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FX PLC & GOT1000

Pure Control Compact PLC Applications

A World of Understanding A PLC is essentially at the center of control for every application, therefore it is vital that the chosen PLC meets the needs and requirements of the system - ultimately giving satisfaction to the end user. The FX Family is designed so that the PLC CPU acts as a platform to which you can add and customize to your needs, allowing customers to create solutions that fit perfectly within their systems. With a wide range of PLC base units that form the FX Family range, customers can select products that answer their applications and cost requirements with few compromises. The FX family contains several independent yet compatible series, five of which are the FX1S, FX1N, FX3G, FX3U and FX3UC - all of which have been designed with 4 key principles in mind: - Speed with Precision - Flexible Design - Backward & Forward Compatibility - Low cost

Visualization Efficient data management is a key component to achieving successful human machine interaction. The GOT1000 range of HMIs has been specifically built to enable customers to design interface screens that visualize the application in the easiest way possible. The intuitive GOT software and setup utilities allow customers to create easy-to-use screens and reduce setup time.

Sun Tracking

Textile Industry

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Applications Customer Confidence The FX Family is the PLC of choice across the world’s industries and applications. At Mitsubishi Electric we pride ourselves on our close working relationship with our customers. By listening to customer needs Mitsubishi Electric has learnt to understand the requirements of modern applications and has developed PLC solutions that offer quality, reliability and a product that customers want. The success of this approach has been reflected in the sales of our products – now surpassing the 8 million milestone. Furthermore with RoHS compliance as standard for the complete product range, customers are assured that the purchasing of FX and GOT products falls in line with the directives placed within the market, providing a more environmentally friendly control system.

International Recognition and Reliability Mitsubishi Electric has a reputation for producing high quality products. This comes in part from our commitment to understanding and meeting the requirements of international standards and directives. In today’s world of manufacturing, customers require durable products that can cope with the day in day out tasks of the application they control. To ensure our high levels of product reliability, Mitsubishi Electric’s quality control program leaves nothing to chance, resulting in an undisputable quality that customers can rely on. Wood - Plank cutting


Food – Heating conveyor


Water Industry – Trickle filter


Photovoltaic – Sun Tracking


Textile Industry – Cold Drawing Nylon


Material handling – Distribution system 14 Shipping – Dehumidification system


Plastics – Injection molding


Printing – Label Printer




FX & GOT Product Overview


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Wood Cutting Industry – Plank Cutting Application

Features: - FX1S – A robust Micro-PLC - Simple Connection Analog Expansion Boards - GT1020 touch screen Micro-HMI with Multi-connection functionality

Application Overview:

of movements within the system two

provide the accuracy as associated with

pressure that is to be used internally

switches are provided in places where

servo control, using inverters and the

within the application.

Wood is a commodity that is being

a moving part passes. For example,

limit switch method, the application

used every day around the globe. To

when considering drive control of

control system can be realized at a

GT1020 - Just Right!

handle the different types of needs

the plank there are two points where

much lower cost.

Using the small but high resolution

for this material, the applications are

these switches are located:

screen the GT1020 provides clear

Analog Expansion Boards

many and range in complexity. For the

visualization of application data, as

smaller applications where customers

- At the backboard, which determines the

require an affordable robust PLC, the

length of the plank to be cut. (To change

The FX1S can be fitted with an

3-color LED screen (available in green,

FX1S often is the controller of choice.

the length of the plank being cut, the

Analog to Digital or Digital to Analog

orange and red or white, pink, red)

backboard can be manually adjusted to

expansion board on the front panel

can be used to provide clear and easy

FX1S – A Robust Micro-PLC

the user’s requirement)

of the PLC. By using the FX1N -1DA-BD,

to understand signals regarding the

For effective woodcutting of different

- At the loading position where new

the user has one analog output that

status of the machine, maximizing the

sized planks within the application,

planks are placed on to the application.

can be used to control the speed of

potential of this micro-HMI.

the FX1S PLC is equipped with two

well as a touch screen interface. The

the cutting saw. Using a variable

inverters. Control of the first inverter

Once the first limit switch has been

sinusoidal output into an inverter,

For high performance cost ratio, the

is responsible for positioning the

activated, the motor speed is reduced.

the saw speed can easily be varied

GT10 series also features multi-unit

plank so that smaller plank sizes can

On activation of the second limit

according to the size of the plank

connection. This feature allows

be created and the second inverter is

switch, the motor turns off and the

being cut.

the applications to be enhanced

used to drive the spinning saw across

brake turns on to stop the movement

the plank.

of the plank. For requirements where

Alternatively, for applications that

access application data from more

greater precision is required the user

require analog inputs, the FX1N -2AD-

than one place on the application.

The method used to control both

can reduce the operation speed of the

BD is available. This product permits

Thus when preparing the plank for

the position of the plank and the

inverters to reduce overshoot of the

2 analog inputs to be integrated to

cutting, the user benefits from a more

saw blade axis is known as the Limit

second limit switch.

the PLC which is particularly useful for

ergonomically friendly application.

Switch Method. To provide control

Although this method does not

when acquiring data such as speed or

Lastly, through the use of alternative

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with two HMIs, enabling the user to

1 Plank being cut


2 Plank positioning axis


3 Saw blade


4 Saw blade positioning axis 9

start-up screens during start-up of the

5 Saw dust extractor



6 Cut plank



7 Plank stacking



8 Control panel 1



9 Control panel 2





System Configuration:

GOT, machine builders can feature their own brand logos when the customer starts the application, giving a more

Controlled inputs

personal touch to the end customer. Furthermore with removable logos

• User control panel 1 • User control panel 2 • Limit switches (Drive control of plank) • Limit switches (Drive control of saw) • General input handling


the customer can provide a more customized feel to their application. FX1S

GT10-LDR – Simple Download/Upload


GT10-LDR – Simple Download/Upload The GT10-LDR simplifies download

Multi-Connection GT1020

Motor GT1020

Inverter 3

and upload of data between the GT10 series and a computer. Using the inbuilt USB device and embedded

Motor Fan

flash memory of the GT10-LDR the user can communicate program and operating system data between the


Inverter 1 Motor

Inverter 2 Motor

PC and GOT10 without the need for direct connection. Thus improving production speed as well as removes the need for a computer on the shop floor.

Controlled outputs

• User control panel 1 • User control panel 2 • Plank positioning (Inverter 1) • Saw blade positioning (Inverter 2) • Saw speed (Inverter 3) • General output handling | |

Food Industry

– Heating Conveyor Application

Features: - FX3G PLC - 3rd Generation General Use Expandable Controller - Precise, simple, and compact FX3 series special adapters - Battery-free Memory for Trouble-free Export - Clear data representation via GT1030’s 4.5 inch display

Application Overview:

as well as a range of other attributes

temperature of the furnace, the FX3U-

product being processed to be passed

that make effective control possible.

