Industry Update Issue 103 August/September 2018

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Industry Update


Issue 76 February 2014 $12.00 INC.GST

Issue 103 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 $12.00 INC.GST



POWER POLITICS While debate continues about the National Energy Guarantee and the role of renewables within the national mix of generation, Australian industry remains saddled with elevated energy costs that threaten its international competitiveness and in some cases its very existence. Although gas and electricity prices have moderated from their historic highs of 12 months ago, they are still at levels that leave many questioning how an energyrich nation like Australia could come to this point. “It’s staggering with the amount of energy that we export that we can’t satisfy local demand at a reasonable price,” says Mark Ferguson, CEO of Southern Cross Compressors. “Costs

need to halve for Australia to be competitive again,” he adds, citing the plight of many local Victorian businesses that are struggling to keep afloat while negotiating their new supply contracts. Many are reporting a doubling of energy contract prices, and stories like that of Cheltenhambased printer Complete Colour (see p20), which was quoted a 135% increase are not uncommon. It doesn’t help that there is

no single cause of the problem, apart from a decades-long lack of stable government policy that has made any large-scale investment in generation assets a risk too far for any commercial generator. However, successive reports from various bodies have identified any number of causal factors. Of these, this year’s investigation into the National Energy Market (NEM) by the ACCC was the most comprehensive, and dared to suggest that it is the way in which the NEM is structured that has enabled generators to “game the system” by withholding supply Continued page 4





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have the resources to go after every transgressor and enforce payment. So, anything that encourages such companies to make up the money voluntarily has to be a good idea. And the proposed amnesty is just such a good idea.

There are many occasions when politicians of either complexion really should learn to step back and think about the implications of their opposition before they go blindly ahead and just block a good idea. The Government’s proposal to create a 12-month amnesty for companies to come clean and make up any shortfalls in their payments of the 9.5 per cent super guarantee is a case in point.

So it is particularly disappointing that the Labor opposition has been so vocal in its distain for the amnesty proposal, with both Bill Shorten and Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen condemning the idea and the Labor party attempting (so far without success) to block the enabling legislation.

I personally have no “axe to grind” here. Industry Update makes a point of paying all its obligations on time. But I know of a fair few companies who have fallen behind in their payments, and I’m certain that an amnesty would provide a strong impetus for them to put matters right.

Is it strange that the party of the working classes is seeking to block legislation that is designed to put money back into the superannuation funds of those very workers? Of course it is.

Don’t forget, we’re talking about employees’ superannuation entitlements here, and it’s reckoned that the scale of the problem is immense. Just for 201415 the ATO estimates that the shortfall is almost $3 billion! So employee super funds must be light to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. We all know that for all its strong words, the ATO simply does not

When Donald Trump withdrew the USA from the Paris Accord on Climate Change, he gave climate change sceptics around the world a barrage of ammunition with which to derail their own national initiatives. And yet the ammunition remains unfired. The remainder of the world remains on track to meet (or in most cases beat) the CO2 targets they set and agreed. And – get this – the USA will meet its emissions reduction target with years to spare. That was never the problem. Trump’s issue with the Paris Accord was that the world’s developed nations are expected to provide financial support for emissions reductions in developing nations. For a newly elected president keen to be seen to be reducing his nation’s overseas aid bill, this was as easy a decision as it has been to harangue the other members of NATO for not being perceived as pulling their weight.

The Labor party’s insistence that employers should not be able to get away with underpaying without punishment is taking its anti-business ideology to new extremes, and it is its own supporters that would fail to benefit.

So it is particularly unfortunate that certain factions within Australia should take the view that “if it’s good enough for the USA, it’s good enough for us”, citing Trump doctrine as being relevant to solving the nation’s energy price crisis.

Surely an extreme example of cutting off your nose to spite your face!

These are the same factions who cherry-pick soundbites from carefully

researched reports and use them to justify their point of view. Little wonder that Australia’s Chief Scientist Alan Finkel was so outraged when his almost throwaway line that Australia’s emissions reductions would have negligible effect on the global climate was seized on as an excuse to do nothing. The facts are that Australia will easily achieve its CO2 reductions agreed under the Paris Accord, regardless of any changes to government policy. The targets were set low enough to be attainable. What is really worrying though is the latest research that suggests other mechanisms of climate change are at work that could well be triggered by the existing levels of humaninduced global warming. These so-called natural “feedback” processes have the potential drive further warming - even if we stop emitting greenhouse gases. Naturally, it is important when talking about climate science to differentiate between theory and scientific observation, and the feedback process theory is currently just that. But I wouldn’t want to be around if this theory was to become fact.

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27.07.18 11:22




Continued from cover

and then charging exorbitant prices in times of peak demand. And this was before generator AGL announced an almost trebling of its net profit in 2018 to $1.6 billion on the back of higher power prices and favourable hedging contracts. However, the ICCC report did acknowledge that there were entry barriers to more competition into the generation market, and proposed that the government should encourage investment by entering into fixedprice energy offtake agreements for the later years of new generation projects. The Federal Government’s solution is the National Energy Guarantee, which it reasons will lead to lower energy costs regardless of the generation mix that it covers. And, crucially, the NEG requires all generators to sign contracts agreeing to supply a minimum amount of energy to be available at all times. However, the arguments that continue to rage are not about the

guarantee, but about emissions reductions, which are effectively a separate issue. Surprisingly, this aspect has been appreciated by no less a body than the Clean Energy Council, which joined other stakeholders to call on the states to approve the design of the NEG “as soon as possible”, and now says that the outcome of the COAG meeting constituted a “sensible step forward.” While the NEG has drawn strong support from industry groups from the Ai Group and The Business Council of Australia to Australian Energy Council and Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association, it has yet to gain the full support of the states and territories – which is required for its implementation. Nor does it have universal support within the Coalition Party Room. The limited acquiescence of the states at the COAG meeting is a step in the right direction, and was greeted as “a positive step towards cementing a durable framework for energy and

climate” by Ai Group Chief Executive Innes Willox. However, Willox went on to point out: “Only the COAG Energy Council has the power to actually finalise the guarantee mechanism. Only the Federal Parliament has the power to actually agree an emissions reduction target, and that outcome can be revisited whenever the Parliament wishes. No good purpose is served by making one element of

the package hostage to the other.” There is still a good deal of negotiation before the NEG can be implemented in any form. But there is broad agreement that the guarantee aspect is the best chance there is to reduce power prices. In the words of Innes Willox: “An agreement as quickly as possible is to the benefit of all, especially Australian employers and their workforces who are being put at risk by indecision.”

CONTENTS FROM THE PUBLISHER................... 2


INDUSTRY POLITICS....................... 6

TEST & MEASUREMENT................ 26

INDUSTRY NEWS.............................10


MACHINERY.................................... 42

SPOTLIGHT.......................................14 Tente: Wheels in motion

Is the Pro Maker movement reshaping manufacturing?

SAFETY.............................................. 48 ENVIRONMENT.............................. 54

ELECTRONEX PREVIEW................17

CLEANING........................................ 34

PRODUCTS...................................... 56

ENERGY............................................ 20 Environmentally responsible printer cuts energy bills with solar

FLUID CONTROL............................ 38

FUN & GAMES.................................. 62















MATERIALS HANDLING.................41 Pallet truck meets trailer in perfect match


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© Copyright Industry Update Media Pty Ltd 2018 Circulation 19,030 as at November 2017

Readership 76,120 as at November 2017

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By Senator Michaelia Cash

Cybercrime is a potential threat to just about anyone who has any form of interaction with a computer. Or even a phone. We store and share our personal information on an increasing number of devices. These technological advances offer fantastic benefits to our quality of life and productivity. But they also present new types of vulnerabilities to us as individuals and as a nation. Losses from cybercrime are estimated to cost billions of dollars to the international economy each year. In fact, according to Lloyds of London, poor cyber security costs the world about $400 billion annually. This trend presents its own opportunities. Providing products and services for good cyber security is a big business these days: the global cyber security market is currently worth more than US $71 billion – and it’s constantly growing. It’s also a major priority for the Australian Government. Strong cyber security underpins Australia’s economy, protecting the information, ideas and finances that flow across each and every sector It is a fundamental element of our prosperity and confidence and is vital for our national security. Getting cyber security right will mean Australia can capture more of the benefits the connected world offers. The rapidly expanding cyber security industry also presents opportunities for clever, talented and entrepreneurial Australians to get involved. To create opportunities for industry in this sector, and to enable the growth of other sectors, the Government established a Cyber




Security Growth Centre in 2016 to grow and strengthen Australia’s cyber security industry. The Cyber Security Growth Centre – known as AustCyber – is leading the development of a vibrant, globally competitive cyber security industry that both contributes to Australia’s economic growth and helps address the threat of cybercrime. AustCyber is one of six Industry Growth Centres that have been established to build Australia’s capability in sectors of competitive strength and strategic priority. The growth centres are enabling Australia’s transition to smart, high-value and export-focused industries, and the Government will invest $238 million in the growth centres over the next four years.

“pitching” events, giving some 30 cyber security companies the chance to directly pitch their innovative solutions to government and business representatives. The most recent event took place in early June. Seven firms pitched solutions ranging from next generation authentication to cyber security skills and education platforms to government officials in Canberra. Education and training are vital for developing a pipeline of cyber security professionals. AustCyber has been working with a number of TAFE organisations to develop a nationally consistent cyber security curriculum. This is the first time a TAFE curriculum

Education and training are vital for developing a pipeline of cyber security professionals. In the year-and-half it’s been operating, AustCyber has chalked up numerous achievements. It’s taking Australian companies overseas on important international trade delegations, including Australia’s biggest ever cyber security mission in partnership with Austrade in April 2018. The AustCyber-Austrade mission went to the east and west coasts of the USA and facilitated engagement with hundreds of potential customers, investors, and advisers. AustCyber has also been focused on giving cyber security companies the best possible opportunity to secure new customers at home. It has hosted a series of successful


on any subject has been coordinated at a national level and it will help to ensure that Australia can meet its cyber security workforce demands into the future. Creating a thriving cyber security industry is critical for the whole country, and we will only achieve this by collaborating across borders. That’s why AustCyber has partnered with state and territory governments to roll out a national network of cyber security innovation nodes. For example, my home state of Western Australia will host a node focusing on critical infrastructure, cybercrime and big data. This will leverage the cyber security research expertise of Edith Cowan

University in Perth, as well as the local cyber security industry. Australian cyber security success stories include QuintessenceLabs, a Canberra-based IT security firm with a branch office in Silicon Valley. It was the world’s first company to harness some of the quantum properties of lasers to safeguard sensitive data. It works closely with researchers at the Australian National University and was named Australia’s most innovative small company by the Australian Information Industry Association in 2014. AustCyber is helping to ensure that many more innovative Australian companies follow in their footsteps by bringing the next generation of cyber security technologies to market and exporting them worldwide. This will create new high-skill jobs, boost export revenue and turn our country into a global leader in cyber security. Australia’s cyber security sector has enormous potential. AustCyber is helping the nation realise this potential, as well as helping to safeguard our cyber security. And that’s great news for Australian industry. Senator Michaelia Cash is Minister for Jobs and Innovation.



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By Senator Kim Carr

Making good public policy always involves getting the details right. But it is equally important that we never lose sight of the big picture. When we talk about industry policy, we should not forget that at the deepest level it is an answer to this question: what sort of country do we want to be? Having a clear answer to that question is especially important at the present time, when the so-called fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is transforming the way the world works. The catch phrases associated with Industry 4.0 – big data, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence and automation – are too often associated in media reporting with drastic disruption that threatens people’s livelihoods. These gloomy reports usually rely on predictions for which the evidence is dubious and which are constantly being revised. For example, the much-cited estimate in the 2013 paper by Michael Osborne and Carl Frey that 47 per cent of existing jobs are at risk from computerisation has been abandoned by Osborne himself. It is a given that modern advanced manufacturing will increasingly use robotic systems, especially in routine and repetitive tasks. We are not Luddites, and the choice we face is not whether to accept or reject robotics. The real choices will be about how to introduce

new technologies in ways that enhance human potential, including the creation of new forms of skilled labour. But in order to be able to make those choices we must first invest in the communications infrastructure that makes Industry 4.0 technologies possible. That is why the previous Labor government announced the creation of the National Broadband Network, using optical fibre connected direct to the premises. The factories, businesses and households of the future would be able to access information relayed at the speed of light.

broadband rankings and there has been a 204 per cent increase in complaints to the Telecommunications Ombudsman about NBN faults in 2017. Disillusion with this multitechnology mess keeps growing. Just last month, a survey on au found that one in three NBN users would switch back to their old network if they could. Worst of all, from an industry point of view, is that 42 per cent of businesses reported their NBN connection was unreliable. The provision of reliable connectivity at

...42 per cent of businesses reported their NBN connection was unreliable. When the Coalition came to office, the then Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, dismissed Labor’s NBN as a utopian project that would be too expensive. He promised a cheaper network that would be delivered earlier, using a mix of second-rate technologies.

high speed was the whole point of building the NBN, and the lack of that high-speed connectivity means that Australia’s Industry 4.0 future is receding.

We know what happened to those promises. Instead of costing less, the mixed-technology NBN is delivering an inferior broadband service at greater cost to the taxpayer.

The Internet of things – the connections between computers embedded in machines – is what makes smart factories possible, and the Internet of things requires access to big data, the extremely large data sets that can be analysed by computers to reveal patterns and associations.

The rollout is nearly four years behind the promised schedule, and there has been a cost blowout of $20 billion. Further, Australia has slipped from 30th to 51st in international

That kind of analysis depends on fast Internet speeds if the computers interacting with each other in the smart factory are to combine efficiently with humans to do all the things smart

factories are set up to do. In other words, the original vision of the NBN, which was derided by some as an unnecessary extravagance, was a sensible and prudent longterm investment in Australia’s future. By abandoning that investment, we have made the task of unleashing the potential in Industry 4.0 much harder to achieve. To address some of these service issues Labor has announced that Shorten Labor Government would establish an NBN service guarantee to establish wholesale service standards for fault repair, connection delays and missed appointments. That is just a beginning, and Labor will have more to say on the NBN as the election draws near. The sorry state of the NBN is a reminder of why we need to keep the big picture in mind. If we lose sight of it, we’re highly likely to get the detailed decisions wrong, too. Senator Kim Carr is the Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.

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NAME CHANGE REFLECTS BUSINESS BEYOND SOLAR Following extensive growth of the business, Beacon Solar (a division of Beacon Lighting Group) has changed its business (trading) name to Beacon Energy Solutions. Beacon Solar has been in the energy efficiency/solar market for more than 10 years, with the business initially offering residential solar systems, then becoming fully commercial in 2015. The group has made a strategic decision to transition to the name Beacon Energy Solutions, to be more aligned with its offering of energy efficiency measures for businesses. Beacon Energy Solutions offers commercial solar systems, both

grid connected and off grid, battery backup and storage, HVAC and building management systems, commercial LED lighting upgrades, solar lighting and carparks, energy audits, water treatments including hot water heat recovery, $0 upfront finance, power purchase agreements and monitoring/metering services. “Essentially, Beacon offers complete energy efficiency solutions to our commercial clients,” says Mani Kaparakis, General Manager, Beacon Energy Solutions. “Our business and product offering has grown beyond solar systems, and this brand refresh reflects our success in this market.”

Following the huge success of the first Workplace Health & Safety Show in Melbourne last May, work is well under way preparing for the 2019 event at the Sydney International Convention Centre. The show, which will be on the 22nd and 23rd May 2019, will again be an integral part and the official exhibition of the festival of workplace health and safety in Australia called #Safetyscape. It will also be the only trade show in Australia that has the full support of the Safety Institute of Australia – the official national voice of workplace health and safety. Crucially, the show will give exhibitors access to large numbers of motivated visitors, and demand is already high for exhibition space at the event.



