. It is here that Sri Guru Nanak Dev spent the last 18 years of his life. The United Sikh Mission is working with the concerned governments to open a corridor to the shrine so that the

Recognizing the role of the Media: Jathedar Rashpal Singh with Riaz Khan and Shashi Trivedi

faithful can have easy access to it. The corridor will give a huge boost to the local economy on both sides of the border and promote people to people contact and

Camp sponsors

create an ambience of harmony and goodwill between the two nations. The corridor was unanimously approved by the Punjab Vidhan Sabha in 2010.

India Post 21

June 28, 2013

Community Across America

22 India Post

June 28, 2013

Lawmakers laud Indian Americans at NFIA meet SUDHIR VYAS

WASHINGTON DC: In keeping with its annual tradition, the National Federation of Indian American Associations (NFIA) sponsored a two-day meet in Washington DC on June 6 and June 7. It attracted more than 150 of its delegates from all over the country and also a host of no-nonsense lawmakers who welcomed appreciated efforts of Indian Americans in cementing Indo-US ties and improving the lot of society at large here. It was an affair to remember because delegates traveling from various parts of the country - Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland and many other states - had chanced upon an excellent opportunity to interact and exchange information with their lawmakers, get intellectually stimulated and networked among themselves. On the morning of June 6, they

NFIA delegates at White House

consistent friend of the Indian American community and a strong advocate of strengthening US-India relations, expressed his concern about forcible conversion of Hindus to Islam in Pakistan. "Financed by money coming from Gulf countries, the young men are being trained as Jehadis instead

Rep Tulsi Gabbard addressing NFIA Meet

were treated with a Congressional Luncheon at the Rayburn House Office Building, which 11 lawmakers (9 Democrats and 2 Republicans) attended. NFIA delegates closely interacted with their legislators, bringing issues of concern of the community to their attention followed by a photography session with them. Lawmakers vied with each other in paying tributes to the Indian American community's contribution to the welfare of society. They lauded their efforts to enhance US-India relations and promised to work hard to take it to a higher level. Rep. Ed Royce (R-California) a

of being educated," noted Royce. Praising the good relations between the United States and India, the Congressman said, "This high-level attention given to India solidifies its place in the upper tier of US partnerships." Many lawmakers reveled over their successful efforts to convince Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to start collecting data on hate crimes against Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims and people from other countries. The successful efforts to achieve this milestone were led by Representative Joseph Crowley (D-NY). "I am thrilled the FBI's law enforcement advisory board agrees that the Hate Crimes

Incident Report Forms must be updated to include at-risk communities," he said. Congresswoman Judy Chu (DCalifornia) addressed the audience about her efforts to get approved a fair immigration bill. Chu has been a longtime advocate for comprehensive immigration reform and has become a leading voice fighting for family unity to be addressed in the process. "I will continue fighting to ensure siblings are able to bring their brothers and sisters here as well," she emphasized. She also asked the Indian American delegates to contact their representatives and urge them to act before the interest on student loans is doubled from 3.4% to 6.8% in July this year. Rep. Michael Honda (D-California) also advocated the approval of immigration Reform legislation. "Now, Congress must move forward with a comprehensive immigration reform plan, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure a just, humane and workable immigration system that honors families, respects human dignity, and strengthens our economy," he emphasized. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) also addressed the issue of increased rates of student loans. He said, "Just a few weeks ago, our Republican colleagues voted for the Republican budget that called for a doubling of interest rates on student loans - on 7 million American students. And they voted against the Democratic alternative budget, which would have prevented that increase in student loan interest rates." He emphasized that the rates should not go up in order to keep education affordable. He recalled that he went to school in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India and

has had strong linkage with that country. Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Maryland), son of the former Senator Paul Sarbanes said, "Indian American community has distinguished itself in every field of endeavor such as medicine, politics, trade, and commerce. "As Greek American, I can safely say that Greece is the oldest democracy and India is the largest (most populous) democracy." Rep. Rob Woodall (R-Georgia), Co-author of the New York Times best-selling books, Fair Tax and Truth, said he was doubly happy

Government of India honored him with a Bhartiya Samman Award at the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu member of the House of Representatives, as usual stole the hearts of all those in attendance with her straight from the heart speech. She applauded the appointment of Sri Srinivasan, first South Asian person to the US Court of Appeals. "This is a historical event and I am convinced that Sri will offer a unique perspective and add diversity that is long overdue in our justice system. He already has a distinguished and proven record of commitment to public service, and I look forward to his contributions to the bench." The other members of the House of Representatives who appeared at this event were Gregory Meek (D-New York) and Grace Meng (D-New York). Both of these members of the House acknowledged their friendship with the chairman of the NFIA Foundation. By all accounts, the Congressional luncheon was a successful affair. A respectable number of lawmakers showed up and they talked about the important issues.

A group of NFIA Delegates in front of White House

to be at the meet because he was not only meeting the Indian American community, but also got a chance to give award to my friend, Subash Razdan. He was presented with a plaque by the NFIA. Just a few months ago, the

The event was coordinated by Drs Parthasarthy Pillai, Rajen Anand and Joydeb Roy under the leadership of Sohan Joshi, president of NFIA, Lal Motwani, Chair of the NFIA Foundation, and Satheesan Nair, NFIA secretary.

Community Across America

June 28, 2013

India Post 23

Community Walk in support of Cancer Society SURESH SHAH

CHICAGO, Illinois: On a warm, sunny Sunday morning, over a thousand walkers gathered at Pottawatomie Park in St. Charles, a northeast Chicago suburb, to be part of BAPS Charities efforts in raising funds in support of American Cancer Society (ACS). The Community Walk 2013 and had participants from age 6 to 60. Six year-old Rushi Patel, who raised one of the most sponsorships, was excited to attend the BAPS Charities walkathon in support of the American Cancer Society. Over the last few weeks, he had walked miles door-to-door raising funds for the walkathon. First time walker, Hetal Patel, attended the walkathon with her family, said, "We would definitely be a part of this walk again. My kids and I felt proud to play a small part in support of such a great

The start of BAPS Walkathon for Cancer

cause." Volunteers and participants, all wearing baby blue Walk 2013 tshirts eagerly walked the 5K route

with enthusiasm. Kate Monteleone, Regional Vice President of the American Cancer Society, was amazed with the partici-

Participants, many old, middle aged and young

Dr Neelam Kumar heads Michigan health care board ASHOK JAIN MD

DETROIT: A front ranking Indian American physician and a community activist, Dr. Neelam Kumar has been appointed Chairman of t h e Oakwood Healthcare Foundation Board, and she would assume the charge effective immediately. Oakwood Healthcare System is a regional health care network and is one of the most

comprehensive health care delivery systems in southeastern Michigan. In this role, Dr Kumar

Dr Neelam Kumar

will become an ex-officio member of the Oakwood Healthcare, Inc. Board. Dr Kumar has over 20 years of experience working with the Oakwood Foundation Board and has been a generous donor, both personally, and through her group. She has actively participated in all Foundation events and has served as Honorary Chair of "Wine for the Spirit." She is also active on the Oakwood Healthcare Foundation Executive Committee, Oakwood Healthcare Inc. Strategic Planning Committee, and the Oakwood Healthcare System Quality Committee. Dr Kumar has also been a member of the Oakwood Healthcare Foundation Philanthropic Physician Advisory Committee, acting as Chairperson for the past year and one-half.

pant turn-out, stating, "It's great to see everyone from BAPS Charities unified by their t-shirts and participating in such a well-organized walkathon for a great cause." Binal Amin, a young cancer survivor, praised the BAPS community and ACS for being there for her in her time of need. She said "Both organizations foster this spirit of service and have helped me become the confident woman I am today." Corporate sponsors included GEICO, New York Life, Atlas Oil BP, Graham C Stores and others from the area and national. The booths were a good post-walk attraction for one and all, while making a go at the corn off the cob,

or tasting out the tangy Mexican dishes fanned out by the volunteers. As a member of the community and someone who has been directly touched by cancer, John Colon, VP of Sales and Support at Atlas Oil-BP, noted that this event held special importance to his family. "My wife battled cancer and is now in remission so this event is personal. When my kids asked me what I wanted to do for Father's Day, I said I wanted to participate in the BAPS Walk for Cancer." Similar walks took place in over 40 cities throughout North America and over 13,000 participants walked over 45,000 miles.

Shalli Kumar appointed chief of Republican council SURI SWAMY

CHICAGO: National Republi- previously served on President can Congressional Committee Ronald Reagan's Business Advi(NRCC) has announced that Shalli sory Council in the early eighties. Kumar of ChiAs the Chairman cago will head of NRCC's IAEC, the newly set Kumar will play up Indian an integral role in American Exfostering relaecutive Council tions between the that will faciliNRCC and the Intate communidian-American cation between community. NRCC and the The NRCC will Indian Ameriseek his input recan community garding how to in order to increase Republistrengthen relacan outreach eftionships with forts in the comIndian Ameriing elections and cans and advice identify potential Shalli Kumar the Republican candidates. Party on key isNRCC apprecisues important to the community. ates that Kumar has agreed to don Kumar is an engineer CEO of the responsibility as Chairman of AVG Advanced Technologies, the Council and thanked him for headquartered in Carol Stream, a all he has done to improve the lives northwest suburb or Chicago. He of Americans.

24 India Post

Community Across America

June 28, 2013

Enthralling Dance Festival at Balaji Temple USHA PARITI

CHICAGO: The Cultural Com- title of "Natya Purna" from the mittee of Sri Venkateswara Swami Dhananjayans and the "Yuva Kala Temple in Aurora, presented an Bharathi" award from the Bharat enthralling two day dance festival Kalachar, Madras. "Nrithya Samarpanam - Indian "Annamayya Nritya Dance festival" recently. Neerajanam" - a beautiful Performances by Midwest Bharatanatyam Production by Smt. dance schools and visiting Sujatha Srinivasan, Artistic Directroupes from across the country tor of Shri Kalaa Mandir, and mesmerized all those present at the Shriya Srinivasan, an internationfestival. The prestigious dance ally renowned Bharathanatyam festival attracted more than 150 exponent, known for her classiparticipants from across the country and India. Individual performances by Samnvitha Ranjan and Krishnanand Nair were well received. The talented young dancers uplifted the spirit of the audience with their skillful rhythm and expressions. Highlighting the festival was a professional featured presentation by Sri J. Suryanarayana Murthy, a seventh generation Performer Teacher belongSujatha Srinivasan and Shriya Srinivasan ing to one of the 15 original traditional Bhagavatula families of cism and creative choreography, dancers and teachers of was yet another highlight. Kuchipudi village in Andhra. Sri Sujatha learnt the art under emiMurthy has received several nent gurus and as a performer, she awards and is the recipient of the brings over 30 years of perform-

Students of Bharatam Academy of Dance arts

ing experience to the art. She has won many awards and titles in India and has presented her recitals in India, Sri Lanka, Paris, Geneva, Canada, apart from several cities in the USA. "Dashaavataram," another featured Bharatanatyam performance by Students of Vanitha Veeravalli, was presented with elegance and was received very well. Vanitha has received much appreciation from critics and audiences for its rich and evocative aesthetics. Participating schools included: Nrithyanjali School of Dance, Artistic Director, Sushmita Arunkumar; Nrithya Sangeeth School of Dance, Artistic Director, Sowmya Kumaran; of Utkala Centre for Odissi, Artistic Director, Ipsitha Satpathy; Kuchipudi Natya Vihar, Artistic Director, Sobha Tammana; Laasyam School of Dance, Artistic Director, Hema Yaddanapudi; Noopura Dance Academy, Artistic Director, Mahalakshmi Varadhan; Kalarpana School of Dance, Artistic Director, Radhika Raghuvir; Nrithya Geetanjali Dance Acad-

emy, Artistic Director, Anupama Rajesh; Students of Bharatanjali School of Dance, Artistic Director, Sandhya Radhakrishnan; Asha

J.Suryanarayana Murthy from India

Acharya Performing Arts, Artistic Director, Asha Acharya Adiga; Sri Ranga School of Dance, Artistic Director, Srivani Vokkarane; Devaki Janakiraman and Natya Bala Kuchipudi Dance Academy, Artistic Director, LavanyaLatha Jonnalagadda. The vibrant performances by all

Father's Day at Hari Om Temple Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: Hari Om Mandir in Medinah, a northwest Chicago suburb, celebrated, " Father's Day " on Friday, 14 June that was planned and executed by a team of Seniors. It was truly a fun-filled evening with lots of music and entertainment. Emceed well by Vadheraji, the program started with Guru

Vandana by Pt. Yogesh Pandya and Dinesh Kumar, followed by a song by Malti Sharma singing "Jabse Hui Hai Shadi Afatmen Pad Gaya Hun'. Arun Chaddha presented his own poems including a poem depicting arguments between a grandmother and grand-daughter highlighting generational gap. Cont’d on page 25

these participants enthralled the audience. The event was ably compeered by the cultural committee members Srilakshmi

Qawali team members

Dronamraju, Shree Gurusamy and Nalini Yedavalli. The Cultural Committee chair Usha Pariti, in her vote of thanks, commended the dedicated efforts of the Balaji Temple Cultural committee members in bringing forth such high quality presentations to Chicago art lovers.

June 28, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 25

Meditation & healing concert by Swami Ganapathy JAGAN BUKKARAJU

Music hall called Nada Mantapa at Mysore Ashram - all created by Sri Swamiji

CHICAGO: Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji of Mysore, is slated to perform during a 'Meditation and Healing,' concert at the Downers Grove North High School Auditorium, in Downersgrove, a northwest Chicago suburb on July 20 at 6-30 pm. This free for all concert organized by Yoga Sangeeta, Inc will have ragas inspired through Raga Ragini Vidya, an ancient tradition revived by Sri. Swamiji. By accessing the yogic wisdom of this tradition and blending the classic art of raga with references to contemporary music from all cultures, Sri Swamiji would dive into the cosmic ocean of Nada (sound). From the endless combination of possibilities, Sri Swamiji would create music that affects various naadis (energy channels) and awakens the prana (life force) energy pulsating within each of us. In the concert, Sri Swamiji will be playing healing ragas on an electronic synthesizer accompanied by musicians on Indian classical instruments. Sri Swamiji sees heal-

ing with music as a yogic practice. Yoga teaches that the astral body has 72000 nervelets and 14 major nerves. Each nerve vibrates at its

Music becomes a therapy, Swami Ji asserts, when the healer, musicians and listeners all deeply concentrate on the sound. He

Sri Ganapthy Swami

own frequency. Music soothes the nerves and helps them to vibrate at the proper rate. The concert will be preceded by an interfaith prayer with representatives from various religions

stresses on concentration on the part of the healer musician and the listener. "Physical health results from a healthy mind," Sri Swamiji says. Sri Swamiji further says that "Music of the right

type helps in achieving relaxation by soothing the nerves, and through that comes peace and stillness of the mind."