4AD-PTW-ADP uses a 3-wire platinum

through the oven at various speeds via

Food is a necessary part of our every

Memory storage is battery-less, being

resistance thermometer sensor (PT100)

control of the conveyor belt.

day lives. To cope with the multitude

stored in EEPROM. This allows for great

and a compensated range of -100

of products that we take for granted,

flexibility when exporting machines,

to + 600 ºC (-148 to 1112 ºF). With a

Speed and Simplicity - FX3 series

applications are continuously being

as the data will be safely stored in

resolution between 0.2 to 0.3ºC (0.36

special adapters

modified and improved to sustain their

the PLC for years on end. In addition

to 0.54 ºF), the adapter can be setup to

The integrated PID function processes

competitive edge within the market.

to the built-in memory an optional

acquire precise data from even the most

the input values from the adapter for

memory cassette is available with

temperature sensitive applications.

closed-loop control meets even the

The FX3G - A 3rd Generation

loader functionality for easy program

General Use Expandable Controller

uploading and downloading.

A heating conveyor is an application

toughest application requirements. To provide output control to the

FX3 series special adapters have

heaters, the system is fitted with an

dedicated data registers in the PLC

that can be typically seen within the

Effective Analog Control

FX3U-4DA-ADP, which allows more than

where the data is automatically

food processing industries, however

Within the conveyor oven, the challenge

one heater to be controlled using the 4

updated. This eliminates the need for

other connotations of the application

of providing optimized heater control is

outputs, permitting larger applications

writing data transfer commands into

are also applicable to industries such

of the utmost importance. To achieve

to feature different temperature zones.

the PLC program, saving time and

as the automotive, pharmaceutical and

this successfully, the control system

For plastic industry applications,

improving processing speed.

ceramic industries. The application

relies on both analog to digital control

different temperature zones may be

is principally based on both analog

and digital to analog control. Using

useful for such processes as curing.

GT1030 - Bright

controls with secondary requirements

Mitsubishi Electric’s range of analog

The accuracy of the unit provides a

In today’s food processing

for positioning. To meet this demand,

Special Adapters the heating of the

resolution of either 2.5mV or 4μA as

environment, it may not be acceptable

the FX3G steps to the forefront

chamber can be tailored to the needs of

well as an adequate conversion time of

to have applications that are dedicated

providing respectable processing

the specified industry.

250ms with FX3G and 200ms with FX3U

to processing only one product.

for all 4 channels.

Applications need to be able to handle

speeds, control of up to 128 directly connected I/O, or up to 256 I/O with CC-

To provide the analog to digital

The control system also makes use of

a range of products, while setup for

Link remote I/O’s (including remote I/O)

control required for monitoring the

an inverter connection that allows the

changes should be kept to a minimum.

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To achieve this, the GOT1000 features

1 1Conveyor

6 6 Heaters


2 2Product queuing

7 7 Extractor fan


3 3Heating chamber

8 8 Baked product


4 4Circulation fan

9 9 Control panel


5 5Air intake



System Configuration:

recipe handling, which allows the user to completely reconfigure the system’s settings at a touch of a button.

Controlled inputs

• User control panel • Oven temperature • Valve status • General input handling

The GT1030 is also equipped with a number of features that enhance


the end-users interaction with the


application. Using a 4.5 inch wide



screen digital touch panel display,


users are able to press two buttons simultaneously to activate critical tasks, reducing the chance of the wrong button being accidentally pressed. The GT1030 also features a real time clock, enabling the end user to automate


PT100 Sensor


oven on and off times from within the HMI. The physical layout of the GT1030 is

Motor Fan Motor Fan




also versatile, allowing the user to vertically or horizontally mount the HMI to the application. This enables the optimal screen layout with respect to the application and versatility for

Controlled outputs

• User control panel • Conveyor (Inverter) • Circulation fan • Extractor fan

• Oven heater • Air intake valve open • General output handling

space critical applications. | |

Water Industry

– Trickle Filter Application

Features: - Remote monitoring and maintenance via Ethernet communication - FREQROL protocol for simple setup of inverters - Energy saving inverters - Handy HMI - Data logging for comprehensive analysis

Application Overview:

Mitsubishi Electric Inverters

it is no longer cost effective to have

personnel visit the application in

A key element to this application

service personal frequently visiting

person, the cost of the control system

To sustain the health of the community,

is providing a continuous flow of

the application just to perform routine

can be reduced by removing the need

a crucial factor is to ensure that water

water through the tanks. For this

checks. To overcome this problem,

for fixed HMI displays. The use of

treatment is correctly managed. To

task, Mitsubishi Electrics Inverters

the control system features an

the GOT-Handy type terminal allows

do this, a range of applications exist

are the answer. A key advantage

Ethernet connection to enable remote

service personal to directly plug their

for large treatment plants that range

to using inverters is that they allow

monitoring and maintenance of the

mobile HMI into the system, providing

from 1000s of I/O to compact PLC

for energy saving via their variable

application. Remote access allows the

a user interface that has been created

applications, like the trickle filter.

torque load, enabling the system to

user to setup control rooms where a

especially for servicing the application,

increase power to the motors when

number of different stations can be

and helping maintenance staff to

The trickle filter is a wastewater

increased pumping is required. For

monitored from one location, all of

perform service in the most efficient

treatment system that biodegrades

ease of setup, the inverters can easily

which reduces labor costs and in-turn

manner possible.

organic matter and can also be used

be connected to the FX3U PLC using

reduces the overhead costs of running

to achieve nitrification. To do this a

the FREQROL protocol. This protocol

the application.

rotating distributor evenly distributes

allows connection of an FX PLC and

the wastewater from above the bed,

up to eight inverters communications

To enhance remote monitoring,

also features a number of functions

where the wastewater trickles through

in accordance with RS-485, and

the FX3U Ethernet communication

that ease operation in a mobile

a circular bed of coarse stones. The

permits inverter monitoring as well

special function block connection also

environment. Push-button switches

microorganisms in the wastewater

as parameter reading/writing – all of

features E-mail, allowing the FX3U PLC

with LEDs to display operation

attach themselves to the bed, which

which enables the customer to keep a

to actively contact the user with status

status are useful for controlling

is covered with bacteria. This bacteria

sharp eye on events happening within

information and notify the operator

external equipment. The emergency

breaks down the organic waste

the system.

in the event of an alarm within the

stop switch allows the operator to


immediately halt operation in case of

and removes pollutants from the wastewater.

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Although technically based on the GT11 series, the GOT-Handy terminal

Ethernet - Remote Connection

an emergency. A selector key switch to

With these types of applications

A Mobile HMI for Mobile Users

provide access restrictions. The three-

often being located at remote sites,

For the occasional times when

position grip switch (OFF-ON-OFF)













1 Trickle filter

6 bed 5 Filter




2 Inlet pipe

6 Drainage 7 channel




3 Distributor arms

7 Outlet 8 pipe




4 Outlet orifice

8 Pump 9 house











type 'dead-man' switch helps prevent



System Configuration:

errors and increases safety. Note: Direct disconnection of the handy unit will cause the emergency stop switch to activate unless a design such as configuring an external parallel circuit is implemented. Refer to the GOT Handy manual for details.

