Queensland Freemason

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Freemason AUGUST 2009

The Official Magazine of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland

Re-consecration Ceremony

Inside + Grand Proclamation + Foundation Stone laying Ceremony at Sandgate + A Lodge Development Officer Print Post Approved PP406975/0013

THE QUEENSLAND FREEMASON Official Magazine of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland

editor’s note Well what a busy time it has been! The





celebration of the re- consecration of North Australian No 1 Lodge and the Sandgate

Masonic Memorial Centre 311 Ann Street Brisbane 4000 GPO Box 2204 Brisbane 4001 Tel: (07) 3229 3533 Fax: (07) 3229 9288

laying of the stone ceremony has kept Grand Lodge busy. Not to mention Anzac Day last

contents Grand Master's Message .................. P3 Re-consecration Ceremony ............ P4-5 Grand Proclamation .......................... P6 Masons Marks in Germany ................ P7

April. The resignation of the Assistant Grand Secretary, Duncan McGregor has been a blow

Lodges in Action .......................... P8-19 Board of Benevolence ................ P20-21


Serving the Community .............. P22-24

Grand Master: Graeme Albert EWIN

dedication and efforts toward the magazine

A Lodge Development Officer .... P25-27

will be sorely missed. His help to me as the

Other Orders ................................P28-29

editor was nothing short of brilliant with his

Exotic Dubai ......................................P30

Deputy Grand Master: Adrian BURTON

knowledge of the workings of Freemasonry


Assistant Grand Master: Colin Oswald MANDER Grand Secretary: John William RAWLINSON Email: grandsec@freemasonsqld.org.au

District Grand Lodge of North Queensland





and with his fingers on the pulse with lodges throughout Queensland. My apologies if some of your articles missed this issue. The magazine is becoming very popular and as we have only 32 pages available those that provide concise editorial and good photos have to get preference. With the volume of lodge notices preference is also given to the correct abbreviations (titles) as many lodges do not follow the correct titles

District Grand Master: Ian Ross MACKENZIE

previously noted in this column. Correct titles: To name just a few:Bro. / RW Bro. / VW Bro / Wor. Bro. / MW Bro. Masonic Rank / GM / PGM / DGM / PDGM / AGM Dennis Macready | Editor

District Grand Secretary: Stuart LEES PO Box 6527 Cairns Mail Centre 4870 Tel: (07) 4051 2713 Fax: (07) 4031 4408 E-mail: dglcarpentaria@optusnet.com.au page 2

FRONT COVER L to R: Mrs Pam Ewin, MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM, Her Excellency Ms Penelope Wensley, Governor of Queensland AO and Mr S McCosker. Photographs of the cover and in articles throughout this issue courtesy Ross McNeil Windsor Lodge No.290.

Deadline for the November 2009 issue will be strictly adhered to: 01/10/09



P. B


Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland. The Editor reserves the right, due to limitation of space, to accept, reject, sub-edit and re-arrange material submitted for publication. No photographic or editorial material contained herein may be reproduced without prior consent of the Editor. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that all advertisements comply with the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended. All advertisements are accepted for publication on the condition that the advertiser indemnifies The Queensland Freemason, The Editor, the United Grand Lodge of Queensland and its servants against all actions, suits, claims, loss and/or damages resulting from anything published on behalf of the advertiser.


District Grand Master: Peter Emil JOHNSON






District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria


ANZMRC Lecture Tour ......................P31



District Grand Secretary: John Thomas URQUHART PO Box 96 Aitkenvale 4814 Tel: (07) 4723 2489 Fax: (07) 4723 2495 Email: dglnq@westnet.com.au

Assistant Grand Master ....................P30

- 20

Makers of Fine Masonic Regalia

SHOP ONLINE Toll Free: 1800 803 584 Website: www.blashki.com.au Email: sales@blashki.com.au

The Queensland Freemason Editor: Dennis Macready Production: Leigh Macready Tel: (07) 3392 9810 E-mail: magazine@freemasonsqld.org.au

Address correspondence concerning The Queensland Freemason to: The Editor 6/8 Grosvenor Street Yeerongpilly Qld 4105

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

Grand Master’s Message On July 1st I was proclaimed as Grand Master for my third and last term as your Grand Master. I thank the brethren for their continued support and for their loyalty to the Office of Grand Master. I would like to thank the Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro. Adrian Burton for his loyalty, support and his invaluable advice over the past two years. I thank him for accepting a third term as Deputy Grand Master and look forward to working with him on our long term plan for Queensland Freemasonry. I would extend these thanks to my two Assistant Grand Masters, RW Bros. Brian Ling and Colin Mander. I am sure I will have a similar association with the newly appointed Assistant, RW Bro. Greg Goding. The period since the last communications has been one full of highlights for me, but none greater than July 18th. Only 17 days into my final term as Grand Master I was privileged to be able to preside over what will no doubt be the highlight of my time as Grand Master. One of the most significant events in the history of Freemasonry in this state, the 150th Anniversary of the Foundation of North Australian Lodge No. 1 was celebrated in Grand Hall. The day commenced with close to 500 freemasons, wearing full Masonic regalia and carrying their lodge banners, and accompanied by their families marching down Ann Street from St John’s Cathedral to the Masonic Centre. Over 600 freemasons, families and friends then witnessed a Re-enactment of Consecration of North Australian Lodge in Grand Hall. The Guests of Honour at the Re-Enactment were the Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency Ms Penelope Wensley AO and Mr. Stuart McCosker. Also in attendance were four Grand Masters and two Deputy Grand Masters of Sister Constitutions. The celebrations concluded with a banquet attended by two hundred and fifty. The day was one which should live in the minds of those lucky enough to witness it forever. Let us be sure that we leave a legacy which the brethren of 150 years hence can be as proud to celebrate as I was on July 18 to celebrate and to acknowledge that of the past 150 years. May our legacy be one which espouses the great Principles on which our Order is founded, namely Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. May all our actions as Freemasons always reflect Humility and Compassion to all and thereby shower credit upon the Fraternity. Let us continue to unite in the Grand Design of Being Happy and Communicate Happiness. Graeme Ewin Grand Master

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

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Re-consecration Ceremony of North Australian Lodge No. 1 Over 600 Freemasons, friends and relatives witnessed the re-enactment of consecration of North Australian Lodge No. 1 in the Grand Hall of the Ann Street Masonic Memorial Centre on Saturday, July 18. The Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency Ms. Penelope Wansley AO and her husband, Mr. Stuart McCosker attended the ceremony. Interstate and New Zealand VIPs included Grand Masters from the Grand

Lodge of New Zealand, Grand Lodge of Victoria, Grand Lodge of Tasmania, the Grand Lodge of NSW/ACT and his DGM, and the RW DGM of the Grand Lodge of SQ/NT. Prior to the commencement of the ceremony some 450 brethren, accompanied by friends and relatives marched down Ann Street to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Freemasonry in Queensland. Many brethren carried their lodge banners in the march.

L to R: MW Bro. I K Smith PGM, RW Bro. A Burton DGM, MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM, Mrs. Pam Ewin, Mrs Janelle Goding, RW Bro. G J Goding AGM, MW Bro. A H Wright PGM.

Interstate No 1 Lodge member with the lodge banner.

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A large gathering outside the Masonic Memorial Centre in Ann Street.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

L to R: Her Excellency Ms Penelope Wensley AO, Governor of Queensland and MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM leaving the Grand Hall following the ceremony. The two Deacons are L to R: Wor. Bro. B G Powell and Wor Bro. C McP Kemp.

orth Australian Lodge No. 1 will be conducting a combined meeting with lodges in Warwick as part of the 150th Anniversary of Freemasonry in Queensland, and to commemorate the first installation of the lodge which took place on October 26, 1859.


The Grand Hall filling up prior to commencement of Ceremony.

The meeting will be held in the Warwick Masonic Centre, Guy Street Warwick on Saturday, October 17 2009 at 3.30 p.m. and a banquet to be held at the Warwick Returned Soldiers League will follow the meeting. A new book on the "History of the First 150 years of Freemasonry in Queensland" will be launched at the banquet. On Sunday, October 18 following a barbeque breakfast at the Warwick Centre there will be a Memorial Service at the Warwick Cemetery beside the grave of the first Worshipful Master of North Australian Lodge, Wor. Bro. James Watkin Jackson. The service will commence at 10.00 a.m. Wor. Bro Jackson was a banker and was transferred to Warwick in 1862 and sadly died there in 1863 at the age of 29. With a commission from the Provincial Grand Master of New South Wales, Wor. Bro. Jackson held the first Masonic lodge meeting in the lodge room of the Freemasons’ Hotel, Albert Street, North Brisbane, New South Wales on July 13, 1859. He is buried in a well marked grave in the Warwick Cemetery (pictured above). The grave is maintained by the brethren of the Warwick lodges. A Mark Master Masons Lodge is named in his honour. North Australian Lodge brethren have issued a special invitation to brethren, ladies and friends to join them for this Masonic and social weekend.

Grand Officers in place around the Re-enactment of the Consecration Ceremony table. L to R: RW Bro. J Rawlinson GSec, RW Bro. A Burton DGM, MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM and with back to camera the Senior Warden.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

Sightseeing and afternoon tea will be arranged for the ladies and friends on the Saturday afternoon. Numbers are required for catering and accommodation purposes. Those wishing to attend are asked to contact the Secretary of North Australian Lodge No. 1 or the office of the Grand Secretary.

