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India Post V O I C E
UN releases stamp on the Mahatma Details on page 7
VOL 15, No. 788
October 16, 2009
Periodical Postage
INDIAN EMBASSY IN KABUL ATTACKED 12 locals killed, 3 ITBP men hurt
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
Nobel laureate 'Venky' thanks colleagues Details on page 9
‘Pak wants to shut 26/11 type groups’ Details on page 9
Obama goes on China tour next month
NY Consulate celebrates Gandhi Jayanti
Details on page 7
Details on page 6
Pak Army objects to Kerry Lugar bill Details on page 8
SAALT observes Oct 2 with Day of Service Details on page 10
US industry keen to partner with India Details on page 62
INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question
Will Zardari be able to control military? Last week’s result
Obama approach to Pak same as Bush’s? YES 46%
NO 54%
TALIBAN TERROR: Afghan policemen inspect the site of a suicide car bomb explosion near the Indian Embassy in Kabul on October 8
KABUL/NEW DELHI: A suicide bomber on Oct 8 blew up an explosives-laden car outside the Indian Embassy here, killing 12 people and injuring 83, including three ITBP personnel, in the second attack on the mission in over a year.
The Indian Embassy staff was safe although the three ITBP personnel suffered "slight injuries" in the blast which was of the same intensity as that of July 7, 2008. Details on page 6
Ackerman denounces Pak hostility to US aid India Post News Service
most pressing domestic and security concerns. During the debate on the legislation in the US House of Representatives, Congressman Ackerman had said he was skeptical about whether this assistance bill truly represents a meeting of the minds between the US and the people and the government of Pakistan. "Frankly, I doubt that our money can buy us much good will. Nevertheless, recognizing the vital US interests at stake in South Asia in the fight against extremism and terrorism, I felt the Kerry-Lugar bill, for all its flaws, was absolutely necessary. But we can not build a partnership by ourselves. It just can't be done."
NEW YORK: US Congressman Gary Ackerman, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia has denounced the strong and hostile reaction in Pakistan to the recently passed bill by US Congress to provide a $7.5 billion aid to that country. In a statement issued Oct 7, Congressman Ackerman said, "I've noted with concern the recent debate in Pakistan concerning the legislation recently passed by the US Congress to strengthen our partnership with Pakistan and to aid that country with some of its Gary Ackerman
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CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 59-61 Classifieds --------------------- 72-74 Community Post -------------- 10-19 Date Book -------------------------- 69 Edit Page --------------------------- 77 HealthScience Post --------- 56-57 Horoscope ------------------------- 70 Immigration Post ------------- 64-67 Philosophy ------------------------- 76 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate ------------------------ 58 Sports ------------------------------- 68 TechBiz Post ------------------- 62-63 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 51-53
India Post
October 16, 2009
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October 16, 2009
India Post
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India Post
India Post
October 16, 2009
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Publisher’s Diary
et this new twist in the great American-aid-to-Pakistan tale - if you thought India was protesting against it, it comes as a mere murmur compared to the huge outcry by the Pakistani army itself that is rejecting the conditions that the aid is being hung upon. Isn't that ironic now? Over the past several years, Pakistan has been welcoming the unconditional largesse coming it way from the US, because nobody questioned what that aid was really spent on. That was until Pakistan's own former President General Musharraf revealed that most of the US aid to Pakistan has gone into aggressions against India. And now, when a slightly wiser US Senate put pre-conditions of strictly monitoring the Pakistan's military activities in lieu of the aid, the powerful military is upset. And when will it learn to stop using anti-India propaganda to distract the world from its own failures and disruptive tendencies. Like for some time now, it has been trying to tell the world that India is playing a terror role in parts of Afghanistan; when in fact, of all of Afghanistan's neighbors, India is the only country that has taken on genuine developmental work for the betterment of the Afghani people. India is the fourth largest donor of Afghanistan's construction projects that include dams, power plants, roads, telecommunication networks, industries, health, education and even agriculture - all at a committed aid of over $1.5 billion. What is disconcerting is a recent report by General Stanley McChrystal, commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, which said that Pakistan could create trouble in Afghanistan and India because of India's growing influence in Kabul. What is it with Pakistan - it has to have some of the most twisted of minds working in its military and political corridors - that it has become such a menacing nuisance to the world? Like, Congressman Gary Ackerman said on seeing Pakistan's reaction to the US aid package, "In the end, Pakistan, like ourselves (the US), will have to make some hard choices about where their interests really lie."
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Bollywood Rani on Adi Rani Mukherjee talks about her relationship with Adi, the speculation about marriage and being Yash Raj Film's favorite.
Cover Story: Attack on Embassy A suicide bomber blows up an explosivesladen car outside the Indian Embassy in Kabul, killing 12 people.
Community: Be the Change
Over 2,500 SAALT participants marked the first Saturday of October by giving back to their communities through Be the Change.
Health: Top meeting AAPI President Dr. Vinod K. Shah met with President Barack Obama in Washington recently.
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Travel: Badami The architecture and sculptures created in Badami during the time of the Chalukyas inspired latter-day traditions.
October 16, 2009
India Post
Cover/Top Stories
India Post
October 16, 2009
Indian Embassy in Kabul attacked 12 locals killed, 3 ITBP men hurt KABUL/NEW DELHI: A suicide bomber on Oct 8 blew up an explosives-laden car outside the Indian Embassy here, killing 12 people and injuring 83, including three ITBP personnel, in the second attack on the mission in over a year. The Indian Embassy staff was safe although the three ITBP per-
US condemns suicide attack
spokesman Fakiri said "brutal attack" was carried out by "enemies of the relations between the two countries" and their "bases are outside of Afghanistan". Soon after the attack, the security of the Indian Embassy and the personnel was reviewed at a meeting at the Afghan Interior Ministry in which the Indian Ambassador and officials from the Afghan Foreign Ministry were present.
NEW DELHI: The United States has strongly condemned the suicide bomb attack outside the Indian Embassy compound in Kabul that killed at least 12 people and left 83 wounded, including three ITBP jawans. "Our heart goes out to India, to the victims of terrorism and our prayers are with the people of India today," US Ambassador Timothy Roemer told reporters. Terming the attack as "deeply troubling", Roemer also ex-
tended US support to India. "I want to extend both to the Foreign Secretary and to the people of India the United States of America's support to India, its concern about this bombing which is deeply troubling and as we find out more details we will have more to say," he said after meeting Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao. The powerful blast blew up the mission watch tower, destroyed vehicles and left a trail of death and destruction.-PTI
Last year, a suicide car bomber had rammed the gate of the Indian Embassy, killing 60 people, including a senior IFS officer V V Rao and Brigadier-rank Defense Attache R D Mehta
to breach the security perimeter. "The blast was directed at the Embassy because the suicide bomber came up to the outside perimeter wall of the Indian Embassy with a car loaded with explosives, obviously with the aim of targeting the embassy," Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said in New Delhi. Afghan Foreign Ministry
This was the second attack on the Indian mission here in 15 months. Last year, a suicide car bomber had rammed the gate of the Indian Embassy, killing 60 people, including a senior IFS officer V V Rao and Brigadier-rank Defense Attache R D Mehta. The last attack, blamed on Taliban militants linked to Pakistan's intelli-
sonnel suffered "slight injuries" in the blast which was of the same intensity as that of July 7, 2008. The wall of the highly-fortified embassy was damaged and a watch tower destroyed in the powerful blast that occurred near the outer perimeter at around 0827 hours (0927 IST) leaving a trail of death and destruction.
"A suicide car bomb blast took place near the Indian Embassy in which 12 people were killed and 83 wounded. Most of the wounded are civilians," Interior Ministry spokesman Zemaral Bashry said. Indian Ambassador Jayant Prasad said the "Indian Embassy was the target" but the suicide bomber failed
gence service ISI, led to fortification of the Embassy that helped prevent a major catastrophe this time. Rao said the intensity of the blast was "more or less the same" as the July 2008 attack. She said the security measures for the personnel and the mission taken after the 2008 attack have "worked effectively and have been able to prevent" what could have been a bigger tragedy. After the last attack, Indian authorities had erected a huge wall of concrete around the embassy to secure the mission which was almost destroyed in that blast. India has also acquired several bullet proof vehicles for the embassy personnel. In the 2008 attack, Rao and Mehta were killed while they were entering the embassy in their vehicles. The Foreign Secretary said In-
dia will take "whatever measures needed to safeguard security of our personnel and our interests in Afghanistan. Heinous act: Karzai Afghan President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the bomb blast saying it was "heinous act of terror" planned to kill innocent civilians. "This heinous act of terror was an obvious attack on civilians and the perpetrators of this attack and those who planned it are vicious terrorists who kill innocent people for their malicious goals," he said in a statement. Karzai extended his heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims. A Presidential House spokesman said Karzai had ordered the security agencies to probe the incident. -PTI
Taliban claims responsibility KABUL: Taliban claimed responsibility for the suicide bomb attack outside the Indian embassy here and claimed the toll in the blast was seventeen dead, Al Jazeera channel reported. The channel quoting Taliban website identified the suicide
bomber as Khalid. Al Jazeera said Afghan government and intelligence sources have indicated involvement of foreign hand in the blast as "planned by a state and not a group of bandits", an apparent reference to Pakistan. -PTI
NY Consulate celebrates Gandhi Jayanti India Post News Service NEW YORK: The 140th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was commemorated by the Consulate General of India in New York with a small but traditional celebration near the statue of the Mahatma in Union Square, Manhattan on Oct 2. The program began with garlanding of the statue by Consul General Prabhu Dayal and Dr. P. Jayaraman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, devotees of Gandhiji, officials of the Consulate, members of the Indian Diaspora, members of Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, staff of Public Sector Undertakings and others. The public also joined in the celebration by paying floral tributes to the Mahatma. The Consul General spoke about the relevance of Gandhian ideals in the contemporary world and exhorted the audience to translate them into practice. He added that Gandhiji has been the source of inspiration for President Barrack Obama, and quoted Albert
Einstein's tribute to Gandhiji which stated "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." Dr. P. Jayaraman, senior advisor of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan fondly recalled his memories of meeting Gandhiji as a young stu-
Consul General Prabhu Dayal garlanding the Mahatma Gandhi statue on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti on Oct 2 at Union Square in NY -Pic Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia
dent. He emphasized the influence of Gandhiji on Howard Thruman, the mentor of Martin Luther King Jr. who led the civil rights movement in the US. The celebration concluded with singing of Gandhiji's favorite bhajans by the music academy of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Indian American community including Prabhu Dayal Consul General of India, paying respects on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti
Top Stories
October 16, 2009
India Post
UN releases stamp to commemorate Mahatma's birth anniversary India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Marking the International Day of Non-Violence, the United Nations has released a stamp of Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of his 140th birth anniversary this October 2. The United Nations Postal Administration, the world body's postal agency, released the onedollar stamp designed by a world famous Miami-based artist Ferdie Pacheco, with the Father of the Nation in red, blue and gold. The unveiling of the Gandhi stamp was the highlight of the function organized by the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations to commemorate the "International Day of Non-violence" at the Penthouse of the Dag Hammarskjold Library in United Nations Headquarters, New York. The UN General Assembly, had on this day two years ago, adopted a resolution whereby it declared October 2 - the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi - as the "International Day of Non-Violence" and invited all member states, UN organizations, regional and nongovernmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the day and to disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness. The commemorative stamp and a souvenir card were unveiled by Dr. Ali Abdussalam Treki, the President of the UN General Assembly and Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, the UN Deputy Secretary General. Also the envelopes marked with the stamp and the United Nations' seal were on sale. The souvenir card depicts a block of the four new stamps and carries brief messages from External Affairs Minister of India S. M. Krishna and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The function was very well attended, including by the Permanent Representatives of nearly thirty Missions accredited to the
Unveiling of Postal Stamp and Postal Card of Gandhi during the Commemoration of the "International Day of Non Violence" at United Nations on Oct 2. (L-R) United States Ambassador to UN Susan E.Rice, President United Nations General Assembly Dr.Ali Abdussalam Treki, Deputy Secretary General Dr Asha-Rose Migiro and Ambassador H.S. Puri, Permanent Representative of India to United Nations. -Pic Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia
United Nations as well as by diplomats, UN officials, Indians living and working in New York and members of the press. In his opening address, Permanent Representative of India to the UN, H S Puri emphasized the historic and contemporary relevance of the Mahatma's message for all nations and for all social change movements the world over. He pointed out that the ideals and principles of the Mahatma eventually became an inspiration for the establishment of the United Nations. His work has become the inspiration for sustainable development as it is presently understood; while his views on agrarian economics and his advocacy of poverty alleviation have had a profound impact on the Millennium Development Goals. Ambassador Puri also quoted Mahatma Gandhi to the effect that non-violence "is an extremely active force. It has no room for cowardice or even weakness. There is hope for a violent man to be some day non-violent, but there is none for a coward."
Dr. Ali Abdussalam Treki recalled the special relevance of the Mahatma's work for Africa, in particular in Africa's fight against racism and colonialism. He also said that Muslims all over the world appreciate the principle of non-violence as an active tool towards
The souvenir card depicts a block of the four new stamps and carries brief messages from External Affairs Minister of India S. M. Krishna and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon resolving the outstanding issues and challenges of our times. Dr. Treki said that the Mahatma wielded the powerful tool of nonviolence to further the cause of peace. He stressed that the chapter in the UN Charter dealing with pacific settlement of disputes
Obama on maiden four-nation trip to Asia next month WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama will embark on his maiden trip to Asia mid-November when he will travel to China, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that Japan will be the first stop in his four-nation sojourn beginning November 11. "The president's visit will provide an opportunity to deepen coordination with this key ally on a range of economic, security and other issues," Gibbs said, adding
that Obama would meet the new Japanese Prime Minister for the second time, the first one being on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly Session in New York last month. From Japan, Obama will travel to Singapore for the annual AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting from November 13th to November 15. The US President will then travel to China, where he will visit Beijing and Shanghai from November 15th through the 18th.
"The President will hold his third bilateral meeting with (the Chinese) President Hu Jintao to discuss ways to address challenges and expand cooperation on key bilateral, regional and global issues, including security, nonproliferation, energy and climate change," he said. Seoul would be his final destination of his Asian trip, during which he has skipped the trip to Indonesia where he spent considerable part of his childhood. -PTI
(Chapter VI) resonates perfectly with the principle of non-violence advocated and practiced by Mahatma Gandhi. Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, UN Deputy Secretary General brought out the significance of the principle of non-violence for the concept and practice of peacekeeping that is carried out by the United Nations today. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi's message finds natural expression in the on-going global efforts towards destroying weapons of mass destruction as well as for the work of the UN Alliance for Civilizations. She said that the people and nations around the world must heed the call of the non-violent movement led by the Mahatma and strive hard to stop violence in all its manifestation and undertake collective efforts for establishing a peaceful world. Baso Sangqu, the Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations said that "satyagraha" was a force born out of truth and love. He said that he firmly believed that the tool of nonviolence could be used to address the challenges of the present-day global society like terrorism and climate change. Non-violence is an underlying principle that runs through the entire Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Central to the principle of non-violence are the notions of justice and equity, the practical and effective implementation of which is critical to fight poverty and fulfill the MDGs. He also recalled the tremendous impact that the Mahatma's views had on Nelson Mandela. Susan Rice, Permanent Representative of the United States to the UN, said that Mahatma Gandhi's life and work was a testimony to the superiority of moral force to the physical force. Non-
violent resistance was and is a brilliant strategy for the pursuit of social justice. She also said that Gandhi has an immense impact on the leaders of the civil rights movement in America, besides serving as an inspiration for the current President of the United States. She extolled the prime virtue of Gandhi's brand of action, namely a humane and brave approach to problems that gave people hope and inspired them to strive for peace and fundamental change in society. Gandhi's message reinforces the fact that security and well-being of the people in one country is inextricably linked to the welfare and prosperity of the people the world over. Palitha Kohana, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations read out the statement prepared for the occasion by Rohitha Bogollagama, the Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka as the Chairman of the SAARC Council of Ministers. The Sri Lankan Foreign Minister said, "2nd October is a modern day inspiration for nonviolent struggles for civil rights and social change across the world. The creed of non-violence is engrained in South Asia as part of our region's civilizational heritage and religious traditions. Indeed, the great sage of South Asia, Gautama Buddha emphasized the efficacy of non-violence, the strength that comes from righteousness, as a basic value for human existence and for social emancipation." Robert Gray, Chief of the UN Postal Administration gave brief remarks about the stamp and the souvenir card. The function concluded with the felicitation of Tina Pacheco and Alexis Baram, daughter and grand-daughter of Dr. Ferdie Pacheco, designer of the stamp.
Top Stories
India Post
October 16, 2009
Pak Army objects to Kerry Lugar bill ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's powerful army has expressed "serious concern" and reservations over clauses in the whopping USD 7.5 billion American aid bill, saying it impacted "national security". Though key senator and author of the Kerry Lugar bill, John Kerry said "no conditions" have been imposed, the Pakistani generals found some of the clauses of the bill to be highly intrusive. The concerns and reservations on the bill were made at a meeting of corps commanders, chaired by Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who decided to forward the army's objections to the government, in what could set the stage for a possible face-off with the civilian government that has
pulled out all stops to back the US legislation. The generals voiced their concern in a statement issued after the meeting which said they had reservations on certain "clauses impacting on national security". Though the generals did not spell out their concerns, Dawn newspaper quoting military sources said the Army viewed as "highly intrusive" the condition that US Secretary of State is required to provide certification that armed forces are not subverting Pakistan's political and judicial processes. The assessment by the Secretary of State to be made every six months also includes to verify whether US aid is being diverted
"directly or indirectly" to expand Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. The corps commanders decided to provide a "formal input"
President Asif Ali Zardari has been spearheading efforts to gain the backing of the political establishment for the Kerry-Lugar bill about these concerns to the Pakistan People's Party-led government, the statement said. The commanders also provided the government a window to avert tensions over the issue, saying the
India still the greatest threat for Pak: Petraeus WASHINGTON: Despite the fact that their military is fighting tough battle against Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists, the Pakistan leaders and the ISI still believes India is the greatest threat to them, a top US military official said here. "It is important to note that India is still seen as the greatest threat, greater than the Taliban, greater than even al-Qaeda. So there are still some dynamics there that are challenging," US Central Command Commander Gen David Petraeus said at the Association of the US Army annual meeting. Commending Pakistani mili-
tary in taking successful action against the terrorists in the Swat Valley, Petraeus said they have cleared the vast majority of the Swat Valley.
‘It is important to note that India is still seen as the greatest threat, greater than the Taliban, greater than even al-Qaeda’ The US General said the operations have resulted in the death and capture of significant number of senior Taliban leaders. "They have carried out a num-
ber of operations in some of the tribal areas here - this is the Federally Administered Tribal Area all along right here - Baijur, Momah (sic) and Khyber," he said, adding that they have largely encircled a key area of South Waziristan, a stronghold of Taliban. Also in this area, he said a number of other extremist groups, many of which are of significant concern in eastern Afghanistan like the Haqqani Network, Commander Nasir, Hekmatyar's Hizbe-Islami and a couple of other acronym elements that compromise what can be described as syndicate of extremists. -PTI
Ackerman denounces Pak hostility to US aid Cont’d from page 1
Ackerman further said, "If the people of Pakistan really don't want our assistance; if they don't want to be our partner in establishing a truly secure and harmonious region; if, after so much effort and sacrifice by our two countries working together, they still don't even believe that we wish them well - and, worse, are prepared to say so only days after the United States Congress made an unprecedented commitment of long-term assistance - then I suppose we need to face the truth sooner than later." "I had concerns about the wisdom of the Kerry-Lugar bill before it was passed. The recent debate in Pakistan has only increased my
trepidation," he added. Ackerman said that if Pakistan does not want the US as a partner, that was up to them; but should
‘I have no interest in a partnership which exists just in name, or is mostly characterized by suspicion, resentment and political manipulation’ they take such a decision, they should do so knowing full well that the US military assistance, advanced technology and intelli-
gence cooperation are not gifts, but the specific consequences of US cooperation. "They should likewise, be aware that these things are not reserved for them and that American interests in South Asia are not limited to just Pakistan. We don't sell F-16s and Harpoon missiles to just anyone," he said. "Pakistan is a sovereign state. I respect that and I want them to be our partner as an equal. But I have no interest in a partnership which exists just in name, or is mostly characterized by suspicion, resentment and political manipulation," Ackerman said. "In the end, Pakistan, like ourselves, will have to make some hard choices about where their interests really lie."
US bill should be debated in parliament. The commanders were of the view that the parliament, which "represents the will of the people of Pakistan," would "deliberate on the issue, enabling the government to develop a national response". The military fears the US legislation will impact Pakistan's sovereignty and impose strong checks on its security matrix, media reports said. Conditions imposed by the US bill dominated the day-long corps commanders meeting, sources said. In his opening remarks, Kayani spoke on issues related to national security and impending challenges faced by Pakistan. He "re-
iterated that Pakistan is a sovereign state and has all the rights to analyze and respond to threats in accordance with her own national interests". President Asif Ali Zardari has been spearheading efforts to gain the backing of the political establishment for the Kerry-Lugar bill, which envisages providing USD 7.5 billion in non-military aid to Pakistan over five years. During a meeting with leaders of the Awami National Party, Zardari, who heads the ruling PPP, said the bill does not undermine Pakistan's sovereignty. He rejected criticism about conditions attached to the bill and said "propaganda" about this issue is aimed at undermining his position. -PTI
US bill clauses not binding on Pak: Gilani ISLAMABAD: Pushed on the back foot by the powerful military's criticism of some of the provisions in the US economic aid bill, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said the clauses of the Kerry-Lugar legislation are not binding on Pakistan.
Yousuf Raza Gilani
Hours after a meeting of the corps commanders chaired by Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani expressed serious concern over clauses in the American legislation "impacting on national security," Gilani told parliament will act according to consensus. The Kerry-Lugar bill is "not a contract" and its clauses are "not binding" on Pakistan, Gilani said. Any bill passed by the US Congress and Senate is not binding on Pakistan and it was up to the parliament to make a final decision in the matter, he said. The army's corps commanders decided to provide a "formal input" about their concerns to the Pakistan People's Party-led government, the military said in a statement.
Gilani said he had spoken to the military and received a letter from it on the Kerry-Lugar bill. Both President Asif Ali Zardari and Gen Kayani had been taken into confidence on the American legislation and the government will not "do anything on which there is no consensus", he said. The military is particularly concerned about clauses in the bill which require the US Secretary of State to provide assessments every six months on whether Pakistan's civilian government has effective control over the armed
Any bill passed by the US Congress and Senate is not binding on Pakistan and it was up to the parliament to make a final decision in the matter, he said forces, including "oversight and approval of military budgets" and the promotion for senior military leaders. Gilani sought to allay these concerns by making it clear that promotions in the Pakistani military will not "be decided elsewhere". The premier also addressed the military's concerns about clauses in the Kerry-Lugar bill related to nuclear proliferation, saying: "We have never ever allowed access to our nuclear technology. This program was started by the PPP and we will never allow access to the nuclear program." -PTI
Top Stories
October 16, 2009
India Post
Want to shut groups responsible for 26/11: Qureshi WASHINGTON: Amid India's insistence that it should bring to book perpetrators of the 26/11 attacks, Pakistan has said the groups responsible for the brazen assault on Mumbai was not its "friend" and believes that these outfits have to be "checked, curtailed and shut". Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who is on a visit here, said his country's enlightened self-interest was to normalize and live in peace with India. "Organizations that carried out the acts those results in Mumbai attack are certainly no friend to Pakistan because through those acts they not only killed people they could have triggered off something more serious than that," he said in his address to Washington-based think tank Council on Foreign Relations. "We have to guard against that mindset. In the interest of stability and peace in the region, it is in the interest of Pakistan's enlightened self-interest to normalize and live in peace with India. "The Government of Pakistan believes that these organizations have to be checked, curtailed and shut," Qureshi said. India believes LeT carried out the attack that killed more than 180 people, including foreigners.
