Revealing the facts versus the myths that surround
Planning Playdate Activities for Autistic Kids
Playing with peers can be difficult for autistic children, so a successful playdate can require some planning.
Spring Family Fun
Get out and enjoy the warmer weather with these activities around southwest Ohio.
Coping with Hormonal Changes
How to tackle
body's changes as you enter perimenopause.
Spring Has Sprung
ere is a little insider information: We plan each issue of Southwest Ohio Parent two months ahead. So this April issue that you have in your hands was planned all the way back in February, when it was bitterly cold outside, the trees were bare and the skies were perpetually gray. The April issue is always one of my favorite issues to plan, because it signals that we’re about to turn the corner from cold weather to warmer days, and I get to start thinking about spring! Thinking about spring as I plan the April issue is a nice little break from the doldrums of winter.
It was especially gratifying to compile the “Spring Ideas for Family Fun” article on page 22. There are so many fun and family-friendly places to enjoy
this season! On my spring bucket list this year is to visit a baseball game with my family. That’s something we didn’t get around to doing last year. The stadium hot dogs are calling to us!
Easter is also in April this year, so that means a whole new crop of egg hunts and Easter events to enjoy. You’ll find those all throughout our Things to Do calendar of events on page 34.
Enjoy your month!
Mary Wynne Cox,
Katie Clark,
Theresa Cicchinelli,
Nicole Sipe,
Becca Reynolds,
Wendy Hasser,
Mary Mueller,
Emily Kirchmann,
Pam Freeman, Michelle Mastro, Jennifer Thompson
local kids
1. Charlotte (7) and Brayden (3) at Great American Ballpark
2. Yashvika (1) at the American Sign Museum
3. Harper (5), Olivia (5) and Emma (1) at the Cincinnati Zoo
4. Isabel (11 mos) at Smale Riverfront Park
5. Freddie (2) at Meijer
6. Hazel (6 mos) at Kingswood Park
7. Gloria (2) at the doctor
8. Kee'Gean (8) and Kam'Dynn (4) at Richard's Pizza
news + notes
16 billion
That’s how many jelly beans are produced in the United States every year around Easter.
EGG HUNTS + Easter Events
Looking for fun Easter events? Then hop on over to Things to Do, our monthly calendar on page 34 . You’ll find lots of egg hunts and bunny visits to make your Easter season complete. Just look for the little icon! For even more fun happenings around town this month, be sure to check out our online calendar at
Hop Aboard LM&M Railroad’s Easter Bunny Express
Have an egg-cellent time celebrating spring aboard LM&M Railroad’s Easter Bunny Express. Train trips include a stop at the Bunny Patch (Lebanon Sports Complex) where children will participate in an egg hunt. The Easter Bunny will be hopping around throughout the train ride for all passengers to meet and for photo opportuni-
Did You Know?
Earth Day is on April 22. It’s a day to help heal the planet and protect the earth. You can make every day Earth Day by reducing, reusing and recycling!
ties. The Egg Hunt Squad will also be onboard offering balloon twisting during the train ride.
Advance tickets are required for this popular event! Visit to secure your reservation.
Age: 7 years old
My favorites:
COLOR / Gold
FOOD / Tacos
SPORT / Soccer
TV SHOW / Tom and Jerry
ICE CREAM / Chocolate
SNACK / Ritz Crackers
BOOK / Ramona the Brave
SUPER HERO / Wonder Woman
My favorite thing to do with my family: Watch a movie! My one wish would be: To be rich! One thing I am really good at is: Soccer! When I grow up, I want to be: A police woman!
Keep Cincinnati Beautiful
Helping to keep Cincinnati clean, green and beautiful since 1978.
incinnati is beautiful, and the nonprofit Keep Cincinnati Beautiful is committed to keeping it that way. Through programs that help communities transform into vibrant spaces, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful’s success can be seen in tree plantings and vibrant artwork, but its greatest success may be unseen through removing over eight million pounds of litter across the Queen City. Southwest Ohio Parent spoke to Jonathan Adee, the executive director of Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, to learn more about this important organization.
Give us a quick overview of how you help the community.
Keep Cincinnati Beautiful (KCB) enhances economic development and beautifies all 52 neighborhoods of Cincinnati and beyond. By utilizing thousands of volunteers and leveraging partnerships, we provide more than $20 in value for every $1 in public support. We educate children and adults, and provide job opportunities to Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) graduates. We transform neighborhoods, creating public spaces that reduce crime. We eliminate environmental crime and paint boarded-up buildings to increase economic development.
What youth and education programs do you offer?
We work with CPS to provide immersive learning opportunities to beautify their campuses. Tree the CRC provides tree plantings to Cincinnati Recreation Centers and Roots to Boots provides a pathway to careers in sustainable horticulture for CPS grads through a partnership with Cincinnati State.
What art and greenspace programs do you offer?
Our primary greenspace program is called Spaces to Places We work with neighborhood partners and community groups to identify spaces that could be community assets, such as pocket parks. Research shows that each urban green space reduces violent crime by 12% over a 1-mile radius.
Our two primary arts programs are Future Blooms and Murals. Future Blooms provides crime reduction, blight reduction and economic development opportunities by painting windows and doors on boarded-up buildings, making them more attractive for renovation or sale. KCB also paints murals and installs traffic box wraps. Our murals are done for neighborhood reclamation rather than workforce development reasons and incorporate designs that can be executed by volunteers.
is the Adopt A Spot program?
Adopt A Spot is a way to make Cincinnati clean and litter-free one block at a time. People sign up and pledge to keep their "spot" clean for two years. KCB provides the materials, support and assistance to help adopters. Currently, there are more acres adopted than all of Disneyland or Kings Island.
What events do you have coming up that we should mark on our calendars?
We have Don't Dump the Nati events the last Friday of each month from March to November and Great American Cleanup events all year long. We are gearing up for the Greatest American Cleanup, a nationwide event to pick up 25 billion pieces of trash between now and our nation's 250th birthday. Our signature special event, the Cincy Block Party, is on October 24.
With summer coming, do you offer volunteer opportunities for kids?
Children can volunteer with their families in the Great American Cleanup events and Adopt A Spot and with their classmates through Tree the CRC More information can be found on our website,
Spaghetti Warehouse
ven the pickiest of eaters can find something to munch on at the Spaghetti Warehouse in Dayton. This family-friendly restaurant offers a variety of AmericanItalian favorites on their menu, which is extensive and set up for celebrating a simple night out or a festive gathering. And if you’re lucky enough to sit in the historic trolley car, a highlight of this restaurant chain, then the experience is complete.
The kid-friendly menu includes cheese pizza, cheese ravioli, mozzarella cheese triangles, macaroni and cheese, chicken strips and grilled chicken breast. Adults can build their own spaghetti by choosing a sauce and toppings or pick from favorites such as fettuccine alfredo, baked ziti, four cheese manicotti, cheese ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs, lasagna and more.
Other locations in Ohio include Columbus, Akron and Toledo, along with a location in Syracuse, New York. Spaghetti Warehouse also offers catering with their Celebration Catering Combinations or Celebration Pick Up ‘n Go party platters.
Giving Back to the Community
Fundraising for sports teams, churches, booster clubs and other 501c3 organizations is easy. Host an event at the Warehouse and a percentage of the net food sales (excluding tax and gratuity) during your event will be donated to your organization. The more people you bring, the more money you raise!
36 West 5th St., Dayton
Autism is starting to become more understood and accepted by society, but we still have a long way to go. Many myths about autism still remain — ideas that range from outdated information to harmful stereotypes.
To stop the stereotypes in their tracks, it’s important to separate fact from fiction to better support autistics and their families. To shed some light on the reality of autism, here are a few common misperceptions and the truth behind these misunderstandings.
MYTH: Autism can be “cured.”
FACT: Autism is not a disease that needs to be cured. It is a part of a person’s identity and should be embraced, accepted and supported. The earlier a child is diagnosed with autism, the earlier they’re able to receive interventions and support. Early intervention can help autistics reach their full potential.
MYTH: There is an autism epidemic.
FACT: Autism is more common than people realize, affecting approximately 1 in 54 children in the United States. But although it is common, that doesn’t mean that there is an autism epidemic. According to the Cleveland
Clinic, autism diagnoses are becoming more common, but that’s mostly because of four big changes:
• More autism awareness. Society as a whole is more aware of autism than it used to be. With more awareness comes an increase in the number and quality of services available to autistic children. This often gives parents that nudge to seek a diagnosis for their kids.
