Channapatna - The town of wooden lacqured toys.

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Certificate T

his is to certify that the Channapatna Cluster document is a record of work done by the students of National Institute Of

Fashion Technology, Bangalore pursuing Bachelor of Designing in Fashion Communication during the course of 5th Semester, which represents independent work and does not form the base of any previous work.

PLACE: Bengaluru DATE: 27th August,2012 Ms. Suhasini Taneja (Mentor)

Students Aswini A Jamini Kavoori Divyanchee Verma Devashish Sharma Devesh Pant Indrajeet Roy



oys are a combination of sweet moments and fun, so

is the small toy town Channapatna. A vibrant coloured land encased with glossy lacquer turned wooden toys

Lets Pl ay

loved by kids due to Channapatna’s wide spectrum of non-toxic colours.

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The toy making process requires skill and perfection and the process of making these toys is meticulous, unique and eco-friendly, practiced by the craftsmen who generations ago pioneered it. This traditional craft is protected under the World Trade Organization, which in turn has been administered by the Government of Karnataka. These attractive toys are handmade with wood and natural dyes; their circular symmetrical shapes, are their distinctive feature, there by making the craft a geographical indication of Channapatna.

Preface ii


lot of thought and effort has gone in studying the lac turnery craft of Channapatna. Our journey throughout the cluster project has been extremely fulfilling and knowledgeable . However, without the guidance and support of a few, this project would not have come to existence. We would like to acknowledge National Institute Of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru for giving us this opportunity to study the colourful toy craft of south India. We would also like to acknowledge our mentor Ms. Suhasini Taneja for her constant guidance throughout the project.



Contents Certificate..........................................................................................................i



Technique Applied..............................................................................................20

Acknowledgement............................................................................................. iii

Production Process............................................................................................24


Maya organic.......................................................................................................26



Wooden toys :A genre Forgotten.....................................................................3

Kala nagar............................................................................................................36-38

Historic Significance Of Channapatna.............................................................4

Major Cluster Problems....................................................................................40-44

Nature of the cluster...........................................................................................6-8

Channapatna and the world..............................................................................49

The product.........................................................................................................10

Our Views............................................................................................................51-54

Material used in toy making ...........................................................................12


Coloring Material.............................................................................................14


Non-toxic Material.............................................................................................16




oys, they come in varied sizes, shapes and colours.

Fun for children and a reminder of fond memories for others. Wooden toys attract many and the lacquer wooden toys from gomba gala ooru (the toy land of Channapatna) are perfect to play with. Channapatna is a land which produces these completely safe ,ecofriendly and non-toxic products. In today’s world not only within the global market but also in the local market, wooden toys are not easy to find. The soul purpose of the cluster was to understand the lacquer turnery craft of Channapatna. The study was conducted under the Government of Karnataka for uplifting of the dying craft. And to experience what effort, skill, creativity lies behind those creative pieces of wooden art.

Introduction 1

WoodentoysA : genreforgotten


When we hear of Channapatna the first thing that pops into an

n today’s society, people look for what maybe environment friendly

individual’s mind would be the wooden toys and stationery items.

or moreover child friendly. It is hard to find such items with the same

Other than toys, there is a vast range of other genres of goods, suitable

ease as it was once upon a time. Many small outlets across India are

for all age groups. Despite being a small-scale industry these toys are

known for creating such items made with the same material as they

the most productive of all industries within Channapatna.

were over a hundred years ago. One such part of India lies 60 kms away

Soon as we enter its outskirts, the vibrant colours we come across

from Bangalore. With a population of 64,000 people approximately,

in every nook and corner of the street captures our vision. A wave

Channapatna is known across the world for its lacquer and wood based

of creativity seems to pass as we walk across the shops. Much to

crafts. The craft has been practiced for over two centuries. Channapatna

young children’s amusement, these toys are fun to play with and

toys are a particular form of lacquer ware made especially in the town

easily portable. Each with a separate identity associated to it, these

of Channapatna using wood and coloured with safe vegetable dyes in

toys are extremely interesting to observe being made. Each product

simple and colourful forms .Channapatna is frequently referred to as

has a different characteristic, personality; each symbolizes a different

Gombegala Ooru or the toy land of Karnataka.

colour and appeals to the eye in a different way.


