Base-forming Cell Everything in nature consists of cells, and human being is no exception. The body of an adult consists of around 65 billion cells. They differ from each other in form, size, colour—the set of characteristics depends on the functions, performed by a certain group of cells to maintain normal performance of the body. Cells are similar to multicellular organisms and perform the same vital functions: they feed, “breathe�, i.e. consume oxygen to transform it into energy, respond to external exciters, propagate, etc. Cells are born, they live, age and die, giving place to the new ones. For instance, blood cells completely renew within 5 days. Muscle cells, hepatic, kidney and brain cells all die and renew in the exact same way. It would seem, that has to enable humans to stay young and healthy forever. Unfortunately, it is not so.The reason is ageing of a whole genetic system of cells, that affects all 65 billion of them. Nucleus of every single new cell recreates old genes that lose their perfection and valuable features over decades since a human is born. Why does it happen?
Why do People Fall Ill and Age? Human ageing mechanism is directly connected with the concept of “DNA�, located in a cell nucleus, hidden from the impact of external factors that might affect the cell. DNA is a so-called matrix of all intercellular elements, repository of all hereditary data about a human. Every second is our body attacked by billions of elementary particles, which possess a capacity of tearing the DNA chains apart, once they bump into them. And this is when a cell becomes doomed; and this is precisely the reason why the human body suffers from various diseases and the cause that activates ageing processes.
CLASSIC HIT — DAILY PROTECTION AND NUTRITION OF CELLS Vision proudly presents a unique Classic Hit line of products that are specifically created to ensure protection of the body at the cellular level on a daily basis. Unlike pharmaceutical remedies, Classic Hit line products directly address causes of an illness, rather than its symptoms, thus “feeding” cells and promoting their natural regeneration. No matter what illness bothers you, start any treatment with Classic Hit products.
Wide spectrum of action of the Classic Hit line addresses a whole range of problems that affect key systems of the body: they purify, regenerate and protect literally every cell of the human body, consequently preventing a great deal of ailments. Every single product of the Classic Hit line has its unique purpose and possesses a targeted action. The ultimate effect is acquired through administration of all Classic Hit line products. Detox+ purifies cells and the intracellular space. Nutrimax+ alleviates inflammations. Lifepac Senior fills every purified cell with vitamins and minerals. Sveltform+ normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Chromevital+ invigorates, improves cellular respiration. Pax+ forte precludes stress. Antiox+ shields every cell from free radicals. Taken altogether Classic Hit line products prolong a life-span of cells and revive them, so they regain ability to function as young and healthy.
Free radicals are non-stable atoms and compounds with unpaired electrons. Aspiring to find that missing electron, they rip it off the other molecules, acting as aggressive oxidants. This is how “oxidative stress� is instigated, which is a destructive chain reaction that annihilates a living cell. Toxins are biogenic poisons (of bacterial, plant or animal origin), which suppress physiological functions, acting at the cellular level, subsequently causing various diseases.
Inflammations—pathologic processes, initiated by damages of cellular structures of the body or under the impact of a pathogenic stimulus. Such processes are observed in reactions, meant to remove decay products and toxins from the cell. Stresses are a reaction of the body to critical factors or threats, characterized by a surge of adrenalin hormone. Adrenalin’s main function is stimulating the body to survival. Stress adversely affects sensitive cells of the nervous system, located in various organs and tissues, damaging and disrupting them.
Energy metabolism disorder—disruption of the chain of reactions that saturate cells with energy. As a result, cells lose energy potential and lose their protection from the adverse factors.
Metabolic disorders—disruption of chemical reactions that flow in a living body and sustain its vitality. Metabolic disorders may result in the attenuation of cells and instigate pathologic processes.
Malnutrition of cells—low assimilation or deficient intake of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, ferments, fatty acids, indispensable for proper functioning of all organs and systems. Malnutrition of cells may ultimately cause their vulnerability and disruption of their functions, which provokes a disease in the first place.
