Onboarding Binder 2025 (2)

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Table of Contents


Words From Our Partners

First 90 Days

Communications Training

Successful Partner Habits

Account Management

Corporate Guidelines

Credit Policy

Partner Status Review Guidelines

Sample Budget Policy

Partner Support & IT Help Desk


Marketing / Web Presence

Design and Brand Guidelines

Cross Selling

Organizational Chart

Appendix 1: Business Products

Appendix 2: Commercial Interiors

Appendix 3: Material Handling

Appendix 4: Promotional Products

Appendix 5: Facility Solutions

Appendix 6: Energy Solutions

Appendix 7: Canada Partners

Appendix 8: Vendor Relations

Corporate Function List


Welcome to Indoff! You have joined the most talented, most unique sales organization in the country. Over 300 tremendously talented individuals call this home, and you will carve your own path to becoming an integral part of this family.

You’re here because you’ve been successful, and you’re ready to take the next step in your career. With Indoff, you have tremendous freedom, flexibility and opportunity; focus on what has made you successful and branch out as it makes sense to you. You are in charge of your daily routine and your own book of business; treat it as such and manage it to success. We have tools and people to help you, but don’t lose sight of what has made you successful in the past.

This binder contains a wealth of information to help you get started – don’t worry about it too much. Your top priority should be letting your customers know where you are, why you’re here and why it is good for you and for them. Your customers love you and want you to be happy and successful; make sure they understand what this opportunity means not just for you but for them as well. We’ll figure out how to get the order in the system; you make sure your customers know how to find you.

Welcome aboard; we’re thrilled to add you to our roster. We look forward to working with you to help you in this transition and for years to come.

Discover Why Our Partners Love

What They Do

“I had a friend in the business and gained insight through his experiences. When I saw the opportunity open at Storage Specialists (now Indoff) I took full advantage. I was drawn by the solutions based approach that gave immediate feedback to your effort. There was a wide breadth of products ranging from simple to highly technical. This allowed for creativity and flexibility in the process. And then there was the freedom to adjust to our ever changing situations. Sometimes our priorities have to temporarily change and Indoff provides for freedom to deal with those moments without reproach. The flexibility and freedom are what keeps good people at Indoff, and that keeps good customers coming back.”

Joe Gieseking - Material Handling/Energy Solutions Partner Since 1993

“Joining Indoff twenty-three years ago has been the best career decision I have made. After many years of working for other material handling companies, Indoff offered me the opportunity to work on my own and set my own goals. They also pr ovided me the opportunity to earn a higher commission rate than I had earned before. We are referred to as Partners and that is the way we are treated.”

Mac Beare Material Handling/Energy Solutions Partner Since 1996

“I became an Indoff partner for many reasons. The primary reason was to get paid the highest commission rate in the industry therefore always being paid your worth. It gave me a peace of mind working for a financially sound company with significant buying power, and in doing so buying from hundreds of reputable vendors. Lastly, the freedom to market and grow my business how I see fit and doing so with no quotas or corporate micro-management. Since I have become an Indoff partner, I have thoroughly enjoyed the same commission rate for over 20 years and again with no micro-management. I have increased margins with significant vendor discounting and feel more confident in supporting larger scaled projects. Indoff does what they say they will do and never falters. If anything, they go far beyond what they promise.“

David Perry - Material Handling Partner of 20 Years

“Over 21 years ago, early in my career as a professional ASL (American Sign Language) interpreter, my late step-father (Bill Pedersen) approached me with the idea of becoming an Indoff Partner. Bill wanted to slow his pace down and retire within a 5-year time frame, during that time I’d learn the biz. I thought it was a good plan and agreed. Unfortunately, the Universe had other ideas. Six months in Bill was diagnosed with Hepatitis C and passed away from complications a year after Indoff allowed me the opportunity to continue on learning the business, to continue in the entrepreneur spirit by running my office as if I were self-employed, and doing so within the safetynet of being an employee; the best of both worlds. Most importantly, Indoff allows me the freedom to raise my family in the 1st person; to and from school, to the doctors & dentists, and the theater plays and games, I am always able to be there. Can’t put a price on that!”

Andrew Harmon - Material Handling Partner Since 1998


Discover Why Our Partners Love

What They Do

“Joining the Indoff team as a Commercial Interiors Partner has truly been the best decision of my career. After a decade in the dealer world, I felt completely demoralized financially and emotionally, all while having tremendous success both on paper and in relationships. Indoff valued my skills and corporate creates a nurturing environment for my clients during the accounting process. I’m certain that I found my forever home and I couldn’t be happier.”

BJ Dunwody - Commercial Interiors Partner Since 2018

“I’m a single mom with two kids Indoff has allowed me the ability to stay home with my sons while still working and keeping my household going. I was able to get one of my kiddos involved in my projects over the summer and he helped unload carpet squares, pick out upholstery and spoke to the client with as much professionalism as a 12-year-old could have! Real world, real life experiences that he’d never have without my being at Indoff! It’s truly the flexibility that you appreciate so much! Indoff is full of people that work for your success. If you are successful, they are successful, and that company mindset truly shows from the President all the way through the organization. They care about you as an employee but also as a person!”

Cori Blair - Commercial Interiors Partner Since 2018

“When I first became a new member of the Indoff team, I thought most of my progression would be in self-development. However, the vertical markets provided has allowed me to competitively sell, while providing the opportunity to give back to my community more than ever. As a novice salesman, the guidance from partner support has not only answered every question that I have come across, but has provided me with solutions to questions that have not yet come to be. By doing so, they have alleviated me of any doubt and insecurity. I have been given the opportunity to use my previous work experience, and use what I have been shown by Indoff to not only provide services to others, but accomplish all worthy goals set forth by me. In the most basic terms, this partnership fulfills all members’ aspirations and expectations.”

John Russo - Commercial Interiors Joined Indoff in 2019

“Indoff may not have the name brand in the NorthEast and that’s because individuals and companies do not know the following: Flexibility, Unlimited Solutions, More Value, More Knowledge, More Business. As an independent contractor, I am able to create my own brand using the categories of business Indoff has to offer. Honestly, I have enhanced my value by partnering with Indoff. Prior, I could only sell certain categories of business. Now, I can sell almost double the amount of categories. I am more of a value to my clients due to this! I work on my own schedule. What I put in is what I get out. Transiting to a new business is never easy, however, the Partner support team with Indoff made the onboarding VERY EASY. I was able to pick up the software solutions offered by Indoff in a very short time, while working from another state! Every phone call was answered with great energy, but also the great patience. The type of patience to walk step by step through every quote, order, or issue!”

Paul Perez - Commercial Interiors Partner Since 2018


Discover Why Our Partners Love What They Do

“Over the last 28 years I sold office products, furniture, and promotional products. For 5 years prior to joining Indoff, I partnered with two other people. I was not as free to do what I like best which is selling product and serving my customer base. Indoff gave me great buying power to compete with anyone. I can buy direct in many cases. Now I can sell office products, furniture, printing and promotional products under the same umbrella. I look forward to being with Indoff for years to come.”

Bruce Tomberlin - Business Products / Promotional Products

Partner Since 2018

“I was excited when I joined Indoff. I was going to have all the benefits of running my own business without any of the personnel headaches or personal financial risk. After almost two years, I am reaping the rewards of my efforts. Partnering with the financial, logistical and marketing strength of Indoff and combining it with my localized and personalized brand of “Cliff’s Happy Healthy Office”, I am building an account base that will be mine to keep for years to come.”

Cliff Waldeck - Business Products

Partner Since 2018

“Indoff offered competitive compensation, flexible work schedule and the opportunity to work from home. I work when I want, whether it is days, nights, weekends or from a remote location. Never missed an opportunity to be with family at necessary times without losing business. Easy to work with all programs from laptop and keep the customers happy.”

Theresa Guest - Commercial Interiors Partner Since 1999

“In the last 18 years, working with the education markets, I have had the last 3 employers to be unethical in the way they treat their employees, as in the payment for work and sales produced. Each one would find a way to not pay for services rendered. I had to sue the last one for commissions. All of this had left a bad taste in my mouth, and started looking at options, Stay in the business, or find something else to do. In talking to other salesmen, Indoff came up several times in the conversations. I first found out about Indoff, about a year and a half before ever really checking Indoff out. Changing companies as many times as I did, and yes I lost some, did make things tough at first, but many of my purchasing people have come back to me, telling me they buy from Terry Paden, not whoever I represented. Looking at Indoff offered me the chance to continue selling what products I have sold in the past but added huge markets that I have not had in the past. Sales have been great, and I have been blessed with continued revenue. I have made more money this year than any past years. The 70% startup has made that possible. The help from different departments has helped a lot with this old goat to get problems fixed. I have never had this kind of help in the past.”

Terry Paden - Commercial Interiors Partner Since 2018


A dependable communication structure is required for success in today’s business world, so Indoff provides phone service and internet service reimbursement as well as a subscription to a digital fax service to the qualifying partners. Indoff’s standard communication structure is as follows for all W-2 Partners:

1. Phone reimbursement plan – Indoff provides a $100 per month stipend for the business line of your choice whether it be a cell phone or land line.

2. Internet access - Indoff provides a $50 per month stipend for high speed internet access.

3. Email Address- Indoff provides each Partner with an Indoff.com e-mail address for transacting business.

*Stipend amounts will be reviewed annually and adjusted to reflect current market rates.

Indoff’s Partner Program allows sales professionals and business owners to manage their own business, but it is critical that we maintain a unified image. It is important to reinforce the branding of our business name in your communications:


Your telephone should be answered in a business-like manner. Answer the phone clearly and distinctly with the company name, followed by your name. For instance, “Indoff, good morning, this is John.” or “Thank you for calling Indoff, John speaking.” Also remember to record a professional message so your phone is answered when you are unavailable.

Please Note: Failure to use Indoff’s name in your recorded voice mail will lead to cancellation of the phone stipend.


Using an email address that includes your company name gives you credibility and promotes professionalism when interacting with existing and potential clients. Indoff provides an indoff.com email address for all Partners to use in their business email communications and in your printed materials. Be sure to include a clearly defined signature with your name, title and contact information. Our Partner Support & IT Help Desk department can provide suggestions and logos for use in your email signature. Contact us at 866-587-4648

Corporate Information

Our primary method of distributing information to our Partners is the discussion board. During start up, we will automatically subscribe you to the Corporate discussion board and any board appropriate to your division(s).

In addition to your phone and email, we provide company issued business cards, personalized company letterhead and envelopes, along with an internet presence on the Indoff company website. Partner Support will assist with placing these orders.



Training on the Indoff systems is an important step in getting you off to a smooth start. While we stress that you don’t try to learn the systems completely in your first few months with Indoff, we do want you to be familiar enough with the system that you can build on your independency. Our training is conducted and scheduled by our Corporate Trainer once you have been given a username and password to our system.

The training we conduct is a complete overview of the tools at your disposal with Indoff. This includes Confluence - our order entry management system, email and the Indoff Intranet. We ask that you allot two hours for this training, as questions, set-ups and ready-to-enter orders can take any amount of time. The overview session will last until yourself and the Corporate Trainer have reached a point where you both feel you understand the basics and all your questions at that time have been answered.

Once you have completed training, the Corporate Trainer will help you enter your first orders and remain in frequent contact with you until you are comfortable enough to enter day-to-day orders on your own. At that point, our entire Partner Support & IT Help Desk team, is available to answer questions as they come and offer assistance on issues as they arise.

Partner Support & IT Help Desk can be reached at 1-866-587-4648 and the department is available Monday – Friday 7AM to 7PM CDT.



Because we have been around for almost 50 years, we have seen some attributes that drive consistent revenue. Let’s call these attributes “Habits for success”.

