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India Post V O I C E






Jay Goyal named At-Large Member of DNC Details on page 6

VOL 15, No. 785

September 25, 2009


Periodical Postage

Nirmam Vasanwala

Chicagoland student falls to death in St. Louis Details on page 10


India's roads are on fast track, says Kamal Nath

Suite 2009 PR pitch for India investment

Details on page 7 Details on page 40

'Pak achieved nothing from wars with India' Details on page 6

So Cal welcomes Sadhvi Rithambra Details on page 7

Hollywood movie on female feticide

FOND MEMORIES: Family members of victims, firefighters and police officers walk in line in the rain at the reflecting pool placing flowers as people gather at Ground Zero during a 9/11 memorial ceremony on September 11 in New York City India Post News Service

Details on page 19

Infosys ahead of rest of world, says Sonia Details on page 8

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

Is Radical Islam greatest threat to world? Last week’s result

PC’s US visit will increase pressure on Pak? YES 43%

NO 57%

NEW YORK: Facing gusty winds and heavy rains members of Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI), an apex body of 35 organizations, staged a peaceful vigil in front of Ground Zero in New York on Sept 11. HRCARI members - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hin-

dus, Sikhs and secular leaders gathered there to mourn the loss of all victims of Radical Islam - from the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, from Mumbai to Madrid, Lockerbie to London, Bali to Beslan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, from Somalia to Sudan, from Iraq to Israel, from the sailors on the USS Code to the Coptic Christians in Egypt, and from Kenya to Kashmir. Details on page 6

I want to better my Olympic bronze: Paes Details on page 34

CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 24-25 Classifieds --------------------- 44-46

Farah Pandith sworn in US Rep to Muslim communities

Community Post -------------- 10-20

WASHINGTON: Farah Pandith, an Indian- American, has been formally sworn in as the first US Special Representative to Muslim communities as part of the Obama Administration's efforts to reach out to the Islamic world. At a ceremony held at the Foggy Bottom headquarters of the State Department, Farah's mother held the Quran on which she took the oath administered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Horoscope ------------------------- 48

Details on page 6

Date Book -------------------------- 43 Edit Page --------------------------- 50 HealthScience Post --------- 22-23 Immigration Post ------------- 36-39 Life Style ----------------------- 26-28 Philosophy ------------------------- 49 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate ------------------------ 21 Sports Post -------------------- 34-35 TechBiz Post ------------------- 40-42

Farah Pandith

Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”

Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 29-31


India Post

September 25, 2009

September 25, 2009

India Post



India Post

India Post

September 25, 2009

IndiaNewsweekly Post

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Publisher’s Diary


he United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) gets underway this week and as every year New York City where the world body is headquartered becomes one huge venue for world leaders to converge upon, ostensibly to thrash out issues of global concern. Now the debate over the relevance of the United Nations is an old one. In fact, as far back as 1995, a US lawmaker had introduced a bill seeking the withdrawal of the US from the UN since, according to him, the United Nations no longer served the US national interests and had become a bureaucratic nightmare consuming $4 billion to no positive end. While that argument still stands, and the US continues to be an influential member of the UN, in recent years, the UNGA meet has become a platform for countries disgruntled with the US to vent out their angst and gain world attention, which otherwise would be impossible to achieve diplomatically. Interestingly also, the UNGA -- while managing to achieve precious little in terms of solutions for real issues such as poverty, hunger, child abuse, human trafficking, civil strife, terrorism and war - has come to be the hub for bilateral deals on the sidelines, between interested countries. For India, the issue of the UN Security Council expansion has been a sore point for the last decade or so with several members, including some of the current Security Council members, refusing to give India its due, as it deems it due. Sure, the UN as a collective entity is an outdated and in many ways irrelevant behemoth which has failed to keep up with the times. Only last week two former Ambassadors of the UN released their book that details the outdated management, nepotism, cronyism and lack of accountability in the organization's administration. I believe, the basic tenets that the UN was founded on all of 64 years ago are absolutely relevant even today. The only hitch has been the undeniable inequity among its members and the UN unfortunately failed to bridge the gap between the First and the Third Worlds.

Romesh K Japra

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Bollywood Miss Turquotte Ayesha Shroff, Jackie Shroff's wife, spilled the beans about Katrina's identity insisting she wasn't Kaif.


Cover Story: Radical Islam Members of Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam staged a peaceful vigil in front of Ground Zero in New York on Sept 11.

Community: Mandir expansion



A million dollar plus Gayatri Gyan Mandir (GGM) established in Itasca just three years ago is now set for expansion of its facility.

Life Style: Dreaming in Hindi At thirty seven, Kathleen Russell Rich takes on the daunting, frustrating and fascinating task of learning Hindi.


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Doubles Champion Leander Paes and partner have won the US Open men's doubles trophy, taking his Grand Slam tally to 10.

TechBiz: PR pitch for India An aggressive PR pitch for India was made at the Summit for US-India Trade & Economics (Suite 2009).

34 40





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September 25, 2009

India Post



Cover/Top Stories

India Post

September 25, 2009

9/11 protest over radical Islam India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Facing gusty winds and heavy rains members of Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI), an apex body of 35 organizations, staged a peaceful vigil in front of Ground Zero in New York on Sept 11. HRCARI members - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and secular leaders gathered there to mourn the loss of all victims of Radical Islam - from the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, from Mumbai to Madrid, Lockerbie to London, Bali to Beslan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, from Somalia to Sudan, from Iraq to Israel, from the sailors on the USS Code to the Coptic Christians in Egypt, and from Kenya to Kashmir. This multi-ethnic, diverse, rainbow coalition for human rights demanded American government officials, President Barack Obama and the mainstream media to connect the dots and report the truth about Radical Islam's worldwide assault on human rights. HRCARI also demanded the governments to take appropriate action to protect the civilized world and to slow, if not stop, the spread of Islamic Supremacism.

The volunteers carried various posters saying "Since 9/11 Radical Islam has committed 11,961 attacks and killed 75,038 and injured 115,255 people", "Stop billions of Saudi oil money funding worldwide to Radical Islam" and so on. "The root cause of the murder and mayhem in Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Kashmir, Madrid, Mumbai, Beslan, Bali,

The volunteers carried posters saying ‘Since 9/11 Radical Islam has committed 11,961 attacks and killed 75,038 and injured 115,255 people’, Manila, USA, UK and other parts of the world is Radical Islam. Radical Islam is the greatest threat to human civilization. We should recognize the gravity of this threat", warned Dr. Marvin Belsky of HRCARI. Andrew Upton from the Human

Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam spoke of the difficulty in challenging an intolerant and violent political doctrine when it hides behind the veil of religion; especially in America where tolerance of religious beliefs is so important. Yet he emphasized the importance of unveiling the terrible truth about this doctrine as he recalled standing and watching in horror from just one block away as the second plane struck the World Trade Center on Sept 11, 2001. Narrating the tragic story of the death and destruction wrought by Radical Islam, Rajinder Singh Khalsa, President, Sikh Recognition Trust said: "Our Ninth Guru Shri Teg Bahadur Singh ji was killed by Radical Islam and our Tenth Guru's two sons also were bricked alive in the walls by Radical Islamists. One of the organizers of the Vigil, Narain Kataria said: "Radical Islamic preaches an ideology that is intolerant, exclusive, oppressive, totalitarian, violates human rights of others, and is incompatible with American Constitution. Radical Islam has unleashed a war on humanity. For the survival and protection of humanity

as a whole, it is absolutely essential for the civilized governments and the United Nations to nip in bud this totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion. Bhupinder Singh Bhurji, Chairman of Namdhari Sikh Foundation, USA said: "What happened on 9/11 in New York has been happening for the hundreds of years in our country of origin - India. A couple of months ago thousands

‘Radical Islamic preaches an ideology that is intolerant, exclusive, oppressive, totalitarian, violates human rights of others, and is incompatible with American Constitution’ of our Hindu and Sikh brothers were asked to pay special tax (jazia) by Talibans in Pakistan. When they refused to pay the Dhimmi tax, their houses were ransacked, burnt and their businesses destroyed. According to a report in Times of India, as a result of tor-

ture and brutalization by Talibans, more than 5000 Hindus and Sikhs have fled Pakistan. "What America is doing now in Afghanistan, we Sikhs had done it 200 years ago and taught a befitting lesson to terrorists from Afghanistan. We Sikhs organized our army under Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Lion of Punjab, and pushed all the Islamic invaders back to Afghanistan. “Under our Commander Hari Singh Nalva we attacked Afghanistan and defeated them and broke their backbone. We built a very powerful human wall on the western front of India and insulated India from foreign attacks for ever." Arish Sahani, another member of HRCARI informed the audience that during the last eight years, more than 13,000 terrorist attacks have taken place all over the world in which thousands of innocent men, women and children have been murdered. Referring to ethnic cleansing of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Christians from Islamic nations, Sahani said that during the last 60 years, Hindu population in Pakistan has been reduced from 23 to 1%, and it has been brought down from 30% to 7-8% in Bangladesh.

Jay Goyal named At-Large Member of DNC India Post News Service

NEW YORK: State Representative Jay Goyal of Ohio has taken

his place on the Democratic National Committee at their Fall meeting in Austin, Texas September 1012. Goyal was the only At-Large

member of the DNC appointed from Ohio. He was selected as an At-Large Member upon the nomination of the National Party Chair-

'Pak didn't achieve anything from wars with India' ISLAMABAD: Observing that Pakistan did not "achieve anything" from going to wars with India in the past, former National Security Adviser Mahmud Ali Durrani has said his country should extend a hand of friendship towards the neighbor to settle the outstanding issues. Durrani said he had participated in two wars and now thought that "Pakistan did not achieve anything from these wars". "We should extend (a hand of) friendship towards India, and start peace talks to settle disputes," he said. The former NSA was sacked by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani after he told journalists that Ajmal Kasab, the lone terrorist arrested for the Mumbai attacks, was a Pakistani national. He said low-level skirmishes

Mahmud Ali Durrani

started by Pakistan prompted the Indian Army to cross the international border and launch a full-fledged war in 1965. "We started the intrusions on

the borders and I think we should think about the Indian response at that time," said Durrani. The Indian Army reacted because "low-level skirmishes were started from this side", he said. The high-level military command was not involved in "a strategy to disturb India" but politicians knew about what was happening along the border, Durrani told a TV news channel. Then foreign minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto too had no idea that India would cross the international border. Durrani endorsed the Indian position that it was his country that had started the "intrusions." "We started the intrusions on the borders and I think we should think about the Indian response at that time."-PTI

man Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. Goyal is one of three IndianAmericans on the Committee, the other two being Kamil Hasan and Sunita Leeds. Goyal (D-73rd District) made history in November 2006 when he became the first Asian-American elected to serve in the Ohio Legislature. Upon his reelection

in November 2008, he was selected by Party leadership as the Majority Whip in the Legislature. The Democratic National Committee is the organizing body of the Democratic Party. It is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Party, development of the Party platform and fundraising efforts for the Party.

Farah Pandith sworn in US Rep to Muslim communities WASHINGTON: Farah Pandith, an Indian- American, has been formally sworn in as the first US Special Representative to Muslim communities as part of the Obama Administration's efforts to reach out to the Islamic world. At a ceremony held at the Foggy Bottom headquarters of the State Department, Farah's mother held the Quran on which she took the oath administered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 41-year-old Pandith, whose family migrated from Jammu and Kashmir in the late 1960s, is the first Special Representative to Muslim Communities of the United States.

Wishing Pandith success in her new job, Clinton said she was best suitable in this position. "It is apparent now more than ever that we have to do more to promote dialogue and diplomacy, and Farah will play a key role in that process for us," she said. Farah was joined by her brother, her aunt, and her cousin. This appointment, Clinton said could not have come at a more opportune time. "As President Barack Obama said in Cairo and Ankara, our nation seeks a new beginning with Muslims around the world, a relationship based on mutual interest and mutual respect. -PTI

Top Stories

September 25, 2009

India Post


India's roads on fast track, says Kamal Nath SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: In what is being termed the biggest Public-Private Partnership program in the world, India has undertaken to build 20 km of roads a day with a target of constructing 127 roads at a cost of $20 billion in the next one year. Giving insights into India's massive road and highway construction projects and the challenges on the way was India's Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Kamal Nath, at an event hosted by the IndiaAmerica Chamber of Commerce (IACC) and the Indian Consulate in New York on Sept 15. The massive program aims at developing 15,000 km of roads and highways over the next three years at a cost of $70 billion. The National Highways Authority of India has already invited bids for over 60 projects in the current financial year for construction of the 7,000 km of highways. With nearly 3.4 million kilometers of roads, India has the sec-

ond largest network of roads in the world. The Indian government now proposes to go into a massive 17,000 km of Expressway construction across the country. For the first time, India has set up an "Expressway Authority". Stating that the next decade will be the decade of infrastruc-

The massive program aims at developing 15,000 km of roads and highways over the next three years at a cost of $70 billion ture for India, Nath said roads will be an important part of that process. "Roads generate economic activity across the country; they are not just a matter of connectivity or transport but a matter of economic activity," the minister

said. In India, Nath said, there was no 'one-size-fits-all' when it comes to road building. "The challenges are different in different states like say Bihar or the North-Eastern states or Kashmir. It's not the same as building roads in Punjab or Haryana. Still we built more roads this year than we did in the last five years," he said. Nath said that US developers and construction companies have expressed concerns on various aspects such as the model concession agreement which has clauses for termination, exit, conflict of interest and definition of associates. The minister assured that many of these concerns are being ironed-out by the end of this month itself. Talking of the 7,000 km of roads that are currently under construction - doing 20 km a day - Nath said "this quantum jump will create inclusive growth and it is here that we will add to our GDP growth rate." With India poised to get back to 8% growth in the next year, ensuring equitable

growth was the biggest challenge the government faces, Nath added. "When we talk of 8% growth rate, it means at least 25 million people having two meals a

day visit to the US, also took part in a roundtable organized by USIndia Business Council in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industries.

Kamal Nath

day instead of one. So when we talk of managing growth, we have to ensure that it touches all sections of society." Minister Nath, who is on a five-

The US visit tops off the minister's world tour to re-generate investor interest in India's massive infrastructure development.

UN Secy General launches book highlighting UN flaws SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: "After 63 years, nobody believes the United Nations is perfect -- it is a flawed organization with inherent problems," said Secretary General of the United Nations Ban ki-Moon last week while launching a book critiquing the systemic weaknesses of the world body. The book, 'The United Nations International Civil Service: Perceptions and Realities' coauthored by Dr. Ajit Banerjee, formerly Special Advisor and Principal Coordinator for Administrative Reform and Governance Program in the UN and Ambassador M.R. Sharma, former Permanent Representatives of Nepal to the UN was launched by the UN Secretary General in the presence of Permanent Representatives of India and Nepal to the UN Ambassador H.S. Puri and Ambassador Madhu Raman Acharya respectively and other invited guests at the UN on Sept 11. The Secretary General, who said he does not as a rule endorse books, decided to launch this particular book, although critical of the UN, has good recommendations and practical solutions. ""Since becoming Secretary General I have been working to make the UN more credible and trustworthy," Ban ki-Moon said. "There are serious problems of

accountability, efficiency and professionalism, but I won't be able to set right all those problems alone, it has to be done together by all the member countries and civil servants working at the UN." Crediting the service of the civil servants working for the United Nations, Ban ki-Moon said, "They have been doing a great job within the limited resources they have.

cept of civil service. "It is easy to argue about all that is wrong with the organization, but we are part of it and are responsible for it," he said. "This publication offers doable changes in the system of human resource management. The United Nations represents a huge bureaucracy and is yet to acquire geographic and gender balance." The United Nations, which

comparative study of best practices has made it clear to us that the uniqueness (of the UN) has been taken too far to resist timely change. This has stuck the world body to outdated and ineffective management practices." According to Dr. Banerjee, though the UN has delivered remarkably well whenever key resources were optimally deployed,

The Secretary General,

Dr. Banerjee said that

said he does not as a

vested interests determined creation of

rule endorse books,

posts, deployment of

but decided to launch

staff and career

one as it has good

progress of staff


which was not in consonance with

and practical solutions Ban ki-Moon

There will be no such time when we have enough resources and that's our reality. We have to do our best within the constraints." The Secretary General lauded the authors for their insights into the working of the UN and said he would take into consideration whatever practical recommendations they have made in the book. Ambassador Puri while introducing the authors said the book takes a fresh look at the very con-

started 63 years ago with a few hundred staff members and few million dollars in budget, now has a work force of more than 100,000 people and several billion dollars of budget and a membership of 192. Dr. Banerjee did not mince words in pointing out the many flaws in the world body, which he, along with co-author Amb. Sharma has studied in the two years of their research for the book. "Our

the needs of the UN it has disappointed many times despite full cooperation from member states. Putting it bluntly, Dr. Banerjee said that vested interests determined creation of posts, deployment of staff and career progress of staff which was not in consonance with the needs of the UN. "Nepotism and cronyism are prevalent and departmental leadership and accountability are the weakest link in the chain," he said

adding that the UN continues to live in the domain of outdated incrementalism while the world beyond has adopted the concept of strategic human resource management and moved on. The authors suggest that the UN needs an independent recruitment and selection agency to make recruitment and selection open, transparent and credible; the organization structure and distribution of staff to be reworked; staff performance and career progress be fully linked; trainings aught to be tailored to the needs of the UN; remove duplication and overlap within departments to cut costs and reduce staff strength; and injection of new blood keeping in mind merit, geographical and gender balance. "While discussing ideas for reform, we have focused only on what is doable in the UN," the author said. "Our suggestion to make a clean break with the hackneyed management practices could put traditionalists on the defensive, but those who want to maintain the vibrancy and relevance of the world body will appreciate them." In conclusion, Dr. Banerjee said, "If our diagnosis or medicine is bitter at places, that is because we love the United Nations and want its acute and entrenched ailments treated, and because we do not want the entity abandoned as a lost cause."


Top Stories

India Post

September 25, 2009

Musharraf backtracks, denies Rudd warns Indians not to take law into their hands diverting US aid WASHINGTON: Facing flak in Pakistan, former President Pervez Musharraf has backtracked from his statement that the US military aid meant for the war on terror was diverted to bolster defenses against India. In a statement issued in Philadelphia, Musharraf, currently on a lecture tour of the US, said Pakistan "never violated any agreement or mis-utilised US funds." "As far as the equipment issued to a military unit is concerned, the equipment moves wherever the unit is deployed," he said. "The US at the time was aware of what we were doing," he was quoted as saying by 'Dawn News'. His U-turn came three days after he admitted in a TV interview that the military aid provided by the US to Pakistan for the war against terror during his tenure had been used to strengthen defenses against India. He had also

said he "did not care" whether the US would be angered by his disclosure. "No question was asked regarding US funds for fighting the militants in this interview or at any other time," Musharraf said in the statement. "I have never said Pa-

Musharraf, currently on a lecture tour of the US, said Pakistan ‘never violated any agreement or mis-utilised US funds’ kistan violated any agreement." The US State Department had said it took "very seriously" Musharraf's admission, but refrained from stating whether it would investigate the matter.

Washington has given a whopping over USD 7 billion in aid to Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks in America to fight terrorism. Musharraf's retraction came on a day when Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi accused him of doing disservice to the nation by making remarks on the aid issue. "If he (Musharraf) has said what has been printed in newspapers, then he has not done any service to Pakistan. If he has said this, he has not strengthened Pakistan's case," Qureshi told reporters in his hometown of Multan. After Musharraf's disclosure, India had said his statement did not come as a surprise. "We have for some years now arguing that the only problem we have with the US military aid to Pakistan is its misuse against us," Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor said in New Delhi.-PTI

Separatists reject PM's charge on violence SRINAGAR: Separatist leaders in J-K have rejected Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement that they were stepping up violence with the help of elements from across the border. "Kashmiris are struggling peacefully for their birth right but India uses its military power to suppress the peaceful and justified struggle," chairman of hardline faction of Hurriyat Syed Ali Shah Geelani said in reaction to PM's statement. "India is trying to divert the attention from the rights' violation in Kashmir. By doing so, it is deceiving its own people from the real situation and blaming separatists for violence", he said. Echoing the sentiments of Geelani, chairman of the moder-

ate faction of Hurriyat Mirwaiz Umer Farooq said people of Kashmir are demanding their right in a democratic way but India has al-

Defending the ongoing struggle in Kashmir, Mirwaiz who was recently elected the chairman of Hurriyat for next two years, said ‘it is peoples' movement’ ways maintained a policy of "rigidity" and uses power which forces the youth to take up arms.

He said "time has come that India should adopt a realistic approach and prepare itself for sincere and serious talks to resolve the issue". Defending the ongoing struggle in Kashmir, Mirwaiz who was recently elected the chairman of Hurriyat for next two years, said "it is peoples' movement". "It is not because of a party or individual leader. People are with the movement for a cause and India should realize this fact," he said. Chairman of JKLF Mohammad Yasin Malik also strongly reacted to the statement and said Kashmiris believe in peaceful struggle and the ceasefire announced by JKLF way back in 1994 was a solid proof of the same.-PTI

Al-Qaeda seeking nuclear secrets from Pakistan WASHINGTON: Al-Qaeda is trying to seek nuclear secrets from Pakistan and it remains as dangerous as ever, Special US Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke said here. "Al-Qaeda is still there in the region, ever dangerous and publicly asking people to attack the US and publicly asking nuclear engineers to give them nuclear secrets from Pakistan," Holbrooke said at

a reception hosted by the Congressional Caucus on Afghanistan at the Capitol Hill. Holbrooke, the point man of the Obama Administration for Afghanistan and Pakistan, said the US is not in Afghanistan to support the elections, but it is there for its own national interest and security. "We are not in Afghanistan for the election. We are in Afghanistan for the whole host of reasons, start-

ing with our own national interests and going on to the fact that what happens in Afghanistan, would affect the region and what happens in the region affect the world," Holbrooke said. He said the Obama Administration has not only increased the number of security forces in the country but has also increased the aid substantially to both Pakistan and Afghanistan. -PTI

MELBOURNE: As racial attacks on Indians mounted in the country, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has warned Indian students not to retaliate and not to take the law into their hands. Rudd's reaction came after local Indian community was told by a writer and activist Farrukh Dhondy to take "some form of retaliation" following the assault of four men outside a bar in Melbourne earlier this week. Dhondy told a meeting of Indians to take matters into their own hands. "There really has to be some form of retaliation from the Indian community as a whole. India has to stand up," he told ABC Radio today. Rudd, according to media report, said Australia was a law-abiding nation. "The laws are there for a purpose and that is for all citizens to adhere to them," he said. When asked what message he had for anyone who took the law into their own hands, Rudd said: "People should not." Victorian Premier John Brumby earlier announced," we'll give police more powers and give police more resources to make sure we get the message out clearly in the community. Anybody who undertakes acts of racism or violence in Victoria will feel the full force of the law." Brumby, who is to undertake a visit to India, said incidents such as the weekend attack on Indian men will make his mission to repair damaged relations between Australia and India all the more difficult. "Some of the events of the last few months have damaged our brand and the Australian brand in India," he said, adding his government was committed to fixing the problem. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is

also due to visit India. "I don't think there is any doubt at all that some of the events over the last few months have damaged our brand and the Australian brand in India," Brumby said. The attacks have cast a shadow over an education industry worth USD 14 billion. Federation of Indian Students

Kevin Rudd

Brumby, who is to undertake a visit to India, said incidents such as the weekend attack on Indian men will make his mission to repair damaged relations between Australia and India all the more difficult in Australia (FISA), a representative body, said assurances by Australian government have fallen flat on making the place secure and safe. "People are still being bashed, people are still being abused, people are still subject to racist comments," FISA president Amit Menghani said. "Police promised a zero-tolerance approach but, as far as students are concerned, that has not happened," he said.-PTI

Infosys ahead of the rest of the world, says Sonia MYSORE: Software major Infosys is a "stunning reminder" of what Indian talent, ingenuity and hard work can accomplish, UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi said here. "You have shown to India and the world that an Indian company cannot just be world class, but be ahead of the rest of the world", the Congress President said after inaugurating the company's Global Education Centre-II here. She said the success of

Infosys, India's second largest software exporter, should not be measured in Dollars alone, but in the difference it makes in transforming a society for the better. Praising the Indian IT industry, Gandhi said the success of Infosys, Wipro, Tata Consultancy Services and other companies had changed the lives of millions of Indians and propelled the country's economy to a record-breaking growth. -PTI