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Grand Proclamation

The Grand Master with his team of Grand Officers for 2009-2010 L to R: Wayne Williamson Grand Super, Milford Eyres Grand Chaplain, Barry Fry Senior Grand Warden, Adrian Burton Deputy Grand Master, Graeme Ewin Grand Master, Greg Goding Assistant Grand Master, Jeff Harper Junior Grand Warden, John Rawlinson Grand Secretary, David Gray Grand Director of Ceremonies.

L to R: RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM, MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM, RW Bro. Greg Goding AGM. The Grand Master appointed Adrian Burton for a third term as Deputy Grand Master and Appointed Greg Goding as Assistant Grand Master for the term 2009-2010.

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The Grand Master with the Deputy Grand Master after the they had been proclaimed in July 2009 at the Grand Proclamation. Both the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master had been proclaimed for a third year.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

Masons Marks in Germany Wor. Bro. Alex Bowman was recently in Germany at Heidelberg castle which was built on top of earlier castles around the 16th century. The surviving bits of the castle are a big tourist attraction and is sure to be of interest to lodge members. The Masons' marks on the stones which form the castle walls in the attached photographs show some of them, and from the quality of the carving and the general dressing of the stones they must have been great craftsmen. Also pictured are some general views of parts of the castle, some of which stand as majestic ruins.

Grand Masters get together at Sandgate

On Sunday, June 28, 2009, the Grand Master was photographed with six previous Grand Masters at the Laying of the Foundation Stone ceremony for a new, modern 153 bed Residential Aged Care Facility at the Freemasons complex at Sandgate. L to R: MW Bro. Ian Keith Smith PGM, MW Bro. Emmanuel Anthony PGM, MW Bro. Graeme Albert Ewin GM, MW Bro. John Archibald Menzies PGM, MW Bro. Sir Walter John Burnett PGM, MW Bro. Alan Herbert Wright PGM and MW Bro. Malcolm James Kinross OAM PGM.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

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Lodges inIN action LODGES ACTION District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria Proclamation The District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria Proclamation was held in Cairns on May 23, 2009. MW Bro. John Menzies PGM represented the Grand Master at the proclamation and addressed the meeting on behalf of the Grand Master. Seated Left to Right: RW Bro. John Rawlinson, Grand Secretary, RW Bro. Jack Burnell, VW. Bro. Robert Wakely, Deputy District Grand Master, RW Bro. Peter E. Johnson, District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria and MW Bro. John Menzies PGM standing in front addressing the Brethren.

After the Proclamation the brethren, visitors and guests at the banquet were entertained by the Misty Mountain Moonshiners, an archepello group from the Atherton Tableland who call themselves an Irish Quartet, there are seven in the group. Also on the entertainment agenda was a beautiful demonstration by the students of the Oxley Dance Studio who performed several of their lovely dance moves which made some of the ladies ready to put on their dancing shoes.

The District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria District Grand Officers 2009 - 2010

Caledonian Lodge activities The last regular meeting for Wor. Bro. Darren Norvill as Master of Caledonian Lodge was held on May 21, 2009. Bro. Norvill remarked that during his year in the chair he wanted to introduce some new ideas to further the lodge, many of which would quite possibly perturb some of the elder brethren. He confidently stated, tongue firmly in cheek, that he achieved both of those tasks. Bro. Norvill encouraged brotherhood, visiting many lodges during his term and did all he could to promote Freemasonry in general. Work for the evening was for Bro. Wade Mogridge-Khan to be Passed to the 2nd degree. Celebrating his 38th birthday, Bro. Mogridge-Khan and attending brethren shared a large jam and cream sponge cake at the festive board. The newly Passed candidate was also presented with the Temple Restoration Jewel for his financial commitment to the Ipswich Temple Fund. A long L to R: Bro. J. Stewart, JW, Wor. Bro. D. Norvill, WM, Bro. W. Mogridge-Khan, awaited visit by the Worshipful Master of Charles Stumm Lodge, Wor. Bro. G. Murray, DepDC, Wor. Bro. A. Harding, DC. VW Bro. Duncan McGregor was welcomed by all present.

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The Queensland Freemason, August 2009


Anzac Services held in Cairns

Some of the District Grand Officers who participated in the Morinda ANZAC ceremony. L to R: Left side of photo: Wor. Bro. Barry Hungerford DGOrg, VW Bro. Paul Brennand DSGW, Wor. Bro. David Syme DSGW. Left Front: Wor. Bro. Raja Chohan DGDC, RW Bro.Phil Starr PDGM.

Ready to lay the wreaths at the Cairns Cenotaph at the ANZAC 2009 Dawn Service. Centre background: Wor. Bro. Bob Maher DGSwdBr, Wor. Bro.Kevin Barnes DGStdBr, VW Bro. Stuart Lees DGSec, VW. Back Row L. to R: Dist. G. Chaplain - VW Bro. Bill Armbrust, President of the Bro. Bill Armbrust DGC. Board of General Purposes RW David Roackley, Dist.G. Steward Wor. Bro. Dave Scott, Hidden, Dist. G. Swd. Br. Wor. Bro. Bob Maher, Dist.G. Junior Deacon Right Front L to R: RW. Bro. Peter Johnson DGM, VW Bro. VW Bro. John Jackson, Coordinator of the ANZAC Servies in Cairns, Dist. Grand John Jackson DGJD, RW Bro. Bob Malcolm PAGM, VW Bro. Architect. Wor. Bro. Brian Jones. Ray Douglas DGSWks. Front row L to R: RW Bro. Phil Starr PDGM, RW Bro. Peter Johnson DGM, VW Bro. Stuart Lees DGSec, Wor. Bro. Raja Chohan DGC.

Centre Front, Miss Rachel Evans, Captain of the Freshwater Christian College who played the Last Post and Reville at the Morinda Service.

Air Cadets Prepare for the 2009 ANZAC Service at the Cairns Masonic Centre.

Residents of the Morinda facility at Whitfield in Cairns were delighted to have the RW District Grand Master and District Grand Officers of the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria perform a very emotional vacant chair service for the residents on the morning of April 25 to commemorate ANZAC Day 2009. This was the first time that the District has performed a ceremony in full regalia at the facility and with attendances of between 80 to 100 it was so well received that it is anticipated that it will now become an annual event.

Anzac Day Commemoration Service The Anzac Day Commemoration Service evening was attended by over 80 lodge members and the public with representatives of the Armed Forces and the local Member of State Parliament. A light supper after the Service was served and enjoyed by all that attended. The Grand Lodge Representative RW Bro. John Dexter and the Master for the Service Wor. Bro. John Bigg both members of Mulgrave Lodge.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

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Sunshine Coast combined meeting Annually the combined lodges of the Sunshine Coast hold an ANZAC Commemoration service which is open to the public. This year 12 lodges were represented and the catafault party and defence forces were represented by the Army and Air Force Cadets. A donation is received from each lodge and these proceeds supported by the Board of Benevolence are given to LEGACY Sunshine Coast, who sponsor a Junior Public Speaking contest on the coast. The winners of each zone receive books as prizes suitably inscribed with our Masonic Logo and inscription. Wor. Bro. Doug Carrington of Nambour Lodge on the right presenting a cheque for $400 to Legatee Colin Brewer on May 25, 2009.

Dennistoun Open Night a Success With over 100 people in the lodge room, Dennistoun Lodge’s Open Night in July has been hailed a great success by all who attended. A visual presentation entitled “The Chariot of the Arts”, where the Worshipful Master, Wor. Bro. Chris Devine, assisted by officers and brethren from the lodge assemble an Egyptian Chariot while lecturing on each of the seven Liberal Arts and Sciences and the five Senses, as well as Reason and Prudence. With each component representing one aspect of the lecture, the attendees, both Masonic and non-Masonic, received an educational as well as entertaining experience. Originally conceived and written by RW Bro. Wayne Williamson back in the 90s, our ever versatile Grand Superintendent of Workings (and lodge organist!) also showed his talent and skill by building the chariot components. Wor. Bro. Chris Devine and the assembled Chariot.

Visitor to Essex England Ray Harris of Bon Accord Lodge 483, revisited Arnold Lodge No 1799 at the new Masonic Hall, Station Road, Kirby Cross, Frinton on Sea on Wednesday, May 6, 2009. On being welcomed he was given a tour of the new centre. Ray visited Arnold Lodge five years ago for it's 125th anniversary. The work for the evening was to open in all the 3 degrees, then present a 65 year certificate to one of the brethren, present a cheque to Wor. Bro. Keith Wilby for the Special Care Baby Unit, a report on Masonic Charities, and the unveiling of the framed Old Lodge Banner. After the close of the meeting all members and guests adjourned to the Festive Board, where a four course dinner was served. The WM took wine, at all the toasts. Ray’s dad was initiated into Arnold lodge in 1951 rose to Warden before resigning as he moved to Berry St Edmunds in Suffolk, Ray has kept a soft spot for Arnold Lodge. Ray Harris of Bon Accord Lodge 483, Brisbane, being welcomed back to Arnold Lodge No 1799 by the Worshipful Master Peter Moore.

Morayfield Lodge No 95 Installation Bro. Peter Tracy was installed into the Chair of Morayfield Lodge No 95 on Saturday June 27, 2009 by Wor. Bro. Richard Reeves. An excellent ceremony was carried out in the presence of MW Bro. John Menzies PGM and RW Bro. Norrie Morris PAGM with 11 Grand Officers in attendance.

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The Queensland Freemason, August 2008

LODGES IN ACTION Sir Augustus Lodge activities LODGES IN ACTION

Brethren of Sir Augustus Lodge No.154 presented Mrs Ursula Barrett with a Widow's Brooch. From Left - RW Bro. Lathouras PDGM, VW Bro. Ford, Mrs Barrett, Wor. Bro. Jakeman, RW Bro. George Barrett was treasurer of Sir Augustus Lodge for over 40 years.