Controlled inputs

Analyze Data to Improve


• Water pressure • Valve status • Distributor arm encoder pulse input (x2) • Water flow rate


Performance The FX3U-CF-ADP special adapter

• Distributor rotation speed • General input handling

FX3U Ethernet special function block

GT11 Handy

Program upload/download, monitoring and adjustments


adds data logging capability to the FX3U(C) PLC. Operational problems may not be noticeable until a history of performance can be analyzed. The timed storage of data allows the user to

CF Card

analyze trends and track problems. The FX3U-CF-ADP stores data in CSV format


on MELCO approved CF cards up to 2 GB. With support of multiple files with user-defined names, automatic data timestamps, and easy read/write of data this adapter helps to bring out













Connection converter

the best in whatever application it is installed in.

Controlled outputs

• Water pump in (Inverter 1 & 2) • Water pump out (Inverter 3 & 4) • Distributor arm control (Inverter 5 & 6) • Output data (GT11 handy) • General output handling | |

Photovoltaic Industry – Sun Tracking Application

Features: - Remote monitoring and maintenance - Reliable and uncomplicated serial communication - Two-axis inverter control - Low cost GOT solution

Application Overview:

be improved by up to 20% in the

for PV panel, an intelligent mix of

every PLC.

winter and up to 50% in the summer

different PLCs helps mitigate costs

Parallel link communication transfers

Renewable energy use is growing

compared to a fixed PV panel.

while preserving functionality. This

up to 100 bit devices (M) and 10 data

rapidly, and solar energy is one

To provide proper the necessary

system incorporates a FX3U as the

registers (D) between two PLCs of the

technology that is seeing great

gradual daily panel movement a PLC

head station for receiving via an FX3U

same series.

innovation to make it viable. Different

can offer a simple, flexible solution.

Ethernet device data from a remote PC

Computer Link allows connection of

for time synchronization, bad weather

up to sixteen FX PLCs to a personal

notification and maintenance. The

computer for data transfer of directly

technologies are available to transform solar energy into useable and

Complex Mathematic Functions

transportable solar power, mostly by

To convert the time, date and PV

connection between the FX3U and

specified devices in connected PLCs.

transforming it into electricity. The two

position into the correct and precise

the local FX1S is implemented through

This protocol is also available in FX

most common ways are heat engines

zenith and azimuth angles, complex

the use of serial communication. The

documentation for connection to S/W

and photovoltaic systems (also called

trigonometric functions are required.

FX3U transfers the updated PV panel

produced in-house.

PV). Due to the ease of installation,

The FX3U has the processing ability to

positions and checks if an error in any

growing efficiency and safe operation,

perform regular and inverse floating

of the connected PLCs has occurred.

PV panels are a popular option for

point sine, cosine, and tangent

supplying solar energy.

trigonometric operations as well as

To employ serial communication the

communication for a free mixture of FX series PLCs.

The most applicable protocol for this hybrid system is the N : N

radian and degree conversion. This

FX series provides the following serial

In conjunction with ongoing

functionality allows the FX3U to do

communication formats between two

optimization of solar cells, optimizing

all necessary operations to calculate

or more PLCs:

the angle of the incoming light enables

the optimal solar energy collection

N : N communication allows up to eight

For maintenance and service the

PV cells to attain their maximum

orientation of the photovoltaic panels.

connected FX PLCs to automatically

FX1S panel systems also incorporate

transfer data among the connected

a GT1030 5V HMI. This GOT does not

PLCs. In a network, data can be

require a separate cable to provide

efficiency. The most effective way to accomplish this is by rotating

Serial Communication

GT10 series HMIs

the flat solar panel about two axes:

As system and maintenance costs

transferred among PLCs for devices

power, as it receives it from the

the zenith (horizontal axis) and the

are some of the most crucial factors

specified in the refresh range, and

programming port of the connected

azimuth (vertical axis). Efficiency can

when designing the control system

those devices can be monitored by

PLC reducing required cabinet size

| 10 |

1 PV panel



2 Zenith rotation



3 Azimuth rotation



4 Control panel






and cost. This small size GOT allows

System Configuration:

operators to monitor solar panel data and manually change the angle when panel maintenance is required.

Controlled inputs

The FX3U panel systems feature a GT1055 HMI, which like the GT1030


can be used for monitoring and maintenance, but is also capable of

• Encoder input • Limit switches • Inverter status • PV status • Energy counter input FX3U-485-BD


FX3U Ethernet special function block



performing program changes. The


bigger display allows it to display detailed information of all connected local PV panels to provide a quick overview of the system’s operational

Inverter 1 Motor

Inverter 2 Motor



Inverter 1 Motor


Inverter 2 Motor


Arid areas ideal for solar panel farms face various environmental challenges


from blowing dust and sudden, intense rainfall, among others. To ensure reliable operation the face of GT10

Inverter 1 Motor

Inverter 2 Motor

series HMIs all conform to IP67f for the highest level dust protection, an immersion level of water protection, and oil-proof protection.

Controlled outputs

• Position azimuth (inverter 1) • Position zenith (inverter 2)

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Textile Industry

– Cold Drawing Nylon Application

Features: - FREQROL Protocol for simple setup of inverters - Simple program change with Handy Programming panel - Flexible Handy GOT 1 2 3 4 1 Bobbin

5 Spindle6


2 Draw Roller 1

6 Connection 7 Port


3 Draw Roller 2

7 Handy8HMI


4 Guide

8 Control9 Panel





Application Overview:



The cold-drawing process is achieved

loading, thus improving the energy

by unwinding the filament from

efficiency of the application.

