India Post_10-02-2009

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India Post V O I C E




S.M. Krishna

Jairam Ramesh

‘Disconnect in US media and politicians' Details on page 9

A Q Khan spillls govt hand in proliferation


VOL 15, No. 786

October 2, 2009


Periodical Postage


Bilateral meets dominate FM engagements Details on page 8

Focus on developed countries, says India AFP

SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY Details on page 10

TiEcon calls for smart entrepreneurship Details on page 39

China apology to Nigeria for fake drugs Details on page 10

Kakodkar says Pokhran-II tests fully successful Details on page 8

India Post News Service Julia Roberts with Swami Dharam Dev

NEW YORK: Nearly 100 world leaders participated in the historic Summit on Climate Change at the United Nations to mobilize political will and strengthen momentum for a fair, effective, and ambitious climate deal in Copenhagen. According to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the purpose of the Summit was to focus minds and generate urgent action at the highest levels. "This year we have an unprecedented opportunity to prevent climate change from slipping out of control and to jumpstart the transformation to a safer, cleaner, more prosperous green economy that benefits all," he said. The Summit was a precursor to mobilizing the political momentum needed to help the world cross over the finish line in Copenhagen, where representatives from 193 Parties to the Convention will gather in December to negotiate a climate agreement for the post2012 period.

Julia Roberts shooting in Gurgaon Details on page 10

Nikki seeks to be S. Carolina Governor Details on page 12

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

Should India shift stand on climate change? Last week’s result

Is Radical Islam greatest threat to world? YES 72%

Details on page 6

IALI endorses Kamala Harris for California AG

NO 28%

CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 24-25 Classifieds --------------------- 48-50 Community Post -------------- 12-21

India Post News Service

Date Book -------------------------- 51

NEW YORK: Picking up on the aggressive campaign for California Attorney General the Indian American Leadership Initiative (IALI) has endorsed the candidacy of San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Devi Harris who, if elected, will be the first Indian American State Attorney General in the United States. Kamala Harris

Details on page 10

Edit Page --------------------------- 53 HealthScience Post --------- 36-38 Horoscope ------------------------- 46 Immigration Post ------------- 42-45 Life Style ----------------------- 26-30 Philosophy ------------------------- 52 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate ------------------------ 23

GREEN GIRL: Asia-Pacific UNEP/TUNZA Junior-Board representative Yugrana Srivastava, 13, from Lucknow, India addresses the Summit on Climate Change at the United Nations in New York on September 22. Details on page 7

Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”

Sports Post ------------------------ 22 TechBiz Post ------------------- 39-41 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 31-33


India Post

October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

India Post



India Post

October 2, 2009

India Post

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haven't felt as enthused and hopeful of any United Nations General Assembly sessions in almost a decade as I have felt since the start of the current session currently underway at the UN headquarters in New York. For the first time I felt that there was a cause larger than the individual concerns of the many diverse nations in the world - one that the polity of nations has finally come to accept affects the world indiscriminately irrespective of whether a country is rich or poor, big or small. The cause: Climate Change. Kudos to the UN Secretary General for having held a special summit on the subject this year, forcing every participating country to not only understand the effects of global warming, but also introspect on its own role in the damage that is being wreaked on the fragile ecosystem. Suddenly, India seems to have a huge role to play in the global debate on climate change. Having taken a righteous stand that developed countries shouldn't be imposing curbs on the developing countries on greenhouse gas emission levels India has suddenly become a villain of the piece. I am all with India on its position that the developed countries need to clean up their act before expecting developing countries to take on measures that are likely to affect their economic progress. But I am not sure if taking an adamant stand is wise when the world has already reached a stage where the ill effects of climate change are already being manifest in people's daily lives. Significantly, India has taken on a domestic agenda of curbing carbon emissions, irrespective of what other countries do. And that's what is critically important - for each country to recognize its own role in preserving this earth. Like that little girl from Lucknow who boldly stood before the world leaders attending the UN Summit to ask: Do environmental problems recognize any geographical or political boundaries and age groups? And if national security and peace, and economic growth are priorities, then why not climate change?

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She may have a big banner film released and a svelte look to brag about, but Rani Mukherjee is still upset.


Cover Story: Climate Summit Nearly 100 world leaders participated in the historic Summit on Climate Change at the United Nations.

Community: Nikki for Governor



Nikki Randhawa, State Representative of South Carolina, has entered the Governor race in South Carolina.

Fashion bonanza Famous fashion designers Ashima and Leena showcased their beautiful collection of Indian outfits in Los Angeles.


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Spectacular Somdev Somdev Devvarman scripted a spectacular win to clear India's passage into the elite Davis Cup World Group.

TechBiz: Electric promise Rural electrification in India would be complete by 2012, said Minister for Power Sushil Kumar Shinde in New York.

22 39





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Travel: Pushkar Surrounded by hills on three sides and sand dunes on the other, Pushkar forms a fascinating location.


October 2, 2009

India Post



Cover/Top Stories

India Post

October 2, 2009

Historic climate summit at UN Focus on developed countries, says India SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Nearly 100 world leaders participated in the historic Summit on Climate Change at the United Nations to mobilize political will and strengthen momentum for a fair, effective, and ambitious climate deal in Copenhagen. According to UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon, the purpose of the Summit was to focus minds and generate urgent action at the highest levels. "This year we have an unprecedented opportunity to prevent climate change from slipping out of control and to jumpstart the transformation to a safer, cleaner, more prosperous green economy that benefits all," he said. The Summit was a precursor to mobilizing the political momentum needed to help the world cross over the finish line in Copenhagen, where representatives from 193 Parties to the Convention will gather in December to negotiate a climate agreement for the post-2012 period. "I hope world leaders will leave the Summit ready to give their negotiating teams the green light and specific guidance needed to accelerate progress on the road to Copenhagen," said the Secretary-General. "The clock is ticking. I hope they will publicly commit to sealing a deal in Copenhagen," he said. The Summit marked the first UN visit for the Presidents of China

Yugratna Srivastava (back row) with Ban Ki-moon and the Heads of State and VIPs who spoke at the Climate Summit. Pic UNEP

(CDM), an innovative tool that directs investment in clean technologies to developing countries. Also, the Summit's emissions will be offset by investments in a project in a poor semi-arid region in Kolar District, Karnataka State, India, seeking to reduce deforestation and provide clean energy for cooking.

Pachauri's address

Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on

Shyam Saran, Jairam Ramesh and S M Krishna at the Summit

and the United States as well as the newly elected Prime Minister of Japan. CDMs to offset Summit emissions Reflecting the message of the Summit, the United Nations said it would offset the participants' travel by purchasing carbon emission credits from the Clean Development Mechanism

Climate Change (IPCC), who presented the scientific basis for action, said he was speaking for the world's scientific community, which in November 2007 completed the Panel's fourth Assessment Report, a collective effort of nearly 4,000 of the world's best specialists working for more than five years. The uniqueness of that mammoth exercise was that all

‘I hope world leaders will leave the Summit ready to give their negotiating teams the green light and specific guidance needed to accelerate progress on the road to Copenhagen’ Governments of the world approved the report and had full ownership of it contents. Reading out some of the salient features of the report, he said that in the absence of mitigation policies, climate change would likely lead to the possible disappearance of sea ice by the latter part of the twenty-first century; increased frequency of hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation; an increase in tropical cyclone intensity; decreases in water resources in many semiarid areas; the possible elimination of the Greenland ice sheet and a resulting rise in sea levels; and increased risk of extinction for 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the species assessed, so far. In Africa, by 2020 between 75 million and 250 million people were estimated to be exposed to water stress due to climate change and in some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture would be reduced by up to 50 per cent, he said. The impacts of climate

change would be disproportionately severe in some of the poorest regions and communities in the world. Pachauri further said, mitigation of emissions was essential and the IPCC had assessed its costs as modest. To limit average temperature increases at 2.0 and 2.4 degrees Celsius, the cost of mitigation by 2030 would not ex-

benefits, higher energy security, greater employment and stable agriculture production, ensuring greater food security. It was heartening that the Group of Eight (G8) leaders had recognized the broad scientific view of limiting increases in global temperatures to 2 degrees Celsius. But the panel had had clearly stated that if the temperature increase was to be lim-

R K Pachauri addressing the Summit

ceed 3 per cent of the global gross domestic product. In other words, the so-called prosperity expected in 2030 would be postponed by just a few months, he said. Mitigation carried many cobenefits, such as lower levels of air pollution and associated health

ited to 2.0 to 2.4 degrees Celsius, global emissions must peak no later than 2015, only six years from now. And, the 2 degree ceiling, too, would lead to sea-level rise of .4 to 1.4 meters. Cont’d on page 7

Top Stories

October 2, 2009

India Post


Lucknow teen addresses UN Summit better earth to live. Addressing the opening ceremony of the UN Summit on CliNEW YORK: Young as she is, mate Change, Yugratna said in a Yugratna is fast entering the sharp and forceful tone, "I am so world of adults. All of 13 years of much concerned about climate age, on Sept 22, the petite teen change because I don't want our from Lucknow, India, stood tall future generations to question us facing heads of state from around just as I am questioning the need the world gathered at the United of more concrete action on climate Nations Special Summit on Cli- change today." Yugratna became sensitized to mate Change, to question unequivocally their commitment to environmental protection in Grade giving the future generations a 6 in St. Francis School in Shamli, India. It was there that she j o i n e d " Ta r u m i t r a " (Friends of Trees). The nongovernmental organization works hard to stop the felling of trees and forests, builds roadside gardens and cleans up garbage dumps Yugratna Srivastava with Rajendra Pachauri, among other acChairman of the IPCC tivities. SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

In 2008 she participated in the TUNZA youth conference in Norway organized by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and became a member of the Junior Board. She is the first Indian child to ever get elected to the Junior Board and was invited again to participate in last month's TUNZA conference in Seoul, South Korea. When she is not in school, she is talking about climate change and environmental protection around India and abroad. "For my generation in India, climate change means global warming, scarcity of food and drinking water and an outbreak of accentuated epidemics," she added. Her increasing environmental activism has brought her to the attention of UNEP and now to the world that she addressed the UN Summit in New York on a day that President Barack Obama and preceding him, Nobel Laureate Rajendra Pachauri addressed the world body. Below is the text of Yugratna's speech

Focus on developed countries, says India Cont’d from page 6

That increase, added to the effect of melting snow and ice across the globe, could submerge several small island States and Bangladesh, he said. "If the people gathered today at the United Nations did not act in time, everyone would become leaders and citizens of failed States, because we would be failing in our sacred duty to protect this planet. Science leaves us with no choice for inaction now," he said. President Obama's address In his address, President Barack Obama, while admitting that the developed countries had caused much of the climate damage in the past and had a responsibility to lead, said, "We cannot allow the old divisions that have characterized the climate debate for so many years to block our progress." The developed countries, including the US would do their part by slashing their emissions by 2020 and meeting the long-term 2050 goal, he said. "But, those rapidly developing countries that would produce nearly all the growth in global carbon emissions in coming decades must do

their part, as well. Some had already made strides in developing and deploying clean energy. Still, they need to commit to strong measures at home and stand behind those commitments, just as the developed countries must stand behind their own. The climate challenge cannot be met unless all of the world's largest emitters act together." President Obama said efforts to put other developing nations on the sustainable development path should also be energized. Those nations might not have the same resources to combat climate change as the United States or China, but they had the most immediate stake in a solution. "Indeed, their future is no longer a choice between a growing economy and a cleaner planet. Rather, their survival depends on both. It would do little good to alleviate poverty, if crops cannot be harvested or water found," he said. India's stand on climate change At a Round Table discussion following the opening ceremony, India's External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna put forth India's position on the climate change negotiations among countries

stating that, "Climate negotiations should be focusing on the developed countries from where the problem has emanated and who are reluctant even to meet their commitments on emission reduction, let alone provide technological and financial support to developing countries on the vast scale that is required. Instead, the onus for action is sought to be shifted to developing countries, which have contributed little to the accumulation of greenhouse gasses and face the huge burden of adaptation." Minister Krishna further said protectionist trade and border tax response measures, which basically seek to protect their competitiveness, are being talked about in developed countries under the garb of climate change. And, regarding financial resources for developing countries, even in so far as the minimalist amounts that appear forthcoming all efforts are underway to ensure that their governance remains outside the UNFCCC and squarely in control of developed countries. "There is a tide of change in world economic relations. Climate negotiations should not seek to stem this tide," he said.

With Nobel Peace Laureate Al Gore

Respected UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, honorable dignitaries and august assembly: I am 13 years young Yugratna from organization Tarumitra, meaning Friends of Trees, which is an NGO of 1600 high schools and involved in promoting environmental awareness. I feel privileged to represent children and youth, 3 billion of the world's population in this Summit on Climate Change. I am so much concerned about climate change because I don't want our future generations to question us just as I am questioning the need of more concrete action on climate change today. The Himalayas are melting, polar bears are dying, 2 of every 5 people don't have access to clean drinking water, earth's temperature is increasing, we are losing the untapped information and potential of plant species, Pacific's water level has risen,

If not here then where, if not now then when and if not us then who? Please listen to our voices. The future needs strong vision and leadership! One month ago, we had a TUNZA International Children and Youth Conference in Korea. The 800 participants and several thousands online developed a statement requesting you as leaders to: 1. Agree on a more fair, just and action oriented post-Kyoto agreement adopted and implemented by all countries; 2. Not just formulate policies but also enforce them by translating them into actions, 3. Please stop the people who are making Mother Earth Cry. 4. Why cut the oxygen generating forests to create CO2 generating industries? 5. Include carbon and ecological footprint information in products. 6. Adapt to a green economy and sustainable production. 7. Develop a multi-national climate facility to monitor climate response strategies. The high tech. society and currency With Indian delegation at the Summit deposits in Is this what we are going to bank are of no use if we don't have hand over to our future genera- a compatible biosphere. tions? Please…….no! In the awareness, it is not just We received a clean and about solving an environmental healthy planet from our ancestors problem….but it is exclusively and we are gifting a damaged one about changing the mindset and to our successors? What sort of attitude of people. justice is this? Educate students about the cliHonourable Excellencies, we mate change by making environneed to call for an action now. We mental education mandatory at all have to protect the earth not just the levels of learning. for us but for our future generations. Cont’d on page 8


Top Stories

India Post

October 2, 2009

Bilateral meets dominate Foreign Minister's UN visit India Post News Service

NEW YORK: India's External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna has been participating in a series of bi-lateral and multi-lateral meetings on the sidelines of the UN

zil, China, Mexico and South Africa. The External Affairs Minister also had a bilateral meeting with Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, Rohitha Bogollagama. The two Ministers exchanged views on the

With Chinaís minister

General Assembly session currently underway in New York. The minister attended a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the G5 nations. The meeting was coordinated by Mexico with Krishna's counterparts from Bra-

situation in northern Sri Lanka, particularly the efforts of the Sri Lankan Government in rehabilitating and resettling the internally displaced people (IDPs) from camps to their original homes, as well as measures to enhance bi-

lateral cooperation in all fields. Krishna also met with the Minister of External Relations of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Ambassador Celso Amorim, and the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa, Ms. Maite NkoanaMashabane on Sept 21. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to multilateralism and to increased participation of developing countries in the decision-making bodies of multilateral organizations and institutions. They reiterated the need for the UN to be reformed so as to become more representative and reflective of the needs and priorities of developing countries. Bearing in mind the importance that developing countries participate in the procedures and deliberations of the UNSC on a continuous and regular basis, Ministers recalled the urgent need to expand its permanent and nonpermanent categories, in order to increase participation of developing countries in both. Such expansion would make the UNSC more broadly representative, efficient and transparent, would

enhance its effectiveness and legitimacy. The Ministers acknowledged the progress in the inter-governmental negotiations on Security Council reform so far and stressed the urgent need to achieve concrete results at the 64th session of the General Assembly. In this context, they committed to coordinate with each other and the broader UN membership for achieving genuine reform of the UN Security Council at the earliest.

With Mexican minister

With Sri Lanka minister

With UK minister

Lucknow teen addresses UN Summit Kakodkar says Pokhran-11 tests fully successful

Cont’d from page 7

To get a sustainable Earth, we don't need to stop the developments. The need is quest and expansion of affordable eco-friendly technologies available to common man like Energy Efficient Campuses, Bio-fuels and Renewable energy sources. I just want to ask all the world leaders two questions:1. Do environmental problems recognize any geographical or political boundaries and age groups? My answer is certainly no. This is why; we have the UN to talk to each other about these issues. I request you to please include the voices of children and youth in all your decisions.

2. If national security and peace, and economic growth are priorities, then why not climate change? I know that you all are great leaders but overall we all are humans. We all have a kind heart. I am sure that UN negotiations at Copenhagen this year will end with recommendations for good of humanity…and they have to. Whatever has happened in the past is over. We just have present and future in our hands. Let's act in the present to secure

MUMBAI: Trashing the contention that the Pokhran II nuclear tests in 1998 were a failure, India's top scientist has said all objectives had been achieved and the country now has the deterrence capability of up to 200 kilotons. Describing the tests as "fully successful", Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Anil Kakodkar and Principal Scientific Advisor to Government R Chidambaram said the controversy triggered by K Santhanam, former DRDO scientist, was "unnecessary".

With Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt

With Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama

our future. W e have one Mother Earth: Care it and Share it. R e spected leaders, when you all make policies sitting in air conditioned

rooms, please think of a child suffering in greenhouse heat and think of the species craving to survive. Mahatma Gandhi said "Earth has enough to satisfy everyone's need but no one's greed" A bird can fly in air, a fish can swim in water, a leopard can run far faster, But we the humans have been supernaturally gifted with mind….a capability to think, change and reform ….so come on let us all use these abilities to save our birthplace…. our home…. our mother earth.

adding "unnecessary doubts have been created by ex-colleagues" in an obvious reference to Santhanam and former AEC chairman P K Ayengar who too raised doubts over the efficacy of the test. "There should be no doubt over the yield of the tests. Once again, I would like to reemphasize that the 1998 nuclear tests were fully successful. We achieved all objectives in toto," said Kakodkar. Defending the thermonuclear

The two scientists held a joint press conference seeking to clear the air in the wake of Santhanam, claiming that the nuclear test was a failure Anil Kakodkar

The two scientists held a joint press conference seeking to clear the air in the wake of Santhanam, who was the coordinator for the 1998 tests, claiming that the thermonuclear nuclear (hydrogen bomb) test was a failure. "Rhetoric cannot be a substitute for good science," they said

test, Dr R Chidambaram said that it was a success and the doubts voiced over it were unjustified. Santhanam had stuck to his assertions earlier this week and was dismissive of National Security Advisor M.K.Narayanan calling his statements incorrect and horrific. -PTI

Top Stories

October 2, 2009

India Post


'There is disconnect between US media and politicians' SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Without credible and substantial emission responsibility commitments undertaken by the developed countries, no agreement will be possible at the Climate Conference in Copenhagen set for December this year, according to India's Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Jairam Ramesh. The minister said that arguments on the developed world's commitments or lack thereof on curbing greenhouse gas emission levels have been lost sight of in their effort to paint India and China as "alibis for inaction on their own front". "I think there is a wide consensus among environmentalists that without substantial commitment by developed world, there'll be no agreement at Copenhagen," said an extremely articulate Ramesh while addressing an academic audience at Columbia Law School in New York at a talk on "India's Road to Copenhagen" chaired by Prof. Jagdish Bhagwati. In 2012 the Kyoto Protocol to prevent climate changes and global warming runs out. To keep the process going, countries under the United Nations framework are set to meet in Copenhagen in December this year for the last time on government level to reach an agreement on renewing the climate change protocols. Therefore the Climate Conference in Copenhagen is being seen as essential for the world's climate and the Danish government and UNFCCC are working hard to

Ramesh admitted that India has lost the media battle vis-à -vis its position on the Copenhagen Agreement. "India is being portrayed as a renegade, intransigent and a stumbling block to the grand agreement at Copenhagen by the Western media," he said dripping sarcasm. "For a country that accounts for less than 5% of green house gas emissions, that's really a remarkable achievement to be called a stumbling block and to be called the primary reason why the US should not be part of any agreement on climate change. It beats any reasoning." The notion that India is a stumbling block to achieving an agreement at Copenhagen is largely exaggerated, Ramesh said. "We are not good at PR; also the ability of the Indian system to deliver on what it says is still suspect although our track record on international agreements is very good. In spite of this the impression persists and we are being painted as the single biggest monster holding back the Copenhagen agreement." Further with a touch of humor he said, "India works hard at dubious achievements, but this is one area where we really got bum rapped‌ India has been painted in an unfair light."

Ramesh and Montek Singh with Krishna

make the meeting in Copenhagen a success ending up with a Copenhagen Protocol to prevent global warming and climate changes. While making a staunch case for why India will not agree to targets or caps on its own green house gas emission levels,

In the US itself, the minister said there was a complete disconnect between the media, the intellectuals and the political system on climate change. "Somehow the debate in the intellectual world does not reflect in the political negotiating process, where we become prisoners of targets,

The Indian delegation

Ramesh with Swedish minister

numbers and history." India, with about 16% of the world population, accounts for 4.5% of greenhouse gas emissions; China with 17% population of the world accounts for 23% of the emissions; and the US, with just 5% of the world population accounts for 26% of the emissions in the world. Even under the most aggressive of growth scenarios, like a 8% growth rate, Ramesh said, India's per capita emissions in 2020 would be around 2-2.5 tons and by 2030 they would be around 3-3.5 tons of CO2 emissions. "This is much below those of the developed world," he pointed out. "Although India and China are on the same negotiating ship, on the greenhouse gas ship we are not because they are way ahead of us. To expect that India will do what China has to do is grossly unfair on India." Although India has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of CDMs (Clean Development Mechanisms) where developed countries buy carbon credits by funding clean projects in the developing world, Ramesh said In-

dia was not waiting for international finance or technology to do what it needs to do. "In today's environment we are not going to get financial flows of the level required; also technology doesn't get transferred easily. So we have to make a substantial investment in our own capacity and then negotiate with the world." Ramesh said that the 2050 target year for reducing carbon emissions as set by the developed countries was not credible because "they very well know that none of us are going to be around then to hold them accountable". India has therefore, set 2020 or 2030 as the target year, he said. Stating that India has voluntarily and unilaterally taken on a

farming thus lowering methane gases levels; set mandatory building codes for green buildings; and sequester annual green house gas emissions through massive reforestation. "This is part of our domestic agenda and not our international commitment. For a plausible agreement at Copenhagen, Ramesh suggests what he calls "low hanging fruits" that can be plucked - massive undertaking of reforestation; extension of CDMs beyond 2020; and technology sharing. Reiterating India's constructive approach to the Copenhagen conference, Ramesh said, "Not reaching an agreement at Copenhagen may not be suicidal for the US but it is critical for India to have one. And our engagement at the conference proceeds with the realization that we have to be part of the solution though we are not the creators of the problem." In conclusion, he said, "My

Pachauri and Ramesh

domestic legislative agenda to take on mitigation actions, Ramesh said that India will introduce mandatory fuel efficiency standards by 2011, continue using renewable energy (which already accounts for 8% of India's electricity generation); commit to using clean coal technology for 50% of its coal based energy production by 2020; go in for organic

own view is that the perfect should not become the enemy of the good. We should try to get a good agreement the building blocks of which are available within the UN framework on climate change, and use Copenhagen to come up with a series of agreements which can later lead to an ambitious agreement."

Top Stories

10 India Post

October 2, 2009

IALI endorses Kamala Harris for California AG India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Picking up on the aggressive campaign for California Attorney General the Indian American Leadership Initiative (IALI) has endorsed the candidacy of San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Devi Harris who, if elected, will be the first Indian American State Attorney General in the United States. Harris was elected San Francisco's District Attorney in 2003 and ran unopposed for reelection in 2007. The daughter of an Indian American physician, Dr. Shyamala Gopalan, and a Jamaican American economist, Harris was born in Oakland, California, where she later began her career as a prosecutor. "I am grateful and honored to have earned the support of IALI," said Harris in a message. "Your support will play a pivotal role in engaging and mobilizing the Indian American community around a public office whose role may seem unclear to many, but has the power to greatly influence and reform our state and national criminal justice system." Harris said that many Califor-

nians, and by the same token most Americans, do not yet realize the ability of California's Attorney General to bring about change that sets the tone for the rest of the nation - "change in how we combat mortgage fraud and financial crimes, how we protect our environment, keep our streets safe

Harris said that many Californians, and by the same token most Americans, do not yet realize the ability of California's Attorney General to bring about change that sets the tone for the rest of the nation and our children secure from online predators. Engaging the Indian American community on these issues and emphasizing the important work that can be done through the California Attorney General is key."