RW Bro. Lathouras, Almoner of Sir Augustus Lodge No.154 visits 94 year old Bro. Alex Duncan at the Tri Care nursing home in Bundaberg.

Barron Barnett Lodge Sponsors visiting New Zealand Researcher As part of the Australian Tour of eminent New Zealand researcher Wor. Bro. Kerry Nicholls GS. BA., Dip Pol. Studies, under the auspices of the Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council (ANZMRC), Barron Barnett Lodge and Morningside Lodge will host a meeting at the Stones Corner Masonic Centre on Tuesday October 6 at 7.30PM. Wor. Bro. Nicholls is past master of Awatea Lodge 258 (NZC), holds the Diploma in Masonic Education from South Australia and was the Kellerman Lecturer from New Zealand at the ANZMRC conference at Ballarat in 2006. He is visiting all States to present papers based on his Masonic research. In Queensland he will be at Cairns, Townsville and Toowoomba as well as Brisbane. His address on this occasion will be on the subject “Sacred Spaces in Freemasonry” and expands on the history surrounding King Solomon’s Temple, a brief outline of their rituals and its symbolism within sacred spaces and the concepts of sacred spaces for

Freemasonry. Question and comment time will follow. To assist with costs of this visit and festive board, a charge of $10 will be made to those attending. A collection of Wor. Bro. Nicholls’ papers which will be presented on the tour will be available for purchase at a cost of $25. Included will be papers presented by RW Bro. Peter Verrall PJGW of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia, President of the ANZMRC who will be touring New Zealand at the same time. Proceeds from the sale of books go towards furthering the cause of Masonic research in Australia. Following the address, a light supper will be provided where further questions can be addressed to Wor. Bro. Nicholls. It is necessary that tickets be pre-purchased to assist with catering. These are available from Lodge Secretary Wor. Bro. Frank Archer on 4664 4299 or e.mail f4v@bluemaxx.com.au. Advance orders for Wor. Bro. Nicholl’s book may also be made to Wor. Bro. Archer.

Poem Presentation At the June meeting of Caboolture Lodge Wor. Bro. Bill Wood, Master of Bribie Lodge welcomed back to his Office at Caboolture Lodge Wor. Bro. Ken McNeill who fell off his push bike and shattering his hip socket in late January 2009. Bro. Ken was in traction for over six weeks in the Redcliffe Hospital. He was regularly visited by members of Caboolture, Tibrogargan, Bribie and other Freemasons. This certainly helped to raise his spirits and make his stay in Hospital easier. After a short speech wishing Ken a speedy recovery he presented him with a framed poem. ‘Last Night I Knelt Where Hiram Knelt.’ This was a very fitting poem to aid Ken’s recovery. From Left: - Wor. Bro. Bill Wood, Wor. Bro. Ken McNeill.

Central Queensland Church Service

Following the regular meeting of Central Queensland Lodge 532 on May 29, 2009, the lodge held its annual church service with wives, members and the members of OES and was officiated by Reverend Claire Dewer. RW Bro. Royce Sturgess PAGM, VW Bro. Gerald Colvin WM, Rev. Claire Dewer, Wor. Bro. Colin Kneen IPM (partly obscured), Wor. Bro. Ken Newsome Chaplain and Wor. Bro. Richard Odendahl MM Organist.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2008

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Installations & Initiations Canungra Lodge Installation

L to R: George Venkov FC, RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM and Miles Wilson FC. The Deputy Grand Master met with the two Fellowcraft Freemasons from Stradbroke Lodge, Gold Coast. Both are greatly assisted by local AGSWks Charles Luckman who regularily travels with and supports them. Bro. Venkov is around 6 foot 8 inches high in the old measurements, comes from Romania and is on a tennis scholarship on the Gold Coast.

At the recent installation of Peter Bryman the lodge presented cheques to the value of $4000 to RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM for the Grand Masters Microscope appeal and $2000 to the Board of Benevolence specially earmarked for maintenance on the Gold Coast Masonic Care facilities. A cheque for $1000 was also presented to the Hike Foundation. The Deputy Grand Master commented on the move by the RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM (centre), the Worshipful Master of Canungra brethren from Canungra to now meet at Mt. Tamborine and the Lodge Peter Bryman (third from right) and the officers of the lodge at its goodwill that was obvious between the lodges. He also applauded the lodge for its generosity and diversity. recent Installation on Mount Tamborine.

Lamington Lodge Installation An excellent rollout of brethren attended the Installation of Lamington Lodge which was held the evening after the Grand Proclamation. The Deputy Grand Master Wor. Bro. Adrian Burton commented on the excellent dining provided by the lodge as well as the number of young professional men in the lodge. RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM, Wor. Bro. Clinton Mohr WM and Wor. Bro. Andrew Heron PM.

South Burnett Lodge Installation RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM with his team of Grand Officers and the Worshipful Master and the officers of the South Burnett Lodge at their recent installation. A large contingent of ladies attended the installation banquet which included good numbers from the OES.

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The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

Installations & Initiations Installation at Beerwah The Installation of RW Bro. Ron Kirkwood PSGW on March 21, 2009 was held at the Beerwah RSL Club Function Room where the MW Grand Master attended with a team of Grand Officers. The unique aspect about RW Bro. Kirkwoods Installation was that the original Installation and banquet was to be held in the Community Hall in Glasshouse Mountains, but because of the State Election being held on that day the Installation was transferred to the RSL in Beerwah. The Installation and banquet were all held in the same room, with the lodge furnishings being removed and the banquet then being set up.

L to R: WM of Landsborough Lodge 458 UGLQ. Wor. Bro. Mark Lapthorn receiving the Working Tools from Wor. Bro. Robert O'Conor. The Working Tools came from French's Forest United Lodge 249 Grand Lodge of NSW and were in a presentation case.

L to R: RW Bro. Ron Kirkwood PSGW being presented with two swords and a tylers sword. All swords were made and presented by RW Bro. Bill Murphy AFSM PSGW in a presentation case.

L to R: MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM, RW Bro. Ron Kirkwood PSGW, Wor. Master of Landsborough Lodge 458, Wor. Bro. Mark Lapthorn, Immediate Past Master and Installing Master.

Bartle Frere Lodge Installation Bartle Frere Lodge No.254 UGLQ celebrated its 92nd. Installation on May 9, 2009 with VW Bro. Ken Moller Nielsen taking the Chair again making it the sixth time he has served as Master of this Lodge. He has previously been installed as Master in Guthrie Lodge at Mt Isa for two terms before coming to live in Caims and joining Bartle Frere. He has also served a year as Master of Endeavour Lodge. Like many other lodges in North Queensland membership has been declining and Bartle Frere has been fortunate to have several affiliates from Gregory Lodge in Caims and Pyramid Highleigh Lodge in Gordonvale. The IPM, Wor. Bro. Richard Fapani, had been previously installed in Pyramid Highleigh Lodge and is here shown being presented with a bar for his PM's jewel by the District Grand Master, RW Bro. Peter Johnson. Fifteen District Grand Officers accompanied the District Grand Master. Following the installation the brethren adjourned to the Hotel Babinda to join their ladies and guests for a magnificent meal which had been prepared Chinese style by the chef. Although some brethren from Caims could not stay for the banquet 51 people were seated.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

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Installations & Initiations Southport Installation Southport Lodge had a spectacular Installation Banquet with wonderful music from a pipe and drum band which has won many awards in Queensland and Interstate. Deputy Grand Master, Wor. Bro. Adrian Burton DGM with WM Bro. John Ferguson and Mrs Janet Ferguson. John Ferguson a Scott by birth who served in the British Army in the Scotts Greys for 22 years and he and Janet have lived on the Gold Coast for many years.

Caboolture Initiation The April meeting at Caboolture Lodge Initiated Bro. Rod Kilminster into Freemasonry. Rod has been thinking about joining Freemasonry for a lot of years, but he has never found the time owing to his busy life in the charity world. He will make a valuable contribution to the charities with which Caboolture Lodge is involved. L to R: VW Bro. Alistair Kennedy (AGSWks), Wor. Bro. Olly Holding, Bro. Rod Kilminster, Wor. Bro. Russell Holland (WM), Bro. David Dean, Wor. Bro. Dave Wherrett.


Isis Masonic Debutante Ball The Deputy Grand Master received 16 young Debutantes at the Isis Masonic Debutante Ball held at Childers. All were students of the Isis District High School. The Ball is a biannual event and is well supported by the local community. The Isis Lodge has this important social event running like military precision where the lodge has a large screen in use after the formal proceeding with images of members and their involvement in local community which created a lot of interest at the ball. Mr Gil Forgan, Ms Lynne Forgan, Division 10 Councillor of Bundaberg Regional Council, Regina Burton and RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM.

Caboolture Lodge Raises a Yorkshire man Caboolture Lodge raised Bro. Harry Damms to the 3rd Degree at its June 2009 meeting. This was a very enjoyable and interesting meeting and Harry was so impressed that he is still talking about the ceremony. A Scottish third degree must be one of the most memorable ceremonies in Freemasonry, it certainly enacts the story which all Master Masons are told. L to R: Wor. Bro. Martin Overman, VW Bro. Alistair Kennedy AGSWks, Bro. Harry Damms, WM Bro. Russell Holland, Wor. Bro. Stuart Murray, VW Bro. Jack Lowe, Proposer.