Top Stories

September 25, 2009

India Post


Tirupati Laddoo awarded geographical copyright NEW DELHI: 'Tirupati laddoo' offered to devotees at the Lord Venkateswara Temple in Andhra Pradesh has been awarded geographical copyright that bars others from naming or marketing the sweetmeat preparation under the same name. The Tirumala-Tirupati Devasthanams, a trust that administers the Venkateswara Temple in the Tirumala hills, had applied for Geographical Indication (GI) with the Chennai- based Geographical Indication Registry in March last year. "The GI certificate for Tirupati Laddoo has been granted to the trust (TTD). The Laddoo is now protected under law and nobody can copy it," G L Verma, Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks and GI, told PTI from Chennai. Under GI, the right to marketing a product is tied to a definite

geographical territory and the manufactured goods should be produced or processed or prepared in that territory. Popular items that have been granted GI tag world over include Champagne and Tequilla, and the procedure helps in preventing others from surreptitiously exploiting a brand name that has

evolved over a period of time. The GI status provides legal protection and facilitates for action in case of infringement. GIs are covered as an element of Intellectual Property Rights. P H Kurian, Controller-General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, also confirmed granting of GI status to Tirupati Laddu. -PTI

Pak ordered $ 4.5 bn worth arms from US WASHINGTON: Pakistan placed its largest ever arms purchase orders worth USD 4.5 billion with America between 2005 and 2008 and its weapons shopping list included more F-16 fighters and over hundred 155 MM artillery guns, a latest Congressional report has said. The orders included thirty-six latest block 50/52 F-16C jets and their air-to-air missiles and bombs worth a whopping USD 640 million. The arms deal also provided for mid-life modification of its earlier F-16 A/B fighters. Under the arms deal, Islamabad also sought 115 M109A5 155 MM self propelled howitzers worth USD 52 million, the guns it did not have during the Kargil conflict in 1999. According to 'US Arms Sales to Pakistan' report, the major arms purchase agreement by Pakistan signed in 2006, was in excess of USD 3.5 billion, ranking Pakistan

first among all arms clients of the US during that calendar year. The report informs the US lawmakers that America can suspend or terminate any arms sales agree-

The deal has been cleared with stiff conditions which include if the US government chooses, it can stop the transfer of defense articles and services to Pakistan for which valid contracts exist ment with Pakistan or the delivery of weapons previously ordered, if the President determines that the action taken by Islamabad are against the national security

interests of the United States. "The Congress can also pass legislation that would suspend, modify, or terminate any arms sale contract should it choose to do so," said the report prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a bipartisan and independent research wing of the US Congress, which prepares reports on various issues for Congressmen. . According to the report dated August 24, a copy of which has been obtained by PTI, the deal has been cleared with stiff conditions which include if the US government chooses, it can stop the transfer of defense articles and services to Pakistan for which valid contracts exist. This clause can be applied without finding if the arms deal is in violation of an applicable agreement with the US relating to permissible uses of weapons previously sold.-PTI

Bin Laden blames US support to Israel for 9/11 WASHINGTON: Osama bin Laden has told Americans to rethink their policies, in a new video in which he links their support for Israel to the September 11 attacks in 2001, a US-based monitoring group said. Titled "Message to the American People," the video -- released by the As-Sahab media production branch of Al-Qaeda -- features a still image of bin Laden and an audio statement, said

IntelCenter, based outside Washington. It came two days after the United States marked the eighth anniversary of the attacks by bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network in which hijacked airliners were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing nearly 3,000 people. Bin Laden said that among "some other injustices," US support to Israel motivated Al-Qaeda

to launch the September 11 attacks, IntelCenter reported. He also stated that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were driven by the pro-Israeli lobby in the White House and corporate interests, and not by Islamic militants. "If you think about your situation well, you will know that the White House is occupied by pressure groups," he said, according to IntelCenter.-PTI

US plan to 'dismantle and defeat' al-Qaeda in Pak WASHINGTON: The United the region is described as disruptStates' new strategy on Afghani- ing terrorist networks in Afghanistan aims at "disrupting, disman- stan "and especially Pakistan." tling and defeating" al-Qaeda netThe second set of goals perwork in Pakistan and degrading tains to Pakistan and includes asany ability they have to plan and sistance in efforts to enhance cilaunch global terrorist attacks, vilian control and stable constiaccording to a set of 46 fresh tutional government there, debenchmarks given to Congress. velop its counterinsurgency caThe three-page unclassified pabilities, continue to support its draft document placed in Con- efforts to defeat terrorist and ingress by top officials of the surgent groups and involve interObama Administration talks of national community more actively holding of decision to send more troops to Afghanistan and banks It has exasperated an heavily on clearing alQaeda terrorists from already skeptical Congress, Pakistan. with lawmakers describing The document said the goal of the US is to dis- the administration's latest rupt, dismantle and defeat road map for winning the al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to pre- war as amounting too vent their return to either little too late country in the future. But it has exasperated an already skeptical Con- to forge an international consengress, with lawmakers describing sus to stabilize the country. the administration's latest road The third set of objectives apmap for winning the war as plying to Afghanistan include deamounting too little too late. feating the extremist insurgency, The benchmark outlines how securing the Afghan populace the administration plans to track and developing increasingly selfsuccess in the war against insur- reliant Afghan security forces that gents in Afghanistan and the ef- can lead the counterinsurgency fort to hunt terrorists inside Paki- and counter-terrorism fight with stan. The top American goal for reduced US assistance.-PTI

US says it will not deprive Pak of direct funding ISLAMABAD: The United States has said it is not depriving the Pakistan government of any direct funding as a result of a "lack of confidence or trust". Refuting reports in a section of media here in this regard, US Ambassador Anne W Patterson said the American government "will continue to deliver assistance to Pakistan through a variety of long-standing vectors as required by American law to ensure transparency and accountability". The US "is not depriving the Pakistani government any degree of direct funding as a result of a lack of confidence or trust", Patterson said in a statement. She refuted media reports that suggested the level of direct assistance is determined by an assessment of the Pakistan government's performance. "All over the world, the US delivers aid through a variety of mechanisms which can include a degree of budgetary support," Patterson said.

"In Pakistan's case, this direct support will be included as part of the package through various delivery vehicles. We have provided more than three billion dollars in combined security, economic and development assistance since President (Asif Ali) Zardari was elected," he said. Patterson said it was anticipated that some of the non-military aid package under the Kerry-Lugar legislation, which is before the US Congress, will be directly transferred to the government and the remainder channeled through qualifying government institutions, private sector firms and Pakistani and international NGO partners. These funds will be used for projects mutually agreed on through a consultative process, she said. "Using a deliberate qualifying process, we will stream more funding through national, provincial and local institutions, and build their capacity to work with us in the future," she added.-PTI

Desi News AAHOA hosts Congressional Day & Capitol Hill Reception India Post News Service

ATLANTA, GA: Thanks to a very strong turnout from members of Congress, and also from AAHOA Board Members, Ambassadors and leaders from around the country, the AAHOA Congressional Day and Capitol Hill Reception was a tremendous success. The event was held on September 9 in Washington, D.C. The Reception was hosted in the historic and beautiful Senate Russell Building. The entire day showcased the extraordinary enthusiasm and commitment of AAHOA and its members to take part in the democratic process.


10 India Post

Cal welcomes Sadhvi Rithambra

September 25, 2009

Details on page 17

Gayatri Gyan Mandir raises $150,000 for expansion

Details on page 13

Sept 9th declared Chhaya CDC Day in Queens India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Queens Borough President Helen M. Marshall has proclaimed Sept 9, 2009 as "Chhaya CDC Day" in the borough of Queens. The Declaration of Honor was presented to the organization on the occasion of the Second Annual Iftar Program in observation of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, sponsored by the Borough President and more than fifteen Muslim organizations in the City. Details on page 15

Mahakumbha abhishekam at Hindu Temple ASHWIN PATEL

ST. LOUIS: Hindu temples are inaugurated with an elaborate Kumbhabhishekam ceremony, after which the temple is opened to devotees for worship. For Hindu Temple in St. Louis the Kumbhabhishekam ceremony is slated for four days beginning Thursday October 1. Details on page 16

Indian CG Ashok Kumar Attri Chief Guest of the fund raiser banquet, addressing the gathering

RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service

CHICAGO: A million dollar plus Gayatri Gyan Mandir (GGM) established in Itasca just three years ago is now set for expansion of its

facility. The management has chalked out an ambitious plan acquiring an acre of land adjacent to the temple to construct a community hall with furnished basement for classrooms and recreation, and a residential facility for the temple

Lighting of lamp (L-R) Kishore Rana, Raja Krishnamoorthy, a candidate for Illinois comptroller office, Harendra Mangrola, Indian CG Ashok Kumar Attri, Prof Pramod Bhatnagar and Guest of Honor Naren Patel

and visiting priests and dignitaries from India. The cost is estimated at $2 million, according to Harendra Mangrola, a spokesman. A fund raiser was held last week at Waterford banquet Hall in Elmhurst attended by 800 plus mem-

bers, guests, donors and dignitaries from Chicagoland and nearby States of Indiana and Wisconsin. "This is the start and we shall have to have more fund raisers to meet our target," Mangrola said. Cont’d on page 11

Chicagoland student falls to death in St. Louis ASHWIN PATEL

ST. LOUIS: Chicagoland student Nirmam Vasanwala, 19, of Streamwood died after a fall from his 12th floor balcony Marchetti Towers East apartment building on Laclede Ave. St. Louis University,

St. Louis St. Louis. This happened on Thursday September 10 and in the absence of any contrary evidence that could suggest foul play; the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department deemed it to be "an accident".

In a statement, the St. Louis Police said "the resident assistant (of the campus housing) received a complaint of a disturbance on the floor and located the victim who was determined to be the source of the disturbance. While the resident assistant was in one room, the victim walked to his own room. The resident assistant responded to the victim's room and located the victim's roommate who appeared to have been sleeping, but the victim was not located. A short time later the victim was discovered lying on the ground be-

low his balcony." The University officials did not formally come out with any theory Kent Porterfield, SLU's vice president for student development, said that students who were with Nirmam on Wednesday night said he had been drinking off campus. A statement from the St. Louis University said "Our entire University community mourns the loss of Nirmam, and we extend our deepest sympathies to his family as well as his many friends on the SLU campus.' Nirmam Vasanwala

Cont’d on page 11

Community Across America

September 25, 2009

India Post


Gayatri Gyan Mandir raises $150,000 for expansion Cont’d from page 10

Among the dignitaries and community leaders present at the fund raisers were Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri with his wife Ms Usha Attri, Illinois Comptroller candidate Raja Krishna Moorthy, MedStar CEO and AIA president Naren Patel, prominent businessman Mafat Patel, noted Banker Dinesh Gandhi, and Professor Pramod Bhatnagar and Prof. Sandeep

Arvind Shukal, a comedian from the Indian artists group, presenting a skit

Kumar from Shantikunj Haridwar. CG Ashok Kumar Attri spoke in chaste Hindi and lauded the great efforts made by Gayatri Shaktipeeth back home and thru the Mandir here in creating awareness among second generation Indians about the rich Indian cultural heritage. He was the Chief Guest of the event. He specifically pointed out the great work being done by the Gayatri Gyan Mandir like the youth education classes and youth camps organized by the Mandir management that enables the second generation Indians to interact with each other and also understand the Indian culture and beliefs. It was this activity of GGM that prompted CG Attri to urge those present to support the institution the best way that they can. The observation of CG Attri was reinforced by an earlier slide presentation from Prof. Sandeep Kumar. The Dev Sanskriti University, where Prof. Sandeep Kumar teaches, offers training in a great

number of different branches of knowledge- holistic medicine, Yoga- meditation, psychology, computer science, astrology and ancient scriptures. The slide presentation gave the members of the audience a glimpse of the huge work being done at Haridwar in India. Paying handsome tributes to the great work being done at the University under the guidance of Gayatri Gyan Mandir supporters honored (L-R) GY Member Harendra Dr. Pranav Pandya, a US trained Mangrola, Business leader Mafat Patel, Prof Shashikant Shah, Banker cardiologist turned a full time volDinesh Gandhi and GY Member Dr. K Rana unteer worker at the Shaktipeeth facility in Haridwar, he said that tribute significantly in achieving is one of the most outstanding under his guidance, a research in- this end. diplomats that the Indian governstitute has been conducting exIndian CG Attri specifically ment has sent here. Attri is very periments over the efficacy of re- mentioned about the role that Dr. intelligent and has streamlined citing Gayatri Mantra and various Padnya played in giving a mod- the functioning of the Chicago herbs in overcoming mental and consulate. He came with a bagful physical ailments. of experience and this has been CG Ashok Kumar Attri He said that Dr. Pandya has put to practical purpose at the been carrying on the task assigned spoke in chaste Hindi Consulate," Naren Patel said. by Acharya Shree Ram Sharma, the and lauded the great Parth Mangrola, a youth leader founder of the Shaktipeeth. of the Mandir, commenced the efforts made by Prof Sandeep Kumar said that Gayatri Shaktipeeth fund raiser event by inviting the and the basic philosophy behind dignitaries and executive commitsetting up Dev Sanskriti Univer- back home and thru tee members of the Mandir to sity in Shantikunj was that the Mandir here in come to the podium for lighting "Gurudev Shree Ram Sharma creating awareness the lamp that would mark the start wanted to revive the age old Rishi of the program. Parmapara and modeled the Uni- among second genHe also eloquently described versity on the ancient Taxila and eration Indians various activities being undertaken Nalanda Universities. at the Itasca facility and pointed out The University offers higher eduthat young Indian Americans would cation on a wide variety of subjects, ern and scientific touch to the an- understand the deeper meaning of (computer included), and has a full cient Indian science of medicine, various rituals and practices of their fledged research inphilosophy and religion thru attending the classes stitute that conducts other branches of and the youth camp. research on herbs as knowledge. He pointed out that the Itasca well as efficacy of He comp- facility conducts health fair every Mantras on human limented the com- year where in various tests are conbody and mind. mittee members ducted free. Besides, all major fesHe urged the auand the volunteers tivals are celebrated with great endience members to in lifting the thusiasms. He said that the facility come and visit Gayatri Gyan has made giant progress in the past Shantikunj for the Mandir to a new three years and has consistently first hand feel of the height in the received good support from the educational facility course of past ten community at large. available near the years, more speRaja Krishnamoorthy who is Himalayas in India. cifically in the past seeking elective position as IlliParth Mangrola, Youth He said that the three years. nois Comptroller said that he leader of Gayatri Gyan need of the time is Earlier, Naren would be the first Asian AmeriMandir, addressing the revolutionizing the Patel, CEO can if he gets elected to this bilgathering mindset of the MedStar and Guest lions dollar budget office. On bepeople to usher in an era of peace of Honor for the evening event, ing asked the meaning of name and prosperity, and India with its introduced Ashok Kumar Attri Raja Krishnamoorthy, he would rich spiritual tradition could con- saying that "our Consul General jokingly tell his listeners that it

meant Illinois Comptroller General. He said he would insist on transparency and push for cleansing Springfield of corruption and clout. He also praised efforts by organizations like Gayatri Mandir that promote universal brotherhood, tolerance and works for the betterment of society retaining Indian culture and thought. Dr. Kishore Rana, a member of the executive committee, welcomed the guests in Hindi-Urdu and English. He thanked supporters like Naren Patel of MedStar,

Naren Patel, CEO MedStar and Guest of Honor, introducing Indian CG Attri

Mafat Patel of Patel Brothers, Dinesh Gandhi of National Republic Bank and many others for their moral and financial support. The speech making was interspersed with entertainment program. Meghna Moorthy of Natya Academy presented a classical Indian dance praising Lord Ganesh. This was followed by a beautiful Bhajan sung by trios of Shantikunj singers Ramesh Tiwari, Prof Sandeep Kumar and Chhabildas Gadhia. The melodious rendering of devotion songs evoked a great round of applause from understanding audience. A devotional song from yesteryears Raj Kapoor film- Satyam Shivam Sundraram- and a great number of other Bollywood film songs and Bhajans by artists from India enthralled the audience. Arvind Shukla, the mimicry king from India, made listeners double up with laugher. India House further enhanced the joyous mood offering sumptuous dinner.

Chicagoland student falls to death in St. Louis Cont’d from page 10

Members of the Indian community are shocked that the death of this bright medical student came close on the heels of the death of yet another bright engineering student from Andhra Pradesh, Ngesh Dicha, who was killed in a freak accident in Ohio a week ago. Nirmam Vasanwala was cremated at Country Side Funeral Home in Bartlett on Friday September 11. The cremation was attended by a large number of people with

two bus loads of students coming from St. Louis. Besides, there were his high school friends, members of Jain society, his family members and relatives Nirmam hailed from a Chicago suburb and had his schooling at Hoffman Estate High School. He was a bright student and was an outgoing personality. He was on the tennis and math teams and was in the National Honor Society. He wanted to be a doctor and was enrolled in SLU' s medical scholars program in which high-achieving students can be

granted early admission to the university's medical school. Purvi Pardiwala, a SLU junior, was on an Indian dance team with Nirmam last year. She recalled how he performed in a competition in California even with a hurt ankle. "He still pulled through," she said. "After he performed, he rushed off stage and collapsed. But because of him, we won first place. He was a caring, genuine, down-toearth person," she added. Shailesh Shah, the president of the Jain Center of Greater

St. Louis, led the group in reciting three times the mantra of Namokar Maha Mantra which is a universal prayer. Many students took of their shoes. Nirmam Belonged to the Jain faith. After the vigil students gathered around a table and wrote notes that subsequently were delivered to the Nirmam family in Streamwood, a Chicago suburb. Nirmam is survived by his father Sunil, mother Vishwa and elder brother Amam. They hail from Surat and have been doing well here.


India Post

Community Across America

September 25, 2009

111 Hindu Mandir executives converge to sustain Hindu dharma India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Hindu Mandir (Temple) Executives representing 111 Temples and Hindu Organizations from more than 25 states of US and Canada converged in Lithicum, MD, a suburb of Washington, DC, to attend the Fourth annual Hindu Mandir Executives Conference (HMEC), September 11-13.

New York The temples and Hindu organizations were represented from British Columbia-Canada, Hawaii, California on the west coast to Florida, Carolina, and New-England-States on the East Coast including many states in the heartland of America. This extremely successful fourth annual HMEC-2009 was another step in the development of network and relationships between Mandir

astery, JKP and JK Yog, Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Sikh Center of Virginia, Devotees of Narayani Peetam and Sadhu Vaswani, and Hindu temples all over North America made HMEC an inspiring experience for the attendees. The Mandir executives represented a wide cross-section of the Hindu commu-

youth. Conference had some parallel sessions for the youth representing temples from across the nation. Pooja, Shaily and Jemin representing 'Shri Mangal Mandir' in Silver Springs, MD, were happy to have met youth just like them and said, "We gained new perspective within our own religion, we learned things that we can

ment in his inaugural address. Hindu Mandir executives collectively deliberated on the evolving social, religious, cultural, spiritual, and next-generational needs of 2.5 million strong, confident, diverse and vibrant Hindu-American community. Dr. Michael Busch of the Bramhananda Saraswati Trust mentioned, "It is very inspir-

In the concluding session of the Conference, the delegates agreed on a series of Action items which emerged as a consequence of the deliberations and presentations

executives to meet the goal of creating a cohesive and focused HinduAmerican community with Mandirs as its nucleus. The participants were focused on developing programs to provide leadership to nourish, protect and sustain Hindu Dharma in North America. Participation by several large Hindu organizations like Art of Living, Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Arya Samaj, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, Chinmaya Mission, Gayatri Pariwar, ISKCON, Yogi Divine Society, Kauai's Hindu Mon-

nity. These attendees, who numbered over 250, were physicians, scientists, businesspersons, homemakers, engineers, etc., by profession besides being temple executives. They displayed a deep commitment in fulfilling the spiritual and social needs of Hindu-American community and an urge to create a legacy for the next generations that they can be proud of. The group was diverse in terms of age, race, generation, as well as national origin. HMEC 2009 had a strong participation from the

implement in our Mandirs and help our community." Addressing the temple executives from across the country, Swami Dayananda Saraswati of the 'Arsha Vidya Gurukulam', who was the keynote speaker, emphasized that the Hindu Mandirs are "forms or manifestations" of tradition that can be handed over to the next generations. These 'forms' are very important and the next generations should be made aware of these to preserve ancient traditions. Swami Mukundananda of JK Yog talked about the Application of Management Science in Mandir develop-

ing to see the depth of understanding and devotion to the Vedic tradition of India. The cohesion and cooperation among all the temples to strengthen the enlightenment of Vedic knowledge in North America is encouraging." Hindu perspective of service was discussed through ideas shared by Anju Bhargava of the 'Hindu American Seva charities' and Divya Selvakumar of Hindu NGO, 'American Hindu World Service (AHWS)'. Hindu-Jewish dialogue was continued through presentation by AJC. This conference was striking in its use of Multimedia presentations.

A multimedia video presentation by Dr. Michael Busch of 'Brahmananda Saraswati Trust', IA, on 'Maharishi Vedic City' was awe inspiring for its effort, ideals and objectives. Another moving presentation was made by Mrs. Cathy Wenuk a devotee of 'Narayani Peetam' of Sripuram Golden Temple and its beautiful soul-nourishing environment and surroundings. Houston, TX ran away with the honor to hold the 2010-Hindu Mandir Executives' Conference(HMEC), after a tough competition between many cities which were interested in replicating this years' success and grandeur of 2009HMEC. Dr. Sharma Tadepalli, of Meenakshi Temple, Pearland, TX, while accepting the honor of holding the next conference in Houston said, "HMEC is uniting Mandirs while resolving issues and challenges facing the Hindu community. We want to unite temples in Texas and create a united front of all temples in Texas. In the concluding session of the Conference, the delegates agreed on a series of Action items which emerged as a consequence of the deliberations and presentations. The delegates also agreed, and unanimously resolved to help in all material ways possible to accelerate the restoration process of Hindu heritage sites world over.

Monthi Fest (Mother Mary birthday) celebrated AUSTIN PRABHU

CHICAGO: The Mangalorean Konkan Christians Association (MKCA), USA, celebrated the feast of Mother Mary, popularly known as "Monthi Fest" with all the festivities and grandeur. Christians around the world cel-

Illinois ebrate nativity of Mother Mary with great devotion but in Mangalorean tradition, it is coupled with celebration of the new harvest

Children singing hymn of "Sokkad Sangatha Mellyam at Monthi Fest by MKCA

of crops. This feast can be compared to Thanksgiving Day celebrated in North America, where all family members get together for family reunion and thank the Lord for His blessings on them. The program began with a procession by children carrying flower baskets and adults following them to the hall singing the favorite hymn of "Sokkad Sangatha Mellyam." The children offered beautiful flowers to the Infant Mary and the people

started singing "Moriyek Hogollsyam. This was followed by celebration of Holy Mass in Konkani by Rev. Fr. Henry Sequeira who explained the significance of this celebration and stated that Mangaloreans celebrate the feast of Mother Mary in a unique way by honoring her as the creator of life and comparing that with bountiful of new crops of the season through her unique blessings. Cont’d on page 13

Community Across America

September 25, 2009

India Post 13

AAHOA hosts Congressional Day & Capitol Hill Reception India Post News Service

ATLANTA, GA: Thanks to a very strong turnout from members of Congress, and also from AAHOA Board Members, Ambassadors and leaders from around the country, the AAHOA Congressional Day and Capitol Hill Reception was a tremendous success. The event was held on September 9 in Washington, D.C. The Reception was hosted in the historic and beautiful Senate Russell Building. AAHOA members posing before Captiol Hill

Washington DC The entire day showcased the extraordinary enthusiasm and commitment of AAHOA and its members to take part in the democratic process. More than 160 AAHOA Board Members and Ambassadors gathered on Capitol Hill to present a unified voice to elected officials concerning the issues surrounding proposed legislation and how it could affect their businesses, their communities, and the country as a whole. In the afternoon, AAHOA Board Members and Ambassadors were separated into teams according to their home states. They attended meetings with Members of Congress and their staff from

those states in order to discuss crucial issues affecting the hospitality industry and small businesses throughout the country. Prior to the meetings, the Board Members and Ambassadors attended a training session regarding official AAHOA "Talking Points" that they could use to advocate for positions when they met with their elected officials. The Talking Points covered important topics such as: • AAHOA's opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), also known as the Card Check Bill, including details on the compromises to EFCA that are being debated in Congress; • AAHOA's support for the

Travel Promotion Act, which was passed in the Senate late in the afternoon on September 9, 2009

Those in attendance for the training session also enjoyed a keynote luncheon speech from Becky Norton Dunlap, Vice President of External Relations for the Heritage Foundation after our Congressional appointments; • AAHOA's strong opposition

Monthi Fest (Mother Mary birthday) celebrated

Flower offering in honor of Infant Mary.

