Dry July Wellbeing

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Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

Wellbeing background Dry July introduced the Wellbeing eDMs in 2012 in response to participant feedback and requests for further information in the wellbeing area. The Wellbeing website was developed for the 2014 campaign as the next evolution of Wellbeing in response to participant feedback from the 2013 participants survey as well as the high open rates as well as the success of the 2013 Wellbeing eDMs. (Open rates ranged form 37-55%, higher at the beginning of campaign and click throughs of 16-20% per eDM.) Our market research has also highlighted that many participants were motivated to Dry July as a legitimate excuse to take a break from alcohol and make some healthy changes as well as supporting the cause.

22% changed their diet 11% started an exercise program 21% made other health changes


Survey respondents wanted more information on: 40% alcohol facts 35%%exercise workouts 34%%nutrition info 17%% event ideas 15%% partner incentives

22% increased their current exercise program

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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The Wellbeing Website The Wellbeing website was set up on WordPress using the Magazino theme. A separate site was developed to allow us the creative flexibility for a website that was more visually driven than the Dry July website, with a magazine feel and it’s own identity. The Wellbeing branding was developed as a sub brand of Dry July – utilizing elements of the brand but giving it a fresher, lighter look and its own colour palette. Content was sourced from expert qualified contributors with the exception of the class reviews which were written by the Dry July team. Images were either sourced from shutterstock or provided by contributors to be used with their articles.


The Wellbeing Website

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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Wellbeing contributors Dry July approached a number of experts to contribute content (free of charge) to the Wellbeing website – all contributors were qualified/registered in there are of expertise. These included: Dieticians/nutritionists Personal Trainers Yoga/meditation instructors Psychologists Chiropractor Pilates Instructor Podiatrist We had initially though it would be quite challenging to source the content, but this proved much easier than we expected. Contributors came through our partners (health retreats in Australia & NZ), personal contacts, direct approach to people who had blogged about Dry July and a call out in Social Diary (an Australian PR resource website).


Wellbeing contributors

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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Wellbeing Content Plan The Wellbeing website went live for the open of sign ups on May 19th. Our goal was to have around 50% of content published at this stage. As a new initiative, we weren’t expecting to have much site traffic until the final week of June when sign-ups peak and the majority of participants sign up. The goal was to have 90% of our content published at this stage and to add additional content during July in response to participant feedback. The content plan was structured around participant feedback from 2013 with some additions such as recipes which we thought would add visual interest to newsletters and drive click-thrus to the Wellbeing site.

Content Tier/Menu item

Content overview


Information on alcohol, basic nutrition information


Basic fitness info, fitness programs


Work life balance, stress management, goal setting, psychologist tips etc.


Healthy recipes, food inspiration


Exercise class reviews and activity inspiration


Contributor bios and links to their websites


Wellbeing realtes competitions – cook books, class passes etc


Wellbeing Content Plan

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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Wellbeing eDMs The Wellbeing emails are sent weekly on a Monday. The schedule started in the final days of June, to capture those DJs who were using Dry July as an opportunity to make some healthy lifestyle changes and provide them with some information before they started. The emails were then scheduled weekly through July with the final email the first week of August focusing on next steps and making the most of the changes made during July. Example emails: http://services2.au.trclient.com/online/18246026-7.html http://services2.au.trclient.com/online/18246235-5.html http://services2.au.trclient.com/online/18246462-7.html


The Wellbeing Website

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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Wellbeing eDM content structure The eDM content has been based on this template with a hero story, 4 additional stories and a competition. Our ideal content pan was the following: Hero fitness/nutrition/life article and short introductory text i.e starting your own wellness project Nutrition article i.e Managing sugar cravings Fitness or fitness review article i.e Dry July Pilates program Life article i.e Psychologist tips for surviving Dry July Recipe i.e. Not so Naughty Chocolate mousse Competition i.e win a Golden Door cookbook Some of our earlier emails did not reflect this as the nutrition contributors were the tardiest at meeting deadlines!


Wellbeing eDM content structure

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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Wellbeing support in Dry July comms

Wellbeing was a menu tab on the Dry July site which when clicked opened Wellbeing in a new tab


Sign up for the Wellbeing newsletter was included in Dry July sign up process The Wellbeing website was mentioned in Dry Times as a re% source for DJs

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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Social Media Support Wellbeing content was one of the content tiers in our Facebook content plan and included links to Marcus Bondi’s Fitness Program, Dry Dating and recipes Twitter was used to drive traffic to the Wellbeing site and drive awareness of the Wellbeing content


Social Media Support

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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2014 Wellbeing stats at July 15 2014) 78% of 2014 participants signed up to the Wellbeing newsletter (42% signed up in 2013) Top categories in ranked order: recipes, fitness, life, nutrition


2014 Wellbeing stats at July 15 2014

Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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Dry July Wellbeing overview of website and eDM plan

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