
Page 1

Issue 69 iLocal Thousands raised for baby Jordan Page 3

iWorld People think I’m Hitler, says rapper West Page 9

iSport Nani winner sinks City Page 25


CAYMAN Affordable mortgages may be available next month





NEW EVIDENCE Police find item linked to Kerran

Continued on page 5

Man hurt after Brac car crash Page 8

Children head off for taste of the Big Apple Page 11

Tad Stoner Police have revitalised their hunt for Kerran Baker after uncovering new evidence on Sunday in connection with two weekend searches by volunteers. Detective Inspector Marlon Bodden yesterday declined to describe what police investigators had found, saying “We don’t want to give away our game plan to anyone who may be working for ‘the other team’,” a reference to people seeking to conceal information from police. He said “the material” had been found by police on Sunday, and cautioned that “some volunteers had been around when it was found,” but would not discuss the time or the area of the discovery. “We found some material and it is being assessed,” Mr Bodden said. “We will not answer any specific questions about the material we found. We won’t elaborate, but be assured that we are looking for any information about her whereabouts after 7pm on Saturday.”

Page 6

Cayman moves to the Jamaican beat Page 14

Jamaican travel boost Jamaicans will be able to travel more easily to the Cayman Islands, according to Premier McKeeva Bush. He says from next month Jamaicans coming into the country will not need a visa to visit. Instead Jamaican nationals who hold either a United States, British or Canadian visitors visa will get in. And any Jamaicans coming into the country either over the age of 70 or children under the age of 15 will not require any

special paperwork to travel. Previously Jamaicans needed to apply for Cayman Islands documentation if they wanted to visit. Mr Bush said: “Effective September 1st, 2011, Jamaican nationals with a United States, British or Canadian visa, or adults over the age of 70 years and children under the age of fifteen years will not require a visa to visit the Cayman Islands.”

Swimmer qualify for London Olympics Page 21

Continued on page 7

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com



Silent auction rocks Lone Star


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Alexa and Michael Binckes with baby Jordan.

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Compare Brian Granstrand with Jordan.

The crowds poured into Lone Star Bar and Grill to help raise money so that little Jordan Binckes can get the surgery he needs. Baby Jordan, who is nearly 3 weeks old, is facing the fight of his life against a congenital heart defect that needs serious open-heart surgery within the next six or seven weeks. Lone Star opened their doors for a silent auction last Friday night to show young Jordan that he is not alone and that rest of the community are here to help. So far the auction has raised over $10,000 towards Jordan’s treatment and a boat cruise this weekend is hoping to add to that tally. Local patrons donated prizes that included $100 gift certificates for the Dog House, Tiki Beach and Carlos and Martin’s, brunch for two at Hemmingway’s, Greygoose, Cayman

Distributor’s and Tortuga Gift Sets, plus much more. Manager of Lone Star, Scott McLean said, “The amount of tangible items is staggering. There are just too many people to thank. Generous members of the community have been coming in with items to auction off. We even had a little 12-year old boy come in with his bicycle helmet on and say “Here’s $25 dollars for the baby.” As soon as the family walked in with the baby, the entire crowd got a lump in their throats. We consider this a very successful event. We would like to applaud all the attendees for the heart they’ve shown for a baby they have never met.” Kass Coleman of Remax added, “We are here to help raise funds for the baby. We at Remax are happy about the turnout. We act like a family and this is just one of the events, out

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

of many, that we do to help a family member who needs a leg up.” Jordan’s parents Alexa and Michael Binckes said, “We are completely overwhelmed by everyone’s support. We really appreciate everything that has been done for us. Cayman really is our family. The support has blown us away and the turn out to the event is unbelievable. We are so emotionally overwhelmed and so blessed to have a beautiful child.” The family extended special thanks to the Cayman Islands Hospital maternity ward for all their help. They also said that any excess funds raised would be donated to the maternity ward to help them get the equipment they need to better help the babies born in Cayman. ivy.lichtenstein@ieyenews.com


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iStrange Guilty robber’s change of heart PLAISTOW, N.H. (AP) — Police say an apparently remorseful thief who stole a woman’s wallet in a New Hampshire supermarket showed up at her door days later to return $90 and a GPS, and brought along an apology letter. The wallet was stolen from the 61-year-old woman’s cart on July 18 in Plaistow. Her wallet was found at a Massachusetts post office. Then on July 26, the victim heard a knock on her door. A man said he was sorry, returned her belongings, gave her the long letter and fled. Police say the thief probably found her address from something in her wallet. Deputy Police Chief Kathleen Jones said although the woman is happy to have her belongings back, she’s unnerved that the thief knows where she lives. Jones says the thief still faces charges when caught.

Mystery goo washes up in Alaska ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Authorities say a mysterious orange-colored substance has washed up on the shores of a remote village in northwest Alaska. Tests have been conducted on the substance on the surface of the water in Kivalina (KIV’-uh-LEE’nuh). City Administrator Janet Mitchell told The Associated Press that the substance has also shown up in some residents’ rain buckets. Coast Guard Petty Officer David Mosely tells KTUU that it’s not a petroleum substance and it’s not man-made. Mitchell says the village is requesting that an algae expert from the University of Alaska Fairbanks investigate. Pictures taken by resident Mida Swan show an orange sheen across the harbor and on beaches in the village about 625 miles northwest of Anchorage. Swan says she didn’t smell anything odd when she dipped her hand into the substance.


9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


Search for Kerran widens to West Bay Tad Stoner

Prayers before the public search at Pedro’s Castle

Missing: Kerran Natalee Baker

Continued from page 1 Chief Inspector John Jones repeated the caution, and reaffirmed the determination of the police. “We don’t want to do anything that might prejudice the investigation. Considerable time has passed and we hope Kerran is still alive, but we also have to worry that something criminal has happened to her. “We are not ready to call off this search, not by any stretch of the imagination,“ he said. “We have not closed our lines of inquiry.” In another surprise revelation, Mr Bodden said investigators had scoured, in addition to the Shamrock Road area near Savannah and Lower Valley, the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, Admiral’s Landing and the grounds near Pappagallo’s Restaurant in West Bay. He conceded, however, that still, “We do not have any clue as to where Kerran is or what happened to her”.

compulsive”, but have arrested no one. Mr Bodden acknowledged that interrogators had hit obstacles in their efforts to speak to people close to Ms Baker. “We have been made aware by various individuals that we are speaking with that they are concerned about providing various bits of information. They want to remain silent on various issues. “A lot of people say they feel fearful, and we have been very blunt, telling them they feel fearful and that contributes to the fear you are talking about. If you don’t want to tell us, then tell someone else who can tell us, but we take this very seriously,” he said. Ms Baker’s father, Wilmot Anthony, on island since early last week, said police had told him nothing about Sunday’s discovery, but was satisfied the search was continuing.