Cont’d from page 12

The MKCA Choir group sang glorious hymns in Konkani, which raised the festive mood. After the Mass a few blessed kernels were mixed with sweet coconut milk (roce) and partook by the people present as a mark of unity by thanking the Almighty for the new crop. MKCA president Lawrence Mascarenhas welcomed the gathering and requested them to support the cause. Dur-

ing the Happy Hour, many couples hit the floor to dance to the tunes of famous Konkani songs "Mongan Asonk Borem" and "Claudia". The mouth watering homemade authentic Mangalorean menu items prepared by MKCA family members were served. As a strict adherence to cultural celebration of Monthi Fest all the items on the menu were vegetarian. There was typical Mangalorean "Vorn" which was relished by all the members. The program was wonderfully compeered by Dr. Austin Prabhu.

to the health care reform bills; and • Other important priorities, including AAHOA's support for the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009. Those in attendance for the training session also enjoyed a keynote luncheon speech from Becky Norton Dunlap, Vice President of External Relations for the Heritage Foundation, a Washington D.C.-based public policy research institute. Norton, who also served in the Reagan administration, spoke about the importance of AAHOA members and small business owners having a place in the political arena, as well as having their interests and needs directly represented by their elected officials.

On Tuesday, September 8, which was the first day Congress returned to session after its summer vacation, AAHOA was cited in the Congressional Record of the 111th Congress by Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA). "It was my honor to attend AAHOA's national convention earlier this year, where its members celebrated 20 years of excellence and service to their respective communities…" Royce stated in the record. "I am pleased to recognize AAHOA and the Indian American community and look forward to working together in the future." Cont’d on page 15



India Post

September 25, 2009

Big boost for Sadhvi Ritambhara's project HARISH RAO

CHICAGO: The Vatsalya Gram project mooted by respected Indian spiritual figure Sadhvi Ritambhara got a further boost here with Chicagoans pledging $60,000 plus for 50 plus students and women. This followed five days of Bhagwat Katha, a religious discourse, by Sadhviji at Manav Seva Mandir Mahalaxmi Hall in Bensenville beginning September 9. Sadhviji is an eloquent speaker and people from all walks of life and far away places in Chicagoland, Illinois cities and neighboring Milwaukee and Indiana flocked in hundreds to listen to her, known more popularly

Tulsi Vivah in progress

Sadhvi Ritambhara doing Bhagwat Katha at Manav Seva Mandir

Sadhvi Ritambhara, known as Didi, with Naren Patel, a prominent community activist

as Didi Ji. The Katha was organized by Param Shaktipeeth, a not for profit organization with national mooring, with the backing of Vatsalya Gram activists in Chicago led by Amar Upadhyaya, Naren Patel, Bhailal Patel and others. The organizers had made special arrangements for devotees coming from far away places. Sadhviji in her inimitable voice enthralled the audience with life and activities of Lord Krishna Highlights of the Katha were Krishna Janma, Nand Mahotsav Hathi Ghoda Palki , Govardhan Puja and Annakut The culmination was the conducting of a

Highlights of the Katha were Krishna Janma, Nand Mahotsav Hathi Ghoda Palki , Govardhan Puja and Annakut The culmination was the conducting of a mock Tulsi Vivah wherein Tulsi marries Shaligram, a stone image of Lord Vishnu

mock Tulsi Vivah wherein Tulsi marries Shaligram, a stone image of Lord Vishnu. In the mock marriage, Liaben and Bhalilabhai Patel acted as parents of Tulsi while Suneeta and Shyamkant Sheth represented parents of Shaligram. The ritual lasted for just fifteen minutes, and as Bhaillabhai Patel put it, it was symbolic. Present on the occasion were over thousand devotees turned "guests and invitees" to the marriage. Sadhvi Ji earlier had kathas in East Coast and she will be visiting California before leaving for India. It is learnt that a Chicago chapter of Param Shakteepith will be established soon.

NKPI to host Punjabi play in Chicago MOHAMMAD GHOUSE

CHICAGO: Navraaz Kaur Productions will host, "Mitti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoa" a Punjabi play on October 3 at Forest View Educational Center in Arlington Heights, a north side Chicago suburb, at 7pm. The play is written by award winning Late Dr Harcharan Singh and produced by award winning Director S Harbux Singh Latta of Latta Productions. The play depicts life, teachings and philoso-

phy of Guru Nanak which he preached during his travels ( traditionally known as Udasis) in the 16th century through the length and breadth of the country spreading the gospel of love, peace, brotherhood and ,"One God" (Ek Onkar). The show will start its journey in North America from Chicago for various cities. In the play, prominent Sakhis (tales) from first Udasis like Rai Bular, Malik Bhago, Lallo, Sajjan

Thug, Haridwar, Vasde Raho, Ujarh Jao, Salis Rai Johri, Bhumia Chor, Jagan Nath Puri etc are covered with live artists on stage as well as on film screen. The show has English sub-titles and is known as Sight and Sound show. S Latta's Sight and Sound panorama is a milestone in the history of performing arts. Digital sound and 12 feet video screen incorporated with live drama and light and sound makes it a great spectacle.

Latta has pioneered the concept of media traveling, where characters travel from one medium to another i.e. from film to drama or vice versa. About 250 shows of these Sight and Sound Panorama have been performed worldwide including the prestigious performances at Parliament House, New DelhiHer Majesty's Theater, London, Jack Singer Concert Hall, CalgaryEisenhower Park, New York, Brampton Sports Center, Toronto,

Chalermkrung Theater, Bangkok, Wembley Center, London and Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi. In big cities of India these shows have been attracting huge audience with a record audience of about 40,000 at Guru Nanak Stadium Amritsar, India. Unique part of this show is it will incorporate some local artists so that they get the feel of professional make up and other features incorporated in drama acting.

Ganesh idol making and worshipping by children C V DESAI

CHICAGO: Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, Chicago Vibhag shakhas (Abhimanyu at Schaumberg, Naperville-Aurora and Lake County) held their annual Ganesh idol making and Ganesh Pooja by children events on August 30. More than 200 Hindu children performed 21 steps Ganesh pooja. At all the places, the Pooja venues were decorated with Ganesh murtis, posters, and floral Rangoli, which brought a festival mood to the events. Guests were greeted at the entrance with tilak by reception teams. Pooja items put in a Thali

were given to children. Each Thali contained Haldi, Kumkum, Akshta, Supaari, Lamp, punchamrut, a cup of water, flowers, Naivadyam, Pooja Vidhi booklet, and a small handout about an upcoming Diwali food drive. Parents were happy to see their children doing Ganesh pooja, which is a rare event. Anil Deshpande conducted the Pooja in priest attire at Abhimanyu Balgokulam at Schaumberg. All the kids, as well as adults, were able to follow the simple Pooja directions and recital of shlokas. The Pooja concluded with Aarti

and joyous ringing of bells. After Shakha Prarthana, Lord Ganesha blessed every one with a big plate full of Prasadam prepared by various Sevikas. At the Ganesh Pooja function in the Naperville-Aurora Shakha, young high school student Kaushik Nimbalkar presented power point presentation about HSS activities. Close to 200 people attended in Naperville and 84 participated in Lake County Ganesh Pooja event with great enthusiasm. At Lake County pooja festival at

Grayslake Hindu temple Dr. Prabhakar Joshi explained the significance of Samuheek (Collective) Ganesh Pooja while Tej Desai and Veena Tripathi explained a step-by-step process of the Pooja. Mrunalini Ji Kulkarni summarized activities of HSS and Lake County Balagokulam chapter. Ganapati Dhuns were presented by Dr. Savitaji Joshi and Arpit Joshi. Shefali Parikh offered Ganesh Vandana by performing Bharat Natyam. Leadership qualities of Ganesh Ji were explained to the participants.

Community Across America

September 25, 2009

India Post 15

Sept 9th declared Chhaya CDC Day in Queens India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Queens Borough President Helen M. Marshall has proclaimed Sept 9, 2009 as "Chhaya CDC Day" in the borough of Queens. The Declaration of Honor was presented to the organization on the occasion of the Second Annual Iftar Program in observation of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, sponsored by the Borough President and more than fifteen Muslim organizations in the City.

New York The event was held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center where more than 100 community and religious leaders as well as the Mayor's Commissioners of Immigrant Affairs, Fatima Shama and Community Affairs Unit, Nazli Parvizi joined for prayer and a traditional Iftar (breaking of the fast). Based in Jackson Heights and serving the entire New York metropolitan area, Chhaya CDC provides free services in the areas of foreclosure prevention, homeownership education and tenant organizing. So far this year, in response to the

The event was held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center where more than 100 community and religious leaders as well as the Mayor's Commissioners of Immigrant Affairs, Fatima Shama and Community Affairs Unit, Nazli Parvizi joined for prayer economic recession and foreclosure crisis that has ravaged parts of Queens, Chhaya

AAHOA hosts Congressional Day & Capitol Hill Reception Cont’d from page 13

"It was a tremendous day for AAHOA and small business owners everywhere," said Tarun S. Patel, CHA, Chairman of AAHOA. "We came to Capitol Hill so the Members of Congress could meet face to face with honest and hardworking hoteliers whose businesses and livelihoods will be drastically affected by proposed legislation. Not only did we succeed with our goals and receive encouraging feedback during our meetings, but we also celebrated the news of the Senate passing the U.S. Travel Promotion Act." "I think we can take pride in the fact that we have done our part to add to the democratic legacy on Capitol Hill," said Fred Schwartz, President of AAHOA. "This was only the second day that Congress was back in session after the summer and Labor Day break, and it was an opportune time to raise our concerns about several of the important bills that are pending. “Our AAHOA leaders were able to speak directly with the lawmakers before any votes were taken on legislation that could have a lasting impact on our hotels and our community for many years to come. This is a time unlike any other in history, and we will continue to build on these relationships as we move forward with our advocacy efforts." Members of Congress who attended the Capitol Hill Reception included Senator Richard Burr (RNC), Senator Johnny Isakson (R-

GA), Senator Roger Wicker (RMS), Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV), Congressman Joseph Cao (R-LA), Congressman Howard Coble (R-NC), Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO), Congresswoman Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Congressman Mike Honda (DCA), Congressman Bob Inglis (RSC), Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ), Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL), Congressman Tom Price (R-GA), Con-

‘I think we can take pride in the fact that we have done our part to add to the democratic legacy on Capitol Hill,’ said Fred Schwartz, President of AAHOA gressman Ed Royce (R-CA), Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX), Congressman Zach Wamp (RTN), Congressman Joe Wilson (RSC), a staff representative for Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), a staff representative for Senator Jim Risch (R-ID), and Arun K. Singh, Deputy Chief of Mission Ambassador of India to the United States.

has assisted over 80 distressed homeowners with free individual counsel-

ing in an effort to keep them in their homes. As the Borough President declared, "Chhaya led the way in fighting the subprime lending and housing foreclosure crisis in Queens. I am proud that my office partners with Chhaya CDC on a wide rage of social justice initiatives, benefiting our Muslim community and our diverse Borough." The acknowledgment, however, comes with the growing realization that the foreclosure problem affecting the borough has far from dissipated. Recent research commissioned by Chhaya shows that, on the contrary, the number of homeowners in mortgage default increased in the period from January-June of this year as opposed to the previous sixth month period (JulyDecember '08) in many parts of Queens. In particular, South Ozone Park has witnessed a 50% increase in the total number of homes going into preforeclosure. In this neighborhood, 49% of the homeowners in trouble are of South Asian descent. Similarly, the district encompassing Briarwood, Jamaica and Jamaica Estates has seen a 56% increase in the number of homes going into pre-foreclosure, with 60% of these homeowners being of South Asian descent.


Community Across America

India Post

September 25, 2009

Basati holding Free basic computer classes

Seniors of Chicago visit Hawaiian Islands

Memorial vigil for YRS Reddy ASHWIN PATEL


ST. LOUIS: Telugu Association of St. Louis conducted the memorial and Candle Light Vigil for their beloved leader and former CM of Andhra Pradesh Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, on Thursday September 10 at the Mahatma Gandhi Center in the Hindu

CHICAGO: Thakar S Basati, a community activist and a Realtor with Vaan Realty Services Ltd, will teach free basic computer classes every Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm at Palatine Opportunity Center located be-


St. Louis

tween Wal-Mart and TCF Bank at 1585 N Rand Road, Palatine, IL. The teaching will include basic computer skills in Hindi, Urdu or Punjabi like emailing, Internet surfing and letter writing. Many people cannot get jobs because they do not know working on the computer. Also many parents come from out of country to visit their children but end up sitting home feeling lonely, Basati said. The classes are slated with a view to help the people overcome this problem. Besides, a training here will also enable them to keep in touch with home country through reading news on internet.

Temple Premises. Over 200 people attended the memorial and Candle Light Vigil. The mood was somber and the sorrow and grief palpable. Dr YSR's classmates and alumni shared their deep hurt and memories of their departed friend and philosopher. Each voice choked with emotion could say very little, but those who can hear with their heart heard a lot. Suren Pathuri, president of the TAS, paid his tributes to the great leader YSR and felt the loss was immeasurable and hoped Telugu people would be able to march forward with gusto befitting their beloved leader.

India Post News Service

with Siva Temple outside the Monastery which houses a massive 16-ton statue of Nandi. In the center shrine CHICAGO: Indian Seniors of Chicago, a Chicago- stands the Divine Dancer, Supreme God Siva and dibased organization, hosted for the first time a week- rectly in front of Siva is a giant crystal Sivalingum. long tour to Hawaii Islands. Led by Narsihahbhai Patel, Pearl Harbor. This Memorial is built on top of sunken one of the founders of the organization, 38 seniors USS Arizona Battleship in the ocean. Hawaiin Islands were created due to joined the tour and the group visited massive volcanic eruption perhaps milIsland of Maui, Big island Hilo, Illinois lions of years ago. It is believed that Kailua- Kona, Kaua'i island Napali the original Polynesians landed in Hawaii about 1,500 Coast with green cliffs Honolulu in O'ahu island. According to C.V. Desai, one of the participants and years ago. Since then there was French and British a co-host of Geet Gurjari radio of yesteryears, the Group influence on this island until it was annexed as US terwas greatly impressed by Hindu Monastery in Kaua'i ritory. Hawaii became 50th US State on August 21, 1959.

Mahakumbhabhishekam at Hindu Temple ASHWIN PATEL

ST. LOUIS: Hindu temples are inaugurated with an elaborate Kumbhabhishekam ceremony, after which the temple is opened to devotees for worship.

St. Louis For Hindu Temple in St. Louis the Kumbhabhishekam ceremony is slated for four days beginning Thursday October 1. The first day will commence with the Inaugural Blessings by Swami Chetanananda of Vedanta Society Maha Ganapati and Akalmasha Homas, Aarati and Mantra Pushpam. The evening session will feature Ganapati and Viswaksena Aaradhana, Punyaham, Deeksha Ritvig Varanam, Akhanda Sthapana, Mruth Samgrahana, Ankurarpana, Aarati and Mantra Pushpam followed by Teertha Prasadam. The Friday October 2 program

will start with Ganapati and Vishwaksena Puja followed by Punyaha Vachanam, Vastu Puja and Homa, Agni Mathana, Agni Prathistha, Nitya Homa, Dhuja and Kouthuka Murthi/ Vimana kalasas, Nethronmelanam, Anga Homa, Panchagavya and KsheeAdhivasa Homa, Bali Sathumura, Aarati and Mantra Pushpam. The highlights of the evening session will be Bhajans or Youth Program at Mahatma Gandhi Center followed by Parivara Kumbha Sthapanam, Nitya Homa, Navagraha Homa, Moorthi Homa, Chaturveda Parayana, Aarati and Mantra Pushpam and Teertha Prasadam. For Saturday October 3, the session will start with Balaji Abhishekam and Vishwaksena Aradhana, Ganapati Puja, Punyaham, etc and there will be Teertha Prasadam at 1 pm. The evening session will feature

Bhajans or Youth Program at Mahatma Gandhi Center followed with Asta Bandha Dravya Puja, Kumbha Kala and concluded with Chaturveda

Kumbhabhishekam literally means pouring of sacred water from the vessels over the Vigrahas (deities) and the temple Gopurams (towers) Parayanam, Aarati, Mantra Pushpam and Teertha Prasadam. On Sunday October 4 there will be Rudrabhishekam at 5-30 am and this will be followed by

Vishwaksena and Ganapati Aaradhana Punyaham, Dhwaja Stambha, Ratnaniskhepana. The Kalasa Procession will commence at 8-30 a.m. and immedietly there after Maha Kumbha Abhishekam to Vimanas - Dhwajas and deities Kumbha Kalanyasam. This will end with Teertha Prasadam at 2 pm. The evening program will commence with cultural program at Mahatma Gandhi Center and end with Sri Srinivasa Kalyanam. Kumbhabhishekam is derived from the Sanskrit words Kumbha and Abhishekam (sprinkling of holy water). Kumbhabhishekam literally means pouring of sacred water from the vessels over the Vigrahas (deities) and the temple Gopurams (towers). Prior to this, the divine energy and spirit are invoked through religious rituals and homas, and transferred to the kumbhas containing the holy water. Mahakumbhabhishekam is per-

formed by the devotees. It is intended to harmonize, energize and unify the mystic powers of God within the Vigrahas or deities of the temple which is a visible link between the Creator and the created. The inherent powers infused in the Deities in the temple during Prathisthapana are believed to diminish with time and due to unintended deficiencies in the Nitya Pujas. The intrinsic powers are rejuvenated during Kumbhabhishekam. The deities in the main altars (sannidhi) will be reinforced with sannidhyam (divine presence) when Kumbhabhishekam is completed. The Kumbhabhishekam ceremonies at the St. Louis Hindu Temple are being conducted under the guidance of Sri Rompicherla Sreenivasa Charlu from California, with specially invited priests from USA assisting our temple priests.

3 Sikh youth awarded $7,500 in scholarships India Post News Service

FLEMINGTON, NJ: It costs an estimated $22,262 to attend Rutgers University in New Brunswick, not

New Jersey including the costs of books, health insurance, and personal expenses, according to the Rutgers University Web page. In an

economy where unemployment is at the highest level in 15 years for New Jersey, three tri-state residents can sigh at some financial relief. The Sikh Youth Scholarship Committee in conjunction with the Sikh Research Institute awarded $7,500 in scholarships. Rashmeen Kaur, Amrit Kaur Bhinder, and Tarika Kaur Virdi are the winners of the first annual Sikh Youth Scholarship. Cont’d on page 19


September 25, 2009

India Post 17

Humanity only religion in world: Nirankari Baba PRAFULL LANDE

TRACY, CA: "To love all and hate none" were the words spoken by Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji at a huge congregation held in Tracy, California on Friday, September 11 to promote peace and harmony. More than 800 people from diverse backgrounds attended this unique event. Prior to his discourse there were hymns recited which spread the fragrance of love. Speeches and poetry also added flavor to the evening. People of all faiths and cultures were present and Babaji talked about the only religion in the world - the Religion of Humanity. Details on page 18

Census Bureau issues appeal to South Asians


he next Census in the US will be held on April 1, 2010. Vince Khanna, Team Lead and Senior Partnership Specialist, South Asian Outreach Northern California. Department of Commerce, US Census Bureau, has issued an appeal to South Asians to participate in the Census. Delineating why it is important for all South Asians to participate, the appeal says: 1. The count of population determines how every year more than $4 billion in Federal funds is distributed among the state and local governments. This affects health clinics, neighborhood improvements, transportation, education, senior services and other services including those specific to our community. Details on page 19

Buddhist approach to 9-11 anniversary

Warm So Cal welcome for Sadhvi Rithambra JS BEDI India Post News Service

NORWALK, CA: The Shreemad Bhagwat Pravachan by Sadhvi Ritambbara Devi, known fondly as Didi Maa, got off to a rousing start with her followers giving her a warm welcome at the Sanatan Dharma Mandir in Norwalk Sept. 14. She arrived at the temple and was received by office bearers of the Param Shakti Peeth of America which had organized the series of lectures in cooperation with all the Hindu temples and communities of Southern California. She joined the faithful in a procession called Kalash Yatra. On her arrival at the main entrance to the temple the Sadhvi was escorted inside where she paid her respects to the deities.

Chief Guest Uka Solanki said that citizens of Los Angeles were in for a very unique experience in

Ramjibhai Patel hailed the Sadhvi as a true "Desh Bhakt". As a mark of respect he requested every member of the audience to stand for a minute. He then proceeded to give out some of the

The hall was packed with a mesmerized audience and it is to their credit that they turned up in large numbers despite the fact that it was a working day. It was also a manifestation of the Sadhvi's

hails from Ludhiana in Punjab. At the age of 16 she attained nirvana when her village was visited by Swami Parmanand. She became his disciple and followed him to his ashram in Haridwar and in tours

listening to the discourse by the Sadhvi with her interpretation of the Sreemad Bhagvad Geeta She was then led into the main auditorium where after ascending the stage she first installed the idol of Balagopal. The program officially began with a dance recital set to Vande Mataram performed by kids. They also danced to patriotic songs.



ith the anniversary of 9-11 the destruction of the World Trade Center and the other terrorist attacks - It's all too easy for one to get caught up in hatred and thoughts of revenge, and returning hatred with hatred Approaching this from Buddhist and Taoist perspectives is very important, I believe, and instructive to people in general. If one would walk a Buddhist path to Ground Zero it would be with mindfulness and compassion. Kalash Yatra Details on page 20

Uka and Mrs Solanki with Sadhvi Rithambra

Sadhvi Rithambra with kids

salient features of her projects of Vatsalya Gram and Vatsalya Ganga. Chief Guest Uka Solanki said that citizens of Los Angeles were in for a very unique experience in listening to the discourse by the Sadhvi with her interpretation of the Sreemad Bhagvad Geeta. Sadhvi Rithambra then went on to kick off the week long Pravachan with an arti. After that she went on to give a discourse on various subjects ranging from spiritual matters to day to day life issues. She spoke on the relevance of the Bhagvad Geeta and also told stories from the great epics like Mahabharat and Ramayan.

The packed hall

popularity and what she means to her followers. Sadhvi Rithambara

across India, while gaining lessons in oratory.

Ramji Bhai Patel and Anil Parekh with Sadhvi Rithambra



India Post

September 25, 2009

Humanity only religion in the world: Nirankari Baba PRAFULL LANDE

TRACY, CA: "To love all and hate none" were the words spoken by Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji at a huge congregation held in Tracy, California on Friday, September 11 to promote peace and harmony. More than 800 people from diverse backgrounds attended this unique event. Prior to his discourse there were hymns recited which spread the fragrance of love. Speeches and poetry also added flavor to the evening. People of all faiths and cultures were present and Babaji talked about the only religion in the world - the Religion of Humanity. He said that before being a member of a particular faith, cul-

ture or society we all are human beings and all distinctions should come later. To live a peaceful life one has to be full of love, compas-

sion, tolerance, broadmindedness and rational and this has been the teaching of saints and sages. In the end he said that limited choice

that we have is between non-violence and non-existence. We must choose he path of non-violence. As said by Mahatma Gandhi one

Some special guests attended the congregation that included Mayor of Tracy Brent H. Ives, Interfaith community members and Ahmadiyya community members

needs to realize that there is no way to peace but peace itself is the way. Finally he quoted Martin Luther King Jr - "Stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." It was a powerful message and applauded by one and all in the audience. Some special guests attended the congregation that included Mayor of Tracy Brent H. Ives, Interfaith community members and Ahmadiyya community members. After the discourse, Nirankari Babaji met one and all personally and blessed them. Cont’d on page 20

More than 1,000 gather for spiritual conference ARTI NEHRU

NORWALK, CA: There was standing room only inside the banquet hall at the Marriott in Norwalk Sunday, September 13. More than a thousand people of all ages and walks of life came together for a conference entitled, "Empowering Yourself Through Spiritual Connection." The audience was captivated by the motivational thoughts shared through presentations, speeches, and songs. The

He cautioned that man has learned to walk on the moon but has forgotten the basics of how to walk on the ground with humility and love. In Hindi, he said ‘Kuch Bhi Bano Mubarak Hai, Par Pehle Insaan Bano’ speakers came from multiple regions of the world including India, England, Canada and different states within America. The essence of all their contributions was to spread peace and love. The highlight of the conference that stilled people in their seats was the final spiritual sermon given by the Chief Guest, Baba Hardev Singh Ji, a spiritual leader who

A section of the audience (pics: Paul Sukhwal)

has transformed the lives of millions. In his straightforward sermon, Baba Hardev Singh Ji stressed the necessity for harmony. He cautioned that man has learned to walk on the moon but has forgotten the basics of how to walk on the ground with humility and love. In Hindi, Baba quoted a message he has been saying for nearly 20 years, "Kuch Bhi Bano Mubarak Hai, Par Pehle Insaan Bano." He said when you write the number 100, if you remove 1 then you are only left with zero. Similarly if you remove humanity from your life then you cannot be considered a success at anything else.

