Indiapost 10 11 2013

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Top Stories





India Post


Arun M Kumar

Obama names Indian-American to key post Details on page 5

Indian-American named US county prosecutor

VOL 19, No. 995

October 11, 2013


Periodical Postage

AMJAD ALI FLAYS RACIAL PROFILING AT AIRPORTS NEW YORK: Sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan, once detained and frisked at a US airport in what he believes was "racial profiling", has asked authorities to take steps like on the spot background check to avoid humiliation of visitors. "If they talk to a visitor looking into their eyes, these trained officers can find out if he or she is a terrorist. This would solve half of the problems but these officers talk to you looking at the computer monitors or go by the last names perfunctorily," Khan lamented. Khan, 67, was detained and frisked at the Philadelphia

airport last year when he was about to board an aircraft to San Francisco as a visiting fellow of Stanford University in California. He said it seems American officials do not know what to do when they see a Muslim name pop up on their computer at the airport. "I had the same issue with immigration officials in the past on arrival thanks to my last name Khan. This is nothing but racial profiling. I am not carrying a suicide bomb or a security threat to any country," he said. Details on page 5

Details on page 6

PM embarks on visit to Russia, China Oct 20 Details on page 5

AAPI-AHA join to reduce heart attacks Details on page 50

Hundreds join Vivekananda birth anniversary

Immigration reform marches in 160 US cities

Details on page 19

Details on page 44

Rahul takes a dig at BJP on 'India Shining'

CONTENTS Bollywood -------------------------- 31 Classifieds ------------------------- 47

Details on page 6

Community Post -------------- 19-30 Date Book -------------------------- 48


Edit Page --------------------------- 54

HealthScience Post --------- 50-52

This week’s question

Horoscope ------------------------- 32 Immigration Post ------------- 44-46

Will Amjad Ali Khan remarks affect racial profiling?

Life Style ----------------------- 34-35

Last week’s result

Manmohan was not taken seriously by Obama, Sharif? YES 57%

NO 43%

Philosophy ------------------------- 53

DAY OF THE WIDOW: Abandoned by their families and living miserable lives in Vrindavan and Mathura, 50 Bengali widows for the first time in years are visiting Kolkata under a Supreme Court directive. Here they are seen in a festive mood in front of Belur Math during Durga Puja celebrations. (Details on page 11)

Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”

Publisher’s Diary ------------------ 4 TechBiz Post ------------------- 12-14 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 40-43


India Post

October 11, 2013

Property Show (Advertorial)

October 11, 2013

India Post


Biggest South Indian Property Exhibition in USA


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Chennai's Hot Property Destinations


hennai residential micromarkets have been stable with moderate price appreciation of 8-10% in the past one year. There is a shift in buyer focus from the usual OMR, ECR to the West and North of Chennai. Porur, Medavakkam, Perambur, Madhavaram, Pallikarnai, Kolathur are a few such developing markets. Owing to the success of Velachery in the past few

years, its neighbouring markets namely Medavakkam and Pallikarnai are also seeing high real estate demand. The localities along GST Road namely Pallavaram, Chrompet, Tambaram lie in close proximity to the city, airport and still have lower pricing. Localities beyond Vandalur till Chengalpettu are

ideal for land investments. The proposed monorail will further improve the connectivity of GST Road with the other parts of the city. Even though the property rates have escalated, there is hesitation seen amongst buyers due to slow pace of infrastructure development in developing areas especially the OMR belt. Infrastructure development would play a vital role in making localities in OMR and other suburban areas liveable. Poor access, lack of proper water and drainage system top the list of grievances among Chennai suburb resid e n t s . Kelambakkam, Sholinganallur and Padur, are investment destinations on OMR. The East Coast Road (ECR) runs along the Bay of Bengal and is a popular weekend getaway destination for Chennaiites. Buyers prefer staying on ECR belt as it is close to the city and yet away from the hustle-bustle of the city. Congestion on adjacent OMR belt has shifted IT traffic on OMR during

office hours. The commercial establishments on GST Road didn't pick pace due to the government's focus on establishing OMR as the IT Hub. For the same reason the localities along GST Road didn't see similar price appreciation and demand as residential properties on OMR belt did. But in the past two years, post their inclusion under city limits, these areas have seen heightened interest from both developers and buyers side owing to affordability, proximity to the airport along with good connectivity with the city and OMR. Over the last two years, Porur has seen massive demand from residential property buyers. It was included in Chennai Municipality in 2011. With high demand along with project launches from reputed developers, the capital values in the area have gone up by over 30-40%. Focus on improvement of public modes of transport has been one of the major highlights in Chennai. This is evident from the expansion of the existing highways, work on

Chennai Metro and the Outer Ring Road. With infrastructure projects taking shape, the demand and capital values are expected to rise across all sectors. Residential market in North

Chennai constitutes a small percentage of 15% of the total under

construction stock in Chennai. Having traditional set of buyers, North Chennai sees maximum demand from its existing set of residents - mainly industrial, port and public sector employees. With improvement in connectivity and better infrastructure facilities in the future one can expect an increase in demand for residential properties in North Chennai. Going forward, growth in Chennai would not solely be determined by the IT/ITES sector, but also by the transport corridors of the above mentioned infrastructure projects. Chennai market is looking forward to the MRTS and BRTS projects to give the city a new face in 2014-15.


India Post

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October 11, 2013

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Publisher’s Diary


serious development in the case of the murder of Dr. Divyendu Sinha slipped our attention last week. Two of the five accused in the beating of the NJ technocrat three years ago that resulted in his death, have been acquitted of all charges except a minor charge of simple assault. Bottomline: No jail time for the hoodlums; while Dr. Sinha's bereaved family remains devastated by the second blow to their lives, this time dealt by the justice system. Gaurang Vaishnav of the VHP - a good friend of the community and the Sinha family - who has been bringing us regular updates on the case since the trial began, described it as a heartbreaking verdict. "How the jury could be so one-sided in the face of irrefutable evidences is beyond common sense logic," he says while calling the system "dysfunctional". It's really disturbing. Here's a situation where a bunch of drunken teenagers out looking for trouble, beat up an innocent man out for a walk with his family, for absolutely no reason and cause his death, and a bunch of so called representatives of the civil society sitting in a courtroom, decide they didn't do it. Earlier, two of the accused pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter and a third to conspiracy to commit assault. They are all yet to be sentenced. Whatever the punishment, it won't match the savagery of the crime. They'll spend a few years in jail and come out; after all, admission of guilt is to be considered remorse, isn't it, even if it involves a wanton death? It really doesn't make any sense. On the one hand, we would like to believe that the justice system has been devised to be fair to all. Just as we trust the lives of those guilty and innocent, in the hands of an unknown set of people called the jury, we would like to trust the system that believes this works. Still, at the end of the day, in any violent crime, it comes down to the victims and their family to suffer alone. The rest, including the justice system, are only by-standers.

Romesh K Japra

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HIGHLIGHTS Bollywood: Sibling story Contrary to reports, it is Priyanka Chopra and not Anushka Sharma who will play a pivotal role in Zoya Akhtar's next

Cover Story: Racial profiling Sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan has asked authorities to take steps to check racial profiling to avoid humiliation of visitors.

Community: Vivekananda anniversary 20 Indian organizations pooled their resources to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda

31 1 19

Immigration: Reform rallies Thousands of people poured into streets across the United States in a push to overhaul immigration

Life Style: Hariharan concert Hariharan enthralled the audience at San Jose gala event with his hits in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Marathi

Techbiz: Food subsidy WTO’s new chief Roberto Azevedo has expressed his concern that India's food security law will raise subsidy levels

Travel: Digital tourism Google has commenced work on putting 100 major Indian monuments and sites into immersive "visual walkthroughs"

44 34 12 40

Cover/Top Stories

October 11, 2013

India Post


Amjad flays racial profiling at airports NEW YORK: Sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan, once detained and frisked at a US airport in what he believes was "racial profiling", has asked authorities to take steps like on the spot background check to avoid humiliation of visitors. "If they talk to a visitor looking into their eyes, these trained

perfunctorily," Khan lamented. Khan, 67, was detained and frisked at the Philadelphia airport last year when he was about to board an aircraft to San Francisco as a visiting fellow of Stanford University in California. He said it seems American officials do not know what to do when they see a Muslim name

Amjad Ali Khan

officers can find out if he or she is a terrorist. This would solve half of the problems but these officers talk to you looking at the computer monitors or go by the last names

pop up on their computer at the airport. "I had the same issue with immigration officials in the past on arrival thanks to my last name

Khan. This is nothing but racial profiling. I am not carrying a suicide bomb or a security threat to any country," he said. "But it seems American officials did not know what to do when they see a Muslim name pop up on their computer at the airport. They want to check the whole body and frisk using some chemicals creating lot of tension." In an interview to PTI, Khan said anyone with a weak heart would have a heart attack after undergoing the humiliation at the hands of the officers. He suggested that US Immigration and Border Security and domestic Transportation Security Administration officials should be provided with Internet connectivity on their computers to help them do background search on visitors and travelers to the US on the spot rather than humiliating them by detaining at the ante-rooms. "I am uniting people with my music and not dividing them. I suggest that the US security checkpoint officers and immigration counters be equipped with Internet connections so that the officers can quickly go online and

check the background of the person standing before them," Khan said. Khan said last year, security officials took him to an ante-room for interrogation and further questioning for two hours while his family was waiting anxiously. "Why don't these officials look into someone's eyes and talk rather than humiliating the guests of the country. Moreover, I am a

chemicals and give body massage without your consent and say thanks," he rued. Khan feels that such behavior would discourage tourism, which provides fuel for the economic growth of the country. "Please do not discourage tourism in the US which is a money spinner and necessary for a healthy growth of economy. If people are afraid to

"At the end, they would turn to you coolly and say 'sorry and you may now go' without realizing how much of damage had been done. They grope you with chemicals and give body massage without your consent and say thanks," he rued permanent resident and legally allowed to stay in the country and not a tourist," he said. Khan visits the US several times in a year and maintains a residence in the US. "At the end, they would turn to you coolly and say 'sorry and you may now go' without realizing how much of damage had been done. They grope you with

enter the US or UK how can the country survive?" he asked. "Considering the problems faced by the world especially US where innocent people are targeted by a group of people who are committed to destruction, certain measures are necessary and no one would oppose any genuine steps taken to protect the country," he said.- PTI

PM embarks on visit to Russia, Obama nominates IndianAmerican to key post China from Oct 20 NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will embark on a crucial trip to Russia and China from October 20 during which a number of pacts are expected to be inked in key areas of trade, business and energy. The first leg from October 20 to 22 in Russia will see the Prime Minister holding talks on important issues such as nuclear cooperation, trade and defense. Singh will on October 22 travel from Moscow to Beijing where he is expected to articulate India's concerns over trans-border rivers, trade deficit and boundary incidents. During the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Singh is expected to assure him on concerns over India's nuclear liability law and also on the safety of Russian investments including in telecom sector. Significantly, after the recentlyconcluded India Russia Inter Governmental Commission meeting in Moscow, the indications are that the two countries have made progress to clear the nuclear liability issue, crucial for a contract for supply of Russian reactors for

Units 3 and 4 of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP). BORDER AGREEMENT During his China visit, Singh will hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang on key bilateral and regional issues, including trans-border rivers, ways

India is also hoping to ink with China a framework MoU for supply of power equipment, apart from a cultural pact, they said to enhance Chinese investments through industrial parks to address trade deficit and boundary incidents. The two sides are also expected to ink the Border Defense Cooperation Agreement which is aimed to enhance coordination between the armies of the two countries. The sources also said the talks were on for a possibility of a pact

to simplify visa regime. The two sides are holding negotiations on a draft pact and if there were not many "differences", it could be inked during Singh's visit, they said. India is also hoping to ink with China a framework MoU for supply of power equipment, apart from a cultural pact, they said. As it has a huge trade deficit with China, India is pushing China to import more products and greater market access there. Singh and Xi would also discuss trans-border river issues. The PM had raised this matter with the Chinese president when they had met on the sidelines of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit in Durban in March. The Prime Minister had expressed concern over China's proposal to construct three dams across the Brahmaputra. Coming after series of incursions by Chinese troops, Singh's visit will also be an opportunity to raise India's concerns with the top Chinese leadership. This would be Singh's third meeting with President Xi.-PTI

WASHINGTON: Indian-AmeriAnd from 2005 until his retirecan Arun M Kumar has been nomi- ment in September 2013, he led the nated by President Barack Obama firm's West Coast Finance Manto a key administration post, giv- agement Consulting practice. ing him charge of international He also led the firm's US-India trade at a critical juncture when the practice from 2007 to 2013. US is looking to increase its export. Kumar received a Bachelors Arun M Kumar, till recently a degree in Physics from the Unipartner and member of the Board versity of Kerala in India, and an of Directors at consultancy firm S M in Management from the KPMG, was nominated by Obama to be the Assistant Secretary and "The extraordinary dedicaDirector General of the US and Foreign Com- tion these men and women mercial Service, Interna- bring to their new roles will tional Trade Administration in the Depart- greatly serve the American ment of Commerce. people," Obama said "The extraordinary dedication these men and women bring to their new Sloan School of Management, roles will greatly serve the Ameri- Massachusetts Institute of Techcan people," Obama said as he nology (MIT) in the US. announced nomination to several From 1993 to 1995, he was the other key administration posi- founder and CEO of Planning & tions. Logic, Inc, a software company. "I am grateful they have agreed Prior to that, he was co-founder to serve in this Administration and CFO of Netlabs, Inc from 1991 and I look forward to working with to 1993; the CFO of Elite Microthem in the months and years to electronics, Inc from 1990 to 1991. come," he said. He also held important posiKumar joined KPMG in 1995 as tions in several organizations from a Finance Management Leader. 1980 to 1990.-PTI


Top Stories

India Post

October 11, 2013

Rahul takes a dig at BJP on 'India Shining' campaign NEW DELHI: Taking a dig at BJP, Rahul Gandhi has said the party will lose the coming Lok Sabha elections as they did in 2004 and 2009 after mounting the India Shining campaign when they were in power. "They said 'India Shining' but they were surprised how they lost the elections if India was shining. They had lost in 2004 and in 2009. Now again, in 2014, they will lose. "If you want to win the elections then go to poor people and hold their hands, understand their problems, then you can win," he said addressing the Balmiki Mahasammelan here. He said Congress has ensured the right to food, work and education for poor. "We had given right to employment, right to education, right to information. Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Sheila Dikshit, Prime Minister and all felt that if we don't give rights to poor then they won't progress, as those who have money get their rights by spending it. So we talked about rights for poor," Gandhi said. Attacking the Opposition, he said that when the government spoke about the right to food, employment, education, "the Opposition said how these programs

would be funded, but we have shown them and we had done it." Terming Right to Information Act as a tool in the hands of common man to fight against corrup-

your hands strong". He said for many years lakhs of people were forced to sleep empty stomach but now the time has changed.

Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi addressing the Valmiki Mahasammelan Adhikar Divas at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi on October 8

tion, he said, "Congress party has given RTI. But why have we given this? We have given this because every citizen has the right to question the government." This has brought to the fore corruption which was taking place behind the closed doors, he said, adding "we have made

"There is no need for the slogan which was common during the days of Indira Gandhi, 'Aadhi roti khaayenge, Congress ko laayenge' (Will eat half full, but bring back Congress). Now the slogan is 'Bhar pet khana khaayenge, Congress ko laayenge' (Will eat to the full and bring the Congress), he said.-PTI

'Immigration bill will damage US competitiveness' WASHINGTON: Certain provisions of the comprehensive immigration reform bill not only hurts Indian IT companies, but would also damage American competitiveness, and imperil thousands of jobs, a top US corporate leader has argued as the legislation is being debated in the House of Representatives. "US policymakers need to understand the significant and harmful unintended consequences if legislation is passed containing provisions that would limit market entry of IT professionals," Ajay Banga, CEO of MasterCard and chairman of the US-India Business Council wrote in an oped in The Hill. The final piece of legislation needs to ensure that high skilled visa programs continue to attract workers to the US and allow American companies to have a competitive advantage in today's highly competitive global marketplace, he said. Banga argued that the provi-

sions discriminate against Indian IT companies, but to be very clear, some US IT providers would be blocked from providing these services. "Moreover, there would be very real and negative conse-

"Ultimately, the provisions damage competitiveness, imperil the thousands of American jobs that have been created as part of the building of that knowledge economy� quences to US businesses that rely on these services. The harmful effects would cut across an array of American industries looking to keep their business grow-

ing, from construction and transportation to travel and tourism. "These companies, customers of the 24/7 'knowledge economy', rely on it to keep growing and creating jobs," he wrote. "Ultimately, the provisions damage competitiveness, imperil the thousands of American jobs that have been created as part of the building of that knowledge economy, and undercut the very drivers for making more IT professionals available to meet American needs," Banga said. US and Indian companies that bring temporary IT personnel to American businesses when such trained professionals are in short supply domestically provide a critical service in the US marketplace. There is no reason for government policy to differentiate between any two IT companies that compete to provide essentially the same services in essentially the same ways with essentially the same labor pool, he argued.-PTI

Indian-American nominated as US county prosecutor NEW YORK: An Indian-American Sikh lawyer has been nominated as a county prosecutor in New Jersey. Gurbir Grewal was formally nominated by Governor Chris Christie to be the next Bergen county prosecutor, a local media report said. Grewal, a Glen Rock resident, has worked since 2010 as the deputy chief of the Economic Crimes and Computer Hacking and IP Crimes Unit at the US Attorney's Office in Newark. He previously worked as assisGurbir Grewal tant US Attorney at the Business and Securities Fraud Unit in the Eastern District here. The nomination now goes to the state Senate for consideration. Christie had announced his plans to nominate Grewal in September. Grewal would replace John Molinelli. "With his experience as a federal prosecutor in New Jersey and New York, Mr. Grewal has the right

credentials and background to be the chief law enforcement officer for Bergen County," said the governor. "He also brings diversity to a highly diverse county, which will serve him and the community

well," he said. Grewal earned his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University and holds a Juris doctorate from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law from the College of William & Mary. He is a past president of the South Asian Bar Association of New York, and a member of the New Jersey Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association. - PTI

Canada PM to boycott C'wealth summit in Sri Lanka TORONTO: Canada's prime minister said he'll boycott next month's Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka due to human rights concerns and he's threatening to cut off funding to the organization of former British territories over the decision to host the meeting there. Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement that the Sri Lankan government has failed to uphold the Commonwealth's core values. He said Canada remains disturbed by ongoing reports of intimidation and incarceration of political leaders and journalists, harassment of minorities, reported disappearances and allegations of extra-judicial killings. Canada is the world's largest home of expatriate Tamils, the Sri Lankan minority. Western nations have been pressing Sri Lanka to account for thousands of civilians who are suspected to have died in the final months of the quartercentury war that ended in 2009,

when government forces crushed resistance by Tamil rebels who were fighting for an ethnic homeland. While Sri Lanka has enjoyed peace in the past four years, rights groups have accused the government of squelching dissent and suppressing the judiciary. Australia and Britain have been pushing for engaging with Sri Lanka rather than isolating it and have encouraged countries to participate in the Commonwealth leaders' meeting in Sri Lanka. Human rights groups have urged a boycott. Harper previously warned he wouldn't attend the meeting. He said he made the move with "somewhat of a heavy heart." Parliamentary secretary Deepak Obhrai will now represent Canada. Harper also said on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Indonesia that Canada will examine its financing of the Commonwealth. -AP

Top Stories

October 11, 2013

India Post


Advise to check antecedents before marrying foreigner RUCHIT SHAH India Post News Service

AHMEDABAD: ''Craze for going abroad among youngsters many times results into legal disputes and sad stories, especially while the tying matrimonial knot. So before deciding to get married to a foreign national, one must properly check his or her antecedents, '' said Pradipsinh Jadeja, Gujarat Minister of State for Law, Justice and NRG Cell while addressing a seminar organized by Gujarat State NRG Foundation and NRG cell of GCCI. While praising the efforts of NRG Center for creating awareness among youngsters, he said that the government will also support such activity in colleges and other parts of the State. He was addressing a recently held seminar in Ahmedabad that was attended by 100 plus guests and invitees In his welcome address chairman, NRG Centre, GCCI K. H. Patel said that there are about 2.5 crore NRIs abroad. Among them Gujaratis are 25 percent and most of them prefer to marry in their homeland. NRG center is trying to avoid issues occurring due to such marriages. Earlier a seminar for ladies was well received. He also appreciated students participating in large numbers and said that their efforts of creating awareness among student have

Pradipsinh Jadeja, Gujarat Minister for Law & Tourism addressing the Seminar. Those sitting are (L-R) D. G. Chaudhari Under Secretary; K.H. Patel Chairman GCCI, NRG Committee/ NRG Centre; N. P. Lavingiya Director (NRGF); Anil Pratham IPS (Women Cell); Rakesh Shah Sr. VP GCCI; Sanjeev Chhajer Treasurer GCCI; Gopinath Amin Senior Advocate High Court and V.C. Trivedi Secretary General GCCI.

succeeded. GCCI Sr. Vice President Rakesh Shah said that NRG center of GCCI is helping NRGs in many issues like investments, real estate purchase and local laws. He hoped that someday this Centre will be helpful in providing useful information for the marriages. Two experts, Gopinath Amin, a High Court Advocate and Anil Kumar Pratham, IGP, Women cell, Government of Gujarat, discussed various aspects of marriage disputes and answered the queries raised by members of the audience. Amin said that domicile status, laws of the land and the mar-

SC allows Srinivasan to take charge of BCCI NEW DELHI: In a big relief to N Srinivasan, the Supreme Court has allowed him to take charge as BCCI President even as it constituted a three-member committee headed by former Punjab & Haryana Chief Justice Mukul Mudgal to inquire into the allegation of betting and spot-fixing against his son-in-law and owners of Rajasthan Royals. Srinivasan had stepped aside from his post after his son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan was arrested in connection with the spot-fixing scandal. He was later restrained by the apex court from taking charge after being re-elected as President. Srinivasan has now been allowed to get back at the helm of affairs of the cricketing body after almost four months. A bench of justices A K Patnaik and J S Kehar, however, appointed a new committee to probe allegations against

Meiyappan and owners of Rajasthan Royals including Raj Kundra and was asked to submit its report in the apex court preferably within four months. The committee, also comprising senior advocate and Additional Solicitor General N Nagehswar Rao and Assam Cricket Association member Nilay Dutta, will file its report on the termination of contract of erring franchise. The apex court directed the BCCI and Srinivasan, whose company India Cements owns IPL team Chennai Super Kings, not to interfere in the probe to be done by the Committee and directed to cooperate with it by providing all information. The bench turned down the plea of Cricket Association of Bihar (CAB), which had filed petition against BCCI and Srinivasan, that he be not allowed to take charge till completion of probe.-PTI

riage Act under which the marriage has taken place becomes more important in solving such issues legally.

