India Post_11-27-2009

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India Post V O I C E




NRI properties will be key focus at PBD 2010 Details on page 7


VOL 15, No. 794

November 27, 2009


Periodical Postage


White House celebrates Guru Nanak birth Details on page 6

Reps adopt welcome resolution on eve of visit SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

Meira Kumar

‘Parliamentary diplomacy key to foreign policy’

NEW YORK: In a rare gesture, the US House of Representatives adopted unanimously a resolution (HR 890) to commend the maturing of India-US relations and to welcome Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the United States. The resolution, passed Nov 18, states that, "The relationship between the United States and India has great

potential to promote stability, democracy, prosperity, and peace throughout the world and enhance the ability of both countries to work together to provide global leadership in areas of mutual concern and interest … Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has helped shape India's economic policies to permit the expansion of a market economy, which has led to greater economic prosperity for India and the growth of a middle class." Details on page 6

Details on page 12

Details on page 8 BOWING TO CHINA: US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao prior to their talks at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing on November 18. Obama wrapped up his trip to China with a mix of diplomacy and sightseeing, meeting President Hu Jintao and visiting the Great Wall. (Details on page 8)

NRI woman's murder shocks London Details on page 9

Queens girl Anuradha is Miss India NY

Indian prof invents camera as education tool

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

US trying to superficially please India? Last week’s result

Should Indian Americans worry after Fort Hood attack? NO 61%

US tries to pacify India on Obama joint statement Details on page 10

Washington body rejects India’s membership Details on page 7

Indians top US chart for world students Details on page 9

CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 24-25 Classifieds --------------------- 44-46

Details on page 27

YES 39%

Javed speaks for underprivileged children

Shree Nayar

India Post News service

Community Post -------------- 11-20

NEW YORK: Columbia University professor Shree Nayar has blended technology, innovation and art into a new digital camera designed to teach science to children around the world. The camera, called the Bigshot, comes as a kit of parts which kids as young as eight years old can assemble by themselves. In the process, they learn basic concepts of physics and engineering. Free, after-school programs for children to assemble and use the cameras are being scheduled now in New York. Though the camera is simple to build, it features sophisticated technology, including an LED flash and three lenses: standard, panoramic and 3-D. Its color palette is inspired by M&Ms candies, a hand crank provides power even when there are no batteries, and a transparent back panel shows the camera's inner workings.

Date Book -------------------------- 47

Details on page 22

Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”

Edit Page --------------------------- 50 HealthScience Post --------- 40-41 Horoscope ------------------------- 42 Immigration Post ------------- 36-39 Life Style ----------------------- 27-29 Philosophy ------------------------- 48 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate ------------------------ 30 TechBiz Post ------------------- 22-23 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 31-33


India Post

November 27, 2009

November 27, 2009

India Post



India Post

India Post

November 27, 2009

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ot many can honestly claim to completely understand what makes China tick. Last week, at a press briefing after President Obama's visit to China, the US Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman urged reporters not to mistake him for being an expert on China. "I've come to the conclusion that "China expert" is kind of an oxymoron," he said. "And those who consider themselves to be China experts are kind of morons. So you take what you can, you learn what you can, and you begin to pull all the pieces together, and still it kind of remains sometimes a somewhat confused environment." While that's candid, I find it intriguing how the world has come to hold China in some kind of awe, bordering on fear. What is even more intriguing is the way the US seems to be bending over backwards to appease China, a fact that appears to have become blatant during President Obama's visit to Beijing. True, America's economic future is intricately tied to China, but with the US being the biggest market for China, the reverse is only truer. Sure China holds $800 billion in US treasury bonds, but with the way the US economy is going, any more weakening of the dollar and China's precious bonds will turn to worthless paper. Considering the often uncomfortable equation that India has with China, President Obama's visit there has naturally generated a lot of interest in Indian media and the question that has sprung up in most minds, following that visit is, "Why did Obama say that Tibet was an integral part of China?" By that yardstick, would Obama next declare Arunachal Pradesh as an integral part of China too, is the pertinent question that's now floating around. For all the rhetoric that the President sprinkled in his statements from Beijing, he could have let the Tibet issue alone. Well, this week will be India's week in the US with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Washington DC. Here's hoping we will hear more than just rhetoric coming from this visit.

Romesh K Japra

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Bollywood Proud generation Kareena Kapoor says cousin Ranbir Kapoor should take charge of RK Films and carry the family legacy forward.


Cover Story: Gesture to PM In a rare gesture, the US House of Representatives adopted a resolution welcoming Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to US.

Community: Ravi in Chicago Minister Vayalar Ravi interacted with Indian community in Chicagoland during his three -day visit to Chicago.

Life Style: Miss India NY Anuradha Maharaj, 21, of Queens, New York was crowned Maaza Miss India New York 2009.




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AAPI welcome AAPI has welcomed the decision of the US Congress to extend the Conrad 30/ J-1 Visa Waiver program.

TechBiz: Indian’s invention Columbia University professor Shree Nayar has blended technology, innovation and art into a new digital camera.

36 22





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Travel: Akshardham The mega Akshardham Temple complex has well maintained lawns, adorned with water fountains and carved pavilions.


November 27, 2009

India Post



Cover/Top Stories

India Post

November 27, 2009

Reps adopt welcome resolution on eve of visit SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: In a rare gesture, the US House of Representatives adopted unanimously a resolution (HR 890) to commend the maturing of India-US relations and to welcome Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the United States. The resolution, passed Nov 18, states that, "The relationship between the United States and India has great potential to promote stability, democracy, prosperity, and peace throughout the world and enhance the ability of both countries to work together to provide global leadership in areas of mutual concern and interest … Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has helped shape India's economic policies to permit the expansion of a market economy, which has led to greater economic prosperity for India and the growth of a middle class." The resolution was sponsored by Co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans Representatives Jim McDermott and Representative Ed Royce, and co-sponsored by Representative Gary Ackerman, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, and Representative Dan Burton, Ranking Member on

the committee. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep Ileana Ross-Lehtinen, Rep Ackerman and Rep McDermott made statements on the floor of the House in support of the resolution. In his remarks on the floor of the House, Ackerman, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommit-

‘Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has helped shape India's economic policies to permit the expansion of a market economy’ tee on the Middle East and South Asia, said, "I rise in strong support of H. Res. 890, and of the USIndia relationship. Next week, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will come to Washington for a state visit and I am pleased that with this resolution, the House will offer him its own welcome. “Prime Minister Singh has worked hard to improve our already strong ties, and has coura-

geously taken political risks for our bilateral relationship that few would venture. But when the Prime Minister put his government and his career on line, it wasn't for us, though his victory has certainly proved to be to our advantage. No, Prime Minister Singh took his chances for India, for its future and for the fulfillment of that country's enormous potential." Ackerman further said that America's partnership with India was built on the foundation that India's rise as a great power in Asia and as a global player advances critical American interests ranging from the promotion of democracy and democratic values, to improving stability and security throughout all parts of Asia. "We do not fear a growing India for one simple reason: India's values are our values," he said. "India is a real democracy, with real institutions that are subordinate to the rule of law; India, though ready to defend itself, doesn't start wars or harbor terrorists; India, though as fastidious as any state about protecting its sovereignty, can be relied upon to keep its word once committed to a treaty or an international agreement. India struggles to preserve its tradition of religious, cultural and ethnic pluralism. India safeguards sensitive technologies. India fights terrorism."

Ackerman further said there are expected differences between the US and India, some of them -- particularly the issue of Iran -- are very serious. "But as nations committed to a relationship of equals, a relationship of mutual benefit and mutual respect, I believe we can work through our differences and achieve enormous progress in the many areas of our mutual concern. “I am delighted that Prime Min-

‘We do not fear a growing India for one simple reason: India's values are our values,’ he said. ‘India is a real democracy’ ister Singh, a man who is one in a billion, is returning to the United States and I am proud the House is, today, offering him such a welldeserved and warm welcome." Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), a ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said that it was appropriate that India and the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh are accorded the honor of being the first official

state guest of the Obama Administration. "Without doubt the high status accorded to this visit reflects India's growing global role and its increasingly comprehensive relationship with the US," she said. "Implicitly, however, the pomp and circumstance associated with his (Singh's) visit also reflects the extraordinary contributions of Indian Americans to solidify our people to people relationship, and all the dynamism they have brought to our diverse and vibrant society." Ros-Lehtinen further said the Congress fully shares with the Executive branch the deep commitment to strengthening the America's partnership with India and to expand its cooperation on a wide range of bilateral and global issues. "These opportunities for mutual cooperation range from global security, economic growth, trade promotion, human development, and the expansion of our two knowledge societies and also nuclear nonproliferation, and protection of the environment," she said in conclusion. "It is altogether fitting that we should honor the Indian American relations -- as strong as they are and ever closer everyday -- and the visit of Prime Minister Singh by adopting this thoughtful resolution."

White House celebrates Guru Nanak birth anniversary India Post News Service

NEW YORK: For the first time, the White House celebrated along with the American Sikh community, Gurpurab (birth anniversary) of Guru Nanak, last week. It was the 540th birth anniversary of the Sikh guru. The White House Office of Public Engagement organized the event which was attended by Sikh organizations and leaders of the Sikh community from around the

country. In her speech on the occasion, Director of Office of Public Engagement, Christina M. Tchen congratulated the Sikh community on the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak. Following performances by religious musicians from Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, also known as Harmandir Sahib or the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, and Sikh Dharma International, various Sikh leaders spoke about Guru Nanak, and also about the issues

of the Sikh community in America. Harpreet Singh, Legal Director, United Sikhs stated, "Sikh Americans must be pro-active in advocating for their rights and press the government to address issues of employment discrimination, bullying in schools against Sikh children, hate and bias crimes, and religious and racial profiling at airports and borders. Sikhs must work together to be able to practice their faith freely and wear all five kakaars (articles of faith), in-

A diverse group of Sikh organizations and individuals attended the event, including but not limited to: Sikh Dharma International, SCORE, Sikh Coalition, Gurdwara Baba Makhan Shah, Sikh Cultural Society NY, and Sikh Youth of America

Sikh Community leaders with officials from the White House Office of Public Engagement

cluding the kirpan (religious sword), at all times, whether in the military, law enforcement, at school, or at events like this one." We will be having meetings with high level administration officials regarding the kirpan in the weeks to come, he said. Ex-City Councilman Richmond, California and Executive Board Member of the California Democratic Party, Harpreet Singh Sandhu also spoke at the event, commenting, "We greatly appreciate the recognition of this important day where millions of Sikhs around the world celebrate the founding of the Sikh faith; it

was pleasure to see officials speak so highly of the Sikh community and our identity." Commenting on the event, Harbans Singh, a Sikh community leader from New York stated, "We appreciate the White House's outreach to the Sikh Americans and recognition of this important day for the Sikh community." Gurdial Singh, President of Gurdwara Ravidass of New York, stated, "President Obama has brought new hope for the equal protection of civil liberties for all Americans, and we are thankful of his support for the Sikh community."

Top Stories

November 27, 2009

India Post


NRI properties will be key focus at PBD 2010 SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW JERSEY: The major issue of properties owned by Non-Resident Indians in India will be one of the key issues of discussion at the forthcoming Pravasi Bharatiya Divas conclave to be held in New Delhi in Jan 2010, according to Vayalar Ravi, India's Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs. The minister, who was in the US last week to encourage Indian Americans to participate in the PBD, addressed a gathering of Indian Americans in Iselin, New Jersey on Nov 13, and exhorted them to use the PBD as a platform to speak out their concerns. "I am here to invite as many people to visit India for the Pravasi Divas as possible," he told the audience. "Your suggestions will be taken into consideration and we are trying to implement them as soon as possible at all ministerial as well as Prime Minister's level." The two key panels of discussion during the PBD, he said, would be on development of Nanotechnology and NRI properties. These issues will be debated and discussed over a full day's sessions in the PBD 2010. The issue of property, the minister said, was not a federal one but a state government responsibility and hence he said through the PBD, the government of India wants to give NRIs the opportunity to speak out their problems

and compel state governments to help them out. "You can hold the state chief ministers to account and ask them about the incentives they are offering for your investments in properties in their respective states," he said. Lauding the NRIs for their im-

destination for your money." Speaking about the forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Washington DC later this month, Ravi said the visit is likely to seal investments of over $430 billion from foreign investors. "Of

them. "The OCI cards have been introduced with good intention to provide a lifelong visa to anyone who holds it," he said. "But, we have to be cautious because people are making bogus OCI cards and misusing them. Also, please cooperate with us for ex-

Congressman Frank Pallone, Nayna Patel, Dr Hemant Patel, Assemblyman Samuel D Thompson, Vayalar Ravi and Amb. Prabhu Dayal

mense involvement in their native country, Minister Ravi said two years ago the NRI remittances in foreign exchange amounted to $33 billion. "And this year, despite the financial crisis, remittances totaled to $43 billion, a good share of it coming from Indian Americans, next only to the Gulf Indians," the minister added. "It shows the confidence you have in the Indian banking system. The global financial meltdown showed that India is a safe

course, India faces problems of terrorism, Maoist violence and other such disturbances, but there is political stability." Later fielding questions from the audience regarding the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) cards and the numerous problems holders of such cards are facing with immigration officials at Indian airports, Minister Ravi assured everyone that the government of India was aware of the issues and was looking into

tra scrutiny in view of the terrorist threat that India faces." The New Jersey event was organized by Dr. Hemant Patel, former national president of the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), who said he had taken the initiative to organize and lead a delegation of 50-60 Indian Americans from the New York-New Jersey areas at the PBD in January 2010. "We felt that instead of going individually with no par-

ticular agenda, it would be more fruitful to go in a large delegation with a specific agenda. Usually they (government of India) talk and we listen (at the PBD), but this time, we want to tell them that we talk and they listen." Having a clear agenda will also enthuse more people to participate in the PBD, Dr. Patel said. The event was also attended by Congressman Frank Pallone and local Assemblyman Sam Thomson. Consulate reception Amb. Prabhu Dayal, Consul General of India in New York hosted a reception in honor of Minister Ravi on Nov 12. Among the distinguished guests were Ambassador of India to the US, Meera Shankar and important members of the Indian community representing business, academics, and entrepreneurs. At this gathering too, Ravi highlighted the features of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas - 2010, and talked about the new initiatives taken up by his ministry. One such initiative is the India Development Foundation, a not for profit, fully autonomous organization that would act as a window for Non Resident Indians to work for India's development projects. Emphasis is on Primary Education and health care sectors, and NRIs may fund the projects to be implemented by credible NGO's. The other project is the development of a Knowledge Bank - Global Inc., which is to be harnessed for professional use.

India's bid for membership of Washington Accord turned down NEW DELHI: India's bid to become a full fledged member of Washington Accord, an international agreement for standardizing engineering education, has been turned down by the 13-member grouping. India, which is a provisional member of the Washington Accord, will again seek for fullfledged membership next year. The application of National Board of Accreditation (NBA), the body under All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) for accreditation engineering institutes, was rejected after two mentors of Washington Accord gave adverse report. They suggested that India should wait for some more time till the revised criteria for accreditation, which came into force on January one this year, yield results.

"The two mentors, appointed by the Washington Accord, came here and examined our accreditation system. They felt that India needs to wait some more time till the new accreditation guidelines yield results," a senior AICTE of-

India, which is a provisional member of the Washington Accord, will again seek for full-fledged membership next year ficial said. They will again evaluate the outcome of the new guidelines and suggest accordingly, he said. The Washington Accord,

signed in 1989, recognizes substantial equivalence in the accreditation of qualifications in professional engineering, normally of four years duration. Signing the accord will enhance mobility of the engineering graduates of India to go to any of the signatory countries and do jobs or pursue further studies. India became a provisional member of Washington Accord in 2007. The elite grouping has Australia, Canada, Taipei, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States as its members. Germany, Russia and Sri Lanka are the other provisional members of this accord. The AICTE has revised the criteria for accreditation of institutes to bring them at par with the international level.-PTI

BUSH IN DELHI: Former US President George Bush regaled the audience with his reminiscences at the recent Hindustan Times Leadership Summit organized at Hotel Taj, New Delhi. It was attended by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, his Cabinet colleagues and major personalities of the world. Here President Bush is seen with prominent businessman and former Minister of Punjab, S. Raghbir Singh Jaura.


Top Stories

India Post

November 27, 2009

Parliamentary diplomacy key to foreign policy: Meira Kumar India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Inter dependence of the world had propelled Parliamentary Diplomacy to play a critical role in supplementing and complementing the efforts of the Executive in the foreign policy arena, observed Meira Kumar, Speaker of the Lok Sabha in the Indian Parliament. Kumar made her observations during a lecture on Parliamentary Diplomacy, as part of the Distinguished Lecture series organized by the Indian Consulate in New York, on Nov 14. Kumar said that parliamentary diplomacy became a formative part of India's foreign policy from the Nehru era, with inclusive global engagement through the Commonwealth and Non-alignment Movements. She said that Inter-Parliamentary conferences such as Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), and also bilateral exchanges between Parliaments have promoted Parliamentary diplomacy. The IPU was constituted even prior to the formation of the UN. Over the years, it had been a forum to highlight global challenges facing the world. It assisted in arriving at a negotiated settlement between Iraq and Iran

Speaker, Lok Sabha, Meira Kumar at the second meeting of the Preparatory Committee of Speakers of Parliaments organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union at the United Nations in New York on Nov 16

fighting a protracted war. It also provided opportunity for conciliation between the UK and Argentina after the Falkland war in 1982. Mrs. Kumar mentioned that the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association has deliberated upon issues such as global financial crisis, terrorism, climate change, etc. In addition, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) had been focusing on settlement of regional issues affecting its members

through its SAARC Parliamentary Forum. At the bilateral level, issues among the countries were being fruitfully discussed and many innovative solutions have emerged at the bilateral Parliamentary meetings. Friendship Groups have been created in the Indian Parliament which has membership of a cross section of MPs. Such groups have also been established in various other countries. Prior to the reception, the

Speaker inaugurated an exhibition of paintings by Deepa Kern at the Consulate Hall, depicting the joyful celebration of life. The event was attended by over 100 guests, prominent among them were Senator Loretta Weinberg and Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein of New Jersey Assembly, prominent members of American and Indian American community, academics, professionals and the media. Earlier in his welcome speech,

Consul General Amb. Dayal highlighted the illustrious career of the Speaker, including her being a part of the Indian Foreign Service. Speakers of Parliaments Meira Kumar attended the second meeting of the Preparatory Committee of Speakers of Parliaments organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union at the United Nations in New York on Nov 16. Intervening in the discussion on priorities for the United Nations and status of UN reform, she called for a comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council including expansion in both the permanent and non-permanent membership categories of the Council. The Speaker also called for early revitalization of the General Assembly, and welcomed the efforts of the United Nations for a composite entity for women's empowerment. She stressed the need for concerted efforts to ensure a global partnership for development, and underscored the useful role that the IPU could play towards these ends. During the session on global economic and financial crisis and democratic accountability, Speaker Kumar highlighted the need for reform in the Bretton Woods institutions for greater voice and participation of developing countries.

Obama, Hu discuss Indo-Pak ties, Obama asks China to resume talks with Dalai Lama pledge support for growth BEIJING: The US and China have pledged support for improvement of Indo-Pak ties as President Barack Obama and his counterpart Hu Jintao vowed to strengthen cooperation on issues related to South Asia and other parts of the world, including combating terrorism, climate change and nuclear proliferation. "The two sides welcomed all efforts conducive to peace, stability and development in South Asia," said a joint statement issued after a marathon two-and-a-halfhour-long closed-door meeting between Obama and Hu at the ornate Great Hall of the People here. It said the two sides supported efforts of Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight terrorism, maintain domestic stability and achieve sustainable economic and social development. They also pledged support for the improvement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan, the official Xinhua news agency reported quoting the statement, ahead of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's meeting with Obama on November 24 in Wash-

ington. The statement said the two sides also expressed readiness to strengthen communication, dialogue and cooperation on pressing issues facing South Asia and the world at large. During the meeting, Obama, who is here on a maiden visit as President, also discussed the sensitive Tibet issue with Hu and

Hu, on his part, urged the US to respect China's "core interests", a euphemism for ending support to Taiwan sought early resumption of talks between China and representatives of the Dalai Lama. "We did note that while we recognize that Tibet is part of the People's Republic of China, the United States supports the early resumption of dialogue" between

the Dalai Lama's representatives and Beijing, Obama said after the talks at a joint press conference with Hu. Hu, on his part, urged the US to respect China's "core interests", a euphemism for ending support to Taiwan, which China claims as its province, and the Dalai Lama. Obama also discussed at length issues like economy, trade, energy and climate change with the Chinese President. Both leaders described the SinoUS relations as "positive, cooperative and comprehensive." Turning to climate change, the American President said the US and China -- the world top two emitters of green house gases -favored next month's climate change talks in Copenhagen to produce a global accord that has "immediate operational effect." "We agreed to work toward a successful outcome in Copenhagen," Obama said. "Our aim there is... not a partial accord or a political declaration, but rather an accord that covers all the issues in the negotiations and one that has immediate operational effect." -PTI

BEIJING: Describing Tibet as part of China, US President Barack Obama has supported the early resumption of talks between Beijing and representatives of the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama. "We did note that while we recognize that Tibet is part of the People's Republic of China, the United States supports the early resumption of dialogue" between the Dalai Lama's representatives and Beijing," Obama said after his meeting with Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao here. China, which has governed Tibet since its troops occupied the territory in the 1950s, has repeatedly accused the Dalai Lama of leading a campaign to split the Himalayan region from the rest of the country. The 74-year-old Dalai Lama, who fled to India amid a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959, has denied the allegations. The last formal talks between the Dalai Lama's envoys and Chinese officials, the seventh since 2002, ended in an impasse in July last year, with China demanding that he prove that he did not support Tibetan independence.