Harris further said, "I cannot stress enough how important civic and political engagement is in this current day and age. Our nation is a democracy, which is strongest when every experience and voice is represented. India, the world's largest democracy, serves as a model for us, proving that it is critical that we as a community have representation in elected office and full participation in the electoral process. As evidenced by the level of participation of the South Asian Community in the election of President Barack Obama, it is clear that we as an electorate can make a visible and forceful difference." As D.A. in San Francisco, Harris has focused foremost on serious and violent crime, raising conviction rates to their highest levels in 14 years. She has been featured on the Oprah Show and in Newsweek as one of "America's 20 Most Powerful Women." In both 2004 and 2008, she was instrumental in developing the Democratic Party's national platform for criminal justice. Harris served as co-chair of Barack Obama's presidential campaign in California.

China apologizes to Nigeria for export of fake drugs ABUJA: China has formally apologized to Nigeria for alleged export of fake drugs including some labeled as 'Made in India' by some Chinese firms to the country and assured to take punitive action against those involved in the scandal. In June, Nigeria's National Agency for food and drug Administration and Control (NAFDFAC) said it had detected a large consignment of anti-malaria drugs from China, which had been labeled 'Made in India', being sold in the country. Following the seizure of fake drugs, the director-general of NAFDFAC, Paul Orhii subse-

quently traveled to India where he got assurance that drugs and other products moving out of the

‘It had detected a large consignment of anti-malaria drugs from China, which had been labeled 'Made in India’ country would be thoroughly checked.

"It was an unfortunate incident, but it has opened up a lot of opportunities in fight against counterfeits, with the Indian government involved as it has interests in the issue," the Orhii said. "The packaging was very sophisticated and on its physical scrutiny, it looked genuine. But after laboratory analysis we found there were no active ingredients. If it had remained undetected, it could have created resistant strains of malaria," NAFDAC chief added. India and China are the most prominent suppliers of drugs to Nigeria, he said. -PTI

Julia Roberts shooting in Gurgaon CHANDIGARH: Hollywood superstar Julia Roberts, who is India to shoot for her upcoming movie 'Eat, Pray, Love' headed for Mirzapur village in Haryana's Gurgaon district to film a scene, state government officials said. The Oscar-winning actress, who landed in India on September 17, has been shooting in Hari Mandir Ashram in Pataudi. "She went day to shoot at

Mirzapur and people from all the surrounding villages poured in huge numbers to see the shooting. They are now planning to go there again to shoot in a 'Bajre ka Khet'," said Manoj, a resident of Pataudi village. The actress has already shot the first part of the movie in Italy, the spiritual part of the film is being shot in India while the third and final part will be filmed in In-

donesia, where Roberts' character finally finds love. Produced by Brad Pitt's company, the film is being directed by Ryan Murphy and also stars Oscar-winner Javier Bardem, Richard Jenkins and Billy Crudup. The film is based on the memoir of Elizabeth Gilbert, who visited different parts of the world in search of love and spirituality. PTI

A Q Khan exposes govt & military hand in proliferation LONDON: In a damning revelaIn numbered paragraphs, the tion of Pakistan's nuclear prolif- letter outlines Pakistan's nuclear eration, its disgraced atomic sci- links with China and its official entist A Q Khan says the govern- support to the atomic program of ment and the military had a hand Iran and North Korea. The letter in the country's nexus with the also mentions Libya. controversial nuke program of On Iran, the letter says: "ProbIran, North Korea and Libya. ably with the blessings of BB 74-year-old Khan, who is the [Benazir Bhutto, who became Father of Pakistan's nuclear pro- prime minister in 1988] and [a nowgram and dubbed as a key player in the global nuclear black market, In another stunning disclosure also claimed that former that could come as an embarpremier Benazir Bhutto rassment to China, Khan rehad asked him to hand over the know-how to vealed how Pakistan helped Iran. that country in enrichment In another stunning technology in return for disclosure that could come as an embarrass- bomb blue-prints ment to China, Khan revealed how Pakistan helped that retired general] General Imtiaz country in enrichment technology [Benazir's defense adviser, now in return for bomb blue-prints. dead] asked me to give a set of Khan made the revelation in a drawings and some components four-page 'secret' letter addressed to the Iranians. The names and to his Dutch wife Henny, the 'Sun- addresses of suppliers were also day Times' reported. The letter given to the Iranians." was written to his wife after his On North Korea, the letter said arrest in 2003 and the newspaper "[A now-retired general] took correspondent got a copy of the three million dollars through me letter in 2007. The newspaper did from the N. Koreans and asked me not give any reason why it was to give some drawings and mamaking public the letter only now. chines." -PTI

'Rising Indian influence in Afghan causing regional tension' WASHINGTON: India's huge opmental effort in the war-torn developmental efforts in Afghani- country. India is among the top stan "is likely to exacerbate re- donors for Afghanistan and has gional tensions" forcing Pakistani been mainly involved in civilian countermeasures, according to a and developmental activities. US confidential report submitted "Indian political and economic to President Barack Obama. influence is increasing in AfSince the defeat of the Taliban ghanistan, including significant in 2001, it is for the first time that a development efforts and financial top American military official has investment," said General perceived India's increasing influence in Afghanistan as counterproductive ‘While Indian activities largely benefit the Afghan to its efforts. General Stean people, increasing Indian McChrystal, the top US military commander in Af- influence in Afghanistan is ghanistan, in a confidential likely to exacerbate report submitted to Obama regional tensions and on August 30 said the current Afghan government is encourage Pakistani perceived by Islamabad to countermeasures in be pro-Indian. Afghanistan or India’ "While Indian activities largely benefit the Afghan people, increasing Indian influ- McChrystal in the confidential ence in Afghanistan is likely to report submitted to Obama on exacerbate regional tensions and August 30. encourage Pakistani countermeaIt also said senior leaders of the sures in Afghanistan or India," he major Afghan insurgent groups said. are based in Pakistan and "are reAll this while, the US has been portedly aided by some elements very appreciative of India's devel- of Pakistan's lSI."-PTI

Top Stories

October 2, 2009

India Post 11

India launches Oceansat-2, six other satellites SRIHARIKOTA: The ISRO has placed in orbit seven satellites including Oceansat-2 within a span of 20 minutes, its first successful mission after the abrupt end of the ambitious Chandrayaan-I project. At the end of the 51-hour countdown, the 44.4 meter tall four-stage PSLV-C14 blasted off from the first launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre here with ignition of the core first stage and put the satellites in orbit one after another. Scientists cheered as ISRO's workhorse, PSLV soared majestically into clear skies at 11.51 am from the spaceport in the East Coast in Andhra Pradesh, about 100 km north of Chennai, with the launch watched by Vice President Hamid Ansari Oceansat-2, the country's 16th remote sensing satellite, will identify potential fishing zones, sea state forecasting and coastal zone studies, besides providing inputs

on weather forecasting and climate studies. A set of six nano satellites rode piggyback accompanying Oceansat-2 on its trip to orbit. Ansari and senior scientist M G K Menon, who were present in the mission centre, congratulated ISRO scientists soon after the successful launch. . Besides two German Rubin nano satellites, other Oceansat-2 co-passengers are four cubesats: Beesat, built by Technical University Berlin, UWE-2 (University of Wuerzburg Germany), ITUpSat(Istanbul Technical University Turkey) and SwissCube-1 (Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Switzerland). ISRO Chairman G

In this handout picture taken on September 23, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)-C14 is launched from The Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR in Sriharikota

Table-top war games to protect coastline NEW DELHI: To counter terror threats in the backdrop of the Mumbai attacks, top army generals have evolved detailed plans to secure the country's coastline from Gujarat to Orissa and refine the force's amphibious warfare tactics. The strategies were fine-tuned by top brass including Army chief General Deepak Kapoor during a two-day table-top war game in Pune last week, army sources here said. Plans for the Southern Command to protect the coastline from both conventional and asymmetric threats were discussed threadbare, they said. The war game was a closeddoor conceptual exercise conducted by top commanders with the help of sand models and large-scale maps, which do not involve troops on the ground. The Pune drill follows a similar exercise by the Kolkata-based Eastern Command a fortnight back

for area in the North-Eastern states along the borders with China, Bangladesh and Myanmar, apart from its counter-insurgency operations. During May this year, some formations under the Western

For quite some time now, the Army's emphasis has been on table-top war games rather than field exercises due to constraints of space and expenses involved Command had carried out annual field exercises in Punjab plains to validate operational concepts and test their equipment. Later, in June, the Western Command's top brass conducted

a war game at its headquarters in Chandimandir near Chandigarh concentrating on the Pakistani border along Jammu and Punjab, apart from counter-insurgency strategies in Jammu region. For quite some time now, the Army's emphasis has been on table-top war games rather than field exercises due to constraints of space and expenses involved. The field exercises usually take place in Punjab plains between the harvest seasons and in the Pokhran firing ranges in Rajasthan desert. "Earlier, villagers in Punjab were willing to give their agricultural land for the army exercises between harvest seasons. They used to do it enthusiastically. But of late the trend has changed leading to space crunch for these large scale exercises. The money spent on mobilisation and the exercise too is large," an Army officer said explaining the need for such games.-PTI

Madhavan Nair, addressing scientists, described it as "a perfect and precise launch." Congratulating space scientists for the fantastic achievement, Nair said "the launch has once again proved our capability. It is an example of fine teamwork and the maturity of PSLV launch vehicle has been proved." An in-orbit replacement to Oceansat-1, which was used to study physical and biological aspects of oceanography, Oceansat-2 will have a mission life of five years. Oceansat-1 has completed 10 years of space odyssey. The nano satellites, in the two-eight kg

range, are educational spacecraft from European Universities intended to test new technologies. Oceansat-2 was injected into space first and the remaining were placed in orbit one after another, officials said. The eight band Ocean Color Monitor carried by Oceansat-2 images a swath (strip of land or ocean) of 1,420 km with a resolution of 360 meters and works in the visible and Near infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Scatterometer covers a swath of 1,400 km and operates continuously. In April 2008, ISRO had launched 10 satellites in a single mission -- one big spacecraft (Cartosat-2A) and nine nano satellites. PSLV was a core alone version without six strap on motors that surround the first stage in the standard PSLV format.-PTI

High-profile NRI minister in UK to quit LONDON: Britain's high-profile Brown's closest adviser on ecoIndian-origin Business Minister nomic and financial matters, she Shriti Vadera, considered close to will be seen as working on what Premier Gordon Brown, is set to he hopes will be his legacy - a forstep down and don a new role in mal structure for creating a more the Downing Street to help tackle stable global economy. the global financial crisis. Business Secretary Lord Baroness Vadera will now ad- Mandelson said Baroness Vadera vise the G-20 on the design of institutions needed to implement the "framework Vadera, a former investof sustainable and balment banker, was a senior anced growth" to be agreed this week, official Treasury adviser to Brown sources here said, without when he was Chancellor disclosing when she will and has remained one of resign. Vadera, a former invest- his key aides since he ment banker, was a senior became Prime Minister Treasury adviser to Brown when he was Chancellor and has remained one of his key had made a "tremendous contriaides since he became Prime Min- bution" to his department. ister. "She has worked tirelessly to She will be replaced as Minis- ensure businesses, especially ter for Competitiveness, Small small businesses, are supported Business and Enterprise by through the recession and emerge Mervyn Davies. stronger at the other side," he BBC reported that as Gordon said.-PTI

ISI helping Taliban: top US commander WASHINGTON: Factions of the Pakistani and Iranian intelligence agencies have been supporting the Taliban and other terrorist groups carry out attacks on the US-led international forces in Afghanistan, a top US commander in the restive country has

said. General Steanly McChrystal, commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, informed the White House that factions of the Pakistani and Iranian spy agencies are supporting the Taliban and other terrorist groups

that carry out attacks on the USled Nato forces in the country, a leading American daily reported here. In a detailed analysis of the military situation in the restive country delivered to the White House earlier this month, The Los

Angeles Times, said General McChrystal singled out ISI of Pakistan and Quds Forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in helping the Taliban. "Afghanistan's insurgency is clearly supported from Pakistan," McChrystal wrote, adding that se-

nior leaders of the major Taliban groups are "reportedly aided by some elements of Pakistan's ISI, the newspaper said, referring to the classified version of the report. A declassified version was published on Sunday on the website of The Washington Post.-PTI

Desi News Millia Davenport Award for Indian author India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Pravina Shukla, an associate professor of folklore and ethnomusicology at Indiana University, has been awarded the 2009 Millia Davenport Publication Award given by the Costume Society of America for her book 'The Grace of Four Moons: Dress, Adornment, and the Art of the Body in Modern India' (2008, Indiana University Press). The Davenport Publication Award, named to honor the memory of Millia Davenport (1896-1992), noted costume scholar and theater designer, recognizes excellence in scholarship in the study of costume. Details on page 14

Sikh Coalition appoints Sapreet as Exec Director India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Sapreet Kaur has been named as the new Executive Director of the Sikh Coalition. Ms. Kaur was most recently the managing director of human assets strategy for Teach for America, a national non-profit which focuses on eliminating educational inequity. Sapreet Kaur served on the Sikh Coalition's Board of Trustees for the last one and a half years and will now lead the organization in a staff role. Details on page 15

Bhagwat Katha by Goswami Mridul Maharaj HARISH RAO

CHICAGO: Hundreds of Hindus from across Chicagoland flocked to Itasca Swaminaryan Mandir for six days beginning September 7 to hear a religious discourse on Shrimad Bhagwat by one of its great exponents from India, Goswami Mridul Krishna Shastri Maharaj. It was sponsored by Friends of Gujarati Samaj and devotees at large. Details on page 16


12 India Post

IAFPE meet highlights value of political engagement

October 2, 2009

Details on page 17

Punjabi woman seeks to be South Carolina Governor SURI SWAMY

DALLAS, TX: Indian Americans across the country are set to create history in mainstream politics. The second generation is all set to join the political process seeking elective position. In Chicago, it is Raja Krishnamoorthy who is eyeing a billion dollar Comptroller Office while Dr. Amerish Bera hopes to go to US Congress from 3rd Congressional district in California. Both are young and energetic And now comes Nikki Randhawa, State Representative of South Carolina, who has entered the Governor race for 2010 in South Carolina. The State never had a female or a minority governor, but that could change next year with the entrance of IndianAmerican Nikki Randhawa Haley deemed a rising Republican star in political firmament by Republican Party bosses. The Indian American Friendship Council (IAFC) hosted a reception for Nikki Randhawa Haley on September 19 at Roma Palace Banquet Hall in Dallas. Several

Indian American community leaders attended the event. IAFC is a non-profit, non-partisan organization supporting elected officials who help to build better Indo-US relations. Prasad Thotakura, General Secretary IAFC, introduced the Chief

She has earned a reputation as one of the most honest, hardworking, fiscally conservative government officials in South Carolina. She built a name for herself opposing exploding government spending and, most recently, fighting to put every legislative vote on the

The State never had a female or a minority governor, but that could change next year with the entrance of Indian-American Nikki Randhawa Haley deemed a rising Republican star Nikki Randhawa

Guest to the audience and mentioned that Nikki is the right person to lead South Carolina State as a Governor. "We are going to one more governor of Indian origin in 2010 after Bobby Jindal's victory as a Louisiana Governor.

record to be accountable to the people," Prasad pointed out. In her brief response, Nikki Haley said that "unemployment in South Carolina is at 12% and as a Governor her first priority would be to create jobs, provide quality

education, maintain a fiscally responsible government just like any business. Running a government is not rocket science, just common sense." Piyush Patel, Vice-President of IAFC, thanked all sponsors, Nikki Haley and her staff who came all the way from South Carolina to attend the reception. IAFC Board of Directors, Rao Kalvala, Dr. Sat Gupta, Taiyab Kundawala, and several other entrepreneurs and community members attended the event Nikki's parents migrated from Punjab in 1969. Nikki was born and raised in Bamburg, South Carolina. She graduated from Clemson University with a B.S. degree. Currently, she is serving as the Assistant Executive Director of the Lexington Medical Foundation. The wife of a military officer, mother of two children, and a small businesswoman, Nikki made headlines on the political scene when she defeated a long time incumbent and got elected as the State Representative of South Carolina in 2004.

Community backs Debbie Halverson for US Congress MOHAMMAD GHOUSE India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Members of Indian community recently joined their counterparts from the American community to host a fund raiser

Illinois for Debbie Halverson, a Democratic candidate for US from the 11th Congressional District of Illinois, in Chicago downtown. The

fund raiser got an added significance with the presence of US Vice President Joe Bidden. Balwinder Singh, a spokesman for the Indian community, said that Debbie is a friend of not only Indian Americans but also for the minorities per se and that she has promised to work for closer ties with India. "This was one of the important considerations for us to join hands and support her candidacy," he said. Cont’d on page 15

A group of Indian Americans supporting Debbie Halverson. Among others in the picture are Kalpesh Joshi (left) Balwinder Singh (4th from left) Vinesh Virani, Sunil Patel, Dr. Kamal Patel, S.Paul and Bashir Mohammad.

October 2, 2009

Community Across America

India Post 13

Sujata Koirala meets Nepalis and Indians in Chicago RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Nepalese Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala was in Chicago last week on her way to attend UNO in New York. She met members of Nepali and Indian

Marvin A. Brustin, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, welcomed the guests while Consultant Sharda Thapa touched upon the subjects that Koirala dealt with. She spoke in English and Nepali. Earlier in the day the Foreign Minister had a private meeting with Mayor Daley to discuss

from Nepal and India. Development of infrastructure, tourism and water purification were some of the areas that she said afforded great investment opportunity. She also touched upon the question of dual citizenship for Nepalis or a facility like IPO

Her main thrust was fostering closer US-Nepali relations and seeking more ingestible funds from international agencies as well as private businesses, including those haling from Nepal and India community here. Her main thrust was fostering closer US-Nepali relations and seeking more ingestible funds from international agencies as well as private businesses, including those haling

card that Indians have been issued here. There are over 200,000 Nepalis across USA and close to 7000 in Chicagoland. An event was organized at Curry Hut in


Nepalese Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala (center in sari) with Indian and Nepali community members. Seen in the picture among others are banker Moti Agarwala, software engineer Haresh Bhatt, Indian community leader Niranjan Shah, Chicago-Delhi Sister Cities Chair Smita Shah

Chicago downtown. The restaurant is owned by a Nepali businessman Bala Ghimire, and he was one of the hosts. Among

Pratham raises $55,000 at first annual gala SURI SWAMY

CHICAGO: Pratham Chicago hosted its first Annual Gala last week at the Ashyana Banquets in Downers Grove. The Gala theme was "Achieving Dreams through Education". Over 150 Pratham supporters and guests were present and enjoyed excellent entertainment and great food. Pratham Chicago raised around $55,000 from its first Annual Gala

Illinois to support important Pratham initiatives in India. Ashok Kumar Attri, Indian Consul General and Dr. Dipak Jain, Dean Emeritus, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University were guests of honor. Jerome McDonnell, Host of the Worldview at the Chicago Public Radio was an Emcee for the evening. Poonam Bhatia, a Bollywood singer, captivated the audience with her melodious voice.

(L-R) Dr. Bala Balachandran, Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Mrs. Sushant Jain, Dr. Dipak Jain, Dean Emeritus, Kellogg School of Management, Dr. Manu Vora, President, Pratham Chicago and Dr. Arvind Amin, Secretary, Pratham USA.

Dr. Manu Vora, President of the Pratham Chicago welcomed the guests and spoke about the 100 million children in India who need help with reading, writing and basic arithmetic. Pratham is leading the effort to educate 6-14 year old chil-

L-R: Manu Vora of Pratham, Ms Usha Attri and CG Ashok Kumar Attri

dren throughout India since 1994. In his video address, Dr. Madhav Chavan, Co-Founder of Pratham, gave a brief update on Pratham's new initiatives in India. Ashok Kumar Attri highlighted Pratham's contributions in the primary education space in collaboration with corporate houses, NGOs and various state and central governments. Dr. Dipak Jain in his touching address emphasized the need to put a smile on children's faces in India by educating them so they can continue to dream big. He emphasized that giving is not for recognition but it is our responsibility to the younger generations in India. Dr. Vora thanked all the Pratham supporters for their generosity and kindness. Special thanks to the Core Team members of the young Pratham Chicago Chapter which was started in November 2008.

Indian businessmen attending the event were Niranjan Shah, Smita Shah, Moti Agarwala and Haresh Bhatt.

matters of mutual interest to Nepal and the Chicago. In a brief interview with India Post, Koirala said that she was for very close ties with natural ally India and that she sought India's support for economic development of Nepal. On threat of terrorism, she said it had become a sort of global problem and "all of us together have to pool resources to address this menace."

University of Iowa offers course in rural India India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The University of Iowa is offering a unique three-week study program called INDIA Winterim, this winter which involves visits to rural India. The states covered include Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. The program utilizes the best of cultural immersion and tourism concepts to enable participants learn directly from and interact with leading social entrepreneurs, environmental and non-profit organizations and academic institutions within the cultural, socioeconomic, and geographical diversity that is India. The leading Indian collaborators that the University works with in the program employ a variety of approaches to address social and environmental problems such as poverty, access to health care, rural development, and conservation. The diverse group of students and participants from geography to public health and business to social work observe learn, and collaborate with these groups to develop new perspectives on pressing global challenges and methods being used to address them. Over the last three years, Professor R. Rajagopal has orchestrated this collaborative program between the University of Iowa and several highly successful research and non-profit organizations across India. He has taken a number of students from Iowa University for a

3-week structured program to learn about Rural India. During January 2009, he took 70 students (all Americans) with majors spread across a variety of subjects. On their return in Feb 2009, they made a day-long pre-

New York sentation on their work in India. The INDIA Winterim 2009-2010 program will offer 16 different courses related to public health,

Over the last three years, Professor R. Rajagopal has orchestrated this collaborative program between the University of Iowa and several highly successful research and nonprofit organizations across India children's health, environment and development, rural development, culture & arts, and social entrepreneurship. Professor Rajagopal believes that students from any university in the world (including the US and India), NRIs and PIOs, interested Americans, interested Indians, and any others could benefit from these courses. Participants can take these courses for credit or for audit (non-credit).


Community Across America

India Post

October 2, 2009

Millia Davenport Award for Indian author India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Pravina Shukla, an associate professor of folklore and ethnomusicology at Indiana University, has been awarded the 2009 Millia Davenport Publication Award given by the Costume Society of America for her book 'The Grace of Four Moons: Dress, Adornment, and the Art of the Body in Modern India' (2008, Indiana University Press).

New York The Davenport Publication Award, named to honor the memory of Millia Davenport (1896-1992), noted costume scholar and theater designer, recognizes excellence in scholarship in the study of costume. The award seeks to promote research and publication on dress, recognizing a published book or exhibition catalog that makes a sig-

nificant contribution to the study of costume, reflecting original thought and exceptional creativity, and drawing on appropriate research methods and techniques. The 498-page book documents the clothing decisions made by ordinary people in their everyday lives. Based on close ethnographic fieldwork, primarily in the city of

portrays men and women as creative individuals who make deliberate choices on a social field of force and counterforce. "The premise of the book is visual communication, that through what you do with your clothing you are saying so much about your culture, gender, social-economic class, caste, religion and family," said Shukla, also

This year's Davenport Award jury had a strong field of shortlisted books representing many aspects of dress scholarship. The jurors called The Grace of Four Moons ‘well researched and written’ Banaras in northeastern India, Shukla conceptualizes and realizes a model for the study of body art in a modern, urban setting. By attending to the production of items of bodily adornment, and to the key contexts of creation and commerce, the book

an adjunct faculty member in anthropology, India studies and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and an associate curator at IU's Mathers Museum of World Cultures. Through long interviews, and through

the voices of Indian people, The Grace of Four Moons describes the fullness of creative action, tracing, for example, the journey of a gold ingot from the atelier of a goldsmith who fashioned it into a bracelet, through the shop where it was sold, to its final place in the assembled bodily display of a shy bride. This year's Davenport Award jury had a strong field of short-listed books representing many aspects of dress scholarship. The jurors called The Grace of Four Moons "well researched and written," praising Shukla's efforts "to raise the profile of costume scholarship." One juror commented, "Her evocation of the sight, sound, smell, and feel of dress and her emphasis on understanding the performative act of dressing is brilliant." Kristina Haugland, chair of the Davenport Publication Award Committee, said the book has been judged to be "an outstanding example of dress scholarship."

