BuzzZin OFF Magazine May Issue

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There are three stages in the path to gain success. These stages are:

Growth Developing Maturity The first of these stages is growth. If you evaluate and investigate all things that were made by God, they have one thing in common, they have to grow. From humans to plants and animals, all things start young (small) and eventually must grow. If for any reason any of these things are not growing, they are looked on as deformed or possibly abnormal. As a result special care has to be applied in attempt to get them back on track. Okay, you probably saying how does a person grow? It takes food for growth. Whether spiritual or natural, food is the main ingredient for growth. When it comes to success, the food that ignites your growth process is information and knowledge. Success is not obtainable without good information. So you must put yourself in right place at the right time. Go to the right functions, and read the right books. Associate yourself with knowledgeable and will educated people in reference to what you are seeking. You want to eat as much information as possible. Eat until you are filled. If you neglect to eat the information you will never grow, and if you don’t grow, you will stay in the same place, as a result you will never see the end of success road. Then there is develop, which means to change and become larger, stronger, more impressive, successful, or advanced. To develop, you must expand and enlarge your growth. Don’t settle; seek for more and more information. To develop you must practice. Practice makes perfect. You must study and research about your goals and dreams. Having a mind of excellence and putting plans into action will take developing your craft. After you obtain the information that you need to move toward your success, you develop it to its maximum capability. Information is only good when it is developed if not it is useless. What is the point of always getting information and not developing it? The next step in growth is maturity, this is one of the most important things you must strive for when seeking success. An immature person would never obtain success, and if they do, it will never last. This is because with maturity comes responsibility and accountability. To gain maturity one must grow and develop. As we see all three are in twined with each other. However, when you are at the stage of maturity, you think and act different. You have a mind to do what it takes to fulfill your set goal. The secret to all three procedures is change, to grow you must change, to develop you must change, to mature you must change. Change is the ultimate secret to passing all three stages, and the thing you must change is your thinking. Your mind must focus on what you’re trying to accomplish. Romans 12:2 said, “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” “LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT” Motivational Author/Speaker Carl Mathis Go to for more insight.


fashion cents


Selena Gomez, actress, is bringing in the spring with neutrals, sheers and a pop of color that looks fresh.

Aldo shoes: $135 Forever 21 $24.80 Forever 21 Clutch $19.80 SELENA GOMEZ: GET THIS LOOK FOR LESS. Selena Gomez is looking fabulous in this chic neutral inspired spring outfit that brings together the perfect mix of a cool Old Navy: Women’s Linen neutral sheer top, white 70’s inspired Shorts: $24.50 shorts, with a splash of color in her hills. The 70’s are back in full effect.

AVES H T S U M S ’ SPRING Spring is finally here. check out spring s hottest trends that will keep your closests looking and pockets full of cash.

Wedges are fun and help turn a casual outfit into a sexy and sophistcated outfit

Bangles are cheap and can glam up any outfit !

Maxi skirts are needed in every closet this spring!


Lutonya M Lang

Just Go with it


n the mist of being a mother, daughter, sister and all other things, I have learn to Just go with it. My mother, Prophetess Vada Lang, and sister, Lucretia Payne, have taught me that lesson. Of course there have been some ups and downs throughout my life, but in the mist of it all I’ve learned that God will never put more on you than you can bear. In youth, my mother always told me “Lutonya when you do your very best you will reap the rewards. It may not come how you think it will come, but it will come. What so ever you plant you will also reap a harvest.” Man, I wish I got that when I was a child. Now that I’m a parent I am like, “Oh Lawd, what to expect?” But I’ve decided to just going to go with it. I’m smiling while I type this because often we as daughters and sons reminisce as we mature and say, “If only I would have just listened things would be better.” Well it is what it is now. Learning now from who used to be teaches that life will throw things that you’re unprepared for; but remember: God will never put more on you than you can bear.

