Indiapost 09 20 2013

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Top Stories





India Post


Narendra Modi calls for strong leadership Details on page 5

Two security guards held for murder of NRI Details on page 6

Indian-American among 13 killed in US shooting Details on page 7

NY Police memo clarifies Indians are Asian too Details on page 7

Congress urged to remove India specific clauses Details on page 44

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

Davuluri crowning challenges notions of American identity? Last week’s result

Leander Paes is greatest Indian tennis player? YES 67%

NO 33%

VOL 19, No. 992

September 20, 2013


Periodical Postage

U.S. MAY GIVE INDIA DEFENSE TECH ACCESS WASHINGTON: The United States is working on giving India the same status as some of its "very closest allies" in the area of technology and export controls by getting the bureaucratic hurdles out of the way, says a top Pentagon official. As part of its efforts to take the India-US defense relationship to the next level and help New Delhi raise the indigenization of its of its defense systems, the Pentagon has initiated several India-specific steps, details of which have not been revealed so far. Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B Carter will be in India with a number of co-production and co-development projects to New Delhi to see whether India would be interested in them and could further be discussed when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh meets President Barack Obama on September 27. "So what we're doing is in the technology and export controls area, working so that India has the same status as our very closest allies and that our system is operating on a time scale that's consistent with the needs for the Indian side to make decisions," Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B Carter told PTI. Carter, who leads the US side for the Defense Technology Initiative, will have discussions with officials in India on the DTI. National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon leads the Indian side. Details on page 5

Tulsi Gabbard joins grand Ganesh Visarjan Details on page 18

Republican Party top guns back Manju Details on page 23

Ambassador Rao visits Orange County in LA Details on page 6

Centenary of Ambedkar joining varsity Details on page 7

CONTENTS Bollywood -------------------------- 31 Classifieds ------------------------- 47 Community Post ----- 18-27,34-35 Date Book -------------------------- 40 Edit Page --------------------------- 54 HealthScience Post --------- 50-52 Horoscope ------------------------- 14 Immigration Post ------------- 44-46 Philosophy ------------------------- 53

HAIL NEW AMERICA: The first-ever Miss America of Indian origin 24-year-old Nina Davuluri, defying racist reactions, claimed after her victory at a New Jersey pageant Sunday, Sept. 15, "I always viewed myself as first and foremost American." (Details on page 8)

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Publisher’s Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate -------------------- 32-33 TechBiz Post ------------------- 12-13 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 41-43


India Post

September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013

India Post



India Post

September 20, 2013

India Post

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Publisher’s Diary O

ne country that is most worried about the US immigration reform bill except perhaps Mexico - is India and by extension, all those dealing in trade and business between the two countries. America's concerns over the out-of-control immigration system, and its anxiety to make some sense of it is totally justified if it wants to set limits on who enters its borders and how. But, it must also be said that in today's global economy, it would only be foolhardy not to consider the impact of any laws on the national economy. The US-India Business Council (USIBC) has been lobbying the US Congress for long to have US-India trade and business interests to be factored in before any bill is made into law. In fact, last week, the USIBC and the Coalition for Jobs and Growth worked with five former US Ambassadors to India to reach Congress about American jobs and competitiveness. The letter signed by former Ambassadors Thomas R. Pickering, Frank G. Wisner, Richard Celeste, David C. Mulford, and Robert Blackwill, speaks more for India than India can ever speak for itself. The facts first: Two-way trade in goods and services has reached over $100 billion a year, investment by American companies in India and Indian corporations in the US now exceeds $50 billion; US-India defense trade has surpassed $10 billion; and most importantly, at the heart of opportunities for US exports to, and investments in India, is India's 300 million-plus middle-class - larger than the entire US population - with a purchasing power greater than $30,000 per year. The former US envoys make pertinent observations that "protectionist legislation, which is normally reserved for nations with whom the US has nonproductive relations" does not fit India. The letter urges the Congress to revise those sections of the Bill and remove any features that would limit market entry of IT professionals, as they are virtually punitive. Well, if the diplomats have spoken, I am sure their message will fall on the right ears, because any blocks on the US-India trade progress at this stage will make little or no economic sense to either country. Romesh K Japra

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HIGHLIGHTS Bollywood: Who is Bigger Boss? Salman Khan has invited his arch rival Shahrukh Khan to Big Boss 7 to promote his film, if he wants to

Cover Story: Defense tech access The United States is working on giving India the same status as some of its "very closest allies" in the area of technology

Community: Ganesh Visarjan This year's Ganesh Visarjan celebration was made special and memorable by the visit of Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard

31 1 18

Health Science FDA approval Drugmakers from India have got more than 100 generic drug approvals from the American health regulator FDA this year

Immigration: 5 ex-envoys’ appeal Five former US Ambassadors to India have requested the Congress to remove India-specific discriminatory provisions

Techbiz: Telecom security The Indian Home Ministry has expressed strong reservations over the proposed National Telecom Security Policy

Travel: Jaipur Jaipur, the City of Victory, is chaotic and congested, though it still has a habit of tickling travelers pink.

50 44 12 41

Cover/Top Stories

September 20, 2013

India Post


US may give India defense tech access WASHINGTON: The United States is working on giving India the same status as some of its "very closest allies" in the area of technology and export controls by getting the bureaucratic hurdles out of the way, says a top Pentagon official.

has initiated several India-specific steps, details of which have not been revealed so far. Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B Carter will be in India with a number of co-production and co-development projects to New Delhi to see whether India

Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B Carter

As part of its efforts to take the India-US defense relationship to the next level and help New Delhi raise the indigenization of its of its defense systems, the Pentagon

would be interested in them and could further be discussed when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh meets President Barack Obama on September 27.

"So what we're doing is in the technology and export controls area, working so that India has the same status as our very closest allies and that our system is operating on a time scale that's consistent with the needs for the Indian side to make decisions," Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B Carter told PTI. Carter, who leads the US side for the Defense Technology Initiative, will have discussions with officials in India on the DTI. National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon leads the Indian side. Asserting that the US and India are destined to be partners in the world stage even though their interests do not coincide always, Carter said the Obama Administration is keen to take the India-US defense relationship to the next level and help New Delhi increase indignation of its defense system. "Many find our foreign military sales program cumbersome, and many of my Indian colleagues say the same thing to me, and I readily acknowledge that we need to get better at making it more user-friendly," Carter told PTI.

"So co-production and co-development projects...I'm bringing a number of them to India to present and say only you know whether you'd be interested in these, but what I can tell you is, I've gotten the bureaucratic obstacles out of the way," Carter said. National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon is leading the Indian side in this initiative, which many say is going to be path-breaking.

sharing, and digitization, and so forth," he said. "We hope to have some of that ready so that when the Prime Minister comes and meets with President Obama. I'm sure they'll be discussing the idea, but they'll also have some specific examples, in addition to the C-130J and the things that are already going on and the things that we might be able to do in the future together," Carter said.

Asserting that the US and India are destined to be partners in the world stage even though their interests do not coincide always, Carter said the Obama Administration is keen to take the India-US defense relationship to the next level and help New Delhi increase indignation of its defense system "It obviously has many dimensions. We're working very, very hard on it, as are our colleagues in India. This is a long-term project, but it has a number of very short-term excellent prospects for doing things the way India would like to do it, which is an emphasis on co-production, co-development, technology-

"The goal is to make it so that the only limitations on what we can do together as two defense establishments are limitations that arise from our different interests or different policies, but that there otherwise isn't any mechanical or bureaucratic impediment to doing things together that we want to do," Carter said. -PTI

Narendra Modi calls for strong leadership at Center

BJPs prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 elections and Gujarat CM Narendra Modi addressing an ex-sevicemen rally in Rewari

REWARI, Haryana: In his first public rally after being anointed BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi on Sept 15 made a strong pitch for "strong leadership" at the Centre and asked politicians to take lessons in true secularism from the Army. Modi, who has accused the UPA government of poor governance, said if the country has to be steered out of the present mess, it needs a "strong government" with a person who can lead from the front. "If you want to see the country strong, if you want a strong government in Delhi, then check whether your name is on the voter list," he said while urging the

youth to exercise their right to vote. In his 65-minute address, Modi made several references to former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, who was considered a moderate in the BJP, and to the "true secularism" prevailing among armed forces. The politics of vote banks has become disgusting in our country. Politicians who want to divide the society through vote bank politics, should learn true secularism from our armed forces," he told the rally attended by former Army Chief Gen V.K. Singh and a large number of ex-servicemen. Training his guns at the Centre, Modi said the border troubles

with Pakistan and China were not because of any shortcomings in the Army. "The problem is in Delhi. And hence the solution to this problem has to be found in Delhi itself. The problem will be solved only when a competent, patriotic and people-oriented government is formed at the Centre," he said. Lashing out at the policies of the Centre, he said that "every day we are facing problems...Pakistan is not giving up its design...China is showing us its might by intru-

sion... is keen to stop Brahmaputra rivers water and wants to take control over Arunachal Pardesh." "...The government that is sitting in Delhi is not at all concerned about them. They feel that such incidents keep taking place," he said. Noting that today's rally is the "call for change" and that the "land of Haryana has challenged the Delhi Sultanate," he said "when you are standing amid the Army in battlefield, then your ability to lead is seen.-PTI

Modi seeks mother's blessings on birthday AHMEDABAD: BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi sought blessings from his mother on his 64th birthday on Sept 17 and said the good wishes that he has received from common people will not go in vain. Modi went to the house of his younger brother Pankaj Modi in Gandhinagar early in the morning to seek blessings of his mother Hira Ba (94), who gifted him a book and some money. Cont’d on page 6

Narendra Modi shares sweets with his mother Hira Ba on his 64th birthday in Gandhinagar on September 17


Top Stories

India Post

September 20, 2013

Ambassador Rao visits Orange County in LA India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: Ambassador Nirupama Rao visited Orange County in the vicinity of Los Angeles, California on September 14 at the invitation of the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman Ed Royce, who represents that district in the United States Congress. As one of the most well-respected leaders on foreign policy in the US Congress, Chairman Royce has been an ardent supporter of India and India-US relations and one of the earliest protagonists of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, which he has cochaired in the past on more than one occasion. He continues to be an active member and a leading voice of the Caucus. Speaking at a welcome gathering of local leaders and the Indian American community hosted

in her honor by the former Mayor of Anaheim, Harry Sidhu, Ambassador Rao thanked Chairman Royce and Mrs. Marie Royce for their invitation, saying that she

Chairman Royce has been an ardent supporter of India and India-US relations and one of the earliest protagonists of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans counted them among her closest friends in the United States. Ambassador Rao described the "great resurgence" in IndiaU.S. ties as a partnership in a

"state of irreversible excellence" and "with its sights firmly set on the future". She praised Chairman Royce's personal contribution in this transformation, calling him "one of the greatest champions and pioneers of the India-U.S. Strategic Partnership." She spoke of the "natural affinity" between the peoples of the two countries, who she said were at the heart of this partnership spanning from defense cooperation and counter-terrorism to trade, innovation, technology and education. Ambassador Rao affirmed that geopolitical shifts in the world made India and the US "natural partners in the advancement of common goals of peace, prosperity and development for all of humanity". In his welcome remarks, Chairman Royce praised Ambassador Rao's untiring efforts to promote India-US cooperation in diverse

China for understanding, widening of ties with India NEW DELHI: China has strongly pitched for better understanding and widening of ties with India, asserting that it was not only important for these two countries but also for the region. There is a need for greater interaction between people from all walks of life, especially journalists for better understanding of how the government and systems

The minister, who was accompanied by Chinese Ambassador to India Wei Wei and other senior officials of his ministry and embassy, talked to senior PTI editors on several media- related issues, including enhanced cooperation between Chinese official news agency Xinhua and the Indian news agency. The minister, who inaugurated

through enhanced interactions. He also advocated the dependence on "authentic" sources while reporting big events happening in China instead of depending on western media, which may have difference in their perception while doing the reportage of incidents there. During the Forum meeting, he had also proposed that the media

fields. He reflected on the role of the India Caucus in the transformation of India-US relations over the last two decades, which he described as "phenomenal" and

Later that afternoon, the American Women for International Understanding (AWIU) hosted Ambassador Rao for a discussion on recent developments in India and India-US relations "based on same interests and values". Chairman Royce counted deepening of India-US trade relations and counter-terrorism cooperation among his priorities. He

commended the role of the Indian American community in building closer India-US partnership with their talent and determination. The California State Senator Mimi Walters also joined the event to welcome Ambassador Rao. Later that afternoon, the American Women for International Understanding (AWIU) hosted Ambassador Rao for a discussion on recent developments in India and India-US relations. AWIU is a non-government organization which has been working on promoting awareness and understanding on issues facing women through worldwide delegations and international networking. During the discussion moderated by Mrs. Marie Royce, Ambassador Rao answered questions on women's empowerment, economy, education and technology, as well as foreign policy issues in India's neighborhood.

2 security guards held for murder of NRI youth NEW DELHI: Two security guards at a house where a USbased NRI youth was murdered after a scuffle at a party recently have been arrested in connection with the killing. Four friends of the deceased, who were present there, have been booked under anti-narcotics law. Anmol Sarna was found dead on Sept 14 night in Kalkaji area after being hit with a heavy object during a scuffle at the party. The security guards, identified as Surender Bali (46) of Madangir

area and Naresh Mishra (60) of Sangam Vihar have been arrested and booked for murder, police said. Anmol's four friends have also been arrested and booked under Section 27 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. The arrested friends of Anmol are identified as Pranel Shah, Shivank Gambir, Madhav Bhandari and Ridham Girhotra, all in their 20s, they said. Police said search is on to nab the drug supplier. -PTI

Modi seeks mother's blessings on birthday Cont’d from page 5

External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and China Minister of the State Council Information Office, Cai Mingzhao pose with participants during the inauguration of India-China Media Forum in New Delhi on September 16

function in respective countries, Cai Mingzhao, Chinese Minister of the State Council Information Office, said during a visit to Press Trust of India (PTI) headquarters here.

the first India-China media forum along with External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid here, also said that India and China's relationship has great potential for growth which should be utilized

forum become an institutionalized platform for regular exchanges between the media persons of the two sides and should be held alternatively in India and China. PTI

"I came for my mother's blessings, there is no bigger privilege than that," Modi said. Sources in Modi's office said that he received good wishes from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, BJP leader L K Advani and also noted singer Lata Mangeshkar, among others. "Today is a day of dignity of labor and dignity of laborers Shrameva Jayate. And this is the biggest prayer to Bhagwan Vishwakarma. I extend greetings to all Vishwakarma devotees," Modi said

"Everyone has blessed me, and given love to me. I believe that people's blessings never go waste. That will give me strength, understanding and capability," the Gujarat Chief Minister said. He also said that on this day Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel liberated Hyderabad from the Nizam's rule. Modi also went to the house of former Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel to seek his blessings. Patel, who parted ways with BJP and formed his own party, greeted Modi. Later, Modi went to his office and was engaged in routine work, officials said.-PTI

Top Stories

September 20, 2013

India Post


Indian-American among 13 killed in US shooting WASHINGTON: At least 12 people, including an IndianAmerican, were killed by a lone gunman in an audacious mass shooting at the high-security Washington Navy Yard located at a short distance from the White House. In all 12 people - mostly military contractors - were killed when the gunman, himself a defense contractor, went on a shooting rampage inside the Washington Navy Yard on Sept 16. "We now have a total of 13 fatalities, including the shooter," the Washington DC Mayor, Vincent Gray, told reporters at a news conference. The Washington Metropoli-

tan Police released the names of seven of those who were killed in the shootout, with one of them

Police released the names of seven of those who were killed in the shootout, with one of them being 61-year-old Indian-American Vishnu Pandit being 61-year-old Indian-American Vishnu Pandit. The other six identified were

Michael Arnold, 59; Sylvia Frasier, 53; Kathy Gaarde, 62; John Roger Johnson,73; Frank Kohler, 50 and Kenneth Bernard Proctor, 46. No other details were immediately known about Pandit, except that he was a defense contractor. The shooter, who died in the brazen incident, was identified as 34-year-old military contractor Aaron Alexis. According to officials, Alexis left Texas about a year ago. He is believed to have entered the Navy Yard with a valid badge and had been in the Washington region for about four months. He worked as an hourly employee with a defense contractor.-AP

China reacts cautiously to India's Agni-V 2nd launch BEIJING: Reacting cautiously to India's second launch of ballistic missile Agni-V that has a strike range of over 5,000 km, China has said both sides should make concerted efforts to enhance political trust and asked media to play a more conducive role to improve bilateral ties. "We have noted relevant reports and comments and hope relevant media can do more, that is conducive to the growth of China-India relations and regional peace and stability," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei told reporters when asked for his reaction to the second successful launch of Agni-V. "Both China and India are important emerging economies and natural cooperative partners. Both sides should make concerted efforts to enhance political mutual trust and work peace and stability of this region," he said. Unlike its first test launch last year, this test of Agni-V evoked subdued reactions in Chinese media. The state-run Xinhua news agency as well the official China Daily reported about the launch and took note of the successful test firing of the nuclear capable missile, which brings into its range several major cities of China. When the missile was first test fired last year, it evoked mixed reactions among Chinese strategic analysts. While one expert termed it as a "milestone" in propelling India into exclusive club of countries with intercontinental ballistic missiles another analyst said it re-

India conducted second test flight of its indigenously developed nuclear- capable Agni-V long-range ballistic missile from the Wheeler Island, Odhisa on September 15

NYC to fete centenary of Ambedkar joining varsity NEW YORK: The Consulate tional and international media for General of India in New York will exaggerating the incidents of rape celebrate in a grand manner the and ill-treatment of women and centenary of Dr B R Ambedkar said such a negative coverage has joining the Columbia University brought a bad name to India in for a graduate course in legal stud- the eyes of foreigners, especially ies. investors. Indian Consul General in New He said rape is a universal pheYork Dnyaneshwar Mulay said nomenon not restricted to India Ambedkar joined the Ivy League alone. He was answering a quesinstitution in New York in 1913 to pursue higher studies in law. Addressing the reception He said the contribuhosted by India-America tion of Ambedkar to India especially the draft- Chamber of Commerce, ing of Indian ConstituMulay said India is more tion will remain for centuries to come. The than Hinduness and is home Consulate will cel- to Muslims, Buddhists, ebrate the occasion in a fitting manner, he Christians, Jews, Jains added. and Zoroastrians Addressing the reception hosted by India-America Chamber of Com- tion from an audience and refermerce, Mulay said India is more ring to the half-page article in The than Hinduness and is home to New York Times on the increasMuslims, Buddhists, Christians, ing incidents of rape in India. Jews, Jains and Zoroastrians. Rajiv Khanna, president of InThe basic thread that unites all dia-America Chamber of ComIndians is the Indianess and not merce, said the Chamber stood Hindusim alone. India gives the with India from the days of supfreedom to people from all faith to ply of 301 Super Computers to maintain their identities. India to the passage Indo-US Civil Mulay blamed both the na- Nuclear deal. -PTI

NY Police memo clarifies Indians are Asian too

flected India's plans to become world power. "No doubt it is a milestone for India," Fu Xiaoqiang, a Chinese expert on South Asia at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, said reacting to the launch of Agni-V. "It not only makes India sit at the same table as the ICBM club but also makes it a bigger player in a multi-polar world," Fu told state-run Global Times after the first test launch last year. "India has been seeing China as a goal or a competitor for its

own development, military power included," he said, adding "China does not see India as a threat in reality. The development of India helps push forward the multi-polarization of the world." "The media focuses much on India's challenge to China with the missile but neglects how it will change the international pattern and enhance India's role on the global stage," Fu said. "It is worth noting that India's missile could also pose a potential threat to other countries besides China," he said. -PTI