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Miss Baker, 25, disappeared sometime after 7pm on Saturday, 30 July. After friends reported her missing on Sunday, police found her groceries and handbag at her Arrow Drive home. On Monday, searchers discovered her white Honda Civic parked outside Pedro Castle, followed on Tuesday by her car keys in adjacent bushes and a possible bloodstain on the nearby ironshore. A series of official searches, including one by police divers, have turned up nothing. Two weekend searches, by approximately 100 volunteers on Saturday and approximately 20 more on Sunday, also found little, although police aided the effort, organised by Ms Baker’s visiting family, saying “we know how they feel”. Police have also interviewed a number of people, including an estranged boyfriend, described by Ms Baker’s sister as “obsessive

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Bush: “I am not a money tree, I can’t pay $5,000 mortgages.” Tad Stoner

WHERE FINE FOOD IS MATCHED BY BEAUTIFUL SCENERY on the waterfront located on the edge of the

Caribbean Sea Premier McKeeva Bush will seek an early September start for a new interest-free mortgage assistance programme, lending money to troubled homeowners in danger of bank foreclosures. Similar to his 2009 Cayman Islands Development Bank lending programme, which distributed $4 million to small businesses and homeowners at a 1.5% interest rate, Mr Bush said yesterday that the new $2.5 million plan would offer interest-free loans to homeowners in arrears. It remained unclear, however, whether funding would come through the Development Bank or the government itself. “I’m not too sure whether it will come through the bank or the finance department,” he said. “I am still discussing it with the relevant departments, but I will talk to my finance people. “We are hoping to get it done by September 1st, although that is not a set date. We are just shooting for that,” Mr Bush said. The premier announced the plan at a Thursday meeting in West Bay to discuss the “ForCaymanAlliance” investment programme with Dart Realty, which has provisionally agreed to a $1.2 billion roster of infrastructure, development and community welfare projects


in exchange for a series of land concessions and duty waivers by government. In his opening speech, the premier, declaring, “I believe in getting something done”, said he would inaugurate a mortgageassistance programme aimed at homeowners in danger of foreclosure. “We will assist this group of people to clear off their arrears,” he told a crowd of more than 100 at the John A Cumber School auditorium. “We are hoping to jump start this at the end of the month,” he said, promising more information as plans developed. “Banks are stepping in, and the courts are facilitating that. There are people we have to help. People are losing their homes and we don’t have the money to do much. “We did about $5 million through the Development Bank, but now people with only $40,000 and $30,000 and $25,000 left are losing their homes and we need to do something.” Speaking to iNews yesterday, Mr Bush said he could not estimate how many people might qualify, but many had come to him for help. “Just as other representatives, I and others have been approached

by various individuals having difficulty. I have tried to help a lot of people over the years. “I am not a money tree. I can’t pay $5,000 mortgages for people. I am on a salary, like others, and I cannot do it all myself, so we are trying to help people in various ways,” he said. Still working out details, Mr Bush added “I would imagine people would need proper documentation from their bank, detailing how much is owed on a loan, how much the debt it is, how long to pay. “I envisage we will lend up to $1,500, and they [borrowers] can take between 10 years and 12 years to pay the government back. It is an interest-free loan, so payments will not be that great, will be minuscule, so people can afford them.”

Hon. McKeeva Bush

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Bush decision welcomed by Jamaicans

Kevin Creary Continued from page 1 In an arguably retaliatory move, the Jamaicans implemented a visa restriction for Caymanians wishing to visit their Caribbean neighbours. Both Countries restrictions have been subject to much criticism. The announcement by Mr Bush was yesterday welcomed by the Jamaican consulate. Elaine Harris, Vice Consul at the consulate, said: “It is a positive step in the right direction. “We are waiting to see how the Jamaicans will respond to that. Visa restrictions by both countries affected the people of both countries. “It now means that more people will be able to travel between the countries for business so it will do good for the economy. “There are many young children that will now be able to spend summer holidays in Cayman with their families without having to face the immigration challenges. “The resounding applause for the Premier’s speech is a measure of how much the Jamaicans appreciate the decision. “All Jamaicans are delighted to have that challenge removed and it is very good for the relations between both countries.” Mr Bush used the recent Jamaica Independence Day celebrations to make the announcement. He said he has always been an ardent supporter of good relations between Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. He added: “Four or Five of my school teachers have been Jamaicans. “I am 56, and I remember the days when Caymanians went to Jamaica rather than Miami to shop. “Oxford Pharmacy [in Jamaica] was like Wal-Mart, I know when Caymanians could only go to the University Hospital in Jamaica, I have an uncle who was buried in Spanish town.”

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


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Maples give a helping hand to local voluntary organisations The MaplesFS Community Services Committee on behalf of clients donated a substantial amount to the National Council of Voluntary Originations of the Cayman Islands (NCVO). The NCVO projects include a foster care home, pre-school, lunch support programme for students in need. In addition the provide small welfare grants like pocket money for a few of The Pines Retirement Home residents who have no other source of income, and give donations throughout the community to people who are experiencing severe problems due to personal hardship or tragedy. The NCVO currently supports fifteen students from several different schools by donating to the lunch support programme, which ensures that children in need receive a daily lunch, and snack who would otherwise go without. The NCVO also supports families undergoing hardship with items such as school uniforms, shoes, and book bags. Alta Bodden-Solomon

featuring ·children’s clothes ·baby clothes ·household items ·toys ...and more R-L: Chris Bryan, Karen Watson, Monique McLaughlin, Ebony Myles-Berry (Chairman), Alta Bodden-Solomon (NCVO), David Brooks and Tammy Jennissen

commented, “We at the NCVO are grateful and humbled by this donation. Contributions like these allow us the opportunity to help those most in need, through the support and generosity of kind, caring persons and entities. The NCVO is committed to the service and support of our community,

and continued funding is needed to facilitate existing and new projects. We encourage everyone to give whether it be monetary or personal time.” To donate to the NCVO please contact Ms Janice Wilson at ncvo@ candw.ky” or Alta Bodden-Solomon at ncvocoordinator@candw.ky for volunteering www.ncvo.org.ky.

