Indiapost 11 01 2013

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India Post


President Robert Zimmer at the announcement of the India Center

Chicago varsity to open new center in Delhi Details on page 8

India panel to review Nuclear Liability Act Details on page 9

Captain Stanley George

Indian-American NYPD Captain honored Details on page 28

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

Would Sardar Patel have made a better PM for India? Last week’s result

Are courts biased against non-whites? YES 61%

NO 39%

VOL 19, No. 998

November 1, 2013


Periodical Postage

2 DIWALI RESOLUTIONS IN U.S. CONGRESS WASHINGTON: Two separate bipartisan Diwali resolutions have been introduced in both chambers of the US Congress recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival celebrated in India and across the globe. The resolution in the Senate introduced by senators Mark Warner and John Cornyn (who are CoChairs of the Senate India Caucus) supported a strong relationship between the people and governments of the US and India, based on mutual trust and respect to enable them to closely collaborate on a broad range of interests like global peace and prosperity. Congressmen Joe Crowley and Peter Roskam, Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, introduced a separate bipartisan resolution in the House of Representatives last week. The resolution expressed deep respect for Indian Americans and the Indian Diaspora throughout the world and appreciated the religious diversity in both India and the US and throughout the world. Details on page 5

Grand show of sights & sounds of Diwali Details on page 18

Modi cannot lead India effectively: NYT Details on page 5

See pages 43-51

CONTENTS Bollywood -------------------------- 13 Classifieds ------------------------- 60 Community Post -------------- 18-29 Date Book -------------------------- 55 Edit Page --------------------------- 62 HealthScience Post --------- 56-57 Horoscope ------------------------- 59 Immigration Post ------------- 52-53 Life Style --------------------------- 30 Philosophy ------------------------- 61 Publisher’s Diary ------------------ 4

CONFRONTATION: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the renovated Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Museum in Ahmedabad on October 29. (Details on page 9)

Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”

Real Estate -------------------- 14-15 TechBiz Post ------------------- 40-41 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 37-39


India Post

November 1, 2013

November 1, 2013

India Post



India Post

November 1, 2013

India Post

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Publisher’s Diary I

n all the years I have been in this country, one of the most illustrious of Indian envoys that I have come across in Washington D.C., is the presently outgoing Ambassador Nirupama Rao. Without really comparing her tenure to that of any of her predecessors, I stand to commend the unprecedented levels of engagement that she has set over the last three years, between India and the US, between India and the Indian American community and between the Indian American community and mainstream American communities. A lot of us were already familiar with Ambassador Rao when she took over from Ambassador Meera Shankar - also an envoy of great caliber - three years ago, because she had served in the Indian Embassy here in a previous posting; and then of course we have seen her amazing diplomatic skills on her many visits to the US as Foreign Secretary to the government of India. But, it was as Indian Ambassador to the US that I think Rao has set an amazingly high bar in her achievements. No other Indian Ambassador to the US perhaps traveled the length and breadth of the country promoting India as she has; met as many US Governors, Senators and Congressmen as she has; addressed Ivy league convocations as she has; given mainstream media interviews as she has; and justified Indian American contributions to the US as she has. Added to her illustrious career in the Indian Foreign Service, which included Ambassadorial service in China, Russia and Sri Lanka, on the academic side, Ambassador Rao has the distinction of being a Fellow at the Centre for International Affairs (now the Weatherhead Centre) at Harvard University in the early 1990s. She was also a Distinguished International Executive in Residence at the University of Maryland at College Park in 1999-2000. On a very personal note I would like to say that it used to make me feel extremely proud whenever I would see her conducting herself in that supremely self-assured manner, knowing that India could totally trust its image and reputation in her dignified, knowledgeable and capable hands. The Indian American community will surely miss her. Romesh K Japra

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HIGHLIGHTS Bollywood: Dhoom tune When he heard the music of 'Dhoom 3', Aamir Khan liked it so much that he kept it as a caller tune.

Cover Story: Diwali resolutions Two separate bipartisan Diwali resolutions have been introduced in both chambers of the US Congress

Community: Diwali Mela Fremont Hindu temple Diwali Mela at Pleasanton Fair grounds was filled with the sights, sound and smells of India

13 1 18

Immigration: Tatas lobbying Tatas have stepped up their lobbying in the US on various issues including immigration reforms and technical education

Life Style: Naveen in ‘Diana’ Naveen Andrews returns to the big screen in the much-anticipated love story Diana playing Dr Haznat Khan,

Techbiz: Unique app is a new online service offering a unique way to quickly compare money transfer services

Travel: Mysore Mysore has never failed to mesmerize tourists with its quaint charm, rich heritage, magnificent palaces

52 30 40 37

Cover/Top Stories

November 1, 2013

India Post


2 Diwali resolutions in US Congress WASHINGTON: Two separate bipartisan Diwali resolutions have been introduced in both chambers of the US Congress recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival celebrated in India and across the globe. The resolution in the Senate introduced by senators Mark Warner and John Cornyn (who are Co-Chairs of the Senate India

Congressmen Joe Crowley and Peter Roskam, Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, introduced a separate bipartisan resolution in the House of Representatives last week. The resolution expressed deep respect for Indian Americans and the Indian Diaspora throughout the world and appreciated the re-

"This year, 2013, many Members of Congress will celebrate Diwali in the United States Capitol for the first time," the resolution said noting that Diwali, a festival of great significance to Indian Americans, is celebrated annually by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and others throughout the US. Caucus) supported a strong relationship between the people and governments of the US and India, based on mutual trust and respect to enable them to closely collaborate on a broad range of interests like global peace and prosperity.

ligious diversity in both India and the US and throughout the world. This year for the first time the festival of lights would be celebrated at Capitol Hill and will be attended by a large number of Congressmen and Senators.

"This year, 2013, many Members of Congress will celebrate Diwali in the United States Capitol for the first time," the resolution said noting that Diwali, a festival of great significance to Indian Americans, is celebrated annually by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and others throughout the US. "Diwali is a festival of great significance to millions of Indians and Indian-Americans and I'm thrilled and proud to be a part of the first-ever Congressional Diwali," Congressman Crowley told PTI. "I'm looking forward to this bipartisan event that will bring together members of Congress, prominent Indian-American leaders, and the community to celebrate Diwali," he said. "This isn't only about celebration though; this event is also about helping to build a greater understanding of differing cultural backgrounds and histories not only for Indian Americans but for all Americans. I'm looking forward to what should be the first

Indian smuggler's sister accused of hiding statues NEW YORK: US authorities have charged the sister of Indian antique smuggler Subhash Kapoor with hiding four stolen bronze statues of Hindu, deities valuing a total of about USD 14.5 million. Sushma Sareen, 60, has been charged in a criminal complaint with four counts of possession of stolen property. She has been released on bail. The next court hearing in the case is in January next year. The complaint said Sareen knowingly possessed stolen property worth millions of dollars with intent to "impede recovery" by authorities. An informant, who had been in touch with Sareen, told authorities that Sareen had been closely involved with the illegal business of Kapoor's art gallery 'Art of the Past' since his arrest in 2010. She had traveled to India, assisted with wire transfers, and contacted antiquities smugglers with prior dealings with Kapoor.

Sareen is accused of hiding a 12th Century Chola bronze Shiva statue valued at about 3.5 million dollars, another five million dollar 'Shiva of Nataraja' statue, a 2.5 million dollar 'Uma Parameshvari'

Sareen knew that all four statues were stolen but she went ahead and made shipping arrangements. One of the informants wanted the stolen statues returned to the gallery, but Sareen " believed they were safer with her� statue and a 3.5 million dollar 'UmaParvati' statue. These statues were stolen from the Varadharaja Perumi temple in


Ariyalur District of Tamil Nadu between February and April of 2008. According to the complaint, Sareen currently has the power of attorney for the gallery and is running the business with Kapoor's daughter Mamta Sager. After a search warrant was executed at the gallery in January 2012, it was arranged with Sareen that the four bronze statues would be picked up and moved to a "safe location", the complaint said. According to informants, Sareen knew that all four statues were stolen but she went ahead and made shipping arrangements. One of the informants wanted the stolen statues returned to the gallery, but Sareen "believed they were safer with her". The statues at the gallery totaling 14 in number were illegally exported from India to Hong Kong. Kapoor was the subject of an Interpol red notice and was arrested in late 2011 at Frankfurt International Airport in Germany. He was extradited to India in July last year to face criminal charges. Federal authorities here have said that Kapoor's alleged smuggling of cultural artifacts worth more than an estimated 100 million dollars makes him one of the most "prolific commodities smugglers" in the world today.-PTI

of many Diwali celebrations on Capitol Hill in the years ahead. This event is truly making history!" Crowley said. "Our historic, first-ever Con-

contentious times," said Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu ever to be elected to the US Congress. "This message has great rel-

gressional Diwali reception will serve to increase awareness about Diwali and highlight its positive, peaceful message during these

evance at a time when politics and partisanship seem to overshadow compassion and concern for the greater good," Gabbard said.-PTI

Modi cannot lead India effectively: NYT NEW YORK: Narendra Modi, Gujarat is not entirely admirable, BJP's prime ministerial candidate, either," it said. cannot hope to lead India effec"Muslims in Gujarat, for intively if he inspires "fear" and stance, are much more likely to be "antipathy" among many of its poor than Muslims in India as a people, the New York Times has whole, even though the state has commented in an unusual move. a lower poverty rate than the coun"Mr Modi has shown no abil- try," the editorial said. ity to work with opposition par"His rise to power is deeply ties or tolerate dissent," the Edi- troubling to many Indians, espetorial Board of the New York Times said in a stinging editorial on the 63-year-old BJP leader. The editorial said that Modi has already "alienated" BJP's political partners when Janata Dal (United), an important regional party broke off its 17- Modi has already " year alliance with the alienated" BJP's political "party because it found partners when Janata Dal Mr Modi unaccept(United), an important reable." India was a country gional party broke off its 17with multiple religions year alliance with the "party and "Mr Modi cannot hope to lead it effec- because it found Mr Modi tively if he inspires fear unacceptable." and antipathy among many of its people," it said while cially the country's 138 million recalling that nearly 1,000 people Muslims and its many other midied in the 2002 riots in Gujarat. norities," said the 19-member EdiThe editorial also questioned torial Board, headed by India-born Modi's economic track record in Andrew Rosenthal, the editorial Gujarat. page editor of The New York The "economic record in Times.-PTI


Top Stories

India Post

November 1, 2013

Modi tears into Nitish, calls him opportunist, backstabber PATNA: Narendra Modi launched a frontal attack on his bete noire Nitish Kumar on his home turf, calling the Bihar Chief Minister an opportunist and hypocrite who "betrayed and backstabbed" socialist stalwarts like Jaiprakash Narayan and Ram Manohar Lohia. Visiting Bihar for the first time after Nitish kept him away from poll campaign during the period of the BJP-JD (U) alliance, the BJP Prime Ministerial candidate repeatedly attacked him for snapping of the ties that lasted 17 years. Modi alleged that Nitish was playing hide and seek with Congress, against whom his mentors JP and Lohia fought all their lives, and was dreaming of becoming the Prime Minister. "One who shunned Jaiprakash, why can't he leave BJP. He fought all his life to free the nation from the Congress and the one who claims to be Lohia's disciple has stabbed him in his back and is now playing hide and seek with Congress. Whether his followers will forgive him or not, the souls of Lohia and JP will never forgive his deeds," Modi said addressing a 'Hunkar'(battle cry) rally at Gandhi Maidan attended by tens of thousands of people. JP, the tallest of Indian socialists, had spearheaded the antiEmergency movement that culminated in the fall of Indira Gandhi government and installation of the

Gujarat Chief Minister and BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi with party national President Rajnath Singh and others leders during the Hunkar rally in Patna on October 27

first non-Congress dispensation at the Centre under Morarji Desai in 1977. Just minutes before Modi spoke, six serial bomb blasts rocked the venue of the Gujarat Chief Minister's rally, leaving at least five dead and 66 injured. Modi did not refer to the blasts in his speech but appealed to his followers to reach home safely. Without taking Nitish's name and referring to him derisively as

Just minutes before Modi spoke, six serial bomb blasts rocked the venue of the Gujarat Chief Minister's rally, leaving at least five dead and 66 injured

Patna blasts carried out at IM 2nd-in-command's behest PATNA: Mohd Tehseen Akhtar, second-in-command after the arrest of Yasin Bhatkal, is emerging as a new face of Indian Mujahideen terror in the country after one of the arrested accused told interrogators that the Patna blasts were carried out at his behest and he was the brain behind it. Imtiyaz, who was apprehended by public near a toilet after a bomb exploded accidentally, is alleged to have named Akhtar alias Monu as the brain behind the terror attack near Gandhi Maidan where BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi was addressing a rally, officials associated with probe said. National Investigation Agency has already announced a cash reward of Rs 10 lakh on information leading to arrest of Akhtar, a resi-

An injured being carried by a police personnel after serial bomb blasts took place at the venue of Narendra Modis Hunkar rally

dent of Samastipur in Bihar. According to sources, Imtiyaz told interrogators that Akhtar had met them in Ranchi last week during which the plan for carrying out the attack was finalized. Imtiyaz said that Tausim got injured seriously when he was fixing a "Lotus" watch in the explosive material and was apprehended by people while he was fleeing from the area and handed over to police. The condition of Tausim was stated to be critical and doctors attending on him said his chance of survival was less. Bihar Police, which has come under severe criticism for its failure to ensure a smooth political rally, registered a case finally this evening, more than 24 hours of the incident. -PTI

"friend", Modi attacked him for not allowing him to campaign in Bihar in the last assembly polls and said he had accepted the "humiliation" for the sake of not allowing "Jungle Raj" in Bihar again. Modi vowed to oust JD (U) which had quit NDA opposing his elevation as the BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate. In his over 40-minute speech, Modi started with Bhojpuri and interspersed it with Maithli and Magehi - the three main dialects

of the state. Taking a jibe at the Bihar Chief Minister, Modi cited an instance where he and Nitish were sharing a table at a luncheon by the Prime Minister during a meeting of Chief Ministers in Delhi and Nitish was "not eating and was uncomfortable and kept looking around". "I understood the matter and told him, there are no cameras around. You can have your food....There is a limit to hypocrisy," he said. Cont’d on page 7

Govt rules out SPG security for Modi MANESAR, Haryana: The Government has ruled out providing SPG security to Narendra Modi saying BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate does not need it. "Narendra Modi has been given sufficient security. He does not need SPG security," Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told reporters here on the sidelines of a function here. He was replying to a question whether the Centre was considering providing the Special Protection Group security to the Gujarat Chief Minister. Modi has been accorded Zplus security with round-theclock protection by elite National Security Guard commandos.

BJP leader Subramanian Swamy had demanded SPG protection for the party's Prime Ministerial candidate after his rally in Patna was rocked with a series of explosions on Oct 27. Swamy urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to amend the SPG Act to extend its security cover to "principal candidates for the post of Prime Minister in the fortchcoming elections in 2014." According to the SPG Act, the specialized commando force is mandated to provide proximate security to the Prime Minister and former Prime Minister of India and members of their immediate families.-PTI

November 1, 2013

Top Stories

India Post


Nitish hits back, says Modi's dream of PM will remain so RAJGIR, Bihar: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar hit back at Narendra Modi, comparing him to Hitler and said his desperate dream to unfurl national flag at Red Fort would remain unfulfilled. Days after Modi launched a no-holds barred attack on him in a Patna rally, he rejected the accusation that he had "betrayed and backstabbed" socialist stalwarts like Jaiprakash Narayan and Ram Manohar Lohia. Kumar said Modi neither has "sweetness in his voice" nor "patience" required of somebody aspiring for the top post and questioned his knowledge of history. "When had I deserted JP's ideology? Just because JP comes in BJP, he (Modi) made the allegation by linking the two together as it rhymes.... Lohia brought parties together to fight Congress. BJP is walking its own path alone. Where is the com-

Modi tears into Nitish, calls him opportunist, backstabber Cont’d from page 6

Modi also attacked the Congress saying it was misguiding people in the name of secularism and pitched for Hindu-Muslim unity for the development of the nation, saying neither of them wanted to fight each other and need to together fight poverty instead.

OBJECTIONS TO 'SHEHZADA' Responding to Congress' objections to his addressing Rahul as "Shehzada", Modi said he will stop doing so if Congress promises to shun dynastic politics. He, however, did not attack him and directed all his energies to slam Nitish. "Our Congress friends are very upset these days. They are losing their sleep and are restless and having objections to why I am addressing Rahul as 'Shehzada'. Just as you feel bad when I say 'Shehzada', the nation also feels bad about dynastic politics. If Congress promises to shun dynastic politics, I will also stop calling 'Shehzada'," he said. Invoking Jaiprakash Narayan who he said fought for democracy all his life and chose to stay in jail forever for its sake, the Gujarat Chief Minister said democracy in the country today is faced with four enemies - dynastic politics, casteism, communal politics and opportunism. "It is the country's misfortune that all these four enemies of democracy are at play in both Bihar's politics as well as in UPA regime," he said. Recalling that just as Mahatma Gandhi had given the "oust British" call from Champaran in Bihar, he called upon people of the state to take a pledge to oust the Congress from the country and JD-U from Bihar. He targeted UPA on issues of poor development, corruption, price rise, security and poverty.

parison," he said in his address to his party JD (U)'s convention, accusing BJP of weakening the fight against Congress. Modi, the Chief Minister said, believed in repeating a lie hundred times to make it sound true. All this talk about Modi wave is also part of this misinformation campaign and there is no truth in it, he alleged. "His dream to unfurl national flag at Red Fort would remain a dream," Kumar said. "It is not just dictatorship. It is fascism and those who believe in fascism, their icon is Hilter. They will do what Hitler did. Hitler's propaganda minister would tell a lie hundreds of times and it would seem to be true.

The same thing is happening here now," he said. Dismissing Modi's barb that he was dreaming to become prime minister, he asked when did he dream to become PM but added that such an aspiration was not a bad thing. "Gujaratis are very fond of ice-creams but this sweetness is not visible in his (Modi) speech. He kept drinking water, wiping sweat and cursing me... The man dreaming to be on the country's highest post should be sober, why this unnecessary excitement and hurry? "You can create hype around an individual but it can't ensure your victory.

Bihar's poor will vote for those who fight for them. Those aspiring for the top post must speak sweetly with everybody and take everyone along," he said. Kumar also picked holes in Modi's references to some of their meetings where he alleged that the JD (U) leader was uncomfortable in his presence while sharing a table with him over lunch. "These are incorrect," he said referring to Modi's claim that he had was not taking food and water at a lunch hosted by the Prime Minister and that the Gujarat leader had to comfort him saying that there were no cameras around. -PTI


Top Stories

India Post

November 1, 2013

Chicago varsity to open new center in Delhi India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: The University of Chicago will open a major new academic center in Delhi next spring, supporting and expanding opportunities for collaboration among scholars and students from India and Chicago, across academic disciplines. The Center in Delhi will be a home for research and education for University of Chicago faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates working in India and throughout South Asia, as well as Indian researchers and students representing a wide array of institutions, and scholars from around the world. President Robert J. Zimmer said the Center in Delhi will be an intellectual destination and will enable the University of Chicago to better support research and scholarship that will benefit faculty, students, and society. "The Center in Delhi reflects the importance the University places on global engagement and our commitment in India and South Asia particularly," Zimmer said at a news conference in New Delhi. "The Center will support the

L - R: John Schneider, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Director, Global Health Programs, Ian H. Solomon, Vice President for Global Engagement; Robert J. Zimmer, University President, Dr Gary Tubb, Faculty Director for the Center in New Delhi and Romila Thapar, Professor Emerita, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Connaught Place, the 17,000 square foot Center will provide space for seminars and conferences, as well as faculty offices and study areas. It will host Indian and South Asian students and scholars, serve as a base for UChicago students and faculty working at other institutions in India and throughout the region, and engage alumni and parents in India and South Asia. The new Center in Delhi will capitalize on a strong body of work

"The Center will support the work of our faculty, provide a platform for collaboration and opportunities for Indian scholars, prepare our students with a much greater understanding of India, South Asia, and global issues, and contribute to intellectual discourse� work of our faculty, provide a platform for collaboration and opportunities for Indian scholars, prepare our students with a much greater understanding of India, South Asia, and global issues, and contribute to intellectual discourse in and with India. Our goal is to create an intellectual destination in Delhi, where scholars and students from the United States, India, and around the world can benefit from the free exchange of ideas." The Center will promote scholarship and teaching under three broad umbrellas: business, economics, law and policy; science, energy, medicine and public health; and culture, society, religion, and the arts. It will represent all parts of the University, including the College, the academic divisions, the professional schools, and the University's affiliated laboratories: Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and the Marine Biological Laboratory. Located in the vibrant cultural and commercial district of

already underway. A University faculty committee recommended the creation of the Center and has catalogued dozens of research partnerships between UChicago scholars and their Indian and South Asian counterparts. "After a century of significant research collaborations between

India and Chicago, the Center will provide a focus for building on that legacy in Delhi and throughout the region," said Gary Tubb, professor in South Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the faculty director of the Center. Provost Thomas Rosenbaum recently announced Tubb's appointment to the three year post, in which he will work with the UChicago community to develop and oversee the implementation the Center's academic agenda. Tubb also will lead efforts to foster strong partnerships with Indian and South Asian colleagues, engage area alumni, and establish the Center as a model for international scholarly endeavors. The Center in Delhi represents the University's longYterm commitment to build relationships in India and throughout the region and will be an important addition to UChicago's international presence. Delhi joins the University's Center in Beijing, opened in 2010, and the Center in Paris, opened in 2004, in bringing together researchers and students to collaborate across the academic spectrum. In the three years since it opened, faculty, students, and

other scholars from more than 25 countries have visited the Center in Beijing more than 7,000 times. Paris and Beijing have been successful platforms for interdisciplinary conferences, partnerships, meetings, and other activities. Building on the University's presence in China, work is also underway on a Center in Hong Kong that will house a University of Chicago Booth School of Business Executive MBA program as well as other University programs.

tions and works with Egyptian scholars on conservation, restoration, and site management. "The University's overseas centers along with the numerous international activities on campus in Chicago together create a dynamic global network for joint programming, teaching, and research activities," said Ian Solomon, vice president for Global Engagement. Solomon noted that the Center will benefit from and support a large and enthusiastic body of

"The University's overseas centers along with the numerous international activities on campus in Chicago together create a dynamic global network for joint programming, teaching, and research activities," said Ian Solomon Chicago Booth also has campuses in London and Singapore, where UChicago faculty teach in degree-granting programs. The University's Oriental Institute has a presence in Luxor, Egypt, founded in 1924 and known as "Chicago House," which documents ancient Egyptian inscrip-

UChicago alumni in India, offering social, professional, and educational opportunities. The Center in Delhi is a wholly owned foreign enterprise operating under the name of UChicago Center in India Private Limited. The Center in Delhi will not grant degrees.