My sister Lucretia has exemplified so many things throughout her life as a mother, sister, wife and so much more. She’s shown me courage and the willingnessto trust God despite what she endures. My mom, after so many years of caring for us, went back to school while still working and taking care of the family. She’s shown me how never to give up on dreams, goals, and visions; and how not to let obstacles stand in the way of reaching your full potential. My grandmother has taught me in that the mist of every victory and every storm, don’t forget to pray and put God first. I honor my Mother, my sister, my grandma and every woman who just went for it. The woman who went back to school while taking care of her family, the BuzzZin Diva who started a business to stay at home with her children, and to the women who don’t have any children of their own yet support the children of others. This May Issue is dedicated to all the BuzzZin Diva’s who Just Go with it. And remember— you’re not alone. BuzzZin Stilletos

Lutonya M Lang



Elizabeth Taylor, has always been a fashion icon in her own right. Whether it was her sassy dresses, or her wild headdresses Taylor was always the essencce of style, grace and elegance. Taylor who starred in over 50 films and won two acdemey awards will always play a huge role in both the world or film and the world of fashion. Athough she will be greatly missed she will always be remembered through her films and her impact on fashion and the world.




I M A N Supermodel, actress, and entrepreneur Iman has been a pioneer in not only fashion, but with her own cosmetics line, simply entitled Iman Cosmetics. A native of Somil Iman shows us all what hard work will lead to in the world of fashion and Hollywood, success.

My Mommy Words are not enough when you speak of a woman of courage, strength

and undying love. My mom, Shirley, lost her mother at a very young age. She was in a tragic car accident that almost took her life. She was told she would never walk again or never have children. She is currently in school pursuing a degree after being out of school over 31 years. Not to mention she has 2 children. My mom defied her odds. She exemplifies: faith, strength and beauty. She is so charismatic, loving and such a sweetie pie. She’s just too much for any word that exists to describe her. I thank the Lord everyday for my mother because no one on this earth that was or will ever be‌ her. Mom, Kristy and I would like to express our gratitude to God for choosing you as our mother. We are honored and privileged to have known you and we carry on your legacy of strength, hope, faith and love with pride. With Eternal Love, Melissa and Kristy Magazine

My Grandmother Clara B. I am fortunate to have been chosen to be born into such a great heri-

tage. My grandmother is the epitome of strength and character. Everyone that comes into contact with her loves her. Her very essence is pure and gentle. Grandma is so sweet and meek. My grandmother is a woman of wisdom and she has such a sense of humor. Writing is a natural gift of which she has passed along to many of her grandchildren. Her house is always full of laughter, family and love. She’s going into her mid 80’s and she still remembers which grand will eat what. I love my grand mommy more than words can say or express. I would love to give her the world but it doesn’t belong to me. So I ask God to give it to her for me. We love you Grandma always & forever! Melissa and Kristy Magazine



MY MELODY By Clarrie Johnson


e says that everything in this universe has a musical flow.

He told me that my heart has its own tone. From the blood pumping rhythmically through my veins—to my heart pounding like drums within my chest. Each time my eyelids connect like clashing symbols—to whenever my breath escapes like pressure from a saxophone. My fingers are like string instruments—my heart beat like percussion. My breath like woodwind and my voice like brass – loud and bold. He said that I have my own tone – he says that I mimic the harp. My melody is crisp and clear, soft and deep, loud and gentle. My words are loves perfect lyrics, my thoughts are new songs waiting to be written. But sometimes forget my melody; while enduring life’s changing courses, sometimes I forget my tune. Whenever I fail and the instruments of my life seem out of place; I have doubts about the symphony that I’m supposed to be creating.

So many of life’s musicians, have come and gone, influencing the song I sing—throwing me off balance or putting me back on track. Happiness can only come when all my musicians are aligned, playing one harmony, one song. Peace can only survive if my heart is in tune with my spirit, and my spirit in tune with my soul, and my soul in tune to my orchestra, and my orchestra in tune with God. My body is like all instruments combined—my thoughts compose—my voice creates the melody. I travel this road not knowing where my song will take me—not knowing how the sound will change. But none of that matters as long as my orchestra eventually finds its pattern. My life has its own tune, its own tone, its own melody—it has already been set in stone, my only challenge is to find it. One day my melody will flow rhythmically—one day I’ll find someone whose melody matches my own. He says that I’m like a harp…he says that he’s like a trumpet; and his eyes lit up when I told him that those are the choice instruments of cupid and all the angels in heaven. In this life we all have our own tone, our own melody; our own orchestra’s that we compose. Even in death we sing a song.