Man in hospital after Brac car crash Paul Kennedy

A man remains in hospital with serious injuries after he was airlifted from the Brac following a car accident. Police say the man’s Honda Logo crashed near to Aunt Sha’s Restaurant on West End Road just after midnight on Sunday. After the airbag went off the man was trapped inside the car, unable to open either door. Witnesses say smoke was coming from the vehicle and the driver was inside slumped over the steering wheel. Fire fighters using specialist tools managed to open the car and free the man. He was taken to Faith Hospital but later airlifted him to George Town. Suffering from breaks to his


hip, knee and toe. A spokeswoman for the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service said: “It appeared the driver, a 47 yr old local resident, who was traveling in a westerly direction veered off the roadway and hit a Tree. The vehicle received extensive damages.” Meanwhile in a separate incident in West Bay a woman also remains in hospital after she fell from a twostorey balcony. She fell just after 10pm on Friday from a building on Finch Drive. The 24 year old womano was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital where she remains. Elsewhere over the weekend police were called to a building fire to the rear of the Reflections Liquor for Less Outlet off Shedden Road and Sound

Way junction in George Town. A wooden structure at the rear of the shop was well alight when officers arrived. Firefighters were called and managed to dampen the flames. Although no one was inside at the time of the fire in the early hours of Saturday morning, police are investigating. And on Saturday morning on duty officers chased a man they spotted checking parked vehicles at the Green Thumb Nursery. They eventually caught him at the Britcay parking lot and recovered a Blackberry, facemask and a ladies handbag. The 23-year-old was arrested on suspicion of theft, trespass and going equipped to steal. paul.kennedy@ieyenews.com

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Proceeds from the sale will go to Freddy Mahoney. Freddy was born on 14th July along with his twin brother Jake, having only reached 24 weeks and 6 days gestational age. They had been suffering from Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Unfortunately a few hours later Jake passed away. Freddy is a little fighter and currently being treated in Florida. We'd like to show our support as a community and do what little we can to help our neighbours, Freddy's parents, Andrew and Amanda. Southampton Gardens is located across the by-pass from The Strand. Why not stop by and see what's on offer before doing your Saturday shopping? Please spread the word!



Donʼt Donʼt get get left left in in the the dark! dark!

Rapper says people think he’s Hitler EASTNOR CASTLE DEER PARK, England (AP) — Kanye West says he feels like people look at him like Hitler. The 34-year-old rapper known for his outbursts was the headline act at the Big Chill music festival Saturday night, where he ranted in the middle of his set about being misunderstood and underappreciated. “I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I’m (expletive) insane, like I’m Hitler,” he said. “One day the light will shine through and one day people will understand everything I ever did.”

West received light boos from the crowd as a result. The performer also defended the music video for his song “Monster,” which features cannibalism and girls hanging from their necks. “Who saw the video before it got banned, before they took it down and before women’s groups starting saying that a person that lost the most important woman in his life is now against women in some way?” asked West, referring to the 2007 death of his mother Donda West. West, who started his set roughly

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30-minutes late, apologized to the crowd for his tardiness, saying he needed to make sure his performance was great.

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Weekend of riots after man shot in London LONDON (AP) — British police on Monday promised a “momentous operation” to arrest rioters after a weekend of vandalism and looting that erupted in a disadvantaged London neighborhood just miles from the site of next year’s Olympic Games. Groups of masked and hooded young people looted shops, attacked police officers and set fire to vehicles in violence that has raised questions about security ahead of the 2012 Olympics and revealed pent-up anger against the city’s police. More than 160 people were arrested. Around 35 police officers were injured, including three hit by a car while trying to make arrests in northeast London. Police commander

Christine Jones said officers were “shocked at the outrageous level of violence directed against them.” “This has changed from a local issue into organized criminality,” police deputy assistant commissioner Steve Kavanagh said Monday as he announced a “momentous investigation” to track down the perpetrators. “We will make sure that this criminality is not allowed to continue,” Kavanagh told Sky News. The violence broke out in the gritty north London suburb of Tottenham on Saturday night amid community anger over a fatal police shooting of a 29-year-old father of four Mark Duggan. Police said “copycat criminal”


violence spread to other parts of the city Sunday night and early Monday, including, briefly, London’s busy shopping and tourist district at Oxford Circus.


Texan drought will harm wildlife “for years” CANADIAN, Texas (AP) — In a muddy pile of sand where a pond once flowed in the Texas Panhandle, dead fish, their flesh already decayed and feasted on by maggots, lie with their mouths open. Nearby, deer munch on the equivalent of vegetative junk food and wild turkeys nibble on red harvester ants — certainly not their first choice for lunch. As the state struggles with the worst one-year drought in its history, entire ecosystems, from the smallest insects to the largest predators, are struggling for survival. The foundations of their

habitats — rivers, springs, creeks, streams and lakes — have turned into dry sand, wet mud, trickling springs or, in the best case, large puddles. “It has a compound effect on a multitude of species and organisms and habitat types because of the way that it’s chained and linked together,” said Jeff Bonner, a wildlife biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Since January, Texas has only gotten about six inches of rain, compared to a norm of about 13 inches, making it the most severe one-year drought on

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


record. Last week, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said the La Nina weather pattern blamed for the lack of rain might be back soon, and if that happens, the dry spell would almost certainly extend into 2012.



