Coffs Harbour Airport Magazine Issue 16

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Issue 16 •


14 Hours of Daylight in Coffs Plenty of time to experience what the beautiful region has to offer

Hear the Tiger Roar Tiger Airways heading to Coffs Harbour Airport

Garden Gurus

A focus on the Coffs Harbour Garden Club



contents ISSUE 16


on the cover 6

GARDEN GURUS A focus on the Coffs Harbour Garden Club


HEAR THE TIGER ROAR Tiger Airways heading to Coffs Harbour Airport


14 HOURS OF DAYLIGHT IN COFFS Plenty of time to experience what the beautiful region has to offer

features 8

INTERVIEW WITH TERRI IRWIN Hear the Wildlife Warrior roar!


NEW YEAR NEW YOU The health benefits of travel


AVOID EXCESS BAGGAGE FEES Flight Centre gives us some top tips to send fees packing


HOW TO INSULATE THE HOME A step-by-step guide


ACTION & ADVENTURE JetPacking, an awesome thrill


ALL ABOUT BOATING Haines Group ‘Signature’ marks a new generation in fishing boat innovation


‘TIS THE SEASON Our savings tips for the holiday period


FASHION IN FOCUS Wil Valor combines tailor made craftmanship with directional style


Issue 16


Issue 16 •


14 Hours of Daylight in Coffs Plenty of time to experience what the beautiful region has to offer

regulars 3 Welcome to Coffs Harbour Airport 8 Chit Chat 10 Travel Bug Bites 12 Your Place 16 Boy’s Toys 20 ‘Tis the Season 22 Fashion Fever 24 Talkin’ Technology 26 Brain Teasers 30 Talk Back

Hear the Tiger Roar Tiger Airways heading to Coffs Harbour Airport

Garden Gurus

A focus on the Coffs Harbour Garden Club

On the cover: Tiger Airways in flight. Photo courtesy of James Morgan.



PUBLISHER Patrick McElligott

EDITOR Bettina Maniatis

DESIGN Lawrence Borchers

ADVERTISING & ENQUIRIES WESTERN EDITION [WA] Daniela Raos NORTHERN EDITION [QLD] Robyn Crouch SOUTHERN EDITION [NSW] Brittany Cavill BOATING INDUSTRY Brittany Cavill XP TRAVELLER John Atkin PRINTING Geon Airport Magazine is published bi-monthly by Inflight Publishing Pty. Ltd. Views expressed in Airport magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the publisher or the printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant Trade Practices Act 1979. Responsibility for compliance with the act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor the editor accepts responsibility for advertisements.


Ph (07) 3891 7793 • Fax (07) 3891 7702 PO Box 6133, Buranda, Qld 4102 TRADE SHOW ORGANISERS


his year has certainly been one of constant change around the world, around Australia and at Coffs Harbour Regional Airport. And I am happy to say, for the better. Like the many organisation aiming to prosper and grow their business, management and staff of Coffs Harbour Airport are constantly striving to improve current services and facilities as well as develop new ones in response to customer demand. In this regard, it has been a busy year and much has been achieved. Tiger Airways Australia will be flying into Coffs from 15th February 2013, which is the result of a long-term strategy to provide additional services and carrier choice for Coffs Coast residents and visitors. This is a coup for Coffs as we will be the first regional airport in New South Wales to host the big three airlines QantasLink, Virgin and now Tiger. To cater for increasing numbers of passengers, Biggles Flight Lounge was expanded and refurbished. Additional seating was placed in the arrivals hall area, new service counters and display cabinets installed and the paintwork refreshed with a combination of soft grey and calming maroon colours. This same colour scheme was also incorporated in new uniforms for staff, creating a professional and welcoming atmosphere in this section of the terminal. The Sports Wall mural and monitor were installed highlighting the value and importance of sports tourism. This is located opposite the car rental desks at the southern end of the terminal complimenting the long established leisure tourism display. Major construction was also undertaken throughout the year. Airport air conditioning was upgraded, a new access road built for freight vehicles and airport staff, additional taxi bays installed and flight arrivals and departure times made available on-line. At the same time ongoing planning for future projects continued unabated and ongoing maintenance was undertaken day in day out. In this regard, I sincerely thank members of the Coffs Harbour Garden Club for their many years of support for the airport. Each month this team of dedicated gardening gurus tend the air-side gardens to ensure visitors and returning residents are welcomed by healthy, vibrant and well presented gardens. A potted history of our relationship is detailed on page 6. Throughout the year we have recognised a variety of Coffs Coast organisations and individuals in this magazine who contribute to the fabric of this unique area and add value to the Coffs Coast as a great tourism destination. Testament of our standing in the tourism and hospitality industry was the award of a second Chef’s Hat to No 2 Oak Street, Bellingen and for Bonville Golf Resort’s Flooded Gums restaurant, its first. Their ‘hats’ were awarded by the highly regarded Sydney Morning Herald’s Good Food Guide for their passion and non-stop dedication to providing patrons with the highest standards of cuisine and customer service. We tip our hat to both. Through the year, we have brought you stories about a few of the people, events, services and facilities that make living on Coffs Coast a pleasure and a privilege. For all who gave of their time in assisting us, thank you. Your support is sincerely appreciated. We will continue to do this throughout the coming 12 months, so stay tuned for what I am sure will be more interesting and informative stories. Now, with the Christmas and New Year holidays all but upon us, on behalf of all staff at Coffs Harbour Regional Airport, I thank you for your patronage and wish you a happy and prosperous year ahead filled with joy and peace. Dennis Martin Airport Manager

Issue 16



All photos Copyright Rob Cleary- Seen Australia.


ach year over one million air travellers and local residents visit Coffs Harbour Regional Airport, and with over 26,000 take-offs and landings each year, the task of maintaining airport infrastructure in top condition is an ongoing challenge. According to airport manager Dennis Martin, the ravages of sun and salt on buildings, the wear and tear of hands and feet on furniture and fittings and weighty wings on runways and taxiways means that replacement and refurbishment are regular items on the airport's to-do list. This year a number of projects have been completed or are currently underway to improve customer experiences and help create positive first and lasting impressions of our airport and Coffs Coast. Some projects such as the bus and taxi facilities were covered in the previous issue of the magazine. This is a further update on additional projects. BIGGLES FLIGHT LOUNGE REFURBISHMENT Two-tone grey and a soft maroon are the new colours used to create a modern, clean and stylish look for Biggles Flight Lounge. The service counter, food cabinets, newspaper and magazine stands, signage, and souvenir displays have all been replaced and revitalised. A fresh coat of maroon has


Issue 16

been applied to the walls complimenting the new furnishings Polished grey 'Marengo' stone with black specks is now the main service counter for coffees, cakes and refreshments. Along the north wall are modular and adjustable Laminex 'Sarsen Grey' and 'Gunmetal' coloured display shelves stocked with gifts and souvenirs. On the lounge floor in front of the service counter are three free

standing two-tone grey cabinets displaying newspapers, magazines and post cards. This new layout is more open and accessible allowing faster streamlined access and service for customers. Biggles staff, led by owner Eric Hughes, have also embraced the new colour scheme with a smart-casual uniform of grey shirts with maroon piping complimented with dark coloured trousers and skirts.