Historicsignificance Channapatna toys have had a major historic significance, the techniques are as old as the era of Tipu sultan. As historic records suggest this area was initially under the Chola empire and further on under the Hoysalas . However, the creation of wooden toys dates back to the era of Tipu sultan . He was apparently in awe of these wooden toys and would bring artists from Persia to teach the craftsmen about this form of craft. Not only in Channapatna (Mysore at that era) but also throughout other such districts, Tipu sultan tried to spread the skill of craft making of wooden toys. Even though these toys have been there for a long time, there has not been much of a change in terms of material or technique. The popularity of lacquer seems to have grown over the years. With modern technology there have been a few changes over the generations of artisans but the design ,skill and technique is inspired by what it was hundreds of years ago.


Natureofthecluster Total Number of Micro and

Number of Enterprises In Each Categories SC/ST

Small Enterprises




n comparison to macro enterprises there are 70% of micro and

he SC/ST minorities don’t own the enterprises but are workers

small enterprises. One could easily find numbers of small enterprises

in the enterprises. It’s so because they can’t afford the expenses of

in just one lane. There are small enterprises in kalanagar which export

building up their own enterprises as they lack support from the

their product/products to Maya Organic and even to different cities

government. But there are few people who fall under the SC/ST

in India. These small enterprises are private and are not supported by

catergory and are having a better financial stability, so they are

the Government. A few of them run on the raw material provided

running enterprises. While our visit to the cluster in kalanagar, we

by the bigger enterprises for their own orders. “Mostly it’s small

came across many such enterprises. One of them were owned by

enterprises which are spread all over Channapatna”, source collected

Ziaulla “M.M.Enterprises Fancy blocks”, they sell Door, Curtain

from the owner of Katerpillar. His views were such that workers

Bracket Fitting, Towel Ring, Rod Fitting & Electrical Fitting. Their

working in the Maya Organic themselves have small enterprises

supplies are available at Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu,

running at their own place.



Number of Enterprises Women Owned


omen are the one who don’t own any enterprises but are the part of it. They

produce bangles and earrings. We were surprised to see in Maya organic that it had 90% of the women employed for work who were given training for 6 months for which they were charged Rs2500.

Average Yearly Income Of Men/Women :


e studied our cluster in two groups one of Government & another of Maya

Organic. The government workers have a fixed salary and salary for the people in private sector fluctuates according to their order and their demands.

Salary as per MICRO SECTOR – Rs30,000 – 60,000 (Neelasandra and local artisans of kalanagar) MACRO SECTOR- Rs70,000- 1,20,000 (Maya organic and under government)

Types of Enterprises, Family Businesses, New entrants There are 3 types of enterprises : Large Enterprises : Maya Organics, Caterpillar Micro Enterprises : Channapatna Handicraft Shop, Skanda Fine Arts Shop Very Small Enterprises :These are enterprises which are at a very low level (These are the artisans who are in kalanagar and neelasandra)




hom are these products for? Even though Channapatna refers to toys, every

age group is attracted to them. Kids would be their first obvious consumer group but each shop has something for all age groups. There are home dÊcor items that are sent to famous brands such as fab India. Other stationery-based items such as pens, notebooks, pen cases etc. that attract everyone regardless of their age group or gender. The vibrance in the colour, ethnicity in the design and its exotic adventure makes these toys interesting. Their designs have a dual purpose, not only are they child friendly but are also visually appealing in practically any interior environment. Exotic pens, stands, pencils etc. are some of the goods purchased frequently by adults. There is no clear answer of what kind of product sells the most, each of them are loved by all age groups. Toys like dolls, different types of interesting tops, trains, bullockcart, small vintage cars, bikes and scooters are regularly made in Channapatna. Animals like turtles, wall hangers, candle stands, jewellery, beads,earrings, key chains etc, are frequently made and easily sold in the market. The products developed are also exported to different places. With the change of time and coming of different technologies, the artisan’s keeps themselves at pace with the current market demands and constantly try to innovate in order to meet the new market. They also make products based on buyers demands.