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The Australian Made Campaign has named Ben Lazzaro as its new Chief Executive, succeeding Ian Harrison, who steps down at the end of July. The announcement was made following the organisation’s board meeting this week in Melbourne.

The acquisition of Kockums Bulk Systems by Canada-based multinational Premier Tech almost didn’t happen. But now, with the integration of the companies well under way, the synergies brought about by the deal are beginning to take effect.

Lazzaro, who has an engineering and communications background, has been with Australian Made since 2011, initially as Marketing & Communications Manager and latterly as Deputy Chief Executive. He has more than 15 years experience across a variety of management, sales, marketing and communications roles in consultancy, agency and in-house capacities. According to Australian Made Campaign Chairman, Glenn Cooper, the Board has had a succession plan in place for some time, saying that: “Ben has been a key contributor to the success of the organisation and the Australian Made logo for many years now. “Ben’s combination of skills and experience, paired with his understanding of country of origin matters, have him ideally placed to lead the organisation into its next exciting chapter,” added Cooper. Lazzaro is looking forward to his new role. “It’s a real honour to be given the opportunity to lead this organisation and I thank the Board for that. “While enormous progress has been made, there is opportunity for the Australian Made team to further strengthen this

Kockums MD Francois Steyn explains: “Premier Tech first made contact at an Auspack show some years back. They were very much focused on our packaging machinery operations, and how well the two product lines would work together.” Australian icon, here and overseas.” Lazzaro acknowledged the leadership of outgoing Chief Executive Ian Harrison in establishing the Australian Made logo as Australia’s global product symbol. “The logo has become one of the most powerful sales and marketing assets for businesses that make and grow products locally,” he said. “It makes the Australian connection instantly, clearly and with authority, and is synonymous with quality and integrity – a truly global product symbol for our growers and manufacturers. Ian Harrison was central to achieving that and to the enormous progress of the campaign over the last 14 years. “The challenge ahead is to build on this success, evolve the Australian Made offering and continue to deliver value to Australian manufacturers and growers, as well as consumers the world over.”

However, as anyone who knows Kockums Bulk Systems will know, while the company’s work with packaging machinery is a serious part of the business, the real heart of the organisation is in its expertise in powder handling. Indeed, the company owes its origins to its development of dense phase pneumatic conveying technology during the 1950s when it was still part of the Swedish Kockums engineering and shipbuilding group. And it was this technology that three of the company’s engineers led by Ivan Price developed further when they formed Kockums Bulk Systems in 1989.

former Chairman Ivan Price, who has taken the opportunity to step back into a part-time consultancy role. For now, the company name remains Kockums Bulk Systems, although Steyn acknowledges that with time that name will become a brand within the Premier Tech Chronos portfolio. Ironically, one of the strengths of the Premier Tech Chronos packaging line-up is its bag filling machinery, which ties in perfectly with Kockums’ powder-handling expertise. Says Steyn: “We are now a centre of excellence for powder handling within the group.”

According to Francois Steyn: “It took a long time and a lot of meetings before the guys from Premier Tech came to appreciate what we really do, but once the penny dropped the synergies really started to become apparent.”

Another aspect that is changing is that the Melbourne-based operation is taking responsibility for the sales and support of the full Premier Tech Chronos portfolio of packaging machinery.

The deal was done in early March this year, and the integration of Kockums Bulk Systems into Premier Tech Chronos (the company’s industrial equipment group) is well under way. All staff have been retained, including

According to Francois Steyn: “That was one area where Premier Tech were immediately impressed with our setup – our service and support operation was way beyond anything they had locally, so we really were a good fit.”











MACHINERY HOUSE HAS A NEW HOME IN MELBOURNE For a company that is almost synonymous with the term “in the shed”, the new Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse branch in Melbourne could not be further from the point. Earlier this year, the company moved just 4km down the road from its previous premises and into a new century so far as facilities are concerned. Not that the new showroom and warehouse in Dandenong South are any larger than those they replaced. At 5500m2, the new facility is almost exactly the same size as the two separate buildings the Hare & Forbes Melbourne team used to call home. It is, however, a 21st century building, built to modern standards and using modern technologies. This means, for example, double-glazing throughout and state-of-the-art sensor-controlled LED lighting.

The result is a fresh, clean and bright look that is drawing praise from staff and customers alike. “All 30 of our existing staff made the move,” says Branch Manager Andrew Wearne, “and they all love the new premises.”

Operationally, the new setup, with the showroom, centre store and main warehouse all under the one roof makes life considerably easier for the staff, with a streamlined stock flow and easy access to the multiple loading bays. The main warehouse has been designed to hold 30 days worth of stock, although Wearne estimates it at more like two to three months worth. At the front of house, the showroom is spacious and brightly lit and populated with all the usual Hare & Forbes suspects, with CNC and conventional machine tools together with sundry other workshop equipment, accessories and consumables.

“Our customers certainly seem to like the new showroom,” says Wearne, “and seem happy to spend longer browsing than they did at the old showroom.” He also remarks that the new showroom seems to appeal more to female customers, who may have previously been put off by the ambiance of the original showroom. “All told, the move has been a tremendous success,” says Wearne. “An we now have a facility that not only increases our engagement with the people of Melbourne, it puts us in a better place to service the high demands of our customers from all over Victoria.”


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With an all-new corporate image for 2018 and a growing share of the Australian market for castors and wheels, Tente Australia has come a long way since the then Moore Equipment was transformed into Tente Castors & Wheels in 2012. Operating from still modern facilities in western Sydney and with a well established distribution network covering all the states and territories, the company is benefiting from the positive aspects of being majority owned by one of the world’s biggest players in the castors and wheels market, while retaining its independent heritage and tradition as a supplier of a wide range of materials handling and warehouse equipment. This makes the Australian operation unique among the Tente worldwide network, which comprises some 30 different operating companies and over 100 agents, all of which are uniquely focused on their local castors and wheels markets.

Tente Australia MD Grant Smith is a veteran of the Moore Equipment days, and he says that the balance of the company has changed since the merger with Tente. “In those early days, castors were probably only 40% of our business,” he says. “But now it’s more like a 65/35 split between the castors and the materials handling.” Ironically, during that same timescale, Smith says that Tente’s competitor’s have moved in the opposite direction. “There are several other castor companies within Australia that have diversified, and they’ve moved into the materials handling markets where we’ve been strong for decades,” he says. So, what of the Australian market for Tente’s core products of castors and wheels? According to Grant Smith, there are a number of market niches where Tente’s quality German-engineered products are dominating. “The medical

area is big for us at the moment,” he says. “There’s a good deal of investment going into hospital rebuilds and refits, and there are several very successful medical equipment OEMs.”



And while the business level may not be as high as it is in Europe, where Tente gained its reputation as the number one supplier to the medical sector, it remains a major slice of the action for Tente in Australia.

different trollies and luggage-moving equipment is serious business for Tente in Europe, but with even Qantas offshoring its kitting and maintenance, there is very little in Australia.

Other market sectors where Tente is strong worldwide are relatively small in Australia. The airline market, for example, with its large assortment of

One area that has been a challenge of late is the light and medium duty industrial market, where Smith says there is a large volume of low-cost product



A BRIEF HISTORY OF TENTE WORLDWIDE he history of the Tente began in 1923 in Wermelskirchen, Germany, where the company founder Adolf Schulte began selling castors for sliding cupboard doors. The company soon began making its own ranges of castors and eventually expanded to a new factory in TenteHerrlinghausen in 1959. In 1968, castor production exceeded 10 million units for the first time. The 1970s saw the establishment of subsidiaries in South Africa and the USA, and acquisitions in the 1980s expanded the company’s European operations.

Smith. Our focus is on Solution selling and project related work.

coming out of Asia. And, similarly, the market for heavy-duty castors and wheels appears to have peaked with the resources boom, although the construction machinery sector remains buoyant. Where the Tente castor range does score well is in its level of technical innovation – combining a substantial R&D organisation with the traditional values of German engineering does tend to pay dividends, according to Grant


For example, he highlights the company’s introduction of a wireless central locking system for medical apparatus castors. “We’re certainly the biggest player worldwide in that technology, and it’s solving problems that people didn’t know they had!” The company’s pioneering work in synthetic castors has also proved important. “Synthetic castors today are just as strong as traditional metal designs, and they’re really starting to take off, especially where cleanliness, infection prevention and corrosion are issues,” he says.

And what of the Australian company’s continuing activities in the materials handling market? “We’ll certainly keep our focus on materials handling,” says Smith. “Our customer base demands it, and in the local market we really do need that diversity of product.” Those products are mostly produced by a select group of local contract manufacturers that have been working with the company for many years, producing materials handling equipment to quality levels that match the exacting standards that Tente applies to its castors and wheels.

The 1990s saw numerous awardwinning product introductions, together with further European expansion, which continued into the new millennium with the acquisitions of a leading manufacturer of furniture castors and a polyurethane specialist to expand the company's heavy-duty range. In 2005, Tente set up a subsdiary in China, and in the following years added further subsidiaries including Canada, Norway and Japan. Tente Australia has been operating in Lidcombe, Sydney since 2013. Now in 2018 Tente has a new brand identity and a new logo, signifying that it has come a long way from the original Tent logo from 1923.

Indeed, visiting the company’s showrooms in Lidcombe, if you didn’t know the history of the company you would be hard pressed to distinguish locally made products from those from Germany. This makes the parent company’s new image a doubly positive move for the Australian operation. Gone is the Castors & Wheels suffix: the company is now known as Tente and with the mission of “better mobility, better life”. And when you think about it, that applies just as well to materials handling as it does to castors and wheels.




TELECOMS BUSINESS FILLS THE SME SERVICE GAP There’s a new name in the telecoms business that has been set up specifically to help Australian SMEs to make the most of their communications infrastructure. TelcoHQ is fully Australian owned and operated, based in Sydney and operating Australia wide. The company is the brainchild of Managing Director Clint Pilgrim, whose career has spanned many years working for some of the big names in the Australian telecoms industry. “It has become very noticeable that the service aspect has been left behind by some of the major players in the market,” he says. “And smaller companies that don’t have the in-house resources are struggling to make the most of their telecoms resources.” One smaller company that can testify to that sentiment is Industry Update, which had been paying for four phone lines plus internet access, but spent several months with only two working lines, despite complaints to successive telecoms providers. According to company owner Scott Filby: “We had even got as far as the Telecommunications Ombudsman, who found in our favour, and while we received a refund, we still didn’t have the four lines we were contracted for.” Fortunately, Scott Filby had kept in touch with Clint Pilgrim, who had previously worked for one of the company’s former telecoms providers. And when Clint returned to Industry Update with his new company TelcoHQ, the problem was sorted out in the space of a few hours.

FAMILY-OWNED OPERATION MARKS HALF CENTURY – AND COUNTING Leading supplier and manufacturer of packaging and industrial supplies, Signet is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Still proudly Australian-owned and operated by the Winson family, Signet is now one of the top 100 private companies in Queensland, with a staff approaching 300 and a full national reach through a distribution network covering Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Townsville.

Managing Director Clint Pilgrim

Says Filby: “Having spent so long dealing with telcos who thought it was OK just to connect the lines to the building without caring whether we could use them or not, it was a relief to find somebody who didn’t regard us as somebody else’s problem and made sure we had lines we could actually use!” One area where Clint Pilgrim sees significant demand for TelcoHQ’s services is in transitioning companies to the NBN. And to this end, the company has partnered with a range of Tier 1 wholesalers to offer a range of NBN plans for business, backed up by its ethos of providing the sort of service and backup required to get SMEs up and running in the shortest possible timeframe. TelcoHQ 1300 193 299

Founded in 1968 by John Winson as Ace Marking Equipment, the company was renamed Signet in 1989 when it expanded its product range into packaging supplies. “We were on a family holiday down to Byron Bay and we came up with the name Signet,” says Winson Group CEO Jack Winson. “Signet comes from the signet ring. That’s what people used to make their mark with. Our roots were in ink and marking, and that’s why we chose the name Signet.” Over the years, Signet has evolved to become both an Australian manufacturer of products, as well as a supplier. The company has national contracts with some of Australia’s largest logistics companies, including Toll, Ceva, TNT and DB Schenker, and most of Australia’s major retailers, such as Woolworths and Metcash. In addition to distributing leading industrial brands, such as 3M, tesa and uvex, the company also sells an exclusive range of Signet's Own products and manufactures industrial and HAACP accredited stretch films and plastics, marking paints, inks and aerosols, labels and signs in Australia. Signet credits a lot of its success to having a customer centric philosophy, and the company has received numerous awards from Customer Service Institute of Australia.

Winson Group CEO Jack Winson

This philosophy has led to the odd game changer over the years. For example, in 1993 the company’s first ever buyers guide was the first comprehensive product catalogue in the industry to include pricing for every product. Signet has long been recognised for the value it places on team members throughout the organisation, and the significant contributions they make towards building trusted relationships with clients. “At the end of the day, it’s about growth, opportunity and security—for everybody who works with us,” says Sandra Winson, Sales and Marketing Operations, Corporate Marketing. As a long-term investment in upand-coming talent, the company offers a two-year Signet Graduate Programme to give university graduates an opportunity for personal and professional development in a thriving business environment. Looking to the future, Signet will continue to support and encourage its team to form long-term, outstanding relationships with its clients and help Australian businesses better compete in the wider marketplace. Signet 13 74 46

LOCAL MD SEES HIGH-TECH, CLEAN AND EXCITING FUTURE Dean McCarroll is the new Managing Director of Okuma Australia and Okuma New Zealand. He replaces long-standing MD Philip Hayes, who has retired. McCarroll has spent more than 40 years in the machine tool business with the last 30 years in management roles. He was first employed by Okuma Australia as National Sales Manager and has been General Manager for more 16


than ten years, working closely with Hayes over this period. Okuma is a major supplier to Australian and New Zealand manufacturing industry, with a range that multi-tasking machines, double column machines, 5-axis machining centres, CNC lathes, grinders, robotics and machine tending systems. Okuma Australia and New Zealand are wholly owned subsidiaries of Okuma Japan.

According to new MD Dean McCarroll: “It’s our people that truly define Okuma with their passion, integrity, experience and knowledge and this becomes the hallmark of what we stand for in the market as we partner with our customers from the first meeting.

in Australasia as high-tech, clean and exciting.”

“In keeping with industry trends I see my role as continuing to expand the professional development of our team and to highlight that engineering

Okuma Australia 03 9757 5888





Australia’s only dedicated trade event for the electronics industry will this year be held in Sydney in September. Electronex – The Electronics Design and Assembly Expo will be staged on 5th and 6th September at Rosehill Gardens Event Centre with free parking for visitors. The expo is now in its 9th year and alternates annually between Sydney and Melbourne. With over 90 companies represented at the expo and a technical conference plus free seminars featuring leading international and local industry experts, this is a must see event for decision makers, managers and engineers designing or manufacturing products that involve electronics.

This year’s event will feature a host of new product releases as well as advanced manufacturing solutions as Australian companies embrace the move towards niche and specialised manufacturing applications. In recent years there has been a resurgence of companies sourcing products and solutions from Australianbased suppliers as local manufacturers seek out specialist applications and recognise the expertise and quality control that is available locally. In addition to featuring a wide of range of electronic components, surface mount and inspection equipment together with the latest test and measurement products and other ancillary products and services, companies can also discuss their specific requirements with contract manufacturers that can design and produce turnkey solutions for specific applications. The last event in Sydney in 2016 attracted more than 1200 electronics

design professionals; including electronic and electrical engineers, technicians and management; along with OEM, scientific, medical, IT and communications professionals, defence, government and service technicians.