This was a challenging project for both Biggles and airport staff as the lounge was required to remain open for food and beverage service and continue to fulfil its role as the help desk for the general public and security car park customers. This was achieved by working at night after the close of daily air services. Project managed, designed, manufactured and installed by Coffs Harbour company Infracraft Detailed Joinery, the refurbishment was completed in just seven days. The seating capacity at Biggles has also been increased to cater for the growing number of airport visitors. Bar tables and stools as well as new tables and chairs have now been placed in the main arrivals hall. You can sit and enjoy refreshments and a meal while looking out through the panoramic floor to ceiling windows, watching landing and departing aircraft.

The daily arrivals and departures for Virgin Australia, QantasLink and Brindabella Airlines can be found on the Coffs Coast website ( On the left hand side of the web page is the heading Coffs Harbour Regional Airport. Underneath this heading is Arrivals and Departures. Click on whichever is appropriate and you will find the scheduled, estimated and actual arrival and departure times. And soon, Tiger Airways will be added to the website. This information is supplied by the airlines and regularly updated. APRON EXTENSIONS At times, there are three and sometimes four large aircraft parked air-side at the terminal. To cater for these occasions and ever changing aircraft sizes, maintenance and improvements to the parking apron will soon be undertaken. COFFS AIRPORT SECURITY CAR PARK With changes to bus and taxi bays, the current exit from the security car park will be relocated to the north-western corner

of the building. The installation of the new exit doorway and boom gate is expected to take 1-2 days during which time a manually operated system will be staffed and operated so as not to cause any delay for people using this service. As an alternative, the general public car park will be operating normally. At only $2 for the first hour, this is one of the most inexpensive airport car parks in Australia. These changes will take place once the new freight access road is sealed. YOU ARE WELCOME AT COFFS HARBOUR REGIONAL AIRPORT The next time you are driving along Hogbin Drive call in and see first-hand the changes taking place. Visit Biggles Flight Lounge to see the new and stylish decor. Stroll a little further and view the recently installed sports mural and monitor displaying images of sports action then relax in the arrivals hall with coffee and cake and watch as people from near and far arrive and depart Coffs Harbour Regional Airport. They and you are most welcome, 365 days of the year. n

REFURBISHED CONVENIENCES Both the men's and women's toilet facilities inside the terminal have had a facelift. The colour scheme has been refreshed with sunshine-yellow Laminex cubicles and a sea-blue panel on new walls of bright- white ceramic tiles. Hand basins with water saving automatic on/off taps have been installed along with new hygienic Dyson Blade hand dryers. All works were undertaken by another local company, X-Corp Building Services P/L. FLIGHT ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES So airport patrons can keep abreast of arrival and departure times, flight details can now be accessed on-line.

Issue 16


Coffs Airport Gardening Gurus

All photos Copyright Rob ClearySeen Australia.


or the past 14 years, members of the Coffs Harbour Garden Club have volunteered their services tending the gardens on the air-side of Coffs Harbour Airport. Prior to the club's involvement, the original gardens of perennial flowers and shrubs required many hours of labour intensive maintenance. Flowers bloomed and died leaving dead heads and foliage in need of constant cutting, and shrubs grew wild needing constant taming. It was in 1996 that the then airport marketing manager, Wendy Hall met with Rhona Brooks of the Coffs Harbour Garden Club to explore the possibility of the garden club taking over the air-side portion of the gardens as a community project. The Club said 'yes', members rallied to the call for help and soon after the hedges were cut and shaped into a more attractive setting. However, the plantings still required significant clipping, weeding and flower budding every month. Two of the longest serving garden club


Issue 16

members, Pat Roser and Jack Wardman remember those early days well and reminisce how some things have changed. Before the now tight security post 9/11, garden club members once air-side to tend the gardens could do so without being accompanied by airport reporting officers. According to Jack and Pat, they did not require identification badges, would be at liberty to walk around, chat with passengers arriving and departing and could even button-hole a visiting politician if they had an issue to discuss. At times, pilots and flight attendants would come over to say hello and talk about the gardens - usually of how they were very much appreciated and

considered the best of any airport garden in New South Wales. Apparently, hares living around the airport at that time thought so too. Club members often found them resting or asleep in the "Moses in a Basket’ ground cover. Times and circumstances may have changed some things, but not the passion of airport management and garden club members for doing things well. In 2000, with the redevelopment and expansion of the airport terminal, the gardens were once again redesigned and replanted. Garden Club members Rhona Brooks, Jack Lawson and Patricia Roser collaborated with Council's nurseryman, Tony Sullivan to devise a garden that required less time and attention. New lawns were laid in front of the arrivals hall viewing windows, low maintenance plants were dug in and a fish pond installed complete with a terra cotta fish statue spouting water into the pond. For nearly nine years, this was the airport garden centrepiece. However, there was still too much hedge which became tired and in need of replacement. And even lower maintenance shrubs and flowers were considered essential to reduce the time and effort required of maturing garden club members. So once again club members and Council parks and gardens people collaborated on the next chapter in the life of the airport gardens. The terracotta fish and pond were removed and the last of the hedges grubbed out. However some of the well established tree ferns and cycads were reprieved from being retrenched. These evergreens were then surrounded with easy to care for cordylines, crotons, Xanadu, agapanthus, anthuriums, durantas and liriopes. Now, the Coffs Harbour Airport air-side gardens are alive with plants that are hardy, require minimal maintenance and are of selected colours ; red, white, blue, gold and green which blend with the terminal building colour scheme. Each month the club's man in charge of airport gardens, Peter Kimber along with his band of enthusiastic green thumb warriors descend on the airport to care for the plants. These days, their visit is only for about an hour, sometimes less, thanks to the new design and plant selection. When next you are departing or returning to Coffs Harbour Airport, take a moment to view and admire these gardens. As you do, give thanks to the Coffs Harbour Garden Club members who volunteer their time and talents to help make our airport such an attractive and appealing place for airport staff, residents and visitors to Coffs Coast. If interested in finding out more and joining the club, here are the contact details: Coffs Harbour Garden Club W. E. T. 66902511 or 66518324 or 66561210 n

Tiger Airways CEO Andrew David and Cabin Manager Gemma Marshall. Photo - James Morgan.

Tiger Airways O

Roars into Coffs

n 15th February 2013, Tiger Airways jets will commence services between Sydney and Coffs Harbour four days per week - Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Flights are scheduled to depart Sydney at 12.40pm and from Coffs at 2.20pm. Later, from 31st March, an additional day will be added to the schedule. "After considerable negotiations with Tiger Airways, it is pleasing to see Coffs Harbour become their first regional destination in New South Wales,” said Coffs Harbour Regional Airport manager, Dennis Martin. “Coffs Harbour Regional Airport can now offer travellers a choice of the big three carriers - QantasLink, Virgin Australia and now Tiger Airways." Tiger Airways Australia Commercial Director, Carly Brear says that the arrival of Tiger is good news for holiday travellers. “Coffs Harbour is a great tourism destination for leisure seekers with a fantastic year round climate and classic Australian surf beaches and resorts, making it popular with couples and families in particular,” said Carly. “Conversely Sydney and its excellent year round events calendar combined with Tiger's great fares mean there has never been a better time than now for intrastate travel." Tourism Coffs Coast's president, Dene