Indian martyrs honored in Egypt CAIRO: Indian martyrs who had played a pivotal role in the famous Battle of El Alamein, considered to be a turning point during the Second World War have been honored by the Indian Embassy here. On the 71st Anniversary of the Battle, Indian Ambassador Navdeep Suri laid a wreath at the war memorial. Soldiers of the 4th and 5th Indian Infantry Divisions of the British Indian army had fought with great velour during the entire North African Campaign and their

heroic performance have won them rich accolades fighting under scorching heat at the northern fringe of the Sahara desert near the Mediterranean coast. Around 3,000 Indian soldiers laid down their lives in a distant

place situated several thousand kilometers away from their beloved homeland. The soldiers played a major role in repelling the German offensive into Egypt's heartland and towards the strategic Suez Ca-

The saga of the battle has become an integral part of India's military history. This is reflected in the fact that the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun has a training company named 'Alamein'.

nal.?? The saga of the battle has become an integral part of India's military history. This is reflected in the fact that the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun has a training company named 'Alamein'. In addition to the Indian War Memorial, which is located within the sprawling Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery, the German, French, Italian and Greek war memorials are also located in El Alamein and each conducted its own memorial service to salute their fallen soldiers.-PTI

Top Stories

November 1, 2013

India Post


PM, Modi share dais, cross swords on Patel AHMEDABAD: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi crossed swords over Sardar Patel as they shared dais here at an event on the first Home Minister. Modi made a veiled attack on Jawaharlal Nehru as he said the country's "fate" and "face" would have been different if Patel had been the first Prime Minister. Singh immediately hit back by questioning Modi's claim over

Gujarat Chief Minister's claim on Patel's legacy as he underlined that he was a Congressman and secular. "Sardar Patel was secular to the core. He had a deep faith in the integrity of India. He believed that the whole country was a village and people of all communities here were his relatives and friends," Singh said. The Prime Minister said it was the responsibility of everyone to appropriately make

views." Hailing Patel, Singh said the first Home Minister had brought together 500 provinces to build India. Invoking Patel, Modi said the first Home Minister was instrumental in uniting the country after Independence. "That unity and integrity of the country today is under threat from all fronts, be it terrorism or Maoism," he said, adding Singh

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh being received by Gujarat Governor Kamala Beniwal and Chief Minister Narendra Modi on his arrival at Sardar Patel International Airport on October 29

Patel's legacy, saying the late leader was secular and liberal to the core, having respect for those with different ideology. Modi, who spoke first at the function to inaugurate a museum in memory of Patel, said, "Every Indian regrets that he (Patel) did not become the first Prime Minister. Had he been the first Prime Minister, the country's fate would have been different, its face would have been different." The comments could be seen as an attack on Nehru. Modi credited the first Home Minister with uniting the country after Independence and said the same unity and integrity was under threat from terrorism and Maoism at present. Responding to Modi's barbs, Singh appeared to question the

aware the people of the country, particularly the youth, about Patel's contributions. "(Mahatma) Gandhi, (Jawaharlal) Nehru and Sardar Patel and Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad had strong faith in the country's unity. They had secular and liberal approach, sympathetic towards the poor. They were tolerant and respected different ideologies," he said here. "All those present here will agree that those were such ideals which are lacking in the country today," he said. Talking about the relationship between Nehru and Patel, Singh said there has been a mention a number of times about their differences. "However, the two leaders agreed on majority of issues and both agreed with each other's

himself had said that Maoism is a great threat to the country. Referring to those who have resorted to terrorism and Maoism, Modi said they were causing the biggest harm to their own communities and appealed to the "misguided" youth to shun violence and return to the mainstream for the country's development. Citing the example of Punjab, he asserted that those resorting to violence would not succeed in the country of Mahatma Gandhi and Patel. "I want to tell the misguided youth who resort to bombs and guns that they cannot succeed in the land of Gandhi and Sardar (Patel). They cause harm to the country. But the biggest harm is caused to their own communities," he said.-PTI

India panel to review Nuclear Liability Act NEW DELHI: With suppliers accident. raising concerns over certain as"Based on the study there pects of the Nuclear Liability Act, would be a rational basis for workthe Department of Atomic Energy ing out an actuarial approval to has decided to look into these decide on the quantum of liabilworries to weed out "unnecessary ity," the official said. liability". One committee is studying the The DAE has formed two com- probabilities and will give its recmittees to find out a middle path ommendations. It comprises four on the controversial issue keep- scientists - one from the Bhaba ing in view the concerns of for- Atomic Research Centre (BARC), eign companies and Indian Atomic two from the NPCIL and one from Industrial Forum (IAIF), of which the Indira Gandhi Centre for NPCIL and companies that manu- Atomic Research (IGCAR). The facture components for nuclear power plants "There is ample degree of are a part. Sources said the recredundancy in the liability ommendations made by the committee could law, which cannot be also help weed out "unapplicable to all the necessary liability" which may not be appli- suppliers. So this should be cable to many suppli- approached in a scientific ers. "There is ample de- and rational manner," gree of redundancy in a top DAE official told PTI the liability law, which cannot be applicable to all the suppliers. So this should second committee comprises two be approached in a scientific and scientists from NPCIL and one rational manner," a top DAE offi- from the BARC. It will "peer recial told PTI. view" the recommendations given The committees will study the by the first group. liability factor and take a more "The first committee has given "scientific and rational" approach a set of recommendations. The towards the issue, the official said. second committee that is peer-re"The committees will assess viewing the recommendations had the probabilistic safety analysis a few queries to which responses to identify a model that will as- have been submitted. Once we get sess probabilities of particular a report on this, we could take a equipment or a set of system to decision at the administrative fail in a manner that can lead to an level," the official added. -PTI

Six NRIs from Madhya Pradesh enroll for voting BHOPAL: Only six Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) have registered themselves in the electoral roll for voting in the November 25 Madhya Pradesh Assembly polls. Efforts had been made to contact NRIs all over the globe. Letters had been written to industry bodies and other institutions asking them to give details about NRIs from the state living abroad, State Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Jaideep Govind said. The Non-Resident Indians

were given voting right in 2010 after Parliament passed the Representation of People (Amendment) Bill. However, the person will be able to exercise the franchise only if he/she is enrolled in voter list and present in the constituency on the polling day. The NRIs who have registered themselves for voting are Pramod Kumar, Shashi Kiran (both Gwalior), Mohd Iftekhar Khan (Indore), U Vishvakarma (Sehore), Abhilasha Tambe and Apree Tambe (both from Balaghat).-PTI


10 India Post

Top Stories

November 1, 2013

Search giant to let more people buy Google Glass MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA: Google is expanding the availability of its Internet conn e c t e d eyewear Google Glass to more people, but not the general public just yet. Google Inc said that it is allowing the 10,000 or so people who have been testing out its wearable computer to invite three friends each to buy Glass. The gadget, which works like a smartphone but is worn on your head like glasses, costs USD 1,500. The invites will be available in the coming weeks. Google says it's also letting users who bought their device before Oct 28 to swap out their Glass for a new one. The new devices have been updated to work with prescription frames and include a single earbud. Glass has a hands-free camera that shoots photos and video through voice commands. -AP

Indian envoy's car damaged in Male MALE: Indian High Commissioner Rajeev Shahare's car was damaged when unidentified persons hurled a rock at it in the Maldivian capital though no one was injured in the incident. Two unidentified persons riding a motorcycle threw a rock at the car while it was parked in front of the mission at Ameer Ahmed Magu, police were quoted as saying by Sun Online portal. The incident was reported to police at 6.45 pm (local time). A photo posted on the website showed the rock had made a hole in the rear windscreen of the MercedesBenz but did not cause any other damage. "The police have arrived at the scene and efforts are ongoing to find the suspects," a police official said. Police strongly condemned the crime and asked people to contact their hotline if they had "any information on the individuals behind this attack". The police registered a case over the incident and a team of investigators have started examining the matter, sources said. Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed condemned the attack on the Indian envoy's car.-PTI

Top Stories

November 1, 2013

India Post


JD (U) leader faces ire for praising Dawood offered cars to Modi, turns on Nitish Indian cricketers in 1986 RAJGIR, Bihar: Senior JD (U) leader Shivanand Tiwari created flutters by repeatedly praising Narendra Modi at a party convention here, which was not taken well by workers, whereupon he directed his ire against Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for allegedly slighting him. "It's a great achievement for a person to reach this position from a humble background of selling tea and being born in a humble family. He (Modi) is a strong man," Tiwari, JD(U) leader in Rajya Sabha, told the two-day party convention here in Nalanda district. "It's important to know about the person to fight against him. Since he is a strong man, there is reason to fear him," Tiwari said, adding that a challenge had been posed to the country which needed to be fought strongly. "Earlier, A B Vajpayee was also backed by RSS like Narendra Modi. But after becoming PM, Vajpayee kept them at a distance, but this man even before getting a chance, is behaving at the behest of the RSS," he said. Irked by his frequent reference

to Modi, some party workers rose and protested, at which Tiwari got angry. Turning to JD (U) President Sharad Yadav and Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar, he snapped, "Why are party workers being encouraged against me?"

Addressing Kumar as 'tum' (you), he reminded him that they were old friends. "Tumhara kaad uthega to acha lagega (if your profile betters I will feel happy). Tiwari singled out the chief minister and asked him why he was slighting him in the party. He said Kumar needs to "have a large heart to assume top post (of PM)" and that he should have a team of able persons instead of patronizing sycophants. "I am leader of JD (U) in Rajya

Sabha, but somebody else was made a member of a Parliamentary committee from the party without informing me," Tiwari said. "Why are you scared of my increasing popularity? The searchlight is on and if some rays fall on people like me standing by your side what harm will it cause?" he said. Addressing Kumar as 'tum' (you), he reminded him that they were old friends. "Tumhara kaad uthega to acha lagega (if your profile betters I will feel happy). "You need to have a large heart to assume top post (of PM). You need to have a team of able persons instead of patronizing sycophants," he said, amid applause from some party workers. Tiwari said "while some sycophants are telling you that JD (U) will win all the 40 Lok Sabha seats in the state in 2014, there are some constituencies where we don't have a candidate. "I have always believed in calling a spade a spade and at this ripe age of 70, old habits will die hard.... You know it well," he told Kumar. -PTI

MUMBAI: Former skipper in the dressing room at that time Dilip Vengsarkar made a startling because he had gone out to adrevelation about underworld don dress the press conference. Dawood Ibrahim entering the In- Dawood was introduced by actor dian team dressing room and of- Mehmood," Vengsarkar said at a fering the players cars if they beat Pakistan in the final of the Sharjah tournament in 1986. Vengsarkar claimed that Dawood had walked into the team's dressing room a day before the match and offered Dilip Vengsarkar & Kapil Dev each player a Toyota car if they beat Pakistan and won the function in Jalgaon. Austral-Asia Cup in Sharjah. "No one recognized him but I Vengsarkar said the fugitive had seen his photographs. gangster was introduced by the Mehmood introduced him to us famous actor Mehmood as a busi- as a big businessman from here. nessman. However, Dawood was Mehmood said he wants to anasked by the then India's Captain nounce a prize for us. He said 'If Kapil Dev to walk out of the dress- you beat Pakistan tomorrow, eving room. eryone will get a car'. Jayawant "Actor Mehmood was in our Lele was our manager then," he dressing room. Kapil Dev was not added.-PTI

Top Stories

12 India Post

November 1, 2013

Sharif to reconsider Pak doctor's case WASHINGTON: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has assured US lawmakers that the case of the jailed Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA track Osama bin Laden will be reconsidered by his government, a media report has said. During his recent four-day visit to the US, Sharif committed to task his top law officials with reviewing the prosecution process for Dr Shakil Afridi, the Fox News reported, quoting those who attended the impromptu meeting. The assurances from Sharif came during his visit here last week at a carefully stage-managed private meeting that took place between the Pakistan Prime Minister, Congressional representatives and a non-government individual. "If sincere, the pledge would be the first time that Afridi would receive anything resembling credible judicial attention after he was tortured and given a 33-year jail sentence on trumped up charges as punishment for aiding the US," the report said. Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Representative Ed Royce together with Robert Lorsch of the Free Afridi Campaign heavily pressured the Pakistani leadership about releasing the doctor and allowing him a

life in the US, it said. "My message to them was: 'What they do with Dr Afridi is how Pakistan will be judged as a democracy by the rest of the world,'" Lorsch told Fox News in an interview. The tight-knit gathering, which included Pakistan's national secu-

"They prosecuted the man who brought the mastermind of 9/11 to justice," he added. Sharif pointed out that the doctor was awaiting a retrial after his conviction was overturned on a technicality and he could not pardon him unless he was re-convicted. rity adviser Sartaj Aziz and finance minister Ishaq Dar, had not been previously announced to the somewhat surprised Pakistani delegation, the report said. The meeting lasted around 25 minutes in a side-room immediately prior to dinner hosted by the House Committee on Foreign Af-

fairs, it said. "This was first time that the leadership in Pakistan realized the importance of Dr Afridi not as a political bargaining tool but as a symbol of how freedom-loving American people regard Pakistan," Lorsch was quoted as saying. "They prosecuted the man who brought the mastermind of 9/11 to justice," he added. Sharif pointed out that the doctor was awaiting a retrial after his conviction was overturned on a technicality and he could not pardon him unless he was re-convicted. Afridi was arrested shortly after the May 2, 2011, raid by US commandos that killed bin Laden. He was subsequently convicted by a court in the tribal belt on a charge of treason for alleged ties to the Lashkar-e-Islam militant group. On August 29, a judicial official overturned the 33-year jail term given to Afridi and ruled that the judge in the tribal areas had exceeded his authority when he handed down the sentence last year. The official also ordered a fresh trial. The US has been pressing Pakistan to release Afridi, who ran a fake vaccination campaign in Abbottabad to gain access to bin Laden's compound.-PTI

Smartphones boost sharing of photos, videos WASHINGTON: Smartphones are giving a big boost to posting of photos and videos, according to a study. The Pew Research Centre survey found 54 percent of US Internet users now post original pictures or videos online, up from 46 percent last year. And 47 percent repost images or videos they discover online, the survey found. Much of this growth came from people using smartphone apps like Instagram or Snapchat, according to Pew researchers. This survey found that 92 percent of Americans own a cell phone and 58 percent own a smartphone. Some 18 percent of cell phone owners use

Instagram and nine percent use Snapchat to share images or videos. "Sharing photos and videos online adds texture, play, and drama to people's interactions in their social networks," said Pew Internet's Maeve Duggan, author of the report. "This all adds up to a new kind of collective digital scrapbook with fresh forms of storytelling and social bonding."

Women are more active sharers than men, according to the survey: Some 59 percent of online women post photos and videos they have taken themselves, compared with 50 percent of men. Likewise, 53 percent of women share some of the content they found elsewhere, compared with 42 percent of men. Among those in the 18-29 age group, 81 percent have uploaded original content and 68 percent have reposted photos or videos. Some 26 percent of cell owners in this age group use Snapchat, while 43 percent use Instagram. "A lot of photo- and video-sharing is happening on social media, where women are historically more likely to be users," said Duggan. -AFP

India to open World T20 campaign against Pak DUBAI: The Indian cricket team feature host Bangladesh alongwill open its campaign in next year's side three teams that will qualify World Twenty20 Championships from the ICC World Twenty20 against arch-foes Pakistan when Qualifier UAE 2013, to be staged the event is staged in Bangladesh from November 15 to 30. from March 16 to April 6. Group B will include ZimbaAs many as 60 tournament bwe, which will be joined by anmatches (35 men's and 25 other three teams from the upcomwomen's) will be played across ing qualifiers. As such, the two Chittagong, Dhaka and Sylhet in groups will be finalized on Novemthe 22-day tournament. ber 30. As in the past, the women's The Super 10 stage will start semi-finals and final will be held with an evening match between on the same day as the men's semi- former champions India and Pakifinals and final, and at the same stan in Dhaka on March 21. venue, the ICC said in a statement. The format for the As the teams' seeding are men's event in next based on the T20I Team year's tournament has Rankings as on October 8, been changed following an increase in teams 2012, the top eight sides from 12 to 16. following the conclusion of As the teams' seeding are based on the last ICC World Twenty20 will T20I Team Rankings as play directly in the Super 10 on October 8, 2012, the stage and India is top eight sides following the conclusion of one such side last ICC World Twenty20 will play directly in the Defending champions West Super 10 stage and India is one Indies will launch their title desuch side. Bangladesh and Zim- fense against India in an evening babwe, which finished outside the match on Sunday March 23. top eight, will participate in the Earlier on the same day, Pakifirst round that will be held from stan will lock horns with Austra16-21 March. lia, looking for the only global title The first round of the men's that has eluded them to date. event will include eight sides that If Bangladesh reach the Super will be divided into two groups 10 stage, they will play all their of four teams each, with the table- matches in Dhaka, facing the West toppers progressing to the Super Indies on March 25, India on 10 stage. March 28, Pakistan on March 30 In the first round, Group A will and Australia on April 1.-PTI

World's most powerful MRI scanner developed WASHINGTON: Scientists have developed the world's most powerful MRI scanner - strong enough to lift a 60 metric tonne battle tank. The MRI scanner equipped with a superconducting magnet will offer unprecedented images of the human brain when it is fully developed next year, builders claim. The imager's superconducting electromagnet is designed to produce a field of 11.75 Teslas, making it the world's most powerful whole-body scanner. Most standard hospital MRIs produce 1.5 or 3 Teslas, IEEE Spectrum reported. The previous record for field strength was around 9.4 Teslas. The development of the scanner, known as Imaging of Neuro

disease Using high-field MR And Contrastophores (INUMAC), has been in progress since 2006 and is expected to cost about USD 270 million. Standard hospital scanners have a spatial resolution of about one millimetre, covering about 10,000 neurons, and a time resolution of about a second. The INUMAC will be able to image an area of about 0.1 mm, or 1000 neurons, and see changes occurring as fast as one-tenth of a second, according to Pierre Vedrine, director of the project at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, in Paris. The wire in the INUMAC magnet is made from niobium-titanium, a common superconductor alloy. -PTI


1 Party All Night: Boss 2 Gulaabi: Shuddh Desi Romance 3 Main Rang Sharbaton Ka: Phata Poster Nikhla Hero 4 Boss (Title Track): Boss 5 Nagada Sang Dhol: Ram-Leela 13 India Post


November 1, 2013


hat would you call this - Aamir Khan keep ing his caller tune as the music of 'Dhoom 3'? An innovative marketing technique! 'Dhoom 3' has created a lot of buzz much before its release. In fact it is one of the most awaited movies of 2013. The unique combination of Aamir Khan and Katrina Kaif is creating a lot of inquisitiveness in the audience. Aamir Khan is known to be a perfectionist. Many people, who are associated with the making of 'Dhoom 3', have liked the music of this film. But when Mr Perfectionist himself has endorsed something, it means excellence. Aamir usually does not keep any caller tunes. But when he heard the music of 'Dhoom 3', he liked it so much that he kept it as a caller tune. Says a source, "Aamir is keen to use the music as his caller tune. He usually does not keep any caller tune. However, his excitement over the songs of 'Dhoom 3' is very high." Aamir wants to spread the music through this caller tune.

6 Hum Na Tode: Boss 7 Laal Ishq: Ram-Leela 8 Besharam ( Title Track) : Besharam 9 Ye Tune Kya Kiya: Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobara 10 Ram Chaahe Leela: Ram-Leela


riyanka Chopra's younger brother recently got engaged, but she is not under any pressure to get married. "My brother wanted to do it and in my family we all support each other. Thankfully, I don't have any pressure to get married from my family. My dad never put this pressure on me to settle down," Priyanka, who lost her father to cancer, said in a group interview. But the actress, who turned 31 this summer, admits that her mother wanted her to get married ever since she turned 18. "My mum is on her own track, but I never had any pressure because I am very work driven. But that doesn't mean you can't be in a relationship or can't get married. India has also changed and you can be a working woman and also have a family," added the star.


eports of Nargis Fakhri and Uday Chopra's romance have been around for quite some time. Now we learn the couple is on a secret holiday in an undisclosed location. They celebrated Nargis's birthday on October 20 privately away from media prying eyes. Uday never tried to conceal his relationship with Nargisb u t the 'Rockstar' actress was always in denial mode. She never accepted being in a relationship with the Chopra scion. They were caught together on various occasions. Recently they caught media attention when they went for the 'Madras CafĂŠ' screening together but made a separate exit to avoid media. A friend of the couple says, "Uday was Nargis' special friend at the sound studio where they watched the film together. The two went along probably because Uday didn't want any disturbance around him." A source present at the venue says, "They watched the 6 pm show and left around 9 pm in separate cars. They looked quite happy together while walking out and Nargis was even blushing."