Antiox+ Detox+ Nutrimax+
Pax+ forte Chromevital+ Sveltform+
Junior Neo, Lifepac Senior
Protects from free radicals and slows down ageing processes
Purifies the body from toxins at the cellular level, strengthens the immunity
Serve as ultimately balanced vitamin and mineral complexes for adults and children
Alleviates inflammations
Protects from stresses and nervous overloads
Normalizes metabolism
Boosts energy in every cell.
Antiox+ PROTECTS AGAINST FREE RADICALS, SLOWS DOWN AGEING PROCESSES Ingredients: grape extract (Vitis vinifera), ginkgo biloba, yeast with selenium, betacarotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc oxide.
Major Effect A powerful antioxidant complex acts at all levels of the body defence against free radicals that combat our body daily from air, water and food. Free radicals cause lots of diseases and serve as a main factor of ageing, while they provoke acceleration of the oxidative processes within the human body. Antiox+ launches the cascade antioxidant reaction that manages to bind and neutralize not merely a single type of free radicals, but also many non-stable atoms and dangerous compounds. It has been clinically confirmed, that antioxidants reach their ultimate effect against free radicals only acting in groups. There are over 1100 families of free radicals currently known. Antiox+ contains a group of mutually enhancing antioxidants, which is why this complex ensures efficient protection of every single cell from free radicals.
Results What else is unique about Antiox+窶馬ot only it protects the cell from within, but also shields it from the outside. As a result it combats diseases and decelerates ageing, allows to be resistant to the adverse environmental factors, which is particularly relevant nowadays, when oxidative processes are boosted by constant stress, social issues, low-quality food and water, bad ecological situation and smoking. Pronounced restorative and immunemodulating action and improvement of the cardiovascular system performance are other advantages of the complex.
Major Effect It is able to detect harmful substances and toxins at the cellular level, neutralize and remove them from every single cell. Detox+ ensures protection and purification of both intracellular and intercellular space. Enhances the cellular immunity, allowing natural self-purification systems of the body combat toxic and bacterial threats. This effect is ensured by the ultimate amount of active wholesome ingredients and compounds that turn Detox+ into the most powerful natural immunomodulator. Being a natural antibiotic, it possesses an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antitumoural activity. It is compatible with medical preparations, doesn’t build up tolerance, has no side-effects or laxative action.
Results Thanks to its immune-stimulating action and pronounced antitumoural activity, Detox+ strengthens the body, helps overcome intoxication after synthetic medical drugs or as a result of several simultaneous methods of treatment, which is particularly significant for oncological patients, whose body is enfeebled by the chemotherapy and other cancer treatment methods.
Nutrimax+ RELIEVES INFLAMMATIONS, NORMALIZES FUNCTIONS OF THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM Ingredients: witch-hazel leaf (Hamamelis virginiana), bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), Angelica sinensis, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins PP, H, D3, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12.
Major Effect Nutrimax+ acts at the cellular level, efficiently fighting infectious diseases and inflammations of the urogenital area. Its components have a pronounced diuretic and antiinflammatory properties and produce an antispasmodic and antimicrobial action. Vitamins and minerals within the complex strengthen vascular walls, reduce their permeability and enhance antioxidant protection of cells.
Results The complex accelerates recovery after infectious diseases, improves functions of the urogenital system, mildly removes sand and small stones from kidneys, urinary tracts and bladder, prevents relapses of infectious diseases and fur ther formation of stones.
Pax+ forte DAILY PROTECTION FROM STRESS Ingredients: Melissa officinalis, Lavandula angustifolia, Valeriana officinalis, magnesium, calcium, vitamins РР, В1, В2, В5, В6, В9, В12, Н.
Major Effect Under the impact of stress our body experiences overloads on its main systems, that gradually leads to its self-destruction. Pax+ forte allows to regulate the level of stress. It contains phyto-components, beneficial for the nervous system, as well as vitamins and minerals, efficiently protecting cells from the damaging consequences of stress. Apart from that Pax+ forte makes up for deficiency of vitamins and minerals, quickly burnt up by stress. It contains optimal combination of the group B vitamins which provide for complete assimilation of plant components and microelements, that subsequently ensures better stress-resistance of the body.
