Indo-American News: August 30, 2024

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Colorful Musical Stage Show Draws in Crowd for ICC’s IFest!

Stafford, tX: In a case of déjà vu all over again, after last year’s programs, the India Culture Center delivered a repeat entertaining performance of iFest24 this year after another less than captivating event for Republic Day in January. And in both cases, the common denominator appears to be the venue that held the crowd in their seats.

In both years, the ICC’s Republic Day programs were held in the cavernous GSH Event Center on West Bellfort and the Beltway while the Indian Independence Day programs were held in the smaller but more intimate Stafford Civic Centre on Cash Road.

Another metric to go by is the near capacity parking lot this past Saturday, August 17 as a constant stream of an estimated 2,000 people came to Stafford to mingle and be entertained.

And the non-stop entertainment – after the speeches and awards - from 3 to 7 pm was what kept all the seats taken, with others stood along the edges, taking in the music, dance, songs and fashion show set to funky videos on the jumbotron stage backdrop.

The main event space had a thick crowd of spectators flowing through the tightly packed room, meandering through the 50 vendor booths on the fringes. IFest started at 1 pm, but by 3pm there was already standing room only even as friends and acquaintances ran into each other and exchanged pleasantries.

Free parking and free entry also helped to draw in the crowd to see multiple stage shows, featuring local performers, young and old, 25 dances, singing and acting (including a skit produced by the versatile actor and thespian Bud Patel). The event was emceed by Bud Patel, Naeem Vehvaria, Sunaina and Jasmeeta Singh.

They had a chance to hear speeches by Indian Consul General D. C. Manjunath and proclamations by local elected officials like Congressman Al Green; Ft Bend County Judge K.P. George; Ft Bend County Commissioner Andy Meyers; Stafford Mayor Ken Mathew, as well as candidates vying for political office like Taral Patel, Eric Fagan and several Republican hopefuls like Marshall Slot

Among the awards was one for Outstanding Community Service Award to Col. Vipin Kumar and Sushma Pallod. A special award was given to my dear mother Shakuntla Malhotra – known affectionately as “Mama” by one and all – for her affection, blessings and support for the ICC.

The Bhalla Outstanding Student Scholarship (BOSS) $5,000 award, given out every year at the event since 2021, was handed out for outstanding scholastic performance to Arnav Adhikari. Ananya Posunari received a $1,000 award, sponsored by ICC President Parul Fernandes.Also Sara Essa and Anvitha Kondapi each were presented with $1,250 awards, sponsored by ICC Chief Trustee Pramod Bengani and previous Presidents Rajiv Bhavsar, Swapan Dhairyawan and Charlie Patel and current President Parul Fernandes.

The ICC announced a new scholarship initiated by a $100,000 endowment from previous President and

Trustee Lachmann Das - and named for his late wife Lalitha Das - for girls wanting to major in STEM studies.

ICC previous President Jasmeeta Singh, a veteran of many community staged events and fash-

ICC dignitaries with Lachman Das who sponsored a scholarship with $100,000 enowment in honor of his late wife

ion shows, once again chaired this well received IFest with her band of volunteer Board Directors Seema Jain, Dr. Hina Azim, Dr. KD Upadhaya, Sangeeta

Dhargan, Hemant Patel, Phani Kondapi, Uma Mantravadi, Juli Mathew, Gaurav Jhaveri and Santosh Verma.

PhotoS: UniqUe Photo iMageS
ICC leadership with student scholarship award winners.

ISKCON of Houston’s Janmashtami Festival Draws Thousands

hoUSton: A lively tapestry of vibrant music, colors, and devotion unfolded at the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in Houston. On a special Monday evening, over 7,000 enthusiastic devotees gathered to celebrate Janmashtami, the divine appearance of the Supreme Lord, Krishna.