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The Queensland Freemason, August 2009


Widow’s Broach Presentation

The Grand Master took a trip down memory lane when he presented a widow's broach to Mrs Eileen Reid, widow of Wor Bro.John "Jack" Reid who died on February 9, 2008. Wor. Bro. Reid was initiated into Argyle Lodge 164 at Forest Hill on March 8,1941 and remained a member of that lodge until his death. Wor. Bro. Reid was also a member of a number of lodges including George C Davis Lodge which was also the Mother Lodge of our Grand Master. Mrs Reid was presented with the broach in the Grand Masters Room at the Grand Lodge after which she was personally escorted by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary R W Bro. J.W. Rawlinson through the Grand Lodge building. She had never been in Grand Lodge before and was very impressed by the building and furnishings. In turn, Mrs Reid presented the Grand Master with a photograph of the foundation officers and members with first affiliates and first candidates of Enoggera Sovereign Prince Rose Croix Chapter No. 153, A and A.S Rite 18º, which was consecrated at the Gaythorne Masonic temple on November 30,1966 of which Mrs Reid’s husband was a member. The photo was passed on to the Grand Lodge librarian.

Mrs Reid expressed the wish to continue to receive the Freemason Magazine which she reads with great pleasure. She Mrs Eileen Reid being presented with a widow’s broach from the Grand also spoke of the great pleasure her late husband derived from his Freemasonry membership. Master.

June Quarterly Communication

Wor. Bro. Terry Keane, Wor. Master of C.H. Harley Lodge, presents the MW Grand Master with a cheque for $3500 towards the Microscope Appeal at the June Quarterly Communication. The money was raised through the C H Harley clock raffle.

Blessing of Lodge Banners at the June Quarterly Communication.

Annual Birthday Celebration Members of Central Queensland Daylight Lodge 532 celebrated their annual birthday barbeque on May 20, 2009 at the Masonic Homes Gracemere with their wives and residents of the Home.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

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Please note: The support of lodges with articles for their magazine continues to grow, and the content is of a high standard. However in order to allow the maximum coverage of activities across the state, the magazine committee may need to limit articles to one per lodge in each edition.


Central Queensland Daylight Proclomation On April 24, 2009 at the Proclamation of Worship Master Central Queensland Daylight Lodge 532 VW Bro. Alan Russell AGSWks District 42 (right) presented to RW Bro. Vern Alexander PSGW (front) and his stepson VW Bro. Stan Lindsay AGSWks District 41 and Senior Warden of the Lodge (centre) with Life Vice Patron jewels and was assisted by VW Bro. Don Wust AGSWks District 44 (left).

Caloundra Lodge member receives Award

The charitable work of Wor. Bro. Kevin Smith of Caloundra Lodge was recognised when he was made Fund Raiser of the Year for 2008 by Brisbane City Council. Kevin lives and works in the Brisbane area and has been instrumental in raising funds for many charities over a long period of time. His enthusiastic work has been of benefit to: Royal Children’s Hospital; Mater Children’s Hospital; Mater Foundation; Ronald McDonald House; Downs Syndrome Society; Gundamirra Community Centre and the Pink Ribbon – Breast Cancer Council. Many other charities have also benefited from his hard work including hospitals on the Sunshine Coast. As a result Caloundra Lodge were recently able to present beanie hats and scarves to Nambour and Caloundra hospitals to be used by patients undergoing various treatments.

Masonic Morning Tea On February 21, 2009 a Masonic morning tea was held at the Brookland Retirement Village in Robertson. The occasion followed on from a memorial service held for Bro. Lester Eisenmenger late last year at which Johnathan Rudduck, Grand Chaplain gave a Masonic tribute for our departed brother. After that service a number of brethren in the village decided to arrange a morning tea. As a preamble to the gathering and to help focus on Masonic interests Johnathan Rudduck gave a Requital of the Square Compasses and Ribbon of blue on the apron of our late Brother Lester. Bro. Lester had been known as "Mr Brookland Village" as he had lived a very full and active life there almost since the village had been built. Some brethren from Gatton Lodge and their wives also attended.

Caloundra Lodge Icon honoured The last surviving Foundation Member of Caloundra Lodge has passed to the Grand Lodge above at the age of 102. VW Bro. George Henry Lawrence Welldon PDGDC was initiated in Mooloolah Lodge in 1933, and became Senior Warden of Caloundra Lodge in 1946 which was the year of its consecration. He was installed as Worshipful Master on March 8, 1947. Sadly, owing to many personal and work commitments he had to forego lodge membership for many years but in 1993 rejoined Caloundra Lodge where he continued as a very well respected and popular member. He attended lodge regularly until the last few months of his life and will be much missed by the brethren. For his service to Queensland Freemasonry VW Bro. George was granted Past Grand Rank. At their May meeting Caloundra Lodge held a Vacant Chair Ceremony to honour him and Wor. Bros. Ray Macoun and John Ingram who had also passed to the Grand Lodge above in the last twelve months.

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Entered ApprenticesSome young faces The Deputy Grand Master attended the Installation of Mount Pleasant Lodge where three Entered Apprentices from Southern Queensland No. 29 were visiting. Blake Holzberger, RW Bro. Adrian Burton DGM, Matthew Shoring and Lachlan Dumesny.

Windsor welcomes Grand Lodge team Windsor Lodge congratulates Bro. Ian Singer on taking his third step with Windsor Lodge at their July meeting. Windsor Lodge proudly welcomed a team of AGSWks to our meeting to perform the 3rd degree of Bro. Ian Singer, led by RW Bro. Williamson. The Grand Lodge officers occupied the various chairs of the lodge and conducted the ceremony. The lodge room was ‘ablaze’ with blue and gold. All charges were delivered ceremoniously and with dignity; the obligation and Newly raised Bro. Ian Singer, accompanied by RW Bro. Wayne Williamson, secrets were unmistakably communicated to the candidate. Ian conducted himself with confidence and listened intently to all the Grand Lodge team and Windsor lodge master Wor. Bro. Roulston. charges. It was a wonderful privilege to witness the work delivered with such feeling and emotion. All present were witness to an impressive and moving delivery of our ritual at its very best. All involved should be very proud of the evening. Our sincere thanks to the Grand Master, MW Bro. Graeme Ewen, for allowing his officers to perform the degree work in Windsor Lodge. Brethren of Windsor Lodge extend their thanks and gratitude to the Grand Team some of whom had to travel great distances to attend the meeting.

RW Bro. Ken Wells Commemorative Address The inaugural address was presented by the Grand Master MW Bro. Graeme Ewin at a joint meeting of Barron Barnett Lodge 146 and Commonwealth Lodge 324 on Wednesday, May 20. It was the night of the substantial rainfall and floods and as a result the attendance was affected and even the guest of Honour, RW Bro. Ken Wells was isolated at his home in Kilcoy. The address has been initiated to recognise the contribution that RW Bro. Wells has made to Queensland Freemasonry and in particular the area of Masonic research. The May meeting each year will be dedicated to this event. MW Bro. Ewin detailed RW Bro. Ken’s Masonic history before presenting his address. In summary he detailed how the United Grand Lodge of Queensland came to exist and expressed his views on the challenges facing the Craft at this time and in the

future with some suggestions for action. The evening continued with a question and comment time on the address which occupied an hour and was followed by Barron Barnett Lodge’s usual discussion topic and book review. The discussion topic was “Why do we have a serpent on our Aprons?” which led to some interesting suggestions. The book review was of “Solomon’s Power Brokers – The Secrets of Freemasonry, the Church and the Illuminata” by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler presented by Wor. Bro. Don Barry. A vibrant “walk around” festive board followed and the raffle proceeds of $170 have been dedicated to the Grand Master’s Microscope appeal.

“True gentleman” has 100 reasons to smile A number of lodge members went to the nursing home at Arundel to join with Colin at his 100th birthday celebration. It was an excellent morning where Colin was able to talk with long standing friends and he thoroughly enjoyed himself. Colin is on the roll of Ipswich Daylight Lodge as a foundation member, numbered one.

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Proclamation Held The District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria held their Proclamation of the District Grand Master, RW Bro. Peter Johnson in Cairns in May and were pleased to have MW Bro. John Menzies PGM present at the Proclamation. Front Row L to R: President of the District Board of General Purposes, RW Bro. David Rockley DSGW, VW Bro. Brian Jones, DDGM, VW Bro. Robert Wakely, MW Bro. John Menzies PGM, RW Bro. Peter Johnson DGM, District Representative of the Grand Board of General Purposes RW Bro. Phil Starr, VW Bro. Alf Macdonald DJGW, President of the District Board of Benevolence VW Bro. Spencer Christensen, Wor. Bro. Robby Chohan DGStdBr.

Eastern Star Annual Installation The Far North District Grand Order of the Eastern Star held their Annual Installation at the Tully Masonic Centre in Far North Queensland on Saturday, June 27, 2009. Installed into the chair were Worthy District Grand Matron, Sister Marlene Wakely and Worthy District Grand Patron, Bro. Robert Wakely, who is also the current Deputy District Grand Master of the the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria. Distinguished guests at the Installation were visitors from the Grand Chapter OES, District Grand Chapters representatives from, North Queensland, South Brisbane, Brisbane and Burnett Chapters of the Order. Also present was the District Grand Master of the the District Grand Lodge of Caprentaria, RW Bro. Peter Johnson who is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star Cairns Chapter No. 103. Third from the Left Front Row, Worthy District Grand Matron Sister Marlene Wakely. Third from the Left Back Row, RW Bro. Peter Johnson DGM, VW Bro. Robert Wakely, Worthy District Grand Patron.