Leading international speakers Susy Webb and Jasbir Bath from the USA will join local presenters to deliver a wealth of information on electronics design and manufacture, embedded systems and new product development.

A series or free seminars will also be held on the show floor and will provide an overview on the latest hot topics and technology to provide visitors with an insight into the latest trends and developments in high-tech manufacturing. The sessions will run for around 40 minutes and visitors do not need to prebook. For seminar session times and free registration for the trade show please visit the show website.

Workshop sessions include: Designing beyond simulation; Building a bridge from design to manufacturing; Design for manufacturability and reliability; The complexities of designing with fine pitch BGAs; Part placement choices and consequences; Printing and its affect on manufacturing yield; Reflow, wave and rework soldering process optimisation in electronics manufacturing.

The SMCBA Electronics Design Conference details can be found & Manufacture Conference (founded at or in 1988) will also be held concurrently contact Andrew Pollock at the SMCBA with the expo, bringing together local on 03 9571 2200. Melbourne Park Function Centre and international speakers to share 11-12 September 2016 information critical to the successful design and development of leadingAustralasian Exhibitions and Events edge electronic products and systems 03 96762133 engineering solutions.

Design, Develop, Manufacture with the latest Solutions Showcasing new innovations in Electronics and Advanced Manufacturing


Registration Online

Melbourne Park Function Centre 11-12 September 2016 Rosehill Gardens - Sydney 5 - 6 September 2018 In association with


Organised by




ALL-ALUMINIUM ENCLOSURES ARE STRONG BUT LIGHTWEIGHT On Booth B26 at Electronex, Hammond Electronics will be showing the new 4U heights and 559mm depths added to all sizes of its popular RM family of 19in and half-width rackmounting and desktop enclosures. The strong and lightweight instrument cases are supplied as easyto-assemble flatpacks.

Manufactured entirely in aluminium with a hard-wearing black powder coat finish, the units are available with plain or vented top and base covers. The front and rear panels are interchangeable and all 19in sizes are supplied with front panel mounting angles. Adjustable rear panel mounting

angles are also available as an accessory for the 457mm, 1 to 3U versions. All sizes are supplied with self-adhesive rubber feet for desktop use. Hammond Electronics 08 8240 2244

ALUMINIUM ENCLOSURES MAKE ELEGANT INTERFACES New from Rolec OKW at Electronex (Stand 26), the SmartTerminal range of robust but elegant aluminium enclosures is made up of a uniform profile cross-section with variable length design with a range of accessories to allow a variety of tabletop and wall-mounted applications.

The Smart-Terminal design includes a recessed area for membrane keypads/decor foils and flat interface surfaces with ample space for accommodating different operating elements, switches or displays. The complete enclosures are


Electronex 2018 will see Element14 launch the new Raspberry Pi3 Model B+, which is the latest product in the Raspberry Pi3 range. This latest version is based on a 64bit quad-core processor running at 1.4GHz, and comes with dual band 2.4/5.0GHz wireless, Bluetooth 4.2/BLE, faster Ethernet and PoE capability via a separate PoE HAT. The dual band wireless comes with modular compliance certification allowing the board to be designed into end products without the need for



further wireless compliance testing. This saves costs and speeds time to market. Visitors to Stand D26 will also be able to check out the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Starter Pack, which contains all the official products required to get started with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. Element14 1300 361 005

available with dimensions of 170 x 50mm (width x height) and in profile lengths of 160, 200 and 240mm.

Rolec OKW Australia New Zealand 02 4722 3388


Helios Power Solutions will feature the EtherTek RMS series of remote monitoring cards on Stand C2 at Electronex. The RMS is a unique remote monitoring, data acquisition, and control device specifically designed for use with battery powered wireless Internet repeater sites, or other AC and DC powered remote equipment. Power consumption is particularly low at only 1.2W from any 10-60V power source. And the card uses embedded

Ethernet technology for Internet data acquisition and remote voltage monitoring. Based on the Linux operating system for versatility, stability, and security, the RMS Series is suitable for tasks from measurement of wind turbine and solar panel output to fuel tank level monitoring.

Helios Power Solutions 02 7200 9200



MINIATURE JOYSTICK CONTROLLER HAS NOVEL BACKLIGHT As the APEM distributor for Australia and New Zealand, Control Devices will be featuring APEM’s new TS series Thumbstick on Stand A15 at Electronex.

is similar in size and operation to “gamepad” controls, and is easy to install with its plastic threaded housing. It is ideal for use in applications such as UAVs and materials handling remote controls.

This miniature joystick uses contactless Hall-effect technology to provide long life proportional control,

The latest addition to the range includes a patented LED backlighting

option that uses an overmoulded polycarbonate “Castle” style actuator to effectively diffuse the LED and provide illumination over a wide viewing angle. Control Devices 02 9330 1700

SOLDERING STATION PROMISES PRECISE TEMPERATURE CONTROL On Stand A2 at Electronex, Altronic Distributors will be launching the T 2460A high-power temperaturecontrolled soldering station, which features a novel intelligent microchipcontrolled design and touchscreen display.

This soldering station has been developed to meet the present and future lead-free soldering needs of the electronic assembly industry and is suitable for work on SMD electronics. The ergonomic handle with a short distance between heating element and tip allows very fast heat up time and

quick heat dispersion. The sensor and heat transfer technology employed ensures the precision temperature regulation required for making consistent, reliable soldering connections. The temperature is maintained to within +/-3°C.

Altronic Distributors 1300 780 999






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ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE PRINTER CUTS ENERGY BILLS WITH SOLAR Complete Colour has always considered itself to be Australia’s leading environmentally responsible print company. At its base in the Melbourne suburb of Cheltenham, the company has set itself some ambitious sustainability targets – and it continues to meet and exceed these targets with monotonous regularity. Managing Director Tim Michaelides proudly states that “98% of products and materials we buy into the business gets either recycled, reused or delivered to our clients as finished product,” which leaves precious little going to landfill. Indeed, when the company was awarded Wastewise Gold certification by the Victorian Government in 2007 it was the only print company to be given that recognition. Complete also operates a solvent recycling system to massively reduce its solvent wastage and has rainwater tanks capable of holding 7000 litres of water to service most areas of its print works. Printing is a relatively energyintensive industry, particularly for a company like Complete that operates for 24 hours up to 6 days a week, subject to demand and capacity. The company had been looking at the option of reducing its carbon footprint by installing a rooftop solar system, but at the time (in 2016) could not justify the return on investment. However, when Michaelides came to negotiate the company’s new electricity supply contract in the second half of 2017 he was staggered to find that the energy component was going to rise in price by a massive 135%. Clearly action was required, and so Tim Michaelides set about investigating the case for rooftop solar, and eventually

engaged Beacon Energy Solutions to conduct a full energy analysis of the business. The choice of Beacon was an interesting one – not least because Complete has been Beacon’s printer of choice for some 15 years. However, as Michaelides puts it: “They not only had a good understanding of our requirements, they combined this with a complete understanding of both solar and the fiscal benefits, and that swung the decision.” Following the energy analysis, Beacon set about overhauling Complete’s energy budget, both indoors and out. In addition to a 200kW solar panel installation, the company replaced almost 1000 light globes with energy-efficient LED alternatives,

dramatically reducing the company’s power consumption and upgrading the lighting performance throughout the print works. The solar installation is made up of 728 panels, each capable of 275W output. Installation began in November 2017, and the system was operational by February 2018 and live and connected to the grid in April 2018. Beacon Energy Solutions handled the entire installation process as well as smoothing the way through the somewhat complex legal requirements that surround any commercial solar installation of this scale. This included all the paperwork necessary for the installation to create LGCs (or largescale generation certificates), which Complete can now trade on the LGC market. The initial results from the solar installation have been encouraging, bearing in mind that the sun is not at its best during the winter months in Melbourne. The installation provides extensive data on the solar power generation and the overall power consumption of the plant. According to Tim Michaelides, on the 6th June the installation generated 442kWh of power for consumption, which as he puts it “is an excellent



number considering June is the month with shortest days of the year! So we are expecting great things in the longer daylight months from November to February.” If the power generated does exceed the demand during the summer months, it may well cause Michaelides to revise his views on another part of the energy jigsaw – battery storage. “We did consider battery storage,” he says, “but at today’s prices it isn’t viable for us.” “But that’s not saying it won’t be in the future,” he adds. “The solar installation has aided our competitive advantage,” says Michaelides, “thus avoiding price increases in the manufacturing component of the work that we produce.” The company had previously been fully audited and was able to offer client carbon offsetting through the Climate Friendly organisation. Now Michaelides admits: “We need to update this as solar power will reduce this cost to our clients.” Beacon Energy Solutions 1300 237 652 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018



Screw Compressors For full range scan QR code or go to Call 1800 763 883 for all of your compressed air needs.

Exair’s 303SS air jets available from Compressed Air Australia provide reliable and efficient blowoff and cleaning in corrosive, high-temperature, and washdown environments. The 0.125in stainless-steel air jets outperform open tubes and pipe nipples in parts cleaning, drying and cooling applications. Temperature rated up to +204°C, the jets produce as much as 5.56N of force on the target, and are available in both fixed and adjustable formats.


Exair air jets use the Coanda effect to pull in the surrounding ambient air and increase the total volume of air impacting the target area, and as a result they use very little compressed air in operation. Both the outlet and inlet can be ducted for remote positioning. Typical noise level reductions are 8 to 10dBA compared with an open airline. Compressed Air Australia 1300 787 688




MAINTENANCE - THE KEY TO LOWERING THE COST COMPRESSED AIR If you have made a considerable investment in a compressed air system for your business, then you know the costs of running it… or do you? With energy prices escalating at an alarming rate, the cost of generating compressed air to meet industry demands is impacting bottom lines to a greater extent than ever before. And while it’s virtually impossible to control energy pricing, it is very possible to reduce or at least stabilise those costs. Air compressors are complex machines, and wear and tear will adversely affect performance over time resulting in less efficient air output and delivery. Although every machine will eventually reach the end of its economically viable life, conducting regular and predictive maintenance will greatly extend that life. Lack of consistent inspection and regular maintenance of compressed air systems invariably leads to inefficient and costly system performance and premature breakdown caused through: • Blocked filters and separators increasing power consumption • Increased oil carryover due to elevated temperatures • Reduced air quality due to poorly maintained line filters • Poor lubricant condition • Joint and seal leaks

Regular inspection, testing and adjustments by professional technicians will definitely save a great amount of money on the costs of running the entire system and ensure reliable output to meet your demands. Fact is, the savings made from energy conservation and minimal downtime over the life of the equipment will far outweigh the servicing costs required. It is quite remarkable how many breakdowns could be avoided through scheduled maintenance. Many compressors break down simply because fluids and filters are not changed at the right intervals, replaced with low-cost spares or preventive checks are not made before major problems arise. From a safety point of view, poorly maintained compressors can significantly increase the risk of incidents that with regular servicing would otherwise not occur. “We are very aware how important it is to all compressed air operators to maintain a highly reliable and efficient system,” says Shane O’Brien, National Service Manager at Southern Cross Compressors. “Businesses that operate on compressed air cannot afford to have the system falter or stop. We are also mindful of the fact that every client has different needs and to this end we have created flexible service plans that cater to individual requirements including budgetary considerations. We also

Many breakdowns could be avoided through scheduled maintenance

provide a 24/7 national support network.” If you are unsure as to the state of your compressed air system, then Southern Cross can perform a simple air leak survey or total system audit using the latest leak detection and system testing technology. The ensuing report will often uncover a surprising potential for huge savings on energy bills after repair or replacement of faulty components. Regular professional servicing and preventive maintenance of your compressed air system also ensures you will know when to replace or upgrade your compressor and/or ancillary equipment before it reaches the end of its economical life. This provides the opportunity to install advanced technology compressors and equipment that has been designed to run at significantly lower energy input than equivalent older machinery. Southern Cross now offers one of the worlds widest selection of compressor types and sizes to suit specialised industry requirements.

Southern Cross can perform a simple air leak survey or total system audit using the latest leak detection and system testing technology.



O’Brien adds: “Our service technicians are trained to identify and advise our clients when continued repairs and maintenance on old equipment gets to the point when replacing the compressor with an equivalent or upgraded model simply makes Economic sense. Our new rotary screw compressors and particularly our twostage models supply a higher air output

with less motor capacity which saves a lot of energy over a relatively short time.” “The option of variable speed drive technology means your compressor will only run at the capacity needed to meet scheduled production demands,” says O’Brien. “This means a lot less unnecessary wear on the compressor and system and an even greater saving in energy costs throughout the life of the system.” O’Brien concludes: “I welcome anyone wanting professional advice on setting up a maintenance programme or wishing to upgrade to the latest compressed air technology to reduce their energy bills. Due to the superior engineering in these compressors, Southern Cross also offers a unique ‘Lifetime Warranty’ on the airends in all our KHE rotary screw models.” Now more than ever manufacturers need to be extremely vigilant in maintaining their compressed air systems to ensure maximum output with the lowest possible energy cost. Regular professional maintenance of current systems and upgrading to new energy-efficient machinery will ensure that compressed air is a convenient and effective power source for industry both now and in the future. Southern Cross Compressors (Australia) 1300 098 901



NEW COMPRESSED AIR TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PIPELINE Recently returned from visiting parent company Kaishan’s major manufacturing and research facility in China, Mark Ferguson, CEO of Southern Cross Compressors (Australia) is excited at the fact that the company is setting the pace in advanced global compressed air technologies. Already one of the world’s largest manufacturers of quality, industrial air compressors, Kaishan and its global group companies including LMF Austria, Kaishan Technologies USA and Southern Cross in Australia are determined to maintain the viability of compressed air as a convenient and effective power source for industry throughout the world. Says Ferguson: “After observing the huge investment on research and development that Kaishan and our group companies around the world are devoting to continual improvement in machinery efficiency and durability with a high priority to manufacturing the most energy efficient and

Materials Handling Solutions Technical Support

Spare Parts Partnership Programs

Maintenance environmentally effective compressors available, I am totally convinced that we at Southern Cross are offering the best and most advanced products on the world market today.”


Powder Handling

“Whilst our current range of compressors is already state of the art, we will soon be introducing revolutionary compressed air technology to Australian industry that will establish Southern Cross as market leaders in this country for years to come,” adds Ferguson. “More compact, low energy intake for air power output than ever before thought possible… watch this space!” Southern Cross Compressors (Australia) 1300 098 901

Proven turnkey systems for powder processing industries. Delivery to dispatch.

Packing & Palletising

Shrink Wrap

WIPE AWAY WITH AIR Exair Super Air Wipes from Compressed Air Australia produces a 360° airstream that can blow off, dry, clean or cool the material passing through it. The split design can be clamped around any continuously moving material such as wire, cable, pipe, hose and extruded shapes.

