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Top Stories

India Post V O I C E




Alliance to honor life after Mumbai attacks Details on page 11

HBO, PBS to air Mumbai terror documentaries


VOL 15, No. 791

November 6, 2009


Periodical Postage


A home away from home for seniors

US concern for India religious freedom Details on page 9

Details on page 9

US companies lobby for private sector in farms

Details on page 32

Troubling trend of attacking the H-1B visa plan

Details on page 38

US wants India, Pak to resolve differences

Details on page 42

Details on page 6

Details on page 7

USIBC launches green India mission

Details on page 11

Pak: Don’t let terrorists hijack agenda

USINPAC backs candidate to unseat Burton

LINK TO KASHMIR: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh flagging off the first DEMU train at the Anantnag-Qazigund Rail Link, at Anantnag, in Jammu & Kashmir on October 28

SRINAGAR: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said there were no pre-conditions for talks with Pakistan but they cannot make headway unless there is "effective control" of the terror groups operating in that country. Winding up his two-day visit to the Kashmir valley, he also voiced the hope that separatists and others would

reciprocate his appeal for a dialogue with all sections of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Asked at a press conference here whether his statement that Pakistan should destroy terror camps will be a pre-condition for talks, Singh said "it is not a pre-condiDetails on page 6 tion.

Details on page 6

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

Will new PM appeal thaw ties with Pak? Last week’s result

India to set up 14 Innovation Universities with US tie ups

Kapil Sibal


NEW YORK: India is setting up 14 “innovation universities” in the country, for which it is actively seeking to forge alliances with top American universities to partner with India in their architecture, revealed India’s Minister for Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal. Details on page 8

India asks UK to open doors to its IT professionals LONDON: Britain has promised to look into suggestions to allow more Indian IT professionals into UK to build up a strategic partnership in the information technology field. The suggestion was made by President Pratibha Patil to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown during a meeting here at the 10, Downing Street. Patil stressed on the need for greater participation of Indian IT professionals in UK, which Brown assured to look into, Foreign Ministry Officials accompanying the President told reporters. Details on page 7 FIRST LADIES: Indiaís President Pratibha Patil (R) talks to Britainís Elizabeth II during the welcoming ceremony for the start of her State Visit to Britain at Windsor Castle,southern England, on October 27

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Is Preet Bharara targetting Indians? YES 32%

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CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 26-27 Classifieds --------------------- 48-50 Community Post -------------- 11-23 Date Book -------------------------- 51 Edit Page --------------------------- 53 HealthScience Post --------- 40-41 Horoscope ------------------------- 46 Immigration Post ------------- 42-45 Life Style ----------------------- 28-30 Philosophy ------------------------- 52 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate ------------------------ 32 TechBiz Post ------------------- 38-39 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 33-35


India Post

November 6, 2009

November 6, 2009

India Post

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India Post

India Post

November 6, 2009

IndiaNewsweekly Post

The Weekly Newspaper Serving Indians Worldwide

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Publisher’s Diary


xcitement is building over the scheduled visit of India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as President Obama's first official State guest to the White House later this month. Everyone from the government, diplomatic, trade, academic, think tank and political circles are waiting with anticipation to see the outcome of this high profile visit that is already sending out strong messages of the multi-layered bonding between the two countries to the world at large. Just over a year ago, Singh was at the White House on the invitation of the then US President George W. Bush, to strengthen strategic partnership between the two countries in different areas, especially civil nuclear cooperation. It must be said that Singh had struck quite a rapport with Bush and the latter did nothing to hide his admiration for the Indian leader either. During that visit last September, Singh had told Bush that the people of India loved him (for bringing the two countries closer to each other), at a time when the President was extremely unpopular with people around the world, including Americans. President Obama can thank his predecessor for having established the high level of engagement between the US and India, making it easy for him to merely take the elevator to the top. Today, barring minor issues that come up as irritants every once in a while, there are practically no critically rough edges to be smoothed between India and the US, which has enabled the two countries to partner as equals in dealing with global issues. Sure, there are differences - there is the climate change challenge, nuclear non-proliferation treaty, supporting India for a UN Security Council seat, and perhaps Obama's intended approach on Kashmir. But they are being dealt with on a level playing field. More than anything else, it is the mutual benefits that the two countries hope to reap between them through exchange of clean energy technology to India for defense and nuclear deals to the US that are going to make all the difference to the relations between the two in the near future. It would be worth looking forward to.

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Bollywood Kareena won't say no Even after the break-up with Shahid, Kareena is willing to star opposite him in his father’s movie Mausam.


Cover Story: Control terror Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says, "effective control" of Pak terror groups is necessary for talks.

Community: One Life Alliance Kia Scherr, whose husband Alan and daughter Naomi were gunned down in Mumbai attack, refused to condemn the terrorists.

Health: Healthcare overhaul President Obama has said that America has no choice but to overhaul the health care system to make insurance cheaper.




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Salman mischief ‘London Dreams’, distributor hosted a live video press conference between New York and Mumbai.

TechBiz: US help in farming USIBC publication "Unlocking India's Rural Sector: US Industry Contributions" is launched in New York.

28 38




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Travel: Sariska Sariska Tiger Reserve is nestled in the Aravali Hills divided into grasslands, dry deciduous forests, sheer cliffs.


November 6, 2009


India Post



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10/19/09 10:25 AM


Cover/Top Stories

India Post

November 6, 2009

Pak must control terror groups: PM SRINAGAR: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said there were no pre-conditions for talks with Pakistan but they cannot make headway unless there is "effective control" of the terror groups operating in that country. Winding up his two-day visit to the Kashmir valley, he also voiced the hope that separatists and others would reciprocate his appeal for a dialogue with all sections of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Asked at a press conference here whether his statement that Pakistan should destroy terror camps will be a pre-condition for talks, Singh said "it is not a precondition. "But there is a practical way of looking at (things). Negotiations can't make headway unless Pakistan brings under effective control these terror groups." He said India is a democracy and if day in and day out terrorists continue attacks and take precious lives "we cannot create an atmosphere for negotiations". "Negotiations can't make headway unless Pakistan brings under control the terrorist elements which aid and abet terrorism in India," the Prime Minister said. He also made it clear that Pakistan's actions against those believed to be behind the Mumbai attacks were not satisfactory and expressed the hope that Islamabad would bring all the perpetrators of 26/11 attacks to justice. Singh described as "far fetched and far from truth" Pakistan Inte-

United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi (R) waves as Indian minister for new and renewable energy Farooq Abdullah and Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah (L) look on during a public meeting held at Wanpoh on the outskirts of Srinagar on October 28

rior Minister Rehman Malik's charge that India was abetting violence in Balochistan and funding Taliban. "I have said earlier that India had no role in Balochistan and those who level these charges, the senior minister in Pakistan, know jolly well that there is no truth in it. "Nothing can be far fetched and far from truth," he said adding in fact it was India which was a victim of terrorism aided and abetted from Pakistani soil. "Both (charges on) Balochistan and Taliban are totally false," he said. To a question whether India was satisfied with Pakistan's steps on Mumbai attacks, he said "obviously we are not satisfied

The Prime Minister regretted the Organization of Isamic Countries (OIC) getting into the internal affairs of India when it appointed a Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir. ‘We regret that the OIC has got into this business. We have lodged a protest with them on this account’

US calls on India, Pakistan to resolve differences LAHORE: The US has appealed to India and Pakistan to resolve their differences for the benefit of regional trade, but made it clear that the issues between the two countries can only be settled bilaterally. "What we hope is that at some point in the future - which I would like to see in the not too distant future - Pakistan and India can resolve their outstanding differences," US Secretary of State Clinton said during an interaction with youths at the Government College University here. "And why do I say that? Because I believe that trade between Pakistan and India could rival trade anywhere. I believe that if there were peace between Pakistan and India and the outstanding issues were resolved, Pakistan would take

off like a rocket in terms of economic development," she said. Clinton, however, said that while the US encourages both countries to address their problems, only Pakistan and India can

She said Pakistan has the makings to become an economic "powerhouse" because of its strategic location and access to the sea but this would only become possible if it improved ties with India resolve such issues. She said Pakistan has the makings to become an economic "powerhouse" because of its strategic

location and access to the sea but this would only become possible if it improved ties with India. "If you had trade opening up to the north, east and west it would make a huge economic difference to your country and one of the major obstacles standing in the way is the distrust and the history between India and Pakistan, which blocks the kind of opportunities for investment that I think could make a huge difference," she said. Clinton said the perception in Pakistan that the US always extends support to India is "not true." She was responding to a question from a student, who wanted to know why the US administration "always supports India" though Pakistan has stood with America in difficult situations.-PTI

with action taken by Pakistan. We sincerely hope that Pakistan government will bring all the perpetrators of 26/11 attacks to justice." In his opening statement, he expressed the hope that his appeal for dialogue with all sections of the people of Jammu and Kashmir will be reciprocated in the spirit in which he had made the appeal. To a question about Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Farooq justifying the use of gun, Singh said he did not want to read too much into what was said in anger. "I hope all those who believe in the good of Jammu and Kashmir will respond favorably to my appeal for dialogue. We are willing to engage in discussions with every group and all those who want abjure violence,"

he said. Earlier, in his opening remarks, Singh said he was returning from Kashmir fully satisfied as he believed a "new chapter is opening in the peace process in the state and Jammu and Kashmir is turning the corner. He said the government would have to carry all stake-holders in the state to achieve permanent peace in J and K so that government could concentrate on development and full economic revival, creating jobs for the young people. The Prime Minister regretted the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) getting into the internal affairs of India when it appointed a Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir. "We regret that the OIC has got into this business. We have lodged a protest with them on this account," he said adding India would not act under any body's pressure. He said India was not going to be induced to act under pressure of anybody. To a question of lack of progress with Pakistan on Confidence Building Measures (CBMs), the Prime Minister said the CBMs to move forward the cooperation of Pakistan government and its people were required and voiced the hope that Pakistan would create a proper atmosphere for making progress on these issues. The Prime Minister parried a question on the withdrawal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act. -PTI

Terrorists shouldn't be allowed to define agenda for peace: Pak ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has said the composite dialogue offers hope for a "meaningful engagement" with India to address issues like Kashmir and insisted that the two countries should not allow terrorists to define the agenda for peace and security in South Asia. This was stated by the Foreign Office here, a day after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in Anantnag in Jammu and Kashmir that India was ready to discuss all issues with Pakistan provided it curbed activities of those engaged in terrorism in India. Responding to Singh's remarks, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit described them as a "welcome reiteration of the understanding reached at the Sharm elSheikh summit between Pakistan and India" in July.

"It had been agreed (at Sharm el-Sheikh) that the dialogue process was the only way forward. We have always said that Pakistan and India should not allow terrorists and militants to define and drive the agenda on issues of peace, security and stability in South Asia," Basit said in a statement. "The composite dialogue process "offers hopes for a meaningful engagement to address these issues and most notably the Jammu and Kashmir dispute," he said. "Pakistan will not be found wanting in sincere efforts to promote regional peace and stability and to make the peace process irreversible," Basit added. Islamabad has also called for the unconditional resumption of dialogue. -PTI

Top Stories

November 6, 2009

India Post


USINPAC supports candidate to unseat Dan Burton India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The US India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) hosted a fundraiser to support Dr. John McGoff, a strong candidate to unseat noted India critic Rep. Dan Burton in next year's Republican Primary election. Dr. McGoff came within 7% of defeating Rep. Burton in last year's Primary election. Dr. McGoff is an emergency physician and a Colonel in the Air National Guard. Rep. Burton's numerous assails on India include accusing India of "being one of the world's worst human rights abusers" and for having "a record of committing acts of terrorism." Rep. Burton has made unsubstantiated accusations about India on the floor of Congress over 16 times in the past two decades. Vinnie Rao, an Indian American leader from Indianapolis who cohosted the event, said, "We are excited to work with USINPAC to support Dr. McGoff in this crucial race that is significant to the interests of Indian Americans and India. The community in Indiana

has supported Dr. McGoff for many years and we will continue to do so." Dr. John McGoff said, "I would like to thank Indian Americans in Indiana and USINPAC for their assistance and support of my

Dr. McGoff is the Indian American community's best chance of defeating Rep. Burton and stopping his attacks on India once and for all. Dr. McGoff's background in medicine and the National Guard qualifies him to deal with the some of the most pressing issues facing Americans campaign to unseat Congressman Dan Burton. The Indian American community is a vital part of the fabric of our country. I have always supported their efforts to im-

prove the way of life for all of us here in the United States and will continue to do so as a member of Congress." "Dr. McGoff is the Indian American community's best chance of defeating Rep. Burton and stopping his attacks on India once and for all. Dr. McGoff's background in medicine and the National Guard qualifies him to deal with the some of the most pressing issues facing Americans, including health care and terrorism." said Sanjay Puri, Chairman of USINPAC. "We look forward to continuing to help Dr. McGoff in his campaign." Since its inception, USINPAC has launched campaigns to neutralize Rep. Burton. In 2005, USINPAC organized support in Congress to successfully prevent Rep. Burton from becoming the top Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee. In 2003, USINPAC organized a campaign to successfully prevent Rep. Burton from becoming the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee that had jurisdiction over India.

India asks UK to open doors to its IT professionals LONDON: Britain has promised to look into suggestions to allow more Indian IT professionals into UK to build up a strategic partnership in the information technology field. The suggestion was made by President Pratibha Patil to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown during a meeting here at the 10, Downing Street. Patil stressed on the need for greater participation of Indian IT professionals in UK, which Brown assured to look into, Foreign Ministry Officials accompanying the President told reporters. The US and other major EU nations have allowed greater flow of Indian IT professionals, which has led to a boom in the sector in these countries and apparently Patil's suggestion was to ensure that Britain did not lag behind. Brown said India-UK cooperation in IT was a very important area for the growing bilateral strategic partnership, officials said. The 30-minute long meeting between the two leaders also focused on issues of bilateral cooperation in economy and edu-

cation. Brown told the President that business ties between the two countries were flourishing with a large number of Indian companies now listed on London Stock Exchange. Britian is also one of the larg-

Brown said that the UK was again becoming a large destination for Indian students, a fact pointed out by Patil and Queen Elizabeth during the State Banquet hosted at Windsor Castle est foreign direct investors in India. . During the meeting, Brown also expressed keenness in further boosting India-UK coopera-

tion in the field of education, the officials said. The UK has recently opened the doors of most of its varsities to Indian students, and in this regard the discussion between two leaders covered expanding the cooperation to premium institutions of higher education in India, including IIT and a Central University. Brown said that the UK was again becoming a large destination for Indian students, a fact pointed out by Patil and Queen Elizabeth during the State Banquet hosted at Windsor Castle. Patil is the first Indian head of state to visit United Kingdom in last 20 years. The two leaders exchanged their views on various issues pertaining to social spectrum, Millennium Development Goals and various aspects of women empowerment and dwelt on the role of women in contributing to democracy and development, the officials said. The Prime Minister said that UK was very keen to partner India in socio-economic sector, the officials said. -PTI

18-km Kashmir rail project inaugurated ANANTNAG: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, flanked by Congress President Sonia Gandhi and state leaders - Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Union Ministers Farooq Abdullah and Ghulam Nabi Azad and former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, flagged off the 18-km long Anantnag-Qazigund section of the Kashmir rail project. "The day is not far when trains will run from Jammu to Srinagar through the Banihal pass," he said. With this, India's highest broad gauge rail station at Qazigund, about 80 km from Srinagar, at an altitude of 1,722 metres became operational. With opening of the 18-km line, the valley will be linked to its capital Srinagar and other important places, and the trains are expected to chug at a speed of 100 km per hour. At a public meeting earlier, the Minister Manmohan Singh ex-

pressed the Center's willingness to "talk to anyone" having "meaningful ideas" to promote peace in Jammu and Kashmir and offered to resume dialogue with Pakistan provided it curbed activities of those engaged in terrorism in India. Singh also announced Center's assistance to a series of development measures in the state at a public meeting here. Affirming that "the era of violence and terrorism is coming to an end", the Prime Minister recalled that five years ago his government had committed itself to having unconditional dialogue with "whoever abjures violence" after which the government had held discussions with different groups and implemented a number of initiatives. "I wish to say again today that we are willing to talk to anyone who has any meaningful ideas for promoting peace and development in Kashmir.-PTI

India does not wish to destabilize Pak: Tharoor PALAKKAD, Kerala: India does not wish to destabilize Pakistan in any manner and wants to maintain good relations with that country, Union Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor said here. Islamabad should make efforts to better its relationship with India, which has been under strain since the 26/11 attack, Tharoor told reporters here. "India does not want to desta-

bilize Pakistan in any manner and wishes to maintain good relations with it," he said. On Chinese objections to the Dalai Lama's visit to Arunachal Pradesh, Tharoor said anyone could visit the state, as it is part of India. Tharoor was speaking on the sidelines of a national workshop on 'steps to market and rejuvenate traditional paddy seeds of Kerala'. -PTI

PM for dealing with Maoist problem in a holistic way SRINAGAR: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said here the Maoist problem has to be dealt with "in a holistic way" through a twopronged approach of enforcing law and order and simultaneously carrying out development. "We have to deal with it in a holistic way. Every state has to maintain and enforce law and order. Law and order is a precondition for any sustained social and economic development," Singh said at a press conference here. Admitting that alienation of tribals was one of the reasons behind the Maoist problem, he said "we have to operate on two legs. We have to enforce and law

and order and simultaneously we have to pay attention to the development dimension of the problem as well." Singh said he recognized that in certain areas, particularly in areas where the tribal population is in large proportion to the total population, there is alienation, probably reflecting that the development programs that have been put in place were not reaching those people. However, the Prime Minister declined to comment on the West Bengal government's decision to swap suspected Naxals to secure the freedom of a police officer abducted by Maoists. -PTI


Top Stories

India Post

November 6, 2009

India to set up 14 Innovation Universities with US tie ups SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: India is setting up 14 “innovation universities” in the country, for which it is actively seeking to forge alliances with top American universities to partner with India in their architecture, revealed India’s Minister for Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal. The minister, who is on a weeklong visit to the US in this endeavor, spoke to the media at the Indian Consulate in New York just before delivering the Consulate’s first ‘Distinguished Persons Lecture Series’ on Oct 25. The 20-member delegation, which includes a number of Indian academicians, organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry led by Sibal is holding meetings at Harvard University, MIT, Boston University, Yale, George Washington University and also with the US Education Secretary.

tions, the minister said. “We are starting a dialogue with them to know what is it that they would like to do with us in the nature of collaboration and to what extent they would like to partner with us,” he said. “(But) I can’t say whether that dialogue will lead to any substantial results — I hope it does – we will try to convince them of the educational reforms we are bringing in and the first reform is to allow foreign education providers to come into India.” Further on that, Sibal said the general policy framework would be for foreign education providers to come in a manner seen in other countries. “Our expectation is that as and when they come to India they will understand the sensitivities in India and I’m sure we have enough student community in India for them to have the kind of surpluses they need to put back into the system.” “This is in the context where we are intending to reform the Indian education sector. New legis-

‘Our expectation is that as and when they come to India they will understand the sensitivities in India and I’m sure we have enough student community in India for them to have the kind of surpluses they need to put back into the system’ The purpose of the visit was to explore possibilities of collaboration of various kinds with American educational institu-

CRRI develops new droughtresistant paddy BHUBANESWAR: The Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) has developed a unique drought-resistant variety of paddy seed that can survive and produce crop even without water for over three weeks. "The new seed is named 'Sahabhagi'. The paddy seed got clearance of Central Variety Release Committee (CVRC) two days ago,", CRRI director T K Adhya told PTI. Highlighting its drought-resistance characteristics, Adhya said the roots of Sahabhagi variety paddy can penetrate deeper into the soil enabling it to draw ground water. "The new paddy seed can survive without water for over three weeks", he said. Though scientists had earlier developed a drought resistant paddy seed - "Kalinga", this new type could produce 3.5 tonne of paddy per hectare.-PTI

lations in this regard, hopefully, are on the anvil and this is on account of the fact that the education system in India must expand

Kapil Sibal speaking to the media

exponentially; and this expansion process involves getting every child to school. We have already passed Right to Education Bill — a historic legislation as you know,” he said. Sibal said that India was moving forward with the ‘Madhyamic Shikshya Abhiyan’ (Secondary School Movement) where it hopes to ensure that all children go to school and get higher secondary education. “What that will do for India is help us have a critical mass of people to move into the higher education system and increase our GER (Gross Enrolment Rate) from 12.4 at present to

Amitabh Bachchan gets animated, Priyadarshan to direct THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan is all set to save the world, albeit in a digital avatar. The 'Shehenshah of Bollywood' is lending his voice for the feature length animated film, 'Twinergy', which is being directed

by acclaimed filmmaker Priyadarshan. The film based on the universal theme of good and evil is filmmaker Priyadarshan's first animation project and will see Big B playing the lead as well as lending his famous baritone to his character. A B Corporation has entered into a tie-up with media entertainment major Toonz India to produce the full-length animated film. The pre-production work of the Rs 20 crore venture has begun in Toonz studio at the Technopark here and the film is expected to release during Diwali in 2010, P Jayakumar, CEO of Toonz Animation India Pvt Ltd told PTI. "This movie has several unique features. This is for the first time that a Bollywood icon associating with an animated film. Also, this is the first animated film by Priyadarshan," Jayakumar said. -PTI

somewhere around 30, by 2020,” he explained. It was to cater to the critical mass of people who will thus be vying for higher education, that India was trying to forge alliances with American educational institutions, he added. “America is a great example of education, especially education at the graduate level, which without any doubts meets the standards of excellence that no other higher education system does,” he said. Sibal also noted that the presence of Indians holding prominent positions in most American universities makes it important to start a dialogue with those institutions to forge alliances of a permanent nature. Minister on the defensive This past month, India’s Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal has been embroiled in controversies over his suggestions for changing the eligibility criteria for IIT entrance examinations. With lack of support from various quarters including from some of the constituents of the ruling UPA, Sibal has had to backtrack on some of his proposals, which was perhaps the reason why he was aggressively defensive when questioned on the subject at a press conference. Cutting off reporters somewhat rudely, he refused to acknowledge that there was any controversy over the issue at all. “There is no controversy … its all over… there was an issue and that has been resolved,” he said in response to a question. The minister had suggested that the cut off percentage for class XII students wanting to appear for the IIT JEE entrance should be raised from 60% to 8085%, which met with opposition

from some of the political parties. However, he told reporters here that the cut off percent for qualifying for the IIT JEE was 60% and that there was no controversy there whatsoever. He also took offense to another reporter’s query on how he expected to carry on the reform process in the education sector when he seems to be stymied with opposition from political parties. “It bothers me when such stories are spread,” he said. “Bring me proof that anyone from any Party is opposing me then I will answer your question.” To another journalist who asked what he expects from his delegation’s meetings with top American universities during his week-long visit, he said, “We are just starting a dialogue… can’t say if the dialogue will lead to substantial results. I hope something comes of it. These are just exploratory meetings.” In the same vein he told another reporter he should ask the American universities what they are looking for in India and not him. To a reporter’s hypothetical question if the minister had any advice for President Obama on educational reform, since the President was also talking about reforming the system in the US, the minister said, “Certainly we will give no advice at the instance of a journalist.” About commercialization of universities in India with regard to those that charge huge capitation fee, the minister said, “Yes, there are some universities that are charging capitation fee; we are bringing in a law – a malpractices law — the law is not yet passed, so I can’t explain it to you.”

