
Page 1

Issue 83 iLocal Should Bob’s music be heard in church? Page 3

iWorld Lady Gaga banned in China Page 9

iWoman Female officer talks about her role Page 20


CAYMAN Tax reprieve for US expats Page 7






Verdict back Wednesday Court hears

Page 11

Governor hits back at Bush allegations

Tad Stoner

Page 12


Grand Court Justice Howard Cooke on Friday closed the murder trial of Devon Anglin, promising a Wednesday verdict after defence lawyers declined to call any witnesses, arguing that prosecution testimony had been “wholly unreliable”. Defence counsel John Ryder, QC, told the court that Andy Barnes and Dorlissa EbanksBarnes, chief witnesses against Mr Anglin, had only identified him “based on their own assumptions” about the 15 February shooting to death of their son, 4-year-old Jeremiah Barnes at the Hell Road Esso station in West Bay. Mr Anglin, whose trial opened on 12 August, is charged with murder and four other counts, including attempted murder, possession of a firearm and threatening violence. Continued on page 5

Full calendar of community events

Rare croc hatches 20 eggs Page 13

Fergie in hot water after FA blast Page 27

Innocent victim: 4-year-old Jeremiah Barnes


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

Publisher Joan E Wilson Editor In Chief Colin G Wilson MCIM

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Your Views

27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Do Bob Marley songs have a place in Church? Earlier this week iNews revealed how the Bishop of Kingston, Jamaica, Right Reverend Robert Thompson, suggested songs by music icon Bob Marley should be included in hymn books. His thoughts have caused much debate among the church goers and music fans of Cayman. Kevin Creary and Christopher Tobutt have spoken to a selection of Clergymen to hear their views.

Youth Pastor Felix Manzanares Church of God Chapel, George Town “The people who wrote the hymns were inspired by God, and in a time where the European and Western world was accepting of it. “Traditions are good, but culture continues to evolve, the challenge is, how do we take the message of the gospel and share it in a way that the young people who did not grow up on hymns appreciate it? “I wouldn’t go as far as to put Bob Marley’s songs in the church hymn book. “Some of Bob Marley’s songs promote peace and unity and are quite universal, but to actually synchronise the two, I don’t agree with. The church is 15 to 20 years behind mainstream culture.”


Reverend Nicholas Sykes Anglican Church of St. Albans, George Town. “So far as I’m concerned I think it’s a bit of a stretch, but it would depend on the lyrics. This hymn book with Bob Marley content has already been produced and is available in the church of the province of the West Indies. “It’s protest music, protest against authority. I hope they have not put his lyrics to be sung in services. I would think it was just his tunes. “The question is what are you importing in terms of theological content? And without seeing the lyrics they’ve got in the book I cannot answer this to my own satisfaction. “We have no plans to adopt the hymn book.”

Pastor Shian O’Connor Seventh Day Adventist Church Walkers Rd, George Town “We are outnumbered, there is no way we can “out entertain” the secular world. “The television, BlackBerry phones, computers and video games give us competition, but we have moral and ethical guidelines. “I listen to some of Bob Marley’s songs and I know about the music. “There is a clear connection between Bob Marley and Rastafarian.” I don’t know if towards the end of Bob Marley’s life he was converted to Christianity, but that [mixing the songs] is like putting a little bit of arsenic in a big pot to poison the big pot of songs.

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Reverend Winston Rose Bodden Town Church of God “I am not really a fan of Bob Marley’s music, and there is not that much that I know about him, but if his lifestyle is anything to go by, then I would not like to have his songs in our church’s hymn book. “His lifestyle had a lot to do with smoking marijuana and he was very prolific at fathering children. Is that the kind of image that we want our young people to see as heroes? “If you are a great writer or singer but you are living an immoral lifestyle you would not be welcomed to perform for my congregation.”

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Reverend Donovan Myers - Savannah United Church “The essential message of Jesus transcends through any ethical or cultural barriers. “The message of Christianity however, has come to us in a context and that context is the way that we have been Christianised. “The church must become more relevant and contextualised. Maybe what some people have a real problem with is the to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Reggae music and whatever is black. “Sometimes things don’t get accepted in the church until it is old, like classics. But modesty is defined in culture, which is the principle of the Christian message. “A lot of things that are Afro or Caribbean, the Church has been trained to see it as un-Godly.”


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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

iStrange Angler fishes out Minnesota woman’s prosthetic leg ALEXANDRIA, Minn. (AP) — A woman who lost her prosthetic leg while swimming in a western Minnesota lake three years ago has been reunited with the limb thanks to an angler. Beth Krohn was fishing last month on Lake Ida in Alexandria. She says her line kept snagging on something, and that she hoped it wasn’t a dead body. A KSAX-TV report says her catch turned out to be a prosthetic leg belonging to Pam Riley of Morris. Krohn returned the leg to Riley after tracking her down through a prosthetic limb manufacturer in Alexandria. Krohn says she’s proud of the catch, comparing it to going deer hunting and shooting the biggest buck.

Man reports own parking violation to Conn. police SHELTON, Conn. (AP) — A Connecticut man was so upset about the lack of parking enforcement in his town that he parked his car illegally in a handicapped space and called police over a dozen times. When they showed up, they subdued him with a stun gun and arrested him. Shelton police say they had to use the stun gun on Michael Andes Thursday morning after he became combative and screamed at officers that they weren’t doing their job. He was charged with breach of peace, interfering with an officer and was given a parking ticket. Authorities say Andes first called police at 2 a.m. and yelled at a dispatcher. Andes posted $1,000 bail and is due in court Sept. 6.


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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


It’s mistaken identity, defence claim Continued from front page

Devon Anglin Tad Stoner tad.stoner@ieyenews.com

Mr Ryder told the court that prosecutors had relied on the identification of the Hell Road assailant by Mr and Mrs Barnes, but had acknowledged that other evidence was, by itself, insufficient to gain a conviction. “The crown concedes that the supporting evidence cannot warrant a conviction, so there must be some sort of evidence of a visual identification,” he said, questioning prosecution references to the clothing and car allegedly used by Mr Anglin in the assault, gunshot residue found by investigators, CCTV footage, police statements and testimony from secondary witnesses. He pointed to inconsistencies in the main testimony, saying Mr Barnes had changed his story three times, twice in official police statements and again in the courtroom. Mrs Barnes, he said, in spite of CCTV footage and testimony from independent witnesses, had claimed to see Mr Anglin’s face, fully exposed, without a mask and wearing a handkerchief around his neck. “This must undermine the testimony to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

of Mr Barnes because she said he was not doing anything with a mask and his face was not concealed, that she never saw anything on his face.” Mr Barnes had earlier testified that he “could see perfectly clearly it was Devon Anglin”, and that he had pulled a bandana over his nose, concealing his face, but that he knew him from his walk and crossed eye. He described Mr Anglin’s clothing at the time of the assault, saying it was the same he had worn earlier during an encounter with Mr Barnes at Batabano Plaza. Both witnesses claimed that Mr Anglin was carrying a gun in his right hand when he approached their Chevrolet Malibu at the petrol pumps about 8:00pm. Saying that testimony contradicted that of attendant Carlos Ebanks, whom Mr Ryder described as “totally independent”, he quoted the employee’s testimony that he had seen the gunmen before anyone else. “From the start he was masked and there was no fiddling” with the bandana, Mr Ryder repeated. “He said he thought it was a prank, so he paid no attention. “When Andy and Dorlissa Barnes

first see the gunman,” Mr Ryder said, “he has a gun, but Mr Ebanks sees him before that, and says he took out the gun and brandished it”. The inconsistencies only pointed to the Barnes’ assumption that the gunman was Mr Anglin, Mr Ryder said, bolstered by the earlier incident at Batabano Plaza “And there is a risk that this assumption is based on the antecedent antipathy,” he said, referring to the long-simmering resentment between the two. The gunman’s clothing was not the same that Mr Anglin had worn at Batabano, the gunshot residue did not necessarily come from the Esso station and the occupants of the getaway car did not necessarily include Mr Anglin. Nor was it certain that the car was even the same one named in evidence. “Our submission is that the testimony of these witnesses,” Mr Ryder said, referring to the Barneses and two others, “is self-contradictory, inconsistent and, in each instance, wholly unreliable. The quality of evidence is such that it has absolutely no value at all. No reasonable tribunal of fact could reasonably convict.”


