Using the Emailer Setting up your emailer is easy! Just follow these simple steps and you will be ready to send emails up in no time!
Log in to your Infinity Site Manager (ISM) and point your mouse to your drop down menu to the left of the screen. Hover over "Emailer" and then click on "Configuration"
Create Sender •
Click New at the top, right side of the screen
Enter Name that you want the sender to be (ie: company or team name)
Enter Email address you want the email to come from
Click Save at the top, right side of the screen.
Create Group •
Hover over Tools and click User Manager
Click the Member Groups Tab
Click New at the top, right side of your screen.
Enter the name you wish to name your group
Click Save at the top, right side of your screen.
Creating Rules You may only want specific people within a group to receive an email. You can do this through Rules. •
Hover over Emailer and Click Rules
Click the Category Tab and click New at the top, right side of your screen.
Name the category of your Rule. (ie: Smith, Texas, Female)
Click Save at the top, right side of your screen.
Now you are ready to create your rule. •
Click the View Rule Sets tab
Click New at the top, right side of your screen
Name the Rule (ie: Fans in Texas)
Choose Recipient List Creation
Choose Category
Click here to build rule
Choose what category you want to build your rule on (ie: State)
Choose the operator and click save.
Click Save at the top, right side of your screen when you are done.
Creating an Email Now you are ready to send an email. •
Hover over Emailer and click Emails
Click the Categories tab and click New at the top, right side of your screen
Enter the name of the email category you wish to create (ie: Newsletter Recipients)
Click Save at the top, right side of your screen
Click the View Emails tab and click New at the top, right side of your screen
Enter the name of your email (ie: October Promotion)
Choose your category
Choose your template
Choose your header
(if you have not had a template or header set up, please contact Infinity and we will help you with this) •
Click Save at the top, right side of your screen
Click Edit on the Disabled area
Choose Enable this block
Select Text
Click Save at the bottom
Choose the Content tab to enter your text
Click Save at the bottom and then Done
Click Send Now
If you choose to change the release date, you can do that here
Choose the sender
Choose recipient groups or send to an individual
Click Refresh Preview
Click Send Email
This will be in queue to send and it will depend upon the number of emails you are sending to, on the speed in which they are delivered.
Congratulations! You have set up and sent an email!