Qurban Berbagi Proposal

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Qurban Berbagi is a distribu on program for qurban animals with target areas for food insecurity, minus qurban animals, and remote areas in Indonesia and Africa.

1439 H / 2018 M

INTRODUCTION Assalamu'alaikum wr. Wb Sahabat BERBAGI, Muslims will enter the month of DhulHijjah, where in that month the Shari'ah series of Hajj and of course the worship of Qurban. In the level of reality in the community, it is not uncommon to accumulate Qurban animals in one area, while in another area it is empty, either because the residents there are not able to or are not touched by qurban programs. In order to respond to this reality and facilitate Sahabat BERBAGI to performworship qurban, we have prepared a Qurban Berbagi Program which is a distribu on program for qurban animals with the target of food and qurban animals crisis areas for regions spread in Indonesia and Africa. We hope, Qurban Berbagi is one of the eorts in distribu ng qurban animals in remote areas, amen. May our qurban in this year will be accepted by Allah SWT, and blessings for all, blessings for the Mudohis, Blessings for BERBAGI, blessings for farmers and blessings for beneďŹ ciaries. Thank you for the trust of you who have Par cipated in the Qurban Berbagi program.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

INSTITUTE PROFILE BACKGROUND OF INSTITUTIONS Indonesia BERBAGI Founda on is a philanthropic organiza on that was born as a form of social response that a collec ve ac on of society to jointly build a humanitarian movement, the movement to share. In the ac on, this ins tu on tried to invite the community to share goodness and care for others. The caring ac on was contained in the vision and mission of the ins tu on.

LEGAL OF INSTITUTIONS The founding deed of the Indonesian BERBAGI founda on no: 21 dated: 28 December 2015 made by notar y Muhammad Juania, SH., M.KN SK Menkumham RI Number AHU0000079.AH.01.04 Year 2016 Social Service Decree No. 062/1245Dinsosnangkis as the Ins tute of Social Welfare Decree of the Ministry of West Java Province No. 597 Year 2017 as Amil Zakat Ins tu on of Bandung


STRUCTURE OF MANAGEMENT VISION OF INSTITUTIONS Professional Ins tute of philanthropy on track record in serving and facilita ng the people in the movement of share MISSION OF INSTITUTIONS Op mizing the competencies of ins tu onal resources to provide the best service to the community Building partnerships with all community networks Ac veand encouraging the community in building sharing movements

FOUNDER Sani Ihsan M, S.Si SHARIA COUNCIL Ustadz Imron Rosyadi, Lc (Chief), Ustadz Deni Mardiana, Lc (Member) Ustadz TauďŹ q Rizqon (Member) SUPERVISOR Arif Muhlasin, SE, Ak.,M.Si BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Director Dudit Se adi, S.Sos Marke ng Manager Nursyamsiah, A.Md Program Manager Dadan Sundana Finance Manager Agus, S.Pd





Accounts Yayasan Indonesia Berbagi

NAME OF THE PROPOSAL Qurban Berbagi Program Proposals

INTRODUCATION Indonesia BERBAGI as a Social Welfare Ins tu on has opened the existence in various ac vi es or social ac vi es. As a newest for an ins tu on, this ins tu on has done quite a lot. As a character, this ins tu on con nues to share and care. And on this occasion even though we were back to a end to the opportunity to invite the community to con nue to share and care in a grand event for all Muslims in the world, in an Eid al-Adha celebra on. As part of the faithful, we feel happy with the presence of Eid al-Adha, where in this month Allah has brought joy and blessings to those who make pilgrimages to the Temple and also to those who sacriďŹ ce. The more people who sacriďŹ ce, the more people will get joy and blessings this month. And for this blessing moment Indonesia BERBAGI to hold a Qurban Berbagi program where this program focuses on poor and minus qurban animals in Indonesia and Africa, because there are s ll many of our brothers and sisters in densely populated areas, rural areas who live in poverty, and they rarely consume meat, so we invite you to the ladies/gantlement, the community, companies that want to distribute their social programs through the Qurban Berbagi program, which is to give a li le joy to our brothers and sisters in remote areas. And of course we really need the support and assistance from all par es to immediately realize the Qurban Berbagi program

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION QurbanBerbagi is a real ac on in reducing social inequality. Through this program, our brothers and sisters who live in poverty and those in the region with minimal qurban animals will get the same happiness on a noble day so that a brotherhood is full of blessings. The principle is in this program Indonesia Berbagi becomes a facilitator for people who want to sacrifice in the target areas with minimal qurban animals. Prospec ve sacrifices can give dona ons to Indonesia Berbagi, then we will distribute the qurban animals. A er the distribu on of sacrificial animals, we will give a report to the vic ms