District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria Quarterly Communication The District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria, RW Bro. Peter Johnson presided over the June Quarterly Communication which was relocated to the Johnstone River Heritage Lodge in Innisfail on Friday, June 26. 2009. This centre has recently been refurbished. Excellent support was given to the lodge with the change of venue for a Communication with 95% of District Grand Officers present. At this Communication those Officers not present at the District Proclamation held in Cairns in May were invested. The lodge had good support of its members and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all at the festive board held after the Communication Wor. Bro. Leslie Holden was presented with his 50 year Jewel and Pin. First picture shows the District Grand Master with Officers present for the meeting. L to R in the second picture: Present at the Festive Board held after the ceremony were Ms Lisa Lansafame, Bro. Bernard Holden, the Jewel recipient, Wor. Bro. Les Holden and his wife Mrs Ronnie Holden.

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Morinda Aged Care Facility donation

The President of the District Board of Benevolence, VW Bro. Spencer Christensen, pictured centre, along with the District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria, RW Bro. Peter Johnson were delighted to receive a donation of several used computers and laptops from the Department of Main Roads Regional Director, Department of Transport and Main Roads Far North Region, Mr. Ron Michel. The computers will be for the use of the residents of the Morinda Aged Care Facility in Cairns.


Cooktown Revisited

The Master, Officers and brethren of Endeavour Lodge 26H were accompanied to Cooktown on their Annual Cooktown Revisited trip. The lodge, represented by 17 of its brethren and 10 visiting brothers from lodges of the district tiled at 2pm at the Gungarde Aboriginal Corporation Hall. A Second Degree was performed on Brother Brent Hayes who was an excellent candidate providing an inspiration for his fellow members in their ceremonial workings. Endeavour Lodge has been travelling back to Cooktown for over 25 years and such is the success of the event that many Grand Masters have accompanied them on their journey to spread news of the Craft and maintain an effective presence throughout the Cooktown community. RW Bro. Laurie Alchin and VW Bro. Darcy Gallop were granted Honorary Membership of the lodge as per the Constitution for their outstanding and meritorious service to Endeavour Lodge by a unanimous vote. The lodge also welcomed an affiliating member in Wor. Bro. Mike Payne from Tasmania. There is little doubt that whilst the lodge displays such enthusiasm as depicted on Saturday June 20, 2009, Endeavour Lodge No 26H will long remain a firm favourite in the hearts and minds of its members and travelling visitors. The night reached a crescendo with Wor. Bro. Jim Sanders, the Master of the lodge entertaining 47 brethren and ladies with his unique harmony at the RSL.

Four Entered Apprentices in Cairns Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. John Cavill-Jones, Master of the Allan Lodge 284 H. Cairns seen here supported by his officers and brethren and four entered apprentices, two of which have been initiated into the Allan Lodge. Bro. Rolph Smith, seen standing to the immediate right of Wor. Bro. Cavill-Jones was initiated on April 27, 2008 the evening of this photograph. Also seen in the photograph, is the RW District Grand Master, District of Carpentaria, RW Bro. Peter Emil Johnson placing himself appropriately between two of the newly initiated entered apprentices, backing them up with his presence at the lodge and with his personal encouragement. (To the left of the Master).

VW Bro. Paul Brennand, Bro. Tuttle EA, Wor. Bro. Joe Brown, Visitor from the UK., Bro. Smith EA., Wor. Bro. J. Cavill-Jones, Wor. Bro. M. Clay WM, Bro. Lott EA, RW Bro. Peter. Johnson DGM, Bro. Hayes EA, Wor. Bro. P. PambouTsitsi, Wor. Bro. N. Screen, R.W Bro. D. Walker, VW Bro. J. Jackson, Wor. Bro. M. Woolford IPM.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

Of personal significance to the initiation of Bro. Rolph Smith is the fact that Bro. Smiths late father, Bro. Carolus Smith, was the proposer for Wor. Bro. Cavill-Jones, into the Allan Lodge more than twenty years ago. Bro. Smith senior moved back to the United States of America, some years ago, and has since passed away. Wor. Bro. CavillJones paid tribute to Bro. Smith senior during an otherwise very convivial festive board.

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At the Australian Institute of Architects 2009 Far North Regional Architecture Awards Night, the new Morinda Residential Aged Care facility in Cairns was successful in being awarded both a Regional Commendation and Building of the Year. The prestigious Eddie Oribin Building Of The Year Award was unexpected but pleasing to all associated with the project. Designed by architects Clarke and Prince, the new facility provides increased dignity and privacy to its 107 residents. The facility together with extensive renovations to other

buildings was delivered under budget at a cost of some $20 million. The building was officially opened in October last year by the Grand Master, MW Bro. Graeme Ewin.

been given to the personalising of spaces as much as possible. This is a worthy addition to research into the possibilities of ageing in place”.

In awarding the prize, Queensland State Awards Jury Director, Justin O'Neill said, "This extension to an existing aged care facility provides a high level of homely amenity to its occupants. The H-shaped plan maximises access to the landscape and natural light, while also reducing the bulk of the building within its suburban neighbourhood. A high level of thought has

The new facility, which has also proven popular with managers, residents, staff and families, beat 17 other entrants to take out the top award. Principal architect Bruce Clarke was justifiably proud of the awards and recognised the great team effort and dedication by all involved in bringing the project to completion.

FAREWELL DIANE AND HAPPY RETIREMENT On June 3, 2009, we bade farewell to Diane Mullane, after a long and meritorious period of service to the Board of Benevolence at Sandgate. Diane commenced as a part time employee in the general office in 1988. In 1994, she accepted a permanent position and has since that date, provided secretarial support to the Board and has been, together with Gordon Blake, the Board

Secretary, the public face of the Board’s Secretariat to so many of the Fraternity throughout Queensland. We will sadly miss the services of Diane and wish her well in retirement. Diane plans to travel and to see more of the country in the coming years. The Board made a small presentation to Diane at a lunch in recognition of her valuable service.



Ten rental units, owned by the Goondiwindi Regional Council and managed by Greenup Lodge Management Committee, currently have two vacancies. Contact Wor. Bro. Bevan Pavel on 4653 1193 or Wor. Bro. Richard Coventry on 4653 1548.

Six independent living units situated in James Street, Crows Nest. These units are available on a loan licence agreement. Currently there are two vacancies. Initial enquiries please contact the Board Secretary, RW Bro. Gordon Blake on 3869 6000.

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VOLUNTEERS BUS DRIVERS – SANDGATE If you hold a current “LR” Class driving licence and you are able to devote a day or more a month, you would be welcome at the Sandgate Homes. Initial enquiries to the Board Secretary, RW Bro. Gordon Blake on 3869 6013.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009


Foundation Stone Ceremony at Sandgate On Sunday, June 28, 2009, the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland, MW Bro. Graeme Ewin, assisted by Grand Officers, laid the Foundation Stone for a new modern 153 bed Residential Aged Care Facility at the Freemasons complex at Sandgate. The ceremony was attended by approximately 160 persons including residents, relatives, staff and Freemasons. The President of the Board of Benevolence, RW Bro. Stuart Macnish said, “The Board is committed to Aged Care and the building, which is the first stage of the redevelopment of the Wakefield Street site. will cost approximately $30 million and is due for completion in October 2010.

Laying of Stone


Current and Past Presidents of the Board of Benevolence in attendance included- (L to R): MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM, RW Bro. A.M. Townson PSGW, RW Bro. S.E. Macnish PJGW (President), RW Bro. P.J. Campbell PAGM, MW Bro. M.J. Kinross OAM PGM, MW Bro. J.A. Menzies PGM.

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Serving the Community COMMUNITY Charity Presentation to Sandgate State School Presentation of a $1000 cheque by the Worshipful Master of Northgate Remembrance Lodge, Wor. Bro. Graham Maltby to the Principal of Sandgate Primary School Warren Beetson and School Captains for safety improvements to the entry to the school opposite the Northgate Masonic Centre in Rainbow St Sandgate on June 23, 2009. Presenting the cheque is the Master of Northgate Remembrance Lodge 285 Wor. Bro. Graham Maltby. Receiving the cheque is the School Principal Warren Beetson assisted by some of the students involved in the raising of funds.

Barrine Cheque Presentation Atherton Community Kindergarten can buy new bicycles thanks to a donation of $604 from the Barrine Masonic Lodge. Kindergarten director Nicole Poggioli, Bro. James Gegg from Barrine Masonic Lodge with his daughter Stephanie Gegg who goes to the kindy and Wor. Bro. Brian Plume presenting the cheque.

Biggenden Charity Concert Biggenden Lodge No.136 held a charity concert on Saturday evening, May 2, 2009 with the funds raised being distributed equally to the appeals for the Victorian Bushfires and the Queensland Floods. The function was organised by our WM Wor. Bro. Chris Roberts, who has his own group "Triple Clef". The 'Gin Gin Cloggers' perform at the Charity concert.

C H Harley Clock Raffle drawn C H Harley Lodge would like to thank everyone who participated in our Clock Raffle in aid of the Grand Master's microscope appeal. Thanks to your support we raised $3160 - just short of our goal of $3200, and with the aid of the proceeds of an additional raffle run on the drawing night, with a prize donated by VW Bro. Duncan McGregor, we added another $170. This means we will be able to present a cheque for $3500. VW Bro. McGregor drew the Clock raffle, and the winning ticket was No 571 held by Bro. Roy English of Dunellan Lodge. For the statistically minded, we endeavoured to work out just how many lodges became involved, but this was not possible, as many tickets just had phone numbers. However, we know that well over 30 lodges from all over the State assisted this worthy cause. We would also like to make special mention of those brethren who were at the Roma Quarterly Communication and who supported us so generously.