Textile production is an important

one draw roller and winding it on to

All Mitsubishi Electric frequency

The FX-30P can store up to 15

industry area whose existence is

another where the winding rate is four

inverters feature simple operation

programs (or up to 7 when the

dependent on the speed and precision

or more times as fast as the unwinding

and optimized control and data

program size is above 32k steps) to

of machinery. Furthermore textile mills

rate. This difference in winding rate

management facilities. The integrated

give the flexibility of taking one HPP

often operate 24 hours a day where

causes the yarn to be stretched.

control terminals, the one-touch digital

to perform multiple maintenance

high reliability of components and

dial and the multi-language control


minimum application down time is a

Mitsubishi Electric Inverters

panel provide instant access to current


A key element to the application is

drive status and clear error message

Sometimes it may be necessary to

controlling the speed at which the


make changes to the PLC program or

Nylon is a material that has a multitude

draw rollers turn in order that the

Furthermore, Mitsubishi Electric

monitor the operation. The FX-30P

of uses, whether to make bearings

yarn is stretched into thread. To do

inverters feature connections to other

allows not only monitoring, but also

for machines, fishing line, bristles in

this Mitsubishi Electrics Inverters

standard networks like Modbus and

online program changes with the easy-

brushes, or bathing suits, the basic

are connected to the spool and

CC-Link. Serial RS-422 and RS-485

to-use programming features built into

material properties are often the

Draw Rollers and through use of the

interfaces and the optional USB port

the HPP. Improve speed and efficiency

same. To provide this material for

FREQROL protocol a host of inverter

enable quick setup of multi-drop

by using the FX-30P for parameter and

everyday uses, one important process

parameter settings can be setup


program changes.

in the production cycle is known as

and monitored directly from the

Powerful portable programming

Cold Drawing. This process involves

PLC, simplifying setup and avoiding


In many locations there may be a

changing the nylon yarn with its

prolonged down time. Another

It is an avoidable inconvenience to

variety of PLCs in use, the FX-30P is FX

randomly arranged filament into

advantage to specifying Mitsubishi

have a PC installed at the worksite

family friendly, connectable to all FX

thread, stretching the material by up

Inverters is they feature variable torque

or to bring a PC to the location just


to 7 times its original length whilst

load functionality, enabling the spool

to perform basic data transfer or

increasing the elasticity of the fiber.

and roller speed to be maintained

maintenance. The FX-30P HPP (Handy

Back at the office connection to a PC

without the need for high torque

Programming Panel) is the convenient

is easy with the FX-30P's built-in USB

| 12 |


connector for simple and familiar

System Configuration:

connection. The dedicated software makes program transfer a breeze.

Controlled inputs While back at the office it might be a good idea to check to see if there have been any FX-30P software updates. If

• Speed / torque data (Inverter 1) • Speed / torque data (Inverter 2) • Speed / torque data (Inverter 3) • Parameter input change (FX-30P) • General input handling



so, updating the FX-30P is as simple as downloading the update file from the

Handy programming panel


GT11 Handy


web, and then updating the FX-30P while it is connected to the PC. Staying up to date has never been easier.


Inverter 1

Inverter 2

Inverter 3

Connection converter Motor

Controlled outputs



• Draw Roller 1 (Inverter 1) • Draw Roller 2 (Inverter 2) • Spool (Inverter 3) • Output data (GOT Handy) • General output handling | 13 |

Material Handling Industry – Package Distribution Application

Features: - Multi-network connection - FX3U ADP Expansion Bus - Easily expandable system - Third-Party device Connection

Application Overview:

flexible easy to use communication

system, thus creating a destination

and setting bits within the base unit


path for the package.

- allowing quicker set-up, easier use,

Reliable communication with a PLC

and above all much higher processing

is a necessity for every application

Straightforward Communication

The second process is to update the

– whether it is to provide a connection

Today package tracking is something

main database with package data

between actuators and switches, FX

that is vital within the material

received by the PLC to set up this


series products, or other third party

handling industry, allowing system

communication path the Computer

Using the FX3U-485ADP-MB hardware

devices. When communication

users to see exactly where a specified

link protocol is used. This allows all

connection, the Computer Link

types are appropriately selected

package is at all times. To do this, the

information received and sent by

Protocol network is easily expanded,

they increase the effectiveness and

PLC is situated in the application as a

the FX3U to be recorded within the

permitting up to 16 FX PLCs to be

efficiency with which the application

handling device, passing information

computer. Once in the computer,

placed on the network up to 500m

completes its tasks.

received from the RFID scanner up

data can be easily managed and

away from the computer. This

to the computer. An RFID scanner,

manipulated using third party

flexibility offered by the FX3U allows

Effective Data Management

a third party Modbus device, is also

software, allowing users with little

users to expand their applications

Material handling is an industry

connected to the FX3U via an FX3U-

experience to successfully interact with

easily giving them the flexibility to

area that defines its existence on

485ADP-MB special adapter. Using

the activities of the application.

operate within modern day businesses

effective data management. It is of

Modbus communication, package

the utmost importance that accurate

location data from the RFID scanner

FX3U ADP Expansion Bus

information is continuously and

can be quickly passed to the FX3U PLC.

A design feature of the FX3U is the new

The FX series also features a range

adapter expansion bus on the left hand

of other serial networks that enable

reliably passed through the system,


where change is constantly present.

enabling database-updates and

Once data has arrived in the PLC, two

side of base unit. Through this bus

better realization of the application

allowing the user to access information

processes are then initiated. The

users can add additional analog and

depending on the given requirements.

at any given moment. To meet these

first is for the PLC to determine the

temperature units as well as multiple

These serial networks include N:N

demands, the FX3U steps to the fore

destination target. This is carried out

communications and positioning

networking, Parallel Link and Modbus.

front, offering a range of serial and

by using outputs of the FX3U PLC to

blocks. All control is carried out

network communication options for

provide control signals to the conveyor

through direct access data registers

| 14 |














1 Box stacking

6 1 5 Pusher



2 RFID scanner

6 Pusher 7 2




3 Conveyor 1

7 Box 8 receive switch




4 Conveyor 2

8 Control cabinet 9










10 To enhance serial network setup,



System Configuration:

Mitsubishi Electric’s own PLC programming software, GX Developer, also features parameter windows that

Controlled inputs

facilitate the setting up of networks.

• Box send switch • Box receive switch • RFID scanner (Non-protocol communication) • General input handling

Through simple drop down menus, users can quickly and easily select the

Hardware FX3U-485ADP-MB FX3U-232-BD

communication channel, the network type, communication speeds and time out periods, thus reducing the coding

Computer database


Computer link

time for the programmer.

Versatile Modbus connection Modbus allows a simple connection of both FX3U PLCs and third party devices compatible with the protocol. This opens the customer to a range of

RFID scanner

new opportunities, ensuring that the optimum sensory devices and output

Modbus communication Inverter 1

Inverter 2



devices are fitted to the control system. The FX3U-485ADP-MB hardware connection allows communication with up to 16 slaves with a transmission speed of up to 19.2kbps.

