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liquid assets Pentair

liquid assets

Pentair is a global leader in the provision of water treatment solutions for residential, commercial, municipal and infrastructure applications. The company has seen strong, consistent growth over the years via its strategic acquisitions and high-tech equipment protection and thermal management products. Philip Yorke reports.

Pentair is a global company dedicated to building a safer, more sustainable world. It develops ground-breaking products and solutions that help to make the best use of available water resources. Pentair’s advanced technologies move the world forward by ensuring that water is plentiful, useful and pure, and that critical equipment and those near it are protected. The company continues to see strong growth and in 2017 recorded revenues of around $5 billion. Today the company employs more than 18,500 people worldwide.

Smarter sustainable solutions
Pentair’s Executive VP and Chief Growth Officer, John Jacko, told Industry Europe that by 2015, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas. Pentair believes that the health of the world depends on reliable access to clean, safe water and it strives to help people around the world to make the most of this most precious resource.
In July this year Pentair showcased its latest innovative water treatment technologies at the 2018 Singapore International Water Week. As a leading global water company with a comprehensive range of sustainable water solutions, Pentair has a long history of enabling people, communities and industries to access clean, safe water, reduce water consumption and recover it.
Phil Rolchigo, Pentair’s Chief Technology Officer, said, “Our work on the Keppel Marina East Dual Mode Desalination Plant clearly demonstrates how Pentair’s advanced technologies can help address water shortage challenges. We are proud to be the technology partner to Keppel Infrastructure and PHB, Singapore’s national water agency, on this important endeavour. Once the
Plant is completed in 2020, the 30 million gallon per day Keppel Marina East desalination plant will be its fourth such installation and the first large-scale, dual-mode plant that is able to treat both seawater and freshwater from the Marina Reservoir.
Pentair contributes to this major project along with its engineering services division that includes Pentair X-Flow ultra-filtration (UF) membranes, Pentair Codeline pressure vessels and Pentair Haffmans / Union Carbon dioxide (CO2) injection systems.
This will be the first large-scale desalination plant in Singapore to use the Direct Coupling UF-RO, (Ultra-Filtration Reverse- Osmosis) approach in its process design, where the filtrate from the UF pre-treatment is fed directly to the downstream RO process. This advanced design eliminates the need for an RO break tank and pumping stage, thus providing significant cost savings, as well as minimising space and reducing energy consumption.
A rising star
The influential US Environmental Protection agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy named Pentair as a 2018 ‘Energy Star’ Partner of the Year, a Sustained Excellence Award winner. The

honour marks the fifth year that Pentair has gained recognition for its continued leadership in protecting the environment through superior, innovative energy-efficient technologies.
Pentair, an Energy Star Partner since 2013, has been recognised for leadership in manufacturing energy-efficient pool pumps that earn the energy Star, the government-backed symbol of energy efficiency. In order to qualify for a coveted Energy Star certification, pool pumps must be at least 30–72 per cent more energy efficient than typical traditional pumps.
“More than a decade ago, we began a journey to help our customers enjoy their pools whilst saving energy, which sparked an industry-wide revolution, when we became the first to introduce variable speed technology to the pool industry,” said Jerome Pedretti, Aquatic systems Vice-President, Pentair.
Pentair Eco Select® efficient pumps have helped US consumers to save more than 1.5 billion between 2015 and 2017, which translates to more than 14 billion kilowatt hours of energy saved.
These significant kilowatt savings have helped prevent the release of nine million tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is the equivalent of 18.9 billion car-driven miles.
Delivering sustainable solutions
As a global leader in helping to manage the world’s valuable water resources, Pentair is delivering smarter, more sustainable solutions across the entire water and wastewater landscape, from advanced filtration, desalination and water supply to water disposal, process and control. For industrial processing and wastewater treatment Pentair has been unveiling its latest advanced filtration technologies.
These include the Pentair X-Flow Helix, which is a breakthrough tubular membrane-based wastewater solution that helps to prevent the build-up of insoluble particles in high-solids Ultrafiltration while increasing productivity by up to 100 per cent and lowering energy consumption by up to 50 per cent.
The company’s Pentair X-Flow Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) is designed to treat high strength and high solids industrial wastewater streams. Pentair’s unique AnMBR technology, efficiently delivers a cleaner water streams for direct reuse or safer discharge to the environment, whilst simultaneously producing methane-rich biogas as a renewable source of energy. n
For further details of Pentair’s latest innovative products and services visit: www.pentair.com