Realty Tidbits

Protest march against property tax in Punjab

Real Estate


hagwara, Punjab: Activists of Hindu outfits held a protest march here against the imposition of "huge property tax" by the state government. Members of Parshu Ram Sena and Hindu Sangh started the march from the statue of Mahatma Gandhi along the national highway here and reached the office of Commissioner at the Town Hall, where they held a demonstration. The protesters flayed the state government for "burdening common people with unwarranted taxes at a time when the inflation is already sky-high." They then presented a memorandum to Commissioner Kuldip Singh Vaid, urging the state government to withdraw the tax. The state government last month introduced property tax in the state. People will now have to pay tax on commercial and residential properties, including vacant plots, with effect from April 1, 2013. -PTI


India Post

November 1, 2013

Details on Page 15

5 ways to make your home offer stand out


Firm sued over student housing deal in Eugene

s home prices rise and the inventory of homes for sale shrinks, homebuyers realize they have to adapt to a market in which sellers call the shots. Fall in love with a place that fits your budget, and get in line with other buyers bidding on the same home. That's how the story goes for buyers in competitive markets. "Some sellers are acting like their house is a Louis Vuitton store and are sort of saying, 'If you can't afford it, don't walk into my house,'" says Patty Da Silva, owner of Green Realty Properties in Davie, Fla. Unlike shoppers at a high-end store, homebuyers in hot markets may need more than just money to get what they want. They must give sellers enough reasons to pick their offer over offers from other bidders. Here are five ways to make your home offer stand out.

EUGENE, Ore.: A lawsuit filed in Eugene accuses a real estate firm of improperly trying to back out of a deal to buy four recently built apartment complexes near the University of Oregon. Dan Neal, a prolific local developer of student housing, wants a U.S. District Court judge to either force Harrison Street Real Estate Capital LLC to buy the properties or let Neal keep the nearly $2 million in earnest money the Chicagobased firm put down in May. ``The parties are discussing a potential resolution of the dispute,'' Neal wrote in an email to The Register-Guard. He declined to provide more specifics. Harrison Street has yet to file a reply in court and did respond to a request for comment. -AP

Get the seller to like you Letting the seller know why you want to live in the property they once called home improves your chances of winning a bid. That's how homebuyer Ann Banks recently landed a contract on a Cooper City, Fla., home. "I wrote a letter to the sellers and said that I wanted to be close to my grandchildren and that their home was so beautiful, so spacious and close to their school," Banks says. At the time, she didn't know the sellers, too, were moving to be near their own grandchildren. Banks' letter and offer were submitted in the afternoon and accepted within hours. The sellers had at least three other offers to choose from. Real estate agent Da Silva says the old-fashioned letter is one of


Housing demand picks up in NCR


the most useful tools for buyers these days. "I always tell my clients: Do the letter," she says. "If the sellers live there, they love the house, and they are more inclined to give it to someone they have more in common with. It's the human factor." If you are not sure what to write the seller, just speak from the heart, Banks says. "Let them know how important the house is to you, how special it is," she says. "Let them know you are going to take good care of it." Quick inspections and no repairs needed When you have competition, don't ask the seller to give you 15 days to inspect the home.

"You don't need more than five days to get an inspector there," Da Silva says. Some buyers will go as far as doing the inspection right away, before submitting the contract, so that the offer is not contingent on inspection. But that could mean throwing money out the window if the offer isn't accepted. One way to make your offer more attractive, while ensuring that you have enough time to get a proper inspection done, is to have an "as is" inspection contingency, says John Sullivan, vice president of Buyer's Edge in Bethesda, Md. "An 'as is' inspection contingency lets the client find out the condition of the property and lets the seller know that the buyer will not ask for any repairs," he says. If the inspector finds any issues in the house, the buyer will have the choice to take the home as is or walk.

Make noncontingent offers Home purchase contracts normally are contingent on financing and appraisal, giving homebuyers the right to get their deposits back if they can't finance the home or the appraisal doesn't support the purchase price. For homebuyers who are getting a mortgage, waiving one or both contingencies can improve their chances when competing with cash buyers. But it's risky. "An offer that is not contingent on financing is basically a cash offer," Da Silva says. "I don't recommend it unless the buyer can afford it. If you do something like this, get completely approved, and work with a lender who can de-

liver -- someone you trust -- to minimize the risk." As for appraisal contingencies, many listings these days require that offers be noncontingent on appraisal. That means if the house doesn't appraise for the purchase price, the buyer has to pay for the difference in cash because the lender will only finance based on the appraised value. This isn't a good strategy for buyers who have small down payments and are low on cash, Sullivan says. But for those who can afford the gamble and are determined to get the house, even if that means overpaying, this would certainly make the offer stand out from the rest. Escalate your offer Many buyers think they can save their highest and best offer for the end, when the seller presents a counteroffer. But sellers

can simply accept the highest offer and reject the other offers without further negotiations. One way to get your offer to stay in the game is to add an escalation clause to your offer, Sullivan says. "You place an offer, and your offer is X, but you have a clause in there that says you will increase your offer by an X amount over any other bid up to a certain point," he explains. "So for example, I'll go in and offer full price with an escalation element of $2,000 up to whatever amount you determine." It's a safer way of making your offer stand out by letting the seller know you are willing to pay more for the house, without the risk of offering more than what is needed to get a contract. If the escalation clause is triggered, the sellers generally are required to show the other offers to the buyer, Sullivan says. Get Preapproved For A Conventional Loan Don't bother submitting an offer on a house without a loan preapproval in hand. And if you really want to please the seller, get preapproved for a conventional loan. A preapproval letter demonstrates that the lender has verified your income and other required documents. It's not a prequalification letter, which simply states that, based on the information provided, you could qualify for a loan. Although it's not always the case, some sellers prefer buyers who are preapproved for a conventional mortgage instead of a Federal Housing Administration loan. "There's a stigma with FHA and other government loans," Da Silva says. Loans insured by the FHA are not much more complicated or time-consuming than conventional loans, says Brett Sinnott, director of secondary marketing for CMG Mortgage Group in San Ramon, Calif. "I've heard that some sellers don't like FHA loans, but I've never really understood why," he says. "I think they feel more confident with a buyer who has a larger down payment."

Real Estate Post

November 1, 2013

Housing demand picks up in NCR NEW DELHI: Housing sales have risen by 18 per cent in the Delhi-NCR region during the first half of this year at 35,000 units, showing signs of improvement in the property market that has been facing slowdown in demand. "During H1 2013, the NCR residential market witnessed a total absorption of 35,000 units showing an increase of 18 per cent from H1 2012. This increase in sales can be ascribed to the high number of project launches in the affordable category," property consultant Knight Frank India said. The absorption in Greater Noida rose almost four times compared to the same period in 2012 suggesting a strong demand for affordable options, it added. Greater Noida witnessed sales of 14,300 units in H1 2013, as against 3,750 units in the year-ago period. The absorption levels dipped in both Gurgaon and Noida, largely due to increasing unaffordability of housing options available in these markets.

"The NCR market is striving for a better equilibrium. Developers are focusing on project completion and deferring new launches," the consultant said. Knight Frank said that sluggish buyer sentiments have discouraged sales in some areas, but locations like Dwarka Expressway, Noida Expressway and Greater Noida would continue to lure investors. On supply side, nearly 49,000 units were launched during the January-June period, showing increase of 11 per cent compared to H1 2012. Nearly 5.4 lakh residential units are under construction in the NCR market. The unsold inventory is pegged at about 1.32 lakh units, comprising unsold units in ready as well as under construction projects. "The NCR residential market indicated signs of stability in H1 2013," Knight Frank India Chairman and Managing Director Shishir Baijal said. The developers are keeping new launches in check in order to bridge the supply and demand gap, he added. "Over the past two years, the NCR market has experienced a fall in launches by nearly 40 per cent compared to the peak levels of 2010. Both short term and long term moving average of launches confirm a plummeting trend," Knight Frank's Chief Economist & Director Research Samantak Das said. "However, demand has recently stabilized and improved in the last few quarters, which sketches a healthy residential market scenario for NCR and if the supply-demand gap tapers further, the region is likely to face an upward pressure on property prices," he added. -PTI

India Post 15

16 India Post

November 1, 2013

November 1, 2013

India Post 17

Desi News IACS Job Fair meets with big success SURENDRA ULLAL

CHICAGO: The Indian American Community Services (IACS) organized Blockbuster Diversity Job Fair on October 24 at Hilton in Chicago Downtown attracting a large number of job seekers and a fairly large number of corporate entities looking for their entry level and second, third gear positions. The event attracted more than 1000 people with many different ethnic, cultural and educational backgrounds. Details on page 24


18 India Post

November 1, 2013

Ash Kalra, Council Member San Jose

Grand show of sights, sounds and smells of India VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

FIA president Rajesh Verma addressing the gathering while (L-R) Dr. Romesh Japra, Ro Khanna, Craig Stackler, Joe Johal, guest, Rahul Roy, Ritu Maheshwari, Ellen Corbett and Chandru Bhambhra look on

L-R Dr Romesh Japra, Srinivas Ranga corporate VP New York Life, Ashwan Rana Senior Partner New York Life, Senate majority leader Ellen Corbett & Rajesh Verma

Rep from Money Gram with Ellen Corbett

FREMONT, CA: Pleasanton Fair grounds was filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of India on Saturday Oct 26 starting at noon, when the Federation of Indo Americans of Northern California and Fremont Hindu temple sponsored its second annual Diwali Mela, or "Festival of Lights." Tens of thousands of people cheered and celebrated which marks the beginning of the religious festival of lights but has become an annual party for all Bay area communities. The all-day celebration featured a full slate of events, including cultural performances, concert by Harjit Mehndi, children's activities, and authentic Indian cuisine. Young talents from Bay Area participated in cultural programs with Vijay Aasuri of FIA coordinating and ensuring a flawless program. The Ramayana came to life with the Ram Lila performance. Participants wore colorful costumes and re-enacted scenes from the Ramayana. The festivities followed a familiar setup, with a Diwali Mela featuring booths selling merchandise, food from several restaurants, games for kids and the activities of other community organizations. Bharat Yatra was the highlight of the Mela. It had booths displaying the rich heritage of Indian States and was educative for the kids growing up here.

Joe Johal, Jerry Thorne Mayor Pleasanton

Dr Japra, Rep from Kapil Sethi & Richa Gupta Marketing coordinator, Asiatv

Rep from Bank of the West

Cont’d on page 26

Rep from Jadoo TV with Ellen Corbett

Ritu Maheshwari, journey through India

Sonny Randhawa, State farm agent with Ellen Corbett

Community Across America

November 1, 2013

India Post 19

NY Life, India Post organize Recruitment Drive

Dr Romesh Japra addressing the audience

VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

FREMONT, CA: New York Life Insurance and India Post organized a Recruitment Drive on October 27 at Japra Vineyards from 6pm to 10pm.The event was attended by over 100 Bay Area locals from all walks of life. The attendees were young professionals and retired personal who were looking for best opportunities. Dr Romesh Japra, Publisher of India Post, hosted the event at his residence. Mr Srinivas Ranga, Mr Ashwani Rana and Ms Rosy represented New York Life Insurance and explained to the gathering how lucrative the job was. "New York Life has seen unprecedented growth in our field force each year for the

Srinivas Ranga, Corporate VP, New York Life, Ashwani Rana Senior Agent, New York Life

Ro Khanna makes a point

past six years. This tremendous growth tells our story: Jobseekers who are seeking a meaningful career with the support, training, and skill-building of a strong and successful Fortune 100 company find it with New York Life," said Mr Ashwani Rana. "We are proud to offer a career that provides flexibility and significant earnings potential. It also provides families and businesses with financial protection and offers growth and advancement," said Mr Ranga. The event was attended by California Senate Majority leader Ellen Corbett, Ro Khanna, Roman Reed and other dignitaries who spoke on the creation of new jobs in hard times of economy. Ellen Corbett extolled New York Life's initiative on recruitment and giving back to the community. The Guests at Dr Japra’s house

L-R Dr Romesh Japra, Vijay Thapar, Vidya Sethuraman, Rosa, Agent New York Life, Ashwan Rana Senior Partner, New York Life, Sunil Ganu

Ellen Corbett, Manorama Joshi, Nandini Verma, Sunita Japra

Roman Reed, Founder of "The Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act"

Ellen Corbett, Senate Majority leader, Dr Sarbjit Hundal

Community Across America

20 India Post

November 1, 2013

Lambada Dance adds to delights of Sunnyvale Diwali VIDYA SETHURAMAN India Post News Service

SUNNYVALE, CA: Thousands gathered at the annual three-day Diwali Mela here from Friday October 25 to Sunday October 27 featuring cultural performances, booths and Bollywood artists. The Mela started with Rath Yatra at 11am followed by folk dances and cultural activities of young talents from Bay area. Diwali is the festival of lights and is celebrated after Navaratri to welcome goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. Each year the Sunnyvale Temple celebrates with enthusiasm and this year was no different. Beautiful ladies in traditional attire performed an hour long Kuchipudi dance. There were trade booths selling Indian clothing, jewels, arts, crafts and home dĂŠcor. The highlight of the show was live performance by Lambada Dance which started at 8:30 pm on October 25 and went on till midnight. Lambada band enthralled the crowd with their soulful music. The Pune-based Lambada band, after realizing the importance of live music in India, has been creating soulful music. The band comprises Manoj Pandya - Lead Guitars/ Keyboards / Music Pro-

Lambada Band

gramming, Jasraj Joshi - Male Vocals, Josh - Male vocal, Reshma Pandya - Female Vocals, Mahesh Nimbalkar - Drums/ Percussions and Rana - Vocals/ Bass Guitar/ Tabla. Lambada's compositions and live performances are a blend of wide repertoire of genres including

Dr Romesh Japra, Raj Bhanot Treasurer, Sunnyvale Temple

Sufi, Indian Classical, Classic Rock, Pop, Retro, Fusion, Guitar Shredding and many more, thereby creating a versatile sound. They are a multilingual band incorporating various languages in our live performances and recordings. They recently won the Baap of all the Bands title on the reality bands competition Idea rocks India 2009-10 aired on Colors television. Manoj Pandya was also adjudged the best musician on the show. Shopping is one of the best parts of the Diwali celebrations at the Sunnyvale Temple. Folks from all over the Bay Area spent time walking around the 40 booths displaying colorful traditional Indian salwar suits, kurtis, tunics, and designer wear along with handicrafts, business booths, and of course, the food booths serving North and South Indian delights. Raj Bhanot thanked the volunteers, sponsors and media for their support.

November 1, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 21

Chennai Diamonds shine in Bay Area India Post News Service

FREMONT, CA: After a successful event last year, Chennai Diamonds is introducing latest diamond jewellery in an exhibitioncum-sale in various parts of USA at Indian prices. The Bay Area exhibition is being held in Fremont on November 1, 2 and 3. Traditional designs from India will highlight this occasion and with each piece of jewellery made to suit the youthful attire of the modern woman. So you can look beautiful with fusion outfits as well as gowns. Find traditional Indian designs which will make you shine with generation's beauty and represent the spirit of your family. These amazing collections of jewellery with precious and most precious stones, on you, will have the ability brighten your home and dazzle the streets. Be delighted in awe at jewellery for all ages with diamonds which will last forever. Eager to try you will be, when you imagine how each jewel will look on you. Elegant diamond necklaces will make you the center of attraction. Brilliant diamond bangles will make you feel like celebrating the good times. Sparkling

earrings to glitter your evenings. Sensational pendants will bring light to your occasions. Glamorous nose pins to make you a Desi beauty. Rings will speak the characteristics of your

unique true love. Exquisite Padakam will highlight your beauty. Harams, bracelets, watches and so on will add mesmerizing looks in all walks of your life. Whatever be your occasion there will be diamond jewellery to epitomize it. STYLES FOR MEN Men can also indulge in style. A variety of branded diamond studded accessories for the sophisticated man will also be showcased. Look for a choice of desi and contemporary designs. Creatively set Diamond Pens, Cufflinks, Tiepins, Kurtha buttons, Belt buckles, Glass Frames, Phone cases, etc, will be most attractive to wear and make your appearance most fashionable. The diamonds are of high quality and are exquisitely crafted by generations of skilled craftsman to give a sensational look. Every jewel will be a masterpiece, giving substance to style and bringing together a bright medley of awe and inspiration. All diamonds are Dosham-free Belgium Diamonds and are of different designs, features, settings, metals and many more. Nothing like a solitaire diamond, but for the trendy women there also will be jewellery that's really unique. Like a braided diamond band that has a vintage yet contemporary feel. If an oval stone's not stunning enough, find ones surrounded by a halo of diamonds. Emerald-cut diamonds are typically understated, but on display, will quickly become pure glamour. Princess cut diamonds, classic and always in style. But chic ribboninspired band wraps around your diamond will be like a gift waiting to be

opened. Find diamond jewellery for every gifting occasion, from the simplest moments of no reason to the grandest occasions like weddings. The collections for festivals like New Year, Valentine's Day, Akshay Tritiya, Ramzan, Diwali, Christmas, etc., are one of the most special ones. To make a loved one feel wonderful, our jewels for Mother's

short, there's diamond jewellery of traditional as well as contemporary designs to suit the modern woman and accessories for the classy man. Trusted for over five decades for providing high quality diamonds, Chennai Diamonds offers 100% exchange on diamonds and provides excellent service for you every maintenance need. What-

Day, Father's Day, Friendship Day, Raksha Bandhan, Jubilee, etc, will best speak your love. Reach to every heart with a gift of diamonds and make your loved one's feel the most wonderful people in the world. If you're in search of fine wedding jewellery, find bridal collections you'll absolutely love, just in the same way that you've found someone you absolutely love! In

ever your requirement, from expressions bracelets to pendants with family birthstones, Chennai Diamonds can customize jewelry to every detail so that it will perfectly represent you. The prominent concept of Best Value purchase from India has been extended to USA. Here's a chance to purchase brilliant and striking diamond jewellery to celebrate beauty and power of life.

22 India Post

Community Across America

November 1, 2013

Over 350 benefit from BAPS Health Fair India Post News Service

CHINO HILLS, CA: Periodic health check-ups are an essential ingredient in promoting a healthier lifestyle as they allow for earlier detection and necessary intervention to ensure the well-being of the individual. With the increasing diagnoses of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, it is imperative for individuals to be educated about their health through physical check-ups a few times a year. Recognizing the importance for early detection and prevention, BAPS Charities organized a Community Health Fair and Children's Health and Safety Day on Saturday, October 12, in Chino Hills, CA. Chino Hills Mayor Peter Rogers, Vice Mayor Ed Graham,

and Council members Cynthia Moran and Ray Marquez were present to launch the event. Over 150 health care professionals from various fields and specialties contributed their time and expertise during the health fair. Physicians, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, and specialists in the fields of Ayurveda and

herbal medicine, yoga, cardiology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, physical fitness, gynecology, psychology, and psychiatry were among those present. Over 350 individuals from the local community registered and benefited from this event. Free blood testing was also available on September 29 and over 100 in-

dividuals had blood drawn through the free services to screen for diabetes, cholesterol, and other chronic diseases. A 'Children's Health and Safety Day' was also held in conjunction with the community health fair, advocating the theme 'An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away'. Participating children were handed organic apples upon entry to reinforce the message of a healthy body and healthy mind. Throughout the day, children and parents participated in educational interactive workshops and activities

Patients received one-on-one consultations with health care specialists, through which they were able to learn ways to improve or maintain their health. Chino Hills Mayor Peter Rogers commended BAPS Charities and its "spectacular job." He said, "I am always impressed with the number of health care professionals who come to this facility and the variety of health fair opportunities. We're very pleased that BAPS Charities does such outreach." BAPS Charities aims to create a new culture of preventative

emphasizing healthy food choices, first aid preparedness, appropriate posture, dental hygiene, and yoga exercises. The event promoted the collaboration among BAPS Charities and community partners. LifeStream, a blood bank for San Bernardino and Riverside counties, hosted a blood drive, collecting a total of 55 pints of blood from community members. B A P S Charities' volunteers also worked hand in hand with local community institutions such as the USC School of Pharmacy and Western University. Both institutions provided a total of 30 medical and pharmacy student volunteers for the duration of the health fair. Ravi Timbawala, a third year USC pharmacy student, said, "This health fair is especially beneficial to those who don't have insurance, and it gives us a chance to promote healthy lifestyle habits." USC and Western University student volunteers measured blood pressure, blood glucose, and offered 'brown bag' counseling for patients who take multiple medications.

health care through interactive health fairs and educational seminars, which supplement government healthcare programs by raising awareness and providing information about alternative healthcare options - free of charge. Chiropractor Neha Patel described the health fair as "a fabulous ser-

vice for the community" and that "as many people who can participate, should." The BAPS Charities Health Fair in Chino Hills is one of 40 such fairs organized by BAPS Charities annually throughout North America. In total, over 2500 healthcare professionals from local communities treated nearly 12,500 patients across the nation. The success of such an event is attributed to the collaborative effort amongst medical professionals within the community to volunteer their time and effort towards such a noble cause.