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



RIM launches BBM Music TORONTO (AP) — Research in Motion launched a new service Thursday that allows BlackBerry users to share music with friends. BBM Music allows BlackBerry users to select 50 songs from a catalogue of millions of tracks for their own personal playlist, said Alistair Mitchell, RIM’s vice president of BBM platform and integrated services. BBM users can share songs from that list with friends who use the instant messenger service.


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“By threading the culture, the immediacy and the trusted contacts that (make up) BBM with music we thought we could create a really compelling, unique experience,” said Mitchell. “Through BBM Music I can find out in real time what music matters to my friends ... I’m seeing music bubble up that I wouldn’t even had thought about, or it’s reminding me about music from my college days.” Users will pay US$4.99 a month for the BBM Music service. A closed trial run of the service began in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. Thursday, leading up to a wide release in 18 countries overall later this year. RIM is hoping the program will leverage the 45 million BBM users to help the Waterloo, Ontario-based company to compete with its rivals, Apple’s iPhones and Google Android devices. RIM said music can be saved to smartphones to listen to while offline and users can keep track of how many friends are listening to your tracks.


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Tax reprieve for US expats Tad Stoner tad.stoner@ieyenews.com

US demands for money from anyone with a business, financial or other relationship to America have been delayed by one year after a global outpouring of protest to Washington. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), widely perceived as an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) effort to raise money for a deeply troubled economy, has been put on hold until 2014, although certain reporting requirements continue to apply. The delay was announced last month, but information is only now emerging as the costs of compliance become clear to fund managers, bankers, accountants, brokers, lawyers and governments. An April FATCA seminar at Cayman’s Marriott Beach Resort, terrified a packed ballroom, suggesting profound concern. “The reason for the delay is that foreign banks and governments have been telling the US and the IRS and the Treasury that they just can’t do this, that they won’t have the systems to guide this, that they won’t have the time to reprogramme everything by that [30 June, 2013] deadline,” said one Washington tax attorney, advising Cayman Islands officials on FATCA’s implications. He also said that the IRS was itself unprepared: “When this starts, tons of cash is likely to come in and completely disrupt the system. The IRS wants to avoid that kind of mess, and congress has not given an effective date for the law, although people will have to start reporting next year.” He did not rule out further delays, saying the law was a “very bad idea”, an example of “arrogance and imperialism”. FATCA law requires foreign financial institutions to report to the IRS all US-affiliated clients who have, at any time, held more than $50,000 in their accounts. They must create systems to withhold money from non-compliant investors. FATCA does not affect only US to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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citizens, but anyone with a business, a property, an investment or even a family member with a passport, a Green Card or other connection to the country. Failure by either foreign financial institutions or US-affiliated individuals to report their holdings to the IRS will result in a series of penalties including fines and possible limitation of business links. The Cayman Islands government has been helping mediate IRS demands among resident Americans and local financial institutions. “This is novel territory. Rarely does one government help another enforce its tax laws, and we have always promoted compliance,” said Samuel Rose, Deputy Chief Officer for Financial Services. “There has been significant feedback from the public, and we are not the only country that has shared its views with the IRS. We want to promote compliance, but the gravity of the situation is just emerging. A lot of banks, for example, are pulling back on their US-client business. FATCA is making things complicated,” he said. One official close to the financialservices industry feared “unintended consequences” of FATCA. “At the end of the day, American interests could be compromised by this. If a portfolio has a US-dollar component it could contaminate the whole thing. If someone has investments in a fund that has a US investment, he could be liable for tax. If an American is in a feeder fund, it could contaminate the entire master

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fund,” he said. “Does any government want to limit US investments around the world?” HSBC Private Bank Bermuda in late July announced it “would no longer support” accounts owned by US citizens, Bermuda residents with dual-citizenship with the United States, and green card holders. Meanwhile, the European Union, Australia and Japan have “pushed back”, the official said, fearing FATCA may set a precedent. “This bypasses the usual government-to-government reporting, where, say, the US would come here and say ‘we believe there is an individual in violation’, and this government would go out and collect the information. FATCA means the IRS is bypassing the Cayman Islands and going straight to private institutions. Does this mean other governments could also bypass government-to-government?

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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Hurricane Irene impacting North Carolina coast and northward at weekend

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Rob Lightbown on his Crown Weather website said on Fri (26). “I fully expect Irene to regain major hurricane status today as there appears to be a new eyewall forming according to reconnaissance reports and this new eyewall should contract causing the pressures to fall and the winds to increase. Irene is currently tracking due north at a forward speed of 13 to 14 mph.

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hurricane on Saturday night before making landfall on the southern New England coast just west of New London, Connecticut as a 95 to 100 mph hurricane right around early afternoon on Sunday. From there, Irene will track northeastward across central Massachusetts, southeastern New Hampshire and southwest Maine as a weakening Category 1 hurricane from late Sunday afternoon into Sunday evening. By late Sunday night and into Monday morning, Irene is forecast to track across central and northern Maine as a tropical storm before exiting into the Canadian Maritimes late Monday morning.” Please monitor this storm closely and go to Crown Weather Services at www.crownweather.com and to the National Hurricane Center at www.nhc.noaa.gov/. We wish to thank Crown Weather for the permission to use their graphics and information. Please support them.

5-Day Forecast


The overall track model guidance is in pretty good agreement on a northward track today into tonight and then a north-northeast track on Saturday. Irene is expected to make landfall very close to Cape Lookout, North Carolina as a Category 3 hurricane early Saturday afternoon and then track across Pamlico and Albemarle sounds in eastern North Carolina during the late afternoon hours of Saturday. Irene is then expected to track very near the Mid-Atlantic coast as a Category 2


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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


China bars some Lady Gaga hits from download sites Kong and Taiwanese pop songs and a few Western hits were listed as well. The ministry said the rule was meant to preserve China’s “national cultural security.” Sites were told in the Aug. 19 announcement posted to the ministry’s website that they had until Sept. 15 to carry out “selfcorrection” and delete the songs. It said violators would be punished, but didn’t outline the penalties they would face. It didn’t say that the listed songs were objectionable, just that they had not been approved for distribution. The Chinese government carefully

screens the content of imported entertainment content for political messages or commentary that runs contrary to its official line.

Caribbean LifeStyle............................... Fashion................................... Culture..................................... Entertainment

BEIJING (AP) — China’s Ministry of Culture has ordered music download sites to delete songs by Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, the Backstreet Boys and other pop stars within two weeks or face punishment. The ministry posted a list of 100 songs — including Lady Gaga’s “Judas” and Perry’s “Last Friday Night” — that had to be purged from the Chinese web because they had never been submitted for mandatory government screening. Six Lady Gaga songs in all were on the list, all from her latest album. The 12-year-old ballad “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys was also targeted. Dozens of Hong

Death toll rises to 53 in attack on Mexico casino MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) — The death toll climbed as workers continued to pull bodies out of a burned casino in northern Mexico, where gunmen spread gasoline and ignited a fire that trapped and killed at least 53 gamblers and employees. Family members gathered at the caution tape outside the Casino Royale after the Thursday afternoon fire in the northern industrial city of Monterrey, some crying and others yelling at police for providing no information. Later they were allowed to view bodies in the morgue to help identify the victims.