His comments assume significance in the wake of India's insistence that the Composite Dailogue process can be resumed only if Pakistan acts against the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks. . Qureshi said Pakistan wants an intensive dialogue between the South Asian neighbors without any conditions. "It doesn't take much genius to understand that terrorists threats
pooling their resources to fight terrorism, they squander these to threaten the other. "Instinctive reactions, coupled with hasty and unsubstantiated accusations, strengthen the very forces that we profess to defeat," he said. "It is fine to move beyond the rhetoric. Each country has to stand up to terrorism and be counted. Cold War calculations to gain short-term advantages have no relevance in these times. Long-
In response to a question, Qureshi said the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal is discriminatory
Shah Mehmood Qureshi
require more intensive dialogue between South Asian neighbors, accompanied by a sincerity of purpose and resolving disputes rather than pauses and conditionalities," he said. As the region is facing serious threat from terrorism, he said that it makes no sense that instead of
term interests of all countries of the region lie in promoting stability and work towards socio- economic uplift of the people of the region," Qureshi said. In response to a question, Qureshi said the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal is discriminatory. "And when you sign agreements that are discriminatory in nature it does not help," he said in direct reference to the civilian nuclear deal with India, which was
signed by the then US President George W Bush last year. No space to terrorists Qureshi said Paksitan would not give any "physical or political space" to any terrorist organizations in the country. He said his government would get rid of terrorist safe havens and denied "physical, political and ideological space" to terror groups. "We have no choice. For our
own security and for protection of our people, we have to get rid of these safe havens," he said. "Terrorists are in retreat, with their top leadership in Malakand and Swat either captured or killed. The leader of the Pakistani Taliban Baitullah Mehsud is dead. Taliban in the tribal region are in disarray. No single leader holds sway over disparate factions," Qureshi said.-PTI
US aid not a threat to Zardari govt: Crowley WASHINGTON: Amid "serious concerns" expressed by the Pakistani Army against the USD 7.5 billion American non-military aid with strings attached, the Obama Administration has said the assistance is 'not a threat' to the Zardari government. "I don't think it is a threat to the civilian government in Pakistan," Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs told reporters when asked about the differences that have emerged between the army and the Zardari Government on the Kerry-Lugar Bill. The Bill which triples non-
military aid to Pakistan to USD 7.5 billion in the next five years and imposes conditions for military assistance is being opposed by the Pakistani Army, while the Zardari Government is saying that this shows the long term commitment of the US towards the people of Pakistan. "Is there concern that this very vocal opposition to what Zardari's government wants to do, which is to accept this aid, could be a real threat to his continued rule there?" Crowley was asked, to which he said he does not believe so. -PTI
Nobel laureate 'Venky' thanks colleagues Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, chief executive of the Medical Research Council, said: "We are absolutely delighted that Dr Ramakrishnan's work has been recognized with the 2009 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Venky's award is the Medical Research Council's 29th Nobel Prize and is a reflection of the excellent work that our scientists do. . The MRC Laboratory of Mo(From L) Venkatraman Ramakrishnan and Thomas Steitz of the US and Israel's Ada Yonath who won the Nobel Chemistry Prize 2009 for their studies on the ribosome in Stockholm
LONDON: A delighted Nobel laureate Venkatraman Ramakrishnan has said he was deeply indebted to his associates, students and researchers in his Cambridge- based laboratory for the path-breaking work he has conducted in the area of ribosomes. Ramakrishnan, 'Venky' to his friends and family, is a senior researcher at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, which has conducted pioneering research over the years. "I have to say that I am deeply indebted to all of the brilliant associates, students and post docs who worked in my lab as science is a highly collaborative enter-
prise," the 57-year old said, soon after being told of the Nobel accolade. "The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology and the University of Utah supported this work and the collegiate atmosphere there made it all possible. The idea of supporting long term basic research like that at LMB does lead to breakthroughs, the ribosome is already starting to show its medical importance," he said. Ramakrishnan shares the 2009 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Thomas A Steitz of Yale University and Ada E Yonath of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
Ramakrishnan shares the 2009 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Thomas A Steitz of Yale University and Ada E Yonath of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel lecular Biology and the University of Utah supported this work and the collegiate atmosphere there made it all possible," Ramakrishnan said. "The idea of supporting long term basic research like that at LMB does lead to breakthroughs, the ribosome is already starting to show its medi-
cal importance," he said. The Academy, in its citation, said all three have used a method called X-ray crystallography to map the position for each and every one of the hundreds of thousands of atoms that make up the ribosome. "This year's three Laureates have all generated 3D models that show how different antibiotics bind to the ribosome," it said. 57-year-old Ramakrishnan, is
the senior scientist and group leader at the Structural Studies Division of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England. Steitz, a 69-year-old, is a professor of molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University. Yonath is a professor of structural biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and the ninth Israeli to win a Nobel prize. -PTI
PM congratulates Ramakrishnan for winning Nobel Prize NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has congratulated scientist Venkatraman Ramakrishnan for winning Nobel Prize in Chemistry and said it was a "great pride for India" and a "tribute to the educational system" in the country. "It is a matter of great pride for India that a brilliant scientist, who has gained the highest international recognition, should have done most of his education in India," Singh said in a message to Ramakrishnan who jointly won this year's Nobel
Prize for Chemistry. He said it was a "tribute" to the educational system in the country and the dedication of the teaching community that "we are able to nurture such international excellence in the sciences". Warmly congratulating the India-born scientist, Singh said "the work that you have done to extend the frontiers of Molecular Biology will be an inspiration to thousands of Indian scientists, researchers and technologists, who strive to follow in your footsteps." -PTI
Desi News India academic chair in honor of Borlaug India Post News service
NEW YORK: To commemorate Dr. Normal Borlaug's invaluable role in the creation of India's Green Revolution, Government of India has decided to institute a "Norman Borlaug Chair in Agricultural Biotechnology for Crop Improvement" at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Pusa, New Delhi. The setting up of this Chair is aimed at promoting and developing a center of excellence in basic research in agricultural biotechnology for crop improvement. Details on page 12
Prominent American gallery displaying Hindu gods India Post News Service
DETROIT: The well-known Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Art Gallery in Allendale (Michigan, USA) is exhibiting artworks depicting various Hindu gods. Titled "Mystic India", this exhibition of over 60 art pieces from India of sculptures, folk art, inlaid marble works and miniatures paintings depicts Ganesh, Krishna, Skand, Vishnu in different forms including a seven feet sculpture, Nandi etc. from October 5 to 30. Details on page 13
'Mitti Dhund' mesmerizes Chicagoans
10 India Post
Details on page 14
October 16, 2009
Details on page 16
SAALT commemorates Oct 2 with Day of Service India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Over 2,500 participants around the country marked the first Saturday of October by giving back to their communities through Be the Change, National Day of Service initiative
Students, retirees, and professionals contributed their time and energy to service activities in Atlanta, Boston, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC, as well as over 50 other cities and campuses of South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT). On October 3, community members including students, retirees,
ëBe the changeí
and professionals contributed their time and energy to service activities in Atlanta, Boston, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC, as well as over 50 other cities and campuses. "SAALT's 'Be the Change National Day of Service' takes place annually near Mahatma Gandhi's birthday to commemorate his mes-
sage of community service and action," explained Aaditi Dubale, SAALT's National Be the Change Coordinator. "This year, volunteers participated in a variety of activities including restoring a waterdamaged food pantry in Rhode Island; constructing homes in Detroit and Alabama; assisting with the Boston Pancreatic Research Walk;
and registering individuals to join the Be the Match Bone Marrow Registry nationwide." Participants echoed Mahatma Gandhi's messages of compassion and service when they spoke about the day's impact. "By being involved in the community, we not only give our lives perspective but we create a better world for all members of our community to live in," noted Swathi Bonda, a volunteer in Washington DC. "I really value that we, as South Asians, come together every year in support of this mission." The theme of this year's event, Giving in Action, also resonated with participants. Tom Abraham from Rutgers University - New Brunswick, one of the many campuses that held Be the Change events, remarked that the day was "an eye opening experience for me. I can't believe about 20 of us in an hour did enough work to feed 1,800 families." Cont’d on page 12
VGS plans grand celebration of Gujarat Day ANUPAMA PATEL
CHICAGO: The two-hour Punjabi play, Mitti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoa, presented by Navraaz Kaur Productions (NKPI) at Forest View Educational Center in Arlington Heights, a northwest Chicago suburb, turned out to be a great success, judging by audience reactions. Directed by the well known S Harbux S Latta, the play depicts the travels of first Sikh Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Riverside Temple hosts 10th Raas Garba
CHICAGO: Vishwa Gujarati Samaj USA has announced holding of a grand celebration of two major events - the Golden Jubilee
Illinois of the establishment of Gujarat State and two decades of the Samaj existence in this country with a twoday program that will feature business talks, art and cultural presentations including live entertainment by noted Gujarati artists, social in-
teraction among members and the increasing youth involvement in the activities of this organization. The event beginning April 30, 2010 will take place in Chicago at Water Ford banquet hall in Elmhurst and it will span till late evening May 1, 2010. Naren Patel, VGS-USA said that though it is the event held and organized by Gujaratis, it is not only for Gujaratis but for all Indians, irrespective of caste creed, religion and regions. Cont’d on page 12
Naren Patel VGP - USA President (standing center) with Advisors Harendra Mangrola and Dinesh Gandhi. Sitting former Chief Minister of Gujarat Keshubhai Patel and Dr. Pranav Pandya of Gayatri Shakteepith
October 16, 2009
India Post 11
India Post
October 16, 2009
VGS plans grand celebration of Gujarat Day
SAALT commemorates Oct 2 with Day of Service Cont’d from page 10
Cont’d from page 10
"We would like to acquaint non-NRIs with Gujarat history, its art, culture, economy and a much closer interaction among all of us NRIs here." In a talk to this paper, he said that the State of Gujarat has taken giant strides since its inception, especially in the past decade or so, and it would be our efforts to join efforts made by our brethren back in India, and more particularly in Gujarat, for a further economic, social and cultural push for the people. "It is with this end in view that we have decided to have a business meet inviting top notch
relatively recent origin. It was there but was in dormant state. Krishnakant Vakhaira, a Senior Advocate from the Gujarat High Court is VGS Global President. He was keen that the burgeoning Gujarati population in North America needs to get actively involved in the Samaj affairs for the good of Gujarat and India. He is set to lend his full support to Naren Patel in his efforts to enlist more members for the Samaj, especially in USA. The annual membership fee is $25 per couple or five years for $100 per couple. The patron membership is also available for $1,000 per couple. All members will receive a quarterly VGS magazine
It has grown from strength to strength within a span of twenty years and holds the membership of Gujaratis from 17 countries. As a democratic organization VGS is governed by its members and office bearers settled throughout the world. The elections are held at regular intervals of every five years for all elective positions. VGS (USA), a registered notfor-profit Corporation enjoys exemption from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (A) of the Internal Revenue Code (USA). It is a branch of VGS Ahmedabad, India Membership is open to all Gujaratis or to Gujarati Associations throughout the world ac-
‘VGS has in its mission statement touched upon the students exchange program and we would seek to push this program by encouraging the youth here to go to Gujarat for cultural and educational exchange’ Naren Patel with Chair Community Outreach Beena Patel
business magnates from across USA and also from India besides the government officials to lay out investment opportunities. We have cultural activities centered around entertainment program and holding of exhibition. We would like the second generation youth to get more involved in our organizations and thru it for the development of Gujarat State and India at large, and hence there would be Youth Mela and students' exchange program," he said. "VGS has in its mission statement touched upon the students exchange program and we would seek to push this program by encouraging the youth here to go to Gujarat for cultural and educational exchange," Naren Patel added. The two days of fair and exhibition is designed to present an opportunity to shoppers and businessmen - artisans, manufactures, suppliers, importers, distributors - to buy, display and markets traditional and non traditional items and products, he said. Naren Patel further said that VGS in this country has been of a
from India and are encouraged to participate in all community activities. VGS has its principle office in Ahmedabad, Patel said. "It is with this end in view that we accepted the challenge and have decided to set a target of 1000 members in the course of next three years. We already have 150 plus members in a short period of time from near zero and we are sure that the VGS organized meet next year will give a further boost to the membership," said Beena Patel, Chair Community Outreach. She further said VGS USA has already done two cultural programs in Chicagoland. One was a musical concert with noted artists- Trupti Chhaya and Bhanubhai Vora at Waterford banquet. The other was Gammat Kari Lo Gujjubhai last month at Arlington Heights. Naren Patel said that VGS has extended full support to Association of Indians in America (AIA) celebrating Gandhi Jayanti at Ashyana Banquet in Downers' Grove. Founded in 1989, VGS is an international organization of Gujarati Community settled the world over.
cepting the aims and objectives of VGS. Amongst the members are prominent and leading Gujaratis and business organizations. VGS provides platform for the interaction amongst the Gujaratis world over, and functions as an umbilical cord between the Gujaratis settled outside Gujarat and the people of Gujarat. It works for the growth, prosperity and progress of Gujaratis settled in different countries of the world and inspires them to cultivate the spirit of brotherhood, co-operation and to promote and preserve Gujarati language, its tradition, its culture and its cultural heritage. In order to acquaint the Gujarati youths settled in different countries with the valuable heritage of Gujarati culture, arts and crafts, traditions and architecture, VGS has organized the Students Exchange in a big way. Students from different countries visiting Gujarat will have the facility for home-stay and interaction with Gujarati youths staying in Gujarat. Sight-seeing tours, cultural tours and study tours will be organized for the visitors.
Participating in Be the Change also helped volunteers become more aware of issues in communities that are often invisible. Shikha Prasad, a volunteer through Ohio State University, shared that "going to ASHA Ray of Hope helped me realize that domestic violence still exists in our community." Be the Change partners and sponsors affirmed the values of the event. "Coming together to help our neighbors and communities develop their potential clearly reflects the meaning of Mahatma Gandhi's famous 'Be the Change' quote that we celebrated today," said Sodexo's Vice President of Food & Nutrition Product Development and Pan Asian Network Group (PANG) Chairperson Nitu Gupta. "If we don't take a leadership role in enhancing the lives of others...who will? As I reflect on the uplifting impact of this day of service-it just makes sense. I am so proud of PANG and Sodexo's partnership with SAALT and look forward to continuing this team effort to make it a better tomorrow." Kick-off events featured inspiring speakers including Kalpen Modi (Kal Penn), Associate Director of the Office of Public En-
gagement at the White House (Washington DC); Premal Shah, President of (San Francisco); Deepa Iyer, Executive Director of South Asian Americans Leading Together (New York); and Manisha Bhatt, Family Law Unit of Greater Boston Legal Services (Boston).
Kick-off events featured inspiring speakers including Kalpen Modi (Kal Penn), Associate Director of the Office of Public Engagement at the White House Through Be the Change, SAALT offers the opportunity for community members to take action by serving as a resource for individuals and organizations that seek to serve in their communities each October. Starting with its inception at the University of Michigan in 1997, Be the Change has grown to become a national event sponsored by SAALT that draws a diverse range of community members who fulfill Mahatma Gandhi's widely-recognized message: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
India academic chair in honor of Borlaug India Post News service
NEW YORK: To commemorate Dr. Normal Borlaug's invaluable role in the creation of India's Green Revolution, Government of India has decided to institute a "Norman Borlaug Chair in Agricultural Bio-
New York technology for Crop Improvement" at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Pusa, New Delhi. The setting up of this Chair is aimed at promoting and developing a center of excellence in basic research in agricultural biotechnology for crop improvement. The Department of Agriculture Research and Education will be the nodal Department for this purpose. The Distinguished Chair would be in the rank of Vice Chancellor. This announcement was made by Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, Member of Parliament and former Chairman, National Commission on
Farmers, in his eulogy at the Public Memorial Service honoring the life of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug at Texas A&M University (TAMU) in College Station on Oct 6. Dr. Swaminathan is an internationally renowned agriculture scientist who has been in the fore-
The setting up of this Chair is aimed at promoting and developing a center of excellence in basic research in agricultural biotechnology for crop improvement front of India's Green Revolution. His close associations with Dr. Borlaug and his family date back to 1953. Dr. Borlaug was conferred the Padma Vibhushan, India's second highest civilian award in 2006.
October 16, 2009
Community Across America
India Post
Falguni Phatak performs at Dandiya Festival
Bathukamma celebrated with Gorati Venkanna ASHWIN PATEL & SRIRAM VEDIRE
Renowned Dandiya-Raas singer Falguni Phatak performing during a Navratri Dandiya festival at Raritan Center, Edison, New Jersey. Below: Garba in progress (Pics: Mohammed Jaffer SnapsIndia)
Children and adults celebrating Bathukamma in St Louis
Prominent American gallery displaying Hindu gods India Post News Service
DETROIT: The well-known Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Art Gallery in Allendale (Michigan, USA) is exhibiting artworks depicting various Hindu gods. Titled "Mystic India", this exhibition of over 60 art pieces from India of sculptures, folk art, inlaid marble works and miniatures paintings depicts Ganesh, Krishna, Skand, Vishnu in different forms including a seven feet sculpture, Nandi etc. from October 5 to 30. Applauding GVSU for this India focused exhibition, Rajan Zed, a Hindu activist from Nevada, said that because of their
richness and other factors, Hindu artifacts were becoming favorites of museums in America and the West. Many prestigious museums already owned Hindu sculptures and other artifacts and many were planning to acquire.
Detroit Even some formations in world famous Grand Canyon National Park of USA were named as Shiva Temple, Krishna Shrine, Vishnu Temple, Rama Shrine, Brahma Temple (7851 feet), and Hindu Amphitheater, Rajan Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, pointed out in a statement in Nevada (USA).
Rajan Zed urged all major museums of the world to organize exhibitions of Hindu art, sculptures, and architecture to make aware the present and future generations about their richness. Zed also asked the museums of world to dedicate permanent space to Hindu artifacts. Traditional Indian dance and music demonstration, besides discussion on Indian vegetarianism, will also be held to supplement this exhibition. Exhibits are reportedly from the permanent collection of the Gallery. Hinduism, oldest and third largest religion of the world, has about one billion adherents and moksha (liberation) is its ultimate goal.
ST. LOUIS: Telangana Development Forum, USA (TDF-USA) recently celebrated its annual Bathukamma festival and family picnic at Castlewood State Park in St. Louis. Over 500 people attended the event. Women dressed in sarees and children helping them with setting up of Bathukammas adorned the park with color and festive atmosphere. The event started with traditional Telangana food being served at the event. Famous Telangana folk songs played in the background during the celebrations. After food was served, it was time to play Bathukamma. The special attraction to this event was the presence of Gorati Venkanna, the famous Telugu Folk Songs writer and singer. He was the chief guest at the event. He was presented a memento by the volunteers at the event. Gorati Venkanna enthralled the audience with his songs and the attendees were spellbound and listened to his songs with great delight. Due to the wishes of the audience, Gorati Venkanna later performed at the local Gandhi Center also for about an hour. Women sang Bathukamma songs in chorus. They played Bathukamma for almost two hours and then all the Bathukammas were symbolically left in the lake after the event by the participants.
Adults and children alike participated in all the games that were conducted. Prizes were given to the winners in the games. Prizes were given to all the kids that attended the event, and to all the women that brought a
St. Louis Gorati Venkanna enthralled the audience with his songs and the attendees were spellbound and listened to his songs with great delight. Due to the wishes of the audience, Gorati Venkanna later performed at the local Gandhi Center also Bathukamma. TDF volunteers worked hard to make this event successful. Bathukamma as a symbol of celebrating life and liberty for Telangana has become an icon in the area of St. Louis and the event coordinators thanked all the volunteers, sponsors and attendees for making the event successful.
Community Across America
India Post
October 16, 2009
'Mitti Dhund' mesmerizes Chicagoans MOHAMMAD GHOUSE
Brown University launches Year of India Initiative India Post News Service
Thakkar Basati, NPK spokesman, addressing the audience at the end of the Punjabi play in Arlington Heights. Seen in the picture are artists and guests.
CHICAGO: The two-hour Punjabi play, Mitti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoa, presented by Navraaz Kaur Productions (NKPI) at Forest View Educational Center in Arlington Heights, a northwest Chicago suburb, turned out to be a great success, judging by audience reactions. Directed by the well known S
Illinois Harbux S Latta, the play depicts the travels of first Sikh Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The artistic overtone, the theme of the play and the skilled presentation by artists mesmerized the audience and many wanted NPK to do it again. The play took the audience back in time to 15th century and showed the life style of people in that area. It was subtitled in English for non-Punjabi
speaking people. The main actors were Satpal Singh and Umesh Kumar from Chandigarh, India. Two local artists, Charanjeet Singh of Desi
The play took the audience back in time to 15th century and showed the life style of people in that area. It was sub-titled in English for nonPunjabi speaking people Junction Radio program and Sukhraaj S Basat, a PhD student at UIC, were inducted to give them stage experience. The show was a
combination of movie and live action which is Mr. Latta's expertise. Costumes were designed by Mrs. Paramjit K Latta Mrs. Navraaz Kaur Basati, President of NKPI, opened the event by welcoming people and explaining the mission of NKPI. Prof Jaginder Singh Ramdev briefed the audience about the life of Baba Nanak and his message to the world of One Universe. Thakar S Basati thanked the audience at the end of the show. Basati said that the play will be performed in major cities of USA and Canada before being staged in other parts of the world. Prof. Ramdev, Mrs. Rajinder Kaur Basati, Jassi Parmar of Desi Junction, Ronny S Kular, President Punjabi Cultural Society presented trophies to the participants. Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji was the Chief Guest for the show.
AIA plans to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti HARI RAO
CHICAGO: The Assocition of Indians in America (AIA) has slated celebration of 140th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on October 11 at Ashyana Banquet Hall and thus, has kept its decades long tradition of celebrating this day that honors Father of the Indian nation
Illinois Naren Patel, President of AIA said the guest speakers for the event will be Prof Kathleen D. Morrison of University of Chicago and Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri. AIA also will host cultural program by local artists during the celebration that has national overtone . The cultural event will be followed by dinner. Meanwhile, Montblanc, a globally renowned German pen maker announced launching a $25,000 pen to mark the 140th birth anniversary of the Mahatma. The move has sparked a heated controversy in India with many expressing the view it is an insult to him. Montblanc says
Naren Patel AIA President
‘Montblanc should go beyond the mercantile consideration of making money and help the organizations working to spread Gandhi's message’ it is intended to honor Gandhi. Naren Patel and many IndianAmericans here have urged Montblacn to donate a part of the profits generated
from the sale of Mahatma Gandhi's limited edition pens for charities involved in promoting Gandhi's works, ideals and philosophy. These white-gold writing instruments depicting Gandhi holding lathi (cudgel), inspired by Gandhi's 241-mile 1930 Dandi March include a hand-crafted rhodium plated 18-carat gold nib. Mahatma Gandhi, says Rajan Zed and Indian American from Nevada, worked for the welfare of all and in the same spirit, Montblanc should go beyond the mercantile consideration of making money and help the organizations working to spread Gandhi's message of peace and welfare for the downtrodden. Montblanc, launched in 1906, and based in Hamburg (Germany) with operations in over 70 countries, has been known as maker of sophisticated high-quality writing instruments, but it has now added luxury leather goods, jewelry, eyewear, fragrance and watches to its products list.
NEW YORK: The 2009-2010 academic year launches the Year of India at Brown University, a series of events to advance understanding of India's people, culture, economy, and politics, and their growing impact around the world. The lineup includes major public lectures, art exhibitions, academic conferences, and other explorations of India's dramatic rise on the global stage. "American and Indian scholars, researchers and administrators have long enjoyed a productive environment of international exchange and collaboration," said Brown President Ruth J. Simmons. "While the fact of India's new global stature may no longer be surprising, understanding the history and potential of modern India is more important than ever for all academic disciplines." Brown is one of several universities that have recently launched initiatives to better understand India, including Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and University of Rhode Island. "Politically and economically, India's rise on the international stage has been widely noted, and American higher education is responding to the new developments," said Ashutosh Varshney, professor of political science and one of the program organizers. "In the coming years, a global orientation in education will almost certainly require greater understanding of India - its politics, economics, history, society, and culture." The Year of India will officially begin with the première of Songs of a Sorrowful Man, a documentary by Lina Fruzzetti, professor of anthropology at Brown, which chronicles the life of Dukhushyam Chitrakar, a composer, painter, and poet of legendary status in Naya village. A discussion panel will follow the screening, featuring Fruzzetti; Donna Wulff, associate professor of religious studies; and Vazira F-Y Zamindar, assistant professor of history. The presentation is sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and the Office of Campus Life and Student Services. Other Year of India events this fall include the inaugural lecture of a year-long seminar series being launched by faculty at Brown, Harvard, and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, aimed at filling a long-perceived gap in the intellectual discussion of contemporary South Asian politics in the Boston-Providence area. The series begins with a talk by Pratap Bhanu Mehta, a leading political
philosopher in India, president of the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi, and member of NYU Law School's Global Faculty. The seminar is titled "On the Construction of Judicial Authority: Courts and Public Reason in India." Additional lectures at Brown include: "Indian Women at Risk: Honor, Home, and HIV" by Kartik K. Venkatesh, a 2006 Brown graduate and current medical and graduate student; "Happy Ever After: Hindi Films and the Happy Ending" with Rachel Dwyer, professor of Indian Cultures and Cinema, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; and "Terrorism and Constitutionalism" by Vasuki Nesiah, director of international affairs at Brown and lecturer at the Watson Institute for International Studies.
