I’ll just say it: I don’t enjoy exercising. It makes me sweaty and messes up my hair. I need to change into different clothes to do it. It takes time out of my day, it’s boring and tedious, and there are so many other things I can think of that I want to be doing.
But despite all that, I try to exercise every day. Sometimes it’s 30 minutes on the elliptical at the gym, and sometimes it’s a long walk. But no matter how I do it, I take the time to move my body every day. It started as a way to help my physical health. Now, I exercise for my mental health, too, because it turns out the experts were right: Moving your body every day helps relieve stress.
But I’m no superhero. I don’t have the secret to exercising regularly. Over time, it’s just become a non-negotiable part of my day, like brushing my teeth. I never — I repeat, never — want to exercise, for all of those reasons above, plus many others. But I have never — I repeat, never — regretted doing it. Taking that time for myself has always been worth it.
January is the month for resolutions. Year after year, one of the most popular resolutions has been to exercise more. If you find yourself with that resolution too, and you need some motivation, read “Fitting in Fitness When You Have Kids” on page 12. I have personally used all of the tips listed in the article at one point or another along my fitness journey. I can vouch for it! They will all help you to get out of the door (or out of bed) and move your body.
Fitness is a form of self care, so no matter where you are on your fitness journey — give yourself grace! Do what you can, when you can. Being kind to yourself is always a good resolution.
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2023!
Barbara Wynne barbara@indyschild.com
Mary Wynne Cox mary@indyschild.com
Nicole Sipe nicolesipe@indyschild.com
Becca Reynolds becca@indyschild..com
Katie Clark katie@indyschild.com
DIGITAL PUBLISHER + EVENTS Wendy Hasser wendy@indyschild.com
Emily Kirchmann emily@indyschild.com BILLING billing@indyschild.com
Trisha Brand, Lindsay Conner, Rebecca Matteson, Laurel Price, Jennifer Thompson
CALENDAR OF EVENTS calendar@ indyschild.com
33Indy's Child is published monthly. Copyright 2023 by Midwest Parenting Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of products, commentary or services herein.
Mark your calendar! The 34th Annual Indy's Child Camp Fair will take place at the Indianapolis Art Center on February 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is the one day each year when parents can plan a summer of fun all in one spot. Explore day camps, overnight camps, summer programs and classes that will keep the kids engaged and entertained all summer long.
Interested in participating as a vendor? Email mary@indyschild.com
details: Indianapolis Art Center: 820 E 67th St, Indianapolis Saturday, February 25, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
On Monday, January 16, several museums around Indianapolis will open their doors for free in celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This is the perfect time to enjoy the day at a museum with your family, while also honoring one of history's most inspiring and influential civil rights leaders.
Participating Indy museums include The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, Eiteljorg Museum, Indiana State Museum and others. For a complete list of museums offering free admission, turn to page 37 to explore this month’s calendar of events!
Did You Know?
A 2015 study by Time revealed that babies born in January and February showed higher levels of creativity and imaginative problem-solving.
Grab a ticket and hop aboard a stationary version of Dinosaur Train this month at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.
As an adopted kid in a mixedspecies family, Buddy the Tyrannosaurus rex and his Pteranodon family is curious about the differences between species. So, he wants to discover as much as he can about all kinds of dinosaurs by riding a train and learning dinosaur facts from the train’s conductor.
Based on the popular PBS KIDS TV series, Dinosaur Train, families explore the basics of science through fun, hands-on activities. Time travel to the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of the Mesozoic Era and complete the Nature Trackers’ Scavenger Hunt. Along the way, little ones will learn basic math concepts by exploring the different sizes and measurements of dinosaurs, analyzing dinosaur fossils and learning the difference between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
The museum hopes this experience, which focuses on younger children, will serve as a catalyst to spark a lifelong interest in dinosaurs, science and natural history, just as the Dinosphere exhibit does.
“The exhibit celebrates the fascination kids have with both dinosaurs and trains,” says Lauren Wesley, exhibit project manager for The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. “Our paleo staff loves Dinosaur Train because it presents current science in a way that’s fun and engaging for preschoolers. The exhibit encourages kids to make observations and ask questions about the world around them, just like a paleontologist would.”
Kids snuggle up with their grown-ups on a soft leaf-shaped pillow within the exhibit to read "Dinosaur Train" books and pose for photos with Mrs. Pteranodon. Families can watch a video and learn how a steam engine works, pull the cord of the train’s whistle to alert passengers that the train is leaving the station and play a hands-on “Dinosaur Train” board game.
In the Junior Conductor Academy, tap a letter of the “Dinosaurs A to Z” interactive to flip the screen and see and hear 26 dinosaur names. Visitors can also compare the size of their femurs (leg bones) to that of an Apatosaurus, feed three dinosaurs based on their different diets and make footprint impressions by pressing fossil stones into clay
After that adventure, families are invited to see real fossils in Dinosphere and encouraged to ask their kiddos to reflect on what they learned in Dinosaur Train by picking out the herbivores and carnivores and sharing facts about them. They can even touch real fossils at the Polly Horton Hix Paleo Prep Lab while asking real paleontologists questions.
Dinosaur Train: The Traveling Exhibit opens January 28 at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, and will be at the museum through July 30.
It might feel challenging to find time to exercise, but it’s important to make time for self-care.
Instead of sneaking off to the gym, why not get your kids involved in planning a fun family workout? Use exercise cards or dice to create a workout with jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, pretend jump rope, plank contests, crunches and sit-ups, says Shannon Strzynski, fitness supervisor for the Monon Community Center. “If possible, plan the workout at a specific time and make it a part of your daily routine. After your workout, hydrate and consider healthy meal prep!”
playing with your little one, hold a plank. Add some extra lunges or squats when you're bending down to pick up toys or some bicep curls with those heavy grocery bags when you’re bringing them in.
3-mile run, you can book a massage. Or if you squat your goal weight, treat yourself to new shoes. Make it simple, fun and for you.
Some of the best cardio workouts can happen while interacting with your children. Dance parties are a fun way to get the whole family involved! YouTube has so many options for dance workouts, and you can even search for ‘Just Dance game videos’ to find choreographed dances to your favorite songs.
Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated — adding more intentional movement throughout the day and weeks add up. When you're on the floor
One of the most important factors in sticking with a fitness plan is finding accountability. Call a friend to workout with and invite them over once or twice a week. A group exercise class can provide you with camaraderie to stick with your goals year-round.
For instance, The Monon Community Center offers more than 100 weekly group fitness classes ranging from yoga to cycling and strength training to cardio, at all different times of the day, plus childcare for kids 2-12.
“If you're a new mom, look for a personal trainer or someone that is knowledgeable about proper workouts and form, recommends fitness coach Danielle Andrews. “Postpartum is an incredibly important time of recovery and doing the proper exercises is key to a full recovery.”
Want to make time for fitness? Writing down your goals is a powerful way to attain them! You can motivate yourself by setting healthy rewards. For example, if you complete a
Schedule it just like you would a doctor’s appointment. “You have to take care of yourself so you can take care of your little ones,” Strzynski says. “Prioritize making time for fitness with a walk, bike ride, a YouTube video, or a fitness class.” Exercise is important for your physical health but also your mental and emotional health. This time every day will help you stay fit, healthy and refreshed to give your family the very best of yourself.