Zahner agrees. "The arrival of Tiger Airways is welcomed by all tourism operators,” he said. “We believe that Tiger will make us a more competitive destination, especially with Sydney residents who are one of our major source markets." In addition to the leisure market, lucrative sporting and conference business opportunities are being pursued. Novotel Pacific Bay Resort's executive assistant manager, Jodie Evans said that she has already started promoting the service and fares to new and existing corporate clients and sports clubs. Leonie Kennedy, president of the Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce supports these sentiments. "With Tiger joining QantasLink and Virgin on this route, Coffs Harbour will now be seen as a significant destination for holiday, sport and conference tourism," she said. She also commented that Coffs Coast residents travelling to Sydney for medical, leisure and business purposes will now be able to fly at more reasonable prices. To prepare for Tiger's arrival, work is now in progress to ensure that passenger check-in will be a seamless and smooth operation. The new Tiger Airways check-in counter is being built on the south side of the current

QantasLink counter. Like other carriers, Tiger Airways Australia has connections and affiliations with partner airlines, especially its sister, Tiger Airways Singapore which has an extensive network of destinations in India, the Philippines, Indonesia and southern China. Coffs Harbour Mayor, Councillor Denise Knight also welcomed the announcement of Tiger commencing services to Coffs Harbour. "This is tremendous news and will well and truly put Coffs Harbour on the map as one of the major holiday and flight destinations in the state,” he said. “It is going to be great for tourism and great for our community.” “I and my fellow councillors will be at the airport on 15th February as part of the community to say 'hello and welcome' to Tiger Airways." Now, when considering booking a flight from Coffs Harbour to Sydney or beyond, you can choose between QantasLink, Virgin Australia and Tiger Airways Australia. A return fare with Tiger from Sydney to Coffs Harbour or from Coffs Harbour to Sydney starts from $120. Now that's something to roar about! For further information on flights and fares, visit n

Issue 16



TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! @InflightPublish


Issue 16




ver since the death of her husband, Steve Irwin back in 2006, Terri Irwin has been ferociously fighting to keep his legacy alive and with her latest show, Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors, she’s roaring louder than ever.

are continuing Steve’s dream of protecting wildlife and wild places. Steve is still a really important part of the Zoo and the world is still so passionate about his legacy. Can you tell us why you think Steve is still so popular today? I think Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors is such an exciting show because it also includes archived footage of Steve. People around the world still enjoy watching Steve’s passion for wildlife and his unbridle enthusiasm is contagious.

Congratulations on the show! Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors gives viewers a chance to see the behind the scenes work we do at Australia Zoo, at our wildlife hospital and with our rescue unit. There are so many animals at the zoo– do you have a bond and love for each and every one? Each and every animal at Australia Zoo is unique and special. My favourite would have to be the crocodiles because they are so misunderstood. They are actually loving mothers, passionate lovers, and have their own individual personalities. Our wildlife make sure that every day is different for us here at Australia Zoo.

"People around the world still

enjoy watching Steve’s passion for wildlife and his unbridled

enthusiasm is contagious.”

- Terri Irwin

Can you tell us about any animals at the zoo that have a particularly interesting story? One of the most interesting animals we experience on the show would have to be an echidna baby. Its name is Muggle and it’s a puggle! Very few people in the world would know what it was just by looking at it. And obviously, as with all your ventures, the show strongly communicates the message of wildlife conservation… We are the most hands on zoo in the world

and it is one of the great elements of the show – it takes you to our conservation projects throughout Australia which is another reason I am so excited about SIWW. Steve Irwin Day was recently – can you tell us how that went? Steve Irwin Day was a huge success celebrating Steve’s life with family, fun and wildlife. We raised much needed funds for Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors and we

Both Robert and Bindi seem so genuinely passionate about following in their father’s footsteps and communicating his message – what do you see for their future? Both Bindi and Robert are passionate about continuing their Dad’s legacy and are loving filming for Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors . Bindi has a real desire to showcase wildlife in need at our hospital and Robert just enjoys wrangling everything just like his dad! And your own future? Where do you see yourself in ten years? Ten years from now, we would love to be achieving more positive results for wildlife worldwide. This includes ending the consumptive use of wildlife and all wildlife trafficking. It’s only if we stand shoulder to shoulder as Wildlife Warriors that we will be able to achieve this. n

Issue 16




new year new you

t’s around this time of year that most give some extra thought to their health. From kick starting that long overdue healthy eating plan to perhaps purchasing some new runners, getting into the healthy lifestyle is usually on the top of people’s priority lists at the start of the year. So, I can imagine it will come as welcome news, and perhaps surprising to some, that travel offers some incredible health benefits. So many of us put off travelling, either for financial reasons or because we have too much on at work and many just simply can’t be bothered with the planning of it all. But what if you knew that taking that trip would actually invigorate your mind and body to the point that both the physical and mental advantages become physically distinguishable? You’ve seen if for yourself. When your colleague comes back from their holiday looking refreshed - even ‘glowing’ - and mentally sharper than ever.

So I’ve compiled a list of the top four health benefits that come from travelling.

Reduce Stress Coming in at the top of the list, and probably the most obvious health benefit to taking a holiday, is stress reduction. The chance to simply get away from it all and clear your mind is the main reason people choose to take a holiday in the first place. Stress is proven to contribute to many health issues from a stroke to heart disease, so getting your mind and body out of the stress zone is the best thing for you.

Boost the Brain There’s a lot of planning that goes into a holiday. Itinerary arranging, studying the geography of the region you’re visiting, mapping out your day, remembering your essentials – it all takes your mind and it works hard to make sure everything’s taken care of.

The many health benefits of travel BY BETTINA MANIATIS

Improve Your Mood Feelings of dreading the work week or worrying over your to do list are replaced with excitement toward your holiday and happiness to be spending time with loved ones, or to simply being out of the daily grind.

Becoming More Active Whilst it’s true that many of us overindulge when it comes to eating on holidays, you also become much more active. From getting to tourist attractions, to bush hiking, or even just walking around to discover the region, you tend to take many more steps and spend a lot of time outside when you’re on holiday. So, if you’ve been putting off that holiday because you just have too much going on, there’s no better time to put everything else aside, and take that well earned break. Your body, and mind, will thank you for it. n

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! @InflightPublish


Issue 16



t a time when travellers are being asked to weigh-up a range of extra charges when evaluating airlines’ offerings, Flight Centre has scoured the fine print to compile ten tips for avoiding sky high luggage charges. Consider a full service airline When weighing up the various airline offerings, look beyond the headline prices. Extra luggage charges can be significant and can easily make a low cost carrier’s (LCCs) fare more expensive than a full service airline’s offering. Some LCCs overseas now charge customers for carry-on luggage. Pay in advance, not at the airport Where checked luggage charges apply, fees are typically lower if you pay when you book your flight. If you take the traditional approach of checking luggage and paying applicable fees at the airport, you will typically face heftier charges. Plan ahead Given that you’re required to guess the weight of your suitcase (and pay for it) well in advance

of packing, it pays to have an idea of what you will be taking with you to ensure you buy the appropriate luggage allowance. It doesn’t pay to be overweight Once you’ve paid for your luggage allowance, stick to it as weight restrictions are enforced. Charges typically apply for every extra kilogram. Status can be important Luggage allowances may vary, depending on the type of fare you buy or the route you’re travelling. You may also be in line for an additional allowance if you are a member of the airline’s loyalty program. Again, don’t assume hand luggage is free. Make the most of your hand luggage allowance Where hand luggage is included in the fare, make the most of your allowance to minimise your suitcase’s weight – and the charges that may apply to it. Jetstar passengers who are travelling on Saver Fares are allowed two carry-on items with a combined weight of 10kg.