New York ‘Politically and economically, India's rise on the international stage has been widely noted, and American higher education is responding to the new developments,’ said Ashutosh Varshney, professor of political science In March, the David Winton Bell Gallery will present the traveling exhibition Beloved Daughters: Photographs by Fazal Sheikh, a collection of black and white portraits of women - widows and young girls - from two communities in India. Bollywood actress Konkona Sen Sharma will also visit campus for a lecture and film screenings. "The superb and diverse programs planned for this Year of India reflect our deep commitment to bringing Brown to the world and the world to Brown," said Matthew Gutmann, vice president for international affairs. "Events with leading scholars, government figures, and cultural presentations will bring greater appreciation and understanding about India to campus, and greatly strengthen future exchange programs and collaborations between faculty and students in India and Brown." The Year of India initiative is the latest in a series of University programming focusing on international issues and research.
Community Across America
October 16, 2009
India Post
NY Consulate celebrates Eid-ul-Fitr
Prabhu Dayal Consul General of India being honored by Indian American Community on the occasion of Eid Milap on Oct 1. (left) Tayyab Poonawala and Dr.Najma Sultana at right can seen in pic. India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Essaying a secular message to the Indian American community, the Indian Consulate in New York recently celebrated Ramzan (Eid-ul-Fitr) close on the heels of its celebration of the Hindu festival of Dassehra. The Eid celebration was organized by the Consulate in association with the Indo-American Inter-Faith Forum & NRIs for Secular and Harmonious India. Welcoming the guests, Consul General Prabhu Dayal recalled the memories of Eid celebrations in
Allahabad, the city where he grew up. He pointed out that celebration of Eid in India had its own charm and flavor, not found elsewhere. He noted that the Indian Consulate paid particular attention to celebra-
New York tions of various religious functions to uphold the secular tradition of India. He further added that the Consulate belonged to all Indians and their well wishers, and hence Dussehra, Diwali, Christmas, Hannukah and Baisakhi had been celebrated in the past.
Veteran publisher Prakash Parekh passes away India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Prakash Parekh, publisher and editor of NY-based Gujarat Times has passed away. He leaves a legacy of influence that shaped the Indian-American press and the Indian-American community, including several charities. Pakash Parekh, editor and publisher of Gujarat Times, died of heart failure at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Oct. 1. He was 65. He was suffering from ill health for
New York over a year and had undergone a heart transplant surgery in May. Parekh served as the editor and president of News India Times and Desi Talk from 1998 to 2002. He joined the company again under the ownership of Gopal Raju as marketing director for News India Times, Desi Talk, Gujarat Times and Sher-ePunjab in 2004. A well-known figure in the Indian-American community, Parekh served on the board of directors of various organizations and served as president of the Indian American Cultural Association of Westchester, Indian Cultural Society of New Jersey and Federation of Indian Associations (FIA). He also served as a legal adviser to several cultural, religious, business and political organizations.
The audience at Eid Milap at the Consulate and (right) Prabhu Dayal. (pics: Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia)
Sheikh Tayeb Poonawala, President of the Indo-American Interfaith Forum spoke about the significance of Eid-ul-Fitr in Islam. Dr. Nazma Sultana, Board Member of NRIs for Secular and Harmonious India, spoke about the centrality of women in Islam. This was followed by a short cultural function which included a "Naat" (a song in praise of the Prophet), an inter-faith prayer and patriotic songs. Recognizing his contributions in upholding the secular traditions, a plaque was presented to Amb. Prabhu Dayal by the co-hosting organizations. The festive occasion was concluded with a dinner reception.
Dr. Najma Sultana speaking on the occasion
IAC & IABA formalize relationship HARISH RAO
CHICAGO: The Indo American Center (IAC) and Indian American Bar Association (IABA) have formalized their relationship with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding at IAC facility in Chicago. This is significant step forward to continue IAC services to Chicago's South Asian community, said Jay Luthra, IAC Executive Director. The Indo-American legal clinic was founded in memory of the late Cyriac D. Kappil over a decade ago. This clinic was being operated jointly by the Indo-American Center (IAC) and the Indian American
Bar Association (IABA) of Chicago under the sponsorship of the Chicago Volunteer Legal Services. Volunteer attorneys provide free legal advice and, in income-eligible cases, legal representation to clients pre-
Illinois senting questions in areas such as immigration, disability and elder law, family law, landlord-tenant and other areas. Volunteers at the clinic speak several languages, including Hindu, Urdu, Bengali, and Gujarati.
IAC, the pioneer social service agency, is a not-for-profit community service organization serving the South Asian immigrant population. The mission of the Indo-American Center is to promote the well being of South Asian immigrants through services that facilitate their adjustment, integration and friendship with the wider society, nurture their sense of community, and foster appreciation for their heritage through several programs especially those to educate them to begin their lives in a new skill of other support to keep up their learning to integrate with the society.
Indian, Pak poets at International Mushaira ABDUL SIDDIQUI
CHICAGO: Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association of Greater Chicago (AMUAA-GC) is hosting International Mushaira "Surprise & Delight" on Friday, October 23 to support its literacy projects. The International Mushaira will be held at the College of Lake County, Building CAuditorium in Grayslake, a north side Chicago suburb at 7:30 p.m. (sharp). The evening features famous Indo-Pak poets and other talented poets of North America, such as Waseem Barelvi (India), Meraj Faizabadi (India), Tahir Faraz (India), Abbas Tabish (Pakistan), Zamin Jafari (Pakistan), Hashmat Sohail (Chicago), Sofia Anjum Taj (Detroit). The event will be full of Ghazals, Geet, Naghme and Mazahiya Urdu Shayari Waseem Barelvi (Bareli, India) one of the participants is dubbed a cultural ambassa-
dor for Indian sub continent. His ghazals, 'Main chahta bhi yahi tha, tu bewafa nikale', sung by Jagjit Singh and 'Mili hawaon mein udne ki woh sazaa Yaaraon' by Lata Mangeshkar in the album 'Sajda' have carried many a listener towards ecstasy. Meraj
Illinois ‘The evening features famous Indo-Pak poets and other talented poets of North America, such as Waseem Barelvi, Meraj Faizabadi & Tahir Faraz ‘
Faizabadi (Lucknow, India) has written a series of thought-provoking couplets. The famous lines he composed: "apne kaabe ki hifazat tumhein khud karni hai/ab ababilon ka lashkar nahin aane wala." He has also challenged and warned the war mongers in his poems and ghazals. Abbas Tabbish (Lahore Pakistan) has written several books such as "Mere Liye Dua Karna". He is well known for his poetry on life. Tahir Faraz (Rampur, India) has achieved fame for his Tarannum hi Tarannum & is famous for his melodious Nazms such as bahut khoobsurat ho tum, maii. Hashmat Sohail (Chicago, USA), Sofia Anjum Taj (Michigan, USA) and several talented poets from Northern America are there. The AMUAA- GC is a non- profit charitable organization of alumni. All proceeds will go towards Literacy Projects of AMUAA-GC.
India Post
October 16, 2009
Mahatma Gandhi birth anniversary celebrated
Riverside Temple hosts 10th Raas Garba VICTORIA TRUVER
India Post News Service
LA PALMA: October 2, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was celebrated in Community Hall of La Palma city, as International Ahimsa- Non-violence Day as declared by UNO. The event was organized by Prof. Keshav Patel for southern California Indian American community, the united group of non profit Indian organizations, UFICA, Amrit Bhandari of FFICS & Lions Club, Dilip Butani & Prakash Pancholi of FIA SC, Ravjibhai Patel of FIA LA, Uka Solanki Trustee of IASH & businessman, Tony Parmar of IASHA, Ramji Patel - PSP of America and Ramesh Raval of Gayatri Parivar. Details on page 17
Sikh Festival at historic Egyptian Theater
Best Aarti Thali competition winners
RIVERSIDE: Dandia dancers dressed in flashy clothing have many Raas Garba functions to choose from during Navratri. Every night there are several going on. But for the past 10 years the dancers have always attended the Annual Navratri Raas Garba held
in Riverside's Shri Lakshmi Narayan Mandir. "They come for the darshan of Mata Devi" explained Mandir President Bachubhai Chandravadia. "They want to dance in the Mandir." Dharmesh Kumar Patel added, "It's almost like being back in India. We
India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: The inaugural Sikh Art and Film Festival, presented by SikhLens, will be held at the historic Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles, CA on November 1315. The grand opening of the theater was on October 18, 1922 and it was the venue for the first-ever Hollywood premiere. The film was Robinhood. The theater was briefly closed to the public while it underwent major renovation, and was re-opened on December 4, 1998. The Cultural Heritage Commission, under the directorship of a prominent Sikh and SikhLens patron, Dr. A.S. Marwah, declared the theater a historic cultural monument for being the first theater in the United States to use Egyptian Revival architecture. Details on page 18
Aruba medical school uses US based curriculum India Post News Service
ARUBA: The Xavier University School of Medicine at Aruba is prime choice for foreign students to pursue their medical studies overseas in the Caribbean. This medical school offers studies in the Caribbean with Guaranteed Clinical Rotations in the United States. Best of all there are no MCATs required for admission. Details on page 19
Kirti & Mayuri Patel Group performed live music in September
Young adults enjoying the Garba
As usual the Mandir was heavily decorated for the event. Row of pennants streamed from wall to wall and lovely saris expertly displayed covered many walls
have constructed a specially built altar in the center of the Mandir." As usual the Mandir was heavily decorated for the event. Row of pennants streamed from wall to wall and lovely saris expertly displayed covered many walls. Kirti & Mayuri Patel Group in September and Vallabh Ladwa in October provided live music. Prasad was served every day after aarti. Cont’d on page 18
Navraj Singh announces bid for Congress India Post News Service
MISSION HILLS, CA: Republican Navraj Singh officially announced his candidacy for the 2010 race for California's 27th Congressional District on October 2 at a brief noontime ceremony held at his Mission Hills campaign headquarters. He told enthusiastic supporters that he would fight to preserve the American Dream 'for all who are prepared to work hard.' He said the cornerstones of his campaign would be return to fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, limited government, and assistance to small business. He emphasized that he wanted to ensure hardworking Americans would be able to keep more of their earnings in their own pockets. "Call it the stimulus package, call it the Obama healthcare plan, it all boils down to the same thing,
more money out of your pocket into theirs." he said, adding: "We want good governance, not big government." He vowed to keep the American Dream alive for future generations "without leaving trillions of dollars in debt to our children and grandchildren." "The American Dream means that you should reap the benefit of your hard work, you should be the master of your destiny, you should be able to save enough to pay your mortgage and send junior to college," he said amid applause. Recounting his route to success as an immigrant who arrived in the US more than 30 years ago with just $7 in his pocket, he said he went back to school to earn a degree in hotel management, worked hard at several jobs, and then opened his first restaurant in Los Angeles in the 1980s. Over the years, he launched sev-
Navraj Singh
eral restaurants, including the landmark Tantra on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, and created hundreds of jobs in Southern California. He attributes his success as much to his own hard work as to the American system of unhindered free enterprise and limited government which helped small business flourish, especially dur-
ing the Reagan years. Touching briefly on the security challenges faced by the nation, Singh, who served as a captain in the Indian military during that country's 1971 war with Pakistan, said he was familiar with the terrain where US troops are now battling the Taliban. Cont’d on page 18
October 16, 2009
India Post
Mahatma Gandhi birth anniversary celebrated India Post News Service
LA PALMA: October 2, the birth anniversary of Mahatma
Gandhi was celebrated in Community Hall of La Palma city, as International Ahimsa- Non-violence Day as declared by UNO. The event was organized by Prof. Keshav Patel for southern California Indian American community, the united group of non profit Indian organizations, UFICA, Amrit Bhandari of FFICS & Lions Club, Dilip Butani & Prakash
present for event were Mark Waldman, the Mayor of La Palma city, Dr. Prakash Narian, Mayor pro team of Cypress city, La Palma city
councilmen Larry Herman and Ralph, Representative of the chief of police, Veterns of WWII (American Navy). In addition to Indians and Americans, several persons of origin from Pakistan, China, Korea, and Hawaii attended the function which shows the widespread love for Gandhi and his methods. Dilip Butani and Amrit Bhandari worked hard with Prof. Patel in or-
ciples. The Mayor of La Palma city praised Mahatma Gandhiji's simplicity, high thinking, principles of non-violence and peace. He added if he were alive he would have given the solution of terrorism the world is suffering from. Dr. Prakash Narian, Mayor pro team of Cypress city narrated Gandhiji's experiences in South Africa where he learnt lessons of Satyagrah. He also explained the meaning of Satyagrah-the peaceful way of agitation against injustice he suffered in South Africa. Councilman Herman praised Mahatma Gandhi as a great leader not only of India but also of the World. Dr.Martin Luther King jr., Nelson Mandela of South Africa
Ravajibhai's father worked with Gandhiji and had been to jail several time during satyagraha movement in India. Ravji Patel, Amrit Bhandari, Dilip Butani and
dents, Shubh Anand Raval of 3rd grade and Mili Gautam Nadasia of 4th grade got inspiration to talk about Gandhiji. Mili said that "Mahatma Gandhi is the Father of In-
learnt from the Mahatma and considered him as their Guru. Councilman Ralph praised Mahatma for his principles of nonviolence and peace. He was such a smart leader that he could keep different communities together even during the tough time for independence of India,
Prakash Pancholi and Rashmi Shah of Gandhi-Katha talked about Mahatma Gandhiji's simplicity, honesty, truth values of life, ahimsa-non violence and hard work without rest for independence of India. Now it is our time to work for the India and America. Two elementary grade stu-
dia because of his kindness, love and work for freedom of India. He taught Indians a lifetime lesson of non-violence. Audience praised the young speakers. Senator Ed. Royce congratulated Prof. Patel by telephone for organizing the event and wished the organizers success.
Prof. Keshav Patel, in his speech welcomed the UNO declaring October 2 as the Ahimsa-Non Violence Day. There will be no war in future if political leaders of different countries accept his principles, he said Pancholi of FIA SC, Ravjibhai Patel of FIA LA, Uka Solanki Trustee of IASH & businessman, Tony Parmar of IASHA, Ramji Patel - PSP of America and Ramesh Raval of Gayatri Parivar. These non-profit organizations worked together and supported each other for the main principles of non-violence and peaceful movement Mahatma Gandhi had adopted in his actions for achieving independence of India. The guests and dignitaries
ganizing the event. Uka Solanki presided over the function. The event started in joyous environment with national song "Vande Mataram" and Gandhiji's favorite prayer "vaishnav jan to tene kahie‌"sung by Arvind Joshi. Prof. Keshav Patel, in his speech welcomed the UNO declaring October 2 as the Ahimsa-Non Violence Day. There will be no war in future if political leaders of different countries accept his prin-
India Post
October 16, 2009
Riverside Temple hosts 10th Raas Garba Cont’d from page 16
Every evening for 12 days the Mandir was crowded with 800 to 1200 beautifully dressed devotees. From seniors to toddlers, every age danced Garba and Dandia. On Durga Ashtami the Ashtami Havan attracted several hundred participants. Rows of havans were set up on the patio and groups
On the last day of the Garba a best-dancer & best-dressed competition was held. These competitions, including the bestdecorated aarti thali tray competition, have become tradition containing families and friends performed puja. Pandit Vipul Jani officiated. Vijay Dashami was celebrated on Sunday, the last day of the Garba. Prema Latha danced Bharat Natyam and several devotees sang bhajans. Children enjoyed attacking a Ravanna piĂąata, scrambling for the candy once the demon was killed. On the last day of the Garba a best-dancer & best-dressed competition was held. These competitions, including the best-decorated aarti thali tray competition, have become tradition. All compe-
titions give equal opportunity for all and are judged and awarded by age categories. No matter how long the Raas Garba is it is never long enough especially for the teenagers. They would dance all night even if it meant going to school tired the next day. The last day is met with disappointment. But there's always next year's Raas Garba to look forward to.
Navraj Singh announces bid for Congress Cont’d from page 16
He added that the war on terror was winnable with right strategy and the right leadership. Jodi Hughes, one of 52,850 constituents who voted for Singh in 2008 when he ran for the same Congressional seat, was present to hear him announce his candidacy and said she would support him again. "I believe he represents the right values and being a businessman he knows how to create jobs. I also like
what he said about limited government and less taxes," said Jodi. Businesswoman Jan Weinstein praised Singh for his commitment to help small business and to work for fiscal responsibility: "Singh definitely has my vote," she said. Singh has received endorsements from Congressman Howard P. 'Buck' McKeon (CA-25th District), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee and California State Assemblyman Cameron Smyth (CA-38th Assembly District).
Sikh Festival at historic Egyptian Theater India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: The inaugural Sikh Art and Film Festival, presented by SikhLens, will be held at the historic Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles, CA on November 13-15. The grand opening of the theater was on October 18, 1922 and it was the venue for the first-ever Hollywood premiere. The film was Robinhood. The theater was briefly closed to the public while it underwent major renovation, and was re-opened on December 4, 1998. The Cultural Heritage Commission, under the directorship of a prominent Sikh and SikhLens patron, Dr. A.S. Marwah, declared the theater a historic cultural monument for being the first theater in the United States to use Egyptian Revival architecture. SikhLens said it is honored to host its inaugural festival at this theater, with its deep history and ties to the Sikh community. SikhLens seeks to provide an outlet for
SikhLens seeks work from artists in a variety of fields, including but not limited to movies, books, music, and art. It creates appropriate avenues for this work to be shared with the rest of the world with the aim of getting more exposure for the presenters
Dr. Marwah
sharing Sikh heritage and culture with the rest of the world by creating awareness for work that is "Sikh-centric," showcasing Sikh talent, and instilling pride in the community. SikhLens seeks work from artists in a variety of fields, including but not limited to movies, books, music, and art. It creates appropriate avenues for this work to be shared with the rest of the world with the aim of getting more exposure for the presenters; and at the same time creating awareness about Sikhs. This will result in a better understanding of Sikh culture and values in a way that is pure and unbiased.
October 16, 2009
India Post
Aruba medical school uses US-based curriculum India Post News Service
ARUBA: The Xavier University School of Medicine at Aruba is prime choice for foreign students to pursue their medical studies overseas in the Caribbean. This medical school offers studies in the Caribbean with Guaranteed Clinical Rotations in the United States. Best of all there are no MCATs required for admission. Xavier University Medical School campus is conveniently located on one of the most accessible Caribbean Islands. With over 14 flights daily from the United States and all customs and immigration being processing locally, travel between Aruba and the US is extremely easy. Aruba is part of the "ABC" islands in the Dutch Caribbean. The University was chartered in the Caribbean in December 2004 by the Ministry of Education of Aruba and this Medical School is now directed and backed by a group of premier doctors from the United States - each one an expert in his specialty. The Xavier University School of Medicine at Aruba was founded to train students in the art of Medicine using a US-based curriculum. The entire focus of the program is to ensure students receive the knowledge they need to successfully enter Residencies in the United States as competent phy-
For thirty years, the United States Governing Medical Body has permitted citizens or residents from the United States and Canada, who train abroad and meet the requirements, to enter the U.S. residency training system sicians. The biggest challenge medical students' face in medical school is passing their United States Medical Licensure Examinations, (USMLE Step 1 and USMLE step 2). These exams have to be successfully completed before application to residency. The Xavier basic science curriculum is USMLE-Based.
The Xavier University School of Medicine at Aruba has numerous ACGME clinical clerkships sites; all of which take place in the United States. While in the US, students are required to attend USMLE board review with KAPLAN. Students are also required to attend Grand Rounds, Didactics and other educational programs. Xavier USMLE based basic science curriculum, combined with strong US based clinical programs, ensures that all Xavier students are prepared to successfully negotiate their USMLE. For thirty years, the United States Governing Medical Body has permitted citizens or residents from the United States and Canada, who train abroad and meet the requirements, to enter the U.S. residency training system. Xavier University School of
Medicine at Aruba's well respected Board of Directors know what requirements are needed for our students to readily compete with other students for the limited and coveted residency positions that become available. There are Residency Directors that annually call some of Xavier board members for possible residency candidates.
Census 2010 ads on San 15th Partnership Walk to end global poverty Francisco buses India Post News Service
India Post News Service
SAN FRANCISCO, CA: The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund (LCCREF) has launched a series of Census 2010 public service announcements in San Francisco buses to educate residents about the upcoming decennial count of every person living in America. The PSAs in San Francisco are part of a cross-country, coast-tocoast series of bus ads created by LCCREF to explain the importance of the census to San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (Muni) bus riders. Between October 5 and December 27, the ads will appear in 200 buses in San Francisco, as well as buses in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, New Orleans, and Seattle. Here in San Francisco, the bus ads will feature a bilingual English-Chinese message with a wastebasket filled with money and a headline reading "Don't Throw Away Money. Fill Out Your Census Form." "The census shapes our lives in ways most people never think about," said Vincent Pan, executive director of Chinese for Affirmative Action, a local LCCREF census partner. "The federal government uses census information to decide where and how to spend almost $400 billion every year on health care, education, transpor-
tation and more - that's why we're working so hard to get the word out to San Franciscans that the census is coming and that everyone should participate." Information collected by the census will also be used to decide how many seats each state will get in the U.S. House of Representa-
‘The federal government uses census information to decide where and how to spend almost $400 billion every year on health care, education, transportation and more that's why we're working so hard to get the word out to San Franciscans that everyone should participate’ tives for the next decade, and to draw the lines for congressional, state legislative, and local voting districts. LCCREF believes that an accurate census is a significant civil rights issue because it directly affects our nation's ability to ensure equal representation and equal access to important government resources for all Americans.
LOS ANGELES: Thousands of participants are expected to turn out on October 25 for the 15th Annual Partnership Walk being held at the Santa Monica Pier. Partnership Walk will be kicked off with an Opening Ceremony at which several civic and community leaders and celebrities will be in attendance. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Congressman Brad Sherman have been guests of honor at the most recent Partnership Walks held in 2007 and 2008. Following the opening ceremonies, the 3K Walk will commence on the Pier at 11:00 am and continue along a scenic route through Palisades Park, overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica. Partnership Walk will be held simultaneously in five major cities across the U.S. Besides Los Angeles, thousands will walk and take aim at ending global poverty in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and Houston. In addition to individual participants, scores of teams from
corporations, universities, schools and community organizations will also be participating. Partnership Walk reflects a compassionate effort as global citizens, to build bridges of hope reaching across boundaries of race, religion, age and gender. Through their involvement in Partnership Walk, participants become actively involved in advancing human dignity and peace around the globe. The theme for Partnership Walk 2009 is "Education, the Universal Bridge," highlighting the extraordinary successes, expansion and far reaching impact of the Aga Khan Foundation's (AKF) educational programs. AKF programs aim to diminish the many obstacles to educational access and achievement in the developing world. AKF operates schools and other educational services in over 300 facilities ranging from day care centers to higher secondary schools. Through increased access to education and with a focus on maximizing reach, AKF helps communities in developing
countries break the cycle of poverty. Education is indeed a universal bridge to opportunity, and AKF is building these bridges where they are most needed. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has acknowledged the valuable contributions that AKF USA is making, noting that "Partnership Walk is a commitment from all of us to address poverty, hunger, illiteracy…in the world. AKF is about something bigger than just the number of people here today. It is about commitment to the human race." Partnership Walk 2009 is an allencompassing program which includes cultural entertainment, development education and awareness. Following the Walk to End Global Poverty, participants can enjoy entertainment featuring various artists and musicians, as well as visit the Global Village in Action, an interactive and educational exhibit aimed at raising awareness about how the programs of AKF are making a real difference in the developing world.
The real Rain Man at Ohlone College India Post News Service
OHLONE: A confounding mixture of brilliance and disability that neuroscientists have yet to understand. Kim Peek, the inspiration for the movie Rain Man, and his father come to Ohlone College on Friday, October 30 at 7 pm. Although diagnosed as mentally retarded at
birth, Kim Peek has developed a memory that is without equal. Ohlone College has invited everyone to come and explore an exciting opportunity to find out what makes the human brain unique. The Ohlone Psychology Club Speaker Series presents Kim Peek 'The Real Rain Man.' The Peeks work tirelessly to educate people about Savant Syndrome, the human brain, and accepting people with differences.