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The Editor Speaks

Public support Colin Wilson

It has been an emotional last week. The mystery surrounding the disappearance of Kerran (KerryAnn) Baker is still a mystery. The RCIPS have held many police conferences, conducted searches, made appeals, published CCTV pictures, etc. and have had to admit they have no leads. The public support has been immense. They have themselves instigated searches and made appeals for any witnesses to come forward via Facebook and Twitter. Rumours are in abundance and the Marl Road is buzzing. We at iNews have been given many ‘leads’ and we have followed them up with the full knowledge of the RCIPS and all have led nowhere. Everyone, though, is trying to help. None of the ‘leads’ given to us were malicious – they were all given with the best intentions. The rescued crew returned safely from their ordeal at sea when all hope had almost been given up. There was great public support through all of this and many people were at Owen Roberts Airport to witness their arrival. It was heartening to have some really good news to report. Little Jordan Binckes, the baby that desperately needs

open-heart surgery to correct serious defects, has had wonderful public support with donations to help pay for the operation. Jordan’s father said, “No big city in the world would give us the help and support that we are receiving from the people of the Cayman Islands.” At Friday’s (5) silent auction at The LoneStar Bar & Grill over ten thousand dollars has been raised. There is only a small percentage of bad people in the world and that percentage is even smaller here. It is these people who put a blot on the landscape and promote the news. It has been said, “there is good in everyone”. When these bad elements are caught, in nearly every case, they justify their actions on the injustices they have been suffering that turned them into their life of crime. It is hard to give them any public support, though. We all suffer from some form of injustice either real or perceived. We go about it differently. Did Jordan’s father go and rob someone to get a few dollars for his baby? No. He appealed for help. He got public support. colin.wilson@ieyenews.com


Cash offer for guns reaps reward The police offer to pay cash for guns handed in during the recent amnesty has yielded results. Originally officers were disappointed at the number of weapons and ammunition given up during the month of July. So they extended the amnesty – with the offer of $200 for each gun and $25 for every ten bullets. Now they have revealed that four firearms and more than 500 rounds of ammunition have been surrended.

Detective Superintendent Marlon Bodden said: “It is good to see the amnesty picking up pace. “I would urge persons who may not have taken the advantage of the amnesty to do so, which ends on 31 August 2011. “The sentence for anyone caught in possession of an unlicensed firearm is up to 10yrs imprisonment or more.” Detective Superintendent Bodden further stated that the RCIPS is very grateful to High

If you caught it in pictures or on video,

OUR EYE is interested! Send your photos and videos to


Impact Media for the support they have offered through the Cash for Guns initiative and expressed that these are the types of partnerships and support that build a positive relationship between a police service and its community. Should you know of any crime taking place in your community please report it to any of the police stations or call 800TIPS (8477). info@ieyenews.com

Want to share your views, questions, comments or complaints? Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Visit www.ieyenews.com We want to know about you!

i Thought Deliver him who is wronged from the hand of the guilty; and do not be fainthearted in judging a case. Ecclesiasticus 4. 9


9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Kids set off for a taste of the Big Apple

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Back Row - Anthony Penock, Destinee Bush and Tiona Miller. Front Row - Jonassi McLean, Charlee Walton, Tiana Smith and Athena Smith.

Start spreading the news… seven primary school students are leaving for the Big Apple! The youngsters will be taking part in the Fresh Air Fund (FAF) Camp in New York. They will also enjoy a tour of the City, visits to the Bronx Zoo and Governor’s Island and may even catch a musical on Broadway. The group of five girls and two boys comprising Tiana Smith, Charlee Walton, Athena Smith, Tiona Miller, Destinee Bush, Anthony Penock and Jonassi McLean, left Cayman on Sunday August 7th to spend 10 days on a beautiful 2,300-acre Reservation in Fishkill, New York . Shomari Scott, Acting Director of Tourism said that the seven lucky children were selected by the Ministry of Education based on their consistently high academic achievements, positive attitudes and willingness to apply themselves to their schools and community through extra-curricular activities. Premier and Minster of Tourism

MANICURE.................... from $20

McKeeva Bush added: “During their time away, they will undoubtedly make new friends from a variety of cultures and ethnicities. “They will also have the opportunity to swim in lakes, learn about outdoor survival and practice their photography skills as the DOT have given them all new digital cameras to record their excursions.” Since the inception of the FAF in 1877, they have given free vacations to more that 1.7 million children from New York City low-income families. Twelve Caymanian children have benefitted so far. The relation with the fund has been in existence for the past five years and has given kids the opportunity to spend a vacation with a host family here in the Cayman Islands. The arrangement which now that allows Caymanian kids to see the Big Apple was introduced last year. DOT staff Rhonda Cornwall and Gary Dominguez will be travelling with the kids to New York.

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com




Happy Rotary Sunrise raffle winners claim prizes

Even heavy rain couldn’t dampen Daniel Cummings’ spirits as he claimed the Grand Prize of a 2011 Jeep Wrangler from Rotary Sunrise’s Fundraising Co-Director Glen Trenouth

Even heavy rain couldn’t dampen Daniel Cummings’ spirits as he claimed the Grand Prize of a 2011 Jeep Wrangler from Rotary Sunrise’s Fundraising Co-Director Glen Trenouth. And a triumphant Aaron McLaughlin took possession of the 2010 Kawasaki Jet Ski Ultra 260X he won when President Andrea Bryan of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise drew his winning ticket from among the thousands purchased by members of the Cayman community in support of Rotary’s charitable projects. With more than $100,000 worth of raffle tickets sold, President Andrea noted that all proceeds from the club’s raffle will go back into the community to support projects such as the Computer Assisted Learning System (CALS) reading programme, school meals, community Christmas parties, annual health fair, Drug Court, disaster relief, youth at risk programmes, Junior Achievement, Rotaract, EarlyAct, to name a few. She further stated, “Rotary Sunrise


Club thanks our public for their continued support of our fundraising efforts. Even in these economically challenging times you reached deep within to help us serve our community with our many projects.” Sponsors for the raffle included BritCay, BDO, Caledonian, Sports Supply, Car City, KPMG, Highwater, and Royal Bank of Canada.

The Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise was chartered in 2002 and has members who are mostly young professionals from Cayman and 24 other countries. They work hard to contribute to the local Caymanian and wider international communities, and meet for breakfast at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Grand Old House.

Triumphant Aaron McLaughlin took possession of the 2010 Kawasaki Jet Ski Ultra 260X he won when President Andrea Bryan of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise drew his winning ticket from among the thousands purchased by members of the Cayman community in support of Rotary’s charitable projects.

