Issue 90

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issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 1

Climate of change for forest policies?


• C-o-C forum ‘mixed bag’ for timber merchants • FSC International chief arriving for Brisbane, Melbourne events

IFA national conference ‘timely, critical’

ARE foresters – and those influencing world forest policy – adapting quickly enough to climate change .. and in the best way? Authorities on global forest management who will speak at a national conference in Queensland next month suggest they are not responding to climate challenges as effectively as they should be. “There is a major need to educate foresters of both the need to adapt to climate change and the options that are available to them,” says Professor John L. Innes, chair of forest management at the Faculty of Forestry,

Definition of sustainable forest management is continuously evolving.

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University of British Columbia, Canada. The vice-president for policy of IUFRO, Prof. Innes says foresters must have the freedom to choose those options most applicable to their particular situations. “However, the definition of sustainable forest management is continuously evolving, and managers must be prepared to address these ‘shifting goal posts’,” he says. The Institute of Foresters of Australia is holding the national conference at Caloundra on Queensland’s Cont Page 7

• New treatment process passes all tests in Queensland • Industry praises outgoing QTIEWA president • Wood biomass: opportunity lost • Watchdog: when ‘wood’ isn’t wood • Gottstein announces new scholarships • NZ forest owners welcome better border biosecurity

issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 1


Forum ‘mixed bag’ for merchants Better understanding of C-o-C, but many still unsure Dorries, general manger, Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia, Kayt Watts, chief executive, AFS, and Michael Spencer, chief executive, FSC Australia. TABMA Queensland chief executive Karen Johnston and her team are to be congratulated on a well-run ‘breakfast program’ that stressed there was ‘nothing scary’ about introducing C-o-C certification into timber businesses. Speakers said C-o-C certification had been driven by consumers and governments, but Kayt Watts reckoned the timber industry should be the driver – to keep control of it. The Q&A forum brought an avalanche of questions – most of them directed at FSC’s Michael Spencer. “This is all a painful headache for merchants,” said Rod Caddy, president of TMA Victoria. “The eventual costs could ‘strangle us’; we calculate it’s going to


PARTICIPANTS in the TABMA Queensland chainof-custody information seminar last Thursday came away with a mixed bag of emotions – a better understanding of the process, outright rejection of the need for two certification schemes, fears about the costs of implementing C-o-C, confusion over required audits and paper work .. and reluctant support. Nevertheless, every one of the more than 70 timber merchants from three states and representatives of industry organisations agreed the forum was timely, informative and very relevant. And that C-o-C will have to be embraced by all timber traders, sooner than later, if they want to hold market share. The four speakers gave excellent presentations – Colin MacKenzie, timber application and use manager, Timber Queensland, Simon

Links in the chain .. the four speakers at the TABMA Queensland chain-of-custody information seminar in Brisbane: Michael Spencer, chief executive Forest Stewardship Council Australia, Colin MacKenzie, timber application and use manager, Timber Queensland, Simon Dorries, general manger, Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia, and Kayt Watts, chief executive, Australian Forestry Standard Ltd.

Talking chain of custody .. Tony George, Ashden Trading, Malcolm Gillott, MRJ Connections, Richard Ford, A Wood Shed, and Jason Hansen, Woodhouse Timber Co.

Cont Page 3





Topics include: • Climate change scenarios • Climate change impacts and adaptation challenges for forestry • Climate change mitigation opportunities for forestry and forest The venue based industries Caloundra, a premier holiday destination • The changing role of forests on Queensland’s magnicent Sunshine • Reshaping the forestry agenda Coast just north of Brisbane • Promoting innovation in forest The dates management and processing. 6-10 September 2009 Full registration includes: • Keynote addresses from The key speakers well-credentialed forestry and Dr Ian Bevege, Professor Roger climate change speakers Stone, Professor John Innes, Penny • Concurrent sessions featuring over 50 Baalman, Dr David Brand, Kathryn oral papers and poster presentations Adams and Nick Roberts The conference The Institute of Foresters of Australia 2009 Conference - the largest forestry conference in Australia to occur in the next four years

• Climate change and forestry education panel discussions • Diverse eld days and a range of partner day tour options • Welcome reception and conference dinner with rst-class entertainment • Exhibitions showcasing a wide range of forestry services and products. Day and student registration options available.

Register online att www forestry org au/conf or contact the Conference Manager on +61 8 8125 2200 or email

Page 2 | issue 90 | 24.08.09

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TABMA QUEENSLAND C-o-C FORUM More pictures, Page 14

Sharing points of view on C-o-C are Ron Caddy, president, Timber Merchants Association Victoria, and Peter Wines, president, Frame and Truss Manufacturers Association of Australia.

Welcoming Michael Spencer, chief executive of FSC Australia, are Alicia Oelkers and Karen Johnston of TABMA Queensland.