To Help or not to Help? By Kristy Magazine

Here’s the scenario: Your child comes to you with a homework assignment

that is due immediately. The concept is so far above your child’s head that he or she doesn’t even know how to explain it to you. Panic settles in and confusion is written all over little Johnny’s face. You know your child is smart but he struggles with obtaining information at the speed at which it’s presented in class; and if he fails this project, it could ruin his grade. While you’re struggling to assist your little one, you find that your method of “help” has actually resulted in you doing the project for him. Many parents can relate to this scenario. Little Johnny has asked you to help edit his school paper and before you know it, editing has turned into rewriting. To make matters worse, you’ve just come home from work, fed the household, done some quick cleaning; and still haven’t prepared your proposal for tomorrows meeting. You figure that it’s faster and easier to simply make the correct changes to Johnny’s paper than it is to give him a complete English 101 lesson. After all you’re not his teacher, you’re his parent….right? AAHHH. I’m so glad you asked. I understand that your heart goes out to son or daughter. The anguish of completing a project can be stressful for a student at any age; but is the type of “help” you have in mind truly helping? If you walked away from Johnny’s request and prepared your proposal instead would that help him in the long run? These are the choices that parents face every day while struggling to help a child with homework. The decision on how to help isn’t always an easy one, and no one really knows what they’ll do until this hypothetical situation becomes their reality. So parents ask yourselves, “what would I do in the “to help or not help” scenario?” Or even better, “What have I done when faced with scenarios like these in the past?”

On the Wellness Road


he best time to address your health is while you still have it. Unfortunately, we tend to treat health and our youth the same way—waiting until the best years are behind us to wonder what we could have done differently. Following a recent health crisis, I made a commitment to really embrace “personal wellness”. The first task was to unpack what those two small words really mean. After some research and reflection, I believe a commitment to wellness means making some small (but important) changes—permanently. Over the coming year, I am challenging readers to work toward these targets every day: drink 8 glasses of water, sleep at least 6 hours a night, pray every morning, and eat some fruits and vegetables. If you are just starting on this path, the goal is to shift the way your body works. You can fine tune some of these practices down the road; but for now, just get started. In addition, feed your body a physical challenge every other day; anything counts if it raises your heart rate for 30 minutes. Again, worry about the details after you establish the habit. Develop or revisit a weekly spending budget because financial stress can destroy a person’s health. Also, begin distancing yourself from toxic activities or people; instead, water positive relationships with your time and attention. Lastly, examine your schedule to see if you are spending time on the people and causes that really matter to you. Volunteer to help someone each month; because when your use of time matches with your beliefs, you will be happier with yourself and increase your sense of self-worth. Adopting a lifestyle of wellness requires discipline and a willingness to let your commitment drive your decisions. If you have a medical condition, you might need to make more changes more quickly; but the basic principle remains the same: if we truly treasure our lives, we will treat our life as a treasure.

Marlita White, MSW, LCSW

What Can You Do With $5000?

By: Bahiyah Shabazz, MBA, Fabulous & Money Savvy ™ Coach

Today, money is a precious paper that

many people desire. Employees work extra hours, work a second job and cut corners in order to have more money. Just like most wishes, you don’t know what to do when it comes true. A person with $5000 can create a stable financial plan. If not planned accordingly, the money will vanish without any accountability. The mall will witness a shopping tornado if you’re not careful. Here today, gone tomorrow and nothing to show for it, but bags full of emotional spending merchandise. Take the time to think of ways to stretch your dollars.

1. Invest in a Roth IRA. A Roth IRA will al-

low you to invest more toward your retirement goals. This is strongly recommended for individuals who have maximized their employer based retirement accounts or have extra money to save from discretionary income. Direct contributions to a Roth IRA may be withdrawn tax-free at any time. This fund is ideal for individuals who want to add more options to their portfolio.