Top Stories

November 6, 2009

India Post


US concern for religious freedom in Indian states SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The ruling UPA government at the central level in India was committed to religious freedoms in general while there were concerns at a local level in the states, according to the International Religious Freedom Report 2009 released by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington DC on Oct 26. The report that covers 198 countries across the world, states that the National Government in India generally respected religious freedom in practice; however, some state and local governments imposed limits on this freedom. At a press briefing following the release of the report, Michael H. Posner, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor said, "I think on India what I would say is, it's a mixed picture. The government at a central level is quite committed and it's also, a very religiously diverse society, where, in fact, a lot of religions were born and nurtured. I think at a local level we have some concerns, and there are some specific instances mentioned in the report. The response to violence, for example, in one case where a Hindu religious leader was killed and there was a spate of violence that affected mainly a Christian population - 40-some people killed. So we are very mind-

ful that there are still inner religious tensions within the society, and I think our focus would be on the lack of response at a local level rather than a national - the national policy is good. It's a question of how it's implemented at a local level." The report says that some state governments in India enacted and amended "anticonversion" laws, and police and enforcement agencies often did not act swiftly to

‘I think at a local level we have some concerns. The response to violence, for example, in one case where a Hindu religious leader was killed and there was a spate of violence that affected mainly a Christian population’ counter communal attacks effectively, including attacks against religious minorities. The vast majority of Indians of all religious groups lived in peaceful coexistence; however, there were some organized communal attacks against minority religious groups, it says, noting that the

country's democratic system, open society, independent legal institutions, vibrant civil society, and freewheeling press all provide mechanisms to address violations of religious freedom when they occur. The report mentions incidents of violence including one that erupted in August 2008 in Orissa after individuals affiliated with leftwing Maoist extremists killed a Hindu religious leader in Kandhamal, the country's poorest district. According to government statistics, 40 persons died and 134 were injured in that incident. "Although most victims were Christians, the underlying causes that led to the violence have complex ethnic, economic, religious, and political roots related to land ownership and government-reserved employment and educational benefits," the report says of the Kandhamal violence. The other specific instances mentioned include numerous terrorist attacks throughout the country by religious extremists in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Delhi, Malegaon in Maharashtra and Mumbai (Nov 26, 2008). The report also notes that on May 1, 2009, the Supreme Court ordered speedy trials of cases relating to eight major incidents from the 2002 Gujarat violence; however, hundreds of other court cases stemming from this violence remained unsettled. The US Embassy and its con-

sulates promoted religious freedom in their discussions with the country's senior leadership, as well as with state and local officials, and supported initiatives to encourage religious and communal harmony, it says. During meetings with key leaders of all significant religious communities, senior US officials discussed reports of harassment of minority groups, converts, and missionaries, as well as state-level legisla-

The National Government, led by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), continued to implement an inclusive and secular platform that included respect for the right to religious freedom tion restricting conversion, the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat, and the plight of displaced Kashmiri Pandits. The report also says that senior US officials raised US concerns with senior Government officials about the violence against Christians in Orissa and

Karnataka. "Despite the National Government's rejection of "Hindutva," the ideology that espouses the inculcation of Hindu religious and cultural norms above other religious norms, "Hindutva" continued to influence the policies of some state and local governments and actions at the state and local levels," the report says. "The National Government, led by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), continued to implement an inclusive and secular platform that included respect for the right to religious freedom." Further it says, efforts at ecumenical understanding brought religious leaders together to defuse religious tensions. Prominent leaders of all religious groups made public efforts to show respect for other religious groups by celebrating their holidays and attending social events such as weddings. Muslim groups protested against the mistreatment of Christians by Hindu extremists. Christian clergy and spokespersons for Christian organizations issued public statements condemning anti-Muslim violence in places such as Gujarat. In the aftermath of the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist strikes, religious leaders of all communities condemned the attacks and issued statements to maintain communal harmony, the report concludes.

Pre-Copenhagen Executive Mission pitches US technology to India India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The first annual Green India Executive Mission was launched by the US-India Business Council (USIBC) Oct 26, with an executive delegation representing some of the world's leading clean energy and water infrastructure companies. Led by Robert Nelson, senior partner with the renowned firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, and Member of the USIBC Board of Directors, the Green India Executive Mission is in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry. "Our delegation is enthusiastic to play a role in deploying the latest and best clean technologies in India - to help India meet its growing energy needs in a sustainable manner," said Ted Jones, Director for Policy Advocacy at the USIBC. Even with efficiency improvements, India's demand for power is forecast to more than quadruple by 2030, making India the

third largest energy consumer in the world after the United States and China. India's need for water infrastructure is equally acute. India is heavily dependent on the monsoon for water supply - 90%

‘Our delegation is enthusiastic to play a role in deploying the latest and best clean technologies in India - to help India meet its growing energy needs in a sustainable manner’ of all river flows occur in a fourmonth period. Whereas the U.S. stores up to 5,000 cc of water per capita and China stores up to

1,000 cc, India currently stores just 500 cc of water per capita. "India has made important domestic commitments to deploy low-carbon-technologies and improve the existing water infrastructure," said Jones. "Our companies are here this week to better understand these new incentives, and gauge the commercial opportunities." The National Action Plan details plans to deploy 15,000 megawatts of renewable power by 2012; 20,000 megawatts of solar power by 2020; saving 10,000 megawatts through energy efficiency by 2012; and increasing nuclear capacity to 40,000 MW by 2032. India aims to increase efficiency in the water sector by 20% as well as make improvements in the overall storage and distribution of water throughout the system. "Obviously these commitments can be met only by broad private-sector participation," Jones observed. "The key is for India to develop and sustain a

robust market for clean technologies and water infrastructure." Among the technology companies in the Delegation are AES Solar; Astonfield Renewable Resources Ltd.; Azure Power;

The USIBC Delegation will meet with key Government of India officials in the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Ministry of Power, and the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, among others CH2M Hill; Easy Energy Systems; Eaton Corporation; General Electric Company; Hines Corporation; Honeywell; SPX Corpora-

tion; Synergics; United Technologies Corporation; and Weston Solutions Ltd. The delegation also includes leading investment banks and finance firms energy consulting and professional services companies. The USIBC Delegation will meet with key Government of India officials in the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Ministry of Power, and the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, among others. Recognizing the important role of State Governments in the deployment of low-carbon technologies and improvements in water infrastructure, the Mission will host in New Delhi senior government officials from select progressive States, including Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Gujarat. US-India cooperation in energy and infrastructure has steadily increased ever since India and the United States launched Next Steps in Strategic Partnership (NSSP) in 2001.

Top Stories

10 India Post

November 6, 2009

Indian charged with aiding Hezbollah pleads not guilty NEW YORK: An Indian national charged with attempting to provide material support to Lebanon's Hezbollah, a US designated foreign terrorist group, and illegally possessing fire arms and ammunition has pleaded not guilty. Patrick Nayyar was residing illegally in Queens in New York and was arrested on September 24 from his residence based on a criminal complaint charging him with possessing a firearm

and ammunition as an illegal alien. Nayyar's lawyer Martin Schmukler has called the case "overblown" and stated that his client was not living in the country illegally. The 45-year-old Indian, who was indicted by a Manhattan court, pleaded not guilty to the charges. According to the indictment, Nayyar along with his accomplice Conrad Stanisclaus

Mulholland agreed to provide weapons, ammunition and vehicles to Hezbollah. Schmukler said Nayyar currently lives in Flushing, Queens with his wife and two children in a building where he works as a superintendent. Nayyar's so-called accomplice Mulholland, who hails from Britain and has also been charged by the court, has not yet been arrested and is reported to be in the UK. -PTI

26/11: Pak anti-terror court told to redress suspects' woes ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani anti-terror court conducting trial of seven suspects arrested for involvement in Mumbai attacks, including LeT's operations chief Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, has been directed by Lahore High Court to take into account the views of the accused and redress their grievances. The Rawalpindi-based bench of the Lahore High Court, which was hearing a petition filed by lawyers of the suspects challenging their indictment, said the anti-terror court should give the accused an opportunity to present their views. The bench comprising Justices Khwaja Imtiaz Ahmed and Nasir Saeed directed the antiterror court not to proceed fur-

ther with the case without redressing the grievances of the accused. The defense lawyers had claimed in the petition that the anti-terror court's move of indicting the suspects in the absence of their counsel was "illegal". The High Court bench responded to this contention by saying that there is no legal provision that requires the presence of lawyers during the indictment process. However, the bench decided in the spirit of justice that the anti-terror court should address the reservations of the suspects and their lawyers. The High Court bench also disposed of the petition by the defense lawyers. -PTI

Home Ministry advises Indian pilgrims against travel to Pak

JOINT EXERCISE: In this handout image provided by the Indian Ministry of Defense, tanks are maneuvered during the joint Indo-US Exercise Yudh Abhyas 2009 at Babina on October 27

Indian envoy's security in Bangla increased DHAKA: Bangladesh has stepped up the security of Indian High Commissioner Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty and at the Mission here after the envoy received a threat through e-mail, a report said here. 'Amaeder Samoy', a tabloid, said Chakravarty received an email threat on August 28 prompting authorities to increase security for the envoy and other In-

dian diplomats in Bangladesh. However, the Indian envoy declined to comment on the issue. "It is our policy not to comment on our security issues," Chakravarty told PTI. However, police said they have intensified the security of the Indian envoy and other diplomats as part of a nationwide security alert issued recently.

The home ministry officials were not available immediately for comments but a senior police official preferring anonymity said "we routinely keep an extra security vigil on foreign embassies which are deemed to be exposed to security threats". The media report also said AlQaeda or Harkatul Jihad Bangladesh (HuJI) may be behind the email threat.-PTI

IIMs to offer seats to foreign students LUCKNOW: With a view to giving a global stature to the country's prestigious B-schools, Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) plan to throw open their gates for foreign students. The directors of various IIMs have already discussed the matter informally and the matter could be taken up at the higher level for a final decision, sources in the IIM-Lucknow said here. As of now only Indian stu-

dents can apply for admission to the IIMs. "We are looking into the matter. If it is passed, it may come into effect from next session," Director IIM-Lucknow Dr Devi Singh said. The plan, if takes shape, would, however, not cut into the seats of the Indian students as the number of seats could be hiked by ten per cent to accommodate foreign students, who

could have to appear in a G-MAT type of exam for the seat into the premier institutes, sources said. The IIMs are also contemplating on opening campuses outside the country and this matter would also be taken up in advanced discussions, sources said. The plan to allow foreign students would help in providing more exposure to the students, sources added. -PTI

NEW DELHI: As Pakistan witnesses a spurt in terror attacks, the Government has issued a travel advisory asking Indian pilgrims against visiting that country. "Government of India is of the view that it is not advisable for Indian pilgrims to visit Pakistan in the prevailing situation when frequent terrorist attacks are taking place in Punjab province of Pakistan, where all Gurudwaras are situated," the advisory said. The Home Ministry asked

"all Indian citizens to avoid undertaking any visit to Pakistan for this purpose, till the security situation in Pakistan improves." Pakistan has faced a spate of terror attacks recently in which suspected Taliban militia have struck at key installations, including the Army headquarters in Rawalpindi and a nuclear base at Kamra. The deluge of attacks has left more than 190 people dead this month. -PTI

Honking the Indian way in Switzerland! NEW DELHI: What happens when a Swiss guy has a day's stint as an autorickshaw driver in Delhi? Out to explore the city, Christopher Badoux ends up learning honking at the slightest pretext, very unbecoming of Swiss people who are used to peace and quiet as honking is considered an aggressive act there. While battling traffic during the day, he also explores an ambiguous love metaphor and develops an understanding of the game of cricket. This is among the few incidents which are a result of a project in which writer-artists of India and Switzerland are sent to the other country to explore

hidden urban themes. "When Kulbhushan met Stockli" is an experiment in telling short graphic tales, which, individually and together, create a local universe. In all, there are a dozen witty and incisive graphic essays which open the psychic core of cities in both countries and construct a conversation channel. "The traffic noise is not exactly deafening but rather piercing. The noise of motor scooters and their horns seem to bite your skin like mosquitoes, sometimes it feels like being cut with knives," writes Andrea Caprez and Christopher Schuler in "A Short Cut to India". -PTI

Desi News US Army accommodates Sikh recruit India Post News Service

WASHINGTON DC: The U. S. Army has accepted a Sikh recruit, Captain Kamaljeet Singh Kalsi, who bravely refused to remove his dastaar or shave his hair as a condition of joining the military. For the first time in 23 years, the Sikh community's effort has persuaded the Army to make an exception to the rule barring Sikhs from military service in the United States. While applauds the Army's action, the Sikh Coalition said it remained concerned that the decision was an exemption to Army policy only for a single, individual Sikh.


11 India Post

November 6, 2009

the attack, stunned world audiences for refusing to condemn the terrorists, speaking instead of compassion and forgiveness, unconditional love and the affirmation of life. Following a global outpouring of support and appreciation, One Life Alliance was established to lead others to recognize the value of life as sacred. "The time has come to join to-

Kathak Festival enthralls art lovers MOHAMMAD GHOUSE India Post News Service

Details on page 15

NEIU students present colorful Diwali program SURI SWAMY

CHICAGO: The Diwali Show 2009, provided and planned by the Indian Students Association (ISA) of Northeastern Illinois University, presented a mix of modern and traditional wholesome entertainment for families, students, and community members at large at the NEIU auditorium in Chicago last week. The near houseful program began with lighting of lamps. Dean, Murrell J. H. Duster, Dean, Jannet Fredricks, Prayagi Patel, President of ISA and Hetal Shah. Details on page 17

Details on page 18

One Life Alliance founded to honor life after Mumbai attacks

Details on page 12

CHICAGO: Denise Jorgens, Director International House of the University, minced no words while praising Anil Sinha Foundation (ASF) and its office bearers for organizing one of the finest shows of the year, the 2nd International Festival of Kathak here.

Vedic Temple anniversary in Nithyananda's presence

A file picture of Mumbai attack India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Nearly one year after terrorist attacks in Mumbai killed more than 170 people, including two members of the Synchronicity Foundation for Modern Spirituality, Synchronicity Foundation leaders have put their beliefs into action with the launch of One Life Alliance, a new organization honoring the sacredness of all life and

the power of forgiveness as a means of inspiring and encouraging peace and unity in the world. A coordinated three-day attack beginning November 26, 2008 targeted the Hotel Oberoi, where members of Synchronicity Foundation were staying during a spiritual retreat. Master Charles Cannon, founder of Synchronicity Foundation, and Kia Scherr, whose husband Alan and daughter Naomi were gunned down in

One Life Alliance has begun its work with the "Peace Dragon" art project spearheaded by author/illustrator Linda Ragsdale, who herself was wounded in the attack. To honor her promise to teach Naomi Scherr how to draw a dragon, The Peace Dragon project tours schools and local events to work with children on creating peaceful images. In Ragsdale's

Following a global outpouring of support and appreciation, One Life Alliance was established to lead others to recognize the value of life as sacred gether as one human family," said Scherr. "Together we can change the world, beginning with each one of us, with the choices we make from moment to moment. Let us choose love, understanding, acceptance, compassion and forgiveness as a baseline for all of our interactions. In so doing, we elevate not only ourselves, but everyone we meet."

hands, the dragon is transformed from a frightening creature into a peaceful, benevolent symbol that inspires children to celebrate individual differences. The organization also plans to offer a one-day training course in individual empowerment, community building and conflict resolution. Cont’d on page 13

HBO, PBS to air Mumbai terror attack documentaries India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Commemorating the first anniversary of the Mumbai terrorists attacks, HBO and PBS channels have lined up documentaries to be aired this month. The harrowing documentary 'Terror in Mumbai', co-produced with the UK's Channel 4, will provide the first-ever 360-degree view of a terrorist act when it debuts November, announced HBO. Expanding on the

newsmaking, acclaimed British version of the documentary, HBO's Terror in Mumbai is narrated by Mumbai-born Fareed

closing of the film. Directed by award winner Dan Reed (HBO's "Terror in Moscow"), the documentary recounts in harrowing

The harrowing documentary 'Terror in Mumbai', co-produced with the UK's Channel 4, will provide the first-ever 360-degree view of a terrorist act when it debuts November, announced HBO Zakaria, CNN host and Newsweek International editor, who appears on camera in the opening and

detail the bloody events of a 60hour period in 2008 when ten young Pakistani men unleashed

coordinated attacks across the city of Mumbai, leaving more than 170 people dead. Featuring exclusive intercepted audio tapes of the cell phone calls between the young gunmen and their controllers in Pakistan, and interrogation footage of the sole surviving gunman, the documentary debuts Nov 19 (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET/PT), exclusively on HBO, one week before the first anniversary of the attacks. Cont’d on page 12


Community Across America

India Post

Army accommodates Sikh recruit India Post News Service

WASHINGTON DC: The U. S. Army has accepted a Sikh recruit, Captain Kamaljeet Singh Kalsi, who bravely refused to remove his dastaar or shave his hair as a condition of joining the military. For the first time in 23 years, the Sikh community's effort has per-

willingness to review its general policy of excluding Sikhs from service in the coming months. Two Sikh men, Captain Kamaljeet Singh Kalsi, a doctor, and Captain Tejdeep Singh Rattan, a dentist, were recruited to join the Army's Health Professions Scholarship Program several years ago. Both maintained their turbans

‘Like the many Sikhs who fought before me, I know I will serve America with honor and excellence. It is my hope that the Army will soon allow all Sikhs to serve along with me’ Captain Kamaljeet Singh Kalsi

suaded the Army to make an exception to the rule barring Sikhs from military service in the United States. While applauds the Army's action, the Sikh Coalition said it remained concerned that the decision was an exemption to Army policy only for a single, individual Sikh. There has not yet been a change of the overall policy excluding Sikhs from service. The Coalition said it was encouraged that the Army has expressed its

throughout the four year program, and appeared in uniform during specialized Army training, at Army ceremonies, and while working in military medical facilities. Nevertheless, after completing the program, they were told that they must remove their turbans and cut their unshorn hair and beards for active duty. Rather than abandon their Sikhi, they chose to appeal to Army leadership to end its policy of Sikh exclusion from

India Post News Service

NEW JERSEY: A unique Hindu Dharma Sabha (Hinduism Summit) was held by the Forum for Hindu Awakening and the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti at the Marathi Vishwa Community Hall in New Jersey, on Oct 24 (Kartik Shukla Shashthi, 5111as per the Hindu calendar). The aim of the Summit was to foster education about Hindu Dharma by bringing forth the unique science behind Hinduism concepts and practices, and bringing together Hindu leaders around the NJ-NY-PA tri-state

New Jersey area to spread the message of Hinduism. This historic event was inaugurated as per Hindu tradition by the blowing of the conch, recitation of auspicious verses, lighting of an oil lamp and recitation of Vedic mantras by priests, Yogendra Bhat and Krishna Pratap Dikshit. The unique spiritual science behind these Hindu traditions was explained to the attendees. The Dharma Sabha was attended by 75 people in person and around 60 others from countries like Australia, Serbia, UAE, etc., watched it online through a live webcast. At the Summit, the speakers were honored with the 'Vishwa Hindu Ratna' (Hindu Gem of the world) award for their dedicated efforts for the cause of Hinduism. There were thought provoking speeches, PowerPoint presenta-

service. The Army accommodated Captain Kalsi and deferred a decision on Captain Rattan's appeal until he completes his dental certification. "I am overjoyed by the Army's decision to allow me to serve my country," said Captain Kalsi. "Like the many Sikhs who fought before me, I know I will serve America with honor and excellence. It is my hope that the Army will soon allow all Sikhs to serve along with me." Indeed a number of prominent Members of Congress have called on the Army to welcome all Sikhs, and not just Captain Kalsi, into the

Washington DC military. In August 2009, 43 members of the House of Representatives and 6 U.S. Senators called on Defense Secretary Robert Gates to allow all Sikhs to serve in the U.S. Army. These efforts were led by Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) in the Senate and Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) in the House. "I am gratified that the Army has recognized Captain Kalsi's commitment to his faith and his desire to serve our nation in uniform," said Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen. "As our Army increasingly engages the world, our engagement is enhanced by having a military that reflects both America's and the world's diversity."

November 6, 2009

HBO, PBS to air Mumbai terror attack documentaries Cont’d from page 11

PBS 13's 'Secrets of the Dead: Mumbai Massacre', to be aired Nov 25, retraces the harrowing hours of the tragic event in Mumbai. Survivors share tales of horror, courage and bravery, provide new insights into the actions of the terrorists, and reveal how the media and consumer communication technologies transformed the crisis. "This film offers an unprecedented, inside view into the attacks," says Jared Lipworth, executive producer of Secrets of the Dead. "It not only reveals how the victims and terrorists acted during the massacre, it highlights how consumer technologies and social media gave the victims a chance to survive, while also putting them directly into the line-offire of the terrorists who were hunting them down." Secrets of the Dead: Mumbai Massacre brings viewers firsthand survivor accounts, closedcircuit footage of the chaos from within the hotels and actual recordings of both victim and terrorist communications. The film premieres nationally Nov 25, at 8 p.m. (ET) on PBS. Told completely from the perspective of the victims, Mumbai Massacre places viewers inside the maelstrom, where they become witnesses to the critical events

and decisions that meant the difference between life and death. Incredible stories include: a Muslim architect and his wife who were forced to watch as two different groups of hostages were executed at their feet; a tourist whose husband died in her arms as they were shot trying to escape; an American cameraman whose mother in

‘It not only reveals how the victims and terrorists acted during the massacre, it highlights how consumer technologies and social media gave the victims a chance to survive’ Texas texted him a map of the hotel; and a married couple who split up during the chaos to increase the likelihood that at least one of them would survive to take care of their children. The film also reveals the remarkable heroism and dedication of the hotel's staff, documenting a restaurant manager who returned to the hotel to take care of his guests and cooks who gave up their own lives to keep the terrorists away from their hidden visitors.

Summit discusses science of Hinduism tions and videos on the science behind Hindu practices like visiting a temple, research on the spiritual dimension, various challenges faced by Hindus today such as denigration of Hindu deities and genocide of Hindus. The speakers proposed multi-pronged solutions like introspection to squarely face the current situation, advocacy of Hinduism in academia, media and public policy, starting Hindu seva charities, getting educated in the unique science underlying Hin-

by Hindus to come to terms with the current situation. Sheetal Shah, a full-time Director of Development & Outreach for the Hindu American Foundation, spoke about the misrepresentation of Hinduism in academia, media and public policy, and the importance of advocacy of Hinduism with the media and government. Mrs. Anju Bhargava, member of President Obama's Council on Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and Convener of

The Forum for Hindu Awakening and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti are considering holding such Hinduism Summits in other parts of the US, to propagate the understanding, living and preserving of the spiritual science behind Hinduism concepts and practices duism and undertaking spiritual practice to increase one's spiritual purity and attain blessings of Saints to overcome the obstruction by spiritually impure subtle distressing energies in understanding, living and preserving Hindu Dharma. Dr. Babu Suseelan, the Director of Addiction Research Institute, PA and the Director of Indian American Intellectuals Forum, NY, explained in clear terms the increasing number of issues plaguing the Hindu community and encouraged introspection

Hindu American Seva Charities, spoke on the importance of spiritual rituals and seva in Hindu Dharma. She urged Hindu organizations and temples to start Hindu charities. Shilpa Kudtarkar of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation shared video footage about the role of the spiritual basic components of sattva, raja and tama, and the spiritual dimension and Saints in all aspects of life. Through this, she was able to bring to notice the connection between the subtle dimension and establishing Hindu Dharma in society. Srinivas

Shakelly of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti spoke on knowing and peacefully protesting denigration of Hinduism concepts and symbols. He shared the phenomenal success of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti in stopping various denigrations of Hindu Dharma, and attributed it to the spiritual practice of its seekers and the blessings of Saints. The final speaker Bhavna Shinde of the Forum for Hindu Awakening gave examples from the Bhagavad Gita and their relevance today in preserving Hinduism. She emphasized that, to be a Hindu, is not just striving at the gross level, but increasing our sattva (spiritual purity) component through spiritual practice, to effectively serve Dharma. The Summit concluded with a lively question-answer session that addressed questions such as what is being done for stopping temples' takeover by the government in India, how to raise our children in Hinduism concepts, why do so many Hindu Saints go to the UN and preach that all religions are equal, etc. The speakers and even audience members responded to them enthusiastically. The Forum for Hindu Awakening and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti are considering holding such Hinduism Summits in other parts of the US, to propagate the understanding, living and preserving of the spiritual science behind Hinduism concepts and practices.