There is NOT a one size fits all list of habits for success. Partners join us with different backgrounds.

Some Partners come to Indoff with a large book of business and (for their customers) they are seamlessly transferring how orders are executed. Their customer experiences little change / disruption because the customer considers his relationship with the Partner not the organization the Partner had worked for.

Some Partners come to Indoff with little business. We can tell you upfront: it will take this Partner longer to achieve success (defined as a list of customers whom they can count on for business).

Some Partners come to Indoff having had an extensive support team - (e.g. their prior employer had design assistance, installation services, project managers).

Some Partners come to Indoff whereby they did not have to prospect as their employer provided leads, marketing, etc.

Regardless of your background, we want to share with you habits of our most successful Partners. No matter what your background, what your former employer provided, or what your book of business, what our most successful Partners have is a plan for success.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ...

Antoine de Sasint-Exupery

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

• At Indoff you are not managed. As such, we do not require a plan. No one turns in a plan. We assume one of the reasons you joined Indoff was the freedom from management. However, we are here to help you execute your plan. The first step upon coming aboard is to communicate to your customers, prospects and contacts that you are now with Indoff and that you believe this move will be a value to your customers (why will be address later). This should be done as early as possible. Many partners do this even prior to joining.

• Indoff Marketing can assist with this communication (see Appendix A as an example).

• What next? Like everything else, this is up to you. However, our most successful Partners use this contact list to mark off as he/she contacts his/her accounts. We cannot stress enough how important this is to your long-term success. Our collective Partner experience is that it takes 10x more effort to gain a new customer than to land a new one.

• Have a system for your contact management. Most of our successful Partners have their own CRM (Contact Management System). Those that do not, still use something (excel, email contacts, or even an organized paper system).

• Do build up your e-mail contact listing. The world has changed; even your best customers probably don’t want to see you physically as often as they used to. Make sure you have e-mail information for your accounts so that you can touch them monthly with a piece that highlights a product and reminds them that you are available for their questions or problems. Indoff Marketing can assist you with this.

• Regarding your “plan”; our most successful Partners tend to keep it simple. Most set some goals, and then devise steps to achieve them. Typical goals include:

o Setting a timeline / schedule for contacting customers.

o Setting a date by which all the e-mail information from your contacts is collected and organized for campaigns.

o Setting a goal to become proficient in accessing information from Indoff (to be addressed later). You have joined a collection of sales professionals who will happily share their experiences, insights and advice. Our most successful Partners are the most active; meaning:

 They ask their peers for advice, vendors, etc.

 They are working with Indoff Marketing to be sure they are staying top of mind for their customers

 Many are cross selling other divisional products (to be discussed later).

You may have noticed that we left off sales goals. Most partners do have these. However, remember, you are not accountable to Indoff for an actual revenue number. There is no forecasting. Some partners have lowered their goals because they simply want to work less.

If you want to make a sales goal, that is a personal choice. One consideration is how will this goal motivate you? What are the building blocks (actions) to achieve this goal? In other words, to put a number on a piece of paper usually doesn’t change behavior, especially when that number is outside your control.

One Partner shared their formula as follows:

“Like the serenity prayer, I must focus on that which I can control. As I look over the years of my career, I find that my formula could be summarized as:

(Activity * Ability * Focus)

1-10 1-10 1-10

Whereby my success is a number derived by my activity, ability and focus. If, for a given month, my activity was low, I may have a score of 4 (on a scale of 1-10) and then make it a goal to increase the activity. If my ability were low because I felt there were new products I did not have a strong understanding of, I would make it a goal to learn those products.

Historical Success Road Map

Activity = Number of F2F sales calls in a month

Number of phone calls in a month

Number of proposals in a month

Ability = Building a relationship

Differentiating my value proposition

Handling objections

Qualifying opportunities


Future Success Road Map

working smarter, not harder. If I have automated communication with my customers and prospects, I can reach hundreds in the same time it takes to reach one.

Much of the ability remains consistent from earlier in my careerwith the exception of prospecting. Before I made cold calls or even knock on doors. Today, I need to integrate the new ways propsects begin their "buying cycle." Tthey self educate via the internet. Today, people want to minimize their interactions (be it phone or F2F). To prospect, I now need to be searchable online. I have to have content that will get me to the table.


Focus = What is my niche

What is my industry knowledge value

Where / how can I differentiate?

What are my highest GM products

What should be marketing focus

Focus still begins with the word "no". I have learned the more I focus on a niche the more value I add for my customer. No one, in the industry, knows more about XYZ than me. Now I tend to focus on my strengths, while I am simply just aware of my weaknesses

You are an experienced sales professional, and we believe the Indoff program is the best sales position you will ever have. Since 1991, we have provided an opportunity to sales professionals like you – an opportunity to make a great living, to control your own pricing, marketing and product selection while backed by the financial, technological and administrative expertise of a nationwide dealer.

• Do NOT spend time worrying about “learning our system”; we are here to help you with that whenever you need us. Spend your time in front of your customers.

• Do NOT spend time fretting over a master plan; keep it simple. Set some goals, and then devise steps to achieve them. Do set timelines for contacting all your customers; do set goals for collecting the e-mail information from your contacts. Sales goals are important, but without the building blocks to achieve them, they are just numbers on paper.

We will be here to help you with any administrative questions you may have, but you need to be the driving force behind your marketing and selling efforts. Keep your focus there!



Having a smaller list of active accounts to work with is far better than having a large list of inactive accounts seldom if ever called on.


We recommend the, A, B, C, D approach in account management. With this system and call pattern you will realize maximum coverage, and active evaluation of your accounts.

1. Review all of your accounts and divide them into categories based upon the amount of business they do and their potential.

A = Most active large account you should call on once a week.

B = Excellent account that buys several times a year and or has significant potential. Call on them once every month.

C = Account that is dormant but still buying from you. Call on them once a quarter.

D = Account that has purchased in past that is full currently and may not buy for several weeks. Call once every 6 months.

2. Experience indicates that having a total of 125 to 150 accounts is probably the maximum you will be able to call on with the above schedule. Using the 80/20 theory you will probably have the following account breakdown on 125 accounts total.

A = 5 accounts X 1 call a week = 250 calls per year

B = 20 accounts X 1 call a month = 240 calls per year

C = 40 accounts X 1 call a quarter = 160 calls per year

D = 60 accounts X 2 calls per year = 120 calls per year

TOTAL: 770 calls per year

Based upon this you are making over 3 calls every day during 50 weeks a year. This does not include callbacks for projects, orders, quotes, etc.

Additionally, if you miss a couple of days in a week due to quotes etc., you will then have to make 5 calls a day for the other three days.

3. As you develop leads and make calls and if you decide to work with this new account then you will need to eliminate one of your D accounts to make room. Accounts will change from A, B, C, D during each year based upon new additions, moves, expansions, etc. You should be constantly reviewing their status by knowing their situation.

1. Contracts may only be executed by an officer of Indoff. Please forward all contractual documents to Pam Hake or Jim Malkus.

2. As an Indoff Sales Partner, you have tremendous flexibility in conducting your business. There are certain areas, however, where you do have limitations due to potential business risks. These are as follows:

• For opportunities greater than $100,000, Partners are encouraged to reach out to Pam Hake before quoting for a discussion of strategy.

• Before a proposal may be presented for projects of $100,000 or greater,you must contact Pam Hake or Jim Malkus to review the project – credit, margins, purchase order/terms analysis, delivery requirements, job administration, vendor credibility, etc.

• Before quoting any project greater than $5,000 with a gross margin of less than 15%, you must contact Pam Hake or Jim Malkus for approval.

• Jobs (typically bids) requiring bid bonds or performance and payment bonds – the Company does not provide bonds. If you have a job that requires these instruments that you wish to bid, contact Pam Hake or Jim Malkus.

• General Contractor (GC) work is risky and is not something we pursue. Partners must contact Pam Hake or Jim Malkus for approval if they wish to bid a GC Project.

• All transactions involving used or refurbished material must be approved by either Pam Hake or Jim Malkus

3. Indoff takes on the financial risk of all sales; Partners, however, must follow certain guidelines in order to protect our mutual interests. Partners must follow the Indoff credit policy and obtain appropriate approvals before placing orders.

• For all orders over $1,000, a written document (customer purchase order, signed proposal) must be obtained before placing orders. For orders over $25,000, a copy of this document must be submitted to Indoff’s credit department before the order may be released.

• If these policies are followed, all credit risk goes to Indoff except for any commissions paid. See the Credit policy following these guidelines for further details.

4. Resolving job problems is primarily the Partner’s responsibility. This should be done in a prompt and efficient manner. Partners should submit the Job Problem Notification found in Confluence. This form routes to both Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable so that we may withhold payment to the vendor when appropriate or tailor our collection calls, if any, to the customer. For a significant matter, please reach out directly to Jim Malkus to discuss.

5. All subcontracted labor must be documented through the issuance of an Indoff Purchase Order, and the purchase order must state that payment will be made only if a customer sign off is forwarded along with the laborer’s invoice. A Partner should never pay a labor vendor directly; invoices are to be forwarded to Corporate for processing. All subcontracted installers must have proof of liability and worker’s compensation insurance.

6. If a factory requires a deposit on an order, the Partner must request a similar percentage deposit from the client.

7. From time to time, a Partner will receive checks made out to Indoff or even to themselves as payment for a sale. All such checks should be immediately forwarded to Indoff Corporate or the lockbox; if the check needs endorsed by the Partner, it should be marked as “For Deposit Only; Payable to Indoff” and signed by the Partner.

8. Partners are frequently approached by charitable organizations for support. This is an individual decision for each Partner; the company does not participate in individual requests by Partners for charities.

9. The Indoff Sales Partner program is a true partnership in spirit. As such, it is Company policy that Sales Partners work exclusively for Indoff. Sales Partners are not allowed to sell materials, design, engineering or labor services in any of Indoff’s six divisions except through Indoff. In short, all profit dollars generated from the sales of material or services will be split between the Partner and Indoff. The only exception to this rule is that the Company retains wholesaler rebates. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Pam Hake or Jim Malkus.

These policies are for the mutual benefit and protection of the Partners and the Company. Any questions you may have regarding any Company policy should be addressed to Pam Hake or Jim Malkus.


Purpose of the Credit Policy

Indoff’s major asset is our Accounts Receivable. If we manage our Accounts Receivable effectively and losses are kept to a minimum, we improve our borrowing base and help maintain good vendor relations by keeping Indoff’s credit rating high. This policy is designed to protect and improve the Company’s and the Sales Partner’ sales, margins, commissions, and cash flow. Any questions you have should be directed to the VP of Credit, Pam Hake.

Authority for Granting Credit

The VP of Credit and CFO are responsible for enforcing the credit policy. Within his or her authority, the VP of Credit sets permanent and temporary credit limits, places accounts on credit hold, revokes credit privileges, as necessary, handles bankruptcy accounts and turns over accounts for outside collections.

How Credit is Evaluated

New Customers

Credit Application -The Sales Partner is responsible for obtaining a completed credit application for all new customers. Credit applications need to be signed and dated and should include the customer’s bank account number. If providing their own form, your client should still sign and date the Indoff credit application to indicate they agree with our terms and conditions. In addition, the signer MUST BE an authorized signer on the bank account. Credit applications are waived for agencies of the US Government, State Government, Banks, Credit Unions and Publicly Traded Companies.

Credit Limit – A credit limit of $1,000 is given to all new customers at the time they are set up. The VP of Credit sets a new credit limit once they complete an investigation of the credit application, review of financial statements (if available) and an analysis of the applicant’s Dun and Bradstreet report. At times the Sales Partner may be asked to provide some additional background information that can be used to help us make a credit decision.