Californian Dr Bera gets huge Chicago support HARISH RAO

Dr. Amerish Bera flanked by Bhavna Kalaira and Mike Kalaria

CHICAGO: Dr Amerish Bera would be probably the first second generation Indian American to go to the US Congress if elected from the California Congressional District 3. Dr. Amerish Bera was in Chicago last month to elicit support from his well wishers and supporters here, and he got plenty of it. Mike Kalaria and Kalpesh Joshi, both businessmen, along with a group of Indians here hosted a

Illinois fund raiser for Dr. Bera at India House restaurant in Schaumburg and raised close to $60,000 giving a boost to his campaign. Mike Kalaria welcomed 70 plus Indian American friends and community activists while Kalpesh Joshi introduced Dr. Bera to the audience. Mike Kalaria, president

of Eagle Electronics in Chicago, said that Dr. Bera "is young, energetic and would be a role model for aspiring second generation Indian Americans seeking to enter mainstream politics." Dr. Bera was quite articulate in his speech touching upon many subjects with ease. He said he was for capping malpractice insurance so that the premiums go down and the physicians run their practice with an ease of mind. He mentioned that he supported President Barack Obama's view about universal healthcare and would see that Americans are ensured with basic health coverage. However, he opposed public sector handling the job. " The best thing would be to let the private sector take care of health insurance for all and the model could be Medicare," he said. Compassion was the word on

Dr. Amerish Bera with Kalpesh Joshi (left) and Megha Joshi (right)

health care. Dr. Bera looks from the inside at a current system that he says lacks compassion. No one, he says, should have to decide if they can afford to get life saving

‘There should be total stoppage of immigrants sneaking into the country illegally. For those who are already here, a rational solution needs to be found’ procedures. They should just be able to get the care they need and not have to worry about losing everything else. Dr. Bera is no fan

of employer based care either. It isn't right that employees are tied to jobs because they can't get health care. Health care, he says, must be portable and stay with you wherever you go. Dr. Bera is the medical director of Sacramento County's Primary Health Care system. Among his responsibilities are finding ways to provide healthcare for the more than 200,000 county residents who have no health insurance. Answering questions, he said he stood a good chance to succeed, being young, educated and involved in community affairs. He was for rationalizing the immigration system and process. "This country is a country of immigrants. My parents immigrated in fifties and we are all beneficiaries of the system. I want the liberal immigration policies to continue. These could be made more rational and

tuned to the current situation. This is as far as legal immigrants are concerned. For undocumented immigrants there would be clear cut demarcation between those who are here and those who cross the borders illegally. There should be total stoppage of immigrants sneaking into the country illegally. For those who are already here, a rational solution needs to be found based on our needs and requirements on one hand, and human considerations on the other," he said. On federal deficit, he pitched for cutting down unnecessary expense. The withdrawal of troops from Iraq was one way of bringing down defense costs, he felt. On foreign policy, he pitched for close relations between India and US as natural allies, and agreed that the US leaned more towards Pakistan while dealing with India.

Community Across America

October 2, 2009

India Post 15

St Louis business journal honors Indian businessman

Sikh Coalition appoints Sapreet as Exec Director

SURI SWAMY India Post News Service

ST. LOUIS: It was a singular achievement for an Indian entrepreneur, Dr. Deepak Vyas, when he was one of the nine business leaders selected by the St. Louis Business for Inclusive Leadership Award. He is the only

in pneumatic tools, tele-medicine, international trade (recognized by U S Government with Export Trade Certificate) real estate, information technology, and medical education and soon launching Redberri Earth World's first Alternate Medicine and Green Lifestyle Portal. Vyas has closely worked with U S Department of Commerce, Invest America, RCGA and Governments of India, Austra-

St. Louis lia, and various South Asian countries in bringing business to Midwest United States. Recently Premier of State of Victoria invited him as his guest for Australian Open, a rare Dr. Deepak Kant Vyas, Chairman Redberri Global Corporation honor amongst many honors bestowed by Indian American in the group and the first world leaders on him. Indian to get this honor. He was invited by U S Department of ComDr. Vyas was formally presented with the merce and U. S. Under Secretary - Commerce award along with other recipients during a luncheon reception held in their honor at Vyas is chairman and CEO Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis last week. A few months ago Vyas was elected of St. Louis-based Redberri Vice-Chairman of Missouri District Export Corp., which engineers Council. He is first Indian American to be elected to this prestigious position. Memsoftware to handle data bers of export council are nominated by integration. The company United States Secretary of Commerce for has seen 340 percent four year term. Vyas is chairman and CEO of St. Louis-based Redberri Corp., which enrevenue growth gineers software to handle data integration. The company has seen 340 percent revenue growth since Brunswick Corp. di- to closely work for the official U S Business vested' its software division to Redberri in Delegation to Visit India. The delegation was 2005. Vyas has since diversified its applica- a huge success making a historic mark as a tion for use in telemedicine, medical educa- largest delegation of U S Business to India tion, pneumatic tools and electronic health in over 50 years. He is nick named in Comrecords. There are three months left in this merce Department as Mini India - a richly year, and already we have seen a jump in deserved recognition Another achievement revenue of 158 percent over, he said of his is the establishment of India Business Redberri Global Corporation has its Center in St. Louis with multi - million dollar hands in many pies with business interest endowment from Vyas family.

Community backs Debbie Halverson for US Congress Cont’d from page 12

Among those attending the fund raiser from the Indian side included besides Balwinder Singh, community activist Smita Shah, Kalpesh Joshi, Vinesh Virani and Dr. Kamal Patel. Debbie, a lifelong resident of the 11th congressional district, grew up in the south suburbs and has been a voice for progress in the Illinois State Senate. She's also the first woman elected to be Majority Leader in Illinois history. Her constituents have sent her back to the Senate four times because of her dedication to finding solutions for their needs. A teacher by profession earlier, she has

lectured at her alma mater, Governor's State University. In her brief address, she said that she wholeheartedly support the concept of health care for all Americans and pitched for a careful consideration of President Barack Obama's plan in this context. She led the movement to provide affordable prescription drugs to all senior citizens and those with disabilities, regardless of income. As a state senator, Debbie Halvorson compiled a strong record in support of working families by addressing the everyday challenges they face. Balwinder Singh said that there are all indications the Debbie would enter the Congress and support India Caucus there.

NEW YORK: Sapreet Kaur has been named as the new Executive Director of the Sikh Coalition. Ms. Kaur was most recently the managing director of human assets strategy for Teach for America, a national nonprofit which focuses on eliminating educational inequity. Sapreet Kaur served on the Sikh Coalition's Board of Trustees for the last one and a half years and will now lead the organization in a staff role. She will continue the work shepherded by Amardeep Singh, co-founder and outgoing Executive Director of the Coalition. Mr. Singh will be assuming the role of Director of Programs and Advocacy. "We are thrilled to have a senior executive like Ms. Kaur on the Coalition's staff team," said Amardeep Singh. "I look forward to partnering with her to take the Sikh Coalition to a higher level of impact and growth." Over the past three years, the Coalition has grown over 500% in its budget and staff. The Coalition opened an office in the San Francisco Bay Area last year, giving it coast to coast coverage for its services. The Coalition has long attracted a dedicated core of professionals and the expertise that Ms. Kaur brings to the team will further institutionalize the organization in the coming

years. "Sapreet will guide the next phase of the Coalition's growth," said Prabhjot Singh, the

New York Coalition's Board Chair. "Our goal is for her to bring her vast management experience

Sapreet Kaur

and keen insight to bear on expanding programmatic efforts and shoring up the infrastructure to continue the Coalition's work. I want to thank Amardeep for leading the Coalition during an unprecedented era of growth. I am excited about this opportunity for him to focus his energies on our overall programming strategy." Cont’d on page 16



India Post

October 2, 2009

Raas Garbas galore in Chicagoland ANUPAMA PATEL

United Seniors held Garba at Cathy Hall

Dashkoshi Garba in Lemont. Indian CG Attri is seen with others actively doing Garba

Sikh Coalition appoints Sapreet as Exec Director Cont’d from page 15

Ms. Kaur plans to advance the Sikh Coalition's legal, advocacy, community organizing, and public education programs to focus on further serving the community, while creating a deeper grassroots presence. She also plans on leveraging her experience from Teach for America to provide stewardship of the Coalition's public education work, which seeks to inform the broader community about Sikhs and the Sikh way of life. "Only after we successfully educate our neighbors, will we be able to stem the tide of employment discrimination, school bullying, and the myriad of other bias incidents our community suffers everyday," said Ms. Kaur. "At the same time, we will bring the full force of all our program areas, partner organizations and volunteers across the country to defend the rights of Sikhs to fearlessly practice our faith." Born and raised in central New Jersey, Ms. Kaur attended Camp Chardi Kala in New York as well as the Khalsa School at Bridgewater Gurdwara while growing up and has been active in different Panthic community activities for the last two decades. She has a passion for working with the Sikh community and especially enjoys working to empower the next generation of youth and children. Ms.

Kaur is a graduate of the Stern School of Business at New York University with a dual degree in marketing and international business. Ms. Kaur's appointment marks the first time that a female and someone steeped in nonprofit management has led a Sikh civil rights organization in the U.S. Prior to joining Teach for America, she held management positions at Coach Inc. and Williams-Sonoma Inc. She also served in the United

Ms. Kaur plans to advance the Sikh Coalition's legal, advocacy, community organizing, and public education programs to focus on further serving the community, while creating a deeper grassroots presence States Peace Corps in Kenya and Uganda, where she designed and executed local community programs around income generation related to conservation, conflict resolution, lobbying & advocacy, as well as organizational development & capacity building. Ms. Kaur also serves as a board member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

CHICAGO: It is a Navratra season in Chicagoland and there are Raas and Garba events everywhere during weekends. Dashkoshi Gujrati Samaj was one of the Gujarati organizations that hosted Garba on September 19 at Lemont Hindu Temple and it was participated by over 300 enthusiastic members. The event got added significance with the presence of Indian consul General Ashok Kumar Attri who came with his wife Usha Attri. The Vice president of Vishwa Gujarati Samaj, Naren Patel too participated fervently with his wife Sumitra Patel. The near three hours event ended with Mahaprasadam Yet another event during the same week end was at Cathy Hall in Niles where United Seniors of Chicago gathered to do Garbas with young ones. The crowd was over 600 members and guests and the Raas Garba lasted for four hours. There was Arati and Mahaprasadam at the end.

Sitting (R to L) Vishwa Gujarati Samaj VP Naren Patel, Indian CG Ashok Attri, Usha Attri and Sumitra Naren Patel

Arati in progress

Bhagwat Katha by Goswami Mridul Maharaj HARISH RAO

Under his guidance, Shri Bhagwat Mission Trust is undertaking Shri Radharani Gaushala in Vrindavan which presently takes care of 150 cows. The Trust is also running Shri Radha Sneh Bihari Ashram in Vrindavan, which provides lodg-

He started Bhagwat Katha in Haridwar, India when he was only 16 and since then he has completed more than 700 Bhagwat Kathas Goswami Mridul Krishna Shastri Maharaj conducting Shrimad Bhagwat Katha

CHICAGO: Hundreds of Hindus from across Chicagoland flocked to Itasca Swaminaryan Mandir for six days beginning September 7 to hear a religious discourse on Shrimad Bhagwat by one of its great exponents from India, Goswami Mridul Krishna Shastri Maharaj. It was sponsored by Friends of Gujarati Samaj and devotees at large. Born in Vrindavan in the family of Swami Haridasji Maharaj, the musical Guru of maestros like Taansen and Baijubawra, Mridul Krishna Ji kept his audiences spellbound through seven days by relating incidents from the life of Lord Krishna beginning from

Nandotsav to his childhood and other adventures. He started Bhagwat Katha in Haridwar, India when he was only 16 and since then he has completed more than 700 Bhagwat Kathas.

ing and boarding to pupils as well as devotees. From Chicago Swami went to Houston to hold a Katha from September 14 to 20 and from there to San Jose from September 21 to 27 before flying back to India.

A section of the audience


October 2, 2009

India Post 17

BAPS Charities Walk raises funds India Post News Service

CHINO, CA: On Saturday, September 19, over 600 community members participated in the BAPS Charities Walkathon, supporting 'United We Serve', a national effort launched by President Obama to engage Americans in serving their communities this summer. In keeping with its Walkathon theme, "Building a Better Community, One Step at a Time", part of the proceeds from this year's Walkathon will go to American Diabetes Association and Friends of the James S. Thalman Chino Hills Branch Library. "This summer, I'm calling on all of you to make volunteerism and community service part of your daily life and the life of this nation," said President Obama in a video message. Details on page 18

UN International Day of Peace celebrated SIMRAN KAUR KHALSA

LOD ANGELES: Each year, on September 21, people come together to rededicate their commitment to living a peaceful way of life all over the world. Over 60 countries celebrate "Peace Day". Since 2006, the Southern California Sikh community successfully organizes a "Peace Picnic" to celebrate "International Peace Day" each September. This year's "Peace Picnic" brought together the religiously rich neighborhood of South Robertson. The afternoon started with free food donated by local restaurants and community members. People joyfully gathered to share meals and meet one another. During the main program, prayers of peace were offered by: Father Issak from St Mark Coptic Church, by Rev. Paula Mann. Details on page 21

New website for PBD 2010 India Post News Service

SAN FRANCISCO: The Consulate General of India in San Francisco has announced the launch of a new website http:// for Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2010. A press release by the Consulate says the links for delegate and media registration are now operational. You may visit the website for registering online for PBD 2010.

IAFPE meet highlights value of political engagement

Toby Chaudhuri and Varun Nakore receiving Trailblazer Award India Post News Service

MILPITAS, CA: Well known Indian American leaders have exhorted the community to get politically engaged and involved in order to make issues heard in the mainstream. They were participating in the Indian American Forum for Political Education (IAFPE) meeting here on September 12.

The event hosted by the national organization drew several office bearers past and present and also many local politicians and civic leaders of the SF Bay area. Among the keynote speakers were newly appointed officials of the current US Administration under President Barack Obama, US Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Vivek Kundra and

Ro Khanna, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce, US CIO Vivek Kundra, Yogi Chugh, Incoming President IAFPE National

tional past Presidents Dr. Krishna Srinivasa, Dr Dinesh Patel, Dr Romesh Japra and Jayarama Komati, President, TANA, Entreprenuer Kanwal Rekhi, DNC Member at large Kamil Hasan, Democratic Strategist Ramesh Kapur and several local politicians and community leaders. The IAFPE was formed with the goal to empower Indian Ameri-

Democratic Activist Ramesh Kapur brought in his extensive experience and acumen to give a keynote address on "A Politically Engaged Community" just before the lunch break

Congressman Stark with Yogi Chugh

The IAFPE, founded in 1982, held its first political forum in the SF Bay area after nearly 15 years. The all day event was held at the India Community Center and was titled, 'Building a Politically Effective Community'. Conveners for the IAFPE forum were Yogi Chugh and Fremont City Councilmember Anu Natarajan.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of US department of Commerce Ro Khanna. Also attending the event were US Congressman Mike Honda (D 15), who addressed the group on current issues and leadership in the Indian-American community and US Congressman Pete Stark (D-13), who spoke on the current Health care reform debate. IndianAmerican and State representative from Kansas Raj Goyle also spoke. Some of the Ravi Sakhuja Immediate Past President, Sampat Shivangi, attending naRamesh Kapur receiving IAFPE Award of Distinction, Sudhir Parikh MD Past President, Dinesh Patel MD Past tional leaders President, Krishna Srinivasa Past President, Romesh included Japra MD, Past President, Nilesh Mehta Past President IAFPE Na-

rector for the Campaign for America's Future and Varun Nikore, founder of Indian American Leadership Initiative. The activists and community organizers were animated and brought in a wealth of experience to share and inspire on the need for political engagement and traced successes of the community both as a result of strategic engagement and grassroots and vision planning. Both the speakers were also awarded a special IAFPE Trailblazer Award, which was well deserved according to the many past office bearers of the IAFPE. Democratic Activist Ramesh Kapur brought in his extensive experience and acumen to give a keynote address on "A Politically Engaged Community" just before the lunch break. Kapur's illustrious achievements include a stint as the National Chair of the IndoAmerican Leadership Council for Democratic National Committee; Member of the Board of Directors, Indian American Council, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (2005-06); National Fi-

cans politically by raising civic consciousness and increasing participation in community affairs and the mainstream political process, including civic duties like voter registration and encouraging Indian Americans to exercise their rights to vote and to run for public office. The panel sessions ran the gamut with the kickoff on current issues on Healthcare and Immigration with panelists Dr. Ami Bera, Clinical professor of Medicine UC Davis; CorpoYogi Chugh, Incoming President IAFPE, Dr Sudhir rate attorney Inderpreet Parekh Past President, Ravi Sakhuja Immediate Past Sawhney and Asian law President, Dr Sampat Shivangi President Elect, Alex Caucus Staff attorney Abraham, Jt Treasur, Nilesh Mehta Past President, Veena Dubal, while the Prasad Vanguri Vice President, Dwarika Agrawal moderator was attor- Sr Vice President, Rajesh Verma Treasurer, Krishan Srinivasa Past President, Dr Romesh Japra Past ney Kalpana President, Dr Dinesh Patel Past President Peddibhotla The interesting topic of the day nance Board member, Democratic was on Political Engagement and National Committee (2006-08). Empowerment by panelists Toby Cont’d on page 18 Chaudhari, Communications Di-


India Post


October 2, 2009

BAPS Charities Walk raises funds India Post News Service

CHINO, CA: On Saturday, September 19, over 600 community members participated in the BAPS Charities Walkathon, supporting 'United We Serve', a national effort launched by President Obama to engage Americans in serving their communities this summer. In keeping with its Walkathon theme, "Building a Better Community, One Step at a Time", part of the proceeds from this year's Walkathon will go to American Diabetes Association and Friends of the James S. Thalman Chino Hills Branch Library. "This summer, I'm calling on all of you to make volunteerism and community service part of your daily life and the life of this nation," said President Obama in a video message. "Economic recovery is as much about what you're doing in your communities as what we're doing in Washington - and it's going to take all of us, working together." "We are pleased to join this national effort and thank the Presi-

dent for making this call to service," said Nilkanth Patel, President of BAPS Charities. "BAPS Charities is taking part in 'United We Serve' by organizing nearly 125 community service events including health fairs, blood donation drives, health awareness campaigns and walkathons like this one all across the country." "Children, teens, and adults from all across Chino Hills put aside their busy schedules and walked with their friends and family to serve the local community," said Kalpesh Mistry, Public Relations Coordinator of Chino Hills Mandir. "We are indebted to the participants. Their time and commitment made this event which benefited diabetics a huge success." American Diabetes Association (ADA) is an organization that strives to prevent

and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by this disease. "This event could be called perfect. Everything was well organized and it was really a class one event. I feel honored to be tied to an event like this because it

‘Children, teens, and adults from all across Chino Hills put aside their busy schedules and walked with their friends and family to serve the local community’ does the community so much good," said Matt Bean, Manager of ADA, Inland Empire group. The 5K Walkathon, held at Crossroads Park, Chino Hills inspired people to go the extra mile to make a difference in someone's life. "This was an eye opening ex-

perience for me. My mother was recently diagnosed with diabetes and I knew that I had to help in some way. My mother's condition drove me to go out every day and raise money for the American Diabetes Association," said Bijal Patel, a college student. Sharon Wi l s o n , C h i n o Hills, appreciated the efforts of BAPS Charities. "I have been organizing and attending events like theses since I was 18 and so far, this walk hosted by BAPS was the best. Everything was taken care of and it was done by the book. The flag salute, the welcoming of the dignitaries, it was all just exceptionally done," explained Wilson.

Over 35 BAPS Charities centers across North America will hold walkathons in their region. The annual Walkathon is one of many initiatives that BAPS Charities takes to support local communities. Throughout the year, BAPS Charities hosts medical fairs, education

and career development seminars, blood drives and much more. BAPS Charities sincerely serves the community, by improving the quality of life of individuals and families. For information, please visit

IAFPE meet highlights value of political engagement Cont’d from page 17

Following lunch, Democratic National Committee trustee, member at large Kamil Hasan spoke on 'the Importance of being Heard", exhorting the community to get engaged and involved and making issues heard. The following session by guests Vivek Kundra US Federal CIO and US Deputy Asst. Secretary Ro Khanna was moderated by Yogi Chugh. Congressman Mike Honda (CA-15) was his entertaining self as he outlined his commitment and support for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) causes and evoked the name of the first Asian American Congressman Dilip Singh Saund of Sacramento- who also happened to be the only Indian-American Congressman in the state. Encouraging several potential candidates from the Indian Ameri-

can community, representative Mike Honda displayed his 'rock star; qualities as he drew a crowd of attendees after his speech. Dr Subroto Kundu led the brief Health Care discussion followed by a presentation by representatives of the California Nurses Association. Giving a boost to the potential candidates in the fray, the topic of candidacy proved very interesting with speakers Raj Goyle, State representative from Kansas who has announced a bid for US Congress and recently elected San Jose City Councilmember Ash Kalra, and Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, the sole Republican and candidate for Assembly from San Francisco and attorney Ash Pirayou. The moderator was Anu Natarajan of Fremont, the first Indian-American to be elected as City Council member in the SF Bay

Area. The afternoon session rounded off with an address by the outgoing IAFPE President Ravi Sakhuja, who traced the

Encouraging several potential candidates from the Indian American community, representative Mike Honda displayed his 'rock star; qualities as he drew a crowd of attendees after his speech achievements of IAFPE and the way forward. The banquet session saw a series of awards of distinction being conferred on attendees and past

officials and also the installation of new IAFPE national officers, The elected officials were Yogi Chugh, President (CA), Sampat Shivangi, MD, President Elect (MS), Dwarika Agrawal, Senior Vice President (MA), Prasad Vanguri, Vice President (NC), Rajesh Verma, Treasurer (CA), Alex Abraham, Jt Treasurer, (AL), and Ravi Sakhuja, Past President (MA). Talking to India Post, new President Yogi Chugh said, "My tenure will focus on stabilizing the IAPFE and building new chapters. The ideals of the IAFPE have always been to empower the community to be politically engaged. Rather than predictably participating in politics without a clear and concerted focus, our IAFPE Leadership team will focus on building a strategy of political engagement and empowerment that better re-

flects our interests, values, and dreams of a collective community. It will also be our focus to continue to be at the forefront in dealing with the issues that are important to the Indian American Community. Building a broad based consensus on these issues and working with some of the leading National Indian American Organizations in ensuring that we speak with one voice will be a significant opportunity for us to pursue. Additionally in the year of the Census, it will be our leadership's desire to ensure that we can educate our community on the importance of being counted. With that goal in mind we will ask each chapter to work with the US Census in ensuring that our community focuses on making outreach on this issue one of our highest priorities."

September 25, 2009


India Post 19

BAPS hosts Education & Career Fair India Post News Service

CHINO HILLS, CA: Just days after President Obama addressed students across the nation and encouraged them to take a more active role in their education, an Educational and Career Development Fair took place at the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha's Cultural Center in Chino Hills. On Saturday, Sept 12, approximately 90 students, 45 parents, and 50 professionals gathered to participate in this community event. The theme of the event, "Aspire, Achieve, Attain", summarized the objective of the event to

assist students and parents in progressing towards their academic and career goals. The event comprised two parts: the first included various workshops and sessions and the second was a fair where participants could meet professionals in various disciplines. The informational workshops consisted of

two groups, one for high school students and the other for college students. The high school track

had workshops led by professionals focusing on topics such as preparation for college and picking a college/major. "I found the advising sessions useful, as the presentations helped me plan out my high school education in such a way that I would be able to maximize my efforts and time to selecting a major and get-

ting into a college that serves my interests and needs", said Priya Patel, a high school sophomore. In the college track, professionals from various disciplines like bio-engineering and law, guided students on topics such as striking a balance in social and academic environments, managing finances, as well as pursuing a postgraduate education. "Look at your passions and what you want to do with them," explained Dr. James Sterling, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, Professor, and Director of the Team Masters Program at the Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, as he presented a workshop on the possible options for graduate studies in both disciplinary as well as professional fields. After lunch, all attendees were treated to a career fair where they were given the chance to meet professionals from a diverse spectrum of disciplines such as law, journalism, engineering, health sciences, and accounting. This fair provided

an opportunity for students and parents to have personalized advising sessions with the professionals to gain further insight on the career opportunities that lie within a particular field. As the

‘It was inspiring to see so many parents and youths from the community come together to take initiative in their education’, said Amruta Patel, a BAPS volunteer event concluded, many students and parents left with great satisfaction, as they found answers to the questions they had regarding their career and education. "This fair was a wonderful op-

portunity for me to take a proactive role in my children's academic future. By going to these workshops with my children, I became more aware of the numerous ways in which I can assist my child with selecting a career and assess multiple options to help them achieve to their fullest potential", said Nitin Patel, father of two college students. The BAPS volunteers and various community partners contributed to the success of this event, as many volunteer hours went into planning and executing it. "It was rewarding to see that I was able to assist in this wonderful event, as so many people gained a lot of useful insight from the experience of the presenters and other professionals. It was inspiring to see so many parents and youths from the community come together to take initiative in their education", said Amruta Patel, a BAPS volunteer. The fruits of their diligence were evident in the expressions of gratitude that were presented to the volunteers and speakers.