Other alternatives to Dhoodhi would be cedar, rubber, pine and teak. However, none of them could be as soft to create shapes form

MaterialsUsedin toy making T

as Dhoodhi wood can.

colour. Hale mara(Wrightia tinctoria) is found in ease in this

Some of the craftsmen also used sand paper to give a perfect

region which is apt for the products.

finishing to the shape of the wood. The Chinese knock offs had

he wood that is appropriate for making these crafts

The colours used are natural vegetable dyes that are infused with lac sticks. The colour sticks similar to crayons, are used on the wood after it has been cut and sculpted. Once the colours are added, the artists use a specific kind of grass, due to its abrasive properties that make polishing easy.

should be light, malleable and neutral and adaptable to any

one major mishap that led to its downfall, unlike the wooden toys Although ivory wood is the most popular type of wood used

they had lead content which was harmful, which is pretty much the

to make Channapatna toys, rosewood and sandalwood are

opposite of what Channapatna toys objective was.

also used as alternates. Dhoodhi wood, also known as milk wood is used due to its

The craftsmen use dyes that are safe vegetable dyes in simple and

neutral shade, which does not adapt to any colour without

colourful forms. Natural Dyes are colours extracted from naturally

merging its own shade.This wood is light and soft and

available sources. The most common colours for lacquer are chrome

carving the design on wood becomes easy.

yellow, red, orange , green , indigo, maroon and purple.


Coloringmaterial Yellow: The colour is obtained from Turmeric also known as haldi. It is a plant’s root that is cut and dried. Turmeric has many antiseptic properties and is widely used for Indian cooking .It instantly forms a dye the moment it touches the surface of the object. The shades of yellow in the toys variate from a deep chrome yellow to a lemon yellow , this depends on the amount of turmeric added Red : The colour is extracted from kum-kum, a powdered residue also used for religious purposes. This material can provide a range of colours from an orange to a scarlet red, depending on the amount of kum-kum added. Blue: The colour is extracted from Indigo. They use the entire plant for the extraction of the dye. Indigo is the plant that provides cotton, however, the colour is mixed with the lacquer. Indigo can provide a range of dark blues and extensive use of it could also give out the colour black.


NonToxicmaterials S


ince there are no liquids used, this process remains

used for colouring. The colours and the lac are herbal

completely free of volatile contents and the associated

in nature and are non toxic. Safe for usage: The toys

respiratory hazards. Maya Organic only uses natural

are physically and mechanically tested for safety and

dyes that are

with lac for colouring the

durability. All the loose parts of toys meant for children

products. Wooden toys from Maya Organic are made

under three years of age, are inspected to ensure that

with attention to quality and safety. With the active

they do not pose a choking hazard. Simple pull and

support of the clients and distributors, the products are

push testing is done on all the glued and assembled

being continuously refined for better quality and safety.

parts manually to ensure that no small part is left loose.

The main wood used in the manufacture of Lacware toys

Products are manually checked for smooth edges and

is free of any chemical treatment. The toys are finished

surface finish to ensure that there are no sharp and

with Lac , which is a natural resin and natural dyes are

jagged edges that can cause injury.




he procedure starts by procuring the raw material, the raw mate-

rial i.e wood is either provided by local suppliers or sometimes sent via Bangalore. The wood is only used after a month at the very least so that it dries up completely ,this creates a huge problem during monsoon. The craftsmen either dry the wood at home or within their work spaces. The wood is shaped into several small chunks till chopped down to a workable size. This small chunk is then attached to the rotating lathe machine. Then with the help of a chisel the wooden plank is designed and shaped accordingly, smaller chisels are used to create designs and patterns. The lathe machine is a machine that has a heavy rod placed at its end that makes the toy revolve at great speed and helps the lacquer evenly colour the entire object. The motors for these lathe machines. run on electricity connected to one end. Molten lacquer is solidified and then applied on the rotating wooden piece. The friction between the lacquer and the wood causes the colour to spread evenly. Then the final polishing is done by sandpaper and pine leaves that gives it the lustre and shine.


Techniqueapplied Tools : FILES AND CHISEL:

Artisans use a lot of tools to shape

the wood and to develop a product. Different shapes and sizes of files, chisels and saws are used by the craftsperson. Vernier caliper, hammers, and dividers are also used in the context of toy making.


At conventional level, artisans use

hand lathes to make the toys, but on bigger scale production mechanized lathes are used. In work-sheds, a single motor is used to run the 8 small lathe machines. These motors run on electricity and have a conveyer belt connected to one end, which runs the other small lathe machines. These machines are customized by the craftsmen and can be dismantled and assembled anywhere. To stop the lathe the belt is manually removed from the main line and the lathe gets switched off, without affecting the other lathes. Hale wood is chopped grained and sculpted to it’s shape. It rotates on the lathe and chisels are used on the rotating piece in order to carve the design. For colouring the wooden object with lac, a piece of solid lacquer stick is held against the surface of the finished product, while the lathe is turned at high speed.