Anil Pratham said that sometimes notice forwarded through CBI and Interpol also are not much responded, due to the le-

gal situation prevailing in those countries. But right knowledge about the foreign country helps much in such disputes.


India Post

Top Stories

October 11, 2013

Maldives SC declares prez polls as null and void MALE: In a significant decision which may escalate the political turmoil in Maldives, the country's Supreme Court has declared as null and void the first round of presidential polls in which former president Mohammed Nasheed emerged as the winner. The apex court also directed that fresh polls must be held before November 4 and the re-run of the first round should be conducted on the 20th of this month, President Mohammed Waheed's Press Secretary

Masood Imad told PTI. "The Supreme Court has annulled the first round of presidential elections held on September 7," Masood said. Giving the details of the hearing, Maldivian High Commissioner to India Mohamed Naseer told PTI that the verdict was issued by majority of the judges of the 7-judge bench. "The court also declared that fresh polls be held before October 20th and if there is to be a second round, it must be held before November 4," he said. The Election Commission was also ordered to print fresh ballot papers with new security features and to follow strict guidelines during polling, Naseer said. The Supreme Court last month had postponed the second round indefinitely on the plea of Jumhooree Party (JP) which stood third and missed the chance of a run-off with Nasheed in the second round by a whisker. The Jumhooree Party plea alleged discrepancies in the polling and demanded that the results be annulled. Nasheed, 46, won the first round comfortably with 45.45 per cent of the vote and faced a run-off contest on September 28 against Abdullah Yameen, the half-brother of the islands' former autocrat Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. According to the Maldivian Constitution, it is mandatory that a run-off election takes place within 21 days of a first round if no candidate gains more than 50 per cent of the vote. The run-off takes place between top two vote garnering candidates. The political scene in Maldives has been in a state of flux since February 2012 when Nasheed, the country's first democratically elected President, was forced to resign in duress. He was succeeded by Vice-President Mohammed Waheed. - PTI

Punjab move to expedite NRIrelated cases CHANDIGARH: The NRI wing of the Punjab police has issued directions to the commissioners and SSPs that all NRI-related cases being investigated by them should be disposed off in a transparent and timebound manner and sought from them a list of such cases along with their status reports. Punjab IGP (NRI police wing) Gurpreet Kaur Deo issued directions regarding this to all commissioners and SSPs while presiding over a meeting here to review the status of under-investigation cases of NRIs in the state, a spokesman said. Currently, there are about 120 under-investigation cases related to NRIs in the state, Deo said. She said that the districts where NRI police stations do not exist would also be monitored by the NRI police wing. - PTI

Top Stories

October 11, 2013

India Post

Navratri celebrations for the foodie KRISHAN SHARMA India Post News Service

NEW DELHI. If you have not seen how real Delhiites celebrate Navratris and Ram Lila in the old part of Delhi then you have not seen anything. This time of the year people from all over the world descend here to celebrate this festive season with processions culminating in the later part of the night with the grand show of Ram Lila. That is not enough. Food after all is one centre of attraction for all the visitors. The

sheer display of culinary art of ancient traditions combined with the aroma of mouth watering dishes is breathtaking. The offerings include the typical Chat dishes like Golgappas, Kulia, Mattar Kulcha, Chila with new additions of Soya along with Rumali Roti. To top it, one can swim into varieties of sweet dishes like Kulfi and Kulfa which is made on the cold revolving drum. I recommend strongly that anybody visiting Delhi must visit this festival. Excellent exposure for children and our Gen-Next.


Top Stories

10 India Post

October 11, 2013

Peace at borders must for development: Mukherjee ISTANBUL: A country cannot achieve development and harmony if there is no peace at its borders, President Pranab Mukherjee has said, days after he rejected Pakistan's contention that "non-state actors" were behind terror attacks in India. "We have learnt the difficult way that unless there is peace at our borders, development and

litical Science' for his achievements political life and contributions to governance and democracy in India. "India and Turkey live in extremely difficult geographies, and both of us are aware of the grave challenges to our security, internal as well as external. However, I am sure you would agree that India's commitment to peace is

Before leaving for the two-nation trip, Mukherjee had rejected Pakistan's contention that "non-state actors" were behind terror attacks in India, saying such elements were not coming from heaven but from territory under its control harmony cannot be achieved," he said while accepting an honorary degree from prestigious Istanbul University here, soon after arriving from Belgium. The University honored Mukherjee by conferring the 'Doctorate, Honoris Causa, in Po-

unfailing. We continue to sustain moderation, pluralism and tolerance in our society," Mukherjee said. Talking about commonality in India and Turkey's political structures, he said, "The success of our (India and Turkey) democratic

Sonia lays foundation stone of AIIMS in Rae Bareli RAE BARELI: Congress President Sonia Gandhi laid the foundation stone of Uttar Pradesh's first All India Institute of Medical Sciences complex in her parliamentary constituency here. Gandhi, who was accompanied by her daughter Priyanka Vadra, performed "bhoomi pujan" near old sugar mill at Munshiganj after which construction work for the building has begun. The project is estimated to cost Rs 1,000 crore. Gandhi also visited the District Agriculture Science Centre and launched Tata Consultancy Services' (TCS) training program. She also laid the foundation stone of city resource centre of

housing and urban poverty alleviation ministry, to be constructed by HUDCO.

Sonia Gandhi

The Congress President also visited SimHans hospital at Gora Bazar and met 17-year-old Renu, who has a cleft lip, and enquired about her health. - PTI

institutions lies in responding to the challenges of our time and the hopes and aspirations of our people. They have to usher in the change and achieve the progress that we desire in our two countries." Before leaving for the two-nation trip, Mukherjee had rejected Pakistan's contention that "nonstate actors" were behind terror attacks in India, saying such elements were not coming from heaven but from territory under its control. "...non-state actors, that is the phrase they used, then I responded by saying that non-state actors are not coming from heaven. Non-state actors are coming from territory under your (Pakistan's) control," he had told Euronews. Mukherjee, who is on a threeday visit to Turkey, also emphasized on the absence of good governance as the root cause of many of the serious deficiencies in societies. He identified good governance to be the essential, the most basic

Three centenarian Indians in Saudi to perform Haj DUBAI: A 107-year-old Indian is among three centenarians from the country in Saudi Arabia, who will perform Haj this year. Ismail from Haryana, who is 107 years old, is the eldest of the trio, with 102-year-old lady Havabibi Shaikh from Gujarat and 100-yearold Ilyas from Uttar Pradesh, the Arab News reported. "All these three pilgrims are well-oriented with Haj rituals and are also in good health. The Indian medical mission has been visiting them on a regular basis to check their health condition," Indian Consul General Faiz Ahmed Kidwai was quoted as saying by the newspaper. All of them have come through the India's Central Haj Committee, the report said.- PTI

American Sikh students perform Gatka (martial art) during a religious procession on the eve of birth anniversary of Fourth Sikh Guru Ramdass Ji (founder of Amritsar city) in Amritsar on October 8

philosophy with the rule of law and justice being the most important tenets of good governance.

social and economic rights, ironically established for their welfare and collective good. Good gover-

President Pranab Mukherjee addressing after receiving the Honorary Doctorate conferred by the Dean of the Faculty of Political Science of Istanbul University, at Istanbul in Turkey on October 05

Mukherjee said, "It (absence of good governance) robs the citizenry of their security, and of their

nance is critically dependent on the existence of some fundamental pre-requisites." -PTI

Malala wants to be a politician to transform Pak LONDON: Pakistani teenage activist Malala Yousafzai has said she wants to be a politician in future to ensure compulsory education in her country, an issue for which she was shot in the head by the Taliban. Yousafzai, 16, was attacked by a gunman on a school bus near her home in Pakistan's restive Swat valley in October 2012 for speaking out for girls' rights to education. "I will be a politician in my future. I want to change the future of my country and I want to make education compulsory," she said. "I hope that a day will come (when) the people of Pakistan will be free, they will have their rights, there will be peace and every girl and every boy will be going to school," she told the BBC in an interview. "The bad thing in our society and in our country is that you always wait for someone else to come," Malala said. Malala spent months in hospital after being shot and required

several operations to repair her skull. She now lives in Birmingham with her family. Malala marked her 16th birthday with a live address from UN

Malala Yousafzai

headquarters. Malala admitted Britain had been a culture shock. "Especially for my mother because we had never seen that women would be that much free they would go to any market, they would be going alone with no men, no brothers and fathers," Malala said. "I'm not becoming western, I'm still following my own culture, the Pashtun culture," she said, expressing her desire to return to Pakistan.-PTI

Top Stories

October 11, 2013

India Post


Single phase polls in 4 states, two-phased in Chhattisgarh NEW DELHI: Considered a semi-final before the Lok Sabha polls, assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi and Mizoram will be held in a single phase between November 25 and December 4, while it will be twophased in Chhattisgarh on November 11 and 19. Counting of votes in all the states will be on December 8, Chief Election Commissioner V S Sampath told a press conference. While Madhya Pradesh will go to polls on November 25 to elect its 230-member assembly, elections for the 200-member Rajasthan assembly will be held on December 1. Assembly polls in Delhi with 70 constituencies and Mizoram with 40 seats will be held on December 4. The Election Commission has also decided to hold bye- elections to the Surat (West) assembly constituency in Gujarat and Yercaud assembly seat in Tamil Nadu on December 4. "The Model Code of Conduct comes into immediate effect with the announcement of dates," the CEC said announcing that the

Commission is deploying adequate general observers, police observers, expenditure observers and awareness observers to ensure free and fair polls. Voters will for the first time also

The EC will also deploy "awareness observers" to oversee management of the electoral process and help bridge the gap in people's participation to ensure higher voter turnout and also check the menace of "paid news" exercise the "None of the Above" (NOTA) option during these assembly polls after the Supreme Court allowed it in a recent judgment. The Commission is making arrangements so that voters can exercise this option and will create

awareness on it. "The Commission is working out details and steps for introducing NOTA in this election itself," Sampath said. In another first, the EC will also deploy "awareness observers" to oversee management of the electoral process and help bridge the gap in people's participation to ensure higher voter turnout and also check the menace of "paid news". A total of 630 assembly constituencies in five states will go to polls in which a total of 11.60 crore voters are likely to exercise their franchise. The poll process will be initiated on October 18 with the issue of notification for the first phase of elections in Naxal-hit Chhattisgarh to elect its 90-member assembly. As per the poll schedule announced by EC, the last date for filing nominations for the first phase of elections in Chhattisgarh will be October 25. After scrutiny the next day, the last date for withdrawal of nominations is October 28 and polling is on November 11.-PTI

Vrindavan widows return to Kolkata for Durga Puja KOLKATA: This Durga Puja for the hapless women, who were is a homecoming of sorts for 50 forced to lead miserable lives in Bengali widows from Vrindavan far away pilgrim towns for long and Mathura, for the first time in years. years after they had been abanDuring their visit, the widows doned by their families. would not only rekindle memories The old women came back to of their youth but would also intheir home city to celebrate the augurate several prominent Durga festival, which for a Bengali marks Puja pandals. the visit of Goddess Durga with her children During their visit, the widows to her parents' house, as part of a process un- would not only rekindle der the Supreme Court's memories of their youth but directive to remove the would also inaugurate social stigma attached several prominent to their lives. The apex court had Durga Puja pandals directed National Legal Service Authority last year to seek The eldest in the group is 104Sulabh International's help for the year-old Lalita Dasi who had left rehabilitation of the widows. The her home at Baidyabati in neighNGO arranged for the visit. boring Hooghly district within a On their arrival at the Netaji year of her husband's death 35 Subash Chandra Bose Interna- years ago after she realized her tional airport they were given a children thought of her as a "tertraditional welcome amidst beat- rible burden". ing of 'dhaak' (traditional Bengali Sulabh International founder drums) and blowing of conch Bindeshwar Pathak said the visit shells. was arranged after the widows There was showering of flow- expressed a desire to visit Kolkata ers and welcome chants in Bengali during the festival. -PTI

Tech News New bill to give statutory status to UIDAI NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet has approved the National Identification Authority of India Bill that will give statutory status to the UIDAI. Official sources said the bill, which was cleared at a meeting of the Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, may be tabled during the winter session of Parliament. Besides giving statutory status to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), the Bill seeks to provide legal backing to Aadhaar, which is used to disburse subsidies. The UIDAI, which issues 12digit Aadhaar numbers to residents, currently operates through an executive order. The new law seeks to create a National Identification Authority of India, which will oversee implementation of the Aadhaar project. It also seeks to define the penalties in case of misuse of data collected under the project. -PTI

Tatas get 6 months more to operate Taj Mansingh NEW DELHI: Tata-owned Indian Hotels Company Limited has been given an extension of six months to operate the iconic Taj Mansingh hotel here in posh Lutyens' Bungalow Zone as the current lease will expire after two days. "The lease to the IHCL to operate the Taj Mansingh hotel has

TechBiz 12 India Post

Cricketer M S Dhoni with Ashok Leyland Vice Chairman V Sumantran (2nd R) and EX Director Nitin Seth during the launch of Ashok Leylands Stile car in New Delhi on October 7

October 11, 2013

WTO chief raises concerns over India food security law NEW DELHI: Ahead of WTO ministerial meet at Bali, the organization's new chief Roberto Azevedo has said India's food security law will raise subsidy levels and the issue needs to be addressed in a positive manner. India is also keen to win legitimacy for its ambitious food security law that promises highly subsidized foodgrain to the poor from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and is open to the issue being discussed at the Bali meeting in December. "One important issue where India is very much involved is food security proposal. Now what is behind that is because prices have been rising in the last few years, we see some countries like India for example getting very close to their commitments in the WTO. "They would soon be breaching their what we call AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support) commitments in the WTO. So, they are asking for some kind of

actions in Geneva that could allow those programs to continue

sue in four weeks. It is just impossible."

Director-General WTO, Roberto AzevĂŞdo meeting the Union Minister for Commerce & Industry Anand Sharma in New Delhi on October 7

to work unaffected," the WTO Director General said. Terming it as a very complex issue, he said: "I doubt immensely that we are going to have finalized solution on all aspects of this is-

India is implementing the Food Security Act which entitles 82 crore people to 5 kgs of foodgrain per person in a month at the rate of Rs 1-3 per kg. The country needs 62 million tonnes of

foodgrain in a year to implement the law. "The initial proposal (on food security) which was tabled by G33 was immediately rejected by many countries for different reasons...but we have made lot of progress since that point of time. "From upfront rejection, we now are building environment for very constructive engagement that will try to address this issue in a positive manner," Azevedo said in a joint press conference along with Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said. "The negotiations are complex but there is an appreciation of legitimacy of food security and the associated concerns in India and other developing countries. Now we have to work towards an acceptable formulations," Sharma said, adding that talks will find an acceptable solution. The WTO chief said that trade ministers should engage and try to find a long-term solution. -PTI

Yusuffali most powerful Indian in Gulf for 4th year

been extended till March 31 next year," New Delhi Municipal Council chairperson Jalaj Srivastava told PTI. The decision to extend the lease to the Tatas was taken at a meeting of the Council, a month after it sought opinion of Solicitor General Mohan Parasaran on whether IHCL should be given the first right of refusal in the auction for the hotel. The IHCL has been operating the five star hotel for last 35 years. - PTI

DUBAI: NRI businessman Yusuffali MA, who runs the largest retail chain in the UAE, has topped the list of the most powerful Indians in the Gulf region for the 4th time in a row with an annual turnover of USD 4.5 billion. Kerala-born Yusuffali, Managing Director of Abu Dhabibased EMKE Group which owns many brands including the Lulu chain of hypermarkets, employs around 27,000 people, including 22,000 Indians, in 29 nations. Feroz Allana of the Allana Group, which manufactures and markets a well-integrated range of consumer products, came second in the list of '100 most powerful Indians in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council)' published by Arabian Business magazine. Standard Chartered banking boss V Shankar stood third, ahead of healthcare boss Dr B R

Shetty, with legendary investor Ragu Kataria completing the top five. Ashish Mehta was the highest placed lawyer at number seven,

with Sunil John leading the way for entries from PR and Media, at number 14. The list was propped up by Geebee Group boss G B Jethwani

Yusuffali MA

in 100th place. This year's list also featured a record 11 female entries, with 20th placed Zulekha Daud leading the way, ahead of Jumbo Group boss Vidya Chhabria ranked 39th. Diva Modeling founder Nicole Larsen made her first ever appearance in the list in 52nd place. Arabian Business editor Ed Attwood said, "The contribution of the Indian community to the growth of the GCC has been nothing short of spectacular, and everyone on this list has played and continues to play a major part in that story." Those figuring in the list will be honored on October 28 at a gala event in Dubai, with cricket legend Sunil Gavaskar appearing as the guest of honor. The GCC comprises Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. - PTI

TechBiz Post

October 11, 2013

India Post


Ratan Tata inducted into prestigious NAE of US WASHINGTON: Leading industrialist Ratan Tata has been

inducted into the prestigious National Academy of Engineering

Ratan Tata

(NAE) in the US for his outstanding contributions to industrial development in India and across the world. Besides Tata, eight IndianAmericans have been inducted into the institute, considered among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Tata, the 75-year-old chairman emeritus of the Tata Group, has been inducted as a Foreign Associate. Founded in 1964, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) is a private, independent, nonprofit institution that provides engineering leadership in service to the nation. The NAE this year has elected 69 new members and 11 foreign associates, thus bringing the total US membership to 2,250 and

Political consensus needed to privatize Air India: Ajit NEW DELHI: Though he retracted under attack, Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh stuck to his ground that Air India has to be privatized for which a political consensus has to be built. "This government has only about six months left. There is no plan (for privatizing Air India) and the issue is not under active consideration at all," he told reporters here. He, however, maintained it was his personal belief that, in the future, "the government of the day will have to look at privatization and build a political consensus on the issue before taking a position. I never said I am going to do it". Singh had come under attack from the Opposition for his remarks that Government was ready to privatize Air India after which he backtracked saying it has "no intention" to do so. Maintaining that the government would not give any more funds to the airline after the equity infusion of Rs 30,000 crore till 2021, Singh said, "I am firmly of the view that government should not be in the service sector like hotels. "Future governments will have to study the (privatization) issue. But today, the time and the situation is not correct," he said. On criticism by BJP and Left, Singh said he was "amazed" to hear such reactions. He maintained that Air India

Ajit Singh

would have to fend for itself and its employees and the management would have to realize that aviation was a very competitive

market. "The margins are thin and it's a capital intensive industry," he said. Air India has considerably improved its financial and operational position in the recent past, including its passenger load factor and on-time performance, Singh added. It was also launching new international flights to destinations like Australia and planning services to Moscow and Rome. "In the previous financial year, its EBIDTA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) was in losses to the level of Rs 2,300 crore. This year, it aims to earn a positive EBIDTA of Rs 1,000 crore," he said. - PTI

the number of foreign associates to 211. Anant Agarwal, president, edX (online learning initiative of MIT and Harvard University) and professor electrical engineering and computer science department in Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been elected for his contributions to shared-memory and multicore computer architec-

chief executive officer, Holtec International. C D Mote, President of the NAE, addressing the annual meeting of the institute, said recruitment of talented international students over the past half century has contributed remarkably to US engineering. With respect to the number of engineering graduates, according to a 2012 National Science

Besides Tata, eight Indian-Americans have been inducted into the institute, considered among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Tata, the 75-yearold chairman emeritus of the Tata Group, has been inducted as a Foreign Associate. tures. Murty P Bhavaraju senior consultant, has been elected for probabilistic reliability evaluation tools for large electric power systems; and Ashok Gadgil, director and senior scientist, environmental energy technologies division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for engineering solutions to the problems of potable water and energy in underdeveloped nations. Other Indian-Americans inducted into the Academy are Ganesh Kailasam, from Dow Chemical, Vijay Kumar, from University of Pennsylvania, Bal Raj Sehgal, emeritus professor of nuclear power safety, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Pradeep S Sindhu, founder, Juniper Networks and Krishna P Singh, president and

Board report, the percentage of undergraduate engineering degrees among all undergraduate degrees in the US was 4 per cent, among the smallest national percentages in the world, he said. "For a sense of scale, the average percentage in key Asian countries (India, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore) is 23 per cent, and in European countries (UK, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, and France) it's 13 per cent. In short, the percentage of US engineering graduates among all its graduates is 1/3 of the European average and 1/6 of the Asian competitor average," he said. "We now have bilateral Frontiers programs with Germany, Japan, China, India, and the EU, and a new one with Brazil is scheduled for 2014." -PTI


TechBiz Post

India Post

October 11, 2013

Arundhati Bhattacharya SBI's first woman chairperson MUMBAI: Arundhati Bhattacharya, the youngest Managing Director and CFO who had put in more than three decades in State Bank of India, has been appointed its Chairperson, creating history by becoming the first woman to head the country's largest lender.

