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Edible Flowers for Elegant Cuisine
Cooking with flowers is an ancient art, and it is making a comeback in modern day cuisine. The art of using flowers to add taste and texture to any dish is a fun and innovative way to introduce a new flair to a favorite dish.
Desserts can be served with a delicate and beautiful design. Rose petals on a wedding cake or any cake for celebration, etc. is a great way to decorate if one desires to take the time to do it.
Provided below is a list of edible flowers, and these all must be organic, of course, and free of any pesticides. Allergies must be taken into consideration, and common sense applies.
Marigold- can be used as a substitute for the expensive spice saffron, great in salads
Lilac- has a lemony taste, can be slightly bitter, great to crystallize with sugar and egg whites very fragrant
Nasturtiums- beautiful colors, sweet, spicy flavors, the leaves add a tangy peppery taste to salads, entire flowers are great for garnish
Peony- the petals are used for tea, add to summer salad or with water or lemonades
Scented Geranium- petals can be sprinkled over desserts, freeze in ice cubes, or drinks. Do not use Citronella variety.
Roses- all varieties are edible, may be used for garnish, petals can be used in salads, butters, syrups, sweet spreads and added to drinks. Remove any white bitter part of petals, before using.
Dandelions- young flowers have the sweetest petals, that taste like honey, the leaves are good in salads. When serving rice, sprinkle the petals into the dish.
Chive Blossoms- use when a slight onion flavor is needed for a savory dish or separate the florets and toss in salads
Lemon Verbena- leaves and flowers can be used as a tea and flavor various desserts
Mint- flowers and leaves can be used with a savory cuisine, tea and to flavor desserts
Pansy- consists of a velvety texture, have a mild tangy flavor, they make a beautiful garnish
Carnations- the petals are sweet and a bit spicy, must be tasted before using can turn bitter, great for garnish and salads

Zucchini Blossoms- can be chopped and sautéed added to soups, or fried and stuffed with cheese
Johnny-Jump-Ups- a mild taste, like iceberg lettuce without the crunch, looks great in salads
Impatiens-flowers have a sweet flavor, well suited for drinks or desserts, instant color floating in a punch bowl
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