You do not have to do a workout at one time, Andrews says. “If you break it up and do 10 minutes just three times a day, that's 30 minutes of working out,” she explains. Naptime can also be a great time to fit in a workout at home when you have small children. “When my kids were really little, I'd turn on a show that I liked to watch while doing squats, lunges, pushups and planks.”
Setting an alarm to exercise before the kids wake up is a great motivator. “I personally love getting up early and getting in my workout before the kids are out of bed,” Andrews says. “It gives you an opportunity to take care of yourself before you have to take care of everyone else. There is a great sense of accomplishment when you've gotten up and been productive and cared for yourself first!
Andrews hosts a fitness BootCamp at the College Avenue Public Library that meets three days a week at 6 a.m. “We're all busy moms,” she explains. “Some stay home and others work full-time or part-time. But we all get our workout in together and have a great time!”
But if the morning is not for you, don’t be dismayed! Parenting demands a lot and requires flexibility for the constantly changing needs of this season of life. So simply exercise when and where you can, and give yourself plenty of grace.
You can also fit in extra fitness while putting laundry or groceries away — take smaller loads to increase your steps. “You don't need fancy machines or weights,” Andrews says. “All you need is your body and a few minutes throughout the day to make a difference in your physical and mental health.”
The best part about summer is not the popsicles or Vitamin D. It isn’t water balloon fights or long days at the pool — it’s the friendships made at camp!
Wright’s has hosted summer camp for over a decade, and strives to provide opportunities for kids to stay active, learn new skills and make new friends during the summer and all year long.
Wright’s camps ensure a schedule full of non-stop fun. With open playtime to allow campers to get creative and specialized “training sessions” to learn new skills, this summer will be one for the books!
Early bird registration starts January 16, so mark your calendars to register for these themed camps:
Celebrate all the holidays in one festive week! From Valentine’s to Halloween, get ready for party central!
Grab your Nerf guns because it's time to battle! This week is jam-packed with target practice, tactical training, team-building games and battles throughout the gym. Fort building and strategy are the names of the game at Blaster Battle Camp. Some pretend
artillery and ammunition will be available if needed.
Each day will be filled with galactic games, cosmic crafts, and astro activities that help kids explore outer space. They will make alien hats, paint moon and Earth projects with a twist, learn space words in sign language and more.
Ninjas and gymnasts can enhance their skills and learn new ones in both NinjaZone and FUNdamentals Gymnastics! On the final day of camp, kids will take what they learned and have a mini meet and ninja games to show off their new skills. Parents are invited to come and watch!
Campers will use their creative imagination to build skyscrapers, vehicles and future gadgets using different building and connection supplies. Kids will have a plethora
of building materials to choose from, including LEGO, DUPLO, MEGA Bloks, Lincoln Logs, K'Nex, wooden building blocks and more.
Go on a Jurassic-sized adventure! Starting with prehistoric times, campers will learn some cool facts about all types of different dinosaurs while having fun! Each junior paleontologist will participate in a fossil excavation, a dinosaur bone hunt, a Jurassic scavenger hunt and so much more.
Arrr-matey! Help conquer the seven seas and find the “X” that marks the spot of Wright's treasure. Little pirates and pixies will use navigational equipment — like telescopes, compasses, and binoculars — to help them seek out the hidden treasure.
(Not available at Noblesville)
Get wet and wild! This week is filled with all sorts of fun water activities, water games and water experiments. Splashing in water, painting with water, squirting water, testing water — water you waiting for?! This is not the time to forget a bathing suit and your sunscreen! You WILL get wet!
Campers will spend the week learning how to make some pretty amazing meals and treats with a hands-on opportunity to cook. Kids will learn how to follow a recipe, measure, and even learn when to throw the recipe out the window and add their own ingredients! Cooking campers will leave with their own cookbook at the end of camp, complete with their favorite recipes.
Campers will spend the week learning about different types of emergencies and the people behind the scenes helping those in need. Kids will learn basic first-aid, fire prevention and much more. A few special guests might stop by throughout the week to discuss their chosen fields, and might even bring a fire truck or ambulance along!
BROUGHT TO YOU BYMany children love animals. And that’s why it’s a great idea to get kids involved with understanding pet responsibility and empathy as early as possible. The Humane Society of Indianapolis offers Parent & Me volunteering opportunities where children 8 years and older — along with their accompanied adult guardian — can help the shelter care for cats and dogs.
Through their involvement with the Parent & Me program, children learn responsible pet care and gain a feeling of accomplishment that comes with aiding animals. In 2021 alone, 2,835 animals were adopted at IndyHumane. Volunteering is a very feel-good way to be a part of all the love and care that goes into finding forever homes for the pets.
There is a great need at IndyHumane to ensure the animals get kennel-free time exercising and socializing, and have a comfortable, tidy kennel. Through training, Parent & Me volunteers learn how to safely care for the animal’s needs.
The organization provides parents with clear guidelines on how to safely care for the kenneled animals. As an example, some dogs are required to be cared for by a more advanced volunteer (an ACC, or “advanced canine companion”).
The impact that children volunteers have on shelters might seem minimal, but the lessons that they learn will help them grow into empathetic adults who will make the world a better place in the future. If interested, visit IndyHumane. org, submit a volunteer application, complete online training, then schedule a shadow visit. Volunteers must donate 4 to 8 hours a month on a set weekly or bi-weekly schedule. There is a $20 per person volunteer fee, which helps cover the cost of the volunteer shirts. Assistance is available, if needed. An adult (21+) must always be present for volunteering.
7929 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis indyhumane.org
Safety tips for when your older kid is at home without you.
Remember the days when you couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a moment to yourself, much less actually leaving the house while your kids stayed at home by themself? Well, as we know, the years go fast, and what once seemed like an eternity away has now arrived at your doorstep.
But just because your child is old enough to stay at home, does not mean they will automatically know the rules for staying home safe. Here is a list of safety tips for tweens and teens (and parents!) who are experiencing this new level of independence.
Yes, your tween is staying home alone. And unlike poor Kevin’s McCallister’s mom from the movie Home Alone, this time at home is expected. But the last thing you want is a Home Alone experience. Instead of fighting the bad guys on their own, it’s important for kids to know what to do in case of an emergency. Have a list of emergency numbers and contacts handy, and run through scenarios so your child knows what to do if an emergency arises.
In addition to an emergency contact list, find a neighbor who will be home and let them know your child may be reaching out if needed. That way, if your child has an unexpected need, they know someone in the neighborhood is right there to help.
It seems obvious, but lock the doors and let your child know they need to keep the doors locked. And, definitely never answer the door for a stranger.
You know your child’s skill set. If your child is a little chef in the making, then it shouldn’t be a problem to let them make food while you are away. On the other hand, if they’ve never used the oven or stove before, then cooking while they are home alone probably isn’t the best time to gain those skills. Have them prepare food that is well within their expertise, and if they want to learn how to make more, set aside time to practice while you are home.
Every child is different and nobody knows your child better than you. If your child is responsible enough, they might be able to watch their younger siblings while you are away. If they’ve never watched them before, be sure you go over the rules and the schedule.
