I S S U E N O . 16 4 | 2 0 A P R I L – 3 M AY 2 0 16
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W W W . I N D O N E S I A E X P A T. B I Z
Donald Trump's
Business Ventures in Indonesia
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Indonesia expat issue 164
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Letter from the Editor
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Editorial Enquiries
the odd and even license plate regulation. We heard of this plan several years ago during Jokowi’s term as governor, but it is only now becoming a reality. So what will it mean?
Being a resident of Jakarta at the moment can certainly feel overwhelming. The construction of the MRT, dozens of flyovers – with more imminent or having just broken ground – and commercial and residential towers almost everywhere you look can make finding peace in this sprawling metropolis feel like a nearly impossible chore. Adding to the havoc, we recently saw governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (aka Ahok) put an end to the 3-in-1 congestion zone rule which was introduced in the ‘90s. Although its cessation is positive, as it means there will be no more drugged and rented babies being exposed to the traffic-logged streets filled with carbon monoxide, the trial cancellation caused even more congestion on Sudirman and Gatot Subroto – traffic reported by local media worsened by approximately 25 percent during the trial week. As the rainy season clouds are clearing, however, there may be a glimmer of hope, as Governor Ahok is planning to introduce
To the rich who own multiple cars, it will just mean having to use the Mercedes rather than the Hum V on certain days when heading into the congestion zones – so long as one licence plate ends in an even number and the other in an odd one. But to the rest of us, it will mean finding alternate modes of transportation on certain days of the week if going into the city. It remains to be seen what this will do to the online application drivers who use their own vehicles – maybe a new rent-a-license-plate scheme will come into play? In Beijing, the license plate policy is enforced by police coupled with traffic enforcement cameras that are able to recognize license plates of automobiles. When a perpetrator is caught, the driver of the car receives penalties.
Indonesia Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia. Opinions Expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia.
According to Ahok, the odd-even license plate policy will last only until electronic road pricing (ERP) is introduced next year, which in theory sounds like a more sustainable and easily-managed system. But until then, we will continue our commutes zigzagging between makeshift and bumpy roads, battling our way through hours of traffic jams, dreaming of the day the city will look relatively ‘normal’, with a working public transportation system. Gosh, the general tax-paying public do ask for a lot, don’t they?
Angela Richardson
Letters from the Readers Good day, I read Indonesia Expat regularly and find the news items very interesting. I refer to issue no. 163, page 18, ‘Property Pitfalls’.
Published by
PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia Alamanda Tower 25th floor Jl. T.B Simatupang kav 23–24 Jakarta 12430 T: 021 2965 7821 F: 021 2965 7821 Office hours: 09.00–17.00 Monday–Friday
Although I’m a supporter of this idea, like so many new regulations that policy-makers introduce here in Indonesia, the infrastructure just isn’t there yet to support its successful implementation. For starters, the MRT won’t even be ready until 2019.
The story gives an in depth account about KCR properties and how expats have been duped by the agent Elsa while renting apartment. However, I feel more vital information needs to be added. Please note around 35 expats, all Indians, have become victims of the fraud by Elsa of KCR. The tragedy came to light in the last week of February. Your story has left out Taman Rasuna Management, an important party in the plot. The management has turned a blind eye to the activities of the property agents in this sprawling residential complex with over 3,000 apartments. Management pockets huge amount as service charge and utility fees every month and does not care about the welfare of the tenants. All tenants contribute to the livelihood of locals like maids, drivers and small businesses around the area.
Now the tenants are left to fend for themselves. Complaints have been lodged by tenants with the police. Police are doing only routine investigation with the tenants and have not done anything so far since February to nab the mastermind or talk to Taman Rasuna Management. Elsa is available on her two phone numbers and even today one of the tenants spoke to her to make payment to his respective owner. A huge amount is lying with the culprit and it is the hard earned money of the expats. The expats acted on faith and paid money to the agent, Elsa, and are now subjected to tremendous suffering and agony due to threat from owners to vacate suddenly. And the agent? She is enjoying life somewhere in Jakarta. What an irony! Kindly add more information to the story as mentioned above. The objective is to sound caution to others who want to rent in Taman Rasuna from becoming easy prey to the agent sharks. Thank you for your help.
The sender would like to remain anonymous. Dear Reader, Printed by
Thank you for sending us your insight on this matter. We will be in touch with you shortly to find out more, which will likely result in an updated article about these new victims you’ve shone a light on.
Angela and the IE Team On The Cover Donald Trump (image courtesy of Wikimedia)
Indonesia expat issue 164
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Issue 164
Contents 06 08 10 12 14
Feature Story
Despite Islamophobia, Donald Trump Has Several Business Plays in Indonesia
Expat Business Featured Local Content Rule for 4G Smartphone to Drive Black Market for Gadgets in Indonesia Business Profile Grabbing the Ground Transportation Market in Southeast Asia Meet the Expat Dr. Stuart Tasker: The Principals of Education
Expat Lifestyle Food and Drink Fujin: Rollicking Flatiron Chefs
Travel Ternate Tales of Natural Selection
Scams in the City Rotten Reviews & Bogus Bookings
19 20
Meet the Expat Joki Mihovilcevic: Home-Grown Healing
Expat Outreach
Meet the Expat Samantha Beach: Touching Lives through Craftwork
Worthy Causes Garda Satwa Indonesia
Observations Are We the Maritime Axis Yet, Mr. President?
Business Directory
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Despite Islamophobia, Donald Trump Has Several Business Plays in Indonesia US presidential candidate and billionaire Donald Trump is in bed with MNC Group. What could happen to Indonesian relations if he slithers into the oval office? BY LINA NATALIA
e’d like to preface this piece by saying that Republican US presidential candidate and blowhard billionaire Donald Trump will probably not become president. Even if he did somehow manage to leave a slime trail all the way to the White House — and get his disproportionately tiny hands on the nuclear codes — the American government is set up in such a way that he would be rendered impotent on most of his outrageous ideas. Build a wall at the border and make Mexico pay for it to keep “rapists” out? Sure, Donald, good luck getting that bill through congress. With this in mind, let’s consider the imaginary scenario of what might happen in Indonesia if Donald Trump somehow fools the majority of Americans and insults his way to the oval office this November. As part of a disjointed, and Frankenstein-like, radical conservative agenda that would in no way “make America great again”, Donald Trump has called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States." In the final Republican debate, Trump said, "They're not coming to this country if I'm president." In his mind
Indonesia expat issue 164
(somewhere under the furry creature atop his head), Trump believes this would be the answer to terrorism. Naturally, anti-Trump sentiment and chest-beating has cropped up from Muslim voices the world over. Indonesia has a population of 250 million, the vast majority of whom are Muslim, and Jakarta did its fair share of rabbling in recent months. In terms of business and politics, however, Indonesia has forged close ties with the US on many fronts, and a circus freak of a president would be unlikely to change that. Despite Islamophobic policy proposals, Trump himself has business interests in Indonesia. Without batting an eyelash at this fact in his campaign, the pandering tycoon is actually pulling in millions from business deals in countries where Islam is the prime religion, including the United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. Trump owns golf resorts in Dubai, in partnership with prestigious property development company DAMAC Crescent Properties. The dollar-value of said resorts has not been made public.
Another one of Trump’s assets is a luxury hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan, located in the Caspian Sea. Trump clocks his income at US$2.5 million for "management fees" on this hotel. In Istanbul, Turkey, there is a Trump Towers, a 40-storey building full of residential suites for rich people. While Trump does not own the development straight up, the owners have licensed his name by paying annual royalties of US$1 million to US$5 million. In Indonesia, the Trump Hotel Collection will soon open in Lido, West Java, and Bali, despite two circulating petitions calling to prohibit Trump and his empire from doing business in the country. The idea of these petitions is that the nation with the world’s largest Muslim population should somehow take an eye-for-an-eye approach, and slap a ban on Trump himself. A taste of your own medicine, Donald? The two petitions — set up anonymously on the web — urge Indonesian president Jokowi to expel the billionaire and his businesses from the archipelago. While this notion is entertaining, these petitions are unlikely to yield actual results, having garnered less than 47,000 signatures since December 2015.
Lina Natalia is a Jakarta-based freelance journalist covering a variety of issues related to business, news, culture, and economic policy. For more information, visit www.contentcollision.co
01. Donald Trump (Courtesy of Newsweek) 02. Protesters against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump chant ‘Bernie, Bernie, and We Stopped Trump,’ after a rally on the campus of the University of Illinois-Chicago was cancelled on March 11, in Chicago. (Courtesy of AP/Charles Rex Arbogast.) 03. Trump Tower in Las Vegas 04. Donald J. Trump, Hary Tanoesoedibjo and Liliana Tanoesoedibjo (Courtesy of Travel Pulse) 05. Donald Trump's hotel venture with MNC Group, Lido Resort in Bogor is due to open in 2019
In Indonesia, the Trump Hotel Collection will soon open in Lido, West Java, and Bali, despite two circulating petitions calling to prohibit Trump and his empire from doing business in the country.
In Indonesia, Trump is partnered up with PT Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) Group, controlled by fellow billionaire Hary Tanoesoedibjo.
"Business is business. The implication for wider Indonesia, we have to see later," corporate secretary of MNC Group Syafriel Nasution recently told Reuters.
In Bali, Trump will open a six-star hotel built on a cliff, looking out over the temple at Tanah Lot, one of Bali’s most iconic tourist destinations. In Lido, Bogor, Trump’s resort will be complete in early 2019. It spans 700 hectares and will be made up of three components: a hospitality wing, a golf course, and a theme park. The theme park is set to employ another US firm which specializes in entertainment. Other Trump ventures in Indonesia include a six-star luxury resort, an 18-hole signature Ernie Els championship golf course, a country club, a wellness destination spa, and high-end residential villas.
Ari Kuncoro, dean of the faculty of economics at the University of Indonesia, also defers to the maxim that "business is business" when asked about Trump's ventures in Indonesia, but takes a slightly different stance.
MNC Land vice president of business development Ivan Casadevall recently told The Jakarta Post that the golf course is already in the development phase, and is expected to become operational by the end of 2016. The country club will become operational in 2017, in line with the unveiling of a new Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi toll road, also developed by MNC. Other hotel villas and residential areas affiliated with the Trump name will begin in 2018, projected to become commercially operational in early 2019.
If Trump became president (and pressed on with his Muslim ban), it's conceivable that his business dealings in Indonesia would suffer. Regardless, in the nightmarish universe where Trump changes America into a dystopian society overnight, it’s unlikely that Indonesia would totally shut the US out of its international trade agenda. The country represents a more than US$972 million annual export market for the archipelago.
Trump would simply act as an operator brand of these properties, while they would be 100 percent developed and owned by MNC Group. The Indonesian conglomerate acquired Lido Resort in a Rp.1.4 trillion (US$97.8 million) deal from British Virgin Islands-based Charlton Group Holdings Ltd. It paid around Rp.1 trillion (US$74.6 million) to acquire the Bali resort. An official signing between Donald Trump and Hary Tanoesoedibjo was held in New York City on August 14, 2015. "I am personally very pleased to bring the Trump brand into Indonesia. The Trump family’s personal involvement and globally proven success are set out to elevate Bali’s expectations for luxury and excellence," Tanoesoedibjo said in a statement. Even with the knowledge that Trump is running for president and throwing around what can only be interpreted as anti-Islamic statements, MNC Group remains confident about doing business with Trump.
"Just change the corporation's name and throw away the word 'Trump' from the title. The management also can say that Donald Trump has been discharged from all business, but the projects will continue on schedule. Business is business, I think nothing [would] change," argues Kuncoro.
"What Donald Trump repeats in his campaign is how to put the United States in a protectionist regime like what occurred in the 1920s,” explains Kuncoro. “If he runs the administration with that policy, not only would Indonesia-US relations, but all countries’ relations with the US change dramatically.” He adds that several economic consultants list Trump as a “risk factor” in their projections for the American economy.
Meanwhile, Imaduddin Abdullah, a researcher from Jakarta’s Institute for Development of Economics and Finance, believes something thrilling could happen in terms of economic cooperation between governments if Trump became president. "His business will still gain a positive response as long as his corporation gives big benefits to his partner in Indonesia. Especially if the business is not an endproduct. Customers are usually concerned with the endproduct from Trump. For example, in Lido, perhaps there will be a slight protest against the development of the resort from people around there. But that's all that will happen," says Abdullah.
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Local Content Rule for 4G Smartphones to Drive Black Market for Gadgets in Indonesia Indonesia’s local content rule for 4G devices may cause import permits to stall in 2017, prompting the growth of black markets as demand for new tech increases. BY MARIEL GR A ZELL A
Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) recently publicized a mysterious deal with a US-based gadget manufacturer. The foreign firm would put down US$18 million for a research facility in Indonesia. BKPM head Franky Sibarani said the company would train human resources in Indonesia to build apps, software, and other product designs. While the identity of the American gadget company remains unknown, odds are the company is hedging its bets on Indonesia’s promising smartphone market. The trouble is the “investment” is likely less of a voluntary thing, and more of a pay-to-play chess move imposed by the Indonesian government. Reports indicate that an application from Apple to get their latest smartphone certified – and therefore available for sale in Indonesia – has been filed with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. However, a law passed last year may mean that Indonesia’s Apple fans have to wait even longer to buy the iPhone SE from local resellers. In mid-2015, three ministries signed a joint decree stipulating that in order to obtain import permits, mobile devices embedded with 4G tech must carry local content, both hardware and software. The rule mandates that as of January 1, 2017, all 4G devices in Indonesia must have at least 30 percent of their components made locally. Devices that connect to a network must be sold with a minimum of 40 percent local content and apps. Smartphone brands that fail to comply with the regulation risk having import permits revoked. Smartphone brands have taken steps to up the local content of their devices. ASUS, for example, partnered with local manufacturing firm SAT Nusapersada to assemble certain smartphone models just for Indonesia. However, ASUS is still working on ways to meet the 30 percent criterion.
Other brands that have made efforts to comply with regulations include Samsung, Lenovo, and HTC. Most overseas gadget firms try to boost local content levels in Indonesia by assembling and manufacturing in collaboration with local gadget producers. However, some foreign companies will inevitably hit a wall when trying to comply with the government’s regulation. Erajaya corporate secretary Djatmiko Wardoyo points out that certain smartphone brands would face challenges in reaching economies of scale if they even entertained the idea of setting up a factory in Indonesia. Erajaya is a major distributor in Indonesia for brands like Apple, Samsung, LG, ASUS, and Lenovo. “The local supply of parts and the [manufacturing] ecosystem is not that conducive as well,” Wardoyo tells Indonesia Expat. For this reason, he doesn’t think the regulation will help anyone in Jakarta’s tech hardware game. According to Wardoyo, the government should instead focus on incentives to attract brands to manufacture locally. Once the manufacturing ecosystem is mature, that’s when a regulation can be put in place, he argues. “There should be a three- to five-year grace period before the regulation takes effect,” he adds.