India Post 20 October 16, 2009 October 16, 2009 India Post
Fireworks light up Manhattan skyline This year, in an attempt to spread the 'Go Green' message, AIA held an essay competition for school children on climate change and global warming India Post News Service
NEW YORK: A spectacular 20-minute fireworks display that lit up the clear Fall sky over the East River at Pier 17 marked the Diwali Mela and street fair attended by thousands of Indian Americans and other New Yorkers at the South Street Seaport in downtown Manhattan on Oct 4. The annual Diwali Mela, a tradition that has been perpetuated by the Association of Indians in America (AIA) for the last 22 years in succession has become a veritable celebration of Indian culture at the South Street Seaport venue with traditional and con-
temporary dances, fun-filled children's activities, free health check up, booths selling a variety of handicrafts and gift items and rich and varied works of contemporary Indian artists music, and an amazing array of mouthwatering eats for the Indian American community in New York and surrounding areas. The fireworks sponsored by Air India also draw hundreds of non-Indians and tourists to the area. This year, in an attempt to spread the 'Go Green' message, AIA held an essay competition for school children on climate change and global warming. Consul General of India in New York Prabhu Dayal was the chief guest at the evening's function. Cont’d on page 22
India Post October 16, 2009
Diwali fireworks at the Air India sponsored South Street Seaport Mela Oct 4. Pics Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia
Cont’d from page 20
Fireworks light up Manhattan skyline
Thousands of Indian Americans attended Air India Sponsored South Street Deepawali
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post October 16, 2009
Etihad Airways Chicago operations exceed expectations SURI SWAMY
CHICAGO: As the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, Etihad Airways could not have expected a better reception from its avid Chicago customers than it received from them in the past four weeks. It entered the burgeoning Midwest market with a direct flight to Abu Dhabi from September 2 amidst keen intra- industry competition and tough overall economic conditions. However, its operations so far have with overwhelming response. According to the VP, Western USA, Denise E. Harvill, "Operations have exceeded our expectations and indications are that the trend will continue based on the advance bookings." The direct flight to Abu Dhabi began flying three days a week on September 2. The frequency will
increase to six flights per week on November 1and then daily in January 2010. For Indians, the airline will have direct connections to Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Cochin and Trivandrum. "We're really proud of our new service to Hyderabad and our direct connections to Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore in Pakistan, Dhaka in Bangladesh and Colombo in Sri Lanka. We will also be offering Peshawar in November. These are all major destinations for our guests traveling from the Midwest." Harvill said. "Our optimism about our Chicago flights is in light of the fact that Chicago is set to become a key part of our global network with strong traffic expected to and from cities across the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent network. In addition, Chicago is the third
Denise E. Harvill has recently been named VP Western USA of Etihad Airways
largest US market for air travel to the airport to their home or hotels the Middle East and GCC, after New within a 70 km distance in Chicago. York and Washington." Harvill In the UAE there is no limit and added. they will be taken by limousine to The famed "windy city" is anywhere they need in the UAE. home to 2.5 million residents and The economy class guests will be the Chicago metropolitan area has provided with coach services to a population of more than 9.5 mil- Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. lion people. "Etihad Airways offers prodChicago attracts more than 44 ucts and services that are the best million visitors each year and the in the industry, as our many city's main airport, O'Hare Interna- awards reflect," Harvill said. tional Airport, witnessed nearly 70 In Abu Dhabi, Etihad Airways million passengers in 2008 making offers both Diamond First Class it the second busiest airport in the and Pearl Business Class lounges. world. Due to its high level of di- "Our guests can enjoy treatments versification, Chicago has been in our Six Senses Spa, a cocktail at rated as having the most balanced the bar, or catch up on some sleep economy in the United States. in the Snooze Room. Etihad AirEtihad operates a three cabin ways lounges have it all and evAirbus A340-500 wide body air- erything is complimentary. craft on the Abu Dhabi to Chicago If business is on your agenda, service which is configured to the lounges offer a high-tech meetcarry 240 passengers with 12 in ing room that is spacious and well first class, 28 in business class and equipped, providing all the tools 196 in economy class. Starting Sep- needed for a productive meeting. tember 2, Etihad Airways flight The lounges offer state-of-the-art EY151 began departing from Abu teleconferencing facilities and a Dhabi airport on Wednesdays, Fri- business center with new Macs all days and Sundays at 10.20 a.m. and equipped with broadband access arriving in Chicago O'Hare Inter- and printing facilities and free winational Airport at 4.40 p.m. The fi access for laptops. Our lounge Return flight EY150 departs from facilities and services far surpass Chicago on Wednesdays, Fridays those of any carrier," said Harvill. and Sundays at 8.30 p.m. and arEtihad Airways, the national airrives in Abu Dhabi at 7.55 p.m. the line of the United Arab Emirates, following day. was established in 2003 by a Royal Beginning November 1, Etihad ‘Our optimism about our Chicago flights EY151 and flights is in light of the fact that EY150 will depart Chicago is set to become a key at 7:30 p.m. and will operate six part of our global network with times per week strong traffic expected to and from with the exception cities across the Middle East and of Tuesdays. Bethe Indian Subcontinent network. ginning January 1, 2010, Etihad AirIn addition, Chicago is the third ways will operate largest US market for air travel to daily. the Middle East and GCC, after The direct conNew York and Washington.’ nections to the Indian cities only Harvill added have a two to three hour stopover in Abu Dhabi. She decree and currently operates 42 added, "We want to touch all seg- aircrafts. It is one of the youngest ments of the community. The eth- and fastest growing air carriers. Its nic mix of the travelers so far bears entry into the New York market was in 2006 and now it has come out our observations fully." The in-flight meal will also be to Chicago, the third largest US according to the tastes and reli- market for travelers to Middle East. gious practices of the guests, and Etihad Airways is adding 11 new it will serve Halal meat and strict aircraft in 2009 and plans to expand vegetarian food too. "We can ac- its fleet by 100 in a couple of years. commodate any special request if The airline hopes to achieve a tarnotified in advance," she said. "In- get of over 70 destinations by flight entertainment offers a di- 2010. Denise E. Harvill has recently verse selection of 600 hours of been named VP Western USA of movies and shows available in all Etihad Airways. She has held a three cabins," Harvill said. number of senior positions durAnother unique feature of ing 25 years with United, include Etihad Airways is the limousine General Manager Greece, General service offered to the Business and Manager Philippines, Director, First Class customers. These Customer Relations and Director guests can be expected to be Human Resources, International picked up and dropped to and from and Corporate Diversity.
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post
October 16, 2009
The tradition of Rangoli angoli is a Hindu folk art, generally created on a floor on special festive occasions. The origin of this art can be traced to the Puranas (works on hindu mythology). Simply put, Rangoli means a row of colors. The tradition of Rangoli originated in Maharastra and slowly disseminated to other parts of India. Origin Rangoli, also known as Kolam in South India, Chowkpurana in Northern India, Madana in Rajasthan, Aripana in Bihar, Alpana in Bengal is the ancient Hindu religious floor art. According to a legend recorded in Chitra Lakshana, the earliest treatise on Indian painting, a king and his kingdom were steeped in sorrow at the death of the high priest's son. Everybody prayed to Lord Brahma, who moved by the prayers, asked the king to paint a portrait of the boy on the floor so that he could breathe life into it. And with that the art of floor painting came to life.
special place, and a rangoli is an expression of this warm hospitality. In particular, the Diwali festival is widely celebrated with rangolis, since at this time, people visit each other's homes to exchange greetings and sweets. In a rangoli, powdered colors are sprinkled on cleaned and dusted floors to form decorations. Rangolis can be vivid, three-dimensional art complete with shadings or they can be the traditional plain, yet as beautiful as, two-dimensional designs. The colored powder is usually applied 'freehand' by letting it run from the gap formed by pinching the thumb and the forefinger. In ancient times, rangolis were actually decorations made on the entrances and walls of houses to brighten up and add color to occasions being celebrated, like weddings, births and significant religious days. They also signified a warm welcome for visitors. In fact in Maharashtra, India,
And that is how rice, flour and flowers were transformed into picturesque offerings to God in the form of floor painting. Creative Expression 'Rangoli' is a sanskrit word which means a creative expression of art through the use of color. In ancient India, rangolis were used to decorate the entrances of homes, a floor-painting which provided a warm and colorful welcome to visitors. In Indian cultures, all guests and visitors occupy a very
housewives make them each morning. The designs would be simple and geometrical but could invoke symbolic forms. Oil lamps (diyas) would be placed in the rangoli to give it yet another dimension. Thus, reflecting regional beliefs and aesthetics based on a common spiritual plane the art of floor painting is one which has survived all influences and retained and transmitted the spirit of Indian life.
India Post
PATEL BROTHERS ACROSS NORTH AMERICA ILLINOISHEAD QUARTERS: 2610 W. DEVON AVENUE CHICAGO, IL 60659 T: 773-262-7777/773-764-1857 F: 773-764-7941 873 E. SCHAUMBURG ROAD SCHAUMBURG IL 60193 T: 847-524-1111 F: 847-524-1558 INDIANA PATEL BROTHERS 4150 FAFAYETTE RD, SUTIE F&G INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46254 T. 317-293-8345 F: 317-293-8395 KENTUCKY PATEL BROTHERS 1830, HURSTBOURNE PKWY LOUISVILLE, KY 40220 T: 502-499-9791 F: 502-499-9216 GEORGIA PATEL BROTHERS 1711, CHURCH STREET DECATURE, GA 30033 T: 404-296-2696 F: 404-296-2698 MISSISSIPPI PATEL CASH & CARRY 6800 W. OLD CANTON RD SUITE 102 RIGDELAND, MS 39157 T. 601-952-0332 PATEL BROTHERS 1999 HWY 80 WEST SUITE 15 JACKSON, MS 39204 T: 601-353-6611 F: 601-353-0420
CALIFORNIA PATEL BROTHERS 2039 EL CAMINO REAL CANTA CLARA, CA 95050 T: 408-261-3555 F: 408-261-3545 FLORIDA PATEL BROTHERS 1251 E. FOWLER AVE, UNIT F TAMPA, FLORIDA 33612 T. 813-558-9090 F: 813-558-9696 OHIO PATEL BROTHERS 1170 KENNY SQUARE MALL COLOUMBUS, OH 43220 T: 614-273-1376 F: 614-273-1371 PATEL BROTHERS 6876 PEARL ROAD MIDDLEBURGH HTS., OH 44130 T: 440-885-4440, F: 440-855-4441 PATEL BROTHERS 11985 LEBANON RD SHARONVILLE, OH 4541 MAIN: 513-769-0400 FAX: 513-769-0415 MICHIGAN PATEL BROTHERS 28684 FORD ROAD GARDEN CITY, MI 48135 T: 734-427-4445 F: 734-427-4985 PATEL BROTHERS 28950 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48334 T: 248-851-7470 F: 248-851-6427 PATEL BROTHERS 37196 DEQUINDRE ROAD STERLING HEIGHTS, MI 48077 T: 586-795-5120
NORTH CAROLINA PATEL BROTHERS 1419 SOUTH EAST MAYNARD RD CARY, NC 27511 T: 919-380-0113, F: 919-319-5661 PATEL BROTHERS 601-605 'D' NORTH POLK ST PINEVILLE, NC 28134 T: 704-889-1670, F: 704-889-1671 TEXAS PATEL BROTHERS 5815 HILLCROFT HOUSTON, TX 77036 T: 713-785-8332 F: 713-784-8341 PATEL BROTHERS 16338, KENSINGTON DR UNIT # 130 SUGARLAND, TX 77479 T: 972-644-3972 PATEL BROTHERS 104 INGE DRIVE RICHARDSON, TX 75080 T: 972-644-3972 VIRGINIA PATEL BROTHERS 11116 LEE HIGHWAY FAIRFAX, VA 22030 T: 703-273-7400 CONNECTICUT PATEL FOODS 171 E. SPENCER STREET MANCHESTER, CT 06040 T: 860.645.6100 F: 860.643.9322 MARYLAND PATEL BROTHERS 6402 BALTI NATIONAL PIKE ROUTE # 40, SUITE # 18B CATONSVILLE, MD 21228 T: 410.719.2822 F: 410.719.2821 PATEL BROTHERS 15110 FREDERICK ROAD ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 T: 301.340.8656, F: 301.898.8959
October 16, 2009
PATEL BROTHERS 2074 UNIVERSITY BLVD HYATTSVILLE, MD 20783 T: 301.442.1555 F: 301.422.1555 TENNESSEE PATEL BROTHERS 4043 NOLENSVILLE PIKE NASHVILLE, TN 37211 T: 615.833.1555, F: 615.833.1556 NEW YORK PATEL BROTHER 37-27, 74TH STREET, JACKSON HIGHTS, NY 11372 T: 718.898.3445 F: 718.898.9243 PATEL BROTHERS 415 SOUTH BROADWAY HICKSVILLE, NY 18801 T: 516.681.0091, F: 516.681.0072 PATEL BROTHER 42-92- MAIN STREET FLUSHING, NY 11355 T: 718.843.2527 F: 718.843.2526 PATEL BROTHERS 251-08 HILLSIDE AVENUE BELLEROSE, NY 11426 T: 718.470.1356 F: 718.470.0209 PENNSYLVANIA PATEL BROTHERS 4145 WILLIAM PENN HWY MONROEVILLE, PA 15146 T: 412.372.2758 F: 412.380.0144 PATEL BROTHERS 1915 STREET ROAD BENSALEM, PA 19020 NEW JERSEY PATEL CASH & CARRY 1551 OAKTREE RD ISELIN, NJ 08830 T: 732.205.0187 F: 732.205.0397
PATEL CASH & CARRY 780 NEWARK AVE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07306 T: 202.22.7572 F: 201.222.1019 PATEL FOOD MARKET 1357 OAKTREE RD ISELIN, NJ 08830 T: 732.283.7283 F: 732.283.4950 PATEL CASH & CARRY 2800 - RT # 27 RYAN PLAZA NORTH BRUNSWICK, NJ 28902 T: 732.821.0667 F: 732.281.7232
PATEL BROTHERS 1084-1088, ROUTE 46 WEST PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 T: 973.299.9913 F: 973.299.9928 PATEL BROTHERS 8 OLD ROAD SOUTH AMBOY, NJ 08879 MASSACHUSETTS PATEL BROTHERS 425 - MODDY STREET WALTHAM, MA 02453 T: 781.893.1003 F: 781.893.6003
PATEL BROTHERS 504, BOSTON TURNPIKE SHREWSBURY, MA 01545 T: 508.842.9600 F: 508.842.9630 CANADA PATEL BROTHERS 700 - MARKHAM ROAD, UNIT # 3 & 4, SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO, MTH 2A7 CANADA T: 416.439.9393 F: 416.438.6446
Ganesh Pooja
aneshji is a must for Diwali pooja as he is to be worshiped in all pujas before any other god or goddess. Traditionally on Diwali night, Ganesh shares the altar with Lakshmi. Shree Ganesh is the god of good beginnings and the fabled remover of obstacles. In the Hindu pantheon, the two are unrelated, Ganesh being the son of Shiva and Parvati. However, when placed side by side, Lakshmi Ganesh hold out promise of a year of fulfillment, free from wants. During the Ganesh puja, the idol of goddess Lakshmi is placed on the left and Lord Ganesha, the elephant headed god is kept on the right. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity and also personifies beauty, grace, and charm. She is normally depicted seated on a lotus with gold coins. Lord Ganesh has many functions in the Hindu pantheon. He is the Lord of Wisdom and the remover of obstacles. Hindus believe that he must be kept happy to ensure smooth passage on the road to accomplishments. For this reason, he is worshiped together with Lakshmi during Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Then, Lakshmi is worshiped for wealth and prosperity, while Ganesh is worshiped first to ensure that any obstacles to obtaining wealth and prosperity are removed.
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post
October 16, 2009
Kathak competition at University of Chicago SURENDRA ULLAL
CHICAGO: Anila Sinha Foundation (ASF) will be hosting Second International Kathak Festival in collaboration with The International House, University of Chicago for three days beginning October 23. According to Dr. Birendra Sinha, a spokesman for the ASF, the highlights of the three days event are morning conferences, afternoon workshops and lecture demonstrations culminating with the evening performances by a host of world
techniques and future of Kathak. The morning session will include scholars such as Dr. Sunil Kothari from Delhi, Dr. Purnima Shah from Duke University, NC, Dr. Mekhala Natavar from Princeton University, Dr. Joan Erdman from Columbia Collage Chicago, Dr. Sarah Morelli from Denver Colorado, Dr. Pallabi Chakravarti from Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, and Smt. Leela Venkataraman from Delhi. In addition, senior artists like Pandit Birju Maharaj, Smt. Kumudini Lakhia, Pandit Chitresh Das, Jayant Kastuar from Sangeet Natak Academy and Hema Rajgopalan will take part in the discussion. In the afternoon there will be workshops by Pandit Birju Maharaj on Oct. 23rd, by Smt. Kumudini Lakhia on Oct. 24th and lecture demonstration by Pandit Chitresh Das on Oct. 25th. In addition there will be a showcasing of various groups of Kathak dancers from United States and abroad. Concerts each evening will feature many outstanding dancers and choreographers including Pandit Birju Maharaj, Smt. Kumudini Lakhia, Pandit Chitresh Das, Smt. Sunayana Hazarilal, Smt. Uma Dogra and many others. The purpose of this festival is to educate the younger generation of students and artists and community at large about the diversity and excellence of Kathak as a dance form. Also it is to establish the highest expression of Kathak performance as a template in the minds and hearts of the younger generation of dancers and students. It is a rare opportunity for the community at large in Chicago to see world renowned scholars and artists under one roof. ASF, a not-for-profit organization, was established in 1998 in memory of Mrs. Anila Sinha, an acAn artist performing during a Kathak presentation complished Kathak dancer herself. by Anila Sinha Foundation The mission of the Foundation is renowned artists. to preserve, promote and present the clasArtists and scholars from India, U.K. and sical dance of North India mainly Kathak Canada will join other scholars, dancers, Dance and music. Since its inception, ASF musicians, choreographers, critics and oth- has expanded its educational endeavor ers in session about history, evolution, serving several centers in the Chicago land
area. In order to serve its broader objective, ASF has established an Academy of Kathak Dance Kathak Nrityakala Kendra affiliated with Prayag Sangit Samiti in Allahabad, India. The Academy holds examination ev-
The purpose of this festival is to educate the younger generation of students and artists and community at large about the diversity and excellence of Kathak as a dance form. Also it is to establish the highest expression of Kathak performance as a template in the minds and hearts of the younger generation of dancers and students
Globally renowned Birju Maharaj to conduct workshop during international festival
ery year from 1st year to 6th year level both in theory and practical. Practical examination is conducted by an external examiner appointed by the Prayag Sangit Samiti. Majority of the students achieve first class, some with distinction indicating that the students here receive the same rigorous training that exists in the home country. One of the students, who completed her Rangmanch Pravesh received scholarship by the University of Chicago, to undergo further training, under the tutelage of Pandit Birju Maharaj. The teacher and the Artistic Director of the Academy is currently Ms Kiran Chouhan, a professional artist who is a senior disciple of Pandit Birju Maharaj. She has given numerous performances and
Diwali 'diyas' or 'deeps'
n each legend, myth and story of Deepawali lies the significance of the victory of good over evil; and it is with each Deepawali and the lights that illuminate the homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. Since baked-mud 'diyas' or 'deeps' are considered more holy and auspicious, they are purchased to light on the Diwali night, particularly before the idols or photographs of gods and goddesses while offering prayers. A Diya is a small earthen lamp that is lit especially at Diwali. They are
usually made of clay. Ghee or oil is used as the fuel and cotton wool as the wick. Sometimes they are made by part filling a glass with colored water, Ghee is floated on top,
conducted workshops along with her guru throughout the globe In addition ASF has presented several main stage performances each year and invited world renowned artists such as Pandit Birju Maharaj, Smt. Girija Devi, Pandit Ram
and again cotton wool used as a wick. Children could make there own Diya with air dried clay or play dough. For safety reason these diyas should not be lit with Ghee and cotton wool. Beautifully crafted diyas beckon atten-
Narayan, Ustad Zakir Hussain and others. During the past few years ASF has presented several unique productions such as "Sufi Kathak", "Kumar Sambhav", "Raj Nartaki" which were all popular events based on innovative choreography by Ms Kiran Chouhan. In 2004 ASF organized the first International Kathak Festival which was a great success. Because of the encouraging response in 2004, ASF has decided to organize the 2nd International Kathak Festival this year, thus providing a great opportunity for the younger generation of Kathak artists and students. This program is supported in part by the Illinois Arts Council and National Endowment for the arts.
tion of the buyers. The earthen diya used on the occasion of Diwali, reflects ancient design sense that is simple and stunning in concept and universal in appeal. The Diwali season sees a proliferation of clay creativity ranging from roadside agals to designer diyas displayed in art and craft boutiques. During Diwali, various shops showcases brilliant diyas and lamps crafted by ceramic designers from all over the country. There are also diyas with zari and mirror in exuberant colours. Delightfully, imaginative diyas with sharply cut edges, embellished with cut work are covered and filled with bright coloured wax.
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post
Lakshmi Pooja
October 16, 2009
akshmi was the daughter of the sage Bhrigu and took refuge in the ocean of milk when the gods were sent into exile. Lakshmi was reborn during the Churning of the Ocean. As soon as the gods saw Lakshmi, they all fell in love with her beauty. Shiva claimed Lakshmi as his wife, but since he had already taken the Moon, her hand was given to Vishnu, whom Lakshmi herself preferred. Lakshmi is the goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and wealth. While Laxmi is generally worshiped to achieve success, she does not reside long with anyone who is lazy or desire her only as wealth.
Steps of Lakshmi Pooja Spread a new cloth on a raised platform: Place a handful of grains in the center and, on this, place a kalash (pitcher) made of gold, silver, copper, or terracotta. Fill threefourth of the kalash with water and place a betel nut, a flower, a coin, and some rice grains in it. Arrange five kinds of leaves or mango leaves in the kalash . Place a small dish on the kalash and fill it with rice grains. Draw a lotus with turmeric powder ( haldi ) over the rice grains and place the idol of goddess Lakshmi over it, along with coins. Place the idol of Ganesha: In front of the kalash, on the right (SouthWest direction), place the idol of Ganesha. Also place ink and books related to your business or occupation on the platform. Light a lamp and begin the puja by offering haldi, kumkum, and flowers to the platform on which the kalash is placed. Then offer haldi, kumkum, and flowers to the water that is to be used for the puja. Invoke the river goddesses to be part of this water. Invoke goddess: Lakshmi by reciting the Vedic mantras addressed to her. One can also recite the mantras mentioned in the Puranas or simply take some flowers in your hands, close your eyes, and think of goddess Lakshmi being showered with gold coins by two elephants standing on either side of Her and chant Her name. Then offer the flowers to the idol. Place the idol of Lakshmi: Place the idol of Lakshmi in a plate and bathe it with water, panchamrit (a mixture of milk, curd, ghee or clarified butter, honey, and sugar) and then with water containing some gold ornament or a pearl. Wipe the idol clean and place it back on the kalash. Alternately, you can just sprinkle water and panchamrit on the idol with a flower. Offerings: Offer sandal paste, saffron paste, perfume ( itr ), haldi, kumkum, abeer, and gulal to the goddess. Offer a garland of cotton beads to the goddess. Offer flowers, especially the marigold flowers and leaves of Bel (wood apple tree). Light an incense stick and dhoop. Make an offering of sweets, coconut, fruits, and tambul. Make an offering of puffed rice and batasha. Pour some puffed rice, batasha, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds over the idol. Safe where you keep money and jewelry; Worship this safe as a symbol of Lord Kuber.
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post
October 16, 2009
Festival of Light & Beauty
iwali is celebrated on a grand scale in almost all the regions of India and is looked upon as ushering of New Year. The blessings of Lakshmi, the celestial consort of Lord Vishnu are invoked with prayers. Even countries like Guyana, Thailand, Trinidad, and Malaysia celebrate this festival but in their own ways. Diwali festival dates back to that period when perhaps history was not written, and in its progress through centuries it lighted path of thousands to attain the ultimate good and complete ecstasy. Diwali or more aptly Deepavali is very enthusiastically celebrated for five continuous days and each day has its significance with a number of myths, legends and beliefs. Dhanteras The First day is called Dhanteras which falls on the thir-
teenth day of the month of Ashwin. The word “Dhan” means wealth. As such this day of the five-day Diwali festival has a great importance for the rich mercantile community of Western India.