Results Unlike most calming remedies, Pax+ forte doesn’t have a sleep-inducing or impeding action, instead it improves attention focusing and alleviates broken feeling. Continuous administration of the complex facilitates feeling calm and assured in any circumstances, reduces the level of anxiety and aggression, elevates endurance and working capacities. High stress-resistance of the body allows to further normalize performance of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Chromevital+ BOOSTS ENERGY IN EVERY CELL Ingredients: Eleutherococcus senticosus, guarana, Cola nitida, spirulina, yeast with chromium, vitamin C.
Major Effect Components of the plant complex Chromevital+ improves cellular respiration and boosts energy in every cell. This complex has an overall bracing and adaptogenic action on the body, recuperates and elevates physical and mental working capacities. Besides Chromevital+ doesn’t provoke exhaustion of the nervous system, excessive irritability and doesn’t build up tolerance.
Results Multicomponent energy tonic Chromevital+ produces a powerful bracing action, invigorates the body, improves working capacity, immunity and resistibility to pathogenic agents. The complex elevates body resistance to the adverse environmental factors: cold, heat, ionizing radiation, oxygen deprivation, extensive physical loads. Continuous administration gives fullness to life, helps sustain high level of physical and mental strength.
Sveltform+ NORMALIZES METABOLISM, HELPS LOSE WEIGHT Ingredients: Garcinia cambogia, Camellia sinensis (green tea), Fucus vesiculosus, vitamin C, yeast with chromium.
Major Effect Sveltform+ is a natural safe complex that operates at the cellular level and addresses a whole group of causes of excessive weight. In particular it reduces formation of fatty acids and cholesterol, enhances oxidation of fats and regulates appetite. The complex boosts metabolism, which allows the body intensively burn excessive fats and thus produce extra energy. Sveltform+ also slows down transformation of carbohydrates into fats, normalizes blood glucose and promotes gradual absorption of carbohydrates and fats into blood. It contributes to suppressing hunger, helps regulate appetite, reduces craving for sweets and pastry.
Results Sveltform+ enhances the effect of diets and accelerates weight-loss. Continuous administration allows to normalize metabolism, reduce weight and cellulitis, allows to acquire slender forms. Sveltform+ helps improve such health factors as blood sugar, which significantly reduces the risk of diabetes and hypotheriosis.
Junior Neo THE BEST VITAMIN AND MINERAL COMPLEX FOR KIDS OVER 4 YEARS OLD Ingredients: vitamins С, Е, РР, D3, В1, В2, В6, В9, В12, beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium, manganese, copper, lemon peel extract.
Major Effect Vitamin and mineral complex Junior Neo acts at the cellular level. Its active ingredients provide all systems of the child body with all necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Combination of essential vitamins and minerals within this complex is ultimately balanced. Thus Junior Neo can help ensure comprehensive development of a child in the period of active growth.
Results Junior Neo ensures balanced development of all functions of the child’s body: physical, intellectual and mental; stabilizes child’s nervous system, enhances cognitive and physical activity, prevents fatigability and over-excitability. Apart from that, it improves appetite and beneficially impacts the digestive system.
Lifepac Senior VITAMIN AND MINERAL COMPLEX WITH PROBIOTICS Ingredients: beta-carotene, vitamins С, Е, РР, В1, В2, В5, В6, В9, В12, H, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, manganese carbonate, chromium orotate, sodium selenite, magnesium carbonate, calcium hydrophosphate, bifidobacteria.