Controlled outputs

• Conveyor 1 (Inverter 1) • Conveyor 2 (Inverter 2) • Package pushers • General output handling | 15 |

Shipping Industry

– Dehumidification Application

Features: - Shipping approvals - Easy program change via EEPROM cassette - High accuracy Analog Special Function Blocks - Intuitive programming environment

Application Overview:

1 Non-treated air inlet


2 Non-treated air fan 1


3 Exhaust air


4 Fresh air inlet


5 Non-treated air fan 2


with a number of key shipping

To enable control of the application,

Simple Program Change

approval organizations, including:

the PLC is equipped with two analog

In applications such as those fitted

Due to the nature of today’s business,

Lloyds, German Lloyds, American

units. The first unit, the FX2N-4AD,

to ships, when a program change is

applications are produced for a variety

Bureau of shipping, Registro Italiano

takes humidity measurements from

required, often the personnel around

of purposes and installed in a number

Navale, DET Norse Veritas and Bureau

the sensors located in the various hull

the device are not familiar with the

of different environments. To create

Veritas. These approvals give the user

compartments of the ship. These

internal workings of the application

control systems for these applications,

confidence that the FX control system

humidity measurements are used to

and cannot program the desired

customers require products that

will operate safely within the bounds of

alter the temperature of the cooling

change. To overcome this problem,

are flexible as well as robust, so

this strict operating environment.

fins. The greater the humidity in the air

an EEPROM cassette can be used

the cooler the fins become. To provide

by the application builder to store a

that they can operate in a variety of different environments without fear of

Adapting to the Application

accurate temperature output data,

modified program, after which it can


To care for the condition of the ship

the fins are controlled by the second

then be sent to the end user. Upon

and the products being transported,

analog unit, the FX2N-4DA.

receiving the EEPROM cassette, the

International Approvals

it is imperative that the ship interior

Shipping is a large industry area that

is kept as dry as possible. Therefore,

Direct Motor Connection

the PLC, where the EEPROM program

has evolved to handle one part of the

moist air, a catalyst for rusting and

To remove condensed water from

will automatically run. This process

transportation process. Within modern

causing mildew, must be removed.

the system, the control system takes

minimizes complications and avoids

ships, be them cargo ships or cruise

This process of handling moist air

readings of the water levels from the

the need for costly on-site visits for

ships, there are a range of different

within the ship is carried out by

condensed water collection tank. Once

program changes.

applications where PLC control plays

a dehumidifier application. The

the threshold value is reached within

a vital part. However, before a PLC can

application itself is simple, taking air

the tank, the PLC turns on an output

Intuitive Programming Environment

be fitted to a ship certain legislative

from the ship holds, passing it over

which is connected to a motor, and

For the machine builder who creates

requirements must be first met. The

a cooling filament, condensing the

water is pumped from the collection

the PLC program for the application,

FX series base unit range along with

moisture from the air before then

tank until emptied. Once empty, the

the FX Family of controllers has a

a range of SFBs, ADPs and other

passing the dry air back into the ship

motor is shut down until next required.

simple programming structure. Using

accessory products are compliant


| 16 |

end-user simply plugs the cassette into

GX Developer’s straightforward

6 Cooling fins


7 Water tank


8 Pump


9 Water outlet pipe


10 Dehumidified air return pipe 15

programming environment, easy to

System Configuration:

use help functions, and advanced PC to PLC communication, machine builders can quickly develop programs that

Controlled inputs

meet the demands of the application.

• Temperature of cooling fins • Humidity monitoring • Fresh air inlet • Fresh air outlet

• User control panel • General input handling

Hardware Humidity Sensors




Cooling Filament


Motor Motor Fan 1 Motor Fan 2

Controlled outputs

• Valve control • Non-treated air fan (Fan 1) • Non-treated air fan (Fan 2) • Cooling fins temperature

• Water pump • User control panel • General output handling

| 17 |

Plastics Industry

- Injection Molding Application

Features: - New FX3U ADP bus for high-speed precision control - Third party device connection via Modbus - High speed input/output ADPs with differential line drivers - HMI with CF card interface and List Editor 1 Hopper 2 Worm screw 3 4 5

Application Overview:

High speed I/O Control

S, E, T, B, N, PL II, WRe5-26, U, an L type

graph functionality that gives the user

High speed I/O control is an integral

thermocouple support as well as 3-wire

a range of options to select the best

In modern society plastics are

part to the application. The application

platinum resistance thermometer

method to present application data.

something that most of us take for

relies on control of the worm screw

sensor(s) Pt100, JPt100, Pt1000 and

Screens can be tailored to the end

granted. The process of producing

that drives the plastic granules down

Voltage input available as well, the

user’s needs so that high-level control is

bottles, jars, toys etc. has become

the heating chamber, control of the

connection combinations of the 4

always one touch away.

a refined process where speed

reciprocal injection mechanism that

channels are vast indeed.

and accuracy are two qualities that

drives the melted plastic into the mold,

distinguish the good applications from

and, once the plastic is set in the mold,

Temperature control via heating

transferring screen projects quickly,

the rest.

control of the mechanism that opens

and cooling of the process allows

particularly when a large number of

the mold, ejects the plastic and re-

the FX3U-4LC to handle all kind of

terminals need to be simultaneously

With injection molding applications,

closes the mold again. The high-speed

applications. The built in PID auto-

updated. The CF cards can also be

the process involves turning raw plastic

input and output ADPs provide simple

tuning functionality allows the module

used to store alarm related information

granules into usable commodities.

control of up to 4 axes that can process

to optimize control operations with

as well as other specified data,

Although a straightforward process,

signals at up to 200kHz. Both the FX3U-

minimal operator effort.

allowing service engineers to complete

the control system must handle analog

4HSX-ADP and the FX3U-2HSY-ADP use

and positioning procedures with

differential line drivers which improve

Data Visualization and Storage

high processing speed. To set a new

positioning accuracy and reduce the

To enable the operator to successfully

benchmark within the compact PLC

effect of noise within the system.

interact with the application, the

Mitsubishi Electric’s data transfer tool

market, the FX3U was developed with a

control system is equipped with a

also allows users to upload/download

new high-speed Special Adapter (ADP)

GT1155 that provides sharp data

GOT project data from/to the HMI,

CF cards are a useful accessory for

application analysis away from the application itself.

bus that implements control via direct

Specialized Temperature Control

representation via the 256-color display

without the expense of purchasing GT

access to data registers and bits within

- FX3U -4LC

and 3MB storage space for screen

Designer 2.

the PLC, capable of higher processing

The new FX3U-4LC special function

designs. Among the many functions

speeds for the customer’s application.

block allows for the ultimate level of

available, the GOT is equipped with

temperature processing. With K, J, R,

extensive alarm handling as well as

| 18 |

Direct Program Change & System Monitor



7 1 chamber 3 Heating 8 2 4 Temperature Controllers 9 3 5 Heaters 10



4 injection mechanism 6 Reciprocal 11 5 7 12 8






Furthermore, included with the GT11 is

12 6


13 7 Mold mechanism14


mechanism 8 Product ejection 15 13

9 Product out


10 Control panel


System Configuration:

a List Editor that provides a convenient method for minor on-site program changes in Mitsubishi Electric PLCs.

• User control panel • Temperature input • High speed counters • General input handling

Controlled inputs

Changes are carried out in instruction list format, removing the need for additional peripheral devices.



Using the System Monitor within the GT11, Mitsubishi Electric PLC devices


can be monitored and changed.