• Better diagnosis capabilities. Doctors are getting better at diagnosing autism.
• Changes to the diagnosis. In 2013, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) became an umbrella diagnosis that replaced other diagnoses, including Asperger’s syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder. People with these diagnoses were grouped under an ASD diagnosis, which caused ASD to seemingly grow overnight.
• New rules. In the past, people could not be diagnosed with both autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at the same time. That changed, though, and both conditions became more common.
MYTH: Autistics don’t have emotions.
FACT: Many autistics experience emotions in their own unique way. Some autistics might struggle to express their emotions, interpret social cues or show empathy in a way
that a neurotypical person might expect. But autistics are fully capable of forming deep connections and bonds with others.
MYTH: Autism only affects children.
FACT: Autism is a lifelong condition that presents itself differently in each stage of life. It is not something that you “grow out of.” Supporting autistics throughout their lives and through all of their life changes is important for their well-being and success.
MYTH: Autism only affects boys.
FACT: While autism is diagnosed more frequently in boys, it can also affect girls. Autistic girls might show different signs — such as masking or suppressing behaviors — which might lead to a misdiagnosis. Understanding these differences is important for an early and accurate diagnosis.
MYTH: Being autistic means you’re not smart.
FACT: Intelligence is not determined by whether or not you are autistic. Many autistics have average or above-average IQ levels. Their unique way of thinking should be valued and respected.
MYTH: All autistics have special talents.
FACT: Oftentimes, autistics are portrayed on TV or in movies as people who are geniuses or savants. Most of these characters are extremely high-functioning or fall into the small percentage of autistics who have special talents. In reality, each person with autism is unique. Some might excel in certain areas like math, music or art, but just like a neurotypical person, autistics have talents and areas they might struggle with.
MYTH: Autistics can’t live independently or hold a job.
FACT: With proper support, many autistics lead independent lives and have successful careers. Providing opportunities for education, training and employment can help autistics thrive in life.
MYTH: Autism is the parents’ fault.
FACT: Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that has been shown to have genetic and environmental factors at play. There is no parenting style that can cause autism. Autism parents are often their child’s biggest advocate and loudest voice.
Playing with peers can be difficult for autistic children, so a successful playdate can require some planning.
Want your child to make friends and develop social skills? Plan a playdate! It sounds simple, but if your child is on the spectrum and has sensory issues, or struggles with their verbal skills or interacting with peers, the thought of scheduling a playdate can feel overwhelming. But it’s not impossible!
Planning a playdate for an autistic kid might take a little more finessing than a playdate for a neurotypical kid, but it’s worth the effort. Here are some things you can do to set your child up for a successful playdate.
Think of what your child is naturally drawn to or good at, and try to incorporate that into the time spent with their peer. Talk to your child about what will happen at the playdate and ask them to help you choose what activities they enjoy. Do they like to swing? Do they enjoy playing with certain toys? Consider activities that are not only fun, but also good for parallel play. Some activities that may be a good fit for the playdate are:
• Building blocks, such as LEGO or magnetic tiles
• Sensory bins
• Outdoor activities, such as playing in the sandbox, swinging, coloring with chalk or blowing bubbles
• Art projects that are age appropriate, non-toxic and easy for the children to complete
• Toys and games that your child enjoys and is comfortable playing with
Explain to your child some of the things that happen at playdates. If the activities will require sharing or taking turns, talk to them about what that looks like. You can do a run through of the playdate before it happens. Set up all the things you will do and practice with your child so they are well prepared before the guest arrives. Make the practice time fun so that they are looking forward to the time when they will get to do it all over again with someone their age.
Many children on the spectrum find comfort in routine and structure. It might be wise to have the first playdate at your home, which is a place of familiarity for your child, and might help if they start to feel overwhelmed or overstimulated.
If it’s your child’s first time having a friend over, you will want to respect the time. Don’t schedule too many activities or let the playdate go on for too long. You might even want to go with a shorter time than you feel comfortable with the first time around. Let your child know when the playdate will begin and end, and be sure to communicate to the other parent the importance of sticking to the timed schedule.
Open communication is key. You might want to let them know what has been planned and what to expect when they visit. Be open and honest about your child’s needs. That way, they can also explain to their child what they can expect, too. If your child gets overstimulated or over-
whelmed easily, you might want to explain to the parent what that looks like so that they can prep their child and let them know the best way to respond.
Is there a kid who is extra kind to your child? Is there someone from your child’s class they have mentioned? Reach out to your child’s teacher or another grown-up who knows your child, and ask them for playdate recs.
Have a comfortable space set up in the house with pillows, blankets, books, noise-cancelling headphones, fidget toys, lovies, or anything else that calms your child. Let them know this space will be there for them to go to whenever they want. When their peer arrives, show them this space and explain the importance of the quiet zone for your child. Let them know they can enjoy the quiet zone, too.
Playdates are important for our children and can begin at a young age. It might feel like stepping out of your comfort zone, but this step is important — not only your child but also for you. Trust your gut. A little preparation goes a long way. And, remember, if you give it a try and it doesn’t go as you had hoped, don’t give up! Some of the best things in life take time.
Special Needs Accessibility at Your Family's Favorite Places
eading out as a family can be fun for everyone, with many local hotspots offering accommodations and resources for special needs and sensory sensitivities. Here’s a helpful list to make planning for everyone easier.
Cincinnati Museum Center
Quiet zones are located throughout the building, including the nursing rooms on the mezzanine and lower level and the parent resource room. These zones are equipped with a minky-covered 5-pound weighted blanket, noise-reducing earmuffs, fidgets and more.
Cincinnati Zoo
The Zoo offers a calming room and sensory-friendly family restroom, adult-sized changing tables, sensory maps, fidgets, noise-canceling headphones, sunglasses and more. Many employees have gone through training to promote inclusion.
Boonshoft Museum of Discovery
Sensory Sunday hours are offered one Sunday per month
with adjusted lighting, sound, programs and trained staff. Support backpacks are available on Sensory Sundays and during normal operating hours.
Cincinnati Parks
Everybody’s Treehouse in Mt. Airy Forest is a universally accessible treehouse; the Bettman Sensory Garden and Pathway in O’Bryonville includes accessible walkways, an overlook and raised planting beds and accessible playgrounds are available at many of the parks.
Five Rivers Metroparks
Accessible paths are available at many of the parks, along with fishing piers at Possum Creek and Carriage Hill plus a wheelchair-accessible ice skating rink in winter at RiverScape.
Everyday shopping is made easier with sensory-friendly hours from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. daily. During that time the lights are dimmed, the radio turned off and a static image plays on the TVs.
Get out and enjoy the warmer weather with these activities around southwest Ohio.
It’s time to say goodbye to winter, and hello to spring! Here are some awesome places around southwest Ohio and elsewhere where you can have fun this season.
A great tradition to welcome spring, Zoo Blooms at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens transforms the zoo into a magnificent explosion of color from April 1-30. Or get musical with Tunes & Blooms and see a collection of Cincinnati’s finest and most respected music veterans playing together in the Zoo’s beautiful gardens, for free.
Head to Great American Ball Park this spring to root for the Cincinnati Reds! Some of the fun promotional home games to look forward to in April include Harry Potter Day on April 13 and Bark in the Park on April 30.
Open rain or shine all year round, Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm is a great place to enjoy the outdoors. Discover woods, streams, ponds, prairies, meadows, a working sustainable farm, educational animal exhibits, and, of course, the giant Aullwood trolls.
It’s easy to spend an entire day at Smale Riverfront Park and Carol Ann’s Carousel Between the different playgrounds and endless green spaces, this is a park with lots of playdate appeal.
There are so many fun and educational museums in southwest Ohio! Cincinnati Museum Center is a one-of-a-kind, multi-museum complex with things to keep the kids busy for hours, and includes the Museum of Natural History & Science, The Children’s Museum, Cincinnati History Museum and lots more. Boonshoft Museum of Discovery in Dayton is a children's museum, science and technology center and zoo all rolled into one. And the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) is a great place to visit for hands-on STEM activities.
It’s no secret that southwest Ohio is home to many beautiful playgrounds, but these natural ones stand out for their unique design — bringing you closer to nature. Arlitt Nature PlayScape is a little piece of urban paradise on the University of Cincinnati campus. There are trails winding through the playscape, like a labyrinth, connecting the various areas together. Many of the Dayton-area Five Rivers MetroParks have designated nature play areas, including Englewood, Hills & Dales, Possum Creek, Sugarcreek, Wesleyan and Wegerzyn Gardens MetroParks. And Summit Park Nature PlayScape in Blue Ash features natural materials such as water, sand, mud, sticks and timber.