Wrap Around

Lifting Systems

The Super Air Wipe ejects a small amount of compressed air through a thin slotted nozzle that pulls in high volumes of surrounding room air. The airflow uniformly ejects from the 360° of its inner diameter. The coupling brackets that hold each half of the Super Air Wipe together can be latched or removed quickly, and additional shims can be installed if more blowoff force is required. The air velocity can be varied using a pressure regulator, and instant on/off control provides precision blowoff. Air consumption is 314L/min at 5.5bar, and the sound level is only 82dBA. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018


Ergonomic solutions for manual handling tasks. CE compliant Super Air Wipes are Available from Compressed Air Australia in aluminium and stainless steel with diameters from 13 to 102mm. Larger diameters up to 279mm are available in aluminium only. Compressed Air Australia 1300 787 688


(03) 9457 8244 Call to speak to your local representative INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU



MEASUREMENT SOFTWARE SPEEDS INSPECTION TOWARDS INDUSTRY 4 CAM2 2018 is the latest generation of FARO’s CAM2 software platform, specifically designed to enable users to attain the full operational potential of their FARO hardware, ranging from small to large volume measurements. The software improves the user experience through its seamless integration with the company’s portable coordinate measuring machines (including the FaroArm, FARO ScanArm, FARO Laser Tracker, and FARO Cobalt Array Imager), an advanced user interface that streamlines and simplifies most inspection activities, and new reporting dashboards that facilitate short cycle, actionable intelligence. CAM2 2018 is the only metrology platform that includes repeat part management (RPM), a function that allows any user to conduct inspections, enabling more control over the actual inspection routines. This information is then reported to a cloud database, where process trends and reports can be viewed by anyone within the organisation on a web browser or mobile phone.

These guided inspection routines come with real-time feedback and guidance, which help to ensure consistency in inspections across operators and makes it easier to increase the efficacy of inline inspections. QuickTools can also be shared across the company on a singular network, allowing similar parts to be measured in multiple locations without compromising on consistency and quality.

Technologies: “FARO believes that intelligent measuring and evaluation systems are important for the progression towards Industry 4.0. The Internet of Things allows the transformation of inspection data into knowledge, and increases the data’s digital footprint within a customer’s organisation — and FARO products are already an integral part of the manufacturing and quality assurance processes.”

Repeat part management The RPM function consists of three components: the RPM Control Station, RPM Control Server, and RPM Control Centre. The RPM Control Station is an extension of the CAM2 2018 ecosystem. An inspection program or QuickTool of a part can be made either offline or with a real-world part and this can be published to and accessed via the central RPM Control Server at the click of a button and executed by the stand-alone RPM Control Station application. The resulting inspection report information can then be viewed with any web browser via the RPM Control Centre. With RPM, a user can upload a CAM2 2018 QuickTool to perform a fully guided inspection routine through the RPM Control Station, enabling the inspection process to be executed by anyone, anywhere across the factory floor, and on any connected FARO device, through a simple graphical user interface.



In addition, there is also the possibility of integrating the CAM2 2018 with the FARO Cobalt Array Imager for example, onto production lines — whether as a stand-alone unit, as part of a rotary table, or with multiple imagers combined as an array — manufacturers can automate their production inspection process.

The road to Industry 4.0 According to Willie Tan, Product Marketing, Asia Pacific, FARO

With the CAM2 2018 software, users can quickly and easily accomplish their measurement tasks and capture actionable business data through its intuitive user interface and imageguided, automated measurement workflows. The software provides a seamless and manageable measurement experience for all users, without the need for extensive training or expertise, along with accurate and comprehensive insight into their measurement results. FARO also offers the CAM2 Remote app on Apple platforms, where users can also use their Apple devices to

communicate with their CAM2 platform wirelessly, and thus conduct remote measurements: run commands, change scanning modes, take positions, and see results in real time. The RPM Control Station feature allows data to be accessed easily, and such data can be used by both metrology and non-inspection professionals. Application of the data can be expanded beyond the inspection of individual pieces, to include the management of manufacturing operations while looking at real-time process trends, analytics, historical performance, as well as an archive of inspection results. For example, a plant manager can simply access the data dashboard on his mobile phone while he’s out, to ensure that everything is running smoothly on the production floor, or to make an informed decision in response to an urgent situation on the production line. Similarly, a manufacturing engineer can monitor whether the process yield trend is moving out of tolerance and initiate the necessary process adjustments or tool changes where needed. Furthermore, the ease of use and infrastructure of CAM2 2018 and its RPM functionality eliminates the complexity of setup and management of a cloud-based system. This empowers smaller companies to enjoy the same benefits that usually only larger multinational organisations have access to, without any additional hardware or extensive IT support. FARO Technologies +65 6511 1350


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Available now from Balluff, the BOS 21M is a newly developed multifunction optical sensor offering a choice of background suppression, energetic diffuse, retroreflective and through-beam sensor technologies. All sensor functions can be configured via IO-Link while the system is running, and even a remote teach-in can be initiated by the controller. In addition the sensor detects actual operating conditions, collects and processes information and provides far more data than just the switching signal. Detected signals are and preprocessed in the sensor, reducing the burden on the system controller and reducing the data volume on the system bus. Smart diagnostic functions provide important information such as life expectancy, operating hours and functional reserve. The sensor keeps track of emissivity values as a measure of its signal quality so that errors such as dirt buildup, sensor misalignment, setting errors or other irregularities can be reliably detected

The BOS 21M is also the first sensor of its type to optically monitor the output of the emitter LED directly and to determine the "stress level" by means of the sensor interior temperature and the supply voltage. Balluff 03 7620 4100

Available now in Australia from Mouser Electronics, the TE Connectivity AmbiMate MS4 series sensor module combines four core sensors on a single PCB assembly for easy integration in a variety of building automation, lighting, and smart home applications. AmbiMate sensor modules are pre-engineered and assembled, allowing manufacturers to devote valuable design resources to other important tasks. Each module includes sensors for motion, light, temperature, and humidity, with options for sound, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. All modules share a common sevenposition connection, and so a single PCB footprint can accommodate every available sensor configuration.

The sensor modules are ideal for building automation applications requiring environmental data. For example, engineers can use one or more modules to capture VOC and CO2 concentrations and evaluate air quality. Alternatively, a network of modules can detect occupancy, humidity, temperature, and light levels, allowing building controllers to adjust indoor lighting, HVAC equipment, energy management, and other zonal environmental controls. Mouser Electronics +852 3756 4700

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SMART CAMERAS IMPROVE THE IMAGE OF MANUFACTURING Banner VE Smart Cameras from Turck Australia provide flexible solutions for all types of industrial vision applications, including item detection, part positioning, feature measurement and flaw analysis. With its compact and rugged aluminium housing and the option of sealing to IP67, the VE is ideal for harsh manufacturing environments, including those where washdowns are the norm. There’s a choice of four different resolutions, right up to 5Mpixel, which is ideal for detection of fine details on large or complex targets. A Gigabit Ethernet port ensures speedy data transfers, and there are six optically isolated I/Os and a dedicated light connector to help set up a complete vision system, together with communication options of EtherNet/IP, Modbus/TCP, Profinet and RS-232.

Banner's free and easy-to-use Vision Manager Software enables even complex applications to be set up in minutes. Turck Australia 1300 132 566 watch?v=435BX97vdBg

LINEAR MEASURING WHEEL SPRINGS INTO ACTION Available now from Control Logic, the versatile Tru-Trac encoder features a novel adjustable springtensioned mounting with the option of either a rubber or aluminium wheel and can be used for tracking velocity, position and distance over a wide variety of surfaces. The preassembled Tru-Trac encoder can be fitted to new or existing machinery in minimal time, and its simple-to-adjust torsion load ensures a firm grasp onto moving product without causing excess wear. The durable composite housing eliminates static build-up, and the unit can be mounted in almost any orientation and operate at speeds of over 15m/s. Tru-Trac encoders are ideal for new builds and retrofits in applications

such as web tension control, paper monitoring, glue dispensing, material length counting, printing, conveyors, labelling, and materials handling. Control Logic 1800 557 705


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THERMAL IMAGERS AND DMMS COME TOGETHER FOR MAINTENANCE Rounding out the new FLIR range from RS are the DM62 and DM66 true-RMS digital multimeters for electrical and field service engineers and technicians. Combining a rich feature set, precise measurements and quality construction, the units offer measurement of voltage, current, frequency, capacitance, and temperature (with impedance on the DM66). All of these new FLIR test and measurement products are now shipping from RS in the Asia Pacific Available now from RS Components, the latest range of thermal imaging tools from FLIR includes an advanced thermal imaging camera along with a wide selection of new handheld multifunction tools. The FLIR E53 is the new entry level product in the FLIR professional range of handheld cameras, which brings thermal imaging within reach of the large number of maintenance engineers and technicians that need the capability to identify hot spots before they lead to expensive repairs. The easy-to-use E53 is ideal for spotting the build-up of heat in electrical and mechanical applications, as well as delivering the resolution needed to detect temperature changes that indicate a deficiency such as inadequate insulation or moisture intrusion.



The rugged unit is water resistant and can survive a 2-metre drop. It includes Wi-Fi connectivity; a 5Mpixel camera; a 4in colour touchscreen; and a 240x180 resolution detector that offers more than 43,000 points of temperature measurement and a temperature range up to +650°C.

region. The DM166 is a low-cost multimeter with a built-in 80 x 60 thermal imager, ideal for troubleshooting and diagnosing issues in both high- and low-voltage applications.

RS Components 1300 656636

Also new from RS are three FLIR handheld units that feature the company’s infra-red guided measurement technology. The DM285 is an all-in-one industrial true-RMS digital multimeter and thermal imager that enables users to find hot spots or temperature anomalies. The CM275 is a clamp meter that combines thermal imaging with electrical measurement, providing a fast and reliable way to identify hot spots and overloaded circuits from a safe distance.


A radar beam focused like a laser! The future is 80 GHz: a new generation of radar level sensors

The latest cutting-edge technology from the world leader: the unsurpassed focusing of VEGAPULS 64. This enables the radar beam to be targeted at the liquid surface with pinpoint accuracy, avoiding internal obstructions like heating coils and agitators. This new generation of level sensors is also completely unaffected by condensation or buildup and has the smallest antenna of its kind. Simply world-class!

Wireless adjustment via Bluetooth with smartphone, tablet or PC. Compatible retrofit to all plicsÂŽ sensors manufactured since 2002.



By Kelvin Tse

A new tribe is forming, one that could disrupt the old way of doing things by taming chaos. Chaos is a powerful force, something that isn’t always fully appreciated. In most walks of life chaos is something to avoid, but under the right circumstances, it delivers results. Take toll roads, for example. In most cases, there are more tollbooths than lanes, which aids with the flow of traffic and reduces congestion on one side but results in more vehicles than lanes on the other. But instead of this leading to collisions every few seconds, drivers somehow manage to embrace this chaos and get on their way without incident. Choreographing that kind of traffic control using traditional methods would be impractical, it relies instead on the awareness of drivers, their understanding of how vehicles move and an appreciation for their own actions. Chaos tamed. The Maker Movement might be observed by some as chaotic because it has little respect for ‘the right way’ of doing things and, instead, does things its own way. Makers do not fit a common profile; they come from all walks of life and with vastly different skillsets. The one thing they do have in common is a desire to create something that didn’t exist before, or perhaps just their own version of something that does exist. Where they perhaps differ is that in the eyes of the conventional engineer, that thing, whatever it is, would probably need to be better in some way; the maker may be happy with just different. Technology makers are people that use single-board computers (SBCs), modules and other electromechanical products to build something. They are the latest in a long line of can-do people.

a nail, but when you have an SBC, you have an almost infinite number of tools at your disposal: this is what is so appealing to technology makers. If you are a home baker there are only so many ways you can combine ingredients, but if you are a technology maker you are limited only by your imagination, or in the case of the Maker Movement, the imagination of others willing to share their ideas. At an inflection point, a maker may become something more; meaning it could be time to start conforming. While this might involve meeting preconceived expectations of what is and isn’t acceptable, the area between these two extremes is grey. The term “pro maker” is not established and certainly not as commonplace as “prosumer”. The latter denotes someone who consumes professional-grade products for nonprofessional reasons (such as an enthusiastic but amateur photographer). A pro maker would arguably be someone who operates in the reverse fashion: taking maker products (such as SBCs) and applying them to a ‘professional’ purpose. There is a history of using consumer off-the-shelf components in applications beyond traditional consumer products, and perhaps the same is happening in the realms of the technology maker. Increased access to platforms that combine high performance and low cost with preconfigured functionality is enabling makers. It means a maker can take an off-the-shelf device and give it a specific function within a very short timeframe.

DIYers can be described as a tribe of makers, as can home bakers. Anyone who creates something from a basic palette of materials can legitimately call him or herself a maker, as evidenced by the huge range of crafts and skills on show at the recent UK Maker Faire.

In an engineering environment, the pro maker wouldn’t be subject to the usual design cycle or peer review process. The result would be a ‘tool’ with a single purpose, and when that purpose no longer exists it can be repurposed just as quickly and easily. It could, for example, be a piece of test equipment designed to stress test an electromechanical latch, or a device to monitor the footfall in a particular area of a factory.

When all you have in your toolbox is a hammer, every problem looks like

An abundance of sensors that can easily extend the functionality of a



standard SBC, often accompanied by code examples, means that complex systems can be constructed with barely any deep design effort. The value of such a system, even if its lifetime is limited to hours, could be huge. This approach is gaining momentum in traditional areas of engineering. The process of taking something, ideally of low cost, and adding value to it underpins entire economies, but these same dynamics do not necessarily apply in the Maker Movement. Traditional economics dictate that the available market for an end product needs to be high enough to justify the expense and that while the margin is higher than the cost, manufacturing should continue; the so-called law of diminishing returns. This model doesn’t reliably factor in the value to an individual end user; rather, it approximates the total value to the available market. If you are a maker then the end market is effectively one, so arguably the cost is largely irrelevant, particularly if the value is disproportionately high. These dynamics are uniquely attractive in a manufacturing environment, where the value of a solution to a problem can be amortised across the volume of products relying on that solution. When a production line develops a fault, a maintenance team may be able to repair it: if not the manufacturer may need to attend. If it repeatedly fails because of a recurring fault, the engineer

on hand may devise a solution; today they may even be able to implement that solution, using tools more commonly associated with technology makers. Fundamental to this shift in perception within engineering is the quality of the tools: the SBCs and modules, the sensors and actuators, and the design environments. Their quality is arguably indistinguishable from other products designed exclusively for the industrial market and when there is a need for a higher quality device it will almost certainly be relatively easy to integrate into the system. This is where the real grey areas exist between maker and engineer, and where the pro maker will prosper. Engineers have a thirst for knowledge and a mind for problem solving: when the two come together they excel. Makers have an appetite for solutions and a desire to be creative which, when combined, can have similar results. This is impacting the way manufacturers view makers but perhaps more significantly, it is influencing the way engineers now approach engineering. Kelvin Tse is DesignSpark APAC Technical Manager at RS Components. DesignSpark provides free software and a community-led website packed full of projects, articles and the latest products. Visit




Spitwater Spitwater design design and and manufacture manufacture a a complete complete Spitwater design and manufacture a complete range of high pressure water cleaners. The range of high pressure water cleaners. The Spitwater design and manufacture a complete range of high pressure water cleaners. company also distributes a range of company also pressure distributes a large large rangeThe of Jetfire Jetfire range of high water cleaners. The company also distributes a large range of Jetfire LPG and heaters driers as a LPG and Diesel Diesel heaters and and driersrange as well well as a company also distributes a large of as Jetfire LPG and Diesel heaters and driers as well as a broad range of commercial and industrial vacuum broad range of commercial industrial LPG and Diesel heaters andand driers as well vacuum as a broad range commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners and scrubber dryers. cleaners and of scrubber dryers. broad range of commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners and scrubber dryers. Distribution service centres cleaners andand scrubber dryers. Distribution and service centres are are located located in in Distribution and service centres are located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Perth. Distribution and service centres are located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide andWIDE. Perth. DEALER SUPPORT IS DEALER SUPPORT IS AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA WIDE.