Riverside Temple supports Sadhvi Ritambhara VICTORIA TRUVER

Sadhvi Ritambhara Devi

RIVERSIDE: There was an air of nervous expectancy in Riverside's Shri Lakshmi Narayan Mandir as a crowd of 200 awaited the arrival of Sadhvi Ritambhara Devi. A group of Mandir officials and priests greeted the Sadhvi at the en-

L-R: Ramjibhai Patel, Bachubhai Chandravadia, Anila Parikh, Viraj Jani, Akshaya Sheth holds check for Vatsalya Gram

trance and forming a procession they walked from altar to altar, finally ending at the mandap where a seat had been prepared for the Sadhvi. Many bhaktas rushed forward to offer pranams at her feet and scores of camera flashes lit up the room.

The program began with bhajans sung by the Sadhvi, followed by a discourse in Hindi on Bhagawad Gita. A recorded presentation on Vatsalya Gram was viewed and Sean Chowdhry spoke about the importance of getting involved

R-L:Bachubhai Chandravadia, Ramjibhai Patel, Akshaya Sheth, Anil Parikh, Pt Vipul Jani

in this project and giving back to our country. Chowdhry inspired all when he ended his talk with "India is calling you." Chairman Akshaya Sheth explained that the Mandir is promoting this project because, "it is the right thing to do."

A check from the Mandir was given for Vatsalya Gram. President Bachu Chandravadia gave gifts to Sanatan Dharma Mandir officials Ramjibhai Patel and Anil Parekh. The katha concluded with arati and a delicious maha Prasad.



India Post

October 2, 2009

Remembering Balbir Singh Sodhi - victim of misplaced retaliation DR. JASWANT SINGH SACHDEV


n September the 15th, every year since the 2001, the extended family of Sardar Balbir Singh Sodhi has been arranging a get-together of the family members and the community at-large at the site where S. Balbir Singh Sodhi was killed. On that day, in the year 2001, the life of this innocent Sikh man was taken away by the bullets of the assassin while he was planting flowers in front of his newly-opened gas station and convenience store in Mesa, Arizona. He was killed in a misplaced retaliation for the horrendous incident of 9-11 because as a conforming Sikh, he wore a turban on his head. He or no other Sikh had any part to play in the crime that was committed against United States. It has been eight years to that fateful day. At time of his death, his wife and some of his children were still in India and had not met him for several years. He was still trying to adjust to his lifestyle in this land of liberty and was developing his new business after having moved from Bay area. Yet he was content because he found a niche and hoped that his life now will turn for the better and felt comfortable with the thought that he will soon be united with his family. Little did he realize that the Guy upstairs had planned otherwise for he had been destined to be the first Sikh victim among many others that followed and that too for a crime that he and none of the other Sikhs that followed him committed. In fact, he was the one who

cared enough to do something for the families of the innocent victims of 9-11. So on that fateful day of September 15th he went to Costco to pick up the inventories for his shop.

does not extinguish. They carry out this responsibility through yearly memorial service at the very same spot where he was killed. This year too, almost his entire extended family joined with other members

His wife and his children, as well as his brothers, sisters and friends decided to take the responsibility upon them to make sure that the precious flame of his cause does not extinguish Balbir Singh Sodhi

While leaving after purchase he found out that the employees of Costco are trying to collect funds to help the families of the victim of 9-11. Without any hesitation, he checked the amount of cash he had in his pocket which turned out to be less than 100 dollars. He willingly donated whatever he had before he took to his store. Standing outside his gas station and helping to plant the flowers, he ended up receiving five bullets on his back and side and thus the flame of his life was extinguished once and for all. His wife and his children, as well as his brothers, sisters and friends decided to take the responsibility upon them to make sure that the precious flame of his cause

of the community including Sikhs, Hindus Muslims and Christians and held a candle vigil at the spot where Mr. Sodhi breathed his last. The Family had erected a small but elegant permanent memorial in front of the gas station where this fateful event took place. Vice-Mayor of the City of Mesa Honorable Mr. Kyle Jones along with his wife specially arrived to attend the event. Gyani Surinder Singh J from Guru Nanak Dwara started the program with the path of 6 pauris of Anand Sahib and followed by the Ardaas. Mr. Harjit Singh Sodhi, the owner of Indian Delhi palace and brother of Balbir Singh thanked all the audience and introduced the honorable Vice Mayor. The author

Dr. Sachdev detailing the events of Balbir Singh's death

was given the privilege to speak about Balbir Singh's life and describe that fateful day. The significance of his unfortunate death and the impact it had created not only in this country but over the entire world in as far as Sikh identity is concerned, was once again highlighted. The immediate arrest of the suspect by the law enforcement agencies and his successful prosecution by the authorities leading to a guilty verdict was emphasized proving that Justice was expeditiously and appropriately served. The Vice-Mayor then spoke about diversity in his city and provided comfort to the family through his soft and loving homily. Mrs. Manju Walia, the editor of Asia Times, a local monthly, then took to the stage and paid her tributes. Professor Sher Singh Kanwal, a Punjabi writer and poet talked about the impact this hor-

rible incident had created all over the country and in the world. Mr. Hardip Singh Sodhi, cousin of Mr Balbir Singh Sodhi paid emotional tributes while thanking the members of the community who specially arrived for this event. Once the tributes were over, all the attendees, consisting of about seventy five people then lighted the candles in front of his memorial. Rana Sodhi, the youngest brother of Balbir Singh Sodhi had arranged a fire truck that continuously played a movie depicting the events of 911 attack on World Trade center and also allowed the children to get familiar with the Fire Truck. The event finally folded with a tasty delicious hot Indian dinner prepared by Guru Palace. Certainly, it is essential to continue such remembrances for not only they provide solace to near and dear ones but it keeps the Sikh community and Sikh identity in lime light.

900 gather to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr in Chino India Post News Service

CHINO, CA: Ahmadi Muslims in the United States celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr [Muslim festival marking the completion of the month of fasting] on September 20. Members of the Community in Chino, California, offered the Eid prayers at 10:00am at the beautiful, newly built and enlarged Baitul Hameed Mosque. Earlier, members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community had listened to their Spiritual Head, Hazrat Mirza Masroor teach the meanings of the last three Chapters of the Holy Quran. This was telecast globally via the Community's worldwide satellite television system and was broadcast from London, England. In his address the Head of the Community had emphasized the need for

all Ahmadi Muslims to learn the Holy Quran and teach it to others ‌and to do all this in a peace-loving and peace promoting fashion so that life for all becomes heavenly both here and Hereafter. A day earlier, members had listened to the concluding Dars-ulQuran [explanation of some verses of the Holy Quran] delivered by Imam Shamshad. On Saturday some 350 Ahmadi Muslim men women and children had gathered for this occasion. Imam Shamshad explained the meaning of the first commandment of the Holy Quran: O ye People! Worship your Lord Who created you and those before you so that you may become righteous. Imam Shamshad shed light on the meaning of worship and he said one meaning is obedience to God and another is to

Dr. Rahman Imam Shamshad and some members at Eidul Fitr

avoid doing all those things that are evil. He illustrated these meaning by citing the perfect example of the life of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the Holy Founder of Islam. Dr. Hamidur Rahman, the National Vice President of the Com-

munity, then awarded prizes to five young men: Anas Chaudhary, Rehan Chaudhary, Noman Mubashir, Tariq Khalid Naseem and Umar Malik. These youth had memorized many chapters of the Holy Quran during this holy month.

Imam Shamshad delivering Eid sermon

Imam Shamshad then congratulated the ladies and men of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who had collected money and food for distribution among the poor living in downtown LA. Cont’d on page 21

October 2, 2009


India Post 21

UN International Day of Peace celebrated SIMRAN KAUR KHALSA

Sat Purkha Singh Khalsa (L) with Gurujodha Singh Khalsa (R)

LOD ANGELES: Each year, on September 21, people come together to rededicate their commitment to living a peaceful way of life all over the world. Over 60 countries celebrate "Peace Day". Since 2006, the Southern California Sikh community success-

and meet one another. During the main program, prayers of peace were offered by: Father Issak from St Mark Coptic Church, by Rev. Paula Mann from the Palms Westminster Presbyterian Church, and Rabbi Yona Bookstein blew

Stephen Longfellow Fiske; Cantor Estherleon, a United Nations Ambassador, uplifted the crowd with her ethereal chants floating above beautiful stately western classical music; Jai Jagdesh enchanted us with a most beautiful and transfixing classical Indian dance; "Per-

Master of Ceremonies, Gurujodha Singh Khalsa, skillfully blended humor, common sense, and spontaneity as he kept the flow going on the stage fully organizes a "Peace Picnic" to celebrate "International Peace Day" each September. This year's "Peace Picnic" brought together the religiously rich neighborhood of South Robertson. The afternoon started with free food donated by local restaurants and community members. People joyfully gathered to share meals

After this Imam Shamshad offered out aloud, some prayers from the Holy Quran and some that were taught us by the Holy Prophet. Everyone then joined in a silent prayer that brought the special daily such sessions for the duration of the month of fasting to an end. On Sunday, at the local Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations, some 900 members heard Imam Shamshad say that "We have gone through a 29 day spiritual training program. The purpose was to infuse in us true love of God and love for His creation." He urged the members to not forget these lessons but rather to make them a permanent

land to the event - - read by Abigail Yasgur, the daughter of that Woodstock farmer. To close the afternoon's festivities, the Guru Ram Das Jatha performed a most appropriate number, "May The Long Time Sun Shine Upon You, All Love Sur-

Activities for children on "Peace Day" included guided stories by KPFK's Uncle Ruthie; and the story of how the Woodstock event was allowed to occur the shofar to proclaim the greatness of God. Master of Ceremonies, Gurujodha Singh Khalsa, skillfully blended humor, common sense, and spontaneity as he kept the flow going on the stage. Some of the performers who came to share their gifts included: Folk singer and teacher of peace,

900 gather to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr in Chino Cont’d from page 20

Simran Kaur offering prayer at Peace Bell Event

part of their daily lives. "You should pay due regard to worship of God every day onward and do your best to offer the five daily prayers in congregation and train your children to do the same. Not only this, but you must take the trouble to do all you can in the service of humanity, starting from our relatives and near and dear ones but including our neighbors and our fellow citizens in the towns and cities where we live. We must do all we can to help the weak and the needy. And throughout our purpose must simply be to win the pleasure of God." (For details logon to:

fectly On Key" an R&B group with uplifting Christian messages for youth; and "The Ring Tones" contributed a calming choral number. Activities for children on "Peace Day" included guided stories by KPFK's Uncle Ruthie; and the story of how the Woodstock event was allowed to occur because a farmer chose to donate his

round You." Bill McCarthy founder of "Unity Foundation" and "International Day of Peace" promoter, organized with the city of Los Angeles another "Peace Day" event in Los Angeles: the ringing of the "Peace Bell" at the Maguire Gardens at the base of the downtown Main Library. Religious leaders gathered

to offer their prayers of peace. Before sharing a minute of silence, the "Peace Bell" was rung several times by Aaron Gosh from the Vedanta Society. B.J. Lamothe, representing the Mayor's office, reminded us of the importance of tuning into our peaceful state of mind, in a city that is constantly vibrating with the hustle and bustle of every day life. Rev. Moira Foxe, Pastor of the Redondo Beach Church of Religious Science, offered a deeply inspired prayer of unity and oneness of spirit; Sister Gitta from the Brahma Kumaris took us through a deep experience through the powerful vibration of the Aum sound; Swami Shiva Atmatattwananda shared the power of the sacred Sanskrit Vedantic text; and S.S. Simran Kaur Khalsa instilled a feeling of peace where time stood still during her rendition of the Sikh prayer. Many felt the deep peaceful energy pervading the space there, and it was beautiful to experience. We can be certain that when "International Peace Day" happens next year, Los Angeles will be doing its part to bring peace to our world.

Sports Track Gambhir replaces Yuvi as Vice Captain

SPORTS 22 India Post

CENTURION: India opener Gautam Gambhir has been made the vice-captain of the Indian cricket team replacing middle-order batsman Yuvraj Singh who was ruled out of the Champions Trophy with a finger injury. Yuvraj fractured his right-hand finger during a training session today and has been advised rest for six weeks. The stylish left-hander will return home and Delhi middleorder batsman Virat Kohli has been named as his replacement. Following Yuvraj's injury, Gambhir, who himself is recuperating from a groin injury, was named the vice-captain of the team.-PTI

Kirsten's sex mantra for success

CENTURION: Coach Gary Kirsten's reported mantra to Indian cricketers to have sex to boost their competitiveness was the subject of much amusement and discussion among world's cricketers assembled here for the Champions Trophy. Kirsten, a former South African opening batsman, has reportedly handed out a four-part document which broadly envisages an active sexual life and a disciplined food and sporting habits, aimed at helping the players on and off the field. The document, the content of which are quite unusual, looks back into India's history, its food habits and its lack of aggression. "From a psychological (body) perspective having sex increases testosterone levels, which causes in an increase in strength, energy, aggression and competitiveness. "Conversely, not having sex for a few months causes a significant drop in testosterone level in both males and females with the corresponding passiveness and decrease in aggression," the document said.-PTI

October 2, 2009

Somdev triumph leads India into Davis World Group JOHANNESBURG: A dogged Somdev Devvarman scripted a spectacular win over South Africa's Rik De Voest in a highvoltage marathon five-setter to clear India's passage into the elite Davis Cup World Group after 11 year here. Tenacity of Somdev and Voest engineered a prodigious tennis game, which the Indian won 3-6 6-7(3) 7-6(5) 6-2 6-4 after an en-

doubles rubber yesterday. With this win India snapped South Africa's impressive 10-tie winning streak. India last played in 16-team World Group in 1998 when it lost 1-4 to Italy. Thrice India reached the final of the World Group but ended up runners-up on all occasions. Voest, a man on mission, played like a true champion putting his heart and soul into the door-die match but Somdev Heart-stopping show showed that he had the followed in the final set as class to beat champions. Down by two sets, Somdev and Voest raised Somdev created an incredthe level of game by ible comeback as he overcame an early drop of several notches. Every serve to break Voest in the single point produced fourth game of the third scintillating tennis set and won it via tiebreaker to keep Indian ergy-sapping four hour and 38 challenge alive. minutes battle in the first reverse The prolonged battle started to singles at the Ellis Park indoor sta- take a toll on Voest as his shots dium. became feeble, unforced errors Yuki Bhambri then made a began to flow and Somdev gradumemorable debut in the Cup, scor- ally took control of the match. He ing an emphatic 3-6 6-3 6-4 win raced to a 5-1 lead in the fourth over Izak Van der Merwe in the set by breaking the South African dead fifth rubber of the play-off twice. tie, which India won by a compreThe Indian wrapped up the set hensive 4-1 margin. in the eighth game and it all boiled Mahesh Bhupathi's groin in- down to the fifth and decisive set. jury had forced India to concede Heart-stopping show fol-

Somdev Devvarman celebrates his victory over South AfricaĂ­a Rik De Voest at Ellis Park Indoor Arena in Johannesburg on September 20

lowed in the final set as Somdev and Voest raised the level of game by several notches. Every single point produced scintillating tennis. Somdev broke Voest in the fifth game to shoot into lead though he had a chance to break him in the first game as well. The South African hung on, saving three points in the seventh game but it was Somdev's day as he served out the set in the 10th game, converting his second match point. Somdev and Voest played amazing rallies laced with some

breathtaking shots. The host players have played exceptionally well at the net so far in the tie and continuing with the trend Voest utilized the skill to great effect in the contest. Voest's strategy of attacking the net reaped rich dividends as his defence was almost unreachable. Earlier, Somdev worked hard to set up points but a determined Voest foiled those attempts with smart tennis. He got plenty of chances to break his opponent but the South African did not let the Indian succeed. -PTI

South Asian Golf Association's annual tournament India Post News Service

NEW JERSEY: The South Asian Gold Association (SAGA) is holding its fifth annual gold tournament - the Hiranandani SAGA Open 2009 - on Oct 3 at Royce Brook Golf Club in Hillsborough, NJ. The event promises to be an exciting one, played in a Calloway format with lots of prizes to be won for golfers of all levels. The expected attendance is about 100 golfers and 250 guests at the grand dinner/ awards reception which will

also have entertainment for the entire family. SAGA began in 2004 with a vision by one man who felt that Golf was a game that was not given

achievable. The core group of advisors comprised Vinay Bahuguna, Paresh Desai, Smithy and Mahesh Hegde. Working as a team the group has

The event promises to be an exciting one, played in a Calloway format with lots of prizes to be won for golfers of all levels. The expected attendance is about 100 golfers enough attention as much as cricket among South Asians. It was Mahesh Yadav, who put together a core group of advisors to make it

grown this organization slowly but steadily making a concerted effort to make it enjoyable and a social networking platform not just for

the men but also their families. SAGA has strived to make it an inclusive affair with the participation of women and children of all ages. Notably, United Healthcare and Optima Global Solutions have supported SAGA as Patron Sponsors for the last five years. This year participants will have interesting prizes and promotional items to win which include cash prizes, trophies, a Mercedes Benz Convertible, Bose Music system, Nike golf sets, golf lessons at the range, vacations, and other raffle prizes.

Realty Tidbits

Omaxe on an expansion spree


maxe Ltd aims to launch three more hi-tech township projects by December this year. The company aims to raise investment for these projects through equity infusion and joint ventures with land owners for these projects. According to Sunil Malhotra, Vice President, Finance, Omaxe Ltd, the company plans to raise funds through a qualified institutional placement (QIP) in the next one or two quarters. Omaxe has a total debt of Rs300-crore. However it is believed that the company's debt liability for the current fiscal was manageable as it had rescheduled or restructured most of the amount.

Shivalik Ventures project for slum redevelopment MUMBAI: Shivalik Ventures has won the Rs 3,500 crore project to redevelop Golibar Maidan, a cluster of slums located along the Western Express highway between Santa Cruz and Khar. The Maharashtra government has handed the redevelopment of a 140-acre plot to a single developer, skipping the competitive bidding process, by invoking a littleknown clause of the Slum Rehabilitation Act, 1971. The project was given to the developer under section 3k of the Slum Rehabilitation Act, 1971, which empowers the government to direct the Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) "to carry out certain projects as a special case".

Real Estate 23 India Post

October 2, 2009

NEW DELHI: According to an Ernst & Young - Assocham survey, private equity (PE) investments in the Indian infrastructure sector are expected to pick-up over the next 8-12 months. The survey titled, 'The opportunity framework: PE in Indian infrastructure' indicated that investors have shown more interest in infrastructure players with a diversified project portfolio. The sector attracted about 29 per cent or $782-million of the total PE investment in infrastructure between 2006 and the first half of 2009. Total PE investments in infrastructure during the period stood at $2,694-million.

MUMBAI: Housing experts find the Section 3k of the Slum Rehabilitation Act, 1971 flawed. In 1999, the section was introduced through an amendment after the government felt that there was no holistic planning when several developers were allowed to implement a project under the slum rehabilitation rules. "As they didn't get much incentive, developers would ignore slums on the reserved land and only redevelop slums in the proximity. The entire purpose of implementing the SRA to free public land was defeated.

Prices of retail spaces fall by 15 per cent NEW DELHI: Rentals of retail spaces in the National Capital Region and Mumbai have fallen by up to 15 per cent in the first half of this year over the previous six months on account of low demand and high base effect of last year. According to global real estate consultant CB Richard Ellis (CBRE), rentals in the NCR have corrected by about 10 per cent in the first six months over the second half of 2008. It said the decline was similar to an overall drop of 20-40 per cent from the levels witnessed in the beginning of 2008. "Prime high-streets and mall spaces continue to be the focus for expansion for retailers as the rentals in these spaces have corrected due to the reduced demand and high rental values," CBRE

said in the report. The consultant further said that in Mumbai rentals are showing correction by 10-15 per cent amidst limited supply of "quality" space on some prime high-streets through the first half of 2009. The slowdown has forced

many retailers to re-negotiate rentals with developers and landlords of several malls and high-street properties, it added. "Inspite of rentals reducing to realistic levels in mall develop-

Samira Habitats to raise Rs 1,200 cr

MUMBAI: Real estate firm Samira Habitats has said it is planning to raise Rs 1,200 crore over the next five years to develop residential townships in Panvel, Alibaug and adjoining areas near the metropolis. The company intends to raise part of the capital through the private equity route. "We plan to raise around Rs 1,200 crore over the next five years. This will be invested in developing about 150 acres of land for residential projects in Alibaug and for setting up infrastructure to connect the area to Mumbai," Samira Habitats Executive Director Mihir Nerurkar told PTI here. The real estate firm, which has a land bank of 2,400 acres in the

ments, retailers have tweaked the size of stores to ensure viability," it said while analysing the situation in the country's financial capital. Birla Retail

Aditya Birla Retail, the retail unit of Aditya Birla group plans to revamp its pricing strategy to in-

‘Prime high-streets and mall spaces continue to be the focus for expansion for retailers as the rentals in these spaces have corrected due to the reduced demand and high rental values’

PE players' growing interest in infra cos

Experts find Slum Act faulty

Panvel-Alibaug-RevdandaKashid (PARK) area, has launched a 200-unit residential project called Samira Pavilions, with the total investment of about Rs 200 crore, including land. The company will provide speed-boat transfers between Mumbai and Alibaug, including limousine transfers to residents at their doorstep. "We started work on Samira Pavilions in February and it is expected to be finished by 2012. Six of the homes are going to be designed by (fashion designer) Sabyasachi Mukherjee," Nerurkar said. These homes will be fully-serviced by facility management firm, Knight Frank India, which is assisting the company in sales. -PTI

crease footfall in stores. It also aims to expand its retail operations by adding exclusive stores to its existing 646 outlets by the end of the current financial year. Thomas Varghese, CEO, Aditya

Birla Retail said, "The market is looking up since a couple of weeks. We have witnessed same store growth of 3-4 per cent month on month." The company, which clocked a turnover of Rs1,150-crore in fiscal 2008-2009, is expecting to grow at around 25-35 per cent this year and plans to close the current fiscal with a Rs1,600-crore revenue, helped by both same-store sales growth and new ones. With pressure mounting on the retail arm to generate extra efficiencies, it has closed non performing stores, increased private labels and shifted focus to higher margin format-hypermarkets. More than 1,300 employees were given training for front-end retail. It had, till date, shut down around 107 stores across India.

Avanta to treble office space inventory NEW DELHI: Avanta, a serviced office space provider, plans to treble its inventory in India to 3,00,000 sq ft by end of this fiscal. The company, which has given office space to corporates like the State Bank of India and American Express, has about 1,00,000 sq ft spread over three real estate properties in Delhi and Mumbai. “We will have another 6-7 properties, in addition to the three we already have, by the end of the current fiscal. Delhi and Mumbai would be our focus cities to expand our presence,” Avanta Sales and Marketing Director (Middle East and India) Amit Bansal told

PTI. Of the new 6-7 properties, that would add about 2,00,000 sq ft of space to the company’s inventory, about four would be in Delhi and three in Mumbai. The company currently enjoys about 74 per cent occupancy in its 1,00,000 sq ft space in the country. It would also offer office space in Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata and Chennai at a later stage. Avanta gives commercial space to corporates with several facilities like phone connection, pantry services, receptionist and guards among others. –PTI

Bebo -Do Knot Disturb

1 Jao Na - Whats Your Raashee


2 Koi Na Koi Chahe - Radio

7 Chiggy Wiggy - Blue

3 Iktara - Wake Up Sid

8 Maula Unplugged - Baabarr 9 Kyon - All The Best

4 Vaada Raha - Vaada Raha 5 Dont Say Alvida - M A Mrs Khanna

10 Ji Jala - Pankh


India Post

October 2, 2009



uzz doing the B-Town rounds is that Dia Mirza has a new man in her life. The actress has been seen in the company of a guy named Ruhail, who is in the construction business. The two have been stepping out together and have been spotted at movie screenings and restaurants. Dia is busy wrapping up Suparn Verma's Acid Factory and shot for a song sequence recently. Says a source, "It appears that she has found love again. Considering she has had her share of heartbreaks after her split with Bunty Sachdeva, she wants everything to go just right this time around. She been extremely guarded about the guy and is treading with utmost caution this time." Says Dia, "Who is Ruhail? I have no idea that a man by this name or profession even exists." But the source maintains, "At this stage they don't want to say anything about their close bonding as it is too early and want to wait for a while."

he may have a big banner film released and a svelte look to brag about, but Rani Mukherjee is still upset. The actress feels that, apart from a string of flops, constant speculation about her personal life has been detrimental to her career. "Since the last three years, after every six months there's some news of me getting engaged or married. It's an insult to my parents and me. I am being portrayed as an actress who wants to hide her marriage," she complains. She further asserts, "People don't realize the harm this does to my career. No producer or director wants to sign an actress who is rumored to be getting engaged or married. They feel, 'Agar isse liya aur iski shaadi ho gayi to film latak jayegi'. I have to pay the price of being a private person. I'm not like other actors, who even talk about the tissue they wipe the face with or what they carry in their bag. I haven't bitched about anyone or messed with my costars. I guard my personal life and I shall continue to do so." She is equally vocal about the string of flops that she delivered in the past. "Tara Rum Pum, Saawariya and Laga Chunari Mein Daag were very mature roles‌ no matter how much we wanted these films to appeal to the viewers, they didn't." Constantly, the feedback was, 'Arrey Rani, itna kyun ro rahi ho? Do some happy roles.' That's when we did Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic. But the film failed to reach the right audience and was declared a flop," she rues.


ust when it was becoming tiring to hear every actor say what great friends they were with their co-stars, Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh has come up with something entirely new - he says he is very "fond" of his co-star Lara Dutta. "My camaraderie with Lara is excellent and I am extremely fond of her. I have worked with her before; so I share a certain rapport with her," Riteish said in an interview. "Do Knot Disturb" is his third film with the former beauty queen after "Bardaasht" and "Masti". "As colleagues it is important to have on-screen chemistry and when you are doing comedy it is important to have the right timing and everything. Both of us understand that. "It's great that there are times when we got a scene and we didn't need to rehearse because I know exactly what Lara is going to do and she knows exactly what I'm going to do," added the actor who is also doing Sajid Khan's "Houseful" with the actress.