India Post 23

November 1, 2013

Community Across America

24 India Post

November 1, 2013

IACS Job Fair meets with big success SURENDRA ULLAL

CHICAGO: The Indian American Community Services (IACS) organized Blockbuster Diversity Job Fair on October 24 at Hilton in Chicago Downtown attracting a large number of job seekers and a fairly large number of corporate entities looking for their entry level and second, third gear positions. The event attracted more than 1000 people with many different ethnic, cultural and educational backgrounds - Indians, Chinese, Filipinos and even Americans. The Job fair attracted many large companies such as W.W. Grainger, Allstate, PepsiCo, Tech Mahindra, L&T Infotech and L&T Technologies who were the corporate sponsors. In total, 50 companies participated in the job fair notably: Dover, ITW, Alcatel-Lucent, Morgan Stanley, CME Group, Nokia, Morningstar, Hospira, Fifth Third Bank and others. Job seekers came from several

areas such as Chicago, Michigan, Wisconsin, Houston, and New York. Prakash, a job seeker who completed his undergraduate in IIT in Chennai, India and is currently studying at University of Illinois, said "I was able to network with many recruiters and hand out my resume to various internships available." IACS also provided free professional resume critiques and counseling sessions led by industry experts at the job fair. Diwakar Reddy, a Senior Staffing Consultant and Career Counselor who helped lead the sessions said that "There were about 450 job seekers in varied career fields both experienced and entry level candidates that attended this event and benefited from this service." Nick Black, representative from Grainger, stated that "Grainger is always looking to hire diverse people with great talent and we feel

IACS Job Fair attracted many at Hilton

that the job fair has provided an excellent opportunity to fill some of the open positions we have." Nageswaran Vaidyanathan, Senior Director of Allstate, said that this job fair provided great platform for Allstate. "At first I thought this job fair is only for Indian community and IT and Software Engineers but I found that this is open for all. I am very impressed with the recruiting companies and the level of professionalism and organization of the event," said Diana Mendoza, an attendee of the job fair experi-

enced in strategic planning and public policy. Jagan Bukkaraju, Secretary of IACS said "It is a proud moment for IACS organization to see that we were able to help people from different backgrounds in the Chicago Tri-state area." In response to the question of what IACS plans to do for the upcoming year, president of IACS, Sreenivas Katragadda said, "Next year, we hope to expand the organization to a national level by taking the job fair to more cities around the US."

AIPHA holds annual Diwali Milan Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: The Association of Indian Pharmacists in America (AIPHA), held its Annual Diwali Party on Saturday, October 19 in the Meadows Club to celebrate the upcoming holiday season. Rupesh Manek spoke about NIPA's goals and intentions which are to be dedicated to the construction of networking opportunities, the development of relationships and the promotion of our cultural heritages for pharmacists of Indian origin in the United States by ways of interaction through common forum. NIPA was launched this year and is still in its infancy. The members involved with NIPA have made huge strides thus far and look to the future with high hopes. NIPA will, for example, function as a buying group. Cont’d on page 25

The AIPHA Team at the Diwali Milan

Community Across America

November 1, 2013

India Post 25

Colorful Garba by Six Gam Patidar Samaj Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: Six Gam Patidar Samaj of Chicago hosted colorful Raas Garba festivity on the occasion of Navratri on Saturday October 12 from 7:30 pm to midnight at Hoffman Estate High School, in Hoffman Estate, a north side suburb of Chicago. Backless Cholis, Embroidered Chania, Colorful Dhotis and Kurtas and a kaleidoscope of Saris were all out as Gujaratis in particular and others in general danced to the tune of loud music as Navratri began with the usual gusto throughout the United States. Hoffman Estate High School gymnasium was transformed into a huge dance floor to accommodate hundreds of bare feet moving in to thunderous drumbeats in swirling circles around deities Durga and Amba Mata. The most fascinating was the Dandiya Raas. Colorful Dandiyas, some of them specially ordered

from India, had modern looks. There was overwhelming participation from predominantly young audience which enjoyed the memorable evening. DJ and some members of board started the program with traditional "Be Tali" Garba. This was followed by mesmerizing rhythmic conformist Garba music with equally passionate and energetic performance by the audience of traditional swirling dance around Mataji's heavenly symbolic presence turned in to shrine adorned with flowers and decorations. Sponsors and vendors participated by displaying their banners and advertisements. Current president Diptesh (Didee) Desai thanked the committee heads and volunteers that made the event possible. SGPS announced the contest winners Male/female in six different categories: • Best dressed and Garba player male ages 18 and up - Manan Patel

Vendors doing quick business

Ma Bhavani Aarti by devotes

• Best dressed and Garba player female ages 18 and up - Reena Patel • Best dressed and Garba player youth male ages 12-17 Sunny • Best dressed and Garba player youth female ages 12-17 Aneri Patel • Best dressed and Garba player child male ages 1-11 This prize was transferred to Female Category • Best dressed and

Christian community felicitates Dr Sayeed India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Newly appointed Consul General of India in Chicago Dr Ausaf Sayeed was hosted to a welcome reception by the Indian Christian Community of Chicago at Hema's Kitchen Restaurant in Chicago with a view to provide community representatives with a meaningful opportunity to interact on issues that are central to the community Dr Ausaf Sayeed in his remarks thanked the organizers and added that the Christian population in India may be relatively less around 2.5%, but their services to the nation has been significant. Keerthi Kumar Ravoori said that after a decade of hiatus, it was

Members of Christian community with CG Dr Ausaf Sayeed

refreshing to see that the new Consul General was proactively reaching out to his community and interacting with them to greet and

know them. Hema Potla, owner of Hema's Kitchen Restaurant, felicitated him with the presentation of a shawl and a bouquet of flowers.

Garba player child female ages 1-1 - Aesha Patel, Aashi Patel and Siya Patel.

SGPS Diwali dinner will be hosted on Saturday, November 9 at India House Banquet.

The youth set to enjoy Dandiya

AIPHA holds annual Diwali Milan Cont’d from page 24

AIPHA has formed a buying group that does not charge members a fee and returns all annual rebates to members. Saturday's event began with booths of different demos and business enterprises presenting their products, explaining different queries. Noteworthy booths were from Cardinal Health; H. D. Smith; Nipro Diagnotics; Best Computer systems, Inc.; Collossal Health; Micro Merchants System; Windmill Vitamins; Script Pro; NIPANational Indian Pharmacists Association; H & H Wholesale; Amneal Pharmceuticals etc. The program began with a beautiful dance. Dhristi presented a mind blowing program encompassing an array of Classical, Bollywood and Salsa dances with

Madan Kulkarni serving as the announcer. Snehal Bhavsar next invited speakers Steve Lawrence of Cardinal Health, Bill Bodin of HD Smith and Shannon Rivero of Amneal Pharmaceuticals to the stage to speak briefly. Swati Dandekar, who announced that she would be running for US Congress from the 1st Congressional District in Iowa, spoke briefly. Additionally, Gary Prestor was awarded Lifetime Achievement Award for Dedicated Service to profession of Pharmacy by Harish Bhatt. The evening ended on a high note as the multi-talented singing sensation Babul Supriyo entertained the audience with a selection of recent Bollywood hits, Tagore classicals and old favorites. He stole the limelight with his grand performance, many felt.

Community Across America

26 India Post

November 1, 2013

Grand show of sights, sounds and smells of India Cont’d from page 18

"Diwali is a festival of the reaffirmation of hope, a renewed commitment to friendship and goodwill, celebrating the simple joys of life," said Dr Romesh Japra, Chairman and Convener of FIA. "Diwali is the 'Festival of Lights.' Even today in the modern world, it projects our rich and glorious culture and teaches us to uphold the truth and the prevalence of good over evil."

Vijaya Aasuri MC at the satge

Cont’d on page 27

Kids with Ravana displaying Red Fort at the Diwali Mela

Fremont Temple idol

Scene of the crowd

Different organizations in procession

Harjeet Mehendi

Mata Durga in procession

Idol in procession


November 1, 2013

Community Across America

India Post 27

150th Birth Anniversary of Jain scholar celebrated SURESH SHAH

CHICAGO: In the celebration of life of a Jain scholar who brought Jainism to the attention of the western world 120 years ago, Jain Society of Chicago arranged various programs. It was a memorable day of Sept 11, 1893 when the Columbus hall of Art Institute of Chicago was overflowing with more than 3000 delegates of different nations and religions. It was first such conference ever organized in the history of mankind for leaders of different faiths from around the world. Two young men among them dressed in oriental robe and white turban, a world famous Swami Vivekananda who represented Hinduism and Virchand Raghavji Gandhi arrived to represent Jains. Both these heroes made an impact at Parliament and attracted main streams of western part of the world to explore on Hinduism and Jainism. Coincidentally, when Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, Chicago Chapter celebrated historic event of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda at Jain Center of Chicago, on Saturday, 28, Chicago Jains also celebrated Sri Virchand Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary at Jain Center where his bust has been established in

Virchand Raghavji Gandhi

Virchand Gandhi officials and guests: (From left) Dilip Shah, Himanshu Jain, Sunil Shah, Tejas Shah, Swami Chidanand Saraswati, Aacharya Lokesh Muniji, Sadhvi Bhagawati, Atul Shah, Dharmi Shah, Hemant Shah, Sunil Jain and Sanjay Shah

his memory of his presence at sented to the Prime Minister a writWorld Parliament 1893. ten copy of a proposal - request Among prominent guests, from Claremont Lincoln University Chidanand Saraswatiji, Acharya to set up a Chair for Peace and Lokesh Muniji and Sadhavi Non-Violence in honor of Shri V R Bhagavatiji attended this program Gandhi at Claremont Lincoln Uniat Jain Center. On this auspicious versity just as the Government of occasion, Swami Chidanand India had setup a similar chair for Saraswati, President and spiritual Hindu studies at University of head of the Parmarth Niketan Chicago in the honor of Swami Ashram in Rishikesh, India, Vivekananda's 150th birth anniverstarted the commemorative cel- sary. ebration by offering flowers and Having lived the first 25 years garlanding the statues of Sri of life in a traditional Western way, Virchandji Gandhi in the presence graduated from Stanford Univerof Aacharya Lokesh Muniji, Sadhvi Bhagavati of Parmarth He delivered about 535 Niketan and members and leaders of Jain So- speeches on Jainism, other ciety. religions, and social and Chief Guest, Acharya Dr. Lokesh cultural lives in India, all of Muni, a founder of which received wide "Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti" Delhi, India publication. said that today Virchand Gandhi is still commemorated as "the 1st Jain to sity, Sadhavi Bhagawati, also menland in America", who explained tioned that Virchandji was great Jainism in very coherent manner exponent with impartial ideology and played a pioneer role in estab- of Ahimsa and Anekantvada. lishing Jain religion as ancient viIn a separate program of Jain brant and world religion. Mela, in August 2013, Jain SociHemant Shah, JAINA Vice ety made a special presentation President-Midwest and a Member focusing the biography of this Jain of proposed VRG Chair committee Scholar Sri Virchandji Gandhi. at Claremont Lincoln University in Virachand Gandhi (25 August California, mentioned that, re- 1864 - 7 August 1901) was born in cently a delegation of Jains from Mahuva, Gujarat, India. A polythe US in the presence of Acharya glot who reputedly spoke fourteen Lokesh Muniji, went to India to languages, Gandhi was educated meet with Prime Minister as a lawyer. In 1885, at the age of Manmohan Singh on the occasion 21, he became the first honorary of Government of India launching secretary of the Jain Association a yearlong commemorative celebra- of India. During his term, he tion for the 150th anniversary of fought against a tax being levied Shri Virchand Gandhi. by the ruler of Gujarat on pilgrims Earlier Lokesh Muniji had pre- visiting Mount Shatrunjay,

Palitana. Gandhi also fought to close a pig slaughterhouse that had been started in 1891 close to Mount Sametshikhar, a holy place of Jain pilgrimage. He propagated the relevance of Jain tenets and Mahavira's message of non-violence. In total, he delivered about 535 speeches on Jainism, other religions, and social and cultural lives in India, all of which received wide publication. He was invited two more times, first in 1897 and then in 1899 to the West. He was awarded vari-

ous medals for his lectures. He was a contemporary of Swami Vivekananda who deeply admired him. Vivekananda was impressed with his adherence to vegetarianism in the face of cold Chicago. Herbert Warren, who studied Jainism under him and adopted the Jain religion, published a book on his lectures titled Herbert Warren's Jainism. The Indian government also issued a postage stamp in 2009, depicting Virchand Gandhi's photo.

Grand show of sights, sounds and smells of India Cont’d from page 26

Dr Japra also said that the main message of Diwali Mela is to understand and emulate values from the Ramayana about relationships between brothers, fathers and sons, and husbands and wives. The entire event was promoted in an aspect whereby all cultures and ethnic groups actively participated. This attracted audiences from various ethnic groups and cultures; thus bringing members of the community together. The lighting of lamps on Diwali symbolizes the dispelling of fear and darkness, and the spiritual awareness of the inner light, said Rajesh Verma, President of FIA. Many local dignitaries and community leaders participated in the celebrations. Pleasanton Mayor Jerry Thorne, California Senate majority leader Ellen Corbett, Roman Reed, San Jose Council Member Ash Kalra, Ro Khanna (former

Assistant Deputy Secretary of Commerce in the Obama Administration), Raj Salwan, Joe Johal, Rahul Roy, and Mahesh Pakala attended and emphasized the importance of cultural integration and the contributions of the Indian community. The event was attended by over 20,000 people and was a grand success. The organizers have started planning for a bigger show next year. Diwali Mela ended with a massive fireworks display around 8:45 pm and was a treat to watch. A grand treat as the firework display for 20 minutes was the showstopper for the night. Dr Romesh Japra thanked the sponsors Bank of the West, State Farm, New York Life, Wells Fargo, and Money Gram,, Jadoo TV and Yupp TV for their support. He thanked the volunteers who were the pillars of such a grand show.

Community Across America

28 India Post

November 1, 2013

IIT Global BHU Alumni raise $208,000 SUDHIR VYAS

NEW JERSEY: The IIT BHU Global Alumni Association raised over $208,000 during its third Global Alumni Meet held recently at the DoubleTree Hotel in Somerset, New Jersey. Theme for the Meet was "A Journey of Excellence at IIT BHU". Over 300 people attended the Meet. The funds were raised to support various projects at IIT BHU including student scholarships. This included a challenge grant of $100,000 by Naresh C. Jain (Mechanical 1967). Prof AK Kapoor from the IIT BHU was the Chief Guest and S. P. Shukla, President, Defense Sector, Mahindra Group, Mumbai, India was the invited

Soumyo Sarkar receiving Distinguished Corporate Award from Prof AK Kapoor

Lamp Lighting ceremony at BHU Alumni meet in New Jersey. L-R: Vish Narayanan, President IBGAA, Mrs Rita Kapoor, and Prof AK Kapoor lighting the lamp

Prof AK Kapoor handing over Entrepreneurship Award to Ujjual Nath

program after dinner. At the Meet, Six alumni were conferred 2013 IIT BHU Distinguished Alumnus Award. The Awardees are: 1) Corporate Soumyo Sarkar (Mechanical 1979), Founder and CEO, Sumit Capital, New York, NY. Dr Manu Vora receiving the Social Service Award 2) Education - Prof VK Mathur (Chemical 1953), Professor Emeri- Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, tus, Department of OH. 5) Research - Dr Pradeep Chemical Engineering, Rohatgi (Metallurgy, 1961), DistinUniversity of New Hampshire, Durham, guished Professor of Material Engineering, University of WisconNH. 3) Entrepreneurship - sin at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. 6) Social Service - Dr Manu Vora Ujjual Nath (Metallurgy, 1979), Founder and (Chemical 1968), Founder Director CEO, Kaarya LLC, Los and President, Blind Foundation for India, Naperville, IL. Angeles, CA. Prof AK Kapoor honored the 4) Government - Dr Mrtiyunjay Singh (Met- selected awardees. It was anallurgy, PhD 1983), Se- nounced that the Fourth IIT BHU Dr Pradeep Rohatgi receiving the Research nior Scientist, Ohio Global Meet for the Chicago area Award. Space Institute, NASA will be held on September 20, 2014.

keynote speaker. Video messages from the BHU Vice-Chancellor, Dr Lalji Singh and IIT BHU Director, Dr Rajeev Sangal were shared. There were four panel discussions on "Education", "Research", "Entrepreneurship", and "Social Service". A lot of interesting ideas were discussed to propel the IIT BHU to new heights. There were lighter moments with "Fond Memories of BHU" and "Tribute to Teachers". The Meet concluded with an entertainment

Indian-American NYPD Captain honored India Post News Service

He high schooled in Kumili and migrated to the US. After his degree from Baruch College in New York City, he started his career as an accountant in the NYPD before joining the Police Academy in 1992 to become a uniformed officer.

NEW YORK: Captain Stanley George, the highest-ranking Indian-American in New York Police Department (NYPD) was felicitated for his stellar role in helping the community in times of need at a function organized by America Tamil Sangam here. The felicitation event was part of a Pattimandram (Tamil debate) program organized by the Sangam with leading Tamil orators such as Prof. Solomon Pappaiah, Raja and Bharathi Baskar who had come from Tamil Nadu over the weekCaptain Stanley George end. The citaPresident Abdul Kalam hontion presented to him said Captain George has been a uniformed mem- ored him with a citation at Flushber of the force for 22 years and a ing, New York. He was recognized tremendous source of help for our by the Nassau County for his incommunity here and back in In- valuable services during the 9/11 dia. During these years, he has disaster. He received the man of assisted hundreds of Indians in the year award from the Kerala their time of need. "He is certainly Center twice. In his acceptance speech, Capa strength, voice and refuge for the Indian and South Asian Com- tain George said he had the good munities. Captain George is a fortune of growing up in Kumili, a highly decorated officer with border city of Kerala and Tamil many accolades," said Prakash M Swamy, president of the Praising the hard work and Sangam while welcom- commitment of Tamils he ing the guest. said Tamils always use George has been the NYPD Captain for the words with respect while last seven years. Captain addressing each other and George was first as- that is unique to Tamil alone. signed as Captain to the prestigious Manhattan South Command and subse- Nadu and is familiar with Tamil quently selected to command the culture and its richness. "I grew newly formed Court Monitoring up with my Tamil brothers and Group in the Internal Affairs Bu- have fond memories of having reau. Supervisors under the com- combined service with our Tamil mand of Captain George monitor churches in my town." Praising the hard work and comall court proceeding when members of the NYPD testify in court mitment of Tamils he said Tamils to ensure that all officer testimony always use words with respect is both professional and within the while addressing each other and that is unique to Tamil alone. departmental guidelines.


Community Across America

November 1, 2013

India Post 29

BAPS Mandir to host Diwali celebrations HARISH RAO

CHICAGO: Bright lights, fireworks, colors, friends and delicacies - that is Indian festival Diwali. Diwali is the last day of the Hindu calendar and is followed by New Year celebrations. This year's Diwali festivities will be culminated with Dhan Teras, the pujan of Laxmiji on Saturday.

Sunday, November 3rd, on the day of Diwali, all are invited to gather at 9 am with family and friends and participate in the Chopda Pujan to receive blessings for the upcoming New Year, as this is traditionally the day when business owners close their existing account books for the year and open new

ICNT to celebrate Diwali Nov 10 HARISH RAO

CHICAGO: The new board of was changed to Indian Commuthe Indian Community of Niles nity of Niles Township. Township has announced celThere about 20 members servebrating Diwali -Navratri Garba ing as Commissioners in Skokie festival on Sunday, November 10 Village and it assists new arrivals from 6pm to 9:30pm at in the Community on issues like Lincolnwood Community Center immigration, school admissions, in Lincolnwood. understanding zoning regulations Rohit Joshi, President, Amita etc. "We also support the election Bhargav, Secretary and Board process by volunteering at pollmembers of ICNT invite all Indians and other The Indian Community of nationalities of the Niles township to come and Skokie was established in enjoy this great celebra- 1988 by a group of Indian tion together. Americans living in Skokie, The Indian Community of Skokie was es- to commemorate and celtablished in 1988 by a ebrate festivals, traditions group of Indian Americans living in Skokie, to and culture of India. commemorate and celebrate festivals, traditions and ing booths, placing yard signs, culture of India. Subsequently, by offering phone-bank services to the popular demand, steady remind members to vote, also ofgrowth of Indians settling in fers opportunities to the youth to Skokie and its surrounding sub- participate in cultural events urbs and the emergence of a large (through music and dance shows) number of Indian American and divert their energy into crehouseholds in Lincolnwood, ative, productive and self-fulfilling Morton Grove, Niles, the name channels," Rohit Joshi said.

ones in preparation for the upcoming year. As Diwali is known as the 'Festival of Lights', a special display of Light, Sound and theme based fireworks will take place later in the evening at 6 pm, followed by Maha Arti at 7 pm. Celebrations will conclude on Monday, November 4, as devotees will gather early in the morning at 7 am to participate in the

first Aarti of the Hindu New Year, followed by abhishek at 8 am. One unique aspect of celebrating the New Year is the offering of Annakut, "mountain of food". Rajbhog Aarti will be held at 11:15 am to offer hundreds of these vegetarian dishes to God. This wide array of food dishes will be on display throughout the day till 8 pm. Visitors are welcome to visit through the afternoon, when Aarti

will be performed every hour. Despite residing in India, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj continually inspires devotees all over the world to celebrate their Hindu heritage and customs. This year's Diwali celebrations at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir will allow for families to meet and celebrate their rich culture and pass on such traditions to future generations.