Existing Customers

Credit Limit – A customer’s credit limit is subject to ongoing review and can be increased or decreased upon review of updated credit references, customer adherence to credit terms or other information made available to the credit

department. From time to time, the credit department may request updated credit information from existing customers.

Temporary Limits - A Request for Order Approval should be submitted through Confluence once your customer has reached their available credit. Credit then reviews the account and sets a temporary limit for that pending order. F

Terms of Sale

Standard Terms – Indoff’s standard terms are printed as Net 15 Days (Business Products is 30 Days) on the customer invoice with collections beginning at 30 days. The VP of Credit has the authority to approve different terms based on the customer’s size, financial stability, and payment history with Indoff. COD terms are not accepted.

Summary Billing - Monthly Summary Bill customers will be expected to remit payment by the 15th of each month following the month of billing. Consistent failure to pay by the 15th may result in revocation of the monthly summary billing service. To qualify for Monthly Summary Billing customers must purchase at least $1,000 each month.

Payment Remittance

Customers may pay by check, wire, or credit card

Checks should be mailed to the lockbox shown on the invoice:

Indoff, Inc

PO BOX 842808 Kansas City, MO 64184-2808

Please find below instructions for sending payments electronically to Indoff, Inc. If you have any questions, please call Heather Scott or Cherrie Bledsoe @ 314-997-1122

Wires – remittance advices should be e-mailed to e-payments@indoff.com with the corresponding payments wired to:

Commerce Bank

For Deposit to Indoff Incorporated

ABA: 101000019

Acct# 208016510

Credit Cards- Credit card information should be entered directly into Confluence prior to releasing your order. This information is stored in an encrypted format to prevent unauthorized access. When your order is released, the credit card is pre-authorized for the amount of the sale. When the order is complete, the final sale amount is

charged. A 2.5% credit card fee is automatically added to the cost of all credit card orders. Like all "costs" it would directly impact the gross profit and therefore the Partner's commission.

Indoff cannot pass along credit card charges to our customers as a separate S/O line on the customer’s invoice. There are several reasons for this including the fact that in at least 10 states it is not legal to pass these through AND it is against our merchant agreement with our bank. If you know your customer will be paying by credit card, please take this into consideration when setting your prices.

Down Payments - A minimum down payment of 25% should be quoted on all orders $10,000 and over. (Exceptions for government and publicly funded entities.) Any vendor down payment must also be passed on to your customer, so make sure to ask your vendor their terms before quoting your customer. Down payments are great negotiation tools and help reduce risk. The higher the down payment the easier it is to approve pending orders. When you quote a down payment, an invoice is sent to you. Upon receipt of the down payment, the order is released and a partial billing is posted to your commissions. This allows you to earn part of your commissions before the order has been completed

Other Credit Approval Policies

Customer Purchase Orders –Always request a signed purchase order from your customer prior to placing orders with the vendors. In addition, a purchase order copy or signed Indoff quote must be submitted to Credit on all orders > $25,000.

Vendor Purchase Orders – When your customer has available credit to place an order, Confluence generates the related vendor purchase order (s) upon release of that order. These are the only purchases orders you are authorized to submit to a vendor.

Quotes > $100,000 – These should be approved by Pam Hake, VP of Credit, prior to presenting the proposal to your customer and to the credit department. On jobs this large, we not only want to review customer margins and terms, but also the vendor credibility, vendor payment terms and the complexity of the job.

Used Material – All orders involving used or refurbished material must be approved by Pam Hake or Jim Malkus prior to submitting to the credit department.

Resale Customers - The sale of a product to a company for resale is riskier than a normal sale and therefore requires special attention. As a general rule, we do not accept pay when paid on resale. On the first order placed by a new resale customer, Indoff requires a minimum down payment of 50%, with the balance due

in Net 15 days. These terms may change for subsequent orders depending on their adherence to our terms.

Contract Jobs- All contracts or purchase orders requiring an Indoff corporate signature must be executed by an officer of Indoff. (Please note that a proposal prepared by a Partner is not a contract as defined here). The VP of Credit can sign a contract, however, Sales Partners cannot. All contracts (including a copy of the sales order) are to be forwarded to Pam Hake directly for review and approval. Merchandise cannot be ordered until such time as the contract is received, approved, signed and returned to the customer


General Procedures - The collection department is responsible for the collection of all unpaid invoices, freeing the Partner to focus on sales. Collection efforts begin on day 31 for all open invoices with standard terms. In addition, early detection calls are made on large invoices and invoices to new customers (to ensure the customer has our invoice and the correct remittance set up). Collection efforts are delayed if we are made aware of a job problem. A job problem notification form can be found in Confluence, under the Intranet applications.

Aging Hold – When a customer account has over $500 in invoices, outstanding for 90 days or more, they are automatically put into an aging hold status. Confluence allows you to enter a new order, but not release it unless this hold is manually released by the collections manager.

Sales taxes- When a customer short pays an invoice by the sales tax amount, the payment coordinator on the account contacts the customer to request their tax exemption certificate. The exemption certificates must match the ship to state listed on the customer invoice.

Payment disputes/job problems- Handling job problems timely prevent long payment delays and promotes good customer relations. At times, job problems are identified while making collections calls. The Sales Partner is notified by their AR payment coordinator and provided with all information available regarding the job problem. The Sales Partner is asked to correct the issue and communicate back to Corporate when the job is resolved. If the Sales Partner does not resolve the issue within a reasonable timeframe, allowing A/R to collect the money due, the Sales Partner may be subject to a loss of commissions.

Bad debt write-offs - Once an account is determined to be a bad debt (bankrupt customer or customer does not have the ability, or refuses to pay) the Sales Partner is notified by Collections and the following occurs:

1. The Collections Department turns the account over to the Credit Department. When feasible, the account is given to an outside agency for additional recovery efforts.

2. Accounts that are deemed bad debts, including those given to an outside agency, are written off our books.

3. Previously earned commissions are reversed. The Company and the Sales Partner shares the loss; however, the Sales Partner’s loss is limited to earned commissions for the sale provided a credit application had been obtained for the order(s). (Example: $1,000 sale with 20% gross profit –Partner commission of $100 is taken back when the $1,000 is written off.)

4. In those instances where no credit approval had been obtained or no Credit Application is on file prior to the sale being processed, the Sales Partner shares 50% of the loss as the Company has been exposed to an undue risk. (Example: $1,000 sale with no credit approval – Partner is charged back $500 when the $1,000 is written off.)

When subsequent collections return the job to a profitable status, the Partner shares in the amount recovered, net of collection fees.


The Indoff Partner Program provides a unique opportunity to our Sales Partners – an opportunity to control their own efforts, to set their own schedules and to sell and service their accounts in the way they believe to be best. Indoff supports these efforts through administrative services, technology, and marketing tools.

Indoff’s Partner Program assumes Partners work full-time for Indoff; W-2 status, access to 401k, certain expense reimbursements – all of these are predicated on this full-time effort. Since Indoff does not monitor or manage its Sales Partners, we use results to determine if this is a full-time position or not. For Sales Partners producing less than $60,000 but more than $30,000 in billed gross profits on an annual basis, it is assumed that the Partner is working part-time but remains a W-2 employee with access to benefits. Partners generating less than $30,000 in billed gross profits are assumed to be working less than 20 hours per week - accordingly, any such Sales Partner is transitioned from W-2 status to 1099 status.

1. The goal of the Partner Status review is to determine the appropriate status of our Partners. Our goal is to encourage Partners to increase sales and gross profits while we assess a Partner’s commitment to a continued career with Indoff.

2. We will review Partner Gross Profit on an annual basis, at the end of the month of their Indoff Anniversary, based on the previous 12 months activity. A listing of Partners with Billed Gross Profit for the prior 12 months will be prepared and reviewed in a monthly meeting with Jim Malkus and Courtney Brazell.

3. Partners who generate Less than $30,000 in annual GP will be given notice that they have 6 months to bring it up, or they will transition to 1099 with the following:

a. Commission rate remains the same

b. Retain access to E-Marketing & Other Indoff tools

c. Paid direct through Accounting in Gross Commissions

d. When 1099 GP falls below $5000, Part ways

4. 1099 Partners who raise their billed GP to $30,000 or more will transition to | W-2 Status which includes:

a. Paid Through Payroll

b. $150 monthly phone & internet stipend

c. Marketing Budget pertaining to their primary division

d. Participation in Indoff Benefits

e. Reimbursement for consumable office supplies


Indoff understands the need in some markets for our Partners to have available certain sample items as approved by management. For that reason, our Partner compensation package includes a sample program.

This sample program is available for use at any time during the Partner’s first 13 months of employment. The following procedures should be followed to place an order using sample budget funds:

1. Contact Finance to verify the total amount of sample funds available. The total amount of the purchase cannot exceed the available sample funds (5% of Partner’s gross profit generated in the first 12 months.)

2. Enter a sales order in Confluence billed to Partner account number. The order should be written with a zero profit (cost = sell). The sales order will be taxed using your local tax rate. Enter sample budget in the customer purchase order # field.

3. The samples can be from any manufacturer you feel will benefit you in your market. You may also use the money to purchase any panel sample kit any panel sample kit or small panel from a manufacturer in order to demonstrate their product.

4. When you sell one if your samples, you should write it up in a sales order to your customer with a $0 cost (use an S/O Material for the Item Master). After the order appears on your commission report you can email our Assistant Controller and they will pay you 100% commission on that line item towards the purchase of another sample. This provision is to encourage you to turn your sample so they stay useable and presentable.


Every Partner, at some point, will have a question or need assistance. Because the success of our Partners is so important, we have a dedicated team of personnel known as the Partner Support & IT Help Desk.

The Partner Support & IT Help Desk department is staffed

Monday - Friday from 7:30am to 7pm CST

Phone: 866-587-4648

Email: partnersupport@indoff.com

The goal of this team is to answer all your questions and resolve your problems quickly and efficiently so that you can get back to business. Our team will become your first line of support for issues related to order entry, computer systems and hardware & systems training. At the very onset we will work with you to arrange training and get you up to speed as quickly as possible.


Technology is everywhere around us. If you can browse the web and check your email, then you have the skill set necessary to utilize Indoff’s technology. We use our proprietary webbased application called Confluence to do the following:

● Place / Manage Orders

● Set up Customers / Vendors

● Create Niche Marketing sites

● Group pages for important documents

● Directory of Partners and Corporate Employees

● Reporting to help manage your margins/business


Our email is hosted by Google’s enterprise product called Google Apps for Your Domain. Emails can be accessed through your browser (anytime, anywhere, even a smart phone) or through an e-mail client if that is your preference (Outlook, for example). Not only does it include email, but the following applications:

● Contact Management

● Calendar

● Documents, Spreadsheets, presentations and storage

● Chat

● Groups

● Mobile Sync

If you are thinking about a new computer, please contact IT Support for guidance. We will discuss the latest specifications for computers, what to look for and other programs we have to offer. If you have a computer now and can surf the web, then there is probably no need to get a new computer from the start. If you have any questions, again do not hesitate to call us! We can save you valuable time!


When you become a Partner at Indoff, you are automatically included in our Corporate and Divisional discussion boards. These boards serve as email groups that connect you with other Partners in the same division and are meant for you to interact by asking questions about specific products and vendors. Occasionally we will send out notes from Corporate regarding system updates or events.

For Corporate procedure or order entry questions, we ask that you reach out to the Partner Support Help Desk group email at partnersupport@indoff.com.



Confluence is our order management system, but it goes far beyond that. By definition Confluence is, a coming together of people or things; concourse. The name was chosen to reflect a coming together, a dashboard to Indoff information for our Partners and Corporate Staff.