Community Across America

November 6, 2009

India Post 13

Indo American Center Benefit Gala JODH SINGH RAWAT

Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri with Secretary of State Jesse White

CHICAGO: It was an extraordinary gathering at Oak brook Marriott on Oct 25 to celebrate Indo American Center's nineteenth

Illinois Annual Benefit Gala 2009. Keynote Speaker Dr. Marshal Bouton, President, Chicago Coun-

IAC Executive Director Jay Luthra

grant community. Emcee Rai Baichwal, co-anchor ABC 7 weekend news Chicago, was unchallengeable at the mike. IAC President Narider Gauri expressed his concern at the rising economic crisis. He said as the jobless rate increases, the Indo American Center's client service requests have skyrocketing by

Dr. Marshal Bouton urged strong need to help and support the South Asian immigrant community and congratulated the IAC for providing the facility for the well being of the new cil Of Global Affairs, Indian Consul General Ashok Attri, Secretary of State Jesse White addressed the gathering and applauded the Indo American center (IAC) for its contribution to the South Asian immi-

34%. He said that the economic situation notwithstanding IAC has to expand to fulfill its growing obligations to the society at large. He pitched for the expansion of the center and said the final de-

One Life Alliance founded to honor life after Mumbai attacks Cont’d from page 11

Its website,, is a highly interactive community that inspires and encourages the conversation about unity and the sacredness of life. "In the past year, so many people have extended their support and asked how they can be of service, so the idea of One Life Alliance came through us as a way to continue spreading this message of forgiveness and unity," said Cannon. Kia Scherr has been a meditation teacher for more than thirty years. She serves as President of One Life Alliance, devoting her full-time focus to inspiring the conversation of honoring the sacredness of life in all areas of the world. Previously she served as the national executive council member for the Synchronicity Foundation, directing hundreds of people through intensive retreat protocols as retreat coordinator, presenter and mentor.

Master Charles Cannon is one of the most innovative spiritual teachers of modern times and is known worldwide as a master of meditation, contemporary spiritual visionary and holistic educator. In 1983 he founded Synchronicity Foundation as a non-profit, nonsectarian, spiritual, educational

Kia Scherr has been a meditation teacher for more than thirty years. She serves as President of One Life Alliance organization dedicated to the art and science of meditation and holistic lifestyle. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide currently practice meditation using his contemporary approach to the traditional context of spirituality.

IAC President Narider Gauri

sign for a third floor to the center is being readied. The president also informed that the project had got the approval of the city of

Guest from India Mohan Khan Panwa with US Rep Danny Davis and community activist Jodh Singh

Chicago zoning department of board appeals. Executive Director of IAC Jay Luthra touched upon various pro-

grams being conducted at the Center. He also proposed a vote of thanks. Cont’d on page 24


Community Across America

India Post

November 6, 2009

ASHA for Women supporters raise $30,000 at gala India Post News Service

NEW YORK: ASHA for Women supporters attending the organization's 20th anniversary gala last month helped raise more than $30,000 to support South Asian American victims and survivors of domestic abuse and to prevent intimate-partner abuse from occurring in the Indian American community. "We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we saw from the community at our gala," said ASHA for Women President Nalini Rajguru. "This year especially when many nonprofits like us saw charitable donations fall, we feel honored to have community supporters who continue to champion this cause and support our work." "Also, we are immensely thankful for all our volunteers, who have worked to make this milestone, this night, and our last 20 years a success," she added. The night's Chief Guest Sheela Murthy-founder, president, and managing attorney of the Murthy Law Firm-surprised attendees by pledging $10,000 to ASHA for Women at the end of a stirring speech on ensuring that social justice organizations like ours ex-

ist to help enable all individuals to freely pursue the American Dream. The generous gift was made on behalf of the Murthy Nayak Foundation. The inspiring night continued with a keynote address by awardwinning civil rights attorney Vanita Gupta, who urged the

New York ‘We feel honored to have community supporters who continue to champion this cause and support our work’ crowd to harness the "power of advocacy" on issues such as comprehensive immigration reform. In addition, representatives from Platinum Circle Corporate Sponsor Customer Value Partners, an award-winning business and IT consultancy that helps Fortune 500 and public sector clients accelerate their business performance, were in attendance to show their support.

Bipin Patel elected to board of convenience stores India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Bipin Patel, president of Springfield, New Jerseybased Speedy Mart Development Inc., has been elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS). Patel and six other new Board members assumed their positions during the NACS Board of Directors meeting NACS Show, which took place Oct.20-23 in Las Vegas. The NACS Show is ranked one of the 50 largest annual tradeshows in the United States. The US convenience store industry is larger than any other competing channel in both size and scope. In 2008, US convenience stores had $624 billion in sales - more than the country's restaurants ($552 billion), supermarkets ($547 billion) and drug stores ($203 billion). Overall, convenience stores accounted for one of every $23 spent in the country last year. In addition, there are 144,875 convenience stores in the United States - one per every 2,100 people. Other competing channels have far fewer stores, such as supermarkets (35,394 stores), drug stores

Stunning Buddha statue graces Franklin Township

(37,700 stores), mass dollar stores (19,974), mass merchandisers (6,594 stores) and wholesale clubs (1,184 stores). Patel is president of Speedy Mart Development Inc., the man-

Assemblyman Chivukula at the unveiling of the tallest Samadhi Buddha Statue in the United States, located at the New Jersey Buddhist Vihara. (pics: Gita Bajaj) India Post News Service

NEW JERSEY: A stunning 25foot tall white steel, brick and concrete statue of Buddha was unveiled at the New Jersey Buddhist Vihar, a temple located in Franklin Township, last week. The sculptor, Embulawitiya Medhananda Thero is a monk who has created many Buddha statues in his native Sri Lanka. On the occasion, Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula, whose constituency constitutes Franklin Township, said the awe inspiring statue was a powerful symbol of peace and non-violence in the backdrop of conflict and controversy. The Samadhi statue which cost about $175,000, sits in a meditative pose on a 5-foot platform of lotus petals in a landscaped garden on the 10-acre property of the

New Jersey Buddhist Vihar. "To all who visit the temple, this statue will serve as a symbol of peace, non-violence and tolerance, the teachings of Gautama

New Jersey Chivukula said the awe inspiring statue was a powerful symbol of peace and non-violence in the backdrop of conflict and controversy Buddha," Chivukula concluded. "At a time when war and peace, terrorism and global warming take center stage at the United Nations General Assembly, this statue is a powerful reminder of the impor-

tance of the peaceful coexistence of world nations as well as goodwill between people of various backgrounds in our state," Chivukula said. "At a time when the men and women who influence the destiny of nations and the fate of humanity engage in brokering conflict resolution through dialogue and diplomacy at the annual session of the world body, this stunning statue of the Buddha serves as a reminder that we are all spiritual beings that ultimately yearn for peace and harmony." Chivukula congratulated the monks of the New Jersey Buddhist Vihar headed by chief incumbent Sirirathna Nayaka Thero and the sculptor, for their accomplishment. "This statue is a proud symbol of the growing diversity of our state and our increasing acceptance of world faiths and multiculturalism," Chivukula said.

Distinguished Couple Award for Indians MOHAMMAD GHOUSE India Post News Service

Bipin Patel

aging company for Speedy Mart Food Stores, which operates stores in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. In the late 1990s he got involved in the computer consulting business and today also has business interests in real estate, hotels and restaurants. (For details logon to:

CHICAGO: It was a rare honor for an Indian Lions Couple - Dr. Austin Prabhu and Terry Prabhu of Chicago to be recognized by Filipino American Lions Club for their outstanding community services. The Club recently held its Annual Distinguished Couple Awards ceremony and Governor's Nite at the O'Hare Holiday Inn Penthouse, and among six couples recognized for their community services were Lion Prabhu and his wife Terry. Others were Dr. Bart Freihaut and Liticia, Lain Frias and Nell, Frank Perricone and Merly, Drs. Nunilo Rubio and Elenita. Governor Ray Jachim awarded a beautiful memento to each couple on behalf of the club. In his message, Governor Ray gave some real life examples how the Lions help the needy people

Award winning couple Dr. Austin Prabhu and Terry Prabhu

in their communities. He congratulated Distinguished Couples for their service to the needy in various fields. During the program Past District Governor Dr. Austin Prabhu inducted six new members to the club with his popular blind folded and candle light induction ceremony. Several singers and dancers took part in the event to en-

tertain the gathering. Delfin Masangcay welcomed the gathering. Terry D'Souza gave an invocation, Dr. Dave Herrmann introduced the guests and Wes Salsbury introduced the governor. Millisa Vasich presented the officers for the year 2009-10. (For details logon to:


November 6, 2009

India Post 15

Kathak Festival enthralls art lovers

Abhay Shankar Mishra gave delightful performance

MOHAMMAD GHOUSE India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Denise Jorgens, Director International House of the University, minced no words while praising Anil Sinha Foundation (ASF) and its office bearers for organizing one of the finest shows of the year, the 2nd International Festival of Kathak here. In a talk to this paper, she said that the second festival that came after a lapse of five years at the same place at International House in Chicago was decidedly much better than the first one as it was truly "international" with artists participating from UK, Italy, Europe, Canada, USA and India. The overall response from the art lover

Dr Birendra Sinha of Anila Sinha Foundation welcoming guests

was truly overwhelming and the credit for this should go to the people behind the Foundation. The three day Second International Festival of Kathak from October 23 to October 25 was star studded with the presence of highest ranking performers of the artPandit Birju Maharaj, Saswati Sen, Padmshree Kumudben Lahia, Pandit Chitresh Das, Uma Dogra, Archana Joglekar, Prashant Shah, Deepti Gupta, Rosella Fanneli and Parvati Dutta among others. Welcoming the artists and agencies that supported and funded the Festival, Dr. Birendra

Pandit Birju Maharaj

Prashant Shah performing

Sinha, president of ASF turned emotional and said that he was convinced that the foundation named after his wife Anila has helped promote this form of classical Indian dance in this part of world. Surveying the presence of many non-Indians, he observed that the art has no geographical boundaries. In a talk to this paper, he said that the only fly in the ointment was his experience with the American visa issuing authorities. Many artists had come and gone back in the past including Pandit Birju Maharaj. The festival was supported by International House of University of Chicago and many government and non government art agencies in India and here. Yet

The festival was supported by International House of University of Chicago and many government and non government art agencies in India and here. Yet there was inexplicable delay in the issuance of visas to the artists there was inexplicable delay in the issuance of visas to the artists. "We had to shell out a few thousand dollars for priority clearance of the Visa applications," he said. The event was formally inaugurated by Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri. In his brief address he observed that Kathak is one of the most dynamic theater arts in the world. The word kathak means "to tell a story". It is derived from the dance dramas of ancient India. When the patronage shifted from the temples to the royal court, the emphasis shifted from the telling of religious

stories to one of entertainment. Today, the story-telling aspect has been downgraded and the dance is primarily an abstract exploration of rhythm and movement. The three day event was a delightful experience for connoisseurs of Kathak. Joan Erdman, professor of anthropology and cultural studies at Columbia College Chicago and a scholar on performers, music and culture of India chaired the discussion - Kathak: Practice, Philosophy and its role in Cultural Identity. Dr Purnima Shah, Leela Vankataraman, Hema Rajgopalan, Dr. Sarah Morelli joined the scholarly discussion. Legendary maestro Pt Birju Maharaj and his acclaimed disciple Saswati Sen joined them in a lecture, demonstration and performance explicating the intertwining nature of abhinaya, laya and tala for Kathak as well as the fine balance it must hold with music, vocal and instrumental. Saturday's plenary discussion was directed towards teaching Kathak to the students in the Diaspora living in an alien culture, who with an extraordinary passion for the art form can alone imbibe the spiritual as well as the artistic nuances of the form. Leading Sunday's discussion, Padmashri Kumudini Lakhia, the iconic choreographer whose illustrious career spans over 60 years said, "I got rid of the story and wanted Kathak without a narrative". The body of the dancer is the only prop and she wanted to locate the pulse of Kathak through the body. Saswati Sen, the foremost disciple of Pandit Birju Maharaj, continued the thread of discussion after Lakhia and explicated that her guru's choreography is holistic in containing the abstract, interpreta-

Kiran Chauhan

Parvati Dutta

tive and narrative and including also light, costume, music and sound. Dr. Pallavi Chakravarti who chaired the session said that the

Famous dancer Saswati Sen

responsibility of the researchers, scholars and dancers lies in pro-

viding a scientific approach to Kathak that has its roots in oral and spiritual tradition. Dr. Mekhala Devi Natavar of Princeton University stated the folk roots of Kathak is still alive in the performances rendered at temples of Rajasthan despite the changes the dance form has undergone in urban pockets. Disciples of Pandit Chitresh Das from Chandam Youth Company performed in the afternoon as Das told the audience that he has found extraordinary love and dedication for Kathak among his learners in America. Dance critic Dr. Sunil Kothari demonstrated from Bollywood movies to show how Kathak has intercepted into the popular media like cinema and remained a trendy mode of entertainment from Satyajit Ray's Shatranj ki Khiladi to Anarkali, and Umaro Jan. (For details logon to:

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Community Across America

India Post

Hindu Temple celebrates Mahakumbhabhishekam

Bharat Seveshram Sangh holds Kali Puja HARISH RAO


CHICAGO: An Illinois based no profit body, Bharat Sevashram Sangha (BSS) has been celebrating 'Kali Puja' in Chicago for the past two decades. This year it was done with all the pomp, gaiety and reverence to Goddess Kali during Diwali with added attraction of drawing competition for children. Swami Purnatmanandaji, the head priest at BSS in Aurora, Illinois, champions the inner meaning of Vedanta.

ST. LOUIS: The Hindu Temple of St. Louis, Missouri, celebrated on a grand scale its Dwadasha Kumbhabhisheka Mahotsavam (12th Anniversary Celebrations) from October 1-4. The temple has been functioning from November 8, 1991 but the Pranaprathisthapana and Kumbhabhishekam were done on July 6, 1998. Mahakumbhashekam Mahotsav last month was inaugurated by Swami Chetanananda of Vedanta Society of St. Louis.

St. Louis There were Nine Homa Kundas and Homas were conducted on all four days with enthusiastic participation from the devotees Eleven priests including six priests from different cities of USA performed the rituals under the guidance of Sri Rompicherla Sreenivasa Charlu from California. There were Nine Homa Kundas and Homas were conducted on all four days with enthusiastic participation from the devotees. On the evening of October 3, Governor Jay Nixon along with his wife attended the celebration and addressed the devotees. St. Louis County Executive, Charlie Dooley, also attended the event. They were honored with traditional Indian welcome, shawls and special mementos. Several invited guests included members of Interfaith Organization of St. Louis. The response of the commu-

November 6, 2009

children with noble ideas, inspirational thoughts, upbringing moral and cultural values, spiritual teach-

Children at drawing competition


Participants in hundreds enjoy Petal Rain from Helicopter

BSS Aurora ashram's activities include prayer, yoga, meditation, mantra chanting, classical music class and Bharatnatyam class. It offers free Bal Mandal class, stories and

Kids at newly opened library Participants in Homas conducted at the Temple

nity was overwhelming. About 6500 people attended during the four days of celebrations. Prasadam was served on all four days. On the final day, about 3200 devotees witnessed the Vimana Kalasa Sthapana, Dhwaja

Sthambha Sthapana and Mahakumbha Abhishekam to Vimanas. Sprinkling of holy water and flower petals from a helicopter pleased many devotees. The celebrations concluded with Srinivasa Kalyanam.

craft for children, Meditation and Gita classes for seniors. BSS opened a library for children at Aurora ashram inspired by Swami Purnatmanandaji. The library ensures that its collections influence

ing. It is open every Sunday 10:00am to 6:00pm. Children are allowed to checkout books. BSS organized a drawing competition on October 3 for children between 5 to 10 years. All the participants were recognized by Swamiji. First prize was won by Nupur Choudhury, Second prize was won by Aayush, third prize by Ishika Sadhukhan. Goddess Kali enjoys a significant position in Hindu religion and traditions as she symbolizes the eternal energy and is also revered as "Redeemer of Universe". Kali Puja, considered to be the perfect way of offering reverence to the goddess, is performed at midnight on Amavasya (new moon night) in October/November. This celebration is a part of festival of lights and is deemed to be the harbinger of joy and prosperity.

Prayer meeting for FIA ex-chief Ramesh Goyal HARISH RAO INDIA POST NEWS SERVICE

CHICAGO: Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) has announced holding of a prayer meeting for Ramesh Goyal who died in

Illinois a road accident in Jaipur, India while on a visit to his native place Rajasthan. Goyal was a front ranking community activist and a former president of FIA. He also was Hind Ratna and had a few other awards to his credit. He once owned one dozen Dunkin Donuts and was often described Donut Moghul. He also dabbled into

hospitality business and had a good number of business interests in Chicagoland area. He is survived by his wife Nalini Goyal and two sons. Nalini is also a community activist and served as president of Association Ramesh Goyal of Indian Pharmacists of America for a while. The FIA prayer meeting will be held on November 15 from 3 pm to 5 pm at Manav Seva Mandir in Bensenville, Illinois.

Community Across America

November 6, 2009

India Post 17

Davis defends US-India Nuke deal MOHAMMAD GHOUSE India Post News Service

CHICAGO: US Congressman Danny Davis said here that he was quite convinced that India would use nuke technology and nuke energy for peaceful purposes only and not for any military use. Addressing a Town House meeting organized by Indo American Democratic Organization (IADO) here, Davis said his conviction was based on India's history and tradition of non-violence that made him vote for the nuke deal in the US Congress. India is a democratic State and shares values common to US, and this itself is a guarantee against any misuse of nuclear energy, he added. Touching upon health care measure proposed by the Obama administration, he felt that the move is in the right direction in as much as it seeks to address the issue of health insurance to jobless, self employed and uninsured members of the society in this country. It is important that those who lose their jobs or those who are unemployed are covered with health insurance since that will not only ensure them of uninterrupted health care but will also cut down the burden on the government who otherwise would be required


IADO town house meet at North Shore Banquet in Chicago being addressed by US Rep Danny Davis. Sitting from L to R Ashish Sen, Dr. Ram Gajjela president IADO and Doug Nguyen, Deputy Regional Communication Director, Social Security Administration

to shell out large amounts to cover their health bills. Uninsured

‘It is important that those who lose their jobs or those who are unemployed are covered with health insurance since that will not only ensure them of uninterrupted health care but will also cut down the burden on the government’ too will have a chance to get coverage.

Association of Rajasthanis celebrates Diwali

Davis was a keynote speaker along with Doug Nguyen, Deputy Regional Communication Director, Social Security Administration. Doug talked on the social security benefits and observed that in view of inflationary pressure in the economy under tight control, there was little chance of the social security and supplementary social security benefit amount being increased in the coming year. Earlier, Dr. Ram Gajjela, president of IADO welcomed the IADO members and other attendees who came to participate in the open town house meeting. He took the opportunity to explain briefly the objectives of his organization and also dwelt on variety of activities undertaken by it since its inception 25 years ago.

Amrish Mahajan bereaved


CHICAGO: The Association of Rajasthanis of America (ARA) hosted its annual function - Diwali Milan recently at India House in Schaumburg, a Chicago north side

decided by the audience and three judges. The special appearance by Dr. Badri Nath Taparia enthralled the audience with his jokes. Dr. Badri and Ram Saini's ethic Rajasthani attire with Rajasthani pagri was highly appreciated by audience. (For details logon to:

CHICAGO: The Diwali Show 2009, provided and planned by the Indian Students Association (ISA) of Northeastern Illinois University, presented a mix of modern and traditional wholesome entertainment for families, students, and community members at large at the NEIU auditorium in Chicago last week. The near houseful program began with lighting of lamps. Dean, Murrell J. H. Duster, Dean, Jannet Fredricks, Prayagi Patel, President of ISA and Hetal Shah, coordinator of the event joined ISA Advisor Rohit Joshi on stage to light the diya-lamps in celebration of Diwali festival. Acharya Rohit Joshi also chanted the event related mantras. Offering lavish praise to the hard working ISA board members, students, former president Sunil

ISA Advisor, Acharya Rohit Joshi

Mahadeshwar, and the current president Prayagi Patel Joshi related the history of ISA and mentioned the significance of "Diwali". Joshi said "the origin of Diwali lies in different and varied legends and mythologies of the Hindu scriptures, mostly the Puranas. However, all of them have a commonality; they all depict the triumph of good over evil. Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated with fervor and gaiety by old and young, rich and poor in India to dispel darkness and light up their lives." Sunil Mahadeshwar, past president of ISA and Sia Hussain hosted the ceremony. The master of ceremony recognized the presence of Indian Consul Krishna Kumar Patel. Cont’d on page 21


India Post News Service

Members and guests revel during Diwali celebration by Association of Rajasthanis

Sunil Mahadeswar, ISA, Past President

Sunitha & SriKrishna enthrall Diwali audience

game show "Rajasthani Khel" comprising five different scenarios of a couple, before and after marriage. One prize was given for the top couple - "Jodi No. 1"

Smt Chanchalben Mahajan

suburb. The event was attended by 175 guests - primarily Rajasthanis but also guests hailing from Gujarat and other parts of India. The fun-filled night started with a religious prayer (Laxmi Aarti), followed by dances from young children and Rajasthani women. Songs and jokes were also part of the lively program followed by a

NEIU students present colorful Diwali program

CHICAGO: A prominent Indian community activist and former President of Mutual Bank Amrish Mahajan was bereaved with the death of his mother Chanchala Devi Mahajan at Pathankot India recently. Smt. Chanchalben was 88 and suffered only age-related disability or diseases. She is survived by five sons, one daughter, 11 grand children and 12 great grand kids. Mahajan family has organized Bhajan Sandhya in her memory at Hindu Temple of Lemont, from 4-5 pm on Sunday Nov, 8. This will be followed by Prasad.

ST. LOUIS: Melody queen Sunitha and singing sensation Sri Krishna with their 11 member orchestra team, gave a sterling performance enthralling Diwali audience in St. Louis. An enchanting evening turned into a starry night studded with the diamonds of comedy. There were no actual fireworks but the clapping at every turn would outdo any clapping heard during fireworks. The Jayam fame comedians Venu and Venky had the audience rolling and jumping with their humor accentuated by the musicians. The highlight of the program was the ten song medley that was delivered towards the end that had the local enthusiasts dancing and grooving. Suren Pathuri, who organized the event profusely thanked the audience and performers for making the program such a grand success, and requested cooperation

Sunitha (left) with comedian Venu (right)

and support of the Telugu community for such programs in the future. He also thanked generous sponsors Dr Devineni Venkat and Dr Devineni Vijaya, Mr and Mrs Jayaraj and Chaya of Vardhaman Jewellers, Jim Moll of ColdWell Bankers, Seema Enterprises, Hema Patel of Haveli Restaurant and India Bazaar.



India Post

November 6, 2009

Over 3,000 attend partnership walk at Santa Monica pier India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: Over 3,000 participants alongside 400 volunteers turned out for the 15th Annual Partnership Walk held at the Santa Monica Pier. The Walk is an initiative of Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. to raise awareness and funds to alleviate global poverty and promote partnership between America and the developing world. Over $300,000 was raised at the charity event. 100% of the proceeds from Partnership Walk go directly to the projects supported by the Aga Khan Foundation USA. The cost of organizing Partnership Walk is completely underwritten by the AKF USA and inkind contributors; not a single cent is spent on administrative costs. Details on page 20

3 films, 2 books in 'youth cluster' of Sikh festival India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: "Youth" cluster will be held as part of the Sikh Art and Film Festival, to be held on Saturday November 14 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, which will showcase three films and two books! Starting off the cluster is the book A Lion's Mane, written by Navjot Kaur. In this beautifully illustrated story, young readers journey to cultures around the world to explore the meaning of the dastaar, or turban of the Sikhs. Allusive words placed within a vibrant red dastaar help promote our connections as global citizens and encourage dialogue around issues of identity and kinship.