The chain gang .. Michael Kennedy, Kennedy’s Classic Aged Timbers, Narangba, Qld, Mal Gotham, Pacific Wood Products, Springwood, Qld, and Mitch O’Mara, managing director, Tradeware Building Supplies, Capalaba, Qld.

Enjoying the TABMA C-o-C breakfast .. Matthew Deretic, national resource manager, Pentarch Forest Products, Melbourne, and Aron Narayan, Moxon and Co.

Don Towerton of Thora Wholesale Timbers, Brisbane (standing) joins Bill and David Beveridge, Beveridge Timbers, Graceville, and Tony Towerton and Justin Aaron, Thora Wholesale Timbers.

‘Not a difficult process’ From Page 2

be around $5000 per timber yard to implement – and it won’t stop there – and there are around 1000 yards, including truss plants, in Victoria.” Kayt Watts and Michael Spencer affirmed that it would not be a difficult process. Ms Watts offered the unconvinced her personal services – she

was prepared to give advice and personally inspect down-stream operations at timber yards and merchant operations in Melbourne. It is not for this writer to explain here the processes or ‘pros and cons’ of either AFS or FSC. It’s all there on their respective web sites. A fuller report on the forum will appear in the next issue of T&F enews.

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issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 3

industry news

FSC chief key speaker at awards And a breakfast in Brisbane on busy round of meetings FSC International executive director Andre Giacini de Freitas will be introduced to Australian industry at a series of functions and meetings in October. A forester by training, Mr de Freitas has extensive experience with FSC [Forest Stewardship Council], including field work as an auditor in Brazil and highlevel, strategic and policy work at the international level. Previously, Mr de Freitas managed Imaflora, a Brazilian NGO that is also the SmartWood affiliate in that country, and also developed the social and environmental policy for Rabobank in Brazil.

FSC, an independent, non-governmental, notfor-profit organisation with headquarters in Bonn, Germany, was established in 1993 to promote the responsible global management of forests. Mr de Freitas will address an industry breakfast in Brisbane on October 13 before he takes the podium as international guest speaker at the FSC Australia annual awards dinner in Melbourne the next day. The industry breakfast will be co-presented by Timber Queensland and employment and training specialist the WPC Group at the Victoria Park Golf complex at Herston.

Andre Giacini de Freitas .. operation handshake in Australia.

The FSC Australia 2nd annual Responsible Forest Management Awards on October 14 will be held at Melbourne’s Atlantic at Central Pier overlooking Docklands.

The awards recognise and reward organisations that exemplify the spirit and intent of the FSC system through their management practices, their contribution and their promotion of FSC certification and FSC certified products. Awards will be offered in seven categories: • Large Forest Manager of the Year (forest areas in excess of 10,000 ha). • Small Forest Manager of the Year (forest areas up to and including 10,000 ha). • Large Chain of Custody Operation (annual turnover in excess of $10 million). • Small Chain of Custody Cont Page 13

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24: Illegal logging code of conduct consultation workshop. Radisson Hotel, 380 William Street, Melbourne. Contact: John Halkett (02) 9356 3826. Email: 25: Illegal logging code of conduct consultation workshop. The Creek Club, 29 Edmonson Street, South Brisbane. Contact: Doug Bartlett (07) 3821 7494. Email: 25: Forest and Wood Products Australia AGM. Level 4, 10-16 Queen Street, Melbourne . Tel: (03) 9614 7544. 27: Illegal logging code of conduct consultation workshop. Home Ideas Centre, City West Complex, 102 Railway Parade. Contact: John Halkett (02) 9356 3826. Email:

SEPTEMBER 09 2-4: Wood 2009 and Bionergy 2009, Jyvaskyla, Finland. hibitions.php 4-5: Australian Timber Flooring Association Convention. Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre, Brisbane. Conference Secretariat: GEMS Event Management, Unit 15/118 Queens Road Five Dock, NSW 2046. Tel: 61 2 9744 5252. Fax: 61 2 9747 8366. Email: 6-10: IFA 2009 Conference – Forestry: A climate of change, The Events Centre, Caloundra, Queensland.Inquires to Shanna Sheldrick or Merilyn Dayman. Tel: (08) 81252200. Email: Visit

9-11: SawTech 2009 – Sawing technologies to improve mill performance. Rotorua, NZ.

