INGREDIENTS GRAPE EXTRACT is a vital source of flavonoids. They have a powerful antioxidant action, strengthen capillary walls, improve microcirculation, prevent cardio-vascular diseases, produce an antispasmodic effect, have anti-inflammatory, gastro- and hepatoprotective, diuretic, and choleretic action, remove salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body, and decrease the risk of oncological diseases. GINKGO BILOBA LEAVES are the source of flavonoid glycosides and ginkgolides that produce a versatile effect on the body. They activate peripheric circulation, improve the blood flow through tissues and organs, help to maintain normal blood pressure, prevent blood clot formation, accelerate regeneration processes in brain cells after strokes, enhance memory and mental performance.
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Radical Protection
VITAMINS C AND E are powerful antioxidants with multiple effects. SELENIUM is contained in glutathione-peroxidase—an antioxidant ferment. BETA-CAROTENE is essential for the synthesis of vitamins. ZINC participates in hormonal functions of the body and normalizes the immune system.
Ordering Vision products (consultant code is required): Russia: 8 800 555 7007 Ukraine: 0 800 30 1234 Belorussia: 8 820 007 10012 Kazakhstan: 8 800 080 5121
ANTIOX+ INGREDIENTS: Have an antioxidant effect Produce an immunomoduating action Slow down the ageing process Have a beneficial effect on the cardio-vascular system Decrease the risk of endocrine disorders Have onco-protective action Support hematopoietic system Control metabolism
Vision—Your Flawless Defence