Southwest Ohio is home to endless opportunities for kids to simply be kids and get a little dirty out on a trail or wading through a creek. At Brukner Nature Center in Troy, you can take a stroll in the woods, do a discovery hike, visit with wildlife ambassadors or see the view from the popular Tree-top Bird Vista. Inside, check out books about wildlife and nature, participate in story time, and lots more. Caldwell Nature Preserve is home to a variety of wildlife, and includes 3.5 miles of nature trails, including a level-paved trail that makes it possible for wheelchair users and people with strollers to explore the woods. Boasting 1,600 acres, Cincinnati Nature Center is the largest member-supported
nature center in the country. For kids, the main attraction is the PlayScape — plants, soil, and water can be touched and manipulated, creeks stomped in and logs built with.
Tucked away in Mt. Airy Forest is a hidden gem. Dubbed “Everybody’s Treehouse,” Mt. Airy Treehouse is as charming, unique and accessible as the Queen City herself, and is worth a visit with your family.
Located in Petersburg, KY, the family-friendly Creation Museum is a place to see thought-provoking exhibits, dinosaur fossils, botanical gardens, a planetarium and lots more. Just 20 minutes from Cincinnati and an hour from
Dayton, this museum makes for an easy day trip!
The Campus at Kids First Brand New State-of-the-Art Facility! The Campus at Kids First is located adjacent to Kids First Sports Center and offers the premier early learning experience for children ages infant through Pre-K. As the only early learning center in the area that makes physical education a top priority, The Campus gives your child an academic edge by integrating a world class physical education curriculum into the daily schedule. Weekly Basketball, Gymnastics, Dance and Soccer classes are included in your child’s day at no additional cost! Our carefully selected and loving teachers utilize a relevancebased curriculum combined with child-directed play to make learning fun and set your child on a path to become a life-long learner. 11711 Solzman Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45249, Phone: (513) 629-KIDS, Email:
Chai Tots Early Childhood
Center Academic excellence via a unique blend of Jewish and Montessori education offering strong academics, stressing life skills, interpersonal relationship skills and nurturing a love for life-long learning. Individualized curriculum customized for each student, expansive naturally lit rooms, low student ratio. Specials include yoga, music, Hebrew, Spanish, dance, drama, art and Tae Kwon Do. Flexible schedules, before and aftercare, web cams and after-school enrichment available. Transportation available to/from Mason schools. Limited space - now enrolling! 7587 Central Parke Blvd., Mason, OH 45040, Phone: (513) 234-0600,, Ages/ Grades: Infant, Toddler, Preschool, Kindergarten (6 weeks-6 years), Enrollment: 60
Creative Tots, Mason
Our holistic approach allows children (18 months - 5 1/2 years) the opportunity to learn, explore, play and grow while engaging in the fine arts, science, music, yoga and a modernized curriculum. We provide opportunities to use creativity, solve problems, use language, develop new vocabulary and reading skills, while engaging in intellectual activities. There are elements of STEAM education, bilingual education, arts education, as well as lots of physical activities to strengthen the mind and body. 6408 Thornberry Ct., Mason, OH 45040, Contact: Emilie Parry, Phone: 513-770-6776, Email:,, Grades: Toddler: 18 months-3 yrs, Preschool: 3-4 yrs; Pre-K: 4-5 yrs
Springer School and Center
Springer School and Center empowers students who learn differently due to ADHD, dyslexia and executive function challenges, through four distinct pillars: Springer Lower School and Middle School, Springer High School, Springer Diagnostic Center and Springer Learning Center. In addition to providing the region’s most wellrespected independent school for students with learning disabilities, tutoring, summer programs and diagnostic evaluations are available for students in grades K-12. Learning workshops for parents and educators are offered monthly. 2121 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45208, (513) 871-6080, Email:,
Little Sprouts Montessori Preschool & Kindergarten
Little Sprouts Montessori nurtures the natural curiosity and enthusiasm of children, helping them develop a lifetime love of learning. Our goal is to empower children to discover and hone their strengths as they explore the world. We recognize the importance of individualized education, and maintain a 1:6 ratio. 7131 Plainfield Road, Deer Park, OH 45236, Contact: Christie Sawyer, Phone: 513-697-9021, Email: csawyer@,, Grades: Preschool & Kindergarten, Enrollment: Families choose mornings two to four days per week (T/TH and/or W/F), and/or afternoon sessions on Tuesday and Thursday.
Mercy Montessori is Cincinnati's first Catholic Montessori elementary school and provides students with a personalized education. Mercy offers a sliding scale tuition model, in-school swimming instruction starting at age three, and attracts students from over 60 zip codes. Mercy educates the whole child and develops a strong foundation for learning. 2335 Grandview Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206, Contact: Amanda Grimm, Admissions Director, Phone: (513) 475-6700 ext. 210, Email: agrimm@,, Grades: Preschool - 8th Grade, Enrollment: 296
The New School Montessori Cincinnati's only school accredited by the American Montessori Society. Centrally located and surrounded by wooded play yards and gardens, students benefit from a nurturing environment where Montessori-credentialed staff support high academic and personal achievement. Full-day, half-day with healthy lunches included in tuition. ISACS and AMS accredited program. 3 Burton
Antioch School At the Antioch School education is centered on the belief that children learn best through play, curiosity, and selfdiscovery. Serving children ages 3 ½ to 12, across four age groupsNursery (3 ½ to 5 years old), Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old), Younger Group (6 to 9 years old) and the Older Group (9 to 12 years old), the Antioch School is the oldest Democratic elementary school in the country. Reach out to learn more and schedule a visit to our wooded campus on the edge of Yellow Springs. 1160 Corry Street, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, Phone: (937) 767-7642, School Manager: Nathan Summers, Email:,
Bethany School A warm and diverse community that has served Ohio families for 125 years. We believe in the joy of learning. Serving students K-8th grade, our curriculum along with small class sizes of no more than 15 students spark curiosity, encourage play, and make discovery an exciting journey. Our graduates continue to experience academic success in Cincinnati’s premier high schools. Bethany School’s students experience a vibrant array of activities including weekly chapel, fine arts, athletics, travel, and community service. Our beautiful, nature-filled, 23-acre campus features two LEED Platinum certified buildings offering an eco-friendly learning space where your child can grow and create wonderful memories. Choose Bethany School for your child’s enriching educational journey. 555 Albion Avenue, Glendale, OH 45246, (513) 771-2462, Email:,
Guardian Angels School provides students in preschool through eighth grade with a faith-filled experience focused on academic excellence, whole child education, and attention to each child’s unique learning needs. As a school, we push all of our students to earn their HALO through being Honest, Accountable, and a Leader to Others. 6539 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati 45230, Contact: Mr. Corey Stoops, Principal, Phone: 513-624-3141,, Grades: Preschool - Grade 8
The Seven Hills School At its core, our culture at Seven Hills celebrates human complexity. We love that we’re all different. In our diverse, inclusive community, we learn to approach each other with open minds and compassionate hearts. We learn that each of us has unique potential and that the variations of that potential make each person’s story worth exploring. Our teachers are recruited from all over the country and trained in some of the nation’s best schools. Our Doherty Campus houses the Doherty division of Lower School (2-year-olds through grade 5). Our Hillsdale Campus houses the Lotspeich division of our Lower School (2-year-olds through grade 5), the Middle School (grades 6-8), and Upper School (grades 9-12). Hillsdale Campus: 5400 Red Bank Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45227; Doherty Campus: 2726 Johnstone Pl., Cincinnati, OH 45206, (513) 728-2400,
The Summit Country Day School Founded in 1890, The Summit serves students from 18 mosGrade 12. Full- and half-day Montessori programs for ages 18 months-age 6 begin the academic journey followed by a college-prep-aratory program (Grades 1-12). The Summit educates students spiritually, academically, physically, socially and artistically while offering the academic excellence and one-on-one guidance of a top-tier Catholic independent school. 2161 Grandin Road (Hyde Park), Cincinnati, OH 45208, Phone: 513-871-4700, ext. 261, Email: pearl,
CCM Prep offers a wide variety of programs in music, dance and theatre arts for people of all ages and abilities ‒including classes for adults, young children, teens and pre-professional students preparing for a future in the performing arts. Questions: call 513-556-2595 or email CCMPrep@ University of Cincinnati College ‒ Conservatory of Music, 290 CCM Blvd., Contact Person: Spring Starr Pillow, Email:,
Great Oaks Career Campuses offers career development training for high school students and adults. With four campuses ‒ Scarlet Oaks in Sharonville, Diamond Oaks in Dent, Live Oaks in MIlford, and Laurel Oaks in Wilmington, high school students prepare for careers and college, and adults get training and certification to begin a new career or advance in a current career., Phone: (513) 771-8840
6 Reasons Why Day Camp is Important for Kids
As the end of the school year draws near, many parents are wondering how best to keep their kids busy during the long break. Day camps are a popular option, and they offer an array of benefits that extend far beyond just keeping kids occupied. Here are just a few reasons why day camps matter, and why parents should consider them for their kids this summer.