Goddess of wealth and prosperity. To indicate her long-awaited arrival, small footprints are drawn with rice flour and vermilion powder all over the houses. Lamps are kept burning all through the
Houses and Business premises are renovated and decorated. Entrances are made colorful with lovely traditional motifs of Rangoli designs to welcome the
nights. Believing this day to be auspicious women purchase some gold or silver or at least one or two new utensils. “LakshmiPooja” is performed in the eve-
nings when tiny diyas of clay are lighted to drive away the shadows of evil spirits. Devotional songs in praise of Goddess Laxmi are sung and “Naivedya” of traditional sweets is offered to the Goddess. There is a peculiar custom in Maharashtra to lightly pound dry coriander seeds with jaggery and offer as Naivedya. In villages cattle are adorned and worshipped by farmers as they form the main source of their income. In south cows are offered special veneration as they are supposed to be the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and therefore they are adorned and worshipped on this day. Legend of Hima A very interesting story about this day is of the sixteen year old son of King Hima. As per his horoscope he was doomed to die by a snake-bite on the fourth day of his marriage. On that particular fourth day of his marriage his young wife did not allow him to sleep. She laid all the ornaments and lots of gold and silver coins in a big heap at the entrance of her husband’s boudoir and lighted innumerable lamps all over the place. And she went on telling stories and singing songs. When Yam, the god of Death arrived there in the guise of a Serpent his eyes got blinded by that dazzle of those brilliant lights and he could not enter the Prince’s chamber. So he climbed on top of the heap of the ornaments and coins and sat there whole night listening to the melodious songs. In the morning he quietly went away. Thus the young wife saved her husband from the clutches of death. Since then this day of Dhanteras came to be known as the day of “Yamadeepdaan” and lamps are kept burning throughout the night in reverential adoration to Yam, the god of Death. Narka-Chaturdashi The second day is called NarkaChaturdashi or Choti Diwali which falls on the fourteenth day of the month of Ashwin. The story goes that the demon king Narakasur ruler of Pragjyotishpur (a province to the South of Nepal) after defeating Lord Indra had snatched away the magnificent earrings of Aditi, the Mother Goddess and imprisoned sixteen thou-
sand daughters of the gods and saints in his harem. On the day previous to Narakachaturdashi, Lord Krishna killed the demon and liberated the imprisoned damsels and also recovered those precious earrings of Aditi. As a symbol of that victory Lord Krishna smeared his forehead with the demon king’s blood. Krishna returned home in the very early morning of the Narakachaturdashi day. The womenfolk massaged scented oil to his body and gave him a good bath to wash away the filth from his body. Since then the custom of taking bath before sunrise on this day has become a traditional practice especially in Maharashtra. In South India that victory of the divine over the mundane is celebrated in a very peculiar way. People wake up before sunrise prepare blood by mixing Kumkum in oil and after breaking a bitter fruit that represents the head of the demon King that was smashed by Krishna, apply that mixture on their foreheads. Then they have an oil bath using sandalwood paste. In Maharashtra also, traditional early baths with oil and “Uptan” (paste) of gram flour and fragrant powders are a `must’. All through the ritual of baths, deafening sounds of crackers and fireworks
are there in order that the children enjoy bathing. Afterwards steamed vermicelli with milk and sugar or puffed rice with curd is served. Legend of Bali Another legend is about King Bali of the nether world mighty power had become a threat to the gods. In order to curb his powers Lord Vishnu in the guise of a Batu Waman- a small boy- visited him and begged him to give him only that much land which he could cover with his three steps. Known for his philanthropy King Bali proudly granted him his wish.
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post
October 16, 2009
Celebrations Around the World Diwali is also celebrated outside of India mainly in Guyana, Fiji, Malaysia, Nepal, Mauritius, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, Britain, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Africa, Australia and the US among the Hindus across the world.
he Indians are the second larg est ethnic minority in Britain. To get rid of the feeling of missing their homeland, especially during festival times, the Indians here celebrate most of the festivals. The occasion is marked by visit to the local temple to worship the shrine of Lakshmi, which
they have made for Diwali. Eating special sweets, burning of incense sticks, lighting the home and surroundings and the blowing of the conch shell follows the prayer session in the Lakshmi temple. The festival here is celebrated according to the Hindu solar calendar hence it falls in the months
of October-November, amongst the cold, damp and windy months in Britain. Still the enthusiasm of the festival celebration makes the task of leaving small lamps on windowsills or by open doorways possible ignoring the chill. The lamps and diyas play their part in maintaining the atmosphere of Diwali at home.
ascinating in its diversity, Ma-laysia has many mesmerizing charms and attractions. With a population of about 20 million, comprising of a harmonious multi-ethnic mix of Malays, Malaysia promises a colorful potpourri of cultural traditions. Most are based on the various religious practices, beliefs and traditions influencing the costumes, festivals, ceremonies and rituals. The Hindu community of Malaysia constitutes about 8% of its total population .The community celebrates Diwali as a symbol of triumph of good over evil. The Malaysian people call Diwali as Hari Diwali. This festival is celebrated during the 7th month of the Hindu solar calendar. The south Indian traditional of oil bath precedes the festivities. The celebration includes visits to temples and prayers at household altars. Small lamps made from clay and filled with
he name Indonesia came from two Greek words: “Indos” meaning Indian and “Nesos” meaning islands. The majority of population follows Islam. Hindus constituent about 2% of Indonesia’s total population. However, the Indonesian island of Bali is famous for celebrating the festival of Diwali, as a majority of the population here is that of Indians. It is one of the most revered festivals of the locals here. The celebration and rituals of the festival is mostly similar to that celebrated by their counterparts in India.
Malaysia coconut oil and wicks are a common sight to signify the victory of Lord Rama, the hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana, over the demon king Ravana. Diwali is celebrated almost all over the Malaysia except in Sarawak & Federal Territory of Labuan.
India Post October 16, 2009
October 16, 2009 India Post
India Post
Diwali recipies Here is a delectable collection of traditional Diwali Recipes to help you make this Diwali celebrations more zestful!! The collection includes Recipes for Diwali deserts and snacks. Choose and cook your favorite Diwali Recipe with love and delight your dear ones in a very special way!!
October 16, 2009
Wheat Laddu Ingredients: 1 cup Wheat Flour 1/4 cup Gram Flour 11/2 cup Sugar Powder 1/4 cup Grated Coconut 1/4 cup Dry Fruit almonds, raisins, kaju etc 1 cup Ghee Preparation: 1. Heat the ghee. 2. Put both the flours in the heated ghee. 3. When nearly roasted put coconut and sliced dry fruit in the mixture. 4. Now put the ground sugar in the mixture and stir thoroughly. 5. Take off from the heat quickly and make laddus. You may also put the mixture in an oil based thali & make small pieces. Diwali Recipe Contributed by: Shiela Talwar
Besan ki Barfi Ingredients : Besan 1 kg Sugar 1 kg Water 1/2 liter Ghee 1 kg For garnishing: Pistas, Almonds Preparation : 1. Fry besan in ghee on low flame for about 30 mins till it becomes pink and ghee separates. 2. Mix sugar and water into a syrup. 3. Add this syrup to the besan and mix well. 4. Pour this mixture into a greased tray. 5. When it cools cut into cubes and garnish with pistas and almonds. Diwali Recipe Contributed by: Nandini Sharma
Soan Papdi Ingredients: 1 1/4 cup Gram Glour 1 1/4 cup Maida 250 gms Ghee 2 1/2 cups Sugar 1 1/2 cup Water 2 tbsp Milk 1/2 tsp Cardamom seeds crushed coarsely 4" squares cut from a thin polythene sheet Preparation: 1. Sift both flours together. 2. Heat ghee in a heavy saucepan. Add flour mixture and roast on low till light golden. Keep aside to cool a little, stirring occasionally. 3. Prepare syrup simultaneously. Make syrup out of sugar, water and milk. Bring syrup to 2 1/2 thread consistency. 4. Pour at once into the flour mixture. Beat well with a large fork till the mixture forms threadlike flakes. 5. Pour onto a greased surface or thali and roll to 1" thickness lightly. Sprinkle the elaichi and gently press down with palm. 6. Cool, cut into 1" squares, wrap individually into square pieces of thin plastic sheet. Store in an airtight container. Diwali Recipe Contributed by: Nandini Sharma
Diwali recipies
India Post October 16, 2009
Shubh Deepavali and Happy New Year!
Sesame Seed (Til) - Khoya laddu Ingredients : 2 cups khoya 1&1/2 cups of coarsely powdered roasted sesame seeds (til) Powdered sugar to taste Kesar, chopped almonds and pistas for decoration Preparation : 1. Roast the khoya on low flame till it is very light golden yellow color. 2. Let is cool for few minutes. 3. Then add coarsely powdered roasted sesame seeds and mix it. 4. Add powdered sugar when the above mixture is luke warm. 5. Mix well and shape into small balls. If the mixture is too hot then the sugar will melt so care has to be taken that mixture should not be hot. 6. Arrange in a plate and decorate with kesar, chopped almonds and pistas. Method for Making Khoya in Microwave: 1. Take three cups of full cream milk powder in microwave oven proof casserole. 2. Add sufficient water to make a thick paste. 3. Add 2 tablespoon of ghee. 4. Cover with plastic cling film and microwave for 3 minutes with in between stirring. (Time depends on power of Microwave oven.) Diwali Recipe Contributed by: Mrs. Surana
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ASB Communications-Dev-Se09
India Post October 16, 2009
Karanji Ingredients : For Filling: 1 cup grated Dry Coconut 1 cup Powdered Sugar 1 pinch Nutmeg Powder 1 pinch dry Ginger Powder 4 Elaichi 2 tsp Maida 2 tsp Poppy Seeds 2 tbsp Mixed Dry fruit pieces For Dough: 1 cup maida 1 tsp Ghee Salt to taste Warm milk to prepare dough Preparation : 1. Roast Dry coconut. 2. Roast maida in ghee. 3. Roast poppy seeds. 4. Mix all the above ingredients & grind them. For Dough: Mix all the dough ingredients & prepare dough (a little hard). For Karanji: 1. Make small oval shaped puris from dough. 2. Fill the prepared stuffing inside. 3. Apply some water or milk so that it will seal properly (don't apply too much of water as it will not seal properly). 4. Deep fry it till it becomes brownish colour. 5. Serve it hot or cold. 6. Karanjis can be stored for weeks. Diwali Recipe Contributed by: Megha
India Post October 16, 2009
Diwali recipies GUJIA Ingredients : Flour 250 grams Khoya 500 grams Raisins a few Almonds 100 grams (finely chopped) Cooking oil 3 tablespoon Water 100 ml Sugar 250 grams Preparation : Mix the oil and flour properly to form a binding consistency of breadcrumbs. Add some water and knead lightly the entire mixture. Make it soft dough and set it aside with a damp cloth covering it. Fry the khoya in cooking oil till it becomes light brown and then mix the sugar in it properly. Add the almonds and raisins, and fry for a few more minutes. Remove from fire and let it cool. Make small thick chapattis out of that kneaded dough. Fill half of the chapatti with the khoya mixture and, rolling it, seal the sides of the chapatti keeping the khoya inside it. Make the sealing look decorated by giving a look of hemming.
India Post
October 16, 2009
Auspicious and Aesthetic Folk Art
raditionally, down the ages in India, rites and rituals have been worked around the home and hearth to propitiate the deities and bring peace and harmony. One such ritual to ward off evil spirits is the drawing of Rangoli's on the floor at the entrance of the house. These are intricate patterns drawn in the courtyard or just outside the threshold of the entrance door, first thing in the morning after a bath. Rangoli's are believed to make the surroundings aesthetic and auspicious. Art of the moment Rangoli is an ephemeral art, much like the sand sculptures or street paintings of the West. In the South, rice flour - both wet and dry - is the preferred medium for doing Rangoli's. Elsewhere, powdered limestone is used for drawing the basic outline in white,
which is then filled with colours. The fine powder is held pinched between the thumb and the index finger and sprinkled delicately by maneuvering the hand skillfully to draw lines. When the powder is released more freely, a layered colour is filled in. Rangoli by many names Rangoli, as a religious art form has been prevalent all over India. Variously known as Kolam in Tamil Nadu, Alpana in Bengal and Aripana in Bihar, it originated in Maharasthra. During Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, Rangoli's are bedecked with oil lamps or diyas; together they are supposed to please and welcome the Goddess of Wealth, Laksmi. The Tamilians have an exclusive month, mid-December to midJanuary, when unmarried girls make Rangoli's in courtyard at sunrise, singing songs. This
ritual, an offshoot of a legend is supposed to fulfill the nubile girl's wish for a dream husband. Intricate Patterns in 2" x 2" The name, Rangoli, is a combination of two words - rang and avalli which means a row of colours. When you mention the
word, Rangoli, what come to mind are colourful geometric patterns as these are greatly favoured all over. Many Rangoli's books promote these designs exclusively. The Kolam is usually line patterns in white, with a bit of spot colour provided by kumkum (vermillion) and haldi (turmeric). These are unbroken lines, as it was believed that the absence of gaps left no room for the evil spirits to enter. Today, of course, any line drawing or even freehand passes off as Rangoli. The recurrent motifs in
Rangoli's across the states are inspired by nature and feature leaves (peepal), fruits (coconut and mangoes) and flowers (lotus). Religious symbols like swastika and aum also figure in the designs. Hindu Folk Art Even today, the ritual is followed in middle-class homes in the interior pockets of metros like Pune and Mumbai, also Bangalore, Chennai and Calcutta. But, in its traditional from, Rangoli is a dying art and has assumed the mantle of being a Hindu folk art. Modern-day Incarnation While the ritual of Rangoli has faded from the modern-day home, it has been replaced by a largerthan-life form for mass consumption. Instead of powders, flower petals or grains and pulses are used to fill giant-size Rangoli's at hotels and wedding venues. Moulds with punched holes for intricate and detailed designs are available in the market, you just have to fill them with powder and let it filter through. Rangoli stickers are quite a rage and the fact that they have some permanency seems to act in their favour.
India Post
October 16, 2009
SSF organizes fun-filled Dandia Nite India Post News Service
FREMONT, CA: After the phenomenal success of the last two years, Small Steps Foundation, a Fremont-based charitable organization, again hosted the popular "Small Steps Dandia Nite 2009" during the Indian festival of Navratri. Folks from all over the Bay area Vallejo, San Francisco, Livermore, Tracy, Menlo Park, San Jose, Sunnyvale and Berkeley as well as from the Tri-City area attended this ticketed event making it a sold out event. This Small Steps event for Indo-American audience was one of the biggest in Fremont in September. It was organized very well with a host of volunteers to help in parking, welcoming, registration, decorations and Dandia lessons. The live band music by Dr. Sharvari Dixit and troupe, one of the best Garba and Dandia DJ in the Bay area mesmerized the audience and got the momentum of Garba and Dandia going. There was an extra busy Kids Corner
"Keep up the great work, community needs it". Everyone really enjoyed the event and loved the kids area. Snacks from sizzling dosas to mouth watering chaat were provided by Udupi and Chaat Bhavan. "We had a great show this year and I didn't want it to end. Over 1000 people came through and we tried to provide everyone a great time," said Tanuja Singh, President of Small Steps Foundation,
This Small Steps event for Indo-American audience was one of the biggest in Fremont in September. It was organized very well with a host of volunteers to help in parking, welcoming, registration, decorations and Dandia lessons
managed by Learning Bee and Best Friends Learning Center who professionally and creatively engaged the kids with Diwali crafts, lanterns, floor chess
was wildly appreciated by everyone. Some comments from the patrons were "We always enjoy the Dandia event hosted by Small
and Tic-Tac-Toe puzzles and mind benders. One addition to the program was additional Garba performance by young girls that
Steps", "Count us in for the next time", "Its a blast for kids and adults alike, what a family event", "Just the right music and fun",
"We hope you will stayed tuned for the progress that Small Steps Foundation is making at http://". Small Steps Foundation is an organization aimed at socio-economic development in India by raising funds in US to support developmental initiatives in India that focus on: education of underprivileged children, education and development of the girl child and rehabilitation of children in special circumstances.
India Post October 16, 2009
Happy Diwali
Maa Kali
It's the "Festival of Lights" today, It's again the day of Diwali, It's time to dress up folks, It's time to adorn the thali.
The clear blue sky, The scent of flowers, The colours of Rangoli, And the sound of crackers.
Naked and fierce, Burning with anger, Stands the Goddess, Great is her hunger.
It's the occasion to throng the temples, Pray to the Gods and give them offerings, It's an opportunity to entreat the deities, To bless us all and rid us of sufferings. It's the day to light the diyas, Ignite the rockets and burst crackers, But it's also the time to be safe, From the fireworks and all the sparklers. It's the season to pay a visit, To all our friends and relations, To hand them over sweets and presents, Diwali is our splendid chance.
The gifts and sweets from dear ones, And the getting of their love, The light of the candles below, And the dazzling fireworks up above. Lighting lamps at our homes, Making the less fortunate smile, Putting on new apparels, Show our friends some style. Paying respects to the gods, And decorating for them the thali, This is what the occasion is all about, This is the spirit of Deepavali.
Machete in her hands, Slashing at her will, She knows no bounds, And runs around to kill. She can't recognise, Sinner or saint, In her mission to kill the evils, She has lost her restraint. And then she steps on something, What is it? She looks below, To her horror she finds her Lord, Supine, lying beneath her toe.
But while you spend a time of joy, Don't think it's merriment all the way, Out there wait many of those, For whom it's no time to be gay.
Great is her shame at what she sees, In her great fury she had spared none, It needed Lord Shiva to stop her rage, She bites her tongue at what she has done.
Denied of laughter and smiles for days, They know not what it is to enjoy, Can you not share something you have, Can you not bring them a little joy?
And thus we know the great Maa Kali, Ashamed, repentant for being blindly furious She stands for the two sides in ourselves, With the good trying to rule the evil in us.
When you can make someone else smile When you can be someone's ally That's when you can yourself be glad That's when you'll have a HAPPY DIWALI!
So every year we worship her, Each year we pay her our homages, And this is how "Kali Puja", Goes on and on for ages.
India Post October 16, 2009
India Post
October 16, 2009
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adami is well known for its rich history and ancient architecture. It was the ancient capital of the early Chalukya kingdom. A number of richly carved monuments and caves belonging to Chalukyas, dating back to the 6th and 7th centuries can be found here. The Chalukyas laid the foundation of a unique style of architecture, which is a fine blend of North Indian Nagara style and the South Indian Dravidian style. The architecture and sculptures created in Badami during the time of the Chalukyas inspired later-day architectural and sculpting traditions. A number of places of historical importance are situated near Badami. Badami is located in the northern part of
51 India Post rate branch of Chalukyas), the Kalachuryas, Yadavas of Devangiri and the Vijaynagar
toric village of Pattadakal is 20 km from Badami. It was the second capital of the
Empire. In the latter medieval period, Adil Shahi rulers of Bijapur and the Marathas ruled it. Badami was finally taken over by the British, who made it a part of the erst-
Chalukyas and important state functions during the reigns of the Chalukyas were held here. It has many temples dating back to 6th and 7th centuries AD. Aihole, 46 km from
There are four cave temples at Badami. These temples date back to the 6th and 7th centuries AD and are ornately carved with figures of Hindu deities. Three temples are dedicated to Hindu gods. The fourth one is a Jain temple and was built much later. Near these caves lies the 5thcentury Agastyatirtha Tank, dotted with Bhuthnath temples, dedicated to Lord Shiva the state of Karnataka, in the southern region of India. It is situated near a red sandstone ridge. The climate of Badami is temperate with summers (April-June) being moderately hot while winters are cool and pleasant (November-February). It is 550 km from the city of Bangalore. It experiences southwestern monsoon rains in the months of June and July. Best time to visit: Shopping options mostly revolve around handicrafts and rugs with prices being competitive. The best time to visit this small historic town is from October to February, when the weather is cool and pleasant. History: The rich past of Badami is closely linked with the ancient Kingdom of Chalukyas. It was founded in the 6th century AD by Pulekeshin I, the great Chalukya ruler, and was the capital city of the Chalukyas from A.D. 540 until A.D. 757. A number of temples and monuments belong-
ing to the Chalukya period can be found in and around Badami. The Rashtrakutas overthrew Badami, and, after its fall, it witnessed anarchy and strife and was successively overrun by a number of rulers. It was also ruled by the Chalukyas of Kalyan (a sepa-
October 16, 2009 and Lakkundi (82 km) are other important historical places. Fairs & Festivals: A number of annual temple festivals are held in towns near Badami. The annual temple festival, held at Banashankari, in the month of January-February is worth visiting; so are the Virupaksha Temple Car Festival and Mallikarjuna Temple Festival held in Pattadakal during MarchApril. How to Reach Air: There is no airport at Badami. The nearest airport is at Belgaum, 150 km away. Rail: The nearest railhead is at Badami, which is 4 km from Badami town. The trains that stop here are mainly second-class passenger trains running between Gadag and Bijapur. The tickets for these trains can be acquired half an hour before their arrival. One can also catch trains from Bijapur (163 km) and Hubli (128 km), which are well connected by road to Badami. Road: The main bus stop is at Station Road, which is the main road of the town. The town of Badami is connected by road with Hubli, Bijapur and Bangalore (550 km). There are six buses to the towns of Bijapur and Hubli. It takes 4 hours to reach Bijapur and 3 hours to reach Hubli from Badami. There are four daily buses to Bangalore, which takes 12 hours to reach. The bus service to the nearby historical places of Aihole and Pattadakal is good. One can also
Famous for rock-cut cave temples
while Bombay Presidency. Tourist Attractions: Badami is famous for its rock-cut cave temples. These temples have been carved out on the red sandstone hills that surround the town. There are four cave temples at Badami. These temples date back to the 6th and 7th centuries AD and are ornately carved with figures of Hindu deities. Three temples are dedicated to Hindu gods. The fourth one is a Jain temple and was built much later. Near these caves lies the 5th-century Agastyatirtha Tank, dotted with Bhuthnath temples, dedicated to Lord Shiva. The archeological museum is located near this tank, which in turn is near the historic Badami Fort. Places Around Badami: A number of historical spots lie around Badami. The his-
Badami, was an important place during the Chalukya period and has a number of richly carved Hindu temples dating back to 6th to 8th century AD. Mahakuta Temple and Naganath Temple are about 10 km east of Badami (on the way to Aihole), while Banashankari is 5 km southeast of Badami (on the way to Pattadakal). Gulegud (24 km)
take taxis to these places. Local Transport: Tourists can easily get tongas at the railway station to come into the town. Tongas can also be hired from the Station Road, near the main bus stand. One can also move around the town in auto-rickshaws and taxis or hire bicycles on hourly basis.
Travel & Hospitality Post
India Post
October 16, 2009
Fewer Indian tourists in Hong Kong
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NEW DELHI: The number of Indian tourists visiting Hong Kong declined by about 4.8 per cent in the first eight months of this year due to the global economic slowdown and swine flu pandemic. Hong Kong Tourism Board said the island witnessed arrival of around 2.3 lakh Indian tourists from January to August this year, as compared to 2.4 lakh in the same period last year. In the whole of 2008, Hong Kong witnessed an arrival of 3.5 lakh Indian tourists, a growth of 10.4 per cent as against 3.1 lakh in 2007. "We have a seen a slight dip in
the number of tourist arrivals from India due to the outbreak of swine flu coupled with the slowdown...," Hong Kong Tourism Board Regional Director (South and South East Asia) David Leung told reporters here. However, in the month of August alone, we have seen a good growth. We hope to maintain this growth momentum in the later part of the year, he added. In the month of August, the number of Indian tourist arrivals grew by around 15 per cent to around 26,000 as compared to around 23,000 in the same month last year. -PTI
Dip in foreign tourist arrivals to India NEW DELHI: Notwithstanding the high voltage overseas road shows and Incredible India campaign, the decline in foreign tourist arrivals in the country continues. The number of foreign tourists visiting the country in September this year was 3,17,308 as against 3,30,874 for the same period last year, a decline of 4.1 per cent. In August also there was a decrease in foreign tourists' arrivals. While 3,57,761 foreigners visited the country in August this year, their number was 3,91,423 during the same period last year.
The ministry had launched a series of road shows overseas including in the US, Australia, Dubai and Europe in recent months to woo tourists "There are several factors behind the decline in foreign tourist arrivals. While the global slowdown is one of the major reasons, the swine flu scare and travel advisories issued by the US and other countries have also affected the arrivals," said a senior Tourism Ministry official. The ministry had launched a series of road shows overseas including in the US, Australia, Dubai and Europe in recent months to woo tourists and is hopeful that they would pay rich dividends in coming months. "We are expecting a good show in the coming tourist season," said the official. The total number of foreign tourists who visited the country during January to September this year was 3,574,595 against 3,871,163 for the same period last year. -PTI
October 16, 2009
Travel & Hospitality Post
Four Indian heritage sites on WMF Watch list India Post News Service
NEW YORK: The Chiktan Castle in the remote, mountainous region of Kargil in northern India; the Mahmudabad Estate from the Mughal era; the historic Civic Center of Shimla; and the Dechen Namgyal Gonpa, a Buddhist monastery in Nyoma near Ladakh are among the 93 sites around the world named to be at risk, in the 2010 World Monuments Watch announced Oct 6 by the World Monuments Fund (WMF). For more than 40 years, WMF, a nonprofit organization, has worked to preserve cultural heritage across the globe. Bonnie Burnham, President of the WMF announced that the 2010 Watch includes nine sites from the United States and 15 dating from the 20th century. The Watch is WMF's flagship advocacy program, and it calls international attention to threatened cultural heritage. Ranging from the famous (Machu Picchu, Peru) and remote (Phajoding, a monastery high in the mountains of Bhutan), to the unexpected (Merritt Parkway, Connecticut, US) and little-known (desert castles of ancient Khorezm, Uzbekistan), the 2010 Watch tells compelling stories of human aspiration, imagination, and adaptation. The need for collective action and sustainable stewardship are c o m m o n themes running through the 2010 list, and the 93 sites vividly illustrate the ever-more pressing need to create a balance between heritage concerns and the social, economic, and environmental interests of communities around the world.