13-18: 14th Fundamental Research Symposium, Oxford, UK, Call for papers by October3. 14-16: SawTech 2009. Melbourne 16-18: World Bioenergy 2009 – Clean Vehicles and Fuels 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. 16-18: International Panel Products Symposium, Nantes, France. Leading technical conference on wood-based panels focusing on sustainability and sustainable buildings. Provisional program available online. Call for papers has closed. Contact conference organiser Caroline Potapa +44 (0)1372 802101. E: caroline.potapa@pirainternational com

OCTOBER 09 8-9: New Zealand Pine Manufacturers Assn Inc. 19th AGM and conference – ‘Global Storm Clouds: Identifying the Silver Linings’. Holiday Inn, Wellington. Tel: +64 3 544 1086. Fax: +64 3 541 0187. Email: 8-9: NZ Forest Owners Association/WPA conference. Seifrieds Winery and Vineyard Conference Centre, Redwood Road, Appleby, Nelson. Inaugural event focuses on global trends, the challenges presented by the current trading environment, and ways to improve productivity,

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increase energy efficiency and create new marketing opportunities. Keynote speakers: Minister for Forestry David Carter; Jim Carle, UNFAO; Andre de Freitas, head of FSC International. Register at Contact conference manager Kylie Riley. Tel: 021 300 611. Email: 13: FSC Australia industry breakfast forum. Co-presenters Timber Queensland and WPC Group. Special guest speaker Andre Giacini de Freitas FSC International executive director. Victoria Park Golf Course, Brisbane. Contact: Amanda Boyd. Tel: (03) 8636 2661. Email:

14: FSC Australia 2nd annual awards dinner. Atlantic at Central Pier, Docklands, Melbourne. Key speaker FSC International executive director Giacini de Freitas. Contact: Amanda Boyd. Tel: (03) 8636 2661. Email: 15-16: FICA Annual Conference 2009, Kingsgate Hotel, Whangarei, NZ. 16-18: HIA Build Green Expo - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Exhibition and Events Association of Australia. Tel: +61 2 9413 9520. Web: 16: Australian Timber Design Awards regional. Cullity Gallery, Perth. Contact Timber Development Association (NSW) Tel: Laurel Clarke on (02) 9279 2366. Email: Web:

SUSTAINABLE. RESPONSIBLE. The National Association of Forest Industries (NAFI) is striving for an ecologically sustainable Australian society achieved through dynamic, internationally competitive forest industries. NAFI’s mission is to represent the interests of members by promoting the environmental sustainability and the prosperity of Australian forest industries. National Association of Forest Industries Ltd (Est. 1987) PO Box 239, Deakin ACT 2600 Tel: (02) 6285 3833. Fax: (02) 6285 3855 Web:

issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 5

industry news

re G no ist W er !

Industry praises Gerry Gardiner’s QTIEWA service

Australian Timber Flooring Convention Incorporating the National Timber Flooring Conference & Trade Exhibition

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To receive the 2009 Conference Registration Brochure Email or visit the official website Association inquiries contact ATFA 1300 361 693 Convention inquiries contact GEMS (02) 9744 5252


Page 6 | issue 90 | 24.08.09

THE longest-serving president of the Queensland Timber Importer and Exporter Wholesalers Association Gerry Gardiner relinquished his position at the annual general meeting last week. QTIEWA secretary and founding president Doug Bartlett praised Mr Gardiner’s “outstanding track record” during his 12 years at the helm of the association. Chris Woodhouse, managing director of Woodhouse Timber Company, Darra, was elected new president. Mr Woodhouse founded the company in the early 1980s and has a strong background in construction and building products. Gerry Gardiner, co-director of timber wholesaler Asia Pacific Marketing at Narangba, established in 1986, won high praise from QTIEWA members. “He has been at the front line on a whole range of industry issues since the association

was formed in 1984,” Doug Barlett said. “This has included wharfing and quarantine issues, transport and, more recently, the contentious debate on illegal logging and imports. Gerry has always tackled issues with both gloves on.” Mr Gardiner will introduce opening speakers at an industry workshop in Brisbane on August 25 held to assist the development of a code of conduct related to importation and trade of legally-verified wood products. The workshops are also being held in Melbourne (August 24) and Perth (August 27). Inquiries about the workshops and attendance at the Melbourne and Perth workshops should be directed to John Halkett at au or (02) 9356 3826. Contact for the Brisbane workshop is Doug Bartlett at au or (07) 3821 7494.

$20m plantations rescue plan THE Forest Industries Federation of Western Australia has supported a $20 million rescue package for six of Great Southern Ltd’s failed plantation projects. According to an ABC News report, WA business leader Gordon Martin has established Pulpwood Plantations and says the

company can provide working capital to bring the collapsed agribusiness’s schemes to harvest. Forest Industries Federation executive director Bob Pearce says the proposal is infinitely preferable to breaking up the company and selling off the assets at fire sale prices.

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Danger of forest policy becoming distanced from the mainstream From Page 1

Sunshine Coast from September 6 to 10, and expects more than 300 delegates to take part in a full program of technical presentations, field days and social activities. Professor Innes is one of seven keynote presenters and more than 50 session speakers will address the conference over five days. The conference will be the largest gathering of professional foresters in Australia to occur in the next four years and IFA president Dr Peter Volker says it is timely and critical when forestry issues are receiving increasing prominence in national politics, particularly in relation to climate change. Queensland Governor Penelope Wensley, AO, will open the conference on September 7 which carries the theme, ‘Forestry: A Climate of Change’. The IFA represents professional foresters engaged in forest management across a diverse range of government, industry and private forest ownership. Dr Volker said that in an international political environment moving to address previous inaction [on climate change], the need for rigorous policy

Professor John Innes .. climate change now driving the forestry agenda.

development by foresters and forest-based industries was critical to shaping public and government perception and action. A key message to be delivered at the conference is that although every situation is different, there are particular procedures and management options that will help forest managers adapt better to climate change. “To date, few actions have been taken,” says Prof. Innes. “There is an urgent need to ensure that forests utilised for timber exploitation are managed sustainably. This is a task for the international forest policy community, but their actions to date suggest that other mechanisms may need to be involved if any effective actions are to be achieved.

