
Page 1

Issue 89 iCommunity A golfing ‘September to Remember’ Page 3

iFaith Bush backs female Red Bay pastor Page 11

iLocal Suicide is so preventable Page 12


CAYMAN Mexicans face 30 years for tweeting Page 6





SPENDING TO BE REVEALED Financial chief says to expect audit overview

Page 13

Earthquake prediction still stymies scientists

Tad Stoner tad.stoner@ieyenews.com

Financial Secretary Kenneth Jefferson said yesterday that the 31 October consolidation of government financial statements would offer the first full, audited overview of official performance in years. The overview is made possible by the submission for the first time in at least eight years of all the annual financial reports from every government entity – ministries, portfolios, offices authorities and government companies – by the Auditor General’s 31 August deadline. The achievement marks the first time in nearly a decade that the 39-agency “entire public sector” -13 ministries, portfolios and offices, and 26 statutory authorities and government-owned companies -- has complied with that due date. The statements, detailing expenditures and outputs, account for the disbursement of public funds, enabling the Auditor General – and the Cayman Islands at large -- to monitor government’s financial position. Continued on page 5

New facility adopts ‘The Missouri Model’

Page 14 Are there angels around us? Page 23

Cayman suffers defeat on road to Brazil

Police reveal amnesty arsenal Detective Superintendent Marlon Bodden holds a powerful shotgun that if it was in the wrong hands could kill in seconds. Thankfully this weapon is clearly in the right hands after it was handed in to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service as part of

Page 32

their gun amnesty. Mr Bodden yesterday said that although the amnesty was a success – with a number of bullets and firearms handed in to officers – he would have been a happier if they had been given more. Full story on page 7


6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Golf pros top tips during fundraiser Paul Kennedy


Visitors to North Side Golf Club were given an extra boost – golfing lessons from professions Mark McNulty and Nick Price. The pair came to the Islands to take part in the Cayman Red Cross Golf Tournament which has been hailed a huge success. And before anyone teed off for the main competition, budding young golfers were given top tips from the pros in a specially arranged “kids clinic”. While it may have been a little unfair for the professionals to take part in the actual competition, their points were not added to the total scores of the teams. The duo played with two teams on the Saturday morning and two in the afternoon. In total more than 200 golfers took part in the event which was the 14th Annual Royal Bank of Canada sponsored Cayman Islands Red Cross Golf Tournament. CIRC director Jondo Obi said: “It was fantastic the way everyone came together. The volunteers, sponsors and supporters helped to make it such a success. “There was a real feel of community spirit about the whole


Nick Price (left) and Mark McNulty (right)

day. The turn out was fantastic with 80 golfers playing on the Friday, 76 on Saturday morning and another 80 on Saturday afternoon.” The overall winners of the competition were a group of friends who formed the team, Team Extreme. Golfer Nick Price, who has had 50 professional wins in his career, said: “I really must take my hat off to Jondo who has done an incredible job to pull off a very comfortable, easy and fun day.” Mark McNulty, who has 59 professional wins under his belt, added: “It was great to be here and take part in this fine fundraiser. “From the perspective of big city traveling, it’s nice to get involved with the Island and its fundraising. I’ve had fun and met some very nice people.”

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(L-R) Kirk Rampersad, (CIRC Fundraising Chairman) Jason Waters, (RBC VP/Country Head) Jondo Obi (director CIRC) Peter Milburn, (CIRC Volunteer/Golf Tournament organizer) Perry Rombough (RBC Manager – Business Banking) to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Nick Price offers some valuable tips



6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Farm dog suckles piglets in Cuba CAMAGUEY, Cuba (AP) — Yeti the dog already had a litter of pups to care for when the piglets adopted her as a second mom. Ever since then, the Cuban farm dog has been pulling double-duty, nursing not just her own young but also the 14 swine.


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Farmer Mannorkys Santamaria said the piglets also take milk from their mothers, but when they see Yeti, they run to her for a meal. On a recent day the young porkers followed her around the farm as if she were their real mother. “No one imposed this on the dog,” Santamaria said. “The piglets discovered this on their own and began nursing with her when they turned 15 days old.” Santamaria, 35, and his wife Eida Fernandes, 40, raise pigs, chickens, doves and turkeys on their small farm in the eastern province of Camaguey. There are also several mixed-breed dogs who have showed up on the property over the years and stayed. So far, Yeti is the only one to become an adopted mother to pigs. Fernandes said she doesn’t seem to mind. All but one of Yeti’s biological offspring have been given away, and the one pup remaining nurses alongside the swine. “When the piglets ventured outside their pen, it seems they smelled the dog’s milk and began screaming at her,” Fernandes said. “In the beginning we didn’t think the dog would let them suckle, but they insisted so much they ended up nursing with her.”


6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Government spending announced for first time Continued from front page

Tad Stoner tad.stoner@ieyenews.com

“We got statements from everybody, and it’s good news, the first time it’s happened,” said Auditor General Alastair Swarbrick, although mindful that he had not reviewed the reports. “I can’t speak to the quality of information yet. We will do the audit work now, and whether the reports are good or bad, we will analyse and come to a view a little later,” he said. Last week, Mr Swarbrick, anticipated he would make an announcement around 15 September. Financial Secretary Kenneth Jefferson told iNews yesterday that the 31 August deadline formed a critical first step in gaining a picture of government performance. “I regard this as a very important step, but what the public is interested in is step two,” he said. “Those 39 individual financial statements have to go through a consolidation process, they get put together and you get a set of statements that cover the government’s performance. “The first set,“ he said, “cover the central government, so you know what central government’s performance is like. “In addition, you put the other 26 along with the central government so you know what is the performance of the entire public sector,” Mr Jefferson said. “Being individual building blocks, you consolidate them,” by 31 October,

Financial Secretary Kenneth Jefferson to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Auditor General Alastair Swarbrick he said, gaining the first audited overview of government finances in many years. Cayman’s annual budgets, he explained, contained consolidated statements from the previous year, and projections for the coming year, offering a sense of government’s financial position, but rarely had the position been officially audited. He credited Premier McKeeva Bush, and said two subcommittees had ensured completion of the process. “A coordination team divided the public service into more manageable

chunks, certain members took certain ministries and others, and they met very frequently with the chief financial officers. “Sitting over that was an oversight body of me, Deputy Governor Donovan Ebanks and Deputy Financial Secretary Sonia McLaughlin,” he said. “We met weekly with the coordination team to detail the progress made by the CFOs. This evolved over several months.” Last week, Mr Bush called the 31 August compliance “a great accomplishment”, crediting “government’s drive and determination to achieve the expectations of the law and those of the public”. Speaking to iNews yesterday, he thanked the civil service. “I’m very pleased to see this requirement met. We as a Cabinet gave a commitment to have this done after finding the mess with the accountants, that there were no accounts for four years,” he said. “There was a serious effort by civil servants to accomplish this and we are very thankful to civil servants for getting this done,” he said. “My government congratulates all public servants on this accomplishment.”


6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



2 Mexicans deny terrorism, face 30 years for tweet MEXICO CITY (AP) — Think before you tweet. A former teacher turned radio commentator and a math tutor who lives with his mother sit in a prison in southern Mexico, facing possible 30-year sentences for terrorism and sabotage in what may be the most serious charges ever brought against anyone using a Twitter social network account.