2. Open an Annuity. A [fixed] annuity will

give you safety of principle, guaranteed rate of return and possibly relieve your concerns about your accounts going into probate. An annuity is also tax deferred so that you won’t have to pay taxes each year on the interest earned.

3. Invest more toward long-term care insurance. This insurance assists you

during your retirement age to address possible nursing home, adult daycare and home healthcare. People are living longer these days and you shouldn’t have to worry about moving in with an adult child.

4. Build your emergency fund. Savings

accounts aren’t paying as much as you would want, but there’s still a need for liquidity. Building your emergency fund will allow you to sleep better at night knowing that if a financial crisis were to occur you can make ends meet without skipping a beat.

5. Pay off high interest credit cards.

Nothing is worse than having a credit card with 29.99% interest rate. Establishing credit is good, but maintaining a healthy credit history is better. Begin with paying off the lower balance credit card then move the next until all are eradicated. When you begin with the lower balance card, you feel a sense of accomplishment. Create a feasible plan with a deadline and snowball strategy toward debt. Key: Make sure your balance doesn’t exceed the credit limit by more than 30%. There are many ways to use $5000. The first step begins with a plan toward debt then savings.

“Love Yourself Enough To Support Yourself.”

The Legacy of Mae BY NIKKI WOODS



er name is Mae Phillips but I call her Mama Mae. She’s 96 years old and barely weighs 100 pounds yet I still am in awe of this woman. She is my grandmother. While in Ocho Rios, Jamaica last week to celebrate my 27th birthday and 3rd wedding anniversary I trekked to Kingston, the capital of Jamaica, to spend the day with Mama Mae because at 96 years of age…well, you just never know. Despite the terrible road conditions, the ride was easy and the weather was in our favor - no rain in sight - but I still entered Kingston with an unsettled stomach. Kingston is a world unto itself and difficult to describe to anyone who has never been there. The high crime rate and increasing levels of poverty are bad enough, but add in the heat, and the congestion (that could make the most social of people feel like a claustrophobic weenie), and you’ve got less than a tourist attraction. The city is steeped in culture and history, it’s where Bob Marley recorded some of his best stuff, but to me it’s about as close to hell as you can get. But Kingston is also where my grandmother lives and for a reason unbeknownst to me, I had a burning desire to see her. I think she felt the same way because she began crying when she heard my voice and hailed my visit as a sign. I didn’t understand the gravity of her statement; but as the day wore on - and got hotter - I knew our time spent together was indeed special.

For four hours she talked about her favorite memories of me. The long summers that she stayed with my family, teaching me to bake plantain tarts, beef patties and coconut cookies. How she kept my mother from knocking me out when my mouth was at its smartest. How she thought I’d put her on a plane back to Kingston when she accidentally let my dog escape from the house. And how hurt I’d be when my cousin David would come for the summer because my daddy’s attention would inevitably be stripped from me. She spoke in amazing detail about the summer trips we took in the family station wagon, crisscrossing the United States and Canada. She was the reason I got married in Jamaica; her traveling days were long since gone and I couldn’t imagine taking my vows without her. I cried tears of joy when she pressed a hanky in my hand and told me I looked fat in my wedding dress. She also told me that she was proud of the woman I’d become. The more she talked, the more I laughed, realizing how many of my best childhood memories include with her. I also realized the influence she’s had in shaping who I am today. I realized how very much I love her. Kingston is my heritage; it is the place where my grandmother taught me to wash clothes by hand, how to pick ackee then sauté it with salt fish. Kingston is where I learned how to properly suck my teeth and say “me soon come” in a proper Jamaican accent; where I learned to eat mangoes fresh off the tree. Yes, I am the legacy of 103 year old Mae Phillps; but I call her Mama Mae and she is my grandmother.

You see, my husband was raised in an environment were his mother was repeatedly hit by her husband to “keep her in her place.” So it seemed quite appropriate to the father of my son that I needed to learn how to stay in my place as well; thus the cycle continued.