Camp encourages growth and learning.
Day camp is a great way for kids to explore new activities and discover their interests and talents. They can learn important skills like teamwork, problem-solving and talking to others. It's a chance for kids to feel more confident and make new friends as they try new things. The structured yet relaxed environment of day camps gives children a sense of independence, helping them to grow their self-confidence as they explore new experiences and form lasting friendships.
It’s a great place to get physical.
In an age when many kids spend a lot of time sitting and looking at screens, day camp gets them moving. Depending on the camp, they can swim, hike and play sports, which helps them stay healthy and active.
It provides a safe and fun environment to learn
Day camps are staffed by trained counselors who make sure kids are safe while they try new activities. The structured schedule helps kids learn new things and stay on track during the summer. The structure that kids will find at day camps gives them a sense of routine, which can be especially good for kids during the unstructured days of summer break!
It’s a great place to make friends.
At day camp, kids learn how to make friends, interact with others and solve problems. These experiences help them develop important social skills that will help them in school and in life.
It nurtures a love for nature.
In our technological world, day camp offers kids a much-needed chance to unplug and reconnect with nature. Whether it's exploring the woods, spotting wildlife, or just playing outside, campers develop an appreciation for the natural world. This connection with nature not only enhances their physical health but also nurtures a deep love and respect for the environment — a perspective that will serve them well throughout their lives.
It gives kids a creative outlet.
At camp, kids get to try fun and creative activities that make them think and use their imagination. This helps them grow and learn in new and exciting ways, and helps them discover their own unique creative potential.
Sending kids to day camp during the summer is an important decision that can have a big impact on them. It helps them grow and learn, stay active, make friends, connect with nature, and be c reative. Parents should consider these benefits when deciding if day camp is right for their kids.
Answers in Genesis: Explore Camp & Explore Jr. Camp
Explore summer camps provide a unique opportunity for students to dive deeper into their favorite science topics while developing their biblical worldview. Campers will participate in a variety of interactive sessions, experiments, scavenger hunts, behindthe-scenes experiences and much more. Most importantly, students will learn how science confirms the Bible and how they can trust God’s Word. (888) 582-4253,,
Explore Camp Dates: Variety of dates from June through July / Hours: 9:30am – 3pm / Ages: 11 – 18
Explore Jr Camp Dates: Variety of dates from June through July / Hours: 9:30am – 12:30pm / Ages: 5-10 with accompanying adult
Best Point Education & Behavioral Health Camp-ICan Camp-I-Can provides high-quality summer programming for children 4-12 years of age. As a “summer-bridging program” Camp-I-can provides project-based learning activities that promote children’s language, math and science skills. In addition, our group learning model helps children develop the skills necessary to manage their feelings and build positive relationships. 4550 Red Bank Expressway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227, Contact: Dar Hampton, dhampton@, (513) 981-8856,
Dates: June 2nd – August 6th (Madisonville) and May 28th – August 8th (Westwood) / Hours: 7:30 am – 5:30 pm / Ages: ages 4-12. *Four-year-olds must be scheduled to attend kindergarten in the upcoming school year.
Camp Art Academy / Teen Academy at The Art Academy of Cincinnati The Art Academy of Cincinnati offers age-tailored summer camps led by professional artists. Camp Art Academy (ages 5-12) builds creativity through hands-on projects and teamwork. Teen Academy (ages 13-18) strengthens portfolios with advanced courses in painting, photography, and more. Learn, build, play where creativity thrives!
1212 Jackson St, Cincinnati, OH 45202, Contact person: Maddy McFadden, Education Administrator, AAC, Email:, Phone: (513) 562-8762, office-of-engagement/communityeducation/teen-academy/
Teen Academy Dates: check our website for each course
Camp Art Academy Dates (Ages 5-12): Camp Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:15 AM – 3:45 PM; Friday, 9:15 AM – 3:30 PM. Optional Before Care: Available starting at 8:00 AM. / Optional After Care: Available until 5:00 PM.
Camp at the J At Camp at the J, kids can experience the best of summer. From swimming and archery to arts & crafts, camp values and color wars, and much more, kids will create memories and form friendships to last a lifetime. Give your child a summer to remember at Camp at the J! Camp at the J was a 2022 Best of Parenting poll finalist. 8485 Ridge Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45236, Contact: Jake Preston, 513.722.7245,,
Dates: June 9 - August 8 / Hours: 9am - 3:30pm *Extended Care Available / Grades: K - 8
Camp-A-Palooza at Kids First Sports Center CAMP-A-PALOOZA is Greater Cincinnati’s most talked about summer camp experience! Why? Four words: Kids First Sports Center... 108,000 square feet of kids sports heaven! Every day is a themed, non–stop, in and outdoor adventure. From morning drop–off to evening pick–up, you’ll experience crafts, talent shows, water slides, sports instruction, science experiments, agricultural projects and more! 7900 East Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH 45249, Contact: Julie Halusek, campinfo@, (513) 489-7575,
Dates: May 27-August 15, 2025 / Hours: 7am-6pm / Ages: 5-15 years of age / Activities: Swimming, Gymnastics, dance, soccer, tumbling, trampoline, Ninja, arts and crafts, gardening.
Camp Chabad Embark on an unforgettable journey at Camp Chabad – Cincinnati's premier Jewish Day Camp! Accredited by the ACA, nestled in Keonig Park, we offer a thrilling experience for kids ages 5-13. With diverse activities, Jewish identity, exceptional staff, prime location, and exciting field trips, this summer promises endless adventure and memories to last a lifetime.
Dates: June 23 - August 1, 2025 / Hours: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm; half and full day with extended care options / Ages: 5-13, co-ed
Type of Camp: Adventure/Tripping, Arts, Faith-Based, Sports, Traditional
Camp Countryside At Camp Countryside we offer over 30 camps, Lego, Pottery, Judo, NERF, Gymnastics, and Ninja Warrior just to name a few. So there truly is something for everyone. We are also blessed to have access to Countryside YMCA 230,000 sqft facility with several indoor swimming pools, gymnasiums, and a rock wall and over 40 acres of woods, hiking trails, and outdoor fields giving campers the best of both worlds with outdoor and indoor spaces no matter the weather.
Dates: May 27th through August 15th Hours: 7:00am-5:30pm / Ages: 4-15
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park's Summer Theatre Camp and Performance Academy Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park's Summer Theatre Camp and Performance Academy Summer Camp options include one-week theatre camps that focus on fun and theatre skills, one-week performance showcases that explore performance techniques, and multi-week performance academies that produce a play or musical from start to finish. Camps are held at the Playhouse in Mt. Adams and locations in Mason and Erlanger. Early bird pricing ends Feb. 28! Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park: 962 Mt. Adams Circle, Cincinnati, OH 45202, (513) 421-3888,
Dates: June 2 – August 1, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (before and after care available) / Ages: Entering first – 12th grades
Falcon Camp Recognized throughout the midwest as Ohio’s premier summer camp since 1959. Beautiful lakefront setting, talented experienced staff and wide variety of activities. Campers choose own schedules within general framework. Most of all it’s great fun! Special intro for 6-10 year olds. ACA accredited. At Falcon, 'Good Things Happen by Design'. 4251 Delta Rd SW, Carrollton, OH 44615, Contact: Dave Devey, (330) 627-4269,, Type of Camp: Overnight Camp, Gender of Campers: boys and girls - separate daily activities with planned coed events.