Indonesia expat issue 164
Mariel Grazella is a freelance journalist and technology analyst in Indonesia. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in digital culture and society at King’s College London. For more information, visit www.contentcollision.co
“The government should instead focus on incentives to attract brands to manufacture locally. Once the manufacturing ecosystem is mature, that’s when a regulation can be put in place.”
Most global gadget brands produce smartphones using fast and scalable manufacturing chain practices. This is one reason why China has become the global base for device manufacturing; factories that produce different parts of a smartphone are grouped in geographically close locations. This is usually not the case in Indonesia. 05
The archipelago has long suffered logistics nightmares, from extended dwelling times to transportation congestions which keep materials stuck at ports for long periods. Shipping parts around the nation inevitably leads to sluggish product turnover. For these reasons, industry pros believe importing phones remains the easiest and most cost-effective way of doing business. Wardoyo says hurdles associated with setting up local factories are sure to make compliance impossible for some brands his company works with. Although Indonesia has a few local smartphone brands, their products are unable to compete with global brands in the eyes of Indonesian consumers. Apart from distributing, Erajaya also sells its own line of smartphones under the name Venera. “The issue is that local brands of 4G smartphones still could not fight against global brands [in terms of performance],” says Wardoyo. If challenges in bringing 4G smartphones into the country come about as promised in 2017, black markets will spring up in Indonesia to satisfy demand, he says.
01. Texting during an iPhone speech conference 02. BKPM head Franky Sibarani (courtesy of RMOL) 03. Workers at a Samsung Factory in Vietnam (Courtesy of Doan Xuan Hai/ Thanhnien News Vietnam) 04. Long winding queues outside Apple Stores are now an iconic symbol of a new iPhone release (courtesy of Daily Record UK) 05. Asus Zenfone 2 regional launch (courtesy of Tech Attack!) 06. A Samsung salesperson at a Jakarta mall (courtesy of The Wall Street Journal)
Indonesia has become a lucrative market for smartphone companies, owing to the country’s rising consumer class. SIM card penetration has reached more than 120 percent in the nation, meaning many consumers own more than one mobile device. International Data Corporation (IDC) Indonesia estimates that in the fourth quarter of 2015, smartphone shipments touched 8.3 million units, up 14.4 percent from the year before. According to IDC, the uptick was due to brands shipping goods in before their import licenses expire in 2016. The data says 29.3 million smartphones were shipped into the country in 2015, more than a 17 percent increase from 2014.
ASUS rose in the ranks to become a top brand with a 22 percent market share in Indonesia. Reza Haryo, IDC senior market analyst for mobile phones, says the brand shipped more phones as a pre-emptive measure to maintain local stock before the import license expired. Apart from ASUS, IDC reports that Lenovo has a “strong foothold” in Indonesia with a market share of 6.5 percent. Other brands that had noteworthy market shares in the archipelago last year were Samsung with 24.8 percent, Smartfren with 10.8 percent, and local firm Advan with 9.6 percent. “Lenovo too started its local manufacturing in Indonesia, and the A series phones priced at US$100 were quite successful in the market,” says Haryo. IDC numbers show the majority of smartphones from Chinese brands are already 4G-enabled. To match the increase in 4G smartphones, Indonesian telecoms operators are actively promoting their 4G data plans and bundling offers. IDC Asia Pacific research manager for mobile phones Kiranjeet Kaur says brands have taken steps to keep their respective places in the Indonesian market. "Despite the uncertainty, vendors have been quick to take steps to adhere to the regulation so they don’t lose out in the biggest smartphone market of Southeast Asia,” says Kaur. She adds that the regulation’s impact on phone shipments will likely prove to be a short-term dilemma. Kaur notes, “The new initiatives are less likely to dampen the growth of 4G smartphones in the country in the long term, and IDC expects 4G smartphones to grow at a double digit growth rate for the next few years.” If foreign smartphone manufacturers looking to enter Indonesia have done their homework, they might arrive at the conclusion that the country is always changing the rules. For this reason, big brands like Xiaomi may shy away from the risk associated with ephemeral policy changes. It’s unclear how the Indonesian government hopes to enforce such an ambitious local content rule for every single 4G mobile device. But one thing is certain: when there’s a will, there’s a way. If this rule holds up in 2017, Indonesia can expect consumers to ultimately pay the price. They will be forced to buy inferior goods at higher prices, or turn to a black market for the latest iPhone.
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Grabbing the Ground Transportation Market in Southeast Asia BY ANGEL A RICHARDSON
Originally established in Malaysia in 2011 as MyTeksi, Grab is a Southeast Asia-focused transportation application founded by Harvard Business School graduates, Anthony Tan and Tan Hooi Ling, which has since evolved into the largest ground transportation app in the region, providing car, taxi, bike and delivery services. To date, Grab has more than 250,000 active drivers, 13 million downloads and 1.5 million bookings in the region. We meet Managing Director of Grab Indonesia Ridzki Kramadibrata to learn more about the challenges the company faces in the nation.
Can you give us a brief history of Grab and what inspired its founders to build the business? The idea for GrabTaxi first started when co-founder Anthony Tan was a student at Harvard Business School and a classmate pulled him aside to gripe about his horrid experience with the local taxis. The friend wasn’t sure if the driver was taking the right route and what should have been the right fare. That jibe from the friend forced Anthony to think about a solution and take it up as a project, at Harvard.
The ridesharing industry is still in its infancy and we will continue to work with the government and all industry stakeholders to expand the regulatory framework. We believe that it’s our shared objective to make the Indonesian public transportation more efficient, and to enable all Indonesians to commute safely. We believe that the Ministry of Transportation's operating guidelines will consider the interests of drivers and passengers in Indonesia, and we will completely support them.
Grabtaxi was born in a Harvard lab but it was groomed travelling in the sun in cramped taxis, educating the uneducated drivers, and overcoming their reluctance to adopt technology. But the challenges weren’t limited to that. The drivers were reluctant to upgrade to a smartphone; they were never exposed to the Internet or GPS. Gadgets scared them. If a team was talking to taxi drivers to understand their inhibitions and working to find a solution to their challenges, another team was talking to mobile manufacturers and service providers to subsidize smartphones and the internet for the drivers.
After the violent riots, you announced that GrabCar formed the Indonesia Car Rental Cooperative (PPRI), recognized by the government to operate legally in Indonesia. What are you doing to comply with the requirements the government has set? Currently, Grab is assisting and ensuring that our cooperative partner will be able to fulfil all the requirements directed by the government.
Anthony took up the challenges and the rest is history. Grab rebranded in February. Please tell us about this new image. The new logo was designed with freedom at its core. The dual lines are inspired by roadways and they represent the endless road of possibilities. They symbolize the new journey Grab is taking in parallel with its passengers, drivers, employees and society at large.
What is your reaction to the taxi driver riots of March 22? First of all, we wish to clarify that we are not a transport operator. We work with independent transportation providers to deliver GrabTaxi, GrabCar, GrabBike and GrabExpress services to all our appreciative customers. On that day, the safety of all drivers, passengers, and the public was of utmost importance for us. We are a legal entity in Indonesia, we are registered as a taxpayer, and we respect and are committed to complying with every local prevailing law and regulation. We are proactively communicating with the government as well as industry stakeholders to provide efficient and safe transportation for Indonesians.
We regret that for the meantime we will not be recruiting new driver partners through our cooperative partners, which we believed had a significant contribution to the country's economic growth. We will focus on finishing the required licensing processes for our cooperative partner, so that we can continue to give positive contribution for our driver partners, passengers, and the public in general. We are delighted that our partner already owns the license for rental transport services and has received recognition from the government for being aligned with the regulations.
What do you believe is the solution for official taxis and application transportation to coincide harmoniously in Jakarta? The ridesharing industry is still in its infancy and we will continue to work with the government and all industry stakeholders to expand the regulatory framework. With millions of people commuting from the suburbs to the city, the number of vehicles on the streets and the number of commuters that use public transportation are some of the key challenges we face, especially in big cities. Every stakeholder needs to work together to support the development of the city’s public transportation network and to ensure that all means of public transport are well integrated. Mobile transportation apps such as Grab can play a significant role in addressing these challenges, such as increasing alternative transport options and reducing the amount of private vehicles on the street. Grab app, and all of its services can also be a last-mile connectivity option for commuters who take public transportation services. After all, Grab exists from the simple idea of leveraging technology to help people. Do Grab Cars provide accident insurance for passengers? Yes, both driver and passenger are covered under the company’s insurance policy. Grab’s accident insurance policy offers coverage in the event of accidental death, dismemberment and bodily injuries in the event of accidents for drivers and passengers. According to a road safety report in 2015 by the World Health Organisation (WHO), road traffic injuries kill approximately 316,000 people each year in Southeast Asia. The region, which comprises 8 percent of the world’s population, disproportionately accounts for a quarter of the global total of road traffic deaths. To help reduce the number of traffic accidents in Southeast Asia, Grab has also rolled out significant safety initiatives in Indonesia and across Southeast Asia. In the Philippines and Indonesia, we’re operating defensive riding courses for GrabBike, and this will soon be rolled out
Finance ministry to inspect tech giants on unpaid taxes The finance minister said last week that Indonesia’s tax office will inspect the local offices of technology giants Google, Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo to establish if the tech companies have unpaid taxes in the country. While the companies have been paying income tax, they were liable to pay value added tax applicable on advertising revenues they generated in Indonesia, the minister reportedly said. Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the four companies had chosen not to establish permanent offices in Indonesia to avoid paying taxes. The country had proposed a law last week that would make it compulsory for internet-based services in Indonesia to incorporate themselves and pay taxes locally, according to the Wall 10
Indonesia expat issue 164
Roy Simangunsong, Twitter’s business head for Indonesia, said the company “will fulfil all obligations as a representative office in Indonesia.” A spokesman for Google said the company continues “to pay all applicable local taxes.” Street Journal. Yahoo and Google have limited liability companies in Indonesia, while Facebook and Twitter operate local representative offices of their Asia-Pacific operations in the country, according to Reuters. The finance minister said Indonesia was demanding the same thing from these US technology companies as other countries like the United Kingdom, France and Italy.
Indonesia is reportedly the country with the fourth-highest number of Facebook users, and also has a significant number of people using Twitter. Scrutiny of these companies comes amid the country facing a significant shortfall in its tax collection for the year, compared to its target of US$117 billion.
Government: Indonesia’s ranking in ease of business has climbed to 53rd SOURCE
The government claims its efforts to improve the country’s rank in ease of doing business have been a success. In October last year, the World Bank released a report on the Ease of Doing Business, in which Indonesia ranked 109th of 189 countries in the world. The government claims that the country’s rank has since climbed to 53rd. Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Franky Sibarani said that based on an evaluation, the ease of doing business in Indonesia had shown a lot of progress. "Yesterday we used the Ease of
in Thailand. In Singapore, Grab has been working with the Singapore Traffic Police to promote safety awareness, with plans to improve safety education for drivers. How do you ensure your driver partners are safe drivers? All of our drivers are 100 percent licensed, have insurance and have to undergo a strict screening process, including a safety riding test. We continually improve our training system and code of conduct for all drivers and bikers for quality service and they must maintain a star rating above the minimum set by Grab. Grab is always innovating for passengers’ safety, with industry-first features like passengers being able to share the licence plate number and a tracking link with family and friends, allowing their loved ones to follow their ride online and in real time. We also take customer feedback seriously – we will investigate and will not hesitate to deregister drivers if they go against our code of conduct. What makes you different from your competitors, GoJek and Uber? We are the only company with a diversified portfolio – the GrabTaxi, GrabCar and GrabBike services are all available in Indonesia. GrabTaxi and GrabBike are both popular services in Indonesia, which serve different needs and customer segments. We also launched GrabExpress, the on-demand courier service for safe and convenient door-to-door deliveries in November. The industry knows that we set high standards on commuters’ safety and fair labour practices. For example, 100 percent of GrabBike riders have a valid license. They are screened and go through background checks, and are also provided with training such as safety riding certification and insurance. Can you tell us about your achievements in other Southeast Asian nations? In Vietnam, GrabCar now operates legally pursuant to an exclusive pilot partnership with the Vietnamese government. Under the terms of the partnership, the GrabCar service will be run with formal government endorsement in five specified provinces and
cities in Vietnam, as a pilot programme. In the Philippines, GrabCar became the first ride-sharing app to be legalized when GrabTaxi and GrabCar became the first transport apps to be registered under the new Transport Network Company regulations. In Phuket, the governor officially endorsed the launch of GrabCar. In Singapore, we were among the first to be awarded the Certificate of Registration for Third-party Taxi Booking Apps. In Indonesia, GrabBike and GrabCar operate under properly licensed entities, obtained through government endorsement. How are you improving the quality of lives of your drivers? According to GrabTaxi Driver Social Impact Study conducted on over 600 drivers across the region last year, the drivers’ incomes and the quality of their lives have gone up since using Grab. The average taxi driver income has increased by 30-300 percent. Eight out of ten GrabTaxi drivers reported that using the GrabTaxi app increased the number of bookings they receive. Seven out of ten GrabTaxi drivers reported that using the GrabTaxi app gives them pride and dignity in their profession. Six out of ten GrabTaxi drivers reported that using the GrabTaxi app improves their job security. And eight in ten women in the developing Southeast Asian countries find taking a taxi safer now that there is GrabTaxi. What are your plans for expansion in Indonesia? We have a presence in Bandung, Surabaya, and Padang for the taxi service, and Bali for GrabCar, the private car ride with driver for hire. Expansion is a definite strategy, but we’re ensuring that we can fulfil the growing demand for safe transportation needs and strengthening our foothold for on service quality before moving to other cities. Indonesia is indeed our biggest and fastest growing market and there continues to be immense growth opportunity due to the size of the population and the small base of users who currently use ride hailing apps. We will continue with our hyperlocal strategy and roll out services that meet the community's needs and demands.
To get in touch, contact: press@grab.com
Doing Business calculator, and we now rank around 53rd," he said after a 2016 government working meeting with the heads of regional governments at the State Palace last week. The calculation made by the government is based on the ten indicators used by the World Bank to measure ease of doing business. These indicators are: starting a business, applying for building permit, getting electricity connection, registering property, obtaining a loan, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and closing a business. Despite showing significant progress on the ten indicators, Sibarani admitted that there is still a lot to do. President Joko Widodo expects the target of 40th position to be achieved by June.