Music becomes a therapy, Swami Ji asserts, when the healer, musicians and listeners all deeply concentrate on the sound. He stresses on concentration on the part of the healer musician and the listener. "Physical health results from a healthy mind," Sri Swamiji says Congressman Bill Foster, mayors and other elected representatives from surrounding communities are expected to attend the concert on July 20. In addition attendees from across

Father's Day at Hari Om Temple Cont’d from page 24

Jokes presented by Anita Rawal and ghazal followed by Madhu and another by Hardev Raj refreshed the audience. Vimal Sharma delighted the audience with passionate ghazals. Dr Dhingra presented a health talk referring to heart and brain. Ayodhiaji Salwan presented Sacchi Batein in his own entertaining style. The last item was by Om and Kanan Dhingra and their team - a Qawwali. Krishan Tejpal, Chairman of Seniors Group, in his thankyou speech praised all those who worked for the program.

Huge participation at Hari Om Mandir to celebrate Father’s Day

the United States and other parts of the world are also expected to attend and experience this wonderful and rare concert. Sri Swamiji gave his first concert in Amsterdam in 1987. Since then he has given hundreds of music for meditation and healing concerts, introducing numerous listeners to the value of music as a therapeutic tool. Sri Swamiji has played at renowned concert auditoriums, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Hall, the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York, the Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, the Royal Albert Hall in London, and the Esplanade in Singapore. YogaSangeeta Inc founded in 2007 has set its mission to promote fine arts, with a particular emphasis on healing and meditation music, for the betterment of humanity at large. It seeks to foster unity and peace through music, which transcends the barriers of language, religion, gender, tradition and nationalities. Pre-registration is required for this free concert.

Community Across America

26 India Post

June 28, 2013

St Louis fundraiser helps raise $50k SURI SWAMY

ST LOUIS: Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Center (MGC), in collaboration with the India Association of St. Louis (IAS) hosted a fundraising dinner at its facility in St. Louis on Friday June 15 with 200 plus members and guests attending it. The event helped raise $50,000 for its various activities, including structural maintenance, up-keep and renovation. The event started at 6pm with cocktails and snacks in a social hour in the lower level of MGC, where community members mingled with each other. The dinner event started on the upper level of MGC at 7pm with opening remarks by President of MGC, Anjan Roy and President Elect of IAS Sendhil

A section of guests and members attending fundraiser for Mahatma Gandhi Center

ents of this local musical group led by Divya and Anand Navadikar, captured and thoroughly entertained the audience for over two hours with golden oldies Hindi movie songs. MGC is a not-for-profit community center that was built by the joint efforts of various IndianAmerican community members with major contributions from Drs Uday & Ira Dash with support of Indian community at that time. The center was inaugurated couple of decades ago by then Ambassador of India to the United States, Dr Abid Hussain, on August 19, 1990. Since then, MGC has been a very popular community center that is increasingly being used by the local Indian-American community of the greater St. Louis

Dr Sharad Parikh, Ashwin Patel, Dr Budhi Raju and IAS president-elect Sendil Rathinasabapathy & MGC chairman Anjan Roy addressing the fundraiser

Rathinasabapathy. Dr Vijaya Kumar Buddhiraju and Ashwin Patel served as the Masters of Ceremony for the event. They touched upon the history and current state of MGC. MGC and IAS felicitated their founder members Drs Nitai & Sudha Saha, and Community leader Drs Sharad and Smita Parikh and Drs Vardhachary by presenting them with a plaque and bouquet. This was followed by

Prayer by Rangachari & Mrs Chandra Sridharan

Musical event artists

pledges and fund-raising where attendees actively participated in support of MGC. Dinner was followed by a live musical performance, "Surmayee Shaam" by a local group. Extraordinary vocal and instrumental tal-

region at a nominal rental price for their personal and/or public events. MGC also serves as election center and hosts health fairs, visa camps India Association and Bal Vihar activities.

Methodist College facilitates Hindu prayer station India Post News Service

TENNESSEE: Martin Methodist College (MMC), a United Methodist Church institution in Pulaski,

Tennessee, has a "Hindu station" in its 24-hour interfaith prayer room. This prayer room, at the corner of Criswell Hall, has Christian and

MMC college Prayer Hall

Jewish stations also. "The interfaith prayer room is a safe place for students to be with their God," MMC Campus Minister Reverend Laura J. Kirkpatrick McMasters was quoted as saying. Applauding MMC, Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, described it as "a step in the right direction" commending the college for recognizing the intersection of spirituality and education, an integral

part of teachings in Hinduism. Madhu Patel, founder president of NRI Press Club, Chicago, said that universities and colleges, both Madhu Patel and Rajan Zed public and private, should take a cue from this Brown are Trustees Chair and and respond to the spiritual needs President respectively of MMC, of diverse student bodies in their which was founded in 1870. Mission of United Methodist campus. "Making provision for Church, 11-million-strong global dedicated prayer and meditation church created in 1968, is to "make rooms for quiet reflection, festivals and spiritual exercises would disciples of Jesus Christ for the help students in their personal transformation of the world" and it emphasizes on "Christian livgrowth." He said Byron R. Trauger and Ted ing".

June 28, 2013

India Post 27


1 Sawaar Loon: Lootera 2 Ghanchakkar Babu: Ghanchakkar 3 Manmarziyan: Lootera 4 Ilahi: Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 5 Tum Tak: Raanjhnaa 28 India Post

June 28, 2013

6 Kabira: Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 7 Allah Meherbaan: Ghanchakkar 8 Raanjhanaa: Raanjhanaa 9 Sunn Raha Hai: Aashiqui 2 10 Tu Mun Shudi: Raanjhnaa


hile it's obvious of a film's cast and crew to beaware of a reptile on the set, Kareena Kapoor remained oblivious to a snake that slithered into the studio where she was shooting Gori Tere Pyaar Mein. So much so that she didn't even care to know what the commotion was about, preferring to sit in a corner with her feet resting on another chair. Strange, since there were a few hundred people at the shoot and they were running all over the place for fear of being attacked by the snake. It was only when her hairstylist Pompi showed her a picture of the snake on his mobile that Bebo freaked out and screamed. Only to be told, that there was no point in her screaming so late because the snake had been driven out. After that, throughout the day, director Punit Malhotra was trying to scare everyone at the location, telling them that the snake was under their chair. But Kareena wasn't amused.



riyanka Chopra who had her plate full with movies and her international album suddenly faced a setback in her personal life with her father's death. While everyone in the Bollywood fraternity was expecting Priyanka to take a break, she shocked all by expressing her desire to resume work. Priyanka was set to shoot for the Mary Kom biopic with Bhansali but because of the tragedy, the shooting was postponed. Bhansali had given Priyanka all the time she needed to recoup from the trauma but the actress was stubborn about getting back to work as she believed that this would be her father's desire too. Priyanka who has been practicing boxing for a while, has started shooting for the film.

hey worked together in block buster 'Aashiqui 2' and instantly clicked with each other. Yes, we are taking about the new lovebirds of tinsel town, Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur. They are said to be dating and very much in love. Their love story took off on the set of 'Aashiqui 2' and with the end of the shoot, they became one. They enjoyed the success of the film together as a couple and both are very much attracted towards each other. In an interview, Aditya expressed his liking for the actress, "I can understand why people think we are together, as we are really good friends and are really really close and go out for dinner and movies together. She is a nice person and is a good actress and is great fun to be around with." They are often caught together on various occasions and share a good camaraderie. Aditya in the past had dated Rhea Chakraborty.

June 28, 2013


India Post 29



uring the shooting for 'Krrish 3' Hrithik Roshan munched on a secret cookie which helped to provide him with the nec essary strength and stamina required for the acting. Also this cookie kept his cravings for sugar at bay. It kept him full and satisfied. His diet consultant, Marika Johansson invented these cookies especially for him looking at his requirements of high protein and low carb diet. Marika has shared the recipe for the "secret protein cookies" that Hrithik consumed during shoots. Now his whole family enjoys this cookie.



ctress, singer and music composer Shruti Haasan will be seen in two upcoming films that release on the same day - Nikhil Advani's D-Day and Prabhu Deva's Ramaiya Vastavaiya. Shruti who is the daughter of famous actors Kamal Haasan and Sarika has made a name for herself in the South film industry, but is yet to find her footing in Bollywood. Her earlier films Luck and Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji received lukewarm responses. However, she remains undeterred and is excited about her two films. "I'm very excited because it's very rarely that an actor has two releases on the same day. It's also amazing because they are two completely different characters". And with the pressures that Bollywood brings, it's only natural for actors to feel insecure but Shruti does not succumb to this. "There is a healthy pressure but the unrealistic pressure to perform like Kamal Hassan is really unnatural because he's been in the business for 50 years so I don't even take it seriously. I don't know why but I've never really feared fading away from the limelight. I'm here for the long run".


Realty Tidbits

Assotech to invest Rs 100 crore on apartments in Shirdi NEW DELHI: Assotech Realty has said it will invest about Rs 100 crore to develop a service apartment project at Shirdi in Maharashtra. The company would develop 125 serviced apartments in the 2.5acre project 'Sandal Suites'. In a statement, Assotech Realty said it has launched premier service residences at Shirdi "at an approximate cost of Rs 100 crore." These apartments would cater to the needs of pilgrims traveling to Shirdi and expecting comfort and luxury at affordable cost. Just walking distance from Shirdi Shrine, the project will have a small Sai Temple and Satsang Hall along with Pooja area and meditation centers, it added. "This is an opportunity to not only own a home in the spiritual town but also make it earn valuable income from the asset so created. The investment is meant to bring recurring returns to the tune of 18-20 per cent Y-o-Y basis with expected daily rental between 5-6 thousand approximately," Assotech Realty Managing Director Neeraj Gulati said.

„ Ball set rolling for 2nd phase of Rapid Metro link


onstruction for the second phase of the Rapid Metro Rail Project, the first privately funded Metro project in India, has got a major push. IL&FS Engineering said it has received Rs. 266.50 crore contract for the construction of elevated viaducts for the project. The company received a Letter of Award (LoA) for the construction of the viaduct along the Golf Course Road between Sikanderpur Metro station and Sector 56/57 near Golf Course Extension T-junction. It would take around 24 months to complete this project, which would cost Rs. 2,143 crore. On January 3, the Haryana government had signed the concessionaire agreement with the promoter special purpose vehicle company RMG Limited. The 6.7km stretch would have six stations. Some of these stations would have parking lots as well.

Real Estate 30

India Post

Govt relaxes exit norms for road developers NEW DELHI: To revive the highways sector and attract developers, the government has approved a proposal for allowing companies to exit projects "harmoniously" without attracting punitive measures. "The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the proposal to facilitate harmonious substitution of concessionaire in ongoing and completed National Highway Projects," an official statement said. -PTI

June 28 , 2013

Remodel for less with reclaimed materials DONNA FUSCALDO


emodeling your home doesn't have to break the bank. Buying reclaimed materials, whether it's a door or molding, can save you 40 percent to 60 percent off the cost. It can also be a greener way of remodeling since the reclaimed materials won't end up in a landfill. "There's a wide range of salvaged materials available," says Carrie Ferrence, director of business development at Second Use, the Seattle store that sells reclaimed building materials. "Most of the materials are contemporary materials and typically sell for 40 percent less than new ones." For many homeowners, the easiest way to get remodeling materials is to visit Home Depot. But for those who don't mind doing a little hunting and want to save money, buying reclaimed materials may be the way to go. Here are five things you need to know.

Finding what you want could take time When shopping for reclaimed materials, you'll need to give your-

come with some creativity and come with a truck. You might have to go back to find what you're looking for," says Leslie Kirkland, execu-

self plenty of time to do some hunting. Chances are you won't find all the doors or tile needed for a house remodeling in the first visit to the salvage store. "Like any secondhand industry, come with your measurements,

tive director of The Loading Dock, the Baltimore nonprofit reclaimed building supplies store. Kirkland says consumers save on average two-thirds off the retail price for materials, which is typically a combination of new and old items.

Everything and the kitchen sink Salvage stores, which can be found across the country, are stocked with materials recovered from the deconstruction of homes, buildings and schools, and from homeowner donations. For example, Habitat for Humanity, the nonprofit based in Americus, Ga., aimed at increasing affordable housing, runs salvage stores across the country under the name ReStore. "It's like a secondhand Home Depot," says Kirkland. While interior and exterior doors are common finds at salvage stores, consumers also can buy light fixtures, sinks, cabinets, molding, tiles and many other things needed for remodeling a home. Many salvage stores are updated regularly. Cont’d on page 31

Home prices inflated, says HDFC chief NEW DELHI: Terming the home prices as highly inflated in the country, including in smaller cities, industry leader Deepak Parekh has asked builders to focus on affordable housing, rather than luxury homes, and said it is a dangerous thing to lend aggressively to developers. Parekh, Chairman of the country's largest housing finance company HDFC, also asked the home buyers to be cautious of 'too-good-to-be-true' offers from the property developers and warned them against schemes where builders claim of paying interest on the borrowers' loans. The eminent banker also asked the financing companies to stay away from innovative and

aggressive loans, including teaser and, therefore, such risks have to rates where the interest rates rise be built into the pricing. gradually and "Construclending money tion finance to developers should not, at the same rate through any as being ofinnovative fered on indistructuring be vidual home available to loans. developers at While laudthe rate of ining the growth terest being in the home fioffered on innance market dividual home over the years, loans. Further, Parekh in his complete upannual letter to fronting of shareholders construction of HDFC said: finance to de"As a basic tevelopers, Deepak Parekh net, construceven before tion finance entails higher risks the ground is broken is danger-

ous," he said. Parekh also said the country continues to face an acute housing shortage, but prices continue to remain high. "Having spent so many years in this business, one recognizes that one's voice can never be loud enough when so many vested interests exist as far as land markets are concerned. Nonetheless, I am of the firm belief that one must not give up or be beaten down to silence. "At the cost of perhaps now sounding like a broken record, I continue to hold the stance that increasing supply is the only way home prices can come down in India. Even in Tier II and Tier III cities, home prices are inflated," he said.-PTI

Real Estate Post

June 28 , 2013

India Post 31

Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities need focus for growth India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: The Real Estate industry is a key industry to which the growth of India's GDP is directly linked. To discuss the complexity in the industry Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), organized its flagship 'CII Real Estate Conclave 'with the theme 'Embracing The Complexity of Indian Real Estate'. "Is the real estate industry complex or complicated? It is important to have this clarity about each aspect we deal with in the industry because solutions will flow from this," began Mr. Firdose Vandrevala, Chairman, CII National Committee on Real Estate & Housing and Chairman & Managing Director HIRCO Developments Pvt Ltd. "Corruption is complex. Supply chain is complex and disorganized. Construction is complicated. Demand is complex with a lot of speculative short term investors, long term investor, rental markets and genuine actual users. Financial markets are complex while transactions are complicated," he continued.

