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Indo American News


713-789-NEWS (6397)

th year

h t 8

2 ersary Anniv Issue l a i c e Sp

The Stats Tell Our Whole Story ....


463 Issues in press ..... early 100,000 pages printed ...... undreds of stories covered and reported ...... cores of people have worked with us ...... Did we housands of pieces mailed ..... mention our housands of copies distributed to TV pogram? hundreds of locations .... Directory? Website?



well then, just read on!


.... and, we’re just 28 years old!


Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th AnnIverSAry SpecIAl

Online Edition:

Indo AmerIcAn news • FrIdAy, Ay, August 13 , 2010 • onl A o Ine I edIt ItI It tIon:

Online Edition:

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010


Indo American News Keeps on Ticking, Keeps on Giving By Pramod Kulkarni HOUSTON: In the 1960s, there was a watch company in the U.S. called Timex. The company advertised its rugged watches with the slogan, “Takes a licking, but keeps on ticking.” In many ways, IndoAmerican News is a desi version of that Timex watch. Over the last 29 years, we’ve suffered floods, hurricanes, and other catastrophes. In sickness and in health, we’ve published the weekly newspaper, week in and week out. In essence, we keep on ticking, and keep on giving the best in community and South Asian news. Perseverance is one less the three current partners have learned from Dr. Sindwani. He is the most honest, forthright and hardworking man I’ve come across. Once he founded the newspaper, he kept at it, regardless of the physical pain and the mental trauma the task of publishing a community newspaper brings to its practitioners. Even in his retirement, Dr. Sindwani monitors our newspaper and community activities on a weekly basis and calls us at least once a week to give us his feedback. Who would have thought, 29 years ago, that the fledgling paper would sustain itself, grow and change with each passing decade? I, myself, thought that the news-

With Dr. Sindwani leaving for Wichita Falls, (pictured center) the three partners in Indo American News are (L-R:) Pramod Kulkarni from Hyderabad, Jawahar Malhotra from New Delhi, and Krishna Giri from Andhra Pradesh. paper would last about a decade. Once a new generation comes along, I thought people will develop mainstream interests and would have little interest in ethnic activities here and the lands they left behind. I couldn’t have been so wrong! Our community has grown by leaps and bounds, formed bridges

to the mainstream community, but retained our ethnic identity. Through our intense desire to pass on our culture to our children, we’ve created formidable religious, cultural and business institutions and spawned an entire Mahatma Gandhi District and Little Pakistan to fulfill our need for ethnic goods and services. We

even have our own India House community center and our own Indian and Pakistan Consulates. In this growth, we’re aided by the enormous popularity of the Bollywood culture and the South Asian cuisine. Do you know any Houstonian who hasn’t tasted a samosa? Jawahar Malhotra, Krishna Giri and myself are quite different

personalities. We don’t always get along or see eye to eye, but we bring different strengths to the newspaper and are helping it grow in our special ways. Each of us could make more money doing other commercial activities, but we’ve immersed ourselves in this community service. In this challenging task, we’re fortunate to have an immensely dedicated and talented staff. Vanshika Vipin, Manasi Gokhale, Hussain Mandviwala and Jacob David (each of these names brings gives us the unity in diversity of South Asia) show a tremendous sense of creativity and individual responsibility to produce the weekly newspaper. In the last few years, we have improved the newspaper editorial content, added entertainment value and increased useful information. The paper is more colorful and features brite white paper for superior reproduction. To appeal to the computer savvy and the multimedia generation, we’ve added a newly designed website, a weekly e-blast, and PDF archives with page peel. We now have a Facebook following. The IAN team is committed to to take Dr. Sindwani’s baby into future generations with the support of our readers and advertisers!

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:


Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th anniversary special

Online Edition:

The Evolution of a Revolution!