Sometimes, offering a little monetary compensation will go a long way. Consider adding some money to their allowance, or even giving them an hourly rate, for the help they are providing.
How long you stay away will depend on your child’s age and level of maturity. Some kids will do great over long periods of time, while others may need to be home alone for shorter stints. You can start off by leaving for a short time, and gradually increase the hours. Before you know it, you and your spouse will be able to have long date nights while the kids stay home - and even get themselves to bed. Can you imagine?
It can be both freeing, and nerve racking, when our children are old enough to finally stay home alone. You know your child’s capabilities and can trust that with a little preparation and discussion of rules and boundaries, they will do great on their own. And you will enjoy a new found freedom!
For now, Yay! Donuts is one of those “if you know, you know” types of foodie discoveries. You might have seen them this summer at the Fishers Farmers Market at the Nickel Plate District AMP. Or you might have run across their donut stand at a local event like I did. (I had the pleasure of tasting their donuts at Conner Prairie’s A Merry Prairie Christmas.) But wherever you come across Yay! Donuts’ mini donuts, just know that you’re in for a treat.
Dreamed up by Filipino home baker Esleen Dacanay, with friends Rica Castro and Deanna Bautista, Yay! Donuts are reminiscent of the kind of donuts that one might find in the Philippines. The mini, round, golden orbs are fried to perfection, then glazed or dusted with powdered sugar. You’ll also find mini donuts topped with a
variety of different flavors, such as cookies and cream, strawberry jam or pumpkin spice, but they also offer more traditionally Asian flavors like ube and mango. Each donut is a perfect bite of deliciousness.
If you’re lucky, you might catch Yay! Donuts when they’re serving their bao buns: pillowy soft steamed buns filled with savory ingredients like beef bulgogi, Filipino pork adobo or marinated mushrooms, topped with pickled veggies. You might have trouble deciding which tasty creation to eat first!
To find out where Yay! Donuts will be popping up next around Indy, follow them on social media: facebook. com/yaydonuts.fishers
The temperature might be dropping, but there are lots of fun things to do this winter in Indy.
Ride the escalators at the Central Library in downtown Indy, then head to The Curve for storytime and a little green screen fun.
Take a road trip to visit a new-toyou children's museum, like the Terre Haute Children’s Museum or Kidscommons in Columbus, Indiana.
Discover the indoor Discovery Station at Conner Prairie
Sign up for a kid-friendly food class, like the kids’ chocolatetasting classes offered at SoChatti.
Heat up with a hot glass class
GRT Hot Glass Studios offers a variety of classes for ages 10 years and up.
Lace up your skates and visit a local ice rink . Check out the brand-new outdoor rink at Holliday Park!
Dine in an igloo. You’ll find them all around Indy, including at Field Brewing and Urban Vines in Westfield.
Reach new heights at an indoor climbing studio, like North Mass Boulder.
Try out a Make It Take It art class at the Indianapolis Art Center. You’ll find Make It Take It classes for families, as well as classes for kids only or adults only.
Go bowling! For a unique twist, try duckpin bowling at Action & Atomic Duckpin Bowling in Fountain Square or Pins Mechanical in the Bottleworks District.
Have a family game night at home, or play board games and enjoy some treats at Doughnuts & Dragons.
Head inside for a round of glow-in-the-dark mini golf at downtown’s Circle Centre Mall. Take your little astronomers for a public tour on Friday or Saturday evenings at Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium
Burn some energy at an indoor playground , like KidCity at Greenwood Community Center or the newly renovated The Park at Traders Point.
Make a splash at an indoor pool, like Indy Island Aquatic Center or the indoor waterpark at the Monon Community Center in Carmel.
Play and read at your favorite local library
Enjoy a family movie and a meal at Flix Brewhouse or Studio Movie Grill.
Visit your favorite Indianapolis museum . The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is always a good idea!
Visit a nature center, like the ones at Eagle Creek Park or Cool Creek Park.
Warm up with a cup of coffee and cuddles from adoptable kittens at Nine Lives Cat Café
Learn about birds at the Ornithology Center at Eagle Creek Park.
Not afraid of the cold? Bundle up and visit your favorite outdoor playground . You might even get the playground to yourself if it's cold enough!
Learn about Indy’s racing history at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall Of Fame Museum or the Dallara IndyCar Factory in Speedway.
Bang away at the Rhythm Discovery Center, an interactive percussion museum in downtown Indy.
Explore Indianapolis with your family by foot, or make it interesting by making it into a unique scavenger hunt around the city.
Strike a pose as a family at Selfie WRLD, a selfie museum
Winter is the perfect time to learn to knit. Find sewing, knitting or crocheting classes for your kids, and maybe they will make you something warm to wear!
Go sledding at one of Indy’s favorite sledding hills, like Flat Fork Creek Park or Fort Harrison State Park.
Take a trip to Noblesville’s Koteewi Run to go snow tubing , central Indiana’s only groomed snow tubing hill.
Have an old-fashioned tea party at Tilly’s Tea Room, located inside the Fashion Mall at Keystone.
Get creative and make a wearable piece of art at the Tie Dye Lab in Avon.
Take a trip north for a ride on the Pokagon State Park toboggan run .
Visit the Veal's Ice Tree on Indy’s eastside. This massive icy sculpture is typically formed in January and melts in April.
Give back to our community by volunteering as a family. Familyfriendly organizations like Keep Indianapolis Beautiful need your help all year round.
Bundle up and enjoy a winter hike at your favorite local park.
With world-famous museums, galleries and monuments lining its historic streets, our nation's capital is an ideal family vacation destination.
Our family loves a good adventure while vacationing, especially when most activities come with low or no cost. With adorable neighborhoods, boutique toy shops, diverse food and a safe public transit system, Washington, D.C. is rich with history, education and one-of-a-kind experiences for an adventurous family vacation.
The city is divided up into four quadrants with the National Mall of Monuments in the middle. The Southeast neighborhood of Capitol Hill has a convenient metro stop with three lines, shops, restaurants and a nearby farmers market. The adorable row of homes and beautiful landscapes dubbed this area safe, clean and family friendly. With several Airbnb options nearby, breakfast at The Pretzel Bakery is a must.
The bulk of your spending in Washington, DC is typically transportation. After a very quick learning curve, the metro system is safe, well-lit and easy to use. Unlimited ride passes take the stress out of the subway and get you all across the city efficiently. For quick trips within the mall, Uber/ Lyft and taxis will get you where you’re going for a heftier fee. Ride passes are available for purchase
online, in advance of your trip or in person at a station.
The National Mall itself is just under a two mile stretch from the Capitol to Lincoln Memorial. For little ones, the walk can be tiring. Scooters and bikes are available for rent all over the city; download Bird or Lime apps ahead of time. One of my favorite parts of a D.C. vacation is scootering around the monuments with my husband and family.
If you’re up for the trek, the Steven Hazy Udvar Center is a hidden gem museum located next to Dulles Airport. For aircraft enthusiasts,
the Discovery space shuttle calls the Hazy center home. Smithsonian museums and monuments in D.C. are all free of charge and do not require reservations, except the Washington monument tour and famous International Spy Museum.
The Museum of Natural History, the National Archives and the Museum of African American
History are a few of our family favorites.