October 2, 2009



iding high on the success of his hit Dev D in India, Bollywood actor Abhay Deol bagged rave reviews for his performance in the film at the recently concluded Venice Film Festival. "Abhay's performance in Dev D created waves at the festival. It is for the first time that an Indian actor has been selected among talents from all over the world. For Abhay it was an honor," said a source. The actor wore a number by Italian designer Salvatore Ferragamo at the screening of the film and became the centre of attraction for his role. "He looked dashing as ever. What added to his charm and glow was his eye catching performance in the film. Dev D received a 10-minute standing ovation at the film festival. It was a sight to watch," said the source. Abhay got invited to the JaegerLeCoultre party, where only the 'very famous' are invited. "Bvglari (Italian jeweller and luxury goods retailer) presented him with their latest collection of silver ring and pendant. Abhay never expected this kind of warm welcome. It was a touching moment for him," said a friend of the star. He was also featured in the Italian edition of the Vanity Fair magazine. The 66th edition of the 11-day affair came to an end September 12.

cclaimed filmmaker Shyam Benegal describes Minnisha Lamba as an "exceptionally good" actress but rues that she hasn't got her "due" in Bollywood. He feels his movie "Well Done Abba" will fetch her much-deserved appreciation. "Minnisha will be seen in a role very different from what she has done till now. I hope with 'Well Done Abba' she gets the appreciation she deserves. She is an exceptionally fine actress and I feel that she has not got her due in the industry," Benegal said. After starting her film career with critically acclaimed film "Yahaan", Minnisha moved on to mainstream cinema and featured in films like "Anthony Kaun Hai?", "Honeymoon Travels Pvt Ltd", "Kidnap" and "Bachna Ae Haseeno". "Well Done Abba", a political satire, is a light hearted film that narrates the story of Armaan Ali, a driver working in Mumbai. He takes leave for a month to find a husband for his teenage daughter, who lives in a small neighborhood close to Hyderabad and returns to work only after three months. His young employer wants to sack him but is persuaded to listen to the reason why he got so delayed. The film stars Boman Irani as the lead character along with Ila Arun, Sonali Kulkarni, Rajit Kapur and Yashpal Sharma in pivotal roles.


idya Balan's sister Priyamani is making her Bollywood debut with Mani Ratnam's Raavan. The South actress plays the important character of Raavan's (Abhishek Bachchan) sister Shoorpnakha. A source from the unit reveals, "Mani's production team initially approached the South top actress Nayantara for the role of Shoorpankha but she refused. Also many top Bollywood actresses were approached for the role of Shoorpankha but they refused because they didn't want to play Abhishek Bachchan's sister. Abhishek is a dishy actor and not many actresses want to ruin their chances of being paired romantically opposite him by playing his sister in Raavan." Priyamani will play Shoorpankha in the Tamil and Hindi versions, just like Aishwarya is playing Sita in both versions. Priyamani won the National Film Award for her role in the Tamil film Paruthi Veeran (2006). She also won a Filmfare South Award for her role in the Malayalam film Thirakkatha (2008).

India Post



India Post

October 2, 2009

JS BEDI India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: Experience India sponsored an awesome evening on September 19 for 200 guests by invitation only at the famous California Plaza, Downtown Los Angeles. The Plaza is famous for its beautiful waterfall background and the stage is on the waterfront. The guests were treated to a sumptuous gourmet meal by a

PREM KISHORE India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: Los Angeles Philharmonic had a clear, passionate, focus on Sunday evening at the Hollywood Bowl. To sweep the audience of thousands off their feet and give them an exhilarating time. So they invited Anoushka Shankar, Malkit Singh, Kailesh Kher, the Ravi Shankar ensemble, Rajasthani singers, musicians and Bollywood Step to the Hollywood Bowl and set them loose on the stage. Throbbing beats, mellifluous singing, brilliant instrumentals,

handful of famous award winning chefs from hotels like the Maurya, the famous Bokhara chef and others who had been specially flown down from India for the event. The evening started with vendors from India displaying their arts and crafts. The guests walked through the mela to the cocktails and then were shown to their seats for the specially cooked meal.

While the dinner was served the invitees were treated to a beautiful live music and Indian dance performed on an island in the middle of the water. Cont’d on page 27

global harmonies, and frenetic rhythms for three hours made it a memorable, cherished evening of sheer vitality and glorious fun.

Anoushka Shankar

Anoushka Shankar's ensemble introduced us to a marvelous composition by the esteemed Ravi Shankar, who graced the occasion. Malkit Singh

Cont’d on page 27

India Calling at the Bowl ignites thousands

October 2, 2009

India Post


South Asian radio entertainment goes digital SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Recognizing the huge potential for high quality national entertainment on radio for the South Asian market, HumDesi Radio a division of WorldBand Media launched the first South Asian digital radio station broadcasting 24/7, making it the first 24/ 7 ethnic digital radio network in North America. HumDesi is free to subscribers and requires only an HD Radio receiver, available at local retail outlets. "We are the first and largest South Asian radio network in North America," said Brad Herd, VP of Business Development, HumDesi. "We are providing a voice from a national perspective for the South Asian market and combining it with a local touch and feel of local communities from where we are going to broadcast." "Unlike the UK or Canadian markets, there was no major radio network for the South Asian market in the US -- which has a well established print and television media - not because there was no interest or for want of a business model," said Prabha Selvadurai, CEO of HumDesi. "We just couldn't do it because here South Asian communities are settled in pockets in the major cities where there was no frequency available and even if available, it

Brad Herd

was extremely expensive. So, it was not for lack of interest or potential, it is just that the barrier for entry was very high." And so HumDesi put together a solution through the latest technology - HD Radio - when the government started giving out licenses to major networks. This purely free to air, advertisement sustainable model offers a mix of Bollywood-centric entertainment, news, cricket and local coverage of events and happenings. Selvadurai explains that the existing South Asian radio stations are mostly low power AM stations which are typically talk show frequencies and not meant for music. "The quality of these AM stations is generally not good, and they have a range of just about two miles radius," he explains.

Explaining the HD technology, Selvdurai said that just as recently all analogue televisions have been done away with across the country, the radio technology too is changing. "After founding FM some 40 years ago, this the first time that they are changing radio technology," said Selvadurai. "HD is going to be the future radio technology." While the latest models of cars come fitted with HD radio, for the others, all people need to do is buy a HD radio available at most retail stores. "We were surprised to see

Selvadurai explains that the existing South Asian radio stations are mostly low power AM stations which are typically talk show frequencies

Prabha Selvadurai

nine stations up and running across the US. From a programming perspective, we will soon be hav-

Standing ovation for Road, Movie in Toronto India Post News Service

how many calls we are getting from people wanting to get HD radios," said Selvadurai. "Everyday we are getting 30-40 calls asking how they can buy the radio since we officially launched HumDesi in August. I think people were waiting for one good quality radio." HumDesi is currently available in New York/New Jersey, Washington DC, Chicago, San Jose. Talking of future plans, Herd said, "From the broadcasting perspective, a year from now we hope to have

ing more regional flavor with local partnerships wherever we broadcast. And from technology perspective, we are expecting that HD radio to be available soon in a PDA. In the next year or so, HD radio frequency will be picked up by all IPhones and mobile phones too." HumDesi Radio is a division of WorldBand Media, North America's largest South Asian Radio Network. Led by a team of ethnic and mainstream media entrepreneurs, WBM aims to provide an effective and reliable outlet for its partners and advertisers to reach the growing and largely untapped market segment of South Asian American radio listeners.

TORONTO: Cheering fans and serpentine theater lines brought downtown Toronto's theater district almost to a still as the cast and crew of Road, Movie walked the ceremonial red carpet of the movie's worldwide premiere at the prestigious Toronto International Film Festival Sept 18. Abhay Deol, acclaimed Brick Lane actress Tannishtha Chatterjee, Satish Kaushik, production designer Anne Siebel, cin-

ematographer Michel Amathieu, editor Yaniv Dabach, costume designer Amba Sanyal, producer Susan B. Landau, co-producers Fred Berger and Sopan Muller, director Dev Benegal, presenters Sandeep Bhargava and Vandana Malik, and senior officials from the international operations team of Studio 18 emerged from black limos that rolled outside the illuminated venue, walking the red carpet at the historic and cavernous Winter Garden Theater. Cont’d on page 30

India Calling at the Bowl ignites thousands Cont’d from page 26

Classical Carnatic singing was interposed cleverly with musical traditions, folk, scientific taals and world pop inspiration, as we were thrust into an exploration of ragas and rhythms. Anoushka Shankar, slim, beautiful and svelte conducted with an endearing ebullience and was all over the stage caught up in a rapturous, seductive, heated and all powerful performance. A while later, she appeared with her sitar, gorgeously attired to present a concerto with master musicians who played the flute, mridangam, tabla, cello, and piano. A superb finesse, technique and emotion glowed through her work. After all she was the daughter of Ravi Shankar her guru from the age of four. The audience was reluctant to see her depart, but then the hereditary, professional Rajasthani musicians from the Langa and Manganiar community and a dancer from the Kalbelia community took center stage and we were caught up in a swirl of desert ballads and showmanship

.True to tradition, their songs were a testament to their mastery of folk rhythms. beauty, pathos and a marvel of genuine pouring of the heart as they played the Algoza the double flute and Sindhi Sarangi. The second half of the program was highlighted by Kailash Kher. Bold orchestration and joyful, vibrant voice showcased his amazing versatility and had the Sufi element deftly interwoven with electronica, pop and folk. A truly magnificent display of a natural voice, exciting and innovative drew on numerous ethnic traditions perfect for the truly international audience. An accomplished singer who used his driving beats to stun the audience with his sagas of love, passion, and spirituality. Malkit Singh MBE with his effervescent group then rounded off the evening with the tirelessly brilliant Bhangra songs delighting the audience. Although some in the audience thought the Bhangra had the same beat in every song, it must be remembered that Malkit Singh spawned an entire genre

Kailesh Kher

Bold orchestration and joyful, vibrant voice showcased his amazing versatility and had the Sufi element deftly interwoven with electronica, pop and folk with his inimitable style and true traditional Punjabi idiom. The local Bollywood Step group and the Sher Foundation performed the Bhangra, and Jai Ho -a dance from Slumdog Millionaire,

with dazzling costumes and moves- a potent combination and a visual spectacle. Earlier, in the evening we strolled through booths advertising tours to India, collected fragrant incense sticks, bought some exquisite items made form jute, bamboo, metal, wood, tile, mirrors from craftsmen brought all the way from India. National Geographic photographers held a photo exhibit of scenes of India. The photographs of Steve McCurry were of particular significance as this photographer has been to Indian more than 100 times in the last 25 years.

Meanwhile as you meandered blissfully around, Bharatha Natyam dancers from the Shakti School of Dance (founder and guru Viji Prakash) entranced the visitors with pure dance. Ornamented with jewels and brilliant hued costumes, the dancers showcased the grace, symmetry and visual power of Bharatha Natyam. Tom Schnabel hosted the evening sponsored by KCRW World Festival. Call it a masala of styles, one thing was clear. India not only called, but beguiled, intrigued, lured, seduced and embraced us. Incredible India!

28 India Post

October 2, 2009

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October 2, 2009

India Post 29


October 2, 2009

India Post

Maaza Miss India NY contest on November 14 India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The 27th Annual Maaza Miss India New York and The Second Annual Miss Teen India New York is scheduled to be held on Saturday, November 14 at the Community Center Auditorium, Flushing, New York. Produced by the New York based IFC, Miss India New York is the oldest Indian pageant outside of India. The pageant draws never-married contestants of Indian origin from New York State between the ages of 17 and 27. Many of the past contestants and winners have achieved a place in Indian and American movies, television, and in modeling. Many others have chosen careers in the field of medicine, law, and business. After public demand, the first annual Miss Teen India New York was

Bhupinder Kaur, Maaza Miss India New York & Tosha Patel, Miss Teen India New York

held along with Maaza Miss India New York last year and was a grand success. Open to girls of Indian origin between the age group of 12 and

Mr. G.L. Soni & Amrapali Soni of Maaza Beverage with the reigning Maaza Miss India New York, Bhupinder Kaur

17, Miss Teen India New York is an ideal platform for the young Indian girls to gain confidence and promote Indian performing arts. "We are very excited about this

Glorious evening of fashion Cont’d from page 26

The invitees were from all walks of life. The chief guest was Vijay Amritraj and his beautiful wife. There were diplomats, travel agents, hoteliers and others. After the desserts were served, the main event took place. Famous fashion designers Ashima and Leena showcased their beautiful collection of Indian outfits on 16 glorious models. The setting of the stage was stupendous with the ramp coming onto the water and the backdrop with the amazing waterfalls. The sound and light effects added to the ambience. The music was of the old sexy numbers like babuji dhire chalna which had the audience clapping to the music and dancing to it. With a mix of Indian and American models, it was one of the most glamorous Indian fashion events ever seen. The choreography was slick as the models sashayed down the 40 foot ramp on the water in the amazing black and red Anarkalis. The finale was just awesome as the brides walked down the ramp to "Jai Ho " while the water jets shot up to 50 feet in the air as the backdrop to stunning light effects. The audience rose for the finale and the applause was stupendous. Choreography was done by Marbie and Rohini. The concept and production of the entire show along with choosing of the models and styling them was done by Rohini Bedi. An Indian fashion show of this caliber and magnitude has never been produced in California before. The clothes are available at her studio in Costa Mesa by appointment.

Manuri Ranasighe

year's pageant," said Ankeeta Saran, Contestant Coordinator of IFC, "because along with the pageant we will present award-winning entertainment items from the tri-state area."

The contestants will participate in Indian attire, Evening gown and talent segments. The winner will be decided after a question-andanswer segment featuring the five highest-scoring contestants. Miss India New York is different from other pageants as there is no swimming suit segment. Emphasis is placed on the talent and promotion of Indian culture and heritage. "We are very happy to be part of this prestigious pageant," said Amrapali Soni, of Mazza North America, "which promotes Indian culture, values and performing arts." "We are glad to join hands once again with Miss India New York" said Sudhir Vaishnav, CEO of Sahara One TV which will be covering the pageant. The winner of Miss India NewYork will represent the state in the Twenty Seventh Miss India USA pageant on November 21 in Tampa, Florida.

Standing ovation for Road, Movie in Toronto Cont’d from page 27

The Indian Films-Studio 18 presentation was the only Indian movie to be invited as a special presentation at the recently concluded Toronto International Film Festival. After the movie's pre-screening introduction by festival co-director Cameron Bailey, Benegal introduced his cast and the crew, say-

thing, which has stayed with me something I obviously wanted to make a movie about. Road, Movie is really about my journey." The screening session was marked by bursts of laughter, cheers and interjections from the mesmerized audience as they watched the movie, sometimes humming on the background score. The screening culminated with the

Rohini Bedi with the models

ing "making the film was a delightful discovery of sorts celebrating life for all of us." "I am extremely honored at the selection and to have found a place among the best of world cinema," added Benegal. "The festival has been really kind to me in the past as well." Elaborating on the film, he explained, "From early childhood, we would go on these long drives and visit different parts of the country, both North and South (because my mother is from the North and my dad from the South)… that is some-

movie receiving the ultimate endorsement in the form of a standing ovation from a diverse audience. Several pre-screening activities by the producers, including celebrity parties, media interactions and giveaway contests around Road, Movie, created a weeklong buzz in the festival circuit, enabling the premiere to be sold-out days in advance. Studio 18 hosted a lavish after-screening party at a plush vodka bar, attended by leading socialites and the media in Toronto. (For details logon to

31 India Post


Pushkar Literature Festival


he Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation has organized a Pushkar Literature Festival on 31st October 2009 in association with Siyahi. It will be part of the International Pushkar Fair (25th Oct-2 Nov 2009). The Festival aims at adding new shades of the magical world of words to the multifarious culture of Rajasthan. Among those expected to participate are Lord Meghnad Desai, Namita Gokhale, Pavan Varma, Tarun Tejpal & Aruna Roy, Prasoon Joshi & Sheen Kaaf Nizam, Aman Nath and Veddan Dan Sudhir.

he picturesque Pushkar is set in a valley just about 14 km off Ajmer in the north Indian state of Rajasthan. Surrounded by hills on three sides and sand dunes on the other, Pushkar forms a fascinating location and a befitting backdrop for the annual religious and cattle fair. Pushkar is among the five dhams or pilgrimages that are held in high esteem by Hindus, the others being Badrinath, Puri, Rameswaram, and Dwarka. It is said that in battle lord Brahma killed the demon Vajra Nabh with a lotus flower, whose petals floated down to earth and landed in three places in and around Pushkar where lakes sprang up. According to legends, Pushkar Lake was surrounded by 500 temples and 52 palaces (several rajas and maharajas maintained palaces here for pilgrimage) at one point. The Brahma temple is the most important temple here and is, in fact, the only Brahma temple of India. It is interesting to note that Brahma is not

worshipped, even though he is one of the Holy Trinity of Hinduism. Brahma, it is said, had descended on earth to perform a Yajna (fire-sacrifice). His wife Savitri was not with him at that time and the Yajna would be incomplete without her. Therefore, Brahma married a local girl and sat down for the Yajna. Meanwhile Savitri landed on earth and, upon finding this new bride sitting next to Brahma, cursed him that he would never be worshipped anywhere else on earth. Tourists Attractions: Pushkar is a city of temples of all sizes, though not as much old or in number as generally claimed. The most famous temple is the Brahma Temple, said to be only one temple dedicated to Brahma in India. A red spire marks the temple, and over the entrance gateway is the Hans (goose), the symbol of Brahma who is said to have personally chosen Pushkar as his place. Another important temple is that of

October 2, 2009

Savitri (wife of Lord Brahma) on a hilltop. It takes a one-hour trek to reach the temple, but it has a beautiful view of Pushkar Lake in the morning. Other important places to visit in Pushkar are numerous ghats that run down the lake.

Pushkar is among the five dhams or pilgrimages that are held in high esteem by Hindus, the others being Badrinath, Puri, Rameswaram, and Dwarka Places Around: Kishangarh, a one-hour journey from Pushkar, was founded by Kishan Singh in the 17th century. The city is famous for its unique style of miniature paintings, first produced in the 18th century. Cont’d on page 33


Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post

October 2, 2009

Medical tourism among fastest growing sectors

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MUMBAI: Despite the global economic downturn, medical tourism has emerged as the fastest growing sector of the Indian tourism industry as it provides first world treatment to patients at affordable rates. Medical costs in India are only 1/3rd or 1/4th of the costs comparable to hospitals in the US, Europe or South Africa, a medical referrals agency said here. Over 3,00,000 patients have so far come to India for medical treatments from over 30 countries this year earning the country over Rs 8,500 crore in revenue, it said. "The Indian medical tourism in-

dustry is at a nascent stage, but has an enormous potential for future growth and development. This sector has the highest growth potential after IT and BPO and will bracket India among the world's elite healthcare providers," Aarex India, said. Aarex India is a leading medical referrals agency which receives over 200 enquiries every month from all over the world. "It costs 80 per cent less for an operation here in comparison to the United States," Kushagra Katariya, Chief Executive Officer of Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon said. A heart surgery will cost around

USD 50,000 in the US, while in India it can be done for only USD 10,000, including operation cost, accommodation and post operative stay with a companion. Medical tourism is expected to generate revenue of Rs 10,000crore by 2012 and over 3, 50, 000 patients from across the world are expected to come to India for treatment, it said. Aarex India said countries like the US, UK, Canada, Russia, the Middle-East, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Mauritius and the Central Asian Republics are preferring India's affordable medical tourism. -PTI

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Ram, Gandhi 'ambassadors' of Guj tourism AHMEDABAD: Religious tourism will have a renewed vigor in Gujarat with all temples and places associated with Lord Ram set to figure in the state's travel map. Apart from the religious tourism titled 'Rama Tour', son of the soil Mahatma Gandhi will be showcased as an icon to attract foreign tourists, Tourism Minister Jay Narayan Vyas said. "If Sri Lanka can cash in on Ramayana to promote tourism, then why not Gujarat. We have old temples and sites which have mythology woven around them. These will be of interest to both domestic and international tourists," he said. The government also plans to link tourism with Buddhist pilgrim centers ahead of this year's World Buddhist Conference to be hosted by the state. -PTI

October 2, 2009

Travel & Hospitality Post

Pushkar: At its colorful best during fairs & festivals Cont’d from page 31

Fairs & Festivals: Rajasthan is at its colorful best during fairs and festivals. There are numerous festivals throughout the year, which brighten the otherwise hard and dreary lives of the villagers of the deserts. For five days in a year, all the gods revisit Pushkar and bless the devout. This accounts for the unbelievable number of devotees who flock to the lake to wash away their sins. Pushkar Lake is the most sacred lake in India. From time immemorial, people have been gathering here annually during the month of Kartik. During the days of the mela, the otherwise tranquil lake is engulfed by religious fervor. For the desert people, this large congregation has tremendous economic implications. These five days, apart from being a period of relaxation and merrymaking for the villagers, correspond to the largest cattle fair in the country. All the camels are cleaned, w a s h e d , adorned, some are interestingly shorn to form patterns, and special stalls are set up selling finery and jewelry for the camels. One of the interesting sights is the piercing of a camel's nose. Races and competitions are organized. Camels lope across the sands, sometimes throwing their riders on to the vast sands, amidst cheers and jeers from thousands of spectators. Turbaned heads, the colorful veils and skirts of the women bring alive the arid

desert. The village women are dressed in their best clothes and finery for the five-day mela. As night descends upon the sand dunes, one can hear sounds of the

ektara (a single-stringed instrument) and the soulful tunes of the Rajasthani folk songs. Smoke rises from the makeshift and temporary fires where dinner is being cooked. How to Reach Air - The nearest airport is Jaipur (145 km), from where one

can take flights for Delhi and Mumbai. Rail - Ajmer is the nearest railway station from where one can take trains for the major destinations in Rajasthan and other parts of India. Road Pushkar is connected to Ajmer by road, which is around 14 km away. We would provide you all India tourist permit vehicles for the local transportations and also for the intercity drives too. Best Time to Visit: Pushkar has an extreme climate with hot days and cold nights in the summer. The best season to visit this place is in the winters (October to midMarch).

India Post



October 2, 2009

India Post

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New imaging system a boost for Owensboro hospital

OWENSBORO, Ky.: Owensboro Medical Health System has taken another step forward in surgery, beginning to use the Artis zeego, a sophisticated imaging system it installed in an operating room. The $2.4 million zeego will aid surgeons operating on patients undergoing endovascular and cardiovascular procedures by producing faster, more accurate and complete pictures, aiding advanced surgery and treatments. OMHS is only the sixth hospital in the country using it in an operating room. "It's state-of-the-art technology,'' said Dr. Robert Schell, a general and vascular surgeon who serves on the OMHS board of directors and chairs the board's Quality and Safety Committee. -AP

Study tries to detect flu before the first sneeze

WASHINGTON: Coughed on by somebody with the flu? Duke University researchers are developing a test to determine with a mere drop of blood - who will get sick before the sniffling and fever set in. And they're turning to hundreds of dorm-dwelling freshmen this fall to see if it works. It's a novel experiment: Students report daily whether they have any cold or flu symptoms. If they do, a team swoops in to test not just the sneezer but, more importantly, seemingly healthy friends and hallmates who might be incubating the infection. "We're redefining the definition of being ill,'' says Col. Geoffrey Ling, a physician with the Defense Research Projects Agency, the Defense Department's research arm, which came up with the idea. -PTI

Kentucky rate of insured kids higher than US LOUISVILLE, Ky.: New Census figures show a greater percentage of children in Kentucky have health insurance than the nation as a whole. The Courier-Journal reports that in Kentucky, 93 percent of children are insured, compared with 90 percent for the United States overall. In recent years, Kentucky has worked to enroll more lower-income children in Medicaid and the Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program. KCHIP provides free or low-cost health insurance to children whose families earn up to double the federal poverty guidelines or $44,100 annually for a family of four. -AP

Health Science 36

India Post

October 2, 2009

Spread unlikely after possible plague-linked death CHICAGO: There's no sign of any spread after the rare, possibly plague-related death of a University of Chicago scientist, public health officials said as federal authorities flew in to help investigate. -AP

SAHARA seminar focus on preventing diseases among South Asians India Post News Service

CERRITOS, CA: On Sunday, September 20 the South Asian Helpline and Referral Agency (SAHARA) hosted its third educational seminar of 2009 focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The event, titled "Live Well, Live Healthy" took place at the Cerritos Library. Presentations by five professionals, including medical doctors and nutritionists, focused on understanding and preventing diseases and other health problems specifically affecting the South Asian population. Nirupa Sejpal-Parmar, the Education Director of SAHARA and organizer of the event explained that although SAHARA focuses on preventing domestic violence, it also emphasizes and works toward educating people about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes mental, emotional, and physical health. Thus, SAHARA's aim is to shift dialogue away from disease and treatment and towards a greater emphasis on healthy lifestyles and prevention.