Production process The production of the toys is done in two ways in every organisation. The craftsmen single handedly perform all tasks. This is done in the form of assembly line production i.e. one craftsman performs the same task repeatedly. Different organisations have different procedures, for example, there is one particular section for the cutting and chopping of wood into a usable structure, whereas there is another section just to focus on the lacquer. Majority of the workers create their own structure and design and basically create all of it ,out of their imagination and intuition. Most of them create their products without any apt measurements or with a clear idea of design, it all falls into place as the wood gets chiselled. However in NGO’s like Maya organic, there are designers from their head office in Bangalore, who give the craftsmen their designs with the exact measurements, colour scheme and material.


In fact, Maya organic was the only organisation where we saw



female workers. The women outnumbered the men in the workroom. Many workers were educated up to secondary level. Workers with no experience in the field would receive training from Maya up to 6 months.

aya organic is an NGO that promotes Channapatna handi-

Their working hours are from 9am to 6 pm with a salary of Rs 4000

crafts. The objective of this organisation is to get the crafts to it’s true

per month. Maya is a prime contributor of exporting goods to vari-

potential. Through simple steps such as proper and finer finishing, solid

ous countries like Japan, UK, Singapore and Australia. They have

packaging and selling to big brands like fab India, maya organics sells

an outlet in Bangalore at JP nagar, 2nd stage local market. Their

the products in a way that they receive more profit as compared to when

products sell at a range from Rs 30 -1400. Maya organic attempts to

they sell the same product on their own. Maya organic authenticates it’s

improve the working conditions for the workers by providing bet-

products by giving them ethnic and fancy names. This is one of their

ter technology, more storage space, and improved working condi-

prime sources of advertising by naming their products. They give each

tions. Their organisation and good communication amongst work-

product especially their toys a different personality and identity. These

ers is what has made it a success in the field. Some major issues that

names are given by the designers, whose designs are turned into forms

are being faced by not only this but also every lacquer-based indus-

by the craftsmen. The designing team from Bangalore decides the price.

try is it’s price. The price of 1kg lacquer has shot up from Rs 300 to

This organisation is roughly 10 years old and has been designing it’s toys

1400. Maya organic has been searching for an alternative such as

ever since, their designs are original and one of it’s kind. Maya organic’s

wax.Maya organics names its products to give it a different identity

prime motive is the betterment of the workers; they provide them with

and personality , some of these interesting names are: cubby, peppy

benefits such as health insurance and better working conditions.

five, abba, jippy, joker ,tree , beadler, bibbo, etc


Katerpillar Katerpillar is an organization similar to Maya organic. This organization ensures the jobs of the local artisans. Katerpillar also indulges in making a lot of different designs. Some of which flourish in the market and some don’t. They encourage new designs and also promote new crafts. They have also segregated their unit into lathe workers, assembly workers and painters. Katerpillar ensures that the income earned even for low skilled members does not go beyond the minimum wage prescribed. Also they provide their artisans with training so as to increase their productivity and skill levels.


Kalanagar K


ala nagar is a small organisation within the area of

This craft was in decline until 1964, when Karnataka

Channapatna, with a small community of craftsmen residing

Handicraft Development Corporation stepped in, to set up

within the organisation. As soon as we enter Kala nagar we see

a facility with lathes for these artisans. As of today, most

the small factory. The workers focus on one particular craft,

of these lathes are under utilized, as these artisans hardly

each worker has one machine to himself on which he creates

make any money. Karnataka state government has been

a particular craft .There are some people within the work

trying to promote toy making as a small/ mid scale industry

room who sell toys as well. Kala nagar consists of a school and

in this region. Advent of cheap plastic toys and accessories

several shops for basic necessities. The workers either work in

has made a definite impact on demand for wooden toys and

the factory or in the work room within or next to their house.

goods. Most of the businesses ae family run and owned,

The workers get the raw materials from outside and sell the

making artisans’ direct access to consumers a difficult thing.

finished product to an emporium nearby.

Most artisans sell their wares at Cauvery for a marginal profit.