On Janmashtami, devotees fast, offer prayers, recite scripture, and chant devotional hymns to deepen their connection with the Lord. Through these traditions, they come together to celebrate Krishna’s supremely auspicious advent. Krishna, beautifully bluish–black in complexion, appeared about

5,000 years ago in Mathura, India. His name, Krishna, means “all-attractive” because He possesses all opulence – beauty, fame, wealth, strength, renunciation, and knowledge– to an unlimited degree. He eradicated evil and performed unparalleled pastimes for His devotees’ pleasure. Krishna’s teachings provided a guideline for people to reawaken their loving relationship with Him and transcend the difficulties of this material world through devotional service. The festival was co-sponsored by the Hindus of Greater Houston, with preparations beginning well in advance. Over 300 volunteers were engaged in various services,

from designing decorations and planning cultural performances to cooking and arranging shuttle services. Their efforts ensured a smooth evening celebration, as they were present at every step to welcome visitors and manage booths. Following the preparations, the festivities began promptly at 6 p.m. on August 26th with people being welcomed to the temple grounds with tilak, a mark made on the forehead using sandalwood paste. At the entrance, the sankirtan team continuously performed congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names for hours. They were accompanied by traditional instruments such as kartals and

mrdanga. Wholehearted singing of the Hare Krishna mantra, which relieves the mind and cleanses the heart, along with ecstatic dancing established a spiritually elevated mood for the entire evening.

The path was aligned with several vendors serving refreshing drinks and delicious snacks like lassi and samosas. Additionally, a vegetarian feast of sanctified food was being served at all times. Devotees were also sharing books with newcomers to inspire them through the ancient wisdom of bhakti yoga. Inside the temple room, the evening came alive as prayers and homemade dishes were being offered to the exqui-

sitely gorgeous deities on the ornate teakwood, flower-filled altar. Coincidentally, it was the 38th installation anniversary of the temple’s largest presiding deities, Sri Sri Radha Nila Madhava, making the celebration extra special. They were dressed in radiant bluepink outfits, decorated intricately with colorful face paintings, and adorned with handmade orchid and rose garlands. The temple room was radiating with energy at every moment through kirtan, spiritual discussions, and abhishek (bathing of the deities with auspicious substances).

Pujaris performing aarti at the altar.
Audience at the ISKCON Krishna Janmashtami celebrations.
The judges and organizers of the costume contest with the award winning team organized by Hindus of Greater Houston! Kids in the front: Kiyan Kohali, Jiva Dagare , Adria Singhaniya , Harshita Hari, Raman Soni & Rohan Soni. Adults in the back are: Shital Rathi, Rachana Shah, Hemant Jadhav, HG. Pathitha Pavan Das, Krishna Chitalia, Namrata Patel, and Safali Kalia.

Unite for Justice, Rise for R.G. Kar: When Houstonians Raised their Voice, Together!

SUgar land: Houstonians came out in force for the vigil ‘Unite for Justice, Rise for R.G.Kar’. It was held at the Sugar Land City Hall on Sunday, August 25th. Their presence showed that they care for society, deeply and are responsible global citizens, who are proactive in making this society a better place.

They gathered to protest the heinous crime that happened on 9th August 2024 in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. On that fateful night, a young medical intern, while on duty at a government hospital named R.G. Kar Medical College was brutally raped and murdered. The young lady was a whistleblower, who had threatened to expose a corrupt system.

There was general lack of prompt police action. Supreme Court got involved and called up authorities for many mistakes. CBI, Central Bureau of Investigation, has now started the investigation. Protests have sprung out worldwide against the systemic failure and the corrupt system, including lack of security for a whistleblower and lady doctor.

There continues to be widespread protest and Houston had three protests, at Houston Durgabari, Texas Medical Center and now, the latest, at Sugar Land City Hall. Sunday’s event was highlighted by multiple popular songs of resistance, performed by our young and talented music group, including mothers who came with their

kids, a new mother and an expectant mother. Those songs lit a fire under the crowd, baying for justice.

In the their speeches, their passionate calls for united action for a just cause added a new dimension to the protest. They talked about women’s right, protecting whistleblowers, need for people to raise their voice and fix the corrupt system. Those speeches were mixed with anger and frustration and an urgent cru to stand up together. Slogans of Justice For RG Kar in English and Bengali (the mother tongue of the victim ringed the air).

Manas Saha, the mercurial director, and drama personality wrote a brilliant street play. The young

mothers did a fantastic job bringing the play to life out in front of a somber crowd. It depicted the plight of various women in danger and their eventual fight back.