Mr. Vandrevala added, "You have to look at the system in parts and at the same time you have to look at the whole because solving

Hotspots - Mining Opportunities From the Complex Real Estate Terrain of India' at the summit. Jones Lang LaSalle India, as Knowledge Partner for the Summit, designed this report to dovetail with the event's theme Embracing the Complexity of Indian Real Estate: Adopting a Pragmatic Approach "India has its own unique and for 2013 and Beyond. integral complexities, and Mr. Anuj Puri, doing business here is no Chairman CII Real Estate Conclave exception to this fact.,, and Chairman & Country Head, problems of the parts cannot nec- Jones Lang LaSalle India said, "Inessarily solve the problem of the dia has its own unique and intewhole. Understanding this will gral complexities, and doing busiensure that we do not apply the ness here is no exception to this wrong approach to the right prob- fact. Corporations strive for inlem that happens when we mix creased efficiency and productivup." ity amidst these complexities - and CII and International property real estate is an integral ingrediconsultancy Jones Lang LaSalle ent in the formation and growth of India, in partnership released its all businesses. report 'Emerging Investment "On the flip-side of the real es-

Remodel for less with reclaimed materials Cont’d from page 30

Perusing salvage stores isn't the only way to find reusable materials. Online marketplaces like Craigslist have building merchandise as well as a free section where people give things away. Second Use also operates an online salvage store. As an alternative, visiting the local dump or salvage yard, although messy, can be a great way to find salvage materials. Buyer beware: hazardous materials Consumers should use caution when remodeling with reclaimed materials because some are old and may include hazardous materials. While salvage stores don't sell anything with asbestos in it, an old door or bathtub may have been painted with lead paint. If Second Use suspects the item has lead paint, it will put a sticker on it, Ferrence says. Most stores will test the items, especially if it's an appliance, before putting it on sale. Even so, it's usually up to the buyer to beware of the potential for hazardous materials.

Distinctive design, but does it fit? Sometimes using reclaimed materials ends up costing you more, especially if it's more labor intensive to get the materials to fit into the existing home. Take doors, for example. In one case, the homeowner bought salvaged doors, but the labor associated with the installation canceled out the sav-

working with salvaged materials, you get really interesting designs," says Scardina. "Whether (the cost saving) washes out depends on a case-by-case basis." Reclaimed materials: a greener way to save If a remodeling bargain isn't what you are after, using reclaimed materials has another benefit. It

"The doors were a good bargain, but when the contractor installed them he had to trim them and retrofit each door," says Scardina. "So, the cost of labor to install the doors increased,, ings, says Paul "Paolo" Scardina, owner of Paolo Design Group, a design company, in Portland, Ore. "The doors were a good bargain, but when the contractor installed them he had to trim them and retrofit each door," says Scardina. "So, the cost of labor to install the doors increased the construction side (of the budget)." If the parts fit and the reclaimed materials blend in, homeowners will often be rewarded with a distinctive remodeling design as well as cost savings. "When you're

helps protect the environment. According to the Building Materials Reuse Association, the Beaverton, Ore., industry association, using reclaimed materials reduces the consumption of new resources, cuts down on the use of landfills and cuts pollution. "If you go the salvage route, you're reducing the amount of waste in the landfills, saving money and are able to build something that's different than what everyone else is building," says Ferrence.-Courtesy

tate sector's inherent uncertainties are the opportunities created by them in the real estate sector. Investors stand to capitalize significantly from these opportunities. However, in such an environment of uncertainty, returns through capital appreciation and security of the invested capital are obviously prime concerns. The pertinent question of where to invest needs to be answered. This report seeks to do just that." Mr. Puri added, "The industry needs to come together and put in a lot of thoughts about the issues involved like the availability of space for sale despite increasing rent, expected growth of tier 2 and tier 3 cities not having fructified, unsold inventory being at an all time high even as prices continue

to rise etc." Mr. Lalit Kumar Jain, Chairman, Kumar Urban Development Ltd., said, "Firstly, in this country there is a stigma about the housing industry. Then there is a policy paralysis where only a few states talk about land reforms. Today in any project 70-80% of the cost is of land. How do you then expect property prices to go down? So the main issue is about land cost reforms." He went on to add, "We want a regulator but 90% of regulation today is about delay. The regulator needs to think about how the new bill will benefit all the stake holders involved. Government policy needs to include more thought from the corporate sector."

Phase I of Ahmedabad metro project by 2017 AHMEDABAD: The first phase of the Rs 19,000 crore metro rail project between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, spanning over 83 kms, is scheduled for completion in 2017. "Request for Proposals (RFPs) of all major systems and procurement have already been floated and tenders related to civil construction are being processed," an official at Metrolink Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA), a company formed to execute the project, said preferring anonymity. "The first phase of the project will be completed in 2017 and the rest in 2021," he said. MEGA is a state-formed special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the project execution, with an authorized capital of Rs 200 crore and initial paid-up capital of Rs 10 crore. The project covers around 83 kms connecting important points of Ahmedabad like Kalupur railway station, civil hospital, airport

and reaching to Gandhinagar for connecting GIFT city, state secretariat and Akshardam. "This project will include around 64 kms of elevated and 19 kms of underground corridor. The elevated corridor construction work will be taken up first on priority," sources said. However, the state proposed 50:50 joint venture project with Centre currently awaits detailed project report (DPR) approval from the state government. "The project DPRs are under consideration of the state government‌and a decision is yet to be taken," principal secretary urban development G R Aloria said. "After approval of state government, the DPRs would be sent to Centre," he said, adding that JV proposal can only then be formalized. Conceptualized in 2003, the pet project of Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi was put on fast track by the state government in 2009.

„ Health


Ohio health officials urge good fair hygiene COLUMBUS, Ohio: Ohio officials urge people to wash hands and take other hygiene precautions while visiting county fairs this summer. Several county fairs in Ohio and Indiana were linked to swine flu cases last year, with at least 11 Ohioans hospitalized after contracting the virus. The Centers for Disease Control said 10 children were hospitalized after visiting Ohio fairs, and a 61-year-old woman from Madison County died after having contact with hogs at the Ross County Fair. Officials say she had underlying conditions including heart disease and high blood pressure. The Ohio Departments of Health and Agriculture say they have worked with fairs, youth organizations and veterinarians to increase hand-sanitizing and washing stations. They say older adults, pregnant women, young children and people with weakened immune systems can be vulnerable. Health officials also advise leaving strollers outside animal exhibits, and suggest that those considered vulnerable stay out of animal areas. Ohio's health department director cautioned that some illnesses, such as the flu virus, are commonly carried by livestock and can be directly transmitted between animals and humans in the same way those illnesses are often transmitted between people. -PTI

„ Sun Pharma gets nod to sell Riluzole tablets NEW DELHI: India's Sun Pharmaceutical Industries and Glenmark Generics have got approval from US health regulator to sell generic versions of nervous system disorder treatment drug Riluzole. As per the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) web site, the approvals were given for generic Riluzole oral tablets in the strength of 50 mg. Riluzole is indicated for treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. As per IMS Health sales data for the 12 month period ended March 2013, Riluzole had garnered sales of USD 64 million in the US market. Glenmark Generics is a subsidiary of Glenmark Pharma and focuses on developing, manufacturing, selling and the distribution of generics through wholesalers, retailers and pharmacy chains.-PTI

Health Science 32

India Post

June 28, 2013

Doctors make progress toward 'artificial pancreas' Details on Page 33

Shortage of docs to worsen with federal health care reforms


any US states already have a shortage of pri mary-care physicians, and their problems could get worse when federal health care reforms go into effect in January. Millions of newly insured Americans are likely to seek care for the first time in years, possibly swamping health care systems that already are short-staffed. In some states, legislators are looking for ways to deal with possible physician shortages. Some lawmakers are crafting bills that would help increase the number of physicians or grant medical decision-making authority to pharmacists and other health care workers. The following are Associated Press reports from seven States:

(Affordable Care Act) is to make health care more accessible to more people,'' said Paul Cunningham, executive vice president of the Arkansas Hospital Association. ``But as there is more demand for services, that will create more demand on a supply of practitioners to provide those services.'' Across the country, attempts

Nearly one in five Americans already lives in a region designated as having a shortage of primary care physicians, and the number of doctors entering the field isn't expected keep pace with demand. Here in Arkansas, where insurance companies plan to sell their policies to more than 500,000 resi-

to address the provider gap have taken on increased urgency ahead of the law's full implementation Jan. 1, but many of the potential solutions face a backlash from influential groups or will take years to bear fruit.

dents through an online marketplace created under the federal health care law, there is a shortage of primary health care professionals. Demand for medical services from those providers is only expected to increase with the imple-

Arkansas doctors expect more demand

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.: Some health care professionals fear there won't be enough primary care professionals to meet demand next year as newly insured Arkansans gain coverage under the federal health care law. ``The underlying purpose of the

mentation of the federal health care law. ``Under a scenario of expanded health care coverage in 2014 through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the available workforce is projected to not meet demand,'' according to an April brief from the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement. Beyond the overall primary care practitioner shortage, doctors aren't spread evenly throughout the state. There's a concentration of primary care clinicians - primary care physicians, advanced practice nurses and physician assistants in central Arkansas, while there's a moderate undersupply in the northwest and northeast parts of the state and a more drastic undersupply in the southeast and southwest regions, according to the April brief from the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement. ``We have a shortage statewide. We don't have a shortage everywhere,'' said Craig Wilson, director of the Access to Quality Care Initiative with the ACHI. ``We do have a severe mal-distribution issue.'' Cont'd on Page 34

Low-fat chocolates taking world by storm LONDON: In some good news for chocoholics, an Indianorigin chocolatier claims to have created low-fat chocolates that contain as little as 20 calories a bar. London-based Aneesh Popat's recipe ditches high-calorie ingredients such as butter, cream and eggs. Instead, 25-year-old Popat, a maths graduate, combines flavor-infused water with cocoa to create The Chocolatier, which contain as little as 20 calories a bar, 'The Daily Express' reported. Popat claims his chocolate is as tasty as sugar-packed rivals and comes in flavors from fizzy cola and strawberry mint to chai tea and apple pie. "If everything in the world

was made of chocolate I'd have eaten it by now. My love of choco-

utmost precision and creativity," he said.

"As these chocolates boast such a low calorie level and high water content it can be advantageous to people seeking a less naughty treat. But we mustn't forget that chocolate is an occasional treat,, late led me to devote and apply my mathematical and scientific backgrounds to create the most unique flavor combinations with

"Chocolate is good for you if made in the right way," he said. Popat's low-fat chocolates are already taking the culinary world

by storm. After support from thousands of visitors to his stall at the BBC Good Food Show in Birmingham, he is hoping his chocolate will hit the open market. It is already supplied to Michelin star restaurant Apicius in Cranbrook, Kent, and five star hotel Le Meridien in London. "As these chocolates boast such a low calorie level and high water content it can be advantageous to people seeking a less naughty treat. But we mustn't forget that chocolate is an occasional treat," nutritional expert Dr Sarah Schenker, of the British Dietetic Association, said. The chocolates cost 11.95 pounds for six truffles and 7.95 pounds for a bar. -PTI

June 28, 2013

Health Science Post

India Post


Doctors make progress toward 'artificial pancreas' Doctors are reporting a major step toward an ``artificial pancreas,'' a device that would constantly monitor blood sugar in people with diabetes and automatically supply insulin as needed. A key component of such a system - an insulin pump programmed to shut down if blood-sugar dips too low while people are sleeping - worked as intended in a threemonth study of 247 patients. This ``smart pump,'' made by Minneapolis-based Medtronic Inc., is already sold in Europe, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is reviewing it now. Whether it also can be programmed to mimic a real pancreas and constantly adjust insulin based on continuous readings from a blood-sugar monitor requires more testing, but doctors say the new study suggests that's a realistic goal. ``This is the first step in the development of the artificial pancreas,'' said Dr. Richard Bergenstal, diabetes chief at Park Nicollet, a large clinic in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. ``Before we said it's a dream. We have the first part of it now and I really think it will be developed.'' He led the company-sponsored study and gave results at an American Diabetes Association conference in Chicago. They also were published online by the New England Journal of Medicine. The study involved people with Type 1 diabetes, the kind usually diagnosed during childhood. About 5 percent of the 26

million Americans with diabetes have this type. Their bodies don't make insulin, a hormone needed to turn food into energy. That causes high blood-sugar levels and raises the risk for heart disease and many other health problems. Some people with the more common

sugar from getting too high. A big danger is having too much insulin in the body overnight, when blood-sugar levels naturally fall. People can go into comas, suffer seizures and even die. Parents of children with diabetes often worry so much about this that they sneak into their bedrooms at night to check their child's blood-sugar monitor. In the study, all patients had sensors that continuously monitored their blood sugar. Half of them had ordinary insulin pumps and the others had pumps programmed to stop supplying insulin for two hours when blood-sugar fell to a certain threshold. Over three months, lowTaking blood sample from a diabetes patient sugar episodes were reType 2 diabetes, the kind linked to obesity, duced by about one-third in people using also need insulin and might also benefit the pump with the shut-off feature. Imporfrom a device like an artificial pancreas. For tantly, these people had no cases of senow, though, it's aimed at people with Type verely low blood sugar - the most danger1 diabetes who must inject insulin several ous kind that require medical aid or help times a day or get it through a pump with a from another person. There were four cases narrow tube that goes under the skin. The in the group using the standard pump. pump is about the size of a cellphone and ``As a first step, I think we should all be can be worn on a belt or kept in a pocket. very excited that it works,'' an independent The pumps give a steady amount of in- expert, Dr. Irl Hirsch of the University of sulin, and patients must monitor their sugar levels and give themselves more insulin at meals or whenever needed to keep blood

End of sex worker pledge in AIDS funds lifts stigma: experts WASHINGTON: US groups that work to end HIV around the world no longer will be forced to take a pledge against prostitution, after the Supreme Court ruled it is a violation of free speech. Global health advocates said the decision lifts the stigma surrounding sex workers and their role in the world's three-decadelong HIV epidemic, and will allow scientists to talk more openly about effective ways to combat the virus. "We know that stigma plays a huge role in driving the global AIDS epidemic and this was a very stigmatizing law against a population that is one of the most vulnerable in the epidemic," said Chris Collins, director of public policy at amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. In 2003, programs that received US funds under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a global program devised by former president George W. Bush, were required to make an anti-prostitution pledge in order to receive funds. The US high court has ruled in favor of

public health groups who challenged the condition. Chief Justice John Roberts said it went against First Amendment protections because it required groups "to pledge allegiance to the government's policy of eradicating prostitution." A second restriction added by Congress remains, stating that no PEPFAR funds can "be used to promote or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution or sex trafficking." Population Action International president Suzanne Ehlers said that the program's anti-prostitution pledge was a "harmful policy" that had damaged antiAIDS efforts around the world. "Our colleague organizations have documented numerous examples of the pledge's harmful effects, such as a condom shortage among sex workers in Mali, the withholding of safe sex information from young male sex workers in Cambodia, and the closure of community-based health centers in Bangladesh," she said. "Evidence, not ideology, should drive policy governing public health programs." -AFP