Dates: June 15 -August 9, 2025 in 1,2,4,6 or 8 week sessions / Ages: 6-16
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Camps Day AND overnight camps at three locations, plus travel camps for girls in grades 8-11. Not a member? Not a problem—Girl Scout camp is open to all girls! Come experience the magic of camp—the joy of making new friends, bravely trying new adventures, and discovering the amazing wonders of nature. Multiple locations, Phone: (888) 350-5090,, camp.
Type of Camp: Day AND Overnight Camp, Dates: Weekly, June 8 - August 1, 2025 / Hours: Varies / Ages: Girls currently in grades K-11 / Gender of Campers: Girl
Hairston School of Dance Camps Students will experinece a fun creative introduction to dance while making crafts, costumes, props and headpieces that will inspire creativity beyond the studio. Each week will have a different theme. Dance with Moana Dance Camp: June 2-6, 9:30am-12:30pm / Dance with Taylor Swift Dance Camp: June 9-13, 9:30am-12:30pm / Dance with Snow White Dance Camp: July 28-Aug 1st, 9:30am-12:30pm.
4329 Red Bank Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 Contact: Sarah Hairston Berkley, (513) 271-0095, hairstonschoolofdance@gmail. com,
Dates: June & 2025, Hours: 9:30am-12:30pm, Ages 3-8
Heavenward Farm and Horsemanship DAY CAMP
New this year! PONY CAMP Girls and boys learn to ride and care for their horse or pony, make friends and enjoy the great outdoors! Riding Instruction, Horse care. Trail Rides, Boating, Fishing, Biblical life lessons,Crafts and Games are all packed into this fun and meaningful camp experience. Limited enrollment, so REGISTER online NOW at
Dates: Week 1: June 9-13, Week 2: July 28-August 1 / Hours: 9:00am-2:30pm / Ages: 8-14 / PONY Camp: June 30-July 3/ Ages 6-8 / Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm
Special Needs: CP (Mild), Visually or Hearing-impaired, ADHD/Anxiety/Mood Dysregulation, High-functioning ASD
Miami University Regionals' STEAM Studio Welcome to the STEAM Studio—where 2nd through 10th graders explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math in real life while having fun, making friends, and creating memories at Miami University Regionals' campuses. We seek to build tomorrow's leaders in STEAM. Join us for a great summer! 4200 N. University Blvd Middletown, OH 45042, 1601 University Blvd. Hamilton, OH 45011, Contact: Theresa Young, steamstudio@, (513)-646-8043, Miamioh. edu/regionals/STEAMStudio
MidPointe Library Summer Reading Program MidPointe Library System is bringing you a season of fun with its annual Summer Reading Program. Families can enjoy activities together, exploring new books or finding fun around the house and in your community. Adventure begins at your library! Available at all MidPointe Library System locations (West Chester, Middletown, Liberty Township, Monroe & Trenton), Contact person: Cari Hillman, Phone: (513) 424-1251, MidPointe
Dates: June 1 – July 31, 2024 / Ages: All ages
School of Rock Beavercreek School of Rock Beavercreek’s music camps offer a wide selection of various music experiences. From beginner music camps to intermediate and advanced sessions, our music camps will further a student's musical foundation. Most of our camps end with a live show performed by the campers. 2850C Centre Dr., Suite 6, Beavercreek, OH 45324, Contact: Amanda Warden - Owner/ General Manager, (937) 912-1010,,
Type of Camp: Arts, Day Camp
Dates: Week long camps throughout the summer
Settler Survival Camp at Carillon Park Held in late July, Settler Survival Camp at Carillon Historical Park is five days of early settlement fun. The Miami Valley comes to life from an early settler’s perspective during this exciting camp. Learn about early travel methods, hearth-cooking, woodworking,
textiles, gardening, candle-dipping, and more. 1000 Carillon Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45409, Contact: Education Dept:, (937) 293-2841, historical-experiences/settler-survivalcamp/
Dates: July 7-11, July 14-18, July 21-25, 2025 / Hours: 9:00 am–4:00 pm Daily / Ages: 8-12
Snapology of West Chester Snapology's mission is to make STEAM learning fun! In our programs children are introduced to STEAM concepts through educational play. They're having so much fun they do not even realize how much they're learning! Additionally, Snapology programs are curated to build confidence, promote creativity, teamwork and social skills; and to develop problem solving and iterative learning skills. Various Locations, westchestertwp@snapology. com, (513) 988-7363, Dates: All weeks in June and July, some weeks in August / Hours: AM Camps, 9 am to 12 pm & PM Camps, 1 pm to 4 pm (8 am early drop off, 5 pm late pick up) / Ages: 4 to 14
Summer Earth Adventures at Aullwood Audubon Join us this summer and "Walk on the Wild Side" at Aullwood Audubon’s Summer Earth Adventures weeklong nature camps! Aullwood's summer camps feature a variety of outdoor explorations, exciting nature themes and tons of outdoor fun at both our center and farm. 1000 Aullwood Road, Dayton, OH 45414, (937) 890-7360,,
Dates: June 9 - August 1, 2025 / Hours: Full Day Options Only / Ages: 5 - 12
Summit Summer The Summit Country Day School welcomes students from the tri-state area to enjoy summer on our Hyde Park campus. With programs for children ages 3 through Grade 12, parents can take comfort in knowing that their child is exploring their curious nature, enjoying time with friends, and exploring a new topic or hobby. Both full-day and half-day camps are available. Registration opens: February 1st. 2161 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45230, Email:, (513) 871-4700 Ext: x369, programs/summit-summer
Dates: June 2 - August 1, 2025 / Grades: Age 3- Grade 12
Summer Camp with Cincy Shakes Whether it's your first time under the spotlight or you're already a budding thespian, Theatre Summer Camp with Cincinnati Shakespeare Company is the ideal playground for artistic growth, forging friendships, and pure fun. We offer dynamic in-person programs for students in grades 1-12, tailored for those seeking an exciting and rewarding theatrical adventure this summer. Dive into a world of creativity and discover more about our programs online. Cincinnati Shakespeare Company at The Otto M. Budig Theater, 1195 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202, Phone: 513-381-2273,
Dates: Jun. 9-Aug. 1 / Grades: 1-12 / Cost: starts at $315/week, multi-week discount available
USA Ninja Challenge Cincinnati Summer Camp
The ninja program is designed to meet the requirements of a full physical fitness program for today’s youth. We incorporate ninja obstacles including rings, balance beams, slack lines, cargo nets, ropes, a traverse rock wall, devil steps, horizontal peg boards, our popular warped wall and more! The desired result of this program is to improve children’s strength, flexibility, and athleticism while building self esteem for our ninjas! 4727 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227, Contact: Steve Sharp, (513) 739-5528, Email: redbank@ usa, ninjacincinnati. com
Dates: June 2nd-August 8th / Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am -12:00pm / Ages: 4-13
YMCA of Greater Cincinnati Summer Day Camps Day Camp registration opens March 1. Campers have the opportunity to explore nature, find hidden talents, try new activities, gain independence, and make lasting friendships. Weekly themes create energy and excitement whether you camper is with us for one week or the full summer! 10 locations in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, (513) 362-YMCA,
Dates: Camps run Memorial Day through Early August . Ages: 5-12 / Cost: Varies by camp. Visit for prices.
YMCA of Greater Dayton Camps Join the YMCA of Greater Dayton from May-August 2025 (session dates vary by location) for a fun-filled summer for your child! Whether you choose one week or all summer, YMCA Day Camp fits your schedule and provides fun and enriching activities for your child. OUR PROMISE TO PARENTS - Your kids will be safe, make new friends, learn new skills and most of all, have fun! Available at 10 Dayton area locations, Contact: Valerie Holland,, (937) 223-5201, child-care-programs/summer-day-camp
Dates: May-August 2025
Interested in being part of next month's guide?
Email for more details.
How to tackle your body’s changes as you enter perimenopause.
As we age, our bodies go through a multitude of changes — hormonal, emotional and everything in between. Menopause is one such change that is hormonally driven but impacts our emotions and other facets of our being. This is the time of a woman’s life when her menstrual periods cease, and she can no longer become pregnant. The time leading up to menopause is perimenopause, and it too can have far-reaching impacts. Here are some tips for managing mood swings, body changes, and hormonal shifts during these periods of change, plus ways you might be able to prevent or reduce symptoms.
Hormonal changes in women tend to begin with their bodies maturing toward perimenopause and menopause, typically in their 40s and getting more intense throughout their 50s. “This change is due to the estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries gradually lessening with age,” says Dr. Michael Chichak, medical director at MEDvidi. These shifts result in multifaceted manifestations, including fluctuations in energy, physical health and moods, he says.