SHARIAH PRINCIPLE "Surely We have given you many blessings. Then establish prayer because of your Lord and make merit. "(Surah Al-Kautsar: 1-2)

" There is no one deed most beloved of Allah from the children of Adam to the feast of Iha Adha besides slaughtering sacrificial animals. Surely the sacrificial animal will come on the Day of Resurrec on with its horns, feathers and nails. And indeed before the sacrificial blood touches the ground, it has been received by Allah, then you are lucky with the sacrifice. (HR. Tirmidhi, Ibnu Majjah and Hakim)


Running the Shari'a of Sacrifice is the most loved by Allah SWT and this Shari'a can be done by anyone who has a strong desire to sacrifice. For people who sacrifice there are happiness in themselves because they have been able to run the Shari'a and can share with others. For recipients of sacrificial animals, of course they also get happiness because on the Idul Adha they can enjoy the dish is a form of sacrificial animal meat.

PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM ¨ Carry out Allah SWT Shari'a and build awareness among human beings ¨ Fostering, empowering and independent local farmers as the main providers ofanimls sacrificial. ¨ Reaching poor areas, food insecurity and minus qurban animals. ¨ Providing facili es for the sacrifice to getqurban animals quality.

PROGRAM TARGET Target of this program is as follows: 1. The increasing number of mudhohi 2. The increasing number of beneficiaries

1.700 Mudhohi

51.000 Beneficiaries

TIMES When the en re series of program implementa on starts from the prepara on of H-20, Eid al-Adha on the day and Tasyriq Day H + 1 to H + 3. And on the occasion of Eid al-Adha falls on Wednesday August 22 2018.

August 1







September 22





25 ...





TARGETS AND THE DISTRIBUTION AREA SacriďŹ ce Share is a distribu on program for qurban animals with target areas for food insecurity, minus qurban animals, and remote areas in Indonesia and Africa.

indonesian Region Distribu on

African Region Distribu on

20 Cow 200 Sheep

80 Cow

Uganda Somalia

Sumatera Barat Banten

Jawa Barat

Jawa Timur NTB


Somalia Uganda Sumatra Barat Banten Jawa Barat Jawa Timur Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur Sulawesi Selatan

800 Sheep

Sulawesi Selatan





100 100 100 100 300 150 50 50 50

10 10 10 20 15 15 15 5

80% 20%

Indonesian region distribu on African region distribu on

THE STAGES OF PROGRAM 2) Booking through :

Qurban Ambassador


1) Mudhohi


3) Qurban animals distribu on 6) Reports

5) Distribu on

Region Distribu on African Region Distribu on

4) Cu ng off

Cer ficate & Photo

COMMITTEE Responsible Agency : Dudit Se Implemen ng Commi e Chairperson Marke ng Procurment & Distribu on Logis k Documenta on & Repor ng

indonesian Region Distribu on

adi, S. Sos : Dadan Sundana : Nursyamsiah, A.Md : Tantan S.N. : Enjang Harun T. : Epi Se awan, S.I.Kom


$ 160 $ 160 $ 1,120

SHEEP $ 1/7 COW $ $ COW

African Region Distribu on

115 115 805

CLOSING A very valuable opportunity to share and care for this Qurban Berbagi program. Hopefully, with this generosity that we do, it can be a deed that is blessed by Allah SWT, Aamiin. Bandung, August 6, 2018 Sincerely

Dudit Se adi, S.Sos Director



TARGET AREA Next we present some profiles of the target areas for distributing Qurban animals : 1. AFRICA Uganda is one of the countries that are the target of Sharing Sacrifice on the African Continent, precisely in Kagumu Village, Pallisa District, Uganda Africa. The population in Kagumu Village is more than 4,600 people, as many as 42% are Muslims with the majority of their livelihoods being farmers who earn less than $ 1 each day. Under these conditions, hunger is rampant so that the fulfillment of nutrition, especially for children, is very lacking, resulting in chronic malnutrition, stunted growth and mental development disorders. Besides Uganda, the country that is the target of Sharing Sacrifice on other African Continents is Somalia. It's time to expand the usefulness of Qurban and improve the fulfillment of nutrition for African Muslims. 2. KAMPUNG CIPANAS DESA MEKARJAYA KECAMATAN CIKAJANG KABUPATEN GARUT " In the village of Cipanas, there is very rare, there is no qurban, because of the low economic community. no one has sacrificed for a long time, if there is a sacrifice from the city, it is also distributed to one village, even though a little but everything can be done,"(Wasidin, chairman of RW 07). The series of sentences was delivered by Wasidin to the Indonesia Berbagi team when conducting a survey of the locations of the target areas of Qurban Berbagi. Cipanas village is traversed by the Cibarengkok River upstream, is one of the worst affected villages in Garut in 2016. With a population of Âą 149 households, the majority of their livelihoods are farm laborers with an income of Âą Rp 30,000 / day, making Kampung Cipanas a highly recommended location to get the Sacrifice of Sharing.