May 14, 1983

Dec 26, 1987 Oct 12, 1992

Indo American News was not JUST a paper, when Dr. Sindwani started it in June 1982. It was THE paper for a community that still was nascent, had few businesses, organizations, temples, radio programs or entertainment shows. It was truly a revolution that allowed all desis to communicate their story with each other. Indo American News was, in fact, the first desi media in the whole of the Southern United States!! You say you want a Revolution!?! continued on page

Jan 13, 1986

Jul 13, 1991

Dec 29, 1997

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:


Online Edition:

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

Dr. K. L. Sindwani - The Man Who Started it All, Now Retired By Jacob David

There was a way to his working - disciplined, honest, straightforward, direct, polite, inquiring, meticulous, detailed, - these words may overlap in meaning, but that is who he is even today. A Professor of Sociology, having earned his Ph.D from Ohio State Univiersity, he has all the qualities of a top notch journalist. Having started the Indo American News 28 years back in 1982, he has been a man who has dedicated his life to developing and giving the newspaper a distinct voice and character, of becoming an integral part of the Indian community. A pioneer in his own right, he has experienced all types of struggle to keep this publication going and getting noticed and making it what it is today. Having a dedicated crew, Indo American News has not missed a single week so far. The newspaper was undoubtedly spearheaded by his vision. People joined Indo American as its staff, they came and went, but Dr. K.L.Sindwani stayed constant, came to work daily without missing a day or taking sick leave. He was the unwavering heart beat of the paper. The Indian community is unified, but diverse in its own way - speaking different languages, creating different cuisines, celebrating different festivals and practicing different religions. Acceptably, it has been a herculean task to get the Indian communities to come together on national

and world issues. community Yet Dr. Sindwani under one large undertook this chalbanner, allowlenge of making the ing them to Indian voice heard, celebrate famhe shared his viily and comsion to two willing munity events listeners - Pramod all at one Kulkarni and Jawaplace. Ashok har Malhotra back Dhingra, then in 1982. With no President of computers present India House, back then, it took recalled his a lot of man hours long time assoto get the paper out ciation with Dr. each week. In spite Sindwani. “A of these hardships, man of excelDr Sindwani and lent character, his business partners Dr Sindwani Photo: Krishna Giri © 2010 knew how exactly to will always be bring out a newspa- Seated: L-R: Ramesh Anand, IAPAC; Mohini Sindwani, Dr. r e m e m b e r e d per that would col- K. L. Sindwani, Swapan Dhairyawan, ICC President, Dr. by the Houslectively reflect the Virender Mathur, VP, India House. Standing: Bobby Singh, ton society,” voice of the Indians IACF President, Madhukar Prasad, IACCGH President, he began, living in Houston. Prakash Desai, GSH President at the farewell party talked about Closer to his retireDr Sindwani’s ment, Krishna Giri took over the Greater Houston and other orga- working style, his approach, and partnership of Dr. Sindwani, who nizations. Swapan Dhairyawan, said that he would miss the Sindstill kept working under the title President of ICC led the event in- wanis. Mohini ji sacrificed a lot of the Publisher Emeritus, lend- troductions along with Shobana to help make this happen, without ing his name to the newspaper Muratee, board member of ICC, her input Indo American News and keeping the community con- who emceed the event. will not be what it is today. “My It was a day of tearful goodnected. home is always open to the SindOn March 25, 2010, the Sind- byes, fond memories and giv- wanis,” he said “otherwise I will wanis were given a warm, grand ing awards of recognition to Dr. keep a bedroom available at the farewell at the India House, host- Sindwani. Different dignitaries India House,” he jokingly added. ed by the India Culture Center, gathered at the event recollected The bold strength of a man is co-hosted by the India House, their thoughts on Dr. Sindwani’s always gifted by the quiet inner the Indo American Political Ac- numerous contributions - includ- strength of the woman behind tion Committee, Indo American ing taking the pivotal role in rais- him. Mohini Sindwani was one Chamber of Greater Houston, ing funds for building the India such woman who gave the newsIndo American Charity Foun- House - another landmark that paper her share of life and exuberdation, the Gujarati Samaj of has now connected the Indian ance. The newspaper reflects her