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Prosecutors say the defendants helped cause a chaos of car crashes and panic as parents in the Gulf Coast city of Veracruz rushed to save their children because of false reports that gunmen were attacking schools. Gerardo Buganza, interior secretary for Veracruz state, compared the panic to that caused by Orson Welles’ 1938 radio broadcast of “The War of the Worlds.” But he said the fear roused by that account of a Martian invasion of New Jersey “was small compared to what happened here.” “Here, there were 26 car accidents, or people left their cars in the middle of the streets to run and pick up their children, because they thought these things were occurring at their kids’ schools,” Buganza told local reporters. The charges say the messages caused such panic that emergency numbers “totally collapsed because people were terrified,” damaging service for real emergencies. Veracruz, the state’s largest city, and the neighboring suburb of Boca del Rio were already on edge after weeks of gunbattles involving drug traffickers. One attack occurred on a major boulevard. In another, gunmen tossed a grenade outside the city aquarium, killing an tourist and seriously wounding his wife and their two young children.


6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Police say gun amnesty was a success

Detective Superintendent Marlon Bodden with some of the weapons handed in

Diana Willington diana.willington@ieyenews.com

Police yesterday hailed their latest gun amnesty a success – but admitted they would have been happier if more weapons had been handed in. Following a recent rise in the amount of gun crime seen in the Cayman Islands, it is clear there are still illegal firearms in circulation. But since the beginning of July police have offered a “no questions asked” service allowing guns and ammunition to be handed in a special drop off zones across Cayman. The first four weeks of the amnesty proved extremely disappointing with very few weapons handed in. After that, the police teamed up with High Impact Digital Billboards to offer cash incentives in exchange for weapons. For each gun handed in, $200 would be paid plus $25 per 10 bullets. In total more than a thousand dollars was given out, but some people handing in weapons refused to take any cash, police said. After a similar amnesty last year, the weapons handed in were broken down and encased in concrete to make boat moorings for the RCIPS Marine Unit. Detective Superintendent Marlon Bodden said: “Generally the gun amnesty has been a success. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

“Obviously we would like to see more but we got what we got. It has been very helpful but it’s only one part of our firearm reduction strategy. “Not as many guns have been handed in as last year but if it weren’t for the amnesty then these guns and ammunition would still be on the streets. “They can’t use the guns without the bullets and vice versa. One can’t do without the other.” “The amnesty is not about identifying people but getting guns off the streets. If someone comes in with a gun or ammo and wishes to receive the cash incentive they are given the money straight away without question.” “We are reviewing circumstances in which unlicensed and unwanted

firearms are collected to improve our strategy for future amnesties.” “There have been no links made with any outstanding crimes and these weapons will be checked as well.” Despite some of the weapons only being air rifles, Mr Bodden said it can be difficult to tell them apart from real guns. He said: “There is very little to tell you that this is not a real gun. The intimidation factor is exactly the same. You can’t look at this and straight away say ‘it’s a toy’. “In total CI$1242.50 was handed in cash to citizens during the amnesty. There were some good spirited people who refused to take anything in return for handing in the weapons and we sincerely appreciate the efforts of these people.”

List of weapons: • 22 guage shotgun • 410 rifle • 12 gauge shot gun • 3 x air pistols • 825 all rounds • 307 x 22 rounds



6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Tropical disturbance in the eastern Atlantic designated Invest 95L needs to be monitored Jessica Willis jessica.willis@ieyenews.com

Rob Lightbown wrote that he is keeping close tabs on a tropical wave, now designated Invest 95L by the National Hurricane Center, that is located in the eastern Atlantic about 500 miles to the southwest of the Cape Verde Islands. Some development of this disturbance is possible this week, however, the global model guidance indicates that development will wait until it is in the Caribbean in 6 to 8 days or so. It looks like that this disturbance will have plenty of moist air to work with and environmental conditions are favorable for development. “This is a system that definitely will need to be watched closely as a ridge of high pressure will strengthen as Katia pulls to the north and northeast later this week. This would mean that 95L would likely remain on a general westward track right into the Caribbean by the weekend. All of our Crown Weather friends in the Lesser Antilles should

• Free estimates • Coconut Tree Trimming • Hurricane Trimming keep a close eye on 95L as it may be affecting you in about 6 to 8 days from now.” Meanwhile Katia, which at the time of printing was a Category 2 hurricane, was slowly making its way to near US East Coast. Model forecasts predict that even though there will be no direct contact with the US mainland, there will be large swells off the coast. These swells are

Possible track ok Invest 95L

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dangerous and can cause large surf and rip currents. People are urged to use extreme caution when going into the water and listen to local weather advisories before doing so. While these systems pose no immediate threat to the Cayman Islands, they should be monitored carefully. In the Caribbean we have to be very wary when we see forecasts such as the one above. We need to always be prepared. Have your emergency kit ready. Make sure you have your batteries, your car full of gas, and always have extra water in store because you never know what will happen when the weather decides to take a turn for the worse. Go to Crown Weather Services at www.crownweather.com and to the National Hurricane Centre at www.nhc.noaa.gov/. We wish to thank Crown Weather for their permission to use their graphics and information. Please support them.


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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Knox trial resumes in Italy, enters final stretch “every single (piece) of evidence” so that justice can be done. “My sister, a daughter brutally and selfishly taken from us nearing 4 years ago — and yet a not a single day goes by that we can grasp any peace or closure,” Stephanie Kercher wrote. The appeals trial picked up where it left off before the summer recess in late July: with questioning of independent experts who have reviewed the collection and analysis of DNA evidence used to convict Knox and Sollecito. The two were convicted in Dec. 2009 of sexually assaulting and killing Kercher in the apartment Knox and

the 21-year-old Briton shared while studying in Perugia. Both deny wrongdoing, and have appealed.

Caribbean LifeStyle............................... Fashion................................... Culture..................................... Entertainment

PERUGIA, Italy (AP) — The appeals case of Amanda Knox, the American student convicted of killing her British roommate, resumed yesterday with lawyers questioning independent experts who cast doubt on the evidence used in the first trial. The 24-year-old from Seattle who has been behind bars since the November 2007 murder was in the Perugia courtroom, as was her codefendant and onetime boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito. Ahead of the hearing, the first after the summer break, the sister of victim Meredith Kercher issued a letter asking the appeals court to assess

Obama pledges federal help for Irene recovery PATERSON, N.J. (AP) — President Barack Obama stood on a bridge overlooking the rain-swollen and fastrushing Passaic River in Paterson, New Jersey’s third-largest city, and said the federal government would work to rebuild towns recovering from Hurricane Irene’s wrath. The Passaic, which had washed over the bridge, swept through the once-booming factory town of 150,000, flooding the downtown area and forcing hundreds to evacuate. More than 100 people had to be rescued from the rising waters after

the storm. “You know, it could have been worse. But we should not underestimate the heartache that’s going through a lot of these communities, affecting a lot of families,” Obama said. In nearby Wayne, the president made his way down Fayette Avenue, walking past flooded homes, the garage doors open. Piles of waterdamaged debris littered the curb. “Everybody’s going to be working hard to help you recover,” Obama told one woman as he put his hand on her shoulder.