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Teddy Bears Picnic Teddy Bears of all shapes and sizes have been a favourite soft toy for children all over the world and for many years. These happy little 'trauma' bears are just a few of the many dozens made by Pat Pitcher of Peninsula Daylight Lodge for distribution to the Emergency Services, not only in the Redcliffe area but also in other parts of Queensland. The idea being that if the Ambo., Fireman or whatever emergency service arriving at the scene of an accident where a child or children are involved, the gift of one of these little bears will, hopefully, ease the pain of suffering just a little. Attached to each bear is a piece of ribbon bearing the Square & Compasses and the inscription, Redcliffe, thereby promoting just a little Masonic happiness at a time of tragedy. So, if you go down to the woods today, you too may be in for a big suprise.

Caboolture members man ticket gate Morayfield Lodge No. 95 bretheren, resplendent in their lodge shirts, man one of the gates at the Caboolture Show each year over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. This activity is both a fund raiser for Morayfield Lodge as well as making us visible to the community at large. Funds raised from this weekend’s “work” go toward local causes such as the Wamuran Sports Club (supporting youth sport in the area), Tullawong High School and Caboolture High School.

Donation from Tibrogargan Lodge The former President of the Board of General Purposes, RW Bro. Norrie Morris presented a donation of $1000 towards the Microscope Appeal to the Grand Master, MW Bro. Graeme Ewin on behalf of Tibrogargan Lodge. RW Bro. Norrie Morris presenting MW Bro. Graeme Ewin GM with the donation at the Tibrogargan Lodge on June 24.

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Donation to Hervey Bay General Hospital At the Mother's Special Care Nursery of Hervey Bay General Hospital the Wor. Master & Social Committee Director of Hervey Bay Daylight Lodge presented two recliner chairs to the Hospital at a value of $2000, made possible by the Board of Benevolence dollar for dollar subsidy scheme. Behind both chairs are appropriate plaques fixed to the wall recognising the donations. VW Bro. Rex Bowman (Social Director) is on the left, Clinical Nurse Teresa Mitchell in the centre, Wor. Bro. Barry Elliott WM is on the right and a nursing mother & baby in the chair.

Cheque presentation to Royal Flying Doctor Service At a barbeque held at Bowen Centre on March 28, 2009 a cheque for $3000 was presented to the Royal Flying Doctor Service. There were about 60 people at the event when two guest speakers entertained the group. Mr. Bruce Waller a Senior pilot at RFD’s, spoke about the operation of the service and some of the institutions in which he was involved. Wor Bro. Ian Barrett explained the highlights of a trip to South Africa. The donation brings the total donated to RFDs for the last 18 months to $13000. L to R: Mr. Bruce Waller, Senior pilot RFDs, Miss Dyanne Anderson, entrant in the Spirit of Adventure quest, major fundraiser for RFDs, Wor. Bro. Alf Pearce, who presented the cheque to Dyanne, and Wor. Bro. Ian Pott, Worshipful Master of Kennedy Lodge No 11.

Hervey Bay Daylight Lodge Cheque presentation At the Hervey Bay Daylight Lodge Installation meeting on Tuesday May 5, the WM, Wor. Bro. Barry Elliott presented two cheques to the AGM RW Bro. Col Mander at the Banquet festive board. One cheque for $500 to the Grand Master's Microscope Appeal and one for $450 to the Grand Master's Victorian Bush Fire Appeal. The newly installed Wor. Master Barry Elliott presenting the cheques to the AGM, RW Bro. Col Mander.

Tamborine Lodge Donation After the Anzac Meeting on April 22, 2009 Wor. Bro. Nigel Pittaway presented a cheque for $1000 to Mrs Vanessa Bull for the Makea-Wish Christmas in July to be held on Tamborine Mountain. These funds where raised by the Tamborine brethren at their weekly sausage sizzle and a dollar for dollar subsidy from the Board Of Benevolence.

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A Lodge Development Officer The position of a Development Officer should be introduced into each lodge as a matter of urgency to focus on growing the lodge by taking care of the existing membership. All lodges should always be striving to create and maintain a viable, cohesive and happy membership. Analysis shows that loss of existing members due to resignations has been at far too high a level throughout the history of this Grand Lodge and all other jurisdictions. There are many and varied reasons for those resignations. Whatever they are, whatever they have been, it is time for each lodge to take control of its own destiny by taking ownership of their own problems. Too often a member’s attendance starts to simply become irregular and over a period of time comes to a stop. There is some speculation on why he no longer attends but no-one really knows and very little follow-up is done so we lose another member. Many unattached brethren could have been held within Freemasonry if proper care and attention had been paid to their circumstances and their needs. The Development Officer’s role includes the undertaking of primary analysis to identify loss of enthusiasm exhibited by wavering attendance, to arrange for necessary steps to be taken to identify the needs of such members and ensure corrective action wherever possible. What the Development Officer is NOT – It should not be a position with a “Big Brother” attitude. The position is one of caring, listening, assisting and if need be advising the implementation of change in order to make the lodge even better. The role of this member will be low key. Nothing at all needs to be reported at the regular meeting unless the members of the lodge so request. Some lodges may want to hear a monthly report on the thoughts and concerns of the members, others will not but prefer that a report is given when some issue or problem needs to be addressed. Some may want a report given at the Management Meeting; some may prefer it to be at the Regular Meeting. Wherever it is delivered it should take no more than TWO MINUTES. It will be up to each individual lodge to decide what they do with the information gleaned. Note that this report should be of a GENERAL nature. Individual members’ names should NOT be mentioned. It is not a position at odds with other Officers within the lodge. The Development Officer is not there to compete with or take anything away from the traditional roles of the Almoner, Secretary, Director of Ceremonies, AGSW or indeed the Master. The role is one to enhance and to work along with those positions – not to undermine them.

It is not a position with hard and fast rules. In fact, for the Development Officer to be effective, each lodge has to decide on the role he is going to play. In some lodges his role may dovetail in with the Master, the Almoner, the Secretary or the Director of Ceremonies. He may well cross into areas that may well call him a mentor, a social director, a trainer, a support or simply a friend. The Board of General Purposes has just approved a booklet which is designed to be a guide. The suggestions made in the booklet are simply that - suggestions. In some lodges there will be well established customs which have been working effectively for some time. In some lodges there will be those who may already hold an Office and also have been fulfilling the role as is being suggested in the booklet and this article. Both situations are fine - “If it is not broke don’t fix it.” It is not a position for any particular type of member. Too often it is assumed that this type of position should be the province of the most senior or the most experienced member of the lodge. Too often it is assumed that the member who holds senior Grand Rank should be chosen. There are no pre-requisites for the position being suggested. There is however a basic underlying attitude that the correct person for the position of Development Officer must have – he must CARE. He must truly care for the welfare of his members and his lodge. He must have a rapport and a manner which allows him to easily approach his members and “speak with them” rather than “talk at them”. Experience shows that the best person for the position may well be the senior member OR a relatively new member. It may well be the Secretary OR it might be the Steward OR may well be someone who at present does not hold an office. It is “horses for courses” and the members of the lodge need to be totally honest with themselves and have no pre-conceived ideas but choose the BEST MEMBER for the role. Once again experience shows that in many lodges there are members who have that ability to get on with everyone. He is well respected by everyone, has a real interest in his fellow member and he will not be looking for any personal glory. In all lodges there will be the member who is the “obvious choice” as long as the members of the lodge are certain of the role that the Development Officer will play. What is in a name? Absolutely nothing. As much as “Development Officer” is the suggestion being offered, it is of no consequence what name a lodge chooses for the role – if indeed they choose to give it a name at all. Some lodges may name the position the Membership Officer, the Renewal

Officer or the Future Officer. What the role is called is unimportant. What is important is the role itself. So what is the role of the Development Officer? For far too long we have lost members of the Craft with very little knowledge of the reasons we lost them. We have speculated, we have guessed, we have turned a blind eye, we have some scant knowledge but the truth is we have never known for sure. Once a member has decided to no longer attend or resign from his lodge it is nearly always too late to change his mind. It then becomes a position of personal pride and regardless of what arguments may be mounted to keep him as member – it is usually to no avail and they are lost. The role of the Development Officer is to be in touch with all of the members of his lodge and to know what they think the lodge is doing right as well as what needs to be improved. In so many cases resignations could have been avoided if someone within the lodge had “his finger on the pulse”. The Development Officer needs to have a genuine interest in all of the members of the lodge. He must have the ability to gain the trust of his membership; be their confidant and someone who will be prepared to implement and drive the changes that the membership require and request. He needs to have the determination and confidence in himself to work closely with the Master, the Secretary, the Almoner, the Director of Ceremonies or any Committee of the lodge to instigate and implement those changes needed to appease the concerns of the membership. This Officer needs to be flexible and be willing to take on board the views of all of his members. He should not be judgemental but on the other hand be prepared to put the alternate case to that member who is simply having a whinge. In so many cases an issue can be “put to bed” by stopping the problem before it grows out of all proportion. As previously stated the Development Officer needs to have his “Finger on the Pulse” of the lodge and then to know what to do with the information he gleans. No Conflict with other Officers. In this modern world where lack of time is our biggest enemy we must realise that those who are (and more importantly will be in the future) our Masters, our Secretaries, our Almoners and Director of Ceremonies are time short too. In successful lodges we require our Secretaries to circulate the minutes and to reduce the business part of our meetings. We want our Directors of Ceremonies to train our members to a far higher standard – we want the Ritual to Continued Next Page