Francisco Tamayo, 28, of Monterrey, said he and family members looked at some 40 bodies in search of his mother, Sonia de la Pena, 47, who loved to gamble at the casino and was there on average four days a week. They had yet to find her. When Tamayo learned of the fire from television, he first went to the scene. “She’s probably here,” said Tamayo, who repeatedly called her cell phone, only to hear that it was out of the area of service. Gov. Rodrigo Medina told the Televisa network late Thursday that the death toll had reached 53. The fire

in a city that has seen a surge in drug cartel-related violence represented one of the deadliest attacks on an entertainment center in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against drug cartels in late 2006.

Red Arrows delay after fatal crash Poor weather has delayed the Red Arrows flying back to their base at RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire after a fatal crash following a Dorset airshow. Flt Lt Jon Egging, 33, from Rutland, died when his plane came down near Bournemouth airport on Saturday. All the RAF’s Hawk T1 aircraft were grounded after the crash but restrictions were due to be lifted. A spokeswoman confirmed the Red Arrows would aim to fly back on Saturday, when better weather is forecast. The RAF said the Red Arrows would begin training again using eight planes instead of nine on 30 August. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

But it could not say when public displays would resume. Earlier, a spokesman said: “Display flying by the Red Arrows team, in an eight-ship formation, will recommence subject to a successful period of consolidation and approval to display.” A defence source had said it was “extremely unlikely” the Red Arrows would do any more displays this year. Before Flt Lt Egging’s death, the display team regularly trained with eight planes in case a pilot was unable to fly. Flt Lt Egging’s wife, Dr Emma Egging, watched him perform with

the Red Arrows minutes before he crashed to his death. Eyewitnesses described seeing his plane hit the ground in a field by the River Stour near the village of Throop following a display over the seafront.



27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


The Editor Speaks

Can both the Auditor Generals be wrong? When I first arrived on these Islands thirty years ago the colin.wilson@ieyenews.com office of the Auditor General of the Cayman Islands was rarely, if at all, in the news. On the official Government website the office is described as: “The Auditor General of the Cayman Islands is an officer of the Legislative Assembly who audits government ministries and portfolios, most statutory authorities and government companies.” He is appointed by the Governor and his reports had been largely ignored by the media because everything in our garden was growing beautifully. If he did say in his reports that the government was not providing proper and audited accounts on time or not following proper procedures it didn’t matter. This was paradise. Who cares? Don’t bother us with boring old numbers. Let’s get on with our wonderful life here. By the way, who is the Auditor General? What’s his name? Have I ever had a drink with him? You don’t know? Oh, well. He’s just another civil servant getting a fat cheque for doing nothing. Back to my hammock. Yawn. Then things started to go wrong. It was 2004. The economy started to stagnate. It stopped growing. A new Auditor General arrived. His name - Dan Duguay. All was quiet at first except for a certain Hurricane Ivan that crashed through Grand Cayman in September. The PPM (People’s Progressive Movement) swept into power in 2005 and went on a spend, spend, campaign. It didn’t matter about budgets everything would be alright – it had in the past. At first Dan Duguay’s mutterings were mainly ignored. Then he got annoyed and went public. Government departments were not producing financial statements. The ones that did were not audited and years behind. “How can any government produce a budget each year when they don’t know what has been spent?” he asked. He questioned the amount of spending. He questioned why the procedures for tendering and awarding contracts were being ignored. The PPM leadership was angry with him. Words of “incompetence” were leveled at him. The media started to take more notice. The opposition, the UDP (United Democratic Party), bayed with laughter. They loved Dan Duguay. In 2009 the UDP won power promising a curb on all the spending and ‘living within our means’. Dan Duguay had almost single-handedly won them the election, even though they didn’t realise it nor have they ever admitted it. Dan Duguay now started to castigate them and virtually the whole civil service. There was no proper accounting and all the procedures for awarding contracts ignored. He even criticised the premier, Hon McKeeva Bush. Name calling began. Mr. Duguay had no political friends – he

Colin Wilson


had criticised publicly both parties. He had no friends in the civil service – they were definitely not going to be civil to him. His term of contract was coming up for renewal and the Cayman Islands had a new Governor, H.E. Duncan Taylor. Bowing to the overwhelming pressure and unfortunately not listening to the general public, Mr. Duguay was sent packing. It was a tearful goodbye. The premier, the Government and the whole Civil Service also wept – with pleasure. A huge sigh of relief. Now we can get along doing as we have for many years. They thought! Alastair Swarbrick arrived as the new Auditor General. At first all was well. He had publicly said he would not make the ‘mistakes’ of his predecessor. Whatever those ‘mistakes’ were, Mr. Swarbrick has enraged the premier. The Auditor General’s latest report was made available to the media and the general public as soon as it was distributed to the Members of the Legislative Assembly. In fact, North Side MLA Mr. Ezzard Miller chose to disclose the report to a local radio station immediately and not wait the customary courtesy 48 hours for the MLAs to digest it. Manners and courtesy is sadly missing in today’s society – there just isn’t enough time for it. The aforesaid report complained about a number of things Government and, in particular, the premier was doing in non compliance with guidelines and mandatory budgetary controls. Mr. Bush came back calling Mr. Swarbrick a “hitman and guilty of bureaucratic interference and harassment”. As Mr. Swarbrick’s contract has only just started we should have some very interesting times in the future. But shouldn’t his report be adhered to? Shouldn’t steps be taken to make sure the laws of the Cayman Islands are obeyed especially when it’s public money being used? But …… perhaps both Auditor Generals are wrong? I want to go back to my hammock.

Be quick to hear, and thoughtful before answering. Ecclesiasticus 4. 11


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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


iCommunity Events

PASSPORT2SUCCESS: Caymanians ages 1720 are invited to apply for the next training session, which starts early September. Apply by visiting passport2success. ky/apply Paper form are available from the Wellness Center, Unit D5 at Cayman Business Park. Submit to info@wellnesscenter.ky or mail to Passport2Success, The Wellness Center, P.O. Box 10462, Grand Cayman, KY1-1004. Visit www. passport2success.ky

RED BAY PRIMARY SCHOOL UNIFORM SHOP: Will be open 11am to 1pm. To place orders, email RedBaypta@ yahoo.com and include contact name and phone number. BODDEN TOWN PRIMARY UNIFORMS: The BT Primary Parent-Teachers Association Office is open Saturdays 9 to 11am. Parents may order uniforms and shoes for their children after making down payment. Call 938-5179 or 929-9884 for details. JOHN GRAY HIGH SCHOOL: Uniform Shop will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9am to 2pm,in August and September. THE CANCER SOCIETY: Offers free educational sessions on sun safety for summer camps groups through August. To book a session call 949-7618 or email Vicki at victoria@cics.ky FREE FINANCIAL PLANNING WORKSHOPS: For Chamber of Commerce pension subscribers. Pension members interested in this

free offer should contact Robert Schultz at 949-8090 ext. 125 or email Robet. schultz@caymanchamber.ky

19, courtesy of the Grand Cayman Garden Club. Good for first 50 teens to attend.

GLAMOROUS GRANNY COMMITTEE: is accepting contestants for this pageant and the Bold & Beautiful Ladies pageant. Held Nov. 5th. Entry forms from Noreen Dixon or the director, glamourgirl2911@ hotmail.com

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS: seeks volunteers at Miss Nadine’s Pre-school for a few hours between 7am – 5:30pm. Call 945-1078. Email asolomonncvo@ hotmail.com or principalmn@hotmail.com.

CAYMAN’S GOT TALENT 2011: District auditions start 3rd Sept. Interested performers email info@ nollybrown.com for application form and wall info.