The Passaic crested at twice its flood stage at a record 14 feet, depositing debris and muddy water stains on buildings and homes across Paterson. “The entire country is behind you,” Obama said after viewing the destruction.

Chile: All 21 aboard crashed military plane died SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — All 21 people aboard a military plane that crashed in the Pacific Ocean near Chile’s remote Juan Fernandez islands are dead, the government said. The Chilean CASA 212 plane crashed Friday afternoon after two failed attempts to land in difficult weather on the islands. “After a search involving the commander in chief of the FACh (Chilean air force) the conclusion has been reached that the impact was so powerful it would have led to the instant death of those on board the plane,” said Defense Minister Andres Allamand. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Earlier Saturday, Chilean officials said the bodies of two women and two men were recovered by searchers or fishermen. Searchers said they had also found pieces of the plane’s wreckage. Among those aboard was popular Chilean television personality Felipe Camiroaga and four other members of a crew from a morning show on Chilean state television. They were planning to film a report about reconstruction on the islands after last year’s devastating earthquake and tsunami. Camiroaga, 44, had co-hosted the Vina del Mar music festival in 2009 and 2010. The Juan Fernandez archipelago,

located 416 miles (670 kilometers) from the mainland, is known for possibly having inspired the novel Robinson Crusoe.



6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


The Editor speaks It is time to act!

It was only a matter of time until the scum of our colin.wilson@ieyenews.com society would brazenly go into one of the popular restaurants here frequented by residents and, more alarmingly, tourists. Now they have gotten away with it, we can expect a visit from these low lives to other similar eating establishments. The rewards are much higher and the minutes of labour expended to execute the deed not much more. Our police (the RCIPS) had been warned many times this would happen - the only question was when. They had been asked many times to have a seen presence between the hours of 9 and 11pm at all the popular restaurants the tourists frequent and one can only register disappointment with anger that this has not happened. It is not the first eatery that

Colin Wilson


has been robbed, the others were bars and close by to the scene of Thursday’s (1) crime (Casanova’s) but this was the first of the more ‘up market’ restaurants. It is only a matter of time before a tourist is shot having a meal and then all hell is going to break loose and our tourism industry is going to be in tatters. The cost to our Islands could be in the millions. Already the foreign press are taking notice of the rising level of crime and all the statistics the RCIPS can produce to the contrary will be laughed at. We must stop burying our heads in the sand and the time for niceties, appeals, and words are over. People are frightened and actions speak louder than words. And, by God, we do want action from the Governor, the Police Commissioner, the Premier and the government - FAST! info@ieyenews.com


Fishing boat rescued, again Paul Kennedy paul.kennedy@ieyenews.com

A massive police search and rescue operation was launched after a fishing vessel went missing. Teams from the RCIPS Marine and Air Operations Units, along with colleagues from the US Coast Guard desperately scoured the waters for missing fishing boat, the Renegade. It’s the second time the boat has sparked such an operation in just over a year. In August 2010 it also vanished during a doomed fishing trip. Then, it spent 10 days adrift after problems with the battery and was eventually located 50 miles northwest of Little Cayman. Around 7am on Saturday morning, the wife of a crewman contacted police to say she had received a distress call from the boat’s onboard GPS device. The 30-foot canoe-type boat had


been converted to include a diesel engine and was carrying two men onboard when the engine failed. After receiving GPS notification, the wife of the crewman raised the alarm and contacted police who launched the search and rescue operation. Around three hours after the call was made, the police helicopter located the Renegade around 56 nautical miles north of Cayman Brac. A police spokeswoman said: “The helicopter crew made contact with the two men on board the vessel via radio. They are both well, but say they had been drifting since losing engine power.” Extreme, bad weather conditions hampered the rescue operation and it took the Department of Environment’s vessel Enforcer 2, ten hours to bring the Renegade in to Cayman Brac Acting Inspector Clive Smith of the RCIPS Joint Marine Unit,

who co-ordinated the Search and Rescue operation, said; “This was a great team effort which resulted in the Renegade and her crew being found quickly and brought back to dock safe and well. “Many people will recall that in August last year the Renegade was reported overdue and located several days later after a massive search operation. “This time the vessel was fitted with a GPS emergency transmitter which was able to be monitored by emergency regional co-ordination centres - that’s why the police helicopter crew located her so quickly. “The DoE crew of Erbin Tibbitts, his son E J Tibbitts and Sheldon Scott have done a wonderful job, in very difficult conditions, to get the boat and crew back safe and sound. We thank them for their outstanding work.” www.ieyenews.com

A pleasant voice multiplies friends, and a gracious tongue multiplies courtesies. Ecclesiasticus 6.5


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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


McKeeva Bush supports female Pastor Kevin Creary kevin.creary@ieyenews.com

Premier of the Cayman Islands, The Honorable Mr. McKeeva Bush, and Deputy Premier, Mrs. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, added their blessings to the appointment of a woman pastor at the Red Bay Church of God (Holiness). Pastor Anna Joseph’s appointment comes after the decision of the former Pastor, Robert Thompson, Brother Bob, and his wife, Mrs. Cinda Thompson, Sister T’, to return to their native land, the USA in July. She is the first female Pastor to take the reigns at the Church of God. Mr. Bush said: “I believe that these Islands need a voice like yours. “Don’t be frightened, speak what God puts on your heart regardless of the members it might turn off, there are those that it will turn on. “In these imperfect days, the church needs to stick together. “What would any country be like had it not been for the strong influence of Sunday school teachers that stood by us and counselled us and prayed for us? “I feel passionate whenever I hear the church being criticised. “I feel passionate enough to curse them back. “The church is our legal guidance, it says so in the manifesto of the United Democratic Party.” Both Mr. and Mrs. Thompson led the Church of God for 25 years and have developed a strong following and rapport among the residents of these Islands.

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The new pastor explained that the shoe previously worn by “Brother Bob” was a hard one to fit into, but asserted that both herself and the former pastor are committed to the same goal of teaching the word of God. She said: “This is larger than my usual congregation, but it is all blessings. “These are people I have been working with since 1983 and they do have a mind to work. “Brother Bob has left some big shoes to fill, but both of us had a very good working relationship, and we all have one God.” Commenting on the appointment, Deputy Premier, Mrs. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly said: “Today’s event is extremely significant to us, because it signifies a new fresh wind of revival which is permeating and filtering to the various social strata of our society. “This appointment gives us an audacity for hope and present the possibility for our country to be reminded that our God still

• Craft Sticks specialises in times when things seem impossible. “We welcome the new pastor with much enthusiasm and optimism. Mrs. Anna Gracia Smith Joseph is a great part of the following of God’s plan for my life, and is also a spiritual parent.” “The entire congregation have expressed their approval of the new pastor and have unanimously voted for her appointment,” assured Mr. Evans. In an interview with iNews the assistant pastor also said: “I have known Mrs. Anna Gracia Smith Joseph for many years. She has about 49 years of pastoral experience. “We have interacted and travelled together on religious assignments. Being around her, I will learn a lot.” The assistant pastor also explained that the new pastor was formally assigned since July, and that the service was a formality, which accompanies her assignment. Members of the Legislative Assembly, MLA Ellio Solomon and Captain Eugene Ebanks also attended the official service.