character, her quiet inner strength that helped Dr. Sindwani carry on his work uninterrupted through all those years. It was a passion for both of them to see their vision come to pass and reach fruition, helping the community realize that it is the media that ultimately unites a community. In this case, Indo American news being the pioneer in print media has done a lot to unify the Indian community highlight different festivals and events on an annual basis. Beginning to see Indo American News as a success, two more newspapers and a host of other smaller magazines, newsletters launched off providing more diversity in reaching niche groups among South Asians. We’ve been fortunate to have made it past our 28th year. We credit the entire Indian community for valuing our newspaper as the collective voice of India and South Asian nations. Dr. K. L. Sindwani keeps himself busy everyday at Wichita Falls. Starting his day with yoga and exercise, he spends the day catching up on reading, including Indo American and India Herald, which he says keeps him engaged, he takes time to interact with the community and spend time with his son and family. He calls us every week to keep in touch and inquires about our well being. He still keeps in touch with the Houston community. Today, Dr. Sindwani is broadening his reach by making himself accessible through email.

Happy Independence Day to all Readers & Congratulations to Indo-American News on their 29th Anniversary


Indo American Political Action Committe sends all your readers warm greetings and wishes everybody iapac - the point of political interface for Indo Americans of Greater Houston Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:


Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th AnnIverSAry SpecIAl

Online Edition:

The People Behind the Newspaper All those years, without your support, we could not have made it

What happens when ambition meets and matches drive, we get quality. All our staff members were ones with imagination, ideas waiting to be unleashed. Their contributions were many and none of them went unnoticed. Everything reflected in our weekly advancement and the strides we made in the field of newspaper publishing, reporting, desktop publishing are largely due to our talented staff. L-R: Mian Aziz, Wajid Khan, Homaira Sarwar, Shabbir Mandviwala, Bidisha roy, (front row:) Ayush raj aj Bhandari, Padma and her husband ravi avi Poduri, and Hussain Mandviwala.

Indo AmerIcAn news • FrIdAy, Ay, August 13 , 2010 • onl A o Ine I edIt ItI It tIon:

Online Edition:

28th AnnIverSAry SpecIAl

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010


The People Behind the Newspaper A lot of sweat and effort have gone into publishing Indo-American News. What it is today is mainly due to the efforts of all our staff members over the years. L-R: Jagdish Chander Malhotra (father of Business Manager Jawahar Malhotra),Koshy Thomas, rajeev Gadgil, Parvez Ahmed, Jeremy Gyan Malhotra, Haider Kazim, Sanjay Stefan Malhotra, Salvatore rodriguez and F.S.Halim.

Sorry if we missed you ..... With so many people who have come forward to help us, no doubt we would have missed someone that we should have remembered to include. The omission is not intentional, so sorry for the lapse. We would certainly like to hear from all of you and find out what you are upto now.

Indo AmerIcAn news • FrIdAy, A August 13 , 2010 • onl Ay, o Ine I edIt ItI It tIon:


28th AnnIverSAry SpecIAl

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010


Rakhi Choudhry


Online Edition:

Rashida Evershine


Sue Banerjee


Will the ladies in the house please rise? Indo American News has been an equal opportunity employer as the majority of our staff members have been women of all faiths and ethnically from all parts of India, Nepal and Pakistan. We are proud of the work they have done and especially the point of view they have been able to bring to our newspaper. It is a sign of the dynamic strength of our South Asian community.

Sania Admani

Beena Gadgil

Bebe Mukherjee

We applaud their contributions over the years...