Vedic Temple anniversary in Nithyananda's presence

India Post News Service


he Nithyananda Vedic Temple celebrated its second anniversary on Oct 17. Opened on Diwali, 2007, the temple has become an important center of worship and celebration. The Nithyananda Vedic Temple and Cultural Center is a destination for visitors around the world and hosts a variety of activities including meditation and yoga classes, public talks, and teacher training programs. The temple also boasts the largest deity in the US, Raje Rajeshwari. Her name translates as "Queen of Goddesses" and is nearly ten feet tall. The colorful, grand celebrations lasted from morning until late night with events and activities happening throughout the day. Participants, visitors and devotees received blessings from Paramahamsa Nithyananda whose divine presence graced the day's events. The activities included Maha

fered individual blessings to all present. Temple Anniversary celebrations began with Maha Abishekam of Anandeshwara, Venktateshwara, and Raje Rajeshwari. For this unique and rare event, abishekam (holy bath) was offered simultaneously to the deities and included offerings of milk, yo-

clothing. Paramahamsa Nithyananda acknowledged the volunteers who contribute to the daily operation of the temple and gifted them with new clothing, following this tradition. Following this, with members of the Indian Community of Southern CA present on stage, Paramahamsa Nithyananda officially released

The colorful, grand celebrations lasted from morning until late night with events and activities happening throughout the day. Participants, visitors and devotees received blessings from Paramahamsa Nithyananda whose divine presence graced the day's events gurt, sandalwood and ash. The grand event was led by Paramahamsa Nithyananda who conducted abishekam of Anandeshwara. Maha Abishekam was followed by a special Diwali message by Swamiji. Diwali is the day Paramahamsa Nithyananda uttered his first words after Enlight-

the Yogam Souvenir Book. After the Diwali Message was delivered, devotees and visitors enjoyed Maha Arati in the temple with Venkateshwara, Anandeswhara and Raje Rajeshwara decorated in full flower alankar. Upon completion of Maha Arathi, Maha Prasad was

enment, "anandamaga irungal" which translates into "Be Blissful". This significant day marks the beginning of Swamiji's mission to spread the experience of bliss to every individual. On Diwali, it is a tradition to gift family members with new

served to all. As the day's activities continued, Swamiji welcomed dignitaries from BAPS and Gayatri Parivar to the Nithyananda Vedic Temple and the assembly began for the Kumbha Mela USA procession.

Details on page 22

Jalaram Jayanti becomes tradition for Riverside Temple VICTORIA TRUVER

RIVERSIDE: "Today is a history-making day," said Chairman Akshaya Sheth. "After 129 years Jalaram has finally come to Riverside's Shri Lakshmi Narayan Mandir." The audience of 200 responded with cheers. They had come to celebrate the 6th annual Jalaram Jayanti, held in the Mandir for the first time. Previously it had been held in homes, including the Patadia family's, where the event originated. Details on page 22

Abishekam, a special Diwali Message, USA Kumbha Mela, Vedic Expo, a special puja for Raje Rajeshwari conducted personally by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Maha Prasad, Guru Pratyaksha Pada Puja. At the end of the day, Paramahamsa Nithyananda of-

At noon, with Swamiji leading the USA Kumbha Mela, the procession began around the temple. Paramahamsa Nithyananda was joined by the visiting dignitaries and hundreds of visitors and devotees of all ages followed in procession. USA Kumbha Mela is a day to recognize the contributions of the rich vedic tradition to the world and to herald in collective global peace and harmony through prayer and meditation. USA Kumbha Mela included the immersion of deities in holy water from nine sacred rivers in India and arati being offered by Swamiji. In the afternoon, a panel discussion was held, with participants of the unique programs, Life Bliss Engineering and Inner Awakening, sharing their stories and experiences. In addition, for the vedic expo, various specialty booths were set up in front of the temple. Through late in the day, visitors and participants enjoyed traditional Indian refreshments, samosas and masala chai. In the evening, devotees and visitors gathered for a special puja for Raje Rajeshwari. Paramahamsa Nithyananda himself conducted the puja which included abishekam of the Devi Meru with milk and sandalwood. Offerings of kumkum were completed while traditional chanting was done. After this rare and unique event, Maha Arathi began. Following Maha Prasad was enjoyed by all. The day's events concluded with the rare and extraordinarily beautiful Guru Pratyaksha Puja was conducted with offerings being made to the feet of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Afterwards, Swamiji offered individual blessings and darshan to all present.


November 6, 2009

India Post 19

Joyous re-opening of Baitul Hameed Mosque

Imam Azhar Hanif

Captain Miles Pruitt

India Post News Service

CHINO, CA: The Baitul Hameed Mosque, known locally popularly as The Chino Mosque was officially re-opened in a very joyous re-opening ceremony well attended by neighbors, religious

Dennis Baxter

leaders of other faiths and government and local community and media representatives. Firemen, police officials, city planning and development people and neighbors and friends all gathered and listened to speeches honoring those who helped bring about the reconstruction and en-

largement of the Chino Mosque facilities. Dr. Rahman, President of the local Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and also a National Vice President sitting on the Community's National Executive, welcomed the guests and thanked everyone for coming to the event. He introduced the National Head of the Community, Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, who spoke briefly to the gathering via satellite saying that, 'we are Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza G h u l a m Ahmad.' The keynote address was delivered by Imam Azhar Hanif, who had traveled from St. Louis for the occasion. Imam Hanif is a Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and a National Vice President of the group. Addressing the audience of some 250 people, he said: "Whether you

yearn to go to the House of God in Mecca, or to the Wailing Wall, the West wall of Temple Mount in Jerusalem, it is the spirits behind building of that structure which you try to rekindle. When Prophet Abraham rebuilt the first House of God, with

‘Whether you yearn to go to the House of God in Mecca, or to the Wailing Wall, the West wall of Temple Mount in Jerusalem, it is the spirits behind building of that structure which you try to rekindle’ every stone placement, he turned to God and said, 'Oh my Lord - accept this from us.", Imam Hanif recounted from the Holy Quran. "So, we beg our Lord God today, 'accept this from us.'" Several guests then spoke and conveyed their good wishes. The event was telecast live to the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community via MTAUSA.TV,

President Daniel K Stevenson with Imam Shamshad

the web based video streaming arm of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Communities in North America, Imam of the Baitul Hamid Mosque, Syed Shamshad Ahmad Nasir delivered the concluding speech and recognized and thanked the honorable guests for their show of

turn are testament to our peaceful message." "We have a record of service to the communities across the globe." said Imam Shamshad. "Here in this area, too, you know our community for our efforts in holding blood drives, food drives, h i g h w a y cleanup, and interfaith outreach, among many more." I m a m Shamshad thanked and recognized the local police chief, fire chief, county supervisor, assemblyman, and spiritual leaders who had joined Chief of Police Stan Stewart him at the stage. generosity during the long renoThe Ahmadiyya Muslim Comvation process of the mosque. munity has built some 15,500 Referring to radio programs on mosques, over 500 schools, and KFI AM 640, in which people had more than 30 hospitals. been attacking Islam and Muslims The community has been at in general, Imam Shamshad said: the forefront in disaster relief ef"We are not here to conquer any forts in the United States and land or take over any government, numerous other parts of the world we are here to win your hearts. through an independent chariOur long history among you and table organization, Humanity your show of support at every First.

NRI Global Summit honors Indian achievers India Post News Service

SUNNYVALE, CA: Industry leaders from across the globe came together Saturday, October 24, to honor notable Indian achievers and discuss political and commercials trends affecting India and the U.S., at the annual NRI Global Summit 2009. Over 250 entrepreneurs and venture capitalists packed the India Community Center in Milpitas; among them were Dr. Shan Nair, cofounder of Nair & Co. and international president of the NRI Institute. "With economic pressures and issues swaying companies in various directions, this summit allowed key executives and top professionals to assemble and network on avenues of interest. Cont’d on page 20

Vinod Dham with Dr. Shan Nair & Jagmohan Singh

Panelist B.V. Jagadeesh makes a point on ëWhere Is the VC Money Goingí.


India Post


November 6, 2009

Over 3,000 attend partnership walk at Santa Monica pier India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: Over 3,000 participants alongside 400 volunteers turned out for the 15th Annual Partnership Walk held at the Santa Monica Pier. The Walk is an initiative of Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. to raise awareness and funds to alleviate global poverty and promote partnership between America and the developing world. Over $300,000 was raised at the charity event. 100% of the proceeds from Partnership Walk go directly to the projects supported by the Aga Khan Foundation USA. The cost of organizing Partnership Walk is completely underwritten by the AKF USA and inkind contributors; not a single cent is spent on administrative costs. Los Angeles was the first city to launch Partnership Walk 15 years ago. This year, nationwide, over 30,000 are expected at Partnership Walk events being held in nine cities, including Atlanta, Birmingham, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Memphis, Orlando and San Francisco. In addition to individual participants, scores of teams from corporations, universities, schools and community organizations will also be walking to take a step to end global poverty. Partnership Walk was kicked

off with an Opening Ceremony at which several civic and community leaders were in attendance. This year's Guest of Honor, Dean James G. Ellis, USC Marshall School of Business delivered the keynote address. He noted that "when we talk about partnerships in action, one plus one can equal three, not only two. “I know they don't teach you that in school, but it does work that way sometimes. Partnership with governments, with corporations, with individuals and foundations can help make things happen so much better." Another prominent speaker was Los Angeles Councilman and

Los Angeles was the first city to launch Partnership Walk 15 years ago. This year, nationwide, over 30,000 are expected at Partnership Walk events former LAPD Chief Bernard Parks who was the recipient of a Special

Recognition Award for his continuous support of Partnership Walk for the past seven years. He stated that "the best way that we can impact poverty anywhere in the world is education. To give people the tools that allow them to get themselves into the position to do better for themselves and their family is as fundamental as you can get. “When we look at poverty in the city of Los Angeles or in Santa Monica there are some very obvious issues such as homelessness and other issues. But when you go to Third World countries that is real poverty. That's where people are living 50, 60 or 70 years

behind the mainstream when it comes to basic needs of fresh water, food and things of that nature. For making an impact on those poorest parts of the world, you should all be commended." Pam O'Connor, Mayor Pro Tem of Santa Monica graced the event. She noted that "We are here with you in partnership working to provide livable conditions to people of all income levels. It gives us great pleasure to stand side by side with each one of you here at Partnership Walk. The City of Santa Monica supports the same vision that you all are supporting. Just like you, we believe that every human being has the right to live a life of dignity."

NRI Global Summit honors Indian achievers Cont’d from page 19

This summit was crucial for a company who wants to explore opportunities to expand in a dynamic way," Dr. Nair said. The summit began with keynote speaker Vinod K. Dham, famous as the Father of the Pentium and founder and executive managing director of NEA-IndoUS Ventures, addressing key issues affecting entrepreneurs boosting U.S.-India cooperation. "Here in the Silicon Valley, NRIs have been playing a key role as entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and top managers, in fostering a two-way flow of capital, skills and technology. However there is additional room for NRI's to play an active role in strengthening cooperation between India and US in the areas of education, healthcare and energy," Dham, who was also award the lifetime achievement award later in the evening, said. B.V. Jagadeesh, CEO of 3Leaf Systems, also discussed the Silicon Valley's integral role in producing successful startup companies as he spoke on the VC/ Entrepreneur panel. Joining Jagadeesh on the

America's Got Talent Stars Ishaara brought the Bollywood Flavor to evening entertainment

panel was Vish Mishra, venture director for Clearstone Venture Partners, who said the summit did a great job in addressing the issues facing entrepreneurs, mainly about raising capital and how strong business plan and a powerful referral can make a difference. "The NRI Global Summit augments many such conferences and forums already available in Silicon Valley to benefit the Indian community," he added. The summit was hosted by Raj Mathai, Emmy award NBC An-

Jagadeesh said, ‘I am humbled to receive the award. It is the work of my team and my people. I'd like to recognize my partner at Exodus, my wife and my family’

Dr. Shan Nair Opening the Summit with a welcome address

chor and speakers included Gunjan Bagla, managing director for Amritt Ventures, Harjiv Singh, co-founder and co-CEO for Gutenberg Communications, Jagmohan Singh, national secretary general of NRI Institute, Matt Shocklee, CEO and president of Global Sourcing Optimization Services, Michael DiPaula-Coyle, Director and policy advocacy for U.S.-India Business Council, editor and host for New America Media, Sandip Roy, senior counsel for Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld LLP, Abrar A. Hussain,

executive director of Hirco PLC, Aniruddha Joshi, IREO chairman Anurag Bhargava, BeyondCore founder, Arijit Sengupta, City of San Jose council member, Ash Kalra, Offshore Nation author, Atul Vashistha, CEO of e4e, Bhaskar Menon, executive director for South Asia Initiative at Stanford University, Dr. Rafiq Dossani, co-founder and CEO for C.E.O Women, Farhana Huq, and founder of Simply Hired Inc., Gautam Dohwani. Cont’d on page 24

November 6, 2009


India Post 21

Nobel nominee speaks on social movements India Post News Service

PASADENA: A crowd of about seventy people gathered in Pasadena to hear Dr A. T. Ariyaratna speak. Dr Ariyaratna is the founder of Sarvodaya, the biggest grassroots social service organization in Sri Lanka. Dr Ariyaratna stopped in Los Angeles to inspire people to come together while on tour speaking at various conferences about Social Movements and Non-Violence. Sarvodaya is Sanskrit for 'Awakening of All' and Shramadana means to donate effort. It began in one village and has grown to more than 15,000. It was developed to reenforce Buddhist and Gandhian values in community work. The organization, started by sixty students and teachers in 1958 as an expression of the Sharmadana Social Movement, was based on values such as non-violence, self-governance, tolerance, egalitarianism, and sustainability. Sharamadana also can mean "gift of love." The movement started empowering villagers to work at building roads and schools. Dr Ariyaratna said that while it was important for villagers to connect villages by building roads, the more important process was building the community and creating opportunities for the people to take leadership. Villages have invited the organization to help in creating a village council, building clinics and schools, creating family programs, and introducing a sustainable economy. Quietly over the years, more than

Dr Ariyaratna and Manuri Ranasinghe

15,000 villages in every ethnic area have been organized. The organization may now have more members than any political party in Sri Lanka and manages a trust fund of

Supun Edirisinghe

plained that he tries to steer clear of the corrupted system of politics and focus on social change and most of all, inner individual change.

Dr Ariyaratna said that while it was important for villagers to connect villages by building roads, the more important process was building the community and creating opportunities for the people to take leadership over a billion rupees. Dr Ariyaratna spoke about how the organization started, and he described the work that they are currently doing. He ex-

Maintaining a grassroots perspective while organizing at the national level is important now. Early on, one of the first big projects brought together 4,000 villagers to

Diwali celebrated at San Jose City Hall

NEIU students present colorful Diwali program Cont’d from page 17

tablished a new and exciting tradition of celebrating Diwali at the City Hall. This is trend setting and is an SAN JOSE: after the flag hoisting ceremony in example for other Cities to follow. It was great Program, August 09, Council Member Ash Kalra has now es- enjoyable, and well attended. India Post News Service

build a road. During the thirty year civil war, which officially ended this year, as many as 800,000 people were organized to peacefully protest war while not taking a political side; "We are just against war." Sarvodaya is one of five organizations that the government has allowed to do humanitarian work in the post-war refugee camps. Sarvodaya gained global fame for effectively helping people displaced by the 2004 Asian Tsunami. Dr Ariyaratna encourages people to eliminate corruption from their institutions using their family and spiritual grounding. Sarvodaya also promotes meditation for inner peace, implements health and nutrition plans, educates people on being ecologically aware, and has created sustainable micro-finance banks. The group engages with the government to do work that governments cannot or do not do. An attendee, Mark Benson, said, "I was definitely invigorated by his presence. He has such a calmness about him that was very evident. I really liked when he spoke about spirituality in our activism. That rung home for me. He was very compassionate in tone. I was definitely inspired by the talk." The talk was organized by friends at, a California-based nonprofit social network that wants to inspire more kindness in the world. Ironically, the size of the group that came together on October 10 was about the same size as the group of teachers and students that first organized at Nalanda College in 1958 to later benefit over 11 million people.

Mitra, Pinki, Pooja and Mansi Shreeano: Shreepad Dave, Chiggy Wiggy: Shalini, Shama, Kinjal, KZ, Angle. Arabic Dance: a skillful Ara-

National anthems of USA and India were sung by Sia Hussain and Prayagi Patel, portraying the significance of Indian culture and pride of the United States. Students actively presented a variety entertainment program. Highlights were East Meets West: K Z Mohammed, Prayagi Patel, President of ISA and Manish Pandya Vice Aarti, Jacob, President of ISA Welcoming invitees Shama, Kinjal, Shalini, Rahil and Meraj displayed bic dance performed by Lizette the romantic side of sound through Yackle, a student in the Jasmin Jahal graceful gestures and elegant for- Dance Company. Fashion Show: mal wear. I'm a Star: Shalini Shama, NEIU Students. Punjabi Rap: perDebbie and Angle. Dandiya Raas: formed by Rahul Singh. Hula folk dance consisted of traditional Hoopin Superstar: Mercedes, Balle music by students of Volta elemen- Balle: Darshini, Prayagi, Ipshita, tary school: Maulik, Pritesh, Rahil, Keyur, Manish, Shalini, Aakash, Ravi, Ali, Jinil,Viral, Dhara, Shama, Angle, Sia. Mitra, Pinki, Pooja and Mansi. Bole The masters of ceremony proHaddippa: KZ, Aarti, Jacob, posed al vote of thanks at the end Ipshita. Taare Zameen Par: Dhara, of the program.



India Post

November 6, 2009

Jalaram Jayanti becomes tradition for Riverside Temple

FIA-SC's new team for 2009-10 India Post News Service


Program Sponsors Lavingia family pose with Jalaram murti before procession

RIVERSIDE: "Today is a history-making day," said Chairman Akshaya Sheth. "After 129 years Jalaram has finally come to Riverside's Shri Lakshmi Narayan Mandir." The audience of 200 responded with cheers. They had come to celebrate the 6th annual Jalaram Jayanti, held in the Mandir for the first time. Previously it had been held in homes, including the Patadia family's, where the event originated. Mandir President Bachubhai Chandravadia announced the be-

Sudhir, Hema, Mina, and Pankaj Lavingia held a large gold umbrella above the Jalaram murti, which devotees took turns carrying. Bindi Ladwa, dressed as Jalaram, looked like the young saint walking in the procession. The heavy wind did not deter the devotees who walked clockwise around the entire perimeter of the Mandir and returned inside to place the Jalaram murti on the specially decorated mandap. Bhajans by Nitin Karia were enjoyed for the next hour.

LOS ANGELES: Dilip Butani will be the new Chairman of Federation of Indian American Associations of Southern California, while Kalaimamani Dr Sinduri will be the President. The executive committee has Ramesh Bhatt as Executive VicePresident, Devna Shah as Secretary, Atul Ghadiali as Treasurer, Sunil Kansara as VP-Cultural, Siddharth Pathak as VP-Community Services, Ramesh Ramnani as VP-Public Relations, and Vamsi Krishna as VP-Planning and Payal Pancholi as VP-Youth. The Advisory Board will have Ukabhai Solanki as Chairman with other members being: Venkatesh Hegde, Babubhai Patel, Rashmi Shah, Anil Prekh and Kerman Dungore. The Trustee Board will have Prakash Pancholi as Chairman with other members being: Vishakha Purandare, Dr Chandra Khetani, Kiki Purohit, Amit Anand and Ram Tasildar. Joy Dhokia will be the Legal Counsel. Federation is the parent Organization of Indian-American Associations. The various activities organized by FIA include celebration of Republic Day function, India Independence Day Mela, Health Camps and various service

Dilip Butani

oriented programs. Dilip Butani is the Founder and Past-President of Lions Club of Little India. He is also the Execu-

The various activities organized by FIA include celebration of Republic Day function, India Independence Day Mela, Health Camps and various service oriented programs tive Vice-President of FFICS-The Forum for India Community Services, Director, Public Relations and Media of Saban and Member

Dr. Sinduri

of Assemblyman Tony Mendoza's South Asian Advisory Committee. FFICS is a volunteer run charitable organization, dedicated to providing emotional and financial support to the needy. Saban is a business networking group that promotes and develops South Asian Business activities in the Southern California area for small and large businesses. Dr. Sinduri is a well known social worker; who has been involved in various community oriented projects, both, in USA and in India. She is the founder-director of Savitri Arts Academy and is a professional classical dancer; having given over 2000 performances all over the world. She has been honored by two former Presidents of India: R.Venkataraman and Shankar Dayal Sharma.

3 films, 2 books in 'youth cluster' of Sikh festival India Post News Service

The procession ended when Jalaram was placed by Mandir officials and priests on the mandap

ginning of the procession with the blowing of a conch. Bhaktas carried multi-colored pennants and devotedly recited "Jai Jalaram Baba Jai Jalaram." Head Priest Dr. Shukavak Dasa, led the group, gong in hand. Program sponsors,

The program concluded with aarti followed by maha Prasad. On this day a new tradition has begun - the Jalaram Jayanti celebration has come to stay and to be celebrated in the Mandir every year.

The procession walked clockwise around the Mandir

LOS ANGELES: "Youth" cluster will be held as part of the Sikh Art and Film Festival, to be held on Saturday November 14 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, which will showcase three films and two books! Starting off the cluster is the book A Lion's Mane, written by Navjot Kaur. In this beautifully illustrated story, young readers journey to cultures around the world to explore the meaning of the dastaar, or turban of the Sikhs. Allusive words placed within a vibrant red dastaar help promote our connections as global citizens and encourage dialogue around issues of identity and kinship. A Lion's Mane promises to be a staple on the shelves of all young visionaries. The second book to be showcased in this cluster is The Royal Falcon, written by Jessi Kaur. This book depicts eight year old Arjan who suspects his classmate of stealing his special pencil. In a magical moment, Guru Gobind Singh ji's falcon comes alive to help him. The royal falcon then

takes Arjan back to 1705 to witness Guru ji's court in session. Join Arjan and Khushi, the falcon, in an exciting tale of adventure and

In this beautifully illustrated story, young readers journey to cultures around the world to explore the meaning of the dastaar, or turban of the Sikhs friendship. Next, the festival is showing the animated film Maharaja- The Story of Ranjit Singh. The film narrates the story of a great warrior Maharaja Ranjit Singh, a prominent figure in the Sikh his-

tory. The film portrays Maharaja Ranjit Singh from childhood to his days of brave soldiery that contributed enormously to Punjab. It depicts Ranjit Singh's fearless acts as he defeats his enemies and unites the Sikhs by producing the Khalsa rule. Maharaja shows heroism of the people of Punjab and the glory of Punjab at its peak. Awaiting Your Potential is the next film being showcased at the festival. The film offers a glimpse into the inspiration of three young ones who hope to follow very different career paths and highlights the core virtues of each profession. The Kaur Foundation hopes to inspire confidence and compassion among a new generation of Sikh children in their short and inspirational film, that promises to be energizing no matter what your age! The next film, It's Like Juggling, features interviews with young Sikhs and provides an insight into the lives of children and young people in the Sikh community and what it is like to be a Sikh living in Scotland. The film was launched in late 2003 surrounded by strong media interest, resulting in news features on TV and radio.