Relations have been particularly tense this year after large scale riots in Lhasa, Tibet's capital, in which hundreds of shops were torched and Chinese civilians were attacked. Obama, who is here on his maiden state visit to the Communist nation, warned Iran that it faced "consequences" if it failed to show greater openness on its nuclear program. "Iran has an opportunity to present and demonstrate its peaceful intentions but if it fails to take this opportunity, there will be consequences," he said. The US President said he and Hu want climate change talks in Copenhagen next month to result in a global deal that has "immediate operational effect." We "agreed to work toward a successful outcome in Copenhagen," Obama told reporters. "Our aim there is... not a partial accord or a political declaration, but rather an accord that covers all the issues in the negotiations and one that has immediate operational effect," he said. On North Korea's nuclear weapons program, Obama said the six-party talks process should resume "as soon as possible". -PTI

Top Stories

November 27, 2009

India Post


SC directs runway NRI mother to return to US with son NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has directed Vijaysree Voora, the run away NRI mother, to return to the US along with her minor son Aditya and husband Ravichandran within 15 days and stay there till they move the appropriate court in New York for custody of the child. A bench of justices Tarun Chatterji, R M Lodha and B S Chauhan ruled that if Vijaysree fails to comply with the direction, the husband would be entitled to the custody of the child after the 15 days period and can take him to the US on his own. While giving the direction, the court said the husband would bear all expenses for their return and stay in the US till they move the appropriate court in New York for custody of the child. The apex court passed the direction on a Habeas Corpus petition filed by Ravichandran, who had full custodial rights of the child. His estranged wife had fled to India along with Aditya in 2007 and kept on dodging police of

Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Assam. Welcoming the judgment, Ravichandran said, "It is a good day for fathers because finally the fathers were allowed to be with their children and justice has won. The struggle for finding Aditya took two yeas and finally the judg-

Joint custody rights were granted to the estranged couple by a New York court. However, Vijaysree breached the decree and fled to India ment has been given and we will abide by the order of the judge". "I would like to thank the news media to bring this fight for finding Aditya to a conclusion," he added.

Vijaysree said she would abide by the Supreme Court order. . Ravichandran's lawyer Pinki Anand said, "The uniqueness of the judgment ultimately is in a very few cases has there been a judgment where child's custody has been restored back to the father and America". The CBI, after taking up the investigation on August 29 this year in pursuance of the apex court's direction, managed to apprehend Vijaysree and Aditya on October 25 from Chennai and produced before it. Following a divorce decree by a court in New York in June 2007, joint custody rights of the child were granted to the estranged couple who were domiciled in the US. However, Vijaysree subsequently breached the joint custody consent decree and fled to India. After Vijaysree fled the US along with her minor son, the court there converted the joint custody rights into full custody rights in favor of Ravichandran. -PTI

India's role to grow in world affairs: Burns WASHINGTON: Contending that India's role in the world will only grow in the 21st century, a top US official has said it was "no coincidence" that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was President Barack Obama's first state guest who will arrive here "at a moment of great opportunity". Few relationships will matter more to the course of human events in 21st century than the Indo-US partnership, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns said here, as Washington gears up to host Singh next week. "India has an increasingly significant role to play on virtually all of the major challenges of this new century -- from global economic dislocation to energy security, climate change, the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and violent extremism," Burns said in his address at the think tank Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "Its role in Asia, already significant, will only grow in the years ahead, and India will be an increasingly valuable partner in the historic effort to, as President Obama put it, cultivate spheres of cooperation throughout Asia," he said. "India, as all of you know very well, is a rising global power, soon to be the world's most populous country, with a trillion dollar-plus economy.

"The world's largest democracy, India is a powerful model for other emerging democracies, a model of tolerance and of strength in diversity," Burns said. He said from counter-terrorism to non-proliferation, education and agriculture, science and technology to women empowerment, the Indo-US cooperation reflects

the depth and breadth of the relationship between the world's two largest democracies. "Few relationships around the world matter more to our collective future, or hold greater promise for constructive action on the challenges that matter most to all of us, than the partnership between the US and India," Burns said.-PTI

Indians top US international student chart for eighth year HOUSTON: Despite the economic meltdown, India has maintained its position as the top sender of students to America for the eighth consecutive year, with a record 103,260 students enrolled in various US universities for the year 2008-09. According to the Open Doors report released by the Institute of International Education (IIE) with support from the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the number of international students at colleges and universities in the US increased by 8 per cent to an alltime high of 671,616 in the 200809 academic year. The 8 per cent rise in interna-

tional student numbers is the largest increase reported since 198081 and marks the third year of significant growth. India has once again surpassed China as the leading place of origin for international students in the United States. However, while Indian student enrolment increased by 9 per cent from last year, that of China (98,510) shot up by 21 per cent. South Korean enrolment (75,065) is up 9 per cent. Open Doors 2009 reports that the number of "new" international students -- those enrolled for the first time at a US college or university in Fall 2008 -- increased by 16 per cent. -PTI

Sheikh Hasina chosen for Indira Gandhi Peace Prize NEW DELHI: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been chosen for the prestigious Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development this year for her "outstanding contribution to the promotion of democracy and pluralism". This was decided by an international jury chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust said. 62-year-old Hasina has been chosen for her "outstanding contribution to the promotion of democracy and pluralism, her determined drive to alleviate poverty and secure social and economic justice for her people through inclusive and sustainable development and her consistent commit-

ment to peace", it said. After her re-election in December last year, Hasina embarked on her "Vision 2021", aimed at transforming Bangladesh into a middleincome country by 2021, by eliminating poverty and inequity, the Trust said. As Prime Minister of Bangladesh from 1996 to 2001, she had launched a number of programs to meet the basic needs of the poor and vulnerable sections of the population, through projects covering employmentgeneration, housing, health and food security, it said. The award, which carries a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh and a citation, would be presented to her at a function to be held at a later date.PTI

NRI woman's gruesome murder shocks London

Empowering Village- Photograph by Devendra from Ratlam won the 1st Prize in the B & W Section of the 22nd National Photo Contest on the theme ĂŹBadhte Kadam: A Vision of HopeĂŽ, organized by the Photo Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

LONDON: An Indian-origin woman has been murdered in west London and her right hand severed in a case that led to the arrest of her India-born husband and five others. People were shocked to find Geeta Aulakh's mutilated body on the streets near a child-minder's house where she had gone to collect her two children on Monday. She was working as a receptionist in the popular Asian radio station Sunrise Radio. Horrified passers-by took her to the hospital where she died four hours later. Friends described her as a "fun-loving girl" who sepa-

rated from her husband Harpreet, known as Sunny, about a year ago. A police said Harpreet Aulakh was among six men arrested in connection with her death. Seema Sidha, a news producer at Sunrise, said she could not understand why her friend had been killed. She said: "It is an absolute shock for everyone. Who would do such a thing to another person? To cut her hand off, who would do that?" Sidha and Geeta left office together at 6.30 p.m. local time on Monday before the latter took a bus as normal to pick up her children in Greenford. -PTI

Top Stories

10 India Post

November 27, 2009

Obama admn seeks 'assurance' US tries to pacify India on non-proliferation from India on Obama remarks WASHINGTON: The Obama Administration has sought an "assurance" from India on nuclear non-proliferation to take forward the Indo-US civilian nuclear trade between them. The Indian "assurance" is now being considered as a "proximate obstacle" to Indo-US civilian nuclear trade as Americans in knowledge of the talks on this critical issue have metaphorically termed New Delhi's response as "India is not picking up the phone". In the absence of such an "assurance" letter from India, the PTI has been informed that the US Department of Energy would not be able to issue the mandatory license. called Part 810 (pronounced Part eight ten) to American companies for doing any kind of civilian nuclear trade with the country. Part 810 - refers to the process set forth in 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 810. Under the section 57.b of the US Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and in accordance with established procedures, only the Secretary of Energy is authorized to give per-

mission, directly or indirectly, to persons or companies in the production of special nuclear material outside the US. This provision applies to technology transfers and technical assistance to all activities of the nuclear fuel-cycle, including non-

Such a letter from Obama Administration is believed to have taken the Indian officials by surprise, who then argued the necessity of another document from India power reactors. . It is understood that Obama Administration had written a letter to the Manmohan Singh Government in February; around the same time when the then Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon wrote to Under Secretary for Political Affairs William Burns, invoking the provisions of the 123

agreement with a formal request to negotiate the "arrangements and procedures" under which American spent fuel would be reprocessed in India. Such a letter from Obama Administration is believed to have taken the Indian officials by surprise, who then argued the necessity of another document from India in which it would give assurance to the US that technology transfer and technical assistance to India by the US companies under the 123 agreement would meet its nuclear non-proliferation standards. "The first response from India was assurances! What assurances? We gave them to you. Do not ask us for any more," a source familiar with the development told PTI. It was only in July when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went to India that the issue came up in a big way at a senior level. As a result, the issue since then is being discussed by the same team from both the sides, who are holding negotiations on reprocessing the nuclear spent fuel by India as per the provisions of the 123 agreement. -PTI

FRIENDLY VISITOR: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (C) posing with priests in front of the Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in New Delhi on November 18. Harper met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and called for stronger and improved ties with his nation

Five killers of Mujib sentenced to be hanged DHAKA: Thirty-four years after Bangladesh's founder Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was assassinated in a military coup, the country's Supreme Court upheld the death sentence on five of his killers, paving the way for their walk to the gallows. Pronouncing the verdict after a trial that dragged on for 13 years, Justice M Tafazzal Islam, who headed a five-member bench, said: "we find no cogent ground to interfere with the judgment order of the High Court".

Seven others, who are absconding, were also convicted to hang by the apex court. One of them has been confirmed by the Foreign Office to have died in Zimbabwe recently. The apex court upheld the death sentence awarded to 12 the killers by a lower court in 1998. The five, who will face the gallows, are sacked army officers Lt Col Syed Faruq Rahman, Sultan Shariar Rashid Khan, Mohiuddin Ahmed, AKM Mohiuddin and exMaj Bazlul Huda.

The judge read out the verdict in 10 minutes in a courtroom ringed by an unprecedented security cover. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is the daughter of Sheikh Mujib, was "overwhelmed with emotion", her close aide told PTI. Sheikh Mujib, popularly called Bangabandhu, who led Bangladesh to independence in 1971, was gunned down at his home in a posh Dhanmandi area, along with his wife and three sons in a coup on August 15, 1975. Sheikh Hasina was abroad at that time. -PTI

WASHINGTON: After ruffling feathers in Delhi with a reference to Indo-Pak ties, the US has sought to pacify India saying it has to decide with Pakistan the substance, scope and pace of their relationship. "We've always said, in terms of Indo-Pakistan relations, that's really up to India and Pakistan to decide how and when and the scope of that," Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Robert Blake, told reporters here. Trying to placate New Delhi which is upset over the joint statement issued in Beijing after talks between President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao, the US said it has an

"equally important relationship" with India as that with China. "I don't think there needs to be any concern in India about what the President said in China. We have very important relations with China. But we have equally important relations with India. "And I think that will come out very clearly during the course of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit next week," he said. India had reacted sharply after both Obama and Hu voiced support for the improvement of IndoPak ties and their readiness to promote peace and stability in the region in the joint statement. New Delhi made it clear that a third country role cannot be envisaged nor is it necessary.-PTI

Obama to share impressions of China visit with Manmohan WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama will share impressions and thoughts of his maiden visit to China with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh when he arrives here on a high-profile state visit here next week. In a joint statement with Chinese President Hu Jintao, Obama said they "support the improvement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan," and are ready to "strengthen communication, dialogue and cooperation on issues related to South Asia and work together to promote peace, stability and development in that region". Singh would be the first head of government to be hosted at the White House after President Obama took over in January this year. Obama is scheduled to meet Singh at the White House on No-

vember 24. "I am sure that since the President will have just gotten back from China, and that'll be fresh on his mind that he will share some of his impressions and thoughts about his visit to China as well," State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters in response to a question. Noting that the White House is working on an agenda for the IndoUS summit, Kelly said that UnderSecretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns has been very actively involved in coordinating the strategic dialogue framework that the US has with India. "The Secretary (of State Hillary Clinton) looks forward to participating in these meetings. I think she is going to host at least one event here at the State Department," he said.

NRI appointed to key Liberal Democrats post in UK LONDON: Rabi Martins, an Indian-origin spokesman for the Liberal Democrats party has been appointed adviser to the party's executive on race equality and diversity issue. Born in Goa and educated in Pune, Martins has been a prominent figure in the Goan circuit in Britain. He has held several positions in politics and community affairs, including on race equality and diversity issues. Liberal Democrats chief executive Chris Fox said: "Rabi Martins has been a key member of the

party for many years and has served well on various boards including the Federal Executive and the Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats. I welcome the positive and effective contribution Rabi has made and will continue to make to our party." Commenting on his appointment, Martins said: "I am delighted to be asked to work with Chris to support the party's agenda on diversity in general and address the issue of representation of ethnic minorities in particular. I feel honoured to be asked to contribute to this agenda.

Desi News Javed speaks for underprivileged children SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service

NEW YORK: India was facing a strange paradox of being among the fastest growing economies in the world and at the same time being ranked 134th out of 182 countries on the Human Development Index, according to Indian movie writer and lyricist Javed Akhtar, who has just been nominated to the Indian Parliament's Upper House, the Rajya Sabha.


11 India Post

AIF honors Ustad Zakir Hussain and Anil Kapoor

November 27, 2009

Details on page 16

Vyalar Ravi pitches for bigger PBD participation

Details on page 12

New website launched for Indian Consulate MOHAMMAD GHOUSE

CHICAGO: The new website of the Indian Consulate in Chicago has become operational with its formal launch by Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi last week. The website has been completely redesigned, the contents fully updated, information thoroughly edited and placed in a systematic and segregated manner to make it more user friendly, according to Consulate sources. Details on page 13

Youth more eager at free yoga camp ASHWIN PATEL

ST. LOUIS: Following demand from previous attendees and emerging interest by young group of people, community activists Sunil and Pooja Sharma organized a free three-day camp at Mahatma Gandhi Center in St. Louis, MO from Oct 30 to Nov 1. More than 190 people from all age groups and occupations registered for this camp. Surprisingly this time city's youth was more eager to learn original Indian techniques of Yoga to stay fit, healthy and attractive. Details on page 14

Naren Patel, Vice President, Vishwa Gujarati Samaj, Cynthia Chand, President Care & Share Dr. Sunil Chand, Director, Dept of Higher Education, Benedictine University, Prof. Bala Balachandra, Kellogg School of Management, Prof. Dipak Jain, Kellogg School of Management, Vayalar Ravi, Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs, Consul General of India Ashok Kumar Attri, Sushant Jain, Usha Attri, Sandhya Shanker, PS to MOIA, and Sandhya Shukla, Director (Diaspora), MOIA. India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Vayalar Ravi, Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs interacted with a large number of members of the Indian community in Chicagoland and from surrounding regions/states during his three days visit to Chicago beginning November 7. One of the prime objectives was to spread awareness about the forthcoming Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas (PBD) 2010, scheduled to be held from January 7 to 9 in New Delhi. He also interacted with many Indian Americans individually and in smaller groups. At every event, he extensively answered questioned from the community members. Ashok Kumar Attri, Consul General and Mrs Usha Kiran Attri hosted a Dinner reception in honor

of the visiting Minister at the Consulate on November 8 attended by over 140 Indians as well as Indian Americans. Consul General addressed the guests and dwelt briefly on the Consular issues, the OCI scheme and the status of the Consular services in this Consu-

Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri (left) and Minister Vyalar Ravi addressing the meet

make it more user friendly. Vayalar Ravi formally inaugurated the website In his address, he covered the entire range of issues covered by his Ministry and encouraged the guests to participate in the PBD

Ravi interacted with many Indian Americans individually and in smaller groups. At every event, he extensively answered questioned from the community members late. In addition he also informed the Minister and the audience about the completion of the revamped website of the Consulate which was initially uploaded eight years ago in 2001 and needed updating and change of format to

2010 in New Delhi. He specially highlighted the setting up of the India Development Foundation, process to repeal the existing Emigration Act and bring in a totally revised Emigration Act. Various issues that confront at present with

regard to OCI and PIO cards were explained by the Minister, assuring the assembled guests that steps are being taken to rectify certain anomalies to ensure that the OCI card is a document that facilitates rather than hinder travel to India. Mrs Sadhna Shanker, Private Secretary to the Minister made a power-point presentation of the PBD 2010. Mrs Sandhya Shukla, Director (Diaspora) and Mrs Aarti Krishna, Officer in-charge of Indian Community Affairs of the Indian Embassy Washington DC were also present. In addition to answering questions at the formal session, the Minister spent time informally with each invitee answering questions from them and providing details on various projects and schemes of the MOIA. Cont’d on page 15


Community Across America

India Post

November 27, 2009

Cause of underprivileged children is humungous: Javed Akhtar

Actress Shabana Azmi, Javed Akhtar and Shefali Sunderlal, CRY America President at a press conference in New York City. (Pic Gunjesh Desai)


NEW YORK: India was facing a strange paradox of being among the fastest growing economies in the world and at the same time being ranked 134th out of 182 countries on the Human Development Index, according to Indian movie writer and lyricist Javed Akhtar, who has just been nominated to the Indian Parliament's Upper House, the Rajya Sabha. Akhtar, along with wife actressactivist Shabana Azmi, was at an event organized by Child Rights and You (CRY) America to unveil a booklet "Let's dream a little dream together", at the Taj Lounge in New York City on Nov 17. Speaking in the context of the underprivileged children of India, Akhtar said, "We are strange people living with strange paradoxes." On one hand, he said, India is becoming a destination for

medical tourism and on the other, because of minor health issues, there were more women dying during child birth in India in one week than those dying in a year in any European country; while Indian doctors were making a name around the world for their capabilities, millions of people in India do not have access to basic healthcare; while Indian engineers and architects were making a mark abroad, there are 40 million children in India who don't go to school. Akhtar said the cause of underprivileged children was humungous and only education can bring about change. "Any development in the country is meaningless if we don't take care of our children; they are the future of our country," Akhtar said, adding that recent initiatives of the government of India in this area were in the right direction. Giving a statistical view of the state of underprivileged children

in India, Shefali Sunderlal, president of CRY America said every second child under the age of five in India is malnourished; even

New York On one hand, he said, India is becoming a destination for medical tourism and on the other, because of minor health issues, there were more women dying during child birth in India in one week than those dying in a year in any European country though it is illegal, 11.2 million children in India work in hard conditions, often far away from home; 50% of children aged between 6-

14 don't go to school; one in four girls in India are married off between the age of 15 and 19. Commenting that the statistics were depressing and appalling, Shabana Azmi said one needs to recognize that about 40 million people in India are under the age of 18, which is a huge figure and would be a huge advantage for any country in terms of economic progress, development and prosperity. "Unfortunately our children aren't able to live to that potential because of several factors not the least like access to opportunity, malnutrition, access to public health system, and lack of understanding of children as equal citizens of the country," Azmi said. "We need to change that; we need to see that if India has to march ahead with its head held high, it cannot happen unless we invest in our children and their future." The recently passed Right to Education law passed by the Indian government, Azmi said, was

a huge step forward in recognizing the rights of children. She said successful models for translating government policy into civil society movements such as that of CRY should be emulated by other organizations to bring about change. In just over six years, CRY America has transformed the lives of more than 245,000 children living across 1376 villages and slums by supporting 41 not-for-profit organizations in India and the US, she said. On the occasion, Javed Akhtar recited his poem "Mumbai Tere Bachche' (Mumbai, your children) describing the trials and tribulations of Mumbai's street children and Azmi later read out the English translation of the same poem. CRYAmerica has 10,000 donors and 500 volunteers. Sunderlal made an appeal to more Indian Americans to come forward and be involved in the cause of child rights.