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“To a certain extent, this is already occurring; the current international interest in illegal logging and REDD [reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation] occurred despite, rather than because of, the forest policy community. “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was largely independent of the forest policy community, as was the Stern report, but their reports contain many references to forests and their adaptation to climate change. Prof. Innes said there was a real danger of the forest policy community becoming increasingly distanced from the emerging mainstream forest policy issues, but climate change had provided an impetus that was now driving the forestry agenda. “Climate change poses another set of uncertainties for foresters trying to plan over the medium to longterm, but foresters are accustomed to uncertainty”

Prof. Innes said. ”These additional uncertainties should not be an excuse for inaction. Instead, foresters should choose those actions that are most likely to benefit sustainable forest management while at the same time maintaining the ability of the forest to adapt to climate change. “No specific prescriptions are possible, partly because of the uniqueness of every situation, and partly because the future changes in climate remain unknown. “Forestry is increasingly regulated, especially in a country such as Australia. It is important that these regulations do not hinder foresters in managing their forests to adapt to climate change. “If the regulations are too prescriptive, then the ability of foresters to allow their forests and forestry practices to adapt to climate change may be compromised. At the same time, many groups Cont Page 8

issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 7


Climate discussed by forestry for more than two decades From Page 7

see highly prescriptive regulations as the only way to control forestry.” Every forest manager – or forest policy maker – faces a unique set of problems, before climate change is even considered. As a result, the actions taken to adapt to climate change will vary from place to place, and no generalisations are possible. In fact, prescriptive approaches to climate change would be highly misleading, and most likely erroneous. Despite all being in the relatively uniform boreal forest, the managers of forests in Alaska, Canada, and Russia have very different objectives. Even within these units, there may be major differences, such as between the manager of a forest biological reserve and that of a forest biomass plantation. “Managers must be given the freedom to choose which management options are the most appropriate for their particular piece of land. Policy makers must ensure that appropriate mechanisms exist to enable this flexibility,” says Prof. Innes. As an alternative to prescriptive regulations, Prof. Innes suggests a results-based approach where there is general agreement on the endpoint being sought and foresters are allowed the flexibility to try different paths to that point. Page 8 | issue 90 | 24.08.09

“This requires a welleducated forestry workforce that is able to recognise the potential implications not only of their practices, but of the changes in the environment (specifically the climate) that are occurring around them,” says Prof. Innes. “Forest policy must move away from prescriptive approaches to resultsbased approaches, allowing managers the freedom to adopt the best way to achieve those results, given local circumstances. “ Prof. Innes asserts that climate change is not a new phenomenon: it has always occurred, and the implications of the possibility of accelerated warming have been discussed in Australian forestry for more than 20 years. “However, in the northwest of the North American continent, there is already evidence of substantial change with major outbreaks of mountain pine and spruce beetle, droughts and shorter winter seasons for forest operations.” For further information contact the conference manager, Shanna Sheldrick, All Occasions Management. Tel: +61 8 8125 2200. Fax: +61 8 8125 2233 Email: or visit the website at www. • Editor’s note: Timber & Forestry enews has been given a selection of papers in advance of the IFA conference and will publish extracts from these leading up to the conference.

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renewable energy

Wood biomass: opportunity lost by government THE National Association of Forest Industries calls on the Federal Government and Opposition to get serious about renewable energy and fully recognise the opportunities provided by wood biomass in the Renewable Energy Target legislation. “The current legislation fails to fully include the use of biomass from forestry wood waste for electricity generation effectively ruling out a resource that could reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 3 million tonnes each year,” says NAFI CEO Allan Hansard. “We have heard a lot about the potential of wind, solar and even coal seam methane as renewable sources of energy but what has been missing or ignored in this debate so far is the key role wood biomass from Australia’s sustainably managed native forests and plantations can play in assisting Australia to meet its renewable energy target and place the economy on a low emissions path. “In fact, the recognition of wood biomass as a renewable energy source has been clearly missing from the rhetoric on renewable energy in Australia. Australia is not keeping pace with the new science on this issue and as a result is being left behind by the rest of the developed world. “International scientists on

the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 and the IUCN endorsed Forests Dialogue 2008, state that the largest carbon sequestration benefit from forests is produced by the long-term sustainable management of forests for timber, fibre and energy production.” Mr Hansard said Australia already lagged behind many other developed nations in terms of using renewable wood waste for energy generation. The European Union, Canada and USA generated a significant amount of electricity and heat from renewable resources; in Europe over two-thirds of this came from biomass, most of which was wood waste from forestry. “Broadly speaking, in Europe and North America the only limitation on the use of wood biomass fuel for renewable energy is sustainability of forest management,” Mr Hansard said. “Australia’s renewable, sustainable forest industry is managed to world’s best practice standards of environmental management. The use of wood waste for renewable energy generation would not result in a single extra tree being harvested; it would simply mean more effectively using what is now being treated as waste. “We would like to see the Greens support this as the use of wood biomass Cont Page 14

