Catheter Problem Solving

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Infection Prevention and Control

Strategy for the management of catheter related problems

Infection Prevention and Control Strategy for the management of catheter related problems Purpose To ensure all relevant staff are aware of the principles for managing catheter related problems and understand the rationale that informs the principle, to prevent cross infection between service users, staff and visitors and prevent Health Care Associated Infections.

Target Group


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This procedure is relevant to healthcare or care staff that have received specific training in managing catheter related problems for a service user.

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The management of catheter related problems occurring when a short term catheter is required for a service user is part of general catheter maintenance and care and as such, all of the principles set out in the Epic 3 (2013) guidance should be adhered to. These include:           

Maintaining a sterile closed urinary drainage system with a sampling port Preventing breaks in the connection between the urinary catheter and the drainage system unless clinically indicated Changing short term catheters only when clinically indicated and in line with manufacturer’s instructions Adhering to the principles of hand decontamination before and after each service user intervention Wearing clean non-sterile gloves for any manipulation of the service users catheter Using the sampling port and an aseptic technique to obtain catheter sample of urine Positioning the urinary drainage bag below the level of the bladder on a stand that prevents contact with the floor Not allowing the urinary drainage bag to fill to more than ¾ full Using a separate clean container for each service user and avoiding contact between the tap and container when emptying the drainage bag Not adding antiseptic or antimicrobial solutions to urinary drainage bags Enabling (and assisting where necessary) the service user to undertake daily personal hygiene for meatal cleansing

Client Name Start Date: 00/00/0000 End Date: 11/11/1111 1 of 4 - Care plan for administration of catheter maintenance solutions

Blocked catheter

Remove and re-catheterise; Inspect tip for signs of debris or encrustation - this may require cutting the removed device in half – record in service user notes; Assess suitability for a programme of catheter maintenance solution

Kinked or twisted drainage tubing

Inspect the system and straighten any kinks; Change position; if used with a leg bag consider shorter length tube

Leg bag above the level of the bladder

Reposition catheter bag

Catheter not in urethra

Remove catheter and re-catheterise

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Urine does not drain

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Catheter not the correct Remove and re-catheterise with length (obese female suitable length catheter service users may require a standard length catheter as a female length may be too short) Dehydration or service user Treat accordingly after consultation in renal failure with medical practitioner

Catheter is encrusted

Micro-organisms sticking to Consider catheter maintenance catheter surface solutions

Nondeflating balloon

Valve port and balloon inflation channel may be compressed Faulty valve mechanism

Check no external compression problems Remove the syringe and try another one; always aspirate slowly or the valve mechanism may collapse; A few millilitres of sterile water can be added to the valve to clear any obstruction but do not over inflate the balloon; Do not cut the catheter during removal; Seek medical help if unable to remove catheter;

Client Name Start Date: 00/00/0000 End Date: 11/11/1111 3 of 4 - Care plan for administration of catheter maintenance solutions


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