NEW YORK: Police officers of "Like any large organization we New York received a lesson in de- regularly post internal memos remography when their chief issued minding employees of the impora memo clarifying the difference tance of uniformity when preparbetween Native Americans and ing official documents," said Asian Indians. NYPD spokesman Deputy ComNew York Police Department missioner John McCarthy. (NYPD) Commissioner Ray Kelly Incorrect data could hide issued the memo to prevent "in- emerging crime patterns or procorrect racial identification" in the vide police with a misleading defuture. Kelly told NYPD officers that "incorrect There has been an apparent racial identification im- mix-up between Asian pacts the department's Indians and American Indidata collection." A person's race is ans in a modest number of noted in police reports reports. The mistake was when a crime suspects are described by a vic- discovered by the Quality tim. It is also noted on Assurance Division UF-250s - the stop, question and frisk reports. scription of a suspect, sources There has been an apparent said. mix-up between Asian Indians and The new memo asked suspects American Indians in a modest to be identified as white, black, number of reports. The mistake American Indian, Asian or Pacific was discovered by the Quality Islander and Hispanic white or Assurance Division. Hispanic black. -PTI


India Post

Top Stories

September 20, 2013

Indian-origin beauty becomes Miss America

Miss New York Nina Davuluri poses for photographers following her crowning as Miss America 2014

NEW JERSEY/HOUSTON: Twenty-fouryear-old Miss New York Nina Davuluri on September 15 became the first contestant of Indian-origin to win the prestigious Miss America pageant after wooing the judges with a Bollywood fusion dance. Nina, who aspires to become a physician like her father, will earn at least USD 50,000 in scholarships. She was crowned Miss America during an event held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. "I'm so happy this organization has embraced diversity," she said in her first press conference after winning the crown. "I'm thankful there are children watching at home who can finally relate to a new

Miss America." Her pageant platform was "celebrating diversity through cultural competency" and Davuluri said she's had to dispel a lot of misconceptions about her culture through the years, such as whether her parents will arrange a marriage for her. She said she plans to represent her roots and push her platform of diversity in her new role. "I'm most excited to promote my platform, I was the first Indian Miss New York and I'm so proud to be the first Indian Miss America," she said tearfully. Davuluri, in a canary-yellow evening gown, walked the runway after being

Miss New York Nina Davuluri, front, is crowned as Miss America 2014 by Miss America 2013 Mallory Hagan, Sept. 15, in Atlantic City, N.J

named Miss America, waving and brushing away tears of joy. Fifty three gorgeous women from as many states participated in the competition. Miss California Crystal Lee was the runner-up. Miss Oklahoma Kesley Griswold came in third place. Contestants were judged on evening gowns, lifestyle/fitness, talent, a personal interview and an on-stage question. Davuluri is the second consecutive Miss New York to win the Miss America crown, succeeding Mallory Hagan. She was asked about the wisdom of TV anchor getting plastic surgery on her eyes to alter her appearance. Davuluri said she's against plastic surgery, but said people should make their own choice but be confident in their appearances. She showcased a classical Bollywood fusion dance piece as her talent. Soon after being named Miss New York, Davuluri was working with Nakul Dev Mahajan, a choreographer with the "So You Think You Can Dance" television show. She also had formal training in Indian dance for the past 15 years, including summers in India. Davuluri, who struggled with bulimia and weight problem, said she lost 60 pounds prior to becoming Miss New York. Davuluri was born in Syracuse, but moved to Oklahoma at age four then to Michigan at 10. Six years ago, her family moved to Fayetteville, where her dad is an obstetrician/gynecologist affiliated with St Joseph's Hospital. Davuluri's has a degree from the University of Michigan in brain behavior and cognitive science.-PTI

September 20, 2013

Top Stories

India Post


Miss America won't look the same anymore, she said


iss America is evolving. And she's not going to look the same any more." So predicted Nina Davuluri during her quest to become the first Indian-American winner of the quintessential American beauty pageant. Then Davuluri backed it up by whirling through a Bollywood dance in a sari, baring her skin in a bikini, and championing the kind of diversity that made her milestone seem inevitable. So why did her victory make such a splash among those who rarely pay attention to the contest, when America already has its fair share of Indian-American governors, CEOs, scientists, actors and other high achievers? For many Americans of Indian heritage, it showed the unique promise of America, the way the nation and its new immigrants are responding to each other - and the challenges that remain as America changes in deeper ways than black and white. Amardeep Singh, an English professor at Lehigh University, said that Miss America is a symbol of national identity,

She did a Bollywood dance number

who represents the society as a whole. So when an Indian woman wins, "that really resonates." Even though there was some raciallycharged online criticism of the choice, he said that overall, "America is willing to accept and celebrate her version of beauty." And Indian-Americans, especially those born here like Davuluri, are demonstrating a newfound comfort level in their country. "I always viewed myself as first and foremost American," Davuluri said after her win. "It's a relatively new phenomenon that Indian-American women would even think of themselves as potentially having a chance," Singh said. "It's the way things are changing in America. The Indian community is becoming more comfortable in its skin." There have been seven black Miss Americas, starting with Vanessa Williams 30 years ago. A Hawaii-born Filipina won in 2001. But Davuluri's win drew the attention "because it's so different," said

Lakshmi Gandhi, editor of the Indian-American blog "I grew up in the States, and I would never have thought of an Indian Miss America," she said. "That's why people are so excited, they've never seen this before." Gandhi said that Davuluri's choice to perform a Bollywood dance in the talent portion of the contest struck a chord with other Indians. That, and the fact that Davuluri's skin tone is a bit darker than what Indian culture often considers beautiful. "I don't see a lot of darker Indians in Bollywood, in movies, so that is something I noticed," Gandhi said. Cont’d on page 10

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10 India Post

September 20, 2013

Davuluri's win similar to Myerson's: US lawmaker WASHINGTON: Describing the crowing of Nina Davuluri as Miss America as a proud moment for the Indian-Americans, a top US lawmaker has said that her feat was similar to the proud moment for Jews when Bess Myerson became the first woman of their community to win the title in 1945. "I cannot be happier to congratulate Nina Davuluri on becoming the first person of Indian descent to be crowned Miss America," Congresswoman Grace Meng said. Davuluri is the first IndianAmerican to have ever won the prestigious beauty pageant. "This is a huge accomplishment not only for her but for the entire Indian-American community, and I am privileged to join all Indian-Americans in celebrating

Congresswoman Grace Meng

this outstanding milestone," she said. "It draws parallels to the pride felt by the Jewish community when Bess Myerson became the first Jewish woman to win Miss America in 1945," Meng said. Davuluri is a wonderful young woman who overcame obstacles to win this prestigious title through hard work and determination, added Meng, the first Asian-American Member of Congress from New York. "I am proud to salute her, my fellow New Yorker, for all she has accomplished on her exceptional journey. I know that

Target of racism on social media NEW JERSEY: The crowning of the first Miss America of Indian origin sparked a racist reaction on social media but 24year-old Nina Davuluri played down the issue, saying she had to "rise above" such things. On Twitter, some users uncharitably referred to Davuluri as an Arab and a terrorist with ties to Al Qaeda. A user with the handle @emi_adkins tweeted, "It's called Miss America. Get outta here New York you look like a terrorist." Some like Luke Brasili sought to link Davuluri's win with the anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks in the US. "9/11 was 4 days ago and she gets Miss America?" he tweeted. "Congratulations Al-Qaeda. Our Miss America is one of you," posted @Blayne_MkltRain. Davuluri, who described her

performance of a Bollywood-style dance at the Miss America pageant a victory for diversity in the

Nina Davuluri

US, appeared unfazed by racism. "I have to rise above that...I always viewed myself as first and foremost American," the New

York native told a news conference after being crowned. "I'm thankful there are children watching at home who can finally relate to a new Miss America," she said. Amid the racist tweets, there was support for Davuluri. The Jezebel feminist blog denounced the comments against the beauty queen and said "racists are being racist because Miss America isn't white." Twitter user @CJlovebug posted: "This world is so ignorant. #MissAmerica Indian or not had every right to gain the title of MissAmerica. This is why I want to leave America!" "Stop hating, America. She's one of us..." tweeted Emma Sydney, while @ericatessa wrote: "I think it's fabulous that @NinaDavuluri won #MissAmerica! America is about diversity. -PTI

Indian doc found guilty of rape in Australia MELBOURNE: A 39-year-old Indian doctor has been found guilty by Australian Supreme Court of raping two women during consultations, even as he pleaded not guilty to the charges. Manu Maimbilly Gopal was arrested on March 1 at Melbourne International Airport while waiting to fly to Kochi after contacted by local police about the sexual assault claims. Gopal was accused of digitally penetrating two women after telling them they needed internal vaginal examinations when they

complained of abdominal pain during separate visits to a Sunbury medical clinic in February last year. He was found guilty after a two-week trial. Justice Geoffrey Nettle remanded him for a pre-sentence hearing on September 26, according to 'The Age' newspaper. The report said that Gopal took his first victim, an 18-year-old fulltime student suffering from stomach cramps, to the consultation room and locked the door. "(The young woman) told you

that she didn't understand what the internal examination would involve, where it was going to be," Crown prosecutor Lesley Taylor said in her closing address to the jury. The examination took up to four minutes and Gopal did not take notes. The victim after the examination said she "crumbled" and her boyfriend had to hold her up as she cried uncontrollably. "She said the perfect word to describe how she felt was violated," Taylor said.-PTI

whether she pursues medicine or smart; I was not surprised at the another career, she will always find least. I thought it was just a matter of time," said Roshni Hannon, success in life," Meng said. The Indian-American commu- an executive producer at Fox 13 nity cheered the crowning of the and a former Miss India America 24-year-old Davuluri, also the first Indian “They're beautiful, smart; Miss New York. "Not only are we the I was not surprised at the professionals that we least. I thought it was just a used to be known for doctors, pharmacists, matter of time," said Roshni lawyers, engineers - Hannon, an executive from there we have producer at Fox 13 moved to an entire breadth of the economy and the cultures of the United finalist. "The one thing that I always States of America," eminent Indian-American philanthropist told myself is that there is always Kiran Patel told the local Fox 13 in gonna be one person out there that doesn't like you," she said.Tampa. "I mean, they're beautiful, PTI

Miss America won't look the same anymore, she said Cont’d from page 9

years. It just reflects the racial anxiety that some people have in this country when someone who looks or sounds different achieves a level of success that for some reason is seen as being reserved for a certain type of quote-unquote Americans." Vandana Kumar, publisher of India Currents magazine, likened those racist tweets to some of the racial resistance faced by President Barack Obama: "When people of different races break barriers, we get some scrutiny, some pushback." But ultimately, she saw

Many observed that Davuluri's skin tone would be too dark for her to win a Miss India pageant so it said something special about America when it chose her as an ideal beauty. "The United States, at the end of the day, is a country that represents diversity and inclusion and a sort of coming together of the world in some of the most incredible ways," said Mallika Dutt, founder of the human rights organization Breakthrough. But Dutt also pointed out that Davuluri's milestone landed in the middle of a heated national debate “Having an Indian-Amerion immigration, national identity, and who can win this very symbolic is - or should be - an moment is challenging American. "So having some very fundamental an Indian-American win this very symbolic mo- notions of American identity ment is challenging in a way they haven't some very fundamental been challenged” notions of American identity in a way they haven't been challenged," Dutt Davuluri's win as a sign of promise. said. "This sounds so cliche; but if That challenge was evident in a smattering of racist tweets in the you set your heart to do anything, wake of the pageant. "That's an don't let your skin or your religion important angle to the story," said or anything hold you back," she Deepa Iyer, executive director of said. "I loved the fact that she the advocacy group South Asian proved that the best woman wins." Americans Leading Together. The second best woman in this "There are a number of narratives coming out," she said. "One year's pageant, Miss California, is is, isn't it something that some- Chinese-American. Which makes one who looks like her, who has Davuluri's prediction resonate her name, can win this pageant?" even more deeply - especially in a "The other piece," Iyer contin- slightly shortened form: "America is changing. And ued, "is that we're still seeing this story of racist backlash that we she's not going to look the same have seen in many ways over the anymore."-AP

September 20, 2013

Top Stories

India Post


Dada Vaswani's discourse on Five Pillars of Spirituality renowned humanitarian. Sister Krishna Kumari preCHICAGO: Dada JP Vaswani sented the activities of the Pune commemorated his 95th birthday Mission and Vaswani's recent books brought from India, several of which focused on women. Ashiyana Narayani recounted his life work and presented her Chicago Youth group of volunteers. Chair of the Sadhu Vaswani Center (SVC) of Chicago Gopal Lalmalani introduced Mickey Straub, Mayor of Burr Ridge. The event was chaired by Nargis Lalmalani and emceed by Helen Chandani. Dada began by expressing gratitude to his Chicago hosts, the several doctors taking care Dada Vaswani speaking on the "Five Pillars of of his frail body, and the Spirituality." audience. He immediin Chicago on September 15 with ately set the spiritual tone for his an evening discourse on the "Five discourse by resolving to give Pillars of Spirituality" at the away the shawl gifted to him to a needy person instead. He paid Marriott Hotel in Burr Ridge, Ill. Among the guests of honor obeisance to his uncle-guru Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, who believed only in the religion of unity and for whom "to live was to love." He recounted an incident from 70 years ago of his guru joyfully giving Dada Vaswani (center) with Mayors of Burr Ridge and Oak Brook away his clothes to a beggar "for my poswere the Mayors of Oak Brook and of Burr Ridge. Almost 500 devo- sessions and very life are but a tees and members of the public, loan." Dada briefly enumerated with composed largely of members of the Sindhi community, filled the examples the five pillars of spirihall. This free event was preceded by an hour of melodio u s bhajans in Hindi by Pramila Bhatia and in English by Vinay Bhajan singers at Dada Vaswani discourse Vaswani, a touching documentary presenting the tuality. Handing yourself over in work of the Sadhu Vaswani Mis- childlike trust to the Lord, live sion in bringing joy to the poor without a care (just as you once and helpless in India, including had implicit faith in your parents' dogs and other animals. The dis- nurturing). God's mercy is recourse was followed by a ques- flected in everything that happens tion and answer session with the to you, which has a deeper perAsian Media USA

haps as yet unknown meaning, as implied in the prayer "Let Thy Will be done." Do your duty as determined by your present station in life (svadharma), quoting the Bhagavad Gita, for it is not so much what you do but the way you do it, "as an offering to Me." Also, instead of stopping there, go on to do additional acts of daily service for "the welfare of the world" (loka-sangraha) without expecting anything in return, not even the recognition of your name. Finally, observe a period of silence everyday, preferably at the same time at the same place. Use the alternation of breath as the vehicle, while invoking your preferred deity or the power of syllable AUM, to delve within.

'Missile test won't change Asian security dynamics' WASHINGTON: The successful Agni-V missile launch that can reach as far as Beijing, is unlikely to change the security dynamics in Asia specially between India and China, some American experts feel. Agni 5, however, enhances India's deterrence capabilities against China, they said. "The existence of the Agni-v does not change the weapons requirements of any of India's potential foes: China already has long-range missiles and Pakistan can credibly threaten Indian commercial and political centers with its existing systems," Christopher Clary, a former country director for South Asian affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, told the Global Security Newswire.

Clary, currently is the Stanton Nuclear Security fellow at the RAND Corporation, an eminent American think tank. "For a long time, Indian strategic planners had to construct wild schemes to deliver a nuclear weapon to China's political and economic heartland in the East, or be content with mushroom clouds above Lhasa (Tibet) in the event of a nuclear exchange," said. Michael Krepon, co-founder of the nonpartisan Stimson Centre, said Agni-V won't stop Chinese patrols from making incursions across the Line of Actual Control. "Beijing won't deign to acknowledge a mutual deterrence relationship with India," Krepon was quoted as saying by Global Security news wire. -PTI

Tech News Jet-Etihad Airways deal challenged in SC NEW DELHI: The controversial multi-crore Rupees Jet-Etihad Airways deal has reached the Supreme Court with senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy filing a petition seeking to quash the approval given to it by the Centre. In a voluminous petition, Swamy also sought a CBI probe against the government officials who had cleared the deal. "Issue a direction to set aside and revoke any action or decision or grant of any further approvals/ permissions/ permits, etc. by the respondent (govt) authorities, based upon, relying upon or in furtherance of the impugned bilateral dated April 24," the petition said. "The petitioner challenges such arbitrary, irrational and malafide act of grant of largesse in the form of bilateral/ MoU dated April 24 and by way of the present petition seeks an investigation under the supervision of this Court into the matters of national and public interest," he said in his petition. He questioned the Center's decision to execute the agreement in favor of Abu Dhabi under the existing Air Service Agreement between the governments of India and United Arab Emirates. -PTI

CBI to lodge cases without Karnataka consent NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has allowed CBI to lodge criminal cases without taking consent of Karnataka government in connection with illegal export of iron and ore, the investigation into which was carried out under the direction of the apex court. "We make it clear that restriction imposed by section 6 of the Delhi Special Police Establishment (DSPE) Act will not apply on the investigation directed by this court," a special forest bench headed by Justice A K Patnaik said. The bench also gave a goahead to CBI to register criminal cases against those exporters who were subjected to preliminary enquiry (PE) as per the September 5, 2012 report and recommendation of the apex court-appointed Central Empowered Committee (CEC) and had exported iron ore of more than 50,000 metric tonnes. The bench also permitted the agency to refer the matter with respect to exporters, who had exported a total quantity of less than 50,000 tonnes and were not under the umbrella of CBI's PE, to Karnataka government for taking further action under relevant laws as recommended by the CEC. -PTI

TechBiz 12 India Post

Bajaj Allianz aims to increase rural biz pie MUMBAI: Bajaj Allianz General Insurance aims to increase its rural business to around 20 per cent in next five years from 6-7 per cent at present, and is planning big expansion in these regions, according to a top official. "We aim to increase rural business pie to 20 per cent from the present 6-7 per cent in next five years. So, we are planning to expand our presence significantly to achieve this," the company's managing director and chief executive Tapan Singhel told PTI over the weekend.-PTI

September 20, 2013

Home Ministry objects to proposed Telecom security policy NEW DELHI: The Indian Home Ministry has expressed strong reservations over the proposed National Telecom Security Policy saying it must lay down guidelines allowing interception of communication network by only law enforcement agencies. The Ministry conveyed to the Department of Telecommunication that the policy must clarify that the law enforcement agencies will be empowered to intercept telephone calls, voice-mails, emails and other services like BlackBerry Messenger on a real time basis and also specify proper code for setting up a secure communication network. The policy should have enough provisions for priority communications for specified users over all networks like cellular, landline and

broadband, the Home Ministry told the DoT, adding that the con-

The Ministry asserted that these issues needed to be ad-

cerns of the security agencies have not been addressed in the draft policy.

dressed before policy finalization. The proposed National Telecom Security Policy is being

India Inc's hiring plans may pick up NEW DELHI: Corporate India's hiring plans are expected to witness a pick-up in the coming months as companies will not only hire for their core business areas, but also for positions that were on hold due to weak economic sentiments, experts have said.

expansion plans," CareerBuilder India MD Premlesh Machama said. On account of rupee depreciation rupee, exports from IT and some other sectors have become highly competitive, growing about 12 per cent in July. The trend is expected to get stronger, experts

Recent initiatives by the government and RBI to stabilize the rupee seem to have improved the market sentiment and created a sense that better times are ahead. Investors and entrepreneurs have welcomed the moves. "If the positive sentiment ultimately turns into a positive economic cycle, recruitments in coming months and quarters may also get a push due to investments and

said. "Even though the worst is not over yet, one can see the light at the end of the tunnel," said CEO Bhupender Mehta. Info Edge (India) CEO and Managing Director Hitesh Oberoi said: "Hopefully, the worst will be behind us soon and the market will start looking up in the second half of this year."