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issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 9

comment THE latest edition of a popular national magazine for architects has an interesting lead story spruiking the advantages of an environmentallyfriendly wood-look cladding that combines the natural splendour of wood .. without actually being wood. The PR ‘spin’ says that unlike real wood, the aluminium composite material for both exterior and interior facades is easy to clean and care for and is designed to enhance a wide variety of building projects. So, if you want something that appears to be superb wood, but isn’t, then this is the stuff for you. The spin also extols the product’s green credentials. So let’s turn to the federal Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme green paper of July 2008 The green paper analyses the emissions attributed to 115 industry sectors. The ‘emissions per unit’ of revenue for each industry is calculated as the direct and indirect electricity emissions associated with each industry per million dollars of revenue. Now here’s where it gets interesting. Coming in as the second highest emitter is

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The wood you’re having when you’re not having wood aluminium at 7357 emissions per unit of revenue and 6.1% proportion of national emissions. Well down the list and well below coal products, sugar cane, ready-mixed concrete, commercial fishing and even chooks, are wood products at 212 and 0.2% respectively. Last on the list of the 115 industry sector emitters and coming in at -1493 (yes minus) and -0.5% of national emissions is forestry and logging. The Watchdog notes that the revenue of the magazine in question is bolstered by five full-page advertisements for timber and timberrelated products. At around a placement cost of $5000 each, this represents a cool $25,000 spend by industry in one issue. Like many other such magazines, it carries not one single feature article on wood design or construction. Who’s fault is that?



90 not out THIS week’s Timber &Forestry enews marks the 90th edition of the widelyread on-line magazine. The fastest-growing trade publication in Australasia, T&F enews is now delivered every week to more than 6000 readers in industry – foresters, sawmillers, timber wholesale merchants, producer organisations, wood processors, engineers and many in the building sector. The editor, after more than 30 years chronicling and promoting wood, continues to extol the virtues of wood’s sustainability and its true green credentials as the preferred building material and works to protect its image against mischievous detractors.

Nothing changes

SO what have we learned in 2064 years? “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury

should be refilled, public AN occasional column that will feature new and innovative wood and forest products .. and monitor any unfair or deceptive practices that malign the sustainable credentials of the Australasian timber industry. Contributions are invited.

debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” – Cicero - 55 BC

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timber preservation

Wizardly new treatment process passes all tests at Narangba plant

Cascading technology a low-cost, high-output option A REVOLTIONARY lowcost timber preservation process has exceeded all expectations following commissioning of the first Wood Wizard plant at the itreatTimber custom-treatment facility at Narangba, north of Brisbane. The Wood Wizard Cascading treatment plant, the patented technology of TimTech

International, provides a new low-cost, high-output method suitable for H2F framing treatment. The principal of itreat Timber Pty Ltd Gerry Gardiner said the new plant, averaging 2.5-3 cub m per charge, was working well in a two-shift tandem with a CCA plant at the Narangba site. TimTech Australia sales manager Ian Clark said the

The ‘Wizard of Oz’ .. the first Wood Wizard cascading treatment plant has been commissioned at iTreat Timbers at Narangba.

new technology allowed for extremely rapid filling and emptying as well a patented cascading system which gave total timber coverage in seconds. “A typical treatment cycle is less than 10 minutes,” he said. “The patented cascading spray system has a number of major advantages over traditional spray systems, including a highly competitive treatment cost per cubic metre.” The Wood Wizard technology can be supplied either as a purpose-built plant designed to meet a customer’s individual needs, or an existing plant can be refurbished and redesigned to convert it to the cascading system. Mr Clark said the Wood Wizard plant at Narangba was in fact a converted and refurbished LOSP plant. “Currently plans are being finalised to convert a

Ian Clark .. advantages over traditional spray systems.

number of conventional timber treatment plants to the cascading system. Conversions to a fully automated plant can be done in as little as three to four weeks, depending on location and the condition of the plant.” TimTech reports unprecedented interest in the new technology and says plans for several more Wood Wizard plants are on the drawing board.

The CCA Custom treatment professionals It’s our custom to treat you right!