Monitoring can be performed by selecting individual devices to be monitored, or by specifying the first device in a range. Current values and set values of timer and counter devices Temperature sensors

can also be changed, along with the buffer memory of attached special function blocks. Servo 1


Servo 2


Servo 3

Controlled outputs


• Worm screw motor (Servo 1) • Worm screw reciprocal injection mechanism (Servo 2) • Mold mechanism (Servo 3) • Temperature control • User control panel • General output handling | 19 |

Printing Industry

– Label Printing Application

Features: - FX2N -10PG with up to 1MHz pulse output string - Non-protocol communication for third party device connection - GOT1000 Series HMI with language switching - FX3UC - For space conscious applications

Application Overview:

1 Unwinding reel


2 Reel size compensator


3 Start/Stop sensor


4 Printing device


5 Dancing roller


the FX2N-10PG is also equipped with a

with a total extension distance of up

be reconfigured to end-users’ native

differential line driver. The differential

to 15m via the FX3U-232-ADP-MB, this

tongue. To do this, the GOT1000 series

Printing is an industry where the FX

line driver cancels out any white noise

setup has potential for use with larger

features easy language switching

range has always proven successful.

that may be present within the system,


which allows a variety of spreadsheet

Whether the customer seeks reliability,

providing more precise positioning

accuracy or speed, the FX range offers

data to the drive train and thus more

the correct attributes to give the

accurate printing results.

Speed with Precision

based dialogs to be loaded within the user’s program, permitting the user

The FX3U(C) has the fastest processing

to switch the user language at a touch

speeds within the FX range, allowing

of a button. The GOT1000 series is

With special functions that include

basic instructions to be processed at

compatible with Unicode 2.1 enabling

the selection of absolute or relative

0.065μsec. For users this means faster

a host of character sets to be chosen,

Single-Axis Positioning Module

positioning and 7 different operation

program response and more accurate

whatever the language.

For the majority of applications the

functions, such as jog mode, zeroing

process performance as inputs,

FX3U(C)’s built in high speed inputs and

and speed increase or decrease

outputs and actions are processed and

Using the GOT’s ASCII input feature,

outputs offer sufficient control for the

functionality, the FX2N-10PG provides

monitored more times per second.

new dialogs can be written within

customer’s application. However, in

an array of options with which to

certain circumstances the user may

control the application.

customer’s application a leading edge within the market.

wish to increase the positioning control

the HMI and sent to the PLC. This Furthermore the FX3U(C) comes with

feature allows the user to modify the

a large standard internal memory of

alphanumeric strings that are printed

performance. This can be carried out

Control of third party devices

64k steps. Larger memory allows the

to the labels without complications of

by simply connecting a FX2N-10PG

For control of third party devices,

user to write larger and more complex

additional hardware or software.

Special Function Block, which provides

the FX range can also communicate

programs as well as store more data in

a pulse train output of up to 1MHz.

via non-protocol communication,

the file registers.

This highly accurate pulse output can

connecting to devices such as printers,

be used to drive a single-axis stepping

barcode readers, etc. Using non-

Overcoming the Language Barrier

GOT1000 range allows the user to

or servo motor enabling advanced

protocol communication, up to 4,096

For applications that are exported

create a personalized interface to

control within the application. To limit

data points can be sent and up to

to different parts of the world, it is

display in-depth information about the

the affect of noise within the system,

4,096 data points can be received. And,

essential that the HMI language can

application. Also by using the available

| 20 |

With a range of fonts, graphical charts and alternative startup screens, the

6 Drive train


7 Winding reel


8 Winding motor


9 Control panel




graphical tools, machine builders

System Configuration:

have a range of options from which to choose the most efficient method of representing data thus utilizing the

Controlled inputs

maximum amount of available screen

• User control panel (label test input) • Start stop sensor • General input handling


Hardware Finally, with the front mounted USB FX3U-232ADP-MB

port, service staff can quickly enter the


PLC program, allowing the ladder code


to be quickly monitored and changed as necessary. The USB “transparent mode” simplifies the connection setup, thus reducing down time of the application.


Slim fit - FX3UC To provide additional flexibility for applications where space is at a





premium the FX3UC incorporates all of the processing power of the FX3U, but with a much smaller footprint. Additionally connector-type I/O make wiring more organized and easier to maintain. A necessity for small enclosures.

Controlled outputs

• User control panel • Drive train (Servo) • Printing device • Winding motor • General output handling | 21 |

Packaging Industry

– Interconnected Applications

Features: - FX - Servo System Controller Network Advanced positioning control - CC-Link connection - Effective data communication - Backwards and Forwards Compatibility

Application Overview:

upgrading their entire control system

transition between points while

to accommodate new technologies.

reducing force loading on the product

Whether the product comes from the

It is for this reason that the FX family

during positioning movements.

food industry, pharmaceutical industry

of base units have been developed

or consumer goods industry, it is highly

with backward - forward compatibility,

Another useful SSCNET feature is the

its own programming software

likely that the product undergoes

allowing users to upgrade their base

Target Address Change function. Once

FX Configurator-FP. This software

some form of packaging during the

unit without the case of upgrading

the product is tested the PLC checks

integrates with GX Developer and

production process. With a variety of

extension modules.

whether the jar is marked with a pass

allows the users to set up positioning

or fail status which can trigger the jar

instructions in a table format enabling

to be moved to a new target location.

simple to advanced positioning control

Using SSCNET, this process happens

patterns to be quickly and easily created.

packaging applications available, the PLC system must be flexible so that it

SSCNET III - Servo System Controller Network

can mold to the requirements of each

communication speed of 50Mbps. To simplify the setup procedure, the FX3U-20SSC-H also features

solution. Whether it is filling, capping,

Mitsubishi Electric’s SSCNET fiber optic

in one fluid movement – once the

sleeve placing, heat shrinking, or

network provides new opportunities

product status is identified the SSCNET

product placement, the PLC system

that were only previously available

module will automatically map the

must provide multifaceted control for

with advanced PLC platforms. The

new path of the product without

every stage of the packaging process.

network is connected to the PLC via the

stopping, increasing the speed and

FX applications often feature as part

FX3U-20SSC-H block that permits a host

efficiency of the process.

of a bigger application. In factory

CC-Link – Effective Data Communication

Sustaining Pace with Technology

of new functionality at the compact

To sustain pace with the technological

PLC range. Features include torque

To enable flexibility when designing

processes happening simultaneously.

improvements within the market

control, that ensures the maximum

the application, SSCNET is equipped

To maintain synchronization and

and for customer’s business’ to stay

torque is not exceeded when placing

with fiber optic cables to convey

efficiency, application processes

competitive, it is important that

caps on jars, manual pulsar connection,

control signals between the servo

must be able to communicate with

control systems can be upgraded as

enabling customers to quickly set up

motors and the PLC unit. Fiber optic

each other continuously. To do this,

the need arises. As new products

the position of the sleeve rolls, and dual

cabling means the servos can be

CC-Link has evolved, providing an

feature in the market, it is unreasonable

axis control, realizing both linear and

placed up to 50m from each node

open field bus and control network

for customers to bear the cost of

circulation interpolation for quicker

on the network whilst providing a

for communication with intelligent

| 22 |

environments there may be many other


devices such as display devices, bar code readers, and PLCs. With data communication via standardized twisted-pair cable, a maximum bus segmentation extension of 1,200m



