Plan ahead and reach out to your congressman or woman for potential Capitol and White House tours. The Library of Congress, Smithsonian Zoo and Washington Monument require advance reservations online or available day of.
Take a break from the free museums and monuments and explore the stunning waterfront area of The Wharf. Dock swings, boats, finer dining and boutique shops fill the newly built Wharf area. For shopping and delicious eateries, Logan Circle and Union Station are full of trendy boutiques and food. Ice Cream Jubilee in Logan Circle will keep you craving for more!
A trip to D.C. involves a lot of walking, and younger kiddos under age 6 may have a hard time. Planning an itinerary is helpful and using the map app on your phone for metro times is a lifesaver. Bags are checked in almost every location you enter, so pack extra light and have a great pair of walking shoes. For souvenirs and trinkets, White House Gifts on 15th Street will fill your cart with precious memories from an adventurous DC family vacation.
Diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, Anna Molloy spent more than two years of her life at Riley Hospital for Children. Her parents trained for six months to learn how to care for a child with a tracheotomy, feeding tube, oxygen and ventilator, in order to finally be able to bring Anna home.
Anna’s experience was the catalyst for Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation, a nonprofit that provides life-enhancing gifts to Indiana children with special needs.
“Our existence is all because of one young Southside Indy girl named Anna Molloy, who lived at Riley Hospital for Children for more than two years before they could then identify her condition,” says Brad Haberman, director of Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation. “Although we lost her at the age of 12 years old, the most important thing to her, while she was with us, was to help kids ‘celebrate their specialness.’ It’s also important to us that folks know we fill a big gap in the healthcare/insurance arena when politics, standard procedures and policies get in the way of a child getting what they need to thrive.”
We provide life-enhancing gifts (equipment, tools and technology) to Indiana kids who are living with special needs. These gifts are provided when insurance won’t cover it and the need is beyond the financial reach of the family. The gifts are sometimes medically necessary or they are simply meant to deliver normalcy and independence and an overall better quality of life.
What else should we know about Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation?
We send Indiana kids with special needs and their immediate family (up to four people) to every Indianapolis Colts home game thanks to our friends at Jobsite Supply.
For more information about Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation, visit their website at acolf.org . Here, you will find more detailed information on upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, ways to donate and sponsor children, past and featured gift recipients, and more. If you are interested in applying for your child to be a recipient of a gift, you can visit the Anna’s Celebration of Life Foundation website for the application and guidelines.
As we begin our 18th year serving Hoosier children with special needs, it’s our hope to be able to help even more children than ever. Right now, we strive to help 100 kids per year throughout the state.
Anna’s other legacy is Anna’s House Multi-Service Center (also known as The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House) in the Stringtown community. This is a food pantry for the underserved. While this is the same Anna, it is a totally different organization with a separate mission.
Bringing learning through play into every household.
It’s the time of the year when parents across Indiana clean out toy chests and playrooms to make space for the new Hanukkah, Christmas or birthday gifts their children received during the holidays. But what do we do with the perfectly good toys our children have outgrown? Six years ago, Angie Lacey, occupational therapist and preschool teacher, partnered with Hillary Key, owner of the Toy Chest, to ensure those toys find their way into the hands of deserving children in Central Indiana through their nonprofit, Project Play. Since 2016, Project Play has gifted more than 1,800 children with age appropriate toys to aid in their developmental play and learning.
Project Play accepts new and gently used toys and books in an effort to bring learning through play into every household. Donated items are delivered to deserving children in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. “They get toys for a variety of reasons,” Lacey says. “We’ve had families who have had house fires, or lost their jobs. Toys are often the last thing people can buy.”
Once Project Play receives a referral, volunteers head to their inventory of donations and pack toys and books for delivery. Children referred for donations can be newborns through teens. Referrals can come from individuals connected to the child, or a family can selfnominate. Anyone may submit a referral form for a child by answering a few simple questions to determine the most appropriate toys and books for that child. Children receive on average five toys and five to 10 books, which are delivered to the family’s home.
Project Play relies heavily on volunteer support, and volunteer opportunities are available for individuals, families, or groups (such as Scouts or sports teams). Assignments might include donation delivery, sorting and
organizing items in the warehouse, packing donation bags, and even take-home projects, such as categorizing books or changing out batteries in toys. Project Play is also in need of adult volunteers with skills or interests in marketing and fundraising.
If you’d like to support Project Play, please consider nominating a deserving child, serving as a volunteer, or donating gently used toys or books (donations can be received at 6658 E. 10th Street, Indianapolis, or at the Toy Chest, 125 S. Van Buren Street, Bloomington). Please note, Project Play cannot accept used stuffed animals, play weapons or equipment such as car seats, swings or bouncers, and they are always in need of toys for teens and children under 2.
Through gifts and generosity, Project Play creates opportunities for play and learning for deserving children across central Indiana. “We believe in toys, we believe in play,” Lacey says. “It’s just a way for us to make sure kids are able to develop and learn. Our big goal next year is to continue to serve more children than we did before. We know there are so many kids in the area that we serve that can benefit from us.”
Choosing where your child goes to school is a big decision. From traditional public schools and private schools, to charter schools and magnet schools, to online academies and homeschooling — there are lots of options! With so many incredible options, your head can be left spinning as you try to decipher what each of these schools has to offer.
We understand how overwhelming it can all be. To help you in your search for the right fit, we have compiled a list of some of the types of schools and what makes them unique.
Public schools are funded by local, state and/or federal governments. Public schools may have fees you pay at the beginning of the year, but there is no monthly tuition, making it a good economic option for families. Public schools do participate in standardized testing and their curriculum must adhere to state and federal regulations. Traditional subjects — such as reading, writing, arithmetic, science, social studies, P.E. and fine arts — are offered. At the middle- and high-school levels, students have the opportunity to handpick courses based on their interests. Extracurricular activities are a big part of public schooling, allowing students to participate in sports, music, fine arts, student government and other subjects. Your public school is chosen for you based on where you live and the zoning for your school district.
Private schools are not funded by the government, so there is a tuition required for students to attend. Many schools do offer scholarships, so if you feel this is a good fit for your child but are worried about finances, be sure to contact the institution to find out what the options might be. Private schools might have a specific area of focus and typically will have smaller classrooms, making the student-teacher ratio less than that in a public school. There are several kinds of private schools, such as university-preparatory schools, that have a goal of preparing students to enter college; boarding schools, which provide both an education and place to live; and religiously-affiliated schools, which offer religious education.
Charter schools are tuition-free schools that are publicly funded but independently run. You do not have to be zoned to a particular school, but instead can choose to apply to a charter school of your choice. Charter schools might emphasize a particular field of study such as arts and technology, or they may serve special populations such as disabled or at-risk students. Charter schools are established by teachers, parents or community groups and often have increased parental involvement and the feel of being in a tight-knit community.
Magnet schools are part of the public school system, offering special instruction and programs focused on a specific area of study such as science, technology, math, gifted and talented, engineering, performing arts, world language or career education. You can apply to a magnet school in your
district regardless of where you are zoned. Because of this, magnet schools are designed to attract a more diverse student body with specific interests throughout a school district.