ST GEORGE’S ANGLICAN BARGAIN CORNER: Located upstairs at St. George’s Anglican Church Preschool, Courts Road, Eastern Av. Last Sat of month 7 – 11am.

KID FLICKS THURSDAYS: Kids 7-11 are invited to National Gallery Education Centre for art related films from 3:30 – 4:30pm. $5 per child. Groups of 3 or more must register in advance. Email education.ng@candw. ky or call 945-811 for more info.

CHURCH OF GOD CHAPEL THRIFT SHOP: West Bay. Open Mon – Fri 4 – 6pm and Sat 7 – 11am.

VISUAL ARTS SOCIETY: holds Summer camps for teens, painting and stained glass. For kids – half day arts & crafts. Email visualart@yahoo.com for more info. Also they hold activities at the Watler House, Pedro Castle. Art instruction Mon. 9:30am – 1:30pm. Tue. 3 – 5pm. Email awardart@candw.ky. Ceramics Wed. 9am – noon. Email kimateah@hotmail. com. Sat. 10am – 4pm Email patriciahnicholson@ gmail.com FREE FOR TEENS: Free entry to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park for teens aged between 13-

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ST GEORGE’S ANGLICAN (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH: Courts Road, Eastern Av. Mass: Sun 7am and 11am, Wed 7:30am Feast & Saint Days 7:30am. Sunday School Sun. 9am. Choir Practice at the church Adults Thu 5:30pm Junior Sat 5 -7:30pm Youth Fellowship (AYF) Sat 5 – 7pm. Knights of St George (male & female) Sun 8am Contact church office 9495583 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAND CAYMAN: Crewe Road. Services Sun 10:30am and 6pm. Sunday School Sun 9:15am Contact church office 949-0692 NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH OF GOD: International College of the Cayman Islands ICCI, Newlands. Sun 4 – 6pm

POWER OF FAITH DELIVERANCE MINISTRY: Greenwood Drive (Swamp) Services Sun 10:15am and 7pm Sunday School 9am. Contact 322-1485

• Glitter • Yarn • Fabric Dye • Craft Glue

CHURCH OF GOD CHAPEL: Academy Way, Walkers Road. Services Sun 9am and 10:30am Contact 949-9393

• Acrylic Paint

UNITED CHURCH IN JAMAICA & THE CAYMAN ISLANDS: George Town – Elmslie Memorial Church, Robert Young, George Hicks. West Bay - John Gray. Bodden Town – Webster. North Side – William Pouchie. East End, Gun Bay & Savannah – United Church. Call Council Office and Prospect Youth & Conference Centre 9471963. Elmslie Church office 949-7923

• Paintbrushes

• Watercolour Paint • Craft Sticks • Hot Glue Refills • Coloured Glue

THE FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD: Is conducting classes from Global University, starting 5 September. This is an accredited long distance school offering Biblically based courses. This course is on Helping Christians Grow. Interested person may contact the church, 195 Old Crewe Rd. at 945-2182



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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

Press statement from the Governor

HE Governor Duncan Taylor

The Governor has welcomed the latest report from the Auditor General on Government Procurement. It provides additional details which reinforce the need, highlighted in the Auditor General’s earlier report on procurement issued in July, to tighten up our procedures for the management of Government Procurement. But he has expressed concern at remarks attributed to the Honourable Premier attacking the Auditor General and his staff following its release. “It is perfectly legitimate for the Premier to respond robustly to any points made in reports issued by the Auditor General; and I would always defend his right to do so. But, in my view, it is unacceptable to respond by making personal attacks on the Auditor General and his staff. I do not think it is helpful to accuse the Auditor General of bias, of “seeking out banner headlines”, of being used “as a hit man”, or to accuse his staff of being “spiteful” or of “indulging in bureaucratic harassment”. These are very serious accusations to make: I have seen no evidence to justify them. I believe that the Auditor General and his staff have acted in a responsible, objective and professional manner, as I would expect of all Civil Servants.” “I have spoken with the Honourable Premier and made my concerns known to him. I have urged him to show restraint. I hope that we can rather focus, together, on how to respond to the Auditor General’s recommendations. The Auditor General’s reports have highlighted an urgent need to tighten up Government Procurement practices. It is one of my main priorities over the coming months to ensure that all of us in Government work together to achieve this”.

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Auditor General Alastair Swarbrick


Hon. Premier McKeeva Bush to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


20 endangered Siamese crocodiles hatch in Laos VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) — One of the world’s rarest crocodile species has moved a little bit further from extinction with the hatching of 20 wild eggs plucked from a nest found in southern Laos. Experts believe there could be as few as 300 Siamese crocodiles remaining in the world’s swamps, forests and rivers, so the discovery of the nest — the first found in the mountainous, jungle-clad country since 2008 — is a significant step in the rehabilitation of a species that was declared extinct in the wild in 1992. Since then, tiny populations have been discovered in remote corners of its range, which used to include most of Southeast Asia. Still, the crocs remain critically endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, the acknowledged authority on the status of global biodiversity. Under the soft red light of an incubator, the 20 baby crocodiles tapped and cracked their way into the world last week. Their nest was found in the southern province of Savannakhet in June by a team of villagers trained by the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society, which is working to save the species in landlocked Laos. “The feeling was one of elation,” Chris Hallam, who coordinates the organization’s crocodile project in Laos, told The Associated Press about the hatching. “When you look at the global population and the population in

A baby Siam Crocodile is held after it hatched from an egg, at the Lao Zoo

Name: Lyneth Monteith CINA Position: Second Vice-President Occupation: Principal John Gray High School

Started playing in High School

Environmentalists say rare Siam Crocodiles have hatched in a zoo in Laos and will be released into the wild once they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Laos it represents quite a significant number of individual crocodiles,” he said. The crocs were hatched at the Lao Zoo, just outside Vientiane, where they were moved to protect them from predators such as snakes and monitor lizards. Hallam said the crocodiles will

Two baby Siamese crocodiles hatch from eggs at the Lao Zoo, outside Vientiane, in Laos to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Cayman Islands Netball Association

be raised in captivity for 18 months before being released back into the wild. And it seems they won’t be alone. Villagers recently found another nest in Savannakhet with 20 eggs inside. Because those crocs are so near to hatching, conservationists decided to leave them where they are with village teams keeping an eye on them. The Siamese crocodile grows up to 10 feet (3 meters) in length but is generally docile. Their passive nature made them all the easier to hunt. In recent decades thousands were captured and sold to crocodile farms that sprung up across Southeast Asia, feeding a vogue for its renowned soft skin and a taste for its meat. Several thousand of the crocodiles remain in farms and in zoos, though many have been crossbred with bigger species, reducing still further the numbers of pure Siamese crocodiles.


Captain of C. I. National Netball team at • 1988 CANA Tournament in the Cayman Islands • 1991 World Netball Championships Australia • 1991 World Netball Championships England Assistant Coach C. I. National Netball team 1999 – New Zealand Coach C. I. National Netball Team 2003 to Jamaica Coach/Player AllStars Netball Club Coach National Under 16, 2009 and 2010 to Jamaica and Barbados Intermediate Umpire since 2009

Want to know more about the Cayman Islands Netball Association?

Please call: 916-1944 or email: caymannetball@candw.ky


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Chamber motivates staff Nine participants completed training on August 18, 2011 by participating in a one-day course entitled ‘Motivating Your Staff’. The Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce’s Professional Development & Training Centre (PD&TC) aims at providing skills that will help employees perform at their best. Against the background of recent shifts in the global economy with regards to employment, it is even more critical to ensure that your current team is equipped to successfully handle the demands that may lie ahead. For a full list of courses currently offered by the PD&TC, please visit www.caymanchamber.ky. The Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce was established in 1965 and is a non-profit organisation that

Rod Waddell, Course Instructor (front centre), with group of PD&TC participants

exists to support, promote and protect member businesses and the wider community. The Chamber represents over 700 businesses and associations from every major industry sector across the islands.