10 11

9 Test chamber15

14 15

1 Valve control 1

2 Worm screw

5 with torque control 7 placer 6 Cap 11 12

10 Pick and place arm


3 Jar stop 1 switch

placer pulsar 8 13 7 Sleeve 6 with manual12

11 Failed product bin


4 Filling2mechanism

9 chamber 8 Heat 13 14 7 for shrink wrapping

12 Final product placement




9 10




System Configuration 1: Controlled inputs


• User control panel • Start stop switch • Temperature control • General input handling




14 15


Controlled outputs FX2N-32CCL



Servo 1

Servo 2


connectable to a PC, allowing real time

• User control panel • Cam switch • Heat chamber temperature control • Manual pulsar • General input handling

Extra flexible temperature ADPs


FX2N-16CCL-M FX3U-20SSC-H x 2

Controlled outputs

Inverter 1

Inverter 2 Manual pulsar

The FX3U temperature input ADP range

Servo 1

has been extended to include FX3U4AD-PNK-ADP, a 4 channel ADP for either PT1000 or Ni1000 thermometer sensors, and the FX3U-4AD-PTW-ADP, a 4 channel ADP for wider temperature




Servo 2

Servo 3


• User control panel • Heat chamber heater • Torque control cap (Servo 1 & 2) • Sleeve placing (Servo 3) • Pre-cam table conveyer (Inverter 1) • After-cam table conveyer (Inverter 2) • General output handling

System Configuration 3:

range support for Pt100 sensors.

Controlled inputs

The extended range allows greater

• Test chamber • General input handling

flexibility for hardware setup.

• Valve control • Worm screw (Servo 1) • Filling mechanism (Servo 2) • Conveyor motor (Inverter) • General output handling

System Configuration 2: Controlled inputs

system and the factory floor.

14 15


range of applications. CC-Link is also data exchange between the control

8 10


rates of up to 10 Mbit/s (for reduced effective and versatile network for a


5 Cam 6 table4

(at 156 kbit/s max.) and transfer extensions), CC-Link provides a cost






Controlled outputs

FX2N-32CCL Servo 1

Servo 2

• 2 axis arm (Servo 1 & 2) • Address change • Box ready output for box sealing application • General output handling | 23 |




The setup of an FX system can

Expansion I/O Blocks and Units

range from a standalone base unit

Both un-powered and powered

to more advanced systems with

expansion I/O can be added to

increased I/O handling, as well as

the FX series PLCs. This allows

analog and digital control. When

customers to create systems that

creating FX control systems, the FX

control the optimum amount of

products fall into a set of defined

I/O to operate their application



Base units The unique range of base units

Special Function Blocks and Special Adapters

makes FX PLCs suitable for a variety

A wide variety of special function

of applications. The range allows

modules are available for

the customer to select the power

the FX series PLCs, providing

supply, AC or DC, as well as the type

networking functionality, digital

and number of system inputs and

to analog control, analog to digital

outputs used on-board the system.

control, positioning control and

All base units can be programmed

temperature monitoring.

with GX Developer programming

16~384*2 14~256*3 14~128 10~30


FX1S A micro controller for simple applications, supported by strong communication capabilities.


FX3G Advanced control, multiple communication possibilities and a wide range of options still make this PLC an industry leader.

FX3U/FX3UC Ultra high speed, maximum performance and a simplified design concept make this the ultimate micro PLC.

This powerful micro brings the flexibility of the modular PLC design concept but, with the ease of use typical of FX series PLCs.

The right PLC for you The FX family of PLCs is highly

to 34 I/O (FX1S), or a more complex

flexible, enabling fast and efficient

system with up to 384*2 I/Os (FX3U).

software, allowing flexibility


to transfer programs between

To enhance the FX System

configuration for the application

Each PLC within the FX family

different PLC types.*1

performance, the product range

at hand. It is the ideal choice

has been created with a different

*1 Some instructions may not be supported in

also features various memory

regardless of whether you need a

application profile in mind.

certain base units.

casettes, display modules and

simple control system requiring up

cables. This attention to detail Expansion boards

allows customers to configure a

For small numbers of additional

system that can be fine tuned to

I/O (2 to 4), the extension adapter

meet the end customer’s needs.

boards can be installed directly into the FX1S or FX1N controller. Interface adapter boards can also provide other communication interfaces for FX PLCs. | 24 |





Power supply

100-240V AC, 24V DC

100-240V AC, 12-24V DC

100-240V AC, 24V DC

100-240V AC 24V DC

Maximum I/O






Digital I/O

Relay/Transistor Relay/Transistor Relay/Transistor Relay/Transistor

Cycle period/ logical instruction

0.55 µs

0.55 µs

0.21 µs

0.065 µs

PLC program memory

2k steps

8k steps

32k steps

64k steps

*2 When networked with CC-Link (Discrete I/O maximum = 256) *3 When networked with CC-Link (Discrete I/O maximum = 128)

Your System I/O Processing


Flexibility, speed, efficient

The use of instructions within the

The FX Family of PLCs are equipped

bar code readers, printers and

configuration and ease of

FX PLC range is designed with

to share a basic communication

modems. FX Family PLCs, such as

programming are often key

one common concept: to make

concept where additional RS-232,

the FX1N, FX3G and FX3U, also have

features why customers choose FX

the building of applications and

RS-422 or RS-485 communication

a wider range of communications

products for their applications. The

program writing easier and quicker,

boards can be added to the main

modules. These include options

FX range is equipped with powerful

whilst reducing the chance of

base unit without increasing the

for connection to open and closed

processors that enable quick


required cabinet space. These can

networks such as CC-Link, Modbus

responses and accurate processing

then be used for communication

and Ethernet.

of tasks.

to various third party devices like

The FX base units’ memory size range from 2K steps (FX1S) to 64K steps (FX3U). Larger memory means customers can write larger and more complex programs and store more data in data registers and extension registers.