Many of us became familiar with doing things remotely during the pandemic, but online schools are different from emergency remote learning or doing classes on Zoom. Most online schools are public, which means there is no tuition required. Online schooling can be a great option for students who need flexible schedules, such as those with medical issues, competitive athletes, performance artists and students who need a break from a negative environment due to things such as bullying. Some families choose online schooling so that they may travel and experience other things that traditional schooling would not allow. Online students follow a set curriculum and submit assignments through an online platform. They receive feedback and grades through accredited teachers. Online programs usually ask parents to be involved in their child’s education and help them to stay on track.
Homeschooling is parent-directd education. Many families choose homeschooling for the freedom it provides, such as choosing your own curriculum, focusing on your child’s interests or learning style and a daily schedule customized to your family's needs. Some homeschooling families choose to hire tutors, or have their children attend classes (co-ops) with other homeschooled students. Each state has its own laws and regulations for homeschooling. If this is the right fit for your family, you will want to look into what those requirements are as you are planning the curriculum and education plan for your child.
Carmel Montessori School is located Meridian in Carmel. Our directress is American Montessori Certified with 18 years head-teaching experience and we a a full member of the American Montessori Society. We offer a beautiful, peaceful and positive Montessori learning environment. Extended days available. • 1402 W. Main St., Carmel, IN 46032, Contact: Emily & Scott Rudicel, Phone: 317-580-0699, Email: info@carmelmontessori. com, carmelmontessori.com
The Right Start for A Lifelong Love of Learning! Our strong academic-based curriculum prepares and encourages your child to succeed in school while discovering learning is fun! All of our classes focus on an introduction to colors, number and letters with exciting art and science projects. Math, social studies and sight words are taught in the older classes.Develop Social Awareness & Friendships, Build Confidence and Master Academic Skills for Kinder- garten. • 110 Third Ave NE, Carmel, IN 46032, Contact: Diane Atkins, Phone: 317-753-9397, Email: dkatkins22@ msn.com, startinglinepreschool.com
The Little Lamb Christian School is a home away from home for children 6 weeks to pre-kindergarten. Since 1987, we have been the go-to private preschool for Carmel families who are interested in a Christian education. We are a place where children can learn, explore, create, grow and play! • 1609 Greyhound Pass, Carmel, IN 46032, Phone: 317-848-3580, Email: charli@thelittlelamb. com, thelittlelamb.com/, 6 weeks to Pre-Kindergarten and after school care
The IUPUI Center for Young Children offers childcare and early childhood education for children ages six weeks to five years old and believes children learn through play, experiences, and interaction with their environment and peers. • 321 Limestone St., Indianapolis, IN 46202, Phone: 317-274- 3508, childcare. iupui.edu/index.html
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Full Academic Curriculum and Innovative Arts Enrichment. Our Program recognizes that intellectual, social, emotional and physical development are interwoven. Our children will thrive on exploration, creativity, curiosity, discovery, spontaneity and more important, lots of love! Type of School: Early Childhood Cost/Tuition: Please call or email for full brochure. Hours/Dates: Flexible Hours. Full Time/Part-Time available. Ages/ Grades: 12 months old+, 18 months old+, 2s+, 3s+, 4s+, Pre-Kindergarten (Kindergarten Readiness Class) (3 day or 5 day option) Before/After School Care: Before and After School Care always available as needed. Early drop off as early as 7:30 am and late pick up anytime up until 6:00pm/5:30 pm on Fridays • 600 W. 70th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: ECC Office, Phone: 317-259-6854, Fax: 317-259- 6849 or Email: spayne@bez613.org. * Depending on the COVID-19 situation, some options might have to be changed.
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School seeks to prepare the next generation of leaders with the intellectual and technological competence, loving and open hearts, faith inspiration and social responsibility to bring about a more just, humane and loving world. Students from all backgrounds, faiths, and ethnicities are welcome at Brebeuf Jesuit, where all are called to discover and cultivate the fullness of their God-given talents. Each student is therefore challenged and inspired to strive for academic excellence, to engage whole-heartedly in co-curricular activities, to develop confidence in leadership abilities, and to discover God’s presence in everyday life through serving others. • 2801 W 86th St, Indianapolis, IN 46268, Contact: Colleen Cannon, Director of Admissions, Phone: 317-524-7090, Email: admissions@brebeuf.org, brebeuf.org
Children's Day In Nursery School and Traditional Preschool is a fully inclusive early childhood program with an emphasis on Christian values and learning through play. It is designed to offer children ages 9 months to 5 years a positive and developmentally appropriate first school experience in the care of experienced and loving caregivers. We play and learn! Classes are offered weekdays from 9 am to 2:30
pm. For the older kids, our program
Includes weekly Christian Life Skills, Music class taught by Indianapolis Children’s Choir instructors and Book Club. Please call, e-mail or visit for further information and registration Forms. Tours are individually set up at your convenience! • 5500 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208, Contact: Christy Whaley, Phone: 317-253-0472, cwhaley@ meridianstreet.org, meridianstreet.org/cdi
Early Childhood Center, The Church at the Crossing Parents Day Out (22-35 mos) and Part Day Preschool (3 yrs-PreK5) provide relaxed, secure, playful environments that nurture creativity and the exploration of God’s world. A variety of learning materials & readiness skills are woven into each unit. Older classrooms utilize “Handwriting Without Tears” curriculum. Various days, 9am-2pm. Need longer hours? Try our All Day Classes designed for 3 mos – Pre K5 with operating hours, 6:30am-6pm • 9111 N. Haverstick Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46240, Contact: John Drake, Phone: 317-575-6508, Email: ecc@golove.org
Open to the Public! Giving Tree Early Learning is a Reggio inspired early education program serving children ages 12 months through Pre-K. At Giving Tree, your child's natural curiosity is nurtured through a child directed, play-based curriculum rooted in developmentally appropriate practice. Our unique creative play spaces, such as the Light Studio and Outdoor Classroom, allow your child the opportunity to explore, discover and innovate. The small class sizes and responsive classroom environment creates a world that ignites confidence and compassion within your child as they develop their mind, body and soul alongside our skilled educators. Visit our website- www.givingtreehhai.org to learn more. We accept CCDF and On My Way Pre-K vouchers and are rated Paths to QUALITY Level 3. Schedule your tour today! • 6602 Hoover Road, Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: Ashley Flaumenhaft, Phone: (317) 251-1261, Email: aflaumenhaft@hhai. org, givingtreehhai.org
The mission of the Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis is to create a learning environment that fosters the religious, social and academic growth of all students. Because the progress of each student is valued highly, great efforts are made to assure suitable learning goals for everyone. All students are encouraged to work toward producing at maximum potential. In
pursuit of academic excellence, we emphasize basic skills, higher-order thinking and life long learning. • Address: 6602 Hoover Road, Indianapolis, 46260, Phone: (317) 251-1261, hhai.org