At the end of the day, the crowd at the vigil gathered to stand in solidarity with the protestors of Kolkata and across the world. They had four simple demands: Swift justice for the victim 1. by arresting the perpetrators and serving the highest possible punishment with adherence to the Indian Penal Code. Immediately stop police 2. brutality towards the peaceful protesters. The government of West 3. Bengal should take account-

ability for this incident and all people responsible for this systemic failure should be immediately removed from their positions. The government should 4. clean up the system so that no whistleblower is victimized, and similar incidents are never repeated.

The organizers requested everyone to stand united in this cause till justice is served. They also requested to sign the petition, a hard copy of which will be submitted to the CGI, Houston.

Houston stood proud and tall in the protest. A big thank you to all who came and continue to show their support.

Houston Indian Physicians Hold Candlelight Vigil to Honor Young R.G. Kar Victim

On the evening of August 23, 2024, the Houston Indian Physician community came together in a solemn candlelight vigil to honor the memory of a young physician trainee who was tragically raped and murdered at RG Kar Medical College Hospital in Kolkata, India. The event, organized by medical professionals, students, and community advocates, aimed to express solidarity with the victim’s family and call for justice in a crime that has shaken the global medical community.

The vigil commenced at 7 pm at TMC Commons within Texas Medical Center, where a diverse group of attendees, including physicians, nurses, trainees, and concerned citizens, gathered in a show of unity and support. The atmosphere was somber yet powerful, as participants held candles, which symbolized hope, remembrance, and the collective demand for justice.

Dr. Vidya Mathivanan, a member of the Houston Physician Community and one of the event organizers, addressed the gathering, emphasizing the need for systemic changes to ensure the safety and security of medical professionals worldwide. “This vigil is not just about mourning the loss of a bright young physician,” Dr.

Mathivanan said. “It is also a call to action for all of us to work towards creating a safer environment for those who dedicate their

lives to healing others.”

The event also featured heartfelt speeches from the President of Indian Doctors Association, Dr.


professionals face, particularly women in medicine, and the urgent need for protective measures and justice in such cases. As the evening progressed, attendees observed a moment of silence, during which the only light came from the candles held aloft, casting a gentle glow over the gathering. This moment served as a powerful reminder of the collective grief and the determination to seek justice for the victim.

In closing, the vigil concluded with a symbolic gesture as participants placed their candles in a designated area, creating a luminous memorial. This act served as both a tribute to the deceased and a visible expression of the community’s commitment to advocating for justice and systemic change.

The candlelight vigil at Texas Medical Center was a poignant and moving event that underscored the global nature of the medical community and the shared commitment to protecting its members. It also reinforced the call for justice, not just for the young physician trainee in Kolkata but for all healthcare professionals who face violence and injustice in the course of their work.

Judge Juli Mathew addresses the
Protestors gathered on the steps of the Sugar Land City Hall. Photo by Supriya Datta.
Arvind Bhimraj
Vice President
Dr. Sangeeta Saikia, as well Dr. Suparna Chhibber who spoke about the universal risks that healthcare
Photo By raJani Priya ayilavaraPU
Houston Indian Physicians at candlelight vigil in the Texas Medical Center.


Houston Swayamseval Sangh Holds Annual Sanghatan Divas

hoUSton: The Houston chapter of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA held its annual Hindu Sangathan Divas congregation on Aug 24, at the Vadtal Dham Shree Swaminarayan Hindu Temple.

This year’s event marked the 20th anniversary of Hindu Sangathan Divas in Houston and was attended by over 180 participants from about 65 organizations of the Greater Houston area. Hindu Sangathan Divas (Unity Day) as the name suggests, is a platform that provides an opportunity to Houston area Hindu organizations to come together, exchange ideas, share material and resources with the goal of synergizing the work for the larger community.

This year’s event theme was a continuation of previous years efforts for raising Hindu Dharma awareness among mainstream American society including outreach programs with civic officials, first responders, educational institutions and media influencers along with leveraging each other’s strength and resources for effective media promotions at every opportunity.