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com




Jamaica’s Independence street dance Kevin Creary

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Jamaica’s 49th Independence celebration, which kicked of early on Friday, was followed by the traditional street dance. Sound system operator “Super C” and extraordinary sound system selector “Skyatta Hype” left nothing undone. Indigenous Jamaicans were not the only ones enjoying the festivities at their celebration. The presence of Caymanians, Philippine and Honduran nationals suggests strong connections between the groups. Canadians and other nationalities were also present, most of them wearing Jamaican colours. The traditional concentration of original Reggae music appeared to have been carefully arranged, as it was recognisable to most of the crowd. The crowd of roughly four hundred strong celebrants, in the earlier part of the event, continuously grew throughout the night. The celebration was elevated to its traditional spectacle as the

crowd thickened. A combined aroma of fresh and invigorating night breeze mixed with the indigenous Jamaican herbs and spices, transported the culinary culture throughout the entire vicinity. Jamaican jerk pork and jerk chicken were a crowd favourite during the event. Black, green and gold colours were ceremoniously paraded in clothes and on vehicles, as Jamaicans both young and old put all of their pride on display. The crowd’s dramatic response to the Bob Marley songs that were played was proof that the legacy of the late Reggae superstar is impenetrable and highly spiritual to many Jamaicans. The Jamaicans gained their independence from British Colonial rule in 1962. It is believed that the journey to independence originated from a courageous and fierce opposition to the slave trade, successfully launched by six men and one woman, all African

slaves, who worked on sugar cane plantations in Morant Bay Jamaica. The seven are now revered as National Heroes. kevin.creary@ieyenews.com

Bush flies the Jamaican flag.

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


St. George’s Jamaican Independence Service Gabrielle Myers St. George’s Anglican Church held their annual Jamaican Independence Day Service on Sunday at 9am. The morning started with the playing of Redemption Song as people arrived for the celebratory service and ended with the singing of the Jamaican National Anthem. The congregation welcomed the Jamaican Vice Consul to Cayman, Ms. Elaine Harris, the Honourary Jamaican Consul Dr. Joseph Marzouca and the Hon. McKeeva Bush OBE, JP. Dr. Marzouca read the Prime Minister’s Message to the congregation and the Hon. McKeeva Bush OBE, JP delivered a welcome message saying, “I wish Jamaica the very best. Jamaica is still a pearl.” The service continued with an insightful sermon by Archdeacon Hollis Peter Lynch where he finished by saying, “May God bless Jamaica and give us peace.” Victor O’Garro, aka Coach

Voot, received praise from the congregation as he talked about the Jamaican people before the church announcements saying that, “Jamaicans are a proud, conscientious, hard working group of people.” The Church was decorated with flower bouquets with green ribbons hanging from them, showing the green of the Jamaican flag. The congregation also shined in Jamaican colours with people dressed in green, black and gold to represent the Jamaican flag. The programme was decorated with pictures of coconut trees and, on the front, an image of Jamaica’s national bird, a beautiful hummingbird. gabrielle.myers@ieyenews.com

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Archdeacon Hollis Peter Lynch welcomes Premier Hon. McKeeva Bush to the pulpit.

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


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So... What really is an Android? Claire O’Dea

One of the most recent additions to the Tech Dictionary is “Android” which can be easily defined as “an operating software”. Like Apple’s iOS, Android operating software focuses on efficiency and enhancing the features of mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets. In 2005, Android, an infant company, was acquired by Google and has since produced a flexible, upgradeable system. The debut Android platform phone, the ‘HTC Dream’, was released in 2008. As consumer awareness grew, 2010 was a year of great successes for Android, mainly attributable to HTC’s collaboration with Google and launching its flagship Android device, the ‘Nexus One’, and Samsung releasing the ‘Nexus-S’. Since the original version of the software in 2007, many features have been added to enhance performance, functionality and user-friendliness. Android’s open source nature (anyone has access to the coding) has resulted in companies and individuals developing many innovative applications. The Android Market (application store run by Google) now has over 200,000 applications which have contributed significantly to the extended functionality of the devices. Android’s multitasking capabilities, customization, performance and open source platform are the main contributors to this system’s rapid growth. It has gained much popularity among developers and has proved a huge success in the Smartphone market. It is expected that Android will further establish brand image and awareness and continue to prove very successful in the highly competitive Smartphone market.

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

iBooks We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson


“Is it unpleasant to be old-fashioned?”

Part 19 This morning, while making her explanation, Anne made coffee too. It was a delicious cupful which she carried back with her into the library, and the chaplain, far away in the chess country, came down to earth immediately in order to drink it. Then they opened the Latin books, and Anne translated her page of Livy, her page of Cicero, and recited her rules correctly. She liked Latin; its exactness suited her. Mrs. Bryden was wrong when she said that the girl studied Greek. Dr. Gaston had longed to teach her that golden tongue, but here William Douglas had interfered. “Teach her Latin if you like, but not Greek,” he said. “It would injure the child— make what is called a blue-stocking of her, I suppose—and it is my duty to stand between her and injury.” “Ah! ah! you want to make a belle of her, do you?” said the cheery chaplain. “I said it was my duty; I did not say it was my wish,” replied the moody father. “If I could have my wish, Anne should never know what a lover is all her life long.” “What! You do not wish to have her marry, then? There are happy marriages. Come, Douglas, don’t be morbid.” “I know what men are. And you and I are no better.” “But she may love.” “Ah! There it is; she may. And that is what I meant when I said that it was my duty to keep her from making herself positively unattractive.” “Greek need not do that,” said Dr. Gaston, shortly. “It need not, but it does. Let me ask you one question: did you ever fall in love, or come anywhere near falling in love, with a girl who understood Greek?” “That is because only the homely ones take to it,” replied the chaplain, fencing a little. But Anne was not taught Greek. After Cicero she took up algebra, then astronomy. After that she read aloud from a ponderous Shakespeare, and the old man corrected her

accentuation, and questioned her on the meanings. A number of the grand old plays the girl knew almost entirely by heart; they had been her reading-books from childhood. The down-pouring light of the vivid morning sunshine and the upcoming white glare of the ice below met and shone full upon her face and figure as she bent over the old volume laid open on the table before her, one hand supporting her brow, the other resting on the yellow page. Her hands were firm, white, and beautifully shaped—strong hands, generous hands, faithful hands; not the little, idle, characterless, faithless palms so common in America, small, dainty, delicate, and shapeless, coming from a composite origin. Her thick hair, brown as a mellowed chestnut, with a gleam of dark red where the light touched it, like the red of November oak leaves, was, as usual, in her way, the heavy braids breaking from the coil at the back of her head, one by one, as she read on through Hamlet. At last impatiently she drew out the comb, and they all fell down over her shoulders, and left her in momentary peace. The lesson was nearly over when Rast Pronando appeared; he was to