The PD&TC is an arm of the Chamber which delivers quality and affordable on-site training courses to members as well as the general community, at its state of the art training facilities in Governors Square.

Vote for Miss Cayman Islands It’s that time again, the Cayman Islands public can vote for their reigning queen, Cristin Alexander, to enter the semi-finals at Miss Universe via the ‘Global Fans’ vote. Internet voting will be open to people sixteen years of age or older and will be open until Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. ET. Participants will be limited to ten votes per email address per day. The following is voting criteria: • You must be sixteen [16] years of age or older to participate. • Navigate to NBC.com or missuniverse. com, follow the links to vote, and enter the registration details. • To register, you will need to provide your email address, confirm you are 16 years of age or older, and confirm that you accept these Rules. (Email addresses voluntarily submitted by you and other participants will be stored on a secure server based in the United States.) • After you click the “vote” button, rank the contestants 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. • Producer will then take the average of the total votes from the IP addresses originating from each country, and each country vote will count as 1. • There is no charge to vote.


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Miss Cayman departed last week (20 August) to travel to Sao Paulo, Brazil where she will participate in Miss Universe activities, leading up to the Pageant on Monday, 12 September 2011. Her profile and photos can be viewed on www.misscaymanislands. ky; www.pageantfanatic.jimdo.com; www.theidealbeauty.com; www. hectorjoaquin.com; missosology.org and through Facebook groups such as Miss Cayman Islands; Miss Universe 2011; Road to Miss Universe and Who Will be the Next Miss Un

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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

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Cayman Islands Cancer Society

114 Maple Road, George Town, P.O. Box 10565, Grand Cayman KY1-1005 T: 949-7618 | F: 949-8694




27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Stroke and Stride final Christopher Tobutt



Marius Acker strode to victory for the third time at the final Ogier Stroke and Stride event at Sunset House. Well over a hundred competitors took part in the event, including His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Duncan Taylor. The third and final leg of the event saw the swimming distance increase, from 600m in the previous race to 800m. But choppy seas didn’t prevent Matthew Courtis from completing in a decisively better swim time. It was the grueling two mile run along South Church Street that finally decided the winner, as Acker crossed the finish line with a time of with a time of 20:37. Johan Heath was third individual in 23:28. Among the women competitors, Jacqui Retief came first with a time of 24:40. Pam Abbott came second,



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Pam Abbott

First Spot: Jacqui Retief to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


sets Sunset alight with a time of 25:56, and Emily Davies came in third, with a time of 27:18. In the team section the Cajun Hounds came first, ahead of Lusher & Lowry, The 2nd A Team. Although The Everything Is Irie team of Andrea Gillam-Higo and Cynthia Hew didn’t break into the top three team placings, their strong series-long results earned them third-place team overall honours. Triathlon Association representatives thanked sponsors, officials, volunteers and of course competitors for the events success. Gratitude was also extended to Sunset House for providing the venue and refreshments for the event, and also to the event’s major sponsor, Ogier. The event is a charity fund-raiser and attracts a wide range of abilities; from those that regularly compete, to those that just want to get out and get some exercise in a fun environment.


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Striding: HE Governor Duncan Taylor to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

Tech Corner sponsored by

Reminders for Roaming Claire O’Dea

Here are a few things worth considering before going on your next journey: • Before travelling, check with your provider that your account is provisioned for roaming. • Providers have roaming partner arrangements specific to different countries so you can always ask your network what the preferred choice of roaming networks are for the countries you are visiting. • Some network providers offer special roaming add-ons for example Digicel’s BlackBerry Data Passport. Rather than charging per MB of data used, this flat monthly fee covers up to 100MB of BlackBerry data when roaming to avoid incurring large data costs when abroad. ®



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• Call minutes and texts that are included in your monthly package are not applicable when roaming. • Incoming calls to your cell phone are not free! You can check with your service provider the cost of receiving a call when abroad. • Be conscious of the fact that you get charged for voicemails left on your phone as they are considered incoming calls even if you don’t check them once received. Another option is to disable your voicemail.

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iFood & Drink

27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Prep for Success Recipes SERVES 16 Pastry: • 2 cups all purpose flour • 1 Tbsp. curry powder • 2 Tbsp. sugar • ½ tsp. salt • 1 tsp. baking powder • ¾ cup Crisco shortening • Cold water Meat filling: • 1 pkg. lean ground sirloin or ground round (over 1 lb.) • 1 onion, finely chopped • 3 scallions, finely chopped • 1 clove garlic, crushed • 2 to 3 sprigs fresh thyme • 1 russet or Idaho potato, finely diced • 1 scotch bonnet pepper, finely chopped, seeds removed • 1 tsp. salt • 1/2 tsp. freshly ground pepper • 1 Tbsp. hot (spicy) Jamaican curry powder • 1 tsp. cayenne pepper (or more for very spicy patties) • 2 Tbsp. oyster or hoisin sauce • 3 Tbsp. Pickapeppa sauce • 1 tsp. scotch bonnet sauce (optional, for added spice) • Canola oil Egg wash: 1 lg. egg, beaten with 1 tsp. water

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Caymanian beef patties

Cayman Prep and High School have produced a book of multi-cultural family recipes that everyone can enjoy. It was made possible through the selfless efforts of the parents of Cayman Prep students who

worked tirelessly to see the project through to fruition. iNews will be serialising local and world recipes from Prep to Success which is available to buy at Cayman Prep and High School, Diver’s Supply and Book Nook.




Nutrition Facts per serving Calories 206.5 Protein4.554 Gm Carbs 16.67 Gm Fat 13.92 Gm

Cholesterol 13.73 mg, Dietary Fiber 0.595 Gm Sugar 0.284 Gm Sodium 400.3 mg

Calcium 58.11 mg Potassium 139.9 mg Iron 2.179 mg


Instructions Pastry (make 2 batches): • Sift the dry ingredients into a large bowl, and mix together with a spoon. • Use a pastry blender or two knives to cut the Crisco into the dry ingredients, until it resembles coarse crumbs. • Add about 5 tablespoons of ice cold water, and mix it in with a fork until the mixture binds together (you may need to add a little more water until the mixture forms a soft dough that binds and pulls away from the side of the bowl). • Use hands to form the mixture into a ball but DO NOT HANDLE the mixture too much, as it will make it tough.




• Refrigerate the pastry while preparing the meat filling.

• • • • •

Meat Filling: • In a large frying pan over Medium heat, saute onion, garlic, scallions and scotch bonnet pepper in a little canola oil. • Add beef, and use the back of a spoon or a potato masher to break up the lumps while browning the meat. • Add the remaining ingredients and a bout ‘/4 cup water; cook covered for about 20 minutes over Low heat. Keep stirring the mixture and, if it starts to get too dry, add a little more water. • Cook until potato is tender and the mixture is fairly dry. Let cool, and discard the thyme. • Remove dough from the refrigerator. If it is very cold (and hard), let it sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes before handling. • Roll out the dough onto a floured surface using a rolling pin. • Use a 6” diameter saucer to cut circles in the dough (cut smaller circles to make cocktail patties) . • Place meat filling in the centre of each circle, moisten the edges with water, and then fold over, enclosing the meat filling; crimp the edges of the dough together with a fork to seal the patty. • Arrange patties in a single layer on an ungreased baking sheet. Brush with egg wash, and bake at 400°F for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until slightly browned.





