5 minute read
Let it Be Done in Love
Let it Be Done in Love! by Cynthia, White Flower
As we experience the preview of Spring, let all that we do, be done in Love! The prelude of Spring reaches out to say “renewal is coming.” It inspires as new life, born from the darkness of winter, reminds us that there is hope. It says that the sun will shine again, the warmth of green will fill our world again, and the pause of teeming life will resume. These are reminders of the continuous love of The Source, loving us, providing for us, showing us The Way. The Source says, “I love you and I will take care of you.”
Daily, we are challenged, and on many different levels. We may find ourselves surprised about how we feel about certain situations. We may even be shocked at how we react. To bring the very best back to ourselves and to our world, we must live our lives from our hearts, remembering that we are loved. Acting and reacting from a place of love is necessary. Mother Nature continues to show us that it is necessary to remain optimistic. She shows us that
8 where there is darkness, light will come; where there is death, renewal will come; where there is decay, new life will spring up. Daily we are reminded that we are loved.
To give that love back to the world is our job. We are the mirrors. We are here to be the love that we want in our lives. Love is always the answer. It is our reason for living. Love is our motivation. It is the light at the end of the tunnel. As we prepare for the winds of change, it is important to create a delicate balance between peace and harmony. To feel peace which leads to harmony, we must bask in the certainty that we are loved.
Living every moment from our hearts is necessary. It is also a blessing. To remain poised within our hearts will allow us to hold the balance for ourselves and for our planet. Then it becomes our business to share our love with the world. Confucius said: “Where so ever
you go, go with all your heart. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
Kindness is an attribute of love. It is necessary for us to be kind to ourselves. The little things mean so very much. Begin to show yourself how very special you are by doing special things for yourself. Say consciously, “I will be kind to myself. I am loved, and I love me too!” Then, you can pass that kindness to others through the graciousness of your precious heart because you have become that love, personified. Jesus The Christ gave us examples of his selfless love throughout his lifetime. To continuously live in the vibration of love and to continuously exude and share that love, we become “The Christed One” thorough living out our lives in the vibration of love.
All life is consciousness. The Ascended Master Kuthumi stated, “There is nothing in this world but consciousness. Your consciousness is where you are.” Looking at the mirror of Self through where we are in life will provide a gage for where we want To Be. Actively choosing to see the bright side of any situation will help to draw more positive results. Paramahansa Yogananda teaches us that “Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations….. Persistence guarantees that results are inevitable.” Every time the programing nudges us to feel bad about ourselves say, “God created forgiveness for me. I forgive myself.” Feel it. Know it to be true. Find your peace. Yogananda reminds us, “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” The heart is wise for it feels the truth. Let us live in our truth, from our hearts, giving life back the love that it gives to us.
Works Cited: Confucius, https://blog.buddhagroove.com/ confucius-quotes/ Covington, Marsha, Change of Ages, New Wisdom University, 12/11/2019 Rumi, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad, https://www. goalcast.com/2018/01/03/rumi-quotes/ Yogananda, Paramahansa, http://yogananda.com.au/ gurus/yogananda02quotes.html
We are not defined by our challenges. The Mystery School teaches that the purpose for the difficulties in our lives is to teach us that we can handle anything that we are faced with. Kuthumi adds, “Taking this to a point of mastery where we can still be kind and love everyone will result in peace in our hearts.” We are all on a journey back to our God Self, our resonance of oneness with The Source. Love provides the wings to take us there. Living in that vibration continuously will further that journey faster. Rumi reminds us to “Be kind to yourself, dear - to our innocent follies. Forget any sounds or touch you knew that did not help you dance. You will come to see that all evolves us.” Choosing to love, regardless of our challenges, in the end, is our only choice. It is the only thing that will move us on into fulfillment.
As we embrace our blessings of love and kindness, we make the world a better place. Rumi shows us how our love lives on, “Your acts of kindness are iridescent wings of divine love, which linger and continue to uplift others long after your sharing.” Master
About the Author: Cynthia McNabb, BS, M.S., (aka, Cynthia, White Flower) is an author, teacher, counselor and an ordained spiritual minister. She is a Psychic Medium and is available for readings. The late James McNabb is her beloved and is with her in spirit as she carries on her journey. Please contact Cynthia for an appointment, email:cynthialynnmcnabb@ yahoo.com or phone/text 734-904-0075
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