Presentations by five professionals, including medical doctors and nutritionists, focused on understanding and preventing diseases and other health problems Similarly, SAHARA aspires to shift focus away from community needs and deficits and towards community resources and assets. "Live Well, Live Healthy" was a step in this direction. The event began with a presentation by Nisha Ali, a choreogra-

pher and dance instructor. Ali had audience members on their feet dancing and working out to songs from Bollywood. The performance was followed by a presentation by Dr. Renu Jivrajka, who explained that three of the most prevalent health issues affecting South

Asians are heart disease, diabetes, and poor mental health. Next, there were three co-presentations by Juhi Pithia, Vandana Sheth, and Aditi Shah on nutrition and diet for the South Asian community, focusing on how to eat healthy and delicious food. Lastly, the seminar closed with a presentation by Fred Alamshaw on the benefits of exercise for the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. The event was a great success and enjoyed by all those in attendance. "Live Well, Live Healthy" was a continuation of the educational seminar series hosted by SAHARA. Previous events have focused on emotional health and spirituality. SAHARA is a nonprofit agency serving the South Asian community in southern California since 1991. Since 2006, the organization has provided almost 40,000 services related to domestic violence and assisted 364 unique clients. SAHARA is committed to responding to community needs and focuses on education as a method of creating a healthy lifestyle.

Assam CM receives Operation Smile award India Post News Service

NORFOLK, VA: Operation Smile, a worldwide children's medical charity, awarded the Chief Minister of Assam, Tarun Gogoi, with its distinguished Universal Smile Award. The award was presented in recognition of Gogoi's dedication and leadership in establishing a landmark public private partnership to create the first cleft-free state in India. The event, which was held September 18 at The Pierre in New York City, follows the formal announcement of this partnership between Operation Smile, the Assam Government, and the Tata Group in May, 2009. "We are deeply honored to partner with Mr. Gogoi in this critically important effort to eradicate facial deformities and build sustainable programs in the state of Assam," said Dr. William P. Magee, Jr., Co-founder and CEO of Operation Smile. "With his

Chief Minister of Assam, Tarun Gogoi receiving the award

leadership and vision, we can bring a renewed sense of hope and joy to all the children within Assam who have cleft lips and cleft palates." Mr. Gogoi's commitment to this humanitarian initiative has already

resulted in the building of the first state-of-the-art medical facility that will treat thousands of children year-round. This is the first step in continued efforts to establish the foundation necessary to treat

the more than 30,000 children with facial deformities in the state of Assam. "I am honored to receive this award on behalf of all the children and adults who we will treat in the future," said the Chief Minister." Our partnership embodies the true spirit of collaboration and will bring forth real change for the citizens of Assam." The Universal Smile Award recognizes individuals who have dedicated their energy to improving the lives of others and who have set an example of exceptional leadership. It honors men and women whose integrity, competence and courage have earned them respect and acclaim worldwide. The past recipients of the award include Senator John Glenn, Goldie Hawn, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, Dr. Roger Wood, Molly Simms and Wesley Vulatggio. Cont’d on page 37

Health Science Post

October 2, 2009

India Post


Hotelier donates $10,000 to UC Irvine medical clinic Dr. Nitin Shah, a former employee of UC Irvine and a current anesthesiologist at Long Beach Veterans Healthcare System, helped make the donation possible between Patel and UC Irvine by making him aware of the clinic and its important role. During a small ceremony in the School of Medicine's Dean's Office, Patel met with the dean and current medical students as they thanked him for his generous support of the clinic.

Dr. Ralph V. Clayman, Interim Dean of the School of Medicine, B. U. Patel, Owner of Tarsadia Hotels and Dr. Nitin Shah, Anesthesiologist at Long Beach Veterans Healthcare System, pose for a photo in Dean Clayman's office India Post News Service

IRVINE, CA: B. U. Patel, owner of Tarsadia Hotels, recently donated $10,000 to fund a portion of operating costs of UC Irvine's student-run outreach clinic. It is the largest single gift to the clinic since its inception. Founded in November 2008 by UC Irvine graduate students, the weekly free clinic treats people who fail to qualify for government programs offering primary care, preventive medicine, laboratory testing, medication and referral services. Patients with

no access to other healthcare services receive thorough, compassionate care from UC Irvine medical, nursing, and other students interested in making a difference. When patients arrive, student nurses greet them and take their vital signs. Medical students then conduct a comprehensive examination and report their findings to a licensed physician. Together, the doctor and students re-examine the patient, with the physicians explaining what the students got right, what they missed and the best course of treatment.

Patel's donation will provide much needed funding to support the clinic's operation Patel's donation will provide much needed funding to support the clinic's operation, and will allow UC Irvine medical students to continue providing quality healthcare to Orange County residents who would otherwise not have access. It will also go a long way to boost the spirits and morale of the medical students who have worked so hard to establish the clinic for the patient population in need of care who visit the clinic.

(L-R) Stephanie Wood, UC Irvine Medical Student, Zachary Smith, UC Irvine Director of Development, Dr. Nitin Shah, Anesthesiologist at Long Beach Veterans Healthcare System, Dr. Ralph V. Clayman, Interim Dean of the School of Medicine, Mr. B. U. Patel, Owner of Tarsadia Hotels and Karina Salazar, UC Irvine Medical Student, pose for a photo in Dean Clayman's office

Assam CM receives Operation Smile award Cont’d from page 36

Lladró, the renowned Spanish House of Porcelain generously donated the award, with the reception hosted by Stryker and Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces. Founded in 1982, Operation Smile, headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, is a worldwide children's medical charity whose network of global volunteers are dedicated to helping improve the health and lives of children and young adults.

Since its founding, Operation Smile has treated more than 130,000 children born with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities and the organization has a presence in 51 countries. In addition to contributing free medical treatment, Operation Smile trains local medical professionals in its 27 partner countries and leaves behind crucial equipment to lay the groundwork for longterm self-sufficiency.


Health Science Post

India Post

October 2, 2009

Medical marijuana law creates confusion in Washington SEATTLE: In one corner of Washington State, a 62-year-old rheumatoid arthritis patient could face more than eight years in prison for growing marijuana for himself and three others. In Seattle, meanwhile, a collection of grow operations serves 2,000 people with little interference from police. The discrepancy is typical of the confusion that has reigned since voters passed Washington's medical marijuana law more than a decade ago. Nor have things improved much since the state clarified how much pot patients can have last year. Unlike some states, Washington requires patients to grow marijuana themselves or designate a caregiver to grow it for them. For many, that's unrealistic: They're too sick to grow cannabis themselves and don't have the thousands of dollars it can cost for a caregiver to set up a proper grow-

ing operation. So they've devised their own schemes, claiming to meet the letter of the law in establishing collective grows or storefront dispensaries - methods that are making police and prosecutors increasingly uncomfortable. ``The spirit of the law would recognize the necessity of having small cooperative ventures,'' said Dan Satterberg, the prosecutor in King County, where Seattle is. ``But if they get past a certain size, become a magnet for neighborhood violence, or you get other people showing up to buy marijuana who are not permitted to under the law, then there's tension.'' Three years ago, Satterberg's office declined to prosecute a man who was growing 130 plants for 40 people. But a case this year may be testing his tolerance: He hasn't decided whether to charge a hepatitis patient caught with 200 plants, which he claimed supplied more

than 100 other patients. Some activists and the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington recently began discussions with Seattle police over whether to limit the size of cooperative grows. In Spokane this month, police shut down a medical marijuana

Three years ago, Satterberg's office declined to prosecute a man who was growing 130 plants for 40 people dispensary the first such bust in the state and arrested the two owners. They warned a half-dozen other dispensaries to close as well, and the raid quickly drew protests from patients. The raid has set up a high-profile court fight. Approved by voters in 1998, it

WVa town looks at split over smoking ban CHARLESTON, W.Va.: If the town of Nitro can't change the minds of county health officials, then perhaps it can change the county where the health officials reside. That's the latest option being considered by Nitro officials who want to make the city's most prominent business exempt from a Kanawha County smoking ban. Officials at TriState Racetrack and Gaming Center contend the ban, which started in July 2008, is bad for business. Nitro, which straddles the border between Kanawha and Putnam counties, is looking at the possibility of cutting ties with the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department and linking up with health officials in Putnam County, where a similar smoking ban was rescinded two years ago. The Putnam County Health Department already has responsibility for the 1/3 or so of Nitro within county borders, and city officials say a complete switchover makes sense. "We're serving two masters right now,'' Nitro City Recorder Rita Cox said. The plan, which Nitro officials began discussing this month and plan to present to the Putnam County Commission in October, wouldn't affect other areas of town life administered by Kanawha County. Students who go to class in Kanawha schools would continue to do so. The idea is simply to switch health departments, and officials are candid about the reasoning. "They allow smoking in Putnam County,'' Nitro Mayor

Rusty Casto said. Nitro officials have tried other strategies to assist the casino, which employs about 800 people, in evading the smoking ban. Last month, the city council passed an ordinance allowing smoking in designated areas at the track, but the ordinance won't take effect until after a court steps in. The new proposal has raised eyebrows even among observers familiar with a city whose distinctive political culture has in recent

The Putnam County Health Department already has responsibility for the 1/3 or so of Nitro within county borders, and city officials say a complete switchover makes sense years included a dispute over a World War I-era tank and allegations that one city councilman impersonated another while sending nude photos over the Internet. ``I don't think it's a logical or plausible thing to do,'' Kanawha County Commission President Kent Carper said. ``Why Putnam County? Why not Wirt County, or Mingo County? Do you get to pick which county has jurisdiction over you?'' State law seems to permit municipalities in more than one county

to choose which county's health board has jurisdiction, if there's no municipal health board. Officials are seeking clarification from the state attorney general's office. But if the law allows it, a bigger question is whether Putnam County will. ``There would have to be a great, great, great advantage for the Putnam County Health Department to do this, and right now I don't see any advantage,'' said Jackie Fleshman, administrator of Putnam's health department. Taking on all of Nitro would involve significant costs, Fleshman said. Putnam officials have done little more than talk on the phone with a Nitro councilman, although they are expecting a delegation from the city at the Oct. 20 commission meeting. The plan is a sign of Nitro officials' seriousness about helping TriState at a time when large taxpayers in the city are hurting. Nitro recently saw two car dealerships shut down, with a third hovering on the brink of closure. ``That's a big chunk of money,'' Casto said. ``Tri-State is real important here, and their business is down.'' Representatives from the track, which is owned by Hartman and Tyner Inc., didn't return calls seeking comment, but an analysis of financial figures filed with the State Lottery Commission shows Tri-State's business has been slumping, at least in the area of video lottery machines, where the bulk of revenue comes from. -AP

allows doctors to recommend cannabis as a treatment for a series of debilitating or terminal conditions a smaller range of illnesses than California's law. A year ago, the state issued guidelines to give police and patients alike an idea of how much pot was OK: Up to 15 plants and 24 ounces of dried marijuana per patient. People can have more if they demonstrate need. Police in some jurisdictions have applied the guidelines strictly, arresting people simply for having more than 15 plants, even if they possessed no usable marijuana. In Seattle, Satterberg issued a memo to law enforcement saying he wasn't interested in dragging sick people to court. Some other counties have also adopted a lenient view. Washington's law says that a caregiver can only provide marijuana to one patient at any one time. In Spokane this year, medical marijuana activists focused on

that language in setting up a forprofit dispensary called Change. Lawyer Frank Cikutovich said the business met legal requirements: A lone patient would enter the store, sign a document designating the shop as his or her caregiver, and buy marijuana. The agreement expired when the patient left and the next customer came in. The business, raided on Sept. 10, rendered the ``one patient, one caregiver'' rule meaningless, Spokane police spokeswoman Jennifer DeRuwe said. She said there was peripheral crime associated with the dispensary, including robberies at grow sites and street sales from people who had purchased pot there. ``They're dispensing to hundreds and thousands of people,'' DeRuwe said. ``The police department's stand is, we want to get some guidance on this. We know it's going to be up to the court system to provide us with that.'' -AP

Abortion-rights forces vexed by health care debate NEW YORK: For some abortion-rights activists, the debate over health care reform has been frustrating, even disheartening, as they see their political allies on the defensive and their anti-abortion rivals on the attack. The crux of the dispute is reflected in the slogan adopted by many anti-abortion activists, ``Abortion is Not Health Care.'' The abortion-rights movement says the procedure should indeed be considered a valid health care option, as worthy of public funding as any other form of care. Abortion has been legal in the United States since a 1973 US Supreme Court decision, but the procedure remains controversial. The US is the only major industrialized country without a comprehensive health care plan, and one of President Barack Obama's goals is to bring coverage to most of the nearly 50 million Americans who lack health insurance. Congress has been trying to shape health care reform for weeks, but has been finding sharp divides on how to go about it, both within in the Capitol and among their constituents. Many abortion-rights advocates had hoped the health care debate would include a serious discussion of expanding access to abortion for low-income women, including the possible lifting of a 33-year-old ban on federal funding for the procedure except in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother's life. Instead, under pressure from anti-abortion conservatives, the Obama administration and major-

ity Democrats in Congress have generally focused their recent public comments about abortion on promises that their various reform proposals will conform with that ban, known as the Hyde Amendment. ``I'm profoundly disappointed,'' said Stephanie Poggi of the National Network of Abortion Funds, which helps low-income women pay for abortions. ``We felt health care reform is supposed to be about expanding care, not expanding inequality.''

Abortion has been legal in the United States since a 1973 US Supreme Court decision, but the procedure remains controversial Terry O'Neill, the newly elected president of the National Organization for Women, said Democrats have been too willing to compromise, adding, ``It makes me really angry.'' ``They're just wrong if they think compromise on abortion will bring more Republicans on board,'' she said. ``The voices insisting upon exclusion of abortion services will not vote for meaningful reform anyway.'' In Congress, members who support abortion rights express empathy with such sentiment but say the time isn't right to push for repealing the Hyde Amendment. -AP

Tech News Bloomberg LP may acquire BusinessWeek


loomberg LP has submitted its bid for the acquisition of BusinessWeek, the 80-year old business magazine published by McGraw-Hill. BusinessWeek is passing through a tough time with its revenues gradually shrinking with declining revenues from advertising. The bid by Bloomberg has been received after being given a few days' grace past the deadline for final bids. Besides Bloomberg, a number of bidders have filed bids for BusinessWeek and have showed keen interest in the brand that is considered as one of the world's leading sources of essential and trusted content that informs and inspires business leaders to make smarter decisions in their professional and personal lives.

India wins a silver in the Skills Olympic


ndia won a silver medal in the World Skills Competition touted as the World Skills Olympics. The event was held at Calgary, Canada from September 1 to 6 in which 900 competitors from 51 countries participated in 45 skill categories ranging from manufacturing, mechatronics, polymechanics automation, Mechanical engineering DesignCAD, CNC turning, CNC Milling, Mould making, Information technology software applications, welding, plumbing, electronics, industrial control, robotics to carpentry, jewelry, floristry, hair dressing, beauty therapy, confectionary, landscape, gardening., restaurant service and caring, etc. The event is held every two years.

$ 4.3 bn World Bank loan for Indian banks WASHINGTON: The World Bank will provide USD 4.3 billion loan to four projects, including USD 2 billion for recapitalization of state-owned banks. The assistance would "bolster infrastructure investments, enable public sector banks to expand credit, and strengthen power transmission networks to meet the growing demand," said a World Bank release. The four loans, approved by the World Bank's executive board, include USD 2 billion loan to enhance banks' capital, USD 1.2 billion loan to infrastructure financing company IIFCL, USD 1 billion to help address power deficiency, and USD 150 million to improve water supply in Andhra Pradesh.-PTI

TechBiz 39 India Post

October 2, 2009

Multi-purpose national identity cards by 2010 CHENNAI: The proposed unique multi-purpose national identity cards would be issued to all citizens by 2010-2011, Union Home Minister P Chidambaram said here. In the first phase this year, 1.2 crore people in about 3,331 coastal villages and cities would receive the cards, he told reporters on the sidelines of a function here. The card will be given to 110 crore people by 2010-2011. Government has set up a Unique Identification Authority of India to implement the project aimed at obviating the need for multiple proofs of identity for citizens while availing any government service or for personal needs like opening bank accounts or seeking telephone connections. -PTI

Complete rural electrification in India by 2012: Shinde SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Rural electrification in India would be complete by 2012 when everyone in the country would have access to electricity, said India's Minister for Power Sushil Kumar Shinde, addressing a press conference in New York on Sept 18. "Work of rural electrification started in 2005 to bring electricity to the 125,000 villages, with a government allocation of Rs. 5,000 crore," the minister said. "Of those villages, 25,000 have been provided with non-renewable electrification projects. So far we have completed electrifying 63,000 villages, and today we have an outlay of Rs. 28,000 crore to complete the projects, we will bring electricity to every single village in India by 2012." Shinde, who was in New York to participate in the 6th annual India Investment Forum met with reporters at a reception held in his honor at the Indian Consulate. The minister admitted that in the last 15 years, India has been able to add only 56,000 mw of power gen-

eration simply because "there were no proper orders placed." Even in the country's 10th Five Year Plan, only about 21,000 mw of capacity was added as against the planned 42,000 mw, the minister said. However, now his ministry has taken initiatives to have manufac-

merchant sale in hydro sector and 15% merchant sale on the thermal side. "There is no cap on merchant power, we have open access," Shinde said. "There should not be doubt in minds of developers; there will be no cap on the pricing. We have given confidence to all developers that we will allow them

‘The Indian Economy has largely weathered not only the global economic meltdown but also a weak monsoon this year’ Sushil Kumar Shinde

turing units in the joint sector. "We now have Mitsubishi partnering with Larsen & Toubro; Toshiba with JSW; Alstom with Bharat Forge; and Anlsando with JP. Towards capacity addition, the government is also giving incentives to developers, giving 40%

to develop freely." Addressing global investors at the Investment Forum the same morning, Shinde said the Indian Economy has largely weathered not only the global economic meltdown but also a weak monsoon this year. "Despite serious con-

cerns over scanty rainfall, we managed to record above 6% growth of the economy in the April- June quarter. More importantly, the growth in the Index of Industrial Production during the period registered a 16-month high of 7.8%. I am happy to share with you the fact that foreign direct investment in India during the last month crossed the US $3 billion mark," he said. The scope for investment in the power sector alone over the next few years, Shinde said, is well over US $ 300 billion and the expansion program in this sector would definitely need a large amount of Foreign Direct Investment. "The confidence of investors in our sector is reflected in the fact that the six IPOs of public sector undertakings under the Ministry of Power over the last 4 to 5 years have been over-subscribed between 13 to 77 times," he observed. Hundred percent Foreign Direct Investments are allowed in all segments of the power sector including power trading, he said. Cont’d on page 40

TiEcon calls for smart entrepreneurship India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: TiEcon Delhi 2009, one of India's largest entrepreneurship conferences, was held at The Taj Palace, New Delhi here. The conference was kicked off with a welcoming note by Dr. Saurabh Srivastava Chairman Emeritus, The Indus Entrepreneurs, (TiE), New Delhi followed by an inaugural address by Home Minister P. Chidambaram. An address by Sir Richard Stagg, KMCG, British High Commissioner, followed. The speakers addressed a delegation of 1000 people attending this session. TiEcon Delhi 2009 is a landmark conference which brings together an array of people from a variety of industries and societies to debate complex issues and foster new ideas.

So I think there is much to be said about entrepreneurship and any organization which promotes entrepreneurship rather than simple businesses."

Home Minister P. Chidambaram addressing the TiEcon meet

Inaugurating the TiEcon Delhi 2009, Home Minister P. Chidambaram said, "Entrepreneurship is a difficult word to define, an entrepreneur has a difficult path to choose and a difficult path to tread. Many succeed and many

fail. An entrepreneur who trips and falls down once; if he is a true entrepreneur will pick himself up and walk the same path or a different path with greater determination. An entrepreneur chases a dream, pursues an idea, and seeks a goal.

‘Entrepreneurship is a difficult word to define, an entrepreneur has a difficult path to choose and a difficult path to tread. Many succeed and many fail’ Pramod Bhasin, Pesident & CEO, Genpact said "there is a need for entrepreneurs and the government to work as partners and help the country move forward. Cont’d on page 41

TechBiz Post

42 India Post

IT professionals' event on web marketing India Post News Service

MILPITAS, CA:Association of IT Professionals of Indian Origin ITPIO - on September 17 held an event on Mobile web market and Industry trends at Milpitas Police community room. ITPIO is a non-profit organization that is primarily focusing on fostering the leadership and personal development for IT professionals of Indian Origin. ITPIO has its chapters in Atlanta, Denver, Washington DC, Seattle, Hyderabad and Bangalore in addition to the newly launched Silicon Valley. The event was inaugurated by Sishu Bedi, COO of AdMaxim, a stealth startup based out of Silicon Valley focusing on the mobile ad market space. Sishu Bedi is a well known startup young entrepreneur. "Mobile will revolutionize the way we gather and interact in next 3 years" said Sishu Bedi. Over 75 professionals in the valley attended. The attendees comprise of professionals from organizations like Cisco, Oracle, early start-ups, Sun and independent consultants. The event also had a speed networking session in which all the professionals participated. "IT professionals from India are well known and perceived for their skills, professionalism and success - yet they do not have an organization representing their professional interest. The young IT professionals have great aspirations but no guidance. ITPIO is a great platform for everyone from entry level to C level" said Khanderao Kand, Founder of ITPIO, during the networking session. "The main objective of ITPIO is to promote the professional leadership to make an Indian Imprint on the progress of world" The keynote was delivered by a Sishu Bedi. "Next billion users of

Shishu Bedi

web go to internet through mobiles "said Bedi. Mobile Ad market will grow to 19 billion in next 3 years and 80% of the big brands are going on mobile marketing - such is the growth potential for this market." "BMW did a MMS campaign worth of 60K that led their revenues skyrocket to 45mn" said

‘Next billion users of web go to internet through mobiles, ‘said Bedi’. Mobile Ad market will grow to 19 billion in next 3 years and 80% of the big brands are going on mobile marketing’ Bedi. "With such a market that is promising, the opportunities for IT professionals exist and grow without any doubt. This is the next big market where IT professionals can seek their next big opportunities" "The first meeting of the Silicon Valley chapter was held last month and with such events ITPIO will

continue to focus on various activities such as - job event, immigration issues, latest trends, counseling and mentoring" said Dinesh Neelavar while speaking about the focus of ITPIO. Today, there are a few organizations where IT professionals of Indian origin participate. Some of these organizations represent entrepreneurs, some others represent specific professions within IT and some are focused only on certain geographical areas of the world. With membership across all such boundaries, ITPIO represents all IT Professionals of Indian Origin. Founded in 2009, ITPIO is a networking association of IT Professionals of Indian Origin. These professionals are expected to be performing any role (development, management, marketing, sales, consulting, as well as entrepreneurs and venture capitalists) in the field of hardware or software and in any type of industry. ITPIO aims to bring professionals for their career as well as personal development and to contribute back to the IT profession and community. ITPIO aspires to represent the interests of Indian IT Professionals in the policies and issues related to Information Technology.

October 2, 2009

India may lead the second wave of IT adoption


he Information Technology (IT) sector is a key area where the development is mounting at a high rate in the subcontinent region. Despite the financial crunch, IT companies in India are making investments for the future prospects than their counterparts globally. Observing the optimistic trend among the Indian IT firms IBM Corp feels that India may lead the second wave of IT adoption. A finding by a survey conducted by IBM in July reveals that around 40% of Indian companies want to be first to adopt a new technology, while only 11% said they would wait till technology was widely available. "In India, companies have cut back less and have really continued their investments. I think India is poised to lead the second

wave of IT adoption and smalland-medium businesses (SMBs) are the engines driving this economic growth," said IBM Corp's Vice President General Business and Marketing, Surjit Channa. "I know of many companies that suffered from the recession but Indian companies have continued and survived... because they seem to be more forwardlooking than their counterparts in the West and round the world," Channa said. The survey also concludes that the recession had forced 37% companies world-wide to slash their IT budgets compared to only 15% in India. The US-based multinational has identified India as one of its major growth markets and will continue to invest here along with Brazil, China and Russia.

