Male intermittent Catheter

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Infection Prevention and Control

Procedure for Male Intermittent Catheterisation

Infection Prevention and Control Procedure for Male Intermittent Catheterisation Purpose To ensure all relevant staff are aware of the principles for male intermittent catheterisation and understand the rationale that informs the principle, to prevent cross infection between service users, staff and visitors and prevent Health Care Associated Infections. Target Group This procedure is relevant to healthcare or care staff that have received specific training in male intermittent catheterisation. Introduction

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection acquired as a result of health care, accounting for 19% of Health Care Associated Infections, with between 43% and 56% of UTI’s associated with a urethral catheter.

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This guidance has been formulated to give healthcare and care staff a step by step approach to male intermittent catheterisation with a rationale for each stage, based on the current national research and guidance. This guidance should be used in conjunction with other associated infection prevention and control policies and procedures such as Hand Hygiene, Waste Management, Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT) Only appropriately trained and competent healthcare or care staff should carry out male intermittent catheterisation using an aseptic non touch technique

Guidance 

Intermittent catheterisation is considered to be the gold standard for urine drainage (NICE, 2006) as it carries a reduced risk of infection compared to indwelling urinary catheterisation Intermittent catheterisation can be indicated as treatment for voiding problems due to disturbances or injuries to the nervous system, nonneurogenic bladder dysfunction or intravesical obstruction with incomplete bladder emptying Intermittent catheterisation can be undertaken by a healthcare or care professional or by the service user or a carer (when the procedure is termed Intermittent Self Catheterisation) (ISC) When undertaken by a healthcare or care professional the procedure must be done using aseptic non touch technique

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Procedure Advance the catheter into the bladder, until urine starts to drain


Slight resistance may be felt as the catheter passes through the prostate gland and into the bladder; only gentle pressure should be used

Some resistance may be due to spasm of the external sphincter; straining gently helps to relax the external sphincter

When urine stops draining carefully start to withdraw, if urine starts to flow again stop withdrawing and wait for flow to stop, continue to withdraw slowly

To ensure complete emptying of bladder

Replace the foreskin over penis and make the service user comfortable and ensure that the area is dry

Retraction and constriction of the foreskin behind the glans penis (paraphimosis) may occur if this is not done;

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If the area is left wet or moist, particularly with bodily fluids secondary infection and skin irritation may occur

Clear and clean trolley and dispose of rubbish in correct waste streams

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Remove gloves and perform effective hand hygiene washing hands with soap and water Record information in service users records including details of the procedure, date, time and outcome and any untoward events

To prevent environmental contamination and to comply with waste disposal policies and guidance To reduce the risk of infection and environmental contamination

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To ensure effective and accurate record keeping is maintained and documentation is complete


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