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Global partner in air handling solutions VTS Group


VTS Group from Gdansk, Poland, is the European leader in HVAC technology. The company is the no. 1 provider of Air Handling Units for commercial applications, focused on offering innovative products at competitive prices with a quick turn-around. This year it is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Dariusz Balcerzyk reports.

“VTS Group is a global corporation, a trusted brand and a leading supplier of air conditioning units and heating appliances. We combine the pleasure of creativity with perfection, quality and simplicity to create a new dimension of products in the HVAC sector. This goes beyond any ordinary solutions because our work is our passion,” says Ms. Hanna SiekZagorska, VTS Group CEO.

VTS Group was founded in 1989 in Poland. In 1996 it began its expansion to the European countries, and in 2001 to the Asian markets such as China, the United Arab Emirates and India. Last year (2013) saw the company move into South America and this year (2014) into North America.

VTS Group is the first European HVACR company of this size to enter the American market. “Our entry to the American market was preceded by analyses and careful preparations. This resulted in the founding of a company in Atlanta, which turned out to be an excellent location to establish our Logistics Centre to meet the needs of the entire country. Our offer, based on the solutions of the VENTUS product line, has satisfied market expectations and brought new standards of quality. Additionally, VTS offers very short delivery times, unparalleled in the

United States,” says Hanna Siek-Zagórska, president of the VTS Group.

Currently, VTS Group is a leading provider of AHUs, operating out of 92 locations in 40 countries on 5 continents, with more than 500 employees. It has production-logistics centres in Warsaw (Poland), Dubai (the United Arab Emirates), Atlanta (USA), Mumbai (India), Shanghai (China) and Moscow (Russia). Total annual output is estimated at 100,000 products. The company employs more than 350 sales representatives and franchise companies in countries such as Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and has signed dealership agreements in places such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Georgia. By the end of 2014 it is planning to expand into Mongolia and Turkmenistan.

“For the VTS Group, being 25 years on the market is not only a source of pride but also a commitment. The main core of the company’s strategy is the product itself, since we owe our strong position to our products. We have always attached great importance to achieving the best possible technical parameters, using the latest technologies. This, combined with an attractive price, allowed us to develop from a local company into the international business. We can safely say that within last 25 years the VTS has earned a position that allows us to compete with global players,” adds Ms. Siek-Zagorska. Air handling specialists

An air handling unit is a device designed for various types of buildings whose main functions cover air supply, air exhausts, air filtration, thermal treatment (both heating and cooling) and heat recovery. The additional functions of air handling units include humidifying and/or dehumidifying, air mixing and air circulation control.

The VTS Group offers streamlined, flexible and innovative AHUs with a wide range of applications. Its three major product categories are: Air Handling Units, including its VENTUS range (in AHU casing with the highest IP rating, or VTS unit casing) which utilises ground-breaking technology to eliminate

Klingenburg International

Firma Klingenburg International jest wiodącym producentem, dostawcą i ekspertem w dziedzinie urządzeń do odzysku energii cieplnej w układach wentylacji bytowej i z szerokiej gamy procesów przemysłowych oraz dezynfekcji układów klimatyzacyjno-wentylacyjnych znanym na ogólnoświatowym rynku. Produkowane urządzenia charakteryzują się najwyższą jakością oraz zaawansowaniem technologicznym.

W Klingenburg każdego dnia skupiamy się na rozwoju. W naszym ośrodku badawczo-wdrożeniowym staramy się przetwarzać nasze doświadczenie na innowacyjne technologie, które mogą przysłużyć się społeczeństwu i środowisku oraz dać naszym Klientom wymierne korzyści, nie tylko finansowe.

Klingenburg UV TECHNOLOGY to innowacyjna linia urządzeń do dezynfekcji za pomocą promieniowania ultrafioletowego UV-C. Odpowiednie wykonanie naszych urządzeń pozwala na bezpieczne i skuteczne ich stosowanie do dezynfekcji powietrza, powierzchni, produktów, opakowań, maszyn czy linii produkcyjnych. Spoglądając globalnie na problematykę zanieczyszczeń mikrobiologicznych, w ramach linii Klingenburg UVC TECHNOLOGY stworzyliśmy dla Państwa trzy grupy produktów. Daje to możliwość bezpiecznego stosowania promieniowania UVC do dezynfekcji zaczynając od domu jednorodzinnego, poprzez linie produkcyjne w przemyśle spożywczym, na skomplikowanej instalacji morskiej platformy wiertniczej kończąc.

thermal bridges, a cause of condensation on standard units; Air Curtains, including its DEFENDER range (the air curtain is a device which creates a protection barrier at the entrance to the building. It protects against the cold air when heat is in use and against dust, fumes, wind and insects in summer); and Water Heaters, including its VOLCANO range. The VOLCANO heaters form an integral part of a modern heating system. Used in buildings of medium and large capacity, they eliminate the problem of under heating and the negative influence of atmospheric conditions.

Recently, the company introduced a new VOLCANO mini water heater, the cover of which was made using new EPP technology, so far used mainly in the automotive industry where security and endurance are important. Thanks to its unique characteristics, VOLCANO mini will revolutionise the market segment of small local investments where the power demand is in the range of 3–20 kW.

Quality above all else

“The high quality of our VTS units is the result of the strict and up to date standards developed by the VTS Group and independent international leading expert laboratories. The company ensures repeatable, high quality products, regardless of the country to which they are delivered.

Our business model provides easy and immediate modification of the specification, allowing clients to adjust product orders virtually until the delivery date (until the product leaves the production plant). On-line information available to sales consultants regarding the entire flow of units, orders and sales, provides clients with up-to-date detailed information on their order status,” explains Ms. Siek-Zagorska.

Owing to its strong focus on mainstream products, VTS’s stock comprises around 1400 components which are always ready to be delivered. This strategy results in a short lead time – 75 per cent of deliveries are realised within one week from order and this allows for further cost optimisation.

Components are sourced from over 40 suppliers: these include well known global equipment producers as well as VTS associated suppliers. Once the selected components are ready, they are dispatched to one of the VTS assembly hubs or to a final client for unit assembly. Depending on the final order, the client can choose to have the unit assembled in the company hub or on-site by an authorised team. n

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