Washington in Seattle, said of the programmable pump. The next step is to test having it turn off sooner, before sugar falls so much, and to have it automatically supply insulin to prevent high blood sugar, too. Dr. Anne Peters, a diabetes specialist at the University of Southern California, said the study ``represents a major step forward'' for an artificial pancreas. One participant, Spears Mallis, 34, a manager for a cancer center in Gainesville, Georgia, wishes these devices were available now. He typically gets low-sugar about 8 to 10 times a week, at least once a week while he's asleep. ``I would set an alarm in the middle of the night just to be sure I was OK. That will cause you to not get a good night of rest,'' he said. His ``smart pump'' stopped giving insulin several times during the study when his sugar fell low, and he wasn't always aware of it. That's a well-known problem for people with Type 1 diabetes - over time, ``you become less and less sensitive to feeling the low blood sugars'' and don't recognize symptoms in time to drink juice or do something else to raise sugar a bit, he said. Besides Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson and several other research groups are working on artificial pancreas devices. -AP


Health Science Post

India Post

June 28, 2013

Indiana tangles with shortage of rural doctors INDIANAPOLIS: Health care advocates in Indiana are looking at an improved training system for physicians and an expanded concept of what it means to see a doctor to help serve what's expected to be a crush of new patients seeking care starting next year. Millions of people without health insurance nationwide are set to gain coverage in 2014 as part of the federal health care overhaul, commonly referred to as ``Obamacare.'' As in many states, that will exacerbate problems in Indiana surrounding access to care in rural communities where is there is already a shortage of doctors and other health care providers. ``I think there's especially concern about the looming retirement of a lot of older physicians, and the expectation is because of that, and the expansion of health care, those factors will combine to make the existing shortage even more

acute,'' said state Rep. Ed Clere, RNew Albany, the chairman of the House Public Health Committee. The state only recently determined the depth of the shortage. The passage of the health care law in 2010 exposed the lack of information in the state about availability of health care, and it took two years to compile a comprehensive report, said David Roos, executive director of the advocacy group Covering Kids and Families of Indiana. Indiana has 3,951 primary care ``clinicians,'' a catch-all description that includes physicians, physician's assistants and nurse practitioners, according to an August 2012 report written by researchers with the Indiana Center for Health Workforce Studies and Bowen Research Center at the Indiana University School of Medicine. The goal for states is to have

Minnesota faces shortage of primary care doctors access to primary care physicians MINNEAPOLIS: Primary care is a problem in the state, figures physicians are more readily avail- from the U.S. Department of Health able in Minnesota than most of and Human Services point to the the country, but experts say the state's Indian reservations and state faces s o m e a looming sparsely Minnesota ranks ninth nashortage p o p u and only tionally in total active pril a t e d partly be- mary care physicians per counties cause of in far 100,000 people, with 4,938 the federal northern health care doctors to serve nearly 5.3 Minneo v e r h a u l million people sota. that will T h e extend coverage to around Minnesotans who will gain cov300,000 uninsured residents. erage under the Affordable Care Minnesota ranks ninth nation- Act aren't the main worry for Mark ally in total active primary care Schoenbaum, director of the Ofphysicians per 100,000 people, fice of Rural Health and Primary with 4,938 doctors to serve nearly Care at the Minnesota Department 5.3 million people as of 2010, ac- of Health. It's that, on average, cording to American Medical As- Minnesotans - and their doctors sociation data. To the extent that are getting older. -AP

Shortage of docs to worsen with federal health care reforms Cont'd from Page 32

Wilson and others say that as Arkansans, particularly those in rural areas, gain insurance, doctors and other health care professionals may have an incentive to help fill the gap for often underserved rural areas. However, the new health care law is not seen as a silver bullet to address the doctor shortage. ``I don't think that the Afford-

able Care Act is going to alleviate the current and looming physician shortage,'' said Dr. Dan Rahn, chancellor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. ``It's good for patients in providing financial access, but the limitation may now be ... health professional supply.'' Arkansas is one of several states using a partnership model between the state and federal government for running its health insurance exchange. -AP

100 primary care physicians available for every 100,000 residents. Researchers found Indiana only had 51 and the number drops precipitously in rural communities,

move back home to practice after training somewhere else, he said. As a result, groups such as the Indiana Rural Health Association are trying to get students in rural communities interested in medicine at an ``The focus is to create a early age and guide training and recruitment prothem along through medical school. gram which literally start in ``The focus is to grade school and ask, `Have create a training and you ever thought about berecruitment program coming a doctor when you which literally start in grade school and ask, grow up?,, `Have you ever said Dr. Richard Kiovsky, director thought about becoming a doctor of the Indiana Area Health Edu- when you grow up?''' Roos said. cation Centers. Another answer is to adjust Kiovsky said one possible so- attitudes about who patients lution is to start training doctors should see when sick. Kiovsky in the areas where there are acute said if a physician's assistant can shortages. Doctors are more likely do the job as well as a fully-trained to stay in a community where they physician, that should be an opgrew up and went through their tion. Clere points to the industry medical training than they are to term ``extenders,'' or workers who

literally extend the ability of doctors to take care of more patients. ``What's important is that we make sure patients are receiving high quality care from an appropriate provider,'' Clere said. ``So there's a screening process that goes on. If the issue is beyond the scope of a physician's assistant and a nurse practitioner, then we need to make sure there is a physician available to see the patient.'' In the meantime, Kiovsky said he is working with state lawmakers to further study the issue and propose changes which will make it easier to train more physician's assistants and nurse practitioners. ``The future of health care is going to be team-based,'' he said. ``Not every person who comes in is going to need the physician's services, there are some offices that can be easily handled by a physician's assistant.'' -AP

Rural WA clinics working to end doctor shortages SEATTLE: Hospitals and clinics in central Washington are trying to get out in front of expected doctor shortages when national health care reform takes full effect next year. Washington officials expect more than 325,000 state residents to become eligible for health insurance after an expected expansion of Medicaid eligibility in the state. Thousands more are expected to buy health insurance through the state's new health insurance exchange, which opens in October.

The expected influx of new patients is expected to put even more

pressure on communities that don't have enough doctors.

The American Medical Association says Washington ranks 13th nationally in total active primary care physicians per 100,000, with 5,971 doctors to serve more than 6.7 million people as of 2010. These doctors are not distributed evenly across the state, with rural areas experiencing the most severe shortages. -AP

Nevada doctor shortages likely to get worse CARSON CITY, Nev.: There are not enough doctors in Nevada, and the shortage is likely to get worse as tens of thousands of people become newly insured under the federal health care overhaul. A study released this year by John Packham, health policy researcher at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, ranked Nevada 46th in the nation for its share of primary care doctors, family care specialists and pediatricians. The state ranked last in general and orthopedic surgeons, next to last for psychiatrists and 42nd for obstetricians and gynecologists. ``Any growth during the last decade in the number of licensees in medicine ... have been insufficient to meet population growth and demand,'' said Larry Matheis,

executive director of the Nevada State Medical Association. ``The shortages are affecting availability of specialty care in Medicaid and Medicare and primary care all around. The expanded coverage coming in 2014-2015 will surely exacerbate this.'' Under the federal health care law, Nevada's Medicaid enrollments are projected to swell from 313,000 to about 490,000 by 2015. The increasing caseloads include people who currently are eligible but not enrolled, and those who are expected to sign up as eligibility thresholds are expanded to meet a mandate to have health insurance. ``With national work shortages, it's not likely that Nevada can recruit to fill our needs,'' Matheis said. Recruiting has always been an

ongoing challenge in Nevada's rural areas, said Kerry Ann Aguirre, director of business development at Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital, a 45-bed facility in Elko. ``We're always trying to recruit, she said. ``It's just very, very difficult to keep physicians in the rural communities. It's a nice community but they're not really wanting to settle into the rurals.'' Aguirre agreed that implementing the Affordable Care Act will bring new challenges. ``It's interesting because the ACA was passed to increase access to health care while reducing costs. But in the rurals, that means there's a decrease in payments to physicians and hospitals'' because of reduced rates. ``That means they're going to be pressed to keep their practices open,'' Aguirre said. -AP

June 28, 2013

Health Science Post

India Post 35

Rural Oklahoma hospitals struggle to recruit docs OKLAHOMA CITY: Access to physicians in Oklahoma, especially in rural parts of the state, could become even more limited when the federal health care law kicks in next year and thousands of previously uninsured Oklahomans obtain coverage. Shortages of primary care physicians across the state could lead to higher patient loads, delays in visits to the doctor and more reliance on other health professionals such as nurse practitioners and physicians assistants when the new health care law goes into effect on Jan. 1, officials said. ``All of a sudden there's an increase in the number of patients that have insurance,'' said Jim Bishop, deputy executive director of the Physician Manpower Training Commission, a state agency that administers programs designed to improve medical care

in rural and underserved areas of the state. ``There's going to be so many people flooding doctor's offices,'' Bishop said. ``It's not going to make physicians happy.'' In 2010, Oklahoma ranked 43rd in the nation in the number of primary care physicians practicing in the state with 2,817, or about 76 doctors per 100,000 residents, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. Andy Fosmire, managing director of the Rural Health Association of Oklahoma, said the shortage of primary care providers is worse in rural parts of the state, where access to health care could become more difficult under the health care law. ``There's a lot of fear that 2014 is going to hit and all of a sudden 30 million people are going to appear at a primary care physician's doorstep,'' Fosmire said.

Wisconsin at less risk of doc shortages MILWAUKEE: Wisconsin has done a better job of holding onto its primary care physicians than most other states have, and new programs for aspiring doctors have positioned the state to weather a possible shortage when the national health care overhaul takes effect next year. But Wisconsin appears to be in good shape. The state ranks 14th in the U.S. with 86 primary-care physicians per 100,000 residents, better than the national average of 79 primary-care doctors. The Wisconsin pipeline for producing more doctors is expanding and programs are in place to encourage doctors to practice in the rural areas that are traditionally underserved. A November 2011 report by the Wisconsin Hospital Association said Wisconsin needs about 100 more physicians per year. Plans underway could account for at least half that number. The Medical College of Wisconsin, a private medical school with about 800 students in Milwaukee, is opening satellite campuses in Green Bay and Wausau. Those campuses are expected to open in July 2015 with 15 students at each, eventually growing to 25 students. The new programs are slated to wrap up in three years instead of four. Students

would attend classes through summers and holidays, but they'd avoid the expense of paying a fourth year of tuition, room and board, said John Raymond, the medical school's president and CEO. The goal of the new campuses is to recruit students who want to practice in rural areas and train them with experiences mirroring what they can expect to see when they graduate, he said. It's not always easy to convince students to practice primary care or work in rural areas, Raymond said. The average medical school student gradua t e s $150,000 in debt and will often specialize or move to higherpaying urban areas so they can get out of debt faster, he said. That's why the state's other medical school, the University of WisconsinMadison, has two programs to specifically serve students interested in practicing rural medicine. The programs provide specialized training and hands-on experience in small communities. Jonathan Jaffery, a medical director with the UW Medical Foundation, said he was satisfied with the state's level of primary-care physician staffing. He said he was more concerned about the people who still won't have health care access even after the health care overhaul goes into effect.-AP

``The potential is there. They'll have to fill that gap.'' The state already offers a variety of programs to provide financial incentives for physicians who practice in underserved areas of the state. They in-

center in Stigler, population 2,685. Huggins said two medical doctors and two osteopathic physicians staff the center and it is recruiting a primary care physician to staff its clinic in Eufaula. ``A lot of it is because of the remote area. Just the lack of access to the same `There's a lot of fear that 2014 is going to amenities in the hit and all of a sudden 30 million people larger towns,'' are going to appear at a primary care Huggins said. physician's doorstep,'' Fosmire said. ``Part of it is perception,'' said Dean ``The potential is there. They'll have to fill that gap.''The state already offers a variety Turner, administraat Perry Memoof programs to provide financial incentives tor rial Hospital in for physicians,, Perry, population 5,126. ``It is differclude a scholarship program that pro- ent than say going to Oklahoma City.'' The vides $60,000 over four years to primary Noble County city has two medical doccare providers who practice in rural ar- tors and the hospital is recruiting for a eas of the state and a medical loan repay- family practice physician. ment program which provides up to Health care administrators said it helps $160,000 over four years to help physi- to recruit physicians with family ties to cians in underserved areas repay their rural areas that are underserved, but student loans. Charles H. Greene Jr., administrator of the The programs help fill doctor short- Cordell Memorial Hospital in Washita ages in rural communities where hospi- County, said that does not always work. tals are threatened with having to shut Of six students from Cordell who are in down, officials said. medical school, ``none of them are com``It's very difficult to get successful ing back,'' Greene said. recruitment in our rural areas,'' said Teresa ``No one wants to come out in the ruHuggins, CEO of the Stigler Health and ral setting. It's very difficult,'' he said. Wellness Center, a non-profit health care AP


36 India Post

NEW JERSEY Upcoming Fri June 28 • Ajmad Sabri Qawali Night Venue: Edison Hotel, 3050 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ 08837 Time: 8:00 pm Contact: 732-277-6687

Sun June 30 • Sparkle Indian Night Out Events Venue: Radisson Hotel, 21 Kingsbridge Rd, Pi3:00 pm Contact: 848-219-9118

Fri July 19 • Gujjubhai in Golmaal Live in New Jersey Venue: Woodbridge High School, 1, Samuel Lupo Place, Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Lupo Time: 8:00 pm Contact: 732-921-7350

NEW YORK Upcoming Fri, June 28

• Shri Krishna Madhura Sathvaro Shri Radhe Shyamno Dhwitiya Venue: Hindu Temple Auditorium -NY, 143 - 09 Holly Avenue, New York, NY 11355 Time: 8:00 pm Contact: 718-639-9200

Thu, July 4

• DJ Rekha Presents Basement Bhangra Venue: Le Poisson Rouge, 158 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012 Time: 7:00 am Contact: 718-207-0058

Sun, July 14

• The Essence of The Gita: Chapters 13-18 Venue:Shri Shirdi Sai baba Temple, 46-16 Robins Time: 2:00 pm Contact: 718-321-9243

June 28, 2013





Sat, June 29 • Shankar Eshaan Loy Venue: San Jose Center of Performing Arts, 255 Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA 95113 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 510-565-9518

Fri, jun 28

• Ohlone College: Disney's Mulan Venue: Smith Center Outdoor Amphitheatre at Ohlone College 43600 Mission Boulevard, Fremont Contact: (510) 659-6031