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Pastor Anna Joseph (left) with Mrs O’Connor-Connolly to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Red Bay Church of God (Holiness)





6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

Suicide is so preventable, says expert Christopher Tobutt christopher.tobutt@ieyenews.com

Originally from Wisconsin in the US, Licensed Mental Health Counsellor Pauline VanderGrinten currently has an outpatient practice and is the Behaviour Therapist at Hope Academy, a local school that specialises in helping children with above-average IQ’s and who may not receive the help they need in mainstream education. She has also been instrumental in setting up the Depression and Anxiety Foundation (DAF). “As you know we were all touched by the suicides within the last year, being that often suicides are preventable and education and understanding of mental health is needed in Cayman. So it is the DAF’s mission to educate Cayman about mental illness,” she said This week is National Suicide Prevention Week sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). AFSP is the leading US “national not-for-profit organisation exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and Licensed Mental Health Counsellor Pauline VanderGrinten those impacted by suicide.” According to AFSP, suicide is the effective prevention strategies to common mental illnesses related to 10th leading cause of death in the promote awareness of suicide and suicide. And in depressed persons, US and already in this century there encourage commitment on all levels, nearly one-half suffer from an anxiety have been more than five million individual, relationship, community, disorder. Although most depressed people are not suicidal, most suicidal suicide deaths worldwide. This toll and societal. Suicide is tragic but often people are depressed. Suicide can be is higher than the total number of Most suicidal prevented through early recognition world deaths each year from war and preventable. individuals give some warning and treatment of depression and homicide combined. Suicide is an important health of their intentions so the most other psychiatric illnesses. Here in Cayman, a new foundation problem in many countries and is effective way to prevent a suicide is the leading cause of death amongst to recognise the risk factors, take the is being developed, the Depression teens and young adults. The Cayman warning seriously, and know how to and Anxiety Foundation (DAF). The Islands are not immune from suicide respond. As society as a whole starts mission of DAF is to create public deaths, many of us have been forever to recognise that suicide is the result awareness and understanding of touched in some way by suicide of a medical condition, not a sign of depression and anxiety to improve weakness or character defect, the the lives of those affected by such within our community. Suicide is a serious public health stigma surrounding mental illness illnesses. The goals of DAF are problem having harmful effects will decrease and more individuals to promote societal change, deon individuals, families, and will receive the necessary treatment. stigmatise mental illness, increase Since 90% of all people who commit treatment availability, and directly communities. While the causes may be complex and multiple in factors, suicide have a diagnosable mental assist funding for those who the goal of suicide prevention is to illness, it is important to recognise cannot afford treatment. For more reduce risk factors, increase factors that depressive disorders and information on DAF, please email that influence resilience, develop alcohol/ drug disorders are the most DAFCayman@hotmail.com.


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Christopher Tobutt christopher.tobutt@ieyenews.com


A brand new facility, offering a new approach for the treatment of at-risk 12-18 year olds is scheduled to be built adjacent to Fairbanks prison. Senior representatives from the Ministry of Community Affairs, Gender and Housing, including Hon Minister Members from the Ministry of Community Affairs, Gender and Housing L-R: Dorine Whittaker, Mike Adam, recently discussed their Chief Officer; Sophy Broad, Policy Officer; Debbie-Ann Whittaker, Senior Policy Officer; and Hon. Mike Adam, Minister. plans with iNews. The new facility, due to be finished by the Missouri Model as being individual. And with that discomfort it brings change.” by May 2013, will adopt the principles “radically different.” And there’ll be no opportunity for “It’s a whole different approach…we of ‘The Missouri Model,’ a system of rehabilitation which developed in the are moving from a correctional facility ‘faking’ participation, according to what you know now as a prison system, the Ministry’s Chief Officer, Dorine US state of Missouri. It focuses on rehabilitation rather to a more therapeutic philosophy,” Whittaker. One of the Missouri Model principles is that there is no set time than punishment, encouraging young he said. “Each client that comes in is assessed period for a young offender to stay people to dig deep and confront their issues, typically within a peer-group and they’re provided with individual inside, she said. Rather, release is programmes. In other words we are determined on the progress they make setting of ten or twelve. Early in August, Missouri Youth treating each one depending on their and on how well they engage with the programme. Services Institute (MYSI) staff member symptoms when they’re diagnosed.” The changes began in January 2010 The core idea of the Missouri Dr. Pili Robinson spent two weeks training Bonavenure Boys home Model is for young people to actively when a working group, taken from a staff in Missouri Model principles explore their own issues, however larger group of stakeholders who were uncomfortable that process may be. involved in rehabilitation, was formed and techniques. The new ideas will be put into Because the change they undergo is in order to look at ways of implementing practice both at Bonaventure and internalised, it remains, as part of Cayman’s new constitution, as Ms. Francis Bodden at the beginning of them, long after they have left the Whittaker explained, “What we have is a constitutional requirement to September, part of an interim phase, formal structure of the institution. Group dynamics are utilised as an separate the juveniles, that’s person’s which will see application of the new ideas in advance of the new purpose- integral part of the programme. The under seventeen, from the adults, by natural desire for young people to 6 November 2013. Based on that and built facility. The new building will accommodate want to ‘belong,’ often resulting in the the local expertise we have looked at two groups of 12 - 18 year old boys, formation of gang culture especially how we can do things differently. We around twenty in all. Although it is among boys, is harnessed for good got a suggestion from one of the group envisioned that the facility will be in the Missouri model. Each group members that we should look at the initially for only the boys, there is member comes under the scrutiny Missouri concept.” Following discussions, MYSI potential to add separate facilities from the other members of the group, for girls in the future, should the so that participation in therapeutic representatives came to Cayman to group programmes is enforced by meet with stakeholders in March this need arise. year when plans to adopt the Missouri An important aspect of the Missouri positive peer pressure. Minister Adam had an answer for Method were officially announced. system is that the architecture - the entire layout of the facility – should those who might think of the Missouri be specifically designed to support the Model as a cushy alternative to a more traditional approach. “If you system’s core principles. As Ministry Policy Officer, Sophy send someone to Northward now, Broad explained, “The facility has to be they’re just marking time and counting built a certain way - so it’s open dorms, the days until they’ll get out…this it’s more home like and there are no institution is more demanding on the cells…it’s not your traditional juvenile individual. You have to confront your issues - what’s causing you to do these detention facility.” Minister, Hon. Mike Adam things. This is tougher because you An artist’s impression of the proposed described the philosophy employed are addressing the core issues of the purpose-built facility to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Earthquake prediction still stymies scientists LOS ANGELES (AP) — The East Coast earthquake left more than just residents unaccustomed to feeling the ground shake and sway in a daze. It also surprised some scientists who spend their careers trying to untangle the mysteries of sudden ground shifts. Despite decades of research, earthquake prediction remains elusive. As much as society would like scientists to tell us when a jolt is coming, mainstream seismologists are generally pessimistic about ever having that ability. They lived through the checkered history of earthquake prediction, filled with passioned debates, failed oracles and the enduring search for warning signs that may portend a powerful quake. The Earth so far has refused to give up its secrets. In recent years, however, a more hopeful camp has emerged, pushed by researchers using satellites who say it may be possible to someday predict earthquakes from space and others who think they can tease out signals in rocks. The two schools of thought swapped notes during a two-day meeting in Los Angeles weeks before a relatively mild magnitude-5.8 rattled the Eastern Seaboard. “I was pretty skeptical going in and

An angel, carved from Indiana limestone, lies shattered amid other damage on the roof of the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, after the East Coast earthquake


Dominion Power’s, Page Kemp (L), Jason Russell, (C), and Dan Stoddard (R), show the earthquake instrument control panel in the control room at the North Anna Power Station.