GREENER CLEANING SATISFIES COMMERCIAL PRESSURES The company’s heavyweight Sentinel sweeper has been very successful both in the mining sector and in the nation’s ports. And the smaller Tennant 800 industrial ride-on sweeper is still proving popular at all manner of heavy industrial applications. Overall, Josh Hastings says that the Australian market has a similar profile (if not scale) to Tennant’s home market in the USA, and many of the trends affecting it are similar.

Australian industry is cleaning up its act – both figuratively and literally, with the trend towards more eco-friendly cleaning techniques gathering pace in recent years. And as a company that has pioneered some of the greatest advances in this field, Tennant finds itself in the perfect position to help satisfy industry’s demands for equipment that can handle the necessary cleaning tasks while saving time, energy and resources. Josh Hastings is Marketing Manager for Tennant in Australia and New Zealand, and he is seeing these demands increase. “It’s been trending for around ten years,” he says. “But much more so in the past year or so. And it’s as much to do with commercial pressures as it is with environmental concerns,” he adds. However, a major key to the trend towards greener cleaning has come from greater public awareness of environmental matters. The trend has been good news for Tennant, one of the pioneers of chemical-free cleaning with its proprietary ecH2O system launched in the mid-2000s. And while the firstgeneration systems may have had limited success, they laid the foundations for the current generation of ecH2O nanoclean systems that are proving popular today. “This is not a total chemical-free replacement for all cleaning,” Hastings points out. “But it is a way of reducing the environmental impact of chemical cleaning – both from a cost and an OH&S perspective.” “Nanoclean is ideal for daily use, but 34


there will inevitably be more challenging spills and synthetic soils that can be dealt with by our Severe Environment technology. That’s why our ecH20 nanoclean technology comes equipped with Severe Environment so at the flick of a switch an operator can access onboard chemicals for heavy spills.” “One of the biggest savings is water,” Hastings adds, confirming the point that the electrically converted water used in the nanoclean process effectively goes further than the same volume of water used in a conventional scrubber. This is significant in Australia as it means fewer side trips to top up with water during cleaning jobs and therefore higher productivity and reduced energy consumption. And Hastings contends that it is probably this aspect that is most appealing to customers and potential buyers alike.

For example, the company is seeing increasing interest in its mid- to longterm rental offerings from organisations that might otherwise have purchased machines outright. One major advantage of this trend is that such contracts include all necessary servicing so that users benefit from the improved uptime that flows from proper preventive maintenance. The current generations of Tennant smart machines incorporate optional features that increase levels of intelligence and produce extensive diagnostic data that enables service personnel to address trending issues before they become problems. Talking of service personnel, according to Chris Collier, Tennant’s National Service Manager ANZ, these technicians make up almost half the company’s workforce throughout Australia and New Zealand. And it is thanks to their work that Tennant can offer a two-year warranty on its machines. Operating from its Australian headquarters and main warehouse

Josh Hastings is Marketing Manager for Tennant in Australia and New Zealand

in Western Sydney, with local bases throughout Australia and New Zealand, Tennant has committed itself to the local market with its customer led value proposition on products, service and maintenance that help its users to clean up effectively, save money, improve safety and reduce environmental impact. And with the company’s advances in technologies, they are doing it increasingly sustainably – and economically.

Tennant 1800 226 843

So, what is hot in the Australian industrial cleaning market at the moment for Tennant? Hastings singles out the food and beverage manufacturing sector as an area of strong growth. “Clearly, there are demands for hygiene that need to be met, and with the increasing output of the F&B sector, this only increases those demands,” he says. And hygiene is a particular speciality for the Tennant brand, which is one of the leaders in the healthcare market worldwide. Elsewhere in Australian industry, it is the larger end of the Tennant range that is particularly successful in Australia.



AUSSIE MADE PRESSURE CLEANERS TAKE CENTRE STAGE IN SYDNEY Spitwater is lining up an impressive array of its Australianmade pressure cleaners for the ISSA Cleaning & Hygiene Expo on 29th and 30th August at the Sydney International Convention Centre. Visitors to Stand 30 will be able to see examples of the Spitwater range of high-pressure cleaners with water flow rates up to 50L/min and pressure up to 900bar. And, in addition to electric powered versions, there are also fully mobile petrol, diesel and hydraulic models, all designed, manufactured and tested at Spitwater’s manufacturing facility in Albury. Also on hand at the show will be Milo Gajin, Branch Manager of Spitwater NSW, who says: “We design all our machines for hard use. Our best-sellers are our locally made hot/cold high pressure water cleaners: they are built

tough, to be used on tough Australian cleaning jobs.”

be rounded off with examples from the company’s ranges of vacuum


The Spitwater display at the ISSA Cleaning & Hygiene Expo will

cleaners, scrubber dryers and


industrial space heaters.

NEW T350

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1800 266 843


NEW T350

A new and different Stand-on Scrubber




CLEANER IS MADE FOR INTERMEDIATE BULK CONTAINERS Tecpro Australia has put together a flexible, mobile cleaning solution for intermediate bulk containers (IBCs). Because IBCs are used in so many different applications, Tecpro reasoned that they need an equally flexible, mobile cleaner to remove every trace of residue left behind after each use.

safely dosed with cleaning chemicals if required. It’s also extremely compact and stylish thanks to its Italian design and manufacture. Tecpro Australia 02 9634 3370

The high-pressure hot-water Tecpro IBC Tank Cleaner is a complete IBC cleaning package. Its galvanised roll frame and pneumatic wheels makes it easy to move from one IBC to another. It can be used manually for highpressure cleaning with a hose gun for the outside of the tank, and it has an automatic tank head with a set and forget function for cleaning the inside. The Tecpro IBC cleaner uses high-pressure hot water and can be

Save on cost, not on clean with Nilfisk’s innovative floorcare range

The Nilfisk floorcare range has been designed with your everyday cleaning costs in mind. Whether it’s a large carpark or a small reception foyer, we have identified the source of some of the most common cleaning expenses and created smart solutions that reduce consumption and noise levels, while making equipment cleaning faster and easier to use. Optimising your time, budget and labour resources – so you can save on cost, not on clean. Visit us at Stand 48 at the ISSA show to view our range and solutions.

Nilfisk Professional 1300 556 710






With Cancer Council Australia estimating that more than 230 lung cancer cases in Australia each year are caused by exposure to silica dust in the workplace, it is becoming essential for all workers to follow best practice workplace dust management to reduce the risk of occupational lung disease. It is estimated that around 600,000 Australian workers each year are exposed to silica dust at work, including miners, construction workers, farmers, engineers, bricklayers and road construction workers, as well as those working in demolition. Silica is found in stone, rock, sand, gravel and clay, as well as bricks, tiles, concrete and some plastic materials. When these materials are worked on or cut, silica is released as a fine dust



Protoblast Company has been designing and manufacturing to suit customer’s needsand since 1975. Protoblast Company has individual been designing manufacturing to suit Protoblast Company has been designing and manufacturing customer’s individual since 1975. • Abrasive Recovery Systemsneeds • Airless Blast Machinesto suit individual needs since 1975. • customer’s Section Blast Machines Dust Collectors • Abrasive Recovery Systems • •Airless Blast Machines Abrasive Recovery Systems Machines •toSection Blast Machines •Airless Dust Collectors The best• way prepare a surface for a •coating isBlast by using the abrasive • Section Blast Machines • Dust Collectors blasting process. Whether you need to blast castings, concrete blocks, The best way to prepare a surface for a coating is by using the abrasive screws, or steel work... The bestsurfboards way to prepare a surface fortoa blast coating is by using the abrasive blasting process. Whether you need castings, concrete blocks, blasting surfboards process. Whether need to blast castings, concrete blocks, screws, or steelyou work... Protoblast has the experience screws, surfboards or steel work... to design and supply has equipment that is fast,toefficient, Protoblast the experience design improves product saves you Protoblast has the experience toefficient, design and supplyyour equipment thatand is fast, money... year after year. and supplyyour equipment thatand is fast, efficient, improves product saves you improves your and saves you money... year afterproduct year. money... year after year.

that’s 100 times smaller than a grain of sand. When inhaled, this dust is the leading cause of silicosis – the most common occupational lung disease worldwide. Best workplace practice involves minimising dust generation to maintain exposure levels below 0.1mg/m3 of air, wearing respiratory protection and vacuuming with a certified HC machine. Suitable machinery includes the Nilfisk VHS 40 and 42 series of vacuums, which can act as dust extractors for use with power tools and as vacuum cleaners to remove dust from the working area. For maximum protection, the dust extractors are available with a combination of a main PTFE filter, an H-class HEPA filter and a fleece



P.O. Box 157 Picton NSW 2571 P. 1800 772 320 Inter. +61 2 4677 2320 P.O. Box 157 Picton NSW 2571 E. P. 1800 Inter. +612571 2 4677 2320 P.O. Box772 157320 Picton NSW E. 1800 P. 772 320 Inter. +61 2 4677 2320 E. filter bag. Several different dust bag options are available for disposal and handling of dust in all types of applications. In all cases, the novel Nilfisk InfiniClean system is incorporated to ensure continuous protection. This system periodically cleans the main filter using a reverse pulse of air to ensure that the filter performance and suction levels are maintained with no need for manual intervention.

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The ruggedly built VHS 40 and 42 series units are stable and easy to manoeuvre, offering ergonomic disposal and transport. All models have flexible storage solutions for hose, accessories and tools, including rubber straps and an optional adapter plate fitting all well-known toolboxes.

Nilfisk 1300 556 710



N I V E R S A RY | 1300 536 276 (Australia wide) AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018




STORAGE RANGE GETS HEAVY-DUTY HYDRAULIC HOSES IN ORDER Storage specialist BAC Systems has developed a novel range of solutions for storing large hydraulic hose coils.

equipment across Victoria and Tasmania. With 15 locations across the region the company maintains a massive fleet of Caterpillar vehicles.

Caterpillar dealer William Adams is a leading supplier of heavy construction machinery and

William Adams recently enlisted the help of BAC Systems to provide a storage solution for its inventory of heavy-duty hydraulic hoses. The hose shop at the William Adams Clayton facility stores 165 different types of hose with nominal bores from 0.25 to 2in. The new hose shop has been designed to house 44 of these hose types in a ready-to-use storage solution that both keeps the hoses in order and allows easy access. The objective for the William Adams team is to have each hose ready to



use within one hour. BAC Systems has created different solutions for each different element of the hose shop. For smaller bore hoses on reels and drums, the BAC solution is a large drawer fitted with rollers that allow a user to draw the hose off the reel, cutting off what is needed.


For hoses with a medium-sized bore, supplied in a loose bundle, a turntable with clamping plates top and bottom is used to wind these hoses up, and then to allow them to be unwound so that the required length of hose can be cut off. Both these unique drawers save time and keep hoses in easy reach. For larger high-tension hoses

pvc strip swingflex traffic impact hygienic hospital cleanroom high speed efaflex coldsaver insulated security carpark foldup mining hangar

doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors doors Aust wide 1800 281170 DMF International Pty Ltd is a fully Australian owned family business, celebrating 50 years of door manufacturing in 2017. We are specialists in climate control and high speed security door solutions, and flexible PVC door products. With Australia wide service and export to over 10 countries, our experienced approach ensures the best design solution for any application. Call us today for free design assistance . . . . .






New HCRL-series double-acting lock nut cylinders

With all these solutions, BAC Systems reckons it can get any hose shop organised and running faster than ever.

BAC can also supply highdensity drawers to store all the hydraulic fittings in the smallest footprint possible, as well as heavyduty shelving with shelf separators to

BAC Systems 02 9832 2777



1044AU 2018 © Enerpac

create storage zones for completed hose jobs.

that need to be stored in a tiedup bundle, BAC has developed a shelving system that allows these hoses to be stored standing up on the edge of the bundle in a troughshaped shelf that prevents them from rolling away.

Our latest double-acting lock nut cylinders slash retraction times and provide a mechanical load hold for a safe work environment. They are also designed to withstand up to 10% side-load capacity for tricky or uneven lifts.

Ask us about our five year warranty programs



N I V E R S A RY | 1300 536 276 (Australia wide) AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018





EcoInnovation is a New Zealand company manufacturing innovative water-driven turbines for the microgeneration power market. The company’s PowerSpout turbines are sold around the world as a domestic power source. The PowerSpout features a simple and robust design. But the nature of the application means that the unit’s bearings need to operate reliably in both wet and humid conditions, and EcoInnovation found that bearing failures were leading to warranty claims. Field trials showed that GreaseMax automatic lubrication eliminated the bearing failures as the continuous lubrication was found to provide better bearing longevity and reliability than the alternative option of changing to sealed bearings. Now, EcoInnovation supplies its PowerSpout turbines with a 12-month GreaseMax lubricator installed, plus two spares, and as a



result can now offer a three-year product warranty. Crucially, the continuous flow of lubricant provided by GreaseMax means that the bearings are always supplied with fresh lubricant. Without automatic lubrication, static mineral oil can quickly become saturated with water in applications like these, and above 200ppm water content the lubricant will begin to fail. Also, because of the simple GreaseMax design, which involves no electrical or electronic circuitry, it is immune to the effects of the high humidity that is typical in applications like the PowerSpout.

GreaseMax 03 9723 8600




Could this be the perfect match? In what turned out to be an amazing example of synergy, King Group MD Ron Mileham visited the Linde Material Handling stand at the recent Megatrans exhibition in Melbourne. While chatting with one of the Linde sales staff, he was encouraged to drop his business card into a free draw, and as luck would have it he won one of three CiTi one powered pallet trucks that were up for grabs. The Linde CiTi one may only have a 500kg capacity, but it is specifically designed as a powered pallet truck for “last mile” deliveries. Its compact dimensions and easy manoeuvrability are

combined with a large punctureproof drive wheel and rubber tyred articulated front wheels, all of which make it rather good at negotiating curbs and obstacles. As chance would have it, these attributes make it an ideal partner for Ron Mileham’s own materials handling “offspring”, the Eziloader trailer. The Eziloader is a trailer that can be loaded at ground level. Its 3 x 1.5m deck has a 1-tonne load capacity. And it uses industrial grade hydraulic cylinders to raise the deck to its travelling height of 400mm or lower it to its loading/ unloading height of 35mm.



So when Ron travelled to the Linde Material Handling Melbourne base at Scoresby to collect his CiTi one, he took an Eziloader with him to check out just how well the two worked together. Ron is pictured above receiving his CiTi one from Linde Material

Ask us about our fixed price service contracts

Handling Account Development Manager Tyrone Peterson. And you can see how well the two got on in a video posted on the Eziloader website. Eziloader - a division of King Group 03 9720 0425



N I V E R S A RY | 1300 536 276 (Australia wide) AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018




A QUEENSLAND SUCCESS STORY – HOT OFF THE WIRE Advanced technology Product Engineering bought its first Joemars wire cut machine – an AWT655S – some 11 years ago, and has now acquired two further machines made by this leading manufacturer. The new additions are the WT5S and the JM430, and these were installed and commissioned by Joemars’ exclusive agent in Australia, 600 Machine Tools. The features of the WT5S wire cut include: machining in the x, y, z, U, and V axes, Windows-based operation, and a very stable power system that increases machining efficiency. There is a special upper/lower wire guide assembly that provides high-speed automatic wire threading in water, and accurate machining. A company in Stafford, on the outskirts of Brisbane, has spent the past half century building an industry-leading position and an enviable reputation in its specialised field – the creation of superior-quality moulds and dies in the plastics industry. A third-generation family business, Product Engineering is now moving into a new phase, adding to its capability and capacity with new machines, and reinforcing its exemplary service to customers throughout the country and overseas. The wire-cut type of machine arose in the 1960s for the purpose of making tools (dies) from hardened steel, principally for the rapidly growing plastic moulding industry. In wire-cut EDM (electric discharge machining) technology, a thin singlestrand metal wire, usually brass, is fed through the workpiece, submerged in a tank fluid, typically deionised water. Material is removed from the workpiece by a series of rapidly recurring current discharges between two electrodes. The process depends on the tool and workpiece not making actual contact. Managing Director of Product Engineering, Gavin Lister, explains: “Wire-cut EDM is typically used to cut plates as thick as 300mm and to make punches, tools, and dies from hard metals that are difficult to machine with traditional techniques or other methods. “It can cut intricate contours or 42


cavities in prehardened steel without the need for heat treatment to soften and reharden them. This method can be used with any other metal or metal alloy, such as titanium, Hastelloy, Kovar, and Inconel.”