"The 2010 Watch makes it clear that cultural heritage efforts in the 21st century must recognize the critical importance of sustainable stewardship, and that we must work closely with local partners to create viable and appropriate op-
‘The sites on the 2010 Watch list make a dramatic case for the need to bring together a variety of sectors -economic, environmental, heritage preservation, and social -- when we are making plans’ portunities to advance this," said Burnham. "The sites on the 2010 Watch list make a dramatic case for the need to bring together a variety of sectors -- economic, environmental, heritage preservation, and social -- when we are making plans that will affect us all. Greater coop-
eration among these sectors would benefit humanity today, while ensuring our place as stewards of the Earth for the next generation." Comprising products of individual imaginations, testaments to faith, and masterpieces of civil engineering, among other types of creations, the sites on the 2010 Watch are irreplaceable monuments to human culture. They are found in every type of environment, from urban centers and small towns to barren plains and riverside caves, and they are threatened by war, natural disasters, urban sprawl, and neglect. They range from the prehistoric to the contemporary, and include schools, libraries, municipal buildings, places of worship, roadways, aqueducts, row houses, bridges, gateways, parks, follies, cultural landscapes, archaeological remains, historic city centers, castles, private houses, forts, tombs, and ancient petroglyphs and cave art. (For details logon to:
India Post
October 16, 2009
India Post
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S. Nevada gets swine flu vaccine LAS VEGAS: The Southern Nevada Health District has received its first shipment of the swine flu vaccine. The district has received 20,600 doses of FluMist, the inhaled vaccine for the 2009 H1N1 strain. Because of the limited number of doses, the district says it will first offer the inhaled version of the vaccine to health care workers and emergency medical technicians who meet the guidelines. The health district expects to start administering the vaccine soon. -AP
Miss. gets swine flu nasal spray JACKSON, Miss.: The swine flu nasal spray vaccine is arriving in Mississippi and will be distributed to about 500 health care providers, clinics, pharmacies and hospitals. State Epidemiologist Mary Currier said 10,000 doses have been ordered. The spray can be used by anyone aged 2 to 49 and in good health. It's not recommended for some high risk groups, including pregnant women and people with asthma and other respiratory illnesses. The state Department of Health has been trying to raise awareness about the need to get vaccinations for the H1N1 influenza. But Liz Sharlot, spokeswoman of the state Department of Health, said the spray hasn't been very popular in the state in the past. -AP
Obesity prevention campaign focuses on five behaviors CHICAGO: A childhood obesity prevention program is launching a campaign to promote five healthy behaviors among Chicago residents. The campaign kicked off when Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a campaign sponsor, wrote "54-3-2-1 Go!'' across its headquarters building in downtown Chicago. The slogan stands for five servings of fruits and vegetables, four servings of water, three servings of low-fat dairy products, two hours or less of screen time and one or more hours of physical activity. The campaign promotes those five daily behaviors for children and their families on billboards, posters and flyers. -AP
Health Science 56
India Post
October 16, 2009
Schwarzenegger supports health overhaul goals WASHINGTON: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has praised President Barack Obama's drive to overhaul the nation's health care system and urged fellow Republicans to join in efforts to finish the job this year. -AP
AAPI President meets Obama on healthcare reform India Post News Service
WASHINGTON: President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Dr. Vinod K. Shah met with President Barack Obama in Washington recently and pleaded for increased residency slots for medical graduates while extending AAPI's support to his healthcare reforms. Presenting a letter on behalf of AAPI in a stylishly prepared book containing rare photos of President Obama, some of which were shot by him and his quotes, Dr. Shah explained on behalf of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, being a US citizen with kinship with 1.8 million Indians in the US - 60,000 of whom are medical professionals he would like to express great pleasure and profound gratitude for providing genuine leadership at such a crucial moment in the history of the nation. Dr. Shah was accompanied by Congressman Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader who introduced Dr Shah as president of AAPI and his close friend. Dr. Shah also invited President Obama as a chief guest to the annual convention of AAPI
AAPI President Dr Vinod K Shah with President Barack Obama in Washington. He was introduced by Congressman Steny Hoyer (left) -Pic Courtesy White House
June 23-26, 2010 in Washington. "On the 20 Jan 2009, I was extremely fortunate and privileged to be on the platform when you took
world. In a glorious moment of democratic triumph, our nation leaped out of a poignant past and into an unprecedented present, and
'As a physician - and I can speak for thousands of my professional colleagues - I take enormous pride in the quality of healthcare we provide. I truly believe it is the best in the world' the oath of Office of the President. The memory elicits a myriad of emotions that still stir my heart, along with those of countless others within our borders and around the
forever unfolded the future of endless possibilities," he noted in the communication to the president. He narrated 35 years since he cared for his first patient in South-
ern Maryland, a community only 50 miles from the nation's capital, is still deficient in the number of physicians it requires to meet residents' health care needs. Sadly, this is the story of scores of communities across the length and breadth of America. It is indeed ironic that a nation founded on sound ideals, inhabited by highly talented individuals with honest intent and sincere actions, must still endure such a stark reality even as we celebrate the triumph of the freedom to choose, a freedom that ushers in a new era for humanity that recognizes the oneness of all, Dr Shah elaborated in the note. "As a physician - and I can speak for thousands of my professional colleagues - I take enormous pride in the quality of healthcare we provide. I truly believe it is the best in the world. When faced with serious medical problems, most people - Americans, and others around the world - would have complete trust in what we can do and rank America as best. However, the best is not enough until it reaches the rest," he wrote in the communication. Cont’d on page 57
Alabama docs bring treatments to rural county LANETT, Ala.: The house on First Avenue is like all the others along this quiet, narrow street. With its white paneling, green roof and yard choked by tall grass and weeds, there's a sense of bored isolation that permeates not only this house, but most of those along a block that overlooks the hulking remains of an abandoned textile factory. It's what's happening inside this house that's making a difference. One Monday each month, a small team of doctors, nurses, therapists and case managers from the Health Services Center (known as ``The Clinic'') drive 79 miles of back roads and state highways from their main office in Hobson City to Lanett in Chambers County, transforming this plain, empty house into a satellite clinic for HIV patients. At 9:28, the white ``AIDS Van'' pulls up to the curb. A caravan
spills out and begins unloading cases of Ensure nutritional supplements, armloads of medical supplies, and patient charts packed in four-wheeled coolers. With the van emptied, staff members scatter to various rooms of the house. Nurses set up in the
center of a table where two women and a man have quietly gathered. ``What's he so happy about?'' says 42-year-old Willie Anne, slouching against her plastic chair. ``Guess he gets to keep all his blood,'' answers 48-year-old Carl, with a burst of laughter.
Since 1992, clinic staff have been coming to Chambers County to provide full-scale health care for HIV-infected patients, as well as administering HIV tests kitchen, case managers huddle behind small desks and the two mental health therapists set up folding tables and open laptops. ``We're open for business,'' says Bobby Malone. ``Who's first?'' Malone, a mental health therapist who's been with the clinic for eight years, slides a sign-up sheet to the
Since 1992, clinic staff have been coming to Chambers County to provide full-scale health care for HIV-infected patients, as well as administering HIV tests to those worried they might be infected. ``We provide all the things they'd get in a regular medical center here it just doesn't look like it,''
says Dr. Barbara Hanna, medical director for the clinic. ``We do it all very quickly and intensely and then we go away.'' Besides the main office in Hobson City, there are five satellite clinics Lanett, Alex City, Gadsden, Fort Payne and Sylacauga. As the only HIV clinic in East Alabama, the clinic serves 14 counties, from Dekalb to Tallapoosa, and Blount to Randolph, as well as Chambers and Calhoun counties. The clinic currently serves 425 active HIV patients. Another 1,400 people are served through various education and outreach programs. The 142 cases in Chambers County, as well as the 278 known cases in Calhoun County, are especially sobering considering that the numbers don't include those who have never been tested or who tested positive in another state. -AP
Health Science Post
October 16, 2009
India Post
Obama links job growth to health care proposal WASHINGTON: As the unemployment rate climbs, President Barack Obama is trying to make the case that his health care overall would create jobs by making small business startups more affordable. Dismissive Republicans blamed the continuing job losses on Democratic policies and said the president's health proposals won't help. In his weekly radio and Internet video address, Obama linked one of his biggest challenges - joblessness - with passage of far-reaching changes to the US health care system. If aspiring entrepreneurs believe they can stay insured while switching jobs, Obama said, they will start new businesses and hire workers. The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in September, the highest since June 1983, as employers cut far more jobs than expected. The government reported Friday that the economy lost a net total of 263,000 jobs last month, from a downwardly revised 201,000 in August. All told, 15.1 million people are now out of work, the Labor Department said, and 7.2
million jobs have been eliminated since the recession began in December 2007. Obama said he has met people ``who've got a good idea and the expertise and determination to build it into a thriving business. But many can't take that leap because they can't afford to lose the health insurance they have at their current job.''
Obama linked one of his biggest challenges - joblessness - with passage of far-reaching changes to the US health care system Small businesses create many of the nation's jobs, Obama said, and some have the potential to become big companies. Obama praised the Senate Finance Committee for crafting a health care bill that includes many of his priorities. Small businesses could buy health insurance through an exchange, he said, ``where they can compare the price, quality and services of a wide variety of plans.'' The government would subsi-
dize health insurance for many businesses and individuals, the president said. The most far-reaching overhaul in decades aims to protect millions who have unreliable insurance coverage or none at all in the only major industrialized country without universal health care. Obama acknowledged that a health care bill is far from final passage in the Democratic-controlled Congress. The bill will be merged with another version and sent to the full Senate, where scores of amendments might be offered and Republicans could mount efforts to use legislative maneuvers to block a final vote. The House is advancing a more liberal bill that includes a public option, or government-run insurance plan, to compete with private health insurers. The Senate Finance Committee rejected that idea. Obama said ``reforming our health insurance system will be a critical step in rebuilding our economy so that our entrepreneurs can pursue the American dream again and our small businesses can grow and expand and create new jobs again.'' -AP
AAPI President meets Obama on healthcare reform Cont’d from page 56
"As an active member and officer of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), I have had the privilege of countless personal contacts. I had the opportunity to hear many questions and concerns, answers and ideas; varied views concerning what ails our healthcare system; and what would remedy it. We have been able to implement this in our community with clear advantage, by providing efficient and cost-effective healthcare." Touching upon the lack of residency slots to qualified medical graduates, he said: "I have met many bright young men and women from around the world who arrived in America in much the same manner as I had forty years ago. Many of these are international medical graduates, and easily some of the world's brightest minds; many have already successfully completed the rigorous American Board examinations. Thousands of these very motivated professionals are floundering in the dark because they are unable to practice what they
have been educated for, are committed to, and excel in. It is a tragic irony that individuals with the potential to help others are languishing in their untapped potential. This group can easily become part of the solution for the problem our healthcare system is facing. What lies between our country's success and their failure is three years of residency," he explained. Praising the president for taking Herculean task of reviving financial institutions, auto industries and overall economy, he said the bright young professionals are knocking on door in hopes for a chance to realize their full potential. "They are asking for a small opportunity to take their first step towards the American Dream. In return, they will provide years of medical service, fighting disease and disorders, relieving pain and suffering," he noted in the memorandum submitted to the president. The President appreciated Dr. Shah for his interest and the letter and assured he would give due consideration to the issues raised by him.
Realty Tidbits
Milestone invests Rs 1.10 bn in Kolkata project
Real Estate
ilestone Real Estate Fund, a securities and exchange board of India (SEBI) registered venture capital fund has invested Rs 1.10 billion into a residential project in Kolkata. Jointly developed by Milestone and Godrej Properties, this 3 million square feet project aims to bring a prestigious residential complex to Kolkata. Announcing this, Ved Prakash Arya, Group CEO and MD, Milestone Group said, "We are very happy to associate with the Godrej brand. Recognizing the need for quality housing projects in India, we have decided on this venture, due to our partner`s excellent track record when it comes to quality and value for money in design & facilities.
Realty companies raise funds through QIP route
ndia Inc has mobilized over Rs 21,000 crore through share sale to institutional investors in the past six months, which is nearly half the amount proposed to be raised by these companies. According to data compiled by SMC Capital, during the period starting March 2009, Indian corporates raised about Rs 21,377 crore through 29 Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) issuances. "The companies are preparing for a second round of institutional placement. The firms which have not raised the amount they had proposed initially is most likely to launch another QIP issue," SMC Capital Equity Head Jagannadham Thunuguntla said. Despite the fact that Indian corporates were quite aggressive in QIP fund raising in the past six months, on an average they raised only 48.63 per cent of the amount approved by their board or shareholders, he said.
Parsvnath selling stakes in realty projects
arsvnath Developers, a Delhibased real estate company, is in talks with various private equity funds to raise around Rs 600 crore by the end of 2009-10 by selling stakes in its projects, a key official has said. A major chunk of the funds will go towards repaying debt, the official said. Parsvnath has a debt of nearly Rs 1,600 crore and plans to reduce it by half by the end of the current financial year, he disclosed. The company has a total 79 million sq ft of land under development.
58 India Post
October 16, 2009
Indiabulls to raise 1700cr from Market
ndiabulls Power has fixed a price band of Rs 40-45 per share for its proposed initial public offering through which the company aims to mop up more than Rs 1,700 crore from the market. The price band of the proposed IPO has been fixed between Rs 40-45 per share, the company, the power arm of Indiabulls Real Estate said. The IPO would open for subscription on October 12 and close on October 15.
CII developing Green Rating system for cities India Post News Service
NEW DELHI: Sustainable & Environment Friendly Habitat is the key to "Urban Planning for the future" and it is in this regard, CII in association with the Indian Green Building Council has come out with a "Green Homes Rating System", India's first green rating program developed exclusively for the residential sector. The Green Home Rating system can serve as an excellent tool for Urban Planning addressing the most important national priorities which include handling of consumer wastes, water conservation, conservation of resources like wood and lesser dependence on usage of virgin materials. To add further impetus to the green building movement in India, CII-IGBC is presently involved in developing Green Rating System for cities. Green Cities is a concept aiming to make all kinds of constructions in the city conform to green building norms for meeting the national priorities of energy, water saving, conserving natural resources and reducing pollution. A Green Home can have tre-
mendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. Some of them include: • The immediate and most tangible benefit is in the reduction in
In a major boost to promote the IGBC Green Home Projects in India, State Bank of India, country's largest bank, is offering concessions to developers & owners constructing green homes water and operating energy costs right from day one, during the entire life cycle of the building. • The energy savings could
GIC to disburse Rs 750-cr housing loans
ith demand for real estate picking up, General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) Housing Finance is targeting disbursal of Rs 750 crore housing loans this year, a top official of the institution has said. Due to economic slowdown, GIC's housing loan disbursement had been 'static', but it would pick up by the second half of this fiscal. Till September this year, the disbursal was Rs 290 crore, M Sivaraman, managing director, told reporters. Since August 2008, the demand for housing was stagnant, while there was large scale correction in price level of real estate sector. Prices of property have been corrected by 25 per cent to 30 per cent in the market, Sivaraman said. He
range from 20 - 30 % and water savings is around 30 - 50%. • Intangible benefits of Green Buildings include - enhanced air quality, excellent day lighting,
added demand for housing was deteriorating due to existing prices in the real estate sector. To woo more investors, GIC had introduced a limited period special scheme for festival season, from October this
Prices of property have been corrected by 25 per cent to 30 percent in the market, Sivaraman said year, for all new individual housing loans up to Rs 1 crore. The rate of interest applicable for the period was 7.95 per cent for a 6 months period after which it would reset to the then prevailing base lending rate, he said.
health & wellbeing of the occupants, safety benefits and conservation of scarce national resources. • As an added benefit, green homes reduce operating costs, enhance marketability in case of residential apartments, and reduce health problems resulting from indoor air quality problems. Essentially, green building practices adopted in residential buildings can substantially reduce or eliminate negative environmental
impacts. As on date, 78 IGBC Green Home Projects amounting to a built-up area of over 93 Million sq.ft. have been registered, of which 3 projects have been awarded with the CII-IGBC Green Home Ratings, while 12 projects have been Pre- Certified. The projects are spread across various geographic and climatic regions of the country. Today, green homes in India are being designed at an incremental cost of 6-8%. Though the initial investment is slightly higher, the benefits experienced by green homes are tremendous, with substantial reduction in operational costs. The pay back period for the incremental cost is between 3 to 4 years. In a major boost to promote the IGBC Green Home Projects in India, State Bank of India, country's largest bank, is offering concessions to developers & owners constructing green homes. On an encouraging note, stakeholders now are demanding green homes from consultants and architects. This in turn has resulted in increased demand for green building materials and products. The adoption of green building materials is increasing over the years. As a result, there has been a reduction in costs of green homes and so also the green materials. CII-IGBC envisions India to become one of the world leaders in green buildings by 2010.
Bebo -Do Knot Disturb
1 Jao Na - Whats Your Raashee
2 Koi Na Koi Chahe - Radio
7 Chiggy Wiggy - Blue
3 Iktara - Wake Up Sid
8 Maula Unplugged - Baabarr
4 Vaada Raha - Vaada Raha
9 Kyon - All The Best
5 Dont Say Alvida - M A Mrs Khanna
10 Ji Jala - Pankh
India Post
October 16, 2009
areena Kapoor is leaving nothing to chance this time. Determined to match strides with the formidable scene-stealer Kajol in the Hindi version of Stepmom, the actress has been quietly attending acting workshops with the film's director Siddharth Malhotra. "The last time I rehearsed for a part was for Vishal Bharadwaj's Omkara. But that was a more unconventional film and role where I had to get into a milieu and character I knew nothing about. But Stepmom is urban and very contemporary. I play a very normal metro-centric working girl," said Kareena. Talking about Kajol, Kareena said: "She's always been one of my favorite actresses. We worked together in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. But this is something else." There will be a lot of dramatic scenes between the two women in the movie. "The desi version of Stepmom is very different from the original. My role is also a big departure from what Julia Roberts played in Stepmom," Kareena said.
ipasha loves bikes and bike rides, and who best than beau John Abraham to go for an adventurous bike ride? But, Bips, it seems does not like to go with John for her bike rides, the reason‌.apparently Bips feels that John has a little bit of his Parsi streak in him when it comes to bikes. Firstly, John treats his bike with utmost care, almost like a family member, secondly and quite surprisingly, John has a dress code for Bips, when he is taking for a ride. Bipasha says "John is too fussy when it comes to bike rides, he will ask me to wear long shirts and clothes in which I am comfortable sitting on the bike". It seems John is just getting a little protective about the Bong Bombshell he will be crusading in and around town on the bike and that's a sweet gesture.
n an interview to Star Week, Rani Mukerji breaks her silence on many taboo subjects. For the first time, the actress talks about her relationship with Adi, the speculation about her marriage and being Yash Raj Film's fav actress. Read on... On Adi: I have a very special relationship with Adi. He's a person who I absolutely admire and respect. He always had faith in me since the beginning. He was the one who spotted me in Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat and recommended me to Karan for Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. He and Shah Rukh were instrumental in changing Karan's mind about me. Karan didn't think I was hip enough for the role. It's very easy for people to make assumptions, But it doesn't bother me because I am enjoying my work. I'm in a very happy state of mind right now. My film has done well; my family is here; my friends have appreciated my work. On being a Yash Raj films' fav actress: Coincidentally, all the roles I've done in the recent past have come from the same banner. I would've done those films had anyone else offered them to me too. Of course, I have a comfort factor with Yash Raj. I've done 12 films with them. That comfort factor lies with Dharma Productions (Karan Johar) and Red Chillies (SRK) as well. You often see many actors working with only certain directors. On Marriage: When I have to get married, I am going to tell people about it. It's ridiculous to think that I'm the kind of person who'd want to hide her marriage.
60 India Post
October 16, 2009
October 16, 2009
a d
n i Z ow sh
one are the days when television was looked down upon by starry phillum waalahs, now the whos's who is all set to jump on to the bandwagon of the chat shows, game shows et al on the tube. The newest name to join her male counterparts on appearing on Television is none other than Preity Zinta. Apparently, Preity will be paid a whopping 10 crores for a mere 20 episodes, which will be a chat show, where she will interview celebrity guests. The channel officials have just closed the deal with her in Los Angeles, where Preity is, at the moment. The show will be called 'The Preity Zinda Show'. Well, we think the title is apt, because after the lull in her filmy career, she ought to tell people that she is alive and kicking and will be back with a bang!
India Post
Tech News Fujifilm launches 3D digital imaging system
he manufacturer of iconic photographic equipment Fujifilm Corporation has created a new benchmark for its competitors to reach with the launch of what it call as "world's first 3D (three dimensional) digital imaging system" that lets users enjoy 3D images with naked eye without the need for wearing special 3D glasses. Fujifilm India Pvt. Ltd., the wholly owned subsidiary of Fujifilm Corporation, Japan has announced the launch of its -"FinePix REAL 3D System" - that is an example of the groundbreaking new imaging technology.
Amazon launches Kindle e-book international
A has reduced the price of its Kindle e-book reader by $40 to price it at $259 and has simultaneously launched an international version priced at $ 279 for countries like India, Australia, Japan and Germany. Amazon is hoping to spur more sales and stay ahead of a growing field of competitors which includes electronics major Sony and lesser known IRex Technologies. Amazon which launched its Kindle e-reader in 2007 at $399 initially started this year by pricing the Kindle at $359, before another price cut in July that priced the Kindle at 299. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said that the company can now afford to reduce the price because of the increased number of Kindles the company is making - and selling.
Walt Disney Co. launches online website
s the online world is growing popular, Disney explores the new medium to reach to its all time favorite audience - the children. The Walt Disney Co. has launched an online website that would be provides the kids around the globe to delve into interactive reading experience online. The Disney Digital Books (, an initiative by Walt Disney's Disney Publishing Worldwide (DPW) arm, has launched a collection of around 500 books that comes of interest to children of all ages, having different reading levels to select from a wide range of choice.
TechBiz 62 India Post
October 16, 2009
Zain bid to appease Indian buyers
ain, the Kuwaiti telecom operator has stalled the talks about offloading its African assets as to appease potential buyers which include India's BSNL, MTNL and Reliance Communications. Kharafi Group which owns 46 percent of the stake in Zain had agreed to sell the stock to a consortium led by India's Vavasi Group and including telecoms firms Bharat Sanchar Nigam and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, and Malaysian billionaire Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary. Zain, which operates in 24 countries, had said it was in talks to sell its African assets -- excluding Morocco and Sudan -- after French media and telecoms conglomerate Vivendi broke off talks on buying the operations.
US industry keen to partner with India in low-carbon technologies India Post News Service
WASHINGTON DC: There was standing room only at the US-India Business Council (USIBC) for a breakfast meeting with India's Minister of State for Environment Jairam Ramesh, as executives representing leading American corporations pressed into a large ballroom to hear India's point person on climate change, who detailed the country's proposals to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions, and to reach multilateral agreement at Copenhagen and beyond. The USIBC convened the breakfast in partnership with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) as part of the Green India Initiative launched one year ago. India's Ambassador to the United States, Meera Shankar, opened the meeting and Dr. Ramesh Ramachandran, President of Dow India, set the scene by underscoring the myriad opportunities to collaborate with Indian partners to meet the challenges of climate change. Belying the myth that India is not making serious commitments
on climate change, Minister Ramesh detailed a range of new mandates that will ensure mitigation outcomes for carbon emissions in India. They include a mandate on fuel efficiency for cars
Indian Environment and Forests Minister Jairam Ramesh
by 2011, mandatory building efficiency codes by 2012, a requirement for 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020; and an expansion of India's forest cover. The new policy undertakings build on India's stated plans to
achieve 20,000 megawatts of solar power by 2020, save 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy by 2012, and add 60,000 megawatts of nuclear power by 2030. "These ambitious commitments
Belying the myth that India is not making serious commitments on climate change, Minister Ramesh detailed a range of new mandates that will ensure mitigation outcomes for carbon emissions in India entail both massive investments and the deployment of the world's best technologies, which can be achieved only if the private sector is fully engaged," said Ron Somers, President of USIBC. "The key is for India to develop and
sustain a robust market for clean technologies." Ted Jones, USIBC Director for Policy Advocacy, observed that, "US companies understand that in India, cost is paramount. But they are meeting that challenge today. As long as they can market their technology, license it, and recoup their costs, they will invest and continue to innovate." Jones added that "Protection of intellectual property - and the incentive to innovate - will be essential if US and Indian companies are to develop and deploy the lowcarbon technologies required to combat global warming." The USIBC meeting was another event in the Council's "Green India" Initiative, launched last year with CII to promote the development of India's clean energy infrastructure. During October 26-30, USIBC will bring to India the Green India Executive Mission, featuring leading US clean tech companies, including AES, Astonfield Renewable Resources, Dow Chemical, General Electric, Synergics, SPX, and Weston Solutions, among others.