Sat, July 6 • Eastern Erotika Nights -

Sun, June 24-August 8 • Ohlone for Kids (and Teens)

Venue: Eastern Erotika Nights , 101 Brentwood Dr, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Time: 8:30 pm Contact: 650-483-4841

Venue: Office of College Advancement Ohlone College Contact: 510-742-2304

Bollywood dance club

Fri, July 12 • TriValley Musical Evening

- event for music lovers & singers

Summer Enrichment Program

ATLANTA Upcoming Sat, June 29

• Kucch Baatein Gaate Gaate

Venue: Cafe Tandoor, 420 Market Pl, San Ramon, CA 94583 Time: 7:30 pm Contact: 510-823-3410

Venue: Sardar Patel Bhavan, 5331 Royal Woods Pkwy, Tucker, GA 30084 Time: 8:00pm Contact: 404-934-9991

Sun, July 14 • Ganesha+The Woodcutter

Sun, June 30

And The River Goddess

Venue: Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, 4800 Hollywood Blvd, , Hollywood, CA 90027 Time: 4:00 pm Contact: 818-599-1936

Thu, July 15 • Art of Living Course Venue: Woodside Performing Arts Center, 199 Churchill Ave, Woodside, CA 94062 Time: 6:00 pm Contact: 408-982-7266

Sat, Aug 3 • Jaane Kahan Gaye Won Din Venue: Royal Delhi Palace, 22323 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA 91303 Time: 6:30 to 8:00 pm Contact: 805-404-9836

•Tama Fund Raising Musical Venue: The Ferst Center of Arts, 349 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30313 Time: 2:00pm Contact: 404-946-8262

Sun, Jul 23

•Singing Sensation 2013 Venue: mpact Conference Center, 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, GA 30071 Time: 3:00pm Contact: 678-463-6613

Sat, July 13

• IACA Ms India Georgia/Ms Teen India Georgia Venue: Ferst Center for the Arts, 349 Ferst Dr, Atlanta, GA 30332 Time: 5:00 pm Contact: 404-317-5474

ILLINOIS Upcoming • J K Yog Satsang and Bal Mukund Hindi Classes are held every 2nd and 4rth Sunday of Month Chicago Satsang Information: J K Yog, Chicago - Swami Mukundananda Venue: Clarion Inn/Waterford Banquets, Board Room, 933 South Riverside Drive, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

1st and 3rd Sunday of Month • Chicago Children's Bal Mukund Character Building Program and Hindi Literacy Classes Venue: Vogelei Center, 650 W. Higgins Road, Hoffmann Estates, IL 60192 (Next to Nissan Dealership) Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

June 28-30 • Purusha-Suktam A Week-end Retreat with Swami Brahmarupananda Venue: Vivekananda Monastery & Retreat 6723 122nd Ave., Ganges, MI 49408 Time: 8:00 pm Contact: (269) 543-4545

Sun, June 30 • Pij Picnic 2013 Venue: Deer Grove East Forest Preserve, Palatine, Quintin & Dundee, Palatine, IL 60305 Time: 9:00am Contact: 6309267110

India Post 37

June 28, 2013

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June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013

India Post 39


India Post

June 28, 2013



ubra Valley, once on the trading route that con nected eastern Tibet with Turkistan via the famous Karakoram Pass, is the most recently opened area of Ladakh. Nubra invites you to a trip back in time into a nearly forgotten 'Shangri La'. With breathtaking views and delightfully hospitable inhabitants, it is quite an experience. Best time to visit: Ladakh's harsh winter makes this crossing possible only during the summer months-from June to August. The valley itself lies at a lower elevation than the Leh Valley, making it very fertile with cultivation of grains and fruits like peaches.

Tourist attractions Diskit is the administrative center of the Nubra Valley. It nestles on the edge of a desert on the Shyok-side valley, eight hours away, on the other side of the Khardong La (La means Pass). To reach this place one should carry along plenty of water, because the increase in height by over 2000 meters, can give anybody severe headache and nausea. The road is paved till south Pulu, a military check post, where the permits are checked and the details entered. This is an unforgettable excursion that makes Indiana Jones look like a kindergarten excursion. Surrounded by majestic Himalayas, it has the distinct smell of smoky kitchens, goats, chang (local brew) and butter tea and the fatal edge of the 100-meter sheer cliffs always closer than one really appreciates. One can spot various modes of transportation hundred meters below, at their final resting place. Cont’d on page 41

June 28, 2013

Travel & Hospitality Post

Nubra Valley A nearly forgotten 'Shangri La'

Cont’d from page 40

allows one to visit in the valley is Panamik, the last settlement of any size before the Tibetan border. It's not very wise to proceed further than the provided barrier at the northern edge of the town since this is a rather sensitive border area. It is completely controlled by the Indian Army, usually with very friendly soldiers. The 250 years old Ensa Gompa, nestled on top of a rock overlooking snow-peaked mountains across the valley is much further

Surrounded by the rising mountains of Himalayas and superb views down the Leh valley, the thrill is replaced by a feeling of utmost beauty. Snow lingers all year round on the mountains with prayer-flag topped peaks. A breathtaking experience indeed. Descending into the valley, only the first few km are tricky. Soon, following a mellow stream, one would come into a surprisingly green landscape with rugged stone formations rising up into the An enjoyable day's walk sky with the peaks in the background. They brings one to Somoor, half look like they have way to Panamik. Army been poured over with sugar. A real fairy tale trucks are the only means of landscape. As drasti- transportation in the valley cally as the landscape had changed from 'moon-land' on top of the away than it looks. It takes at least Khardong La to a green oasis, one a six-hour walk to reach, which inwould enter a desert, easily com- volves crossing the river at parable to the Thar in Rajasthan. Hargam. The hot springs on the Diskit seems like a ghost town, outskirts of Panamik invite one for an oasis of tranquility. An enjoy- a literally sizzling bath experience, able day's walk brings one to which will most probably be the Somoor, half way to Panamik. first contact with hot water since Army trucks are the only means of one leaves Leh. transportation in the valley. The Nubra Valley is one of the A Ladakhi meal is served sit- last treasures of our planet, living ting around the massive black in sheer isolation for most of the stove in the kitchen, the most im- year in the heart of the great portant room in any Ladakhi Himalayas. A real Shangri La, with house. It is the place to warm up no 'Baywatch', no mobile phones on a freezing winter night, the place and no Ray Ban sunglasses. where the family meets, the home- How to reach work is done and the prayers are Road: There are regular buses said. run by the Jammu and Kashmir Tiger is only another three km State Transport Corporation to towards Panamik. It makes an easy cover the distance of 150 km from afternoon stroll, inhaling the Leh to Diskit, the administrative beauty and the calmness of the headquarters. The roads are mainimpressive, stimulating country- tained by the army and sudden side. Coming across a local, one changes in weather are common. can be sure to be greeted with a One should be prepared to face warm smile and a joyful Julee. natural hazards when visiting The furthest place the permit Nubra Valley.

India Post



India Post

Travel & Hospitality Post

June 28, 2013

Florida couple sails around the world for 14 years MELBOURNE, Fla.: In the winter of 1999, Rick and Suza Goltz - newly married and early retired from their jobs as engineers for the space shuttle program - set sail from Cape

Borneo. The Goltzes were in Singapore when the 2008 financial crisis hit, stranding thousands of ships. They enjoyed the exotic beauty of southeast Asia, and survived gale-force winds on the Bay of Bengal as they crossed to Sri Lanka. The couple trekked 1,500 miles up the west coast of India to Mumbai, only to turn back south due to the pirate threat on the route to the Mediterranean Sea. They overcame the whimsy of Mother Nature to round South Suza Goltz in South Africa with penguins Africa's Cape of Good Hope. Then, they Canaveral with two cats on a 44-foot sail- hustled across the southern Atlantic, up the boat named Voyager on what they dreamed Brazilian coast and, eventually, back home. might be an around-the-world adventure. They learned much about themselves, Bill Clinton was president. John Glenn each other and the world. had just returned to space on shuttle DisThe Goltzes saw the largely positive covery. Cameras still required film. creep of technology (women in traditional Fourteen-and-a-half years, two presi- dress, i.e. topless, sitting behind computdents and 52,000 nautical miles later, the ers at a high school in Micronesia) and the couple are back home, having fulfilled a negative consequences of global warming dream to circumnavigate the globe. (taro, a food staple on some western Pacific Tired, yes. Savoring sleep in a California islands, under threat due to rising waters). King bed. Enjoying the taste of a BLT? DefiThey met queens of far-flung islands, a nitely. ``Do you know how many ingredi- former prime minister and millionaire ents are in a BLT? The stars have to align to yachtsman. They got up close to penguins have them all at the same time,'' Rick, 55, in South Africa, rode an elephant in Thaijoked. land and walked dusty streets in ``Who knew we were going to be gone Mozambique. 14 years? ... Who knew we were going to They found that tuna were not biting as spend all those nights awake at sea,'' Rick often as you'd think; sometimes, the Goltzes said. ``In hindsight, I wouldn't trade the went 1,000 miles between a catch. And they

Rick and Suza Goltz aboard their sailboat, Voyager, docked at Harbortown Marina on Merritt Island

memories for anything in the world. But I would never do it again.'' Their trip, documented by stories so numerous the couple tire of telling them, took the Goltzes and their cats, Schumi and Senna, from the swimming pool-like waters of the Bahamas, down the island chain of the Caribbean to the bustling Panama Canal. On a 23-day, 2,900-mile sail ``across the Big Blue'' from the Galapagos Islands off the western coast of South America to the Marquesas Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. They headed north to the Marshall Islands and then across 3,000 miles of Micronesia to Palau, the Philippines and

confirmed that weather is king; it dictates when you sail and when you rest, demanding your attention and respect. The couple's odd shifts while working in the shuttle program (she worked third shift, he second) made the 24-hour captain duties on a ``long passage'' - where putting down an anchor is not an option - a little easier. She volunteered for nights so he (Voyager's ``captain'') could be alert during the critical daytime hours when Rick often mixed sailing with handyman repairs on the boat. They endured big seas; sometimes, 18foot waves.

``It's just uncomfortable,'' Rick said much a one-way trip. Turning back is horabout the long passages through open rendously rough. They needed more sailing time to feel waters. ``It's rough, and it's wet, and it's hard to sleep, and you always have to have comfortable. somebody in the cockpit, so you're wet and cold and when you go down, you're covered in salt water ... there's nothing pleasant about being at sea.'' The sailing, Suza, 54, added, ``is a means to get to the place. Once you get to the place, that's when it's special.'' The idea of a circumnavigation began gradually. The couple started with a 34-footer they Rick and Suza Goltz ride an elephant in Thailand named Jazz (with the J in the shape of a saxoBy December 2000, they were ready: an phone), which the pair lived on from 1985 to 1989 while working at KSC; twice, they eight-hour trip through the Panama Canal. sailed to the Bahamas. It was a trial run: for ``An engineering marvel,'' said Suza, a methem as a couple, as sailors, as possible chanical engineer. And that's when the cruising really around-the-world cruisers. It went well. So they planned, and continued to save money. By 1998, they were ready. To get married. To quit their jobs (they tapped into one of their 401k plans). To set off. Officially, they did it all on one day: Jan. 2, 1999. Wedding, retirement party, bon voyage celebration. She was 40. He was 41. Jazz had served the couple well, but they needed a ``blue wa- started. Panama to the Galapagos: 800 miles. ter boat,'' an ocean-going vessel. They'd Then another 23 days at sea. One of them found it in the Reliance 44: named Canajan always awake. No land visible. Just the two A (owned by a Canadian couple. Get it? of them. ``I like it. To me, it is meditative,'' Suza Canadian, eh?). ``We changed that name said. ``She does it much better than I do,'' real fast,'' Rick said. The newlyweds ``cut their teeth'' in the Rick admitted. ``I just sit there and feel sorry Bahamas, getting used to Voyager and for myself, look at my watch and think cruising life. As they tooled around the about when I can go to sleep.'' Twice, the pair took breaks in their sailEastern Caribbean, they could drop anchor every night. In the daytime, they snorkeled ing trip to work and raise money, both times and went ashore to hike or explore. ``My favorite part of cruising is right after the anchor goes down,'' Rick said. They made Voyager as homey as possible: spice racks, packed book shelves, watercolors hanging in the cabin walls. The yacht had a refrigerator and freezer. Rick could drink his rumand-Coke over ice. But they had to collect rainwater to drink. They got used to ducking as civilian contractors at a U.S. Army base on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. and climbing to get around their home. As they island hopped, they worked up The first time for just over two years to to two, three, five-day crossings and con- March 2004, the second from 2005 to 2008. Then the pair headed toward Micronesia templated heading across the Pacific. But they weren't ready. Because, with sailing, and Southeast Asia. Exotic. Beautiful. A once you venture into the Pacific, it's pretty highlight of the trip, they recalled.-AP

June 28, 2013

Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post


Tourism for fun has destroyed Kedarnath: Chief Priest GUPTAKASHI: Increasing tourism for recreational purpose and ruthless commercialism are to be blamed for the destruction caused in Kedarnath, believes Vageeshling Maharaj, chief purohit of Kedarnath dham. "So many people visit Kedarnath who have no feeling of piety or devotion. They go to Kedarnath only to have fun and enjoy themselves. With a mindset which has nothing to do with faith and worship," said Vageeshling Swami, chief purohit of the dham. "Lord Shiva is a 'bairagya'. He has nothing to do with materialism and desire. People come here in the wrong spirit. "Just as Lord Shiva has discarded everything, so should the people come here having given up all worldly thoughts, to cleanse themselves," said Swamiji, who is at present residing at the Vishwanath temple in Guptkashi. Swamiji was inside the temple on June 17 when the great wave of rocks, ice chunks and boulders came crashing down the lake which is about one-km behind the temple. "We could see boulders breaking off and a mass of water descending at a furious pace. The wave reached the temple within seconds. Some of the boulders even hit the temple, which shook for a few moments. But it passed just as quickly," he recounted. "A wave 40-feet high engulfed the temple and flowed away. The cascade of water seemed as high as the spire of the temple," Swamiji added. He left the temple on June 19, when the army evacuated some members of the temple

staff to Fhata. "Fifteen of the temple staff are still missing. We were evacuated in batches; apart from the 15 all are safe," Swamiji said. Although the temple structure remains

Kedarnath temple before flood

unharmed, the compound is now a mound of rubble. "The way the temple, and the area, was before June 17, it will take 20 years for Kedarnath to look like that again. The cloudburst sent us back by more than a century," he said. Sitting beside Vageeshling Swami, chief pujari of the Vishwanath temple here, Shashidharling swami, said: "Space of 80-m should be left free on each side of the