Despite a great demand for these toys, artisans are still living in deplorable economic conditions. It pains to see middle men make money and benefit out of the hard work of the artisans. Although it is heartening to know that they want to study well and branch out, it would be nice if some agency would do genuine work to support artisans and their families. Lacquerware craft is an ecologically friendly manufacturing process.

There is optimum utilisation of the mostly used Hale wood all sections of it are used by the artisans as the product range involves many small parts for completion. This is a perfectly safe wood that has been used by artisans traditionally and there is no evidence of any occupational health hazards (respiratory ailments, dust allergy arising due to the usage of the wood). Lac being a natural and non ttoxic resin, is used as a finishing material in India for thousands of years. Lac application (colouring & finishing) is a friction based process where lac, in its solid form is used.


Majorclusterproblems Work conditions


ne of the major issues concerning the industry is related to the

conditions in which the artisans work. There are absolutely no safety

Though the crafts are happy, vibrant or catchy ,the story of the workers

measures or equipments for the artisians. The work environment

may not be so colourful. In every survey we did, we didn’t come across

becomes claustrophobic and it gets difficult for the workers to keep

a single craftsman who wanted his children or the upcoming generation

going at the same pace. With no physical safety measures, there is always

to continue with this art. Due to the uncomfortable environment and

a risk of permanent injury especially to the eyes. While some craftsmen

health hazardous situations, none of the craftsmen wish the same for

eventually get used to the environment and are immune to the dust,

their children.Their pay is terrible, monthly income is no more than

while many others complain of cough, wheezing and asthma. The awful

Rs 5000.The alarmingly high price of lacquer is another add on which

work conditions and claustrophobic environment can cause permanent

reduces their profit margin.

damage to the health of the artisans.




hough, lacquer has been the best option for colouring the material

The artisans involved in making lacquer products work either at home or

it has also been the biggest problem for the industry. Over the last one

in work sheds with at least 40-50 people (factory environment) working

year the price of lacquer has been of major concern due to its sky high

together. The work sheds provides the artisans with all basic facilities. They

prices. 1 kg of lacquer used to cost around Rs 350 but now it costs over

are equipped with proper machinery, tools, and raw materials and also

Rs 1000. There have been alternates of lacquer such as wax, but none of

have decent lighting and ventilation to support the work environment.

them seem to have given the same effect and finishing as lacquer does. The closest alternate to give the same level of shine and finishing would

Energy resources and its alternates

be water colours.

Most of the energy resources are related to the machinery and equipments. Most of the machines are run on a generator with no alternates to this

Human resource development

source of energy. The maintenance of the machinery is done mostly by

Majority of the people of channapatna are employed within the toy

the craftsmen.

industry. Inspite of a majority of the employees being in this industry, the craftsmen are not exactly in the best condition. They are paid less

Effluents or waste management

and live under poor living conditions. There was absolutely no craftsman

With every wooden toy that is made there is bound to be scraps of waste.

throughout channapatna who was completely content with his situation.

There are huge chunks of leftover wood, which are re-used for making toys of smaller size such as tops or beads. Most of the remaining scrap is the powdered remains of the wood used. This powder is either burnt or given to ‘agarbatti’ factories.



Channapatnaand the world I

nspite of having a high demand, the worker’s conditions are close to a squalor. Despite their being NGO’s like Maya organic the craftsmen work under brutal conditions which seem to skip the world’s view. Despite being known across the world Channapatna’s main industry is under pathetic conditions. These products are sent across the world to countries such as the U.K, Australia, japan and many others. Even though this industry has faced a major downfall due to the Chinese knock offs , which were sold under a relatively low price , the wooden toys demand rose again.


The reason behind this is its material. The material used by these craftsmen is non- toxic and environment friendly. The toys are completely made of natural material which is why countries outside India want these. The safety measures that have been taken throughout this process are crucial, it guarantees the consumers the safety of their children. . All the loose parts of toys meant for children (less than three years of age)are inspected using the small parts cylinder to ensure that they do not pose a choking hazard. Lacquer toys is free of any chemicals, Lac which is a natural resin and natural dyes are used for colouring.. The toys are finished with The colours and the lac are herbal in nature and non-toxic. The current trend and lifestyle famous among all from celebriteis to the common manis vegetarianism and Ecofriendly. Under such a mind-set the Channapatna toys fit like a glove which is why the crafts are high in demand and have increased even further over the last few years.