AT&T to allow VOIP on iPhones
he number one telecom operator in the US, AT&T will finally allow its iPhone customers to use voice over IP to run on its wireless network. AT&T announced that it has made the necessary changes for its iPhone customers to use its VOIP platform. The phone giant, the exclusive wireless provider for Apple Inc.'s iPhone, has until now allowed Internet calling services to work on the popular device only over Wi-Fi connections. The move comes two months after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sent letters to AT&T, Apple and Google Inc. asking why the Google Voice messaging and calling application has not been approved for use on the iPhone. AT&T said it informed Apple and the Federal Communications Commission of its decision Tues-
day afternoon. For its part, Apple was quick to react and make its own changes. "We are very happy that AT&T is now supporting VoIP applications," Apple spokesperson Natalie Kerris said. "We will be
to enable the apps to work over AT&T's wireless network and then re-submit them to the App Store. It also comes amid an FCC inquiry into competition in the wireless industry. Among other things,
There are already quite a few VoIP apps available in the App Store, like Skype, Vonage, and Truphone, but they only work over Wi-Fi. Developers will need to enable the apps to work over AT&T's wireless network amending our developer agreements to get VoIP apps on the App Store and in customers' hands as soon as possible." There are already quite a few VoIP apps available in the App Store, like Skype, Vonage, and Truphone, but they only work over Wi-Fi. Developers will need
that inquiry will examine handset exclusivity deals, such as AT&T's agreement with Apple giving AT&T exclusive access to the iPhone. In addition, the FCC is scheduled to vote later this month on "network neutrality" rules, which would prohibit broadband provid-
ers from favoring or discriminating against certain types of Internet traffic flowing over their lines. The FCC has already signaled that it is playing particularly close attention to the iPhone, inquiring earlier this summer as to why Google Voice hadn't been approved for use on the device. Apple said it has thus far blocked the Google Voice program from running on the iPhone because it duplicates some of the iPhone's built-in features, but added that it is still studying the application. AT&T's decision may not have much of an effect on that situation because Google Voice isn't really a VoIP application. Google's app still uses your wireless network minutes, but the service does offer other benefits like receiving calls to a single number in multiple places.
TechBiz Post
October 16, 2009
India Post 63
Indus American Bank appoints loan officer India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: Indus American Bank, the leading bank for the South Asian -American community with over $135 million in assets in just three years, announced the recent appointment of Timothy E. Doyle, a resident of Westfield, as Chief Loan Officer and Senior Vice President. Doyle will be responsible for management of the credit process
for Indus. He will also oversee all commercial and consumer lending efforts, support new business development and provide guidance to senior management and board members on credit risk matters. Before joining Indus American Bank, Doyle held the position of Senior Vice President and Credit Officer at Millennium bcpbank. Previously, he worked at Sovereign Bank as Senior Vice President and
Regional General Manager; and, as a Senior Vice President of Credit at CIBC World Markets. "We are pleased to welcome Timothy Doyle as Chief Loan Officer and SVP of Indus American Bank. We are confident that Timothy's banking experience will be a great asset to us, as well as to our many customers," says Kevin Lenihan, President & CEO of Indus American Bank.
SoftPro opens Product Development Centre in India NEW DELHI: SoftPro Systems Ltd., a leading player in the IT software and development space, today announced the inauguration of its first global development centre in Hyderabad, India. SoftPro's Hyderabad development center will initially support the company's GRC software development activities and ongoing efforts to advance GRC globally. With an initial contract of $3 million, SoftPro Systems Ltd has built the product centre with a capacity for 300 seats. The first phase of recruitment has resulted in close to 45 new employees who will be trained by Cura. Work at the Hyderabad site will include software development, design, testing and internal support. The centre is part of the company's efforts to enhance its engin e e r i n g workforce to help meet the increasing demand for GRC software using cutting edge technologies as well as other product development capabilities for Indian and global companies. On the occasion, Bala Reddy, Chairman and MD,
Softpro Systems Ltd said, "We will be investing to develop cutting edge technologies and the development center is a step in that direction. The appalling corporate failures and economic recession witnessed over the past year has added to the importance of GRC projects, escalating it up the priority list of corporates in India and globally. The development center at SoftPro Systems marks the beginning of a new era where we will lead the way for GRC to become an integral part of every
company in India." Avi Eyal, CEO, Cura Software Solutions said, "I am extremely pleased to be a small part of this GRC growth story in India. The opening of the new development centre will see our integration into the SoftPro Systems family growing stronger. We look forward to the development of the version 4 of the software and this hopefully will positively impact our expanding product roadmap while creating opportunities for growth and innovation in the region."
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In Brief 2 Mass. law agencies opt out of program BOSTON: Two Massachusetts law enforcement agencies have announced that they are no longer enrolled in a controversial program that allows them enforce federal immigration laws. The Framingham police and the Barnstable County sheriff's department announced they were withdrawing from the federal program immigrant advocates said deterred immigrants from reporting crimes. Framingham Chief Steven Carl said he was withdrawing because federal officials pressured the department to broaden its enforcement. He said federal officials wanted his department to detain immigrants, transport them and even testify in immigration court. -AP
ICE program targets dangerous illegal immigrants ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.: A program started by the federal government will help law enforcement agencies in Bernalillo County accurately identify and remove dangerous illegal immigrants from the community. The Secure Communities program, administered by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, uses biometrics to help determine whether an individual arrested by a participating state or local law enforcement agency is a dangerous criminal illegal immigrant who may be deported. The program can be used by agencies that use electronic booking machines. In Bernalillo County, this includes Albuquerque police, state police and the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office. -AP
Employer guilty in case of immigrant cop killer HOUSTON: A landscape business owner pleaded guilty to harboring an illegal immigrant convicted of fatally shooting a Houston police officer in 2006. Robert Lane Camp's plea came a day before he was set to go to trial on the harboring charge. He also faced a charge of encouraging Juan Leonardo Quintero-Perez, the convicted killer of Officer Rodney Johnson, to unlawfully enter and live in the United States. Quintero-Perez was working for Camp, 47, and driving one of his company's trucks when Johnson pulled him over during a routine traffic stop in September 2006. After Quintero-Perez couldn't provide a driver's license, Johnson arrested him. -AP
Immigration 64
India Post
October 16, 2009
NJ man admits to scheme to defraud immigrants TRENTON, NJ:ANew Jersey man has admitted defrauding immigrants of more than $150,000 by posing as a federal immigration agent. Forty-five-year-old Michael Ruiz of Newark pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of mail fraud. -AP
Feds limit Arizona sheriff's immigration powers PHOENIX: An Arizona sheriff known for aggressively cracking down on illegal immigration has been stripped of some of his special power to enforce federal immigration law, and he claims the Obama administration is taking away his authority for political reasons. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose office faces racial profiling allegations over crime and immigration sweeps in some heavily Latino areas of metro Phoenix, said officials from Washington won't let him renew a deal that let his deputies make federal immigration arrests. “Let them all go brag that they took away the sheriff's authority. Let them all do that. That doesn't bother me. I don't have an ego. I will continue doing the same thing,'' the Republican sheriff said, noting he can still enforce state immigration laws. “What has changed, other than the politics and the perception emanating from Washington?'' The U.S. government, which does most of the nation's immigration enforcement, is changing
lejandro Mayorkas, the new director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said recently that the agency has received a significantly lower number of applications lately and that the resulting decline in revenue could lead to higher application fees. At a press conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on September 24, 2009, Mr. Mayorkas said there is a $118 million budget shortfall and that he has asked for Congress's help. "The potential fee increase is not something that is taken lightly. We understand very well its impact upon the community. In my personal view, it would be something of [a] last resort." Mary Giovagnoli, director of the Immigration Policy Center, noted that an increase in fees could result in even fewer applicants. "Congress has been really reluctant to revisit this whole idea that we shouldn't be trying
its rules for allowing local police to enforce more expansive federal immigration laws. Nationally, more than 1,000 local police and jail officers have been granted the power since 2002 to make immigration requests and speed up deportations. Arpaio has more officers with the special powers than any other local police agency in the coun-
Arpaio said federal officials offered no explanation of why his powers were cut in half. Vinnie Picard, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which grants the special powers, declined to comment on the curtailment of Arpaio's powers or whether any of the other 62 participating local agencies across the country have been de-
‘Let them all go brag that they took away the sheriff's authority. Let them all do that. That doesn't bother me. I don't have an ego. I will continue doing the same thing,’ the Republican sheriff said, noting he can still enforce state immigration laws try. For more than two years, 100 of his deputies have made immigration arrests and another 60 jail officers have identified inmates who are illegal immigrants. Even though federal officials declined to let the sheriff keep making immigration arrests, Arpaio last week renewed a deal that will let his jail officers determine inmates' immigration status.
nied renewals. The agencies face an Oct. 14 deadline to renew their agreements. So far, at least three agencies have dropped out of the program. Giving federal powers to local police helps supplement the small staff of federal agents who enforce immigration laws in the country's interior, said Ira
USCIS says fees may rise CYRUS D. MEHTA
to finance our immigration system basically solely on the backs of applicants. I think the agency and the applicants are both kind of caught between a rock and [a] hard place." Fee increases were imposed two years ago, but a budget gap
to detect immigration and labor law violations, employers are reporting random, unannounced visits by the Fraud Detection and National Security Division (FDNS) of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. FDNS inspectors often use a script of
‘We understand very well its impact upon the community. In my personal view, it would be something of [a] last resort’ remains. For more on the drop in applications and its effect on USCIS's budget. ABIL alert: Be prepared for surprise enforcement site visits As part of the Department of Homeland Security's stepped-up enforcement efforts that include increased audits of businesses
questions and ask to speak with an employer representative and any foreign workers. FDNS is also using what it learns to add fraud indicators to its database in an effort to identify patterns and potential fraud during adjudications. The Alliance of Business Im-
Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which favors tougher immigration enforcement. He said it's hard to tell whether the limits on Arpaio's authority will extend to other agencies and would hamper the movement for local police to confront illegal immigration. ``I suspect there is some effort there to send a warning to other police departments: Don't get too aggressive with this, because we will yank it out from under you,'' Mehlman said. Joan Friedland, immigration policy director for the National Immigration Law Center, said the federal government wasn't making a serious attempt to rein in Arpaio, because his jail officers still have the power to question jailed people about their immigration status. “All he has to do is get people to the jail, rather than being able to question them about their immigration status on the street,'' said Friedland, whose group advocates for low-income immigrants. Cont’d on page 65
migration Lawyers (ABIL) recommends that employers prepare for immigration-related worksite inspections by developing and implementing robust compliance policies, auditing their I-9s and H-1B public access files, and planning in advance how to respond when immigration agents visit. ABIL recommends designating an immigration compliance officer, who should contact immigration counsel immediately upon an FDNS site visit, and implementing an investigation response plan in advance that includes everyone from upper management to receptionists. Contact your ABIL attorney for help in preparing for potential onsite FDNS inspections. October Visa Bulletin shows EB-3s backlogged 7 years, several programs expired on September 30 Cont’d on page 66
Immigration Post
October 16, 2009
India Post
Detained immigrants could be categorized by risk
Feds limit Arizona sheriff's immigration powers Cont’d from page 64
For his part, Arpaio said he plans to continue cracking down illegal immigration by enforcing state laws that prohibit immigrant smuggling and ban employers from knowingly hiring illegal immigrants. Arpaio said his deputies can still detain suspected illegal immigrants who haven't committed state crimes, as long as his officers call Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to pick them up. Critics say some of Arpaio's deputies racially profiled people during immigration sweeps. Arpaio maintains that people pulled over in the sweeps were approached because deputies had probable cause to believe they had committed crimes. His office is being investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice over allegations of discrimination and unconstitutional searches and seizures. -AP
She said Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the part of the Homeland Security Department overseeing detention, would submit to Congress by this fall a plan for detention alternatives, including electronic ankle bracelets. Sen. Chuck Schumer, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's immigration sub-
‘Meaningful reform of the system must focus not only on the conditions under which immigrants are being detained, but on why they are being detained’ committee, urged ICE to use ankle bracelets rather than creating new facilities. Napolitano and John Morton, the assistant secretary for ICE, say they plan to confine immigrants awaiting deportation according to the risk they pose. Morton will also consider using former hotels, nursing homes and other sites to hold immigrants who do not pose a safety or flight risk. Not all detainees are illegal immigrants. Some entered the country legally and committed a crime making them deportable. Others are seeking asylum. In some cases,
citizens are detained. Many people in detention have not been convicted of a crime. ICE does not have authority over US citizens, even though some US citizens are held for possible deportation. ICE declined to say how the reforms might affect detainees who claim US citizenship. ``Meaningful reform of the system must focus not only on the conditions under which immigrants are being detained, but on why they are being detained in the first place, often for prolonged periods of time,'' said Judy Rabinovitz, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Immigration Rights Project. Immigration officials believe some alternatives could cut the cost of detention, which reached nearly $2 billion in 2008. The agency says possible alternatives will cost only about $14 a day compared with about $100 a day to house immigrants in a detention center. However, alternatives are not always automatically cheaper, the officials said. ICE also plans to put 50 federal employees in detention centers where more than 80 percent of immigrants are held to monitor and improve conditions. It was unclear how much access the public would have to the monitors' reports on detention conditions.-AP
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WASHINGTON: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano promised immigration enforcement would continue even though her agency is considering new ways to house nonviolent immigrants who have not committed crimes. Napolitano spoke at a news conference at which she released detention reform recommendations based on a review by her former detention adviser, who resigned last month to become commissioner of New York City's jails. The recommendations were preceded by years of rapid growth in immigration detention from 7,500 beds in 1995 to more than 30,000 this year along with reported abuses such as medical neglect of detainees and denial of due process. “Our immigration enforcement measures continue unabated,'' Napolitano said.
Immigration Post
India Post
October 16, 2009
Halt to govt raids not an option to boost census WASHINGTON: With the census six months away, the Commerce Department has said it will not try to halt immigration raids as a way to boost participation in hard-to-count communities. In a statement, the department said it is committed to an accurate count of U.S. residents, including both legal and illegal immigrants. But spokesman Nick Kimball said officials will not ask the Homeland Security Department to stop largescale immigration raids during next year's high stakes count, which begins next April 1. That position is a departure from the one taken in the 2000 census, when immigration officials at the request of the Census Bureau informally agreed not to conduct raids. The bureau asked DHS two
years ago to hold off again in 2010, but that was rejected by the Bush administration, which said it would continue to enforce federal laws. The Commerce Department echoed that position and said it would not reconsider the matter.
A coalition of Latino groups including Univision and NALEO announced a campaign to boost participation in their communities “Our job is to count every resident once, and in the right place, and that's what we do,'' Kimball said.
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``All the information the Census Bureau collects is protected by law and will not be shared with any other agency. Neither the Commerce Department nor the Census Bureau will ask DHS to refrain from exercising their lawful authority.'' The statement comes as the Census Bureau enters the final stretch of preparations for the once-every-10-years count, which is used to apportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and to distribute almost $450 billion in federal aid to the states. With legislation to upgrade immigration laws expected to be taken up next year, Census Director Robert Groves has said he is worried that tensions over immigration will deter people from participating in the count. Rev. Miguel Rivera, chairman of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders, has been urging Latinos to boycott the census until there is action on immigration reform. A coalition of Latino groups including Univision and NALEO announced a campaign to boost participation in their communities and to resist suggestions that they should boycott the census. The groups noted that getting an accurate count of the fast-growing Latino community is the best way to push change. ``Ensuring our nation's second largest population group is fully counted is critical to recognizing our nation's diversity and to building future political strength,'' said Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Educational Fund. -AP
Immigrant pleads guilty in Kan. smuggling case WICHITA, Kan.: Jorge ElizaldeJuarez raced through central Kansas with 12 illegal immigrants wedged into his Ford Expedition until a Chase County sheriff's deputy pulled him over for speeding. He had already been deported seven times before that July traffic stop, including three times just since April. But procedural and technological changes in the way the U.S. tracks repeat immigration offenders meant Elizalde-Juarez would likely land in prison for the latest instance. Elizalde-Juarez, 23, pleaded guilty to illegal re-entry after deportation and transporting illegal immigrants. If a judge accepts his plea agreement, the Mexican citizen will be sentenced to 14 months in prison. “He has never been convicted of any crime in the United States, until today,'' Assistant U.S. Attor-
ney Brent Anderson said after the hearing. ``Fourteen months. It is, in our judgment, going to catch his attention. He is going to ask himself, 'if this is worth doing?''' His attorney, Syovata Edari, declined to comment. If Elizalde-Juarez is caught again in the United States, he could be prosecuted for aggravated re-entry and sentenced to four years in prison, Anderson said. The prosecution credited tougher sentences to a government effort that began in 2003 to stop sending illegal immigrants back without first making a record that identified them. That, coupled with technology advancements that link criminal and immigration databases, are giving prosecutors and judges powerful new tools. ``It is a huge change,'' Anderson said, adding prosecutors are just beginning to reap its benefits. -AP
USCIS says fees may rise Cont’d from page 64
The Department of State's October 2009 Visa Bulletin shows a cut-off date for employmentbased third preference visa numbers of June 1, 2002, for all chargeability areas except for China-mainland born (February 22, 2002); India (April 15, 2001); and Mexico (May 1, 2002). All chargeability areas are current for EB-2 numbers, except for China-mainland born (March 22, 2005), and India (January 22, 2005). For the third preference "Other Workers" category, all chargeability areas have a cut-off date of June 1, 2001, except for India (April 15, 2001).
Meanwhile, the employmentbased fourth preference non-minister special immigrant program and the employment-based fifth preference category were due to expire on September 30, 2009. However, Congress has passed a continuing resolution to continue those programs for 30 days, to the end of October. The Visa Bulletin for October 2009 is available at http:// bulletin_4575.html. (To be continued) * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or
Immigration Post
October 16, 2009
Tenn. baby abduction worries immigrant advocates NASHVILLE, Tenn.: Tips and evidence were being analyzed that police hope lead to a newborn whose wounded mother said was snatched from their home in a crime that had some worried about the vulnerability of Nashville's immigrant communities. Maria Gurrolla said a heavyset white woman with blonde hair came to her home south of Nashville posing as an immigration agent, attacked her with a kitchen knife, then took away week-old Yair Anthony Carillo. Her 3-yearold daughter was left in the home unharmed. Gurrolla, who suffered severe stab wounds, has been released from hospital. The 30-year-old Gurrolla is a Latina and talked to reporters through an interpreter. Police said they do not know why her family was targeted, and advocates were worried that the city's Hispanic population can be preyed upon by those claiming to be authorities. New leads were coming in every hour, and the home has been searched for evidence that could lead to the suspect, police spokesman Don Aaron said. Officers were also looking for witnesses in the neighborhood of single-family brick homes and have a sketch of the kidnapper based on Gurrolla's description but aren't ready to release it to the public. Police said they think the mom has been in Nashville about 10 years, but it isn't clear if she is an immigrant or a citizen. Her family has declined to talk about the issue, and police spokesman Don Aaron said her citizenship was not significant to the investigation.
Gurrolla's plea for the return of her son has touched the entire community, not just immigrants, said Terry Horgan, who runs Catholic Charities' Hispanic services program in Nashville. ``The community is wounded when somebody steals a child,'' he said. ``It's not simply the Latino community. Everybody is wounded.'' Immigrants must be taught to trust U.S. law enforcement and criminals can take advantage of their fears of deportation or po-
Cunza said that the suspect posing as an immigration officer will create a chilling effect for Hispanics who regularly interact with immigration authorities lice, said Yuri Cunza, president of Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and publisher of La Noticia, a Spanish language newspaper in Nashville. ``I am really concerned about the possibility of newborn babies and Hispanic women can be targeted because of a level of vulnerability,'' Cunza said. A similar case targeted a Latino family in Nashville in 2005. Christina Delarosa Sanchez pleaded guilty to the murder of Hilda Griselda Gutierrez and her 3-year-
old daughter in a foiled plot to steal the woman's infant son. According to court records, Sanchez visited food stamp offices looking for Hispanic women who had recently given birth. She approached Gutierrez and offered to help her get legal documents that would allow her to travel out of the country. Later, she showed up at Gutierrez's home with a man and they stabbed and strangled Gutierrez and her daughter. The attempted kidnapping was foiled when the infant's father arrived at the home just after the killings. Sanchez was sentenced to terms of life in prison. Cunza said that the suspect posing as an immigration officer will create a chilling effect for Hispanics who regularly interact with immigration authorities. ``It is misrepresenting how the government works or behaves in this country,'' he said. A blue yard sign outside Gurrolla's home announces, ``It's A Boy!'' Police spokeswoman Kristin Mumford said she doesn't know whether Gurrolla was targeted because of the sign. Cunza applauded the effort by local and federal authorities, noting billboards and interstate signs all over Nashville publicizing the case and asking for tips. ``So far the efforts I see are totally color-blind,'' he said. ``We all take an important key role in fighting crime because it's our community. What may happen to one person, whether she is Hispanic or not, it can happen to anyone.'' -AP
India Post
Sports Track Australia know how to win big games: Waugh MUMBAI: Former Australian skipper Steve Waugh has said the success of his country's cricket team in major tournaments like the ODI World Cup and Champions Trophy stems from the players' enormous pride in playing and winning big games.
SPORTS 68 India Post
AI to be official carrier of Commonwealth Games
October 16, 2009
NEW DELHI: Air India was has been designated as the official carrier of the Commonwealth Games 2010 and said it is mulling to run special charter services to accommodate visitors and sportspersons during the mega event next year. The airline signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee to be the official carrier during the Games, which is scheduled to be held between October 3 and 14, 2010. -PTI
Thrillers mark CricBay 2009 Grand Finale NISHAD DALAL
"We have enormous pride in winning big games and are not afraid to play these big games, especially the semifinals and finals. Australia makes it happen while other teams are tense and think what will happen. Australia has the benefit of winning these before," Waugh said at a media conference. Australia have won four World Cups and two back-toback Champions Trophy events, including the latest one under the captaincy of Ricky Ponting in South Africa. Announcing that the proceeds from the 6UP mobile-based game in Champions League encounter between Delhi Daredevils and Victoria Bushrangers would go to his Steve Waugh Foundation, the former cricketer felt that even after the slight decline Australia remained one of the top teams. -PTI
Paes calls for sports science centre for training NEW DELHI: If India has not produced many tennis stars, it is because the players have been perennially lacking in physical fitness and they desperately need a sports science centre for training, says multipleGrand Slam winner Leander Paes. When it comes to tennis heroes in India, the counting does not go beyond three or four and picture is piteous on women's side. Dwelling on the reasons for the bleak scenario, Paes said the problem lies in off-court training. "The primary factor is the lack of understanding about the need for an intensive training regime away from the court. Our juniors have great tennis skills but fall short on the physical aspect," Paes told PTI in an interview. "The lack of a sports science center in the country hinders not only tennis but every other sport too. That is one of the primary needs of Indian sports. -PTI
he growth of tennis ball cricket in Bay area has been more than extraordinary. The collective effort of the volunteering community and the unbridled enthusiasm shown by participating teams has helped CricBay reach breathtaking heights. CricBay can truly claim to be a democratic league where every single opinion counts and is heard. The league has grown by leaps and bounds year on year and has attracted casual and serious cricket lovers alike. The key ingredient to this success has been the development of its website which has grown along with the league, thanks to the diligent efforts of the webmaster Sunil Shenoy. The website now boasts of a Fantasy Cricket game where creating a team, trading players and scoring points is as simple as ABC. The quality of the participating teams has been top notch which is evident from the fact that the last 4 seasons has seen 4 different winners. It has been a joy ride and there have been plenty of surprises and shocks along the way. Last weekend's finals were no different. Cricket in this league is divided into two major tournaments that cover the entire year. The regular season usually runs from mid-February to early-October and the rest of the year is covered by the Fall open. After the first round robin stage the teams are split into silver, gold and platinum divisions and the remaining game of the season are knockout encounters. Silver final This year's Silver final was played between Megastars and Thunderdawgs on 27th of Sept 09 and was a keenly contested game. Thunderdawgs scored 98 runs of their allotted 20 overs and managed to keep Megastars down to 78 runs to win by a comfortable margin of 20 runs in the end. On Oct 4, the Gold and Platinum finals were played at the Thornton Jr. High School. They were thrillers and exactly what all cricket lovers around the world
Silver final
would give an eye and a tooth to see. The dignitaries present during the grand finale included Raj Padhi, West Coast Representative of the United States Cricket Association, Rajendra Badadare, coach of the USA Under 15 national cricket team and a playing member of CricBay and Sam Rao, Bureau In-Charge West Coast at The Indian Express North America. Gold Finals The Gold Finals saw 2008 regular season Gold winners Immortals taking on the 2008 season Platinum winners Eagles. After an average season by their standards Eagles were keen to be in the winners circle and lift the Gold trophy. However their plans took an early setback when Immortals piled up 107 runs batting first with Nirmam Sandesara going berserk top scoring with 45 runs. He received able support from Viral who ended up scoring a valuable 24 runs. Chasing any score in a final is tough task and chasing 100+ in a tennis ball final is even more stressful. Eagles had a bad start to the chase and lost wickets at crucial stages with Senthil playing a lone hand of 30 runs. But that was until Arvind Sridhar got going. Those who have been in CricBay for a couple of seasons or have played against him know that he is capable of changing the game in an instant with some lip-licking clean hitting.