According to Sibarani, the government’s efforts to improve the rank of ease of doing business have received support and offers of cooperation from local governments, including the municipal government of Surabaya. In the ease of doing business index compiled by the World Bank, Jakarta and Surabaya were used as the two sample cities in Indonesia. Surabaya mayor Tri Rismaharini said that she had done a lot to improve the ease of doing business in her region. This included deregulating the many and varied rules on business licensing. However, Risma can only amend the rules under her authority; changing rules at the national level is more difficult as revising ministerial regulations, government regulations, and laws take time.
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Dr. Stuart Tasker is an educator who has been an expat for 12 years. In June, he will be moving from Thailand to act as the new Principal of ACG School, Jakarta, an institution with 400 students from 32 different nationalities.
Meet Dr. Stuart Tasker
The Principals of Education Where are you originally from and how long have you been an expat? I consider myself a New Zealander, having lived there since I was 12 and having New Zealand citizenship. But I was born in Africa and grew up in Australia and then England before moving to New Zealand; my parents are English so I also have British citizenship. As an adult I have worked in Australia, England, Thailand (twice), Fiji and China. So as for living as an expat; it’s been about 12 years—or maybe my whole life!
Many international schools have the benefit of a wonderful mix of cultures, nationalities and perspectives to embrace, which would make this easier I would think.
In which field did you gain your doctorate degree? My doctorate is in Education. My dissertation was an analysis on the impact of Service Learning – the benefits of meaningful community service on engagement with learning, academic achievement and personal development. It was a great experience going back to study to do my doctorate later in life. It reinforced my belief about the importance of being a life-long learner.
What is it like teaching students in the smartphone era? What challenges do these gadgets create at schools? Smartphones are what they are – omnipresent and either really annoying at a school, or a wonderful potential opportunity for broadening learning opportunities. I have worked at schools where they were banned (several years ago and not really practical in today’s world) and others where they formed a key part of a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment to aid learning through internet access, use of key Apps and so on. A major challenge is the ‘addiction’ or overreliability there can be on smartphones by many young people. It’s a balancing act; we need to take the best that they have to offer and avoid the traps.
As an educator, what do you believe is the most important thing to teach students? To be an active part of your own learning process; to enjoy school and get out of it as much as they can. Learning (and not just academic learning) is not ‘done’ to you, it is something which should be embraced and enjoyed.
Dr. Tasker (right) with Vice Principal of Primary Sarah-Jane Green
“A school should respect all cultures, perspectives, religions and diversity. It is important for all students to see and experience understanding, tolerance and acceptance.”
You’re moving to Jakarta in June to act as principal of ACG School Jakarta. How are you feeling about the move? I will have completed four years as principal at my current school and I am ready for a new challenge. Having visited ACG School Jakarta twice now and seen the campus, the staff and of course the children, I am excited at the prospect of helping the school develop and grow. What interested you to relocate to Indonesia from Rayong, Thailand? I know ACG as an educational group of substance and integrity from my time in New Zealand, so this was the first key thing. Indonesia is a wonderful, busy and interesting country. The Indonesian people I have met in my life up to this point have been incredibly warm and gentle. These things made the decision quite easy in the end. How have your experiences been so far as a Thailand expat and how do you think these will compare with being an Indonesian expat? In Thailand life is always interesting. The people are warm-hearted, the food amazing and the lifestyle of an expat is as good as you are prepared to make it – or willing enough to adapt to. I think life in Jakarta will be ‘same-same but different’, to coin a famous Thai phrase. What do you hope to achieve during your time at ACG School Jakarta? ACG School Jakarta is relatively new, but is now well established as a school of quality and integrity in Jakarta. The family feel of the school is wonderful and I hope to continue to foster this wonderful spirit between the students, teachers and parents. I’m interested in seeing the senior school develop in the same way that the primary school has gone from strength to strength. I think that I have something very special to offer there
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What will the first task on your agenda be when you start working at ACG Jakarta? The first things I will do will be to look, listen and to talk to key people – students, staff and parents – to see how the school is perceived. Only then will serious thought be given to what could be done to enhance what the school is already doing so well. What traits do you have to possess in order to be a successful and respected principal? I would hope that others see me as calm, approachable and affable. But also totally professional and committed to the development of children and young people – this is where I sometimes can be difficult and obstinate, as I see the educational journey of each individual child as so important. Jakarta has a large selection of international schools; what sets ACG apart from the others? ACG School Jakarta has a definite family feel to it. The staff and parents are there to join and support the children on their learning journey. The school makes this three-way partnership rich, rewarding and enjoyable for all concerned.
What curriculum does ACG School Jakarta follow? Which do you personally prefer – IB or A Levels, and why? ACG offers IGCSE through the University of Cambridge to students in Year 11, then the subsequent CIE A Level qualification to Year 12 and 13 students. Having these benchmark examinations is very motivating for students and their families who are often moving between countries and applying for universities all over the world. I am also a firm supporter of the International Baccalaureate as it is broad, challenging and also brings with it other valuable things such as the learner profile. Do you believe students of international schools are more tolerant towards other cultures? I would hope that all schools deal with such things in a similar way. It’s dubious to say that any school, or type of school, is more tolerant or understanding than another as a general statement, even in the international school world. A school should respect all cultures, perspectives, religions and diversity. It is important for all students to see and experience understanding, tolerance and acceptance.
Have you ever had to deal with a student being bullied on social media? How did you handle this? This is unavoidable in today’s society, so I have had to deal with this many times. Each instance is of course different and often with many contributing factors. Bullying in any form should be dealt with firmly and consistently, but cyber-bullying can be sinister as people’s cyber-personality is often different than their physical one. Do you have any concerns about living in Indonesia? Just the usual concerns as an expatriate: the happiness and well-being of my family. It is important that as a non-working spouse that my wife is happy and also that my young daughter has many wonderful experiences as she grows up in this amazing country. What is the most challenging aspect of your job as a principal? Everybody wants a principal to be what they expect a principal to be. An effective principal needs to be able to meet these expectations as best as possible. If you could choose any famous actor to play you in a movie, who would it be? Someone a bit zany – Jim Carrey or maybe Johnny Depp!
To get in touch, please e-mail: acgjkt@acgedu.com
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Rollicking Flatiron Chefs
Our Clandestine Critic has dined all over the world, everywhere from threeMichelin starred restaurants in Monaco to street stalls in Shanghai – so this discerning palate has pedigree. The quest for truth and the elimination of mediocrity in Indonesia’s emerging dining scene is finally here!
Our expert epicure continues an undercover operation to bring you the truth about Indonesia’s dining scene. No spoon is left unturned in the quest for honest, balanced reviews, from long-established favourites to the hottest new tables in town. This month, the latest Japanese joint in the capital: Fujin. BY THE CL ANDESTINE CRITIC
Teppanyaki. It brings to mind images of red-toqued, red-faced, sweaty, Cheshire-catgrinning chefs; flipping shrimp into shirt pockets and flame-spewing onion towers. It also reminds me of my impoverished university days when dining at a Benihana was the closest thing to a night at The French Laundry; and I would celebrate whatever occasion by inhaling sake bombs with random strangers at the table. That Bizarro food world in which I dwelled is, thankfully, long past now; and Benihana this is not. Fujin offers teppanyaki with a solid Japanese-centric drinks list, and builds ambiance through the playfulness and good humour of their staff to create a lively backdrop for the establishment. Strip the silly food acrobatics and awkward gimmicks of the American teppanyaki restaurants we are accustomed to, and one can find a type of Japanese cooking that goes well with a night of rabble-rousing and merry-making. There is much to be said about a small but focused menu. Fujin doesn’t stray far from dishes cooked on the teppan griddle, but the few appetizers and small bites we had were delightful. One aside, restaurants in Jakarta need to stop calling them ‘tapas’. It is an overused and incorrect descriptor for any cuisine outside of Spain. In Japanese cuisine, small dishes served in primarily drinking establishments are more accurately defined as izakaya style food. The beef tataki consisted of tender, thinlysliced and lightly-seared raw beef over a bed of marinated bell peppers. Tataki sauce is a slightly tangier version of the popular ponzu citrus-soy dipping sauce, and goes quite well with raw proteins such as beef, tuna or salmon. The pork and cabbage gyozas were wonderful little dumplings, steam-fried on the grill to form a crisped skin on the underside that crackled as you bit into them. They were enjoyed with the Hitachino Red Rice Ale from the Japanese craft beer menu. As for beverages, I was feeling nostalgic for the good times of the early years and ordered the house sake. A server rolled a little trolley up to the table with a massive sake bottle and its accoutrements. He filled 14
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a 120ml carafe, which was then placed into a miniature wine bucket on the table. We were set with adorable mismatched sake cups, and our first drink received a spirited “Kampai!” from the staff. Yes, at Fujin, the entire restaurant encourages you to drink. Although the house sake is not meant to be sipped and savoured, a little more refinement and less gullet-shooting can be found in the delicate and floral ginjo sake selection. Just make sure to ask for fresh ice to keep it well-chilled in the wine bucket. Whisky is king here, with an emphasis on Japanese brands. You can do your best Bill-Murray-doing-Dean-Martin with an old-fashioned glass of Suntory in hand. Or, for whisky connoisseurs, the awardwinning Nikka blended malt may satisfy. The popularity of Japanese whisky has been growing worldwide, with makers acquiring international awards and recognition in recent years. Seafood Okonomiyaki
(Bottoms up, Japanese style!)
Cheque please! Drinks: Rp.265,000 Food: Rp.865,000 Service: 10% PBI Restaurant Tax: 10% Total: Rp.1,367,300
Fujin Teppanyaki & Japanese Whisky Jl. Gunawarman No. 21 Senopati, Jakarta Selatan Phone #1: +62 (021) 2751 3030 Phone #2: +62 (021) 2751 3838 Website: www.fujin-id.com Hours: Monday-Sunday Lunch: 11.30–15.00 Dinner: 18.00–Late
On the two occasions we visited Fujin, we found the teppanyaki to be decent yet inconsistently prepared. The meltique steak dish on the first visit was excellent, with pieces of lean beef cut into cube-sized bites and cooked medium rare on the griddle accompanied with three sauces of which two were soy-based and one fresh tomato relish. The beef was tender and juicy; artificial marbling of beef sometimes does have its place. However, on our second visit, we asked for medium rare again and it arrived blue. The interior was raw and each bite was cut inconsistently so that larger pieces were especially difficult to chew. No knife or fork was offered, so biting off smaller pieces proved impossible. The 200 gram live lobster, one of the more expensive dishes on the menu, was a disappointment. The lobster meat must have been removed and cooked separately from the shell and then placed back inside in smaller pieces. I understand this method might help with consistency in cooking, but there is a tendency for small pieces of lobster meat to seize up in high heat and overcook very quickly. The other unfortunate aspect of the dish was that the tomalley found in the shell was raw, effectively rendering it inedible. For
seafood lovers, this is a travesty of incredible proportions. The rich and creamy lobster tomalley is comprised of the liver and pancreas, and for those who appreciate it, provides one of the greatest pleasures in gastronomy. The seafood okonomiyaki (a Japanese version of a savoury pancake cooked on the griddle) is worth a mention. Fresh pieces of octopus and prawns sautéed with udon noodles, cabbage and onions is then layered with egg and flour batter, and finally moulded into the shape of a pizza and topped with Japanese mayonnaise and a thick soy-based sauce. Flakes of dried shaved tuna are then gently placed on top of the pancake and ‘dance’ in the warm steam that wafts upward from the cooked portion underneath. It’s a joy to eat and quintessential Japanese comfort food. At Fujin, they proclaim theirs to be Hiroshimastyle, but I found it no different from the Osaka version I usually make at home, and we could hardly make out the distinct layers for which Hiroshima versions are known. Also, expert chefs shred the cabbage finely so that it cooks thoroughly and quickly on the grill. Ours consisted of rough, large chopped bits of undercooked cabbage. In fact, the vegetables accompanying many of the meat dishes were treated in similar manner, quickly seared and for the most part semi-cooked or close to raw and placed like an after-thought on the plate. Strange that to be the case as vegetables served off teppan griddles in Japan are closer to stir-fries, and can be eaten as mains with seasoning and flavouring added. All in all, it was an enjoyable evening with very little disappointment in terms of ambiance and service. From arrival to departure, the staff were lively and helpful. An issue I have, though, is when reservations are made in advance for a particular number of diners and the table isn’t set for that exact number. We were two with a table set for six all evening. However, other little details like a personalized, handwritten postcard set upon the table before our arrival was a nice touch.
Visit Abu Dhabi Fly to Abu Dhabi with Etihad Airways and experience an enchanting city whose glamorous present can only be equalled by its fascinating past. In the capital of the United Arab Emirates, proud ancestral traditions are the perfect backdrop to the wonders of 21st century elegance and sophistication. TOP 5 THINGS TO DO IN ABU DHABI Whether you enjoy shopping, sightseeing or simply relaxing in a spa - there is something for everyone on holiday in Abu Dhabi. Here are our top picks at Etihad Airways: 1. Step through the gates of Qasr al-Hosn and into a world that has been protected within the stone walls of this magnificent palace-fortress since the mid-18th century 2. Discover the history of Abu Dhabi and learn about the life of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the ‘Father of the Nation’, at the Zayed Centre 3. Feel the rush of the Ferrari World theme park, and if you dare, rise to the challenge of the Formula Rossa, the fastest roller coaster in the world 4. Admire a masterpiece of modern Islamic architecture, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the world’s largest and most beautiful religious structures 5. Feel the anticipation and excitement in the air at Yas Marina circuit, home to the Formula 1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Experience one of motorsports’ greatest races and take part in a Driving Experience of your own. There is more! Take the plunge at Abu Dhabi’s Yas Waterworld, take a walk around a traditional souq, or embark on one of many thrilling guided city tours by land or sea - Abu Dhabi sights are unparalleled. The city’s compact size makes it easy to get around too, so visiting is always a pleasure. SHOPPING IN ABU DHABI Shopping in Abu Dhabi is something of a national pastime. Its remarkable diversity means you can find everything from traditional perfumes, handicrafts, and spices at small souk-like outlets, or pick up the latest designer clothes at ultra-modern malls.
RESTAURANTS IN ABU DHABI Abu Dhabi offers some of the best cuisine in the world. Taking its culinary inspiration from the East and West, restaurants in Abu Dhabi offer a delicious fusion of flavours from all over the world. From comfort food to fine dining, there are restaurants to suit every taste bud.