30 India Post


ward-winning actor Naveen Andrews returns to the big screen in the much-anticipated love story Diana playing Dr Haznat Khan, the secret love of Princess Diana played by two-time Oscar nominee Naomi Watts. Andrews sat down to discuss his latest role and playing a romantic lead. While Princess Diana is among the most famous people in history, her last great love, Hasnat Khan, is barely known. A deeply private man and an accomplished heart and lung surgeon, Khan was devoted to his medical career and extensive charity work when he met Diana in Brompton Hospital.

He has since spoken little to the media, only publicly acknowledging his near-marriage to Diana at Lord Justice Scott Baker's inquest into her death. For Naveen Andrews, who takes on the role, unveiling their hidden romance was irresistible. "I've been wanting to do very pure love story for a long time. The script reminded me of David Lean's Brief Encounter in that it is a very pure and simple story of two people who come together and find a connection that turns out to be impossible," he says. He also became enamored of the Diana he uncovered in the

November 1, 2013

screenplay. "To find out that Diana was such a soulful, unusual spirit was something very surprising - to see her as a real human in all her insecurities and flaws, and also all the strengths and special qualities I wouldn't have been aware of otherwise. Then, when I met (director) Oliver Hirschbiegel, I could see he had a grasp of the more spiritual side of Diana - an awareness that suffuses his vision of the love story and the piece as a whole," Andrews says. Andrews, who hails originally from the north of India, has riveted audiences as Sayid Jarrah, the former Iraqi National Guardsman turned leader on the hit television series "Lost" and as the Sikh British soldier Kip in the Academy Award winning film The English Patient. Hirschbiegel notes that Andrews was the first actor he thought about when reading the script. "I thought back to The English Patient, because I so admire the love story between Naveen

and Juliette Binoche and it touched me really deeply. I thought to myself, 'I need that guy.'" Early on it became clear that Andrews also had the intelligence and charisma required to play against Naomi Watt's Diana. "Naveen got to the essence of Hasnat entirely, capturing his charm, sensitivity and joie de vivre," says producer Robert Bernstein. Though Khan himself resists publicity and was not involved in the production, Naveen Andrews was grateful to connect with several people who know or knew the heart surgeon to garner further insight. Through them, he was able to get a deeper feel for the man. The few pieces of footage that existed, particularly an interview from years later, were also very helpful to him.

November 1, 2013

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November 1, 2013

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34 India Post

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India Post 35

November 1, 2013

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37 India Post


ysore is located in the South Indian state of Karnataka around 140 km from Bangalore. It is well connected through road and rail networks with other parts of Karnataka and India. Best time to visit: The weather in Mysore is pleasant throughout the year. The summers are warm and winters cool. April is the hottest month with the daily temperatures varying between 21°C and 34°C while in December, the coldest month here, the temperatures ranges from 16°C to 27°C. The average annual rainfall in the district is 761.9 mm. One can visit the city any time of the year but it is advisable to avoid the rainy seasons. History: Mysore city was the capital of the old royal Mysore province. The word Mysore expands to "Mahishasurana Ooru" which means the town of Mahishasura. The story goes that the demon Mahishasura was killed by goddess Chamundeshwari atop the Chamundi hill near Mysore, hence the name. Ever since, the Mysore royal family has

worshipped Chamundeshwari as the palace deity. Hills dedicated to her stand at the eastern end of Mysore town today. The Wodeyar family ruled Mysore since 14th century except for a short period of 40 years when Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan were the rulers. Mysore has never failed to mesmerize the tourists with its quaint charm, rich heritage, magnificent palaces, beautifully laid-out gardens, imposing buildings, broad shady avenues and sacred temples. The charm of this city leaves no one untouched. Tourist attractions The Mysore Palace was built over one thousand years ago, in AD 897. Saracenic in style, the palace has both Hindu as well as Muslim influence. After a fire in 1897, Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV rebuilt the palace as we see it today, under the supervision of architect Henry Irwin. The main building is of massive gray granite with a tower covered by a gilded dome. A temple is situated within the royal courtyard. St. Philomena's Church is one of the oldest churches in Mysore. Built in Gothic style, the church is among the largest in India. Stained glass windows and lofty towers give this cathedral an imposing look. Shri Jayachamarajendra Art Gallery was established in 1875 and has a rare collection of some beautiful paintings from the same era. The gallery is located in Jagmohan Palace and exhibits paintings by Raja Ravi Varma, Svetsolav Roerich and traditional paintings from Mysore. The traditional gold leaf paintings and some exquisitely carved statues in sandalwood, ivory and stone are also exhibited in the gallery. The old paintings in the gallery have been done in mineral and vegetable dyes and paints. Cont’d on page 39

November 1, 2013


India Post

Travel & Hospitality Post

November 1, 2013

Hotel chains woo Indian travelers with foreign trips NEW DELHI: With Indian air traffic to foreign destinations rising steadily, major hotel chains have started wooing leisure and business travelers with a variety of family entertainment and conference packages. Mega chains like the Starwood

promoting their MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) tourism packages, apart from attracting large groups of holiday and leisure travelers from the country. "India is among our top 10 key markets and we are here specially

Hotels and Resorts, which includes global brands like Sheraton, have been holding roadshows at several Indian cities to attract customers to their properties in Far East destinations like Macao. Travel agents have also started

to target the holiday and leisure travelers, apart from the business travelers," said Ruth Boston, General Manager (Sales & Marketing) of Sheraton Macao, adding that the Indian market was poised for high growth over next few years.

Her group has also tied up with Jet Airways for their holiday packages under JetEscapes and Air India to get Indian travelers from Hong Kong to Macao on ferry, she said. Elaborating on the packages, Boston said, "We have been very successful with 'Dreamworks Experience' during the past summer." Dreamworks themes include famous cartoon characters from series like the Shrek, Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda. "This innovative offering is bringing Macao's family entertainment to a new level where Indian families can share unforgettable experiences this winter," she said. Apart from daily parades by these cartoon characters, family suites have been designed and decorated with them. On the MICE front, Boston said the Sheraton Macao was the "largest Starwood property" with 3,896 rooms which had an average of 96 per cent occupancy through the past few years. There are also grand ball rooms which could accommodate over 5,000 people at one time, she added. -AP

Mumbai start-up Wonobo takes on Google MUMBAI: In its two-year journey since ideation, a dozen datacollecting vehicles of have traversed as much as 150,000 km scanning the major cities in the country to launch an indigenous 'street view'

service on the lines of Google's offering., owned by littleknown Genesys International, has captured a 360-degree view of the city roads, including the narrowest bylanes, amid a plethora of regulations and rising concerns over privacy. "The defense ministry is the

nodal agency that clears the imagery. Due to the obvious concerns, there are some no-go areas but others they are fine with this," says Sajid Malik, head and founder of the city-based Genesys International.

Malik, who has been in the mapping industry for over two decades, feels that there is a market for offering a 360- degree street views, which is created by sewing up multiple images taken by cameras fitted on vehicles. He roped in Zaki Ansari, whose resume includes being part of the launch team of from a

small south Mumbai apartment when the Internet was in its infancy, to spin an easy-to-use and consumer-friendly product. After putting in about USD 35 million, long trips, mixed experiences and tens of zillion bytes of data, the duo launched a fortnight back. It can be noted that search engine giant Google is yet to launch its street view application in the country and is reportedly yet to get all the regulatory go-aheads. Google Street View was launched in May 2007, in several cities in the US, and has since then expanded to include cities and rural areas worldwide. Ansari, however, dismissed the comparisons with Google. Wonobo possesses a host of features that makes it useful from a city chronicling and also civic administration perspective, apart from empowering a person to indulge in a virtual tour of a place sitting anywhere in the world, he said.-PTI

Stic Group to help tourism sector boost traffic SINGAPORE: New Delhi-based Stic Travel Group is setting up a global network of marketing offices to boost the tourist traffic into India. "We are going to establish a marketing representative office each in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Thailand and Philippines in the coming months," Stic chairman Subhash Goyal told PTI. Stic had set up its international headquarters in Singapore in

to more Asian tourists, tour operators and travel agencies," she added. Going forward, Stic Group would like to raise its international sales revenue, mostly from the Asian emerging markets, by 20 per cent a year on the current annual sales of Rs 600 crores, Goyal added. Besides the scenic destinations, India offers a wide range of spiritual tours as being the land of Buddha, which will especially ap-

Stic had set up its international headquarters in Singapore and it is now planning a wide range of Indian tour packages for Asian tourists.

March this year, and it is now planning a wide range of Indian tour packages for Asian tourists, he said. He was speaking on the sidelines of the ongoing ITB Asia, an annual international trade show of tours and tourism businesses being held from 23-25 October here. Marketing offices will also be set up in China and Sri Lanka in the multi-phase expansion plan, with African regional office in Addis Ababa, followed by offices in London and the United States. "We are also working out Asian tour packages for Indian tourists to travel across Asia," added Richa Goyal Sikri, director for group business development in the Singapore office. She said the broad plans were needed to attract Southeast Asian tourists to India, given the close cultural links and proximity of the region. "We aim to increase our volume of tourists being brought into India to 50 per cent in the coming years from the current 40 per cent," Sikri said. She further said 60 per cent of the group's international tourists visiting India came from Europe and the United States. "But we have to promote India

peal to oriental tourists from Asia, said Goyal. India also has a wide range of yoga and ayurvedic treatment centers, which are becoming more and more popular among Asians. Stic has already lined up group tours of Asian tourists into India

"We are also working out Asian tour packages for Indian tourists to travel across Asia," added Richa Goyal Sikri, director for group business development in the Singapore office. for the next two months and was working on a number of others early next year. For Indian tourists, Southeast Asia offers unexplored destinations on Borneo, and high-end holiday resorts in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines, added Sikri. Sikri also plans to build on Indian students and youth educational tour markets, having recently hosted some 40 students in the region. -PTI

November 1, 2013

Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post 39

Mysore − Quaint charm, rich heritage, beautiful gardens Cont’d from page 37

The Mysore Zoo was set up by the royal family and houses some rare and exotic birds and animals. Situated amidst lush green surroundings, the zoo has acquired fame for breeding some rare animals in captivity. The Chamundeshwari Temple is one of the noted Hindu places of worship and is situated atop the Chamundi Hill. On way to the Chamundi Hills is the Lalitha Mahal, a guest palace now converted into a heritage hotel. Places around Situated around 19 km north west of Mysore are the Krishna Raja Sagar Dam and the Vrindavan Garden. The garden attracts thousands of visitors every year who come to see its dancing musical fountains. Fourteen km northeast of Mysore is Srirangpattnam, an island fortress and the capital of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan. Tipu's summer palace, Daria Daulat, has now been turned into a museum. Sangam, the confluence of two branches of the Cauvery River, is

situated around 3 km off Srirangpattnam. Ranganathittu is a bird sanctuary situated around 18 km off

R V Deshpande

in the sector, the State's Minister for Higher Education and Tourism R V Deshpande said here. "We are also in touch with the Civil Aviation Ministry and airline

Spread over an area of 875 km, the park has a variety of animals such as the tiger, barking deer, tusker, and bison. Fairs & festivals Dussehra in Mysore is a sight one would remember for a long time even after leaving the place. It is believed that the presiding deity of the city has the power to conquer evil forces and this has led the citizens to celebrate the festival with much gaiety and fervor. The tradition of celebrating Dussehra with such grandeur started with the 16th-century rulers of Vijayanagar. After the disintegration of Vijayanagar Empire, the tradition was kept alive by rulers of Mysore and continues till now.

Mysore and allows a close view of exotic and common birds. Somnathpur is situated around 35 km east of Mysore and is famous for the Hoysala Temples that are still in excellent condition. Eighty-two kilometers away is the Cauvery Fishing Camp, a paradise for anglers where the

Karnataka presses ahead with tourism development SINGAPORE: Karnataka is pressing ahead with tourism development with a new policy to attract private sector investments

mahaseer is found in abundance. The Bandipur National Park is 80 km off Mysore on the way to Ooty and a famous tiger reserve.

companies to launch flights to the state's seven smaller airports and improve connectivity to Karnataka's 319 tourist destinations," he said. In addition to the policy, a vision group, comprising top industrial leaders in India, have been asked to advise the state on further investments in tourism sector. "We want the vision group members to advice on how to attract investment and tourists," he said. Deshpande said early negotiations have been started with international investors, such as the operators of facilities like London Eye and the Singapore Flyer, to set up similar tourist attractions in the state.-PTI

During the month of October and November, for ten days the Dussehra festival is celebrated and the city is at its colorful best with music and dance, sports, literary competitions, fairs and exhibitions all over. All this culminates in the Dussehra procession and a torchlight parade on the tenth day. How to reach Air - The nearest airport from Mysore is 140 km away in Bangalore, from where one can take flights for most of the important cities in India. Rail - Mysore is connected with most of the metros like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai through regular trains. Road - There is a good network of roads that connects Mysore to other important cities of the region.

Tech News SC restrains Sahara chief from leaving country NEW DELHI: Holding that it was playing "hide and seek" and cannot be trusted any more, the Supreme Court has directed the Sahara group to hand over title deeds of its properties worth Rs 20,000 crore to SEBI and restrained its chief Subrata Roy from leaving the country without its permission. Making it clear that there is no "escape" from depositing the investors' money with the market regulator, the apex court also asked the group to give valuation reports of the properties to SEBI which will verify worth of assets. "Till the above direction (to hand over title deeds to SEBI) is complied with to the satisfaction of SEBI, the alleged contemnors (Roy and other directors) shall not leave the country without the permission of this court," the bench of justices K S Radhakrishnan and J S Khehar said. Roy's counsel had, earlier, pleaded that his reputation and business will be hit. "You have driven everybody round. From day one restraint was ours," the bench replied when Roy's counsel C A Sundaram pleaded that his behavior has never caused any suspicion. "You indulge too much in hide and seek. We cannot trust you any more," the bench said adding "There is no escape for you and the money has to come." -PTI

FDI in August dipped 38% to $1.4 bn NEW DELHI: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into India declined to 8-month low of USD 1.4 billion in August, down 38 per cent year-on-year. FDI had touched a low of USD 1.10 billion in December last year. In August 2012, the country had attracted foreign investment worth USD 2.26 billion. During the April-August period of 2013-14 fiscal, FDI has grown by a meager 4 per cent to USD 8.46 billion, from USD 8.16 billion in the first five months of 2012-13, a senior official in the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) told PTI. According to industry experts there is a need to improve business environment in the country. "There is a need to further improve the business environment. Reforms in the recent past are welcome, but more needs to be done in order to build foreign investors confidence," Head of Tax and expert on FDI with corporate law firm Amarchand & Mangaldas Krishan Malhotra said. -PTI

TechBiz 40 India Post

November 1, 2013

Social security scheme for Indian workers in UAE DUBAI: India has introduced an ambitious social security scheme to provide insurance cover and ensure the financial welfare of over five million overseas Indian workers. The Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana (MGPSY) scheme was launched here by Vayalar Ravi, Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs for the overseas Indian workers in Emigration Check Required (ECR) Category working in ECR countries. This scheme has already been launched in India last year and with this launch it will now be introduced in all ECR countries.-PTI

Unique app makes it easier to send money to India India Post News Service

SANTA CLARA, CA: is a new online service offering non-resident immigrants a unique way to quickly compare money transfer services and find the best value for their dollars when transferring money to India. The innovative website gives users a wealth of information and knowledge about remittance services. It is also designed to overcome the common hurdles faced by those transferring money, including finding the best exchange rate, ensuring that the transfer service is trustworthy and reliable, and getting the best value. CompareRemit lets users immediately see today's dollar-rupee exchange rate as well as the exchange rate offered by the various remittance services such as Western Union, MoneyGram, Xoom, and many more. Customers can quickly find the best exchange rate

across many money transfer ser- eliminates those problems and vices without having to visit mul- gives customers greater control tiple remittance websites. All the and the ability to choose features services on CompareRemit are free and services that suit their needs to the user. by visiting a single website. Plus, Prior to CompareRemit, people the customers of CompareRemit transferring can read and money to Inpost reviews dia were reto help them quired to navic h o o s e gate many based on real money transcustomer fer websites feedback. to compare Rajeev foreign exShrivas-tava, change rates, CEO of Comfeatures, serp a r e vices, and, refees before marks, "Most identifying people spend the service far too much they should time trying to use. The figure out the hassle was so great that many took best remittance service. Remittance the easy route by choosing on is a billion-dollar-a-year industry brand and missing out on better and CompareRemit is a gameexchange rates. changer within that industry. It will The CompareRemit website change how remittance works for

the future of non-resident Indians by helping them make smart, informed decisions about transferring money in the most reliable and least expensive way." The site is designed to bridge the gap between customers trying to send money and the various remittance service providers. The goal is to help customers make the best choice about where and when to transfer money. Using CompareRemit, customers can view exchange rate trends and get alerts about exchange rates to ensure that they are getting the best value for their money. CompareRemit is a new service launched by a reputable company known for delivering invaluable services to the Indian immigrant community through other platforms like Path2usa, Trackitt, and Lawbench. CompareRemit is committed to maintaining the same level of commitment and high standards of service through its money transfer service.

Rajan hikes key rate by 0.25%; consumer loans costlier MUMBAI: Inflation worries have forced the Reserve Bank to continue its firm stance and hike the short-term lending (repo) rate by 0.25 per cent, a step that will make corporate and consumer loans more expensive. There was no surprise in the first full policy unveiled by new Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan, who increased the repo rate, as was widely expected, by 0.25 per cent to 7.75 per cent and brought down the cost of short-term funds for banks by slashing the marginal standing facility (MSF) rate by a similar quantum to 8.75 per cent. The policy stance and measures, Rajan said, "are intended to curb mounting inflationary pressures and manage inflation expectations in a situation of weak growth.

"These will help strengthen the environment for growth by fostering macroeconomic and financial stability. The Reserve Bank will

The central bank reduced the growth forecast for the current fiscal to 5 per cent from 5.5 per cent projected earlier. Economic growth

Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan

closely monitor inflation risk while being mindful of the evolving growth dynamics," he said.

fell to a decade-low of 5 per cent in the previous financial year. The RBI left other rates un-

changed, such as the cash reserve ratio at 4 per cent, and mandatory holdings in government securities and other liquid assets as a solvency measure (SLR) at 23 per cent. However, the Governor doubled the borrowing limit of banks against their cash positions or NDTL to 0.5 per cent for both 7-day and 14-day repos, with immediate to increase liquidity in the system. With these changes, the RBI has calibrated the window between the repo rate (7.75 per cent) and MSF (8.75 per cent) to 100 basis points, as stated in the September 20 mid-quarter review. Accordingly, the bank rate is reduced to 8.75 per cent with immediate effect. Consequently, the reverse repo rate is adjusted upward to 6.75 per cent. -PTI

TechBiz Post

November 1, 2013

India Post 41

With $21-bn networth, Mukesh Ambani India's richest NEW YORK: With a networth of USD 21 billion, Mukesh Ambani has retained his title as India's wealthiest for sixth year in a row, while the country's 100 richest persons saw their collective wealth rise by a modest 3 per cent in a year. NRI steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal (USD 16 billion) continues to hold the second position, while Sun Pharma's Dilip Shanghvi has jumped to third place with about 50 per cent surge in his wealth to USD 13.9 billion, pushing IT czar Azim Premji to fourth place (USD 13.8 billion). As per US-based business magazine Forbes' annual list of

India's 100 richest, their total wealth grew by a modest 3 per

cent from a year ago to USD 259 billion. "Growth in wealth was lackluster due to India's stumbling economy, which has been hit by inflation and a falling rupee," Forbes said. Amid the sluggishness, Reliance Industries chief Mukesh Ambani and ArcelorMittal's Lakshmi Mittal saw no change in their respective networths, but pharmaceutical industry titan Shanghi managed to buck the trend with a surge of USD 4.7 billion in his wealth to USD 13.9 billion. Premji's wealth also rose by USD 1.6 billion, but he could not retain his third slot. Pallonji Mistry, patriarch of construction giant Shapoorji Pallonji Group which is the biggest shareholder in Tata Sons, has moved down one place to fifth rank with a networth of USD 12.5 billion. His younger son Cyrus Mistry last year succeeded Ratan Tata as new Tata group head. NRI businessmen Hinduja brothers have moved up to sixth place (USD 9 billion), from their 9th position last year. Shiv Nadar (USD 8.6 billion) have moved into top-ten at the 7th place, while Sunil Mittal has also returned to this league at 10th place (USD 6.6 billion). On the other hand, Essar group's Ruia brothers and Jindal group's Savitri Jindal have moved out from the group. -PTI

Biocon 6th among top 20 Biotech employers BANGALORE: Biotechnology major Biocon has said it has been ranked No 6 on the annual global 'Top Twenty Employers' list for the Bio-Pharma sector by the Science magazine. Science magazine has ranked Biocon at No. 6 on the annual global 'Top Twenty Employers' list for the Bio-Pharma sector, a significant jump from No. 19 in 2012, the company in a release said. According to the 2013 Top Biotech and Pharma employers' survey, the three key attributes associated with Biocon are socially responsible, clear vision and quality research, it said.