Info Edge (India) owns job portal Meanwhile, the latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey also paints a bullish picture. According to the survey, India has emerged as the most optimistic nation in terms of hiring plans for the next three months after four consecutive quarters of relatively lackluster forecasts. The dramatic turnaround in employer confidence was mainly due to the recovery made by IT firms and allied companies. "The future demands in the IT sector for skills would include Web analytics, design skills, IT languages, sector knowledge, understanding on security issues, database management and analysis skills," ManpowerGroup India Group Managing Director A G Rao said. There is an influx of jobs available in the e-commerce space purely due to the current market trends. India for instance, is emerging as a new yet a strong name in e-commerce industry based on the acceptance as well as ever-increasing demand of e-commerce as a concept, Mehta added. -PTI

considered by the National Information Board (NIB), headed by National Security Advisor Shiv Shankar Menon. The Home Ministry conveyed its objections to NIB too. Once the NIB clears the draft, it will be presented before the Cabinet Committee on Security headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for final approval. The Home Ministry had also red flagged the widespread use of Chinese telecom equipments. The proposed National Telecom Security Policy is expected to ensure that all future procurements would be done through trusted Indian or foreign vendors and telecom operators will get their networks audited yearly for bugs and security breaches. -PTI

DeLoreans getting 'Back to the Future' makeovers HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif.: It may not time travel, but the DeLorean sports car is finding its way into the future even without a flux capacitor. The Orange County Register says people are having DeLoreans outfitted to resemble the car from the 1985 movie ``Back to the Future.'' DeLoreans, with their stainless steel bodies and gullwing doors, were built in 1981 and 1982 before the original company collapsed. The brand's now owned by DeLorean Motor Co. of Huntington Beach. General Manager Cameron Wynne says ``Back to the Future'' has been a huge part of his business. Company mechanic Danny Botkin has built six movie replicas so far at about $45,000 each. The company's also working on an all-electric version - although it won't need the 1.21 gigawatts required by Doc Brown's car. -AP

TechBiz Post

September 20, 2013

India Post


US court orders fresh proceedings on Satyam NEW YORK: Nearly five years after India's biggest corporate scam broke out at erstwhile Satyam Computer, a US court has ordered fresh proceedings into charges that the Indian IT firm had fraudulently induced a company, Venture Global Engineering, into a partnership. Satyam, whose founder and then Chairman B Ramalinga Raju, had admitted in January 2009 a long-running fraud at the company, was later acquired by Tech Mahindra and its entire business was integrated with the new owner earlier this year. The latest ruling by a US Appeals Court follows an earlier direction issued by a Districts Court of Michigan, which had dismissed claims made by Venture Global

Engineering (VGE) against Satyam with regard to a joint venture. In its order dated September 13, the Appeals Court has reversed the judgment of the district court and has ordered further proceedings into the matter. In its appeal, VGE and the Larry J Winget Living Trust alleged that Satyam Computer Services "induced" them to form a joint venture by "misrepresenting its financial stability and general suitability as a business partner." Satyam had argued that VGE should have brought their claims during an arbitration in 2005. The arbitrator had ruled that all of VGE's ownership interest in the 50:50 JV - Satyam Venture Engineering Services (SVES) - be transferred to Satyam. VGE had

complied with the order at that time. After Raju confessed to a fraud in a letter to investors in 2009, VGE in December 2010 filed an 'instant

plaint adequately alleges that Satyam wrongfully concealed the factual predicate to plaintiffs' claims, the defense of claim preclusion does not apply.

In its appeal, VGE and the Larry J Winget Living Trust alleged that Satyam Computer Services "induced" them to form a joint venture by "misrepresenting its financial stability and general suitability as a business partner." action' case, alleging that Satyam was engaged in a massive fraud even before the joint venture started. "We hold that because plaintiffs' (VGE and the Trust) com-

"Thus, the district court erred in granting defendants? (Satyam) motion to dismiss. We therefore reverse the judgment of the district court and remand for further proceedings," the US States Court

of Appeals for Sixth Circuit ruled. As per the court documents, Satyam had approached Venture Industries Australia, a company owned by the Trust, for a joint venture to provide auto industry engineering services. Satyam told the Trust that it was an attractive business partner, with a strong brand and recognition as a leading global IT company, having a broad base of automotive customers. It further said it was a publicly traded company and was audited, liquid, and financially stable. The Trust later formed a separate legal entity, VGE, which eventually formed a JV in the year 2000 with Satyam. The relationship, however, soured in 2005 and the matter reached arbitration. -PTI

United Spirits to be Diageo's sales agent in India NEW DELHI: World's largest spirits maker Diageo Plc will use United Spirits, in which it picked 25.02 per cent stake for Rs 5,235.85 crore, as the entity to sell all its brands in India as part of plans to consolidate its business in the country. Diageo has agreed to ink a pact with the Bangalore-based United Spirits Ltd (USL) under which the latter would sell Diageo brands in India with effect from next month. "Diageo has agreed on the principles of a proposed sales agency agreement with USL under which USL will be a sales agent for all Diageo brands in India," a company spokesperson told PTI. Under the proposed sales agency arrangement, USL will provide sales promotion services to Diageo India for all Diageo brands

manufactured and/or imported by Diageo India and sold in India from October, 1, 2013.

Further Diageo India would remain responsible for business performance relating to Diageo

Diageo India would remain responsible for the strategy, marketing, import, manufacture, and bottling of Diageo's brands in India.

brands, including all marketing and investment decisions relating to those brands. "We would expect to formalize

Rs one lakh crore projects remain stalled MADURAI: About Rs one lakh crore worth of projects remain stalled due to some problem or the other in various states and the Centre has formed a cell to expedite and give clearance to them, Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry E M Sudarsana Natchiappan has said. In various states, including Tamil Nadu, various projects had been stalled due to some problem or the other. The Centre had formed a cell to expedite and give clearance to all those projects, he said. He suggested Tamil Nadu government also could form a cell under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to clear the stalled projects. "Tamil Nadu government also

can form a cell to help the Centre clear the projects. If the Chief Minister does not have time, she can ask the Chief Secretary to do the same. About Rs one lakh crore worth of projects remain stalled," he told reporters after inaugurating a Cereals, Pulses and Staples Cluster here. The projects, if the state gives consent, would bring investments from both inside the country and abroad. He said the Centre had asked Japan International Cooperation Agency members to meet the Chief Minister for holding talks with regard to the Chennai-Bangalore industrial corridor. Small corridor, using local infrastructure, for producing both

agricultural and industrial products has been mooted in Tirunelveli, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore, Tiruppatur and Sivaganga. European countries and Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea were interested in making India a manufacturing hub, he said. Once Tamil Nadu government gives clearance, international teams would visit India and study the infrastructure and decide on the type of industries that could be started, he added. A team of more than 1500 experts would visit various states, assess them and file a report. Then international tenders would be called to set up the corridors, the minister said.-PTI

this arrangement shortly and that the arrangement will be effective from October 1, 2013," the spokesperson added. Commenting on the rationale behind the deal, the company said the arrangement puts into place the best model that will help deliver growth and maximize USL's existing infrastructure and relationships with trade. "USL brings increased scale to Diageo's current sales activity with their large sales force which can promote Diageo's brands through their calls to on and off trade outlets and through merchandising activities and sales activation," the spokesperson said. The arrangement leverages USL's superior route to market and Diageo's suite of brands and expertise in premium and luxury mar-

keting, she added. Earlier this year, Diageo Plc had completed the acquisition of 25.02 per cent stake in Vijay Mallya-led USL on completion of a share purchase deal announced last year. Last year, Diageo had announced that it would pick up 53.4 per cent stake in USL in a multistructured deal for a total of Rs 11,166.5 crore. Instead, it could pick only 25.02 per cent stake in USL for a total consideration of Rs 5,235.85 crore due to subdued response to its open offer. Diageo sells various popular brands, including Smirnoff Vodka and Johnnie Walker whiskey. USL, which is the India's top spirits maker, markets various liquor brands including Signature, Bagpiper, Antiquity, Royal Challenge in the country. -PTI


14 India Post

September 20, 2013

Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar

SEPTEMBER 21 ST - SEPTEMBER 27 TH , 2013 (March 21 to April 20)


f you play your cards right and take prompt action, you could be rolling into big money soon. People in business will see an upsurge in sales. You may travel with family to another city to attend a social event. For some it could be the beginning of an exciting relationship. This is the best time to appear for a competitive exam.

(July 23 to August 22)


fforts will bring desired results. You may take a short business trip this week. Some of you may initiate some legal action to prove your point. Very favorable week for people in communications or sales. large gains from distant places or in projects going on overseas indicated. You may also go for eye sight testing this week.

(April 21 to May 20)


ombination of four planets in sixth will help those seeking a change in career this week. You could be the one selected among many strong contenders for the assignment. Money will come but will not stay. Aggressive attitude will help you get few important issues resolved. Mind will start leaning towards religion and charity work.

(August 23 to September 22)


ou should be careful with extra money you have and learn little from past experience. You will keep picking up rich rewards for the efforts made in the past. Very favorable week for people in computers. You should do some more home work before making final commitment to a new relationship or business partnership.

(May 21 to June 20)


uck is definitely on your side so do not hesitate and launch your ideas with full force. People seeking a change in career will go for the one that is beneficial in long term. Some of you make some drastic change in diet in order to get into better shape. You may be contacted by a government agency to seek some clarification.

(September 23 to October 22)


lanets are in right order to help you in big way. Just stick to your guns and the other side will come to terms very quickly. Money wise things will start picking up from now and on. people in business will have few new customers that will make big purchases. There is no harm in enjoying, but within limits.

(June 21 to July 22)


ourageous actions will take you closer to your professional goals. Some one you thought is of no good, will come back with mind boggling idea or finished product. You may also travel to a nice place with family this week. Some of you may replace an old vehicle with a newer model. Little exercises will do wonder to health.

(October 23 to November 22)


o not panic if you don't get immediate results this week. just keep working on your plans and keep making efforts as results will come at a later date. Try not to give any one a reason to adopt legal procedure against you. You may need to pay little extra attention to an elderly person and maybe take him for checkup. (November 23 to December 22)


hings will kind of slow down this week and you will try to make good use of extra time on hands. Boss may call you few times to discuss the progress. You may try to plan an evening with some colleagues. Money wise things will be stable. You may start your search to buy some high tech electronic gadget. (December 22 to January 19)


oncentration of few planets in tenth will help you achieve your professional goals. Suddenly life will take a positive turn and few things you had been dreaming about, will become a reality. Opportunity will not be less than a jackpot. You will be studying some very useful material to update your knowledge. (January 20 to February 18)


ositive changes will not only boost your morals but will improve your image in professional world. Little sacrifice at your end will help you achieve a lot this week. Some of you will start packing to move to another location. You may invite few friends and close relatives at your place for dinner. (February 19 to March 20)


ery favorable week for people connected with health industry. You will have several chance to make extra money but may decide to wait for better one. Mind will be relaxed and you will help spouse do some clean up in and around your home. It will be better to seek expert opinion before you reply to any legal matter.

Pandit Parashar, CEO & COO Astro Scan USA is also available for individual consultations. He can be reached at:

510-886-4370 website:

September 20, 2013

India Post 15

16 India Post

September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013

India Post 17

Desi News IACS to host 4th job fair next month RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service

CHICAGO: The Indo American Community Services (IACS), a Metro Chicago based non-profit service organization, has announced hosting its Fourth Annual Diversity Job Fair at the Chicago Hilton next month. Sreenivas Katragadda, the IACS president, said that the Job fair is slated on October 24 from 10 am to 3 pm. "We expect do one better than last year and keep up our pace with a likely participation of over 60 leading Chicago land companies from a broad range of industries at this event. This compares quite favorably with the last year participation of about 40 plus companies. Participating companies are expected to have entry-level, mid-career and


Republican Party top guns back Manju Goel for Congress Details on page 23

18 India Post

September 20, 2013

Tulsi Gabbard, Anuradha Paudwal join grand Ganesh Visarjan

Anuradha Paudwal, Deepak Chhabra, Dr Romesh Japra

Visarjan on September 15 in Pacific Ocean at Pier 3, San Francisco. The rituals started around 8am FREMONT: Ganesh Chaturthi on September 15 at Fremont temple is celebrated with much pomp by and special pujas and havans were people outside India as well and performed. Melody queen the rituals associated with the fes- Anuradha Paudwal sang in praise of Ganesha Bhagvan and did the Mangal Aarthi. This was followed by taking Ganesh idol palki around the temple. This year's celebration was made special and memorable by the visit of Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard, first Hindu in Congress, to the Fremont temple and her address to the devotees on the auspicious ceremony. Seven buses with over Pt Vishwa Prasad Kristipati, Dr Romesh Japra 700 devotees and 400 tivities go on for 10 days. Fremont Ganesh idols started from Fremont Temple had organized a week long at 11:30 am and reached Pier 3 of San Ganeshotsav starting with Francisco. On the cruise the pandits Sthapana of Ganapati Murti on performed maha abhisekham and September 9. The festivities came aarthi. Cont’d on page 19 to an end with the grand Ganesh

Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard with the idol


India Post News Service

Sreenivas Katragadda, President IACS

senior level positions in varied career fields including Engineering, Information Technology, Financial and Accounting services, Healthcare and Marketing / Sales etc," he said in a talk to this paper Some of the companies that have confirmed their participation at the IACS Job Fair include Allstate, W.W. Grainger, ITW, Dover Corporation, CME Group, Adobe, IBM, Morning Star, PepsiCo, TCS, Infosys, New York Life, HCL Global Systems, Miller Electric Mfg. Co., Nokia, AlcatelLucent, Morgan Stanley, Tech Mahindra and others. IACS will also host a breakout session on the importance of social media networking for career success and a separate panel discussion on career advancement skills featuring top industry experts. There will also be free resume critiquing and career counseling sessions conducted by experienced professionals. "This is a free event for all the job seekers. All those intending to come to the Fair should get pre-registered for the event to avoid delays at the door," Sreenivasa added.

Yogi Chugh speaks on the occasion

Deepak Chhabra, Mr & Mrs Ram Saini, Dr Japra, Veena Birla, Rajesh Verma, Manorama, Soni Singh, Chandru Bhambhra, Vijay Thapar, Ritu Maheshwari

Tulsi Gabbard, Govind and Dr Romesh Japra

(L-R) Dr Veena Puri, Ritu Maheshwari, Rajesh Verma, Dr Romesh Japra, Manorama, Leela Mathur, Soni Singh

Community Across America

September 20, 2013

India Post 19

Rousing speakers praise work of Hindu American Foundation

Vineet Sharma, Senate Majority Leader Ellen Corbett, Samir Kalra

VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

Ro Khanna

Congressmen Eric Swalwell

Mihir Meghani

were the emcees and welcomed the members. Mihir Meghani, M.D, Co-founder of HAF thanked the donor circles and long time supporters. He urged the guests to open their hearts and wallets to the organization. As he pointed out, HAF's peer organizations such as the American Jewish Council and the Council on American Islamic Relations spend far more on advocacy, which enables them to influence policies. He made a quick reference to Murali who was working on textbooks. Congressmen Eric Swalwell, who has supported FBI tracking anti-Hindu crimes, addressed the gathering on his stand against the military intervention. Congressmen Mike Honda sponsored a letter to secretary of State John Kerry about the plight of Hindus in Pakistan, supported FBI tracking anti-Hindu hate crimes and lauded HAF's persistent work. Ro Khanna, who is running for District 17, spoke on how unique

MILIPITAS, CA: The Hindu American Foundation educates the public about Hinduism, speaks out about issues affecting Hindus worldwide, and builds bridges with institutions and individuals whose work aligns with HAF's objectives. HAF focuses on human and civil rights, public policy, media, academia, and interfaith relations. Over 500 enthusiastic supporters attended the Hindu A m e r i c a n Foundation's (HAF) Northern California Fundraiser on SaturMike Honda day, September 14 at India Community Center, Milpitas, California. In attendance were several local government officials, including city council members, Mayors and other elected representatives from Fremont, Cupertino and San Jose. This was HAF's 10th annual fundraiser and as before, it was a combination of outstanding Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard food, rousing speakers, and a feeling of common purpose revolving around was the district. The New California 17th Congressional District is the work of the organization. The evening kickstarted with located in the heart of Silicon Valprayers by Chinmay following ley in the Southern area of the San which SriVani Ganti, Director of Francisco Bay area housing largMember and Chapter Relations, est technological companies such thanked the media and volunteers as Yahoo, eBay, Apple, Intel. Samir Kalra and Vineet Sharma for their persistent support. Council Member Ash Kalra and SriVani welcomed State Senate Majority

Ash Kalra and Sri Vani Ganti

Leader Ellen Corbett and presented her the Friend of Community Award. "We are extremely grateful to Senate Majority Leader Corbett for spearheading SCR 32 and the State Senate for unanimously passing the resolution, which will go a long way to raising awareness and understanding about the Hindu American com-

munity and our beliefs," said Vineet Sharma. Ellen Corbett while addressing the large gathering said, "I am honored to represent the 10th State Senate District, which has constituents from many diverse backgrounds, including a significant number of Hindu Americans". Cont’d on page 20

Tulsi Gabbard, Anuradha Paudwal join grand Ganesh Visarjan in Pacific Cont’d from page 18

Amidst dhol and bhajan, Ganesh Visarjan was done by Dr Romesh Japra. This was followed by devotees performing the arthi and visarjan for their own Ganapthi idol. Dr Romesh Japra, Chair of Fremont Temple, said,

shipped prior to undertaking an important or auspicious new endeavor and we wish all devotees a prosperous New Year, said Dr Japra. Dr Japra thanked Deepak Chhabra, Govind Pasumarthi, Anu, Manorama Joshi and Temple priests Shri Vishwan,

Rajesh Verma, Anuradha Paudwal, Deepak Chhabra, Dr Romesh Japra

"We have been doing the grand visarjan in Pacific Ocean for over three years and recreating Indian atmosphere here in Bay area and wish to see over 1000 people join us next year for visarjan". Ganesha is known as Vighnaharta, destroyer of obstacles, which is why he is wor-

Shri Ravi Kant and Shri Joginder who were behind the week long festivities and visarjan. This festival was possible with the vision of Dr Romesh Japra, Chair, Rajesh Verma Co-Chair and execution managed by Deepak Chhabra. Thanking Pramod of Dosa Place for providing excellent food to the devotees

Community Across America

20 India Post

September 20, 2013

Bay Area artists mesmerize with Bollywood music RITU MAHESHWARI India Post News Service

Music binds us all. Kishore, Asha and Lata music night organized by Vinod Baba proved that Bollywood music indeed motivates and drives people of Indian origin, regardless of ethnicity or culture. Superb singing by local Bay area artists recreated the aura and atmosphere of great Bollywood musicals and left the audience spellbound. Vinod Baba Prasad, Seema Verma, Vijay Kotian, Varsha Vasconcellos, Dennis Singh, Asha Ram, Ashok Narayan, Ashok Sahai, Kaushal K. Singh, Hem Kumar Joshi and Kajal Bautista proved their musical prowess in the fun filled evening. Time flew by with the great numbers coming

Vinod Baba performing

one after another and audience asking for more. Dr Romesh Japra of India Post was the Chief Guest and sponsor of the event. Nick Khelawan, local

community leader also supported and was instrumental in organizing the event. Hanif Koya was the emcee for the event. Recounting the preparations leading up to the event, Vinod Baba said "The main motivation for putting this event together was to give local artists an opportunity to shine and treat Bay area music lovers to some of the finest music". Vinod Baba started his music journey in Bay area in 1996 by introducing Karaoke in North California and has been performing music internationally ever since. Vinod Baba's ZMelody Entertainment plans to put together a grand music show in Bay area over next few months and is looking forward to engaging Bay area music lovers.