November 6, 2009


India Post 23

Interfaith and Baba Nanak DR. JASWANT SINGH SACHDEV


nited States of America has been perceived as a beacon of tolerance for immigrants arriving at its shores from different parts of the world. Regardless of the exotic cultures and faiths of new entrants, at times at the extreme opposite end of the spectrum in comparison to the prevalent culture, this perception had been holding true in most of the circumstances. However, in the aftermath of 911, this tolerance against Eastern faiths started to erode in the minds of many Americans. In fact, it seems to have taken somewhat of a back seat among the psyche of some against what, at times, have been designated as alien faiths or cultures. As a consequence a dent may have appeared in the pillar of hope in the minds of those who may not fall into the garden variety of main Judeo-Christian culture and philosophy, thanks to a rapidly changing climate of present times. As is well known, the interfaith movements have been usually playing a significant role in countries where multiculturalism and multiple faiths existed side by side. Historically, these movements tended to thwart and negate “hate” and “intolerance” in public at-large against the people belonging to minority groups. Hate always tries to loosen the grip of secularism on the rational minds of people irrespective of their background. The people with a limited view of the world often perceive such movements a kind of fad or passe’ but those having some interest in the history of the world religions truly realize the significance of these hitherto low profile yet meaningful interactions. This also turned out to be true in this country following the events of 9-11. On seeing the dark clouds of hate and intolerance hovering over the horizon, the far-sighted concerned individuals prepared themselves to accept the challenge. They understood clearly that the sinister outcome of hate against others is a kind of moral bankruptcy that is very destructive to the very roots of human superiority over animal kingdom. India with its diverse faiths and cultures has a singularly unique history under its belt in relation to such phenomena. Historically, its time honored civilization and people have been witness to two unique phenomena. On one hand India happens to be the only country in the world where several of the so-called eastern religions took their first breath and saw the light of the day. While nurturing these multitudes of faiths and their specific cultures, it also witnessed signifi-

cant numbers of upheavals. As a by-product of this strange status, it ended up earning the dubious distinction of harboring many inter-religious rivalries, discriminations, persecutions and open riots. The mayhem of partition in 1947 and consequent toll of deaths and destruction, the riots of 1984 against Sikhs as well as ongoing saga of trouble between Hindus and Muslim that often sprouts up

Guru Nanak Jayanti falls on Nov 2

like a forceful lava, keeps on plaguing India till to date in some shape of form. All this bespeaks off such repulsive phenomena of modern times. History is witness to this fact that whenever religious intolerance and persecution starts showing its ugly head anywhere on the face of this earth, the true Men of God appear on the world stage to undo the damage. Such great souls, irrespective of their personal beliefs and faiths are often propelled by their inner strength to stand up to this nuisance. They

faith in nature. It transcended well beyond the closed boundaries of the prevalent faiths of India at a time when the situation was morally despicable to say the least. His emphasis on universality and secularism had an inviting appeal to all regardless of their personal beliefs. In order to deliver his message of inter-faith tolerance and love for humanity he traveled to where ever the so-called religious hierarchy of diverse faiths resided. He emphasized his message through simple practical examples much akin to a physics teacher who performs scientific experiments in presence of its pupils to highlight or prove a point When the Mullahs of Kaaba, the most sacred place of Islam became irate to his sleeping with feet towards Kaaba he simply asked them to turn his feet to the direction where God was not to be found. On being asked by religious leaders of Muslims to attend a Nimaz with them, he readily agreed but informed them that their religious leader’s mind was wandering somewhere else. Such a Nimaz without full concentration and without putting full heart into it was no more that a mere show and had no meaning. “All mankind and its different religions are equal in the eyes of God” was the message he delivered to the Mullahs and Kaazis of Mecca, Medina and Baghdad as well as to the high priests of Haridwar and Kashi including the Siddhas and the Yogis retired on the high mountains. Baba Nanak felt equally at home with the poorest of the poor

He did not hesitate in telling the rich people that their religious celebrations and offerings for the benefits of the poor are filled with blood if the money used for their noble deeds is gotten by ill-means try to put their lives on line in trying to face challenges to counter-act nefarious activities, often perpetuated against mankind by those intoxicated by power and richness. Through a process of dissemination of knowledge about the fundamental gift of God-granted equality to all mankind, beyond the boundaries of their own faith, they attempt to set the record straight. And they do so irrespective of who they were and where they lived. Baba Nanak, the founder of Sikh faith whose birth day is being celebrated all over the world in month of November was one such “Man of God.” Baba Nanak had a philosophy and message that was truly Inter-

as he was with the Emperors, Kings and Nawabs. He brought the dangerous thugs and hardened criminals to the right spiritual path by making them abandon the crimes against humanity and turned them into saints. He guided the men of great religious significance in shunning the path of empty rituals. He did not hesitate in telling the rich people that their religious celebrations and offerings for the benefits of the poor are filled with blood if the money used for their noble deeds is gotten by illmeans. (For details logon to:

Maoist mayhem -Only a military solution JS BEDI India Post News Service


he Communist Party of India (Maoist) is an under ground, non-parliamentary Maoist terrorist group. It was founded on September 2004 through a merger of different radical communist anarchic outfits. The merger was announced to the public on October 14 the same year. In the merger a provisional central committee was constituted, with PW leader Ganapati as General Secretary. The CPI (Maoist) is often referred to as Naxalites in reference to the Naxalbari insurrection by radical Maoists in West Bengal in 1967. The Naxalite movement of the 60s was eventually crushed by the Punjab Police. The Centre in June 2009 banned the CPI (Maoist), calling it a terrorist organization. They are barred from holding rallies, public meetings and demonstrations, and their offices if any, will be sealed and bank accounts frozen. The 'Party' claims that it is con-

sticks, detonators, country-made weapons, INSAS rifles, AK-47s, SLR and improvised explosive devices, most of it smuggled across the Nepal border and some of it looted from the hapless local police. Of course there is no doubt that they also have the patronage and blessings of the local politicians and the police. Another alleged source of funding for Maoists comes from poppy cultivation reported from the Ghagra area of Gumla district in Jharkhand and in parts of Gumla, Kishanganj and Purnia districts in Bihar. They are also believed to be patronizing hemp cultivation in Orissa. The Government's reaction has been a mixture of bumbling politics and ill planned police action by the region's ill trained, ill equipped and underpaid reserve police forces. Rather than tame them, the Government's bungling has made them even more brazen. Recently a Police officer was kidnapped and his headless body was found in the jungles of Bihar/ Jharkand. The recent hijacking of

The Government's reaction has been a mixture of bumbling politics and ill planned police action by the region's ill trained, ill equipped and underpaid reserve police forces ducting 'people's war', a strategic line developed by Mao Zedong of China. Currently it has effective presence in some regions of Jharkhand, Andhra, Bihar and the tribal areas of Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Orissa. Through murder and mayhem, this outfit of lunatics aims to consolidate its power in this area and advance their agenda of terror in other parts of India. They believe they can eventually install a "people's government" via what they call a "New Democracy Revolution." This is, to put it mildly, outrageous and hilarious. These guys must be dreaming. They hold kangaroo courts that they call 'Public Court' in remote villages by handing out arbitrary justice for local problems. They have also held these courts in order to eliminate the local political leaders. These courts are usually held in area so remote where the administration does not have a permanent presence or does not venture into without additional 'specialized combat forces' - a popular reference to the rag tag reserve police forces of the affected states. The principal funding for the Maoists comes from abductions, extortions and looting. The military hardware used by Maoists include RDX cable wires, gelatin

the Delhi Bhubaneshwar Rajdhani is yet another illustration of their mindless audacity. The CPI (Maoist) maintains dialogue with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). These links are however denied by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). It is this nexus between the Indian and Nepalese terror outfits which is responsible for all the carnage murder and mayhem in what is considered to be the poorest and backward boonies of India. Rather than take firm action, the powers that be have made this their political chess board. Nero fiddles while Rome burns. What is required is a harsh punitive military operation to wipe out the terrorists and their infrastructure, just as the Sri Lankan military wiped out the Tamil Tigers. The individual state police forces are too pathetic to carry out an operation of this magnitude. And also it has to be borne in mind that a number of personnel in these regional forces have their homes and families in the very area that is the Maoist's hinterland - not exactly the ideal motivation for these cops knowing that their very families can be used as human shields. And they lack the equipment and the training for this. Cont’d on page 24



India Post

Music, dance from India, Brazil, Hawaii India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: On the islands of Hawaii, in the temples of southern India, and on the sacred shores of Brazil, music and dance are offerings of gratitude. Whether offered to Gods or ancestral creators - they are an integral part of everyday life. 'Giving Thanks' brings to the American stage 45 musicians and dancers from three of LA's most creative performing companies in a production that draws from the sacred traditions of India, Brazil & Hawaii. Saturday, November 28 8pm at the Aratani/ Japan America Theater. Featured artist groups are: Halau Keali'i O Nalani (Hawaii); Viver Brasil (Brazil) and Shakti Dance Company (India). From the magnificent splendor of refined gestures from the classical Bharatanatyam dance from

India to the poetic, deeply expressive movement and chant from Hawaii and the fiery rhythms of Afro-Brazilian dance and carnival; the shared spirit and intense energy of these 45 dancers and mu-

'Giving Thanks' is an offering of great technical precision, high collective spirit and a deep understanding of traditional forms sicians gathered on one stage represents the legacy of their traditions and the vitality of our city Los Angeles. 'Giving Thanks' is an offering of great technical precision, high collective spirit and a deep understanding of traditional forms.

Indo American Center Benefit Gala

Artists performing at IAC Annual Event Cont’d from page 13

Recognition to all the sponsors was given by vice president Prem Balani. Keynote Speaker Dr. Marshal Bouton said he had a high opinion about IAC. He urged strong need to help and support the South Asian immigrant community and congratulated the IAC for providing the facility for the well being of the new immigrants and extending efforts for Indo-American relations. Over 6 00 guests from different communities & professions were present from the Midwest, some of the well known personalities of Indo American community were Danny Davis US congressman 7th District. Alderman Joe Moore 49th. Ward Chicago. Ned Gouri, Sher Rajut, Sohan Joshi, Mafat Patel, Rohit Maniar,

Prem Balani, Jay Luthra, Ravi Baichwal, Dr. Khutb M Uddin MD from Indiana, Mohan Khan Panwar, a VIP Guest from Bikaner, India. Many more were present to grace the event. IAC Executive body and staff including Ralph Nicholas, Secretary IAC, seemed very enthusiastic in meeting and greeting all the attendees. Sher Rajput Treasurer and Senior Trustee of IAC was on his toes to have a tete a tete with most of the guests. The 2009 Annual Gala sponsors were National Republic Bank, Manatosh & Basanti Banerji, Narinder & Renee Gauri, Ashref & Kathi Rose Hashim, St. James School of Medicine, CEO Dr. Kallol Guha, Bapu Arekapudi, Harris Bank, Dorthie & Surinder Shah, Dr. Madan & Mrs. Madhu Gupta, Prabha Parmeswarn & First Midwest Bank.

November 6, 2009

Maoist mayhem -Only a military solution Cont’d from page 23

The Indian government can learn a lot from the Sri Lankans. Leave it to the experts, the Indian army and the Indian Air Force. The Sri Lankans proved it to the world that there is a military solution to terrorism, only if the Government is willing without any electoral considerations. The scenario is not too dissimilar than Northern Sri Lanka. With aerial support the army can easily wipe them out in a military blitz. And like in Sri Lanka, put the local villagers in refugee camps releasing them after thoroughly screen-

ing each individual. This is very necessary because many terrorists will try to blend in with the local population, just like the Tamil Tigers did in Sri Lanka. No doubt, like in every war, here too the civilians will be caught in the middle and that is the sad reality of military conflict. Trivialities and formalities like "human rights" and "Justice in a court of law" will have to take a back seat. And of course different organizations will cry foul and raise the usual noise on human rights etc. My question is where these "Torch Bearers" of civil rights were when ordinary folks and security

forces personnel were murdered by the Maoist terrorists? And finally some advice to the netas and babus of India's officialdom. Please for once put national interests ahead of your "Kursi" and have the courage to take a stand. Try to show some character and let the people know that its not just votes that you care for. You also are mindful of your duty to the nation. The Indian government can emulate the Sri Lankans and give the military a free hand in devising and executing its strategy without any interference from the politicians and bureaucrats.

NRI Global Summit honors Indian achievers Cont’d from page 19

Joining the above were Monica Kumar, senior Director of product marketing for Oracle, Neil Bagchi, director of business development, southeast, for Nair & Co., Nithya A. Ruff, senior director for key accounts for Wind River Systems, R. Seetharaman, CEO of Doha Bank, Ragula Bhaskr, CEO of Fatpipe Networks, Rajesh Setty, president of Suggestica, Rennu Dhillon, founder of Genuis Kids, Saad Khan, partner of CMEA Capital, Sarah Singh, film maker, Stephen Wares, Vice President of business development for Nair & Co., Summit Rai, founder of Mobclix Inc., Vikash Varma, president and CEO of Stoke Inc., Vikram Amar, associate dean for academic affairs and professor at UC Davis School of Law, and Prashant Shah, managing director for Hummer Winbald Venture Partners. The summit ended with a spectacular award program to honor NRIs and PIO for their achievements. Awardees included Vinod Dham, Executive Managing Director, NEA-IndoUS Ventures, B.V. Jagadeesh, CEO, 3LeafSystems, Vish Mishra, Venture Director, Clearstone Ventures, Pratibha Prahlad, Dancer, India, Ishaara, America's Got Talent, Giju, Latin Dance pioneer, Anika Iyer, Founder, Skip a Birthday, Murali Krishnamurthy, Founder Chairman, Sankara Eye Foundation, Captain Mike Patel, Fellow Member, Royal Society For Encouragement of Arts, Mohan Gandhe, Marketing Controller, Padmavati Pharmaceuticals , Girija Shankar Sharma, Chief Secretary, Rajasthan

Bal Kalyan Samiti, Jhadol, Peter Dhillion, CEO, Richberry Group of Companies, V. Krishnamurthy, Partner, Ashraya Developers, and Vijay Amritraj, Founder Vijay Amritraj Foundation Jagadeesh said, "I am humbled to receive the award. It is the work of my team and my people. I'd like to recognize my partner at Exodus, my wife and my family who worked with me day and night to help achieve these dreams." The summit ended the night with lively entertainment from the San Jose Taiko, a world class per-

the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP). Other sponsors include Ireo Management Pvt. Ltd, the first and the largest Private Equity Fund dedicated to the Indian real estate sector, Business Wire, Dharma Estate Wines, Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal, Turmeric, Sikara & Co., Sheraton Hotel, Hornblower Cruises, Stone Circle Media, Mount Madonna School, IndiaWest,, NRI Achievers Magazine, and The NRI Global Summit 2009 affiliate partners are Churchill Club, Global Emerging Technology Institute (GETI), Harvard University Bay Area, India Community Center (ICC), Indian Business and Professional Women (IBPW), International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), Silicon Valley Emmy Award Winning Raj Mathai Emceed the event Association of Startup Entrepreforming ensemble, Giju, a pioneer neurs (SVASE), South Asian Jourin Latin-Indian fusion dance and nalists Association (SAJA) , Ishaara, the America's Got Talent South Asian MBA Association Bollywood Dance Troupe. (SAMBAA), TiE-Boston, U.S. Nair & Co. was the presenting Chamber of Commerce U.S.-India sponsor for the summit. The Business Council (USIBC), award-winning company provides Vokkaligara Parishat of America businesses with an integrated so- (VPA). lution in the HR, finance, tax, comAward winning Nair & Co. propliance and legal arenas making a vides businesses an integrated company's move overseas less solution which makes your risky, stress free and more strate- company's overseas expansion gic. In 2009, Nair & Co. was named less risky, stress free and more straamong the top 100 outsourcing tegic in the finance, tax, HR, comservices providers in the world by pliance and legal arenas.

November 6, 2009

India Post 25

1 Dont Say Alvida - Main Aurr Mrs Khanna 2 Mann Ka Radio - Radio 3 Rehnuma - Blue 4 Haan Hain Jitni Martaba - All The Best 5 Yeh Jism - Acid Factory


India Post

After the Shahid-Kareena break-up, Mausam got delayed to some extent since Pankaj Kapur had to drop his plan of casting Kareena and started considering other options for the lead actress. Also, Pankaj couldn't get a producer for a long time before Religare Vistaar Entertainment came into the picture. Producer Sheetal Talwar says, "We are now having a nationwide hunt for the lead actress for Mausam." Kareena had no idea about this till she was contacted by journalists. Clear about not mixing her personal and professional life, Kareena said, "If they have a good script and a good role and ask me to do it, I see no reason why I shouldn't." Now that Kareena has no problem starring opposite Shahid, we wonder if his father will drop his plans of a nationwide hunt for the lead actress and make the next call to Kareena. Mausam is an out-and-out romantic film to be shot in five countries- UK, Spain, Italy, Austria and India.


ainting spells seem contagious in the industry. Priyanka Chopra started the trend, and now Asin follows suit. It's worrying though, that the compulsion to maintain an hourglass figure is affecting the health of the actresses. They lose weight at an alarming rate and resort to unhealthy dietary plans. It's bound to catch up, sometimes even in public. On October 24, just two days before her 24th birthday, Asin collapsed at a club in Andheri where she was doing a series of nonstop television interviews for her latest film. In the middle of the conversations, Asin simply passed out and had to be revived by her staff and friends who rushed forward with instant energy-boosters. Resting at her home on her birthday, Asin laughed, "I've become quite a hazard zone, haven't I? Going by the number of mishaps, I qualify as the desi Calamity Jane.

November 6, 2009

6 Iktara - Wake Up Sid 7 What`s Your Raashee - What`s Your Raashee? 8 Tu Hi Haqeeqat - Tum Mile 9 Ek Haqeqat Tum Lagte Ho Shaabash! You Can Do It 10 Daata Sun Le - Jail


ad Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor still been a couple, Kareena would have surely starred opposite him in his father Pankaj Kapur's directorial debut, Mausam. Pankaj had written the script of Mausam keeping Kareena in mind. This, of course, was when Kareena and Shahid's relationship was going strong. The former lovers last starred together in Jab We Met.


onstant fighting has taken a toll in their relationship. Young couple of Bollywood Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor has almost ended their relationship. The spark between them is missing and it seems that they are now two different individuals. They attended parties together but always maintained a distance. The tensions in their relationship were very much evident. Deepika complains that Ranbir is no longer committed to her when she finds time from hectic schedule to meet him. Moreover, Deepika feels insecure about the rumor of Ranbir and Katrina's affair. Ranbir and Deepika are dating for almost two years but Ranbir's mom Neetu Singh is not in favor of their relationship and Ranbir is finding hard to go against his parent's choice.


November 6, 2009


atrina Kaif is going ga ga over Kareena and their bond. Recently giving an interview to a news channel Kat was excited to talk about her friend. Not many people know that both the vivacious actress shares the same manager too. "She is very nice girl and I like her as well as her work. We even share one manager and I am a big fan of her," says Katrina. There had been news in the industry about their cold war but with this statement of Kat, she is putting it all the rumors at rest. Kareena Kapoor was the unchallenged queen of B-Town at as far as her price was concerned. But Katrina Kaif started competing with her at every turn: with the price, the number of film, as well as endorsements. "Whenever we meet each other she talks with me very nicely and I too love her company. I really do admire her as one of the great actresses in the industry," she says.


hough just one film old in Bollywood, actress Anushka Sharma has managed to score over Bollywood's eye-candy Deepika Padukone. No, it's not for a film, but for a brand endorsement that earlier belonged to Dips and has now been bagged by Anushka. Reports reveal that Deepika, who was the brand ambassador of a leading hair oil brand, has now been replaced by Anushka, and the latter has already shot the commercial for the brand's latest campaign. Grapevine has it that Anushka got the chance to outdo Deepika with the help of Yash Raj Films. However, a source says that Deepika was dropped from the commercial due to her excessive fee. Well, with the way Deepika's Bollywood career is going, we choose to believe that the brand could not afford her.


amir Khan's puffing like a chimney these days! The actor who quit the nicotine stick earlier this year as a promise to his son who was giving the board exams, is lighting up as many as 30 times a day currently. The reason being his forthcoming release 3 Idiots. According to Aamir, "I tend to get nervous before the release of each film. And smoking kind of relieves the stress.'' Close friends suggest that Aamir is superstitious about this 'smoking before-each-release' pattern. However, his smoking has always been as much a topic of debate as everything else this elusive superstar does. People who witnessed the Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir bonding during the multiplex crisis say that SRK frequently asked Aamir, "Arre yaar, you're not smoking these days? How do you do this - now on, now off thing? Let me in on your secret?" But Aamir's brown eyes would only twinkle with mischief every time because he has no secret formula for his now on, now off smoking pattern. What Aamir has, though, is the extreme will to treat the nicotine stick with disdain on one day and draw passionately on it another. Can SRK or even Salman Khan match that?

India Post



India Post

November 6, 2009

India Post News Service

NEW YORK: In a movie marketing first for Bollywood, Studio 18, the international distributor of 'London Dreams', hosted a live video press conference between New York and Mumbai, enabling South Asian journalists to engage in an hour-long interaction with the movie's lead actors Salman Khan and Asin and director Vipul Shah. From Network 18's Mumbai studio where a stunning concert-style musical set, keeping with the theme of the movie, the cast along with supporting stars Rannvijay Singh and Aditya Roy Kapoor, fielded questions from journalists at the New York Video Conference Center. The live feed of the two-way video press conference was streamed online on Studio 18's website, receiving unprecedented hits globally; from various media organizations as well as innumerable fans. South Asian radio stations in New Jersey, California, Toronto and Vancouver too aired the video conference live for their listeners. Despite the long-distance interaction via video, the stars were completely at ease, casual at best and struck the right chord with the media. Ajay Devgn, who could not make it to the press conference because of a delayed flight from a shoot, was sorely missed. Salman Khan was at his mischievous best, interjecting a few questions posed to Asin, and at times, even replying on her behalf. There was more to Khan's lighter side. He said his role in London Dreams was very similar to his demeanor during the press conference. "Matter of fact, easy-going, full of life, helpful and with no malice," he quipped explaining his character in the movie. Vipul Shah claimed to be extremely fortunate

After launching his own label Being Human in Couture India Week, Salman walked the ramp for his designer friend Sanjana Jon

Star power, chaos mark Sanjana Jon's debut at WIFW Details on page 30

Salman Khan and Asin interact with South Asian journalists in New York via a "live" video press conference between Mumbai and New York to discuss their keenly-awaited movie, London Dreams, which releases October 30 - (Photos courtesy: Anhad)

to have the lead stars he had envisioned while scripting London Dreams. "Not because I am saying so, but one needs to see this movie for the stellar performances (by Salman, Ajay & Asin), and in the manner the music concerts have been shot," he emphasized. Asin was not to be left behind despite Khan's mis-

Asin was not to be left behind despite Khan's mischief. ‘The chemistry that I enjoy with Salman and Ajay in the movie is so vibrant. This was a dream role for me,’ she said replying to a question chief. "The chemistry that I enjoy with Salman and Ajay in the movie is so vibrant. This was a dream role for me," she said replying to a question. The high-energy, high-romance movie revolves around two childhood friends Arjun and Munnu who find their way from a small village in India to the famed Wembley Stadium in London as rockstars.

Behram Shahparast, center left, Studio 18's Region Head for Americas, with journalists in New York at the video press conference

November 6, 2009

India Post 29


November 6, 2009

India Post

Star power, chaos mark Sanjana Jon's debut at WIFW NEW DELHI: Sanjana Jon's "starry" show at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week with celebrity siblings turned rough here as the crowd trying to catch a glimpse of their favorite superstars caused confusion and chaos forcing them to leave in a hurry. Jon's debut at the WIFW brought the who's who of Bollywood and other celebrity siblings including Salman KhanSohail Khan, Sushmita Sen-Rajiv

Sen, Riya Sen-Raima Sen, Amaan Ali Khan-Ayaan Ali Khan, Shibani Kashyap, boxing champion Vijender Singh and his brother,

Big Cinemas opens with a bang in Edison India Post News Service

NEW JERSEY: Big Cinemas, a division of Adlabs Films Ltd and a member of Reliance ADA Group, opened with a big bang on Oak Tree Road in Edison, New Jersey, having acquired and completely renovated Movie City, the popular haunt for South Asian movie goers. The opening party of the theater renamed Big Cinemas, on Oct 21 had a cross section of the community in New Jersey turning out to celebrate the spanking new theater, complete with a new dĂŠcor, new seats, new high-tech digital projectors to a new box office station at the entrance. Edison Councilman Dr. Sudhanshu Prasad ceremonially cut a movie reel to open the theater, instead of a conventional ribbon during the celebration. Similar to the strategy in India, Big Cinemas is setting up across the US, standalone properties and cinemas in malls and also taking over current properties, renovating and operating the cinema, taking advantage of their considerable existing infrastructure and brand value. The idea is also to offer these venues as a platform for ethnic communities for not just movie screenings, but also other events, occasions and corporate meets. Speaking on the occasion, Uday Kumar, Head of Reliance MediaWorks, said it was a "Slumdog Millionaire" moment for Indian cinema. "Reliance has a

to 59 years of imprisonment on rape and sexual assault charges by a US court, has been campaigning for her brother's release and the show was part of it. The news of Salman Khan getting out to interact with media spread like wildfire followed by a chaotic scene, which led the star to leave no sooner as he arrived. Salman had said earlier, "Sanjana is a very dear friend

The news of Salman Khan getting out to interact with media spread like wildfire followed by a chaotic scene

Amrita Rao

Sushmita Sen

culture that rests on people," he said. "We want to bring best practices to manage these theaters where 65 percent of our business comes from Bollywood." "We want to bring focus to Big Cinemas among the South Asian American population and want to help independent producers from India whether it is Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil or Telugu, to reach out, connect and socially network. Already we see the impact of our vision -- we've seen property developers from India wanting to

Similar to the strategy in India, Big Cinemas is setting up across the US, standalone properties and cinemas in malls and also taking over current properties partner with us here and even small brands from South Indian asking us to market their product." Besides creating a buzz for regional Indian films like Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and so on, the group has been successfully catering to the Mongolian and Korean markets too, he said. "Recently we had a big African American stand up comedian, who wants to create an urban chain for the African American community and he contacted us -- we are just 18 months in this market of niche marketing -- to do it."

