Indiana jones and the fate of atlantis special editon proposal

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Who are we? Patrik Spacek founded Went2Play in 2009. It is an independent video game developing team that wants to bring back the classic titles to a new generation! All team members are professional Senior developers and 3D Generalists in the video game industry and do not require a large team to make any project successful and the highest quality. Our team has been working on various projects such as the Heroes, The Conduit, Astroboy, Ironman 2, Nickelodeons Dora & Diego, Fun boy and Chum Chum, AlternativA, Mafia, Wings of War, The legends, Zombies!!!, as well as Virtual and Augmented reality projects. We have worked for companies like 2Kgames, Bohemia Software, Illusion Softworks, Future games, High Voltage Software, Trick3D, Indigo Studios and many others. With 20 years of experience in game development and leadership, we always finish the job on time, meet all deadlines, ensure quality, and stay on budget. Our goal is to create high quality Special Editions of legendary games such as Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis, which is something nobody has attempted yet. We actually re-create the original artworks and animations from scratch to bring up more details and a new look overall. We are using the latest game engines and technology to achieve the highest quality and speed up the workflow. We are here to bring the legend back to life and let you enjoy it on the big screen!

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100 TOP Collectables

What do we want to do?


Went2Play is very interested in the full production of the classic adventure game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Special Edition.

Our team has been working on this project for more than a year and the Playable Demo has been successfully accomplished and we would like to present it to the license team in person. The Demo has 16 beautiful environments, 13 fully animated characters, complete Voice Overs made by professional actors and some of them are original actors from the original version 1992 and remastered Music & Sfx made by Rich Douglas.

HOW WE ARE GOING TO DO THIS? We know this is a huge project that deserve lots of attention, but we still don’t require a huge team. This demo has been made by 5 developers in 4 months! The Full production would expand the team for another 5 people to speed up the workflow, which makes total of 10 people.




10 People would be able to make this game in 12-18 months and we would like to release it close to the date of the new Indiana Jones movie, which will make it a huge marketing boom for both projects. We will take care of all elements of production from scratch to final release. We also want to release the game on all possible platforms with a minimum production budget.

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WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU? We would like to sign a license agreement with Disney/Lucasfilm to be allowed to start a full production. There are several budget options that we can offer and discuss to make a good deal for both parties. 1. Disney covers the game development for 12-18 months and Went2Play receives 30% of royalties. Game will be delivered on time. 2. Disney will not put any money into this project, but allows Went2Play to obtain the money from crowdfunding and other sources. Successful campaign will start the full production and Disney receives 30% of royalties. 3. Disney partially covers the game development, Went2Play will be able to obtain money from crowdfunding or own sources and Went2Play will receive 50% of royalties. 4. Other offers from Disney.

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WHY DO A REMAKE? Let’s talk about the statistics and why we know it’s going to be a clear success. Since we have started this project we got 5000 followers on social media. We have created approx. 50 posts, each of them has been seen by 5000 - 40 000 people. We also have running petition to receive a rights from Disney and it has been signed by 2200 people so far. Fate of Atlantis Special Edition blog has over 60 000 visits. Original game sold million units back in 1992 and the game cost $30 per unit. There are 150 000 owners of the game on Steam and the game cost $5.99per unit. We don’t know the other sales but it made approx. $31 000 000 in total. It makes it the most successful adventure game of all the time! There is no need to mention a huge Indiana Jones community all over the world that supports the movies, games and merchandise. With the great talent we have in our team, strong effort and great knowledge of Indiana Jones genre, we are the best choice to start a full production. I will be more than happy to talk to you in person and set up a deal, which will help us bring this legendary project back to life. Sincerely Went2Play President/Founder Patrik Spacek 678 755 0531

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Media outlets who have featured the project.

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Backgrounds, items, characters, user interface, animations, music and voice overs has been updated for high end technology and the best game experience.

Demo version is using Unity3D 5, which can mix 2D prerendered images with real-time 3D characters.

We are using post-production effects such as depth of field, bloom effect and parallax to create realistic look.

All characters has been modeled in 3D software and its using animation blend system, which brings smoother and realistic variations to the 3D characters.

Now we have new User Interface. Players use interactive icons menu to perform actions they need. Menu is call out by right click on screen.

Screen resolution of the game has todays standards to support all possible platforms. Standard is 1920x1080 and goes up to 6144 pixels for scrolling images.

New music in high quality made by professional composers.

Voice over professionals has been chosen for the best fit to our characters

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Screen comparisons Original vs Special Edition Comments by Patrik Spacek Special Edition

Special Edition


Special Edition

Special Edition

Special Edition “Lucasfilm had great artists who did an excellent job in all areas, even if it was a pixel art, I could not have better references. However, to update the pixels all characters have been modeled in 3D software and an animation blend system was used to bring smoother and realistic variations to the characters.�

Special Edition

Special Edition

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WENT2PLAY . Special Edition

Special Edition

Special Edition

“We’ve added a new user interface as players use an interactive icons menu to perform actions they need. The game has a new high quality soundtrack with a great selection of voices for the characters. Every time I look at the old graphics, I wish I was there and could touch each of those items and artifacts. The original game images are full of history and you can feel that you are inside the game..”

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Special Edition

CG Animations We have rendered a film quality CG videos that supports the cinematic look and Indiana Jones atmosphere!

THE TEAM The WENT2PLAY team is a devoted set of fans of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Team members are: Luis Belerique, who created the amazing Indy model (below). Doug Petty, who creates the high poly sculpts. Rich Douglas, a professional composer, created about 6 new pieces of music for the project. Wesley Avery, an Indiana Jones enthusiast and is the programmer. He takes it all and puts it together, building the scenes in the engine, triggering and syncing animations, dialogues, music and sound effects, creating the puzzles and game logics, UI, etc. Find out the latest developments by visiting

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We are ready, are you too?

It has been my pleasure to show you what we can do and I will be more than happy to talk to you in person, show you the demo and set up a deal, which will help us bring this legendary project back to life. We are super excited to share positive response with all fans of Indiana Jones over the world! Went2Play, President/Founder, Patrik Spacek, 678 755 0531,

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