Believe it or not, there are many things you can do to manage your symptoms. “Supporting regular exercise is a way of enhancing someone’s mood, maintaining weight and improving health,” Dr. Chichak says. But maintaining a well-balanced
diet along with good nutrition, especially for supplementing omega-3, calcium and vitamin D are also necessary for sustaining health, he adds.
Healthy habits from a young age can help manage symptoms. So, starting a healthy lifestyle sooner rather than later can help manage your symptoms before they even start. “Strive for a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and abstain from smoking and drinking alcohol excessively,” he says. Keeping body weight at the recommended level is also important, since high body weight may lead to high body fat which causes hair loss and other hormonal dysfunctions, he says.
Avoid processed and fast foods. Blood sugar spikes and crashes can make mood swings worse, so try to avoid too much processed sugar and refined carbs. In fact, you ought to avoid a diet high in refined carbs
and sugar, as these can cause sharp rises and dips in blood sugar. Instead, opt for whole foods, fruits and vegetables.
It may seem unnecessary, but drinking plenty of water can also help. Drops in estrogen can lead to dryness all over your body and lead to dehydration, so you’ll want to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day to help with these symptoms.
At the same time, reduce your stress as much as possible. Dr. Chichak recommends participating in mindfulness and meditation practices or yoga exercises and regulating your sleep. These are just some ways to enhance your mood while reducing depression — there are many others you can try. The trick is finding what works for you. “Finally, tackling other problems with a qualified doctor can be helpful with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or other natural supplements,” he says.
Something often forgotten about when it comes to managing the effects of menopause is mental health. But your mental health is just as important as your physical health, Ortiz says. And how you feel inside can manifest your physical health as well. In other words, all your anxiety, stress, depression and more can possibly make your menopause symptoms worse. Take care of your mental wellbeing by managing stress, practicing self-care and seeking support when needed.
According to Dr. Chichak, there is still a taboo surrounding discussion of menopause and all that accompanies these hormonal, mental and emotion-
al changes. Women should know that other women are also struggling with these changes, so talking about your experiences openly shouldn’t be something you shy away from. “Making education available about these transitions changes the narrative, normalizing the conversation and fostering proactive care,” he says.
Consult your family doctor or gynecologist, although more complicated issues will require an endocrinologist. “Also, other healthcare providers may assist with the guidance of and in the use of alternative medicine and medicine-free therapies,” he adds.
April 2025
A Fool’s Hike Let’s get foolish on this April’s fool’s hike! From goofy games to wacky jokes, join us as we goof our way to another mile!
Location: Fernbank Park, Time: 6 pm,
Spring Break Express Bring the kids to enjoy a 90-minute train excursion and a stroll through the museum. These excursions are scheduled just for those Spring Breakers! Location: Kentucky Railway Museum, Time: 2 pm,
REC Reads with Courtney Reinhold Bring your toddler or preschooler to the Rosenthal Education Center for a morning of art-themed story books, songs, and sensory activities. This 1-hour long program will get your little one excited about art in a fun and interactive way. Location: Cincinnati Art Museum, Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm, *F
Preschool Playart Storytime
Join to explore stories, sing songs, and practice preliteracy skills. Each storytime will end with a process art activity designed to exercise fine motor skills, build critical thinking skills, and encourage creativity. Location: Blue Ash Branch Library, Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm, *F
Tick Me Off Join our staff inside the Rowe Visitor Center for a 15-to-20-minute mini-program about ticks. Location: Cincinnati Nature Center, Time: 10 am,
Family Astronomy Night
The evening includes viewing through a telescope (if clear), a quick presentation on the theme for the evening, and a hands-on space activity or craft. An entertaining evening for the whole family. This program is geared for families with children 5-12 years old. Location: Cincinnati Observatory, Time: 7 pm - 8:30 pm,
FRI 04
Critters and Crumbs: Anatomy of an Ant Come explore the world of tiny creatures with Cincinnati Nature Center! In this exciting series, you will get to know different animals through hands-on learning. Location: Cincinnati Nature Center, Time: 10:30 am - 11 am,
Tween Time Play video games on the big screen, create unique crafts, hang out with friends, and enjoy other fun activities. For ages 8-12. Location: Miamisburg Branch Library, Time: 4 pm - 5 pm, *F
SAT 05
CAM Kids Day: Cycle Thru!
The Art of the Bike CAM Kids Day is back and bigger than ever! Explore the museum with drop-in themed activities, story times, performances, and hands-on artmaking. This month, explore the exhibition Cycle Thru! The Art of the Bike. The exhibition will be free to attend on CAM Kids Day. Location: Cincinnati Art Museum, Time: 11 am - 3 pm, *F
42ND ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT at Young's Jersey Dairy
Wild Kratts Live! 2.0: Activate Creature Power!
Martin and Chris are sure to keep you entertained as they activate some fan favorite Creature Power Suits and go “Off to the Creature Rescue!” With the help of the Wild Kratts team – and their audience members – the Kratt Brothers confront a comic villain and help bring the creatures of the animal world to safety once again! Location: Aronoff Center, Time: 1 pm & 5 pm,
A Place to Dream with Kandice Odister What does your dream world look like? Construct a vignette of your dream world inside a cardboard box, using various items such as fabric, toothpicks and Play-Doh. In this space, art becomes a means of connection as we share our stories and dreams. Location: Cincinnati Museum Center, Time: 12 pm - 5 pm,
Yay! Play! The Creativity Center is the perfect space to connect with parents and children through conversation and play. Join in for a creative space filled with sensory stations and curated toys all designed to inspire exploratory learning. Location: Contemporary Arts Center, Time: 10:30 am - 12 pm, contemporaryartscenter. org *F
SUN 06
Sunday Family Dinner
Cruise Experience the Mighty Ohio River with the whole family on the Sunday Family Dinner Cruise. Guests will enjoy a wonderful buffet meal, a two-hour river cruise, and a DJ for entertainment. And with an earlier cruise time, you can have great family fun and still get the kids to bed on time. Location: BB Riverboat, Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm,
Hog Log Hiking Series:
Sunset Hike
The sun goes down and the fun goes up, as sunset is the most active time for animals in the woods! Let’s see what we can spot on this one-mile hike at Miami Whitewater Forest. Location: Miami Whitewater Forest, Time: 7 pm,
MON 07
Discovery Kids: Play-Dough Salt, flour, and water—no, we’re not cooking, we’re making clay! Location: Deer Park Branch Library, Time: 3 pm - 4 pm, *F
Puppet Show Join in for a hand puppet show, followed by a craft.
Spring Nature Tots Parents and caregivers, do you and your toddler need some fresh air? Come catch your breath while enjoying some quality time with your little one. You will both get a taste of nature through naturalist-led stories, games, animal encounters and more in a safe and relaxing atmosphere. Location: LaBoiteaux Woods Nature Center, Time: 10 am - 11 am,
Draw a Bird Day Celebrate national draw a bird day! When finished, you may either take home your bird drawing or display it in the Nature Station! Location: Sharon Woods, Time: 10 am, *F
Dayton Dragons Opening Night Baseball is back! Stop by for the Dayton Dragons home opener versus the Fort Wayne Tin Caps. Location: Day Air Ballpark, Time: 7:05 pm,
Earth Investigations, Hello Spring! Let’s go digging! Will you find a worm? A spring flower? A green leaf? Hike to discover the new treasures of spring. Do a spring planting and place it in the grow lab. Come back on another day and take it home. Plant another seed to take with you! Do some spring art work! Location: Aullwood Audubon, Time: 10 am - 11:45 am,
Homeschool Science: Talk
About Touch Humans and animals alike use touch to show affection. Touching, isn’t it? But how does it work? Take course in touch and do hands-on experiments, touch top-notch textures, and discover how
Discovery: Jacqueline and the Beanstalk Girls are so often stereotyped, but Jacqueline will climb to great lengths to prove them all wrong! One upon a time, Jacqueline had a brother named Jack. The entire village thought Jack was so smart, strong, and witty, but when the family ran out of money it was Jacqueline who used her brain to get them out of trouble. Location: PNC Arts Annex, Time: 9:30 am & 11:30 am,
Wild with My Child: Sticks and Stones During this self-paced discovery program, young children and their caregivers will explore nature together through multiple senses and outdoor exploration. Meander the trail and visit naturalist-lead stations to discover two items adored by children: sticks and stones! Location: Cincinnati Nature Center, Time: 9:15 am & 10:30 am,
Extreme Egg Hunt This egg hunt is AMPED up, EXTREME and sure to be a wild time! Can you find Easter eggs in the dark? If you can, you could win prizes! Participants must have a flashlight to participate, bags will be provided. On your mark, get set, HUNT! Location: Caesar Ford Park, Time: 7:30 pm - 10 pm,
SAT 12
CFM Easter Egg Hunt Join the Cincinnati Fire Museum for a fun morning to hunt for Easter eggs amongst the two floors of the history exhibits. The Easter Bunny will be present at this event and available for selfies. Location: Cincinnati Fire Museum, Time: 9 am - 10:30 am,
Family Festival: Under the Rainbow Join for a rainbow themed Family Festival and celebrate the CAC’s unique installation, Gravity’s Rainbow. Make a rainbow kaleidoscope, design a moving mobile, and work with a special guest artist who will be leading families through the process of colorful monoprinting. The Cincinnati Museum Center will also be joining in on the fun, with a Forces of Nature exploration station for visitors to learn about weather and take part in colorful experiments.