This section will help you to understand our aim and the concept. You will find it to be user friendly, and Confluence will give you more information to successfully manage your business than you have ever seen before.

Please remember Partner Support & IT Help Desk will be here to help you in the training/ learning process. You are not in this alone. As you review this section, remember this is just an overview; you will receive training once your start date is determined and you are set up in Confluence.

Below is a snapshot of the Confluence home screen:

Confluence offers a variety of functions to assist you:

 Create Sales Orders

 Create Contracts and Set Default Pricing

 Assign Supplies Direct users

 Process Returns & Credits

 View and print Sales Orders, Quotes and Vendor Purchase Orders

 Research past invoices and sales orders

 View costs and gross profits on particular Sales Orders.

 View and print Reports

 Setup customers and vendors

 Search for customers and vendors

 Access the Indoff Intranet located on Google Drive

Create Sales Orders

Your sales orders are entered through Confluence, and once released, are electronically transmitted to the Corporate Office for billing and accounting purposes. Our system is built to automatically forward your purchase orders to Essendant and SP Richards and allows you to stock check specific items or an entire order before its released.


One of the main concepts of the Indoff Program is that it allows our sales Partners to manage their own business. Indoff provides financial, accounting, systems, and personnel support to assist you but there is no substitute for your personal involvement in your accounts and the commissions you earn.

One of Indoff’s priorities is to make sure that you are equipped with reporting tools that will contribute to your success through account management. Within Confluence you can generate numerous reports including, but not limited, to the following:

Delivery Sign-Off Report

Commission Report

Cost Adjustment Report

Secured Report

Open Orders Report

Aging Report

Customer List

Partner Analysis

Customer Analysis


The Documents section, found in Confluence, is an internal site located on Google Drive. Think of it as a library where you will find a wealth of valuable information including group homepages, numerous reference materials, step by step tips & tricks and an abundance of Marketing materials.

Discussion Boards

Indoff believes that one of the greatest resources that our Partners have is their collective knowledge. In an effort to help our Partners reach out to one another Indoff developed Discussion Boards for each of our four divisions, and a Corporate Board for items that cross division lines. The Discussion Boards are designed specifically for the ease of communicating among Partners, as well as the Corporate Office staff, and each Partner is automatically subscribed to the Discussion Board(s) that directly relates to their respective division.

We hope that you will be an active participant on the Discussion Boards and take advantage of the vast amount of knowledge and experience available to you from your fellow Partners.


Indoff offers numerous marketing tools and resources, including e-marketing, custom cover catalogs, e-commerce marketing websites (Partner Marketing Sites), corporate marketing materials, case studies, line cards and Indoff logo’d merchandise (Indoff Company Store).


Each month Indoff’s marketing department creates one e-marketing piece per division. Indoff e-marketing pieces are intended for Sales Partners to send to their customers. The instructions are easy to follow (highlight, copy, paste and presto!) and we’ve received great feedback from Partners who send these out on a monthly basis.

Customer Engagement Sites

Customizable sites offered to Sales Partners so they can pursue business online. Partner Marketing Sites serve three primary functions: 1) increase web presence for Indoff and individual Partners, 2) generate leads for our Sales Partners, and 3) generate direct online sales (via credit card).

Our sites are search engine optimized (SEO); they are designed to be found when an individual goes searching. Every site has a blog section, which is the key to search engine optimization; regular posting to the blog creates “authority” in the eye of the search engines and can help deliver potential customers to your site. We work with Partners to help them maximize results from their efforts on their sites.

In addition, the catalog section of every Partner Marketing site is customizable, meaning you decide what products to sell/show on your site, and what attributes/options to offer and at what price.

Any order submitted on your Customer Engagement Site is “dropped” into your Confluence, or Indoff’s order entry system. So, after you sign into your Confluence account, you’ll see the order, be able to release it, and generate the SO and PO.

Indoff provides you with the training your need to have a successful site. You’ll learn how to post weblogs, an About page, add catalog items and set your site preferences.

Visit http://forklift-accessories.indoff.com for an example of a Partner Marketing Site.

Web browsing has become one of the most popular avenues that the public uses when searching for just about any type of product. Indoff recognizes that an effective marketing strategy includes giving our Partners a web presence. Our Partners are encouraged to begin developing a web plan as soon as they join the Indoff team.

Partner Profile Page

Once you are established as a Partner with Indoff we will reach out to help you build your profile page which is automatically linked to the Indoff.com public website for you at www.indoff.com. The Profile Pages are based on your home or office address (This cannot be different from your actual address because it is a direct link to your personal information), according to the state that you live in. If a potential customer is looking for someone in your state, they can select the state and see all of the Indoff Partners with offices located in that state listed by division and city. The customer then clicks on your name and will be taken to your personal profile page. This is your opportunity to market yourself to your customer, sell yourself, tell your story, who you are, what you specialize in, your experience, etc. and hopefully cause this customer to contact you.

The information that is initially linked to your Profile Page from the Indoff.com site is basic and includes your name, address and phone numbers. However, as stated above, you have the ability to customize this page and sell yourself. You can add pictures of jobs that you have done, create additional links, or include a variety of other things to create interest.

Developing this page will be covered during your onboarding process. You should make it a priority to get your profile page published as quickly as possible after you start. Do not miss this opportunity to market yourself to a new Customer. Partner Support will be glad to help you get this accomplished and we are also available to help you make changes when needed.

Corporate Marketing Materials

We’ve created divisional “slicks” for each of our divisions. Each slick illustrates products and services Indoff Sales Partners provide. There is also a “Solutions Unlimited” slick available that speaks to who Indoff is and how we can help Single Source. All Corporate slicks are intended for Sales Partners to send/hand to customers.

Case Studies

Case Studies are a great way for you to illustrate completed projects to prospects and customers while strengthening Indoff’s credibility. We post case studies on www.indoff.com and also make marketing pieces from them. If you have case studies to contribute, please contact the marketing coordinator at 314-997-1232 ext. 1243.

Line Cards

Indoff has created line cards for Partners to provide to customers. There are editable or customizable line cards available so that you can add your own lines and contact information. Line cards come in three file formats – 1) html for email, 2) PDF for high quality print or email attachment, 3) Microsoft Word for easy editing (print or attach).

Indoff Company Store/Customer Engagement Site

There are a wide range of products available on the Indoff company store including apparel, drinkware, desk items, calendars and many other products to make the Indoff name visible to your customers. You can use these items for self-promotion or even for leave behind gifts for potential and existing customers. Products are sold at our cost-plus shipping. Initially payment for merchandise must go on a credit card, but after submitting an expense report with your company store purchases, you'll get reimbursed and the expense will be deducted from your marketing budget.

In addition, please feel free to create your own marketing materials or to send us a request for a marketing piece not yet created. We’re here to help you and provide the best marketing resources possible! For more information about Indoff marketing resources, please contact the marketing coordinator at 314-997-1232 ext. 1243.

The Company Introduction


These guidelines describe the visual and verbal elements that represent Indoff Inc.´s corporate identity. This includes our name, logo and other elements such as color, type and graphics.

Sending a consistent and controlled message of who we are essential to presenting a strong, unified image of our company.

These guidelines reflect Indoff.Inc´s commitment to quality, consistency and style.

The Indoff brand, including the logo, name, colors and identifying elements, are valuable company assets.

Each of us is responsible for protecting the company’s interests by preventing unauthorized or incorrect use of the Indoff Inc. name and marks.



The Corporate Logo

Our Logo is the key building block of our identity, the primary visual element that identifies us. The signature is a combination of the symbol itself and our company name –

The Logo Introduction

The Logo Application

The Logo Elements

Clearspace and computation

Incorrect Logo Applications

they have a fixed relationship that should never be changed in any way.



The Indoff.Inc Masterbrand or Corporate Logo comprises two elements, the logo symbol and logo type. The Logo Symbol is a powerful graphic evoking the culture of design services - the connection between the strength of communication and the different points that influence.

It has a particular relationship with the Indoff.Inc name. The Logo Type has been carefully chosen for its modern and yet refined, highly legible style, which has been further enhanced by the use of upper case letters. The typeface is Montserrat Bold and has also been chosen to compliment and balance perfectly with the logo symbol.

The corporate logo is presented through the use of color as well as shape and form. The two corporate colors are Wood Green and Lime Green. It is a fresh and appealing blend of colors chosen for their strong combination - modernclassic - timeless. The colors have been selected according to international standards as shown below and are easily implemented.

1) The general Logo Main logo is the dark logo used on light colored background. For dark backgrounds you will find an alternative below.

1) The Logo Anniversary Crest Consists of a powerful element evoking the culture of excellent services and 5 stars representing the 5 decades of outstanding customer service.

2) The Logo Title

Carefully chosen for its classic and refined, highly legible style, which has been further enhanced by the use of upper & lower case letters in white or green tone of the chosen corporate color. The font that is used here is ITC Berkley Oldstyle Std.

3) The Logo Dark Version will be used when the background color is light colored.

4) The Logo Light Version will be used when the background color is dark colored.

Recommended formats are: .eps | .ai | .png .jpg .tiff


Use of any stylized, animated, hand drawn or other versions of a unofficial logo is not permitted. This undermines the logo system and brand consistency. Please consult with Indoff Marketing Department if you have any questions or need further help.



It is important to keep corporate marks clear of any other graphic elements. To regulate this, an exclusion zone has been established around the corporate mark. This exclusion zone indicates the closest any other graphic element or

message can be positioned in relation to the mark of the symbol itself and our company name – they have a fixed relationship that should never be changed in any way.

Whenever you use the logo, it should be surrounded with clear space to ensure its visibility and impact. No graphic elements should invade this zone. Computation

To work out the clearspace take the height of the logo and divide it in half. (Clearspace = Height / 2).



The Corporate Typography

Typographic hierarchy is another form of visual hierarchy, a sub-hierarchy per se in an overall design project. Typographic hierarchy presents lettering so that the most important words are displayed with the most impact so users can scan

text for key information. Typographic hierarchy creates contrast between elements. There are a variety of ways you can create a sense of hierarchy. Here are some of the most common techniques for Indoff.Inc layouts.

The Corporate Fonts

Primary Font

Secondary Font

Font Hierachy

Every page should explode, either because of its staggering absurdity, the enthusiasm of its principles, or its typography.


ITC Berkeley Old Style is based on a typeface designed by Frederic W. Goudy in 1938 called University of California Old Style. It was a private press type for the publishing house of that school. In 1958, about ten years after Goudy’s death, Monotype re-issued the type under the name Californian, and it became a very successful face for book typography.



ITC Berkeley Oldstyle Std

DESIGNER : Frederic W. Goudy


Where Solutions Take Shape

WhereSolutionsTake Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape



Dharma Type released about a hundred Latin typefaces including Bebas Neue (free open source font), and many of their fonts have been featured in various publications and

used in multiple media such as movie titles (e.g. La La Land), brand logos, and posters.


Bebas Neue Pro




Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape


Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape


Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape






The old posters and signs in the traditional neighborhood of Buenos Aires called Montserrat inspired me to design a typeface that rescues the beauty of urban typography from the first half of the twentieth century. The goal is to rescue what is in Montserrat and set it free, under a free, libre and open source license, the SIL Open Font License.



DESIGNER : Julieta Ulanovsky


Where Solutions Take Shape

WhereSolutionsTake Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape



Source Sans Pro is a sans serif typeface created by Paul D. Hunt for Adobe Systems.The typeface is inspired by the forms of the American Type Founders’ gothics by Morris Fuller

Benton with both a larger x-height and character width. It is available in six weights in upright and italic styles.