9 August 2011 to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

enter college—a Western college on one of the lower lakes—early in the spring, and that prospect made the chaplain’s lessons seem dull to him. “Very likely they will not teach at all as he does; I shall do much better if I go over the text-books by myself,” he said, confidentially, to Anne. “I do not want to appear oldfashioned, you know.” “Is it unpleasant to be oldfashioned? I should think the old fashions would be sure to be the good ones,” said the girl. “But I do not want you to go so far beyond me, Rast; we have always been even until now. Will you think me old-fashioned too when you come back?” “Oh no; you will always be Anne. I can predict you exactly at twenty, and even thirty: There is no doubt about you.” “But shall I be old-fashioned?” “Well, perhaps; but we don’t mind it in women. All the goddesses were old-fashioned, especially Diana. You are Diana.” “Diana, a huntress. She loved Endymion, who was always asleep,” said Anne, quoting from her schoolgirl mythology. This morning Rast had dropped in to read a little Greek with his old master, and to walk home with Anne. The girl hurried through her Hamlet, and then yielded the place to him. It was a three-legged stool, the only companion the armchair had, and it was the seat for the reciting scholar; the one who was studying sat in a niche on the window-seat at a little distance. Anne, retreating to this niche, began to rebraid her hair. “But she, within—within—singing with enchanting tone, enchanting voice, wove with a—with a golden shuttle the sparkling web,” read Rast, looking up and dreamily watching the brown strands taking their place in the long braid. Anne saw his look, and hurried her weaving.


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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Science Snax The interstellar medium Patti Laine

The Interstellar medium - the space between stars, is full of interesting stuff, though it’s quite often thought of as empty, a vacuum. For example, there are dust grains from the deaths of massive stars spinning about in thick dark clouds; they attract passing particles into their nooks and crannies providing the perfect shelter for molecules to form. In time these molecules combine with other molecules, we know many contain Carbon; these organic molecules are the precursors to amino acids, the building blocks of DNA. As well as these dust clouds there are diffuse, giant clouds of atomic, molecular and ionised gas all drifting in and out of star systems within a galaxy crisscrossed with magnetic fields and interspersed with cosmic rays from the surrounding intergalactic space. The dust comprises about 1% by mass of the Interstellar medium, each grain is approximately 1 micron across - this is the same size as the wavelength of blue light. They are irregular in shape and are found to contain silicates, carbon, ices and iron. The silicates are similar to silicate rocks found in the Earths’ mantle and on the moon, and the ices are in the form of carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia ice. Sometimes the dust is so dense it obscures the line of sight from Earth to far distant star systems appearing as dark shapes (dark nebulae) silhouetted against a starry background. Dust clouds are visible if they absorb light coming through them, light can be dimmed known as interstellar extinction, or because of the size of the dust grains, there is a scattering of blue light making the transmitted light more red known as interstellar reddening. The other 99% of the Interstellar medium by mass is gas,

NEED A WEBSITE? NetClues has successfully delivered over 600+ projects including: approximately 90% hydrogen and 9% helium, relic particles from big bang nucleosynthesis. There are 3 phase models for the gas. The first is a cold dense phase - clouds of neutral and molecular hydrogen, the raw materials for star birth, these clouds produce radiation detected in the form of radio waves at 21 cm wavelengths. The second is a warm intercloud phase of neutral and ionised gas – electrons recombine with the ionised hydrogen detected as red emission nebulae. The third phase is in expanding shells of very hot gas, shock heated by supernovae and driven by stellar winds. The solar system is currently passing through a local interstellar cloud (known as the local fluff), it is flowing outward from the Scorpius – Centaurus spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy and will leave us in approximately another 20,000 years. Presently the Voyager spacecraft 1 and 2 (launched in 1977 by NASA) are approaching the Interstellar medium. They are still transmitting data to the deep space network and are the furthest man- made objects

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

from Earth. Voyager 1 is about 11 billion miles from Earth going north and Voyager 2 is about 9 billion miles away going south. They are at a point where the solar wind has decreased its speed from about 800km/sec to zero, the very edge of the heliosheath - the suns furthest reach and the beginning of the Interstellar medium. Recent data from Voyager 1 reveals a strange sea of huge, frothy magnetic bubbles, thought to have formed from the suns magnetic field lines that have twisted, broken and reconnected into massive magnetic bubbles; they form a foamy membrane in the heliosheath and protect the solar system from cosmic rays. As you can see the vacuum of space is far from empty, there is no void, gas and dust drift in vast clouds spurred on by stellar winds, supernovae, magnetism and gravity, stars are created from these clouds and at the end of their lives they replenish the Interstellar medium with their spillage, the Universe is cloudy with a chance of DNA. patti.laine@ieyenews.com


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Jane Doherty has a big tummy ache Georgina Wilcox Jane Doherty is a worldrenowned psychic and author, and currently appears on The Learning Channel (TLC) in a reality TV show called “Dead Tenants.” Jane has an amazing physical reaction to ghosts. Her stomach area enlarges by as much as six inches around within seconds. And, Jane says it is extremely painful to her when this happens. On the show when it happens you will hear her moaning and see her wincing. I am convinced this woman is definitely in pain. With regards to her expanding tummy, Jane says, “It feels like a contraction when a woman is in labour, but it doesn’t ever release me until the spirit leaves. Instead, the stomach expands as if I was nine months pregnant.” Jane actually describes it as very intense muscle cramps, where the ghost physically grips her stomach, and if you watch, the belly will actually lift up. Jane continues, “Often I can tell by the grip whether it is a female, male or child spirit. It first happened to me in 1990, when I investigated my first haunted house with a researcher.” The belly area is associated with the third charka located at the solar plexus, which is the area that dominates the gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and an awareness of astral entities. It’s interesting that historically the belly area is associated with body’s core of energy sometimes called the ‘Chi Point’ or the ‘Hara’, both of which translate literally to mean belly. Historically, psychics felt their gift came from their gut (‘reading with the pit of the stomach’ where today, most psychics describe their gift coming from their third eye charka, between the eyes and centered in the middle of the forehead. With Jane Doherty,