Illinois politicians flock to attend IADO Meet JODH SINGH RAWAT

Illinois Governor addressing IADO Meet

CHICAGO: Name the top notch politi- Indian Americans' political stance. cians in the Chicago Democratic zone and Extending a warm welcome to all the digmost of them were present during the thirti- nitaries and IADO members, President Dr. eth Annual dinner of Indo American Demo- Ram Gajjella observed that IADO has becratic Organization (IADO) held last week come one of the most effective & widely at Holiday Inn on Touhy acknowledged grassroots Avenue in Chicago political organizations in Illinois Present on the occasion the State. "Along the way, were VIPs like Governor Pat Quinn, Attor- besides working to put Democrats in office, ney General Lisa Madigan, Cook County Cir- it has tackled policy issues of importance cuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown, Democratic to our community - immigration, glass-ceilnominee for Illinois State Comptroller posi- ing, discrimination, health care, social setion Raja Krishnamurthy, Illinois Treasurer curity. This year, we conducted two excitAlex Giannoulias State Representative Julie ing town hall meetings. Our dear friends, Hamos, Ald. Ed Smith and many others from US Our dear friends, US Representative Jan Illinois Democratic community. All present Schakowsky and State Senator Heather talked highly about this three decades old Steins led the one on health care. Cont’d on page 15 organization and the role it plays in shaping

IADO President addressing IADO Meet

Community Across America

November 27, 2009

India Post 13

New website launched for Indian Consulate MOHAMMAD GHOUSE

CHICAGO: The new website of the Indian Consulate in Chicago has become operational with its formal launch by Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi last week. The website has been completely redesigned, the contents fully updated, information thor-

asked questions. Latest technology has been used in the development of this website to reflect the modern vibrant India. The website can be viewed better with Internet Explorer version-7 or Firefox version3 or later versions of these browsers. The links for up-dating brows-

The Consul General of India Ashok Kumar Attri commended the role played by Consul and Head of Chancery Vishvas Sapkal in developing this new website. He also praised the assistance given by Vice Consul (Consular) Nanak Chand Chauhan in updating and streamlining information on the basis of


Concise and precise information is provided for each individual service considering the applicant's needs, their problems and frequently asked questions oughly edited and placed in a systematic and segregated manner to make it more user friendly, according to Consulate sources. Concise and precise information is provided for each individual service considering the applicant's needs, their problems and frequently

ers as well as different formats of website for lower version browser viewers have been provided. Applicants can find direction towards the Consulate from the Map-link in the website. Important instructions regarding traveling documents have been provided in

Thilaiyambalam Asokan (2nd left) and Arvind Bhargava (extreme right) with Consul General of India Ashok Kumar Attri and Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi after receiving certificate of appreciation from the minister for the professional contribution in developing the website

a separate tab. Pages for all services (Passport / Visa / PIO / OCI / Miscellaneous Services) have been made self-contained. Even screenshots of on-line application

forms, sample filled up forms and sample documents have been provided. All important links of the Government of India have also been provided.

the experience of the Consular Wing of the Consulate. He further praised the professional contribution of Thilaiyambalam Asokan and Arvind Bhargava of Microprint Online Services, Aurora, (a Chicago suburb) who were given certificates of appreciation at the inauguration of the website by Vayalar Ravi. Ashok Kumar Attri and members of the Consulate have requested the Indian community in the Midwest to visit the Consulate's new website and provide it their valuable comments/feedback.

Indian folk art exhibition by Manvee Wedding Expo at Waterford draws hundreds


CHICAGO: Manvee is having an exhibition of Indian folk art at the Benedictine University in Lisle. The works will be on display from November 16 to December 15 at the Krasa Center in the University. The exhibition will introduce original works of art by artists in traditional Indian styles such as Madhubani, Gond, Warli and Patua. The Gond Paintings would feature Durga Bai's works. Durga Bai is a young artist who constantly re-works and pushes the bound-

Manvee makes effort to promote talented individuals who produce works of great artistic worth, while also educating people of India's heritage and art history aries of the Gond art form to create work that sparkles with a distinctive energy. She is the illustrator for two children's books, Sultan's Dream and the award-winning One, Two, Tree! - a delightful counting book that has been translated into Dutch, French, German and Japanese. Exhibit in Warli style will display works of Balu Mashe and Shantaram Chintya Tumbada. Shantaram's works includes a huge mural on a wall of the six-storeyed


CHICAGO: Enthused by a good response from vendors and the community at large, Pritesh Gandhi heading Water For Banquet in Elmhurst said that the "Wedding Expo would now be a regular annual feature of our facility." Water Ford had organized a Wedding Expo with close to thirty vendors displaying their products and services fro a successful and impressive wedding. Over 700 visitors from all walks of life came to attend this Expo and the end result was that many vendors found Durga Bai's painting in Gond style

Patua or scroll paintings by Mantu Chitrakar

Tony Garnier museum in Leon, France. Mantu Chitrakar, like his contemporaries, has contributed hugely in his folk art of Patua or scroll paintings traditional from West Bengal. There would also be a documentary on the life and making of Patuas, which will make an interesting watch. The term 'folk paintings' encom-

the urban population, and those made at centers of pilgrimage by traditional professional painter families. All these paintings were produced in a variety of styles and themes. History, sociology and geography infused the painting of each region with local flavors. To some extent their style and quality depended on the materials available in the place in which they were executed. Manvee makes effort to promote talented individuals who produce works of great artistic worth, while also educating people of India's heritage and art history. The artworks are for sale, which in return help these artists in the form of buying more of their arts. A portion of the proceeds goes to the University so that it goes back into the system of education and learning.

Illinois passes pictures made in Indian villages, by both men and women, for ornamentation of their abodes, portrayals of their gods and for their various rituals; and, by local professional painters or artisans for use of the local people. The term also includes pictures made in the bazars by hereditary painters to cater to the needs of

others offering varieties of North Indian, South Indian, Gujarati and Chinese food items for tasting. There was live music provided by Chirag Patel of Angels and those who frequented the Expo enjoyed every minute besides getting a pile of information about the products and services offered in Chicagoland by suppliers for a successful wedding. Pritesh Gandhi said, "We want the community to be aware of the services and facilities offered by Water Ford Banquet and we were

Pritesh Gandhi of Water Ford Banquet with Ravi Rawat of India House Banquet

a surge in their business. There were vendors who specialized in Mandaps, decorations and designing. There were DJs, video-graphers and photographers, hair and make up stylist, a bakery institute and a doctor specializing in women's health. There was food galore with Ebony Lounge, India House and

successful in achieving this objective." He said it was also intended to provide a platform to "many vendors offering services and products for the Indian style weddings in this part of the world." He thanked Ravi Rawat of India House Banquet for suggesting this idea and offering help to bring it to fruition.


Community Across America

India Post

November 27, 2009

Youth more eager at free yoga camp

Sikh community honors S Ujjagar Singh Gill


Judge. S Gill is an active member of AASA and has lot of knowledge of Sikh religion. He has published a concise book on Sikhism, "Guru Granth Sahib" and he distributes it free of charge. It is a compilation of writings of prominent non-Sikh writers about Guru Granth S Ujjagar Singh Gill and Mrs S Gill who were Sahib. honored by the Sikh community in Schaumburg S.Gill is a firm believer in Sikhism. He believes in actions not CHICAGO: The Sikh community of Chicago along with mem- talks. Many learned a lot from his bers of Asian American Seniors writings and company. S.Gill opAssociation (AASA) honored S Ujjagar Singh Gill and his wife Illinois Sardarni Surjit Kaur Gill at Udupi Restaurant in Schaumburg for their poses rituals in Sikhi, he firmly contribution to the Sikh commu- believes if something doesn't prove according to Shri Guru nity. They are leaving for India for Granth Sahib, it should not be astheir annual winter vacation. S.Gill sociated with Sikhi. S Bhupinder was an Advocate in India all his Singh Hundal paid for the lunlife and sometimes substituted as cheon.

ST. LOUIS: Following demand from previous attendees and emerging interest by young group of people, community activists Sunil and Pooja Sharma organized a free three-day camp at Mahatma Gandhi Center in St. Louis, MO from Oct 30 to Nov 1. More than 190 people from all age groups and occupations registered for this camp. Surprisingly this time city's youth was more eager to learn original Indian techniques of Yoga to stay fit, healthy and attractive. Yoga is being recognized as one of the best and cost effective ways to achieve good health. Swami Ramdev is the first key personality to use freely available Pran (Oxygen) as a medicine and in turn helped in treating millions of persons suffering from diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, migraine, thyroid, arthritis, etc. The instructors, Sunil Sharma, software professional and his wife Dr Pooja Sharma, scientist in Biotechnology were profoundly inspired by Swami Ramdev and have been practicing yoga and teaching this to community free of cost. This was the second major free Yoga camp conducted by Sunil and Pooja Sharma for St. Louis community. They explained the benefits of Pranayama in very easy to understand language. Pooja Sharma says "Most people have misconception that Yoga is just difficult postures and styles. However the main ailments CHICAGO: Members of Indian community in Chicagoland gathered in numbers to mourn the death of one its leaders, Ramesh Goyal, who died last month in a road accident in Jaipur, India. Metropolitan Asian Family Services (MAFS) held a prayer meet at its facility in Chicago on November 14 while the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) orga-

The group that attended Free Yoga camp in St Louis

a person suffers from is owing to imbalance in the functioning of internal organs. And Oxygen is the only element which can reach ev-

St. Louis The instructors, Sunil Sharma, software professional and his wife Dr Pooja Sharma, scientist in Biotechnology were profoundly inspired by Swami Ramdev and have been practicing yoga and teaching this to community free of cost ery cell of the body and balances the functioning of the vital organs like brain, heart, kidney, liver etc." Sunil Sharma said, "Among the eight Pranayama techniques one must practice 'kapal-bhati' and

'anulom-vilom' which are the main pillars for a healthy life." They also mentioned different aspects of life like good food habits, living style and ayurveda products for everyday use. Dr. Pooja Sharma stressed specifically on this point "Pre-cancerous cells are present in every human being and because of lack of oxygen, these cells can convert to cancerous cells. If proper oxygen is provided to each and every cell of the body, then this deadly disease can be easily prevented" The participants were very impressed with the benefits they experienced and expressed desire for more such camps in future. Many of them are planning to form small groups of friends and practice Yoga learned in the Camp together at their homes. In addition to having capable and dedicated instructors, the success of the camp was possible because of the efforts of several volunteers, said Sharma. These organizers provided financial and manual help to hold the camp.


Indian Americans to distribute winter items to seniors SURI SWAMY

CHICAGO: The Indian community in Niles, a north side Chicago suburb, has decided to celebrate the Thanks Giving festival in a different way this time According to Usha Karmaria, a community activist and a spokesperson for Indian Community of Niles, the community would

join the Nile Township to take care of seniors by giving them a special gift of winter hat, gloves and scarf. Usha said that about 180 seniors are expected to receive this gift at Indo American Center from the volunteers of ICN on November 25 from 11-30 am to 2-30 pm.

Community mourns Ramesh Goyal USHA BODIWALA

Illinois nized a similar meet at Manav Seva Goyal was born in Bewar, Mandir in Bensenville on November 15. Both the places were Rajasthan on March 21, 1948. He completed his Maspacked with mourners who ters of Science came from all walks of life. (Botany) from Goyal had headed MAFs Rajasthan Univerfrom 2001 to 2004 and also sity in 1971 and finserved as FIA president ished MBA in Mareight years ago. On his way keting in 1972 from back to Jaipur from Mount Bajaj School of Abu, his car was involved Management in in an accident and he died Bombay, India. He on October 15. He was creRamesh Goyal was married to mated in Mumbai.

Nalini Goyal addressing a mournersí meet at MAFS on Western Ave in Chicago

Mourners in Chicagoland

Nalini Patel in December 1975. He migrated to USA in 1976. Nalini Patel completed her M-Pharm Ahmedabad in 1972. Goyal was a successful businessman dabbling in real estate, restaurant and hospitality businesses. He was active in community affairs being president of FIA in 1999 and MAFS from 2001 to 2004. He was honored with the following awards: • 1998 "Hind Ratan" Achieve-

ment Award for NRI (Non Resident Indian) presented by President of India Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma • 1999 "Community Service Award" presented by Federation of Indian Associations. • 2006 "Community Service Award" presented by Metropolitan Asian Family Services, • 2007 "Excellence Service Award" presented by Dunkin Brands Inc, He is survived by his wife Nalini

Goyal and two sons- Tarun and Varun. Tarun manages his father's business and Varun is pursuing his MBA from Kellogg School of Management. The FIA meeting on November 15 at Manav Seva Mandir in Bensenville was attended by over 100 community activists, friends, relatives and associates. The MAFS prayer meeting was conducted by Santoshkumar (Executive Director - MAFS).

November 27, 2009

Community Across America

India Post 15

Illinois politicians flock to attend IADO Meet controlled by Democrats. Both house of Congress are in Democratic hands. "With the house passing the Health Care Reform Bill, we are now just beginning to see what that can mean. In Illinois, we have moved into a new era with a new governor - a Democrat many of us have had close contact with over the years - a man of integrity. Both Illinois houses are securely in Democratic hands. We face troubling economy but Democrats found us a way out of the last depression. I have no doubt we will again. We need to Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan with Dr Ram Gajjela and State Rep. Julie Hamos who was given honorary membership of IADO Cont’d from page 13

US Representative Danny Davis, another dear friend spoke at the social security meeting and reassured of the future of social security." "Further, during the year IADO held several fund raisers for Demo-

cratic candidates. Our Board members worked on many different campaigns. Our student internship program is going strong," he said Touching upon the Federal and State level administrations, he said that it was heartening to note that both Senate and House of Representatives at the Federal level were

Vyalar Ravi pitches for bigger PBD participation Cont’d from page 11

Everyone enjoyed the Indian cuisine thereafter. Earlier, the Minister met with several prominent Indians and American Indians and had discussion with them on the four topics laid down for the PBD 2010 viz., Economic Growth, Knowledge, Philanthropy and Gender Issues. The Minister had a focused and in-depth interaction on a oneto-one basis with some of the outstanding Pravasis who reside within the jurisdiction of this Consulate. These Pravasis have already contributed substantially for India in its development process be it scientific, educational, cultural, social etc through their own personal efforts and NGOs/ Associations they have established either individually or along with efforts of similar minded persons, to further their vision and ideals, without any Government patronage so far. The Minister had very fruitful discussion with each of these invitees and was impressed by their contributions. He not only acknowledged their efforts but also mentioned that he was pleased to learn about such efforts being made by such persons. In this connection, he referred to the proposed project of MOIA viz., the Global Indian Network of Knowledge (Global-INK) which will act as a knowledge bank for current and future generations. He also visited the Alsdorf Indian, Southeast Asian, Himalayan

and Islamic Art Department of Asian and Ancient Art at the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC). Dr. Madhuvanti Ghosh, Alsdorf Associate Curator of this Wing briefed the Minister about the history of the Art Institute, the naming of the stretch of the Michigan Avenue, before the Museum as the Swami Vivekananda Way by the City of Chicago in honor of

Dr. Madhuvanti Ghosh, Alsdorf Associate Curator of this Wing briefed the Minister about the history of the Art Institute, the naming of the stretch of the Michigan Avenue, before the Museum as the Swami Vivekananda Way the speech delivered by Swami Vivekananda in Chicago at the Parliament of Religions on September 11, 1893. AIC has now the largest permanent display of collection of Indian art and artefacts in the Western hemisphere. He also learnt about ongoing and future plans of cooperation between the AIC and India. The Minister praised the vast collection and range of Indian display at the Institute, so far away from India in this part of the world.

move forward and cure economic ills," he said. Ram hoped to see more Indian Americans running for Government office and getting elected. He also asked the community to come forward and guide the IADO to the next Level. The Governor's speech was remarkable on the occasion. He pitched for the all inclusive policy of President Obama and the Democratic Party. He talked about policy on Iraq and Afghanistan and said that he visited the Middle East and related his experience

with tribes there. The Governor thanked the IADO for bringing more Indian Americans into the political process- a task crucial for our democracy. He showed happiness on the influence of vibrant cultures on stronger growth throughout the land of Lincoln. The other distinctive speakers were Raja Krishnamoorthi, State attorney Lisa Madigan, State Representative Julie Hamos and some elected officials and Dr. Ashish Sen. The event was emceed by Asim Mishra.



India Post to spark innovation in public library services India Post News Service has been awarded a three-year $1.4 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to spark the development of innovative public library services using technology in transitioning and developing countries. The Public Library Innovation Program ( will encourage public libraries to reach out to their communities, partnering with local government, business and other organizations to assess local needs and develop new services Technology has transformed public libraries throughout the world, providing access to critical education materials and communication services. Details on page 18

Dr Amarjit Marwah honored by Illinois University India Post News Service

CHICAGO: The University of Illinois Alumni Association last month conferred two of its most prestigious awards to alumni from the College of Dentistry. Dr. Amarjit S. Marwah, MS Histology '56, received the Alumni Humanitarian Award while Dr David P Kumamoto, 76, MS '78, Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, received the Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Amarjit Marwah is a well-known and respected philanthropist in both the United States and India.

November 27, 2009

AIF honors Ustad Zakir Hussain and Anil Kapoor URMI N. PATEL

LOS ANGELES: Imagine being a 12-year-old boy sitting in front of a Dell desktop in Puthiyangadi, a small village in the state of Kerala, India. Your heart is filled with joy as your eyes dart back and forth across the computer screen, searching for articles on the Internet, hopefully containing answers to help you complete a history project for school. For the first time in your academic experience, you have been given access to this level of technology and information through the Digital Equalizer program; a project developed by the visionaries at the American Indian Foundation (AIF) and funded by the generous donations provided by Indo-Americans like those who attended the Sixth Annual American Indian Foundation “India Rising” Gala Sunday night, November 15 at the Omni Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. American Indian Foundation, the largest Indo-American organization in the US collecting close to $55 million dollars of charitable funds for India since 2001, has held this glamorous event for the past six years. What makes this organization stand out from others is its

Ustad Zakir Hussain

strategic approach on investing time and donations in creating social, economic and/or environmental value in India. This year’s Gala,

AIF Chairpersons Ravi Tilak and Bhikhubhai Patel with Anil Kapoor

nity and betterment of society in developing areas of India: Ustad Zakir Hussain and Anil Kapoor. Zakir Hussain, popularly known as

Zakir Hussain, popularly known as Tabla Maestro, also received recognition for his own philanthropic efforts for providing over 500 free concerts for charity efforts which raised over $450,000 for their numerous projects, honored two well-known Asian Indians for their dedication to helping the commu-

Tabla Maestro, also received recognition for his own philanthropic efforts for providing over 500 free concerts for charity efforts, while

Anil Kapoor received his acknowledgement from new Hollywood acquaintance, Kiefer Sutherland, who Kapoor met while portraying President Omar Hassan on 24 episodes of Sutherland’s Fox television hit, 24. Sutherland applauded AIF’s accomplishment of pulling together Indo-Americans in the US to support those in India. Hussain, who revealed in his acceptance speech that he played music for dinner on the streets of India before becoming famous; stated, “I am rather embarrassed for being honored at the Gala. Cont’d on page 17

Sahara's Arabian Nights at Chopra's residence

Details on page 18

FFE's elegant gala at the Jain Temple RITU MARWAH

MILPITAS: The Foundation for Excellence gala at the Jain Temple in Milpitas transported 240 diners to the enchantment that is India. Delectable vegetarian food was served at the table in shining silver thalis by a bevy of black tied waiters. Fresh marigolds released their fragrance as diyas winked suggestively through the evening. Donors dined with scholars they had helped fund. Dreams of professional fields of study like engineering and medicine would have remained dreams for the scholars on the paltry salary of parents if it was not for Foundation for Excellence which ferreted out deserving students from the multitude that is India. Details on page 20

Mrs. Chpora & Sahara Board India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: On a beautiful, serene Fall evening with starry night and low audible rumbling of the Pacific Ocean, people gathered in Palos Verdes hill top spacious Italian Villa with a gorgeous view of the Santa Monica Bay and the whole LA Basin on Saturday, October 31. Their goal was to collect enough donations for the selfless organization called Sahara to continue to meet the unique challenges that South Asian immigrants face in USA and to help survivors of domestic violence deal with their personal crises. Sahara's mission is being fulfilled beyond all expectations when it was

Deepak & Nandini Chopra, Rekha Bajarai, Niirupa Sejpal

first conceived in 1991. The evening began with social gathering and pricey delicious wines by Chalk Hill Estates and cocktails on the terrace. The items

suous body movements in tune with mid- eastern music. Deepak Chopra put up a grand antique car show, the type of cars one can only dream of or see in

The response from the invitees was overwhelming. When the evening finally ended, the expectations of Sahara organization were far exceeded for silent and live auction were beautifully arranged in the hall. After a sumptuous dinner of Carnival's Lebanese food and Mahesh's Indian appetizers the attendees were entertained by gorgeous belly dancers with sen-

Hollywood movies. Soon dancing began orchestrated by DJ Hetal from Kumba Entertainment, followed by very entertaining live and silent auction, expertly conducted by Deepak Chopra.

Chopras & Rekha Bajaria

The response from the invitees was overwhelming. When the evening finally ended in the wee hours of a beautiful moon lit, starry night the expectations of Sahara organization were far exceeded. Thanks to the charming and generous hostess and host, Nandini and Deepak Chopra, and friends and well-wishers of Sahara. Sahara was able to raise in excess of $192,000, allowing them to continue to implement their core values of communication, education and prevention. It is said "Charity begins at home"; it surely began and ended in this beautiful home of the Chopra's.