Expertise on tap In Stafford, Product Engineering has a staff of skilled tradespeople, many of which began with the company as apprentices. At its Stone Street workshops, clients are provided with a three-part service. • Toolmaking – plastic extrusion dies, rubber extrusion dies, press tools, injection moulds (single and multi-cavity) • Machining – turning, milling and drilling, CNC wire cutters/spark erosion, CNC machining centre and lathes, surface cylindrical grinding • Injection moulding – performed with a host of materials, including metals, glasses, elastomers, confections, and most commonly used thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. In addition, the company offers CAD/CAM services. These applications are used to design a product, and program manufacturing processes – specifically, CNC machining.

A simple and reliable automatic threading device enables high precision, accuracy, and ease of operation. And a special anti-leaking system for the low arm enables high accuracy while machining. There is also a hardened stainless worktable that enhances surface rigidity and support for the workpiece. The WT5S has a precise servo and driver system. Each axis uses highprecision C1-class ballscrew – ground with sub-zero treatment. This treatment ensures machining smoothness and more accurate machining, extends the life of the ballscrew, and provides control of the ‘accuracy gap’. A powerful, responsive AC servomotor allows another option: ‘Linear Scales’ to create a complete closed-loop circuit control. Smoothness comes from a new linear guideway, reducing the problem of friction and ensuring stability when machining. A key feature of the Joemars JM430 EDM sink machine is its ‘fuzzy logic’ control system that optimises machining conditions, increasing speed, lowering electrode wear, and offering higher quality surface finishes. Joemars offers a range of table and tank sizes, and also generator capacities.

Long experience in EDM Wally Nujin is Brisbane Branch Manager of 600 Machine Tools. He

says: “Along with tighter tolerances, Joemars multi-axis EDM wire-cut machines can have such added features as multi heads for cutting two parts at the same time. “Additionally, they can have controls for preventing wire breakage, automatic self-threading features in case of wire breakage, and programmable machining strategies to optimise the operation.” Advantages of EDM include the machining of: • Complex shapes that would otherwise be difficult to produce with conventional cutting tools. • Extremely hard material to very close tolerances. • Very small workpieces where conventional cutting tools may damage the part from excess cutting-tool pressure. There isn’t any direct contact between tool and workpiece. Therefore, delicate sections and weak materials can be machined without perceivable distortion. And a very good surface can be obtained using redundant finishing paths. Additionally, very fine holes can be attained, including tapered holes. And pipe or container internal contours and internal corners can be achieved down to R 0.001in. Wally Nujin adds: “As the Joemars agent for many years, we have supplied earlier EDM machines to Product Engineering, and these have proved to be very successful. We believe that these latest, enhanced machines will deliver excellent service in terms of speed, accuracy, and reliability.”

600 Machine Tools 02 9674 4738








“The Yawei Fiber Laser has been an absolute game changer for me; I really can’t stress that enough.”






Jon Flynn, Owner - Wildcat Industries.

nsistency of cut, combined with very low operating he perfect way to take your business to the next level.

ue of its own, opening up possibilities for companies tart-ups through to full production, 3-shift

o-focusWith cutting head, IPG speed laserand source, Siemens its extreme accuracy, consistency Available in various power capacities the HLF model ss-relieved fully annealed it really a cut above of cut, combined with very frame low operating costs,is the features a Precitec high speed auto-focus cutting new Yawei fiber lasers are the perfect way to take your business to the next level.

head, a simple to use Siemens 840DSL controller, an IPG resonator and a robust, fully annealed frame.

Dollar for dollar, the new Yawei’s are in a league of their own, opening up possibilities for companies all across the laser cutting sector; from start-ups through to full production, 3-shift environments.

The HLE model features a Raytools autofocus cutting head and a Beckoff CNC control system. The remarkable Yawei Fiber lasers – world class performance without the price tag. That’s Applied thinking.

Connect with us socially

22/12/16 9:27 am



Established in 2017, Ballarat Cutting Services is a privately owned metal cutting company that is developing a strong business base with leading public and private construction, mining and industrial companies in and around the Victorian city of Ballarat. Directors Paul Harris and Peter Bailey have worked together for the past 12 years. With increasing levels of business

involving precision cutting of steel, in late 2017 the company took the decision to invest in its own cutting equipment rather than continue to job this work out to outside contractors. Paul Harris explains: “We had been jobbing out the cutting work to a local engineering works, but they were becoming snowed under with the volume of work and the lead time for laser-cutting work had blown out from

days to weeks. So we decided to take matters into our own hands.” Harris set about investigating the plasma cutting market and his research led him to the Turkish-made Baykal range of CNC plasma cutting tables equipped with the industry standard Hypertherm plasma unit. He says: “We already rely on several Baykal machines on a daily

basis. The quality of the engineering is high, and their plasma tables have a reputation for excellent accuracy.” The Baykal range is available throughout Australia from Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse, and this was a major plus for Harris as both he and Bailey have had a long relationship with Hare & Forbes, purchasing other machinery from them in the past. Having looked at the full Baykal plasma range along with Hare & Forbes Melbourne Branch Sales Manager Steve Calderone, Harris & Bailey opted for the company’s BPS 2504 CNC table with latest Hypertherm XPR 300 plasma unit. The BPS is the flagship of the Baykal range, and is the strongest and stiffest machine in its class. This structure, combined with the precision drive components this means that the BPS optimises both the quality and speed of cutting. The 2504 model has a large 2700 x 4800mm table. The machine was delivered and commissioned in March 2018, and in its first four months was used to process more than 60 tonnes of steel. The introduction of the new machine was not without the odd hiccup, though.





“We did have an initial problem with Hypertherm consumables, which should have been covered by the Hypertherm warranty, but communication with the US base is never easy,” says Harris. “Fortunately, Hare & Forbes

stepped in and found the necessary kit at their Brisbane branch and had it shipped down to us,” he adds. “They were awesome!” Now fully operational, the Baycal plasma table is more than proving its worth. Ballarat Cutting

Services has a variety of customers but works very closely with ICE Engineering to provide cut plate, which has considerably expanded ICE Engineering’s capabilities.

“Now we can get our cutting done in a matter of hours instead of having to wait for the laser work to come back,” says Paul Harris.

“We can do much more with the plasma than we could ever handle with the laser we used to use,” says Harris. The machine has already been used to cut materials of a range of thicknesses from 3 to 80mm, and its full capabilities mean that ICE Engineering has a highly efficient solution to cutting mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium.

Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse

ICE Engineering has invested heavily in the latest generations machinery from Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse, and the company has a large range of fabrication equipment to suit a variety of needs in medium to heavy engineering. This includes a CNC press brake, plate rollers, section rollers, pipe benders, welding manipulators, guillotine, iron worker, saws, lathes and milling machines of varying sizes and capabilities.

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Contact us for your nearest distributor and service provider INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU




Permanent-electro technology offers significant advantages over conventional electromagnet lifting systems in many applications. Lifting magnets using conventional electromagnet technology have served industry well, and will continue to do so in some applications. However, the advantages of permanentelectromagnetic lifting systems are making this technology the preferred choice for many operators. As the name indicates, permanent-electromagnets

employ both permanent magnets and electromagnetic induction to provide a system that consumes much less power than conventional electromagnetic lifters. The technology also provides the intrinsic safety of a permanent magnet in contact with the load and, most importantly, does not require expensive and often bulky battery backup equipment; nor does it require the additional maintenance associated with such systems. With this technology, permanent magnetic elements in a north-southnorth grid pattern at the lifting face

of the magnet are magnetised using electric power for a moment. The lift is then effected using only permanent magnet power. Once the lift is completed and the load is at rest, another shot of power demagnetises the permanent magnet elements and the load is released. This means that the system runs cool, whereas conventional electro lifting magnets generate large amounts of heat and therefore need to be operated on a duty cycle that prevents over-heating. In comparison, up-time with permanent-electro lifting magnet systems can be 100%.

Also, because power is required only momentarily during energise and de-energise actions, permanentelectromagnetic lifters use as much as 95% less energy over their lifetime. The picture shows a typical large plate lifter (the Tecnomagnete model TB) that can tilt to lift plates stored vertically and then place them flat on a cutting bed or a floor. Serpent & Dove - Applied Magnetics 02 9971 7577


Motor Protection Circuit Breakers

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0.1 to 100A Magnetic and thermal protection Up to 100kA breaking capacity Rotary handle or pushbutton operation Enclosure options Full range of accessories Matching contactors

Perth 08 92480410



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Worm gearboxes with shaft centres up to 175mm In-line helical with torque to 12000Nm Bevel-helical with torque to 14000Nm Shaft mount helical with torque to 14000Nm Planetary with ratio to 3600:1 and torque to 25000Nm 1ph and 3ph motors Brake motors Exd motors

Brisbane 07 32743327

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Digital Torch-Height Control (DTHC)

Cut metal up to 16mm depending on the plasma unit selected

Soft Sense material height sensing, perfect for thin materials

Integrated laptop stand

Water tray for efficient control of sparks & fumes

Laptop not included

NEW RELEASE! Laptop Stand

Priced from $17,990 ex GST

Soft Sense Height Control

Laptop not included

We Can Match A Machine To Your Production Requirements MODEL ORDER CODE


Cutting Table Capacity Plasma Cutting Unit

1250 x 1250

1250 x 1250

1250 x 1250

1250 x 1250

Unimig Razor Cut 45

Hypertherm 45XP

Unimig Razor Cut 80

Hypertherm 65









25% @ 45A 60% @ 29A 100% @ 22.5A

50% @ 45A 60% @ 41A 100% @ 32A

40% @ 80A 100% @ 50A

50% @ 65A 100% @ 46A

Compressed Air

Compressed Air

Compressed Air

Compressed Air

240 / 15

240 / 32

415 / 30

415 / 20

2 Years

3 Years

2 Years

3 Years



Input Voltage


Power Source Warranty



Duty Cycle (Typical) Cutting Gas



Dynamic Cut Control (DCC) Thickness Cutting Capacity


Swifty 1250 is a compact new CNC plasma cutting machine with big capabilities. It’s versatile, portable and easy to use opening up a world of possibilities and offering great value for smaller workshops. It cuts all steels, cast iron, brass, copper & aluminium. Dynamic Cut Control (DCC) on all Hypertherm models, Software control of cutting amps and air pressure, error messages from the plasma unit displayed on the Swiftcut control screen and varied cutting speed control from the console for improved cut quality. INDUSTRY 1st UNIQUE TO SWIFT-CUT • • • • • • • •

1250 x 1250 cutting area Up to 16mm pierce and cutting capacity 240 or 415 Volt power Water tray for efficient control of sparks and fumes Smooth motion linear V wheels Digital torch height control Breakaway head eliminates damage to torch Swifty CNC software is standard, Import and Convert DXF drawing files to Swifty machine code, includes a 2D parametric library of common shapes as standard

Available from SYDNEY



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Specifications & Prices are subject to change without notification. All prices exclude GST and are valid until 31-08-18



QUICK-FIX TACTILES ARE HERE TO STAY Floorsafe Australia’s new and cost-effective self-adhesive Quick-Fix individual tactiles have already proved a huge success. The new DIY selfadhesive tactiles released by Floorsafe in February this year are quick and simple to install and require no additional adhesive. With no mess and no need to close off access points, installation and replacement of missing tactiles can be carried out quickly and effectively. Contractors have already discovered that using Quick-Fix tactiles eliminates drilling holes and takes away the fear of breaking or cracking tiles. 99% surface adhesion is also assured, which makes the applied tactile almost impossible to remove. Applied to concrete, asphalt, vinyl and all types of hard floor tiles, tactiles can now be successfully installed by any handy tradesperson. To make installation even easier, Quick-Fix tactiles also come

PALLET RACK PROTECTORS MEET AUSTRALIAN AND EUROPEAN STANDARDS Rack Armour is keen to point out that it should not to be confused with some inferior and/or cheaper plastic guards circulating in the market.

with their own interlocking templates at no extra cost. Because of the increase demand for this new system Floorsafe Australia has expanded the Quick-Fix range. Coloured PVC, 316 stainless steel, brass and stainless steel with carborundum infills are now all in stock and ready for dispatch. Floorsafe Australia 1300 717 769


The Australian-made product is manufactured in Sydney from ballistics grade polymer, which can withstand significant forklift impacts and maintain its shape. The shell is designed to repel and deflect impacts away from the upright, in turn reducing damage significantly. Also, Rack Armour does not require any fixings. The design allows the unit to clip on to new or existing racking, and so it can be installed in seconds (with no bolts, straps or damage to the floor).

protection on pallet racking, meeting

Rack Armour has been independently tested by Cardno, which found that it exceeds the required loads for both front and side impact

Rack Amour

both Australian Standard AS 4084 and European testing standard FEM 10.2.02.

02 9722 0502



ROPE AND CHAIN CRANES AND HOISTS: • Helps reduce the risk of accidents • Protects against overloading of Crane and supporting structures • Quick and easy installation and available for all capacity cranes • Available preset or easily calibrated on site • Helps reduce maintenance costs • Minimizes down time • Automatic reset by reducing the load CONDUCTOR BAR • Available in steel and copper • Quickly and easily installed • Supports required only every 1.5m • Also available in a compact cluster range

SIDE PULL PREVENTERS/ROPE GUIDE PROTECTOR Prevents side pulling and protects rope guides and drums on most multi-fall Cranes and Hoists. • Prevent dragging of loads • Helps reduce down time.

Liftco Industrial Supplies Pty Ltd

Freecall: 1800 LIFTCO (543826) Email: Web:



According to Safe Work Australia, falls from ladders make up 21% of fall from heights fatalities in the construction industry. Now, Fire EMT has launched the Ladder Lockdown, an innovative new product direct from the USA that is designed to prevent ladder kick out and reduce lateral movement when used in conjunction with proper laddering techniques.

The patented grip technology prevents the ladder from sliding out when used on smooth surfaces. Stakes secure the ladder in place on rough and soft surfaces while the harness keeps the ladder stable.

Fire EMT 07 5428 1843


Alarm Bar

Designed to protect overhead assets from accidental damage from moving vehicles. This ceiling-mounted barrier provides audible and visible alarms to prevent damage before it happens, averting vehicle impacts and changing driver behaviour over time. Quick and easy to install, it can be used to safeguard doorframes, loading docks, infrastructure and overhead walkways, as well as key safety assets such as sprinkler systems and ventilation pipes.