22 Neon Street, Narangba 4504 Queensland Tel: +61 7 3817 9999. Fax: +61 7 3817 9950 Email:

Most competitive prices and service to meet your production deadlines. Freight arranged to final destination. Our CCA treatment facility is strategically located just north of Brisbane with access to major highways. .. now with TimTech International’s Wood Wizard™ technology, a new highly-competitive, low-cost method for H2F framing treatment

TimTech and itreat Timber .. working together to provide leading wood protection technology

Advertising: Tel +61 7 3256 1779 Email:

Unit 7, 12 Discovery Drive, North Lakes 4509 Queensland Tel: +61 7 3480 5802. Mob: 0417 749 481

issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 11


Gottstein Trust has announced new forestry, wood science scholarships FORESTRY industry scholarshipsforundergraduate or postgraduate students undertaking degree or diploma courses in forestry, forest science or wood science have been announced by the J.W. Gottstein Memorial Trust Fund. The scholarships recognise the need for constant improvement through increased knowledge and skills development

Chairman Peter Gunnersen said the scholarships had the value of $5000 per annum to each successful applicant for up to three years, and may be used to meet living, relocation and educationrelated expenses. The trust fund was established in 1971 to recognise the outstanding work of forester Joseph William Gottstein. Set up as a national education trust to promote the development of Australia’s forest products industry, the trust has

granted more than 110 fellowships and several skill awards and has conducted wood science courses for those entering the industry. “In introducing the new scholarships, the trust recognises the need for constant improvement through increased knowledge and skills development in furthering the industry,” Mr Gunnersen said. “The industry also recognises the efforts of the trust with financial contributions from industry professionals, companies and through donations during annual appeals. Through these contributions, the trust is able to maintain the industry’s high standards.” The trust will determine the award based on criteria such as commitment to the fields of forestry or the forest products industry through academic and professional achievements and career goals. The criteria may vary, but will remain consistent with

Peter Gunnersen .. maintaining the industry’s high standards.

its key principle to promote the development of the Australian forestry and forest products industry. Applicants for scholarships should familiarise

Rudd ETS rejected by Senate THE federal parliament has rejected the Rudd Government’s ambitious Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. The Opposition, holding the largest block of votes in the upper house Senate, joined with Green and independent senators to defeat the

The Australian Managed Investment Scheme

(MIS) Forest Industry Review NOW AVAILABLE 140 Pages

9P5D0 F $A for y


• Introduction • MIS Definitions - Documents • Tree Crop MIS Company History • The Demise of Six MIS Tree Crop Companies • MIS Forest Crop Companies Operating in H2 2009 • The 2009 Fallout • Future Challenges and Opportunities • Conclusions • Appendices

Page 12 | issue 90 | 24.08.09

themselves with and address this principle in their applications. Before scholarships are awarded, applicants are required to demonstrate satisfactory progress in, or for new students acceptance to, their respective courses. Applications for these inaugural scholarships close on November 13. For further information, contact the Secretary, J.W. Gottstein Memorial Trust Fund. Tel: (03) 9545 2209. Fax: (03) 9545 2139. Email: secretary@gottsteintrust. org or visit the website www.

government’s plans for the scheme, set to start on July 1, 2011. Under the scheme, about 1,000 of Australia’s biggest polluting companies would have had to purchase carbon permits, covering 75% of national emissions.

The Review has been written to: • Assist Australian and international subscribers better understand this complex industry. back ney• Provide frank and independent commentary Mo arantee r u G e fo perhaps not available within Australia. t valu if “no oney” m • Suggest where the industry may be headed over the next three years. • Identify opportunities available to invest in the aftermath of company collapses. • Identify just who might be lining up to invest.


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Shane Dixon, Brims Builders Hardware, meets up with Britton Timbers representatives from Brendale David Bergman, Queensland manager, and Ross McKelvie.

Representing 5 Star Timbers at Yatala .. Tony Findlay, accounts manager, and Tony Kennedy, customer service

TABMA Queensland’s Karen Johnston, chief executive, and Alicia Oelkers, welcome Paul Rutledge, Gunnersen Pty Ltd, Archerfield, and Peter Roberts, executive director, Timber Merchants Association Victoria.

Opportunities for sponsors From Page 4

Operation (annual turnover less than or equal to $10 million). • Retailer of the Year (retailers offering FSC certified products). • Building Company/ Developer of the Year (builders using FSC certified products). • Publisher/paper User of the Year (large-scale paper uses using FSC certified paper and printers).

FSC Australia is offering organisations the opportunity to sponsor the awards. Award nominations must be submitted by 9 am, Monday, September 7, in the format available from FSC Australia directly or via the FSC Australia website. Further information about nominations and sponsorships is available from FSC executive officer Amanda Boyd. Tel: (03)8636 2661. Email: amanda@

Advertising: Tel +61 7 3256 1779 Email:

issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 13

industry news

NZ forest owners welcome beefed-up border biosecurity THE New Zealand Government decision to profile international visitors so that biosecurity measures are targeted at those who pose the greatest threat has been welcomed by the Forest Owners Association. “The resources available for border protection are finite, so focussing them in this way makes sense,” says chief executive David Rhodes. “The deliberate or unwitting introduction of exotic pests and diseases to New Zealand poses one of the greatest threats to our primary industry-based economy, as well as to public health, and native flora and fauna.