Amit Mishra, The Vice-President of HSS Houston chapter, welcomed all the organizations. He acknowledged the achievement of Houston’s vibrant Hindu community during past years which

made a positive impact on the community. He also emphasized on the continuous efforts required by all organizations to raise Hindu dharma awareness.

Pradeep Sharma, the director of North Houston chapter kick started the event by emphasizing “why Hindu Sangathan Divas?” He pointed out the various challenges, misconceptions and misinformation being spread about the Hindu Dharma and its impact on our next generations and community at large. He also elaborated on why to have the coordinated activities to achieve the goals without disrupting autonomy of the organizations.

To complement the theme of the year, four key topics were presented by panelists followed by success stories, best practices from each organization in an open discussion.

First topic, Hindu Dharma Awareness to the mainstream community was presented by Arun Sharma and provided few insights on how things have changed by the efforts of all organization in last 20

years and the need for rigorous efforts from all to reach our goal for universal piece. Second topic was focusing on Dharma awareness in academia and educational institutes, presented by Dr. Sonal Gupta. He highlighted the several cases of misinformation in educational institutes and books which needs to be addressed for correction. Darshana exhibition has proven to be very effective in passing the knowledge about Hindu culture and value system.

Third topic was led by Paramita Sarkar where she touched up on the importance of Civic engagement and outreach to elected officials. As being the center of knowledge, all organizations must encourage people to participate and vote during elections for the betterment of the community.

Adit Kapadia spoke on the fourth topic, the effective use of media to broadcast and communicate the work being done by each organization towards larger community in Houston.

All participating organizations shared their experiences, success stories and aligned with the idea that the different Hindu organizations are committed to collaborate and work together with HSS on the capacity building in their respective organization and then take collective efforts in the outreach opportunities.

The youth and high schoolers shared their own experiences and discussed various challenges on misinterpretation of Hindu Dharma in the school, social and mainstream media. The groups expressed its views on the significance of proudly representing Hindu Dharma in the mainstream community.

A proactive approach with greater clarity is needed and this can be done by conducting seminars for university events, academicians and structure social media strategy, Hindu involvement in governance, inviting politicians to cultural events, participate actively in the political process.

The meaningful geet “Dev Durlabh Veer Vrat le, Sanghatit ho Hindu sara”, set the perfect tone and aligned all minds before Keynote speech of Sree N. Sreenath, Founder President of the New Viveka Nand university (VAYU). He began his speech by appreciating the efforts of all Hindu organization and their enthusiastic participation and urged to adopt collective approach. He elaborated on the challenges faced by the university and how they overcome it and established the institution to take forward the teachings of “Hindu Dharma”. In the light of the theme of the event, he reminded everyone of the current challenges and understand the responsibility to pave the path for next generation. The conviction in our Dharma, literature and culture will lead the entire world on the universal unity

The keynote speech was followed by vote of thanks by Vivek Singh, The director of HSS south chapter to conclude the event. He thanked each organization to participate and join hands with each other to take the baton forward. He thanked the organizing committee of the Vadtal Dham Swaminarayan Hindu temple for providing their facility along with other logistics for the event.

Photo By adit nigaM

Pan IIT USA Offers Two $1,500 Scholarships

Pan IIT USA is offering two scholarships for students. Each scholarship in either category is worth $1500.

Graduate Student Scholarships are open to IIT alumni currently enrolled as full-time students in a graduate program (Masters, PhD) in the USA. These scholarships are intended to support exceptional students in their pursuit of higher education, prioritizing needbased awards - primarily to Masters students and those without graduate assistantships.

Apply now:

High School Achievers Awards_ are for children of IIT alumni residing in the USA. Applications are open to students expected to graduate high school in 2025. These awards are intended to encourage talented and promising high school students, recognizing their pursuit of excelling through college education and beyond.

Apply now:

Application Deadline: Sept 02, 2024

More info:

All parts of the application submitted online are thoroughly reviewed and evaluated by a panel of judges. A shortlist of candidates are then invited for an online interview with the panel. Awardees are selected on the basis of their performance in the interview in

addition to the quality of materials submitted online.