A-Safe Australasia Pty Ltd • 02 9625 8927 •


SAFETY LASER SCANNER TAKES PROFINET SWITCH ONBOARD Leuze electronic has come up with a new design of safety laser scanner that is easier to integrate with industrial networks. The RSL 400 Profisafe safety laser scanner comes with a Profinet interface as standard, allowing secure communications and easy remote configuration and diagnostics. The Profinet switch is integrated into a removable connection unit. This enables the replacement of a scanner without network interruption, thereby increasing system availability. Connection is via standard M12 connectors, and thanks to its lateral cable entry the RSL 400 has a low installed profile. Other AIDA-compliant connection models with push-pull connectors for copper and fibre-optic cables are also available. The integrated 2-port switch supports Profinet Conformance

ALARM PROTECTS OVERHEAD ASSETS seconds) and internal LED indicator strips flash bright red for 40 seconds. The Alarm Bar is rugged. It’s made from the same Memaplex shock-absorbing material used in A-Safe barriers, which means it’s also immune to corrosion, water resistant, self-coloured and UV stabilised for minimal maintenance.

Class C and isochronous real-time communication, and so the RSL 400 is well suited for use in line and ring topologies, as well as use in star topologies. The 2-port switch also enables parallel access of both standard and safety PLCs, reducing the data load through the safety PLC.

Leuze electronic 1300 538 933

Long known for its safety barrier technology, A-Safe has turned its attention upwards with its latest innovation. The Alarm Bar is designed to protect lowhanging infrastructure from impacts from high-level vehicle traffic, whether it be a loaded forklift or a reversing semi-trailer. Unlike A-Safe’s barrier technology, the Alarm Bar does not block impacts. Hanging freely from the ceiling, the bar provides an early warning before the impact occurs. On contact, twin buzzers each emit a 102dB alarm (which lasts for 20

It also incorporates smart sensor technology that is capable of differentiating between natural vibrations or breezes and true impacts, thereby avoiding accidental tripping and false alarms. A-Safe Alarm Bars are easy to install, and are suitable for safeguarding doorframes, loading docks, infrastructure and overhead walkways, as well as key assets such as lighting, sprinkler systems and ventilation pipes. A-Safe Australasia 02 9625 8927

BUY DIRECT & SAVE! On-line sales: Email: Phone: 1300 717 769










TACTILE 300 x 600 PADS











When working at height, Miller TurboLite personal fall limiters provide increased mobility and freedom of movement, making them ideal for use in construction, utilities and warehousing.

Rack Armour will be on display at the Safety in Acton show Sydney from 9th – 10th October.

The TurboLite is a compact and lightweight fully standards compliant retractable fall arrest block that will arrest free fall within a matter of millimetres. Because TurboLite eliminates the need for different fall protection equipment when working at different heights, workers no longer need to “switch-out” equipment to maintain a safe fall distance. It can even be used in horizontal and foot-level applications if an overhead anchorage point is not available.

built-in swivel also stops the lifeline from twisting. The lifeline attaches directly to the worker’s harness back D-ring for greater mobility and versatility.

The TurboLite has a 2-metre lifeline, which retracts into the rugged nylon housing to eliminate trip hazards, and its

Honeywell Safety Products 1300 139 166

The TurboLite is also available in a twin configuration.

We welcome you to our stand D18 to discuss how Rack Armour can provide ongoing rack protection, saving you thousands in potential rack damage. Having been installed into some of Australia’s leading organisations over the years, Rack Armour continues to impress. If safety and cost saving is important to your business, Rack Armour is the product for your racking protection.

Hope to see you there

Telephone: (02) 9722 0502 •

SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN DESIGN ELIMINATES BLIND ZONES The Banner EZ-Screen LS is a cost-efficient and easy-to-use device for machine safeguarding that is built to withstand the challenges commonly found in manufacturing and packaging environments. The EZ-Screen LS has an endto-end sensing design that eliminates detection blind zones when mounted on top of machine work surfaces and between cascaded segments. The light screen has highly visible


and intuitive two-colour alignment indicators that allow for simplified setup, easy troubleshooting and streamlined installation. And there’s no software, switch setting or other tools needed for configuration. To handle a full range of guarding applications, the EZ-Screen LS is available with a choice of resolutions and sizes, and up to four units can be cascaded for more complex guarding applications.

EZ-Screen LS emitters and receivers are protected against impact by a 3mm-thick aluminium housing rated to IP65/IP67 as standard. And a special IP69K version is also available for use in hygienic applications.

Turck Australia 1300 132 566




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FORKLIFT FUNDAMENTALS 5 SERVICE – YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE Ross Grassick contends that many Australian forklift users still fail to appreciate the benefits of a proper servicing schedule. The forklift tends to be the forgotten worker in many businesses. The site cannot work without one, yet it needs to break down before it gets attention. This is plainly a bizarre situation. No company operator would question the benefits of keeping up the logbook servicing on their company car. So why would they not recognise the benefits of preventive maintenance for a forklift? Australian Standards has a classification document for forklifts, which includes the following: “6.1 SERVICING. Industrial trucks shall be periodically inspected, serviced and maintained by competent and responsible personnel authorised by the user. This work should be carried out in accordance with published recommendations of the manufacturer. Industrial trucks powered by an LP gas engine shall also be inspected in accordance with AS 1425.” So, while there is no legal mandate to have your car serviced, it appears that forklift servicing is required by Australian Standards. But what sort of servicing? Each manufacturer has different timeframes and to-do lists in their units’ servicing requirements, and this information can be found in the operator’s manual of each forklift. However, the average interval would be 250 hours for a standard service, with a major service every 1000 hours. In more than 40 years of running

fleets of forklifts we have found that preventive maintenance saves money. Many small problems become major issues simply because one small part was not lubricated, adjusted or replaced in a minor service. At the same time as the oil is being changed the technician has a number of checks to make to ensure that the unit is working correctly and that it meets the necessary safety standards. As an example, the radiator of an internal combustion forklift can easily become blocked with dust and fibre from the workplace, and as a result the unit might run in an overheated state for some months. The only thing the operator would see is the temperature gauge running a little higher. However, the unit will be subject to increased engine wear, increased fuel consumption and deterioration of the hoses. Then a day will come when the radiator is blocked completely causing the engine to overheat and the need for a service call and maybe replacement radiator or more. The radiator would have been cleaned as a part of a minor service and the cost avoided. There would also be less lost production time as a service takes much less time than a breakdown. The major service changes coolant and transmission oils and checks the brakes. This is particularly important as in many work environments units are worked very hard, and without these changes and checks the units will have increased wear and even major safety issues. We did have one customer that

refused to allow for the 1000-hour service as the cost was a lot more due to time required and the extra oils. Eventually, we got a call to say that the unit had broken down. Our technician attended the unit and found the brake shoe had worn through the brake drum and would not allow the wheel to turn. The cost to repair the unit in this case was four times the cost of what the major services he missed – including the replacement of the brake shoes in one of those services.

A good rule of thumb is to service every 200-250 hours, and in low usage operations to arrange a six monthly safety check. Then, every 1000 hours be sure to have the major service carried out. This will keep the unit in a reliable and safe operating condition.

Lencrow Materials Handling 1300 536 276


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G laser source, Siemens materials reduction applications frame it really is a cut above ce, Siemens Extensive range available:

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Hazeldene’s Chicken Farm is a world-class producer of Free Range and RSPCA-accredited poultry, located near Bendigo, in Central Victoria. The company has a state-of-the-art poultry production facility and employs more than 750 people in the local Bendigo area. Its products are sold through Coles, Aldi, Woolworths, Harris farms, IGA, butcher shops, charcoal chicken stores and smaller specialty retailers. In line with its focus on quality, Hazeldene’s was looking for a quality solution for its wastewater pumping needs. The company had previously tried several different brands of self-priming wastewater pumps, but none was able to deliver the quality of service Hazeldene’s engineers were looking for. The requirement was for a pump capable of handling all the solids that form part of the wastewater stream in a chicken process plant (including feathers, internals, feet etc), and that was also an extremely reliable self-primer.

with us socially

22/12/16 9:27 am 22/12/16 9:27 am










We’ve shredded R IS the price, not the T quality. Now that’s LIED D Applied Thinking.



Hydro Innovations recommended a V3B60-B, which is part of GormanRupp’s range of Ultra V Series selfpriming wastewater pumps.

Adam Hazeldene, Technical Services Manager, was well aware of GormanRupp’s quality reputation, and was keen to see one installed in his wastewater system, to solve the problems the company was experiencing. The V3B60-B has a 100mm suction and 80mm discharge, and is capable of handling a 76mm spherical solid, along with stringy materials. The pump can also be placed on a suction lift up to 7.6 metres, can deliver flows to 50 litres per second, and can be relied on to prime and reprime automatically every time it is asked to pump. For more corrosive environments, the V3B can be supplied with 316 internal components, and for abrasive applications, hardened iron materials can be fitted. The pump was duly purchased and installed, and Adam Hazeldene has had no regrets about his purchase. Hydro Innovations 02 9898 1800




By Samantha Cross

Now is the time for Australian manufacturing. The China National Sword has created much uncertainty in the recycling and waste industry across Australia and the globe. Yet, what has been labelled a crisis is in fact an opportunity for Australian manufacturing businesses to review raw material usage or invest in technology to increase domestic processing and tap into developing end markets that will drive the Australian circular economy. Thanks in part to the ABC’s War On Waste series, Australian consumers, councils and businesses are now more aware than ever of the waste issues facing the nation. There is greater interest and commitment driving local market demand for products containing recycled content and supporting those businesses that demonstrate innovation, collaboration and sustainability leadership. However, it is not just consumers, businesses and councils that are supporting organisations who are rethinking waste as a resource. Various government organisations across Australia are actively funding innovative recycling and remanufacturing projects.

The NSW EPA has established the Product Improvement Programme to facilitate opportunities to identify new uses and markets for recyclable materials, and to develop local processing and remanufacturing. Grants are available to product manufacturers using postconsumer product in the manufacture of goods, reprocessing facilities, secondary processing facilities and materials recovery facilities. Individual matched funding grants of $50,000 to $1 million are available. Applications for Round 1 are currently open and will close at 5pm on Thursday, 23rd August 2018. Another funding opportunity available to NSW-based businesses is the NSW EPA Circulate Programme, which is designed to fund innovative, commercially oriented industrial ecology projects. It supports projects that will recover materials that would otherwise be sent to landfill, and to instead use them as feedstock for other commercial, industrial or construction processes. Applications for funding can be submitted until 30th October 2019, unless the total funding allocation is exhausted earlier.

With the waste levy being re-introduced to Queensland, businesses are encouraged to rethink waste currently being sent to landfill and explore opportunities to redirect materials for re-manufacturing. The Made in Queensland programme is a Queensland Government initiative supporting the manufacturing sector to become more internationally competitive and adopt innovative processes and technologies. This could potentially include projects using innovative processes that progress the circular economy. The Made in Queensland programme offers matching grants of between $50,000 and $2.5 million to manufacturers looking to adopt innovative processes and technologies to generate highly skilled jobs and become more internationally competitive. Sustainability Victoria is offering funding to manufacturers through the Materials Efficiency Grants Programme. This programme is open to manufacturing businesses that have the potential to significantly improve materials efficiency. Sustainability Victoria is offering grants of up to $13,000 for businesses to improve the way they use their raw materials and resources while boosting productivity to reduce input and waste

management costs. In upcoming editions of Industry Update, we will be showcasing businesses demonstrating the circular economy in action and organisations demonstrating best practice in this space. If you are a manufacturing company using recycled materials in your manufacturing process or undertaking initiatives that demonstrate resource recovery, diversion from landfill or product stewardship we want to hear from you! Email a brief description of your initiative to to be featured in future industry articles shining a spotlight on real-life circular initiatives. For businesses interested to understand how to access available grant funding click on the available links or contact Cross Connections Consulting.

Reduce Wastewater Pumping Costs • Eliminate confined spaces • Eliminate the need for cranes • Reduce blockages • Reduce down time • Increase efficiency Use Genuine Gorman-Rupp Pumps for RELIABILITY · DURABILITY








Although the quality of both laser cut and punched parts has improved dramatically in recent years, these parts still don’t have perfect edges or completely unblemished surfaces.

C&K is one of the world’s most trusted brands of high-quality electromechanical switches, and now an expanded range of its products is available from RS Components.

Weber grinding machines available from Applied Machinery offer a solution to this problem with a range of machines that can grind, round, deburr and descale lasered, punched and nibbled parts, thereby providing perfect surfaces and edges.

New products available from RS include a full selection of popular PCBand panel-mounting pushbuttons, DIP switches, key switches and tactile switches. These are available with a range of latches and in a wide choice of styles, shapes and colours, and are particularly suited to industrial machine and panel building applications.

Weber’s sophisticated brush system comprises multiple brush heads in various arrangements to provide perfect coverage across the full width of the machine. “Manufacturers who want to get perfect edges and unblemished surfaces on the metal parts they produce and market, can now do this with a Weber grinding machine,” says Applied Machinery Marketing Manager, Daniel Fisher. Applied Machinery offers three different Weber machines that cater to different quality requirements and market price points. Weber’s entry machine, the TTSC machine, is a compact model for deburring, rounding, descaling and surface grinding with a dry grinding procedure which provides good

machining of punched and nibbled parts. The TT deburring machine is Weber’s all-rounder, offering dry grinding that provides perfect results with the highest possible output. And Weber’s NLC model is a wet deburring machine that is specifically designed for surface grinding and for special highquality material types. “Applied Machinery is proud to have been appointed a distributor for Weber machines,” says Daniel Fisher. “We are confident that the product will appeal to manufacturers looking to take their quality to the next level and provide those manufacturers with a competitive advantage in the marketplace.”

Applied Machinery 03 9706 8066

For example, the PNP series of sealed pushbuttons are IP68 sealed to endure harsh environments and power wash down, and are aimed at applications in transportation, industrial control, test equipment and automation. The units are available in multiple housing styles, handle current up to 5A and feature an extended operating life of one million cycles. Also available is the APB series of backlit industrial pushbutton switches,

which integrate LEDs in blue or white to provide a highly visible indication that the switch has been activated or turned on. Nine different cap symbols are offered as standard parts, and C&K now also offers a fully customisable painted and laser-etched cap capability. APB switches are SPST momentaryaction devices and are available in a threaded version that features an IP67 panel seal and an IP65 snap-in version without a panel seal. The extensive C&K portfolio is shipping now from RS throughout the Asia Pacific region. RS Components 1300 656636


SMART SWITCHGEAR ARRIVAL NHP has signed an exclusive partnership deal with global switchgear manufacturer Tozzi Electrical Equipment that brings a range of primary medium-voltage switchgear, including the QMTC primary switchgear, to Australian and New Zealand markets. The QMTC is a metal-clad airinsulated withdrawable switchgear unit for primary distribution applications rated 12-24kV up to 3150A with short-circuit ratings up to 40kA for 3s. It features a true visual earth to ensure peace of mind, and uses Tozzi’s proprietary Ecosmart vacuum circuit breaker. This European built switchgear is fully type tested to IEC/AS62271-200 and Annex A, and is highly customisable to suit specific requirements for a project application.



As a smart switchgear solution, the QMTC can incorporate protection, control and IEC61850 communication using a single point of connection through a multifunction protection relay. This simplifies installation wiring complexity and cost, while improving reliability through enhanced monitoring.

NHP Electrical Engineering 1300 NHP NHP

Treotham Automation offers a European made range of variable speed drive cables that have the additional benefit of a UV-stabilised outer sheath for greater reliability. Treoflex-UV EMC/VSD cables feature cross-linked XLPE core insulation to guarantee the maximum carrying capacity is achieved while maintaining a low cable capacitance in comparison to cables with PVC insulation.

improves EMC compliance compared with the four-core version. The threesplit-earth design also reduces the outer diameter of the cable, allowing for easier termination into cable glands.