He asked the audience, if love is necessary only for one race or one religion? No, it is important for every human being. He stressed that his message is a universal one that has been carried through generations but vices like pride and jealousy brought man to the point that they hung a prophet on the cross who was only showing the right way of living. He encouraged the audience not to adopt vices while living in this world but to embrace virtues like love, tolerance, compassion, humility and broad-mindedness. He said to separate yourself from that which

Baba Hardev Singh

separates you from loving others. He said that when a fire spreads, there becomes a greater need for water. Similarly, as more hatred spreads in the world there becomes a greater requirement for love. At the conclusion of the conference, people lined up for several hours to get blessings from Baba Hardev Singh. The conference was organized by the southern California branch of the Sant Nirankari Mission. The Mission has more than 2,000 centers worldwide with its world Head Quarters in Delhi, India. Local weekly congregations are held in Corona.


September 25, 2009

Census Bureau issues appeal to South Asians


he next Census in the US will be held on April 1, 2010. Vince Khanna, Team Lead and Senior Partnership Specialist, South Asian Outreach Northern California Department of Commerce, US Census Bureau, has issued an appeal to South Asians to participate in the Census. Delineating why it is important for all South Asians to participate, the appeal says: 1. The count of population determines how every year more than $4 billion in Federal funds is distributed among the state and local governments. This affects health clinics, neighborhood improvements, transportation, education, senior services and other services including those specific to our community. 2. 18% of Indian American population (2.7 million in total) speaks English less than very well. Where most needed a full count will ensure language assistance in an appropriate Indian languages like; Punjabi, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu etc. 3. 4.4 % of Indian American families live below poverty line and need specialized medical and mental services. These needs can only be recognized if every member of the community gets

counted. 4. We owe it to the coming generations that we leave for them a strong representation platform which they can strengthen in turn. 5. The total and accurate count gives the community political "muscle". Recent migrants are typically under counted. Explaining who needs to be counted, the appeal says, "Every

Amrit Kaur Bhinder, a first year student at the University of Pennslyvania, states "I am really grateful for receiving this scholarship. I know that this organization has set a great precedent for future years." She went to say, "The scholarship will not only help me financially but it also gives me a chance to give back to the Sikh community by being part of the board next year." The Sikh Youth Scholarship began at Camp Chardi Kala in August 2008 with the small idea that excellence lies in education. From a discussion on how Sikhi can be recognized and retained in current society, a small group of students in a Gurmat class at Camp Chardi Kala decided the answer was to help the future generation retain their Sikhi while achieving educational merit. Three scholarships worth $2,500 each were awarded to Sikh students in the tri-state area based on academic excellence and meticulous interviewing by the judges. The Sikh Research Institu

Hollywood making movie on female feticide ing the girls affected by this tragedy. This book was released by the Governor of Punjab in April 2008. UN Laadli Media Award for creating awareness was bestowed upon this book which is based on true stories of the atrocities being committed and how to tackle the issue. The contract was signed at Las Brisas Restaurant in Laguna Beach in Orange County, CA. The film will be produced by Uzma Xina Kang.

4.4 % of Indian American families live below poverty line and need specialized medical and mental services

Female feticide book and contract signing for Hollywood Film between Dr Harshinder Kaur and Uzma Xina Kang


resident of USA including, Citizens, Non Citizens, long term Visitors, Foreign Students and H1B workers. Census counts documented and undocumented residents. It never asks any question about the legal status of people being counted. It ensures that strict privacy of all personal information is guaranteed by special laws Title 13, U.S. Code.

3 Sikh youth awarded $7,500 in scholarships Cont’d from page 16

India Post 19

te (SikhRI), a non-profit organization focusing on education, serves as the fiscal sponsor for the Sikh Youth Scholarship. "Participating in this scholarship was more than just applying for a chance to win, it showed me how important it is to keep in touch with my roots and my faith,

The Sikh Youth Scholarship Committee is a nonprofit organization helping students pursue their academic goals in higher education even as I proceed to higher education and strive to reach greater expectations" -said Tarika Kaur Virdi, who will be attending St. John's University to pursue a career as a physician's assistant. The Sikh Youth Scholarship Committee is a nonprofit organization helping students pursue their academic goals in higher education.

India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: A movie based on 'Female Feticide: A Curse' written by Dr Harshindar Kaur, a Pediatrician from Patiala, is about to be made in Hollywood. The main aim is to create awareness at the international level about the cultural trauma which is heading for Asian countries and to take some stern steps at an international level. Hollywood director Uzma Xina Kang (Chief Assistant Director and Casting Director of the film Provoked) signed a contract with Dr Harshindar Kaur and stated that the actors will be a mix of Hollywood and Bollywood and part of the film will be shot in Punjab and the rest in Hollywood. This feature film (not documentary) is the first of its kind on this burning topic. The proceeds will go to helpCover of the Book written by Dr Harshinder Kaur


India Post


September 25, 2009

Buddhist approach to 9-11 anniversary PAUL DOLINSKY, PH.D


ith the anniversary of 911 - the destruction of the World Trade Center and the other terrorist attacks It's all too easy for one to get caught up in hatred and thoughts of revenge, and returning hatred with hatred Approaching this from Buddhist and Taoist perspectives is very important, I believe, and instructive to people in general. If one would walk a Buddhist path to Ground Zero it would be with mindfulness and compassion. There would be mindfulness that all things rise and fall, joys and sorrow alike; there would be gratitude for the lives of those who died, and the joys they brought to others. And there would be compassion, for those who died and the widening circles of family, friends, acquaintances, other New Yorkers, and other citizens of this country, and of the world, who were affected by their deaths. And how could one not have compassion for the terrorists themselves who suffered at their own hands - who blinded themselves to all but their deeds, and its prepa-

rations, who moved freely in host countries - open societies -among people who trusted them, leaving destruction and deceit in their wake? As the terrorists literally consumed themselves with their own hatreds, they created new waves of suffering in their wake. It's too easy to return hatred with hatred, particularly as war preparations seem to be growing here. We should consider and learn from the Tibetans, so brutally killed, as their country was ravaged by mainland China. There was no Tibetan Liberation Army. With Buddhism permeating native religions, the Tibetan people and the clergy did not return hatred for hatred, blow for blow. They understood that they would be creating spirals of suffering for other living beings, even for those beings who were their killers and destroyers of their country's very life. Instead, the Dalai Lama and many other Tibetans left their country to spread Buddhist dharma to the West, in a peaceful manner. The US is a world power, and clearly has a different place in world history than Tibet. But if

Buddhist truths are universal, they apply to all people of all nations. These truths are that we should understand karma -- how action begets action. Therefore, we should always try to act wisely, and with compassion

I don't believe that Buddhism is necessarily pacifistic. But there are degrees of attachment and nonattachment, even to life, and degrees of strength in one's resolve to not add to injurious karma toward all humans and other sentient beings, with the interests of the many in our hearts and minds, and not the interests of the few. The rise of Islamic extremism and of Al-Qaida could certainly be examined in this context. And so too, should the nationalism and imperialist policies of world pow-

ers likewise be examined. To kill another living being dispassionately, and not filled with hatred, is in some way is preferable to killing when one filled with rage. This may be the way of a Taoist or Zen warrior, or even of a hired killer. But such a path, I believe, does not lead one up the mountain of discriminating wisdom and compassion toward all living beings, nor does it necessarily lead to the destruction of bad karma. History goes on its way, with its spirals and seeming detours, and evil is often engaged and defeated at great cost for the sake of a greater good - one thinks of Lincoln, the abolition of slavery and the killing of millions in the Civil War, and also of the war by the Allies against Nazi Germany and the Axis powers. The American led invasion of Afghanistan post 9-11 to search for bin-Laden, destroy Al-Qaida bases, and remove the Taliban from state power could also be viewed in this context of a just war. I don't believe that Buddhism is necessarily pacifistic. But there are degrees of attachment and

non-attachment, even to life, and degrees of strength in one's resolve to not add to injurious karma. For nations to pursue wars -whether aggressive or defensive wars, or just or unjust - involves tremendous suffering for all concerned. Instead of war, or guerrilla war, the Tibetan people as a collective, chose the path of peaceful, non-violent protest. To choose peace, and not war, to turn the other cheek and be willing to die rather than fight and inflict pain and new cycles of violence for the sake of peace, are certainly not actions that most people could do. But we could try to capture something of the Buddhist spirit of non-violence of the Tibetan people in our own lives - being aware of hatred as it arises in the mind, watching these thoughts and feelings rise and fall, as do all of our thoughts and feelings; being non-attached to things and events as we could have them be; being attached to selflessness, to doing good, to not perpetuating destructive karma, and to acting compassionately and with reverence toward all living beings.

Humanity only religion in the world: Nirankari Baba Cont’d from page 18

Volunteers of the mission served community dinner (Langar) to all attendees. One could feel a feeling of love, respect and togetherness in the atmosphere. Nirankari Babaji is on a world salvation tour to spread the message of love and universal brotherhood. He came to San Francisco Bay area on Sept 10 evening and was welcomed by few members of the mission at the airport. A welcome program was arranged later in the evening at the Tracy Bhavan where hundreds of devotees participated. After Tracy, California he is scheduled to visit Los Angeles, Phoenix, Ann Arbor, New York.

Realty Tidbits

Realty prices will not rise: Hiranandani

MUMBAI: Real estate prices are unlikely to go up in the next six-months and the industry may witness huge volumes of sales of residential properties, a top industry player said. "There is a huge improvement in real estate and prices will not increase, at least for the next six months," Hiranandani Group of Companies' Managing Director Niranjan Hiranandani told reporters on the sidelines of a conference here today. The industry may see a huge volume growth in the next six-months, Hiranandani said. "In the last 60-days, we have seen sales of almost 8,000 apartments in the Mumbai region alone, spread in all sectors of the real estate market, but especially focused on the lower segment.-PTI

Premium realty market picks up in Mumbai

MUMBAI: Developers in Mumbai have renewed their focus on the premium category. While relatively older apartments in South and central Mumbai continue to command a premium, new properties in these locations too find takers. Among the properties that attract huge interest are Mantri Ruby in Walkeshwar, Orbit Arya in Nepean Sea Road and Mittal Grandeur in Cuffe Parade. Adjoining areas like Worli Seaface and Mahalaxmi too are witnessing interest from potential buyers. Bigticket deals are in the range of Rs5crore to about Rs35-crore, with the price on a per sq ft basis starting from Rs25,000 to almost Rs1-lakh.

DLF gets buyer feedback on flat pricing NEW DELHI: In a striking innovation, DLF Ltd aims to derive prices of its new residential projects by asking customers how much they are ready to pay. The developer through designated brokers, has sent SMSes to potential customers for its Capital Greens project Phase II in New Delhi, seeking feedback on price. "We started doing this in August. The idea is to have a scientific method of arriving at the price rather than deciding it on our own. This is the first time we are doing such a study, and we will continue this practice for other new projects," DLF's group executive director Rajeev Talwar told the media.

Real Estate 21 India Post

September 25, 2009

Mumbai redevelopment projects to get higher FSI MUMBAI: A recent amendment to Section 33(7) of the Development Control Regulations, 1991, has hiked FSI, the ratio between the allowed built-up area and plot area available, for redevelopment of cessed buildings from 2.5 to 3. This comes at a time when redevelopment could revive the sector. "Redevelopment of projects, which were shelved when the market fell, would now be revived," said Zubin Mehta, Chief Executive Officer, Maharashtra Chamber of Housing Industry (MCHI).

Indian Reality to witness recovery from 2009-end MUMBAI: The Indian real estate market is expected to enter the recovery phase by this year-end and macro-economic and sectorspecific factors will act as catalysts in this recovery, a leading real estate consultancy has said. "Economic recovery during 2010-11 is likely to reinvigorate the interest of foreign investors in India's real estate market. We expect enhanced capital inflow in the real estate sector in the mediumto-long-term," Jones Lang LaSalle said in its report. The initial yield is expected to show compression during 2010-11 and capital values are likely to decline during 2010 before recovering in 2011, the company said in the report. "Initial yield has already started to show a declining trend during 2009 that is likely to be the case in the near- term. Yield on 10-year government bonds is likely to harden due to higher fiscal deficit," it said. The report said although the high fiscal deficit is likely to

harden interest rates in the economy, all other macro-economic variables are expected to improve during 2010- 11 which is likely to induce real estate market recovery after the slowdown of 2008-09. According to another report, the full blow of the global economic crisis emerged in mid 2008 when

‘Economic recovery during 2010-11 is likely to reinvigorate the interest of foreign investors in India's real estate market’ most real estate developers faced a huge liquidity crunch as buyers stayed on the sidelines, and semifinished projects piled up. The direct effect was on the listed price of these companies. In January 2008, the share price of DLF, was trading at Rs 1,207, which fell by 89 per cent by February 2009. Till the end of 2007, realty majors such as DLF, Unitech and Emaar MGF were

Manhattan was bought for 24 dollars NEW YORK: Wall Street never cut a deal that good again: the whole of Manhattan purchased from the original Indian inhabitants for 24 dollars. The only written testimony to the sale 400 years ago now headlines an exhibition on New Amsterdam, the impoverished Dutch colony that the English soon seized and turned into New York. The rarely displayed letter -about the size of A3 paper and torn at the left hand corner -- joins maps, books and documents from the Dutch National Archives on display at South Street Seaport Museum, in the old New York docks. The exhibition is part of celebrations marking the 400th anniversary since adventurer Henry Hudson explored Manhattan on behalf of Holland's trading powerhouse, the Dutch East Indian Company.

seeking to raise huge capital from domestic and overseas markets in 2008 to fund their massive expansion plans. But the plans changed within a few months when Emaar MGF had to withdraw its maiden public offer of over Rs 7,000-crore in February 2008 because of bad market conditions. Almost all real estate develop-

Yet it is the failure of Holland to hold on to that extraordinary piece of real estate, or even to foresee the island's importance, that overshadows Hudson's achievement.

The exhibition is part of celebrations marking the 400th anniversary since adventurer Henry Hudson explored Manhattan on behalf of the Dutch East Indian Company "No one, absolutely no one, knew that this little settlement would one day become New York," Martin Berendse, director of the National Archives of the Netherlands, said at a preview of the exhibition -AFP

ers have used the recent lifeline allowed by the Reserve Bank of India to restructure their loans as

they are hit by slowing home sales and mounting debt. With the V-shaped recovery in the equity market, the scenario has changed and the realty sector returns are once again looking impressive. However, the high volatility and overpricing of scrips is disturbing. A look at the standard deviation shows that the volatility in the BSE Realty is twice that of the Sensex. The sector is still at a nascent stage with more structured means of valuation yet to develop. Investors need to take a holistic view of their portfolios and ascertain the net exposure to the sector before making further investment decisions.

Govt to bring Real Estate Regulation Bill NEW DELHI: Government is working on a model Real Estate Regulation Bill to set guidelines for making this sector transparent and competitive, and mulling suitable amendments to the Rent Control Act to revive rental housing to provide affordable homes to the urban middle class. "Government is working on a model Real Estate Regulation Bill to provide guidelines to facilitate growth and promotion of healthy and transparent, efficient and competitive Real Estate Sector in the country," Kumari Selja, Minister of Housing and Urban Poverty

Alleviation said here. Delivering the inaugural address at the National Conference on Affordable Housing for Urban Poor organized by ASSOCHAM, Selja said the government was seriously looking at revival of rental housing system and accordingly making necessary changes in the Rental Control Act for the purpose. The model Bill may be passed in Parliament in the forthcoming winter session, she said. Selja lamented that customer satisfaction in real estate transactions was low and the procedure for redressal long and cumbersome. -PTI

„ Health


Center treats patients with help of stimulus money

KALISPELL, Mont.: The Flathead Community Health Center has been treating thousands of patients in the six months since receiving federal stimulus money and moving into a new facility. Executive Director Wendy Doely says about 70 percent of the patients are uninsured. The center is receiving $650,000 a year for the next two years in federal stimulus money. Chris Holdhusen, one of the clinic's two physicians, says people losing their jobs and benefits combined with the added stress of the faltering economy has caused more people to seek mental health care. Patients at the center pay on a sliding fee scale based on income. -AP

„ Hunt is on for wasting disease in Wyoming wildlife JACKSON, Wyo.: Additional state workers along with federal employees are being assigned to check animals killed during the fall hunting season in northwest Wyoming for chronic wasting disease. The fatal disease affects the nervous system of members of the deer family, causing infected animals to act abnormally, waste away and die. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department said its regional office is adding one person for six months and redistributing some permanent biologists to help collect samples. Grand Teton National Park biologists and rangers will participate in sample collection from check stations, hunting camps, meat processors and taxidermy shops. ``We haven't put a lot of effort into getting tissue samples (there) before,'' said John Henningsen of the Game and Fish Department. -AP

Health Science 22

India Post

September 25, 2009

North Dakotans warned of bee stings in fall DICKINSON, N.D.: There are a lot of busy bees in North Dakota. With the change of seasons, Dickinson medical centers are seeing an increase in the number of bee-sting victims. -AP

Louisiana faces a health care tsunami BATON ROUGE, La.: While politicians argue about the nation's long-term health care problems, Louisiana faces a health care tsunami within a year. Gov. Bobby Jindal's administration is trying to brace Louisiana residents and hopefully get a congressional fix for a federal change that will slash the state's annual Medicaid payment from Washington by about $700 million. It's unlikely many regular folks are paying attention to ramifications of such a budget cut. But Jindal and his health care chief are trying to warn people now, in case a congressional bailout doesn't come. Otherwise, Jindal can get blamed for the devastation of a health care program that provides care to a million poor, elderly and disabled residents. ``Be prepared for what's going to be a very horrible budget. You cannot cut on the margins and reach a 600 to 700 million dollar target. You're talking about the elimination of programs,'' State Health and Hospitals Secretary Alan Levine warned recently. About one-quarter of Louisiana residents, many of them children, depend on the government-run

Medicaid program for health care. A $700 million cut to a $6.5 billion program could force some optional services to be slashed, like prescription drug offerings, which Levine has warned could be cut entirely. If lawmakers and the governor try to shift money to stave off some of the most drastic Medicaid cuts, that would force steep reductions in other areas, most likely higher education.

lars for Louisiana's Medicaid program stems from the cruelest type of quirk: a temporary boost in Louisiana's per-capita income thanks to the post-hurricane economic surge and recovery payments. In other words, insurance payments and Road Home rebuilding grants after hurricanes Katrina and Rita temporarily inflated federally calculated income levels, and

Both Jindal and Levine should be hoping their vocal criticism about Democratic health care overhaul proposals doesn't derail their efforts to reverse Louisiana's Medicaid problem with a Congress and White House led by Democrats Unless one of Louisiana's members of Congress can get passage of an intervention to the Medicaid cuts, the choices for Jindal and the Legislature won't be good ones, especially since many of them will come in the months right before the 2011 election season kicks into high gear. Medicaid costs are shared between states and the federal government, tied to the state's percapita income. The drop in federal match dol-

now health care money from Washington shrinks. The federal government's share of Louisiana's Medicaid costs is expected to drop from 72 percent to 63 percent in October 2010. That'll mean up to a $400 million cut in federal Medicaid match money in the upcoming 2010-11 fiscal year that starts July 1, growing to $700 million when it is fully annualized a year later. ``Our people have suffered enough from the storms that struck

our state four years ago, and we do not need to be victims of these storms again, especially because of a faulty federal government formula,'' Jindal said on the eve of the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which struck Aug. 29, 2005. Jindal has met with members of Louisiana's congressional delegation to discuss possible fixes for the problem, to keep the state's federal Medicaid match rate from dropping. Levine, the health secretary, has met with Washington officials and leaders from other Gulf Coast states which could be vulnerable to a similar disaster-related impact to try to stop the cuts. He's also asked health provider groups to help rally congressional support for Louisiana's request. Both Jindal and Levine should be hoping their vocal criticism about Democratic health care overhaul proposals doesn't derail their efforts to reverse Louisiana's Medicaid problem with a Congress and White House led by Democrats. It's definitely not the best time to hold out their hands for Washington help, but that's what they need to avoid a health care disaster. -AP

Georgetown girl has personal stake in fundraiser GEORGETOWN, Texas: For 6-year-old Ishani Sathianathan, who has cancer, a recent Saturday afternoon was a chance to raise money to help children like herself and also, well, a chance to goof around like a normal kid. She spent much of the day wandering in and out of stores

at Wolf Ranch Town Center with a friend and her 8-year-old sister, Monisha, as the grown-ups sold lemonade from a homemade wooden stand. Money from the stand was going to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, a nonprofit organization that raises money for childhood cancer research. Ishani also helped her mother, Dash Walloppillai, cut ribbon for gold balloons set up near the stand, played with a cell phone camera and climbed up and down a nearby plantscape. Later, Walloppillai asked Ishani if she had fun climbing. ``Yeah, then I hurt myself,'' Ishani responded, sticking out her leg to show off a scraped knee. She tucked her head into her father's shoulder when asked why they were raising money. Monisha was a bit more outgoing. ``So we can find a cure for childhood cancer,'' she said. Ishani's family and friends

raised about $950 for cancer research. Ishani was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer that affects soft tissue, about three years ago, Walloppillai said. The cancer was in remission for 18 months before it recurred in January, her mother said.