it seems the physical phenomena of her expanded stomach would be directly related to her psychic gift. Jane’s devout belief in the power of God comes through in all that she does because she feels strongly that her psychic abilities are a God-given talent. Using her psychic abilities allows Jane to bring comfort to people whose hearts are hurting, and hope to those who need it most. And, that’s her personal goal on “Dead Tenants” whose families are in desperate need of help and knowledge to deal with their home’s ghosts. The Dead Tenants TV show follows the journeys of the Preternatural Research Society (PRS) a team of paranormal investigators through the attics, basements, living rooms and back yards of the most haunted houses in the country. Occult specialist Deryl Mizzen leads the team and Jane alerts them to the presence of spirits. The Dead Tenants show weaves the historical, scientific and psychic into a rich tapestry to help the viewer better understand the hauntings. “There was never a question of how I would use my gift,” Jane says

firmly. “I have taken every possible opportunity to help others.” Her words are like the words from her book, “Awakening the Mystic Gift: The Surprising Truth About What It Means to Be Psychic” – compelling. You won’t be able to put it down. The book chronicles Jane’s own psychic awakening and what it truly means to be psychic. For those seeking more information on what it means to be psychic, get yourself a copy. Jane Doherty is a gifted psychic and medium of international acclaim. Many refer to her as the “real deal” because of her accuracy and sincere caring nature. Hans Holzer, known best for his many books on ghosts and paranormal activities, has named Jane Doherty as “one of the top twenty psychics in the world.” She has been a psychic for 15 years giving tens of thousands of readings. A born teacher, Jane feels part of her own purpose in life is to teach others to open to their own psychic abilities, and for this reason Jane has brought her psychic teachings to an online format through the HerbalCollege.com website. Here Jane has established a book club for her readers to explore more about their own psychic abilities with her personally, and Jane will also teach her multileveled Psychic Development courses at the Herbal-College.com website. Jane has been featured on Fox News, CNN, The Today Show, Sightings, MSNBC, Jenny Jones and numerous publications, including The New York Times, The New York Post, The Industry Standard, and The Philadelphia Inquirer. For more on Jane Doherty go to www. janedoherty.com. georgina.wilcox@ieyenews.com


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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


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Swimming superstars Shaune (front) and Brett Fraser demonstrate their tremendous swimming skills before young swimmers at the Lions Pool. Minister of Health, Environment, Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Mark Scotland, JP, has congratulated Cayman’s swimming superstars Shaune and Brett Fraser who have both qualified to compete in the 2012 London Olympics. He lauded the brothers on their impressive achievement: “I am elated that Shaune and Brett will be swimming for the Cayman Islands at the summer Olympics in London next year.” The Minister added, “Their consistency, dedication and superb effort are an inspiration to us all. I wish them the best as they train in the coming months.” Both brothers, who compete as elite athletes for the Cayman Islands, achieved the Olympic “A” standard in the same event -- the 200 m freestyle. Shaune earned his Olympic berth at the recent FINA World Swimming Championships in Shanghai, China, with his time of 1 minute,

47.73 seconds in his heat swim. He went on to place 14th overall in the event final. Younger brother Brett earned his spot after his gold winning performance yesterday (Wednesday, 03 August) in the 200m freestyle at the ConocoPhillips USA Swimming National Championships at Stanford University in Palo-Alto, California. Brett finished with a time of 1 minute, 47.56 seconds. This has nudged him up to 19th in the current world rankings in the event. Brett is the latest sporting star to join Cayman’s six other elite athletes, who are so named because they are top performers in their field. They are contracted to the Ministry of Sports to represent the Cayman Islands as professional athletes. Cayman national swimming coach Dominic Ross said, “Summer 2011 for Shaune and Brett Fraser was about Olympic qualification. The back-to-back events of the FINA

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

World Swimming Championships and the US National Championships provided the perfect platform to attempt to achieve this goal.” Both swimmers have also earned “B” standards required for Olympic selection in other events. In China, Shaune swam in his second event, the 100m butterfly to a time of 54.19 seconds, which is equal to the “B” standard required for Olympic selection in that event. Brett also met “B” standards in both of his events in Shanghai – the 100 m freestyle in 48.98 seconds and the 50m freestyle in 22.65 seconds, improving on his own national record in the latter, the coach detailed. However, the “B” standard for Olympic selection does not automatically qualify a swimmer for the Olympics. Any unfilled spaces following the official qualifying period will be filled by swimmers who have attained those “B” standard times, Mr. Ross explained.


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iSports Hawks sold but will stay in Atlanta Writen by : Victoria Anderson


The end of the school year is here and savvy moms and dads by now have made all the arrangements for summer. Summer camps and leisurely days at the pool or beach are just a few of the summer rituals for many families. However if you're tempted to let your child play outdoors for even a few minutes without proper sun protection, you might want to think twice. Adolescence and childhood are critical periods during which exposure to UV radiation is more likely to contribute to skin cancer in later life. Children with fair skin, blond or red hair and blue or green eyes are at the highest risk of sunburn. But darker-skinned children also need sun protection. With this in mind, it’s important that parents teach their children how to enjoy fun in the sun safely.


Apply a thick, even coat to all exposed areas 20 - 30 minutes before your child goes out in the sun. Choose a sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 15 or higher. Make sure it's labeled "broad spectrum," which means it blocks both UVA and UVB sunlight. For your little ones, sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide should be selected as these compounds are less irritating than others. Sunscreen sticks are best for the face because they are sweat proof and less likely to drip. Don't forget nose, ears, hands, feet, shoulders, and behind the neck; lips can also burn, so apply a lip balm with SPF protection. Reapply sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours, or after sweating or swimming.

COVER FROM HEAD TO TOE. Wearing protective clothing and hats is one of the primary ways of warding off UV damage. When wet, light coloured clothing transmits just as much sunlight as bare skin. Keep your kids covered with dark colours, long sleeves, and pants whenever possible. And don't forget the accessories: sunglasses with UV protection to guard against burned corneas, and hats to prevent sunburned scalps and faces. Protective clothing, hats with wide brims, and sunglasses are just as important for babies. At the beach, bring along a large umbrella.

Parents, you are the best teacher by practicing sun safety yourself. If your child sees you following sun safety rules, he'll take them for granted and follow suit. Teach every member of the family how to protect their skin and eyes. With proper supervision, children can learn to protect themselves and enjoy summer fun without sacrificing the health of their skin.

Avoid unnecessary exposure when the sun's rays are at their strongest. Even on cloudy or cooler days, ultraviolet (UV) rays remain strong. Shady spots can be just as tricky because of reflected light. If your child is playing outdoors during these hours, make sure to apply ample sunscreen.