Tata offers unlimited internet on the handset


fter launching the pay per call scheme for its CDMA users, Tata Teleservices has once again set a race between the leading telecom players by offering unlimited internet browsing or surfing, straight from the handset. Tata's GSM service in partnership with Japan's NTT DOCOMO, is offering unlimited GPRS access for its users and for that all they need to do is click the mobile keys. Tata DOCOMO is offering these packages for its prepaid subscribers tagged as Rs 15 GPRS pack and Rs 95 GPRS pack. GPRS connected phones would be able to transfer unlimited data all times, claims the telecom firm. TATA DOCOMO packs of Rs 15 come with 3 days validity and enables user to get unlimited access whereas Rs 95 pack come

with 30 days of validity and enables user to use and access data download for 30 days. This pack can also be used on PC and laptop. While on roaming, on both the packs the user will be charged 10paisa for a usage of upto 10KB. To avail the GPRS Service the user needs to have the internet APN support in the cell phone. With the service, Tata DOCOMO users can quickly browse the internet from its mobile phone. Not only those, a user can send mails, update its Facebook or Orkut account and can also chat in Google Talk, Yahoo and ICQ. TATA DOCOMO assures between 28kbps to 48 kbps speed and that should be enough to do with checking emails, searching, tweeting etc.

Complete rural electrification in India by 2012: Shinde Cont’d from page 39

"Investor confidence has returned to the sector which is amply borne out by the fact that all our projects of the 11th Five Year Plan have achieved financial closure." Elaborating on the government of India's steps to reform the power sector, Shinde said, "Clearing the roadblocks for greater participation by the private sector, generation projects no longer require licenses and have reasonable assured returns on investments over the long term. An independent regulatory framework now provides business confidence to power companies and a fairly lucrative rate of return on equity of 14% per annum." Reiterating the commitment to continue

to facilitate changes in policy to accommodate concerns of the private sector and investors as well as to meet the requirements of the consumers, the Minister citied examples such as the New Hydro Policy 2008, Open Access, payment security mechanism, creation of a National Grid for Electricity, Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) and the massive Rural Electrification Program called the Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Project. Proposing a low carbon growth strategy for the Indian Power Sector, Shinde highlighted the move towards Super Critical Technology in Thermal Plants, the rapid induction of Clean Coal Technologies and a sharper focus on renewables.

Proposing a low carbon growth strategy for the Indian Power Sector, Shinde highlighted the move towards Super Critical Technology in Thermal Plants, the rapid induction of Clean Coal Technologies and a sharper focus on renewables "Although India does not have any obligation under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol to take on commitments for

reducing its carbon emissions, the Prime Minister of India has recently launched the National Action Plan on Climate Change. Eight missions have been identified under National Action Plan on Climate Change, out of which my ministry is deeply involved with the National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency," he added. He said that a strategy has been drawn up for implementing this mission through a market transformation approach. Towards this end programs such as Energy Saving Certificates, Mandatory Standards and Labeling and fiscal incentives to facilitate adoption of energy efficiency have been proposed. "I am confident that we shall launch this mission within the next few months," he said.

TechBiz Post

October 2, 2009

India Post 41

TiEcon calls for smart entrepreneurship The census of a 1.1 billion people in a brief time is a remarkable idea that only a county like India can take forward." He also added, "The Indian entrepreneurs have looked outwards but are now looking inwards, very carefully and deeply." The main focus of TiE Delhi's 10th anniversary, entrepreneurship conference was to inspire and educate entrepreneurs on aspects that impact the entrepreneurial environment and the opportunities relevant to Indian companies, particularly those in the start up and growth phase. TiE Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards The winners of the TiE - Lumis Partners Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards were then announced. Out of over 100 entries that were received from across different cities in India, six were short listed to present their plans in front of a significant audience of potential mentors, investors, corporate partners etc. at TiEcon Delhi 2009. The three entries that finally went on to win the coveted awards were: mChek, AISECT, and The Loot. On this occasion, Sanjay Swami, mChek who is the winner of the TiE Lumis Partners Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards said, "We are extremely grateful to TiE and Lumis Partners for providing us with the opportunity to present our business plan before this highly accomplished audience. It's an old saying that opportunity knocks but once and we're very glad that we could capitalize on this fabulous opportunity. We are sure that it will provide a tremendous boost to our business." The entries were evaluated on several parameters such as an innovative business model, growth potential, and a sound revenue model together

with the traction witnessed from customers by a jury comprising of veteran entrepreneurs and professionals from TiE and Lumis Partners. Sandeep Sinha, Managing Partner, Lumis Partners said, "In 2008, we instituted the TiE - Lumis Partners Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards with the vision to recog-

The main focus of TiE Delhi's 10th anniversary, entrepreneurship conference was to inspire and educate entrepreneurs on aspects that impact the entrepreneurial environment nize outstanding young companies that have the potential to transform into world leading organizations. Since then we have come a long way and have witnessed a significant increase in the number of entries this year. It is encouraging to witness some robust business plans that promise to drive the future of India."

Commenting on the concept of TiE Lumis Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards, Hitesh Oberoi, CoFounder, said, "Had such a concept existed fifteen years ago, I would also have become an entrepreneur much earlier." "TiE's platform for networking and mentoring coupled with Lumis Partners' focus on providing access to funding and interest in diverse sectors is instrumental in giving a boost to the plans of promising entrepreneurs. Not only does this contest provide them with an opportunity to showcase their business to a vast pool of industry leaders but also opens doors for new channels of funding," said Geetika Dayal Executive Director - TiE Delhi. Renowned industry leaders added invaluable insights at the several sessions. Among them were Vikram Bakshi, Chairman-Ascot Hotels & Resorts & Managing Director & JV Partner, Connaught Plaza Restaurants, Santee Bikhchandani, Co Founder and CEO,, Naveen Munjal, Managing Director, Hero Electric, Deep Kalra, Founder and CEO, Varun Sahni, Country Head Acumen Fund, Amir Alexander Hasson, Founder and CEO United Villages.

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In Brief 10 illegal immigrants from India detained in UK LONDON: Eleven illegal immigrants -- 10 Indians and one Pakistani -- have been detained in a raid on a clothing factory in Britain's east Midlands city of Leicester. The workers aged between 24 and 50 were caught working illegally at the factory as officials from the UK Border Agency sealed all doors to the building during the raid. The officials questioned all 24 members of staff and found that the 11 had either arrived in the UK illegally or had over-stayed their visas. They now face deportation. The factory owners face a fine of up to 110,000 pounds (a fine of 10,000 pounds for each illegal worker employed). -AP

Obama embraces promise to move on immigration WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama says undocumented workers should not be included in the health care overhaul plan he's trying to push through Congress. He told Univision's ``Al Punto'' show that if undocumented immigrants want to buy insurance, that's a matter to be settled with insurance companies. But he does not think they should be able to participate in insurance exchanges set up under the new health care plan. He says children of legal residents should have access to health care. The president also says that overhauling immigration policy will be hard, ``but I think we can get it done.'' He's not giving a timetable, though. -AP

Indian-origin man sentenced for taking bribe ATLANTA: A Georgia man has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for an immigration scheme in which he was convicted of taking a $100,000 bribe. Hasmukh Patel, a former an immigration adjudicator with the Department of Homeland Security, was also convicted of conspiring to encourage immigrants to enter the country illegally. The 53-year-old McDonough resident was sentenced to three years and four months in prison. He must also serve three years of probation and perform 100 hours of community service. -AP

Immigration 42

India Post

October 2, 2009

Ex-immigration officer sentenced in child sex case BOSTON: A former federal immigration officer has been sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to having sex with an 11-year-old boy in Brazil last year and bringing photos of the act back to the US. -AP

NRI woman jailed for 33 years for killing daughters LONDON: An Indian-origin woman, who brutally stabbed her two teenage daughters to death with a kitchen knife in "an act of calculated viciousness", has been jailed for a minimum of 33 years, one of the longest prison terms in modern times in Britain. Sentencing 41-year-old Rekha Kumari-Baker, Justice David Bean of the Cambridge Crown Court imposed two mandatory life terms on the woman and said Parole Board would not consider her for release until 2040, when she will be 72. She has already spent two years in custody since the 2007 killings. Kumari-Baker, a waitress, was convicted of killing her two daughters while they were asleep, but had denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility. The elder daughter Davina Baker, 16, was stabbed 39 times while her sister Jasmine Baker, 13, was attacked 29 times with a kitchen knife in a frenzied attack

Daughters Davina, 16 and Jasmine, 13, in 2007

In a hand-written note which she left at the murder scene, she wrote: ‘I don't want them to get hurt as I did’ by their mother in 2007. "Most people will find it inexplicable that a mother could kill her own children and you have given no ex-

Rekha Kumari Baker

planation for it," the judge said. Earlier, the court was told that Davina was stabbed first at the house in Stretham, on 13 June

2007. There were wounds on the girl's body which showed she had tried to defend herself. Jasmine was killed in a similar manner. Kumari-Baker had bought the knives two days before the attack and took the girls on a late-night shopping trip on the night of killing to make sure that they were tired and less likely to resist, the court heard. A jury at the Cambridge Crown Court took about 30 minutes to reach a verdict of guilty on both counts of murder. The jury was told that after killing the children she rang a friend to say: "I have done something terrible." In a hand-written note which she left at the murder scene, she wrote: "I don't want them to get hurt as I did." She concluded the note by writing: "My kids will not be a burden to anyone anymore." The court heard there was "much contention" between her and her ex-husband over the care and custody of their children. -PTI

Definition of 'begin'could affect PERM application CORA-ANN V. PESTAINA


f the many complicated rules surrounding the Department of Labor's ("DOL") Permanent Electronic Review Management ("PERM") process, one rule, and more fittingly, the DOL's hypertechnical interpretation of that rule, continues to be the basis for many unexpected PERM denials. This rule can be found in 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c). In pertinent part, that regulation states: To use a SWA PWD [Prevailing Wage Determination], employers must file their applications or begin the recruitment required by §§ 656.17(d) or 656.21 within the validity period specified by the SWA [State Workforce Agency]. As a background, the DOL has promulgated complex regulations at 20 CFR 656 setting forth the criteria for employers to successfully file labor certification

applications under PERM. In summary, an employer must conduct specific recruitment steps, and they must be completed within 180 days of filing the PERM application. Obtaining a labor certification is generally the first step before an employer can sponsor a foreign

§ 656.40(c) governs the validity of a PWD when an employer files a PERM application. The DOL requires that either the earliest recruitment or the date the PERM application was filed must be within the validity period of the PWD. Accordingly, an employer

Most employers will opt to conduct new recruitment and to re-file the PERM. Re-filing presents a greater assurance of success in comparison to filing a Motion to Reopen national worker for a green card. .The employer must attest that it recruited the position with its actual minimum requirements, at the prevailing wage, and was unable to find a qualified US worker. Hence, one of the key issues is the employer's reliance on a Prevailing Wage Determination ("PWD"), which is issued by the State Workforce Agency. 20 CFR

who commenced recruitment on March 8, 2009 and continued its recruitment efforts every month until June 8, 2009, then obtained a PWD with a validity period from April 8, 2009 to July 7, 2009, and filed the PERM application on July 31, 2009, well within the 180 day period from the first recruitment, will still be issued a denial notification. As authority for the denial, the

DOL will cite 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) and state that because the employer did not begin the earliest recruitment nor file the application during the PWD validity period, the application is denied. But nowhere in the regulation does it state that the employer must begin the earliest recruitment within the PWD validity period in order to file the PERM application after the PWD has expired. Challenges to the DOL on this particular issue are few and there is no reported decision on this to date. Most employers will opt to conduct new recruitment and to re-file the PERM. Re-filing presents a greater assurance of success in comparison to filing a Motion to Reopen and Reconsider the denial. Such a motion will most likely remain pending for years only to be denied. Cont’d on page 44

Immigration Post

October 2, 2009

India Post


NC community college heads set immigrant vote rate is near 11 percent. “When you educate these illegals, they'll start tapping into more jobs where you need more education to get them,'' said Mike Moseley, 33, of Benson, a heavy construction equipment operator who's been laid off twice in the past 13 months.

‘When you educate these illegals, they'll start tapping into more jobs where you need more education to get them’ North Carolina's community college system, the third-largest in the country, has about 800,000 students. The system had 111 illegal immigrants enrolled during the 2007-08 school year under exceptions for students studying in GED programs or for refugees and other federally qualified immigrants. Guidelines almost identical to

the policy considered already are in place at University of North Carolina campuses, although they also require applicants to meet more academic standards to be admitted. About 30 illegal immigrants were enrolled in fall 2008. Gov. Beverly Perdue is opposed to the community college enrollment change, telling reporters it's hard to understand why the state should educate people ``when they can't work legally in the state after they're educated.'' Her predecessor, fellow Democrat Mike Easley, supported the enrollment expansion. Senate Minority Leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham, believes Perdue should be more forceful and lobby board members to reject the change, Berger spokesman Brent Woodcox said. Perdue is confident the board members, four of whom were appointed by her, know her opinion, press secretary Chrissy Pearson said: ``While she respects the individual members, she feels this (proposal) is the wrong decision.'' -AP

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RALEIGH, N.C.: North Carolina's community colleges would once again be allowed to enroll illegal immigrants next spring under a proposal expected to come before State Board of Community Colleges. The change won unanimous approval in the board's policy committee. Under the new rules, undocumented immigrants could enroll at any of the system's 58 campuses if they have graduated from a US high school. They would have to pay the out-of-state tuition rate, which is nearly five times the in-state rate or $30,000 for a two-year degree, said Stuart Fountain, the policy committee's chairman. They also couldn't qualify for financial aid or supplant students who are legally in the U.S. on crowded campuses. ``That is an enormous hurdle,'' Fountain told reporters after the vote by six committee members. ``I am very pleased with the fact that we have maintained the open-door policy that has been the hallmark of the community college system ... If they want that education that badly and are determined to succeed, then we think we need to provide that pathway.'' The system has changed its illegal immigrant admission policy four times since 2000. In 2007, the system replaced a policy giving campuses the option to enroll undocumented immigrants with a requirement that they do so. The current no-admission policy was approved in May 2008 as Attorney General Roy Cooper warned of a potential legal challenge. A consultant's report released in April said the state would make more than it spends on each enrolled illegal immigrant if it charged them the out-of-state rate. About 50 opponents to the proposal gathered outside system headquarters as the committee met, holding flags and signs urging motorists to honk their horns if they agreed with them. One protester said it's wrong to expand enrollment to people forbidden to work lawfully in the country when North Carolina's unemployment


Immigration Post

India Post

October 2, 2009

Definition of 'begin'could affect RI only law school starts immigration law clinic PERM application Cont’d from page 42

This article will discuss the reasons why the DOL's interpretation of this particular part of 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) is flawed in the hope of assisting those employers and their attorneys who wish to challenge the denial. Some employers may still need to challenge the denial if the foreign worker's H-1B status has reached the maximum term of six years in order to seek H-1B extension under § 106(a) of the American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act ("AC 21"). At the outset, by requiring that the employer's earliest recruitment begin within the PWD validity period in order for the employer to file the PERM application after the PWD has expired, the DOL wrongly imposes a requirement that cannot be found in the PERM regulation. This interpretation of the regulation is overly narrow and contrary to the plain meaning of the regulation. Essentially, the DOL is inventing a new regulation without going through the notice and comment procedures of the Administrative Procedures Act ("APA") . In fact, the regulation at 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) requires only that the employer "begin the recruitment" within the PWD validity period. Under a plain reading of the regulation, in the above-described scenario, the employer did indeed begin the recruitment within the PWD validity period. Although the employer's earliest recruitment began on March 8, 2009, before the start of PWD validity period, the employer's recruitment efforts continued throughout most of the PWD va-

lidity period. Basically, the employer began recruitment efforts while the PWD was still valid. Or, to put it another way, the employer's recruitments had begun prior to the PWD's expiration. When interpreting a statute, rule or regulation, it is necessary to first look to the plain meaning of the language itself. See INS v. Phinpathya, 464 U.S. 183 (1984); Barroso v. Gonzales, 429 F.3d 1195 (9th Cir. 2005). If the language is unambiguous, then that plain meaning ought to be applied. If the language is ambiguous then deference to the appropriate agency's

‘INA’ requires that the hiring of a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of US workers own interpretation is warranted. See Auer v. Robbins, 519 U.S. 452, 461-62 (1997) (holding that courts must defer to an agency's permissible construction of a statute it administers where Congress has not directly spoken on the question at issue). The regulation at 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) is very clear and unambiguous. Plainly, to "begin recruitment within the validity period" means that the employer must have conducted some type of valid recruitment while the PWD was still valid. For the DOL to impose

an extremely hypertechnical definition of the word "begin" goes against the plain meaning of the regulation and against the Employment and Training Administration's ("ETA") intent when promulgating the regulation. If the intent were to have the employer begin the earliest recruitment within the PWD's validity period, then the regulation would have clearly stated this. A review of other sections of the PERM regulations makes it very clear that the ETA had the ability to issue very specific directions in its regulations. To highlight the intent behind the regulation, note that § 212(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA") requires that the hiring of a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers working in the occupation in the area of intended employment. To comply with the statute, the DOL regulations require that the wages offered to a foreign worker must be the prevailing wage rate for the occupational classification in the area of employment. It is therefore clear that the goal of 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) is to ensure that an employer conducts the recruitment or files the labor certification while the prevailing wage is still current so as to prevent a scenario where an employer utilizes an old prevailing wage that no longer corresponds with the occupational classification. (To be continued) * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

PROVIDENCE, R.I.: A new immigration law clinic at Roger Williams University School of Law isn't just a classroom exercise. Students at the Bristol school represent detained immigrants facing deportation. They hold office hours, map out defense strategies, and can even make arguments at federal immigration court in Boston. The 10 participants are supervised by professor Mary Holper, who ran a similar program at Bos-

ton College Law School. The university's decision to add an immigration law clinic reflects a growing interest in what's become a hot-button issue in Rhode Island. Last year, Gov. Don Carieri announced a controversial crackdown on illegal immigrants. Roger Williams law student Jessica Grimes said the responsibility of working at the clinic is daunting. But she said her client wouldn't have an attorney, otherwise. -AP

Mother of slain children was urged to leave husband TAMPA, Florida: Family members say they urged a Haitian immigrant killed in her Florida home with her five children to leave her husband because of his violent behavior. Mackindy Dieu told The Associated Press that Mesac Damas was physically and verbally abusive. He says Damas once choked

Guerline Damas as she was holding their infant. The Collier County Sheriff's Office in southwest Florida is calling Mesac Damas a person of interest in the slayings. Guerline Damas and her five children, ages 9 years to 11 months, were found slain in their Naples apartment. -AP

Cardinal says US immigration policy must change YAKIMA, Wash.: Catholic Cardinal Francis George, a former bishop of Yakima, returned to Yakima over the weekend for an awards ceremony honoring five people for service to the church. The Yakima Herald-Republic reports George said during his visit that current immigration policies are unsustainable.

He says the church does not support illegal immigration, but neighbors and family members who have been subjected to society financially, socially and religiously for decades should be able to live in security. The 72-year-old George is now archbishop of Chicago and president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. -PTI

Immigration Post

October 2, 2009

4 hurt at US-Mexico border after agents fire shots SAN DIEGO: US authorities shut down the nation's busiest border crossing after federal agents fired shots at three vans filled with illegal immigrants whose drivers tried to storm past inspectors, officials said. Three people were shot and injured in the vans crammed with dozens of illegal immigrants, authorities said, and one of the vans smashed into another vehicle as it tried to bypass border inspectors, injuring a fourth person. One person who was injured remained in critical condition, authorities said. The others were expected to recover. The 74 people who were inside the vans were taken into federal custody. San Diego police spokesman Lt. Kevin Rooney said the van drivers tried to storm past inspectors at the San Ysidro port of entry and enter the US without stopping. Two US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and a Customs and Border Patrol agent fired shots across nine lines to try to stop the vans, he said. There was no return fire. ``It was human smuggling, definitely,'' ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said. The San Ysidro port of entry connects San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. About 40,000 vehicles cross into the US at the port each day, and it has 24 northbound lanes. Those lanes were closed after the incident, causing a rush-hour traffic jam as drivers on the Tijuana side were turned back. Motorists were told to make their way through Tijuana's

crowded streets to San Diego's only other border crossing at Otay Mesa, about five miles (eight kilometers) to the east. Eight northbound lanes were eventually reopened.

quickly into the US side. ``They got caught in traffic, and the last one tried to back up. The other two drove wildly looking for an open space to drive through,'' Rooney said. ``That's when they

The van drivers tried to storm past inspectors at the San Ysidro port of entry and enter the US without stopping Rooney said the three vans pulled into the same lane, and the first driver gave his license to a border agent. When the agent stepped back into the booth to run the license, all three vans drove

encountered the three agents, who all ended up firing from different vantage points.'' The shooting will be investigated by the San Diego Police Department's Homicide Unit. -AP


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India Post



46 India Post

October 2, 2009

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 Planets are in right order to make your move. Investments will yield profit quickly. Gambling and all other speculations will be profitable. You will be making travel plans for a close family member. Spouse will be very sensitive so have patience at home. You have large chunk of money coming through legal channels.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22 It is going to be a slight rough ride. Do not be scared of obstructions as the ultimate success is just around the corner. Financial juggling will save you lots of money in long term. You will be gearing up to make a very sound investment. Any venture started in partnership will go a long way. There will be an addition in the family soon.


October 2 to October 8

Decision will benefit you financially. You will beat the odds and will be selected for the job. Spouse will make plan for a very short family vacation to an interesting place. You may finally pick up the phone and call an old friend. All business meetings will go well. You may also visit a holy place with family.

Readers Write...

India doesn't honor its own OCI card


am an American citizen. I also carry an OCI card (Overseas Citizen of India) since 2007. My advice to all my friends who hold an OCI Card and those who aspire to get one is not to bother about it as no one in India honors it. On my trip to Kolkata in June early this year, I had forgotten to carry my old passport which had a visa attached to it. I did not worry as I had the OCI Card which conferred on me dual citizenship of India and US. But the harassment I faced at the airport and other offices for over 15 days has taught me a lesson which I want to share with others: • The loud talk about "Dual Citizenship" for Indian Americans is just a political hoax. • The OCI card just does not have any value. It is just a piece of expensive junk. You still need a visa every time you travel to

India whether or not you possess an OCI card. Only difference is that for the high price of getting an OCI card you will get a "life long" visa. A 10-year visa is much cheaper. • When coming to India always consider yourself a foreigner and bring your visa with you, there will be no exceptions. Your OCI card is not a visa substitute. • In fact, you will probably be treated worse than an ordinary foreigner arriving without a valid visa. Because a foreigner especially a white Caucasian will at least be treated with courtesy and probably offered a temporary visa if there is no reason to deny it, but not you. Sujit K. Pandit M.D. Professor Emeritus Department of Anesthesiology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

Disclaimer :- India Post does not endorse opinions expressed in the letters.

TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 You will be selected out of a number of applicants for the next interview. People in business will see competition reducing every day. Do not pay attention to people who are trying to waste your time. Papers you sign will reduce liability and will be good in long term. Your calculation is good and you will hit the bull's eye.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Planets in eighth will slow down the things but temporarily. You will spend some quality time with children and take them out to movies etc. Many weak proposals will come and you will ignore them. People prone to litigations should be careful for next few weeks. You will meet all financial commitments on time and eagerly wait for a big check coming by mail.

CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 You will be signing a big business deal. Money stuck for long will finally come. Few other transactions pending for some time will finally go through bringing in much cash. You will deal with an ungrateful friend very diplomatically. Do not let any one stop you from following your creative dream. Travel plan will take final shape.

GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 Mercury in fourth will help make very useful friend. You will also benefit from someone lot younger in age. Past relationship can turn permanent now. Running around will not go waste. A strong opportunity will knock at your door and it could be something real huge. Besides usual stress you will be comfortable and enjoy with some close friends.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 You may start to look at things little differently, especially the way you had been handling finances and personal life. Tough decisions will be made in near future. You will be taking a short trip in connection with business or a new job offer. There will be great improvement in ongoing overseas projects.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Take the initiative and enforce your plan. Your courage will impress people around. Planets are especially favorable for those in food or grocery business. Just do not sign any contract in a hurry, have a second opinion. You will help a real needy person with your expertise and receive his blessings. Money will come and go.

CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 Hunt will be over and long cherished desires will get fulfilled. Plans you have been working on will ultimately become reality at a later stage. Money can pour in from all directions and you will dispose off profit making stocks. Opportunity can take you to a totally different level in life. You will travel to a nice area with family.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 Just do not take any chance with law. You will spend time with few like minded people and the result will be launch of a major idea. Extra money in pocket will be the reason to enjoy and taking family out to nice places. You may become somewhat double minded about an ongoing relationship. Visitors will call and confirm dates.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 You will speculate in big way. Gamble will pay off in next few months. You will sort out many issues bothering you in the past. You will start to feel good about yourself also. Property deal may also go through now. You will buy few high tech items for personal use. An old friend will invite you to a get together.

October 2, 2009

India Post 47



India Post

October 2, 2009


Parents looking for a groom for their beautiful daughter, American Citizen, 31years, 5'3" tall, Caste No Bar. Please send your picture and biodata to P.O.Box # 342, India Post 29274 Union City Blvd.,

Union City, CA - 94587.

Well Settled in California,



Punjabi Khatri parents

42, youthful, handsome, PhD, professor in prestigious university, IIT undergrad, Brahmin, vegetarian, US citizen, divorcee never lived together, seeks partner below 36, Indian values, caring, PhD, MD, professionals, bio/photo details must.

looking for a suitable professional match for


their beautiful daughter,


slim, 29 years, 5’5” tall


and well educated. Kindly


smoker, non-drinker,

respond with photo and


professional son 26 yr old,


5' 9'' and well educated


family background.


Please contact

biodata to P.O.Box # 340, India Post, 29274 Union City Blvd., Union City, CA - 94587, USA.

INTERESTED, PL CALL AT (818) 996-2825 AND/

Looking For A Suitable Match For "Hindu Punjabi" girl, 29, 5'5"

Well Educated, Professional And Financially Stable. Please Email At



suitable match for their handsome, tall, non-


Hindu Punjabi parents seek a suitable match for their daughter, 32, 5' 8'', Lawyer in U.S.A. Boy should be at least 6' tall, professional, and brought up in North America. Email: RKGTA@HOTMAIL.COM

or Call 416-464-7471

510-461-6891 or email bio data at

Parents seeking

match for Punjabi


working. Boy Should Be Tall, Good Looking,

Khatri Family seeking a

Jat Sikh parents invite a matrimonial alliance for their beloved, beautiful daughter, age 26 years, 5 feet 5 inches tall, UC graduate and professionally employed in the bay area. Please contact:

Khatri handsome son

For Chanderika: Seeking alliance for 41 year old/5’5” Punjabi Khatri, well established professional teacher. Very brief marriage annulled. Seeking mature, responsible match from sincere professional/businessman, West Coast preferred. Email biodata/photo at

Nai Sikh 5.1’ 25 Girl B.M.I.T.; P.G.D.C.A., from India. M.B.A (I.T) From USA. Has Student Visa and work permit Trying for H-1B Visa Brother Dentist in India. Father & Mother in USA Seeks Suitable Immigrant boy from USA or CANADA. Contact at Email: with Bio data and Photo

born Nov. 1978, 5'9" educated, selfemployed. Alliance invited from beautiful educated girl. Email biodata and photograph to

or Call (626) 374-1942

Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFQ #900584 for Medical Records Auditing Services, Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 10:00 a.m. ñ Lakeside Plaza Building, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Rm. 1107, 11th Floor, Oakland, CA NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFQ #900584 for Medical Records Auditing Services, Thursday, October 15, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ñ Dublin Public Library, 200 Civic Plaza, The Program Room, Dublin, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on November 13, 2009 County Contact : Jeff Thomas (510) 208-9613 or via e m a i l : Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications and bid copies regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA-Purchasing Department or the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 10/2/09 CNS-1698097#

Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department,



Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, 9th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 MANDATORY PRE-BID SITE VISIT AND MEETING - S. County Project #10014 ñ Santa Rita Jail Dayroom Induction Lighting Retrofit, Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 10:00 A.M. at Santa Rita Jail

YOUR AD COULD BE HERE For More Informations Call: SAN FRANCISCO: Sonia: (510) 938-8668 LOS ANGELES: Bedi: (562) 644-9523 Shashi: 562-441-5511

Media Room, 5325 Broder Blvd., Dublin, CA Attendance at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Site Visit is required Responses Due by 2:00 pm on October 27, 2009 County Contact : Matt Muniz at (510) 208-9518 or via

email: Information regarding the above may be obtained at the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 10/2/09 CNS-1694599#


October 2, 2009

India Post 49 Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #900661 for Pay & Display Parking Pay Stations, Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 10:00 A.M. ñ General Services Agency, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Room 222, 2ndFloor, Oakland, CA NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #900661 for Pay & Display Parking Pay Stations, Thursday, October 8, 2009, 2:00 P.M. ñ Public Works Agency, 4825 Gleason Drive, Main Conference Room, Dublin, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on November 4, 2009 County Contact: Jennifer Chan (510) 208-9604 or via email: Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications and bid copies regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA-Purchasing Department or the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 10/2/09 CNS-1696636#














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India Post

October 2, 2009

Staybridge 98 Room Project For Sale in Spring/Houston TX ;Includes land , Plan and Permit . pls Contact Listing for further info Agent


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Staybridge 98 Room Project For Sale in Spring/ Houston TX ; Includes land, Plan and Permit. pls Contact Listing for further info Agent

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“HOTEL HELP/ COUPLE WANTED” For FRONT DESK NIGHT AUDIT, House-keeping, Laundry, only. Energetic English/Hindi speaking/Punjabi speaking, Couple wanted In Franchise Hotel Florida / Georgia .Good Salary, Benefits Live Inn Accommodation, Immediate placement.

Please contact, Manish or Bobby at (904)891-5278,or (912)729-5454.

Upscale Salon in Walnut Creek looking for experienced Threader. Please call


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FOR SALE Hotel property in Manhattan NYChelsea .50,000 sq ft Build able .50x100 lot Up to 24 Stories high Price $13 Million J/V possible. Only serious buyersPlease. Email


October 2, 2009

India Post 51

NEW YORK Upcoming


Sun Oct 4 • Raas Garba Diwali 2009 Venue: Raas Garba Diwali 2009, The Schwab House Community Room, 11 Riverside, Drive, New York Time: 11am to 3pm Contact: 212-706-0582

Thurs Oct 8


Fri Oct 2

Every Saturday

Fri Oct 2

• Maryland Masti Presents Maryland Garba 2009

• Satsang, Bhajan & Meditation by Shree Ashutosh Ji Maharaj

• Disco-Dandia Garba-Raas

Venue: The Grand Ballroom, Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland Time: 8pm to 11:45pm Contact: (240) 498-4258

Venue: Basement hall at, 477 Lincoln Hwy ( Rt. 27 North), Iselin , NJ 08830, (One building over from Sai Baba Mandir/ old India House) Time: 11am to 1pm Contact: Swami Radeshwaranand Ji - (718) 298-5545 Highlights: Lecture by close disciple of Shree Ashutosh Ji Maharaj, Bhajans, free meditation and mahaprasad.

Sat Oct 3

• Mystic Earth - Veena Ensemble

• Solo Bharatanatyam

Venue: Think Cofee, 248 Mercer St, New York City Time: 8pm Contact: 212-203-3555

Venue: Allen Pond Park, 3330 Northview Drive, Bowie, Maryland Time: 4:30pm Contact: (703) 642-9558

Fri Oct 9

Sun Oct 4

• Ramalila & Ramayana Quiz Competition

Venue: Kiddie Keep Well Camp, 85 Roosevelt Drive, Edison, NJ Contact: 732-632-8082

Sun Oct 4 • Natya Dance Theatre Company Performance

• Diwali Mela 2009

Venue: BB King Blues Club and Grill, 237, West 42nd Street, New York Time: 8pm to 11pm Contact: 201-8667242

Venue: Patriot Center, 4500 Patriot Center, Fairfax, Virginia, WDC Time: 10pm Contact: 703-531-1988

• Musik Waves Presents Loose Talk 2

Sat Oct 10

Sat Oct 10

• Anoushka Shankar feat Ravi Shankar

• Yaatra

Sat Oct 10

Venue: Carnegie Hall, 881 Seventh Avenue, New York Time: 8pm Contact: 212-584-7514

Venue: American Dance Institute, 1570 E Jefferson St, Rockville, Maryland, WDC Time: 6pm Contact: (301) 469-8529

• Bridal Expo

Venue: Ukranian Cultural Center, 135 Davidson Ave, Somerset, New Jersey Time: 8:30pm Contact: 732-277-6687

Venue: Ukranian Hall, 135 Davidson Ave, Somerset, NJ Time: 6pm Contact: 732-763-0118


HINDU TEMPLE & CULTURAL CENTER 3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, CA, 94538

(510) 659-0655

Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)

Sat Oct 3

• Lakshmi Puja Celebration

Fri Oct 9 Tel:

Venue: The Meadows Club, 2950 W Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Illinois Time: 7:30pm Contact: 815-404-3803

Venue: Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, Illinois Time: 3:30pm to 6pm Contact: 630-983-3627

Sat Oct 3

• Indian Ocean at BB Kings




PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)









Venue: Ruth Page Center for the Arts, 1016 N. Dearborn Parkway, Chicago Time: 3pm Contact: 312-212-1240

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Fri Oct 2 • BAYVP Raas Garba Challenge 2009 Venue: Centerville Junior, high School Gymnasium, 37720 Fremont Blvd, Fremont Time: 8pm Contact: 408-891-1471

Sat Oct 3 • Bulldog Bhangra IV Venue: William Saroyan Theatre, 700 M Street, Fresno, CA Time: 6pm Contact: 559-269-5382

Sun Oct 4 • Ekal Walk 2009(5k/10k) Venue: Shoreline Park, 3070 North Shoreline Boulevard, Mountain View, CA Time: 8am to 1pm Contact: 510-676-7356

Thurs Oct 8 • Yoga of Breath Seminar Venue: San Francisco Zen Center, 308 Page Street, Cross Street Laguna, San Francisco, California Time: 7pm to 8:15pm Contact: 415-869-8777

Sat Oct 24 • NRI Global Summit 2009 Venue: India Community Center, 525 Los Coches St, Bay Area, California Time: 1pm Contact:

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Every 4th Sat every Month

UPCOMING TEMPLE EVENTS YOGA CLASS: MON.-FRI. 7 TO 8 AM SAT. 8 TO 9 AM GEETA CLASS: SAT. 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Gayatri Mantra Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM by Gayatri Pariwar Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2544

Sundar Kand Ka Paath on 3rd Saturday of everymonth from 10:30 am to 12: 00 pm Dashaharaa celebration on 9/27/09 at 1:30 pm Karva Chauth on 7/10/09 Pooja at 4:00 pm - 7:00pm Dewali celebration 10/17/09

• Durga Mata Ka Jagaran





Venue: 2335 S. Diamond Bar Boulevard, DBC Center, Diamond Bar, CA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 909-519-1579, 626-810-2345

Every Sat (start from Sat Aug 8) • Gurukul Classes for Children Venue: Sindhu Center, South California Time: 2pm to 4pm Contact: 818-541-1754 & 909-576-1114 Highlights: Children between the ages of 5 and 18. Children will be taught the Fundamentals of Hinduism, Prayers, Shlokas, Bhajans and Values of our culture.

Fri 2 Oct • Indian American Senior Group Celebrate: Mahatma Gandhiji's Birthday Venue: Central Park, 7821 Walker Street, LA Palma, CA Time: 9:30am Contact: 714-816-9102

Sat Oct 10


• Bollywood Canteen Venue: Hollywood Canteen, 1006 Seward Street, LA Time: 10pm to 2pm Contact: 310-855-0000

Sat Oct 24 to Sun Oct 25 & Sat Oct 31 to Sun Nov 1 • Fun at "Boo at the Zoo" Venue: Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Time: 10am to 4pm Contact: (323) 644-4200 Admission: $13 for adults and $8 for children ages 2 to 12. This event is free with paid Zoo admission.



India Post

October 2, 2009

Page Sponsored by Sahanis Stillness must dawn upon the meditator. The vibrations around must be peaceful. I learned recently about three kinds of people similar to the colors of the traffic light. A red light means that you should stop. A person with red light personality is someone who you do not want to feel like interacting with. There is a stop sign written all over this person's face. A yellow or amber light means that you may proceed with caution especially if it is flashing. Such people have caution written on their face. A Contd from last week e all plan for future of our life and future life of our children. We educate them and then we want them to have a better job. We do not have any plan of what will happen to us in our next life. Our journey is not limited to this life. Our journey expands to multitudes of our lives. We have been there before and we shall be there in future as well. Meditation is a concept. There are various techniques of meditation. Finally there are indicators that meditation is working. A change must be obvious after doing meditation. If there is no change, the meditation technique needs to be changed. Proof is in the pudding. It must taste sweet. Something inside must change. Otherwise the technique may be only a ritual and not a meditation.



am not a visionary. I claim to be a practical idealist. The religion of nonviolence is not meant merely for the rishis and saints. It is meant for the common people as well. Nonviolence is the law of our species as violence is the law of the brute. The spirit lies dormant in the brute and he knows no law but that of physical might. The dignity of man requires obedience

nology. I also believe that we become luckier; the L-factor favors a meditative person throughout his life. Let us explore this more in form of a real person. Touchy Feely Das Let us talk about two people one is Mr. TF Das Sr. and the other is TF Das Jr. They are both friends and young in age. Life is full of land mines for both of them. Every step of life is explosive. Life is so hard. It is full of obstacles. Touchy Feely Das Sr. is going with his family to a cinema. He is

A change must be obvious after doing meditation DR KRISHNA BHATTA

Meditation helps us to become stress-less, peaceful and able to live in harmony with existence. This in turn makes us more successful compared to ourselves without the presence of this technology

green light means you can proceed. You feel comfortable with such people. Welcome is written all over their personality. A change from red light to green is an indicator of a meditative personality. Meditation helps us to become stress-less, peaceful and able to live in harmony with existence. This in turn makes us more successful compared to ourselves without the presence of this tech-

so excited to go to this movie. It is a new movie. It is getting late. The traffic is busy and congested because of an accident. TF Sr. is having problems. He is changing lanes all the time. The wife can't take it any more. She had it. TF Sr. could have taken another road and avoided this traffic jam. The scene inside the car is getting ugly. The arguments are heating up.

They reach the cinema in time, but the arguments continue. They all go to the movies in a very angry mood. This is the life of many of us; life is full of traffic jams and unexpected obstacles. The landmines are all over the place. We are ready to explode. TF Jr. is no different. He has a similar life to the one describes above. Life continues and so does explosion of land mines every now and then. To be continued

I learnt the lesson of nonviolence from my wife, when I tried to bend her to my will. Her determined resistance to my will, on the one hand, and her quiet submission to the suffering my stupidity involved, on the other, ultimately made me ashamed of myself and cured me of my stupidity in thinking that I was born to rule over her and, in the end, she became my teacher in nonviolence.

immoral acts. Individuals or nations who would practice nonviolence must be prepared to sacrifice (nations to last man) their all except honor. It is, therefore, inconsistent with the possession of other people's countries, i.e., modern imperialism, which is frankly based on force for its defense. Nonviolence is a power which can be wielded equally by all--chil-

enough for individuals, it is not for masses of mankind. For the way of nonviolence and truth is sharp as the razor's edge. Its practice is more than our daily food. Rightly taken, food sustains the body; rightly practiced nonviolence sustains the soul. The body food we can only take in measured quantities and at stated intervals; nonviolence, which is the spiritual food, we have to take in continually. There is no such thing as satiation. I have to be conscious every moment that I am pursuing the goal and have to examine myself in terms of that goal. Nonviolence is an unchangeable creed. It has to be pursued in face of violence raging around you. Nonviolence with a nonviolent man is no merit. In fact it becomes difficult to say whether it is nonviolence at all. But when it is pitted against violence, then one realizes the difference between the two. This we cannot do unless we are ever wakeful, ever vigilant, ever striving. Excerpted from The Gospel of Non-violence The 140th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi will be observed on October 2

Non-violence is good for individuals as well as masses MAHATMA GANDHI

When it is pitted against violence, then one realizes the difference between the two. This we cannot do unless we are ever wakeful

to a higher law - to the strength of the spirit. The rishis who discovered the law of nonviolence in the midst of violence were greater geniuses than Newton. They were themselves known the use of arms, they realized their uselessness, and taught a weary world that its salvation lay not through violence but through nonviolence.

The traffic jam does not care about their arguments. TF Sr. is also getting road rage. The wife is not helping. The two kids in the back seat are also victims of the whole scene. They are fearful. They have seen this before. They do not know what will happen next. The traffic jam clears up. TF Sr. puts his feet on the gas and drives fast. Fortunately, he makes it without getting stopped. The atmosphere inside is charged still. The kids start crying. The parents are now angry with the kids.

Nonviolence affords the fullest protection to one's self-respect and sense of honor, but not always to possession of land or movable property, though its habitual practice does prove a better bulwark than the possession of armed men to defend them. Nonviolence, in the very nature of things, is of no assistance in the defense of ill-gotten gains and

dren, young men and women or grown-up people, provided they have a living faith in the God of Love and have therefore equal love for all mankind. When nonviolence is accepted as the law of life, it must pervade the whole being and not be applied to isolated acts. It is a profound error to suppose that, whilst the law is good

Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation. -Rabindranath Tagore Having access to that formless realm is truly liberating. It frees you from bondage to form and identification with form. It is life in its undifferentiated state prior to its fragmentation into multiplicity. -Eckhart Tolle The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained, when one eradicates selfishness from within. -Guru Gobind Singh O Lord, wandering with thee, even hell itself would be to me a heaven of bliss. -Ramayana We look before and after, And pine for what is not; Our sincerest laughter With some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought. -Percy Bysshe Shelley There is no miracle. Everything that happens is the result of law -eternal, immutable, ever active. -Madame Blavatsky There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient. -Swami Sivananda

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October 2, 2009

India Post 53

Arunachal & the 90,000 sq km Sino-Indian tangle MIRZA ZULFIQUR RAHMAN


he state of Arunachal Pradesh on India's northeastern frontier has been in the news recently for a variety of reasons. The state has really been the center of Sino-Indian contestations for the past few years over the question of territory. China claims over 90,000 sq kms of territory in India's eastern sector. The Sino-Indian boundary dispute, simmering for decades, has proven to be a thorn in the larger Sino-Indian bilateral relationship, which has shown positive potential in recent times.

tual line which the Chinese are claiming and which constitutes over 90,000 sq kms is the River Brahmaputra, and thereby involves all areas north of the river in Assam, which includes the strategic army command in Tezpur and densely populated areas of Assam. The Brahmaputra holds strategic significance for China with reports about its possible diversion plans in upstream Tibet gaining momentum. This links two of the most contentious and strategic issues in Sino-Indian relations in recent times, one being the issue of territoriality and the other regarding concerns of water-sharing and river diversion. M o r e o v e r, China would ideally want Soldiers patrol near India-China border in Tawang, located this river to at a height of 11,000 feet in Arunachal Pradesh serve as a The 13th round of Special strategic natural boundary. Representative's dialogue was India should shrug off its straheld in the month of August be- tegic jitteriness over Chinese tween National Security Advisor claims on Arunachal Pradesh, of India M K Narayanan and Chi- and confront China on its claims nese State Councillor Dai on the overall quantum of terriBingguo, but failed to bring tory. This will ensure clearing the about any tangible progress. strategic ambiguity in Chinese China has over the past year been asserting its claims over the India should shrug 90,000 sq kms territory in Northeast India through various offioff its strategic cial and state-run media statejitteriness over Chiments, this gained momentum afnese claims on ter Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Arunachal Arunachal Pradesh, Pradesh in early 2008. and confront China China had also tried to block an Asian Development Bank loan on its claims on the to India which involved develoverall quantum of opment projects in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, and raised territory. This will objection to building of mega ensure clearing the hydel projects in the state. strategic ambiguity in The implications of the Chinese claim of over 90,000 sq kms Chinese claims of territory in Northeast India are varied. The official website of the Government of Arunachal claims over territory, and unPradesh gives the total area of shackle India from being corthe state as being 83,743 sq kms, nered over its actions in with a 1,080 kilometer boundary Arunachal Pradesh. with China on the north and India needs to come up with north-east of the state. innovative solutions to the deThe remaining over 6,000 odd cades old boundary question, sq kms are actually part of the and this will require proactive state of Assam. This makes the policies. Some strategies would Chinese claim much more subjec- be to improve upon strategic tive - an issue that has not been presence and governance indidiscussed much in India. The ac- cators in the state, improve con-

nectivity and infrastructure within the state, and even consider breaking the unusually mammoth state in this region, into two-three separate states within the Indian Union, which can be western, central and eastern sectors of present day Arunachal Pradesh. As we have seen, in past few years Chinese claims have often wavered between Tawang and the entire 90,000 sq kms area. However, the strategic problems India may face in the near future may not be related to territorial questions at all, but over water diversion issues, which will affect Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and even involve Bangladesh, thereby marking a shift in issue area and bilateral scope. The recent instances which came up hugely in the media, more in the local media in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh than in the national media, were about the Google maps episode where certain parts of Arunachal Pradesh were shown as being part of China and marked in Chinese and the incursions in Ladakh and in some parts of the eastern sector. The media in Assam has created a huge 'imminent Chinese attack' hysteria, with rising television rating points, something which we can do without in the present situation. The military infrastructure and preparedness of India in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh needs much improvement and is moving at a very slow pace. The new military bases which are coming up at Misa in Assam near the Kaliabhoomoora Bridge across the Brahmaputra and the other near Barbaruah near Dibrugarh in Upper Assam are in their initial stages of construction, and will require some years to be fully functional. The deployment of Sukhoi fighters in Tezpur has been delayed as the runway has to be upgraded, and will again take some time. It is clear that India is lagging behind in strategic military preparedness in Northeast India, as compared to reports of impressive Chinese build-up across the border in Tibet. However, we should be prepared for any eventuality and in time, along with creative diplomacy to offset some of the old tangles we are in and push for lasting solutions and positive growth in bilateral relations. The writer is Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru University

India Post Pacifist India


f Pakistan were not a threat, we'd ignore it like we ignore Nepal and carry on with our business. Pakistan knows this and it can tolerate anything but indifference from its older brother. So to prove its existence, it keeps doing mischief like a child wanting attention. But since we were not impressed it made sure with nuclear weapons that we'd take it seriously and never take eyes off it. With nuclear deterrence we thought we had achieved a degree of informal keep-off arrangement with Pakistan. We went back to being immersed in Bollywood dreams as jocularly remarked by former Secretary of Sate Condoleezza Rice. 26/11 shattered such dreams and Pakistan was once again happy to be in the limelight. And we were back on the drawing board trying to bolster defenses all over, since aggression is not part of our make up. Even in the field of sports, lack of aggression has cost us dear. To remedy that, the cricket coach from South Africa has advocated taking "preemptive action, not a belated response the way India has conducted warfare down its history." In spite of repeated attacks, India has been reluctant to celebrate its military victories. Whether it is the 1965 or the 1971 war or the Kargil intrusion, there are no memorials even. We seem to think war is an ugly necessity and gloating over a victory is in bad taste because it involved killings, even if it were enemy soldiers. We are more in tune with Arjuna in Mahabharata. Pakistan however would sell its soul if it could help humiliate India, in any field. Its affirmation of sovereignty tends to be only in relation to India, as pointed out by strategic expert C Raja Mohan in a recent blog. Any other country can go and exploit its territory in connivance with its civilian rulers. According to Reuters, Islamabad is leasing 500,000 acres of land to Saudi Arabia and produce from farms on this land would be exported to the Gulf nation. It also allows the House of Saud to arbitrate its domestic politics and lets the US deploy drones on its territory and launch attacks on Pakistani population in spite of boasting of a powerful army equipped with nuclear weapons. To the Chinese it is willing to surrender any territory they ask for. There is no pride here of its nationality. Mention India and it surfaces with some vigor. It is not as if Pakistan alone has taken on the responsibility of keeping us on our toes. China too doesn't want to catch us somnolent like in 1962. If it weren't for its repeated intrusions and frequent tantrums over Arunachal Pradesh, our defense minister the redoubtable AK Antony would not have bothered about the heavy backlog of arms purchases. His main function in the ministry was to scare off the Bofors ghost. If there are going to be middlemen in arms purchases, we would rather not have arms at all. That is why we are starving our military of the needed arms and ammunition. These are the days of proxy warfare and no country resorts to full frontal war of the old days. Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu believes China's sole intention is to weaken India on all fronts. It wants to make India increase its defense expenditure at the cost of the economy. "The more the defense expenditure, the less the expenditure on other developmental front. This is the game of psychological warfare." Really, if it were not for the knocks from our concerned neighbors, we would slide back into our pacifist nature preventing progress either in defense or the economy.

54 India Post

October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

India Post 55

56 India Post

October 2, 2009

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