November 27, 2009

India Post 17

AIF honors Ustad Zakir Hussain and Anil Kapoor Cont’d from page 16

and laptops are thrown away and replaced with latest technology. AIF has been working in conjunction with information technology

He said, ‘We want AIF to be known as a nurturing organization; a motherly organization that sets the path for Indo-Americans’ increasing involvement in our mother country’ companies to refurbish this equipment, and are sending them to over 300,000 children annually. Their mission is to implement new centers providing state-of-the-art


This is an organization which we should all be honoring instead for all their efforts in raising the awareness of education and technology and empowering women in India�. For Ravi Tilak, CEO of Almex USA, Inc and one of the Gala chairs along with Bhikhubhai (B.U.) Patel, founder of Tarsadia Hotels, this fundraising event had another purpose. It gave him and other council members the opportunity to inform other Indo-Americans of AIF’s mission. He said, “We want AIF to be known as a nurturing organization; a motherly organization that sets the path for Indo-Americans’ increasing involvement in our mother country; volunteering their time and donations for improving the lives of their fellow Indians back home. In fact, those who donate can take advantage of one exciting component of our foundation. Donators can

designate someone in whichever village they are from to receive the donation they give to AIF�. The funds raised at this auspicious night will also support other projects developed by AIF; including: programs that increase the availability and quality of education to young children and adults in many villages across India; programs that apply strategies to reduce the barriers affecting retention of these children and young adults in education programs; and public health programs, which use private resources to promote women’s rights and wellbeing by granting women and their children quality health care, focusing primarily on diagnostic services, in underserved districts of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. Another more recent project, mentioned earlier, is the Digital Equalizer program. Each year in the US, thousands of desktops




technology, tools, and training for the children and teachers at these underserved academic settings. “It was the education piece that really impressed me about AIF. I think that is how you empower people and bring them out of poverty. It’s like that old saying- give a person a piece of fish, they feed themselves for a day. But, if you teach them how to fish, they feed themselves for life. AIF teaches those less fortunate in India�. These were the words spoken by Sendhil Ramamurthy, best known for his role as Dr. Mohinder Suresh on NBC’s Heroes, who coemceed this distinguished occasion with Noureen DeWulf, another American born Indian actress most recently seen playing Melanie, alongside Matthew McConaughey, in the blockbuster romantic comedy, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. What drew her to accepting the honor of co-emceeing the event for this charitable


organization were AIF’s efforts to educate children of migrant Indian workers as well as its’ rickshaw program, which provides a lucrative career opportunity for many unemployed Indians by giving them the means to become the owner of their own rickshaws. Other Indo-American actors and actresses in attendance included Kunal Nayyar (Big Bang Theory), Vic Sahay (Chuck), Sunkrish Bala (Notes from the Underbelly), Janina Gavankar (The L Word), Sunil Malhotra (The West Wing), Kavi Ladnier (Heroes), Rupak Ginn (Cheetah Girls), Ravi Patel (Scrubs and Past Life), and Geeta V. Patel (director, producer, and writer of Project Kashmir). The event was coordinated by the efforts of Dulari Amin of Phenomenon Events. The American Indian Foundation headquarters are located in New York, with chapters in India and Los Angeles.


(South Asian Helpline And Referral Agency) £Ç£ääĂŠ-°ĂŠ*ˆœ˜iiÀÊ Â?Ă›`°]ĂŠ-Ă•ÂˆĂŒiĂŠĂ“Ăˆä]ĂŠ Ă€ĂŒiĂƒÂˆ>]ĂŠ ʙäÇä£ĂŠUĂŠ sahara@saharaorg.orgĂŠUĂŠĂƒ>Â…>Ă€>ÂœĂ€}ĂŠUĂŠĂœĂœĂœ°ĂŒĂœÂˆĂŒĂŒiĂ€°Vœ“/saharaorg

(562) 402-4132


is committed to serving the growing community of South Asians in Southern California by providing them with information, referrals, skills development and other culturally sensitive support services needed to meet the unique challenges they face and also to deal with the personal crises of survivors of Domestic Violence.








24-hour Toll Free Crisis Helpline

SAHARA has received 12 National County and City Awards 100% Of SAHARA Services provided in Multiple South Asian Languages are free for SAHARA’s clients SAHARA’s DV Projects are funded, in part, by Los Angeles County Department of Publics Social Services for CalWORKS and Domestic Violence Shelter based programs, -ˆ˜}}Âœ`ĂŠ ÂœĂ•Â˜`>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜]ĂŠ Â?Ă•iĂŠ-…ˆiÂ?`ĂŠ ÂœĂ•Â˜`>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜]ĂŠ6iĂ€ÂˆâÂœÂ˜ĂŠ ÂœĂ•Â˜`>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜]ĂŠ ÂœĂ•Ă€ĂŒÂ…ĂŠ ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂˆVĂŒĂŠ-Ă•ÂŤiĂ€Ă›ÂˆĂƒÂœĂ€ĂŠ ÂœÂ˜ĂŠ ˜>LiĂŠÂœvĂŠ ÂœĂƒĂŠ ˜}iÂ?iĂƒĂŠ ÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒĂž]ĂŠ/° °8°]ĂŠ>˜`ĂŠ- °ĂŠ - , ĂŠÂ…>ĂƒĂŠÂŤ>Ă€ĂŒÂ˜iĂ€i`ĂŠĂœÂˆĂŒÂ…ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ ÂœĂƒĂŠ ˜}iÂ?iĂƒĂŠ ÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒĂžĂŠ-Â…iĂ€Ă€Âˆvv½ĂƒĂŠ iÂŤ>Ă€ĂŒÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒ]ĂŠ ÂŤÂŤÂ?i >Ă€iĂŠ ÂœĂƒÂŤÂˆĂŒ>Â?ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂŠ i`ˆV>Â?ĂŠ Ă€ÂœĂ•ÂŤ]ĂŠ ĂƒÂˆ>Â˜ĂŠ*>VˆvˆVĂŠ “iĂ€ÂˆV>Â˜ĂŠ i}>Â?ĂŠ iÂ˜ĂŒiĂ€ĂŠÂœvĂŠ-ÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ…iĂ€Â˜ĂŠ

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India Post


November 27, 2009

2,000 turn out for CAIR banquet, $432K raised India Post News Service

ANAHEIM, CA: Some 2,000 people turned out on November 7 for the 13th annual banquet of the Greater Los Angeles Area Chapter of the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations (CAIR -LA). The event helped raise $432,000 to support CAIR -LA's civil rights and advocacy efforts. This year's banquet was moderated by CAIR -LA Deputy Executive Director Ameena Mirza Qazi and former CAIR LA Government Relations Director Omar Zaki. Opening remarks at the banquet were delivered by California Assemblyman Ted Lieu (D-Torrance), who encouraged Muslims to get civically engaged. Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca thanked Muslim community members for their thoughts and prayers for victims of Fort Hood shootings. Also present at the event were representatives from the offices of local, state and federal elected officials. North Carolina Senator and CAIR National Chairman Larry Shaw and former Secretary General of the Islamic Society of North America Muneer Fareed gave powerful keynote addresses. Saratoga mosque's Imam Shaykh Alauddin El-Bakri spoke on the need for Muslims to be activists and support advocacy work. Three awards were given at this year's banquet:

Featured in the picture are Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and North Carolina State Senator and CAIR Chairman Larry Shaw.

1) 2009 Courage in Media award to Dave Eggers, who authored "Zeitoun," a nonfiction account of Muslim American Abdulrahman Zeitoun, and his rescue efforts in the Katrina aftermath and subsequent detention and humiliation. 2) 2009 Bridge Builder award to Kathy and Abdulrahman Zeitoun, whose stories were documented in "Zeitoun," for building bridges of understanding. 3) 2009 Excellence in Leadership award to Rancho Palos Verde resident Atif Moon for his community service and being an inspiration to young Muslims despite his physical disability. At the banquet, Eggers spoke about how the

Dave Eggers received the 2009 'Courage in Media' award for his book, "Zeitoun," which is a nonfiction account of a Muslim American who helps with rescue efforts after Katrina hits but is later detained and humiliated by FEMA.

Zeitouns' values embody all American values. "As far as I know, all American values are hard work, dedication to family, concern for one's neighbors, self-reliance, faith, honesty, a simple sense of goodness, and knowing when and how to do the right thing," Eggers said. "And so yes, Zeitouns are all-American in the truest and purest sense of the term. ‌ "In writing Zeitoun, I tried to keep it simple and to do something that is often not done in American media when it comes to depiction of Muslims, I decided to tell the truth. We need more truth in the Ameri-

CAIR -LA Executive Director Huss am Ayloush speaks at the 13th Annual Banquet in Anaheim on Saturday, November 7.

can media, truth about Islam , about what it stands for and doesn't stand for, and the truth is that in the Zeitoun family, we can all learn so much about courage, about perseverance, about decency, about family. A highlight of the evening was a video about CAIR's ongoing engagement with the Muslim youth - providing them the necessary tools to succeed personally and professionally. CAIR -LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush spoke about the new opportunities awaiting American Muslims to help contribute to and strengthen our nation. to spark innovation in public library services India Post News Service


he public library program, has been awarded a three-year $1.4 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to spark the development of innovative public library services using technology in transitioning and developing countries. The Public Library Innovation Program ( will encourage public libraries to reach out to their communities, partnering with local government, business and other organizations to assess local needs and develop new services Technology has transformed public libraries throughout the world, providing access to critical education materials and communication services. Yet in many developing countries where the need is great, public libraries are under resourced. Calls for proposals will be held in two rounds. The first call is designed to gather great ideas that introduce technology to meet user needs and help members of the community improve their lives. Ten of the best proposals will be awarded up to $30,000 USD each for a one-year project. The second Call will test the replicability of the top ten ideas from the first Call. Participating project teams in both rounds will come together for training and to share their experience. In addition, public libraries in any developing and transitioning country will be invited to take part in a special Inno-

vation Award that recognises outstanding achievements. All the outcomes will be widely disseminated in key publications and conferences throughout the world. Welcoming the launch of the new program, Deborah Jacobs, director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Libraries initiative said, "We expect the new services that public libraries develop with sup-

It's exciting to imagine the social and economic benefits these new services can trigger - a farmer in a remote rural community linking up to the latest information on crop management, or a woman from a small village promoting her small business through the Internet port from will make a real difference in people's lives. It's exciting to imagine the social and economic benefits these new services can trigger - a farmer in a remote rural community linking up to the latest information on crop management, or a woman from a small village promoting her small business through the Internet." Cont’d on page 19

November 27, 2009


India Post 19

Dr Amarjit Marwah honored by Illinois University India Post News Service

CHICAGO: The University of Illinois Alumni Association last month conferred two of its most prestigious awards to alumni from the College of Dentistry. Dr. Amarjit S. Marwah, MS Histology '56, received the Alumni Humanitarian Award while Dr David P Kumamoto, 76, MS '78, Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, received the Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Amarjit Marwah is a wellknown and respected philanthropist in both the United States and India. He is credited as the first dentist of Sikh heritage to practice in America. Born in Punjab, India, Dr Marwah now lives in Malibu, CA

and has held a series of high profile positions serving his community. A political confidant of the late Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, Dr Marwah has been chair of the Hollywood Arts Commission of Los Angeles and the World Affairs Council of Los Angeles and he served for 20 years in various capacities for the City of Los Angeles. As Commissioner of Planning, he saved some 300 structures from the wrecking ball. As President of the Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Commission he helped save a 19th Century Los Angeles Chinese Cemetery shrine slated for demolition. Dr Marwah was a co-founder of the Bank of Punjab, a financial institution committed to commu-

nity service in India. He has supported many humanitarian causes

single handedly financed the education of many disadvantaged

Dr Marwah and his wife Kuljit Singh Marwah, support various Indian Schools via philanthropy. Believing that community can progress only if women are educated, they founded the KK Marwah Girls College Dr Amarjit Marwah

in Punjab. Imparting education to the poor is his passion and he has

Over 200 Muslim youth leaders attend training course

students in Punjab through a scholarship program, which pro-

vides scholarships to economically poor students who have the intelligence and ambition to succeed. Dr Marwah and his wife Kuljit Singh Marwah, support various Indian Schools via philanthropy. Believing that community can progress only if women are educated, they founded the KK Marwah Girls College (named for Mrs Marwah) in Faridkot, Punjab. Dr Marwah was the founder of the first Sikh gurudwara (temple) in Los Angeles in 1969. "He's a legend," said Dr Kamlesh G. Amin. "You could write a whole book on his contributions to guiding the way for Indian dentists. He opened up a path for us to go the right way."

Sikhs come together to remember & reflect

India Post News Service

CHINO, CA: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) Men's Youth Association (MKA), USA successfully completed its 9th Annual Leadership Conference, which began on Nov 13 with an informal barbecue at Laguna beach. Of the over 200 participants, a large majority were on the west coast for the first time. Many were amazed at the scenic views and were thrilled at the chance to enjoy a spectacular southern California sunset. Local President of the LA-Inland Empire Chapter of AMC, Mr. Ansari welcomed the young leaders. President of MKA USA, Dr. Younus informed participant about the objectives and goals of the conference. 'I cannot overemphasize the need for all youth leaders present to remember that all that they do is for the sake of God, for the sake of winning His pleasure. I urge the senior members to be the ones to take the lead in resolving issues and to learn the art of communicating effectively,' he said. In his address to the youth leadership Imam Shamshad said, 'Remember that the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was the one who had banned the false notion of violent Jihad and correctly defined Jihad to be the striving for self reformation and service to humanity. “I remind everyone again of the need to remain strongly attached to Khilafat, the divinely established spiritual leadership that makes it possible for us to remain united and spread our message of love for all, hatred for none throughout the world.' The session was divided into

Imam Shamshad addressing youth

smaller groups and key leadership issues were discussed including finances, reporting, and how to motivate the youth within the organization. A 'Resource Fair' gave participants an opportunity to ask questions of their national counterparts

The Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was the one who had banned the false notion of violent Jihad and correctly defined Jihad to be the striving for self reformation and service to humanity and seek guidance from them, as to how to make there local chapters more active in specific areas including: how to hold successful education classes, organize blood drives, and how to successfully provide good spiritual education to the children of the community, etc. The head of the Volunteer Ser-

vices department, Mr. Harris Zafar in a presentation, said, 'This year the Ahmadiyya youth donated 1,136 bags of blood in numerous blood drives held all over the US. This was a marked improvement over the 714 bags that were donated last year. Each bag of blood can save 3 lives, thus contributing to possible saving of over 3400 live in the United States. Our goal in the current year is to collect 2,000 bags of blood.' The participants were inspired by two very respected early African American members of the community who touched the audience with their story of how they came into the fold of Ahmadiyyat and they offered the youth some valuable words of wisdom and encouragement. Dr. Faheem Younus then presented the members of the local youth with awards recognizing their hard work and achievements. Dr. Hamidur Rahman, National Vice President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community also addressed the audience saying tat he was so happy to see an event of this size taking place in Chino and asked that the organizers may consider making this their permanent venue.

India Post News Service

LONDON: Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) presented a number of programs in the UK from October 30 to November 4 which included university lectures, radio programs and TV appearances. While the primary focus of the visit was commemorating the Delhi 1984 pogroms and celebrating the Gurupurab of Guru Nanak Sahib, there were also programs catering to high school students and parents.

Harinder Singh, Executive Director of SikhRI, was interviewed twice on Panjab Radio-one of the largest Panjabi radio stations in Europe-for the 'Chardhi Kala' show with Jasvir Singh. He spoke of the need for the events of 1984 to be located within the Sikh tradition, and illustrated the effects of Guru Nanak Sahib changes to the destiny of South Asia as catalyzing the revolution. Both shows were very well received, with many listeners calling in from around Europe to express their appreciation.



India Post

November 27, 2009

FFE's elegant gala at the Jain Temple RITU MARWAH

MILPITAS: The Foundation for Excellence gala at the Jain Temple in Milpitas transported 240 diners to the enchantment that is India. Delectable vegetarian food was served at the table in shining silver thalis by a bevy of black tied waiters. Fresh marigolds released their fragrance as diyas winked suggestively through the evening. Donors dined with scholars they had helped fund. Dreams of professional fields of study like engineering and medicine would have remained dreams for the scholars on the paltry salary of parents if it was not for Foundation for Excellence which ferreted out deserving students from the multitude that is India. FFE hand picked excellent scholars from all states of India and helped them achieve their goals. FFE saw the groundswell of support as scholars and donors together funded new scholars in

one evening. The mood of the evening was magical as if Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning herself stepped onto the stage in the form of three dainty Bharatnatyam dancers who tiptoed into the hearts of the diners. Srinath Anantharaju got a resounding ovation as he shared his story: "It was a breeze securing a state-wide 5th rank in the 12th class and getting a much desired admit from BITS-Pilani. But I had given up because I was not in a position to afford it with my father's salary of Rs. 3000 per month." He met FFE facilitator Mrs. Hema Deshpande who got him a scholarship to carry him through his engineering degree. "I then went on to work at INSEAD in France as a research associate. I did my Masters from North Carolina and am presently working in Google developing Mobile ads security for smartphones such as

iPhone/Android. I have been with Google for about 4.5yrs now, out of which I worked out of Google's Brazil office for 1.5yr. I will try my best to make you proud."

‘At last year's gala at the Jain Temple I sponsored a student. When I read the letter written to me by the scholar I had funded I was so moved’ Comedienne Dhaya Lakshminarayanan opened the evening on a light note. With her background from MIT and having

grown up in an education driven family she was an instant hit with the audience as she narrated tales of her brother going for "spelling wee" as a kindergartner. Raj Shah made a presentation on FFE's achievements in the past year. As the scholars lined up on stage the donors were urged to break the cycle of poverty through education. "Women are under so many restrictions, even at this day and age. The problem is in our thinking. Our thinking is built upon what we learn …education, our family, our society. We are so poor that our kids cannot be educated and thus they cannot learn anything new or different that what the society can teach them. It's a vicious cycle", said Rajee Nair who had benefited from FFE's generosity. "I was one among the lucky few who was funded by FFE in 1996 when my family was in need. At last year's gala at the Jain Temple I sponsored a student. When I read the letter written to me by the scholar I had funded I was so moved. I felt I was reliving the past.

I was so proud of that child." The money raised at the event will go to support FFE scholars in all states of India. FFE donors have an option to fund deserving students from their choice of state, area or region. The Gujarat, Uttarkhand and Rajasthan communities were present in large numbers. FFE works hard to keep costs under control. The elegant evening was volunteer run. The ethnic table décor was brought from Los Angeles by Sangita Bhardwaj, Sangeeta Balram, Chitra Shah, Nilita Paul. Arturo Photography donated proceeds of the evening's photographs to FFE. Raj Shah, a senior executive from Google said he has chosen to devote his time, money and thought to FFE as repayment for the education he received from Indian universities at minimal cost. With cost ratio lower than 10% FFE wisely uses its funds to maximize return for its scholars. "Every penny saved pays a child's school fee," said Mr Seshan. to spark innovation in public library services Cont’d from page 18

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Rima Kupryte, Managing Director of is enthusiastic. "Using technology to provide new services, or to provide them in new ways, will connect libraries to the communities they serve, will spark the creativity of librarians and users alike to harness what technology can do for them. The citizens of poor countries, remote communities, or societies in transition will reap the benefits in all areas of their everyday lives - to learn, to enjoy, to communicate, and to improve their living conditions. On behalf of public library patrons all over the world is grateful to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for this great opportunity to speed the modernization of one of the great places in the community, the public library." The first round of grants will be open to applicants from the following countries where either has a presence or the foundation's Global Libraries initiative supports projects: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, People's Republic of China, Colombia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi,

Mali, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Poland, Guatemala, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The call for proposals begins on November 16, 2009. The second call for proposals and the Innovation Awards will be

The citizens of poor countries, remote communities, or societies in transition will reap the benefits open to all developing and transitioning countries in spring of 2011. This grant to is part of the foundation's Global Libraries initiative, which is working to open the world of knowledge, information and opportunity to many more people. Part of the Global Development Program, Global Libraries works with select countries that demonstrate a need and a readiness to help public libraries provide free access to computers and the Internet, and training on how to make full use of these tools.

November 27, 2009

India Post 21

Tech News Govt for 20pc stake sale in SAIL NEW DELHI: The government has said it is considering a 20 per cent stake sale in steel major SAIL, proceeds of which would partly fund the company's Rs 70,000crore expansion projects. Steel Minister Virbhadra Singh informed Lok Sabha in a written statement that the proposed disinvestment would be carried out in two tranches of 10 per cent each and would be a mix of diluting government stake was well as issuance of additional shares by the company. "A proposal for raising additional equity by SAIL to the extent of 10 per cent of the paid up capital and disinvestment of a portion of the government of India's holding in SAIL up to 10 per cent of the paid-up capital in two equal tranches is under consideration of the government," he said. However, he maintained that a final decision on the proposal is yet to be taken.