Walmart resumes US lobbying on FDI in India WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI: Global retail giant Walmart has resumed its lobbying with the US lawmakers on matters related to FDI in India and it spent USD 1.5 million on about 50 specific issues, including those related to Indian market during the last quarter. "Discussions regarding Foreign Direct Investment in India" is one of the ten-odd specific issues in the area of trade that were carried out by registered lobbyists on behalf of Walmart during third quarter of 2013, according to its latest Lobbying Disclosure Form

Walmart had halted its lobbying with the US lawmakers and federal agencies on India- specific issues in the preceding quarter, after seeking their support for about five years to facilitate its entry into the high-growth Indian retail market. However, such lobbying activities resumed during the last quarter -- a period which also saw hectic parleys in India with regard to Walmart's business activities in the country. After months of discussions, Walmart earlier this month an-

submitted to the US Senate. Overall, Walmart lobbyists discussed nearly 50 'specific issues' with the US lawmakers during the quarter, resulting into total expenses of USD 1.5 million relating to lobbying activities for the reporting period, shows the 19-page disclosure report. Walmart's lobbying activities covered the Senate, House of Representatives, Department of State, US Trade Representatives, US Agency for International Development and the Department of Labor, among others. As per Congressional records,

nounced buyout of Bharti group's 50 per cent stake in their wholesale retail business in India. Walmart has also been requesting the Indian government to further relax norms for FDI in multibrand retail business, where 51 per cent foreign equity was allowed last year despite opposition by various political parties. Incidentally, a probe report on Walmart's lobbying for entering India may soon be discussed by the Union Cabinet. The probe is said to have remained inconclusive as Walmart and others did not provide required information. -PTI

Ansari launches Indian Chambers of Commerce in Peru LIMA, Peru: Seeking to give a greater thrust to India's growing economic ties with Peru and Latin America, Vice President Hamid Ansari has launched the Indian Chambers of Commerce (INCHAM) here. The launch was done at a special function jointly organized by the Embassy of India here and INCHAM. INCHAM aims to facilitate Indian trade and industry to do business in Peru and other countries of Latin America. The INCHAM is becoming operational at a time when Peru is rapidly becoming one of the more important trade partners for India in this region. Looking at the potential, the governments of India and Peru are hoping to start negotiations soon for a Free Trade Agreement. Mineral-rich Peru is the fastest grow-

ing country in Latin America. Ambassador of India to Peru, Manpreet Vohra and President of INCHAM, Ravi Krishna, senior officials and business leaders from both India and Peru were present on the occasion. Addressing the gathering on the launch, the Vice President said that the new organization promises to fill what has so far been a vacuum in India-Peru commercial and economic relations. The official website of INCHAM was also launched on the occasion. INCHAM will seek to increase awareness of either country's business opportunities in the other, it will offer information and advisory services, and it will provide the important bridge between businesses and governments that is vital when economic relations reach a take-off stage, as they have between India and Peru.

42 India Post

November 1, 2013

India Post


November 1, 2013

On the eve of Diwali and onset of the New Samvant Year, India Post keeping up with its tradition, asked a number of prominent Indians their views about the state of Economy in India and the USA. The consensus was that the USA would surge economically while India has to put up with short term setbacks

US economy on the upswing, but India‌? SURENDRA ULLAL, RAMESH SOPARAWALA & HARISH RAO


iwali, or Deepavali is the most celebrated festival by Indians not only in India, but now across the world wherever they have settled, especially in the United Kingdom, United States Australia, New Zealand Hong Kong and Far East. It is not out of place, if we mention, Java and Bali where Indians migrated nearly a thousand years ago, as merchants and then settled and gave Hinduism a kaleidoscopic ambience, as reflected in the architectural monuments left by them in the form of gigantic Angkor Vat in Cambodia and Borobudur in Indonesia. They did leave behind them many cultural and civilizational milieu and the impressions of their contributions to the local way of life. As a result remnants of Diwali and Dashera are still obvious in their traditional life-style. As the legends have it, the references to the celebration of light, which subsequently came to be known as Diwali began with the lighting of the "Diyas" by t h e

denizens of Ayodhya at the return of Rama after spending fourteen years in exile. Lighting-up their houses has in fact become a cultural expression, as such instances are found in the traditions of Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs also as a process of common cultural heritage of Indians. On the eve of Diwali and onset of the New Samvant Year, India Post keeping up with its tradition, asked a number of prominent Indians their views about the state of Economy in India and the USA. The consensus was that the USA would surge economically while India has to put up with short term setbacks. Things for India would definitely improve, most of the Indians surveyed, opined if there is an end to endemic corruption and there is clear cut mandate to any one political party for the Federal; government. Khichdi government and pulls from pressure groups need to end sooner the better. DR BHARAT BARAI, an eminent oncologist from Indiana and a front ranking community activist, was not sanguine about Indian economy in the coming year for the simple reason of endemic corruption, demoralization of the administration and recent unfavorable business decisions. Cont’d on page 44

India Post November 1, 2013


US economy on the upswing, but India‌? Cont’d from page 43

He said that corruption hits investments as the money either goes"under the mat" or in Swiss bank. Secondly, it hurts administration which also gets clouded with considerations other than

Dr Bharat Barai

pushing up the economy. Barai also said that recent government indulging in smear campaign against industrialists like Kumar Mangalam Birla and its move to tax corporations retrospectively would not be conducive to business growth. Inflation is another factor and so is the stagnant job market. "What we need is a strong Center which can take bold decisions without placating different interest groups and that is possible if the electorate returns a single parity in majority. BJP stands a good chance but what is needed is the electorate awakening and ending of pampering politics," he observed. Dr Barai felt that the US economy is on its way up and it is

likely to grow further up that way. However, the pace of growth is unlikely to quicken again in the light of the fact that the corporate sector is not convinced about the sustained growth or high level of improvement. The most favorable factor is the cut in energy cost of late and this should be a great boost factor. "The only thing needed is the government active help in cashing on this favorable development," he added AJIT GANDHI, a financial advisor in Chicagoland, observed that "while one should be optimistic, and also be wishing, that Indians in India and even outside the country should experience lot of joy and happiness in all areas of human activities next year. How-

Ajit Gandhi

ever, all indicators make one nervous about so many things. "Even politically, while it appears that BJP will ride the bandwagon of NaMo, it will be highly premature to draw such a big conclusion right now. A hung parliament is quite likely with a coalition government continuing with changed components," he said. The US economy should show improvement, due mainly to the increasing domestic oil production, but such improvement will be only marginal because of so many other factors. Political tug of war will continue because the Tea Party is actually gaining some respect and acceptance in some quarters. These folks are playing hard ball and will not stop. "Hence, in my opinion, only marginal economic improvement will be noticed in the US," he said. B. G. DHAKE, Chairman and CEO of Dhake Industries in Plymouth MI said that basically he is

Arjun Dhake and B.G. Dhake

an optimist and that he would feel that the growth in India stunted right now, will be a short term affair He felt that the fundamentals with India are good - huge reservoir of skilled manpower, improving infrastructure and investment friendly policies of the government should result in higher growth in the near future. He conceded that corruption was a big issue and hoped that elections in the coming year will have this problem addressed effectively.

He was more optimistic about the US economy. The recession is now over and this is reflected in the changing scenario with the banking sector, auto industries and the housing market. "I am really looking for a good number of years of growth and prosperity in this part of the world," he said Badri Ali Godhrawala CEO & President of Commercial Capital Investment Inc, said that India is a great country with rich culture and grand ambience. After independence in 1947 India has marched relentlessly. The great leaders of India have laid the foundation of progress and prosperity which needs to be taken far-

Badri Ali Godhrawala

ther. There should be no doubt regarding the prosperity and joy for India and Indians in the coming year. There is mass awakening with respect to India's connection with rest of the world. The education/communications/scientific developments/ industrialization/ modern agriculture system and new technologies have brought India as a front state on the world platform. The modern technology and prosperity has penetrated right from the elites of India to the poorest of Indians. Just see the mindset of the most poor of the country. He may carry a cellphone and is fully aware of what is going on in the world. This was a challenge before 20/30 years but now it is a dream come true. There could be few deterring factors to this progress and prosperity such as immature political set up/ hung parliament/ too many small and regional and ethnical political parties inflicting more damage rather than good. However the sanity is slowly prevailing as Indians are looking at other stable countries like USA, China, Korea and making them as their role model for future prosperity. Today's India is no more India of British Raj/ Mughal Raj/ Nawab Raj or Maratha Raj - it is India with more determination and awareness. Mera Bharat Mahan - Jai Hind. Cont’d on page 45

India Post November 1, 2013


US economy on the upswing, but India…? Cont’d from page 44

The USA is a country with economic discipline. The recent recession seems to be a thing of the past as many special measures introduced in the wake of the economic tsunami swept Americans causing collateral damage to the world. As said by one of the officials of the economic team of Obama that there are no books for getting the remedy to such economic catastrophe - we need to act on experiments and trials. Very true, as in the absence of set of rules, the recovery is definitely slow. But now since the system has evolved, the research of exit from such trauma has been successful, the USA economy is back in track. Also USA has realized the fact that expenditure incurred to act as world police was really a burden on the taxpayers bearing no fruit to their lives. Thus cutting superfluous expenditure will build the economic reserves which shall be diverted towards economic stability and recovery of the system. DR DAYALMESHRI, CEOAdvance Chemicals Tulsa OK, did not rate Indian economic prospects high if the political set up

Dr Dayal Meshri

with Congressional dynasty rule persisting. "A change in political scenario with more responsible and cleaner government ushering in huge return of black money from abroad should be considered sine qua non for economic upsurge. I feel more and more convinced that a leader like Narendra Modi at the helm of affairs could bring in this type of change and India could emerge as a big economic power," he said Also, it is incumbent that persistent fingering from "terror abetting" Pakistan is snubbed and it needs to be taught a lesson that it cannot trifle with a country like India and that both need to live in peace for transforming their economies. Dr Meshri felt that the US

economy would grow further in coming year as all economic indicators point to that direction. "Housing sector shows recovery, auto sales are up, service industries have looked and so also the financial institutions pulse with change for better," he observed. The growth, he felt, could be fast with the administration getting more business friendly. DAHYABHAI PRAJAPATI, a Trustee of Manav Seva Mandir and a leader in real estate field,

Dahyabhai Prajapati

said that the climate of corruption pervading at all levels in Indian society is the biggest stumbling block in economic progress. Whoever comes to power has to tackle this issue first if the country has to notch economic development. Citing the Chinese example he observed that the Chinese authorities have woken up to this problem and are sending strong message across the Chinese society that "they mean business now and foreign corporations are not immune to their drive against corrupting elements." The economy there is showing signs of revival once again, he added. In the process he favored, a strong one party majority rule at the Federal level and an end to khichdi government with pressure groups pulling in different directions. Dahyabhai is very optimistic that the US economy will grow in coming year. "The job market is improving, stocks are up, the hospitality industry was up by 8 percent last year and so is auto and tech industries. All these portend to a brighter future. The level of

Harendra Mangrola

improvement may be conditioned by help from the government. And this context I am hopeful that the US electorate would elect Democrats so that they control the House too," he said HARENDRA MANGROLA, CEO Sumit Construction and former Chief of Indo American Democratic Organization (IADO), underlined the need for a change in political set up in India which has been instrumental in making corruption a pastime for the politicians and bureaucrats alike. "Corruption is a cancer and it is eating up all the growth that the country makes. The responsibility for this state of affairs is with the ruling dynasty and its cronies. Indian electorate has a chance to usher in political sanity and stability, and it should elect only those who are not corrupt and do not follow divisive policies," he said. Mangrola was categorical in asserting that India could emerge a power to reckon with if the government is headed by honest and

committed elements. With regard to the economic situation here, he felt that there is no chance that country would slide back to recession in coming years as all the economic pointers suggest growth. The oil boom and cut in energy costs could not have been timelier. "Let us hope that growth is not tardy around 2 per cent and is much faster so that more and more people get jobs and feel more secure. The new construction and improving infrastructures are the key," he added. HASAN MERCHANT, CEO

Hasan Merchant

"India has a resilient economy and I am optimistic that it would grow in the coming year although the pace may be slow” American Real Estate, said he is not despondent about Indian economy despite recently cropping roadblocks like inflation, drop in rupee value and political uncertainty in the wake of forthcoming 2014 elections. "India has a resilient economy and I am optimistic that it would grow in the coming year although the pace may be slow," he said He was more optimistic about US economy since it is already showing signs of revival. The real estate market is up and so also are sales of consumer and durable goods. The job market has improved and Americans feel more upbeat about their near term future, he added. Cont’d on page 46 DR KIRAN PATEL, a former

India Post November 1, 2013


US economy on the upswing, but India‌? Cont’d from page 45

DR KIRAN PATEL, a former president of American Association of Physicans of Indian Origin (AAPI) and a great philanthropist from Florida, said that India has huge potential to be a Super Power. When the country as a whole wakes up and combats corruption, India will be a paradise. Unfortunately human greed and ignorance are the two great evils that will ensure this dream to be near impossible in the coming year

Dr Kiran Patel

and quite difficult to achieve in this generation. The US economy, he said, had been so badly mauled in recent years that it had but no other direction than to get better and it did improve, albeit slowly. It has still a long way to go and as said earlier, it has now one way to go at least for the next few years. Sadly however, the growth that it has registered so far has really not percolated to average citizens "Not enough for many average citizens," he lamented. MAFAT PATEL, CEO Patel Bros and described often as "uncrowned King of Devon", was not at all sanguine about Indian politics or economic conditions at least in the near future. Enumerating number of hurdles, he said that the creeping inflation, deflation in rupee value, frustration among businessmen and the general public alike in the wake of political mudslinging, there is not much hope for getting the growth rate of seven eight percent as had been the case in recent past. "The people should be happy if the rate of 4 and 4.5 percent is

Mafat Patel

sustained, but this does not mean that things would not change. They would if there is a will among the ruling Junta. If we have a leader like Narendra Modi to guide the destiny of the country, the public could hope for improvement in their lot. The powers that be, that is the voters at large, should rise above the communal, regional and narrow politics to achieve this," he said. Mafatbhai also was not exuding confidence or optimism as far as the US economy was concerned. "There is no doubt that the worst is over but that itself is

no guarantee for a hefty rise in growth. We may continue with the same slow pace. Crawling, I mean. The administration should exercise lot of prudence in spending and tailor their expenses to match the revenue. Borrowing or printing notes would not solve problem in the long run. Rather, that would compound the problem. The crux of the problem is creation of jobs with investment friendly steps and exercising caution while undertaking populist measures," he said. NAREN PATEL, CEO MedStar Laboratories and National AIA official, said that the Indian economic growth is totally conditioned on the political climate next

Naren Patel

year and years after that. If the same old guard with its cronies continues at the helm of affairs, there is little chance of India progressing on the economic front. The country needs a change for better in the political sphere at the Federal level so that new ideas could trigger confidence in the system, rooting out corruption and nepotism at practically all levels. This in turn will lead to growth so that benefits percolate to average citizens. "I am not pining for any particular leader but I surely feel that those who dominated the political scene for years need to be replaced with new blood and that would be good for everybody. I have full faith in the people and their ability to deliver which they have done so far," he said. Naren Patel welcomed a change for better in the economic scene in USA but felt strongly that the growth as is touted by those in power may not be real. The job market has not improved as it should be and the policies like Obamacare would result in further burdening the economy. Cont’d on page 48

India Post November 1, 2013


India Post November 1, 2013


US economy on the upswing, but India…? Cont’d from page 46

He pointed out that more likely than not, the big pharmaceutical companies who charge heftily for their life saving medicines would benefit immensely by Obamacare. At the same time letting illegals come to the country and then getting them legalized for political consideration will also raise the burden on taxpayers. Inflation, which is at a low level now, may raise its ugly head again with the huge amount of money pumped into the economy causing imbalance in demand and supply. "However, for the coming year at least the economy is not likely to slid into recession, he said DR SUDHIR R.

Dr Sudhir R. Brahmbhatt

BRAHMBHATT, President of Technology Services Inc. and Founder President of Center of Indian Cultural Education, St. Louis, MO said there are some grassroots issues in Indian politics. Corruption is like a cancer in

society and the leaders put themselves first over the country. This concept needs to change in order to set in motion progress in right gear. Leaders should be public servants with the key goal of how to uplift the country. "Based on my observation during last trip to India last May, I was very much disturbed by the fact that those responsible for enforcing the law do not discharge their duty at all and constantly look for ways to get money rather than doing the right thing. Even our religious leaders do not practice what they preach. The new blood groomed in this type of environment is not at all conducive to change anything because that is the norm for them.

Leaders like Modi may have a strong desire to duplicate his success in the Gujarat State but he will face tremendous challenge in changing the country's psyche

With regard to the US, he said that "once we get through the current gridlock of debt ceiling and budget issues, I believe that US economy will improve." The

“Based on my observation during last trip to India last May, I was very much disturbed by the fact that those responsible for enforcing the law do not discharge their duty at all and constantly look for ways to get money rather than doing the right thing” as he may be surrounded by corrupt elements. When people visit China they see amazing progress in communist country in many areas. Thus, I pray to God that Indian economy fares better, but I have my doubts.

changes that the present administration has implemented some time ago and anticipated potentially favorable changes will further speed up the development process. Cont’d on page 49

India Post November 1, 2013


US economy on the upswing, but India‌? Cont’d from page 48

At this time, some factions are gunning for their own gain and act as bottleneck to the country's economic progress. "When the country has started reaping some benefits from recent changes, some extremists elements do not seem to let the current administration succeed for their personal gains. The beauty of US is that the rule of law is fully practiced in letter and spirit. Hopefully the people will pick the right choice to represent them in the future. SUNIL SHAH, Founder President the Federation of Indian Associations (new) said that the coming year can bring luster and joy to India and India economically and politically provided that our country is free of corruption and righteous people come to power and take the reins of the country. After a staggering fall, the Indian rupee has some what stabilized. The current GDP figures show that growth slowed to 4.4% from 4.8% in the preceding quarter. Several government policymakers are optimistic about double digit growth but it would not be possible without significant structural reform. It will also depend on Sunil Shah several other key factors like India's relationship with neighboring countries like China and Pakistan. One is unpredictable and the other not reliable at all, Shah observed. The 2014 elections are going to play a crucial role. "We have on one side a very popular, charismatic and dynamic leader Narendrabhai Modi with a proven track record and on the other end Sonia Gandhi in ill health, Rahul Gandhi unable to connect to the electorate even in his historically "safe" constituency. The Nehru-Gandhi brand name is losing its appeal and the prospects for the Congress party in 2014 look bleak. "Only the election Turning to the US outcome will tell economy, Sunil Shah said whether it can survive. that the recent economic Thus, it is up to the Ingrowth was hampered, dian electorstunted and weighed ate to bring changes by down by the government getting rid of corrupt leaders which could bring glory and luster in their lives and eventually, put country on the path of progress. A clear verdict giving majority to any one political party would ensure the demise of khichdi government. A clear mandate whether it is for BJP, Congress or some other party is a must," he said. Turning to the US economy, Sunil Shah said that the recent economic growth was hampered, stunted and weighed down by the government shutdown. The economic growth in the 4th quarter of 2013 is expected to run at a 2% pace and to rise to 2.8% in the 1st quarter of 2014, as the fiscal drag from the Washington fades. Stocks rose on anticipation that fed stimulus efforts would continue well in to 2014 and this has given hope and confidence to investors. The optimism is also in the air with an 11% annual rise in house prices and the revival in housing sector has powerful acceleratory effect in the

economy. Another noteworthy event recently happened when Moody's upgraded its credit outlook for the entire US banking sector from negative to stable. Now banks have enough capital, thereby terms on commercial and industrial loans are loosening steadily. So looks like 2014

Sohan Joshi

should be year of greater cheer. SOHAN JOSHI, president National Federation of Indian Associations, strongly pitched for ending khichdi government at the Center in India for economic development. "Too many cooks, and worse still incompetent ones, spoil the broth and Indian people are beset with not only many cooks but many crooks also. How can one show optimism when faced with this situation? And still I am not feeling despondent and the main reason is my undying faith in the Indian people, their resilience and their tenacity. God willing everything will work out for good soon and let us have the New Year start with prayer for better things in coming Samvant year," he said. Cont’d on page 50

India Post November 1, 2013


Indians in Australia start Diwali celebrations MELBOURNE: Miles away from their motherland, thousands of Indians celebrated Diwali in Australia during the weekend with events organized across major cities like Melbourne and Sydney. With more than 4,00,000 Indians now living in Australia, Diwali has turned into one of the most popular and widely celebrated festivals across the country. Melbournians celebrated Diwali by attending an annual event at the famous Federation Square building, where more than 50,000 people gathered to usher in the festival of light. Live performances, Bollywood songs and dance, fireworks and competitions of tying 'Lungi' and turban were the highlights of the mega-event, giving a taste of Indian culture. The event, first held in 2006, was also attended by

several political and community leaders. Supported by State and several other leading organizations, the celebrations included a fully decorated Diwali boat sailing on the Yarra river, free screening of Bollywood films, a specially decorated horse carriage and special display at the Melbourne Airport greeting a happy Diwali. "Our dream is to see Diwali to be announced as a public holiday by the Australian government," one of the organizers, Arun Sharma, said. Major celebrations also took place at Sandown Racecourse featuring a wide range of Indian cuisine and cultural programs. In Sydney, Hindu Council of Australia organized a Diwali event attended by a large number of people.-PTI

US economy on the upswing, but India‌? Cont’d from page 49

Sohan Joshi was very optimistic while describing the US economy. "We have put recession behind us and we can surely look for upswing in coming year. The pace will be determined by Obama following growth policy and not pushing for policies that discourage new investment," he observed. THAKAR BASATI, a Sikh community activist and Independent Asscoiate Legal Shield, said that India and Indians will have better times in coming year economically and possibly, politically as more people are educated now and realize corruption hasn't helped any one. They need to uplift themselves morally. People want to change India' political system. There will be more Anna Hazares coming out. People are already fighting political clout. Family political inheritance will be reduced. Justice system needs to come out from the influence Thakar Basati of politicians. The US economy will improve further in the coming year as it takes time to see the benefit of current changes. America will be totally different from what they have seen so far. It will dawn upon Americans that nothing is permanent as the world doesn't wait for America to say yes for everything. There is life without America. Americans will be more open to world powers. Locally too immigrants are coming into policy making decisions with their world exposure.

