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Fluid progress ASSOFLUID

fluid proGress

ASSOFLUID, the Italian Association of Manufacturing and Trading Companies in Fluid Power Equipment and Components, commemorates its 50th anniversary in 2018. Its Director Mr Marco Ferrara talks to Industry Europe about the Association’s history and objectives, as well as about how it helps its members to better deal with market challenges and make use of new opportunities.

IN its 50 years of activity, ASSOFLUID has developed into a strong body representing and promoting the interests of Italian industrial leaders. From 13 founding members, the membership base has grown to the current number of 180 companies, representing 70 per cent of the Italian market and employing over 14,000 people.

Looking back, Mr Ferrara summarises the Association’s development: “It all started with several companies agreeing to work together in the 1950s. Later on, in 1962, CETOP – the European Oil Hydraulic and Pneumatic Committee – was founded. Approximately six years later, in February 1968, these companies founded ASSOFLUID to coordinate, protect and promote technical and economic interests in the hydraulic and pneumatic fields.”

The role of the Association is to represent its members in institutions, agencies and national and international organisations. It works to address technical, economic, legislative, fiscal and customs problems in the interest of its members; promote knowledge and increase the awareness of products manufactured by its members; develop technical and professional instruction by publishing manuals, organising and managing courses and promoting all forms of collaboration between members and schools and universities; and to gather and develop statistical data and economic information.

Promoting the interests of the sector

ASSOFLUID members are hydraulic and pneumatic manufacturers and distributors, which export their products around the world, with a total production value of €3.5 billion (in 2017) and a 65 per cent export share. The Italian fluid power market (worth €2.2 billion) is the fifth largest in the world, after the USA, China, Germany and Japan.

“In the 50 years of its activity, ASSOFLUID has become the most important Italian reference for all the operators in the fluid power sector,” says Mr Ferrara. “The benefits the Association offers to its members are many and include a wide range of services from the statistical field, such as quarterly and annual economic surveys, cost variation index and statistical cost surveys, to publication of documents relating to European Directives and Regulations governing the sector, for example the Machinery Directive, Pressure Equipment, ATEX and others.

“The Association also offers its members the opportunity to participate in the most important fluid power exhibitions including the Hannover Messe, PTC Asia and IFPE to name just a few, through Italian pavilions organised directly by ASSOFLUID or in collaboration with ICE – the Italian Trade Agency,” he explains.

ASSOFLUID has joined Confindustria, the leading organisation representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy, and Federmacchine, the National Federation of Associations of Manufacturers of Capital Goods intended for Industrial and Handicrafts Manufacturing Processes.

“Through the support of Confindustria, ASSOFLUID can have regular dialogues with institutions, suggesting themes and issues to be elaborated and allowing its members to participate in events and/ or conferences promoted by these institutions. This is a continuing relationship, always subject to updates to reflect the issues related to the industrial world,” says Mr Ferrara.

Valued support

He points out that Industry 4.0 is now undoubtedly influencing the fluid power sector, not only in terms of components and systems, but also regarding companies’ internal processes, which are forced to adapt quickly to this new industrial phase in order to compete in international markets.

“The Italian industry, including our sector, has always been characterised by the high quality and reliability of its products, with the most high-tech production standards, allowing our companies to be among the market leaders worldwide,” says Mr Ferrara. “One of ASSOFLUID’s objectives is therefore to promote ‘Made in Italy’, through its presence at international exhibitions and using proper marketing tools. Also, being aware that the right level of hydraulic and pneumatic skills is a determining factor for competitiveness, we have implemented the CETOP Education Programme, i.e. sets of competence-based qualifications to meet the occupational levels of those people involved in the maintenance and management of fluid power systems.”

ASSOFLUID helps its members to adapt to market developments, reflecting new technological advancements as well as more wide-reaching concerns. “Environmental protection is certainly a topical issue, but there are other subjects related to industrial and technological development that are important, such as occupational safety,” Mr Ferrara points out. “Over the years, laws and regulations regarding occupational heath and safety have been promulgated both in the European Community and in Italy, with a significant, direct impact on machine safety. In our sector, this relates for example to the enhancement of hydraulic safety valves and power packs.”

Mr Ferrara makes it clear that ASSOFLUID will continue to strive to support its members both at the national and international levels. “We want to continue to be a valid support for all our members as they represent an important sector of the national economy and contribute significantly to its successful development. That has been and will be the key role of the Association.” n

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