'Everybody got so excited that they decided that the school should set up a lemonade stand for Ishani,' her mother said ``It's been a shock since we discovered that she has what she has,'' Ishani's father, Kumar Sathianathan, said. ``It's been an eye-opener, how difficult it is to take care of her.'' In March, Walloppillai read

about Alex's foundation on the Internet and gave a children's book written about the organization's 4year-old founder, Alexandra ``Alex'' Scott, to Ishani's teacher at Carver Elementary. The book was later read to the entire school, Walloppillai said. ``Everybody got so excited that they decided that the school should set up a lemonade stand for Ishani,'' her mother said. That stand raised about $500, and the success pushed her to do it again, she said. ``At that point, I was like, 'OK, we as a family need to something about it. Because if we don't, no one else is going to,''' Walloppillai said. Ishani's family has raised more than $6,300 from seven lemonade stands since April and a garage sale. ``It makes me feel good that it's going right to something that's going to help some child someday,'' Walloppillai said. -AP

Health Science Post

September 25, 2009

India Post


Graham proposes raising Medicare beneficiary costs COLUMBIA, SC: Medicare recipients should cover more of their costs and Medicaid should be replaced with private care plans, US Sen. Lindsey Graham said during a town hall meeting here. Meanwhile, Graham cautioned legislators about impeaching disgraced Gov. Mark Sanford. House Democrats and Republicans have begun drawing up impeachment resolutions amid the fallout from Sanford's revelation of a yearlong affair with a woman in Argentina. Graham argued for long-term solutions to curtail federal spending on Medicare and Medicaid. For instance, he cited the $96 premium Medicare recipients pay for Part B expanded care coverage. That premium is only about a fourth of what the coverage costs, Graham noted. In the crowd of 1,200 that a show of hands indicated was heavy with Medicare beneficiaries, Graham said they should pay more based on their income. With Medicaid, Graham said the nation needs to experiment with new approaches. For instance, he advocates replacing the government-run program with privately

managed care similar to insurance. ``I believe we ought to take Medicaid that exists today and put everybody in a plan not run by the government, but through the private sector,'' Graham said. Graham was also asked about the political embarrassments facing South Carolina lately from Republicans Sanford and U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, who shouted

The state GOP and the House Republican Caucus called on Sanford to step down as the State Ethics Commission investigates the governor's travel practices "You lie!'' during Obama's speech to the House. Wilson faces a possible rebuke from his House colleagues this week if he doesn't apologize to that body. ``Joe has apologized,'' Graham said. ``He called the president. He calls the vice president. To me that's enough. Let's move on. But I will tell you this much: I

know Joe very well and if he wants me to campaign for him, I'll go anywhere and everywhere he asks me to go.'' This week, the state GOP and the House Republican Caucus called on Sanford to step down as the State Ethics Commission investigates the governor's travel practices, including use of state planes for personal and political purposes. Legislators are waiting for that to be completed before deciding when the House should consider impeachment efforts. ``I understand there's bad blood between him and the Statehouse,'' said Graham, who served a term in the lower chamber before being election to the U.S. House in 1994, where he served as prosecutor during President Bill Clinton's 1998 impeachment. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2002. "I'm not blaming anybody, but impeachment to me is something you better really think long and hard about. What we do today becomes precedent for the future,'' Graham warned. He said people need to wait for the facts that come out of the ethics probe. -AP

Those living with pain are not alone LAWTON, Okla.: As 22-yearold Cameron University student Jim Horinek approaches the large metal doors at the end of a hallway at Cameron Village, his irritability is perceptible through gritted teeth because he knows the elevator is already malfunctioning. ``This always happens,'' he said. ``I hate it when (other tenants) mess up the elevator.'' He pushes the down button furiously about four times. It's not immediately clear why such a minor inconvenience would be such a major hang-up, but the trip down three flights of stairs turned Horinek's world upside down. Once at ground level, he stopped and gripped a hand railing for a short break. It's not like he can't walk or he can't go down the steps; he made it, but that broken elevator probably will have an effect on him for a few days. Horinek was born with chondromalacia patellar, a condition that causes the cartilage in his knees to degenerate and become softened, making it susceptible to tears and scratches. He also suffers from patellar subluxation,

which is a dislocation in the knee joint. His knee cap, which isn't protected with strong, healthy cartilage, is rubbing off-track across other bones in his legs. Any prolonged movement walking, riding a bike, driving or instances of applied pressure ``causes a lot of aching, stabbing pain.'' On top of the other two problems, both his knees are hyper-reflexive, which means they can

Horinek was born with chondromalacia patellar, a condition that causes the cartilage in his knees to degenerate slightly bend forward, placing more pressure on his already delicate joints. The journalism student says he refuses to let the condition rule his life, but with the pain and the fact that he has to take a great deal of pain medication just to get through the day, he knows it's impossible for it not to limit him. -AP

Bebo -Do Knot Disturb

1 Jao Na - Whats Your Raashee


2 Koi Na Koi Chahe - Radio

7 Chiggy Wiggy - Blue

3 Iktara - Wake Up Sid

8 Maula Unplugged - Baabarr 9 Kyon - All The Best

4 Vaada Raha - Vaada Raha

10 Ji Jala - Pankh

5 Dont Say Alvida - M A Mrs Khanna


India Post

September 25, 2009


eading lady of Bollywood, Katrina Kaif has admitted she faked her identity and she isn't sorry about it. Find out why Kat did it. Recently the Bollywood and smitten fans as well as media were left shell shocked when Ayesha Shroff, Jackie Shroff's wife, spilled the beans about Katrina's identity insisting she wasn't Kaif. Everyone was waiting for Rajiv Gandhi award winning actress Katrina to come out clean on this controversy and she finally admitted that her passport name is 'Katrina Turquotte'. Kat said "As for people wondering, yes, my passport name is Katrina Turquotte. I changed it because it'll be easier for people to address me. Nothing more."


ust on the heels of the news that Oscar Awards winning director Danny Boyle is trying to cast Bollywood superstars Aamir Khan and Shahrukh Khan in his next film Bombay Velvet, another news broke out that all is not well between the actors. After Salman Khan, who said that Shahrukh's recent detention at the Newark Airport in US was not a big deal, it is Aamir who has decided to take a dig at Shahrukh. On his return from France, he was asked if he was frisked for being a Khan. He said that security checks are a routine matter. Aamir is in 3 Idiots mood. He said in jocular vein that they didn't check him as he is an 'idiot'. He went on to say that Shahrukh faced problem, as he is too intelligent. Well, Aamir may have chosen to play safe with his choice of words but his comments indirectly mean to say that Shahrukh's airport episode was nothing but a publicity stunt.


he Bachchan Bahu is upset these days and the reason being her two ex flames, Salman Khan and Vivek Oberoi. Both being very unruly to her resurfacing their past relationship in public and in a way disrespecting her. Ash has dumped her past and happily moved on in life. But both Salman and Vivek started digging the past when she was happily married to Abhishek Bachchan and leading a blissful life. She was so depressed with the comments made by Vivek on Farah Khan's chat show and Salman Khan in an interview that she broke into tears on the sets of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Guzaarish'. Reportedly she just kept on saying, "I'm living my life the way I want. I wish others would do the same. Just let me be." Vivek on Farah Khan's show spoke at length as how Ash had spoiled his life and ruined his career. He added that he called the press conference about Salman Khan threatening him for the sake of Ash but instead of feeling grateful, she called his act as immature. He blamed Ash for the fall of his career. Salman Khan also in an interview commented whether he has ever physically abused Ash at the time when he was dating her. Ash maintained silence on the comments made by the two but her tears spoke about her pain.


September 25, 2009


he's been linked to a string of men in the past including Randeep Hooda and Mudassar Aziz, but 33-year-old actress Sushmita Sen says she has no plans to settle down until a man can "afford" her. "If a man can afford me, I'll definitely do that," Sushmita told. The former beauty queen, who will be seen on screen after a long time in Big Pictures' and Vashu Bhagnani's co-production "Do Knot Disturb", is otherwise content with her life. "My life has been very good and exciting. I am making sure that I do only commercial films as I don't want to waste time doing anything else other than what is saleable and what can give my audiences something to see after such a long wait of not seeing me as an actor, "she said. Also starring funny man Govinda, Riteish Deshmukh and Lara Dutta, "Do Knot Disturb" is set to release Oct 2.

Expensive woman


ighty years ago legendary British actor Lupino Lane created a (yet unbroken) record for a male actor playing 24 roles in "Only Me" (1929). And now Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra is all excited about the possibility of her entering the record books for doing 12 roles in forthcoming "What's Your Raashee". With "What's Your Raashee," Priyanka may well boast of doing the biggest ever film written for a woman protagonist in the history of Indian cinema. However, Priyanka reacted with, "Please don't make it all sound so big and heavy. Let's just look at it as an entertaining movie and leave it there. Words like 'greatest' and 'biggest' don't hold much relevance if one doesn't justify each of the characters. You may win when it comes to count but then you must also be able to put some weight in your performance," she said. Priyanka, who has given three consecutive hits - "Dostana", "Fashion" and "Kaminey," says 'What's Your Raashee' has such a fantastic script written with each of the 12 roles boasting of such well-etched characterization.


or years together, Amitabh Bachchan has been the biggest force in Bollywood and Aishwarya Rai (now his bahu), the face of Bollywood, to the Westerners. But when Shilpa Shetty went on to win the reality show Big Brother in UK all that quickly changed. Next year, the actress popularly went on to anchor Bigg Boss, the Indian version of Big Brother. Apparently, the bitterness of the Bachchans was clearly visible at the next IIFA Awards (with Big B also being its ambassador) which co-incidentally took place in UK that year. It is said that the deafening chants for Shilpa Shetty, made the Bachchans insecure and embarrassed them, as they felt terribly ignored. To add to the awkwardness, a fan of Shilpa flew a mini airplane above the IIFA awards venue, tagged with a huge flying banner greeting her. No wonder, in spite of the Bachchan's past affinity towards Shilpa, they kept distance from her during most of the event. Two years have passed since then, but the Bachchans don't seem to have forgotten the embarrassment. And now, in the strangest development of sorts, Amitabh Bachchan, the biggest star India has ever produced, is gearing up to step into Shilpa's shoes. After successfully anchoring the king of all shows; Kaun Banega Crorepati, Bachchan is said to be preparing to anchor Bigg Boss, clearly considered to be Shilpa Shetty's domain till now.

India Post



India Post

PREM KISHORE India Post News Service


reaming in Hindi? No one who speaks the language can resist read ing this book. And those who do not know Hindi, the original, compelling, curious title will entice them to dip into the 360 pages written by award winning author Kathleen Russell Rich. At thirty seven, Rich takes on the daunting, frustrating and fascinating task of learning Hindi after being fired from her magazine job in New York and been sick with cancer

September 25, 2009

twice. "Hindi is strewn with words no one in America had used since Agatha Christie's time and for that alone I love it," she announces in the prologue. Consider swimming kaustyyoom for bathing suit and motor gaadi for car, a legacy of British colonists. Greedy for new sights, a chaotic, swirling kaleidoscope of experiences, she devours India and the language. When she arrives in Jaipur she did not have much expectations so every word she learned was a bonus, an exciting thrill. She perseveres with

on the family where she lodges with - five children four parents, one grandmother, two boarders and an ill tempered Pomeranian. But she adjusts to the "sweetness of life" in the beginning with a new found ease as she steps out of her old life into an "incense-laden one." "Forcing yourself back to the start, finding names again for ev-

purpose, faith and a certain obstinacy as she thinks in Hindi, as she juggles in the scorching desert heat with swirling syntax, idiom, lyricism, processing and incredulous

erything, requires you to look at everything fresh, sky, dirt, air, your feet‌. Rich writes with perception and delight. The Hindi words rain down on every page, a torrent of

When she arrives in Jaipur she did not have much expectations so every word she learned was a bonus, an exciting thrill encounters with Swami-ji the head of the Hindi school, a teacher Vidhu, a Jain family with their own idiosyncrasies, and other colorful characters. But first she has to take

phrases, and nuances and we accept the Slovakina proverb, "With each new language, you acquire a new soul." The memoir is elegantly crafted from

Savithri Arts Academy's cultural extravaganza JS BEDI India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: Savithri Arts Academy presented a cultural program in the form of a fusion of Indian, Sri Lankan, Japanese and Spanish culture. Produced and coordinated by Dr. Sinduri, the founder and Director of Savithri Arts Academy, the event was a collage of color and talent. Dr Sinduri is an internationally acclaimed classical dancer who has been honored by the Dalai Lama and a former President of India. The evening began with the first segment which was a cultural exchange between India, Spain, Japan and Sri Lanka. This segment started with an Indian classical devotional song, followed by the ritualistic dance from Spain. Cont’d on page 28

Dr Sinduri (L) with Sri Lankan supermodel Manuri Ranasinghe

Kathleen Russell Rich

simple, unadorned moment to the weird, bizarre, hilarious, stimulating experience. As Rich finds herself changing as the landscape, culture and history around her changes, she is transformed and to some extent we too are shaken and become intensely aware of the power of language. The reader is a confidant, a witness as we plunge in her life filled with many flourishes, travails, vehemence, and total honesty. She chafes at family curfews, the illogicality, inverse, perplexing grammar, the revelatory discovery of the root word for sugar, the stares of shopkeepers, the ugly Americans. It is a bright, ever moving memoir, fast paced, feisty, determined search to absorb a language. There is a surging strength throughout as she speaks garbled Hindi, supports and CDanchors herself with the teachings, and writings of language gurus, cognitive scientists, anthropologists and vocabulary academics. Kathleen Russell Rich in her sojourn in India is thrust into the politics of India, the Gujarat riots, the conflicts of Hindus and Muslims, a foray into a deaf school, all the while wishing to dream in another language. Increasingly Rich's prowess in Hindi revs up and wishes to "burrow further into Rajasthan." Her clarity, skills, style, attitude and deftness in dealing with situations and people is astonishing as we in her own words, "Come Awake in Another Language." 'Dreaming in Hindi' is published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

September 25, 2009

India Post


Rehana Mirza awarded Playwrite-in-Residence India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Playwright Rehana Mirza has been awarded the 2009-2010 South Asian Diaspora Playwright-in-Residence Award by the Lark Play Development Center and Indo-American Arts Council. The formal presentation of the award will take place at the final celebration event of Playwright's Week on October 4. As the 2009-10 recipient Mirza will receive a $1,000 cash award, support from the Lark for the year as she develops new work through roundtable readings, and a public reading at the end of the year. After the fellowship, Mirza will be eligible for Lark's alumni programs which provide long term support. According to Lark Artistic Program Director Megan Monaghan, "This award identifies and supports extraordinary playwrights from the South Asian Diaspora in the New York City metro area, in order to expand the body of work that illustrates the many diverse experiences and interests of South Asian Americans." Mirza is the founder and Artistic Director of Desipina Produc-

Rehana Mirza

Rehana is the founder and Artistic Director of Desipina Productions. She is also the filmmaker of the award winning short film, Modern Day Arranged Marriage tions, a company focusing in film and theatre, which is dedicated to promoting cross-pollinations of artistic, political, and cultural dialogues. About this opportunity Mirza says, "There are millions of reasons out there to stop being a playwright. But the one reason I keep at it is for the love of telling a story that wouldn't (or couldn't)

get told by anyone else. For the next year, I'll have a second reason: a place for the story to be heard, and an artistic community to help shape it. This fellowship is coming at just the right time, as I've been constantly hoping for that extra push that can better connect me to my work, and that can connect others to it." Rehana's full-length plays have been produced/developed at Asian American Theater Company (San Francisco), Arena Stages (Los Angeles), Studio Space @ Theater Row, HERE Arts Center, Rasik Arts (Toronto), and Asian American Arts Centre (Philadelphia). Her short plays have been presented at the Culture Project, EST, The Flea, Center Stage NY, The Tenement Museum, Richmond Shepard Theater, Artwallah (Los Angeles), CSV Center (2G), and Abrons Arts Center. Rehana is the founder and Artistic Director of Desipina Productions. She is also the filmmaker of the award winning short film, Modern Day Arranged Marriage, which has played in over 40 festivals and the feature film, Hiding Divya, with Madhur Jaffrey, Pooja Kumar and Deep Katdare.

New innovations & styles at Bridal Asia fashion show

Rina Dhaka's creation India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: Bridal Asia unveiled this season's bridal trends with a glittering fashion show hosted on September 16 at Hyatt Regency, New Delhi. The designers showcasing their Bridal Asia

even from Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. Spotted at the event were Arti Singh, Amu Zaidi, Priya Jain, Meenu Bakshi, Gulneet Bajaj, Ritu Ansal, Tanisha Mohan, Latika Khaneja, Radhika Chandna, Neeva Jain, Priya and Atul Kakkar, Monisha and Anil Bajaj, Shelly

'Cooking with Stella' satire on social disparity TORONTO: Renowned photojournalist-turned director Dilip Mehta, whose feature debut 'Cooking With Stella' premiered at the 34th Toronto International film festival, says that his movie is "a metaphor for social disparity" in India. Mehta's social satire places the uniquely Indian phenomenon of household helps and their relationship with their employers in a cross-cultural context. "It isn't something that we should be proud of, but it is a fact that there is a Stella in every Indian household. The film uses cooking as a metaphor for social disparity," Mehta told PTI. The 57-year-old photographer, who has over the years tracked the Gandhi family, the effects of Bhopal gas tragedy and Michael Jackson, is not worried about the response to his debut film. "I am not an excitable person. In any case, I don't think film direction is rocket science," he says. When asked about his sister writer-director Deepa Mehta, the

filmmaker says, "At one point I told Deepa that we should be like the Coen brothers, making films together. "She said that I was mad, and that we would fight all the time. So

Mehta was around all through the shoot. "What a mentor to have," he adds. Mehta, who has been actively associated with several of his sister's films --'Water' and 'Heaven on Earth' as either creative producer or pro-

Gaurav Gupta's creation

collection are some of India's best: Rina Dhaka, Gaurav Gupta, Falguni and Shane Peacock and Ritu Beri and jewelry by Nemichand Bamalwa & Sons (NCB). With new innovations and styles catering to the Rs.1,25,000-crore wedding industry, the grand event brought beautiful creations from designers across the country and

Batra, Uma Gajpati Raju, Megha Bhatia, Gayatri Roopchand, Shahnaz Hussain, Payal and Nikhil Sen,Vinita Jain, Simmar Duggal, Nisha Singh, Cheena Vij with her husband, Surekha jain, Thenny, yoga expert Nishi Singh and more. Also attending the show was Pakistani High Commisioner's wife Mrs.Ghazala Malik.

A scene from 'Cooking With Stella'

we decided we will not go beyond co-writing. When the film was being written, she was in Toronto and I was in Delhi. So we stayed out of each other's path," he says. But he is quick to add that Deepa

duction designer, has one feature length documentary, 'The Forgotten Woman', to his credit. Inspired by Deepa's Oscarnominated movie 'Water', the documentary deals with the plight of Indian widows. -PTI

Creations by Falguni & Shane Peacock


September 25, 2009

India Post

Salman wows all at Delhi fashion show

Salman Khan wears a creation by Ashish Soni at the Van Heusen India Men's Fashion Week in New Delhi on September 13

NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Salman Khan wooed women with his charming smile as he strode the ramp at the finale of the Van Heusen India Men's Week (VHIMW) here Sunday night. Looking confident, the actor walked with poise when designers Ashish Soni, Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna of label Cue showcased their collection. All through his walk, the actor kept looking at the audience who were waving, whistling and yelling to get his attention. "Wow!" exclaimed a female fan when the actor walked in Soni's black suit. Sitting in the front row, another young girl kept one hand on her heart and one on her mouth as she couldn't believe that her favorite actor was just a few inches away from her. "I just can't believe it. I am his biggest fan and trust me I am still shaking because the feeling of having him just a few inches away from me is giving me goose bumps," confessed Payal Bhayana. "There was a point when I thought that I would hug him on the ramp. I am sure no one would have stopped me. But I couldn't muster up enough courage," she added. As the designers and the actor were taking a final bow on the ramp, Salman took off his coat filling the hall with cheers and whistles. But it was not just women, men too had joined them. Salman appeared to be loving the attention. There were some men in the audience who were envious of the actor because of his well-maintained body.

Models present creations by Rajvi Mohan during the Van Huesen India Men's Fashion Week in New Delhi on September 11

"He is so fit. How does he manage that? Look at him. Does he look like he is forty something," asked Vinod Kapoor, a model. It was not just the magic of Khan but the designers at the finale too left a lasting impression in the audience's mind. While Soni's "On the Run" collection comprised flawlessly cut tuxedos, cotton shirts, jackets and pants for a leaner sexier look, Rahul and Rohit's collection "Hypernature" had pants with dropped crotches, small collars with thin ties and denim suits in forest green, apple red, mist blues and evergreen-black. Also present at the finale were actress Mugdha Godse and director Madhur Bhandarkar. -PTI

Savithri Arts Academy's cultural extravaganza Cont’d from page 26

This was followed by a dance by the professional dancer Prasanna from St. Louis who presented a Bharatnatyam. This was followed by Japanese Taiko drums in Kiriko Daiko style performed by Walter S Tshushima (Lead Instructor), Michael Shaw and Yuka Tshushima. Then there was this extremely colorful Spanish dance presented by Ms'. Flores and her dance group. The first segment was followed by dinner, which was followed by the Highlight of the evening Vemana Sumathi Bavana. Savithri Arts Academy presented the unique and first ever portrayal of the famous adages of the legendary poets Vemana and Sumathi choreographed, produced and directed by the founder of the Academy Dr. Sinduri. This beautiful dance production was presented as a sublime and modern dance drama, utilizing ten different schools of World Dance.

Spanish dancers

There were ten different performances based on themes ranging

The dance production also had Dr Harnath a celebrated producer and director, who has won the National Award in India for the movie ‘Hope’ from mythology to history to Gandhi to Bollywood. It was

amusing to watch a Bhangra style performance being danced to a song in Tamil / Telugu. Interestingly there was also a dance drama based on the "battle" between Alexander and Chandragupta Maurya. Apparently somebody needs to brush up their history. There was never any battle between the two. Chandragupta Maurya was all of fourteen years old when Alexander invaded India. Raja Puru (Porus) of Punjab confronted him and rest is history. Alexander did not venture any further because beyond Puru's borders was the mighty Nanda empire headed by Emperor Mahapadmanand. The dance production also had Dr Harnath a celebrated producer and director, who has won the National Award in India for the movie "Hope" and the Andhra Pradesh State award for his movie "Chandrahas". He participated in the production as the man who came at the end of each portrayal

Bollywood style

Vinaini Jayasinghe

and sung and acted the essence of every proverb. The grand finale came with a concert by the renowned Sri Lankan Band "Rhythm Com-

pany". They entertained and kept the audience rocking with almost every style of music from Indian, Sri Lankan to classic Rock and Bollywood music.


iliguri is one of the most important cities not only for West Bengal, but for many states of North East as well. Situated at a distance of 600 km from Kolkata, Siliguri is at an altitude of 400 feet above sea level. This not too high and not too low altitude ensures a perfect climate for tourist activities. The second largest city of West Bengal after Kolkata, it is the gateway to Darjeeling, the most important tourist attraction of the state. It is from New Jalpaiguri station that one catches the famous Toy Train to Darjeeling. Siliguri lies at the foot of Eastern Himalayas providing some exceptional views of the snow clad mountains. Apart from pilgrimage attraction like Kali Mandir, Wildlife attraction like Jaldapara Wildlife Park and nature attraction of Mirik hill station, tourists can also indulge themselves in shopping. Shopping is undoubtedly an attraction in itself as choices and variety for items here is innumerable. Siliguri being at the border of West Bengal and North East, offers best of both cultures. Darjeeling Tea the most shopped for item here, is closely followed by Tibetan paintings, woolen garments and wooden handicrafts. The best place for shopping in Siliguri is Hill Cart Road and Sevoke Road. Do not forget to take a look at the electronics market here which is famous by the name of Hong Kong market. You will find surprisingly low cost gadgets that will

29 India Post

compel you to grab hold of almost everything. Nature at its best: Though Siliguri is not as famous as Darjeeling but one cannot skip Siliguri as the few tourist attractions that are there, are simply outstanding. Jaldapara Wildlife Park is the most widely visited attraction of this town. Kali Mandir: Kali Mandir of Siliguri is an important temple for Hindus which is situated near Sevoke. The temple is said to be the abode of living Goddess Kali.