Record FII fund inflows not alarming: FM NEW DELHI: The government has said record investments in the equities market by foreign investors was not a matter of concern, but it would act if it finds any distortions. Foreign Institutional Investors have put in a record over Rs 71,900 crore (over USD 15 billion) in the equities market so far this year and have driven up valuation of the rupee against the dollar, hurting exporters already hit by slowdown in the West. "It (FII inflows) is not a matter of concern. We have a system of monitoring. Whenever we find that there are some distortions, we have the arrangement to counter them. -PTI

Govt gives bulk of addl. gas to power plants NEW DELHI: The government has instructed Reliance Industries to supply 60 per cent of the additional output from KG D-6 gas fields this year to power plants, including those of state-run NTPC Ltd. "The minutes of the Empowered Group of Minister (EGoM) meeting held on October 27 have been approved and accordingly a letter is being sent to Reliance asking it to enter into Gas Sales and Purchase Agreements (GSPAs) with the customers identified by the EGoM," a government official said. -PTI

TechBiz 22 India Post

November 27, 2009

Mahindra Satyam member of Symbian Foundation


ahindra Satyam, a leading provider of solutions in the ICT world has joined the Symbian Foundation, an organization that together with its ecosystem is creating the most proven, open and complete mobile software platform. Elaborating on the mobile software platform being developed, Mahindra Satyam informs that the platform is based on Symbian OS and software assets contributed by Nokia, NTT DOCOMO, and Sony Ericsson, including the S60 and MOAP(S) user interfaces. Portions of the source code are already being moved to open source, under the Eclipse Public License. By mid-2010, this process will be complete. -PTI

Indian prof invents camera as education tool India Post News service

NEW YORK: Columbia University professor Shree Nayar has blended technology, innovation and art into a new digital camera designed to teach science to children around the world. The camera, called the Bigshot, comes as a kit of parts which kids as young as eight years old can assemble by themselves. In the process, they learn basic concepts of physics and engineering. Free, after-school programs for children to assemble and use the cameras are being scheduled now in New York. Though the camera is simple to build, it features sophisticated technology, including an LED flash and three lenses: standard, panoramic and 3-D. Its color palette is inspired by M&Ms candies, a hand crank provides power even when there are no batteries, and a transparent back panel shows the camera’s inner workings. Nayar worked with a group of engineering students, led by Guru Krishnan, An Tran and Brian Smith, to create a website — — that walks children, teachers and parents through the assembly process. It uses flash animation to explain complex concepts like how a cam-

era measures light and converts it into a digital image. The site will eventually serve as a kind of Flickr for kids, allowing young photographers from around the world to share their pictures. “The idea here was not to cre-

work as director of the school’s Computer Vision Lab, where he has expertise in highly sensitive cameras. Among his inventions is the Omnicam, a video camera that shoots seamless 360-degree images, and a technology - devel-

‘The film reaffirmed something I’ve believed for a long time, which is that the camera, as a piece of technology, has a very special place in society,’ says Nayar Shree Nayar

ate a device that was an inexpensive toy,” says Nayar. “The idea was to create something that could be used as a platform for education across many societies.” Nayar, the T.C. Chang Professor of Computer Science and chair of that department at Columbia’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, worked on Bigshot for two years. The project is an extension of his

oped recently in collaboration with Sony – that extends the range of brightness and color that cameras can capture. But, as the father of two young children, he wanted his work to have an impact beyond the hightech sector, on a more humanitarian level. He was inspired by the 2005 Oscar-winning documentary Born Into Brothels, which depicts the lives of children growing up in

Calcutta’s red-light district. The filmmaker, British photographer Zana Briski, gave 35 mm film cameras to eight children and watched as those cameras transformed their lives. “The film reaffirmed something I’ve believed for a long time, which is that the camera, as a piece of technology, has a very special place in society,” says Nayar, who grew up in New Delhi. “It allows us to express ourselves and to communicate with each other in a very powerful way.” With the Bigshot, Nayar wants to not only empower children and encourage their creative vision, but also to get them excited about science. Each building block of the camera is designed to teach a basic concept of physics: why light bends when it passes through a transparent object, how mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy, how a gear train works. “In modern society, we use technology without understanding it,” says Lisbeth Uribe, a science teacher at the School at Columbia, a private primary school in New York. “I love that [Nayar] has built such sophisticated and advanced technology into this camera yet made it so accessible and transparent. Cont’d on page 23

Tata's successor may be an expatriate! MUMBAI: Industry leader Ratan Tata has said that his successor could be from outside India. The 71-year-old chairman of Tata Group, which makes nearly everything from salt to steel to luxury cars, told the US daily Wall Street Journal in an interview that his successor could be an expatriate. Tata's tenure is till 2012. "It would certainly be easier if that candidate were an Indian national. But now that 65 per cent of our revenues come from overseas, it could also be an expatriate sitting in that position with justification now that we are a company

that has global reach and global presence," Tata said to a question on how he was conducting the search for his successor.

"We are in the process of formalising a successor to me. We have some outside consultants and a formal search pro-

Tata hoped that ‘there would not be a major disagreement in the way that we have operated... In terms of who that successor might be, it could be he or she, it could be an internal or an external candidate’ In 2006, group holding company Tata Sons decided to raise the retirement age of non-executive directors from 70 to 75.

cess is on. There are no constraints. We are looking both within the organization and outside. The successor, I would

hope, would have integrity and our value systems in the forefront and... carry on the path that we have tried to set for the company's growth," he said on when a decision is expected. Tata hoped that "there would not be a major disagreement in the way that we have operated... In terms of who that successor might be, it could be he or she, it could be an internal or an external candidate." In an interview to a weekly magazine early last year, Tata had said that his successor would need up to 18 months as handover time. -PTI

TechBiz Post

November 27, 2009

India Post


Mukesh India's richest; Mittal second NEW YORK: With a fortune of USD 32 billion, industry leader Mukesh Ambani has topped the list of richest Indians, where his estranged brother Anil figures at number- three with nearly half the wealth. Steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, who lives in London but holds an Indian passport, is sandwiched between the Ambani brothers in the list at number two with a net worth of USD 30 billion, US business magazine Forbes said in its annual rich list for the country, which put Anil's net worth at USD 17.5 billion. Together, the three saw their wealth grow by over USD 25 billion to 79.5 billion dollars on the back of a rebound in stock market

2007, but there were only six women. The collective wealth of these 100 is 276 billion dollars (nearly Rs 13 lakh crore), which corresponds to almost one- fourth of the country's GDP. While the top three of the pack have retained their respective positions for second year in a row, telecom czar Sunil Mittal has slipped from fourth place to eighth and IT veteran Azim Premji has moved up to fourth. Besides, Adi Godrej, Mukesh Ambani Lakshmi N Mittal who heads a diversified The list of India's richest 100 conglomerate, have moved out of people included 52 billionaires, the top-ten league and Essar nearly double from 27 a year ago group's Ruia brothers have enand just short of 54 in November tered the top-five club. -PTI over the past one year, but were still a far shy of their record total of USD 145 billion at the peak of stock market boom in November 2007.

Indian prof invents camera as education tool Cont’d from page 22

It’s a great educational tool.” Nayar would like to roll out the camera, now in prototype form, internationally, with a large number being donated to underprivileged schools in the United States

and abroad. He will soon begin looking for a partner - a company or nonprofit - to help put Bigshot into production. In the meantime, Nayar, Krishnan, Tran and Smith have been field-testing the camera with children around the world. Over

the summer, Krishnan and Tran took several Bigshot prototypes to their hometowns: Bangalore, India, and Vung Tau, Vietnam, respectively. Nayar is now rolling out a regular, biweekly after-school program for kids across New York City.

Lakshmi Mittal opts out of Kazakh oil field JV with ONGC NEW DELHI: Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal has pulled out of a project to develop an oil field in Kazakhstan in partnership with Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) and is looking for buyers for its stake in another company in the Central Asian nation. Mittal Investment Sarl, the holding company of Mittal family, had used the Kazakh government to muscle its way into the Satpayev oilfield in the Caspian Sea where ONGC Videsh Ltd was short listed for a stake. However, just on the eve of signing an agreement for the field, MI decided to pullout, sources in know of the development said. OVL which had in 2007 relented to the Kazakh condition of getting Mittal in the highly pro-

spective field, has written to Almaty, saying the 25 per cent stake in Satpayev would now be acquired by it and not by ONGCMittal Energy Ltd - the joint venture it had with Mittal. Sources said Mittal, which had dumped OVL when in April 2007 it acquired 50 per cent stake in Caspian Investments Resources (CIR) from Russian oil firm LUKoil for USD 980 million, is now looking at selling its interest in the firm. CIR acquisition was originally to be done by OMEL but the India-born billionaire went ahead on his own citing opposition to OMEL from Lukoil. Mittal now wants to exit from all of the oil and gas projects in Kazakhstan. -PTI

1 Khanabadosh - London Dreams

6 Shukran Allah - Kurbaan

2 Mann Ka Radio - Radio

7 Andhera Hain - Fruit and Nut

3 You May Be - Aladin

8 Tu Hi Haqeeqat - Tum Mile

4 Tera Hone Laga Hoon

9 Tum Mere Ho - Aao Wish Karein

- Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani 5 Rehnuma - Blue


India Post

November 27, 2009

10 Daata Sun Le - Jail


e is a true blue Kapoor, says Kareena Kapoor about cousin Ranbir, who she feels should take charge of RK Films and carry the family legacy forward. The Kapoor women have done their bit and made the family proud. But it would be fantastic to see Ranbir take charge of RK Films. Yesteryear actor Randhir Kapoor has been in the news for the past one year, thanks to his plans of reviving the half-a-century-old family banner, RK Films. "I'd like Ranbir to take the RK legacy forward. It'd be fantastic to see him take charge of the family banner and take it to the heights that Dadaji (Raj Kapoor) and Bade Dadaji (Prithviraj Kapoor) took it to. I'm sure he'll deliver. After all, he's a true blue Kapoor," says Kareena. If dad ever makes his film under the RK banner, I would definitely want to be part of it in any which way possible," she replies. Kareena also feels that had her grandfather Raj Kapoor been alive, he'd have been proud of her work. "He would've patted my back. And why just me? He would have been proud of Karisma and Ranbir, too. It's for the first time that an entire generation of a film family has been so successful."


idya Balan, who plays Amitabh Bachchan's mother in "Paa", was so impressed by Abhishek's caring behavior towards his father during the shooting that she confesses she would like to have a son like Abhishek in real life. "I would prefer a son like Abhishek. I have seen him with his father on the sets... he was so nice to his father that I was touched, " Vidya told reporters here. Director R. Balakrishnan's "Paa" is an emotional story of a father-son relationship and Amitabh will be seen as Abhishek's 13-year-old son Auro who is suffering from a rare disease progeria, that accelerates ageing. "The film is all about Auro and all through the film there is a certain sensibility about Auro, but no sympathy is shown towards the 13-year-old progeric child in the film," said Vidya. When the director approached her for the role, she wasn't sure about playing the mother of a progeric child. "Initially, I wondered how to do the role as I didn't have that motherly instinct. But while working on the film I realized what motherhood is, "said Vidya. She says playing Amitabh's mother wasn't difficult at all. "I was a bit concerned initially but it was smooth sail once we started working together." Asked if it wasn't a risk to play a mother so early in her career, she said: "I didn't see any risk, rather it was a lifetime opportunity to get to work in such a wonderful film."


November 27, 2009

India Post


hiney Ahuja's image may have suffered a big blow after the rape charges against him, but Soha Ali Khan, his co-star in Ek Accident, refuses to be judgmental about the actor. "He has not been judged yet, and I am a very open-minded person. I choose not to be judgmental about him and wish to complete my professional obligations," said Soha. The 31-year-old actress denied reports that she had problems in shooting Ek Accident with Shiney. When asked whether she had any apprehensions about working with the actor, Soha said, "Not at all. We shared a very professional relationship and treated each other with a lot of respect. I know that respect will continue when I shoot with him again." The actress, whose film Tum Mile is doing well, says that she was skeptical about her pairing with Emraan Hashmi in the film. "I never thought we would be cast together in a film, or if we would have any chemistry. I was also terrified of his serial kisser image. Recalling her memories of the Mumbai floods, on which the film is based, Soha says, "I was stuck in an unknown location for 40 hours. I spent the night at a stranger's house, lost my slipper, and my phone stopped working."


sin has been bombarded with questions from her fans ever since her second Bollywood film, London Dreams, didn't do well. They have asked her why she needed to sign a film where she didn't have much of a role. Asin has replied saying that for a beginner, it is a huge accomplishment to have acted with three of the industry's most popular actors in her first two movies itself. And she stated that at this point she's simply going with the flow and not thinking about anything much.


atrina Kaif and Akshay Kumar starred in many successful films together like Namastey London, Welcome and Singh is Kinng and they are hopeful to act in few more. During filming, they came closer and got to know many secrets of one another. Katrina reveals one such secret about Akshay Kumar. Not only on-screen, off-screen also they are constantly into fun and merry- making. Kat unearthed the fact that Akki is very much attached to his phone. "Akshay loves his phone‌ he is on phone all the time. It is only when the shot is ready that he agrees to hang up." Akshay retaliates, "Katrina takes so much time to get ready that while she does so, I can finish all my work and shoot for my bit." They will be next seen in Priyadarshan's 'De Dana Dan'.

f those who found Vivek Oberoi's moustache so off-putting then there is good news. Once again, one can relish his clean-shaven looks, as the flamboyant actor has finally razed-off his bushy moustache. Vivek had been sporting this most-talked-about moustache from last 55 days for his dramatic new avatar in the forthcoming film Rakta Charitra. He was for the first time spotted in this avatar at 40 years celebration at the Indo-American Chambers where people failed to recognize him at one look. Right from the first film Vivek has been guising himself to perfection, and gets into the skin of all his screen characters. Now when he has finally bid farewell to his moustache he will be seen flashing his chikna look during the promotion of Saifeena starrer 'Kurbaan'.


26 India Post

November 27, 2009

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Victoria Gomes 16 year old girl declared Miss Teen India New York performing during the cultural segment in Queens


India Post

November 27, 2009

Anuradha Maharaj being crowned Maaza Miss India New York 2009 by outgoing Miss India NY Bhupinder Kaur at a Pageant held in Queens NY on November 14 -Pic Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia

Victoria Gomes 16 year old girl declared Miss Teen India New York (left) with Anuradha Maharaj, the Miss India New York India Post News Service

NEW YORK: In a spectacular function held Nov 14, Anuradha Maharaj of Queens, New York was crowned Maaza Miss India New York 2009. Anuradha, 21, pursuing her degree at Hunter College majoring in Biology was declared winner of the 27th Maaza Miss India New York. Anuradha was the winner of the Best Talent Award as well as Miss Photogenic. The first runner-up position went to Anjalie Anrude, 17, of Long Island and the second runner-up was Kruti Suba, 25, of New York City. The other two finalists in the top-five were Annushka Prabhudyal and Shivani Rawat. Victoria Gomes, age 16, of Long Island was crowned as the winner of Miss Teen India New York. First runner-up was Sonia Subudhi also of Long Island

The contestants participated in the Indian segment, Evening gown segment followed by the Talent round. The unique element of the talent round was that the vast majority of contestants were second-generation Indian-Americans, and yet most of the items presented were of Indian origin and second runner-up was Sachini Kahanda of Brooklyn. Organized by the IFC, a pioneer in organizing pageants and fashion shows, the pageant

was held at the Community Center Auditorium in Flushing, Queens. The contestants participated in the Indian segment, Evening gown segment followed by

MIAAC fest wraps up 9th successful year India Post News Service

NEW YORK: MIAAC, the Mahindra IndoAmerican Arts Council, New York City's Indian film festival wrapped up five days of screenings and events on the night of Nov 15 at the Walter

the Talent round. The unique element of the talent round was that the vast majority of contestants were second-generation Indian-Americans, and yet most of the items presented were of Indian origin. Tanvi Dutta was named Miss Beautiful Smile and Sonal Upadhyay was named Miss Beautiful Eyes. The top three winners will represent New York in the 28th Miss India USA to be held in Tampa, Florida. Miss India USA is the longest running Indian pageant outside of India. Dharmatma Saran, Founder and Chief Organizer of the event, thanked the community for its support and presented appreciation plaques to Amprapali Soni of Maaza Beverages, Santripti Vellody of Sahara One TV, Surojit Mitra, Nishi Bahl, Farishta Tahir and Manisha Narwani for their enthusiastic support in organizing the pageant. Panel of Judges consisted of Rajashekhar Vangapaty - Professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, Anna Ling - owner of Miss Asia Universe & A. L. Models, Susmita Patel - celebrity make up artist, Dr. Usha Desai - a prominent dentist and George Subraj - a real estate magnate.

Reade Theatre with the US premiere of Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury's 'The Endless Wait' (Antaheen). Stars Rahul Bose and Kalyan Roy attended the premiere along with actors and filmmakers including Shabana Azmi, Sarita Choudhury, Shyam Benegal, Javed Akhtar, Mira Nair, Rahul Bose, Manisha Koirala, Rajit Kapur, and Aasif Mandvi. The MIAAC Film Festival which ran from Nov 11-15 screened 47 films which spotlighted the established and emerging Indian independent filmmakers. The Executive Director of the Indo-American Arts Council, Aroon Shivdasani gave closing night remarks and introduced the closing night film. Cont’d on page 29


November 27, 2009

India Post

Impressive Sikh art & films at SAFF

Film Fest 2009, Panel Discussion

JS BEDI India Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: The inaugural Sikh Art and Film Festival (SAFF), held from November 13-15 at the historic Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, was a big success. Organized by SikhLens, it provided a venue for artists to present their "Sikh-centric" films, art, and music to the broader community with the intent of showcasing their talents and generating increased Sikh awareness. Attendance at this inaugural festival was over 2,500 guests.

A scrumptious and lavish Indian dinner opened the festival. Attendees were then welcomed to the festival by a set of short films, a post-humas tribute to literary scholar Patwant Singh, and a Sikhlens exclusive overview of the festival. Addressing the audience was Bob Bassett, Dean of the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University, who, alongside President Doti (Chapman University), received the Partners in Progress award, presented by Raj and Marta Bhathal, for the

Hollywood Glamour Uzma Kang, Luz Maria Utrera and Magda Marcella

The Festival began Friday, November 13 with a red-carpet Maharaja-Maharani Gala, beginning at 6:30 pm, which was attended by close to 800 guests The SAFF 2009 Opening Gala was a night to remember. Inaugurating the festival, guests, donned in formal Maharaja-Maharani attire, entered the red-carpet extravaganza at the historic Grauman's Egyptian Theater.

University's support and commitment to the festival. In further partnership, SAFF 2009 hosted the unveiling of the 2010 Sikhpoint Calendar, Conserving Sikh Heritage, by Gurmeet Rai. Actor/Comedian Harvin Sethi brought his unique spark as Co-Master of Ceremonies alongside the charismatic Festival Chairs Tina Kaur Anand and Ravin Kaur Kohli. .

A youth-focused cluster started off Saturday's events. This cluster focused on films and live book readings intended to incite interest and inspire youth, while teaching about Sikh history. The focus then turned to creative Sikhs in the visual, audio and entertainment industries. Attendees were fortunate to hear the stories, watch and listen to the craft, and interact with the nine extremely talented panelists breaking ground in the arts. Rounding out the day's events was a series of short films, including SikhNet Youth Online Film Fesitval Award winner, turBAN, a music video aimed at challenging the ban on religious

Hollywood -The Census Table

Puneet Sira, Director of Kissan

symbols within France's public schools. Saturday evening's events were kicked off by a SikhLens exclusive montage Sikhs in Bollywood which served as a prelude to the SAFF feature film, Kisaan. This sweeping, melodramatic saga, starring Jackie Shroff, Arbaaz Khan, and Sohail Khan, presents an honest view of the rugged life and goals of a simple farming family against the lush green agricultural lands of modern day Punjab. Guests were in for a treat, as director Puneet Sira was in attendance at the screening. After a day of watching wonderful films, the festival hosted a "Dance the Night Away" after party at the Egyptian Theater. Wonderful music and a night of fun concluded the evening. Sunday's events started with an international flavor, with an emphasis on Sikh films and artists from all over the world. It's been twenty five years since 1984 and the events of 1984 will forever be etched in Sikh psyche. The final cluster of SAFF paid remembrance and took an in-depth look at the events of 1984, with several films/ videos as well as a panel discussion on the horrific and largely unknown facts about the 1984 Sikh genocide in New Delhi and other parts of India. As a survivor of 1984, watching those films brought back the

Bicky Singh and the Singh Twins

sad memories of what I witnessed in Punjab and Delhi as an impressionable twenty four year old youth. Even today, a quarter century later, I can still hear the cries of the frenzied mobs in Delhi. I can still smell the stench of burning and decomposed flesh, and I can never forget that this genocide was perpetuated by the very people who were supposed to protect us. It's all very well to say that one should "move on," but the sad reality is that those who suffered can never forget. The Armenians still seek justice for the genocide that happened almost a century ago. The Jewish people and the Israelis still hunt for Nazis responsible for the Jewish holocaust. Two entire generations in India and Pakistan are still haunted by the nightmares of partition. No, one can ever forget - that would be the ultimate insult to the memory of those who perished during those tortured times.

An exciting Mela concluded the festivities of this inaugural Sikh Art and Film Festival. The Mela was yet another evening to remember with various food stalls, music, dancing, and a myriad of other booths! Throughout the weekend's events, "Raaga Village." took place between clusters and feature

Gurmeet S Rai and Minu Singh

live entertainment by various Sikh artists, including rappers/emcees, singers, DJs, and dancers. All Raaga Village events took place in the courtyard of the Egyptian Theater.

November 27, 2009

India Post


MIAAC fest wraps up 9th successful year

Shyam Benegal Legendry Bollywood Director Cont’d from page 27

The post-screening discussion with the filmmaker and talent was moderated by Program Director of The Film Society of Lincoln Center, Richard PeĂąa, who also expressed enthusiasm for further collaboration with the MIAAC Film Festival in the future. The evening concluded with the awards ceremony, with the winners receiving awards in seven categories. Several celebrated actors and filmmakers presented the awards including Amitav Ghosh, Javed Akhtar, and Mira Nair. Festival winners were chosen by a jury comprised of ten members specializing

Manisha Koirala

in film, and the jury process was monitored by KPMG. Awards were also presented to three student NYU filmmakers from Professor Karl Bardosh's Cell Phone Cinema Class, with each filmmaker making a oneminute film entitled My MIAAC on their cell phone cameras. Overall, this year's festival premiered 44 Indian and Diaspora films and held special events, with a sidebar on Kashmir in Film, and discussion panels presented with the NYU Department of Cinema Studies at the NYU Tisch School of the Arts focusing on themes like Queer Bollywood and the changing landscape of Indian film business.