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issue 164 Indonesia expat
EXPAT LIFESTYLE TRAVEL Stephanie Brookes is a travel writer and blogger with tales from Indonesia and beyond. Please see www.travelwriter.ws and follow her on www.facebook.com/stephtravelwriter
Ternate Tales of Natural Selection
David Metcalf is a photographer and runs photography and cultural tours in Indonesia, Asian destinations and USA. Please see www.davidmetcalfphotography.com and follow him on facebook.com/davidmetcalfphotography
The Spice Islands are wrapped in an aromatic history of cloves, mace and nutmeg, Kings and Sultans, spice wars, and the rise and fall of invading armies. STORY BY STEPHANIE BROOKES | PHOTOS BY DAVID ME TCALF
Morotai Halmahera
Bacan Sumbawa
Misool Obi
Seram Buru
Maluku Islands How to get there
Regular flights from Jakarta and major Indonesian cities service Ambon and Ternate.
Where to Stay
SeaTrek sailing adventures offer sevenand ten-day cruises on traditional phinisi schooners around the Spice Islands from Ternate and Ambon. This is a comfortable way to see the famed islands and invited guest lecturers present fascinating evening talks onboard. www.seatrekbali.com
What to bring
As I travelled through the Spice Island chain, I saw massive groves of cloves and nutmegs clinging to the perfect cone-shaped volcanic islands dotted across the Maluku Sea. In the 8th century, Chinese merchant ships sailed through the Moluccas (Maluku), and the Arabs followed later. The spice wars involved the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British, who fought over the lucrative trade of exotic spices. We are reminded of this spice trade on the 1,000 rupiah note, which proudly displays Tidore Island next to Ternate, one of the famed Spice Islands. It is here that I visited my first Portuguese fort. I leant against the old stone wall of Fort Tolukko, Ternate, soaking in the history. This beautifully preserved 16th century Portuguese fort is protected by an impressive 10-metre tall solid stone wall. Fort Tolukko is located in the village of Duga Duga overlooking the Maluku Sea. It was built by the Portuguese to protect the clove industry of the island, which at this time was the only place in the world where cloves grew. Later, seedlings were smuggled out and found their way to Africa and other places, where clove plantations were established. I was impressed by the two dominant bulwarks that stood at the front of the fort, which is typical of Portuguese fortress architecture. I found my visit to this fort was more of a reflective activity. Listening to some beguiling tales told by my guide allowed me to fall into the history of these islands and set the tone for what was to come next. 16
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My next stop was a visit to Alfred Russel Wallace’s house where the famous “Letter from Ternate” was written in 1858. Alfred Wallace was a naturalist and zigzagged his way across the Indonesian archipelago collecting over 3,000 bird skins, including the famed bird of paradise, 20,000 beetles and butterflies and land shells. His travels took him from Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra, and Java all the way to New Guinea. He made between 60 and 70 separate journeys to the islands strewn across the vast archipelago, often visiting the same island two or three times to do more collecting during different seasons. Documenting the natural history of the region, he eventually wrote his theory of evolution to Charles Darwin, whom he admired as a leading naturalist and geologist. The Darwinian Theory of natural selection becomes rather contentious, as it is hinted by many a scholar that it was actually Alfred Wallace’s letter from Ternate and his exhaustive research that cracked the code, so to speak, on the ‘species question’. Darwin had been working for 20 years on the question of how animal species came to be different. When Wallace’s letter arrived from Ternate (which took three months to get to England), it seems he had summed up in a mere 4,000 words the key elements of the theory of evolution. Darwin had been researching volumes of material and had not made any public statements except to eminent scientific friends, off the record, about his theories. As Darwin approached his 50th birthday, he was still to publish his magnum opus and was a semi-recluse
An umbrella (for shade protection), sunscreen, mosquito repellent, hat, walking shoes, swimmers and swim shirt for the many hours you will spend in the water snorkelling around the beautiful island stopping off at remote beaches.
living in a household with 15 servants and a wealthy wife, who had family money from the Wedgwood Empire.
Darwin was in a stronger position as he had completed many years of meticulous work. When Darwin presented his work to the Linnean Society, a society dedicated to natural history, it was largely Wallace’s content. He presented three documents: two letters of his own ideas on evolution written to his friends in 1842 and again in 1844 and a further paper which married the contents of Wallace’s letter from Ternate with his own ideas. This was presented without Wallace's permission or mention of his name. After this was favourably received, Darwin rushed to print and gave the manuscript the name On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. The book was a huge success. Thirteen years and six editions later, this book did not acknowledge the work of Wallace. Darwin’s name was on the book and his theory of evolution by natural selection, or “survival of the fittest” became the most profound scientific development of the modern age. Luckily for Darwin, when Wallace finally left Indonesia and came home, the humble Alfred Russel Wallace was largely concerned with cataloguing his beloved insects and bird skins, which had been shipped home in the thousands, and proceeded to work on his own book. It is in Wallace’s book The Malay Archipelago that the true genius of Wallace is revealed. Since its publication in 1869, the book has never been out of print. Wallace was an extraordinary man who lived in Ternate from 1858 to 1861, and as I stood at the back door of his humble house, I felt the dedication of this man's work. He contributed so much to natural history and the discovery of the origin of man.
In comparison, Wallace was a lone wanderer and not university educated. He was a field naturalist and a very shy person, whereas
The name Maluku is thought to have been derived from the Arab trader's term for the region, Jazirat al-Muluk or ‘the island of the kings’. What the Arab traders brought back to their home ports were exotic spices: cloves, mace, and nutmeg. These were sold to Venetian merchants and became known in Europe as “the nuts from Muscat”. Because of the high value of these spices in Europe and the large profits they generated, many adventurers followed in the footsteps of the Chinese and the Arabs; first the Portuguese and later the Dutch followed by the British.
The Birds of Paradise
Maluku has two species of endemic birds of paradise: Red-bellied Pittas and Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise.
Wallace’s Book
The ecology of the Maluku Islands has fascinated naturalists for centuries. Alfred Russel Wallace's book, The Malay Archipelago, was the first significant study of the area's
natural history and remains an important resource for studying Indonesian biodiversity.
Further Recommended Reading
The Spice Islands Voyage: In Search of Wallace by Tim Severin.
Maluku Islands
The Maluku Islands formed a single province since Indonesian independence until 1999, when it was split into two provinces. A new province, North Maluku, incorporates the area between Morotai and Sula, with the arc of islands from Buru and Seram to Wetar remaining within the existing Maluku Province.
Violations on stay permits or visas! Arrested, detained, fined and deported... or settle!
It just happens, violating the rules of your stay permit (KITAS) or your visa. Sometimes totally absentmindedly. What happens if you do violate the rules, or more importantly, what do you do if you get caught?
There are many types of irregularities with which Immigration offices have to deal with: • Overstaying the period of the visit visa • Overstaying the period of the stay permit (KITAS) • Doing a business visit while only possessing a free exemption visa • Working at a company, while having a (business) visit visa only • Working while having a dependent KITAS • Working at a different location than mentioned on the IMTA and RPTKA • Working in a position different from the one mentioned on the IMTA, or having more positions and only one IMTA • Not reporting changes in status (address) • Entering into a fake marriage with an Indonesian spouse • Presenting or using fake papers while obtaining a permit To take away the urban legend stories about the punishments in such cases, the law gives a clear answer in Chapter XI of the Immigration Law no. 6 of 2011. The articles 113-135 handle the possible penal provisions. In this article trafficking and other real criminal immigration crimes are not discussed. The focus is on the expat not committing crimes but administrative omissions with big consequences. There are two main categories of punishment: A. A maximum of 3 months incarceration and a maximum fine of IDR.25,000,000.-. For foreigners who don’t present their passport or other ID or fail to report changes on their civil status, nationality, profession, sponsor or address. All more or less little or small misdemeanors. B. A maximum of 5 years imprisonment and a maximum fine of IDR.500,000,000.-. Imposed on: • Foreigners without a valid passport and a visa or stay permit • Foreigners who falsify or forge visas or stay permits or use them • Foreigners who abuse or do an activity contrary to the purpose of the stay permit
• Anyone providing false or falsified letters or other data Overstaying falls under the B category, hence you are in Indonesia without a valid visa, but up until 60 days the actual punishment is only a fine of IDR.300,000.- per day if you report the overstay yourself. If you get caught arrests, fines, detentions and deportations may follow.
Be aware that most violations of Immigration rules are being discovered because the Immigration has been tipped off. Examples: • A neighbour or even an acquaintance who knows you are overstaying • A colleague who knows you work on a business visa • A former employee trying to get even with his old company • Former girlfriends or ex-wives feeling they are abused • Business partners feeling they made a bad deal • Friends, knowing your dependent wife is actually working
What happens and what to do if you are caught? When Immigration officers unexpectedly enter your house, hotel, office or any other spot and asks you for your papers, you can bet that they already have information that you committed a violation of your stay permit or visa. Why would they come to your place of all places at exactly the moment that you did something wrong? So, don’t fool yourself, the Immigration knows.
5. The agent will contact the Immigration Office and discuss the content of your case. 6. The agent will then discuss the situation with you and plan a strategy. 7. At the Immigration Office you will be interrogated. Usually it is wise to explain the misdemeanor, why you got into the situation (overstaying or working on a visa) and admit you are wrong. 8. Af ter the interrogation you await further steps. Immigration and the agent will discuss the possibilities and follow up. Depending on the level of your misdemeanor, your history and your attitude, Immigration will decide to bring the case to court or discuss a proposed amicable settlement. 9. If a settlement is possible, the options are a fine with or without a (blue) deportation, meaning you can come back to Indonesia, with the correct visa. When a red deportation is imposed, you cannot come back for at least six months, after which a request can be made to lift the deportation status. 10. In case your misdemeanor is major and you, for example, used falsified papers there is less room for a settlement. You eventually will be detained and deported. The agent can only try to prevent a court case and imprisonment. The Immigration will plea for a high fine and imprisonment. In normal administrative cases, that however, is seldom.
Above we stated that it might not be wise to contact a lawyer immediately. In no way do we want to say that a lawyer cannot assist you well. Most likely he would do a better job. Nevertheless, he must not just know all about the Immigration law. More importantly, There are many ways how to respond on a raid. Based on our he needs to know the Immigration office and the experience below a realistic overview of what happens and employees handling your case. Most agents do - it's how you can react. Choice is always yours, but being hostile their daily work! and rude is having yourself detained for sure!: In most cases evidence is already presented, it is a clear 1. The Immigration officer will ask for your name and passport cut case. A lawyer with less experience in immigration and stay permit (KITAS/KITAP). Be humble and cooperate. cases could approach the wrong Immigration staff, 2. The officer will ask for the reason of your stay and he will causing delays. When in detention, every day counts. ask what you are doing at the place where you are. Again, stay humble and answer correctly. Finally, the motto of this article; if you are really, really 3. The Immigration officer will request for you to come to innocent and don’t mind facing the Indonesian law the Immigration Office later or the next day. Your passport system, you should call a lawyer. But when correctly and KITAS will be taken and you will get a STP, an official caught, call a formalities agent and settle! letter of the confiscation. If the misdemeanor is minor you will not be arrested and detained. 4. After the Immigration has left, contact your agent. Below, we explain why a lawyer might not always be the best solution.
ABOUT THE PERMIT HOUSE The Permit House commenced operations providing the KITAP and has expanded into a full authorized formalities agency, handling all visas, permits and other documentation required by expats to stay, live and work in Indonesia. The Company founders are expats and have endured the processes first hand.
Graha Tunas Buidling Unit D, Floor 4, Jl. Warung Jati Barat 63 Jakarta 12740, Indonesia
Phone : 021-79195805 / 7987589 Email : info@thepermithouse.com Website : www.thepermithouse.com
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Kenneth Yeung is a Jakarta-based editor
Rotten Reviews & Bogus Bookings BY KENNE TH YEUNG
Recommendations from friends, relatives and colleagues are the best way to go when choosing a place to stay. But what if you don’t know anyone who has been to your intended destination? You look online, perusing sites such as TripAdvisor, which bills itself as the “world's largest travel site” with “200 million+ unbiased traveler reviews”.
A holiday should be all about unwinding by replacing any stress with serenity and relaxation. Unfortunately, scammers in the hospitality sector are out to dupe you before you’ve even left home.
Most of TripAdvisor’s reviews are genuine, but plenty are biased or even fake. If a hotel manager or owner wants a positive online review, they simply write their own or have their friends make some. These look suspicious when a reviewer has made only a solitary review. So, if you want a seasoned reviewer to provide a glowing endorsement of your hotel, you just head over to a site called Fiverr, where people provide all sorts of services for only US$5. You join with an email address and start hiring people to write reviews. Or, more accurately, hire them to post content that you have written. If your hotel has a Facebook page, you can purchase thousands of Likes, as well as single reviews.
Sarah now faces charges of online fraud. The case has embroiled her alleged sister, a TV actress named Shirin Safira. Reports said some of the victims’ funds had been deposited in an account held by Shirin.
“I am ready to write and post 10 TripAdvisor positive reviews for your hotel in Indonesia. I have multiple TripAdvisor accounts with good standing and with different IPs,” said one seller.
Another seller told me she was willing to write 5-star fake reviews from her TripAdvisor “Level 4 Contributor account”.
The upshot is, beware of overly effusive reviews. On the other side, some companies hire people to write and post negative reviews about their competitors. This happens in many industries, from aviation to restaurants. I once received a job offer that went like: “We need an avid Twitterer, Facebooker, skilled in writing, available to work from home for about two hours a day, five days a week, starting at Rp.5 million a month.” The job was to create negative social media content about a particular company. A friend who owns a restaurant in Jakarta was visited by a man who offered to provide a positive review and photos in a food magazine in return for a payment of Rp.5 million. He insinuated that failure to provide any payment would result in a negative listing.
Indonesia expat issue 164
Dozens of her victims on April 6 reported Sarah to police. It transpired she had pulled the same scam last year and was arrested for four days until she was able to issue refunds – with money newly taken from people who had booked holidays for 2016. She had allegedly told the first set of victims not to make critical online posts if they wanted to receive refunds. One of the latest victims said Sarah had arranged a gathering at a customer’s house to inspire confidence in her online travel business. But when they began asking for proof of tickets and hotels, she could not show them anything.
Curious to see how Fiverr worked, I requested advice on how to gain positive TripAdvisor reviews for a friend’s hotel. Within a few hours, I had 21 responses from people offering to post fake reviews and ‘Likes’.
If you’re too cheap to pay US$5 and would prefer a review in Indonesian, then just go to the online behemoth that is Kaskus, where you can find reviewers offering their services for as little as Rp.5,000.