It is visited not only by locales but by pilgrims from adjoining areas as well. However, it is most famous

Spread in an area of nearly 216 sq. km, Jaldapara Wildlife Park is at a distance of 140 km from Siliguri

The second largest city of West Bengal after Kolkata, it is the gateway to Darjeeling, the most important tourist attraction of the state among newly weds who come here to attain blessings of Goddess Kali for a happy married life. Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary:

and is situated in the Jalpaiguri District. The wildlife park is famous for the endangered one horned rhino. Jaldapara Wildlife Park is cut

September 25, 2009

by the passing River Torsa making a large part of the park a marshy land, a perfect setting for thriving of one horned rhinoceros. Jaldapara Park holds the most number of one horned rhinoceros after Kaziranga National Park in Assam, though the difference between the numbers is mind boggling. Royal Bengal Tiger, leopard, spotted deer, elephants and gaurs are the other main attraction of the park. Cont’d on page 31


Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post

September 25, 2009

Asian-American hoteliers' role hailed in US

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WASHINGTON: The contributions of Asian American hoteliers towards economic growth and job creation in the hospitality industry in the US has been praised at the House of Representative by a leading Congressman. Congressman Ed Royce of California, who had attended this year's national convention of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHO), commended the community's role in fueling economic growth. "It is my understanding that their business acumen and dedi-

cation to the hospitality industry has made AAHOA a strong leader in the tourism sector of our economy," Congressman Ed Royce said in his remarks. "We need to allow private sector businesses, like AAHOA members, to do what they do best: grow the economy, create new jobs, and provide safe, reliable, and affordable hospitality for millions of travelers," he said. The Congressman also spoke of the association's donation during natural calamities like Hurricane Katrina and the Asian tsu-

nami in 2004. "They have helped open doors for investment opportunities in India, and they partnered with the United Service Organizations (USO) to create the '101,000 Room Nights for America' program, which provided complimentary rooms for deployed members of the US Armed Forces," he added. Founded in 1989, the AAHOA has grown to nearly 10,000 members who own more than 22,000 hotels valued at USD 60 billion. -PTI

Indians form bulk of visitors to Lanka NEW DELHI: After the end of ethnic conflict following the killing of LTTE chief Prabhakaran, Sri Lanka has said it has recorded a jump in tourist arrival by around 32 per cent. "After the conflict ended, there was an increase in the number of tourist arrivals in the country. There has been an increase of 20 per cent in June, 28 per cent in July and 32 per cent in August," Dileep Mudadeniya, Managing Director of Sri Lankan Tourism Promotion Bureau, told reporters. The Bureau believes that this trend will continue, he said adding that August has witnessed 41,207 tourists visiting Sri Lanka which included 7,409 Indians. He said Indians form the largest bulk of tourists to the island nation. "I see India as our biggest source of market as our product offering is very close to what the Indians want," Mudadeniya said.-PTI

September 25, 2009

Travel & Hospitality Post

Siliguri: Confluence of two culturesWest Bengal & North East Cont’d from page 29

When visiting the park, do not forget to carry along a pair of binoculars as Jaldapara is a magnificent spot for bird watching. Famous for Bengal Florican, other birds that can be seen here are paradise flycatcher, crested eagle, fishing eagle, peafowl, racket tailed dongo and many more. The best way to explore the wildlife of the park is by taking an elephant safari deep into the jungle. Mirik: Mirik is the perfect option for an excursion from Siliguri. Situated around 55 km from here, it takes nearly an hour and a half to cover the distance. Mirik is a picturesque hill station which has in recent years become a must visit destination in West Bengal. The main attraction of this quaint hill station is a centrally located natural lake called Sumendu Lake. Tourists can indulge in boating and fishing in the lake which is approximately 1 km long. While boating, enjoy the views of magnificent green hills that surround the lake from all sides. Coronation Bridge: Built in 1930, Sevoke Coronation Bridge is still considered among the best architectural wonders in the country. The Coronation Bridge was built by the British to connect West Bengal to North East India. The Bridge is built over River Teesta and stretches from Salugara till Kalihora. S i t u a t e d around 20 km from Siliguri, the Coronation Bridge gives breathtaking views of River Teesta below and high green mountains on

both sides. Accommodation: Siliguri is one of the most developed cities of the state. Therefore it receives both tourist as well as business travel-

When visiting the park, do not forget to carry along a pair of binoculars as Jaldapara is a magnificent spot for bird watching. The best way to explore the wildlife of the park is by taking an elephant safari deep into the jungle ers. To cater to the needs of both categories, Siliguri has good luxury and budget hotels with splendid

leisure and business facilities. How to reach Air: Siliguri has its own domestic airport which is situated in Bagdogra at a distance of 12 km from city center. Jet Airways, Indian Airlines and Kingfisher Airlines are the main flight operators to Siliguri. Rail: New Jalpaiguri station is the nearest railway head to Siliguri, situated just 16 km south of Siliguri. Jalpaiguri Station is connected to all major stations in the country like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore with regular train service. Road: Siliguri is nearly 600 km away from the capital city Kolkata. There is regular bus service to Kolkata and to many other important places in West Bengal like New Jalpaiguri and Kharagpur. Local Transportation: Along with splendid bus facility inside the town, there are numerous jeeps as well that cater to locals and tourists.

India Post



September 25, 2009

India Post

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Sports Track


Men's Doubles Champions Leander Paes/ Lukas Dlouhy†with† Rhea Pillai and daughter Aiyana Paes. - Pic Mohammed

Modi to bat for cricket, elected GCA Chief AHMEDABAD: Chief Minister Narendra Modi has stepped on to a new pitch to open an innings beyond the political arena when he was elected president of the Gujarat Cricket Association. Modi follows in the footsteps of political bigwigs like Sharad Pawar and his own party leader Arun Jaitley. "At the AGM held at the Motera stadium here, Modi was elected the President while Gujarat Minister of state for Home Amit shah was elected vice president of GCA," sources in the GCA said. GCA was till now controlled by Congress leader Narhari Amin group. Gujarat Home Minister Amit Shah was engaged in a longdrawn tussle with Amin group for the last one-and-a-half years for controlling the affairs of the cashrich cricket body.-PTI

Vijender impresses with bronze at Milan NEW DELHI: World Championship's bronze medal winning boxer Vijender Singh returned home to a tumultuous welcome at the Indira Gandhi International Airport here in the wee hours. Amid a throng of fans and an army of media persons, Vijender arrived flaunting his bronze medal which he won in Milan last week. "We have just started getting back medals. The day is not far when we will come back with Gold," Vijender said. The 2008 Olympic bronze medalist hoped with the Commonwealth Games coming up next year, the Indian boxers will come up with better performances. "You know they say 'yeh dil maange more' (this heart wants more). It's hard to be satisfied. I'm not satisfied with this. -PTI

34 India Post

September 25, 2008

Paes: I want to better my Olympic bronze

Runnersup Mahesh Bhupathi and Mark Knowles (left) and winners Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy (right) pose with trophies at the US Open Menís doubles 2009 Tennis Championship in New York -Pic Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia

NEW DELHI: Senior Indian tennis player Leander Paes dished out yet another virtuoso performance to win the US Open men's doubles trophy, taking his Grand Slam tally to 10, but his taste for success is far from being cloyed. He is India's most decorated tennis star and has achieved almost everything a player can dream of 10 Grand Slam titles, an Olympic medal, Asian medals, most Davis Cup wins, a Khel Ratna award,

Padmashree award - yet Paes craves for one more thing. "I still want to better my Olympic bronze," Paes told PTI in an interview after winning the US Open men's doubles title partnering Czech Lukas Dlouhy. "Doing well at the 2010 Asian and Commonwealth Games are immediate targets for next year," he added. Paes had ended India's fourdecade long wait when he won a bronze during Atlanta Olympics in

1996. It was India's first individual medal at Olympics since KD Jadhav's wrestling bronze in Helsinki Olympics in 1952. Paes has a large cupboard, which now boasts of 41 trophies including six men's doubles and four mixed doubles Grand Slam crowns but he is not content with basking in past glory. "I am already looking at life beyond tennis and would like to be involved in grooming the next generation of players from India. My


Injured Paes pulls out of Davis Cup NEW DELHI: In a huge setback to the Indian Davis Cup team, doubles star Leander Paes has pulled out of the crucial World Group play-off tie against South Africa due to shoulder and elbow injuries. Paes sustained the injuries during the just-concluded US Open championships where he won the men's doubles trophy and ended runner-up in the mixed doubles event. Now Rohan Bopanna will have an added burden of playing in the doubles rubber with Mahesh Bhupathi apart from playing the second singles. -PTI dream for the future is many more players from India in the main draw of Grand Slams. That too, not in doubles alone," Paes said. Paes is already 36 and by the time he competes in the 2012 London Olympics, he would be nearing 40. The body would not be the same after playing for 18 years but he is still going strong. Paes is a regular in top-10 of the ATP doubles ranking list. So what is it that keeps him going? -PTI

Federer stunned by del Potro in US Open final NEW YORK: Juan Martin del Potro ended Roger Federer's run of dominance at the US Open, stunning the top-ranked Swiss great in five sets to win in his first Grand Slam final. The 20-year-old Argentine prevailed 3-6, 7-6 (5), 4-6, 7-6 (4), 6-2 to snap Federer's streak of five straight US Open titles. The sixthseeded del Potro, playing in his first Grand Slam final, had not beaten Federer in their six previous encounters Federer had won 40 consecutive matches at Flushing Meadows. He was seeking to become the first man since Bill Tilden in 1920-25 to win the American championship six straight times and the first man since Rod Laver in 1969 to win three straight majors in a season.

Juan Martin Del Potro (R) from Argentina stands with Roger Federer (L) from Switzerland after winning the Menís Final US Open match at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center September 14

Del Potro dominated No. 3 Rafael Nadal in the semifinals in straight sets. Normally so cool, so consistent, so in control of his emotions and his matches, Federer let the title slip from his grasp. Two points from victory against inexperienced, unheralded del Potro, two points from a record-extending 16th Grand Slam overall, Federer, quite simply, fell apart. He railed at the chair umpire. His legs grew weary. His doublefaults mounted. He could not figure out a way to stop the 6-foot-6 del Potro from pounding forehand after forehand past him. In a result as surprising for who lost as how it happened, del Potro came back to win his first Grand Slam. -PTI

September 25, 2008

Sports Post

India Post


India breaks final jinx

The celebrations begin for India, Sri Lanka v India, Compaq Cup, final, Colombo, September 14

COLOMBO: One of the most exciting days for cricket supporters where almost 600 runs were scored at R.Premdasa stadium, but in the end the team who kept their nerves till the end came out as winner. The ghost of batting under the R Premadasa lights was almost buried tonight but thanks to Harbhajan Singh brilliant spell with the ball which kept Sri Lankans away from creating history. The win break the long jinx for India against Sri Lanka, whose last win was way back in 2000 where more than two teams were involved. In the end 46 runs margin doesn't suggest the actual drama taken place during Sri Lankan's inning. India dropped too many catches, missed too many run out opportunities and given so many runs in overthrows. Indian fast bowlers get too much hammering from the Sri Lankan batsman's. But it was Indian spinners who checked the scoring rates and pull back the game in

MS Dhoni with the Compaq Cup

India's favor. Harbhajan Singh, Suresh Raina and Yuvraj Singh bowled 24 overs between them and conceded just 106 runs and picked up 7 wickets. In the rest 23 overs of Sri Lankan innings, Indian fast bowler conceded 167 runs and picked up three wickets in between them. Ishant Sharma was worst of lot as he got lots of beating by T.Dilshan (42 runs of 29 balls). Earlier Sachin Tendulkar (138 runs of 133 balls) scored his 86th international and 44th one day international century to guide India to mammoth total of 319/5 in their 50 overs. He was well supported by Indian wall Rahul Dravid (39 runs of 56 balls), Indian Captain M.S.Dhoni (56 runs of 62 balls) and then Yuvraj Singh (56 runs of 41 balls) played blistering knock at the end. For his effort Sachin Tendulkar awarded his 59th Man of the Match and 14th Man of the Series award of his career which is a world record by him. T.Dilshan (42 runs of 29 balls) and S.Jayasurya (36 runs of 29 balls) gave perfect start for Sri Lanka by putting 64 runs of just 47 balls before Harbhajan Singh struck for India in his very first over by bowling Dilshan out for 42 runs. Then in his very next over he removed Jayawardne to bring India right back into the game. But the loss of wickets at regular intervals didn't helped Sri Lanka course. However the partnership between Kandamby (66 runs of 94 balls) and Kapugedara (25 runs of 42 balls) of 70 runs of 84 balls kept Sri Lanka in hunt till 43rd over but wickets at the right time of Kapugedara and Kandamby seal the game for India. Sachin Tendulkar was declared Player of the Match for his superb knock of 138 runs

Squash tournament to be held in Chicagoland MOHAMMED GHOUSE India Post News Service

CHICAGO: An Indian squash player Anil Gidwaney in association with Life Time Athletic Club Vernon Hill has announced sponsoring Squash Tournament middle of October 2009 at Life time Athletic in Vernon Hills, a north west Chicago suburb. This is a great game of motivation for Indian youth, said Anil in a talk to this paper. He said that the tournament will be held

for three days beginning October 16 and end on October 18. The play will start at 4 p.m. on Friday October 16 and end at 8-30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday October 17 and 18 respectively. The last match will be at 3 pm on Sunday October 18 Draw sizes will determine the first round match schedule. The divisions are based on age from 6 to 50 plus. Girls and boys, men and women are eligible. Tournament director reserves the right to combine draws.

All matches will be played best of five games with "point rally" score at 11. Losers of each match are required to referee the following match. Entries and Fees: $58 per person. An additional $10 for an extra added division per player. Champions and finalists will be given Prizes and t-shirts. All players must either be members of ISRA/US Squash or pay a $15 tournament surcharge. All entries must be received no later than Friday October 9.

Tendulkar returns to top 10 of ICC rankings DUBAI: Riding on his fantastic performance in the tri-series in Sri Lanka, veteran Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar has returned to the top-10 of ICC one-day rankings, rising five places to seventh. For the first time in 10 months, Tendulkar is among the world's top 10 after scoring his 44th one-day century for India, earning his team a 46-run victory over Sri Lanka in the final of the triseries in Colombo.

Tendulkar scored 138 to lay the foundation of India's winning total of 320. Tendulkar, also the leading run-scorer in the series with 211 runs, had slipped out of the top-10 after the home series against England in November 2008 and had rested for the first three ODIs of the five-match series which India won 5-0. India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni leads the batting table from his vice-captain Yuvraj Singh who has achieved his career-best second place in the rankings

for ODI all-rounders. Yuvraj leapfrogged Jacques Kallis of South Africa, Jacob Oram of New Zealand and Andrew Flintoff of England into second place after scoring 80 runs with the bat and taking four wickets with the ball. India openers Virender Sehwag and Gautam Gambhir have dropped two places each after both missed the series due to injuries. A player loses one per cent of his rating for every match he misses. -PTI

Sachin Tendulkar raises his helmet in the air to celebrate scoring a century

of just 133 balls. Sachin Tendulkar was also declared Player of the Series for scoring 212 runs with an average of 70.67 in the Compaq Cup series. Harbhajan Singh was adjudged Stylish Player of the Day after picking up 5/56 to restrict Sri Lanka to 273 in the chase of 320 runs. Yuvraj Singh was awarded $1000 for scoring fastest 50 of the day. He scored 50 runs of just 39 balls.-Agencies

Indian team has more match winners now, says Tendulkar COLOMBO: Senior batsman Sachin Tendulkar feels the Indian team has never had as many match winners as it has right now and the side's fast-improving overseas record is a result of their consistent performance. "I think we definitely have more match winners. There were good players earlier as well. But I think in this lot we have got match winners and more big hitters as such and you know the guys have delivered at the crunch moment," Tendulkar told reporters here after India beat Sri Lanka by 46 runs to win an ODI tri-series. "It could be with bat or bowl. But they have been delivering pretty consistently and you know they are all talented guys, extremely talented guys. You need match winners to win consistently. That is what this team is about," he added. "There might be a couple of hiccups here and there but on the whole if you see the guys have really done well." Part of the Indian team for the past two decades, Tendulkar declared the current one led by Mahendra Singh Dhoni as one of the best.-PTI

In Brief Federal agent charged in NJ drug sting NEWARK, NJ: A federal immigration agent and two other men suspected of robbing drug dealers have been charged in New Jersey with conspiracy to possess and distribute cocaine. They were arrested in a sting operation at a Newark garage, where they allegedly tried to steal what they thought was a large cocaine shipment. Valentino Johnson of Brooklyn, N.Y., works in the detention and removal operations unit of the Department of Homeland Security in Manhattan. A federal magistrate ordered Johnson and co-defendants Ernie Doyle of Queens, N.Y., and Kareem Middleton of Kissimmee, Fla., held without bail. If convicted, they face at least 10 years in prison. -AP

Mass. groups decry 'hateful' beating of immigrant BOSTON: Civil rights groups decried a ``hateful attack'' against a Guatemalan immigrant that relatives say left him with severe brain damage. Derrek Shulman, New England regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, said the July beating of Damian Merida was an example of how immigrants are signaled out for attacks. Police say six Lynn boys, ages 11 to 14, severely beat the 30-yearold Merida with bricks, bottles and rocks while he slept near a commuter railroad tracks in Lynn. In a statement, police said the boys targeted Merida because of his ethnicity. Police also said they were looking into the assault of another Guatemalan immigrant and ``the possibility that the attack was not the first perpetrated by these youths.'' -AP

Imperial County jail checks immigration records IMPERIAL, Calif.: Law enforcement agencies in Imperial County can now check the immigration status of people they arrest when fingerprints are taken during booking. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement said that Imperial joins about 80 other counties nationwide in the program called Secure Communities. Los Angeles and San Diego are among them. The program lets local law enforcement check fingerprints against a federal immigration system in addition to criminal records. ICE is notified if the fingerprints yield a match in the immigration system. -AP

Immigration 36

India Post

September 25, 2009

Illegal immigrants registered vehicles COLUMBUS, Ohio: A newspaper reports that Ohio policy allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to register cars and get license plates. The Columbus Dispatch reported that the outgoing director of the Ohio Department of Public Safety delayed a proposed crackdown for more than a year. -AP

Obama immigration official picked to run NYC jails NEW YORK: When she led the Arizona prison system, Dora Schriro championed a program that encouraged inmates to buy treats such as ice cream sandwiches. Money from the sales went to victims' groups. It was one of the quirkier initiatives that Schriro, appointed to run the New York City's Department of Correction, introduced as part of her signature experiment transforming Arizona's prison system into what she referred to as a ``parallel universe.'' Under the strategy, prison life would resemble the outside world as much as possible so that inmates could re-enter society with the knowledge to be law-abiding citizens. ``The goal is to cultivate in offenders the skills that yield civil, productive conduct,'' she wrote in a briefing published by the National Institute of Justice. It is likely that Schriro, who begins work on Sept. 21, will bring some of the same modern corrections strategies to her new job as

jails chief. She enters the job as the city's penal system faces scrutiny over the fatal beating of an inmate, accusations that correction officers let a ``Lord of the Flies''-style crew of inmates enforce rules at a jail through violence, and a bar mitzvah held at a lockup for a prisoner's son. Schriro said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that her plan is not simply to repli-

ing the 400-acre Rikers Island jail complex, has a $1 billion budget and an average daily inmate population of more than 13,000, most of them pretrial detainees. They are overseen by about 9,000 correction officers. For the past six months, Schriro has led the Office of Detention Policy and Planning for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, where she was helping to reform

Under the strategy, prison life would resemble the outside world as much as possible so that inmates could re-enter society with the knowledge to be law-abiding citizens cate the reforms she brought to Arizona. The ice cream purchases were among several ways to make inmates more aware of their impact on others, she said. ``What I bring to the position is a capacity to figure out what might need to be fixed and what could be brought in and what's new and better,'' Schriro said. The city's penal system, includ-

the sprawling immigration detention system, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Her departure disappointed immigration reform advocates. ``She brought extensive experience, a commitment to reforming the system and a valued, evidencedbased approach to her work,'' said Andrea Black, network coordinator for the Detention Watch Network.

Schriro said speculation that her departure is related to internal strife ``is flat out incorrect.'' Her parents are elderly and she wants to be near them, she said. ``In work, I've always done things the best I knew how, doing things for the right reasons and I need to do that in my personal life too,'' she said. Shriro said she plans to make recommendations for the immigration detention system to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Naplitano before leaving. Schriro, who has more than 30 years of experience in correction, has led the Arizona and Missouri corrections departments. She also worked as assistant commissioner for New York City's Department of Correction from 1985 to 1989. But she earned her national reputation as a corrections expert with her theories on prison management, which she has implemented in the prison systems that she has run, efforts that are not without their critics. -AP

New directives on border searches of electronic media CYRUS D. MEHTA

(Continued from last week) n August 27, 2009, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano announced new directives to enhance and clarify oversight of computer and other electronic media searches at US ports of entry. The new directives address the circumstances under which US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can conduct border searches of electronic media consistent with the Department's authority to search other sensitive non-electronic materials, such as briefcases, backpacks and notebooks, at US borders. DHS said the new directives will also allow the agency "to develop automated, comprehensive data collection and analytic tools to facilitate accurate, thor-


ough reporting on electronic media searched at the border, the outcomes of those searches and the nature of the data searched." Between October 1, 2008, and August 11, 2009, CBP encountered more than 221 million travelers at U.S. ports of entry. Approximately

ney work product privilege. Legal materials are not necessarily exempt from a border search, but they may be subject to the following special handling procedures: If an Officer suspects that the content of such a material may constitute evidence of a crime or other-

The new directives will also allow the agency "to develop automated, comprehensive data collection and analytic tools to facilitate accurate, thorough reporting on electronic media 1,000 laptop searches were performed during that time. Of those, 46 were "in-depth." Among other things, related CBP guidance issued on August 20, 2009, notes: Officers may encounter materials that appear to be legal in nature, or an individual may assert that certain information is protected by attorney-client or attor-

wise pertain to a determination within the jurisdiction of CBP, the Officer must seek advice from the CBP Associate/Assistant Chief Counsel before conducting a search of the material, and this consultation shall be noted in appropriate CBP systems of records. CBP counsel will coordinate with the US Attorney's Office as appropriate.

Other possibly sensitive information, such as medical records and work-related information carried by journalists, shall be handled in accordance with any applicable federal law and CBP policy. Officers encountering business or commercial information in electronic devices shall treat such information as business confidential information and shall protect that information from unauthorized disclosure. Depending on the nature of the information presented, the Trade Secrets Act, the Privacy Act, and other laws, as well as CBP policies, may govern or restrict the handling of the information. Any questions regarding the handling of business or commercial information may be directed to the CBP Associate/ Assistant Chief Counsel. Cont’d on page 39

Immigration Post

September 25, 2009

India Post


Couple separated by border meet at Peace Arch As she reached him and they hugged, Ardiel broke down in sobs. Though they speak every day, the distance has been tough on them both. ``I can tell her I love her 100 times on the phone,'' Williams said. ``It's far different when I can do it looking into her eyes.''

As she reached him and they hugged, Ardiel broke down in sobs. Though they speak every day, the distance has been tough on them both Contrary to popular belief, a foreigner who marries a US citizen doesn't get automatic residency in the US. In fact, thousands of Americans are separated from spouses living in foreign countries. Those who enter the US legally and are living here when they marry a US citizen can remain here while the immigration service pro-

cesses their green-card petitions. But those who are living abroad including in Canada usually must remain there during the processing, which can take six months or longer. ``Immigration law doesn't necessarily favor cross-border love,'' said Karol Brown, an immigration attorney in Seattle. With citizenships in different countries, Williams, a chef, and Ardiel, a 911 emergency operator, knew they wouldn't be able to live together right away. They had talked about which country they would live in and determined they wanted to have access to both. They knew that eventually they would begin the process to get Ardiel documents so she could live in the States. But with their finances pressed, petitioning for a green card was not a priority. And they assumed they'd be able to spend days together every week while they raised the money for the immigration paperwork and legal fees. -AP

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BLAINE, Wash.: When the strain of separation becomes too much and they need to see and hold one another, David Williams and his wife, Janeane Ardiel, meet in a sort of no man's land here just feet from a concrete boundary marker separating Canada from the US. Married for five months, the couple - he American, she Canadian - are stranded on either side of the border, unable to cross into the other's country. Williams, 45, who lives in Bellingham, can't travel into Canada because a 6-year-old DUI conviction makes him inadmissible. And his wife, also 45, was denied entry to the US in July after border officers in Blaine noticed her almost-weekly trips and told her they believed her intent was to live in the US not just visit. ``It is like being severed from my lifeline,'' Ardiel said. The couple have filed paperwork to get her legal status in the US, where they hope eventually to settle. In the meantime, they have discovered a quiet place where they can meet - a metal picnic table beneath a sprawling silver maple in the shadow of this beautiful park's looming white arch. Surrounded by shrubs and flowers that offer a little privacy, the site is a common meet-up spot for separated Canadians and Americans who may visit the park without officially leaving their respective countries. Len Saunders, the couple's immigration attorney, who first told them about the picnic table, said clients use it because it's the most neutral spot within the park, almost on top of the boundary line. ``It's a sort of no man's land,'' he said. ``I'm sure there are cameras everywhere, but I've never seen an officer out there ... `` Last week, Williams and Ardiel met here for the second time since her July 22 ban from the US. Williams, wearing jeans and a sweater, saw his wife far across the park when she was just yards from the Canadian inspection station and heading toward him.