Riya Sen and Raima Sen

music composer Sajid-Wajid. Sanjana, sister of celebrity Indian-American fashion designer Anand Jon, who was sentenced

Boxing champion Vijender Singh

and she has suffered a lot during her brother's trial. I have interacted with Anand and I never felt he was a bad guy. She went

through a lot of trauma and is trying to financially rebuild herself and I will help her in whatever way I can."

MIACC, NYU announce new series on Indian cinema India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The MIAAC (Mahindra Indo-American Arts Council) Film Festival announced MIAAC @ NYU, a new series of critical discourse on Indian cinema organized in partnership with New York University's Department of Cinema Studies. The series is part of MIAAC09, New York City's Indian Film Festival, which runs November 11-15. Now in its ninth year, the festival will have 47 screenings including 44 premieres of features, documentaries and shorts. Regular public screenings will be at the Quad Cinema, with special screenings at the Paris Theatre, Walter Reade Theater, the National Museum of the American Indian, and NYU's Cantor Center.

MIAAC @ NYU will be comprised of five panel discussions and two NYU Directors' Series screenings organized in associa-

Now in its ninth year, the festival will have 47 screenings including 44 premieres of features, documentaries and shorts tion with the Department of Film and Television. "I am delighted to join with MIAAC on curating this series of panels on Indian and Indian Diasporic Cinema. Indian cinema makes a pivotal contribu-

tion to world film culture that, in spite of Slumdog, is insufficiently recognized by established film festivals, and I hope that this collaboration with the MIAAC film festival marks the beginning of a long-term partnership that will foster a vital, intellectually engaged Indian film culture here in New York City," says Richard Allen, Professor and Chair of Cinema Studies at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. The five free MIAAC @ NYU panels are: The State of the Indian Screenplay featuring screenwriter and lyricist Javed Akhtar; Kashmir on Film; Reframing Indian Cinema, featuring filmmaker Shyam Benegal and director Anurag Kashyap; Queer Bollywood, Queer Presence and Activism on the Independent Screen.

November 6, 2009

India Post 31

India Post News Service

NEW YORK: For the scores of Indian American senior citizens looking for the comfort of their cultural roots in their post-retirement or twilight years, Shanti Niketan, a non-profit organization is building a first-of-its-kind retirement community in Florida. Based on the philosophy that as one ages, one would like to be around their own kind of people, food, culture, etc, Shanti Niketan has already begun construction on their 54-condo gated-community and is slated for completion around Oct 2010. A soft opening with about 20 condos is scheduled for early next year. Iggy Ignatius, the pioneer behind this community, and 11 other investors put in $100,000 each to start off the project, where the twobedroom/two-bathroom condos are being sold for $130,000 each. Also on offer are rental packages at $1,000 per month per person which includes rent, food, entertainment, utilities etc. The developers have consciously avoided incorporating any features a regular American retirement community would have like swimming pools, etc. "This community is custom-made for Indian seniors," Ignatius said. Besides being served authentic Indian food three times a day at the commercial kitchen inside the complex, these people will also have lots of religious and spiritual activities and vacation trips within the US and abroad. The need for such a retirement community for South Asian seniors was huge, according to Ignatius, "especially for those who came here in the '60s and '70s. All the talk you hear at their parties is where they would live after retirement, and how they wish to live with people of their own culture. So then 12 of us came together to launch this community service project and I took the lead." The seed, however, took root for Ignatius at the national conference of the Indo-American Association of Senior Citizens in 2007 where the need for a retirement community for Indian Americans was brought up. "The New Yorkbased IAASC has a referral service for Indian seniors and I am

Real Estate 32 India Post

November 6, 2009

BANGALORE: Premier Inn, the UK's largest hotel chain, is popular among international travelers as a budget hotel. But in India, where it will open its first hotel in Bangalore early next month, Premier Inn is pitching itself as a value-for-money mid-market brand. "In India we realized that the consumers' connotation of a budget hotel means something that might not offer quality. -PTI

A home away from home for Indian American seniors

Iggy Ignatius, CEO of ShantiNiketan and One Square Foot Plan with his wife Shanti Ignatius.

part of that organization," explained Ignatius. "At the conference in 2007 they talked about the need for a retirement community, especially for single seniors who were desperate for interaction with other Indians. The only other choice they had was to go back to India if they wanted that Indian community interactions. Food was another major issue, especially for single men." Ignatius added that most of these seniors were empty-nesters and wanted to be close to their children. "Besides, as they grew older, traveling regularly India was physically not easy for them. Even infrastructure-wise, they were not comfortable with the medical facilities, and so we wanted to come up with a project that provided an alternative to going to India," he said. "Here, in a retirement home, they are just a few hours drive or

flight away from their children." For most people who have already bought a Shanti Niketan condo or are likely to buy, finances are not an issue at all, Ignatius informs. "So far whoever has bought from us, the price of $130,000 is nothing-- most have paid in cash.

styles is also being marketed to potential buyers in India, Europe and Middle East. It took five years and an estimated USD 18 million to build the structure, which is located at the busy intersection of County Line and Plainfield roads in Burr Ridge. According to the real estate broker and auctioneer Mike Berland, the home briefly was listed on the market for USD 25 million but got no takers. Berland said the home owners -- dentist Husam Aldairi and his

Aerial view of ShantiNiketan.

for $1000, inclusive of all expenses except medical." Originally priced at $175,000, the price of the condos was brought down to $ 130,000 following the real estate crash in Florida. "With the price cut, we had to cut down on the upgrades and frills without

The developers have consciously avoided incorporating any features a regular American retirement community would have like swimming pools, etc. ‘This community is custom-made for Indian seniors,’ Ignatius said A lot of them are doctors and other professionals so money is not an issue for them. But when we started off with the concept it was keeping in view that a single person should be able to live within their social security income. And for that we are offering rental accommodations

'Taj Mahal' of Illinois up for sale WASHINGTON: Want to have a Taj Mahal of your own? Then be ready to shell out at least USD 6.265 million for the modern version of the monument of love. The "Villa Taj" in Burr Ridge in the US state of Illinois, which has been dubbed by its owner as his Taj Mahal, is about to be auctioned off with a starting bid of USD 6.265 million on November 4, The Chicago Sun-Times reported. The 30,000 square-foot property featuring distinctive Indian, Spanish, Egyptian and Moroccan

UK's Premier Inn to open hotel in Bangalore

wife Rawaa Atta-Aldairi -- decided to sell the property as the woman thought she could not stand the Chicago winters anymore and the couple moved to Florida. As far as special features of the property are concerned, it includes 15,000 sq ft of exterior terraces, 160 tonnes of Jerusalem limestone, a 20-car garage and nine fireplaces. It has six master bedroom suites, one clocking in at 2,400 square feet, and marble stairs leading to a mammoth Jacuzzi tub. -PTI

cutting down on the size of the condos," said Ignatius. "But it is the right time to build in Florida because the lack of construction activity there has brought down construction costs from $70 per sq foot to $50 per sq foot." However, recession did cause them some set backs. "Last year, around the time we got all the ap-

provals we were pretty much close to being sold out. But now many people who were planning to retire have now decided to work for another 5-8 years, and some of the others have decided to wait and watch the economic conditions," Ignatius said. Apart from the Shanti Niketan project, Ignatius has launched a unique concept which changes the way real estate is bought and sold. According to him, the 'One Square Foot Plan' is an innovative way in which people of all age groups can plan for housing during their retirement years. "It basically allows one to plan the purchase of one's retirement home just as one would save for their retirement in an IRA account," he explains. "The American government offers Social Security and Medicare, but a program for retirement living does not exist. There is no guarantee of housing for the elderly."


ariska Tiger Reserve is well nestled in the Aravali Hills covering 800 sq km area divided into the grasslands, dry deciduous forests, sheer cliffs and rocky landscape. Whether you want to have camel safaris, go out for shopping in the surrounding places, visit medieval palaces or wildlife watching; Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary is the best place for you. Nearly 90% of the area in the sanctuary is covered with dhok trees accommodating various wildlife species. A variety of other wild animals like the leopard, sambhar, chital, nilgai, four-horned antelope, wild boar, rhesus macaque, langur, hyena and jungle cats are found in the Sariska Tiger Reserve apart from the tiger. The Sariska National Park is home to India's largest population of peafowl, and harbors quail, sand grouse, golden- backed woodpeckers and crested serpent eagles, among


India Post

November 6, 2009

Sariska Tiger Reserve is well nestled in the Aravali Hills covering 800 sq km area divided into the grasslands, dry deciduous forests, sheer cliffs and rocky landscape

SARISKA Wildlife safaris, medieval palaces & even shopping

other species. Also the Siliserh Lake on the edge of the park has a large number of crocodiles. The sanctuary houses the ruins of medieval temples of GarhRajor that date back to the 10th and 11th centuries. Also a 17th century castle on a hilltop at Kankwari provides a panoramic view of flying vultures and eagles. The Sariska was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and attained the status of a National Park in 1979. Wildlife in Sariska Tiger Reserve The Sariska Tiger Reserve is home to a number of carnivores including Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackal, and Ti-

The major historic structure within the Sariska National Park includes the Kankwari Fort where Emperor Aurangzeb once imprisoned his brother, Dara Shikoh ger. The herbivore category in Sariska includes Sambhar, Chitel, Nilgai, Chausingha, Wild Boar and Langur. Sariska wildlife sanctuary is also known for its large popula-

tion of Rhesus Monkeys. There are also many bird species in Sariska Tiger Reserve, namely; Peafowl, Grey Partridge, Bush Quail, Sand Grouse, Tree Pie, Golden Backed Wood Pecker, Crested Serpent Eagle and the Great Indian Horned Owl. Special Attractions The Kankwari Fort: The major historic structure within the Sariska National Park includes the Kankwari Fort where Emperor Aurangzeb once imprisoned his brother, Dara Shikoh.

The Kankwari Fort

The Ancient Shiva Temples: The Neelkanth Temples within the Sariska Tiger Sanctuary date back to the 6th -13th century AD, though in dilapidated condition, is a must visit. The Sariska Palace: The Maharajas of Alwar built the Sariska Palace standing amidst the Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary. The Palace has now been converted into a hotel. Jeep Safari: The best way to explore the Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary is by jeep which can be arranged at the Forest Reception Office on Jaipur Road. You can even book a `hide' overlooking one of the water holes, and also provides

an excellent opportunity for wildlife viewing and wildlife photography within the Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary. When to Visit: As such, the Sariska Tiger Reserve can be visited throughout the year; still the best time to have Sariska tour is from October - June and January February. Certain jungle tracks are closed during the monsoon and the breeding season just to safeguard the animals and the reserve. If you can tolerate heat, April to June is ideal to catch-hold of the animals at the waterholes. How to Reach Air: The nearest airport from Sariska National Park is at Jaipur. Rail: The nearest railhead is at Alwar at a distance of 37-kms. Road: Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary is situated on the Delhi-Jaipur highway near Jaipur and Delhi.


Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post

November 6, 2009

Environment now conducive for tourism in J&K

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SRINAGAR: Highlighting the marked improvement in the security situation of the state, the J and K government has said the environment was now conducive for tourism and efforts were on to increase tourist footfalls. "The matter of adverse advisory has been taken up with different countries and we are hopeful that Jammu and Kashmir will witness a large influx of foreign tourists too," Tourism Minister Nawang Rigzin Jora said at the opening ceremony of Travel Agents Association of

Kashmir (TAAK) here. He said there was a need to change the perception of domestic and foreign tourists about the situation in the state in a positive direction Referring to the limitless tourism potential here, the Minister said the state offers a grand mix of cultural, pilgrim, adventure and heritage tourism. "The government is contemplating to organize festivals and road shows in various states as well as abroad to promote tourism," he added. The Minister assured the travel

agents that government was paying attention to upgrade tourism related infrastructure at all tourist destinations besides identification and development of new tourists' destination. Minister of State for Tourism Nasir Aslam Wani, in his address, elaborated the steps being taken by the state government for promoting tourism. "We should understand that tourism is an important sector like agriculture and horticulture which can give an impetus to the economy," he said. -PTI

Malaysia skips Tamil in tourism promotion DVDs KUALA LUMPUR: Most Indians who have the capacity to travel can speak English, the reason why Malaysia has said it did not use Tamil language in its tourism promotion DVDs meant for India. The promotion DVD for "Malaysia Truly Asia" campaign is available in English, Mandarin, Korean and Japanese, Tourism minister Ng Yen Yen said, adding that "use of English was enough to capture the Indian market". "The same could not be said for other countries, especially China where the majority in the middle income group did not speak English," the minister said. Ng was replying to a question from Member of Parliament Fong Kui Lun, who asked as to why no tourism promotional materials were produced in Tamil, since majority of ethnic Indians living in Malaysia speak Tamil. The minister replied that the promotion was market- oriented and not focused on any particular nationality. -PTI

November 6, 2009

Travel & Hospitality Post

Jet-Kingfisher tie-up to facilitate seamless travel MUMBAI: Jet Airways has said its tie-up with Vijay Mallyaowned Kingfisher Airlines announced last year was not a typical commercial pact but only an arrangement to help their respective passengers enjoy a seamless journey.

The two major private carriers had last October said they had formed a strategic alliance with the aim of reducing their operating costs "We have only a normal interline agreement with Kingfisher (Airlines). This is in order to facilitate passenger travel smoothly, transition from one flight to another and transfer of baggage," Jet Airways Executive Director Saroj K Datta said here. It is a typical interline agreement as it is done with any other airline, he said. Datta was replying to a question on whether the tieup had resulted in cost-savings for either airline. "It is neither an alliance nor a part of an alliance. These are normal flight transactions," he said, adding the question of how much Jet had saved does not arise. The two major private carriers had last October said they had formed a strategic alliance with the aim of reducing their operating costs. -PTI

Yesteryear India through the eyes of western artists NEW DELHI: Rare paintings and sketches capturing life and people in various Indian towns and villages by European artists who visited the country between 18th and 20th centuries, when photography was still unknown, is currently on display at an exhibition here. The National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) is showcasing around 100 works drawn from the collection of London's Victoria and Albert Museum. The collection comprises works by 20 western artists depicting the architecture, landscape and people of India divided chronologically into four sections. "The first visual representations of India by western artists were of imaginary landscapes and seatings. They were based on the written accounts of travelers to India from across Europe," says Rajeev Lochan, Director NGMA. "It was only after professional European artists began to travel to

India that they painted for the first time scenes based on direct observation. Their passionate interest in the new and exciting land led to the creation of a comprehensive pictorial record of India," says Lochan. Picturesque landscapes painted

The collection comprises works by 20 western artists depicting the architecture, landscape and people of India by Thomas and William Daniells (1790s) and William Carpenter's detailed and animated scenes of everyday street life (1850s) along with a group of evocative watercolors by William Simpson which include images of the Taj Mahal, the Kailasanatha temple at Ellora and the Observatory in Delhi (1860s), are highlights of the show. -PTI

India Post



November 6, 2009

India Post

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Tech News BSNL offers Rs 890 cr IT project to HCL MUMBAI: HCL Infosystems has emerged as the lowest bidder leaving behind IT giants like TCS, Infosys and Mahindra Satyam for a Rs 890 cr BSNL deal to provide computer hardware and software solutions for BSNL's western operations. The state owned telecom operator opened the bids submitted by HCL, Spanco and TCS and found that HCL had bid the lowest to clinch the IT deal. However, there might be a problem arising for HCL as BSNL does not allow a single company to execute IT contracts in more than two zones. HCL had earlier won BSNL's IT outsourcing contracts worth almost Rs 1,800 crore for southern and eastern zones. TCS' bid of Rs 906 crore was the second lowest bidder followed by a Rs 1,042 crore bid by Spanco, which partnered with Satyam for the West Zone while Infosys was the fourth lowest bidder with a price bid of Rs 1,897 crore.

Google goes Live with Social Search


oogle users from now on will be able to custom search Google profiles, access contents created by friends or contacts with Google profile. Google's social search application which was developed by the developers at Google Labs was designed without the Twitter deal in mind according to Amit Singal working for Google. Google's latest application was showed off by Google's Marissa Mayer at Web 2.0 conference. It provides your Gmail contacts and friends on public social-networking services with the content you've linked to your Google Profile, such as blogs, Twitter or Friendfeed accounts, or any number of published material.

New Sony mobiles in Indian market


ony Ericsson, the 50:50 joint venture between Sony and Ericsson, has launched new mobile devices in the Indian market under its 'Communication Entertainment' consumer proposition. These new additions to the Sony Ericsson's bouquet of offerings include the much awaited Satio, Aino and Yari mobile phones that are, as the company says, the true fusion of communication and entertainment.

TechBiz 38 India Post

November 6, 2009

TCS & CMC support for unique ID project MUMBAI: Tata Consultancy Services along with government owned subsidiary CMC is planning to bid for a massive contract of Rs 5,000 crore which will require them to set up a massive database for the implementation of the Unique ID project. The UIDAI project needs biometric and fingerprint information of its 1.2 billion strong population and is seeking help from top notch companies that can provide relevant expertise in collecting the data required. CMC CEO MD R Ramanan said - "Whether we bid as a consortium or not will largely depend on the conditions specified in the RFP. Cont’d on page 39

US companies lobby for private sector outreach to Indian farmers India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: India's Secretary for Agriculture T. Nanda Kumar recently unveiled the US-India Business Council (USIBC) publication "Unlocking India's Rural Sector: US Industry Contributions" at a joint roundtable with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) National Council on Agriculture and Food Processing senior executives and delegates of the USIBC's 2009 Food Security & Rural Development Mission to India. Indian farmers are credited with successfully averting famine in the country for several decades, but the worst monsoon of 37 years in 2009 brings into sharp focus the further work required to improve food security. Spurring efficiencies in India's agricultural production, to 4% per annum, will be essential to achieve broadly inclusive growth, while adopting international best practices and products will further reinforce food security for both urban and rural populations. 'Unlocking India's Rural Sector'

was unveiled at the launch of USIBC's 2009 Food Security Mission, co-led by Bob Milligan, Chairman, M.I. Industries and Chairman, US Chamber of Commerce and Paul Conway, Senior Vice President, Cargill, Inc. USIBC's executive delegation is in New Delhi to highlight the benefits American industry can introduce to India's farmers and consumers, ranging from advanced

Mittal addressed the joint session of private sector executives, speaking to the potential for Indian and American corporations to make tremendous positive impacts on the country's rural communities. He cited the USIBC publication as highlighting some of the many examples of ways in which the private sector continues to support India's food and advanced agricultural productivity needs.

'Unlocking India's Rural Sector' was unveiled at the launch of USIBC's 2009 Food Security Mission, co-led by Bob Milligan, Chairman, M.I. Industries and Chairman, US Chamber of Commerce and Paul Conway, Senior Vice President, Cargill, Inc. farming implements and inputs, to value-added food processing facilities, to supply chain improvements to water sustainability techniques to healthful products for Indian consumers. Chairman of CII's National Council on Agriculture and Food Processing and Vice Chairman and Managing Director Bharti Enterprises Limited Rakesh Bharti

"India's agricultural development will depend on leadership at the government level, but also on the technology and skills that the private sector will introduce to our farmers and rural communities. I'm delighted to unveil 'Unlocking India's Rural Sector: US Industry Contributions' as an example of how corporates bring value to our farmers and consumers, and will

likewise look forward to the benefits that these and other companies will bring in the future," said Secretary T. Nanda Kumar. USIBC Director Anku Nath remarked, "India's first Green Revolution was sparked by joint USIndo scientific collaboration. 'Unlocking India's Rural Sector' reveals that American companies remain committed to ensuring food security in India." She further added, "These companies bring with them international best practices and products that have already proven effective in dramatically increasing agricultural yields in sustainable ways. Their continued involvement in India's food and agriculture sector bodes well for farmers, consumers, and rural communities throughout the country." The publication highlights what some of the American companies including Bharti Walmart, Cargill, Coca-Cola, John Deere, Mars,Inc., Monsanto, Paramount Farms and PepsiCo, are doing in different parts of India as their outreach to the country's farming sector.

India may not consider FDI in Multi-Brand Retail NEW DELHI: The government plans to expressly clarify that foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail is no-go territory, dashing the hopes of Indian retailers expecting that the new rules announced earlier this year would allow them to bring in overseas partners and capital. The commerce and industry ministry wants to ensure that the liberalized FDI policy does not lead to the unintended opening up of multi-product retail, a sector closed to foreign investment now, an official privy to the ministry's plan said. The move is likely to stymie the plans of those such as Pantaloon Retail, which is owned by the Future Group and operates the Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Pantaloon and Home Town chains of stores. Pantaloon Retail had initiated steps to restructure itself to take advantage of the new norms for counting FDI

in the hope that it would be able to attract foreign investment. It was to have converted the listed Pantaloon Retail into a holding company and distributed assets and operations of the group among two subsidiaries. Under the revised FDI policy announced in February, a joint

will be counted as Indian investment. Under the earlier policy, downstream investment by such a joint venture was counted as indirect foreign investment. The new rules, it was argued, allow indirect entry into forbidden sectors such as multi-brand retail through layered corporate ar-

India's largest private sector lender finds that the investments it has made in areas such as insurance - the foreign investment limit here is 26% have been classified as foreign investment venture company in which the Indian entity has more than 50% stake and the right to nominate majority of its directors will be deemed to be an Indian company. If such a joint venture makes investment in another company, the entire investment in that company

rangements where initial foreign investment is kept below 50%. "It will get clarified that the intent of the revised policy is not to allow FDI into multi-brand retail where it has been prohibited," the official said. The ministry will also try and clarify how the revised FDI

policy will apply to the banking sector. A sticking point with the guidelines is that investments by companies that are majority foreign-owned are counted as foreign investment. This has put banks such as the majority foreign-owned ICICI Bank in a fix. India's largest private sector lender finds that the investments it has made in areas such as insurance - the foreign investment limit here is 26% - have been classified as foreign investment. One of the solutions being considered is to exempt banks from the new way of computing foreign investment based on who owns and controls the investing company. The government, however, is unlikely to exempt defense production, where 26% FDI is allowed, from the purview of the liberalized FDI policy, considering the safeguards already in place.

TechBiz Post

November 6, 2009

India Post


Google to enter India's 3G space? As the government of India sets the final date, as of now, for the auction of the radio bandwidth for the initiation of the third-generation (3G) telephony services as well as WiMax, it emerges that the internet search giant Google Inc will also be participating in it. A report in a leading Indian business daily 'Business Standard' says, "Google, the world's largest search engine and one of the biggest internet brands, is understood to be eyeing opportunities in the third generation of mobile tele-

phony, or 3G, in India." The auction of 3G spectrum is scheduled to begin from January 14, 2010. Besides the domestic players, government has also allowed the interested foreign entities to participate in the bid. Though, the foreign players are eligible after a joint venture with a local firm in which they can have a maximum of 74% stake. The report further elaborates that the Mountain View firm rather than being the telecom service pro-

vider might enter as a technology partner.While the paper says that the Indian spokesperson for Google declined to comment over the speculation, we could not reach Google for immediate details over the development. Still not sure about Google's foray into the Indian telecom space but the word has been spread around the globe and analysts have started following the effects and reasons behind the development.