PANIIT INC is a tax exempt 501(c) (6) corporation that runs PanIIT USA: PANIIT INC is not a charity. It is considered a Business League which is not organized for profit and no part of the net earnings benefit any private shareholder or individual.

The PanIIT USA Executive Team is now supporting 17 active chapters. We have approximately 50,000 members now. We are working with individual Alumni Associations and chapters to enhance this and reach a wider alumni base. This is a very important area of development as we want to have a vibrant database of all alumni in the USA. We are all excited as this will truly be an asset to all alumni.

Our goal is to increase chapters based on critical mass and interest in specific areas. We build a one-on-one relationship with each chapter president, treating them like our internal clients. We have launched quite a few initiatives (Free event registration, loans and grants to launch events, Chapter handbooks, Chapter representatives on board, and more) to assist chapters. You can find all the details in the chapter resource section of the website.

Maheshwari Mahasabha of North America’s Intl Convention in Philadelphia

PhiladePhia: Maheshwari Mahasabha of North America (MMNA) will hold its seventh International Maheshwari Rajasthani Convention (IMRC) Sheraton Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA from August 30th to September 2nd, 2024.

The convention, already a “sold out” with 1100 attendees from across the globe to engage in rich Rajasthani culture and tradition, and foster relationships within the community.

Over the past 40 years, the MMNA Convention has been a culmination and melting pot of all Maheshwari’s across North America and beyond. The convention will continue to provide a forum for all Maheshwari’s to celebrate, connect and rise together.

As descendents of Shiv-Parvati, let’s celebrate our SANSKRITI (rich cultural roots), recognize the PRAGATI (evolution) and extend our SAMRIDDHI (prosperity).

Prepare to be inspired by distin-

guished speakers, engaging activities, and to relish mouth-watering Marwari rasoi.

MMNA was incorporated in 1983 as a non-profit organization and has 10 chapters spread across the continental United States, Canada and other countries.. MMNA has many accomplished members who place much emphasis on charitable outreach and societal betterment.

The mission of MMNA is to create a spirit of cohesiveness and camaraderie among all sharing the bond of a common ancestry around the globe. MMNA also fosters a climate of sharing and of lending a helping hand to community. It maintains links between similar organizations across the globe including India.

The National Convention is a platform to strengthen these bonds, promote our youth and an “energizer shot” which mobilizes the community to go further, in helping this cause, said said Abhilasha Rathi - President of MMNA.

Graduation for Sewa Interns

hoUSton: Sewa International Houston Chapter hosted an Internship graduation ceremony for their “Get Inspired Houston” (GIH) and “Leadership Development through Community Engagement” (LEAD) interns on August 18th at the T.E. Harman Center in Sugar Land. The event was designed to celebrate the many accomplishments of 47 interns this summer. The interns accumulated over 3,500 hours of service in nearly nine weeks and served at Sewa’s ASPIRE (Assuring Student Progress in Remedial Education) centers, the Houston food bank, participated in a 5K Walk, attended leadership sessions with prominent community members, underwent FEMA’s CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training, and aided the Houston community in recovery from Hurricane Beryl. Their service helped 75 kids at these centers and 1,000+

families in the Houston area while also helping these interns become better citizens of society.

During the Internship Gala, Arushi Suji, Saloni Singh, and Sanika Havalimane assumed the roles of emcees, skillfully engaging the audience. They invited Nikhil Jain who initiated the proceedings with an interactive activity, urging the interns to encapsulate their experiences in a single word or phrase.

This icebreaker segued into his poignant message about the inception of their internship journey.

Jain emphasized the significance of perpetuating kindness and altruism among the interns, encouraging them to consistently extend support to others without reservation.

Interns highlighted their accomplishments through a six-minute video depicting the service activities they participated in.

Tarun Mandhania and Anita Ajmera, Co-coconveners
Vaibhav Gagrani and Aditya Vikram Daga, Co-Conveners
Sewa interns


Arya Samaj of Houston Celebrates I-Day, Prepares for Start of DAV Schools

hoUSton: India Independence Day Celebrations

Sunday August 18: Students, parents, teachers and volunteers of DAV Sanskriti School (DAVSS) along with members of Arya Samaj Greater Houston assembled for the flag hoisting ceremony.

