SPECIAL NEEDS GUIDE Applied Behavioral Services Applied Behavioral Services is a Year Round Education and Therapy Center for children with Autism. We serve children 2-21 in intensive 2-1 and small group classrooms. We provide IEP services as well as therapeutic services that include Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Music Therapy. Our approach has been proven to lead children to reach their highest potential. • Cincinnati: 4850 Madison
Rd. / 513-861-0300, West Chester: 7413 Squire Ct. / 513-847-4685, Dayton: 2570 Technical Dr. / 937-847-8750, appliedbehavioralservices.com
Autism Society Greater Cincinnati Founded in 1971, Autism Society Greater Cincinnati serves individuals with autism and their families and caregivers, as well as providers, professionals and community members who are working with the autism community in the Greater Cincinnati region. Through support groups, recreational programs, and an information and resources helpline, we work to help families navigate their autism journey. • P.O. Box 75, Milford, OH 45150, Phone: 513-561-2300, Email: info@autismcincy. org, autismcincy.org
Clermont County Board of Developmental Disabilities The Clermont County Board of Developmental Disabilities serves a wide range of ages (birth through retirement), offering Early Intervention, Service and Support Administration, School Age Services with local school districts, recreational activities, and more. Our mission is to help individuals with developmental disabilities expand capabilities and navigate the possibilities.
• 2040 US Highway 50, Batavia, OH 45103,
Phone: 513-732-7000, Email: ldavis@clermont dd.org, clermontdd.org
Elite Kids Therapy At Elite Kids Therapy, we strive to have a profound impact in your child’s life from the start…during our first encounter! We offer highly experienced therapists focusing on educational supports for your child needing speech therapy (ST), occupational therapy (OT) and intervention specialist (tutoring) services for Jon Peterson and Autism scholarship students in/around Cincinnati and Dayton.
• 6860 Tylersville Rd., Suite 5, Mason, OH
45040, Phone: 513-444-0770, Email: Info@ EliteKidsTherapy.com, EliteKidsTherapy.com
Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services Our agency supports 7,600 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout their lives, from babies to
ohParent.com I August 2021
seniors. We provide case management, monitor service quality, and fund services provided by our community partners. We connect individuals and families to services and support people to live a life that reflects their choices. • 1520 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45206, Phone: 513-794-3300, Email: contactus@hamiltondds.org, hamiltondds.org
KTL, Speech, Physical & Occupational Therapy The First Step, to Your Child’s Next Step! Located in Fort Thomas, KY, KTL Therapy is a therapist owned private practice offering children of any age the opportunity to meet mile- stones & reach goals in a family-friendly environment. Our therapists put kids & families first & we work as a team to make therapy sessions both fun & productive! • 654 Highland Ave., Suite 17, Fort Thomas, KY 41075, Phone: 859-441-0139, Email: amy@ktltherapy.com, ktltherapy.com
Lighthouse Youth & Family Services Lighthouse helps children, teenagers, and young adults facing a mental or behavioral health challenge and their families. We start with an assessment with a clinician and then create a connection to the care that is needed; whether that be therapy and support services, substance use disorder treatment, case management, or another Lighthouse service. • 401 E. McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206, Phone: 513-221-3350, lys.org
Linden Grove School Linden Grove School offers a specialized learning environment for K-8 students with autism. The school’s progressive education program integrates academics, socialemotional learning and specialized therapies to help each child maximize his or her learning potential. LGS staff partner with parents and community members to ensure each student feels supported, engaged, and challenged. • 4122 Myrtle Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45236, Phone: 513-984-2215, cwaddle@lindengroveschool.org, lindengroveschool.org
Springer School and Center For 50 years, Springer School and Center has empowered students with learning disabilities to lead successful lives. Springer offers a day school for students ages 6 - 14 and outreach programs and learning disability resources for students, parents and teachers in the Greater Cincinnati area. The Springer Experience. Success Starts Here. • 2121 Madison Road,
Cincinnati, OH 45208, Phone: 513 871-6080 ext. 211, Email: jwieging@springer-ld.org, springer-ld.org