ISI is a non-profit, independent school that offers the International Baccalaureate curriculum to all preschool through grade 12 students on our newly unified campus. With lessons taught in English, French, Mandarin, and Spanish, our curriculum helps students excel academically while learning to become responsible citizens and effective leaders. ISI also offers a wide range of sports, clubs, and arts programs for students of all ages. High school students participate in a comprehensive four-year college counseling program, leading to a 100% college acceptance rate. • 4330 N. Michigan Rd.; Phone: 317-923-1951, ext. 334; email: admissions@isind.org; isind.org
The Oaks Academy is a Christ- centered school (Pre-K through 8th grade) that exists to provide a rich, classical education to children of diverse racial and socioeconomic backgrounds, preparing them to succeed in a rigorous secondary educational program and to demonstrate spiritual, social and emotional maturity. • Multiple locations; Contact: Sam Schmelzer, Phone: 317-426-7990; Email: admissons@theoaksacademy.org; theoaksacademy.org
The Orchard School, an independent, non-sectarian, progressive school, emphasizing experiential learning. Orchard teachers engage the natural curiosity of children, develop academic excellence, and provide leadership experience through well-rounded education. Orchard’s diverse community and commitment to multicultural education inspires responsible, global citizenship. Founded in 1922. NAIS, ISACS, NAEYC accredited. • 615 W. 64th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: Jessica Aiyasami, Director of Admissions, Phone: 317-713-5717, Fax: 317-254-8454, Email: jaiyasami@orchard.org, orchard.org
Sapling offers a year round Reggioinspired preschool for children ages 2 to 5 in conjunction with extended after care hours for working families. We empower children to discover themselves and the
world around them as they become critical thinkers, creative problemsolvers, and collaborative community members. We value our students and their passions, curiosities, and joys. Their interests guide the holistic, emergent curriculum and our learning environment. • For more information or to explore our virtual tour, please visit our website or facebook.com/saplingindy. To schedule a private tour, please call (317) 319-8228, Contact: Kelsey Livingston, Email: Kelsey@ saplingindy.com, Saplingindy.com
At Sycamore School, Indiana's only accredited, independent, private school for Preschool - 8th grade gifted students, teachers trained in gifted education deliver a curriculum designed to challenge and engage gifted learners. Art, music, Spanish, physical education, technology, extensive field trips, athletics, financial aid, and after school activities are offered. • 1750 W. 64th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: Duane Emery, Director of Enrollment Management, Phone: 317-202-2500, Email: emery.duane@ sycamoreschool.org, sycamoreschool.org
MSD of Lawrence Township
Located in the northeast corner of Indianapolis, Lawrence is a residential suburban community of 95,000+ and home to Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park and Geist Reservoir. With families from widely diverse cultural, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds, the Lawrence community values and embraces diversity as one of its greatest strengths. Lawrence Township strives to be the district of destination, a reputation built over the years based on the district's award-winning staff, accomplished administrators, high-achieving students, supportive community, and innovative educational programs. • 6501 Sunnyside Road, Indianapolis, IN 46236; Phone: (317) 423-8200; email: danaaltemeyer@msdlt.k12. in.us; LTschools.org
Heritage partners with Christian families to provide a Christ-centered education with strong, college-prep academics and intentional discipleship of students. Our community combines big school opportunities with sensible class sizes, a strong curriculum that is aligned across grade levels, traditional values, and teachers committed to seeing students succeed both in and outside of the classroom. • 6401 E. 75th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46236; Phone: (317) 813-3857; email: admissions@ heritagechristian.net; heritaggechristian. net , Ages: preschool-grade 12
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy, a program of Beech Tree House Center for Child Development, Inc., promotes the emotional, physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of each child. Our exceptional teaching staff is dedicated to presenting a challenging and enthusiastic learning environment that recognizes each unique learner. With a dedication to personal excellence, all members of our school family are challenged to practice and exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in daily life. Stateaccredited with exemplary ratings. Preschool - 6th Grade • 7850 South Emerson Ave., Indianapolis , 46237, Phone: 317-882-8636, jhaywood-rollins@ beechtreehouse.com, cwpsa.com
Kids 360° Early Learning Academy is a first-of-its-kind preschool for kids ages 3-5, offering an expansive, state-ofthe-art learning environment designed to facilitate optimal learning for the whole child. Backed by science, our progressive movement-based curriculum primes the brain for learning, improves sensory/motor integration, and helps kids build healthy life skills. Tours available beginning Summer of 2022! • 360 E 186th St. Westfield, IN 46074, Phone: 317-888-4805; Email: support@ kids360preschool.com; kids360preschool. com , Ages 3-5
Easterseals Crossroads
Offering comprehensive disability services for people of all ages. Early Intervention, Autism Services, PT, OT, Speech Therapy, Feeding/ Swallowing issues, Augmentative Comm-unication, Assistive Technology, Multi-sensory Therapy Rooms, Summer Camps, Life/ Social Skills Groups, Deaf Community Services, Autism Family Resource Center. • 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205, Phone: 317-466-1000, Email: info@ easterseals crossroads.org, eastersealscrossroads.org
Virtual Preparatory Academy of Indiana at Madison-Grant, an online program of the Madison-Grant School District, is a full-time tuition-free online public school that serves students living in the state of Indiana. Students benefit from live, online instruction of an engaging curriculum from the safe environment of their own home. • Phone: 765-680-0072, Email: enrollment@vprepinmg.org, Contact: Melissa DeWitt - Head of School, indianamg. virtualpreparatoryacademy.com , Ages: K-11 For the current school year. K-12 for 2023-2024 school year
SUN 01 First Day Hike at the Fort Start your New Year off right by participating in Indiana State Park's traditional First Day Hike! Wear warm clothes, comfortable shoes, and meet the naturalist at the Delaware Lake picnic shelter to join this 2-mile hike on a paved loop. Dogs permitted on leash. Hot cocoa provided while supplies last. • Location: Fort Harrison State Park, Time: 1-2:30 pm, facebook.com/FortHarrison
Scien-Tots Little scientists and their caregivers will investigate STEM concepts, (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) through a story and hands-on exploration at learning stations in this lab-style program. Ages 2-4; registration required. • Location: Noblesville Library, Time: 9:30-10:15 am, hepl. lib.in.us FREE
TUES 02 Tiny Tinkerers Make, learn and share together! This interactive storytime encourages building, play and early literacy skills for young children and their caregivers. • Location: Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library, Time: 10-10:30 am, plainfieldlibrary.net FREE
WED 04 Storytime at Cool Creek Nature Center Winter is on its way and the animals are staying warm and cozy at the nature center. Enjoy a fun nature-inspired storytime and a nature-related kids craft. • Location: Cool Creek Nature Center, Time: 10:30-11:30 am, hamiltoncounty.in.gov FREE
Newfields Community Day Enjoy free admission to Newfields on the first Thursday of the month. Advance ticket is required. • Location: Newfields, Time: 11 am-8 pm, discovernewfields.org FREE