Channapatnaandthe world

There are many reasons for this: The material fused by these craftsmen is non- toxic and environment friendly. The toys are completely made of natural material which is

Inspite of having a high demand, the worker’s conditions are

why countries outside India want these.

close to a squalor. Despite the presence of NGO’s like Maya

The safety measures that are taken throughout this process

organic, the workers work under brutal conditions which

is crucial, it guarantees the consumer’s, the safety of their

seems to skip the world’s views. The craft is known across the

children. .

world but it is under pathetic conditions and their situation is overlooked by the government .

The toys are finished with the colours and the lac, both of which are herbal in nature and non-toxic.

Channapatna like many other crafts in india have a demand across the world , occassionally even more than the country.

The current fashion and lifestyle famous among all, from

These products are sent across the world to countries such

celebrities to the common man is vegetarianism and Eco-

as the U.K, Australia, japan and many others. Even though

friendly. Under such a mind-set the Channapatna toys fit

this industry faced a major downfall due to the Chinese

like a glove which is why the crafts are high in demand and

knock offs, which were sold under a relatively low price , the

have increased even further over the last few years.

wooden toys demand rose again


Ourviews D

on’t be materialistic just open your eyes and see what kind of you are purchasing for your kids and whats going to be its consequences. Will it harm your kid or not .I agree chinese toys are in comparison to channapatna toys its rather cheap and more attractive but are extremely harmfull. Buy safe toys, rather than attractive . Go for CHANNAPATNA TOYS

Divyanchi Verma


he land of toys, Channapatna, Manufactures a wide variety of Lacquer ware and toys which are eco friendly and nontoxic in nature. A Dying art now, Which Was brought to our country by Tipu sultan. the craft has a mesmerizing beauty in itself in all nature .



feel that Channapatna is a blooming hub of lac turnery craft where the artisans are just being exploited and not receiving the right wages. It’s appalling to see that these talented artisans are not getting that right kind of exposure to showcase their talent. The state government and the central government should pass some sort of welfare laws for the artisans from such remote hamlets cause they are the one’s through which the craft is breathing under the Indian sun. A complete brand should be devised and totally dedicated for the promotion, welfare and in turn as a sources of income for the artisans of Channapatna. It should also be run by them so as to understand the business dealings with the outside world. By doing so the dying wooden craft can be restored and the depleting condition of the artists can be stop.


Devesh Pant


ather: I love my son, My son eats toys . Well, chews on them, I sterilize them. Son : I love my toys, I like to chew on them. Well, they do taste funny. Me: We do double check on what we buy our kids. well, do we really know what’s on them? Father: That’s exactly what I want for My Son. Switch to Channapatna Toys now for your toddlers .




hannapatna sure is toy heaven .However, when we go deeper and deeper to the story of this craft, several other stories comes up which are not as colorful. These are the stories of the craftsmen , their skill the making of the toy. What amazes me is the intuition with which they work , there are no measurement or accurate dimensions, they let the material transform by itself. The craftsmen , however haven’t got such a great story to tell. They have to work under absolutely horrible conditions, through which they are barely able to make ends meet. This I believes the most crucial issue and should be the first to approach.

Jamini Kavoori

Channapatna artisans should have challanging opportunities and I just wish the role of their manufactured products may increase in the world mart. Switch to non toxic products , Switch to lacquer products.




hroughout the phase of this project we

got to know of a craft that most of us grew up playing with or were at least familiar with it. Channapatna crafts are known around the world and its craft skill, creativity and technique has been given high appreciation. However, their future seems bleak .Despite being a geographic indication, the craft is not sold at a price they should be sold at, the craftsmen are barely able to make ends meet. The constant completion from around the world has made this industry suffer, especially from china due to their cheap knock offs. However, recently, the industry seems to have gained some momentum due to the lead content in the Chinese knock- offs. This exclusive style of art could be saved if the world realises its importance and how these


toys due to their natural ingredients are safe for the people and their children.


Bibliography na+toys&revid=1888608026&sa=X&ei=COc3ULcEguitB5GggIgO&ved=0C HMQ1QIoAA am&revid=1888608026&sa=X&ei=COc3ULcEguitB5GggIgO&ved=0CHkQ 1QIoBg Hand crafted in India by Aditi Ranjan, MP Ranjan Homage of karnataka Public views


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