'Statements of threat to Amarnath yatra uncalled for' SRINAGAR: The tourism fraternity in Kashmir Valley has voiced concern over the statements of Union Home Minister and Army Chief on the threat to annual Amarnath yatra, saying it would "sabotage" tourism season in the state. Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde had recently said that there is a threat to Amarnath yatra, while Chief of Army Staff General Bikram Singh had acknowledged the

same. "These are untimely and uncalled statements. It is being done to scare away yatris and tourists," president Travel Agents Association of Kashmir (TAAK), Rauf

temple. In front they should leave a stretch of 150-m of free space. "There was a time when the Kedarnath temple was visible from 3-km away. But over the years, with all the encroachment by

Tramboo told PTI. "Government and security agencies sanities the yatra routes months before the start of the pilgrimage and what does it mean to raise hue and cry now. It is being done to malign Kashmiris and we condemn it," he said. "Such statements could have a huge negative impact on tourism. Already we are seeing a lot of cancellations," he said. Supporting Tramboo's concern, president Kashmir Hotels and Restaurant Association (KHARA), Showkat Chowdhary said the statements can have a "disastrous" effect on tourism in the Valley. "These are wrong statements. They can have a disastrous effect on tourist arrivals. It would sabotage tourism season in the state," Chowdhary said. He said Kashmiris have always welcomed yatris even when the situation was very bad. "We have always welcomed yatris. We honor them. Even during 2008 and 2010, when the situation was very bad, no yatri was touched," he said. -PTI

ter all that," he said. "The temple was not destroyed because the Lord did not want to shatter faith. A broken temple would have broken people's faith, their very spirit. So the temple emerged

Kedarnath temple after flood

shops, you have to go right up to the temple before it is visible," he added. Describing the divine retribution as a punishment for human excesses, Shashidharling swami said: "Yes this is a message from above. The message is in the destruction that rained from the skies. The message is in the temple standing intact af-

unscathed but all else around it was wiped clean," he added. "But God is merciful. If thousands perished, then lakhs survived. People should think on this calamity and look within," Shashidarling swami said as Vageeshling swami nodded his head in approval. -PTI

TF Green Airport passenger travels up 7 percent WARWICK, R.I.: The number of passengers at Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport has risen, with new figures showing a jump of more than 7 percent in May compared to a year ago. Statistics released by the Rhode Island Airport Corp. show that 340,649 passengers traveled through the state's main airport in Warwick last month. That was up from 317,482 a year earlier. The number of passengers at T.F. Green has been on a steady decline overall. The airport saw a 6 percent drop last year

compared with 2011. People who make round trips are counted twice in the statistics. -AP

Tulsa airport runway reopens after reconstruction TULSA, Okla.: Tulsa International Airport's primary commercial runway has reopened following a six-month reconstruction project. The $20.3 million project is the third phase of a four-phase program to completely reconstruct the nearly 10,000-foot runway.

The final phase is to reconstruct the intersection of two runways at the airport and is to begin next year. Airport officials say the total project is estimated to cost $55 million and is being largely funded by Federal Aviation Administration grants. -AP


Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post

June 28, 2013

Tourism Ministry for Visa-on-Arrival for Chinese NEW DELHI: Keen to ease travel facilities for Chinese nationals, India's Tourism Ministry has proposed Visa-on-Arrival provision for them as it senses huge potential for exchanges in this sector. China is among 30 countries for which the Tourism Ministry wants Visa-on-Arrival facility, a proposal if endorsed, will raise to 41 the number of countries that will have such a facility. "We have proposed Visa-onArrival (VoA) facility for 30 countries including Germany, France, Korea, Russia and China," Tourism Minister K Chiranjeevi told

PTI in an interview. Referring to China, he said there is "very good potential" as far as tourism is concerned. The proposal has to be cleared by Home Ministry, he said. Under the VoA facility, a traveler can go straight to the intended country and get visa at the airport itself. Asked whether the VoA facility would be on reciprocal basis, the actor-turned-minister said, "We want reciprocal as well, but that is the next step. First, we want to welcome them." Currently, India has extended VoA facilities to 11 countries in-

Tourism projects worth 827 cr sanctioned: Chiranjeevi GUNTUR, Andhra Pradesh: Union Tourism Minister T Chiranjeevi has claimed to have sanctioned projects, schemes and works valued at Rs 824 crore during the last six months since he assumed office. He said this while speaking at the valedictory meeting of the twoday Surya Lanka Beach festival at Guntur district's Baptla town here.

Chiranjeevi underscored the need to develop beaches as holiday resorts and agreed to consider a request to construct a tourist guest house at the Surya Lanka beach. "We should take care of archaeological structures and preserve them. They are witnesses to our history, culture and traditions," he said. -PTI

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cluding Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, Vietnam and Philippines. Chiranjeevi said easing of visa regime would help boost foreign tourist arrivals. The aim is to ensure that India has at least one per cent share in international tourist arrivals, he said. India's share in world tourist arrivals, at present, is about 0.64 per cent. Tourism had led to earnings to the tune of Rs 94,487 crore as foreign exchange last fiscal as the sector witnessed growth of 4.3 per cent last year with 65,77,745 foreigners visiting India against 63,09,222 tourists the previous year. -PTI

Tourism Minister K Chiranjeevi

Indians to top visitors to Abu Dhabi in 2014 NEW DELHI: Abu Dhabi, the largest of the seven emirates comprising UAE, is expecting Indians to account for the largest chunk of visitors in 2014 as it hard sells itself as a business and leisure destination. "We expect India to be the largest source market for Abu Dhabi in 2014. At present, the Indian market is the second highest source market (after UK) and we are targeting for the number one position," B e j a n D i n s h a w, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Aut h o r i t y (TCA) Country Manager India, told PTI. TCA Abu D h a b i counts tourist arrivals based on hotel stays and has been focusing on leisure and business traffic. "We shall continue to support these segm e n t s through focused promotional strategies," he said, adding in 2012, a total of 1,38,768 Indian visitors stayed in Abu Dhabi. "This year, 50,057 Indian guests have stayed in Abu Dhabi till April, an increase of 18 per cent over the same period last year," Dinshaw

said. TCA Abu Dhabi is confident that Indians will largely contribute to Abu Dhabi achieving its overall target of hosting 2.5 million hotel guests in 2013. Considering the vast untapped Indian potential and the enhanced connectivity, he added: "We can predict an upsurge of traffic to the destination in the near future, and this connectivity would further

When asked about the specific initiatives being planned by TCA Abu Dhabi for promoting the emirate as a preferred destination, Dinshaw said: "Our focus is on consumer awareness and trade engagement while creating a niche positioning for the destination in the process." TCA Abu Dhabi is also planning to have consumer engagement programs, industry activations and

enhance the role of Indian arrivals." An increase in number of Indian visitors has been achieved by focusing on the leisure and meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions (MICE) segments, he added.

educational activities to promote the destination through road shows, joint promotions and trade fair participations in various parts of India. It is also liaising with the Indian corporate to promote Abu Dhabi for MICE, he added. -PTI

In Brief Snyder says effort aids immigrant professionals LANSING, Mich.: Gov. Rick Snyder has announced a partnership designed to help skilled immigrants and refugees living in Michigan integrate into the workforce. Snyder's office says the program involves the nonprofit group Upwardly Global and the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The governor says the department is issuing 10 online guides that explain Michigan's professional licensing requirements for individuals who were educated or have work experience overseas.-AP

Arpaio's lawyers appeal racialprofiling ruling PHOENIX: Attorneys for an Arizona sheriff are appealing a federal judge's ruling that the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office racially profiled Latinos in its immigration enforcement. U.S. District Judge Murray Snow ruled last month that Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office systematically singled out Latinos in its immigration patrols and deputies unreasonably prolonged the detentions of people who were pulled over. Arapio's lawyers filed a notice of appeal with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. It lists seven specific issues the Sheriff's Office is challenging in Snow's May 24 ruling, which came more than eight months after a seven-day, non-jury trial in Phoenix.-PTI

Central Illinois historical group dedicates marker MACKINAW, Ill: Central Illinois community is getting ready to dedicate a memorial on the grave of a mysterious German immigrant who lived in a wooded cabin near Mackinaw for 40 years before his death in 1936. The (Bloomington) Pantagraph reports Charlie Schultz was known around the community as ``Our Hermit.'' Born in Bavaria in 1852, Schultz moved to Tazewell County in 1894. He raised chickens, gathered and sold nuts and berries and often had stacks of magazines and newspapers in the cabin he built himself. Officials with the Mackinaw Historical Collection say when he went to town, Schultz was often spotted wearing bib overalls and carrying a gunny sack. -AP

Immigration 45

India Post

June 28, 2013

India among nations facing hefty visa fee to UK Details on page 46

100 US CEOs urge Senate to approve immigration reform WASHINGTON: More than 100 top American CEOs from technology sector, including those from Facebook, Google and Microsoft, have appealed to the Senate to approve the comprehensive immigration bill, which they said will open a new path to the country's innovation and economic strength. In a letter to all members of the Senate, the CEOs said they strongly believe the reforms in the bill, that impact high skilled immigration including key improvements in the availability of both green cards and H-1B visas, will help address the national talent shortage in the near-term. In addition, it will also create a long-term pipeline of American workers through establishing a much-needed new fund for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, including computer science education, said

the letter from more than 100 executives from the technology sector and leading innovation advo-

state to recruit and retain the world's best talent, the letter said. "Senate approval of S.744 is essential for o u r economy to continue to foster innovation and invigorate many US business sectors through an educated and highly skilled US Senate workforce cacy organisations. of domestic and foreign-born talThe comprehensive immigra- ent," it said. tion bill (S.744) will also protect "Absent reform, if every Ameriand better prepare American work- can graduate receiving an aders, and enable employers and en- vanced STEM degree gets a job, trepreneurs of all sizes in every the US is estimated to face at least

200,000 unfilled advanced-degree STEM jobs by 2018. These unfilled jobs represent lost opportunities for our country, but with S.744, we can fill these jobs, create new ones and invest in a future of economic growth," the letter said. The CEOs said this 'critically important' legislation would help ensure that America continues to be the location of the world's most innovative and fastest growing industries - those that rely on intellectual property and highly educated talent. "Your support for S.744 will allow America to better realise opportunities for innovation and job creation today, as well as secure our economic strength in the future," the letter said, while applauding the effort of the bipartisan group of eight Senators in drafting a 'path-breaking' immigration bill. -PTI

Border security amendment offered in Senate WASHINGTON: An agreement to vastly increase fencing, patrols and high-tech monitoring along the U.S.-Mexico border was formally unveiled in the Senate, providing powerful momentum to a far-reaching immigration bill backed by the White House. With the border security amendment finalized, the immigration legislation immediately picked up an additional likely Republican supporter: Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who signed on as a co-sponsor of the amendment. ``This amendment will put to rest any remaining credible concerns about the border, about border security,'' Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said on the Senate floor as he filed the measure and announced procedural steps to bring it to a vote early next week. ``The opposition of a small group is not going to stop this bill from moving forward,'' Reid said. The deal doubling Border Patrol agents and adding hundreds

of miles of fencing along the Southwest border had already won support from four other undecided Republican senators who are now likely to back the immigration bill when it comes to a final vote. The legislation opening the door to citizenship for millions now appears within reach of securing the broad bipartisan majority that its Sen. Lisa authors say is needed to ensure serious consideration by the GOP-controlled House. However, the outcome there remains far from certain because many conservatives are opposed to offering citizenship to people

who came to this country illegally. ``We really have tried to secure the border in a way that we hope can get bipartisan support and that Americans want,'' Sen. J o h n Hoeven, RN.D., an author of the amendment, told The Associated Press in a phone interview. ``We're hopeful to have a good bipartisan majority.'' Sen. John McCain, RMurkowski Ariz., said on Fox News Channel that ``if there's anyone who still will argue that the border is not secure after this, then border security is not their reason for opposing a path to citizenship for the people who are in this country illegally.''

``Is it more than I would have recommended? Honestly, yes,'' McCain said. ``But we've got to give people confidence.'' Hoeven developed the amendment along with Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, in consultation with McCain, Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and other members of the so-called Gang of Eight senators who wrote the immigration bill. It prevents immigrants now here illegally from attaining permanent resident status until a series of steps have been taken to secure the border. These include doubling the Border Patrol with 20,000 new agents, 18 new unmanned surveillance drones, 350 miles of new pedestrian fencing to add to 350 miles already in place and an array of fixed and mobile devices to maintain vigilance, including high-tech tools such as infrared ground sensors and airborne radar. Cont'd on Page 46

Immigration Post

46 India Post

June 28, 2013

Who is an H-1B skilled worker dependent employer? GARY ENDELMAN & CYRUS D. MEHTA


ince we last wrote about the H-1B visa provisions in Senate Immigration Bill, S. 744, Workable Or Unworkable? The H-1B And L-1 Visa Provisions In BSEOIMA, S. 744, there have been several changes to this portion of the bill. The amendment proposed by Senator Hatch (after reaching a compromise with Senator Schumer), which passed the Judiciary Committee, sought to water down some of the restrictions that would otherwise make the H1B visa program unworkable. Seeking to advance the interests of the many high tech companies that have settled in Utah, an accommodation with Senator Hatch implicitly held out the promise of attracting other GOP Senators to vote for the bill when it reached the Senate floor. A bi-partisan Senate bill that passed with 70 votes might serve to provide political cover for embattled Speaker John Boehner to maneuver around the objections of Republican obstructionists and pass CIR with the aid of Democratic votes. The main concern of many technology companies in Silicon Valley was that the new recruitment requirement would make it impos-

sible for them to use the H-1B visa program, despite the increase in the H-1B visa cap. Under the bill's original provision, the employer would first have to offer the job to any US worker who applied, who is equally or better qualified than the nonimmigrant H-1B worker. It was feared that this would allow the Department of Labor (DOL) to micromanage the employer's recruitment processes, and also determine who an equally or better qualified US worker would be rather than leave it to the employer's best judgment. To the extent that the Hatch amendment shifted power over the H-1B away from the DOL in favor of more market-oriented forces, it represents a significant attempt to rely upon such influences rather than direct federal regulation as the operating principle of protection for US workers in the immigration context. As a result of the Hatch amendment, an employer who is not an H-1B Skilled Worker Dependent Employer (SWDE) or a Dependent Employer (DE), which we will explain below, is required to use recruitment procedures that meet industry wide standards and offer

compensation that is at least as great as that required to be offered to H-1B non-immigrants. It no longer requires such an employer to offer the job to an equally or better qualified US worker. Still, it

One can imagine the kind of intricate investigations and calculations that an immigration attorney may need to make on behalf of an employer client to find out how many people it hires at Levels 4 and 5 so as to determine whether the employer is a SWDE or not. is hard to determine how this would be interpreted by the DOL. Does the employer need to establish that there were no qualified US workers who applied or does the employer only need to demonstrate that it does normally also recruit US workers for the same position? We believe that the latter interpretation is more consistent with the language of the Hatch amendment. An employer that is not a SWDE and not a DE will not be subject to the non-displacement attestation unless it files the peti-