(L-R) Varsha Patel, Dr Japra, Dr Hundal, Priya Nayar and Ritu Maheshwari

Vijay Thapar, Dr Romesh Japra, and Nick Khelwan

Vinod Baba and Dr Romesh Japra

Vinod Baba with emcee Hanif Koya

Rousing speakers praise work of Hindu American Foundation Cont’d from page 19

Ending consumption of meat & dairy products can heal planet VARUN PANDE

SANTA CLARA, CA: Delivering a presentation to an open and engaged audience, Sailesh Rao, Executive Director of Climate Healers, promoted a message of peace and sustainability to attendees of Dharma & Yoga Fest. Before I spoke with Mr Rao, he had been speaking at another event in the East Bay and had plans on going to Los Angeles. Veganism was the charge he sought to bring to the audience, believing that a single change in this lifestyle choice around food could set off a larger conscious network and bring solutions to numerous other environmental problems. He compared such a shift to the Khadi movement under Gandhi, under which the British Empire's cotton mills and production were subverted by Indians not buying British cotton. This part of the conference was about Karma Yoga, social action and reform, with Gandhi being the

peaceful instigator to an oppressive system. He sent a poignant and rather controversial message to a mostly Hindu, Indian-national audience, about the necessity for a move-

Sailesh Rao

ment to end the consumption of meat and dairy due to the pervasive issues it presents. Cows suck forested lands dry, and especially

because of their cultural eminence in India (a place that was once covered in lush forest) cows live far longer and are crowding out land which would otherwise be habitable by a wide variety of species as well as providing a carbon sink. Industrial systems have also augmented the dairy process in a way that exploits and extracts from the cow's natural cycle to satisfy our unnecessary and massive need for milk and dairy products. He told me most of his message has been delivered at universities, but he hopes to engage more with media outlets to educate individuals about the devastating nature of livestock production. His vast array of knowledge, including numerous statistics and facts based on scientific data, made the many arguments from the crowd easy to challenge. Cont’d on page 22

"California is home to a thriving community of over 370,000 Hindu Americans that enrich our state's diversity and professional assets in fields as diverse as academia, science, technology, business, arts and literature", said Ellen. SCR 32 designates October 2013 as California Hindu American

serving in the combat zone in Iraq. "I believe strongly in embracing diversity," said Tulsi Gabbard. She invoked the "aloha spirit" to convey her Hawaiian sentiment for affection, peace, and compassion. "The Gita has been a tremendous source of inner peace and strength for me through many tough challenges in life, including being in the midst of death and turmoil while serving our country

A section of the audience

and Appreciation Month and recognizes and acknowledges the significant contributions made by Californians of Hindu heritage to the state. Keynote speaker Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu ever elected to the US House of Representatives and a Democrat from Hawaii, electrified the audience with her narrative of

in the Middle East," she said. She added, "I support the work HAF does because there are many organizations that care about Hinduism, but HAF cares about Hindus." The night then closed with Interns Tejas and Rupa sharing their experience on working in Capitol Hill followed by sumptuous Indian vegetarian dinner.

India Post 21

September 20, 2013

22 India Post

Community Across America

September 20, 2013

Kesari's quest for answers, solutions and meaning India Post News Service


ohn Hunt Publishing (Mantra Books) has announced the new title 'Eternal Way to Bliss' by Vinita Dubey Pande. 'Eternal Way to Bliss' is about Kesari's

world, the grand design of her mind, and her journey towards freedom. Like each one of us, she is earnestly seeking guidance for making life evolutionary, transforming from feeling incomplete to being

As a Hindu of Indian origin living in America she presents a global, modern perspective. She brings this deep and complex wisdom to us in a simple, practical, concise yet authentic way. soul stirring journey, an ordinary girl who wants to be free. It's her quest to seek truth, happiness, and solutions for life's challenges. This is about her entrapment in the

complete‌whole. As she seeks and explores, an ancient wisdom tradition becomes her guiding light. Starting from her distress and disillusionment with the world, she

articulates her search for answers, meaning, solutions; and for consciousness and bliss. The theme rhymes with the Bhagavad Gita and summarizes its teachings. Having faith in this time-tested path for liberation, she unravels the discoveries made. Being a householder with a family and a career in the Silicon Valley, Kesari's quest becomes real and achievable. As a Hindu of Indian origin living in America she presents a global, modern perspective. She brings this deep and complex wisdom to us in a simple, practical, concise yet authentic way. The problem is that her journey is not yet complete... Welcome to her world, the truthful tale of an imperfect human. Some testimonials: Vinita Pande has a clear understanding of the steps and

stages on the spiritual path. With insight and compassion she guides the reader on the journey to the Self. Swami Prasannatmananda, Vedanta Society, Berkeley I am happy you wrote a book on Hinduism. Love and Blessings.-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Foundation This book is a welcome addition to the literature that brings the wisdom of the Vedic seers to life for modern seekers.- Phil Goldberg, Author, American Veda Vinita Pande has lived worldwide, studied several religions and spirituality for the last 25 years. A certified yoga, meditation and spirituality teacher, mother, IT consultant and author. She lives in the Silicon Valley, California.

Ending consumption of meat & dairy products can heal planet Cont’d from page 20

"This time is unlike any other in history; our patterns and habits affect and constrain resource for close to 7 billion others, many of whom are seeking carbon intensive lives that match our own. Industries and consumption patterns around food, meat and dairy have been driving factors such as reduced soil fertility, desertification, and deforestation with farreaching ecological consequences that take much more time to heal than human corporate time-scales can comprehend," he said. Climate Healers is spreading the provable message that humans are

the only mammals who drink milk which is not necessary for good health. That dairying is extremely cruel to cows and that vast swaths of land can be reforested if people made the one choice to shift their diets away from dairy consumption. It seeks to begin a reversal of the single-minded destruction we perpetrate on the planet daily. He believes that this would bring about much reconciliation with the planet and its other animal species, as well as send a democratic push against an extremely unjust system of industrial practices and the effects they are having on a dying planet.

September 20, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 23

Republican Party top guns back Manju Goel for Congress IPNS & Asian Media USA

ELK GROVE VILLAGE: It was a day that many an Indian would not forget for a long period of time. It was just a Northwest Republican Annual Picnic but turned out to be a unique event with top brass of National Republican Party descending on to Elk Grove Village to lend their support to an Indian American woman activist, Manju Goel, who is seeing Congressional seat from Illinois district 8 Manju is first generation Indian American and this sparked all the more interest among Indians settled in the area to come in large numbers to show their support and backing. The attendance estimated at over 1200 was twice the usual crowd that gathers every year. It was also unique this time as ExNRCC Chairman and currently the Chairman of House Rules Committee, Rep. Pete Sessions, made a special trip from Dallas to attend the picnic and he was greeted by over 400 Indian Americans joining the picnic. The occasion was to launch the campaign of Manju Goel, a first generation Indian American, for US Congress. The Republican Party is truly going all out to reach out to the minority and ethnic communities to build a new coalition, said Shalli Kumar, Chairman of Indian American Advisory Council of House Republican Conference (IAAC-HRC).

Manju Goel with a group of her supporters

8% of all physicians in the country. Manju told the cheering crowd: "I'm running for Congress because America is on the wrong track. We're spending $1.60 for every $1.00 we bring in. We're discouraging rather than encouraging entrepreneurs and job creators with burdensome regulations. I am deeply concerned about our children's future. More than half of recent college graduates are either unemployed or under employed. Why? Because businesses have no incentive to expand and create jobs in the light of high taxation, massive regula-

Manju Goel with Pete Sessions (left) and Shalli Kumar, Chairman IAAC-HRC

Chairman Sessions and Shalli Kumar, Chairman (IAAC-HRC) are co-chair of Sessions-Kumar project to elect as many as 810 Indian Americans to Congress. In introducing Chairman Sessions to the crowd, he said "Chairman Pete Sessions is no ordinary leader. As head of NRCC in 2009, right after Obama's big victory, he challenged Nancy Pelosi that we are going to take back the house in 2010‌.we all know what happened, it was the biggest gain of seats in over 50 years. And then in 2012, he maintained the majority in Congress despite the Obama wave for President". Chairman Sessions introduced Manju Goel as the voice of the people and the voice of common sense. He highlighted her personal experience in the healthcare industry as a big asset to the Indian American population, who, disproportionate to their population, represent

tions and the biggest road-block, Obamacare." "I believe in fiscal responsibility. Since my childhood I was taught that first you deserve then you desire. I was taught to earn and save before I spend. I still do not buy anything unless I can afford it. I instill these same principles in my children. If elected, another one of my priorities will be to do away with deficits and pass a constitutional amendment to balance our budget." "Also, I believe in calling a Terrorist a Terrorist. It is a shame that we were paying the Fort Hood terrorist hundreds of thousands of dollars while the families of our soldiers who were gunned down by this coward terrorist Hassan, were not even paid combat benefits. Together, let's retire Obamacare, let's retire big government, let's retire high taxes, let's retire deficits, let's re-

tire debt, let's retire foreign aid to countries that support terrorism and let's retire Tammy Duckworth" Manju's speech struck a chord with every picnicker - immigrant or not. Her message of wanting to keep the American dream alive was very well received. This is a moment of great pride for the Indian American community across the

country. The Republican Party leadership has recognized that Manju epitomizes the core values of almost all Indian Americans living within one's means, hard work, free enterprise, education, and family values. They share Chairman Kumar's vision of a free, safe and prosperous America for future generations of all Americans, especially Indian Americans.

24 India Post

Community Across America

September 20, 2013

IACS women conference meets grand success

Congresswoman Robin Kelly, Sona Chawla and Dr Masum Momaya (center) with a group of attendees and IACS activists.-Pics Sreeram Boppana

Women Conference speakers: (A) Sona Chawla (B) Dr Masum Momaya getting Plaque from Robin Kelly (C) IACS President Srinivas K (D) Attorney D Savla, putting a question to speakers. -Pics Sreeram Boppana

RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service

CHICAGO: One of the most premiere service organizations of Indian Americans, Indo American Community Services (IACS) added one more feather in its growing caps of achievements by successfully organizing its sec-

walks of life create professional connections, generate ideas, and develop successful new strategies for advancement in their careers as well as in their personal and social lives. The success that a similar conference last year had achieved induced a larger attendance this time with a larger number of businesswomen, entrepre-

Start of the Conference

ond in row South Asian Women's Conference here last week. The event held at Oakbrook Marriott in Oakbrook (southwest suburb of Chicago) on Sunday September 8 featured two highly successful businesswomen executives - Sona Chawla and Dr. Masum Momaya - and a recently elected Congresswoman Robin Kelly, all scaling new heights in their respective fields thru professional skill and dint of hard work and commitment. The event facilitated an exclusive networking experience designed to help women from all

neurs and professionals from Metro Chicago coming to attend this meet. Srinivas Katragada, president of IACS said that the forum sought to explore a range of topics relevant to professional women developing leadership techniques and overcoming career obstacles. It was also designed to help women with tools and technique for achieving a true work life balance. The Conference attendees had an opportunity to informally network with each other at a postconference dinner Cont’d on page 25

President Srinivas and Secretary Jagan Bakaraju with guest Roger Chawla

Community Across America

September 20, 2013

India Post 25

Dharma & Yoga Fest energizes IACS women conference meets grand success Houston community Cont’d from page 16


Dharma and Yoga Fest in Houston had huge participation

HOUSTON: Sixty six different organizations with 150 volunteers from 20 organizations pooled their time and energy to successfully host the Dharma and Yoga Fest on Saturday, September 7 at George Brown Convention Center in Houston. It was attended over 1000 participants. It was a unique "once in a life

Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Raja Yoga. Jnana Yoga: The Jnana Yoga track had two parallel sessions: a Panel Discussion Session and Speech Contest for middle school and high school kids and saw participation from close to 150 attendees belonging to 14 different organizations.

Arjun Luthra participating in speech contest. Indian CG Houston Harish Parvathaneni presenting winner Sarika with certificate award

time" event spreading the message of "Universal Peace Through Dharma and Yoga". Spearheaded by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), Dharma and Yoga fest was held as the culmination of the yearlong festivities called Swami Vivekananda 150 (SV150), in commemoration of Swamiji's 150th birth anniversary and 120 years of the monumental speech he delivered in Chicago on September 11, 1893. Similar events are happening in 30 different cities across USA, spreading the awareness about Swamiji's teachings and path of religious tolerance and brotherhood. The event started at 1 pm with guest registration and ended at 6 pm with the recital of Shanti Mantra (Prayer for Peace) by over 1000 people in the main hall of the Convention Center. The guests were treated to a soul stirring, awe inspiring exhibition on Swamiji's life and teachings before being directed to their respective tracks. Taking inspiration from Swami Vivekananda's teachings, the entire event was set up in four parallel tracks, namely,

Chaya Timmaraju of Vedanta Society of Greater Houston and Khyati Vaidya of HSS moderated the panel discussion session

ous organizations; Panel discussion on Nava Vidha Bhakti; Recital of the entire Srimad Bhagvad Gita and an exhibition on Bhakti Yoga. 23 different organizations were represented by close to 400 attendees in this track. Bhajan and Kirtan session, coordinated by Vishnu Ramanarine of Lakshmi Narayan Temple and Rajesh Jaiswal of HSS, was the first to start off and saw participation of over 200 people at its peak. The Panel discussion moderated by Padmakanth Khambati of Sanatan Hindu Center and coordinated by Diwakar Ramamurthy and Madhukar Adi of HSS had an attendance of about 150. The Bhagvad Gita recital, which was inaugurated by Pandit Abhedanandji of Lakshmi Narayana Temple, was coordinated by Viswasankaran Kartick of Sringeri Vidya Bharati Foundation. It attracted over 100 devotees who took turns to recite various chapters in a uniform meter in their melodious voices. The exhibition on Bhakti Yoga drew another 60 people. Karma Yoga: Karma yoga track had partici-

The winners of the speech contest, the judges and the coordinators

which had six distinguished panelists from different walks of life. Rao Garuda of Sri Meenakshi Temple Society and Niyati Vaidya of HSS coordinated the Speech contest for over 30 participants, in which three winners were chosen in each category after two rounds of speeches. Bhakti Yoga: Four parallel sessions were planned for this track: Bhajan & Kirtan recitals by groups from vari-

pation from over a 150 people representing 26 organizations, active in Greater Houston Area, on the field serving humanity with charity, social service, disaster response and rehabilitation. The session started with a presentation by a grant writer and was followed by a panel discussion by nine eminent panelists of the city on various aspects of service (Sewa). Cont’d on page 26

and marketing. She recounted how she successfully overcame many of the challenges that she initially encountered as an immigrant in the United States. Chawla used her personal story as an inspiring example of how perseverance, determination and a willingness to learn can help individuals achieve their dreams no matter what obstacles might come their way. Congresswoman Robin Kelly, representing Illinois' 2nd District echoed similar sentiments during a panel discussion at the conference. Kelly urged those present not to get discouraged by failure and adversity, but to instead learn from them. She presented the crowd with a personal example about her failure in a statewide race and how she had not let that incident discourage her from running for elections a second time and being elected as a Congresswoman. Robin Kelly presented IACS recognition Plaques to Sona Chawla and Dr Masum Momya.

Dr Masum Momaya has a highly distinguished educational background being a graduate of the Cora Fellows Program in Public Affairs and holding a doctorate in Human Development and Masters Degree in Education from Harvard University and an honors BA in Public Policy from Stanford University Curator at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC and Dr Momaya was one of the featured speakers of the evening. She urged South Asian women professionals to be proud of their heritage and to embrace it wholeheartedly. Momaya is part of a team that is helping the Smithsonian with an ambitious initiative chronicling the history of Indian immigrants in the United States. The multi million dollar exhibition that she is in charge of is titled Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation. It is slated for a launch in Washington DC from December 2013-March 2015 and then would be traveling across the country for Momaya is part of a team five years thereafter. that is helping the SmithShe reminded attendees of the numer- sonian with an ambitious ous economic and so- initiative chronicling the cial contributions made history of Indian immigrants by Indian Americans ever since the first im- in the United States. The migrant from the sub- multi million dollar exhibition continent arrived in that she is in charge of is America back in 1790. Before coming to titled Beyond Bollywood: Washington DC, she Indian Americans Shape has been Curator at the the Nation. International Museum of Women in San Francisco and Earlier, Srinivas Katragadda IACS was Researcher and Writer for the President and IACS activist Vidya Association for Women's Rights Kadayale welcomed the guests and in Development. She has 20 years speakers while Saily Joshi introof experience working for women's duced featured speakers along rights, human rights and social with Sri Vidya. Addresses by the justice. Her more than 100 publi- featured speakers got followed with cations, podcasts and exhibitions lively question- answer sessions have been translated into a dozen that sought some of the ticklish problems faced by Indian Amerilanguages. Sona Chawla , born in Delhi but can women in their careers and perraised in Calcutta India, with de- sonal life. IACS founded in 2010 by a grees in Mathematics, Computer Science and Masters in Manage- group of accomplished technology ment under her belt, is the Presi- executives, entrepreneurs and prodent of E-commerce at Walgreen fessionals of Indian origin, works in Deerfield, Illinois, She said that to nurture and foster the developthe determination and proper pri- ment of the South Asian commuoritizing of goals helped her fine nity in the Greater Chicago area tuning between her personal life through job fairs, women's empowand career without impacting either erment forums, student internships and professional networking opadversely. Before joining Walgreen, Sona portunities. The group's flagship was vice president of global online event is the IACS Diversity Job Fair, business at Dell, Inc. She also an annual event that matches hunworked at Wells Fargo's Internet dreds of qualified job candidates Services Group as executive vice in the Chicago area with some of president of online sales, service the region's top employers.

26 India Post

Community Across America

September 20, 2013

Jeeyar Swami conducts Sita Rama Kalyan Puja Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: The Aurora-based Illinois chapter of the Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET), headquartered in New Jersey, hosted a collective ritual performance of the "auspicious marriage of Lord Rama and his consort Sita" (Sita Rama Kalyanam) conducted by Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. Preceded by an afternoon program of devotional songs and South Indian classical dances, this out of turn event took place on September 7 at Harper College loParticipants at the Puja cated in Palatine, a northwest suburb of Chicago. The large number of registered participants filled the free of cost to all. It also runs a Director of Nrityanat Dance Acadentire width and length of the hospital, emy, Poonam Mahesh performed gymnasium. Besides Indian community lead- a Bharata Natyam duo with her Chinna Jeeyar Swami is a "wan- ers, those present included Illinois award-winning student Joshua dering monk" who belongs to the Va i s h n a v a spiritual lineage of philosopher and reformer Acharya S h r e e Ramanuja. He walked between the rows distributing images of Rama, Sita, Cultural program and Sri Jiyara Swami being introduced by Raghu Mudumbai, Lakshmana, secretary of JET USA a n d Hanuman, before explaining the State Rep. Michelle Mussman (D) George to the Tamil composition philosophy underlying Hindu im- and Manju Goel, a Republican (keerthanam) "Nee Uraipai age-worship through a familiar candidate for Illinois District 8, Hanumane" set to Ragamalika and idiom appealing to the American whose campaign was officially Adi thalam (rhythmic cycle). and Christian sensibility that did launched. Radhika Ramakrishnan, a stunot hesitate to draw on the Bible. The cultural program in the af- dent at Vijayalakshmi Shetty's ChiInspired by his message and cago-based Nataraj Dance Academy, depicted nine (aesthetic) sentiments (rasa), namely humor, wonder, love, fear, anger, sorrow (instead of the traditional disgust), heroism, (pathos understood here as) compassion, and tranquility through nine select Ramayana episodes in Navarasam, the Tamil lyrics. Director of Lasyasudha Dance Academy Sudha Kalavagunta performed an Annamacharya composition followed by a Sanskrit song from Jayadeva's Geeta Govindam in Kuchipudi style. Hema Rajagopalan's Natya Dance Theater performed Govindan Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji with his followers and disciples Kuzhalosai or "the music of example, JET provides humanitar- ternoon featured songs and Krishna's flute" (Tamil) in ian services including schooling dances that had episodes from the Ragamalika. The last item before for tribal, fishermen and the visu- Ramayana for their theme. Minoo Swamiji's sermon was Jaya ally challenged and runs traditional Pashupati affiliated to the Univer- Jagadeesha Hare by Shobha Vedic, Agama and Vedanta sity of Chicago, presented a cho- Natarajan and her group which schools. All services, education, rus of mostly girls led by a white described the incarnations of Lord books, board and lodging and American who played South In- Vishnu. Cont’d on page 34 healthcare facilities are provided dian temple pipe (nadaswaram).