DAVSS runs as Sunday school from 9:45 a.m. to noon, during which students learn Naitik Shiksha (living values of Sanatan Dharma), Hindi (conversational & written), and one elective among Yoga, Tabla, Music, Dance, Vedic Math, Cultural Heritage. Classes end with by Arti and Shaanti Paatha followed by prasad (lunch).

Online Registration: https://

More info:

Contact: Acharya Bramdeo (832)-219-5079


Start of 2024-25 Academic Year at DAV Montessori & Elementary School

Thursday August 22: Students and teachers participated in havan

Indo American News

foUnder: dr. K.l. Sindwani

PUBliSher: Jawahar Malhotra

editor: PraMod KUlKarni

CorreSPondent: SanChali BaSU

®All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the written consent of the publisher. Deadline for advertising and articles is 4 pm on Monday of each week. Please include self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of all unsolicited material. Published at 7457 Harwin Drive, Suite 212, Houston, Texas 77036.Tel:713-789-6397, email:, website:

led by Acharya Bramdeo, seeking divine blessings for a great year of learning. It was highly charged spiritual moments with students reciting the Veda mantras. Besides the regular curriculum, students benefit from Yoga classes, and stay connected to the rich Indian cultural heritage by learning mantras, shlokas with their meanings, the living values of Sanatan Dharma and participate in celebrating American and Indian festivals.

Now Enrolling for 2024-25 (PreK - Grade 5)

More info:

Phone: (281) 759-3286

Email: director@davhouston. org

Address: 14375 Schiller Rd, Houston, TX 77082

Arya Samaj stalwarts and DAV Sanskriti School students, parents, teachers and volunteers gathered to celebrate India’s Independence Day.

TCC Taped Ball Summer T10 Pro 2024 | Winners: Cougars | Runners Up: SLL

hoUSton: This Summer T10 tournament was the first time TCC has forayed into the very exciting 10 over a side tournament and it enjoyed great success topped by an exciting final. The Professional Final for Div II teams was played on a warm sunny morning for cricket on 18th August 2024. The final was between Cougars who have maximum championships and final appearances in TCC T20 and SLL who were playing their first ever final in TCC

SLL batted first after winning the toss. Cougars had a great start as Vamshi from cougars clean bowled SLL main inform batsman - Dinesh on the first ball of the match. From there on Cougars bowlers kept SLL’s run rate under control with regular wickets. Shirak played a nice cameo of 29 from 16 balls and Chanaka scored an aggressive 21 of 13 balls to help SLL reach a competitive total of 77-7 in 10 overs. Cougars bowlers (Vamshi, Nasar, Prashant, Rajesh and Babu) continued their rich form in the finals as well supported by some excellent fielding by Nagul, Abbas and Manzoor. While chasing, Cougars lost their opener (Krishna) early but a 51 run stand between Vamshi and Jay in 6 overs ensured that the chase was kept in control. Jay anchored the innings to score a magnificent 37* in 25 balls and finished the game along with Ashwin who

scored the winning run in the 9th over to spark off wild celebrations for Cougars as deserving champions having lost just one game in whole season.

The presentation ceremony was organized by Jagadish Biradar

and as always, was enjoyable as it was combined ceremony for Professional and Premier league. Jagadish mentioned contributions by Dinesh from Gladiators in scheduling and thanked all teams for a successful umpiring in the

tournament. Umpires for the final received their medals.

Cougars captain Vamshi accepted the championship trophy and SLL captain Chanaka accepted the runners up trophy. Cougars captain Vamshi was MVP for his top per-

formance with bat (25) and ball (2-0-10-2). Krishna from Cougars was adjudged MVP of the series for his rich batting form throughout the series including two 50’s. In tournament awards, Dinesh from SLL was the best batsman with 260 runs. Roshaka from All Stars CC and Kiran Kumar from BCC Titans were the best bowlers with 11 wickets each. Thisara from All Stars CC was the best wicket keeper with 17 dismissals, Roshaka from All Stars CC was the best All Rounder with 92 runs and 11 wickets. Special Award for Hat trick was given to Rajneesh from CM Houston Arrows. Umpire Keith gave away the awards.