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be as good as we can possibly do it. We hope that our Almoners are being attentive to the needs of the elderly and the sick. But for this to happen it takes time out of the busy lives of those particular existing Officers. They already have plenty to do and that is why the implementation of this new Officer can only be beneficial to any lodge. The Development Officer is simply another means to improve the lot of any lodge. His role is to work (most of the time behind the scenes) to bring to the surface those issues within the lodge that the members feel are of concern or holding the lodge back from further growth. There are always many issues within any organization, including lodges which cause friction or problems and which, if addressed and resolved very quickly, can ensure a happy and harmonious group. If the Development Officer is performing his duties effectively it should mean that all those little issues which can fester into far bigger problems should be addressed in a timely manner. This has to bring about a far happier, content and stable membership within the lodge and in so doing, by way of positive word of mouth advertising, will definitely bring in new members.

use a member’s name without that member’s prior consent.

issue getting to and from the meeting? • What if he doesn’t enjoy the Festive Boards? • What if he feels ignored when he does get to lodge? If the reasons are uncovered then the D.O. can be on to the problem in a timely manner and can resolve the issues for the brother which may well offset a far bigger problem if it had been left unchecked. As previously stated there is no “big brother” aspect to this Attendance Register but it certainly can be an effective management tool to ensure that the lodge has a happy and content membership. Gathering Information. An added benefit to keeping an Attendance Register is the ability to gather information which can be presented to a Management Meeting to enhance the lodge and the way it meets. A Development Officer can, as part of his conversation with the members, ask questions on many a subject. He can ascertain if the members are happy with: • the content of the meeting; • the time that the Business Part of the meeting takes;

Suggestions for the Development Officer (D.O.)

• the standard of the Ritual;

A Members’ Attendance Register. This register may be a useful tool in some lodges. It can be as simple as looking through the lodge Attendance Book and noting who attended the meeting. The problem with only using the lodge Attendance Book is that it only records those who attended and gives no record or reason for those who did not attend.

• the time that the entire Regular Meeting takes;

A separate Attendance Register with the names of every member can be very useful as the Development Officer can record those in attendance as well as those who are not. Some lodges use the information gained to contact those who attended to ascertain if the meeting was enjoyed or not. In a very conversational manner a competent D.O. can gather very useful information on whether we are indeed delivering the “best product” to our members.

This information can be so very useful in ensuring that what is being presented to our members is what they actually want. Listening to our members and acting upon their views and concerns ensures that the members are meeting in Perfect Harmony.

Another use for such a register is to enable the D.O. to contact those who did not attend to enquire if everything is alright with that member. It may well be that the brother is unwell, at which time the lodge Almoner would be contacted if it was deemed necessary. It may well be that the reason for non attendance could be simply work or family related which we may not be able to help with apart from empathising with the brother. Some things we may not be able to help with but • What if there has been a problem between two members? • What if the problem is a concern about learning the Ritual? • What if the problem for the member is actually being able to hear the ceremony? • What if the problem is as simple as a transport

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• the standard of the Festive Board including the type of food and refreshments being offered; • the number and type of raffle prize being offered; and • the social functions and if they are the type that the members want to attend.

Happy and content members ask their nonmason friends if they have ever considered becoming Freemasons. Unhappy members never mention Freemasonry to their friends and gradually fall by the wayside. Some Guidelines A Development Officer (D.O.) should be a brother who is a regular attendee of the lodge. The D.O. should have both the time and be interested enough to speak with all of his members on a very regular basis. The D.O. should be prepared to gather information while speaking with his members and know where and who he reports issues to so that they are rectified. The D.O. should arrive early at his lodge to greet those attending and by so doing improve his rapport with his members and at the same time ensure everyone is made to feel welcome. The D.O. should be the confidant of the members and NEVER break a confidence or

The D.O. should never take sides if during his conversations he uncovers any issue between lodge members. The D.O. should not expect too much too soon but should be prepared to patiently build rapport and trust with the members to ensure that he is being told the truth and what his members are really thinking and believe. The D.O. will find many problems. Some will be very obvious and the solutions may well appear simple. Other problems will be far harder to uncover but with persistence, kindness and determination the real causes will be found. The real solutions may take some time to find but will only be revealed when the real problems are identified. The D.O. must be aware that even within a relatively small group there will be many differing opinions and wants. Take care to accommodate all tastes and be prepared to give advice and guidance on things such as social events to ensure that all are catered for. The D.O. must ensure that he doesn’t become beholden to any group within the lodge who may well “hijack” the respect the D.O. commands to push their own cause. The D.O. may well have to be the “resident” Proposer or Seconder to all new members of the lodge. In many cases the Proposers and Seconders of our Candidates either do not or cannot fulfil their obligation to keep that watchful eye on those they have proposed. Someone needs to take on the role of the “carer” to these new members and the D.O is well placed to do so. The D.O. will then have the opportunity to build strong rapport and friendships with the new members as he ensures that they are confident with their “Questions” and getting them used to attending lodge Meetings. The D.O. should be someone who is prepared to talk to others about Freemasonry. Many of our existing members find it very hard to talk in any meaningful way about the Craft and would be very pleased to know that within the lodge there is a Development Officer who is prepared and willing to visit potential candidates to explain what we do. The D.O. may well be of great assistance to a new or struggling Officer who would be very pleased to have some, “one-on-one tuition” with regard to the learning and retention of the spoken word aspect of the Ritual. That is not to say that the D.O. is trying to take on the role of the lodge Director of Ceremonies but rather to support and compliment him by helping to coach the Officer who is struggling or simply lacking confidence. The D.O. can make the entrance of any man into Freemasonry so much easier by guiding him in the most basic of tasks such as signing the Attendance Book; where he finds the Entered Apprentice’s Apron; where he sits in the North East; ensuring that he remembers his Continued Next Page

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

signs in those early days; and introducing him to every member. The D.O. can likewise ensure that every visitor to the lodge is welcomed and made to feel that their presence is much appreciated. Too often visitors are ignored (most times unintentionally) and so never return to that lodge. Other areas. Some members of lodges who are already performing a role similar to that being described in this article have found many areas that they take on board to enhance their role. Some of the areas that are covered include: • Birthdays; • Wedding Anniversaries; • Other Anniversaries; • Social Events; • Upcoming Events; and • Lodge Visitations in conjunction with the Master Making Contact There is nothing better than “one-on-one, faceto-face” contact. The eyes really are the “windows of the soul” and a brother can soon see your sincerity when you take that opportunity and make the effort to “go to him” and “talk with him”. If the personal approach is impossible then phone him and speak “with him” and not “at him”. Talk with him, listen to him and act upon his issues or concerns. Take on board new ideas. Try to resolve those issues that he may have. The telephone is a wonderful tool to use

because sometimes it is not as intimidating for a brother to pour out his heart over the phone as it is face-to-face.

lodge and yet the next lodge may well ask a new member with only a couple of years experience to be their Development Officer.

In this modern world there is also the opportunity to utilise emails and even texting which are today’s ways of communication.

No two lodges will be the same but what is the same is that there is a real need for every lodge to have a member whose primary role is to ensure that the members of the lodge are HAPPY and CONTENT.

How we make contact is not the important point – it is the fact that we do make contact that is important. There are always reasons why members fail to attend their lodges. Those successful lodges are always on top of the issues before they become major problems within the lodge. All members like to feel that they are appreciated and that their views are as important as any other. Conclusion The role of the Development Officer (or whatever name the role is given) is a very personal one and should be worked out by the individual who decides to undertake the role in conjunction with the wants and needs of his lodge. Some lodges may feel that the role requires more than one member and thus have a couple of Development Officers looking after their Members. As previously stated there are no hard and fast rules; there are no right and wrong ways of achieving the desired outcome. Lodges are however encouraged to ask the right person to take on this extremely important role. It may well be a long term member with the highest Grand Rank who is best qualified in one

Successful lodges right throughout the jurisdictions all have a brother (regardless of what name or title he carries) who listens, watches, resolves the problems, ensures that every voice is heard, ensures that every point of view is taken on board, nurtures the new member and respects the older member. Above all other things he truly CARES and we all need to support him in this most important role. What we all need to keep in mind is that “Without that Perfect Harmony the lodge will die.” Please request copies of The Lodge Development Officer booklet from the Grand Secretariat which are available along with the others in the series being: A Basic Look at Freemasonry; A Further Look at Freemasonry; The First Degree; The Second Degree; The Third Degree; A Guide to Masonic Open Nights; and The Guide to Masonic Meeting Procedure RW Bro Greg Goding Assistant Grand Master Chairman of the Membership Committee

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The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

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Other Orders ORDERS Annual Meeting of the Great Priory of Queensland The Annual Meeting of the Great Priory of Queensland (The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple, and of St,John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, working the Degrees of Knights Templar and Knights of Malta) was held on December 6, 2008. It has been the custom of the Great Priory of Queensland to hold their Annual Meeting at a centre outside the metropolitan area for a number of years. This year it was held in Toowoomba. On the occasion of this meeting the candidates were Brother Knight Peter Horn of Beauceant Preceptory and Brother Knight Christopher John Powell Boscher of Burnett Preceptory.