Shaleen Gupta



Indo AmerIcAn news • FrIdAy, Ay, August 13 , 2010 • onl A o Ine I edIt ItI It tIon:

Online Edition:

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

Wishing all Indo American News and its Readers a Wonderful 28th Anniversary & Happy Independence Day

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:



Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th anniversary special

Online Edition:

Congratulations to Indo Amercan News on their 29th Anniversary

Harish C Khera, M.D. & Indu Khera SUGAR LAND HEART CENTER S.G. (NIK) NIKAM MD, FACC, FACP, DTM Interventional Cardiologist at the “Texas Medical Center” Author of “Stressless Mind & Priceless Body” Clinical Associate Professor, Baylor Collage of Medicine

Cardiologist • Writer • Author • Professional Speaker 16659 S.W Freeway #361, Sugar Land, TX 77479 PH: 281-265-7567


Join IAN’s eBlast Another Reader favorite, weekly!

Our E-mail blast is a brief on all the major community news we cover every week. It also has special highlight ads that feature upcoming Bollywood shows or cultural evenings to be held across the Metroplex. So, what’s up with the eBlast? It’s an added service to reach all our 4,000++ readers who have subscribed to the eBlast and keep them informed. We have some special rates for the eBlast and want to advertise, just call us at 713-789-NEWS (6397).

Dr. T.A. Dorairajan, D.D.S General Dentist / Orthodontics (Braces) 30 years Experience 713-541-0770 • Fax: 713-541-0864 8200 Wednesbury Lane, Ste. 395, Houston, TX 77074 (Behind Channel 2 Television Station)


We accept P.P.O and traditional insurance plans

UDAI JAIN • RAJEEV DAGA Real Gem Corporation Importers and Cutters Diamonds • Precious Stones • Pearls 6222 Richmond Ave., Suite 800 Houston, TX 77057


SNBT Diamonds & JEWELRY LTD. Nitish Sethi • VK Sethi Wholesalers of Fine Diamonds & other Precious Gem Stones

Manufacturers of Fine Jewelery

2221 S.Voss Suite 101, Houston, TX 77057 •

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

Online Edition:

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:



Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th AnnIverSAry SpecIAl

Online Edition:

Wishing Indo American News and all in Houston a Happy Independence Day

Indo AmerIcAn news • FrIdAy, Ay, August 13 , 2010 • onl A o Ine I edIt ItI It tIon:

Online Edition:

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

Wishing Indo American News and all in Houston a Happy Independence Day

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:



Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th anniversary special

Online Edition:

At Indo American, We the People. . . What We Do!

pointers on bettering our layouts each week. The crucial feedback he provides helps direct our vision for content each passing week. It helps us improve our newspaper for the benefit of each reader and advertiser out there who are relying on us to connect with the whole Houston community. The marketing and advertising is led by Krishna Giri, our marketing manager. He is finely tuned to the wants and needs of each customer. He also plays a crucial role in mentoring each one of us in our tasks L-R: Jawahar Malhotra, Business Manager; and duties on a daily Pramod Kulkarni, Editor and Krishna Giri, Mar- basis. Krishna Giri is keting Manager a professional phoBy Jacob David Jawahar Malhotra, is full of t o g r a p h e r business ideas to develop the who uses newspaper, some of them we jok- his talents ingly tell him are far too idealis- to promote tic to pursue. He takes it in good journalistic stride, but his drive and motiva- excellence tion helps keep our sense of pur- t h r o u g h photograpose strong. The newspaper is edited by Pra- phy at most mod Kulkarni who also handles c u l t u r a l our Sports and Editorial sections. and social He is meticulous and provides events. But helping ad- Hussain Mandviwala

vertisers identify their goals and purpose of advertising stands first in his line of priorities. Our Production Manager, Hussain Mandviwala is computer savvy and also doubles up as web site tech guy. He creates visually tasteful ads and vibrant layouts that keeps the newspaper alive with new styles each week. Recently, Hussain relaid the web site for Indo American News giving it a totally new look. The new web site is definitely an improvement in terms of added content for our readers and benefits our advertisers who are increasingly advertising online to reach to South Asian families.