Major Effect Lifepac Senior delivers nutrients to every single cell and thus prolongs its vitality. Not only it makes up for deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, but is also capable of defeating hypovitaminosis, manifested in rapid fatigability, irritability, sleeping disorders, loss of appetite, dull complexion, etc. Its pronounced effect is conditioned by enhancing the complex with bifidobacteria. They help sustain natural balance of the intestinal microflora and ensure complete assimilation of all wholesome substances of the complex. This ultimately balanced vitamin and mineral complex is suitable for long-term administration.
Results Lifepac Senior restores healthy microflora, alleviates disbacteriosis, promotes assimilation of wholesome substances, enhances the immunity and invigorates. Vitamins and microelements within this complex help sustain metabolism and elevate body resistibility to adverse environmental factors.
Alexandra Kherson, Ukraine
Olga G. 65 years old Tolyatti, Russia
I suffered from vasomotor rhinitis, chronic pancreatitis, allergy on almost everything. Though I’m a doctor myself, my colleagues couldn’t really help me. After taking Vision products I noticed positive changes. Pains in the left hypochondrium ceased, rhinitis stopped bothering me, and allergy manifestations grew weaker. I used to take the whole Classic Hit complex; now I don’t have those problems with health anymore. I do still take Vision products as preventive treatment.
At the age of 50 I already had a whole bunch of diseases: pains in the stomach, kidneys, low pressure, skin problems, aching joints and spine. Medical drugs gave only temporary relief, but the problems never disappeared. After the first 4 months of taking Classic Hit line food supplements most ailments were gone: pains in stomach and joints disappeared, pressure normalized, kidneys were purified from sand. Now I don’t have any health troubles whatsoever, none at all. I would like to thank the Company for its amazing products!
I broke a finger in March, 2001. Star ted taking Nutrimax+. My doctor noticed that the bone healed at least a week earlier than it is normal for such kind of injury. Andrey B. 18 years old Odintsovo, Russia
Medical tests showed a knot on my thyroid gland. I started taking Pax+ forte, Detox+ and Sveltform+. Feeling of discomfort in that area disappeared and the repeated tests showed the knot had gone. Also Pax+ forte helped me get rid of the nervous tic.
I had such problems as high blood pressure and heart pains. I began to take Antiox+ and Pax+ forte and blood pressure gradually normalized, I felt a surge of vitality and strength. Heart pains don’t bother me anymore. Now I’m taking these products as preventive remedies.
After I had burnt myself with boiling water, a trophic ulcer formed on my skin. It continued growing for 3 years. I tried both traditional and alternative methods of treatment, but all those were useless. Then I turned to Vision products: Sveltform+, Antiox+, Detox+. The trophic ulcer dissipated within a month. I still take Vision food supplements to improve my health.
Nadezhda S. 35 years old Odintsovo, Russia
Fanis Kh. 41 years old Sterlitamak, Russia
Greta Ts. 72 years old Ararat, Armenia
Gelya 50 years old Tolyatti, Russia
Nina P. 65 years old Vakhrushi village, Russia
I have suffered from type 1 diabetes for 5 years, which consequently provoked furunculosis, headaches, nervous irritability, colds and kidney disorders. And that’s just an incomplete list of my problems. I felt horrible. My blood sugar level was 14, and I had to do daily injections, but it only became worse. Doctors recommended an eyesurgery. In May, 2003, I star ted taking Vision products. I began with Antiox+, Pax+ for te and Sveltform+ and continued for 4 months. In the 5th month I stopped taking insulin and managed to avoid the surgery. I’m a totally different person now: I feel better, work in my vegetable garden and enjoy life. I continue taking Antiox+, Pax+ for te and Sveltform+. I’m extremely thankful to the Company, its products and people, who had me acquainted with Vision, and especially those, who create these wonderful complexes.
She suffered through 4 strokes. Doctors threatened she could die any moment. After the last stroke in 2000 she was paralyzed. Her husband bought her Antiox+ and Lifepac Senior, and after a month Nina could already move around the house. Her main goal now is to sustain normal blood pressure. She hasn’t called in a doctor for 3 years now, taking Vision complexes instead. God save those, who distribute these marvelous products!
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