On most Qantas domestic flights, passengers can carry-on two items, each weighing up to 7kg. Wear bulky clothing If you’re travelling with bulky coats or jackets and the climate allows, consider wearing them. This not only lowers suitcase weight, it may also help you avoid another potential fee – the inflight blanket charge. Take note of cancellation policies Don’t assume that if you cancel your trip your pre-paid luggage fees will be refunded. According to Tiger’s website in Australia, passengers who pay luggage fees “at the time of booking or up to 72 hours before departure are not entitled to a refund of the fee in the event that they do not travel or do not carry the upsized luggage allowance of checked-in luggage.” Read the luggage fine print Policies change frequently and vary widely from airline to airline. Double-check the rules before you travel to avoid any luggage-related headaches at the airport. n

Issue 16




Issue 16

How to...

Insulate the home C

orrect insulation can effectively reduce your heating and cooling costs, helping the environment and your budget. Insulation retains heating and cooling, helping to reduce operating costs while extending the life of electrical appliances such as heaters and air conditioners. So, it’s important to insulate your ceilings for the most noticeable increase in internal warmth or cooling and energy savings. MATERIALS NEEDED TO INSULATE THE HOME

Insulation (cellulose or fibreglass) – like the, Insulation Roll G/Wool Knauf Earthwool (0810890) >> RRP $29.58 Insulation supports – vents Polyethylene sheeting Dusk mask – Like the, Dust Mask Trojan (1660435) >> RRP $8.90 Tape measure - Like the, Stanley Tape Measure 8M (5662104) >> RRP $9.86 Stanley knife – Like the, Knife Stanley Fatmax Retractable (5760082) >> RRP $14.98 Staple gun and staples – Like the, Trojan Staple Gun Medium duty metal (5914589) >> RRP $26.95 Ladder – Like the, 3.7M Aluminium Multi Purpose Ladder (0860243) >> RRP $99.00 Pencil – Like the, Carpenters graphite Fat pencil (5660173) >> RRP $3.98 Goggles – Like the, Dewalt Protector Safety Googles Smoke (5810260) >> RRP $17.42

PREPARE BEFORE YOU INSTALL Before undergoing roof insulation as a D.I.Y. project, it’s best to consult an expert Bunnings team member to help you determine how much insulation your roof requires and also the type of insulation suited to your home as this can vary according to where you live. LAYING YOUR MATERIAL Use a tape measure to calculate the space between ceiling rafters. Also measure the clear dimension of the man hole to determine the width of insulation required. It’s helpful to lay a plywood or wooden plank to create a temporary walkway over ceiling rafters. Start by laying the insulation from one edge of the roof and lay it between the rafters. The insulation should fit tightly between the rafters. If insulation needs to be cut, compress it with a straight edge and cut along the edge with a Stanley knife. ADDING THE FINAL TOUCHES During winter, it’s important to draught-proof your home by checking doors and windows to protect from storms. It’s useful to seal them with weather stripping along external doors, vents, unused chimneys, fireplaces, and air conditioning units. For more information on Bunnings D.I.Y. home renovations, head to your nearest store or visit n

Issue 16


Gaining the Mindset of Successful Investors


ave you ever read about a 24-year-old on an average salary who owns four investment properties? Or the single mum who bought her first property out of desperation for a better life and accumulated a $5 million portfolio within a few years? How are some people able to achieve what so many others can’t? Why have they been successful beyond the wildest dreams of many in the same situation? Have they been gifted a large sum? Or earn a huge salary? Chances are, their circumstances probably give them no unfair advantage, but there are several factors which create a successful investors’ mindset. Data from the Australian Tax Office shows that more than 1.2 million people own an investment property, but the number of investors who own five properties drops dramatically to less than 14,000 and a few own more than 50 investments. RUN Property is Australia’s largest metropolitan real estate agency managing properties valued at more than $10 billion. Surveys of our database show that investors own an average of 1.2 properties each. Despite more than 90 per cent of investors saying they thought property was a good investment for them, most have been unable to focus on expanding their portfolio. Why? How do I avoid being average?

Create a burning desire Whether you are an aspiring Olympic athlete, an artist or property investor, desire is an intriguing aspect of the ability to achieve greatness. Some people are born with extraordinary natural talents, but on the whole,


Issue 16

I believe that if the desire is strong enough, anything is possible. I love the saying, “necessity is the mother of all invention” and I think this can be applied to wealth creation. If your need is strong enough you will find a way to change your circumstances. The reverse is also true. If you are comfortable in life with a fair paying job and food on the table, it can be difficult to create a strong desire to get out and take action. Many people I speak with who have successfully built large property portfolios have either had, or been able to create, a burning desire for success. It might have come from a need to urgently generate enough money to retire comfortably, from hating their 9 to 5 job or because something rumbling within them wants them to be able to buy an expensive house or a fancy car. The first and most important step in setting a path to create wealth is to determine what will fuel your desire. You must be able to clearly visualise and describe what success looks like for you and not let go of that picture. The stronger your emotional responses to this vision, the greater chance you have of being able to break through and achieve it.

Get a mentor and support network Years ago there was shame associated with seeking support. It might have been seen as failing or being unable to achieve success on your own. Today, personal trainers, business coaches, and counsellors help people achieve their goals every day. A professional property mentor or simply someone who you know can support and


encourage you and keep you focused on your goals is invaluable. Make sure they understand what is driving your desire and how you will measure success. Your mentor will also need to be able to get tough with you if you veer off course.

Develop a plan To fail to plan is to plan to fail. More than 1.5 million Australians own investment properties. Many of them are what I call “accidental investors”. You could argue they are not investors at all – they just happen to own an investment property. It is remarkable how many Australians own an investment due to circumstances. For example, they may have got married and their partner also owns a property so they rent out one and live in the other. Or they might have inherited the property. There is nothing wrong with being an accidental investor. In fact, it can be a great opportunity to turn one property into many more. But if you plan to use property as a vehicle to create wealth then you need to develop a plan to achieve your investment goals. The plan needs to cover: • What is your current reality? (i.e. what is your current net wealth, passive cash flow, lifestyle and how much time is devoted to aspects of your life?); • What is your desired outcome? (i.e. what is your desired net wealth, passive cash flow, lifestyle and how much time is allocated to achieving your goal?); • What actions do you need to take to move from your current reality to your

desired reality? These need to be specific, measurable, realistic and set against timeframes; • How are you going to measure and report on your overall success? • What support, education and resources do you need to meet your plan?

Enliven your strategy Investors with large portfolios follow their investment strategy vigorously. Some go for capital growth properties and others prefer positive cash flow properties or a blend of both. Whatever your approach, stick to it. Buy on mathematics, not emotion. Do the numbers on each potential investment and be prepared to walk away if the property does not match your criteria. There is a saying in real estate, “The deal of a lifetime comes up every week.” Hold properties long term. Do not be pushed into a short-term decision that could damage your portfolio. Hasten slowly, but be flexible enough to move quickly if the right opportunity comes along. Learn from your mistakes. Consider them not as a cost but as an investment in your future success. Be determined to make up for mistakes with future decisions that will more than compensate for the earlier failure. View finance as a tool, not a burden. Property is a product and financial arrangements and the ability to leverage through equity help you to use it to maximise

your advantage. Work to your strengths. If you find a property sector that works for you, stick with it and don’t listen to the doomsayers if your experience says what you are doing works for you. Exploit your risk profile. If you are an aggressive investor, maximise your borrowings with a clear conscience, but make sure the “sleep at night” factor is balanced with the reality of your cash flow. Look and listen. Not all successful investors were a success when they started but they learned how to improve their chances of winning while reducing their risks.

