Feliz Cumpleaùos MEG. I could not find a gift, now I am stricter because I know you more, it is important for me to find a good gift ‌.. I just try to find a good gift for you. So into meditation and asked Noah from the deep from my heart to sit with me and help me to write, and search, I asked that we write together for you and the first thing that came to mind was : I LOVE YOU .
Reading between all, I found some words of Dalai Lama, who stayed in my mind for a reason: " This is my religion. There is no need for temples , and there is no need for complicated philosophy. Our body , our brain , our heart is our temple, the philosophy is kindness . " Dalai Lama
A reason is that kindness is one of your most outstanding qualities that makes you deserving of a great family and friends at the time you shared a smile , with your energy , kindness and compassion it just happened, Big family, speak for all that I had the pleasure of meeting some of them only, I can see the I have reason in this.
Owl They are a symbol of inner wisdom, psychic ability and intuition. Birds are considered by many cultures as messengers between earthly and spiritual creatures. Animal appreciated for its Medicine For American Indians of the prairies , the Owl was a supernatural protector . The Hopi saw them as teachers of medicine night . Messengers of Darkness and guide through the mysteries of the night , lead us through our dark, fear of the dark tunnel , to enlightenment. They relate to the perception, visualization and dreams, observation and discernment. They also warn of the dangers and discover the darkness of others.
my dream: For me, since the interpretation of the Owl from the deep of my heart is that you are the Owl of my dream and you are the part that helps me see in the dark , to be a witness to my intuition and hard to get to my enlightenment, in a few words, you are part of my soul. Love you and I wish for you can feel all the love of universe, all the light and I wish my gold. Love you and Happy birthday, have a beautiful day, feeling all the love of Noah, all the love of all the people who love you and all the people who appreciate you in our live.
Feliz Cumplea単os Meg