Source Sans Pro

DESIGNER : Paul D. Hunt


Source Sans Pro

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape

Where Solutions Take Shape


Where Solutions Take Shape



Where Solutions Take Shape


Typography and Text Hierarchy

Typographic hierarchy is another form of visual hierarchy, a sub-hierarchy per se in an overall design project. Typographic hierarchy presents lettering so that the most important words are displayed with the most impact so users can scan

text for key information. Typographic hierarchy creates contrast between elements. There are a variety of ways you can create a sense of hierarchy. Here are some of the most common techniques for Indoff.Inc layouts.

Font Hierachy



Source Sans Pro Regular

pt Type / 11 pt Leading

Montserrat Regular - Capital Letters 10pt Type / 10pt Leading


Montserrat Medium - Capital Letters 16pt Type / 16pt Leading

Headlines and Title Sequencer and Title for Marketing

Indoff.Inc Typo

Montserrat Semi Bold - Capital Letters 34pt Type / 30 pt Leading


Montserrat Bold - Capital Letters 48pt Type / 48 pt Leading

Corporate Color System

Color plays an important role in the corporate identity program. The colors below are recommendations for various media. A palette of primary colors has been developed, which comprise the “One Voice” color scheme. Consistent use of

these colors will contribute to the cohesive and harmonious look of the Indoff.Inc brand identity across all relevant media. Check with your designer or printer when using the corporate colors that they will be always be consistent.

The Corporate Colors

Primary Color System

Secondary Color System

Co lor helps to express light—not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist‘s brain.



CMYK : C91 M044 Y063 K031

Pantone : 3292 C


RGB : R004 G089 B083

Web : #1A5A54



The Indoff.Inc has two official colors: Indoff Main Green and Indoff Mint. These colors have become a recognizable identifier for the company.


Use them as the dominant color palette for all internal and external visual presentations of the company.



CMYK : C084 M016 Y077 K002

Pantone : 340 C


RGB : R000 G146 B094

Web : #00925e

Indoff Partners can truly offer “everything from floor to ceiling.” Our unique business model allows Partners access to thousands of vendors in order to provide the best solution to a customer’s need.

We organize our Partners into divisions, taking advantage of each Partner’s unique expertise and area of concentration. Our primary divisions are as follows:

• Appliances – As both a distributor and a manufacturer, Indoff offers a wide variety of appliances. This division came about through two acquisitions Allied: www.goallied.com and Absocold: www.absocold.com. Absocold manufactures the leading quality brand of compact refrigerators. We are a "One-Stop Solution” for major appliances in the following sectors: Hospitality (hotel/motel), Multi-Family, Assisted Living, Collegiate, Office & Healthcare. To learn more, contact Josh Long at 314-991-8400 ext. 1107.

• Business Products – from office supplies to printers to file cabinets, this group specializes in meeting the daily needs of their customers. Transactional in nature, their business is grounded in relationships and service.

• Material Handling – everything you would see in a warehouse except forklifts –racking, shelving, mezzanines, light assembly stations, conveyors, shop desks, transfer tables, etc. This group’s business tends to be project oriented, and Partners frequently provide design services.

• Commercial Interiors – sells any type of furnishing imaginable -workstations and desks, seating, cafeteria tables, window blinds, floor coverings and more. Much of their business is project oriented, and design services are an important part of their business.

• Promotional Products – logo’d merchandise, pure and simple. Shirts, hats, coffee mugs, pens, golf balls – anything and everything gets a logo these days. Their business is a combination of projects and recurring transactions which promote corporate branding and employee incentives.

• Commercial Printing This division supplies printed materials such as brochures, manuals, flyers, folders, custom labels, envelopes, business cards, letterhead, checks, coupons, banners, stickers, etc.

One of Indoff’s unique advantages is your ability to work with other Partners to better penetrate and service accounts. Most buyers want to reduce the number of vendors they have to deal with; by teaming with a fellow Indoff Partner, you can meet the buyer’s need for vendor reduction while expanding your own sales. Indoff Partners work together in mutuallyagreeable fashions ranging from exchanging leads to partnering and splitting commissions –the format and interaction is determined solely by our Partners.

Teaming with fellow Indoff Partners gives you a significant advantage when targeting a new account. For example, if you are calling on a medical center, you can offer everything from high density shelving to paper shredders to logo’d t -shirts to nurses’ station seating to patient

room white boards – can any of your competitors do so? Successfully cross-selling requires trust between Partners, and that can only be built upon familiarity and success. Make it a point to meet your local Indoff Partners and begin to develop this culture of trust.

Don’t have a specific division’s Partner in your market? We will recommend a Partner from a nearby location, or you can earn some extra money by referring someone to us to become an Indoff Partner.


Indoff is a unique sales organization. One of our most extraordinary features is the freedom we give to our Partners to select the vendor of their choice to meet their customers’ needs. While we do not inventory product, we maintain relationships with both major wholesalers in order to offer the right solution to our customers and we believe it helps keep our costs low and service levels high.

Deciding if you want to designate Essendant or SP Richards Company as your primary wholesaler will play a big part in managing your business. Which company you are familiar with, the service they provide in your market, the local representative, proximity of the warehouse for will call orders and their delivery schedule to you or your courier are important considerations. Before you choose please consider which wholesaler will have the most positive impact on your business.

Once you designate a first call wholesaler, you need to make sure that you are not utilizing both wholesalers for the cheapest price on each item. Freight charges will kill your GP. You also need to be mindful that Indoff has a strong partnership with the wholesalers whether it is Essendant / SPR or any of the OPI vendors that are utilized as well and that Indoff periodically is reviewing pricing options with the vendors to get the best deal for the partner and for Indoff.

As an Indoff Partner you will have access to both wholesalers but your primary wholesaler will be set up as your first call vendor in our order entry system. This will dictate specific deals and pricing plans exclusive to first call partners down the road.

Indoff will establish your wrap and label (W&L) as it is needed (when you have a delivery point already established such as a warehouse or default delivery service).

Partners will be given access to the dedicated corporate National Express Delivery (NED) account from their first day, as well as the dedicated Azerty and School NED (for more information on this type of account please contact the New Start Coordinator) account if needed. NED accounts with Essendant are setup as neededto have product shipped to a new address a new account will need to be created.

Indoff will establish your wrap and label (W&L) and USA Express (NED) accounts with SP Richards.

W&L orders will be delivered to your courier service, or your warehouse, or can be set up as will call only. Drop ship orders (NED or USA Express) will be shipped directly to your customer using UPS or Fed Ex or LTL (whichever the vendor sees fit to use).

Contact information:


June McLeod

Account Executive

P: 770-680-5519

E: jmcleod@essendant.com

Customer Support:

General Inquiries / Key Customer Service: 1-833-918- 3902 or KeyService@essendant.com

SP Richards

Jessica Spivey

Inside Sales Team Lead

P: 770-779-4767

E: jessica_spivey@sprich.com

Customer Support:

Email: customersupport@sprich.com

Order Entry: orders@sprich.com Phone: 833-736-1316

Furniture Support:

Email: furnituresupport@sprich.com

Special Order Furniture Orders: furnitureorders@sprich.com Phone: 844-387-6777

Both wholesalers allow you to check stock directly from Confluence. You can stock check specific items or an entire order with the click of one button.

A reasonable number of catalogs from both wholesalers are free to you. Again, as you “onboard” we will assist you in obtaining your initial supply of catalogs.

As an Indoff Partner you will receive the BEST pricing from both wholesalers no matter which wholesaler you designate as your primary wholesaler.

You need to get the product to your customer in the most efficient, cost effective and professional manner possible. Deciding how you want to handle deliveries is an important part of managing your Indoff business. The following are the three delivery options available to you:

1. Hire a courier/delivery service

2. Deliver the product yourself

3. Have the product shipped directly to your customer

The method you choose has a big impact on your relationship with your customer and your continued business.

IMPORTANT: If you order $1,000 per day, there is no stop charge, only a fuel surcharge as outlined in this table. If you do place an order under the $1,000, there is a $34.20 delivery charge plus the fuel surcharge. Please look at the lines for Common/LTL and Contract/Fleet under the regular orders section. Here are a few clarifying details:

• Contract Fleet = overnight delivery to partners warehouse or designee

• Courier - Essendant distributes to Tforce approved courier for a specific delivery area (or in some markets they pick up at the facility)

• Common/ LTL, Used for Furniture / Chair mats / anything over 500#'s will ship out in this method using Saia / RPS / Yellow Freight - etc freight companies

It is the Partner’s responsibility to secure a courier service or warehouse facility and is one of the FIRST and most important tasks that MUST be completed prior to starting with Indoff. Your W&L (wrap and label) account numbers with Essendant & SP Richards cannot be established until your delivery service or warehouse facility has been declared. Otherwise, your orders will drop ship directly to the customer.

Because many of our new Business Products Sales Partners have a limited amount of experience in their dealings with these types of services, we recommend you contact your First Call Wholesaler or one of our many Sales Partners for suggestions in finding a local delivery service.


Many of our Partners contract a delivery service, aka courier. The reason is simple – this option offers you more time for selling. If you do not have a courier in mind, we suggest you begin investigating couriers in your area.

You will want to compare the terms and conditions of the couriers you contact. Negotiating a service rate that is acceptable along with quality and consistent service will pay you dividends down the road. Please remember that your courier will probably have as much if not more direct contact with your customer as you do. A delivery service should be an extension of you, your goals, and professionalism.

Before making an agreement with your local courier you need to determine whether your courier is going to pick up the product from your wholesaler or whether the wholesaler will deliver the product to them. This decision is usually made by the courier. However, if it is decided that the wholesaler will deliver to them you need to confirm that your delivery service has a secure warehouse & that wholesaler will be able to access it at the time they do daily deliveries. Your courier probably already has these items standardized but do confirm. An address is needed for the wholesaler to determine if the product can be delivered to the address.

Once you’ve come to an agreement with a delivery service, you will need to get a W-9 sent to Indoff before we can pay them. You will be assisted with this during your training.

If you come to an agreement with a friend or family member to make your deliveries, there are some things that are very important to keep in mind:

• Indoff does not provide insurance coverage to any company or individual making your deliveries. It’s your responsibility to confirm that the person making your deliveries carries the appropriate automobile and liability insurance.

• Your delivery person will need to complete a W-9. They will be paid as a 1099 vendor, not an employee.

Please feel free to refer to the following list of questions when interviewing prospective couriers:

1. Do you have the facilities to receive merchandise from either Essendant or SP Richards?

2. If so, what hours do you receive merchandise?

3. Can you give the wholesaler access to a secured space in your warehouse, via a key or alarm code, so they can drop merchandise during the night or early am hours?

4. What is required from me for you to pick up merchandise as will call?

5. If you pick merchandise up, do you bring it back to your facility and break it down and then send it out with various drivers?

6. Do you check the packages against the manifest provided by Essendant or SPR?

7. How will you report any discrepancies to me? For instance, if the manifest says you should have 5 packages and you only have 4 – how and when will you notify me of this?

8. Do you currently do “regular route deliveries” or are you set up as an on-demand courier service only?

9. Do you do route deliveries for any other Indoff Partners?

10. Are your drivers uniformed?

11. What is your pricing structure? Do you charge per stop regardless of piece count or weight or do you charge per package? Can we set up special pricing? (Based on the fact that it will be regular, consistent business)? Note: It is better for us to not have to pay any fees for the weight of the package because it is hard to analyze the vendor invoices and it is expensive.

12. Do you have any ancillary charges based on distance? Are there any areas where you will not deliver?

13. Are your drivers in cars, vans, trucks? Is there any extra charge for oversized pieces, for instance a 4’ x 8’ dry erase board?

14. Is there anything you will not deliver? i.e. 20 cases of copy paper?

15. Do all your drivers have hand trucks?

16. What kind of paperwork will you return to me? How will I receive a proof of delivery that my customer received and signed for the appropriate number of packages?