Get off the couch and take action Too often I hear phrases such as: “I would never invest in the current property market,”

“interest rates are going up,” “I don’t have enough time,” “some people have all the luck,” and “I should have bought that property five years ago.” These phrases are commonly used by people who don’t really want to take action and like to blame everything other than themselves. Some of my favourite sayings are: “There is no time like the present,” “Nothing ventured nothing gained,” “If you want something done, give it to a busy person,” “Create your own luck,” “You miss 100 per cent of the shots you never take,” and “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” If there is one action I urge you to take, it is to set some time aside each week to focus on your property investing activities. Ensure you block out this time in your diary. If something totally unavoidable comes up, make sure you reschedule. View property investment as a business, not a spare time hobby. The only person who can create the life you want is you. There is no magic or massive secret. The only thing between you and a property portfolio that can provide you with financial freedom is you. RUN Property is Australia’s largest metropolitan real estate agency which manages property valued at more than $10 billion and has a dedicated team of sales specialists in Victoria, NSW and Queensland. RUN Property – sales, leasing and management. For more information, visit n

SWITCH PROPERTY MANAGERS & RECEIVE A FREE iPAD* RUN Property Tracker lets your property manager proactively notify you of important changes to your rental property. We can instantly notify you when: • Funds are paid into your account • Statements are issued • Rents are increased • Invoices paid

Switch online in less than 3 minutes and claim your FREE iPad Visit Promo code: iPADIF *The gift is an Apple iPad 16gb model, awarded in the form of a $540 voucher redeemable at any Apple Inc. store. To qualify you must sign an exclusive authority with RUN Property between 1st May 2012 and 1st August 2012. Gift will be awarded once property generates first rental income. The offer is limited to one Apple iPad per customer and the property concerned must be within the RUN Property service area and earning minimum $350 rent per week. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. RUN Property Tracker to be launch on the app store 28th May 2012. iPad Offer Ad 190x132.indd 1

13/06/12 2:35 PM

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Issue 25 16


o on an extreme adventure ride with the first jetpacks in the southern hemisphere and reach up to heights of 10 metres, ducking and diving like a dolphin. Able to carry up to 150kg, they are made from carbon fibre and work by pumping water from a jet ski like device up a large hose and to the JetPack which then propels you in whichever direction you choose. After a brief training tutorial, you’re ready to go - secured to the JetPack using a 5 point harness. For first time flyers, your flights are throttle controlled by a flight instructor with a remote control and you’re required to wear a radio communications helmet so you can listen to instructions mid flight. Then all that’s left to do is enjoy as you can go backwards, turn, weave, duck, dive, go up high or down low. Flights are available on the Gold Coast, Brisbane, and in Sydney, and the total time allocation for new flyers is about 1 to 1.5 hours from arrival to departure. For more information, and to book your flight today, visit or phone 1300 538 538. n

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! @InflightPublish

Photos courtesy of Jetpack Adventures Australia

Issue 16


New Generation



he Haines Group, one of Australia’s long-time boat builders, has launched the first boat in its New Generation Signature series. Almost 30 years after the Signature series boats were first unveiled; the 575RF is the first completely new boat launched since the passing of company founder and boating legend, John Haines Senior, in 2009. The Haines Group prides itself on the ability to tailor products to individual specifications and have hit the mark this time, with a new design that meets needs of the most serious anglers through a dramatic evolution of the Signature Variable Deadrise Hull. “We feel we have achieved the perfect combination of performance through the water under power and stability at rest,


Issue 16

“We feel we have achieved the perfect combination of performance through the water under power and stability at rest, developing arguably the most stable fishing platform ever.” - John Haines, The Haines Group



hether we like it or not, there is a sense of satisfaction that is gained from spending money and buying things we want. This mindset is risky, as it links your ability to be happy with spending money – something any reader of Savings Guide will know I am against. However recent research* has shown some very interesting statistics and observations as to how our brain works and how our purchases impact our happiness. Here are some of the main findings that were rather eye opening. These findings are definitely worth considering next time you go to make a purchase. SPEND MONEY ON TEMPORARY PLEASURES It is suggested that spending money on small, temporary pleasures yield more happiness in general than larger/bigger purchases. Although somewhat counterproductive to the notion of ‘getting ahead financially’ – it appears happiness is much more likely to arise from smaller pleasures then say saving for a holiday in five years time.

developing arguably the most stable fishing platform ever,” said John Haines, CEO, The Haines Group. “Not only does the 575RF boast the most stable platform but also the largest for its size, while still remaining comfortably within legal towing limits.” Truly innovative, the 575RF features a full one-piece lining in construction, which strengthens the hull by up to 30 per cent, making it one of the toughest fibreglass boats on the market. The new design hull also delivers one of the softest rides in the category due to the fiberglass construction, while the completely integrated full Nexus Liner means keeping the deck clean is easy. The New Generation Signature series is a fresh approach to design, manufacture and business led by John Haines, son of John Haines Senior. From the ground up, the New Generation Signature 575RF is a proudly Australian creation. n

FACT SHEET (AT A GLANCE): Moulded length with bowsprit: 5.95m Length: 5.70m Beam: 2.38m Deadrise: 21-33 degrees Fuel: 220L Berths: 2 Power - Outboard: (single) 115-175hp Transom height: 25 inch Max O/B weight: 240kg Hull weight: 1000kg Towing weight (incl. fuel): 1900kg BMT length: 7.12m BMT height: 2.25m BMT width: 2.38m Max people: 7/360kg Max load (people, fuel, gear): 830kg

SPEND MONEY ON EXPERIENCES Experiences such as travelling, sporting events, and concerts to name a few are capable of making happiness more so than material goods. Nearly 57 per cent of surveyed people noted that the greatest happiness came from these events as opposed to only 34 per cent which stated material goods made them happy. DON’T SPEND MONEY ON EXTENDED WARRANTIES It was noted that ‘hedging your bets’ against future regrets has a severe impact on your happiness. What this means is that buying an extended warranty on say a digital camera, actually lowers the happiness of the buyer. It was also noted that many times these extended warranties and insurances were undermined by the stores return policy, meaning money was spent for nothing. GIVE MONEY TO NEEDY CAUSES Whether it be charity, politics, or personal relations – giving money to others, rather than using solely on yourself was reported to give people a greater sense of happiness from the emotional rewards of helping others. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS ON SPENDING The research found that the mentality of ‘consumer now, pay later’ was not as good as ‘pay now, consumer later’. This is because thinking about future events can help trigger stronger emotions and happiness. THINK BEFORE YOU BUY You should also think carefully before committing to a purchase, as over time the distress a regretted purchase can cause is significant. DON’T BUY SOMETHING JUST BECAUSE IT IS CHEAPER Comparison shopping can be risky, as often people purchase items that are comparatively better on paper but not fulfilling the happiness factor that originally lead them to want to buy. Don’t seek products that are always the best deal, instead think of happiness also. ASK OTHER CONSUMERS FOR THEIR OPINION It is also suggested that by gauging opinion of other consumers, we are able to get a close predication as to how much we ourselves will enjoy the product. This means looking for reviews and thoughts on a product online while carefully avoiding the comparative shopping path. n *(Journalist’s Resource,, 15/08/2011)

Issue 16



OUR MONEY SAVING TIPS! SECRET SANTA Instead of forking out on a million different gifts next Christmas, why not suggest a secret Santa and discuss a budget with your friends. You save time and money only having to buy one person a gift.