FRI 06 Pajama-Rama Put on your cutest pair of pajamas, grab your favorite teddy bear, pack up a blanket, and enjoy a fun program for toddlers and preschoolers. • Location: Cool Creek Nature Center, Time: 7-7:45 pm, hamiltoncounty.in.gov FREE
SAT 07 Peanut Butter and Jam: Animals of the North Pole Meet Jingle John, a reindeer herder from the Scandinavian Sami culture, as he introduces you to amazing animals of the Arctic Circle, one of the coldest, harshest environments on the planet. • Location: The Center for the Performing Arts, Time: 10:30 & 11:15 am, thecenterpresents.org
Story Castle Cinema: The Snow Queen Enjoy a free family-friendly movie in the Story Castle! • Location: Westfield Washington Public Library, Time: 1-3 pm, wwpl.lib.in.us FREE
SUN 08 Meet a Raptor Join a naturalist at the Ornithology Center to discover the world of raptors! You will meet one of our Raptor Ambassadors and see a special training demonstration. • Location: Eagle Creek Park, Time: 2:30-3 pm, indyparks.org
trained in Sensory Friendly Practices will be on hand in case anyone needs assistance. • Location: Conner Prairie, Time: 10 am-Noon, connerprairie.org *SN
MON 09 Messy Munchkins Listen to a story, then squish and smush your way into the benefits of messy play. Dress for mess! Ages 2-5. Registration required. • Location: Noblesville Library, Time: 10-11 am, hepl.lib.in.us FREE
Tales for Twos and Threes Enjoy exhilarating books, stories and rhymes. Free tickets are required and will be available—first come, first served—at the Kids Desk 30 minutes prior to start time. • Location: Carmel Clay Library, Time: 10:30-11 am, carmelclaylibrary.org FREE
Families and children of all ages are invited to drop in any time to make new friends while playing board games or solving puzzles. Games and puzzles will be provided. • Location: Haughville Branch Library, Time: 6-7:30 pm, indypl.org FREE
Jungle Tales Bring your preschooler to this program with a focus on the natural world. Join us for a different nature-related story, activity and craft each month. Registration required. $5. Ages 2-6. • Location: Garfield Park Conservatory, Time: 10-11 am, garfieldgardensconservatory.org
Night @ The Children’s Museum On the first Thursday of every month, it's just $6 admission per person! • Location: The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, Time: 4-8 pm, childrensmuseum.org
Sensory-friendly Sundays @ Conner Prairie The second Sunday of every month, exhibit components that make noise will be turned off. All quiet spaces can be utilized and staff
What can you build with blocks? Create engineering designs and block-inspired art, take part in an interactive story time and more. • Location: Indiana State Museum, Time: 10-11 am, indianamuseum.org
WED 11 Little Ones Storytime Enjoy an active storytime and lively songs for ages 12-14 months. Free tickets are required and will be available—first come, first served—at the Kids Desk thirty minutes prior to the scheduled program start time. • Location: Carmel Clay Library, Time: 10:30-10:50 am, carmelclaylibrary.org FREE
THURS 12 Library Babies Enjoy rhymes, songs, and stories for infants ages 0-12 months. • Location: Carmel Clay Library, Time: 10:30-10:50 am, carmelclaylibrary.org FREE
Preschoolers (ages 2-5) can join in on an hour of fun! We will read a book, do a craft, and participate in a fun activity all related to the theme of the day. • Location: Taylor Center of Natural History, Time: 11 am-Noon, hamiltoncounty.in.gov FREE
SAT 14 Critter Chat Drop by Blake’s Garden to meet a resident critter! • Location: Garfield Park Conservatory, 2 pm, indyparks.org FREE
Family Fort Building Guided by a park naturalist, build a shelter or a fort with your family using natural materials found in the woods. Dress for the weather and for mud as this is a rain or shine program! • Location: McCloud Nature Park, Time: 2-4 pm, hendrickscountyparks.org FREE
A Feast for Your Own Eyes Enjoy an enchanting production by deaf performing artist, Peter Cook, whose work incorporates American Sign Language, pantomime, storytelling, acting, and movement. Using nonverbal methods of storytelling, Cook creates community for both deaf and hearing audiences. • Location: Indiana History Center, Time: 7 pm, storytellingarts.org
Star Wars Night @ Indy Fuel The Fuel will battle the dark side (Kalamazoo Wings) in their galactic Star Wars jerseys, which fans can bid on after the game. Meet your favorite Star Wars characters and get ready for the best night in the entire galaxy! • Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Time: 7 pm, indyfuelhockey.com
non-stop good time as they go headto-head against the Washington Generals who will stop at nothing to try and defeat the world’s winningest team! • Location: Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Time: 12:30 & 5:30 pm, gainbridgefieldhouse.com
MON 16 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration The Ice at Carter Green will have special hours on this day for the community to come and enjoy the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday! • Location: Carter Green in Carmel, theiceatcartergreen.org
Free Admission @ The Children’s Museum
Celebrate the life, achievements and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with free admission. • Location: The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, Time: 10 am, childrensmuseum.org FREE
Free Admission @ Eiteljorg Museum
Celebrate MLK Day with free admission to Eiteljorg Museum, and the final day of Jingle Rails: The Great Western Adventure. • Location: Eiteljorg Museum, Time: 10 am-5 pm, eiteljorg. org FREE
Free Admission @ Indiana State Museum
Celebrate Dr. King’s dream and explore the ongoing struggle for civil rights with free admission to ISM. Videos will highlight Dr. King’s most iconic speeches, and activities and performances will explore civil and human rights. Reflect on what you can do to ensure the dream lives on. • Location: Indiana State Museum, Time: 10 am-5 pm, indianamuseum.org FREE
Martin Luther King Jr. Day @ Conner Prairie Enjoy free admission to honor and celebrate identity, belonging, community and love. Through music, art, activism and elevation of female voices, visitors can come together to pledge to BE love – for ourselves, for others, and for the future. Experience inspirational programming throughout the day and take part in the joy of community. • Location: Conner Prairie, Time: 10 am-5 pm, connerprairie.org
THURS 19 Little
Bring your little one in for seasonal themed fun! Celebrate the season with crafts, games and fun activities. Ages 2 to 5. • Location: Forest Park, Time: 2-3 pm, noblesvilleparks.org
Presents: Find Your Hero Discover the hero inside us all with this magical adventure for the whole family! Audiences will discover what it truly means to be a hero as Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and friends from around the Disney Kingdom come together to take families on a journey through timeless tales. • Location: Gainbridge Fieldhouse, gainbridgefieldhouse.com
Celebrate Penguin Awareness Day with crafts, coloring and activities all day in the Ornithology Center classroom. • Location: Eagle Creek Park, Time: 10 am-4 pm, indyparks.org FREE
Home Show
The largest home show in Indy, this show features landscaping companies, remodeling contractors, interior design companies and more. • Location: Indiana State Fairgrounds, indianapolishomeshow.com
The largest garage sale in the nation is a bargain hunter’s paradise, with more than 600 booths in two pavilions, offering a plethora of items at unbelievable prices. • Location: Indiana State Fairgrounds, garagesaleandmarketplace.com
TUES 17 Toddler & Preschool Storytime Children ages 2-5 and an adult are invited for stories, songs, and rhymes. • Location: Nora Branch Library, Time: 10:30-11:30 am, indypl.org FREE
Workshop Explore the world of color and experiment with different media, styles and approaches to using color to tell a story. No artistic skills required: You don't even have to be able to color inside the lines. Ages 8+. • Location: Hamilton East Public Library, 9 am-5 pm pm, nickelplatearts.org FREE