TCS & CMC support for unique ID project Cont’d from page 38

If they want a single point of contact, then CMC will act as a sub-contractor to TCS." TCS and CMC have a strong working relationship over the years to create a bigger competitive government business system which is bigger than domestic rivals like Wipro and Infosys. "We have worked together on all major mission mode projects such as the MCA (Ministry of Company Affairs) e-governance project and SWAN (state-wide area network) projects in Tamil

Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar," said Mr Ramanan. Computerization of State Elec-

Multinational rivals IBM along with Wipro and Infosys are already preparing solutions to bid for the UID project tricity Boards (SEBs) has proved to be another area of opportunity for both CMC and TCS. By

jointly bidding for these projects, TCS has, so far, bagged two out of the three projects awarded by the SEBs. CMC has already implemented a biometric project for the Chattisgarh government and is looking forward for the challenge. For the UID project, biometric technology will be crucial to capture and validate citizen information. Meanwhile, multinational rivals IBM along with Wipro and Infosys are already preparing solutions to bid for the UID project, and like many other projects, TCS will face some aggressive competition.

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2nd Coconino County death from swine flu FLAGSTAFF, Ariz.: The Coconino County Health Department says another county resident has died from complications of the swine flu. Health officials said that a victim is a woman in her early 50s who resided in Flagstaff. Her name was not released. Officials say she's the second Coconino County resident to die from swine flu complications, following the death of a teenage boy in June. American Indian artist Michael Kabotie died earlier at a Flagstaff hospital of swine flu and related complications at age 67. -AP

Multnomah weighs a grow-your-own food movement PORTLAND, Ore.: Amber Meyer doesn't need university studies or proclamations from experts to tell her something's wrong with the U.S. food system. The reality hits the Portland resident in the gut every time she tries to figure out how to feed her family of six on the $500 a month in food stamps that supplements her husband's income from a print shop. That comes to less than $1 per meal per family member. So Meyer must decide whether to pay now for healthful food that won't stretch to the end of the month. Or to pay later if the cheaper but processed, fattening foods affect their health in the future. -AP

Health chief to take over state natural resources DENVER: Gov. Bill Ritter has named Jim Martin as the new executive director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources. Martin currently heads the state Department of Public Health and Environment. He starts his new job November. 16. Martin will replace Harris Sherman, who left to become the U.S. Department of Agriculture's undersecretary overseeing the Forest Service. Before heading the health department, Martin was executive director of Colorado-based Western Resource Advocates, an environmental law and policy organization. He also has headed the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado School of Law and worked for former US Sen. Tim Wirth of Colorado. -AP

Health Science 40

India Post

November 6, 2009

CU-Boulder gets shipment of swine flu vaccine DENVER: The University of Colorado in Boulder has received 100 doses of swine flu vaccine for faculty, employees and students considered at high risk. -AP

American cancer doctors reach out to Africa SEATTLE: When Dr. Corey Casper started looking for doctors to team up with for his work on Kaposi's sarcoma, the medical researcher at the venerable Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ran into a surprising statistic from the World Health Organization. He learned that Uganda has one of the highest rates of this type of cancer in the world. In fact, cancer in general kills more people in subSaharan Africa than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined, according to the WHO. But unlike the United States, where Casper does his research on a beautiful campus filled with labs and doctors, Uganda at the time had one oncologist for a nation of 30 million at the tiny Uganda Cancer Institute in Kampala. Uganda now has two more oncologists and two more in training at the Seattle cancer research center. The centers are planning to announce that the US Agency for International Development has awarded a $500,000 grant to help build a new cancer clinic and medical-training facility in Uganda. Two years ago, zero international dol-

lars went to Uganda to treat its cancer patients, who number 10,000 a year. Other medical specialists in the country are envious, said Dr. Fred Okuku, 37, who arrived in Seattle in September to begin a year of study at the Hutchinson Center. Casper believes the training model can and will be duplicated by other institutions. Parallel efforts are beginning in Rwanda,

illness in Uganda is because early diagnosis is rare. Mwaka tells the story of a man who was misdiagnosed and treated for tuberculosis three times. The doctors blamed the patient for his failure to recover. The fourth time he went to the clinic, a doctor did a biopsy and found cancer, but the man reached Kampala too late for effective treatment and died.

'If the doctor is not aware of how common cancer is, he will always make the diagnosis very late,' Mwaka said. 'There is a whole lot of time wasted in between as the cancer progresses' with financial help from various organizations including the Lance Armstrong Foundation and the American Cancer Society. Casper predicts the next step will be training oncologists to specialize. Dr. Amos Mwaka, 35, who recently returned to Africa after a year studying in Seattle, is interested in training other medical workers to quickly identify cancer in their patients. One of the reasons so few patients survive the

``If the doctor is not aware of how common cancer is, he will always make the diagnosis very late,'' Mwaka said. ``There is a whole lot of time wasted in between as the cancer progresses.'' Casper, who focuses his research on the link between infectious disease and cancer, points out another obstacle to cancer treatment in Uganda: HIV. ``At the cancer institute, 70 percent of patients are HIV-positive. They're being relatively success-

fully treated for their HIV but they're dying of cancer,'' he said. The Hutchinson center has reached out to the US international aid program The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief most involved in AIDS relief in Uganda to suggest that they work together to save lives. Casper said his original goal to improve research in his cancer specialty already has been fulfilled. In January, Casper and his Ugandan collaborators published a scientific paper on the herpes virus as an indicator for Kaposi's sarcoma in a journal published by the Public Library of Science. The Hutchinson center also has sent many more trainees to Uganda than have come to Seattle, and scientists are working together to do research in a lab at the Ugandan center. The partnership has also raised the profile of Casper's specialty within the large cancer center: a variety of researchers have sought him out to find out how they can get involved in the Uganda project. And the teacher is learning from his students. -AP

Obama says 'now's the time' to pass health care MIAMI: President Barack Obama has said that America has no choice but to overhaul the health care system to make insurance cheaper for families, businesses and the government. He predicted success, but warned that major industries such as insurance companies will fight hard to prevent it. Obama made the remarks at a pair of Democratic Party fundraisers in Miami. He spoke a few hours after Senate leaders endorsed legislation that would add a publicly run health insurance plan for Americans, with states having the right to opt out. Obama did not mention the Senate action, but he said a health care overhaul is closer than ever. He warned, however, of tough battles ahead.

"It's going to get harder,'' the president told about 200 people who paid $500 each to greet him at a reception. "Now's the time when all the special interests are saying, 'Oh, this is really going to happen,

moments later at a dinner where more than 100 people paid $15,000 each for a seat. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also addressed both

The president said health insurance premiums doubled in the past decade and will do so again in the next 10 years if nothing changes we might lose some of our profits.' And they start paying big lobbyists, and they start twisting arms.'' The president said health insurance premiums doubled in the past decade and will do so again in the next 10 years if nothing changes. Obama made similar remarks

President Barack Obama

groups. The money will be used for Democratic House and Senate races next year. Dozens of protesters stood outside the Fountainbleau Hotel,

where Obama spoke. Many of their handmade signs criticized his health care proposals, which some likened to socialism. One woman's sign said, "Pull over, I have a shoe to throw.'' But at the fundraising dinner, Obama said he doesn't let criticisms bother him much. "Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm not tough,'' he said. ``I don't rattle. I'm not going to shrink back.'' The president poked fun at Republicans, saying they left him to clean up an economic crisis while they criticize from the sidelines. "Folks who made the mess say, 'You're not mopping fast enough,''' Obama said to laughter and cheers. "'You're not holding the mop the right way. It's a socialist mop.''' -AP

Health Science Post

November 6, 2009

India Post


Senate health bill will embrace Polanski's victim says she wants to be left alone 'public option' WASHINGTON: Health care legislation heading for the Senate floor would give millions of Americans the option of purchasing government-run insurance coverage, Majority Leader Harry Reid announced. Reid said individual states would have the choice of opting out of the program. He stopped short of claiming the 60 votes needed to pass a plan steeped in controversy. His announcement was cheered by liberal lawmakers, greeted less effusively by the White House and noted with a noncommittal response by Democratic moderates whose votes will be pivotal. Republicans have denounced the public option as a ``government takeover'' of health care. Reid said, "While the public option is not a silver bullet, I believe it's an important way to ensure competition and to level the playing field for patients with the insurance industry.'' Sen. Olympia Snowe, the only Republican to vote with Democrats on health care so far this

year, issued a statement saying she was ``deeply disappointed'' in the approach the Democratic leader had chosen. Changes on the public option and numerous other provisions in the measure are possible during a debate expected to last for weeks.

While the public option is not a silver bullet, I believe it's an important way to ensure competition and to level the playing field And officials said Reid had prepared several variations of key provisions so he could make adjustments in his bill at the last minute and still make sure he was within Obama's target of a $900 billion price tag over a decade. Both the House of Representatives and Senate are struggling to complete work by year's end on legislation extending coverage to millions who lack it, to ban in-

surance industry practices such as denying coverage because of pre-existing medical conditions and to slow the rise in medical costs nationally. As in the Senate, attempts to complete drafting a measure in the House have been delayed by internal Democratic divisions on the details of a government-run option. Differences in bills passed by the House and Senate would have to be reconciled before any legislation reaches Obama's desk. In deference to moderates, Reid also said he was including a provision for nonprofit co-ops to sell insurance in competition with private companies. Senate Democratic officials say the bill Reid envisions would require most individuals to purchase insurance, with exemptions for those unable to find affordable coverage. Large businesses would not be required to provide insurance to their workers, but would face penalties of as much as $750 per employee if any qualified for federal subsidies to afford coverage on their own. -AP

LOS ANGELES: Roman Polanski's arrest has caused his victim health problems and job worries, and she just wants to be left alone, her attorney wrote in a court filing. Attorney Lawrence Silver urged a California appeals court to dismiss the criminal case against the ``Chinatown'' director. The filing with the Second District Court of Appeal said Samantha Geimer and Silver have received nearly 500 media calls seeking comment since Polanski was arrested in Switzerland on Sept. 26. Geimer, who long ago identified herself publicly, and her family have to contend with such pressure whenever Polanski is in the news, the six-page filing said. Geimer, who lives in Hawaii, is being stalked by journalists from numerous international news outlets and has received interview requests from Larry King and Oprah Winfrey, the filing said. The Associated Press has also requested interviews with Geimer and Silver.

``The pursuit has caused her to have health-related issues,'' it said. ``The pursuit has caused her performance at her job to be interfered with and has caused the understandable displeasure of her employer and the real possibility that Samantha could lose her job.'' The filing seeks dismissal of the case against Polanski and ends with a request: ``Leave her alone.'' Geimer has frequently lobbied for an end to the case. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley has said the charges can't be dropped because the law requires a conclusion to the court process. His office is merely trying to resolve the case, not persecute the director, he said. The latest request by Geimer was made to the appeals court, which is being asked by Polanski's attorney to order a lower court to rule on a motion to dismiss the charges. The Academy Award-winning director is resisting efforts to return him to Los Angeles. -AP

In Brief TX Immigration screening in jail to continue HOUSTON: Harris County officials have approved a three-year extension of a controversial program that allows jailers to screen all county inmates for their immigration status. The Harris County Commissioners Court approved the 287g program n a 4-1 vote, even though opponents say it perpetuates racial profiling and splits immigrant families. The vote followed a presentation by Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia, who recommended extending the program. Precinct 2 Commissioner Sylvia Garcia voted against 287g due to potential costs, legal liability to the county, as well as concerns over racial profiling. -AP

Man sentenced in Phoenix extortion case PHOENIX: An illegal immigrant has been sentenced to 27 years in prison in connection with a violent kidnapping of a man from the parking lot of a Phoenix grocery store. Maricopa County prosecutors say 24-year-old Noe MendozaTapia pleaded guilty to one of three counts against him - misconduct involving weapons -on the first day of his trail and he was later convicted of kidnapping and theft by extortion. Mendoza-Tapia, who told police that he illegally entered the US three years ago, was sentenced. -AP

Plan targets Frederick illegal immigrant students FREDERICK, Md.: Frederick County officials are considering asking state lawmakers to require a count of students with questionable immigration status in the county's public schools. Republican commissioners Charles Jenkins and John L. Thompson introduced the plan as a legislative proposal. The county commissioners could recommend the measure next week to the county's legislative delegation, which would then decide whether to introduce a bill in the General Assembly. The Maryland Board of Education ruled in March that the county cannot require local school officials to seek the immigration status of students without a valid reason. -AP

Immigration 42

India Post

November 6, 2009

Illegal aliens arrested in Minot MINOT, N.D.: Two men working on a wind project south of Minot are accused of being in the country illegally and are being turned over to the Border Patrol. Minot police say the arrests came after officers responded to an assault report at a motel. -AP

Troubling trend of attacking the H-1B visa program CYRUS D. MEHTA


here appears to be a troubling trend these days. Attacking the H-1B visa is code for keeping the Indians out. Leading the drumbeat against the H-1B are Senators Grassley (R-IA) and Durbin (D-IL), http:// In his latest missive to the new USCIS Director, Senator Grassley makes H-1B bigotry politically respectable, ?I38d5pyKzi. While no one is denying the existence of fraud in the H-1B program, like in other visa programs, Senator Grassley finds fraud whenever he sees fit, especially when it concerns Indian computer consulting companies. An IT consulting company may have several clients and can demonstrate that it is legitimately in the business of computer consulting. But it may not be able to pinpoint

exactly where the H-1B beneficiary may work at the time of filing the petition. This does not mean that the company intends to commit fraud, as Senator Grassley thinks. When a law firm with many clients hires an associate, it is usually unable to ascertain with laser preci-

ter to the next, the law firm still continues to hire the associate and pays him or her. No one would accuse the law firm of committing fraud. Such is the business model of many service related industries or professions, and it is difficult to understand why an Indian consult-

While no one is denying the existence of fraud in the H-1B program, like in other visa programs, Senator Grassley finds fraud whenever he sees fit, especially when it concerns Indian computer consulting companies sion accuracy the client matter this associate will work on. Yet, the law firm has made a business judgment to hire an additional associate as it knows that a client will ultimately need the lawyer's services. If there is lag time in assigning this associate from one client mat-

ing company must pin point many months in advance, with extensive documentary proof from the client, where it will place its prospective H-1B employee when it has a history of assigning its workers on client projects and paying them regularly.

And in the event of a lag between work assignments, the H-1B law prohibits an employer from "benching" and must continue to pay the required wage. Congress contemplated time lags between assignments, and enacted a law that required the employer to pay during the unproductive period. Why should this now be considered fraud? More recently, Steve Hamm and Moira Herbst of BusinessWeek wrote a disturbing article, America's High-Tech Sweat Shops, b4150034732629.htm ?campaign_id=techn ology_related. Their article focuses on bad apples in the H-1B program, who have already been prosecuted, which means that the existing law works against the abusers. Cont’d on page 45

Immigrant parents learning English for their kids SALT LAKE CITY: Yolanda Nacasio wants to learn English for many reasons. But one reason trumps them all: her kids. She said recently she wants to learn English to ``help with homework, for when I have an appointment for the doctor for her ... for when we go to the store.'' Nacasio has been taking English classes at Jackson Elementary School for about a month. Offering immigrants more such opportunities to learn English helps them better support their families, according to a new report released by Voices for Utah Children. The nonprofit advocacy group hopes the report will shed more light on Utah's immigrant families. For example, children born to immigrants made up about 16 percent of Utah's child population in 2007, and the vast majority of those children about 80 percent were US citizens. ``There's a lot of misconceptions about the immigrant commu-

nity,'' said Terry Haven, Kids Count director at Voices for Utah Children. “The reality is they look an awful lot like us, and, in some ways, their families are stronger than ours, if you look at the statistics.'' According to the report, children in immigrant families were slightly more likely to live in a two-parent household than non-immigrant

and more than twice as likely to live in poverty as children born to non-immigrant parents. Learning English, however, might be key to reversing some of those statistics, the report shows. Children of immigrant parents who speak English aren't much more likely to live in poverty than children born into non-immigrant families.

Offering immigrants more such opportunities to learn English helps them better support their families, according to a new report released by Voices for Utah Children Utah families between 2005 and 2007, and slightly less likely to have five or more children in their families than non-immigrant families. But the report, which is based on data from the US. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, also shows that Utah children who live in immigrant families are less likely to have parents who graduated from high school

That's why the report recommends, among other things, that more opportunities to learn English be made available to immigrant parents. Pam Perlich, a senior research economist at the University of Utah, agreed that teaching immigrants and their children English is key to not only their welfare but also to the state and nation's well being. But she said it can

often be more difficult for many Utah immigrants, especially those coming from places such as Africa and east Asia, to learn English than it was for immigrants who arrived generations ago from European countries with languages more similar to English. “We're in an information and knowledge-based economy, and so to get English language acquisition to these kids more rapidly is critical for the economic development potential of our state and nation,'' Perlich said. ``We need to get resources to kids so they can accomplish in one generation what it maybe took our ancestors two or three generations to do.'' She said about 8 percent of Utah's population now is foreign born, down from 18 percent in 1910. About 44 percent of Utah's foreign born-population is from Mexico, about 18 percent is from Asia, and about 11 percent is from Europe. Cont’d on page 44

Immigration Post

November 6, 2009

India Post


San Francisco changes tack on immigrant minors lic Defender's Office, who contend it restores the right of minors to due process and gives them a chance to defend themselves before facing possible deportation and separation from their families. Those siding with the mayor _ the police chief and district attorney, among others _ argue the new ordinance will force officers to go against federal law by shielding undocumented immigrants and exposing the city to lawsuits. The measure must now go to Newsom, who has said he would

Adults who commit crimes are completely exempted from protection, but the situation of minors was unclear under the rule veto it. Supervisors have said they would overturn his veto, a move likely to touch off a legal fight. Other cities are watching San Francisco to see how it decides to handle undocumented minors. Requiring due process for children before they are referred to ICE is an innovative strategy and could be implemented elsewhere, said Angela Chan, staff attorney with the Asian Law Caucus, a legal and civil rights group that has worked closely with youth affected by the city rule.

At the heart of the issue is San Francisco's City of Refuge ordinance, adopted in 1989 as part of a national sanctuary movement intended to help refugees from Central American civil wars. Dozens of cities across America adopted similar sanctuary policies. The sanctuary policy allows officials who encounter undocumented immigrants not to report them to federal officials. It's credited with improving law enforcement relationships with the city's large immigrant community. Adults who commit crimes are completely exempted from protection, but the situation of minors was unclear under the rule. Instead of turning juveniles suspects over to immigration officers, San Francisco was housing them or flying them back to their home countries at city expense. Bill Ong Hing, a law professor at the University of California, Davis, who testified in favor of San Francisco's sanctuary ordinance when it was first proposed, said federal law does not require officers to turn over undocumented immigrants. ``Every day across the country, local law enforcement officials often do not turn over undocumented immigrants that they come across,'' he said. ``They want to maintain a good, trusting relationship with immigrant communities because that is better for public safety.'' -AP

US attorney nom won't talk about ad controversy DENVER: President Barack Obama's US attorney nominee for Colorado is refusing to explain what conversations she had two years ago about an illegal immigrant who became a controversial figure in the 2006 gubernatorial race. Stephanie Villafuerte, a former Denver chief deputy district attorney, was working for Bill Ritter's campaign at the time. According to records from

the Denver District Attorney's Office, Villafuerte left a phone message about Carlos Estrada-Medina for DA spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough on Oct. 10, 2006. But interview summaries obtained by The Denver Post show she told the FBI on Dec. 5, 2007 that she had ``no conversations'' with anyone in the DA's office about EstradaMedina, who is an illegal immigrant.

The FBI apparently never asked Villafuerte about the nature of a series of phone calls she exchanged over the following two days with Kimbrough and First Assistant DA Chuck Lepley. Those calls were made before and after Lepley asked a subordinate to check Estrada-Medina's criminal history in a restricted federal database. -AP

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SAN FRANCISCO: This famously liberal city, known for tackling thorny issues from gay marriage to universal health care, is wrestling with another divisive issue. The Board of Supervisors gave final approval to a measure that would keep law enforcement from turning over minors to immigration authorities unless they have been found guilty of a felony. The move pits the panel against Mayor Gavin Newsom and law enforcement by reversing his policy of turning over youths to Immigration and Customs Enforcement after their arrest. Newsom took the stance in 2008 after the city was accused of protecting young offenders such as Edwin Ramos from deportation. Ramos, an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, was charged with felonies as a minor, but the sanctuary policy allowed the suspected gang member to stay in the U.S. Now 22, Ramos is awaiting trial in the shooting death of a man and his two sons in San Francisco as they headed home from a barbecue. Since the mayor changed the policy, 149 undocumented juveniles charged with felonies have been referred to immigration officials, ICE said. The newly approved measure is supported by civil rights groups, immigrant advocates and the Juvenile Division of the Pub-


India Post

Immigration Post

November 6, 2009

Report: Balance US labor law, border enforcement WASHINGTON: Bush administration workplace immigration raids interfered with labor investigations and allowed employers to exploit workers who complained about them, labor groups said in a report released. The stepped-up immigration enforcement came at the expense of rigorous enforcement of labor protections that are guaranteed to all workers regardless of immigration status, the groups said. ``The single-minded focus on immigration enforcement without regard to violations of workplace laws has enabled employers with rampant labor and employment violations to profit by employing workers who are terrified to complain,'' said authors of the report by the labor union confederation AFL-CIO, the Na-

tional Employment Law Project and the American Rights at Work Education Fund. The groups call on the Obama administration to balance immigration and labor law enforcement. They recommend a return to the type of agreement forged in 1998

The groups call on the Obama administration to balance immigration and labor law enforcement between the Labor Department and the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service. It established rules for cooperation but prohibited immigration enforcement from trumping labor law enforcement to ensure immigrant

employees would not fear complaining about problem employers. ``You can do both: You can enforce immigration laws, and you can protect the workers who are being victimized by unscrupulous employers,'' said Julie Martinez Ortega, American Rights at Work research director. Martinez acknowledged the Obama administration has ended high-profile raids. Homeland Security Department spokesman Matt Chandler said worksite enforcement policy distributed to Immigration and Customs Enforcement in April emphasizes targeting immigrants who have committed crimes and focuses on employers who knowingly hire people who cannot legally work in the country to ``target the root cause of illegal immigration.'' -AP

Immigrant parents learning English for their kids Cont’d on page 42

Bill Barton, who has worked with the anti-illegal immigration group Save Utah, said he also thinks it's important for immigrants to learn English, but he doesn't want to see taxpayer dollars fund such programs for illegal immigrants. A number of organizations, including schools and private nonprofit groups, now offer English classes to immigrants. “The tax money is being paid by citizens ... there's a lot of tax supported services that are going

to the illegals now,'' Barton said. He also said he is not sure if some of the report's statistics, such as those about family structure, apply to illegal immigrants. The report did not differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants. Haven said it's important the U.S. take care of children of all immigrant families. And that includes giving their parents opportunities to learn English so they are less likely to live in poverty, she said. Sarah Little, coordinator of the English Skills Learning Center parent program attended by

Nacasio and about 165 other adults, said parents mainly say they want to learn English to help their children, according to the program's surveys. Eileen Meiners, a volunteer English teacher with the center, said one of her students, a Somali woman, even refused a translator when it came time for parent teacher conferences at her child's school this year. She wanted to do it herself, in English. “She was proud of herself,'' Meiners said. “And we were proud of her.'' -AP

Immigration Post

November 6, 2009

India Post


Troubling trend of attacking the H-1B visa program Cont’d from page 42

Unfortunately, the article fails to highlight a single positive aspect of the H-1B visa, and there are many. Recently, the fact that four out of the six US Nobel prize winners were foreign born is a testament to the fact that this award has something to do with a smart immigration policy, immigration nobel-prizes-winners-and-immigration-policy/. In the experience of this writer, most H-1B employers want to play by the rules, which are hyper-technical, difficult to follow and complex. They have been designed to trap the unsuspecting H-1B petitioner, especially one that relies on many H-1B workers. Yet, employers comply with obtaining prevailing wage data to support the market-based wage, post notices at various worksites and often respond in great and meticulous detail to requests for evidence or notices of intent to deny! One wonders why an employer would go through all of these hoops and hurdles if it wanted to hire a worker on the cheap. None of these employers were profiled in the article. It would be one thing if the BusinessWeek article focused on serious H-1B abuses (and there are enough teeth in the current law to punish such employers) in order to advance the rights of aggrieved Indian H-1B workers, but it gives prominence to Programmers Guild, which has links with NumbersUSA and other white supremacist organizations. The Programmers Guild cares two hoots about any immigrant

worker; rather it wants to get rid of them. If you visit the Programmers Guild website, http://, they caricature Indian companies and the lawyers that represent them. It is difficult to understand how Programmer Guild, and its lawyer head John Miano, who are given so much play in the article, can effectively represent the interests of even US programmers when all I see on their website is whining about immigrants. They have no

One wonders why an employer would go through all of these hoops and hurdles if it wanted to hire a worker on the cheap seminars on cutting edge technology, entrepreneurship, job placement information, networking opportunities, nothing, except for anti-immigrant invective.] It is not surprising that the BusinessWeek article is spewing the worst kind of racist invective against Indians. It appears to have hurt the sentiments of lots of hardworking Indian H-1B workers across the board as can be seen on one of the discussion boards of Immigration Voice, http:// These same Indian H-1B workers from India are also hopelessly stuck in the Employment-based Second and Third Preference backlogs, which also work against India because of the per country lim-

its in each of these categories. The more one reads between the lines of the BusinessWeek article, it smacks of racist undertones such as the Brazilian disliking the curries of his Indian roommates, and the reporter having cheeseburgers with John Miano at a mid-century diner in "tony" Summit, NJ (which is code for those halcyon days prior to the 1965 Act after which Indians came to open their curry restaurants and H-1B sweat shops). Rather than profiling people who advocate for more restrictions on the H-1B program, especially its use by Indian companies, BusinessWeek could have also quoted people who could have spoken positively about the H-1B program and the value that these so called "body shops" have brought to American businesses, which have betrayed no hesitation in taking advantage of them. Also, the article does not clearly articulate that if a "body shop" plays by the rules, employs the H-1B worker and pays the required wage (higher of the prevailing or actual), posts the LCA, and charges a mark-up to the client, whether this can be characterized as fraud. Is there not a freedom for Indian companies, even Indianowned companies, to contract and make a profit? Attacking the H-1B visa program is a convenient way to attack Indians and for xenophobes to disguise their fear or hatred of immigrants under the cloak of rational argument.