Vanshika Vipin

The newspaper layout begins with our Administrative Manager, Vanshika Vipin itemizing the ads. She makes sure each ad for the upcoming week is present on the ad log. Her job goes beyond that in managing the books and invoices for each customer, talking to corporate and local clients

to track future ads, tracking distribution, assigning payments to distribution vendors, tracking and calling in receivables and keeping up with weekly billing activities. Her input is crucial and valued each week here at Indo American.

With the dawn of Thursday, my mind starts working on the topics and ideas for the next issue. We work under pressure, meet deadlines under the guidance of Krishna , Pramod and Jawahar. All of them make sure every member of the staff is treated like family. They have created a very friendly atmosphere at the newspaper office. For me, it’s a Home Away From Home….

Manasi Gokhale

A Home away from Home…. Manasi writes: It’s about two years back when I joined Indo American News. I started my job as an intern and each day was a new learning experience for me. I was quite new in US but this organization gave me a feeling of Home away from Home. We publish a weekly newspaper covering variety of community events and information. It is focused on South East Asian communities and their activities, businesses and their success stories. I as Community Editor is involved in gathering and editing the news, layout of the newspaper and also covering community events. This is quite challenging but at the same time interesting and quite exciting too. Wednesday is the day when our newspaper goes to print.

Jacob David

Business articles, interviews, food reviews and non-religious charity events are covered by me. I have had the privilege of having several readers thank me for writing good articles. Ultimately I am of the view that our newspaper helps bring the community together by sharing the achievements of individuals, organizations, and businesses through these articles. It helps build value for the newspaper as I am sure you will agree as you read this issue in the comfort of your home or office.

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

continued on page


Online Edition: continued from page

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010


Our Latest Business Section Front Page

Our Latest Community Front Page

continued on page


The Evolution of a Revolution! 29th

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:



Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th anniversary special

Online Edition:

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

Online Edition:

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010


Ashiana the first Desi TV to go on Air in Houston

Bindu Malhotra

Chuni Vyas

Surendra Talwar

George Willy

Sabeen Siddiqui Joginder Singh

Meera Chauhan

Khudabaksh Walji

IAN produced and ran Ashiana Televison from 1989 to 1992 on KTMD Channel 48 every Sunday morning

Other People from Ashiana Television

Ravi Sirivasan

Preeti Gandhi

Sunil Thakkar • Sandhya Trivedi • Ashish Sinha Rafia Riaz • Shalu Sharma • Rajesh Bachani Prabha Bala • Sunil Yadav • Joginder Gahunia Minoo Shah • Sudha Moroliya

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

G. Damodar Reddy


Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th anniversary special

Online Edition:

What We Have Done So Far to Get Our Readers and Customers The Very Best

By Jacob David Innovation! That word is taken seriously around here at Indo American. What can we do new every day to make business go smoother and pass on better content to our readers on a weekly basis is considered key. Just last year 2009, we introduced the much awaited E-mail blast. It covers a brief on all the major community news we cover every week with photos. We also have the community calendar that highlights the events for the next two weeks. We have special highlight ads that feature upcoming Bollywood shows or Cultural evenings to be held at prestigious venues. What’s behind the E-mail blast? We are doing this as an added service to keep our readers informed. For all the 3,000 plus readers who have subscribed to our e-mail news blast, we keep them informed and up to date on all the community events happening in Houston. If organizations send us last minute social events we try to include those as well in the community calendar through e-mail blast. This year 2010, Hussain Mandviwala, our website technician helped revamp the look of our online presence The website layout now includes more squares with increased news content and photos of recent community events, food reviews and upcoming cultural events. The website also has ample space for our advertisers to display their products and services to our daily and monthly visitors. Advertisers like