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Treasure Island Resort Lobby MicroMart Unit Office workers gather on the sidewalk in downtown Washington, moments after a 5.9 magnitude earthquake.

I remain skeptical,” said Washington state seismologist John Vidale, who was among 44 scientists from around the world who attended the invitationonly meeting. Geophysicist Malcolm Johnston with the U.S. Geological Survey agreed. “I’ve been chasing this for a long time,” he said. “If you think you can detect the start of an earthquake, it’s going to be very, very difficult.” How earthquakes occur is well known. The Earth’s crust is like a giant jigsaw puzzle, broken into several pieces known as tectonic plates that constantly bump and grind or slide past each other. The movement happens slowly, about the speed at which our fingernails grow. Eventually, there’s enough pent-up stress and the rocks suddenly slip, releasing tremendous energy that we feel as shaking. Most earthquakes are small and imperceptible. Occasionally, a powerful one wreaks havoc like the ones that ravaged Haiti last year and coastal Japan in March. No one knows how a small rumble can

cascade into a big one. Spurred in part by a pair of megaquakes in the 1960s, scientists began looking in earnest for signals that will help them distinguish a serious quake from the garden variety. Hopes were high for reading the seismic tea leaves. They scoured for anything and everything that might be a clue: warping in the Earth’s crust, radon gas releases along a fault, weird weather and even the behavior of cockroaches, snakes and other animals. None of the phenomena studied panned out, but the notion that animals might have a “sixth sense” persists to today. Keepers at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. reported that lemurs, a gorilla and an orangutan were restless and making noises minutes before the East Coast quake on Aug. 23.. Scientists say animals can sometimes feel the first arriving seismic waves before people do, but this happens after a fault has ruptured. In other words, the earthquake has already begun. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

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Cayman Islands Cancer Society

114 Maple Road, George Town, P.O. Box 10565, Grand Cayman KY1-1005 T: 949-7618 | F: 949-8694




6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com




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It was the perfect Saturday afternoon combination. Sun, sea, sand and some very smiley faces! Visitors to Royal Palms were treated to an afternoon of entertainment, thanks to mobile giants, Lime. As well as free food – and free beer for the adults – there were offers

galore on the table thanks to the 4G providers. iPhones, iPads and plenty of free top-ups were dished out to the lucky winners of the wheel of fortune. One happy punter who walked away with more than $100 of free credit was Oliver Ebanks.

And the kids had a ball too – thanks to bouncy castle and a specially built waterslide on the beach. DJs spun some top tunes to keep the crowds entertained – and boy what a crowd it was. Royal Palms was packed to the rafters and every visitors went home with smiles beamed across their faces.

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iFood & Drink

6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Prep for Success Recipes

Mandarin chicken salad with sesame dressing Cayman Prep and High School have produced a book of multicultural family recipes that everyone can enjoy. It was made possible through the selfless efforts of the parents of Cayman Prep students who

worked tirelessly to see the project through to fruition. iNews will be serialising local and world recipes from Prep to Success which is available to buy at Cayman Prep and High School, Diver’s Supply & Book Nook.

Calories 1282 Protein 39.53 Gm Carbs 124.9 Gm Fat 80.61 Gm Cholesterol 45 mg Dietary Fiber 7.322 Gm


Sugar 42.49 Gm Sodium 1452mg Calcium 296.7 mg Potassium 1049 mg Iron 7661mg



Mandarin Chicken Salad

Sesame Dressing (SERVES 4) Ingredients • ½ cup corn syrup • 3 Tbsp. white vinegar • 2 Tbsp. pineapple juice • 4 tsp. granulated sugar • 1 Tbsp. light brown sugar


Nutrition Facts per serving


• 1 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar • 1 Tbsp. soy sauce • 1 tsp. sesame oil • ¼ tsp. ground mustard • ¼ tsp. ground ginger • 1/8 tsp. salt

• 1/8 tsp. paprika • 1 dash garlic powder • 1 dash ground black pepper • ½ tsp. sesame seeds • ½ cup canola oil


• • • •

4 chicken breast fillets 1 head iceberg lettuce, chopped 4 cups red leaf lettuce, chopped 1 1/3 cup canned Mandarin orange segments • 1 cup chow mein noodles • 1 cup sliced almonds, roasted • Salt and pepper, to taste








Directions • Prepare dressing by combining all dressing ingredients, except canola oil and sesame seeds, in a blender on high speed. • Slowly add oil to mixture (to create an emulsion). • Add sesame seeds, and blend for just a couple of seconds. • Pour dressing into a cruet; chill until needed. • Rub each chicken fillet with oil; to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

• • •

season each piece with salt and pepper. Grill chicken on medium-high heat, until done. Chill breasts in the refrigerator. When chicken is cold, build each salad, first by arranging about 4 cups of iceberg lettuce in the bottom of a large bowl, or on a plate. Arrange a cup of red leaf lettuce on the iceberg lettuce.


• Dice each breast into bite-sized pieces; sprinkle the pieces over the salad. • Arrange about 1/3 cup of Mandarin orange wedges on each salad. • Sprinkle about ¼ cup of chow mein noodles and ¼ cup of roasted sliced almonds on top of each salad. • Add desired amount of Sesame Dressing; serve.


350 DORCY DRIVE TEL: 945 9113; 925-6055 OPENING HOURS: MON – SAT: 7am – 5:30pm





6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

Cayman Islands Netball Association

Name: Lyneth Monteith CINA Position: Second Vice-President Occupation: Principal John Gray High School

Started playing in High School Captain of C. I. National Netball team at • 1988 CANA Tournament in the Cayman Islands • 1991 World Netball Championships Australia • 1991 World Netball Championships England Assistant Coach C. I. National Netball team 1999 – New Zealand Coach C. I. National Netball Team 2003 to Jamaica Coach/Player AllStars Netball Club Coach National Under 16, 2009 and 2010 to Jamaica and Barbados Intermediate Umpire since 2009

Want to know more about the Cayman Islands Netball Association?

Please call: 916-1944 or email: caymannetball@candw.ky


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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Summer Camp 2011

We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson

Anne Part 39

“I don’t think I should have made him at all if I couldn’t have made him better.”