Location: Contemporary Arts Center, Time: 11 am - 2 pm, *F
SAT 12 & SUN 13
Daffodil Show Spring into spring at Krohn’s Daffodil Show! There will be about every color of blooms except lavender or purple. All sizes and shapes from large to intermediates and tiny miniatures as well. Location: Krohn Conservatory, Time: 1 pm - 5pm & 10 am - 5 pm, cincinnati-oh. com/cincyparks
SUN 13
Sensory Sunday at Boonshoft Sensory Sundays provide increased accessibility for those with sensory sensitivities to enjoy the museum without large crowds or extra stimuli. Location: Boonshoft Museum, Time: 10 am - 2 pm, *SN
Pawpaw Planting Project
Celebrate Earth Month by giving back. During this family-friendly, learn-by-doing project, you’ll help plant hundreds of baby pawpaw trees “way down yonder” by O’Bannon Creek at Long Branch Farm & Trails. Participants will receive pawpaw seeds or baby trees to take home to grow their own trees. Location: Long Branch Farm & Trails, Time: 6 pm - 7:30 pm,
MON 14
Crafty Critters Unleash your creativity and imagination in a world of colors, textures, and imagination as you make a cherry blossom tree painting. Location: Miami Township Branch Library, Time: 4:30 pm - 6 pm, *F
Ben Folds live with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra Emmy-award nominated composer, singer-songwriter, and pianist Ben Folds joins the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra for a night of exceptional performances. Location: Music Hall, TIme: 7:30 pm,
Jackie Robinson Day
Celebrate Jackie Robinson Day as the Cincinnati Reds take on the Seattle Mariners at Great American Ball Park. Location: Great American Ballpark, Time: 6:40 pm,
Fairfield Wildflower Walk
Nature's in bloom, with flowers, trees, and shrubs all trying their best to attract pollinators. Hike to find the best spots for this seasonal display! Location: Harbin Park, Time: 10 am - 11am, *F
Full Moon Walk: Frog Moon
Witness the night’s magic transform the trails to marvel at the full moon and reveal natural history happenings on this quiet, guided hike. Location: Long Branch Farm & Trails, Time: 8:30 pm - 10 pm,
FREE! Family Funday
Celebrate Earth Day at the museum! Make upcycled art all day under the tent, join a hands-on workshop with Charlotte Reed of Art Equals, and rock out with School of Rock Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky in the afternoon. Location: Taft Museum of Art, Time: 10 am - 4 pm, *F
Kids Adventure Challenge: Bird and Tree World Open your eyes to the magic where the bird world and the tree world intersect. Learning about local birds and trees will be the capstone of our experience. Gather with other school age kids to explore, learn, and build community. Location: Glenwood Gardens, Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm,
Easter Eggstravaganza
Join in and hop your way through an Easter adventure and who knows, the bunny just might leave some eggs for participants to find. This is going to be an egg-citing day! Location: Caesar Ford Park, Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, *F
Earth Day Art This family program uses hands-on art making activities and yoga to excite and educate our youngest visitors. Let's celebrate Earth Day with some nature inspired art making. Stick around for some kid-friendly yoga following each Art Play session. Location: Contemporary Arts Center, Time; 10:30 am - 11:30 am,
FRI 18
Eggstraordinary Eggs
Parky's spring chickens have been busy laying eggs! Let's use them to try some natural dying and do eggsperiments to discover what makes eggs so egg-citing. Perfect for homeschoolers. Location: Winton Woods, Time: 10 am - 12 pm,
Public Baby Tour – ABCs of Art This public, 40-minute experience introduces you and your infant (ages 0–2) to the world of art with a tour designed to stimulate their developing minds. They explain the positive effects of visual stimulation with masterpieces that mesmerize the museum’s youngest visitors. Location: Cincinnati Art Museum, Time: 11 am, 2 pm & 3 pm, *F
SAT 19
Kings Island 2025 Opening Day Opening Day is just the beginning of a season full of fun, thrills and making life-long memories at one of America’s favorite amusement parks! Location: Kings Island, Time: 10 am - 9 pm,
Earth Day Celebration Come celebrate Earth Day at the Schmidlapp Event Lawn! Enjoy a Vintage Market, live music, games, and more! Location: Smale Riverfront Park, Time: 11 am - 5 pm,
Easter Celebration at the Cincinnati Zoo Celebrate the Zoo’s 150th anniversary at our egg-citing Easter Celebration! The celebration is FREE with Zoo Admission and will feature animals receiving Easter-themed enrichment throughout the day and Treat Stations through the Zoo. To help the Zoo go green, please bring your own treat bag! Children will also have the opportunity to meet the Easter Bunny! Location: Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, Time: 12 pm - 5 pm,
Egg Hunt at Heritage
Village Museum Exclusively for HVM members, volunteers, and their children and grandchildren! The egg hunt will be broken into three groups: 1-3 year olds; 4-6 year olds; and 7-9 year olds. Participants must provide their own basket for collecting eggs. Pastries, coffee, tea water, and orange juice will be provided. Location: Heritage Village Museum, Time: 9 am - 11 am, *F
2nd Street Market Earth
Day Celebration Help the environment and celebrate Earth Day by selecting free tree seedlings for you to take home and plant. Location: 2nd Street Market, Time: 9 am - 3 pm,
SAT 19 & SUN 20
Washington Park Egg
Hunt This Spring, Washington Park will be hosting a FREE egg scavenger hunt in the park all weekend long! Kids of all ages can find the hidden “eggs” around the park, mark them off their list, and get some super egg-citing prizes! The Easter Bunny will also be visiting the park for photos throughout the weekend for a fun Springtime photo-op, and Good Green Earth Farm will be on-site with tons of animals to interact with. Location: Washington Park, Time: 11 am - 3 pm, *F
SUN 20
Easter Cruise Celebrate Easter and enjoy the spring. Come aboard for our annual Easter cruise for a fabulous buffet meal, relaxing atmosphere and outstanding views. Even the Easter Bunny will attend! Location: BB Riverboat, Time; 1 pm & 5:30 pm,
Stroll with a Naturalist Join a front desk naturalist for a Sunday stroll and learn what’s happening in the natural world. The stroll may take
you back in time as you visit different parts of the Krippendorf Lodge.