Obama touts eco benefits of immigration overhaul WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama has touted the potential economic benefits of a major immigration overhaul currently under debate in Congress as he sought support for the landmark bill. The reforms under debate would provide a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country, reduce unlawful entries and revise guest worker programs for agriculture and high-tech industries. Immigration is a priority for Obama's second term, but the overhaul had been put in jeopardy after Republicans demanded tougher border security as a precondition to curb future arrivals of undocumented migrants. In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama highlighted two independent reports predicting positive economic impacts from the immigration reform. "A report from the Congressional Budget Office definitively showed that this bipartisan, commonsense bill will help the middle class grow our economy and shrink our deficits, by making sure that every worker in America

plays by the same set of rules and pays taxes like everyone else," Obama said. "Another report from the independent office that monitors Social Security's finances ... says that this immigration bill would actu-

Barack Obama

ally strengthen the long-term health and solvency of Social Security for future generations," he added. The bill would help with "attracting the highly skilled entrepreneurs and engineers who grow our economy for everyone," he in-

tion with the intent or purpose of displacing a specific US worker for the position to be occupied by the beneficiary, or workers are displaced who provide services at worksites owned, operated, or

sisted. Meanwhile, Republicans used their weekly address to speak, for the third week in a row, about student loan interest rates. Without legislation, rates will double on July 1 for many student loans. "Our students deserve better," said John Kline, chairman of the House Education & the Workforce Committee. "What we need is a long-term solution that gets Washington out of the business of setting rates altogether," he added. A GOP proposal would link interest rates to economic factors instead of leaving it up to Congress, something Obama has advocated as well. But the two sides differ on how high the rate could rise and how early it should be set, with Republicans calling for it not to lock in until graduation. -AFP

controlled by a Federal, State, or local government entity that directs and controls the work of the H-1B worker, or workers are displaced who are employed as public school kindergarten elementary, middle school or secondary school teachers But here's the catch. The Hatch amendment also creates a new concept - the SWDE. The SWDE is different from the H-1B dependent employer (DE) as we have known it under the existing law. An SWDE is "an employer who employees H-1B non-immigrants in the United States in a number that in total is equal to at least 15 percent of the number of its full time equivalent employees in the

United States employment in occupations contained within Occupational Information Network Database (O*Net) Job Zones 4 and Job Zones 5." Under this definition, many employers will be SWDE even if they are not dependent employers. Even if they hire thousands of US workers at lower skill levels, one needs to count how many workers are hired at Job Zone 4 and 5, and if the number of H-1B workers exceed 15% of that number, the employer becomes a SWDE. One can imagine the kind of intricate investigations and calculations that an immigration attorney may need to make on behalf of an employer client to find out how many people it hires at Levels 4 and 5 so as to determine whether the employer is a SWDE or not. As long as an employer employs even one US worker at a Level 4 or 5 positions, the hiring of an H-1B worker will render this employer a SWDE (as the hiring of this one H-1B worker will be more than 15% of the number of employees hired in Level 4 or 5). Once the employer is a SWDE, such an employer would be required to have offered the job to any US worker who applies and is equally or better qualified for the job than the H-1B worker. Cont'd on Page 47

Border security amendment offered in Senate Cont'd from Page 45

The new provisions would be put in place over a decade, in line with the 10-year path to a permanent resident green card that the bill sets out for immigrants here illegally. During that time, the immigrants could live and work legally in a provisional status. Hoeven said the 10-year cost of the border security amendment included $25 billion for the additional Border Patrol agents, $3 billion for fencing and $3.2 billion for other measures. It's ``border security on steroids,'' said Corker, who along with Hoeven had been uncommitted on the immigration bill. Both are now prepared to support it, assuming their amendment is adopted. Sens. Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Mark Kirk, R-Ill., also announced their support for the deal. White House press secretary Jay Carney said the border deal ``would constitute a breakthrough'' on immigration. ``We're pleased that Republicans and Democrats

continue to work together toward comprehensive immigration reform,'' he said. The deal on border security came together quickly over the past several days after talks had bogged down over Republicans' insistence that green cards be made conditional on catching or turning back 90 percent of would-be border crossers. Schumer, other Democrats and Obama himself rejected this trigger, which they feared could delay the path to citizenship for years. Obama made his objections known in a phone call to Schumer from Air Force One during his trip to Europe for the Group of Eight summit earlier in the week, according to a Senate aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations. The breakthrough came when the Congressional Budget Office released a report finding that the bill would cut billions of dollars from the deficit. Schumer's top immigration aide, Leon Fresco, had the idea of devoting some of those billions to a dramatic border buildup. -AP


Immigration Post

India Post

June 28, 2013

India among nations facing hefty visa fee to UK LONDON: Visitors from India, Pakistan, Nigeria and other Asian and African countries deemed "high-risk" will be forced to pay a hefty cash bond of 3,000 pounds before they can enter the UK. According to a 'Sunday Times' report, the British government is planning to pilot a scheme from November targeted at visitors from at least six countries, also including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Ghana. Tourists aged 18 and over would be forced to hand over 3,000 pounds for a six-month visit visa, which they will forfeit if they

overstay in Britain. Initially the scheme will target hundreds of visitors, but the plan is to extend it to several thousand, according to the front-page report in the newspaper. It claims that the move by UK Home Secretary Theresa May is designed to show that Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative party is serious about cutting immigration and abuses of the system and counter byelection gains by the populist anti-immigration party United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP).

Cameron's election pledge was to cut annual net migration below 100,000 by 2015. "This is the next step in making sure our immigration system is more selective, bringing down net migration from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands while still welcoming the

Who is an H-1B skilled worker dependent employer? Cont'd from Page 46

The SWDE is not based on a gradation like the traditional Dependent Employer (DE) as defined in Section 212n (3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act: • An employer is considered H-1B-dependent if it has: 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees and at least eight H-1B nonimmigrant workers; or • 26-50 full-time equivalent employees and at least 13 H-1B nonimmigrant workers; or • 51 or more full-time equivalent employees of whom 15 percent or more are H-1B. To qualify as an SWDE, you do not have the less than 25, 12-50 and 50+ to do the calculation. Under the new SWDE definition where you need 15%, even if you have 1 employee in Job Zone 4 or 5, and hire one H-1B, you become a SWDE. This never happened under the DE definition, as you needed to have 7 H-1Bs if less than 25, or 12 H-1Bs if between 25 and 50, or 15% after that. Unlike the DE category, which was supposed to be the exception rather than the norm, the SWDE is more easily satisfied precisely. Our colleague David Isaacson properly points out that, because

of the different rules for small numbers, it will be relatively easy for a small employer to be a SWDE but not a DE. If an employer has 20 or 25 fulltime equivalent employees (FTEEs), and 5 of them are H-1Bs who are not intending immigrants, then that employer will be a SWDE even if all of its U.S. workers are in Job Zone 4 or 5, because the 5 H1Bs are necessarily more than 15% of however many of the 20 or 25 total FTEEs are in Job Zones 4 or 5, but that employer won't be a DE because it has fewer than 7 nonintending-immigrant H-1Bs and one must have more than 7 to be a DE. It is also possible to be a SWDE and not a dependent employer as a large employer, if your total number of H-1B employees who are not intending immigrants is more than 15% of your total "number that in total is equal to at least 15 percent of the number of its fulltime equivalent employees in the United States employed in occupations contained within Occupational Information Network Database (O*NET) Job Zone 4 and Job Zone 5" but is less than 15% of your overall FTEEs, because of your employees in Job Zones 1 through 3 who count towards the denominator of the DE calculation

but not the denominator of the SWDE calculation. Is a dependent employer in a more advantageous position than a SWDE after the Hatch amendment? As a practical matter, it would be very difficult for an employer to be a dependent employer without being a SWDE. So long as an employer hires at least one US worker in a Job Zone 4 or 5 positions, as noted earlier, the hiring of even one H-1B worker would make this employer a SWDE. But there may exist a company that does not hire anyone in a Level 4 or 5 Job Zone. Although Level 4 or 5 Job Zones generally require bachelor's degrees, or higher, there are many Level 3 occupations in O*Net that may require bachelor's degrees some times, but not all of the time. For instances, Business and Operations Managers, Lodging Managers or Food Service Managers are in Zone 3, which can qualify under the H-1B visa, and one can conceive of a hotel establishment hiring both US workers and H-1Bs for such positions that are only in Zone 3. To be continued * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

brightest and the best to Britain," May has been quoted as saying.

"In the long run we're interested in a system of bonds that deters overstaying and recovers costs if a foreign national has used our public services. "A Home Office official said the six countries highlighted were those with "the most significant risk

of abuse". Last year, 2,96,000 people granted six-month visas were from India, 101,000 from Nigeria, 53,000 from Pakistan and 14,000 each were from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Several hundred visitors will be selected from each country for the trial scheme. But ministers plan to extend it to all visa types, including work and student visas, and to all countries, although it will not cover every one of the 2.2 million people granted visas each year. Visitors from the rest of the European Union (EU) will be exempt, because they do not require visas. A second category will cover lower risk countries such as Kenya, where British officials believe the applicant to be genuine but have "residual doubts" about their intentions to return home. -PTI

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48 India Post

June 28, 2013


India Post

India Post News Service


n true Olympic spirit, athlete Milkha Singh, aka 'The Flying Sikh' is set to achieve new feats once again when his incredible life story is given the silver screen treatment in Viacom18 Motion Pictures' film Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, releasing on 12th July. Many recall Milkha Singh as a world champion in the 400 meters, who infa-

mously lost the penultimate race of his life the 400 meters final at the Rome Olympics but won in life. Milkha Singh's life is a portrait of professional triumph over personal tragedy. The film attempts to understand a catastrophic loss that was deemed a sure victory and explores through the darkness of disgrace Milkha Singh's redemption and catharsis that came when he confronted his past. Cont’d on page 50

June 28, 2013

50 India Post

June 28, 2013

Hrithik jacket gets highest bid India Post News Service

Salwar Kameez designed by Manish Malhotra and worn by f he isn't raising the profile of Kareena Kapoor, a blue shirt and Ground Zero, J Hampstead, pair of trousers worn by Salman Rado and Mountain Dew, Khan, a leather jacket worn by Bollywood superstar Hrithik Ranbir Kapoor in Rockstar among Roshan is reaping the benefits of other Bollywood A-listers memohis iconic international status by rabilia for the highest bid at a presreceiving the highest bid at a fund tigious charity auction. It was a black leather jacket from Hrithik It was a black leather jacket Roshan's personal collection that fetched a from Hrithik Roshan's perDh 11,000 sonal collection that fetched significant which was the highest a significant Dh 11,000 bid of the Bollywood lot which was the highest bid of showcasing just how adoring Hrithik the Bollywood lot Roshan's fans are. Hrithik Roshan is curraising event to help special chil- rently filming for the Indian film redren in Dubai. make of Knight And Day with The music and acting maestro's Katrina Kaif titled "Bang Bang", and jacket has beaten model Deepika will be resuming his superhero charPadukone's red cocktail dress, a acter in Krrish 3, out this Diwali 2013.


Milkha Singh's incredible life story Cont’d from page 49

This iridescent tale winds through the plagues of a bloody civil war where Milkha's family were brutally killed during the tumultuous India-Pakistan Partition era resulting in a lost childhood,

homelessness, a life of petty crime, right through to victories hard won and easily lost. The film draws an intricate image of human trials, setbacks and fate leveraged against the sheer power of will as Milkha Singh evocatively illustrates

that true victory lies in racing with one's troubles and not in running away from them. The film stars India's most versatile multi-star, the critically acclaimed actor, producer, singer, writer, director and musician Farhan Akhtar who essays the role of Milkha Singh for what is described as Farhan's most demanding performance to date. He is joined by Sonam Kapoor, Art Malik, Rebecca Breeds and is directed by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra. The inspirational story is penned by Prasoon Joshi and the soundtrack is composed by the award-winning trio ShankarEhsaan-Loy.

June 28, 2013


India Post 51

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Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 MANDATORY SITE VISITS AND NETWORKING BIDDERS CONFERENCES for RFP #901084 Hosted, IP-Based Video Visitation Solution South County –Thursday, July 18, 2013, Site Visit at 8:30 AM at Santa Rita Jail, Main Visitors Lobby, 5325 Broder Blvd., Dublin, CA and Conference at 10:30 AM, Media Room of Santa Rita Jail North County – Friday, July 19, 2013, Site Visit at 8:30 AM, Glenn E. Dyer Jail, Main Visitors Lobby, 550 6th Street, Oakland, CA and Conference at 11:00 AM, General Services Agency, Conference Room 1107, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, CA Response Due by 2:00 pm on August 16, 2013 County Contact: Ryan DeCoud at (510) 2089619 or via email: Attendance at Networking Conferences and Site Visits are mandatory. Specifications regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 6/28/13 CNS-2498107#


52 India Post

June 28, 2013

Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar

JUNE 28 TH - JULY 4 TH , 2013 (March 21 to April 20)


et together will be entertaining and every body will appreciate the arrangement. Sales will keep improving and few new customers will give you good business. You may try to cut down on caffeine or nicotine consumption. Value of your stocks will appreciate considerably. It will be better to dispose them off now.

(July 23 to August 22)


ew important developments in career will cause lots of excitement in life. A female could be instrumental in your success. Business will pick up all of a sudden and new subordinates will take lots of load off your hands. Some of you may be getting ready to move to different state. You may visit a holy place with family.

(April 21 to May 20)


here will be some interesting developments in career to your advantage. Money wise you will continue to do well and stay comfortable after paying all bills. Idea of going on a long distance trip will cross your mind and you will start making enquiries. You may call an old friend to inquire about his health also.

(August 23 to September 22)


ou may be thinking of shutting down one of your project chewing up all your savings. Retrograde Saturn in second will keep you on the edge as far as the finances are concerned. You may meet an interesting personality at the meeting or during the course of the business trip. People prone to litigation should be careful.

(May 21 to June 20)


o not think too much and stick to your guns. Planets will help you take the right decisions and make correct choices. A child may get accepted in desired college. You will start to enjoy the company of a new colleague. Keep working on your business plans as the right tools will become available to you in near future.

(September 23 to October 22)


ou will be working extra hard to meet the deadline. Hard work will not go waste and soon you will be moving one step up the ladder. A sibling will call to seek your advice on an important matter. Business will improve and any journey undertaken this week will be fruitful. Relationship will keep getting stronger.

(June 21 to July 22)


ou will need more than your earlier budget to fulfill your commitments this week. Some of you will be moving to better location soon. You will continue to work on your diversification plans and the developments will be encouraging. You will get ready to go on a short trip with a child. You will make some useful friends this week.