Telfair, Emirates, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Jai Ho Rahman Tour, SOTC Travel and others have increased their visibility by an added 70% simply by making available their presence online with us. Content is king that retains readers on web sites and keeps them coming back for more. With that in mind, we have been steadily identifyingarticlesthatwill interest our readers. We are aiming at a balance in covering community events, food reviews, religious events, political charity and business events. Printing a newspaper is ineffective if there are no adequate distribution points. We have in just the last year alone increased 20 additional points (outlets) to a total of 120 distribution points across town. Our circulation is verified by the Circulation Verification Council and our market targets South Asians. We audit our publication annually to help

our advertisers both local, regional and national (Corporate level) to benefit immensely by our reach. We distribute our newspaper to grocery stores, restaurants, doctors’ clinics, travel agencies, places of business, and other valid pick up

points like an auto clinic where families frequent weekly. We also mail 600+ copies to Austin, San Antonio, Chicago, New York, and several states where our subscribers live and enjoy reading our newspaper. In Houston, we reach Clear Lake, Sugar Land, Missouri City, Stafford, Bellaire, Katy, and Hillcroft also known as Little India. With the only newspaper in the Mahatma Gandhi District, we are proud to say that we take our job representing South Asia accurately. Technology is key. We have improved on our invoicing system doing it all by email and passing on our mailing costs as savings to our advertisers who get better, competitive rates that will help them get the best exposure for their business through advertisements, press releases and e-mail promotions.

We also accept credit cards: Master Card and Visa to help process timely payments as an added convenience to customers who want to save regularly on time and mailing costs to mail out a check to us. Confidence and Trust is another area we have been improving upon. It depends on how well you convey yourself to your reader and customer. Communication is prime and no one is perfect, it is a daily task that we follow up on to improve customer relations with all our advertisers, readers and well wishers who support us through advertisements, community events and sponsorship ties. We constantly look forward to being part of each community event with timely notice and invitations sent us by the organizers of such events. We also take care to address lettes sent to us by our readers who address various concerns and issues regarding the community and events, news coverage and other topics. We are always accessible by email: and by phone 713-789-6397. Subscription numbers have increased last year as readers like to have the newspaper mailed out to their homes. They like the convenience and find that driving in traffic and getting a copy is not worth the hassle. They call us and pay conveniently by credit card for one, two or five years. At the end of the day, journalism has its own reward. We reach out to you, our community. We love doing what we do!

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

Online Edition:

continued from page


28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010


At Indo American, We the People. . . What We Do!

It’s press week every week! With the Anniversary special issue coming out, things have been so much more hectic and interesting as each of us scamper and scurry with purpose to accomplish what each of us has been assigned to do. Putting a newspaper together is a team effort. From covering events, writing content, photography, advertisement design and content layout, marketing and promoting our customers through advertisements, billing and invoicing our customers, handling mailing and distribution services, the weeks go by hurriedly. There was barely any time left as the anniversary issue crept up on us. Even with prior planning and set deadlines to meet, we fell behind in our efforts to get the anniversary issue all set up. Somehow or other things keep coming up that takes up our time. That’s how we realize that as a team we all meet our part to make the publication a whole issue that makes sense finally. Who does what? With our newspaper geared to cater to our community as a free publication, we take pride in promoting our customers offering them the best value, not only through advertisements, but also through timely press releases following their advertisements. Sometimes we put the cart before the horse as well. It’s all done with the good intention of getting our customers the best possible exposure we can get them. Each advertiser is unique

and Indo American is flexible in our approach to work with the customer’s budget to get them seen in the various Indian communities that we represent. Surprisingly, we have noticed that Americans, Britons, and Middle Easterners also pick up our newspaper at various points where we distribute our newspaper. The field of marketing and advertising is an ocean and there is much to learned new everyday. It is a rewarding field when you see that the intended value actually benefits the customer and they begin to grow. Each customer’s success and growth in turn is directly connected to our success and growth. The business ideas are far too many to implement in the reasonable 24 hours we have each day. Our business manager, Being in the newspaper business for the last 28 years, Indo American News has realized the value of constantly seeking improvements to design and newsprint layout. Our advertisers also benefit by these new layouts because more readers tend to pick up our copy just because we spend those extra hours in coming up with creative layouts on almost every page. Our purpose is to not to be a magazine cross over, so as a newspaper we balance it out. Our intentions are good and helps the customer, who in turn rewards us with their advertising support. Writing articles and developing original content for the newspa-

