Inserting a PDF on your site is easy! Just follow these simple steps and you will have a PDF on your site in minutes!
Log in to your Infinity Site Manager (ISM) and point your mouse to your drop down menu to the left of the screen Hover over "Content" and then click on "Content Manager"
Decide which folder you would like this PDF to live in and click it Click New at the top right side of your screen
Click GO on the Multimedia option
Click Browse to locate the PDF on your computer Click Save in the top right side of your screen when done
Locate the PDF you just uploaded and click the name link
Copy the URL from your address bar
If you want an existing page to automatically redirect to this PDF, just send your Project Manager an email with that URL and we will be happy to set that up for you. If you wish for one of your pages to have a clickable link to this PDF, please follow these few steps.
Locate the page you wish to put the link in and click Edit next to your page to open it. Type in the text that you want viewers to click for the PDF Drag your mouse to highlight the text you are linking
Click the link icon
Paste link into Link box
If you wish for this PDF to open in a new window so your viewer won’t leave your site, click the Target tab Choose New Window for the Target Click OK Click Save at the top right side of your screen.
Congratulations! You have inserted a PDF!