India Post November 1, 2013


Deepavali or Diwali, the Festival of Lights RISHIKANT SINGH


eepavali or Diwali period is celebrated universally by Indians residing globally. It has significance to all major religions of

India. • Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya from 14 years exile along with wife Sita, brother Lakshman, and devout Hanuman brought immense joy to the people who lighted lamps to illuminate the entire city • Lord Vishnu as Vaman avatar, rescued Lakshmi from the prison of King Bali who was banished to the underworld on this day • The Pandavas returned to Hastinapur after 12 years of banishment. Happy citizens lit earthern lamps in celebration • Bandi Chorr Divas, festival of Sikhs celebrates the release of their sixth guru -

Guru Hargobind Singh from the Gwalior Fort along with 52 other Hindu princes in 1619 • Foundation stone of Golden Temple was laid on the day of Diwali in 1577 • Ashok Vijaydashmi celebrates the conversion of emperor Ashoka to Buddhism on this day with prayers and decoration of the monasteries • Diwali in Nepal is known as Tihar and celebrated with splendor • Lord Mahavira, the last of the Jain Tirthankar of the era, attained eternal bliss of Nirvana or Moksha on this day at Pavapuri on lunar Chaturdashi of Kartika on 15 October 527 BC. • According to the Kalpasutra by Archarya Bhadrabahu, 3rd century BC, many gods were present there, illuminating the darkness with their divine light • Diwali

marks the end of harfinger formed an umvest season in most of brella to protect India. Farmers pray people of Gokul from for a good harvest for a deluge sent by Lord the year to come Indra. Annakoot Hindus pray to means mountain of Lord Ganesha and food. Prayers for plenGoddess Lakshmi to tiful food are offered remove all the darkwith obeisance to ness and poverty Lord Krishna on this from everyone's lives, day. and to fill all our Day 5 - Yama hearts with the sparDvitiya / Bhai Dooj: kling golden light of Yamraj, the Lord of peace, love, truth, and death visited and spiritual joy. gave his sister The illumination of Yamuna a boon that Rishikant Singh homes with lights and whosoever visits her the skies with firecrackers is an ex- on this day shall be liberated from all sins. pression of obeisance to the heav- Traditionally, brothers visit their sisters. ens for the attainment of health, Lord Mahavir, the founder of Jainism had wealth, knowledge, peace and pros- attained nirvana, or heaven. His brother perity. King Nandivardhan was very distressed, Deepavali delivers us from Dark- and was comforted by their sister ness unto Light to commit our- Sudarshana. Sisters have been revered selves to good deeds and thus ap- since, symbolized by Bhai Dooj. proach divinity. In India, respect for women is seen in Significance of Five Days of every aspect of festivals and celebrations. Deepavali celebration The creator is shown as sublime, divine, Day 1 - Dhanteras / Dhanvantari feminine force of Shakti, venerated in sevTrayodashi: Goddess Lakshmi is eral goddess forms like Durga on a lioness, worshiped to provide prosperity or Kali, the fiery dark goddess of strength. and well being. Dhanvantri, physi- The myriad gods and goddesses depict the cian of the Gods is remembered for health and hygiene. Day 2 - Choti Deepawali / Narak Chaturdashi: Naraka Chaturdasi marks the vanquishing of the demon Narakasur by Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama. Narakasur and his mother Bhudevi or Mother Earth wished his death to be occasion for rejoicing, rather than mourning. Day 3 - Main Deepawali / Lakshmi Puja. Amavasya or new moon night marks the worship of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in her most benevolent mood, fulfilling the wishes of her devotees. Lord Vishnu, in his dwarf's incarnation, vanquished the tyrant Bali to rescue her. Bali was allowed to return to earth once a year, on this day to light millions of lamps to dispel darkness and ignorance, and spread the radiance of love and wisdom. Day 4 - Pratipat / Padwa Puja / Govardhan Puja / Annakoot: Mount Govardhan lifted by Lord Krishna on one

undefinable and limitless dimensions and facets of eternal divinity. Wishing you with your family and well wishers a very happy Deepavali, and a prosperous and glorious year ahead! The writer is Area Manager AIR India, Chicago

In Brief UK scraps 'Go home' vans to drive out immigrants LONDON: A controversial pilot scheme of billboard vans telling illegal immigrants in the UK to "go home or face arrest" has been scrapped by the government for being too blunt an instrument. UK home secretary Theresa May explained her decision to scrap plans of rolling out the 10,000 pounds London-based pilot scheme nationwide in the House of Commons. "What I've done is looked at the interim evaluation in relation to the plans - and there were some returns achieved as a result of that. Politicians should be willing to step up to the plate and say when they think something actually hasn't been as good an idea, and I think they (vans) were too blunt an instrument," she told MPs. Opposition Labor claimed only one person had returned home as a result of the campaign and Yvette Cooper, the shadow Home Secretary, told May during fierce exchanges in Parliament that she should take responsibility for the "complete failure" of the scheme. Coalition partners Liberal Democrats, meanwhile, claimed victory by getting the Conservative ministers to back down on the issue. Liberal Democrats business secretary Vince Cable had described the campaign as "stupid" and the party's Home Office minister Norman Baker had also strongly objected to the vans. The campaign was also criticized by the Advertising Standards Authority which said the arrest statistics on them were misleading, although the watchdog cleared the campaign of being offensive and irresponsible. -PTI

„ Calif mayor faulted for immigrant remarks resigns EL CAJON, Calif.: The mayor of a San Diego suburb says he will step down after being criticized for his remarks about Iraqi immigrants. Mark Lewis says in a letter he will resign from the El Cajon position he has held since 1998 after a business group and other officials said his comments in a magazine article were prejudicial. U-T San Diego reported that Lewis apologized to anyone who was offended. The mayor says he did not intend to be insensitive. U-T San Diego says Lewis did not indicate when his resignation would be effective. -AP

Immigration 52 India Post

November 1, 2013

Obama calls for immigration law by end of year Details on page 53

Tatas step up US lobbying on immigration, education WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI: Salt-to-software conglomerate Tatas appear to have stepped up their lobbying in the US on various matters, including those related to immigration reforms and technical education issues, after remaining inactive on this front for over two years. According to the latest Lobbying Disclosure Forms filed with the US Senate, Tata America International Corporation and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) are among the entities whose lobbyists engaged in lobbying activities in the last quarter ended September 30, 2013. Both these entities (Tata America International Corp directly and TCS through Banner Public Affairs) had engaged in lobbying activities in the second quarter of 2013 as well, after registering themselves earlier this year. The Congressional lobbying records show that these Tata entities have spent more than Rs 2 crore on their lobbying activities so far in 20013. At the same time, another Tata entity, Tata Chemicals North America, terminated its lobbying

registration in the US during the second quarter, while it has not reported any lobbying activity after the third quarter of 2010. Till 2010, Tata Chemicals North America used to be relatively more

tivities in the past. However, they have terminated their respective registrations since then. The Congressional records show that TCS used to be a registered entity for lobbying in the US

Specific issues on which Tatas lobbied during the last quarter included USIndia relations, immigration reforms, education issues, high-skilled workforce issues.

active on lobbying activities, while a few other Tata entities, such as Tata Sons Ltd and Tata Inc, had also engaged in US lobbying ac-

earlier as well, but it terminated its past registration way back in August 2005. Tata Inc's lobbying registration

ended in July 2007, while that of Tata Sons ended in January 2011. As per the latest lobbying disclosure forms, the specific issues on which Tata America International Corp and TCS lobbied during the last quarter included US-India relations, immigration reforms, STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and math) education issues, highskilled workforce issues. Lobbying is a legal activity in the US, but all the companies and their lobbyists need to file detailed disclosure reports every quarter. While a whole lot of US companies regularly engage in lobbying, many entities from India and other places also do lobby here on a regular basis. These include even the Indian government, which has been regularly lobbying in the US since 2005. In the last quarter, the Indian government spent USD 180,000 on lobbying and this amount has been same for many quarters now. Among other Indian entities, Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries used to be a very active in lobbying in the US, but it terminated its registration earlier this Cont'd on Page 53 year.

India to extend on arrival visa for 40 more nations NEW DELHI: Decks are being cleared to make India a more tourist friendly destination by extending on arrival visa for 40 more countries, simplifying online visa and attracting senior citizen foreign visitors. A high level committee having representatives from Home Ministry, Tourism Ministry, Foreign Ministry, Planning Commission and National Security Advisor has decided to take the initiative forward. The decision taken in the meeting of the panel to ease tourist visa norms earlier this month at Yojana Bhavan has been sent to the Tourism and Home Ministries for administrative action by the Planning Commission. "Now Home Ministry Will take necessary action. It is an administrative decision which will soon

see light of the day," Planning Minister Rajeev Shukla told PTI. According to the Minister, be-

visiting India for meetings, conferences and exhibitions. At present, visa is issued to delegates on the basis of report about the credentials of the conference organizers. Moreover there is a separate category of visa for delegates of such events. Shukla further said that it has also been decided to simplify and standardize the visa application form and photograph for Decks are being cleared to make India a more tourist friendly destination by extending on arrival the same. Moreover, the colvisa for 40 more countries. umn for disclosing resides increasing the ambit of Tour- ligion in the visa application form ist Visa on Arrival (TVoA) facility, is proposed to be deleted. the panel has decided to allow visa The panel has also called for under TVoA category to delegates initiating Electronic Travel Autho-

rization (ETA) facility to all countries except the ones in Priority Reference (PR) list. The Minister said that India will also take initiatives to facilitate tourists or couples whose age is 60 years or above from all countries except PR list (nations) to tap the pensioners market. The panel was unanimous that the issue of TVoA and ETA facility to China may be taken up bilaterally and decided on the basis of reciprocity. The countries for which visa on arrival facility would be extended include the US, the UK, Canada, Brazil, Australia, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Poland, Norway and IreCont'd on Page 53 land.

Immigration Post

November 1, 2013

India Post 53

Obama calls for immigration law by end of year WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama has made a plea for Republican cooperation on immigration, seeking common ground by year's end in the aftermath of the divisive partial government shutdown. Yet prospects for success this year remain a long shot even as a handful of House Republican lawmakers push for more limited measures. Obama's renewed focus on immigration comes amid mounting criticism of the White House over computer problems that have plagued insurance enrollment under the 3-year old health care law. It also comes nearly four months since a bipartisan majority in the Senate passed a comprehensive immigration bill that would tighten border security and provide a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living here illegally. "Rather than create problems, let's prove to the American people that Washington can actually solve some problems," Obama said during an event devoted to immigration at the White House. The Senate measure has stalled in the House, where most Republicans reject a comprehensive approach and many question offering citizenship to people who broke U.S. immigration laws to be in this country. Still, White House officials say

they believe that the partial government shutdown, rather than poisoning the political atmosphere, may have created an opportunity for collaboration with Republicans seeking to repair their image, which polls show took a hit during the prolonged fight over financing the

economy-jarring default on US debt. The White House took notice when the Republican leader of the House, Speaker John Boehner, indicated that he was hopeful that immigration legislation could be done before year's end. But Republican strategists also say the most opportune time to act might not come until after next year's 2014 primary elections, when lawmakers will be freer to vote without fear of Vice President Joe Biden applauds as President Barack Obama urges Congress to take up comprehensive immigration having to reform during an event in the East Room of the White House in run against a Washington Oct. 24 more conservative chalgovernment and extending the lenger. nation's borrowing limit. And while Obama called for the Moreover, Obama made a point House to pass a large bill that of underscoring support for an im- could then be reconciled with the migration bill from the members of Senate version, House Republithe business community, tradi- cans want to approach any tional Republican allies who criti- changes in piecemeal fashion, a cized Republican tactics that led to process that at best would push the partial shutdown and to any significant progress into next brinkmanship over a potentially year. -AP

India to extend on arrival visa for 40 more nations Cont'd from Page 52

Under TVoA system, India has agreement with 11 countries - Japan, Finland, Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines and Myanmar. At present, the TVoA facility on arrival visa facility is available at international airports of Delhi, Chennai, Kochi Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Thiruvananthapuram.

The panel has also decided to expand this facility to other airports. Besides Commission's Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, others who participated in deliberations on the issue include Foreign Secretary (Sujatha Singh), Tourism Secretary (Parvez Dewan), Additional Secretary, Home Affairs and representatives from the Intelligence Bureau and the PMO (Prime Minister's Office). Shukla said these initiatives will

help in attracting more foreign tourists and garnering larger foreign exchange, thereby helping bridge the wide current account deficit. The current account deficit is the difference between inflow and outflow of foreign exchange. In 2012, India received 6.58 million foreign tourists, up 4.3 per cent over the previous year. India's foreign exchange earnings in 2012 from tourism were at USD 17.74 billion, showing an increase of 7.1 per cent year on year. -PTI

Tatas step up us lobbying on immigration, education Cont'd from Page 52

Others that have ended their lobbying registration this year include All India Rice Exports Association and Sterling Biotech. Indian entities that continue to lobby in the US include software industry body Nasscom (through two lobby firms, BGR and Lande Group), Devas Multimedia, ONGC Videsh, Carpet Export Promotion and LT Foods. During the last quarter, at least 20 US-based entities, including large corporates like Walmart, Dell, Boeing and Pfizer, also lobbied with the two US Congress houses and various federal agencies on India-related issues. Other entities include ExxonMobil, Alcatel Lucent, Corning Inc, CenterPoint Energy Inc,

Chamber of Commerce of the USA, CMS Energy Corp, Duke Energy, US Chamber of Commerce, PHRMA, Genentech and Biocom. The specific India-related lobby issues for these entities included World Trade Organization compliance, preferential market access regulations, carbon dioxide emission norms and intellectual property related issues. Besides, Alliance for Fair Trade with India (AFTI) lobbied on "issues relating to difficulties US businesses are having doing business in India", while entities like Boeing and Colgate Palmolive have listed Indo-US relations among their lobby issues. Technology major IBM lobbied on "India Market Access issues and renewal of the generalized system of preferences".-PTI

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54 India Post

November 1, 2013


November 1, 2013


NEW YORK Upcoming

Upcoming Fri, Nov 1 • Diwali Dhamaka in BollyHouse Jersey City Venue: VB3 Lounge, 475 Washington Blvd, Jersey City, NJ 07310 Time: 10:00 pm Contact: 212-203-2861

Fri, Nov 8 • Bollywood Bhangra Night

Sat, Nov 2 • DIWALI by Asavari Venue: Valimar Clubhouse, 166 Valimar Blvd, White Plains, NY 10603 Time: 3:00 pm Contact: 9149488969

Thu, Nov 7 • DJ Rekha Presents Basement


Venue: The Lucky Dublin Bar and Grill, 30 Minue St, Carteret, NJ 07008 Time: 9:00 pm Contact: 908-208-8882

Venue: Le Poisson Rouge, 158 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012 Time: 7:30 pm Contact: 718-207-0058

Sat, Nov 9

Sun, Nov 17 • Antar Yatra by Kumar Raj

• Basement Bollywood Saturdays Venue: Fire N’ Ice, 85 Lafayette Rd, Fords, NJ 08863 Time: 9:00 pm Contact: 732-703-6661

Gandharva Venue: Colden Center Auditorium ( Queens College), 65-30 Kissena Blvd, , NY 11367 Time: 7:30 pm Contact: 516-413-2053

India Post 55





Fri, Nov 1 • Buster Keaton's "Steamboat Bill, Jr." Venue: Smith Center at Ohlone College 43600 Mission Boulevard, Fremont CA Contact: : (510) 659-6031 website :

Mon, Nov 4 • Information Seminar - Fully

• J K Yog Satsang and Bal

• GRAND DIWALI Celebration

Mukund Hindi Classes are held every 2nd and 4rth Sunday of Month

Venue: DIWALI Celebration near LAX, 401 Sheldon St, El Segundo, CA 90245 Time: 11:00 am Time: 310-421-2222

Thu, Nov 7 • Diwali Tabletop Competition and Industry Mixer

Venue: DoubleTree By Hilton Los Angeles Downtown, 120 S Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Time: 6:00 pm Contact: 778-785-0400

Venue: Glow Lounge in Marina Del Rey Marriott , 4100 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Time: 6:00 pm Time: 562-366-3640

Sat, Nov 9 • Deepavali Kondattam 2013

Thu, Nov 14 • Cry Walk 2013 Venue: Santa Monica Beach, 2000-2054 N Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90405 Time: 8:30 pm

ATLANTA Upcoming

Thu, Nov 14 • NetIP Presents Affordable Care Act Outreach & Education Venue: Tanzore Restaurant, 50 North La Cienega Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 424-456-8429

Sat, Nov 16 • HTHF Diwali Cultural Program 2013 Venue: Clifton Middle School (AUDITORIUM on Palm Avenue), 226 S Ivy Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016 Time: 6:00 pm Contact: 626-351-0664


Sat, Nov 2

Accredited MD Program

Venue: Jordan High School Auditorium, 6500 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805 Time: 3:00 pm Contact: 310-213-7342


Sat, Nov 2 • Diwali Mela & Garba Night Venue: Atlanta Event Hall, 3750 Venture Dr, Duluth, GA 30096 Time: 2:00 pm Contact: 404-934-9991

Fri, Nov 8 • Devotional Bollywood Night Venue: Book Your Show Now, 3750 Venture Dr, Duluth, GA 30096 Time: 9:00 pm Contact: 315-591-3921

Chicago Satsang Information: J K Yog, Chicago - Swami Mukundananda Venue: Clarion Inn/Waterford Banquets, Board Room, 933 South Riverside Drive, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

1st and 3rd Sunday of Month • Chicago Children's Bal Mukund Character Building Program and Hindi Literacy Classes Venue: Vogelei Center, 650 W. Higgins Road, Hoffmann Estates, IL 60192 (Next to Nissan Dealership) Contact: Ajay & Arti Chandhok @ 630-561-4807 Website:

Mondays and Fridays • Free ESL - English as Second Language Classes Where: Metropolitan Asian Family Services Venue: 9015 N Milwaukee Ave, Niles, IL, Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm Contact: 773-465-3105

Every third Tuesday • Hindi Kavi Manch Organized by Hindi Lovers Club Venue: Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago Lemont Il...0915 Lemont Road IL Time: 6:00 to 8:30 pm

„ Health


Cardiac diseases, cancer top killers in India NEW DELHI: Cardiac diseases and cancer have emerged as the top causes of mortality in India, while 70 per cent of cancer patients die within the first year, a study has found. The paper brought out by the Healthcare Federation of India in association with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) also highlighted the long term need for finance in the health care sector. The paper said cardiac diseases and cancer have emerged as the top causes of mortality in India, while 70 per cent of cancer patients die within the first year. It further stated that India requires a capital investment of Rs 162,500 crore to fulfill the projected bed requirements of 6.5 lakh by 2017. As per the report, 70 per cent of India's healthcare infrastructure is concentrated in the top 20 cities. Member Planning Commission Sayeda Hameed released the report in the presence of Additional Secretary, Ministry of health and WHO representative of India, C K Mishra. Leading healthcare service providers including hospitals and insurance companies have launched a forum, Healthcare Federation of India, which will work towards formulating policies and developing infrastructure in the health sector. -PTI

„ Health info won't be used for immigration law WASHINGTON: The Obama administration is stressing that information submitted while signing up for coverage under a major new health care law will not be used to enforce immigration law. That's always been the practice, but some immigrants fear that personal details could be used against them. That led the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to clarify. In a memo the agency said it does not use information provided during the health coverage enrollment process to pursue civil immigration enforcement. People living illegally in the U.S. are barred from benefits under the Affordable Care Act health law, but U.S. citizens and legal residents living with them may be eligible. Some applicants must provide information on the citizenship status of those who live with them to help make sure the household is processed correctly. -AP

Health Science 56

India Post

November 1, 2013

'India needs Rs 1.63 lakh cr investment in healthcare' Details on Page 57

GOP hopes 'Obamacare' woes have staying power WASHINGTON: For nearly five years, Republicans have struggled to make a scandal stick to President Barack Obama's White House. One by one, the controversies - with shorthand names such as Solyndra, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious hit a fever pitch, then faded away. But some Republicans see the disastrous rollout of Obama's health law as a problem with the kind of staying power they have sought. The health care failures are tangible for millions of Americans and can be experienced by anyone with Internet access. The law itself is more closely associated with Obama personally and long has been unpopular with the majority of the American people. The longer the technical problems persist, the more likely they are to affect the delicate balance of enrollees needed in the insurance marketplace in order to keep costs down. ``There's no question the issue has legs, in part because it affects

so many Americans very directly and in part because the glitches with the website are simply one of many fundamental problems

high volume, but have since acknowledged more systemic issues with White House officials contend

President Barack Obama

with this law,'' GOP pollster Whit Ayres said. The cascade of computer problems began Oct. 1, when sign-ups opened for the marketplaces at the center of the law. Administration officials blamed the problems on

the website is just one piece of the broader law offering an array of benefits. They say that when the online issues are fixed - the latest estimate is the site will be working normally for most users by the end of November - few people will re-

member the problems that have marred the opening weeks of the six-month enrollment window. ``It says a lot about Republicans that their focus here is not on helping Americans get insured, but on making political hay of this mess,'' said Dan Pfeiffer, Obama's senior adviser. For GOP lawmakers, the White House's stumbles on the Affordable Care Act have come at an optimal time, just one week after their strategy to shut down the government in exchange for concessions on health care imploded. The health care debacle has overshadowed some of the Republican missteps and the GOP appears more than happy to keep the spotlight where it is. Republicans have scheduled a series of congressional hearings on the program's shortcomings, and have called for officials, including Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, to be fired. She is set to testify before a House committee. Cont'd on Page 57

Patients, firms shop for better health care deals P

aul Freeman drove 600 miles last year to save himself and his employer - thousands of dollars on his surgery. Freeman's insurer covered his travel costs and the entire bill because a medical center in Oklahoma City could remove the loose cartilage in his knee for about 70 percent less than a hospital closer to Freeman's Texhoma, Okla., home. At first, the community bank CEO hesitated because he thought the lower price would mean lower quality. But he knew if he didn't make the roughly 10hour roundtrip trek, he'd pay about $5,000 out of pocket. ``You immediately think, `Oh they're going to take me into a butcher shop and it's going to be real scary,''' Freeman, 53, says, noting that instead he had a ``wonderful experience.''