Correspondents & Reporters Over the years we have been fortunate in having many people report on stories and views . Meet our winning team

Kalyani Giri, Houston Kalyani Giri, Indo American News Community Reporter, focuses on timely articles on social and cultural events, galas, and fashion events. Writing is a task she delights in for it is second nature to her. She has been developing the art of writing for several years and her articles lend increasing credibility to the newspaper.

per is a role we take seriously at Indo American. We share this task amongst We thank you for your support and loyalty as a reader or advertiser. We would like to be a part of your life, growth of your business and success in life.

Avinash Gavai, Toronto

Nand Kapoor, Chicago

And not to be left out ..... Our hardworking distribution team of Guillermo Meyenberg and George Baca as well as our mailing coordinator and jackof-all-trades, Nelson.

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

Parag Parikh, Mumbai


Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th anniversary special

Online Edition:

Congratulations to Indo Amercan News on their 29th Anniversary

Hanif Hussain, D.D.S General Dentistry 972-247-8162

Congratulations to IAN on their 29th Year & Happy Independence Day to all Readers

A Well Wisher

Virendra S.Mathur, M.D., F.A.C.C Cardiology, Catheterization, Angioplasty & Stents St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital - Texas Heart Institute St Luke’s Medical Tower, Texas Heart Institute 6624 Fannin #2480, Houston, TX 77030-2336

Tel: 713-529-5530 ( 24 hours day or night ) Fax: 713-791-1786 •

Formal Gallery 1712 Highway 6 South Houston, Texas 77077


Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

Online Edition:

continued from page

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

The Evolution of a Revolution!


Earliest Issues of ourNewspaper... June 29, 2001, Main Section October 12, 2002, Dining Guide

January 26, 2007, Main Section

June 29, 2001, Section 2

June 10, 2005, Main Section November 22, 2002 Main Section June 29, 2001, Main Section

Where IAN is Today !!


ome visit us in our newly remodelled office at 7457 Harwin Drive, Suite 262, between Hillcroft and Fondren in the heart of Little India. Have a cup of coffee! Visit our staff ! Take care of your accounts ! Check on your ad with our graphic designer ! Or, check out our latest eBlast !

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:



Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th AnnIverSAry SpecIAl

Online Edition:

reach us by email, w web, FB, twitter. t or just call!

By Hussain mandviwala Indo American News has evolved a long way, from a black and white print edition to a full color newspaper - the journey began in ink and now it is also available in digital media. Indo American News has been a pioneer when it comes to embracing new technology, since success is dependent on change. Indo American News has constantly kept up with the times whether it involves tweeting our way through to facebooking to spread the word - Indo American has been there first among all our competitors. Now, as we celebrate our 29th year in print, we also celebrate our 8th year on the Internet. So log on to and watch videos, photos and read all the community updates that we have to offer. The website attracts 50,000 readers and 200,000 page views from 14 countries from around the world. We are one of the most popular portal for the Indo American community in Texas. And what’s more, the advertising rates are really affordable to reach such a large market. Call us at 713789-NEWS (6397) or better still, email us at indoamericannews@

Our website has a fresh new look with more content and advertisers are reaping the benefits by increasing their online presence by 70% and reaching South Asian families online

South Asian Phone Books

In1983, we published our first desi phone directory (even we can’t find any copies!) and have since printed editions over the years.

Our most recent directory, the 2009 Desi Connection, has listings of businesses in 14 cities across the State. It is available wherever Indo American News is distributed, and in other major cities.

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Online Edition:

28th anniversary special

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

Indo American News • Friday, august 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:



Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010

28th anniversary special

Online Edition:

Indo American News • Friday, August 13 , 2010 • Online Edition:

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