Rahul Bose

The festival also held a daylong series about Indian film in cooperation with KPMG and SAMMA and with collaboration of Saavn and TiE. Other festival highlights included an evening with Mira Nair, an evening with Sharmila Tagore -Pics Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia

at NMAI and a celebration of contemporary Bengali cinema. The 2009 MIAAC Award Winners are: Best Short Film Award: Good Night directed by Geetika Narang. The other two nominees were Medicine Man directed by Himkar

Legendry Bollywood Actress Sharmila Tigore

Tak and It Rises from the East directed by Sudeep Kanwal. Best Documentary Film Award: The Salt Stories directed by Lalit Vachani. The other two nominees were Air India by Sturla Gunnarsson and Lucky Ducks by Tracey Jackson. Best Actor Award: Aasif Mandvi for Today's Special. The other two nominees were Naseeruddin Shah (Shortchanged) and Rahul Bose (Endless Wait). Best Actress Award: Tannishtha Chatterjee for Bombay Summer. The other two nominees were Sarita Choudhury (For Real)

Actress Shabana Azmi and writer Javed Akhtar

and Manisha Koirala (Two Paise for Sunshine). Best Screenplay Award: Two Paise for Sunshine, Four Annas for Rain by Deepti Naval. The other two nominees were Endless Wait by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury and Shortchanged by Raja Menon. Best Director Award: Joseph Mathew-Varghese for Bombay Summer. The other two nominees were Raja Menon (Shortchanged) and Deepti Naval (Two Paise). Best Film Award: Bombay Summer directed by Joseph Mathew-Varghese. The other two nominees were Shortchanged and Two Paise.

Realty Tidbits

Perceptible rise in residential realty demand

MUMBAI: Hiranandani Constructions said there has been a perceptible increase in demand in the residential segment in recent times, though it would take time for the slowdown-hit sector to bounce back. "I see a perceptible increase in demand from the actual users. This has sprung back tremendously. However, the investor demand is still very low. This is still far behind," the company's Managing Director Niranjan Hiranandani said. The demand for commercial real estate sector has increased very little, but it was very large in some pockets, he said. It would take some time for the commercial real estate to catch up the growth pace of the residential segment, Hiranandani said. "The last quarter of 2009 was a positive one and there has been surge in demand and expectations since then. From March this year, the demand for real estate has gone up.-PTI

Indiabulls transfers holding to group firms MUMBAI: Three individual promoters of Indiabulls Realestate have transferred their stake to three promoter group entities, through open market deals. The promoters -- Rajiv Rattan, Sameer Gehlaut and Saurabh Kumar Mittal -- have transferred a total 6.47 crore shares, representing 16.12 per cent stake in the real estate firm, to three separate group companies.A company official said the promoters have decided to hold the stake not in individual name but in the name of group companies. As per the bulk deal data available on the Bombay Stock Exchange, Rajiv Rattan has transferred 1.65 crore shares at Rs 243.5 per share, Sameer Gehlaut has transferred 3.31 crore shares at Rs 241.32 a piece and Saurabh Kumar Mittal has transferred 1.50 crore shares at Rs 244 per share.-PTI

Real Estate 30 India Post

16 Firms plan 9000cr IPO in three months MUMBAI: At least 16 real estate firms are set to come with their initial public offerings to raise Rs 9,000 crore in the next three months. "Going by the DRHPs submitted by the 16 real estate companies, they are planning to raise at least Rs 9,000 crore. This is going to be raised in the next three months," Knight Frank India Chairman Pranay Vakil said on the sidelines of a Ficci-organized summit here.

November 27, 2009

Real Estate Act not to regulate prices, says official MUMBAI: The proposed real estate Act, which is expected to be tabled before Parliament next month, will not include regulation of residential property prices, a top Government official said. The Real Estate (Regulation of Development) Act will largely focus on preventing the fraudulent activities of certain players in the sector, Joint Secretary (Housing) S K Singh told PTI here. "We have decided not to include the regulation of prices. More than the price, our aim is to guard against fraudulent activities of certain developers and protect the interest of the end consumer," he said. Besides, the legislation will exclude the activities of commercial real estate sector and brokers, Singh said. "We felt that the developers and their various bodies can regulate them (brokers) in their own way." Government has received suggestions from various stakeholders like states, developers and their organizations, amongst others, on the bill, he said. "We have already received more than 400 responses and we will make changes in the proposed bill accordingly after due consultation. Then this will be submitted before Parliament," Singh said. The bill seeks to grant approvals to projects on certain parameters and also expedite all the approval processes mandatory for projects to take off. It is expected to help improve transparency in the sector by rating developers on their financial strength in terms of turnover, liquidity and profitabil-

ity, scale of operations, intellectual expertise based on the qualification and experience of the management team, and past performance. According to Ashutosh Limaye, associate director (Strategic Consulting), Jones Lang LaSalle Meghraj, "The stock market has SEBI to provide guidelines, define conduct and processes, provide a redressal system for both buyers and sellers and install necessary consistency and standardization. “The proposed real estate regulatory body intends to do the same for the Indian property market, which cur-

balances are well achieved from every quarter. The developers have welcomed the move too, but not in its current draft form. Kumar Gera, chairman of CREDAI, India, says, "The intention is good but a lot of thought needs to go into formulating the role of the body, otherwise the effect can be counter-productive. “Two main intentions are stated in the preamble: protection of consumers' interest and speeding up the clearances to facilitate the smooth development of real estate. There are enough provisions to achieve the first objective, but I

Parekh recommended that the state housing boards should also be brought within the ambit so that there is complete transparency in its working mechanism rently presents a rather under-organized picture." Deepak Parekh, chairman of HDFC, had expressed the urgent need for a real estate regulatory body, which should play the role of a monitor for promoting and overseeing real estate reforms, ensuring transparency in sales and protecting buyers from a fraudulent case, if any. Parekh recommended that the state housing boards should also be brought within the ambit so that there is complete transparency in its working mechanism, the checks and

haven't seen anything regarding the second. It needs inclusion of processes. In the present form it is likely to create more processes and hence obstacles. The Urban Land Ceiling act was also formulated with a noble intention, but the outcome was disastrous." R Vasudevan, MD of Vascon Developers, has a similar view: "I think the intention is very good if followed in its spirit with modification to include the process of speeding up approvals. It will revamp a sluggish and a beleaguered system. In fact, no reputed devel-

oper would want a short cut to achieve his end, as his intention would be to become a long-term player. “It is not in his interest to delay projects and offer bad products, as it will tarnish his image and his brand. Hence this is welcome but only if it fulfils its intent. A professional approach is the need of the hour now for all of us." Sunny Bijlani, director, Supreme Universal, which has projects in Pune and Mumbai, says, "It is fine with us to have a regulatory body, which helps bring in transparency to the customers. “We are more than happy. But they have to bring more changes in the rating system to actually do proper justice to the customers, by doing a complete financial analysis of the developers, and not just by collecting some data. “Secondly, it should be a single point for all clearances and NOCs so that the project starts on time. Most delays are caused by nonavailability of clearances from the government authorities. " Real estate is a major contributor to GDP growth and employment generation. The minister of urban development acknowledges this fact and feels that a single regulatory body at the state level is most needed, for faster approvals , besides faster delivery of projects, accountability of the project developers, professionalism and finally loan acquisition to make affordable housing a reality.-PTI

Delhi most preferred realty market MUMBAI: Delhi has beaten Mumbai in the latest realty pecking order, emerging as the most preferred real estate destination for both developers as well as buyers, says a report. Delhi and the NCR are helped by massive infrastructure build-up in the run-up to the forthcoming Commonwealth Games to become top-ranked realty market in the country on as many over 60 parameters, according to a FICCI-Ernst Young report on the sector. "The key factors that have helped Delhi become the No 1 position are the fast-paced improvements in the physical infrastructure of the city such as the metro network, modernization of the international airport, road widening projects and dedicated efforts to make the Ring Road, the central artery of the city, signal-

free," it said. Mumbai was pushed to the second slot primarily because of lower infrastructure index, the report added. The report also noted that the realty sector as whole is on a strong recovery path, on the back of improved demand in the residential segment, driven by price corrections, softening of interest rates and improved liquidity. "After a rough phase that lasted for over a year, the real estate industry in the country is on the path of recovery. The residential real estate segment, which is leading the recovery, has witnessed a revival in demand, primarily due to improved affordability". The commercial sector on other hand is yet to see visible improvement in demand. -PTI


he Akshardham Temple in Delhi is the latest tourist at traction in India. Situated on the banks of Yamuna River, the temple was inaugurated on November 7, 2005. The temple constructed under the patronage of the Bochasanvasi Aksharpurushottam Swam- inarayan Sanstha (BAPS), spreads over an area of 100 acres. The mega Akshardham Temple complex has well maintained lawns, adorned with water fountains and carved pavilions. The temple is considered as one of the wonders of modern India. Temple Structure: The 141 ft high, 275 ft wide and 315 ft long temple is visible from a long distance. The massive temple built of sandstone and marble is the blend of several architectural temple


India Post

November 27, 2009

The mega Akshardham Temple complex has well maintained lawns, adorned with water fountains and carved pavilions. The temple is considered as one of the wonders of modern India styles. The temple complex houses an 11 ft high, image of Swaminarayan at the centre of main building. The palace like temple is built of around 12,000 tons of pink sandstone and white marble brought from Rajasthan. It consists of 234 delicately carved



Magnificent Temple a wonder of modern India and ornate pillars. The temple has 20 Shikhars (towers) and a beautiful Gajendra Pith (plinth of stone elephants). The temple houses

20,000 statues of Hindu deities and motifs. The temple is carved with the images of flora, fauna, dances, musicians and gods, which cover

The Yogi Hraday Kamal, a lotus shaped sunken garden

its surfaces from top to bottom. Attractions of the Temple Apart from the magnificent temple, the temple complex has two big exhibition halls, which depict India's cultural heritage and Indian moral values. The complex has an Imax cinema, a canteen and meditation gardens with fountains and bronze sculptures. Yagnapurush Kund: The Yagnapurush Kund inside the temple complex is largest step well of India. The Kund has a series of steps that lead to a traditional 'Yagna kund.' Bharat Upavan: The Bharat Upavan or 'Garden of India' has lush green lawns, trees and shrubs. The garden is dotted with several bronze structures,

which depict the contributors to India's culture. Yodi Hraday Kamal: The Yodi Hraday Kamal is the ingenious sunken garden, which looks like a lotus when viewed from

Attractions near Akshardham Temple National Zoological Park: The National Zoological Park, located close to Purana Qila (Old Fort) is considered one of the best zoos in Asia. The zoo established in the 1959, is home to more than 2,000

The musical fountain and the statue of Nilkanth Varni in its background

above. It has large stones engraved with quotes of Shakespeare, Martin Luther King, Swami Vivekananda and Swaminarayan.

animals and birds species, which are brought here from continents like Africa, America, Australia and various parts of Asia. Cont’d on page 33


Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post

November 27, 2009

ADB lends $57.5 mn for India, Nepal, B'desh for tourism

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NEW DELHI: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved USD 57.5 million (around Rs 265.6 crore) in grants and loans to India, Nepal and Bangladesh to develop major tourism sites, including Buddhist sites. The South Asia Tourism Infrastructure Development Project would improve the existing infrastructure and services and develop new ones in key tourism sites in the three countries. The project is expected to be complete by September 2014, the

bank said in a statement. Beside the ADB support, governments of these countries, and the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Fund for International Development, would provide the remaining project cost of USD 89.5 million (around RS 413.5 crore). "Tourism plays an important role in the regional economy and this project will benefit around 2.4 million people," said Gulfer Cezayirli, Principal Urban Development Specialist at ADB's South Asia Department.

The benefit to people would come about through increased income and employment, health and environmental improvements, and reduced travel time, the bank said. While India would get a loan of USD 20 million equivalent from ADB's ordinary capital resources, Bangladesh would get a USD 12 million on ADF (Asian Development Fund )loan, and Nepal would get USD 12.75 million in grants and USD 12.75 million as loan equivalent, both from ADB's concessional ADF, the bank said. -PTI

Uttarakhand Tourism showcases destinations NEW DELHI: To increase tourist footfall in the state during the upcoming South Asian Federation Winter Games and Maha Kumbh-2010, Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board is showcasing its plans in Delhi ITF-2009. At the pavilion one can see the stalls of SAF and Maha Kumbh on entry gate of the 'Focus State', Uttarakhand, for Indian and foreign visitors. A state is nominated the 'Focus State' every year. "It is the first time that UTDB is promoting its programs in the trade fair. Uttarakhand is known for its natural beauty and attracts tourists from India and foreign countries, but we are expecting that the footfall of tourists will increase after witnessing our plans regarding special facilities during SAF Games and Maha Kumbh,"said Regional Tourist Officer, UTDB, Mrs. Poonam Chand.

November 27, 2009

Travel & Hospitality Post

Akshardham Temple Cont’d from page 31

Humayun's Tomb: The tomb is situated just few kms away from the temple. It was built by Hamida Begum wife of Humayun, in 1556. India Gate: Located on Rajpath, this 42 meter high arch, was designed by Edwin Lutyens. It was built in memory of Indian soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the World War I. The names of the soldier are inscribed on its arches. The place surrounded by green lawns, fountains and water bodies is an ideal picnic spot. Red Fort: Built during the reign of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, this massive fort is made of red sandstone. The fort has many beautiful palaces and a museum which houses weapons. Jama Masjid: The mosque is situated on the other side of Red Fort. Built by Shah Jahan, Jama Masjid is one of the biggest mosques in India. The mosque made of red sandstone and white marble, is built in the Indo- Islamic

architectural style. Lotus Temple: The Lotus Temple or Bahai temple belongs to

trains from all major towns and cities of the country. Road: Delhi is well-connected by India Gate

the Bahai community. Built in the shape of a lotus, the temple has no any idol. How to Reach Air: Delhi International airport is connected to major cities of the country. Flights from major cities of India as well as world are available to Delhi Rail: New Delhi, Delhi, Nizamuddin railway stations have

good network of roads with rest of the country. The buses are available to the temple from different places of Delhi and other nearby towns. Local Transport: For local transport DTC and State operated buses are available. The rented cars, taxis, auto-rickshaws are also available. Best Time to Visit: October to March.

India Post



November 27, 2009

India Post

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In Brief Chicago officials want immigrant students to stay CHICAGO: A Chicago City Council committee wants federal officials to halt deportation proceedings against immigrant students. The Human Relations Committed approved a resolution urging the Department of Homeland Security to allow immigrant students to stay in the U.S. if they would be eligible for legal status under immigration reform legislation pending before Congress. One of those students is 21year-old Rigo Padilla. He's a straight-A student at the University of Illinois at Chicago who came to the city 15 years ago from Mexico with his mother and sister. He was reported to immigration officials after being stopped for rolling through a stop sign and charged with driving under the influence. -AP

Former TX Customs officer convicted of corruption McALLEN, Texas: A former US Customs officer has pleaded guilty to bribery, cocaine trafficking and illegal immigrant smuggling. The US Attorney's Office said Raul Montano, a 34-year-old Weslaco resident, pleaded guilty after being arrested in April. Prosecutors said Montano made tens of thousands of dollars by letting designated vehicles loaded with illegal immigrants or drugs through his inspection lane in Brownsville. Montano told US District Judge Andrew Hanen that for years he had had a cocaine addiction, according to the US Attorney's Office. -AP

Immigrants get prison time in Kan. refund case WICHITA, Kan.: Two illegal immigrants from Mexico have been sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison for stealing tax refund checks from Texas workers and using phony IDs to cash them in Kansas. Those sentenced, Magdalit Ramirez and Rogaciano RamirezDiaz, are among seven immigrants charged with using fake Texas driver's licenses in the names of legal workers whose refund checks were stolen. The checks were cashed in Wichita and Hutchinson. As part of a plea bargain, the two defendants pleaded guilty to possessing and using false documents to stay in the United States. Neither gave a statement at sentencing. -AP

Immigration 36

India Post

November 27, 2009

UK for English test for visa applicants LONDON: As Britain moves to tighten rules for immigrants, top parliamentarians have sought a compulsory English test for those applying for UK visas, a move that could impact thousands of Indians seeking to move to the country. Details on page 39

AAPI welcomes J1 visa waiver program "Indian American physicians are providing care to patients in rural and medically underserved areas who would not ordinarily receive such attention," he said. AAPI said it signed onto a coa-

India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has welcomed the decision of the US Congress to extend the Conrad 30/ J-1 Visa Waiver program for another three years and hailed it as a decision that would benefit young Indian doctors practicing in the country. "I am pleased to see that Congress recognizes the value that Indian-origin physicians bring to the delivery of quality health care in the US by extending this vital program for three more years," said Dr Vinod Shah, president of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in a statement. The J-1 visa requires physicians to return to their home country for two years before attempting to reenter the US on another visa. Conrad 30 program, estab-

The J-1 visa requires physicians to return to their home country for two years before Dr Vinod Shah, President of AAAPI

lished in 1994, allows state health agencies to provide up to 30 waivers per fiscal year to qualified J-1 visa holders willing to work in underserved or rural areas where there is a shortage of medical professionals. In exchange for working in these areas for at least three years, requirement to return to the home country is waived.

attempting to reenter the US on another visa lition letter sent to Capitol Hill asking for Sec 571 of the Senatepassed version of the FY 2010 Homeland Security Appropriations bill to be retained in the final Conference Committee report. "That section included a three-year extension of the

Conrad 30/J-1 Visa Waiver Program and extended the religious worker visa for three years. Without an extension, the program would have expired on September 30, 2009," he said. The bill also included a new law, which would eliminate the "widow penalty," allowing immigrant spouses and children sponsored by a deceased US citizen to continue with their permanent residency applications, Shah said. "For nearly thirty years, it has been AAPI's mission to ensure the rights of physicians of Indian origin practicing medicine in the United States. This will continue to be our mission, and we will work tirelessly to educate lawmakers, the public, and health care officials of the positive impact Indian American physicians continue to make in their communities," Dr Shah added.

Temporary acceptance of LCAs for H-1B filings CYRUS D. MEHTA


n August and September 2009, the ombudsman for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) received complaints concerning H1B cases with incorrectly denied labor condition applications (LCA/ETA-9035) filed with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The ombudsman said that LCA processing delays and errors at DOL, coupled with USCIS's current H-1B petition initial filing requirements, "are prejudicing employers and individuals who are unable to timely file original or extension H-1B visa petitions." Untimely H-1B petition filings lead to several problems, the ombudsman noted, including: (1) the potential loss of employees' legal status; (2) business operation disruptions due to the loss of continuity in the employment of key employees; and (3) economic loss to employees in the form of lost wages and costs of travel overseas due to loss of status.

Stakeholders have detailed to the ombudsman errors stemming from the new DOL LCA certification process, iCERT, launched on April 15, 2009. For example, the ombudsman noted, DOL is denying LCAs based on false FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) mismatches

ties extend to USCIS through the agency's requirement that petition filings include certified LCAs. "Any costs to USCIS, such as issuing RFEs or temporarily lowering production levels, are outweighed by the burden that incorrect denials have on employers and

Stakeholders have detailed to the ombudsman errors stemming from the new DOL LCA certification process, iCERT, launched on April 15, 2009 with DOL's database. The ombudsman said that cases involving LCA certification problems represent up to seven percent of total iCERT filings from April 15, 2009, through the beginning of August 2009 (approximately 2,900 denials out of approximately 41,700 LCAs submitted). The ombudsman noted that despite DOL's jurisdictional ownership of H-1B-related LCA processing problems, these difficul-

individuals," the ombudsman said. "USCIS currently has the capacity to make what amounts to a minor processing modification to address a temporary situation." To mitigate the impact of LCA processing difficulties, the ombudsman recommends that USCIS: (1) reinstate the agency's previous practice of temporarily accepting an H-1B petition (Form I-129) supported by proof of timely filing

of an LCA application with DOL, and issue a Request for Evidence (RFE) whereby the H-1B petitioner later provides the certified LCA; and (2) establish a temporary policy under which the agency would excuse late H-1B filings where the petitioner has documented an LCA submission to DOL that was improperly rejected. The report is available at c i s o m b _ r e c o m m endation_43_LCAs_Octob er_2009.pdf. USCIS officials have not responded yet to the ombudsman's recommendations. Bloomberg announces new immigration efforts In a recent speech at CUNY Graduate Center, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the city "needs more immigrants." As part of his plan for a possible third term should he be reelected on November 3, 2009, Cont’d on page 39

Immigration Post

November 27, 2009

India Post


Mass. immigrant report seeks integration Millona, co-chair of the panel and the executive director of the advocacy coalition. The report also calls for the return of bilingual education, more translators at health centers, tougher civil rights protection for immigrants and a better system to recognize foreign professional degrees. More than 910,000 immigrants live in Massachusetts, the report said. Gladys Vega, a member of the panel and executive director of the Chelsea Collaborative in Chelsea, Mass., said at first she was skep-

The governor told activists not to focus their attention solely on the report's controversial proposals tical that their recommendations would get Patrick's attention. But after hearing the governor, Vega said she was hopeful. ``It's up to us now to push and hold folks accountable to make sure these recommendations are adopted,'' said Dolores ThibaultMunoz, executive director of the Cleghorn Neighborhood Center in Fitchburg, Mass. Still, the report draw strong reaction from those who favor immi-

gration restrictions. Joe Ureneck, co-chair of the Massachusetts Citizens for Immigration Reform, called the report ``a blueprint of amnesty goals'' and was merely a collection of reforms the governor supported anyway. ``The governor would do the state a service if he had a commission that was more broad-based instead of getting one point of view,'' said Ureneck, ``especially one point of view that is so out of synch with the general public.'' Ureneck said proposals like instate tuition for undocumented students has already been rejected by the public and he doesn't believe that mood has changed. However, Ureneck praised the report for calling for more efforts to assimilate legal immigrants with English classes. In a statement, Massachusetts Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Nassour also attacked the in-state tuition proposal. ``It makes no sense for Massachusetts taxpayers to bear the cost of college tuition for an illegal immigrant when that same immigrant cannot legally work in the U.S. and contribute to our state's economy after graduation,'' Nassour said. Vega said immigrant activists are prepared for a long battle. ``We may not meet all the recommendations in one year, or two,'' Vega said, ``but it's a beginning.'' -AP

Churches hope to influence Congress on immigration FORT WORTH: Congregants at two North Texas churches will participate in a holiday postcard campaign aimed at pressuring lawmakers to change immigration laws. By Jan. 4, organizers hope to deliver 250,000 postcards to members of Congress. Several churches across the nation, including Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Arlington and

Pleasant Mound/Urban Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, will hold special events to highlight a desire for immigration reform. "Everyone agrees that this is a problem. I guess the disagreement is how to solve it," said the Rev. Dean Reed, pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Stephenville and co-founder of the Texas-based Welcoming Immi-

grants Network. He is leading the Arlington effort. Reed and six other faith-based leaders participated in a news conference hosted by the Interfaith Immigration Coalition. The national group partnership is pushing for reforms that would emphasize family unity and a pathway to legal status and citizenship for illegal immigrants.