India's VR Iyer as compatriots at public sector banks. The government announced the appointment of Bhattacharya, who has had a varied experience in SBI in different departments, for a period of three years. This is the first time that an SBI head will get a three-year tenure, irrespective of

The government announced the appointment of Bhattacharya, who has had a varied experience in SBI in different departments, for a period of three years. This is the first time that an SBI head will get a three-year tenure, irrespective of when the person will retire. Bhattacharya, 57, succeeds Pratip Chaudhuri, who retired on September 30, and joins a select league of women bankers that include Chanda Kochhar of ICICI Bank, Naina Lal Kidwai of HSBC India and Shikha Sharma of Axis Bank. She will have Allahabad Bank's Shubhalakshmi Panse and Bank of

when the person will retire. Bhattacharya, who pipped SBI Managing Directors Hemant G Contractor, A Krishna Kumar and S Vishvanathan to the top post, joined the bank in 1977 as a probationary officer. She has served in various positions, including as head of SBI Capital Markets Ltd, the investment banking unit.

Prior to this, she served as a deputy managing director and corporate development officer at SBI. She has undertaken various assignments spanning credit, foreign exchange, treasury and retail operations. Besides, Bhattacharya had a brief stint at SBI's office in New York. Bhattacharya's name was finalized for the SBI top job by a search panel comprising Financial Services Secretary Rajiv Takru and Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor Anand Sinha last month. The Cabinet Committee on Appointments, headed by Prime Minister, gave its clearance to her name thereafter. SBI, which has a chairman/ chairperson unlike other Public Sector Banks (PSBs) who have a combined post of CMD, has four MDs. Bhattacharya's elevation leaves one MD post vacant. It also has over a dozen Deputy MDs and over 35 Chief General Managers (CGMs). Bhattacharya, the first woman to head the country's largest

'India to be top infrastructure goods importer' NEW DELHI: India will topple the United States as the world's biggest importer of infrastructure goods by 2020 and is expected to hold this position till 2030, a report by HSBC said. According to the report, the demand for materials needed for infrastructure projects like metals, minerals, buildings and transport equipment is expected to increase as the country invests in building

topped by the USA, followed by India, Hong Kong, China and Germany. By 2030, this is likely to undergo a sea-change as India will topple the US to become the largest importer of infrastructure related goods followed by the US in the second place and China, Hong Kong and Korea making into the top five. Meanwhile, China is set to be-

Uppal, HSBC India Managing Director and Head of Commercial Banking, said. Uppal added that "aspirations of the new middle class and rapid urbanization will force India to upgrade its civil infrastructure, thus pushing up demand for overseas infrastructure related goods." The report further said Asia is forecast to see the most rapid growth in merchandise trade in the

Uppal added that "aspirations of the new middle class and rapid urbanization will force India to upgrade its civil infrastructure, its civil infrastructure. The US is currently the biggest importer of infrastructure-related goods, but by 2020 India will become the lead importer of such goods as it invests in building its domestic networks and is expected to remain at the top of the chart till 2030, the report said. At present, the list of countries importing infrastructure goods is

come the top importer of investment equipment (machinery that is required by businesses to boost production) by 2030 as it continues to invest in manufacturing productivity. "Rising middle classes across Asia's rapidly emerging markets, especially India and China, will drive significant infrastructure demand in the region," Sandeep

decade to 2030 led by India, China and Vietnam at an average of more than 10 per cent a year. Yet advanced European economies - such as the UK, France and Germany - are also forecast to expand their exports of goods at rates of 4-5 per cent a year on average over this period, while average growth in US goods exports will be closer to 6 per cent.- PTI

lender in its 207-year history, also played an important role in setting up general insurance, custody services and SBI Macquarie Infrastructure Fund subsidiaries, the SBI statement said. Her appointment comes at a time when the government is all set to open the country's first bank dedicated for women, Bhartiya Mahila Bank. SBI and its five subsidiaries today control over one-fifth of the nation's banking assets and is the 66th largest bank in the world. The bank traces its roots to the British era when the English set up Bank of Calcutta in 1806, to be followed by Bank of Bombay in 1840 and Bank of Madras in 1843. In 1921, the British merged all these three banks to form the Im-

perial Bank of India, based in Calcutta and in 1955, the Nehru government nationalized the Im-

Arundhati Bhattacharya

perial Bank and renamed it as the State Bank of India through an Act of Parliament. -PTI

Indian artist Kallat in Saatchi-Christie London sale LONDON: Mahatma Gandhi's historic Dandi March speech, converted into a monumental sculpture by Mumbai-based artist Jitish Kallat, is among 50 artworks slated to go under the block to help fund free art education and free admission at the Saatchi Gallery here. Kallat's "Public Notice 2", a fiberglass sculpture is part of the "Thinking Big" exhibition and sale, which the gallery is holding in collaboration with auction house Christie's, at the venue of a huge former postal depot in central London. The event coincides with Frieze Art Fair in October 2013. "We have been working with the Saatchi Gallery on this project for about a year now. This exhibition and auction will be pioneering in that all the works will be offered without estimate or reserve," Francis Outred, Christie's Head of Post-War and Contemporary Art, Europe, said in a statement. Payment terms of at least three months are available to public institutions. Major sculpture and installation from across the last 20 years including Young British Artists

(YBAs), such as Tracey Emin and the Chapman brothers, as well as newer talents such as Toby Ziegler, Kader Attia and Conrad Shawcross among others have been featured in the upcoming show. "The artists come from five different continents and the exhibi-

Jitish Kallat

tion and auction will be a fundamental celebration of the sculpture in the 21st century. Thinking Big refers to the huge ambition and imagination of the artists here, as much as it does to the scale of their work, and to the power of educating young people about art," Outred said. - PTI

October 11, 2013

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16 India Post

October 11, 2013

October 11, 2013

India Post 17

18 India Post

October 11, 2013

Desi News 15,000 attended twin Dharma and Yoga Fests India Post News Service

SAN FRANCISCO, CA: In a first of its kind event in the San Francisco Bay-area, over 15,000 people attended the twin Dharma and Yoga Fests at Santa Clara and Pleasanton organized jointly by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), Sunnyvale Hindu Temple and Fremont Hindu Temple with the support of over 40 other organizations. The Dharma and Yoga Fest was a culmination of HSS initiated year-long celebration of Swami Vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary, which included Dharma Bee Competition. Delivering the Keynote address, Saumitra Gokhale, the International coordinator of HSS, highlighted Swami Vivekananda's message of "Universal Peace through Dharma and Yoga". At Pleasanton Prof. Ved Nanda of Denver University spoke of relevance of Hindu Spiritual ideas in current discord and conflict. Details on page 29

Entertainment & information at MAAC Fundraiser JODHSINGH RAWAT

CHICAGO: The Midwest Asian American Center (MAAC) fundraiser held at India House Banquets in Schaumburg on Friday Sept 27 was a great success as the organizers had packed the program with lot of entertainment and information. There was big attendance displaying community support The Board Members had an opportunity to meet 400 people under one roof and entertain them with wonderful variety of stage shows and delicious food served by India House. Details on page 23

Swaminarayan Health Fair helps 600 patients


Enthusiasts discuss Cinema Beyond Boundaries


Details on page 26

19 India Post

October 11, 2013

Hundreds join birth anniversary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda SURENDRA ULLAL & ASIAN MEDIA USA

CHICAGO: America not only extended a heartfelt welcome to an Indian monk, Swami Vivekananda, when he came to address the first ever Parliament of Word Religions here hundred years ago but picked up his teaching - Vasudha Aive Kutumbkam - of universal love and brotherhood without reservation. The same spirit flowed here when Illinois Governor Pat Quinn declared September 28 as Swami Vivekananda Day for the entire State of Illinois as a mark of respect to this towering spiritual personality who came and conquered Chicagoans with his love and humility. The Governor had this declaration coincided with two days of celebrations hosted by twenty plus Indian organizations pooling their resources and manpower to commemorate the

Lamp lighting at Meadows Club event

late, a wing of India Government, literally chose to ignore this event. It is all the more revealing to note

Speakers at two events (L-R) Swami Chidanand and Sadhvi Bhagwati

150th birth anniversary of the Indian spiritual master in most befitting manner. In sharp contrast, and it is a sad revelation, that the Indian Consu-

that its newly appointed Consul General Dr Ausuf Sayeed had agreed to attend the celebration on Saturday September 28 at the Meadows Club and had his accep-

tance conveyed to three members of the event organizing committee. He was conspicuous by his absence and he talked away his absence by referring to an impending visit of Indian Federal Ministers. When pointed out that the visit of Indian ministers are planned much in advance and are not done impromptu, he said that yet another consideration was the presence of a prominent Indian political figure at the event that gave it somewhat political color. The organizers had made it clear that this was a non-political event and no room was given for political verbiage. It is interesting to note here that a group claiming to represent a minority had unleashed a propaganda that amounted to giving a different tint to the program.

Baba Ram Dev

Cont’d on page 22


ITASCA: An annual Health Fair jointly sponsored by the temple, Lohana Association of Greater Chicago, Gujarati Samaj and Kadva Patidar Samaj was held at Midwest Swami Narayan Temple in Itasca on Sunday, September 29. It proved to be a grand success judging from 600 plus participants taking advantage of the same. Details on page 26

Dignitaries at Jain Center in Bartlett

Dr Subramanyam Swami

Community Across America

20 India Post

October 11, 2013

IAC raises $100,000 to fund its community programs RAMESH SOPARAWALA & ASIAN MEIDA USA

CHICAGO: Serving a broad spectrum of Indian and non-Indian communities in north side of Chicago for the past more than two decades, Indo American Center (IAC) , a non profit organization here, has acquitted itself so well

ute in spiritual and cultural arena." Among the dignitaries attending were Consul General of India Dr Ausaf Sayeed, Air India Midwest Manager Rishikant Singh, Illinois State Senator Ira Silverstein and his wife Alderman Debra

ments to IAC for its exemplary services to the Desi community and other immigrants and more importantly, to seniors in the society. Emphasizing the reverence that Indians have traditionally held for all who nurtured us, he cited

sons are abroad as NRIs. Even the parents who come here soon become isolated and bored. He commended IAC for catering to their needs and ensuring they live with respect and dignity. Dr Vishakha Desai chose to fo-

mind and body that goes beyond the Cartesian dichotomy of the West. The world needs a new way of thinking and what it means to be human." Established in 1990, IAC is Chicago's oldest South Asian or-

L to R: IAC speakers Presdient Dr Basanti Banerji, Keynote Speaker Dr Visakha Desai, Maitreyee Barthakur, CG Dr Ausaf Sayeed, Sher Mohd Rajput

that the community came forward to support it during its annual fundraiser by contributing $100,000 for its various activities. Dr Basanti Banerji, IAC President, was overwhelmed with the support and generosity of the community that she pledged not only to keep up with its numerous social programs but also to expand a little more for adults and pre-college students at an appropriate time. Talking to this correspondent, she said, "I have dreams - the dream to offer education facility to migrant adults who have not completed even their high schools back home and also get students focused to go to college with college preparatory classes. For adults it would be GED type classes. The first thing however is to sustain our present activities which need to be adequately funded," she added. IAC hosted its annual fundraising banquet at Marriott, Oak Brook, a southside suburb of Chicago on Sunday September 29. The Keynote Speaker was Dr Vishakha N Desai, Special Advisor for Global Affairs to President of Columbia University and Professor of Professional Practice at School of International and Public Affairs. In her address, she focused on the pressing need for Indians to study diligently their age-old traditions and value-systems, and make them relevant for our global future. India can be a global leader and this need not necessarily be in industry or economic fields as "we are better suited to contrib-

Silverstein (50th Ward), State Rep. Louis Lang, Thomas Joy on behalf of Illinois Comptroller, Teresa Mah from the Illinois Governor's office, and Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward). These two wards include ethnically diverse Devon, West Ridge, and Rogers Park where most of IAC's clients reside. MC Maitreyee Barthakur Angela pointed out that IAC is serving an increasing number of the needy from Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Haiti. Teresa Mah read out a message of support from Governor Pat Quinn. IAC President Basanti C Banerji recognized major supporters, thanked sponsors (including Air India and BM Harris), IAC Staff especially Melissa Tracy, and the Indian American Bar Association. Marking 23 years of service, she mentioned new programs, including expanded space to respect privacy and an elevator that would

Gandhi: "A nation's greatness is measured by how it takes care of its weakest." He lamented the loss of reverence towards elders even

The Philosophy Department of Mumbai University is shutting down due to lack of interest, especially on the part of "GDP junkies� in India. Given the predicament of soon-to-be 70M seniors, the Indian Government has passed in 2007 a statute obliging citizens to take care of parents and criminalizing neglect. Rural joint families are being abandoned first for cities than for

cus on the challenge of global leadership in 21st century: what India could contribute on the spiritual, moral, and cultural plane. Measuring her projected wealth in purely economic terms does injustice to India's legacy. Going back a century to Gandhi's moral authenticity, Tagore at the confluence of Hindu, Muslim, Western streams, and Vivekananda's 1893 universal message on tolerance to eight-minute standing ovation here in Chicago, she asked: "Where are the Tagores, Vivekanandas, and Gandhis of today?" She lamented the state of humanities in India and also among the Diaspora because of the middleclass opposition to children doing liberal arts. The Philosophy Department of Mumbai University is shutting down due to lack of interest, especially on the part of "GDP junk-

A section of the audience

benefit seniors. CG Sayeed excelled in his brief address which was extempore but still to the point. He paid compli-

foreign shores. Thousands of the elderly are now living alone and are forced to look after each other in housing colonies, while their

ies. We need to study our millennial and diverse traditions because not just India but the world needs this integration of

ganization, offering varieties of services free, excepting nominal fees for immigration assistance. In 2012, there were over 42,000 client service contacts made and 4,000 unduplicated clients were assisted by IAC's nine programs. IAC BOD member Radha Patel listed in greater detail the nine ongoing IAC programs (and their coordinating staff) with the help of a video. Among them: English as a Second Language (Susan Chaudhri); seniors program (Geetha Chawla); immigration counseling (Pauravi Hefner, who stressed the need to fund legal training); adult literacy program (Renuka Sharma said IAC clients speak 34 languages from 22 countries); computer literacy (Chirag Shah); flagship programs, viz. immigration and senior vegetarian lunch, which is also a socializing opportunity (Sher Rajput); and civics education (Loknath Agarwal). MC Angela, later joined by Kamal Hans, conducted the live auction for raffle tickets, which included Air India roundtrip ticket to India for a couple; American Airlines round trip economy class ticket, ABC7 Chicago Tour with anchor Ravi Baichwal, "Watching the Clock" artwork, gift certificates for Gaylord and other restaurants and for various other services, and autographed memorabilia from celebrated players at Chicago teams White Sox, Blackhawks and Bulls. Interim Executive Director James Lemonides and Sher Rajput brought the fundraiser to a close by thanking supporters and members of the media.