Online score card: do?matchId=2162&clubId=8675

YouTube Link: https:// watch?v=d2E1NO96vt8

Link to TCC Website report: https://triggerscricket. com/?p=973

Cougars team: Abbas Patan, Ashwin Tandon, Devender Singh, Garv Chaudhary, Jagannath Jayanti, Jay Patel, Jikriya Shaik, Krishna Kurkal, Laxman Garikapati, Manjoor Shaik, Nagul Shareef Shaik, Nasar Shaik, Prashant Prabhu, Rajesh Pant, Sai Krishna, Swaroop Korishetty, Vamsi Kommalapati ( C ), Venkatesh Iyer, Vinit Patel

Winners: Cougars
Runners Up: SLL


‘Stree 2’: Sequel with Humor in Spades

Story: Chanderi is once again haunted by a sinister force, as women in the town are mysteriously abducted by a headless entity. Bicky, Janna, Bittu, and Rudra reunite to confront and defeat the evil once more.

Review: Horror comedy is a challenging genre, but the makers of ‘Stree 2’ have nailed it once again. This sequel retains all the charm of the first film, from the quirky small-town atmosphere to the eccentric characters and the simplicity of its people, blending these elements seamlessly for a winning formula. Sequels are often tricky, but the clever script flips the original plot—while Stree kidnapped men in the first film, this time a male villain, Sarkata, terrorizes and abducts women. With the characters already established, the story dives straight into action, delivering a fast-paced, tight screenplay that keeps viewers hooked, bolstered by a strong ensemble cast in top form.

The plot of ‘Stree 2’ picks up after the events of the first film, focusing on a new terror in Chanderi—Sarkata, a headless entity targeting and kidnapping women who have embraced modernity. The story takes a personal turn

when Bittu’s (Aparshakti Khurana) girlfriend, Chitti, falls victim to Sarkata’s attacks. A letter received by Rudra (Pankaj Tripathi) contains the missing pages of the Chanderi Puraan, which played a key role in the first film. Using these clues, Bicky (Rajkummar Rao), Bittu, and Jana (Abhishek Banerjee) embark on a mission to track down Sarkata and end his reign of terror, with help from Shraddha Kapoor’s character, who remains nameless in this installment as well.

Rajkumar Rao is once again in top form, delivering his signature performance with strong support from Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee. Pankaj Tripathi continues to shine as Rudra, stealing scenes with his witty one-liners and impeccable shuddh Hindi. The screenplay gives each character their moment in the spotlight, allowing them all to stand out. However, Shraddha Kapoor’s character feels underwhelming, as she appears sporadically and, apart from adding some intrigue, doesn’t contribute much. One standout moment is when Sarkata chases Jana, who is riding with Pankaj Tripathi’s character; Jana even manages to make the headless entity drink alcohol, offering a brief glimpse of a smiling Sar-

kata. Another highlight is Rajkumar Rao’s hilarious rendition of Rema’s ‘Calm Down.’ The film is filled with laughs and hits all the right notes for a horror comedy. However, in the second half, the screenplay starts to feel sloppy, as if the makers were in a rush and running out of ideas. This becomes evident with the sudden special appearances by Akshay Kumar and Varun Dhawan. While Akshay’s character does steer the plot in a new direction, it’s clear his role was added to draw in more viewers—or perhaps hint at the creation of a shared ‘StreeBhediya’ universe. The pacing feels rushed, and one wishes the writers had given more attention to this part of the film. Despite this, ‘Stree 2’ delivers plenty of entertainment, and Amar Kaushik once again excels in direction. The film retains the energy and charm of the original, with a clever script that brings a fresh twist. -- TNN

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Recent Winners

Kumud Athavale, Krishna R. Vuddagiri, Sanchali Basu, Prabha Barvalia, Ramana Vadrevu, Yudhveer Bagga, Taranjit Singh, Rohini Mahajan, Tulasi Devireddy, Prabhu Narumanchi, Subramanian Krishnaiyer, Sunanda Bhat, Sahiti Palle, Vinod Kumar

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