Dharma & Yoga Fest energizes Houston community Cont’d from page 25

The track concluded with the organizations coming to a common desire to hold such gatherings on a regular basis. This track was coordinated by Kavita Tewary of Sewa International and Samba Sannabadthi of HSS. Raja Yoga: This track started with the attendees performing Pranayama (breathing exercises) and then

USA; Sharad Amin - President, Hindus of Greater Houston and Subhash Gupta - President, HSS Houston. Amit Misra briefed those present about year-long activities. Nikita Gamini who won the national Dharma Bee contest for her age group shared her experiences as a participant of the coveted contest. CG Harish in his keynote address talked about the greatness and relevance of Swami

Bhajan Sandhya in progress

heading into the lecture series. Attended by close to 100 representatives, seven types of unique techniques were presented and demonstrated by seven organizations. The session concluded with a short lecture on Ayurveda and holistic healing. The session was a coordinated effort of Vishwaroop from SVYASA and Manoj Rathi, Bhagwan Bhutada from HSS. Over 40 kids from all over Greater Houston put together a play showcasing the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. The kids beautifully enacted different phases of Swamiji's life: the early childhood, life as a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and his representa-

Vivekananda's teachings in the modern world and observed that Swamiji was not just a spiritual thinker but was also a great contributor to the freedom struggle movement of India. After giving a vivid description of how the Vedanta Society emblem came about, he explained what Swamiji in his own words had said about the emblem "The idea of the picture is that by union of Karma, Gyana, Bhakti and Yoga, the vision of Paramatman is obtained". Saumitra Gokhle, Global coordinator, touched upon the various activities that are happening all over the world and mentioned that it is the need of the hour for unified action to uphold Dharma for

Sessions on Gyan Yoga and Raj Yoga in progress

tion of Hindu Dharma at the Parliament of World's Religions in America. The grand finale of the ceremony glowed with the presence of esteemed luminaries including: Harish Parvathaneni - CGI, Houston, Saumitra Gokhle - Global coordinator, HSS; Ramesh Bhutada - Vice President, HSS USA, Amit Misra - National PR Incharge, HSS

peace. Subhash Gupta, President of Houston HSS thanked all those present and those who had contributed relentlessly for the past few months for making the occasion happen. The event concluded with recital of Shanti Mantra (Prayer for Peace) by all those present and the entire auditorium echoed with Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (Peace Peace Peace).

September 20, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 27

Saweraa raises $23,000 for women empowerment SEETA BRAHMBHAT

SAWERAA Fashion Bridal Show was greatly appreciated

SAWERAA Board Members with Judge Douglas Beach

ST LOUIS: South Asian Women's Empowerment Regional Association (SAWERAA) of St Louis celebrated its eleventh year anniversary on Saturday September 7 with a grand and highly successful fund raising gala for the benefit of victims of domestic violence. Over 320 people attended the near three hours program that helped SAWERAA to raise over $23,000 to help the clients. The event comprised a judicious combination of silent auctions, aristocratic fashion displays, sparkling jewelry sales, and, of course, delectable dinner. The highlight of the event was an inspiring and informative speech by Douglas R. Beech, Circuit Court Judge, St. Louis County. SAWERAA hon-

Its mission is to identify, help, and protect the women and families from all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups. It is particularly focused on assisting women of South Asian origin who are facing real and present danger of domestic violence ored two individuals from the St. Louis community, Ashwin Patel and Ms. Manju Khosla, for their outstanding 'behind-the-scene' service to the victims and their families. Its Bridal/ Fashion show was highly appreciated. SAWERAA is a charitable organization in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Its mission is to identify, help, and protect the women and families from all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. It is particularly focused on assisting women of South Asian origin who are facing real and present danger of domestic violence and are frightened to reach out for help. These women are particularly vulnerable because of the cultural background that enjoins them to be 'obedient' despite hostile environment. Managed by a group of highly dedicated volunteers headed by Ms. Anjali Apte and Dr Ann Duncan-Hively SAWERAA provides free financial, legal, physical, psychological, educational, and social services to its clients.

More Community news on Pages 34-35

28 India Post

September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013

India Post 29

30 India Post

September 20, 2013


31 India Post

September 20, 2013


alman Khan has invited his arch rival Shahrukh Khan to Big Boss 7. He said that if Shahrukh Khan wants to come to Bigg Boss to promote his film then he is most welcome. "Of course, he can come. If he is promoting his next film, he is more than welcome," Salman said at the launch of the show. The two actors who were avoiding each other for five years broke the ice when they hugged each other during an Iftaar party. Speaking about the hug, Salman said it was the natural thing to do. He added if he has to compete with Shahrukh then he will do through his work. "If we have to hit at each other, we will do so through our work. Aamir is also coming (with his film now) and there is Ranbir too," he said. "Finally u realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, becos there is so much more to the book than the page u were stuck on," Shah Rukh tweeted.


areena Kapoor Khan, Imran Khan and director Punit Malhotra, all three came dressed in black for the trailer launch of Gori Tere Pyaar Mein. Well, there was no dress code, but it was just a "happy stylish accident" as producer Karan Johar said. Karan added that he was repeating the pair because they were gorgeous and meant to be together. "It is just that they have different spouses. I wish they were married to each other," joked Karan. Asked if it was practically possible, he further joked, saying, "Anything can happen tomorrow," adding, "I am not starting any controversy." Amused by Karan's remark, Kareena said, "Then what will happen to Saif?" Upon a query on Kareena working with the Khans, Imran's quick retort was, "Kareena's now one of us, she's a Khan too."


1 Get On The Dance Floor: Chennai Express 2 Titli: Chennai Express 3 Gulabi: Shuddh Desi Romance 4 Ye Tune Kya Kiya: Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobara 5 Lungi Dance: Chennai Express 6 Sun Le Re: Madras Cafe 7 Tere Mere Beech Mein: Shuddh Desi Romance 8 Main Rang Sharbaton Ka : Phata Poster Nikla Hero 9 Shuddh Desi Romance: Shuddh Desi Romance 10 Zinda: Bhaag Milkha Bhaag


Realty Tidbits

CCI rules out abuse of market dominance NEW DELHI: Fair trade regulator CCI has dismissed the charges of abuse of dominant position against four real estate firms in the market for residential flats. In four separate orders passed earlier this month, Competition Commission of India (CCI) said that realty firms - Sanathnagar Enterprises, Media Video, Designarch Infrastructure and City Corporation - prima facie, did not "appear to be in a dominant position in the relevant market." The complaints against the companies were mostly related to alleged anti-competitive practices in the builder-buyer agreements. In the case of Sanathnagar Enterprises - an associate company of real-estate major Lodha Group, the Casa Paradiso Owner's Welfare Association in Hyderabad had complained that the company's 'Agreement for Sale' was one sided, highly in favour of the seller and contained wrong facts. Casa Paradiso (Hyderabad) was launched by Lodha Group through Sanathnagar Enterprises in October 2010.-PTI

„ New mobile home being built in Vt. post-Irene WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt.: A new, more durable mobile home is being manufactured in Vermont after about 560 mobile homes were destroyed or damaged in the state by Tropical Storm Irene. The Aug. 28, 2011 flood prompted housing advocates, energy specialists and others to analyze the quality of mobile homes being sold, said Peter Schneider, an energy consultant with Efficiency Vermont. ``Tropical Storm Irene really showed us how vulnerable our mobile home communities are,'' he said. Mobile homes are a critical part of Vermont's low incoming housing options but they depreciate over time, he told Vermont Public Radio (

Real Estate 32

India Post

Singaporean companies believe in India

September 20, 2013

Details on page 33

PM promises 15 lakh houses for urban poor CHANDIGARH: Noting that rapid urbanization has led to the problem of growing slums in cities, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said the Centre plans to construct over 15 lakh houses for the urban poor. Inaugurating a Rs 2,400-crore housing project for slum dwellers on the outskirts of the city, Singh said he expects Chandigarh to become the first slum-free city in the country. "I believe such important projects will give a new dimension to the country in its journey for becoming a developed nation," he said. Rapid increase in urban population would put immense pressure on urban infrastructure in next couple of years, the Prime Minister said, adding the urban population in the country was going to increase by 22 crore in next 20 years. "The pace of urbanization in India is going very fast. In 1971, the urban population was 11 crore. In last 40 years till the year 2011, the strength in urban population went up by 27 crore. It is estimated that its strength will go up by 22 crore in next 20 years," Singh said. Increase in urban population will put immense pressure on country's urban infrastructure. "Our growing slums in cities present a picture of the kind of problems arise because of urbanization," he noted. He said that the strength of people living in slums was estimated to grow from 10 crore to 10.4 crore by 2017. The Prime Minister said a sum of Rs 41,000 crore is expected to be invested for setting up 15.6 lakh houses under Jawaharlal Nehru

National Urban Renewal Mission scheme (JNNURM) scheme. "Till now since the inception

invested," he said. The Centre has floated Rajiv Awaas Yojna scheme for making

of JNNURM, 15.6 lakh houses have been approved to be developed and for which Rs 41,000 crore of investment is expected to be

the country slum free, Singh said. Under this scheme, the Centre will try to construct up 10 lakh houses for urban poor people in next four

years. The government is providing a loan of Rs 5 lakh to urban poor people with interest subsidy of 5 per cent on bank loan. "A Credit Risk Guarantee Fund of Rs 1000 crore has also been set up for this purpose whereby urban poor people will get collateral free bank loan for the houses," he said. He said that a scheme to involve the private sector in creating housing facilities for the urban poor has been started. "Under the scheme private sector companies will be given financial support for the construction of houses for the weaker sections and those in the LIG categories," the Prime Minister said. After Independence, he said, Chandigarh was the first planned city in the country.-PTI

Credai against linking of home loans to construction stages MUMBAI: Criticizing the Reserve Bank's decision to link disbursal of home loans to stages of construction, real estate apex body Credai said the move will harm developer sentiment and disturb business plans. RBI has asked banks to link the disbursal of home loans to stages of construction to protect the interests of buyers and contain the fallout of "innovative" housing financing schemes.

It has directed banks that upfront disbursal "should not be made in cases of incomplete/under-construction/ green field housing projects". Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations chairman Lalit Kumar Jain said: "Housing finance institutions or banks normally safeguard their interest while devising such instruments. Abruptly issuing such circulars, advising bank against established

practices only harm the sentiment and disrupts business plans. This will create setback for projects, affecting the end consumers." The notification follows the introduction by some banks of "innovative housing loan schemes" in association with developers or builders, where upfront disbursal of housing loans is made to builders without being linked to the various stages of construction.

86 realtors show interest in Haryana project CHANDIGARH: As many as 86 real estate companies, including DLF, Emaar MGF, Raheja Developers have shown interest in developing Haryana government's most ambitious affordable housing project in the state. Haryana's Town and Country Planning Department has received license applications from real estate developers for setting up affordable houses for which a policy was announced by Bhupinder Singh Hooda led state government last month, official sources said here. Maximum number of applications for licenses has come for setting up houses in Gurgaon city

at 50, followed by Sohna at 14, Faridabad at 10 while rest are for Jhajjar, Palwal, Rewari, Karnal and Nilokheri. Among companies which have submitted license applications, prominent real estate groups are DLF Ltd and Emaar MGF, Essel Housing at Gurgaon, SRS Hightech projects at Faridabad, CHD Developers at Karnal and Sohna at Raheja Developers, they said. In a bid to ensure affordable houses in urban areas, Haryana cabinet approved an affordable housing policy 2013 last month. Under this policy, the state government envisaged to make available 1.25 lakh affordable dwelling

units having carpet area of about 500 sq ft each in the urban centers of Haryana, which are constructed through the capital investment of private sector within a period of next five years. The maximum allotment rate for the apartment units approved under such projects has been kept at Rs 4,000 per sq ft of carpet area in the development plans of Gurgaon, Fairdabad, Panchkula and Pinjore-Kalka, Rs 3,600 per sq ft in the development plans of other high and medium potential towns and Rs 3,000 per sq ft in the remaining low potential towns. -PTI

33 India Post

Real Estate Post

September 20, 2013

Singaporean companies believe in India SINGAPORE: Singaporean companies still believe in long-term opportunities in India despite the recent plunge in rupee value and the weakening economic outlook, according to a media report. Singapore property group Ascendas, which has real estate assets in Bangalore and Chennai, believed in its longterm growth, its president and chief executive Manohar Khiatani said. "It has a competitive, qualified labor force and global companies will continue to choose India to conduct their businesses," The Straits Times quoted Khiatani as saying. "The country's real estate sector is in its growing phase and we believe key sub-sectors including industrial, IT and commercial space will continue to see steady demand," he said. Singapore-listed Religare Health Trust (RHT), which has a portfolio of health-care assets in India, was banking on the Indian market potential, especially citing the shortage of hospital beds relative to rising demand. RHT chief executive Gurpreet Dhillon said strong and sustained growth in the Indian health-care sector was being driven by solid fundamentals such as a growing middle class, an ageing population and changing disease profiles.

India has a "huge untapped demand but limited supply" of serviced residences to cater to rising numbers of expatriates and travelers, added Alfred Ong, managing director for strategic development and Indian market at The Ascott which has two serviced residences in Bangalore and Chennai and would open five more over the next few years. The general consensus about India was still positive, even though the country faced challenges in the short-run, said Benjamin Yap, regional director for South Asia at trade promotion agency, International Enterprise Singapore. Yap saw new opportunities for Singapore companies in the infrastructure, manufacturing and consumer goods sectors in the Tier 2 cities such as Pune, Lucknow and Visakhapatnam, especially after growth saturates in Tier 1 cities like Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore. "India continues to pursue economic liberalization, creating opportunities for foreign investors, including Singapore companies. What we are seeing is a short-term issue which should not detract companies from the market's long-term potential," Yap said. The Straits Times also cited other business executives expressing concern about India's red tape, complicated tax environment and challenges of dealing with bureaucrats. International media reports have highlighted foreign investors pull out of Indian stocks and bonds on the back of economic uncertainties. -PTI

Community Across America

34 India Post

September 20, 2013

Chicago Kabaddi Tournament attract hundreds

Winner of the Chicago Kabbadi Cup Fateh Club, California Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: Shere Punjab Sports & Cultural Club, Chicago held its annual Kabaddi cup tournament on Sunday September 1 at Busse Woods forest preserve which turned out to be a big festival of fun, food and sports. People not only from Chicagoland but also from Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin came in large numbers. The Kabaddi and Volleyball teams from Toronto, California, Indianapolis and Michigan participated in the tournament. In the

evening a famous Punjabi folk singer Gill Hardeep entertained the audience with his popular songs for more than one and a half hours. Madan Popli from Milwaukee was the Chief Guest. In the open Kabaddi Cup matches four teams competed. The first prize was won by the Fateh Club, California which defeated Miri Piri Sports Club, Indiana. In under-21 Kabaddi matches host Shere Punjab Sports club was the winner and Malton Sports club-Toronto (Canada) was the runner-up. Under 21 Kabaddi prizes were given out by Baldev

Kabbadi game in progress

Singh Sallah and Makhan Singh Dulley. In Volleyball matches Toni Sanghera`s 'Illinois Sikh Community Sports Club' team was the winner and Lakbir Dhindsa`s team from Madison, WI was the runner-up. Volleyball prizes were sponsored by Amarjit Singh Dhindsa. The event was successful with the generous donation by event sponsors. The sponsors were recognized and presented plaques. Club president Sardar Amritpal Gill thanked all the spectators and supporters. The event was telecast live by Global Punjab channel.

Punjabi folk singer Gill Hardeep entertaining those present

Telugu Community pays glowing Jeeyar Swami conducts Sita Rama Kalyan Puja tributes YSR SURENDRA ULLAL

CHICAGO: Telugu Christian community convened a special memorial meeting to celebrate and honor the life and the golden

nents. Keerthi Kumar Ravoori, YSR Event Co-Chair in his tribute said Dr YSR will remain indelibly enshrined in the hearts and minds of the people of Andhra Pradesh. Earlier, Rev Dr John Devarapalli, an evangelist from Andhra Pradesh, presented a historical overview on the life and the distinguished career of Dr Y.S.Rajashekara Reddy and chronicled his lineage describing how Dr YSR emerged as the greatest Chief Minister of AP. Rev. Peter Pereira, CEO Community figures at YSR Memorial seated [L to R] Surender Charles, Rev. Peter Pereira, of Hope for Today, India Rev. John Devarapalli & Keerthi Ravoori. Standing [L to R] Ravi Pulikuri, Samuel, Merari eulogized Dr. YSR as a Bushpaka, Vijender Doma, Dr. Paul Devarapalli, Vasanth Charles, Raju Pasumarthi, Ed god-anointed leader who Jenner, Johnson Sukka & Emmanuel Neela. served all sections of legacy of late former Chief Minis- and lit a candle in veneration of YSR. people with indefatigable devotion. ter of Andhra Pradesh Dr Y.S. Dr Heyer Paul Devarapalli - who Other speakers who spoke and Rajashekara Reddy in commemo- hosted the event - welcomed the lit the candle include Vasanth ration of his fourth death anniver- guests and described YSR as a Charles, Johnson Sukka, Vijender sary on September 14 in great statesman, extraordinary Doma, Merari Bushpaka, Raju Riverwoods, Illinois. people's leader and an outstand- Pasumarathi, Emmanuel Neela, The event was highlighted with ing friend of the Telugu Christian Ravi Pulikuri, Edward Jenner, glowing tributes, reflections, homi- communities all across the conti- Surender Charles and Samuel. lies, prayer and solemn music that attracted a host of prominent Telugu Christian community. Each one of them stepped up to Dr YSR's picture

Cont’d from page 26

Swamiji began his sermon explaining Vishnu (from root vish-) as God in his all-pervasive aspect and Rama as "beauty" from (ramayati). Citing the Bible that "the kingdom of God is within You" to underline that Vishnu dwells within, he recounted the parable of the old lady who lost her sewing needle and kept searching for it under a street lamp on the opposite side of the road. Our

required lamp is the scriptures and Guru. The purpose of puja was to initialize this process within oneself. To perform Sita-Rama-Kalyanam is to invoke the "wedding" of Rama's supremacy and Sita's compassion within us. Swamiji then led the collective performance of the ritual, explaining the minutest details regarding the various items of worship, the gestures (mudra), incantations (mantra), etc., and their meanings.

Sita Ram Kalyan Puja at Harper College

Community Across America

September 20, 2013

India Post 35

Exhibition on Sikh Heritage in India SURENDRA ULLAL

CHICAGO: Indian Consul General in Chicago Dr Ausaf Sayeed inaugurated a week long photo exhibition "The Sikhs - A Heritage of Valor and Devotion" in the atrium of the State of Illinois Building in Chicago on Monday September 9. The Exhibition by the renowned photo artist Sondeep Shankar is a pioneering work which showcases the rich Sikh

mained open to the public till September 13. Other venues for this display are also being planned. Nearly fifty Indian American community members attended the inauguration ceremony of the exhibition. On behalf of the Governor Pat Quinn, Ms. Theresa Mah welcomed everyone and announced that it was a part of the series of events displaying the diversity of cultures in Illinois.

Indian CG Dr Ausaf Sayeed formally launching Sikh Exhibition in Chicago downtown

Heritage and traditions. The Exhibition is sponsored by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi and is co-hosted by the Indian Consulate in Chicago, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and the Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago (PCS). The Exhibition re-

Rajinder Singh Mago of PCS gave an overview of the Sikh beliefs, the history of Sikhs in America and their contributions and sacrifices in the world wars gallantly fighting for the success of the allies. Mago introduced Consul Gen-

eral Dr Ausaf Sayeed who along with dignitaries cut the ribbon to officially declare the exhibition open to the public. In his remarks, Dr Sayeed spoke highly of the rich Sikh Heritage and the openness and inclusive nature of the Sikh culture personally experienced by him over the years through his many Sikh friends. He also touched upon the inclusive nature of Guru Granth Sahib. A moment of silence was observed in memory of the two Sikhs, one US national and another Indian national, who were murdered at a grocery store in Middlebury Street in Elkhart in northern Indiana during a robbery attempt recently. The Consul General and other invitees viewed the exhibits on display. "This exhibition will generate awareness and understanding about the Sikh American community among their fellow Americans, which is invaluable during the week of nine eleven," said

Rajinder Singh Mago. Sikhism established in the 15th

A view of Sikh exhibition in Chicago

century, is just over 500 years old religion. Its teachings are founded in philosophy of humanism, pluralism, universal brotherhood etc. Guru Nanak Devji was the first Sikh Guru, born in



close at 11 am. The check up will include testing of Blood Pressure, Blood Testing, Blood Sugar, EKG, Urinanalysis, Eye Screening, Bone Density tests, ENT exam, Chiropractic Consultation, Physical Therapy, Dental Examination, Hearing Test and Physical Examination. Information about Social Services and Benefits will also be provided. Also arranged is a diabetic education program. Approximately 25 volunteer doctors and 85 health care professionals will provide their volunteer services for the event. This year free Flu shots will

also be provided to all above the age of 25 years. Patients requiring blood testing are requested to observe fasting for 12 hours before the test. Please do not take food or drinks after 8:00 PM from the previous night (Saturday night). Any medical problems detected during the Health Fair can be further treated at the monthly clinic at the temple once a month. This is again a free service provided by the temple management and includes doctors' check up, laboratory testing and providing medicines on a regular basis.

close followers are spread in large numbers across the world. There are approximately 700,000 Sikh Americans in United States, including thousands in the state of Illinois.