RECYCLE CHRISTMAS CARDS Do you throw away all your Christmas cards in January? This year, save them, cut them up and use them as Christmas gift tags!

SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITY If you’re putting on a party, instead of supplying everything get your friends and family to each bring something. Most people don’t mind and you’ll save a bucket load in cash as well as time!


Issue 16



DECORATIONS GALORE Instead of buying new decorations for the the house next year, save the ones from 2012 and put them in different spots next year. Additionally, you can get the kids to make some decorations for your party!

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SALES Now that Christmas is behind us, it’s the time to take advantage of those post-xmas sales! I’m sure you’re well aware of the hefty savings to be made.

FOR YOUR PARTY DITCH THE TAXI OK so it’s the holiday season and you want to have a good time, but instead of drinking too much and feeling horrible the next day, why not only have enough to keep you under the limit so you can save on the cab fare and drive home.

Following the award-winning success of Bundaberg® Master Distillers’ Collective (MDC) 10 Years Old, Port Barrel and Golden Reserve, comes the latest release from Bundaberg’s artisan rum range, Bundaberg® MDC Dark Oak. n

“I really feel like that cake - but I shouldn’t.” “It’s ok if I eat this - I will burn it off at the gym tomorrow.” “I should have herbal tea instead of a coffee.” “I better not have another beer.” “I need to cut back on my carbs.” We all know that little voice of internal self talk. The reasoning, the justifying, that ultimately leads us to indulge then to berate ourselves after. Well, that little voice of self talk may just be the key in determining whether we store those extra calories or just carry on with the rest of our lives in a happy and harmonious way. The father of the New Science, Epigenetics, Bruce H. Lipton PhD has provided scientific proof that the cells of our body are directly affected by our thoughts. Just like we respond to our daily stresses, so too our cells respond to the messages we send them with our relationship to food. If we sit and enjoy the slice of pizza or a coffee with a friend, our cells will embrace what they can and discard any waste. Food consumed with the thoughts that this is bad for us will cause our cells to respond in a rejecting way and the internal battle is sustained. So, the solution; unless of course you are on a restricted diet for medical reasons, is to enjoy an indulgence in moderation. Embrace the flavors, the company, environment you are in. Food is our fuel and a treat is just that - a treat! n

Issue 16



Combine tailor made craftsmanship with directional style W i l

V a l o r


long with providing bespoke/tailor made suits and shirts, the team at Wil Valor are fully accredited experts on the influence of colour, mixing of patterns and style coordination. They can help you select the correct style for your body shape and assist you in building a wardrobe which gives you permanent style while being up to date with current trends through access to the latest fabrics. For more information, visit n


Issue 16

“A custom made garment is an experience each man should understand. It is an indescribable pleasure, a unique moment where the wearer confides their aspirations and desires.” Wil Valor’s philosophy

Issue 16



t USB PC VACUUM These vacuums are excellent for around the office to get that pesky dust out of your keyboard, or even crumbs off your shirt! Available from Officeworks ( >> RRP $12.95

GIVEAWAY! GIVEAWAY! GIVEAWAY! PELICAN I1075 HARDBACK CASE Dustproof, watertight, crushproof and with the legendary Pelican Lifetime Guarantee, this is the ultimate protector case for iPad and iPad 2. We have a Pelican i1075 HardBack Case to give away! For your chance to win, email us at with your name, mailing address and why you love the magazine! The best answer will win!

q UNIVERSAL DUAL BAND WIFI RANGE EXTENDER This WiFi range extender boosts existing wireless coverage, giving you the freedom to browse anywhere in the house without worrying about WiFi “dead zones”, increasing your productivity tenfold. Universal compatibility means you can keep all of your current wireless equipment, and CD-less installation makes setup easy on mobile devices. For stockist information, visit Universal Dual Band WiFi Range Extender>> RRP: $129


Issue 16

RAZER NAGA MMO GAMING MOUSE Why bother with an ordinary mouse, when you can get one as cool as this!


Available from Officeworks ( >> RRP $105.00

p NIKON D5200 Nikon Australia announced the D5200 digital SLR camera recently. The D5200 offers a compact and lightweight entrylevel model that delivers exceptional performance via Nikon’s all-new DX-format CMOS sensor, which has an effective pixel count of approximately 24.1-million pixels. Building upon the D5100, this camera possesses greatly enhanced optical technologies, including an optimised EXPEED 3 image-processing engine, based on that built into Nikon’s D4 flagship camera. Available at authorised Nikon Resellers.

p LOGITECH IPAD SOLAR KEYBOARD FOLIO Type as you go, and don’t worry about battery life with this solar operated iPad keyboard folio. Available from Officeworks (>> RRP $148.00

p LOGITECH WIRELESS SOLAR KEYBOARD For even less in your baggage, you can take the solar keyboard without the folio – once again great for anyone who doesn’t want to go packing all the battery chargers. Available from Officeworks (>> RRP $98.00 q BENQ 3200ANSI PROJECTOR Set up a movie room anywhere you like – so long as there’s a big white wall to project onto! Available from Officeworks (>> RRP $986.00

p USB FRIDGE COOLER Keep your soft drink cool anywhere a great gift idea for Christmas. Available from Officeworks (>> RRP $19.95

Issue 16


Forest Sky Pier, Coffs Harbour. Copyright - Forests New South Wales.

14 Hours of Daylight to Explore Coffs Coast A

t the height of summer, between sunrise and sunset there are approximately 14 hours of daylight in which to explore and discover the delights of Coffs Coast. So when visitors and kids ask "what's to do" or for when you need time out for some peace and quiet or a little excitement, here are few suggestions to get you started.

MEET WITH MOTHER NATURE On Coffs Coast, Mother Nature is most generous with her treasures. From the submarine world of the Solitary Islands Marine Park, to the sub-tropical World Heritage rainforests at Dorrigo and up to the sub-alpine heights of the Great Dividing Range at


Issue 16

Point Lookout, the diversity of life is amazing. Here are a few suggestions to tempt you: • Look out over forest, coast and ocean vistas from the Forest Sky Pier at Bruxner Park -drive up and see for yourself - from the car park it is easily accessible for people in wheelchairs too; • Be surprised by the colour and diversity of corals and fish from tropical and temperate waters which mix and mingle in the Solitary Islands Marine Park - see them on a snorkel or scuba dive expedition; • Stroll along the recently completed Solitary Islands Walk, smell the salty air and see ocean views from headlands and beaches between Red Rock and Sawtell;

• • • • •

Stand still at Coffs Harbour Butterfly House and you may find delicate wings of brightly coloured butterflies landing on your nose and face; Have an in-pool close encounter with dolphins at Dolphin Marine Magic; Marvel at the myriad forest greens on show along walking trails in Sherwood Nature Reserve at Woolgoolga; Catch the flashes of colour, chatter, cries and aerial antics of the many native parrots, cockatoos, raptors and sea birds that live among ridge-top trees, on forest floors and sandy shores , in bushy scrublands and rocky ledges throughout Coffs Coast; Wander the shady pathways of native and exotic flowers, shrubs and trees in the

North Coast Botanic Gardens, in Coffs Harbour; • Stand on the Skywalk above ancient Gondwana related forest at Dorrigo National Park - make it a day trip and enjoy a picnic at the Rainforest Centre or The Glade picnic grounds; • Drive the Waterfall Way to Point Lookout where you will be among Snow Gums, Antarctic Beech forest, sub-alpine heath and grasses with views eastward over the buckled ranges of New England National Park and down to the distant shore and Pacific Ocean.