“It’s an area where MAF Biosecurity and our primary industries themselves need to be constantly vigilant. The fact that MAF Biosecurity has come up with an innovative approach to the risks posed by travellers shows it’s taking its role seriously.” Forest owners also welcome the increase in the instant fine from $200 to $400 for travellers who bring undeclared plant and animal products into the country. These fines are an effective reminder to travellers of the importance of the country’s biosecurity. “At the same time, it won’t do any harm to keep reminding travellers and

Positive triple bottom line outcome From Page 9

for electricity and heat generation is supported by many of their European colleagues, such as the WWF, where much of this wood biomass comes from sustainably managed production native forests. “Wood-waste based renewable energy could provide as much as 7% of the Government’s 2020 renewable energy target and generate an estimated $800 million in direct investment and create 2300 sustainable jobs, many of which will be in rural and regional communities “This positive triple bottom line outcome differentiates renewable wood biomass from many other forms of renewable energy, which don’t provide the ongoing, sustainable employment opportunities provided by

Australia’s renewable forest industry. “However, the draft legislation currently does not allow for this opportunity to be realised.

importers that there are fines of up to $100,000 and prison terms of up to five years awaiting those found guilty of deliberately introducing exotic pests and diseases,” says Mr Rhodes. “Even penalties of this order are but a small fraction of the costs New Zealand would bear if a breach of biosecurity led to a seriously harmful exotic organism becoming established here.”

editorial inquiries ph: +61 7 3256 1779

TQ to host top forestry events TIMBER Queensland is supporting two major forestry events over the next two months. The Institute of Foresters of Australia is holding its national conference at Caloundra on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast from September 6 to 10, and expects more than 300 delegates to take part in a full program of technical presentations, field days and social activities. TQ is sponsoring the ‘climate change’ themed conference dinner on September 9. On October 13, TQ and the WPC Group will co-present an FSC Australia breakfast in Brisbane to welcome FSC International executive director Andre Giacini de Freitas. The breakfast is at the Victoria Park Golf complex at Herston.

Request for for Tender Request Tender “Without amendments to fully include forestry wood 93,000 tonnes/annum of Thinnings Harvest and waste this legislation will Available 93,000 tonnes/annum of Haulage Thinnings Harvest and Haulage Available severely limit the ability of the forest industry to VicForests is the State Owned Enterprise responsible for the provide positive climate VicForests is the State Owned Enterprise responsible foristhe sustainable sustainable harvest of Victoria’s State Forests. VicForests calling change outcomes in harvest the Tenders from suitably qualified contractorsisfor the annual harof for Victoria’s State Forests. VicForests calling for Tenders from and transport of around 93,000 tonnes of log products from bioenergy sector and will suitably vesting qualified contractors for the annual harvesting and transport of thinning operations in native regrowth forests. have a negative impactaround on 93,000 tonnes of log products from thinning operations in native investment in renewable regrowth Three harvest and three transport forests. contracts are being offered with energy technology, terms of 2.5 years through an open and competitive sealed bid tender process. innovation and infrastructure Three harvest and three transport contracts are being offered with terms o in Australia.” 2.5 years Tenders throughclose an open and competitive tender on 9 September 2009 with sealed contractsbid planned to process. Mr Hansard said NAFI would commence from 1 January 2010. continue to work with the close on 9 September 2009 with contracts planned to commence Federal Government Tenders and Request for Tender documents can be downloaded from VicForests from 1 January 2010. website at, or if you wish to receive the Coalition to ensure the the Request for Tender documents by mail please contact Alvina Shaw renewable energy legislation 03 9608 9501 or email your company name, contact name, phone Request foronTender documents can be downloaded from VicForests websit provided the best possible details and postal address to: at, or if you wish to receive the Request for outcomes for the economy by mail please contact Alvina Shaw on 03 9608 9501 o Tender documents and environment. email your company name, contact name, phone details and postal addres Page 14 | issue 90 | 24.08.09 +61 7 3256 1779 Email:

