The great book of greek mithology
-heracles by sergio illán and Samuel Ivaylov -dionisius by guillermo verdier -ephaestus by javier fernánez-mayoralas -zeus by víctor lora and héctor merlo -hades by sofía muñoz and luz pérez
ARES Greek God of War
Ares is the god of war, one of the Twelve OLYMPIAN GODS and the son of ZEUS and HERA. In literature Ares represents the violent and physical untamed aspect of war, which is in contrast to ATHENA who represents military strategy and general as the goddess of intelligence. His parents, Zeus and Hera, hate him a lot because he was violent, so they create a new war god call: Athena. Who was the enemy of Ares. Athena was a very good strategist and very fair so almost all the polis prefer Athena, except one: Sparta. Sparta liked Ares, because he always helped Spartans. Ares normally lose against Athena, but the final war, Sparta against Athens was also a Ares against Athena. Ares and Spartans won. After the Peloponnesian wars, Ares, went to the underworld to fight with Hades. Finally, Ares won, and become in the God of war and the God of underworld.
Facts about Ares Ares was most notably referred to as the God of War; he represented the unpleasant aspects of battle. Ares was never very popular—either with men or the other immortals. As a result, his worship in Greece was not substantial or widespread. His bird was the vulture. The Amazons, warrior women, were his daughters. Their mother was a peace-loving nymph named Harmony. Ares always took the side of Aphrodite in the Trojan War. Some people say that when Ares started helping the Greeks they finally managed to cross the wall. Harmonia, Goddess of Harmony, was the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. Eros (more commonly known as Cupid) was also the child of Ares and Aphrodite. Ares was the biological father of at least three of Hercules’ enemies: Cycnus, Lycaon, and Diomedes. Ares was associated with two other war deities: Enyalius (his dog) and Enyo (his bull).. In art, Ares is generally depicted wearing a spear (lanza) and a helmet.
AtheNA Description: The Athena archetype is commonly represented as the classic executive woman. She is recognized as "Daddy's daughter". She is not an emotional woman, on the contrary, she manifests herself as rational and pragmatic. Her sacred animal is the owl and the serpent and its plant is the olive tree. Goddess of: Mainly she is the goddess of wisdom but she is also the goddess of she is the goddess of war, civilization, combat strategy, science, justice and skill. She is one of the most important goddesses. Signified of her name: The name of Athena means intelligence and that it is capable of managing itself. The name Athena is equivalent to Minerva in Roman mythology. How was she born: In the Olympic pantheon Athena is born from the front of Zeus, already fully armed after he ate his mother, Metis.
Ulises the horse of Troy
The Greeks built a very big wooden horse and lodged inside with their best warriors (the figure of the horse was symbolic), it was one of the symbols of Athena, goddess of war who had supported the Greeks in their conquest of Troy.
Perseo and the head of Medusa
Medusa, after being raped in the temple of Athena, prayed to the goddess of justice for her to protect her. Instead, Athena got mad and turned her into a monster whose hair was made of snakes.
The challenge of Arachne
Athena represented the gods in all their splendor. On the contrary, the cloth of the proud Arachne showed the gods as wolves and drunkards. The goddess Athena took pity on her and saved her life but, to punish her, she turned her into a spider and condemned her to weave for the rest of time.
Made by: Laia and Paula.R
APOLLO WHO IS THE GOD APOLLO? Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of the goddess Artemis. He was the god of the Sun, logic, and reason, and was also a great musician and healer. The Romans also viewed Apollo as the god of light, music, and healing. HOW DID HE DIE? Four days after his birth, Apollo killed the dragon Python, who lived in Delphi next to the source of Castalia. This source was the one that emitted the vapors that caused the Delphic oracle to make its prophecies. Hera sent the snake to chase and kill Leto around the world. HOW MANY CHILDREN DID HE HAVE? With Hecuba, the wife of King Priam of Troy, Apollo had a son named Troilus. An oracle prophesied that Troy would not be defeated as long as Troilus was twenty years old. Troilus and his sister Polyxena fell into an ambush and were killed by Achilles.
WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF APOLLO? For the ancient Greeks, each God had a certain role in the world and a particular history. The God Apollo was the son of Zeus and the Titan Leto and was born on the island of Delos. It is the divinity that symbolizes the energy of the Sun, music, art and masculine beauty. WHERE DID GOD APOLLO LIVE? Apollo was born on a floating and barren island (the Quail Island). Gratefully, the god set the island at the center of the Greek world and gave Delos the name "the brilliant one." WHAT'S THE ORIGIN OF APOLLO? Only a floating and sterile island, called Ortigia, or perhaps Asteria, (the Island of the Quail), agreed to give asylum to the hapless. It was in this place that Apollo was born. Gratefully, the god set the island at the center of the Greek world and gave Delos the name "the brilliant one." WHAT DOES GOD APOLLO PROTECT? Represented by the sun in Greek mythology, Apollo was the god who protected and threatened from the heavens, after his father Zeus, he was the most influential and powerful god of all. HOW IS THE GOD APOLLO REPRESENTED? Apollo represents harmony, order and reason, characteristics that contrasted with those of Dionysus, god of wine, who represented ecstasy and disorder.