Then, on April 1, Sarah posted a message on Kaskus claiming she had to cancel the trip because a person entrusted to buy tickets had run away with the money. “Sorry I have not been able to contact you directly because I am still in a state of great shock,” she wrote. She claimed she had reported the matter to police and would later issue individual refunds. The customers were willing to believe her until she abruptly deleted their WhatsApp group and also ceased all communication via Path, Facebook, Instagram and telephone. Only her Kaskus posts remain.
03 01. A woman named Sarah Jihan managed to defraud about 120 people who had booked holidays to Japan 02. If you want a seasoned reviewer to provide a glowing endorsement of your hotel for only $5, visit Fiverr 03. Many people offer to write fake TripAdvisor reviews for only US$5
“If you’re too cheap to pay US$5 and would prefer a review in Indonesian, then just go to the online behemoth that is Kaskus, where you can find people willing to write reviews for as little as Rp.5,000.” Going Nowhere If you are planning a holiday, be sure to book directly with a reputable hotel. Beware of online travel agents offering packages that seem too good to be true. Even reasonably priced package tours may be a scam. A woman named Sarah Jihan managed to defraud about 120 people who had booked holidays to Japan. She started a thread on
Scamming about 120 would-be tourists is small fry in comparison to the embezzlement conducted by government officials and companies involved in sending Muslims on the annual haj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. Former religious affairs minister Suryadharma Ali was in January sentenced to six years in jail for embezzling billions of rupiah in haj funds from 2010 to 2013. More recently, the operators of PT Sahabat Sukses Indonesia, a travel agency that charged from Rp.25 million to Rp.35 million for minor pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia, was reported to police because it had allegedly failed to honour commitments to clients.
Kaskus in March 2015, offering a group package holiday to Japan over April 5–11, 2016, (seven days and six nights) for Rp.12.5 million, which could be paid in monthly instalments up to February 2016.
One of the biggest of all travel scams in Indonesia is when the country’s legislators take free holidays abroad under the absurd claim that they are “comparative studies”. Such legislators would be better off using state funds to remedy problems in their own country, rather than squandering time and money overseas. Unfortunately, some local schools have taken a leaf out of the legislature’s book by sending students on “comparative study” excursions abroad at massively inflated prices.
A week before departure, her customers had still not received their tickets. Using a WhatsApp group, they asked Sarah for an explanation. She reassured them that an associate, Gina, was handling the tickets.
So, when considering your next holiday, do your research first to ensure you’ll get value for money. And if you’re considering any form of comparative study, spend your own money.
MEET THE EXPAT Karen Davis is a NYC artist and writer
Meet Joki Mihovilcevic
Home-Grown Healing Joki is the force behind The Little Green Cafe, an organic, healing community enclave in South Bali. She was born and raised in Croatia to a family of local healers and herbalists who grew all their own food. BY K AREN DAVIS
“Food must be put back in the hands of the people and grown on small local farms and homes.”
What was it like growing up on a little island in Croatia? My mother healed with natural herbs, making teas and always cooking. She was a little witch lady. We ate incredibly well. I was born with eczema and grew up with it. Nothing fixed it until at 16 I was taken to see a Chinese doctor. He put me on a special diet, eliminating things such as olives, dairy and red fish. He put me on a regimen of Chinese herbs. I was healed of the eczema and a kidney condition as well. I realized then the importance food plays in our health and it became my passion. He gave me a book I have kept and still refer to today; it combines western and eastern healing methods. Tell us about your time working for Neal’s Yard in London. In my early 20s I went to London where I was fortunate to be ‘adopted’ by Neal’s Yard Bakery, one of the first vegan restaurants in the UK. They gave me my own kitchen and the freedom to experiment and play, teaching me everything they knew. Celebrities like Madonna would walk in with a ray of light. She wore a bindi and went vegan, gluten free, sugar free, influencing Londoners to turn to a healthier, more spiritual lifestyle embracing yoga and meditation and organic foods. She was a huge part of the movement towards a healthy lifestyle in the UK. I was best known for my desserts – all sugar free and gluten free, as they are to this day. I also managed The World Food Café, which was another popular organic restaurant for Londoners with lots of musicians and celebrities coming on a regular basis.
What brought you to Bali? I met my husband in India. He made garments there and in Bali and sold them in the UK. Eventually I gave up my work in England and moved to Bali with him. Fashion was never my thing; if it were up to me there would be no fashion industry. There were no places here in Bali where I could go and eat the healthy foods I needed, so I created The Little Green Cafe initially just for myself and my friends. How is Little Green Cafe different from most eateries? I keep it fresh and organic, serving food that’s cooked and eaten that day; any leftovers go to staff and then to the local prison. We eat for our body and our soul, so it has to be good and nutritious. If there are six soups on a menu they cannot be fresh, so I keep my menu simple and it changes day-to-day, season-to-season. I source only from my known sources which deliver daily. I don’t chop my vegetables too much as that kills their lifespan faster, and most foods must be consumed directly after preparing or juicing; after half an hour many of the vitamins and minerals have oxygenated and died. Food is powerful and contains the ingredients our bodies flourish on but also will make us sick if it is not real food, so keeping the processing to a minimum and getting it to the table from the farm is the best way to eat a healthy diet. What is your advice to vegetarians to have a balanced diet with enough protein? We have been so misdirected when it comes to food – broccoli has more protein than a steak. But make sure
that broccoli is grown naturally and is not over processed! Politically inspired anorexics are not good vegetarians! Not eating meats or animals is not enough; eating sweets and processed foods that aren’t meat is not good vegetarianism. Eat colourful fresh fruits and vegetables as they come out in season. Enjoy grains and nuts. Explore herbs as teas, checking there are no additives, and try not to have your food travel long distances! Sounds like a full-time job! Well I am here to do that, but I think if you let your diet rule you to the point it is stressful, that it will not be effective. Guilt is the worst thing! Go ahead and have that steak or a milkshake if you want it. Just be aware and try to have at least half of your diet fresh and organic. You absolutely do not want eating to be a job. On the contrary, enjoy eating! People find when they come to me with ailments that they start to appreciate and crave the foods that serve as their medicines. Your body will guide you. Once you start eating right and feel the difference it makes, such as more energy and better sleep, the body will respond best to the foods that are healing and good for it. If you cut processed sugar and salt out of your diet, your body will find everything sweeter and more savoury as your taste buds will actually change. We kill our taste buds with artificial or over processed sugars, spices, and condiments. Cross boundaries and experiment with the local natural foods available and you will be surprised how your tastes will change. Do you take private clients with health issues or special needs? Yes, I work with people who have issues or want to lose weight, etc. It’s best working with a client privately if they have the time but I also give seminars and cater to yoga and spiritual retreats. Busy people come for a few days of peace and tranquillity. In three days your body can adapt to new habits, especially in a setting that includes mental and spiritual practices along with a good diet. I have witnessed amazing changes in people in short periods of time and some people I see returning say it changed their way of living. I give talks about healthy eating and one of the big subjects now being accepted is that one does not have to give up eating to lose weight or fight diabetes. It is what you eat! What are your favourite foods this week? This week I crave tomatoes and avocados because their season is coming to an end soon. What are some good anti-aging foods? Actually, all good fresh foods are anti-aging. We need water, air and food to live, so the better the quality of those, the better the state of one’s health. Watermelon and ginger are great cleansers and youth enhancing. The best is coconut water! Can food consciousness save the world? Definitely! Food has become a political issue. Populations are controlled by food and our food is controlled today to a large degree. Half of the people in developed and developing societies want to lose weight while a huge percentage of the world is starving! We waste so much food it contributes to pollution! Food must be put back in the hands of the people and grown on small local farms and homes. It is a simple solution and proven to be the most effective. Our food choices will determine our future. Thank you, Joki! For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/The.Little.Green.Cafe
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Meet Samantha Beach
Touching Lives through Craftwork XS Project is an NGO raising awareness of environmental damage and poverty through education, best known for their innovative product designs reusing consumer waste. Six months ago, American expat Samantha Beach joined the initiative to teach wives of trash pickers how to make colourful jewellery, key chains and book thongs out of trash. These unique creations will start being sold this month at bazaars and directly through XS Project, and sales will go towards the women who make them. BY ANGEL A RICHARDSON
Samantha, is this your first time living overseas? Yes, this is our first time living as expats. My husband is an IT consultant specializing in healthcare IT and a job opportunity for him in Asia came up which brought us here. Did you experience culture shock when you first moved to Jakarta? Yes, absolutely, although I’ve found the people here to be very kind. I feel safer here than in a big city in the United States.
How did you first get involved with XS Project? I took a tour of the rubbish tip at XS Project in Cirendeu with Retno Hapsari when I first came here. Back home I ran my own wedding cake shop and my friend asked me to join in the tour because she knew I’m crafty. I started thinking that I could come up with some ideas of taking trash and turning it into something that people would buy. Retno tried to see if any of the mums were interested and I now have six mums that I’ve worked with for six months: Ipat, Sani, Sutiah, Nur, Marni and Supena. What difficulties have you faced when teaching them these skills? I don’t think they’ve ever done crafts before, so it’s been very hard to teach them how to bend the wire correctly, doing it neatly every time. If I’m watching they’ll do it the right way, but if they’re doing it on their own they start to get sloppy. I explain to them that it’s not going to sell if it’s sloppy; we need to make it this way every time. How have you overcome the language barrier? I use Google Translate! Marni, one of the mums who can make everything correctly every time, helps me to show the other mums what’s being done wrong. I’m very fortunate I have Marni, who speaks a bit of English; a bit more every time I visit. She’s also teaching me a little Bahasa.
01. Samantha Beach and her husband Thomas Beach 02. Ipat, Sani, Sutiah, Nur, Marni, and Supena 03. Samantha wearing jewellery made of trash 04. Book thongs made of inner tube tires and old magazines make great gifts 05. Marni, one of the trash picker's wives who Samantha is teaching to make jewellery and crafts
“I’d like people to realize that everybody has talents and gifts in this world.” 20
Indonesia expat issue 164
How is your relationship with the mums you teach? The relationship has grown; they trust me and look forward to me coming. They laugh, tease and imitate me. I find it amazing how we speak different languages but I can still go there and teach them this skill. How are you empowering the mums? My husband and I recently went back to the US to visit. I took some of the earrings, key chains and book thongs with me and I sold US$500 worth. When I returned I gave Rp.1.1 million to each mum and said it was payday; they were thrilled. We also teach the mums that they need to save money, so in the programme we’re trying to do a lot more than just teach a skill. What’s your goal through your work at XS Project? I just want it to take off and for the mums to have an income forever. Eventually Karen McDaniels, the project manager at XS, would like to distribute to the United States. The book thongs are beautiful and very unique. We have two sizes: ones for hard cover (12 inches) and a shorter one for paperback books. It’s all made of trash; we use an inner tube tire for the string and discarded magazines for the paper beads. Then we added the ‘made with love’ charm to show that it’s from their hearts. When you first moved to Jakarta, did you notice the litter problem? I noticed the trash. I thought it was a grungy city and honestly felt very depressed when I first came here; it was a big change for me. Having said that, my friends are very impressed with how far I’ve come. When I go to XS I just shake my head
in amazement that these women can live in this kind of situation and still smile and laugh. I don’t know how they do it, but I suppose they don’t know any better. It’s amazing. How do you compare the level of understanding of recycling and trash here compared to the States? In the US recycling is mandated and they’ve pulled all the garbage out of landfills because they realize it won’t break down in our lifetimes. Jakarta is very lucky because it has the pemulung; we should be thankful that these people do what they do. You’re not going to change the minds of the older people; the only way things will change is through children and education. It’s not going to happen for many years, but eventually change will come. What are the aspirations of the mothers you teach? Every week I ask the mothers two questions, for instance if you could have any job what would you do? Sani said they would like to own her own local grocery store. Ipat wishes she could be a doctor; she said she’s not very educated but she wants to make her country proud. Marni wants to be a famous singer. One day she picked up a plastic bottle and started singing and the mums in the background all joined in! Asking them these kinds of questions gets them to think that even though they’re in this poor situation now, some day they could get out and do what they dream of. What are your plans for the future? We’re going to start making recycled jewellery from inner tubes of scooters. More of the wives in Cirendeu want to join my programme, but right now we plan to do it for a year to get it to the level XS wants the product to be. Eventually we’ll bring three more mums in. We’ve been paying for the beads and the products so far, but the next level is that the mums have to buy their own beads and be self-sufficient. I plan to take three of the mums to Mangga Dua so they know where they can get the product, and so that the project can continue when I’m gone. We will also be making a website where people can pick and see what products we have available. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned so far working with these mums? Be patient. What can readers do to help? I hope people will understand the importance of reusing and recycling. Aside from that, I’d like people to realize that everybody has talents and gifts in this world. Just because some people are where they live, we shouldn’t look down on them. What has working with the XS Project mums done for you on a personal level? It’s a blessing I found them. Before in my cake shop in the States, I worked six days, ten to 14 hours a week, but when we moved here I didn’t have a job or a purpose. Now I try to come up with ideas for the mums during the week and I train them on Mondays. Not only do I try to save them, I think they rescued me.
If you’re interested in finding out more, or in joining in a jewellery-making workshop, please reach out to ssbeach2753@gmail.com
Bartele Gallery is the only dedicated Gallery-shop in Indonesia for antique Maps, Prints, Photographs, Books and Antiquities; ideal for a unique memento or decorative art piece investment from Indonesia. Thousands of maps and prints of over 100 years old; come, enjoy, discuss, research and invest our Antiques & Art!
Bartele Gallery Jakarta, Open Daily. Jl. Kemang Raya 29a. Jakarta Selatan P: +62(0)21 7190087 // E: info@bartelegallery.com bartelegallery.com // facebook.com/bartelegallery issue 164 Indonesia expat
Garda Satwa Indonesia: Defenders of Animal Welfare Animal wellbeing is often overlooked in Indonesia. Most people are still unaware of their job to protect animals and care for the planet we inhabit. Non-profit organization (NGO) Garda Satwa Indonesia (GSI) brings this issue to light through tireless acts of animal rescue and adoption. BY CAR ANISSA DJATMIKO
“In reality, many people in Indonesia question the importance of providing care for animals while basic human needs have not yet been met.”