WATCH OUT FOR MEDICATIONS. Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun, so make sure to ask your doctor whether your child may be at risk. Prescription antibiotics and acne medications are the most notorious culprits, but when in doubt, ask.

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114 Maple Road, George Town, P.O. Box 10565, Grand Cayman KY1-1005, Cayman Islands Victoria Anderson is project coordinator of the Cayman Islands Cancer Society.


ATLANTA (AP) — Alex Meruelo and the Atlanta Hawks are poised to make NBA history. The Hawks will announce the team and Philips Arena are being sold to Meruelo, a person familiar with the deal said Sunday. The son of Cuban immigrants is a California developer and pizza chain owner. He is expected to become the NBA’s first Hispanic majority owner. The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because no official announcement has been made. The deal is subject to the approval of the NBA. Meruelo, who will have controlling interest of more than 50 percent of the Hawks, will attend Monday’s news conference. The team will remain in Atlanta. The Hawks ownership group, led by Michael Gearon Jr. and Bruce Levenson, also recently sold the NHL’s Atlanta Thrashers to a group that moved the team to Winnipeg. The Thrashers’ deal was for a reported $170 million, including a $60 million relocation fee to be split by the rest of the owners. Meruelo was born in New York and raised in California. He heads the Meruelo Group, a Downey, Calif.-based investment firm. The firm recently acquired the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in Reno, Nev., for a reported $42.45 million.

Philips Arena

9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com



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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

iSports Late Nani winner sinks City

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WEMBLEY, England (AP) — Manchester United beat Manchester City 3-2 in the Community Shield on Sunday, rallying behind Nani’s two goals in the traditional opener to the English soccer season. Nani completed the Premier League champion’s great comeback by scoring the winner in the fourth minute of injury time. The Portuguese winger stripped City captain Vincent Kompany of the ball near midfield, ran unchallenged into the penalty area and rounded goalkeeper Joe Hart to score.

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


“We all believe until the last minute, and the attitude of the lads in the second half was that everyone believed we could score,” Nani said. “It is good to play against Man City and win like that. I think our fans today will be so proud of us. It is a beautiful day to enjoy.” United trailed 2-0 after goals by Joleon Lescott and Edin Dzeko despite dominating possession. United got back in the game when Chris Smalling tapped in Ashley Young’s 52ndminute free kick. Seven minutes later, Nani lifted the ball over goalkeeper Joe Hart. City seemed happy to settle for a penalty-kick shootout until Nani struck again before a Wembley crowd of 77,169. “I tried to chip it but the keeper stayed on his feet,” Nani said. “So at the last second I changed my mind,” Nani said.



Big win for Scott, and Tiger’s ex-Caddie

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AKRON, Ohio (AP) — Adam Scott won his first World Golf Championship. No one celebrated more than his caddie. Steve Williams attributed Sunday at the Bridgestone Invitational to destiny. This was the first tournament for Tiger Woods in three months because of his injured left leg, and Woods’ first tournament since he fired Williams as his caddie after 12 years. Williams was irritated at getting cut loose, and he made that clear in an interview with a New Zealand television station two weeks ago when he said he had wasted the last two years of his life sticking by Woods through all his trouble. If that wasn’t enough of an indication, one only had to see the smile on his face as the fans chanted Williams’ name walking to the 18th green. Or the way he pumped his fist when Scott holed a 5-foot birdie on the final hole for a four-shot victory. And the interviews that Williams gave after Scott signed for a 5-under 65. “I’ve caddied for 33 years — 145 wins now — and that’s the best win I’ve ever had,” Williams told CBS Sports on the 18th green. This from a guy whose 12 years working for Woods featured 13 majors and 16 world titles among 72 wins worldwide.

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Gender equality and a life free of violence for all

Design donated by Tower Marketing. Printing donated by Precision Print.

w w w. e s r f o u n d a t i o n . o rg . k y

Adam Scott, is congratulated by caddie Steve William


9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


Holiday Sale

SINGLE ADULT: $250 per year MARRIED COUPLE: $400 per year 2005 Ford Explorer Limited was $13,500 now $11,599 (3rd Row Seats)

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2005 Suzuki Vitara XL-7 SUV (7 seater) was $11,500 now $10,500

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9 August 2011 | to blog visit www.ieyenews.com



Asking price:

Appraised value of CI$184,000

Plot 1 $179,000 Appraised value of CI$100,000

Plot 2 $95,000

Plot 2

Plot 1

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LAND DEALS & MORE 1/ Queens High Way 58.3 acres great development area CI$2.1M 2/ The Boulevard South Sound great upscale residential area CI$146,000 OBO. 3/Hibiscus Estates, lower valley one acre prime land no covenants ready to build on CI$179,000 4/ West Bay off North West Point road 1 acre CI$112,000 small apt on property . 5/Mahogany Estates, Beach Bay 0.37 acres CI$72,000 high and dry. 6/Rockwell Drive Beach Bay, 0.32 acres , high and dry CI$69,000 7/Lottery Road Lower valley 2 lots starting @ CI85.000 (reduced) 8/Stepping Stone, Frank Sound 0.29 acre lot CI$59,000

9/Mary Street George Town Commercial land CI$950,000 10/ George Town Central 0.99 acres just behind Piccadilly Center . CI$2.3M To view these properties in detail and to see all our listings and services. visit our website at www.crc.com.ky



An excellent opportunity to purchase two adjoining parcels of land • Situated within the North Sound Estates canal development with a total of 0.48 acres. • Plot 1 has 0.26 acres with water to two sides with 210ft of water frontage with sea wall. • Plot 2 has 0.22 acres with102ft of water frontage. • The area has family residencies and apartment complexes with local amenities including supermarkets, shops, bank, plus more. • Savannah Primary School, Post Office and gas station. • Plot 1 is cleared and ready for development. • Sold together would be discounted. • Plot 1 has a dock that brings in an income and can be transferred to new owner.

345-947- 9000 info@crc.com.ky Publisher Joan E Wilson Editor In Chief Colin G Wilson MCIM Printed and Published By: iNews Cayman Ltd. 342 Dorcy Dr., CAC Building, GT, Grand Cayman

P.O. Box 10211 Grand Cayman KY1-1002 CAYMAN ISLANDS


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