Protocol for Emptying a Urinary Catheter Bag

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Infection Prevention and Control

Protocol for emptying a urinary catheter bag

Infection Prevention and Control Protocol for Emptying a Urinary Catheter Bag Purpose To ensure all relevant staff are aware of the principles of emptying a urinary catheter bag and understand the rationale that informs the principle, which is to prevent cross infection between service users, staff and visitors and prevent Health Care Associated Infections. Target Group This procedure is relevant to healthcare or care staff who are required to empty service user urinary catheter bags.

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Introduction The emptying of catheter bags from service users with indwelling urethral or suprapubic catheters is undertaken as a routine procedure for catheter maintenance. However, infection prevention and control principles must be strictly observed to ensure that cross contamination does not occur.

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Epic 3 National Evidence Based Guidelines for preventing Healthcare Associated Infections in NHS Hospitals in England (2013) states the following: Do not break the connection between the catheter and the urinary drainage system unless clinically indicated Decontaminate hands and wear a new pair of clean non-sterile gloves before manipulating each service user’s catheter Decontaminate hands immediately following the removal of gloves Position the urinary drainage bag below the level of the bladder on a stand that prevents contact with the floor Do not allow the urinary drainage bag to fill beyond ¾ full Use a separate clean container (ideally disposable) for each service user and avoid contact between the urinary drainage tap and the container when emptying the drainage bag Do not add antiseptic or antimicrobial solutions to urinary drainage bags Enabling (or assisting) the service user to undertake daily personal hygiene for meatal cleansing is all that is required to maintain hygiene

This guidance should be used in conjunction with other associated infection prevention and control policies and procedures such as Hand Hygiene, Waste Management and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Client Name Start Date: 00/00/0000 End Date: 11/11/1111 1 of 5- Care plan for administration of catheter maintenance solutions

Equipment       Procedure

1 pair single use gloves Disposable plastic apron 70% isopropyl alcohol and 2% chlorhexidine (CHG) impregnated wipes Hand sanitizer Disposable clean receptacle



To ensure that the service user understands the procedure and gives their consent Perform effective hand hygiene by To reduce the risk of infection washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer if hands are visibly clean;

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Explain the procedure to the service user and check identity

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Put on single use gloves and disposable plastic apron Clean the outlet valve with a swab To reduce the risk of infection containing 70% isopropyl alcohol and 2% CHG impregnated wipe; allow 20 seconds to dry Place the receptacle under the valve and To empty drainage bag and accurately open tap, allowing the urine to freely measure volume of contents if required drain To prevent the risk of cross contamination Do not allow the tap to touch sides of the container When the bag is empty, close the outlet To reduce the risk of cross contamination valve and clean it again with a new alcohol impregnated swab; allow to dry Reposition drainage bag or leg bag To maintain patient comfort and to below level of the bladder and secure facilitate drainage of urine straps Dispose of urine into disposal point or To ensure appropriate disposal and toilet and flush; dispose of receptacle reduce environmental contamination Remove gloves and apron and dispose To reduce the risk of cross contamination of appropriately and decontaminate hands Record volume and appearance of urine To ensure effective and accurate record if required in service user’s records keeping is maintained and documentation is complete

Client Name Start Date: 00/00/0000 End Date: 11/11/1111 2 of 5 - Care plan for administration of catheter maintenance solutions


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