When taking a stroll down the streets of Jakarta, or elsewhere in Indonesia, we frequently find stray dogs and cats in poor health conditions. It is also common to find cases of animals being mistreated due to a lack of understanding and compassion, or to put it simply, a sense of humanity. This tragic reality motivated GSI to take charge. “At first we were just a group of people who care for the animals and were concerned with multiple cases of animal abuse, yet being merely concerned was not enough. We needed actions. Therefore, GSI was established to achieve our mission of caring for the animals, especially domestic animals,” founder Davina Veronica explains. Veronica admits that animal awareness remains a minor issue for Indonesians because many people still live below the poverty line and focus on feeding themselves. Further, animal protection policies are rarely acknowledged and the government is not doing enough to educate the public and find solutions to these problems, such as building more animal shelters. All of this ultimately results in neglecting to keep animals safe from harm. In reality, many people in Indonesia question the importance of providing care for animals while basic human needs have not yet been met. “A lot of people think, ‘Our lives are not yet prosperous, why should we think about animals' rights?’” Veronica laments. But she believes that our existence on this planet should not solely be concerned with our own wellbeing, but also with that of the animals and of nature – altogether aiming for what is known as the ‘balance of nature’. The idea of this balance among conservationists and environmentalists generally refers to the duty to protect
Dua Tangan Cukup
nature and biodiversity in order to keep the ecological systems in a stable equilibrium. Veronica’s views echo the notion; that the planet and all things living on it are humans’ responsibility, and when they become threatened or extinct, there should be no one left to blame but mankind. “Extinction is permanent. But we don’t need to take the discussion that far [to see the damage it can cause],” Veronica says. “Let’s take an example. Dogs and cats neglected on the streets may carry viruses and bacteria like rabies, toxoplasmosis, and leptospirosis that can be contagious to humans. If their health and wellbeing are maintained, then these viruses would pose no threat to us. Humans are the ones who play a role in controlling this.” In order to help protect the wellbeing of animals in Jakarta, GSI provides animal rescue and adoption services, with their main shelter located in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, and another one in Jogjakarta, Central Java. Since their arrival in 2014, GSI has rescued almost 300 animals and has seen 78 people become adopters of animals needing homes. The process of adopting, according to Veronica, is extremely strict because most animals in their shelters are victims of abuse by previous owners. Hence, the NGO handles the selection procedures very carefully. First, GSI surveys the potential owners by visiting and interviewing members of the house. Next, potential owners need to fill in a form and sign the adoption agreement. If they match the criteria that GSI seeks, then candidates will need to come to the shelter and meet their future pets. Throughout the adoption process, the organization can also
check up on the adopted pets to make sure that they are in good hands. If the pets turn out to be mistreated, then GSI has every right to take the pets with them and sue the owners. Veronica reinforces that communication with the owners is crucial in ensuring the animal’s conditions after being adopted. Aside from adoption, GSI also helps raise awareness about animal welfare by visiting schools and universities, promoting their campaign through social media, and holding events which include public figures to further attract the masses to get involved. The journey to achieving animal welfare is not an easy one. It requires an understanding that humans hold the key to making it happen and that animal abuse is indeed a criminal act. GSI’s main goal is for people to understand this fact. “Our biggest dream is not to take in 1,000 animals, but that facilities like us will no longer need to exist in the future because people will have truly understood that it is their responsibility as human beings to ensure animals are well treated,” Veronica concludes. For that reason, we should all take heed to the message that GSI and other animal welfare organizations try to spread. Maintaining animal welfare is a pivotal role that everyone should play in order to maintain a healthy balance in a world that we all inhabit. Without the willingness and the commitment to play our duty, that vision will forever remain a fantasy.
For more information and to find out how you can help, please visit www.gardasatwaindonesia.org
Actions From Across The Archipelago
The People of Aceh Fight to Conserve the Leuser Ecosystem On March 27, Indonesia was visited by Hollywood actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio. The 41-year-old celebrity visited Sumatra to show his support for local groups working to preserve the Leuser ecosystem, an area of forest located in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, which is being encroached upon by palm oil plantations, mining, and further development. According to an NGO based in Aceh, HAkA, the Leuser ecosystem is globally known for being the richest expanse of tropical rainforest in Southeast Asia and is also one of Asia’s largest carbon sinks. It covers more than 2.6 million hectares of lowland rainforests, mountain and coastal forests, peat swamps and alpha meadows. What people need to know is that the Leuser ecosystem plays a significant role in Earth’s climate regulation as it absorbs carbon pollution and stores huge amount of carbon in its lowland rainforests
and peatlands. Millions of people rely on the ecosystem as their primary source of clean water, and also for their livelihood. In addition, it is the only place where four species, the orangutan, elephant, rhinoceros and Sumatran tiger coexist. Unfortunately, this area of forest is not protected by the local government, as it is excluded from the National Strategic Area in the Aceh Spatial Plan (2013-2033). In 2014, the Ministry of Domestic Affairs had demanded the Aceh government revise their plan but sadly no changes have been made thus far. The people of Aceh have been fighting for years to conserve the Leuser ecosystem despite being essentially ignored by the government. Nevertheless, they continue to persevere until their voices are heard and the government decides to cancel the spatial plan to save not only Planet Earth, but also the species inhabiting it.
For more information and to find out how you can help, visit www.haka.or.id. You can also support the petition that Leonardo DiCaprio has been spreading through his social media channels to save the Leuser ecosystem at chn.ge/1pSAiiv
Indonesia expat issue 164
Aston Priority Simatupang launches Momiji Jakarta Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel & Conference Center recently announced the opening of its newest restaurant. Momiji Japanese Restaurant is officially opened for the public on April 4, 2016, and features an extensive menu. The restaurant is unique, contemporary décor without leaving the impression of the authentic of Japanese atmosphere. Hours of operation are from 12pm to 2.30pm for lunch and dinner is served from 6.30pm to 10pm from Monday to Sunday.
HR Asia announces Indonesia’s best employers
“We are excited to open our Japanese Restaurant to fulfil our guest’s needs especially Japanese food lovers. Through the month of April, we are delighted to serve Momiji Bento, a rice set package of Wakadori Teriyaki, Beef Yakiniku, Shake Amiyaki, Unagi Kabayaki, and Kushiyaki paired with Miso soup and sliced fresh fruit,” says Ainur R. Mustamar, General Manager of Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel & Conference Center.
Indonesia HR Asia, Asia's most authoritative publication for HR professionals, has announced 20 companies in Indonesia as the best to work for as ranked by 4,600 employees across the country. Winners of the award are selected from 138 nominees among 20 industries, based on a proprietary survey that assesses the company's working environment, HR practices, employee engagement and the resulting job satisfaction. Companies named as the HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Indonesia include PT. Blue Bird Group Holding, PT. British School Jakarta, PT. Fitness First Indonesia, PT. Bank Maybank Indonesia TBK, PT. 3M Indonesia, PT. Kompas Gramedia, and PT. Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia. “This is one of the most structured and extensive surveys on employee engagement and workplace practices in this region. Through this survey, HR Asia has discovered that many of these companies – both local and international – have workplace practices that are on par with the best in the world,” said Caroline Ang, General Manager of Business Media International, the publishers of HR Asia.
LOTTE DUTY FREE collects second-hand books for children’s charity
Sporting event Tough Mudder to launch in Indonesia
Jakarta Celebrating World International Book Day, LOTTE DUTY FREE is conducting a book donation programme called ‘Books for Goods’. LOTTE DUTY FREE Indonesia invites all of its customers and Jakarta’s citizens to participate by donating new or pre-loved books at LOTTE DUTY FREE. For one month starting March 22, everyone can donate books via drop centres at LOTTE DUTY FREE Downtown Shop Information Desk, located on the 4th floor of Lotte Shopping Avenue Jakarta. All books are being accepted except for newspapers, magazines, and school textbooks. There will be gifts for every book donated. If donators give one to five books they will receive a free Taxi Voucher; for six to ten books they will receive a Rp.50,000 discount voucher; and for 11 books or more they will receive a free Downtown Store Gift Card, which can be used to shop at LOTTE DUTY FREE. All books will be distributed to Yayasan Sayap Ibu's libraries in various regions of Indonesia.
Bali Prepare yourself and your team to be challenged by Tough Mudder, the world’s most recognized endurance series. With more than 200 events since 2010 spread across seven different countries globally, this year Tough Mudder will reach more ‘Mudders’ by expanding the series of event to Indonesia. On October 1-2, Jimbaran in Bali will welcome the very first Tough Mudder in Indonesia. Founded in the US in 2010, Tough Mudder is a 16-20 km obstacle course run designed by British Special Forces to test all round strength, stamina, mental grit, teamwork and camaraderie with the most innovative courses. More than 2,000,000 participants worldwide to date have participated in this competition.
What makes Tough Mudder different from any other sports competition is that this is not a race, but a team challenge. Teamwork is needed to complete this challenge with no time to race against. Bring your friends, family and colleagues to join this challenge! Stay tuned on Facebook.com/ ToughMudderIndonesia or visit the Instagram account of Tough Mudder Indonesia on www.instagram.com/ toughmudder_id for more information about registration and obstacles that will feature in Tough Mudder Indonesia 2016. KITAS/KITAP holders will have access to local ticket prices. issue 164 Indonesia expat
* Answers in the next edition!
1. Fasten – run away (4) 3. User of machine etc (8) 8. Heavy defeat (4) 9. Source of absinthe (8) 11. William Wallace (10 14. Friendly (6) 15. Detective story writer (6,8) 17. Abstract (10) 20. See 15 21. Bear – contemptuous expression (4) 22. Not extreme (8) 23. Measure of speed at sea (4)
1. Without a saddle (8) 2. Formerly respectable drug (8) 4. The Nobody of the Diary (6) 5. Raise further money on house (10) 6. Move like a horse (4) 7. Impolite (4) 10. Seen Morris (anag) – moralist (10) 12. Pig-headed (8) 13. Wear for Christmas dinner (5,3) 16. Devotee once of the little red book (6) 18. Confidence trick (4) 19. Dry (4)
ANSWERS OF ISSUE 163 ACROSS —1. Pitched battle 8. Vee 9. Testament 10. Two-faced 11. Eton 13. Cudgel 14. Bellize 16. Monk 17. Accursed 20. Ruination 21. Ill 22. Crème De Menthe DOWN — 1. Pivot 2. The golden mile 3. Hot cakes 4. Disney 5. Ajax 6. The atkins diet 7. Entente 12. Sequence 13. Cambric 15. Active 18. Delve 19 Jape
Wondering what this coffee specifically does for men that it won't do for women... Spotted in North Jakarta by Barry Send your funny pictures to letters@indonesiaexpat.biz
Indonesia expat issue 164
OBSERVATIONS Asyifa graduated with a social degree from Universitas Indonesia and has an interest in how the world works, as well as in current affairs. She now resides in New York, undergoing an internship programme at PTRI while looking for a suitable college for her Master’s degree.
Are We the Maritime Axis Yet, Mr. President? BY ASYIFA PUTRI
Conservation International photo by Julius Thonak
Amidst widespread problems of human rights, poverty, and rampant corruption facing Indonesians as witnessed on daily news reports, hope emerged as President Joko Widodo took office in 2014. His popular appeal of forming a clean government and hailing from a mediocre family was what made many Indonesians feel optimistic for a brighter future. His goals and promises, while not novel, came across as more genuine and seemed to be realistic in their achievement. One of his more ambitious goals is to make Indonesia a maritime axis. After all, Indonesia is comprised of more than 13,000 islands, making it the biggest archipelagic state, crossing four oceans and possessing the second longest coastline in the world. “We have to strive to restore Indonesia as a maritime country. The oceans, the straits and the bays are our future. We have been turning our backs on them for too long,” the president said in his inaugural speech. Indonesia has indeed turned its back on its oceans for far too long; our naval capabilities are reported to be weaker than those of our neighbouring countries such as Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. And while the fortunate geographic location of Indonesia should mean it rains money, millions of Indonesians working in the fishing industry are stuck in poverty. Dated infrastructure and resources have rendered the country unable to compete, to some extent resulting in widespread illegal fishing, piracy, and even people smuggling; Indonesia loses millions of tonnes of fish worth about US$20 million on a yearly basis. Rubbing salt into the wounds, Indonesia still has to import fish from neighbouring countries since inadequate infrastructure has meant transporting goods within the nation is too costly.
Jokowi entrusted Susi Pudjiastuti – a controversial choice to many – as the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries to solve the deep-rooted problems and eventually turn Indonesia into a king of the seas. Not long after she took office, news of her orders to blow up illegal fishing ships from neighbouring countries went global. A firm yet divisive move, her reasoning behind this is that such actions will have a deterring effect. She then held meetings with ambassadors from neighbouring countries, namely Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia and China, asking them to join in her efforts to combat illegal fishing. She had conversations with Indonesian middlemen, who lead the way in illegal papers, putting regulations in place – a moratorium for foreign built fishing vessels and a ban on transhipment – to further eradicate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. Pudjiastuti also leads the way in blue conservation to empower fishermen and promote growth in the economy. More than 2.6 million fishermen and 140 million Indonesians depend on marine and coastal ecosystems for their livelihoods, but according to the World Bank, almost 65 percent of Indonesia’s coral reefs are threatened as a result of overfishing. Many fish are caught before they are mature; a practice, if it continues, that will lead to the depletion of fish species in our oceans. The results of her actions are reflected in a growth in fisheries in Q4 of 2015 and the fishermen’s testimonies about the increase in size and production of their catch. We can now witness little boats catching big tunas, a sight unseen for many years.
For someone who has spent a lifetime in Indonesia, or even just a day, it’s easy to see how lacking our infrastructure is, causing many to lose a great amount of time on the road instead of working. As reported by The Economist, it took about 6.4 days in May last year for containers to unload and leave Tanjung Priok, the busiest and most advanced port in Indonesia. Jokowi says that now with an improved system, they can wrap up in four days; good news, of course. But Singapore can do it four times faster, as reported by the World Bank. And we mustn’t forget how the lorries then have to endure the world’s worst traffic jams once they reach Jakarta. In addition, the small-scale fishermen who provide most of Indonesia’s seafood are underequipped and have to make frequent short trips due to the lack of freezers, having to sell their catch quickly before it gets spoiled. Indonesia is blessed with abundant natural resources and should be a prosperous country, and an important player in the world. Our dear president seems to have to be put on a turbo mode to increase his speed. And who knows, we might actually have King Triton under our rule and bathe in money one day. Beyond that, and more importantly, our confidence towards our government may also be restored, and foreign investors may begin to finally see this country as a hidden gem, which has been buried for far too long. It’s nice to feel hopeful and to finally have bragging rights about our government.