People shop for deals on everything from cars to clothes to computers. Why not for health care, too? Insurers, employers and indi-

for better deals in their home market. And some patients are bargainhunting on their own. Through a website called MediBid, people

viduals are shopping around for health care as they try to tame rising health care costs. Companies are doing things like paying for workers to travel if they agree to have a surgery performed in another city where the cost is cheaper. They're also providing online tools to help people search

who pay out of pocket are soliciting doctors, hospitals and medical centers to bid to perform knee surgeries and other non-emergency procedures. Patients who shop for care represent a tiny slice of the roughly $2.7 trillion spent annually on health care in the U.S., said Devon

Herrick, an economist who studies health care for the National Center for Policy Analysis. But he and other experts expect this trend to grow, especially as more companies offer insurance plans that require employees to pay thousands of dollars before most coverage starts. These socalled high-deductible plans also will be among the cheapest options available on the public exchanges set up as part of the health care overhaul to enable millions of uninsured people to shop for coverage. Advocates say all the shopping will help control medical spending. ``We waste an enormous amount of money in this country by overpaying for health care,'' says John Goodman, an economist and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis.-AP

November 1, 2013

Health Science Post

India Post 57

'India needs Rs 1.63 lakh cr GOP hopes 'Obamacare' woes investment in healthcare' have staying power NEW DELHI: The Indian healthcare sector will need a total capital investment of Rs 1,62,500 crore to provide accessible and affordable healthcare during the 12th Plan period, says a report. India will need to add at least 6,50,000 beds by 2017 to help improve access to healthcare infrastructure from the current

1.3 beds per 1,000 population in 2011 to 1.7 beds per 1,000 population by the end of the 12th Plan period in 2017, said a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers in association with industry body NATHEALTH. "The addition of 6,50,000 beds in India by 2017 will require a capital investment of Rs 1,62,500 crore. This translates to more than 50 per cent of India's annual healthcare expenditure," it said. Elaborating on the requirements, the report said based on the publicly announced

government plans approximately 1,30,000 beds will be put up in the government or the public sector. "This will necessitate the addition of nearly 5,20,000 beds by the private healthcare providers implying a capital investment of around Rs 1,30,000 crore over the next four years," it added. On the funding part, the report said: "Raising the needed Rs 1,30,000 crore will require an equity infusion of Rs 39,000 crore by the private healthcare providers and a long term debt funding of Rs 91,000 crore." Calling for government support, it said the scale of creation in healthcare access will require a strong partnership between the public and the private stakeholders. The first step in this direction can be by creating healthcare infrastructure by the government through the establishment of a healthcare infrastructure fund (HIF) with an initial corpus of 15,000 crore, the report said. Another step can be allowing business trusts and real estate investment trusts (REITS) in healthcare, it added. Establishment of a nodal agency for healthcare to spur the growth of the sector and creation of healthcare infrastructure was another important step for increasing the access, it suggested. -PTI

Cont'd from Page 56

to a place to go on the Internet.'' The health care law has been unpopular with large swaths of the American public ever since Obama signed it into law in 2010. A CBS News survey found that 43 percent of Americans approve of the law, compared with 35 percent in May.

Kevin Madden, a GOP strategist, said Republicans should be wary of overreach, and he urged the party to ``focus on the basics'' in the hearings. If they do, he said, ``they can really align themselves with a lot of public anxiety about what's wrong with Washington.'' Anxiety about the website's Anxiety about the website's problems also appears to be on the rise among members of the problems also appears to be President's own party, a worrisome on the rise among members sign for the White House. Ten Democratic senators urged of the President's own party, Sebelius in a letter to extend the in- a worrisome sign for the surance enrollment window beyond the March 31 deadline; White White House. House officials say they don't believe that will be necessary. Also, DemoCrisis management expert Eric cratic leaders have been critical about Dezenhall said that if the White House the seeming lack of preparedness for the wants to prevent the current troubles sign-up rollout. from being a long-term problem, it will ``As far as I'm concerned there is no have to do some basic damage control. excuse for that,'' Senate Majority Leader ``There has to be a component of Harry Reid, D-Nev., told Las Vegas ra- hand-holding, clarity and bedside mandio station KNPR. ``I think the adminis- ner with the early stages of Obamacare,'' tration should have known how difficult he said. it was going to be to have 35 million or The White House appeared to start 40 million people to suddenly hook up taking a page from that playbook. -AP

58 India Post

November 1, 2013


November 1, 2013

India Post


Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar

NOVEMBER 1 ST - NOVEMBER 7 TH , 2013 (March 21 to April 20)


ou will be getting ready for an upcoming event. Week very favor able for all financial matters. Business will pick up all of a sudden. You may travel to a nice place with family this week. New venture will turn profitable from day one. You may receive few annoying phone calls at home. Money will go on buying things for close family members.

(July 23 to August 22)


ambling instincts will continue to pay off in big way. You will not hesitate even for a second to take chances. Legal issues will be decided favorably. Bachelors will be introduced to some one in close circle, a person known for long. Things will keep getting better at work or in business. Just keep an eye on new subordinate.

(April 21 to May 20)


eople will expect you to react. Control your irritations and keep just smiling and you will be surprised to see the outcome. You will help spouse give final touch to many important things in and outside home. You may take family to a social event also. Money will go on good reasons. A vehicle may need minor repairs this week. (May 21 to June 20)


ivine help and blessings of elders will help you resolve a tricky situation in life. Outcome will be nothing less than a turning point and some kind of jackpot. Your decisions will show maturity and far sightedness. have meals on time this week. You will extend a helping hand to spouse also. You will attend a big party with family.

(August 23 to September 22)


ou should be extra careful when it comes to money and avoid making any big commitments way beyond your limits. Some of you may be desperately looking for a change in career. Expense towards a child will increase temporarily. You may be touch with an experienced person for advise. You may need to have your eye sight checked. (September 23 to October 22)


ou will be spending money on buying some expensive items for family and friends. Children will continue to do well. You may be looking for some partners for your new venture and may contact few old friends. Any business trip you take this week will bring instant rewards. Blessings from an older person will be really helpful.

(June 21 to July 22)


pportunity will come on a silver platter. Do not waste your time in taking the decision or will loose it. Some one too close will try to irritate and test your patience. Try sitting by water and mind will clear up and you will find easy solutions. You may visit few old friends or close relatives. Bank balance will grow rapidly.

(October 23 to November 22)


on't be surprised if you find additional money in your pockets. If you are not careful, you will end up adding few more pounds to your weight. You will have lots of fun with family and friends this week. Keep working on your plans and keep looking for ideal partners. Stay away from bidding on a totally run down property this week. (November 23 to December 22)


ou may need little help in making the right choice. You will be spending lots of money on family. News you had been waiting for, will be communicated in a dramatic way. You may drop the idea of going to a party on last minute. Money wise you will continue to stay in safe zone. A long distance journey may take final shape. (December 22 to January 19)


t will be another relaxing week. You may go out with family and do some serious shopping. Sign for anticipated Changes in career will start to become visible. You may also dispose off some stocks recently purchased and pocket the profit. Some one close will send valuable and nice gifts. Some money will go towards taxes. (January 20 to February 18)


et together will be a grand success. Your hospitality will be appreciated by every one. Things will keep improving at work as new associate will deliver more than expected. An older family member may need extra medical attention. Some of you may replace one of your vehicle with a newer model. Expenses will hardly hurt. (February 19 to March 20)


ou will recover the money you deserved after little negotiations. You may slowly start getting ready for an upcoming trip. Boss may call you in early week to discuss an important project. You may also visit few close relatives with family. Offer will come but you may drop your idea of making any change in career at this point. Pandit Parashar, CEO & COO Astro Scan USA is also available for individual consultations. He can be reached at:

510-886-4370 website:


India Post


November 1, 2013


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November 1, 2013

India Post 61

Page Sponsored by Sahanis SWAMI ABHAYANANDA (STAN TROUT)


here is one spiritual issue on which science, secular society, and the various religious traditions all agree: the freedom and accountability of the human will. The ancient Jews were keenly aware of the fact that it was man's free will that allowed for the disobedience of God's will, as illustrated in their Biblical 'Garden of Eden' story. Later, Christians declared that God sacrificed His own son on the cross to redeem 'believers' from that earlier 'Fall from grace'. Other spiritual teachers, such as the Buddha, Shankara and Plotinus, also postulate the human 'will to separateness' as the instigator of human suffering. Here, for example, is Plotinus' take on man's Fall: "What can it be that has brought the souls to forget the Father, God, and, though [they are] members of the Divine and entirely of that world, to ignore at once themselves and It? The evil that has overtaken them has its source in self-will, in the entry into the sphere of process, and in the primal differentiation with the desire for self-ownership. They conceived a pleasure in this freedom and largely indulged their own motion. Thus they were hurried down the wrong path, and in the end, drifting further and further, they came to lose even the STEVE TAYLOR


n 1961 the English author Marghanita Laski made a survey of the 'triggers' of spiritual experiences for the book Ecstasy and found that nature was the most common one. Over 20% of the spiritual experiences she examined were in some way related to natural surroundings. For me personally, nature has always had a powerful awakening effect. If I go walking in the countryside on my own (it doesn't happen so often with other people) there usually comes a point when a feeling of well-being begins to well up inside me, and when the trees and the fields and the sky around me seem to be more alive and beautiful, and to be shining with a new radiance. The clouds above me seem to be moving with a dramatic beauty and a strange sentience, and the spaces of sky seem to be tinged with the presence of spirit-force. It doesn't have to be the countryside though. I have spent most of my life in cities, and had most of my spiritual experiences there. They usually occur if there's a small space of nature such as a field surrounded by trees or a park - where there is a

thought of their origin in the Divine." The Jews, Christians, the Buddha, Shankara, Plotinus - all put the blame for human suffering upon the separative will of the individual. And rightly so, no doubt; for in the Divine Itself, there is no suffering. Had the One no hand, then, in the creation of the defiant soul? Must we not wonder if anything at all comes to pass that is not of

It is indeed we who create suffering through ignorance and error; but it is He who comprises the essence of this soul with its capacity for willing, and it is He who fashioned this universal school for the soul's correcting. Can we imagine that He was ignorant of the outcome? We are but waves on His infinite ocean; and while the wave's suffering of separation from the

All creatures, down to the smallest microbes, and up to the great apes, have the power of will; but only the creature known as man has the ability to know his Source and Ground as Spirit, and strive to overcome his merely fleshly impulses. Is that circumstance only accidental, or is there a purposeful evolution at work here? Man is the culmination of God's purposes; and only he is able to

Suffering due to separative will of the individual Swami Abhayananda

It is indeed we who create suffering through ignorance and error; but it is He who fashioned this universal school for the soul's correcting.

His doing? The soul's ability to will freely had He no hand in that? May it not be that our embodied existence in this spatio-temporal world is also His doing? Is it not possible that this going forth into the school of separate existence is, as the Vedantists assert, His play or sport? And is it not possible that we are sent forth into this material school to prove and improve, to be tested and to evolve in His knowledge, in His joy?

ocean might seem real enough to the wave, it is actually based on illusion. Once the wave realizes its true nature, all suffering disappears. We are in a similar situation: unknowing, we suffer; knowing, we rejoice. It is not existence that constitutes suffering, but existence in delusion. When we awake to our Divine existence, all suffering vanishes. Is this not the message of all who have seen the truth?

find within himself the eternal One. It's true that, in following his own appetites and cravings, man brings himself to know suffering; but, even though the expanse presented before him is broad and vast and his opportunities many, experience leads him inexorably to wisdom; the Divine in him leads him eventually to Itself. Excerpted from the essay 'How God Made the World' encapsulating ideas expressed in the book 'Body and Soul'

large expanse of sky. When I walk through the field I usually find myself staring at the sky, captivated by the beauty of the clouds and/or the sunlight, and quickly begin to have 'spiritual' feelings and perceptions. Here, for example, is an experience I had 12 years ago, which I

wasn't thinking - my mind was quiet and I felt full of vitality‌I felt as though I was being engulfed in the sky, and my normal sense of space was changing. The sky didn't seem 'up there', it seem to be around me, a part of me‌ I felt that the universe was alive - that the blue-black space

these experiences are directly caused by nature, as if it has some special spiritual power which man-made environments don't have. This is what some Romantic poets believed. But the main root of all the above experiences is, I believe, that contemplating nature can in-

Nature most common trigger for spiritual experiences The natural world has powerful qualities stillness, open space, beauty and majesty which can readily induce a spontaneous meditative state, and a spiritual experience. described in my 'spiritual experience journal.' For some reason I felt a bit exhilarated and decided to go for a walk around the big field behind the sports center. It was a beautiful evening - clear blue sky beginning to get dark, orange where the sun was going down, a few stars beginning to shine through. I walked around the field several times, looking at the sky, amazed at how beautiful it was. I

around me was alive. It almost seemed to have a personality. The whole universe was living and breathing. Every time I stared at it and kept my mind quiet the feeling grew stronger. It only stopped when my mind started thinking again. Of course, countless poets have written of the states of awe and ecstasy they've experienced whilst alone with nature too. It's perhaps tempting to believe that

Steve Taylor

tensify, still and purify our lifeenergy (at the same as emptying our being). The natural world has powerful qualities - stillness, open space, beauty and majesty - which can readily induce a spontaneous meditative state, and a spiritual experience. Steve is a lecturer in psychology at Leeds Metropolitan University and a researcher at Liverpool John Moores University.

The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives - the death of genuine feeling, the death of inspired response, the awareness that makes it possible to feel the pain or the glory of other men in yourself. -Norman Cousins Whether you call it Buddhism or another religion, self-discipline, that's important. Selfdiscipline with awareness of consequences. -Dalai Lama The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. -Aristotle The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. -Lao Tzu Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity. -Voltaire The fear of death comes from limited awareness. -Deepak Chopra What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. -Abraham Maslow

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India Post

November 1, 2013

PM visit to China high on hospitality, short on tangibles JAYADEVA RANADE


ndian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's three-day tour of Beijing marked the first time in sixty years that the Indian and Chinese Prime Ministers exchanged visits within a year. As seasoning for the event the Chinese threw in invitations to meals by Xi Jinping and former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, the importance of which was sought to be exaggerated by diplomats. These could not, however, dispel the shadow cast on bilateral relations by China's unusually protracted intrusions across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh sectors just months earlier. As anticipated the visit was high on hospitality but short on tangibles. Manmohan Singh's trip to the US earlier this September, when an important agreement on co-production of defense equipment and transfer of defense technology was signed, was one backdrop for the visit. Officers of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA)

separately revealed in a commentary published in the official newsagency 'Xinhua', on October 13. It called for a "befuddled world to start considering building a deAmericanized world". Interestingly, it was published only in English and only in Xinhua. In an apparent bid to build a positive atmosphere for the visit, the Liberation Army Daily published an interestingly-worded article by Sun Peisong, President of the Jiangsu Lianyungang Institute of Development. The article said China and India are trying to restore bilateral relations to a "long-standing condition of stability." It accused the Indian media of always regarding China as India's "regional opponent". Dismissing this description, the author said "China has been taking care of India's concerns: even though the Western countries have multiple times reminded China to take part in the NATO's military operations in Afghanistan, China didn't do that. One of the

"Besides, China was the last among the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to dispatch naval taskforce to the India Ocean to fight against piracy". Describing the border conflict in 1962 as "just a little "episode" in the China-India friendship for thousands of years", it added that "both parties have no reason to let the past history obstruct the future path". It concluded that "as long as China and India are not enemies to each other, Asia is safe from big turbulence. China-India friendship is the basis for the new order in the future of Asia". There was limited, but apparent, forward movement on the border issue evidenced by inclusion in the Joint Statement of the observation that: "peace and tranquility on the India-China border was recognized as an important guarantor for the development and continued growth of bilateral relations". The statement indirectly pointed to the growing incidence of border intrusions by China and negative reactions it was provoking. The Border Defense Cooperation Agreement (BDCA) was described in paragraph 5 of the Joint Statement as intended to "strengthen maintenance of stability on the border". There was no reference to ensuring the current status quo of border defenses and neither was there mention of any limits on patrolling by either side. Article 7 of the Joint Statement, which dealt with river management issues, made no mention of the Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo) giving little cause for comfort on the issue of the river's diversion. Mentioning strengthened cooperation it said there could be an "exchange of views on other issues of mutual interest". Prime Minister Manmohan Singh meeting the President of the People's Republic of China had earlier hinted at China, Xi Jinping, in Beijing, China on October 23 its position on diversion of the had specifically taken note of the major reasons is that Afghanistan Brahmaputra through an article by India-US Joint Declaration on De- is located in the flank of India. a researcher in the governmentfense and identified use of the term Once China sends troops there, it'll owned think-tank Chinese Acad"closest partners" to describe the make India feel contained. emy of Social Sciences (CASS), India-US bilateral relationship as in"China's military deployment in which recommended that China dicative of the growing India-US ties. Tibet Autonomous Region is to a ignore India's protests and go They particularly observed that large degree out of an overall con- ahead with the project to divert the it provided for technology trans- sideration instead of being leveled river. fer, co-development and co-pro- against India. That is the reason Mr Ranade is a Member of the duction of defense equipment. why China's heavy artillery, tanks, National Security Advisory Board Note was taken of India's decision mid- and short-range tactical mis- (NSAB) and former Additional to participate for the first time in siles are not forwardly deployed. Secretary in the Cabinet Secrethe world's largest US-led multi- When China launched the great- tariat, Government of India. He is lateral military exercises, the '2014 scale project of diverting water a Distinguished Fellow in the InRim of the Pacific Exercise', in Ha- from the south to the north, China stitute of Peace and Conflict Studwaii. didn't use the abundant water re- ies (IPCS), New Delhi and PresiBeijing's continuing suspicion sources of the Yarlung Zangbo dent of the Centre for China and critical view of the US was River to supply the north. Analysis and Strategy, New Delhi.

India Post Quality of debate


he New York Times has joined the debate over Narendra Modi. It has cast doubts over his ability to lead India effectively "if he inspires fear and antipathy among many of its people." Many influential people and groups in the US are concerned about the outcome of the general elections in India in May 2014 which may not throw up a clear verdict as indicated by the various opinion polls. Neither the Congress nor the BJP are in a position to take on a leading role in the next government. And if there s a coalition of regional governments, it will be shaky and would not be able to carry out major reforms to revive the economy. So an uncertain period awaits India. Although Narendra Modi continues to attract large crowds in spite of terrorist attempts to disrupt his rallies, it is doubtful whether this would translate into enough votes to take him to the New Delhi gaddi. In a diverse country with differing local interests the appeal of Modi might remain of a demagogue who is adept at exposing the ruling first family of the Congress. His strategy of attacking others is good political drama. But he has shown a singular lack of building bridges with other parties which is necessary for anyone hoping to form a government at the Center. He lacks the diplomacy of Atal Bihari Vajpyee who was able to knit together a coalition with disparate elements with his art of winning friends. Also, in this slanging match between Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi real issues are not even being aired. Why has the economy slumped it is not being discussed. No party is revealing steps that it will take to revive the economy. How will they take on relations in future with America, China and Pakistan is not an issue with them. And what kind of important legislation they will propose remains a secret. The Congress party is understandably shy to discuss its wasted decade in power. Its leaders are therefore diverting attention to the likely consequences of having Narendra Modi in Delhi. Narendra Modi seems to lack the intellectual capacity to take on larger issues. And with his dominance in the party he has made it certain that no other with better intellectual capacity is able to shift the debate. And the regional parties have narrow interests. At the Center their interest is confined to which lucrative ministry they are able to wangle. Thus there is a great noise about the coming election but little of substance and quality. In his latest speeches, Narendra Modi has tried to shift focus to prosperity to override religious differences. He chose to break his silence over minorities but spoke only in terms of material progress. At his Patna rally, he asked Hindus and Muslims to fight the common enemy of poverty rather than each other. He said minorityfriendly gestures were meaningless without material well-being. This is a direct reference to Congress policies of dealing differently with different communities. Modi has also spoken of the Constitution being the only religion for the country. This is a break with BJP policies and thus invites the attention of other political parties who focus on sections of society as their vote banks. If Modi is able to shift the focus of the debate from the Congress kind of secularism and minorityism, this would be one positive in the war of words. That it has made some impact was evident from Rahul Gandhi's Delhi rally in which he also eschewed standard BJP-baiting and raising scares of Muslim insecurity in a BJP-ruled nation. Instead he praised the development in Delhi with the metro and Delhi airport cited as world class models. If the national debate now shifts from religion and castes to development and material well being, there could be a better ground for people to decide their future masters.

November 1, 2013

India Post 63

64 India Post

November 1, 2013

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