ART AND CULTURE Around Coffs Coast is a range of calm and quiet public and private galleries displaying the creations of artisans from around Coffs Coast and around the country. Some to visit include: Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery - changing exhibitions of contemporary and adventurous art are on display year round. The Eutick Memorial Still Life Award of finalist and winning art is on display until 12th January 2013. Open 10am - 4pm Tue to Sat. Nexus Gallery, Bellingen - paintings, ceramics and fibre art works of local artisans will be on display over the summer. You will find this gallery in the Old Butter Factory in Bellingen. Open 10am - 4.30pm daily. Woolgoolga Art and Craft Gallery - this community gallery showcases the creativity of the local community - paintings, wood sculpture, pottery and jewellery are on display most days of the year. Bunker Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour - in the foyer are the hilarious, satirical and entertaining cartoons of emerging and prominent Australian cartoonists. The larger main galley showcases ever changing travelling and local artistic exhibitions. Open 10am - 4 pm Mon - Sat. Jetty Memorial Theatre, Coffs Harbour - a variety of performances are regularly staged at the theatre. There are bush ballads on 17th December, African music the next day and on 29th January, Peter Fitzsimons will be launching his latest book, Eureka The Unfinished Revolution. Pinnata Gallery, Dorrigo - this gallery presents the works of NSW artisans working with print media, wood, ceramics, jewellery and bronze. Open 9am-4pm daily except Wednesday when closed.

FUN FOR KIDS There are plenty of action packed activities to burn up the excess energy of young ones including: • Zipping along in a go-kart racetrack at Valery and off Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour;

Canoeing on a Coffs Coast creek. Copyright Rob Cleary- Seen Australia.

• Taking a surfing lesson from one of the many cool Coffs Coast surf schools; • Kayaking and canoeing along a river or waterway; • Slipping down a waterslide and sliding along the toboggan run at the Big Banana; • Riding on a horse through forest trails or on a camel along the beach; • Mountain biking through bush and coastal trails at Bellingen, Coffs Harbour, Orara, Sawtell and Woolgoolga; • Bouncing the waves on a surf rafting adventure on a local beach; • Zooming around on a dodgem car at Marches Jetty Carnival at the Coffs Harbour Foreshore. And there's more adventure for the young and young at heart: • • • • • •

Let the wind blow through your hair as you scoot along the beach and meander through rainforest on the back seat of a beach buggy; Parachute in tandem from 10,000 feet with an experienced skydiver; Snorkel or scuba dive in the Solitary Islands Marine Park underwater-world with qualified guides; Kayak down river rapids with mates and guides on the mighty Nymboida River; Lift off and cruise the airwaves on a scenic helicopter ride over Coffs Coast; Ride a Segway (motorised two wheeled scooter) around the gardens at Pacific Bay Resort.

VENTURE ONTO A HEADLAND Up and down Coffs Coast there are prominent headlands to enjoy; sea breezes, salty air, spectacular sea scapes, swimmers and surfers, sea birds, sunrises and sunsets. Here are some easily accessible coastal headlands to discover, so go on, get out there and see what you can see: Muttonbird Island, Coffs Harbour There’s 360 degrees of sea and sky, coast and hinterland from the lookout on top Muttonbird Island. You will see near and far off-shore islands, beaches and headlands stretching

north and south, a watery horizon to the east and below to the west of the island, fishing boats and yachts moored in the harbour. Further west are the buckled tree-top ridges that link the coast to the heights of the Great Dividing Range of Dorrigo and beyond. The pathway up, across and over the island is accessed via the breakwall walkway from the Coffs Harbour Fishermen's Co-op. At the entrance onto the island is the National Parks and Wildlife Service display detailing the island's nature, culture and history. Allow an hour or more to enjoy this outing. Then reward yourself with coffee, cake or meal at one of the many cafes and restaurants at the marina and nearby Jetty Strip. Sawtell Headland, Sawtell Technically, it is Bonville Headland, but most refer to it as Sawtell. Just before you go onto the headland, is Boronia Park. There are shelters with bench seats and tables perfect for picnics. Up on top, the views are south over Bongil Bongil National Park and west to the lofty Great Dividing Range. After watching the world go by, return to the shady main street of Sawtell village for some boutique shopping and refreshments. Woolgoolga Headland, Woolgoolga Drive through the main shopping precinct, up to the colourful water tower and onto this wide open headland. The new whale watching platform with interpretative signage awaits you. So too the views to South Solitary and other islands dotting the horizon. If taking the kids and the day is breezy, take a kite for some fun in the sun. Afterwards, head back to the town centre for a milkshake for the kids and something stronger for adults - latte, cappuccino, short or long black barista-made coffee. Look At Me Now Headland, Emerald Beach At the end of Dammerel Crescent, park your car and walk the 500m or so pathway to the end of this prominent headland. Part of the Moonee Beach Nature Reserve, the headland is home to a mob of Eastern Grey kangaroos which can be seen most days munching on headland grasses, taking in the views and watching you. Return to the main beach where there is a shop for ice cream and a cafe overlooking the beach. These are just some of the many exhilarating and fun things to see and do on Coffs Coast, and there's more. The newly published booklet '101 Things to Do on Coffs Coast' details a myriad of free and discounted activities available for residents and visitors to enjoy - from sunrise to sunset. To obtain your copy, visit: Coffs Coast Visitor Information Centre Elizabeth Street, Coffs Harbour Tel: 1300 369 070 or, go online at and click on Things to See and Do. n

Issue 16


Photo courtesy of Anton Veugen.


round 11.00am on 25th September, thick black smoke was observed billowing from the wreckage of a light plane and a helicopter just off the main runway at Coffs Harbour Airport. Not long after the 'crash' the sounds of wailing sirens and flashing lights of the local emergency and rescue services could be heard and seen as they sped towards the airport - Ambulance, Police, SES, NSW Rural Fires Service and the NSW Fire Brigade. On the airfield just off the main runway a dozen or so people were found in various states of distress in and around the damaged and burning aircraft. To a casual observer, this could easily have looked like a real catastrophe fortunately this was not the case. Every year in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, a simulated aviation accident is staged at Coffs Harbour Regional Airport to test and refine the response and performance of airport and local emergency service agencies. One year it is a desk-top exercise, the other, a field simulation. This was the year for the in-thefield exercise. To add as much realism as possible, the hulks of a light plane and helicopter were supplied by the NSW Rural Fires Service. Regularly used for fire suppression training, the fuselage were seemingly set alight using


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purpose built fire pans placed adjacent to the hulks guarded by equipped fire crews. The combination of smoke, aircraft wreckage and attending fire crew made the scene appear like a genuine crash site. Another element to enhance the sense of realism was the inclusion of people. Volunteer performers from Coffs Harbour Amateur Theatrical Society (CHATS) participated in the exercise. Made up to look like crash victims with a plethora of minor and serious injuries they acted to prepared scripts. When emergency rescue personnel arrived at the crash site, they were confronted not only with burning wreckage but also with distressed, disoriented, disabled and deceased passengers. Lasting approximately 90 minutes, the participating rescue services successfully; suppressed the burning wreckage, initiated an incident command and control post, attended to the injured passengers, set up a crime scene, cordoned off the site for further investigation and minimised interruptions to regular flight operations. According to airport manager, Dennis Martin, in a real life emergency, it is critical that all rescue and supporting services respond rapidly, have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and that command and communications procedures are understood and applied.