3. DUSUN CIANGSANA DESA BANYUASIH KECAMATAN TARAJU KABUPATEN TASIKMALAYA Dusun Ciangsana with a population of 287 families awaiting the existence of qurban in their area this year. "not for qurban, the labor received is to fulfill the daily needs" said Agus Pahrudin, Chairperson of the local RT. The economic life of the people in Ciangsana Hamlet is classified as low economy, with an average income of Rp. 18,000 - 20,000 / day obtained from the results of picking tea leaves. The fee received depends on how much tea leaves are picked which is valued at only Rp 250 / kg with the duration of picking tea leaves once every 2 weeks, so if a month is only 2 times picking. When there is no picking of tea leaves, they become construction laborers or other rough jobs to meet their daily needs, because there is no more expertise due to the level of education that is mostly only up to junior high school.

4. KAMPUNG KANDANG MENJANGAN DUSUN BOJONG JATI DESA PANANJUNG PANGANDARAN "Arisan qurban has stopped, so for this year there is no qurban in this village," explained Agus Salim, chairman of the DKM Al-Mu'min Mosque. Not like arisan qurban in general, the gathering held by the community of Kampung Kandang Menjangan is "out" from the Shari'a qurban. Arisan which is carried out is essentially a contribution from a number of people so that when Eid al-Adha there is a qurban, the money collected will also only be up to 2 sheep. This they did, because of the economic limitations with the majority of the population working as farmers and farm laborers. Sadly, we often find an abundance of qurban meat in an area while in other areas there is a lack of even one who sacrifices. Not because they do not have awareness of the importance of sacrificing, but because of economic limitations that make them unable to sacrifice.

5. KAMPUNG PARAKAN TIGA DESA MANDALAJATI KECAMATAN PACET KABUPATEN BANDUNG In the village there are four RT in Parakan Tiga with a population of about ± 200 families whose livelihood as farm laborers (farmer), special RT 30 RW 09 predominantly elderly widow and children orphaned Every year, they cannot feel the sacrifice. Last year there happened to be 3 qurban sheep to the Miftahul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School located in the village to be distributed to all villagers. There are ± 150 students studying at the pesantren starting from kindergarten to high school, the learning starts from afternoon after dzuhur until evening. At night there is a Quran study, interpretation and hadith that is open to the public for the residents of Parakan Tiga Village and its surroundings. This year, students and residents of Parakan Tiga Village hope to feel the sacrifice in their village. Hopefully through the Qurban Berbagi program, their hopes can be realized.

6. KAMPUNG SALENTONG DESA CIBADAK KECAMATAN CIBEBER KABUPATEN CIANJUR The harvested paddy field is drying out in Salentong Village Cibadak Village, Cibeber District, Cianjur. It's been a month of rain, so the rice fields that only rely on rainwater cannot be diary. Farmers cannot do much, many of them switch professions as odd jobs with income of Rp. 25,000-30,000 per day. Salentong village is located close to Cimanggu Village, when Eid al-Adha residents of Salentong Village, which number ± 40 families sometimes receive shipments of meat from the village, even if there is still sacrificial meat left. "Usually after the Eid al-Adha prayer, residents immediately disperse from the mosque, there are no sacrificial animal slaughter events because there are no sacrificial animals, once there are one to two sheep kept from the city, there is very rarely qurban every year, because in terms of the economic here is less capable, "said Udan (110 years).. tahuntahusetempat) kepada tim Indonesia Berbagi ketika survey lokasi sasaran Qurban Berbagi di kampung tersebut (28/7/18).