Violence Begets Violence By: Rita Stewart – “Mu Shemsu-t”

I grew up in a very violent and brutal

household. I didn’t realize how damaging this was to my spirit until I became a mother and had to make distinct choices in how I administered discipline, guidance and instruction to my own children. I was so nervous about this part of my parenting regimen that I read numerous books before I came up with the effective strategy for my household. Dr. James Dobson wrote all the books that I drew most of my insight from and and some of my favorites are, Dare to Discipline and Raising a Strong Willed Child. Once we have been exposed to violence within ourselves as a type of belief system, it becomes almost natural that we create this same type of behavior in our children. It wasn’t until my husband slapped me and knocked me down when I was 7 months pregnant that I began to realize how dangerously easy this cycle perpetuated.

It is not easy for a mother who is being physically abused and who has been raised in a violent household to take a stand to end the cycle of abuse for herself and her children. And yet, this is what must happen in our community for us to save the youth in our bullet riddled communities. The question here is quite obvious; Did you use violence in your approach when you last disciplined your child? Did you experience anger the last time you punished your child? Are you impatient when you provide guidance and correction? As you inquire and make note of your answer to these questions also notice what is arising in your thoughts. Are you angry? Are you feeling guilt or resentment? Are you criticizing the author of this article? If any of this is taking place within you at this moment I request that you stop and take a deep breathe into your diaphragm and then release it. Now I want you to forgive yourself and forgive me. Just say, I forgive you and myself and when I know better I will do better. Great! The information you are reading here is not intended to belittle your parenting ability or skills. However, in moving to the next phase of what serves our children, our families and our communities, we have to get straight about what the core issues and challenges are that we must take responsibility for.

Violence begets violence . . . you reap what you sow . . . what goes around, comes around . . . these are all universal laws that are no respector of person and will not bend to meet your personal preferences. So if we are still thinking it’s okay to hit, punch and beat our children in the name of love we are seeing the results of that mentally as they gun one another down in the street. If we are still allowing television to be the prime educators in our homes, then we are seeing the effects of that in the lack of nurturing we give our children and significant others. If we are still spending more time in looking good to the outside world than challenging the growth and expansion of our own character, then we can see why 4% if the population fits the model of a “social path”. When I was born into a family of angry, bitter, unloved women who had been brutalized, molested, raped and put down by the men in their lives, there is no way for me to avoid that scarring. Subsequently, if I do not acquire the knowledge, wisdom and overstanding of why this occurred, I would just pass it right on to my son’s and my daughter and my grandchildren. And this did not happen. The cycle stopped with me. And if you had any experiences of violence, neglect or abuse while growing up, I request that you end it right now. If you are not sure what effect your childhood had on your personality there is a great book you can read called, Your Inner Child of the Past by W. Hugh Missildine. He is very thorough in his descriptions and resolutions to healing as well.

Our children are leaving us by the dozen because we as adults in this society have pretty much sold out on what is true. We are smart enough, powerful enough, wise enough and resourceful enough to make this change. The question is, are we willing? Are you? Are you willing to change yourself to save your child? I pray that your answer is yes. *********************************************** Rita Stewart/Mu Shemsu-t has been an Executive Life Coach for over 15 years. She has conducted numerous workshops and seminars throughout the country. She is best known for her inspirational books, Patiently Waiting for Nothing by Mu Shemsu-t and Let Your Wealth Flow. She supports families and youth through her online school For more information visit her fan page on FaceBook: Mu Shemsu-t Transformation Life Coach and Master Force Leadership Academy. Her website is Follow her on twitter @mushemsut.


Out of all the things my mother has accomplished and all the titles she holds,

the one I value most is that of mom. My mother has always exemplified a level of strength, class and grace that has always inspired me. And although not perfect, she shines as an example of what a virtuous woman should be. Titus chapter 2 speaks of the older women and how they are to teach the young. Over the course of my life I can soberly say that I have learned how to weather through all types of circumstances; and I know I owe that, in part, to my mom. She is inspiring. Confident. A woman of class. And a woman of grace. She is my mother. And that’s why I love her. To all of you who are still fortunate enough to have your mothers in your life—celebrate them. Really, tomorrow isn’t promised and life is short. Cherish the time God gives while you have a chance. Honor her and watch as God satisfies you with long-life. And it is so.






Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon on having a baby boy and girl.


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Tina Knowles just introduced her newest fashion line Miss Tina by Tina Knowles exclusively at WalMart. The 30-piece collection includes everything from dresses to track suits and is available in sizes 2 to 20.


new fragrance Heat Rush. Her lead single from her upcoming album “Run The World(Girls)” is now available on iTunes.



Beyonce Knowles just released her

17 foster children from her home in Brooklyn, New York. She currently lives in South Carolina. Rose Rock was an educator who specialized in preschool and special education. For 17 years she operated a preschool and daycare center. Rose founded Rock This 619, a nonprofit organization that focuses on youth empowerment. She also stays busy by hosting “The Mom Show”, a radio program broadcast from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Chris Rock will star in a Broadway new show “The MutherF**r With The Hat”

Chris Rock and Rose Rock

Rose Rock has raised 10 kids and

Williams Sisters and

Oracene Williams

Oracene Williams is the mother of five.

She has traveled to Africa with her daughter Serena for charity work and to Senegal to help in the construction of schools. Serena has been treated for a Pulmonary embolism this year. She hasn’t played in a tournament since Wimbledon and has no predictions on when she’ll start again. She is currently at home recovering from her treatment. In January, Venus retired from the Australian Open with an injury.

Miley Cyrus is currently on her “Gypsy Heart Tour” that will travel through Australia, South America, Latin America, Mexico , and the Phillipines.

Miley Cyrus and

ducer on one of Miley’s in-development projects, a thriller called Wake.

Tish Cyrus

Tish Cyrus is listed as a pro-

Ten-year-old Willow Smith is set to play the title role in “Annie.“ The film is being developed by Overbrook Entertainment, which the Smiths co-own, along with Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter and Sony Pictures.

Willow Smith and

spite receiving death threats while fronting her own metal band Wicked Wisdom she’s still in love with heavy metal.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett revealed that de-

Alicia Keys and

May 8th 1950 in Detroit, Michigan. She has performed on stage, in independent films, and television projects. Under the artist name Terria Joseph, she acted in Death of a Prophet,Shadowboxer and The Big Bad Swim. t R&B star Alicia Keys is all set to perform a special concert at the Royal Albert Hall to show “gratitude” to her fans on the 10th anniversary of her debut album ”Songs In A Minor”.

Teresa Augello

Teresa M. Augello was born on

Kim, Kourtney and Khloe told PopEater they are planning something special for their momager for the holiday that includes all of her daughters, their significant others and her grandson.”Our mom is so amazing. She deserves every day to be like Mother’s Day,” Kim said. omen. “If she will just do that, I will be happy.”

Kim Kardashian and

Kris Jenner “I want Kourtney to cook Bishi, which is an Armenian breakfast thing,” Kris Jenner toldPopEater at Redbook’s early Mother’s Day bash .

To: Patricia Ann Blaine, Austin, TX BY Gerald Peoples Jr.

We give honor to our Mother and to God we are grateful because she is so much of a motherly plateful of godly fruit from the heart. She’s uplifting, assuring with compassion and thoughtfulness, and patient enduring. Her talent, her wit, and her strength over strife, her love for the Lord make her a pillar in our life. We love you Mother! From all of your children, Kelly, Gerald, Stacy, Angel *(& so many more)*



lack women are truly the essence of the adjective hardworking. With the Mother’s Day right around the corner it is time for us to reflect and honor the women who truly deserve praise for their hard work and continuous commitment our communities, homes, and most importantly how they touch each one of our lives in such a special way on a regular basis. Dionne Williams the Chicago based public relations and event consultant and owner of D. Williams Public Relations & Event Management Group, is the essence of the term hardworking. Whether it’s heading to Chicago’s hottest events, running business meetings, or being at home with her family Ms. Williams is one hardworking woman! With over 16 years of experience in public relations she is nothing short of amazing, with many of her clients have being featured on networks like E! Entertainment, BET, and CBS. We here at BuzzZin Off Magazine see all your dedication to your family, your church, and your community and for that we honor you and want to wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day.

DIONNE WILLIAMS From the BuzzZin Off Editorial Team


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