The platform was set and he stepped it up, taking Eagles almost single handedly towards victory only to be stopped short with victory in sight. With 5 runs to win in 4 balls and only 1 wicket remaining a boundary and a wicket tied the game and in the ensuing super over The Immortals (10/1) beat Eagles (2/1) by 8 runs to clinch their second Gold title in 2 successive regular seasons. Nirmam was awarded the Man of the Match for efforts with the bat. Platinum finals The excitement on the adjoining pitch with the Platinum finals between Squared Leg and
Champs XI was no less. Squared Leg batting first managed a respectable, but maybe under par on a 360 degree ground, score of 83 runs. Champs started off the chase in style scoring 18 off the first 4 overs. However they lost the plot along with a heap of wickets in the next 6 overs and ended up on 29/4 at the end of the 10 over mark. It seemed an uphill
battle and Squared Leg seemed charged up to put a quick end to the game. However Nimish and Nagesh had something else in store for them. With some positive intent and some rub of the green going their way they started building a partnership that would eventually take them to victory. Although Nimish was caught for a well made and crucial 18, Nagesh continued the charge towards victory scoring valuable 22 runs. A six by Sreeram all but sealed a win for them and victory was duly achieved on the first ball of the last over to bring an end to a fantastic fight back from Champs XI. Nimish was deservedly the Man of the Match for getting Champs out of a sticky situation and onto a championship trophy. The games were rounded up with an awards ceremony rewarding all the fantastic achievements by individuals all through the season. The volunteers and community writers were also felicitated for their tireless efforts for organizing another successful season. The community owes a lot of gratitude to all the sponsors, including Prakash Advani D.D.S and Associates, Precious Dental Care, Swathi Tiffins, ERP Factory, Evolution Stone, inc., and Perceptive Technologies, who have been the cornerstone behind the leagues success.
October 16, 2009
India Post 69
NEW YORK Upcoming
Sun Oct 18
Sat Oct 17
Sun Oct 18
• Diwali 2009
• Diwali Celebration
• Deepawali
Venue: GSU Cafeteria, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, Connecticut, NY Time: 5:30pm to 9pm Contact: 860-335-5853
Venue: Gayatri Gyan Mandir, Itasca, Illinois Time: 7pm to 11pm Contact: 630 - 250- 8400
Venue: Knights of Columbus Hall, 116 Grand St., Iselin, NJ Time: 10am to 11:30am Contact: 732-207-7592
• Bihar association Diwali & Eid Celebration
• Carnatic-Hindustani Jugalbandhi
Venue: Eola Community Center, 555 S Eola Rd, Aurora, ILL Time: 6pm to 10pm Contact: 630-830-5038 Highlights: An evening filled with fun, music, games and good food!!!
Venue: Lang Auditorium at Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue (69th Street between Park & Lexington Avenues), NY 10065 Time: 7pm to 9pm Contact: 917-853-1416
Sat Oct 24
Sat Oct 24
Sat Oct 24 Fri Oct 23
• Hinduism Summit (Hindu Dharmasabha) Venue: Marathi Vishwa Community Center, 143 State Route 35, Laurence Harbor, NJ Time: 2.30pm to 6pm Contact: 1866 303 3FHA Highlights: Exhibition of posters on sattvik living, Treasure of books on topics of spiritual practice (sadhana), Dharma, sattvik pictures of deities and sattvik products
Sat Oct 31 Sat Oct 24
• Bhangra & Gidha Competition
Sat Oct 24
• Desi Dhamaka's Bhangra Allstars
Venue: Waterford Banquets, 933 S. Riverside Dr, Elmhurst, Illinois Contact: 312-226-4425
• Diwali Santram Satsang Celeberation
Venue: Page Hall, Suny Albany, Western Avenue, Albany, New York Time: 6pm to 10pm Contact: 518-301-1058
• Masquerade Ball
• Seventh International Conference Finding Innovative Strategies to Alleviate Poverty and Mitigate Climate Change
Venue: Astor Hall, 5th Ave & W 42nd St, New York Time: 9pm Contact: 914-498-8347
Venue: Illinois Institute of Technology, Rice Campus-201 East Loop Road, Wheaton, IL 60187 Contact: 630-303-9592
Sat Oct 31
Venue: Diwali Santram Satsang, Essex County College, 303 University Ave, Newark, New Jersey Time: 11:30am to 7pm Contact: 732-906-0792
Sat Oct 31 and Sun Nov 1
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming • NRI Global Summit 2009 Venue: India Community Center, 525 Los Coches St, Bay Area, California Time: 1pm Contact:
Sun Oct 25 • Featuring Show Tunes and Concert Pieces Venue: Smith Center at Ohlone College, 43600 Mission Boulevard in Fremont Time: 2pm Contact: 510-659-6031
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Every 4th Sat every Month
Sun Oct 25 • ShaadiChic Bridal Soiree Venue: Sheraton Parsippany Hotel, 199 Smith Road, Parsippany, New Jersey Time: 5pm Contact: 917-655-2837
• Durga Mata Ka Jagaran Venue: 2335 S. Diamond Bar Boulevard, DBC Center, Diamond Bar, CA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 909-519-1579, 626-810-2345
Every Sat (start from Sat Aug 8)
• Gurukul Classes for Children
HINDU TEMPLE & CULTURAL CENTER 3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, CA, 94538 Tel:
Venue: Sindhu Center, South California Time: 2pm to 4pm Contact: 818-541-1754 & 909-576-1114 Highlights: Children between the ages of 5 and 18. Children will be taught the Fundamentals of Hinduism, Prayers, Shlokas, Bhajans and Values of our culture.
Sat Oct 17
(510) 659-0655
Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM
• A College Application Essay Workshop Venue: Orange Coast College (cross street Merrimac Way), 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Time: 10am to 12pm Contact: (714) 636-9095
Sat Oct 17 • LA Temple Anniversary, DIwali & Kumbha Mela
Sun Oct 18 • Inner Healing
Thurs Nov 5
BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)
PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)
• International Youth Conference
Fri Nov 6 • Kalpataru- Cerritos,CA
Mon & Tues Nov 7 & 8
Venue: Nithyananda Vedic Temple, 9720 Central Ave, Montclair,CA - 91763 Contact: 909-625-1445 Highlights: Paramahamsa Nithyananda(Swamiji) will be giving a discourse, conducting a Meditation and giving the Darshan.
• Nithyananda Spurana Program
Fri to Sun Nov 13 to Nov 15
Gayatri Mantra Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM by Gayatri Pariwar Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2844
Sundar Kand Ka Paath on 3rd Saturday of everymonth from 10:30 am to 12: 00 pm Dewali celebration 10/17/09 & Mela 11 am - 11 pm Mata ka Jaagraata by Geeta Peshavaria (Student of Sh Purshotam Jalota, father of Sh Anoop Jalota on 10/29/09 7pm to 10 pm
• Sikh Art and Film Festival Venue: 6404 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 304, Los Angeles, CA Contact: 323 466-5000 Highlights: The Festival celebrates Sikh culture and heritage, and will offer a variety of avenues for contributors to share their talent.
Sat Oct 18 • Guru Gaddee Day Venue: 1620 Preuss Rd, LA CA Time: 9:30am to 10:30am Contact: 310-858-7691 Highlights: Anniversary of Siri Guru Granth Sahib JiNagar Kirtan
Sat Oct 24 to Sun Oct 25 & Sat Oct 31 to Sun Nov 1 • Fun at "Boo at the Zoo" Venue: Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Time: 10am to 4pm Contact: (323) 644-4200 Admission: $13 for adults and $8 for children ages 2 to 12. This event is free with paid Zoo admission.
Sun Oct 25 • 15th Annual Partnership Walk being held Venue: Santa Monica Pier, CA Time: 11am Highlights: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Congressman Brad Sherman have been guests of honor at the most recent Partnership Walks held in 2007 and 2008.
70 India Post
October 16, 2009
ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 You may have to change your travel plans due to recent developments. Things will become clearer at work and you will once more start to feel safe. You will spend lots of money on family and visit close relatives also. Planets will help those with some political aspirations. Sun can help you get some money through stocks or lottery.
LEO Jul 23-Aug 22 You will need to deal with a very tricky situation in career but if you are bold and play your cards right, you will benefit from this situation. Gambling instincts will surface once again and you will be tempted to take a big risk. Business will require more investment. You may call an old friend for some advice. Party will be entertaining.
October 16 to October 22
You will make final payment on few old debts. Change of strategy and careful planning will help you avert financial crises in the future. You may finally get the decision in your favor in ongoing legal battle. You may also overcome minor health issues with the help of over the counter medicines. Some one will send nice gifts.
Readers Write...
Hypocrisy on Iran
nce again we are huffing and puffing - outraged that Iran is somehow breaking the rules of its 'nuclear test sites'. It is disappointing that Obama has been echoing this hyperbolic hype. Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It nuclear sites have been inspected numerous times by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and has never been found to be in noncompliance. According to Scott Ritter, the former US weapons inspector, the IAEA has a 100 percent accounting for all of Iran's nuclear material. Iran is unable to divert any of its nuclear material to a new site without the full knowledge of the IAEA. The new Qom site only serves as a backup site to its
Natanz primary facility. In 2003, Iran willingly submitted to enhanced inspections called the additional protocol of inspections, as well as what's known as the Subsidiary Agreement. Thus, Iran has made all of its operating sites available for inspection in exchange for full recognition by Europe and the US of its legitimate right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. Contrast these actions with Israel which has never 'fessed' up to its huge stockpile of nuclear weapons. Meanwhile we continue to proliferate with impunity? Inter Press Services has recently reported that the US is currently increasing nuclear weapons production. What hypocrisy! Jagjit Singh Los Altos, CA
Disclaimer :- India Post does not endorse opinions expressed in the letters.
TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 Your approach will be little unorthodox but will get the job done quickly. A property deal can also close. Past efforts will pay off and you will have many things in pipeline from now. You will have few visitors at your place this week. You may visit a holy place also with the family. Some one will leave making room for your promotion.
VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Money will come through Speculation, stocks and lottery. You will continue to make very sound decisions and keep marching towards your professional goals. You will take lots of time out of busy schedule to entertain your self and family. There will be positive change in ongoing legal matters. You will buy some fancy item for the house.
CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 It will not be that easy to take those tough decisions. Advice and help from a matured person will guide you to go for the right one. You will finally get to meet the top people and successfully convince them. Results will take little longer time but come in your favor only. You may dispose off an old vehicle and replace with new one.
GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 You will be charging a lot on credit cards this week and may also obtain a temporary loan for the business. Planets will boost your morals as you will get the work done in first attempt only. Some obstacles will also clear in career and a big contract will be almost in your pocket. You will attend an interesting party this week.
LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 Large gains possible from distant places. You will be sending some paper work to a government agency. Money wise it look like a promising week. Payments long overdue may arrive during the week. You may also finalize to purchase land or property. You will be taking a short trip to a nice place to attend a social event.
AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Spouse may be under lots of pressure. You will spend time on collecting information and research. A child will need your help and make you run on the last minute. You will get the call you had been waiting for towards the end of week. You may not get any credit for good deed shown towards a close relative.
CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 Hold on to the excitement and think of long term also. It will be better not to tell what's going on in your life to people who are least concerned. There will be several positive developments in life and people ignoring you in the past will try to come back. Be careful this time. Some of you will be getting ready for an important trip.
SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 You may have to deal with some minor health issues. Mind will take a sharp turn and you will not be scared to use few unorthodox tactics to achieve your goals. Any relationship started at this point will go a long way. Trip will be successful and you will be assured of contract. You may visit a holy place with family.
PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 Mind will be at ease as one of your long cherished desired will be fulfilled. You may arrange a small get together at your place. People from other side will send the necessary documents. You will spend more time on phone and make many overseas calls. You may also benefit from mistakes made by others.
October 16, 2009
India Post 71
India Post
October 16, 2009
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India Post 73
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India Post
October 16, 2009
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October 16, 2009
India Post 75
India Post
October 16, 2009
Page Sponsored by Sahanis attached to his bow and arrow. It was called Gandiva. At the start of the journey, Agni personifies to him and asks Arjun to lay down his arms. Arjun is able to drop his last attachment and drop the Gandiva. This is inevitable. The last of all attachments also have to go. Whether you like or not, it will go. Agni talks to Arjun as if he had a choice. But in reality Arjun did not have a choice. It is good if he can go on without attachment. If he has learned non-attachment in Contd from last week et us try to understand briefly why near death experiences differ from people to people. A Christian may see angels while a Buddhist may see Bodhisattvas. Hell and heaven also differ accordingly. Bardo principles talk about (and I seem to agree with them) these visions as being projections of our own mind. That can explain why the visuals descriptions differ so much. There is also a possibility to some extent that the structures are designed differently for different paths that a person follows with his physical body. I will leave this matter here and proceed further with our TF Sr. and Jr. story. Swargarohan: End of life as we know it. Nonattachment: Death is the only certainty in life. It happened to Pandava brothers as well. Yudhisthir and his brothers along with Draupadi undertake this journey at the end of Mahabharata story. Arjun was
an is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman- a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting. What is great in man is that
all that is left until the end. The journey after death can be overwhelming if it comes as a total surprise. Meditation which has helped TF Sr. to become Awakened Das has also given him some experiences that are going to help him in the end of life scenario. He has had glimpses of out of body life while in meditation. This helps him in the final exit when the life energy is virtually removed from the physical body and kind of implanted in a non physical form.
Visions are projections of our own mind DR KRISHNA BHATTA
The ethereal body can see others but others in physical body cannot see the non-physical form. This is so painful for TF Jr. because he has never had any kind of preparation for this
his life here on earth, he can continue his journey without the clinging on to his Gandiva further. Otherwise also, he has to carry on. The story is told in an interesting way. They all continue their journey. Draupadi falls on the ground and dies first. Yudhisthir continues his journey without looking back. Sahadev, Nakul and Arjun fall and die in that order. Yudhirsthir continues without looking back. Bhim who has been asking questions so far also falls and dies. Yudhisthir and a dog is
Osho has described this as ethereal body. This body lasts for 13 days according to Osho's description. The next body which goes through rest of the journey is the Astral body. The ethereal body can see others but others in physical body cannot see the non-physical form. This is so painful for TF Jr. because he has never had any kind of preparation for this. He is still fully attached to every body in the house. He did not have a will. What will happen to all the property he
Narada Muni explains to Yudhisthir again about non-attachment and then Yudhisthir was able to reconcile with the company of Duryodhana in heaven. It is quite possible to carry our relations and attachments from our physical existence to the non-physical world. It appears quite natural. We may need someone like Narada to remind us that it is all a fresh start now. The attachments however subtle will have to go. Non-attachment is the reality of existence. To be continued
I love those who do not first seek a reason beyond the stars for going down and being sacrifices, but sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth of the Superman may hereafter arrive. I love him who liveth in order to know, and seeketh to know in order that the Superman may here-
I love him who reserveth no share of spirit for himself, but wanteth to be wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus walketh he as spirit over the bridge. I love him who maketh his virtue his inclination and destiny: thus, for the sake of his virtue, he is willing to live on, or live no more.
I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favour, and who then asketh: "Am I a dishonest player?"- for he is willing to succumb. I love him who scattereth golden words in advance of his deeds, and always doeth more than he promiseth: for he seeketh his own down-going. I love him who justifieth the future ones, and redeemeth the past ones: for he is willing to succumb through the present ones. I love him who chasteneth his God, because he loveth his God: for he must succumb through the wrath of his God. I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may succumb through a small matter: thus goeth he willingly over the bridge. I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgetteth himself, and all things are in him: thus all things become his down-going. Excerpted from Thus Spake Zarathustra The 165th birth anniversary of Nietzsche will be observed on Oct 15
'I love him who does more than he promises' What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an over-going and a down-going he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an over-going and a down-going. I love those that know not how to live except as down-goers, for they are the over-goers. I love the great despisers, because they are the great adorers, and arrows of longing for the other shore.
left behind? TF senior on the other hand is prepared. Meditation has prepared him to a great extent. He can go on without looking back like Yudhisthir. What is the point? He has to move on any way. In fact Yudhisthir met Duryodhana first and that also in heaven. Yudhisthir was shocked. He remembered the whole incidence of Mahabharata. The root cause of Mahabharata was Duryodhana and he is in heaven. The attachment in a subtle form is still there with Yudhisthir.
after live. Thus seeketh he his own down-going. I love him who laboureth and inventeth, that he may build the house for the Superman, and prepare for him earth, animal, and plant: for thus seeketh he his own down-going. I love him who loveth his virtue: for virtue is the will to downgoing, and an arrow of longing.
I love him who desireth not too many virtues. One virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to cling to. I love him whose soul is lavish, who wanteth no thanks and doth not give back: for he always bestoweth, and desireth not to keep for himself.
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. -Meister Eckhart If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them. -Dalai Lama All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. -Buddha And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. -Kahlil Gibran Why become friends with those whom the Creator Lord Himself has misled? -Guru Gobind Singh The man who surrenders his human will leaves sorrow behind, and beholds the glory of the Atman by the grace of the Creator. -Katha Upanishad Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage. -Sri Aurobindo
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October 16, 2009
India Post 77
The Mcchrystal Report and India UDDIPAN MUKHERJEE
s the inexorable march of the NATO-led coalition forces through the cobweb of insurgency in Afghanistan, coming to a grinding halt? That this appears to be inescapable for the US-spearheaded International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is a prognosis put forward by Lt. Gen. McChrystal, the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan and the ISAF. The finalized draft of 66 pages, dated 30 August, 2009 was addressed to US Defense Secretary, Robert Gates and reached the Pentagon on 25 September. The thesis has generated a lot of debate among the US policy makers, within the US and abroad. India has been no exception. This is because of a direct reference to India in page 19 of the report in which India has been categorized under the rubric of "External Influences" in Afghanistan, along with Pakistan and Iran. What does this imply for India and its presence in the region? In his report, McChrystal summarizes, "The situation in Afghanistan is serious; neither success nor failure can be taken for granted‌..the overall situation is deteriorating." The US General endorses his President's Af-Pak policy proclaimed on 27 March, 2009 whereby Obama decided to send more troops to Afghanistan, with the total number of American troops reaching 68,000. Reports say that McChrystal may be asking for troop enhancement to the tune of about 40,000 though his manuscript does not explicitly mention the number. The General however, differs with his President on one vital aspect. He clearly states that mere troop build-up is not a necessary and sufficient condition for success in Afghanistan, although more soldiers are absolutely necessary for preventing a failure. He draws attention to a serious shortcoming of the coalition forces, i.e. not extending support to the Afghan masses. This has happened due to the inability of the foreigners to come out of their security cocoons. The controversy over fraud that marred the recent Afghan Presidential elections is a serious obstacle for the US-led forces since their credibility amongst the masses is at stake. Hence, McChrystal talks about an 'integrated civilian-military
counterinsurgency campaign'. The crux of the matter is that the Afghan masses need a secure environment, a solid institutional framework providing them justice and civil liberties. ISAF would have a major role to play in these issues by being physically and psychologically closer to the common Afghans. He also advocates upgradation
Power grid gifted by India to Afghanistan
of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in order to increase its efficacy for the long term scenario. McChrystal is worried about the "lack of unity of effort and command" in ISAF and wants to "modify organizational struc-
The report asserts that there lies a 'Pakistani hand' behind this insurgency and also warns of fresh violence in Afghanistan as well as in India if Pakistani interests are harmed tures" to achieve this unity. Returning to the pertinent question concerning India, the report lauds the developmental activities pursued by India. At the same time, the report expresses concerns that Indian presence can accentuate regional tensions since Pakistan would object to a proactive Indian role in Afghanistan. The report asserts that there lies a 'Pakistani hand' behind this insurgency and also warns of fresh violence in Afghanistan as well as in India if Pakistani interests are harmed.
Does this mean Obama may urge both India and Pakistan to resume the Composite Dialogue? The resumption of the Composite Dialogue seems unlikely unless Pakistan acts on the dossiers supplied by India on 26/11. Is it that Obama favors Pakistan to India? He did announce a whopping US $7.5 billion to the former. But he also made it extremely clear that grants would flow into Pakistan 'if and only if' it supports USA in uprooting the safe havens of the Taliban and Al Qaeda from its territories. In these complex circumstances, it would be naĂŻve to expect India to scale down its activities in Afghanistan and Central Asia. At the same time, stuck with the 'inherited' quandary of Afghanistan, Obama may pressurize India to downplay its role in Afghanistan for the immediate future. But India's Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh clearly stated in his post-Summit press briefing at Pittsburgh that there is no pressure on India to dilute its stakes in Afghanistan. Moreover, he also informed that 'officially' the US government has assured him of standing by India's position regarding the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). So, it would seem that weather is not inclement, as far as Indo-US relations in the Obama regime are concerned. USA shall appreciate the fact that its 'global war on terror' is incomplete without India's participation. Focusing solely on Pakistani help would be myopic. Pakistan has extended support to Taliban and Al Qaeda to serve its own interests in South Asia and there is no guarantee that the present political dispensation shall act differently. USA is probably not keen to pressurize Pakistan too strongly for fear that insurgents may get hold of its nuclear arsenal. And Pakistan is playing this 'fear card' to extract maximum leverage with respect to India. New Delhi needs to take a firm stand in this 'not so salubrious' climate. Indian presence in Afghanistan or for that matter in Central Asia is strategic but not in any sense military. A few hundred Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) Forces in Afghanistan or an alleged Air Base in Tajikistan notwithstanding. The writer is a Lecturer in Kolkata. Courtesy IPCS
India Post Olympian hopes
he world has changed a bit. It is no longer politically correct to reward the Olympic Games to nations who have the first world facilities, infrastructure and capacity to stage the games. The criterion this time has been to choose a geographical region which has never staged them before. The awarding of the 2016 Olympic Games to Rio de Janeiro raises both hopes and doubts. Doubts whether a Third World country would be able to summon enough resources, guts and imagination to organize first-world like facilities in a matter of few years! And the hope that the deprived are being given a chance to come up to the level of the already prosperous. The possibility of India being granted the Games sometime in the future doesn't look like a dream any more, however much we may ridicule the unprepared state of New Delhi gearing up for the Commonwealth Games next year. Apart from raising hypocritical slogans like 'Garibi Hatao' India's governing class has never been shamed into doing something about millions of its citizens living in poverty. During the socialist times the neglect of the poor never even got noticed. With globalization and the enormous reach of television the plight of the Indian poor came to world attention. When international agencies started exposing India's development indices, even a lethargic Congress-led UPA government had to pull an NREG (National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme) out of its hat. There may be leakages in implementation of the scheme but the government's attention has been repeatedly brought back to its implementation by a conscious media. With the country facing one of its worst drought in years the lavish living of politicians attracted international notice and orders for austerity were rammed down their throats. The VIP culture of excesses was known all along but the kind of attention it attracted this time shows a general impatience with the wealthy class. This is quite in keeping with the phenomena of the anger in the US at the bankers' bonuses while the country battles recession. And the attempt of President Obama to fix a healthcare system which is weighted in favor of wealthy insurance companies and bypasses a large section of population for which health care has become unaffordable. Such an attempt was unsuccessfully made during the Clinton presidency also but this time the horns are truly locked. India bidding for Olympic Games of 2020 or 2024 sounds laughable. Apart from the infrastructure hassles, bureaucratic bungling and corruption, India has never made its mark in Olympic sports. At best it has been able to boast of a single gold medal at some of the games. There is hardly any sporting culture in the country. Even for Commonwealth Games there is more focus on preparing the infrastructure. How the sportsmen will fare, what facilities they are getting to put in best performances are aspects not getting much attention. If international outcry has forced India to focus on its poor, the same attention is shaming the rich nations to have a thought for the less developed. That is why international agencies like the Olympic Games organizing body are likely to sympathatically view the claims of countries like India. The lack of first world facilities and infrastructure would not disqualify them. But the world agencies would be inclined to help them to import best practices to put up a good show so that it does not appear that the Games are a monopoly of the rich few. Reinforcing this view, Brazilian President Lula da Silva, while hailing his country winning the bid, remarked, "The Olympic Games belong to all peoples, to all continents and to all humanity."
78 India Post
October 16, 2009
October 16, 2009
India Post 79
80 India Post
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