6 minute read
Proud of Our Own Natural and Cultural Products
#AromaMaluku - Diana
The National Movement for Being Proud of Indonesian Products (Gernas BBI) is the government’s
effort to encourage the strengthening of people’s economic growth to buy products made by local Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and local ultramicro, as well as to support the sustainability of the sector business during the pandemic Corona virus. National Movement for BBI is also an
effort to build Indonesian cultural pride, promote products based on local culture and wisdom, glorify local products, and empower the community. National Movement also opens as many wide accesses as possible for the community to creatively and innovatively recognize the potential of their area, to build networks, to collaborate, and to improve the quality of their products to be sold digitally (digital marketing).
This movement fosters synergy between the community, cultural actors, MSME, industrial actors, banking, State-owned Enterprise, local governments and digitalbased creative industrial actors. It is time
for a stretch of national economy based on culture and local wisdom to be the driving force. This program was launched by President Joko Widodo, on May 14, 2020. A movement to prioritize domestically made products in order to contribute to the national economy. Strengthened by Presidential Decree No. 15 of 2021, September 8, 2020 regarding the BBI National Movement Team supported by 14 Ministries and Institutions under the coordination of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Investment (Kemenko Marves).
Each ministry/institution has a campaign program with the theme and locus of implementation in various regions

Wastra is an identity – Diana Saparua Brown Sugar - Diana

with the main objective of promoting economic potential, local wisdom, and local cultural products.
The final goal of this activity is the independence of MSME so that they can optimize their products and sales on boarding with digital platforms (digital marketing). Since the launch of BBI National Movement from May to September 2021, the number of onboarding MSME has reached 8,434,446. A total of 16,434,446 units with
a 105% increase from the initial launch.
The target of this program is 30 million MSMEs are on boarding or promoted to the next class, selling through digital platforms and optimizing technology that is now developing. It is stated in the Presidential Decree that the Chairperson of BBI National Movement is the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, while the Deputy Chairpersons are the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, the
Governor of Bank Indonesia, and the
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners
of the Financial Services Authority. The complete structure is in the Presidential Decree.
BBI Ambon “The Aroma of Maluku”
The Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology as the campaign manager for BBI National Movement in 2021 determines Ambon, Maluku as the peak locus of the event with the theme “The Aroma of Maluku”.
The choice of the City of Music as the venue for this activity is not without
reason. Maluku has a myriad of natural and cultural resources as the basis for MSME
products. Call it nutmeg, eucalyptus oil, walnuts, saparua sugar, fish products known as inasua, a sopi drink made from coconut sap, usually from pohon koli or palm trees. There are also bottle nuts/Liwta which are planted in the rainy season and dried, peeled and then cooked with coconut.
Maluku Island is also famous as a
producer of weaving, especially from the Tanimbar district called Tais Pet.
This weaving is very beautiful, with a variety of colors, the motif is dominated by lines interspersed with certain patterns adapted from the surrounding environment, flora, fauna and humans.
Maluku is also quite rich in various kinds of woven products derived from endemic plants in this beautiful island.

Performance - Diana Snacks - Diana

Various baskets, headgear and removing basket are the main products in the arts and crafts sector in addition to marine
products made from shellfish, one of which is tahuri, a typical wind instrument from Maluku.
Some of these natural and cultural
products have been established as Indonesian intangible cultural heritage (WBTB), including taispet established in 2013, inasua (2015), sopi (2016), eucalyptus oil (2017), tahuri (2017), saparua sugar (2018 ), and embal (a type of cassava which is poisonous if eaten normally but becomes delicious if processed with local wisdom).
Strengthening Students’ Character
Through BBI National Movement “Aroma Maluku” 2021, the Directorate General of
Culture initiates efforts to introduce local
wisdom to high school and vocational high school students to get to know more about the potential of Maluku’s natural and cultural heritage, especially those that have been established as Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage.
There are 3 (three) products that are internalized to them related to the value of philosophy or local wisdom, nutritional content, and product development, namely Embal, Inasua and Saparua Sugar. In addition, introducing spices as a superior product, considering that Maluku is a producer of nutmeg whose seeds can be used for spices, cosmetic ingredients and wellness products, as well as its rich flavored fruit that can
be used for various types of refreshing drinks and very good for health.
As many as 80 students from 20 schools in Ambon received enlightenment and insight on how Maluku’s natural and cultural heritage can support and potentially be developed into modern processed products that are attractive in packaging, delicious in taste, high in nutritional content and marketed through digital technology platforms (digital marketing).
The involvement of the campus, in this case the Department of Anthropology, Patimura University, the Health Service, the Maluku Provincial Industry Service and the Chef from Hotel Santika were
the speakers in a workshop held by the Directorate of Development and Utilization of the Directorate General
of Culture together with the Technical Implementation Unit of the Ambon Cultural Values Preservation Center

(BPNB) in October 2021. The activity continued with a competition to make food dishes from the three foods (embal, inasua, and saparua sugar) then the three winners appeared at the peak of the BBI “Aroma Maluku” event November 29,
BBI Gernas 2022
President Jokowi’s priority activities as an effort to improve people’s welfare during this pandemic will continue to be held until 2023 with a target of 30 million MSME selling on digital marketing platforms or on boarding. The focus of BBI National Movement 2022 in each
ministry/institution is different with the locus of implementation in several provinces. The Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology has the task of holding the BBI summit in West Sulawesi, October 2022.
The focus of implementation includes strengthening Key Performance Indicators (KPI), maturation of monthly campaign concepts, increasing the duration of the BBI National Movement,
and months of mentoring by ministries/ institutions. No less important is increasing the role of local governments and strengthening character in the educational environment from an early age and striving to be included in the curriculum. There are still a number of
focuses that need to be implemented.
(Yayuk Sri Budi R, Head of the Working Group for Cultural Development, Directorate of Cultural Development and Utilization, Directorate General of Culture)
Inasua Sadap and Embal Manis – Diana
BBI product brochures – Diana

the handover of gifts - Diana