India Post

Immigration Post

September 25, 2009

New US citizens take nothing for granted McALESTER, Okla.: Veronica Wynn takes nothing for granted. A native of Monclova, Coahuila, in Mexico, Wynn, 33, is a brand new US citizen, and is reveling in all that entails. ``I am so excited, it is a dream come true,''

she said, ``to be able to vote and to feel that I am truly a part of my surroundings now.'' Wynn has been working hard for the last two years to prepare for the citizenship test, attending weekly tutoring sessions with McAlester Regional Literacy

Council tutor Karen Larison and studying now is a teacher's assistant at Jefferson,'' on her own while raising two children, sons Larison said. ``She's working in the Head Hunter, 9, and Ethan, 5, and working a mul- Start Early Childhood classroom in the 3titude of jobs. year-old program.'' ``She's an inspiration to me, and such a Wynn continues her tutoring sessions likable person,'' Larison said. with Larison - attending at least once a week, “Not only did she have to learn to speak sometimes twice, depending on schedules and read English, but she - and is now enrolled in did it while working three English Composition at jobs. Eastern Oklahoma State ‘Not only did she ``The biggest issue College. She will have her was reading,'' Larison have to learn to associates degree in early added. ``Learning pronun- speak and read childhood at the end of ciations and word order this semester. was a lot of work, but she English, but ``She has a real desire has done great.'' to better herself and her When her oldest son she did it while language skills and is so started to school, Wynn working three jobs’ willing to work hard and wanted to be able to help achieve her goals,'' Larison him with his school work. said. ``When it came to Not only did that desire lead her to seek passing her test, it was all her.'' tutoring, but it also launched her interest in Wynn studied the answers to 100 questeaching. tions pertaining to US citizenship, to be ``She got her certificate for childcare, and asked any 10 of those 100. -AP

Families slowly leaving Texas detention facility DALLAS: As immigrant children and their parents depart a disparaged former Texas prison that housed them while they awaited decisions in their immigration cases, advocates are questioning if the government has fully thought out what happens to the families now. Federal officials announced last month that the T. Don Hutto facility in Taylor would no longer hold immigrant families and they instead would be detained at the much smaller Berks Family Residential Center in Leesport, Pa. But with only 84 beds - and more than 100 people once housed at Hutto - some advocates wonder if there will be enough space, or if immigrants will be released. ``We still have a lot of questions and

would like to hear more details,'' said Denise Gilman, of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas School of Law, which along with other advocates filed a lawsuit contending that family detention at Hutto was inhumane. Hutto is set to stop holding immigrant families by the end of the year, government officials say, and families have slowly been leaving. Instead of transferring the families to Berks, the government has been trying to process the cases of families at both facilities. The Texas facility went from holding 127 men, women and children last month to just 22 people this week. They were either deported to their home countries or released while they pursue asylum or another immigration status to remain in the US. -AP

Immigration Post

September 25, 2009

New directives on border searches of electronic media Cont’d from page 36

Information that is determined to be protected by law as privileged or sensitive will only be shared with federal agencies that have mechanisms in place to protect appropriately such information. The CBP guidance also notes that an officer at the border may "detain" electronic devices or copies of information contained in them for "a reasonable period of time to perform a thorough border search," which may take place either on-site or at another location. The guidance states that unless extenuating circumstances exist, the detention of such devices ordinarily should not exceed five days and should be completed "as expeditiously as possible." Supervisory approval is required for detaining electronic devices, or copies of information contained in them, for continuation of a border search after an individual's departure. Port Director, Patrol Agent in Charge, or other equivalent level manager approval is required to extend any such detention beyond five days. USCIS Resumes Premium Processing for Nonimmigrant Religious Workers After a suspension of several years, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) an-

nounced that it has resumed premium processing service for nonimmigrant religious worker petitions filed by certain R-1 petitioners. Only those petitioners who have successfully passed an onsite inspection are eligible to file under premium processing service.

The guidance states that unless extenuating circumstances exist, the detention of such devices ordinarily should not exceed five days Under premium processing service, USCIS guarantees petitioners that, for a $1,000 processing fee, within 15 calendar days of receipt it will issue either an approval notice or, where appropriate, a denial notice, a notice of intent to deny, or a request for evidence, or will open an investigation for fraud or misrepresentation. Tata America's foreign workers win right to court hearing The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has denied Tata America International Corp.'s attempt to compel arbitration in Mumbai, India, and dismiss a class

action by Tata's noncitizen US employees, who had been required to sign over their federal and state tax refund checks to Tata. The suit, Vedachalan v. Tata America International Corp., included a proposed class of thousands of current and former noncitizen U.S. employees of Tata working in the US. According to plaintiffs' representative Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP, the complaint claims that Tata has paid its employees less than promised; has failed to pay its employees overtime pay and has misclassified them as exempt from overtime; and has failed to compensate employees for earned but unused vacation pay. The complaint alleges further that Tata required its noncitizen U.S. employees to sign power of attorney agreements delegating an outside agency to calculate and submit each employee's tax return to state and federal authorities. Tata then required its noncitizen employees who received tax refunds from state and federal tax authorities to endorse the tax refund checks and send them to Tata. * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

Police investigate possible immigration fraud TWIN FALLS, Idaho: Police in south-central Idaho are investigating a possible case of immigration fraud after 23 Jerome residents said they were duped into paying for documentation services that were never delivered.

The victims were not trying to buy forged papers, but attempting to take the legal route to obtaining US citizenship, Jerome County Sheriff's detective Rick Cowen said. The Times-News reports nearly two dozen Hispanics in Jerome

complained to the sheriff's office in recent weeks, saying they gave large amounts of money to a person who claimed to be an immigration consultant. Cowen declined to specify how much money was involved. -AP

India Post


Tech News India's GSM customer base rises by 9.31 mn MUMBAI: The Cellular Operators Association of India in a statement said that India's GSM customer base rose by 9.31 million in August, taking the total tally to 335.5 million. According to COAI, the apex body of GSM operators, Bharti Airtel remained the front runner with 2.8 million additions, taking its number of subscribers to 107.9 million, followed by Vodafone with 2.19 million additions in the current term, taking its subscriber tally to 80.8 million. The monthly data does not include GSM subscribers of Reliance Communications and Tata Teleservices, which report figures separately, COAI said. -PTI

Bharti raises offer for deal with South Africa's MTN MUMBAI: Indian mobile operator Bharti Airtel has no other choice than to sweeten a $24 billion deal with South Africa's MTN to reach to an agreement. Bharti has increased the cash component of its offer for a 49 per cent stake in MTN to $10 billion from a proposed $7.6 billion. On top of that, Bharti would pay $4 billion in stock for a total package of $14 billion, 7 percent more than the earlier $13 billion proposed deal. The deal is subject to an end-September deadline. The firms have extended talks twice. Regulatory issues were the last hurdle to be crossed ahead of an announcement, one of the sources said, adding he did not see any major obstacles.-PTI

NDS awarded for ‘best interactive TV technology’


DS, the leading provider of technology solutions for digital pay-TV, has been awarded the “Best interactive TV technology or application” at IBC 2009 for its ‘NDS Snowflake’. The company was chosen by Cable & Satellite International magazine and a panel of international expert judges. Snowflake is a high-end conceptual User Interface (UI) based around a minimalist 3D grid overlaid on live TV. Snowflake’s full screen and overlaid TV user experience is controlled by a remote with a minimal set of six keys and provides the same look and feel on any device whether TV, PC, iPhone or other mobile devices and Personal Media Players, etc. -PTI

TechBiz 40 India Post

September 25, 2009

UTVi alliance to be renamed Bloomberg-UTV MUMBAI: UTV Software Communications Ltd has partnered with Bloomberg, the global leader in business news and information for content sourcing and re-branding of the business channel UTVi. With this re-branding exercise UTVi will be renamed as BloombergUTV. According to the press release by the companies, "BloombergUTV will incorporate substantial international programming elements from the Bloomberg Television worldwide network, and viewers will benefit from close cooperation between the organizations' editorial and production teams." -PTI

Suite 2009 pitches India for small and medium American investors SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: An aggressive PR pitch for India as a potential goldmine for investors, and the multi-layered Indo-US ties were discussed in great detail at the Summit for US-India Trade & Economics (Suite 2009) organized by the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) in New York City, Sept 10. Policy makers, businessmen, investors, financial and tax experts from both India and the US met on September 10 and 11 at the Doubletree Hotel in midtown Manhattan to delve into the areas of education, infrastructure, IT/ITES, power & energy, healthcare and food processing, which offer billions of dollars worth of investment opportunities for small and medium American businesses. Assuming that in the next six months to one year, economic slowdown is going to be bottomed out and that cross-country flow of capital will be on sound footing, Suite 2009 was organized to explore and leverage potential synergies with US as a strategic business partner. Perhaps making the strongest pitch for India was Ron Somers, President, US-India Business Council (USIBC), who touched upon the whole gamut of economic opportunities in India from defense procurements, infrastructure including roads, rail-

ways, airports and seaports, to pharma and telecom. "In the next 5 years India has a $35 billion procurement plan to make itself a deepwater navy, to re-equip its air force, literally upgrade and expand its entire military establishment," Somers said. "The US, for the first time -keeping in mind India's earlier relationship with the Soviet Union -- is beginning to provide its best technologies to India; recent examples being the $1 billion worth of transport aircraft provided by Lockheed Martin, that's the largest as of last year ever sold by US to India of defense equipment; Boeing recently sold $2.1 billion

about H1B visas and American jobs being taken away by Indians when in fact India was helping create thousands of jobs in the US. "In 2006 Boeing sold $20 billion of new aircraft to Indian civil aviation sector and that's a lot of American jobs. Sometimes when one hears Congressmen bash India about H1B visas, they don't realize how many jobs India has helped create for Americans in manufacturing." A game changer for American investors, Somers said, was the fall out of the Satyam scandal wherein India is now going through a corporate governance

Somers lashed out at American lawmakers who bash India about H1B visas and American jobs being taken away by Indians when in fact India was helping create thousands of jobs in the US worth of aircraft to spot submarines in the Bay of Bengal. “This $35 billion procurement plan is so important for medium and small businesses because India's procurement policy requires that 30% of that procurement outlay must be co-produced or developed indigenously -- that is $10 billion worth of opportunities for small industries." Somers lashed out at American lawmakers who bash India

structure. "Best practices and standards are being adopted and things will become transparent and comfortable for American investors than what you see today," he said. American companies were already involved in the massive half-a-trillion dollar infrastructure projects over the next five years, Somers pointed out. The USIBC has been lobbying for more bank branches to be opened - both Indian banks in

the US and American banks in India. "Forty-eight new road projects; the massive railways which needs 500 new locomotives, and I guarantee you General Electric and other American companies are vying for that it's a $500 million opportunity." Somers said he was so "high" on India because it was a coherent democracy with an open press with one-fifth of the world's population, the second largest civilian controlled military. India and the US, he said, were already working together in fighting terrorism, human trafficking, drug trade and share a common heritage of colonial rule. However, the most important "glue" between the two countries, he said was the Indian Diaspora. And as for the 54 percent Indian population that is under the age of 25, Somers said, they have a 74 percent approval rating for America. "They probably like us more than we Americans like ourselves," he said. Suite 2009 was supported by prestigious bodies like the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce and the New York City Economic Development Council (NYCEDC). NYCEDC President Seth Pinsky, in his address, highlighted the collaboration between New York City and India on several levels. "NYC is a melting pot, we owe a significant dash of our flavor to Indian community," Pinsky said. Cont’d on page 41

Tatas announce India's first 3G-equipped netbook


ndia's first 3G-equipped netbook - Netbook X107H was announced by the Tata Teleservices (TTSL) which has been devised in collaboration with Olive Telecommunication, the parent company of Haier Mobile. This netbook features high-speed Internet access for mobile Internet connectivity and broadband. Netbook X107H is powered by Qualcomm's QSC6085 chipset. This brings in the capabilities of Evolution-Date Optimized (EV-DO) that as a technology on Tata Teleservices'

network will enable users with broadband connectivity. Besides this the new 3G-en-

bile broadband connectivity which will provide the users access to advanced data applications and

The netbook also features Mobile broadband connectivity which will provide the users access to advanced data applications and services on the move abled netbook has a 1.6 GHz processor, 1 GB DDR memory and a 160 GB 2.5-inch hard drive. The netbook also features Mo-

services on the move. The Netbook X107H has been valued at Rs. 23,999 which includes the Photon Plus device by Tata Indicom.

The company will also be launching 10 other models which would be ranging from Rs. 4999 to Rs. 39999. The netbooks will be available exclusively in Tata Indicom stores. The 3G technology is considered to be the next big thing. There are companies like Nokia and Dell that have launched their 3Ganabled netbooks. But for TTSL, this is its first ever netbook and marks the company's foray in the competitive market. It would be interesting to follow the growth path for TTSL's X-series netbooks!

TechBiz Post

September 25, 2009

India Post 41

So Cal Edison launching huge construction project ROSEMEAD, CA: Southern California Edison (SCE) will launch, at the end of this month, one of the region's largest construction projects that will create more than 1,000 temporary jobs and generate roughly $300 million in spending benefiting Southern California businesses. The utility will begin replacing steam generators inside the two concrete domes at its San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Each new generator is 65 feet tall, 22 feet in diameter and weighs 640 tons. The components produce steam that drives the plant's huge turbines, generating enough electricity to serve 2.4 million average homes. The four original steam generators - two per generating unit - are approaching the end of their service. A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis concluded that replacing steam generators at the

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station could save utility customers as much as $1 billion during the next two decades when compared to the likely cost of obtain-

The utility will begin replacing steam generators inside the two concrete domes at its San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Each new generator is 65 feet tall, 22 feet in diameter and weighs 640 tons ing from other sources the 2,200 megawatts of power the plant generates. SCE plans to replace the two steam generators in the northern unit this fall and those in the south-

ern unit during the fall of 2010. "San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has become increasingly important to our customers and to California as one of the state's most effective tools for addressing its environmental goals," said Ross Ridenoure, SCE senior vice president and chief nuclear officer. "The plant emits virtually no carbon so it contributes to California's aggressive greenhouse gas reduction commitment." San Onofre is one of the last plants in the US nuclear power fleet to replace its steam generators. The process has been successfully carried out by 49 of 58 US plants of similar design without a serious safety incident. To remove the original components and install the new equipment, a temporary opening will be cut in the side of the protective domes. When the openings are resealed, the special construction process to be used will result in domes of equal or greater strength.

Suite 2009 pitches India for small and medium American investors Cont’d from page 40

There are 340,000 people of Indian descent living in NYC metropolitan region. Stating that the Indian community and India are having an increasing impact on NYC's economy as well, he said, "NYS exports to India have more than doubled since 2004, to more than $1.8 billion in 2008, with particular gains in electronics and manufactured products; nearly all of the top Indian banks, including State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, Bank of Baroda, and Bank of India, have established offices in NYC; nearly half of the top 20 Indian IT companies, in-

cluding Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, and Wipro, have established offices in NYC; and

During the trip, NYCEDC representatives plan to build relationships with the business community in India most importantly, NY metropolitan region has 56,000 Indianowned firms (the largest of any

metro region in the country), generating $16.5 billion in revenues (2002). The NYC & Co., New York City's official marketing, tourism and partnership organization, which has offices in Mumbai, is planning a trip to India next March, according to Pinsky. During the trip, NYCEDC representatives plan to build relationships with the business community in India, highlight opportunities for Indian companies to do business in New York City and meet with companies that have high potential to open an overseas office in North America.

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Nokia begins cellphone recycling program HYDERABAD: Nokia India, the Indian arm of the leading cellphone manufacturer Nokia Corp, has started with its recycling program, 'Take-Back' in Hyderabad, India. This initiative is the part of company's nationwide rollout of the program over 25 cities by year end. 'Take-Back', targets to create consumer awareness on the benefits of recycling old phones, chargers and accessories. With this Nokia India is looking forward to induce behavioral

change among Indian mobile users to recycle their used handsets in an environmentally sustainable manner. Commencing this program, Ambrish Bakaya, Director Corporate Affairs, Nokia India Ltd said, "Nokia will plant a tree sapling, for every handset dropped, irrespective of brand or model, into one of its recycling bins and also offer surprise gifts to the consumers. Globally, the Nokia Take-Back program has successfully been rolled out in over

85 countries with over 5000 recycling bins." Bakaya further added that in India, the program was initially rolled out in Chennai and will soon be launched across Coimbatore, Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Bhubneshwar, Chandigrah, Jaipur, Dehradun, Ludhiana and Delhi. Recycling bins have already been placed at over 1300 Nokia Priority Dealers and Nokia Care Centers nationally, he said.

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India Post

TechBiz Post

September 25, 2009

Twitter to allow advertising The fastest growing microblogging site Twitter is now seeking ways to make money by expanding its terms for users to allow advertisers to reach the Internet site's more than 45 million monthly visitors. Twitter, the two-year-old venture capital-backed company that lets people send an unlimited number of 140-character messages, is just now beginning to ramp up efforts to monetize, or gain revenue from, its popular site. The website very recently revised its "terms of service" to specify that it may run ads. "We leave the door open for advertising. We'd like to keep our options open, as we've said before," founder Biz Stone wrote on Twitter's official blog. Advertising revenue is the time-honored way for Web sites to generate revenue while remaining free for consumers. Explosive growth in social networking is attracting interest: worldwide unique visitors to Twitter's site reached 44.5 million in June, up 15-fold year-over-year, according to comScore. Some analysts are skeptical that advertising will catch on in a meaningful way on social networks, arguing that companies are reluctant to juxtapose their brands with unpredictable, and potentially offensive, usergenerated content. Stone himself has said the company was wary of annoying its growing base of users by pummeling them with ads.

But other analysts point out that users of social networking websites tend to spend a lot of time on those sites, providing an attractive platform for advertisers to promote their brands -- especially if preferences are tracked. Twitter kept its new clause on advertising open-ended and stressed it was subject

Some analysts are skeptical that advertising will catch on in a meaningful way on social networks, arguing that companies are reluctant to juxtapose their brands with unpredictable, and potentially offensive, user-generated content to change. "The services may include advertisements, which may be targeted to the content or information on the services, queries made through the services, or other information," the terms read. "The types and extent of advertising by Twitter on the services are subject to change."

Google unveils 'Fast Flip' online news reader SAN FRANCISCO: Internet giant Google has unveiled its "Fast Flip" online news reader that will feature stories from major media outlets, including the BBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post. Google's service will let newshounds read Web pages of magazines and newspapers like they were flipping through an oldfashioned paper copy. Google, which launched Fast Flip at the TechCrunch50 technology conference in San Francisco, compared using the quickloading product to flipping through the pages of a magazine "really fast without unnatural delays." Apart from that the company plans to add two new products to its data liberation effort, hoping to draw wider attention to the concept that users should be able to take their data wherever they go. Marissa Mayer, vice president of search products and user experience demonstrated Google Fast Flip at TechCrunch50. It's a Google Labs project that expands the presence of publishers on Google News, organizing and displaying authorized screen grabs of news stories--not snippets--within the Google News site. A Web surfer can quickly jump from one article to the next using large arrows at speeds significantly faster than the time it usually takes to load a Web page. The service offers screen shots of the web pages containing relevant articles. The articles are organized following a number of different criteria. For example, readers will be offered stories that have been popular all day, what their personal preference is or what has been recommended by friends. Users who want to dig deeper into the article can click through to the publisher's website. To make money, Fast Flip also serves up contextual adverts around the screen shots. Fast Flip allows readers to browse stories by topic, by publication or by "most viewed," "most popular" or even "recommended." It shows only the first page of a story and users who want to read more have to click through to the website of the host publication. Through the feature, users can share

content with friends or members of a social network and Google said it is offering a mobile version. Fast Flip gives publishers more of what they want: a chance to share in the ad revenue generated by Google News combined with the spotlight and traffic that comes along with inclusion in Google News. But Fast Flip requires publishers to showcase more of their content than a simple Google News listing requires, which could allow readers to completely skip clicking

A Web surfer can quickly jump from one article to the next using large arrows at speeds significantly faster than the time it usually takes to load a Web page. The service offers screen shots of the web pages containing relevant articles. Users who want to dig deeper into the article can click through to the publisher's website through after getting the gist of the story from the first few paragraphs. What makes it tricky is that the personal data stored on these services is more valuable--for both the user and the company-because of the fact that so many people use the services, therefore giving companies incentives to build the largest network possible and retain those users once they've made the switch.

Shivnath Thukral chosen Business Editor of NDTV NEW DELHI: Shivnath Thukral has been chosen as the Business Editor and Advisor Strategy for the media entity NDTV at the group level. At the new designation Thukral would be closely working along with the promoters of the group, Radhika and Prannoy Roy, on the business strategies for the new projects that would be coming across the group. Prior to this announcement, Thukral was the Managing Editor for the group's English business channel, NDTV Profit since July 2007. He started with the NDTV in 1995 as the reporter. The corporate website describes him as "one of the most credible

voices in business journalism." With the long 13-year career he has interviewed eminent CEOs, economists and bureaucrats. He has covered major international summits like the WTO in Doha and the World Economic Forum in Davos, and reported on vital national corporate developments like the Ambani brothers' feud and the Jet-Sahara merger. He possesses a masters degree in economics from the Delhi School of Economics. Even after the elevation, he will continue with his shows such as Big Business Battles and to hosts interviews for the NDTV Profit.


September 25, 2009

India Post


NEW YORK Upcoming




Sat Sept 26

Fri Sept 25 to Sun Sept 27

Every Saturday

Tues Sept 22 to Thurs Sept 24

• Rhythm of Rajasthan

• Sanskriti Durga Puja 2009

• Quality Midwest Conference

Venue: Peter Norton Symphony Space, Broadway at 95th Street, New York Time: 8pm Contact: 212-545-7536

Venue: Damascus High School, 25921 Ridge Road, Damascus, Maryland, WDC Contact : 703 629 3853 Cultural Program: Attractive cultural program with four overseas artists (Two for each day) including SaReGaMa Little Champion Sanchita. Food: Delicious menu (coming soon).... Lunch, Afternoon Snacks and Dinner for both days.

• Satsang, Bhajan & Meditation by Shree Ashutosh Ji Maharaj

Sun Sept 27 • Worship of God as Mother Venue: Ramakrishna Vivekananda Center, 17 East 94th Street, New York Time: 11am Contact: (212) 534-9445

Sun Oct 4 • Raas Garba Diwali 2009 Venue: Raas Garba Diwali 2009, The Schwab House Community Room, 11 Riverside, Drive, New York Time: 11am to 3pm Contact: 212-706-0582

Thurs Oct 8 • Mystic Earth - Veena Ensemble

Fri Oct 2 • Disco-Dandia Garba-Raas

Mon Sept 26

Fri Sept 25

• Reston Multicultural Festival

• Durga Puja Celebration

Venue: Lake Anne Village Center, Reston, Virginia Time: 11am to 5pm Contact: 703-476-4500

Venue: Ukranian Church, Somerset, New Jersey Contact: 732-632-8082

Sun Oct 4 • Natya Dance Theatre Company Performance

Mon Sept 26

Tues Sept 27

• Navratri Garba-Sayreville

• Vijayadasami Celebration Venue: 6244 Shackelford Terrace, Alexandria, Virginia Time: 3pm Contact: (703) 642-9558

Venue: Navratri Garba, Sayreville Upper Elementry School, Rt 9 South & Ernston Road, Sayreville, New Jersey Time: 9pm to 1am Contact: 732-656-7654

Sat Oct 3

Sat Oct 3

Venue: Allen Pond Park, 3330 Northview Drive, Bowie, Maryland Time: 4:30pm Contact: (703) 642-9558

• Lakshmi Puja Celebration Venue: Kiddie Keep Well Camp, 85 Roosevelt Drive, Edison, New Jersey Contact: 732-632-8082


HINDU TEMPLE & CULTURAL CENTER 3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, CA, 94538 Tel:

BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)

(510) 659-0655


Venue: Ruth Page Center for the Arts, 1016 N. Dearborn Parkway, Chicago Time: 3pm Contact: 312-212-1240

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Wed Sept 30 •St. Joseph Hospital's Puente A La Salud Mobile Clinics: Free healthcare screening Venue: 2180 W. Crescent Ave, Suite Center, CA Time: 8am to 12 pm Contact: 714-744-8801 Highlighs: Cardiovascular Screening, Blood Pressure Checks, Cholesterol Testing, Glucose Testing. Patients are advised not to eat or drink (except for water) after midnight the night before the screening.