Advanced Combining the FX3U/3UC with various pulse train output units lets them overcome even more advanced application challenges. Adding up to two pulse train output



adapters to the FX3U doesn't even require a programming change

Standard Functions

Advanced Functions


versus using the integrated high-

From simple 1 to 2 channel BD

Analog special function blocks add the

Embedded high-speed outputs

speed outputs.

boards to multi-channel analog

advantages of having an embedded

in all FX PLC main units allow

input and output special function

CPU to work independently of the

user friendly positioning control


blocks, the level of analog

PLC, improving response. Output

via pulse trains. All positioning

The special function block for

control is customizable. Standard

patterns configured beforehand

commands use axis parameters

SSCNET III positioning allows a FX3

functions include analog input

allow the analog signal to be output

stored in special D registers to keep

series PLC to connect via noise-

and output, temperature level

according to preplanned levels. PID

things simple.

resistant, high-speed fiber optic

input, and digital averaging

control responds to changes with the

wiring to a MR-J3 series servo

of analog data to smooth out

most effective input helped by auto-

system. Manage the servos using


tuning within the special function

the FX-Configurator FP software for

block. In the FX3U -4AD and FX3UC-4AD

real-time monitoring.

digital filtering can be implemented to reduce noise. | 25 |

Software In today’s world, programming software for PLCs is a forever evolving process. Customers place more focus on reusable program code and user friendly software. This helps to reduce errors, reduce programming time and helps manage the programming process.

GX Developer The key to any good software is that it is simple to use and intuitive. The GX Developer PLC programming package has achieved this by using a design that is simple to understand yet has access to powerful functions and tools. It also features help functions and an advanced communications setup utility, ensuring safe reliable data transfer to and from the target PLC. GX Developer has also been designed so that it can interface directly with other FX programming packages, such as FX3U Positioning or FX3U Ethernet special function block setup software, allowing customers to access different programs in a straightforward manner.

GT Works 3 The all new GT Works3 is the most advanced screen design environment. Experience the dawn of new era in visualization design to quickly transform the front end of your machine into a more user friendly and sophisticated interface you need a design environment that is both intuitive and efficient. GT WORKS3 is the quintessential environment for visual design and configuration. User-oriented functions are integrated based on three main concepts - simplicity, definition and ease of use. Screen development time is reduced up to 70% compared to other conventional HMI environments.* * Compared to GT Designer 2 (based on our measurements) Drawing Software

Works 3

Virtual GOT

Virtual PLC



Communication/ Monitoring Load project data

| 26 |

Click with mouse

Programming Software

Sequence program RUN

Load Program


Visualization The consistent approach to data visualization! Industrial control panels are increasingly turning into multifunctional human-machine interfaces. They are now an integrated part of modern automation systems, displaying detailed information on plant and machine control operations, connecting to higher-level management systems and providing a wealth of helpful and supportive functions for machine and factory operation, monitoring and diagnostics. The GOT1000 family features 3 different series to provide the best fit of functionality for all kind of user requirements from the GT10 series, achieving affordability with basic functionality, up to the GT16 series, the all-in-one model, packed with all the solutions to meet the needs of demanding customers.

GOT1000 with FX Series PLCs - Transparent Mode - Back-up and Restore functionality with GT16 - List Editor (GT10/GT11 and GT16)



- Multi-Connection (GT10, GT11) - No External Power Required (GT1020-L[]L(W) and GT1030-L[]L(W) 5V DC type) - Common Software for ALL GOTs.

Video RGB




Variety of integrated functions





GT1695M 65,536 color


12.1 -inch


GT1685M 65,536 color

Hand health


10.4 -inch



GT1675M 65,536 color

Parts movement





GT1665M 65,536 color

System monitor

Standard functions for demanding users

5.7 -inch


GT1155 256 color



GT1155 256 color


GT1150 16 gray scals

5.7 -inch



GT1155HS 256 color GT1150HS 16 gray scals

The GT01-RS4-M is a multi-drop communication master unit for the GOT1000 series. Connected to the serial communication port of one PLC, it allows connection of up to 16 GOT1000 HMIs. The maximum total cable length of 500m allows HMIs to be placed at all locations where users require an interface to the machine, this provides more comfortable and safer machine usage even for larger machines. A free mix of connected GOT1000 terminals makes cost effective visualization are reality since only those GOTs with required functionality can be used.

Multi language Multi action switch Recipe functions

Affordability with basic functionality

5.7 -inch


GT1055 256 color GT1050 16 blue scals

4.7 -inch


GT1045 256 color GT1040 16 blue scals

4.5 -inch

STN GT1030

Monochrome Tricolor LED[Green/Orange/Red] [White/Pink/Red] BlackFrame / White Frame

3.7 -inch

STN GT1020

Monochrome Tricolor LED[Green/Orange/Red] [White/Pink/Red] BlackFrame / White Frame

| 27 |

Global Partner. Local Friend. Australia Mitsubishi Electric Australia Pty. Ltd. 348 Victoria Road, Rydalmere, N.S.W 2116, Australia Tel: +61-2-9684-7777 Fax: +61-2-9684-7245 Brazil MELCO-TEC Rep. Com.e Assessoria Tecnica Ltda. Rua Correia Dias, 184, Edificio Paraiso Trade Center-8 ander Paraiso, Sao Paulo, SP Brasil Tel: +55 -11-5511-3146-2200 Fax: +55 -11-5511-3146-2217 China Mitsubishi Electric Automation (Shanghai) Ltd. 17/F., ChuangXing Financial Center, No.288 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, 200003, P.R.C Tel: +86 (21) 2322-3030 Fax: +86 (21) 2322-3000 Czech Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. – o.s. Czech Branch Radlická 714/113a 158 00 Praha 5 Czech Republic Tel: +420 251 551 470 Fax: +420 251 551 471 France Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. French Branch 25 , Boulevard des Bouvets, F-927 41 Nanterre Cedex, France Tel: +33-1-55 6855 68 Fax: +33-1- 55 68 57 57 Germany Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. German Branch Gothaer Strasse 8 D-40880 Ratingen, GERMANY Tel: +49-2102-486-0 Fax: +49-2102-486-1120 India Messung Systems Pvt. Ltd. Electronic Sadan NO:III Unit No15, M.I.D.C. Bhosari, Pune-411026, India Tel: +91-20-27 12-3130 Fax: +91-20-27 12-8108

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Circuit Breaker Industries Ltd. Private Bag 2016, ZA-1600 Isando, South Africa Tel: +27 -11-92 8-2000 Fax: +27-11-392-2354 Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Spanish Branch Carretera de Rubi 76-80, E-08190 Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain Tel: +34-93-565-3131 Fax: +34-93-589-1579 Setsuyo Enterprise Co., Ltd. 6F No.105 Wu Kung 3rd RD, Wu-Ku Hsiang, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan Tel: +886-2-2299-2499 Fax: +886-2-2299-2509 Mitsubishi Electric Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Bang-Chan Industrial Estate No.111 Moo 4, Serithai Rd, T.Kannayao, A.Kannayao, Bangkok 10230 Thailand Tel: +66-2-517-1326 Fax: +66-2-517-3239 Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. UK Branch Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire., AL10 8XB, U.K. Tel: +44-1707-27 6100 Fax: +44-1707-27 8695 Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. 500 Corporate Woods Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL60061, U.S.A. Tel: +1-847-478-2100 Fax: +1-847-478-0327


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