"It is only when we conduct these simulations that we identify ways to improve our collaboration between the airport and emergency services in Coffs Harbour," said Mr Martin. Following the exercise, participants met to review the exercise. Overall the emergency simulation was deemed highly successful. Some suggestions for changes and improvements were tabled for consideration while all agreed that the inclusion of CHATS actors and the NSW Rural Fire Service aircraft hulks created a 'real life' scenario greatly enhancing the training exercise. According to Mr Martin, this year's exercise was well attended and he thanked all who participated. "This training contributes to the ongoing development of professional , rapid response rescue services enhancing safety for passengers, air crew and visitors to Coffs Harbour Regional Airport," he said. Participating Agencies: NSW Police, NSW Rural Fires Service, NSW Fire Brigade, NSW Ambulance Service, NSW State Emergency Service, Coffs Harbour Health Campus, Airservices Australia, Coffs Harbour City Council and staff of Coffs Harbour Regional Airport. n

No 2 Oak Street, Bellingen, NSW. Photo - Bob Weeks.

The Finest of Dining on Coffs Coast


onville Golf Resort’s Flooded Gums restaurant has now joined Bellingen’s - No 2 Oak Street restaurant in being awarded a prestigious Chef’s Hat by the Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide, in which No 2 Oak Street was awarded its second ‘Chef’s Hat’. This is a credit to the passion and dedication of owners, chefs and wait staff at both establishments. Together, they strive to ensure that diners from near and far are consistently provided the very best cuisine, wines and service on Coffs Coast.

Bonville Golf Resort While golf has been the main attraction, management and staff have always believed that to succeed, a high quality overall experience of the whole resort was essential. Around 10 years ago, a plan was devised to raise the level of the culinary and service standards of Flooded Gums restaurant to complement this ten time winner of the Most Beautiful Mainland Golf Course in Australia Award. Along the way, a number of other awards were won indicating that all was proceeding to plan. Between 2006 and this year, Bonville's continued commitment to quality and excellence was recognised in it winning a number of restaurant and catering, event, wedding and travel and tourism awards. Some of these included: • Best Regional Wine List of the Year – Northern Region NSW (2008 & 2009) • Event Caterer of the Year - Northern Region NSW (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012) • Overall Caterer of the Year - Regional NSW (2010 & 2011)

• Australia’s Best Resort Wedding Reception Venue 2011 • Australia’s Leading Golf Resort (2011 & 2012). If you have not yet experienced Flooded Gums, you will find an al fresco, casual setting by day, perfect for informal dining on the outside terrace overlooking the tree lined fairways and greens. At night, the mood changes to an intimate, softly lit setting inside while outside, the pencil straight gum trees are floodlit creating a romantic atmosphere. The Flooded Gums menu, crafted using the best of seasonal local and regional produce is complemented with wines selected from a number of Australia's award winning wineries. Now, with the long sought after Chef's Hat, Flooded Gums has added to the ever growing list of peer and customer recognition that Bonville Golf Resort is the complete golfing and dining experience.

No 2 Oak Street Owners Toni and Ray Urqhart have been winning awards for their culinary excellence for many years. Their first Award for Excellence was from the NSW Restaurant & Catering Association in 2000 in the Fine Dining/ Contemporary Restaurants category. Since then, the awards, accolades and smiles of patrons, be they awards judges or delighted diners from Bellingen and beyond have continued to be bestowed on the Family Urquhart. In 2005 No2 Oak Street received its initial Chefs Hat award. An outstanding achievement for a restaurant in regional NSW. Two years later Toni was also recognised for her commitment to providing outstanding customer service hospitality by the Sydney

Morning Herald. She was bestowed with the Silver Service Award also known as the Maitre 'd Award. One that her guests confirmed as very deserving. Now with their talented adult foodie siblings, Sharni and Michael, joining the team No 2 Oak Street has been awarded a second Chef's Hat. This is testament to their pursuit for even higher standards of culinary and hospitality excellence. Like Bonville it is the complete experience that makes dining at No2 Oak Street a night to remember. The restaurant is a lovingly restored 100 year old timber cottage, both inside and out and it’s perfect for year-round dining. The cellar is stocked by Sharni and Toni who select the finest of Australian and New Zealand wines that complement the dishes passionately created by Michael and Ray. When you dine at No 2 Oak Street you are welcomed and cared for as one of the family. n To tempt you, here are two main course suggestions, one from each restaurant: No 2 Oak Street 'Positano' seafood stew, local fresh seafood in a tomato herb stock with charred house made bread. Flooded Gums Chermoula spiced Junee Gold lamb rump, buttered carrot purée, blistered green beans, lavender spring onions and micro herbs. To see their full menu, visit and Bon apetite.

Issue 16




OCCUPATION: Songwriter/musician and very average professional surfer (I got some free surf gear from Quicksilver once so I consider myself professional now!). FAVOURITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: I love any European destination. WHAT DO YOU NEVER TRAVEL WITHOUT? My guitar. TRAVEL TIP: Make sure you get on the right plane or if you are driving make sure you are heading in the correct direction to where you want to go. Also remember your passport! MOST EMBARRASSING TRAVEL MOMENT: I was backpacking years ago and I was in Venice. I got my room key and I went up to the room which had about six bunk beds in it. On the room key was a number but I didn't pay much attention to that. I put my bags on the bottom of one of the bunk beds and went out for the night. When I came back, some other guy was sleeping in my bed and my bags had been moved to the floor. The night before in another hostel I caught some guy with his hands in my bag trying to steal something so I was still angry about that and I wasn't going to take any crap so I picked up the whole mattress and tossed the guy off and onto the floor telling him that this was my bed. The whole room was awake by now and everyone was looking. I was thinking that I had made my point and that no one would mess with me again. The guy on the floor was trying to tell me something but he couldn't talk because he was crapping himself so much and I was still insisting that this was my bed and saying don't ever touch my bags again. He eventually held up his room key and his hand was shaking. The room key had a number on it and it was the same number as the bed that I had just tossed him out of. I suddenly realised that the room key had the number of which bed we were to stay in, and mine wasn't that bed but the bed above him. I was so embarrassed that I picked him up apologizing and made his bed. I just wanted to leave the place right there and then. The next morning, I made him breakfast! I haven't been back to Venice again (maybe this is the reason!!) - definitely not one of my finer moments. WHAT’S COMING UP FOR YOU NEXT? I'm going to be doing an Australian Tour in early 2013 as well as the Riverboats Music Festival (15th to 17th February) then off to North American for a tour in May 2013. n


Issue 16














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