Hunt As is the tradition, they will hard boil and dye more than 10,000 eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. This event starts promptly at 2 PM for children ages 4 and under. At 2:20 PM they will do it again for ages 5 to 7. At 2:40 PM they will have the final hunt for ages 8 to 10. Location: Young's Jersey Dairy, Time: 2 pm,
MON 21
Nature’s Babies with Great Parks Explore the world of nature’s babies, including an exploration of bird eggs and nests. Learn why many animals give birth in the spring and summer months. Participants will meet a live animal. Location: Mt. Washington Branch Library, Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, cincinnatilibrary. com *F
Homeschool Hangout
Homeschoolers are invited to spend an afternoon socializing with old friends and making new ones. Fun and educational stations will be set up around the room to provide children the opportunity to work together and learn something new! Location: Huber Heights Branch Library, Time: 1 pm - 2 pm, *F
Earth Day Hike Get outside on Earth Day for this guided hike with a nature interpreter! Location: Woodland Mound, Time: 6 pm, *F
Earth Day in IA Spend Earth Day reconnecting with nature in Imagination Alley! Take home a new plant friend and learn about ways YOU can help our planet! All materials will be provided. Location: Imagination Alley, Time: 3 pm - 5 pm,
Game On: After School Board Games Learn some new games and play old favorites! Make some new friends or bring old ones
with you to explore board and card games. Location: Northmost Branch Library, Time: 3:15 pm - 4:45 pm, *F
Ladies’ Night at Blooms & Berries A most beloved springtime tradition is BACK! Gather your best gals for complimentary wine, cheese and fudge sampling and exclusive shopping perks. Wander through our fully stocked, stunning garden center, sip, snack, and soak up a perfect spring evening with friends. Location: Blooms & Berries Garden Center, Time: 5 pm - 8 pm,
Silent Movies Made Musical: Peter Pan Step into the magic of Neverland and embrace the timeless theme of Peter Pan! Guests are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite characters from the beloved tale. The evening will be filled with whimsy and nostalgia, family-friendly activities for all ages, and a chance to lose yourself in a world where no one ever has to grow up. Location: Music Hall, Time: 7 pm,
Earth Day Celebration at Cincinnati Zoo Celebrate the Zoo’s 150th anniversary and Earth Day at a one-of-a-kind Tunes & Blooms on Thursday, April 24th! The Earth Day Celebration will feature interactive stations hosted by our Horticulture, Sustainability, Conservation Impact, and Education teams, where you can learn how the Zoo helps the planet through hands-on activities and demonstrations. Location: Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, Time: 5 pm - 8:30 pm,
THURS 24 — SUN 27
Family Series: Snow White
It’s the treasured fairy tale of a jealous Queen, her beautiful stepdaughter, and a kiss from a handsome Prince. Who’s the ‘fairest of them all?’ A one-hour, narrated ballet, Snow White features CB2 dancers and young performers from the Otto M. Budig Academy. It’s the perfect introduction to dance, even for the youngest members of your family. Arrive early for free lobby games, crafts, photos, and more. Location: Aronoff Center for the Arts,
FRI 25
Campfire S'mores & Stories
What’s better than s’mores on the fire? S’mores with an interpreter of course! Come join for a classic camp-out complete with storytelling
SNOW WHITE at the Aronoff Center
and a live animal encounter, then join for a guided sunset hike on the trail. Guests are welcome to bring their own hot dogs to cook on the fire. Location: Farbach-Werner Nature Preserve, Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm,
Teen Job Fair Are you a teen or young professional looking for an opportunity to connect with local employers? There will be several organizations and companies from the Cincinnati area available to chat about potential employment opportunities! Location: Downtown Main Library, Time: 12 pm - 3 pm, *F
FRI 25 & SAT 26
Out of This World Discover all things outer space at this immersive celestial celebration. Walk through the solar system, launch waterpowered rockets, explore constellations and more! Planetarium presentations require online pre-registration. All other activities are free and available throughout the two-day program. Sensory-friendly activities are available 4-6 p.m. on April 26. Location: Woodland Mound, Time: 7 pm - 9:30 pm, *F
SAT 26
Adopt-A-Park 2025 Five Rivers MetroPark celebrates Earth Day each year at Adopt-A-Park, an annual public volunteer service day that invites community members of all ages, accessibility levels, and backgrounds to come together in our parks to help protect the region’s natural heritage and MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Location: Multiple Locations, Time; 9 am - 12 pm, *F
Art & Earth Day Celebrate Earth Day and International Sculpture Day with Pyramid Hill as we host a day focused on creativity and conservation. Location: Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, Time: 12 pm - 4 pm,
from Raptors Inc, games, bounce house, wood carver, live music with The Foles and The Traveling Jam, and more! They will also be giving away 300 trees to commemorate Tree Planting Day!
Location: Smale Riverfront Park, Time: 11 am - 5 pm,
GET OUT! It’s Game Day
Games don’t just have to be played inside! Bring the whole family out for some fabulous Outdoor games! Capture the flag, elbow tag, bat and moth, and so many more! Location: Russ Nature Reserve, Time: 1 pm - 3 pm, *F
SAT 26 — SUN 27 & MAY 2 — 4
Disney’s Frozen JR. A story of true love and acceptance between sisters, Disney’s Frozen JR. expands upon the emotional relationship and journey between Princesses Anna and Elsa. When faced with danger, the two discover their hidden potential and the powerful bond of sisterhood. With a cast of beloved characters and loaded with magic, adventure, and plenty of humor, Disney’s Frozen JR. is sure to thaw even the coldest heart! Location: Taft Theatre,
SUN 27
Greater Cincinnati Earth Day Festival Join the Greater Cincinnati Earth Coalition in celebrating Earth Day during the Greater Cincinnati Earth Day Festival at Summit Park! Explore interactive exhibits, listen to local music, savor delicious foods and sip on refreshing beverages. Location: Summit Park, Time: 12 pm - 5 pm,
Arbor Day Celebration Come join for a fun event at the Schmidlapp Event Lawn! Many activities for all ages
Songs of Spring This walk around the park offers a relaxing time to enjoy the sounds of nature. We’ll listen for birds, frogs, insects and more and learn why these critters make so much noise! Location: Woodland Mound, Time: 9 am, greatparks. org *F
Access to Music This all-ages, sensory-friendly performance, featuring conductor Jaap van Zweden and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, celebrates the connection between autism and music, both of which exist on a vast spectrum.
Location: Music Hall, Time: 2 pm, *SN
MON 28
Wildflower Hike Discover which flowers are in bloom on the guided hike. Location: Withrow Nature Preserve, Time: 6 pm, *F
Asian Food Fest Celebrating its 13th year, expect a mouthwatering tour of small-plated Asian foods priced from $2-$10. As you savor the delicious food choices, enjoy live entertainment, local craft and Asian beer, fun family activities and more. Location: E. Court Street, Time: 11 am - 8 pm,
Spring Nature Tots Parents and caregivers, do you and your toddler need some fresh air? Come catch your breath while enjoying some quality time with your little one. You will both get a taste of nature through naturalist-led stories, games, animal encounters and more in a safe and relaxing atmosphere. Location: LaBoiteaux Woods Nature Center, Time: 10 am - 11 am,
Neighborhood Night Enjoy music, fun, food fresh from the grill, and great times with your community! Location: Imagination Alley, Time: 5:30 pm - 8 pm,
The Great Steamboat Race Experience one of the oldest river traditions, the Kentucky Derby Steamboat Race. Come aboard the Belle of Cincinnati and be a part of riverboat history as it races the historic steamer, the Belle of Louisville. Boat boards and sails from Louisville, Kentucky. Location: BB Riverboats, Time: 5:45 pm - 8 pm,
SAT & SUN, APRIL 26-27 & MAY 2-4
DISNEY'S FROZEN JR. at the Taft Theatre
Zoo Blooms April 1-30. Celebrate the Zoo’s 150th anniversary! As one of only two accredited botanical gardens in Ohio, the Cincinnati Zoo offers one of the largest tulip displays in the world. Dubbed “Tulip Mania,” Zoo Blooms also features more than one million daffodils, hyacinths, flowering trees, shrubs and other spring bulbs exploding with color. Location: Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden,
Tunes & Blooms Every Thursday in April. See a collection of Cincinnati’s finest and most respected music veterans playing together in the Zoo’s beautiful gardens, for FREE! Why tip-toe through the tulips when you can rock the garden? Location: Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, Time: 6:30 pm - 8 pm,
Emerge: Krohn Conservatory Spring Show
Through April 20. Enjoy the celebration of the New Year and the coming of Spring. Step into a vibrant floral wonderland where the delicate blooms and bold foliage will awaken your senses. Marvel and say hello to Beatrix the hare and Roberta the tortoise, topiaries racing through a forest of native flowering trees and spring bulbs and annuals. Location: Krohn Conservatory, Time: 10 am - 8 pm,
Barbie: A Cultural Icon Exhibition
April 4 - September 1. The exhibition celebrates Barbie as a reflection of culture, featuring a priceless collection of over 300 artifacts from the 66-year history of Barbie, including the very first 1959 doll, an original Barbie Dreamhouse, behind the scenes prototypes, as well as some of the most infamous Barbie dolls throughout history. Location: Cincinnati Museum Center,
Jellies: Go With The Flow
A dazzling dive into the shimmering world of nature’s most fascinating creatures. Watch in awe as they float, pulse, and glow, offering a spellbinding dance of nature’s artistry. Let yourself go with the flow and experience the magic of marine life like never before! Location: Newport Aquarium,