“I shall not go one step, even now, unless you promise to write regularly, Annet,” said Rast, the evening before his departure, as they stood together on the old piazza of the Agency watching for the lights of the steamer, which was to carry him away. “Of course I shall write, Rast; once a week always.” “No; I wish no set times fixed. You are simply to promise that you will immediately answer every letter I write.” “I will answer; but as to the time—I may not always be able—” “You may if you choose; and I will not go unless you promise,” said Rast, with irritation. “Do you want to spoil everything, my education and all my future? I would not be so selfish, Annet, if I were you. What is it I ask? A trifle. I have no father, no mother, no sister; only you. I am going away for the first time in my life, and you grudge me a letter!” “Not a letter, Rast, but a promise; lest I might not be able to fulfill it. I only meant that something might happen in the house, which would keep me from answering within the hour, and then my promise would be broken. I will always answer as soon as I can.” “You will not fail me, then?” The girl held out her hand and clasped his with a warm, honest pressure; he turned and looked at her in the starlight. “God bless you for your dear sincere eyes!” he said. “The devil himself would believe you.” “I hope he would,” said Anne, smiling. What with Miss Lois’s Calvinism, and the terrific picture of his Satanic Majesty at the death-bed of the wicked in the old Catholic church, the two, as children, had often talked about the devil and his characteristics, Rast being sure that some day he should see him. Miss Lois, overhearing this, agreed with the lad dryly, much to Anne’s dismay. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

“What is the use of the devil?” she had once demanded. “To punish the wicked,” answered Miss Lois. “Does he enjoy it?” “I suppose he does.” “Then he must be very wicked himself?” “He is.” “Who created him?” “You know as well as I do, Anne. God created him, of course.” “Well,” said the child, after a silence, going as usual to the root of the matter, “I don’t think I should have made him at all if I couldn’t have made him better.” The next morning the sun rose as usual, but Rast was gone. Anne felt a loneliness she had never felt before in all her life. For Rast had been her companion; hardly a day had passed without his step on the piazza, his voice in the hall, a walk with him or a sail; and always, whether at home or abroad, the constant accompaniment of his suggestions, his fault-findings, his teachings, his teasings, his grumblings, his laughter and merry nonsense, the whole made

bearable—nay, even pleasant—by the affection that lay underneath. Anne Douglas’s nature was faithful to an extraordinary degree, faithful to its promises, its duties, its love; but it was an intuitive faithfulness, which never thought about itself at all. Those persons who are in the habit of explaining voluminously to themselves and everybody else the lines of argument, the struggles, and triumphant conclusions reached by their various virtues, would have considered this girl’s mind but a poor dull thing, for Anne never analyzed herself at all. She had never lived for herself or in herself, and it was that which gave the tinge of coldness that was noticed in her. For warmheartedness generally begins at home, and those who are warm to others are warmer to themselves; it is but the overflow. Meantime young Pronando, sailing southward, felt his spirits rise with every shining mile. Loneliness is crowded out of the mind of the one who goes by the myriad images of travel; it is the one who stays who suffers. But there was much to be done at the Agency. The boys grew out of their clothes, the old furniture fell to pieces, and the father seemed more lost to the present with every day and hour. He gave less and less attention to the wants of the household, and at last Anne and Miss Lois together managed everything without troubling him even by a question. For strange patience have loving women ever had with dreamers like William Douglas—men who, viewed by the eyes of the world, are useless and incompetent; tears are shed over their graves oftentimes long after the successful are forgotten. For personally there is a sweetness and gentleness in their natures, which make them very dear to the women who love them. The successful man, perhaps, would not care for such love, which is half devotion, half protection; the successful man wishes to domineer.

Smyles Playtime Paradise

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Try our New Ocean front location in WEST BAY

Are there angels around us? “The room you are in is filled with angels!” Georgina Wilcox georgina.wilcox@ieyenews.com

Are there really angels around us? Yes. The room you are in is filled with angels! The next room you go to will be filled with angels and angels will be at your side with every step you take today. The angels are with us and are eager to help us. How do I know that? Because Christopher Dilts, author, workshop leader and Ordained Minister says so and his specialty is angels. For the past 10 years he has been helping people in private sessions and in workshops to connect more deeply with their angels for help and assistance. This is what he says: “Angels are truly universal. The Pew Foundation reported that 72% of Americans believe in angels. This is a much higher percentage than Americans who believe in any world religion, because angels are fundamental to most of the world’s major religions. We find them in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Mormonism and many other spiritual traditions. “St. Augustine, an authority on angels, said, “Make friends with angels.” He recommended that we make personal relationships with angels and that we let our relationships with them deepen - much as we would with any important,intimate relationship. “Asking an angel for help is one of our most powerful spiritual practices. We can ask the angels for immediate help at any time and in any place. Here are some techniques that will help you: “1) Ask for help - angels offer us help 24/7. The more receptive we are, the more help they can give us. If you diminish your receptivity you limit the angels ability to help you. Create your own invocations, or prayers, that specifically call for the help you need. Realise that when you call upon an angel, what really happens is that you open yourself into greater receptivity to their assistance. (See the Angel Messages at www.AskAnAngel.org for examples of invocations.) to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

TREATS CAFE Light House Point,Next to Divetech 947-5377

All day Breakfast & Lunch “When asking for help, it’s important to realise yourself as fully worthy of angelic assistance. Angels work with everyone regardless of personal histories and beliefs. Angels are infinite and omnipresent - your request does not diminish them in anyway nor does it affect their ability to help the rest of us at the same time. They exist beyond our experience of time and space and respond to everyone with complete unconditional love. “2) Connect with your inner divine child as you call upon the angels and ask for help. Your inner divine child is whole, innocent and true and recognizes angels as trustworthy gifts of Creator. This will help create openness, receptivity, excitement, eagerness and wonder as you prepare to receive the gift your angels have prepared for you. “3) Hand everything over to the angels when you ask for their help: every issue, problem, worry and fear as well as every good intention and positive outcome you imagine as the result of your request. Release all expectations of how your request will be answered. “4) Express appreciation and gratitude - Find and express genuine appreciation and gratitude for things exactly as they are. If you are struggling with this, ask the angels to help you to find the love that is present in whatever difficulty you are facing. Have patience with this and let go of

any expectation of how this love may be revealed to you. “5) Know that it is done - Every request is answered and help is always given. If you fear that your request will not be answered, then also ask for help in understanding. Trust that you will see the love in every answered prayer. You are known completely and loved unconditionally by the angels and nothing that will serve you is ever withheld from you. “6) Act quickly on the guidance you receive. Accept the opportunity and act upon it immediately. Angelic help is infinite and unlimited - you can not use it up or run out of it. You cannot ask for “too much” and the angels are joyously happy to give to you without limit. The faster you act, the faster you receive more assistance! “7) Celebrate yourself exactly as you are in the moment. Leave any critical judgments or negative feelings about yourself, your life, or others in the hands of the angels for healing. Even if it is just for a few moments, let go of everything that is not of love for yourself and everything around you. In this moment of surrender much more can done for you by the angels than you can accomplish on your own. Thank yourself and the angels for deepening the relationship between you.” If you have had an experience with an angel, I would welcome hearing from you.


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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Dusty legacy of 9/11 still a medical mystery

A firefighter emerges from the smoke and debris of the World Trade Center in New York.