India Post 21

October 11, 2013

Community Across America

22 India Post

October 11, 2013

Hundreds join birth anniversary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda Cont’d from page 19

Many in the Indian community felt that the entire matter left a bitter taste and needs to be probed further. As put by an objective analyst "after migration to any foreign land, one is expected to leave behind all the dirt and old home politics behind." Iftekhar Shareef, Chair FIA Trustee Board and a community activist, was gracious enough to come out with statement saying "Many of you have called me and or emailed me on the matter and to all of you I have to say that we live in US peacefully and need not be anti anybody. We can be pro of whatever religion we follow but respect every other religion. Please let's not debate on this and harp on mistakes. Forget and forgive and move forward in a secular manner." All said and done, in the celebrations here as in many parts of the world, Swami Vivekananda was remembered with gratitude for his spiritual, educational and cultural contributions. People of Chicago, the city blessed by his presence and teachings, celebrated this event with great enthusiasm on two days at Fullerton Hall in Art Institute of Chicago, Meadows Club, Rolling Meadows, and Jain Temple in Bartlett, with thousand of people attending the functions along with eminent spiritual leaders like Baba Ramdev, Swami Chidananda, Sharanandji of Chinmaya Mission, Geoffrey Armstrong, Steven Knapp, Dr Richard Benkin, Congresswomen Swati Dandekar, Dr Mahesh Mehta, founder of VHP, Muni Lokeshji and the representative from Brahmakumaris. They also addressed the meetings. The function in Meadows Club, the World Without Borders, started with lighting the sacred lamp and a short invocation followed by presentation of Indian classical dance. Harendra

Mangrola, one of the organizers, welcomed the audience and briefly talked about Swami Vivekananda. Following it, each one of the guests talked about Swami

the Gayatri Pariwar, had sent a message, which read "Shri Vivekananda is my role model. He through sheer strength of his personality was able to convert many

country with our armed forces, but our expansion was fully cultural unlike Spain, France and England. We went to China, Tibet and South East Asian countries purely disseminat-

Stephen Knapp, Denis Falk sings Ganesh Bhajan and Jeffery Armstrong

Vivekananda and briefly presented the life, letters and his addresses across America and India. Truly Swami Vivekananda introduced Sanatan Dharma to the vast number of American people and established the first Vedanta Society in America. Denis Halt, a reputed flute player rendered a strota in praise of Lord Ganesh, "Jai Jai Jai Ganesh Pahi Mam Rakshami." Following this Chidananda Swami spoke about Vivekananda and said "He is not gone, he is here. I am extremely happy that you have created this World Without Border, which in fact reflects the spirit of India and shows the mind of Indians. India is a big pariwar. Our attitude is clearly living for others like the Upanishadic saying, Paropakararthyam Idam Shariram. "Things might have changed but the spirit lives in Indian hearts. We have never attacked or conquered any nation or country outside of our borders blessed by nature. Our Rishis said, "Conquer Yourself". We are the true supporters of the UNO, though we are living in an inimical world. We must work for "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Let all living beings live in comfort and without hatred." Pranav Pandyaji, the Head of

The audience

people into believing Bhakti and Karma for development of character." Stephen Knapp, a devotee, scholar and author who had dedicated his life to Hare Krishna Movement and Bhakti, said Hindus must be proud that he did not conquer and convert any nation or person. All Hindus must become ambassadors of their faith. Jeffrey Armstrong, a scholar and author of many books and teacher of Hindu Dharma for the

ing the message of Buddha or Vedic Dharmic philosophy "There is a common misconception that Karate, popular art of self-defense was born in China or Japan. Truly this art was the creation of Bodhidharman, a Buddhist monk who wanted a personal defense mechanism when he went to China for the purpose of spreading Buddha Dharma. Similar the science of Yoga is the gift of the Hindus to the world. This has be-

A cultural presentation

last 40 years and director of Academy of Vedic Astrology, said that most of our knowledge came from our Rishis and Munis and Swami Vivekananda belongs to that spiritual order. Dr Subramanyam Swamy, founder of Janata Dal and known for his tireless work for saving the Rama Setu, said that Hindu Dharma considers the whole humanity as one family. "We never conquered any other

come extremely popular in the West, especially in the US, as a science of physical well being." He pointed out that the British also tried to divide us as Aryans and Dravidians. In fact according to DNA evidence both the so called different races share same DNA. Actually Ravana, the king of Ceylon was a Brahmin and reportedly he was born in North India in the modern Noida and subsequently moved to Simhala or Ceylon, captivated by the natural beauty and highly safe and naturally protected region. "I could add that so called Brahmin and Shudra also share the same DNA," he added. He further stated that Sanskrit should actually be our official language, because almost all Indian languages are Sanskrit based, including those spoken in Southern India. Tamil has more than 40%of its words in Sanskrit, Malayalam 80% and Bengali 90%. Hopefully we will be able to make Sanskrit as India's official language. In fact

Sanskrit has been adjudged as the most scientific language by NASA. In his inspiring address, Baba Ramdev said that the roots of our culture and religions are strong and nobody could shake them. He added that Swami Vivekananda gave his address from this land and insisted that no one should degrade other religions and conversion must be stopped. To serve and convert had been the aim of other conquerors, but in India Sadhus and Rishis never did that. "We suffered a lot of pain, attempts had been made to destroy our Sanskriti, but we stand with honor and continue to respect all faiths," he said. "One hundred and twenty years ago, a Maha Purusha came here and today many spiritual and social organizations have joined their hands together to honor the Yuga Purusha, Swami Vivekanand, and we owe our gratitude to them. And this day is historic at least in those lives that are here and participate in this holy day. Secretary of Governor of Illinois Ms Teresa Mah read the message of the Governor, praising his admiration for Swami Vivekananda. Truly the Swami believed in a world without borders which promoted harmonious life. This is highly relevant in our society and every one must dedicate to the proposition of making the world a big family. We will then realize the most important need of our society, that is love and peace. The event at Jain Center too had commenced with lighting of ceremonial lamp by the dignitaries present with Pandit Anil Joshi of Grays Lake Temple chanting Vedic Mantras and blessing everybody. Speeches that followed charted the same path of love towards humanity and the need for tolerance to accept diversity of faith and beliefs. In conclusion, Shyam Seth proposed vote of thanks naming each person and organization for their help, cooperation and service in every which way possible. It is but appropriate that scores of Indian associations who pulled together to host this function, and especially Vandana Jhingan, the coordinator of this gargantuan task, be thanked for their unselfish service in disseminating Swamiji's principles and philosophy of service without ego. The three MCs were Parth Mangrola, Birva Trivedi, and Harshil Patel. Jain Center event was emceed among others by Nirav Virani and Anju Malhotra.

October 11, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 23

Entertainment & information at MAAC Fundraiser JODHSINGH RAWAT

CHICAGO: The Midwest Asian American Center (MAAC) fundraiser held at India House Banquets in Schaumburg on Friday Sept 27 was a great success as the organizers had packed the program with lot of entertainment and information. There was big attendance displaying community support The Board Members had an opportunity to meet 400 people under one roof and entertain them with wonderful variety of stage shows and delicious food served by India House. The event was participated by several government departments having their booths in the lobby area, where they were providing information to the community as the theme for this year was "Community Awareness," which is one of the needs in the community today. The event was participated by six Government departments who offered their services to the community during the event: Secretary of State's mobile unit provided services as Renewal of driving licenses, State ID, Change of addresses. Department of Homeland Security represented by the Director Lori Petropolis and PRO Amy Stern provided information regarding Citizenship and other matter sought by clients. Department of Human Services represented by Ms Jean Miller and Sara from Illinois, Coalition of Immigrant Refugee Rights provided information on Medicare and Medicaid;

MAAC Fundraiser dinner guests, MAAC office bearers, Awardees and Keynote Speaker Jesse White (Center) flanked by MAAC Director Vandana Dalal and MAAC President Ravi Rawat

The event was participated by several government departments having their booths in the lobby area, where they were providing information to the community as the theme for this year was "Community Awareness," which is one of the needs in the community today

Illinois Secretary Jesse White with Awardees and MAAC team members Vandana Dalal Executive Director and Ravi Rawat President

Attorney General booth provided information on Consumer fraud and Identity Theft. Cook County Clerk's office offered information on services given by them, Doug Nyugen represented Social Security office to assist and answer questions to seniors many of whom found reduction in their Social Security Supplement Income. Executive Director of the MAAC board Vandana Dalal welcomed the guests and introduced the Emcees of the program - Ms Laurie Martin and Noman Khan who began the program by a prayer sung by Mrs Rita Shah. This was followed by singing of American national and Indian national anthems. Ravi Rawat, President of MAAC, greeted the community members, dignitaries, awardees and performers and highlighted the activities and programs offered by

MAAC at its locations in Chicago and Suburbs. He was overwhelmed by the huge response of the community and Government departments to the event. Board member Mrs Martin presented a slide show showcasing activities of MAAC. The Keynote Speaker of the event, Jesse White, Secretary of Illinois State, praised the efforts of MAAC and its Executive team for helping the new immigrants becoming mainstream citizens thru offering educational courses. He presented MAAC Awards to seven recipients: Sunil Shah for Community Leadership, Ms Prem Mehta for Community Service, Doug Nyugen for Community Service, Ketu Amin for Technology, Rocky Bhalla for Small Businesses, Anil Pandya for Financial Services and Pritesh Gandhi for Service Industry. Ravi Rawat invited the Mayor of Hoffman

Estates William McLeod of Hoffman Estates, Indian Vice Consul Mrs Anuradha Negi, Director of USCIS Chicago Ms Lori Petropolis, Ms Theresa Mah Senior Policy Advisor at Office of Governor Pat Quinn, Pankaj Patel Past President MAAC along with seven awardees, three Social Service workers and the Board of MAAC. The Board members Dr Raj Patel, Nand Balani, Kishore Chug, Suresh Raheja, Mrs Stella Pillay, Mrs Shirley Hathaway, Ms Laurie Martin, Jagmohan Jayara, Jairaj Bhatia and Raman Patel were recognized along with awardees. A live performance by the renowned Jesse White Tumbling Team enthralled all present who clapped in appreciation to the

tune of rhythm of the music, while the tumblers were performing their acrobats. All the attendees were thrilled seeing Jesse White himself participating in the tumbling team. There was full array of entertainment by the Cheese entertainment (Indian Bollywood dance group), Nrutyaakalashree academy (Indian Classical), RK academy (Indian Classical & Bollywood), Xilin Association (Chinese dance group) and the Gingante Capoeira (Brazilian dance group). Wonderful gifts donated by friends of MAAC were enjoyed by the winners of the Raffle. The fundraising announcements were done by Sunil Shah, founding President of FIA.

24 India Post

Community Across America

October 11, 2013

Skokie village declares Oct 2 as Peace Day RAMESH SOPARAWALA

SKOKIE: The Village of Skokie, one of the most progressive suburbs of Chicago, declared October 2 as Peace Day to mark the birth anniversary of peace prophet Mahatma Gandhi whom India reveres as Father of the Nation. His teachings, as put by Ms Susan VanDusen, the First Lady of the Village, are more relevant now than ever in the context violence in many parts of the world.

Addressing a gathering of good number of Indian Americans near the statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Skokie on Wednesday October 2, she said that politicians in Washington should learn from Gandhi's teaching and resolve the differences in a peaceful manner for the common benefit of all. She also thanked the trust for choosing Skokie for installation of the statue. Omprakash Kamaria, chairman,

Gandhi Memorial Trust, started the event by welcoming all those present and pointed out that it is the ninth year of celebration at the Skokie Park. He said that every time he visits the statue, he meets people admiring Gandhi and his teaching. And they have their family members go around the pedestal and explain to them the meaning of the inscribed quotes from Mahatma. "This was one of the

Mahatma Gandhi remembered

purposes of installation of statue - to spread the teaching of Mahatma," he said amidst applause. He then invited the Mrs. Susan VanDusen and others to speak. Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj, who is visiting from India, came to pay his tribute. He spoke about our duties and responsibilities toward Mother Earth and preserving and protecting the same. If Mother Earth is in balance, so are all living beings. Dr Sriram Sonty, a community activist, spoke of the oft repeated quote of the Mahatma, an 'Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind', and pitched for tolerance in daily life. Sohan Joshi, president of National Federation of Indian Associations, was a forceful speaker eulogizing the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi in leading India to free herself from British yoke and achieve freedom and

related incidents in Mahatma's life to emphasize his greatness in dealing with people around. Ramanbhai Patel, representing senior group in Chicago, mentioned instances that displayed his utter humility which showed "how the great man he was." Then Gandhiji's favorite bhajans were sung by the crowd. Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj also sang prayers for humanity and equality in universe. Ms Usha Kamaria, a Trustee, encouraged the families to bring their children and enjoy the peaceful and serene environment around the statue which brings positive thoughts and positive vibration in all. "One can also mediate and get inspiration from the statue to remove obstacles from your daily life," she said. The program starting at 10 am, concluded at 11 am with prasad.

Guj Samaj celebrates Navratri with traditional fervor

Dandia and Fudadi played by those attending Garba Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: The Gujarati Samaj Chicago hosted its annual colorful Raas Garba festivity on Saturday September 28 at Manav Seva Mandir in honor of Goddess Durga and Amba Ma with participants and devotees overflowing the Mahalaxmi Hall. Backless cholis, embroidered chania, colorful dhotis and kurtas and a kaleidoscope of saris were

all out as Gujaratis in particular and others in general danced to the tunes with usual gusto. Lead vocalist and band leader and members of executive board started the program by offering a prayer. Suryakant Patel, president of executive board observed that "this type of organized event promotes Indian culture to the new generation who are born here" Cont’d on page 25

Community Across America

October 11, 2013

India Post 25

IACS hosting its biggest ever job fair this month RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service

CHICAGO: With three successive job fairs getting progressively increasing response, the IndoAmerican Community Services (IACS), is now gearing up to host its fourth annual Diversity Job Fair this month. Announcing this at a media meet, Sreenivas Katragadda, IACS President said that the Fair will be held on Thursday October 24 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Chicago Hilton Chicago on Michigan Ave in Downtown Chicago and it will be much bigger in size than any previous one with more than 50 front ranking companies in various areas of manufacturing and services confirming their participation. Illinois governor Pat Quinn could not make it but has blessed the IACS move and there will be an Illinois booth disseminating information for the State. "Prospective candidates will be able to meet and interview with HR and hiring managers from over 50 major area companies including Allstate, W.W. Grainger, ITW, PepsiCo, Dover, Morgan Stanley, Morning star, CME Group, Adobe, IBM, Walgreen, Allcatel-Lucent, Nokia Adobe, Hospira, Fifth Third Bank, Tech Mahindra, L&T Info-tech, TCS and many others. Participating companies have open positions for entrylevel, mid-career and senior level positions in a variety of career fields including financial and accounting

Participants at the 3rd IACS Job Fair

services, information technology, engineering, healthcare, marketing and sales," he said. He was accompanied by Jai Vijayan and Jagan Bukkaraju, two executive team members. Jai said that the IACS career fair is open to all qualified job seekers and that they expect anywhere between 900 to 1200 prospective job seekers

and others to come and attend it. Highlights of the career fair include a breakout session on the importance of social media networking for career success and a separate panel discussion on career advancement skills featuring top industry experts. "Registered participants will also have an opportunity to participate in free re-

sume critiquing and career counseling sessions conducted by experienced staffing professionals," Jagan Bukkaraju added. This year's event marks the fourth time that IACS is hosting a job fair in the Chicago area. In 2012, over 50 companies and about 700 employment seekers from the Greater Chicago area attended the

event. "Employers who are interested in participating can also visit the job fair website and register for a booth space, Sreenivas said. Entry to the job fair is free but all employment seekers are required to register for the event. Employment seekers can register for the Annual IACS Diversity Job Fair at Founded in 2010 by a group of accomplished technology executives, entrepreneurs and professionals of Indian origin based in the Chicago area, IACS seeks to nurture and foster the development of the South Asian community in the region through job fairs, women's empowerment forums, student internships and professional networking opportunities. As part of its fast growing repertoire of services, IACS actively participates in placing college Students from the Chicago area in Congressional internships in Washington D.C.

Guj Samaj celebrates Navratri with traditional fervor

Navratri aarti Cont’d from page 24

The most fascinating was the Dandiya Raas. Colorful Dandiyas, some of them specially ordered from India, had a modern look. While the traditional Dandiyas are made of wood, it is now the age of aluminum and even color-

ful plastic. Some of the Dandiyas change color with every beat making it all the more fascinating. The non-stop Dandiya for 90 minutes left viewers spellbound by the fast rhythm and pace. After a brief break and Aarti, the festive music of Dandia-Raas commenced again with enthusi-

Guj Samaj Garba participants

astic participation by the audience. This lasted till early hours of the morning. Later, after the Puja, Prasad - varieties of Shiro, Panda, sweets and fruits - was distributed to all and advertisers. Garba Prizes There were 16 trophies awarded for the following catego-

ries: Under 25 Years - Best Costume Male, Best Costume Female, Best Garba Raas Male, and Best Garba Raas Female. Over 25 Years Best Costume Male, Best Costume Female, Best Garba Raas Male, Best Garba Raas Female Executive Board:

Suryakant Patel (President), Kamlesh Shah (Vice-President), Jayesh Parikh (General Secretary), Bhavesh Shah (Jt. General Secretary), Manish Pandya (Cultural Secretary), Deepen Modi (Treasurer), Sandip Shah (Jt. Treasurer).

26 India Post

Community Across America

October 11, 2013

Swaminarayan Health Fair helps 600 patients SURENDRA ULLAL

ITASCA: An annual Health Fair jointly sponsored by the temple, Lohana Association of Greater Chicago, Gujarati Samaj and Kadva Patidar Samaj was held at Midwest Swami Narayan Temple in Itasca on Sunday, September 29. It proved to be a grand success judging from 600 plus participants taking advantage of the same. Long lines of participants early in the morning show the success of this activity for the last several years. This was the 33rd Health Fair in Chicago land area coordinated by Jayantibhai Thakkar who has been providing his services to the community since 1989. The goal was to provide medical check up to all those who may not be able to afford it due to lack of insurance and medical coverage problems. The health fair provided free medical checkup for more than 600 participants. More than 25 doctors and 100 health care professionals provided their volunteer services on this day. Registration and front desk services were provided by Manubhai Shah, Nareshbhai Dekhtawala, Naliniben Shah, Devika Trivedi and Bharati Desai. Vital data such as height, weight was done by Krunal Vyas, Birju Thakkar and Anish Raju, blood pressure and pulse was measured by Dr Babubhai Patel, Dr Samir Patel, Dakshaben Thakkar, Manali Thakkar, Dhirisha Bhatt and Chhaya Shah. The Blood Sugar testing and consultation was also done. A team of 15 plus volunteers and medical professionals were very busy at the blood draw tables. Blood samples of 529 patients were collected. These samples were sent to the University of Illinois Medical Center laboratory for testing. The reports will be reviewed by the

Patients queuing up for their turn

Health Fair organizing team led by J Thakkar

doctors and will be mailed to each patient within three weeks with follow up instructions and remarks by the doctors. Urine analysis was performed and patients were seen by Triage physicians Dr Hitendra Patel and

formed for females over the age of age 45. The testing was done by Sarah Ro, Carla Zhang, Scichu Gan, Francis Jin and Ranjana Shah. About 170 bone density tests were performed and consultation was provided.

was provided by Dietitian Darshana Vyas. Information on diabetes and blood sugar was provided by Diptiben Shah and her team. This Year, Acupressure treatment was provided by Chimanbhai Bheda and Hansaben Soneji.

Free flu shots were given to people over 25 years of age to get ready for the winter flu season. There was a long line for Flu shots. At the end of the Health Fair, Jayanti Thakkar, Health Fair Coordinator; Jagdish Patel, Midwest

Doctors rendering services to the patients

Dr Ruchi Parikh who recommended blood, urine, bone density and EKG tests as required. Physical examination and physical consultation were provided by Dr Pratima Shah, Dr Ashok Shah, Dr Jayashree Raju, Dr Manish Brahmbhatt and Orthopedic consultant Dr Ankur Chhadia. Bone density tests were per-

There were five machines to provide EKG tests for male and female patients over the age of 55. EKG results were interpreted by Cardiologists Dr Samir Shah and Dr Vijay Patel. About 190 EKG tests were performed. Dental examination and consultation were provided by Dr Nita Patel and Dr Falguni Patel. Nutritional and diet consultation

Many people were interested in this treatment and found it very satisfactory. Long lines were seen for these services. The testing continued well beyond the completion of the fair until 2 pm. Hearing testing was provided by Chandra Shrinivas. Physical Therapy and necessary exercise were shown by Dr Vimmi Thakkar and Pulin Thakkar.

Swaminarayan temple's President; Suryakant Patel, Gujarati Samaj's President; Vijay Patel, Kadva Patidar Samaj's president and Bhavik Thakkar, Lohana Association of Greater Chicago's President, expressed thanks to all volunteers for their dedicated services. The Temple provided, hot tea, orange juice and snacks for patients and lunch for volunteers.

Enthusiasts discuss Cinema Beyond Boundaries PM SWAMY

NEW YORK: Cinema Beyond Boundaries wrapped its weekend of programs at the SVA Theatre in New York City on Saturday September 29 with educational sessions redefining the world cinema for film enthusiasts. The two-day conference was attended by filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar from East and wellknown panelists, including film director Micheal Canzoniero and Dan Fogler, music composer Wayne Sharpe, director and producer Vladan Nikolic and actors Reshma Shetty and Ajay Naidu. Other panelists were Aroon Shivdasani, Reeves Lehmann, chair, BFA Film and Video Depart-

Ajay Shrivastav, Geetika, Reshma Shetty, Dan Fogler, Madhur Bhandarkar, Michael Canzoniero, Ajay Naidu, Kiren Shrivastav at 'Molecule' New York

ment, and Tanuj Chopra with moderators Anna Swanson and Vishesh Sharma. The weekend film conference started with a beautiful performance on guitar by Bhrigu Sahni (grandson of actor Balraj Sahni) followed by a discussions on how to view films, the music of films and how to score a movie; a presentation by SAG-AFTRA explaining their position in the industry, the importance of unions and how to finance films; and a discussion with Madhur on Bollywood and Indian Cinema as a whole. It ended with an impromptu gig by Bhrigu dedicated to Madhur, with Wayne Sharp in the audience.

There was a session on composing by Wayne Sharpe where he demonstrated how to create live music. The session was moderated by Simon Taufique. The panelists shared their experiences in their careers thus far, and their views on the current direction of films. Filmmaker Vladan discussed technical and procedural aspects of film production. A session on crossover actors like Reshma, Ajay Naidu and casting director Jennifer Peralta-Ajmenia conveyed how both hard work and being at the right place contribute to success, and the challenge of regional barriers. Cont’d on page 28

India Post 27

October 11, 2013

28 India Post

Community Across America

October 11, 2013

15,000 attended twin Dharma and Yoga Fests India Post News Service

SAN FRANCISCO, CA: In a first of its kind event in the San Francisco Bay-area, over 15,000 people attended the twin Dharma and Yoga Fests at Santa Clara and Pleasanton organized jointly by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), Sunnyvale Hindu Temple and Fremont Hindu Temple with the support of over 40 other organizations.

