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Polish company with a European reach

OKNOPLAST is one of the five largest manufacturers of windows in Europe. The company carries out its business across 10 different markets, where it operates over 1800 offices under its own brand. OKNOPLAST is planning to further develop its international business activities. Piotr Sadowski reports.
OKNOPLAST has over 20 years of direct experience in PVC window production. Its offices, which have grown in number over the past decade or so at a truly impressive rate, are located throughout Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland. The company is proud to be cooperating regularly with the leading European suppliers of components and is rightly seen as one of the leading experts in constructing complex solutions in windowmanufacturing technologies.
What makes it so different from other competitors on the market is the fact that its wide-ranging product offer includes many unique, exceptional and patented designs for windows and doors. It offers a professional advisory and assembly service and over 70 per cent of its customers come from direct recommendations from previous clients. With its modern machine park, OKNOPLAST, amongst other production technologies, manufactures window solutions with low-emission coatings, some of which also use hardened glass.
Strong development across European markets
Headquartered in Kraków, OKNOPLAST was established in 1994 and is therefore one of the largest producers of its kind in Poland and one of the most active in Europe, with a strong position as one of the leaders in the PVC windows market. Thanks to its state-ofthe-art technologies, it is also a leader in terms of quality and innovation. By introducing innovative solutions and through its dynamic approach to meeting the needs of the market, the company has quickly and successfully established its brand outside of Poland.
Of vital importance for OKNOPLAST are Poland’s southern neighbours, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The company has been carrying out its business activities in these markets since 2004 and over the years has developed a very strong position. It is now the third largest window technology manufacturer in both countries.
The portfolio of products offered in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is practically identical to that offered for the Polish market. Sales in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are continuously growing, at an annual rate of 10 per cent compared to the year before. The strategy of OKNOPLAST involves further strengthening of its market position and securing an even higher number of clients on these markets. This will be achieved partly through the further development of its sales network, with forecasts of around 20 per cent annual growth. The company’s products in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are already available in 80 authorised showrooms.
It is also important to note that there are other important markets for OKNOPLAST, particularly Italy and France. In Italy, OKNOPLAST is the second most popular brand amongst customers when it

comes to PVC windows. Its products can be purchased in several hundreds of showrooms across the country. The company is also actively and intensively developing its operations in France, where it has been recently recognised and honoured by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland with the title of ‘The Best Polish Exporter’. In addition to European markets, the excellent and innovative solutions offered by OKNOPLAST can also be found in far-flung export destinations such as, for example, Chile and Mexico.
Standing out from the competition
One of the most effective ways in which OKNOPLAST is able to differentiate itself from its market rivals is through its well thoughtout approach to sales. Across the many sales points in Poland and abroad, expertly trained store representatives are capable of advising customers on appropriate products which will perfectly match their needs. The company is also one of very few manufacturers of windows which offer longer guarantee periods than its competitors.
Strong technologies and commitment to quality
OKNOPLAST strongly believes that not all windows are alike and therefore, through its technological back-up and carefully selected business partners, it delivers unique products and solutions. OKNOPLAST operates fully automated lines from renowned, mainly German, manufacturers and regularly invests in expanding its production facilities.
One of the most important objectives set forth by OKNOPLAST’s management board is manufacturing to the highest standards of quality. The wide-ranging stock of machinery used in the production of windows is based on the most advanced equipment from world leading PVC machine manufacturers. The production process is managed fully online using advanced software solutions which comply with all the required quality standards. The highest quality components, automated machinery and, above all, a highly skilled workforce can guarantee of the quality of OKNOPLAST’s products. The company has received the European Q-Zert certification from the German institute IFT Rosenheim in recognition of the quality of its products. OKNOPLAST manufactures its products in compliance with the European standard EN 14351:2006 and labels them with the CE logo. Market trends and future outlook
The company’s development strategy is focused first and foremost on further strengthening its European market position, as well as conquering and securing new export markets. OKNPOLAST aims to become the number one brand of windows in Europe. When working on new products and services the company will continue to cooperate closely with its business partners, so that it can even better answer the growing needs of customers. Its goal is not to follow trends, but, on the contrary, to be the trend setter. n