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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


What does it take for a woman to succeed in a male dominated industry? For the first part of our new iWoman section iNews speaks to Angelique Howell about her achievements in the RCIPS, balancing her family life with her career and the struggles she has faced along the way. Ivy Lichtenstein ivy.lichtenstein@ieyenews.com

Angelique Howell says she’s living proof a woman can succeed in what’s perceived to be a man’s world. After reaching the rank of Chief Inspector she became the highest female officer currently serving within the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service. She has come a long way since moving to Grand Cayman from Jamaica in 1989. But she cites her upbringing when from the age of 8-years-old she was given the responsibility of looking after her siblings. Jamaican National, Chief Inspector Angelique Howell, moved to Grand Cayman in January 1989, at the age of 16 where she completed her high school studies at Triple C. “In a male dominated job people may think women are not strong enough

physically,” said Mrs Howell. “But I think I am living proof that women can handle this kind of work. “I think outside of the box. Being a woman gives me the ability to look at a situation from an emotional perspective. “It’s not an easy employment however I don’t find much of a challenge because I have that thirst to have the power and be in charge. “I am very confident in my way of things, very strong, in my personal beliefs. “I love policing so much I don’t feel stress. I enjoy every minute of what I do. “As a woman I am not treated any differently. “I’ve found that all you have to do is demand your respect and show them that you are equal.” “Even at home on a personal level I’m empowering. The positive attitude I have to instill in my children. “My daughter tries to be like me,

everything she does she tries to do like me. “Being a female leader in a male dominated field continues to empower me by the acceptance of my colleagues.” Mrs Howell says although she enjoyed working in the West Bay area, she did find it a struggle. “There were some serious challenges,” she said. “I was not accepted and the residents gave me problems. They even made a petition against me and put it to the governor to have me removed but David Baines stood his ground as well as Stuart Jack. They refused to heed to their requests.” But despite the difficulties, and her Jamaican upbringing, the mother of two says she is going nowhere. “Cayman is our home,” she said. “I cant imagine living anywhere else.”

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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Summer Camp 2011

We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson


“Miss Lois having a vehement dislike for sing-song.”

Part 33

The priest requiring no such recitation, but listening, as usual, patiently, with his eyes half closed, as the old-time schoolteacher listened to Wirt’s description of Blennerhasset’s Island. Père Michaux had no mystical tendencies. His life was too busy; in the winter it was too cold, and in the summer the sunshine was too brilliant, on his Northern Island, for mystical thoughts. At present, through Tita’s recitation, his mind was occupied with a poor fisherman’s family over on the mainland, to which on the morrow he was going to send assistance. The three boys came round on the outside, and peered through the windows to see whether the lesson was finished. Anne ordered them back by gesture, for they were bareheaded, and they’re little faces red with the cold. But they pressed their noses against the panes, glared at Tita, and shook their fists. “It’s all ready,” they said, in sepulchral tones, putting their mouths to the crack under the sash, “and it’s a pudding. Tell her to hurry up, Annet.” But Tita’s murmuring voice went steadily on, and the Protestant sister would not interrupt the little Catholic’s recitation; she shook her head at the boys, and motioned to them to go back to the kitchen. But they danced up and down to warm themselves, rubbed their little red ears with their hands, and then returned to the crack, and roared in chorus, “Tell her to hurry up; we shall not have time to eat it.” “True,” said Père Michaux, overhearing this triple remonstrance. “That will do for today, Tita.” “But I have not finished, my father.” “Another time, child.” “I shall recite it, then, at the next lesson, and learn besides as much to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

more; and the interruption was not of my making, but a crime of those sacrilegious boys,” said Tita, gathering her books together. The boys, seeing Père Michaux rise from his chair, ran back round the house to announce the tidings to Pierre; the priest came forward to the window. “That is the mail-train, is it not?” said Anne, looking at a black spot coming up the Strait from the east. “It is due,” said Père Michaux; “but the weather has been so cold that I hardly expected it to-day.” He took down a spyglass, and looked at the moving speck. “Yes, it is the train. I can see the dogs, and Denis himself. I will go over to the village with you, I think. I expect letters.” Père Michaux’s correspondence was large. From many a college and mission station came letters to this hermit of the North, on subjects as various as the writers: the flora of the region, its mineralogy, the Indians and their history, the lost grave of Father Marquette (in these later days said to have been found), the legends of the fur-trading times, the existing commerce of the lakes, the fisheries, and kindred subjects were mixed with discussions kept up with fellow Latin and Greek scholars exiled at far-off Southern stations, with games of chess played by letter, with recipes for sauces, and with humorous skirmishing with New York priests on topics of the day, in which the Northern hermit often had the best of it.

A hurrah in the kitchen, an opening of doors, a clattering in the hall, and the boys appeared, followed by old Pierre, bearing aloft a pudding enveloped in steam, exhaling fragrance, and beautiful with raisins, currants, and citron—rarities regarded by Louis, Gabriel, and André with eager eyes. “But it was for your dinner,” said Anne. “It is still for my dinner. But it would have lasted three days, and now it will end its existence more honourably in one,” replied the priest, beginning to cut generous slices. Tita was the last to come forward. She felt herself obliged to set down all the marks of her various recitations in a small note-book after each lesson; she kept a careful record, and punished or rewarded herself accordingly, the punishments being long readings from some religious book in her corner, murmured generally half aloud, to the exasperation of Miss Lois when she happened to be present, Miss Lois having a vehement dislike for “sing-song.” Indeed, the little, soft, persistent murmur sometimesmade even Anne think that the whole family bore their part in Tita’s religious penances. But what could be said to the child? Was she not engaged in saving her soul? The marks being at last all set down, she took her share of pudding to the fire, and ate it daintily and dreamily, enjoying it far more than the boys, who swallowed too hastily; far more than Anne, who liked the simplest food. The priest was the only one present who appreciated Pierre’s skill as Tita appreciated it. “It is délicieux,” she said, softly, replacing the spoon in the saucer, and leaning back against the cushions with half-closed eyes.

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iNews Cayman

27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Sudoku 9x9 - Puzzle 5 of 5 - Easy










7 6




5 5



5 1 8




6 8 7



3 9






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3 1 7 6 9 8 2 5

9 4 2 1 5 7 6 3

7 5 2 6 3 8 1 9 4



















Sudoku 9x9 - Solution 1 of 5 - Hard

5 7 3 1 9 2 6 4 8

1 4 9 3 8 6 2 5 7



Good luck!


No number or letter should appear more than once on every row, column and 3x3 box.


Place digits from 1 to 9 in each empty cell.


How to play sudoku

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27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Try our New Ocean front location in WEST BAY

Memories of Ivan Joan Wilson


Now we are at that horrible time again – Hurricane Season – and watching the drama of Hurricane Irene it brought back my memories of Hurricane Ivan that hit us on September 11th 2004. This is the poem I wrote about that traumatic event and it happened the day after my 70th birthday!


Hurricane Ivan supposed path as of September 6th 11am

“Ivan” - The Terrible “What?! You going to celebrate your 70th birthday, But you never heard hurricane coming our way?” “You joking, we never had a hurricane for years, I know The last big one I believe was about 60 years ago.” “Well, I can tell you we’ve booked a place to celebrate And if Ivan is coming he better not be late With plenty friends and good food, we’ll sit and dine Something we haven’t done for a long, long time.” Well, celebration is over and we all departed Winds are blowing hard the hurricane has started. Getting through the night was very nervous indeed Ivan was approaching with his gear in high speed. We couldn’t do much to stop Him, we could only batten down, Plywood and shutter from shops all around Talk about chaos with queues of people scared Hardware, and supermarkets, gas stations everywhere. Winds picking up and bits flying overhead “167 miles per hour,” the weatherman said, “With heavy gusts of 200 miles per hour and more.” Ivan was a category 5 hurricane not 4!

Light House Point,Next to Divetech 947-5377

All day Breakfast & Lunch

You think Andrew and Gilbert were bad when they came Ha! Ivan put both of those hurricanes to shame! With 5 to 10 foot of water rising downstairs We could do nothing but say our prayers.