The Dharma and Yoga Fest was a culmination of HSS initiated year-long celebration of Swami Vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary, which included Dharma Bee Competition. Delivering the Keynote address, Saumitra Gokhale, the International coordinator of HSS, highlighted Swami Vivekananda's message of "Universal Peace through Dharma and Yoga". At Pleasanton Prof. Ved Nanda of Denver Uni-

‘Dharma and Yoga fest’ in the San Francisco Bay Area

versity spoke of relevance of Hindu Spiritual ideas in current discord and conflict. Tulsi Gabbard, the Guest speaker on the occasion and the Democratic Congresswomen representing Hawaii and who popularly took oath on Bhagwad Gita, spoke of how the teachings of Hinduism and helped her combat tough times in her life. Consul General of India N. Parthasarathi emphasized the mes-

sage of Swami Vivekananda of respecting all cultures. He admired the Hindu Community of Bay area coming together to celebrate this grand event. The Hindu Experience track provided a glimpse of the Hindu values as practiced with unique presentations of four of many fundamentals of Hinduism. Athithi Devo Bhava - guest is God. Cont’d on page 29

Enthusiasts discuss Cinema Beyond Boundaries Cont’d from page 26

On Sunday there were presentations ranging from how to get involved with independent filmmaking, and how to be a producer, to how to cast actors with chemistry, and what to expect from film festivals the dos and don'ts for filmmakers. The last panel of the weekend brought a comparison of American and Indian cinema and produced a general outline of what is expected within each industry. Madhur said, "Indian films have high emotional content to relate with the audience." Dan and Michael shared how the west appreciated songs and dances but were happy to see that independent filmmaking tried newer concepts too. They all shared how the film industry in both the east and west had problems of the same nature, and just how complicated the filmmaking business is in the west. Madhur mentioned how Indian cinema had limited audiences compared to Hollywood as English has a larger reach, but that even then cinema knows no boundaries. The session lived up to its title Cinema Beyond Boundaries as guest panelist Michael Canzoniero said, "It is important to develop a

dialogue between eastern and western cultures as there is a lot to learn from each side. All in all there is truly only one type of cinema, and that is World Cinema." The event was presented by Molecule Communications, whose founders brother-sister duo Ajay Shrivastav and Kiren Shrivastav intended to inform audiences on the inside workings of the industry from contracts and unions, to first hand experiences of actors, directors, screenwriters and producers from different kind of cinema starting with Indian and American cinema. Based in both Mumbai and New York City, Molecule Communications is a respected resource within the entertainment industry that bridges East and West, fostering international dialogue and facilitating collaborations among artists, writers, filmmakers, musicians and industry professionals. It aims to connect people to global opportunities related to India's history and the global community through film - Bollywood being at the forefront - catering entertainment within India and to the entire sub-continent of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and expanding to Afghanistan, Canada, United States, and South America.

October 11, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 29

15,000 attended twin Dharma and Yoga Fests Cont’d from page 28

Runa - emphasis on one's debt towards nature, parents and teachers. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - the whole world is one family and Vivaah - wedding as per Vedic traditions. Famous American singer MC Yogi and his wife Amanda renewed their wedding vows as per Hindu tradition. Hindu Theme Park for Children had its own conclave to enjoy games, Bharat Darshan Yatra and Laughing Yoga besides other activities. A unique Hindu Characters parade was held at various times. Youth fest started with colorful Ganesh procession with traditional attire, bands and synchronized

Keynote Speaker Saumitra Gokhle at Santa Clara

Crowd at the time of Krishna Leela

Mayor Tom Sbranti of Dublin, CA (Right), Mayor Bill Clarkson of San Ramon, CA (Center) and Prof. Ved Nanda (left) at Pleasanton

dances. It followed presentations by inspirational speakers. Four young achievers Eesha Khare, Pragathi Guruprasad, Rasika Kumar and Sadhvi Puneeta Bharti were felicitated with the 'Swami Vivekananda Young Achiever Award'. Honoring Swami Vivekananda, who first classified Yoga in its present form; Dharma & Yoga Fest had parallel events on Raja, Jnana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga. All the sessions in every track were

Guest Speaker Tulsi Gabbard

Fremont temple and Raj Bhanot packed to full capacity. The pinnacle of the event was from Sunnyvale temple welcoming evening program which had a everybody. Dr Japra said, this is a unique combination of concert by unique event illustrating Hindu Hip-Hop Bhajan artists MC Yogi, Dharma and values not just for HinJai Uttal, Bhajan Sandhya by Anuradha Paudwal and Krishna Leela by 250+ children representing HSS Bal Gokulam. The Chairman of Bay Area Dharma Yoga Fest and HSS Bay Area president Chandru Bhambhra thanked the 400+ HSS Participants enjoying Dandia at Pleasanton volunteers, Sunnyvale and Fremont temples and 40 orga- dus but for everybody. Raj Bhanot added to this by nizations, Sponsors, hundreds of performing children and the audi- saying that this event is a manience. festation of unity of Hindu comThe culmination event began munity and demonstrating the diwith Dr Romesh Japra from FIA and versity of our culture.

30 India Post

Community Across America

October 11, 2013

Take good care of parents visiting USA, this Summer


ummer is the most popular season for parents to travel to the US to visit their kids and relatives. The warm weather across most of the US permits them to enjoy themselves and create good memories. But the memories can probably be made for wrong reasons if they decide to travel without one important piece of luggage travel insurance. People tend not to buy travel insurance if they feel they are not at risk. Decision to buy travel insurance probably should not be based on instincts. Usually, visitors end up paying more instead of saving, by not investing in travel medical insurance. More-

The main argument in favor of buying medical insurance is that healthcare expenses in US are very high. In the absence of any medical coverage, you, or your parents, are financially liable for the bills, which can run up to thousands of dollars

over, where parents are concerned, you should be prepared for any medical emergency. In such a case, having good travel medical insurance becomes essential. The main argument in favor of buying medical insurance is that healthcare expenses in US are very high. If your parents suddenly fall ill during the trip, and if they are covered under a plan, then insurance will take care of most of the expenses associated with the treatment, doctor's fee, hospital visit, and prescription drugs. Whereas, in the absence of any medical coverage, you, or your parents, are financially liable for the bills, which can run up to

thousands of dollars. You can buy the travel insurance either from your home country or the US. It is generally recommended that the beneficiaries buy their travel medical insurance from a reputed company in the US that offers an insurance plan best-suited to their needs. Travel medical insurance purchased from USA has many advantages: These plans are widely accepted in USA with some plans having Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network coverage; the claims process is much faster as the plans are US-based; and you do not have to pay the medical bills upfront. Besides, if you have any questions or doubts, you can avail the 24-hour customer service in the same time zone. When you set out to buy travel insurance from the US, you will find that there is no dearth of insurance companies providing competitive rates for travel insurance. But the plans may vary from one insurance provider to another. How do you solve the quandary of "which plan" and "which provider?" Research online. Nowadays, most of the companies provide e-policies that can be bought from anywhere in the world without giving any medical exams. In truth, internet is the best source to research the most competitive insurance plan quotes, also to research the companies, evaluate various plans, assess the advantages and disadvantages of the plans, compare the prices, and buy your preferred policy. For most of the buyers the crux of the matter lies in the question "how much to pay." The cost of the health insurance premium depends on various determining factors like age and general health of the visitor, duration of stay, type of coverage, and destination. Pre-existing conditions are not covered under most of these plans, although a few companies do cover acute onset of pre-existing conditions. In conclusion, buying travel insurance plans from a reputable and reliable company in USA should be an essential part of your parent's itinerary. The company should allow you to compare various plans based on individual factors like medical history, age of the beneficiaries, and length of their stay. The companies should also provide the liberty to buy and renew the plans online. Your parents decided to visit the US to relax and enjoy with you instead of fretting over health and costs. You can help them achieve the purpose behind their visit by investing in good medical travel insurance. provides an online platform to get quotes, compare various plans, buy travel insurance that best suits your needs, and help you save money.


1 Main Rang Sharbaton Ka: Phata Poster Nikhla Hero 2 Gulaabi: Shuddh Desi Romance 3 Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai: Phata Poster Nikhla Hero 31 India Post

October 11, 2013


Party All Night: Boss


1234 Get On the Dance Floor: Chennai Express

6 Besharam ( Title Track): Besharam 7

Boss (Title Track): Boss

8 Janam Janam Reprise Version : Phata Poster Nikla Hero 9 Ye Tune Kya Kiya: Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobara 10 Botal Khol: Prague


ontrary to reports, it is Priyanka Chopra, a trusted lieutenant of Farhan Akhtar's production company (she is the resident heroine of their Don series), and not Anushka Sharma who has been roped in to play a pivotal role in Zoya Akhtar's next directorial venture. The film is a story of a strong bonding between a brother and a sister. And Priyanka's brother in Zoya's film would be played by none other than Ranveer Singh. A bit of an odd casting calculation, considering the two play paramours in Yash Raj Film's Gunday. Says a source close to Ranveer, "They are both very accomplished young talents. They will look as convincing as siblings and lovers." Zoya wanted to cast real-life cousins Ranbir and Kareena Kapoor as siblings in her film.


he year has been hectic as well as fruitful for the long legged dusky beauty Deepika Padukone. She has three back to back hits which include, 'Race 2', 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani' and 'Chennai Express'. Deepika has been working round the clock for her next big release and ended up hurting herself. She reportedly burnt her hand while holding a dhoop-dhan (metal bowl used to carry incense sticks) on the sets of 'Ram Leela'. It all happened during the special Garba song. She had to hold the dhoop-dhan for a long time which ended up scorching her hands. However, the actress did not complain and continued her shoot. This is not the only story about her injury. During a dance sequence in 'Ram Leela', Deepika Padukone injured her back and she developed massive pain on her shoulder but she continued shoot.


rom size zero to six packs abs, wow! What a revolution. Yes, you heard it right, Kareena Kapoor Khan will build up six packs abs for Karan Malhotra's 'Shuddhi' starring Hrithik Roshan as male lead. In 'Tashan' the audience got to see a new avatar of Kareena who shed ample flab to get into size zero. Usually, six packs abs is a term associated with boys but Kareena will show her talent to beat the boys. She will go to the extreme to get a masculine look for 'Shuddhi'. It is expected that 'Shuddhi' will twist Kareena's career and place her in a separate zone. Kareena's next release is 'Gori Tere Pyaar Mein' with Imran Khan which is slated for November release and soon after the promotion, she will get into martial arts training in December. 'Shuddhi' will bring Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor together after 10 long years.


32 India Post

October 11, 2013

Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar

OCTOBER 11 TH - OCTOBER 17 TH , 2013 (March 21 to April 20)

You will clearly dodge some tricky situation in career with the help of a matured person and possibly having gray hair. There will be slight change in travel plans. Money wise you will continue to stay in safe zone. Spouse if working, will get a big promotion. You will take family out to a nice place for dinner this week. (April 21 to May 20)

Planets in sixth will help those appearing for competitive exam or applying for a challenging position in career. Of course the expenses will not leave you alone this week and you may start buying things for the house and to be given as gifts. Change of diet will help shed off few pounds. You may visit an old friend with family. (May 21 to June 20)

New strategy can open new doors of revenues in near future. Your product will be slightly better than similar products in the market. Visitors from overseas will confirm the date of arrival. You may slowly start shopping for an upcoming event. People prone to liver problem should be careful for next few weeks by staying away from alcohol. (June 21 to July 22)

Jupiter's aspect on four planets is favorable. Most of your plans will be successfully implemented. Do not be nervous and take that trip you had been avoiding for long. Speculation and lottery will be profitable. You may buy some nice furniture for the house. You will benefit from someone from different caste and culture this week.

(July 23 to August 22)

Life will continue to march in right direction with full speed. You will continue to feel strong and take wise decisions. Business will keep improving and new clients will bring the much needed boost. Little exercise will bring you back in shape. You may have little work done in and around your property this week. (August 23 to September 22)

You may be writing a check to government in shape of taxes or fine of some kind. It will be better to analyze things carefully before making any fresh financial commitments. You may plan a get together with some old friends. things will be kind of relaxing at work this week. Just maintain a distance from new colleague. (September 23 to October 22)

There will be slight confusion in mind as you will get conflicting reports. Business will improve at fast pace. All meetings will go well and you will receive the assurance instantly. You may spend some money on buying some beautiful items. You may also attend a birthday party with lots of close friends and relatives. (October 23 to November 22)

Some impulsive decisions taken about career will prove to be blessings in disguise. In laws will send some valuable gifts. You will also recover some money through insurance also. Life will become slight relaxing and you will enjoy company of a new friend. Try to be careful when on road and park vehicle at proper place. (November 23 to December 22)

You will enjoy couple of parties this week and get to meet some very old friends. You will continue to receive help and guidance from a matured person. Do not hesitate to play lottery this week. Some of you may also give final shape to a long distance trip. You may dispose off some articles gathering dust in the house. (December 22 to January 19)

You will be assigned an important project with enhanced powers and more help. This is the right time to approach a government official and seek big favor. You may go with family to do some shopping. You may also study some material or join a short term program to update your knowledge. Stay away from a trouble maker relative.

(January 20 to February 18)

You may plan a small outing or party with some colleagues. You may finally find ideal partners to launch your project through a friend. Children will do well and stay on the right track. Knowledge gained recently will come handy now.

(February 19 to March 20)

It will take some more time to find solutions to recent unexpected problems. Money could be one of the factor. Some one who you trusted in the past can be again helpful if you make the initiative to contact him. You may continue your search for another job closer to home.

October 11, 2013

India Post 33

34 India Post

SAN JOSE, CA: Pegged as a musical experience accentuated with state-of-the art technology, the gala event on October 6 at the Center for the Performing Arts, San Jose, had Padmashri Hariharan enthralling the audience with his best offerings from Guru, Taal, Bombay, Roja, Colonial Cousins, to name a few. Packed in a three-hour format, an ensemble of 14 performers from Soul India delivered Hariharan's hits in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi and Urdu. Hosted by Althu Faltu of Mahima Creations and Desi 1170 AM, the show involved a 10-piece band, two male backing singers and two of his female students namely Lavanya and Chandrayee.

Sridevi, Mika Singh and Mallika Sherawat to the Bay area. The organizers had arranged for an exclusive press meet on October 2 at the Desi 1170 studios. Hariharan explained, "Whatever I sing it boils down to sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa. But these notes have the navarasas, which give it the soul. And that soul is in every Indian, so, Soul India." Hariharan had appeared on stage with Mere Dushman from Border for which he won the National award for Best playback singer in 1998. This was followed by a medley of ghazals and Roja Janeman. He is one of India's foremost ghazal singers, with a string of best-selling albums including the double platinum selling Gulfam and Aabshar-e-Ghazal, a collaboration with Asha Bhosle.

The show was organized by Rasika, Portland and co-promoted by Bay Area's Instant Karma. Rasika, a dynamic nonprofit, was founded with a mission of promoting and educating Indian arts and culture in the state of Oregon. Instant Karma is a premier Bay Area desi party and event company. They have brought among others,

Hariharan instigated feelings of nostalgia to all those in the audience, taking us all back to the nineties with songs such as Jeev Dangla Gungla Rangla from Jogva, Krishna Nee Begane from Colonial cousins, Chanda re from Sapnay, Tuhe re from Bombay, Kuruku chiritavale from Mudhalvan and the list was endless. The

VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

consummate entertainer enchanted the audience by asking them to sing with him a few snatches of swaras. He mesmerized the audience with his newly found love "Urdu Blues" genre. It has got Urdu but the style is blue. Indeed, a mellifluous fusion of the old world of Urdu poetry, Indian gayaki and contemporary music, says Hariharan. The musicians accompanying Hariharan were all highly talented, and the tabla player and drummer in particular stood out with his solo during "Krishna Nee Begane". Bay Area kids tutored by Mahesh Kale and Neeraj Gokhale sang with Hariharan, the unmatched Krishna nee begane. He concluded the evening with evocative vocals for the song "Tuhi re" from "Bombay" and by embellishing it with his own improvisations,

October 11, 2013

he augmented this already beautiful melody to a whole new level. Overall, "Soul India" was an incredible and spellbinding evening that left the audience desperate for more. A huge thank you should go to Amitabh Bhargava and Bhavini Joshi, Instant Karma and Rasika for organizing this concert, and of course to Hariharan and the rest of the performers for a truly wonderful evening of incredible music.

India Post 35

October 11, 2013

A Punjabi heart warmer


haji in Problem' is Grazing Goat Picture's second re gional film production after the poignant Marathi film '72 Miles Ek Pravas' which was di-

rected by National Award Winning Director, the Late Rajiv Patil of Jogwa fame. With 'Bhaji in Problem', Akshay Kumar and Ashvini Yardi are all set to give their audi-

Gippy Grewal in Bhaji in Problem

ences a comical relief with their latest regional venture, a Punjabi heart warmer. The film is the story of Gurpreet Ghuggi who plays the character of Sundeep Cheema, juggling between two wives. His life ends up in a complete chaos with the entry of Gippy Grewal who plays Jeeta and falls in love with Preet played by Ragini Khanna. In this comedy of errors of epic proportions, both sides know the deepest and the most intimate secrets of the other, which each wants to protect at any cost and holds it over the other's head. The film is a laugh riot and as one hilarious situation unfolds after another, the film only gets more interesting and engaging. 'Bhaji in Problem' stars some of

Gurpreet Guggi & Gippy Grewal in Bhaji in Problem

Punjab's most reputed stars Gippy Grewal and Gurpreet Ghuggi who are joined by Sasural Ghenda Phool's Suhana Ragini Khanna, and veteran actor Om Puri as central characters. The film is directed by Smeep Kang who has delivered successful hits such as Carry on

Jatta and Lucky Di Unlucky Story. The film also sees cricketer Harbajan Singh make a friendly appearance along with producer Akshay Kumar, who a Punjabi himself, having an extended appearance. Bhaji in Problem releases on the 15th November.