Caboolture supports Maryborough The Wide Bay Knight Templar Priests are strongly supported by Caboolture Craft Lodge. The May meeting was the Installation of Emt. Kt. Pt. W. Murphy who was installed by V. Emt. Kt. Pt. Bill Johnson. Em. Kt. Pt. Jack Lowe was invested as V11 Pillar (Senior Warden) and Ill. Kt. Pt Stan Krieger was invested as Treasurer. All of these Brethren are members of Caboolture Craft Lodge and they travel to Maryborough for each meeting. Present at the meeting was the Grand Superintendent of Works Rt. Illust. Kt. Pt. D.P. Dr. Dezentje who conducted the Grand Point.

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The Queensland Freemason, August 2009


Order of the Amaranth commences new term The Grand Court of Queensland, Order of the Amaranth has commenced a new term. On May 23, 2009, at our 46th Annual Session held at Shangri-la Reception Centre, Wynnum Road Manly West, Honoured Lady Wendy Pollard was installed as our Grand Royal Matron accompanied by Sir Knight Allan Seibel as Grand Royal Patron. Eighteen years ago, Sir Knight Allan Seibel accompanied Grand Royal Patron Honoured Lady Thelma Pollard, Honoured Lady Wendy’s mother. An interesting piece of news is that Honoured Lady Wendy’s sister, Honoured Lady Judith Prince is currently the Grand Royal Matron of the Grand Court of New South Wales, Order of the Amaranth. From the Grand Court on High, Honoured Lady Thelma would be in her glory looking over her two daughters taking the lead in the two Grand Courts in Australia. Approximately 35 members from the Grand Court of New South Wales journeyed to Brisbane to attend the Annual Session and Installation. Even though heavy rain fell during the three day Session, this did not dampen our Queensland members renewing friendships made over the many years. The Installation theme was “Live a little Christmas each and every day” with Honoured Lady Wendy’s chosen emblems being a “bell and wreath”. Her watchwords are – peace, hope, love and compassion.

L to R: HL Judy Prince, GRM New South Wales, HL Wendy Pollard, GRM Queensland, SK Allan Seibel, GRM Queensland and SK Tom McDonald GRP, New South Wales at the Grand Court of Queensland Installation held at Shangri-la Reception Centre.

This year we will be raising funds for the Youngcare Ltd., the Grand Court’s Philanthropic project for 2009-2010 which will help create change in the way we care for young Australians with high care needs.

Ipswich Moreton United Sovereign Chapter At their installation meeting in May 2009, Ipswich Moreton United Sovereign Chapter performed an emulation of the fifth degree under the Charter of the Coral Sea Chapter of Improvement. Philip Bishop, the Most Wise Sovereign, entered as a Secret Master (4th degree) and exited as Perfect Master (5th degree), having passed through the degree performed by his fellow members after the Installation Ceremony. Congratulations to all the officers who undertook the extra duties of performing this degree. There is so much more to Freemasonry if you look, and so much more to learn. To enquire about joining Ipswich Moreton United Sovereign Chapter, or another Chapter in your area, please phone the number below. For more information on the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia, please contact the regional recorder, G. McAlpine, 07 33971203

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

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Exotic Dubai ver two million visitors attend the Dubai Shopping Festival each year when every shopping outlet in the city slashes their already competitive prices by up to 70%.


Known as ‘Layali Dubai’, the annual month-long festival was first held in February 1996, purely as a retail promotional event. The award-winning holiday specialists at Travel Masters have been taking tours to Dubai for more than 15 years – long before it became the cosmopolitan and international tourism hot spot that it is today. “Dubai is a sensational place to visit at any time of the year but during the Shopping Festival, it is absolutely phenomenal,” says Travel Masters principal, Bob Malcolm. “The shopping centres are required by law to discount their prices, so you’ll find savings of up to 70% on everything from electronic goods and computers through to lingerie, leather goods and all the leading designer fashion labels. “There’s even more shopping fun to be had in the traditional souks, or bazaars, which line Dubai Creek. Bargaining is the only way to go as you haggle with the merchants over necklaces, bracelets and earrings in 18, 21 and 22-carat gold, which are sold according to weight. “You can also wander through the Spice Souk or buy traditional Middle Eastern wares such as carpets, coffee pots, prayer beads, Bedouin jewellery, inlaid rosewood furniture and more.” For the past five years, Travel

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Masters’ senior consultant, Christa Randall, has been escorting a small group tour to Dubai during the Shopping Festival. But retail therapy is only a part of a trip to Dubai. Travel Masters have designed their 2010 itinerary to include all the other fantastic sights, sounds and experiences that this exotic destination has to offer. “Christa knows all the very best places to shop and has established excellent contacts with the most reputable and reliable retailers so you know you’ll be getting the best deals,” says Bob. “But we’ve also been able to include some real once-in-alifetime extras, such as a tour of the neighbouring emirate Sharjah and lunch at the atmospheric Al Qasr at the Madinat Jumeirah Resort. “We have also scheduled a tour of the famous City of Merchants and a desert dune safari with a Bedouin dinner.” Travel Masters’ exclusive sixnight Dubai tour departs from Brisbane on January 25, 2010 and is priced at $4450 per person twin share. There are also two extension options to choose from if you wish. Stay on in Muscat, Oman for three nights, or cruise the Middle East for a week on the Brilliance of the Seas. This exotic little holiday package is exclusive to the Award Winning Holiday Specialists at Travel Masters, ph 1800 672 988. Call them for a detailed brochure or more information.

Assistant Grand Master reg Goding was born in Childers in 1958 and was educated at the local primary and secondary schools. On completion of Grade 12 he completed an apprenticeship as a Diesel Mechanic in Bundaberg. Upon the sudden death of his father he took over the running of one of his late father’s businesses at the age of 23.


In 1986 Greg entered the finance industry by joining a multi-national company which led to him transferring to the Gold Coast in 1990. 1993 saw him move back into the world of self-employment when he bought a business in a newly developing industry and which he still owns along with his wife, Janelle. In the past 16 years that business has grown to 150 strong franchises across Australia and New Zealand with Greg still being heavily involved with the training of franchisees and the development of the business as it now moves into the USA. Greg’s Masonic career started in Childers when he was initiated in a double ceremony along with his older brother, the late RW Bro. Robert Goding PJGW, on the night of their father’s funeral. One of the biggest regrets for Greg was that he never got the opportunity to sit in lodge with his own father. Be that as it may, Greg’s greatest delight is that he does sit in lodge every month with his six sons and his nephew who are the seventh generation of Freemasons in the family. He also has a daughter, Amy who is married to Steve. Greg’s forte for the past 15 years has been providing assistance to lodges in developing practices to make them successful in contemporary society. To this end, Greg has developed a keen insight into what the ‘modern Freemason’ wants and expects from his lodge, as well as those factors that have sadly ruined so many lodges. Greg’s particular interest has been and continues to be providing help to overcome particular problems faced by lodges and in assisting lodges to grow and develop practices to achieve success in all aspects of their operations. This, Greg has done both through providing ‘behind the scenes’ assistance to lodges and through his ‘Order in the House’ address. Greg has served as Standard Bearer, AGSW and Senior Grand Warden, as well a member of Education (later) The Masonic Information Committees and Chairing of the Renewal and now The Membership Committees of Grand Lodge. Through his service Greg has attained a thorough understanding of what it takes to attract modern men to the Craft and retain them as long term brethren. The accomplishments of Isis Lodge (Greg’s Mother Lodge) and Burleigh Lodge are testament to the successes of the methods Greg advocates. As of August 2009, Meridian Lodge No 404 (which was experiencing difficult times) will meet at Burleigh which effectively allows Burleigh Lodge to split in two so as to accommodate its over 100 active members. For the past two years Greg has served in the capacity of Special Envoy to the MW Grand Master. In that role he has been able to present his ‘Order in the House’ address over 75 times in Queensland, as well as to the Grand Lodges of South Australia/Northern Territory, Western Australia and New Zealand. Greg will continue the work of the past years in his role as Assistant Grand Master.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009


Lecture Tour n Tuesday, September 22, 2009 the Travelling Lecturer for the 2009 Tour of the Australia and New Zealand Masonic Research Council, Wor. Bro. Kerry Nicholls GS of GLNZ, will arrive in Perth to commence his tour. This year the ANZMRC has departed from previous formats in that a Travelling Lecturer from Australia will tour New Zealand and conversely a Travelling Lecturer from New Zealand will tour Australia.


Wor. Bro Nicholls is a fourth generation freemason and was initiated into Lodge Awatea No 258 (GLNZ) on October 27,1973 and is also a member of Hawke’s Bay Research Lodge No 305 (GLNZ). After delivering his lecture in Perth and Darwin

he will arrive in Cairns to commence the Queensland leg of the tour. The paper to be delivered in Cairns on Monday, September 28 is, “Freemasonry, Environmentalism – a way forward – is there one? Think Universally – Act Locally”. Bro. Nicholls will fly to Townsville next day in preparation for his presentation on Thursday October 1st. Millican Lodge has kindly agreed to host this occasion and it is expected that District Grand Lodge will attend together with a goodly number of Freemasons. The paper that has been carefully chosen is “The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences – the Trivium – how they originated and their place in today’s society”.

The Queensland Freemason, August 2009

Friday, October 2, Bro. Nicholls will fly to Brisbane for engagements associated with Barron Barnett Lodge and then to Toowoomba for the Toowoomba Lodge of Instruction. Every jurisdiction in Australia is taking part in the tour which will finish in Auckland on Monday, October 26, 2009. A tour publication will be available containing 200 pages with all the lectures delivered by both Travelling Lecturers at a very reasonable price of $25. I urge all to attend for a very stimulating and enjoyable night of advancing your Masonic knowledge. RW Bro. FANZMRC





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