17. Will my deliveries be made by a certain time of the day? We offer “next day delivery” so a delivery made at 4:00 or 5:00 is not considered next day.

18. Are your drivers employees or subcontractors? Are you/they licensed/bonded/insured?

Some Partners choose to deliver product to their customers. If you decide to do this instead of using a courier, you are eligible to receive compensation for those deliveries. However, keep in mind that these get costed to your jobs/commissions at the same rate as deliveries and freight charges paid to anyone else.

To be paid for these deliveries you must submit the proper paperwork through the Partner Labor application in Confluence by the 10th of the month for deliveries performed the prior month. Anyone in our Partner Support & IT Help Desk department can assist you with completing an entry for your deliveries via this application. You can reach them at 866-587-4648.

If you are a W-2 employee, you will be paid through payroll. Delivery charges will show up as a non-commission payroll line. This is because we cannot pay you as an employee and a 1099 at the same time.

IMPORTANT: Indoff will pay up to 6% of the COG for freight that you deliver or hire someone to deliver.



Indoff’s business model in office supplies is built around the usage of the wholesalers. We believe that our stockless model provides the most flexible, most cost-efficient method of serving our customers. While you will most likely purchase 80+% of your product from one of the two primary wholesalers, having access to direct pricing on larger requirements can be important on occasion. To facilitate this, Indoff belongs to one of the industry buying groups – Office Partners, Inc. (OPI).

You can view the entire list of OPI manufacturers and programs at OPI’s website @ www.officepartners.com. All of their programs are available to Indoff Partners, and this access is one more part of the flexibility that Indoff Partners have in managing their business.

OPI – Charles Leonard, Inc.

OPI – Pentel of America Limited

OPI 3m

OPI Abco

OPI Acco Brands

OPI Advantus

OPI Alliance Rubber Co

OPI American Tombow, Inc.

OPI Ampad

OPI Arlington Industries

OPI At A Glance

OPI Atapco Eagle

OPI Avery Dennison

OPI Bemiss Jason Corp

OPI Binney & Smith

OPI Brother International

OPI Buddy

OPI Bush Industries

OPI C Line Products, Inc.

OPI Cardinal Brands, inc.

OPI Centis

OPI Choice Furniture Source of Fl

OPI Clover

OPI Cramer, Inc.

OPI Magnuson Group

OPI Magna Visual

OPI Marvel

OPI Maxell Corp Of America

OPI Mayline Company

OPI Mbm Corporation

OPI MMF Industries

OPI Nashua

OPI Newell Office Products

OPI Nu Kote International

OPI Office Star Products

OPI Pacon Corporation

OPI Pentel America Limited

OPI Phoenix Safe International

OPI Pilot Corp of America

OPI PM Company

OPI Premier Martin Yale Industries

OPI Quality Park Products

OPI Quartet Manufacturing Company

OPI Rayovac Corp

OPI Read Right Products

OPI Dataflex LLC

OPI Deflecto O Corp

OPI Eastern Distributing New Jersey

OPI Eldon

OPI Energizer

OPI Esselte Pendaflex Corp

OPI E S Robbins

OPI Everett Pad & Paper

OPI Fellowes

OPI Fireking International, Inc.

OPI Fiskars

OPI Future Office Ergonomics

OPI General Ribbon Corp

OPI Ghent

OPI Great Papers

OPI Hale Mfg Co

OPI Hirsh Industries

OPI House of Doolittle

OPI Hunt

OPI Iceberg Enterprises LLC

OPI Imation


OPI Kleer Fax, Inc.

OPI Lathem Time Company

OPI Rediform, Inc.

OPI Riverside Paper Company

OPI Safco

OPI Samsill Corporation

OPI Sanford

OPI Schwab

OPI Sirco, Mfg

OPI Smead

OPI Southworth

OPI Stanley Bostitch

OPI Tabbies

OPI Tops Business Forms

OPI United Receptacle, Inc.

OPI Vertiflex Micro Center

OPI Visual Organizer

OPI Westvaco

OPI Willamette Industries

OPI Z International

* You will receive Indoff’s OPI login information at your start date.


Indoff is a unique sales organization. One of our most extraordinary features is the freedom we give to our Partners to select the vendor of their choice to meet their customers’ needs. While we do not inventory product, we maintain relationships with both major wholesalers in order to offer the right solution to our customers and we believe it helps keep our costs low and service levels high.

Deciding if you want to designate Essendant or SP Richards Company as your primary wholesaler will play a big part in managing your business. Which company you are familiar with, the service they provide in your market, the local representative, proximity of the warehouse for will call orders and their delivery schedule to you or your courier are important considerations. Before you choose please consider which wholesaler will have the most positive impact on your business.

Once you designate a first call wholesaler, you need to make sure that you are not utilizing both wholesalers for the cheapest price on each item. Freight charges will kill your GP. You also need to be mindful that Indoff has a strong partnership with the wholesalers whether it is Essendant / SPR or any of the OPI vendors that are utilized as well and that Indoff periodically is reviewing pricing options with the vendors to get the best deal for the partner and for Indoff.

As an Indoff Partner you will have access to both wholesalers but your primary wholesaler will be set up as your first call vendor in our order entry system. This will dictate specific deals and pricing plans exclusive to first call partners down the road.

Indoff will establish your wrap and label (W&L) as it is needed (when you have a delivery point already established such as a warehouse or default delivery service).

Partners will be given access to the dedicated corporate National Express Delivery (NED) account from their first day, as well as the dedicated Azerty and School NED (for more information on this type of account please contact the New Start Coordinator) account if needed. NED accounts with Essendant are setup as neededto have product shipped to a new address a new account will need to be created.

Indoff will establish your wrap and label (W&L) and USA Express (NED) accounts with SP Richards.

W&L orders will be delivered to your courier service, or your warehouse, or can be set up as will call only. Drop ship orders (NED or USA Express) will be shipped directly to your customer using UPS or Fed Ex or LTL (whichever the vendor sees fit to use).

Contact information:


June McLeod

Account Executive

P: 770-680-5519

E: jmcleod@essendant.com

Customer Support:

General Inquiries / Key Customer Service: 1-833-918- 3902 or KeyService@essendant.com

SP Richards

Jessica Spivey

Inside Sales Team Lead

P: 770-779-4767

E: jessica_spivey@sprich.com

Customer Support:

Email: customersupport@sprich.com

Order Entry: orders@sprich.com Phone: 833-736-1316

Furniture Support: Email: furnituresupport@sprich.com

Special Order Furniture Orders: furnitureorders@sprich.com Phone: 844-387-6777

Both wholesalers allow you to check stock directly from Confluence. You can stock check specific items or an entire order with the click of one button.

A reasonable number of catalogs from both wholesalers are free to you. Again, as you “onboard” we will assist you in obtaining your initial supply of catalogs.

As an Indoff Partner you will receive the BEST pricing from both wholesalers no matter which wholesaler you designate as your primary wholesaler.

Indoff realizes that installation will be included in many of your sales. A professional installation by a dependable and competent installation company is crucial to customer satisfaction. Employing competent and qualified installation companies has consistently given Indoff a competitive edge and a security that each job will be done correctly. We support this through our usage of subcontracted labor – allowing our Partners to utilize the right installer for the project.

While we value all of our installation vendors and their services, we cannot assume uninsured risk. Indoff requires all installers or labor vendors to carry both Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Liability Insurance. It is important to distinguish between Worker’s Compensation insurance and liability insurance. Indoff requires our labor vendors to provide the minimum coverages listed below in order for us to employ their services.

Indoff Minimum Insurance Coverage Requirements:

Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 per Occurrence.

Commercial Automobile Coverage: $1,000,000 per Occurrence Limit.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance: Based on Statutory Coverage Limits.

Additional Insured: The policy shall include Indoff, Inc. as an additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis including completed operations coverage, with respects to the General Liability Coverage.

Certificate Holder: Indoff must also be the certificate holder on the Liability Insurance Certificate.

In the event of the cancellation, Indoff requires a minimum of 30-day notice prior to the effective date of cancellation. If your installer’s carrier has an Annual Insurance Certificate Distribution List, please add Indoff in order to automatically receive annual certificate updates.

Note to Partner: To assist your installer’s insurance carrier please attach a copy of the sample liability and worker’s compensation insurance certificate located on the Indoff Intranet under Finance.

The Indoff Partner is responsible for working with the vendors they chose to represent. Although the vast majority of our vendors allow all Indoff Partners to sell, there are exceptions. Below is a list of known exceptions.

Because Indoff is not a traditional dealer, and we do not manage our relationships with our vendors, it is up to the Partner to have a relationship with the vendors. In some cases, this may require that the Partner negotiate the terms of reselling with the vendor. Access is set by the local rep but in the case of Kimball/National (see below). Those vendors for whom we are aware that we do not have a national reseller relationship include:

Limited to very few Indoff locations: Kimball & National - they are not opening up any new Indoff locations at the moment.

Most Partners have access:

• Sit on It/Exemplis


• Jasper/JSI

• Global

• Humanscale

Most have access but they sell direct:

• KI

• Virco

As always, it's best to reach out to a local representative to determine if you can sell products in your region and to discuss pricing.


Getting the product to your customer is a critically important part of the value that you bring to the sales transaction. Freight is a cost of the job the same as materials and installation; managed properly, it can increase both your profits and your customer’s satisfaction.

While you control the delivery process, your general choices will be as follows:

• Allow the manufacturer to handle it and pass the costs through to Indoff for us to either absorb within the sale price or pass through to the customer as a freight line

• Allow the customer to handle the transportation – certain larger accounts prefer this as they feel they can better control costs and claims

• Utilize a 3rd party and handle the shipping ourselves

When a 3rd party is the chosen method, our primary logistics provider is CH Robinson (CHR) and Wilson International.

CHR provides a dedicated employee and phone number for Indoff –

Jenny Holmes at 866.860.4225 Ext. 5165, or you may send requests via e-mail to indoff@chrobinson.com

CHR’s services are designed to streamline the freight process for Indoff’s Partners while providing great service to our customers. Utilizing either can help you to

• Save money on shipping costs

• Get quick, accurate freight quotes

• Use the proper carrier for each shipment

• Quickly trace shipments en route

• Increase profits through lower freight costs

• Assist with freight claims when necessary

Don’t hesitate to contact CHR for any of your transportation needs. You can also always call Partner Support and we’ll help you understand how this important part of our business works.


Designing a work area is never easy. It takes a lot of thought, planning, measuring, and visualizing before you can even begin to price it out. When it comes to your design projects, GIZA is a must have tool.

20-20 Giza Studio, CAP or Visual Impressions a sales, design and specification tool for the do-it-all furniture professional that does not require AutoCAD®. Designed to do it all, this software helps you create appealing presentations, develop fast and detailed quotes, design complex layouts and generate a comprehensive bill of materials.

Indoff, in conjunction with 20-20 Technologies, is pleased to offer our Commercial Interiors Partners this Enhanced software at a discount.

Details are below:

2020 Giza can be purchased at a discount. Because Indoff understands the value of this program to making you successful, we are willing to finance part of this purchase. If you wish to participate and purchase this tool, please work with the Partner Support Help Desk.

As part of our continued efforts to improve our order entry system, you can import SIF Team Design files directly into Confluence.



Leasing can be used as a great negotiation tool when used as part of your quoting process. Giving your customer more than one option can help increase the likelihood of closing sales. When quoting a customer why not include a payment plan as well. Indoff Capital is a local St Louis finance company that we have used for many years. We prefer using them because once a project is financed we receive 50% down which means you get 50% of your commission more quickly.