Sat Sept 26 • Sahaita's USA Fundraiser

Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM DATE

Venue: Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, (Chicago) Rosemont, Illinois Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Contact: 1-310-996-9431

Venue: The Meadows Club, 2950 W Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Illinois Time: 7:30pm Contact: 815-404-3803

• Solo Bharatanatyam

Venue: Think Cofee, 248 Mercer St, New York City Time: 8pm Contact: 212-203-3555

Venue: Basement hall at, 477 Lincoln Hwy ( Rt. 27 North), Iselin , NJ 08830, (One building over from Sai Baba Mandir/ old India House) Time: 11am to 1pm Contact: Swami Radeshwaranand Ji - (718) 298-5545 Highlights: Lecture by close disciple of Shree Ashutosh Ji Maharaj, Bhajans, free meditation and mahaprasad.

PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)

Venue: Pleasanton Senior Center Hall, 5353, Sunol Blvd. Pleasanton CA, USA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 510-333-1488 Highlights: Presentations, Bhangra, Giddha, Kathak, Live Music, DJ and Dance, Dinner by Raja Sweets.

Fri Oct 2 • BAYVP Raas Garba Challenge 2009 Venue: Centerville Junior, high School Gymnasium, 37720 Fremont Blvd, Fremont Time: 8pm Contact: 408-891-1471

Sat Oct 3 • Bulldog Bhangra IV


Venue: William Saroyan Theatre, 700 M Street, Fresno, CA Time: 6pm Contact: 559-269-5382













UPCOMING TEMPLE EVENTS YOGA CLASS: MON.-FRI. 7 TO 8 AM SAT. 8 TO 9 AM GEETA CLASS: SAT. 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Gayatri Mantra Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM by Gayatri Pariwar Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2544

Sundar Kand Ka Paath on 3rd Saturday of everymonth from 10:30 am to 12: 00 pm Mata ka Jagran 9/26/09 (Saturday, 8 pm to 1 am) Dandia (Garbha) 9/19/09 to 9/26/09, 7:30 pm to 9 pm Dashaharaa celebration on 9/27/09 at 1:30 pm






Every 4th Sat every Month • Durga Mata Ka Jagaran Venue: 2335 S. Diamond Bar Boulevard, DBC Center, Diamond Bar, CA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 909-519-1579, 626-810-2345

Every Sat (start from Sat Aug 8) • Gurukul Classes for Children Venue: Sindhu Center, South California Time: 2pm to 4pm Contact: 818-541-1754 & 909-576-1114 Highlights: Children between the ages of 5 and 18. Children will be taught the Fundamentals of Hinduism, Prayers, Shlokas, Bhajans and Values of our culture.

Sat Sept 19 to Sat Sept 26 • Navratri Garba & Dandia Ras Venue: 16540 Aston Street, Irvine, CA 92606 Time: Sept 19th: 7:30am Mataji's Handi Sthapana, Sept 19,20,25 & 26th: 7:30pm Garba & Dandia Ras, Sept 26th: 5pm Ashtami Havan Contact: 949-222-2283

Fri 2 Oct • Indian American Senior Group Celebrate: Mahatma Gandhiji's Birthday Venue: Central Park, 7821 Walker Street, LA Palma, CA Time: 9:30am Contact: 714-816-9102

Sat Oct 24 to Sun Oct 25 & Sat Oct 31 to Sun Nov 1 • Fun at "Boo at the Zoo" Venue: Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Time: 10am to 4pm Contact: (323) 644-4200 Admission: $13 for adults and $8 for children ages 2 to 12. This event is free with paid Zoo admission.



India Post

September 25, 2009


Parents looking for a groom for their beautiful daughter, American Citizen, 31years, 5'3" tall, Caste No Bar. Please send your picture and biodata to P.O.Box # 342, India Post 29274 Union City Blvd.,

Union City, CA - 94587.

Well Settled in California,



Punjabi Khatri parents looking for a suitable professional match for


their beautiful daughter,


slim, 29 years, 5’5” tall


and well educated. Kindly


smoker, non-drinker,

respond with photo and


professional son 26 yr old,


5' 9'' and well educated


family background.

biodata to P.O.Box # 340, India Post, 29274 Union City Blvd., Union City, CA - 94587, USA.


Looking For A Suitable Match For "Hindu Punjabi" girl, 29, 5'5"

Well Educated, Professional And Financially Stable. Please Email At



suitable match for their handsome, tall, non-

Please contact

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Hindu Punjabi parents seek a suitable match for their daughter, 32, 5' 8'', Lawyer in U.S.A. Boy should be at least 6' tall, professional, and brought up in North America. Email: RKGTA@HOTMAIL.COM

or Call 416-464-7471



working. Boy Should Be Tall, Good Looking,

Khatri Family seeking a

42, youthful, handsome, PhD, professor in prestigious university, IIT undergrad, Brahmin, vegetarian, US citizen, divorcee never lived together, seeks partner below 36, Indian values, caring, PhD, MD, professionals, bio/photo details must.

(818)-660-8983 For Chanderika: Seeking alliance for 41 year old/5’5” Punjabi Khatri, well established professional teacher. Very brief marriage annulled. Seeking mature, responsible match from sincere professional/businessman, West Coast preferred. Email biodata/photo at

Jat Sikh parents invite a matrimonial alliance for their beloved, beautiful daughter, age 26 years, 5 feet 5 inches tall, UC graduate and professionally employed in the bay area. Please contact: Parents seeking match for Punjabi Khatri handsome son born Nov. 1978, 5'9" educated, selfemployed. Alliance

Nai Sikh 5.1’ 25 Girl B.M.I.T.; P.G.D.C.A., from India.

invited from beautiful

M.B.A (I.T) From USA. Has Student Visa and work

educated girl. Email

permit Trying for H-1B Visa

biodata and

Brother Dentist in India. Father & Mother in USA

photograph to

Seeks Suitable Immigrant boy from USA or CANADA.

Contact at Email:

or Call (626) 374-1942

with Bio data and Photo

Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFQ #900639 for TYPE 4 BRUSH TRUCKS, Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 10:00 a.m. ñ Lakeside Plaza Building, Alameda County, General Services Agency, Room 1107 11th Floor, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, CA NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFQ #900639 for TYPE 4 BRUSH TRUCKS, Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ñ Social Services Agency, California Poppy Room A 225, 2nd Floor, 24100 Amador Street, Hayward, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on November 5, 2009 County Contact : Kelley Smith (510) 891-5670 or via email: Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications and bid copies regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA-Purchasing Department or the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 9/25/09 CNS-1690106#

Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #900622 for Selection Process Management System, Monday, September 28, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ñ Public Works Agency, 4825 Gleason Drive, Main Conference Room, Dublin, CA NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #900622 for Selection Process Management System, Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 10:00 a.m. ñ Lakeside Plaza Building, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Conference Room 222, 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on November 2, 2009 County Contact: Shawnee Myers at (510) 208-9599 or via email: Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications and bid copies regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA-Purchasing Department or the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 9/25/09 CNS-1690876#


September 25, 2009

India Post 45 Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, 9th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE and SITE VISIT - S. CountyProject #CPPADA05013060A, LAW LIBRARY RESTROOM ADA UPGRADES, Monday, September 28, 2009 at 10:00 a.m., 224 W. Winton Avenue, Public Hearing Room, Hayward, CA Attendance at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is required Responses Due by 2:00 pm on October 13, 2009 County Contact : Tom McKimmy at (510) 2083990 or via email: Information regarding the above may be obtained at the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 9/25/09 CNS-1690905#










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NEWS on your desktop



India Post

September 25, 2009

Staybridge 98 Room Project For Sale in Spring/Houston TX ;Includes land , Plan and Permit . pls Contact Listing for further info Agent


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Staybridge 98 Room Project For Sale in Spring/ Houston TX ; Includes land, Plan and Permit. pls Contact Listing for further info Agent

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September 25, 2009

India Post 47


48 India Post

September 25, 2009

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 Issues related to a child will continue to progress in right directions. Money wise you will stay comfortable. Aggressive attitude will help accomplish a lot in life. Most of the phone calls you make will yield quick results. You may feel little pain or suffer minor injury in right arm also. Spouse will support your plans completely.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22 You should have a fool proof plan when it comes to making any financial commitments. You will take time out of a busy schedule and spend time with close friends. People in business should keep an eye on subordinates. You will continue to search for new business associates. You may seek help from a learned person and also pay visit to holy place


September 25 to October 1

You will increase your efforts but may not get enough response from other sides. Money will come but run out quickly. You will start working on a project where the results will come at a later time. You may not feel like attending an important event this week. An old friend will call and give you some very useful tips.

Readers Write...

Military recruiters targeting vulnerable teens


ilitary recruiters have ramped up their efforts to target our young, vulnerable, teens. Investigative reporter, David Goodman's article in Mother Jones entitled "A Few Good Kids", warns that the "No Child Left Behind" act allows recruiters, by default, to collect personal, sensitive information about our teens. The military can now data mine this information and bypass parental control. A staggering 34 million names of 16-25-year-old have been surreptitiously captured in the Pentagon's Joint Advertising Market Research & Studies (JAMRS) database. It spends up to $600,000 a year to purchase student personal information from corporations such as, Student Marketing Group and American Student List.

Billions of dollars have been used to set up sophisticated web sites and video games to get our teens addicted to war games. There is a real danger that many of our unsuspecting youth will become anesthetized to the horrors of war and become more willing victims of the Pentagon's marketing efforts. Amongst the more deceptive websites which receive their backing is "", "America's Army" and "Halo 3." These clandestine military recruitment efforts raise serious privacy issues which must be addressed. I urge parents to protect their teens from the clutches of 'big brother Pentagon', by sending in an 'opt out' letter to your child's school. Jagjit Singh Los Altos, CA

Disclaimer :- India Post does not endorse opinions expressed in the letters.

TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 Money will come but quickly go on paying past bills. Property deal will finally take place. You will plan an evening with few old friends. Expect few changes at place of work in near future and the signs will become visible now. You will be concerned about the health of an older family member. There is a long distance trip in the air.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Planets will create little confusions making it hard to take important decisions on your own. Improvements in career will be slow but gradual. Money stuck for some time could come this week. You will be invited to a big party. You may get rid of some items piling up dust in the house. You will enjoy company of new friend.

CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 Things will once again start moving in right direction but because of past experience you will be very cautious and think twice before saying yes. Some of you may finally launch a major project on hold because of lack of finances. Planets will improve self confidence and you will get things done in first attempt.

GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 You are prone to get hurt if expect too much from others. Mind will be little restless and you will be on your feet most of the week. Offer will come but will require you to move to distant place. Presence of Mars in first for next several months is detrimental for health and body, so handle all machines and tools with extra care.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 You will miss some one who was always too close. Money wise you will continue to do fine. New opportunity will require you to move long distance. You may need to mail a check to a government agency in shape of a fine or penalty. Make friends but avoid disclosing everything to them.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Opportunity will come from a total unexpected place. Positive developments will boost your Morales. Very fruitful week for people involved in research and development as ultimate success become clearly visible. You will get to spend some quality time with very interesting people. Eat at regular interval to control burning sensation.

CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 Other party will come around and agree to your terms. Money wise a great week but be careful and have the clause removed before you sign that document. There will be pressure at work and you may be assigned addition load. You may miss some one badly who was too close at some point in life.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 Things will be slightly light at work, giving you the opportunity to spend more time with family this week. You will help several needy people with your expertise and become more popular in professional circle. You may also dispose of stocks recently purchased and pocket the profit. You may call a trusted friend after long interval.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 You will overcome many obstacles but with some ones help. Financially things will start looking up once again. Property deal will bring in much needed relief. You may visit a warm and dry area with family to attend a social function. People will benefit from your expertise and experience. Long distance calls bills will be high.


September 25, 2009

India Post


Page Sponsored by Sahanis some levels nothing seems to change. Stress also is part of our lives. Some of us get the benefit of trying out yoga and meditation. 15-20 million people in USA practice yoga and meditation. We all go through ups and downs of emotions. What is going to balance our lives? Meditation brings this harmony to our life. Meditation is not a technique for reducing stress or dealing with stress. Meditation allows us to live a stress-less life. Stress just does not arise. If stress does arise, it does not last long. Contd from last week hy should I meditate? What are the benefits of meditation? I have resisted answering this question in the past writings on meditation. My reason has been based on the fact that if I describe benefits of meditation, this can lead to expectations. Mediation reduces stress. You start meditation because you want to reduce stress. This in true sense may become a barrier to meditation itself. I think that meditation should be done with an open mind. Then and then only true benefits of meditation appear. So, now with this proviso, I will try to describe benefits of meditation in our real lives. Our life is a journey, a journey from life to death. Much happens in this journey. We grow up, go to school, graduate and then work for our living. We retire and then we head toward our death. Much happens inside as well. Change is part of our life. Yet at



ll sadhanas (spiritual practices) are methods to decrease the thoughts and to increase peace and thus slowly man can become God. Not only does one enjoy peace oneself but can give peace to others as well. The goal of sadhana is to eliminate the mind, which consists of thoughts and desires. The Self is beyond all these. To know the Self, the mind should be eradicated.

death. We ought to understand that very well. This is the reason what makes meditation worth much more than what we can ever comprehend. If we understand this little point, we can then also understand it clearly that we ought to and we must make time for meditation in our lives. Our priorities will change completely once we understand this point clearly. How does meditation help us at the time of death? We need to understand what happens at the time death to us and then it will be

Meditation benefits much more than just killing stress DR KRISHNA BHATTA

The body is lying still or worse being burnt or buried. This non-physical body can hear others and see them as well. But, those others can't see or hear this non-physical body

I will try to emphasize again that this is not a reason to start meditation. Meditation brings much more to our life than just killing out the stress. Stress does bring music to our lives. It is source of rejuvenated energy; an energy that we never thought existed for us. Benefits of meditation at time of death We center our focus on our life. We forget that there is much more to us than our journey from birth to

easier to understand how meditation can help our being at the time. A vivid description of these events can be found in "Tibetan Book of the dead." Bardo is the name. The life energy leaves the physical body. There is utter confusion. The mental body or say the astral body that leaves the physical body does not understand what is happening. It is still attached to the friends and relatives around. It sees that

parting time. You can see your son or your daughter crying around your physical body. You feel attached, yet you cannot communicate with them. Non attachment is the only reality here. You feel attached. Yet you cannot be attached. You have to move on. The move is painful to those who have not had meditative experience. The move is much easier for people who have had meditative experience. To be continued

divine name. This is the simplest way. We are like pure rainwater that has become impure by falling in the gutter. The water in the gutter needs to be cleaned by connecting it to a river, and this is what sadhana does. Even though we are, in reality, the untainted Atman, because we are bound to the gross, physical world, there are impure vasanas (tendencies) present within us. We have to purify our minds by dis-

to those principles. We should free ourselves and worship God, without any desires or expectations. Meditation and spiritual practices give you the power and the courage to smile at death. Spiritual practice reminds you, 'I am not just a part, but the part of the whole - indeed, I am one with the whole.' All prayers and remembrance of God or Guru remind you of the great truth that you are not a sepa-

these waves that sadhana should be done sitting steadfastly in one place. The waves will not subside simply if you read some books. Instead, they will only increase. In the deep sea there are no waves. It is on the shore that the waves strongly break because there is little depth. Peace can be experienced when the mind becomes expansive and deep through sadhana. Concentration of the mind devoid of ego is the bridge towards God. Samsara (the ocean of transmigration) is a vast ocean. The waves of this ocean (the vasanas) are huge and gigantic. The bridge of concentration is the only means to cross the ocean of transmigration. Only if we set foot on the bridge and cross over can we reach God. There is no external bridge to reach God. It is an internal bridge of concentration, which we ourselves have to build and cross over. It is God's or the Guru's grace which always supports and protects us from falling down during this 'transoceanic' crossing.

Meditation gives you power to smile at death


Everything will be known spontaneously if you do sadhana. Understand who you are. Know the Self. Then you can lead a life without attachment to anything. Such a state of mind will come if you do sadhana sincerely. Mental purity will come through constant chanting of the

they are crying. The body is lying still or worse being burnt or buried. This non-physical body can hear others and see them as well. But, those others can't see or hear this non-physical body. Some loose consciousness and death just happens at an unconscious level. A meditative man is better equipped to deal with this situation. Krishna's message becomes much more important at this juncture when compared to its value at the time of physical body. Non-attachment is real at this

Only through sadhana can we avoid being enslaved by circumstances. We should learn the spiritual principles by listening to satsangs, and then live according to those principles criminating between the eternal and the ephemeral, and through meditation. And as we are purified by meditating, we grow strong. Only through sadhana can we avoid being enslaved by circumstances. We should learn the spiritual principles by listening to satsangs, and then live according

rate entity, that you are not just a limited individual, but that you are His, that you are He. When this loving remembrance arises within, you can never be away from Amma, nor can Amma ever be away from you. In the beginning, there will be some waves in the mind. Through practice they will go. It is to control

The 56th birth anniversary of Amritanandamayi Devi will be observed on September 24

Do not conquer the world with force, for force only causes resistance. Thorns spring up when an army passes. Years of misery follow a great victory. Do only what needs to be done without using violence. - Tao Te Ching For the sake of it, you journey to sacred shrines and holy rivers; but this priceless jewel is within your own heart." - Sri Guru Granth How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. - Wayne Dyer When I am in my ego, then You (Lord) are not with me. Now that You are with me, there is no egotism within me. - Ravidas Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines. - Paul Brunton Saints are walking gardens filled with wishfulfilling trees, and they are living villages of wish-fulfilling gems. Their words are like oceans of nectar. - Sant Gyaneshwar IF words come out of the heart, they will enter the heart, but if they come from the tongue, they will not pass beyond the ears. - Al-Suhrawardi

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50 India Post

September 25, 2009

India needs to emulate US in institutionalizing procedures FIRDAUS AHMED


he proceedings of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) are appropriately not in the public domain. Only its decisions, whenever required, are made known to the public, as was done in case of its endorsement of India's nuclear doctrine in January 2003. However, the recent washing of dirty linen in public by those in the CCS during the NDA's first term over the Kandahar hijack episode indicates a lack of institutionalization of national security decision making at the apex level. This is of a piece with India's amorphous strategic culture. While matters are likely to have improved in the decade since owing to the National Security Council and its secretariat having firmed in, there is a case for bringing greater formality into the proceedings of bodies such as the CCS, the NSC and the Political Council of the NCA. These three bodies, having virtually identical membership, are vested with decision making responsibility in the national security sphere. Since the system has not let India down so far, there is no cause for unwarranted alarm. However, this is no reason not to constantly improve it. It would then be able to cope with the demands it may face in future. Two scenarios buttress this point. In the first, there could be difficulty in case there is a weak minority government in power, as was being apprehended in the run up to the elections only a hundred days ago. Representatives of various fractious parties without a national profile could in such a circumstance be taking decisions that, while within their responsibility, could be outside of their ken. The second is in formulation of India's response in case of breakdown in deterrence. Whatever the decision arrived at, in the aftermath of the resulting nuclear exchange India would require an explanation of the rationale. Since life would not be the same again, accountability would require to be apportioned. For doing this adequately there is need to institute procedures now. Learning from the US experience is in order. Three aspects stand out. One is that those charged with policy and decision making can be held directly responsible. Replication would do away with the proverbial 'kitchen cabinets' that have characterized the Indian system, at least till the late eighties. So much so that such

informal bodies virtually crafted India's nuclear trajectory till the Shakti tests. Reforms would minimize the baleful influence of unaccountable lobbies, such as that exercised by parent ideological formations on political parties. The recent stewardship by the RSS of a troubled BJP indicates that there is more to

understandably kept out of the remit of the Right to Information Act, perhaps thirty years on these could be made public as done elsewhere. This would help researchers understand the compulsions and analysts to recommend improvements in the approach to security. Presently, relying on whistle blow-

India Post Winners & losers

A Prime Minister Manmohan Singh presiding over Cabinet meeting

exercise of constitutional authority than meets the eye. Second is the manner the US maintains records. Not only is the historical record enriched by perspectives of players, for instance Nixon's take on Indira Gandhi in 1971; but, more importantly, they can be held accountable. The latter may not be required so much in case of wrong decisions, but more so in case of malintent. Perversely, it is taken as an

The release of these records into public domain would help not so much with building the sense of history that Indians reputedly sorely lack, but with keeping a check on leaders 'achievement' that there are no written records of India's transition to becoming a nuclear power! And lastly, the release of these records into public domain. This would help not so much with building the sense of history that Indians reputedly sorely lack, but with keeping a check on leaders. For instance, prospective Prime Ministers would not be emboldened with impunity into fudging their role in national decision making that's gone wrong for some reason! While such deliberations are

ing, such as happened recently over the hydrogen bomb 'fizzle', bespeaks of much ground yet to be traversed for India to acquire a credible, functional and accountable system. It is interesting to speculate on why India's national security system is both impervious and underdeveloped. Answering the question, 'Who benefits?' could provide the clue. One answer this question would not throw up is the legislative. Legislative accountability of the executive could do with emulating the US even though theirs is a Presidential system. While parliamentary committees do perform, US style congressional hearings help. This would lend balance in a system which otherwise lends itself to competing constituencies pulling in willful ways. A recent example is the manner a section of scientists have expressed an interest in further nuclear tests. Taking a call on whether India needs a thermonuclear based deterrent is not within their ambit; yet the controversy. The recent remarks of the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee on the developments in Pakistani nuclear deterrent underlines that India is in a dangerous neighborhood. It is also an aspiring great power. Both require continuous evolution of its national security system. The quintessence of the controversies over this month is that the Indian system is still a work in progress. Courtesy IPCS

s long as he was winning, Roger Federer was a picture of rectitude, propriety, good manners topped by a winsome smile. As he found himself on the verge of losing to that upstart from Argentina, Juan Martin del Potro, he revealed a rare fit of rage directed at the umpire. Another habitual winner Serena Williams, sensing a loss in the US Open semi-final, unleashed a flurry of four letter words at the line umpire over a foot-fault call. No one wants to take on a man (or a woman) on the rise. The warts of the winners fade from public sight. But show us a man who is down and anyone would take a punch at him. Take for instance in politics, the plight of BJP in defeat. Not only are they fighting among themselves, every analyst worth his salt is taking a potshot at BJP. They couldn't have touched LK Advani when he was Home Minister. But now he is the fall guy anyone can berate. Victory in an election is no guarantee of rectitude or true worth. The triumph in some Assembly by-elections in Gujarat has somewhat revived the BJP and temporarily silenced the prophets of doom. BJP leader Arun Jaitley is so enthused that he attributed the victory to people's revulsion over charges that alleged LeT activists Ishrat Jahan and her accomplices were killed in a fake police encounter in 2004. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who has been lying low, also crowed over the success. But perhaps it is too soon to celebrate. Sterner tests lie ahead in the form of elections to the Maharashtra and Haryana assemblies. Are the obvious flaws in the BJP going to be brushed under the carpet with this small victory? Will the oldies on way to be discarded win a reprieve? The churning within the party had forced the leaders to probe for answers. Will they now get back to the empty chest thumping of BJP chief Rajnath Singh? Defeat had forced the BJP to introspect. There were hopes that some surgeries would be performed to put the patient back on the track. Are they going to make the mistakes that victors often make? Victors start taking things for granted. The non-performing Congress has started winning because the BJP has not proved to be a worthy opponent and not because the oldest party has reformed. It has been known that Congressmen live in luxury at public expense and mouth Gandhian shibboleths but the recent attempts at austerity have exposed the levels of this hypocrisy. While Sonia and Rahul Gandhi try to set an example by traveling economy class, the Cabinet ministers have been spending lakhs in public money by insisting on having, according to Indian Express, "the finest -and expensive - fittings in their new offices: from Spanish wall tiles in their chambers to Italian porcelain in their toilets." There are lessons to be learnt from both victory and defeat. Victors need to be conscious of their mandate and remain in touch with those who gave the mandate. YSR Reddy, the late chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, was very keen to retain that touch and that was the key to his success. Another politician who has been able to maintain that touch is the Chief Minister of Orissa, Naveen Patnaik, who won the trust of his people third time in succession. Jayalaltiha, the former chief minister of Tamil Nadu, was imperious in victory riding roughshod over her own bureaucracy. And now that she is made to pay the price, she is resorting to boycotting elections raising the bogey of faulty electronic voting machines. The right approach in defeat is not to raise your own grievances, but get in touch with people to know their problems and try to redress them.

September 25, 2009

India Post 51

52 India Post

September 25, 2009

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