Miss Universe wants to romance Salman


iss Universe Olivia Culpo is on a visit to India and during an interview she revealed that she loves Bollywood movies and her favorite actor is Salman Khan. She added that she is a big fan of Salman Khan and she wants to work with him. "I would love to work with Salman Bhai", says Olivia. The 21-year old American beauty pageant titleholder said, "I love Bollywood movies and Salman Khan is my favorite". Culpa is on a 10-day visit to India to create awareness on social issues such as girl child, female infanticide and women empowerment. The 21-year-old model

from Rhode Island also visited Tihar jail in Delhi. Salman who runs a charity 'Being Human' has plan to meet Olivia and during the meeting she is expecting to have some Bollywood talk with the hunk. "We (designer Sanjana Jon and she) will be meeting him soon to spread the message against female foeticide. I think the Bollywood culture is really interesting like how dedicated everyone (fans) is and how they follow these movies so closely. It's really sweet and I want to be part of it too," she says. Expressing her views of the recent controversy about racial remarks made by Americans against

Nina Davuluri, Miss Universe said, "It was an unfortunate situation that honestly didn't make sense for me." Explaining how this is a oneoff incident, she adds, "Many girls in America are from another descent, there are Italian-American, Indian- American, and Afri-

Salman Khan

can-American. So, it is funny that they made such a big deal about it, because it was absolutely no big deal." Not the one to mince her words, the youngster goes as far as to say, "I think that it is indictaing that clearly our country has gone a long way, but there are still moments where we could

clearly do a better job." Gorgeous Olivia Culpo however blushes when asked about her singer boyfriend, Nick Jonas, when asked whether she will sing with Nick, she said, "I don't think I will be singing with him anytime soon. I sing, but I don't think it will be a primary focus. "

Olivia Culpo

36 India Post

October 11, 2013

India Post 37

October 11, 2013

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October 11, 2013

India Post 39

40 India Post

NEW DELHI: Archaeological Survey of India and Google India have embarked together on a "monumental journey" to usher in, what possibly will be "digital tourism" in the country. After bringing iconic global landmarks like France's Eiffel Tower, America's Grand Canyon and Japan's Mt Fuji, among others, alive on the Internet through its immersive "visual walkthroughs", Google has now commenced work on putting 100 major Indian monuments and sites in that league. Once completed, architectural icons like the Taj Mahal, Humayun's Tomb, and heritage wonders such as Khajuraho, and Ajanta and Ellora Caves, among others, will "visually explode" on the Internet in a "360-degree panoramic imagery". "We wanted enhanced and an active experience for our (virtual) visitors and not just mere passive viewing of the sites. And, that's why we want to partner with agencies like the ASI, UNESCO, World Monuments Fund to source authoritative content - current

October 11, 2013

and archival to enrich user's experience," Google Cultural Institute Director Amit Sood told PTI. Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) under the Ministry of Culture has prepared a "tentative list" of the 100 monuments and Google would keep on executing them, "as and when the names get cleared." The Internet giant recently signed a memorandum with the Ministry in this regard at the Qutub Minar complex here, which would see the company creating the application using its 'Street View Trekker' technology for the first time in India. "Eiffel Tower, Grand Canyon, Mt Fuji, etc have all been immersively mapped on to our GoogleMaps and can also be seen on the World Wonders site, part of our Cultural Institute. "Indian monuments too will be available there once we go live," Sood said. At the launch, a preliminary walkthrough of Qutub Minar was shown, and a Google employee also gave a demo of the 'Street View Trekker' by walking on the manicured lawns, with the gadget strapped to his back. Google India said it saw the opportunity as a happy marriage between "5,000 years of Indian history and 20 years of internet history" and an opportunity for "digital preservation" of collective heritage. Cont’d on page 41

Qutub Minar

Humayun's Tomb

Travel & Hospitality Post

October 11, 2013

India Post

Virtual walk through Khajuraho Google, ASI usher in 'digital tourism' in India Cont’d from page 40

Vice-President and Managing Director of Google India, Rajan Anandan, said, "We see this as an opportunity to make these monuments accessible to people in the far-flung areas of the country at the click of a button and to digitally preserve the heritage for posterity. "With this, rural India can see and experience heritage online despite time and distance constraints. Information is transforming our future and with this we seek to bring more Indians on the Internet," However, Sood said all such projects are "non-commercial agreements." Sood added that "we were excited to partner with ASI" which has "cultural and archival wealth" at their disposal. "We wanted such cultural bodies to come out and share their treasures and archives with the users online, instead of sitting cooped up in their conservatories with all the materials lying physically inside and thus rendered inaccessible to people," he said. Google Cultural Institute has worked with multiple partners in over 40 countries on sites such as in Italy's Pompeii and France's Eiffel tower and Palace of Versailles, among other cultural icons around the world. 'World of Wonders' project by Google, founded last year covers as of now, over 100 sites in Europe and Asia Pacific and India's addition to it will make the country's

Ajanta and Ellora caves


100 heritage "accessible to the world". Google India and Ministry of Culture had earlier partnered on the creation of virtual walkthroughs for the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) and the National Museum in the Capital. The Internet bellwether, however, did not disclose either the cost or the timeframe for the project. "Without confirming anything, I can say that since Qutub Minar's walkthrough was the first to be done...I guess it possibly will be the first monument to go online. Also, it will take at least five to six months minimum to execute the project at a given site," Sood said. "Archaeology meets technology. 5,000 years of Indian history and 20 years of Internet history coming together will create the magic," Anandan said. -PTI



India Post

Travel & Hospitality Post

October 11, 2013

Haryana wins award for organizing Surajkund Mela taking new initiatives like introduction of online booking of rooms, renewing of facilities at Tourist Complexes and developing projects in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode to attract more and more tourists. Haryana Tourism made an interesting presentation at the PATWA seminar along with vari-

India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: Haryana Tourism has joined hands as a Partner State with the Pacific Area Travel Writers Association (PATWA), which organized the World Tourism Leaders' Summit and a seminar on 'Think Green, Live Green to Save Earth' at Hotel Ashok here on October 4. Post Summit, the Safari India National Tourism Awards were presented to recognize the contributions made by the State and other Tourism organizations. Haryana Tourism that has received National Awards from the Ministry of Tourism in the past has yet again bagged the Safari India National Tourism Award for organizing the annual Surajkund Mela. Mrs Sumita Misra, Managing Director, Haryana Tourism, informed, "The editorial board of Safari India, a travel magazine selected Haryana Tourism as the

ous national and international organizations like Austrian National Tourist Office, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Madhya Pradesh Tourism, Delhi Tourism, Goa Tourism, Chhattisgarh Tourism and Air India. Also many distinguished speakers presented their research, views and insights during the seminar.

Goa theme state for Surajkund Mela next year Chakrvrty Sharma, Chairman, Haryana Tourism received the award

Best State for organizing Surajkund International Crafts Mela. It is a matter of honor to be lauded for successfully organizing the signature annual event, which showcases nation's rich culture and art, also offers many other countries a

platform to follow suit." Being a pioneer of Highway Tourism in the country, Haryana Tourism is consistently making efforts to carve a niche in the national and international tourism market. With this objective, it is

PANAJI: Goa would be the theme state at next year's Surajkund crafts Mela in Haryana, a senior tourism department official said here.

countries, the official said. The state will have its special pavilion during the 15-day festival. Goa tourism ministry has been trying to divert tourist footfall

The state-level marketing committee at its meeting accepted the proposal from Haryana government requesting Goa to be the theme state for the Surajkund International Craft Mela, scheduled to be held in February next year. Goa will showcase its food, culture, art and handicrafts at the festival which is attended by about one million tourists from 20

from the beaches in the state to the hinterland by promoting cultural and heritage tourism. The state attracts 24 lakh tourists annually. Surajkund is an annual fair that showcases the finest handlooms, handicrafts and flavors of India with artisans from every corner of the country participating in the event. -PTI

Travel & Hospitality Post

October 11, 2013

India Post


Winter holiday budgets up 48 pc this year MUMBAI: High inflation is not coming in the way of holiday spends as more and more travelers are booking longer and expensive holiday packages this winter compared with last year, says a report. "The average holiday budgets per person per night have increased to Rs 2,325 this winter from Rs 1,564 in 2012, indicating

a 48 per cent rise. "Trips have become longer by 36.3 per cent with travelers taking an average trip of 3.8 nights this year," says holiday information portal's report 'Insights: Winter Holidays Prediction Report 2013'. It analyses the patterns between November 2013 and January 2014.

'Shikaras' to adorn Goa's Mayem Lake soon PANAJI: Goa tourism department has decided to soon introduce 'Shikara' boats, similar to the ones in Kashmir, at the famous Mayem lake here in a bid to attract tourists to the state's hinterland. A comprehensive plan has been developed to revive hinterland tourism, including rejuvenation of the Mayem lake, situated 15 kms away from Panaji on an island, state tourism minister Dilip Parulekar told reporters here. 'Shikara', which is a great attraction for tourists in Srinagar's Dal Lake and other water bodies, would be introduced at the

boat, the Goa tourism ministry has already procured fiber boats. "We will start it on a trial basis," Parulekar said, adding that the main aim is to attract tourists to the hinterland instead of the beaches, which are overcrowded. State government-run Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) will run the Shikaras. The tourism department has also decided to launch water zorbing, floating barbeque and similar facilities in the water body, which is currently facing neglect. "Total Rs nine crore would be spent on

Shikara at Dal Lake Srinagar

Mayem Lake. While in Srinagar Shikara is a wooden

this project, which includes beautification of the lake," Parulekar said. -PTI

Albuquerque welcomes 42nd annual balloon fiesta ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.: Long before the hit television series ``Breaking Bad'' put New Mexico's largest city in the spotlight, Albuquerque gained international fame for its balloons. More than 600 colorful hot air balloons of all shapes and sizes and from all over the world returned for the city's 42nd annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.

The nine-day fiesta, which event President Bill Walker says is probably the state's single largest tourism draw, has attracted balloonists from 35 states and 18 countries this year. It draws thousands of spectators from around the world who can roam the city's 72-acre balloon park to watch the morning mass ascensions and events like the floating of nearly 100 ``special shapes'' balloons like the kissing bees, a spotted cow and a Darth Vader helmet. There are also evening ``glows,'' where the balloons are inflated but remain on the ground, lit up from the propane burners that fuel their flights. A new event this year is a country-western music fiesta, with headliner Darius Rucker, who is best known as the frontman of the rock band Hootie & the Blowfish.-AP

But though not skimping on the budget, people are planning trips in smaller groups, with group size decreasing 16 per cent. Beach and hill station destinations are most popular this winter, accounting for almost 78 per cent of the holidays planned, according to the report. Due to winter holidays in schools, families form a significant part (26 per cent of planned trips) of tourist traffic. Traditionally, the report says, travelers prefer to travel within the region they reside in. However, this winter there is a marked increase in travelers choosing holiday destinations outside their region. Last year only 41 per cent of winter trips

were planned outside the traveler's region of residence whereas this year such trips account for 66 per cent of all trips planned. Those from east and north-east travel outside more while majority of south Indian travelers prefer traveling within the region. Couple travelers plan longer and more expensive holidays allocating the highest average budget of Rs 2,611 per person per night, followed by family travelers at Rs 2,137, group travelers at Rs 1,974 and single travelers at Rs 1,693, it said. Holidays planned by women have 8 per cent higher budgets than those planned by men, it added. -PTI

In Brief Visa-free/visaon-arrival access to Indians in 52 nations LONDON: British citizens enjoy the widest range of visa-free travel in the world, being able to visit 173 countries with just a passport, while Indians get visa-free or visa-on-arrival access in 52 countries. The UK citizens are at par with those from Finland and Sweden for visa-free access, according to Henley & Partners Visa Restriction Index. Nine out of the top ten in the index are European Union countries, with the tenth being the United States. India figures 74th on the list while Afghanistan comes at the bottom of the table, with only 28 countries available for entry without visa. Iraqi passport holders can go to 31 countries while Pakistan and Somalia are tied at the third from the bottom with 32. According to passport information from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), 52 countries and territories provide visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to holders of Indian passports. Twenty-eight countries and territories are accessible visa-free. PTI

Low turn-out at antiimmigration protest in Singapore SINGAPORE: An anti-immigration rally in Singapore drew just 500 people, eight months after a similar protest by the same group generated one of the city state's largest protests since independence. The peaceful three-hour rally, held at a park, was the third in a series of protests organized by a civic group after the government in January announced foreigners could account for nearly half of the densely packed island's population by 2030. Authorities have since clarified that the forecast is not a population target, and have phased in measures to tighten foreign worker inflows. "The momentum from the protests earlier this year has gone off, and the anger and emotion among Singaporeans is maybe no longer there," chief organizer Gilbert Goh said. Goh estimated the crowd at 1,000 but an AFP reporter on the scene said around 500 people attended the event at Speakers' Corner, a grassy park close to the central business district where protesters are allowed to address the public.-AFP

Immigration 44 India Post

October 11, 2013

Brown signs law limiting detention of immigrants Details on page 46

Protesters march in 160 US cities for immigration reform NEW YORK CITY: Thousands of people have poured into streets across the United States in a push to overhaul immigration and end the legal limbo of more than 11 million undocumented immigrants. The coast-to-coast activities saw about 3,000 demonstrators -

documented are Hispanic, most from neighboring Mexico and many from Central and South America. President Barack Obama has sought to give a pathway to citizenship to the undocumented millions but negotiations with oppo-

Demonstrators march across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York on October 5, marking the National Day for Dignity and Respect, and the beginning of the immigration rights movement's escalation to bring immigration reform across the finish line

mostly Asian, Hispanic and Arab - demonstrate in New York before marching over the landmark Brooklyn Bridge, as counterparts in California marched in Hollywood. In all, protesters marched in 160 US cities. "What we need is to win over peacefully those who are opposed. We have got to get a deal struck," said Danick Martinez, 30, a Honduran who has been living and working illegally in the country for almost a decade. The March for Dignity and Respect was organized by the New York Immigration Coalition and other groups supporting legalization of undocumented workers. Organizers said they hoped to rally up to 130,000 people to push Congress to adopt comprehensive legislation to give a path toward US citizenship to the more than 11 million US residents who are living illegally in the shadows. "Here in New York, we have a special obligation," said mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio, a Democrat. "We are the city of immigrants, and we are proud about it. We have to lead the way." Officials estimate there are about half a million undocumented workers in New York alone. The overwhelming majority of the un-

sition Republicans in Congress have bogged down.

THOUSANDS MARCH IN PHOENIX PHOENIX: College students, parents, grandparents and young children were among an estimated 3,000 people who marched through downtown Phoenix as part of a nationwide effort to kickstart stalled immigration reform efforts in Washington. The marchers wearing red shirts were led by drummers and carried flags and banners as they chanted ``Si, se Puede!'' and ``Yes, we can,'' the motto of the United Farmworkers Union that has been embraced by immigration activists. They carried signs calling for respect and rallied at the federal courthouse at the end of the mileslong march. The march was one of many planned across the nation on a ``National Day for Dignity and Respect'' by groups that support immigrants, including events in Tucson and Yuma. There was a heavy police presence, but Phoenix police reported no problems. ``We are very frustrated, because a lot of families are being torn apart because of this immi-

gration problem we're having,'' said Rosanna Castro, a 28-year-old mother of five who is a U.S. citizen but has immigrants in her family. ``So we're asking for this immigration reform to help keep our families together. And also to give children an opportunity to be able to finish high school and go on to college and a career and not just stop at high school.'' A handful of people opposed to immigration reform gathered across from the federal courthouse in front of a banner urging the government not to repeat the amnesty included in a 1986 immigration reform measure. ``All I want is our laws enforced. And people need to know that there's two sides to this story,'' said Valerie Roller, from Glendale. She noted pictures on a banner that showed Arizonans killed by people who were in the country illegally. While she supported the activists' right to march, she said she wanted those without legal status gone. ``My premise is that if we enforce the laws we have, the major-

``This message is not just for the government here in Arizona but it's for the government of all the United States, especially for President Obama,'' she said in Spanish as her daughter, Nubia Martinez, interpreted. ``Congress can fix the situation, because deep down inside even though they might hate to admit it, they need us. Because not too many Americans are willing to do what we call the cheap labor'' such as people working at restaurants and hotels or in agriculture. An immigration reform plan pushed by a bipartisan group of lawmakers has passed the Senate but has been stalled in the House. Miguel Solis, a 26-year-old who was brought to the U.S. from the central Pacific coast state of Michoacan when he was 12, said he has benefited from last year's presidential decree giving legal status to young immigrants who haven't been in legal trouble. ``Like every other (person), I have a dream, and I'm going to school, I'm working and I want to get my degree,'' said Solis, who is

Arizona March for Dignity and Respect leaders hold a banner during their march in Phoenix.

ity of them will do self-deportation,'' Roller said. Many who marched brought their families, with strollers and wagons filled with young children common. Maria Del Carmen Polano, 55, who immigrated from the southcentral Mexican state of Morelos 26 years ago, said she wanted deportations that tear families apart stopped and wanted to raise her voice against what she called ``all the racism that's been going on here in Arizona for many years.''

working and going to college. He said he wanted others to feel the relief he's experiencing. ``There's a big difference, because before I used to be afraid of the sheriff, I used to be afraid of the police,'' Solis said. ``And like other immigrants, we tried to live under profile, not trying to be on the streets that much because we all are scared like someday we're gonna get pulled and they're going to ask for papers and maybe get deported.'' Cont'd on Page 45

Immigration Post

October 11, 2013

India Post 45

Protesters march in 160 US cities for immigration reform Cont'd from Page 44

2,000 MARCH IN HOLLYWOOD LOS ANGELES: About 2,000 supporters of immigration reform marched through Hollywood as part of rallies nationwide to push for congressional action, while California's governor signed a series of bills on the topic, saying he was not going to wait on Washington.

Syria, and now the partial shutdown of the federal government, has diverted lawmakers' attention. The chances an immigration bill makes its way through Congress before the year ends are slim. But advocates want to make sure reform stays front and center despite lawmakers' pressing concerns. ``This cannot be stopped,'' said activist Eliseo Medina, marching in Los Angeles. ``This is growing.'' In Los Angeles, which has a

was AB4, sponsored by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, which creates a statewide standard for how local agencies comply with the federal Secure Communities program, which requires law enforcement to check the immigration status of anyone who is arrested. The governor vetoed a similar measure last year because it did not let officials detain those convicted of crimes such as child abuse and drug trafficking, exemptions that were removed from this year's version. The governor also approved a bill allowing lawyers to be admitted to the California bar even if they are living in the U.S. illegally.


Hollywood peace march

The Los Angeles demonstration called ``March of the Stars'' kicked off shortly after Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation that included a bill prohibiting local law enforcement agencies from detaining people for deportation if they are arrested for a minor crime and otherwise eligible to be released from custody. ``While Washington waffles on immigration, California's forging ahead,'' Brown said. ``I'm not waiting.'' March organizers in Los Angeles had expected tens of thousands to turn out to the rally, which was among some 150 demonstrations on a day billed as the ``National Day for Dignity and Respect.'' Roughly 2,000 people participated, some holding signs that read ``Education Not Deportation'' and ``Congress get back to work!'' Others carried elephant pinatas, blaming the impasse on Republicans. Immigration has been a rare area of bipartisan cooperation. Confidence was boosted earlier in the year on a sweeping overhaul of the system and a path to citizenship for millions, but the crisis over

massive Mexican-American population, Mexican-born Francisco Cabrera said: "we came to work; that is all we do." "We are not a burden. We are just trying to help our families," stressed Cabrera, 52. "Our problem is that we are poor. Republicans have to realize

FREEHOLD, N.J.: Dozens of people have taken to the streets in a central New Jersey town to call for reforms in the nation's immigration laws. Among those who marched to the Latino Festival of Monmouth County in Freehold were immigrants from several countries and members of labor unions and community activists group. The events were part of the ``National Day for Dignity and Respect,'' which organizers said was a coordinated effort in 80 cities across the country to bring reform with a path to citizenship for

The Los Angeles demonstration called ``March of the Stars'' kicked off shortly after Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation that included a bill prohibiting local law enforcement agencies from detaining people for deportation if they are arrested for a minor crime and otherwise eligible to be released from custody. that we are going to benefit the country economically." The Alliance for Citizenship, a broad coalition of organizations that includes the AFL-CIO, the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center, is driving the mobilization. Twenty cities in California were staging events to show their support. Among the eight immigrationrelated measures Brown signed

11 million undocumented immigrants. Some counter-protesters were also on hand for the event, but authorities say no problems were reported.

HUNDREDS RALLY IN BOSTON BOSTON: Several hundred immigrants and supporters who

marched in Boston as part of rallies nationwide are pressing Republicans controlling the U.S. House of Representatives to pass immigration reform. Group spokesman Frank Soults said people came from Boston and communities around Massachusetts. They gathered at Copley Square and marched past Bank of America branches, where they demanded the bank stop contributing to House Speaker John Boehner because he refuses to put a Senate-backed immigration overhaul to a vote. Soults said marchers were locked out of the bank as it conducted business. They demanded an end to mass deportations and passage of Massachusetts legislation to allow immigrants living in the country illegally to secure driver's

licenses and to prevent police from indiscriminately checking the immigration status of detainees.

500 RALLY IN LAS CRUCES LAS CRUCES, N.M.: Organizers say about 500 people who want Congress to pass immigration reform marched in Las Cruces and rallied outside Republican Rep. Steve Pearce's office. Jose Manuel Escobedo of the Border Network for Human Rights says about 200 marchers from the El Paso area joined 300 New Mexicans at the rally. Escobedo says his group opposes Pearce's push to deny immigrants citizenship as part of the overhaul and a bill he's pushing allowing local police to enforce federal immigration laws.-AP, AFP

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Immigration Post

46 India Post

October 11, 2013

Brown signs law limiting detention of immigrants SACRAMENTO, Calif.: A package of immigration-related bills have earned Gov. Jerry Brown's signature, including a bill that prohibits local law enforcement agencies from detaining people for deportation if they are arrested for a minor crime and otherwise eligible to be released from custody. AB4 by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, creates a statewide standard for how local agencies comply with the federal Secure Communities program, which requires law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of people who are arrested and to hold for 48 hours anyone whom federal authorities wish to detain. The law Brown signed allows state and local police and sheriff's departments to detain immigrants only if they have been arrested for or convicted of certain serious or violent felonies. People could also be held if they were convicted of a misdemeanor crime that carries a felony equivalent, or if they are registered as sex offenders.