(October 23 to November 22)


here will be lots of activities in life this week. Some of you may grab the offer and make a quick switch to new job. Financial benefits will not be too much but it will be closer to home. Some money could go towards legal bills or paying a fine. New relationship will be exciting and keep you busy. (November 23 to December 22)


ou are going to put all worries aside and enjoy with close family and friends. A big promotion or raise is also on the horizon. You may be seriously looking to replace one of your vehicle. You will become very ambitious and will not be scared to make a risky move in career and really hit the bulls eye. (December 22 to January 19)


ou will hear couple of encouraging news during the week. New opportunity will knock at your door and you will not take much time to go for it. Some of you may have your eyes set on a nice piece of property and start the paper work also. You will be invited to a small get together by a friend this week. (January 20 to February 18)


ou will be very fortunate as far as money matters are concerned. Exalted Venus in second can get you big chunk of easy money. Stocks will also appreciate and you may dispose them off for a decent profit. You may put your needs aside and go out of your way to help a needy friend or sibling this week. (February 19 to March 20)


njoy your life but within legal parameters. Some trouble brewing up from a female so watch out. There is a strong chance of promotion or raise in near future. Some of you may be advised minor surgery to tackle some health problem. You may appear for some very competitive exam this week and will come out with flying colors.

Pandit Parashar, CEO & COO Astro Scan USA is also available for individual consultations. He can be reached at:

510-886-4370 website:


June 28, 2013

India Post 53

Page Sponsored by Sahanis SWAMI VIVEKANANDA


n the great Sanskrit epic, the Mahabharata, the story is told how the hero, Yudhishthira, when asked by Dharma to tell what was the most wonderful thing in the world, replied, that it was the persistent belief of mankind in their own deathlessness in spite of their witnessing death everywhere around them almost every moment of their lives. And, in fact, this is the most stupendous wonder in human life - the inability of our mind to conceive our own annihilation. Even to imagine my own annihilation I shall have to stand by and look on as a witness. Although it is perfectly true that when the human mind transcends its own limitations, it finds the duality reduced to an indivisible unity; on this side of the unconditioned, the whole objective world - that is to say, the world we know - is and can be subject, and therefore, before we would be able to conceive the annihilation of the subject we are bound to conceive the annihilation of the object. So far it is plain enough. But now comes the difficulty. I cannot think of myself ordinarily as anything else but a body. My idea of my own permanence includes my idea of myself as a body. But the body is obviously impermanent, as is the whole of nature - a


ean-Jacques Rousseau argued that we are inherently good, but we become corrupted by the evils of society. In later life he wished to live a simple life, to be close to nature and to enjoy what it gives us. Through attending to nature we are more likely to live a life of virtue. Rousseau was interested in people being natural. "We are born capable of sensation and from birth are affected in diverse ways by the objects around us. As soon as we become conscious of our sensations we are inclined to seek or to avoid the objects which produce them: at first, because they are agreeable or disagreeable to us, later because we discover that they suit or do not suit us, and ultimately because of the judgments we pass on them by reference to the idea of happiness of perfection we get from reason. These inclinations extend and strengthen with the growth of sensibility and intelligence, but under the pressure of habit they are changed to some extent with our opinions. The inclinations before this change are what I call our nature. In my view everything ought to be in conformity with these origi-

constantly vanishing quantity. Where, then, is this permanence? There is one more wonderful phenomenon connected with our lives, without which 'who will be able to live, who will be able to enjoy life a moment? - the idea of freedom. This is the idea that guides each footstep of ours, makes our relations to each other - nay, is the

delusion of permanence and freedom - or, there is in us and in the universe something which is permanent and free, showing that the basal constitutional belief of the human mind is not a delusion. It is the duty of science to explain facts by bringing them to a higher generalization. Any explanation, therefore, that first wants to destroy a part of the fact given to be explained, in order to fit it-

But it is not the body; neither is it the mind. The body is dying every minute. The mind is constantly changing. The body is a combination, and so is the mind; and as such can never reach to a state beyond all change. But beyond this momentary sheathing of gross matter, beyond even the finer covering of the mind is the Atman, the true Self of man, the permanent, the

Two wonderful facts of life: Death & Freedom

Swami Vivekananda

There is in us and in the universe something which is permanent and free, showing that the basal constitutional belief of the human mind is not a delusion

very warp and woof in the fabric of human life. But then what is free? The body, or even the mind? It is apparent to all that they are as much bound by law as anything else in the universe. Now the problem resolves itself into this dilemma: Either the whole universe is a mass of neverceasing change and nothing more, irrevocably bound by the law of causation, not one particle having a unity of itself, yet is curiously producing an in-eradicable

self to the remainder, is not scientific, whatever else it may be. So, any explanation that wants to overlook the fact of this persistent and all-necessary idea of freedom, commits the above-mentioned mistake of denying a portion of the fact, in order to explain the rest, and is therefore, wrong. The only other alternative possible, then, is to acknowledge, in harmony with our nature, that there is something in us which is free and permanent.

ever-free. It is his freedom that is percolating through layers of thought and matter, and, in spite of the colorings of name and form, is ever asserting its unshackled existence. It is his deathlessness, his bliss, his peace, his divinity that shines out and makes itself felt in spite of the thick layers of ignorance. The 111th death anniversary of Swami Vivekananda will be observed on July 4

nal inclinations." (Émile, Book 1) His later writings, especially Reveries of the Solitary Walker, show both his isolation and alienation, and some paths into happiness. 'Everything is in constant flux on this earth, he writes (1979: 88): "But if there is a state where the soul can find a resting-place secure enough to establish itself and concentrate its entire being

fills our soul entirely, as long as this state lasts, we can call ourselves happy, not with a poor, incomplete and relative happiness such as we find in the pleasures of life, but with a sufficient, complete and perfect happiness which leaves no emptiness to be filled in the soul. “Such is the state which I often experienced on the Island Of Saint-Pierre in my solitary rever-

vor the concrete over the abstract, variety over uniformity, the infinite over the finite,; nature over culture, convention and artifice; the organic over the mechanical; freedom over constraint, rules and limitations. In human terms it prefers the unique individual to the average person, the free creative genius to the prudent person of good sense, the particular community

We are inherently good but corrupted by society

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

there, with no need to remember the past or reach into the future, where time is nothing to it, where the present runs on indefinitely but this duration goes unnoticed, with no sign of the passing of time, and no other feeling of deprivation or enjoyment, pleasure or pain, desire or fear than the simple feeling of existence, a feeling that

“Mentally, the Romantics prefer feeling to thought, more specifically emotion to calculation; imagination to literal common sense, intuition to intellect." ies, whether I lay in a boat and drifted where the water carried me, or sat by the shores of the stormy lake, or elsewhere, on the banks of a lovely river or a stream murmuring over the stones." (Rousseau 1979: 88 - 89) Rousseau's is sometimes described as a romantic vision. "The 'Romantic' is said to fa-

or nation to humanity at large. Mentally, the Romantics prefer feeling to thought, more specifically emotion to calculation; imagination to literal common sense, intuition to intellect." (Quinton 1996: 778) The 301st birth anniversary of Jean-Jacques Rousseau will be observed on June 28.

You only lose what you cling to. -Gautama Buddha

If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher. -Pema Chödrön

Many people think excitement is happiness.... But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace. -Thich Nhat Hanh

Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun. -Alan Watts

it is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others. This perspective is at the heart of Buddhist teachings. -Daisaku Ikeda

We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps. -Hermann Hesse

Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else. -Shunryu Suzuki

You Insure all your Valuables, all are replaceable except YOU! So Insure yourself FIRST. Call Sahanis, (Arish, Priya or Shiv) for your Insurance needs 718- 271- 0453. Serving for last 35 yrs


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India Post

June 28, 2013

US volte face on talks with Afghan Taliban


n June 18, while opening their office in Qatar in Doha, the Afghan Taliban declared that they were ready to talk with the US. The US reciprocated instantly, announcing that its officials would reach Doha 'within days' for the talks. Whether the talks will really take place and the potential for their success are a different matter; what is of immediate importance is the volte face of the US. On October 27, 2011, the then US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, referring to talks with Taliban had observed, "We have been clear about the necessary outcomes of any negotiation. Insurgents must renounce violence, abandon al Qaeda, and abide by the constitution of Afghanistan, including its protections for women and minorities. If insurgents cannot meet those red-lines, they will face continued and unrelenting assault." However, it now seems that the apparent preconditions have themselves become the object of the negotiation. Jennifer Rene Psaki, spokesperson for the US Department of State, stated, on June 19, 2013, "We don't expect that they would decry al-Qaida and denounce terrorism immediately off the top - this is the end goal." What prompted the US to get into talks with the Taliban is hardly a secret. Indeed, there has been little improvement in the security situation in Afghanistan. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) Annual Report 2012, released in February 2013, the Country recorded 6,131 civilian casualties (2,179 civilian deaths and 3,952 injuries), as compared to 5,636 civilian casualties (2,208 civilian deaths and 3,428 injuries) attributed to Anti-Government Elements. Similarly, UNAMA documented 782 improvised explosive device (IED) incidents which resulted in 2,531 civilian casualties (868 civilian deaths and 1,663 injuries) as compared to 2,460 civilian casualties (949 civilian deaths and 1,511 injured) in an unspecified number


of IED attacks in 2011. Ironically, while Washington was expressing satisfaction over the proposed Doha talks, the Taliban was attacking an American base outside Kabul, killing four soldiers in rocket fire. Elaborating on the 'Doha Statement', which indicated that the Taliban would continue to fight the US in Afghanistan, the Taliban spokesman bragged, "The Mujahideen of the Islamic emirate from the other side also have taken all the preparations that will be effective for the destruction of America's nests." The peace initiative led by the US must be assessed within the perceived short and long term interests of the troubled superpower. Media reports suggest that an immediate US goal is to secure the

are behind the Taliban's Qatar office." The US, however, publicly acknowledged, on June 21 the 'constructive role' played by Pakistan in bringing Taliban and the US administration closer to reconciliation. US Ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson stated, "We are working closely with Pakistan. Pakistan played a constructive role in the opening of Taliban office in Doha. This is a big step and we greatly appreciate Pakistan's support." The present US initiatives are driven, overwhelmingly, by fears of a chaotic flight of its Forces in the last phases of the drawdown, under focused attack by the Taliban. In its moment of desperation Washington has, once again,

The newly opned Afghan Taliban office in Doha, Qatar

release of US soldier, Bowe Bergdahl, who is in Taliban custody since June 2009, in return for the release of five Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. Over the long term, the US seeks an assurance from the Taliban that its Forces will not attack convoys carrying equipment and weapons of US Forces who are preparing to leave Afghanistan. The US's latest outreach to Taliban is also to do with its realization that it needs Pakistan's help to exit from the land-locked Afghanistan at any cost. In return, it is trying to give some legitimacy to Pakistan's Taliban proxies - the 'Pakiban' as some commentators now describe them - in Kabul, via their recognition in Doha. Kabul did make an indirect reference to Pakistan's role in the context of the Doha office controversy, noting, "The latest developments show that foreign hands

fallen back on its unreliable 'principal ally', Pakistan, restoring the prime supporter of the Taliban and of terrorism in Afghanistan to a central role at the most sensitive phase of the 'transition'. Though there are arguments that "the Taliban is changing", as claimed by Masoom Stanikzai, head of the Afghan Government's High Peace Council secretariat, it is useful to recall that the Malim Shah Wali, the head of the High Pece Council in the southern Province of Helmand, was killed by the Taliban as recently as on May 1, 2013. The US faith in Pakistan and a 'peaceful' Taliban is wishful thinking, and will only plunge Afghanistan, and the wider South Asian region, into a deeper and lasting chaos. The writer is Research Fellow; Institute for Conflict Management


Kerry visit

ohn Kerry's visit to India has not evoked as much interest as would have that of Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State. Unlike Hillary, Kerry is perceived to be pro-Pakistan. It has taken him a long time to schedule an India visit whereas he has often visited Pakistan, many times before taking over his present job. He believes Pakistan's assistance is necessary for the US to carry out its mission to quit Afghanistan and for that it could even sup with the devil, that is talk to the Taliban and even the dreaded Haqqani network. The Taliban has been allowed to set up an office in Doha, Qatar where the US hopes to engage in dialogue with it. India is opposed to giving any quarters to the Taliban which had ruled Afghanistan earlier with an obscurantist zeal and is responsible for several deadly attacks on Indian institutions in Afghanistan. A rapprochement with the Taliban could bring back the barbaric regime that spawned terrorism and attacks in Kashmir region. Kerry was in New Delhi for his maiden Indo-US strategic dialogue which was unfortunately drowned in the storm over Washington's attempts to hold open talks with the Taliban. The US seems keen to withdraw from Afghanistan at all costs. It might even allow Pakistan to broker a deal which could bring back the Taliban to rule in Afghanistan. India has conveyed its strong opposition to such talks which could rehabilitate the Taliban; a development that New Delhi sees as a major threat to its security and a fillip for the backers in Pakistan of Taliban style violence. On his part, Kerry tried to reassure India saying that the talks with the Taliban would happen under "certain conditions." He spelled out the conditions as - respect the Afghan constitution, disassociate from al-Qaeda and renounce violence." If these conditions are not met, "obviously there will be no agreement." The purpose for the talks initiative, he said, is to explore the possibilities of having a peaceful resolution and conclusion of a political process. He also sought to emphasize that "ultimately it will be decided by the Afghan people." Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai angrily took back his assent for the talks when he found the Taliban office in Qatar putting up a board as "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan." It took some persuasion from Kerry to bring him back on board. This shows how tough is the task ahead for the US. The Taliban is not about to renounce violence as proved by a recent attack on a US base and Afghan facilities. Vivek Katju, a former Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan, has in an article in Hindu advised India not to allow itself to be excluded from international diplomacy over Afghanistan, as was the case in the 1990s. Following the Kerry visit, India must urgently hold consultations with Russia, Iran and the Central Asian states on developments in Afghanistan. While remaining realistic and flexible, India must point out to all that Taliban's vision of the country is flawed being exclusionary and not inclusive of Afghanistan's diversities. On a positive note, Kerry signaled US keenness to host Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in September-October with a view to finalizing the commercial pact between the nuclear power companies of the two nations. It was indicated that the US side is trying to put a time frame for the nuclear deal to be commercially operationalized before or during the PM's visit. US Vice President Joe Biden will be coming to India in late July as a build up to the PM's visit. The issue of growing American aggressiveness over outsourcing and immigration was also taken up. This is hurting India. It will also hurt American businesses in the long run, as has been highlighted by 100 American CEOs in an appeal to the Congress to pass the Immigration bill and facilitate more H1B visas if America is not to lose its competitive edge in the global market.

June 28, 2013

India Post 55

56 India Post

June 28, 2013

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