7. DUSUN 1 DESA SUKATENANG KECAMATAN SUKAWANGI KABUPATEN BEKASI "meat received for the one family can only be used for filling 2 to 3 sticks," said Agus Suharyadi, one of the community leaders in Dusun 1. Last year there were 2 to 3 goats sacrificed. in the hamlet, the meat was distributed evenly to all the heads of households which amounted to Âą 450 families, so that the sacrificial meat received was less than 100 grams per head of the family. The economic condition of its citizens is still lacking, with the majority of their livelihoods as farm laborers. Likewise from the social, cultural, and educational aspects of public awareness there are still lacking. What is worrisome to get clean drinking water is very difficult, they have to dig wells to a depth of more than 100 meters to get clean drinking water. There are only 3 places that become sources of clean drinking water, namely the home of Agus Suharyadi, the house of the Head of the Hamlet & Masjid Sirojut Taqwa, and the place is all free for the community. 8. KAMPUNG PASEH DESA PADASUKA KABUPATEN SUMEDANG The verdant field extends extensively adding to the natural beauty of Paseh Village in Padasuka Village, Sumedang District. Narrow road access makes Paseh Village far from being luxurious, so that livelihoods range from farm laborers, construction workers, homeworkers to many who become hawkers. Located in the District of North Sumedang, this village is not very well known, in one RW there are 200 family heads consisting of two RTs with an average education of only elementary school graduates. When the Feast of Sacrifice, the community gathered at the mosque to carry out Eid prayers without the sacrifice of sacrificial animals. "This Paseh village rarely has a sacrifice, last year there were only two sheep, you can imagine every family head only getting very little meat. Hopefully this year there will be sacrifices here, "said Dedi (45 years, Chairman RT 02/06).

9. KAMPUNG CIUYAH KELURAHAN CITEUREUP KECAMATAN CIMAHI UTARA KOTA CIMAHI When Eid al-Adha, the atmosphere in Kampung Ciuyah RW 12 Kelurahan Citeureup of North Cimahi looks deserted, as most citizens queued in Bumi Citeureup Permai Complex (Buciper) to get the qurban meat. Those who are queuing start from children, teenagers to parents. The committee at the complex had previously distributed coupons, but when the D day, many residents who did not get coupons joined in, so there was a long queue to jostle to make the committee congested. "In fact, there was an incident that was trampled by so many people lining up and jostling to get qurban meat," said Yuyun (RT 06 RW 12, 33 years old). The population in the RT 06 area is ± 120 families, and is the most densely populated area in RW 12, where the majority of their livelihoods are porters and construction workers.

10. KAMPUNG BALITA DESA SUKAMAJU KECAMATAN CIMAUNG KABUPATEN BANDUNG "Last year when there was only 1 sheep for ± 200 families, imagine every family getting how much meat is sacrificed?" said Eneng Heriyanti (55 years old, PKK activist) to the Indonesia Berbagi team when surveying the target location of Qurban Berbagi in Kampung Balita (25/7/18). Kampung Balita is an abbreviation of Kampung Babakan, Lio and Kolot Dance located in Sukamaju Village, Cimaung District, Bandung Regency. Toddler Village consists of 3 RT with a population of ± 200 families, the majority of whom work as mustard farm laborers. To plant seeds and harvest mustard is done by women, while working on land is done by men with a daily salary of only Rp. 20,000-25,000. In this year, the residents of Kampung Balita need a qurban in their village.

11. KAMPUNG DI WADUK SAGULING KABUPATEN BANDUNG BARAT Who is not familiar with Cililin, the area in West Bandung Regency is famous for its typical Wajit wrapped in corn leaves which are very tasty. Several locations in the Cililin area are surrounded by Saguling Reservoir so Cililin becomes a fishing haven for Bandung residents and surrounding areas. Around the Cililin area, there is an area with the same name as the country in the African continent, Morocco, but don't imagine Casablanca Marocco in North Africa, because this is native to West Java where the population is Sundanese and there is a quiet and quiet lake. which is used as a tourism object. Not far from Morocco there are many villages, including Kampung Cibalok and Dungus Malang which are located side by side in Mekar Jaya Village, Cihampelas Subdistrict, West Bandung Regency, with a population of Âą 200 families with livelihoods as farm laborers, port workers and factory workers. When qurban, residents in the village only rely on arisan for the sacrifice of a few people. "Last year, qurban meat received by residents, especially Cibalok Village, was less than 250 grams per family," said Ocih (71 years) to the Indonesia Berbagi Team when surveying the target locations of Qurban Berbagi (7/26/18). For this year, there is no qurban gathering run by residents because of economic limitations. Indonesia Berbagi invites prospective sacrifices to contribute to the Qurban Berbagi Program for Indonesia, it's time to expand the usefulness of Qurban.

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