Hermes is the god of commerce, heraldry, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, cunning, sports, travelers, and athletes. Hermes was the emissary and messenger of gods. He is the messenger of the gods.... He wears wings as attributes to symbolize the speed with which he fulfills the commission of the gods, a walker's hat, a travel blanket and the ÂŤcaduceusÂť that represents the herald or ambassador. He is the son of Zeus and the nymph Maia In some myths, he is a trickster who mocks the gods for his own joy or for the good of humanity. Its attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster, the turtle, the purse, the winged sandals and the winged hat. Its main symbol is the Greek kerykeion or the Latin caduceus, which appears in the form of two serpents coiled in a winged staff with carvings of the other gods.
poseidon Poseidon is the god of the seas and as "shaker of the earth, of earthquakes in greek mythology. like the other sea gods it was represented in the shape of a horse In the hymn to Poseidon his double nature is specified as Olympus: "horse tamer and boat salute". Poseidon was an important god in various cities: - Athens: second in importance behind Athena. -Corinth and cities of Magna Grecia: he was the chief god of the polis. Poseidon collaborated with Apollo in colonization.
Poseidon created islands and made the seas calm, but when he got angry he cracked the ground with his trident (three-pointed gallows) causing earthquakes, sinkings and shipwrecks. In Greek art Poseidon drives a cart drawn by a Hippocampus (sea horse) that could ride over the sea, associated with dolphins and three-tooth fishing spears (tridents). Live in a palace at the bottom of the ocean made of coral and gems.
Greek God of War
Hephaestus the Greek god of the fire. The origins of hephaestus He born in lemnos. Hephaestus was the god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture. He was the son of Zeus and Hera and married to Aphrodite by Zeus to prevent a war of the gods fighting for her hand. He was a smithing god, making all of the weapons for Olympus and acting as a blacksmith for the gods.
Interestiring facts Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera, He limped because he was born lame, which caused his mother to throw him off Mount Olympus. Or in other accounts he interceded in a fight between Zeus and Hera, and Zeus took him by the foot and threw him from the Olympus to the earth much below. he was the only ugly god among perfectly beautiful immortals.
ZEUS IN GREEK RELIGION... In the Greek religion, Zeus is a deity who is sometimes called "father of the gods and men" ABOUT ZEUS... Cronus sired several children by Rhea: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, but swallowed them all as soon as they were born, since he had learned from Gaia and Uranus that he was destined to be overthrown by his son as he had previously overthrown Uranus, his own father, an oracle that Rhea heard and wished to avert. When Zeus was about to be born, Rhea sought Gaia to devise a plan to save him, so that Cronus would get his retribution for his acts against Uranus and his own children. Rhea gave birth to Zeus in Crete, handing Cronus a rock wrapped in swaddling clothes, which he promptly swallowed.
ZEUS BROTHERS… He was respected as an allfather who was chief of the gods and assigned roles to the others:"Even the gods who are not his natural children address him as Father, and all the gods rise in his presence." He was equated with many foreign weather gods, permitting Pausanias to observe "That Zeus is king in heaven is a saying common to all men". ABOUT THE NAME OF ZEUS.… Zeus is the Greek continuation of *Di ̯ēus, the name of the Proto-Indo-European god of the daytime sky, also called *Dyeus ph2tēr ("Sky Father"). The god is known under this name in the Rigveda (Vedic Sanskrit Dyaus/Dyaus Pita), Latin (compare Jupiter, from Iuppiter, deriving from the ProtoIndo-European vocative *dyeu-phtēr), deriving from the root *dyeu- ("to shine", and in its many derivatives, "sky, heaven, god").Zeus is the only deity in the Olympic pantheon whose name has such a transparent Indo-European etymology.
HADES is the god of the underworld, son of Cronos and Rea. Physically he has pale skin, black eyes, red lips, and straight black hair, with a muscular body, long legs as well as his nails. wears a black robe where there are souls and two rings: a silver skull-shaped ring and a ring with an opal. He power over the dead ;he do this through his subordinates like charcon (ferryman who carries the souls) and the three-headed dog (he proyectos the entrance to the underworld), the wealth and the invisivility. Hades is in love with persephone, hi rapture persephone to take her to the underworld. Hi has a three-headed dog called cerberus. Its simbol is the helmet that makes whoever wears it invisible.
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