Aurora Durga Puja to begin on Oct 10

Free Health Fair at Swaminarayan Temple ITASCA: A free Health Fair has been arranged at Midwest Swaminarayan Temple on Sunday, September 29 between 8:15 am and 1 pm. The Health Fair is one of the temple's regular annual programs. Along with Midwest Swaminarayan Temple, other institutions including Lohana Association of Greater Chicago, Gujarati Samaj of Chicago and Kadva Patidar Samaj of Chicago are also cosponsoring this event. The fair is open to all in need of medical checkup and health related problems. Preregistration is not required. Registration will start at the temple at 8 am and

1469.He was followed by nine Gurus whose descendants and

Acharya Swami Pranabanandji Maharaj, the founder of BSS

CHICAGO: Aurora-Chicago based Bharat Sevashram Sangh (BSS) has slated the 2013 Durga Puja Celebration beginning from Wednesday October 10 to Monday October 14 at its Aurora facility. According to S. Sucheta, an Ashram spokesperson, the morning Maha Asthami Puja will commence on Saturday at 8-30 am while the evening Puja will start at 5 pm. The Maha Navmi Puja on Sunday will start at 8-30 am and the evening Puja at 5 p.m.

36 India Post

September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013

India Post 37

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September 20, 2013

India Post 39


40 India Post

September 20, 2013











Sat , Sep 21

Thu, Oct 3

• Ganesotsava - 2013

• DJ Rekha Presents Basement Bhangra

Venue: Felician College Auditorium, 262 S Main St, Lodi, NJ 07644 Time: 10:30 am Contact: 609-923-1377

Fri, Sep 27 • Lata's Voice Klose To My Soul

Venue: Le Poisson Rouge, 158 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 718-207-0058

- A Musical Evening

• Amjad Ali Khan – Live in Concert

Sat, Octp 5


Venue: North Brunswick Township High School Auditorium, 98 Raider Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Time: 04:00 pm Contact: 817-781-6869

Venue: Van Wyck Junior High School, 10 Hillside Lake Rd, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Time: 6:00 pm Contact: 845-245-6047

Sun, Sep 22

Fri, Oct 4 • Bollywood Legend, Farooq Sheikh Venue: Edison Hotel, 3050 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ 08837 Time: 8:00 pm Contact: 732-277-6687

Venue: Haveli Indian Cuisine, 17221 Pioneer Blvd, Artesia, CA 90701 Time: 7:30 pm 562-869-9009

• Raas Garba Benefit

Sat, Octp 5 • Navratri Rass-Garba Venue: Navratri Rass Garba 2013 St. Anthony’s High School 275 Wolf Hill Rd, Melville, NY 11747 Time: 5:00 pm Contact: 347-455-8515

Sat, Sep 21

• J K Yog Satsang and Bal

• Dharma Yoga Fest 2013

Mukund Hindi Classes are held every 2nd and 4rth Sunday of Month

Venue: Excelsior High School Grounds, 15711 Pioneer Blvd, Norwalk, CA 90650 Time: 9:00 am Contact: 650-215-8484

Sat, Sep 28 • Sef Dandia 2013

Sat, Sep 28 • Planet Bollywood Venue: Ultraseude Hollywood, N Robertson Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069 Time: 10:00 pm Contact: 858-610-7388

Sat, Sep 28 • Invitation for Dharma & Yoga Fest Venue: Granada Hills high school , 10535

Venue: Kellogg Gym, 3801 W Temple Ave, Pomona, CA 91768 Time: 8:00 pm Contact:714-587-7466

Sat, Oct 12 • "Bharathanatyam Fund Raiser" Venue: Madrid Theatre, 21622 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA 91605 Time: 4:00 pm Time: 8183575313

Zelzah Ave, Los Angeles, CA 91344 Time: 4:00 pm Contact: 805-203-0726

Fri, Oct 4 • The International Gem and Jewelry Show Venue: Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90744 Time: 12:00 pm

Sat, Oct 5 • Raas-Garba With Jayshree Gohil & Group Venue: Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA 92802 Time: 4:00 pm Contact: 951-318-7375

ATLANTA Upcoming Fri, Sep 20 • Playback Singers with Lakshman Sruthi in Atlanta Venue: Forsyth Conference Center, 3410 Ronald Reagan Boulevard, Cumming, GA 30041 Time: 6:30 pm Contact: 4048049912

Sat, Sep 21 • Guest House ,Gujarati Natak Venue: Gujarati Samaj of Atlanta, at Sardar Patel Bhavan, 5331 Royal Woods Pkwy, Tucker, GA 30084 Time: 8:30 pm Contact: 404-401-4404

Chicago Satsang Information: J K Yog, Chicago - Swami Mukundananda Venue: Clarion Inn/Waterford Banquets, Board Room, 933 South Riverside Drive, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

1st and 3rd Sunday of Month • Chicago Children's Bal Mukund Character Building Program and Hindi Literacy Classes Venue: Vogelei Center, 650 W. Higgins Road, Hoffmann Estates, IL 60192 (Next to Nissan Dealership) Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

Fri, Sep 20 • Chicago South Asian Film Festival 2013 Venue: Showplace Icon Theater:, 150 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL 60605 Time: 10:00 am

Fri, Sep 20 • Tribute to First Super Star Rajesh Khaana Venue: Des Plaines Theater, 1476 Miner St, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Time: 5:30 pm Contact: 630-913-6660

41 India Post


September 20, 2013

aipur, the City of Victory, is chaotic and congested, though it still has a habit of tickling travelers pink. Stunning hilltop forts and glorious palaces fit like footprints from a rich royal past, candyfloss-bright turbans blaze a trail through brilliant bargain-filled bazaars, and fluttering saris catch the eye like butterflies. As the gateway to the desert state of Rajasthan, however, it's also a city permanently under siege. Package tourists are captivated by (and

City Palace of Jaipur: City Palace of Jaipur is a combination of Rajasthani and Mughal architecture. It is spread into a vast area and holds many palaces, gardens, forts, museums and temples in it. Jantar Mantar: Jantar Mantar was conceived as a quest for discovering the cosmos. The aim was to verify astronomical observations and to generate interest among public about astronomy. Amber Palace: Amber Palace is a magnificent building built to rival the Mughal grandeur. It is a significant symbol of the rich Rajput architecture.

offloaded on) the bustling bazaars, world-class hotels and clammy sophistication, while camel carts and cows waddle through diesel-soaked streets, rampaging rickshaw drivers hustle and burn past businessmen and tourists, and scores of street children beg outside huge jewellery shops and palatial hotels. Jaipur beams boldest at dusk - when it's well worth walking to Amber - and, much like its founder, Jai Singh II, the Pink City is both proud and resilient. TOURISTATTRACTIONS Hawa Mahal: Hawa Mahal of Jaipur is an example of the architectural magnificence prevalent in that period. Hawa Mahal is the signature building of Jaipur. A must in any Jaipur sightseeing trip.

FAIRS AND FESTIVALS: Jaipur is the land of fairs and festivals. The Pink City remains soaked with the splendor of colors. Every fair and festival has its own significance. Teej festival: Teej festival is well known across the world and is an icon of Jaipur tourism. It is celebrated to welcome the monsoon during Shraavan month (July-August) as per Hindu calendar. Millions of devotees participate in the auspicious rally of Teej Mata, said to be an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. Cont’d on page 42


India Post


Travel & Hospitality Post

September 20, 2013


Cont’d from page 41

This two-day long festival is celebrated on the 3rd and 4th day of Shukla Paksha (bright fortnight) of Shravan month. Bright fortnight symbolizes "growth" hence the women of Rajasthan keep fast for the long life of their husbands while the men offer prayers to Teej Mata for good rain and crop. Hindu mythological significance of this festival is that after a long separation, Goddess Parvati reunited with her husband Lord Shiva. She gave a boon to this day that whoever does worship of Goddess Parvati on this day, she fulfills his/her wishes. Parents of married women send "Sinjara" to their daughters on the day before Teej. Sinjara is a gift package which includes make-up stuff symbolizing her Suhaag (coverture), i.e. bindi, vermilion, mehendi or henna, bangles; Ghevar (a special disc s h a p e d sweet), and Lahariya (a multi-color sari with zigzag pattern). After receiving those gifts from the parents home, a married lady decorates herself with henna, various ornaments, wears Lahariya sari and enjoys Teej fair with her

husband, in-laws and relatives. In Teej fair, an auspicious rally of Teej Mata starts from Tripolia Gate of Jaipur which passes through various main markets and ends at Chaugan Stadium. Members of royal family decorate the idol of Teej Mata for this auspicious rally. Accouterment (Lawajma) of decorated elephants, horses and camels walk before Teej Mata's Palki (palanquin) which is made of gold and silver. Various folk dances and folk arts are performed during this rally. Gangaur Festival: Gangaur festival starts in Jaipur on Tritiya tithi (3rd day) of Krishna paksha (waning moon) of Chaitra month (March-April) and ends on Tritiya tithi (3rd day) of Shukla paksha

(waxing moon) of Chaitra month. Hence, Gangaur festival is celebrated in Jaipur for 16 days. "Gangaur" is the combination of two words "Gana" and "Gaur". "Gana" stands for Lord Shiva, and "Gaur" is the synonym of goddess "Gauri" or "Parvati". In Rajasthan, married women worship goddess

Gauri for long life and good health for their husbands while unmarried women worship her for being blessed good husband. Cont’d on page 43

September 20, 2013

Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post


Australia eyes over 8% rise in Indian travelers NEW DELHI: Australia is eyeing an over 8 per cent rise in the number of Indian travelers visiting the country in the next financial year on the back of initiatives to promote itself as a leisure and business destination.

"We expect the numbers of travelers from India to rise by 8.5 per cent to around 1,91,000 in the next fiscal year 2014-15," Tourism Australia Country Manager India Nishant Kashikar told PTI. Tourism Australia is the Australian government agency responsible for attracting interna-

tional visitors to Australia and encouraging Australians to travel domestically, both for leisure and business events. "The focus will be on promoting Australia as a leisure destination which includes both visiting

friends and relatives and holidays segment and as a business destination," he added. At present, India is already the number tenth source market in terms of travelers visiting Australia and has strong potential for growth, Tourism Australia said. "India is already Australia's

tenth largest source market and has the potential to become top seventh or eighth market by 2020," Kashikar said. Arrivals from India are expected to grow by 7.2 per cent on an average for next eight years, he added.

As per Tourism Australia, Indian travelers are also important because of their average length of stay and average expenditure. India is one of the 11th largest source market in terms of expenditure. "The average expenditure for Indian visitors was AUD 5,323 per person," Kashikar said.-PTI

Goa beaches to be without lifeguards the Tourism Ministry has been renewing it on a monthly basis. "We decided not to seek monthly renewal due to various issues," he said. DSRS was not receiving payments from the Ministry on time and even the 10 per cent annual increment embedded in the agreement was not honored by the Government this year, he added. -PTI

PANAJI: Goa's beaches would be without lifeguards from September 15 as the private agency engaged to provide services has decided to withdraw its personnel due to Government's failure to renew contract. Drishti Special Response Services (DSRS), in a notice to the State Tourism Ministry, has informed they will withdraw all their 550 lifeguards from 105km stretch of the beaches as the Ministry has failed to renew their five-year contract. Tourism Minister Dilip Parulekar said his department has invited fresh tenders from agencies interested to provide lifeguards. He declined to comment when asked whether the beaches would be allowed to remain without life-

savers as the tourist season is beginning from mid-September. DSRS, which bagged the contract in 2008, was initially assigned select beaches. However, since 2010 the agency has been manning the entire coastline, which attracts lakhs of tourists from India and abroad. DSRS Chief Operations Officer V K Kanwar told PTI that the agency carried out 1,187 operations rescuing 1,750 people in the last five years on Goa's beaches. Of late, their services were extended to other tourist hotspots like Dudhsagar waterfall, from where several drowning incidents had been reported. Kanwar said the agency issued the notice as their regular contract expired on June 15 and since then

JAIPUR Stunning hilltop forts & glorious palaces Cont’d from page 42

Married women and unmarried girls collect water everyday from different sacred places or temples to offer ablution to Gangaur. They decorate their Kalash (water pots) with traditional Rajasthani Maandna (special type of painting done by lime water). They also collect grass leaves and flowers for worship of Gangaur. During water collection and flower collection, they sing Rajasthani folk songs related to Gangaur festival. One of the most popular songs is "Bazaraan mein jaata hi Isar ramad gayo, mhaane melo to dikha de gangaur Isar Choto So..." It means that young Isar presses Gauri in the market to see the Fair (Mela) and wants lot of articles purchased for him. Though Gangaur festival is observed in many parts of Rajasthan, the Jaipur Gangaur festival is world famous. After collecting water, grass leaves and flowers; they worship Gangaur with grass leaves and sing a specific Rajasthani folk song "Gaur Gaur Ganpati, Isar Pooje

Parvati" which means goddess Parvati worships Lord Shiva (Isar) to marry him. HOW TO REACH: Air: Indian Airlines connects Jaipur with Delhi, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Aurangabad, Bombay, Varanasi, Calcutta, Ahmedabad. Rail: Jaipur is connected by rail with Delhi, Agra, Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Abu Road (Mount Abu),

Udaipur, Bombay and Sawai Madhopur. Road: Good motorable roads connect Jaipur with Delhi 258 km, Agra 236 km, Bikaner 321 km, Udaipur 405 km, Ajmer 131 km, Jodhpur 316 km, Bharatpur 176 km, Jaisalmer 638 km and Bombay 1202 km Bus: Regular buses ply from Jaipur to the above places and Alwar, Kota, Sariska, Mathura, Indore, Chittorgarh and Barmer.

Kerala CM inaugurates tourism week celebrations THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The annual tourism week celebrations, being organized by the Kerala state Tourism department as part of the Onam festival, got off to an exciting start here evening with a performance by a

Prithviraj were the chief guests at the inaugural function presided over by Tourism Minister A P Anil Kumar. Bollywood film producer Boney Kapoor, Sreedevi's husband, also attended the function. Union Minister of State for Hu-

thralled the audience at the central stadium here. The inaugural function was followed by a mega show presented by Jaihind TV channel. Various dance, music and stage events as part of the tourism week

group of 101 percussion artistes. Chief Minister Oommen Chandy inaugurated the celebrations by lighting the traditional lamp. Noted actors Sreedevi and

man Resource Development Shashi Tharoor and state Health Minister V S Sivakumar spoke. The percussion performance led by Peruvannan Kuttan Marar and Kalamandalam Sivadas en-

would be held in different venues in the city including the main venue central stadium, Nisagandhi auditorium, Sooryakanthi ground, Gandhi Park and VJT hall. -PTI

In Brief Ryan reiterates criteria for changes in immigration BROOKFIELD, Wis.: U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan says the House will take up immigration reform this fall, but he won't be supporting the bill that passed the U.S. Senate. The Wisconsin Republican spoke about immigration in response to a question following his speech to a business group in Brookfield. Ryan has been working largely behind the scenes in Washington on an alternative to the Democratic-backed Senate plan. Ryan says his priorities are first securing the border, then moving forward with creating an effective guest worker program and way for people who aren't here legally to gain citizenship. Ryan says he opposes giving people who are here illegally amnesty and instead wants to create a probationary status for them as they work their way toward citizenship. -AP

Legal status defines immigrant WA health benefits SEATTLE: For immigrants living in the country illegally, the new health care coverage under President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act will be simple: They don't get any. In Washington State, however, some of those immigrants can still qualify for certain already-existing state health programs. Both immigrants legally in the country and those illegally here who qualify for state programs will be able to look up their eligibility through the web portal created by the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. Those are a few nuggets of information in often-confusing health care facts the exchange is tasked with diffusing among minority populations in the state before enrollment begins on Oct. 1 for the expanded marketplace of health insurances. ``We have to make sure 6.5 million people are aware of what's happening,'' said Michael Marchand, communications director for the exchange. According to U.S. Census figures, nearly half a million Washington residents over age 5 speak a language other than English and say they don't speak English very well. More than 200,000 say Spanish is their primary language, but another 150,000 say they speak an Asian or Pacific Islander language. -AP

Immigration 44 India Post

September 20, 2013

Don't lose focus on Comprehensive Immigration Reform Details on page 46

Congress urged to remove India specific immigration barriers WASHINGTON: Five former US Ambassadors to India have requested the Congress to remove India-specific discriminatory provisions in immigration reform, underscoring that continuation of such steps would have an adverse impact on the bilateral relationship between the two countries. In a letter to top lawmakers, these former envoys observed that American competitiveness and vitality depend heavily on robust US-India commercial ties They further said any comprehensive immigration reform legislation approved by the Congress needs to appreciate the mutual benefit of deepening the bilateral partnership, which is vitally important to the two countries and global economy. The letters were addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives John A Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The letter was jointly signed by former US Ambassadors to India Thomas Pickering, Frank Wisner,

Richard Celeste, David Mulford and Robert Blackwill. "While we believe that the US Congressional efforts to further Comprehensive Immigration Reform can be of great benefit, we are concerned that the high-skilled

formed Coalition for Jobs and Growth worked with these five former US Ambassadors to India to reach Congress about American jobs and competitiveness. The letter comes ahead of the scheduled meeting between the

People waiting in a queue for visa interview at U.S. Consulate General.

visa provisions in legislation currently contemplated by the Senate are not in US economic interests and they complicate our relations with India," they said. The US India Business Council (USIBC) and the recently

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama at the White House on September 27. "We hope the visit of PM Manmohan Singh and his meeting with President Obama will re-

invigorate the US-India ties, prompting the US Administration and Congress to take a second look and eliminate specific discriminatory provisions in the immigration reform bill, which will hurt American competitiveness and damage US-India commercial ties," USIBC president Ron Somers said. We ask that any comprehensive immigration reform legislation approved by Congress appreciates the mutual benefit of deepening the US-India partnership, which is vitally important to our two countries and the global economy," Somers said in his letter to the Congressional leaders accompanying the Ambassadors letter. In their letter, the five former envoys write that the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation that has passed the US Senate unfortunately differentiates between US providers of IT services, and Indian IT companies which provide the same services to American businesses using virtually the same labor pool sourced Cont'd on Page 45 from India.

Advance in India 2nd preference visa cut-off date


he India second prefer ence cut-off date has ad vanced by more than three years, to January 1, 2008. In July, it stood at September 1, 2004. The Department of State's Visa Bulletin for August 2013 notes that the advance is in an effort to fully use the numbers available under the overall employment second preference annual limit. "It is expected that such movement will generate a significant amount of new India demand during the coming months," the bulletin notes, adding that "some type of 'corrective' action will be required at some point during FY 2014 in an effort to maintain number use within the applicable annual limits. Such action would involve the establishment and ret-


rogression of such cut-off dates, and could occur at any time." DHS Inspector General Releases Report on Implementation of L-1 Visa Regulations On August 9, 2013, the Depart-

response to a request from Sen. Charles Grassley for an examination of the potential for fraud or abuse in the program. The L-1 visa program facilitates the temporary transfer of foreign nationals with management, professional, and

"It is expected that such movement will generate a significant amount of new India demand during the coming months," the bulletin notes, adding that "some type of 'corrective' action will be required at some point during FY 2014 in an effort to maintain number use ment of Homeland Security (DHS)'s Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report containing recommendations aimed at improving the L-1 visa program in

specialist skills to the United States. For the report, the OIG observed DHS personnel and Department of State consular officials process L-1 petitions and visas.