The specially constructed flexible cables are suitable for both fixed installations and moveable connections in industrial equipment, process lines and machines operating in dry and damp rooms.

Treotham offers a full range of Lapp EMC cable glands to compliment the EMC cables. The Skintop MS-M Brush brass cable gland with double lamella gasket is quick and easy to assemble, and has a 360° low-resistance screen contact. The Skintop MS-SC-M brass cable gland with low-resistance screen contact is a highly conductive, flexible EMC contact that is also easy to assemble.

The standard cable stock ranges from 1.5 to 240mm². Larger sizes use a three-split-earth design that features a symmetrical three-core design that

Treotham Automation 1300 65 75 64



CIRCUIT BREAKERS HORNS AND HELP MAINTAIN PLANT BEACONS BRING AVAILABILITY FIRE ALARMS TO for their compact size and high current load HAZARDOUS AREAS rating,Noted Siemens 3WL air circuit breakers (ACBs) are suitable for use as incoming feeder, coupler and outgoing feeder circuit breakers. These versatile ACBs available from APS Industrial are at the heart of many industrial power distribution systems, maintaining plant availability thanks to their inbuilt communications capabilities.

The modular design of the core of the 3WL range is built around a choice of five different electronic trip units that provide communication and measurement functions as well as enhanced protection functions, which enables them to adapt perfectly to plant requirements. Available now from Mechtric, the D2x family of beacons and combined alarm horn/beacon units from E2S Warning Signals are compliant to UL464 and UL1638/UL1971 for public mode fire alarm installation as emergency signalling devices for the hearing impaired, as well as private mode fire and general signalling applications in hazardous locations. All versions feature innovative electronics that automatically synchronise multiple beacons on the same circuit without the need for additional modules to reduce overall system cost and installation time.

The rated current module is integrated within the electronic trip unit. And as the modules are so easy to replace, these ACBs have the flexibility to be modified at any time when plant conditions change. Another leading feature of the range is the communication module that connects the ACBs to higher level management systems via Profibus DP or Modbus RTU. If required, the module can be connected to external I/O modules to enhance local communications. The motor operating mechanism supports

automatic tension and charging of the circuit breaker and allows remote control. This can also be easily retrofitted at any time. Status and fault diagnostics of the plant can be performed quickly and easily via signals from the auxiliary switches, signalling switches and position switches. Locking devices prevent unintentional operation and provide reliable protection for personnel and plant during both operation and maintenance. Available in fixed mounted or withdrawable versions, the Siemens 3WL range of ACBs from APS Industrial meet the protection, safety and transparency requirements of industrial power distribution applications to achieve the best possible protection levels. APS Industrial 1300 309 303

The D2x1BLD2-H uses an array of high power Cree LEDs, orientated to optimise visibility in any direction. The D2xB1XH1 5J xenon strobe beacon and the D2xB1XH2 10J xenon strobe beacon both offer exceptionally low inrush and operating currents that optimise cable selection and reduce power supply requirements. The D2x units carry global approvals: UL/cUL for Class I Div 2, Class II Div 2, Class I Zone 2/22 and IECEx and ATEX certification for Zone 2 and 22 hazardous area applications. For complete audio-visual notification the D2xC2LD2-H combination unit provides the ultimate in fire signalling. A sound output of up to 116dB(A), 64 alarm tone frequencies and four remotely selectable stages/channels ensures that the UL464 alarm horn can provide safe signalling for multiple scenarios from one device. The UL1971 LED beacon can be linked internally to the alarm horn to minimise cabling requirements and reduce installation time. Under UL1971 Public Mode test conditions, the D2xB1LD2-H beacon produces an output of 38.38cd, the D2xB1XH1 xenon strobe outputs 18.18cd and the D2xB1XH2 xenon strobe achieves 70.29cd, making them the brightest hazardous location fire signals available. All versions are housed in marine-grade aluminium enclosures with IP66 ingress protection (NEMA Type 4 and 4X) providing protection in the harshest of environments. Mechtric 1800 252 995 industry update ad.indd 1


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CABINET GUARDS KEEP WATCH OVER SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT An improperly closed control cabinet door can seriously jeopardise the protection of the circuits within, compromising safety, reliability and security. So Turck has developed a series of cabinet guards that avoid these problems by continuously monitoring both the position of the door and the moisture and temperature within the cabinet. An internal data logger can hold up to two years of time-stamped data, allowing technicians to identify changing trends in environmental data. The slimline DIN-rail devices are just 12.5mm wide, and can be installed or retrofitted in virtually any cabinet or other protective enclosure. And because they monitor the door position, they can detect unauthorised access, enabling compliance with IT security regulations. Each cabinet guard comes with two switch contacts and an IO-Link interface,

and is easy to set up in the field using a “quick teach” mode. Alternatively, parameters can be set via the IO-Link or using an FDT framework such as Pactware. Turck Australia 1300 132 566

Omron has developed a tablet edition of its MobilePlanner control centre software, providing users with a portable monitoring and control user interface tool for its LD mobile robots.

Fast Connect is particularly handy for maintenance duties. For example, if a cable ages or is damaged in a machine or control cabinet, it usually has to be replaced quickly to prevent production stoppages or more severe consequential damage. The new Etherline PN CAT6a Fast Connect features a cross separator that separates the four pairs of wires and an inner sheath, and so the cable does not need pair screening. This speeds installation, and a special tool prepares the cable for connector assembly in a single operation, saving even more time.

Rated for a full 10Gbit/s, the Etherline PN CAT6a achieves the current maximum transmission rate for copper cables in an industrial environment and is fully compliant with the Profinet standard as well as being UL certified. The Etherline PN CAT6a comes in seven different versions offering different sheath designs and diameters to allow the cables to be used in a huge range of applications. Lapp Australia 1800 931 559

INTELLIGENT CABLE MAKES MAINTENANCE EASIER Available now from Treotham Automation, the latest generation of intelligent cables from igus feature a new sensor module that exploits Industry 4.0 levels of digitisation and networking to make maintenance easier and more efficient.

The free-to-download MobilePlanner Tablet Edition app for either IOS or Android makes it easy to track and trace the LD mobile robots on the factory floor. The software allows users to connect to Omron’s Enterprise Manager and view the status of all robots in the fleet. They can also manually drive robots or initiate a mapmaking process to determine a specific route. MobilePlanner Tablet Edition gives easy access to data such as robot coordinates, robot laser readings, job queues and status alerts. It also gives access to data on battery levels and travel speeds, and enables navigation using a facility floorplan.

Manager with map editing and job administration.

Omron also offers a PC edition of MobilePlanner, which provides full configuration and control capabilities for Omron LD mobile robots, Enterprise

Omron Australia 1300 766 766


Lapp reckons its Etherline PN CAT6a Fast Connect cable is the easy alternative, minimising the work needed to connect devices, with single-tool assembly and a high data transmission rate. This makes it ideal for applications in the machinery, plant and equipment sector as well as industrial and building networking where large data volumes have to be transmitted.




The key to the intelligent cable is the CF.Q sensor, which monitors the electrical properties of each of the cores of a Chainflex cable and continuously compares them with the specified values.

the damage occurs and the production or plant shutdowns become a risk.

The CF.Q sensor module informs the control system by actuating a normally closed contact when the predefined electrical parameters change. This enables early detection of any damage caused by bending or extreme loads.

The new generation of CF.Q modules are suitable for switch cabinet installation thanks to top-hat rail housings. They also include an SD card slot for simple data logging as well as a serial interface for fault output.

Key to the intelligence of the cable is an Industry 4.0-capable application called isense-online. This compares the recorded real-time values of the cable and the empirical values existing in a database, and if it detects fluctuations, it prompts the plant operator to initiate maintenance. And this all happens before

Users can access data via the isenseonline system via any web-connected device – from desktops to smartphones. Treotham Automation 1300 65 75 64 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018

Safetech specialises in Workstation Bridge Cranes with capacities up to 2000 kilograms. Our enclosed track system delivers unmatched ease of use and can be designed to suit your specic requirements. We offer exibility in design, premium quality chain hoists, vacuum systems, connection to the load plus special nishes to ensure every Gorbel Crane is a perfect t for its application. Our systems will boost productivity and deliver a safer working environment.

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INTELLIGENT MOTOR MANAGEMENT OPTIMISES ENERGY CONSUMPTION With energy consumption as one of the largest operating expenses in any process plant, optimising motor energy consumption is a good starting point for any kind of energy cost reduction initiative. The Siemens Simocode pro is a modular control system for low-voltage motors that not only enables dynamic monitoring of motor performance to improve energy efficiency, but also helps prevent downtime by providing smart insights for early detection. Offering easy and direct connection to automation systems such as the Siemens Simatic PCS7 using Profibus, Profinet, Modbus RTU or Ethernet IP, the Simocode pro implements all motor protection and control functions, provides operational, diagnostic and statistical data and organises the communication between automation system and motor feeder. From planning and installation,

Available now in Australian and New Zealand from NHP, the latest AllenBradley soft starter, which incorporates an internal bypass together with advanced motor control and protection functions.

through to ongoing operation and service of the plant or system, the Simocode pro is a solution to increase process control quality and reduce costs at the same time. It is available now from APS Industrial, the master distributor for Siemens industrial low-voltage electrical and automation products in Australia. APS Industrial 1300 309 303

MACHINE AUTOMATION CONTROLLER EXPANDS PROTOCOL SUPPORT The latest version of the Omron NX1 Machine Automation Controller combines a compact design with powerful functionality via the Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA), designed specifically for reliable, secure and easy control of data exchange between machines. Based on Omron’s own multicore technology, the NX1 combines high speed with high-precision machine control. It provides real-time information traceability to meet quality standards as it can send the collected data to a host IT system securely via an OPC UA server interface without a gateway. When equipped with the NXHAD4 analogue input unit, the NX1 can collect data from four channels simultaneously at a 5µs sampling speed, which is reckoned to be industry’s fastest monitoring. Just 66mm wide, the compact controller offers synchronised control for up to 12 axes via EtherCAT and up 60



The flexible SMC-50 soft starter features advanced monitoring, greater protection, superior communication and network integration capabilities to increase efficiency and reduce costly downtime. With inbuilt network integration and expandable I/O for application scalability and setup via HMI or PC for process optimisation, this soft starter also includes a host of preprogrammed operating modes. These include sensorless linear speed acceleration and

Omron Electronics 1300 766 766

Available in nominal ratings from 108 to 480A at 415 or 690V AC, the SMC-50 ensures greater functionality and effectiveness for controlled motor starting, while also providing flexibility to meet changing requirements. NHP Electrical Engineering 1300 NHP NHP

LED DRIVERS ARE MADE TO HANDLE AUSTRALIAN CONDITIONS Mean Well offers a range comprising more than 1000 models of LED power supplies, available in Australia from Soanar. The ELG, LPF and HLG series of 3-in-1 dimming LED drivers are particularly popular in Australia thanks to their high protection levels against dust and moisture making them suitable for local conditions, particularly for outdoor lighting applications, including LED signage.

to 32 via local NX I/O units with 1ms cycle time. The NX1 is the world’s only controller to include both EtherNet/ IP and EtherCAT, providing flexible and integrated safety across the manufacturing plant.

deceleration to provide a superior soft start and soft stop in any application.

The LPF series features constant current or constant voltage and current output. With an efficiency of up to 89%, all devices can operate between -35 and +70°C. They are supplied in plastic cases with a 1.8m input lead and plug, backed with a 5-year warranty and are suitable for work in dry, damp or wet locations. The ELG series are Mean Well’s latest generation of IP65/67 weatherproof dual-mode constantvoltage and constant-current output LED drivers. Thanks to the high efficiency of up to 91%, the entire series is able to operate between -40 and +85°C. They are supplied in metal cases, backed by a 5-year warranty and supplied with an SAA approved input lead and plug and

are suitable for LED street, architectural, bay and flood lighting. The HLG series are the preferred choice of LED drivers for the commercial lighting industry and feature constant current and constant voltage. All standard and dimmable models have an IP67 ingress protection rating and an IP65 rating for the adjustable models. These robust drivers are supplied in metal cases and with efficiency up to 96%, the entire series are able to operate from -40 to +90°C. The 7-year warranty makes this series is ideal for projects where long warranty periods are required to be provided to customers.

Soanar Australia 1300 365 551


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What is the least dense material in the world?

2 Who was the first reigning monarch to visit Australia? 3 … And when did they visit? 4 Which British singer was born Declan Patrick MacManus on 25th August 1954? 5 Which European football team has won the Champions League the most times (13)? 6 Which is further south, Melbourne or Aukland?

AMTIL NATIONAL CONFERENCE 22 August 2018 Leonda by the Yarra, Hawthorn, Victoria ISSA CLEANING & HYGIENE EXPO 2018 29-30 August 2018, Sydney International Convention Centre AUSTRALASIAN WASTE & RECYCLING 29-30 August 2018, Sydney International Convention Centre

9 … in which decade? 10 How did Donald Trump become the leader of the free world?

AUSTRALIAN WASTE TO ENERGY FORUM 19-21 February 2019, Mercure Ballarat, Victoria



19-21 September 2018, Rydges Parramatta, NSW

26-29 March 2019, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre



25-26 September 2018, Mercure Sydney Airport

14-17 May 2019, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre ALL-ENERGY AUSTRALIA


3-4 October 2018, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

5-6 September 2018, Rosehill Gardens, Sydney


7 Where in Australia is the Big Ned Kelly? 8 Australian doctor Mark Lidwill and physicist Edgar Booth developed which life-saving device?

IOT IMPACT 2018 10-11 September 2018, University of Technology, Sydney

AUSTRALIAN SMART LIGHTING SUMMIT 11-12 September 2018, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

3-4 October 2018, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre AUSTECH 14-17 May 2019, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY SHOW 22-23 May 2019, Sydney International Convention Centre

SAFETY IN ACTION 9-10 October 2018, Sydney Showground

THEY SAID IT.. LATERAL The best industry and political THINKING quotes of the past and present: “The difference between Australia and a lot of other countries, quite frankly is, when we make commitments to reduce emissions we keep them. ” Tony Abbott (in 2015) "I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road. " Stephen Hawking

1) A farmer has 10 rabbits, 20 horses, and 40 pigs. If we assume all of his horses are pigs, how many horses does the farmer have? 2) A man goes to a hardware shop and asks for the price of an item. The shop keeper replies that the item is “one for $1”. The man gives the shop keeper “$3 for 600”. What did the man buy for his newly painted house? 3) A woman has seven children, half of them are boys. How is this possible?

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." Henry Ford

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The deadline for editorial submissions is Friday 14th September 2017. Don’t miss out.

(1) He will still have 20 horses (assumptions can’t change the fact that horses are horses) (2) The three house numbers 6, 0 and 0 (3) All seven are boys (so the other half are boys too).

“The things which are most important don't always scream the loudest. " Bob Hawke

We’ll be a closer look at the motive force behind Australian industry with our annual special feature on motors and drives.

This is a great opportunity to get your message to our readership of more than 76,000 manufacturing professionals.

Teabreak Trivia

“Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day. " Benito Mussolini

The weather’s warming up, and the days are getting longer again. Time to celebrate Spring with Industry Update’s October issue.

(1) Aerographite, with a density of 0.2mg/cm3, (2) Queen Elizabeth II, (3) 1954, (4) Elvis Costello, (5) Real Madrid (including European Cup), (6) Melbourne, (7) Glenrowan (Vic), (8) Electronic pacemaker, (9) 1920s, (10) xxxxx xxx xxx (answer redacted by FBI).

“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.” Margaret Thatcher



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