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BOSTON: A new report calling for more English classes for Massachusetts immigrants and allowing undocumented students to pay in-state tuition will help the state integrate its immigrant population, Gov. Deval Patrick said. But the governor told activists not to focus their attention solely on the report's controversial proposals, such as allowing undocumented immigrants to qualify for driver's licenses. The report contained 131 recommendations, which Patrick called a ``values statement.'' ``There is a context here of over 130 different ways to show a sense of welcome and create successful integration for one out of five members of our community,'' said Patrick at the annual Thanksgiving luncheon for the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition. ``So I encourage you not to be drawn into the usual thing where we pick a couple of things that we know will drive everyone's blood pressure up.'' Patrick also announced the creation of an interagency task force will develop a plan of action for the report within 90 days. The report comes more than a year after the governor sent an advisory panel around the state to take public comment on immigration issues. More than 1,200 people attended six meetings around the state, according to Eva


India Post

Immigration Post

November 27, 2009

Green card seekers won't have to get HPV vaccine DALLAS: Immigrant girls and women will no longer have to be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted virus to get their green cards. Starting Dec. 14, the HPV, or human papillomavirus vaccine will no longer be on the list of immunizations immigrant females ages 11 to 26 must receive before becoming legal permanent residents. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the change last week. In a Federal Register entry, the CDC said it will require immunizations for which there is a public health need at the time of immigration or when there is a change of status to green card holder. ``More than half of the immigrants who come to the U.S. seeking opportunity are women,'' Silvia Henriquez, executive director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, said in a statement. ``We thank the CDC for restoring their dignity and reproductive justice.'' Girls and women seeking to become legal permanent U.S. residents were required to get at least the first dose of the HPV vaccine, which protects against some strains of the virus blamed for cervical cancer. It was added to the list of required vaccinations for immigrants in July 2008. Soon after, a coalition of more than 100 groups immigrant, health and women's advocacy groups challenged the requirement, saying it was unfair to require the HPV vaccine for immigrants but not for most U.S. citizens. Attempts to require the vaccine for American girls has brought emotional debate and complaints

that such mandates intrude on family decisions about sex education. In Texas, lawmakers fought off a 2007 order by Gov. Rick Perry requiring the shots for sixth-grade girls amid questions about vaccine's safety, efficacy and cost. At a price of $400 to $1,000 for

Girls and women seeking to become legal permanent US residents were required to get at least the first dose of the HPV vaccine the three-shot series, the vaccine also was an added burden on green card applicants already paying more than a thousand dollars in application fees and hundreds of dollars for mandatory medical exams. Insurance companies do not cover health services required for immigration purposes, advocates pointed out. ``It also put the financial bur-

den on the individual woman and her family,'' Gabriela Valle, senior director of community outreach and mobilization for California Latinas for Reproductive Justice, said. ``Not only are you taking my rights to make an informed decision over my body, over myself, over my daughter, but you're having me pay for it as well.'' The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Gardasil in 2006 to protect against the human papillomavirus. The CDC immunization advisory committee quickly followed up by recommending it for girls and young women. For US citizens, the committee's recommendations serve only to provide guidance on vaccines. But a 1996 change to the nation's immigration laws required anyone seeking permanent residency to get all the vaccinations recommended by the committee. The CDC's newly adopted criteria to determine which vaccines will be required for immigrants says the vaccine must be age appropriate. -AP

NV gambling board to share in seized assets LAS VEGAS: Nevada gambling regulators will get a share of money seized from a high-ranking Japanese organized crime figure. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says the Nevada Gaming Control Board will receive $62,400, part of the nearly $600,000 seized in 2005 from bank accounts belonging to Susumu Kajiyama. Authorities say the 60-year-old

Kajiyama is serving more than six years in prison in Japan on loan sharking charges. Officials say Kajiyama was a senior member of a Japanese organized crime ring. As part of their investigation, federal agents seized two of his bank accounts in Los Angeles and an account he had at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. -AP

Immigration Post

November 27, 2009

India Post


UK for English test for visa applicants New immigration measure in 3 Ga. counties

LONDON: As Britain moves to tighten rules for immigrants, top parliamentarians have sought a compulsory English test for those applying for UK visas, a move that could impact thousands of Indians seeking to move to the country. The British lawmakers have warned that stringent new checks were necessary to curb abuses of the system and bring immigration firmly and fairly under control. Shadow home secretary Chris Grayling and the Liberal democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne asked the three main parties to adopt a common approach to immigration as Prime Minister Gordon Brown vowed to curb immigration to the UK. Former labor social security minister Frank Field

and former Conservative Party defense minister Nicholas Soames also underlined the need for new restrictions on spouses coming into the country.

Prime Minister Brown vowed to shut the doors to highly skilled non-EU doctors and engineers They were quoted as saying by the Daily Mail that immigrants should demonstrate their ability to speak English so they can "participate satisfactorily in our society, be able to find work, and know

their rights and responsibilities." In an open letter to home secretary Alan Johnson, Grayling and Huhne said "it is necessary to deal with a number of abuses of the present system if immigration is to be brought more firmly and fairly under control." Those seeking entry to the UK currently have to complete such a test before they are granted British citizenship, but the parliamentarians want the 'English language test' to be made part of the process to be extended to visa applicants. Prime Minister Brown vowed to shut the doors to highly skilled non-EU doctors and engineers, and said his government will consider denying visa to students seeking entry to short- term programs. -Agencies

Temporary acceptance of LCAs for H-1B filings Cont’d from page 36

Mayor Bloomberg has called immigrants the "lifeblood of New York City" and expressed his support for comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship and for the Dream Act, "which would allow children of undocumented immigrants to become citizens in exchange for attending college or performing military service." Mr. Bloomberg also plans to create an Immigrant Advisory Board "with members of the religious, labor, business, cultural, and community-based networks to meet quarterly." Mr. Bloomberg noted that in June 2009, the city's Department of Small Businesses Services (SBS) unveiled an initiative to help Latino small business owners that included a financing fair, a full-day seminar on business assistance

and government resources, information resources in Spanish and English ( html/pr/news_latinobus iness.shtml), the launch of an online directory on the National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse Web site (http:// ectory.php), and the opening of a new NYC Business Solutions satellite office in Washington Heights. "This targeted strategy to assist Hispanic small businesses will be replicated for other immigrant small business communities," Mr. Bloomberg said. "SBS will be charged with developing and executing community-specific strategies for the largest immigrant small business communities in New York City over the third term." Among other things, Mr. Bloomberg also said that New York City will partner with private law

firms to dispatch deferred legal associates to immigrant communities in need of quality legal assistance and representation. The associates will be deployed for a minimum one-year fellowship. The city will commit $2 million to the effort to cover a team of supervising attorneys and ongoing training of associates and technical assistance in the area of immigration law. The city also will work with local law schools to engage alumni into a "Call to Service for the Legal Community" to provide pro bono legal assistance to immigrants. "Immigrants: The Lifeblood of New York City" is available at http:/ / ImmigrantsLifebloodNYC.pdf. * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

ATLANTA: Law enforcement agencies in three Georgia counties are set to receive new technology to identify and deport illegal immigrants who are considered dangerous criminals. Law enforcement agencies in Gwinnett, Clayton and DeKalb counties will participate in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's Secure Communities program. The program allows arrestee fingerprint information to be

checked against FBI criminal history records and biometrics-based immigration records kept by the Department of Homeland Security. Previously fingerprints were just checked against the Department of Justice biometric system kept by the FBI. The Secure Communities technology is now available in more than 100 jurisdictions in 13 states. Nationwide coverage is expected by the end of 2013. -AP

Churches hope to influence Congress on immigration Cont’d from page 36

The Home for the Holidays campaign will stress that many immigrant families are torn apart by deportation. Events will also be held in Little Rock and Monticello, Ark.; Decorah, Iowa; and Columbus, Ohio. Leaders of several faiths discussed the importance of letting Congress know that faith communities stand behind reform.

"It's a biblical issue," said the Rev. Steve Copley, director of Arkansas Justice for Our Neighbors in Little Rock. "Families need to be together. We need to welcome strangers who are in our midst." Participants said they want to counter anti-immigrant voices. "The separation of families is the theme they are trying to focus on," Reed said.

„ Health


Colorado keeping more trash out of landfills DENVER: State health officials say Coloradans are recycling and keeping more of their trash out of landfills, though the economic downturn has weakened demand for recycled material. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said that of the 11.2 million tons of waste material generated statewide last year, 3.9 million tons was diverted from landfills, or 35 percent. That's up from 28 percent the year before. The Solid Waste and Material Management Unit of the department's Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division says last year was the first time since 2003 that Colorado sent less waste to landfills. Some of the waste diverted from landfills was recycled, while some was material like compost. -AP

„ 9th Pima County resident dies from swine flu TUCSON, Ariz: Pima County health officials say another county resident has died from the swine flu virus. It's the ninth person to die from swine flu in Pima County so far this year. Pima County Health Department spokeswoman Patti Woodcock did not give many details about the most recent death, other than to say it was a man between the ages of 25 and 64 and that he had no other health risks. All the other eight swine flu victims had other underlying health problems, including four people under the age of 24. Those deaths include a 10-yearold boy who died a few weeks ago. Authorities say 92 Arizonans have died from swine flu so far this year, including 14 who were under the age of 18. -AP

Health Science 40

India Post

November 27, 2009

Medical research institute planned FAIRFAX, Va.: A new nonprofit medical research institute will create 415 jobs in Fairfax County. Gov. Tim Kaine announced plans for The Ignite Institute here. The $200 million project is being led by Inova Health System and Dietrich Stephan, a leader in the field of molecular medicine. -AP

Bishops' leader defends role in health care debate BALTIMORE: The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops has said that church leaders have a duty to the nation and God to raise moral concerns in the debate over health care, whether the issue is abortion rights or coverage for the poor. Chicago Cardinal Francis George said that church leaders are obliged to ensure that ``issues that are moral questions before they become political remain moral questions when they become political.'' Roman Catholic prelates believe that ``everyone should be cared for and that no one should be deliberately killed,'' he said. George made the remarks in a wide-ranging speech at the start of the conference's fall meeting that defended the bishops' role as teachers inside and outside the church. Discussion of the proposed health care overhaul is not on the agenda for public sessions, but George raised the issue in his speech. George said the clergy sex abuse crisis or any other past wrongdoing by church leaders should not be allowed to discredit

Catholic teaching, especially since the church has undertaken an unprecedented effort to purge dioceses of abusers and enact safeguards for children. Victim advocates insist that dioceses still allows some guilty priests to serve in public church jobs. George said it was the job of the bishops to be public without being ``co-opted'' by any political

cerns, such as marriage and artificial contraception, and the final segments of an English-language translation of a new Roman Missal. None of the proposed documents on marriage or family issues breaks new ground. The draft pastoral letter ``Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan,'' grew out of a 2004 initiative by the bishops meant to support

George said the clergy sex abuse crisis or any other past wrongdoing by church leaders should not be allowed to discredit Catholic teaching, especially since the church has undertaken an unprecedented effort to purge dioceses of abusers and enact safeguards for children agenda and serve as ``leaven for the world's transformation'' in policy debates. ``We are most grateful to those in either political party who share these common moral concerns and govern our country in accordance with them,'' he said. The meeting's agenda deals largely with personal moral con-

married couples. The document affirms marriage as the union of one man and one woman for the purpose of childbearing, calls artificial contraception ``intrinsically evil'' and condemns same-sex unions as damaging ``the intrinsic dignity of every human person and the common good of society.''

The statement also explains in question-and-answer format the church's opposition to reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization that replace the ``selfgiving love'' of a husband and wife. The bishops will also take up a proposed update of their ``Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.'' The draft revision addresses nutrition and hydration for patients in a persistent vegetative state an issue that caused a national uproar in the case of Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman whose family members battled each other in court for years over whether to remove her feeding tube. The draft document would state that medically assisted nutrition and hydration, while not mandatory in every case, should be provided to all patients who would benefit, including those in a persistent vegetative state. However, the aid should not be provided if it becomes ``excessively burdensome'' for a patient who is very close to death, the revision states. -AP

'Co-sleeping' with baby can be deadly AUSTIN: More than 160 Texas infants die each year while sleeping in bed with family members, state statistics show, and officials are starting a campaign to warn parents of the dangers. Deaths of babies in shared beds are a persistent problem rooted in cultural beliefs about

the bonding and health benefits of such an arrangement, pediatricians and law enforcement personnel say. I personally feel very strongly that unsafe sleep environments play a role in a substantial number of these unexpected infant deaths,'' said San Antonio medical school professor James Lukefahr, the incoming president of the Texas Pediatric Society and an expert on child abuse. ``It's not that parents are bad for wanting to have the baby sleep with them, but that has to be tempered,'' said Lukefahr, who urges that babies be laid in a crib or bassinet next to the parents' bed. ``If there's an adult sleeping in the bed, the adult is probably going to have covers and pillows that make it very difficult for that environment to be safe for a baby.'' Breast-feeding advocates and some researchers, though, say Texas' warnings are paternalistic

and overly broad. ``The decision should be up to the parents, and every family should do what works for them,'' said Garland homemaker Alison Grady, who with her husband, Robert, has used a ``co-sleeping'' arrangement with all three of their sons during infancy.

'It's not that parents are bad for wanting to have the baby sleep with them, but that has to be tempered' She stressed they don't smoke or drink, both of which are considered risky for co-sleeping and use few pillows and thin blankets. The Gradys tried a bedside crib with their first born, Isaac, now 4. ``It was so disruptive to our

sleep and upsetting to the baby,'' Alison Grady recalled. Now, she said, ``everyone begins the morning much happier.'' There were 167 deaths from accidental suffocation or strangulation, or without a clear explanation, while babies shared beds during the budget year that ended on Aug. 31, according to Child Protective Services and the Department of State Health Services. In the previous state fiscal year, there were 165. Last month, there were 20. Sgt. Brenda Nichols, head of the Dallas police department's child abuse squad, said bed-sharing advocates are foolish to claim mothers and breast-fed infants will doze and wake up simultaneously throughout the night, so there's little risk of a fatal rollover. Just an adult arm alone can smother babies, Nichols said. An infant's neck, shoulders and arms aren't strong enough to push away, she said. -AP

Health Science Post

November 27, 2009

India Post


Swine flu means higher profile for health director PROVIDENCE, R.I.: Rhode Island's leading public health official has been a constant public presence this fall, issuing reminders over the airwaves that handwashing can stop the spread of swine flu, Twittering about vaccinations and his own bout with flulike symptoms, and cracking down on wrong-site surgeries at the state's largest hospital. It's been a busy time as Department of Health Director David Gifford and his staff worked out a plan to distribute swine flu vaccine to residents most at-risk, and adjusted on the fly when the vaccine they ordered didn't come in the numbers expected. Then, Gifford fined Rhode Island Hospital $150,000 after it reported its fifth wrong-site surgery since 2007 and ordered it to take extraordinary steps such as installing video recording equipment in its operating rooms and having a non-surgical staff member monitor every surgery. Health advocates say they're pleased with what they say is Gifford's collaborative and transparent approach to the department, which he inherited in 2005 following criticism that it failed to protect

nursing home patients and that its medical examiners office made several missteps in its handling of the 2003 Station nightclub fire. ``When something happens, he kind of takes the bull by the horns, which is good, and brings everyone together to see how we're going to move forward and resolve these most important is-

Health advocates say they're pleased with what they say is Gifford's collaborative and transparent approach to the department sues,'' said Donna Policastro, executive director of the Rhode Island State Nurses Association. ``It's not just about medicine for him. It's public health. He takes a more global perspective.'' Gifford, 47, a geriatrician, came to the department from Quality Partners of Rhode Island, a nonprofit gro up that works with government to improve health care, where he was chief medical officer.

He was educated at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the University of California, Los Angeles and is an associate professor at Brown University. His wife, Deidre Gifford, is also a physician. Among the other crises the department has tackled under his leadership are the 2005 deaths of several transplant patients after they were infected with a virus normally found in hamsters and a suspected meningitis outbreak in 2007 that kept 20,000 students home for days. But the swine flu outbreak, and the effort to vaccinate tens of thousands of people in the middle of it by distributing the vaccine through schools, pediatricians and obstetricians, has brought more attention to the department than at any time since he started. Manufacturing delays have caused serious shortages of the swine flu vaccine nationwide. It first became available in October, but only in small amounts. Gifford said the state was routinely receiving 30 to 40 percent less vaccine than promised in each shipment. It has so far received about 100,000 doses, he said.

Each state developed its own plan for distributing the vaccine. While Rhode Island's plan has had some hiccups, such as a lag in the number of pregnant woman who have been vaccinated, there have not been the long lines and confusion that have happened in other states, and Gifford expects

all children will be vaccinated by mid-December. ``I think that's genius,'' said Elizabeth Lange, president of the Rhode Island chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. ``We do not have the long lines of people waiting at clinics, and we do have a very strict policy.'' -AP

Study raises new questions about Merck pill Zetia ORLANDO, Florida: A new study raises fresh concerns about Zetia and its cousin, Vytorin drugs that are still taken by millions of people to lower cholesterol, despite questions raised last year about how well they work. In the study, Zetia, the brand name for ezetimibe, failed to shrink buildups in artery walls while a rival drug, Niaspan, generically known as niacin, did so significantly. Zetia users also suffered more heart attacks and other problems although the numbers of these events are too small to draw firm conclusions.

Vytorin is a pill that combines Zetia with a statin, simvastatin. Zetia ``has been on the market for about seven years and we still haven't proven that it improves clinical outcomes,'' said Dr. Roger Blumenthal, preventive cardiology chief at Johns Hopkins University. The new results will be ``very influential'' in getting more doctors to turn to Niaspan, he said. He wrote an editorial accompanying the results, which were presented at an American Heart Association conference and being published by the New England Journal of Medicine. -AP



India Post

November 27, 2009

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 Opportunity will come from distant place and will be hard to ignore. Confusion will clear and you will see lots of money coming your way. An important issue involving your child may take little longer to settle. All meetings will go well and you will get the assurance quickly. Value of stocks recently purchased will appreciate considerably.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22 You will go on an important trip. You will need to pour in more money into your business or project. Gambling instincts will surface and you will not be scared to take few risks this week. Rewards will be huge. Some of you will start shopping for an upcoming trip. Drive carefully and look out for traffic cops, small error will cost you.


November 27 to December 3

Bank balance will grow and from now and on expenses will come down a lot too. You may be suggested minor surgery as a permanent solution to overcome an old health issue. You will come across an interesting personality during the course of a business meeting. Children will finalize a short vacation.

NEWS at your doorstep

TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 You may end up just renewing the contract for the time being. Property related papers will get finalized too. Time is ripe to cash those profit making stocks. Some one in the organization will move out making room for your promotion. You will meet few political figures at the party. Do not take a chance with changing weather.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Saturn in your sign will make you work extra hard from now and on. You will need to develop more patience. Soon you will reap rich rewards for the hard work being performed this week. Strong wordings will get the job done and you will recover what belonged to you in first place. Eye sight may start to give some trouble.

CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 You will start to feel better and more confident. There will be several fortunate developments in life. You may be offered a dream opportunity in career. Since the luck is on side, you will get many jobs done without any difficulty. You will recover money long overdue and may dispose off some stocks for a decent profit.

GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 Long cherished desires can get fulfilled if you are ready to pay a price. A close friend will call to seek your advice and may offer a part in the venture. Some one close will make wrong allegation just to put you down. You will be slowly working towards an upcoming trip also. You will make final payment on couple of old bills this week.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 You may find it difficult to defend your self properly in any ongoing legal matter. You may be spending more time in office or away from home in other state. You will need to overcome one more hurdle before deal is finalized. Major changes in career just around the corner. You may be in touch with an old confidant for advice.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 People involved in research and development work will see sudden success. An important person will make an offer that will be hard to turn down. Finances issues will start resolving and soon you will be free of many small debts. You may come out with flying colors in a c highly competitive exam. Spouse will give many good ideas.

CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 Opportunity will be offered on a silver platter. Do not let past scare you. Take your chance, it's a sure thing. You will write a check to government but hold it for some time before mailing it out. Some of you may replace your old vehicle with a newer and expensive model. You may be seriously thinking of legal action to prove your point.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 Running around will not go waste but you will end up making useful contacts that are going to help you in near future. People in business will see new clients and business growing this week. You will be writing a big check to government also this week. Any relationship started at this point can become permanent in time to come.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 You will be able to control and trim your expenses. People in business will get rid of old and find new and better suppliers. You will be still double minded about making an offer on a property. Some of you will be taking a break from busy schedule and go on a trip with family soon. It will be better to dispose off money making stocks.

November 27, 2009

India Post 43



India Post

November 27, 2009


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November 27, 2009

India Post 45

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India Post

November 27, 2009

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November 27, 2009

India Post 47

NEW YORK Upcoming



Thurs Nov 26

Sun Nov 29

Fri Nov 27

• Chand Raat & Eid Mela 2009

• Geeta Jayanti

Venue: Sheraton LaGuardia East, 135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing, New York Time: 7pm to 11:30pm Contact: (718) 600-0954 Highlights: Chand Raat, Eid Mela & Concert 2009 featuring jewelry, clothes, DJ, Food, Entertainment.

Venue: Hindu Cultural Center (India Community Center), 99 Dogwood Street, Park Forest, IL 60466 Time: 10am to 1pm Contact: 708-747-4197

• Saddarshanam (Vision of Truth) of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi

Fri Nov 27 • Saddarshanam (Vision of Truth) of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi Venue: Chinmaya Vrindavan, 95 Cranbury Neck Road, Cranbury, New Jersey Contact: 609-933-1915

Sat Nov 28

• Thanksgiving Dinner & Concert Venue: 15602 Maubert Avenue, , San Leandro, CA 94578 Time: 3pm Contact: 510-278-2444 Highlights: Music: Subhangi Sakhalkar

Sat Dec 5

Sun Nov 29

Sun Nov 29

• Natraj Dance Academy Performs

• Sanjay Subramanian - Fall Series Concert

• Sri Gita jayanti

Venue: Museum of Science & Industry, 5700 S Lake Shore Dr, Chicago Time: 2:30pm 4pm Contact: (847) 634-4679

Venue: Krishna Mandir, Edison, New Jersey Time: 3pm Contact: 908-222-3474

Dec 6 2009

Thurs Dec 3

• Chinmaya Mission Chicago Annual Banquet

• Mind and Meditation

Venue: Colden Auditorium, 65-30 Kissena Boulevard, Flushing, New York Time: 8pm Contact: 201-962-5507

Venue: Wateford Banquet, 933 South Riverside Drive, Elmhurst, Illinois, 60126 Time 5:00 pm

Sat Dec 12

Thurs Dec 31

Thurs Dec 3

• Indian Bazaar - Chaos and Cheers Fest

• New Year's Eve 2010

• Raaga Rock Concert

Venue: Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center, 305 W. Jackson Avenue, Naperville, Illinois Time: 2pm to 9pm Contact: 630-355-5468

Venue: Chutney Manor, 3793 Route 1 South, South Brunswick, New Jersey Time: 8pm Contact: 917-440-5110

Venue: Jewel of India, 15 W 44 St, New York Time: 6pm to 10pm Contact: 646-541-9563

Thurs Nov 26

Venue: Chinmaya Vrindavan, 95 Cranbury Neck Road, Cranbury, New Jersey, 08512 Contact: Vrindavan, 609-655-1787

Venue: Art Of Living Metuchen Center, 212, Durham Ave, Metuchen, New Jersey Time: 10am Contact: 201-208-1381

•Jagjit Singh The Legend - Live in Concert


Sun Nov 29 • Baba's 84th Birthday celebration Venue: Sunnyvale Hindu Temple, 420-450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA Time: 3:30pm to 5:30pm Contact: 408-734-4554 & Highlights: 108 names, 3 Oms, Bhajans, Devotional singing, Aarthi, Vibuthi distribution, Prayers, Conclusion

Sun Dec 6 • Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi by Rasika Kumar Venue: Albert and Janet Schultz Theater, San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto, California, 94303 Time: 4:00 pm Contact: (650)565-8859


HINDU TEMPLE & CULTURAL CENTER 3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, CA, 94538 Tel:

Venue: 15602 Maubert Avenue, San Leandro, CA 94578 Time: 11am Contact: 510-278-2444 Highlights: Talk Dr Jagadish Srivastava and Music: Suman & Sargam Shah.

(510) 659-0655

Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM

Thurs Dec 10 • Free Yoga and Meditation Seminar Venue: Central Library, 828 I street, Sacramento, California, 95814 Time: 6:00 pm Contact: 916-529-4197

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Every 4th Sat every Month • Durga Mata Ka Jagaran Venue: 2335 S. Diamond Bar Boulevard, DBC Center, Diamond Bar, CA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 909-519-1579, 626-810-2345

Every Sat (start from Sat Aug 8)


BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)


PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)












UPCOMING TEMPLE EVENTS YOGA CLASS: MON.-FRI. 7 TO 8 AM SAT. 8 TO 9 AM GEETA CLASS: SAT. 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Gayatri Mantra Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM by Gayatri Pariwar Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2844

Sundar Kand Ka Paath on 3rd Saturday of everymonth from 10:30 am to 12: 00 pm Mata ka Jaagraata on 11/14/09 7 pm to 10 pm Geeta Jayanti Hawan on 11/27/09 6:00 to 9 pm



• Gurukul Classes for Children Venue: Sindhu Center, South California Time: 2pm to 4pm Contact: 818-541-1754 & 909-576-1114 Highlights: Children between the ages of 5 and 18. Children will be taught the Fundamentals of Hinduism, Prayers, Shlokas, Bhajans and Values of our culture.

Thurs Nov 26, 2009 to Sat Jan 3, 2010 • Celebrate the Holidays at LA Zooís Reindeer Romp Venue: Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens 5333 Zoo Drive, LA Time: 10am to 4pm Contact: 323-644-4200 Highlights: The LA Zoo kicks off the Holiday season with the activities for the entire family at Reindeer Romp. Kids of all ages can get close to these beautiful creatures.

Sat Nov 28


• Giving Thanks Venue: Aratani/Japan America Theatre, 244 S, San Pedro St. Los Angeles CA Time: 8pm Contact: Highlights: Music, Dance from Hawaii, India & Brazil

510-659-0655 Fri Dec 4




• Art of Living Course Venue: Art of Living center, 18768 Highway 18, Apple Valley, California Contact: 7602470157

Sun Dec 6 • Sevanjali 2009 - Magic Maya Venue: La Mirada Theater, 14900 La Mirada Blvd, La Mirada, California Time: 4pm Contact: (714) 991-5274

Sun Dec 13 • Indiandating.Com Desi Date & Dash Venue: Tanzore Restaurant & Lounge, 50 N La Cienega Blvd, Beverly Hills, California Time: 3pm to 7pm Contact: (303) 459-2308



India Post

November 27, 2009

Page Sponsored by Sahanis get very far in your life but you cannot escape karma. Result will also happen. That is life. Then Krishna goes on to say that results are not in your hand. You or I have no control over the result. We can decide to be lazy or active, but we do not determine the result. We play a part in what happens but

Contd from last week hat are we accepting when we talk about ac ceptance? Is it accepting a gift or is it accepting pain? Is it accepting the fate or is it accepting defeat? Is acceptance as a principle negative or is it positive? There are many questions and there are many answers. Krishna's acceptance is total, a total acceptance of life as it comes. It appears on surface that Krishna is talking about karma (actions) and karmaphala (result of those actions). Let us analyze a little deeper in what Krishna talks about these principles. Let us look at Krishna's statements. Krishna says that action is part of our lives. We exist, we work. Even if you become a couch potato, you are doing something. You are sitting. You may be lazy but sitting is an act. Sleeping is an act. You may not



You or I have no control over the result. We can decide to be lazy or active, but we do not determine the result. We play a part in what happens but we do not have the whole say

we do not have the whole say. There are other factors that ultimately determine the results. Nevertheless results happen every day. Life is a series of karma and results. This needs to be understood. If there was no karma and if there were no results, life will have nothing to show for. We know Rama or we know Krishna because of what they did and what results happened because of what they did. Rama killed Ravana. Krishna drove chariot for Arjun. Gandhi

really should conclude that we should not worry about life. We should let life take its own course. Krishna then goes on to say that results should be accepted. Acceptance is the key word. yadriccha labha santushto dvandvateeto vimatsaraha samaha siddhav asiddhau ca kritvapi na nibadhyate Content with whatever gain comes naturally by His will, unaffected by pairs of opposites, free from envy, undisturbed by success and failure, although engaged in

life Such a person Centered in his successes and failures Is not bound by whatever His karma may be He always remains a nondoer. ||4:22|| Acceptance here is total. It is a way of life. There are no exceptions. There are no questions. "Why this happening to me?" is not even a thought. This is the key. This is the final answer. To be continued

anything. The truth is like this. In Zen no meaning is great meaning, and great meaning is no meaning. We call this zero mind. I go around and ask, "Is zero a number?" One time in London I asked this, and somebody said, "Yes, it's a number." So I said, "Yes, if you say zero is a number, you can do everything. Let's look at this. 9 x 0 = 0.

one once asked Ma Jo Zen Master, 'What is Buddha?' 'Mind is Buddha; Buddha is mind.' The next day someone asked, 'What is Buddha?' 'No mind, no Buddha.' Correct Buddha's mind is no Buddha, no mind. So a child's mind is correct Buddha's mind." Enlightenment-mind means using this child's mind. A child only keeps Buddha's mind. Using this

mind is called Bodhisattva's mind. So, child's mind is correct Buddha's mind; Bodhisattva's mind correctly uses Buddha's mind. How is it used? A child has enough mind -- he only eats. But if somebody is very hungry, a child doesn't understand. If you have Bodhisattvamind, then if hungry people appear, you give them food; if thirsty people appear, you give them something to drink. Keeping Buddha's mind and using Buddha's mind are different. Keeping Buddha's mind is correct Buddha's mind. Using Buddha's mind is Great Bodhisattva mind. "Great Bodhisattva mind has a Great Vow. What is a Great Vow? That is only-go-straight don'tknow mind. Only go straight -don't check me; don't check my feelings; don't check anything -only reflect everything and help all people. This Great Vow is infinite because space and time are limitless and beings are numberless. Numberless beings means numberless suffering, so my vow is a numberless vow. Its name is Great Vow. Its name is only go straight - don't know -- try, try, try vow.

Attain zero mind, use zero mind ZEN MASTER SEUNG SAHN

don't like boring. They want something, and boring is not interesting. It's like clear water. Clear water has no taste, but no taste is great taste. Everybody likes ice cream, but eating ice cream all day is not possible. However, if you're thirsty, clear water is wonderful any time -- better than honey, better than ice cream, better than

work; such a Karma-yogi is not bound by Karma. (4.22) He is always content Content with whatever comes to him He is ready to accept Any event that happens around him He is beyond the dualities of

We play a part but don't have the whole say


oring is a very important word. If you attain boring, then everything is boring. Then this is no desire, no anger, no ignorance. Desire is boring; anger is boring; ignorance is boring; everything is boring. Then, you will get Enlightenment. So boring is very important. Everything is equal. But people

got independence of India by non-violence (Ahimsa). When Krishna says that results are not in your hand, he really is saying that life is not in your control. Many of us then conclude that we should not worry about the result. Although I do not necessarily agree with that conclusion, they

Everybody likes ice cream, but eating ice cream all day is not possible. However, if you're thirsty, clear water is wonderful any time Then, 9 = 0/0. O.K.? Then, if you say it's a number, then 0/0 = 1. So 9 = 0/0 = 1, and 9 = 1. Then he said, "Ah, zero is not a number; that's not possible. 0/0 = 1 is not possible." "O.K.; not possible is O.K. Then, 9 x 0 = 0. That means 9 = 0/0. 10,000 x 0 = 0. Then 10,000 = 0/0. 0/ 0 means 0/0 = 10,000 and 0/0 = 9. So 9 = 10,000.

"Zero mind can do anything. If you say zero is a number, that's O.K. If you say zero is not a number, that's O.K.; it doesn't matter. Zero is everything; everything is zero. This is Zen mathematics, O.K.? So zero mind is very interesting. If you keep zero mind, then you can do everything." Before memory, a child's mind is no-Buddha, no-God mind. Some-

For the most part we struggle against distractions. There are no distractions. Suppose you daydream or your mind is wandering; that is what is actually taking place. Observe that. That observation is attention. So there is no distraction. -J Krishnamurti Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe. -Tao Te Ching What is here is also there; what is there, is also here. Who sees multiplicity but not the one indivisible Self must wander on and on from death to death. -Katha Upanishad Patience can't be acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it. -Eknath Easwaran Become a scholar if you are able. If you are not able, then be a student. If you can not, then show love for them. If you are unable to do that, then (at least) do not hate them. -Umar ibn Abdil-'Aziz Just as a flower which seems beautiful and has color but has no perfume, so are the fruitless words of the man who speaks them but does them not; -The Dhammapada There is neither this world nor the world beyond nor happiness for the one who doubts. -Bhagavad Gita

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November 27, 2009

India Post 49

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50 India Post

November 27, 2009

US, China bonhomie not unexpected RUKMANI GUPTA


he joint statement issued ing of comments made during the or relative failure, it must be by President Obama and joint press conference Obama and granted that Obama is not returning President Hu Jintao during Hu hosted gives a clear indication empty-handed. The US seems to the course of Obama's maiden trip of significant differences between have received an assurance of supto the People's Republic of China the positions of the two countries. port on Afghanistan (arguably, one On economic issues, while Hu of the most pressing issues for the has raised concerns regarding the future role of India in the region, Jintao emphasized dialogue on Obama administration especially as as viewed, and calculated by the macroeconomic and financial poli- it looks for an exit strategy). United States. Calling for a greater cies, he stressed the need to guard By supporting Chinese aspiraChinese role in South Asia, includ- against protectionism (read tariffs tions in South Asia, the US can ing fostering improved relations imposed on Chinese goods in the hope to revive the "responsible between India and Pakistan, the US). Obama appreciated plans re- stakeholder" formulation in order joint statement effectively accords garding the long term re-evalua- to get Pakistan's "all-weather" China an important stake friend to exert pressure in Indo-Pak relations. on it. This runs contrary to China is still considNew Delhi's position that ered crucial in the resumpthe India-Pakistan relation of the Six-Party talks tionship is entirely bilatand it has declared to work eral and suggestions for towards this. As China's its mediation or supervirelations with American sion are not appreciated. allies in the Pacific - Japan, Such a statement, proSouth Korea and Austraclaimed by a close ally of lia- improve, it behooves India in conjunction with the US to be amiable to the nation most likely to the Chinese. Perhaps this challenge India's aspiraamiability may be a starttions in the global arena, ing point for a less concertainly is an occasion tentious economic diato relearn that one axiom logue. SWEET NOTHINGS: President Barack Obama with of international relations, For the Chinese the Chinese President Hu Jintao "Nations have no permavisit may well be considnent friends or allies, they have tion of the Renminbi. ered an astounding success. Not This proposed re-evaluation of only did the American President only permanent interests." Obama's trip to China so far is Chinese currency however has no refrain from emphasizing the husignificant not for the path-break- particular time frame and China has man rights issue, he seemingly did ing agreements reached but rather categorically stated it will not re- not press for immediate commitfor the limited strength displayed vise the Renminbi exchange rate ments on Iran or North Korea (apart by the US. It is a reflection of grow- any time soon. New initiatives from a commitment to pursue diaing Chinese clout, and American such as the creation of a joint clean logue and negotiations). cognizance of this. energy research centre were anMoreover, he acknowledged Unlike previous Presidents, nounced on the Climate Change China's productive role in South Obama did not receive the privilege Asia, effectively declaring it a leader of addressing the Chinese nation. in the region. This in spite of what Prime Minister The much advertised "town-hall" the Indo-US Nuclear Deal was beManmohan Singh's style meeting with Chinese stulieved to portend. dents in Shanghai turned out to be What of India? The outrage at upcoming visit to the little more than a well-screened, the wording of the joint statement US will be a test of well-managed show. between Obama and Hu notwithwhether India accepts standing, India's strategic commuSomewhat oblique references to 'free information flows encournity can hardly claim to be sura suppliant's role or aging creativity' and 'criticism as prised. Idealists or not, our policy asserts itself as a strengthening democracy', was all makers are not naive. leader should that was said on the issue of freeGiven the changed dynamics of dom of expression and access to the global order in this time of ecofront but caps on carbon emis- nomic recovery, such bonhomie information. As for the human rights agenda sions were not mentioned. between the US and China cannot Hu Jintao emphasized uphold- have been wholly unexpected. which was reportedly an important issue for discussion, there was ing the NPT regime and the reso- Fact remains that occupying a leadno sign of it. Apart from hoping lution of the Iranian Nuclear issue ership position in South Asia is that the Chinese engage in talks through dialogue and negotiation. determined by the confidence and with the Dalai Lama, Obama Obama went a step forward in pro- success of Indian foreign policy, steered clear of any allusions to claiming that Iran's failure to prove not the proclamation of a joint riots in Lhasa or Urumqi that may peaceful intentions would have statement. Prime Minister have displeased the Chinese. He consequences. It remains unclear Manmohan Singh's upcoming did however reiterate America's how far China will support these visit to the US will be a test of commitment to the One-China "consequences". whether India accepts a Obama's first visit to China suppliant's role or asserts itself as policy and acknowledged that Ticame with many expectations. a leader should. bet is a part of China. Despite the solidarity on key While we can only conjecture on The writer is Research Fellow, issues being proclaimed, a read- American assessment of success IPCS

India Post Corruption, so what?


orruption is so commonplace in India that it doesn't surprise anyone. If India is placed 84th on the international corruption index, the reaction is a yawn. So what if it were 95th or 13th! And significantly, Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2009 does not take into consideration corruption in private sector enterprises. Corruption is working for one's own gain at the cost of others. Misusing one's position, bribing to gain access, to influence policies, have obstacles removed, to promote one's family. It is so much of a done thing that there is a surprise if someone objects to it. There is a story told about Tau Devi Lal, a former chief minister of Haryana who went on to become Deputy Prime Minister of India. He was asked by a journalist why was he promoting his own sons. A surprised Devi Lal responded, "Then whose son should I promote? Yours?" The present day chief ministers and top politicians may not be so crude. But they follow the same 'Tau' philosophy. A former chief minister of Jharkhand, Madhu Koda, is close to being arrested for involvement in illegal deals worth Rs 2000 crores. But everyone knows he will get away. At first he was worried and nervous and got himself admitted into a hospital. Now he feels emboldened to declare he has done no wrong and challenged the authorities to prove anything against him. Behind his new found courage is his threat that he would expose all the big wigs involved with him in the scam. The timing of raids on his offices is also suspicious. Elections in Jharkhand are due and someone in Delhi wants him fixed. He did not belong to any party and in a unique case as an independent ruled the state with Congress support. It is his misfortune that he has been exposed. There are cleverer cats who have been in this business for long and know how to keep the law enforcers at bay. According to an estimate in Outlook, over 73 lakh crores have been swindled in various scams since 1991 - the year when the Indian economy was opened up to make way for reforms! And this is only the revealed part. Taking a cue from America, India has allowed industrialists and corporations to subvert working of democracy. According to a survey in India Today, representatives of big business houses, their liaison men and contractors are getting elected to legislatures and Parliament while business tycoons sit in parliamentary committees that decide on policies. Many businessmen by profession have actually become ministers both in the union cabinet and state cabinets. There are 100 industrialists and businessmen in the present House - double the number in the first Lok Sabha. Over a third of the members of the Standing Committee on Industry - nine out of 26 are from business and industry. Unlike in many other democracies, there is no mechanism to monitor members' conflict of interest. There is cynicism that when a scam is detected, the Big fish always slip through the net. It may have been easy to act against Koda since he is out of power but what about A Raja, whose party the DMK is a key component of the UPA? The Union Telecom Minister is accused of a Rs 60,000 crore (Rs 22,000 crore according to CBI) scam but the Prime Minister himself has come to his rescue, apparently to save his coalition government. The government's leasing out of mines to big industrialists is the new scandal where the land and the lifestyle of the tribal people is under attack. If they have been organized by the Maoists to resist this new colonization, the government itself is to blame.

November 27, 2009

India Post 51

52 India Post

November 27, 2009






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