The OIG also interviewed 71 managers and staff in DHS and the Department of State. The OIG found that although U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations and headquarters memoranda provide guidance on the definition of specialized knowledge, they are insufficient to ensure consistent application of L-1 visa program requirements in processing visas and petitions. More communication between DHS and the Department of State would improve the processing of blanket petitions, the report says. The OIG determined that program effectiveness would be improved and risks reduced with additional effort in (1) training for U.S. Cont'd on Page 47

Immigration Post

September 20, 2013

India Post 45

Advocates turn to Obama for action on immigration WASHINGTON: With immigration legislation stalled in Congress, advocates are intensifying pressure on the Obama administration to act unilaterally to stop deportations or grant legal status to some of the 11 million people now living in the U.S. illegally. Activists are stepping up acts of civil disobedience like one last month in Phoenix, where they blocked a bus full of immigrant detainees. And labor leaders plan to press the issue with a top White House official in an upcoming meeting. Far-reaching legislation with new visa and workplace enforcement programs and billions for border security - along with a path to citizenship for millions - passed the Democratic-controlled Senate in June, but it has been stalled in the Republican-led House ever since. Congress' just-completed August recess did little to create momentum for the House to act, despite efforts by advocates and a notable absence of anti-immigrant protests. Washington's recent focus on Syria seemed to further sideline the issue. Also, lawmakers will be occupied in coming weeks with finding ways to pass bills to keep the government running when money runs out on Sept. 30 and raising the ceiling on the federal debt. Many advocates continue to hold out hope for a legislative so-

lution even as some shift their focus to the White House. ``If Congress doesn't move, the president has a duty to act,'' said

the country illegally. ``I think that's actually what Obama wants to do. I think he wants Congress not to pass some-

Women link arms and sit in a circle to block the intersection of Independence Avenue SE and New Jersey Avenue SE outside the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 12, to protest Congress' inaction on comprehensive and inclusive immigration reform. They were all arrested soon after this image was taken.

Ana Avendano, director of immigration and community action at the AFL-CIO. ``Just because the Republicans have buried their heads in the sand doesn't mean that immigrant communities aren't feeling the sting of constant deportations.'' The possibility of executive action is inflaming Republican suspicions. Sen. Marco Rubio, a possible 2016 presidential candidate, and others warn that President Barack Obama will be tempted to act on his own to legalize some or all of the people now living in

thing so he can do it on his own and he can take credit for it,'' Rep. Raul Labrador, a Republican, said in an interview. ``He needs to be very careful, though, because he continues to flout the law, and he continues to do things that are beyond his authority. And at some point, Congress is going to have enough.'' The administration acted on its own a year ago to change policy and suspend deportations of some immigrants brought illegally into the country as children. More than 450,000 of them have

Congress urged to remove India specific immigration barriers Cont'd from Page 44

"In particular, the bill will block Indian IT companies (as well as significant US IT service providers) from providing these essential services, and free-market competition, to our leading US-based multinational companies. Equally important, such legislation sends a protectionist signal to our Indian counterparts - a signal normally reserved for nations with whom we have non-productive relations. India does not fit this

category," the envoys argued. "Many US companies entering the Indian market have found tremendous success. Others have struggled with Indian policies related to tariffs, intellectual property, tax treatment and local manufacturing requirements as well as needless interference by state and local officials," the letter said. "Our ongoing bilateral dialogue with India and not punitive legislation has, in the past, helped resolve differences. Departing from this approach

will not solve these problems. It risks provoking 'tit for tat' retaliation, which denigrates this important relationship," the letter said. "We would appreciate your bringing our concerns to the attention of those who are responsible for the preparation of final comprehensive immigration legislation, and ask that they revise those sections and remove those features of any Bill that would limit market entry of IT professionals who work for so-called Visa-dependent IT companies," they said. -PTI

benefited so far. White House officials refuse to publicly entertain any discussion of taking further steps. ``The only way to bring 11 million undocumented individuals out of the shadow economy is for Congress to pass common-sense reform with an earned path to citizenship. That's it. Full stop,'' said White House spokesman Bobby Whithorne. When asked in interviews about the high number of deportations under his administration, Obama has sought to put the onus on Congress. ``I'm not a king,'' he told Telemundo earlier this year. Advocates say administration officials are no more receptive in private, although Cecilia Munoz, director of Obama's Domestic Policy Council, has agreed to meet with labor leaders on the issue,

something that's in the process of being scheduled, according to one union official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private gathering. The issue arises against the backdrop of an uncertain outlook in Congress for comprehensive immigration legislation offering eventual citizenship to those already in the country illegally. Immigrant communities, meanwhile, are increasingly restive over the large number of deportations under the Obama administration close to 400,000 annually in recent years, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Activists say Obama should halt deportations of immigrants who would be eligible for eventual citizenship under the Senate immigration bill, which the White House supports. -AP

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Immigration Post

46 India Post

September 20, 2013

Britain's deputy PM opposes visa bond LONDON: The split within Britain's Conservative-led coalition government over the controversial 3,000 pounds visa bond scheme, which would affect visitors from certain countries including India, has been further exposed with deputy prime minister opposing the move. Nick Clegg is the latest senior figure from the Liberal Democrat party to speak out against plans to charge 3,000 pounds from foreigners belonging to certain "high risk" nations. "I am absolutely not interested in a bond which becomes an indiscriminate way of clobbering people who want to come to this country," he told the BBC, adding that the bonds "are certainly not going to go ahead" on that basis. He confirmed that the decision was yet to be finalized and that talks were still going on behind the scenes. "Of course in a coalition I can stop things," he added. Earlier, his senior party col-

league and UK business secretary Vince Cable had also attacked the plans and revealed that Clegg wanted the bond to be set at 1,000

cretionary tool" for immigration officers. However, UK home secretary Theresa May has set the amount at 3,000 pounds, which will be refunded upon departure but forfeited if visitors overstay their visas. A pilot version of the scheme is scheduled to go ahead in November and is expected to affect countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Ghana. Indian ministerial circles had raised strong objections and sought full details on the application of the scheme. Immigration remains a sensitive political issue in Britain against the backdrop of unemployment and austerity measures brought on by the economic crisis. British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to cut net pounds and be offered to visitors immigration from 252,000 a year in from "high risk" countries who 2010 to below 100,000 a year by have been refused a visa as a "dis- 2015. -PTI

Legal status defines immigrant WA health benefits SEATTLE: For immigrants living in the country illegally, the new health care coverage under President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act will be simple: They don't get any. In Washington State, however, some of those immigrants can still qualify for certain already-existing state health programs. Both immigrants legally in the country and those illegally here who qualify for state programs will be able to look up their eligibility through the web portal created by the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. Those are a few nuggets of information in often-confusing health care facts the exchange is tasked with diffusing among minority populations in the state before enrollment begins on Oct. 1 for the expanded marketplace of health insurances. ``We have to make sure 6.5 million people are aware of what's happening,'' said Michael Marchand, communications director for the exchange. According to U.S. Census figures, nearly half a million Washington residents over age 5 speak a language other than English and say they don't speak English very

well. More than 200,000 say Spanish is their primary language, but another 150,000 say they speak an Asian or Pacific Islander language. In all, people in Washington who don't speak English well speak more than 150 different languages, not including dialects, according to the Census.

Their efforts to translate information pages on their website had to be scrapped after it was revealed by a public radio report that slang and unprofessional language was used State officials estimate about 1 million Washington residents are uninsured, or about one in seven people who live in the state. About a third of them will likely become eligible for free health insurance under the expanded Medicaid. The rest will be targeted by the state's new health insurance exchange. So far, the agency has had some stumbling steps.

Their efforts to translate information pages on their website had to be scrapped after it was revealed by a public radio report that slang and unprofessional language was used in some of them. Some advocates have also raised questions on requiring a bank account to pay for the services - the population without bank accounts in the state is estimated to be high among immigrants and minority populations. But with three weeks to go before enrollment, an advertising blitz has already begun, and earlier this summer, the exchange posted a chart showing immigrant eligibility. The exchange's community partners were also vetted to make sure they could communicate in foreign languages present in their region, Marchand said. Refugees and people who apply for asylum qualify for the expanded insurance marketplace provided by the exchange. Lawful permanent residents qualify for the expanded insurance marketplace provided by the exchange as well. Refugees, people awaiting asylum and other immigrants legally in the county may qualify for Medicaid, but it depends on their circumstances.-AP

Advance in India 2nd preference visa cut-off date Cont'd from Page 44

Customs and Border Protection officers to enable them to fill their L-1 gatekeeper role at the northern land border more effectively; (2) improving internal controls of the fee collection effort at the northern land border; (3) more rigorous consideration of new office petitions to reduce fraud and abuse; (4) providing an adjudicative tool that is accessible to all federal personnel responsible for L-1 decisions; and (5) consistently applying Visa Reform Act anti-"jobshop" provisions to L-1 petitions. An appendix notes that the top 10 L-1 employers are Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Cognizant Tech Solutions US Corp, IBM India Private Limited, Wipro Limited, Infosys Technologies Limited, Satyam Computer Services Limited, HCL America Inc., Schlumberger Technology Corp., PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, and Hewlett-Packard Co. The report, which includes details on the OIG's recommendations and USCIS's response, along with appendices containing statistics, is available at http:// 2013/OIG_13-107_Aug13.pdf. State Dept. Transitions to Online Immigrant Visa Application The Department of State is transitioning to an online immigrant visa application, effective September 3, 2013. The new online forms replace the paper DS-230 and DS3032. Only Diversity Visa and Cuban Family Reunification Parole applicants will continue to use the paper forms. Immigrant visa applicants will now apply online using Form DS260 (Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration), and applicants will name their agent online

using Form DS-261 (Choice of Address and Agent). The forms are available at ceac/. USCIS To Conduct I-9 Form Study U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is developing a new version of the I-9 employment eligibility verification form. USCIS plans to propose the revised form and invite public comment. The agency is selecting nine employers for a study to determine how much time it takes employers to complete the revised form. The study will be administered at USCIS offices in Washington,

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is developing a new version of the I-9 employment eligibility verification form DC, on September 3, 2013; September 5, 2013; or September 6, 2013, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. USCIS announced on August 5, 2013, that interested employers, large and small, were invited to submit a request by August 15, 2013, to volunteer to participate in the study. USCIS said it would randomly selected four large employers and five small employers from all submissions received by the deadline. USCIS contacted the selected employers by August 23, 2013, to schedule an appointment to participate in the study. At the study, the point of contact for the employer will be asked to play the role of an employer completing Section 2 and/or Section 3 of the Form I-9.

Omaha rally protests immigration policies OMAHA, Neb.: A rally outside Omaha's courthouse protests what participants say are government policies that protect immigrants in the U.S. illegally. Between 30 and 40 people attended the rally which was timed to coincide with a closed court hearing for 20year-old Sergio Martinez-Perez. Martinez-Perez is charged with first-degree murder in the July rape and beating death of 93-year-old Louise Sollowin in her home. Authorities say Martinez-Perez is a

Mexican national in the country illegally. Speakers at the rally included state Sen. Charlie Janssen, a Republican candidate for governor, and Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King. Both men have been vocal about their opposition to granting legal status to immigrants now here illegally.'Rally organizers are demanding that the Nebraska Legislature pass a measure ``barring local sanctuary policies across the state.'' -AP

September 20, 2013


India Post 47

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48 India Post

September 20, 2013

September 20, 2013

India Post 49

„ Health


Plans finalized for Moore emergency center NORMAN, Okla.: A temporary hospital building is slated to open this year in the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore after a violent tornado hit the community in May. Norman Regional Health System officials said that the temporary facility is expected to open in late November or early December. The Norman Transcript reports that the emergency and urgent care treatment facility will have CT and X-ray capabilities and a lab. That means outpatient lab services can be performed in Moore while the new hospital is being built. More than 40 Norman Regional Health System employees and eight volunteers lost their homes in the May tornadoes. Norman Regional Health System CEO David Whitaker said the hospital's care committee has distributed $400,000 donated from groups across the country to employees. -AP

„ Apollo to invest Rs 400cr on new Cradle centers NEW DELHI: Healthcare major Apollo Hospitals Enterprise's subsidiary Apollo Health and Lifestyle plans to invest around Rs 400 crore over the next five years to set up 36 premium birthing centers across the country under 'The Cradle' brand. "We will be investing approximately Rs 400 crore to open 36 cradle centers across the country in the next five years," Apollo Health and Lifestyle Ltd (AHLL) Chief Executive Officer Neeraj Garg told PTI. The company currently has an operational Cradle centre each in Kozhikode, Gurgoan, while it has two in Bangalore. When asked how AHLL is planning to raise funds for the future expansion, Garg said: "It will be a combination of internal accruals, funding from the parent company and external funding which could be taken as and when required." The company plans to build a pan-India presence as it believes there is a huge potential for cradle centers in metros and in tier I cities. "We will build a national presence. We are already operating in the South and North. We shall consolidate our position in the three big Southern metros - Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad," Garg said. The company will also make an entry into the metro markets in the West and the East. It will also continue to expand in the Delhi and NCR region, he added.-PTI

Health Science Judge upholds Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan 50

India Post

September 20, 2013

Details on Page 52

Indian firms get FDA approval for 110 generic drugs WASHINGTON: Drugmakers from India, the biggest overseas source of medicines sold in the US, have got more than 100 generic drug approvals from the American health regulator FDA this year so far. This has taken India's share in the Original Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) approvals to nearly 40 per cent in the US market so far in 2013, even as Indian companies are increasingly coming under the regulatory scanner here. Since the beginning of 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved nearly 290 ANDAs allowing pharmaceutical firms to manufacture and sell generic drugs as a safe, effective and low-cost alternative to the Americans. At least 110 of these approved applications are from the Indian companies, or entities owned or controlled by an Indian firm, the FDA data showed. These companies include entities belonging to Sun Pharma

group, Lupin, Aurobindo Pharma, Zydus, Glenmark, Dr Reddy's, Emcure, Wockhardt, Torrent, Claris, Alkem, Ipca, Cipla, Famy Care, Natco, Hetero and Alembic. The US market is home to generic drug spending of about USD 300 billion every year and India

American shores, the demand for generic drugs is surging under President Barack Obama's healthcare program. With over 150 FDA-approved plants, including facilities run by MNCs, India shipped pharmaceutical products worth over USD 4

produces nearly 40 per cent of generic and over-the-counter products, while its share in the finished dosage medicine segment is about 10 per cent. While the FDA has stepped up its efforts to ensure that only good quality medicines reach the

billion to the United States in 2012, year clocking a growth of around 30 per cent from the previous year. Indian companies have tapped the US market by focusing on opportunities in plain-vanilla generics segment. However, many continue to improve their product

offerings and look at alternative avenues to generate higher margins. These include difficult-to-make products having technological entry barriers, as also niche products that require dedicated facilities and clinical trials and are not economically viable for many generic players. Lupin was the top Indian drug seller in the American market last year by prescriptions, followed by Dr Reddy's, Cadila Healthcare and Aurobindo Pharma, according to data compiled by IMS Health. As the market for generic drugs, which usually sell at a fraction of cost to the original drugs, grows bigger with an estimated USD 100 billion worth medicines going off-patent over next 5 years, FDA has stepped up its inspections as well. The new US laws requires FDA to inspect overseas plants on the same schedule as domestic facilities, and to bring an end to its big backlog of drug applications within 5 years. -PTI

India's Dr Poonam nominated WHO Regional Director India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh has been nominated as Regional Director for the WHO South-East Asia Region for a five-year term by the 11 Member States of the Region. The 32 member Executive Board of the World Health Organization is expected to appoint Dr Khetrapal Singh as Regional Director in January 2014, in Geneva. Dr Khetrapal Singh is expected to take office as the RD at the Regional Office in New Delhi on 1 February 2014. As the Regional Director, Dr Khetrapal Singh brings a vast repertoire of experience, having worked in the health sector for over three decades at both national and international levels. She served with WHO for the past 15 years. She is the first

woman to be nominated to this post in the Region. She started her WHO career in 1998 as a member of Dr Gro Harlem Brundland's cabinet who was

WHO Director-General at the time. Dr Khetrapal Singh served as the Executive Director for Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments in Geneva. From 2000 to 2013, as the Deputy Regional Director for WHO's SouthEast Asia Region, she served as the principal adviser to the Regional Director, providing managerial, technical and programmatic support for WHO's programs. Dr Khetrapal Singh served as a senior civil serDr Poonam Khetrapal Singh vant in India as a

member of the Indian Administrative Services. She was Secretary and Joint Secretary Health and Family Welfare. She has also served with Health, Population and Nutrition (PHN) with the World Bank Mission in India, where she worked to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of health services. Recently she has been working as an Adviser in International health to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in the Government of India. WHO's South-East Asia Region comprises the following 11 Member States: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and TimorLeste.

September 20, 2013

Health Science Post

India Post 51

Health care law perplexing to business owners ALBANY, N.Y.: Restaurant owners Colleen and Tim Holmes were considering opening a third business in a growing upstate New York suburb but decided against it. One factor was the risk from expanding their staff beyond 50 full-time employees and having to provide them federally mandated health coverage. Despite knowing the penalty for that part of the Affordable Care Act had been postponed for a year, the couple said their margins are thin and the requirements and costs under the law remain unclear. They also face some disruption from their current health plan, with some coverage moving to the new insurance exchange after this year. They've discussed whether they need to hire a consultant to help them understand what the law means for the owners of small businesses, but it's an expense they'd rather not have. Yet they have little time to research the act on their own, since they already work more than 70 hours a week. ``As small-business owners we take all the risk and we employ a lot of people, so any additional cost is difficult for us to justify without having additional revenue,'' Colleen Holmes said. Even though they offer health insurance, the couple said most of their employees refuse it because of the cost of premiums

and because most are young and feel they don't need it or can now get coverage under their parents' policies through age 26. At costs ranging from $300 to $500 a month for one healthy employee, the busi-

Her husband said it would be more advantageous for their employees to go directly to the new health exchange for individual coverage because it can be subsidized by the government. Since 2004, they've owned and operated Wheatfields Restaurant and Bar in Saratoga Springs, an upscale city with a thoroughbred track, performing arts center and Skidmore College. In 2009, they opened a cafe in the nearby Albany suburb of Clifton Park and more recently considered opening a third restaurant in between in Malta, a town that's been growing with a new semiconductor manufacturing center. ``There's a lot of other Tim Holmes, left, and his wife Colleen Holmes issues out there, but the ness could not afford to pay a fraction of health care definitely made us re-evaluate the premiums, they said. At even $100 a our business strategy in expanding,'' Colmonth, it would be $5,000 monthly for 50 leen Holmes said. workers. Another was New York lawmakers this ``Where's that money going to come year boosting the state's minimum wage, from?'' Colleen Holmes said. which will rise incrementally from $7.25 an

'Navigators' help Kansans enroll in health plans WICHITA, Kan.: The ``navigators'' who The navigators will have about 20 hours will help Kansans enroll in health plans as of online training through the Centers for the new insurance marketplaces prepare to Medicare and Medicaid Services and must go live are training for the role, but still don't pass tests to become certified. know details of the plans, rates or subsi``I do feel prepared on assisting people dies. with it; it's just not knowing what it's going The Kansas Association for the Medi- to look like is challenging,'' said Juven Nava, cally Underserved held a training confer- GraceMed outreach coordinator and navience for about 40 navigators last week in gator-in-training. Wichita, so they could learn about the AfNavigators, unlike a typical insurance fordable Care Act and what to expect once broker, are not supposed to recommend one the marketplace opens on plan over another, said Oct. 1. Cathy Harding, KAMU The Wichita Eagle re- ``The (website) is executive director. ports that plans vary by going to be designed ``The (website) is state, but Kansas and most going to be designed in in a way that shows others still have not rea way that shows comleased information about comparisons,'' parisons,'' Harding the cost of plans that will Harding said. ``Each said. ``Each of the plans be offered. will have different levEnrollment will take of the plans will have els - bronze, silver, place online at different levels" gold, platinum - side by, but side, apples to apples, the site has not yet gone live. to show what each of those plans look like.'' ``Visually we don't know,'' said Nick Although anyone is able to enroll themClasen, a patient care coordinator and navi- selves online, the navigators can help, she gator-in-training for the Center for Health said. and Wellness. Because the Affordable Care Act was ``But I do think we all have a pretty good designed to accompany an expansion of idea of the process,'' he added. ``It's going Medicaid, Harding said states like Kansas to be sit down, explain things, help them that turned down federal money to expand apply, check eligibility and then it's about Medicaid have a ``Medicaid doughnut giving them all the information about each hole,'' where some residents will make too option - not guiding them to an option - much to qualify for Medicaid but not but making sure the person can make an enough to afford insurance available on autonomous decision.'' the marketplace. -AP

hour to $9 an hour in 2016. In addition to the New York health exchange, a separate one will serve small businesses, defined as having 50 or fewer eligible employees. Many owners expect to rely on brokers to help them find the best deal. The definition of a small business will increase from 50 to 100 full-time employees in 2016 in New York, expanding access to the state-run exchange and possible tax credits for providing coverage. However, businesses with 50 or more fulltime staff still will be required to provide affordable coverage or face tax penalties, which start in 2015. Employee premiums cannot exceed 9.5 percent of gross income. Several city and regional chambers of commerce, which have traditionally offered pooled insurance coverage for small businesses, plan to continue. However, sole proprietors now will have to go to the exchange. For now, the Holmes and other smallbusiness owners are trying to understand the law's effect on them and their employees, as well as figure out what the related costs might be. ``When you can't pinpoint your costs,'' said Tim Holmes, ``you can't make strategic decisions regarding your business.'' AP

52 India Post

Health Science Post

September 20, 2013

Judge upholds Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan HARRISBURG, Pa.: A judge rejected a bid by farm industry groups to block federal and state pollution limits designed to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay by more tightly regulating wastewater treatment, construction along waterways and agricultural runoff. U.S. District Court Judge Sylvia Rambo in Harrisburg ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was within its authority to work with six states and Washington, D.C., to set and enforce standards to reduce nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment that drain from rivers into the bay and harm the ecology of the nation's largest estuary. In her 99-page decision, Rambo rejected arguments that the EPA overstepped its bounds under the federal Clean Water Act, created an unfair process and used standards that were flawed or unlawfully complicated. The EPA and the group of Chesapeake Bay states ``undertook significant efforts to preserve the framework of cooperative federalism, as envisioned by the (Clean Water Act),'' Rambo wrote. The act is ``an `all-compassing' and `comprehensive' statute that envisions a strong federal role for ensuring pollution reduction.'' The American Farm Bureau, which originally filed the suit in 2011, was still reviewing the decision and did not immediately say whether it would appeal.