Supporters argued that limiting California's participation in Secure Communities was necessary because the program subjects people who are not criminals and victims caught up in domestic violence

ing dogs that bark too loudly will not lead to extended and costly detentions in our local jails for deportation purposes,'' said Reshma Shamasunder, executive director of the California Immigrant Policy

Gov. Jerry Brown

investigations to deportation. ``Soon, immigrant Californians and their family members will have the confidence that minor or unjustified arrests for things like selling food without a permit or hav-

Center. The governor vetoed a similar measure last year because it did not let officials detain people convicted of crimes such as child abuse and drug trafficking. That

was changed in this year's version. The California District Attorneys Association remained opposed to the legislation, however, expressing concern it ``could result in the inappropriate and untimely release of potentially dangerous offenders'' and ``would frustrate local cooperation with federal officials who maintain exclusive province over the enforcement of immigration law.'' ``It appears that this bill would permit a local policy to trump federal law, and it is not clear how such a provision would pass constitutional muster,'' the association wrote before the bill cleared the Legislature. The guidance spelling out when officers would comply with the federal deportation program was one of eight immigration-related measures Brown signed as he faces an Oct. 13 deadline for approving or vetoing legislation. The governor also approved a bill allowing lawyers to be ad-

mitted to the California bar and licensed to practice law in the state even if they are living in the U.S. illegally. The legislation, by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, was inspired by the case of law school graduate Sergio Garcia, 36, who passed the state's bar exam but entered the country illegally 20 years ago to pick almonds with his father. A federal law passed by Congress in 1996 bars immigrants in the country illegally from receiving ``professional licenses'' from government agencies or with the use of public funds unless state lawmakers specifically vote otherwise. The package of bills also included a measure stating that someone who threatens to report an immigrant's illegal status to authorities could be charged with criminal extortion. A related law subjects employers who retaliate against workers on the basis of immigration to fines and the loss of their business licenses. -AP

Waiving goodbye to unappealable decisions


he USCIS Administrative Appeals Office, or AAO, has administrative appellate jurisdiction over a wide variety of USCIS decisions that are not appealable to the Board of Immigration Appeals. This jurisdiction is primarily set forth in a regulatory list that has been absent from the Code of Federal Regulations since 2003, but was incorporated by reference that year into DHS Delegation 0150.1. Pursuant to that delegation, as many AAO decisions state, the


rulemaking.) The regulatory list of applications over which the AAO has jurisdiction does not include Form I-485 applications for adjustment of status, with a minor exception relating to applications based on a marriage entered into during removal proceedings denied for failure to meet the bona fide marriage exemption under INA §245(e). Thus, it would appear that the AAO would not have appellate jurisdiction over denials of adjustment applications, and that one's

The regulatory list of applications over which the AAO has jurisdiction does not include Form I-485 applications for adjustment of status, with a minor exception relating to applications based on a marriage entered into during removal proceedings AAO exercises appellate jurisdiction over the matters described at 8 C.F.R. 103.1(f)(3)(iii) as in effect on February 28, 2003. (It has been previously pointed out by attorney Matt Cameron that a currently nonexistent jurisdictional regulation is an undesirable state of affairs for an appellate body; USCIS recently indicated in a July 2013 Policy Memorandum regarding certification of decisions that DHS intends to replace the list in the regulations in a future

sole administrative recourse if an adjustment application is denied would be to seek review before an immigration judge in removal proceedings, as is generally permitted (except for certain arriving aliens) by 8 C.F.R. §1245.2(a)(5)(ii). But appearances can be deceiving. Many, although not all, of the grounds for denial of an adjustment application are potentially subject to waiver under appropriate conditions. If an application is

denied because the applicant was found inadmissible under INA §212(a)(2)(A)(i) due to conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude ("CIMT"), for example, a waiver can be sought under INA §212(h) if either the criminal conduct took place more than 15 years ago, or the applicant can attempt to demonstrate that the applicant's U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse, parent, son or daughter would face extreme hardship if the applicant were not admitted. Similarly, one who is found inadmissible under INA §212(a)(6)(C)(i) due to fraud or willful misrepresentation (not involving a false claim to U.S. citizenship taking place after September 30, 1996) can seek a waiver of inadmissibility under INA §212(i) based on extreme hardship to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse or parent. Various other grounds of inadmissibility are waiveable as well. While the AAO does not have jurisdiction directly over the denial of an adjustment application, the AAO does have jurisdiction over the denial of most waiver applications. And in the AAO's view, appellate jurisdiction to determine whether someone should have been granted a waiver necessarily includes jurisdiction to decide whether that applicant even

needed a waiver in the first place. If the AAO finds that a waiver was unnecessary, it will dismiss the waiver appeal and remand for fur-

Dismissal of a §212(h) waiver application as moot can also occur when the AAO finds that the applicant was not convicted of a crime ther processing of the adjustment application. That is, it will decide on appeal that the applicant was not, in fact, inadmissible, and thus in effect will have reviewed the denial of the underlying adjustment application even without regard to whether a waiver would be justified if one were indeed necessary. Although this process does not appear to be documented in any precedential AAO decision, comparatively few AAO precedent decisions of any sort having been published, this exercise of indirect appellate jurisdiction by the AAO occurs with some frequency in non-precedential, "unpublished" decisions that have been made available online (generally by

USCIS itself, or occasionally by other sources). Dismissal of a waiver appeal as moot can occur in the context of a §212(h) waiver, for example, where the AAO finds that the applicant's conviction was not for a CIMT (see also these additional decisions from 2012; 2010; February, March, April and June of 2009; 2008; and 2007). Even if the applicant does have a CIMT conviction, that AAO may conclude that the applicant's only conviction for a CIMT qualifies for the petty offense exception under INA §212(a)(2)(A)(ii)(II) and thus does not give rise to inadmissibility (see also these decisions along the same lines from January and March of 2009, 2008, and 2006). Dismissal of a §212(h) waiver application as moot can also occur when the AAO finds that the applicant was not convicted of a crime at all given that the official disposition of a charge was a "Nolle prosequi", or that an applicant who was not convicted of a crime had not given a valid admission to the elements of a crime, in accordance with the procedural safeguards required by precedent, so as to give rise to inadmissibility in the absence of a conviction. To be continued * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

October 11, 2013


India Post 47

HELP WANTED Consulate General of India, Chicago, invites applications for the post of a Junior Clerk. Interested candidates possessing appropriate work authorization may kindly by Text-Enhance"apply with their bioprofile to the CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA, 455 N Cityfront Plaza Drive (NBC Tower Building), Suite No. 850, Chicago, Illinois 60611 by October 18, 2013

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48 India Post

NEW JERSEY Upcoming Sun, Oct 13 • From Incompleteness to Completeness

NEW YORK Upcoming Fri, Oct 18 Sun Tv Kalyana Malai Pattiman-dram & Shooting

Venue: Piscataway High School, 100 Behmer Rd, Piscataway Township, NJ 08854 Time: 3:00 pm Contact: 848-248-6887

Venue: Hindu Temple Community Center, 143-09 Holly Ave, New York, NY 11355 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 917-300-9284

Sat, Oct 19

Thu, Oct 17 Lend a Hand India's Diwali Party and Fashion Show

• ICS Presents Navratri 2013 Venue: Dunn Sports Center-NJ, 600 Pearl St, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 Time: 9:00 pm Contact: 908-656-2020

Sat, Oct 26 • Vijay Siva - Carnatic Vocal concert presented by Sruti Venue: Agnes Irwin School - West Wike Theatre, 275 S. Ithan Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Time: 4:30 pm

Venue: Lair NYC, 201 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012 Time: 6:30 pm Contact: 917-715-9693

Sat, Oct 26 2nd Grand Gala Dinner Venue: World Fair Marina Banquet Hall, 1 Worlds Fair Marina Flushing, New York, NY 11369 Time: 6:30 pm Contact: 917-318-9396

October 11, 2013





Sat, Oct 12 • Bharathanatyam Fund Raiser Venue: Madrid Theatre, 21622 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA 91605

• J K Yog Satsang and Bal

• Silent River Film Festival

Mukund Hindi Classes are held every 2nd and 4rth Sunday of Month

Venue: Edwards Westpark 8, 3755 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92606 Time: 5:00 pm Contact: 949-394-5148

Fri, Oct 18 • Durga Puja Kickoff

Sun, Oct 13 • Hans Boepple Classical Pianist Venue: Smith Center at Ohlone College 43600 Mission Boulevard, Fremont CA

Venue: Centinela Valley Center For The Arts, 14901 S Inglewood Ave, Lawndale, CA 90260 Time: 5:00 pm Contact:310-497-8050

Time: 2:00 pm

Sat, Oct 19

Contact: : (510) 659-6031

• Grand Diwali Mela – 2013 Festival Of Lights

Fri, Oct 18 • Musical Prayer For Peace

Venue: Bharat Community Center, 1732 Reynolds Ave, Irvine, CA 92614 Time: 5:00 pm Time: 714-846-1301

Venue: Holy Nativity Episcopal Church, 6700 W 83rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Time: 8:00 pm Contact: 310-670-4777

Fri, Oct 18 • Celebrate 100 yrs of Indian Music With Jasraj Joshi Venue: Centinela Valley Center For The Arts, 14901 S Inglewood Ave, Lawndale,

ATLANTA Upcoming Fri, Oct 11 • Durgostav 2013 Venue: Berkmar High School, 405 Pleas-

Ca 90260

ant Hill Rd, Lilburn, GA 30047

Time: 8:30 pm

Time: 9:00 pm

Contact: 3104978050

Contact: 678-764-5179

Sat, Oct 19 • Do Kishore

Sun, Oct 20 • Dussehra Mela 2013

( Listen to Kishore Kumar )

Venue: Atlanta Event Hall, 3750 Venture

Venue: Chabot College complex 25555

Dr, Duluth, GA 30096

Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94557 Time: 7:30 pm Contact: 510-677-2777


Thu, Oct 17

Time: 4:30 pm Contact: 8183575313


Time: 3:00 pm Contact: 404-934-9991

Chicago Satsang Information: J K Yog, Chicago - Swami Mukundananda Venue: Clarion Inn/Waterford Banquets, Board Room, 933 South Riverside Drive, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

1st and 3rd Sunday of Month • Chicago Children's Bal Mukund Character Building Program and Hindi Literacy Classes Venue: Vogelei Center, 650 W. Higgins Road, Hoffmann Estates, IL 60192 (Next to Nissan Dealership) Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

Fri, Oct 18 • Shree Jalaram Mandir : Garba 2013 Venue: Shree Jalaram Mandir, 425 Illinois Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 Time: 5:30 pm Contact: 847-596-0363

Thu, Oct 24 • IACS Diversity Job Fair 2013 Venue: Chicago Hilton, 720 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 720 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605 Time: 10:00 am Contact: 847-596-0363

October 11, 2013

India Post 49

„ Health


Utahns against shutdown to fight health law SALT LAKE CITY: According to a statewide poll, most Utahns oppose shutting down the government to fight the new federal health care law. The Deseret News-KSL survey found that 56 percent of those surveyed opposed the shutdown and 37 percent supported it. The poll also found that 21 percent of Utahns blamed President Barack Obama for the shutdown and 20 percent said it was the fault of congressional Republicans. Only 6 percent blamed Democrats in Congress while 41 percent said Obama and both parties in Congress were equally to blame. University of Utah political scientist Kirk Jowers says the results show ``Utahns are conservative but pragmatic.'' The poll of 410 Utahns statewide, conducted by Dan Jones & Associates, has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. -AP


Botox jabs may help you shed flab LONDON: Botox may not only make you look younger, it could also help you shed flab, a new study suggests. Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have had promising experimental results from using Botox as a weight loss tool in rats. The research group hopes to soon win approval for human testing and believes Botox can be used as an alternative to gastric bypass surgery. Helene Johannessen, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), is studying whether or not Botox could be used as an alternative to treating morbid obesity, replacing costly and dangerous operations. Tests on rats have shown that treatments with Botox injected into the vagus nerve in the stomach can lead to weight loss, researchers said. When Johannessen injected rats with Botox, the animals ate less and lost 20-30 per cent of their body weight over five weeks. The treatment effectively paralyses the vagus nerve, which triggers the sense of hunger and controls the passing of food through the intestines. Paralysing the nerve paralyses muscles in the stomach, which appears to slow the passage of food through the stomach. This effect might one day lead to treatments that cause people to feel fuller for longer, researchers said. -PTI

Health Science Blood on brain, rest ordered for Argentine leader 50

India Post

October 11, 2013

Details on Page 52

AAPI-AHA collaborate to reduce heart attacks and strokes India Post News Service

CHICAGO, IL: With the ever increasing need for reducing morbidity and mortality due to heart attacks and strokes, especially among Indians and Indian Americans, the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) and the American Heart Association are laying the groundwork in India and USA. The AAPI-AHA Liaison Committee, chaired by Vemuri S. Murthy, MD, a veteran AHA International Volunteer and National Faculty, has announced that a Letter of Intent (LOI) between the two organizations has been signed. "AAPI-AHA collaboration will consider programs such as: 1) introducing the AHA curriculum of resuscitation science in all Indian Medical Colleges; 2) working together to help community programs in India and USA enhancing the awareness of heart attacks and strokes and 3) help develop Training Faculty in Resuscitation. Dr Jayesh Shah, President of

India, the signing of the LOI could not have come at a more opportune time. The committee chaired by Dr Murthy will function closely with AHA in India and USA helping realize the mission, especially in working towards building healthier lives, free of cardiovas-

recent evidence-based advances in resuscitation science to enhance the quality of global health, with specific focus on India," he adds. The aim of this collaboration is to work closely with Indian physicians to address the lack of ad-

American Heart Association Basic Life Support & Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Courses, being sponsored by Resurrection Healthcare Training Center, Chicago, IL

cular diseases and stroke," Dr Shah hopes. "With participation of US physicians of Indian origin and their counterparts in India, the American Heart Association and AAPI conferences are expected to strengthen the ongoing collaboration." "Heart disease and stroke are not stopped by borders and neither are the efforts to stop them," says Dr Murthy. "A strong relationship between researchers and clinicians will allow the transfer of the latest knowledge into state-of-the art medical practice. American Heart Association is the global leader in medical research and practice. The recent advances in resuscitation science such as hypotherDr Jayesh Shah, president of AAPI mia in cardiac arrest continue to make significant AAPI, thanked Dr Vemuri Murthy impact on the quality of human and the AAPI-AHA Liaison Com- lives". "The workshop on Resuscitamittee for this landmark Letter of Intent (LOI). AHA-AAPI leader- tion, involving hundreds of Indian ship will be meeting on Novem- healthcare leaders and providers, ber 17 in Dallas, TX to discuss is designed to address the global details and develop an action crisis of increasing morbidity and mortality due to heart attacks and plan. "As we are nearing the 8th Glo- strokes. The team of panelists from bal Health Summit in Ahmedabad, USA and India will discuss the

equate training of Emergency Room Physicians and to provide a uniform curriculum for Emergency Care Education in the Medical Colleges. There are currently 41,000+ medical students in 345 medical colleges throughout India and Dr. Murthy readily admits this is a major challenge. Dr Ranga Reddy, Vice- Chair of the Committee, says, "We will encourage the curriculum of Resuscitation Science (Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support) in all Indian medical colleges using AHA teaching material. We have to work with various medical universities and the Medical Council of India". Dr Ravi Jahagirdar, President-elect of AAPI, referred to a recent study by the Registrar General of India (RGI) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), stating that heart disease has emerged as the number one killer among Indians. About 25 per cent of deaths in the age group of 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases. If all age groups are included, heart diseases account for about 19 per cent of all deaths. It is the leading cause of death among males as well as females and in all regions of India, the study found.

India, with more than 1.2 billion people, is estimated to account for 60 percent of heart disease patients worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, heart related disorders will kill almost 20 million people by 2015, and they are exceptionally prevalent in the Indian sub-continent. Half of all heart attacks in this population occur under the age of 50 years and 25 percent under the age of 40. It is estimated that India will have over 1.6 million strokes per year by 2015, resulting in disabilities in one third of the cases. The need is urgent. The American Heart Association is the nation's oldest, largest voluntary organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Founded in 1924, AHA now has millions of volunteers and supporters working tirelessly to eliminate these diseases. AHA funds innovative research, fights for stronger public health policies and provides lifesaving tools and information to save and improve lives.

Dr Vemuri S.Murthy, Chair, AAPI-AHA Liaison Committee

While serving as an umbrella organization for more than 130 member associations nationwide, AAPI was formed to coordinate the efforts of the physicians of Indian origin, currently working in the United States. Headquartered in Chicago, AAPI has come to be recognized as a strong voice in the healthcare legislation and policy arena.

October 11, 2013

Health Science Post

India Post 51

Cruz flays Obama, health law; casts blame at Dems RICHMOND, Va.: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz told a socially conservative advocacy group that President Barack Obama's Democratic administration is ``the most hostile to religious liberty'' in American history and uses the health reform law as its most formidable weapon against them. Cruz, the Senate leader of an effort by congressional Republicans to condition funding for federal government to stripping the health law of funding, sought to shift blame for the resulting government shutdown to Democrats as polls show Americans hold the GOP more to blame for it than Democrats. ``I am sorry to say that this administration is the most hostile to religious liberties that this country has ever seen,'' Cruz said as several hundred Christian conservatives roared their approval. ``We see the federal government mandate that people across this country violate their religious faith and provide for those whose faith prohibits it contraceptives or abortion drugs.'' Cruz and fellow Republican Ken Cuccinelli, who is running for Virginia governor, headlined a fundraiser for several

hundred people who support the nonprofit Family Foundation, the state's best-known lobby for socially conservative legislation.

Ted Cruz

Most of the senator's 54-minute address was aimed at the Senate's Democratic leadership, whom he accused of obstructing at least four bills that would have restored

Ghana drug regulator blacklists Indian firm JOHANNESBURG: Under fire for supplying fake medicines, Indian pharmaceutical firm Bliss GVS Pharma has been banned by Ghana's health watchdog from importing and distributing medicinal products to the African nation. The Maharashtra-based company was found to be selling fake and unregistered malaria drugs in Ghana, along with a local company named Tobinco Pharmaceuticals. "The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)... has with immediate effect banned the importation and distribution of all medicinal products manufactured by Bliss GVS Pharma Limited," FDA Ghana Chief Executive Stephen K Opuni said in a statement. The African nation watchdog, which regulates the over USD 300 million country's drug market, said the step has been taken as a result of the manufacture and distribution of medicinal products by Bliss GVS Pharma into the country without adherence to the registration requirements. Top officials of Bliss GVS Pharma of India and Ghanaian drug maker Tobinco have

apologized to it for importing 'fake malaria medicine' to Ghana to treat malaria in children, according to Ghana's Food and Drug Administration (FDA). "The company manufactured a fake antimalarial medicine (Gsunate Plus Suppositories) which was imported into the Ghanaian market. The efficacy and safety of this antimalarial medicine has not been ascertained since there has not been any clinical trial study to justify the use of this medicinal product for the treatment of Malaria," Opuni said. Bliss GVS Pharma has not registered this drug in the country of origin (India) even though malaria is prevalent in India and the manufacturer is therefore without the requisite regulatory authorization using Ghanaian children as "clinical trial subjects," he added. In recent months, some Indian drug makers have received warning letters from global regulators, including from the US, for issues related to manufacturing norm violations. -PTI

Warning of scams with health care overhaul COLUMBUS, Ohio: State officials are warning consumers to avoid scams related to the nation's new health care law. Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine says scammers often pretend to be associated with the government to make their ploys seem real. He says Ohioans should guard personal information and never pay upfront fees. DeWine also cautions them to get information from reliable sources and watch out

for phony websites. Open enrollment for the federally-run health insurance exchange in Ohio runs through next March. Coverage begins in January for those who select a plan by Dec. 15. DeWine says reports of scams related to the Affordable Care Act initially surfaced in Ohio over the summer. He urged consumers to report scams or suspicious activity to his office and the Ohio Department of Insurance. -AP

funding to select areas of government that have been suspended, including veterans services and the National Institutes of Health. At this point, polls show more Americans blame Republicans for the shutdown than Obama and other Democrats. A CBS News poll conducted after the shutdown shows 44 percent of Americans blame Republicans, compared to 35 percent for Obama and Democrats. Nearly 1 in 5 says both sides share the blame. ``Four times the U.S. House of Representatives has acted to fully fund the government, and yet prevent the very real harm that Obamacare is causing to millions of Americans,'' Cruz said. Last month, Cruz staged a 21-hour, 19-minute filibuster on the Senate floor in support of defunding the health overhaul, reading a Dr Suess children's fable during part of his overnight marathon. He also paid tribute to Cuccinelli, saying ``he is smart, he is principled and he is fearless.'' But Cuccinelli, who spoke for just seven minutes, made no mention of Cruz. Cuccinelli also flailed the health over-

haul law and blasted the Democratic White House and his Democratic opponent, Terry McAuliffe, for supporting environmental regulations that he says amount to a war on coal. The issues are two major fault lines between the adversaries in America's only competitive gubernatorial race. ``The war on coal in Virginia is a war on our poor,'' Cuccinelli said, referring to new Environmental Protection Agency regulations that would impose strict carbon-emission limits on new coal- or gas-fired electrical power plants. McAuliffe recently spoke out for the first time in support for the new regulations that Cuccinelli and the GOP contend will curtail coal mining in mountainous southwestern Virginia. Cuccinelli was the first state attorney general in the nation to sue the federal government alleging the health care overhaul violated the U.S. Constitution. ``Many of you have heard me say that states have a role to play defending that constitution. When the federal government oversteps its boundaries, we are the last line of defense,'' said Cuccinelli, who received two standing ovations. McAuliffe supports the health care overhaul and has pledged to expand Medicare eligibility to about 400,000 Virginia working poor if elected, saying the state would forfeit $21 billion in federal support over seven years without it. -AP

52 India Post

Health Science Post

October 11, 2013

Blood on brain, rest ordered for Argentine leader BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: Doctors have ordered a month's rest for Argentina's president after they found blood on her brain due to a head injury. President Cristina Fernandez's spokesman said she had suffered a previously undisclosed ``skull trauma'' on Aug. 12.