Zac Cooper is the Director of Finance and can be reached at 866-922-5169 and the fax number is 314-842-7800. His email is zac.cooper@indoffcapital.com

If your customer decides to go with their own leasing company, then contact our credit manager before proceeding. The leasing company then becomes your customer. If Indoff hasn't done business with them we will need a completed credit app submitted before approving any orders. The minimum for leasing is $10,000 and consumables do not qualify.

We want your leasing experience to go as smoothly as possible. Keeping our credit manager informed is your first step in insuring this happens.

Indoff realizes that installation will be included in many of your sales. A professional installation by a dependable and competent installation company is crucial to customer satisfaction. Employing competent and qualified installation companies has consistently given Indoff a competitive edge and a security that each job will be done correctly. We support this through our usage of subcontracted labor – allowing our Partners to utilize the right installer for the project.

While we value all of our installation vendors and their services, we cannot assume uninsured risk. Indoff requires all installers or labor vendors to carry both Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Liability Insurance. It is important to distinguish between Worker’s Compensation insurance and liability insurance. Indoff requires our labor vendors to provide the minimum coverages listed below in order for us to employ their services.

Indoff Minimum Insurance Coverage Requirements:

Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 per Occurrence.

Commercial Automobile Coverage: $1,000,000 per Occurrence Limit.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance: Based on Statutory Coverage Limits.

Additional Insured: The policy shall include Indoff, Inc. as an additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis including completed operations coverage, with respects to the General Liability Coverage.

Certificate Holder: Indoff must also be the certificate holder on the Liability Insurance Certificate.

In the event of the cancellation, Indoff requires a minimum of 30-day notice prior to the effective date of cancellation. If your installer’s carrier has an Annual Insurance Certificate Distribution List, please add Indoff in order to automatically receive annual certificate updates.

Note to Partner: To assist your installer’s insurance carrier please attach a copy of the sample liability and worker’s compensation insurance certificate located on the Indoff Intranet under Finance.


Getting the product to your customer is a critically important part of the value that you bring to the sales transaction. Freight is a cost of the job the same as materials and installation; managed properly, it can increase both your profits and your customer’s satisfaction.

While you control the delivery process, your general choices will be as follows:

• Allow the manufacturer to handle it and pass the costs through to Indoff for us to either absorb within the sale price or pass through to the customer as a freight line

• Allow the customer to handle the transportation – certain larger accounts prefer this as they feel they can better control costs and claims

• Utilize a 3rd party and handle the shipping ourselves

When a 3rd party is the chosen method, our primary logistics provider is CH Robinson (CHR) and Wilson International.

CHR provides a dedicated employee and phone number for Indoff –Wesley Pope at 816-949-6272 x6272, or you may send requests via e-mail to indoff@chrobinson.com

CHR’s services are designed to streamline the freight process for Indoff’s Partners while providing great service to our customers. Utilizing either can help you to

• Save money on shipping costs

• Get quick, accurate freight quotes

• Use the proper carrier for each shipment

• Quickly trace shipments en route

• Increase profits through lower freight costs

• Assist with freight claims when necessary

Don’t hesitate to contact CHR for any of your transportation needs. You can also always call Partner Support and we’ll help you understand how this important part of our business works.



Leasing can be used as a great negotiation tool when used as part of your quoting process. Giving your customer more than one option can help increase the likelihood of closing sales. When quoting a customer why not include a payment plan as well. Indoff Capital is a local St Louis finance company that we have used for many years. We prefer using them because once a project is financed we receive 50% down which means you get 50% of your commission more quickly.

Zac Cooper is the Director of Finance and can be reached at 866-922-5169 and the fax number is 314-842-7800. His email is zac.cooper@indoffcapital.com

If your customer decides to go with their own leasing company, then contact our credit manager before proceeding. The leasing company then becomes your customer. If Indoff hasn't done business with them we will need a completed credit app submitted before approving any orders. The minimum for leasing is $10,000 and consumables do not qualify.

We want your leasing experience to go as smoothly as possible. Keeping our credit manager informed is your first step in insuring this happens.


Most, if not all, successful Promotional Products sales representatives are using some type of search engine. ESP Web is an industry leading research & presentation/search engine.

• ESP Web is the industry’s most-accurate research software with more than 700,000 promotional products in its database.

• ASI’s Membership Data Department is dedicated to ensuring that the information on ESP Web, from over 3,000 plus leading suppliers, is correct and updated daily.

• View products and get ideas from over 3500 supplier catalogs with ACE (All Catalogs Electronically). ASI scans all ASI catalog pages, allowing you to save, email or print them. This service is offered through ASI for an additional cost. Indoff, however, will pick up 100% of this additional cost for our Indoff Promotional Products Partners.

• Make electronic product presentations to your clients. ESP Web Presentations feature allows you to make dynamic presentations with custom headers, customized pricing, product images, virtual samples, full detail… You can either email your presentations, save them to a USB drive and present them to a client, or print them out, collate them and present them to your client in a professional presentation package.

• Take advantage of Indoff specific preferred supplier rankings. Indoff assigns rankings to preferred ASI suppliers based on our purchasing relationships with them. The rankings are:

Indoff Preferred 40

Preferred (Not Renewed)

Volume Booster

Current Account

1. Indoff Preferred 40 These are suppliers that Indoff has special pricing with in the current year. These are suppliers Indoff Partners use most frequently. This group is also selected based on wide range of product selection, price, and service.

In the interest of preserving preferred pricing and special privileges on random samples and spec samples, Indoff Partners should give these suppliers highest priority.

Indoff and its Partners have the potential to earn rebates from these suppliers.

2. Preferred (Not Renewed) These are suppliers that Indoff has special pricing with in the current year. It should be noted that Indoff encourages use of these suppliers if an Indoff Preferred 40 supplier is not able to provide for your selling opportunity. They’re deemed “not renewed” because we typically must purchase $10,000 - $20,000 a year with them to warrant renewal. Indoff relies on your support of these suppliers to maintain a wide breadth of preferred suppliers.

3. Volume Booster These are suppliers with no preferred pricing in place but significant purchases have been made by Indoff in the current year. Growth with these suppliers puts Indoff in a better position to bargain for EQP at year’s end.

4. Current Account These are Indoff suppliers with no preferred pricing in place but are already set up in Confluence. There is no significant purchasing volume with them in the current year.

By default, all Indoff search results on ESP Web are sorted by Preferred Supplier Ranking.

The following are some tips relevant only to Indoff and our purchasing ability:

• Identify preferred suppliers in your selling area

• Narrow your search to preferred suppliers only

• Sort preferred suppliers results by price, cost or supplier rating

• Share your supplier experiences with the rest of Indoff.

As reported, 85% of distributors saw an increase in sales after using ESP Web and found the software saved them 14 ½ hours a week.

Because Indoff recognizes the value of this powerful marketing tool Indoff requires that all our Promotional Products Partners subscribe to ESP Web. The annual subscription fee for ESP Web is $694.00/year, however, the cost to our Partners is only $300/year.

ESP Web is an important tool for your success, helping you to be more productive and driving our volume up with key vendors, ultimately improving our standing with these vendors for discounting, sample programs, and support.



Some Partners choose to deliver product to their customers. If you decide to do this instead of using a courier, you are eligible to receive compensation for those deliveries. However, keep in mind that these get costed to your jobs/commissions at the same rate as deliveries and freight charges paid to anyone else.

To be paid for these deliveries you must submit the proper paperwork through the Partner Labor application in Confluence by the 10th of the month for deliveries performed the prior month. Anyone in our Partner Support & IT Help Desk department can assist you with completing an entry for your deliveries via this application. You can reach them at 866-587-4648.

If you are a W-2 employee, you will be paid through payroll. Delivery charges will show up as a non-commission payroll line. This is because we cannot pay you as an employee and a 1099 at the same time.

IMPORTANT: Indoff will pay up to 6% of the COG for freight that you deliver or hire someone to deliver.



Indoff is a unique sales organization. One of our most extraordinary features is the freedom we give to our Partners to select the vendor of their choice to meet their customers’ needs. While we do not inventory product, we maintain relationships with both major wholesalers in order to offer the right solution to our customers and we believe it helps keep our costs low and service levels high.

Deciding if you want to designate Essendant or SP Richards Company as your primary wholesaler will play a big part in managing your business. Which company you are familiar with, the service they provide in your market, the local representative, proximity of the warehouse for will call orders and their delivery schedule to you or your courier are important considerations. Before you choose please consider which wholesaler will have the most positive impact on your business.

Once you designate a first call wholesaler, you need to make sure that you are not utilizing both wholesalers for the cheapest price on each item. Freight charges will kill your GP. You also need to be mindful that Indoff has a strong partnership with the wholesalers whether it is Essendant / SPR or any of the OPI vendors that are utilized as well and that Indoff periodically is reviewing pricing options with the vendors to get the best deal for the partner and for Indoff.

As an Indoff Partner you will have access to both wholesalers but your primary wholesaler will be set up as your first call vendor in our order entry system. This will dictate specific deals and pricing plans exclusive to first call partners down the road.

Indoff will establish your wrap and label (W&L) as it is needed (when you have a delivery point already established such as a warehouse or default delivery service).

Partners will be given access to the dedicated corporate National Express Delivery (NED) account from their first day, as well as the dedicated Azerty and School NED (for more information on this type of account please contact the New Start Coordinator) account if needed. NED accounts with Essendant are setup as neededto have product shipped to a new address a new account will need to be created.

Indoff will establish your wrap and label (W&L) and USA Express (NED) accounts with SP Richards.

W&L orders will be delivered to your courier service, or your warehouse, or can be set up as will call only. Drop ship orders (NED or USA Express) will be shipped directly to your customer using UPS or Fed Ex or LTL (whichever the vendor sees fit to use).

Contact information:


June McLeod

Account Executive

P: 770-680-5519

E: jmcleod@essendant.com

Customer Support:

General Inquiries / Key Customer Service: 1-833-918- 3902 or KeyService@essendant.com

SP Richards

Jessica Spivey

Inside Sales Team Lead

P: 770-779-4767

E: jessica_spivey@sprich.com

Customer Support:

Email: customersupport@sprich.com

Order Entry: orders@sprich.com Phone: 833-736-1316

Furniture Support: Email: furnituresupport@sprich.com

Special Order Furniture Orders: furnitureorders@sprich.com Phone: 844-387-6777

Both wholesalers allow you to check stock directly from Confluence. You can stock check specific items or an entire order with the click of one button.

A reasonable number of catalogs from both wholesalers are free to you. Again, as you “onboard” we will assist you in obtaining your initial supply of catalogs.

As an Indoff Partner you will receive the BEST pricing from both wholesalers no matter which wholesaler you designate as your primary wholesaler.


You need to get the product to your customer in the most efficient, cost effective and professional manner possible. Deciding how you want to handle deliveries is an important part of managing your Indoff business. The following are the three delivery options available to you:

1. Hire a courier/delivery service

2. Deliver the product yourself

3. Have the product shipped directly to your customer

The method you choose has a big impact on your relationship with your customer and your continued business.

IMPORTANT: If you order $1,000 per day, there is no stop charge, only a fuel surcharge as outlined in this table. If you do place an order under the $1,000, there is a $34.20 delivery charge plus the fuel surcharge. Please look at the lines for Common/LTL and Contract/Fleet under the regular orders section. Here are a few clarifying details:

• Contract Fleet = overnight delivery to partners warehouse or designee

• Courier - Essendant distributes to Tforce approved courier for a specific delivery area (or in some markets they pick up at the facility)

• Common/ LTL, Used for Furniture / Chair mats / anything over 500#'s will ship out in this method using Saia / RPS / Yellow Freight - etc freight companies

It is the Partner’s responsibility to secure a courier service or warehouse facility and is one of the FIRST and most important tasks that MUST be completed prior to starting with Indoff. Your W&L (wrap and label) account numbers with Essendant & SP Richards cannot be established until your delivery service or warehouse facility has been declared. Otherwise, your orders will drop ship directly to the customer.