Fresh Pastries are available

Appliances gone, and our gas and water mains cut Vehicles flooded and completely full of dirt, Winds still howling and our roof shaking Still we sat very calm and kept on praying.

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Monday - Saturday

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For almost 24 hours Ivan fury kept pounding us Spitting out caskets and turning metal to rust, Big boats anchored and thought securely tied Wrenched free and hurtled away for almost a mile.

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Imagine, 95% of homes were damaged And almost half our cars destroyed, We looked like a country that had suffered many wars. Trees down, homes down and everywhere scarred.

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But still we are grateful to God for sparing us Putting our faith in him and in him always trust For he is the maker of the universe he built in 7 days So we’ll give him all the glory and trust him always. Six weeks later the trees are all budding green Ivan was an experience for most of us not seen So pick up the pieces and live your life again An experience like Ivan we’re unlikely to see again.

TREATS RESTAURANT West Shore Centre Seven Mile Beach 945-4262

All day Breakfast & Lunch Specialty Cakes, Wedding Cakes & Pastries Outdoor Catering Service Available to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


Our Eye

27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Lessons in Caribana “Cultures see things differently” Dave Martins dave.martins@ieyenews.com

I was living in Toronto, playing music full time with the Tradewinds band, when the annual Caribbean festival in Toronto known as Caribana was born in 1967. Today there are carnivals in a many cities outside the region, but Caribana was the first to make a major splash; it was a hit from the start. There were, however, some early problems. The people behind the birth of it – mostly Trinidadians – were essentially replicating the established Trinidad Carnival and were bent on making Caribana more or less a copy of what worked in Port-of-Spain. The problem with this formula was that the Trinidad version was a cultural fact; it was part of the Trinidadian way of life supported from beneath by ordinary citizens buying costumes, attending shows, going to fetes, etc. In Toronto, with no carnival culture, the organizers relied on Government funding to make the carnival happen, from above, and in the first five years of its life, Caribana was attracting municipal and provincial funding, and federal funds seemed likely. In the very early going, however, the establishment in Toronto became uncomfortable with the often haphazard parade – the public consumption of liquor on the streets was another concern – and with the Caribana Committee’s casual approach to accounting for the government funds. I was not on the Caribana Committee, but I knew the principals well, and I was recruited by one of the “white” establishment to relay their concern. “You know these guys,” a prominent lawyer on the Chamber of Commerce told me. “Try to make them understand we don’t want to take over Caribana – we don’t know anything about carnival – but we know how to run parades. We’ve been doing it for years. We get the parade running right, and government funds will follow.”


It sounded like common sense to me, but not to my friends on the Caribana Committee. To them, it signalled that the “white people” wanted to take over Caribana and the “only-run-the-parade” offer was a ruse to get their foot in the door. In effect, the Caribana group said, “Thanks, but no thanks” and kept their hands exclusively on the tiller. My establishment contact shrugged, but the parade route was moved away from prestigious Yonge Street to the “more spacious”Avenue Road; the concerns about haphazard organization remained, and the accounting controversy was still there bubbling. In the latter 1980s, with Caribana becoming a major economic boost to Toronto, another problem arose with an internal division among costume makers and presenters leading to even more controversy about “where the money going” and with the emergence of two Caribana groups, each vying for prominence and, of course, funding. In the last 10 years or so, however, while the festival grew by leaps and bounds, the operating controversy hardened with, on the one hand, private sector loving the enormous financial bonanza from Caribana, but with government, on the other hand, not being satisfied that its funds were being properly used. The business community was dismayed by the erratic organization, and there were alarms over two shooting incidents. Amid rumours that the provincial

and municipal governments were threatening to withhold funding, the parade route was shifted further west (to Dufferin Street) and then, around 2007, further west still to Lakeshore Road. In 2011, the dam broke. Almost all of the government funding has dried up, and the festival is now officially being sponsored by the Bank of Nova Scotia and being presented now as the Scotia Bank Caribbean Carnival – the word “Caribana” has apparently been relegated to the archives. The argument over this development is at full blaze with many (me included) aghast at the idea of a cultural event now being presented as the progeny of a bank. Lessons abound in Caribana: Personal aggrandizement will often get in the way of social movements, and mankind (and to a lesser extent, womankind) will rather see something founder than agree to slacken the reins. Cultures see things differently, and efforts to realign those views, or bring them into comity, are almost always doomed to failure. What Caribbean people treasure and revere in the carnival experience is almost completely lost on the Canadian psyche, and the Canadian displays of systems and adherence to discipline are not high priorities for us. Cultural events have two functions: an entertainment one and an economic one, but whenever the economic one gets to be very significant, that function becomes the more dominant, and the future of the event is affected accordingly. Already, with the festival renamed, the whisper is that the shift of the event will be towards more international presences in the parade, instead of exclusively Caribbean, in the interest of even more crowds. Finally, an obvious irony is that the early intransigence of the Caribbean founders has probably helped generate the very “take over” they were so concerned about. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Emceeing a wedding Georgina Wilcox georgina.wilcox@ieyenews.com

Writen by : Victoria Anderson

I don’t think women make the best emcees. There are exceptions. Cat Deeley, host of “So You Think You Can Dance” is one and locally, Vickie Wheaton is another. So when I was asked to emcee a wedding here I was stunned. Even though I think I am the funniest and most charismatic member of the family, at first I was going to say a reluctant ‘no,’ but my ego got the best of me so I affirmed.


The end of the school year is here and savvy moms and dads by now have made all the arrangements for summer. Summer camps and leisurely days at the pool or beach are just a few of the summer rituals for many families. However if you're tempted to let your child play outdoors for even a few minutes without proper sun protection, you might want to think twice. Adolescence and childhood are critical periods during which exposure to UV radiation is more likely to contribute to skin cancer in later life. Children with fair skin, blond or red hair and blue or green eyes are at the highest risk of sunburn. But darker-skinned children also need sun protection. With this in mind, it’s important that parents teach their children how to enjoy fun in the sun safely.


Apply a thick, even coat to all exposed areas 20 - 30 minutes before your child goes out in the sun. Choose a sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 15 or higher. Make sure it's labeled "broad spectrum," which means it blocks both UVA and UVB sunlight. For your little ones, sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide should be selected as these compounds are less irritating than others. Sunscreen sticks are best for the face because they are sweat proof and less likely to drip. Don't forget nose, ears, hands, feet, shoulders, and behind the neck; lips can also burn, so apply a lip balm with SPF protection. Reapply sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours, or after sweating or swimming.

COVER FROM HEAD TO TOE. Wearing protective clothing and hats is one of the primary ways of warding off UV damage. When wet, light coloured clothing transmits just as much sunlight as bare skin. Keep your kids covered with dark colours, long sleeves, and pants whenever possible. And don't forget the accessories: sunglasses with UV protection to guard against burned corneas, and hats to prevent sunburned scalps and faces. Protective clothing, hats with wide brims, and sunglasses are just as important for babies. At the beach, bring along a large umbrella.

I was given these tips and I found them useful. Know beforehand all the important events that will take place during the wedding reception and when each one will occur. Make it a point to know every member of the wedding entourage, by name, especially if there is to be a receiving line. Familiarise yourself with each member of the party. Be engaging and get the audience involved in the entertainment. Have a few guests offer a toast to the bride and groom. You don’t have to be deliriously funny or charismatic but a huge smile and a laugh goes a long way. Take note as to how well the guests receive your joke or story. After you’ve told your best joke and there is silence - move on. Finally. Know your limits. Even though you are the master/mistress of ceremonies it doesn’t mean you have to announce every single aspect throughout the course of the reception. However, make sure you announce that the bride and groom are now going to cut the cake!