Chain of Custody

GOTTSTEIN FELLOWSHIPS Fellowships are awarded to assist persons from or associated with Australian forest industries to further their experience, Brisbane • Thursday, August 20, 2009 education or training either within or outside Australia. Proposals are welcome from any area of the industries with an emphasis on value-adding. 433 On Logan Conference Centre Candidates will be selected on the value of the project, and on their ability to 433 Logan Road, Stone’s Corner carry it out and to disseminate the information acquired. There is no LIMITED TO 60 SEATS formal minimum educational requirement for Fellowship applicants. This important and timely seminar, organised by TABMA Queensland, will help reduce some of the confusion relating to chain of custody. ItGOTTSTEIN SKILL ADVANCEMENT AWARDS These Awards help recognise theemployment potential of persons working in the Australian forest will ensure the Queensland timber industry has the information required for compliance with legislation,Key speakers will present informationindustries and assists them, at whatever level, to improve their work skills. No formal qualifications are required. These Awards are for activities more and there will be a question and answer forum. limited in scope than the Fellowships and they take the form of a monetary grant. Speakers include: APPLICATIONS FOR YEAR 2010 AWARDS • Colin MacKenzie, manager, timber application and use, Timber QueenslandINTERVIEWS Applications for each category will be considered by the Trustees • Simon Dorries, General Manager, Engineered Wood Products Association of andpromising applicants will be selected for interviews in October 2009. Australasia FURTHER INFORMATION Further details may be obtained from the Trust’s Joseph William Gottstein Memorial Trust, • KaytThe Watts, chief executive, Australian Forestry Standard Ltd (AFS) website at or from the Secretary from whom intending • Michael Spencer, chief executive, Forest Stewardship Council for (FSC) whose object is to createopportunities applicants may obtain forms. persons from Australia’s forest and forest Registration fee: $65 pp (TABMA member) $80 pp (non-member) • Includes hot breakfast DATE FOR APPLICATIONS The closing date for applications is 11th and morning tea. Note: Arrival 7:30am. Breakfast am. Presentations am. products industries to 7:45 enhance theirbegin at 8CLOSING September 2009. Applications should be forwarded by this date to: RSVP by Friday, August 14, to: I N F O R M AT I O N S E M I N A R


applications from interTabmaknowledge, Queensland, PO Boxinvites 532, 500 Brunswick Fortitude Valley 4006 ested Street, persons for Gottstein Fellowships and Tel: (07) 3254 3166. Fax: (07) 3254 4599. Gottstein Skill Advancement Awards. Mob: 0438 295 136

Dr A. F. A. Wallis, Secretary, J. W. Gottstein Memorial Trust Fund, Private Bag 10, Clayton South, VIC 3169 Telephone: 03 9545 2209 Fax: 03 9545 2139 Email:


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issue 90 | 24.08.09 | Page 15



WEINIG HYDROMAT 23 Machine to be reconditioned not yet available for sale. Expressions of interest welcome. SH88061, 9 Spindle, 80m/min (1999)

WEINIG HYDROMAT 23 Cleaned, checked and excellent condition. 50mm spindles, 8000rpm side heads. SH1011.26, 6 Spindle, 36m/min (2003) SPECIAL $120,000 + GST!!

WEINIG HYDROMAT 22B Very good condition, 220mm infeed rollers, traded in on new Powermat 2000 SH43921, 9 Spindle, 110m/min, (1986)

WEINIG HYDROMAT 22B SH39897, 9 Spindle, 110m/min (1984)

Traded in on new Powermat 2000


WEINIG RONDAMAT 934 SH934796,(1996)

Cleaned checked and complete. Variable speed, hydraulic wheel clamping precision. SPECIAL $17,000 + GST

WEINIG RONDAMAT 912 Straight knife Grinder with face grinding and extended working width. SH912232, (1986)

WEINIG RONDAMAT 960 SH95021, Profile Grinder (2002)

Standard working width, Powerlock. Trade on new Powermat package.

WEINIG EM11 Ex demonstration machine. Up to 60m/min. Increase production, save labour. SH105855, Hopper Feed Unit (2005)

OPTICONTROL (powerlock) SH95022, Measuring stand with PowerLock (2002)

Traded on new Powermat System Package

WEINIG OPTICONTROL (standard) SH95100, Measuring Stand (2002)

Excellent condition. Was traded due to Powermat upgrade.

WEINIG OPTICONTROL (standard) SH90901, Measuring Stand (2000)

Excellent condition. Was traded due to Powermat upgrade.

OPTICONTROL (standard) SH100356, Measuring Stand (2003)

Excellent condition. Was traded due to Powermat upgrade

SAWS (all traded on upgrades to new Dimter equipment)

DIMTER OPTICUT S 50 SH1494.15, Push Feed Saw (2003)

OptiCom Assist Program, “cam” rollers in table.

DIMTER OPTICUT 200 SH3798.10, Through Feed Saw (2007) RAIMANN FLEXIRIP 6200 SH06437, Rip Saw/Panel Saw (2003)

In‐feed belt, out feed belt with ejectors, LH execution. SPECIAL $135,000 + GST !! Machine has done very little work, business requirements changed. SPECIAL $75,000 + GST !!


Driven infeed belt, dual marking station 10m outfeed 3 ejectors.

Other prices on Application – 02 9609 5911 1B Widemere Road, Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia Tel: 61 2 96095911 Fax: 61 2 9757 4773 Email:

Page 16 | issue 90 | 24.08.09

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