Young children and their families are invited to an introduction to the orchestra through story, movement and live music. Teddy bears welcome! • Location: Central Library, Time: 3-4 pm, indypl.org FREE
Harlem Globetrotters Your favorite Globetrotter stars are bringing out their amazing basketball skill, outrageous athleticism and a
WED 18 Cozy Movie Night A night to drink some hot cocoa or cider, eat cookies, and watch a movie while staying cozy inside with those you love. BYOB (bring your own blankets!) Registration required. $3. • Location: Chuck Klein Sports Complex, Time: 6-8 pm, indyparks.org
Nature Preschool Explorers: Squirrels,
Squirrely Saturday Join us on National Squirrel Day to learn all about squirrels! Bring the family along for a squirrely afternoon. Families will have the opportunity to make a squirrel track out of plaster, use stamps to tell a story in the snow, and learn the different species of squirrel in Indiana and the United States. • Location: Monon Community Center, Time: 1-2 pm, carmelclayparks.com
and Walking the Woods January 18th is World Snowman Day, the 20th is Take a Walk Outdoors Day, and the 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day! We will celebrate all three on a winter hike. • Location: Cool Creek Nature Center, Time: 10:30 am, hamiltoncounty.in.gov FREE
Enjoy a free family-friendly movie in the Story Castle! • Location: Westfield Washington Public Library, Time: 1-3 pm, wwpl.lib.in.us FREE
SAT 21 SUN 22 Festival of Ice
Featuring carving demonstrations by professional ice carvers, plus events like a Big Block carving competition, fast-paced carve-off on stage, a Carmel Fire Department chili cook-off, skating to a live DJ, and more. • Location: Carter Green in Carmel, Time: 11:30 am-9 pm, theiceatcartergreen.com FREE
SUN 22 Family Fun Day @ Indy Fuel Members of Nitro’s Kids Club run the show by helping the emcee, PA announcer and taking over various other game day jobs! All kids 12 and under eat free. Stick around after the game and enjoy a post-game skate with the team. • Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Time: 3 pm, indyfuelhockey.com
TUES 24 Book Buddies Bring a buddy for a storytime playdate at the library! Enjoy stories, activities and crafts based on each week's special theme. For kids ages 4-6 on their own. • Location: Carmel Clay Library, Time: 10:30-11 am, carmelclaylibrary.org FREE
Domino Chain Reaction Club Let's have some fun setting up dominoes and knocking them down! Grades 2-5. • Location: Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library, Time: 4-5 pm, hmmpl.org FREE
WED 25 Little Explorers: Wild Winter! Enjoy a short walk around the park, exploring nature as you go. There will also be activities and crafts available during or after the walk. This month’s theme is having fun outdoors in winter. Registration required. $4. • Location: Garfield Park Conservatory, Time: 10-11 am, garfieldgardensconservatory.org
Movin’ & Groovin’ If your preschooler likes music and movement, try out this fun musical program! We will enjoy action songs, dancing, singing, playing percussion instruments and other musical props. • Location: Fishers Library, Time: 2-2:30 pm, hepl.lib.in.us FREE
A sensory-friendly event for families, especially designed for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder or any type of special need. • Location: The Ice at Carter Green, Time: 5-7 pm, theiceatcartergreen.com *SN
Take a closer look at our feathered friends – birds! Create feathered art, engineer a nest and more. • Location: Indiana State Museum, Time: 10-11 am, indianamuseum.org
SAT 28 Build a Bug Learn about bug biology, meet real (friendly!) insects and arthropods, and craft your own realistic or imaginary bug to take home with you. • Location: Taylor Center of Natural History, Time: 1-3 pm, hamiltoncounty.in.gov FREE
Tutti Frutti brings to life Hans Christian Andersen’s well-known tale with a menagerie of mischievous
animals, inventive physicality, and live music and songs that quack and trill. Great for ages 5-10. • Location: The Palladium, Time: 11 am, thecenterpresents.org
SUN 29 Carmel Symphony Orchestra Presents: Family Fun
Experience an interactive family-style concert, where children can sit on stage during the concert with CSO musicians as they play excerpts from some of the world’s greatest orchestral classics. After the concert, kids can try various musical instruments on display in an “instrument petting zoo.” • Location: The Palladium, Time: 3 pm, thecenterpresents.org
Free Admission to Garfield Park Conservatory In appreciation of all the wonderful visitors and supporters, admission to the Conservatory is FREE on this day. Enjoy a unique tropical experience, including waterfalls, orchids, animals and more — all for free! • Location: Garfield Park Conservatory, Time: 1-5 pm, garfieldgardensconservatory.org FREE
Family Book Club Read The Three Little Pigs and build a strong house that we will test against the Big Bad Wolf. Registration required. • Location: Carmel Clay Library, Time: 6-7 pm, carmelclaylibrary. org FREE
Sleek: The Art of the Helmet Through Jan. 8 This exhibition explores themes such as art, engineering and storytelling, and features helmets from racing history from current drivers, and nine designed by local artists. • Location: Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum, imsmuseum.org
Flyin’ West Jan. 11-Feb. 5 Four brave female African American homesteaders and pioneers settle together in the all-Black town of Nicodemus, Kansas. Fighting a harsh and unforgiving wilderness, they work hard to till the soil and build better lives for themselves. Their courage is tested when an unexpected and deadly threat invades their home in this surprising story set in the Old West. • Location: Indiana Repertory Theatre, irtlive.com
Circle of Lights Through Jan. 13 Bask in holiday glory “Shining A Light,” a multi-million dollar update of lighting, staging, audio and video technology that transforms the Circle into a life-size snow globe, enhancing Circle of Lights like never before. • Location: Monument Circle, visitindy.com
Exhibit Jan. 28-July 30 Based on the popular PBS KIDS TV series, Dinosaur Train, this exhibit explores the basics of science through fun, hands-on activities. • Location: The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, childrensmuseum.org
Through Jan. 29 Indy’s newest winter tradition! As the only outdoor skating rink in Marion County, this is the perfect destination for family outings, date night, and creating memories with your friends. • Location: Holliday Park, hollidaypark.org
Through Jan. 31 Shaggy, Scooby, Fred, Daphne, and Velma have another mystery on their hands. A jewel-thieving ghost has evaded the local police force and was last seen in this very mysterious mansion. Enter the mansion and immerse yourself into a unique adventure where you can enter the world of Scooby-Doo! • Location: The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, childrensmuseum.org
Clue Through Feb. 5 A hilarious farce-meetsmurder mystery based on the classic Hasbro board game and 1985 film. Six mysterious guests assemble at a remote mansion for an unusual dinner party where murder and blackmail are on the menu. This comedy whodunit will leave you in stitches as you figure out who did it, where and with what! • Location: Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, beefandboards.com
Snow Days Exhibition Through Feb. 5
For many, winter is a time to tell stories during long nights, gather with loved ones and celebrate important traditions. Artwork in the exhibition will explore all of these aspects of winter and more. • Location: The Eiteljorg, eiteljorg.org
Oh Look It's Magic! ADHD Advocacy Magic Show Through Sept. 1 Having ADHD can be madness! With the help of magic, Jordan Allen will tell you how he has found to navigate the madness. This is one of the first and only ADHD advocacy magic shows that aims to entertain and educate, and written and performed by an ADHD performer. • Location: Athenaeum Theatre, athenaeumindy.org PLEASE
Jan. 28-June 25 Frank Dudley’s artwork – inspired by the beauty of the Indiana Dunes – helped to preserve the rare ecosystem where people visit to explore, study, enjoy and create. • Location: Indiana State Museum, indianamuseum.org