Parents, you are the best teacher by practicing sun safety yourself. If your child sees you following sun safety rules, he'll take them for granted and follow suit. Teach every member of the family how to protect their skin and eyes. With proper supervision, children can learn to protect themselves and enjoy summer fun without sacrificing the health of their skin.

Avoid unnecessary exposure when the sun's rays are at their strongest. Even on cloudy or cooler days, ultraviolet (UV) rays remain strong. Shady spots can be just as tricky because of reflected light. If your child is playing outdoors during these hours, make sure to apply ample sunscreen.

WATCH OUT FOR MEDICATIONS. Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun, so make sure to ask your doctor whether your child may be at risk. Prescription antibiotics and acne medications are the most notorious culprits, but when in doubt, ask.

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114 Maple Road, George Town, P.O. Box 10565, Grand Cayman KY1-1005, Cayman Islands Victoria Anderson is project coordinator of the Cayman Islands Cancer Society.

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Fergie under fire for FA blast

Luis Suarez scores for Liverpool on the opening day of the season

Paul Kennedy paul.kennedy@ieyenews.com

Manchester United take on under fire Arsenal in the Premier League clash of the weekend at Old Trafford. With a string of injuries worries, plus suspensions, Sunday’s match against the current Champions couldn’t have come at a worse time for Arsene Wenger. But the Gooners will be buoyed by midweek win in Italy which saw them progress into the group stages of the Champions’ League. Sir Alex Ferguson does have injuries worries of his own to contend with. He is hopeful Rio Ferdinand will be fit following a hamstring problem but will be without defenders Nemanja Vidic and Rafael de Silva. Fergie goes into Sunday’s game with the possibility of facing a backlash from the Football Association after comments he made about the FA treating United unfairly. He said: “The FA may realise who has produced more players for their country than any club in the world. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

“Maybe they will realise how important we are to England instead of treating us like s***.” Elsewhere Liverpool will be looking for their first home win of the new season when they face Bolton at Anfield. Uruguayan Luis Suarez has been on fire for the Reds since his triumphant return from the Copa America, scoring in all three games so far. He netted in the opener against Sunderland, came off the bench to seal a 2-0 win over Arsenal and also got on the score sheet in the midweek Carling Cup clash with lowly Exeter. Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish said: “He was on a high when he came back from the Copa America. He was voted player of the tournament and they won it, so he is going to be on a high and flying. “Luis is always going to score goals, but three in three is certainly a reasonable return from him.” Premier League new boys Norwich City face the daunting task of a trip to Stamford Bridge to face Chelsea.

Sir Alex Ferguson says FA treat United unfairly

QPR make the trip to the North West to face Wigan while Swansea host Sunderland. Aston Villa place Wolverhampton in the West Midlands derby and Everton travel to Blackburn. Big-spending Manchester City are likely to start with their new signing Sammi Nasri who is back in North London to play Tottenham Hotspur. In other games played Sunday, Newcastle play host to Fulham while Stoke travel to West Brom.


27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Gonzalez hits 2 HRs, Red Sox beat Rangers 6-0 ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Adrian Gonzalez and the Boston Red Sox powered their way to some payback in Texas. Gonzalez homered twice to give him five in four games, Andrew Miller pitched three-hit ball in a spot start and the Red Sox beat the Rangers 6-0 on Thursday night.

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Miller threw 6 1-3 impressive innings and the Red Sox took the final three matchups in a four-game series between AL division leaders. Boston was swept in a threegame set at Texas to begin the season en route to an 0-6 start. Now, that seems a distant memory. “We have a lot of respect for (the Rangers) and they really beat us up a little bit, especially down here,” Red Sox manager Terry Francona said. “But we played good tonight and that’s what we wanted to do.” Meanwhile The New Yankees became the first major league team to hit three grand slams in one game, with Robinson Cano, Russell Martin and Curtis Granderson connecting Thursday against the Oakland Athletics. Cano hit a slam in fifth inning against starter Rich Harden, pulling the Yankees to 7-6, and Martin hit his slam in the sixth off Fautino De Los Santos for a 10-7 lead. Granderson hit a grand slam in the eighth against Bruce Billings.

27-29 AUG 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Hurricane prompts rescheduling of sporting events


Hurricane Irene is already leaving its mark on the sports world even before coming ashore. Professional baseball games, the NFL, tennis matches and MLS games are being rescheduled as the Hurricane approaches the East Coast.

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Major League Baseball announced Thursday that it moved the scheduled game Sunday between the Florida Marlins and Philadelphia Phillies to Saturday at 1:05 p.m., creating a day-night doubleheader. The Boston Red Sox also moved Sunday’s series finale against the Oakland Athletics to Saturday night as part of a daynight doubleheader. “We felt it was necessary and prudent to move the Sunday game to Saturday,” Red Sox President and CEO Larry Lucchino said. “This will not only give us the best opportunity to play the scheduled games, but also help to insure that traveling conditions are safer for our fans.” The Giants and Jets have moved up the starting time of their preseason football game five hours to 2 p.m. Saturday. Giants president and CEO John Mara said Thursday the game was rescheduled so fans would be able to get home safely after the game. The New Haven Open, the final WTA tuneup before next week’s U.S. Open, moved its championship match at Yale to 1 p.m. from 5 p.m. Saturday to avoid the storm.

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Couples tells Woods he’s on Presidents Cup team SNOQUALMIE, Wash. (AP) — Fred Couples has told Tiger Woods that he decided to add him to the 12-member Presidents Cup team. Couples took the drama out of the debate over whether Woods would be on the team, saying Thursday it’s already a done deal. “I’ve told him that he’s going to be on the team,” Couples said just before a practice round preparing for the Boeing Classic at TPC Snoqualmie Ridge. “There is no reason for me to wait till Sept. 26 to pick Tiger. He’s the best player in the world forever.”


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Ten players automatically qualify for the team based on points accumulated over the past two years. Couples is then given two captain’s picks to round out his squad, which will compete against a team of non-European International players at Royal Melbourne in Australia on Nov. 14-20. Woods, who is 28th on the Presidents Cup list, had a long summer layoff because of soreness in his left knee and left Achilles’ tendon. He played in two recent tournaments, finishing 37th in the Bridgestone Invitational in early August then missing the cut the following week at the PGA Championship. Woods wrote on his website earlier this week that he had conversations with Couples about playing on the team and that “of course, I want to be on the team” that competes in Australia.

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Hurricane forces cricketers to retreat

Kevin Creary kevin.creary@ieyenews.com

The ICC Americas Under 15 Central Division Championship Tour, held in Nassau Bahamas, which was the stomping ground for the Cayman Islands cricket team, has abruptly been stopped. After two wins, the Islands team was forced to head home as Hurricane Irene hit the Bahamas. The Caymanians drew first blood, by defeating the Bahamians by five wickets on the first day of their four matches encounter.

Victory in the first match seemed to have been an appetiser for the young Caymanians, who asserted their dominance in the second game. During the first match, the Bahamians posted a total of 122 runs for five from the allotted overs, but were surprised to be outscored by the Caymanians winning by a total of 123 for five. After discovering the weakness of the Bahamian team during the first match, the Caymanians unleashed an unforgiving punishment in the

second match. In reply to the Caymanian’s 166 runs from 30 overs for the loss of six wickets, the Bahamians were dismissed for just 43 runs from only 15 overs. Five of their players were dismissed from the crease without making a single run. The Caymanians had to beat a retreat, as Hurricane Irene aimed straight at the Bahamas, in what could ironically be a rescue for the host country’s embarrassed young team. The Caymanians returned home on Tuesday.

Publisher Joan E Wilson Editor In Chief Colin G Wilson MCIM Printed and Published By: iNews Cayman Ltd. 342 Dorcy Dr., CAC Building, GT, Grand Cayman P.O. Box 10211 Grand Cayman KY1-1002 CAYMAN ISLANDS

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