``We are disappointed for all farmers of all sizes, whether they grow food for local restaurants and markets or for national stores,'' spokeswoman Tracy Taylor Grondine said. The EPA called the ruling ``a victory for

Federation. Farm runoff - such as animal waste and fertilizer that get into streams and rivers from watering or rainfall - is the single largest source of pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay, according to the EPA. Agriculture groups had become alarmed at the plan, After years of missing deadlines, the EPA saying it unfairly singled out farmers and six states - Delaware, Maryland, and the cost to proNew York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and tect waterways from West Virginia - and Washington, D.C., runoff could devasagreed in 2007 to establish a pollutiontate farmers. The National Association of reduction program by May 1, 2011, and Home Builders also to reach the targeted limits by 2025. had challenged the Chesapeake Bay plan. the 17 million people in the Chesapeake Bay To date, more than 47,000 water polluwatershed'' while other groups that sup- tion-reduction plans have been completed ported the regulations, including the Na- throughout the United States, and the tional Wildlife Federation and Chesapeake Bay Foundation, applauded Rambo's decision. ``This is a great day for clean water in the region, there could be no better outcome,'' Chesapeake Bay Foundation President William Baker said in a statement. Groups that had joined the farm bureau's effort included the Fertilizer Institute, the National Pork Producers Council, the National Corn Growers Association, the NaMEDICAID EXPANSION: Hundreds of tional Chicken Council, the U.S. Poultry and thousands of low-income Pennsylvania Egg Association and the National Turkey adults could get health care coverage now that federal law expands Medicaid's income eligibility guidelines to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $31,300 for a family of four. The sweeping 2010 federal health care law initially promises to foot 100 percent of the bill to expand Medicaid eligibility beginning Jan. 1. After the first three years, the federal share gradually declines to 90 percent and the state pays the remaining 10 percent. The 2010 Health Care Law: President Barack Obama's 2010 health care law had required states to go along with the Medicaid expansion as a way to ensure more residents have health insurance and that hospitals see fewer uninsured patients and need less financial assistance. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not force states to expand Medicaid, effectively making it a stateby-state decision. Corbett's Stance: Gov. Tom Corbett, a Republican, sued unsuccessfully to overturn the 2010 federal health care law and

Chesapeake Bay plan is the largest and most complex so far, Rambo said. State-federal efforts to improve the Chesapeake Bay water quality stretch back 30 years to 1983, when the governors of Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, the mayor of Washington, D.C., and the head of the EPA signed the first ``Chesapeake Bay Agreement.'' After years of missing deadlines, the EPA and six states - Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia - and Washington, D.C., agreed in 2007 to establish a pollution-reduction program by May 1, 2011, and to reach the targeted limits by 2025. The agreement did not violate the Clean Water Act because the EPA and the states all agreed to it and states were given the flexibility to decide how to meet the limits, Rambo wrote. -AP

A look at the Medicaid expansion issue in Pa. contends Medicaid is bloated and costly. He will insist on various conditions to pare back Medicaid coverage and push more costs on to enrollees, and seek approval to

Gov. Tom Corbett

use federal Medicaid dollars to help the uninsured buy private insurance policies instead of expanding traditional Medicaid coverage.

NH gets $230K grant to fight tooth decay CONCORD, N.H.: New Hampshire is getting some help to fight tooth decay and improve fluoride use. The state is one of three that have received a $230,000 grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The funding is designed to improve basic state oral health services, including support for program leadership and additional staff; monitoring oral disease levels and risk factors; and educating residents on ways to prevent oral diseases. ``The health field has learned much more recently about the connection be-

tween oral health and overall health,'' said Dr. JosĂŠ Montero, Director of Public Health at the state Health Department. ``This grant will allow us to build infrastructure and capacity to assess the places in the state where the dental workforce is insufficient, to monitor and evaluate fluoridation efforts, and to develop a plan that addresses barriers to achieving good oral health for all New Hampshire residents.'' The grants are renewable for up to five years. The other two states to receive the grants are Hawaii and Idaho. -AP


September 20, 2013

India Post 53

Page Sponsored by Sahanis ARTHUR OSBORNE


ater jars are kept in mosques for people to wash their feet before entering the sacred precincts. In the dusk the villagers saw Baba take water from the jars and pour it into his lamps. Then he lit the lamps and they burned. They continued to burn, and the watchers realised that the fakir had turned the water into oil. In consternation they fell at his feet, and prayed that he would not put a curse on them for the way they had treated him. This was the first miracle Sai Baba performed before the public, and it was the match that lit the fire which became a beacon drawing thousands of men to him from afar. Many became his devotees. He used his miraculous powers to cure their ailments, to help them in their day-to-day problems, to protect them from danger wherever they happened to be, and to draw them towards a spiritual way of life. A great many found their sense of values changing. Some surrendered themselves entirely to the divine will which they saw in Baba, gave up their worldly lives, and came to live at Shirdi as close disciples. Sai Baba taught them according to their needs and capacities. Learned pundits who thought him illiterate found that he could dis-



here is not a one-size-fitsall path to the truth. The way to the discovery of our true nature varies from one seeker to another. It may be a sudden and dramatic experience or a subtle, seemingly gradual path. The touchstone, in all cases, is the peace and understanding that prevails at the end of the road. Due to my upbringing by materialistic and antireligious parents and to my training in Mathematics and Physics, I was both reluctant to adopt any religious belief and was suspicious of any nonlogically or nonscientifically validated hypothesis. I was sitting in silence, meditating in my living room with two friends. It was too early to fix dinner, our next activity. Having nothing to do, expecting nothing, I was available. My mind was free of dynamism, my body relaxed and sensitive, although I could feel some discomfort in my back and in my neck. After some time, one of my friends unexpectedly began to chant a traditional incantation in Sanskrit, the Gayatri Mantra. The sacred syllables entered mysteriously in resonance with my silent presence which seemed to

course on spiritual philosophy and interpret the sacred writings of India more profoundly and clearly than anyone else they had ever known. But always he led his disciples along the Bhakti marga, the radiant pathway of divine love, self-surrender and devotion. Loving care of his devotees was the ruling motif of all Baba's actions and many of them have stated that in his presence they always felt a spiritual exaltation.

effort was needed. He was always in the all-knowing state." Many quaint, amusing and illuminating stories are told about him in the volumes on his life and teachings. But for our purposes there are just a few points we might note. One object of the fire he kept burning always at the mosque was to provide a ready supply of ash. This he called udhi, and used it for many kinds of miraculous pur-

apparently in some other body - a beggar, a hermit, a workman, a dog, a cat or something else. There was plentiful evidence that he could project himself through space and take any material form he chose. Those who were in the best position to know, his nearest disciples, had no doubts whatever on this point. Baba gave visions to people, as for instance, the visiting high Brahmin who was dubious about

Shirdi Sai Baba knew contents of people's minds Many times he proved to his devotees that he knew what they were thinking and saying and doing when hundreds of miles away from him. Sai Baba

They forgot their pains, their cares and their anxieties. They felt completely safe and the hours passed unnoticed in blissful happiness. One devotee, a Parsi woman, wrote: "Other saints forget their bodies and surroundings, and then return to them, but Sai Baba was constantly both in and outside the material world. Others seem to take pains and make efforts to read the contents of people's minds, or to tell them their past history, but with Sai Baba no

poses, particularly for curing ailments. The miracles he performed cover the full range of siddhis, or supernormal powers, as expressed in such spiritual and yogic classics as the Srimad Bhagavata and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Many times he proved to his devotees that he knew what they were thinking and saying and doing when hundreds of miles away from him. Frequently in crises he appeared wherever he was needed, either in his own form or

going into the Moslem mosque. From outside the mosque the Brahmin saw Sai Baba as the Godform he worshipped, Sri Rama. So convincing was this vision of Rama that he rushed in and fell at Baba's feet. Other types of miracle include the giving of protection at a distance -protection against accident, plague, ill-fortune and imminent death, etc. Excerpted from 'The Incredible Sai Baba' by Arthur Osborne.

become intensely alive. I felt a deep longing in me, but at the same time a resistance was preventing me from living the current situation to the fullest, from responding with all my being to this invitation from the now, and from merging with it. As the attraction toward the beauty heralded by the chant increased, so did the resistance, revealing itself

had lost their attraction. I didn't really expect anything substantial from them. I was exclusively in love with the Absolute, and this love gave me the boldness to jump into the great void of death, to die for the sake of that beauty, now so close, that beauty which was calling me beyond the Sanskrit words. As a result of this abandon,

vealed itself in its totality. I saw its superstructure, the thoughts originating from the I-concept and its infrastructure, the traces of my fears and desires at the physical level. Now the entire tree was contemplated by an impersonal eye, and both the superstructure of thoughts and the infrastructure of bodily sensations rapidly van-

Peace & understanding prevails at the end of the road I felt a deep longing in me, but at the same time a resistance was preventing me from living the current situation to the fullest, from responding with all my being to this invitation from the now as a growing fear that transformed into an intense terror. At this point, I felt that my death was imminent, and that this horrendous event would surely be triggered by any further letting go on my behalf, by any further welcoming of that beauty. I had reached a crucial point in my life. As a result of my spiritual search, the world and its objects

the intense terror which had been holding me instantaneously released its grip and changed into a flow of bodily sensations and thoughts which rapidly converged toward a single thought, the I-thought, just as the roots and the branches of a tree converge toward its single trunk. In an almost simultaneous apperception, the personal entity with which I was identifying re-

Francis Lucille

ished, leaving the I-thought alone in the field of consciousness. For a few moments, the pure I-thought seemed to vacillate, just as the flame of an oil lamp running out of fuel, then vanished. At that precise moment, the immortal background of Presence revealed itself in all its splendor. Excerpted from Eternity Now, by Francis Lucille

The door to God is the insecurity of not knowing anything. -Adyashanti I believe that happiness can be achieved through training the mind. -Dalai Lama In the moment our thoughts come still and just before the next thought arises - there, just there, is happiness. There, in the vast quiet, just there, is relationship. -Steven Harrison Give up waiting for the proverbial "Enlightenment Bus" to come along for you. It's never going to show up. Getting enlightened is not a big task for who you are. It is only a big task for who you are not. -Chuck Hillig These words are interchangeable: I, ego, egocentricity, conditioning, karma, suffering. The definition they share is that they are the illusion of a self that is separate." -Cheri Huber The spiritual core of a human being is that part of our soul that has direct contact with God. -Richard Moss

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India Post

September 20, 2013

China will remain hostile if India gets into US orbit


India Post


hy did Chinese military India. Along the Ladakh sector, India is also looking forward to across the Line of Actual Control, intrude along the Daulat Beg Oldi sector build partnerships in Southeast China's objectives will be guided in Ladakh a few months ago? In Asia and East Asia, to counter by Beijing's larger political calcuretrospect, it appears more than China's growing presence and lations vis-a-vis India, and the holding of territory; there are larger political infiltration into South larger India-China relationship. If political calculations behind Asia. Today, China has a strong India is perceived by China as Beijing's calculations. First and economic and political presence in growing closer into the American foremost, in the recent years, the Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri orbit, and/or building a partnership growing India-China relations Lanka and now Maldives. with China's periphery especially have been chequered now, espeAs a result, India is also at- in Myanmar, Vietnam, and Japan, cially after the Indo-US nuclear tempting to build partnerships all Beijing is likely to pursue a hostile deal. along China's periphery - starting strategy along the LAC in Ladakh, Beijing is apprehensive that the from Myanmar to Japan. The in- and perhaps also in Arunachal US is attempting to rope India un- trusion in Ladakh that happened Pradesh. der its strategic umbrella with an just before the Indian Prime More than the larger political objective to check China within Minister's visit to Japan was no and strategic calculations, Tibet Asia. The bigger worry for Beijing coincidence. It was a warning to will play, as has been in the past, is whether India will also go along India not to move closer to Japan. an important role in China's perFor China, Pakistan is of ex- ceptions and subsequent stratewith this American plan and be a treme importance for political and gies across the LAC in the Ladakh partner to counter China in Asia. In the recent years, as a part of economic reasons. Economically, region. Despite the increasing its renewed efforts relating to its Look east policy, India has been pursuing a larger partnership with not only Southeast Asia, but also has been attempting to build long term strategic partnership especially with Japan and South Korea. From the Indian perspecAn aerial view of five tents erected by the Chinese in Indian territory tive, it is extremely important to attract investments from the Pakistan is important for China, as presence and investments - human above two countries. Despite in- it plans to build gas pipelines and and infrastructure, Tibet continternal problems and bottlenecks railway across the Karakoram ues to be in turmoil. Sharing a rich within India, both Japan and South Highway starting from Gwadar history and a border with Tibet, Korea are extremely interested in port. In fact the Gwadar port was Ladakh is important for China. investing in India. built completely by the Chinese, What does the above mean? Besides the economic compo- to serve a larger strategic purpose. First, the LAC in Ladakh sector will China has also substantially remain active; even if there is a nent, India is also equally interested in forging a partnership with invested in the construction of relative calm, it will be an uneasy Japan for strategic reasons. India Karakoram Highway linking Gwadar one. Depending on larger stratehas been attempting to build a with Kashgar - all the way across gic equations elsewhere by India, partnership with select countries the mainland Pakistan and Gilgit- China and the US, Beijing will alin East Asia. Japan is an important Baltistan. China's presence and the ways use the LAC - from Ladakh component of this partnership. substantial investments in GB is to Arunachal Pradesh as a part of short term strategy serving a larger Unfortunately, China sees the also part of this larger objective. growing India-Japan relationship Obviously, the above is partly objective. Second, it means, the as part of countering China's rise India specific, and partly related attempts to open Kailash in Asia. to its own larger economic require- Mansarovar route from Leh will While India-China conflicts are ments, however over stated the take more time to get implemented. Finally, the efforts to open up well known to the audience in the case has been. As a result, one region, the growing Sino-Japan could easily conclude, China's the border villages and throw differences are not well appreci- presence in Gilgit Baltistan is un- open to regular traffic of people ated here. Especially after Abe tak- likely to reduce. and goods within Ladakh will also ing over as the Prime Minister, On the eastern sector, espe- have to go slow. This also means, there has been an increased hos- cially on what has been occupied the border communities living tility towards China. Japan under by China - especially Aksai Chin, along the LAC in Ladakh will conAbe is getting increasingly asser- Beijing is unlikely to even engage tinue to remain under the larger tive vis-a-vis China; Abe in fact in a dialogue with India. For all India-China shadows, further has even asked his business com- practical purposes, China consid- complicating a complex living enmunity to withdraw from China ers Aksai Chin as an essential part vironment. The writer is Director, IPCS and invest in Southeast Asia and of its territory and non-negotiable.

UPA achievements


mplying that Narendra Modi is vain and boastful, some Congress leaders have been saying after the elevation of Modi that Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi is neither neither boastful nor aggressive "like some others." There was an immediate reply on the social media, "What has Rahul Gandhi proved or done anything worthwhile to boast of!" At a recent public meeting Rahul Gandhi listed all that the Congress had done under his mother, viz "Right to Education, Right to Information, Right to Food, Right to jobs like the NREGA and Right to forests, Rights to free medicines," etc etc. These are wonderful schemes, but only schemes. A few days later his party, the Congress bared its real face. According to new rules set out by the Government's Ministry of Personnel, bureaucrats and their dependent family members can now get complex medical treatment abroad at State expense and also get their airfare reimbursed. It need not be said that the ruling party politicians already enjoy this facility. There is need to ask Rahulji, why politicians and bureaucrats should not be forced to use the hospitals they build for the common man? This raises questions about the callousness and audacity of the government that it could introduce such a measure on the eve of elections. Imagine what it would do after elections when it will not be subjected to questions about its supposed empathy for the common woman and her healthcare? According to one expert, the decline of government hospitals is in part associated with the decision of ministers and officials to give themselves the benefit of being monetarily compensated for private health care. "Ironically, their departure as users from public sector hospitals partly contributed to their decline. Usurpation by politicians of whatever was being offered by specialized public sector institutions meant marginalization of ordinary people in these institutions," he says. As for the Right of Education, Tavleen Singh asks in her latest column in Indian Express, "Have you ever met an official, even a lowly one, who sends his children to a government school? Why should schools built for the common man be too common for the children of political leaders?" From statistics available, even the poor in villages strive to send their children to private schools, and not to government schools which, in any case, exist on paper, and even when they exist, the teachers are never found to be present. So this is what the paper promise of Right to Education amounts to on the ground. Then there is the latest Food Security Bill. Sonia Gandhi, making a rare speech on the occasion of introducing the Bill, told Parliament that if there is no money for the Food Security bill, it would just have to be found. And if the public distribution system is broken, it would have to be fixed. But how, she did not say. Another instance of promises on paper. The Right to Information Act, for which the Congress wants to take lot of credit, was recently under attack by the same government over an order by the Central Information Commissioner which brought political parties under the purview of the information law. MPs cutting across party lines closed ranks to override the CIC decision. The Union Cabinet cleared a proposal to amend the RTI Act in order to give immunity to political parties from providing information. The government brought in a bill with the intent to exempt political parties from the RTI. There was great hue and cry over this. The RTI community saw it as an attack on the hardfought information regime. Coming under great pressure even from some parliamentarians, the proposal has thankfully been deferred and referred to a parliamentary committee for consideration. In public the UPA government and its representatives speak of public welfare schemes but in private they take measures which enhance their own clout and block any accountability.

September 20, 2013

India Post 55

56 India Post

September 20, 2013

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