Because many of our new Business Products Sales Partners have a limited amount of experience in their dealings with these types of services, we recommend you contact your First Call Wholesaler or one of our many Sales Partners for suggestions in finding a local delivery service.


Many of our Partners contract a delivery service, aka courier. The reason is simple – this option offers you more time for selling. If you do not have a courier in mind, we suggest you begin investigating couriers in your area.

You will want to compare the terms and conditions of the couriers you contact. Negotiating a service rate that is acceptable along with quality and consistent service will pay you dividends down the road. Please remember that your courier will probably have as much if not more direct contact with your customer as you do. A delivery service should be an extension of you, your goals, and professionalism.

Before making an agreement with your local courier you need to determine whether your courier is going to pick up the product from your wholesaler or whether the wholesaler will deliver the product to them. This decision is usually made by the courier. However, if it is decided that the wholesaler will deliver to them you need to confirm that your delivery service has a secure warehouse & that wholesaler will be able to access it at the time they do daily deliveries. Your courier probably already has these items standardized but do confirm. An address is needed for the wholesaler to determine if the product can be delivered to the address.

Once you’ve come to an agreement with a delivery service, you will need to get a W-9 sent to Indoff before we can pay them. You will be assisted with this during your training.

If you come to an agreement with a friend or family member to make your deliveries, there are some things that are very important to keep in mind:

• Indoff does not provide insurance coverage to any company or individual making your deliveries. It’s your responsibility to confirm that the person making your deliveries carries the appropriate automobile and liability insurance.

• Your delivery person will need to complete a W-9. They will be paid as a 1099 vendor, not an employee.

Please feel free to refer to the following list of questions when interviewing prospective couriers:

1. Do you have the facilities to receive merchandise from either Essendant or SP Richards?

2. If so, what hours do you receive merchandise?

3. Can you give the wholesaler access to a secured space in your warehouse, via a key or alarm code, so they can drop merchandise during the night or early am hours?

4. What is required from me for you to pick up merchandise as will call?

5. If you pick merchandise up, do you bring it back to your facility and break it down and then send it out with various drivers?

6. Do you check the packages against the manifest provided by Essendant or SPR?

7. How will you report any discrepancies to me? For instance, if the manifest says you should have 5 packages and you only have 4 – how and when will you notify me of this?

8. Do you currently do “regular route deliveries” or are you set up as an on-demand courier service only?

9. Do you do route deliveries for any other Indoff Partners?

10. Are your drivers uniformed?

11. What is your pricing structure? Do you charge per stop regardless of piece count or weight or do you charge per package? Can we set up special pricing? (Based on the fact that it will be regular, consistent business)? Note: It is better for us to not have to pay any fees for the weight of the package because it is hard to analyze the vendor invoices and it is expensive.

12. Do you have any ancillary charges based on distance? Are there any areas where you will not deliver?

13. Are your drivers in cars, vans, trucks? Is there any extra charge for oversized pieces, for instance a 4’ x 8’ dry erase board?

14. Is there anything you will not deliver? i.e. 20 cases of copy paper?

15. Do all your drivers have hand trucks?

16. What kind of paperwork will you return to me? How will I receive a proof of delivery that my customer received and signed for the appropriate number of packages?

17. Will my deliveries be made by a certain time of the day? We offer “next day delivery” so a delivery made at 4:00 or 5:00 is not considered next day.

18. Are your drivers employees or subcontractors? Are you/they licensed/bonded/insured?



David Pent

Saba Lighting Inc.

890 Freemanwood Lane Milton, GA 30004

Phone: 803-606-9817 | Fax: 678-373-4749

DPent@SabaLighting.com SabaLighting.com

Mike Foody

Saba Lighting Inc. 1260 Old Alpharetta Rd Alpharetta, GA 30005

Phone: 678-394-0008 x101 | Fax: 678-373-4749

Mfoody@SabaLighting.com SabaLighting.com

EIKO Lighting http:// https://www.eiko.com

Contact: Stuart Linton

C: 314-566-2417

D: 314-499-8589

F: 314-997-7630

slinton@starbeamlighting.com www.starbeamlighting.com

Rich Jurek

Strategic Account Manager

Trinity Warranty (630) 361-6561 (office) (630) 217-5094 (cell) Rich.jurek@trinitywarranty.com

John Vasquez | Indoff Inc. | Vice President of Energy Solutions Ph: 866.331.9244 | Cell: 314.308.7533 | Fax: 314.558.6029 john.vasquez@indoff.com | www.indoff.com


In coordination with customer remittance, below is a sample of the vendor wire transfer sheet:

Dear Indoff Canadian Vendor:

Please complete the form below so that invoice payments can be wired to you directly from Indoff’s Canadian bank account. Please return by fax to 314-685-2358. If you have any questions, please call Julie Frank @ x 1235.

Beneficiary: Company Name Address

E-mail address for remittance advice: ________________________________

Please e-mail all Indoff invoices to apinvoices@indoff.com.

All purchases made by Indoff are for resale. Our GST registration # is 861563120RT0001




Indoff is a unique sales organization. One of our most unusual features is the freedom we give to our Partners to select the vendor of their choice to meet their customers’ needs. While we do not inventory product, we maintain relationships with major wholesalers in order to offer the right solution to our customers and we believe it helps keep our costs low and service levels high.

Having S.P. Richards Canada Company as your primary wholesaler will play a big part in managing your business. Becoming familiar with the company, the service they provide in your market, the local representative, proximity of the warehouse for will call orders and their delivery schedule to you or your courier are important considerations.

Indoff will establish your wrap and label (W&L) and USA Express accounts with S.P. Richards. W&L orders will be delivered to your courier service, or your warehouse, or can be set up as will call. Drop ship orders (NED or USA Express) will be shipped directly to your customer using UPS or Fed Ex.

S.P. Richards has a “25-Item Custom Contract” available to Indoff Partners. This contract is set up with deeper discounts and the items are chosen by you based on your particular market and customers. The 25-item contract affords you the ability to offer these items to your customers at lower than normal pricing or to increase your gross profit.

As an Indoff Partner you will receive the BEST pricing from S.P. Richards Canada, always

S.P. Richards allows you to check stock directly from Confluence. You can stock check specific items or an entire order with the click of one button.

A reasonable number of catalogs from S.P. Richards are free to you. Again, during your training we will assist you in obtaining your initial supply of catalogs.

To order SP Richards catalogs you will need to contact your local sales representative. If a Partner averages $100,000 spent with SP Richards on an annual basis, then they will provide 100 catalogs at no charge to the Partner. For new Indoff Canada Partners, you are first call SP Richards and will receive a case of catalogs directly to you at no charge while you work with your representative in getting started.

S.P. Richards Canada Rep:

Charmaine Smith

Email: charmaine_smith@sprcanada.com

Phone: 1-905-789-6351 x 2339

Toll Free / Customer Service: 1-800-816-1798


Vendor resources in Confluence

• Look up a vendor in Accounts- Vendor

o Click on the link for further info- Indoff purchases, marketing materials, general vendor info

• Run a Report that shows entire Vendor list either by purchases or Alphabetical order

o Reports- Vendor Purchases Summary

• How to set up a new manufacturer/wholesaler- Applications- PartnerCustomer/Vendor Setup- New/Edit Setup

o Need W-9 to set them up in Confluence, Adam Heck can fill out any vendor credit applications or new customer forms

o How to set up an installer- same form but need Certificate of Insurance

Vendor Access-CI

• For CI- see the CI appendix on Vendor Relations

• For CI discounts- see this link

o Think of these discounts as the starting point, if you work with a manufacturer closely or have a large project, you can work towards a better discount

• We encourage the Partner to work directly with the local territory rep for each manufacturer, whether that is a factory rep or a rep group.

• If you have trouble with the local rep, we can go up the food chain to a sales executive that handles the Indoff account.

• Some manufacturers treat us a major corporate account, while others treat individual Partners differently based on their volume and willingness to rep that line.

Vendor Access- MH

• Other than a few rack vendors- Unarco and Steel King in some areas, and a few other proprietary lines like Rite Hite, Spacesaver and Montel, we have access to all manufacturers in the industrial storage/material handling industry.

• Some manufacturers only have an inside team and will all work with Indoff, while others have an outside sales force that will work with the Partners by territory.

• You are free to work with the territory rep or whoever you have worked with previously.

• Generally, discounts are given by project and we tend to get the vendor’s best discounts based on how long Indoff has been in the business, the 100+ MH Sales Partners we have nationwide and our nationwide coverage.

Vendor Access-BP

• Indoff has first call access to Essendant and SP Richards. You are free to choose either/both to work with. Partner Support will be your go to with both wholesalers.

• We also have a number of imaging supply vendors- Arlington, Synnex, Ingram Micro, Distribution Management, etc that we have access to.

o Some of these you can set up your own login to check pricing and place orders, others- like Synnex and Ingram Micro, Partner Support or Adam Heck can help you get a login.

• We also have access to Jan/San wholesalers like RJ Schinner, R3/Bunzl and Lindemeyr, Munroe, and regional paper companies.

• You can also get access to the CI vendors.

Vendor Access- PP

• Indoff is an ASI and PPAI member with access to all Promo vendors and wholesalers.

• We are an ESPweb and our top vendors will come up in product category searches.

o You can also generate your own product website through our ASI membership, and we have ASI reps that can help with that process.

• We generally have EQP pricing or better with most manufacturers. We send out EQP confirmation with many vendors at the beginning of each year.

• We generally have an overall account manager, and usually that is the rep that covers the state of Missouri, but you are free to work with the local territory rep as well.

• For our top vendors, we have a google doc created with contact info, where to send PO’s, where to send artwork etc. Click here for top 40 google doc

Vendor Relations Onboarding Process

• Catalog access

o BP- Essendant or SP Richard- online version

o MH- Global Industrial- Indoff branded print and flip books

o CI- COE- Indoff branded print and flip books

• Intro email sent to the divisional vendors- after your start date

• Access to divisional email discussion boards

o CI.gen, BP.gen, MH.gen, PP.gen

All help locating vendor contacts or issues with vendors can be sent to Adam Heck at adam.heck@indoff.com

IndoffCorporatePhoneNumbers:(314)997-1122 (800)486-7867





ApplianceVendors LatiaJackson

Vendorprepaymentsand Downpayments

VendorPaymentPortal/Confluence VendorW9 vendorw9@indoff.com

Vendorinvoices apinvoices@indoff.com

BillingRequests accounting@indoff.com SalesOrderHeaderCorrections-



AR,BC,CAN,CT,IA,IL,ME,Mexico, NH,NJ,NovaScotia,PR,Quebec,TX, VA





IndoffCorporatePhoneNumbers:(314)997-1122 (800)486-7867

IndoffCorporatePhoneNumbers:(314)997-1122 (800)486-7867

PartnerSupport&ITHelpDesk-866-587-4648 Subject/Category

CHRobinson/Corporate StephanieTurner


FreightOrderEntryIssues partnersupport@indoff.com

IndoffCorporatePhoneNumbers:(314)997-1122 (800)486-7867


PartnerLaborInvoices SubmitforPayment

VeronicaHill - submitthrough applicationstab.https://my.indoff. com/Intranet/Applications?


QuestionsFromVendorsonworking withIndoff

VendorForms VendorFormstobefilledout AdamHeck


IndoffCorporatePhoneNumbers:(314)997-1122 (800)486-7867


Subject/Category Description













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