So, are we close to reaching the president’s wishful goals? The finish line is still thousands of miles away, apparently.
issue 164 Indonesia expat
If you want your event to be posted here, please contact +62 (0) 21 2965 7821 or e-mail: events@indonesiaexpat.biz
JAKARTA Arts & Culture
Kartini Day by Women’s International Club 21 April 2016 This month, celebrate Kartini Day with Women’s International Club to honour all women across Indonesia. Kartini Day is also referred to as Indonesia’s Women Emancipation Day thanks to the nation’s f irst feminist Raden Ajeng Kartini, who throughout her life fought for women’s rights to education. Women’s International Club is inviting people to join the celebration with includes cultural performances and discussions. Attendees will get the chance to see a vignette of Javanese dance titled Retno Tinanding, created by S. Liman, which will be fully performed at World Dance Day in Solo. In addition, the club invites modern day K ar tinis like animation film director Lidwina Heryani, Flauntist Yuyun George and more—to share their thoughts on women’s roles in societ y today. The event will take place at Women’s International Club House. For more information please visit www.wic-jakarta.or.id
Photo Exhibition from Korea Section of Indonesian Heritage Society 21–25 May 2016 The Korea Section of Indonesian Heritage Society is holding a photo competition this month w it h t he t heme Mu seu m Gajah (the National Museum). Contestants are allowed to submit up to six photos of objects and buildings (excluding people) following the theme until the deadline of April 29. The selected photos will be displayed in a photo exhibition which will take place at Lotte Shopping Avenue 21. All the submitted photos will be used by Korea Section to make museum books and postcards. For more information please visit www. heritagejkt.org Theatre
Eurydice by The Jakarta Players 22–24 April 2016 On the day of her wedding, Eurydice falls victim to a tragic
Indonesia expat issue 164
accident that sends her into the under world. Eur ydice must journey to the underworld, where she reunites with her father and struggles to remember her lost love, Orpheus. Full of dark humor, lyrical beauty, and wit, Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice transforms a traditional myth into a visceral, contemporary meditation on love. Directed by Swedian Lie, the play features a cast of seven, including t he awa rd-w i n n i ng a c t re s s Mar issa A nita a s Eur ydice. Eurydice will be staged at the Auditorium of Institut Français d'Indonésie (IFI) in Thamrin, Central Jakarta. Seats are limited, so please buy your tickets early. Tickets are available at www. jakartaplayers.org. Enquiries: thejakartaplayers@gmail.com
Shrek the Musical 5–22 May 2016 Shrek the Musical is coming to Jakarta! Based on the Oscarwinning DreamWorks Animation film, we finally get the chance to see our favourite ogre on stage. Shrek brings a hilarious yet valuable story that defies the typical fairytale, when an ogre – as opposed to a handsome prince – comes to rescue a feisty princess. The story also features villainous Lord Farquaad, gleeful Donkey, and more. The musical is based on a book and lyrics by Pulitzer Prize winner David Lindsay-Abaire (Rabbit Hole, Good People). It will be directed by Stephen Sposito and choreographed by Chris Bailey. Fans of the film will get to see the live version on stage at Ciputra Theatre. For more information please visit www. ciputraartpreneur.com
Madagascar Live! 5–7 May 2016 Do you love A lex t he L ion, Marty the Zebra, Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippo? That’s right, the cast of the film Ma d a ga sc a r a re c om i ng t o Jakarta in May! Madagascar Live! is a theatrical show based on the famous DreamWorks animation film released in 2005 which tells the story of a group of animals from Ney York’s Central Park Zoo escaping and finding themselves setting forth in an unexpected journey to Madagascar. The cast will start their international tour in Istanbul, Turkey, before heading to Europe, The Middle Ea st and A sia . The musica l will showcase stunning visuals complementing the scenes of fun dancing and singing, including their hit song ‘Move it, Move it’. The event will take place in Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City. The show is produced by IEG association
with DreamWorks Theatricals. For more information please visit www.sorak-gemilang.com Music
M83 Live in Jakarta 21 May 2016 French electronic music band M83 is coming to Jakarta! Led by Anthony Gonzalez, the band has released six albums since their arrival in the music industry in 2001. Their music has been featured in movie soundtracks like Oblivion and The Divergent Series: Insurgent, where they collaborated w ith A merican female pop rock band Haim in a song titled ‘Holes in the Sky’. The concert is presented by Kiosplay and will take place at Lapangan D, Senayan. For tickets and more information please visit www. kiostix.com/tuk_kiostixevt/m83live-in-jakarta/
Responsible Business Forum on Food and Agriculture 25–26 April 2016 Responsible Business Forum on Food and Agriculture is back for its third time, gathering 300 global leaders rang ing from business, government, media, academia and NGOs. The forum aims to make recommendations on i mpr o v i ng a g r ic u lt u r a l commodities which include coffee, corn, dairy, palm oil, rice and sugar. These leaders will also be seeking about ways to increase productivity, sustain land use, make equitable opportunity for small-holder farmers and improve rural livelihoods. The speakers who will attend include Adam Schwarz, CEO of Asia Group Adv isors; A mran Sulaiman, Minister of Agriculture; Aruna Rachakonda, Head, Marketing and Product Management at ASEAN & Pakistan, Monsanto; Biranchi Upadhyaya, Regional Director of Hivos International, Southeast Asia; Jason Clay, Senior Vice President, Markets, WWF, US; and more. The event will take place at Grand Hyatt. For more information please visit www. responsiblebusiness.com
Don’t Miss Out This Tax Season 10 May 2016 Michael A Mertz will be holding a Tax Seminar for all expatriates l i v i n g i n Ja k a r t a w h o a r e interested to learn more about tax policies. Mertz is a certified Public Accountant and the CEO of Mertz International Limited (HK), who started his tax practice roughly six years ago in Shanghai. He has since expanded his services all over Asia and is currently
working on 400–600 tax returns annually. About 99 percent of his clients are expats who live in Asia. The situation with the IRS and overseas US expats will be the main topic as Mertz will be giving advice on how to get the filings right and all the materials required. Guests will gain more insights while enjoying a buffet dinner and drinks included in the price of USD$50. The event will take place at Hacienda Mexican Bar and Grill, Pondok Indah. For more information please visit www.expattaxblog.com/ tax-seminar-2016-jakarta Networking
TEDxUbud 2016 28 May 2015 TEDxUbud is back this year for its fifth time with the theme ‘Small Things, Great Things’. TEDx was created with a mission of connecting people through ideas. In Bali, the event was first held in 2011 and has gathered people and organizations from all around the world with extraordinary goals. This year, they are set to bring a curated group of 300 cha nge -ma kers, innovators and also public f ig ures who will get involved in a full-day of discussions, performances and also exciting networking. For more information please visit tedxubud.com Charity
Jakarta Business Networkers Make the right connections to help develop and grow your business over bre a k fa s t . At Ja k a r t a Business Networkers (JBN), all attendees are encouraged to help other attendees by exchanging referrals and introducing them to their target audience. JBN is all about helping you grow your business. Promote your business, personal brand or portfolio each week to the rest of the attendees and explain to the group the type of referrals you would like to receive. JBN professional networking sessions are from 7-8.30am every Tuesday at Sapori Deli, Fairmont Jakarta, and Thursday at Mercantile Athletic Club, WTC, Sudirman. RSVP: info@jbnetworkers.com
BALI Arts & Culture
Ubud Food Festival 2016 27–29 May 2016 Ubud Food Festiva l w ill be showcasing Indonesia’s culinary scene, innovative chefs and local produce. The festival is an annual project held by Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati with hopes of improving the lives of Indonesians through community-building a nd c u lt u r a l pr og r a m me s . This year, Ubud Food Festival will unite some of Indonesia’s leading culinary figures and also international restaurateurs to help shape and enhance the nation’s food industr y. The programmes vary from cooking demonstrations, workshops and masterclasses, special events, food forums, film screenings, markets, food tours and many more. The event is associated with the upcoming Ubud Writers and Readers Festival and Bali Emerging Writers Festival. For more information please visit http://ubudfoodfestival.com
Celebrate Women’s Roles in Family and Community 23 April 2016 To celebrate this coming Kartini Day, PerCa Indonesia is holding a fun, educational and goodwill event to support Rama Sesana’s efforts to rebuild their centre to provide assistance and education on Women’s Productive Health. The non-prof it foundation, whose primary focus is to help low income people with HIV related issues and also women’s reproductive health, has just gone through a tragedy where their off ices and clinic were burnt down by a fire. PerCa Bali is planning to raise funds for Rama Sesana’s reconstruction. The charity programme includes raff les, local bazaars, garage sa les, silent auctions and a family fun day activ ity. The event will take place at Taman Bhagawan Tanjung Benoa. For more information please visit www.yrsbali.org
The International Kampoeng Jazz 2016 30 April 2016 The International Kampoeng Jazz is back for its 8th time this year with an even more exciting line-up, which includes both local and international jazz musicians like Andien, Koes Plus, Teza Sumendra, Tesla Manaf, Danilla featuring Mondo Gascaro and many more. The jazz festival
wa s established in 2008 by students from the University of Padjadjaran in order to raise more awareness about the performing arts in Indonesia, especially music. The cit y of Bandung brings more life to the festival, as it is a city known for where the youth can express themselves through the arts. The event will take place this coming April at the University of Padjadjaran. For more information please visit kampoengjazz.net
SOLO Music
DJ Beats and R&B Sensation: Spinach All Stars and Agnes Monica 30 April & 14 May 2016 Get ready to enjoy a DJ showdown as Alila Solo Hotel is gathering famous DJs like DJ Patricia, DJ Riri, DJ Bone, and MC Giri in ‘Spinach All Stars’. The event will take place at the hotel’s stunning poolside lounge, which will mean mingling and dancing the night away. Spinach All Stars will start entertaining guests at 8pm for a price of Rp.200,000 nett which includes bottled beer, long or soft drinks and snacks. In May, one of Indonesia’s top R&B artists Agnes Monica will also take to the stage to perform eight of her songs including the hit single ‘Coke Bottle’ – a collaboration with American rapper/producer Timbaland. For more information please visit www.alilamoments. com/solo
The Isen Mulang Festival 18–23 May 2016 Want to see more of Indonesia, attend a local festival and find out about unique events? Please join David Metcalf (aka Dayak Dave) for this annual festival of colour in Kalimantan (Borneo) The Isen Mulang Festival. This is followed by a visit to see the orangutans. Highlights of the event include a street parade (70 floats), spectacular dragon boat races, 17 Dayak tribes dancing, Prince and Princess Tourism Event, Dayak blow pipes and traditional music. Join a great group of travellers and have fun in the friendly city of Palangkaraya. Participants will get to visit a wonderful education project in a small river village and give out books; and also a dance academy where they can meet the dancers. A special intimate story-telling afternoon will be hosted for our group. This tour supports the community village project Ransel Buku in Katimpun Village. For more information please visit www.davidmetcalfphotography. com/cultural-tour/
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issue 164 Indonesia expat
HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Indonesia Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 16.500 copies bi-weekly.