NEW YORK (AP) — Like a lot of New Yorkers who spent time near the smoking ruins of the World Trade Center, Lorraine Ashman needs to take a deep breath before listing all the health problems that have afflicted her over the past decade. First she got bronchiolitis and a constant cough that lasted for months. Then there were sinus infections, nine so far. She had pneumonia. She’s developed immune system problems, vitamin deficiencies and a sensitivity to gluten. She had acid reflux so bad it damaged the lining of her esophagus. “I’ve just been sick nonstop,” she said. “Being on antibiotics 12 months out of the year is an insane way to live ... I take 17 pills in the morning and six at night.” Ashman, 57, blames it all on the sooty air she inhaled in the two months she worked as a volunteer near ground zero. Science, however, is less sure. A decade’s worth of study has answered only a handful of questions about the hundreds of health conditions that people like Ashman suspect are related to the tons of gray dust that fell on the city when the trade center collapsed. While people have blamed everything from strange rashes to skin cancer on the dust, the list of illnesses even tentatively linked to the disaster is short. Researchers have documented increased asthma rates among


Firefighters make their way over the ruins of the World Trade Center through clouds of smoke at ground zero in New York.

people exposed to the dust. Unusually high numbers of people have been diagnosed with chronic sinus problems, or inflammation of their nasal passages that makes their nose run constantly and causes a drippy cough. Many have also developed chronic heartburn caused by a stomach acid condition known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Doctors at clinics that treat ground zero workers and volunteers believe that exposure to the dust, which was made up of tons of pulverized concrete, glass and other building materials, may have irritated some people’s upper respiratory systems so much that many still haven’t recovered. “We think it has set up a cycle of chronic irritation,” said Dr. Michael Crane, director of the World Trade Center Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. “It’s a very disturbing condition. It keeps people up at night.” Luckily, he said, those symptoms are also highly controllable. Patients can use antihistamine and steroid sprays and a saline rinse to ease their discomfort. Asthma isn’t curable, but can be controlled through medication and quick-relief inhalers. A smaller group of people have had surgery to relieve sinus problems. For many of the thousands getting treatment, however, fear runs deep. They aren’t worried about a nagging cough, or a frequent runny nose.

They are worried about cancer. And here, experts said, evidence of a tie has been lacking. Hundreds of people exposed to trade center dust have, indeed, gotten cancer, and many have died, but that hasn’t surprised doctors. Cancer is a leading killer of people in the U.S., even among people in their 40s. Many of the cancers now afflicting people who spent time on the debris pile can develop over decades, meaning the disease could have been simmering away unnoticed in their bodies for many years before 9/11. Two new studies published Friday in the medical journal, The Lancet, failed to find a significant increase in cancer, or other deadly illnesses, among people exposed to the dust.

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A shell of what was once part of the facade of one of the twin towers of New York’s World Trade Center rises above the rubble that remains after both towers were destroyed in the terrorist attacks. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Ph: 949-9628 40'B Mary street, PO BOX 1251 KY1-1108 GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands.

6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Monique Lhuillier loves beads Georgina Wilcox

Writen by : Victoria Anderson


Designer Monique Lhuillier’s name seems to be on every celebrity’s mouth these days. Professionally designing mainly bridal dresses and red carpet gowns since 1996, her list of clientele includes Gwyneth Paltrow, Reese Witherspoon, Kristen Stewart, Drew Barrymore, Hilary Swank, Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The name Lhuillier shines brighter than ever in the fashion industry. This is not surprising as the craftsmanship of Lhuillier is obvious in the beads, beading and jewellery incorporated in her every design. The craftsmanship of Lhuillier is also seen in the price tags her dresses carry which the average career woman cannot afford. Bridal gowns cost $2,000 - $10,000 while evening dresses are priced only a little lower. For those who want the look of a Lhuillier gown or dress, there are several things you must remember: A-line, full skirt, soft fabrics, and exquisite beads, beading and jewellery. Beads used in a Lhuillier design range from Swarovski crystals and pearls to glass beads and rhinestones. More expensive stones are used in more expensive dresses. With her skill in using beads, Lhuillier combines modernity with sentimentality, producing designs that are elegant, modern, romantic, and wearable. Beads, beading and jewellery in the designs of Lhuillier are used differently. Some designs use the beads as a component of the fabric itself. If you love beads, beading and jewellery, invest in a Lhuillier gown.


The end of the school year is here and savvy moms and dads by now have made all the arrangements for summer. Summer camps and leisurely days at the pool or beach are just a few of the summer rituals for many families. However if you're tempted to let your child play outdoors for even a few minutes without proper sun protection, you might want to think twice. Adolescence and childhood are critical periods during which exposure to UV radiation is more likely to contribute to skin cancer in later life. Children with fair skin, blond or red hair and blue or green eyes are at the highest risk of sunburn. But darker-skinned children also need sun protection. With this in mind, it’s important that parents teach their children how to enjoy fun in the sun safely.


Apply a thick, even coat to all exposed areas 20 - 30 minutes before your child goes out in the sun. Choose a sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 15 or higher. Make sure it's labeled "broad spectrum," which means it blocks both UVA and UVB sunlight. For your little ones, sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide should be selected as these compounds are less irritating than others. Sunscreen sticks are best for the face because they are sweat proof and less likely to drip. Don't forget nose, ears, hands, feet, shoulders, and behind the neck; lips can also burn, so apply a lip balm with SPF protection. Reapply sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours, or after sweating or swimming.

COVER FROM HEAD TO TOE. Wearing protective clothing and hats is one of the primary ways of warding off UV damage. When wet, light coloured clothing transmits just as much sunlight as bare skin. Keep your kids covered with dark colours, long sleeves, and pants whenever possible. And don't forget the accessories: sunglasses with UV protection to guard against burned corneas, and hats to prevent sunburned scalps and faces. Protective clothing, hats with wide brims, and sunglasses are just as important for babies. At the beach, bring along a large umbrella.

Parents, you are the best teacher by practicing sun safety yourself. If your child sees you following sun safety rules, he'll take them for granted and follow suit. Teach every member of the family how to protect their skin and eyes. With proper supervision, children can learn to protect themselves and enjoy summer fun without sacrificing the health of their skin.

Avoid unnecessary exposure when the sun's rays are at their strongest. Even on cloudy or cooler days, ultraviolet (UV) rays remain strong. Shady spots can be just as tricky because of reflected light. If your child is playing outdoors during these hours, make sure to apply ample sunscreen.

WATCH OUT FOR MEDICATIONS. Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun, so make sure to ask your doctor whether your child may be at risk. Prescription antibiotics and acne medications are the most notorious culprits, but when in doubt, ask.

http://www.cics.ky T: +1 345 949 7618 | E: info@cics.ky

114 Maple Road, George Town, P.O. Box 10565, Grand Cayman KY1-1005, Cayman Islands Victoria Anderson is project coordinator of the Cayman Islands Cancer Society.

