Our Courses Our Courses
Serba Serbi Serba Serbi Nusantara Nusantara
«Serba-Serbi Nusantara» is an advanced Indonesian reader for learners with at least upperintermediate proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia, but also suitable for learners who already profess a high degree of proficiency in Indonesian.
AAnak nak JJalanan alanan
This upper-intermediate to advanced course (B1+ to C1) explores the life of street children in Yogyakarta based on recorded interviews with street children, their caretakers, and representatives of the local community.
Pak Bei Pak Bei
«Pak Bei» is a cultural and linguistic exploration of Indonesia through the popular cartoon series by Masdi Sunardi. The cartoons address issues such as religion, tradition, celebrations and holidays, nationalism, social norms and etiquette, gender-specific behaviour, interpersonal relationships, superstition, magical practices, work ethics, etc.
New Zoom Course New Zoom Course
Starting in 2023 we will offer regular conversational online courses in the Indonesian language using Zoom. Enrolment is limited to maximal 10 students. We will meet three times per week and this is mainly a conversational class, emphasising listening and speaking skills. The courses perfectly complements The Indonesian Way, and each course covers 40 lessons.