Next deadline: 26 April 2016 CONDITIONS Personal classifieds Commercial classifieds
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Property listings are considered as Commercial. Adding an image incurs an extra charge of Rp.150,000. Business Listings can only be placed on the Business Listings page (p.30) Send in your classifieds to ads@indonesiaexpat.biz
JAKARTA Jobs Available Full Time and Part Time vacancies are now available for experienced English language instructors for corporate courses around Jakarta. Competitive rates and travel allowance are offered. Please send your CV to recruitment. kpiconsultancy@gmail.com We are looking for a suitably experienced chef who is competent in prepa r ing a nd cook ing Indonesian, Singaporean and other Asian cuisines for formal sit-down meals and buffet receptions. He/ she should be able to propose the menu, organise the kitchen, prepare the ingredients as well as cook and plate the dishes. He/she should also have a good standard of hygiene. We are prepared to give attractive salary and benefits. If you are interested, you can either call Ms Elizabeth Meilani at +62(0)2129950425 or send your CV by e-mail to singemb_ jkt@ mfa.sg. Looking for a native Urdu or Hindi speaker to teach my two children (aged 2 and 5) some basic phrases and the alphabet, for after school classes twice a week. Would prefer someone who either lives in Central Jakarta or could come to our home (in central Jakarta, Shangri-La Residences). Person should also speak English. If interested or know someone please email me at ubah@hotmail.com
Furnished House with swimming pool for rent near British school for short stay. 4 Bedroom with 3 bathrooms. Maids bedroom, 24 hour security with Tennis court, Gym and Swimming pool in compound. House is equipped with fridge, oven , coffee maker and utensils etc. U$450 per week. Please email to rentapt. house@gmail.com or Whats app: +62(0)81291016578. Expat Superiors, do you work with staff that need to improve their English? A trustworthy female who grew up in the U.S. and has been teaching in International companies for years can provide excellent various programs. Informal environment is also welcome. Has been teaching in a Multinational company. Call +62(0)81584109845. Bahasa Indonesia Private Tutor available for beginner. Learn how to communicate at your convenient time after work or weekend. Affordable tuition fee. Email: bahasaprivate@gmail. com
Need a relaxation massage? Japanese & english speaking women masseuse available for South, Central, North & West Jakar ta (sorr y not available for East Jakarta & Tangerang area). Available for gentlemen and ladies (1,5 hour of swedish oil body ma ssage, India n head massage and face tuina). Contact me via whatsapp (Amy+62(0)8977949898) Property
Wa nted Ma nda r in Tutor for able IGCSE student in Bintaro f o r M a r c h , A pr i l a n d M ay. 1–2 plus hours per week. Text +62(0)81281690694. Services Spanish Tutor: Learn Spanish at your place with a DELE-certified examiner from Spain. Most of my students come from International Schools (JIS and BSJ). Please call me (Raúl) +62(0)82110502786 Email: unascartas@yahoo.com
Indonesia expat issue 164
HOUSE FOR REN T PASAR MINGGU, very close to JORR and of f ices on Simatupang: 600m2, 4 bedrooms (2 ensuite), dining, upstairs and downstairs living, media room, study, 2-car garage, outdoor covered terrace, swimming pool, gardens front and back. $2,500 per month (negotiable). Plea se contact Richard on: +62(0)8118894811. For photos please visit http://bit.ly/1YoJC8D
reached on his mobile +62 (0) 878 89858090
For rent, Jl.Kemang Timur XV No. 73B. Ph.+62(0)816899310 For Rent: 2 storey moder n hou s e 50 0 m 2 u n f u r n i she d 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 maid rooms, 3 car garage, in Senayan Area near Sudirman and Plaza Senayan, min 2 years rent, USD 2,500/mo, Rented by owner +62(0)81316802313 Exclusive Furnished Apartment in Hamptons Park. Apartments, Pondok Indah. Great location. 100m2. Second floor. Pool view. Two bedrooms. Two bathrooms (one ensuite with bathtub). Office area. Bedroom + bathroom for household staf f. f urnished: includes kitchen set, fridge, oven, stove, microwave, dispenser, washing machine, two built in bed frames, one tv + open cabinet, built in closet, built in desks, phone, internet access. Apartment facilities: Gym, 24hour security, beautiful tropical pools and grounds, jogging track, playground, tennis court, half ba sket ba ll cour t . Wa lk ing distance to Jakarta International School, Hero Supermarket , Starbucks, Satu Lagi Sports Bar at the Hotel Kristal. 5 mins away from Pondok Indah Mall and Pondok Indah Hospital (RSPI). $2100 /month (negotiable). Note: tenant is responsible for own electricity, water, telephone, tv and internet bills. Please call: Ibu Srie +62(0)87888875577 or email: srie_cartwright@yahoo.com or villajododewa@gmail.com For rent 300 houses at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Jeruk Purut, Pondok Indah. Big gardens, swimming pools, USD 2,000 5,000. Phone: +62(0)816859551 or +62(0)8170093366. Looking for Work Pak Marvin is a good personal trainer, he train with full intensity based on our fitness goal, and personally very kind. He can be
DisDorato br ings lu x ur ious experiences of sleeping in a hotel room into your own home. Our team are experts in the f inest bed linen and w ill do our utmost to ensure you have restful and peaceful sleeping experiences.Please contact us on +62(0)8174960091 or WA +62(0)8128087979 or email nusihariadi2@gmail.com
For sale: Second Hand golf shoes "Etonic" black elegant size EUR 42.5 and 97% good condition. Price 500,000 IDR. Contact Person at +62(0)85711330143 Three Little Kittens in Need of Good Homes. Approximately eight weeks ago, a very malnourished mama cat gave birth to a litter of kittens on our front porch. We brought the mama cat and kittens into our enclosed backyard patio, and the kittens have thrived, growing and interacting with humans daily. Please click on this link to see photos of the cuddly kitties http://bit.ly/1oTelOS There are t wo males and one fema le k it ten ava ilable immediately. Leonardo (male white with ginger spots) - Loves to eat, play, and jump up on your lap, Finn (male with grey stripes and white) - Sweet, shy, quiet, calm boy, Indie (female - calico) - Loves to play, rub noses with you, and follow you about. If you are interested in a purr-fect cuddly kitten (or two), please send Jennifer a message at jhoppmy@ gmail.com I am leaving Indonesia at the end of April and need to find a home for a delightful little girl
who found me about a week ago. I thought she was a boy and called her Tom but the vet corrected me so now I am calling her "Yang" (as in Yin/Yang). She's 9 weeks old, the vet says she's 100% healthy (no skin issues, no illnesses, etc), been dewormed and is too young for her vaccines so I haven't given them to her yet. She's sooooooo sweet, cuddly and gentle and never stops purring! She is definitely an indoor cat-she won't like being kept outside like a street cat (even though that's where I found her). She is very well-trained, uses the litterbox faithfully, has made friends with my cat and seems unfazed by other cats in the neighborhood, and I'd bet she'd be fine with dogs too. Gentle, no biting or scratching and I pick her up and carry her and hold her all the time. So she would be fine with children. Please contact me (Rebecca) ASAP if you are interested +62(0)81213854884 or beccane@gmail.com. Photos and video here: http://bit.ly/1T110il Do you have too much unused stuff? Do you want to go back to your originating country and want somebody to buy your used items? We buy used goods like furniture, electronic, clothing, sport equipment, household, bag, shoes, etc. Contact: +62(0)81319342224 (CHRISTI) Household Staff Available An exceptionally talented cook (with experience with children as well). Linda is not only a very good cook, with a wide repertoire, she also has a good grasp of nutrition. She can calculate the nutritional content and balance of meals, and develop meal plans to address different needs and tastes. She has good basic computer skills and can document the plan, along with all food expenses. (I trained her in this area, when she assisted me part time in my work in health consulting.) She has a very agreeable nature, a gentle manner, and is utterly responsible, reliable and versatile. Her English is good; she reads easily and can follow any written recipe in English. She has a wide knowledge of the availability of good quality foods in different markets. She is also versatile and resourceful. She has worked in retail as well, and can support many administrative needs in a house. She has a rare skill set, and will be quite an asset for the right family. She can be reached at: +62(0)8179855090. I can answer questions via email: mlediard1@ yahoo.com We would like to recommend Ibu Hartini, born on 21 April 1980 in Semarang, Central Java. During the four years we lived in Jakarta, she worked at our household for over two and a half years (October 2012- June 2015) of service. During these years, she cleaned the house, did the laundry and ironed, went to the market for fresh fruits and vegetables, and cooked. She had no official responsibilities looking after our two young children, but occasionally baby-sat and they are both very fond of her. Although initially reluctant to take up cooking, which she had
not done for previous employers, she proved herself a very decent cook for daily Indonesian meals and the occasional western dish. When sent to the supermarket with a list of items, she would occasionally assist in doing groceries independently. She is impeccable with numbers and change for groceries had never been incorrect. Most importantly, she is trustworthy and gets along with the other staff easily. We recommend her as an excellent addition to anyone’s household staff team. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us via email: siti_ichsan@ hotmail.com or methipieper@ g ma il.com or contac t her directly at +62(0)82111157851 or tinikemang@gmail.com Nanny Available: Ibu Erni is a good friend of my nanny, who is currently looking for employment. She has been a nanny for several expat families and has good references, along with names and contact information for those references. She is looking for a position as a live-out nanny and can work 6 days a week. You can contact her directly +62(0)87880376454. Excellent Driver Available: Pak Heru drove for our family for six months and was extremely reliable, ver y k ind, a nd a n excellent driver. The only reason we very, very reluctantly let him go was because we needed a driver who could speak English. Pak Heru speaks very little English. Having said that his limited English did not cause us any issues. We simply decided that w ith our k ids get ting older they need an English speaking driver. Pak Heru knows the city very well, never once used his cell phone while driving and kept excellent records related to mileage and money. I very highly recommend him. Please contact Pak Heru directly for an inter view if you like. His number is +62(0)82133080049 and if you'd like to talk to me (Dave) I c a n be rea ched at +62(0)81510000052. Looking for Household Staff Hi I'm looking for a nanny/ pembantu to take care of my 3 months old daughter and also help with house cleaning. This is a Live Out position based in Lebak Bulus, starting ASAP. If interested please contact Alice +62(0)81210772955. Driver Wanted. We are looking for an experienced driver , we are based in Kemang , South Jakarta , must have good knowledge of Jabodetabek , english skills not essential but would be an advantage if spoke a little. Would be responsible for maintaining two cars ( taking for service, washing , keep clean) also would be advantage if willing to do odd jobs around the house. Car is Toyota Fortuner (Automatic), Basic Salary would be 40 hours per week , flexible working required (nights and weekends) overtime would be paid. If interested please SMS to +62(0)81280188388 or email to sjkerins@hotmail.com , references would be required.
For Sale
2009 Nissan Serena Highway Star. Rp.135,000,000. Automatic transmission. 65,000km. We have owned since 2012 and the car has been well maintained with regular oil changes and routine service, great condition with minimal scratches and no major cosmetic flaws. Carpet was covered with custom-fit rubber flooring the week that we bought it. Has rear camera monitor and DVD-compatible and Bluetooth e n a bl e d s t e r e o. Pa s s e ng e r monitors are not working but can be fixed. Rear seats rotate, slide and lay completely flat and can be arranged to create two beds—fantastic for when traffic gets really bad! Rp.135,000,000. Photos: http://bit.ly/1VQ4Sou P h . + 6 2 (0) 8 1 3 1 6 8 8 2 2 7 1 , ryanjohnlenz@gmail.com
Everything must go! • Living room (Arabic style): Rp.10 million • Living room (classic): Rp.12 million • Dining room (4 seats + cabinet with mirror): Rp.10 million • 2 Single beds including mattress dark brown wood: Rp.2,500,000 each • Shoes cabinet: Rp.1,800,000 • TV table: Rp.1,500,000 • Outdoor dining table 6 chairs: Rp.5,000,000 • 2 single beds including mattress light brown wood: Rp.1,500,000 each • Hair dresser: Rp.1,500,000 • Master bed room (including mattress): Rp.14 million • Kids desk: Rp.1,500,000 • Desk: Rp.2,000,000 • Book cabinet: Rp.1,200,000 • Girls bike: Rp.800,000 • Fer r a r i bi ke for b oy s : Rp.1,500,000 • Water dispenser: Rp.2,000,000 • Power trainer rarely used : Rp.2,800,000 • Body builder: Rp.300,000 • Treadmill sole F85: Rp.25 million • Elliptical sole E 95: Rp.22 million Please see photos at: https://www.flickr.com/ photos/131897963@N08/ A ll prices are negotiable , if anyone interested please call or Whatsapp at +62(0)81289921622
Vespa classics, spare & repairs. Current stock of restored Vespas includes a 1961 VNB and 1962 VBB. English, Steve +62(0)817 876455 www.jakscootz.blogspot. co.id CAR FOR SALE AVAILABLE ON APRIL 1: Toyota Avanza, black 2005 . 135,000 km. Good condition (some small scratches from motorbikes), reg ularly maintained. Has a brand new battery, all 4 wheels recently replaced and new. Also added two shoulder seat belts to the back seat . Tax not yet paid for 2016 Price: Rp.80 million. If interested, please call Randy at +62(0)811 9006634 or email randolph.fabi@ tr.com. Diplomatic Car - Toyota Avanza for sale by owner • Asking Price: US$6,000 / Rp.80 million • Manufactured 2010 • Kms 65,000 • Color: Black • Seats up to 7 passengers • Manual Transmission • Very good condition • Availability: Negotiable • Dut y f ree for buyers w ith diplomatic status • Matthew Straub, First Secretary, Embassy of Canada • E -mail: mat thew.straub@ international.gc.ca • Mobile: +62(0)81510000071 • Office: +62(0)2125507806
2008 Toyota Innova K ijang G Automatic 2.0 for sale. All ma int ena nce, includ ing oi l changes, at Toyota. A/C, power windows, central locking, radio/ CD player, leather seats. Good condition. SolarGard tinted glass. Color: Silver Metallic/ Mileage: 91,800km/ Asking price: $5,500 Plate: Semi- diplomatic/ Availability: 15 June 2016 or earlier/ Contact: Lan +62(0)812 81362038
Moving Sale: We are leaving Jakarta and would like to sell the following items: • Child's white bunk bed, desk and chair from Indigo living Hong Kong (http://www.indigo-living. com/hongkong_en/cabin-bed. html) • Ikea cream day bed and beside table • Ikea white bunk bed and desk (with or without red office chair) • Ikea cube storage – black • Panasonic stereo, 5cd changer, MP3 player, tape decks and Aux in (iPhone etc in) plus subwoofer • Ikea 3 seater sofabed – blue • Double bed with two beside cabinets • To sh iba T Vs 42" a nd 37 " available • Sony surround sound system, subwoofer, wireless rear speakers • Chinese Desk, four drawer with intricate top pattern and Chinese chair • Grey 3 seater sofas (two available) Photos of furniture available here https://www.f lickr.com/ gp/90692236@N07/m0m2G2 M a ny o t he r s m a l le r i t e m s available also – shelving units, lamps, 26" and 20" mountain bikes, dehumidifiers, chairs etc contact pondokindahfurniture@ gmail.com or WhatsApp +62(0)8111581333 for prices. All items available immediately, pick up Pondok Indah.
BALI Jobs Available A v i l la s rent a l c ompa ny i s hir ing! C ompetitive sa la r y, mont h ly a nd ye a rly bonu s. Two posit ion s ava i lable: 1. Reser vation. 2. Ma rketing: a n a l y t ic a l sk i l l s , c r e a t i ve , effective communication, familiar with OTAs, 5 years experience in
sales & marketing, self driven, ambitious person. Send CV to nooysilviana@yahoo.com Real Estate Agency offering Expat position as Operational Manager in Long-Term Villa Rental department. Further details and application on www. balitreasureproperties.com/ about-us/vacancy Looking for qualif ied: Sales E xe c ut ive , Dra f t er & Shop Manager for our Art & Interior show room. Female. Strong computer skill, Responsible, highly-motivated to work, good in English. Please send your CV to contact@stephanesensey.com Property
Getaway to Ubud, Bali – Stay at Steph and Dave’s Private Villa in Ubud, Bali . 3 Bedroom Private Pool Villa in the rice f ields. Authentic Balinese stay in a traditional village. 4.5 kms from Ubud, Quiet, peaceful setting – in the rice. Sleeps 6 - ideal for family or couples. Free daily breakfast. Driver avail on request. Your own personal villa cook. Security 24 hrs. Read latest guest reviews on tripadvisor. Special Kitas Rates available. www.villadamee.com. Email: info@villadamee.com
unfurnished, certificate ‘hak milik’. Only serious candidates please. Deal directly with the owner, Ibu Indah. Please call +62 (0) 811 268 4 4 5 or em a i l pukaanna@yahoo.co.uk
Discover Villa Gamrang Beach house and ex per ience our hospit a l it y. V i l la Ga m ra ng (Nea rby Cisolok , 4 hours ‘drive from Jakarta and 1 hour drive from the still unspoiled Sawarna beach ) is designed to offer guests a beautiful nature, complete privacy and luxury. Listed (Jan 9, 2014) in the "Top 100 Holiday Beach Houses ", Guardian Newspaper. Stylish interior, outdoor terraces, sea view, spacious garden, private swimming pool, 4 bedrooms , 3 bathrooms, complete kitchen, TV and Wi fi. Idyllic place to relax & enjoy a long weekend. Separate guesthouse with 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms. Friendly staff a nd fem a le c o ok . In hou se catering. Prices starting from IDR 2,100,000 per night ++ up to 10 persons. Villa Gamrang is highly appreciated by expats and Indonesian families. For Reviews and Reservations. www.villagamrang.nl or just mail us directly at villagamrang@gmail.com
MEDAN Property
House for sale in a quiet residential estate. Land size 600m2, building size 250m2, 1 floor. The property includes a beautiful front and back tropical garden, 3 bedrooms (1 ensuite), 2 bathrooms, a large living area and a small front room. The back garden includes a pavillion which can be used as an extra room or storage. The property includes 1 maid room and 1 maid bathroom. For sale
Emergency Sale: Land in Medan. 202.5m 2 Tanah milik - house with electricity. Rp.300 million or very near offer. Investment opportunity? Title deed here in Jakarta. No agents. Contact owner Ibu Lily: +62(0)81213995099 Email: terry@fullproofservices. net
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issue 164 Indonesia expat
Indonesia expat issue 164
issue 164 Indonesia expat
Indonesia expat issue 164