Cristina Fernandez

Spokesman Alfredo Scoccimarro read a statement signed by the president's doctors saying they did a CAT scan of her brain after the August head injury and found nothing wrong, and that afterward she suffered no symptoms. But he said problems surfaced after Fernandez, 60, went to a hospital for checks on an irregular heartbeat. Because she was suffering headaches, they looked at her skull again, too, and found a subdural hematoma. That means bleeding between the

brain and the skull. The statement defined it as ``chronic'' and not ``acute,'' which suggests that it has been slowly building. ``The president had a cardiovascular study done in the Fundacion Favaloro and given that she had head pain, they did neurological studies, diagnosing a `chronic subdural collection' (bleeding on the brain), and they ordered her to rest for a month,'' said the statement, which was signed by the president's doctors. The statement added that her doctors will keep close watch on how the bleeding evolves using imaging technology. Her spokesman did not address during his televised announcement whether Fernandez will try to keep managing the country herself from the presidential residence, or formally take medical leave and hand the government over to Vice President Amado Boudou, who was flying back to Argentina from Brazil. It's a hard time for Fernandez, a tireless campaigner, to disappear from Argentina's political scene. Aug. 12 was one day after primary elections in which her opponents made significant gains. With the latest doctors' orders, she won't be able to campaign for her allies ahead of key congressional midterm elections on Oct. 27 that will determine whether the ruling Front for Victory party holds onto enough seats to enable her to continue ruling with virtually unchecked power. -AP

Bag on Mo. clinic roof was bid at arson JOPLIN, Mo.: Investigators say they're looking into a failed arson attempt at a southwest Missouri Planned Parenthood clinic after a bag containing incendiary material was found on the roof. Surveillance video from the facility in Joplin shows a person dressed in a hooded sweatshirt approach the back of the building around midnight and throw the bag onto the roof, The Joplin Globe reported. An employee arriving at work next day noticed the bag and contacted police. Because of the bag's contents, the FBI and federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have joined local and state fire investigators in the probe. There was no fire and no damage to the building, Joplin police Lt. Matt Stewart said, but investigators are treating it as an arson attempt because of what was in the bag. He declined to describe the material, other than to say it was incendiary. Though he also declined to describe the bag, grainy surveillance photos released by police show the suspect carrying some-

thing that resembles a backpack. It wasn't clear from the photos whether the person was a man or a woman. Police have not disclosed how ignition was intended to happen or why it failed. Stewart declined to say if any type of communication had been found indicating why someone would have tried to start a fire at the facility. The method - throwing incendiary material onto a building - is similar to the one used at the Islamic Society of Joplin's mosque on July 4, 2012. In that case, a man dressed in dark clothes was seen on surveillance video lighting a fuse on a package and throwing it onto the mosque's roof. It sparked a small fire that caused only minor damage to the mosque. About a month later, the mosque was destroyed by a second fire. The cause of that blaze has not been determined. Investigators haven't found any links between the mosque and Planned Parenthood incidents, Stewart said. ``There don't appear to be any connections at all at this time,'' he said. -AP

Now, nipple jab to treat breast cancer WASHINGTON: Researchers have developed a new technique for breast cancer treatment and prevention - injection of drugs via the nipple. The procedure offers direct access to the most common origin of breast cancer, the milk ducts, and could be used to develop cancer therapy that spares healthy regions of the body, scientists say. "Local delivery of therapeutic agents into the breast, through intra-nipple injection, could diminish the side effects typically observed with systemic chemotherapy - where the toxic drugs pass through all of the tissues of the body," said Dr Silva Krause, one of the researchers behind the experiment.

"It also prevents drug breakdown by the liver, for example, which can rapidly reduce effective drug levels," Krause said. According to Silva, she and her colleagues have already begun experimentation in applying the method. "The authors have utilized this technique to inject a new nanoparticle-based therapeutic that inhibits a specific gene that drives breast cancer formation," said Silva. "This targeted treatment was shown to prevent cancer progression in mice that spontaneously develop mammary tumors, and is currently in review in Science Translational Medicine," she said. The study was published in the Journal of Visualized Experiments. -PTI

Proposed rule would change Ala. abortion licensing HUNTSVILLE, Ala.: More doctors in Alabama could be forced to register as abortion providers under a proposed rule now under consideration. Doctors do not currently need an abortion provider license unless they perform 30 or more abortions during any two-month period in a calendar year. Under the new rule, doctors would need such a license if they performed 10 or more abortions per month, or more than 100 abortions annually. reports the rule is part of an abortion law passed earlier year. A judge has

delayed the implementation of some aspects of the law, including a requirement that doctors at abortion clinics have admitting privileges at local hospitals. But state officials appear on track to adopt the rule on licenses by the end of the year. Brian Hale, the deputy general counsel of the Department of Public Health, said the change would move Alabama closer to the requirements adopted by other states. Planned Parenthood is currently reviewing the proposal, group spokeswoman Nora Spencer said. -AP


October 11, 2013

India Post 53

Page Sponsored by Sahanis N.S. ANANTHARANGACHAR


harma is defined in a general way as: "That on which the existence and prosperity of this universe as well as fair dealing depend is Dharma." That which is for the good of this universe is Dharma. This signifies that Dharma is virtue that is to be practiced by each individual. These virtues are identified and listed for giving proper guidance to humanity. "Existence and prosperity of this universe" is the key sentence here. The Dharma of the individual is the "existence and prosperity" of the individual self. Higher than that is the Dharma or duty to the family. Higher than that is the Dharma to the community. Higher than that is the Dharma to all the city dwellers. Higher than that is the Dharma to the entire nation. Higher than that is the Dharma to the entire human race. Higher than that is the Dharma to all creatures, to the whole universe. The higher category supersedes the lower category. Rama says: "When the oppressed seeks relief, at the hands of a virtuous and capable person, it is supreme Dharma to protect the surrendered even at the cost of one's own life." Rama revealed this supreme Dharma by saying that even if the surrendered person is Ravana himself, he would save


handi is one of the oldest scriptures on Mother Worship. It was obviously composed before the sectarian divisions of Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism entered Hinduism. Hence Devi is referred to in this book as the Power of Vishnu and also addressed as Narayani repeatedly. The most important legend which is central to Durga Puja is about Durga. The word Durga literally means one who ''protects like a fort'' or one who ''destroys the evil consequences'' of our actions (durgati-nashini). In the Chandi, Durga is mostly referred to simply as Devi, the Goddess, and occasionally as Ambika. She is an independent, supreme Goddess, not the consort of any male God. The main purpose of Chandi is to glorify Shakti. Shakti is the dynamic aspect of the ultimate Reality known as Brahman. Shakti is generally regarded as the feminine principle. The feminine principle has two aspects: a lower, seductive aspect, and a higher, maternal aspect. It is the higher maternal aspect that is glorified in the Chandi, and in the Shakta tradition in general. Sri Ramakrishna used to say: Jini Brahma tini Shakti, tini i Ma ''He who is Brahman is Shakti, and He himself is the

even those that deserve to be killed. When mother Kaushalya and also the citizens of Ayodhya plead with Rama not go to the forest, Rama replies that Dharma lies in obeying the words of the father and that he, being devoted to Dharma, cannot transgress the words of his father. (Rama is not yet a king.) At this stage Rama's Dharma is that of a son. After returning from the for-

treme examples, how Dharma assumes different roles according to the changed circumstances. Contrast the Dharma of Rama as a son (not yet a king) with Rama as a King. Rama as a son did not have the relationship between king and subjects as when citizens of Ayodhya plead with Rama not to go to the forest. In one of the passages describing the words of Sita, the signifi-

ity but dynamic activity against the offenders of Dharma. The following is from the Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, 9-30,31. "Wealth comes out of Dharma. Happiness comes out of Dharma. Everything is obtainable from Dharma. Dharma is the essence of this universe. The adept attain Dharma by disciplining themselves by the conditions of Dharma, with

Dharma assumes roles according to circumstances Lord Rama

Rama says: "When the oppressed seeks relief, at the hands of a virtuous and capable person, it is supreme Dharma to protect the surrendered even at the cost of one's own life."

est, upon being crowned as King, Rama's Dharma as a king takes precedence over his own self or over his family. The interest of the kingdom or the nation is above that of the individual or the family of the individual (now crowned as king.) In the interest of the kingdom, Rama would sacrifice his own life; would sacrifice his family life (banish his wife Sita). Rama says: "I can renounce my life, Lakshmana, and you, Sita, but I cannot break my promise." Valmiki shows, by using ex-

cance of Dharma is expounded. Sita asks Rama to practice Dharma of the Tapovana (of the Rishis and the ascetics) so long as he dwells in the forest and to take to the bow and arrow after returning to the capital. Sita wanted Rama to follow the path of the hermits and not to engage himself in vanquishing the demons that troubled the sages. Rama, who was steadfast in Dharma says that it is the Dharma of a Kshatriya to redeem the world from suffering and sorrow. Dharma is not a mood of helpless passiv-

great effort; one cannot get happiness from happiness." Dharma is eightfold as: "Sacrifice, Vedic study, Charity, Penance, Truth, Fortitude, Forgiveness, Non-desire." The following ten are characteristics of Dharma: Fortitude, forgiveness, restraint, non-stealing, purity, control over sense organs, intelligence, knowledge, truth, absence of anger. The festival of Dussehra, or Vijaydashmi, will be celebrated on October 13.

Mother of the Universe'' A mother has three main functions: to give birth, to nourish, to care and protect. It is the third aspect that is highlighted in the Chandi. God is not a disinterested spectator of the drama of human life. She is an active participant. She protects people from dangers.

inseparable aspects of reality, and we have to accept both. We generally tend to associate Godhead only with love and compassion. We forget that Godhead has also an aspect of power, terror and destruction. It was this destructive aspect of Godhead that Sri Krishna

Chandi shows how much power women can wield, how they can work independently, and face boldly even the worst challenges of life without unduly depending on men. Chandi delivers a message of hope, the assurance of divine help and succor. In spite of all

Shakti is dynamic aspect of the ultimate Reality In the Chandi, Durga is mostly referred to simply as Devi, the Goddess, and occasionally as Ambika. She is an independent, supreme Goddess, not the consort of any male God. Think of the cosmic figure of a Divine Mother towering over millions of people guarding them from dangers, punishing evil doers. Another purpose of the Chandi is to depict the reality of evil. Vice, wickedness, cruelty, injustice, suffering - all these are as much real as virtue, love, compassion, cooperation etc which humanity has idealized and dreamed about from time immemorial. Dharma and Adharma, virtue and vice, are two

showed Arjuna through the Vishwarupa Darshana revelation. What we find in the Chandi is the same terrible aspect, but associated with the Eternal Feminine. The Chandi also is about empowerment of women. The Chandi shows to what heights this empowerment can be raised. In all countries in all times, women have been indoctrinated from childhood to believe that they are weak, helpless and totally dependent on men. The

There's great release, really, in not seeing into the future. -Gangaji Behind the cliche that you create your own reality there is a shadow: if you don't create your own reality, it will be created for you -Deepak Chopra It is within our deepest solitude, where we take leave of every image and idea of ourselves as well as of God, that we come upon the fullness of our being. -Adyashanti The heart must be Satisfied. Without that Satisfaction-Which is necessarily Spiritual in Nature--there is no Real Happiness. -Adi Da Samraj Our true nature is free of any and all notions of gender, of any notions of difference whatsoever. -Andrew Cohen


the terrible happenings described in the book, there is absolutely no pessimistic tone or note of despair in the Chandi. Let troubles and difficulties come, let even dire calamities occur; we have nothing to fear, for there is a God, a Mother, who protects us from all dangers or gives us the inner strength to face them. Excerpted from the ramakrishnamission website. Durga Puja ends with Saraswati Visarjan on Oct 13.

If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life -Martin Heidegger The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity. -Robert Anthony

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India Post

October 11, 2013

Factories of 'Hate' and Pakistan's fate


few hours after a suicide bomber hit a Church in Peshawar recently, a sixyear-old, chubby boy was struggling to get out of the clutches of two youngsters in a crowded Rawalpindi bazaar. Weeping and crying it was clear that he did not want to be with them. But with all the force at their command, they were dragging him while scores of people were watching the scene and some of them even giving incongruous smiles. When the boy, probably of Pathan descent, clutched to a tyre of our vehicle, I asked the duo as to why they were dragging him like this. "Yeh Madrassey Sey Bhaag key Aaya Hey" (he ran away from the madrassa), was the curt reply. I could not pose another question, as they finally managed to shoulder him and he was soon out of sight. A friend who accompanied me sarcastically remarked "He is being taken to factory and may be one day he will emerge like the bomber who carried out an attack today". 'Factory' is the expression used for Madrassas in Pakistan, which churn out 'Jehadis', who have now been targeting Pakistan for more than 12 years. I asked my friend what if the child just gets the usual religious education in the madrassa instead of joining the militant ranks. He replied: "May be he is spared, but boys like him are caught at such a young age that it does not leave much of an option for them but to go by the direction they are given." The threat of extremism has been eating at the vitals of Pakistan, especially after September 11 attacks on United States of America and then the so called "war on terror". With anti-American feelings reaching a crescendo, the extremist groups did everything to destabilize Pakistan and continue to do so. More than 50,000 people have been killed in 12 years and thousands were injured and there is no let up, even as the democratic government has been in power for over five years now. If the Pakistani Army was the irritant for such forces, since they believed that they were partners in the crimes committed by US, then a space should have been given to the democratic leadership. But that is not happening. In the past few years these forces have virtually put the state on backfoot. The web of Madrassas in Paki-


stan has become an uncontrollable thing with more than one factors mixing together. Anti-US feelings, bitterness with India and the reprisals against militants, whom Pakistan prefers to call terrorists, have conjured up to make a societal sanction possible for such forces. With Pakistan facing more than one problem, the influence of these Madrassas is not waning. Necessarily all the Madrassas are not responsible for providing fodder to the organizations which have targeted Pakistan for instability. But generally they come from these seminaries only. This

and all the TV channels were asking the question as to why Pakistan was not reining in the "terror' camps, I was amused. The government which cannot save an officer of the rank of Major General, is disempowered to stop an attack on Church, is facing daily attacks on the parts of establishment, how can it rein in such people, if at all they had come from the same stock? Today Pakistan is in bad shape. Despite being soft on terror in past one year, which resulted in marginal 1.45 percent decline in fatalities in 2012 and Nawaz Sharif's keenness to open up dia-

Students recite lines at a Madrassa in Pakistan

trend is also attributed to collapse of public education system. In last 65 years, large swathes of Pakistan's territory have remained outside the control of federal government. According to an estimate, there are nearly 24,000 registered madrassas in Pakistan and the number of unregistered ones is growing. The number of students enrolled in these madrassas is estimated to be around 3 million. The mechanism to regulate or modernize them has failed, as they believe it was an attempt to dilute their agenda of carrying out their religious duty against the "evil". But if the Jehad is against the evil, does Pakistan really fit in that category, as it was the nation created in the name of Islam. For many reasons, those for whom Mohammad Ali Jinnah fought to have a separate nation have turned against the same. Disdain in Pakistani society is mostly because the country could not keep its date with democracy and Army emerged the most powerful organ of the state. When the militants carried out two attacks in Jammu recently

logue with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, the umbrella group of militants, situation continues to remain grim. "The proposed talks are unlikely to succeed unless the government gives a clear indication to the insurgents that it would not tolerate its writ to be challenged by anyone. We have prevaricated for too long and allowed the insurgents too much room," a former diplomat, who has worked in Afghanistan, said arguing that a tough message needed to be sent. As of now Nawaz Sharif's carrot and stick policy is facing a bumpy ride, but in case all the organs of state are determined, it may succeed. However, after the recent attacks, the voices of opposition to dialogue are growing louder asking the government to retaliate. Next few months are crucial for Nawaz Sharif as he will have to walk a tight rope of pushing for dialogue and also to ensure that fewer civilians are targeted. Really a testing time for Pakistan and Sharif. The writer is Editor in Chief, Rising Kashmir. Courtesy IPCS


India Post Poll portents

lections have been announced for five Indian states Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Mizoram to be held between November 11 and December 4. The counting of votes for all these states will be held on December 8. Speculation is mounting that the results of these elections will show which way the wind blows for the 2014 national elections. State elections are normally fought on local issues. There is precedent that ruling parties that have been fulfilling the people's expectations are re-elected. Will that be the case this time too or the spreading Modi wave will affect the mood of the electorate at the cost of local issues? It would be misleading to read the portents for national future from these elections. A lot can change in five months. The story of the recent Indian politics is the rise of the regional powers at the cost of the national parties. Which is a good thing in itself but when these regional chieftains start pulling their weight at the Center they tend to be myopic and fail to understand national priorities. They seek policy decisions which favor their region undermining even foreign policy currently in place. For example, at the national level India would seek to have friendly relations with Sri Lanka and expand trade and people to people contacts. The ruling parties in Tamil Nadu, whether the ADMK or the DMK, always scuttle that move and base their approach to Sri Lanka on the discrimination against Tamils in that country. Even if Sri Lanka wants to move ahead on that issue, past ghosts about LTTE are dug up and relations are stymied. Another example is West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee who is not allowing a major treaty on Teesta waters with Bangladesh to be finalized because of her clinging to local interests. Even if Narendra Modi comes to power at the Center he would find it difficult to take decisions without the support of allies, if he is able to muster enough of them after the elections. It is certain that he and his party, the BJP, will not be able to muster a majority on its own. Whether Congress retains power at the Center or the BJP is enthroned, or even if a third combination takes power, it is certain that decision making on the national level will not be easy. One factor could be favorable for a new dispensation. They could talk things over with each other. At present, the Congress takes the allies for granted. It doesn't consult them before taking major decisions and they are informed only later. Notice the spectacle crown prince Rahul Gandhi made of himself trashing his own party's decision on the ordinance to save criminal MPs? His intervention carried so much weight that the ordinance was withdrawn without a voice of dissent from within the Congress or the allies. Was there no way to talk it over with the party bosses and the parties supporting the UPA? The allies are willy nilly with the present ruling party because the alternative of BJP is difficult for them to digest. The scare about the BJP being a communal party is being spread by the Congress to keep the Muslims and other minorities away from that party. Actually, the Congress is even more communal than the BJP. Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde recently asked all chief ministers to ensure no innocent Muslim youth is wrongfully detained on charges of terror. Why should only Muslim youth be spared wrongful detention? Why isn't this noble concept applicable to all Indians, irrespective of caste and religions? There have been a host of cases and convictions against those accused of taking part in or conniving at the 2002 riots in Gujarat. Has anyone of the Congress been found guilty of the anti-Sikh riots or the host of killings in Assam and Punjab?

October 11, 2013

India Post 55

56 India Post

October 11, 2013

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