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Bolt sends Jamaica to relay record

DAEGU, South Korea (AP) — Usain Bolt clutched the purple baton in his right hand and tore off down the track in the final leg of the 400 relay. There was no one to push the Jamaican star, because the Americans were already out after another botched exchange. This was simply Bolt vs. the clock at the world championships. The clock didn’t stand a chance. Bolt ran with an all-out fury Sunday as he helped the team finish in a world-record time of 37.04 seconds. His eyes grew big in amazement after glancing at the clock, he screamed and then tossed the baton up into the air. This from a man who claimed he wasn’t in record-breaking shape. But anything’s possible when Bolt takes the track. While his teammates played a big role, Bolt, even with a bothersome Achilles tendon that prevented him from running the curve, brought it on home. “For me,” Bolt said, “it was just to go out there fast.” to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

What started out as a disastrous championships for Bolt ended on a high note. Sure, this doesn’t make up for his false start that led to his disqualification in the 100 last weekend, but it does ease the sting a tiny bit. “I’m very happy with myself,” Bolt said. “We ran very hard for that record.” Plagued by relay problems in the past, the Americans thought they had those woes figured out. They organised training camps and participated in competitions to get their timing down. It worked out well for the women as Carmelita Jeter held off Veronica Campbell-Brown down the stretch to win the 400 relay. Then came the men’s debacle in the final event of the championships, putting a damper on what was otherwise a fine day on the track — a fine competition, for that matter. The U.S. had a sensational showing in the triple jump with 21-year-old Christian Taylor taking gold and Will Claye, who’s a year younger, winning bronze. Bernard Lagat also captured

silver in the 5,000 as the Americans finished with 25 medals, edging Russia by six. It tied for the team’s second-best showing ever, one away from the top mark. A medal the U.S. could’ve easily picked up had the team been able to get the baton around the track. Maybe not gold with Bolt focused and motivated, but at least silver.


6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Bloomquist comes through with tiebreaking triple SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Willie Bloomquist hit a go-ahead tworun triple after Ryan Roberts’ solo homer tied it in the eighth, and the NL West-leading Arizona Diamondbacks extended their division cushion to a seasonbest seven games with a 4-1 win over the San Francisco Giants on Sunday.

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The D-backs finally delivered for Daniel Hudson (15-9) when they got to All-Star Ryan Vogelsong in the eighth. Until then, Cody Ross’ first-inning home run had held up. Hudson won his third straight start, helping Arizona (80-60) leave the Bay Area for Colorado in a comfortable spot with 22 games to go. The defending World Series champion Giants considered this a must-win series to keep their faint playoff hopes alive but lost the final two. Hudson allowed one run on three hits, struck out five and walked one in seven innings. David Hernandez went 1-2-3 in the eighth and J.J. Putz pitched a perfect ninth for his 36th save. San Francisco failed to win a seventh straight home series at sold-out AT&T Park since taking two of three from Milwaukee on July 22-24. Roberts drove a 2-0 pitch from Vogelsong (10-6) into the leftfield bleachers to start the eighthinning rally. After Gerardo Parra followed with an infield single, Vogelsong’s day was done. Jeremy Affeldt was called upon to face pinch-hitter Geoff Blum, while Vogelsong walked off to a standing ovation and tipped his cap.

6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Frank is still key, says Fabio


Fabio Capello has insisted Frank Lampard remains a key member of his England squad, despite dropping him for the victory over Bulgaria. The Italian named the midfielder on the substitutes’ bench in Sofia.

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But Capello said Lampard, 33, remains a “really important player” and could feature against Wales today. He also stated that the Bulgaria fans responsible for alleged racist chants must be identified, and asked England supporters not to boo the Welsh anthem. England players wore antiracism wristbands in training after the abuse in Bulgaria. Capello said: “The racism is a terrible thing. I am against [it] absolutely. I didn’t hear in Bulgaria what happened because I was focused on the game. But we need to find the racists. And he warned England fans: “I remember in Cardiff I didn’t like the boos or the shouts against the other country, because for me as a manager and as a player it’s a really important moment, because you wear the shirt at your heart at this moment. “We need to fight against racism. It’s a really high moment, a spiritual moment. You need to respect the other country.” Chelsea midfielder Lampard’s omission was the first time he had been left out of an England starting line-up when fit and available for a competitive game since the Euro 2008 qualifying campaign. Capello said: “Frank Lampard is a really important player, like others that are here.”

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6 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

iSports WORLD Watson leads Deutsche Bank NORTON, Mass. (AP) — The possibilities are almost too many to count for the Labor Day finish at the Deutsche Bank Championship. It starts with Bubba Watson. Watson rolled in a 10-foot birdie putt on the 17th hole — one of the few things that went right for him toward the end of the third round Sunday — for a 1-under 70 that gave him the outright lead on the TPC Boston. Five players were one shot behind, a list that includes Adam


Scott and Jason Day. Another five players were two shots behind, that group featuring Masters champion Charl Schwartzel, world No. 1 Luke Donald and defending FedEx Cup champion Jim Furyk. Seven more players, including Rickie Fowler and Nick Watney, were another shot back. “It’s setting up for a great tournament, great finish, which is good,” Day said after birdieing his last two holes for a 67. “The names are up there, and I think that’s good for the game of golf right now, and it’s good for the FedEx Cup playoffs. No one knows what’s going to happen tomorrow.” Phil Mickelson somehow got into the mix, too. He shot a 63 and was finished before lunch, and while he didn’t expect to stay anywhere near the lead, he didn’t anticipate the course firming up. Of the last three groups to tee off, no one broke 70. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Cayman Islands football team defeated by Suriname

The Cayman Under 23 team which saw eight players take to the field against Suriname.

Kevin Creary kevin.creary@ieyenews.com

Eight members of the Cayman under 23 football team stepped up to play for the national side in their World Cup qualifier against Suriname. But despite the gamble of playing the young guns, the brave eleven lost out 1-0 on their road to Brazil. The Cayman Islands National Football Team will now have to rethink their strategies if they want to go to the World Cup. From the line-up of the under 23’s Theron Wood, Demion Williams, Donald Solomon, Nicholas Ebanks, Tex Whitelocke, Raymon Sealy, Luigi Hernandez and Andre McFarlane all represent the national team. The decisive strike came by way of a penalty kick 11 minutes into the first half of the game. Suriname’s player, Friso Cabinho took the penalty shot which deceived Cayman’s goalkeeper. Despite playing quality football and creating a solid line of defense, the

Caymanians did not respond in time to secure a draw or a victory. Cayman’s National Senior men’s team will have a good opportunity to apply their fine-tuning when they face El Salvador on Tuesday at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex. Captain Ian Lindo expressed the need for Caymanians to support the National team, stressing that the assurance of the public support will act as a morale booster for the team. The first time captain will be looking to make a good impression on the team, and says that the team is unified and confident about their campaign. He said: “We have been training together and playing together for a long time now and I am fully aware of what the other teams are capable of doing. We just have to go out there collectively with one goal in mind, which is to win and make our country proud. “It is my first time as captain at this

level and I will be playing my role with pride. I have a lot of confidence in my team. We have trained together for a long time, under the instructions of coach Carl Brown and our fitness instructor Thiago Cunha. We are not going to allow their efforts to go in vain. The public is being encouraged to wear red, take along their horns and drums, carry their national flags, and come out in their numbers to support the national team. The match kicks off at 7:30pm tonight.

Publisher Joan E Wilson Editor In Chief Colin G Wilson MCIM Printed and Published By: iNews Cayman Ltd. 342 Dorcy Dr., CAC Building, GT, Grand Cayman P.O. Box 10211 Grand Cayman KY1-1002 CAYMAN ISLANDS

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Captain Ian Lindo

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