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India Post

November 6, 2009

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 Business will improve unexpectedly. Running around and meetings will not go waste at all. You will make few new and useful friends and receive practical tips from them. Reunion will be good and you will get to spend quality time with children. Do not few adversities slow you down as major changes just around the corner.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22 Money will go towards repairs or purchase of another car. There will be lots of confusion in mind but will be cleared with the help of an experienced person. You will continue to make place in social circle and will be invited to an important gathering. Planets assures a better time financially. You will be signing a new contract.


November 6 to November 12

Expect some dramatic improvement in career related efforts. You may be offered a dream come true opportunity. Concentration of Sun and Mercury in first will make you very diplomatic and provide the ability to solve even the toughest situation. Money will come in plenty but will be well spent on buying gifts for others.

TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 Someone in immediate family will need extra care. Stocks you buy now could turn profitable in few weeks. You will be on your feet most of the time but the results will be good. You will be travelling to a nice area with family to meet an old friend. You will be excited about an upcoming trip. You will feel relieved after making a big payment.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 You will receive several weak offers. Business will be lot better than past some time. You may get rid of old associates and find alternative quickly. Timely action and quick thinking will save you from many troubles this week. You will meet an interesting person and become friendly. You will start to monitor bank balance regularly.

CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 You will be buying something very expensive for someone you love dearly. Strong Venus will take you closer to few good opportunities but the deal may not close right away. Serious help from an experienced person will be kind of bonus this week. You will start making preparation for an upcoming short vacation with family and friends.

GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 You will be looking in all directions for fresh leads. Results will come but slowly. Bank balance will take a nose dive. Planets will make you more energetic and you will finish lots of pending work. You will spend some time on phone and save money. Opponents and competition will be strong but cannot hurt.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 You will be charging heavily on cards and may also borrow money against credit lines to meet temporary commitments. You will also need to deal with a government agency to resolve a headache. Some of you will finalize plan to move in early next month. It will be difficult to find right associates in a hurry.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Your ability to think outside the box will make you a serious contender for advancement in the professional world. You will go out of your way to entertain friends and yourself. Watch out for the person trying to flirt with you. Sun in eleventh will get you closer to an influential person who can really help you in future.

CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 People in business will be paying large advertising bills. Money will go towards health care too. You may put some money away for rainy days also. Some uncertainty about career will fade away bringing big relief in mind. You may distance yourself from an ungrateful person without telling anybody the reason.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 Mars in the first will fill you with energy. Not everyone will like your plans, but you should still go ahead. Trip will take you closer to someone you care a lot. You will spend money on some fine and expensive items. Your expertise will help and change people's life. You will attend an interesting party and make some useful friends.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 Week full of few pleasant surprises. Offer will be huge and hard to turn down. Big contract is being drawn by the other side. You may show that you care in creative way and not expensive to people you love. You may pay a visit to an old friend with family. You will be making frequent calls overseas. Money should not be a problem from now and on.

November 6, 2009

India Post 47



India Post

November 6, 2009




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November 6, 2009

India Post 49

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India Post

November 6, 2009

Staybridge 98 Room Project For Sale in Spring/Houston TX ;Includes land , Plan and Permit . pls Contact Listing for further info Agent


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Please contact, Manish or Bobby at (904)891-5278,or (912)729-5454.

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November 6, 2009

India Post 51

NEW YORK Upcoming



Thurs Nov 5

Sun Nov 8

Thurs Nov 5

• Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Course

• Boogie Woogie Chalo America Chicago Finals 2009

• Exclusive Management Workshop

Venue: Art of Living Center, 127 West 25th Street 3rd Floor, NY Contact: 917-509-5036

Fri Nov 6 • Tera Pati Sirf Mera Hai

Venue: The Meadows Club, 2950 W Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Illinois Time: 6pm Contact: 847-566-2029

Venue: Hindu Temple, 45-57 Bowne St, Flushing, New York Time: 8:30pm Contact: 732-763-0018

Sat Nov 7

Sat Nov 7

Venue: Hindu Temple of Central Illinois, 4224 W. Prairie Lane, Peoria, Illinois Contact: (309) 671-5668

• Dipawali Thirunaal Kondattam Venue: PS 24 Q School Auditorium, 141-11 Holly Avenue, Flushing, New York Time: 4pm Contact: 718-969-1310

Sat Nov 14 • 16th Annual Muqabla Venue: University at Buffalo, 3435 Main St, Buffalo, NY Time: 4pm Highlights: American Univ.Bhangra, Bing Bhangra, Bing Masti, Columbia Dhoom,First Class Bhangra, Geneseo Bhangra, Hunter Jalan, UB Team, U of R Bhangra, U of R ROC the RAAS & more.

Venue: 33 Wood Avenue, 6th Floor - Suite 672, Iselin, NJ Time: 6pm to 9pm Contact: 732-777-4666 Highlights: The 3 hour workshop"Prosperity and Wellness when nothing seems to work"will be conducted by Rajeev Sharma, President of Dyna Lead Inc.

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming November 6-7, 12-14, 19-21 • Rabbit Hole The Ohlone College Department of Theatre and Dance Presents, The Pulitzer Prize Winning Broadway Hit by David Lindsay-Abaire Venue: The Ohlone College Time: 8pm Contact: 510-659-6031

Sat Nov 7

• Carnatic Music Festival

Sat Nov 14

• India Exhibit 2009

Sat Nov 7

Venue: Garden State Exhibit Center, 50 Atrium Drive, Somerset, New Jersey Time: 10:30am to 8pm Contact: 718-472-3700

• Dhikshitar Day 2009

Sun Nov 8

Sat Nov 14

• 101 Arabian Nights Venue: Alhambra Palace, 1240 W Randolph St, Chicago, Illinois Time: 7pm to 2am Contact: (312) 666-9555?

• Rutgers Indian Idol

Fri Nov 20

Wed Nov 25

Venue: Busch Campus Center, 604 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, New Jersey Time: 7:30pm to 10pm Contact: 732-570-5464

• Delhi 2 Dublin

• Chand Raat Eid Mela 2009

Venue: Funky Buddha Lounge, 738 W Grand Ave, Chicago, Illinois Time: 9pm

Venue: Hinde Auditorium, CSUS, Sacramento, California Contact: (916) 278-5155

Venue: Holiday Inn, 3050 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ Time: 5pm to 1am Contact: 732-277-6687

• Business Fair Venue: Pruneyard Plaza, 1901 S. Bascom Ave. Suite 400, campbell, California Time: 1pm to 4pm Contact: 408-348-0303

Sun Nov 8 • Ponniyin Selvan Venue: San Ramon Performing Arts Center, Dougherty Valley High School, 10550 Albion Rd, San Ramon, CA Time: 3:30pm Contact: 510-676-9857

Fri Nov 13


• Bhama Kalapam

HINDU TEMPLE & CULTURAL CENTER 3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, CA, 94538 Tel:

(510) 659-0655

Venue: Albert and Janet Schultz Theater, San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto, California Time: 7pm to 9:30pm Contact:

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Every 4th Sat every Month • Durga Mata Ka Jagaran

Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM DATE

BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)


PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)














Venue: 2335 S. Diamond Bar Boulevard, DBC Center, Diamond Bar, CA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 909-519-1579, 626-810-2345

Every Sat (start from Sat Aug 8) • Gurukul Classes for Children Venue: Sindhu Center, South California Time: 2pm to 4pm Contact: 818-541-1754 & 909-576-1114 Highlights: Children between the ages of 5 and 18. Children will be taught the Fundamentals of Hinduism, Prayers, Shlokas, Bhajans and Values of our culture.

Thurs Nov 5 • International Youth Conference

Fri Nov 6 • Kalpataru- Cerritos,CA

Mon & Tues Nov 7 & 8 • Nithyananda Spurana Program


Gayatri Mantra Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM by Gayatri Pariwar Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2844

Sundar Kand Ka Paath on 3rd Saturday of everymonth from 10:30 am to 12: 00 pm Mata ka Jaagraata by Geeta Peshavaria (Student of Sh Purshotam Jalota, father of Sh Anoop Jalota on 10/24/09 7pm to 10 pm

Venue: Nithyananda Vedic Temple, 9720 Central Ave, Montclair,CA - 91763 Contact: 909-625-1445 Highlights: Paramahamsa Nithyananda(Swamiji) will be giving a discourse, conducting a Meditation and giving the Darshan.

& NAVAGRAHA Fri to Sun Nov 13 to Nov 15






• Sikh Art and Film Festival Venue: 6404 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 304, Los Angeles, Contact: 323 466-5000 Highlights: The Festival celebrates Sikh culture and heritage, and will offer a variety of avenues for contributors to share their talent.

Thurs Nov 26, 2009 to Sat Jan 3, 2010 • Celebrate the Holidays at LA Zooís Reindeer Romp Venue: Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens 5333 Zoo Drive, LA Time: 10am to 4pm Contact: 323-644-4200 Highlights: The LA Zoo kicks off the Holiday season with the activities for the entire family at Reindeer Romp. Kids of all ages can get close to these beautiful creatures.

Sat Nov 28 • Giving Thanks Venue: Aratani/Japan America Theatre, 244 S, San Pedro St. Los Angeles CA Time: 8pm Contact: Highlights: Music, Dance from Hawaii, India & Brazil



India Post

November 6, 2009

Page Sponsored by Sahanis of cricket in the night time. You need to have flood lights. This may do the job but has its own limitations. None of these give you the clarity of sunlight. Sunlight dawns the absence of any darkness. You do not only see the coin easily, but you also see the surrounding area as well. There is no comparison. Krishna's range of awareness is much wider. He can see the plans in the mind of Shakuni as soon as it arises. His vision is totally different. A common example Cont’d from last week he difference in my mind is in the range of awareness. We have a limited awareness that Krishna is talking in the shloka (See last week's column). Arjun's has a wider scope of awareness in some areas but has limitations in other. He is a great warrior. He is fully aware of moves that his enemies are or might be making. But, as we know already, he has limited awareness about what might be going on in the minds of his enemies. He is unaware of what might happen to him, his brothers or Dharma if Duryodhana continues to rule. Let us examine this a little further. It is night and it is dark. You take a flash light and go out to find a coin that you had dropped. The torch may help and do the work, but has its limitations. Now you want to hold a match



Buddha is known to give different answers for the same question posed by different people. He was answering the person and not so much his question

given is that if a cart is coming on a road. You are standing in a lower plane. You can see the road to a point. The cart is not visible to you. Some one climbs a tree and now he can see far but he can not see the cart yet. The cart is too far. He then picks up a binocular. Now he can see the cart clearly. Awareness can raise the vision

Who is aware? Krishna and Arjun sitting in the chariot do not look much different. Both are drops on the outside. We can say that drop is a drop is a drop. This is not true in the case of Arjuna and it is definitely not true in case of Krishna. In fact it is not true of any two individuals. No true drops are dif-

Upanishad is also talking about this ocean of consciousness in the Purnamidam shloka. The mathematics will then work. The more the awareness rises, the more amount of consciousness enters the person. Now his scope is wider. His vision also gets to a point where he can see further in time. To be continued

same force working on the same principle; the difference was one of degree, not of kind. What is needed is to turn one's mind calmly but steadily in a certain direction, say in the direction of one who is in sickness or misfortune. This, if unimpeded, sets up a sort of current or vibration which can be felt, and what Bhagavan

awake enough to generate it, most impede its flow by constant interference. It should be, as Bhagavan said, "automatic"; to try to direct its flow can impede it. That is why I prefer the term "compassion" to "love" for this force. The term "love" is more apt to include an element of possessiveness, and possessiveness,

have found that the moment they try to appropriate the power or to will it into existence or say for whom or in what way it shall be used it disappears. It is generally recognized by people who have the power either to influence or to foretell events that they should never use such powers in their own interests. If they do, the powers do not work and may even abandon them. On the other hand, a spiritual man who is quite unattached to life or death often does have foreknowledge of the time of his death, since this is free from desire and cannot harm him but may be convenient. The question arises whether or why this power should work in the particular direction one has in mind if one does not try to force it. The answer is that it need not and that some subtlety of mind is needed in order, on the one hand, to canalize the power without, on the other, nullifying it by self-will. It works in a general way, though perhaps not so specifically, without being canalized at all. All that is needed is to remove the obstructions caused by egoism and allow a free flow to what Bhagavan called the "automatic divine activity".

Compassion an impersonal harmonizing force


ity begins." This is a very important explanation. It indicates that it is not a question of one individual using certain power that he possesses to help other individuals but of a natural, impersonal harmonizing force working, when unimpeded, to remove disharmonies. It was doubtless far more potent with Bhagavan than with ordinary people, but it was the

ferent. Kabir describes people like Krishna in his doha: It is easy to understand that a drop entering into the ocean But how do you understand the entering of ocean into a drop (Samoond samaana boond me) How can this happen. It is not possible physically for an ocean to enter a drop. It is not possible. What is then Kabir talking about? Is it a metaphor? In my mind it is not a metaphor. Kabir is talking about the ocean of consciousness. Ishavasya

Awareness can raise the vision of a person


ompassion is a tremendous force. Bhagavan (Ramana Maharishi) indicated this when he explained, on being asked about cures which took place when ailments were brought to his notice, that it is enough for the Spiritual Master to turn his mind in any direction and, "the automatic divine activ-

of a person. He can also see through the person. Buddha is known to give different answers for the same question posed by different people. Anand used to get confused. Anand will ask Buddha about the reason. Buddha was answering the person and not so much his question. The interaction was between Krishna and Arjun. We happen to have it because of Sanjay. Sanjay's awareness was on a different scale. He was able to see what was happening in the Mahabharata scene.

When Bhagavan was asked about Christ's miracles, he replied with the counter-question, "Did he think it was he who was performing them?" called "the automatic divine activity" begins. The question to be asked is not so much why some people have the ability to awaken and harness this power as why most people have not. Perhaps most people do not sit still long enough (mentally still) to allow this power to awaken in them at all but fritter it away in perpetual distraction. Perhaps also, of those who are

being egoistic, impedes the working of the power current. All egoism does. That includes, of course, desire, even the desire to help or cure. When Bhagavan was asked about Christ's miracles, he replied with the counter-question, "Did he think it was he who was performing them?" We have the answer in Christ's saying, "Of my own self I can do nothing." Many healers

Trying to achieve something without the will to confront the problems is a bit like trying to go for a swim without getting wet. -Vikas Malkani Fight with yourself, why fight with external foes? He who conquers himself through himself, will obtain happiness. -Lord Mahavir Enlightenment means choosing to dwell in the state of presence rather than in time. It means saying yes to what is. -Eckhart Tolle There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first... when you learn to live for others, they will live for you. -Paramahansa Yogananda I'm not here to prove I'm God, I'm here to prove that you are God. -Paramahamsa Nithyananda Why do you want to read othersÂĽ books when there is the book of yourself? -J Krishnamurti Don't ever try to fight with your passions and desires. Just educate your passions, educate your desires to flow in the right direction. -Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

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November 6, 2009

India Post 53

Large civilizational nations can't be cordial neighbors PR CHARI


et's get the nuggets of wis- they have ensured that national in Chinese maps. India sees these dom out of the way. India differences have not escalated to several incidents as concerted asand China have been indif- conflict. In truth, no resolution of saults on its territorial integrity. The question of moment is why ferent neighbors in history with the border problem is possible unthe high Himalayas intervening less enabling political decisions China has chosen this juncture to between them. The Indic and Sinic are taken in New Delhi and Beijing heighten India-China tensions. cultures are competitive, as clearly to moderate their maximalist posi- Many hypotheses are possible. Like Beijing's concerns with Indovisible in Southeast Asia. tions. Both countries offer competing The present tensions derive US relations, consolidated by their models of development to achieve from a spate of belligerent state- extraordinary nuclear deal. A popueconomic growth and social jus- ments by China that question lar impression in India is that China indulges in these dramattice, distinguishing between ics periodically to keep Inthe democratic and totalitarian dia off-balance and dispaths. And, finally, history intracted from its nationforms us that large building tasks. civilizational nations cannot In my view, the Chibe cordial neighbors, a modinese angst is related to the cum of normality is all that is Dalai Lama's forthcoming possible in their relationship. visit to Tawang in NovemWhether this modicum of ber. He had visited normality has been reached Tawang earlier in 2003 as lies in the eyes of the beholder. part of his ecclesiastical For the proposition it is arduties. Then, why is gued that India-China trade Beijing upset now? has burgeoned from $ 2 bn. in Here one must recount 2000 to an expected $ 60 bn. in the tangled history of 2010, exceeding the trade beTawang. Both Neville Maxtween India and the United well (India's China War) and States. Maj. Gen. D.K. Palit (War Prime Minister Manmohan Singh shakes hands Detractors argue that Indiawith Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, on the sidelines in the High Himalayas) China trade is heavily of The 7th ASEAN-India Summit in Hua Hin, have agreed that Tawang weighted in China's favor, in Thailand on October 24 had always been under Tithat its exports cover a wide range of industrial products while India's territoriality. China has ag- betan control. Tibetan dzongpens India's exports largely comprise gressively begun asserting its were the local administrators. They were evicted in 1938 by iron ore, establishing a colonial claims to Arunachal Pradesh, and pattern of trade. had refused a visa to an Indian the British, but returned later after China is taking steps to widen official there, scheduled to visit Lhasa lodged vigorous protests. its services sector where India is China in an official delegation. In 1951 the dzongpens were again evicted as part of a general policy presently advantaged by rapidly by independent India to push its expanding its general and techniThe recent borders northwards beyond Se La cal education facilities, while InManmohan Singhto secure a more defensible bordia is yet to reform and expand its Wen Jiabao meeting der along the McMahon Line. elitist higher educational instituLhasa had protested again, but in Thailand occurred tions. Furthermore, China has was ignored by India. However, taken recourse to the advantages in a cordial atmoTibet had been occupied by China of scale in industrial production, sphere. Apparently in 1950. Curiously enough, the Chiwhile India seeks to emphasize Arunachal Pradesh nese did not protest, and it is possocial costs, thereby ensuring sible that this failure is now being and the Dalai Lama's sub-optimal economic decisionrectified. making. visit to Tawang were Any statement by the Dalai But it is their political-strategic not discussed; thereLama during his visit to Tawang, interactions which reveal major fore, nothing was even of a religious and non-politidisagreements, focusing on their cal character, would invest greater resolved contentious border dispute. It had legitimacy to India's possession of triggered the Sino-Indian border conflict in 1962, leading to a long Very recently, China objected to Tawang, which the Chinese will period of estrangement. Bilateral the Indian Prime Minister visiting find irksome. These are surmises. But in the relations only revived after Rajiv Arunachal Pradesh, and, more reGandhi visited Beijing in 1988. cently, has protested against the absence of any authoritative stateThereafter, two landmark bor- Dalai Lama's program to visit the ments by both countries on this issue, the Dalai Lama's visit to der management agreements were Buddhist monastery in Tawang. negotiated in 1993 and 1996, and a China has also stopped stamp- Tawang has become a struggle in joint mechanism was devised to ing visas on the passports of In- the shadows. Meanwhile, the recent discuss the border dispute dian residents in Jammu and Kashthrough accredited representa- mir wishing to visit China, but at- Manmohan Singh-Wen Jiabao tives. Some 13 rounds of discus- taching the visas on separate meeting in Thailand occurred in a cordial atmosphere. Apparently sions have taken place to date, but forms to be detached on exit. without any noticeable results, Further, China has been indulg- Arunachal Pradesh and the Dalai leading pessimists to conclude ing in "cartographic aggression' Lama's visit to Tawang were not that these meetings are quite by excluding Jammu and Kashmir discussed; therefore, nothing was pointless, while optimists claim but including Arunachal Pradesh resolved.

India Post Oligarchy vs Naxalism


t a time when the political dynasties are occupied with feathering their own nests, the rise of the Naxalites is a wake up call for Indian democracy. Neither the political families nor the Naxalites represent the voice of the majority of Indian people. The results of the recent Assembly elections have shown how democracy in India has become a family business. Whether in Maharashtra, Haryana or Arunachal Pradesh the winners and losers both belonged to political families - sons and daughters of those who have already been in power or hope to be in power. The nadir came when former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav put up his daughter-in-law in a constituency where a number of competent political hopefuls were available. In Punjab Prakash Singh Badal has made his son Sukhbir Badal as deputy chief minister thus effectively blocking all future aspirants in Akali Dal. In Haryana, Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda is son of a former minister and his son is being groomed for future. Hooda's rivals also are families of former chief minister Chautala and former chief minister Bhajan Lal. In Maharashtra chief minister Ashok Chavan is a son of a former chief minister. The rival Shiv Sena is a political dynasty led by Bal Thackeray and son. His nephew heads another party which seeks to outdo Shiv Sena in its parochial extremism. There was a great controversy over the son of Indian President Pratibha Patil getting a ticket to fight in Maharashtra at the cost of a three-time winner. In Tamil Nadu octogenarian Karunanidhi has anointed his son as future chief minister and has booked berths for his family members in the union cabinet. It is argued that the Indian electorate is to be blamed that it is still overawed by family names and in feudal fashion votes for the big name. If the choice is between one political family against another, what is the poor voter to do? His interests, the voice of the common man, remain unrepresented. And the very basis of democracy is defeated. It all started with the first family of Nehru-Gandhis. Indira Gandhi, whose 25th death anniversary falls on Oct 31, allowed her son Sanjay Gandhi to commit excesses. And after Rajiv Gandhi, it is his widow and son dominating the party. There is the argument that the disease is not limited to politics. In films, in business and even in media such a system of anointing progeny as successors is prevalent. If there is no avenue or opening for the talented but ordinary man in any field, is there a surprise that Naxalism is raising its ugly head in many states of India. If democracy doesn't give opportunity to all and the gains of globalization continue to be confined to a section of the rich, what are the ordinary people to do? The deprivation of the people, the lack of opportunity and the rising prices seem god sent issues for an opposition party to take up with success. The BJP was not a family-oriented party in the beginning. But it has become so paralysed with the recent defeats that it has lost its voice. The old people at the top are unable to gauge the expectations of the present generation but would not quit their post or bring in fresh blood. The hopeless drift in the ranks has led many commentators to write the epitaph of the party. With its new victories the Congress might tend to become complacent. Being in power for the next five years, it may forget to address the issues that are hurting the people. In such a situation, can the nation stop the advance of the Naxalites?

54 India Post

November 6, 2009

November 6, 2009

India Post 55

56 India Post

November 6, 2009






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